#it’s not that i particularly care about being 100% stealth but i also don’t really want them to know yknow
trashcandroid · 2 months
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this happened to me last night and it was extremely fucked up
actually i just said no and the conversation moved on from there but this is what it felt like
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You’re enabling me 😘
I rambled about it in the tags of the Vespiquen post I reblogged earlier but I really wish Vespiquen was better. I know it’s foolish to want each Pokémon to have a unique niche and function and everything, but Vespiquen has such a cool design I think she deserves better. They apparently cared enough to give Vespiquen 3 unique signature moves that literally only Vespiquen can learn which thematically play off of her gimmick of being the queen bee with a swarm of Combes. In actuality her signature moves don’t really get to have their potential realized and frankly don’t do anything particularly interesting with her concept, but they still make Vespiquen one of the pokemon with the most unique signature moves. (Also they cared enough to create a unique item that is generated by Vespiquen when she Dynamaxes in Sword and Shield, not super relevant but worth pointing out that Vespiquen has some unique things going for her).
Anyway, her signature attack, Attack Order, is an extremely solid 90 power 100% accuracy physical bug move with high crit chance, it’s not particularly exciting as it’s just a slightly better version of X-Scissor but it is quite good and frankly if other bug pokemon could learn it there are quite a few who would enjoy it (it would still have to compete with Leech Life but it’d be an option). Vespiquen is a Pokémon with respectable stats, 70 base HP, 102 base Def and Sp. Def, base 80 Atk and Sp. Atk, and an underwhelming 40 speed. With tied Atk and Sp. Atk, Vespiquen could go for a physical or special attack moveset, and despite Vespiquen’s signature attack being physical, I’d argue her move pool has better special attack options, although her inability to use Quiver Dance despite seemingly like exactly the type of Pokémon that learns Quiver Dance is unfortunate as it would really boost the potential of a special Vespiquen set. On paper her stats are quite solid and should give a Pokémon respectable bulk and alright attack stats, but because Vespiquen is a Bug/Flying type with 2x weaknesses to Fire, Ice, Electric, Flying, and a miserable 4x weakness to Rock that causes her to get set to half health from stealth rocks alone, Vespiquen’s solid-on-paper bulk doesn’t really hold up in practice, and her slow speed and mediocre attack stats prevent her from playing a sweeper role. I’m saying all this to get across that Vespiquen is very likely to take hits that she can’t survive because of just how many weaknesses she has, this unfortunately makes her other two unique moves significantly less useable. Defend Order increases both defensive stats by one stage, it’s not bad by any means and would probably be very powerful on the right pokemon, but on Vespiquen it’s unlikely to make a difference when a 4x damage rock slide is coming your way. Vespiquen’s final unique move is Heal Order, which restores 50% of her hp, a really good move if it was on a Pokémon that could take multiple hits, but as I’ve tried to explain, Vespiquen realistically is not one of those Pokémon. What’s even worse about Heal Order is that, in Vespiquen’s debut generation Gen 4, there is a TM for Roost that Vespiquen can learn. So while a lot of flying types dislike losing their ground immunity when using roost, Vespiquen would gladly trade it for temporarily removing several weaknesses, meaning that Vespiquen’s signature healing move is, in most cases, worse for her than the other recovery move she can learn. If by some miracle you are able to get Vespiquen in against Pokémon that don’t have coverage for any of the common types she’s weak to, and you’re actually able to set up a turn or two of defense order followed by heal order healing, Vespiquen could probably be useful, but even then you probably wouldn’t want to use one of her remaining move slots on Attack Order since it’s not going to do much because with a mediocre attack stat on a slow Pokémon you probably had to invest in defensively just to get to survive up until this point. What’s most disappointing to me is Vespiquen’s abilities. I would think a Pokémon whose entire gimmick is about having combee swarming around her and doing her bidding with her literally being the beehive would maybe have something interesting as an ability, but unfortunately she only gets Pressure and Unnerve, both of which are useless in most battles.
Whenever I think about Pokémon like Vespiquen that have lots of problems preventing them from reaching their full potential, I try and thinking what ways you could fix them. The immediate obvious answer would be to change her type, even something as uninteresting and common as bug/poison would be a significant improvement in terms of weaknesses (at the cost of STAB Acrobatics and Air Slash I guess). Another approach could be improving her move pool, I don’t think letting Vespiquen learn Quiver Dance would necessarily do much for her, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt. The methods I think would be the most interesting of making Vespiquen and her unique signature moves more usable would be to change/buff the moves significantly or give her a real ability. Given Vespiquen’s unique design I personally think she deserves a unique ability themed around her design gimmick gmaybe something like “in double/triple battles, moves targeting Vespiquen are redirected to her Bug-type allies”), but even just something thematically appropriate like Tsareena’s Queenly Majesty would be a massive improvement over “your opponent uses more PP per move” and “your opponent can’t eat berries”. As for the moves, maybe they could do the kind of combining two existing moves thing that they’ve been doing lately and add the Infestation effect to Attack Order, or change Defend Order to reduce damage dealt by super effective attacks to her team sort of like a light screen. Really I just want a Pokémon as cool as Vespiquen that has 3 entire unique moves to be a functional Pokémon that actually has some sort of reason to pick and use said unique moves
And don’t get me wrong, I’m well aware that Vespiquen’s signature moves are actually quite good compared to other Pokémon whose signature moves are lacking. It’s hard to complain about a really solid attack, a boost to both defenses, and a basic 50% heal when some Pokémon get slaps in the face like Octozooka, but knowing that doesn’t make Vespiquen’s moves actually any good
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sanguine-tenshi · 3 years
I just finished Inazuma and I have words
TL;DR: Hate the story, mixed on characters, love the design and tired of being treated like a 4-year-old with a learning disability.
Let’s start with what I like.
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Inazuma is absolutely beautiful. I’ll admit Inazuma hits a lot of aesthetic points for me. All the islands are different enough to feel unique but they still look like they are a part of the same land. There are a lot of secrets to discover through just exploring. Each island has a world quest to help it (make it less hostile towards you) so it very much feels like you are saving Inazuma from itself.
The puzzles are alright.
I like the cubes that rotate, I always put in the effort to figure them out properly.
Hate the ones that don’t rotate, they just aren’t engaging enough for me, so I just hit them at random and hope for the best.
The glowing floor tiles were fun, once you actually realized what they wanted you to do. A little bit too easy if I’m honest.
The electro compass isn’t really much of a puzzle, more of a fetch the nearest electrograna quest.
Those little pillars that require an electro connection are kinda boring to me, again not much of a puzzle, the hardest part is finding both pillars.
I love the new electro seelie, kinda hard to follow the jittery thing in certain parts but they make a nice contrast to the regular seelies.
I’m very much mixed on characters.
Yoimiya is adorable. She is so bright and bubbly. What little game play we had with her was fun and I love her over the top style of fighting. Kinda disappointed she’s another pyro archer but I do admit it fits her character well. It was also wonderful seeing her just settle down and be quiet, just be a part of that moment that obviously meant a lot to her. It’s always nice to see that bubbly, energetic character have that one quiet thing, ya know. Kinda funny it’s fireworks, of all things, for her.
Gorou I like, from what little we’ve seen of him. My man killed a dude with his thighs so I’m down. I do find it kinda ridiculous that a resistance general has his whole damn belly exposed. There is also something about his voice that just does not fit. I cannot for the life of me put my finger on what exactly it is. Could be the tone itself, could be just voice acting. It sort of feels like the VA is trying to sound deeper than he actually does.
Sangonomiya Kokomi, mixed. I like her design, she looks like some sort of mystical priestess. Again something about the voice is jarring. I expected her to sound sort of airy, like she isn’t 100% present, like she’s seeing something we can’t. TBH she reminds me of Luna from HP for some reason. 
Yae Miko, I was interested because of her design. She sounds very arrogant and up her own ass, which would have been fine...if she hadn’t given us that god-awful line. “...I have high hopes for you, child. Don’t disappoint me.” Dear lord I wanted to punt her off the mountain. Or fucking what! Also she’s some bigshot priestess of the Sacred Sakura and yet she can’t do her damn job properly. Why couldn’t her arrogant ass come down from her high perch and cleanse the stupid roots? Why did the traveler have to do that shit?
Baal looks dead inside. Booba sword is overrated, get a life. I want a remach! And no cutscene shenanigans this time!
Kujou Sara seems like one of those ‘honor above all else’ characters. Those are either hit or miss with me. You have my attention for now. Also what are those shoes woman?! I’d rather you wear those leg-killing, needle point stilettoes instead of those Wish gag shoes. How in the name of all that is holy can you run in those?!
Thoma, I like him. At first I thought we were gonna get another Childe incident, but Thoma is too much of a innocent puppy to pull anything that horrible. To me he fits a fox a lot better than Childe does. Childe is a dingo and I stand behind that.
Kamisato Ayaka...hate her. At first I was neutral on her. Nothing about her design really spoke to me, but I was willing to wait and see. But then miHoYo started to violently push her friendship at us. We are totally friends now, this is the first time you see my face, but we are so totally friends now. And during her story quest everyone was like “Ah, you are so good Ayaka. You are so nice Ayaka. You are so perfect Ayaka. We all love you so much Ayaka. And oh, how could a mere merchant like myself...” Ew, go away. This is the first time I’m actively not pulling on a character banner. Normally I pull even if I’m not particularly interested in a character, because you never know how good their gameplay is until you take them out in the map. But I think I’ll be skipping this one. No thanks.
And now, the worst part, the story.
We’ve been hearing about the situation in Inazuma for a long time. There has been also a lot of talk about how hard it is to get there. About the wall of thunderclouds that surround the islands. So to have it cut to black and then voila Inazuma, feel just so cheap.
I was expecting something. An animation. A struggle. A quest. A minigame. At least show us the horrible weather! Something! Anything!
Hell if they wanted to be assholes about it they could have made it so that if the player fails at this point the ship is damaged, you return to Liyue and have to wait until tomorrow for the ship to be repaired. No Inazuma for today. That sure as hell would have raised the stakes.
The next complaint I have is with Yurika, the 2 milion mora processing fee girl. Later on Thoma mentions that the agency people see the fees as easy money, so her attitude doesn’t make much sense. After all someone like her would want to extract as much money as she can, but you still want the people to be able to pay that.
So it would make more sense to me if she was overly friendly and asked way too many questions. She’d need to get a much information as she can and after all the previous hostility people would be very open with her. So she’d be able to quickly find out why someone is here, what they are selling and roughly how much money they’d be able to pay. A merchant selling expensive silk would have more many than a regular ore merchant. So she’d be able to extract as much money as she could.
“I know this is a lot of money, especially for something so simple, but there is nothing I can do about it. I’m so very sorry.” And people wouldn’t say anything bad to her because she’s the first friendly face they see in Inazuma.
The stealth mission was just god-awful and I hope we never have to do that nonsense again.
Getting off of Ritou was a bit janky at the end, Chisato should have had a better reason for coming along. But I’m honestly just glad we didn’t get out the usual way...getting stuffed in a crate and smuggled out.
As a side note, I’m getting really tired of characters overexplaining things to me, especially Paimon. Dear lord, not everything has to be said, you can leave me to come to my own conclusions and solutions. Just please, who cares if a few player struggle for a bit, you don’t have to hold my hand through the whole thing.
Ayaka’s three were...ugh. It was basic emotional manipulation. Oh no this guy forgot about the love of his life and he’s been waiting for decades. And oh how sad this guy was so good and he helped these people so much but now he can’t remember. And oh the tragedy this guy forgot his life goal and is now hunted by the demons of the past. Oh the humanity! 
And it did not work. Know why? Because I have no emotional investment in any of these people, in this land. What is happening to the vision bearers in Inazuma is tragic, true, but that doesn’t make me want to overthrow the government. I don’t live here. I just got here. I wanna ask a question or two and then move on. None of this concerns me.
I was so happy when the traveler just flat out refused to start a revolution. And then we had to go and meet some people and immediately I knew this was going to be some oh noes the tragedy moments and then we would agree to help them.
It’s so forced.
Wanna know what would have been better?
Just as we are leaving the Kamisato estate Thoma catches up with us. And he tells us he gets it. We are an outsider and this doesn’t concern us. He was hopeful but he expected the denial. We shouldn’t hold it against Ayaka.
He joins us as a guide because he knows of the people we have to meet.
And so as we help these three we also get to know Thoma. We find out he was an outsider too. He got in just before the worst of it started and then he was stuck in Inazuma. He lost someone to the Vision Hunt. They slowly lost their mind after loosing their vision, their ambition too closely tied to their personality to continue without it (what is happening to Domon hits a little too close to home and he has to walk away, this is where we hear the story of the one he lost). And the same would have happened to him if the Kamisatos hadn't taken him in. He owes them his vision, his sanity and his life.
So this rebellion is personal for him.
At the end of the three wishes the atmosphere is somber. We tell him we understand why Ayaka fights, why he fights. We know that this is all wrong, that it should be stopped...but not by us. We came here to get a lead on our brother. And rebellion isn’t an overnight affaire and we can’t loose so much time in Inazuma.
And yeah, he expected as much. He just asks that we let Ayaka down gently. It’d be a shame if someone as idealistic and hopeful as her lost their spark.
And so we are gentle but firm with Ayaka. She looks like she wants to argue with us but Thoma shakes his head at her. So she sighs and tells us that a promise is a promise. We should come to the Komore Teahouse in a few days and she’ll have a plan for us to meet with the Shogun.
Now we can still have a character story quest with Yoimiya and we can still somehow get involved with helping Master Masakatsu, but it’s through Yoimiya instead of Ayaka.
And instead of a character story quest with Ayaka we have one with Thoma. Hell, give him a whole damn hangout event even.
You can probably guess why I’m pushing the friendship with Thoma so much.
Because. He. Gets. Kidnapped. For. The. 100th. Vision. Ceremony. 
And that would have been the perfect emotional in to get us involved in the rebellion. After all we just saw what happens to people who have their visions taken away and we are not letting that happen to Thoma, someone we just got close to.
So Baal makes it personal for us as well.
I have a few more minor complaints.
Aoi is stupid for asking for compensation after she tells us everything we needed to know because, ya know, we could have just walked away. We should have.
The whole stupid misunderstanding about the value Kurosawa’s sword holds. Kinda obvious he meant emotional value instead of monetary.
The suspicious amount of visionless NPCs and by that I mean this is the first time we have NPCs with vision. This wouldn’t have been a problem if we’ve seen NPCs with visions in Mond and Liyue.
The whole rebellion camp bit feels incredibly rushed. We just sort of lollygag over there and then there is a fight (against Sara and her stupid shoes).
Don’t make us fight Baal just to force us to lose. It would have been better if we were forced to retreat, because Thoma was injured, because there are too many soldiers for us to handle on our own. Hell, you can have a funny scene where we straight up jump off a cliff with Thoma clinging onto us and screaming bloody murder until he realizes we are slowly gliding away and he’s not about to plummet to his death.
The Sakura cleansing quest should have been voice acted.
The Mirror Maiden and Pyro Agent are totally on a date, I will not be told otherwise.
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hey so I’m not trying to be gross but this genuinely something that I wonder about like how does mc survive on her period in a mansion full of vampires? Especially with a pure blood like Comte or Leonardo like can’t they sense it? sorry if this is weird I’m just genuinely interested In like pure blood and vampire lore and like what they pick up on especially comte as he’s a fave. I’d love to hear your thoughts as always I love your posts and I hope you’re doing well and staying safe and healthy 💛☺️
Haha, please don’t worry! 😂😂😂 I’ve often wondered about the very same thing, and while I don’t have any canon answers, I can offer the most likely scenario from my understanding of the game. Hope you’re doing well too, lovely, thank you! Stay safe out there~💛💛💛
Given what I know, and the fact that blood is only a small component of the discharge that comes with one’s period, I’d wager it poses a low risk generally speaking. I think the plan would be to make sure everyone’s on guard and has been keeping up with their usual doses of Blanc/Rouge (no waiting until you starve, Jeanne, yes that is a threat) but otherwise everyone proceeds as they normally would. I think it would be hardest on the vamps who are most sensitive to the presence of blood/have a harder time controlling their thirst, like Isaac and Arthur. 
Purebloods have been canonically established as having a much lower tendency to bloodlust by comparison to lesser/turned vampires, so I very much doubt Comte or Leonardo would react much. A blip on the screen for them, nothing more. (I often categorize Jeanne as the closest to pureblood level reactivity because his ability to control the thirst is exceptional; the only time he has ever come close to attacking MC was when he was at a point of intense starvation.) I think the only time her period could potentially become risky is if one of them was starving (and therefore reacting on the level of base instinct) or grievously injured. If they have feelings for her or she’s in a relationship with one of them, it may make them want to bite her more, but I don’t think they’d necessarily act on it. I’d assume most of them would be reluctant because MC is already losing blood as it is? Better to be safe than sorry, and all that.
As for whether or not they can anticipate it, I’m really not sure? It’s possible they might sense hormonal changes, but given I haven’t seen them react to anything so slight I can’t be sure. Purebloods I’d say it’s a coin toss; it’s very possible they can sense it before it comes--but I just have no way of knowing for sure. Lesser vampires, I very much doubt it. 
That being said, you bring up a very timely contention (for me) as of late. Which is to say: what are purebloods capable of sensing? I’ll be elaborating on a recent JPN collection story event that included Comte, as it had a very interesting tidbit that I’d like to share with y’all. It isn’t a huge spoiler as I’ll be focusing on the pureblood lore that was included, but for those who don’t want to see it I’ll be placing it under a cut. (Also some slight spoilers for Comte and Leo’s main story rt).
Mandatory spoiler warning:
So this last event featured MC and her suitor taking care of a child for a few days, in which they act like a pair of surrogate parents. Naturally, being a feral Comte stan, I got his story. In it, both he and MC are taking care of a young girl named Emma--the daughter of a fellow aristocrat (a friend of his). At some point during the story, MC accidentally loses sight of Emma while hanging up the laundry. MC searches the entire mansion but can’t find her anywhere, and she begins to panic when Comte encounters her. Alarmed, he gently asks her what’s wrong and she explains what happened. There’s a brief pause [”...”] and then he says “It’s okay, MC. Emma is–”. Comte then leads her to the gazebo where the little tyke is fast asleep, taking a midday nap in the shade. Naturally MC is relieved to see her safe, but also a little baffled as Comte led her directly to Emma. 
MC: “I’m so glad she’s okay. But…how did you know she’d be here?”
Comte: “Purebloods are good at sensing/detecting nearby human beings.”
And I ????? Granted it’s possible it got translated incorrectly but...I really don’t understand how else he would have known exactly where she was? If MC asked around and searched the entire place and still couldn’t find any trace of her, how would Comte have just known in an instant? Additionally, if he spotted her before he found MC panicking, then I doubt he would have just left her there without an adult/guardian nearby--he would have either stayed there or taken her with him. 
So this makes it plenty plausible that he really did just sense her presence in the vicinity. But........like..........howmst in the fuck. Is that even possible. I have no idea, but I find it a little shocking that I’ve only discovered this now? I mean maybe I missed it somewhere else where this tidbit of lore came up, but as far as I know they don’t discuss it much? The most I remember is Comte giving very clear indications that purebloods were able to sense each other, but I assumed that was restricted to purebloods only...
That being said I’ve been thinking about it and, well, there are at least three pretty strong instances in the game that could affirm his claim in this story. Namely: the beginning of the story itself (Comte’s POV of the prologue), the kidnapping incident in Comte’s main story, and the beginning of Leonardo’s main story.
I remember @a-maidens-dream asking about something very interesting in Comte’s POV story, and at the time I was a little unsure what to do with the information--it wasn’t aligning in a way that made sense. But I think this might help that tidbit fall into place? I think that Comte really hadn’t realized she followed him into the door until she was already in the mansion, and as such this ability to sense humans would explain why he knew she was there before Napoleon even told him anything. If purebloods can sense human people, then he would know a human being entered the house because of the species signature; the only human person living there otherwise was Sebastian. I’m not sure if the sixth sense is acute enough for him to be able to differentiate between human people. (My guess is that it’s not that specific, or if it is, the pureblood has to know the person very well to be sure.)
Building on that, this is a subtle distinction, but it still stood out for me. In his main story route, both MC and a fellow aristocrat (a woman she was friends with) are taken to these small cabin things in the middle of the woods. All Comte, Napoleon, and Jeanne have to go on is the general location of these hideouts. They decide to split up; Comte goes one way, Napoleon and Jeanne go another. I find this instance particularly interesting because Comte’s POV indicates a kind of loss of rational thought--he is 100% in a panic state, just moving to satisfy one objective: save MC before time runs out. This suggests that Comte very much could have been relying on that sense to pinpoint her and her assailants. We have no evidence to believe he was ever a soldier or somebody with extensive experience in tracking--or that knew the landscape well. But he only trusts she’s alive and unharmed for sure when he has her in his arms again, suggesting either that this sixth sense has its limits (in regards to specificity of the person being detected) or that his judgement in that moment was too compromised for it to be clear.
The last one, and perhaps the funniest possibility of the three, lies in the beginning of Leonardo’s main story route. Iirc, Leonardo spends much of that time hauling MC around the mansion to interact and properly situate herself in the mansion’s social dynamic. While this may just be a coincidence, MC notes that she actively tried to hide from him and make herself scarce, but whenever she tried no amount of stealth worked. One can certainly argue he just paid attention or asked other residents about where she was, but I do think it’s worth considering? I need to re-look at the chapters, but I seem to recall her trying to hide in a garden shed and he still found her immediately and just picked her up and walked right back out. 
Tl;dr: So does this mean Comte/Leo can sense when MC is on her period? I have no idea, but at this point I really can’t be sure what abilities they do and don’t have!
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kakyoinryoko · 3 years
im curious what u think jotaros life pre sdc was like
probably not good from what we see but i’m not super into speculation about this sort of thing beyond what can be inferred on a pretty base level... like, i feel no need to have detailed headcanons about everything that happened to him exactly. i have vague ideas but nothing super in depth outside of how him being gay and trans affects things already established or implied. i don’t know what exactly jotaro’s high school fights would revolve around, for example, and i don’t particularly have any desire to come up with any headcanons for this. i say this but i’m about to drop an entire essay here i guess. cool, embarrassing, etc
i’ve talked about it a little before but i think Something happened to him between entering high school and reaching his third year that kinda fucked him up, and whatever it was caused him to start acting more coldly and harshly towards his mother, who he previously was very openly loving towards. i’ve heard people say that the only reason holly sees him that way at the beginning of sdc is because she has illusions about her son being a better and kinder person than he is, but that’s just not true. i don’t think the imagery of him dressing like a proper student and being happy to receive a valentine and smiling at her and openly expressing his love for her cooking were false memories, i think he actually said and did those things, it was just stuff that happened when he was younger, probably a first year. i’ve said it over and over, but as it is, in the present day (as of sdc), she fully understands what her son is like. she’s introduced into the series asking the cops how many people he killed. that was her instinctual guess upon hearing he was arrested—this says to me 1) he’s never been arrested before, but 2) she knows about the fighting he gets up to and has feared that this is where it would end at some point. she also emphasizes the fact that he can’t fool her when it comes to his tough guy act—she realizes that it’s deep beneath his extremely rough exterior, but he IS a good and caring person at heart. she never says anything about him that isn’t true, and anyone brushing her off as a dumb naive woman just isn’t reading between the lines. or maybe isn’t reading at all frankly. it’s all right there in front of you.
as for his past. at a guess. it seems like he doesn’t really have any friends at all, at any point in the manga, outside of the people we see him interacting with in the parts themselves. as of his childhood and teen years, the fact that he’s half american and his father is largely absent is one possible reason i have heard brought up before, but i think it’s also because he comes across as pretty weird and hard to get along with. as an autistic person i see a lot of myself and my own struggles with interpersonal relationships in jotaro, so i think his issues with people are in no small part because he is autistic himself. i’m not going to belabor the explanation here because others have made better posts than i could about why he reads so heavily as autistic, but i think it comes down to him missing social cues, and not coming across the way he intends to, and not being able to read the implications in the things people say to him, and him being trans on top of that would make him feel like even more of an odd one out. i think he would deal with that by being kind of a sukeban type, so at least his ostracization feels like he’s in control of it and he’s being strong, but even so, acting like a scary tough girl isn’t a replacement for transitioning.
i think he would start transitioning (which is to say, changing his name and presentation and starting testosterone, but that’s about all) late in middle school, around 14, so that by the time he’s a first year in high school he’s fully stealth. and it makes him happy at first, because people are talking to him as a boy, and using a boy’s name for him (perhaps part of why he’s so chill about people calling him by first name the second they meet him, since that’s a little odd to do otherwise), so for a time he’s a happy enough kid. i think t hits him pretty hard and fast, and he shoots up almost immediately and gets to be like six feet tall and buff and deep voiced by the time he’s like 15, so suddenly he’s not so much the awkward american girl as he is the super tall strong guy that the guys all fear and respect and the girls all have a crush on, which is maybe nice at first, but i think the allure would wear off pretty fast.
i don’t think he necessarily realizes that it’s because he’s gay, but we see ourselves pretty clearly that he doesn’t enjoy the attention from girls beyond maybe thinking it’s a better alternative to having them mock him like when he was younger. he hates having them crowd around him and fawn over him—he has no interest in any of them in the first place, and none of them ACTUALLY care who he is, just that he’s tall and strong and handsome, and he hates that. and then, of course, guys fearing and respecting him turns into people wanting to fight him, and something terrible happens as a result of that, and he ends up an extremely guarded and hostile person as a result, even to the ones he loves. it gets to the point where he’s a target for actual serious violence, even from grown adult gang members as we see at the start of sdc, so his desire to keep people away from him as a means of keeping them safe kicks in—and this is something that sticks with him for the rest of his life, even into his 40s with his daughter. only tangentially related but i think the true tragedy of part 3 is that he was finally getting over that mindset, he was finally starting to see value in keeping people close to him and trusting in and relying on others. but primarily we see him express this sentiment towards kakyoin. and kakyoin dies. and more specifically dies for jotaro. so that all comes crashing down hard, and he’s right back where he started.
back to the main point i also feel i should mention i’m 100% of the belief he has perfect grades and attendance even when he’s more into the delinquent act. i say act mostly because i don’t think he’s actually hugely into the whole bancho subculture; i don’t think he would actually join any gangs, i think he prefers to keep to himself until other people go looking to start shit with him, which he always finishes handily (allegedly, no one has ever seen him get hurt before). probably including the teacher who he ran off, regardless of whatever happened then��he says himself that injustice and harming the weak makes him extremely mad, so there was definitely more going on there than just “jotaro got mad at a teacher because he’s a violent person and beat the shit out of him for no reason and so the guy got scared and quit,” though i don’t really care to speculate deeper than that. the teacher was not an innocent party is all i’m saying.
i suppose this is all just an unreasonably long winded way of saying “idk but i sure think about it a lot.” basically just extrapolations from the way he interacts with his peers from what little we see, and from the bio about him coming across in a much more cold and aloof way than he thinks he does, and from his relationship with his mom, and from what we see based on her memories of him when he was younger.
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
Ghost of Tsushima: Thoughts, Ideas and Hopes for DLC and Sequels
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So I recently Platinum’d Ghost of Tsushima, I finished the story last week after 30 entries of livestreams which saw a whopping viewership of at most 2 people including one asshole that decided to spoil the end of Act II before I got there because I was playing stealthy and the way I wanted to play. But then wrapped up the Achievements on my own time. After a bit of stewing I’m ready to talk gush about it, including what I liked, a small bit of stuff I disliked and stuff I would suggest for future DLC and Sequel(s)
Spoilers for the Game, unlike that Commenter on my Stream I will not Spoil you on this, it is truly something you should experience for yourself
Because Good Lord, What A Game. Easily my Game of the Year, which compared to all the big hitter titles released is amazing, I mean Crash Bandicoot could still blow me away and Cyberpunk, Watch Dogs, Godfall, AC Valhalla and Miles Morales in waiting but probably not in this way. It is a magnificent game, one made with fantastic care and beauty, but before I go all out, let’s get the negatives out of the way 出る杭は打たれる。: A Flawed Masterpiece Ghost of Tsushima is brilliant but not without its faults. Most of these faults are admittedly minuscule and fixable, but until they are fixed they remain flaws. The biggest disappointment for me with the game was the lack of Japanese lip syncing. I loved the Japanese track, it also highly appealed to me to hear One Piece’s Roronoa Zoro voice Jin, but you have to kinda avoid looking at the mouths because it doesn’t match up, the models still speak in English and it’s a heavy shame that can kill some immersion. I guess they didn’t have the finances for it, because they could’ve done the lip syncs at the same time as they did the English ones if they had the Japanese track too. Combat for the most part was great, aiming could be wonky at times and Jin’s attacks didn’t carry on to a 1 foot ledge, but my main gripe with combat was the Camera getting in the way. It was adjustable most times, but other times it was not. Doing standoffs in the tall grass was night impossible at the later stages without the knees giving us a tell, one standoff I had was completely obstructed by a tree - I’m not making it up, a tree was literally all I saw for the Standoff. You lose so much health for failing a standoff too, bit harmful in later levels. The remaining issues are probably more personal, I didn’t quite like some of the sword kit designs - the ones with fluffy sleeves and I didn’t really like the armor dye you get for 100%ing the achievements, some weapons seemed to lose their luster in later parts of the game (particularly the half bow and Explosive Arrow, the former was only good for killing the angry doggos and the latter only killed Mongols if near another explosive to stack), that one Masako quest mission where you have to follow and pick off Straw Hats one by one without being seen, but will fail if you pull a triple assassination before the outpost where Masako’s lesbian lover was leading them all to so there’s more Straw Hats to blow my cover! (it wasn’t difficult it just annoyed me that it failed me for killing them all early) and the completionist in me hates that there are empty slots in the arrow and blowgun sections, but they can be worked in what I’ll talk about a bit later down the line, alongside some minor loose threads. Also you killed my horse man!
Your horse will accompany you on your entire journey - Ghost of Tsushima UI Message
Don’t you dare lie to me like that again Sucker Punch! Just because you’re named that doesn’t mean you can live up to it, we already lost one horse at the beach! Had to spend the final act with Not-Sora and Kaze with a hole in my heart never to be filled. But with that dealt with, let’s talk about some things I loved about the game
花は桜木人は武士 :  Living into a Legend With these games it is very easy to fall into the Elder Scrolls prototype of an array fun side quests and exploration and a so-so main story. Ghost of Tsushima though decided to have both the array of side quests and exploration and a great, complex and partly tragic story. There were many times I wanted to get back to the main story but held off because I wanted to be prepared. Long distances didn’t feel too bad to travel when the roads were uncharted either thanks to radiant battles, new settlements, vanity gear and side missions to ease you on the way. Additionally, the characters are for the most part fantastic, I cared for the safety of most of my allies and Jin himself, I wanted the Khan dead in a cerebral villain (albeit one whose final battle fell into cowardice) and I was open to the complexities of Ishikawa and Tomoe. I did feel that Shimura was being a tad ungrateful but I think it was intended for us to be frustrated to the edicts of the Samurai code - my frustration led me so much to deep dive to prove myself justified since the code was subjective and many agreed to aspects of ‘win no matter what’ and ‘do what protects the people the most’. Along with the main quest was paired with the character journeys of our allies as well as the Mythic tales which granted some extra strength and challenges to overcome in order to expand Jin’s arsenal. I particularly liked the observation and killing of leaders to learn new stances, as well as the widely acclaimed Stand-Off and the duels. The Arkhamverse fan in me did appreciate the focused hearing for stealth and that assassination speed could be upgraded. The idea of collecting vanity gear, armour dyes and equipment that are remains of the conflict showed that SP had completely immersed their plot into the world of Tsushima, with a great amount of exploration and nuances nodding to Japanese folklore And Tsushima is certainly stunning, it’s amazing that the PS4 can hold this much when we know how the PS5 is meant to be with ray tracing. The landscapes are beauteous which makes exploration and travel much more fulfilling, as well as the photo mode and the scenic builds to some of the major battles. What’s also wonderful is the calligraphy cutscenes for Mythic Tales and the loading screens, some wonderful artistry. Artistry which is added to by the brilliant uses of Haiku spots, Bamboo Strikes, Lighthouses, Shrines, Altars which you bow to, Fox dens where you can pet the Foxxos and even the Hot Springs for some ‘Man-Butt Action’, each positions that fit to Japanese media in soaking in a moment without killing any pace, especially added to the fact that each one contributes to a purpose. I will admit, I chose wrong at the end, I was thinking more of Shimura (said ungrateful uncle)’s honour rather than what Jin would what, feeling that Shimura would’ve done it himself had Jin not. But seeing the spare ending made me wish I chose that one and it’s something I’ll touch on later. But both endings are fitting and tragic for Jin’s journey from Samurai to the Ghost, being inspired by his allies and his connection to Yuna, there has been conflict throughout regarding the line of protection, honour and vengeance explored through other people’s tales that blend together perfectly with the main plot.  It is pretty political as well with the argument presented by Jin and Shimura’s conflict. Samurai while still romanticised were still shown to be bound to the blind loyalty towards the Shogun and Jito, you did not defy because it inspired others to think freely. Jin became a champion of a people by defending the people rather than listening to the jito - represented by the shogunate - and their stringent ideas that the Samurai who failed on the beach would be able to out-muster the force and brutality of the Mongol invasion regardless of the collateral and yet still call that honour. In the current climate in 2020, that hits a chord a little closer than expected. And the main story certainly has their stellar moments, the ups and downs really hit you - like killing my freaking horse! I had to lose Yuriko, Taka and Sora in a single playthrough. Losing Taka was inevitable, but still heartbreaking because of how much we struggled to save him and how much we want to still be Yuna’s friend, but then the highs just blow you away from the opening act, Ghost Stance, raiding Castle Kaneda and Shimura and the final raid at Port Izumi. Also did I mention that you can pet the Foxxos? Because that’s very important, also NPCs walk at your pace most of the time, which is a fantastic addition. I could probably go deeper but there’s other stuff I want to cover, but understand that the world and the story is wonderful and if you’re a fan of Assassin’s Creed, Arkhamverse and just Japanese culture in general this should tick your boxes. And hopefully there’s more to come.
石の上にも三年 : Strait to DLC The sad thing that happens when a good game is over is the void. Even if its days, having nothing left of the game to play is still a shame, and I know that Legends DLC is announced, but multiplayer involving fighting Oni as mythic legends isn’t my pace, I’m still not done with Jin and I feel like there are things we could still do. There are still 3 conflicts Jin’s story never resolved that could still be resolved now, each as multi-layered quests. The first is this ‘Ghost Army’ mentioned by the wagon guy in Omi, we are not leading this so who is? We may not be able to stop them but we could reduce the amount of people thinking we’re leading them to fight. The second is Daizo, if you don’t know that name it’s because the guy is never seen in the game, you only read about him in the Records of ‘Conversations with the Khan’. This Japanese Monk clearly has a thing for the late Khotun and he feels that the Ghost is being a dishonorable monster, this Khan lover is still at large and a confidant of Khotun, we could link with Norio in a quest to ensure he doesn’t rally or try to spread his appreciation of the Khan to others to try and complete Khotun’s work. The final conflict is one that eats me up: How did the Mongols Know About the Poison? Yuriko died showing me how to make the poisons, made more potent from her own herbal poisons which were crushed down, if she didn’t tell and I didn’t tell, who told? Because the Mongols drank the evidence and we could make a story of an Omi village traitor or even someone from Shimura’s camp leaking the info to the Khan to try and preserve ‘honour’. On top of these loose ends I’d very much like to see our allies again, even if they’re just at their home doing their own thing, as well as some other minor side characters like the Tadayori descendant Kaede, Flame Swordsman Bettomaru (who would’ve both been mighty useful with this Mongol affair beyond their sole missions) and the Yarikawa Archer Daikoku, I also would like to see confirmation on Jin and Yuna - there is clearly something there but that could be just me. What is also just me would be the suggestion of a shrine that can let you redo the Shimura decision, it’s not a too ‘out-there’ thing to do either considering we fought a Tengu. The shrine could be for Omoikane, Kami of wisdom and intelligence or Ame-no-Koyane, the ‘First in Charge of Divine Affairs’ which’d subject the player to a gauntlet of bosses past; Ryuzo, Kotun and Shimura, if the player goes against their initial decision, they will trade their ghost armour dye for the other and get a Charm of Pondering, if they stick to their guns they get both ghost armour dyes and a Charm of Strengthened Stance. In similar vein we could have a master Mythic Tale that stacks the duels of those tales into one for another special attack, weapon or armour. It’s also possible that we could add more duels, some remnants trying to avenge Khotun or even some Samurai sent by the Shogun in promise of becoming Jito. Likewise we can use this to complete the weapons set; for the Half Bow, take the Mongols’ poison arrows (which can be a reward for finding who leaked the poison to them) which can just eat at lesser enemies’ health and take a chunk of stronger enemies’ health before resolving out of it, as well as a sticky arrow that could slow enemies or weaken their armour, or a perfume arrow that can mess with the falcons and angry doggo’s senses. For the Long Bow we could have...okay I’m drawing a blank here but I’m not meant to do all the work XD For the Blowgun at least you could have a Blinding Dart to aid in stealth and a Panic Dart to increase chances of Terrify. We could even have a few more upgrades to our ghost weapons and stance combats, even increase the amount of kills Ghost Stance can yield. In addition to more Fox Dens, Shrines, maybe new resources to bolster upgrades, Sword Kits, Haikus, Banners, Flute Songs, dyes and so on. But I know what you’re thinking, we can’t put that all in Tsushima? We’ve covered the entire island and it’s unlikely that SP would make a fictitious island. And to that I say, I have that covered. In the Tsushima Strait between the island and the mainland there is Iki Island, part of the same prefecture and equally ravaged by the Mongols during the invasion, it’s also the base of pirates which can offer a stop point for a Tomoe reunion or simply travel via Umugi Cove. A small bit of expansion wouldn’t hurt, as long as Iki isn’t planned for something else that is.
能ある鷹は爪を隠す : Hopes for a Sequel Now part of me would be content if this was a one and done, the game shines perfectly on its own. But I would not turn one down. Though many would feel that Jin’s journey is done (I even heard a suggestion of Tomoe, I could see that but not right now, maybe for a third) but not me, there’s still a few glaring issues at hand. For one, the Shogun now wants you dead, new clans are moving in on you and there will probably be a new Jito regardless of the ending choice because of Shimura’s failure, Adachi will also need to look at another clan taking its land. There’s also the vacuum left behind by the clans’ subsidiaries; Nagao particularly but also Adachi’s rival clan Kikuchi, there’s easily possibilities to use canon Sō, Abiru, Shōni and Imagawa, there’s also room for Kikuchi Takefusa, who survived both Mongol invasions  . A sequel could offer some clan territorial tensions in that regard as the people of Tsushima side with the Ghost over the mainland. That conflict is one we have touched on in the end of the first, Jin has fought for his country’s safety so how will he act when his country wants him dead? The first was a story of sacrifice perhaps the next can be a story of maintaining his legend, inspiring the mainland Samurai and even redeeming himself in the eyes of the non-Tsushima natives. It’s also worth remembering that Komoda was the beginning of the invasion, and there was a second invasion 6 years later where Tsushima was attacked once more, the death of non-canon Khotun could spark other higher ups of Kublai’s ranks to avenge or clean up for Khotun, Kublai also had counsel from different nations to understand his enemy so we could have an even more vicious and cerebral enemy be made, or even a group of enemies led by advisors like Liu Kan or Yao Shu, maybe even Marco Polo if we move the time after the first invasion. In terms of gameplay we could also see Jin expand from Tsushima to Iki and maybe some more naval warfare, growing in his equipment (like Caltrops, Kusari-Fundo and Suntetsu) and maybe even his weapon, an Ono, Jitte or a Naginata to rotate with his not-yet-made Katana to combat with Samurai or the army of a Mongol threat, maybe even use the Bo-Hiya for ranged fire archery learned from the Hwacha. And like the Mass Effect games (or Dragon Ball Xenoverse if you wanna pick a franchise that didn’t end in a bitter aftertaste) you could have the option to transfer over some data from the PS4 save to the next one, which’d inevitably be on PS5 at the least - also don’t be surprised if this gets a PS5 remaster too, especially if it does win Game of the Year. What I suggested for DLC could be used here too, if there is a sequel with Jin I really, really hope that SP don’t opt for the route of killing Jin (or Yuna) off for effect, I was nervous about the current game ending with Hara Kiri and I’d rather not have that or a downer of a death for the legendary Ghost (I am a happy endings guy after all). An alternative route to go (other than following Tomoe to the mainland to rip off the Ghost) is to work backwards, call it ‘Ghosts of Tsushima’ working towards a story of a more ancient time, where a thief could become a samurai clan. A clan Sakai or Shimura origin would sell in that way too and avoid the idea that we have to start again from zero but still have the more ‘dishonorable’ stealth tactics.
義は険しい山よりも重く、死は大鳥の羽よりも軽い : Conclusion In the end, this game was worth the wait, worth the delays and worth the price tag. I feel like this will be one of the games I’ll fondly remember when thinking of the PS4, which has truly had a stellar library of awesome games like Spider-Man, God of War, the Crash, Ratchet & Clank and Spyro Remasters, DMCV, Jedi: Fallen Order and more. This truly ticked the boxes for the anime nerd within me and the history buff, even the Haikus spurred the poet in me a little too. If anyone hasn’t played this game, they should, and I hope that Sucker Punch realises that people like me want to see more. If it stands alone so be it, but I’m not ready to leave Jin or Tsushima just yet. いってらっしゃい
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theunholygrails · 4 years
Very Differently
Summary: This isn’t really new, just something I never got around to posting here. Basically my take on Budapest with an OC added to the mix for fun. 
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The shadows cast from the wastefully clad guests in the soft angles and indecipherable masses were notably more elegant than the calculating frowns of their creators. A gloved hand traced along a freshly polished curling oak banister as Sonja made her was to join the babbling benefactors. Leaflets of conversations rustled not long enough to take root but simply flew past on the careful air of disinterest her fellow hosts held about them. With a sharp nod of her head and a demure curve of her lips, she joined the nearest transaction.
Arms dealing can be tricky business when neither party particularly trusted the other.
Jewels painted the necklines of her most generous buyer and in their pristine surfaces, she could make out the warning flash of the smallest red dot. Sonja shifted with a subtle flip of her hair to block the shot and simultaneously tapped her earpiece.
“Ma’am, I do believe my husband is coming down with something fatal.” she said.
Even if she did not have a husband to speak of, the message was abundantly clear—the event was compromised because Black Widow herself was present.
“Take care of it, Chief. I need this night to be spotless.”
“Got it.”
Security hustled onto the floor at Sonja’s signal to escort each of the dozen or so guests back to their armored vehicles.
With the prompting of her boss in her ear, Sonja slipped out the back door to attempt to uncover any tracks the Widow might have left behind.
The wet asphalt did little to help her heels find traction as she scanned the nearest buildings for the optimal vantage point the spy must have taken to train a snipper on people under her protection. With the rest of her security team busy locking down the premises, she was left to the goose chase even though looking for tracks from this particular prey was about as promising as searching for footprints after a storm.
She tensed when something popped right beside her ear and the sharp slap of metal hit her cheek. She scolded her hammering heart and forced a calm gaze to the arrow that kissed her skin and was now imbedded in the wall. Her hand went to the dual blades tucked against her thighs knowing full well that any assassin after her would not be foolish enough to miss twice.
A test of her ear piece told her its signal had been knocked out somehow. A heavy pair of boots splashed down beside her and she whipped into a defensive pose before the archer could cut her mission short.
The man kneeling across from her had his bow pressed to the ground and his black stealth suit clinging to him like any woman in her proper mind would in a scenario a little less lethal than this. Given a situation where she were allowed to use her real name and wash the blonde dye from her hair, she might have done just that because his looks were wasted on the dark, filthy streets of Samara, Russia.
“Hello, easy, Chief. I’m not here for you. Sonic took out your communications, also I was listening in a little bit, Ma’am is a weird name. Is that like the birth one or did she rename herself that? I’m looking for the Widow. You know anything?”
“Does anyone?” she flicked her blades so they would glint in warning beneath the lazy stars.
“They sent one person out to challenge her? Seems a little under kill. Unless you’re just the bait.”
She advanced a step to show just how much of a danger she truly was. His mouth curved up in amusement when he rose from his crouch. “You’re not going to let me leave,” he said.
“I fear my boss will want to speak with anyone chasing her.”
“Knew better,” he sighed. “Alright, let’s do this before I have to check out of my hotel.”
Her first swipe cut only into nothing as he swiveled around to her back. She feigned left, sweeping her right foot back to catch his ankles.
“Woah, who taught you that?” he demanded, dancing over the attack.
While she paused to process his stunned remark his completely unstunned body cracked his bow against her forehead. She grabbed at his forearm, twisting until it clattered free of his grip. “Quiet, American.”
“Was it Hill?” he carried on. “You with S.H.I.E.L.D?”
Now she faltered and he did not take the opportunity to jam any of his color coordinated arrows into her temple.
“I wasn’t told of another operative here,” he babbled.
She slammed her shoulder into his chest and landed him flat on his ass where she could properly threaten him.
“I’m handling it.”
“This is about as under control as a mouse wrestling a snake.”
“You realize I’m pinning you right,” she demanded, dropping her knees to either side of his hips and pressing the flats of her blades against either of his wrists.
“That means nothing. I’m letting you. Just so you know, they asked me to do your job first. Also, the first and last fight I had with the Widow ended with my jaw dislocated. That was back when I cornered her in Milan. That makes me a mouse too.”
“Sadly, I think that just makes more dinner for the snake instead of an overwhelming force.”
He shrugged his eyebrows and glanced down pointedly. With a sigh she crawled to sit beside him as he grunted and rolled onto his stomach. Hands propped under his head as princess worthy blue eyes fluttered up at her. “Feel better? I think you missed bruising one of my ribs if you wanted a clean sweep.”
“I was going to ask why Fury didn’t tell me you were coming, but pretending you don’t exist does seem to be the only way to deal with your bullshit.”
“Supposed to be super top fucking secret but since you kind of outed me, not cool by the way, want to work together to charm a snake?”
“Is she a spider or a snake, man? Make up your damn mind.”
He rocked back, clutching his knees as a laugh barreled through him. “Oh, I like you. You don’t get a say now. We’re working together. Got something more stealthy than that yellow dress?”
She did not give one rat’s ass how he got into her apartment only that he could have possibly blown her cover.
“Brought flowers. Told the doorman I wanted to surprise you.”
“Was the surprise that I had a boyfriend?” she deadpanned as she shrugged off her bulky overcoat.
“Fiancé, when he asks but that’s not why I’m here. I need your help bringing her in. She vanished, shook all my tracking abilities. From what I hear, you’re pretty handy with the underworld system.”
“If you hear anything then I’m doing my job wrong. Why would you want her brought in anyway? Isn’t protocol to take out someone that rouge and dangerous?”  
He gave his knees a firm pat before pushing off them to match their heights. “I think she could prove an asset. I made this call. If it goes south, it’s on me. I know I’m asking you to compromise yourself but from what I can tell, the Widow is more involved in mafia’s inner working than the little crew you head. We find her, we get you your hot target too.”
“Ma’am is a pretty cold-hearted bitch from ghost chatter I’ve picked up.”
A tug of his grey hoodie secured it around his face for a safety net just in case anyone was spying in from the dirt smeared window to their right. Sonja was afforded no such luxury because her face was always bared to the world. She was buried way too deep in her world of shit to risk disguises. “Funny. We should work well together.”
“What’s your clearance?” She demanded.
The space of her apartment was deemed worthy of her retailer to host grand parties of up to a dozen people but she already felt stuffy with his confident presence entirely too close to her though he remained clear across the green wallpapered room with his feet twisting into her recently purchased, hand woven rug. It was probably worth three times his ratty boots with its intricate depiction of a fanfare of angels descending the heavens; this man was no angel.
“That doesn’t exist. Ten is the highest. I would know, I was the reason they created it.”
A tilt of his head told her he was only amused with her declaration and not in awe like all other inferiors she came across. “Welcome to Alpha then. I’ll fill you in on the plane.”
“I thought you didn’t know where she was.”
“I said she shook me. That doesn’t mean I don’t know her well enough to predict where she would go. Pack light, Budapest can be unforgiving this time of year.”
“Got a name?”
“Got a code, Hawkeye. Yours?”
Being nearly run over three time while crossing a single street was a personal record for Sonja. Hawkeye was weighed down beneath a tan backpack filled with waters, old and clunky laptops, maps, granola bars (as if she could live off of those along), and a very distinct lack of weapons. Hawkeye had insisted on leaving them behind because airport security did not make exceptions for undercover agents and using a private jet would raise too many eyebrows. He had extracted her daggers from her and then held his hand out expectantly for the spares he could not have known she kept tucked neatly between her planner and wallet in her purse. She felt slightly less naked when he tossed his bow as well but still would rather not relying on their combined wit and charm since her partner appeared to be painfully lacking in both and making up for it with 100 proof sarcasm.
The wind buckled with the weight of the dry air it carried and tugged at the ends of Sonja’s hastily dyed and chopped off brunette locks. A sunhat kept the loose waves mashed against her face and even bigger sunglasses kept the prying sun at bay along with Hawkeye’s dancing glances back to make sure she was keeping up with his soundless steps.
“Come on,” he called even though the only closer she could have been to him would be to just piggyback it.
“Where is the safe house again?” she called over the roar of traffic.
He pause while a couple bustled between them, their heads bent in deep conversation then nodded politely to a minister though she doubted his devilish grin could even point out a church. “Next block. You wanna take over bag duty? I’ve got this crick in my neck I haven’t been able to shake since the plane.”
“That’s because you were stupid enough to sleep on the plane. On my shoulder no less. There’s a drool stain.”
The bag was tossed at her chest where her hands caught it without the aid of her gaze leaving his. “If your posture was more slumped we wouldn’t have this problem.”
“Excuse me for remaining vigilant.”
“Trust me, your people don’t know you’re missing yet. You’ve probably got until noon.” His eyes skipped between his blank wrist and the sun overhead to judge the time. “And once we get set up with internet, I will clear the airways of anything we might have left behind. Say, do you think you could give me some sort of reaction? The constant dead expression is a bit intimidating.”
“I can see why the Widow dislocated your jaw, you talk too much.”
She spotted the covert insignia for S.H.I.E.L.D. and pushed past him to key in the day’s number sequence for entrance. There was distinct absence of air conditioning when they entered the stale room sitting on the basement level of what appeared to be the back of a tourist ice cream shop. Hawkeye’s bulky jacket hit the floor then his paisley shirt was tossed over the back of a chair that used to be sand colored but appeared to have been recently stained with globs of red. His back hit the ground as he fiddled with the window unit and Sonja set to toeing along the perimeter of their quarters.
She came across the outlet first sitting adjacent to the Ethernet cable in the far right corner. After depositing the backpack for him to fiddle with later on, she peeled off her overcoat and tank top while she stuck her head into the bathroom to check on the water situation. What trickled from the sink was lukewarm at coldest and the pressure in the shower was laughable but at least the toilet flushed and air freshener hung from the doorknob. Its orange tree shape was swinging in the next moment as blessed air filled the cramped space.
Sonja emerged from the bathroom with her sports bra held away from her damp skin. “Guess you are useful.”
“Do me a favor and check the freezer.” He toed off his boots as he walked, adding more of his shit to the mess that made her fingers twitch to clean only slightly.
“Think they left us frozen dinners? Because you’re health nut bars are not going to cut it Hawk.”
“I’ll order pizza for us,” he called with a wink as he tapped away on the booting up monster of a laptop.
She grumbled her response and pried open the rusted closed freezer doors that concealed an inside that somehow felt hotter than the oven of a city. Two metal cases rested inside, one smaller and snugly sitting atop
“You know how to defuse bombs right?” she called, eyes tracing the otherwise empty white cubicle for any wire or trigger.
“That’s a no. They’re presents from Fury.”
She did not move to take his word for it but instead carefully shifted the boxes sideways while sliding her hand where they sat in case it was weight sensitive. When she felt only the sleek, flat bottom, she cautiously picked up the bottom box from either edge with just the tips of her fingers and walked it as far away from Hawkeye as she could manage.
“For Christ’s sake, Z. I special requested those. Look, the code is 1971 on the bigger one and all zeroes on the other because I’m brilliant. If those don’t work then you can pull out your bomb squad suit.” He strode over, task forgotten, and squatted beside her kneeling form. “I’m not sure whether I’m offended you don’t trust me or flattered you’re trying to keep my out of harm's way.”
She flinched when he keyed in the numbers and passed her the first case carelessly before punching in his own and flipping the lid up to reveal and brand-spanking-new carbon fiber and purple streaked bow.
“Stealthy.” Sonja pulled out her own sleek new dagger set. Four blades so sharp just the skimming of her fingers drew their first blood. “Gorgeous.”
“I’m going to assume both of those were for me. Look, since I slept earlier, you take this round and I’ll wake you when night says it's time to move.”
When she made no move to do as such, he groaned and jutted out his hand. “Clint,” he said.
“What,” she snapped.
“That’s my name. Clint Barton. 1971 is the year I was born.”
“Is this supposed to make me trust you?”
“What? You want my social security number? Passport? Birth certificate? To be honest, I have so many of those I probably couldn’t pinpoint the original for you.”
She glanced down to hide the smiled curving up her lips and tucked a single dagger into her calf high sock. After refolding the hem of her khaki shorts, she felt composed enough to meet his impatient blue eyes. His smile was quick and brilliant and caught her so off guard she returned it, still vulnerable from the previous moments.
“There she is. Listen miss bomb technician, that why they call you zero? Because of the countdown? Anyway, if you don’t sleep you risk both our asses tonight and I happen to have a fine ass. As a gentleman I have not checked yours out but I am willing to bet that it’s at least half as good as mine.”
“If I go to sleep will you shut up?”
He touched his scarred knuckles against her cheek and lugged his new toys over to the ancient ones where he set up shop for the next few hours. The flimsy mattress with springs poking out every few inches was tucked away between the window and the front door and Sonja barely got her coat down on it before her head crashed against her arm for her pillow and her eyes tapped out.
do svidaniya
Clint’s version of a gentle awakening was a kick to her foot as he passed by. Of course, her leg swept out in defense and he landed face first on the mattress beside her. Her groggy eyes blinked open at him and promptly scowled at the dumbfounded expressions holding even his usual smart ass comment at bay.
“We better be under attack,” she grumbled, failing when she attempted to remove her already asleep arm from beneath his heavy torso.
It took him an alarming number of seconds to compose an answer and she squinted through sleep crust to glare at him. His lips parted then apparently he discovered them too dry to speak because his tongue swept out and at this proximity, so close she would not even have to reach to strangle him, the smell of his lingering bubblegum toothpaste pulled her fully into reality.
The same abrupt force that stilled him froze her from shoving him off the bed. She blamed the dreams still singing to her but the more likely cause was his hand which had by the damnation of some god landed on the dip of her waist, not her ass or her breast, which would be far simpler to explain the skip in her chest.
His recovery was like watching a runner recover from a particularly nasty hurdle “Afraid your mafia is running a little behind schedule, so we have to go out and meet them. Gear up.”
He grunted when her knee sent him rolling to the floor next.
“What time is it, Hawk?”
“2100. Think you bruised my bladder.”
Her change of clothes were swept up and the bathroom door slammed between them and the meager form of water she coaxed from the sink drowned out the breath she heaved from her lungs. The woman staring back at her was faded and spotted where the mirror was tarnished from the years without maintenance.
There was scarcely enough time to worry about saving her own skin let alone playing guess that hormone with an archer she met two days ago. A quick coaching session of her emotions and the addition of a black beanie, matching under armor shirt, and a lightweight bullet proof vest she emerged, undoing the button to her shorts after regretfully noticing the absence of the last bit of her uniform.
Clint lounged in front of the air unit in identical gear, hands folded across his pulled in knees so that the muscles fought against the fabric of his shirt. “Didn’t know pants were optional,” he called as she neatly folded her shorts beside their supply bag and produced the cargo pants that would be hiding her weapons for the evening. “I did appreciate that silky number you wore for me on our first mission,” he continued.
A belt secured the bottoms and after shoving her feet into the boots she stomped one down dangerously close to his most vulnerable bits and offered a sweet smile down at him.
“Think the world has one too many eunuchs as it is. Next time you want me to tie your laces try a nice ‘Clinton, would you be a dear and tie my fucking shoes?’”
“Don’t I feel like Cinderella?”
Deft fingers made quick work of her laces and she was still admiring the knots she could not even begin worrying about how to undo when he stood and shouldered his bow.
“Let’s go catch a spider, Z.”
“Let’s take down the Samarian crew as well while we’re at it.”
The night was their friend, lending its heaviest cloud cover from the stars that dared shine from the moonless sky as they jogged through the still bustling city’s alleys.
They passed a meat truck making a last minute delivery and Clint offered the driver the nod of his head before prodding Sonja’s body to pick up the speed as if they were out for a jog instead of on the tracks of the most dangerous woman on any side of the world. She shifted out of his reach, none too content on having her mind replay its earlier clash with emotions for the rest of the mission.
The building where Clint’s found surveillance footage last picked up her image was tucked between the river and the last wall of structures. A fishing shack where Sonja doubted the lights from the horn riddled bridge now stretching over their heads could penetrate if a paid professional like herself were taking shelter there.
Rounding the last bend on the downward slanting street, Clint caught her belt loop and pulled her against the crumbling brick building that smelled like moss and moldy bread. She bent her knees to keep from slipping down the slope on the loose cobblestones beneath their feet and still managed to subtly maneuver further from him because his aftershave was making repeating the plan like a mantra in her head a thing for the birds.
“Hey, you with me, Zero? You remember what we talked about?”
“Not dying or the not fucking up part?”
“See, I knew you weren’t listening to me.”
“Relax, Hawk. I’ve been doing this since I was toddling.”
“Really? Diapers for me.”
She swatted his arm when his blue eyes danced with humor and closed her own to reel herself back in.
“Seriously, though, you up for this? Because I can go in alone…”
“Like, hell, Hawk. You’re long range, I distract. Stick to it.”
He held out his knuckles wrapped in fingerless gloves that would help his aim. With a laugh disguised as a groan, she knocked hers against his and watched as he began scaling the fire escape to the tops of the connected houses leading to the perfect vantage point.
It took the coaxing of the restless waves to remind her that she too did not have the fortune of sitting still and allowing her already spiraling life to make Budapest its final resting place.
The traps took precious time to pick out--a motion detector from the front porch, a snoring dog with paws running in the air when she slipped around to the side, an electrical ward along the single sealed window, and finally a good old fashioned set of cans on the roof she managed to climb on. Sonja crouched on the narrow ledge of the none-too-secure roofing tiles, still off balance from her misjudged landing.
The cans, a mix of unopened green peas for which Sonja could not blame her and chili whose lids appeared to have been ripped off by bare hands, were stacks to at least twice her height and made a perfect circle around what she had to assume was another vulnerable entrance. From her original distance of spotting from the bridge with Clint, it had appeared merely another level of the shack which she could scale but now was proving to be just a pain in her ass. She circled on feet quieter than death to the side where Clint could see her and held out her hands helplessly.
“No in?” He said over the ear piece.
A shake of her head was the answer she knew his strapped on night goggles could pick up.
“Alright, hold on.”
“Clint!” she hissed out as an idea struck.
“Hell of a time to break out the Christian name.”
“Knock out the electricity on window.”
“I know you remember how these sonic arrows work. Our communication will be cut off and I know you’ll miss this sweet watchful voice, Z.”
“Sonja,” she whispered, hunching down on her knees and throwing a finger down as if he did not know the window she intended.
“No, sonic.”
“That’s my name you moron. You’ve got to trust me. Just shoot it.”
There was that hesitation from him again, she was beginning to understand how his head worked. The job was simple, something he was trained beyond reason for, but she was a variable he had to carefully calculate into the equation.
“Alright. I’m right behind you.”
“I know. Just don’t miss.”
She heard the smile in his response, “I find your lack of faith disturbing.”
“Are we really resorting to quoting Star Wars right now?”
“Fire in the hole, Sonja.”
The arrow struck home with a muted thwack and Sonja slid down onto the windowsill throwing a thumbs up into the now unresponsive night as she jimmied her dagger around to unlock the window. A second blade joined her free hand when she ducked inside.
The first thing she noticed was the complete lack of interior decoration just like their own safe house and the second unfortunately was that the insides were also void of any inhabitants. Why so much security without anything to protect?
There was a knock at the front door and a moment later Sonja remembered the power surge would also have affected the motion detector. She wearily trudged over before sliding into a defensive position when she flung the door back.
She saw the Black Widow first and her arrogant smirk followed by the prompting of an arrow to her skull.
“Plan B then?” Sonja called as Clint jostled their target into the room.
“I thought we agreed this was the more likely alternative,” he said. “Making it plan A.”
Sonja shrugged and pulled the handcuffs from her calf pocket before moving to snap them securely around the Widow’s ankles. The woman grunted as a green glow filled the room and a shift of her hips proved her unable of even lifting her feet.
When Sonja straightened and reached to tuck a stray strand of hair back into her braid, the woman finally spoke. “Props.” she said.
“Thanks, we’ve been practicing that last bit for hours now. I was really worried about the execution.” Clint strolled around to the front of their captive, pockets bulging with confiscated weapons.
“Not you, Barton. I knew you were on my ass for months. Her I wasn’t even looking for.”
Sonja crossed her arms. “Case. Point. What’s your real name?”
“Natasha Romanov.”
The plain reply jarred both her and her partner equally and Clint took her arm, walking her as far back into the room as he could manage before inclining his forehead to make the whisper easier hear. “She’s going to try to play a game with us. Anyone around her is instantly compromised. I need you to stay with me.”
A sharp nod answered him and his grin danced with mischief as he swung back around to stroll over to Natasha with his bow forgotten and swinging in his left hand. Sonja did not even feign relaxation but rubbed her thumbs over the sweating hilts of her daggers.
“This about the Avengers initiative? I read all about it last week,” Natasha said.
“You know it is. That’s why you let us capture you.”
“Let?” Sonja’s arms slipped from their protective frame.
Clint pushed on, feigning deafness when Sonja knew good and well his hearing aids were in. “You’ve got a nasty ledger and S.H.I.E.L.D. only wants to help you rectify it through the Avengers.”
“Avengers?” Sonja questioned.
“I’m fine where I am,” Natasha retorted giving the glowing shackles weighing down her feet a good tug and only ending up on her knees which, despite the powerless position, she somehow conveyed was right where she wanted to be.
Clint sighed and dropped as well. “You’re fine painting every city you go to with blood for people you don’t even know? The Avengers are going to protect the world and we want you to be a part of that.”
“Cute speech. Did Sonja feed it to you? You’re not bright enough to try the emotion ploy.”
Sonja was too busy puzzling how she knew her name to reply. That’s when the first bullet cut through the air and buried itself clean in Clint’s left calf. When he keeled forward in pain, Natasha swiped the gun tucked into the back of his belt and began firing to cover all their asses.
Lurching forward, Sonja kicked the door shut and pried her pistol from her belt as her back smacked against the wall. “Clint!” she called when he finally lifted himself from the ground.
“You led the Samarians here!” Natasha shouted as bullets pelted the door and walls relentlessly.
“Whoops,” Clint managed.
“Damn right you’re gonna need my help with the Avengers if you can’t even manage to stay off their radar. I assume you at least had an escape route in place.”
Clint wiped his bloody hand off on his shirt and primed an arrow for release should their defenses be breached by the crew. “Boat out back.”
“You’re gonna have to uncuff me.” Natasha called, firing precisely through an already fragile portion of the wall to produce a thunk of dead weight only a few yard away.
The deadly accuracy made Clint hesitate as he added in yet another variable, but Sonja just tossed the keys without a word and returned to keeping her gun aimed at the door.
“Barton go first and we’ll cover you,” Natasha called as she dodged a bullet cutting entirely too close to her brain. When she sat up straight again a line of red across her forehead added to her already flaming hair and scarlet pjs look.
Clint’s gaze snapped to Sonja unwavering in its unspoken question: would she be ok alone?
“Get out of here, Hawkeye,” she added the last bit to help him depersonalize, to remind him this was just a mission and all lives involved were expendable. “I’m right behind you,” she continued when he did not move.
His mouth curved up as he heaved himself onto mostly steady feet and sprinted to the backdoor while Sonja and Natasha laid down cover fire until both were down a clip. “Together?” Natasha called.
“Hell, why not?”
Sonja leapt up first, followed shortly by the much faster woman. The night air was thick with humidity that only pooled more sweat on their skin. On the free side of the house, a man screamed as the now awakened guard dog set to work. The other side was occluded by the closely stacks buildings and on the water just ahead, Clint revved the waiting engine of the speed boat.
Natasha waded into the water and slung her leg over the side, hauling herself on board in one fluid motion. Sonja had time to see her eyes go wide before she heard the other female voice cut through the night, “Chief!”
A sword was leveled at her instead of a gun and Sonja had the absolute pleasure of facing her old boss when she turned around. “Ma’am,” she replied without a trace of emotion.
She heard the cock of Natasha’s gun along with the wiry draw of Clint’s bow and briefly wondered if he could even keep his hands steady at the moment due to the blood loss.
“Or is it Agent Zero now?”
“Whatever you prefer, Ma’am.”
“Shall we settle this like the duals of old or has all your honor gone through the window with the american?”
Sonja heard Natasha grumble about being ignored as she tucked her gun into her pocket and produced a dagger. The other hand reached for her back pocket slower all the while keeping her opponent's gaze fixed on her words. Ma’am’s bulky henchmen fanned out behind her patiently waiting to be allowed to have some fun with the traitor and spy.
“What can I say? He brought presents.”
She waited the appropriate ten seconds for the meaning behind her words to smash into Clint before she pulled the pin. The homemade grenade sailed from her hand while her body was flung in the other direction. Her side slammed into the boat and Natasha just managed to get a drip on her belt before Clint slammed the throttle into its highest gear. He was ducked on the floor by the steering console for safety just as Natasha had thrown herself beneath the low walls at Clint’s advisement.
“When did you even have time to make that?” he demanded, driving blindly down the wide river.
“You’re the one who apparently knows everything,” she snapped.
“Christ, I’m sorry, alright. You weren’t cleared to know.” He paused then turned to her while Natasha huffed and took over driving. “Zero failed missions?”
“Guess again.”
“Zero like you were the original?”
“You’re not cleared, asshole.”
Natasha made airports her bitch with the new fresh faced S.H.I.E.L.D recruits scurrying behind her toting her luggage and a flight attendant rushing to retrieve her properly iced water. She shot Sonja a lazy wink but the other woman was too busy scowling away any potential disturbances to do anything other than reshoulder her backpack.
Clint took the lead, his reputation sending the herd of freshmen scattering in his wake of glory. Sonja quickened her steps, determined to talk to him now that the paramedics aboard their evac copter were no longer shooting him full of drugs.
“You’re not careless,” she said once she matched long legs to his abrupt stride.
“Think Nat will make them carry her?” he mused, wincing when he stopped focusing on his uneven gait.
Sonja caught under his arm and he glanced over through sleep deprived blue eyes and the tangles his cropped hair had somehow managed to tie itself into. “You gonna make me carry you?” she countered.
“I’ve got it.”
The usual airport crowd of proud mothers, blubbering fathers, and excitable kids ready to go off and make lives for themselves meandered past them. Sonja wondered what life awaited her back at S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters.
“I was born there, you know. S.H.I.E.L.D that is. Born and raised. I don’t exist to our government because S.H.I.E.L.D doesn’t. I’m nothing, I’m just zero.”
“I let the Samarians follow us,” he admitted in the breath after she finished her confession.
“I know. You’re not careless. You needed a common enemy for us to get Romanov on our side.”
“I was going to apologize for ruining your original mission, but I think all of earth takes precedence. We wouldn’t have made it out of there if not for you.”
“Taking out Ma’am was my mission Clint. Yesterday was the first time I saw her in person. I spent years working my way up through the ranks only to figure out I would only ever be important to her when I betrayed her.”
“You’re welcome, then.” He leaned in when he sang it and she gave his face a shove away as they exited the building through sliding glass doors and reached a junction in the sidewalk where she would climb into the car that would carry her home and he would get in his rental and drive out to his next mission.
“How long has it been since you’ve been stateside?”
“Just four years. I haven’t been home since I was a teenager, though when I completed my training.”
“You don’t have to face those bastards, you know. I’ve got something involving lightning and a hammer waiting for me. Could use some backup I trust.”
“Sounds alpha level. I’ll leave you to it.”
He nodded, shifting his weight off his bad leg and closing the humming space between their bodies just enough for her to notice it was deliberate. Her hand shifted under the strap of her bag while she toed at some bits of loose gravel beneath her sneakers.
“Guess this is goodbye, then. Keep an eye on Nat for me, will you? She respects you.”
“Only because she was comparing me to you.”
His mouth pulled up in a smile she had grown all too accustomed to seeing regularly and had truthfully taken for granted now that he was leaving. The civil term of closer inspection crossed her mind as she leaned in further still followed by the embarrassing real word she had been searching for--a kiss.
She could not even recall the last time she had kissed someone without an ulterior motive. She expected him to politely return it or to laugh and tell her to collect herself, not for him to bite her lip and slide his lips between hers like the whole damn earth might spin off course if he did not. His hands were soft in her hair and his hand slid down tracing over her cheek so that his fingers replaced his lips when he reluctantly pulled away.
“Put a pin in that, Sonja?”
“You mean like when I pinned you? Or what I pulled the pin on the grenade?”
“No explosions and no more beating me up.” He punctuated his sentence with a rushed kiss to her forehead. “Unless we can twist those into kinky things.”
“Oh, it’s possible,” Natasha called as she strolled past and climbed into the waiting black SUV.
Sonja gave his chest a push and took two controlled steps backwards simply because if she didn’t there was no guarantee either of them would be setting out on their respective journeys today.
“Goodbye,” Sonja said.
With a wink that sent her spiraling higher than the pyres of Moscow’s finest cathedrals Clint Barton was gone.
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kyndaris · 4 years
“If I Ever Were to Lose You...”
As a huge fan of Naughty Dog, it should come as no surprise that I bought The Last of Us Part II on day one. It mattered not that the plot had been leaked a month or so ago. Nor did I care how divisive the game was among the gaming community (honestly, I’m not sure what the exact reason is for the vitriol. The reasons are numerous, ranging from the fact that many believes Naughty Dog was pushing an agenda - if you played the Left Behind DLC, you would have known that Ellie was gay - or that Abby was not painted as a moustache-twirling villain). I loved the first game and I knew that I would appreciate the morally grey narrative that The Last of Us Part II promised. So, with the work day over, I journeyed once again through a post-apocalyptic United States of America.
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The Last of Us Part II begins with Joel returning to the town of Jackson. After a fraught conversation with his brother, Tommy, about what had happened at the end of the first game, he brings back a peace offering for Ellie: a guitar. From there, the game jumps forward in time by five years with Ellie waking up late and gently teased by her friend Jesse as they prepared for the day ahead.
I quite liked the first few moments of the game as I took in Jackson. It reminded me of the old west, what with a saloon, blacksmith and horses. But it also painted a more positive picture of the apocalypse, with children playing in the snow and building snowmen. Jackson was a flourishing community. Yes, it had its issues with Infected roving around the countryside, but there was a sense of camaraderie that the first game lacked.
It wasn’t long, however that the game switched to an unknown character: Abby. She had made her way down to Jackson with a group of her friends. It wasn’t made entirely clear what her objective was, initially, but it was revealed in her conversations with Owen that she was looking for someone.
The first part of the game played well - jumping from Ellie to Abby and back again during the course of the day. It all culminated when Abby runs into Joel and Tommy (stationed at the ski lodge) as she tries to dodge a horde of Infected. Joel and Tommy save her, but are too far away to make it to Jackson. Abby offers them shelter in the mansion that she is staying at with her friends. But once within, it is revealed that the person that Abby and her friends were searching for was Joel and that they were seeking revenge for what happened to the head surgeon that was killed at the end of The Last of Us. 
As Joel is being brutally tortured, Ellie learns that both Joel and Tommy have not checked in. With Dina and Jesse, she goes in search for them. Finally, she stumbles upon the mansion that Abby and her friends are residing in. Before she can rescue Joel, she is wrestled to the ground and witnesses Abby smashing Joel’s head in with a golf club -  leaving Ellie devastated and suffering from PTSD.
Thus, begins her quest for revenge as she heads to Seattle.
The initial moments of the game made it very easy to hate Abby. After all, most of us that picked up the title had played through the original and felt a tight connection with Joel and Ellie. While their actions throughout the first game bordered on morally questionable, they were the protagonists and who the players were able to control. In the world of the post-apocalypse with fungus zombies, it made a certain amount of sense that it was a dog-eat-dog world out in the wilderness. With Abby killing Joel, however, it felt like a line was crossed - making it very easy to slip into Ellie’s mindset of seeking revenge for the loss of her father-figure.
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After Ellie arrives in Seattle, finding Abby was no easy task. With the Seraphites and the WLF roaming the streets, Ellie was hard-pressed to find a non-violent solution. Particularly when many of the WLF and Seraphites were of the ‘shoot first, ask questions’ later mentality when it came to trespassers. It wasn’t long before Ellie started tracking down Tommy and the members of Abby’s party. But after an encounter at the Seattle Aquarium, Ellie decided to abandon her quest due to Dina’s declining health. As Ellie and her team prepared to go home, Abby manages to track them down at the theatre that they were staying in and ambushes them.
It was here that many players felt dismayed as the game jumped back again to the start of the three days in Seattle to explain Abby’s side of the story. Through flashbacks, the game revealed that her father was the head-surgeon that was killed by Joel. Years afterwards, Abby continued to suffer nightmares from what had happened. Seeing her story also shed light on how many of her team were suffering from guilt after what had happened in Jackson. This was particularly evident in Abby’s interactions with Mel.
Also, her relationship with Owen was both endearing and troubling. The flashbacks helped paint a picture of their relationship and the troubles that came from Abby’s devotion to training and Owen’s more hesitant approach to working with the WLF. Let’s also not forget how that at the end of Seattle Day One, Abby then slept again with her ex-lover. I mean really?  His current girlfriend is pregnant and the two you broke up more than a year ago. At least Abby was able to respect Mel’s wishes and decline Owen’s offer of going to Santa Barbara together.
I liked how it built up a complicated backstory for Abby and helped emphasise that she was not a cut-out copy of the mindless AI enemies that I often faced. It also helped me understand more of the WLF, though I found their compound in one of the old stadiums Seattle less impressive than the city that was built in Jackson.
Her quest to help her friend and then, two young Seraphites also placed in perspective that the world of The Last of Us carried very much an ‘us versus them’ mentality. Considering the fact that I was watching The 100 while playing only cemented the fact that everyone was looking out for ‘their people’ and screw everyone else. And while Yara and Lev helped break some of the prejudice Abby held against the Seraphites, there was also a sense that she was only helping them to alleviate the guilt that she had for her previous actions.
But after discovering the bodies of Owen and Mel, her anger resurfaces and she decides to hunt down those responsible. The fight with Ellie was difficult. Mostly because these were two young women who had many similarities and both were filled with hatred and loathing for the other. In the end, Abby won their first encounter and would have likely killed both Ellie and Dina had not Lev stepped in.
By the time the ending rolled around, however, it was easy to see how much Abby had changed as a prisoner of the Rattlers. She had lost weight and her hair was now a lot shorter than it had been. The confidence she had during the ten or so hours I played as her was gone. Instead, she seemed exhausted. It wasn’t much of a fight as an ongoing struggle between committing to the cycle of hatred or breaking away. After nearly successfully drowning Abby, Ellie decides to let both her and Lev go.
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Some might have thought that Ellie forgave Abby for what she did to Joel. I don’t. Rather, it seemed that Ellie came to the conclusion that taking an eye for an eye was not worth it. Particularly after she gave up the safe and happy lifestyle of living with Dina and JJ. This was also true for Abby. In fact, she did not want to fight and only did so when Ellie threatened to hurt Lev. Even then, the battle was half-hearted at best with Abby throwing haymakers that were far too easy to dodge.
The narrative of The Last of Us Part II is a poignant study into the human condition, hidden beneath a traditional tale of revenge. Like The Count of Monte Cristo, which was referenced in dialogue in Abby’s story, it demonstrates the devastating consequences of a person’s need to right the wrongs that were inflicted on the people involved. What many seemed to misunderstand about the game was the fact that there were no ‘good sides’ or ‘bad sides.’ Abby is not the monster that she was first portrayed as. Nor is Ellie like the heroines in the comics she liked to read and the trading cards she collected. 
They are all people, looking to survive. And that, perhaps, is what I liked about The Last of Us Part II. 
What I also liked about The Last of Part II was the setting. Having visited Seattle in the past, I was excited to see the aquarium - which I visited four years ago. While it didn’t seem to match up exactly with my memories of the place, I still found it exciting to recognise some of the landmarks - such as the Ferris Wheel.
Then there were the flashbacks to simpler times. I loved exploring the Natural History Museum of Wyoming and climbing atop the replica of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Ellie’s enthusiasm about astronauts also proved to be incredibly touching as she divulged everything she knew to Joel. 
And though some might consider that Naughty Dog was pushing an agenda by including Lev as a transgender male, I didn’t mind. In fact, it seemed very refreshing that people referred to Lev with the correct pronouns. Even if they were terrible slavers with Infected chained up as pets.
The gameplay also helped to heighten many aspects of the story-telling. This was particularly evident when it came to Abby and her fear of heights. I was fascinated at how just by looking down from a towering structure, Abby would begin to breathe more heavily as her fear took hold.
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Other than that, the combat systems were reminiscent of the first game. Stealth was key to surviving, although I much preferred controlling Ellie when it came to fighting the Infected. Mostly because of her unbreakable knife and the fact that she was able to craft Molotov cocktails. When playing as Abby, however, I was much more aggressive.
Overall, The Last of Us Part II wove an interesting narrative of revenge, justice and forgiveness. It might not have been what many fans wanted, but it was what we got. In our current times, it’s easy for people to construct a dichotomy between two opposing forces, but in life, that is hardly ever the case. While Naughty Dog did not break the mould when it came to the combat, it was still serviceable. The Last of Us Part II was fraught with moments of terror as I was being chased by Infected, but managed to soothe them with the humanising aspects of the characters. I suppose that was what made the game for me. The character development and the ability to explore a ravaged world while learning about the people that lived in it.
Now let’s just hope that COVID-19 won’t have the nasty side-effect of making all those that contracted it zombies.
On a side note: why was Abby so swole? I mean, there was nothing wrong with it, but I found myself distracted by her biceps and triceps.
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mainly-kpop · 5 years
Gotta be trippin'
Word count: 2737
Warnings: none to report I don't think. Some cursing I guess?
Summary: instead of the regular entering a game story, what happens when her favourite character comes out said game?
A.N: Can I just take a moment to thank y’all for 500 followers wow. I never thought I’d get this far but here we are, As always I hope y’all stick by me and watch me grow <3 
Ask box is always open, come talk to me. ask me things, tell me things, confide in me. Lets make friends :)
Banner by @lightupmyass/@ot7-hoes
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‘KOOKIE DON’T RUN THERE, HE’S RIGHT THERE!’ She screamed at the monitor, her character long dead and caught. Jungkook screamed down the microphone, no words, just screaming as his character bolts to the other side of the room. He sat for a moment, catching his breath, she dared not look at the screen. It wasn’t her character anymore, but she also couldn’t stand the tension. She didn’t know why she played these games, being the biggest pussy in the world, it didn’t really make sense. Tension and jump scares were her kryptonite, being the main reason she got no sleep at night.
‘Okay, I think I’M-OH MY HOLY FUCK HE’S RIGHT BEHIND ME- and he ripped my legs off, cool. Great.’ He screamed and whined, she sighed, thank fuck that was over for now. Jungkook said the dangerous words, the words that promised she would be up all night.
‘One more game?’ She sighed, clicking her character and locking in. He just laughed on the other side, picking his usual too.
‘I really don’t know why you pick him all the time, he’s so fucking clumsy. He’s always knocking into something or sneezing, I mean what fucking game character actually sneezes!’ He whined, sneaking through the same room they had done three times already. She picked up a couple items she could throw, to distract the bad guys.
‘Don’t be rude, I love him. You’re character isn’t much better, he may be graceful but he’s still just as tall!’ Namjoon was her chosen character, tall, lanky and very clumsy. The characters in this game were awkwardly normal, doing things that usually weren’t programed into normal stealth games. Namjoon would sneeze or stub his toe, would fart in fear, most of the time giving away his position. Jin however wasn’t all that much better, screaming when a rat scurried past him or a tree brushed against a window. His hair sticking up over most of the hiding spots. They were realistically dumb characters, that’s what made the game so fun yet difficult. There was better characters, ones built specifically for stealth. Their stats showing drastically better than the chosen two characters, but where was the fun in that?
‘Don’t you dare bad mouth Jin, you take it back you spineless bastard.’ She gasped in mock hurt, scootching her character right beside him. Just as expected, her character sneezed giving away their position getting them both killed.
‘You’re a dick, you know that?’ He sighed, logging out of the game, throwing the controller away. A rage quit, real mature.
‘Hey what can I say, it’s a gift.’ She replied, logging out too, saying a quick goodbye. She sank into her warm bedsheets, sighing contently, at least she might actually get some sleep tonight.
A bright light shone the expanse of her small room, from outside you would see it three streets over. She winced in her sleep, rolling over whining, the light dimmed as she went to crack her eyes open. Smiling contently, she snuggled back into the pillow of her bed, falling asleep almost instantly. He looked over her sleeping form, tilting his head to the left. She let out a particularly loud snore, he shrieked in fright, covering his mouth instantly. How did he get here? It doesn’t make sense, he’s somewhere he didn’t know. He was just in a beaten down library, no?
Alarm blaring she moaned, a loud, sleep filled grumble, slapping her hand all over her bedside table. Finally grabbing her phone she turned the incessant ringing off. She whined, realising Jungkook would be over soon to grab her for classes. Laying in bed for another 20 minutes scrolling through her phone, she finally pulled her sleep deprived body out of bed. Grabbing a random shirt from the drying rack and some jeans that were lying on the floor, she sighed grabbing her bag pack. Shoving a slice of gum in her mouth she slipped out the front door, climbing into Jungkooks car. Jungkook scrunched his nose up, she smelt ripe, could she not tell she was smelly? He threw a can of deodorant at her, raising his eyebrow waiting, for the love of God please use it.
‘Didn’t you wear those jeans yesterday?’ He sighed, looking her up and down in disgust. She rolled her eyes, throwing the can of deodorant in the back, pulling down the sun visor to look in the mirror. Raking a hand through her hair, she brushed out the kinks, folding it back up and sinking in the seat.
‘I mean probably, but whose paying attention to anything in university? Everyone is just trying to get through the day without a nap.’ He sighed, why was he friends with the biggest mess on campus?
‘Besides, you wore that shirt yesterday, and dropped some sauce down it.’ She pointed out, letting him know, they were friends because they’re on the same level. Both disgusting, hardly functioning college students, trying to learn something. Something more than how to live on ramen for a year.
‘Don’t attack me like that, that hurt my soul.’ She rolled her eyes, smacking him before they pulled up to the school.
‘Right, out my car you slob, time to learn.’ He grabbed his bag pack from the back seat, climbing out the car and locking it. She bid good day to him, promising to meet at his car when they were done. She only had a half day today and he finished classes an hour after her. Realistically, that would give her time to go to the library, study up. However, she was 100% just going to the canteen to nap on a table after eating her weight in bad food.
He sighed a breath of relief as she left the house, holding back just in case she wasn’t gone yet. Waiting a couple minutes, he pushed the closet door open, stepping into the middle of the room. Did she take the jeans that were on the floor? God this girl needed to do some washing. He walked about for a while, not really knowing what to do, usually something would have happened by now, but this seemed quiet. There was no creaking floorboards, no ominous footsteps. Nothing. It was just a peaceful two story house, two bedroom, one bathroom, messy ass house. The bed looked comfortable, that was also strange, usually sheets were ripped and worn, smelt of mould and damp. This bed was soft, smelt like fabric softener, unmade, but comfortable.
‘A little nap couldn’t hurt right?’ laying his head down on the pillow he closed his eyes softly, this outfit really wasn’t sleep compatible, he would change later, after his short nap. Five minutes, maximum.
‘Thanks for dropping me home Kook, we playing tonight?’ She questioned, one leg out the car.
‘Sure, some new skins and stuff came out for Jin, so I’ll check them out first before we play. I think Namjoon got something too, an update or something? Hopefully he doesn’t sneeze and roll anymore.’ She smacked his arm as he laughed, running his hand through his hair.
‘Don’t insult my man Jungkook, or I’ll make him roll and sneeze at you again.’ Closing the door behind her, she ran up her path. Throwing her bag by the door, she sighed. Thank god this day was over. ‘I need a nap.’ She thought out loud, trudging back to her bedroom. Jeans weren’t exactly sleep material, so she undid the button, walking out of them with every step she took.
‘AGH! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!’ It startled him out of his sleep, flailing around on the bed trying to stand in a defensive position.
‘WHY DON’T YOU HAVE PANTS ON!?’ He yelped back, horror written all over his face.
‘YOU DON’T ASK THE QUESTIONS HERE, I DO. WHO ARE YOU?!’ She tried to arm herself with the nearest thing, being her clock that hasn’t worked for 3 years. It was cute, slowly becoming more decorative than functional. He took a breath, calming himself down.
‘I’m Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you.’ He spoke calmly, trying to keep his eyes on her and not the VERY small panties she was wearing. She smiled, holding back a laugh, every serious second that passed she couldn’t hold it any longer. A loud, hearty laugh escaped her lips, catching Namjoon off guard. He tilted his head slightly to the right, trying to figure out what in hell was so funny.
‘Sorry, really I’m- HA. No sorry, I don’t know what to say, it’s a good cosplay though! I’m impressed.’ His frown only deepened, heavily confused, what the fuck is cosplay?
‘What is-‘
‘I told you, I ask the questions not you. How did you get in here?’ He thought about it, now she was asking he had no idea. Honestly one minute he was in a beaten down library, next he was staring over her snoring body as she slept.
‘Okay, you took too long I’m calling the cops.’ She sighed, grabbing her phone off her bedside table, running down the hall trying to dial the 3 numbers. He was faster, clumsily he grabbed her waist, throwing them both to the ground.
‘Please don’t call the police, we don’t know what’s happening yet!’ He scream whispered, genuine fear of something bad happening.
‘I know exactly what I’m going to say, okay hear me out.’ He climbed off her body, sitting on his knees ready to listen. ‘I’m going to say “hello, officer, some FUCKING CRAZY DUDE BROKE INTO MY HOUSE” how does that sound?’ He furrowed his eyebrows, tapping his chin in thought.
‘I mean, generally, it doesn’t sound too bad. Quite convincing, you sound a little... Hmm, how do I put this nicely, erratic! You sound fucking erratic.’ She tipped her head, now she was sitting closer to him, she could see the resemblance to the character. It was creepy actually, and she could commend the art in any other situation.
‘To be Frank, Mr. Namjoon, I don’t care how I sound, for me, right now, it’s the truth. Unless you can explain yourself that is?’ He sighed rolling his eyes, he might as well say, at this point it’s not like she would actually believe him.
‘I was in an old beaten down library, smelled like dust and was damp. The books were old, worn and falling apart, I could hear creaking above me but I couldn’t tell where it was coming from, I hid, like I always do because I’m a pussy. Anyways, I went to stand up, pulled a book off the shelf, fell to the ground, and boom here I am. One bright light, and a short fall later. I know you don’t believe me, but that’s what happened.’ He dusted off his trousers, standing up off the floor, reaching his hand out for her to take. Slipping her hand hesitantly in his, she stood, bodies flushed together. She awkwardly cleared her throat, taking a step back.
‘I need to sleep, this is insanity.’ She sighed, slinking past him into her bedroom. She still wasn’t wearing pants, she could feel the heat rising to her cheeks. Ignoring it as much as she could, climbing into the warm embrace of her bed.
‘It’s only 4pm...’ Namjoon pointed out, frown deep set on his face. She sighed rolling over in the bed to face him.
‘I know, so could you turn the light off and close the blinds? At least it will help me pretend it’s like midnight?’ He rolled his eyes, a sarcastic laugh slipping through his lips. He stood in utter disbelief for a moment before doing as he was told.
‘Fine, I’ll just sit in this chair, and wait.’ She waved her hand in his general direction a small “yeah whatever” being the last thing leaving her mouth. He sighed slumping down into the chair, well he might as well try to get some rest too...
She snored herself awake the next morning, looking around hazily wondering why she was awake. The man across the room rolled his eyes at her, straightening out his posture from leaning on the door frame.
‘You sleep like a log, I totally beat up and killed a rabid dog last night and you didn’t even stir.’ Her eyes bulged out her head, leaping out of the bed and to the window she looked out. Mr Stevensons dog next door was a bit... Hyper to say the least, but not rabid!
‘YOU KILLED A DOG!?’ She yelped, looking all over the yard for the evidence. He laughed from the doorway, stepping forward.
‘No, but I did stub my toe really hard off your bed. Jolted it and everything, let out a scream of pain and you, just snored louder to cover it. Thanks for that.’ He sighed, lying down on her bed, the lumpy chair in the corner really not doing wonders for his back.
‘You can’t joke like that, Christ. Anyways, I believe you.’ His eyebrows shot up his forehead, he wasn’t even sure he believed himself. ‘I know, hard to believe, but not as hard to believe as your story. However, I have decided to trust you, now how do we get you back in the game?’ He frowned, he didn’t want to go back. How was he supposed to tell her he didn’t want to go back to fighting monsters, didn’t want to go back to the fear of dying every 5 minutes. He wasn’t cut out for this life, he didn’t want it. She watched him curiously, he was cute. She always found the character cute, but she didn’t want him to go back, she wanted to learn about him. About what he remembers from the game, if he had his own memories other than just dying over and over. She wanted to know him.
‘You don’t want to go back, do you?’ He shook his head coyly, she sighed, kind of relieved kind of stressed. She couldn’t really just throw this guy onto the streets, slumping back down into her pillow she thought of a game plan. He had almost fallen asleep before she shot up, speaking again.
‘Okay, you can stay here. You’re not freeloading though, so you can wipe that happiness off your face right now. You need to get a job, or go to college or something. This house is already paid for but if I have to feed another mouth, you’ll be paying too.’ He nodded, he could do that.
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‘I still can’t believe you didn’t send him back.’ Jungkook spoke, throwing mini hula hoops into her mouth. Two months had passed, Namjoon proving to be a massive help. More than she had anticipated. He wasn’t scared of spiders, easily scooping them up and getting rid of them. He liked playing games, especially the ones he came out of, telling Jungkook all the secrets helping him advance faster. Him and Jungkook had become nerd friends, always talking about comics and games. He had taken up a job teaching kids self defence, showing them how to get rid of bad guys. ‘But only if you’re attacked first kids!’
‘Thought you hated his character anyways? He’s so much more helpful in this world than that one.’ She jolted a finger towards the TV, catching the next hula hoop easily.
‘I mean yeah, but now the character has no personality, it’s boring.’ She rolled her eyes, the front door closing. Jungkooks attention diverted, throwing the crisp right at her eye.
‘Jungkook what the-‘ it was so obvious who Jungkook favoured now, clearly he had a new best friend.
‘Oh hey dude! How are you? How was work? Any kids kick you in the knee caps again?’ He fired questions at her roommate, causing a startled look to bubble it’s way over his features. He looked at her in mild panic and shock before sinking into a seat.
‘Na, thankfully that hasn’t happened again. It was okay today though, we had a new trainee, he’s a good bit older than the other trainees though.’ Jungkook and her cocked an eyebrow at each other.
‘How much older? What’s his name?’ Namjoon pulled his eyebrows together, grabbing some snacks from Jungkooks lap.
‘He’s definitely older than me, I think he said his name was Jin?’ She choked on her spit, Jungkook following suit. That had to be a coincidence, right?
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Interview by Jim Pettiward | Posted 19 MARCH 2019
Q: Was there a moment you realised that a lot of rivers you were spending time on were in trouble, or was it more of a gradual realisation? JW: A bit of both, really. It has been gradual, but there have also been moments where it’s really hit home.
Right from the start, I was aware that for the kind of fish I was looking for, it wasn’t just that people weren’t going and fishing for them, it was actually that these fish were disappearing because of all the damage that has been done to rivers in recent years.
One experience that really brought it home was the last time I went to the Congo. I was in a place on the Congo River where very few outsiders go, somewhere with a very low population density. I went to one village where people have a history of fishing for catfish and the scarcity of these fish – we’re talking about the main Congo here – really struck me. It is shocking to see the impact that even a small human population can have on fish.
Q: Why do you think that freshwater is something of a ‘cinderella issue’, and doesn’t get the attention that, for example, tropical forests or coral reefs get?
JW: I think it boils down to two things. Firstly, you can’t see the animals you’re talking about – or at least most people can’t – so it’s a lack of visibility. And then, if you do get to see them, a lot of freshwater fish are not great looking!
I used to do quite a bit of diving and I always wanted to be diving in rivers, where you’re generally not going to see very far. Most divers are interested in coral reefs and other marine environments, so people used to wonder why I was so keen to see brown fish in brown water! It’s true that a lot of freshwater fish aren’t all that exciting visually, but in fact there are some incredible looking fish out there in rivers and lakes, even if we don’t often get to see them. Something like the arapaima, in the Amazon, for example, get this incredible red colouration. I’ve seen individuals in breeding season where the body goes absolutely jet black, but then they have this vivid red on the edge of the scales. They’re amazing looking things, but most people would never see that. If they do see them, it’s because a fisherman has caught one and is cutting it up.
Then there are other freshwater species that just look very odd indeed. For example, the Goonch catfish in India looks like something out of the imagination of Hieronymus Bosch, it’s like a giant slug, has tentacles hanging off all different parts of its body and huge spiky teeth. I don’t think we make enough of how unique and bizarre many of these species actually are.
Q: In a way, it’s similar to what you see with some of the deep-sea species, and all the amazing creatures that live in the ocean depths. The fascination is often precisely because of how extraordinary – and how ugly (to some) – they look.
JW: Yes, there seems to be a spectrum: you’ve got the pretty fish, then you’ve got the ordinary looking fish, which nobody is really interested in, but once you start shading into the ugly fish, the interest picks up again!
Q: It is not always easy to recognise the importance and relevance of the world’s great rivers and lakes to our health and wellbeing, wherever we live. Why should people care about freshwater systems on the other side of the planet?
JW: Absolutely, I think it’s a very abstract subject and difficult to get across. From my point of view, having a scientific background, you understand the water cycle, you know that it’s not one particular river, in isolation, but that in fact water circulates throughout the world, and passes through every one of us. Just as many of us have a strong interest in air quality, we should have the same interest in water quality. The great thing about fish is that their presence in water generally tells you that the water is OK. But to get this across in a way that is not overly scientific is difficult. I think you almost do it by stealth.
If you can get people interested in the fish, which I hope I do through the programmes I make, the idea is that people start to care more about those fish and, by extension, about the water and the habitat they live in, and they begin to understand that protecting these fish and habitats is ultimately in their own interest too.
Q: Having visited so many of the world’s great rivers, is there one that particularly stands out?
JW: Hmm. That’s such a hard one, actually. There’s not a short answer to that. If you’d asked me a few years ago, I would have said the Essequibo river in Guyana. The fauna and flora there is very Amazonian. Even though it’s a distinct watershed, historically it was joined up, so you’ve got a lot of Amazonian fish there. To have a realistic chance of catching certain big Amazonian fish, that was the place to go because the river had enjoyed a degree of protection, and it was possible to find some incredible fish there. Unfortunately in the last few years, that has changed quite dramatically, largely due to a surge in goldmining. The mining isn’t just affecting the goldmining areas. What’s happening now is that it is worth people’s while to get an icebox and make the long journey up the river, catch a lot of fish and go back down and sell them to the goldminers. Unfortunately – and this is very relevant in terms of what Shoal is trying to do – this decline is going on right before our eyes and getting very little attention, and it’s happening fast, really just in the last 5 years.
Q: What are some of the things you’ve learnt from the people who have fished these places for generations?
JW: From talking to fishermen in different parts of the world, I’ve been struck by how common it is now to hear things like, “You know, 100 years ago this river was full of fish…”. People often talk about the scale of change over a – relatively short – timescale of a few generations.
One thing that is very clear is that catching freshwater fish is dependent on place and timing. Being in the right place is one thing, but you also have to be there at the right time of year. If you’re there at the wrong time you might as well not bother. Of course, there’s always a bit of uncertainty about what state the river is going to be in, and a certain amount of variation. But what I’ve found, just about everywhere I’ve been, especially over the last 10 years or so – everywhere from the far East of Russia to South America, through Europe and Africa – is that people are saying the whole cycle has become far more unpredictable. What’s interesting is that these people are not scientists. These are people whose lives depend on the river, people who are watching the river very closely, people who have inherited knowledge of what happens on that river. They say that over the last 10 years, they just can’t predict it any more. So, of course, this affects the fish.
You can imagine fish migrations where the river is going up so the fish start to head upstream, only for the water to suddenly start coming back down again, without ever properly rising. I’ve seen a similar thing with freshwater turtles in Guyana. The river starts going down, exposing the sandbars so the turtles think it’s time to breed, dig a nest and lay their eggs, then they get back in the river and it starts coming up again, washing away the nests! It’s another false start to the dry season.
So this really is happening, and perhaps one way to engage people in climate change is to show how it affects certain animals. People seem to love turtles, so if turtles come under the remit of Shoal, then I think that could be an interesting leverage point.
Q: I think the aim for Shoal is ultimately to try to increase support for all freshwater species, so turtles would certainly come under its remit. So, do you think the key to drawing people in is to focus on the more ‘iconic’ species, and particularly the apex predators, as you often do in your shows?
JW: Well, I guess it could be seen as a fairly cheap trick, in a way, but what I’ve realised – and this is part of the DNA of River Monsters – is that everybody is fascinated by predators. If they tell you otherwise, they’re lying! For our ancestors, it was all about paying attention to those things in the environment that were dangerous, so it’s absolutely fundamental to who we are as living beings. For River Monsters, we start with a story – here’s this fierce animal that bites people – and we immediately have people’s attention. Then, from there, we can take the story wherever we want it to go.
Q: Anglers are clearly an important audience for your programmes. What role do you think anglers can – and should – play in freshwater conservation?
JW: Anglers have an incredibly important role as the eyes and ears of what is out there. By teaming up with scientists and through citizen science initiatives, they can be a very useful resource in helping to understand what is happening to rivers and lakes. But on a more fundamental level, an angler’s pastime depends on fish, so it really should be a duty to have a concern for the wider world of fish.
It’s about having a respect for freshwater fish and to express that in as many ways as possible. I think some anglers don’t particularly care, but an awful lot do. I think there are enough anglers who care to make a huge difference.
Q: What attracted you to Shoal?
JW: I get lots of requests to attend events or promote particular things, and it’s often difficult because of time. But the reason I wanted to support Shoal is right there in your Mission Statement: you have identified a void. Here is this freshwater habitat, and a group of creatures which is very important to me – and which has given me something of a career – that in terms of wider public interest just doesn’t get the attention it deserves. While there are countless campaigns to try to help other wildlife and wild places, poor old freshwater fish seem to miss out!
One of the reasons River Monsters was very successful was because here was a subject that hadn’t really been covered before in wildlife documentaries. It’s something that people didn’t know very much about, which in some ways is an advantage, because if you can find a good way to do it, then it’s really something new for people.
I think what freshwater conservation needs now – and some people are starting to wake up to this – is for the level of support to be brought into line with what you’ve got for tigers, pandas, orangutans and all the other species and habitats that get most of the attention, and I think Shoal is one way to start to do this.
Q: What gives you hope and optimism for the future of freshwater fish and freshwater environments more generally?
JW: Well, in making the series Mighty Rivers, what we were looking for was not just ‘doom and gloom’ but also some of the good news stories. Of course, if there had been no good news stories, then that would have been depressing, but actually if you look, there are quite a lot of positive stories out there. There are things happening in different places – often quite small things, but with great potential.
One example would be the scientists I met in India who have developed a way of seeing pollution in the water by flying over the river using infrared photography. It’s also been inspiring to see how extractive reserves are being used in some parts of Brazil. These reserves are a kind of halfway house where it’s not a free for all, or the type of reserve where you kick everyone out. In these reserves, people can continue to harvest what they need from the environment and the idea is not to stop that, but instead to look at helping people to continue doing it in sustainable ways through local management – the local communities take responsibility for this. I saw how successful this approach could be with arapaima, this iconic fish from the Amazon. While it is true that arapaima is a particularly fast-growing species, so it was perhaps easier, as a model this is certainly something to aspire to.
Q: Last question: Say you turn up at a place you’ve never visited before, looking for a particular fish, and you could only ask either a scientist or a local where to find it, who would you ask and why?
JW: That’s an easy one – I’ll ask the local! Ok, they might not have the studies and paperwork to back it up, but for people who fish, it’s all about observing the water – their livelihood depends on it. There is a really strong incentive to understand the water. If you’re a scientist, you know, you can walk away and write a paper and even if nobody understands what you’re talking about, this doesn’t mean you’re out of a job. For people fishing the river, it’s their lives on the line. And the locals are really amateur scientists anyway. A lot of their knowledge – not just in terms of the history of a river or place, but also fish behaviour – is not written down. Maybe somebody needs to write it down while it’s still there. It would be a huge project but it would provide an incredibly valuable record. In a sense, the important thing, for me, is that there is no hard boundary between this local knowledge and the science. One type of knowledge shades into the other and good scientists understand that and are dependent on local knowledge.
Thank you, and thanks for your support for Shoal!
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Im still not sure how I feel about the story of the Tevinter magisters and the blight being almost 1:1 true.
The only difference is that Corypheus notes the black city was already black and empty, and maybe the blight is more complicated than that but. I don't particularly care for what was originally introduced as probably just a story, likely tinged with Chantry propaganda as being 100% true that's it the end no wiggle room no, alternate interpretations, no real sense of mystery and unknown.
I mean there are still details that could mean something, and the reveal that Solas created the veil leaves a lot of fertile ground to speculate what exactly the black city is and what Corypheus might have tapped into that deep into the fade.
But it's also like. Inquisition doesn't really do anything with Corypheus, he's just there to be a generic bad guy with no real narrative because whoo the game is open world. At least in da2 he liked to make shitty puns and had some semblance of stealth. In Inquisition he's just full dumbass.
Hawke manages to demolish Corypheus and he's smart enough to make a stealthy exit rather than attempt a round 2. And Hawke is just some random dude with his merry band of misfits.
To be entirely fair Corypheus' take over the world plans were pretty good and could be considered smart and subtle, but also. The guy just has nothing once they're foiled, and also they relied entirely on the element of surprise and immediately came apart without it. I generally see the Inquisition companions as the most competent (despite my general love of og squads being the best...sorry Wynne Anders and Merrill, you're no Vivienne but then few are), and while no one expected the Inquisiton (haha)...Corypheus' end game is to just march on skyhold to his death.
And while I think he specifically planned for the wardens to die off in disgrace, I'm not sure how big a hand he had in the rest, especially considering his lack of knowledge about things.
Also again Corypheus plucked Samson the lyrium addict bum from the streets of lowtown to lead his red Templars. And everyone was like yeah I respect this dude. And Samson was like sure. I'm not rusty with my skills at all. It's only been 7 years or so. I'll be a great commander.
Anyway I wish......anything. Had been done with Corypheus because he was potentially fascinating but all he ended up being was "make Tevinter great again."
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hopoo · 6 years
I tried to answer every question as honestly as I could, so I hope this is a good read. If your question isn’t there, it’s either identical to another one asked or joined together with another question. Cheers!
Q: In total, how much time does the campaign of Deadbolt span? It’s hard to tell, what with it being infinite nighttime and all.
A: I would imagine a month-ish. It is implied that the Candles are doing some sort of investigative work between missions, which would surely take some time. Q: Did you have any major inspirations for the visual design of DEADBOLT? A: John Wick is obviously the biggest one! Q: What would hopoo do if someone made a game completely based and inspired from Deadbolt and its… Concept? (with permission and not) A: There’s no way DEADBOLT is that unique in settings or thematics – ultimately, you know what’s right and what’s wrong when you’re inspired by a work, and so will everyone else! If you feel obligated to ask for permission, maybe you’re not exploring enough original ideas? Q: When will we get modding? if so could we get a simplified modding kit? Any plans for updating dedbort, even just the map editor? Feature for adding custom sprites, rotation tool, copypasta tool, just to name a few… A: So the thing with that is that the map editor is only half the equation – while the map editor may be writing stuff to files, it also has to be interpreted on the end by the DEADBOLT game itself. Therefore, adding features that aren’t supported in engine simply won’t work – it won’t know what youre talking about. While rotation is supported in the engine, it doesn’t know how to read that from the files, etc. I also am trying to avoid any legacy issues where old maps are required for old versions of DEADBOLT, or vice versa. Q: When is deadbolt 2 coming with werewolves and mummies A: Werewolves aren’t undead you dingus. But mummies could be cool.
Q: Will the stuff that came with the release of Deadbolt on Play Station, will be added on PC? A: Nope, that was sorta our deal-sweetener for getting on the Sony consoles. Q: Will we ever see expansion levels for Deadbolt or would we get Deadbolt 2 instead? A: DEADBOLT 2 maybe sometime
Q: Does Ibzan is gay? A: I haven’t really thought of the sexual orientation of any of the characters, and I definitely don’t want to pull a JK Rowling and retroactively assign them. So in terms of canon, that just hasn’t been explored.
Q: Would you prefer deadbolt 2 to be in 3d and 2d? Would you do a sequel? A: DEADBOLT is probably the narrowest design space I’ve worked with – there’s no dodging, insta death, insta travel attacks. By the end I felt very stretched out in terms of enemy design, and for that alone I’d think 3D. But hey, I may also just hate 3D by the end of RoR2 so who knows :^). I’d love to do a sequel one day, most likely from the perspective of Ibzan. But who knows! Q: Did Ibzan want to kill the Fire, or just try to reconcile with it? A: He just wanted to talk – but who knows what would’ve happened after the Fireplace rejected him? Q: Would you be interested in going back to the world of deadbolt sometime in the future? I remember hearing somewhere a 3D concept would be interesting to work on. A: I wish I was talented or driven enough to write comics for it – I think DEADBOLT is more about the stories of individuals, compared to RoR who is a story of the universe. I wrote the Cassette Tapes to reflect that. Q: Looking back, is there anything you’d change about Deadbolt? A: Hmmm… I just wish I somehow could expand more on the lore and gangs, and what their goals were. Gameplay-wise, it was a tad too short. I liked doing a few standard stages, and then a mix-up stage (sniper, trap, boss, etc) – maybe we could’ve fit in a few more rotations. Q: What’s your favourite loadout? A: Death/Taxes and Flashbang, like a scrub. Q: Would you ever be interested in restarting the asset suggestion thread A: I consider DEADBOLT to be done – as a 2 (now 3!) man team, we financially can’t do the games-as-a-service thing like most big companies can for smaller games like DEADBOLT. I also intended DEADBOLT to be a one-and-done thing as a contrast for Risk of Rain, which we updated for years after release.
=CONTROVERSIAL OPINION ALERT= I personally also think that EVERY game getting a bunch of DLCS and updates and patches for a long time is, in a way, exhausting as a player. I think it makes it hard to feel satisfied when you finished a game and it’s over and you feel completed in the journey, knowing it’s not ~technically~ over until the devs stop patching. I think it’s great for some games (mostly multiplayer-based ones), but some games you just gotta let… finish, on a good note. Semi-open ended endings are always unsatisfying, in my opinion, and so recently it just feels like you don’t ever complete a game. …On the flip side, we are planning on doing lots of post-launch support for RoR2 because it’s actually inline with our design goals, so don’t fret! Q: Will bugs like Scythe not having a cover sprite or some enemies not having a falling sprite (which causes the game to crash) be fixed? A: Which enemies have been missing a falling sprite? They should be resorting to idle, not crashing. Bosses? Q: Just wanted to say, you guys are my favorite games studio, hands down. Now for the question: Now that the Reaper has completed his task and is allowed to rest, what’s next? Is the Fireplace going to keep him resting for a while? Does our MC have another task to accomplish? A: The Fireplace has never let a reaper “rest” before - the reason he is allowed to rest is because Ibzan never got to, and the Fireplace is trying something different with you. This is unexplored territory for the both of them – presumably he just pets his cat and gets bored before getting back to work. Q: What happens to everyone else in the afterlife? A: People who aren’t in the Place? Who knows, and who cares about boring happy afterlife 😊 Q: I had a question about the lore. There’s mentions of places outside the city, across the river Styx. What are they and what are they like? A: The Styx connects the other realms together, including (presumably) wherever the demons came from. This is explored lightly in one of the demon cassette tapes. Q: Will you ever expand more on the world of deadbolt or are you 100% done with it at this point? A: Nope definitely not done, really wanna explore more one day Q: What’s your office address? For post and stuff, maybe I want to send you a box full of A4 sheets of paper with a thousand hoopters on each. A: Maybe this is the paranoia in me but I’m not comfortable posting my address online – you can just tweet it at me a thousand times instead Q: Did Ibzan think the flames would give warmth to the Dredged or was he just lying to them and using them for his own gain? A: He was lying to himself, but he did truly believe that this was going to work, because this (at the time, anyways) seemed like the only way out. Metaphor woawoawo Q: Could you add some sorta DEADBOLT reference into RoR2?  Will the Reaper be playable in Risk of Rain 2 as a bonus? A: Definitely references happening in some form, but playable might be stretchin’ it a bit, especially since it’d be taking up the slot of some more in-universe secret character. Q: How excited are for RoR2? A: Honestly very nervous for the reception, with very big shoes to fill as a sequel for RoR. I just hope people like it, and that we don’t get burnt on 3D because there’s so many possibilities in the future for our games in 3D. Q: How are the Demons born? We know they’re made in birthing chambers, but then is it just like humans or is there anything specific needed for a demon to be born f.e. skeletons>suicide, zombies>overdose, etc. A: Demons aren’t undead and don’t naturally exist in the Place, which is why they have to be smuggled over – they exist in whatever version of hell is in the DEADBOLT universe, and are natural denizens of the underworld. Q: was izban hot before he died? A: The hottest Q: do all the nightclubs canonically have chris c. as the dj A: Yes Q: I love Deadbolt very dearly and i’ve listened to its soundtrack (particularly “Now I Am Become Death”) more times than i can remember. What’s your favourite tune from Deadbolt ? A: Defunktorum or The Proverbial Dust Biters Q: In the Hardmode Cassette Tape it talked about a Reaper that wasn`t the current Reaper that we play as in the Game. Was this Reaper Izban? Since in the tape, he talked about the fireplace as his friend and that could be why he wanted to go back to the fireplace through the portal at the end of the game, to revisit his friend. A: Yes yes and yes. This was most heavily implied in Ibzan’s “home”, which parallel yours. Q: Will RoR2 still have opportunities to create silly messy builds like covering the screen in missiles or releasing an endless stream of Thqwibs? If so, how are you working to mitigate the performance impact of those crazy builds? A: Yep! Currently we have a system that detects the average particle count in a scene and slowly adds a chance non-important effects (like hitsparks or impacts) don’t ever spawn. This will at some point also involve turning off expensive effects and reducing particle LODs. Q: I really love the attention to detail to the characters, environment, aesthetics and gameplay mechanics. Its themes on the criminal underworld and the supernatural give a unique identity in a high-octane/stealth pixel action game I have not seen before. Additionally what prompted or inspired you to make DEADBOLT in the first place? A: DEADBOLT in its entirety was supposed to be not-Risk of Rain. It’s a gorey, violent, moody singleplayer puzzle-stealth game. We were just burnt out from the Risk of Rain experience, and we also wanted to flex our design muscles a bit and show that hey, we’re not just a one-trick pony of gamedevelopment :^) Q: I just played through this game on PS4/Vita over the weekend. Huge fan of Risk of Rain. Even bought it through Limited Run Games. So I had to pick up Deadbolt (Didn’t previously know you had made it either.) and I love it. Its a super solid experience. I’m not sure I have any questions about it. I guess I was curious if co-op multiplayer was ever considered in development? Keep up the great work. Can’t wait to see what you guys make next. A: Nope, because of the reasons above – we wanted a single player game, since RoR was a multiplayer one. Q: First of all, congratulations!! I really loved the game since came out, I bought it for my birthday, since risk of rain made me fell in love with all the pixel art in it, deadbolt didn’t disappointed me!! Everything in it I love it! Thanks for the game!! Now the question You already answered about how the skeletons or vampires came to be in that Place, how the vampires are killed by their lovers, but, how a reaper, becomes to be a reaper? I mean a candle said “I’ve never been so close to one” A: Originally, the reapers were actually supposed to be from suicides – if I remember right, the reaper when going down the stairs to the docks still has the hole in the back of his head in his sprite. Currently, it’s not explored how a reaper is made – I think a bit of mystery is always needed in making a believable universe J Q: Lorewise how many reapers are there total? Why are they incredibly fragile compared to the undead? What makes the reapers not undead? A: IIRC there were 4 fireplaces in the final stage, which was supposed to represent the way the fireplace was communicating to all reapers in the field. Q: Do you like turtles? How about corgis? A: Yes, and yes (although there’s way too many in Seattle now). Q: Did you have any idea Chris would break out a whole band’s worth of musicians for the soundtrack? His work was superb and the OST remains my absolute favorite to this day. A: DEADBOLT OST was actually done with many people – it must be in the credits somewhere! If I remember right, there is at least a drummer and a musician.
Thanks for all the questions, and happy hunting :)
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8bitsupervillain · 4 years
End of the Year 2019: Games of the Year
Hello everyone, it's that special time of year again! Time for me to shower praise upon some games that I absolutely adored, while mentioning some games that I liked, but not really enough to put on this list. For a remarkable change of pace I have a full list of ten for the best of 2019, however I only have four for the pre-2019 so that's a bit disappointing. If you notice any glaring omissions for the best of the year the simple explanation is that I probably just didn't play it, or I didn't play it enough for it to enter consideration. I also didn't really play anything this year that stands out as particularly bad, there was maybe one game, but I don't have it in me to write a full length thing to expound upon its terrible state. There are also some games that I'm disappointed I didn't get to play, but hopefully I'll be able to in 2020.
Honorable Mentions:
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God Eater 3. I've sunk almost twenty hours in to this game, but I haven't played enough of it to really make a declaration that I think it's good. I still intend on playing the game to the finish, but for all I know the game could take a real nose-dive in quality towards the end. I have a desire to go back and play the previous God Eater games as well, so I guess that could be considered an endorsement. I like the visual style in this game, the models all look very nice, and the monster designs are pretty neat to look at as well.
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Remnant: From the Ashes. I never quite got to finishing this game, but from what I played this was a pretty fun little co-op shooter. There are some things that the game does that I don't particularly care for, some of the one-shot enemies in the swamp level, the confusing design of this one dungeon in the desert area being particularly troublesome things I remember. I would love to go back and finish this one, but as it stands it'll have to stay with an honorable mention.
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King of Fighters XIV. I'm not great at fighting games, but I still enjoyed this game a whole hell of a lot. But like I said I'm not great at the game, but it's a fun one to pop in every once in a while just to get annihilated by all the killers online.
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Death Stranding. Please don't post spoilers here. I've greatly enjoyed my time with this game, but as with Remnant and God Eater 3 I didn't finish this one. I've played maybe about twelve hours into this one, but I don't know if that's enough to really comment on the games overall quality. As with God Eater 3 for all I know it could take a real nose-dive in quality.
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Hollow Knight. I played a very little amount of Hollow Knight, but I liked what I've played so far. Hope to go back and finish this one before Silksong comes out.
The Elder Scrolls Legends. I quite liked the Alliance War and Jaws of Oblivion expansions. It's a shame they've cancelled all further expansions for this game, because I liked the story based ones they've put out in the past and I was hopeful for more sets in the future. It was never a particularly great game, but I liked what they had going for the longest time.
Pre-2019 Games of the Year
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04: Death Mark
This is a fun little RPG/Visual Novel horror game that came out in 2018 that I got a chance to play back in May. It's an investigation game where your character and a host of other characters are trying to solve the mystery of their death mark. A strange design that looks like a bite that materializes on their bodies one day. If they don't get to the root of the problem they die a horrible grisly death. I like the episodic nature of the game with each chapter revolving around a mystery involving a different type of vengeful spirit than the other chapters. There is a small combat element that happens toward the end of each chapter that isn't particularly deep to deal with as it's more puzzle-based rather than being an actual combat engine. It doesn't feature much in the way of blood and gore, but what's there is frankly mortifying to look at. I played it on the Switch, but the game is available on the PS4 and PC as well. Death Mark is definitely worth playing through at least once.
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03: Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate
I'm ever so slowly going through my 3DS backlog and finally played through this one. I can understand why people say that 4U is their favorite Monster Hunter game because it is just an absolute blast to play through. I really like the design of the monsters in this game especially Gore Magala and Masharu Magala. I don't know if I would recommend it over World or Generations Ultimate but I had a hell of a time playing through this game.
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02: Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
I love the way the combat in this game feels. I love how you can climb on the monsters and start stabbing away at them. Magic and ranged combat feel really good, and I especially like the Pawn system so you can keep trying out other player's pawns until you hit that sweet spot of the type of combat you want to have for the game. The story is a little basic, kind of your typical "slay the evil dragon" storyline even though it's great how the game gives you a personal reason to want the dragon dead. Guy stole your heart after all, literally ripped it from your chest. I liked the story towards the end when you actually face off with the dragon and all that occurs from then on that was great fun. I played this on both the PS4 and the Switch port that came out earlier this year (I guess I could've put this in the 2019 category), and I was surprised at how well the Switch was able to play the game. The game doesn't look completely awful in handheld mode, and it kept a stable framerate throughout my playthrough. The PS4 and PC versions look better of course, but the Switch version keeps the spirit of the game rather well and is just as good to play there as on the other consoles.
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01: Nioh
Bill Nioh's adventures in feudal Japan was a great time. This game made me consider the notion of a mission/loot based Diablo done in a Dark Souls style to not be the worst thing I've ever heard. My only major complaint with the game is that there's too much vendor trash in this game. There's also the problem that you'll be constantly switching from one version of your weapon to another with barely any time to gain "familiarity" with your weapon. Familiarity means you hit slightly harder than you would with another version of that weapon, but with how many variations on whatever weapon your using you'll constantly be scrapping older versions of your weapon and armor without really raising your familiarity. I wish that the game would've gone with an experience meter per-weapon deal rather than loading you up with a million variations of each weapon. Like a leveling bar for Katana, Dual-Blades, Nodachi, and so on, there's already a skill-tree for each weapon, so I think an experience meter for each weapon would work better. It's not a deal-breaker by any means, but I think it might work better.  I like the mission-based focus of this game rather than being a pseudo-open world affair like most Soulslike games. I still need to play through the expansions before Nioh 2 comes out.
Games of the Year 2019
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10: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
This was a good Metroidvania to play through, and certainly better than I thought it was going to be. I enjoyed the various weapons you can acquire throughout the game, the spear and great swords were particularly fun in my playthrough for instance. I have some minor complaints that arise towards the end of the game, but they're not major issues. A boss fight or two will just absolutely destroy the framerate while you're fighting them (I can only imagine how they play on the Switch if the game was dying on the PS4 Pro). I liked some of the extra bosses you can fight like the Millionaire's Bane and the bonus boss that's Definitely Not Simon.
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09: Untitled Goose Game
An amusing game to play, and I had a fun time playing it. It's definitely not the deepest or longest game to come out this year (from start to finish the game is maybe four hours long), but it's a fun enough "nuisance simulator." It reminds me of playing a game like Hitman, cause Goose Game is definitely a stealth game, even if every time I completed an objective I unfurled my wings and honked to assert my dominance over the people in the village.
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08: Samurai Shodown
As previously mentioned I am not good at fighting games. Yet despite my being bad at them I find myself constantly going back to SamSho just to get obliterated online. I positively adore the art style in this game and the completely vicious gameplay. Unlike some other fighting games you can be destroyed within mere seconds of the match starting. If you play super poorly your opponent can cut your lifebar down from 100% to next to nothing with one or two moves. It's very exhilarating when that happens, or when they do a super that just destroys your lifebar. It reminds me a lot of samurai movies in that way where guy does the move and the opponent just stands there for a second then falls over dead. I get the impression that this is going to be a "small pond" scenario where there's the handful of godlike players and everyone else will just get bodied everyday, but I really love this game. I absolutely despise the final boss in the arcade mode.
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07: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Speaking of games that are absolutely torture to play. Sekiro is really insidious, the first half or so of the game is relatively easy, but then you hit a certain boss and the game decides its done toying with you and will just start absolutely and utterly destroying you. Every single boss fight from that point forward are some of the most brutal and agonizing fights that have been put in a video game. I had to give up on playing this game for a few weeks because I was getting too tired of throwing myself against the wall in the hopes that this time I'll get the best of this bastard. After finally killing the final boss I had vowed to never play the game again. Then two days later I started a new-game plus playthrough. Whoops! I love the verticality of this game, being able to jump and use a grappling hook was absolutely great. Despite my complaints about the sheer difficulty of the bosses  I love the combat in this game. It is particularly exhilarating when a guy makes to stab you with a spear and you stomp it into the ground and take him out yourself. Masataka Oniwa and the Divine Dragon are hands down the best fights in the game, with the final boss being a particularly noteworthy bastard of a fight. Oniwa and the Dragon are great because of the sheer spectacle of the fights, whereas the final boss is great because of he is a great amalgamation of everything the game has thrown to you at that point. I liked this game a lot, but I certainly don't hold it against anyone who decides the difficulty is too much.
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06: Nioh 2 Beta
Meanwhile Nioh 2's beta was an absolute gem of a thing that I played this year. Sadly I didn't get into the private alpha towards the start of the year, but I did download the public beta and proceeded to sink nearly thirty hours into it. I love the new weapon they added to the game the switch glaive, which is a combination knuckle weapon/spear/scythe depending on your stance. In low stance it's a lot like Bloodborne's switch-axe or spear in that the blade covers your fist and you punch it into enemies. Mid-stance it turns into a spear, and high turns it into a scythe and I had great fun trying out all the forms in this beta. I adore the fact that the game gives you a devil trigger for your spirit animals, and I love the fact that this game has a character creator. It seems like they're keeping the volume of the drops to the same level as the first game, but that's fine. I cannot wait to get my hands on the full version.
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05: Devil May Cry 5
This was a great game, filled to the brim with some amazing set-pieces and great moments. It very much feels like a "greatest hits" version of Devil May Cry combining all the elements from the four original DMCs and also bringing over some stuff from DmC. I was worried a bit about the game being similar to DMC 4 and splitting the action into "Here's the Nero section, here's Dante's, and V's" but it worked out pretty well. It gives you a mission or two to get used to how the characters play but not too much time that it feels like "you've learned this character, but screw that learn Dante." It all blends itself really well. They each have their own feel which works really great with their differences in character, but for my money Nero is the best to play as. The story is also really fun to play through, it has some amazing moments even if some of the stuff is really silly. Also the game gives us Nico, and she's really great.
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04: Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
The jump in difficulty from the High-Rank quests to Master-Rank was crazy. Maybe it's because I got rusty, not having played World since roughly February, but I was not really prepared for the increase in difficulty. That said I still adore this game, plus they added both Zinogre and Stygian Zinogre, the only way they could've made an already great game even better is if they were like "and here's Gore Magala and Masharu Magala." I like the new hunter's hub, and they made the game so much better with all the variations of monsters they added to this game. I like the Seething Bazelgeuse and Blackveil Vaal Hazak a lot, and the Ebony Odogaron has an amazing looking set of armor. My only wish was that they add some variations to other monsters, I would've loved to see a variation to Kushala Daora or Teostra and Lunastra. I like the clutch-claw very much even if it's the reason my deaths in hunts has skyrocketed. I can't help but wonder what they're going to do for the next Monster Hunter. What can they do to improve this for the inevitable PS5 and Xbox versions? HD version of Gen Ultimate?
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03: Blasphemous
The past couple of years I've grown really dismissive of pixel-art 2D games. Just something about the way they look made me grow weary of them, and maybe I've missed out on some amazing games. Then I believe it was E3 2017 I saw a trailer for Blasphemous and I was instantly drawn to it. There was some combination of the religious horror and gore that just made me very excited. Then the game more or less disappeared, then I laid eyes on this game's trailer and I was instantly back in. This game is absolutely wonderful to play, I love the unlockable moves the game gives you as well as the amazing bleak tone and atmosphere in this game. I like the fact that the more you die in the game the more the game covers up your available MP meter, that's a nifty little mechanic, and I liked the paying money to cure yourself from that problem. It's flavorful, and fits with the tone very nicely. I plan to one day go deeper into why I think this game is as good as I think it is, from both a gameplay and aesthetic sense, but I don't think here's really the place to do it. It's a very good 2D exploration game, and I love it to pieces even if I do think some of the bosses aren't good.
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02: Fire Emblem Three Houses
Aside from Monster Hunter and Samurai Shodown I probably spent the most time with this game. One campaign playthrough took me over a hundred hours, and I'm presently ten hours into a second playthrough (of four). I went with the Blue Lions for my first playthrough and I really liked the story the game presented to me. It's not without its faults but overall I quite like what it did, I felt that it was a nice upgrade from the storyline from Fates. I get the distinct impression that there was originally going to only be the Red Eagles and Blue Lions routes but then someone at IntSys just went "give the Golden Deer a path" and so here we are. I don't entirely understand why there's the weapon degradation system in this game, for the relic weapons sure, but for your standard weaponry it doesn't make sense. That said I do really enjoy the missions in this game, there aren't any that really stand out as horrible. I like most of the characters in this game, and it kept me gripped for the entire length of the campaign. A ton of fun this game.
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01: Resident Evil 2
I played through this game six times in a month, and once more while I was writing this list. I really, really enjoyed my time with Resident Evil 2 and it is positively astounding that Capcom did such a great job with this game. There are some minor complaints I have with the game, the second run having the completely silly and superfluous handgun with its own ammo certainly stands out. However the game is positively gorgeous, sounds phenomenal and is just ridiculously fun to play. In addition to the wonderful base campaigns there's also the revised 4th Survivor and Tofu modes, then in the summer Capcom released the Ghost Survivor DLC missions which are fun little challenge modes to play. I love everything about this game Capcom really knocked it out of the park with this one, and I cannot wait to see what they do with Resident Evil 3.
The real game of the year was all the War of the Spark pre-release, and the drafts I did. Both IRL and in Magic Arena and Online. That and Core 2020 Pre-release.
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lichlairs · 4 years
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Checkout our new post over at https://lichlair.com/daily-monster-34-meazel
Daily Monster #34: Meazel
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Today’s Daily Monster comes to us from Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes aaaaand that’s about as much I know about them going into this. After yesterday’s big old Moloch, I’m kind of hoping for a simpler monster that I can use in my every day encounters. I guess we shall see. Without any further ado, let us discuss…
The Meazel
The basics
Oh boy, these guys have definitely been living in the local sewers for a bit too long. Their highest stat is their +3 DEX, which is somehow followed by their +2 INT? Is there a sewer school system I never learned about? So many questions. The Meazel’s WIS is slightly above average with a +1, and then we have CHA with a +0. Their lowest stat is a tie between STR and CON both with -1.
Meazels are considered medium humanoids of neutral evil alignment. They have an AC of 13, 30ft of movement, and my favorite part; a hit point pool of 10d8-10. Yeah, that’s a first for this series.
Despite their terrible constitution, these creatures still have a few interesting benefits. They get a +3 to Perception and +5 to Stealth. On top of that Meazels also have an incredible Darkvision of 120ft.
Okay, now let’s take a look at some of the feat–what the f*ck?
Wait, what?
Oooookay soooo… these things are actually insane! How is this a CR1 monster? Jeez.
Let’s start from the beginning. Thanks to a feature called Shadow Stealth, these creatures can take the Hide action as a bonus action to remind the party rogue that he just ain’t that special.
I guess they also have access to a simple Shortsword attack but why on earth would you use that when you can use the coolest weapon ever? I’m talking about the Garrote, of course. Using this weapon automatically grapples a creature and deals constant damage as long as the grapple isn’t broken. I guess if it were just this it could still be reasonable for this to be a CR1 monster, but there’s more!
Meazels get access to Shadow Teleport. It works similar to that one Shadow Monk ability except it has a range of 500ft AND YOU DON’T NEED TO BE ABLE TO SEE YOUR DESTINATION. You can just… go there… as long as you are familiar with the place and it is within range YOU CAN JUST NINJA KIDNAP THE BARD. There is no save for this either; just like in that one meme the Meazel is just gone along with whatever or whomever it was holding at the time. Granted this ability works on a 5-6 recharge but who cares??? You can instantly split up the party just like that.
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The lore
The Meazel first appeared in Dungeons and Dragons as part of the 1st edition Fiend Folio in 1981.
They are a vicious, monstrous race that tends to live in underground areas. More often than not they can be found living in places like sewers or abandoned tunnels, but they’re known to also inhabit swamp areas.
They are described as having grayish or greenish skin tones full of warts and rashes caused by many of the skin diseases suffered by the species. As suggested by their low constitution, they have frail looking bodies and sickly eyes that are almost jet black.
Personality wise, Meazels are incredibly malicious and vindictive. They’re extremely cruel can exhibit psychopathic behaviors. These creatures are hated by all other races including themselves. They’re full of self loathing and spend a lot of their time contemplating their terrible lives. In the spirit of the holidays, imagine the Grinch, but with a side of mange and intent to kill.
Because of their living conditions, most Meazels are immune to a wide arrange of disease, at least lore wise since this isn’t necessarily reflected in their statblocks. Likewise, their mere presence is often enough to make other creatures sick, especially if there is some sort of blood cross contamination. Victims of their claw attacks (no longer a thing for 5th edition) often exhibited symptoms similar to those of the Mezels.
Meazels usually despise company and keep to themselves whenever possible. One of the few exceptions being for pets. They are known to keep creatures like drakes and spiders as companions. Despite their antisocial nature, these creatures do keep some sort of worship, particularly for any beings that might be able to help them remove their curse.
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The execution
Honestly this could 100% turn into a TPKing encounter if we’re not careful, especially if we want to make use of all the features this creature has to offer. Here’s what I’m picturing:
The party is sent to investigate strange disappearances that have been going on around the city. After some investigation and tracking, they discover some leads that seem to point towards the victims being dragged into the sewer systems below the city.
The reason? A group of Meazels has banded together with the goal of gathering enough sacrificed to Levistus, who has promised to rid them of their cursed existence in exchange. Or something. Really up to you on this one, the Meazel would probably fall for whoever of whatever is able to make them that offer, even if it isn’t true.
What’s important is that once the party descends below the city, they find a giant maze of corridors, heck, maybe they even run into some other underground inhabitants, like Mites. As they follow the signs of struggle down the path, there is a muffled scream of pain from whoever is at the back of the line. When the rest of the party turns to look, however, their friend is gone; though maybe, if you’re feeling merciful, they hear the sounds of combat starting on the opposite end of the wall, just around the corner.
Separating the party will definitely have your players on high alert. Personally, I think I would try to get at least a couple of them into different areas. It then becomes a matter of choice: will they deal with the problem at hand, or will they try to rush to find their missing friends? Will they make it on time? Only their choices will tell.
If at all possible, I would recommend trying to run this as two separate encounters; one for the main group, and one for the separated players. Not knowing what’s going on with the other group is sure to create a sense of urgently that will have your players on the edge of their seats.
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zalrb · 7 years
Damon, TAKE STEALTH LESSONS {2x04 Review}
1. I’m sorry, we really need to talk about how this twenty year old man is this jealous over his 17 year old brother, like get over yourself, Damon and grow up, be an older brother. Stefan is SEVENTEEN.
2. In this dream, Elena says that it’s Damon’s turn at the pool table but then Elena is the one who’s playing while Damon is like teaching her how to play even though Elena can play pool but I guess Katherine wouldn’t know about the last part.
3. Also I’m laughing because when would Damon and Elena actually do anything like play pool in their actual relationship.
4. Tyler is actually being quite calm considering he knows werewolves exist now.
5. Katherine actually annoyed me in this episode, mostly when she’s trying to be coy about werewolves, something about Nina’s enunciations and she exaggerates her features the way Ian does for Damon.
6. I still have no idea why all the vampires would look to Katherine.
7. Katherine, my girl, why would Stefan come back to MF to fall in love with you all over again when he thought you died? Girl, stop.
8. Stefan is also a lot better at emotional manipulation than Damon like Damon does it the most and he does it aggressively but Stefan is way more stealth when he does it. 
9. I can appreciate that Stefan is given the chance to torture his abuser but I am hella annoyed that Caroline wasn’t afforded the same chance with Damon.
10. I find it ridiculous that Elena tells Jenna to be nice to Damon when Damon killed her brother and Jenna’s nephew and I also find it ridiculous that Jenna tells Elena she’ll be nice when Damon “keeps [his] paws off [her]” and doesn’t tell Damon to leave her underage niece alone. Like Jenna, he was flirting with you and Matt’s mother at the bar! And this whole dynamic makes me question why Elena didn’t question Stefan and Damon dating one woman before she knew they were vampires because Stefan and Damon dating one woman is like her and Jenna dating the same guy.
11. Now when I watch the scene of Mason and Damon introducing themselves I think of that blooper when Ian goes, “Oh hey I’m Ian”, completely ruined the scene because now I expect Ian to introduce himself as Ian.
12. Lol Caroline trying to break up Stefan and Elena on Katherine’s orders just makes me laugh now.
13. But she’s eating chips and now I want chips.
14. Katherine legitimately comes off as a delusional, crazy ex girlfriend. “Does she know that you love me?” but like pretty much any woman who falls for Stefan comes off that way and that includes Elena storming into Tessa’s cabin when she had no business there. 
15. Also they need to establish time with vampires because I’m sitting here thinking like, for argument’s sake, let’s say Stefan did love you in 1864, Katherine, that doesn’t suggest that he would love you over 100 years later, 100 years is a long ass time and throughout those years you watched him and he wasn’t pining for you and he thought you DIED soooooooooooo, I need to know if 100 years is considered like a year for a vampire especially since in season 7 Caroline is freaking out over Stefan being away for 3 years and gets her ass engaged in that time so like RULES.
16. It also makes absolutely no sense to me that Katherine would be staying in a house full of men in 1864 Virginia and everyone is OK with it. Propriety was a thing.
17. Damon stays being trash. “Is my love not enough?” well I don’t know, Damon, who did she take to the ball? It wasn’t you. She didn’t even speak to you all night! WHAT DO YOU THINK.
18. “I never compelled your love” but here’s the thing besides the fact that Stefan was clearly just infatuated, it doesn’t matter because once you do start compelling him, it all goes out the window, it poisons and pollutes what was there before because then you make him your victim, you take away how he truly feels about something and continue a relationship with him then everything that comes from that can never be completely real particularly since she compelled Stefan to drink her blood, like she really fucked up his life though.
19. DAMON IS SO BAD AT BEING STEALTHY. Yes, let’s antagonize Mason openly with pictionary because that is SO smart. Damon is bad at stealth also because he has a false sense of power and intelligence but Caroline’s “Puppy! Puppy! Puppy with a tutu!” is hilarious.
20. “Aunt Jenna is getting tipsy.” “Will you stop plying her with alcohol?” “Well I want her to like me! Nice. Very nice. A tactic he also uses on Elena in 1x11. This is typical predatory behaviour.
21. Also Damon is just UP in Elena’s space and she’s actually constantly startled and uncomfortable, that isn’t sexual tension.
22. Elena, aren’t you at all conflicted by the fact that Damon plans on stabbing one of your friend’s uncle? Like that just doesn’t cross your mind?
23. “You were so scared of me I had to take away your fear” or you could’ve left him alone, Katherine.
24. OK so George Lockwood was a werewolf and Katherine knew he was a werewolf and he knew she was a vampire and he decided because she knew he was a werewolf to tell the council about the vampires living in the town but was willing to strike a deal with the one person who knew he was a werewolf? I guess...
25. Damon and Alaric are SO obvious, it really annoys me.
26. Lol, Elena is like ... Stefan didn’t pick up his phone or answered any of my messages or texts so obviously I am going to his house. Cute.
27. “And Damon being Damon nearly ruined everything” pretty much an exact description of Damon.
28. “Is that the only thing that makes me terrible?” Damon, you killed her nephew.
29. Elena was never really big on defending her relationships to other people but she was definitely more protective of her relationship with Stefan when Caroline attacks it this episode than she was of her relationship to Damon when Caroline attacks that. 4x08 doesn’t count because she was Sired.
30. Damon is fucking ridiculous, it isn’t a full moon, he tried to kill Mason by stabbing him and it didn’t work and he just stands there? You’re not going to try any other methods? No, you’ll wait to rip his heart out then taunt Katherine with it and get Jenna stabbed. Jackass.
31. I don’t go hard for Katherine as a lot of you may know but that line is still fucking great, “I will kill everyone she loves WHILE she watches and then I will kill her while YOU watch” like that’s fucked up.
32. Paul’s expression when Katherine breaks free of the chains is actually kind of amazing and the way he’s like “why, why” like he’s just SO confused. “I told you! I missed you Stefan!” legit crazy ex-girlfriend.
33. Seriously love how Stefan and Elena like have to hug right after they experience something traumatic.
34. I’m sorry but Katherine just isn’t threatening. At last when Isobel came into town, to prove her point she had Matt’s arm nearly crushed.
35. Why is Tyler only obsessed with how the curse is triggered and not the fact that his uncle actually turns into a wolf? And like what’s it like to be a wolf and how long he was a wolf and why they call it a CURSE?
36. YO. I was so scared when this episode aired and the break up scene happened, I was like OMG NOOOOOOO.
37. And then he was in her room and they were all fucking cute and I was like OK YOU SCARED ME.
38. That moan when they kiss tho.
39. I remember my best friend and I watching this in our uni library and when Katherine kisses Dead Stefan’s lips she turned to me and was like SEE? SHE CARES! She was so excited and I was like ... she’s trying to get in between SE right now so idgaf. And she rolled her eyes. I remember that SO clearly.
40. It is a sweet scene with nice music tho.
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sometimesrosy · 7 years
I'm sorry Rosy but I don't see the character development for Octavia at all, she hasn't developed at all in 4x10. The conclave served the minor plot purpose of putting Octavia in charge and to kill few grounder characters they needed to get rid off in style(so to speak). And cyclical nature of plot this season is so exhausting to me: find the solution-lose the solution, repeat and rinse.... How do you think Octavia's character developed in 4x10?
 It isn’t really cyclical, it’s not a closed loop, it’s a spiral where everything that has passed affects what comes next. And it’s making a statement about how the past taints or enlightens the future. 
This isn’t incidental, in a world that the past destroyed and the present is trying to reform so that there actually IS a future, particularly since they keep replaying the mistakes of the past.
The difference this season is that instead of just repeating the mistakes of the past, they are learning from them and changing them and transforming the outcome.
I think one of the big reasons they are able to do that is because they are able to lean on others, get their help, take their advice, take off their tribalistic blinders and realize it’s not just about THEIR people but about all people. 
We aren’t just trying to save everyone’s lives this season. We are also trying to save their souls. It’s a story of salvation AND redemption.
Calling The Conclave a minor plot point really confuses me.The grounder-skypeople conflict has been the underlying, major conflict in the whole show. They are learning how to get along and doing a rather poor job of it. It was kind of a culmination of everything since they landed on the ground. 
Is it because you see the end point of “We share the bunker” and it looks the same to you as Clarke’s suggestion before the conclave? So to you, nothing happened because they could have done it without the conclave at all?
Well, see. A story isn’t just “the king died, the queen died.” A story is “the king died, the queen died of grief.”   It’s not about how the story ends, it’s about how the story got there. It’s about WHY the story got there. The grounders agreeing to a sensible plan is a different story than the grounders being unable to get past their tribalism and generational wars to cooperate with their enemies in order to save everyone’s lives and only agreeing when they are about to lose everything and have been beaten by their traditional methods of justice and leadership.
Clearly, the struggle of the show is not over. The struggle is not saving everyone’s lives. The struggle is not becoming a monster to do it. The struggle is creating a new world that is not ruled by those old ideas. We see Clarke and Bellamy struggling to be redeemed for their sins, and Octavia too, but it’s even harder for a whole society, for humanity to stop turning to their old, destructive patterns. That bunker is going to have problems, because the people in the bunker are going to be replaying their old mistakes. They have not learned. 
Everyone cooperating and sharing the bunker peacefully is a much different story than everyone begrudgingly sharing the bunker, after battle, treachery, insurgency. It’s not a minor plot device. It’s THE STORY.
So what role does Octavia have in that? How does her character develop? I think part of the problem you might be having is thinking that The Conclave caused the character development. It didn’t. It revealed the character development that has been happening for the last two seasons. From Octavia wanting to run away from Arkadia, resenting Lincoln for wearing a guards jacket, taking Bellamy for granted, trying to get people to follow her, losing what she loved most (which was not just Lincoln, but also faith in Bellamy), her toxic tendency to lash out in anger which resulted in the deaths of people she cared about, which caused her to lash out more, creating a vicious cycle that was pulling her down. turning her towards vengeance, shutting off her feelings, and having her on the edge of becoming that monster for many episodes. 
And yet. She has also served as a solution many times. She was the one who, wanting to run away and leave everything behind, turned back to save monty, recognizing that she was not alone and she was one of The 100. She’s the one that pulled everyone back into a team. Octavia is a bridge builder. As she has always been, trying to reach out to the other side and unify them. Clarke is too, but it works differently for her, because she comes at it from the top down, working with leaders, while Octavia reaches for the people, learns their ways and language. She’s kind of like a combination of Clarke and Bellamy that way. Interesting. 
This season had her working WITH the sky people, despite feeling separated from the Ark. She used stealth and murder to solve things, which she probably wishes she had done the last season. But back to that salvation/redemption thing, she was losing her soul to save the people. When she died, and came back, she called Arkadia home. This was a moment where she recognized that as much as she hated it, as much as it was a place of horror and fear and abuse and imprisonment for her, it is still who she was and where she came from and those were her people. This was significant. However we saw that the lesson did not stick, as her choices with Ilian led to the destruction of their salvation. And we saw also the clear danger of Octavia becoming Pike, her demon. 
Remember the call back. Kill your demons? Yeah it doesn’t work. The demons are inside of you. And Octavia’s real demon was never Pike, it was the specter of her childhood. So we get to Ilian, and like Clarke did with L, she finds a character who is similar in sins, his vengeance destroyed their salvation, and she ‘makes peace’ with this shadow self, and there is sex and for a while she decides to forget who she is and go and be a farmer, which did not work. Not only because they fought her, but because pretending you are not who you are isn’t the way to redemption. 
Okay so that brings us back to the Conclave and Octavia agrees to fight for her people, although she says she’s just doing it for herself and she’s ready to go out fighting. But that’s not really true. She doesn’t know it yet, but she finds out as it goes. 
The Conclave helps her realize a few things. One, that the thing that makes her who she is, Her Demon, it turns out, The Girl Under The Floor, is the thing that saves her. This is who she is, not just a thing to hide from or lash out at, but a strength in itself. Her weakness is her strength. (Oh interesting, Clarke’s weakness, her love, is also her strength.) Also she learns that she is NOT alone. Kane advises her. Bellamy tells her to remember where she came from. Indra advises her. Ilian saves her. Roan allies with her. Each character continues to play the role that they have played in the last few seasons with Octavia, and because of them she wins, and saves everyone. Salvation, not redemption. Except for her. Octavia discovers the beginning of her redemption through the recognition of the things that make her who she is. Not the least being Bellamy’s love. She is finally at the place where she can recognize it and accept it again, because she’s done all that development over the course of the last FOUR seasons. 
This sets her up as the warleader of bunker. Okay. That makes me roll my eyes. But this is the way the grounders work, and with 1100 of them, they have the  might in that bunker and Octavia as warleader of… did I hear Indra call it One Kru? she might be what keeps them from killing each other. Is she a good leader? NO OF COURSE NOT, but she’s been learning from Indra, Kane, Bellamy and Clarke and Lincoln and Luna, also Pike and Lxa, both about what to do and what not to do. And she’s going to have to learn more, because they’ve decided that a barbaric conclave is how good leaders are decided. She has already admitted that she’s not a leader. We haven’t even seen the next episode yet and it’s already canon. But she’s being put into that position.
If you want to understand Octavia, and I’m assuming your ask is to actually try to do that, not just write her off the way people have been doing, you have to go back to when you stopped paying attention to her, or farther, and figure out what you missed. Because Octavia has FINALLY been getting character development and the conclave was the realization of that, the culmination, and if you missed it, it’s because you didn’t see what was happening to the character. Octavia is an IMPORTANT character and her character development is part of the plot. So even if you don’t like her (which I don’t, really) you have to pay attention to her or you’re missing part of the story.
And I know you’re missing some things, maybe refusing to see them because they don’t fit your interpretation. But if something MAJOR like the conclave, is written off as a minor plot point, then you are DEFINITELY going off of a misinterpretation. If they just wanted to kill off characters, they could have done it at any point. These deaths had meaning. For Octavia, for the plot, for deeper symbolism. In order, I think that would be Ilian, Roan, and Luna, not solely but I see these meanings for each. None of those are minor plot points. All of those are incredibly integral to the story. 
Why couldn’t they just have Roan cooperate with Clarke? Because of betrayal and anger and  mistrust and tribalism, which he’s been dealing with the entire time. Why couldn’t they have kept Ilian out of it? Because he was there to help Octavia through her journey. That’s his purpose in this show. Don’t like it? That’s just the way stories work. Minor characters are there to support major characters and Octavia is a major character. Why Luna? Why did she turn into the dark? Because she was broken and she fell. She’s another tragic hero who started off with a beautiful world and lost it through her tragic flaws. She came from the same toxic society that is holding this conclave. And she saw nothing better in the ruthless torturers of skycrew. Same as Polis. 
This. is. what. happens. Not everyone makes it through. Luna did not make it through. Jasper did not make it through. Octavia fought through. Raven fought through. Bellamy and Clarke continue to fight through. And sometimes their fight seems hopeless and sometimes they are doing the wrong thing. But they keep fighting.
Octavia is a fighter. She learned how to use the strengths unique to her and she won. THAT is the most important character development for Octavia in the Conclave. She stopped fighting herself, who she was, where she came from, her past, and she pulled together all her lessons and all her people (Bellamy, Kane, Indra, Ilian, Roan, Lincoln, Clarke) and she fought for all of them. With all of them. And that is how she won. 
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