#jesus i love dogs so much i want to adopt them all
felizusnavidad · 4 months
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doing my job and putting photos of archie in your inbox <3
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steddiealltheway · 8 months
Steve can see it in Max. That same loneliness and ache that he finds in himself. For him, it’s result of his parents leaving with no intent to return to him unless absolutely necessary.
He knows he was an accident. Or rather a mistake as his father used to call him when he was particularly angry. But it made sense to him. Steve's the reason his father had to marry his mother. He left him "trapped." And maybe no one says it out loud, but he can tell his mother feels the same way too.
But they must keep up appearances, right?
Which is what Max has been trying to do since Billy died, El moved away, and it's been just her and her mom. But she's been going about it through a different route - pushing people away all while pretending things are fine. But Steve sees the way she picks up the broken pieces of her mom and tries to put them back together - Steve's had to do the same thing before.
So, he starts sticking around a little longer. Offering her more rides to the arcade and around town to pick up groceries when she needs to. Sometimes he'll tell her about a new recipe he's been trying for a casserole and pick up the ingredients, pretending like the milk and butter he bought will spoil by the time he drives home from her trailer.
Of course, they both know it's a lie, but Max humors him and plays along. She'll let him cook dinner while she picks up the bottles her mom left on the floor, dumps out the overflowing ashtray, and feeds the dog. Usually, Steve will ask her what she's learning in school and linger a little longer than usual in hopes that she'll say more than the usual, "I don't know. A bunch of boring stuff."
But lingering has gotten a lot of things out of Max such as her love for Kate Bush, a story about El and how much she misses her, and short quips about Lucas before she gets a sad smile on her face. Steve doesn't really know what to say most of the time, but he hopes that just being there will help.
Unfortunately, lingering and just being there has led him to his current predicament of none other than Eddie "The Freak" Munson sitting on the hood of his car glaring at him as he walks out of Max's place. Steve jumps a little, startled by the figure on his car and becoming more hostile as he sees the expression on his face. He shoves his hands in his pockets and slows his pace. "Is there a problem?"
Eddie snorts humorlessly. "Christ. You're really going to pretend like there's nothing wrong with what's happening?"
Steve's brows furrow, entirely missing whatever point he's trying to make.
Eddie stands up and stalks toward him. "I see you, you know. Always lurking around when her mom isn't home. Coming out of her trailer late at night."
Steve laughs, finally understanding the absurd conclusion he's come to. "Jesus, man. You're delusional."
Steve doesn't expect it, but Eddie sharply shoves his chest and grits, "I don't fucking lie to me, Harrington."
Steve holds his hands up. "I'm not," he firmly states. "Nothing like that is happening here. I'm glad you're looking out for her, but it isn't like that."
"Do you expect me to believe that? Maybe this is why you're always hanging around Henderson and the other kids."
Steve crosses his arms and his jaw tenses. "I'm not a fucking pervert or a pedophile if that's what you're trying to say. I'm just looking after them."
"Why?" Eddie asks, dramatically opening his arms, "Why would King Steve adopt a group of misfits to take under his wing? See, the math isn't adding up."
Usually, Steve would just brush it off and tell the person to fuck off and mind their own business. But his parents have just left town again without leaving a note and Max had snapped when Steve tried to help her clean the place because it looked worse than usual, and he was just generally feeling like shit and angry at his parents and Max's parents for not being there. So he broke, "Because I don't want Max to end up like me! I don't want any of those kids to grow up without a role model. And god forbid if any of those other kids' parents fuck up, and they’re left with only me. I need them to know that I'm there for them! Because sometimes it feels like whenever the world goes to shit, I'm the only one who is there, and I plan to stay there, okay?!"
He finishes his rant breathing a little heavier than usual and noticing that a few of the lights in the trailers have turned on around them. He looks around and awkwardly nods to the people glaring out their windows. God, he needs to get a grip.
When he turns back to Eddie, he notices the conflicted expression, jaw dropped, eyebrows knitted together, eyes searching him as if he's still wondering if he's lying.
A door creaks open behind them and Steve curses under his breath as he hears Max say, "Eddie, leave him alone. Do you really think I would hook up with my damn babysitter? Jeez."
"Language," Steve quietly lectures as the door swings shut. He runs his hands over his face and takes a deep breath. It's been a long fucking day.
A hand lands on his arm and tugs him away from Max's trailer. Steve glances up at Eddie, leading him across the way. "Where are we going?"
"My place," Eddie says.
"So we can talk."
God, the last thing he wants to do is talk to Eddie of all people, the guy he's been actively avoiding since Dustin started worshipping the ground - or rather tables - he walks on. But he lets himself be pulled away in the trailer and practically deposited on the couch in the living room.
He glances up and comments, "That's a lot of mugs."
"My uncle's, but that's not what I wanted to... Christ," Eddie says, pacing in front of Steve and tugging his hair in front of his face. The anxious display makes Steve feel even more tired, but he lets him pace. God, what is he even doing here?
"I'm sorry," Eddie blurts out. "I'm just..." he trails off and rushes over to grab a stool a few feet away before dragging it in front of the couch. He sits on it but his leg still holds that nervous energy as it rapidly bounces up and down. "I jumped to conclusions, and it was really shitty of me, man. I just... didn't believe what Henderson was saying about you and thought 'Oh, this makes way more sense than Steve Harrington being a good dude.' And I'm sorry to accuse you of that. And I... I didn't know about your... parents and stuff. Like I knew they were away a lot because of your parties but... I just never connected the dots. And I'm sorry. No one deserves that shit, man."
Steve doesn't know what to do this whole interaction, especially with it coming from Eddie Munson who he doesn't think he's ever talked to before this moment, but... he needs to hear it. God, he needs to hear it.
Of course, he can't let him know this, so he does what he's best at and brushes it off. "It's fine. You were just looking out for the kids. And really just ignore what I said back there, it isn't that big of a deal."
Eddie worries his bottom lip before he blurts out, "I know what it's like." He pauses and takes a deep breath. "I mean, I know what it's like to have... absent parents. But in my case, eventually, my uncle Wayne took me in, and I can only imagine if he didn't." He gives him a pointed look and lowers his voice, "Do you have someone like that?"
A big part of Steve wants to leave right now, and he knows there's nothing stopping him. But a bigger part of him needs to stay. Needs to talk about the emptiness in his house that he can never truly escape at the end of the day that he can’t talk to anyone about. Because he's not supposed to be weak. He's supposed to take care of the others. So he admits, "No, I don't have... anyone like that. Except Robin but..."
"That's different," Eddie finishes the thought for him.
Steve nods. He loves Robin, but he loves her as a platonic soulmate and not as a parent figure in his life. "You know, I once had this basketball coach in middle school - Mr. Weston. And I remember looking up to him so much. I wanted to be just like him, and I would go to his office during lunch and ask him for advice or talk about dumb shit that my father would never talk about. But he never shamed me for my questions. And sometimes he even packed an extra dessert for me." Steve smiles at the memories and runs a hand through his hair, remembering the day he got the news. "But one time, when I went to his office, he had this look on his face. And I just knew it was bad news. And really, it wasn't bad news to him because his wife was pregnant. But she wanted to move a few states away to raise the kid closer to her family. And it wasn't his fault, you know? It wasn't like he purposely chose to move away from me, but I felt like I was abandoned again."
Steve wipes a tear from his eye and puts his head in his hands. "God, I don't know why I'm even telling you this story. Sorry."
"Don't apologize," Eddie says quickly. He pauses and shifts on the stool, his gaze being far away. "I remember him. He was one of the only gym teachers that defended me against all the shitty middle school bullies. He was a good person.”
Steve nods. God, he was a good person.
Eddie continues, “I'm sorry that he left. And I bet he still regrets leaving you behind."
Steve leans back against the couch and looks away, shaking his head. "I bet he forgot about me."
"You're kind of hard to forget."
Steve looks at Eddie and sees a slight blush on his cheeks as he shakes his head and waves his hands as if trying to make the comment go away. "What I mean is that there's no way he's forgotten about you. Someone who you used to have lunch with all the time to the point of giving you free food... Nah, man. He remembers you. I think you may have been as important to him as he was to you."
The thought breaks away at a wall Steve had built up long ago. "Thanks," he practically whispers.
Eddie just smiles at him, small dimples appearing on his cheeks.
"You didn't deserve it either, you know," Steve says. "The absent parent stuff. Even with Wayne, they should've been here too."
Eddie's smile falters a bit as he swallows and looks at the ground. "Thanks," he mumbles. He looks up at Steve and comments, "Getting sappy with Steve Harrington. Who knew."
"Yeah, getting sappy with Eddie Munson," Steve echoes back at him.
Eddie laughs, "I'm surprised you even know my name."
"You're kind of hard to forget," Steve says easily.
That same blush comes back to Eddie who shifts in his chair a bit as if he needs to process the information with his whole body.
They sit in the moment for a bit before Eddie gets a somewhat serious look on his face and offers, "You know, I'm definitely not a parent figure or anything, but I'm always here and around to talk about that whole thing if you need to."
Steve's heart beats a little faster at the sheer genuineness. "Same here," he can't help but offer in return. He glances down at his watch and sighs, "It's getting late, so I better..."
"Right," Eddie says, standing up and leading him to the door. "Do you need water for the road or anything?"
Steve smiles and pats him on the back without thinking too hard about it. "I'm good, man. But thank you. For everything really."
"Sorry for being an asshole," Eddie apologizes again.
"Usually that's my line," Steve accidentally voices before cringing a bit, wondering further why Eddie's been so kind to him.
But as he opens the door, Eddie comments, "I don't know. It seems like Dustin was right about the whole reformed jock thing. Maybe your crown really has fallen - which is a good thing by the way."
Steve slightly smiles at him before he turns to leave. But he can't help but say, "I wonder what the neighbors will think about me leaving your trailer so late."
Eddie groans then laughs. "Sorry to ruin your image."
"I wouldn't mind," Steve replies, honestly unsure what he means by that. "Goodnight, Eddie."
"Goodnight, Steve," Eddie says, that same blush on his cheeks, only this time Steve isn't sure if it's something he said or a result of the cold night air.
In bed that night, Steve feels a slight weight lifted from him and can't help but feel like he’s a little less alone.
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the bafta livestream out of context: top 60 cursed quotes.
There is nothing more cursed than the livestream I just witnessed, and I made a summary post but now I'm just going to put in quotes by the worthy maggots in the stream with no context, because BELIEVE ME THE CONTEXT DIDN'T MAKE ANYTHING BETTER. The livestream chat was NOT A PLACE OF THE LORD.
I'm going to make the quotes that were by me a different colour. Please know that I am NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR A SINGLE QUOTE OTHER THAN THOSE. SO HERE'S THE TOP 60 IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER:
Barbenhimer awakened things in me ok
aroace people the most disturbingly sexual talkers on the planet fight me on this
I feel so sorry for this woman. She's being so heartfelt and we're here thristing over a slinky that possessed a man
the urge to go to france and misgender a croissant is real
Devastated the slutty knees have gone away
So many men nowadays are so submissive and breedable like thank you lord for these men thank you
witches and murder slime tutorial
speaking of royals did the bloke who ISN'T lizzy's husband but her son apparently die yet
Turtleneck Crowley is my gender.
"Oompa loompa doopety dee, I really hated being in this movie" -Hugh grant probably
i want the kilt back this a betrayal
if someone put me in a room with kilt!david tennant one of us is walking out of that room pregnant and its not gonna be me
a lot of these words are in the bible and none of them should be in that order you need jesus
Can we vote to make david wear that kilt back? Maybe make him do a twirl this time
You mean Bildaddy? 😏
Honey what make you think a dude who roamed around with prostitutes and got himself more holes for mankind won't be calling bildad bildaddy? [this was about jesus btw.]
Show us the knees!
He looks like those fancy chocolates. Imma take a bite outta him. Think you'll leak molten goo like them?
My brain isn't working, I read "bratty couch jr"
i'm sorry the what holes
I genuinely thought it was a road typo and I thought you were threatening asmi with physical violence on the road
Combine that with the unfortunate oranges and see what happens.
That reminded me of the army video where the guy was deepthroating a 7 inch banana without a hitch.
thats why apollo had to deliver you at an illegal sushi restaurant
How long do you think it would take to get david naked from his chocolate man suit? Can we set a new speedrun category?
Big feelings about pants straps in the chat tonight
Last time i check yoire supposed to thank the lord gor his gifts
I just have a deep appreciation for ireland
Can you use suspenders as bondage gear? I mean it looks like it would be fine? I mean if you make the length a bit more they might be more comfortable than ropes. Just sayin
All i can think when i see him in the costume is the one specific ken and oppenhimer slash fic. Lord help me i can't be saved
Like a giant orange slice on her one arm.
Stop hitting the lectern geez / what if its into that?
Men who wear suspenders are such losers like why do you need so much cloth to keep your pants up. Why dont you just wear a belt. Where do you live. What is your timezone. What are you office hours
what is this suspender shaming ari chappal for you
Aziraphales office hours are: fuck off
Put me ina room with a suspender wearing man and he shall have the same fate as kilttennant
It was titled "snake in my b***" It meant butt lmfao
What if slutshaming is my kink?
I am failing
Tagging the main culprits whose tumblr handles I know:
@thearoacemess @vitrilol @queermarzipan @good-usernames-were-taken
Cheers, maggots.
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bejeweledblondie · 8 months
Phillip Graves Headcannons
A/N: These are supposed to be somewhat realistic, I lived in Texas for three years on an Army Base & Jesus Christ they’re flooded with plenty of Phillip Graves
Phillip Graves x F! Reader
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• You met Phillip while he was on a four-day weekend at a UT vs. Baylor football game
• You were one of the cheerleaders on the sidelines & you caught his eye immediately
• I mean c’mon those shorts & chaps mixed with Pom Poms (The UT Cheer uniform is so stinkin’ cute)
• Your friend pointed him out to you at first
• “Girl that man has been staring at you”
• He was nearly focused on you the entire game, you kept smiling & giggling at him the more he looked
• He found you as you were walking out of the stadium, he asked you out & ofc you said yes
• There’s 100% an age gap (this man’s ego is equally as large as big as Texas)
• If you’re in a sorority he attends the formals with you
• he drives the most lifted extra pick up truck you can imagine
• “Babe can you even see over the damn steering wheel?”
• As you graduate college he proposed to you (with a two carat diamond) & you had a elaborate wedding on his family’s ranch in Texas
• You had multiple wedding dresses designed by Berta bridal
• Surprise Pom dance for him with your cheer teammates
• After the wedding you honeymooned in Italy
• Ofc y’all decided on off post housing so you be able to have every commodity on the planet
• hear me out indoor swimming pool
• Even though you went to college, Graves is a very traditional man he doesn’t want you to work
• You have different hobbies, go to cycle class, shop ofc, get Botox done etc.
• Since he’s a very traditional man I do feel like he’d hold some old fashion views that were engrained in him from childhood
• He’s a religious man to some extent (he’s from Texas there’s no way around that)
• He 100% loves to show you off on & off post
• His Shadows at first were in pure disbelief that he married you, hell some of his Shadows are closer in age to you
• Buys you lululemon work out clothing for the “quality” he loves the way your body looks like those damn align leggings
• You guys do go line dancing & the both of y’all are pretty good at it
• He loves to go to the range to shoot in his free time, & he’s a hunter (I apologize to my fellow animals lovers) but not a trophy hunter
•He conceal carries a handgun at all times
• He makes delicious Deer jerky
• This man collects old Allied WW2 firearms
• He loves History Channel documentaries on WW2
• full on dad stance in front of the tv while watching
• “Honey come look at this!”
• He’s not that old but due to his time in the Marines & current job he does have bad knees, a bad back etc. the cracking his body does is insane
• He does take pills for that & you have to remind him to take them
• Whenever you ask him to read something he whips out his old man glasses
• He is always losing them too, so at work he will wear contacts (no one knows about this at his work)
• “Turn the radio I can’t see”
• He adopted a golden retriever puppy & a German Shepard puppy for you
• They’re your guard dogs when he’s away
• You got pregnant a little bit later in your marriage solely because Phillip was focusing on work a lot in the beginning of your marriage
• He was over the moon excited that you were pregnant
• Your gender reveal was powder inside of a target & be shot at it
• It was blue, you were having a little boy
• He made sure the nursery was set up prior to him leaving
• When you went into labor Phillip was about to go on a mission & it was the most excruciating experience knowing something horrible could’ve happened
• He watched your baby be born on FaceTime. It hurt him to see you upon so much pain & just surrounded by medical staff
• Due to a miscommunication & an ambush he unfortunately got held up
• He didn’t meet your son until a month after you delivered
• He looked at the photo he had of you in his plate carrier in the safe house he was held up in wondering how you & his newborn son were doing
• His Shadows & their significant others gifted you the most beautiful baby gifts once they returned from the missions
• Graves would fall asleep with your baby on his chest in the living room after feeding him in his recliner
• Your son’s little face would be smushed up against Graves’s chest drooling on his t-shirt
• He too would bring your son to work, but once he started crawling (I swear if there’s one thing that will break any hardened military man is a baby)
• Once your little boy is old enough he would play football & baseball
• Graves also helps coach when he can, he too played those sports as a little boy
• He’d also probably take him hunting too & teach him how to live off of the land
• The saying Once a Marine Always a Marine rings true in the Graves’s household
• Just like his old man your little boy joined the Marines
• Graves is a true traditional family man at heart & does everything he can to shield you guys from his line of work
• huge daddy kink, his ego is already big & he loves the idea of you having to rely on him
• Loud office sex whenever you’d visit
• Cockwarming him while he does paperwork
• You’d wiggle around & he’d hold you down
• You went topless in Italy when you went to the beach on your honeymoon, & he constantly was grabbing at your tits
• You adopted the habit of tanning like that in the privacy of your backyard
• Major breeding kink too
• He loves finishing inside of you
• He’ll also use you to take his frustrations out when he’s had a rough day at work
• Lingerie especially red lingerie is his favorite
• He’s 100% a boob man & he’d be happy to pay for fake tits if that’s what you wanted
• You’d 100% wear his cowboy hat while riding him
• He spanks you as a punishment
• You do have sex in the back of his pick up truck under the infamous Texas starry nights
• You two have made so many sex tapes together from all different angles
• He also has so many nudes of you
• One or a couple may have accidentally gotten leaked to his team (this just fed his ego more)
• You’d also probably wear his old marine dress blues for the Marine Corps birthday as you rode him
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sugartitstownley · 4 months
Hay I love your blog!!!
Could you do some relationship preferences for michael and trevor being together cute/hot or just cute?
ABC’s of Trikey
Thanks for the ask! I’m glad you like my blog!! I took some creative liberties with this and ran with it since I’ve been wanting to do the ABC prompt. So I hope you don’t mind. :) I did the fluff version [source], but I’d be open to doing the NSFW version too if someone would want that.
Warnings: Not a lot this time. Typical GTA-esque themes. There is a brief mention in the last letter (Z) about child abuse, but that’s about it. Mostly fluffy stuff.
A is for animals  [Do they have pets? What type?]
No, they don’t have any pets. Neither of them feel too strongly about having them, but the topic has came up once or twice — Michael being the most reluctant.
“It’d be like having another kid,” Michael gripes. “We’d have to clean its shit and make sure it doesn’t tear the house up.”
“But maybe it could teach you a thing or two about loyalty, you snake,” Trevor shoots back. “Plus, it’d give Chop a friend.”
“Can you honesty promise I wouldn’t come home one day to a mutilated dog after it chewed the fuck out of your clothes or bit you?”
“Well, I can’t promise I won’t mutilate you one day, but I still keep you around.”
That didn’t convince Michael. So no, they don’t have pets. They’ll stick to chaperoned visits with Franklin, Lamar, and Chop.
B is for bathroom  [What are their bathroom habits? Do they brush teeth at the same time? Fight about the toilet? Shower together? Have weird toiletries?]
Their bathroom habits are definitely a little bit opposing. Michael, unless he’s in one of his truly depressive episodes, is fairly clean. He often opts for the same routine every day: wake up, shower, shave (unless he’s growing it out, which sometimes he does), brush teeth, put on deodorant, spray on fancy cologne he spent way too much on, and leave.
Trevor, however, has less of a set schedule. He frequently chooses to forgo the traditional approach to “getting ready” unless Michael gets on him about it.
Once they start living together, though, Trevor does start to actively seek out a good shower quite often — if only so he can join his partner in a little morning rendezvous, which, of course, Michael is happy to indulge him in.
They don’t fight too much over bathroom etiquette, but, well, Trevor is still Trevor, so it’s inevitable sometimes.
“Oh, the fuck is this?” Michael mumbles, peering into the toilet below him. “Trevor!”
Mere seconds later, Trevor’s head is popping through the bathroom door. “Mm, morning to you too, sugar.”
“Tell me what I’m looking at here.”
“That,” Trevor follows his partner’s gaze to look inside the toilet bowl, “looks like a finger.”
“Yep, it does,” Michael nods along. “Why the fuck is it in our toilet?”
Trevor raises his hands in surrender. “Excuse me, I tried to get his arm down in one go, but people don’t flush like they used to. Ya know, I think it’s all the healthy shit people eat in LS. Makes their body more immune.”
“Jesus Christ.”
C is for children  [Do they have kids? Adopted or biological? What are their names? Any random head canons you have?]
Michael obviously has Tracey and Jimmy, so that’s really enough for them. Michael knows he’s already a shit father, so there’s no need to bring any more children into his world. Plus, Trevor loves both of those kids like they’re his own anyway.
And, all things considered, they both have Franklin too. Their surrogate child. Sure, Franklin pretends to be slightly disturbed at that mental image, but both men are sure he’s still happy to have them around.
Sometimes, when he’s really trying to embarrass Franklin, Trevor will talk about him to strangers like he’s their child. Michael tries to get him to stop — for the youngest boy’s sake — but he secretly finds it both endearing and funny. So, against his better judgement, Michael joins in sometimes.
“Kids are a handful, huh?”
The woman looks up from the screaming baby in her arms to Trevor, who’s talking over her shoulder. She looks slightly uncomfortable at his proximity, like she wants to push away the cart full of baby items in front of her and make a run for it, but she nods instead.
“They sure are. Got any?”
Trevor mirrors her nod before pointing over at Franklin. “Our baby boy is right there.”
Trevor can see Franklin shrink behind Michael, trying to get out of sight, while Michael stands there smirking.
“He’s just precious,” Trevor continues, his voice cracking with a faux sob. “They grow up so fast. Right in front of your eyes.”
The woman glances at Michael, almost like she’s hoping he’ll save her, but he only puts a hand to his heart and smiles. “They never stop melting your heart, though.”
As soon as the cashier yells “next,” the woman is rushing to the counter, and the two older men are left laughing as Franklin finally moves into sight.
“Fuck you both,” he grumbles.
D is for dates  [First date? Do they go out together regularly? Who usually plans?]
Their first date was definitely weird. Not in the “we shouldn’t be doing this” way. But in the “this feels like our first date and 50th simultaneously” way.
Back in North Yankton, neither of them really went on “first dates” — with each other or other people. A date feels more like a planned time to be romantic, but their relationship was anything but planned. In fact, everything often felt rushed and spontaneous, like neither knew when their life would suddenly end by imprisonment or death.
Now, as older men who feel way too past their prime and have way too much history among them to be going out on said “first dates,” the idea feels a little juvenile and silly.
Nonetheless, they do it. They do it if only for the sake of not being able to do it before. They go out on a first date — paired with nervous sweating, awkward conversations, and careful skirting over any past issues that could put a damper on the evening. It’s a simple dinner at an upscale restaurant in Vinewood, much to Trevor’s initial dismay.
“Out of all of San Andreas, this is where you pick, Mikey?”
“It’s a nice place, T.”
“Shocker that you think that, Mr. Plastic Pants,” Trevor says mockingly. “This place is full of fake celebrities and plastic surgeons. I feel like I’m about to slip and fall and accidentally get a boob job.”
“Can you just humor me for once? Please?”
And Trevor did because, truth be told, he’d go anywhere with Michael. Their first date was good all things considered, but they don’t make it a habit to go out often. It’s just not in their style — unless you count Trevor beating Michael at golf or them chasing down bikers a date, then sure.
When they do officially go out on dates, especially for important dates like anniversaries, it’s usually Michael who plans them. He’s much more of a classic date — dinner and a movie — kind of guy. He likely gets that from the movies he watches.
E is for embarrassment  [Does one get embarrassed by PDA? Do they say things to rile each other up?]
Michael does, at times, get embarrassed by Trevor’s public displays. It’s not that he’s ashamed of Trevor; it’s just harder to kick that religious guilt he’s used to. It has caused a rift a few times when Michael would flinch at Trevor calling him “baby” around strangers or throwing his arms around him and kissing his neck — especially since Michael can see their unapproving reactions in his peripheral vision.
Trevor, usually, reacts angrily — no doubt believing that his partner is embarrassed by him and their relationship. But Michael continues to reassure him until the issue is dropped.
After a few years, and a bit more therapy, the judging glances no longer irk him like they used to. And, as a result, he’ll let Trevor’s fingers snake through his or let his touch linger, even with the prying eyes of Los Santos City.
When they’re in an argument, however, Trevor does take a few liberties now and then to rile him up.
“Fine, Burger Shot it is. But when we get home, I want a blowjob.”
“Oh, Christ,” Michael groans, looking around to see how many people heard Trevor’s loud mouth.
Trevor grins. “Hopefully, I’ll be saying that soon too.”
F is for fights  [Do they bicker a lot? About trivial things? How do they make up after a large fight?]
They bicker a lot. About trivial things. About important things. About everything. But that’s them. It’s how it’s always been, and just because they’re in love, doesn’t mean it’s going to stop.
But, at least for Michael, he almost enjoys fighting with Trevor. Fighting with him only reminds him how much he’s devoted to the guy — how much he devastatingly loves the man.
With Amanda, they loved each other, but they weren’t in love with each other. So when they fought, it left him feeling bitter and lonely. But with Trevor, every fight is born out of caring about his relationship, about Trevor’s health, about their past, about their future. He just cares so violently — both of them do — that every fight starts and ends with him being in love. At least, for the most part.
G is for gifts [Do they give gifts often? Big things or small things?]
Yes, quite often. Michael is a lavish giver, even if he knows Trevor doesn’t really care one way or another about material possessions. If Michael can gift him an “Impotent Rage” comic because he used to have it as a child, even if it’s rare now and worth thousands, he’ll do it. He wants Trevor to have nice things, and he has no problem spending money in order to make that happen.
Trevor, on the opposite side, doesn’t give material gifts very often. Not really seeing the value for himself, he doesn’t much care to buy them for others either. Even so, that doesn’t mean he’s not a gift giver in his own way. Trevor will often show his giving side by actions: making sure the new movie Michael wanted to watch is rented when he comes home, cooking something for dinner (with no eyelids, he promises!), cleaning himself up, going to events he hates just because Michael loves them, and so on.
They have their own ways, and it works for them.
H is for home  [Where do they live? When did they move in together?]
They have several different residencies. Several.
After the divorce was finalized, Amanda moved out to leave for the beachfront property that she desperately craved — and asked for — all throughout their time in LS.
Michael kept the house in Rockford Hills and decided to stay there. Despite some gentle coaxing, Trevor refused to give up his trailer in Sandy Shores, but Michael was secretly happy since it gave them an excuse to drive up there and sit by the Alamo Sea.
Trevor also ended up keeping the Vanilla Unicorn, at least for the time being. Neither man makes too many appearances there anymore, but Trevor’s back office does make for a good bed if he’s mad at Michael.
Officially, though, they live in Michael’s place in Rockford Hills. It’s close to where they need to go, Michael can commute fairly easily to Solomon’s studio, and Trevor is at a perfect distance to wreck havoc in whatever part of the state he chooses day to day. Michael, in the future, would be happy to consider moving somewhere else with his partner. But right now, he’s just happy Trevor agreed to stay with him.
“T, you listening?”
“Huh? Yeah, Mikey. What is it?”
Michael grabs the remote out of the other man’s hand and forces his eyes to leave the TV. “Trevor, ‘m serious.”
“Okay, okay,” Trevor relents. “I’m all ears, pork chop.”
“How would you feel about staying here?”
“Well, considering I’ve already drove halfway across the city, drank a shit ton, and planned to strip you naked later, I’d say I feel pretty good about staying tonight.”
Michael smirks a little. “As sweet as that is, I meant more than just tonight. Like, ya know, stay. Live here.”
“Live here,” Trevor repeats slowly, his attention clearly on Michael completely now. “With you. In Rockford Hills. Here.”
“Yes,” Michael nods, but it comes out more like a question — not sure if Trevor really wants to live here with him.
“Okay,” Trevor agrees.
“Yes. Okay.
The sides of Michael’s mouth tick up into a small smile. “Okay.”
I is for illness  [Do they care for each other when they’re sick?]
They’ll definitely care for each other no matter the illness, but their reactions certainly differ depending on the illness at hand.
If it’s the common cold, they’ll both gripe at each other about how “babyish” the other is being. That won’t stop them from picking up medicine, tissues, water, or anything else the other may need to feel better. Some playful banter is just to be expected.
If it’s a more “serious” sickness, a little bit lot more worry and anger is involved.
Trevor growls. “Fucking lay down. I told you smoking all those Redwoods would kill you one day.”
Michael follows his partner’s orders and leans back onto the bed, his mouth open, trying to breathe any air he can get without coughing. “I’m fine, asshole. ‘s just a bug.”
“It’s not just a bug,” Trevor huffs, laying down next to him. “Doctor said it’s bronchitis. That can be bad, Mikey.”
“I’ll be okay,” Michael mumbles, giving Trevor’s hand a squeeze to reassure him. “A lot of people get it.”
“A lot of people die from it, too. Especially if it’s chronic. More than 300 people.”
“That’s not a lot, T,” Michael reasons, shutting his eyes. “Mm, plus, doc said she doesn’t think it’s chronic.”
“Doesn’t think,” Trevor growls. “Fucking doctors. They don’t know shit until you’re dead.”
At that, Michael opens his eyes. “Calm down, T. It’s not that serious.”
“It is, Michael,” he says, spitting out his name. “I don’t want to lose your fat ass just because you can’t let go of your stupid habits, and the doctors in this city are too lazy to give a shit!”
Finally realizing the issue, Michael turns over in the bed to cuddle into Trevor’s side. “You won’t lose me, baby.”
“You don’t know that. I have before.”
“I know, and I’m sorry. But I’m here for the long haul now. You’re stuck with me.”
“I promise.”
And when Michael stops smoking — for the most part — and convinces Trevor to try and get clean from the drugs — again, for the most part — he’s there with him every step of the way through the withdrawal symptoms.
The nightmares, lack of sleep, paranoia, irritability — all of it. Those months are probably the most Michael has ever cried, or seen Trevor cry, but it’s worth it in the end when they’re both a lot happier.
J is for jokes [Do they tease each other a lot? Do they have inside jokes nobody else gets?]
They definitely tease each other a lot. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell whether they’re teasing or bickering unless you really know them since most of their teasing is harsher words paired with playful undertones.
“I had an idea for our next anniversary.”
Trevor smirks. “Not sure if you’ll make it to our next anniversary, you fat fuck.”
“Nice outfit, T. I can see you’re finally embracing the ‘I liked it before it was cool’ lifestyle.”
“Fuck off, Townley.”
K is for kisses [First kiss? Do they kiss a lot?]
Their first kiss was long ago, back in North Yankton. It was after one particularly good job in ‘86. They came away with more money than they’d ever gotten together, and it took them half the time it usually does to ward off police presence and make it back to their motel.
“Fuckin’ A,” Michael shouts as soon as the motel door is closed. “We did it!”
“Fuck yeah!”
Both boys laugh, their hearts still pumping with adrenaline. Suddenly, Michael is overcome by the excitement of the success of the job or the smile on Trevor’s face, and so he pushes him against the motel door and kisses him roughly.
The kiss only realistically lasts around five seconds, but it’s enough.
“What the fuck was that?” Trevor asks once they part.
“You kissed me.”
Michael nods and shrugs a bit, trying not to blush. “Yeah, so what?”
Trevor doesn’t say anything. In fact, the room is deadly silent for several seconds before Trevor lunges forward and captures Michael’s mouth again.
Between then and the time he meets Amanda, Michael kisses Trevor a lot. If he’s being honest, he kisses Trevor a lot after he meets Amanda too.
When they officially reconcile their relationship and decide to give being together a real shot after the Union Depository job, they — of course — kiss a lot. They have to make up for lost time after all.
L is for love [Who said ‘I love you’ first? How do they show their love?]
Although Michael kissed him first, Trevor said “I love you” first. This, too, was back in North Yankton after a night full of celebratory drinking and sex after a big job.
However, after their reconciliation in 2013, Trevor, once again, was the one to take the lead. When it comes to emotions, Trevor’s always said exactly what he was thinking. Where Michael struggles with expressing himself, Trevor does nothing but express himself.
Trevor shakes his head lightly at Michael’s questioning. “Nothing.”
“No, come on,” Michael pushes. “You’re lookin’ at me funny.”
“I’m not.”
“You are.”
Trevor sighs, glancing around the restaurant they’re currently sat in. “Can’t we eat?”
“You don’t want to tell me? When have you ever held your tongue? About literally anything?”
“Maybe I’m holding my tongue because I’m reluctant to say anything since last time I said it, it must have not meant shit because you married a stripper.”
“T, things with Amanda were complicated, you know that,” Michael says, grabbing his partner’s hand that’s resting on their table. “But it’s different now.”
Trevor gives a slight nod of agreement. “Yeah. It is.”
“So? What do you want to tell me?”
“I- I love you.”
Michael looks momentarily shocked, but he quickly recovers and breathes out a chuckle. “Oh.”
“You better say it back, Townley. You’re too old to have second thoughts.”
Despite Trevor’s quip, Michael grins. “I was just hoping I’d get to say it first this time. I love you too.”
M is for meals [Who cooks?]
Surprisingly, Trevor usually cooks. Or, rather, they do it together. Trevor likes the company, and Michael likes the assurance that no part of the food is human.
Trevor is a pretty good cook since he took care of his mom a lot when he was young between her copious amounts of “male friends.”
Although Michael usually is reluctant to relinquish control on a lot of things, he’s happy to sit back and watch Trevor cook, only helping when needed.
And if he gets to kiss the chef while he cooks, well, that’s just a bonus.
N is for nicknames [Do they shorten their names? Pet names?]
God, they never end — at least for Trevor. Michael does use the usual nicknames for his partner: T or Trev. After they started dating, “baby” will become a frequent contender.
For Trevor, he never stops coming up with nicknames — most of them being for his own amusement. Mikey, Mike, M, sugar, sugar tits, pork chop.
Some of them are more on-the-whim ideas: Mr. Plastic City and moneybags being quite popular.
Michael has asked Trevor to cool it down, but he doesn’t have much luck on that part.
“Get in, sugar tits.”
Michael climbs into the Bodhi, shooting Trevor a glare. “Can you stop calling me that?”
“I’m getting déjà vu. Thought we’ve had this conversation before, and I said no.”
“We have,” Michael rolls his eyes. “But I thought that once we, you know, started being together — you’d stop.”
“Aw,” Trevor smiles, linking their fingers together as he pulls out of the driveway. “No such luck, sugar tits.”
O is for outsiders [What do other people think about their relationship?]
Their relationship is a paradox to most — both surprising and not surprising in the slightest.
Amanda, who’s known them the longest outside of Lester, was initially shocked. With the way Michael talked about Trevor if she ever brought him up, it usually seemed like a one-sided friendship that was destined to end.
Though, when she looks back on it after the divorce, she’s not all that surprised after all.
“I should’ve known.”
Michael pauses before giving a half shrug to his soon-to-be ex wife. “I barely knew. It’s just always been … complicated.”
Amanda snorts. “Yeah, that’s one way to put it, Michael. Still, you just … never wanted to talk about him. Even after everything — especially not after everything.”
“I know, Mand.”
“I always thought that maybe it was just because you felt guilty, but, well,” she trails off. “You loved — love — him.”
“Yeah,” he breathes out. “Yeah, I do.”
Lester was even easier. He knew from beginning that the boys had a long history, and even after all the years apart, he knew the barely functioning friendship between Michael and Trevor was just years of pent up sexual tension, betrayals, and love waiting to topple over.
Franklin and Lamar were equally supportive, but Lamar did ask a lot of questions that made Franklin gently kick him under the table.
“Yo, so you and crazy dude are in love?” Lamar asks. “For real? This whole time?”
Michael glances at Franklin, who’s smirking at the exchange, before he meets Lamar’s eyes again and nods. “Yeah, we are.”
Lamar chuckles. “Good luck, homie. Bet that dude is into some freaky shit in bed.”
“What he means to say is that we’re happy for you, dog,” Franklin says while nudging Lamar. “Maybe now I won’t have to hear T bitch about you every time we grab a drink.”
“Yeah, doubtful,” Michael smirks. “I’m sure he’ll find somethin’ new to complain about.”
“Yeah, like how your ass is too fat to get in the sex swing I ordered.”
All three boys whip their heads around to see Trevor stalking up and plopping into the seat next to Michael.
“That’s not- he’s kidding,” Michael fumbles.
Franklin, looking caught between amusement and horror, just nods. “Sure, whatever you say, homie.”
P is for proposal [Who proposed first? How did they do it? A lot of planning?]
Michael proposed first. He values the traditional act of marriage a little more. Not to mention, Trevor didn’t want to ruin their relationship or scare Mike off since he only just got him back. If it was up to Trevor, though, they would have just got hitched immediately.
Although Michael considers himself a bit of a romantic with his partner — a cliché, in Trevor’s words — he didn’t plan a fancy proposal paired with dinner, a moonlit walk down Vespucci Beach, and skywriting asking the big question. No, instead, he just looked at Trevor one night and asked. He asked right then and there because, for once in his life, he just let his emotions take over.
“I understand how economics work and what the working class needs! They want a six pack of beer! An eager girl in their pickup truck! And a depressing folk tune playing on the radio!”
Michael faintly hears the voice of Impotent Rage coming from the TV in front of him, but he’s barely listening as his eyes keep glancing over at Trevor, who’s sitting next to him under their blanket, munching on a bowl of popcorn and watching the superhero chant with full attention.
A soft smile tugs at his lips as he listens to Trevor belt out a laugh at whatever’s happening in the show, and suddenly, he’s speaking without even realizing.
The man’s eyes don’t move from the television, so Michael tries again. “Trevor.”
Finally, his partner’s eyes peel away from the screen and look his way. “What, Mikey? I’m missing good TV here.”
Michael watches him for several seconds, the small smile from before still present. “Marry me.”
At that, the show fades into the background completely, and Trevor’s attention is focused. “You’re gonna have to repeat that, sugar. Think I misheard you.”
“I said, ‘Marry me.’”
“Jesus,” Trevor shuts the TV off and turns to face Michael, the blanket falling off them to their feet. “You serious? You better not be fucking with me.”
“I’m not,” Michael shakes his head, taking Trevor’s hands in his. “We should do it. Get married.”
There’s a long gap of silence where Michael’s not sure if Trevor’s going to laugh at him, punch him, or have another overt reaction. But in the end, he feels his partner’s body slam into his as they topple over onto the couch. And it takes a few seconds for it to register that Trevor is hugging him.
Michael laughs. “Is this a yes?”
“Fuck yes.”
And if Trevor cried a little too that night, well, that’s their business.
Q is for quest [Have they ever been on a quest together? Has one done something completely crazy for the other?]
Honestly, their whole lives together have been nothing but a series of quests. But, outside of the normal robbery, revenge, avoid-dying quests, they’ll absolutely go on day-to-day missions for the other — especially Trevor.
Is Michael out of that one specific product he uses for his hair and no store in Los Santos seems to carry it? Trevor will find it.
Have one of the actors on set gone missing? Trevor’s already got their location.
It doesn’t matter how utterly dumb he thinks Michael is for caring about certain things, he’ll get it done. Somehow, some way.
“You’re welcome,” Trevor says, sitting down the black, sleek bottle on the kitchen counter. “Only one I could find, Mr. Suede Bucks.”
“You got the cologne? The fuck did you find this? It ain’t been at Ponsonbys forever.”
Trevor leans down and kisses Michael, smiling proudly. “I know. It wasn’t easy.”
“Yeah, I bet, it wa-” Michael stops. “Uh, Trev?”
Trevor walks over to the fridge and pulls out a beer. “Yeah?”
Michael wipes at the bottle before holding up a red-coated finger to Trevor. “Is this blood?”
Trevor pretends to inspect it before shrugging. “Not sure.”
“Oh, really? This just happened to be here?”
“Don’t ask too many questions, Mikey. Just accept the gift.”
“I didn’t want it that bad,” Michael protests. “Not at some poor bastard’s expense.”
“I got you the cologne,” Trevor says pointedly. “Just be happy, you miserable fuck.”
Rolling his eyes, Michael smiles and leans up to connect their lips again. “Well, thank you.”
R is for rainy day [What do they do when it’s raining outside?]
What better way to spend a rainy day than a movie session that your boyfriend forces you into? Right?
Michael loves to watch movies — that much is obvious. And, since Trevor loves him, he’ll indulge him on days where it’s too wet to do anything else.
Plus, a bonus of staying indoors all day is more time for … extracurricular activities.
S is for secrets [Do they keep secrets from each other?]
Trevor’s not the type to keep secrets, so anything he does, says, or thinks pretty much goes straight to Michael.
For Mike, though, he has trouble not keeping secrets. It’s not that he actively wants to lie to people, especially those he loves, but he’s done it for so long that it’s become second nature. So much so that he even expressed the worry to his new therapist.
“I don’t want to lie to anyone, ‘specially not Trevor,” Michael admits. “But it’s like I don’t know how to stop!”
“What exactly do you lie about?”
He glances around the office, shrugging. “I don’t know. The way I feel sometimes. What I want. What I don’t want. Christ, I don’t know if I’m lying or if I just don’t know the answers.”
“I think you know the answers, Michael.”
“Maybe. I just … don’t ever want to hurt Trevor again.”
Months in therapy with an actual qualified doctor — unlike Dr. Friedlander — helped Michael find new ways to cope with his knee jerk reaction to lie.
So, no, they both try not to keep anymore secrets between the two of them.
T is for travelling [Do they go on holiday together? On journeys?]
They don’t get away very often. It’s not that they don’t have the money because obviously they do. But they’re busy with their respective jobs. Michael is often working on a movie set these days, and that can take up a lot of time. And Trevor can be found running TPI, the Vanilla Unicorn, and — of course — getting up to various shenanigans.
In a last ditch effort to connect to his kids, he did invite them on a small trip, where they ended up going to the zoo alongside Trevor.
“Ew, daddy, what is that?”
Before Michael can answer Tracey’s question, he sees her reach out toward the animal. “Trace! Don’t fuckin’ touch it!”
“Hey, you better watch out, kid, or it’ll eat you,” Trevor says, putting his arm around Tracey.
“You’d save her, uncle T,” Jimmy pipes up.
Trevor smirks. “We’d just sacrifice your dad. He’d take one for the team.”
Tracey giggles, nodding. “Totes.”
Michael pulls Trevor’s arm off of Tracey before giving him a playful shove. “Yeah, fuck you. If anything, we’d sacrifice your ass. With the way you smell, it’d probably think you’re a dead animal anyway.”
“As if you’d give me up that easily,” Trevor says, brushing their hands together as they walk along the zoo path. “You love me, Michael Townley.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Besides that, they mostly stick with San Andreas. But Michael’s been thinking about planning a trip back to North Yankton. He knows Trevor misses the Midwest, and he thinks they’re grown enough now in their relationship to relive nostalgic, good memories while there instead of being thrown back into painful ones.
U is for urges [Do they pine after each other? How often to they think about each other?]
They do pine — in their own ways. For Trevor, it’s more blatant, obvious longing.
Before getting together officially, Trevor made it a point to drudge up the past or make snippy comments about how much Michael’s changed. Under all the semi-faux anger, all he wanted was for Michael to realize how much he’s missed him.
As for Michael himself, his pining came in the form of silence. He didn’t want to ever talk about Trevor, or hear about him, or think about him. He missed him too, but every thought surrounding the man was laced with guilt.
“We did it, T!” Michael cheers. “Fuckin’ A. Pulled off the Big One.”
“Sure did, Mikey,” Trevor smiles slightly as he whips the car down the LS Freeway. “Never thought I’d see the day.”
“I know. I figured we’d be settling into prison by now if we ever attempted it. I mean, we-”
“No,” Trevor stops him. “Never thought I’d see the day since you were dead.”
The air in the car grows thicker than it usually does with Trevor’s quips as Michael struggles with how to respond.
Eventually, Michael sighs. “Thought you said we were good.”
“We are.”
“Then why do you have to bring it up? Can’t we have one decent conversation without you always having to mention it? Jesus Christ, T.”
Trevor grinds his teeth, facing Michael with an accusatory finger as the car comes to a stop on the side of the road. “Fuck you! I’m going to bring it up until you’re so sick and tired of hearing about it that you rip your own ears off!”
“Oh, well, if I’d known that was all it’d take to shut your ass up, I would’ve ripped ‘em off months ago!”
“Good! I wish you fucking would!”
Both of them lean back into the silence as Trevor slams on the gas and buzzes past the cars around them.
After pulling into his driveway, Michael gets out and slams the door behind him, leaving Trevor in the car without another word. He slowly starts the trek up to his door, suddenly realizing that — once the door shuts — he’s going to be alone once again.
Chancing a look back, he checks to see if Trevor’s still sitting in the car, and he is — unmoving.
Michael turns around and makes his way to the window, not even having to knock before Trevor’s rolling it down.
Michael gestures vaguely. “Want to come in?”
Trevor gives a curt nod and moves to get out of the car. “You better have beer.”
After popping open a few drinks and settling onto the couch, Trevor’s voice fills the otherwise quiet room. “Look, ‘m sorry. Okay? I know we’re trying to move on. But fuck, Michael. It’s hard. You … you left me, and you didn’t even think twice.”
“Didn’t think twice? You kidding me? I thought twice. I thought three times, four times, a hundred times. But I had a family, and I didn’t know what else to do. I messed up. I know that. And I’ve had to live with that every day. Every day, I thought about you — hoped that you weren’t dead, or when I was really fuckin’ depressed, hoped that you were so I didn’t have to feel so damn guilty. So don’t tell me that I didn’t think twice, asshole.”
Seconds later, the air is knocked out of Michael as Trevor pushes his lips roughly against his. He lets out a small hiss when he feels Trevor bite down on his bottom lip before his tongue brushes against his.
“I’ve missed you,” Michael breathes out against Trevor’s lips.
“I’ve missed you too, sugar.”
V is for virtues [What’s their favourite thing about each other?]
Trevor loves that Michael is, well, Michael. Despite the long list of qualities he could ramble off that he doesn’t like about him: constant sarcasm, hypocritical, arrogant …
He’s also fond of those qualities because that’s who Michael is. He’s an asshole, and Trevor likes him that way. Secretly.
Michael, on the other hand, has a distinct quality of Trevor that he’s most fond of — loyalty. Michael himself has never been loyal. He’s cheated, lied, hurt, coerced, and backstabbed almost everyone he’s ever known. Although Trevor’s physically hurt his fair share of people, his loyalty to his friends is unshakable.
Michael almost hates that about him too. He’ll often wish Trevor gave less of a shit about him because, maybe then, their past wouldn’t cut as deep.
Still, Michael will hold tightly on to every last bit of loyalty Trevor’s willing to give him now.
W is for wedding [Who plans it? Big or small? Does it go smooth?]
It’s a pretty small event considering Michael’s already done the whole marriage thing before. Neither of them really care about a monumental party paired with dancing, catering, and people galore. They really only want to get hitched for the sake of being together forever and, as Trevor jokes, so it’s practically legally required for them to love one another.
Does it go smooth? Ha! If you asked anyone — anyone — that they know if anything ever has gone smooth when it comes to Michael and Trevor, they’d laugh.
It wasn’t a total disaster or anything, but there were certainly hiccups along the way.
“The fuck do you mean he’s missing?” Michael pulls the phone away from his ear as the lady on the other end tries to explain the whereabouts of his suit tailor. “Trevor!”
“But I assure you that we’re trying to find him, Mr. De Santa.”
Michael barely catches the end of what she’s saying as he pushes the phone back against his ear. “Look, lady. I don’t give a shit where your boss is. Do you have my suit?”
“We don’t have it here with us,” she explains. “He likely took it home, but I assure you-”
Michael hangs up the phone as Trevor finally comes strutting into the kitchen.
“What’s up, pork chop? Trouble at the studio?”
“No, trouble with the suit guy. Apparently, he’s gone missing.”
Michael narrows his eyes. “That was a short answer. And ya don’t seem that shocked.”
“It’s Los Santos,” Trevor shrugs. “People go missing all the time. He probably found the one hot broad in this city that likes 50-year-old men with braces and hit the road with her.”
“How did you know he had braces? I’ve never hold you that.”
“What the fuck is this, Mikey? An interrogation?”
Michael steps around the kitchen table until he’s face to face with his partner, giving him a sharp, piercing look. “Trevor.”
“Fine! I met the guy for a bit,” Trevor relents. “Went to talk to him about fixing up my outfit as well, but we didn’t see eye to eye.”
“Oh, God. What does that mean?”
Trevor’s eyes shine in light amusement. “I think we’re going to have to look for someone else.”
X is for xenia [What’s it like to be their guest?]
Well, they don’t really have a lot of people over. The only people who ever visit them are Franklin and Lamar, sometimes Tracey and Jimmy, and on the rarest occasions, Lester. But that’s usually only if he needs something.
When they’re in Sandy Shores, they’ll have Ron over, and occasionally, they’ll bring Wade when Trevor wants to get him out of the strip club.
Being their guest is like going to a haunted house. It can be fun, but you have a chance of getting traumatized in some way.
“Hey, do y’all two have any-” Franklin stops, throwing his hands over his eyes as he jumps back into the hallway. “What the fuck?”
Trevor’s laughter fills in the room as Michael blushes, fumbling for the zipper on his pants before pulling Trevor up from his knees.
“Fuck,” Michael starts. “Sorry. We ain’t doing anything. I promise.”
“Yeah, whatever you say, dog,” Franklin shudders, finally peaking through his fingers. “Look, I just came to ask if y’all had any beer. But I can see you’re busy.”
“We weren’t …” Michael trails off, knowing there’s no point in denying it. “I’ll show you where it is.”
The three boys walk downstairs, Trevor still snickering to himself as Michael nudges him every so often to try and get him to quit.
“Maybe next time, wait for your guests to leave before you start messing around up there,” Franklin chuckles.
The boys’ heads glance over when Lamar pipes up beside them, apparently catching the end of the conversation. “Yo, you and crazy dude was fuckin’ up there?”
“Kill me,” Michael mumbles while Trevor cackles beside him.
Yeah, they don’t have guests over very often anymore.
Y is for yearly [Any traditions? Anniversaries?]
They’ve picked up some new traditions and brought back some old. Back in North Yankton, before Michael ever met Amanda, there were several years that he and Trevor would bake holiday cookies for Christmas. Were they good at it? No. But that never stopped them. Neither of them grew up in particularly warm households, so it was up to them to create some kind of holiday cheer.
Plus, when Tracey was born, she loved to help out. Oftentimes, you could find her in Trevor’s arms as they used cookie cutters to make the dough into little trees and reindeer.
Deciding to carry that tradition into their relationship and marriage, every Christmas they bake cookies, and every year, they taste a little like shit. But they both love it.
“Merry Christmas, daddy,” Tracey says, hugging Michael and Trevor. “Merry Christmas, uncle T.”
“Merry Christmas, kid,” Trevor pats her back before going to grab a few of the supplies needed for the recipe they’re making.
Michael hands her a bowl for the dough. “Merry Christmas, Trace. Glad you could come over. How’s college going?”
“Good! Classes, like, totally rock!”
He smiles, nodding approvingly. “Good.”
“What about your brother? He too good to hang out with us tonight?” Trevor jokes, setting the butter, milk, and eggs down on to the table.
Tracey giggles. “I think he’s working.”
“I’m still not used to hearing that,” Michael laughs. “What about your mom?”
“She’s good too. She’s, and I quote, ‘finally relaxed now that you’re someone else’s problem.’”
Trevor snorts. “Ain’t that the truth.”
“You wouldn’t want it any other way,” Michael shoves him lightly.
“Maybe not.”
Michael, Trevor, and Tracey work in unison for the next 20 minutes until they finally have some semi-decent cookies that are ready to be baked. Sticking them in the oven and setting a timer, they all get cleaned up and move to the living room.
Michael flops down onto the couch, and Trevor falls next to him, putting his arm around his shoulders. Tracey makes her way to the other side of the couch so she can stretch her legs as they all wait for the cookies to be done.
“We should make this a tradition again! Now that you and daddy are together, we could do this, like, every year. Remember when we used to do this when I was young, uncle T?”
“Sure do, kiddo,” Trevor grins. “With Jimmy too.”
She shrugs. “Yeah, I guess he could even come next year. What do you think?”
Michael sees that Tracey and Trevor are looking at him for an answer, so he nods. “Yeah, we could probably make that happen.”
The three of them talk about the future, Tracey mostly supplying the conversation with her babbling while Michael and Trevor happily sit back, leaning into each other as they listen.
When it comes to anniversaries, they also celebrate those every year. They’re not as uptight as some couples about them, but they tend to mean a lot to Trevor, and it’s a concrete way for Michael to show that he’s putting work into their relationship and cares about it enough to do so. So, they celebrate them every year.
Z is for Zzz [Sleep habits? Who’s the big spoon? What do they wear in bed? Are they coddlers?]
Michael’s never really gotten a perfect night’s rest — not since he was a baby presumably. He’s had okay nights and even, what he’d consider, good nights. But never perfect. Never the full eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Nightmares often plague his nighttime life. When he was a teen, it used to be flashes of his father hitting him — beating him black and blue until he was coughing blood days after. As a young adult, he dreamt of robberies gone wrong, getting shot, going to prison, and so on. As an older man, his dreams are a toss-up between his past worries and his future ones. Hurting Trevor, dying, or, most often, both.
Trevor, in the past, didn’t sleep a lot either. Some nightmares, sure, but mostly from the drugs coursing through his veins at any given time. Since Michael and him got together and he started working on being clean, he’s gotten a bit more sleep than the usual.
The same can be said for Michael, though. Sleeping next to Trevor has helped tremendously, especially for his Trevor-themed nightmares. Knowing he’ll wake up next to the man is comforting.
Because of their shaky sleep schedule, they both take turns being the big spoon/little spoon depending on who needs what.
Trevor gently nudges Michael, who’s restlessly tossing around. “Mikey … Mikey.”
Michael’s eyes fly open, and Trevor grabs his arms to stop them from reaching for the gun by the bed.
The dark room stays silent for a minute as Michael’s breathing levels out before he sighs. “Sorry. Did I wake you up?”
Trevor gives a noncommittal hum. “You haven’t had a dream like that in awhile.”
“Yeah, we’ve been sleepin’ good recently, huh?”
Trevor puts his arms around Michael, feeling his bare chest rise and fall steadily. “Yeah, sure have. What were you dreamin’ about?”
“Just … North Yankton,” Michael admits, pulling Trevor close. “Being back there — what could have happened, I guess.”
“There’s no use thinking about the past since we can’t change it. Ain’t that what your new shrink said?”
“She said I should let it go,” he corrects. “But I can’t.”
Trevor frowns, tracing circles on Michael’s chest. “Why not? Still sad you missed your opportunity to put me down?
“Knock it off,” Michael grabs his hand, scratching where Trevor was lightly brushing before. “And that ain’t funny, T.”
Trevor rolls his eyes but decides not to push it. “Look, sugar, we all have things we regret. But we’re here now, and that’s what matters, right? We’ve got your spoiled kids, Franklin, Lamar, hell, even Lester. We’re good.”
“I know,” Michael says quietly, agreeing. “I really am sorry, though. For a lot shit.”
“Yeah, me too. For a lot of shit.”
Michael leans down and kisses Trevor’s head before pulling the blankets up over them again and going back to sleep.
When they can’t sleep, it’s usually filled with just that — banter, soft comforts, and an insult or two so the other can feel right at home. It’s not always picture perfect, but they wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
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nagdabbit · 11 months
For the prompt should it inspire (and if you’re not passed out) werewolf getting adopted from the pound au with mox/Yuta?
you know what's funny ive never actually had a pet before so i dunno what adopting a pet is actually like
title: raised by wolves
He hadn't ever thought of himself as a dog person, so he was certain he wasn't going to leave with one in tow. But he didn't really know what possessed him to go and meet the dogs on his trip to the shelter in the first place. Well, he knew, but My boyfriend ghosted me extremely suddenly and he kinda reminded me of a dog at times, so I thought it would be nice to have one around who would love me and wouldn't just suddenly stop replying to my texts didn't seem like a reason he wanted to tell the shelter staff.
There were a couple other families there, cooing over wiggly little pitbulls and lab mixes. There were German shepherds pacing their enclosures, a shih tzu barking loudly, a lab mix waiting patiently for treats. They were all cute, but none of them really spoke to him.
And then he'd passed the biggest goddamn dog he'd ever seen.
Not just big, and not even a dog, the thing was a wolf. Big, fluffy and peach fuzz blonde, sure, but the thing was clearly a wolf. Maybe a wolf-bear mix.
He hadn't been pacing circles or sat with a nose pressed up to the chainlink door—at least he hadn't until Wheeler had neared. The beast rose in a fluid motion, ears perked and nose twitching, and jesus christ, he came up to Wheeler's ribcage without even trying.
But he didn't growl or bark for Wheeler's attention. He whined a little, his massive paws tapping impatiently.
And Wheeler didn't have the room for a whole wolf, let alone an actual dog, but the longer the thing looked up at him with those wide, imploring blue eyes, the harder it was to think about turning away. Even when the staff tried to dissuade him, telling him the dog was mean, the dog growled if you moved too fast, the thing refused to eat kibble, the dog needed a big yard, or a whole forest to run in. He had a yard, even if it was small, but he liked going on hikes. And he didn't have irregular hours, so it wasn't as if the dog would be unattended for an unreasonable amount of time. And, most of all, the dog actually seemed to like him, which seemed to be a first for everyone in the shelter.
When they finally relented, allowing him to take the dog—and they had no imagination, naming him Jacob—out into the yard, it had gone far better than any of them seemed to fear. They'd made him sign a waiver, and for what?
He had looked down at the wolf, and the wolf had looked back. I bet you don't fetch, huh?
The big beast had just sneezed at him.
Wheeler had laughed, and sat himself down in short grass—only for the wolf to flop gracelessly down on top of him in an undignified sprawl. He weighed too fucking much, but he was soft and he rumbled in pleasure as Wheeler scritched his nails over every bit he could reach. Especially that spot at the top of his head, right between his ears, where his peach fuzz fur was softest.
After that, they practically threw the thing at him, happy to be rid of him. Even waived few items on the application that Wheeler didn't think was legal, but the beast seemed more than happy to be free of the shelter, so he didn't question it. When he told the confused woman at the front desk that he was renaming him Larry, as in Lawrence Talbot, he felt like the beast's answering woof was one of laughter.
All in all, he thought they made a pretty good match.
Larry didn't try to run once they were outside, didn't pull at his leash or chase squirrels. He happily took up the entire backseat of Wheeler's tiny car, content doze the short drive back to his tiny house. He didn't seem to even care to explore the new house once he was in it, sticking tight to Wheeler's side for all the gentle pets he could get. When Wheeler presented him with a celebratory steak, red and rare enough it was practically still mooing, Larry took enough of a moment to nose his dish closer to Wheeler's chair before he set to work devouring dinner.
When he went to bed and Larry happily hopped up into the bed with him, nestling his snout down into the crook of Wheeler's neck.
Had he been asked that morning if he felt comfortable enough around dogs, let alone honest to god wolves, to allow one that close to his throat, he'd have said hard no, never. But Larry practically purred like a cat, massive tail thumping as Wheeler hugged him close, like he was the least scary teddy bear the world had ever seen.
He might not have been a dog person, but Larry was just about the best thing that had ever happened to him.
Which was why it was all the more strange when he woke curled around what was decidedly not his fucking dog.
He shoved himself back with a shout, flailing a little as he tumbled backward off the bed. He'd hit his head, or he was in the middle of a wild fever dream, or something, because there was no fucking way his dog had been replaced by his naked, idiot boyfriend without him noticing. No way, none.
"What the fuck, Mox?!"
He blinked owlishly, then yelped as he looked down at his hands. "Oh thank fuck," he breathed, and practically collapsed in relief.
Mox had ghosted him, almost a month before. Just disappeared out of Wheeler's life, if his gym friends were to be believed. No calls, no texts, didn't even leave him on read. He was just gone.
And now he was in Wheeler's bed, naked.
"What the fuck is going on?"
"Oh, fuck, c'mere baby, I missed you so fucking much," he rasped and scrambled across the bed, reaching for Wheeler. "I can explain, I just need to kiss—"
He threw a pillow at Mox, and then a pair of jeans left lying on the floor. "No, explain now."
He swatted the projectiles away, easily, and pouted. As if everything was normal and Wheeler wasn't losing his damn mind. "But, babe, it's been—"
"Do not babe me, you were a fucking dog!"
He held up a finger, "Werewolf."
Right. Of course. Werewolf. He adopted a dog, which was his boyfriend and also a werewolf, which was a thing that actually existed in real life. Just a normal fucking day.
"Okay, don't freak out," Mox said, holding his hands up, placating.
"It's a little fucking late!"
"I'm not going to hurt you, I—"
He threw another pillow. "It's a little fucking late."
He flopped onto his stomach with a sigh, "I didn't mean to get stuck, so it's not my fault!"
"You got stuck?"
"You know how werewolves can turn into wolves?" he asked, and ducked the shoe Wheeler threw at him. "Well, sometimes we get stuck. Usually when we get separated from our pack. It's a whole thing."
He stared at the man. Wolf. Thing. "Jonathan fucking Moxley," he said, slowly, watching the man wince, "you got stuck as a wolf, trapped in a fucking animal shelter, for a month. And your explanation is, and I quote, 'It's a whole thing.'"
"I'll explain everything later, promise, but I thought I'd spend the rest of my life being let outside to piss by my boyfriend, so that's a little more important right now." He made grabby hands at Wheeler, eyes wide and pleading. "But I finally have my pack back, so can we cuddle some more now, please."
"You better explain," he grumbled, his own resolve slipping. Mox just had those eyes, hard to say no to. "And I mean everything."
The grabby hands intensified. "I will. All of it. Now, please, c'mere."
"You owe me, like, $200 for the adoption fees," he grumbled, and finally let Jon pull him back up off the floor. Werewolves were real, and it was kinda really fucking weird, but... Well, he hadn't had weirder, but he did have Mox back where he belonged, so he figured he could get used to it. "And a new fucking dog."
He just laughed, that familiar smoker's rasp, as he wound himself around Wheeler, "Baby, I'll be your dog whenever you want, jus' say the word."
He laughed, despite himself, "Oh my god, can you not make it sound like a sex thing?"
Mox just shrugged, easily. "We can do both."
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idkfitememate · 3 months
Time to dump :)
I’m so sorry-
(Future note here, I said I was going to post this three days ago but got to caught up in my own lore… Jesus-)
Anyway I’m going to try to articulate a bit better what CC is then what I’ve said in the past, this is going to be more like a ramble if anything but please bare with me because good GOD I need to talk about this as it’s been a personal project for years that has gotten barely any work due to the fact that I’ve had no one to speak to with about it.
To sum it up firstly, CC - or Cotton Candy - is mostly where I look at a piece of media and ask myself “How can I make this worse?” and proceed, think horror AU’s and things of that sort. The only driving difference between CC and Horror AU’s is that everything is pastel colored in theory, and clothes and things of that sort are frilly and fluffy and so on and so forth.
I admit, I take some theories and other headcannons I’ve adopted and use them but a lot I believe is Original.
The most developed, as I’ve said, is BSD CC, as it was the first I even had the concept for.
I’ll give a quick rundown of some major changes and then give a bit of information behind these changes and my reasons behind them.
1. Chuuya & Dazai switch places. By this I mean Dazai is still in the mafia while Chuuya is with the ADA
2. Oda is alive and apart of the ADA
3. Ranpo is apart of the Mafia
And those are just some major-ish changes. Where it really gets interesting is with the more in depth details, such as:
1. Atsushi was not raised as a “human”. The Director wanted to dehumanize him as much as possible, and as such raised him in a way akin to that of owning a cat. He was not given a name in the orphanage, instead called by serial number “0946” all his life. He was never aloud to pick up human speech, being punished whenever he dared utter a word, only aloud to make cat noises. Best he can do - in terms of act like a human - is walk and run on his legs, despite basically being trained to only crawl/walk on all fours. He can barely understand human speech unless it’s a command/praise (i.e. sit, stay, come here, bad kitty, good kitty, get down, bath time, etc).
Punishments were just as if not more harsh, he wasn’t taught to swim but he’d be thrown into pools or pool equivalents, shock collars were a favorite of the Director, locking him in small dark closets, leaving him in a small dog cage for hours or days without exit, forcing him to live in his own filth for hours or days, so on and so forth.
Unfortunately this was his life for years, and as such his tiny little brain put together “Pain = Love”, which the Director used to his advantage, only further cementing that into his mind. Degradation became praise (but real praise was still held super high) and pain became the equivalent of saying you loved him.
And even worse for him, the orphanage wasn’t the absolute best at its job, kids often dying under their care, and with nowhere to put the children - as a graveyard behind the place would look suspicious - they had to turn to less than moral (as if they had any…) ways to get rid of the bodies and you know… there is a reason why Atsushi was named the “Man Eating Tiger” in the future…
By the way, did you know that once you eat human enough, it’s impossible to stop as it has so many calories compared to other foods that your body gets so used to that amount of calories that it physically shuts down at anything less? Now you know :D!
When he hit eighteen, he was still kicked out not knowing shit about the outside world. Tried rubbing up against a few people, got called a pervert (he didn’t know what that meant), ran a while, made it to a small river… you know the rest. Though… i think it was a red-head and a brunette who saved him… huh.
2. The reason Dazai stayed is because Oda and Chuuya left before him. Dazai had introduced Oda and Chuuya and they actually made good friends. Dazai, Ango, Oda, and Chuuya would drink together to get away from their shitty mafia lives. After an unfortunate accident involving Kōyō that led to her death, Oda took the opportunity to then take Chuuya under his wing, much to Mori’s chagrin. After the unfortunate death of his Orphans, Oda would go to fight till his inevitable death, but instead of just Dazai trying to convince him not to go, Chuuya would also be there. After his departure to fight, Chuuya would follow behind Dazai’s back, after which he would surprise attack before the shot that would cause Oda’s death. The other was caught off guard, both his and Oda’s games thrown entirely off. Chuuya would miss due to the man’s ability, but Oda would take the chance to end it once and for all. This would lead to the same conclusion as with Dazai, this time however Oda being able to follow behind Chuuya.
To give them credit, they tried their damndest to reach Dazai to take him with them when they left, but Mori also did his damndest to make sure they didn’t. It got to a point where they were practically forced out because if not they would’ve been forced to stay, but they swore to get Dazai out because ✨friendship✨! Unfortunately Mori jumped on the opportunity to use their departure to make Dazai more dependent on the mafia, leading to an unhealthy obsession with the two in trying to “find out” why they “left him”.
3. Ranpo is only in the Mafia because Mori is a spiteful bastard. Mori, after his years long break up separation from Fukuzawa, began to follow and track the man’s movements to the best of his abilities. This eventually led to him finding out about the man’s new assignment that would connect him to Ranpo. His family was well known for their intelligence, and finding the boys location became of much importance to Mori, in which he did. He ended up finding him before Fukuzawa, ended up giving him a pair of his own personal glasses, and took Ranpo under his wing.
This leads to Ranpo being an executive in the Mafia, often partnered with Dazai. He’s practically the same in terms of personality, but extremely sadistic and creative when it comes to weeding out traitors and taking down rival organizations.
Naturally there’s more, including some rather extreme changes to characters and their behaviors *COUGH* Kunikida *COUGH* but it’s something I love and would adore to share with all of you! As a finisher, I leave you with a few of my favorite facts about my favorite character of this AU…
… Cotton Candy Mori!!!! Yay!!!!!
1. He calls all the executives by a surgery/sweet/candy themed name/nicknames! Ex. Dazai - Chocolate themed, Akutagawa - Dark Chocolate themed, Ace - Black Licorice themed, Hirotsu - Malt Balls themed, Kaji - Lemon Drop themed, etc etc!
2. Mori has well over 50 dogs under his care, nearly all of which are bigger breeds. He has two main dogs, one being a Tibetan Mastiff & Giant Alaskan Malamute mix - being named Cherry Marmalade, and a Teacup Pomeranian & Teacup Poodle mix - being named Belial.
3. With Mori’s nicknames comes Dazai’s “teasing”. Despite staying with the Mafia, Dazai still fucking hates Mori. A subtle way he shows this is in nicknames. Not in a mean way, but where Mori calls everyone by sweet names, Dazai calls him savory names like… Spaghetti. Beef Stroganoff. Tuna Sandwich. Bullshit names like that because he knows it gets under Mori’s skin.
That’s enough for now but as I said, Cotton Candy is a passion project I’ve had for well over a year now, and would love to share with all of you!
Now, the nature of this project is darker as it’s me trying my best to make things as bad as possible with what I’m given for these characters! So it would delve into some… darker content, but should I ever post anything I’d be sure to add content warnings!
I hope to continue to post about this in the near future, and as such I’m open to questions about characters and lore! I hope to be posting the story at some point, sooner or later is up to debate.
Have a lovey day/night!~ <3
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pollyna · 2 years
The Sunnyside of the Iceman
- tattoo shop!au: Sundown and Iceman are the owner of the most ridiculously named tattoes shop in Miramar;
- they were both pilots, but racism and the commie witch hunt did the trick on them. Doesn't matter that Ice was the best and Sundown already flown more mission that he could remember;
- Slider used to be his RIO and now he's Goose's and Ice swears in seven languages (that he speaks) that if one of them isn't going to ask out to the other he is going to do that for them. It's fucking embarrassing. Ice loves his best friend but he can't live with all that secondhand embarrassment for much longer;
- Sundown says that Chip says that they even get worse since they were called in Top Gun and Jesus, seriously Sunny? (Chip is Sun's boyfriend and he's knows all the little gossip that makes Ice laughs for days at time);
- Sun and Chip met two weeks in the program and it took them three years to speak about feelings. Ice would like to know if every single navy pilot is emotionally slow;
- they bought the shop for almost a penny because the lady didn't know what to do with it and Ice knows how to smiles when he wants to;
- Ice's first tattoo is on Sun's left wrist, the silhouette of a Tomcat F-14. Sun's first is on Ice's biceps, a colourful little things that he says represent the patch of Iceman's first squadron. Tom finds himself looking at it for hours, even if it's already four years old;
- They're close on Monday but once a month it's on Sunday because Marcus has his monthly meeting with his granma and he takes Ice with him because it's hilarious watching his 95 years old granny telling her friends, and the pastor, that this is the white Jewish boy I adopted! Ice looks pleasantly embrassed and his humor gets better and better everytime his plate gets filled;
- they hear about Maverick, for the first time, a cloudy day where half of Miramar is in their shop and Slider has his arm around Goose and their noses are so closed they could kiss, even without trying. Chip says he's half crazy up in the sky and that Merlin actually prayed during their third hop. They see Maverick for the first time four week in to the program and the first thing he says to Iceman is it's all your fault if Goose isn't my RIO and the silence is the only sound he hears back and then he's out of the door before anyone can move;
- Sun brings out the heavy alcohol for that night and Iceman finished between Slider and Goose, drawing new tattoes and trying to know knock his friends head together. The next morning the designs are still pretty cool, Slider&Goose are cuddling but nothing happend. He hoped Sun had made his special eggs, he deserves a treat;
- Maverick is back a week later, looking like someone had just kicked his dog and with a pie, a I'm sorry pie apparently. It was uncalled for, I'm sorry he says before shifting half of his attention to the last schematics Ice draw. I-would you be willing to tattoo that on me? It's freaking awsome and Marcus' job are great but I want to first one to that, Ice is almost going to say no to him but the pie is an apple one and Maverick is looking at the drawing like he's seeing something sacred and he can't tell him no. (For visual is something like this);
- so, as Sunny whispers to Chip adding the last details to his last tattoo, the Mitchell-Kazansky drama is beginning. Chip laughs before kissing him, and we have the front row tickets;
- Mav becomes a regular in the shop and in their lives long after the tattoo is done and he has the propensity of moving people around to be as close to Iceman as he can;
- they, Chip&Sun&Slider&Goose, bet on how much time is going to take them to realise that Mav kissing Ice's forehead when he's sketching is something 'friends do' and what the two assholes are going to do about that;
- in the end, and fucking finally Iceman would say, Goose asks Slider out for a date and it goes so bad they're back in the shop the very next afternoon screaming at eachother until Chip doesn't gently shows Slider against Goose's chest and than it's just so perfectly quiet. Because they're kissing. Ice brings champagne out for dinner, they all deserve it and maybe, maybe, he's going to find the courage to take Mav's hand in his and kiss him before the end of the night;
- Sun doesn't want to know, he just wants their shop free of drama, and let his boyfriend take him up in the sky after hours.
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daandyli0n · 7 months
About He Came Back au... could you tell us a bit about the "missing" children once they grow up? We know about Gabe, Cassidy, and Charlie, but I'm a bit curious about the other kids! Love u and this au <3
aw, thanks man! yeah i have. Many Thoughts on these lil guys <3
so! they all kinda had to recover after y'know. almost getting murdered. but depending on what happened to them, they either took less or more time to recover (Cassidy took the shortest, Charlie took the longest, out of the main group). this only strengthened everyone's bonds.
now! onto the kids!
- she becomes a dog mom :] she gets another golden retriever that she names Lucky II, after her first dog :] she has three dogs at any given time.
- she also adopts a child later on, and becomes a single mother (she's aroace). she names her daughter Clover, another reference to Lucky :]
- she gets into baking. she has shown up on her friends' doorsteps multiple times with either cookies or cupcakes. depends on the day. she works at a bakery.
- just a really bubbly and happy lady, despite everything. she's still got some sass, though.
Fritz (Jr.):
- his and Jeremy's bio parents get back together and he and Jere get a baby sister (Tabi)!! woo!!
- he gets sent to therapy for. a multitude of things: anger issues, the abuse he and Jeremy suffered from their stepfather, and The Incident.
- he mellows out after a few years, but he's still the brave, outgoing kid he was back then.
- they think his scars make him look more badass.
- Cassidy Introduces Them To Being Nonbinary, And He Could Not Be Happier.
- You Bet Your Ass That He Started Wearing A Pirate Eyepatch After Losing Their Eye.
- he is the guy that got Tabi into being a Foxy fan :]
- funnily enough, he grows up to be a child psychiatrist. he wants to help kids like him and Jere, y'know?
- they end up marrying a genderqueer person. good for him :]
- he's still very much into pirates (they're a special interest for them), and he makes that pretty clear. his therapy office has pirate related decor, sometimes he'll talk in a silly pirate voice to cheer kids up, and they still go to see Foxy shows at the Pizzeria. he doesn't care if the kids look at him weird, it makes him happy. :]
- yeah, uh...he kinda lost his voice after Being Repeatedly Stabbed In The Throat. the doctors honestly thought he wouldn't make it.
- he learned ASL :]
- you thought losing his voice would stop his clownery at school? you fool.
- he got into playing guitar later on, and he owns a music store :].
- he teaches kids ASL when he goes over to the pizzeria to check on Gabe :).
- he confesses to Gabe in '94 by signing out 'I love you.' Gabe got real flustered.
- you don't wanna know how Overjoyed he got when he learned gay marriage got legalized. like, Gabe and Jere were just known as being unofficial husbands, sorta like how Cassidy and Charlie were known as being unofficial partners. but now!! they can Make It official!!
- he still has nightmares pretty often :(
- he gets more confident over the years :)
- he gives the vibes of an awkward kid who felt embarrassed for being awkward and a lil goofy, but upon growing up just acts as silly and goofy as he wants. let him be a little silly and awkward!! the guy deserves it!!
- when he finally inherits the pizzeria after turning eighteen (long story: i have a hc about there being a Third business partner along with Afton and Emily, and this is Gabe's dad), he does really well, and gets along well with his customers. he is also the only person in Fazbear Entertainment, other than his father and Henry, who seems to have morals, because Jesus Christ.
- he doesn't follow the rule of Fazbear Entertainment where "We Are Not Liable For Anything Bad Happening-" because no!! tell him if something bad happened!! he wants to help fix it!!
- just a really sweet, goofy, and anxious man.
- he's also literally the only person besides Phone Guy (Daniel) who warns people about Afton (O'Hare/Springbonnie). because That's Kinda Some Important Info To Know.
- when Cassidy finally sealed Afton behind a wall, in a slightly illegal way, Gabriel promised not to say anything and also cover for them should word get out (he'd just claim that he asked them to do it).
- Freddy's is still open to this day, it's just moved locations around every few years or so.
- Gabe my beloved <3
the kids, when the og restaurant was still open, always felt uneasy about O'Hare after everything with Afton. is...is he really looking at them, or are they just being paranoid?
yeah, those are the kids i've spoken less about. Cassidy is on a quest to get rid of Afton once and for all, no matter the cost. Charlie is concerned for her partner, but willing to help where she can.
also, bonus!! The Afton Kids!!
they all have. Really Mixed Feelings on their father:
- Elizabeth feels kinda guilty about this whole thing, and really doesn't like thinking about it. she typically tries to change the subject if people talk about her father too much. she doesn't want to think about how her father tried to kill a bunch of kids, effectively because of her. as she's told Michael before, "If hadn't been so fucking stupid and actually listened to him for once, maybe none of this would've happened.." so yeah, she ain't doing well!
- Michael both hates his father for what he did, but can't help but miss him. regardless of the universe, Michael's got some Daddy Issues™️
- Adrian also doesn't wanna think about it too much, mostly because he can't wrap his head around why. it's also because of some weird, kinda traumatic nightmares where his father tries to reach out to him, but that's an entirely different post.
as far as Adrian's concerned, it's out of sight, out of mind. thinking about it brings up Bad Thoughts, and he'd like to Not have those, thanks.
but yeah. It's The Kids! minus Cassidy and Charlie, cause those two are practically their own post.
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blurrycow · 2 years
ok so i ended up watching the first three episodes w out my friends because I couldn’t wait (I feel bad now but aaaaaaa) and this is what I learned
- Diego is a shit dad: probably because he never really had a good model to look up to as a kid. I was surprised that his kid was white???? and not adopted??? How does a desi person and a hispanic person have a white biological child????? Please explain, netflix good lord
- on the related note of the child, stanley, he’s fucking fantastic. Kid can make a hell of a molotov cocktail. 
- Reggie is... surprisingly sad this season? He looked kind of like a drowned rat and I almost felt bad for him then i remembered that he locked Klaus in a maloseum
- I expected to like Sloane but she’s kind of manipulative. I don’t know what to think of her.
- Luther acted high the entire time but maybe that’s just how he usually is, I don’t remember. I haven’t watched the other seasons in a long time
- They handled Viktor’s coming out very very well! I loved the different reactions. My brother was talking when Viktor came out to Allison so I didn’t get to hear it, but I especially loved how enthusiastic Luther was about it. 
- Five!!!!!! Five five five. I missed seeing him so so so much. I’m so glad he’s back. I loved how he was able to take a step back and just enjoy! I also found it funny how it was the complete opposite than it was in my World’s Largest Ball Of Twine fic- in the fic, Five was on a mission, and Klaus just wanted to see some sights, so he was the one who yanked the wheel into the exit. In the actual episode, the roles were completely reversed!!! 
- Lila my beloved!!!! She is so so pretty. I will never not find it funny how she and Five can go from killing each other to casual conversation. (Also, the plaid skirt fit???? that was hot as fUCK) (Id let her kill me in a heartbeat) (maybe im just depressed though)
-I am so so so so glad that they are finally letting Allison lose her shit. SHE HAS BEEN THROUGH A HELL OF A LOT OF STUFF!!!! SHE DESERVES TO LOSE IT IF SHE WANTS!!!! and she does and thats fucking fantastic!!! Im so glad for her!!!!!
- klaus’s aunt was only in the show for like a brief two scenes but she’s awesome i love her
- Ben is an asshole, lmao
- I wish Marcus hadn’t died! You theorists got it right. I’m disappointed but not surprised. 
- I know Grace was religious in the comics but not THIS RELIGIOUS JESUS CHRIST WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ICONIC ‘HARGREEVES IS NOT GOD’ PANEL??? Grace honey the kugelblitz is not your lord and savior 
- (Gerard Way, please see a therapist)
- my immediate thought was JAYME THE RAINWING but she’s actually got a super cool power. The dance scene had me in literal tEARS
- on that note Five’s scene with Dolores!! Jayme that was cruel. 
- (does anyone else know what he was saying to Dolores? I know it was italian but I don’t know italian) 
- Alphonso was pretty cool! HOW on earth did all you fanfic writers predict the voodoo doll thing???? 
- HARLAN. I GUESSED HIM AS SOON AS I SAW THE CASSETTES. It made me so happy to see him!!! I missed him!!!! 
- AND ALSO MR. PENNYCRUMB. I saw the collar and immediatley went “THATS HIM THATS MY DOG” and he didnt end up belonging to Five but its oKAy (and then he fucking DIED)
- Luther child. people know what condoms are
- Christopher is so weird wtf. he dont even got a personality he just a cube
- if i have more notes ill reblog this post but i dont remember them rn
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taintedcigs · 1 year
𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍' 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍' — send this and give me some information/fact about yourself, send me your preferred fandom (mcu, stranger things), and your preferred gender and i'll ship you with a character!
okay first of all!!! congrats on 1k baby u deserve the world <3 uhhh okay i’m just gonna list off random facts about myself sjfjsj. i just got chick fil a for myself as a reward for being brave (i took an exam i’ve been putting off) so that’s something. uhhh i play piano n sing? i’m trying to teach myself how to play guitar rn. it takes me way too long to make decisions like i’ve been thinking about getting a nose piercing n a tattoo on my ribs n i’ve yet to book a consultation for either. i have a snoopy stuffy n he’s my emotional support i fr love him sm <3 i also really love animals. like i have a crisis whenever somebody asks me if i’m a dog or cat person bc i feel like i’ll make one of them feel bad if i choose sjfjsjd
anddd stranger things and no gender preference <3
IVY HELLO!! thank u soo soo much, <33
jesus im so conflicted on who to ship you with bc, getting a chick fil a for taking an exam is so steve coded, idk why don't ask me, but i feel like steve is the type of bf who would take u out whenever u did something. like you cleaned ur room? he's taking u to go get ice cream. u studied? he's getting u flowers, good job!! u did anything? he's taking u out to wherever. BUT BUT. no matter how cliche it is, the guitar, piercings and tattoos is so eddie, and he would be so head over heels for u its INSANE!! like if eddie learned you were trying to learn how to play guitar he would drop everything and force u to come with him as he tried to teach u all the songs he knows how to play !! and he would play u something just so u could sing to him and he would melt immediately. eddie would gladly book a consultation for both ur tattoo and piercing, and his mind would explode at the idea of you having a nose ring and a tattoo on your rib. that boy is a sucker for tattoos. and don't even get me started on having snoopy as your emotional support bc i think eddie would also have his fav cartoon character from his childhood as his emotional support bc its one of his only good childhood memories... ok im stopping the sad shit!!
bonus ++ not deciding whether you're a dog or a cat person bc it could hurt their feelings is so robin coded... like the two of you want to adopt an animal so robin asks u if u would want a dog or a cat and you're like i cannot choose what if their feelings get hurt omg??? and robin has to sit down for a bit and she's abt to tear up bc u r so right!!, so the two of u decide to get BOTH. <33
this is a bit long and its mostly me rambling I AM V SORRY.
join my 1k celebration!
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babymetaldoll · 1 year
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I posted 1,317 times in 2022
58 posts created (4%)
1,259 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 89 of my posts in 2022
#babymetaldoll writes - 30 posts
#spencer reid - 27 posts
#matthew gray gubler - 22 posts
#criminal minds - 20 posts
#spencer reid x reader - 16 posts
#babymetaldoll rambles - 14 posts
#mgg - 9 posts
#spencer reid fluff - 9 posts
#spencer reid fanfic - 8 posts
#spencer reid x you - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 61 characters
#i'm kicking depression's ass writing a story after so long!!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
"Heather" (Spencer Reid x Fem!reader)
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Summary: Spencer has to learn how to live without Mildred, that's when he decided to adopt Heather. And you? you look at him, sighing in love, wondering when he will finally kiss you.
Category: Hardcore Fluff
Word count: 3,5K
A/N: Hi guys!! thank you so much for requesting a second part of Mildred!! I hope this tsunami of fluffiness makes your day a little better. Love you!!
Mildred (part 1)
Spencer didn’t want to face it, but he was sad. Depressed even. He knew the day had come, but he wasn’t ready. He had to let Mildred go that evening, and the fact he didn’t want to be alone again brought him more questions than he wanted to deal with.
Dr. Reid got himself a cup of fresh coffee and looked at Mildred, playing with one of her toys. What was he going to do now? He still had another month of medical leave, and though he couldn’t admit it openly, that dog had gotten a piece of his heart.
Spencer Reid a pet lover. Who knew? The only pet he had ever had before was a fish named Tesla, who suffered a tragic death after a blackout messed with the feeder’s timer while Spencer was out of town on a case. After that experience, he promised himself he wouldn’t get another animal.
But now… now he, in fact, wanted a dog. It felt right. Besides, now he had you. You had been there for him that entire month, helping him take care of Mildred and slowly becoming his favorite person. Spencer was scared to have a crush on you because even when he had asked you out for coffee a few times and hung out with you daily, he had never tried to kiss you. He has thought about it, maybe a little bit too much. But he hadn’t had the guts to do it yet.
A knock on the door took him from his thoughts. He quickly answered and saw Mildred running as soon as he opened the apartment door.
- “Hello there, firecracker!”- you said, chuckling, and kneeled to pet Mildred immediately.
- “She was playing and almost sleeping a minute ago. She really gets excited when you come”- Spencer bit his lips and smiled at you, thinking he gets just as excited. But you are not rubbing his belly, which is slightly disappointing somehow.
- “Are you coming with us for her last walk? I have to pick up the gang, and I am almost late.”
- “Yes, we are ready. My friend said he was gonna meet us at the park.”- Spencer held the leash and put it on the black bulldog. You looked at them with a big smile and walked out of the apartment.
Twenty minutes later, Spencer was playing fetch with Mildred in the middle of the park. It was a warm afternoon, and sweat started forming on his forehead, underneath his messy hair. You were setting a few dishes with water for the other three dogs you were taking care of. You still considered Mildred one of your dogs, even when Spencer would come every day with you to your walks and play with all the dogs in your pack.
Every day. Including Sunday, when you just walked Mildred. Spencer would usually invite you for a coffee in a pet-friendly coffee shop in the neighborhood and talk about anything. Reid was someone you felt comfortable with, which didn’t happen very often. And, Jesus! he was hot. You stared at him for a few minutes as he played with Mildred, and you swore no one had ever looked so good sweating before.
- “Can I get you something to drink?”- Spencer asked and smiled as he walked over, Mildred rushing to the bowls of water.
- “Yes, please.”
- “Coffee?”
- “Ice coffee if there is.”- you cut him a sweet smile that made his heart flutter and nodded.
- “I’ll be right back.”
Spencer considered each time he asked you out for a coffee like a date. Even when it included all the dogs and he never got to kiss you. He liked you very much, but he still had no idea how to take the first step and kiss you. Spencer Reid had never been very good with girls. He wasn’t even trying to look like he had a single clue about what he was doing.
Sadly, that minute all he could think of was Mildred. It was his last afternoon with her at the park, and whether he wanted to face it or not, he didn’t know what to do now.
- “At what time is your friend gonna come?”- you asked Reid after walking the dogs around the park, playing with them, and giving them a snack. You were currently sitting at a bench, the dogs resting around you two.
- “He should be here any minute”- his voice cracked, and his eyes seemed to be glued to the ground. It was heartbreaking. You reached out and held his hand, not really thinking about what you were doing (or the fact he had mentioned he was a germaphobe). You just wanted to comfort him somehow.
- “It’s gonna be ok…”- you whispered as he turned to you, almost shocked by your touch. He is not against feeling your skin, though. Actually, he wants more. Lots more. A lot more. All he can get.
- “Do you wanna come over to my apartment tonight for dinner?”- you looked so innocent as you asked him that simple question and his mind was going a thousand miles per hour just ‘cos you held his hand. He can’t answer. He wanted to say yes, but he couldn’t even form words.
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111 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
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141 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
Mildred (Spencer Reid x fem!reader)
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Summary: After prison, Spencer can't get out of the house, and the team tries to help. Could I cute dog walker finally get him out of his apartment?
Category: Fluff
Word count: 2,7K
A/N: Hi guys!! I am alive! and I finally wrote something!! I love you all!!
Honestly, your work was perfect. If anyone asked, you didn't actually like talking with humans, less interacting with them. So when you decided to become a dog walker after quitting your last job as a hotel receptionist, you embraced spending all your time surrounded by dogs.
It was just what you needed.
Human contact was overrated. At least that's what you told yourself every day. Each morning, you got up, grabbed a coffee to go, and picked up your first five dogs. You walked them to the park, played with them, watched them enjoy their moment of freedom, and right before lunch, you took them back to their owners. Then you grabbed a quick bite, picked up the next three dogs, and did the exact same until five pm. Honestly, it was heaven. You didn't even care what people said you didn't make enough money. Mental health had no price. And staying away from humans was your therapy.
When did it all change? When you met Mildred.
You got a phone call from an awkward guy who saw one of your ads on his building's board. He asked if you could help him walk his dog every day, ‘cos his work schedule didn't give him enough time to do it himself. You didn't want the details. You were glad you had another dog to join your pack.
So the following afternoon, right after eating a sandwich sitting at a park, you walked to pick up the new dog. You figured you should go get her first and get to know her a little before introducing her to her new buddies.
Mildred lived in your neighborhood, just like most of the dogs you walked every day. But Mildred lived in your building. Two floors down your apartment. You knocked on the door of apartment #23 and heard two pairs of paws running over, as barks could be heard from the other side of the door.
- "Calm down, calm down,"- the owner's voice said, and you could tell Mildred wasn't very used to going out. It took them a few seconds to open the door. The owner was probably trying to calm the poor dog down and avoid her running away as soon as he opened the door.
You knew you had to introduce yourself, but when the door finally opened, there was a long silence. You just stared at the guy holding a black french bulldog in front of you, and your brain turned to mush. Literally, you could feel the brain cells dying inside your head. That was the most handsome man you had ever seen.
- "Hi, are you the dog walker?"- he asked and stared at you, waiting for your reply. It actually took you another minute to manage to say:
- "Hi, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)"- and that was the best you could do.
- "Nice to meet you, (Y/N). I'm doctor Spencer Reid."- Dr. The guy was a doctor. It was official: he was too good for you- "Hope you are ready to take Mildred. She has been eager to leave the house since…"- Spencer made a pause because he didn't know what else to say.
- "Don't worry, I'll take care of her."- you answered and focused on the dog. "Are you ready to meet your new friends?"
- "Friends?"- Spencer was almost scared- "It's not gonna be just her?"
- "No, we are gonna walk with our pack. It's just three more dogs, very friendly and well-behaved. You have nothing to worry about."
But Spencer was worried. He was f
reaking out, actually. Since he closed the door behind your back, all he could think of was how bad he felt for not walking Mildred himself. She was his responsibility, his homework. His therapy. But he couldn't take care of her properly, not yet. And before failing miserably in reinserting himself into society after the trauma of spending three months in prison, he decided to pay someone to walk the door for him.
Spencer didn't want to get out of the house. He knew it was part of his PTS, along with the nightmares, tremblings, and the guilt consuming him every day.
But he was working on it. Just… not as fast as the team might like him to. Penelope had brought him a few plants to keep him company, but after a few weeks, all he had were dry leaves and dead steams.
Prentiss brought him movies. But Spencer didn't have a DVD player or even a tv to watch them. He thanked her, though, ‘cos it was a lovely gesture.
JJ made sure to bring him food and groceries, including his favorite sweets. Spencer even started cooking correctly and asked Rossi to help him with a few recipes. That actually worked and kept Spencer focused and busy for a few days.
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146 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
"Broken" (Spencer Reid x fem!reader)
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A/N: my dearest friend @all-tings-gubler sent me this pic and told me how much it made her think of Spencer and reader from my series Do I wanna Know. So I wrote her a little blurb about them <3 Hope you enjoy it!!
Word count: 1.5K
Pairing: Spencer Reid x (platonic) reader
Summary: Spencer daydreams of a life with his best friend.
Warnings: None, just fluff. Maybe Spencer feeling too much sorry for himself.
Wanna know how this ends for Spencer and his friend? Read my series here! it's awesome! and also, there is a sequel coming soon!!
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151 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"Love cramps" (Spencer x fem!reader)
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Summary: (Y/N)'s period is killing her and Spencer takes care of her. 
Word count: 3,2K
Warnings: I don't remember if there is any bad word in this, but the amount of fluff should be illegal. 
A/N: Hi! I've missed writing Spencer so much!  And I've missed you all too! I hope your year is going well!   
all too! I hope your year is going well!   
It was a very bad day for Special Supervisory Agent (Y/N), and it was getting harder and harder not to let it affect her work. Luckily, the entire BAU team had a desk job day, trying to catch up with all the paperwork pending.
That sounded like a good plan: not moving from her desk.
It all started with that awkward damp sensation in her panties all of a sudden, right in the middle of writing a report. The young SSA froze on her chair and even held her breath, praying she still had a tampon left in her drawer.
And only because her day could be worse, she was out of tampons and pads.
- "Penelope's house of "how may I save your ass today?"
- "García, my savior! I need your help!"
- "Hey, little monkey! what can I do for you today?"
- "Do you have an extra tampon I can use?"- (Y/N) whispered on the phone and made sure no one could hear her. She didn't notice Spencer was paying much attention to her call, though he couldn't really listen to what her best friend was saying.
- "Sure! I have some here."
- "You are a lifesaver, Garcia! I'll go to the Batcave in a minute."
(Y/N) moved quickly but carefully to Garcias's office. She even checked her chair to make sure she hadn't gotten it dirty, a paranoia that brought her back to her high school days, when the worst thing that could happen was to put yourself in evidence during "those days."
Spencer raised his eyes from his file and stared at her. In the last six months, she had turned from the new agent of the team to his best friend. He had never told her that, 'cos he was afraid that it might sound weird. Do people often confess their friendship? When you have a best friend, you just know, right? you don't have to tell them, "Hey, you are my best friend, and I love you." The "I love you" confession was especially hard for Spencer, but he refused to think about that. In fact, he refused to think of anything related to (Y/N) for the following hours until work was done, and he could invite her for dinner.
Of course, that task was more challenging than he imagined, especially when he noticed his dearest friend came back from Garcia's office chewing M&Ms.
- "Can I get one of those, pretty girl?"- Morgan asked with a charming smile and playful wink. Spencer held his breath, staring at the scene. (Y/N) put some chocolates on Derek's hand and turned to Reid.
- "Want some?"- the way she smiled at her friend when she offered him chocolate made Spencer skip a beat. He blushed and stuttered before receiving the M&Ms and eating very slowly. Derek stared at him and chuckled, shaking his head.
- "Don't,"- Spencer whispered and locked his eyes on his work to avoid his friend's teasing.
Around noon the cramps started. (Y/N) felt them slowly coming but tried to control them with the only things she had. More candies and herbal tea. Needless to say, none of that was actually helping her. If anything, everything around her made her feel worse.
- "Someone has a sweet tooth today."- Derek smiled at (Y/N) when she walked back from the vending machine with another packet of M&Ms. And without even asking, he reached out his hand and grinned almost innocently.
- "Dude, if you want candies, just get yourself some and leave me to eat mine alone! Don't be a jerk!"- the fact (Y/N) nearly yelled in the middle of the bullpen made most people there turn their heads over. But the fact that she yelled at her friend was what shocked everybody.
- "I'm sorry, girl. I didn't mean to upset you. Are you ok?"- Derek wasn't going to take those words seriously; he knew (Y/N) wasn't usually rude with anyone (except a few unsubs when needed), so he kept his eyes on her as she sat behind her desk and waited for her answer.
- "Yes, Derek, I am ok. Thank you for asking."
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709 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
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littlehaize · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes Tag
Rules: use this quote generator & list as many quotes as you like using characters from your WIPs, then tag as many people as quotes you listed.
Thanks @vampywriter for the tag!
I then tag: whoever wants to do it and wasn't tag by someone, you can say i tagged you! (moots please do it, i don't want to bother you, but i'm looking at you) (no i don't really tag people because i have more than forty quotes and won't tag that many people)
it's going to be very long because i love incorrect quotes and i have too much time on my hands (and wip on many things)
WIP from fandoms:
(Star Trek) Sarek: Sybok... Sybok: I can tell by the tone of your voice that you are disappointed. Alas, I must further disappoint you by affirming how little I give a fuck.
Spock: If we lose, you’re out of the will. Sybok: I was in the will?
Sarek: You deserve a reward for putting up with me. Amanda: You are my reward. meanwhile Jim: You deserve a reward for putting up with me. Spock: True, you can be really difficult at times.
Sybok: Reverse tooth fairy where you leave money under your pillow and the tooth fairy comes and leaves you a bunch of teeth. Spock: Why? Sybok, shaking a bag of teeth: Just because.
Sarek: Yes, I'm adopting Michael and you cowards can't tell me no!
Amanda: What is love? Spock: An emotional minefield. Sarek: A neurochemical reaction. Sybok: Baby don't hurt me.
Spock: I love you. Jim, not paying attention: What was that? Spock: I said I’m selling you to the zOo-
Bones: Let's just agree to both say we're sorry on the count of three. Bones: One... two... three. Spock: ... Bones: ... Bones: See, now I'm just disappointed in both of us.
Jim: *seductively takes off glasses* Jim: Wow... Spock: *blushes* Haha... what? Jim: You're really fucking blurry.
Pike: So… what would you do if you were in bed with me? Una: Depends. Is your bed comfortable? Pike: Yes. Una: I'd sleep.
Una: My hands are cold. Pike: Here, let me hold them. Una: My lips are cold too. Pike: covers Una's mouth with their hand
Una: When I said bring me something back from the beach I meant like a conch shell! Pike: Struggling to hold a seagull Fucking say that next time!
Pike: Can I ask a dumb question? Una: Better than anyone I know.
Pike: Where are you going? Una: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one! Pike: I told you I did! Its coming here on Friday! Spock, knowing full well that Pike got Una an engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
(AOT) Annie: Have I ever told you that you cook well? Armin: Awww, no, you haven't! Annie: So why do you keep cooking?
Armin: Why are you late? Annie: A technical error occurred, causing an unexpectedly long bout of unconsciousness. Armin: Overslept? Annie: Overslept.
Reiner: *double checking supplies in the boat* Compass. CB radio. Sunscreen. Bertolt: Hot dog costumes! Reiner: I’m sorry, what? Bertolt: You know, in case we get lost at sea, and one of us, probably Annie, goes mad with hunger, we’ll put these on. Annie hates hot dogs, so they probably won’t eat us. Reiner: Are you saying that Annie would rather eat us than hot dogs? Annie: I do hate hot dogs.
Annie: Okay, can we all stop saying stupid shit for a moment, please?! Bertolt: Alright. Reiner: Hey, I- Annie: SHUT UP! Reiner: I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED MY SENTENCE!! Bertolt: It was bound to be stupid.
Armin: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos- Annie: I wrote you a poem. Armin, already crying: You did?
Annie: I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you… Armin: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, honey.
*Something crashes* Reiner: Shoot- Bertolt: *running into the room in a panic* WHAT FELL?! Annie: *walking by the room calmly* What died?
Bertolt, Entering Reiner's room: Annie did it again. Reiner: Peace disturbance? Bertolt: What no- Reiner: Arson..? Bertolt: NO, JESUS CHRIST, HOW MANY- Reiner: uh....Attempted murder? Bertolt: NO, THEY ATE ALL THE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE, BUT WHAT THE FU-
Eren: Onion rings are vegetable donuts. Mikasa, used to Eren being dumb: Sure... Eren: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed. Mikasa: Okay? Eren: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake. Mikasa: Eren: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio- Mikasa: Jesus, that one is a little- Armin, interested: No, no, Eren, keep going.
Armin: What are you writing? Eren: The government wants to know what kind of weapons we have in the house. I'm letting them know it's private information. Mikasa, looking over Eren's shoulder: This just says 'fuck around and find out' in calligraphy.
Armin: Guys where did Eren go? Mikasa: They got arrested. Armin: How the hell- Eren: *bursts in through the window* The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people.
WIP from original content:
Robin: What’s the announcement, Hiroaki? Hiroaki: It’s a lecture. Nayeli’s gonna tell us everything they know about sex. Noam: It should be an enjoyable 60 seconds.
Noam: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Nayeli. They're mad at you. Nayeli: No, it's Hiroaki. They're just being gramatically correct! *meanwhile* Hiroaki: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them. Robin: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Hiroaki: I stand by my choice.
Hiroaki: Wake me up- Noam: Before you go go Robin: When September ends Nayeli: WAKE ME UP INSIDE
Noam: Where are your parents? Robin: What are parents? Noam: That’s just about the saddest thing I've ever heard.
Noam: I need a long word. Nayeli: T-rex but the long one.
*Noam and Nayeli are in a car teetering on the edge of a cliff* Noam: oh my god, Nayeli, backwards! Nayeli: Really, Noam? I thought I might go forwards into the river, I thought that would be a fun thing to do.
(they're siblings) Charlene: I WOULD DESTROY THE WORLD FOR YOU! Archibald: Okay, can you do the dishes? Charlene: No!
Archibald, near tears: Please, Charlene, I don’t speak meme! I don't know what a 'yeet' is!
Zachary: Are you a cuddler? Esfir: I'm a machine of death and destruction. Zachary: Esfir: ...Yeah, I'm a cuddler.
Esfir: It's called cauliflower, not ghost broccoli. Zachary, eyes wide: I know what I saw.
Zachary: Here’s the cold medicine you asked for. Zachary: *dumps 3 shopping bags of wine on the table* Esfir: ...Thanks.
Noam: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us. Hiroaki: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
Hiroaki: Ugh, crushes are so dumb. Noam: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid. Hiroaki: But you’re always acting stupid? Noam: ... Noam: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Noam, talking to Nayeli: Wait, what's going on? Are we all talking about how hot Hiroaki is? Because Hiroaki is a straight up sexual fox riding a red-hot nuclear bombshell right toward the yowza plaza in the heart of Babe City, Assachusetts, U S A. The last A just stands for more ass.
Hiroaki: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight. Noam: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther? Hiroaki, already taking off their clothes: God, Noam, you’re so fucking stupid.
Robin: I wish I could control wasps and bees to sting my enemies. Nayeli: You’re too young to have enemies. Robin: You don’t even know.
Nayeli: This is horrible! This is the most humiliating thing to ever happen to me! Noam: Oh-? Even more humiliating than- Nayeli: We are not doing this!
Robin, holding a scooter: Nayeli! Can I go outside and play with this? Nayeli: Sure, whatever. I'm not your parent, okay? Robin, running outside: Thanks Nayeli! Nayeli, running out after them and screaming: NOT ON THE STREET! STAY AWAY!
Nayeli: I am a responsible adult! Robin: *raises brow* Nayeli: I am an adult.
Hiroaki: So... what’s goin’ on? Noam: You want the long version or the short version? Hiroaki, hesitantly: The short one, I guess? Noam: Shit’s fucked. Hiroaki: Oh. Well, yeah, that’s definitely not an optimal situation.
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toby-determined · 6 months
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Day 5: Family Ties One-Shot
TW: mentions of blood, stitches, getting stiches, getting konked in the head, head injury
“He what?”
“I’m on my way, Jesus fu-”
“Sorry, mum,” she winced to herself. Whoops. Usually she was pretty good about censoring herself in front of the woman, but as the years went on and her mother’s authority over her waned, she started to care less and less about it. What was she going to do? It wasn’t like she could ground her or take away her phone anymore. Sure, a little respect was lost along the way but Amanda could live with that for a dip into the swear jar.
Also it was shit-o-clock in the morning. Excuse her for not having her head on straight quite yet. “Wait, which hospital?” 
“Box Hill.”
“Oh for- he couldn’t have almost died somewhere closer?” she griped, having to press the phone against her cheek with her shoulder in order to hear. It didn’t occur to her that she could have just set it down and put it on speaker, freeing all of her body in order to gather her belongings and put her shoes on. She hopped around on one foot, trying to uncurl the heel of the shoe from under hers. 
“He’s not dying-”
“I know, I know. I’m just-” she let out a frustrated sound, stomping her foot down and collapsing to the floor in order to yank her shoe off and put it on properly. It was so fucking annoying how doing things slow and without haste was always the right way, since it was less likely to fuck up and she wouldn’ have to do it over again. Why couldn’t she just go fast and everything be done the way she wanted it to? Didn’t her stupid fucking shoes know she had to go see her brother? 
“Amanda,” came her mother’s voice in her ear and she sighed. She was using that soft, soothing tone of hers that she always did when her daughter got too hot headed. “It’s going to be okay.”
“You don’t know that,” she sniffed, getting back up to her feet to pocket her keys and wallet. “I honestly can’t believe he hasn’t had something like this happen sooner considering all the other stuff that’s happened. God- he’s- he’s supposed to be writing about dogs with three legs who finally get adopted to a nice home or who can surf! Not about the fucking politicians or gambling problem in the state or the- I mean someone has to do it, by why him?” 
She slammed her door behind her, starting down the walk toward her car only to have to turn right back around and fish her keys out from her pocket to lock the stupid fucking door. 
“I know,” her mum sighed. “I’m proud of him but I can’t help but to feel the same way.” 
“We can boo hoo together when I get there,” Amanda said, hopping into her car and shutting the door behind her. She waited to turn it on, not wanting to deal with her phone turning over to the car’s bluetooth and the confusion of the conversation being lost for those few seconds. There was already too much annoyance flowing through her veins, the last thing she needed was to snap at her poor mum. She also didn’t want to continue this conversation on the road when she knew she needed to be driving. “Do you guys need anything?” 
“No. No, we should be okay for now. Just need to see your face.” 
Amanda rolled her eyes, “See you in a minute.” 
“I love you.” 
Her mother always ended their conversations with that sentence and every time Amanda knew she meant it. Usually she would say something stupid or snarky to make the older woman laugh, or just roll her eyes and say a meaningful Ta! But today she said, “Love you, too, mum.” 
They hung up and Amanda turned on the car. She didn’t change the volume of the radio as her music blared through the speakers. Usually she would sing along, on this drive she just let the music tune out her thoughts, keeping her brain blank aside from thinking about the directions to the hospital. 
When she got there it was a bit of a maze trying to find her parents, but she got to them eventually. They were seated together in a hallway on a long bench, backs pressed against the wall behind them, hands linked together while her mother cradled them in her lap with her other hand. 
“What’s the damage?” she asked as she walked over, plopping herself down in the open spot beside her dad. He turned his head to look down at her, using his free hand to pat her knee. 
“They said he’ll be alright. Aside from the concussion, everything on the inside looks okay. He’s just getting stitches and prescription since there’s no healing Magicks or fairies on duty tonight. They’re letting him leave as soon as it’s all sorted. He’ll come back tomorrow when someone’s in to get him all sorted.” 
“Seems like a scheduling oversight,” she huffed. “And did they say what he said happened?” 
“He told them he fell down the stairs of his office building. “
“Idiot,” Amanda rolled her eyes. “What a load of absolute shit.” 
“Amanda,” her mother warned her, eyes darting over to the other people waiting around. 
“Come on, he’s a bit of a klutz, but you don’t believe-”
“Of course she doesn’t,” said her dad. “We haven’t talked to him yet. We don’t know what happened. We’re just telling you what we know.” 
“Sorry,” she frowned, sliding a few inches down the wall. 
“How was your day?” he asked, nudging her arm with his elbow. She indulged him, despite thinking it was stupid to talk about nothing when Toby was getting who knew what stitched up somewhere else in the building. They saw one another everyday, he knew how hers had been because they worked together, but he had asked so she told him, filling him in on the last few hours since he’d left for the day. 
“Hey guys,” said the man they’d all come down their for about an hour later. His signature white dress shirt was stained with blood on the collar and shoulder, presumably from the large line that was running from his hairline into his temple. His glasses were crooked on his face, the side where he had the stitches not sitting behind the ear but in front of it. His hair was also matted down from dried blood and water where someone had tried to wash it out but hadn’t gotten everything. 
“It- it looks worse than it is,” he said, trudging a few more steps forward. Amanda glanced sideways to look at their parents. Her mum looked horrified, both of her hands free to cup over his mouth and nose. Her dad looked sympathetic, eyebrows creased upward and mouth tightened to a thin line. Toby pointed to the line of stitches. “They said head wounds bleed a lot. Even when they aren’t deep.” 
“Does it hurt?” asked their mum, who was standing to go inspect him. 
“It did. They stuck me with something to numb it while they stitched it, so, until that wears off I feel right as rain.” 
“They said they were going to give you a prescription?” 
“Oh, yeah, it was for a painkiller. Nothing drastic. I think I’ll be fine until tomorrow since since our pharmacy’s closed tonight,” he said, lifting up the little packet of paper in his hand they’d given him for at home care and the follow up. Amanda watched him look from their mum to their dad and then to her before smiling, “Come on, you lot, it’s not that bad.” 
Amanda snorted but, unable to take this anymore, stood and smiled with malice at her older brother. “Let’s get home. I’ll drive you.” 
They said bye to their parents in the parking lot, the two pairs of Determind’s separating. 
She turned the car on, quickly turning the dial down on the radio before her music could come blaring through. As soon as Toby was sitting in her passenger seat, belt on, doors locked, and without the presence of their parents to walk on eggshells around, Amanda asked, “So what the fuck happened to you?” 
Toby sighed. Obviously he didn’t want to have this conversation. She couldn’t blame him, considering, but that was too fucking bad. He should have thought about this moment when he decided to put himself in the crosshairs of shady people. He opened his mouth but she shook her head. 
She pulled out of the parking garage and onto the street. 
“Uh uh, I’m not some nurse whose scent you have to throw off to save face or whatever. Don’t make up some story, tell me what happened.” 
“I got hit in the head.”
“By what?” 
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, the movement visible in her peripheral vision. “I didn’t see it. But it was solid. I think my ears are still ringing.” 
“By who?” 
“Don’t know that either.”
“So, what?” she gripped the steering wheel tighter. “They just hit you and ran away?” 
“Pretty much, yeah. I was coming home, on the phone with my editor, and then bam. They had a good arm, I’ll give them that. But um, when I came around, I’d bled a lot so I walked up to my flat-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Amanda interrupted. They stopped at a traffic light, so she could turn to pin him down with an incredulous look. “You mean you didn’t call the police right away?” 
“They wouldn’t help.”
No, she guessed that was true considering what big help they’d been every other time some fucked up thing happened to her brother. “Okay, go on.”
“I thought I could just clean it and wrap it up but then my skin just started to-”
“Stop, stop, stop-” Amanda shook her head, waving a hand at him. “Fast forward.” 
“I took the bus over to the hospital-”
“You can’t be fucking serious,” she said after she had gotten passed the feeling of wanting to gag. “They let you on the bus looking like that?”
“Well, I had a towel up against it.”
“Right, because I’m sure that made you look far less fucking durranged.” 
“Anyway, I got to the hospital. Walked in, got admitted, and now here we are.” 
Amanda waited then scoffed, “Jesus, and they pay you to write?” 
“Give me a break. I wrote 15,000 words today and got bonked in the head, I don’t think I’ll be spinning any words of poetry any time soon,” he said. She let him sit in silence for a few minutes as they drove. 
“Is this worth it?” she found herself asking. She had been thinking about the question a lot lately. Ever since he had told them about that letter that had been sent to his office about him. It had only been growing in urgency, her thoughts turning to it every time she heard her parents talking about how worried they were about him and every time he canceled on plans because he had to work on a deadline or because he had been too busy chasing down a lead. 
“Of course it is,” he said. “I’m getting the truth out there. People are reading it. That’s all that matters.” 
“Right,” Amanda said with a shake of her head. “And what about us?” 
“Us! Me! Mum and dad! The ones that actually show up to come get you from the hospital when you’ve have your nut cracked. What about us?” 
“I…I don’t think they’d come after-”
“I’m not talking about that. Jesus, I mean, do we matter to you?” 
“How can you even ask me that?” 
“Because you said the only thing that matters are the stories! What happens when you take it too far and something bad happens to you? Don’t we matter in that scenario?” 
Toby went quiet for a few seconds. Then, “I won’t let it get that far.” 
“You better not.” 
Amanda pulled up to their parent’s house. They waited in the car until the older Determind’s got home to let them in. Everyone lingered in the kitchen, their mother fussing over Toby while Amanda and their dad watched and snacked on food before everyone went to go sit in the living room. Amanda turned on the TV and they watched until one by one, everyone fell asleep. 
Except Amanda, who stayed awake the whole night, brain too busy thinking to let her sleep.
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cmcsmen · 3 years
Life, Death, and Legacy
Take up your cross and follow Jesus, and you will enter eternal life. If you die with Him, you will also live with Him, and if you share His suffering, you will also share His glory.
Growing up my siblings and I were taught not to become too attached to things of this world, and, later my wife and I have taught this to our children. When we bought our house, my late father reminded me not to become too attached to it. But, being a dog lover, attachment becomes difficult because a dog is part of the family. 
I was recently faced with the question of when is it the right time to put your dog down. Our 15 year old Golden, Buddy, came to us as a rescue dog. Over his life he had several health set-backs when we thought he was going to leave us, then ended up proving us wrong time after time. We started calling him the Wonder Dog. But this time was different, and the Vet let us know that it was time to make this decision. 
It is important to seek out the assistance of vets when pets are sick, in pain, or need surgery. Otherwise, if we have adopted a pet into our family I think we should not put them down until they pass naturally.  So, when is the best time to put them down? There is even a book written about this. 
I started reaching out to friends, and dog lovers, to make sense of it all, about how to use benevolent dominion over our pets as the Bible says to do. This revealed them sharing how Buddy had a good life with our family. He was blessed and he was a blessing to us as well. It was God's gift to our family, and not to believe God would want us to be upset about this thinking that we did the wrong thing. A decision had to be made and it was. As hard as it was we were able to at least say our goodbyes. It was a painless way for Buddy to leave this world.
I sometimes wonder why the word 'DOG' is spelled in reverse 'GOD' and how dogs teach us much about unconditional love. I don't know why God made dogs to have such a shorter life span than humans, but I do know that each dog we've had taught us something different about love and loyalty. And this is what God seeks from us who profess to love and follow Him and his will for our lives. And to maintain this world and give hope by being kind to it and others ... including the animals. 
St. John the Baptist had it right. “I must decrease, and He must increase.” St. John recognized that this life was not about him and his ego.  Attachment is a tricky thing, and what helped me the most about saying goodbye to Buddy was my identity in Jesus Christ, and how Buddy was in our life as a part of God's plan. Buddy definitely kept the family together, especially during the stressful times, and we gave Buddy a better life than where he came from.  
This begs the question, what is the legacy, we as Catholic men, are leaving to this world? 
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
What if Pro hero Bakugo, and his other pro hero friends (Kiri talked him into it and his pr team), participated in a campaign to 'clear the shelters'. So for a month each hero volunteers for a different shelter in the area and the shelter can take photos and use them for publicity and what not.
At the end of their allotted time for volunteer service they are to talk about their favorite animals or take them home...etc...
Each hero has their own photographer too since it's good pr.
You are the photographer for Bakugou. And you keep seeing bad comments on how people assume he's going to do/ or they think he's actually doing poorly.
Honestly you might have had some reservations at first also but then you saw him with the animals and your heart melted. He is so good with the dogs, cats, rabbits, and other critters.
He's so good but he doesn't want too many 'soft' photos because of the image he wants to project. But you have so many great photos of him walking the dogs or playing with the cats... It hurts to see those comments.
Over that month you really really start to have strong feelings for him. (Little to your knowledge at first he really has a soft spot for you to.)
You wind up asking him if you can post one picture of him in which his face is fully showing how much he enjoys being there (with you actually). He agrees after some coaxing.
The nasty comments lessen, which makes you happy...
Then on his last day he adopts the animal that was also your favorite with a smug smirk when you are happy/crestfallen/confused. He'd be such a smug bastard when he'd slip his number to you and say, "You'll just have to visit, huh Princess."
(Sorry.... This is probably weird.... 😖)
This isn’t weird at all!! I’m so so soft for this idea. Imagine if you actually worked at the shelter though? You’re telling him about all the animals, all the sad stories about how they ended up here and the things that are wrong with some of them. Showing him ones that haven’t been able to find forever homes as you show him your favourite- a lovely calico cat, a proper old girl so no one else has wanted her. Preferring all the younger pets in the shelter, watching cute little kittens leave daily while this cat stays in the same place. “She’s quite feisty at times, but she loves a cuddle.” You coo, watching the cat playfully nip at Bakugou’s hand when he goes in to scratch her head when she’s in a loaf. “Little shit,” he murmurs playfully as the cat finally allows him to scratch at her head.
And the photographer is there trying to snap pictures and he’s like “can I have five fuckin’ minutes jesus.” And like shoos them away as he asks more about you. Why the shelter, why are you doing it etc-
And when the press event is over you expect him to never come back, thankful that even tho it was for publicity that he actually did help the shelter and more pets have been saved and taken to their forever homes. Also the large donation from Dynamight’s agency is going to help you stay open.
But what you don’t expect, is for Bakugou to come back. One evening, without the cameras, without the media, without the A4 page of information and rules from his PR team before he shows up- he’s here. And you’re like “I didn’t realise we had another thing scheduled?” And he’s like “nah, I’m just here.” Like sweats, baggy hoodie, cap. Just giving you a smile as he moves to help you feed the dogs— and you think it’s a one time thing but he keeps coming back again and again-
One day you come in and notice your favourite old girl gone, and you’re terrified that she passed.. going to ask your colleague and they’re like “she got adopted.” And you’re like “OMG REALLY?! BY WHO?” And they’re like Dynamight, look— and they show you his Instagram, and there is your favourite girl sitting on top of his chest with the most content look on her resting bitch face🥺
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