#it's fairly pleasant until it's something i dont like
just-a-mod · 1 year
Is zalla a character of some sort or a real person?
what an interesting question that is difficult for me to personally answer
no! she is not a physical bodied person, she lives in my brain and soul :) i don't personally enjoy calling the people in my head characters just due to personal choice
some people call them brain children or head mates, i haven't found an apt term that fits for us. they simply live in my brain
i don't think i'd ever post and IRL people on here without explicit consent. more often than not i'd draw personas, and i'd @ them if they had a blog
though i HAVE drawn my partner Neos a few time, who doesn't have social medias, so i don't really do anything with that xD
any way! Zalla is a person who lives in my brain, she is lovely and she lives in my personal RP world and Universe, as well as one of my friends RP worlds
she's very lovely and i adore her ^^
but to the point! that's actually why my icon is the way that it is!
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i have a whole planet and galaxy full of people who i get the privlage of writing or drawing ^^
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godsamael · 5 years
For years I've been haunted by the time on Friends, a show actually from the 90s, that Monica was called a twinkie and I had NO idea what it meant but just now I finally looked up and found my answer and realized it is something I now aspire to and I think we should bring back the word twinkie not in reference to the golden snack cake
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How about Silas (Fates) and Raphael (3H)? In Silas' supports with Kaze, Kaze is secretly giving him more food as thanks for saving him (like refilling Silas' soup bowl when Silas isn't looking). I thought this could continue unnoticed until Silas can't fit into his armor. For Raph, I figure he's the type of person whose solution to everything is MOAR GAINZ. So what if Balthus bests him in practice combat, so Raph ups his caloric intake but ends up putting on a layer of chonk (and a big gut)?
editing? dont know em--
After their conversation, Silas believed he had gotten through to Kaze about how he didn’t need to pay him back for helping him against that Faceless -- especially since the other man had similarly ended up saving the Nohrian knight not too long after. As far as Silas was aware, they were even and just helping each other out as comrades.
But, on Kaze’s end, wanting to repay the knight for his deeds was just one part of why he was sneakily adding on to the other’s meals. Yes, he was grateful for the rescue, and he took repaying that debt very seriously, but that had been paid back in full by now. No, there was something else that kept Kaze by the silver haired knight’s side, but it wasn’t quite something he knew how to explain, so he let everyone else simply assume that they’d bonded and become good friends.
Which wasn’t wrong, per se, Kaze did actually enjoy Silas’ company. He just...also greatly enjoyed watching the other man eat to the point of being perhaps a little too full.
In Hoshido, especially if one was in the military, such indulgement wasn’t something tolerated. A soldier must be primed for a fight at all times, so while meals were always nourishing and flavorful, there wasn’t often such excess given to those in their station. From what he knew of Nohr, food was not as bountiful as it was in Hoshido, though it was safe to assume that the higher class was given access to the best regardless. Perhaps that was what drove some part of the ninja to give Silas more. Was it not good to give more to those who had been lacking in the same boons as your country’s riches?
But, even that didn’t ring ultimately truthful. At least, not entirely. It, of course, made him feel good to make sure his companions were all taken care of, but there was something else that lurked behind those good intentions. Some morbid interest in watching -- either from close by or afar, both were simple enough to accomplish with his skills in stealth -- another eat and eat, unaware of how much they were stuffing into themselves until something in their brain finally clicked and told them to stop, only it was too late already and they had to stay where they were, bloated and groaning.
It made Kaze flustered and just a little pent up merely thinking about it.
So, he kept up his activities in secret, adding on extras to Silas’ meals and observing -- both going unnoticed..
It had been some weeks now since Kaze’s focus on Silas had started. As someone trained to be both extremely observant and incredibly stealthy at the same time, it was a little baffling to see that the knight...had not noticed anything different about his meals. Kaze knew exactly how much he had been adding -- never too much at once, so as to not raise any unnecessary suspicion, slowly giving more and more when it seemed like the other had unknowingly grown accustomed to the portions -- and he was always cautious not to overdo it, but it was still a bit of a surprise that the Nohrian was still so unawares. It wasn’t a bad thing -- certainly not for Kaze -- and it spoke to Silas’ trust and camaraderie with everyone else in Corrin’s army. If it were anything serious, Kaze would be concerned for the knight’s willingness to so easily trust, but it was endearing all the same, and made curiosity gnaw at the back of his mind at how far he could go and still get away with this unnoticed.
Silas’ obliviousness towards what and how much went into his mouth also seemed to extend towards himself. While diligent in his training and duties, he wasn’t very preoccupied with how he looked. He cared where it mattered, of course; he didn’t want to reflect poorly on his dear friend, Corrin, and always looked presentable. But he seemed to have no qualms about himself.
So, where Kaze noticed the way his riding trousers now clung to the curves of his fuller ass, or how his fine shirts pressed cozily against the slight roll of chub that had appeared at his lower belly, Silas seemed perfectly happy not registering that anything was different. And that knowledge only made the heat inside Kaze grow, knowing that this was something of a perfect storm for him. If he weren’t so naturally mild mannered and quiet, Kaze would almost say the thought of what this could turn into made him giddy.
But, it was still early on in this little game, and there was still every chance that it would end when Silas took note of the changes.
“Whew, I must be coming down with something, because I just can’t seem to cool off!” Kaze overheard Silas one day, his attention immediately drawn away from his current task.
It was easy enough to fake taking inventory of their supplies to eavesdrop on the knight’s conversation.
“We do have warm summers here in Hoshido, perhaps you are simply not yet used to them, my friend,” came Ryoma’s sure and steady voice, his tone amused.
Kaze darted his gaze over to the two, who must have been finishing up some early morning sparring before the heat of the day got too bad. Prince Ryoma was, indeed, in good spirits; his expression mirthful as he exchanged some more words with Silas. Where there was some color to the prince’s face from the exertion of mock battle, it was clear he was fairing far better than his partner. Silas had at some point forgone his shirt due to the heat, giving Kaze a fantastic chance to get a good look at the effects his additions were having on the other man. The silver haired knight had never been particularly outstanding when it came to muscle mass, but he was at least a little above your average.
But now, where there had just been a small roll of flesh at his middle, there was a rather proper belly blossoming. That little bit of softness had risen like dough into a chubby midsection, still firm from his activities but clearly showing that he’d been getting well-fed lately. Where his belly curved out at the navel, it had the cutest bounce when he moved. It wasn’t anywhere near large enough to knock into his thighs yet, but it did create a nice rolling slab of chub that pinched in at his sides if he moved a certain way. But, Kaze was sure that when the man sat, that soft curve of his lower belly likely had started to brush the plushness of his thighs. His upper body was still fairly defined, though his pecs were rounding out nicely and there were some softer edges coming in on his upper arms and his face.
That description sent a wave of heat down the back of the ninja’s neck, his unnoticed gaze burning hot as he took in every curve and rounded edge. Silas’ pale skin was flushed a delightful pink, both from the sun and the physical activity of getting in some training. Kaze wondered, vaguely, if he were to grab hold of that soft, pink belly, how would it feel? If he were to caress it gently, would the other even notice? Would he finally see, if he were to squeeze?
No, that would risk ruining the game when it was just picking up.
Kaze decided to add another layer to their little game, even if Silas was unaware that they were playing one. It had proven far too easy to keep adding food to the other man’s meals, so on top of constantly making those meals bigger, Kaze began coming up with excuses for giving Silas food in between the usual meal times.
It was easy enough to convince the other man to eat something after training sessions. After such physical strain, it was best to replenish the body with some food, was it not? Silas never seemed to notice that Kaze himself didn’t adhere to this supposed fact, or that the portions of food he was being given were far larger than needed to replace whatever his body had burned through while training. It was a little more difficult to get him to eat when he was out on patrols, as he stated that he wanted to be ready to fight at a moment’s notice if he needed to, but if he were on late night patrols, Kaze could more easily coax him into taking a small break to eat -- especially if he agreed to keep an eye out while the knight dug into his food.
More and more, any free time Silas had seemed to be taken up by food. He was a frequent face at the mess hall, and even when he wasn’t there at meal times, he always conveniently seemed to have food on hand -- and constantly stuffed in his chubby face.
And it was all because of Kaze. He was there, every step of the way, watching and providing and biding his time. As deliciously excruciating as the wait had been, Kaze was ready to claim his prize.
“Hey, Kaze…,” Silas hesitantly broached, his round cheeks flushed red -- from embarrassment, or from huffing and puffing his way through the camp, Kaze could only guess at. “I have a little bit of a problem. Well...Little is probably not the right word--”
Kaze inclined his head, to denote that he was still listening to the knight ramble on, but he would privately admit, he was more focused on accounting for all the new weight that had settled in so well on the Nohrian’s frame.
For the most part, Silas was very well rounded; it gave him a pleasant, overall plush sort of look. His face was cherubic, with round, red cheeks and a softened jawline that dipped into a double chin that looked all too natural on his kind face. It hadn’t taken too long after Kaze had ramped up his feedings for Silas’ upper body to sort of catch up to the rest of him; his upper arms still clung to a slight firmness, but that also might have simply been from how tightly they were squeezed into the sleeves of the shirt he was currently wearing, his now rather hefty looking moobs similarly looking quite confined in his struggling shirt. He hadn’t even bothered -- or couldn’t, a thought that delighted Kaze -- done up the laces at the front, which left some of that pale, fat titfflesh free to jostle for an escape attempt that was truly only hampered by whatever integrity was left of this formerly well-fitting piece of clothing.
Of course, as his eyes traveled lower, it was clear to see that the shirt was...much less of a shirt, and more of a crop top that was just adequate enough to contain his moobs. Because, really, gloriously, Silas’ gut could no longer be contained by something so trivial. His upper belly was round and almost taught -- likely from the large breakfast he’d spent a good two hours shoveling into his hoggish mouth -- becoming a perfect resting shelf for his squishy breasts. While his lower belly, separated from the upper by a swelling roll of fat, hung lower and softer on his expanded frame. It quite easily draped over the other man’s crotch, even while standing, and almost every heavy breath or lumbering movement made it wobble just so. Stretch mark covered love handles fought for room at his sides, perched precariously atop widened hips that had the most luscious curves to them thanks to plentiful food and all of the horse riding that had given him such a nice form to begin with.
His thighs were nothing short of powerfully built, even with the thick layer of lard that now encased them. And, my...his ass really was something to behold; a beautiful bubble butt, straining the ass of his trousers so dearly, Kaze felt like he could almost hear the seams splitting as they stood there.
“--So, do you...do you think you could help?”
The ninja blinked, coming out of his hungered staring to just catch the tail end of whatever Silas had been talking about.
“Yes, of course. I will do my best to aid you, my friend,” he responded swiftly, not even realizing what he was agreeing to until the other man dragged him over to the neatly organized set of his armor.
Oh. Oh, well now, this was better than he could have hoped, really. Silas had recruited him to do what he’d been desiring for months now.
“I’d do it myself, of course, but...uh, I’ve been having some recent trouble reaching around to some of the straps and buckles,” Silas chuckled nervously, his already flushed face seeming to go a deeper red at this admission.
Ah, so he’d finally noticed just how large his eating habits had made him? Fascinating that it had taken so long, but denial could be a powerful thing.
“It’s not a problem,” Kaze assured in a smooth tone of voice, waiting for Silas to start attempting to put on his armor. The breastplate and backplate came together via leather straps at the shoulders and sides, tightened and held in place by rather standard looking buckles. As Silas held the plate armor in place, Kaze tried to secure the straps. And, truly, he did try -- where was the fun if he didn’t get to see what an absolute mess the other man had made of himself with his lack of control, aided by his own pampering and spoiling with food and treats aplenty? He tugged on the straps as hard as he could, smiling softly to himself at the little noises Silas’ tried to stifle at the jostling and how the knuckles of his fingers couldn’t escape grazing or sinking into the warm flesh of the knight’s sides. If he pulled both sides tight enough, he could get the straps to touch, but nowhere near close enough to actually secure them with the buckle.
Kaze couldn’t resist pinching at the silver haired man’s love handles, apologizing and excusing it off as the metal from the buckle catching him by accident.
“It’s no use, is it…?” Silas sighed, cheeks puffing out just a little more from the simple act.
Kaze gave him a sympathetic look as he helped him remove the much outgrown piece of armor, his hand coming to pat the other on the back. “We can always get you refitted. It might have a slightly different style, but our blacksmiths are quite skilled; I’m sure they could replicate it to your tastes, if you so wish.”
The Nohrian seemed about to say something else, but Kaze chose now to make his kill, as it were. His tone and demeanor not shifting from gentle and comradely, he very brazenly brought a gloved hand to the other’s stomach, his thumb hooking easily into Silas’ navel as he grabbed a handful of chub and gave him an exploratory squeeze. It was just as soft as he’d imagined, but there was a firm layer to it too, if he dug his fingers in hard enough, that he found to be quite pleasant. A nice balance.
Humming softly to himself, Kaze continued his tactile exploration while urging them both forward in the direction of the mess hall. “I would greatly desire to see how long it would take you to outgrow a larger set of armor…”
If Silas could keep from giving in to Kaze’s offerings of food long enough to even have another set made before he ate his way out of it, that is.
Silas, sputtering and doing his best to keep up with the revelation, didn’t object to the idea nor did he fight against where Kaze was leading him.
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httpbread · 4 years
hiii! didn't see if there was a character limit per rq, so if there is n i am breaking it just ignore me jabksbcjdj could u donthe general dating hcs for yumeko, mary and ririka too? thanks!
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pairing: mary x reader, yumeko x reader
character limit has never crossed my mind until now lmao,,, also sorry i decided not to do ririka :( i love her i’m just not as familiar with her character so i dont think i could do her justice,, hope thats okay!!
- Mary avidly denies liking PDA but is almost always holding your hand. Whether she’s dragging you somehow, holding your hand under the table while she gambles with you next to her, or just trying to get your attention.
- for the most part, she’s a very confident girlfriend. She likes to take the lead and make you flustered and think she has you wrapped around her finger.
- until you compliment her. Or kiss her. Or hug her.
- Mary practically melts into a heap of embarrassment, mostly because she really enjoys it
- she never really pictured herself in a relationship especially not after the student council’s attempt to marry her off
- that is, until she met you, of course.
- she’s still trying to get the hang of the whole relationship thing though so you’ll definitely have to help her sometimes
- part of her wants to keep your relationship very private and never speak a word of it to the world
- and the other half wants to wrap an arm around your waist and yell at anyone who even glances at you that you’re hers
- not really in a possessive sort of way but more in a proud way
- she’s still shocked you said yes in the first place of course she’s proud to have you by her side!
- but sometimes she does dearly want to protect you from the world, and more importantly the school around you
- she’s terrified that one day the student council will target you and she won’t be able to win and has even debated on breaking up with you a few times just to keep you safe
- but when you wish her luck before a gamble...
- Mary really feels like she can win anything
- even though she’s scared to lose you, when you sit by her during a match she feels like she’s invincible. Especially when you take her hand discreetly under the table.
- Ironically, you’re like her good luck charm
- whenever you stay after school to watch her gamble, Mary always ALWAYS walks you home.
- she loves when you take her hand and swing it between the two of you sort of childishly as you walk along, talking about whatever had happened in the day and what you planned to do
- Mary never was one for small talk but she realizes she could listen to you talk for hours
- sometimes when you’re complaining about something she’ll get really into it and get feisty. sometimes even more than you. "I’ll go up there right now, dammit. Don’t you worry. I’ll make sure they never give you a problem again." "Mary no-"
- Mary discovers with you that she really loves sleepovers.
- there’s something about eating snacks and snuggling all night with you under too many covers that’s so relaxing to her. She doesn’t have to be big and bold. She doesn’t have to win or compete.
- with you, she can throw a piece of popcorn at your face and win at life watching you laugh or listen to you whine making her laugh
- she also, shockingly, really likes sleepovers on school nights
- that way she can play with your hair in the morning and get ready with you
- she loves walking you home from school but seeing you sleepy and sort of stumbling next to her really warms her heart. She thinks it’s funny to subtly bump shoulders with you as you trudge along. Plus the sunrise and the morning air is really nice, especially next to you.
- Yumeko sniffs out your relationship only on the second day you guys were official
- she’s delighted but Mary is dismayed
- Yumeko has claimed the title as her ‘wingman’ and now will often give her relationship advice and use you to tease her
- sometimes the advice is actually useful though... and it’s not the worst to see you making more friends... and getting along with her friends...
- but still. She tries to tell you Yumeko is nuts and you should keep away from her. It doesn’t work, but it’s worth a shot.
- Mary isn’t big on fancy dates. She’s more into casual stuff like eating together at the nearest shitty fast food joint. Mary would actually probably consider walking you home a date, unfortunately. But if it means spending time with you and making you happy, she’ll put in the effort to plan something a little more romantic every once in a while.
- this is really when Yumeko’s advice helps her out
- despite being kind of clumsy when it comes to romance and usual dating etiquette Mary does her best and she loves you very much
- she’s definitely always there to support you in everything you do and actively tries to be involved in your hobbies and see what you’re up to
- she’s also always there to stand up for you when others try and give you shit. You might have to drag her away because she has a tendency to get into full-blown arguments over even the slightest dirty look your way.
- Mary is doing her best.
- really hope you like gambling
- because her absolute FAVORITE thing to do is gamble with you
- would she use you as a bet?
- oh absolutely. no hesitation. but only when she knows exactly that she’ll win
- she thinks it’s cute if you get all nervous and even hotter if you’re confident in your gambling skills
- she’s actually a little sour when you can’t make it to one of her matches. not towards you but towards everyone who isn’t you.
- Yumeko is a freak for PDA tbh
- ALWAYS has her arms wrapped around you in one way or another. She feels like a snake trying to strangle you sometimes. she means well she just loves to love on you 
- could not give any less of a shit who sees. Will blatantly ignore anyone and everyone because you are her partner and she loves you very much.
- she’s a very enthusiastic girlfriend.
- always trying to do wild things to spice up your relationship. would absolutely suggest things like skydiving as a casual date. it’d be like a back and forth debate to finally get to a more calm medium date like a fancy restaurant or something.
- Yumeko doesn’t actually mind where you two go, she just likes to mess with you sometimes. She keeps you on your toes.
- not only is she super PDA friendly she flirts shamelessly with you all the time. She loves watching your reactions. 
- she also really loves to have you sit in her lap while she gambles. no matter how long the match is. 
- Yumeko likes to bring you to the mall to go shopping. Sometimes she tries to be sly and buy you things without you noticing but Yumeko has never been subtle a day in her life when it came to you.
- but also after a long day in the mall she always buys you ice cream and sits on the edge of the water fountain. It becomes a tradition to make a wish, even though it feels a little silly.
- Yumeko wouldn’t really go out of her way to keep you away from the student council but she would get heated fairly quickly if one of them tried to challenge you. She takes your place every single time and it is never followed by a pleasant atmosphere in-game.
- after something like that she definitely takes you to do something off-campus if not just straight to her house to just snuggle and take a nap
- Yumeko thrives off praise from you. She loves when you fawn over her with compliments and congratulations when she wins a match. She can’t stop beaming when you kiss her cheek and tell her she’s amazing.
- she definitely praises you a lot though. She thinks you’re the most interesting person she has ever met so of course, she thinks the world of you, and she is NOT afraid to show it.
- Yumeko loves you and she’ll be damned if you and everyone and their mother doesn’t know it.
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lucky4in · 3 years
Magic Interferes in New Orleans
Prompts from Piccadilly's book #3
Words used: ☆matriarch ☆throat ☆impossible ☆vinegar ☆apology ☆slice ☆microwave ☆raspberry ☆choose ☆snore
God! I can't take it. The dread is killing me. I'm losing all the blood in my fingers with how tight I'm squeezing the steering wheel. The honking around me is not helping. I can feel everyone's fear collectively as we sit in agitated traffic. Stress. Fault. Jitteriness. Indifference. Panic, panic, panic.
God, I hate being an empath. I can't even hear my own thoughts. I need to breath! Yeah. Take deep breaths. I'm not far from the U-turn lane. So what if traffic is moving 1 millimeter a minute? The storm can't be faster.
I have to get out of this situation before I have a sensory overload.
From my front and my rear, I'm surrounded by vehicles. I can't move back, I'll hit someone. I can't move up, because they'll think there's space to move and I'll be more stuck than before. Looking to my right I realize the road across the gate is fairly empty. That last car I saw go that way was 40 something minutes ago.
I gulp loosening my grip from the wheel but still holding it firmly in my palms. Taking a breath I turn the wheel and step on the gas. My car races through the grass and crashes though the metal gates. With a screech, my tires are finally rolling and I'm off. Towards the dark clouds like a fool running blindly into a lions den.
When I finally catch sight of the curling palm trees and the flying debris, my weariness is replaced by anger. We had a plan. A simple schedule. Prepare emergency food, water, and medicine, flashlights and documents, locate nearest shelters, fill up gas tank, clear the yard, and turn off the power. When the evacuation order is set, I would be too far away at the time, so my husband would get the kids from home and we...would...evecuate.
We would meet at the nearest shelter with our separate cars...
Unfortunately, my...sweet...dearest mother decided to take it upon herself to pick up the kids herself...and NOT evacuate. Instead, she wanted her grand babies to feel safe during the storm and cook them a nice meal...at her house.
I almost had a heart attack when my husband said they weren't there. Instead, a note was attached to the fridge reassuring us that my elementary school kids, including a baby, did not infact disappear off the face of the earth. She wants them to feel less threatened and stressed over this "flood nonsense". Make it seem like a regular thunder storm.
Except it's not a thunder storm! It's a hurricane!
I told my husband not to worry about it, I will get the kids and be ok. The hurricane is suppose to be a bad one, the weather man said. Anything left undemolished by the storm by the end of this would be a miracle. Hopefully it won't be my sanity. I swear, she's impossible.
By the time I get to her house, the streets are flowing with water and clawing up her driveway like waves at a beach. I step out and my shoe kerplunks into the water. I groan, feeling my ears eject hot steam. I stomp onto her porch with a squish, squish, squish and jam the key into the lock.
I kick the door open and slam it shut, my anger seeming to accelerate as soon I step inside. I cringe a bit, noticing my youngest asleep on the couch.
"DON'T SLAM MY DO-" my mother sticks her head out through the kitchen doorway and spots me.
"-Oh, hi baby!"
I stretch a tight smile, coaxing my child back to sleep. "Hello, mother."
"You came just in time. I just need to get a few things done before we eat."
And there she is. Like always. Not worrying about a thing while marinating apple cider vinegar on peices of pork. Probably to slice into the-
Sniff, sniff.
-gumbo. Her calm persona was infuriating. Almost insulting.
"Too bad my son in law couldn't be here. He'd love to stuff his face with the beignets" she continues.
"He's at the shelter. Kinda like we're suppose to be" I say, honey tounged and all "which begs the question..." I lean in, my palms face down on the table. "Why aren't we there right now?" I sneer, bringing my voice down.
"Because there's no need to. You know that" she says simply.
"Maybe in your case, but not mine. You just felt entitled to do things your way. Like you always do. I had everything under control and-and you had me worried."
"You know nothing was going to happen to these kids. I knew nothing was really wrong."
"If you really felt so aloof about this, you should have stayed yourself. You can't just up and take my kids like that. We've talked about this."
She finally looks at me, turning away from her task. "I should be free to see my own grand kids whenever I want to."
"I would have probably excepted that, if we weren't in the middle of a god damn hurricane-"
"Momma! Momma look!"
I was interrupted by my two children excitedly telling me that a pie was on the way. All while showing me their hands, proof of a raspberry massacre. Animated. Passion. Triumph. Pleasant. I ruffle their heads with a quick "good job" and they ran off together. Their happiness almost cures my frustration. It does calm me down a bit though.
"Is is so much to want to keep your family safe" my mother asks.
Aaaaaaand its back.
"Is it so much to just listen to me? To just let me do things my way? I am in no less danger than you are just because I dont have the same... tools that you do."
"It looks like it puts you in a lot of danger if you have to evacuate the city. You could simply come here so momma can protect you."
"That makes me look like a normal person, mom. The streets are already flooding and a ton of people just saw me go the opposite direction. I look stupid and suspicious." I'm taken back to my teen years. Having a similar conversation with my mother. "Not everything can be solved with your protection. I can make my own decisions. But instead you undermine me and tamper with everything around you. Just because I dont have it, doesn't mean I cant keep my family safe or simply be a mother. How about, for once, you let mother nature do her job."
"Your father made this house with his bare hands, rehydrating himself with his sweat. No one is touching this house. Not even Cosmo's or Gaia or whatever." She huffs and turn away. A puff of steam emerges over her head, indicating she opened the pot of Gumbo.
"Well, when your the Matriarch, you can start making the rules around here."
Realizing an apology isn't coming, I groan restricting myself from wrapping my hands around her throat. Its silence between us, as there is after every altercation. Especially when the house is mentioned, cause it's always Papa's house. He passed away before I could even learn to speak his name. Mama always told us about Papa. How she met him, how he put her on her feet and built a house for her (it was told he even built the bricks holding this house up), how his devotion to his family and the love of his life lasted until death did them part.
"What makes you think I'm going to be the next Matriarch?" I ask, slipping in the kitchen chair.
"You will. It's a family tradition that you need to uphold. And you are the only girl conceived by me." She answers, this sounds almost rehearsed.
"Why don't the others take your place?" I ask, for the millionth time.
"It's only rare that a boy has ever been in place of a woman. And once a girl was brought in, he was removed immediately."
"If it's that simple then crown them and get it over with."
"Oh, do you think it's that easy"? She quizzes, slowly turning to me.
"Knowing you, probably not."
"Hyde is much more coordinated than that. If they really didn't think you were worthy, we would have known, but I always knew you were special."
Here she goes again. Hyde,, is supposedly the person that gifts the family with magic, life, and girls. It's the spirirt who thrones and dethrones us. No matter who we are. According to mom, the next Matriarch could be good or bad, Hyde has a plan for them in the end.
Along with Papa's stories, Hyde was always directed towards me because I was the only girl, excluding my half sister. Truthfully there was no way to know if Hyde was actually real. I'm not even sure if my parents have seen it. Mom would tell me tales at night of different women throughout our generation, chosen by Hyde and how I would be like them someday.
"Hyde doesn't give you this gift for no reason" mom reassures "they always have a plan. You can't see everything in a negative light. What if Hyde chooses Clio and you-"
I stop her at the mention of my youngest name.
"I'm not putting that responsibility on my kid" I say sternly, though It probably won't matter what I tell her "Especially if, no offense, she ends up like you. Completely dependent on Hyde's gift. IT didn't give me any when I was born, like the rest of you, and I'd like it to stay that way."
Silence once more.
"Perhaps you're afraid-"
"I'm not afraid-"
"-its okay."
"-Of this imaginary ghost."
"Sure, keep believing that. But when it happens~" she sings.
"When it happens to me, pigs will fly" I sneer, memories of that same sing song tone prodding at me.
She says nothing.
"Just let it go mom, it's just not meant to be. I'm not a child that you can hide under your wings when hail comes. However your gifts came to be, Hyde, the house, whatever, it must've skipped a generation."
She continues to stir. She sputters "but-but the family-"
"-The family doesn't know what's best for me and neither do you. I know I'm the only daughter to the Matriarch. I know I wasn't born with any gifts like my siblings. I know refusing my path makes me an ungrateful child and Hyde will handle me" I say reciting what I also heard throughout my life "But that's not my life. And I'm not defenseless."
She freezes. More silence.
"And, I mean, it's not like having voodoo is easy. It consumes you and it messes a lot of things up. This worlds order and the next."
"That's what the council is for" my mom mutters finally.
"Oh, right. The council. The same family who's just as dependent as you. Do you even remeber a time where you haven't used your gift and actually did things yourself?"
"Don't you ever think of letting go of this life? Doing things for yourself and not the family? Hyde? Papa's house? I notice how this changes you as you age. If this is the answer to our problems I wouldn't mind the sea taking this house away for a while-"
"Mama! Mama!"
"Wow, look."
I follow my kids voices and they seek for me, a glimmer of wonder and awe in there wide pupils. My 2 boys are pointing to the window in the living room. My sleeping child is now up, standing on her toes to see what her brothers are looking at.
As I begin to walk In the living room, they're rushing back to the kitchen. I take a peek and see a part of the lawn, including my rental car but the road and the neighborhood is gone. A large amount of visible debris is covering up the world around-
That's not debris. That's not wind.
I follow my kids. They've opened the screen door and ventured into the back yard. I race after them and stop in my tracks. The water barrier has followed us to the backyard. My kids are screaming and dancing in the sprinklers as the hurricane is trapping us in its second eye. The oceanic barrier is circling around is, refusing to touch the property. With my kids instructions I look up, the sky is dark above us like it's the dead of night, yet inside the barrier, its murky like a cloudy day.
I can't concentrate. Excitment. Curiosity. Shock. Chills.
I sigh as my daughter wobbles to me and I scoop her in my arms. I can see it now, worst hurricane in 6 years and the Crobitt house still stands. This is similar but not related to the instance when a pair of swings at the run down school across the house seemingly froze in the air a few years ago... CIA is currently investigating...
I gather my children inside, they were starting to go towards the rushing ocean and who knows what'll happen. I shut the door with a defeated sigh and sulk at the table. The beneits sit gracefully with their powder sugar and I worship it by stuffing it in my mouth.
"I told you..."
I look up. My mothers eyes are glowing that familiar bright green and she has that devious smirk on her face. She always gave me that look as a child as if she's trying to tell me something. That, or it's to prove something, which I still dont know. I dont think I ever will.
"...you're father built this house. No one is taking it from me..."
"Now, elbows off the table."
If you like to write or be creative, perhaps you need inspiration, go check out this book! Its the best!
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turtle-steverogers · 4 years
Don’t Take This the Wrong Way
Wrote this the other night on ao3 and wanted to post it here
During their hunt for Bucky, Steve and Sam take to cuddling for comfort. Bucky sees and naturally, he's got some feelings about it.
Ship(s): Stucky, platonic Sam & Steve
Warnings: none i dont think?
They’re in a motel room somewhere in Tucson when Steve finally relents. Admittedly, in the month that he and Sam had been searching for Bucky, his sleep schedule hasn’t been so good.  He’d been spending his nights tossing and turning, maybe dozing off for short thirty minute spurts here and there only to jolt awake with images of Bucky in the awful looking cryo chamber from the Winter Soldier files flashing in his mind. Usually he’d give up around 5 am and go for a run, then find him and Sam some breakfast. Given the nature of the serum, he was generally functional without substantial sleep.
But now, as he lies in bed, watching lights dance across the ceiling from cars passing outside, he’s just plain exhausted.
He rolls his head to the side, peering through the darkness to where Sam is sprawled out on his bed, arms tucked behind him under his pillow. The idea had been stewing in his mind for a couple weeks now; ever since Sam had reeled him in for a hug after he’d trudged his way through Bucky’s files and he’d honest to god collapsed at the contact, to which Sam had grimaced and murmured something about his “touch starved ass”. Which had gotten him thinking: human contact-- pleasant human contact-- sounds fucking amazing right now. And he hasn’t really had any since the war where it wasn’t uncommon for the Howlies to curl up with each other on cold nights or after long days of shelling. And then there was the matter of Bucky and what he and Steve were to each other. So yeah, in those days, kind contact with another person was never in short supply. 
Steve misses it. And maybe, just maybe, he might be able to sleep through the fucking night if he could get some. 
It’s not like Steve thinks Sam would be opposed to the idea of some down to earth cuddling. He’s a pretty empathetic guy with a solid regard to comfort and a vehement opposition towards what the 21st century calls toxic masculinity. It’s just that Steve doesn’t know how to ask and it would be weird to just climb in with him, right? No, Sam also preaches boundaries and instigating a cuddle session without asking would definitely be a clear violation of those. 
Frustrated, Steve blows a breath out through his nose. Fuck it, he’s just gonna ask. He’s damn tired and Sam will understand. 
He rolls over all the way and props himself up onto his elbow, leaning closer to Sam’s bed, “Sam,” Steve hisses. Sam snuffles and presses his face sideways into his pillow. “Sam, are you awake?”
Sam grunts and Steve sees his eyebrow furrow. “I am now,” He says, voice hoarse with sleep. He doesn’t open his eyes, “What’s going on?”
Steve bites his lip, suddenly unsure, “Uh…”
Sam opens his eyes and Steve can see the concern on his face despite the darkness of the room. 
“You alright?” Sam asks, lifting his head, “What’s wrong?”
Steve shrugs a shoulder, “I can’t sleep.” He says, casting his eyes somewhere over Sam’s shoulder. He sees him soften in his periphery.
“You wanna talk about it? Or, like, what can I do for you, man?”
Steve shrugs again, “Nothing really to talk about, but during the war...I dunno, it’s dumb, just...if things were tough we’d all-- I mean, like, we’d take our bedrolls and--” He can feel himself blushing and he swallows. This was a dumb idea.
The sound of blankets rustling makes Steve look back at Sam, who’s got the covers pulled back in front of him, a welcoming, non-judgemental look on his face. Steve hesitates and Sam rolls his eyes.
“Get over here, dude, I didn’t wake up for nothing.”
Blushing harder, Steve clambers out of bed and awkwardly slides into Sam’s, who pulls the covers back over the both of them. Steve holds himself stiffly until Sam makes a disapproving noise and pulls him down onto his chest.
“I would offer to spoon you, but I can’t sleep on my side,” Sam says, sounding sleepy again. 
“That’s okay,” Steve says, draping an arm across Sam’s stomach and nestling further into his chest, “This is good.”
When Steve wakes up the next morning, he feels more rested than he has in years.
Things change after that. Casual touches become more frequent and it becomes an unspoken ritual after hard days to climb into the same bed in whatever motel room they’re staying at for the moment and crash, limbs tangled together and Steve’s face mashed into some place on Sam’s torso. 
The stress surrounding Bucky and whatever condition he might be in still eats away at Steve relentlessly and his nightmares haven’t exactly eased up, but a certain, specific weight has lifted off his chest. It’s nice, he finds, to feel close to someone again off his own volition. It’s nice, Steve thinks, to feel seen.
Steve lies on his side, jaw clenched against his chattering teeth and hands fisted in the sheets in front of him. His stomach is in knots from being held so tense and he tries to reign in the shaking, but his body won’t cooperate and his lungs don’t seem to want to pull in enough air to battle out the adrenaline streaming through his veins. 
The dream hadn’t been anything new, but the Hydra stronghold they’d raided that day had left them a little worse for wear and Bucky’s screams for Steve to please come find him hit harder than usual. Falling asleep had been an accident and it’s not even 10 pm yet and Steve wants to cry his chest hurts so bad. Sam is in the shower and presumably, he hadn’t heard Steve gasp awake seeing as he’s still in there despite it being twenty minutes since he’d woken up. Steve’s partly grateful for that, but he can’t seem to calm himself down and he wants a fucking hug. 
The bathroom door opens and Steve squeezes his eyes shut as Sam’s whistling parts from the sound of the bathroom fan, then dies. He curls further on himself-- he’s been made.
“Hey, hey, whoa,” Sam says. The mattress dips behind Steve as Sam sits down. A moment later, a hand starts rubbing between his shoulder blades, “What happened?”
Steve shakes his head, leaning back into the touch. 
“Alright, that’s okay, you don’t have to tell me,” Sam says, voice even and soothing, “Can you stretch out a little for me?”
Steve forces himself to unwind a little bit and internally lets out a sigh of relief as Sam attaches himself to his back, hands carefully prying Steve’s from their iron grip on the sheets. 
“I’m here, man,” Sam says, starting to take deliberate breaths for Steve to match, “I got you.”
It takes a while, but Steve eventually calms down enough to roll over. Sam immediately accommodates, maneuvering them to their usual position of him on his back and Steve draped across his stomach. 
“Wanna talk about it?” Sam asks gently.
“No,” Steve croaks, clearing his throat, “Thanks.”
“Okay, lemme know if you change your mind,” Sam says, “Wanna watch something? I think this motel has pay-per-view.”
“Yeah, sure.” Steve says, feeling drained, “You pick.”
A couple minutes later, the intro to the first Indiana Jones movie is playing on the TV in front of their beds, volume pitched lower than usual. Sam is running a hand through Steve’s hair and he’s finding it increasingly harder to stay awake. 
He’s not sure how much time has passed with him half-dozing on Sam’s chest, when Sam jolts, head turned towards the window. Steve looks over, too, suddenly alert.
“What?” Steve asks, heart pounding, “What did you see?”
Sam shakes his head, frowning, “I don’t know, I just thought...I don’t know I just felt like I was being watched.” 
“Should we check it out?”
Sam squints, searching the window. A tense minute passes before he shakes his head, “Nah, not worth it.”
Still wary, Steve nods, “If you say so.”
When they get to the next Hydra stronghold in Malvan, it’s already ransacked. 
Smoke is still drifting up from the ruins and Steve can see mounds of rubble smoldering in the low dusk lighting. There are bodies strewn fairly consistently throughout the debris and Steve tries to ignore them as he wades into the remnants of the base. 
A gunshot sounds somewhere behind him and he glances back to see Sam jogging to catch up with him. He raises an eyebrow.
“Straggler,” Sam says. Steve nods.
“It was him,” Steve says, “Bucky beat us here and recently.”
“I don’t know, man,” Sam says, dubiously, “there are a lot of people out for Hydra right now. Could be anyone angry enough.”
“No,” Steve says, bending down to pluck a sticky note off of one of the guard’s bodies. He can’t make out what it says, but he can tell it’s Bucky’s loopy handwriting. He waggles it and shows it to Sam, “It was him.”
“What’s it say?”
Steve pulls his phone out of one of the pockets on his tac pants and switches on the flashlight, aiming it at the sticky note.
I was going to reach out, but you and Wilson seemed cozy enough.  :( >:(
An incredulous laugh bursts out of Steve and Sam crowds in close, reading over his shoulder.
“What the fuck?” Sam exclaims, “Does he seriously think-- when did he--” He cuts off, realization dawning on his face, “Oh my god, that night I thought I saw something out the window in Alcaine. That was Barnes.” He bursts out laughing, doubled over, bracing himself on Steve’s shoulder, “He-- he musta seen us cuddling and-- and thought-- oh my god.”
Steve’s laughing, too-- elated that Bucky seems to be in his right mind and willing to reconnect. 
“Damn, he’s a jealous type, too?” Sam says, still wheezing, “Wow, Rogers, you landed quite a man there. He even-- he fucking wrote out a grumpy face!”
“Yeah, I wasn’t the only dramatic one,” Steve says, “Peggy always got on us both for that. Liked to say we were a theatrical pair.” He says the last part with an accent and Sam starts laughing again.
A rush of warm hope spreads through Steve’s stomach and he closes his hand around the sticky note, “He’s okay.” He says, “He’s gonna come home.”
Sam sobers up a little and claps him on the back, “Yeah he is, man. You’re gonna get your boy back.”
Still, it’s another month and a half before Bucky finally makes an appearance. 
Sam and Steve had finally decided to take a break, tired of changing time zones three times a week and coming up with mostly dead ends since Bucky’s note back in Malvan. Even the satisfaction of destroying Hydra strongholds has diminished to something like itching a mosquito bite. So they leave one last base in Turkmenabat in ruins and head back stateside, eager to be without responsibilities for a while. 
They’re about to enter Steve’s apartment in Brooklyn when Steve senses something not quite right. He frowns, holding up a hand to stop Sam behind him and looking around. Nothing’s out of place but...but...but the plant outside his door is wet? Someone’s fucking watered his plant. He points it out to Sam and they both draw their handguns, hunching into a familiar defensive formation as Steve unlocks his door and shoulders his way inside.
They both train their guns on the figure sitting on the couch.
“Hey, Steve.” 
Steve falters, lowering his gun, “Buck?”
Bucky is sitting reclined on the couch, his feet kicked up on the coffee table. His hair is short again, reminiscent of how it was during the war, but modern enough to blend in to crowds and when Steve looks closer, he can see that he’s wearing a pair of his sweatpants and one of his t-shirts.
“Are you-- did you take my clothes? How long have you been here? Did you--did you water my plant?” He asks. Sam still has his gun drawn and Steve makes a motion for him to yield. Sam does so reluctantly.
“‘Bout a week? Took you long enough to get back,” Bucky says easily, “And yeah, Geoffrey needed watering, he was looking awful neglected. Also, yeah I don’t really have much of a wardrobe of my own.”
Sam shakes his head, “Geoffrey!?”
But Steve ignores him, heart breaking a little at the thought of Bucky wearing the same clothes for all these months, “Oh. Well, you’re totally welcome to take my clothes any-”
“Yeah, I know. It’s why I did,” Bucky says. He trains his gaze on Sam, “Are you two together?” He asks bluntly.
“I-- no.” Steve says. He’d figured this conversation might happen after the Sticky Note Incident, but it flusters him all the same, “We just-- things were hard for a bit and you remember during the war, it just-- it helps.”
Bucky nods decisively, “Yeah. Makes sense. When I saw you two, I was still trying to remember if you and I were actually a thing before or if that was something Hydra had put in there.” Steve makes a wounded noise and Bucky looks at Sam again, “Sorry about your steering wheel, I can steal you a new car.”
“Oh, I-- no,” Sam says, alarmed, “That’s alright, man, you don’t have to...uh--” he looks to Steve for help, who just shrugs, “It’s fine.” He finishes, visibly forcing nonchalance, “We’re cool.”
Bucky smiles and stands, crossing to them, “In that case, I should properly introduce myself,” He extends a hand to Sam, “James Barnes but folks call me Bucky.”
Sam takes his hand, “Sam Wilson. Good to meet you, man.”
“Back atcha,” Bucky turns his attention on Steve, looking him up and down, “You been eatin’, Stevie? You look skinny, like a little angry alley cat.”
“Fuck you, too.” Steve says brightly, “Sorry Sam and I made you jealous.”
“Wasn’t jealous,” Bucky grumbles. 
Steve just laughs and pulls him in for a kiss, “Missed ya. You stayin’?”
Bucky presses their foreheads together and for the first time in 70 years, Steve feels complete, “I am now.”
ok yeah that’s it
thanks for reading, chiefs
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og-danny-dorito · 5 years
Alfie Solomons NSFW Headcanons
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some NASTY anons requested this to satisfy their thirst for this man. i would tag them but since i dont have a source im just gonna hope they see this. should i write a fic for this mans???
N S F W :
- big man = big dick and thats just the facts
- pretty sweet and tired all the time so he's probably slow unless he's feeling REALLY frustrated with anything and everything that happened during the day. seriously if some guy kept pissing him off while he was at work that day you best believe hes gonna take out his frustrations on you in a not-domestically-abusive way
- maybe around 7″ long and with a pretty good girth (like 5 inches around). he's obviously circumcised but he never trims his hair down there (I mean look at his fucking beard you think this man gives a shit about anything under the belt???) so you'll probably have to get comfy down there really quick and not complain too much about the whole ass bush down there. erect he's only like an inch or too larger but it makes all the difference when you're on your knees and eye-level with it trying to figure out how to fit it in your mouth
- when he's riled up it turns a bit pink at the top and he starts to spill over himself, his breath becoming quick and erratic as he groans at any sort of touch. he's VERY sensitive and very very greedy for touch. he tries to say he doesn't need you to love on him like you do, but in all honestly he needs it more than anything
- hairy mans. obviously. and has tattoos!!! he's kindof muscular too, and so what ends up happening is that you've got this Jewish beefcake bear sitting in your living room in nothing but pants smiling and opening his arms for you to either sit on him or give him a hug. either is fine with him
- maybe into bdsm??? unlikely since he doesnt really give a shit about the whole thing, but is perfectly fine with it if you yourself enjoy it. like yeah call him daddy and he might grunt and pull your hair a little, but we all know he's a bear anyway. kindof wants you to sit in his lap??? kindof doesnt??? know??? how to say that???
- is NOT vocal about his kinks at all, you end up finding them out eventually though. here are the ones in order;
   +messy makeup sex
   +quickies in his office
   +anything he hasn't tried yet
- lowkey might panic a little if you ask him to choke you. like, what if he hurts you? that's a fuckton of responsibility on one man. not that you shouldn't trust him, he's just worried? like why choked? why can't you just be loved?
- “oh...so you want me to...ehhh- choke you? Like wrap my hands around your throat, yeah?”
- “Uhm, yes,,, yes I do. It's fine if you don't-”
- “You'd better be thinking of my reward then, love.”
- “Rewa-?”
- “Cause if you expect me to please you that much without some sort of repayment, you are sorely mistaken.”
- big man likes being in control more than anything, mostly out of a sense of security. honestly he can't help but feel a little nervous when he's not completely in control, but he trusts you enough to tie him up or blindfold him if you’d want to. lowkey likes being teased A L O T and is a huge sucker for any type of sensory play
- is very concerned with your comfortability when you're in the act. are you alright? are you sure? is he hurting you? he's very sweet and slow when you're doing it together for the first time since he knows he can be a bit brutal a lot of the time. it's completely unintentional, but he can be a little too rough
- if you LIKE that though, he's gonna be as rough as possible without hurting you too bad
- prefers to give hickeys rather than receive them. he likes seeing how the bruises come up on your skin and the way you wince when something grazes them like your clothes or his fingertips
- probably has a whispering kink just because it's very sweet and sensual to him. seriously, if you whisper something dirty to him while he's trying to work then there's a very high chance you're going to get it right there in that moment
- remember how I said he likes it in his office? yeah, big man LOVES doing it where anyone can walk in, mainly because of the thrill of having his door knocked on suddenly with him between your legs and a slightly panicked look on your face
- likes it when you wear his clothes too. nothing gets him more riled up than seeing you walking around in his old shirt- and only his shirt -as pajamas. seeing you in even his jacket or with his hat makes him all fluffy inside and an uncomfortably pleasant knot to form at the base of his stomach, hungry to just straight up fuck you right then and there
- likes arched guard and cowgirl, but doggy style is always his go to. mainly because he likes ass up face down. seeing you moan and whimper into the sheets while glancing back up at him makes him that much more motivated to ruin you beyond recognition
- big man MIGHT spank you, if you're okay with that. it's kindof just an impulse thing but if you don't want him to he won't. he's a big believer in consent
- commitment is also very important to him. he doesn't fuck just anyone, honestly. if he does want to get into the act with you it's a milestone to the relationship, and he might honestly be thinking of marrying you
- okay now for mixed sexual organ headcanons cause those are my fav
- if you have male sexual organs, he might feel a little nervous the first time. he hasn't really done much with men or anything similar below the belt to his own unmentionables to get that far, but once you finally do it the first time he finds himself enjoying it a little more than sex with women
- this is mostly because he knows how to please you a little more considering he gets how all the parts work cause he has a set of them himself, you know?
- still likes seeing you in his clothes, giving you bruises, etc. your sexual organs don't change how he thinks of you
- for someone with female parts he knows everything better because he's done it before, but like I said he's a little lost on how to please you. he'll figure it out though, he's a fairly quick learner
- oh, before I finish, he has a habit of growling or something when he's about to go over the edge. he doesn't even realize it at first, but once you mention it to him he said all like “Oh...yeah, guess I do, don't I?” and pretends it doesn't make him flustered
- his favorite body part (any body type applies btw) is probably your hips and legs. not only does he like holding your hips, but he very much likes to be in between your legs. very much. seriously, it's probably his favorite thing. if you're kinda skinny he's probably more concerned with hurting you because you just look so delicate and frail,,, larger body types give him a little more assurances mentally because it make sure him less worried about like,,, breaking a fucking bone. but in attractiveness it doesn't even matter to him what you look like, large or small. you still mean everything to him and you're still hella sexy in whatever clothes you wear (or out of them, he prefers you out of them much more ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
- has an average libido, he's just not riled up all the time. more along the lines of “if you want it i do” or “wow you did one little thing and my mind went to the gutter and now my dick is hard goddamit”. sex isn't really his love language, but he still loves you enough to do it and enjoys it a whole lot
- in conclusion, he's very much in love with you if he wants to go that far with you, especially if he wants you being in a relationship long enough to consider it. you mean the world to him, and every little thing you do makes him that much more eager to touch you and love you until the end of his days
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espinosaurusrexex · 4 years
In which Todd offers Y/N to practice kissing with him.
warnings: none, actually
a/n: I can’t tell you guys enough how thankful I am for your patience! You are so awesome and I love every single one of you. This is a little something I wrote, because I felt like it. I will be writing your requests now and hope to have some ready to post, soon.
Please roast me, I feel like I’m really bad at romantic scenes! Enjoy!
word count: 1.6k
They were outside, leaning on the reilling of Todd's balcony and watching over the city lights slowly fading in the distance as they talked the night away. Todd and Y/N had been friends for a fair amount of time. Meeting through a mutual friend, they hit it off quite well from the start. They shared the same interests and hobbies, liked the same music and even the same weird foods. But as mentioned before, they were just friends. Nothing more than that. Well, at least that's what Y/N thought. Todd, on the other hand, caught himself staring at his friend for a little too long sometimes. He didn't mind, though. Just enjoying and appreciating the time he could spend with her, he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize the amazing friendship they had.
“You know, sometimes I wonder if my soulmate is out there at this very moment, looking at the city and thinking of me…” Y/N trailed off.
At her words, Todd felt his heart being stung by a little needle. So tiny, that it shouldn't even bother him, but it did. Y/N had always been a hopeless romantic, forcing him to watch every cheesy movie out there and dragging him to bookstores to buy the next novel she could bury her nose in for the following week.
“I wonder how it works, the whole soulmate thing, I mean…” Todd chuckled at her comment. Only Y/N could believe in something without even having an own theory about its functions.
“Well, how do you know that soulmates even exist?” he urged, nudging his friend with his shoulder and watching as she tumbled to the side. 
Y/N gasped. Placing her hand over her heart to exaggerate the hurt she was feeling.
“How dare you, Smithy. Soulmates are as real as the air we’re breathing. Thank you very much.” She shook her head in disbelief and continued to look over the roofs of the neighborhood buildings. Her face was glowing in the blue light, the moon and city lights threw at the pair. 
“I think, if soulmates were to exist-” he earned a glare from Y/N as he proposed his doubt on her beliefs, “-I mean, I guess… you just know when you meet them.”
Todd really tried to hide his expressions with his response. If he was being honest, he could exactly tell her how it felt to find one's soulmate. He knew, because he had already met his. At least he liked to believe that the feelings he would get around Y/N, were as close to that feeling as it gets. And seeing that she apparently did not feel the same toward him, made the tiny needle in his heart grow infinitely big.
She turned to Todd with a blank expression before asking, “What if they dont like me? What if the plan the universe has for two people doesn't work out between them?” Her face had turned a pale color and Todd slowly sneaked his arm around her shoulders to squeeze her towards him a little.
“I think anybody, who is lucky enough to have you as their soulmate, wouldn't complain in any way. You are amazing, Y/N.” A blush cept on her cheeks as she hoped that her soulmate would be as sweet and caring as her friend.
“I hope you're right, Toddy. They will just have to get used to the fact that I have flaws, just as being a bad kisser… or my lack of talent for musical instruments.” Y/N chuckled and buried her nose deeper in Todds shoulder.
A funny thought shot through the dark haireds head. He wanted it to be gone as soon as it had come but it just got stuck in his mind and occupied his thoughts until Y/N pulled him out of his silent monologue.
“What's up with you?” Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight as she trained them on his while still clutching to his shoulder like a small animal. A strike of confidence hit him and he opened his mouth almost automatically.
“I mean… I'm here if you want to practice.” Todd joked but got choked up as soon as he saw his friend sexpression change. Goosebumps crept not only on her arms but on his too. They trailed their way up his neck and down his spine making him feel all tingly inside. He didn't know this sudden boldness which had overcome him like a wave crashing on his shore of willpower, that wanted him to be as subtle as possible towards Y/N. 
“Would you really…?” The girl turned silent for a moment. Never in a million years would she have thought about kissing her best friend on top of LA, surrounded by the light summer breeze and the sound of cars speeding down the highway in the distance. She watched Todd as he let his head hang low. The sudden wave of confidence seemed to vanish with every second Y/N was staring him down, expecting an answer. An answer, he wanted to elaborate so desperately, but he was too shy to commit to his feelings. 
She didn't know why, but tonight she felt drawn towards Todd. And the fact that he looked so vulnerable and small right now, made her urge to hold and love him so much stronger. She stepped forward, holding her hand out to him and squeezing his fingers tight as soon as he got a hold of her. Todd almost mechanically pulled her into his chest, resting his head in the crook of her neck and taking in the smell of her hair. They stood there for what felt like hours and if you'd have asked either one of them, they wouldn't mind holding each other a little longer. This hug was more than just comforting. It was a way of saying how much they meant to each other, even if two different messages were passed at this moment. 
Y/N pulled away to look at her friend. He smiled and chuckled once he remembered why they had gotten into this situation in the first place. 
“The offer is still on the table”, Todd rushed with the last bit of confidence flooding through him. He leaned back with a cocky grin and opened his arms to exaggerate the idea he was proposing. And Y/N? She didn't even think about how weird this might be afterwards. She was genuinely concerned about her kissing abilities and the way they could possibly blow the first meeting with her soulmate. So she accepted, jumping into his arms and laughing suggestively. 
“I mean, sure…” Todds heart was racing. The least thing he was expecting from this night was, to be standing here, kissing his long time crush in a romantic setting just as the one they found themselves in right now.
He leaned forward in an attempt to show her how ready he was. Closing his eyes, he waited for hers to finally come close to his and fill the emptiness, he had felt ever since meeting her. Y/N did the same until she felt the slightly chapped skin against her smooth lips. She tried moving her lips in a rhythm that fit his and found herself quite pleased when the thing she was doing didn't feel as bad as it used to. They pulled apart.
“Okay… So that wasn't too bad.” The corner of a smile snugg on his face as he tried to hide the fireworks in his stomach. He couldn't even process the thing that had just happened when Y/N spoke again.
“Can we try frenching? But don't laugh at me…” She inspected the floor before Todd placed his fingers under her chin and propped his mouth on top of hers again. They seemed so casual and the boy almost couldn't believe that he was kissing his best friend right now. It felt as though they had never done anything else. 
They kissed for a while. After a couple of seconds, Todd traced his tongue along her lower lip, asking for entrance and Y/N granted. His heart skipped a beat as he explored the velvet walls of her mouth, encouraging her to use her tongue as well. She did. And now Todd knew why she had been so hesitant about it. The kiss really wasn't that great, but knowing that he would be able to “practice” with her until it was good, made it better. 
Y/N pulled away again, hiding her face in her hands as she noticed that Todd was not enjoying it. He chuckled at the girl in front of him and pulled her fingers away from her face to reveal her swollen lips.
“Hey, hey.” he caressed her cheek with his thumbs and pulled her closer to him again “It's alright, it wasn't too bad.” Lying wasn’t his strong suit and right now, even a deaf person could have told that he was. And knowing that Y/N could totally tell how bad she was herself didn't exactly make it better.
“Well, teach me!” Her hands flung in the air in frustration and Todd didn't hesitate to kiss her again.
“Here”, he whispered kissing her cheek, “Try to copy me.”
The brunette slid his tongue inside her mouth again, applying pressure to hers and pulling it back again. Y/N was fairly good at copying him. They practiced for a while until she had gotten the hang of it and they could finally enjoy the kiss they were sharing for more than a minute now.
“Woah.” Y/N was speechless. She watched as her friend tried to gain his composure again and began to wonder, if she ever noticed how attractive his hair looked in the wind. He had a smile plastered over his whole face and she felt a pleasant warmth traveling through her body.
All of a sudden Todd noticed a far stronger attraction towards Y/N. Her hair seemed to smell even better than it already did. Her skin was glowing in a very appealing way and her eyes had seeked his with a message buried deep within her colored orbs. And that's when he knew it for sure: He did not only crush on Y/N, he had fallen in Love.
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delimeful · 5 years
(dont) take this the wrong way (1)
Day 11: Underwater
warnings: blood, injury, capture, mentions of being eaten, miscommunication, mild mind altering, language barriers and paranoia make everything difficult
Roman swam in lazy circles around his reef, enjoying the feeling of sunlight on his skin. 
Today was a beautiful day, and he couldn’t help but relish in it after the storm that had been raging overhead last night. His territory was fairly small compared to some shark mers, but even it had taken some damage, and so he was taking the opportunity the sunlight granted him to check over the reef. It wouldn’t do to have a home that was anything less than perfect. 
After checking over a majority of the area, though, it seemed that the damage was mostly superficial. Surface-level scratches on coral that would heal over naturally with time. He sighed in relief, spiraling up towards the surface. He could just make sure no human debris was floating around, and then he’d finally be able to sunbathe on his favorite rock.
When he reached the surface, however, he immediately caught the scent of blood. He frowned, twisting around to find the source, and saw a glint of metal in rocks by the nearby cliff.
He swam closer, head poking out of the water, and then inhaled sharply at the sight of a small, metal net caught between two rocks. It wasn’t the net itself that was shocking, since human debris washed up all the time, but rather the small figure tangled within it. A tiny mer! 
A little larger than a human but still small enough that he could pick them up with one hand, the mer had a long, deep purple tail with frills and fins that flowed gracefully in the water. It was so rare to see them in these waters! Roman drifted closer, entranced by the sight, and then blinked in surprise as the mer’s head jerked up, eyes wide and terrified at the sight of him. 
He thrashed in the net’s grip, and the scent of blood grew stronger, making Roman a little lightheaded. “Easy, easy.” He said, and reached out to start pulling the net from where it had been caught in the rock’s crevices. The mer pressed back, a desperate keening coming from his throat, and Roman’s heart broke a little. He gathered the net in his hands, bringing it up close to his face so he could see the tiny form more clearly. 
“Don’t be afraid, I’m not going to hurt you!” Roman reassured him earnestly. 
The tiny mer shook, eyes shut tightly as though bracing to be bit. Roman sighed, the current of warm water only making the mer shake harder, and attempted to pry some of the net away from the tiny form. The wires were astonishingly thin, and his claws slipped and nicked the poor thing’s arm, making him yelp and twist. “Oh no! I’m sorry!” 
Roman felt guilt settle into his stomach, wondering how in the world he was going to free the little guy. He couldn’t get free on his own, and Roman’s hands were much too big… 
Roman brightened, struck with an idea. He curled his hand around the tiny mer reassuringly, cupping him to his chest and beginning to swim. “Don’t you worry, I’m going to get that net off of you!” 
Luckily, Patton was haunting his usual waters when Roman arrived, the half-seal mer enjoying the weather as much as Roman. He lit up at the shark mer’s approach, tackling him in a hug. “Roman! What are you doing here? Normally I’m the one visiting you!” 
Roman returned the hug one-armed, feeling a bit embarrassed. “I’m sorry to bother you, Patton dear, but I need a favor.” He opened his hand, showing Patton the small entangled mer, who pressed himself into Roman’s palm as though trying to hide away from sight again. It was incredibly endearing, and Roman crooned lightly.
Patton gasped, hands fluttering as though he wanted to scoop the creature right up. “Oh my goodness, is that a tiny mer?” 
Roman nodded, curling his fingers up protectively. “I found the little guy in my territory, all tangled up like this. I tried to get the net off, but… I’m too big. I don’t dare to try using my teeth.” 
Still peering at the tiny figure, Patton hummed. “Did you want me to try? I’m not that much smaller than you, Ro.”    
“Well… Actually…” Roman grinned sheepishly, not noticing the way the tiny mer paled at the sight of his teeth. Patton looked up at him, and knew instantly what he wanted. 
“Roman! You know I don’t like doing that…” He pouted, crossing his arms. Roman quailed under his disappointed stare, but a glance down at the little mermaid made him straighten up again. 
“Please, Pat. You know I’d never judge you for it, and I swear I’ll put it right back once I get this one freed!” He pleaded, holding the mer up for emphasis, and because he knew Patton was weak to cute things. 
Patton sighed, but nodded. “Okay… but you have to remember everything I tell you, and be careful! They’re so delicate, I feel bad every time...”  
Roman agreed vigorously, making sure to listen intently as Patton lead them to the shoreline. 
Logan was walking the beach, gaze locked on the stars above when he heard it. 
He’d come out here to get away from the city’s air pollution and see the stars as clearly as he used to back home, so he was understandably surprised to hear the singing. A soft melody, like the kind a parent would use to lull their child to sleep, and undeniably pleasant. Logan turned his head to look for the source, not remembering anyone else on the beach, and saw a silhouetted figure in the water. 
He hesitated. It was a mildly cool night, and not many people were around, let alone swimming in such conditions, so he was undeniably curious as to what the stranger was doing. It would be rude to impose on them after he himself had come out here for solitude, but… 
 As though sensing his thoughts, the figure waved, beckoning him. He spared a moment to check that there wasn’t anyone else on the beach they could be gesturing to, and then stepped into the cool waves, unwilling to keep his curiosity unfulfilled or this melodical stranger waiting any longer.
If his thoughts hadn’t been so clouded, maybe he would have noticed the irrational manner in which he walked into the water fully clothed, or the fact that he couldn’t make out any of the words in the song, or the way the figure in the water seemed to be at a much farther distance than he’d thought. The melody was at the forefront of his mind, though, and so he didn’t realize that something was wrong until he was treading water and watching as the figure approached, revealing how big it truly was. 
He gaped up at the vaguely inhuman face looming over him, brain working to process it all. A mer- no, a siren? He’d been lured out by their song. He’d heard about the elusive giants, but hadn’t thought any were bold enough to come this close to a city. 
Apparently, he was wrong.
The panic only hit him once the siren scooped him from the water in one hand, lifting him up to face level. He thrashed, deathly afraid that the huge mouth was going to take a bite out of him, but the siren only looked at him with an expression oddly reminiscent of a smile and then covered him with their other hand, trapping him like a child with a firefly. He almost tipped over as the siren began to move, still keeping him above-water. 
Well. At least the creature wasn’t planning on drowning and/or devouring him immediately, though he wondered why. Perhaps they were planning on feeding him to their young? Did sirens play with their food?
It didn’t matter, he thought as he shook the thought away with a shudder. He had more time to plan an escape, and that was what counted.
Virgil took a shuddering breath, desperately trying to calm himself down enough to actually think. He had to stop cowering here like a guppy and actually find a way out of this situation! 
Okay, first. Take stock of what’s going on. 
He resisted the urge to giggle hysterically at his situation. He’d gotten caught in a human poaching net, drifted painfully until catching on some rocks that left him almost stranded out of the water, been found by a shark mer of all things, and now he was in said mer’s hand in a sea cave, waiting for the giant mer and his siren friend to figure out a way to get this net off so they could finally eat him. He wondered if this was how mussels felt when he spent ages trying to pry them open. 
The other mer arrived, popping out of the water energetically, and Virgil morbidly wondered how they were going to split him. Evenly? 30 - 70? Maybe the siren would only get a bite. 
He was distracted from thoughts of his imminent death by the sight of the siren raising his hands, which were closed into a tight circle. The shark holding him- Roman?- perked up, drifting closer. 
“Did you get one?” He asked, and the siren- Patton, he was pretty sure, though why he was recalling the names of the ones that were going to kill him was beyond him- opened his hands like an anemone blooming. 
In them sat a human, bespectacled and looking about as out of his depth as Virgil felt. He felt a strange pang of empathy, despite it being humans’ fault that he was stuck in this mess in the first place. Poor guy was going to be used as a tool to open his net and then chowed on. Looked like the shark mer wasn’t going to have to share him after all. 
The empathy vanished as the two giants set them both down on a shelf of rock above the water, leaving the human very much in his element and Virgil very much not. He wasn’t even able to sit up, too caught in the net to move or even open his mouth. He’d tried biting the net back when he’d been drifting along, and accidentally effectively muzzled himself.
The human took a step forwards, looking between him and the giants, and Virgil growled threateningly, flaring his ear fins. 
“Hey, don’t be mean!” Roman chided, reaching down and setting a hand on him as though trying to soothe a pufferfish. “He’s only trying to help.” 
Despite himself, Virgil froze under the touch, afraid he would be crushed if he disagreed. The human watched him with keen eyes, and when Roman withdrew, he didn’t step forwards again. Instead, he sat on the ground a distance away, raising a hand up.       
“May I help you?” He asked, and Virgil’s eyebrows raised. He hadn’t expected the guy to try talking to him. Generally speaking, humans were more stab first, ask never.
He shook his head sharply anyways. The longer he was in this net, the longer he wasn’t in a shark’s mouth. Even if he was beginning to get dizzy from blood loss. The human frowned, but surprisingly enough, stay put. 
“Very well. I am Logan. I assume you can understand me, but can you speak?” 
Virgil hesitated for a moment, before shaking ‘no’ again and then tilting his head back slightly to display the wires wrapped around his jaw. Logan nodded. 
“Ah, I see. Then-” 
“What are they saying?” Patton asked, inadvertently cutting Logan off. Virgil looked up at them in disbelief. He’d known that giant mers were fairly isolated from humans, but he’d spent so long using human knowledge to avoid them that he could barely imagine not knowing the language. Being big really did change one’s perspective on things, he supposed.
Roman cast him a concerned look. “I don’t know… maybe the little guy scared him? Here, let me…”
He reached over, prompting Virgil to flatten himself further against the rock, and gently slid Logan across the distance between them, leaving the human only a foot away. Virgil’s ears pinned back, but he didn’t hiss, both out of fear of Roman and because he could tell by the look on Logan’s face that he was an unwilling participant in the movement. 
“My apologies.” He mumbled once the hand retracted and they’d both taken a breath. “I have no idea what they’re saying, but I assume they want me to do something about the net. Am I correct?” 
Virgil nodded, but something fearful in his body language must have shone through, because Logan didn’t reach out.   
“What… Do you know what they will do to us once you are free?” He asked lowly, pretending to be looking over the netting. Virgil took a deep breath, figuring he might as well tell the guy, and then managed to pry his mouth open just enough to clack his teeth in a mockery of a biting motion.  
Logan exhaled sharply, unsurprised. “Well then. I suppose that in order to have more time to formulate a plan of escape, I could make untangling this net much more complicated than it has to be, hm?”
Virgil blinked, looking between him and the two giant mers staring down at them with undisguised curiosity. Logan spoke again, carefully sliding his fingers along Virgil’s face and working the netting free. 
“How does a temporary alliance to get out of here sound?” 
Virgil worked his jaw as the metal was finally removed, both of them tense with the knowledge that he could lunge forwards and take a bite out of the human himself at this range. He opened his mouth. 
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Hmmm Janus and Logan find out that Remus is a little and they take care of the baby? You don't have to! Take your time too :3
Thanks for the prompt!
Caregivers: Logan/Janus
Regressor: Remus
Remus was sitting on his bed watching beetlejuice for the third time in a row and using crayons to fill in a gory picture in his coloring book. Neither activity was exactly kid friendly but Remus didnt know what else to do. He only knew the creepy movies, that was his jurisdiction, so that was what he watched. Same with the coloring. He might try to draw something 'normal' bit it always came out....off...
None of the other sides knew he regressed to deal with the constant stream of intrusive thoughts running through his head at all times. He was never one to keep secrets but this...this was the one thing the other sides didn't know about him and he was going to keep it that way. He didnt need them to pay less attention to him than they already did when they would surely decide he was less of a threat than they originally thought.
He pouts at the idea of less attention. He really cant get enough if it. Not that anyone is willing to give it to him. Sure Deceit might tolerate him. They might even have what some would call pleasant interactions from time to time. But Janus was really very busy usually, and he tended to get very grumpy when Remus interrupted his meticulous planning sessions with his morningstar and a moldy banana that he threw at the wall.
So there he sat in his room, watching beetlejuice and colouring alone, even though he really wanted someone to pay attention to him.
Janus noted that Remus had been acting...odd lately. He would make excuses for why he had to leave the room suddenly and while it was believable to most of the sides when Remus said he had to go figure out the melting point of birds, Janus could taste the lie.
After a few times of this happening he decided enough was enough and he was going to get to the bottom of whatever the trash man was doing. It was making him nervous to say the least. Remus didnt usually lie so whatever he was doing was probably highly destructive in Janus's mind.
When he creaked open the door however he did not expect to see Remus in a onesie watching beetlejuice and coloring with his thumb in his mouth.
Furthermore he definitely didnt expect Remus to look at him with wide eyes and begin wailing and scrambling away from him.
What??? Was all Janus could think for a few moments before he took a deep breath and slowly approached Remus, trying to calm him down.
"Remus, are you okay?"
He shook his head and backed up a bit more.
"Its alright I'm not going to hurt you." He tried to assure him.
"Bu- but you- think m' not scawy anymore!" He wailed.
Jan winced and reached him, placing a hand on his shoulder and Remus collapsed, knees giving out. Luckily Janus was able to catch him and lifted him up.
"Believe me I am all sorts of scared right now. Come on, we're taking you to Logan, he'll know what's going on with you." Janus quickly sunk out with him confused as all hell as Remus started crying and squirming again. Logan already didnt take him seriously! But Janus kept a tight grip on him and rapped at logans door impatiently.
"Logan. Logan!"
The glasses clad side opened the door with a look of exasperation
"What?!" Then his eyes fell on remus and he stepped back a bit in surprise, giving janus the opportunity to briskly walk in with Remus and set him on the bed. Said side was now hiding his face in a pillow.
"He's broken. We broke him." Janus pointed at Remus,
"He isnt broken Janus." Logan brushed him off and approached Remus. "Hmm...I think I might have an idea of what's going on. What was he doing when you found him?" He questioned.
"Umm...watching beetlejuice and doing a coloring page I think?"
Logan nods to himself.
"And did he seem different than usual?"
Janus points to Remus
"Oh I don't know Logan. What do you think??"
Logan rolled his eyes but nodded. "I think I might have some idea of what's going on."
He sat down slowly next to Rwmus so he didn't startle him. "Remus, how old are you?"
"What kind of question is that? He's thirt-"
"M' two." Came the hesitant reply.
Janus stared at him, more and more confused by the second as Logan just nodded and readjust his glasses.
"As I thought. It seems Remus is engaging in a coping mechanism commonly known as age regression."
"Age what now?" Janus asked as Remus whined and buried his head behind Logan while he rubbed his back, not liking that his secret was being figured out.
"Age regression. It's when an individual either voluntarily or involuntarily reverts back to an earlier stage in their state of mind. So Remus here," he gestured to him "is about the mental mindset of a two year old. Is that right honey?" His voice softened as he turned to Remus for the last bit who nodded reluctantly.
"M' sorry..."
"Oh no need to apologize." He picks him up and sets him on his lap. "Its a perfectly healthy coping mechanism, we arent going to judge you for it." He perks up a bit at that and nuzzles into Logan, enjoying the attention.
"How do you know so much about this?" Dee asked, eyebrow raised.
"Virgil taught me." He responded simply, not giving a further explanation and Janus didnt ask for one. Just sat down next to the two other sides as Remus played happily with Logans fingers, no longer worried about them knowing his secret as it didnt seem like they were going to judge him.
"So...what do we do?" Janus asked finally.
"Well we should supervise him until he comes out of this headspace. From what he's told us he's fairly young and honestly I dont trust adult Remus to be unsupervised." He shifted Remus out of his hold and handed him off to Janus who took him and set him on his hip. "I'm going to make him some food, entertain him while I'm gone." He turns and walks out leaving the too alone.
"So...what do you want to do buddy?"
Twenty minutes later Logan walks in on the two watching a horror film and looks positively exasperated.
"Why are you watching this with him?"
"Um...because he said he wanted to watch it?" Janus looks confused.
"He's two Jan, this is not age appropriate." He turns of the television with a click, getting whines from both Janus and Remus.
"Its lunch time anyways Remus." Logan tuts and lifts him off of Janus. He hands him a sippy cup and some dinosaurs nuggets which he quickly demolishes and whines in complaint when Logan wipes the crumbs and ketchup off his face.
"Hold still Remus." He grunts as he tries to get it while Remus shakes his head away.
Ree sticks out his tounge and hops down giggling and running out the door and into the imagination, he decided he wanted to cause some trouble.
Janus is up and chasing after him almost instantly while Logan shakes his head and sighs in his room, cleaning up the dishes.
Remus cackles as he watches jan try to follow him through the imagination. Remus knows every inch of the territory so he's much faster. At least he was until the imagination did its job. You see since Remus was in the imagination, the place where thoughts come to life, and his thoughts were currently that of a small child...well he shrunk rather quickly to that age and soon enough Janus caught up to him as he stumbled on his tiny legs.
"Gotchya!" Janus scooped him up and he shrieked with laughter, Jan couldn't help a small smile either.
"You certainly are a handful."
He smiles deviously and nods.
Jan brings him back to Logans room but he doesn't regain his usual size. Logan theorizes that he probably wont until he ages up again.
"Remus." Logan scolds when they arrive back. "You cannot run off like that." Ree just sticks out his tounge with a small pout.
"I know baby." Logan takes him from Jan. "It isnt fair is it? But the imagination is dangerous for a child to be all alone in. What if the dragon witch saw you?"
He shrugged, he hadn't thought of that.
"Exactly." Logan set him down on the bed and Remus let out a tiny yawn.
"Is it naptime?" Janus asks
"No!" Remus shouted.
"Oh so you aren't tired?" Janus asked eyebrow raised.
"....nooo... "
"That's a lie." He said "do you know what happens to little babies who lie?"
Remus shook his head.
"They turn into tacos!" Janus quickly wraps him up in a blanket as he giggles wildly.
Janus slips him under the comforter and he frowns "you tricked me!"
"That I did." Jan smirks "now get some rest little hatchling." He grumbles but they taper off as Logan and Janus cuddle him to sleep.
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bizmuth101 · 4 years
Choking- Tokoyami Fumikage
Kinktober Day 28
X Female 
Wow FT, it’s been a while. Almost October again you say? Haven’t finished last year’s yet you say? Don’t worry, I’m getting there. I 100% from the bottom of my heart promise that I will be done by THIS Saturday with last year’s kinktober and the list for this year’s will follow suit, I promise! Thank all my followers for having so much patience with me. Take a smexy birb boi.
You had always known Tokoyami to be a fairly shy boy. He was smaller and more frail than most of the other guys back when you were in 1-A together, and for the most part that hadn’t really changed much. He was only an inch or so taller than you now, even as a pro, and despite the fact that he normally never really seemed to mind being so much smaller than most other males his age, other days were like today. 
You could tell that it really got to him sometimes. The comments about his height, and most days Dark Shadow didn’t hellp all that much, sometimes adding a bit to the pressure and the teasing. Today was one of those days that it just didn’t seem like it was going his way at all. 
It was after a mission, at a small press meeting where the few comments started. Some reporters making questions and even some jokes about being a pro hero at his height. Others were from ‘fans’ in the crowd teasing and prodding him about you and ‘how he got such a beauty’. It aggravated him and he brushed it off but you could tell that it had obviously bothered him. After that, some friends dragged him out drinking and, having some paperwork to do, you headed back to your shared apartment to wait for him. All was well until he had gotten home, a little before midnight and your confusion sank in. 
When you heard the sound of the door closing you were excited to see your boyfriend and his other half, smiling softly as you closed your laptop and went to meet your presumably drunk  boyfriends. However, catching a glimpse of the time you worried a bit and walked out to greet him. He seemed aggravated, almost angry when he saw you and that only concerned you more. 
“Hey, Toko. You’re home pretty-” He cut you off almost immediately with a hand held up to silence you. “I don’t want some fuckin welcome home, alright? Just… lemme go to sleep.” He grumbled making you frown, reaching out to gently touch his shoulder as he stepped past you.
 “Hey… what’s going on? Something happen while you were out?” Your voice was filled with concern as you spoke, your eyes worried. He paused and looked over at you slightly, his anger fading just enough to let common sense sink in and he just shook his head with a simple, “I dont wanna talk about it.” 
You nodded your head slowly and carefully pulled him closer with a small smile. “Is there anything I can do to help?” You hummed out gently letting him think and breathe for a moment before watching him shake his head slightly. “I feel like I wanna punch something… or someone.” He huffed and you nodded once more. 
“If you can think of anything, anything at all. I will gladly help in whatever way I can.” Your smile always seemed to lighten the other’s mood a bit and he nodded. After a moment of pause he turned, a smirk spread over his bird-like features as he nodded. 
“Actually.” He paused. “I think there is one thing I can think of that might help.” He hummed out slowly and pulled you closer, gently leaning in and nipped lightly at your slightly exposed shoulder. “Can we do that tonight?” He hummed out slowly and your smile only widened a little. 
“If you think that will help you feel better than of course. He seemed to lighten up a bit more at your agreement and in seconds he was tugging you back toward your bedroom. 
You had done this for him many times before. It was his… outlet, in a way at least. He enjoyed it when the anger and inferiority sank in just a bit too deeply and he enjoyed being in absolute control. Not just of you, but of everything you did, said, felt… He needed that superiority from time to time. 
Today was like every other time. He slowly pulled you back to your room, shoving you back against the bed to make you wait. The same small smirk played over his face as he pulled out what you would need, the most important of the few things he grabbed, a matching set, a beautiful looking dog collar with a dazzling and bejeweled tag hanging from the front and a pairing leash made of a fine and soft leather that anyone would love the feeling of. 
Sitting on the edge of the bed you watched the other gathering up a few things before he gently kneeled on the bed beside you his beak gently nudging your cheek affectionately, a bit of calm reassurance before what you were about to do as he carefully let his hands slide up along your sides and to your neck with the collar in hand. He hummed slowly and gently clasped the collar onto your neck, taking care as he gently clipped the leash to the back of the leash smiling softly as he gave a small tug, smirking slowly at you. 
You let a small gasp escape you at the tug and you leaned your head back into the feeling of the leather against your skin. “Toko…” You hummed slowly and reached out, gently pulling Tokoyami closer, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. “I love you.” You cooed out soft and slow, your hands gently tracing along his sides, holding him close and giving a small smile. 
He smirked and nodded slowly, one hand moving to your hip to pull him closer. “I love you too.” He gave a soft nudge to your cheek once more, the leash wrapped firmly around his free hand as he held onto you, giving a few moments of calm and relaxation before giving your collar a rough tug backward making you gasp as fall back against the bed blushing a bit as he moved over you with a smirk. 
“God, you’re so beautiful like this.” He smirked and let the hand on your hip move and slide up underneath your shirt. Your breath hitched at the feeling and you slowly leaned your head back against the bed, a soft hum leaving you. You gave a small smile as his hand slid along the bare skin under your oversized lounge shirt, it had been late after all, you hadn’t exactly been expecting this turn of events. 
You hummed when he pulled back, letting go of the leash temporarily to pull your shirt up and over your head, tossing it to the side and looking down at you with a smirk. “Hm. On your knees, baby.” He cooed out slowly to which you quickly obeyed, rolling first to your stomach, left only on a tight pair of shorts now, and slowly pushed yourself up onto your knees. Tokoyami smirked, his hand trailing down to retrieve the soft leather of your leash, humming slowly as he looked over you. “So beautiful.” He hummed once more before pulling the leash taut, a strangled gasp leaving you from the suddenness of it, blushing darkly as he held the leash in place, keeping it tight and restricting your ability to breathe.
He kept the leash tight, the collar pressed firmly against your neck as you tried to breathe. After a moment he let it go slack, giving you a chance to gasp for air, a small whine leaving you as you leaned against your bed shakily. 
“T-Toko~...” You shuddered out his name as he shifted forward so he was sitting directly behind you. 
“You make such pretty noises when I do this, hon. You like when I take control, don’t you?” He hummed deeply, free hand tracing the cusp of your ass and gently squeezing before he tugged the leash lightly again. 
There was always such a thrill when Tokoyami did this. His words always seemed so soft as he choked you, the leather digging into your skin, sometimes leaving light bruises that he would comment on the following days. He was always so gentle otherwise, that grip on the leash showing his control. One pull too hard, one slip up was all it took, but you had absolute trust in your boyfriend. He wouldn’t hurt you, not in any real way. 
“L-love it… like I’m all yours.” You cooed out in response as soon as his light tug loosened enough for your lungs to fill with air. You could almost feel his smirk, the eyes on your back. The light dust of his fingers along your hips comforting you as you spoke and a small chuckle left him. He seemed to appreciate that you always went along with this. That you let him have his way, feel the control he desperately needed. And you were glad to oblige. However, his movements didn’t stay innocent and loving for long, as your body began to relax the pressure was once more against your neck, cutting off your airway as he brought his hand down roughly against your ass, a few digits striking against bare skin and leaving behind a pleasant burn as you tried to gasp in a breath.
He kept his hold strong as he rubbed his hand over the place he’d hit, eventually sliding his hand down the outside then carefully up along the inside of your thigh sending breathless shivers through your body as his hand slipped up dangerously close to your heat, already beginning to soak through the thin fabric of your shorts after only a few simple touches.  
“T-ah-Toko~...” You bit your lip as the other pulled tighter, completely cutting off the air to your already burning lungs. You moaned out slightly, the sound strangled by the soft fabric of the leash around your neck pulling tight and making you tremble. 
He held the leash tight for a few long moments, your vision blurring and your neck aching where the collar dug against your skin. As your body trembled beneath the strong grasp of your lover he finally loosened his hold, allowing much needed hair to desperately flood into your lungs. 
You coughed a couple times as you gasped for air, Tokoyami giving you little reprieve before his hand was moving again, striking down against your ass once more, gently sliding along the curve of your rear and up along the small of your back. For just a moment he dropped the leash completely allowing him to free you from the remaining clothes you still wore, his tight grip quickly returning and cutting your air back once more. 
“God, you’re so fucking soaked, (y/n). You absolutely love this don’t you?” He smirked slightly as you moaned softly and nodded your approval. You did, you really did; you loved when he acted so dominant and strong treating you like this.
“F-feels so good…” You breathed out shakily, your voice already becoming a bit hoarse from the lack of oxygen. 
“Good, then why don’t we continue?” He hummed and once more pulled the leash taut. You could feel your heart thrumming in your throat against the feeling of the soft leather when he pulled again, gasping in a last second of air as he held your hips tightly, suddenly pressing forward a bit and grinding himself up against your ass. “So pretty, trying to moan when you can’ even breathe right.” He smirked slowly and leaned over you, gently nipping at your shoulder and making you force out a strangled yelp, moaning softly as the fabric pressed harder against your throat and you felt dizzy. Before you even got a chance to complain, Tokoyami’s free hand slid down your side and hip and slipped behind you, suddenly pressing two fingers deep into your already dripping and aching heat, spreading his fingers apart and curling them roughly.
 Your head rolled back in a silent plea, legs trembling as they worked to hold you up, arms in the same boat, struggling to keep you upright less you fall and tighten the pull on the leash around your neck. 
“Fuck, do that again, babe~.” He cooed out behind you, his fingers curling again, hitting against your sweet spot and making you mewl, your back arching up slightly. 
You could feel his erection pressing up against the back of your thigh, mind racing with thoughts. You wanted him inside you, and you wanted him badly. 
You let out a small whine and pressed back against him slightly, only prompting him to tighten his grip on your leash, your vision blurring slightly as he pulled his fingers out of you and roughly bought his hand down against your ass a strangled groan leaving you. 
“You know the rules, you get what I give you. When I give it to you.” He smirked. “Unless you wanna beg for it.” He cooed and rubbed over the bright red mark his hand had left, a perfect outline of his hand now stamped on your rump. 
You nodded meekly, stilling your hips as he finally let the leash loosen and you gasped in, sputtering for a moment before asoft whine left you and you spoke up. “T-Toko, please~. I-I want you, please fuck me.” Your voice wavered slightly and you panted slowly, head spinning as the other smirked looking down on your desperate and needy form. Heat pooled between your legs turning into slick that now ran down the inside of your thighs in a couple of slow trails that dripped onto the bed, your lips parted in desperation as you pleaded for the release of his cock inside of you. 
Tokoyami seemed pleased by the display before him, a smirk finding his lips as he leaned over you and nudged your cheek, fabric moving behind you as he seemingly pulled his pants down. You felt the brush of his boxers before the head f skin on skin shot fireworks through your head and you moaned, your stomach aching with an animalistic need to have him inside, o have him fucking you, his body pressed against yours, your moans telling him just how much you needed him to touch you like this. And he could tell. 
The bird-headed male smirked and teased against your entrance driving you to the edge of tears as your desperation grew. You wanted him inside you and you wanted it now, but you knew that the only thing that moving your hips back would get you was another hard spanking and the thought made you moan. “P-please, Toko… please fuck me…” Your voice was soft and whiny, glancing back at him over your shoulder, prompting a sharp tug of the leash making you look down again, gasping when he suddenly and completely without warning thrust his whole length into you, angling right against your most pleasurable spot making white explode across your vision. 
Before you were even given a chance to moan out the collar around your neck tightened as Tokoyami pulled the leash and cut off any sound that dared escape. 
“So fuckin pretty for me, babe~. You like that, huh?” He hummed as he began to move his hips into you, fucking you at different speeds, starting slow, then slamming his hips foreward, then finding a steady pace only to slow down again. It was agonizing, it was amazing, it was making you lose yourself in his movements, his every motion sending you into another fit of silent and choked out moans. 
After a while, he loosed his grip and your moans spilled over, filling the room with whiny and loud cries of pleasure, your arms and legs finally giving out below you as you collapsed with your face down on the pillow below you. Tokoyami chuckled as you collapsed, your legs trembling as they sent you into a knee-bent split on the bed and you let out an obviously displeased whine when Tokoyami slipped out of you from the motions. 
“Awe~ Someone couldn’t hold themselves up, huh?” He smirked and you whined, nodding shamefully against the bed, trying to lift your hips back up to present yourself to him so he could be inside you once more, cunt dripping with the fluids of your sex and pre from Tokoyami’s cock. “That’s too bad, because if you want me to keep fucking you, you’ll have to put it in yourself.” he purred in a low and seductive tone that sent shivers down your spine and made your body feel weaker than before. 
“I-I can’t…” You whimpered slowly and bit your lip slightly. He gave a slight warning tug to your leash and you panted slowly trying once more to force your hips upward. Your hunger for his cock seemed to somehow overpower the weakness in your arms and legs and somehow you managed to regain your position enough to reach a hand behind you, face still pressed in the pillow as you positioned yourself and pressed back, gasping when your opening found the head of his dick and he thrust forward, once again filling your pussy and making you moan in satisfaction. 
“Fuck. You love my cock don’t you, babe~.” he smirked as he slowly dropped the leash, letting soft leather slip down your back and land beside your head on the bed as both his hands tightly gripped your hips and he found a rough pace, hips pounding against yours and sending the room full of the sound of skin on skin and your loud and breathless moans. His grunts and groaning followed suit and the lovely sounds that came with sex surrounded you. 
In that moment you were in your own little bubble, as tightness grew in your stomach and your breath was taken away with every thrust and every animalistic growl that left Tokoyami in response, you simply lost yourself to time and before you knew it the male behind you was leaning over you, your tell-tale sign that your lover was close. “B-baby… I-I wanna cum~...” You whimpered against the pillow beneath you with a shaky whine as his hips snapped forward and he practically jack-hammered into you with a small smirk and a nod, breath hot against your ear as he spoke. 
“Then cum, babe, tighten up so I can fill you.” He groaned and, almost as soon as your body was given permission, you did exactly as told, your walls clamping down and tightening around him, moaning out loudly, head throwing back as white hot pleasure washed through every vein in our body and you came, a release of fluid pouring down the inside of your thighs and pulling a deep groan from Tokoyami who snapped his hips forward a few more times before a satisfied moan left him and he spilled his seed deep inside you. 
He stayed there as the minutes passed, slowly letting both of your breathing even out and calm, your head spinning as he held you against his chest. Eventually he pulled out, a stream of fluids coming out with it, down onto the carefully placed blanket that had been unknowingly set out beforehand. He nudged the end of his beak caringly against your cheek and his fingers brushed along your sides soothingly. 
You teetered on the edge of consciousness for a moment as he touched you before effectively passing out, going limp in his arms. Faintly you could hear the male chuckle as he shifted you to lie down properly, moving the dirty towel to the hamper and returning with a warm, wet, washcloth to clean you off, taking care as he removed your collar, and with it, the leash, lightly nudging your cheek once in a while with a caring smile. As he cleaned up the room a bit, as well as both of you, he slowly crawled into bed beside you, pulling up a warm and fluffy blanket to wrap around your sleeping form and pull you closer. It didn’t take long before he was drifting too, exhausted from the day as he lied there. The last thing you just barely caught in your light sleep was the soft mumble of, “I love you,” from Tokoyami as he fell asleep beside you, both of you wrapped in one another’s warmth as the night finally took you.
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joy1579 · 4 years
the RFA reacting to MC listening to creepy pasta
I’ll admit its been a while since i listened to any new creepypasta so these are pretty old ones but i figured since they arent mine and i dont really name them in most cases i should like them  jumin - russian sleep experiment yoosung - rapid blink (a my little pony grim dark fanfiction) saeyoung - the man who ate newborns zen -  mr. widemouth  and  dear abbey jaehee - to be honest i cant remember this ones title it was really good and i cant find it anymore so if anyone knows it send it my way cuz i only heard it once at a live reading at sanjapan I’d love to hear it again though
·        You were listening while knitting in his home office
·        He was working at his desk and paying no attention to the voice playing from your phone
·        Absently he comments that the piano background music was pleasant
·        You smile because of course that’s the part he notices.
·        As the story goes on you two sit in amicable silence listening to the story
·        Then a sickening crunch rings through the air and you see Jumin grimace out of the corner of your eye
·        “darling? Was that your story?”
·        “huh? Oh yes it was.”
·        “that sounded sickening” and indeed he was a little pale though you may have missed it if you didn’t know him so well
·        You tried to stifle your laugh “yeah I think it was supposed to be the character’s arm being crushed.”
·        “what?”
·        “you weren’t listening to the story were you?”
·        “I listened to the music”
·        “here you should listen to this next one it’s my favorite.” You said moving to sit in his lap as you began the next video
·        “its about this scientific experiment, where they locked people up and didn’t let them sleep. Eventually they end up going crazy. They mutilate and cannibalize themselves, super creepy.” You explained excitedly
·        He looked at you concerned for a moment before speaking
·        “is this what you were discussing with my new assistant yesterday before we went to lunch”
·        “yes! Actually she’s even more into it than I am she gave me some good suggestions.”
·        “Puppy? I’m gonna run to the convenience store real quick okay?”
·        He leaned back in his computer chair to look at you upside down as you stood behind him
·        “okay MC! oh if they have honey”
·        “I know yoosungie I’ll grab you some if they have them!” you said leaning over him to kiss his nose “love you. I’ll be back soon.”
·        You grabbed your purse and headed out the door
·        A few minutes after you had left Yoosung noticed you had left you phone
·        Picking it up he noticed the quiet words that came from the headphones
·        Curious he put on the headphones and began to listen
·        It was a fanfiction. He recognized the characters from a show you watched every Saturday.
·        A cute reboot of a cartoon from your childhood hi figured the story would follow the same plotlines of friendship and togetherness
·        But as he listened it took a darker turn
·        The main character was trapped, stuck with no resources aside from the occasional clone of herself that spawned into whatever hellscape she was trapped in
·        Yoosung was horrified listening to the story describe how the broken and desperate character would slaughter her clone to build necessities in a hopeless search for escape.
·        By the time you got back he was in tears hugging your plush version of the character
·        You rushed to comfort him and saw what he had listened to
·        “oh puppy I’m so sorry I didn’t think you’d listen to my grimdark fiction!
·        “why do YOU listen to it?!? I thought you liked that show because it was cute!”
·        “I do! It’s so cute. But I like the horror stories to. The contrast is, it’s fun.” You explained gently combing your fingers through his hair
·        “it actually makes me think of you puppy” you say absently as you feel him starting to calm down
·        “what?!?!?!” he cried shooting up from your arms in an instant
·        “well your so cute and I love that your cute, but you can also be tough like when you went to the hacker’s headquarters for me. Your cute and manly, like that show is cute and can be scary. Your everything I love.” You explained
-        He knew you liked creepy pasta he had seen your YouTube history
-        What he didn’t know was that you had it downloaded on your phone to listen to as you fell asleep
-        So when the silence of Rikas apartment is broken by the squeal of car breaks and shattering glass he was justifiably terrified
-        He was busting through the bedroom door to check on you
-        But all he saw was you halfway off the bed mid lunge for your phone
-        he watched you finish your tumble to the floor fumbling with your phone to stop the story that was playing
-        You looked embarrassed and a little sleep addled
-        “Sorry I thought I took that one out of my playlist”
-        He stood stock still for a moment
-        “I didn’t mean to scare you sorry! It should have been deleted its way to loud I think I did something wrong when I downloaded it.”
-        “what? MC was that your phone?” he asked confused
-        “yeah its um it’s the, the story where the guy tries to kidnap the new born but gets in a car crash, hence you know the um screech crash clang. Sorry”
-        His back hit the wall and he slid to the floor wearily
-        “MC you’re going to be the death of me”
-        “um I, I got it off my playlist this time.” You offer “I think.” You add under your breath
-        He held out his hand to you and you sheepishly placed you phone in his hands quickly he tapped away before handing your phone back to you
-        “thanks” you say softly crawling to sit beside him on the floor
-        “so living with a bomb, and being hunted by a hacker isn’t spooky enough for you? You’ve gotta listen to scary stories too?” he asked tiredly
-        “well the bomb and the hacker, they aren’t scary if you’re here. I mean even if the worst happens I think it would be okay cuz I got to meet you”
-        He groaned and let his head fall to his knees
-        “you really are going to kill me aren’t you” he said as you saw his ears turn pink
-        Zen thought You were adorable literally just the cutest thing possible
-        That’s why he was shocked when one of his cast member who was a big horror fan mentioned a scary internet story and you immediately jumped into the conversation
-        “mr. creepypasta? Or creepypasta jr. ?” you asked
-        “Oh mr. creepypasta! I didn’t think you’d listen to creepypasta which ones your favorite?” the cast member asked
-        “nothing beats “MR.Widemouth” for me gotta love a monster that tries to make you do his dirty work for him”
-        “oh definitely but I like “dear Abby” myself that one is chilling
-        You spent the rest of the shoot chatting with him quietly at the far side of the studio so you two didn’t disturb the shooting
-        Zen had to admit it was getting to him
-        You were HIS girlfriend why didn’t he know about this interest of yours.
-        And why were you so happily chatting with another guy about it
-        He confronts you on the way home
-        “I knew you weren’t into it Zenny it’s not a big deal”
-        “you talked to him all day MC. you know I’d listen to you right? Even if it’s not my thing why didn’t you tell me?”
-        “here how about we do a spa night tonight and I’ll show you my favorite so you don’t feel left out next time”
-        He chuckled and kissed your temple
-        “well I can’t turn down my princess can I”
-        So that night you ran a bath for the both of you
-        You leaned against his chest and each did a facemask as you queued up the playlist on your phone
-        You could feel him tense at every sound effect and could hear him grimace at the stories more gruesome details
-        You chuckled a bit before saying “zenny you don’t have to listen to them you know”
-        “just, why are they all so dark?”
-        “because that’s the point their supposed to be spooky”
-        He tried he really did. He listened until you two where drying off after the relaxing soak
-        He sighed dejectedly “you were right jagi it really isn’t my thing” he said as he toweled your hair dry
-        “but you tried and that means so much to me babe” you said leaning up to steal a kiss from him
-        She knew about them but she wasn’t a fan of horror
-        So she had never paid any attention to those videos as she browsed the internet
-        And she certainly didn’t expect to walk into the café one morning before opening to you pulling a cake out of the oven and listening to a deep voice graphically describing a head wound
-        “MC what on earth are you listening to?”
-        “it’s a creepypasta!” you chirped brightly
-        “those scary stories from youtube” she questioned further as she made her way around the counter
-        “yeah in this one this guys tries to cure his depression but cutting out a chunk of his own brain”
-        “that’s awfull” she exclaimed
-        “well yeah. It doesn’t end to well for him either”
-        “of course not!” She said shaking her head as she tied her apron on to help you prepare to open the café.
-        The day went on fairly normally but as you closed she turned to you
-        “that story, it’s not true.”
-        You looked at her a little confused before nodding “of course not”
-        “no one could survive that” she muttered to herself
-        “no one” you agreed growing more puzzled by the second
-        “how could people even come up with something so awful” she asked you setting a broom to the side
-        “I don’t know? Jaehee are you okay?” you ask looking her in the eyes
-        “I, yes MC I’m fine. The details in that story simply shook me up I suppose”
-        You were careful from then on about listening to your stories only with headphones
-        Jaehee wasn’t weak by any stretch of the imagination, but if something made her uncomfortable than you weren’t going to push it.
-        You loved her after all
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Discord pt 93
[Date: 18/03, 05:45 PM GMT - 18/03, 06:29 PM GMT]
[Prior to the below conversation, Maxwell and the people from the server were discussing how the liquid from the cut-off bud from the previous day appears to be red to Maxwell, yet it had appeared as white in color to Marcus and the others after the bud was cut. The bud was also fairly large, about half the size of Maxwell’s thumb, and may have been one of the calendula marigolds, not the freesias. The flower petals can be around like a normal petal, but they’re still metal. The bud hadn’t wilted]
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Maxwell: “so....
whats this about”
|[Little-K1ng: “I wish I hadn’t snapped at fetch like that… maybe when he comes back I can give him a proper apology”
Maxwell: “hm perhaps that would be good
family should get along”]|
Marcus: “.....
..we didn't want to worry you”
Jack the Observer: “that was the spoilered image from yesterday afternoon. Mona decided it would be beneficial not to let you know.
you know. seeing as it was rather uncharacteristic.”
donti (e): “... yea”
Marcus: “...seeing as you had already spoken ender”
Maxwell: “i...i dont remember saying that”
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Jack the Observer: “i doubt it was actually you who said it.
much more likely it was some partial incarnation of Page.”
Marcus: “....it didn't sound like you”
Maxwell: “the fuck do you mean it didnt sound like me
Marcus: “i mean it didn't sound like you, Max”
Maxwell: “why didnt you tell me!”
Marcus: “we didn't want to worry you!”
Maxwell: “want me to worry?! about what! that Im gonna end up back with crown even if I dont wanna be! I already know that!”
donti (e): “heey hey they.. didnt want to worry you
everything else was already stressful..”
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Marcus: “...”
Jack the Observer: “donti.
your goody goody nice-talk is not helpful here.”
Marcus: “max”
donti (e): “... alright.”
Marcus: “im sorry”
Maxwell: “.....
look i just
i hate being treated like a child
i mean
Its like the whole circlet argument all over again!”
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Marcus: “....the
Maxwell: “what”
Marcus: “how do you
how do you know about that argument”
Marcus: “max what else do you remember”
Maxwell: “IVE-- ive been remembering random things while forgetting others i cant tell anymore”
Marcus: “......
why didn't you... tell us?
how long”
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Maxwell: “I just thought they were dreams or nightmares
i dont know....ever since the trial maybe?”
Marcus: “..
Maxwell: “what...”
Marcus: “i'm sorry”
Marcus: “everything
for everything okay!
i'm sorry we didn't tell you about the voice thing last night
i'm sorry fetch tried to lie about the buds in your hair!
i'm sorry that you and i got into that stupid argument and that we had to leave our family because i wouldnt tell you something!”
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Maxwell: ��I hate this....why does everyhting think they have to keep things from me”
Marcus: “I'm sorry”
Maxwell: “I aint a god damn kid....i havent been for a while....”
Marcus: “I know that Max
I know”
Maxwell: “.....you....”
Marcus: “....”
Maxwell: “marcus
stand in the light for a sec”
Marcus: “im sorry
Maxwell: “please please just stand in the sunlight for a moment”
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Marcus: “max..?”
Maxwell: “.....I think I know why you've been so tired....”
Marcus: “stress?”
Maxwell: “no...
i...im sorry me getting made probably brought it on im so fucking sorry--”
Marcus: “..max?”
Maxwell: “the leaves”
Marcus: “the what”
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Jack the Observer: “huh.
marcus is also growing a wreath.”
Maxwell: “the leaves have sprouted”
disks and the color red |Stars: “thats unfortunate”
Maxwell: “im sorry im sorry im so fucking sorry”
Jack the Observer: “interesting”
LLyr: “max, this isnt your fault”
Marcus: “i...”
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donti (e): “heeeyy thats kinda rude guysss”
Marcus: “max why would this be your fault”
LLyr: “there’s no way you could have prevented or made this happen”
Jack the Observer: “[i whisper to dave] i wonder how much it will effect him, considering the circlet did little to nothing”
Maxwell: “but it happened after we started arguing after I upset you im so fucking sorry oh my god”
[donti (e): “heeeyy thats kinda rude guysss”]
LLyr: “thats just how they are :3″
emuhlee: “this isn't very pleasant :(”
donti (e): “yea.”
Marcus: “max it isn't your fault”
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Maxwell: “but arent you in pain?!”
Marcus: “um
Jack the Observer: “well. it makes sense that the "happiness wreaths" grow off of negative emotions.”
Maxwell: “......what...”
Marcus: “i didn't even notice it happened”
Maxwell: “you...how--
syd screamed in pain I had headaches for days and even fetch is hurting...”
Marcus: “i dont... i don't know max
i don't have answers”
Jack the Observer: “oh, you're only partially immune”
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Marcus: “immune???”
Jack the Observer: “should've guessed – you still lost your memories after all.”
Raeva: “It could be because you've spent much more time with Crown than the rest of them”
Jack the Observer: “the circlet only worked partially. of course this wreath only works partially as well.”
[Jack the Observer: “[i whisper to dave] i wonder how much it will effect him, considering the circlet did little to nothing”]
disks and the color red |Stars: “dunno. i still think he wont go with the rest of them though [he whispers back]”
Marcus: “.........”
Jack the Observer: “if that were the case, the circlets should have less effect on Prince and Baron as well
not to mention Countess.”
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Marcus: “....oh that's your assumption...”
donti (e): “... they didnt need the laurels though”
Maxwell: “hm...”
Jack the Observer: “based on historical evidence, i would guess that Crown effects you less, in particular”
Marcus: “max...
max what are you humming?”
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donti (e): “uh
Jack the Observer : “if you're taken again, remember morse code :)”
Maxwell: “....what...”
donti (e): “... didnt crown figure out the morse code?”
Marcus: “..hm..hm...”
donti (e): “he used it in an ask of his own?”
Raeva: “Now you're both humming?”
Marcus: “max how do you know that tune?”
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Marcus: “you've never...
Maxwell: “......know that I'm with you the only way that I can.....”
Marcus: “....Until you're in my arms again....”
disks and the color red |Stars: “...interesting”
Maxwell: “.....remember me.....”
Marcus: “.....max”
Maxwell: “.....i dont know....
i cant tell whats my memories and whats....his”
Marcus: “....sometimes I can't either”
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Maxwell: “I hate it....it hurts...”
Marcus: “...I'm sorry”
Maxwell: “its not you...I'm....Im happy I met you guys...”
Marcus: “i'm glad i met you too..”
Baroness: “Hello Page and Viscount. :)”
Marcus: “the real you”
Maxwell: “ugh god, fuck off baroness...”
Marcus: “what the fuck are you doing in here”
Maxwell: “we aint in the mood”
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Maxwell: “okay wait how the fuck did you get into the god damn house”
Baroness: “I just thought I'd come by and see how things were growing. It looks like we're becoming a family again. :)”
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[Maxwell: “okay wait how the fuck did you get into the god damn house”]
Baroness: “Hmm, i think the door was unlocked. Funny that. :)”
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Maxwell: “what”
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Maxwell: “oh....mona left it unlocked in case fetch came back...”
Marcus: “......”
emuhlee: “.... :(”
Baroness: “So, it looks like you're starting to bloom Viscount. Are you excited? :)”
Marcus: “.......”
Maxwell: “leave him alone you piece of shit
or else ill be the one biting at you”
Marcus: “..max”
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Baroness: “Calling him what? his name? tell me, do you feel more like a Page or a Maxwell right now?”
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Maxwell: “maxwell you dumb bitch”
Marcus: “.......”
Baroness: “Alright. I'm sure that will change soon. :)”
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Marcus: “Pa- max don't antagonize her, please”
Maxwell: “you piece of shit you do anything to my family [deleted shortly afterwards] friends AND ILL KILL YOU”
donti (e): “heeey maxx chill
we should.. not do anything.. we will regret
hi baroness”
Marcus: “...”
Baroness: “I'm not doing anything.
The bloom will happen and spring will come.
You can't stop the changing of the seasons. :)
donti (e): “very poetic.. thank you”
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Baroness: “I'm just here to tend to the flowers. :)”
LLyr: “i mean with that logic winter will come eventually, won’t it?”
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Marcus: “Page- Max please stop yelling”
Maxwell: “.....”
donti (e): “hEYyyyYYYYyyyyyyyy heeeyyy everyone caaaallllmmmmm dooownnnn no need to yell”
Baroness: “Page, Page, Page. Is that any way to speak to your family?”
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Void: “for someone so concerned with a happy family baroness is awfully good at sowing discord and unhappiness”
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donti (e): “heyy heyy no need for sniping comments”
Marcus: “..not the time for puns, donti”
[Void: “for someone so concerned with a happy family baroness is awfully good at sowing discord and unhappiness”’
Baroness: “Sometimes you have to snip a few weeds for beautiful flowers to grow. :)”
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Void: “hm. don't like that.”
Baroness: “:)”
Marcus: “.....”
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yes i did this during my lunch break (and in english)
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Mm, if not lifelong than like a good amount of years. They occasionally also see other people though (poly coded)
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - T had to think about actually dating Klaus before getting into it. She looked into his past, everything. She didn’t want to be hurt. Klaus, however was like “mm, personality, shes pretty, smart, im in.”
How was their first kiss? - It was pleasant, it was random, after T met Klaus’ siblings. It wasn’t out of nowhere, but she was like :Thank you for introducing me to your broken family. *smooch*”Casual, but not casual.
Who proposed? - Klaus did. It wasn’t big either, he was just like “do weddings appeal to you?” and she’s always been on the fence about getting married, but she figured to might as well do it.
Who is the best man/men? - Klaus had Diego as his best man actually.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - T had her mom as her maid of honor.
Who did the most planning? - They both did equal planning. They’d talk it over and everything, but T likes to have everything exact, so she looked over everything, over and over until she found it fine enough.
Who stressed the most? - Klaus, actually. T enjoys putting things in order, and planning, but Klaus was worried about how everything would go. He wanted to make sure everything went right, and that most of all, T was happy.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.  It was a forest wedding, so kinda big, but small enough as to where it felt special.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding?- Anyone that even remotely made T feel uncomfortable. If they were gonna cause issues, they can do it elsewhere. The trees didn’t want to hear arguing. (her one aunt who didn’t want her marrying a white man)
Who is on top? - Topazi Um, they’re both switches, but it honestly depends on the mood. If one of them had a rough day, then the other would be the top. 
Who is the one to instigate things? - Either of them, it depends.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now. One look and the clothes are off (or on they’re kinky fucks)
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head. T’s fairly kinky, and so is Klaus, so they combine it to create just *sighs*. Their closets have a specific section for sex toys, spicy clothes.
How long do they normally last? - It depends. If they start when they’re high energy, it’ll be for longer, but if it’s later in the day, or after work, it’s for less time. an hour or so.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Mm, sometimes. If T gets frustrated with herself, and she might be in a bit of a tizzy, Klaus’ll step in and she’ll focus on his pleasure instead of her own. But T usually has more than Klaus, usually 2 more.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. If the mood calls for it, Topazi won’t hesitate to absolutely ruin Klaus. She really likes it rough, and so does Klaus, but they like being gentle every now and then.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. T is touch oriented, and rarely ever doesn’t want to be touched in some way. She wants all of the hugs during aftercare, and Klaus is very happy to give it to her.
How many children will they have naturally? - None. T thought about having kids, but she doesn’t trust her body, or herself, so she just doesn’t do it.
How many children will they adopt? - They have pets. (a snake and two kitties)
Who is the stricter parent? - T. She’ll be like “Miko, I told you not to jump off the counter.” but Klaus is like “let him be, he’s just a little shaken up.” but no like water bottles, just a mild scolding.
Who does the most cooking? - T used to do a lot of cooking, but Klaus also tag teams her. Especially if it’s a huge meal. 
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Klaus won’t do oatmeal, or anything mushy. But T is like “if this even looks wrong, I’m not eating it.” It doesn’t matter who cooks it though, she’ll eat from anyone, but if something looks or tastes different than how she’s used to eating it, she’ll eat some out of respect, but in the end may just get more safe things like water, fruit etc. 
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both of them. T writes the list (bc she’s very detailed), and they both get half of the list and tag-team. But T has told Klaus what’s safe, what’s not, all that. 
How often do they bake desserts? - Almost every weekend. They’re both a bit impulsive, Klaus more than T, so they have an entire fridge dedicated to baking items.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - T rarely ever eats red meat, and Klaus’ll eat anything, so it’s a big mix between the two of them. She tries to get everything balanced, then she gets cravings and everything is thrown out of the window.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Klaus. He likes repaying T, and whenever T tries to do something nice, something pops up and she can’t. It’s also best for him to do tiny things, not big things, so she doesn’t feel like it’s a competition between the two of them. 
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Klaus. Topazi wants to go out and everything, and she’s impulsive, but never really does anything about it.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Klaus because he almost fucked the kitchen up when he was high and forgot to put his blunt out (the paper towels caught fire, yada yada)
Who cleans the room? - T does a lot of cleaning. Not that she feels like she has to, she just enjoys it, plus it gives her a sense of completion.
Who is really against chores? - Klaus sometimes. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, they usually just creep up on him when he really doesn’t want to do them.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Both of them do it equally. Klaus moreso than T though, because one wrong inhale and she’s ill.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Klaus. He can forget about something and it’s just gone. His object permanence is shitty.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Neither of them. T likes company, and people over, but she does try to make sure no naughty things are left out for people to see.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - T almost threw it away, (it was balled up), but she was like “hmm my brain is trying to tell me something” so she was like “oh hells yeah money”
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Depends, but mostly Klaus, because he does his thinking in the shower (like his dad). T, however, knows she’s gonna look like a fucking cherry when she gets out, and she needs to keep her skin not flaky.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Um-. If they had a dog, it would be either one of them, but Klaus more often than T, because when she’s painting or gardening, she can’t be bothered to focus on anything other than what she’s doing at that moment.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Very lack-luster. For xmas, they have a tree, but T puts stupid shit around the house. For Easter, she painted an egg pink and labeled it as “the easter bunny’s left testicle” and for Halloween, they have a spooky corner. She can’t do pranks though, she understands them, but she’ll scream then immediately kick to defend herself.
What are their goals for the relationship? - T wants to enjoy what life she has with Klaus. She just wants someone to love her and keep her company.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Both of them. Topazi likes cuddles, and sometimes the sleep is so good you have to just stay down. Plus, she’s her own boss, and their animals are smarter than they initially thought, but if she hears the fucking snake tank open, her eyes are wide fucking open. 
Who plays the most pranks? - Even though she gets a bit frustrated from them, T likes to do cute pranks. You know those toys that you throw and they stick to something, she’ll do those. And Klaus throws like sticky tack at the wall. Those she can handle. But she doesn’t understand the purpose of someone fake sneezing on her. (like me, please dont do that shit, i dont like it)
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lemonietrinket · 4 years
i have a friend he is called Leg i was feeling down and he wanted to cheer me up and so, bexo was born
i sent him a photo of exo and he got to work with ‘guessing’ what they’re like  it took off, with some.... surprisingly deep lore (with some fanfiction tones too which is... really weird.... he is the equivalent of a local ..?), and i think its hilarious so im going to make you read it all too
he knows literally nothing, especially about exo, and so he is completely making these ‘guesses’ insert: ‘characters’ from the photo alone (hence this is all done in lighthearted tone with no offence intended)
alas here is the deep lore that is the first part (?) of BootLeg (?)
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Lineup (from left to right): Paul, Ryan, Jayson, Daniel, Terrance, Brayden, Hamish, Lazarus/Gunther
Paul (Chanyeol)
hates that hes called paul
always trying to act like hes not a paul
if he were a spice he would be flour
summary comment: “it says ‘dude’ on his jacket like c’mon. hes trying so hard to not be a paul and its just not working out for him, lets me honest. but yeah idk what else to say about paul really. because he is fairly plain deep down”
Ryan (Kyungsoo)
hes the only one that thinks hes cool
everyone else just keeps him around to laugh at how short he is
only ever finds out about 50% of the parties
summary comment: “hes the guy where like everyone will be just chilling out and then he’ll like throw something in a bin from across the room and go mad about it. and people are kind of sick of it but not enough to tell him to stop”
Jayson (Kai)
"this fucker is the kid whose parents bought him a ps4 and let him play 18s while everyone else was still on pokemon and wii sports”
never stopped flexing on everyone in school
“nobody liked him but some people decided to hang out with him for the clout and its still true”
“like the ringleader but people really just like the vibes he gives them”
summary comment: “im trying to think of a name but all i know for sure is that its not spelled the normal way” later “JAYSON”
Daniel (Suho)
his mum always said he was cool so he just went with it
his dad is a painter “idk why thats relevant but its just a fact”
wanted to be a baker
pleasant if you catch him by himself but more cold and a dick when with “the crew”
bffs with paul since childhood and kept pushing each other until they were in way over their heads
in an alternate au they would be florists
and leg says he knows nothing of fanfiction
daniel is deep with the kpop now, and despite his true nature, manages to keep up appearances much better than say paul
summary comment: “sometimes they sneak away for a picnic” 
Terrance (Baekhyun)
always was the smartest but few actually knew because hes really quiet
despite seating plans in school he was somehow always in the back corner
“someone is pretty sure they saw him in a field surrounded by miscellaneous vegetables and dead rats once but it seems to strange for even them to believe”
nobody in the group knows his last name and no one is going to ask
they pretend theyre not scared of him but tbh he can probably smell fear
can also teleport probably so theres no point running. root vegetables only slow him down.
summary content: “all i know is that if i wasn’t fated to die at the paws of your cat then terrance would get me for sure”
Brayden (Xiumin)
has a side gig as a drag queen
“he loves it, but kpop makes him more money. but that money lets him improve his drag. so he sees it as a really good cycle”
he was the one that chose the “black & white checkerboard thing going on [in the photo]”
Paul went with it because he thought it would make him cool
nobody knows why terrance went along with it and it will remain a mystery
“brayden actually auditioned for a girl group while in drag 
and was accepted
...but then he realised the time commitment and so bailed after their debut
people have speculated about That MV™ but nothing has been confirmed”
summary comment: “besides he does like the kpop too. he just honestly loves being worshipped”
Hamish (Chen)
was going to be a builder because his dad is in construction
he often worked with daniels dad weirdly
“small world”
the two dont know it yet but they will find out and it will be a “sweet bonding moment”
he is mostly bald
“everyone really likes him so they keep around and go through the trouble of using photoshop and cgi hair in mvs”
they once did an anonymous vote for who their favourite person in the group was
paul & daniel voted for each other
i cant believe hes actually got a ship going in a fake ‘parody’ kpop group i cant
ryan voted for jayson because he thought everyone else would
and everyone else voted for hamish
well there was one vote that was blank everyone knows whose it was but like... you think they were going to bring it up?
hamish voted for paul bc he felt bad for him
the main problem is the fact hes allergic to wigs
this means that he has been “sick” for every live show ever, bar once
as in his first one
the one where he realised hes allergic to wigs
didnt go well
summary comment: “his hair looks photoshopped which means it obviously is”
Lazarus/Gunther (Sehun)
he called himself lazarus bc he thought it sounded cool
nobody knows his real name—meaning: nobody as told him that everyone knows his real name
he joined bexo late and really wants to be considered just like everyone else
kind of the errand boy, nobody has made a coffee since he joined the group
he is genuinely cooler than some of the others but no one takes him seriously 
partly because of ‘gunther’
also because no one has seen him in a tshirt that doesnt say lazarus on it
super confident, not at all justified
summary comment: “the reason he is positioned like that [in the photo] is because hamish’s fly was undone and it got stuck when he tried to zip it up, so they covered it up with gunther. he was told to do it because it would make him look cool. so he didnt have a clue”
please spare my soul and lmk if leg is cancelled
(i realised too late that there was no lay :(( but tbh its probably better off that way lmao he doesnt have to suffer)
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vore-scientist · 5 years
Reward (safe/soft - GT - M/f-fluffy - platonic - vore)
A (mini) tale of the mystic woods
Premise: uhhh belly rubs good! Just a sweet story with my wizard Yonah and the Princess Sophia! 
Warnings: NONE!
In her hands she held up the golden-green spherical treasure, the noon sunlight glancing off the polished surface. 
“You ever think of selling these at The Market?”
Sophia had to wait for an answer as Yonah chose that moment to take another bite out of a perfectly ripe dvashi apple. And another. He finished the apple.
By Sophia’s count that made 15 apples eaten. Which at his normal size wouldn’t have been impressive but at his reduced size… it still wasn’t impressive. Still massive, she was sure he could still eat a bushel of apples. And bushels abounded, the trees sagged with apples. According to Yonah the trees flowered and fruited all year round, but still favored their normal season best of all. Surely Yonah didn’t plan to eat all of these apples? He could, but growing so many small apples was a silly thing to do if you were a giant. Maybe he would turn them into preserves!
And besides! He grew some varieties to be larger, about the size of his reduced head. Massive apples. Yonah said that he could grow them much larger, but by trial and error he found that sweet spot of size without compromising flavor.
“I do sell enchanted ones! But those are made to order.”
“I’m talking just the apples! They’re amazing and it’s not like there are many orchards in these woods.”
He looked thoughtfully down at the princess in his lap. Sophia wasn’t sure if he was actually considering her question or just thinking about how adorable she was.
“You know, I have never thought of that. Though I like to leave the trees full for the nomadic gnomes. The majority move house around this time.”
Sophia didn’t know that. She only knew city gnomes, who definitely didn’t move into new houses every year. They did take extensive vacations to places of cultural importance, probably to honor the tradition they gave up in the city.
“I do make preserves with the ones that can’t be eaten in time. I dont sell it, I normally take it on patrols and give it out”
HA! She silently congratulated herself for being right. But also DANG!?
“Aren’t you Evil!? You just… give away magical apple preserves? Isn’t that like, the opposite of evil? How do you manage to maintain your reputation?”
“I’m not that kind of evil,” Yonah said, getting a 16th Apple. “I’m not after money or power. I’m the cantankerous hermit Mage who curses people for looking at my flowers wrong. And the grumpy giant who terrorizes people for fun.”
“You do like to eat people, that’s for sure.”
Sophia suddenly didn’t feel like eating another apple.
Yonah did, as he took his 17th.
“Not my fault you smallfolk taste so good!”
He chose that moment to take a crisp bite of the apple and wink at her.
She elbowed him for his cheekiness.
At least if he was eating apples he wasn’t eating her. For now… she had her suspicions. And they were never wrong. But she knew he told the truth when he said he doesn’t eat people and food at the same time. Of course… that’s because normally he has to spit them up so quickly that he’d be spitting up his food too, what a waste and also… gross. With her ability to sit safely in his gut for hours that’s plenty of time for the food to be gone before she needed to be released. Thus it would only be gross for her.
So far that had only happened once, and it wasn’t completely purposeful. She didn’t like to think about that incident, and not because of the brief time spent sitting in food as it digested around her.
Ok enough of that line of thinking. This little picnic, even if it was just apples, was her reward for doing so well in today’s lesson! Changing the color of objects. That was really fun. She started out merely changing a white painted cube green, but in just a few hours turned the black ink of a letter to her father a shimmering pink! That level of precision was apparently very impressive, and should have taken her a week to learn. If Yonah hadn’t been lying to bolster her ego, and she was fairly certain he wasn't… Because she had studied ahead of time, having sneaked a peak at his lesson plans.
It wasn’t easy. With the giant’s sense of smell he could often tell when she’d been somewhere she normally didn’t frequent. But she spent more time by his mail than normal in preparation for her snooping.
Paid off! With a great performance in a lesson, he didn’t “punish” her with a time out in his stomach.
Instead she rested her arms and head on his pillow-like middle, rising and falling with his even breaths. The wind rustled the tree canopy, causing the sunlight to dance across the princess and the wizard. She let him wrap a warm arm around her as he lay back against the tree and closed his eyes.
When she awoke she felt no more wind, and there was considerable pressure pressing down on her, and she was laying on a soft squishy surface. And it was intensely warm.
For a moment she thought Yonah had swallowed her in her sleep. Before realizing how ridiculous that would be. There’s no way she could sleep through being literally shoved down his throat. And she was dry, and still made of flesh.
Yonah had returned to his normal size while they napped and now she was lying underneath his heavy palm. He was sound asleep.
Adjusting her stiff limbs she found a much better position, and promptly returned to her nap.
Yonah woke slowly, first noting that his arm was no longer wrapped around the princess, for she was snoozing under his hand. All curled up, just her head poking out so she could breathe. So serene and happy. Gosh she looked so adorable.
And smelled… so delectable.
His mouth watered. The apples seemed so long ago now. Especially now he wasn’t so small. That was the problem with size changing. He could fill up on food so easily when reduced, feel so full but never satisfied, and then feel so empty the moment he changed back.
However… he didn’t have to feel this way. But he didn’t want to spoil his appetite.
He fiddled with the bottle of glass paste on his belt. Sophia looked so peaceful. He didn’t know if he could disturb her… Then again. She can just as easily sleep inside his stomach as on top of it.
Gently, he applied the smallest amount of paste to his fingers and stroked Sophia’s side. She moved but did not wake.
Even when he uttered the spell. And….
Opening one eye he found the princess snoozing as if nothing happened.
She did not wake until he delicately picked her up and brought her to his face. And didn’t fully wake up until her torso was in his mouth and he was licking her thoroughly.
He ignored her screaming.
The problem with turning Sophia into glass is she tastes like… Well… glass. At least, after he licked off the lingering layer of delicious human flavor! Mmmmmmm. Savory beyond belief.
Of course, as he licked off the flavor he had to swallow her down to reach the parts un-licked.
She was fighting against him, knowing she wasn’t strong enough; though it was a bit uncomfortable as her glass limbs scraped his teeth, sending shivers down his spine. But he didn’t care, as he worked the form into his throat and swallowed. No problem. The struggles and the stretching hurt, and not insignificantly but not enough to worry him or cause him to panic. The kicking feet were at his lips and he held them between two fingers as he gulped down more of the princess, the feet entering his mouth for him to enjoy, her glass shoes slipping off into his hand.
Soon there was no more human in his mouth, she was all in his esophagus. Well mostly, her arms made it to his stomach at the same time her feet dropped below his collar.
It was comforting that once she filled up his stomach she didn’t continue to scream and instead made herself comfortable. Lots of movement, feeling around his stomach for the best spot to flop down, and give him some nice kicks and punches.
He liked to watch his stomach as she did this. Marvel at how well she fit there, just full enough to be noticeable. Her moments occasionally visible as fleeting and minuscule dents. Once she settled he put a hand over the spot. The solid mass was still moving around, just less forceful.
There was a considerable amount of grumbling.
“Something wrong princess?” Yonah said in a soft singsong voice.
He earned himself some kicks with that remark.
“You mean other than the fact that I’ve been eaten alive?!” she growled, “I was enjoying the nice day, with my friend, outside!!”
“Well, now you can enjoy it inside your friend!” he pat his stomach affectionately, which made it bounce a bit, causing Sophia to unbalance as she bounced too. In his mind he imagined her smiling or frowning. Both were equally cute options.
“It’s not the same, Yonah!”
Now he could picture it perfectly, and he rubbed at the spot where Sophia was once more curled up. Her glass form made her much more solid, and sat much heavier in his gut. It was a pleasant weight. She pushed back against his fingers. Poking himself in various locations, Sophia scrambled about to attack each spot, a little game that continued for an amusing minute.
“You don’t seem too mad with me,” he finally said, wanting to make sure.
The princess had done incredibly well in her lesson today. That meant she avoided detention in his gut. That didn’t stop Yonah from rewarding himself for a job well done.
“Yeah, well,” Sophia mused, playfully, “I saw the look in your eyes earlier. Would have appreciated you giving me more warning, even just nudging me awake first. ”
As she spoke she turned her back to the front of the stomach and pushed an open palm into the stomach walls, which forced her to stretch out as far as she could, stretching the stomach. Then she dragged the arm down and up. And down and up. She repeated this with her other hand as well. There was a rewarding shudder all around her.
Yonah closed his eyes, his face the picture of soft bliss as the princess stroked his insides. It wasn’t often she was this tender with him.
“I know you like messing with me,” she continued, and felt his little chuckle, “And you know I’ll get you back for this,” she switched to using her feet, bracing her arms to keep herself stretched out.
Yeah… He didn’t expect to get off scott free, but he really didn’t expect to be rewarded with belly rubs! Yonah pressed his fingers against Sophia, stroking her as she did him, letting her know he appreciated this gift. How he had ever lived without this he didn’t know, and it had only been a few months ago when he had!
Of course, when he first got this job he had never eaten a small folk, only tasted them. In fact, he couldn;t imagine ever eating one. Until the thieves started arriving. It hadn’t taken long for him to get used to the occasional snack.
But the princess was not an adventurer. They cried; she playfully protested.They panicked; she massaged. Thieves had to be spat up before they died (he prided himself in usually getting them out before they were harmed at all). Sophia could snuggle with him for hours, and she had. He could fall asleep with her tucked safely away within him, and she would fall asleep too.
Waking up with a still full belly… there was nothing quite like it. And he fell asleep looking forward to when he would.
It took Sophia a few more minutes to settle down to continue her rudely interrupted nap. First, she knew that she could put him to sleep fast by keeping up the massaging. Second, she wasn’t ready to sleep just yet. Turns out, stewing in your captors stomach provided the properly motivating environment to think up some sweet sweet revenge.
Even as she released the tension in her limbs and leaned back. For a few minutes she let the pulse soothe her, it was strongest at her back. She let the gently flexing walls rock her to and fro; slick and soft and warm, she let the heat of his body seep into hers. She had to admit, it was nice. Intensely, intensely weird, but nice.
This still warranted payback. She’d heard of a way to melt wizards, and according to those sources it didn’t kill them, it didn’t even hurt them.
But… she could think… later… sleep… now.
[Thanks for reading! please reblog/message me with feedback! for more mystic woods go to vore-scientist.tumblr.com/tagged/+mystic+woods+story or search ‘mystic woods story’ on my blog! For thief stories only search “MW Thieves”]
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