hyuge ¡ 2 days
Hospital Blues and Fantasy Hues
The lights are too bright, and the smell of antiseptic constantly tickles his nose as Katsuki lays in the godforsaken hospital bed after the war. Everything aches and it’s hard to breathe most days. The doctors said one of his lungs collapsed when his heart exploded. Turns out threading the muscle fibers of a heart back together in the middle of a war zone is a terrible way to triage a fatal wound but if it hadn’t been done, Katsuki would never have made it to the hospital. He would have died long before the battle ended, and that thought terrifies him. The nurses have to sedate him at night in order for him to get any sleep otherwise the night terrors make him thrash violently, ripping out wires, stitches, and IVs. It's a headache for everyone involved and sometimes Katsuki wishes the pro heroes hadn’t sacrificed so much to save him. Edgeshot is gone, and for what? He’s a mess. He’ll never be able to use his quirk the same way again. He’ll likely never be able to go pro now. His power has been cut in half. A prosthetic can’t sweat, which means he can now only create explosive blasts from his left hand. He won’t be able to fly anymore. God, Katsuki was so elated the first time he successfully flew in the air. There was nothing more freeing than launching himself hundreds of feet above the ground in a matter of seconds. Even Bird Brain can’t go that fast.
It's one of his bad days, where he’s left alone with his thoughts, staring out the window as life goes on, when there’s a knock at the door. It opens without him responding. It still hurts to talk. The nurses and doctors tell him he needs to conserve his energy and rest. He hates laying in a bed unable to move. His gaze drifts slowly toward the door. His vision is blurry, but that bright red hair is distinguishable anywhere. Kirishima moves to sit on the left side of Katsuki’s bed where he can see him best. The doctors said they managed to save his right eye, but he’s going to need one damn strong prescription to see out of it properly again.
“How are you feeling today?” asks Kirishima, smiling softly. He asks the same question every day because he comes to visit Katsuki every day. Even his parents aren’t here that frequently. They make do but their architectural firm is even busier than before. They’re helping with the relief efforts to rebuild the country. They’re true heroes unlike the bedridden shell he has become.
Katsuki reaches for his oxygen mask and lowers it to his chin. “Wish I could leave,” he says, because it’s the truth. Maybe his mood would be better if he weren’t stuck in this bed all the time.
“They’ll let you out soon,” says Kirishima. He sets his hand atop Katsuki’s and lifts the mask back over his mouth. They both know it’s not true. He has months of extensive recovery work in the hospital before he gets out, but the warmth from Kirishima’s hand and the kindness in his voice are comforting enough that he almost believes it.
Katsuki lets his hand fall to his side and turns his head, cheek brushing against the pillow as he squints to see Kirishima better. He closes his bad eye, looking only out of his left and his vision clears. He’s wearing his school uniform. Class has been back in session for a few weeks. Kirishima must have come as soon as school let out. He’s talking about something, but Katsuki misses it. There’s a ringing in his ears that comes and goes—tinnitus, another wonderful side effect of having overworked his quirk the way he did. He tries to focus, and the ringing slowly subsides.
“—sent me flying but I was able to stop him. Man, I don’t want to praise a villain, but Rappa is so strong, and he just wants to fight other strong people. It really made me feel good that he saw me as a rival. Probably the last time I’ll get to fight him though… The government is doing a massive overhaul on all the high security prisons.”
Katsuki blinks, trying to register everything Kirishima was just saying. It’s slow. His mind is sluggish from all the painkillers he’s on. He reaches for the oxygen mask again, lowering it to speak. “You fought that big guy… from the yakuza?”
Kirishima nods. The sunlight filtering in through the hospital room window casts a halo over the crown of his head. It suits him. Kirishima has always been angelic. He shrugs, suddenly looking self-conscious about bragging and says, “Yeah. Sorry. I shouldn’t be excited. Everyone was risking their lives and I know the battles were hard. There was a lot of emotional damage done on the others: Midoriya, Uraraka, Todoroki… I guess for once it was just nice to know that a villain thought of me as their equal and wanted to fight me.”
“You’re my equal,” Katsuki says but even as he says the words, he doesn’t believe it. Not because Kirishima isn’t strong enough, no, on the contrary. He’s stronger than Katsuki. Katsuki isn’t Kirishima’s equal.
They fall into silence after that, neither one of them sure how to carry the conversation from there. Katsuki’s mind wanders. He doesn’t like it when his mind wanders. The quiet scares him, so many new fears he didn’t have before. His eyes fall shut. He’s tired, always tired, but he doesn’t want to sleep, not with Kirishima beside him.
Kirishima clears his throat. “I—uh—I’ll go. You should get some rest.”
Katsuki snaps his eyes open to see Kirishima scratching the back of his neck. He moves to stand, and Katsuki reaches for him much too quickly. He winces, feeling his stitches tug on his skin, and grabs Kirishima’s hand. “Don’t go,” he says, beneath his oxygen mask.
Kirishima sits back down slowly and carefully picks up Katsuki’s hand, placing it back on the bed. “Okay, I’ll stay,” he says. “I’m not sure what to talk about.”
Katsuki moves the stupid fucking mask. “Anything,” he croaks. “Anything to fill the silence. Please.” He hates begging. His chest aches and his throat is thick as he fights back tears. He doesn’t want the quiet to come. Mindless rambling was always annoying but not when it’s Kirishima’s. His voice fills Katsuki with immeasurable comfort. He won’t tell him that though, not in the hospital hooked up to tubes and wires. There’s a lot of things he wants to say to Kirishima but not here, not like this. So, he’d rather listen until the day comes when he can be independent again and it doesn’t hurt to breathe, when looking at the void where his arm used to be doesn’t fill him with a sadness as deep as the Mariana Trench.
“Okay,” repeats Kirishima. He sits silently, contemplating, then smiles. The evening’s golden light makes him glow as he parts his lips to speak. “Have you ever heard the story of the barbarian prince and his dragon companion?”
Katsuki knits his brows together, studying Kirishima. “No.”
“Hah. Okay.” Kirishima scratches the back of his neck again like he does when he’s nervous. What does he have to be nervous about? “It would be so cool to live in a fantasy world with magic and stuff.”
Katsuki rolls his eyes. “Our world is fantastical enough as it is.” He puts the mask back on and sucks in a deep breath. His lungs burn but they’re thankful for the added rush of air. “Go on,” he says into the mask. It’s stifled, but Kirishima hears him. Katsuki watches the bob of Kirishima’s Adam’s apple and the way he picks at his nails. He’s stalling.
“So, once upon a time—”
“Once upon a time,” Katsuki barks. It hurts to laugh. He coughs and Kirishima admonishes him for it.
“Be quiet and let me tell the story.”
“Fine,” Katsuki concedes. He relaxes into the pillow and shuts his eyes so that he can listen properly, envisioning the world Kirishima is about to create in his head.
“A long time ago there was this fierce barbarian prince. His family owned the largest kingdom in the entire land. They were well respected; feared by their enemies and loved by their people. The prince was strong and handsome and manly. Everyone wanted to be him or court him. He was very direct about what he wanted and while it rubbed some people the wrong way, others admired him for how straightforward and determined he was. His strength wasn’t just physical either. The prince was super smart and tactical. His magic was unmatched. So, he got bored easily. There wasn’t anyone he considered his equal because of how strong he was. He wanted to fight even stronger people to prove he was worthy of leading someday.”
Katsuki lowers his mask and speaks without opening his eyes. “He sounds cool.”
“Yeah,” says Kirishima fondly. “He really is.”
That makes Katsuki crack his eye open and peer at the soft expression on Kirishima’s face, the way the corners of his mouth are just slightly upturned, and the look in his red eyes is a little distant. Katsuki’s heart aches seeing him like that and not because of his injury. Kirishima clears his throat and continues.
“The prince decided to set out on a journey to find someone he could call his equal. He met and battled all sorts of people and creatures on his journey but none he would call worthy of being his partner. He slayed some ogres, fought some bandits, cleared out a cave of goblins, and while he enjoyed the fights, they never left him feeling satisfied. He had been traveling alone for a while when he heard rumors of a dragon nearby. The prince decided to check out whether or not the rumors were true. He wanted to take on the challenge of fighting a creature as big and strong as a dragon.
“He went to the forest where the dragon’s den was supposed to be and followed a trail that seemed too big to be anything but. The dragon was eating when the prince found him. He made a warning growl, but the prince wasn’t deterred. He unsheathed his sword and pointed it at the dragon, shouting, ‘Hey, you overgrown lizard! I want you to fight me and if I win, you have to become my partner!’
“The dragon huffed a breath of warm air and said, ‘If I win, you’ll be dead,’ which made the prince grin triumphantly.”
Katsuki snorts. “The prince sounds like an idiot.”
“Yeah,” says Kirishima, “but that didn’t stop him. He fought the dragon with his sword and with his magic, sending waves of fireballs at the beast. It was a heated battle.” Kirishima laughs at his own joke. “The prince used his spells to propel himself into the air to avoid the dragon’s lethal tail swings and the dragon spewed flames from its mouth into the air to keep from burning the forest. The dragon was enjoying the battle almost as much as the prince was. They both found someone worth fighting for once. The sound of sword clashing against scale echoed through the trees, and trenches were dug from the dragon’s massive talons scraping against the ground. The prince was getting tired and knew if he didn’t finish the battle quickly, he would die, so he landed on the dragon’s snout and swung his sword, slashing just above the dragon’s eye where the scales were thinnest.
The dragon shook him off and wrapped its giant hands over its face, covering its eye. Gradually, it’s size began to shrink until it was the size of a human man. The dragon stood in front of the prince with one hand covering his eye and the other held out for the prince to shake. ‘Looks like you win,’ said the dragon. The prince stared at him, surprised to see the dragon look so human. His eyelid was bleeding, but the dragon didn’t seem to care. He smiled at the prince and spread his large red wings wide behind his back.
“‘You can shapeshift!’ said the prince, taking the dragon’s hand. The dragon nodded and pulled his other hand away from his face with blood trickling down his cheek. The prince pulled his hand free and tore a part of his cloak, handing it to the dragon. ‘Here. Use this to help stop the bleeding,’ he said. The dragon took it and pressed it to his eye.”
A knock on the door startles them both and Katsuki looks to see the nurse walk in. “Apologies, but visiting hours are over now.”
Kirishima bows apologetically. “Sorry. I’ll go now.” He turns to Katsuki and smiles. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Bakugou.”
Katsuki pulls the mask off his face and takes a slow breath. “You better tell me the rest of the story.”
Kirishima beams at him, thrilled that Katsuki wants him to continue. “Promise.” He holds out his pinky and even though Katsuki rolls his eyes, he happily locks pinkies.
Kirishima returns the next day as soon as school lets out. He’s red in the face from running the whole way from the bus stop. Katsuki’s brows arch as he watches Kirishima stumble to take his seat next to the bed. “H-hey,” he greets, breathless.
Katsuki lowers his mask. “Why the rush?” His voice is raspy. He had physical therapy earlier in the day which resulted in an abundance of shouting and cursing from the pain.
Kirishima drops his bag on the floor and slides the chair up against Katsuki’s bed, placing himself inches away. “Just wanted to get here as quickly as possible. I know how lonely you get.”
“M’not lonely.”
They both know it’s a lie, but Kirishima doesn’t call him out on it. Instead, he smiles and says, “Where did we leave off yesterday?”
Katsuki buries himself in the pillows and holds his oxygen mask in his hand. “Shitty dragon lost to the prince.” The elastic on the mask snaps and smacks against his face. Katsuki scowls.
“You deserved that,” teases Kirishima. “The dragon isn’t shitty. He’s manly.”
Katsuki rolls his eyes. Kirishima starts to talk again, recounting the story as if he had been there in that fantasy land. The dragon and the barbarian prince travel together. They make the perfect pair and even though the prince beats him in battle, he doesn’t look down on the dragon. They’re a partner duo, not master/servant. They spend all their time together visiting new lands, fighting monsters, defeating bad guys, taking on odd jobs when one is posted. They don’t need the money, the prince brought a hefty amount of coin with him on his journey and the dragon has a lofty sum accumulated in his horde, but they take the pay. They donate it whenever possible. The prince never tells anyone who he is. He wants to see the kingdoms as a traveler, not as royalty, and he doesn’t fear death by anonymity. They’re too strong to be killed.
“—the dragon admired the barbarian prince. Everyone admired him. The people they helped showered him with praise, but they were wary of the dragon. Whenever they turned in a job, the dragon would stay back so that the villagers wouldn’t be afraid. The prince would collect their reward and head back to him. He always smiled after hearing how good of a job he did. When the dragon would tell him the same, he’d just shrug it off and say it wasn’t a big deal.
“The dragon would brush it off. He was happy enough just getting to adventure with the prince, so they’d head to the next town and take another job. They’d camp in the woods or find an inn to stay at. It was the two of them against the world.”
Everyday after school Kirishima would rush to Katsuki’s bedside. Work studies are canceled for the near future, so he has time to kill. The HPSC and the Japanese government are both in the middle of rebuilding. Because of that, they decided that student hero work would be put on pause indefinitely. That was one less thing for Katsuki to worry about falling behind at, not that he has any shot of going pro anymore.
He listens as Kirishima continues to tell stories about the dragon with his impenetrable scales and the barbarian prince with his explosive fire magic. With each visit, Kirishima becomes livelier with his storytelling. Katsuki watches as he jumps around the room, pretending to be the characters fighting. He watches the way Kirishima stands on the chair as if they’ve just conquered a battle. He laughs when the nurses chide him for his outlandish behavior, and Kirishima’s forced to apologize and sit down. It brightens Katsuki’s days, and he feels less like he wishes he had died.
They meet other people on their adventures, but in the end, it’s always the barbarian prince and the dragon. The two of them are inseparable and they don’t feel the need to have others around for exceedingly long. They explore caves, they slay monsters, and when one is injured, the other does everything in their power to tend to the wounds. When they camp, the dragon varies between sleeping in his full form or as a human. On cold nights, he takes his true form, allowing the barbarian prince to curl up next to him and leach off his body heat. When it’s warm, they sleep in bedrolls beside one another, the campfire crackling a few feet away. They never pitch tents—they block the view of the stars above.
It's romantic, though Katsuki won’t admit that thought aloud.
After two weeks of Kirishima’s storytelling, he gets to a part he has difficulty with. Katsuki watches him struggle to tell the story the same way he did when he first started telling it. He assumes Kirishima is likely running out of ideas for it, until he finally speaks.
“One night, the barbarian prince and the dragon got separated. They agreed to meet up later in the evening after completing a lengthy list of errands they needed to run. While they were a part, an evil warlock that specialized in torture and death magic captured the prince. He had apparently been watching them for some time. The dragon was devastated when he found out. If he hadn’t left the prince’s side, then maybe he never would have been captured.”
“There’s no way to know that for sure,” says Katsuki.
Kirishima gives him a sad smile. His lips are turned up, but his forehead is scrunched, and he shakes his head. “He should have been there. The dragon will never forgive himself for not being there.”
“It’s just a story,” says Katsuki, studying Kirishima carefully.
“Yeah,” says Kirishima. He sighs. “The dragon sent an urgent message to some of the people they met while traveling. They were able to help him find the warlock’s location and cause a distraction for him. When the warlock and his allies were distracted, the dragon swooped in from above and called out to the prince. He used his fire magic to launch himself into the air and land right on the dragon’s back. The rest of their friends withdrew, and the dragon scooped them up as well. They made a hasty retreat. When they were far enough from the warlock, the dragon set their friends on the ground, thanked them, and flew off into the night with the prince.
“They found an inn to stay at. The dragon didn’t want to risk being out in the forest, so they paid for a single room. It took a lot of reassuring from the prince that he was okay for the dragon to calm down. He kept getting worked up and starting to transform and the prince had to remind him that the fees would come out of his horde if they destroyed the inn because he went ‘full dragon’ while they were inside. The dragon didn’t sleep that night. He laid awake until the sun came up, watching the prince as he slept. Whenever his eyes shut for even a few seconds, he would fear the prince was gone again or that he failed to rescue him in the first place.”
Katsuki’s chest ached and not because of the open-heart surgery. Kirishima wipes away a few stray tears with the back of his hand and turns to look out the window, trying to hide his breakdown. Katsuki knows he can be dense at times but he’s not clueless. He sees the lines in the sand for what they are. He wishes he could reach out and properly comfort Kirishima, but Katsuki is limited to the small range of motion he has on his shitty hospital bed. So, he quietly waits for Kirishima to compose himself and carry on with the story.
Kirishima keeps telling tales of the prince and dragon each day he comes to the hospital. Katsuki doesn’t have any more bad days. There were tough days, but no longer did he wish he were dead. Instead, he stares at the clock, waiting impatiently for the redhead to arrive. His stomach flutters every time Kirishima walks through the door. It’s annoying as fuck because Katsuki still doesn’t have a deadline on when he can leave the fucking hospital. And it’s getting harder to stay quiet about it. He knows the implications buried in the stories Kirishima tells. The dragon and the prince are more than friends, even if Kirishima doesn’t outright say it. It’s also blatantly obvious that they’re a metaphor but he’ll play along for now. It’s all he really can do.
“They helped a pair of knights from the neighboring kingdom search for the lost prince of that kingdom. While they searched, the prince ran into someone he knew from his childhood. They hadn’t been on the best of terms growing up, but as they worked together to search for the prince who had apparently run away from home after a fight with the king, they had finally managed to work together and grow a true bond of friendship. The dragon was proud to see how much he had changed in such a brief period of time, and the barbarian prince’s friend knew all sorts of facts about dragons that even the dragon himself didn’t know. The dragon couldn’t help feeling embarrassed about that.
“They escorted the prince back to his palace. He thanked them. Even though he ran away, he was glad to be home. The neighboring prince had gotten into a lot of trouble on his own. He said people kept getting mad at him for no reason and he was covered in scratches and bruises from wandering in the forest. The barbarian prince said it was pretty obvious why people hated him. He was scolded for that, but the neighboring prince didn’t seem to get what he meant. That was probably for the best.”
Katsuki snorts. That idiot has to be Kirishima’s personification of Todoroki. It makes sense. The fucker is as dense as a board of plywood. Kirishima will never admit it, but he obviously thinks so too. Katsuki’s gonna pocket that one for later. He knows it’ll come in handy eventually.
Kirishima stays until Katsuki finishes his dinner, then he leaves so that the nurses don’t yell at him. They like to hover outside the door, lacking confidence in a teenage boy doing anything on time. They’re not wrong. Given the chance, Katsuki is certain Kirishima would stay long after visiting hours end. He’d spend the night if he could. Katsuki sort of wishes he could. His days might be better, but his nights are still rough. He could use a familiar face at his bedside as he tries to sleep. He lacks the comfort of friends and family at night. He’ll take that admission to the grave. They’ll all get too full of themselves if he ever says it aloud.
The better days bleed into better nights. He wakes up with less panic attacks, which means the nurses sedate him less often. That leads to mornings that are less groggy and quicker to start. The doctors say the ophthalmologist will be able to visit him soon and get him fitted for a pair of glasses. Katsuki is thankful. The blurry vision makes him dizzy and gives him headaches which require more medication. The ouroboros that is his life. He briefly wonders how stupid he’ll look in glasses and then remembers he looks good in everything he wears.
One afternoon, Kirishima comes in with a story of even greater magnitude than the rescue mission the dragon had gone on to save the prince. He talks about how the evil sorcerer has mounted a retaliation, pissed off with the way things went previously. The sorcerer knows who the prince is, and he declares war on the kingdom. The prince and the dragon have to call on all their allies to help them fight the sorcerer. The prince reaches out to the king and queen who mount their army and request aid from the neighboring kingdoms.
Katsuki sits up in his bed on his own. He’s finally able to do so without it hurting. He’s got a wicked grin on his face as he smiles at Kirishima. He lifts his mask and says, “I bet the prince kicked his ass good.”
Kirishima laughs solemnly and nods his head. “Yeah. Yeah, he did, but it takes everyone to defeat the sorcerer and not without casualty. They lose important allies. They mourn the loss of their friends and comrades, and the prince… The prince is severely injured. He’s on bedrest in the palace. Servants come and go tending to his wounds and bringing him meals. They wash him and bathe him because he’s too weak to get out of bed. The prince is alive, but at a great cost. All the while he’s in his bed, the dragon is at his side. He’s there from sunup to sundown, only leaving to stretch his wings in the sky and bathe. Then he returns to the prince’s side once more.
“The barbarian prince heals quickly. The royal healers use strong magic on him, and in no time, he’s back on his feet. He’s offered the crown, but he turns it down. He says he’s not ready to take over yet. He wants to keep on adventuring. So, he does, and his dragon is right by his side. The dragon is in awe of him. He doesn’t feel admiration for the prince anymore. It’s grown into something more, something deeper. The dragon likes the prince more than any treasure in his horde. It’s been that way since before the battle with the sorcerer, but he’s been too afraid to say anything.”
“Why?” asks Katsuki. His words are muffled behind the mask.
Kirishima stops talking and looks at him confused. He quirks a brow as he says, “Huh?”
Katsuki clears his throat. “What was the dragon so fucking afraid of?” he asks, callus as ever. “Did he think the barbarian wouldn’t want him? After everything we—they’ve been through?”
Kirishima splutters. “Well, maybe the dragon was afraid they wouldn’t last. Maybe he was afraid that once their time adventuring ended, that would be it. Maybe the barbarian would realize just how strong he is and that he doesn’t need the dragon’s help anymore. Maybe he’d decided to finally move on and find a stronger partner once he realized just how weak the dragon really was. They made a lot of friends on their journeys and the prince even reconciled with an old friend from his childhood. He might think one of them was a better option. Anyone was better than the dragon.”
Katsuki wrenches the mask from his face and tosses the stupid thing down on the bed so that it’s not in his way. He can breathe fine on his own now, but the doctors insist he keep using the mask for a while longer.
Kirishima lunges forward to reach for the mask. “Bakugou wh—”
“That’s fucking dumb,” snaps Katsuki. “If I had a kickass dragon as a partner, I think I’d wanna adventure with him forever.” Kirishima puts the mask back on his face and Katsuki huffs. He folds his arm across his chest and glowers at Kirishima. Kirishima’s cheeks flame red and Katsuki breaks eye contact, directing his focus on the wall across the room. His face is warm but he’s not fucking blushing because Bakugou Katsuki doesn’t blush like a bashful little girl. If his face is pink, it’s because the hospital room is unusually warm.
Kirishima smiles beside him and continues the story. “Well, maybe the dragon finally gets enough courage to confess once the barbarian prince is healed after the big battle. They set off on their adventure together again and the dragon searches for the perfect spot to tell the prince how he feels. There’s a clearing near where they first did battle. It seems like as good a spot as any. It’s the place they first met and where they first fought. It’s important to them, so he takes the prince there, and he finally tells him how he feels. It’s terrifying.”
Katsuki lifts the mask again, determined to speak without it hindering his voice. “The dragon better be ready for the barbarian to one-up him before that. He’s not clueless. He would take them somewhere they would both enjoy, maybe with some nice dumbass sunset or some shit. The prince already made the dragon his once. He’s gotta do it again, but official.”
Kirishima tears up. Fat, wet tears track down his face as he smiles. He chokes back a sob and nods his head. “I think the dragon would like that a whole lot.”
Good, Katsuki thinks. Now, he just needs to get out of this damn hospital bed so he can prove to the ‘dragon’ just how much the ‘barbarian prince’ cares about him.
Link to fic on AO3
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hyuge ¡ 7 days
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34K notes ¡ View notes
hyuge ¡ 9 days
Ya know...
I was just moving past the last wave of harassment I received. I try really hard to come up with new, fun ideas for everyone. Not every idea is for every person. If you don't like something, you're not obligated to participate. And I don't want to give into the assholes that keep attacking me because they don't like how I run events, but it gets a little bit harder to want to do anything for this fandom anymore with each one. There are always going to be people other there to run new events, so I'm sure someone would come along to replace me easy enough, but think about how many events wouldn't have existed if I didn't spend countless hours working on them. And to be attacked repeatedly, to have my heart hurt during KRBK month or KRBK week or just after having a nice weekend.
That's not fair.
I am a person. I have feelings. And people have to go out of their way to be hateful rather than just keep it to themselves if they don't like something or don't like me.
Happy KRBK Week...
Anonymous KRBKs asked: the prompts for krbk month suck. we need something to keep krbk alive, pls make a better prompt list to encourage people to post! or just give up hosting krbk month, give it to someone who actually knows how like dog.
Anyone and everyone is free to make their own prompt list. If you don’t like a list, you are not obligated to participate. Sending hate will not change the prompt list. [Smile or comment on the answer here](https://retrospring.net/@KrbkEvents/a/112296196723953522)
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hyuge ¡ 9 days
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I read the bachelorette au dabihawks fic and fucking hell I might be a dabihawks shipper now
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hyuge ¡ 9 days
Angsty Dialogue Masterpost
Angsty family/platonic dialogue
Angsty Questions Prompts #1
Angsty Question Prompts #2
Angsty Question Prompts #3
Angsty/Fighting Dialogue Prompts
Concerned/Angsty Question Prompts 
Angsty Starters
Angst Prompts
Angsty Sentence Starters #1
Angsty Sentence Starters #2
Angsty Sentence Starters #3
Leaving Dialogue Prompts
Reunion Dialogue Reactions
Unwilling goodbye + love confession prompts
Trying to make them stay dialogue prompts
Betrayal Dialogue Prompts
Hiding from horror dialogue
Finding out the truth dialogue
“I’m sorry…” Apology Starters
Apologizing for emotional neglect
Desperate Dialogue
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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hyuge ¡ 9 days
Angsty Sentence Starters #3
"Please, speak to me."
"I never wanted this."
"What else is there to do?"
"I am just so tired."
"You can't leave me alone."
"I don't know what that means!"
"Sorry, but I don't think I can do this any longer."
"Do you want me to fear you?"
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"I'm so sorry for anything I've done to you."
"This is nothing I ever wanted to happen."
"Can you please listen to me?"
"I am no longer accepting this."
"The uncertainty is killing me."
"Don't just walk away from me."
"It was never about winning."
"Tell me what I can do to make you stay."
"You are scaring me."
"Don't be afraid. It will be over soon."
"I can't save you if you don't want to be saved."
More: Angsty Masterpost
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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hyuge ¡ 9 days
Chapters: 11/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Original Characters, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Kaminari Denki, Midoriya Izuku Additional Tags: Characters Are Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia), Alternate Universe - Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia), Forced Villain Bakugou Katsuki, Pro Hero Kirishima Eijirou, Minor Character Death, Brainwashed Bakugou Katsuki, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Anime Spoilers, Slow Burn, Angst, self-loathing kirishima eijirou, Heavy Angst, Not Beta Read, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Other Additional Warnings to Be Added, Brainwashing, Kidnapping, Capital Punishment, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Mind Manipulation Summary:
It has to be you, Kirishima.
Visions of hopeful, scarlet eyes smiling at Eijirou as they soared through the sky, filled his mind; only for that smile to immediately falter. Black goop burst forth from Bakugou’s mouth as he coughed and gagged. The hand that had reached for Eijirou’s slipped; fingertips brushed against his palm. Bakugou's cheeks flushed red, tears leaked from the corners of his eyes. He clawed at his throat as he fell out of the air towards the ground, out of Eijirou’s reach, until the black goop of the teleportation quirk consumed him. At the same time, the villains disappeared into the warp gate forced open by All for One on the ground. All hope for the future hero erased right before their eyes. Bakugou was gone, their rescue mission a failure, and Eijirou screamed.
Every hero remembers their first failed attempt to save a life. Usually, it means that life is snuffed out, never to be seen again. Unfortunately for Eijirou, his greatest failure has also become his greatest enemy. One failed rescue mission set about a course that no one could have foreseen, and the lofty goals of one determined student, were replaced with vengeance and destruction.
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hyuge ¡ 12 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Fuwa Mawata/Kaibara Sen/Satou Rikidou/Yaoyorozu Momo Characters: Fuwa Mawata, Kaibara Sen, Satou Rikidou, Yaoyorozu Momo Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Alternate Universe - College/University, Coffee date, First Dates, mixer, group date, OT4, Looking for love, Fluff Summary:
Momo has tried going on dates before but they never seemed to end well. She wonders if she should give up on dating all together. In a last ditch effort, she signs up for this dating service hosted through school and ends up having a better time than expected with some very interesting people.
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Art by Ganchi Oh
Beta Read by Shyn
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hyuge ¡ 13 days
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[KRBK Sports AU] Quarterback!Kirishima x Band Leader Bakugou Guess who fell first and who fell harder? // Posted on Twitter (I fixed my typos and layer error here :")
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hyuge ¡ 15 days
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Nalu Week 2024 is on its way!
This years events will take place from July 1st to July 8th in collaboration with @thenaluarchive
Thank you @rosavatar for this years banner art!
All works must be focused on Natsu and Lucy, whether romantically or platonically
Art, writing, gifsets, edits, manga coloring, or any other fan works are accepted and encouraged
Prompts may be combined, used for other days, or disregarded altogether! They're just a starting place but don't let them get in the way of your creativity
Stolen, traced, or ai generated works will not be accepted
Transformative use of official art is accepted
Tag your work #nalu week 2024 in the first five tags or tag @allaboutnalu and @thenaluarchive
Prompts Day 1. Cuddling/Nightmare Day 2. Firsts/Comfort Day 3. Unison Raid/Yearning Day 4. PDA/Scars Day 5. Drunk/Protective Day 6. Stargazing/Injury Day 7. Dance/Jealousy Bonus Day Athlete AU/Model AU
In need of inspiration? Want to talk to others about your Nalu Week plans? Join the allaboutnalu discord server!
Good luck in all your creative endeavours and we look forward to seeing you in July!
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hyuge ¡ 15 days
On Call Pre-Orders Open!
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Pre-Orders for On Call: A BNHA First Responder Zine are now open. Grab a bundle from now until May 20th. You can check out our bundles below. All proceeds go to wildfire relief efforts in whatever area is affected at the time of zine completion. Your donation is greatly appreciated.
Bundles are visible below the cut:
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2 - Digital zine PDFS
6 - emojis
1 - sticker sheet
1 - Double-sided acrylic charm
1 - Single-sided acrylic charm
2 - 5x7" Prints
2 - Die-cut Sticks
2 - Heart-shaped button badges
1 - Badge reel
1 - 15mm Washi tape
*Eligible for all stretch goals
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1 - sticker sheet
1 - Double-sided acrylic charm
1 - Single-sided acrylic charm
2 - 5x7" Prints
2 - Die-cut Sticks
2 - Heart-shaped button badges
1 - Badge reel
1 - 15mm Washi tape
*Eligible for all stretch goals
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On Call digital zine PDF
6 - emojis
*Not eligible for stretch goals
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Behind Bars digital zine PDF only
*Not eligible for stretch goals
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1 - Tote Bag: 25 orders
1- Acrylic Standee: 50 orders
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hyuge ¡ 15 days
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Still working on those big kazurei illustrations, but due to some… stuff going on… It takes me to draw them a bit longer, sorry
Anyway, today I present to you my recent obsession - those four hero dorks. I don’t remember the plot much as I was reading the light novel for the last time in like 2017??? Still exited
So a huge brainrot has been festering in my head for the past week about some angsty au, because there’s not a lot of works around with them (at least that I’m aware of)… It got to a point that I’m now prepping to write my first ever fanfic with ✨da bois✨, yeah
Here are some snippets of what I’m currently thinking. You know, some basic queer/angst stuff (@_@)
Enjoy my struggles in filling out my sketchbook
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hyuge ¡ 17 days
Table for Four Preview
My 2nd fic preview for the Rare Pairs Bang is a sweet and fluffy OT4 that I got to write based on Ganchi Oh's illustration! We've got a Kaibara/Fuwa/Yaoyorozu/Satou group date for you. What a mouthful!
And as always, beta read by Shyn.💕
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hyuge ¡ 18 days
BNHA Rare Pairs Bang Fic Preview
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My first of two fic previews for the Rare Pairs Bang on Twitter is a ship you should know by now if you're an avid one of my followers.
We've got some smutty Camie/Natsuo in my cat hybrid universe with tasty art by Nef and beta read by Shyn. I can't get enough of it!
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hyuge ¡ 18 days
Mauve Member Countdown
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Mauve Member is only two days away! If you haven't seen the prompt list over on Twitter or Bluesky, you can take a look at it below! Tag the account to share your works. Anything goes as long as it was created by you!
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Mauve Member will run from April 10th - 16th.
Day One: Roleplay or Exercise
Day Two: Orgasm Denial or Feeding Pets
Day Three: Sex Pollen or Candy/Sweets
Day Four: Bukkake or Happy Birthday Morvay!!
Day Five: Tail Pulling or College AU
Day Six: Glory Hole or Tattoos/Piercings
Day Seven: Breeding Kink or Flowers
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hyuge ¡ 18 days
On Call Bundle Pricing!
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On Call Pre-Orders are only THREE DAYS AWAY and our bundle prices are sure to pump the blood through your veins and keep you from going into cardiac arrest!
Stay tuned to see what is in these heart-thumping bundles!🩺
Full Bundle: $60
On Call & Behind Bars Digital PDFs
Digital Merch
Physical Merch
*Eligible for all stretch goals
Merch Only: $45
Physical Merch Only
*Eligible for all stretch goals
Digital Only: $15
On Call SFW digital zine PDF
Digital Merch
*Not eligible for stretch goals
Behind Bars Add-on: $10
Behind Bars NSFW digital zine PDF
*Not eligible for stretch goals
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hyuge ¡ 19 days
Omegas asked: your stories are so beautifully written and I admire your writing a lot! it's so careful and neat and I want to say congrats for achieving to make it this perfect! I have one question, I was wondering if there will be a chapter 2 in call me beep me, no pressure on it of course, keep up the great work <3
Thank you. You're very sweet. I absolutely will have a chapter 2 of CMBM. I just have to finish up one fic for krbk week and a bang fic (both of which are almost done), and then finish the next chapter of Say Something (which is about half done), then I will be focusing my energy back into Call Me, Beep Me. I'm excited to get back to it. [Smile or comment on the answer here](https://retrospring.net/@Hyuge/a/112236606689861864)
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