#key light
evaneugenedavis · 1 year
The Power of Color in Portrait Photography: Using Gels to Match Personality
When it comes to portrait photography, there’s nothing quite like collaborating with a subject whose energy and personality truly shine through the lens. That’s exactly what I experienced during a recent shoot with Carla, a Bronx native actress with a vivacious spirit and a magnetic presence. From the moment she stepped into my cozy converted living room studio, I knew we were in for a creative…
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A hands-on journey to demystify studio lighting.
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Have you ever found yourself struggling to decipher the mysteries of studio lighting? Do terms like "soft light," "hard light," and "key light" leave you feeling lost in the dark? Fear not! Our Light Logic workshop is here to shed light on the subject and empower you to master the art of studio lighting.
In this illuminating workshop, you'll learn:
How different types of lighting can dramatically impact the mood and atmosphere of your photos.
The effects of various lighting setups on different surfaces, from glossy to matte, and everything in between.
The difference between soft and hard light, and when to use each for optimal results.
Practical tips and techniques for setting up your own lighting configurations to achieve professional-quality portraits.
But wait, there's more!
After diving into the theory behind studio lighting, you'll have the opportunity to put your newfound knowledge into practice with a hands-on experience. Get ready to experiment with different lighting setups, pose subjects, and capture stunning portraits under the guidance of our expert instructors. This event will amaze and inspire you. Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind experience that will leave you enlightened and wanting more.
Sunday, May 19 13:00 to 16:00 PM EST
L2R Photo studio Bronks
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blistexenthusiast · 2 months
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good night keys
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attackurheart88 · 2 months
“Do you love me?”
“Do you really love me?”
"Do you really really love me?”
They stop what they’re doing and turn to look at you. An audible sigh is heard.
“If I come over there and kiss you until your lips fall off will you shut up?”
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peachesofteal · 1 month
Simon Riley / female reader Secret baby trope / 18+ Inspo musing
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It’s your eyes.
He notices them first.
They glance over from across the room, incredibly brief. You touch on everyone seated along the worn wood, cataloguing, categorizing, before turning your attention back to your friend, who seems to be in the middle of a story.
Like Johnny is.
“LT, ye even listenin’ to me?” Simon nods, but he’s still watching you. Tracing your spine, staring at the exposed skin on your neck. He imagines you smell like lavender, or citrus. Something spritely and soft. He conjures up the image of his thumb pressing into your bottom lip, and he wonders how plush it is.
You look like a perfect little treat.
And he’s in need of one.
“She’s bonnie.” Johnny sips his beer, eyebrow raised. “Like what ye see?” He shrugs. He hasn’t taken a woman to bed in years. It always ends up feeling wrong somehow, stale. Unease twists in his gut when clothes start to come off, anxiety trembles in the swell of his blood, and his scars begin to feel fresh. Torn open.
Sex makes him feel torn apart. Ripped to shreds.
But he’s not opposed to having another go at it. Not if you're the one taking his cock like a good girl.
There's something about you. You’re bright, like a little jewel, sparkling in the sun. A piece of something precious. Too golden to be tarnished, too sunny to be sullied by darkness.
He nearly swallows his tongue when you appear at the end of the bar, opposite of Johnny. You’re waiting to order another beer, he assumes, but you look over at him for too long, a second or two, and it tells him all he needs to know.
It’s in your eyes.
“Hi.” Your lips curve upwards at each side, a secretive smile, imparted only on him. His heart flutters like a school boy, young and naive all over again. His skin is hot, prickled under his clothes, hair on the back of his neck standing straight up.
Fuck, you're so pretty. You're perfect.
He's staring at your lips, memorizing the pert Cupid's bow, the soft color that shines when your tongue darts out to lick them.
Johnny clears his throat. Simon's brain catches up to his body. "Hey-"
An oversized brute jostles you, his shoulder nearly pushing you into Johnny. You blink, doe eyed, and then step back from the bar, allowing him to take up the space where you just occupied.
Simon grits his teeth, vision tunneling red.
Kitten doesn't have any claws.
That's okay, he thinks. You wouldn't need them, if you had him.
He wonders if violence scares you. If he beats this ogre to a bloody pulp, would you run from him? He takes in the confused crinkle in your brow, wide, shy eyes, and decides on a different tactic.
"C'mere love." He husks, extending his hand, pushing Johnny's stool over with the heel of his foot, carving out a space for you to sidle in between them.
You press against his thigh as you take your spot, leaning forward to talk to the bartender, and when you look over your shoulder at him, small smile tugging at your lips, he presses his palm to the small of your back.
"And... two shots of whiskey, please."
You're... everything.
Naked, laid out on your bed with your legs spread, eyes still wide and sweet, and he can barely get his mouth to work as he looks at you.
"Simon," you whimper in the dark, hands reaching, searching, and he kisses each finger like they're a decadent treat, one he'll never have enough of, "please."
Moonlight illuminates your face, shines across the curves of your body, and he has to blink multiple times to steady himself, to keep himself grounded.
Your fingers don't feel like razors. Your mouth isn't torture. Every soft word you give him is like a balm. You're everything.
And he's going to show you, he's going to make sure you know- you're everything.
He's going to fuck you face to face.
But first, he needs-
Your hand wraps around his wrist. "I'm on the pill." you whisper, desperate. "I want to feel you... I'm clean, if you-" The trust you're implying is a foreign concept, and somewhere in the back of his mind, he worries. You're going to let him fuck you raw? You're going to let him feel the clutch of your pussy, without any protection?
You're out of your mind.
But so is he.
"I haven't been with anyone in years." His accent is a rasp, heavy with desire. "And 've got a clean bill of heath."
It's a mutual agreement. And it doesn't take any convincing.
"You want me to fuck this pretty little pussy raw, sweet girl? Is that it?" His mouth covers yours, and then trails down to your neck, nips across the tops of your breasts. "Want me to fill you up?"
"Yeah," his fingers slide through your folds, teasing from top to bottom, swirling around your clit, "fuck, yeah, I want-"
"I've got a lot of cum for you, honey. You sure you can take it?" You clench around the finger he's slipped inside, and moan.
"Oh my god," Your spine arches, and he holds your hips, aligning himself before pushing into your body, melding the two of together almost perfectly.
Almost, because you're so bloody tight, it's like you're strangling him. He's not going to last.
"Relax," He murmurs, kissing your jaw, rubbing a slow circle around your clit. "There you go, that's my girl." It slips out, but you don't seem to care. Neither does he. Tonight, you're his. You and your body and your heart and your soul, belong to him. He'll mark you like you’re his. A fantasy, a wish, a far cry from reality.
In another life, maybe he'd have you forever. For real.
But in this life, he'll take what he can get, and you let him. You let him take and take and take all night long, on your back, face bared to him like he's the brightest star and not the darkness haunting dreams. You kiss him like it's real, and when he comes inside you once, and then twice, you let him stay there, locked tight, staring down into your eyes. He rubs your cheek with his thumb, and you smile. He presses his forehead against yours, and your cup the back of his head, gingerly kissing him, carefully, like you know. Like you can see him.
You say his name. You moan it. You scream it. It's never sounded so good, and he wonders if this is what it's like- to have and to hold.
In the morning, before the sun rises, he stands at the foot of your bed, watching you sleep. He wishes you'd wake, wants you to open your eyes and ask him to stay, hopes you'll roll over and realize he's not there and call his name-
It's all a fantasy. Something that could never be more than what it was in that moment, in the moonlight, a secret held between two strangers, the first breath in the dawn.
He brushes his lips across your forehead one last time, and then disappears down the hall.
Out the door.
Out of your life.
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kittysauce · 8 months
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au where L and Light fall in love during the yotsuba arc ............... i think its a crazy interesting concept
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New covers for the light novels, each made look like the cover of Sportiva.
Translation of the quotes / headlines:
Kageyama 1:
“The Monsters of Spring High”
Shoyo Hinata/Korai Hoshiumi [Little giant's genes]
Kotaro Bokuto/Kyoomi Sakusaya[Memory of the legendary five days]
Inarizaki High School V Karasuno High School [Giant Killing of the Century]
Hinata 1:
BRAZIL [Close coverage of the sand ninja] Shoyo Hinata
ARGENTINA [Why did you go to the other side of the world] Tooru Oikawa
Climb up, adventurer. - V1 league promotion survival
A generation of monsters aiming to rise to the top
[Sendai Frogs] Tsukishima/Koganekawa [Tamaman Elephants] Kindaichi/Onagata [Nichikyaku Automobile Lions] Yamagata
Small and strong is cool
Super minionism.
[Opening interview] “Those who challenge height”
"Small Soldiers Who Challenge the World" Hinata/ Yaku
Pursue “the ideal end”
[Ultimate all-rounder] Kiyoomi Sakusa
Be strong, be right, and follow your own path!
[Japan's main gun Ushiwaka] Wakatoshi Ushijima
"I'm not interested in winning or losing. Is it fun or boring?"
Is it Kodzuken? [E-sports special issue]
[Let's talk about Kodzuken!] Lev Haiba (Model) /Tetsuro Kuroo (Japan Volleyball Association member)
The patron saint arrives
``How many times have they saved the team?
Libero Special Feature [From Europe with love] Yaku
[Learn from the craftsmen!] Komori/Inunaki/Heiwajima
Hinata 2:
For the sake of my friends, the sun will rise again.
[Will he be the savior of Japan?] - Shoyo Hinata
"I don't care whether it's praise or insults." Challenger style
[Compete against the world with three swords]
I am an ordinary ace
If you have the energy, you can do the opening interview.
[Japan's spirited spirit] Kotaro Bokuto
[Talk about old and new teammates]
Kageyama 2:
Thorough debate! Who is Japan's command tower?
[Control the monsters] - Kageyama Tobio
[What's wrong with being super aggressive]
[Strength that accepts weakness]
Insignificant Pride Theory
[World-class control tower from Miyagi] Toru Oikawa “Adversity is my true strength”
[Mentor speaks] Jose Blanco “People are defeated when they set their limits.”
[Testimony of an old friend] Hajime Iwaizumi (Japanese Team Athletic Trainer “Proud partner + big idiot”)
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learnelle · 1 month
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This morning I stopped by an English bookshop to get my friend her birthday present… and I gave into the unavoidable temptation of buying something for myself too hehe
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lightingmorgue-dw · 2 years
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Vernal Street Light
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rebloggerandy · 23 days
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…. where ur clothes at..?
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s0upjuice · 3 months
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spring's just around the corner
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wulfhalls · 1 month
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even newer kitkat pics <33
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stinkypeanutbutter · 3 months
He eepy . .
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But seriously , he’s a heavy napper
someone help her
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mx-metronome · 4 months
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jesteringbug · 5 months
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this was funnier in my head tbh
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too-many-plants · 6 months
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here is the map after i flambéed the borders to give it a nice old looking edge.
i'm super happy with how it turned out!
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