#johnny fluffy
nakakitty · 1 year
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Amor à primeira vista - Johnny
Vamos imaginar um amor à primeira vista com o Johnny. Ele é um cavalheiro, disso nós sabemos, mas hoje eu imaginei um romance à primeira vista, logo com ele que tem cara de quem não se apaixona tão facilmente.
Usei o cenário partindo do vlog que o 127 fez na churrascaria e pensa só: Você pede o mesmo vinho que o Taeyong pediu mas o garçom avisa que ele acabou de ser vendido então você decide deixar pra lá. No entanto, Johnny percebe pela energia da conversa do que se trata e pergunta se você queria o vinho já que você olhou na mesa. Você diz que não e ele oferece mesmo assim e de novo você recusa educadamente, mas assim que o garçom te entrega outra bebida você brinda só pra fazer ele sorrir dizendo "um brinde à sua gentileza". Ele acha muito fofo.
Você estava sozinha porque seu amigo foi embora às pressas e ele viu enquanto voltava do banheiro, então decide te fazer companhia. Nisso, vocês conversam muito, papo vai papo vem, ele avisa os meninos que vai dar uma volta mas manda a localização em tempo real, tudo certinho e promete que não vai pra muito longe com você.
Vocês chegam na praia depois de se distrairem com o senso de humor dele e com as conversas intrigantes e é nesse momento que ele percebe que tá se apaixonando à primeira vista. Você tira o salto e se senta na areia, ele se senta do seu lado pra observar a Lua e vocês se beijam, um beijo simples, mas demorado, sem língua. Ali que você sente a intensidade e a química dos dois. Você deixa ele no hotel e nos outros dois dias em que ele esteve no Brasil vocês não puderam mais se ver e quando você pensou que nunca mais ia rever ele de novo, encontrou ele na praia, e aí sim começa a história de amor de vocês.
Eu fui contar pra Duda (@hyuckhoon) desse cenário, agora estou triste de amor 💔
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klimtjardin · 2 years
[06:30pm + Johnny + Fluffy]
Johnny deita aos pés da tua cama abarrotando o lençol dobrado. Entre os dedos tem um exemplar de um romance de Woolf, cujo qual deleita-se nas palavras, ignorando, de certa forma, o charme felino do rapaz.
Beija a tua perna, o joelho. Encosta o nariz ali e fica por instantes, banhado na luz do sol.
— Ei — Ele sobe fungando pela coxa até chegar na cintura, causando um calafrio gostoso.
Esfrega o nariz na tua barriga e no vale dos seios, mais em cima, no pescoço.
— Sou viciado na tua pele — sussurra. — Esse cheiro fresquinho. De sol. De casa. O cabelo — Ele se move para próximo da nuca.
— Johnny! — retrai risonha. — Tá me desconcentrando...
— Ah, é?! — funga com mais força no teu pescoço. E ri em seguida. Solto. — Teu cheiro me desconcentrou primeiro. Me bagunçou. Agora, deixa eu te bagunçar.
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samandcolbyownme · 2 months
can i request a fluffy johnnie fic, just like how he would show his gf who is also a youtuber in videos! kinda like the jake fic 'as i suspected'!
thank you and i love your fics <33
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Warnings: fluff, swearing, kissing
As I Suspected | Jake Webber
You’re sat on Johnnie’s lap, facing him as his hands hold your hips and his lips are on your neck. You slide your hands up his check, resting them on the sides of his shoulders.
“Jake’s going to be here any minute.” You mumble, closing your eyes as you feel Johnnie’s hands slide up your shirt, “Mhm.” Johnnie looks up at you, his voice in a soft whisper, “You know he’s always late because he forgot something at home.”
You laugh slightly, nodding as you lean in to press your lips to his. Johnnie gives your hips a little squeeze and pulls your body closer to his. He groans lowly as you grind down onto him, lying back as he pulls you with him.
You kiss up his neck, across his jaw and up his cheeks until you finally reach his lips. He smiles and slides a hand up your back, “Are you going to behave in today’s video?”
You nod, “uh huh.” He laughs slightly, “Somehow, I don’t believe you.” You roll your eyes, smooshing your lips back onto his. You make out for another moment or two before Jake’s voice causes your body to fly off of Johnnie’s, “Well, well, well. What do we have here?”
You look at Jake then Johnnie. All three of you continue to look around at each other until one of you finally breaks the silence.
“I. Fucking. Knew it.” Jake points, “You lying little sluts.” He walks in pointing between you and Johnnie, “I asked Johnnie about this, what? Last fucking month and you said no, you were just friends.” He laughs, “I was fucking right.”
“You can’t say anything, Jake.“ you look at him and he rolls his eyes, “Do I have to pinky swear?” You laugh, holding up your pink as you nod, “Yes, sir. You do.” He huffs, looking at you with a smirk as he wraps his pinky around yours.
“Great, now that that’s over. Do you want to explain now or after the video?” Jake looks between you and Johnnie and in unison, “After.”
You’ve made it half way through the stream, and so far, Jake hasn’t said a word about what he walked in on. You’re sitting in the back and Johnnie was up front with Jake.
Every now and then, Jake would glance between you and Johnnie, teasing you subtly and it drove you nuts.
“That was really sour, holy- oh fuck.” Johnnie groans, “I hate this.” Jake picks one up and plops the whole piece of candy in his mouth. Instantly groaning and looking for someplace to spit it out at.
Johnnie holds his hand out and you stare at Johnnie as you think about how you love how caring towards Jake he is - even if it’s allowing Jake to spit his slobbered up candy in his hand.
“Fuck that..” Jake gasps, “Where did you get these?” Johnnie shrugs, “I don’t know, some website.” Jake looks at Johnnie, “What the black market? Now our tongues are gonna fall off.” Jake sticks his tongue out, gripping the end of his tongue, “I need this.”
You roll your eyes and look down as Johnnie hands one back to you, “Do you want to try one?” You shake your head, “No.” Jake whips back, “Do it.” You shake your head, “No. I seen how you guys were, I’m not doing it.”
You laugh and Johnnie nods, “No I don’t blame her. If I could go back and not do this again.” He stops and laughs and Jake joins in laughing, “Nah, you’d still fucking do it, don’t lie.”
Johnnie laughs, “That’s why I stopped.” He pulls the pack up, “I think the worst thing is the shock it gives you in your jaw, like right when you taste it.”
“No dude.” Jake groans, “That shock is soo bad..” he laughs, clearly not thinking, “Almost as bad as the shock of them I walk in on y/n a-“ he stops and lifts his head, making an surprised face as he stares into the camera.
You and Johnnie’s eyes are locked on Jake and the chat is absolutely blowing up.
User 2: when y/n and WHO WERE WHAT
User 6: WHO BAGGED Y/N!?!?!?
“Yeah, Jake.” You clear your throat, tilting your head, “you wanna..mm.. you wanna finish that sentence?” You try your best not to laugh but you fail and Jake shakes his head laughing, “I said nothing.” He points to the camera, “You all are going insane.”
“The voices are getting to us all.” Johnnie chimes in quietly and you laugh, “For the record, there is nothing to tell, Jake just likes to start drama in my life when he’s bored.” You gently smack Jake on the forehead and he yells dramatically, “Ow! Fuck, oh my god!”
Johnnie reaches over and does what you did and Jake does it back to Johnnie but a little harder, causing a loud smack! to sound through the car. You gasp, immediately laughing, “Oh my god, okay. I think..” you continue to laugh, “I think we’re done with this stream for today.”
“Gotta go guys, my mom is making me get off my game to make me play outside.” Jake says looking know the camera with a sad look, “See ya in the next one.” He waves, along with you and Johnnie, and you all say a quick, “Bye!”
“It’s eating you alive, isn’t it?” Johnnie says as Jake ends the streak and Jake glares up at him, “How did you guys even..” he laughs, “No one suspected anything.”
You shrug, leaning forward, “I guess Johnnie and I are just that good.” You look over at him and he purses his lips. You lean in and press your lips to his and Jake fake gags, “Get a room, you two. Please. I already saw you do it once, I don’t need to see it again.”
You laugh, leaning back and Johnnie reaches his hand back to, lay it on your knee. You lay your hand on his, smiling as you trace his tattoos.
Jake lets out a gasp and fumbles his phone before clutching it to his chest, hand slapped on his mouth.
Johnnie looks over at Jake, “What did you do?” You lean up and Jake laughs into his hand loudly, “Uuuumm.” He drags out slowly, “I really thought I ended the stream it when we all say bye, but it must have not registered because we..” he scratches his head as he tries not to laugh, “we were still streaming.. this entire time..”
Hello, thank you for reading! Let me know how you liked it and as always, I love yas! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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sh4wty18 · 14 days
hii can you write a long fluffy Johnnie x reader? 🙏🫶
of course! i hope you love it :)
date night.
pairing: johnnie guilbert x reader
summary: after a long night of filming, you decide to surprise your boyfriend by bringing date night to him.
cw: fluff, language
word count: 1.0k + edited
After a long day of filming videos for both his and Jake’s channels, the one thing Johnnie feels up for is spending time with you. He would always make time for you, no matter what. Tonight, he had been busy filming back to back videos with Jake in their filming room, presumably testing weird Amazon products or trying new snacks from a convenience store. 
You knew Johnnie would be exhausted after filming, so you decided to surprise him with dinner and a movie. You had a key to their house, so you let yourself in quietly, so that they wouldn’t hear you. Then, you ordered your favorite go-to meals from Dave’s Hot Chicken, and had them delivered. You’d also built a cocoon of pillows and blankets on Johnnie’s bed, and brought your favorite lava lamp from your apartment to light the room– nothing too bright which could induce a headache. After grabbing your dinners and sneaking them back into Johnnie’s bedroom, you wait in the dimly lit room for your boyfriend to enter.
By around 9 pm, you hear muffled voices from down the hall, no doubt Jake and Johnnie discussing the editing and posting schedule for their videos, as they usually did after filming. Then you heard Johnnie ask, “Do you smell chicken, or is it just me?” 
“No, dude, I smell it too… that’s fucking weird,” Jake replies with a laugh.
“Whatever, maybe we’re both going fucking insane,” Johnnie laughs, before opening his bedroom door, “Goodnight!” he calls out to Jake, and turns around. He’s taken aback at the sight of you curled up in his bed, waiting for him. “Y/n?” he closes his bedroom door and runs over to you, hurling himself into bed and wrapping his arms tightly around your body. “What’re you doing here? Did you set all this up for me??” 
You giggle as he kisses the top of your head, “Yes! I wanted to surprise my hardworking boy with a treat tonight.” 
“Oh babe, you’re the best, thank you,” Johnnie starts, tilting your chin up with his thumb and pointer finger and pulling you in to kiss your lips. “Have I ever told you I have the best girlfriend of all time?”
“Hmm… nope, I don’t think you have,” you joke, scratching your head with fake confusion.
“Well, she’s the best. She’s the most beautiful, smart, kind, thoughtful person I’ve ever met, and I love her more than anything,” he grins at you.
“You aren’t too bad yourself, boyfriend.” you nudge him in the side softly, and plant a kiss on the side of his neck. “I got your favorite,” you shake the Dave’s Hot Chicken bag in front of his face, and he grabs it happily. 
“I knew I smelled chicken!” he shouts gleefully, taking a sandwich out of the bag and handing it to you, then taking the other one for himself, placing your shared order of fries on the paper bag between the two of you.
“What do you wanna watch, Johnnie?” you ask, “It’s your pick, tonight is all about you.”
“You can pick, baby. You know I suck at picking movies. Anything you wanna watch, you know I’ll wanna watch.” He kisses the top of your head again, and gently rubs circles into the small of your back as he watches you search up one of his favorite movies, Edward Scissorhands. 
“Edward and Kim remind me of us,” you whisper in his ear as the opening credits begin, and you kiss his cheek, feeling his smile stretch across his face. 
You spend the next twenty minutes leaning over your sandwiches and fries, eating silently while watching the film. After you’re both done eating, you get up to throw all the trash away. Johnnie scoots over in your blanket cocoon, patting the space next to him, indicating for you to rejoin him. You jump back into the fort, finding a comfortable spot between his legs, laying back against his torso. He leans against the pillows and wraps his arms around your sides, intertwining both his hands with yours. 
You tilt your head back to look at him, and he leans down to kiss your lips spiderman style. You smile against his mouth, “Baby, watch the movie,” you giggle, “there’ll be plenty of time for messing around after.” 
Before you know it, you’re drifting off in his arms, which Johnnie is prepared for. He slowly maneuvers your body so you're laying on your side next to him, and he lowers the volume of the movie. He lays down beside you and wraps his arm around your waist, resting his other hand under his pillow. 
Just as he’s about to drift off as well, he feels you jolt awake. You turn to face him, wrapping your arm around his waist as well, so you’re holding each other. 
“Did I fall asleep again?” you ask quietly.
Johnnie giggles under his breath, “Yeah, baby. But it’s okay. I’m sleepy too.” he leans in to kiss you, pulling your body closer to his, and you move your hand up to hold the back of his neck. 
It’s a slow, sloppy make out– the best kind. The kind that you both know isn’t going to lead anywhere. It’s romantic, a way to deepen your connection and express your love for one another.
“I love you so much, and I’m proud of you everyday.” you whisper between kisses, as you catch your breath. You play with his hair, softly twirling your fingers through it, and he traces his fingers up and down your back. 
“I love you more.” he kisses your nose, “you're the most perfect girl in the world.” 
He turns to lay on his back, allowing you to wrap your arm around his stomach, and drape your leg over his. He rests his hand on top of yours, and turns to smile at you. Neither of you have to say another word, there’s nothing to be said that you both don’t already know.
So instead, you lean in to press your foreheads together. He kisses you again, long and deep. When he pulls away, you bury your head in the crook of his neck, kissing him one last time before getting comfortable for the night.
“Goodnight, angel,” he whispers up at the ceiling.
“Goodnight, my love,” you breathe into his neck, before drifting off to sleep in his arms. 
do you guys prefer this type of fluffy fic, or do you like more plot beforehand? let me know! as always, likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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cottagecheese1 · 2 months
unhinged worlds 3
summary: A few years after your father died, your mother marries a new man, to you having a new family meant new beginnings, but what happens when your new beginning comes spiraling apart just because of the people that made them.
paring: dark stepdad Andy Barber x reader x dark dbf Lloyd Hansen x reader x dark stepbrother Johnny storm x reader x dark bbf Colin Shea. warnings- (DDLG undertones) stepcest, Johnny is NOT Andy's biological father, he is the adopted son. smut, do not engage if you are uncomfortable with any of the following, spanking, blackmail, p in v, edging, thigh riding, oral, fingering.
Series master list right here
This all seemed so wrong–actually it was wrong. The way Andy was eating you out like a madman between your thighs seemed too good to be true, and the fact that some deep part of you liked this made you shiver. Maybe it was because of the foreign praise Johnny and Colin gave you while you squirmed in their grasp while desperately trying to give yourself an ounce of freedom.
“Aww, honey I just know you’re so close already”, Colin said with a mocking grin.
Apparently, Andy didn’t seem to be fooled by your desperate attempt to conceal the moans that were forced out of the back of your throat, because you felt his mouth attach to your clit and aggressively start sucking. You suddenly jumped back, trying to create some sort of distance between the both of you. Andy then just wrapped his arms around your thighs–pulling you closer, which caused a sudden spasm to exit your body.
“Mmm, look at you sweetheart, all sensitive and shit,” Johnny cooed while pinching your exposed nipples, which caused you to let out a weak squeal.
Colin chuckled and squeezed your other nipple roughly, “She’s just a Baby Johnny, she obviously can’t help it,” he said as he leaned down and pecked your forehead. “can’t you Honey? You’ve never felt this good, have you?”
You really haven’t ever felt this good before. Not that you would ever let any of the three men know that, but the desperate whine you let out as Andy shoved his tongue deeper inside of you just made the two men taunt you more, and the unwanted pleasure that Andy was giving you and with the crude words that spilled out of Johnny and Colin–you could feel that tension building up in your lower stomach want to unravel.
Johnny brushed your hair off your sweat covered forehead with his hand, then leaned down to give you a slight peck on your temple, “C'mon sweetheart, go ahead and cum for me–I know you want to.”, Johnny said with a teasing coo.
Andy then reached up to rub your clit, and that was your breaking point. You no longer could hold in that burning sensation, so you just let it go–feeling your body unravel all at once felt like heaven–you must have not noticed the pornographic moan you let out because the chatter of how ‘pretty she sounds’ came to topic.
As soon as your senses finally came back, you didn’t feel loved or cared about at all. You felt dirty, used even. As you lay on the couch with teary eyes, trying to keep up with the sound of your heartbeat, just so you could try to focus on anything other than the situation you're currently in.
Andy snapped you out of your train of thought when you felt your body being set up to lean against Johnny. Suddenly feeling exposed you bring your knees up to your chest while trying to somewhat cover your exposed chest, but considering the only two bare naked people in the room are You and Johnny–it didn’t seem to surprise you.
Andy then grabbed your chin and tilted your head up, so your gaze was meeting his, then he said, “You did really good honey, I know that was scary, but you sat there and took it like a big girl. Daddy’s so so proud of you.”, he then leaned in to give you a soft kiss on the lips.
Even though his praises did make you feel a little better–you couldn’t stop shaking–the heater broke at the end of spring, so it was always extra chilly in your house. That's why you always wore comfy sweaters around.
Johnny seemed to notice how much you were shivering when he wrapped his arms around you because he said, “You cold baby? Don’t you know I’m a human furnace?”, he asked with a teasing tone. You responded with a small, “yes..I’m cold”, and Johnny seemed to take that as a pass to go ahead and pull you on top of his lap while he adjusted his arms to wrap around you more tightly.
You didn’t even notice Andy left because he came back with what looks like one of his cable knit sweaters and a fresh pair of panties, then he made his way over to you with long strides before kneeling in front of you.
“Daddy got you a nice cozy sweater and fresh pair of panties for his special girl.” Andy said softly as he pulled the overly large sweater over your head and pulled the cotton panties up your legs.
Colin cooed teasingly at your flushed face before saying, “aww, that was nice sweetheart, what do you say?”, you looked down at your lap and fidgeted with your fingers–trying to hide your flushed face.
Andy chuckled before responding for you, “Don’t tease her, she’s just a little shy right now. Isn’t that right honey?”, you look at Andy's smug expression before nodding.
He kisses your forehead before standing back up and sitting by you and Johnny, “That reminds me, your uncle Lloyd is coming tomorrow to stay for a while–you don’t know him honey, but-”, Andy gets cut off by Johnny when he quickly responds with, “That fucker is NOT my uncle. Why is that asshole coming anyway?” Andy rolls his eyes at his banter before he continues.
“Well, I’ve been telling him about our little angel, and he wants to come and see her.”, Andy says sternly. This conversation between them both seemed to make you perk up because, who is Lloyd? Why has he been telling this man about you?
Andy seemed to sense your concern, so he pulled you onto his lap, “Oh honey, there's no reason to be worried...”, he said before he adjusted you on his lap, so you were straddling his legs, then he rested his hands on your hips.
Andy then continued, “Lloyd really likes you sweet girl, so there would be no reason for him to be mean to you unless you’re not very nice, but I won’t have to worry about that because you're a good girl, right?” You paused, trying to process his words, but the expression on his face said, ‘give me an answer now.’ so you just nodded.
“Words angel, I wanna hear that pretty voice.” Andy said sternly, so you responded “Yeah”, you could tell that wasn’t what he was looking for, but he seemed to settle thankfully.
Colin then pitched in, “don’t believe him baby, that guy is a total asshole–he’s probably into some fucked up shit-” Andy cut him off quickly before scolding, “Stop that, you’re scaring her..remember you’re in my house Colin.”
This new information makes you nervous. Scared actually. What if Colin was right–just like he was right about Andy. All you felt right now was overwhelmed and afraid, you never asked for any of this, so now you could only assume this random man was gonna come here and do worse things to you.
You could feel a sob bubbling up in your throat, chest tight, heart racing, you don’t know why you felt embarrassed about the tears that were running down your face. They are the ones doing this to you, it's not your fault, but you couldn’t seem to think when you were hyperventilating and a fresh rack of sobs coming out all at once.
Andy tried to calm you down, rubbing your back and squeezing you in a tight hug did little to cease how upset you felt, “sweetheart, look at me.”, you couldn’t think all you could do was trying to get away from him–you hated how he touched you–how safe he made you feel, how gentle he was. You hated this but you couldn’t help but look at him when he told you too.
“Such a good girl..I know you’re overwhelmed honey, but nothing bad is ever gonna happen to you when you’re here. Lloyd is not gonna hurt you because he knows he needs to be gentle with you.” Andy said as he pressed your head into the crook of his neck.
Johnny leaned over to rub your back and pressed a kiss on the top of your head before saying, “Colin was just exaggerating baby, he’s not that much of an asshole.” Johnny then got up and stretched his arms above his head before continuing, “In fact, he’ll probably treat you just like his little princess, I bet you’ll end up loving it as much as he does.” he ends as he walks away with a yawn.
You could hear a distant “goodnight”, being called, but you just laid against Andy’s chest–listening to the sound of his heartbeat as he spoke once more, “He’s right honey, everything is gonna be okay..I’d explain more but you look sleepy, you wanna sleep with daddy tonight? I give great bedtime cuddles.”
You yawned tiredly before snuggling into his chest more and closing your eyes, letting sleep take you over. Andy chuckled before peppering a bunch of kisses on your face, “Alright cutie, let’s get you to bed. Goodnight Colin don’t say anymore shit like that again.” he said while giving a glare to Colin.
“Night’ Mr. B, tell my baby I said goodnight.” Colin responded with a smug grin.
Andy gave him a groan and carried you bridal style to his bedroom–setting your sleeping figure under the duvet. He walked over to his side of the bed, sliding his shirt off while watching your sleepy figure. Andy slid under the blanket beside you and reached over your head to turn the lap off. He pulled you closer to his chest and kissed the crown of your head.
Andy yawned quietly, “goodnight honey, I love you.”
Tag list.
A/n: its currently 12am, sorry I took such a long time for part 3, enjoy! (let me know if you would like to be tagged.)
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greenlaut · 1 year
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they’re in love your honor
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Bit of a half-assed continuation on this post because I had a thought at 2am. 🥰
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The boys did end up bothering the cats. Now you can get a slightly proper look at all these derpy cats.
Macro likes being a parrot and so will climb onto your shoulders when you least expect it, Spunky actually likes cuddle time but just plays hard to get, Basketball hates cuddle time so she was the first to run off at first, and Ash is missing an eye and looks like Rupert (also acts like Rupert sometimes). 😂
Hope ya like it~! 😁
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bitterpotionn · 8 months
What will Johnny do if reader gave him the silent treatment?
I think at first, Johnny wouldn’t even care enough to notice. After all, he’s used to your short responses. But after a while, I think it would really start to bother him.
Like when he would come back to the camper and try to tell you about this day, you would just completely ignore him. Usually, you'd nod along and even ask him some questions but this time, nothing.
He never noticed how much he cherished your little quirks until you stopped doing them. Like how you would tug on his shirt to get his attention or try to hide your laugh at his mean-spirited jokes. When you stopped it felt like a part of him was ripped out.
At first, Johnny would try to force it out of you. He would yell at you or shove you around, screaming at you to just talk to him. He would try to fuck it out of you. If that didn't work, Johnny would go the complete opposite way.
In an unlikely act of kindness, Johnny would go easier on you. Almost trying to lure you out of your shell that you've been hiding in. Soft touches and kisses. Kind words and walks in the sunflower field are just some of the ways Johnny would try to soften you up.
Don't expect this softness to last, once you finally start talking to him again he would quickly revert back to his old ways. I don't think Johnny will ever truly change.
You could feel Johnny's cold gaze on you. Despite you both sitting on the same couch, you felt miles away. It's been 4 days since you last spoke to Johnny. At first, he didn't even notice the silent treatment. He had quite a mouth on him and your silence didn't seem to break his stride. It was only after a day he noticed, and when he noticed he was pissed.
He yelled at you until he was red in the face, shoving you around, pinning you against the wall. He was almost begging when he told you to talk to him. He missed you. He missed your voice, your laugh, your cry. When you didn't give him any sort of reaction, even after he threatened you, it felt like a punch in the gut.
So here Johnny was, awkwardly sitting next to you. His body language matched that of a teenager sitting next to a girl he liked. Johnny was never the kind to feel awkward or unsure of himself, but you were making him feel like a nervous teenager again. Like, any move he would make would break you even further.
You sat motionless, hands in your lap, staring at the old black and white TV as some show played at a low volume. You were certainly aware of Johnny's gaze. You could feel it, you always did. His leg bounced nervously up and down as he shifted his eyes between you and the TV.
With the pace of a snail, Johnny reached out his hand, slowly inching it towards your lap. With wide eyes, you looked over at him. Johnny almost jumped when your head turned, his eyes quickly shifting towards yours. "Just wanna hold your hand, darlin'." his deep voice broke the steady silence of the room. His rough hand grabbed your soft one. You didn't put up any fight, you let him hold your hand.
After a while of some awkward hand-holding, Johnny decided to put his next step into action. He scooted towards you and bit down on his lip, studying your every reaction. When he felt that the time was right, Johnny wrapped a scarred arm around your middle, pulling you into his chest.
You gasped at this, it's been a while since Johnny held you like this. The feeling was foreign as he readjusted you against his chest. Your hands were resting in his lap, quickly noticing this you reluctantly wrapped your arms around him as well.
Johnny hoped you couldn't hear how fast his heartbeat was. The feel of your arms around him made him go crazy. He felt like he was actually making some progress with you.
“I’m-I’m sorry darlin’, for whatever I did,” his voice was almost a whisper, his tone was unsure. You slowly turned your head to him a look of shock in your eyes, he’s never said sorry to you before; you didn’t know what to say.
He didn’t say much either. Only pulled you closer to his chest, holding you like you’d just disappear any second. Johnny was never soft like this, the silent treatment made him realize how much he actually depended on you.
You felt pity for him, for once. You knew what a terrible man he was yet, here you were wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him down to your chest as he cuddled into you. He breathed in your scent deeply as he nuzzled into your chest. There was nothing sexual about it, he just wanted your comfort.
The two of you stayed like that for a while. The sun was setting on the flat horizon and the room grew dark. Johnny slowly stood, scooping you up in his arms. He led you to your shared room and gently laid you on the bed. He stripped off his boots and clothes as he crawled in next to you.
His toned arm wrapped around you, pulling you flush against his bare chest. His head snuggled into your shoulder. “I miss you,” his voice was muffled. You held his hands and pulled them close to your chest. “I missed you too,” you said, closing your eyes.
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bubblegumflavor · 4 months
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No.. no they didn't do anything specific this Valentine's Day.. : )
(Yes they got secretly married! = ) and... (answering to a previous tag question: It's always Bobby! =D<3)
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nakakitty · 2 years
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Papai - Johnny Suh
notas: eu falei que eu tava tendo um montinho de pensamentos pensantes sobre maternidade e o Johnny tem uma vibe de papai tão boa, enfim, espero que gostem!
avisos: Altíssimas doses de boiolagem e Johnny papai babão de uma menininha (✿◠‿◠)
Você acordou com o sol já iluminando sua face. Abriu os olhinhos devagar, piscando-os lentamente e se espreguiçou, esticando o corpo sobre o colchão macio. Ao tocar o lado esquerdo da cama, percebeu que estava vazio, e então finalmente você se levantou e se sentou na cama, calçando as pantufas e indo em direção ao quarto de sua recém-nascida.
Adentrou o cômodo lentamente, flagrando seu marido, Johnny, ao lado do berço da bebê. A cena, apesar de já estar se tornando rotina, aquece seu coração todas as vezes. Os sons da risada de sua filha junto aos do pai preenchem o quartinho em tons claros de rosa. Você não pôde evitar um sorriso seguido de uma risadinha baixa, o que anunciou sua presença. Calmamente, o americano andou até você, plantando um selar em sua testa e a abraçou, sussurrando um "bom dia, princesa", rente ao seu ouvido.
Você respondeu e caminhou até o berço de madeira, se abaixando apenas para segurar sua criança no colo, a ninando. Em seguida, sentou-se na cadeira de balanço e abaixou a alça da camisola, dando acesso para que a pequena pudesse ser amamentada. Johnny se aproximou se sentando em sua frente, maravilhado com a cena, do quão linda podia ser a relação entre uma mãe e uma filha.
Você é a mulher da vida dele, que carregou uma vida em seu ventre, o fruto do amor dos dois, e agora alimenta, a faz crescer. Quando anunciou sua gravidez, ele se sentiu o homem mais completo do mundo, a abraçou, a beijou, foi um chororô só, tamanha a felicidade. Sua gestação foi regada de cuidado. Johnny sempre te lembrava das consultas, exames, acompanhava sua dieta, e estava sempre atento à qualquer sinal de desconforto que você pudesse sentir.
No dia do parto, ele estava um misto de ansiedade, felicidade e desespero, mas não deixou as emoções transparecerem para não assustá-la e foi algo mágico, lindo. Ouvir o primeiro choro de sua bebê, vê-la pela primeira vez, sentir o toque da mãozinha em comparação à própria... Ah, foi tão incrível que lhe faltaram palavras para descrever a sensação.
E assim que a bebê parou de mamar, você ajeitou a camisola e a posicionou para que arrotasse. Ao olhar para a frente, flagrou o sorriso apaixonado que enfeitava os lábios do Suh.
"O que foi, amor?", você perguntou. Ele deu um selinho rápido em ti e respondeu.
"Nada, só estou feliz de ter as duas na minha vida. Eu sou o papai mais feliz do mundo"
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klimtjardin · 2 years
klimmmzita, escreva algo com o johnny cuidado da leitora doente? tô dodoiznha e botando as tripa pra fora, só queria ele cuidando de mim :c
melhoras, anon :/
— Eu já estou indo, meu amor — avisa Johnny, o polegar deslizando urgente na tela do celular à procura de uma receita caseira para fazer você parar de vomitar, enquanto a chaleira elétrica esquenta a água.
Foi acordado por seus gemidos e eventuais visitas ao banheiro do casal no início da manhã, por causa de um estômago sensível.
— Você tem que tomar muita água — Ele aparece no quarto, em seguida, com uma toalha sobre o ombro e uma bandeja que segura o chá de camomila.
— Mas Johnny... — você choraminga. — Eu tô muito enjoada.
— Eu sei, neném, mas isso aqui vai parar o seu enjoo, toma.
Ele senta ao seu lado e te alcança a xícara. Você bebe o chá entre caretas e resmungos. Está insuportável consumir qualquer coisa que seja; sente que pode explodir a qualquer momento. Johnny põe a mão sobre a sua testa, para conferir se tem febre, mas sua temperatura permanece estável.
— Pode ser alguma virose ou algo assim.
— Acho que só comi demais — você diz.
— Aw — Johnny faz um bico. Não gosta de ver assim, injuriada. — Mas eu vou ficar do seu lado até passar.
— E se eu vomitar em você?
— Pode acontecer — ele dá de ombros, puxando os cobertores para se cobrir.  — Fazer o quê. — Se ajeita ao seu lado, para fazer carinho em você.
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samandcolbyownme · 2 months
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Summary: not a request - “Reader finds out they’re pregnant and freaks out.”
Warnings: pregnancy talk, pregnant!reader, crying, fluff
You stood in the bathroom, hands on the counter as you stare at the second and really dark pink line that appeared almost instantly.
You could feel your stomach turning, which has been happening the last week - to which you now know the answer to. 
“Fuck.” You rest a hand on your forehead, “Okay.” You breathe out, “Fuck fuck fuck.” Your voice turns into a whispered squeal, which is full of panic. 
Johnnie suddenly breaks you from your panicked state by coming through the front door yelling, “Babe! Babe! Come out here. If you’re sleeping wake up!” 
You wipe your face, “Oh, fuck.” You sniffle, trying to pull yourself together as quick as you can, “Goddamn it, Johnnie.” 
You also have an answer as to why you’ve been so grumpy lately. 
You scatter to cram the paper evidence from the pregnancy test box and throw it in the trash bin.
You bend down with a groan and pull it out, trying to cover it up as best you could. 
You were scared. 
You could feel your heart racing quick and you felt like you were going to throw up. You felt very overwhelmed and you eventually end snapping on Johnnie.
Johnnie knocks on the door, “Hey, babe. You in there? I gotta tell ya something.” You press your lips together, desperately hoping your voice sounds normal, “I’ll be right out, baby.” 
“Come on.” He whines, “I’m so excited to tell you!” 
Johnnie’s persistent-ness is pushing you closer to that breaking point. You close your eyes and take a slow deep breath before you stand up, walking over to the door. 
You pull it towards you, keeping it closed slightly and your body blocking the counter, “Johnnie. I said give me a second.” 
He stops and stares at you, “Um. Okay?” He says plainly, “I don’t understand what that was all about.” 
You sigh, “I just.. I need a second, okay?” 
“What’s going on?” Johnnie asks, now finally noticing your puffy eyes from crying, “Why are you crying?” He steps closer and your hand on the door knob tightens, “I’ll tell you then..” 
“No, tell me now.. if you’re.. in trouble, I would like to know.” He reaches up to touch your face but the thought of him not wanting anything to do with you once he knows makes you wince. 
Johnnie notices your wince and he shakes his head, stepping closer to the door, “No, seriously. What’s going on.” 
You just burst into tears, completely letting your boiling emotions take over. You step back from the door and cover your face. 
Johnnie moves to you, taking you into his arms and kissing your head, “Hey, hey.” He whispers as you gasp for air, completely breaking down. 
“Y/n.” He says, his voice louder, “y/n.” 
He looks around, making sure nothing was going on. His does a double take once his eyes move over the positive pregnancy test. 
He reaches out, sliding it closer, “When is this from?” 
You sniffle against his chest, “t-today.” You cry out, word vomit coming up and out, “I-im so-o sor-ry, John-nie.” 
He set the test down and cups your cheeks, “Why are you sorry?” He’s starting to panic more the longer you take to say anything, “Babe.”
“I-I know you don’t want kids right now.. a-and an-d I ju-“ you breathe out, sobbing into his chest. 
“Y/n, baby. Sweetheart.” Johnnie grabs your face, “look at me.” You look up at him, sniffling and gasping for air and he sighs, “Calm down. Take a breather.” 
He has you take a deep breath with him and he nods, “Good. Okay. So tell me.” He reaches back, slipping the test off the counter and holds it up, “Is this why you’ve been weirdly sick this last week and a half?” 
You smirk, still a mess from crying, “y-yes.”
“I’m not mad, alright. I mean. I was mad that you wouldn’t let me come in but now I get it.” He kisses your forehead, “A baby wasn’t in the plans, but does anything really ever go to plan?” 
He’s calmed you down enough now and you blow out air, “I was.. genuinely scared you weren’t going to want me anymore.” 
He rolls his eyes, “Please, no one can take you away from me.” He pulls you in, “I can’t wait to see you with a little baby belly.” 
You laugh slightly, “Oh.” You look up at him, “What did you want to tell me?” 
He bats the air, “nothing is as important as this.” He sighs, “we were supposed to go to diner to celebrate a future collab with some people, but I’m not going.”
“Is who I’m thinking of?” You sniffle and Johnnie nods. Your eyes grow wide and you start to tear up again, “Oh Johnnie! I’m so proud of you.” 
You reach up and wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him tight, “Why aren’t you going to dinner though? Seriously, I’ll be fine.” 
“Do you feel like going?” He asks and you shake your head, “I mean, I would like to but I really don’t feel like it.” 
“I’m not leaving you alone, so if you want to stay home I’m staying home and you’re not just going to go because of me.” Johnnie says and you smile, “Only if you really want to. I don’t want you to miss out on anything because of me.” 
He puts his hand over your mouth, “Uh uh uh, we’re done with the conversation now.” He leans back, “I’ll be right back.” 
“Where are you going?” You ask and he looks back at you as he walks out the door, “I’m going to tell Jake and Tara to come over so we can tell them.” 
You smiles and laid a hand on your stomach, mentally smacking yourself for having a huge meltdown over literally nothing. 
Hormones, you think with an eye roll. You make your way out to the living room so you can comfortably wait for Jake and Tara to arrive. 
Thanks for reading! Ilysm! As always, let me know how you liked it! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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sh4wty18 · 17 days
song about me.
VERY loosely inspired by 'song about me' by tv girl.
pairing: johnnie guilbert x reader
summary: over a month after your breakup, johnnie writes a song about you. upon listening to it, you decide to confront him.
cw: angst, fluff, language
word count: 1.9k + edited
Your best friend eagerly asks, “Have you heard it?” over the phone, to which you reply, “have I heard what, exactly?”
“Johnnie’s new song… it’s totally about you!” she clarifies.
You scoff, “There’s no way it’s about me, girl.”
You had broken up with Johnnie over a month ago. After nearly a year and a half of dating, you’d finally grown tired of his constant workload. It wasn’t his being busy that bothered you, it was the excuses he used. Every time you’d ask to hang out, he’d surely have some type of excuse as to why he couldn’t. Your entire relationship hadn’t been like this, either, which made his sudden change in behavior even more confusing and frustrating. The excuses and avoidance had only begun in the final three months of your relationship. You had tried to communicate with him, you’d asked him countless times what was wrong, if you’d done something to upset him, or how you could help him if he was struggling. He never opened up. He’d offer you one of his recycled excuses each time, “Nothing’s wrong babe, I just need to be alone tonight.” or “Not tonight, I’m too tired.” or “I’ve been busy all day, I can’t handle company right now.” Same excuse, different wording. 
After three months of this constant battle, and an inability to get through to him, you finally decided to break things off. At least you couldn’t say you didn’t try. You had tried more than anything to make it work with Johnnie. When you’d first gotten together, you were sure he was the one. Evidently, things changed, although you hadn’t wanted them to. 
“No girl, it’s definitely about you. Like… he’s down bad. You need to listen to it right now.” your best friend continues, “don’t you still miss him?”
“Ha! No. But I’ll listen to it and let you know what I think,” you lie through your teeth. Of course you still missed him. You loved him more than anyone, and breaking up with him was the hardest thing you’ve ever done. But it was necessary, and it was the right thing to do. The relationship was becoming unhealthy– for both of you. You loved Johnnie, and still do, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t need to grow as a person. You figured you needed to grow too. 
You had told him the day you broke up with him that you’d always appreciate your time together, and that if the two of you were meant to be, you trusted the universe to bring you back together. He had only nodded, as silent tears dampened his cheeks. That was the last thing you’d said to him. You left him there, alone in his bedroom after that. It was your biggest regret.
He hadn’t reached out since then, so you assumed he’d moved on, and you were trying to do the same. It wasn’t working. Nothing did. You missed him. You missed him like the sun misses the moon, like how the sea longs for the sand, you missed him day and night. You missed him at work, at the bar with your friends, you missed him in your dreams. It was an all encompassing heartbreak. You hoped you hid it well. 
“You totally miss him…” your best friend said knowingly. “It’s okay, I get it. You thought he was the love of your life, it sucks! And it’s only been a month! No one, like, expects you to be fine.” 
You exhale, “Thanks…” not knowing what else to say, “I’ll talk to you later.” 
After hanging up, you click on the Spotify icon and type Johnnie’s name into the search bar. 
Losing You ⏺ Single
You press play, and are instantly met with a soft melody, most likely played on his acoustic guitar, with some added background instrumentals. Upon listening to the lyrics, you can tell the song is definitely about you.
And I understand why you left, it was for the best.
But did you even care? Or was I just too much to bare?
I’m standing at the edge of a cliff, will we ever heal the rift?
Now I’m stitching up my wounds, but what I really need is you.
Hot tears sting your eyes. The song was beautiful, but hurt you. Suddenly you realize that you can’t keep pretending to be fine anymore. Maybe, you decided, it was time to go talk to him.
You knock on Jake, Johnnie, and Carrington’s door, half expecting one of the other two to answer, but you noticed upon arrival that Jake’s car was absent from the driveway. At least you could have some privacy during your confrontation, you supposed. 
To your surprise, Johnnie answered on the second knock. 
He jolts back a couple inches, shock washing over his face, “Hi…” 
“Hi. Can I come in?” You ask.
He hesitates, taking all of you in, eyes wandering up and down your body. He hasn’t seen you in over a month, and he wanted to refresh his memory of every curve, every freckle, every loose strand of hair. He had missed your body, but more than anything, he missed you. All of you. “Yeah, sure, of course,” he responds. 
“Thanks,” you mumble. 
You step inside, taking him in as well. His tattoos, some of which you didn’t recognize, his hair swept in front of his face, his makeup, everything. He looked good, you’d almost forgotten how handsome he was. You also took in the house that you knew so well. Being inside it again was like visiting your own grave. 
“Can we go upstairs?” You ask.
“Sure…” Johnnie responds, furrowing his eyebrows nervously. You hated seeing him like this, nervous and unsure of himself. You wanted to make him feel good again, you hoped it wasn’t too late, (even though you were kind of mad at him too).
You both sit awkwardly on the edge of his bed after he closes and locks his door to offer you both some privacy. 
“So… what’s up?” He asks.
“What do you think is up, Johnnie?” You ask, trying to maintain your composure. “You wrote a song about me, without asking. You aired our dirty laundry out for EVERYONE to hear. You made it seem like I left you stranded?! What the fuck?” 
“You DID leave me stranded! It just wasn’t your fault! I was in a super dark place during the last bit of our relationship. Those last three months were hell. I was going through it, like super depressed and shit. But instead of being a grown ass adult and confiding in you like a normal boyfriend would, I pushed you away. Our breakup was all my fault. You left me stranded because I gave you no choice.” 
“I’m so sorry that you were going through that alone, Johnnie. But it wasn’t my responsibility to save you. And believe me, I tried.” 
“I never said it was.” Johnnie says with a hurt look on his face. 
“Yeah, but you pushed me away so much, you made me feel like you didn’t love me anymore. And it’s so hard watching the person you love most suffer and knowing there’s nothing you can do to save them. Knowing that no matter what I did, you’d refuse me. ME. The one person you’re supposed to trust more than anyone. It was fucking exhausting Johnnie. Emotionally and physically. I couldn’t fucking eat, I couldn’t sleep, all I did was worry about you. And deep down I knew you needed to do it alone. Even though it hurt me more than anything to leave you.” 
“I'm so sorry I put you through that. I know I was shit. I am shit. But I’m trying, y/n. I’m really fucking trying. I’m seeing a therapist again, trying to get out more. I wrote that song because it was cathartic. I’m sorry I crossed a line.” 
“Thank you, Johnnie, but you’re not shit. You’re actually one of the best people I’ve ever met. That’s why it hurts so badly to see you like that. You deserve better, you deserve happiness and love and everything you’ve ever wanted. You’re worth it. And the song was really pretty by the way… I love it. Yeah, I was pissed you wrote it without my permission but I think it was just ‘cause I knew everything you said in it was true. It’s beautiful,” You respond, standing up and pulling him up by his hand. You wrap your arms around his waist in the biggest, tightest hug you’ve ever given him. You missed the way his body molded into yours. He held your body against his, neither of you wanting to let go. 
Johnnie is the first to break away, but only to gaze down at you lovingly. 
“What is it?” You ask, as it’s evident he has something he wants to say. “You know you can still tell me anything, right?”
“It’s just… I didn’t just write the song for catharsis. I wrote it because I couldn’t wait for the universe anymore,” he says, avoiding eye contact with you.
“What?” You ask, slightly caught off guard. Of course, you knew exactly what he was referring to, but you wanted to hear him say it. 
“The day you broke up with me, the last thing you said to me was that if we were meant to be you trusted the universe to bring us back together. I don’t need the universe to tell me you’re the love of my life, I already know it. Y/n, I would die for you. I would lose everything for you. You’re the one. I took you for granted before and I never, ever wanna put you through that again. You deserve the world, and I fucked everything up. I totally understand if you walk out that door and never look back but I couldn’t let you leave without telling you that you’re the person I think about every night as I’m falling to sleep and every morning when I wake up. It’s always gonna be you for me.” He stops, gazing into your eyes. Your expression is unreadable, mostly because you’re too stunned to say anything back. “Say something please, or I’m gonna-”
You cut him off, pressing your lips to his on your tiptoes. He pulls you in tighter by your waist, while your hands fly up to tangle in his hair. He rotates your bodies and pushes you back onto the bed, before straddling you, your kiss getting messier by the second. 
Johnnie breaks away, tears staining his cheeks, “I’m sorry.” He whispers.
You caress his cheek with your palm, drying his tears, “It’s okay, baby.” 
He gently presses his lips to your forehead, cheeks, jaw, neck, hands, anywhere he can reach, breathing out, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” between each kiss. 
You pull his head up to gaze up at him, and he still looks indescribably pained. “Hey,” you pull his head to yours to kiss his forehead, “I never stopped loving you, and I never will. You mean everything to me. Whatever comes next, promise me you’ll always confide in me. Even when you’re scared. Even when you feel like shit. Even when it’s hard. We can’t promise to never hurt each other again, because that’s bound to happen. But can we promise to always communicate with each other?”
“Of course, baby. God, you’re so fucking good to me.” He lays down next to you and holds your neck with one hand, tilting your head towards his. Your noses brush together and you both exhale a sigh of relief. You’d never leave each other again.
as always i hope you enjoyed and likes & reblogs are always appreciated! <3
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wrylu · 5 months
FUCK!!! it's finally done. after a whole day
COD CHARACTERS, but they're B U G S
cw insects!! if you get hibbie jibbies from buggo art or just bugs in general, u can scroll💗
and for those who wanna see the art, it looks better if you click on it and zoom in on it or something :)
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the worms in my brain bothered me last night to draw cod characters but they're bugs and this morning i started IMMEDIATELY
at the cost of my fingers, wrists, and hands 🕊
the amount of tags on this one.
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greaserinlove · 11 months
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olath124 · 3 months
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If the fic would have a cover it will be something like this
Ot maybe something even MORE in an Harmony style… But I'd have to put a fluent wig on him... And horses... Because horses are cool... And a beach at sunset...
I might… NO.
By the way, poor Johnny, always pushed to the side by our favorite asshole’s gigantic ego XD
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