#katsuki shima
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Cat! Shima and Misae Sagara
37 notes · View notes
shima-draws · 2 years
So, Bakugou,
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966 notes · View notes
siflshonen · 1 year
Eijiro Kirishima: Positively Reclaiming National Identity and Making Masculinity More Inclusive (featuring surprise guest Mina Ashido!)
Link to the Bakugo presentation 2.0: Part 1 | Part 2
Link to the Bakugo presentation 1.0: Part 1 | Part 2
Link to the Kirishima presentation 1.0
Link to the Todoroki presentation
Link to the Deku presentation
Link to the Uraraka-Bakugo-Toga presentation
Link to the Shigaraki-All for One presentation
Link to the Spinner-Shigaraki-Bakugo-Deku presentation
Link to the BNHA presentations masterpost
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Welcome to the Kirishima presentation 2.0!
What you are about to read combines manga analysis, meta analysis, trope breakdowns, watered-down Japanese history as explained by an outsider Westerner (please take it with a grain of salt), and thematic parallels with other characters. Beware of spoilers up to manga chapter 383.
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This “presentation” post discusses Eijiro Kirishima’s character and arc as well as the real-life references his character’s aesthetic and “manly” actions and credo are meant to communicate. This post includes a discussion of Japanese delinquents and bosozoku, a brief and simplified history of the relationship of Japanese hypermasculinity and military and naval power, a brief discussion of kouha and nanshoku, and a brief general analysis of how Kirishima's early-series insecurities reflect those of an “emasculated” and outdated Japan in relation to Mina’s “effeminate” Japan of today. It also compares Kirishima and Mina’s history and character growth to Deku and Katsuki. Some of the Wikipedia links are also mildly NSFW, so be careful.
If you take whatever I say about the story personally, or get upset about spoilers that’s on you. On the flip side, if you have something to say on context and history, tell me more! If I offend or misinform in the context of history, please let me know! I have only one perspective, and it is my own.
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The color key will make sense in time. I promise.
Who Is Eijiro Kirishima?
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Personally, I love Scorpia. I also love Kirishima. But I do not like it when Kirishima is portrayed to be just like Scorpia in fandom works. Sure, they have similarities (some of which may or may not have been intentionally chosen for Scorpia’s part), but they do not have the same character arcs.
In particular, Kirishima’s arc is very pointedly about his pride and identity as a modern Japanese boy unlearning his internalized toxic masculinity and biases as he grows into a man.
But let’s start with the basics.
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In case Kirishima’s association with his nation of origin wasn’t clear, his name is a dead giveaway.
Ei: sharp or keen
Ji: kid or newborn
Ro: son
Kiri: jagged or to cut
Shima: island
Eijiro means, as this kind person on the internet puts it, “sharp boy”. They also point out that the “Ei” is written in a way not ordinarily associated with names (which is usually “sharp” like “keen” or “intelligent”), so his name subtly “blunts” his intelligence while still pointing (ha) out that he’s a guy made of sharp rocks. And while that’s cute, it’s his last name that gives us more mileage for interpretation.
Kirishima. “Cut island”. Japan is a nation made up of multiple islands.
Kirishima is meant to be, very literally, a fresh-eyed child of his nation. He is emblematic of masculine heritage and identity. That’s a little more nuanced than saying Kirishima is Japan, but he definitely represents a significant pre-World War II slice of it. And he is on a mission to improve himself, and therefore the country, through a new and improved kind of “manliness”. Plus Ultra, bitches.
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Kirishima is a truly wonderful guy and a unifying factor for the class.
One of the first people Kirishima forms a friendship with is Bakugo. I pointed out some of the similarities between Bakugo’s chosen presentation inspiration and Crimson Riot’s background in the Bakugo presentation. I’ll explore that extensively later on, but just keep in mind that it’s not exactly surprising that Kirishima is one of the first to find a common understanding with the class’ resident foul-mouthed, delinquent, western-style-military-costumed bomb.
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One of Kirishima’s most notable qualities is his tendency to describe anything he thinks is positive - the ability to show emotional strength as well as physical, shed tears and show sensitivity, do something competently, show consideration for others, act heroically in a general sense - as “manly”. The gender of the person performing the admirable action is irrelevant.
That last part is a big deal for his character, so I will say it again. The gender of the person performing the admirable action is irrelevant.
Crimson Riot, Japanese Delinquents, and “Manly Codes”
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Kirishima’s penchant for calling admirable things “manly” isn’t random - it comes from someone else. His personal hero and role model, Pro Hero Crimson Riot, inspires him to use the language and associate it with positive things not limited or defined by gender. Crimson Riot’s dress, speech, and mannerisms, from which Kirishima also draws inspiration, also tell us a lot about him and his beliefs. Basically, we know he’s a Japanese delinquent/Yankee or bosozoku (which is basically a delinquent on a motorbike.)
Crimson Riot’s “manly” credo is rooted in the values and presentation of this real-world delinquent subculture.
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If you read the Bakugo presentation, you’ve seen this slide before.
The term “Yankee” was brought over by US soldiers (if you are from the States, you likely already know that a Yankee is someone from the northeast part of the country) and became synonymous with someone from the United States. Japanese delinquents are called “Yankees” because they walk around like a GI from the United States would - rudely, without consideration for others or the existing culture, and with a seeming need to flaunt their status as foreigners (and, more nastily, “winners” over the Japanese.) I talk more about the origins of the Japanese delinquent subculture in the Bakugo presentation, but the subculture’s origin comes down to this: dissatisfaction with the current society and a desire to express individuality born from something that can best be described as Western envy.
In appearance and attitude, Bakugo is also very obviously a Japanese delinquent boy, though he doesn’t use the same iconography of national pride. For the most part, neither do Crimson Riot or Kirishima. There’s a reason for that.
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Interestingly, Bakugo lacks these visual markers of the “classic” delinquent look while Kirishima embraces some of them (the color red, the dyed hair with its wild styling, and the modern Japanese flag.) Instead, it seems Bakugo’s chosen delinquent visual identity markers are taken exclusively from the filter of shonen anime delinquents rather than the real world subculture! Their differing attempts to separate the things they like from its historic baggage is fascinating to me, personally. 
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Bakugo’s outlook and personal presentation leans more towards a fictionalized version of the delinquent than Kirishima and his “manly” mentor’s, but the connection between their masculine presentations and implied personal conducts – or the fact that an underlying code of conduct is central to both identities – is still present.
If you read the article on delinquents I linked, you might notice that it emphasizes that a sense of community and closeness is a probable reason for the delinquent subculture’s enduring existence simultaneous to its rebellious and individualistic slant.
Kirishima and Bakugo are good representations of those two seemingly opposite poles, no? Kirishima focuses on creating a sense of community with himself as the unifying factor while Bakugo initially seeks to separate himself through his individuality.
The Yakuza framing of chivalry is not exactly the same as bushido, but rather the idea of “acting chivalrously” through what they refer to as ninkyodo, or the “way of humanity.” There’s still influence from and elements of bushido in this, however.
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If you’re reading this, you’re probably a weeb, so you have likely heard of Way of the Househusband/Goshufukudo. The series’ tagline, “housework without honor or humanity!” is a play on the main character’s status as an ex-Yakuza because he left the Yakuza - or strayed from his ninkyodo/path of humanity - to be a househusband. It’s also a play on the Battles Without Honor or Humanity movies revolving around the same sentiment – except without the househusbandry part, of course.
(Also, the Yakuza created a recruitment website called ninkyodo. Considering the bigger discussion of social unrest and subdued envelope-pushing inherent in this manga, this wacky little blog post is worth a look since it pivots around the Japanese mob being upset with the government’s social programs.)
Delinquent codes draw from the Jingi, or Yakuza code and ninkyodo, which draws from bushido. You know what else draws from bushido? Most forms of contemporary and historic Japanese government.
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Bushido has seven core values: gi (justice), yu (courage), jin (benevolence or another word for humanity - and yes, this is the same character as the “Jin” in Twice’s given name, Jin Bubaigawara), rei (gratitude - and no, this is not the same character as Rei Todoroki’s given name but it sounds the same), makoto (sincerity), meiyo (honor), and chugi (loyalty).
Why is this important? Because there is one VERY big difference between Kirishima’s presentation and aesthetic and that of Crimson Riot and Bakugo’s, and it also involves bushido and its masculine, militaristic associations.
In addition to Crimson Riot and delinquent culture, Kirishima blatantly includes kouha as one of his inspirations. Bakugo does not, and it is unclear if Crimson Riot pays attention to them specifically.
What Are Kouha?
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Kouha are, as Kirishima’s middle school classmates might say, “old school”. They’re even more old school than delinquents (or Crimson Riot), and they are also deeply nationalist. Kouha were a cultural phenomenon born from the student populations of Japanese military schools (the establishment of the Japanese Imperial Army is considered the first formal step of Japan’s westernization, by the way!) during the Meiji era. They held specific beliefs about male supremacy, masculinity, and national pride. To kouha, these concepts were inseparable from one another. They, and their resulting legacy as soldiers and Navy members in subsequent wars, are the main reason that quasi-nationalist or outright nationalist symbolism is so thoroughly entrenched in Japanese presentations of hypermasculinity even in the modern day.
Basically, kouha = Japanese Nationalists. This is an simplification, but you can read this entire Wikipedia article if you want a better picture of what I mean or need a starting point for your own research.
But don’t freak out! Kirishima’s admiration of kouha is, mostly, for the sake of a pun.
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Horikoshi lists one of Kirishima’s favorite things as kouha (called “manly men” or “just manly things” in the most commonly circulated English versions), which means, more or less, “hard school”. It’s a pun on Kirishima’s hardening quirk. However, it also refers to Kirishima’s penchant for historically manly things and hypermasculine presentation.
Kirishima’s “Manly Look” and Japanese Identity
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So, to review: Kirishima’s Crimson Riot-inspired philosophy and aesthetic is drawn from delinquent culture, which is a subculture that takes its cues from bushido –  literally “warrior way” but sometimes called “samurai code” in English – which is in turn associated with Japanese pride and even nationalism. This association is very clear in Kirishima’s aesthetic. Look at his room. The Mount Fuji and ocean wave iconography, his hachimaki (admittedly this is relatively common among modern Japanese students, but it still carries a history), the tacky flames in representation of a “burning soul”…
But you know what he doesn’t use? Red sunbeams. This is really important.
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The specific “tackiness” and “kouha look” Kirishima enjoys can definitely be indicative of outright nationalism, but it is also associated with other hypermasculine subcultures that are not necessarily nationalists, including delinquent subcultures (though modern ones don’t often use the sunbeam-laden rising sun flag anymore. Modern delinquents usually stick to the modern Japanese flag as part of their uniforms or flags)
The fact that Kirishima’s “kouha look” does not include the sunbeam-laden Rising Sun flag (which, from the perspective of non-Japanese, is associated internationally with war crimes and, for related reasons, the Japanese Navy. Consider it a Japanese swastika—not to be confused with the Japanese manji, which is actually a totally different thing) or red sunbeam motif. This could be because My Hero Academia is set 200 years in the future and the rising sun imagery has fallen out of public memory. But personally, I think it is more likely that Horikoshi (and therefore Kirishima) wants to signal that Kirishima doesn’t hold the same beliefs as kouha and Japanese nationalists.
Even so, Kirishima’s “look” still suggests kouha and still associates his masculinity with his national identity.
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This isn’t a perfect one-to-one localization, but, for us in the West, we can sort of think of it like this: the difference between Kirishima and a neo-nationalist is not unlike the difference between guys who authentically really like Viking iconography and neo-Nazis who appropriate Nordic iconography for their beliefs. It’s just that Kirishima seems to be reclaiming these symbols in reverse. (It’s probably a really good thing Mina knows Kirishima from his time before UA, or else she might have given him a way more intense and judgemental side-eye over what’s in his room.)
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I suppose if one really wanted to, one could use everything I’ve written as an argument to say, “If you like Kirishima, you fell for the Japanese militarism and neo-nationalism apologist ploy”, but I don’t think portraying him as an apologist was the intent. I choose to see this as a shonen comic about superheroes and connecting the past with the present in pursuit of a better future because that’s all I think it is trying to be.
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Again: Kirishima and Crimson Riot’s “manliness” philosophy departs from that of the kouha, Japanese nationalists (and neo-nationalists) because it is inclusive. The use of elements of their aesthetic preserves Kirishima’s personal pride as a Japanese guy - specifically as a “masculine” man - while his take on “manliness” is modern and geared towards celebrating the intrinsic goodness of humanity that isn’t defined by gender, sex, skin color, or even nationality, really, except as it applies as it being a thing for each individual to celebrate about themselves.
There’s other stuff kouha did and didn’t do that Kirishima doesn’t seem concerned about, either.
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As I’ve said, modern Japanese sociopolitical (and masculine) identity is strongly associated with bushido. Bushido and kouha, particularly during the Meiji era and Russo-Japanese war (y’all ever read or watched Golden Kamuy?), is consequently associated with the Japanese Navy and nanshoku (THIS WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE IS MILDLY NSFW), or the practice of male-male relationships ranging from ritual pederasty to what one could interpret as “just plain gay” by modern western standards.
Whenever the Eastern or Western fandom discusses the possibility of Kirishima being gay-coded, this association between his kouha aesthetic and nanshoku is almost always at the heart of it. Well, that, and Kirishima’s dogged telegraphing of how much he’s into the kouha aesthetic and other “manly” things. To the modern Japanese, a high degree of overblown hypermasculine presentation and speech can come across as performative overcompensating.
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However, there’s one big detail that’s usually missing from these discussions in fandom: generally, the display of hyper-masculinity that is associated with performative overcompensating from closeted gay men includes constantly talking about how much heterosexual intercourse they have (which, according to them, is a whole lot) and how much they love women. Carnally. Sometimes they may even hit on women to an absurd and almost cartoonish degree – but usually only performatively in front of others or to try and fool (or repulse) the woman on the receiving end! The goal of a closeted gay person telegraphing heterosexual stereotypes to such an extreme degree is to either:
1. fool other people into thinking that they are not gay (which is often not very successful)
2. Keep themselves in denial by playing the part of an ultra-straight dude.
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So, if I am using hypersexualized hetero behavior as the main parameter for how gay-coded a character is, I could argue that Mineta is more gay-coded than Kirishima is. He’s not, but I could make the argument.
But why would a gay person feel the need to do either of these things? Oof. Ain’t that the question. Masculine fragility has different nuances between cultures, but it isn’t exclusive to English-speaking countries. Modern Japan (read: Meiji era to post-World War II Japan that did its damnedest to Westernize as rapidly as possible) is relatively homophobic and views homosexuality as, well, “unmanly”. You can read more about that in the kouha and nanshoku Wikipedia articles I’ve linked. That’s the power of comphet!
That said, I don’t think Kirishima is gay-coded based on his affinity for manly stuff. He’s not using it to compensate for his sexuality. If anything, at his lowest, he used his “kouha-manly” presentation to compensate for his self-perceived lack of heroic and “manly” spirit. True heroism is what defines Kirishima and Crimson Riot’s perception of “manliness”, not sexuality. In fact, that’s the core of why their ideology is so progressive and why it flies in the face of its kouha-presenting packaging.
I mean, Kirishima could have any sexuality out there, but I don’t think his “kouha-manly” look is meant to be indicative of it, whatever it is.
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Mina Ashido: A Portrayal of Power in Modern Japan
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Mina is a major foil to Kirishima, so this writeup would be incomplete if I didn’t talk about her. If Kirishima is the “manly” Japan of a bygone era questioning how he can be relevant, Mina is “effeminate” modern-day, westernized Japan. Also, Kirishima’s key color is red. Hot damn, that’s flashy! It’s also the color of the sun on the Japanese flag! How fitting that Mina is represented by pink, or “light red”.
Simplifying the characters of Mina and Kirishima primarily by gender categories like that is a little more charged than I would prefer, but let me explain my logic.
During Japan’s occupation by the Allies after World War II, women gained, among other things, the right to vote. To quote Wikipedia directly: “It has been argued that the granting of rights to women played an important role in the radical shift Japan underwent from a war nation to a democratized and demilitarized country.”
They also were no longer bound exclusively to the home as wives and mothers, but could also take employment. Got it? Good. While I needed to explain this to set the stage for the stark difference in gender politics between the kouha’s heyday and womens’ standing after World War II, this is only loosely related to Mina and her portrayal.
Much like Kirishima, the biggest tells are evident in Mina’s look. In simple terms, traditional Japanese femininity isn’t flashy, isn’t westernized, and women don’t take the lead. Mina is flashy, westernized, and she does lead. In the manga, this is framed as a positive by her peers and something Kirishima admires and envies. (I have no idea how the older generation feels about it. We don’t know much about Mina’s personal life, unfortunately.)
Mina is a very modern girl. She stands out because of her natural appearance, but she also dresses ostentatiously whenever she isn’t wearing her high school uniform. Her look favors an updated spin on the gyaru subculture. In fact, while part of her natural appearance rather than intentional choice, I could argue that Mina’s startlingly black eyes and “unusual” skin is meant to indicate the yamanba (spinoff from ganguro) fashion subculture, but I’m not sure I am meant to go that far. Regardless of the specifics, everything about her appearance implies the largest commonality between most modern young Japanese women and every female-specific fashion subcultures (including lolita or kogal – Toga is a kogal): rejection of traditional gender roles and presentation.
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I’m gonna sum up Kirishima’s own personal plot and backstory for the sake of reference.
Kirishima is a guy with a hardening quirk. It’s not flashy or particularly suited for offense or rescue, and he’s self-conscious about how “worthy” he is to be a hero not just because of his lackluster power, but because, in the past, he’s avoided stepping in situations where, if he were a true Hero, he would have stepped in and offered support without thinking about it!
Sound familiar?
Instead, his childhood friend (that he secretly admires very much but also feels very insecure around) stepped in to be capital-H heroic while he stood and gaped uselessly! And what’s worse? She is a GIRL. A WESTERNIZED GIRL did what he couldn’t do. So, obviously, if he can’t be more heroic and “manly” than a GIRL, he isn’t manly at all. And he’s scared of that.
Sound familiar?!
In high school, Kirishima puts on an outgoing persona (complete with a new hairstyle) inspired by his childhood hero (and also, lowkey, the childhood friend with which he associates the same kind of true heroism) to cover for his insecurities!
But that’s enough about how Kirishima and Mina’s story parallels Bakugo and Deku’s for now. Allow me to throw the other parallel in your face - the one between Mina and Kirishima and Japan and the US’s policy changes after WWII.
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Mina, the modern, westernized Japanese girl, was first to act when “foreign power with old loyalty” Gigantomachia threatened their classmates. She solved the confrontation – and solved other confrontations with her peers – nonviolently. Meanwhile, kouha-aligned (militaristic and masculine Japan) Kirishima was not only unable to act (aka did not have any military influence), but felt completely useless and superfluous in both of these instances. (But later, when Gigantomachia re-emerges in a context that Mina cannot possibly solve on civil terms or with misdirection, Kirishima is able to defend her and do what she can’t. Even later, Mina learns the best ways to kick someone’s ass with her acid. She acts as the sword - or perhaps more precisely, the spear - to Kirishima’s shield.
If you didn’t know, the “sword and shield” analogy, or more commonly, “spear and shield” analogy is, or, at least, was, used to describe the US and Japan’s relationship after WWII. Whenever Kirishima talks about being the “ultimate shield” or “ultimate spear”, this means something.)
So, yes. This story is about the modern and traditional; the feminine and the masculine; the West and East. Just like Bakugo and Deku.
There exists a complicated relationship between national shame over losing the war, shame from Japan’s own war crimes, shame in Japan’s continued political ineffectiveness without a strong established military, and outright Japanese envy of the West for not only winning the war but epitomizing prosperity and modernity (or appearing to do so, at least.) I really don’t have the background to talk about this in-depth or respectfully. The point is that overt pride in the Japanese identity is a complicated issue, but particularly as it reflects in expressed Japanese masculinity. For Kirishima, his early relationship with Mina and the envy he feels towards her is a succinct crystallization of these feelings in allegory form.
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In the Bakugo presentation, I mentioned that the shonen genre was “born” after World War II and the art form still incorporates postwar baggage. This includes the aftermath of the nation reeling from its lack of military power after the war. I’ve already drawn a clear line between Japanese military might and its masculinity, so I don’t feel I need to elaborate much about why I make this next statement: a significant swath of the Japanese felt the loss of military power emasculated the country (which, as discussed through Mina, made it “effeminate”. Or, depending on the perspective, it “infantilized” the country. This introductory course examining shojo manga and identity touches on the infantilization of Japan through media exports and branding if you’d like to read another perspective using this terminology.)
I feel I should mention that Japan’s current crisis regarding declining birth rates is often associated with the lack of “properly masculine” men and the growing ability of modern Japanese women to put off or refuse marriage.The first observational piece about male subgroups discusses how masculine identity and neo-nationalism seem to be closely associated or even conflated for one another by the individuals in the neo-nationalist subgroup, but also alludes to the fact that a lack of clearly defined masculinity is being treated as a national crisis since it is seen as a prohibitive factor for Japan’s current generation to start families. To that end, Prime Minister Shinso Abe pushed for a variety of measures to encourage people to have kids.
In fact, Shinso Abe has achieved meme status in international otaku circles because whenever an anime or manga encourages or portrays sex for the purpose of procreation and raising a family as expected and singularly correct, the community wonders if it’s anime propaganda aimed at encouraging Japanese viewers to go have kids. This, combined with the fact that Shueisha/Shonen Jump upholds certain beliefs and gender/sexuality power dynamics in their company policy that is reflected in their published titles, will be important later in this series of presentations. For now, it’s just something to think about.
In shonen manga, including this one, the focus on men/growing mens’ identity (and the Japanese-specific flavor of masculinity) in a modern and changing world comes up a lot. While not directly related to Kirishima’s chosen counterculture influences, here’s a link to download an observational piece describing three notable cishet male Japanese subgroups struggling to define (or redefine) their own masculinity and identity: herbivorous men (kind of like western hipster metrosexuals), otaku (you know what these are), and Japanese petit-nationalists (basically neo-nationalists. And yes, they share elements from Kirishima’s aesthetic. If this were about Spinner and any heteromorph characters, this particular group would be much more relevant to this discussion.) Here’s another piece focused on “genderless” danshi and masculinity. Both of these pieces discuss the precarious correlation between male identity, community, presentation, and values. That, and I think they’re neat topics – though I do suggest you think critically about what you read in them.
Anyway, let’s get back to talking about this damn manga.
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If you ever asked yourself, “How would Bakugo and Deku’s relationship differ if Deku had a quirk?” or, “How would Bakugo and Deku’s relationship differ if one of them was a girl?”, here’s your answer: it would be very similar to the relationship between Kirishima and Mina. Most of the relationships between pairs or sets of characters is meant to reflect off of the relationship between Bakugo and Deku in some way as either a compare/contrast exercise or to show how different things could be if fate had conspired to make one or two small differences in their lives.
This is thematically crucial to understand for almost every moment in the story.
Reflections of Kirishima’s Feelings of Inadequacy and Powerlessness
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Kirishima and Bakugo have a lot in common. It’s not terribly surprising they became friends even when Bakugo was at his worst, since Kirishima could likely relate to where he was coming from and how he was feeling on some level.
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If you thought Mina being a girl was inconsequential to Kirishima’s feelings of inadequacy, think again. Luckily for everyone, Kirishima isn’t as much of a sensitive, fragile, and dramatic bitch as Bakugo about his insecurities.
Kirishima also hadn’t been explicitly stewing on them as they applied to one specific person for roughly 11 years of his life, either, so. There’s that.
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Bakugo’s relationship with Kirishima is an introductory course for him on how to have a positive relationship with Deku. For Kirishima, Bakugo is a proxy for relating to and helping the person in his life that he admires most: Mina.
But the Kirishima-Bakugo parallel isn’t the only parallel we need to draw.
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Arguably, Kirishima shares more similarities with Deku than Bakugo (but, of course, Deku and Bakugo are also very similar, too.) Kirishima is not confident in himself, mimics his idol very closely, is very concerned with upholding the status quo (through interpersonal harmony), got into UA through his effort rather than because he has a well-suited quirk, is quick to act “heroically” and put others before himself, is quick to throw himself into danger on others’ behalf (he’s got a hardening quirk, so unlike Deku he doesn’t mangle himself repeatedly with these stunts), and has an I-won’t-admit-it-for-most-of-the-series-but-I-will-broadcast-it-in-other-ways object of admiration in his childhood friend Mina.
Also, Kirishima feels woefully inadequate when compared to Mina because, in his eyes, she already has the appearance of a hero (and professional Hero.)
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Kirishima’s outgoing attitude is a product of him pushing himself to be more like Mina in charisma and approachability. The horns of his hair are also inspired by her, too. While both of these things can be framed as parallels to Bakugo’s admiration of Deku as I did earlier, they are more on-the-nose for Deku’s penchant for intentionally talking like Bakugo when he wants to psyche himself out and copying all of Bakugo’s moves in order to best harness his quirk. And, of course, when Kirishima and Deku don disguises to go save Bakugo, they choose outfits with exaggerated horns (like Mina) and a Yakuza/delinquent persona (like Bakugo) respectively.
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Kirishima seems to be able to “read the room” when it comes to the relationship between Deku and Bakugo - and in both directions. Personally, I am not surprised that he chooses to quietly support both of them when it comes to the other.
But perhaps the more interesting parallel is the one drawn between Bakugo and Mina.
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When Mina uncovers Kirishima’s “secret” (he dyed his hair and changed his outward persona to make a good impression as a friendly and outgoing guy with his “high school debut” rather than come off as a shy fanboy), it’s analogous to Deku telling (albeit vaguely) Bakugo about One for All at the beginning of the manga. Both scenes even take place at the start of the school year with cherry blossoms in the background and stuff. Later in the series, after Bakugo figures out the full secret of OfA (much like Mina figures out that Kirishima wants to be popular), he even explicitly says he’ll keep Deku’s secret.
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Mina and Bakugo are both described as “amazing” and both imply significant discomfort over the generalized compliment. It’s a huge expectation to carry.
Mina’s “Alien Queen” is denied as a Hero name just as Bakugo’s “King Explosion Murder”. Huh. Funny, that.
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Kirishima and Mina are constantly improving using the other as inspiration, just as Deku and Bakugo do. They learn from other sources, too, of course, but these two sets of characters have an established feedback loop.
While Bakugo doesn’t struggle academically like Mina, especially during the training camp, his personal failures, many of which are social, are often broadcast on television. Both of them look like idiots in front of their respective foils.
Also, Bakugo and Mina both kicked ass at the school festival - Mina with the dancing and Bakugo on the drums. Deku and Kirishima were, you know, support. Extras.
During the festival, Mina and Bakugo were also both demanding taskmasters - Mina expected the best of her dance crew while Bakugo always had something to say about the pace and technique of his band members. Ha!
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When Kirishima saves Mina in their confrontation with Gigantomachia, he does it without regard for his own safety (after initially hesitating and panicking like Deku did for the first part of the sludge villain incident!) Gigantomachia is also, interestingly, a shared past foe of Kirishima and Mina much like the sludge villain is for Bakugo and Deku.
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Considering how they parallel one another and how Mina’s Acidman Alma is inspired by Todoroki and Bakugo, I like to think that her win against the sludge villain was an inadvertent moment of revenge on Bakugo’s behalf, even if her character didn’t intend for it to be.
Chapter 383′s initial fan title translation of “A Small Heart” is also interesting, considering how the turn of phrase relates to the figures of speech used for Bakugo’s ego in the manga’s early chapters (inflated heart.) Viz translated it as “Meek Spirits”. A “small heart” seems to indicate cowardice or fear on Mina’s part (or the Sludge villain’s.) Despite Bakugo’s inflated ego (heart), his was also rather small in terms of facing his secret fears of inadequacy and, well, Deku.
The point is, even when Mina and Bakugo’s hearts were “small”, they saved Kirishima and Deku respectively.
Someone who knows more about Japanese could say more on this, as well as share more disambiguation between whether the English or Japanese connotations of the word “heart” are at play here. There’s some discussion about that in the Uraraka-Bakugo-Toga presentation.
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For all her confidence, Mina gets scared and nervous, too. But she doesn’t give up!
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Mina gets it done!
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Will Bakugo and Deku accomplish what Mina and Kirishima have? I dunno. But even so,
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Kirishima rocks on his own and alongside Mina!
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irenewsky · 4 months
Anime I watched in 2023 (Part 1)
In honor of the new year, I’m gonna be casting a look back at the anime I watched last year. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a lot of free time to watch anime at the beginning of the year due to university kicking my ass, but after I finally graduated with my master’s degree, I could finally work through some of the backlog I had accumulated on Crunchyroll and Netflix.
Anyway, without further ado, this is a list of anime I watched in 2023 with some short descriptions and my own personal opinions. Let it be known, there is a lot of text in this one.
Also, since there ended up being a lot more shows that I watched than I thought there would be, this had to be cut in two -> Click here for part 2
Some of my older lists:
My favourite animes (Old. Tells of my tastes back in, like, 2018-2020 or something. Updated list coming once I get around to it)
Feel good anime Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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Handa Seishuu is a calligraphy prodigy and a high schooler. For years he has been living under the assumption that his student peers all hate him. This is, of course, a huge misunderstanding. In reality, Handa is very much admired in his school, to the point of being popular. Where did this misunderstanding stem from and how can it be resolved?
12 episodes - comedy, slice of life
I liked this one! Although I did have a little bit of distaste towards one of Handa’s so called friends. You’ll understand who and why if you decide to watch this.
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Handa Seishuu, now a 25-year-old man, punches a famous, older calligrapher judging his latest work. As a consequence of his own actions, he is sent to live in small town in the countryside where a group of kids rutinely keeps breaking into his house. Beautiful friendships bloom between Handa and the people of this town.
12 episodes - comedy, seinen, slice of life
Took me an episode or two to get in to, but once I did I thoroughly enjoyed it!
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Shoutaro Futaba enters high school with intense love for sports, especially men’s rythmic gymnastics after he saw Shoushukan high school’s team perform in a competition. He enrolls into said high school and hopes to join the team despite not having any prior experience with gymnastics. Another boy, Ryouya Misato, get recruited alongside him and together with their senpais they start to work towards Inter-high tournament.
12 episodes and an OVA - sports
I started this in the beginning of the year and only got around to finishing it in November. Actually liked this one a lot! The final movie left me feeling so happy yet bittersweet. I recommend this one!
Skip and Loafer
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Mitsumi Iwakura leaves her small countryside town and moves to Tokyo to live with her aunt in hopes that attending a prestigious high school would aid with her ultimate goals in life. As the new school year begins, Mitsumi leaves for school with high hopes, gets lost at the subway station, runs into classmate called Sousuke Shima and together the two barely make it to the entrance ceremony. What will her school life shape up to be?
12 episodes - romace, shojo
Nao-chan supremacy! The bestest aunt!
I really liked to animation animation style of this anime. For me, the show looks very soft and fresh in a spring and pastels kind of way. It’s hard to explain but I hope at least one person gets what I mean. I like the characters a lot and their interactions feel nice and grounded. The romance isn’t the main focus in this one, at least not in this season, which I liked since it’s always lovely to just see friendships put into the spotlight.
Buddy Daddies
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What do you get if you combine two trained, professional assassins who live together and an accidental child acquisition? A riot of a family dynamic. Katsuki Kurusu and Rei Suwa fumble through their new shared life as parents to a four-year-old Miri Unasaka. What seemed like a temporary situation at first, stops looking temporary when genuine affection and care for the little girl and her well-being start to blossom in both men’s hearts.
13 episodes - action, comedy
This one was so good. I loved every minute of this and the characters’ dynamics worked so well together. Anyone in the shows comment section who complained about Miri being annoying had clearly never been around young children and it showed. Miri is a delightful little girl who loves her dads very much. There was also a fair bit of action in this which was a nice change of pace amidst all the parenthood things.
My New Boss Is Goofy
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Momose Kentaro is a 26-year-old office worker working for a marketing firm, Minette. He is new to the job, having just recently quit his previous job due to power harrassement and abuse he received from his former boss. Can his new clumsy and little goofy manager Shirosaki Yuusei make him feel comfortable in his new job?
12 episodes - comedy, slice of life
I love everything about this show. The characters, the storylines in each episode, the art style. This just makes you feel happy and a little giddy. Definitely my favourite show of the year. This one earned the top spot on my rewatchable shows list.
If you liked Play It Cool, Guys or The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague, you might like this one.
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions
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Kamonohashi Ron was the best stundent of an elite detective school until an incident took away his future career path and made him live as a recluse as he refused to receive any information about the world outside his four walls. One day a police detective Totomaru Isshiki is adviced to approach Ron about a series of cases that have stumped the police for a while now. But because Ron is not allowed to do any sleuthing, Totomaru has to work as Ron’s puppet of sorts. Oh, and there is also the thing about having to keep Ron from influencing the killers to take their own lives. Oh well.
13 episodes - comedy, mystery
I’m a sucker for anything ’Sherlock Holmes’ type of media so this show was right up my alley. Eagerly waiting for the confirmed second season.
Play It Cool, Guys
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Group of goofy and clumsy guys from different stages of life happen to meet one another and develop heartwarming friendships. Little mishaps won’t ruin their day!
24 (short) episodes - slice of life
Easily one of my favourites of the year. Watching this felt like sipping a cup of hot green tea while wrapped up in a blanket. Instant rewatch.
If you enjoyed The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague or My New Boss is Goofy, you might also like this one
Vanitas no Karte
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A vampire named Noé Archiviste is looking for a book called ’the book of Vanitas’ in the 19th century Paris, when he unexpectedly meets a man calling himself Vanitas and carries the book he’s searching for. The Vanitas he meets isn’t the original maker of the book but a doctor who possesses the ability to save vampires by returning their true names to them.
24 episodes - action, fantasy, mystery
Me, mere minutes into the first episode: ”If anything were to happen to Noé, I would kill everyone in this room and the myself.” Anyway, love me some vampire action, especially with that late 1800s, early 1900s Paris vibe. Delicious.
Vampire Dies in No Time
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One day vampire hunter Ronald is tasked to infiltrate a castle and save a woman’s son. Things don’t quite go as he expected. Inside the palace, he meets a vampire called Draluc, who is truly so pathetically weak that he turns to ash from smallest of things that ahppen to startle him, and Draluc’s companion, armadillo John. The kid he seeked was totally fine and playing with Draluc’s video games. Oh and Draluc’s castle gets destroyed. Yeah… Ronald has a new roommate now.
2 seasons - comedy, supernatural
This truly is armadillo John’s world and we’re just living in it.
Love me some more vampire action. Only this time it’s a lot less angsty and violent and a lot more ridiculous and goofy. I laughed so much while watching this.
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writingpiecesak · 2 years
What would 💥Katsuki Bakugou💥 do if….
He saw you practice fighting moves by yourself.
While strolling with Kirishima on a sunny day of U.A, Katsuki heard some weird grunting. The two went and followed the sounds that led to an empty gym. It was spacious so that’s probably how they heard the echoes of relentless noise coming from, what they now learned was you.
Katsuki watched you punch the air with your bright blue fists, he figured you were going through quirk training but the stances and combat looked like standard defensive fighting.
“Hey Shima, take my bag back to the dorms. I’m thinking of staying here.”
“And just watch? That’s kinda creepy dude.”
“Just do what I say!” He walked off heading towards the entrance doors making sure not to be seen by you. Kirishima laughed it off and headed back to the dorms leaving his curious friend behind.
Katsuki watched, now at a closer range, how you were failing miserably at nailing a spinning hook kick. You had the stance and even the spin, it’s just raising your leg high enough to break that wood apart is what’s the problem. He looked around your surroundings to see your school bag and gym bag placed near the door. An empty hydro flask rolling to a corner, some empty water bottles in your bag as well.
How long has she been here? He wondered. His eyes traveled back to you as you spun one more time and maybe you twisted yourself too fast, but you ended up on your butt with a pout from pain. Katsuki slightly smiled, he knew better than to laugh right now.
“Damn it! Why can’t I just do it! Bakugou makes it look so easy..” Your voice breaks nearly overwhelmed with emotions. Distraught, stressed, bitter, and too tired. You swallowed the lump in your throat and got back up. You took one big breath in, closing your eyes while getting into your fighting stance. Fists clenched tight and strong, legs digging deep into the ground stable, getting ready to turn. To build momentum and power in your kick, you begin to swing your arms around with the stepping of your non-kicking leg in front of you. As you now spin about 180 degrees and are looking over your kicking leg's shoulder you exhale all the stress you had built up over the weeks of nailing this one particular move.
Only your foot didn’t break any wood, it didn’t even touch the dummy holding it. Instead, it was met with a firm hold from a hand that was attached to the main reason why you were here. You could feel the heat radiating off his palms. He swiftly tossed your foot down and had you on your ass again, but this time instead of feeling failure, Katsuki stood there in his signature black tee, uniform shirt on ground lending you his hand to get back up.
“Do it again.”
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 1 month
Sweaty In All The Right Places
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/L2aGpSg by M4nEat3r Receptionist!Bakugou and Pottery!Shima have been dating for a little over two months now, and Kirishima is just as ridiculously fucking sexy as ever. When Bakugou comes over earlier than planned one day, and sees Kirishima fresh off work, he just can't help himself from indulging. Words: 4544, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of PotteryShima Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou Additional Tags: Top Kirishima Eijirou, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Kirishima Eijirou is a Dork, Gay Kirishima Eijirou, Bottom Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Sweat, Scent Kink, Anal Fingering, Anal, Anal Play, Blow Jobs, Teasing, Dirty Talk, Dirty Jokes, Older Man/Younger Man, Older Kirishima Eijirou, Kissing, Kirishima Eijirou Has a Big Dick, Cock Worship, Large Cock, Cock Warming, Worship, Unsafe Sex, Crying, Deepthroating read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/L2aGpSg
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 1 year
In the Moonlight
In The Moonlight by constellationkiri
With his eyes halfway closed, he opened the door, revealing his best friend sitting against his door frame, still in his hero costume. His brain jump started, and he knelt down next to Katsuki who had his eyes closed and his head resting on the wall behind him.
“Katsuki?” He asked, concern making his throat close. He hadn't seen him in…
“Hey, ‘Shima.” Katsuki said with a half-hearted smile, his eyes fluttering open.
“Dude, what happened?”
Words: 1994, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 54 of When The Stars Collide
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Fluff, Confessions, Minor Injuries, Friends to Lovers, Comfort, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Aged-Up Character(s), Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Pro Hero Kirishima Eijirou
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47370982
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thedubiouspeach · 1 year
New Layout New Me!
I think it's only fair that since I've been nothing but an enigma on this site that I properly introduce myself!
Hi! My name is Bliss! I'm a 25-year-old LGBTQ+ & Neurodivergent writer. I am a Jhin main first and a human never. My fixation is primarily Jhin-centric, but I tend to hop across a multitude of fandoms!
Said fandoms include:
League of Legends
Baldur's Gate 3 (Astarion-centric interest)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Sonic The Hedgehog
91 Days
Sun Haven
Buddy Daddies
Blue Exorcist
Yuri On Ice
Kuroko no Basket
Soul Eater
Dragon Ball Z
Steven Universe
Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra
Suitor Armor
I'm a hopeless romantic and throw together ships whenever possible because it's fun and I enjoy exploring dynamics. I sometimes find myself in Rarepair Hell and it is of every fault of my own.
Current ships and their ship names if they have one in my mind's eye:
Jhin / Rakan - Golden Lotus
Jhin / Pyke - Red Water Dreams
Jhin / Yone - Method Acting
Jhin / Yasuo - Freelance Artists
Jhin / Varus - Sacrilegious Shots
Jhin / Vladimir - Crimson Affairs
Jhin / Pyke / Rakan - Weight In Gold
Jhin / Rakan / Yone - Standing Ovation
Jhin / Rakan / Yasuo - Travelling Show
Jhin / Pyke / Rakan / Yasuo / Ezreal / Akshan - The Men Pile
Irelia / Xayah - Kingslayers
Irelia / Xayah / Akali / Nilah - Sparring Practice
Irelia / Xayah / Akali / Nilah / Neeko - Battle Born
Xayah / Sett - Fisticuffs
Shusei Kagari / Shinya Kogami - Kissed Knuckles
Satoru Gojo / Kento Nanami - See No Evil
Hiromi Higuruma / Kento Nanami
Satoru Gojo / Kento Nanami / Hiromi Higuruma
Yuji Itadori / Megumi Fushiguro
Yuta Okkotsu / Toge Inumaki - Speak No Evil
Jun / Dr. Wornhardt
Jun / Vaan
Dr. Wornhardt / Jun / Vaan
Jun / Vaan / Donovan
Jun / Van / Donovan / Dr. Wornhardt / Darius
Rei Suwa / Kazuki Kurusu
Ryouta Kise / Yukio Kasamatsu - Kisamatsu
Daiki Aomine / Taiga Kagami - Kagomine
Kotaro Hayama / Shun Izuki
Kotaro Hayama / Taiga Kagami - Hot-Head Express
Katsuki Yuuri / Victor Nikiforov - Victory/Victuuri/Victuri
Shadow the Hedgehog / Sonic the Hedgehog - Sonadow (duh)
Goku / Vegeta
Rin Okumura / Renzou Shima - Cotton Candy Complications
Shiro Fujimoto / Mephisto Pheles
Nero Vanetti / Angelo Lagusa - Russian Roulette
Katara / Zuko
Trevor Belmont / Alucard / Sypha Belnades - The Usual Suspects
Death the Kid / Crona
Pearl / Bismuth
Sapphire / Ruby
I won't participate in ship discourse. I just won't, it's not worth it. I have my reservations on certain things and Imma keep it to myself.
What I will do is participate in fandom, fandom activities, and the occasional discourse about the shows/games/comics themselves!
Interests & Hobbies:
When I'm offline I tend to read here and there.
I write mostly romantic/ship-related fanfic and even original works with original characters! Occasionally, I post poetry when I'm in A Mood(TM).
It's an absolute delight to talk about all of my characters that I've taken so much time to craft <3
I make playlists on Spotify and Youtube based on stories I've written, favorite characters, favorite ships, and original characters! I'll be adding those links to my Carrd once I have them both up-to-date c:
I'm not entirely sure what I should be posting on Tumblr? This site is very awkward for me and I feel a tad isolated every time I open it. So if anyone has any ideas of what they'd like to see or a better way to be more engaging drop me an ask!
I might make a post for snippet requests and whatnot that y'all can choose from as well! It'll take a bit, but it'll be up eventually lol.
If you wanna find me anywhere else like Twitter, AO3, Commaful, Wattpad (Idk why, but it's an option), and more then you can find my Carrd in my bio!
Thanks for reading this far and getting to know me! If you have any questions then you know where the ask and DM buttons are c:
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hyuge · 1 year
Day One: Soulmates
Eijirou knew. He knew from the moment their hands clasped in midair that Bakugou Katsuki was his soulmate. The second they connected with that resounding clap and Bakugou smirked that cocky grin of his saying, “what are you, an idiot?” that they were meant to be together forever. That fact was punctuated by the familiar soul-bond that appeared on his wrist. Bakugou’s erratic heartbeat from the adrenaline coursing through his veins echoed in time with Eijirou’s own frantic heart. The pale lines on his skin moved up and down in rapid succession and he knew Bakugou was seeing and feeling the exact same thing he was.
It brought comfort to him. No matter how far apart they were, or how dangerous the mission was, Eijirou just had to look down at his wrist to know Bakugou was okay. He would watch those pale, pink lines go up and down for hours. Often times, it was what lulled him to sleep at night, especially on the worst of days.
So, when he stood on the battlefield, after having said goodbye to the love of his life for the umpteenth time, and watched that line on his wrist go flat, his world froze. There were shouts all around him. People needed his help, but all he could think of was Bakugou, kilometers away at the floating island that had become their school, fighting the greatest villain they had ever faced. Not Bakugou, he repeated to himself like a mantra. Anyone else but him. It was cruel of him to wish ill-intent on his friends and fellow heroes, but Eijirou wasn’t thinking straight. The heroes were supposed to keep him safe.
That heartbeat was not meant to flatline. Again, he failed to keep Bakugou safe when it was most important. Again, he was nowhere near the blond to protect him. If he had been there—would it have mattered? Could he have protected his soulmate from someone that could disintegrate an entire city without even touching it? Eijirou would never know. Instead, he’s left a broken and empty shell of a human being, with a Quirk that can harden his skin, but not his heart, and a soul-bond that no longer resonates with the heartbeat of his soulmate.
“—shima. Kirishima!” Someone shook his shoulder, breaking him of his trance. He looked up to see Ashido standing next to him, sweat dripping from her brow as she stared at him with concern in those inky-black eyes. “Kirishima, move!” she shouted in his face. Realization dawned on him a beat too late as she was shoving him out of the way of an incoming villain attack.
They rolled to the ground, and he hardened his back to brace for their fall. They were pressed chest to chest, noses bumping together as Ashido stood up and dusted herself off. “What’s wrong with you? You can’t be spacing out like that,” she chided him.
Eijirou’s tongue felt thick in his mouth as he tried to work out the words. He gulped, then sat up, and lifted his wrist for her to see. “Katsuki,” he choked out with a sob.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 1 year
Wraith's Law
Wraith's Law by Shima snmds
What do you do when not even your mother is on your side?
For Izuku, life is hard. It's difficult to cope with the fact that his mother stopped loving him so easily after claiming to his whole life, and for what? “A villain's quirk,” she calls it. “Both a burden and a gift," his dad says. But, what does Izuku call it? “A curse,” he whispers, “It brings nothing but harm and fear. The opposite of what a hero should make people feel.”
So who's going to stop Izuku when he decides he doesn't want to be a hero or a villain? “I'll become someone that can protect people without the limitations,” Izuku promises. It is at this moment that the Wraith's law is issued.
Words: 6965, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku's Family, Bakugou Katsuki's Family, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Kayama Nemuri | Midnight & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Eri & Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku Needs Therapy, Midoriya Izuku Needs Help, Midoriya Inko's Bad Parenting, Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Hisashi, Abandoned Midoriya Izuku, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Needs a Break, Genius Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has All for One Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Has Trust Issues, Homeless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is Bad at Feelings, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Chaos, unless, Trauma, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi Friendship, Midoriya Izuku Swears, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Izuku Has PTSD, Midoriya Izuku Has a High Pain Tolerance, Midoriya Izuku Has a Knife, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Are Siblings, Tags Contain Spoilers, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Not Canon Compliant, Pre-Canon, During Canon
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47014444
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shima-draws · 2 years
Is he. Is he really. Is he really,, b. Ba. Bakugone?????
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Wraith's Law
Wraith's Law by Shima snmds
What do you do when not even your mother is on your side?
For Izuku, life is hard. It's difficult to cope with the fact that his mother stopped loving him so easily after claiming to his whole life, and for what? “A villain's quirk,” she calls it. “Both a burden and a gift," his dad says. But, what does Izuku call it? “A curse,” he whispers, “It brings nothing but harm and fear. The opposite of what a hero should make people feel.”
So who's going to stop Izuku when he decides he doesn't want to be a hero or a villain? “I'll become someone that can protect people without the limitations,” Izuku promises. It is at this moment that the Wraith's law is issued.
Words: 3187, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku's Family, Bakugou Katsuki's Family, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Kayama Nemuri | Midnight & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku Needs Therapy, Midoriya Izuku Needs Help, Midoriya Inko's Bad Parenting, Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Hisashi, Abandoned Midoriya Izuku, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Needs a Break, Genius Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has All for One Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Has Trust Issues, Homeless Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku is Bad at Feelings, Midoriya Izuku is a Problem Child, Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Chaos, unless, Trauma, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi Friendship, Midoriya Izuku Swears, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Izuku Has PTSD, Midoriya Izuku Has a High Pain Tolerance, Midoriya Izuku Has a Knife, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Are Siblings, Tags Contain Spoilers, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Not Canon Compliant, Pre-Canon, During Canon
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47014444
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jujutsukatsuki · 2 years
𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓜𝓮
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Name: Samantha
Age: 21
Zodiac: Leo
Shows I watch: Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, Attack On Titan, Tokyo Revengers, Stranger Things, Bungo Stray Dogs, Inuyasha, Demon Slayer, Spy x Family, Blue Exorcist, Devil Is A Part Timer, Death Note, Noragami, Kakegurui
Favorite Characters: *Characters i simp for are in bold*
JJK: Yuuta Okkotsu, Mai Zenin, Maki Zenin, Megumi Fushiguro, Toji Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Toge Inumaki, Noritoshi Kamo
MHA: Bakugou Katsuki, Eijiro Kirishima, Shoto Todoroki, Midnight, Mount Lady, Mirko, Dabi, Toga, Denki Kaminari, Momo Yaoyorozu, Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, Eri
Attack On Titan: Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman, Annie Leonhart, Carla Yeager *sorry Eren your mom is a milf*
Tokyo Revengers: Manjiro ‘Mikey’ Sano
Stranger Things: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson, Jane ‘Eleven’ Hopper, Joyce Byers, Will Byers, Karen Wheeler, Robin Buckley
Bungo Stray Dogs: Osamu Dazai
Inuyasha: Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango
Demon Slayer: Giyu, Kanao, Uzui, Nezuko, Hinatsuru, Makio, Suma
Spy x Family: Loid, Yor, Anya
Blue Exorcist: Yukio Okumura, Renzo Shima, Shiro Fujimoto
Devil Is A Part Timer: Sadao Maou, Shirō Ashiya
Death Note: Light Yagami, Misa Amane, Touta Matsuda
Genshin Impact: Beidou, Candace, Chongyun, Cyno, Diluc, Eula, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Kazuha, Kaeya, Itto, Klee, Sara, Kuki, Mona, Keqing, Ayaka, Ayato, Qiqi, Ei, Shenhe, Venti, Xingqiu, Yae, Yanfei, Layla, Dehya
Favorite Color: Purple, Pink
Favorite things: Dc Comics, Sanrio, soft blankets, cold weather, big hoodies, bunnies, stuffed animals
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redriotkiri · 2 years
“you tell absolutely fuckin’ nobody ‘bout this. got it, shitty hair?” for such secrecy, katsuki even does his best to usher eijirou into his room, slamming the door shut behind him and sighing; what is it, exactly, that requires such necessary dodging of the others in the class? one probably wouldn’t expect a nintendo switch. or, more specifically, the game loaded up on it - animal crossing: new horizons, with a stylised version of katsuki standing in the middle of the screen, holding a net in hand. “been playing between homework. ‘n i’m showin’ ‘cause if y’got it too, i have some shit i’m willing to trade out… but i swear to fucking god, if anyone else finds out by tomorrow, you’re all dead.” / he’s really just a nerd sjfkd
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The curiosity is killing him as he follows Bakugou into his room like he has some deep, dark secret he's hiding in there. His thoughts are all over the place as he tries to imagine what it could be, what the blond could possibly need to be so cagey about, but before his mind can wander too far, he pulls out....... a Switch? Kirishima almost doesn't hide his disappointment in time, although it's quickly replaced by amusement as he settles in to sit beside his friend with a smile.
"Man, I thought you were gonna be hiding like, a body in here or something with the way you were talking." He starts with a soft laugh, leaning over to bump Katsuki gently with his shoulder. "I do have it, but my island doesn't look as nice as yours. I get distracted really easily while I'm playing, but it's a really nice game to just relax with when you're trying to wind down, isn't it? I like your little mini you. Did you get him the red eyes to match yours? I had to time travel to buy them for myself 'cause they're only available in October, they really pull islander Shima's design together though."
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 8 months
A Kissing Booth?
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/7v583oJ by constellationkiri “A kissing booth? Come on ‘Shima, that's fucking gross.” Eijiro pouted, “It's not! It's for charity. It's cute!” He argued. “Kissing is fucking gross.” Katsuki repeated, “You’re gonna get sick kissing all those extras.” “I’m not! And it's not just like lips and stuff. The girls say I can kiss cheeks and all that.” “It's a kissing booth, Ei. Some stupid girl is gonna wanna kiss you.” Words: 1626, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 61 of When The Stars Collide Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou Additional Tags: Fluff, First Kiss, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Supportive Bakusquad (My Hero Academia) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/7v583oJ
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notmykirk · 2 years
**Links may lead you to my old writing, now personal blog**
Rodric Epilogue [2.3k+]     From where you stand, there’s nothing but sky in front, and Rodric’s body is comparatively small in the foreground of the infinite blue, like a faded fresco with no depth.
Connor (Rk800) Collision Course  / Part Two [3.3k+]    Bound to happen, bound to happen, there’s only so much a person can do to stall the inevitable. It was bound to happen. Pub Crawl [800+]      Your Brother convinces Connor to go out on a pub crawl with a few of his friends. The two brave heroes return home worse for wear.
Gen. Sole Survivor / Part Two [1.3k+]     Wake up. And Again.
RJ MacCready Something Good [2.8k+] [18+ only]    Maybe it’s time MacCready’s thought about going back for something he left in the Capital Wasteland. Maybe he just needs a little push.
Boyd “Bible” Swan Rain [500+]    It’s hot in Africa. Misery [800+]    He makes you want to believe.
Donny Donowitz Trophy [500+]     The Commonwealth never saw him comin’. (Fallout 4 AU)
Sirius Black Cold Hands, [800+] Request. Rain in the Night [400+] Request.
France (Francis Bonnefoy) Horizon Blue [11.3k+]     As French field medics and stretcher bearers in the Great War, your only purpose is to prolong human life, so why is it that you dream of memories no longer yours, and love Bonnefoy’s blue eyes with all your heart, when they are familiar and unfamiliar to you, still?   Playlist | Notes: I Red Cross [500+]    Two weeks later. (Epilogue of Horizon Blue) Trenches [600+]    The German artillery continues without end. (Prologue to Horizon Blue)
Prusia (Gilbert Beilschmidt) Östliche Helden [Completed Series] [16k+]     The year is 1986. It is the height of the Cold War. You are a university student in East Berlin, and you are in love.
Joe (Junkdog) Rinse, Repeat [1.6k+]     It’s not a very original story, but that’s because it’s happened before, and it’ll happen again. In which the reader is a stripper, and JD walks them home after dark.
Bakugou Katsuki BLiNK: The Story of an All-American Hero [Series] [6k+]     A second-year, American transfer-student walks into Classroom 2-A and everything changes for the better.
Lew “Chuckler” Juergens Corpsman [300+]     Corpsmen are not allowed to have moments of weakness.
Robert Leckie Jungle [400+]    Guadalcanal is not the tropical vacation you hoped for.
RV Burgin Harbor [600+]     Melbourne is in the distance. Pilot [900+]     Home looks different from up in the sky.
Stanley Mellish Beachhead [800+]    A Hitler Youth knife and a breakdown. Miracle [1k+]    The bayonet nears his chest; you have a Luger.
Daisuke Shima (Mark Venture) Ad Venture [Series] [6k+]     Fall in love over the course of a year, fall in love over the course of a lifetime. Nobody aboard the Yamato knew exactly what to expect when they accepted that they might be trading in their lives for the sake of their home, but they keep on carrying on for the sake of the planet they love.
[Last Updated: Jun.4.22] Posting Schedule Word Count (as of May.27.21): 124k
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