#kristen mcguire
marcmarcmomarc · 5 months
RWBY Spanish dub
Protagonists: Team JNPR
Jaune Arc/The Rusted Knight
EN: Miles Luna
LA: Óscar Flores
Nora Valkyrie
EN: Samantha Ireland
LA: Analiz Sánchez
Nora Valkyrie (young)
EN: Kristen McGuire
LA: Regina Carrillo
Pyrrha Nikos
EN: Jen Brown
LA: Berenice Vega
Lie Ren
EN: Monty Oum (Volumes 1-2)/Neath Oum (Volumes 3-)
LA: Alan Fernando Velázquez
Lie Ren (young)
EN: Apphia Yu
LA: Zoe Mora
Regina Tiscareño was the previous choice for the role of Nora.
Sergio Gutiérrez Coto was the previous choice for the role of Ren.
Gaby Cárdenas was the previous choice for the role of young Ren.
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389 · 11 months
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Cast of Sam Raimi's Spiderman (2002) Toby McGuire, Kirsten Dunst, Willem Dafoe, James Franco
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weirdesplinder · 2 years
La mia lista di libri per l’estate: cosa spero di riuscire a leggere
Le mie ferie si avvicinano e voglio condividere con voi parte della mia lista di libri da leggere quest’estate:
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- Ghosted, di J. M. Darhower (inedito in italiano)
Genere: second chance romance
Link: https://amzn.to/3nmrlOa
Trama: un famoso attore che per anni è stato dipendente da alcool e droga trova la forza di disintossicarsi e ritente ancora una volta di riallacciare i rapporti con la figlia che praticamente non ha mai consciuto e il suo grande amore, la ragazza che lo ha amato e sostenuto facendogli ottenere tutto ciò che voleva, e che lui ha trattato malissimo quando ha raggiunto il successo.
- Palazzo di sangue, di Jane Hur
Genere storico giallo
Trama: Korea, 1758. Figlia illegittima, la diciottenne Hyeon ha studiato e lavoroto duro per diventare assistente del medico di palazzo. E quando il suo maestro viene sospettato di 4 omicidi perpretrati all’interno della corte in una sola notte, è decisa a indagare da sola per scagionarlo. Le sue indagini le faranno incontrare l’ispettore di polizia ufficialmente incaricato di trovare il colpevole ed entrambi si accorgeranno subito che tutti gli indizi puntano al principe ereditario....
- Romanzo d’estate, di Emily Henry
Genere rosa contemporaneo
Trama: Augustus Everett è un autore amato dalla più intransigente critica letteraria. January Andrews invece scrive deliziose commedie romantiche che scalano regolarmente le classifiche.Lui è uno scrittore serio, ma non riesce a parlare di sentimenti. Lei è una sostenitrice dell’amore per sempre e del lieto fine. Non hanno niente in comune. A parte che per i prossimi tre mesi saranno vicini di casa.  January ha infatti deciso di rifugiarsi nel cottage del padre sul lago Michigan e pensa di trascorrere l’estate raccogliendo le idee e scrivendo un romanzo pieno della felicità che non sa più immaginare: ha da poco scoperto un segreto sui suoi genitori e non crede più nell’amore. Nella veranda accanto alla sua c’è però un vicino di casa inaspettato: Augustus Everett, suo ex compagno di college e soprattutto autore di fama. Anche lui colpito da un paralizzante blocco dello scrittore. Da sempre i due non si sopportano, ma decidono di lanciarsi una sfida per cercare di darsi una mano, o più probabilmente di punzecchiarsi. Si scambieranno il romanzo. E così Augustus dovrà dimostrare di saper scrivere anche un lieto fine e January di sapersi cimentare nella scrittura del Grande Romanzo Americano. E questa scommessa cambierà inevitabilmente tutti i finali…
-Angel falls, di Colleen Helme (inedito in italiano)
Genere paranormal romantico/ironico/suspance
Primo libro di una serie spinn off della serie Shelby Nichols di cui vi avevo parlato qui: https://weirdesplinder.tumblr.com/post/657614393887047680/ho-scoperto-una-nuova-serie-di-libri-shelby
Trama: Dopo essere stata mandata via dall’ospedale di New York dove lavorava come infermiera con l’accusa di non aver fatto il necessario per salvare un paziente, Ella St. John dopo aver incontrato Shelby Nichols deve fare i conti col fatto che i suoi poteri sono nuovamente stati notati da qualcuno e nemmeno fuggire nel deserto le impedirà di venire rintracciata da un misterioso conosciuto che ha bisogno del suo aiuto. Purtroppo però aiutarlo potrebbe essere il più grande errore della vita di Ella....
-Dream Maker di Kristen Ashley (inedito in italiano)
Genere rosa contemporaneo suspance
Trama: Evan "Evie" Gardiner ha passato la vita a dover essere responsabile per la sua famiglia scapestrata, finchè ha detto basta, e ha deciso di inseguire i propri sogni, cioè laurearsi in ingegneria. E per finaziare i suoi studi inizia a ballare nel club Smithie's finchè i suoi parenti non finiscono di nuovo nei guai e decidono di coinvolgerlancora una volta nei loro problemi. Per fortuna al club Evie ha conosciuto Daniel "Mag" Magnusson che decide di aiuatarla nonostante il problema di Evie possa mettere in pericolo anche la sua vita. 
-The truth about dukes, di Grace Burrowes (credo sia inedito in italiano ma non sono certa)
Genere romance storico
Trama: Robert Rothmere è un duca atipico, che porta ancora le cicatrici mentali e fisiche del fatto che da giovane è stato internato in un manicomio. Per aiutarlo a sopportare il peso sociale del suo rango deve sposare la donna adatta una lady perfetta e crede di averla trovata in Lady Constance Wentworth. Purtroppo la donna in relatà appare perfetta perchè si sforza ogni momento della sua vita di non dire o fare mai nulla che possa  collegarla la più piccolo scandalo per la paura che un segreto del suo passato venga rivelato. Perciò dovrebbe rifiutare Robert, ma purtroppo ne è infatuata da nni, fin da quando l’avev aiutata nel momento del bisogno anni prima...
- Spelunking Through Hell: A Visitor's Guide to the Underworld di Seanan McGuire (inedito in italiano)
Undicesimo libro della serie InCryptid di cui vi ho già parlato molte volte: https://weirdesplinder.tumblr.com/post/146951171758/salve-a-tutti-vi-ho-gi%C3%A0-ampiamente-parlato-della
Genere: urban fantasy
Trama: Finalmente dopo 11 libri Alice, la nonna di Verity Price, ha forse individuato la dimensione dove è finito anni prima sua marito Thomas e ora armata fino ai denti come suo solito è decisa a salvarlo ad ogni costo. Distinguere i nemici dagli amici non sarà facile ma lei è una donna che non sa arrendersi mai, proprio come sua nipote che le somiglia così tanto.
Fatemi sapere le vostre liste di libri da leggere quest’estate.
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minkufu · 5 months
For anyone wanting the cast list for the Hitman Reborn dub that may have trouble finding it or trouble seeing the cast image originally posted on twitter, here is the full cast...
Main Cast
Reborn: Veronica Taylor Tsuna: Brittany Lauda Gokudera: Matt Shipman Yamamoto: Zeno Robinson Ryohei: Ricco Fajardo Mukuro: Christopher Hackney Hibari: Jonah Scott Kyoko: Dani Chambers Haru: Madelaine Morris I-Pin: Julia Gu Lambo: Erica Mendez Bianchi: Michelle Rojas Xanxus: Christopher R. Sabat Squalo: Kellen Goff Lussuria: David Wald Levi-A-Than: Bill Butts Belphegor: Brandon McInnis
Supporting Cast
Ken: Khoi Dao Chikusa: Cody Savoie Lal Mirch: Kristen McGuire Nosaru: Michael Kovach Tazaru: Imari Williams Byakuran: Y. Chang Dr. Shamal: Alejandro Saab Kusakabe: Patrick Seitz Kurokawa: Emily Frongillo Nana: Krystal Laporte Futa: Ciarán Strange Giannini: Alex Mai Dino: Aaron Dismuke Romario: Rawly Pickens Roll: Jonah Scott Kojiro: Zeno Robinson Garyu: Ricco Fajardo Uri: Matt Shipman Mochida: Brandon Acosta
Additional Voices: Bryson Baugus, Cris George, Kevin Thelwell, Alex Mai, Ben Balmaceda, Lucas Schuneman, Kellen Goff, Chris Niosi, Khoi Dao, Chris Hackney, Kristen McGuire, Julia Gu, Michelle Rojas, Erica Mendez, Krystal LaPorte, Michael Kovach, Alejandro Saab, Y. Chang, Cody Savoie, Emily Frongillo, Patrick Seitz.
The test dub will be covering episodes 1, 20, and 77 along with the OVA. (If I may have missed or mislabeled anyone let me know!)
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disabled-dragoon · 9 months
Disability Picture Books #2
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[ID: A poster reading "Disability Picture Books" in black writing in the centre. A small, circular logo is in the top right corner. It is red with an open book in the middle, white leaves around the book, and the word "The Disability Archive" across the bottom. In the lower left corner, cartoonish clipart of children climbing a colourful stack of books. All of this is overlayed onto the disability pride flag. /end]
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[ID: The same poster, edited. The writing has been removed and replaced by four book covers, and the images in both corners have been shrunken slightly. The book covers, from top to bottom, are: "Jubilee", "The You Kind of Kind", "The World Needs More Purple People", and "My Three Best Friends and Me, Zulay." /end]
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[ID: The same poster, with different book covers. The four books, from top to bottom, are: "You Are Loved", "A Day With No Words", "You Are Enough", and "Sam's Super Seats". /end]
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[ID: The same poster, with different book covers. The four books, from top to bottom, are: "All Are Welcome", "We Move Together", "Kami and the Yaks", and "Zoom!" /end]
A collection of picture books featuring disabled characters and/or discussions of disability!
Once again, thank you to @creativiteaa for providing the majority of the list, and thank you to @moonflowero1 for your contribution to!
Book List:
'Jubilee: The First Therapy Horse and an Olympic Dream' by K. T. Johnsons, Illustrated by Anabella Ortiz- Paralysis, Therapy Animal
'The You Kind of Kind' by Nina West, Illustrated by Hayden Evans- Wheelchair User
'The World Needs More Purple People' by Kristen Bell and Benjamin Hart, Illustrated by Daniel Wiseman- Wheelchair User
'My Three Best Friends and Me, Zulay' by Cari Best, Illustrated by Vanessa Brantley-Newton- Blind
'You Are Loved: A Book About Families' by Margaret O'Hair and Sofia Sanchez, Illustrated by Sofia Cardoso
'You Are Enough: A Book About Inclusion' by Margaret O'Hair and Sofia Sanchez, Illustrated by Sofia Cardoso
'A Day With No Words' by Tiffany Hammond, Illustrated by Kate Cosgrove- Autism, Non-Verbal
'Sam's Super Seats' by Keah Brown, Illustrated by Sharee Miller- Cerebral Palsy
'All Are Welcome' by Alexandra Penfold, Illustrated by Suzanne Kaufman
'Kami and the Yaks' by Andrea Stenn Stryer, Illustrated by Bert Dodson- Deaf
'We Move Together' by Kelly Fritsch and Anne McGuire, Illustrated by Eduardo Trejos
'Zoom!' by Robert Munsch, Illustrated by Michael Martchenko- Wheelchair User
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cynthiaandsamus · 10 months
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My con spoils! It's been like four years since I've been to a con so I splurged more than I usually did but it was lots of fun, may post some cosplay pics and/or selfies later when I sift through the photos.
Top photo is all my headshot autographs and the custom caricature from Kristen Mcguire, the Tohru one was actually drawn by her VA which was neat.
Second pic is all the things I got signed, my original Pokedex from 1999 before they added Mew which shocked Ash's VA since it was before she even had the role. Got Luci Christian added to my One Piece manga volume next to Coleen Clickenbeard from last time. Added Elizabeth Maxwell's Urbosa to my signed copy of Breath of the Wild that I got Zelda and Sidon's VA's to sign last time and got Patricia Summersett to sign Tears of the Kingdom so I have the pair, Charles Martinet signed my copy of 3D All Stars and commented on how flexible I was squeezing between the tables for the selfie so my limberness is Mario-approved XD. Tara Platt signed my Three Houses copy and I added Clifford Chapin to my My Hero Academia volume along with Coleen, Chris Sabat, and Justin Briner and he yelled that I should've come to him first so I got yelled at by Bakugo so that seems fitting. At the bottom I got all my pins and stickers, Gawr Gura keychain, Boba Tea Bulbasaur, Makima and Nami stickers, Raymond and Carrot pins and my trader Jawa spoils with a coin and mini Gonk Droid I traded for a coke can.
Third pic is two things I got at the con that have signatures on the inside, Kakashi's booth was selling Make-Out Paradise notebooks so I got him and Yuri Lowenthal to sign it and the Chainsaw Man volume I bought prior has a funny story, I got Aki's VA to sign the inside and then Power started signing the cover so I went to stop her and she finished the cover and did the inside too, Denji's VA liked the story so much he decided to do the same so they could 'be idiot siblings together' and I also got Makima on the inside. And of course next is my plushies, got Pochita, Marin, Mini-Makima and Nobara
Next two pics are my new Dragon Maid S Wall Scroll which replaced my old One Piece one I got from Disney like ten years ago and several posters I got, found the only Hololive booth and got a Calli and Gura poster as well as a Kobayashi/Tohru Wedding pic from the Artist's Alley the Majora's Mask poster is actually a holographic print that switches between Link and Skull Kid so that's cool.
And last but not least I got some figures, Summer Musashi, Bloomers Umu, Rebecca in the Solider outfit, Makima, and a lightly used Homura Akemi.
Lots of fun stuff, now I just gotta find places to put it all XD
And for anyone that reached the end, here's my pic from the Burlesque show Friday night.
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ljaesch · 4 months
English Cast Announced for the Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill Anime
The English cast has been announced for the Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill anime: Aaron Campbell is Mukoda Jonah Scott is Fel Tyson Rinehart is Werner Alejandro Saab is Vincent Chris Guerrero is Ramon Kristen McGuire is Rita SuzAnne DeCarma is Franka Anthony Bowling is directing the dub. Crunchyroll will begin streaming the English dub of the Campfire Cooking in Another…
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class1akids · 1 year
do people ship Bakugou and Tatami Nakagame because she’s voice by Clifford’s real life fiancé Kristen McGuire?
It’s possible. I never heard of the ship or of the VAs private life.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
Just Some Queer Books I Love
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Just some queer books I love:
Date Me, Bryson Keller by Kevin van Whye
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust
Once Upon a Princess by Clare Lydon Harper Bliss
The Perfect Assassin by K.A. Doore
The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers
Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly
Something to Talk About by Meryl Wilsner
She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen
May the Best Man Win by Z.R. Ellor
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
Six Angry Girls by Adrienne Kisner
The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang
The Falling in Love Montage by Ciara Smyth
Burn Our Bodies Down by Rory Powers
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee
Perfect Rhythm by Jae
The Boy in the Red Dress by Kristen Lambert
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova
The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows by Olivia Waite
I'll Be the One by Lyla Lee
Snapdragon by Kat leyh
Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo
Rock and Riot by Chelsey Ferundi
Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey
The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho
Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Colthurst
Escaping Exodus by Nicky Drayden
In the Vanisher's Palace by Aliette de Bodard
The Deep by Rivers Solomon
The Night by May Archer
How to Find a Princess by Alyssa Cole
Conventionally Yours by Annabeth Albert
Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins
The State of Us by Shaun David Hutchinson
This is How You Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone
Spell Hacker by M.K. England
This Coven Won't Break by Isabel Sterling
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn
The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow
Bonds of Brass by Emily Skrutskie
Faith: Taking Flight by Julie Murphy
Hot Dog Girl by Jennifer Dugan
Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall
Court of Lions by Somaiya Doud
A Little Light Mischief by Cat Sebastian
The Afterward by E.K. Johnston
A Study in Honor by Claire O'Dell
Beetle & the Hollowbones by Aliza Layne
You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson
Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron
Once Ghosted, Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole
The Disasters by M.K. England
Scorpio Hates Virgo by Anyta Sunday
The Stars and the Blackness Between Them by Junauda Petrus
Once & Future by A.R. Capetta
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia
A Phoenix Must Burn edited by Patrice Caldwell
Crier's War by Nina Varela
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marcmarcmomarc · 24 days
The current voices of my fan-made Spanish dub of RWBY
Miriam Aceves - Trifa (Emily Fajardo)
Kevin Adrián - Vale Councilman (Gray G. Haddock)
Yadira Aedo
Montserrat Aguilar
Víctor Hugo Aguilar - Jabberwalker (Richard Norman) & Blue Four (Travis Willingham)
Luis René Aguirre
Rossy Aguirre - Red Haired Woman (Jen Brown)
Leonardo Agustín
Santos Alberto
Héctor Alcaraz
María Álcazar - Mistral Woman (Lauren Aptekar)
Raúl Aldana - Drunk Mann (Joel Mann) & Floyd the Geist Grimm (Kerry Shawcross)
Diana Alonso
Gerardo Alonso
Karina Altamirano - Atlas Businesswoman (Amber Lee Conners)
Mariangny Álvarez
Lourdes Ambriz
Raúl Anaya - Clover Ebi (Christopher Wehkamp) & Cardin Winchester (Adam Ellis)
Jessica Ángeles - Dew Gayl (Paige Campbell) & Ruda Tilleroot (Judy Alice Lee)
Denisse Aragón - Shovel Mom (Jenn K. Tidwell) & Purple Paper Pleaser (Yssa Badiola)
José Arenas - Toy Soldiers (Billy B. Burson III)
Luna Arjona
Raymundo Armijo
Lourdes Arruti - Miltia & Melanie Malachite (Maggie Tominey)
Mario Arvizu - Professor Ozpin (Shannon McCormick)
Yamil Atala - Russel Thrush (Shane Newville/Bryce Papenbrook)
Laura Ayala
Jorge Badillo - Professor Theodore (Keith Silverstein)
Ángel Balam - Curious Cat (Robbie Daymond)
Liliana Barba - Coco Adel (Ashley Burns)
Oliver Díaz Barba
Alicia Barragán - Deery (Maggie Tominey) & Roane Ashwood (Laura Stahl)
Iván Bastidas - Blue Paper Pleaser (Connor Pickens)
Alfredo Gabriel Basurto - Anima Mayor (Mike McFarland)
Ricardo Bautista - Pretend God Ozma (Shannon McCormick)
Ramón Bazet - Toy Soldiers (Kdin Jenzen) & White Pawn 04 (Michael Malconian)
Tania Becerra
Carlos Becerril
Diego Becerril - Toy Soldiers (Cody Hawkins)
César Beltrán
Mauricio Bennetts
Alberto Bernal - Scarlet David (Gavin Free)
Emmanuel Bernal - Corsac Albain (Derek Mears)
Tatul Bernodat - Menagerie Guard 01 (Gio Coutinho)
Julia Bilous - Alyx (Shara Kirby)
Sergio Bonilla
Óscar Bonfiglio
Alan Bravo - Kuroyuri Blacksmith (Connor Pickens)
Hernán Bravo - Fenix Atar (Richard Norman)
Simone Brook - Tock (Ruth Urquhart)
Ricardo Brust - Saber Rodentia (William Ball)
David Bueno - V1 White Fang Goon (Chris Martin) & White Pawn 02 (Billy B. Burson III)
Nicolás Calderón
Cristina Camargo
Pepe Campa
Manuel Campuzano - Mistral Pilot (Stan Lewis)
Raúl Carballeda
Gaby Cárdenas - Rowena Sunnybrook (Lani Minella) & Red Paper Pleaser/Genial Gem (Paula Decanini)
Juan Alfonso Carralero
Luis Carreño - Yellow Paper Pleaser (Dalton Allen)
Marcel Carré
Regina Carrillo - young Nora Valkyrie (Kristen McGuire)
Roberto Carrillo - Toy Guard (Brandan Blaber)
Ernesto Casillas
Paulina García Casillas - Matte Skye (Derrick Ziegler)
Sonia Casillas - Vale Reporter 02 (Amber Lee Connors) & CCT Voice (Jackie Izawa)
Arturo Castañeda - Perry (Kyle Taylor)
Carla Castañeda - Velvet Scarlatina (Caiti Ward)
Mario Castañeda - The Hound (Jason Liebrecht)
Beto Castillo - Bartholomew Oobleck (Joel Heyman/Cam Clarke)
Arturo Cataño - Atlas Husband (Chris Kokkinos)
Rubén Cerda - Ambrosius (Valentine Stokes)
Enrique Cervantes - White Pawn 03 (Brendan Blaber)
Lileana Chacón - Sienna Khan (Monica Rial)
Agustina Cirulnik - Neopolitan (Casey Lee Williams)
Ariel Cister
Francisco Colmenero - Peter Port (Ryan Haywood/Anthony Sardinha)
Jesse Conde - Klein Sieben & Seven Butlers (J. Michael Tatum)
Armando Coria
Ivanna Corona - Small Girl (Emily Fajardo)
Bruno Coronel - Yuma (Nick Landis)
Andrea Coto - Menagerie Guard 03 (Jenn K. Tidwell)
Andrés Gutiérrez Coto
Sergio Gutiérrez Coto - Roman Torchwick (Gray G. Haddock/Billy Kametz/Christopher Wehkamp)
Elsa Covián - young Maria Calavera (Melissa Sternenberg)
Víctor Covarrubias - Just Rite Bartender (Zane Rutledge)
Irwin Daayán - Green Paper Pleaser (Dustin Matthews)
Gustavo Dardés
Ximena de Anda - Amber (Laura Bailey) & Trophy Wife (Felicia Angelle)
Edgar de Marte
Denisse de la Fuente
Óscar de la Rosa
Alejandría de los Santos
Carlos del Campo - Crow Bar Bartender (Markus Horstmeyer)
Daniel del Roble - Councilman Sleet (Chad James)
Salvador Delgado
Alejandra Delint
Esteban Desco - Shay D. Mann (Clifford Chapin)
Juan Pablo Diaz - Crimson (César Altagracia)
Manuel Díaz
Emiliano Dionisi
Idzi Dutkiewicz - Li Ren (Kaiji Tang) & Rhodes (Christian Young)
Erica Edwards - Robyn Hill (Cristina Vee)
Juan Antonio Edwards
Paula Arias Esquivel
Berenice Esquivel
Héctor Estrada - Angry Atlas Businessman (Nick Landis)
Germán Fabregat - Qrow Branwen (Vic Mignogna/Jason Liebrecht)
Karla Falcón - Harriet Bree (Anairis Quiñones) & Nebula Violette (Grace Bono)
Constanza Faraggi
Dafnis Fernández - James Ironwood (Jason Rose)
César Filio - Herbalist (Christopher Guerrero)
David Filio
Iván Filio
Mario Filio
Rona Fletcher - Madame (Linda Leonard)
Kerygma Flores - An Ren (Dawn M. Bennett) & Oscar’s Aunt (Marissa Lenti)
Óscar Flores - Jaune Arc/Rusted Knight, Dream Actor Jaune Arc, Negative Jaune, & Jaune’s Weapons (Miles Luna)
Eduardo Fonseca - Hei “Junior” Xiong (Jack Pattillo) & Vale Reporter 01 (Tyler Coe)
Enzo Fortuny - Neptune Vasilias (Kerry Shawcross)
Camila Díaz Fraga - Ciel Soleil (Yssa Badiola)
Dan Frausto
Alina Galindo
Dafne Gallardo
Diana Galván
Graciela Gámez - Councilwoman Camilla (Anairis Quiñones)
Blas García
Constanza García
Gerardo García
Ivette García - Joanna Greenleaf (Marissa Lenti)
Leonardo García
María García
René García
Saidé García
César Garduza
Óscar Garibay - Yatsuhashi Daichi (Joe MacDonald)
Fidel Garriga Jr.
Eduardo Garza - Fennec Albain (Mike McFarland)
Claudia Garzón - Higanbana Waitress (Kim Newman)
Fernanda Gastélum
Melissa “Meli G” Gedeón - Neon Katt (Meg Turney)
Eduardo Giaccardi - Vine Zeki (Todd Womack)
Leslie Gil - Olive Harper (Skye Lafontaine)
Magda Giner - Caroline Cordovin (Mela Lee)
Abril Gómez
Cecilia Gómez - Bianca Prisma (Alexis Tipton) & White Pawn 01 (Jamie Battle)
Gabriela Gómez
Héctor Emmanuel Gómez - Drinking Buddy (Dustin Matthews)
Óscar Gómez - Hanlon Fifestone (Major Attaway) & Toy Soldiers (Michael Malconian)
Sara Gómez
Dalí González
Desireé González
Geezuz González - Fox Alistair (Max Mittelman)
Nycolle González
Alfonso Grau - Amoncio Glass (Lucas Schuneman)
Alejandro Graue
Maythe Guedes - Teapot Lady (Kdin Jenzen)
María Inés Guerra
Armando Guerrero
Dulce Guerrero - Cinder Fall (Jessica Nigri)
Emilio Guerrero - Ghira Belladonna (Kent Williams)
Eduardo Gutiérrez
Melissa Gutiérrez
Roberto Gutiérrez - White Fang Lieutenant (Gray G. Haddock/Christopher Wehkamp)
Gabriela Guzmán - Elm Ederne (Dawn M. Bennett)
Jesús Guzmán
Maru Guzmán - Glynda Goodwitch (Kathleen Zuelch/Tiana Camacho)
Patricia Hannidez
Carlos Hernández
Cristina Hernández - Penny Polendina (Taylor McNee)
Jesús Hernández
Lucy Hernández
Alondra Hidalgo - Blake Belladonna (Arryn Zech), Lisa Lavender (Jen Brown), & Negative Blake (Arryn Zech)
Olga Hnidey
Danann Huicochea - Jinn (Colleen Clinkenbeard)
Irina Índigo
Betzabé Jara - Mouse Leader (Jamie Battle)
Dante Jara
Irene Jiménez - Female Mistral Pilot (Reina Scully)
Renzo Jiménez
Edurne Keel - Ivy Thickety (AmaLee)
Eder La Barrera
Daniel Lacy - Detective 01 (Burnie Burns)
Patricio Lago - Detective 02 (Joel Heyman)
Erika Langarica
Jorge Lapuente
Lupita Leal - Fiona Thyme (Michele Everheart)
Miguel Ángel Leal - Terminal Guard (Connor Pickens)
Ixchel León
Constanza Lechuga
Agustín Lezama
Sebastián Llapur - Dr. Merlot (Dave Fennoy)
Jaime López
Olivia Luna
José Antonio Macías
Nancy MacKenzie
Wendy Malvárez
Rebeca Manríquez - Kali Belladonna (Tara Platt)
Fernando Manzano
Ximena Manzano
Talía Marcela
Isabel Martiñón - Fria (Luci Christian)
Edson Matus - Nadir Shiko (Aleks Le)
Paco Mauri
Sergio Maya
Alejandro Mayén
Carla Medina - Terra Cotta-Arc (Jamie Smith)
Luis Gerardo Méndez
Ricardo Méndez
Itzel Mendoza
Jared Mendoza
Mireya Mendoza - Yang Xiao Long (Barbara Dunkelman)
Monserrat Mendoza - Ilia Amitola (Cherami Leigh)
Pamela Mendoza
Ricardo Mendoza “El Coyote” - Toy Soldiers (Nick Cramer) & Xiong Goons (William Lopez)
Rommy Mendoza - Mistral Police Captain (Jamie Smith)
Arturo Mercado - Jacques Schnee & Dream Actor Jacques Schnee (Jason Douglas)
Arturo Mercado Jr. - Taiyang Xiao Long (Burnie Burns)
Mario Díaz Mercado
Pascual Meza - Red Prince (Michael Malconian)
Gabriela Michel
José Luis Miranda - Penny’s Driver (Alan Abdine)
Verónica Montes
Moisés Iván Mora - Whitley Schnee & Dream Actor Whitley Schnee (Howard Wang)
Zoe Mora - young Lie Ren (Apphia Yu)
María Fernanda Morales
Sergio Morel
Susana Moreno
Jahel Morga
Ángel Mujica - Ramen Shop Owner (Nick Landis)
Salvador Nájar
Alexa Navarro
Luis Navarro
Sol Nieto
Víctor Noriega
Gloria Obregón - Mata’s Mother (Victoria Holden)
Vanessa Olea
Javier Olguín
Adriana Olmedo
Jorge Ornelas
Alejandro Orozco - Adam Taurus (Garrett Hunter) & Dudley (Christopher Guerrero)
José Luis Orozco - God of Light (Chase McCaskill) & Atlas Businessman (Scott Frerichs)
Luis Fernando Orozco - Mata (Scott Frerichs)
Alexis Ortega - Sun Wukong (Michael Jones)
Héctor Ortiz
Jessica Ortiz
Mariana Ortiz
Verania Ortiz
Dan Osorio - Dee (Alex Mai)
Marcela Páez - Xanthe Rumpole (Anne Yatco)
Moisés Palacios - Forest (Eric Baudour)
Patricia Palestino
Julio César Palomera
Rebeca Patiño - Vernal (Amber Lee Conners)
Fabiola Paulin
Braian Pavón
Mónica Pavón
Romina Marroquín Payró - Weiss Schnee & Negative Weiss (Kara Eberle/Casey Lee Williams)
Cecilia Pérez
Manuel Pérez
Mauricio Pérez
Walterio Pesqueira
Estefanía Piedra
José Luis Piedra
Ale Pilar - Summer Rose (Morgan Lauré)
Gabriel Pingarrón - Fiona’s Uncle (Gus Sorola)
Layda Álvarez Ponce
Alan Prieto
Mark Pokora - Dr. Arthur Watts (Christopher Sabat)
Vicha Punk
Elena Ramírez
Gisella Ramírez
Leyla Rangel - Lil’ Miss Malachite (Luci Christian)
Óscar Rangel
Armando Réndiz
Gerardo Reyero - Dr. Pietro Polendina (Dave Fennoy)
David Reyes
Salvador Reyes - God of Darkness (Bruce DuBose)
José Luis Rivera
Fernanda Robles - Raven Branwen (Anna Hullum)
Jocelyn Robles
Mariana Robles
Demián Velazco Rochwerger
Valentina Rodríguez
Jorge Roig Jr.
María Roiz
Annie Rojas - Step-Sisters (AmaLee)
Mayra Rojas
Octavio Rojas - Hazel Rainart (William Orendorff) & Tukson (Adam Ellis)
Polo Rojas
Tommy Rojas
Marisol Romero
Alfredo Ruiz
Miguel Ángel Ruiz - Tyrian Callows (Jessie James Grelle/Robbie Daymond)
Pedro Ruiz
Víctor Ruiz
Álvaro Salarich
María Santander
Diana Santos - Disgruntled Grandmother (Christine Stuckart)
Roberto Salguero - Ozma (Aaron Dismuke)
Erick Salinas - Mercury Black (J.J. Castillo/Yuri Lowenthal)
Analiz Sánchez - Nora Valkyrie & Dream Actor Nora Valkyrie (Samantha Ireland)
Carlos Sánchez
Georgina Sánchez
Laura Sánchez
Carlos Segundo - Mike the Beowolf (William Ball)
Erick Selim - Hawker (César Altagracia)
Gaby Servín
Carlos Siller
Esteban Silva
Xavier Sol
Raúl Solo - Nubuck Guards (Kyle Phillips)
Humberto Solórzano - Leonardo Lionheart (Daman Mills)
Braulio Sosa
Natalia Sosa
Rosalba Sotelo
Alfonso Soto
César Soto
Valentina Souza - Ruby Rose (Lindsay Jones)
Christian Strempler
Luis Leonardo Suárez - Oscar Pine (Aaron Dismuke)
Noriko Takaya
Fernanda Tapia
Eduardo Tejedo - Shopkeep (Patrick Rodriguez)
Ricardo Tejedo - Marrow Amin (Mick Lauer)
Irasema Terrazas - Salem (Jen Taylor)
Juan Carlos Tinoco
Regina Tiscareño
José Antonio Toledano
José Ángel Torres - Flynt Coal (Flynt Flossy)
Laura Torres
Ruth Toscano - May Marigold (Kdin Jenzen/Sena Bryer)
Emilio Treviño - Henry Marigold (Alejandro Saab)
Verónica López Treviño
Erik Trujillo
Rubén “Trujo” Trujillo - Bram Thornmane (Yong Yea)
Víctor Trujillo - Captain (Bruce Carey)
Erika Ugalde - Saphron Cotta-Arc (Lindsay Sheppard)
Emiliano Ugarte
Gaby Ugarte
Víctor Ugarte - Cyril Ian (Patrick Rodriguez)
Xóchitl Ugarte - Winter Schnee & Dream Actor Winter Schnee (Elizabeth Maxwell)
Azul Valadez
Andrea Valeria
Karen Vallejo
Francisco Vargas
Héctor Lee Vargas
Tenyo Vargas
Genaro Vásquez
Gerardo Vásquez
Carlo Vázquez - Marty the Beowolf (Joe Nicolosi) & Xiong Goon 02 (Isaiah Torres)
Carola Vázquez
Jerry Velázquez
Noé Velázquez - Sailor 02 (Daniel Fabelo)
Alan Fernando Velázquez - Lie Ren & Dream Actor Lie Ren (Monty Oum/Neath Oum)
Abraham Vega - Sage Ayana (Josh Ornelas) & Brawnz Ni (Blaine Gibson)
Berenice Vega - Pyrrha Nikos & Dream Actor Pyrrha Nikos (Jen Brown)
Jaime Vega
Alicia Vélez - Emerald Sustrai (Katie Newville)
Humberto Vélez
Maggie Vera
Yolanda Vidal - Willow Schnee & Dream Actor Willow Schnee (Caitlin Glass)
Pepe Vilchis - Nolan Porfirio (Aaron Marquis)
Ángela Villanueva - Maria Calavera (Maria Calavera)
Angélica Villa - Little/Somewhat (Luci Christian)
Alejandro Villeli
Gabriela Willer
Alma Wilheleme
Marc Winslow - Sailor 01 (Isaiah Torres)
Héctor Lama Yazbek
Sergio Zaldívar
Luis Antonio Sala Águila
Adolfo Aguilar
Damián Alcázar
Anahí Allué
Sofía Álvarez
Mike Amigorena
Elena Poniatowska Amor
Ángelica Aragón
Alfonso Arau
Roy Ochoa Avilés
J Balvin
Antonio Banderas
Darío Barassi
Bazooka Joe
Mario Bautista
Kuno Becker
Gael García Bernal
Demián Bichir
Regina Blandón - Medium Boy (Amber Lee Connors)
Gonzalo Bonadeo
César Bono
María Cecilia Botero
Andrés Bustamante
Jaime Camil
Martín Campilongo
Itatí Cantoral - Atlas Huntress (Zoe Terhune/Kate Daigler)
Roxana Castellanos
Mauricio Castillo
Mauro Castillo
Irán Castillo
Angie Cepeda
Francisco Céspedes
Omar Chaparro
Cassandra Ciangherotti
Luistio Comunica - Tall Boy (Scott Frerichs)
Joaquín Cosio
César Costa - Vale Reporter 03 (Jason Douglas)
Dama G
Jay de la Cueva
Cristián de la Fuente
Ana de la Reguera
Erika de la Vega
Leonardo de Lozanne
Kate del Castillo - Ever After Townsperson (Jamie Battle)
Eugenio Derbez
Vadhir Derbez
Juanse Diaz
Karla Díaz
Gustavo Dudamel
Consuelo Duval
Camilo Echeverri
Sandra Echeverría
Erick Elías
Sofía Espinosa
Gloria Estefan
Nando Estevané - Dying Huntsman (Alejandro Saab)
René Franco
Alejandro Fernández
Juan Frese
Lorenzo Gael
Carolina Gaitán
Rocío Garcel
Isabel Garcés
Antonio Garci
Carlos Girón
Luis Ángel Gómez
Eleazar Gómez
Roger González
Ashley Grace
Maribel Guardia
Juan S. Guarnizo
Salma Hayek
Martín Hernández
Alfonso Herrera
Mónica Huarte
Vanessa Huppenkothen
Benny Ibarra
Javier Ibarreche
Violeta Isfel
Verónica Jaspeado
María José
Carolina Kopelioff
Axel Kuschevatzky
Ana Layevska - Short Boy (Marissa Lenti)
Andrea Legarreta
Rubén León
Claudia Lizaldi
Rick Loera
Andrés López
Alex Lora
Daniela Luján
Laura Luz
Gian Marco
Criss Martell
Mick Marcy
Ricardo Margaleff
Angélica María
Ricky Martin
Sebastián Martínez
Ofelia Medina
Luis Gerardo Méndez
Gaby Meza
Ariel Miramontes
Diana Monster
Alex Montiel
Galilea Montijo
Silvia Navarro
Andrés Navy
Hanna Nicole
Gerardo “Rojstar” Nuño
Jesús Ochoa - Anima Blacksmith (Christopher Guerrero)
Cristóbal Orellana
Regina Orozco
Lidwika Paleta
Danna Paola
Mane de la Parra
Mariel Percossi
Maite Perroni
Darío T. Pie
Bruno Pinasco
Carlos Ponce
Favio Posca
Pipe Punk
Adal Ramones
Humberto Ramos
Marco Antonio Regil
Greeicy Rendón
Luisito Rey
Alejandro Riaño
Melissa Robles
Ami Rodriguez
Génesis Rodriguez
Michelle Rodríguez
Memo Rojas Jr.
Yordi Rosado
Cecilia Roth
Erik Rubín
Paco Rueda
Diego Sanardi
Ivete Sangalo
Loretta Santini
Carmen Sarahí - Ever After Blacksmith (Kimlinh Tran)
Leonardo Sbaraglia
Jessica Segura
Sergio Sendel
Ana Serradilla
Hugo Serrano
Edith Serrano
Diego Schoening
Daniela Sierra
Ana María Simon
Pedro Sola
Marco Antonio Solís
Cecilia Suárez
María Eugenia “China” Suárez
Aleks Syntek
Alan Tacher
Marco Tolama
Paula “Paulettee” Torres
Sugey Torres
Cecilia Toussaint
Adrián Uribe
Luiz Valdez
Angélica Vale
Rodolfo Neri Vela
Ana Karen Velásquez
Édgar Vivar
Olga Lucía Vives
Yaneth Waldman
Claudio Yarto
Susana Zabaleta
Luz María Zetina
Sergio Zurita
Livier Zúñiga
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shinigami-striker · 10 months
August 2023 Birthdays | Tuesday, 08.01.2023
Here are the upcoming birthdays in the month of August 2023 for these voice talents down below:
Thursday, 8/3 - Travis Willingham
Monday, 8/7 - Natalie Hoover
Wednesday, 8/9 - Ashley Johnson
Thursday, 8/10 - Brian Drummond
Friday, 8/11 - Alexis Tipton | Roger Craig Smith
Sunday, 8/13 - Michael Sinterniklaas
Wednesday, 8/16 - Kate Higgins | Todd Haberkorn
Friday, 8/18 - Martin Mull
Saturday, 8/19 - Matt Shipman
Wednesday, 8/23 - Justin Briner | Peter von Gomm
Thursday, 8/24 - Grey DeLisle
Friday, 8/25 - Ben Diskin
Sunday, 8/27 - Kristen McGuire | Vic Mignogna
Monday, 8/28 - Christopher Guerrero | Molly Zhang
Tuesday, 8/29 - Erika Harlacher | Jason Spisak
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swordofsun · 5 months
Wanted to do something for the new year, so I guess I'll do a 2023 book wrap up. In chronological order from the beginning of 2023 to the end.
Putting in a read more because this is 90 books and that's too much to not hide it.
Rereads marked with a *
The Iron Dirge by Sam Sykes - Grave of Empires #2.5
Three Axes to Fall by Sam Sykes - Grave of Empries #3
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo
Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty
The World We Make by N.K. Jemisin - Great Cities #2
Unbreakable by Mira Grant
Apocalypse Scenario #683: The Box by Mira Grant
Juice Like Wounds by Seanan McGuire - Wayward Children #4.5
Lost in the Moment and Found by Seanan McGuire - Wayward Children #8
The Spirit Thief by Rachel Aaron - The Legend of Eli Monpress #1*
The Spirit Rebellion by Rachel Aaron - The Legend of Eli Monpress #2*
The Spirit Eater by Rachel Aaron - The Legend of Eli Monpress #3*
The Spirit War by Rachel Aaron - The Legend of Eli Monpress #4*
Spirit's End by Rachel Aaron - The Legend of Eli Monpress #5*
Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold - Vorkosigan Saga #1 (Publication Order)
The Coup of Tea by Casey Blair - The Tea Princess Chronicles #1
The Scourge Between Stars by Ness Brown
Lyconthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses by Kristen O'Neal
The Jewel and Her Lapidary by Fran Wilde - Gemworld #1
Sandry's Book by Tamara Pierce - Circle of Magic #1*
Comeuppance Served Cold by Marion Deeds
By A Silver Thread by Rachel Aaron - DFZ Changeling #1
The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Ann Older - Mossa and Pleiti #1
The Twice-Drowned Saint by C.S.E. Cooney
Tris's Book by Tamara Pierce - Circle of Magic #2*
The Bones Swans of Amandale by C.S.E. Cooney (Novella)
Even Though I Knew The End by C.L. Polk
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M Danforth
An Unkindness of Magicians by Kat Howard - Unseen World #1
Never Ever Getting Back Together by Sophie Gonzales
The Ghost Network by Catie Disabato
The Keeper's Six by Kate Elliot
Siren Queen by Nghi Vo
Servant Mage by Kate Elliot
The Warden by Daniel M Ford - The Warden #1
Daja's Book by Tamara Pierce - Circle of Magic #3*
Jackdraw by K.J. Charles - A Charm of Magpies World #1
The Thief Who Pulled On Trouble's Braids by Michael McClung - Amra Thetys #1
Bluebird by Ciel Pierlot
Lexicon by Max Barry
The Splinter in the Sky by Kemi Ashing-Giwa
The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
The Thief Who Spat in Luck's Good Eye by Michael McClung - Amara Thetys #2
Briar's Book by Tamara Pierce - Circle of Magic #4*
The Thief Who Knocked on Sorrow's Gate by Michael McClung - Amara Thetys #3
Murder at Spindle Manor by Morgan Stang - The Lamplight Murder Mysteries #1
Ebony Gate - by Julie Vee and Ken Bebelle - The Phoenix Hoard #1
Artificial Condition by Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries #2*
Rogue Protocols by Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries #3*
Exit Strategy by Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries #4*
Zen Bow, Zen Arrow: The Life and Teachings of Awa Kenzo, the Archery Master from "Zen in the Art of Archery" by John Stevens
Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher
Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diareis #6*
Apparently I've hit the character limit without a paragraph break. So, we'll be starting over from 1, but it will really be #54.
Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory by Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries #4.5
Compulsory: A Murderbot Story by Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries #0.5*
Magic Steps by Tamara Pierce - The Circle Opens #1*
Murder on the Lamplight Express by Morgan Stang - The Lamplight Murder Mysteries #2
Bone Swans by C.S.E. Cooney (short story collection)
Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel - Themis Files #1
Mammoth at the Gates by Nghi Vo - The Singing Hills Cycle #4
The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne M Valente
Triggernometry by Stark Holborn - Triggernometry #1
Street Magic by Tamara Pierce - The Circle Opens #2*
Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett - The Foundryside Trilogy #1
Advanced Triggernometry by Stark Holborn - Triggernometry #2
Inda by Sherwood Smith - Inda #1
Thief Liar Lady by D.L. Soria
A Haunting on the Hill by Elizabeth Hand
Red Rabbit by Alex Grecian
Can't Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne - Tomes and Tea #1
Red River Seven by A.J. Ryan
Dracula by Bram Stoker - via Re: Dracula
Beholder by Ryan La Sala
A Season of Monstrous Conceptions by Lina Rather
System Collapse by Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries #7
Cold Fire by Tamara Piece - The Circle Opens #3*
Dream of the Falling Axe by Sam Sykes - Grave of Empires #3.5
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears
The Salvation Gambit by Emily Skrutskie
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
Hikaru No Go Vol 1 Decent of the Go Master by Yumi Hotta - Hikaru No Go #1
These Burning Stars by Bethany Jacobs - The Kingdom Trilogy #1
Shatterglass by Tamara Pierce - The Circle Opens #4*
Paladin's Faith by T Kingfisher - The Saint of Steel #4
The Crane Husband by Kelly Barnhill
Forest of Memory by Mary Robinette Kowal
The Archive Undying by Emma Mieko Candon - The Downworld Sequence #1
On The Fox Roads by Nghi Vo
Unlocked: An Oral History of Haden's Syndrom by John Scalzi - Lock In #0.5
Paris: The Memoir by Paris Hilton
Okay, and according to Storygraph:
My longest book was Three Axes to Fall at 806 pages
My most read authors were: Tamara Pierce, Martha Wells, and Rachel Aaron. Which is due to re-reads. I re-read 16 books this year.
My average rating was 4.14 out of 5.
I read the most in June.
I read 41 new-to-me authors.
52 of the books I read were part of series.
So, I guess, feel free to ask me any questions.
Happy New Year!
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kiisaes · 1 year
do people ship Bakugou and Tatami Nakagame because she’s voice by Clifford’s real life fiancé Kristen McGuire?
I have literally never heard of this ship before
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yaz-the-spaz · 1 year
Hi. I always got bi vibes from Zendaya. I know she's dating Tom Holland right now, but they remind me a lot of Robert and Kristen. I would like the best for her and for her to avoid Kristen's path.
you know what it would not surprise me...whether she's straight or not, i've never really believed the tom holland thing for a second anyway. not only did they give off nothing more than friendly vibes to me whenever i saw them interacting irl, but the way it was announced and promo'd felt very much like blatant pr (i believe largely to promo the movie/franchise, but also to appease the fans that kept shipping them, and give them both some nice promo) and also is not at all original. they literally did the exact same thing with tobey mcguire and kirsten dunst AND emma stone and andrew garfield and both those "relationships" ended not long after those runs of the franchise came out (both within a year of film release I believe lol). i suspect it'll be very much that same trajectory for zendaya and tom, they'll keep things going just long enough for their run in the franchise to finish up and then quietly announce a break-up lol
at this point now that it's been done literally twice before i'm just looking at all this like
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she's slated to be in the fourth movie and i'm pretty sure that's the last one in this current iteration of spiderman so i don't foresee things lasting much more than a year or so after that release (to keep the promo going and fully milk it as much as they can)
...but we shall see 👀
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Tamashiro 🤝 Nakagame
Spiky blond haired characters who wear blue, have sharp teeth and voiced by Kristen McGuire in dub
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