#key: ink-fireplace-coffee
lockejhaven · 2 years
van i just say that i love how i feel like rpg and dnd gas shaped your writing in terms of description and prose??? and hoe much i love it?? somehow it makes it all come alive and i feel involved or more like inside your writing
I'm one of those people who can imagine the scenes and the books when reading and with your descriptions i get a full on movie scene or cinematic experience
so thanks for writing and thanks for sharing 🥰🥰🥰
»——- 𓆩❤︎𓆪 -——«
Apparently, you're also amazing at finding just the right thing to say!!
I'm so happy you're able to immerse yourself, and that you actually picked up on the RPG aspects. I definitely play a lot of videogames, and my memory/mind is very visual, so the fact that I succeeded in my goal means the world to me.
Making a videogame out of my worlds would be my dream come true; seeing players immerse themselves in my creation and its stories is something I've often dreamed about ❤︎
- of fables and feathers, 🕊️ 𝓛𝓸𝓬𝓴𝓮 𝓙. 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓷
»——- 𓆩❤︎𓆪 -——«
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buckybarnesb-tch · 1 year
I have put together a list of all of the Smells that I think each designation would possess, mostly good, natural smells but some bad as well that come from negative feelings like Fear and Anxiety
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Alphas Good Smells:
Pine Trees
Old Spice
Burning Wood
Brown Sugar
Apple Pie
New Car Smell
Fresh Money
Dark Chocolate
Freshly Brewed Coffee
Maple Syrup
Cedar Wood
Sautéed Onions
Funnel Cake
Fresh Cut Grass
Snap Fire Crackers
Bad Alpha Smells:
Wet Dog
Rancid Meat
Blue Cheese
Sweaty Feet
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Betas Good Smells:
Pina Colada
Baby Powder
Sautéed Garlic
Key Lime Pie
Dove Soap
Peanut Butter
Black Tea
Wet Forest
Fresh Basil
Soda Flavored Lip Smackers
Bad Beta Smells:
Rotting Fish
Burnt Popcorn
Dog Food
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Omega Good Smells:
Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Chamomile Tea
Old Books
Crème Brûlée
Cherry Blossom
Cinnamon Bun
Whipped Cream
Dryer Sheets
Fresh Bread
Aloe Vera
Sea Breeze
Magnolia Trees
Cookies Fresh from the Oven
Blanket Fresh out of the Dryer
Sky After it Rains
Smell of Baskin Robins
Bad Omega Smells:
Burnt Rubber
Rotten Eggs
Nail Polish Remover
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rose-bookblood · 1 year
and i don't want to use the term chronically online but.....cancel an entire language that has been around for centuries and centuries???????
like are you listening to yourself??? i can't believe some ppl
pero nada eh, lo cancelamos lo cancelamos. Como si no existiese la terminación -e (creada recientemente sí, pero existente al fin y al cabo) para designar un género neutro o no binario aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh :')
The term chronically online low-key annoys me, but in times like this I understand why it exists lmao.
La -e es exactamente lo de que estaba hablando en los tags! No tengo la menor idea de cuántas personas la usan en el día a día, pero la he visto bastante a menudo en internet y creo que se podría convertir en norma muy fácilmente.
En italiano no es tan simple porque ya utilizamos la -e como plural femenino :'( Pero muchas personas (yo incluida) usan la schwa y recién se empezó a ver en algunas traducciones del inglés.
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diphthongsfordays · 2 years
Word Find Game
Look who's finally actually working through my stack of these tags again! This tag comes from the lovely @ink-fireplace-coffee, thanks Carmen!
Coffee (Deathdancer - Ailin POV)
Her parents were already up when she slipped back inside. They were mostly through their first cups of coffee, both muttering over a list of fights for the next few days. Ailin let the door click shut, and their eyes snapped onto her immediately. “Well?” demanded her father, setting down his mug, staring at her. “It’s done,” said Ailin. The words scratched unpleasantly. She wished it was just from the cold night winds and dusty sand. She’d said it before. The proclamation that she’d done what they asked, even though the hope they’d show any real appreciation had died years ago. But until now, it had always been true. When was the last time she’d actually lied to her parents?
Textbook (Deathdancer - Ailin POV)
The crowd roared again. Ailin glanced around, turning her head to make sure they knew she was looking. Several groups pumped their fists overhead, bellowing incoherently. She crouched lower, daggers up, watching him through her hair. They should have started moving, circling each other, but he stayed put, scimitar raised stiffly. He was imitating a textbook drawing, not actually fighting her. He’d almost be better off without the technical knowledge, free to act on instinct instead of trying and failing to emulate techniques that were beyond him.
Crimson (Deathdancer - Ailin POV) (tw injury, death implication)
(for a 23k story that uses the word "red" so much you'd think I'd have this in Niv and the Neverwhere...and yet here we are, lol)
He knows what he’s doing. [Ailin] wasn’t exactly sure how she knew it. She’d seen fast fighters like that before. But there was something about [that was different. The challenger struck again, and this time, Orvon retorted. He took two quick steps, and lunged. Blood sprayed. A howl cut the late morning air, and the crowd fell silent as the challenger fell. Ailin leaned forward, she couldn’t help herself, barely breathing as she strained to see. Blood pooled in dusty sand, crimson in the torchlight, pulsing from the challengers leg. He needs to yield. Orvon stepped forward, and pressed the tip of his sword under the challengers eye. Blood bloomed, reflecting off the polished silver. Yield! You idiot! A wound like that would be fatal in minutes. Maybe less. He’d bleed out in the sand, and the crowd would leave in rushing whispers. Some would never come back. Some would never be able to stay away. Ailin stared at his face, at the color draining rapidly from his features. Ragged breathing rose, the only sound in the entire arena. He didn’t yield.
Intentions (Niv and the Neverwhere)
[Niv] hadn’t tried for any particular magic. She rarely did at the start. The clap was just to key into the power, to let it start building into something malleable. But here, there was no time for shaping anything. From the second her palms hit, from the instant of intention, more magic then the entire world should hold condensed into Niv’s bloodied hands. And suddenly, Niv’s body wasn’t her own. It twisted, muscles screaming, every last part of her burning with power. Niv yelled, blood racing too fast for her veins to contain, and the sound echoed decidedly farther than it should.
I tag (no pressure!!): @sleepyowlwrites, @sharraus, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @akindofmagictoo, @athenswrites, and open tag for anyone who wants it!
Your words are: Food, Words, Leaf, Deny
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demonictreegremlin · 11 months
Compiled Scents
Dark Chocolate
Root Beer
Squid Ink Pasta
Chocolate Fudge
Chocolate Cake
Barbecue Sauce
Fresh Fish
Chicken Broth
Protein Powder
Dog Food
Maple Syrup
Wet Forest Floor
Flowing River
Rusted Iron
Wet Fur
Fresh Blood
Shedded Fur
Engine Exhaust
Wet Cement
Hot Iron
Frayed Wires
Filtered Water
Tap Water
Macadamia Nuts
Brown Sugar
Rotting Fish
Macaroni and Cheese
Peanut Butter
Aloe Vera
Fresh Rain
Melted Wax
Ironed Laundry
Shoe Shiner
Spray Paint
Wet Plaster
Instant Film Accord
Fresh Laundry
Burnt Sugar
Pina Colada
Melted Marshmallows
Crème Brûlée
White Chocolate
Whipped Cream
Shortbread Cookies
Maraschino Cherry
Cotton Candy
Candied Orange
Raspberry Jam
Key Lime Pie
Candied Apple
Coconut Pie
Sugar Crystals
Cherry Blossoms
Pulveroboletus Ravenelli (a type of sweet-smelling mushroom)
Lip Gloss
Citrus of any kind (lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, etc)
Berries of any kind (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc)
Rose water
Machine oil
Red velvet 
burnt anything
Pine Trees
Old Spice
Burning Wood
Apple Pie
New Car Smell
Fresh Money
Sautéed Onions
Funnel Cake
Fresh Cut Grass
Snap Fire Crackers
Wet Dog
Rancid Meat
Sweaty Feet
Baby Powder
Sautéed Garlic
Chocolate Covered 
Old Books
Cinnamon Bun
Sea Breeze
Magnolia Trees
Cookies Fresh from the Oven
Sky After it Rains
Smell of Baskin Robins
Burnt Rubber
Rotten Eggs
Nail Polish Remover
Fresh clean laundry
Paper (old or new)
spices‐ anise, clove, nutmeg, savory paprika cardamom 
Root vegetables 
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the-orangeauthor · 1 year
Anmol my dear!! 9, 19, 22 and 28 for the Writing Wrapped Ask Game???
Have a good day/night!! (and remember to stay hydrated and eat stuff that makes you happy!)
Thank you for the asks my lovely ❤️
9. Most important writing lesson you learned this year?
If I keep going back to edit every time there’s something I think could be better I’ll never finish a wip. Instead I got a little journal and made notes in it and carried on or I don’t think I would have finished The Wand and the Wolf this year at all! Let the smaller things go and keep writing, save editing for another time.
19. Summarise your writing project in 5 key words:
Chaotic, familial, persistent, passionate, fated.
22. If your original fic were a movie, what would it be rated?
Idk if this means age rating which would probably be 12 I think just cuz of the few gorey fight scenes, or like, star rating 😅 which would hopefully be 5 stars
28. What are your writing goals for next year?
My next project is actually my first time writing a sequel story and I want it to be just as impactful a story as the first, I’ve been failed by many a sequel before and I do t want to do the same!!
Also to just really continue on focusing on what makes writing fun, this community, not being held back by the original ideas, the extra curricular writer activities like mood boards and graphics !!
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okay so if you were to write a not soulmates but twin flames wip
what would be the vibes of it?? it doesn't have to be like an explanation of a wip you already have if it applies to the trope but just aesthetics and vibes you'd associate with it
hmmmm, this is interesting!!
So, I think that twin flames sounds more platonic?? So, if the two people ever really "got together" (because the concept of twin flames being that you were one person, and will be one person (or soul) again) doesn't necessarily imply that you'll be together on this earth/in this life), then it would probably be a QPR or "platonic soulmates" scenario.
I like this idea because supposedly you can have multiple soulmates (romantic partners that you would work really well with), but only one twin flame. So, yeah.
Okay, as for actual story vibes... I have no idea. But let's try.
"where you go, I go."
"I'm not leaving."
"we're in this together"
their love saving the world / breaking a curse in a way that romantic love is traditionally used to.
sacrificing yourself for the good of the other (be it giving yourself up as part of a bargain, or a more literal sacrifice)
"I never realized how much I needed you until you were gone."
bickering like an old married couple
since they're two halves of the same person, I imagine they'd be rather opposite or different in some key ways. (maybe one never thinks things through and acts on emotion, and the other holds all the critical thinking skills, etc.)
I hope any of this made sense?? I know "twin flames" is usually a romantic concept, at least from what I've seen or heard (I mean, when you google it, it's always mentioned in reference to soulmates, and platonic soulmates are not a very common trope.) but I really, really like the idea of them being platonic. I mean, it's kind of weird to date "yourself", right?? And also, platonic relationships are very underrated.
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doccywhomst · 2 years
So, it's a well know fact that Eight smells of honey, so what do you think the rest of the Doctors would smell like (Yankee Candle Gallifrey Limited Edition Scents Range?)?
this is an incredible question, and i'm extra excited to answer it because i have smell-color/texture synesthesia! most of my senses overlap significantly - so let's switch on the smell-o-vision and see what's up.
first doctor: the attic. dust, vanilla, clean linen, wool. creaking floor boards. the smell that i associate with a bright window in a dark room. warmth. old, yellowing books. humming. somewhere in the distance, windchimes.
second doctor: the back garden. gardenias, petunias, roses. sweet but earthy. grass and rich, damp soil. cold water. a brook babbling over large, rounded rocks. a recorder. two people talking quietly, then laughing.
third doctor: the garage. metal, oil rags, newspapers, old boxes. clean clothes and grimy hands. a sigh of relief. someone scratching out notes with a fountain pen. operatic singing, including the instrumentals.
fourth doctor: the parlor. honeyed whiskey, smoke, old rugs, books. a drunken game of charades. a gramophone playing softly. glasses clinking. loud, booming laughter. scattered applause and a bow.
fifth doctor: the lawn. freshly cut grass, a cup of afternoon darjeeling with lemon. falling asleep in the sunshine while reading. "tangy." daisy chains. birds singing, friends strolling. ozone - chances of rain later. pages turning.
sixth doctor: the scullery. eggs, toast, ham, and fresh fruit. a spice cabinet. lavender soap. freshly-brewed coffee: two creams, three sugars. morning sunlight through a window prism. reading the paper with your feet up. a friendly and intellectual discussion.
seventh doctor: the library. ink, parchment, leather, your grandfather's cologne. brass knobs on locked mahogany doors. a clock ticking on the mantle. vases filled with fresh lilies. dusty photo albums. someone muttering. typewriter keys clacking. ding.
eighth doctor: the music room, adjacent to the library. the scents mingle with lemon furniture polish, old brocade upholstery, and oil paintings. velvet and satin. darjeeling with honey. an open window. sandalwood. a violin: the whole house sings with it.
shalka doctor: the basement near the cellar. red wine, cheese, oak, cinnamon. chaise lounges, wooden chests, decorative beaded lampshades from the 1920s. an Édith Piaf record plays quietly. framed sepia pictures on every surface. a fireplace glows with embers; he's taking a nap. there's a plate of snickerdoodles on the mantle. (thanks, six.)
war doctor: he hasn't been home in a while.
ninth doctor: the main stairway, just past the foyer. a little trace of every room, plus the metal slag and sulfur on his clothes. a dab of vanilla. halfway up the stairs or halfway down? up, he decides. humming, he reaches the top and wipes the blood from his boots. he hangs his jacket on a hook and smiles.
tenth doctor: the master bedroom, if you can call it that. it's mostly storage space: boxes, filing cabinets, drawers, antique desks, and shelves crammed with mementos. maps cover the walls, but he rarely looks at them. his bed is always made, and never slept in. wood pulp, musk, candle wax, ink, and roses.
eleventh doctor: the games room. chalk, polish, tea brewing, a splash of whiskey from the decanter. billiards and backgammon sets. the Candy Land and Monopoly boxes are well-loved but shelved. the arcades along the back wall are dark and dusty. in a corner, a man plays both sides of chess. he sighs.
twelfth doctor: the office. wood paneling, Persian rugs, a jukebox. piles and piles of ungraded essays. a coffee with ten sugars and a peeled orange. black nail polish, chocolate, spice. every book in the room has been read and annotated, twice. dents in the ceiling from throwing and catching a cricket ball. somewhere, a guitar strums. laughter.
thirteenth doctor: the balcony. fresh air. a hammock creaks. an empty flask of vodka, pink sunglasses, rainbow socks with toes. crystals and half-finished machines litter the stone. plants in painted pots, little gurgling fountains, trays of homemade incense baking in the sun. oh, and windchimes.
so, this turned into a bit of a poetry project, haha.... oops. if you got this far, i congratulate you. in the same way that Yankee Candle names can be very abstract, i wanted to capture the general mood of the doctors' scents and how they relate. ❤
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WIP Intro: The Personsmith
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[ID: a book cover mockup with a dark-blue background. The title at the top reads "The Personsmith" in all capital white letters. Below, there's a sketch made with white lines of an outstretched hand holding a vial. In the liquid in the vial, there is an eye floating. The hand has marks around it showing a sort of shining. At the very bottom, "Oleg Bell" is written in white letters /end ID]
“Come one, but not all, get the keys to lost doors and the doors to lost secrets. Come, those who need mending and fixing!” he called, and nobody came.
Title: The Personsmith
POV: third person, past tense, fairytale-style narration
Estimate length: 1-2 k, very short story
Genre: existentialism, supernatural, feel-good.
Themes: self-discovery, person vs. society, winning against all odds, mysterious magical people, hidden strengths.
The maiden
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[ID: a dark-blue banner with the white outline of a vial, a key on each side. /end ID]
She's a good sister and a good daughter, and she's about to become a good wife. She does all that is asked of her, a nice smile always on her face. She does not know why she suffers through every day, or why does it hurt every time someone calls her a pretty girl, or why she cherishes a name that can never be hers.
The Personsmith
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[ID: a dark-blue banner with the white outline of an eye in a moon crescent, a dagger on each side. /end ID]
Who is he? What does he do? What does he want, calling strange calls from his strange gray wagon? Is he selling something? Is he trading? What sort of things does he offer, and what is his price?
The Village
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n[ID: a dark-blue banner with the white outline of a human skull, a candle in a candle holder on each side. /end ID]
The village lives by its way, generation after generation. It is not cruel, it is not bad, it's just a place that has traditions and roots. You'll do well in the village, and long as you do what you're expected to, as long as you stay in your place.
Tagging the general taglist: @rainycatto @wizardfromthesea @arbitreneart @dandelion-tea @lady-of-himring @47crayons @pagesofcursive @apocalypsewriters @lockejhaven
Tagging the people who showed interest, please tell me if you want to be on the taglist for this: @writeouswriter @cryptid-s-wips @enchanted-lightning-aes @euphoniouspandemonium @whisperingsunrise @47crayons @andiwriteunderthemoon @lexiklecksi @underwoodinc @another-wannabe-novelist @cheerfulmelancholies @ink-fireplace-coffee @haunted-stranger-garden @cassieroo @annoyingwritingtrash
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zonnemaagd · 3 years
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After the wind blessed the world with life, after the spirits formed the mountains and the seas, the threads of fate have become tangled, exposed, and there are plenty of those looking to sever them, to take hold of them, and control their own fate.
Book 1 | A GUST OF RISING WIND Introspective Fantasy | Hope | Humanity | Ambivalence | Anxiety
ABOVE THE CLOUDS lives Phei, a halfling harpy. She is the only person who hasn’t seen the world beneath the impenetrable clouds. But when she discovers that the surface-world will soon face grave danger, nobody seems to care.
   Eager to escape her home, to find her ancestors, and to discover her place in the world, Phei finds an opening in the clouds and glides down. But the world below the clouds has already collapsed, as the last remainder of humanity struggles to survive, unaware of the impending threat.
Main Characters
Phei Sageblossom : idealistic and stubborn, all to a fault
Noh’Ak : last heir of a forgotten race, show-off with a broken heart
Aspen : when everyone leaves, you stop trying to hold on
Side Characters
Oblivia : Phei’s childhood friend
Hanabi : spirit guard of yesterday’s flaws
Edel :  mysterious weaver of fate
Lyra : both the bridge to the future and the anchor of the past
Book 2 | A GALE OF FALLEN LEAVES High Fantasy | Hope | Humanity | Ambivalence
WITH THE SPIRIT WORLD INTACT, the world takes a much needed respite. Yet in the south, an eternal empress opens her hidden city, looking to reclaim that which was deemed lost.
    Kanti, a young ka’tah, teams up with Aspen to head south and find his parents. But the two end up in an age-old conflict. They get wound up in a web of lies, listening to promises of power, of a future. They know it isn’t the right thing to do, but do they really have a choice?
Main Characters
Kanti : lost demon, vowed to never be powerless again
Aspen : you cannot outrun your reflection
Oblivia : if you are given the key to the future, what do you do?
Side Characters
Lyra : her reputation that of an empress, strengthened by the unknown
Osun : the immortal empress in the south, ravishing in the chaos
Raven King : a king without a kingdom
           She sits down onto the broken pebbles in front of the statue, as if in prayer. Hazel eyes close, reaching out. The world around her is dark, devoid of life. Only the rumbling of something can be felt from below. Wary, fully aware of Edel’s warning, she reaches out. She can feel the forest on the other side, how beautiful it is, ethereal, pure.            Her sky-blue spirit fills the darkness. It rages, out of control, but it still seeps down into the floor, intrigued, drawn towards the rumbling. Underneath the earth, the world smells different, almost rosy.            She could feel it now, the pull of the spirit world. It pulled on her spirit, like gravity, unavoidable. But she has trained for this. Her body tenses, focusing beyond what was possible. Shaking, her spirit makes contact with the spirit world, her body bracing for impact.           But the other world doesn’t burn. It’s essence is warm, welcoming. Upon contact, she gets up, eyes still closed. Tethered to another world, she walks around, sewing the rift shut, trusting her spirit to lead her on. Easier than expected, she can feel the other world fading away.            Hazel eyes open again, her spirit lighter. The earth rumbles, causing Aspen outside to rush herself to her feet.            The rumbling does not last long. Vines retreat back into the earth, taking many leaves and branches with them. In only a few seconds, the dense jungle has changed into a forest with only a couple trees and brushes, sunlight burning through without a problem.            Phei twirls around, eyes wide, enjoying the sun caressing her cheeks.
taglist for Gust :
@ink-fireplace-coffee | @write-the-stars-and-shadows | @henrike-does-writing-sometimes | @ladywithalamp | @chazzawrites | @writingonesdreams | @generalblizzarddreamer | @peepos-prose | @writing-is-a-martial-art | @dahladahlabills | @ofbloodandflowers | @magic-is-something-we-create | @ettawritesnstudies | @47crayons | @inkflight | @thelaughingstag | @writing-with-l | @immunetoliteraryanalysis​ | @strangerays​
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lockejhaven · 2 years
Red and grey for the color mutual ask game!!have a good day/night!!
»—���- 𓆩❤︎𓆪 -——« From this ask game
Red: "Pls DM me I want to be friends" Grey: "Mutual that is so smart and cool and I love to hear your thoughts pls continue to share your musings w/ me"
Awh, thank you so much!! I will absolutely do my best to continue sharing my chaos with you, and you're always welcome to ask any and all questions, or even just, scream at me in my inbox or tags !
As for dming you... do you happen to have discord, or would you prefer a DM through Tumblr? c; ❤︎
- of fables and feathers, 🕊️ 𝓛𝓸𝓬𝓴𝓮 𝓙. 𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓷
»——- 𓆩❤︎𓆪 -——«
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millenniumfae · 4 years
Asexual Aesthetics
Galaxy Ace
Character merch and plastic clutter. Oversized sweaters. Purring cats. Vintage typewriters. Stickers on your laptop. Herb gardens on the porch. Colorful tattoos. Bulky headphones. Enamel pins. Mismatched socks. A freshly-printed newspaper. Rainbow sherbet. Glitter lipgloss. Crystal collections. RP blogs. Fairy lights.
Deepwoods Ace 
Nails clipped short. Old competition trophies. The heat of the desert. Scented candles. Classic rock songs. Messy work table. Dipping fries into milkshakes. Vampires and werewolves. Salted nuts. Playing the guitar. The smell of petrol. Salt-curled hair. Barbecuing burgers. Cucumber sandwiches. Iron-on patches on denim. 
Liminal Ace 
Crystal chandeliers. Dark lipstick. Streetlamps on wet concrete. Cherry-flavored hard candies. Burned cigarettes. Long acrylic nails. Blinking neon signs. Old ballet shoes. Heavy perfume. An empty wallet. Meat served rare. Black tights. Forgotten diner restaurants. Loose change and keys. Pet rats. Instagram pictures. Bath salts.    
Thunderstorm Ace 
Colorful scarves. Iced coffee. Frankincense and myrrh. Saltwater taffy. Beads hung on strings. Soft linen shirts. Espresso coffee. Summer at high noon. Vintage vinyl collection. Woodfire oven baked pizza. Old pianos. Filled notebooks. Messy shoe closet. Pearls. Ripped skinny jeans. Sugar packet collection. Rolling gold wheat fields.
Equinox Ace 
Crackling fireplaces. Red wine. Soft knitted mittens. Modern art galleries. Darkwood floors. Black ink stains. The late morning sun. Sleek carbon fiber. A warm kitchen. Smudged red lipstick. Gold-framed mirrors. Missed calls. Herbal teas. Seattle cafes. Stiletto heels. Rubber band balls. Antique furniture. The sound of cars driving by. Magazine collection.
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mooshys · 3 years
hq + hogwarts house sorting
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Below are the houses with which some of our finest students have been sorted into along with key characteristics pertaining to them. Each house is equal, but the one you are sorted into will hold a dear place in your heart as your housemates will be like your family. Feel free to get acquainted with the customs of each house in the days before the first term. 
I wish you all the best with your sorting ceremony,
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
GRYFFINDOR ➝ daichi, ushijima, iwaizumi, aran, yaku, tanaka, nishinoya, hoshiumi, hinata, goshiki
HOUSE AESTHETICS ➝ freckles on your nose from sun exposure, the horizon seen from the top of a mountain, freshly squeezed orange juice, beat up sneakers from years of wear, wildflower bouquets, rubies on a crown, old movie tickets kept in your pocket, lightning storms in the summer, dirt paths leading you to a forest, apple pie baked in the morning, bandages wrapped around your fingers, cherry lip balm, fraying denim, popping of champagne bottles, t-shirts tossed to the side to dive headfirst into a lake, names carved on the trunk of a tree, mismatched earrings, stained glass windows with sunlight filtering through them
LOVE FOR A GRYFFINDOR ➝ forehead kisses, engulfing you in back hugs and rocking you from side to side while humming, singing along to your favorite song, a polaroid picture of you in their wallet, introducing you to their family with pride in their eyes, holding your hand tighter when navigating through a crowd, getting you a locket with a photo of you two as a birthday gift, saying “I love you” as soon as they realize
WHAT SETS THEM APART ➝ the ones willing to take the jump without knowing if the water is too cold or too shallow, the ones who stand by your side and fight for what is right, the ones who are not afraid of what others think, the ones who run to the ends of the earth for you, the ones who are fearless
SHENANIGANS IN THE COMMON ROOM ➝ bringing in plates of food from the great hall and creating different concoctions in the middle of the night, making giant pillow forts and chatting there until the early morning, sneaking out to the quidditch pitch to watch the sunrise
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
SLYTHERIN ➝ oikawa, tendou, semi, daishou, sugawara, atsumu, osamu, sakusa, futakuchi, shirabu
HOUSE AESTHETICS ➝ silver jewelry that never tarnishes, fur coats to keep you warm in the winter, the perfect red lipstick, dark chocolate covered strawberries, renaissance paintings, vines of ivy scaling castle walls, drips of wax from a candle stick, the sounds of an orchestra reverberating through an opera house, black turtlenecks, gold fountain pens, espresso from rome, leather gloves, crescent moons, head busts of roman emperors, wire rimmed glasses, silk, blackberries picked from your home garden to make jam, berets, flute glasses being held for a toast, gold cufflinks with a family emblem, pristine robes
LOVE FOR A SLYTHERIN ➝ banter going back and forth as flirtatious plights, making fun of cheesy movies together, gifts of jewelry for anniversaries, kisses on your neck, your perfume being their favorite scent, retreats to a winter cottage for vacation together, shielding you from the rain with their coat during an unexpected storm, whispering “I love you” in your ear in the middle of a crowd to see what kind of reaction you’d give them
WHAT SETS THEM APART ➝ the ones who walk in a room and command its attention, the ones who seize the day with an iron grip, the ones who know their talents and polish them until they shine brightest, the ones who walk with their heads held up highest, the ones who are exceptional
SHENANIGANS IN THE COMMON ROOM ➝ poker nights with sweets from honeydukes used as chips, wizard chess bets leaving some of the younger students broke after multiple heated game, putting toads underneath blankets as a prank and the perpetrators waking up with a jelly-leg curse
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HUFFLEPUFF ➝ asahi, bokuto, hanamaki, matsukawa, komori, yamaguchi, yachi, lev, koganegawa
HOUSE AESTHETICS ➝ picnic spreads in front of a sparkling lake, sunlight illuminating your irises, washi tape, amber gemstones held up to the sky, the last string of honey stuck on a spoon, letters from friends and past lovers stored in an old cookie tin, green pastures with cows grazing the land, roasted chestnuts, rows of tulips, lace sewn on your sleeves, wooden figurines, lazing underneath a willow tree, paint brushes, walnut brownies baked after dinner, sheen on the highest points of your face, seashells kept from the beach, fluffy clouds shaped like animals, cookies wrapped with parchment paper and tied with twine
LOVE FOR A HUFFLEPUFF ➝ groggily mumbling “five more minutes” in the morning before getting out of bed because they love the way your body is pressed against theirs, always making two cups of coffee in the morning, putting a blanket over your body when you’re sleeping on the couch, getting your favorite ice cream pint at the supermarket even though you didn’t write it on the grocery list, being the first one to text you on your birthday, showing “I love you” through remembering all the things that make you special
WHAT SETS THEM APART ➝ the ones who always stop and lend a hand, the ones who give up what is theirs if it benefits others, the ones who never forget your name, the ones who make the biggest sacrifice, the ones who are altruistic
SHENANIGANS IN THE COMMON ROOM ➝ sitting near the fireplace and roasting s’mores together, dance parties and clanking of butterbeer glasses to celebrate the end of exams, playing a game of pictionary instead of doing homework
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RAVENCLAW ➝ kuroo, kita, kiyoko, kenma, hirugami, akaashi, suna, ennoshita, terushima, kunimi, tsukishima, kageyama
HOUSE AESTHETICS ➝ passing notes stained with coffee in secrecy, sugar cubes dissolving in a cup of tea, constellations telling stories from generations past, violets, blankets of soft snow seen outside your window, chunky boots, running your fingers across a velvet blanket, sleeping with a book covering your eyes from the sun, stardust, notes written next to your favorite scene in a play, gold trimmed letters, ink smeared on fingers, the tail of a cat swinging back and forth, telescopes, mascara smudged at the corners of your eyes, a scarf knitted by a close friend
LOVE FOR A RAVENCLAW ➝ two a.m. facetime calls talking about anything and everything until it’s silent on both ends and neither of you mind because time spent together is never a minute wasted, chaste kisses when passing through rows of shelves in the library, sharing your favorite songs with each other, reading a book because you offhandedly mentioned it once, falling down the rabbit hole and never wanting to escape, writing “I love you” at the corner of your notebook and waiting until you notice
WHAT SETS THEM APART ➝ the ones who pause and always pick the right words, the ones who devise plans like no other, the ones who try to understand everything the universe has to offer, the ones who will go above and beyond to change the system, the ones who are erudite
SHENANIGANS IN THE COMMON ROOM ➝ students gathered together with bowls of popcorn to watch a meteor shower, jeopardy games regarding historical magical figures being played with the stakes of winner getting their homework done by everyone else for a week, all nighters dedicated to deciphering ancient text
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alexwritesfiction · 3 years
i also want to play this game: cast mutuals as tsoa characters 👀
omg you’re killing me ;-;
@cool-but-confused as patroclus bc vEry gay vibes with also a lot of no internal chill but also soft vibes would 1000% fall for their bestie in a roommate au (i’m sorry mila)
@ink-fireplace-coffee as achilles bc i can see u fighting wars and loving someone so fiercely and yessss omg you fit this whole aesthetic
@euphoniouspandemonium as briseis (i’m sorry but every single character in this book is flowing with angst) bc yes sweet briseis and also i can see you lead an awesome low-key life after losing the love of ur life and just sighing and retreating into the woods-
@jurdan-my-beloved as odysseus bc i can see u convincing the Worst Person Ever to do something good and also you’re a part of the friend squad for life even in a war so like,,,yes
(finn would be like overall almost every single one of these bc yes but he’s not online rn so ;-;)
i wouldn’t dare tag anybody as Achilles’ mom (never)
send me CYM games :D
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diphthongsfordays · 2 years
Writing Bucket List Tag Game
Tagged by @writingonesdreams, @kari-writes-stuff, and @akindofmagictoo thanks so much!! This is a fun one!
Rules: list wips you would like to finish in your lifetime and optionally reasons what's holding you off them and how far you want to get them (publish/post etc)
Firetide Rising: I'd like to get the whole series finished. All four books, lol. Like, properly finished, with multiple drafts and editing and sensitivity readers and whatnot. I might self-publish it someday, not really sure. I probably wouldn't traditionally publish it though, I feel like it breaks a lot of rules and there's stuff I'd have to change with traditional publishing that I don't want to change lol.
The biggest issue I'm having with writing it is that I did NOT plan well when I started lol. It was the first thing I tried writing after close to four years off doing basically no writing, and it was not supposed to be so ambitious. It started out as just a fun little book about a girl befriending some dragons, and then proceeded to reeeeaaaally get away from me, lol. I need to go back and properly outline the whole thing, and deal with multi-book arcs and subplots and all sorts off nonsense. Someday... :-)
Deathdancer: My current wip. It's a standalone fantasy, and I would love to properly finish and perhaps publish it someday. Probably self-publishing, but who knows, lol.
Death by Dawnlight: This is one that I'm not even sure I can call a wip? It's based on this idea I have about demons that spawn out of sunbeams, and the ramifications that has had on the world. I have some basic world-building, and a cast of key characters, but no real story that I'm telling yet. There are so many moving pieces for this, and the world-building needed is so extensive, that I haven't really made this a primary wip ever. It just requires so many decisions lol. If I dm'd though I'd turn it into a campaign setting because honestly the worldbuilding slaps :-)
Chance Magic: I don't have a good title for this. The working title is "Dealer of Death" but I'm not sold on that lol. It's very light on actual plot events, and very heavy on character interactions and growth, so I've been struggling with parts of it. But I really love the characters, and the setting, and the tropes I've leaned into for the conflicts. Also the magic system is really fun to write. Again, I might self-publish it someday. First I have to actually write it though, lol. I took a break from it to work on Deathdancer.
Stormshaper: I almost didn't put this on here, because I've basically started and 100% scrapped this story like five times. The original one was about a young woman who didn't know she had storm magic, a big political mess, and self-worth and redemption. Which sounds lovely on paper, but just was not working for me lol. I think it's because the character I was trying to write wasn't who the character I had in my head was. Someday I want to reconcile that, and actually turn this into a proper story even if I never publish it.
I tag (no pressure!): @sleepyowlwrites, @afoolandathief, @thegreatobsesso, @ink-fireplace-coffee, and open tag for anyone who wants it!!
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akindofmagictoo · 3 years
manuscript search tag game
thank you @pepperdee ❤️ 
my words are sour, dry, space, sigh 
sour (Hurricane) 
The cell in Newhaven had been unpleasantly reminiscent of the stuck door back near East Point. It had been better when they were the ones with the keys, and better when Theo and Tempest and the others were there, but nonetheless it was a night she’d rather forget. In the darkness behind her eyelids, she was back there once more, stuck behind a door she couldn’t open, powerless. Then her mind pulled her further back, and she was nine years old again, wedged into a hiding place that suddenly offered not safety but terror. A supply cupboard had seemed an excellent place to hide from Aria, but the fun had quickly soured when the door locked behind her. 
Her eyes flew open. She fixed her gaze on the one lantern burning in the bunk area. She wasn’t in a cell, nor a changing room, nor a supply closet. She was aboard a ship, in her hammock, right where she belonged. No need to panic, Aella. 
dry (Dragonsong) 
Enya. Isi nodded and heaved herself up to her feet. Her chest ached in protest, but she didn’t think she’d broken any ribs. She might just have some spectacular bruises. The mother dragon’s blood was starting to dry on her blade, so she wiped that on her surcoat beside the smears her hands had left, a bright smear on the black fabric. 
space and bonus dry (this flashback is technically the first time we hear about Brendon and it sure doesn’t make him look good. I mean, it’s pretty accurate. (this is Robin and Isi talking, in that order)) 
“I can’t become a knight, not now. What’s the use in being a squire? For you or Tor Brendon?” 
“You’ll be safe and fed and dry.” And what was to say he couldn’t learn to fight from horseback? There must be ways around it. 
“Brendon won’t—”
“Brendon made it clear that he doesn’t want you as a squire. So what you do with your life is no longer his problem. I won’t oblige you to stay. But there’s space in my house for you to stay as long as you want to. Even if it’s just one night.” 
sigh (Dragonsong) 
Where was the blood coming from? She couldn’t even tell. But there was more than there should be, she knew that much. If Sierra had—Isi could barely entertain the thought, but she knew she’d never be able to forgive herself. How had she not realised before this? She should have been paying more attention to her people. If she had, she’d have seen Sierra go down. What if she was too late here, too? 
Sierra’s eyelids fluttered and she stirred weakly. “Isi?” 
Isi let out her breath in a heavy sigh. “You’re alive.” 
“Takes more than that to get rid of me,” Sierra mumbled. 
I will tag @wannabeauthorzofija @talesofsorrowandofruin and @ink-fireplace-coffee to find circle, cuff, cough, clear 
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