#keep your mouth shut
canmking · 7 months
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W i n n i n g ?
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oa-x · 6 months
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simonsapelsin · 11 months
POV: you're getting drunk on spicy watermelon margaritas at a daycare party and you hear one of the other parents across the room talking about writing fanfiction
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delulu-4-lewlew · 10 months
Lando needs to mind his own
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dimione · 2 years
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You all watched The Vampire Diaries, Vampire Academy, and every vampire show ever happily enough
It can't be the mildly awkward acting that made it so much better, because vampire academy is the epitome of awkward
It can't be the over the top drama that gave it the life of a Shakespeare retelling, because elena breaks down against a wall every fucking episode in TVD
Oh wait, I know what it is
You're all fucking homophobic, whether you realise it or not
You just want to pick apart a show that's genuinely fucking good, because you're not the main focus. Let the lesbians have this. We are starved of representation that isn't fetishised, isn't the kill your gays trope, isn't just straight up fucking awful.
I am starved of lesbian representation that I genuinely fucking relate to.
They are cringy teenagers on purpose you fucking morons.
They are dramatic on purpose you fucking morons.
Let the lesbians have this one thing. And keep your overdone straight ships to yourself
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captainhotstop · 8 months
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Oh God
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
Toto as per usual trying to make issues with Max fans. Some fucking asshole threw it on the track to act a dope, he didn’t throw it at Lewis get a fucking grip of yourself. Not everyone thinks about you and your drivers, Max fans aren’t fucking out to get Lewis. Sure some of us don’t like Toto or George or Lewis but only cause if the bullshit they caused with Max.
Stop fucking victimizing yourself and dragging Max into your media shit. You aren’t fighting him so just fuck off.
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rockinginneverland · 2 years
I was all happily annotating this copy of six of crows for my sister in law and went to tell someone about it and I was all excited and they told me my sister in law wasn’t going to read it, just like that. And now I feel really unmotivated to carry on annotating it cause I’m hurt by that comment but also anxious and thinking that maybe the person who said that are right and my sister in law won’t read it and I’m wasting my time and I feel like crying cause I was so excited about this bc my sister in law is not really into reading but she wants to start doing so and so since she wanted to start with fantasy I thought I would annotate a copy for her so she can be more motivated to read it or what have you but now I’m not sure bc of that person that said my sister in law wasn’t going to read it!! I did dm her and asked her and told her about the situation so let’s see what she says but for now I don’t feel like carrying on doing that. Not even for myself if I do end up keeping the copy but tomorrow will be another so will see what happens.
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softbobamilktae · 2 years
I'm gonna dig a hole and bury myself in it
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digital-circles · 1 year
Whenever It Comes To These 5 Issues, You Should Learn To Keep Your Mouth Shut.
The majority of us don't truly have a private life in today's world with Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and all the various forms of globalization and social media networking.
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Which is wrong.
You shouldn't give everyone access to details about your personal life since you never know how they might use it.
Though your graduation photo may have received a lot of likes and comments, let me be honest and say that not many people are truly pleased for you.
You must choose the individuals in your life and, more importantly, you must carefully consider each one before disclosing any personal information.
In this article, we’ll go over five categories of private information you should never share with anyone before getting to know them well or developing a close level of trust.1. Material possessions.
Recently, it seems as though social media is overflowing with material possessions like cell phones, cars, jewelry, pricey clothing and shoes, etc.
People would perceive you as haughty and materialistic if you boasted about your possessions excessively.
Even though you can live the life of your desires, try to be more modest and keep the "price tag" to yourself.
People would think much better of you.
2. Old injustices.
Everybody has luggage.We all have unpleasant memories from the past that we wish we could erase.
But since they continue to bother us, we choose to tell others about them.
It’s preferable to forget about these things and avoid bringing them up, especially around people you hope will play a role in your future.
Let the past be what it was, and use the lessons you learned from it to inform your actions going forward.
Nobody wants to hear tales about previous grudges that make them feel like you’re still stuck in the past.
3. Your earnings.
Even if you have unlimited resources and can easily spend the entire round at the bar without feeling like you've overspent, keep your financial situation a... Read more.
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drarryshipperr · 2 years
keep drarry out of your mouth if you don’t ship them or have something bad to say about them you anti drarrys think you are cool or funny that’s not true keep your mouths shut about them if you hate them please it’s so easy and simple idk why y’all love and have to bash ships thinking your cool and funny when your not
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I should start keeping a scoreboard of how many things in Walter's private life Skyler is gonna blab about
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blue-eyed-ghoul · 2 years
If you're going to run your mouth about me and make accusations, do it off anon. If not keep your small dick energy having ass mouth shut.
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king-minyard · 2 years
hey. if someone says smthn on a popular post and gets clowned for it, maybe don't go to their page and open up their askbox to clown on them some more, esp if you see that they've already answered a ton of asks abt it. that's harassment.
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x-heesy · 2 months
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Maul by Multilingual Mike
@bigbonzo @inbetweenneeds @cumpletelyhappythesecond
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