#Zalla is relatively new as in a few months old now
just-a-mod · 1 year
Is zalla a character of some sort or a real person?
what an interesting question that is difficult for me to personally answer
no! she is not a physical bodied person, she lives in my brain and soul :) i don't personally enjoy calling the people in my head characters just due to personal choice
some people call them brain children or head mates, i haven't found an apt term that fits for us. they simply live in my brain
i don't think i'd ever post and IRL people on here without explicit consent. more often than not i'd draw personas, and i'd @ them if they had a blog
though i HAVE drawn my partner Neos a few time, who doesn't have social medias, so i don't really do anything with that xD
any way! Zalla is a person who lives in my brain, she is lovely and she lives in my personal RP world and Universe, as well as one of my friends RP worlds
she's very lovely and i adore her ^^
but to the point! that's actually why my icon is the way that it is!
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i have a whole planet and galaxy full of people who i get the privlage of writing or drawing ^^
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