zonnemaagd · 7 days
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huh I don't know these birds I wonder what their weird lifestyle is
Swifts have very short legs which they use primarily for clinging to vertical surfaces (hence the German name Mauersegler, literally meaning "wall-glider"). They never settle voluntarily on the ground where they would be vulnerable to accidents and predation, and non-breeding individuals may spend up to ten months in continuous flight.[4]
what???? surely this is like the albatross thing where it's just an unintuitive use of language and doesn't actually mean the thing it seems to mean
In the breeding season, non-breeding individuals usually spend the night airborne
Our data show that swifts are airborne for >99% of the time during their 10-month non-breeding period; some individuals never settled, but occasional events of flight inactivity occurred in most individuals.
how the FUCK did I not know about these birds what the FUCK what the FUCK that's so cool what the fuck!!!!!!!
Swifts build their nests of air-borne material caught in flight
Except when nesting, swifts spend their lives in the air, living on the insects caught in flight; they drink, feed, and often mate and sleep on the wing.
im just starting to accept that they sleep while airborne (they do the split-brain sleeping thing presumably) and now I have to consider drinking while airborne are they darting about catching raindrops the same way they catch bugs?????
they spend a lot of their time hanging out (maybe catching high altitude bugs) at 2,500 meters. they flock sometimes but only sometimes (which apparently indicates it might be for social/information-sharing reasons rather than safety? there's so many unknowns about these birds, they're so mysterious despite apparently just being, around!!! what the fuck!!!!)
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They often form "screaming parties" during summer evenings
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zonnemaagd · 7 days
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Pink Floyd 🖤
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zonnemaagd · 7 days
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You definitely did! It was a very sweet drawing 💕 That book has been in the works for so long that it actually is ye olden days. Happy that its almost done ^^
make me want to read your book in one sentence.
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zonnemaagd · 7 days
Tag Game - WIP Excerpt
Thank you @bloodmoonloveletter for the tag!
This is from Galidean - The Secret Keeper, Chapter 4: The path
Valerian couldn’t tell how far they had fallen, but the room they landed in must have been underwater. No light aside from a few dimmed lanterns was there, leaving the room in almost complete darkness. A small, lavender light lit up in Calder’s palm. It wasn’t fire, just the shining energy of Calder’s personal arcana. It was swirling slightly, almost unnoticed like the waves in a lake. With the additional light, they could now see the high spherical ceiling, wet shining stone walls and an odd piece of rock rising from the middle of the pond. It was unlike anything Valerian had ever seen. Something glittered along it like veins, it was bone white and oddly shaped, some parts rounded, some ragged. Short and slender besides long and lean pieces. Complicated curves next to simple lines. “What kind of rock is that?” he asked. “I don’t know,” Calder said, frowning, “It has an arcane signature to it. It seems familiar but I just can’t tell what it is.” He sighed. “Wish we had time, but we don’t. Let’s focus on what we came her for.”
Tagging (no pressure of course): @zonnemaagd and @xenascribbles and anyone else who'd like to join!
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zonnemaagd · 8 days
The human world Phei came to save has turned to a green wasteland, and only by ingraining herself in the fabric between worlds can she try to keep them whole.
make me want to read your book in one sentence.
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zonnemaagd · 9 days
I wanna call it something like "Environmental collapse through the eyes of the gods: a study on human action and Shintō in Tenki no Ko and Yama Onna."
Okayyy my thesis is done! Still need to figure out a good title I suppose but the main body is done. I want to make the title too poetic and nice and flowery which isn't exactly good for the title of a scientific article but alas.
What it does mean is that I'll have writing time to finish my latest short story ^^
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zonnemaagd · 9 days
Okayyy my thesis is done! Still need to figure out a good title I suppose but the main body is done. I want to make the title too poetic and nice and flowery which isn't exactly good for the title of a scientific article but alas.
What it does mean is that I'll have writing time to finish my latest short story ^^
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zonnemaagd · 9 days
I've written a number of papers now on the topic of animal characters and just realised that I, too, could write a story with only animals. Add it to the pile i guess
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zonnemaagd · 10 days
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zonnemaagd · 15 days
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• “La liberté guidant le peuple” by Eugène Delacroix
• “13th attempt to break the Gaza blockade by sea”. Photo by Mustafa Hassouna (Andalou Agency for Getty)
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zonnemaagd · 15 days
im going to write a page for my short story!! (this is my motivating myself) (i am sleepy) (but I want this story to be written so it falls to me to write it) (ill post a line when it's done aaaaah)
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zonnemaagd · 15 days
Thinking about resetting this blog because I feel like hundreds of followers are either bots that I failed to block or have become inactive
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zonnemaagd · 15 days
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image by @wikiooc on twitter
[image id: A screenshot of an image and caption in a wikipedia page. The image is of earth viewed at an angle where only antartica and part of africa are visible, and the edge of the globe appears to be outlined. the caption reads "If it cannot hatch from its shell the chick will die without ever truly being born. We are the chick; the world is our egg. if we don't break the world's shell, we will die without truly being born."]
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zonnemaagd · 15 days
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people who let me wake up to this get a special place in heaven. firefly_fox how does it feel to hold my life in ur hands....
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zonnemaagd · 16 days
Last Line Tag
@ahordeofwasps tagged me some days ago! Thank you ♥
Here, from Yuni's wip:
The ground sloped down and, for a moment, the path followed the side of a hill, where Yuni saw nothing but greenery and occasional glimpses of the bank of a dark stream that whispered far below.
I'm tagging @kaylinalexanderbooks, @oh-no-another-idea, @ace-malarky, @zonnemaagd and @mister-writes - if you want to do this!
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zonnemaagd · 16 days
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Long before the events of Gust, a certain scalian lived a quiet life in the valley of Dalen, forging away in the depths of the mountain. Cut away from all scalians, he lives a life of peace and joy on the ground. But if the wind calls him home, is his heart strong enough to resist? His name was Oblivia, and these are his memories.
           Fractured Memories | Broken and Whole
Through the parted clouds, scalians fly amongst the birds overlooking the infinite mountain ridge of Dalen. Oblivia lies on one of the hills, eyes glued to the sky. The long grasses wrap around him, mingling with the darker green of his feathers. Lyra lies next to him, dressed in a simple brown uniform. The image of a winged stag is embroidered on her chest, the wings hidden underneath the thick braid keeping her brown hairs out of the way. Her boots lie metres away, hurled away in a burst of energy. Nothing like dew-clad grass between your toes, she said.         She turns to her side, letting her gaze rest on Oblivia’s dark eyes matching the faint traces of soot on his face. There she finds calm eyes. Not the eyes of one focussed on the scalians and their graceful yet erratic movements through the sky, but those of one staring beyond the scalians, beyond the clouds.         “Does it not make you bitter? That you cannot join them up there?” she asks, her voice barely loud enough to overpower the wind.         Oblivia chuckles, keeping his eyes on the stars hidden behind the veil of daylight.         “It used to, back when I was little,” he replies. “But now that I’ve found something that makes me happy, what is there to miss?”         Lyra turns around, lying on her back.         “You’ll be up there one day. I’m sure of it.”         “Not until Rām blesses me with ordinary feathers, or until Sōdan carries me into the sky himself.”         Lyra climbs up to her feet and takes a deep breath, savouring the mountain air. The valleys in front of her seem endless, crawling past the mountains and over the horizon, where they might as well go on forever. She stretches out her arms to her side, closing her eyes and thinking herself a crane soaring over the sky.
  ⁂ [the story continues below the cut]
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zonnemaagd · 17 days
Reading Sappho at work was NOT a good idea now i want to sit in a field and put a purple ribbon in your hair as you make a flower crown for me
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