compacflt · 1 year
Rumors from Pearl Harbor.
When Admiral Kazansky first comes to Pearl, he brings with him about half of his previous staff, all exceptionally-hardworking people hand-picked over years—advisors, flag aides, secretaries, ranks all over the board. But his new hires, upon getting acquainted with the old guard, are shocked to discover that his previous staff still hardly knows him at all.
“He keeps to himself, mostly,” Lieutenant Commander Hartford explains over a pint. “I made the mistake of asking him once what he did for fun. You know, like, hobbies and stuff. He blinked at me for a second, and then said, ‘I read.’ That’s it! I read! My advice to you newcomers would be, don’t ask him questions about his personal life, because it tends to be pretty boring.”
“It sounds to me like he’s a walking, talking Wikipedia page,” says Captain Calvert, who worked for the previous two Pacific Fleet Commanders and thinks she knows how to deal with them by now. “We owe it to ourselves to figure him out. It’ll make our lives easier, anyway. So, let’s put our heads together: what do we know about him?”
What they know are his habits, which they’ll come to learn intimately over the next few years, and which are admittedly pretty boring. Admiral Kazansky is one of the first to show up to work in the morning and one of the last to leave in the evening. He often answers e-mails past 2300 hours, but never later than midnight. Jokes never catch him off-guard; he rarely smiles, and when he does, it has an ulterior motive. When he’s not working, he’s scheming and making plans to go back home to San Diego, and his requests for leave are always granted, because he works like a pack mule from home anyway. He signs off every e-mail with “Sincerely,”…
“Is he sincere, though?” asks Chief Warrant Officer Kent halfway through Admiral Kazansky’s first year. (Admiral Kazansky is surely unaware that his staff now spends the second Friday of every month chit-chatting about him over drinks in downtown Honolulu.) “I can’t ever tell. And he lives in Hawaii. San Diego’s nice, I know, but what’s so different about the beaches there that he can’t get here?”
“I genuinely don’t think he’s human,” confesses Commander Stoddard. “People warned me about that when I came here, and I laughed it off, but… he keeps his desk biologically sterile. Not one fingerprint, but I’ve never seen anyone wipe it down. I’ve looked through his drawers. Don’t judge me, I got curious. Everything squared away, like he’s goddamn Einstein or something. Have any of you ever seen him in his civvies?” No one has. “God damn it, where does he shop for groceries? No one’s seen him at a grocery store? Does he even own a pair of jeans? Does he wear his uniform to bed, too?”
“He probably goes grocery shopping on the whole other side of the island to avoid all the enlisted kids,” laughs Captain Calvert. “Come to think of it…you know how he always eats lunch in the office? It’s always a salad. And always the same kind of salad. This guy survives on one cup of coffee and one spinach salad a day. Maybe he really isn’t human.”
They build out their wealth of knowledge and come to learn that Admiral Kazansky is defined by his extremes, by what he always does and what he never does. Admiral Kazansky gets his uniforms dry-cleaned every week, though he never spills anything on them. No one has ever seen Admiral Kazansky stumble over his words while giving a speech, or trip over a sidewalk curb, or push a “pull” door. He is always polite and never friendly. Sometimes he is cold, and sometimes he is cruel in his patience with you when you’ve fucked up, like a cat toying with a hemorrhaging mouse. But he never raises his voice. He is always immaculately put-together, well-groomed, constructed every day like a product on an assembly line. Nothing is ever out of place. Allegedly his umbrella once turned inside-out during a rainstorm; he disdainfully shook it once, as a hunter might pump a loaded shotgun, and it flipped itself right-side-in again. The laws of physics do not seem to apply to him. Nor do the natural embarrassments that come with being human. Admiral Kazansky is never flustered, never harried, and never falls apart.
“I found this old picture of him shaking hands with another pilot on the Internet,” says Chief Warrant Officer Kent in Admiral Kazansky’s second year. “Smiling like the Cheshire Cat. Never seen him smile like that in all my years working with him. And he had frosted tips, too. Like Guy Fieri on a diet and steroids. It was the eighties, sure, but it’s like he knew how to have fun, once upon a time. Wonder what happened to him.”
“I feel lonely for him sometimes,” says Commander Stoddard. “Strict guy like that, no family, no friends, no wife, nothing to live for but the Navy? He’s like a workhorse with blinders on. Nowhere to go but forward. That’s a lonely existence.”
“Not if you’re a robot,” says Lieutenant Commander Hartford. “I swear, sometimes he breathes and it makes me jump, ‘cause I forgot he was alive!” —What else doesn’t Admiral Kazansky do?
That’s when they realize that none of them, not the old guard nor the new, has ever, not once, ever seen or heard Admiral Kazansky sneeze.
And they all finally give up the game and quit arguing and agree that, no, he really isn’t human after all. He must be some cyborg from the future sent to whip the Pacific Fleet into shape, and you can’t ask for too much humanity from someone who’s doing a pretty damn good job of it.
The rumors start soon after that. Jokes that could get them all tossed out of the Navy, but probably won’t. Jokes that accidentally spread like wildfire.
Yes, Admiral Kazansky could be a cyborg, but he also could be a Mormon fundamentalist, or a Scientologist, or a really weird Catholic. Maybe he goes home to San Diego so often because in his spare time he’s really a mule ferrying cocaine across the Mexi-Cali border. That’s what he does for fun. He eats spinach salads because he’s a reincarnation of Popeye the Sailor Man, and he needs all the super-strength he can get to deal with the Navy’s modern-day bullshit.
“I don’t know if that story makes sense,” laughs Captain Calvert on the phone with her husband in Washington, “but it makes more sense than the real Admiral Kazansky does!”
So the rumors get spread around.
“I don’t know if you know this,” Maverick comments, watching Ice make their bed from the relative comfort of the bedroom doorway, “or if I should tell you this, because you might crack down on it, which would be a shame, ‘cause it’s funny. But every time you send a mass e-mail to the Pacific Fleet commissioned officer corps, you become the main topic of conversation between all of us officers for a solid day and a half.”
“Oh?” says Ice with a smile, struggling to fit the last corner of the fitted sheet to the mattress. He sighs, tugs on the strings of his old ratty-ass hooded sweatshirt, and looks at Maverick balefully through his glasses. “Help me out over here, would you? —What are people saying? All good things, I hope.”
“Not really,” Maverick says, stuffing a pillow into a pillowcase as he stares out the window into the San Diego sunshine. “Some pretty crazy shit, actually. Hard as hell for me to keep a straight face. I heard this one—you know, people are saying you eat nothing but salads?”
“Oh,” laughs Ice, hospital-cornering the free sheet. “Yeah, that one’s kind of true. I bring salads in to the office sometimes.”
“You hate salads.”
“I know, it’s torture! Move over.” He bumps Maverick out of the way to tuck in the last corner. “But, I figure, if a man torments himself with spinach-and-arugula salads three times a week, you ought to respect his commitment. It’s all an act. You get to a certain Defense Department paygrade, it all starts being storytelling and stagecraft.”
“Or trickery and deception, depending on how you look at it.”
“Sure. But you could say that about everything. —Besides, I’d rather the Navy discuss my salads than discuss… well, this.” He gestures to Maverick, then down to the bed. They start tugging the comforter over it together. “How much slack you got over there?”
“‘Bout a foot.”
Ice pulls his side down a couple more inches to match, then flips the top up. “Is that it? That’s all people are saying about me?”
Maverick grins and bends down to pick up a pillow. “They’re also saying that you’re the reincarnation of Popeye the Sailor Man. I yam what I yam and that’s all what I yam, and all that. Think fast.”
Ice doesn’t think fast, and the pillow hits him square in the face, and he laughs again as he catches it in his arms. “Shit, that’s good,” he says; “I was just about to call Slider, think I’ll tell him that one. That’ll make him laugh. Popeye Iceman.” He tosses the pillow onto the made-up bed and pulls out his cell phone, but—then he frowns, grimaces, mutters “Ah, no,” and turns away to sneeze.
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captaincrusher · 2 years
When they open up people's profiles in Starfleet it always has a little picture of them but what I would like if it's always taken like your drivers license photo right after you graduated the academy. You have 1 shot to get a decent photo because there's 412 people in line and changing it is a bureaucratic nightmare.
Riker partied all night the night before and is clearly hungover in his photo
Ezri Dax still has Curzon Dax' photo but she'll probably get around to fixing it in the next 25 years or so
Chakotay has his eyes closed on his
Tom Paris' photo immortalizes his frosted tip phase
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nichenarratives · 8 months
Frozen Hearts
An Obscure Miniseries
In an attempt to raise Viktor for a job without freezing his tail off, Mordecai decides to drive in the thick winter snow, only to have an accident. Irritated his young triggerman continues to be reckless, Atlas orders him out of the speakeasy and into Viktor's apartment to recover, leading to some awkward conversations, situations and a whole lot of bonding.
1. Bad Idea
Winter takes Missouri in its icy grip early in 1922, suffocating foliage and freezing pipes with extreme prejudice. Even the evergreens seem to struggle, the ground frozen and barren around their roots refusing nourishment or water. Firs lining the streets begin to brown beneath the weight of snow and frost, only the most resilient trees retaining their green pine needles as February approaches, the felines of St Louis all desperately awaiting the thaw and arrival of spring buds.
Being temperate, the natives would say Missouri benefits from milder seasons than neighbouring states, yet Mordecai Heller would call it unfortunate to experience both. A native of New York, known for harsher winters and mild summers, most assume he would suffer more in heat. Unfortunately, equally affected by minor deviations from innate comfortable temperature thresholds, the shorthaired tom finds both to be unbearable in their own specific ways, especially the cold.
In the winter, he can't seem to wear enough layers to keep warm, not when conforming to his own strict requirements for propriety. There's only so many long sleeve vests and long johns one can squeeze beneath a suit before it starts to look awful, and Mordecai won't sacrifice appearance for comfort. His three piece, fleeced undergarments and a coat are all he will permit, but even with a scarf and hat, he feels the chill permeate his bones as soon as he steps outside.
Given the choice, the tuxedo would hibernate through the winter; woolen pajamas, thick blankets and copious cups of tea all take the edge off, as does attending a roaring fire in the hearth. Mordecai would wile the months away, reading through texts and classic literature until the snow and frosts were replaced with spring grasses.. if only he could.
A cup of tea and a blanket sound like heaven, he thinks as, with his collar turned up against the cold, Mordecai trudges through an inch of snow to the car. Unfortunately, the world at large doesn't share his hibernation sentiments and with the Lackadaisy Speakeasy blossoming in the years since prohibition, its liquor stores constantly need resupplying. Tes would be far more warming than that awful liquor…
An often hours-long round trip to trusted importers in a cold, metal death trap, Mordecai isn't fond of resupply runs. He'd much rather be burning storehouses to the ground, covering Viktor in raids or even the god-awful task of interrogations. Excessively long, silent road trips aren't exactly enjoyable, especially when his partner is crime has made it obvious he prefers the silence; and now, to top it off, he's going to be teeth-chatteringly cold while they're at it. 
Jamming the key into the car door, Mordecai unlocks the driver's side and slides behind the wheel, before taking a moment to blow into his gloves palms. He'd normally walk to Viktor's apartment a few blocks from the speakeasy and let Viktor walk back to get the car, but it's too cold; even inside the vehicle, he can't stop shivering, ears folded back to his head in an attempt to warm their icy tips and shoulders hunched against the frigid air.
When his breath seems to do very little to warm his hands, Mordecai gives up and guns the engine, hoping running the thing will create some warmth in the cabin. 
A terrible driver - having only ever been shown the basics in an emergency by Viktor, when he was too injured to drive and needed medical assistance - he grits his teeth when the gears grind as he forces the car into drive. A quick pause to check his mirrors, he steps a little too heavy on the gas and gasps when the car lurches forwards in his unskilled hands, squealing tires throwing up filthy snow as he careens out into the icy street.
It takes minutes to get to three blocks at one in the morning. Mordecai somehow manages to avoid hitting anything right up until he tries to stop. With no experience driving on ice or snow, he jams on the brakes and exudes a strangled murr of concern as the wheels lock and the car continues skating down the road at thirty miles an hour. When another attempt to brake fails and he rapidly overshoots his intended mark, the tom makes a final mistake; he swiftly turns the wheel.
The rear of the car swings wildly forwards, dispelling much of the forward momentum but carrying the vehicle onto its two passenger side wheels. For a brief moment, Mordecai is flying; clinging to the wheel as his feet are carried off of the pedals, eyes wide and mouth open in a silent scream while both gravity and basic physics seem to tip the car in slow motion, hat and pince nez in flight within the cabin.
Gravity wins; the Cadillac overbalances and with a distinct crunch, the wing mirror crushes against the asphalt, the entire right hand side of the car impacting on the road a millisecond after. Mordecai is haplessly thrown to the other side of the cab, wrenching his arms off the wheel and slamming his face, shoulder and right arm into the somehow still intact passenger window so hard, it shatters on impact.
The contraption skids across the cobbles, ten entire seconds of screeching metal and crushed glass piercing in an otherwise silent road until finally, it comes to a halt thirty feet away when it hits a light pole. Silence falls again; the light pole flickers and dies as if the sound were swallowed by the same darkness enveloping the scratched up, overturned car. Snow continues to flutter down around it, filling the skid tracks anew, coating the tragedy in white.
Mordecai daren't move; his head hurts, his face stings like a raw wound and he's seeing double, hazy vision swaying as if rocked by a non-existent breeze exacerbating his inherited myopia. Bracing a gloved palm on the broken glass beneath his face, the tom tries to lever himself up, but with his lower body wedged between the gear stick and dashboard and a leg bent against the cracked windscreen, his attempts are a futile waste of rapidly draining energy.
An overwhelming exhaustion turns Mordedai's sight black at the edges, dragging him away from consciousness. His arm dives way and he falls back to his burning shoulder with a weak whimper. Vaguely aware he can't feel his fingers and a weak attempt to move them, warm blood drips into an eye from an open wound on his forehead, turning his world an unnerving red just a moment before it fades to black.
The bobcat is attempting to fix a leaky faucet when he hears it; skidding tires, an ear-splitting screech of metal on tarmac, and a final crunch as two metallic objects collide outside. He pauses his work and looks towards the window, cracked just a smidgen for the luxury of fresh air despite the oppressive chill, contemplating going outside. 
With a palm splayed on the underside of the sink and his other clutching the wrench still in place on the leaking nut, it would be easy to go back to work like nothing happened. Having the window cracked might be the only reason Viktor heard it though, which means he may be the only bystander aware of an accident taking place. Normally, he wouldn't be so bothered; with the speed limitation on public vehicles - a limitation he'd effectively removed from the company car for illicit purposes - most people walked away from a crash with minor wounds, making bystander intervention pointless.
Unfortunately, he's also aware of the sub zero temperatures outside. Even as a bobcat, fully fleeced with a thick double coat for optimal heat management, Viktor can feel the cold seeping into his apartment through the window. If knocked unconscious or trapped within the vehicle, it wouldn't matter if the driver's injuries were minor; he could freeze to death in a quarter of an hour in this kind of weather.
Viktor closes his eye and sighing heavily, abandons the still leaking faucet, using the nearby armchair to rise to his feet with a grunt when his stiff knee complains. The cold is bad for his old joint, no matter how warm he seems to dress; his long johns, vest and woolen pajamas keep him adequately warm alongside his fur indoors, even with the window open.
He grabs a sweater off the sofa, then pulls on an overcoat and thick, leather boots, picking up a lantern along the way for good measure before he steps outside his first floor apartment and heads out into the icy night. The falling snow, expanse of white and empty streets momentarily stop him on the step, a litany of nostalgic memories of home assaulting his senses, but he shakes them off and treads carefully into the snow, lantern raised as he searches for the accident.
If no one is dying, he's going to be so pissed.
It takes a few minutes and a short walk to find it; a divot in the snow already filling up with fresh powder flecks, roughly the length of a car and extending beyond the range of his lantern. With a frown, Viktor steps into the divot and follows it back to an extinguished light pole, a Cadillac bent around the base almost exactly at the halfway mark. With the roof dented in the vehicle is almost comically banana shaped.
"Hello?" The Slovak calls into the darkness, holding out the lantern and turning up the gas, the yellowish hue making it hard to discern the car's actual colour. There's no reply, but he steps closer, walking around the back of the car for any sign of a hasty exit - a busted window, open door, blood on the frame - but finds nothing; if someone was inside the car when it crashed, they're still there. 
He treds through the snow towards the front of the car and sees a dark shadow crumpled against the passenger side of the vehicle, unmoving and not unresponsive. "Anyvone hear me?" Viktor tries again, but with no response, a bad feeling begins to swirl on his stomach. He almost doesn't want to step closer, but he does so, resting a palm on the upturned hood to shine his light on the crumpled figure. "Van't hel-?"
The bobcat's question dies in his throat when he's met not with a stranger, but the twisted, bleeding body of a familiar face; he assigned partner and coworker, Mordecai Heller. The snow around the broken passenger window is turning pink, while his contorted body is jammed between the gear stick and mahogany console, foot awkwardly braced against the windshield and arms in disarray around his head.
Viktor drops the lanturn to the snow, unaware of it toppling over, glass case protecting the flame within. Of all the things he'd expected to find - of the tragedies he could have borne witness to, attending this accident - the unconscious body of someone he cares about wasn't one of them. The feeling in his gut swiftly evolves part fear, conflicting emotions masked by a military-drilled compulsion to act quickly.
It takes a single strike for the compromised glass to shatter under his heavy boot. Glistening shards scatter, invisible in the snow except for the lantern's dancing reflections. Viktor pays it no mind and crouching down, reaches into the car to extract the smaller tom with as much care as he can, while still moving swiftly, well aware that stronger men have died of exposure after less time in blizzards back home.
Despite being manhandled in ways that would usually make him squirm, Mordecai remains limp and unresponsive as the bobcat pulls him from the wreckage. Glass clinks and falls from the tuxedo in shimmering, sparkling flakes, more still glistening in dark facial fur as Viktor draws him close to a broad chest and presses two fingers to his throat, holding his breath without meaning to.
Ba-bum... Ba-bum.
It's sluggish beneath chill skin, but there's a pulse. Viktor isn't sure if he's relieved or afraid, looking up at the empty street shrouded in white, not another soul to be seen. With no clear idea what to do beyond warming the tuxedo up and finding medical assistance, the bobcat shrugs off his coat to bundle Mordecai up, disconcerted that he doesn't complain or even flinch when obvious injuries are manipulated.
His best friend on the verge of death and swaddled like a newborn, Viktor draws the tom close to us chest and begins the three block walk back to lackadaisy. The nearest place he knows who have a phone to call a doctor, or a car he can use to drive out to Elsa, because he's not sure blankets and a warm fire will be enough on a freezing February morning.
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topgun-imagines · 2 years
The One
Requested: yes
Summary: A night of singing at the bar leads Ice to realize something. Maybe you’re the one for him.
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: drinking.
Pairings: Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky x fem!reader
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A knock sounded at your door. With a groan you glanced down at the eyeliner pencil that clattered around your sink, having dropped it moments ago. “I’m coming!” You shouted. Anyone listening could tell that you were irritated s. You were supposed to be at the bar with your boyfriend and his friends in under half an hour. And you still had to do your hair, fixing your make-up now added to that list apparently.
Yanking the door open, you were met with the sight of your smirking boyfriend and his grinning RIO. With a roll of your eyes you walked back into your house. They walked through your front door after you. “Thought I was meeting you two there.” Iceman chuckled quietly as the pair sat down at your kitchen table. The boys slipped off their aviators as they watched you attempt to fix your make-up.
“Yea, well, we got off early,” Slider says, popping a grape in his mouth. “Plus someone figured you’d be late if we didn’t come get you.” He grinned as Ice glared at him. Your boyfriend turned to see your displeased face with a shy expression. You rolled your eyes at the small grin he gave you. Slider cackled at his friend's misfortune.
Ice stood from the table and walked over to you. Wrapping his arms around your waist he leaned down and nuzzled his face into your neck. “I love you,” He spoke quietly, enough that Slider couldn’t hear him. “Just wanted to come see you.” It was slightly muffled as your blond boyfriend pressed delicate kisses into the crook of your neck. You smiled gently, bringing a hand up to run it through his frosted tips, hearing him hum softly when you did.
“I know,” Your hand left his hair as you returned to fixing your make-up. “I love you too, Tom.” The use of his first name caused a blush to rise up his cheeks. You were the only one who ever called him by his given name. Even though you used his call sign, he would always find it endearing when you called him Tom. He pulled back. Pressing one last kiss to your cheek he headed back to Slider. The RIO was still grinning slightly, even under his friend's harsh stare.
In less than five minutes, you had finished your make-up. You moved to pull your hair out of the messy bun it was in and began running a brush through it. Behind you, Iceman and Slider were tossing grapes into each other’s mouths. Those two really could act like children sometimes. 10 minutes later you were finished your hair.
You turned to find Ice pulling a spoon out of the drawer before trying to launch a grape into Slider’s mouth. Keyword: Trying. With a small grin, you watched the blond pull back on the spoon before letting go. Sending the grape and the spoon flying. As usual, Ice’s aim was perfect, meaning that the grape went into Slider’s mouth, but so did the spoon. With a snort, you watched as the top of the spoon slid down into his throat. Ice was wheezing on the floor as Slider coughed loudly, rubbing the base of his neck. You moved forward and helped your boyfriend off the floor. He wiped tears of laughter from his eyes as he wrapped an arm around his waist.
Slider glared at his pilot as you made your way from the house and into Ice’s car. The RIO climbed in the back seat as Ice pulled out and began the 15-minute drive to the O club. It was a mostly silent drive, Slider grumbling about Ice making him deep throat a spoon while the two of you chuckled in the front. The blond pilot intertwined your hands and rested them on his thigh as he drove.
After what seemed like no time at all the three of you arrived at the club. You checked the clock on the dashboard before you hoped out. “Ha,” You started, sticking your tongue out at Ice. “I would have been here right on time.” Ice rolled his eyes at your teasing. He slipped his arm around your shoulders and practically dragged you into the club. Your laughter filled the air as the three of you pushed open the doors.
Once inside you headed towards your usual booth, Slider and Ice getting the drinks. They returned with Slider’s regular beer, Ice with vodka and ice water, and a colourful cocktail for you. Your boyfriend pressed a kiss to your forehead as he slid into the bench beside you. The three of you sat at the booth and chatted.
The boys caught you up on their progress at Top Gun while you asked a few questions. It was no secret to anyone around you that you weren’t super into all things aviation. But ever since meeting Tom, you had grown to want to love it. Something that he loved about you. Even though aviation wasn’t your passion, you would do anything you could, learn whatever you could, if it meant you could understand Tom. You would do it just because you loved him. He knew that you would go to the ends of the earth for him.
Multiple drinks later and you were much more carefree than you were when you entered the bar. You had had one more of those fancy cocktails and shared numerous shots with your boys, now sipping on a vodka that Tom ordered you. Slider was sipping on what you assumed was his third beer, although it was hard to tell at this point. Because he was the designated driver tonight, Tom was only nursing his second alcoholic drink of the night. He had drunk many ice waters though, something that made you laugh drunkenly.
He spent the night watching you and Slider, making sure that the two of you left the same way that you came; in one piece. Ice watched out for the both of you whether you were drunk out of your minds or not. He loved Slider like a brother. Slider was his RIO, the man that he trusted with his life and someone that he would always want by his side, in the air and on the ground. And you, you were the woman he loved. The person that he came home to after a long, hard day, and the person that could ebb all his stress and worries away.
When the song changed your boyfriend watched your face instantly light up. He recognized the song, it was one that he often found you singing, begging him to join in on the parts where a man was singing. Ice shook his head, knowing exactly what you had in mind. “Come on.” You wined, tugging gently on his arm. He was firm though, refusing with a grin to go up on the stage with you. You pouted at him, the look quickly being replaced by a malicious grin, one that he knew all too well.
He felt for Slider, he truly did, when you turned to him and gave him puppy dog eyes. A look that the RIO was infamous for not being able to resist. With a huff Slider stood from the table with you. The pair of you headed towards the stage, Ice watching with a small grin. You were practically bouncing on your heels while Slider trudged along behind you.
Material Girl by Madonna was blasting through the club. Many people that were singing quieted down when they saw you and Slider take the stage. Ice chose to ignore the looks of curiosity and judgment that he was receiving. Most of the people in the bar were other aviators and therefore knew that you and Slider arrived with mister ice cold, no mistakes. He watched with a soft smile as you began to sing the song.
He was transfixed by you. Watching the way you moved as you sang, the way you closed your eyes and lost yourself in the music. Another thing he loved about you. As he watched you and his best friend make what could only be described as complete fools of yourselves a thought entered his mind for the first time. He loved you. That he already knew. What he wasn’t expecting was to realize, in that moment with you singing Madonna to a crowded bar, was that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. He instantly knew that he wanted to marry you, to wake up next to you every day.
While Slider started on his part of the song, meaning that you were already halfway done with your performance, Tom Kazansky realized that you were the one. You were the one that he loved with every fiber of his being, the one that he wanted to hold you, and be held by you, for the rest of your lives.
You finished and hopped off the stage. Heading over to Tom, the blond pilot immediately wrapped his arms around you. It shocked you, to say the least, but it was a pleasant surprise. “Let’s go home, baby.” He whispered against your lips. Ice could feel you smiling into the kiss making him grin softly. Tom took you home, leaving Slider at the bar. Something that you both got an earful about in the morning.
a/n: Just a short one! Thank you for reading. Requests are open.
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1c3m4n · 5 months
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky.
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WARNINGS: sadness, death, Jeeps, pessimistic author, Ice being cute, mentions of Wham!
Iceman. He’s your big teddy bear of a best friend. He’s the one who’s been there for you since before Top Gun. And in your moment of need, he was there. He called to you.
Like the ‘You came.’ ‘You called.’ type relationship applies to the two of you. And you couldn’t possibly be more happy about it. It’s Tom, who’s gonna complain?
Until tonight. When you weren’t the one who initiated a call.
— —
You’re on a date with some Army guy. You’d met him at the O Bar, which is ironically a Navy dive bar. He had intrigued you, and you figured you’d give a shot.
That is until you hear your phone ringing in your pocket. And the ringtone ‘Cold as Ice’ by Foreigner no longer sounds so threatening.
Naturally you excuse yourself to take the call. When you answer, there is nothing but sobbing on the other end of the phone. Tom’s crying.
He never cries.
You immediately begin to worry. “Tom? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
You hear more choked back sobbing as he tries to catch his breath. “M-My dad… he… he’s in the hospital. He got in some accident a few minutes ago. I’m his emergency call.”
“I’ll be there. Give me 5 minutes.”
“But… aren’t you on a date?”
“You’re more important than that Army dickhead. He’s not my type anyways. I’ll be there. Be ready.”
“I’m almost to the hospital.”
“Great. I’ll be there in 2 then.”
You rush back in to hand your date money. Then you rush to your car. You rush to the hospital. You see his Jeep CJ5 sitting in the parking lot. It needs a new paint job. Poor thing is only 6 years old and already needs new paint.
Regardless of his paint job. You slipped your heels off and ran into the hospital. Frantically looking for Iceman, you spot his frosted tips.
You rush to his side and he just pulls you into a hug. “Thank you for being here.” The only words he mumbles for a while. And they are mumbles right into your hair.
You simply wrap your arms around him comfortingly. He seems to almost melt to your skin as he feels your touch.
“Where else would I be, Tom?”
— —
About an hour passes. Waiting in the emergency room. Waiting for news of his father’s fate.
He hates his dad. Well… he thought he did. His dad was terrible. He neglected him and refused to give him any sort of fatherly love unless his son was perfect. And that’s why Iceman is well… Iceman.
(A/N: it’s about here that I started listening to Inertia by AJR)
The sentence you had said before… ‘Where else would I be, Tom?’ It really sat in his head for a while. He had never felt more loved and appreciated than that moment. With you in his arms.
Finally a nurse walks out. She asks for family of his father. Tom steps forwards. He says it’s him and you. She asks how you’re related.
Tom realizes that you’d have to be daughter-in-law or an actual daughter to go back and see him.
“She’s my wife. That’s the relation.”
You play along. It’s pretty easy to fake marry Tom. He makes love seem so easy. And every girlfriend he had seemed to break his heart so roughly each time. The only girl he seems to trust anymore is you.
And you were honored.
The nurse sighs and takes a deep breath. You know where the sigh was going.
“Mr and Mrs. Kazansky. I’m afraid to inform you that your father has passed. He lost too much blood in the accident and he didn’t even make it through the surgery.”
Tom’s world shatters.
He looks at you. And then he looks back at the nurse. He has tears that immediately start to fall. He wipes his tears and gently leads you to his Jeep.
He gets in the back seat of the car. And immediately he begins to break down.
“I never even got to know his last words… I never… never got to tell him that I loved him…”
You wrapped your arms around him. He just curls up. Which is surprising to see just how well a 6’0 very in shape pilot can fit in the backseat of a 1980 Jeep CJ5. But he manages.
He shoves his face against your neck, just breathing in your sweet smell of Cherry Coke and the mint from your gum. Or maybe it’s the mint from his gum?
“Thomas. He knew you loved him. And you don’t have to worry about letting him down. Because I’m sure he died happy knowing you tried your damndest.”
You gently put your thumb under his chin. Tilting his face up so you can see, you offer him a kind smile.
“I’m proud of you, Commander Kazansky.”
You press a kiss to his forehead and he almost just melts. Then it hits you.
This is what love feels like. Right? The giddy feeling you get when you’re so close to someone and their presence alone can bring a smile to your face?
That’s love? Right. That’s love. No more questioning it. You’re in love with Tom.
But pick a better night to say something. Please, dear Y/N. Pick a diff-
“I love you, Tom.”
You mf.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
(A/N: another music swap happens here. To Brazil by Declan McKenna)
— —
Sometime within the next hour, he falls asleep in the backseat of the Jeep. So you have to find his keys in his pockets. Which is sort of uncomfortable to do.
But you rummage around his jacket pockets for a second to no avail. So you reach for his front pocket and he brushes your hand away.
He holds up his keys.
“Front left pocket, Sweetheart.”
You just smile and shake your head. You take the keys from him. Well, you try. He ends up stretching and getting in the front seat.
“You need to drive your car home, Y/N. I can drive myself.”
“I’m coming home with you, Tommy. As if I’m letting you drive on your own.”
He just smiles and nods. He puts the keys in the ignition and lets the engine turn over and the engine finally starts up.
You yawn, leaning your head against the window. It’s gonna be a long drive. And you know he’s gonna head back to his housing on the base. He hates actually going home.
Too many bad memories reside there.
So you sleep the entire hour drive. And when you wake up, you’re in Ice’s bed. And he’s in the shower.
And you hear music. You can’t quite make out the words, so you try to listen to the melody.
The song? “I’m Your Man” by Wham!
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pollyna · 2 years
The day Thomas J. Kazansky becomes Tom Iceman Kazansky, ice cold no mistakes, Ron, not yet Slider, is sitting two feet away from him. He already has frosted tips, knows more shit than half of their instructors and makes everyone fucking angry because you just can't touch him. Ron wants to be his friend so badly it's almost embarassing. He knows, he feels it, that if they can become friends they're going to be the bestest of friends and their going to do great things up in the sky.
Hamilton, one of the few who knows already how to fly, screams that he's going to show to the fairy commie how things are done in America and starts so many different maneuvers around Tom that the instructor himself doesn't know what to do. But Tom is steady, knows his shit apparently and takes him down faster than someone could say Hamilton. When he's back on the ground he doesn't seem bother by what happened or by the fact that his classmate is still insulting him. It takes no more than a couple of minute for Ron to understand that Kazansky isn't a overchatty person because he just has to look at you and the trick is done. The entire class just freezes and Ron is afraid to breath to loud because he doesn't want to be the receiving end of that look. The instructor, Something Bsomething?, laughs and Kazansky you really are ice cold no mistake in any situation eh, son? And I think we have the first callsign of this year, Iceman Kazansky. Thomas, Iceman, barley smiles and nod to the man before disappearing in the direction of the showers.
Holy shit is the only coherent thought Ron has in that moment he's going to be best friend with the Iceman should the all world crumble to their feet in that instant.
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immayonaise · 3 months
Day 2
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Sadheart (Left) & Tulippelt (Right)
Sadheart and Tulippelt were born in Dreamclan, along with Tulippelt's sibling Ghosttrail. Sadheart's adoptive parent was Spiderstar after a cat from Tornclan abandoned them. Tulippelt's parents were Lavenderfeather and Petuniastar (The leader after Spiderstar died by a fire at 97 moons)
Sadheart graduated at 10 moons for their dedication. Tulippelt graduated at 13 moons thanks to his dignity, but died at 16 moons thanks to a rouge attack along with Sadheart's mate at the time.
Sadheart: A average sized masked tabby she-cat with medium long white fur. Sadheart has gold eyes, wearing a poppy and red petals. Sadheart has frost bite on both back feet, the tips of their ears, and a bit on their nose every since they were a kit and it makes it hard to walk sometimes.
Pronouns/Sexuality: They/Them & Pansexual
Tulippelt: A average sized agouti tabby tom with long dull brown fur and dark brown markings. Tulippet has dull green eyes, wearing a moth, tulip petals, and forget-me-not flowers.
Pronouns/Sexuality: He/Him & Omnisexual
(If anyone has questions about the cats or wants deeper details ask! I just don't want to go into too deep of detail cuz I'm feeling lazy lol)
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calkale · 11 months
How many people I ship them with
My favorite ship of them
When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
Sexuality hc!
If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
(For Ice and Ethan, if you do not mind)
For Ice:
4. How many people I ship them with
Okay i love icemav, i love slicemav, but not the biggest fan of slice so its a weird situation? I am a slice enjoyer but i cant see them having a romantic relationship at all. I dont really ship ice with anyone else
5. My favorite ship of them
Mmm icemav
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
Ive always thought he was hot but idk when i started to like him as a character, i know it wasn’t the first time i watched top gun it might’ve been when i saw tgm tbh
11. What's the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
His frosted tips <3
12. Sexuality hc!
GAY!!! All respect for my bi ice girlies and tom cruise living in his little fantasy world where ice has a wife and kids but that man is gay he has never looked at a woman
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
I cant think of anyone outside of top gun but i wanna see Ice and Warlock interact, i think they’d be a fun dynamic and i wish we got to see them interact
Also paddington ice would love paddington.
For Ethan:
4. How many people I ship them with
I think just ilsa, benji and luther? Honestly probably alanna too (first time i typed this i included ethan in the list and im not gonna disagree with myself there)
5. My favorite ship of them
Ilsaethan <3 they mean the world to me, bethan is growing on me but still not the biggest fan altho i love how simon pegg talks about benji being in love with ethan all the time hes so real. Ethan and Luther is also so so good but im an ilsaethan girl at heart
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
I think it was the third time i watched fallout? I watched it for henry cavill the first time and the second time was because i liked the movie then the third time was after i watched tgm but before i decided to watch all the mi movies
11. What's the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
That slutty little black outfit in mi1
12. Sexuality hc!
Bi but with a preference for girls, tom cruise you coward when is Ethan gonna seduce a man for information
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
Okay not a character but i need nicole kidman to be a mi villain so so so bad she’d be phenomenal, she was such a good villain in paddington and id love to see a female villain in mission impossible. Also paddington i need them to interact, paddington imf agent when
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literaticat · 1 year
I’m writing a novel in first person peripheral (i.e. the narrator is not the protagonist of the story, but a secondary character observing and commenting like Nick Carraway in THE GREAT GATSBY). Do you have tips on how to write a query letter in this scenario?
Can't say I've ever heard this name for this POV (I'd call it first person limited) -- or thought about it before but I guess let's work it out together.
You could: A) Write it like a regular pitch, ie, about the main character, but then mention that it is told from this other POV. Or
B) Write it like it is about the narrator/side character, and their interaction with the main character. I guess it depends how important the side character is? (I haven't read Great Gatsby in a long time so I'm sure I'd get it all wrong if I tried to write a pitch to show you what I mean, so I'll make something up)
Bakery owner Hildegarde St John has been practicing her profiteroles and rough-puff for years in a quest to get chosen for the popular Great American Pastry Show, and this year, she is one of the lucky contestants. But it's not all creampuffs.
Against the backdrop of a high-pressure kitchen and under the watchful eye of a national audience, Hildegarde must not only prove her skills as a baker, but also navigate the cutthroat world of reality TV. As she battles against a fierce lineup of competitors and grapples with the demands of the show's producers, she finds herself pushed to her limits.
And as the competition heats up, Hildegarde discovers a shocking secret that might just blow up the whole show. She must decide: Expose the truth and keep her integrity but face potential backlash -- or keep her head down, keep quiet and win the hundred thousand dollars to save her bakery.
Told from the cameraman's POV, FROSTING AND LIES is about what happens when reality TV gets a little TOO real.
Tom has been a cameraman for the popular Great American Pastry Show for all ten seasons it has been on, but he's never seen a contestant like Hildegarde St John. Her profiteroles are perfection and her creampuffs would make angels weep, but what really strikes Tom in the lens is how cool she is under pressure.
Proving herself as a baker, navigating the cutthroat world of reality TV, and grappling with the demands of the shows producers -- Hildegarde makes it all look easy. But as the competition heats up, she accidentally discovers a secret that just might blow up the whole show and she must decide: Expose the truth and keep her integrity but face potential backlash -- or keep her head down, keep quiet and win the hundred thousand dollars to save her bakery.
FROSTING AND LIES is about what happens when reality TV gets a little TOO real -- and cameraman Tom is getting the whole thing on tape.
.... Hm. I don't really know which I like better? Again, I think it just kinda depends what YOU think, you know the book better than anyone. If Tom, his opinions, his perspective, etc, are an integral part of the story, then B. If Tom is basically just a bystander talking about the events and so really it might as well be third person -- then A?
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aishii420 · 9 months
aishii420’s weddingverse- ices siblings headcanons
Ice and Sara are the only twins, and while they do look and sometimes act like twins (they can make CRAZY good impressions of each other when they need to- facial AND vocal) Sasha and Nikita act like twins, even with being a year apart
out of the 5 siblings, they treat Sasha as the baby but Nikita as the most immature- except for Nikita and Sasha, which Sasha usually has to riegn him in when he’s too annoying
Nikita uses his middle name as much as his first name, but some people (Slider, Sasha and Ice when he gets really mad) call him Niki sometimes
i feel like I haven’t been talking about Raina enough which- oldest child problems I relate!- which she’s actually married! To a GIRL!! we stan a lesbian queen
her wife’s name is Millie Kazansky, I was thinking about her maiden name and came up with Millie Florence because- well flo milli
Because I own this au and I can do what they want they adopt halo
Blondes vs Brunettes because I wanna talk about it
Raina and Nikita were born brunettes, and Sasha and the twins were born blonde
Raina got blond highlights once and now it’s a signature look
Tom and Sara’s hair became darker over time, becoming a light brown. Sara kept it, but 17 year old Toma, seeing his oldest sister dye her hair, said “okay bet” and gave himself his iconic frosted tips
when the kids were kids Toma would always follow Raina around, so she wasn’t surprised
ice is the homoest homosexual
raina is obvi our lesbian queen
sara is good being the single wine aunt (aroace)
nikita is pansexual but he still gets no bitches (yet)
Sasha is a bi queen
Sasha has suffered a “miscarriage” because ya girls havin IDEAS
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bluiex · 1 year
Haha I was a Warrior Cats Kid myself.
Cubfan: Frostwings (Shadowclan) A sleek black tomcat with frosted white tips and a long tail.
Xisumi: Voidstar (Windclan) A thin, black and white tom with large green eyes and many scars. Leader of Windclan. Has 3 lives left.
Gem: Flowerspark (Thunderclan) A small molten shecat with a long scar running down her left flank. Deputy of Thunderclan (head hunter lol)
Docm77: Vinestar (Shadowclan) a massive molten Tom with huge black paws and a large tail. And deep coal black eyes. Leader of Shadowclan with 4 lives left.
Falsesymmetry: Coldstar (Riverclan) A rather large shecat with a golden pelt and brown paws and ears. Her eyes are a cold blue though. Leader of Riverclan, has 7 lives left.
Welshknight: Brightstar (Thunderclan) A newly made leader of Thunderclan. A small silver Tom with patches of dark gray spots and.
MumboJumbo: Reddust (Formerly Shadowclan) a now rouge of his clan, he is a thin pale white with black stripes on his back and face Tom, with deep brown eyes.
Hmm headcanons.
- As Anon said Featherfoot (Grian) and Cedarscar (Scar) was secretly mates.
- Rootclaw (BigB) knows of this and pretends to be mates with Cedarscar to keep him safe. Though he does not approve of their love, he is is best friend.
- Russetclaw (Pearl) is also aware of this forbidden love. And she thinks it’s sweet her litter mate is happy.
- Flowerspark (Gem) is very protective over her current leader. Though Brightstar (Welshknight) is a canapé warrior l, despite his size, he is also very new to being leader. She’s a been a round a bit more than him. She holds nothing back for her leader and wears scars of her hunts with pride.
- While Brightstar is very happy to have his deputies loyalty, he feel Flowerspark might be a bit excessive and bloodthirsty.
- Vinestar (Doc) is the second oldest of the leaders. And has many scars to prove it. He knows that if this paths goes on, he might die after Voidstar (Xisumi). But he’s fully confident Oakfang (Ren) will make a strong leader.
- Coldstar (False) isn’t that confident about her deputy though. Sunfeather (Jimmy) is loyal, that much is true, but he is also demanding, and can be harsher than he should be. He means well, but Coldstar is starting to wonder if she made the right choice for deputy.
- Voidstar is content with his life coming to and end, but tragedy struck with the death of his last deputy Groundfoot (TFC) though he knew knew this might happen. Now Voidstar is face with finding a new deputy. And he’s consider two, Featherfoot and Dappelshine (Scott).
- Reddust (Mumbo) left his clan a while ago, finding that though he was born into warrior life, he did not fit in. He wasn’t a hunter or fighter, and den dads are frowned upon in his clan. He finds rouge life to be nice.
- The clans mostly live in a peace. But the current deputies are starting to find reasons to fight. Voidstar hopes his newest deputy will keep a level head on things. Because this deputy has a high chance to become leader.
You're so- amazing- I love this SO MUCH
Scar an Grian being secrate mates, GEM my beloved <333
Hell yeah Mumbo you live your best life
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Residents of the dark forest descriptions
CreatureFall - a medium furred skinny pale ginger speckled and white tom with 
cyan eyes 
QuickStar/Belly - grey point short furred Tom with yellow eyes 
MorningShade - a white and brown tabby medium furred Molly with yellow eyes 
SparkBush - a torture and white medium furred she cat 
BerryStar/Claw - a ginger medium furred Tom 
RainHail - a silver and white shirt furred Molly with brown eyes 
SparrowBounce - a grey tabby long furred trans Molly 
Sunny - cream short furred Tom with a white muzzle, chest spot, and paws with a blue collar and olive eyes 
Root - a ginger point short furred Tom 
BrownMouse - brown and white king furred Tom with pale green eyes 
NightStar/Flower - grey point speckled Tom with green eyes 
FleaThistle - speckled brown-grey cream point singapura-selkrik rex tom with moss green eyes 
HornetLeg (double dead) - orange, black, and white calico tom with yellow eyes 
TawnyPaw/Trot- pale orange, white and brown calico molly with teal eyes
CrunchSnow - long furred brown molly with a white chest, belly, paws, and tail tip with olive green eyes and white stripes on her flanks and a streak above her nose. 
ShrikePollen (faded) - dark grey scarred molly with grey eyes 
GoblinSnap (faded) - white short furred Tom with blue eyes and brown-cream marbled blotches 
GremlinPaw/Frost - pale short furred white-brown tom with pale blue eyes and white patches 
CloudFang - white curly furred molly with a blue bandana and black ears, head, and stripe on back 
FidgetGuts - black long furred trans Tom with green eyes a cauliflower ear, a missing back paw and a slight underbite 
FishKit/Drop - cream and white trans tom with blue eyes and grey speckles 
FrostPaw - white molly with brown eyes and grey back 
MolePaw - brindle dark brown Tom with green eyes 
Holly - grey long furred molly with green eyes and a white chest 
JellyPaw/Moss - cream molly with amber eyes and short fur
PineNutPaw/Pounce - white medium furred Tom with cream patches and black stripes on his legs, base of tail, and ear with grey eyes 
HoneyPudding - medium furred lean brown and cream brindle molly with webbed paws, yellow eyes, and white chest and face 
IsopodBrain - Devon rex Tom with pale green eyes, ginger ear and brown patches with feathers and leaves tangled in his fur 
LaughingMoss - black tom with green eyes, a pink nose, and three white paws 
LionCatch - golden long furred Tom with a white chest and muzzle with yellow eyes 
PatchSpring - ginger, white and grey medium furred elderly molly with scars on her muzzle and brown eyes 
SmokeFleck - grey and white medium furred Tom with brown eyes 
TimberStone - grey striped thin short furred Tom with yellow-amber eyes 
TurtleStepper - white Tom with black spots, brown neck and cream muzzle with a black nose bridge and cornflower blue eyes and white ears with black tips 
WhiteHeart - long furred thick-set white tom with yellow-amber eyes with a mangled and burned back leg
Dark kits 
Raspberry/Thorn - curly medium furred small tom with brown fur, a dark brown stripe along his back, one floppy ear and white belly with pinky-red eyes 
AmaranthTuft - curly short furred red brown molly with white patches and violet-amber eyes 
WeepingKit/Wobble- curly medium furred Tom with brown fur, a dark brown stripe along his back, a white belly and two white front paws. He has amber-yellow eyes and three white spots on his face. 
SpiceBushKit/Tumble - cream-brown Molly with a darker back, a dark brown nose bridge and white muzzle pads, one dark ear, and a white belly and paws with green eyes 
HarlequinKit/Cress- a cream brown Molly with a darker leg and a harlequin pattern along her body. her paws, belly, and muzzle are white with green eyes 
PoppyPerch - brown Molly with black spots on her back, white cheeks and muzzle, and heterochromia red-green eyes. 
RosewoodSpring -  brown Molly with a black tail, half black cheeks with spots on her face, and green eyes 
FoxglovePaw/Chirp - pale brown tolly a white striped tail tip, white belly with spots on their flanks, and two dark brown heart shaped spots on her face with a white muzzle spot and pale yellow eyes 
Moonkit/Tail - white long furred Tom with grey speckles on his body and grey stripes on his tail, legs, and face. Half his face and side are a very pale creamy white with green eyes 
ThrushKit/Run- brown mackerel short furred Molly with white legs, face, and tail tip with blue eyes
DaisyKit/Pelt- dusty-cream long furred Molly with a darker tail and stripes on her legs, with a speckled body and blue eyes 
RedKit/Snail- dusty-cream medium furred Tom with a darker face and tail tip with speckles, amber eyes. 
AntKit/Pounce - grey tabby Molly with brown-ginger patches on her flanks and face. White paws and white chest with amber eyes 
JumpKit/Pool - grey point speckled short furred Tom with yellow eyes 
SnipKit/Night - white long furred Molly with a brown tail, point face, and brown ears with bright yellow eyes 
OakKit/Mouse - white and brown short furred patched and speckled skinny Tom with a white stripe along the underside of his tail, blue eyes 
PranceKit/Ears - dusty cream short furred brown point tom with amber eyes 
MinnowKit/Blink - long furred white Tom with a brown back, tail and head, with brown wispy stripes on his flanks with blue eyes 
CrabKit/Needle - dusty cream-grey Molly with a brown point, amber eyes, and three thick stripes on her back 
Tag list: @residents-of-the-darkforest @liberhoe @ambitiousauthor @starfalcon555 @chaos-n-bees
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clouded-mushrooms · 2 years
TW: Incest!!
Brambleclaw had been training with his father in the Dark frost, along sideh His half-brother Hawkfrost. The large tabby could help but find his half-brother extremely hot. The way his muscles ripple under his pelt. The way his tabby fur and white chest and paws and tail tip blend together. It's just so in chanting! His beautiful ice blue eyes bring out his beauty even more.
Grumbling to him, he settled himself down in his nest. Hawkfrost would never love him back. First off they were brothers, secondly he didn't even know his sexuality! Sighing, he laid his head on his paws. He looked over at squirrelflight and ashfur. The two curling around one another. Gray calico fur and ginger fur mixed. The two mates had asked brambleclaw if they wanted to be mates with them. Of course he said he didn't know and wanted time to think about it.
He did like them, as friends but not as mates. Closing his eyes, he drifted into sleep. He woke up in the dark forest. He stared up into ice blue eyes. His heart began to race, he jumped up and shook out his fur, trying to clam himself down. Hawkfrost stepped back, his eyes beaming with amusement. "Your early" he said looked at Brambleclaws shape. His eyes followed his brothers outline. His broad shoulders, his broad and flat head. His wide and round eyes. His brother was very handsome, and he would admit that openly.
Taking a step forward, he started up into his brothers eyes. "What brings you here so early" he asked, with a slight purr. Brambleclaw shifted his paws nervously. His face turning red, at how close his brother was and the way he stared into his eyes. "I.. I didn't have to stay up and watch camp. " he stuffed his paws. Tigerstar's broad head appeared through the trees. "Come now we have no time to waste. " he looked at his sons. A soft purr sounded through his throat. "So I see you two are a thing?" He asked.
The two toms steeped always from one another faces red. "Of course not! He has two mates, Ashfur and Squirrelflight" Hawkfrost said quickly, his heart aching a bit as he spoke. Tigerstar narrowed his eyes, throughfully. "Is that right Brambleclaw? My son has two mates" he sounded quite happy.
The large tabby had been trying to redeem himself for his last mistakes. He wanted his sons to be better than him. So he was training them to be the best warrior they can be. He loved his children and was sad that he never got to raise them. As he had been blind by power. He trained his sons one night and spent time with his daughters another night. He and Goldenflower would meet at the border. The two would talk. They never really loved one another but we're happy to be friends. He had pleaded with starclan to forgive him but they refused.
Now he was stuck in the dark forests but he didn't mind. The time smiled at his son, "well do you have two mates?" He asked. Brambleclaw shot a side look at his brother, somethin beaming in his eyes. "No, Ashfur and Squirrelflight want me to be mates with them. But... But I don't like them like that," he whispered. He looked up at his father, "I like someone else" he said blushing. Tigerstar chucked. He didn't care if his children became mates, as he had mated with his mom once. "Like who?" He asked, then looked at Hawkfrost. "Like Hawkfrost?" Brambleclaw shot up, his face bright with blush. "I-" Hawkfrost looked at his brother, hope filled his gaze.
Tigerstar purred. "Oh how cute!!" He laughed. Brambleclaw playful swiped at his father. "Cut.. Cut it out!!" Tigerstar laughed and jumped back. "You are dismissed" he smiled. "I hope to see you with your sisters tomorrow" he looked at his paws. Eyes full of emotions. "Of course, father, " Hawkfrost smiled. as the Tom's shaped began to fade, tigerstar shape did as well. Brambleclaw opens his eyes and blinked the sleep out of them. He stood up and stretched his legs.
He could hear cats talking outside the warriors den. "Are you sure he even likes us, Squirrel?" ashfur asked slightly disappointing. "I'm.. I'm not sure, we could ask him" the dark ginger she-cat answered. Brambleclaw padded out of the warriors den. "Ask me what?" He asked looking at the two cats. At first they shared a look and shifted their paws. Then ashfur, a slightly gray calico, spoked. "We wanted to know if you liked us" he asked hope beaming in his eyes. Brambleclaw looked at both of them, his pelt pricked. "Look you are both very attractive, but... I don't like you two like that" he said shifting his paws. The two looked slightly disappointed, but nodded.
They padded away, without a word. Brambleclaw felt bad for them, but he wanted to see hawkfrost. He left camp and went to the riverclan bored. He looked around to see if anyone was there. As he saw that no one was around he padded out from the bushes. "Hawkfrost?" He called out. Then a brown color point tom padded out from the bushes. "Oh hey!" He ran up and threw himself at his brother. He laid on top of brambleclaw.
His eyes widen and jumped off. "I.. I am so sorry!!" He turned away blushing. Brambleclaw laid in shocked for a bit. Then got to his feet. "I.." He longed to tell his brother his true feelings about him. Hawkfrost looked at him, he new something was up. "What's up? Have you got something on your mind?" Brambleclaw nodded, "can I tell you something?" Hawkfrost sat down and rapped his tail around his paws. "Of course you can, your my brother" he said. He didn't want brambleclaw to be just his brother, but his mate. Brambleclaw tool a deep breath. "I.. I love you, not just like a brother" he said pausing. "I want you to be my mate" he said. Hawkfrost said nothing which made brambleclaw feel uncomfortable.
Then he heard a loud purr and was tackled to the ground and cover in licks. He took a few moments to release what was happening. Then he let out a loud purr. "So do you wanna be my mate?" Brambleclaw asked. "Of course i do!! " Hawkfrost smiled. As the two laid together. A dark shape stood over them. "I knew it!!" Tigerstar purred. "Well congratulations!" The two smiled at their father.
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esoutherngolf · 9 months
Poconos Golf Trip
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Poconos Golf Trip About 90 miles north of Philadelphia and about the same distance west of Metropolitan New York City, you’ll find the ideal recreational area for year-round fun. Snuggled away in Northeastern Pennsylvania is the Poconos, a four-county collection of resorts and places to stay and play. Be it winter sports like snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and fun slopes to ski; autumn hunting and fishing while you enjoy the colorful transition of fall leaves; summer boating, kayaking, canoeing, and swimming the cool blue and pristine waterways throughout Carbon, Monroe, Pike, and Wayne counties; and golf at the 30 odd golf courses and resort clubs almost year-round. Earlier this summer, I took a group of golf writers on a cross-section trip of some of the best Poconos offers. We started at Terry LaGree’s artful design Jack Frost National Golf Club opened in 2007 in Blakeslee and has all the features you would want in a mountain course and none of the shortfalls. Here, you can embrace the Pocono Mountains with all its magnificent vistas and elevation changes. Unlike most mountain courses, Jack Frost National, at 7200 yards from the tips, provides wide fairways, easily identified target areas, few uneven lies, and no blind shots. Before our round, Director of Instruction Ryan Kearn gave us an overview of the course while we enjoyed a light lunch in the new outdoor bar and pavilion. No homes, just flora and fauna. The Jack Frost and Boulder Ski Resorts are nearby. To learn more or book a tee time, please visit www.JackFrostNational.com. We took a backroad ride through small villages and towns to our next destination, Woodloch Resort in Hawley, where we stayed in two lovely five-bedroom homes perfect for a buddies’ golf trip. Each bedroom had its own bathroom, and each house had a great room, dining room and huge kitchen to accommodate all our goodies and drinks. For someone who grew up near the Poconos in Allentown, Woodloch Resort was a complete surprise. thelodgeatwoodloch.com The sprawling resort has three separate facilities, covers 1200 acres and has something for everyone. The Lodge is a ‘Sanctuary for the Senses‘ adults-only spa where guests go to decompress and renew. The Pines is the family resort area where most of the activities are found, and the Springs is the 500-acre home development complete with a Rocky Roquemore championship country club golf course under the direction of Director of Golf John Pillar. The Resort has been owned by the Kiesendahl family for 65 years who insist on treating guests like family. Their attention to detail shows why the Resort is voted the No. 1 Family Resort for the third year in a row by USA Today. After a challenging round at Woodloch with deer following us around the course, we drove east to the “Granddaddy” of the Poconos, The Shawnee Inn. The historic Inn has been the home of an A. W. Tillinghast designed a golf course that plays along the Delaware River and continues onto an island with the river flowing on both sides after crossing a cart bridge. A visit to Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort is special with the Shawnee Island Course being the crown jewel of the property, where 24 of 27 holes are located on an island in the middle of the Delaware River. The parkland-style course is not the norm in the Poconos, but a nice change from the hills and valleys of the typical Pocono offerings. The historic Shawnee Inn has been entertaining and playing host to the who’s who of celebrities since the beginning of the 20th century. Jackie Gleason learned the game here; Arnold Palmer met Winnie here; Sam Snead spent time as the pro. The likes of Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Lucille Ball, Perry Como, and many more came to the Shawnee Inn for recreation, fun and cool summer nights. shawneeinn.com The Shawnee continues to change with the times. The property has a craft brewery with outdoor seating and games for the whole family. Tom Doak completed a six-hole par 3 course to complement the championship course where Hale Irwin won his NCAA championship. Recently, the Shawnee owners bought Great Bear Golf Club, a Jack Nicklaus masterpiece, in nearby East Stroudsburg to give the Inn a new stay-and-play package. Warm hospitality and cool temperatures are a sure bet, no matter where you decide to go. So, if you are sweltering in the city, take your game and family to the Poconos. You will love it! poconomountains.com/things-to-do/golf Read the full article
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notaloneclangen · 1 year
☽ MOON 0 ☽
An uneventful moon for BegoniaClan is not always a bad thing; it can often be a curse to live in interesting times. The lengthening days of Newleaf are welcomed as cats go about their camp duties and enjoy the extra sun. The rest of the world may have slept through leaf-bare, but a Clan can never afford to, so the first hints of snowmelt are celebrated.
Fallenheart is among the most eager to greet the changing season. Foraging for herbs in the snow is never an easy task, and as soon as new buds start to peek their heads above the frost, she's on the lookout. She knows the insects are certainly starting to buzz around again; the healing bee sting on her paw could say as much. However, her searches this time have revealed that any herbs need a little more time to sprout before she can harvest them. So, she rounds up Foxtuft and Midnightpelt to escort her to a shrubby area closer to the river. Cobwebs can usually be found between the branches of the bushes. She could use some, knowing that her Clanmates will be roaming more of the territory in the warming weather and giving themselves more opportunities to get scraped up.
When they arrive at the riverbank, Fallenheart scans the pebbles for any sticks. The river feeds through the forest upstream, and it's much easier to find them this way than cross the river and go searching closer to the woods. Sure enough, she finds enough for the three of them. She passes the two toms their sticks, instructing them to catch any cobwebs on the very tip to make them easier to transport back to camp. When they've collected enough for her to be satisfied, she mrrps with laughter. Midnightpelt's stick is so laden with cobwebs that he can hardly see where he's going. He trills back at her sheepishly before tripping over a clump of grass.
As they make their way back to camp along the river, Midnightpelt bounds ahead of the group. Young Cougarkit is seated at the river's edge, staring into the flowing water. The older tom gently nudges the kitten back from the edge with the webby end of the stick. "Careful, now," he meows. "The edges of the bank can crumble away easily. We wouldn't want to lose our youngest Clanmate like that!"
Cougarkit just stares uninterrupted at the mesmerizing patterns of the water. "Has anyone ever been in the river?" she asks. When Midnightpelt pauses to think, she goes ahead anyway. "I wonder if I could get across without the rock bridge. It doesn't look that scary."
At that moment, Fallenheart and Foxtuft catch up, overhearing the last part of the conversation. Fallenheart stares across the river for a second, into the growing darkness of the woods. The silence isn't as comforting as it should be. She side-eyes Midnightpelt; an understanding passes between them. Sycamorestripe. "You don't need to get across there," Fallenheart says, turning the kitten away from the river with a sweep of her tail. "We have everything we need on this side of the water."
As Cougarkit is bundled away towards the BegoniaClan hollow with the returning healer's patrol, though, she can't resist another glance back towards the river.
Hootstar rounds the rock that obfuscates the dirtplace, kicking off a bit of loose soil that clings to her back paw. Newtsmoke is waiting for her, her pelt glowing in the dusky light. The younger molly is sharpening her claws on an old log embedded in the ground. Her eyes sparkle and her tail lashes as she meets Hootstar's eyes.
"I'm ready to go now," Hootstar puffs out. At once Newtsmoke leaps down from the log, leading the way out of camp. The two cats travel in silence as the evening grows colder, and mist begins to settle into the dips in the terrain.
The first stars are winking into view as the two cats reach their destination. The low-lying mist wreathes between the countless stones in the dip in the earth, scattered in no particular pattern on the ground and bearing strange claw marks. Hootstar gives Newtsmoke a silent nod, and the apprentice secret keeper leaps out of the hollow. Hootstar settles onto the damp earth as she waits for her to return, curling her tail over her paws.
Before too long, Hootstar hears soft pawsteps approaching, and Newtsmoke appears again, rolling a small, round stone down into the hollow with her nose. "Good work," Hootstar rasps, and Newtsmoke seems to glow with the praise.
"Do I get to mark it, too?" Newtsmoke asks, kneading the ground.
"Sure, why not," Hootstar says with a yawn. "This might be your duty to take over one day. You could use the practice. Just be deliberate with your marks."
Newtsmoke sniffs around for a moment, finding just the right spot for the new stone. Upon finding it, she raises her tail happily and goes to nudge the rock into place. She gets to work immediately with marking it. Hootstar watches quietly as she works; a claw scratch here, a scrape from a smaller rock there. The younger molly is going a bit fast for Hootstar's taste, but she holds back her criticism and waits to see the final product before judging too harshly. Newtsmoke dashes away a couple times and comes back with new materials before continuing.
After giving her project a once-over, Newtsmoke sheathes her claws and steps back from the rock. Hootstar scoots closer for a better look. The rock now bears the crude but recognizable face of a cat in the upper middle. The portrait is small, so the details are sparse, but a smattering of scratches on the left of the cat's face represent a tabby splotch over her left eye. To the left of her face is a tree, and to the right, a long, vertical line surrounded on either side by two smaller ones. Underneath all of that, on the lower half of the rock, a brief trail of pawprint symbols leads into a cluster of trees. The space after the trees is left deliberately empty.
"You did a good job," Hootstar purrs. She had worried that Newtsmoke's speed would make the markings turn out sloppy, but the looser scratches lend a different energy to the picture. "I think Sycamorestripe would've liked it." She pauses. "She might still, if she visits."
Newtsmoke simply holds herself higher in response to the praise, purring and blinking slowly. Hootstar heaves a sigh, her breath making a cloud in the coldening air as she lets her gaze wander to the stones beyond this one. The hollow seems to be filling up more and more with the passing moons. If an unfamiliar band of cats were to happen upon this place, she would forgive them if they mistook it for the rubble of a twoleg nest left after a violent storm. Stones lie in place that memorialize cats that Hootstar couldn't have been alive to meet; some are so old that their method of marking has since fallen out of use, and she cannot understand them, try as she might.
Hootstar looks at the growing crowd of stars in the early Newleaf night. Though it is now the warm season, it is only in its newborn stages; the night can still chill cats to the bone if they're not careful. "Let's head back now," Hootstar meows. Newtsmoke stands to leave with a nod. As the two cats turn to head back to camp, Hootstar can only hope that they won't have to mark another stone any time soon.
Chapter Select | Next Moon
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dailyrugbytoday · 2 years
Rugby DONE: Exeter Chiefs complete the signing of Wasps trio
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/rugby-done-exeter-chiefs-complete-the-signing-of-wasps-trio/
The Daily Rugby
Rugby DONE: Exeter Chiefs complete the signing of Wasps trio
Exeter Chiefs Director of Rugby Rob Baxter believes he has picked up three of the brightest young talents in the English game following the confirmation of Wasps slipping into administration.
Having already secured the services of hooker Dan Frost last month, Baxter has swooped to seal the signings of Academy youngsters Alfie Bell, Greg Fisilau and Immanuel Feyi-Waboso.
Lock Bell, who hails from Nuneaton, is an England Under-20s international and stands at a whopping 6ft 8in tall and tips the scales at 118kg.
Back-row forward Fisilau was born in Plymouth and is the son of former Albion and Tonga centre, Keni Fisilau. Like Bell, he too is an England Under-20s international, standing at 6ft 2in tall and 109kg.
– 𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗥𝗘𝗖𝗥𝗨𝗜𝗧𝗦@exeterchiefs DoR Rob Baxter on his three new signings from @waspsrugby and his recruitment plans moving forward pic.twitter.com/uRheQiCcSi
— Exeter Chiefs (@ExeterChiefs) November 9, 2022
Feyi-Waboso, meanwhile, was born in Cardiff and came through Cardiff’s Academy before he transferred to Aston University in Birmingham and was then picked up by Wasps. A lightning-quick back, who can play in the centre or on the wing, he has previously featured for Wales at Under-18 level, as well as being part of their Under-20s squad.
The talented trio, all aged 19, have all been added to the Chiefs squad this week and Baxter is looking forward to them playing an exciting part in the future of the Devon club.
“Once things started happening as it did at Worcester and Wasps, the players we actually started looking at first were the young guys for obvious reasons,” said Baxter. “I’ve made it clear a few times now, I want to find guys who have not won anything and I want to find that next group whose sole focus is winning.
“I want a group that enjoy being on a journey that takes them to winning Premiership titles, winning European Cups or becoming international players. I don’t mind saying it, Wasps have a very talented group of players there – they have done fantastically well bringing them through to where they are now – and for me, it was the most exciting thing about looking at the players becoming available.
“Manny has played in their Premiership Cup games on the wing and done very well. He’s a bit like Tom O’Flaherty in that he was playing in Wales, but then transferred to Aston University and got picked up by Wasps. Already he looks to me as though he’s going very well, he looks good in training and that he could easily be thrown into a match-day 23 at any stage.
“With both Greg and Alfie, they are both within the England Under-20s set-up. When I spoke to Greg, I said tell me about your rugby story and he said he spent a lot of time as a youngster down in Plymouth where his dad was playing at the time. In a different scenario, he could easily have come through our academy system had he spent longer down here.
“He’s another who has played in the Premiership Cup, he’s had time playing in the Championship, and he looks to be on that pathway, similar to Sam Simmonds when he was in the Championship, that really excites me. With Sam moving on at the end of the season, he may well take on that mantel of being that explosive, ball-carrying, all-action No.8 for the future.
“And Alfie, he’s a big guy, another who has had that bit of experience playing in the Championship, so we’re very excited at what all of them will bring. What I like already is that all of them are willing to work and want to improve. That’s a great trait to have and I’m seeing it in abundance from all three of them.”
Four city shortlist for Wasps, Phil Vickery picks ‘brilliant’ new home
Former Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley and his team have reportedly ‘agreed an eight figure sum’ for the Coventry Building Society Arena.
It’s now expected Wasps will likely leave the city, though Ashley’s team hasn’t ruled out the rugby team staying in Cov.
The two-time European champions have been suspended and will be relegated from the Gallagher Premiership after entering administration.
Wasps takeover offer accepted by administrators https://t.co/IGLklwkK8J pic.twitter.com/kXnVKNYasS
— TheBusinessDesk WM (@businessdeskwm) October 30, 2022
In better news, Wasps’ joint administrators confirmed that an offer has been accepted from a consortium including members of the Wasps Legends.
The offer is only for the men’s rugby team and youth academy, with separate discussions currently ongoing for Wasps Women’s Rugby and Wasps Netball clubs.
It’s been revealed that ‘a number of cities are under consideration’ as Wasps hope to prepare for life in the Championship next season
Wasps four-city shortlist:
#1. London
Former Wasps prop Phil Vickery believes the club must leave Coventry and return to London.
He is part of a consortium of former Wasps players trying to buy the men’s team and the academy. 
“To see Wasps come back to London would be awesome,” Vickery told Sky Sports News.
“I associate Wasps with London, but it’s easier said than done. They’ve tried for years to get the opportunity to do that.
“Yes, it would be brilliant – but let’s focus on getting the club up and running.”
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The post DONE: Exeter Chiefs complete the signing of Wasps trio appeared first on Ruck.
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