#junghan imagines
dustedmagazine · 1 year
Cian Nugent — She Brings Me Back to the Land of the Living (No Quarter)
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Photo by Joey Gavin
She Brings Me Back To The Land Of The Living by Cian Nugent
Cian Nugent first caught our ears as a Takoma-style fingerpicker, one of the younger players on the third Imaginational Anthem compilation, alongside Mark Fosson and Stephen Basho-Junghans. His Doubles, in 2011, followed a similar path, offering two side-long solo acoustic compositions in the style of Jack Rose’s transcendental blues raga. But like Steve Gunn, Nugent has refused to be boxed into the sometimes musty and archival pre-war blues category. He got his teenage kicks out a couple of years ago with the rollicking power pop outfit, The Number Ones, carrying on a ragged romantic tradition of bands like the Undertones. Now, with She Brings Me Back to the Land of the Living, he ventures into song-structured country folk rock, a la Zachary Cale, Red River Dialect and that Gunn fellow we just mentioned.
Nugent wrote these songs while caring for his mother after she suffered a stroke (she painted the cover image while recovering in the hospital), and while they don’t overtly focus on illness and mortality, they have a ruminative, inward-looking bent. Consider, for instance, the lovely “Sound of the Rain,” taking shape out of shadows and wavering tones of pedal steel (that’s Dan Lead who plays with Norah Jones and Cass McCombs, among others). Nugent’s delivery is unhurried and without drama, as he evokes the late-light drift and reverie. “Sitting here with the window open, I can feel the rain coming in,” he sings with a worn-in nonchalance. “The lamplight unbroken like some cigarette skin, cast out into a wind to melt away, I’m hearing the sound of the rain again.”
The band is really rather good, including not just Lead but Nugent’s co-producer and drummer Sean Carpio, Garvan Gallagher (once a young Nugent’s music teacher) on bass and the viola player Ailbhe Nic Oireachtaigh. Irish jazz icon Greg Felton plays the piano and the Zelig-like percussionist Ryan Jewell turns up for a track as well. The arrangements are subtle and unshowy, whether in the loping, open-ended “High in an Airplane” (which reminds me a lot of Steve Gunn’s Eyes on the Lines material) or the pensive syncopations of “Pass the Time Away” (where I’m hearing a bit of Ryley Walker’s song-based style). That latter song continues in “How the Time Passes,” an atmospheric instrumental which carries on where the verse gives out with blues-tinged riffs and antic rhythm and a mad swirl of Irish fiddle. It’s a reminder that, while Nugent may dip into verse chorus structures when it suits him, he’s never going to be bound by them, and it is a fitting climax to this moody, gorgeous album.  
Jennifer Kelly
0 notes
gg-astrology · 6 years
SEVENTEEN: Yoon Jeonghan - Overview
💕Hello! I’m back again this time a (hopefully) semi-short overview on our favourite angel Yoon Jeonghan! I’m trying to get through all members of seventeen as a personal goal for myself -- but who knows if I’ll run out of steam half way through or not haha ;; (sorry!) 💕
Other SVT posts:
Seungcheol | Joshua | Wonwoo | Jun | Hoshi | Woozi | Seungkwan | Vernon | Minghao
I’ll be keeping tabs on the Seventeen Overviews and linking them as I go along to make it easier to navigate between posts.
There’s also a Woozi’s Inner Planet Natal Reading  (lays out his placements, aspects, asteroids) if you’re interested. It’s another series I’ll be doing in the future!   
You can check out my Masterlist for other astrology posts! Overviews/Inner Planet Natal Readings/Full charts/Members Dynamic are my main series! I hope you enjoy! 💕
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(he has such a dumb face I love him)
💕Disclaimer: i’m a novice on astrology but these are my interpretations of the signs and how they’re working based on my experiences with them. Everyone has different opinions and studies in astrology, all interpretation and experiences within the realm is valid. However feel free to make your own post or skip if you strongly disagree. There might be inaccuracy and difference in opinions. But the point of this post is to relate, entertain and have a fun time. I’m hoping to validate people with similar experiences and get people excited about the girls+ astrology. Also, since we don’t know most of their birth times, I’m using the standard 12.00pm💕
4th October 1995 (Seoul, South Korea)
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Libra Sun (2nd Decan Uranus/Aquarius) Aquarius Moon (2nd Decan ruled by Libra/Venus)
His Libra Sun being influenced in Uranus/Aquarius really describes his personality -- he really is a balance/dichotomy of Chaotic yet Harmonious at the same time.
It brings a sly, demure nature to the native (Libra), yet there’s something sort of mad and ingenious about them at the same time (Aquarius).  A unique charm to the otherwise harmonious Libra placement that he has. 
Uranus often talks about giving to others (the world at large) and with a Libra Sun in the Uranus decan, he has a good balance of trying to give himself to the world/benefit others in a way whilst maintaining a strong sense of self/self-determination. He molds himself somewhat to fit what others expects of him (Libra) , yet at the same time-- he can discern that he can’t be someone else due to his strong sense of individuality either (Aquarius).
Libra Sun works best when there’s an Aquarius somewhere to counteracts them. Jeonghan really has a good balance of his heart and his sense of self (Sun-trine-Moon) in his chart already, combined with his Aquarius Moon/Libra Decan he’s probably a very fixed and balanced person to be around. 
A perfect pillar for others to rely on, yet at the same time that might just be outwardly towards his duties in society/others around him. Not necessarily towards himself. 
Possesses enough cynicism within himself to keep his mind sharp (Aquarius) yet at the same time very creative and emotionally-observant (Libra) of others around him. Can be a bit repressive of his own emotional needs but very responsive/often tolerant of other’s emotional plight.
See here’s the thing, Aquarius/Libra sympathizes greatly with others and they’re very observant/astute. It can come across as ‘serving’ others and make it look like they’re doing it for themselves as well (the way he comes across as diabolical sometimes) -- they’re intellectual signs. And most of the time, when others asks him how he really feels about something, he can be stuck on what to say.
Especially with a strong Aquarius Moon, he tends to need time away to think/process about how he’s feeling. Not prone to just ‘feeling/sensing’ his emotions as they come (unless it’s frustration) he’s often neglectful of his own needs in order to help others around him. 
Can be an understanding person to cry on or be around, and very dependable/comforting to go to (Libra Decan in Aquarius Moon)  -- but don’t expect him to say how he’s feeling on the spot or in a quick question, these things takes time for him since he compartmentalizes his thoughts/emotions it becomes lost in the 12038032 cabinets he keeps inside his own mind sometimes. 
It’s not that he doesn’t want to feel emotions, it’s just that it Tires him out. With Aquarius in his Moon and influencing his Sun, he can have an old-soul kind of feeling about him that’s holds a positivity/optimistic out look (kind of Sagittarius-feeling when they’re Tired)
When he doles out advice to others, it’s often influences by Libra. He’s great at analyzing situation and giving practical, good and sympathetic advice on what to do/where to go. But when it comes showing emotional vulnerabilities?? Hah! Don’t Bother!
Aquarius Moon tends to categorize their own emotions as ‘necessary’ and ‘unnecessary’ sometimes. It can be a bit black and white if it’s undeveloped.  Most often, it’s based on productivity and end results. 
There’s a strong sense of created self-identity in Aquarius (it’s how they keep autonomy/freedom), and it’s created through pick and choosing the part of their emotions they want to identify with and ignoring/repressing the part that won’t productively help them as a person (i.e. sadness, jealousy, anger).
They won’t just let themselves ‘be’ or ‘feel’ something without arguing ‘why’ they’re feeling that way, and if the answer is irrational/doesn’t add up, they’ll push it away as much as they can. 
This boy really has a problem with letting people in on an emotional level. Even though ‘logically, he wants to’. He tries his best, really. But sometimes he can be too doubtful/over-analyses his own feelings that he doesn’t want to say how he feels/when he feels- mostly because of his Moon regulating himself.
See, as much as Aquarius Moon helps with sorting out problems and being extremely adept at seeing past fixed solutions (his unconventional style) it can make him really hard on himself and on his own emotions as well.
There’s an inner frustration to him.  Aquarius Moon gets a bad rep for being ‘emotionally cold’ when really to them it’s more due to not finding enough ‘evidence of emotions’ on their part that makes them clam up and not know how to ‘present’ said emotions sometimes. 
He wants to open up (Libra) but he doesn’t know if he should, and even if he should, he doesn’t know how to....how to phase it in an emotional way. Even when he’s talking about his own emotions, it can come across as something that’s been thoroughly processed and diluted in the emotional level-- sometimes like an essay being read/presented to the class somewhat. 
People with Aquarius/Libra in their chart do possess goodness about them. There’s a positivity to their thinking (Aquarius brings a brighter driven outlook and Libra strives for beauty) and sense of self, and radiates outwards to help those around them. You can tell how genuine they are, and how hard they’re trying to be a better person all the time.  
Aquarius/Libra is such a strong air-combination that it can make him a bit Tired. Needs some alone time away from others, because as much as he’s responsive to other’s plight and is so adept/good at reading others, he can tend to lack those feelings within himself sometimes and needs time to ‘recharge’.
Jeonghan is?? Really transparent. His slow to transpire Mercury makes him catch himself later like ‘oh shit, I should’ve done that’ and not as? ‘fake’ as typical Libra placements who keeps harmony as the main goal. 
Sure, he has a lot of patience/tolerance but he’s much more prone to being honest (Aquarius influence) which really just makes his Libra more tolerable to be honest. Not one for putting up airs. You can tell exactly what he’s thinking. So refreshing to be around, although sometimes he might just feel a little awkward or distance if he’s not used to you. Can be hard to pin down because there’s a strong desire for social relationships (Libra) and independence/freedom at the same time (Aquarius). 
Best way to explain his Aquarius Moon/Libra Sun is his long-hair era. Where his individualism gets to shine best and it empowers him to stand out from others (in the industry at large - Uranus/Aquarius).
Jeonghan’s Sun-conjunct-Mercury gives him an easy banter, talkative and very comforting aura as a person. He’s also extremely observative of others around him, particularly to other people’s emotions/plights (discordance) and has an easier time approaching people. This also makes him prone to side-eyes and sighs, sassy behaviours when he’s frustrated/hasn’t had time to himself in a while (Libra trait - frustrations). 
Sun- Sextile- Jupiter (0 degrees, Jupiter in Sag) makes him popular, anyone with a Sun aspecting Jupiter makes them naturally expansive and generous to others, but with his combination you really can’t understate how much he’s willing to give to others. 
Compared to Seungcheol for example, Jeonghan lives in the outward world of people around him, without that inward sense of self (feels lost inside himself sometimes, but not like he’s lost his footing, just sometimes like he can’t understand water-signs sometimes) 
While Seungcheol has such a strong sense of inward-self identity that once he externalizes outward he doesn’t really know what’s too much sometimes (like a child who grips too hard/doesn’t know his own strength).
They learn alot from each other, and has a sort of yin-yang pace to them where they can see what they themselves are lacking and tries to grow from each other. 
Compared to Joshua, Jeonghan feels more similarly/aligns himself to Joshua. With strong Libra in his chart making him care for others, Joshua’s Taurus Moon (also Venus-ruled) makes him softer and just as caring as Jeonghan is. Jeonghan’s Aquarius/Libra placement also makes him feel somewhat closer to an earth sign (albeilt better at talking to others than Joshua is) due to how fixed/grounded he is, and Joshua’s fun-loving, tender-hearted stabilizing presence probably makes Jeonghan feels like he can learn how to ‘feel’ himself better through Joshua’s example. 
They’re both terrible at talking about their feelings (repressing said feelings are the key, not prone to having many emotional talks BY CHOICE), but there’s a sense of certain acceptance and validation by being in Joshua’s presence (Capricorn stability) that might make it easier for him to open up to than say Seungcheol who already has his own opinion on things, somewhat.   
Jeonghan also has a Moon-square-Mars which makes him finds it harder to be emotional in a softer way. Often aggressively intense in Making a Point that it overlooks the emotional balance he tends to go for after all.
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Libra Mercury (R) (2nd Decan ruled by Aquarius/Uranus)
Let’s address that a retrograde isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it just means he has to notice how it’s working and actively work on it that’s all. A retrograde is kind of impossible to ignore it once you notice it, so it’s fine if you have any retrograde in your own personal placement! What matters most is noticing if you think your retrograde is making your personal placement reacts in a way you don’t want it to act, and trying to change it/put in effort to make it work for YOU in the future!
With his Libra Mercury in Aquarius it really brings out his charming side. Libra Mercury are usually pretty tactful and tends to be quick to react to any ‘drama’ that has occur. He’s nimble and fast in fixing any situation that arises, and often likes to hustle between the people who has problems individually and encourage them to make up with one another. Diplomatic and feels the most useful in social situation, he has a strong association and pride in the people he associates himself with (the team). 
Sometimes he can be abit indecisive, mostly because he overanalyzes things when it comes to himself. Is a heavy and contemplative thinker, but has a hard time putting the thought through into words. Most of the things he thinks about are bonds/social relationships and human-nature, not really things like state of affairs or the weather.
 He often has a whole reasoning, analytical analysis and back-up citations ready for it (Libras are very thorough when it comes to human relationships) but has a hard time verbalizing it outwards. 
He doesn’t want to ‘disrupt’ the atmosphere in a way, and has a hard time delving into ‘deeper topics’ when he feels the things he wants to talk about can be pessimistic or come across as too ‘heavy’ sometimes. 
Again with the whole repressing himself, when he feels he can’t verbalize what he’s thinking/feeling he just won’t say it at all. Can look/become misunderstood as someone wishy washy even when he’s deeply thoughtful and cares a lot about others around him. Probably feels more comforted and understand being around someone who shares the same kind of deeper philosophy/thought and all he has to do is agree and live precariously through them sometimes (identifies with others and feels touched/moved by their words when it applies to his own thoughts/thinking) 
Jeonghan’s diabolical side (’devil Jeonghan’) is mostly due to him not realizing When To Stop. It’s probably due to letting his Moon gets the better of him (and his Sun) and trying to externalize his sense of self through this Mercury when he’s not Prepared For the Consequence sometimes (Air-signs tends to come through the most in their Mercuries even when their Mercury is in another sign.) 
Most of the time, he has to watch himself and what he says since he can easily not understand himself either. His Aquarius and Libra can try to project a strong self-image, yet at the same time want to be seen for his softer, generous and people-loving nature. 
Can lead to him feeling stunted/confused about Why He Did The Thing (false pride) and then feeling hurt, tries to undo the situation through getting others to understand him (he has to clear his name on how he doesn’t like being called ‘scammer’ Jeonghan). Probably has a hard time understanding how him/himself works sometimes. 
His Mercury conjunct Venus might lead him to becoming more laid back, and lazy with his behaviour. Since he can do so much mental gymnastic he tends to Tire himself out and then get misrepresented when he has to do something (practice for example, even though he does put in so much work as others and probably feels stifled/hurt from the comments)
His sharp intellect and very charismatic gift with his mind/words comes from Mercury-sextile-Jupiter, which not only exemplifies how  incredibly studious he really is but also makes him a very tolerant and generous person.  
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Libra Venus (3rd Decan ruled by Mercury/Gemini)
God this boy just has so many Libra placement in him! He’s such a charming and charismatic person! 
Possesses an abundance of love and care for people around him, yet at the same time has a hard time understanding himself.
Often has to find a balance between wanting/needing to be in a relationship (any kind) and holding himself back from doing so at the same time. 
The reason they hold themselves back is because they often have a fairly realistic criteria of what a relationship should hold. And sometimes it can become a bit of a perfectionist streak in them.
Like how he is with his artistry and aesthetics, they’re often a bit more critical and judge-y when it comes to people they decide to be around.  
It’s hard to pin-down a Libra Venus, but they make highly romantic and fair lovers. Libra Venus can often be indecisive, they love the idea of love, has highly attune romanticized ideals inside of their mind -- but they’re also very realistic and wants to be the best lover for others as well.
Can tend to judge themselves and feel like they’re not ‘ready’ for one, even though they deeply want/need to be.  
It’s all about fairness in his relationship, if he feels like he’s being taken advantage of he’ll speak out about it in a scolding manner (’communicating like an adult’ with Libra Mercury can sometimes feel alot like they’re parents scolding you, someone please teach them that it’s not like that and it’s actually very condescending!) . 
As much as he’s willing to cater to others and show them kindness, he often gets defensive if someone accuses him of not being fair/not listening to their emotions.
Tends to run on the analytical side despite possessing an abundance of warmth to their affection. Can be pretty affectionate people but doesn’t ever over-do it. 
Feels a thrill when people share something intimate/personal with them, often it should be reciprocated. Like they instigate an interest and the person trusts them enough to share something personal to them. A sense of intimacy and trust is something they thrive on because it feels productive to building the relationship. 
Likes people who are talkative, or atleast provides interesting conversations with him. Tends to gravitate towards people who jokes around or exhibits light-hearted nature/conversations (fire-signs like Sagittarius)
His Venus is squaring his Uranus and Neptune, so looking for a relationship can sometimes feels more like a burden for him right now. Although he has a large and vivid imagination for relationships (which he puts into his artistry) he realizes the reality of it-- in the scope that he’s giving so much and receiving so much from the world right now (from carats) makes him reluctant on settling down. 
Has a highly refined ideal type and often feels indecisive about his ideal vs the reality of a relationship. He second-guesses himself often and combined with his responsible nature it’s most likely he uses his duties/responsibilities as an excuse to get out of why he doesn’t pursue a relationship (the type to be like ‘if it happens it happens’/ ‘oh well’ attitude if he’s caught off guard and settled into one, but if he’s given the chance to think about it longer he tends to overthink himself and become prone to saying ‘no’ on the topic of being involved in a relationship) 
Ah, see here’s the thing with Libra Venus. It’s not that they like the ‘traditional’ beauty and that’s it. It’s mostly because if they just-- look at someone and see no troublesome ‘aura’ (mostly harmonious) in their outer demeanor, it stops the Libra Venus natives from overthinking  themselves. 
Nobody likes trying to hold someone to a criteria and marking other people up, y know? You can’t live your life grading others according to your standards all the time. Libra Venus are one of those people who just-- wants to feel relaxed. Wants to feel like ‘phew, there’s nothing worrisome about this person’.  
Or like ‘this person can handle themselves, at least to a capacity that I can handle myself up to as well.’ 
What’s important is that the person makes the Libra Venus native feels like they can handle themselves without the Libra being/feeling personally involved in. 
They like people who are just -- kind and nice and is willing to love them. Because that’s what they want to be for others as well. 
Whether the person is actually someone who needs some help or has certain thing going about them or not, that can be dealt with later. Libras are often willing to put in the time/effort to help guide and support others. 
So really, it’s more to do with not stressing themselves out on first glance (and subsequently a few more glances) that’s really what they’re looking for. 
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Scorpio Mars 
Despite his more easy-going placement and seemingly laid back nature (Libra) he actually possesses a disciplined and often admirable drive for his work/activities. 
Although we hear that he likes lazing around or enjoys ‘chilling’ -- he’s actually deeply admirable behind-the-scenes, takes his job/criticism very seriously, and one of those core people who possesses powerful ambitions and great concentration when it comes to his artistry/craft.
Work is work, and leisure is leisure. Jeonghan often possesses a self-driven willpower that’s incredibly hard to match up to and once he sets a personal challenge for himself it can be hard to deter him from getting what he wants (stubbornly willful). 
Just because most of the members posseses a chart that talks consistently of having a ‘busy’ or workaholic nature doesn’t mean that Jeonghan isn’t just as hard working. In fact, he’s one of the only members who possess a good work habit and balance between knowing when to step it up, and acknowledging that mental/physical rest is just as important as well.
It’s what makes him such an incredible person to be around, this all-rounded, healthy and balanced nature he has seriously helps the other members cope with the stress of comeback all year round. 
Can get a little insecure due to the teasing of other members (like saying he likes to sleep, etc.) and makes him question himself, but trust that he’s actually an incredibly focused and thorough person. 
Jeonghan has an incredibly concentrated energy/power to him that when he drives into something he won’t stop until he gets it. His will power is honestly amazing and sometimes can become tunnel-visioned in his goals once he gets going. 
Planning, strategizing and then going about getting his goals is the way he does it (almost like a Capricorn, but with more planning/in depth analysis). It’s not outwardly animated or ‘fiery’ like fire signs, but there’s a cool calm and collected deposition to him that lights up like an ice cold flame when he gets going. 
An uncanny ability to see through others which probably helps his Libra alot, but through self-discipline he doesn’t let it manipulate people. Tends to keep himself in check, has insecurities due to this Scorpio Mars placement.
Because his Libra Sun/Venus makes him want to be known for being evenhanded, kind and generous (yield to others) when people comment on his colder, ‘manipulative’ and sometimes ‘obsessive’ Scorpio Mars-- it can feel like he should try to distance himself away from this placement entirely (even when it’s not!) 
Has to grow to be more confident in understanding and learning more about himself, accepting himself and standing firm in his own activities and tapping into this Scorpio Mars as part of his confidence would really fuel him into becoming an influential, charismatic person in the future. 
In fact, this Scorpio Mars is giving him the back bone that he needs. While Libras are willing to compromise, his Scorpio Mars isn’t too forgiving. 
Once he’s been wrong, he’ll hold a grudge for ages. When he’s frustrated, he’s most likely to express himself better. It keeps him cool and not lose his head, but at the same time if something really really offends him he can be prone to lashing out in a way that cuts deeper than he ‘appears’(Libra) to be. 
As much as he gives and gives to others, his Scorpio Mars actually crave being given back to them as well. In fact he’s very excited when he can ‘possess’ a certain secret or part of others that’s shared exclusively with him, intimacy and being trusted to ‘stabilize’ someone else turns them on. 
Under stress, he can tend to lose his Libra’s kind and forgiving nature. Less likely to compromise and has to be heard, his masculinity and pride in his strength comes through in this placement. Can be reduced to a bit of a ‘primal’ appeal to him-- quietly stubborn, confident in himself and can sometimes be abit ‘me-centered’. 
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Such good and strong placements? With that Venus in Libra (ruling planet is Venus) and Scorpio Mars (traditional ruling planet is Mars)
Not to mention how Aquarius traditional ruling planet was Saturn, he tends to have a grounded, almost earthy approach to everything that he does. 
Comforting person to be around since the Saturn is influenced sweetly by Libra’s Venus (in his Decan as well) -- very responsible older brother, and someone who is actually so much deeper than he appears to be. 
Probably has a lot of thoughts he doesn’t know how to share with others yet, but he’s very active in showing that he cares and can easily get hurt by others.
Very well-balanced person who probably tends to run himself dry sometimes trying to co-ordinate others, works like a ‘glue’ to the team and helps them keep together. 
Wants to be loved and appreciated for his inner depth as well as his optimistic, joyous nature. 
Much more responsible than he appears to be, has a bit of a traditional side to him despite having an ‘unconventional’ mind. Appreciates structure and stability, and enthusiastically active in pursuing higher intellect. 
Understated on how smart he actually is and his drive towards success/studies/stability. 
He has tremendous love and understanding of human nature/how it works. Curious and self-driven, he’s always searching for a way to better himself and improve his skills. Probably a lot harder on himself than he lets on (Aquarius can act like a Capricorn sometimes)  
Can have a bit of an issue/lower self-confidence trying to decide whether he accepts the ‘harder’ part of himself or not (Scorpio/Aquarius) -- doesn’t like criticism and often feels sensitive/misunderstood when people tease him about things. 
Overall, a very strong and self driven person! He’s abit more stubborn than we expected and may have a hard time determining what path he might set himself onto being, but he seems mostly like the type to come through with it alive and well! A joy to read, and really an amazing person to think about! 
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💕That’s it for Jeonghan! I hope you enjoy this analysis of his chart. There’ll be more coming when I touch on his aspects in his Inner Natal Planet Reading which I’m excited to do! But who knows when I’ll touch on that! Next up for the series is Joshua, and I’ll get the GFRIEND sun and moon up soon! I’m going to start a short series that I’m testing out on BTS up and then do a Black Pink one soon if it all goes to plan! I hope you’ve all enjoyed this Lunar Eclipse and spent the day feeling empowered and feeling like you’ve exfoliated your whole life this season! 💕
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noona-clock · 6 years
All The World’s A Stage 🎭 Crazy For You
A Seventeen Drabble Series by NoonaClock’s Admin T. Enjoy! 💕
Genre: AU
Pairing: Jeonghan x Female!Reader
By Admin T
🎭 Into The Woods 🎭 Beauty & The Beast 🎭 Crazy For You 🎭 Les Miserables 🎭 Grease 🎭 Newsies 🎭 The Last Five Years 🎭 West Side Story 🎭 Phantom of the Opera 🎭 Hairspray 🎭 Titanic 🎭 Fame The Musical 🎭 The Wizard of Oz 🎭
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You always liked the quiet. Backstage was perfect for that but even better when no one was around. You smiled to yourself as you sat down next to the paint, grabbing your paintbrush and working on the backdrop that was going to be used for this year’s musical: Crazy for You. 
You glanced over at the clock and told yourself that you had a good half hour to yourself before everyone else would start filing in for auditions today. So, you started to work on painting and, hopefully, recreating the Town Square. 
Even though you loved working on the sets, that didn’t mean that you loved musicals any less. You actually listened to one of the songs from Crazy for You and had it on your phone. You listened to it enough that you’d memorized the song. So, without a second thought you started signing Someone To Watch Over Me. 
You loved the old timey feel of it. You loved the lyrics. So, you sang while you painted and you’ve never been happier. You even closed your eyes at some parts, taking a break from painting while you were completely lost in the song. You held the last note and you smiled to yourself. All until you heard a clatter and a shuffle and something fall. 
You dropped your paintbrush from surprise and looked around. Then, he emerged, all shy but smiling mischievously. 
“Jeonghan!” you murmured and he walked over to you, immediately grabbing your shoulders. 
“You have to audition!” 
You started to shaking your head out of nervousness. “No, no, I can’t! In front of people?!” 
“But you’re so good, Y/N! You’d be the perfect Polly! You shouldn’t just be here in the back painting sets!” 
You frowned at your best friend and playfully hit his arm. “How long were you hiding there for?! And what are you doing here?” 
“Doesn’t matter!” he smirked. “C’mon, c’mon, please audition with me! I’ll the Bobby to your Polly and it’d be perfect!” 
“No, Jeong -- .” 
“Please do it for me.” 
He said it almost too silently and sincerely as if you were doing him a huge favor. Your heart stilled. 
He continued, “We’d be perfect together.” 
You felt your cheeks flush and sighed. How could you say no to that? 
“Okay, I’ll audition.” 
Tagging for updates: @a-godchend, @daelicious-jongbulge, @oatmealupdates, @sun-shinee-world, @femitalian, @cramelot, @constellxtion, @peach-sm
If you’d like to be tagged for updates, please let me know and I’ll add you! - Admin T
Master list // RULES // Submit a Request! // Read About the Admins
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kwonfiyahh · 6 years
Nursing school! Jeonghan au
Member: Jeonghan (no reader)
Genre: college! au
Word Count: 1k
Authors Note: Hello hi I’m back!! This was a request for an anon who asked for nursing school Joshua or Jeonghan!! I’m so so sorry it took me so long to do this for you anon, but I hope you like it! ✨
Special thanks to my boo @wonusbookshoppe whom I’d be absolutely lost without! Cheoljin helped me so so much on what nursing school is actually like and shared her own experiences so this scenario would really be nothing without her help! 💘💕💖💝💗💓
• so nursing is quite a female dominated industry
• And those nursing school girls aren’t chill about it either
• Like it’s a legit competition to them and they’re not there to play games
• So imagine the looks on their faces when jeonghan walks into their first class and casually sits somewhere in the middle section
• He seems gentle enough and all they can think of is one word: weak
• But ohhhh boy are they in for a rude shock
• So each lesson jeonghan sits in the same area: the middle
• He sits alone and, on some days, will actually fall asleep in class
• Bc when you’re doing shift work at obscure hours and then rushing into classes straight after, it can be tough
• Be he’s such a dedicated and diligent student
• Like to everyone else in his class, he seems rather laid back and chill about everything
• But on the inside he’s actually stressing quite a lot
• He worries that he’s not doing enough
• Could he be doing more studying? Maybe ask more questions in class? Should he volunteer at the hospital more?
• These things tend to eat away at his mind and keep him awake
• But every time exams roll around, he tops his class with flying colours
• All of the girls have a bit of a sulk over this bc “sir jeonghan fell asleep three consecutive classes in a row?!”
• But he shrugs it off with a cheeky smile
• The girls aren’t sure whether they love or hate him
• The ladies that do love him though, are the women at the hospital
• Every time he strolls in, he greets them with a bright smile and a small wave and bow
• The doctors also enjoy having him around as he’s an active learner and isn’t afraid to ask about this and that
• There was one particular doctor, however, who couldn’t stand the bright eyed boy
• Requested he be put in the labor department for “experience”
• The very first time jeonghan witnessed the birth of a child, he was nothing but gentle, attentive and well prepared
• He was more fascinated than terrified
• The way he saw it was that childbirth was natural and a beautiful thing, so why should he freak out over it?
• Pissed the doc off even more tbh
• “Does this kid have any faults??”
• He does
• Often on more quiet evenings/mornings he will wonder the rooms and talk to the patients
• He likes to comfort them and make them laugh
• So of course he grows fond of the patients and becomes slightly,,, attached
• He’d do anything for his patients
• There was one little girl in particular whom he would visit regularly
• Eunmi was only 7 years old and had been in the hospital for around three weeks
• On every shift, Jeonghan would visit her room and talk to her
• He’d ask her about her dreams and the things she liked
• When he found out her passion for drawing, he came in the next day with an array of coloured pencils and a sketch book
• Each day she’d give him a new picture she drew
• Dragons, fairies, mountains, flowers; he was always in awe of her talent
• Going on her fourth week, the nurses in the break room we’re talking about recent transfers
• Jeonghan’s ears had instantly perked up when he heard Eunmi’s name slip past
• He could feel his heart clench a little at the thought of saying goodbye to the sweet little girl whom he’d grown so fond of
• For her last week, jeonghan spent every moment he could with her
• His studies had decreased slightly as he devoted himself to the scared little girl in room 114
•She didn’t quite understand why she was moving to another hospital
• He would comfort her, even singing her to sleep on nights she struggled to close her eyes and comfortably rest
• On her very last day, a few hours before she was to be transferred, the nurses called for jeonghan to come to the exit to say goodbye
• Not only did Eunmi have tears in her eyes, but so did her mother and father
• The four talked and bid their best wishes and love
• but before they could wheel Eunmi away, she slipped a large folded piece of paper into Jeonghan’s hand and waved goodbye
• He couldn’t bring himself to look at the paper while at the hospital
• That night he finally found the confidence to open it up
• She had drawn jeonghan
• Hair slightly parted, a glint in his eyes that were framed by round glasses and a bright but cheeky smile
• He was adorned in his navy nurses uniform from the shoulder to chest
• In the bottom corner was a small note that read:
• To Jeonghannie, I’ll miss you a lot and I’ll never forget my favourite big brother! I’ll see you sometime soon, I promise~ Love Eunmi
• He cried a lot that night
• It took him a little while to find the motivation to study hard again and to work at the hospital smiling
• It was one of the older nurses who spoke words of encouragement to him that made him realise he needed to pick himself up again
• “Do it for her” (lol peep that Simpson’s reference there)
• He studied harder than he had ever before
• He stopped falling asleep in class and asked more questions
• He saw a tutor each week to better his study tactics and perfect his knowledge
• By the time his three years were over, he was the student with the highest and most perfect scores and records
• When graduation rolled around, his family had come to visit and watch their beloved Jeonghan graduate
• When he received his diploma and looked into the crowd, he almost teared up
• There beside his family was Eunmi and her parents
• She was smiling and looked better than he had last saw her
• When he finally got the chance to go over to everyone, he ran to Eunmi and gave her the biggest hug
• “Told You I’d see you again, nurse Jeonghan”
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seungcheolsthighsss · 7 years
Wonwoo as your boyfriend
Disclaimer: this is just my opinion
Where do I even start with this toll bean
First of all wonwoo seems like a very shy boyfriend
I feel like he would not only be shy around the members or even just out in public but i feel like he would be shy if you kissed him
Or after a really heated kiss he would just smile and look flustered
Which you wouldn’t notice because you would also be flustered
But I also feel like sometimes wonwoo wouldn’t be shy at all like
Wonwoo knows he has a deep asf and hot voice and He would use that to his advantage
Lets say he back hugged you which would make you die but not the point
He would whisper something cute in your ear knowing that his deep voice always made you fall for him harder and harder
Basically there would be two sides shy wonwoo or sexy asf wonwoo
and you loved both sides of him
Okay but not only would he be shy and hot he would also be a majorrrrr dork
He would randomly start singing to you which you would expect to be sweet and romantic but nope you thought
He would make his voice sound like he was dying on purpose cause we all know this boy can sing
And he would also sing weird songs to you which would result in both of you dying of laughter
But the times where he would actually sing for you
You would almost die because his singing voice was that amazing and you loved hearing it
I feel like hes the type of boyfriend to cuddle with you and just start softly singing in your ear
Which would eventually put you to sleep since his voice was so calming and sweet
I also think that wonwoo would be the cuddly type
Like come on he wears big huge sweaters and has sweater paws that just convinces me he would be a cuddly boyfriend
Like he would wrap his arms around your waist pulling you in for a tight back hug
Or he would just bear hug you while swaying back and forth with you resting your head on his chest
If you were laying down he would pull you as close as possible and just rub your back
Or run his hands up and down your arms
I also feel like if you were ever cold he would instantly give you his jacket and he would comment on how cute you looked
But he would also laugh at how big the sweater was on you
Because if they are big on wonwooo they would be a full on dress on you.
Also with wonwoo I feel like hes the type of boyfriend to like lay with you
But I’m talking anywhere
Like if he was tired from practice and you came to visit with him he would lay his head on your shoulder and fall asleep
If you were at home watching a movie wonwoo would lay his head in your lap and would fall asleep
Which also brings me to my next point
That wonwoo would love when you play with his hair
Like if he were laying in your lap and you were playing with his hair
He would get a cute little smile with his eyes closed
Content with laying in your lap and also that he was with you
I also feel like there would be many movie nights
Wonwoo would just put in a movie and wait for you to come and lay with him
And if you didn’t lay with him right away he would pout at you and give you cute little looks until you would eventually give in
Because he would be too cute to even resist
I feel like during the movie wonwoo would stare at you a lot just taking in how beautiful you were
And when you would look at him he would just keep staring into your eyes the whole time causing you to blush and look away
Which would plant a small smile on wonwoo’s face
Also if you guys were talking about something serious or even just about your day he would keep eye contact the whole time
I also think your relationship would be those cute couples who take super aesthetic photos together
And there would also be super cute couple pics of you taking by the members who catch you guys doing something cute
And the photo would later be sent to you making you both smile
Also i feel like wonwoo would be the type of boyfriend who would always be there for you because you are always there for him
Like he would appreciate you always there for him when hes stressed out or had a terrible day
And if you were ever to break down he would try and do everything for you because he would want you to give you the same kinda comfort as you give him when he is down
Wonwoo would also make you laugh a lottttt
Just so he could see you smile and hear your laugh
But I aslo feel like you would do the same to wonwoo because hes deep laughter would make you start laughing
One because it was contagious and two because he was just so adorable when he laughs
Overall you and wonwoos relationship would be one of the cutest ones and would include tons of laughs and cuddles and tonssss of lazy days with movies he would always be there for you and vice versa    
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warmau · 7 years
hi!!! reading your single dad aus for everyone makes me fall in love, so i would really appreciate if you wrote one for my bias, jeonghan!! it makes sense since he will literally baby anyone younger than him ^-^
is the father of a  very enthusiastic, much more sarcastic than him, five year old girl
who once told uncle seungcheol he looked like a penguin and he thought it was a compliment and she just bluntly stated “it’s the only bird that can’t even fly.”
jeonghan is sure he’s raising her EXTRA well
because he’s always been the type that even with chic, sophisticated looks,,,,,,still likes to pull pranks and act silly,,,,,he’s done perfectly as a single dad
whenever he takes his daughter to the park, the kids all flock to him like some kind of magnet,,,,,,he’s just really good with people who are younger than him
but ofc,,,,,he loves his daughter the most and reminds her on the daily “whose jeonghan’s best girl in the world???? the bestest best girl?”
joshua somewhere: bestest isn’t a word
jeonghan: shut it, she is the bestest. you know it.
but as most parents,,,,,he gets overly worried and protective over minor scrapes and bruises
but something about it really scares jeonghan,,,,,,because to him his daughter is his entire life,,,if anything were to happen he just can’t even imagine
so that’s why,,,,,,at 2 am,,,,,,,when she’d wandered into jeonghan’s bedroom complaining of a bad stomachache,,,,,,
he wasted no time rushing her to the ER
and you’re a nurse, working the night shift at the hospital. 2 am is relatively quiet,,,, mostly small injuries or people in need of some antibiotics 
so when you hear the lively voice of a young child,,,,,,you peek your head out of the office and see a girl, tugging at he tired father’s sleeve
she’s adorable,,,,,but you can see her clutching her stomach
you frown,,,,but call the next patient’s name and you see the father stand up - scooping his daughter into his arms
you smile, leading them inside and asking the little girl if she’s her because of an upset tummy
she nods, gripping her fathers hand and whining that it felt bad when she went to sleep
the father,,,whose name you read on the paperwork is jeonghan, sighs and says that she didn’t eat anything out of the ordinary,,,,,
you turn, noticing how strikingly handsome jeonghan is. you were too focused on the daughter, but looking at him face to face, even with the tiredness apparent in his features,,,,,,,he’s definitely different 
you start asking jeonghan questions about his daughter, the usual height and age and history of other health issues
you try to keep a cheery tone, smiling and engaging with the daughter so she feels comfortable - the ER is a scary place for kids usually and you don’t want her to feel worried
you scribble down some notes for the doctor as you do a small physical exam, but as soon as you go “we’re gonna have to give you a little shot so the doctor can help find out what’s wrong”
the girl lets out a noise of terror and hides herself in her dads back
jeonghan gives a weak laugh, “needles scare her,,,,,” but turns carefully around to try and calm her down
you’ve dealt with kids scared of needles before
you approach her as well and in a soothing voice explain that it doesn’t hurt, maybe a small pinch but nothing more
you show her the colorful bandages with cartoon characters on them and you’re like “look, you can pick one that’s pretty!”
this seems to grab her attention, curiously she takes the box
jeonghan watches you,,,,,the way you kindly smile and get excited when his daughter shows you the bandaid she wants
without much more convincing, you manage to distract her enough to get the needle out of the package
you encourage her to look away and hold jeonghan’s hand
and when you finally get to take the sample,,,,,,you do it so effortlessly and quick - putting the bandage on with a smile that you ask her “was that bad?”
his daughter shakes her head,,,suddenly proud if anything that she did so well
she tugs on jeonghan’s sleeve and goes “dad,,,,,im the bestest even when it’s scary” 
grinning he ruffles her hair, you tell them the doctor will be in shortly
but before you leave,,,,,,,his daughter goes “wait! here-”
she takes the second bandaid you’d let her keep in case the first one peels of and presses it into your hand
you’re like “oh, is this for me?”
she nods, smiling “so we can match!”
you thank her, putting the bandaid on your wrist even though you don’t need it,,,,,,you tell her you promise to wear it for a while and she nods excitedly
jeonghan thanks you,,,,,gaze lingering on you as you rush out to call the next patient
after a while,,,,,,,as you’re standing next to the vending machine waiting to get a snack on your like five minute break
you hear the same excited kids voice
and you turn to see jeonghan’s daughter running toward you. she pulls at your hand, checking to see that the bandaid she gave you is still there
you smile when she tells her dad “look!!! they didn’t take it off!!!”
jeonghan shakes his head and pats his daughter’s head “say goodbye, they have to go back to work,,,,,,,”
his daughter pouts and goes “do you?? can we see you again?? dad let’s go to the ER tomorrow night too!!!!!!”
jeonghan’s mouth opens in shock and you laugh,,,,,,saying that the ER isn’t fun, and it looks like your dad doesn’t like it all that much
his daughter pouts “BUT he said he liked you!!!!!! dad said he thought you were cute”
“well actually you said you thought they were cute and made me agree”
his daughter throws a look over her small shoulder and sticks her tongue out
you look at jeonghan and playfully go “so am i not cute?”
he grins, shaking his head “no, you are. you definitely are.”
his daughter starts swinging your hand in hers and you hear someone call out your name so you squat down and tell her maybe you’ll see each other soon - but for now she should go home and get better
promising you she’ll do her best, she turns to take jeonghan’s hand instead
jeonghan wishes you a good night, but before he leaves his daughter turns and goes “dad said we’re gonna get ice cream when my stomachs better - do you wanna come?”
shocked you look at jeonghan,,,,,,but he doesn’t disapprove just looks to you for an answer
you nod,,,,,,,,,saying that you’d love to come,,,,,,,,,,,,,
happily his daughter cheers and you wave again as they leave
you think to yourself that she’s adorable and jeonghan is cute,,,,,but you’ll probably never see each other again
(until a week later jeonghan calls the ER asking for you and says if your sunday is free - his daughter’s all better and wants you to keep that ice cream date promise,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he also,,,,,,,,would like it if you kept it too hehe) 
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sluttyminghao · 3 years
05:36 am | y.jh
w.c: 1.7k request:  Hii can i please get a fluffy morning sex w jeonghan nothing specific i just need some softdom jeonghan please 🥺 genre: smut !! pairing: jeonghan x female reader warnings: softdom!jeonghan, nothing else really just sweet and cocky jeonghan :) a/n: a nice and short one for you all!! thanks for all the love :)
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You sighed heavily before opening your eyes, rubbing them with the heels of your hands and turning over in the navy blue sheets, blearily peeking at the time. The time glared back at you, almost angrily, with the number 5:36am written on the face. You sighed once more and turned your back to the clock, only to come face-to-face with your husband Jeonghan. 
As cheesy as it sounded, he really did look like an angel when he slept. His dark hair splayed out across the pillow and in front of his eyes, while his mouth was opened slightly and letting out soft snores every so often. You smiled to yourself at how perfect he was, gently brushing the hair out of his eyes. A quick glance down at his chest showed some love bites you had left the previous night, them blooming into pretty purple and blue marks.
Remembering details from last night sent a big shiver down your spine. You began remembering how his feather light touches turned to rough grips and bruises on your hips, and how he made you cum at least 3 times that you could remember. He always seemed like he was going to go easy on you but would always end up doing a complete 180 on you and be the hard dominant you knew and loved, probably a little too much.
The more you thought about it, the more you anticipated his touch. You slid back into the sheets, a small whimper escaping your lips as you felt yourself grow wetter as the minutes passed. Another quick glance at the clock showed that only 7 minutes had passed since you last checked, and you groaned in annoyance. It was far too early for Jeonghan to even consider being awake, let alone waking up so he could give you what you needed.
Little did you know, Jeonghan had woken up when you brushed the hair off of his face and just remained “asleep” to see what you were doing. He rolled around so that he was facing your arm, and snuck an arm around your stomach, seemingly still asleep in your eyes. A small gasp left your lips at the contact, which you tried to suppress with a cough, but to no avail. You turned to see Jeonghan stirring in his sleep, before supposedly burying his head into the crook of your neck and falling back to sleep.
You knew he wouldn’t be up for a few hours so you figured you could burn some time in bed by attending to your own needs. While it was a little difficult because of the position Jeonghan was holding you in, you managed to sneak a hand in between your bodies and find purchase on your throbbing clit, pressing lightly and feeling electricity shoot through you. It was extremely hard for you to hold back your moans, especially in such close proximity to your husband, but you really didn’t want to wake him on one of his days off when he needed the rest. 
You slowly turned in his hold, so that you were now facing away from him and had a little bit more freedom to move your hand as you continued circling your clit, a small whimper leaving your lips at the contact. What startled you was the hand that came to rest on yours, and Jeonghan’s lips pressing against your neck. Had you woken him? You weren’t entirely sure but when he flipped you over to face him he had a huge shit-eating grin on his face.
“Whatcha up to their baby?” His voice was deep and husky, his hand now resuming your ministrations on your clit, circling slowly and watching how your face contorted at the feeling. “Uh...n-nothing” you spoke shakily, not even game enough to look into his eyes as he slowly entered a finger into your pussy, thrusting it slowly and carefully. “Well, this doesn’t look like nothing” he spoke once more, before lifting the sheets off the top of you both and he could settle between your thighs.
Without any words spoken between either of you, he licked a flat stripe up your pussy, a whine escaping your lips as he continued to thrust a finger in, soon adding a second. It was still early, he was exhausted and his eyes willing to shut, but now that he was like this, he needed to have his dick buried in you. His mouth latched to your clit and sucked softly, a loud moan ripping from your lips once more and you had to clamp your hand over your mouth. You just knew you would get a noise complaint from the neighbours, especially that early in the morning.
He brought you to your high within only a matter of minutes, sucking softly on your clit and thrusting lightly, before he sat back on his knees and removed his boxers, leaking erection prominent against his toned stomach. From your position and the early morning sunlight beginning to pour through the window, you could see his cock was an angry red and had a few beads of precum on the tip. You sat up and reached for his cock, only to have your hand slapped away and you were pushed back against the mattress, Jeonghan moving to hover above you, cock lined up with your entrance.
“You can worry about that later baby, this morning is all about you” his voice was still laced with sleep and he looked so adorable in that moment, you pulled him down for a passionate kiss while he slowly started to sink into you, moans spilling from both your lips. “Fuck princess, you’re s-so tight” he muttered lowly, eyes lowering to where his cock was now buried fully inside you. He looked back up at your face once again and began peppering kisses all over it, making you laugh at how gentle his touch was, similar to the previous night. 
He started thrusting at a lazy pace, mouth leaving small hickeys along your collarbones while his hands gripped your waist, pulling your hips towards his as he thrust. Soft moans and whimpers left both your lips, and your hands were gently tugging on Jeonghan’s hair, the soft strands feeling like silk underneath your fingertips. He thrust particularly rough a few times which in turn, made you pull on his hair a little too rough for his liking, especially so early in the morning. 
He stopped thrusting which made you whine out, before he placed a gentle kiss to your lips and removed your hands from his hair and lifting them above your head. He laced your fingers together and held your hands up there, feeling a whole new level of intimacy as he then proceeded to thrust once more, both of you now at the horizon of your orgasms.
“M’gonna cum Jeonghan” you whispered into his ear, a shiver being sent down his spine. He moved his lips to your neck where he began to suck harshly, his goal being to leave a nice purple mark to remember the morning by. As his thrusts got harder and sloppier, your eyes closed in bliss as you took in his hard cock slamming into you, the sounds from him bringing you even closer to your orgasm. He too, was wrapped up in his own pleasure, falling from his mouth in the form of small grunts.
It was only when he felt your walls clenching around his cock was he brought back to reality, and looked down at how fucked out you had become in such a short amount of time. “Open your eyes princess, I want you to look me in the eyes when you cum”
His sharp words made you open your eyes slowly, his dark and lustful ones peering into yours. He bit his bottom lip in concentration as he continued to watch you, his thrusts now becoming sloppy and ragged as he neared his high. He moved one of his hands down to your clit and began circling the bundle of nerves furiously, getting you to your high as well.
When your orgasm finally washed over you, stars and white light took over your vision as you arched up, a moan that was close to a scream escaping your lips as Jeonghan thrust into you roughly. He came not too long after with a drawn out moan, his lips attacking your neck as his hips stuttered and he filled you with his cum. When his hips finally stilled he all but collapsed on top of you, both of you breathing heavily.
When he finally pulled up off your chest he gave you the sweetest smile and attached his lips to yours, a sweet kiss that was a complete contrast to how he was only minutes ago. He pulled his softened cock out of you with a sigh, before going to grab a towel from the bathroom to clean you up. You took a deep breath, the cool air filling your lungs as you lay waiting for Jeonghan to come back, head now tilting toward the clock once more.
The glaring red numbers were only an indication of the beginning morning, as well as the sunlight that was now pouring steadily through the windows and curtains, casting a golden glow over the bedroom. When Jeonghan walked back into the room with a towel, he smiled at you and wiped you off gently, leaving kisses over your face as he did so. He tossed the towel to the side before climbing back onto the bed next to you and covering you both with the navy sheets once more.
He pulled you close to him, an arm extending out so you could curl in to his side as he intertwined your fingers, letting you and him settle back in. He turned to see you slowly falling in and out of consciousness, a small giggle erupting from his lips and you looking up at him with a confused look. “Did i really fuck you that good that you’re falling asleep?” You whacked his chest lightly at his statement, before sticking your tongue out at him.
“Shut up Jeonghan, let’s just sleep for a few more hours” you spoke with a yawn, before letting the bliss of sleep fall over you, and not too long after, Jeonghan followed suit.
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jinhwankenobi · 5 years
Seventeen (Vocal Unit) Reaction To Them Being Jealous
Anonymous said: Hi I love your blog! Could you write a reaction about jealous Seventeen thank you ❤️❤️
(a/n): Finished the last one! Hope you enjoy. x
Kinda seems a bit possessive as well, but not in an unhealthy way. He ends up making scenarios in his head that will probably never happen. But will talk with you about it. He‘d be petty at some point.
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He‘d most likely be mad at himself to be honest. He clearly doesn’t want to be jealous, because he can always trust you. So what should he do? He’s probably trying to solve it on his own.
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His feelings would get constantly mixed, like he would be petty and then sad but then mad and so on. Doesn’t know what to do either. Probably tries to figure out how you are when you’re jealous.
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He’s either the type to confront you right away and tell you how he’s feeling about it or he would ‘jokingly hint’ that he’s jealous like “Haha, so funny how that guy got near you. Haha. Better rip his head off. Haha!”
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He’d get jealous pretty easily but would never get seriously mad at you. Let’s out some sassy comments here and there but actually just wants to get cuddled and receive some compliments.
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zouchu · 6 years
Jeonghan: Aw, you poor thing.
Wonwoo: Don’t bring my financial status into this.
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curledlife · 6 years
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❝ On the sketchbook of my brain, I draw you out every day...❞
I do not own any of the images above. Credit goes to the original owners.
Oh my, Pink Jeonghan —-> Masterlist
Requested by anon  —> Request one! (HERE ARE THE RULES)
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kpopsenarios · 7 years
Can I request a Jeonghan scenario where you two make a bet to see who can go the longest without kisses... and Jeonghan loses v quickly😂 thank you in advanced if you get to do this. ps I love your blog💕💕
Hi there! Thank you for being so patient, this scenario took me so long to write and it took me a while to come up with an idea. Hope you like it and feel free to give me some feedback~ I would appreciate it so much!!! Requests are still open too ^^
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Being in a relationship is hard. It’s like a commitment, you have to put so much effort in and the result might not always turn out to be they way want… This was how you use to feel until you finally met Jeonghan. An angel sent from heaven to keep you company. 
 Your relationship with Jeonghan was like friends, soulmates and many more. After meeting him everyday is always filled with surprises. To create some fun and excitement in your relationship, Jeonghan has came up with the best idea ever. He made a box that he named “JH&Y/N’s once a day”. The box was pretty self explanatory, everyday you get to pick out a note from the box Jeonghan has prepared.He has written things that he wants to do with you, things he wants to do for you and he also included some dares/ bets as well as some confessions he has. 
It’s been about a month and each day you feel like you’ve been treated like a princess. Things you have picked out are things such as whole body massage, drying your hair for you, taking you out on a movie date, taking you to the park for a picnic, surprise dinner, presents and a lot more things you loved. 
Today, as usual. You helped to pack away dinner and grabbed the box before you made your way towards Jeonghan who was sitting in the living room. “Is it time to pick out one?” Jeonghan saw as you approached him with the box. “Yappp!” you sat down and wiggled a little in your spot due to excitement! “I wonder what it will be today, it better be good” Jeonghan smiled and watched you. You pulled out a note and took a deep breathe, for some reason you were extra nervous today, you had a feeling it might turn out to be something bad. 
Holding the note tightly in your hand, you handed it to Jeonghan for him to read out because you didn’t want to see it. Jeonghan took a note and peeked, as soon as he peeked he laughed… “What is it?” you questioned him, anticipating for his response. “Are you sure you want to know?” He pulled you closer to him and revealed seconds later. You sat for a while… not knowing how to react to what you just saw. “No skinship for the day or else punishment will apply” the note reads. “Why did you put this in the box?” you hit Jeonghan on the chest demanding for a response. “HAHAHAHA, I thought it’d be funny and c’mon it’s just a game… for only a day too” he looked over at your pouty face. “I hate you so much devil…” you glared at him and said. “The punishment for breaking this dare/bet will be doing chores for the rest of your life” Jeonghan looked at you as he announces the punishment. 
“This is not fair…” you felt annoyed by this decision he has made but you know theres nothing you could do to stop him.. What can you say? Bad luck.  You got up and started walking towards the bedroom.“Yoon Jeonghan, the dare/bet starts now! I’m going to the room and don’t you dare come inside. NO SKINSHIP! Stay away from me” you proceed to the room while finishing your words. 
Slamming the door, you throw yourself to the bed. Punching the pillow a few times and mumbled “it’s okay Y/N it’s just one day! You can do this! I’m sure you don’t want to do chores for the rest of your life” shutting your eyes tightly, you started counting sheeps, hoping to fall asleep so that you can distract yourself. 
Next thing you hear is the door opening, “Yoon Jeonghan! I told you to stay away from me” you yelled and pointed for him to leave. But instead, Jeonghan comes to lie on the top of you. He leaned down and kissed you passionately.Your eyes widen to his sudden action, you tried to push him away and remind him about the dare/ bet. 
He was too strong. He held you down and you finally gave in to his kiss. Moments later, he breaks away from your lips. He stared into your eyes before he says “I know… I know I made the box and I filled out the notes. I know what the dare/ bet is… and I broke it” he giggled a little as he looks at your puzzled face “You lost! I thought I was going to lose but it hasn’t even been 2 minutes and look at you” you held your hands up against his face.  “Yeah I’m aware of that hahah I lost a lot quicker than I thought too” Jeonghan admitted. 
“I was doing fine until you walked away from me, as soon as you walked away I felt the need to get you back. I guess I’m attached to you and I love you too much to leave you alone so stuff that dare/bet I’d rather do chores for the rest of my life” your face turns red at his confession.You never thought Jeonghan would say things like this. 
This is the very first time where he admitted to being attached to you. You liked it though… deep inside you died many times at the thought of not being able to touch him and hug him. This surely made you realise he has become an important part of your life. A part that you can’t possibly replace. 
“But before I start being your maid for the rest of your life… will you be my Mrs Yoon for the rest of my life?” Jeonghan moves your hair out of your face and waited for an answer. “Is this like a joke? Or are you being serious” It took you longer than you thought to figure out what he was implying. “If you think being your maid was a joke then sure take this one as a joke too” he chuckles. “Noooo… I do! Omg, why are you doing this to me?” Happy tears form in your eyes and the tears were definitely the first one to witness the beginning of your happily ever after life. With no chores of course!!!
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Admin Mi.
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Listed: Buck Curran
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Steel strings course through Buck Curran’s blood: he is both a guitarist and a luthier. Rising to prominence in the northeastern American psychedelic folk scene, first with his band Arborea and then solo, Curran is steeped in his country’s blues-influenced folk heritage. Recently, he performed an about-face and released Delights and Dangers of Ambiguity, a collection of improvisations that he describes as “improvised dissertations on dissonance & sustain (experimental, drone and modal explorations for piano and guitar).” In his review of the album, Bryon Hayes noticed that “there is a tie that binds these tunes to Curran’s overall oeuvre: a focus on resonance. Throughout his career, [he] explores ways of extending a note’s sonic envelope via extended techniques.” Curran also recently compiled a 22-track tribute to Steffan-Basho Junghans, which Jennifer Kelly reviewed here.
For this Listed, Curran runs down some recordings and writings from which he draws inspiration for his sonic explorations.
Blind Willie Johnson — Dark Was the Night Cold Was the Ground (1927)
I believe this is one of the most important recordings ever made, and there is a great reason why this recording made it onboard the space probe Voyager 1. I imagine it now: Blind Willie Johnson's deep plaintive voice and haunting slide playing on an endless loop as it hurtles out into the open void of deep space; a memory carried on a tiny metal seed...used as a kind of beacon of hope and promise for all life on earth. For certain it represents (along with folk music from Japan, the Navajo tribe, Bach, Beethoven, etc.) significant music made by the human race. The recording echoes the eternal loneliness that is such a big part of human nature and of our thoughts towards the silence and darkness of the cosmos itself. But in its moaning sadness, I feel it yearns always as a steady glowing light of hope.
The Wikipedia entry says this about the song: In 1977, Carl Sagan and other researchers collected sounds and images from planet Earth to send on Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. The Voyager Golden Record includes recordings of frogs, crickets, volcanoes, a human heartbeat, laughter, greetings in 55 languages, and 27 pieces of music. "Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground" was included, according to Timothy Ferris, because “Johnson’s song concerns a situation he faced many times: nightfall with no place to sleep. Since humans appeared on Earth, the shroud of night has yet to fall without touching a man or woman in the same plight.”
Sinead O'Connor — The Lion and The Cobra (1987)
Sinead has been an inspiration for most of my life. In the late 1990s, I was fortunate to see her perform outdoors in Portland, Oregon. I stood in the front next to the barricade and her voice was just otherworldly: intense, emotional, and visceral in a way I've never heard before. It was powerful and transformational, and the siren-like timbres physically penetrated my body. She wrote and recorded these songs as a young woman pregnant with her first child. Songs like “Jackie” and “Troy” embody the spirit of the album and sound the many internal and external struggles of life.
Camaron de la Isla — Seguiriyas (circa 1980s)
Camaron de la Isla is one of my very favorite singers. His work with both Paco Delucia and Tomatito is essential listening. This film of Camaron singing a Seguiriya is so incredibly emotive and beautiful and cuts straight to my heart giving me such joy. As described here, a “Seguiriya” is one of the oldest flamenco styles. The oldest evidence of this flamenco style is found in the late 18th century, even though its origin is still uncertain. “Seguiriya” derived from primitive “tonás,” being created between Seville and Cadiz, los Puertos, Jerez and Triana neighborhoods. As singing, it has a tragic and gloomy character, enclosing the main values of what is known as “cante hondo.” Lyrics are painful, tragic, about human relationships, love, and death.
Pandit Nikhil Banerjee — Raga Chandra Kaushiki: Live at Dover Lane Music Conference, Kolkata (1977)
This deeply passionate performance by sitarist Pandit Nikhil Banerjee simply transcends time and space, and shimmers with the radiance of the Cosmos. Banerjee is among the best musicians I have ever heard. His tone is sweet and incredibly emotive. His technique absolutely masterful. He is accompanied on tablas by the Great Ustad Zakir Hussain.
Cinder Well — Live at Abbeydale Picture House (Songs from the album 'No Summer' 2020)
Along with the Gillian Welch albums Hell Among the Yearlings and Time (The Revelator) as well as various albums by Sandy Denny, June Tabor, and Karen Dalton, Amelia Baker's album No Summer is listed among my very favorite contemporary folk albums. This plaintive and beautiful live session features songs from No Summer. This session was perfectly documented (audio as well as video) in a historic movie house in Sheffield, England. During the songs “Old Enough” and “From Behind the Curtain,” Amelia is subtly and beautifully accompanied by Jim Ghedi and GBH.
Robbie Basho — Zarthus (1974)
My favorite album made by Robbie Basho. Thematically, it was deeply influenced by his spiritual guru Meher Baba and his fascination and love for Persian culture. Highlights on this album include his playing on 12 string guitar and piano. “Kahlil Gibran” is among my favorite of Basho’s songs that features him singing. I also highly recommend listening to Basho’s “Lost Lagoon Suite” from Falconer's Arm II (1967) and the album Song of the Stallion (1971).
Dylan Thomas — Deaths and Entrances (1946)
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Deaths and Entrances is a volume of poetry by Dylan Thomas, first published in 1946. Many of the poems in this collection deal with the effects of World War II, which had ended only a year earlier. I first discovered Dylan Thomas’ poetry as a teenager when reading the anthology of poetry Immortal Poems. Along with the books Ariel by Sylvia Plath, and various poems by John Keats, Dylan’s poetry seems to transcend written word and takes me to another place.
Martin Simpson — Leaves of Life (1989)
The first acoustic guitar instrumental record that made a huge impact on me. Martin creates a dynamic world of sound with his virtuosity and the use of several unique and responsive hand-built acoustic guitars. Leaves of Life is an album of instrumental guitar arrangements of traditional ballads from the British Isles, many of which he learned from vocal airs. It’s an album that’s steeped in a dark, mysterious mood, and songs like “Green Fields of America” are otherworldly. His slide playing and command over the dynamics of single-note passages (and use of guitar overtones) are a great influence on my playing. The complex voices of the guitars he used on this album influenced me to build my own acoustic guitars.
Michael Hedges — The Naked Stalk (1991)
Michael Hedges was a true innovator of the acoustic guitar. “The Naked Stalk” is a deeply contemplative and beautiful piece of music, and along with his guitar instrumental “The Happy Couple” (from the Breakfast in the Field album, released in 1981), it is one of my very favorite guitar recordings.
Tommy Jarrell and Fred Cockerham — Live (1971, filmed by Blanton Owen)
I love the primordial American folk music from Round Peak, North Carolina. I hear the roots of Scotland and Ireland in this music and it moves me deeply. Tommy Jarrell and Fred Cockerham were among the finest players in this genre, and this intimate concert (filmed on Cockerham's front porch in Low Gap, North Carolina) is a vital and amazing archive. Also of interest is Cockerham’s fretless banjo made by fellow musician Kyle Creed. The fretless fretboard of this banjo was made with a sheet of Formica. This banjo now resides in the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.
Neil Young — In Concert at BBC (1971)
I absolutely love Neil Young’s live solo recordings. This live BBC concert from 1971 is a perfect example of the magic that can be made with just a handful of songs, voice and acoustic guitar. Other brilliant recordings performed in this fashion include Live at Massey Hall 1971 and Carnegie Hall 1970. All are favorite recordings that are utterly perfect. Neil Young, along with Bert Jansch and Tim Buckley (especially Goodbye and Hellofrom 1967), exists artistically in a realm that has inspired and influenced my own music. “Don't Let it Bring You Down” is my favorite Neil Young song, and I love his performance of it in this session.
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bfseventeen · 6 years
Merry Little Christmas || Jeonghan
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There is no way we are going outside! Have you looked out on the window yet? We are going to freeze to death.
Christmas with Jeonghan
there is no going out with him
his ideal christmas is a warm and lazy one so if there is no snow just cold there is no going out
because let’s be real he would like to go snowboarding
something that will keep him warm and entertained
but most of the time you are inside drinking your fifth cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows and probably getting sugar high
cooking together
well not together because jeonghan is only standing there giving moral support but he is there at least
eating all the cookie dough
“can you stop? we will have nothing to put in the oven if you continue”
“i am sorry but i am taking a risk here”
“a risk?”
“for all we have known this cookies could be poisonous or worse... tasteless.”
after the cooking is done - you at least could fill one tray with shaped dough -, you go back to bed
you start a new series together and binge watch them in bed with dimmed lights
he would probably fall asleep every once in a while
and you would have to wake him up with a kiss or two
but if the series are not interesting you will fall asleep on his chest
and he would wake up to the light of the empty screen as the tv show has already ended
and he would find you on his chest cuddled up sniffling silently
he would smile to himself and securely would look at the clock on his bedside drawer to see the date
it has already hit midnight on christmas eve
he would smile and softly plant a kiss on your forehead
“merry christmas love”
“merry christmas” you would mumble half asleep not even saying the words right what would make him giggle
he would play with your hair until he falls asleep too and this is how you would spend your winter holidays
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noona-clock · 6 years
Seventeen When You Say I Love You For The First Time
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used.
- Admin T
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He’d start jumping up and down, dancing and whooping and being his embarrassing self but he didn’t care because you love him and he was so happy to have you in his life. 
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He’d look down at the ground shyly before responding with “I love you too” with a soft, sincere voice. Then, he’d proceed to text on his phone before turning to you. “I reserved the day for you, let’s go do something. Whatever you want, Y/N!” 
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He’d laugh softly and intertwine his fingers with yours. He wouldn’t take his eyes off of you as he replied with, “I love you too, Y/N.” 
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He’d immediately kiss your lips without a second thought because he was so happy and felt so loved by you! He’d murmur a soft ‘I love you’ in between kisses. He wanted to make sure he said it back to you! 
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“Really?” he’d say, his eyes brightening and his face lighting up. You’d have to say ‘I love you’ multiple times before he would truly believe that you’d really said it out loud, especially to him! 
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He was in the middle of reading that he’d dropped the back he was holding just from hearing what you’d said. Then, he’d proceed to tackle you and hug you and kiss every part of you he could find. 
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He’d clear his throat nervously because he wasn’t expecting for you to say it first! He’d been agonizing over it for days and had been wanting to tell you and now that you beat him to it, he’s at a loss for words. 
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He’d cutely cover his face because he’d be so shy! No one has said to him before and he knew that you’re such a special person to him that he’d muttered, “I love you,” back even with his hands over his face. 
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This boy wouldn’t be fazed at all because you were both teetering on saying it to each other during the past few days and now that you’d finally said it, he can breath a sigh, smile brightly and say it right back to you. 
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Minghao’s eyes would widen. “Ah, I was supposed to say it first! I had this whole date planned!” he’d murmur but he’d reach for your hand anyway and kiss it gently. “I love you too.” 
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This silly boy would be so happy and excited. He might even pump his fist in the air because he can’t control his joy knowing that you love him and that you’d say it. He’d grab you, pick you up and spin you both in circles while laughing out loud. 
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He’d gasp the smile shyly and wrap you in an embrace. For once, he’d be at a loss for words because you were brave enough to say it first. He’d gently kiss your forehead before saying that he loves you too. 
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He’d be so shocked and just stare at you for a moment. He thought he’d heard you saying it, so he’d ask you if you can say it again, his eyes hopeful and his heart ready to say it back to you. 
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Master list // RULES // Submit a Request! // Read About the Admins
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kwonfiyahh · 5 years
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School Nurse! Jeonghan
Odd Jobs SVT Series 9/13
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seungcheolsthighsss · 7 years
Hi! Can I request a scenario like the one you did for DK except with Seungkwan? Also I love your work, I’m a new fan!
genre: kinds like fluff
member: seungkwan
Summary: Seungkwan was your best friend and would always protect you and take care of you but when your ex tries to come back into your life seungkwan reveals something to you (contains swear words just saying lol)
Trigger warning: abusive Ex boyfriend, abuse 
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today was gonna be one of the best days you have ever had. Why? because you were hanging out with your best friend who you have not seen in what felt like absolutely forever. Who was your best friend well it was the one and only Boo Seungkwan!!!!. He was the best friend you always wanted, you were both super close, always together, always telling jokes and you would both be divas together which is and always will be the best part of your friendship.
It was also safe to say that your best friend Seungkwan was not only your best friend but also the boy who literally saved your life well more saved you from a very extremely toxic relationship. You see your last relationship was somewhat abusive. Your ex boyfriend would often come home drunk and then would come up with stories of you cheating or things related to you not being loyal to him and would later take it out on you not even giving you chances to speak or explain.
You would lie to Seungkwan and your other friends if they saw a bruise and come up with some random stories to explain how you got the bruise, or you would use makeup to hide them as best as you could. Of course you wanted to tell them what was going on and what the bruises were actually from but you couldn’t. Why? well your ex boyfriend did not only abuse you by hitting you but he would also threaten you that if you ever told anyone that things would just get worse for you
And you could not even think about what he would do to you or even if he would go after some of your friends. The thought of him hurting your best friend Seungkwan made you want to cry, so you thought that you would just put up with the hits and blows to your face and body to save your friend from getting hurt. And of course in the very beginning you would think that he still loved you and that he only did this because he loved you. But then you finally came to your senses and knew that this was not love.
Love was not putting your hands on the one you care about in a abusive way, love was not putting someone down and putting so much trouble and pain into their life. The day you realized all this was the day you thought it was too late. And also the day that your best friend both found out about everything but also the day he saved you from all the beatings. I will explain all that happened on that dark but bright day.
It started off as normal you sitting at home alone waiting…..
Waiting for that monster to walk through he front door drunk and start accusing you of things you would never even think about. As soon as you heard the front door open you froze. As much as you wanted your body to just run it would not move at all. “Y/N!!!” you heard that raspy voice call your name. “yes?” you said trying not to let the fear come out in your voice. “come here bitch” the UN-pleasant nickname he had given you ever since he started to take up drinking.
“yes” you said “why are my friends telling me that you are cheating on me with one of them, ONE OF THEM, ONE OF MY OWN BEST FRIENDS, WHY”. Usually you would flinch at the sound of him raising his voice. But now you were so immune to it that it did not even phase you anymore. “I am not cheating on you, your friends are lying to you babe please you have to believe me” you were trying to reason with him but you knew that he would not listen no matter what.
“I CANT TRUST A SLUT LIKE YOU SO HOW SHOULD I POSSIBLE BE ABLE TO BELIEVE YOU , YOU SLEEP WITH ALL MY BEST FRIENDS AND YOUR PROBABLY SLEEPING WITH TONS OF OTHER PEOPLE TOO BEHIND MY BACK I BET THEY COME HERE TO OUR HOUSE” you could tell that he was clearly mad a you for something you didn’t even do and would never even imagine doing to the person your in a relationship with. “baby i promise that-” you got cut off and then felt the familiar sting of pain across your soft cheek.
That was the day that he had gone crazy. He had slapped your cheek multiple times and he even had pushed you down and your back had hit hard against the wall not only this but when you were down on the ground he kicked you once but it was hard. When your boyfriend had walked away there was a knock at the door and as much as your body ached and hurt you got up. Your first thought was that this person at your front door could be someone who could help you escape this hell which you call a house. And you were right.
You opened the door and there stood seungkwan, you felt bad because he would finally see what you were hiding but you also needed help, you needed to get out of here and wanted to just be hugged and not hit for once. Seungkwan saw you at the door looking extremely weak and tear stained cheeks “Y/N what happened are you okay !!!!” you shook your head no and then fresh tears started to roll down your cheeks and seungkwan hugged you “no don’t cry Y/N please”
As seungkwan was holding you and wiping your tears your boyfriend walked back in and the look alone on his face madeyou flinch. Even though you were barley able to walk and you were smaller then Seungkwan and your boyfriend you still attempted to push Seungkwan behind you so that your boyfriend could not hurt him. “wow wow wow how pathetic you couldn’t even wait till I left to bring one of the guys here. You really are cheating on me I KNEW YOU WERE A SLUT “ he said in a
harsh and loud tone his voice booming off the walls. And seungkwan could instantly tell and connect all the points like u lying that everything was not okay here “ who are you?” seungkwan asked your boyfriend “her boyfriend and may I ask who the fuck you are ?” he said trying to act polite. You could see the shock on Seungkwan’s in how your boyfriend responds “ I am her best friend and by the look of you and the look of your girlfriend you do not seem like much of a boyfriend”. You could see the anger on his face only increase at Seungkwans words. Seungkwan
Moved infront of you and you then got scared and tried to stand in between the two of them. your boyfriend looked like he was gonna swing at Seungkwan and that’s when you stood in front of your boyfriend and tried pushing his away from seungkwan but he was much stronger then you were so with one little shove you feel to the floor with a yelp as your back once again hit the hard wall. Seungkwan saw this and even though people say him as this soft person
who wouldn’t dare let a hand on a people, in this scenario he did, because his best friend was more important then his “reputation”. So thats exactly what he did he started to give your boyfriend a feeling of what he put you through and when your boyfriend was finally down on the ground he lifted u up and carried you out of that hell hole and away from that monster for the rest of your life
and that was how your best friend saved your life and stole you away from that monster who you once called your boyfriend. As that flashback played in your head you heard someone scream hello. and then you finally realized who’s voice it was. It was the one and only Boo Seungkwan your best friend!!!! “omg seungkwannnnnn” you screamed while running into his arms for a huge hug and to be honest you didn’t want to let go, Because you had missed him so much.
Seungkwan had planed a whole day for you together, full of things you both loved to do the first place was…… the mall!! you and seungkwan would go all the time mostly because you would force him to keep you company and you had a feeling that this would be the same scenario. So you both hoped into his car and you were off on your way to the mall and you couldn’t help but stare at him.
Okay yes if you couldn’t tell ever since he had saved you that day, you felt some kind of way around him, and you soon realized that… you liked your best friend. Of course you would not tell him because that would make everything awkward and what if he didn’t like you back that would make everything worse. So this was something you have kept to yourself for a while now. You were soon at the mall and you and seungkwan headed for the food court as you bother were
starving and wanted to eat. After you both sat down and ate and caught up with what has been going on you decided to walk around and maybe even look in some stores just to kill some time. seungkwan dragged u into a random store because he saw a nice jacket that he wanted to try on and you couldn’t help but laugh at your best friend but also blush due to the contact thankfully he was infront of you and could not see your soft cheeks turning a light shade of pink
Seungkwan had gone off into his own little world in the store and you were jus browsing certain parts of the store waiting for Seungkwan when you heard the voice you never wanted to hear in your life again the voice that sent shivers down your spine. “hello gorgeous how are you this fine day”. you didn’t turn around pretending you didn’t hear him or see him at all. Trying to avoid this evil man the best you could. You would not be able to Stan seeing his face again.
“I said hello gorgeous” he said while grabbing your wrist with a very strong grasp and pulling you to face him. you closed your eyes tightly expecting a blow to your face yet nothing came, instead you hear someone talking “did you not learn the first time, did I not give you a reason to leave her alone “ Seungkwan said with angry laced through every word coming out of his mouth. The sight made you wanna cry remember last time what happened when they stood face to face.
You closed your eyes trying to get that vision out of your mind and also trying to block out their booming voices “why should I even be scared of you , your nothing but her little best friend who follows her around cause you pity her” ouch you thought but it also got to you what he said and thought maybe he was right. But you shook your head along with that thought and didn’t let his words get to you not again you weren’t. But what seungkwan said next made your jaw drop.
“ you know that’s where I will stop you, because she is not my best friend” once again ouch you thought, you always thought you and Seungkwan were best friends but maybe he did just pity you but then “ she is the girl I fell in love with the day i meet her and i feel more deeply in love with her the day i saved her from an asshole like you who did not treat her right and made her believe that love is when her boyfriend beats her and gives her bruises to the point where
she can not walk the next day the boyfriend who made her think she was in love with you when in reality she hated your guts so no I am not just here little best friend who pity’s her I am the boy who she now knows loves her” Your ex boyfriend was shocked by Seungkwan’s words and you were to. Had your best friend just confessed his love to you, did he just say that he was IN love with you. He turned to you to see you blushing and also super shocked by his
words “whatever dude i don’t care have a fucking nice life with that pathetic psycho bitch and when you come running back to me crying don’t think I will be hugging you bitch” Seungkwan then screamed to him “HEY I DON’T THINK SHE WILL BE RUNNING BACK TO YOU ANYTIME SOON AFTER THIS” and next thing you know Seungkwans plump luscious lips were connected to yours and of course you kissed him back, you could feel him smile into the kiss.
you pulled away to see your ex gone and seungkwan in front of you , who may I mention had the biggest most cutest smile plastered on his face. And you couldn’t help but laugh at him “seungkwan I want you to know that I also feel in love with you that day and thank you for everything you’ve done for me and for what you did today and for just being the amazing person ever, for being the person who truly showed me love in this world and what it really is.
Seungkwan looked at you right in the eyes and you looked into his beautiful brown eyes “ Y/N I do this because i love you and care about you” you couldn’t help but smile at the cute boy in front of you “I love you too Boo Seungkwan so much” and then seungkwan leaned in and kissed you again “what ya say we go continue this day as a mini date?” he asked “ I would absolutely love that Boo Seungkwan” and that is exactly what you both did
soooooo there u have ittttt , i really hope you like this and that it is some what along the lins of what you wanted and yeahhh and thank you for requesting!!! feel free to request whenever you wantttt    
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