#it’s not like I have some kind of thermo camera to show them how warm it is inside
onlythebravest · 10 months
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hello, love your work!!
would you mind making a version of the "...weren't we dating already?" ask but with the bachelorettes? can be of your choice, but please include Haley and Daia!!
thank you!! have a wonderful day :]
Sure! Thanks for the ask and have a wonderful day as well! ☺️💕
A beautiful clear day with no hint of rain clouds, a cool breeze to escape the summer heat, beautiful sunflowers blooming - Haley was so happy with how good a day it was for a photo shoot. And importantly, a photo shoot with Farmer, a person she used to think was a weirdo in perpetually dirty overalls, but so charming, sweet and kind that Haley's " spoiled mean girl" wrapper immediately melted away. It's been four months since they're dating, and their interest in each other is growing even more.
The blonde-haired girl was jumping up and down with joy as she checked her camera and caught such beautiful pictures that they didn't even require any editing on the computer. They were both in the photo hugging each other and looking so cute, hee hee..... Just like happy lovers should look. Another photo for her collection!
The Farmer is also so happy because of the lucky shots, looking at the photo that Haley showed them.
"There's another reason I agreed to do a photo shoot with you today," the girl's attention was immediately turned to Farmer. "Would you, heh... Would you want us to be more than just friends? Because... I like you a lot. You're a great, beautiful, smart and funny, and I-" Farmer abruptly ended the conversation as soon as they noticed that the smile on the girl's face had slipped and she was now looking at them with slight irritation. Taking this as a bad sign, Farmer immediately started apologising, then Haley put her hand up, ordering them to be quiet, and pulled out her phone. Opening up her social media account, she gave Farmer for them to read.
On the very front page, Haley's status was written in black and white: "Dating Farmer 😘❤️".
"Hold on... Are we-"
"You're so silly!" Haley's ringing laughter was music to Farmer's ears. Though their cheeks flushed with blush from the awkwardness of the situation, the warm gaze of the girl's azure eyes that looked at them with love made them realize that they were the luckiest and happiest person in the whole world.
Autumn picnic... It had been a long time since Penny had been to a picnic where she devoted her time to herself rather than teaching the kids (don't get her wrong, she loves being a teacher!). For her, and Farmer, the lovely partner she's been dating for two months now. Sitting on a picnic blanket in the woods, the young teacher poured hot tea from a thermos into two mugs while Farmer arranged sandwiches, sweets and healthy snacks on plates. It was still early autumn, so it was possible to enjoy nature for hours without fear of the cold wind or low temperature.
The girl always felt so alive and happy around Farmer. Some part of her still couldn't believe that they were able to not only become friends, but to become something more.
Penny enjoyed telling the Farmer about her day, the new dish she had invented and how Jas and Vincent had managed to get the highest score in maths, and she didn't forget to listen to the adventures of the chaotic farmer themself, how they had fought monsters and grown a pumpkin the size of a car.
During this conversation, Farmer set their tea cup down on the grass and took Penny's hand in their hands.
"Words can't tell you how much I like you. I've been thinking for two months now, and.... Heh, not very good with words..." The Farmer took a deep breath. "Do you want to be my girlfriend? Do you want to be something more than friends?"
"Yes! I agr- Wait." Out of happiness, Penny didn't immediately realise their words, hovering somewhere in the clouds. "But... we're already dating."
"....We've been dating?"
"Grown-ups can be so silly." Farmer and Penny almost jumped at the sound of someone else's voice from behind the nearest bush.
"Jas! Vincent! It's not nice to eavesdrop!" As much as Penny tried to sound stern, Farmer's laughter at this funny situation was contagious, and she was already giggling quietly too, trying to hide the smile with her hand. The children crawled out from under the bushes and looked at the two adults, unable to stop giggling as well.
"I knew you'd always find something fun for us to do!" Farmer could have argued with Daia that fighting monsters in Ridge Forest was hardly a pleasant pastime, but they were too busy swinging their sword and fending off another attack from the clawed paws. As if in a dance, the ninja girl struck the serpent beasts with her katana, not giving the monsters a chance to strike.
"That musk idea was a good one after all! Now we'll have enough loot for the Lady's task." Actually, it was Daia who was assigned this task, the Farmer was participating here voluntarily. The young daredevil decided that today was the day they wanted to offer the fearless girl, the object of their admiration, to be their girlfriend. Even if it meant dousing themself in stinking liquid and becoming monster bait. What one wouldn't do for love...
"We make a great team! And you're so hot when you're in battle~" even in a tense fight, the girl could make Farmer's face blush.
"Heh, maybe I'll show you something more, and in a nicer place. If you want to be my girlfriend..."
For a second, Daia looked at them in surprise, and then burst out laughing so loudly that even the surviving monsters were slightly taken aback by such a strange reaction from their enemy.
"We've actually been a couple for half a year now! Or, at least, that's what I thought." With a swing of the katana, the remaining monsters were defeated. "And how did that happen, hmm?"
"I- I thought everything between us before was friendly!" Farmer turned away, unable to bear Daia's teasing stare.
"And those bushes we decided to 'explore together' yesterday - was that friendship too?" the girl smiled, watching with amusement as Farmer hid their face in their hands. She stepped close to them, taking their hands in hers, and kissed them gently on the lips.
"Well then, cutie, it's official now."
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sebspocketsquare · 4 years
Quarantine 7
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (online)
A/N: Heya guys! Here’s part 7! I hope you enjoy it ;)
Warnings: Flirting, language, quarantine, feels, fluff, moments of sadness, storms 
[J:] So.. Saturday at 5:00. Sound good?
[You:] Sounds perfect :) Let’s hope this weather clears up before then..
It was late afternoon, you were eating your first meal of the day.
A bowl of your favorite cereal.
[J:] I really enjoyed our date last night, by the way.. 
[J:] Sorry I was pretty nervous at first..
You smile, setting your bowl on the coffee table as you respond.
[You:] Oh, you don’t have to be sorry at all.. I was just as nervous as you were :)
[You:] First dates are always weird, J..
[You:] Ours just happened to be a little weirder than most. :P
[J:] I really really REALLY hate first dates…
You’re about to respond, tell him you feel the exact same way, but…
[J:] And yet, I still love ours.
[J:] And I’m really looking forward to the next one. :)
His text has your heart fluttering like a swarm of butterflies, and you decide to change the subject.
[You:] Speaking of our date..
[You:] I believe we made a deal, didn’t we?
You can see him start typing, erase it and stop, and then start typing again.
This pattern repeats four times before an actual message comes through.
[J:] You first.
You knew he was nervous about this part for some reason, so you had no issue with obliging this request.
Luckily you had brushed your hair today when you first woke up, put on your moisturizer and a bit of mascara. You weren’t as dolled up as you could be, but you thought it was better this way.
If quarantine had taught you anything, it was how to be comfortable with your bare face, to fall in love with some of your natural qualities.
Taking a seat in a chair by the window, you open your camera and take a few selfies from the more flattering angles you’d looked up on pinterest.
They’re pretty enough, but not what you’re looking for.
With a sigh, you look out the window at a lone, common starling sitting on the branch of a tree. He looks to you and cocks his head, as if to say ‘hello’. Your lip curls into a half smile, and at that moment, your thumb slips and captures an accidental photo.
It would turn out to be the perfect one.
It takes you exactly six and a half minutes to actually gain the courage to press send.
As soon as you do, you put your phone screen down on the table and groan, hiding your face in your hands.
“Oh, fuck, fuck, fuuuck. Why did I send that one?” 
You suddenly regret not putting more makeup on, not editing out the tiny blemish on your chin, not being certain that your hair wasn’t frizzy.
What if this was it - the beginning of the end?
Your phone buzzes from its place on the table.
Three times, before you pick it up.
It’s a string of texts from J, with more coming in with every moment that passes.
[J:] Doll
[J:] Goddamnnnnn…
[J:] You are seriously the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.
[J:] Like… are you real??
[J:] How did i get so goddamn lucky?
[J:] Your eyes are so gorgeous, holy shit.
If you weren’t warm in the face before, you were now.
[You:] Don’t stare too much. :P
[J:] Too late for that. I can’t stop.
He’s silent for a few minutes, and you’re sure it’s because he’s staring at your photo again.
[You:] I do believe it’s your turn, Sarge. ;)
It takes him even longer to reply this time.
He starts typing, stops, and then starts again in a vicious cycle.
[J:] You don’t wanna see me, Doll.. I haven’t shaved in like three weeks…
You can’t help but pout a little bit.
[You:] We made a deal, J :(
[You:] Don’t hide those pretty blue eyes from me.
Hopeful that your playful attempt at comfort would be convincing enough for him, you set your phone back on the coffee table and head to the kitchen to wash your dishes.
When you return five minutes later, you’re happy to find that you have two new messages.
[J:] Alright, just.. I hope you’re not disappointed.
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Your jaw goes slack and you can’t tear your eyes away from his.
They were beautiful. 
The way the deep blue of the outer edge surrounded the light blue-grey iris reminded you of crashing ocean waves, and you wanted nothing more than to get lost in them.
You can’t tell if time has slowed down or if you just weren’t breathing correctly anymore, but you can hear your heart beating in your ears as you look him over.
He’s gorgeous. The glittering grey hairs throughout his beard only made him even more attractive and for some strange reason, all you wanted to do was run your fingertips through it.
Was he even real?
[J:] Doll…?
You don’t even realize it’s been fifteen minutes since he’s sent the picture.
[You:] Sorry, it’s just..
[You:] You know you’re gorgeous, right?
[You:] Like.. Probably the most beautiful man in the history of like.. Ever??
You’re well aware you sound like a bit of a fangirl, but so what? He was breathtaking.
[J:] You’re just being nice.
A scoff escapes your lips as you respond.
[You:] Um, no. 
[You:] I meant it.
[You:] I can’t believe you’ve been hiding those eyes from me for so long.
[J:] You’re too kind.
You decide to tease him a little.
[You:] Are you blushing, Sarge? ;)
[J:] I just might be, doll.
The rest of your day is spent chatting back and forth. J said he had to do some assignments for work on his computer, so he couldn’t game until really late that night, but it didn’t bother you.
It gave you a chance to relax and watch some TV for a while.
The first channel that comes up is the news, and you’re about to turn it off, but something catches your eye.
They’re interviewing Captain America, a fluff piece of him telling you what you can do to help your community - proper social distancing measures and proper handwashing etiquette.
He’s wearing a mask, so only the bottom half of his face is visible, but he looks oddly familiar.
It takes five minutes of watching it to realize who he reminds you of.
Sam. J’s Sam.
You pick up your phone, deciding to share your thoughts.
[You:] So.. I was watching the news..
[J:] Yikes.
[You:] Yeah..
[You:] Have you ever noticed how much Sam and Captain America look alike?
He takes ten minutes to respond, and by this time, the interview with the Captain is over, and you’ve moved on to a re-run of one of your favorite shows.
[J:] Uh, no…
[J:] Why?
[J:] What makes you think that?
All three texts come in quick succession, almost as if they were sent out of panic.
Two more show up on your screen in the same spirit.
[J:] Besides, haven't you seen Sam’s arms? He’s got fucking bird arms.
[J:] Captain America is super buff. No way they’re the same person.
You think back to when Sam came to your apartment to install your security system, and you specifically remember thinking how nice his arms were..
But the fact that J seems to be a little uncomfortable with your observation has you feeling weird too, so you decide to drop the subject for now.
[You:] I guess you’re right. My mind must be playing tricks on me.
[You:] I blame the quarantine.
The reply you receive is only three letters long, and it doesn’t sit right with you either.
[J:] Lol
You’ve been awake since noon, which is early for you nowadays. 
It’s been nearly hailing all day, and it was beginning to also put a damper on your mood.
You had to cancel your second date due to the storms, and your make-up date with J was supposed to be in forty five minutes, but there was no way it could happen with the weather in its current state.
It’s be surprising if the whole city didn’t lose power at this rate.
[You:] I think we’re gonna have to cancel again tonight, J.. 
[You:] It’s just getting worse as time goes on.
It breaks your heart to have to cancel on him twice in only a matter of two days, but the cons outweigh the pros in this situation.
[J:] But… our date
[J:] :(
Releasing a heavy sigh, you send back a sad face of your own, chewing the inside of your cheek in an attempt to not let your emotions get the best of you.
[New photo message from J. To view image, unlock device]
The message appears on your screen moments after you’ve begun packing away your date set up. Something in your gut told you he wasn’t going to listen to your recommendation to stay home.
When you open it, you’re not surprised at what you find, but you are absolutely smitten.
 [J:] I’m on my way, doll. Don’t give up on me just yet.
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You get so distracted staring at his lips, his goddamn perfect, beautiful lips that you don’t notice when twenty minutes has passed since he sent the photo.
He’d be here sooner than you expected, and worse, he was walking in the rain to do it.
What were you going to do with a man who’s stubbornness matched your own?
You decide to set a blanket outside, along with a thermos full of hot coffee.
The sky is dark grey, almost black in some spots, and the fact that it was only 5:00 only made it that much more obvious how nasty of a storm this was turning out to be.
You hoped he was okay.
Back against the door, you sit and wait for him.
Within half an hour, his signature sound of arrival hits the door in quick succession.
Knock. Knock Knock. Knock.
Always in time with your heart.
“How bad was your walk?” You ask immediately, to which you hear a noise that’s somewhere between a groan and a laugh. “That bad, huh?”
“The thunder was pretty loud. Made me jump a few times.” He finally confesses.
Your heart drops, “J.. I told you not to come. I know you wanted to have our date, and I.. I really did too, but.. It’s freezing and raining. You could get sick.”
Concern is dripping from each and every word, and you miss the way his entire face lights up. His heart flutters at hearing how much you care for him. About him.
“Yeah, well, doll.. You’re worth it. Thanks for the coffee by the way. Good call.”
You hear him set his backpack down, followed by his jacket rubbing against the door as he sits. He lets out a half sigh, half hiss when his jeans hit the concrete beneath him, and you’re sure he’s completely soaked to the bone.
Outwardly, you say nothing. Silence. 
He’s not sure if you’re upset or angry. Or maybe just lost in contemplation.
Inwardly, you’re facing a battle. 
A battle between letting a man whom you had surprisingly strong feelings for sit out in the rain and catch a cold, and letting said man inside your apartment during a nationwide quarantine, never having met him face to face.
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The lights flicker on and off. On and off again.
The thunder rumbles and you can see the sky flash through your curtains.
J lets out a soft, “Doll?”
Your windows fill with a quick, bright, white light for a moment, before the loudest crash of thunder makes your body tremble.
Your apartment goes black and silent in a matter of seconds, and J releases a quiet, “What the hell?”
Your hands are quaking, and your heartbeat kicks into overdrive as you make your final choice.
TAGS: (I wasnt sure who to tag, so if you dont want to be, I’m sorry!! Just trying to get this out there. ALSO if you wanna be tagged INBOX ME! I tend to miss people in the tags :(  ).  @mindingmyownbusiness​ @plumfondler​  @buckybarnesappreciationsociety​ @loricameback​ @tinaferraldo​ @geminimoonbeamx​  @preserumsteverogers​ @moderapoppins​ @lowkeysebby​ @buckyshattergirl​  @jayattemptstoruletheworld​    @the-observant-fangirl​ @moondancewrites​ @moonbeambucky​ @trinityjadec​  @stevieang​  @bionic-buckyb​ @eyecandybarnes​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​ @promarvelfangirl​ @ballyhoobarnes​ @bucky-plums-barnes​ @cate-lynne​ @witchymarvelspacecase​ @imaginingbucky​ @theimpossibleg1rl​ @babygurl8840 @wonderlandmind4 @buckysthing​ @formulafun​ @curvybihufflepuff​ @fanficsformarvelkillme​  @shadyskit​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​ @reading–mermaid @fuckmestan​ @siliverin​ @verygraphicink​ @sallyp-53 @thatsbucknasty​ @steadyphantomcat​ @booktease21 @kiki5283 @lostinspace33 @drayshadow​ @theperditioncrasher​ @mmyepic​ @feelmyroarrrr@alien-beans @heartsaved​ @sideeffectsofyou​ @dreamingofonceuponatime​ @just-a-littlebit-of-everything​ @bluerorjhan​ @tarynsnotokay​ @jamdropx35 @turquoisekokiri​ @pinknerdpanda​​ @starkrobb​ @marvelgirl7​ @unscriptedtimetraveler​ @fangeekkk​ @wonderlandmind4​ @pinkisokay​ @mrsdaamneron​ @rynabarnesrogers​ @wish-i-had-something-better​ @stanning-seb-stan​ @oilersgirl35​ @vaisabu​ @paranoid-borderline-insane​ @bonkywobble​ @vikki-rogue​ @witchymegg​ @a--1--1--3​ @margetastic33​ @stuffandstuff-stuff​ @broken-hearted-barnes​ @elementec​ @thummbelina​ @booktease21​ @the-murder-strut-murdered-me​ @haileystudy
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illmamnim · 4 years
Re watching Danny Phantom - episode 1
Basically, I want to analyse the show with out just going from memory. So I'll watch episode by episode, pointing both things I love and hate, and occasionally, what I would do different.
Episode 2
This one will probably be the longest just because I am recalling stuff that happen later on and for the other episodes I’ll focus more on them.
So let's get to it
“Actually, dad, I wanna be an astronaut.”
Danny’s very first line, the dream he had since the very beginning. And it’s barely shown.
He does get exited about it when it shows up but it doesn’t look like he cares about it much outside of it. for a show with such themed characters it feels like Danny is far more built. 
now it could fit if all the other characters just as built, or at least the main ones, but every character seems to have an image they go by and Danny just stands out.
“Waste these looks and all this charisma hunting ghosts?! Criminal.”
Nothing to say here, I just love that line.
The whole fight behind Jack’s back
I want to make a whole post about Idiot Jack but for now I’ll just say this:  The Idiot tropes are so lovable because usually there's a kind, caring person at the end of them. Jack is shown very little to care about Danny or Jazz and will force them into ghost hunting shenanigans based on the plot’s needs.
Jazz seems to be the only one to notice  that their parents' obsession with ghosts is interfering with their everyday lives.
Other than that, It’s a good over all introduction to the Fenton family and their work.
“You need guidance, and parents who can provide it.”
Jazz's notices that their parents' don’t pay attention to them- especially Danny. Earlier this scene, we see her read a book about adolescence and therapy and immediately she's the one to point out that her parents are ignoring Danny. They’re all together at breakfast and Jack and Maddie work right on the table.
Jazz is the one to notice how anxious Danny is most of the time and probably the only one to notice he's being bullied. (as he said- he's Dash's favorite)
Yes, Jazz thinks she's more grown up than she really is, which means that everyone in Danny’s life treats him like a child and her own obsession with being right can make her forget about the world.
But unlike many characters, she does get this development-  The Fenton Menace and  Secret Weapons are good examples of that.
“Why? Parents don’t listen. Even worse, they don’t understand. WHY CAN’T THEY ACCEPT ME FOR WHO I AM?!”
I’m going to use this to talk about lgbtq+ characters in the show. Or, more accurately the lack thereof.
I talked about it when I did some notes from memory, where I’ve mentioned that characters like Danny and Sam are so fitted to be apart of the lgbtq community that the fact that they’re not isn’t just disappointing but it feels like it’s missing.
Sam prides on being herself but she hides knowing she will always get backlash for things that don’t fit into some 1 dimensional character people expect her to be. And Danny is always afraid of being himself but when he is he feels the most free and happy.
Trans!Danny hcs didn’t just happen for no reason and if the show is ever to be rebooted I expect them to include it in, in any way.
“Your powers make you unique, and unique is good. That’s why I’m an ultra recyclo-vegetarian.”
Ok, big pet peeve of mine in the show.
They treat Sam as if she only does stuff to “be unique”. This could work perfectly if she had a development or reason- but later on all we seem to understand is that she’s just being “I’m not like other girls” and her being vegetarian or goth is nothing but her trying to either stand out or annoy her parents.
Does she actually want to do half the stuff she does? Her Sticking It To The Man attitude is admirable but whenever she talks about it it just kinda look like she would change herself to make sure she’s not ordinary.
Personally I do get it, cause it’s what I used to do, but the whole point of stating it is to show how she’s growing out of feeling like she can’t do stuff- Let her care for a stupid flour sack, let her show that she’s into ghosts and moreover I WANNA KNOW WHY
My headcanon is that that’s how she and Danny became friends in the first place and I would love to see how this gang got together.
“What if Jazz isn’t a ghost? What if we accidentally hurt her?”
Remind me why we don’t listen to Maddie more often?
Oh right, cause then they’d have to actually make the effort and have to think about how to make this show make sense.
“It’s garbage.”
Why does it look like the gang never seem to actually support one another? It doesn’t even look jokey or teasing, sometimes it just looks like they only hang out cause they have no other friends.
ghost sense
I always thought, and still think, that the blue line coming from the ghost sense is cold air turned warm and I made a post joking about Danny is always mouth breathing. And i got a comment that said “ It's probably more like a sudden cold feeling, so Danny gasps cause he's cold.“ I really liked it and I feel like they could’ve captured or explained it in the show better.
“Oh great, I’m still his favorite.”
They made that point a bunch in the show, that Dash is almost like Danny’s privet bully.
Dash bullies anyone, but Mikey and Danny seem to be a reoccurring deal (Mikey probably because he’s always doing their homework.) and they never explain it.
It just looks like main character syndrome.
I love how they portray more humanoid ghosts as more possible to act human and how much more scary it makes them when they suddenly break this humanity.
Lunch lady
She seems to be able to control much more than just food products (plates, books and papers, cutting the lights) and they never really explain how some ghosts can do this or that, and which powers are or aren’t universal.
(Non related but her face is adorable! Nice old evil grandma)
“repeated loitering by the girl’s locker-room.”
They really didn’t have to make Tucker a creep.
“[He threw] Four touchdown passes in the last game is thereby exempt from scorn.”
Uhh is this an american thing?? Are jocks really that much of a teacher’s pets that who ever played high school sports is able gets away with murder?
Danny’s powers’ look
They seem to always animate and portray the powers differently each time-
Sometimes when he’s intangible he’s blue, sometimes transparent, sometimes the lines change colors sometimes not.
Many animation errors seem to be about inconsistency.
“Guys, time to makeup. Now!”
He just transforms?? Right there?!
The Spike scene
Ok, we learn a lot here.
first of, why didn’t we see more of Spike in the show?! it could’ve been amazing to see Jazz with actual friends.
And if he isn’t her friend, Jazz gives advice to people? Why didn’t we see more on that? How both she and Danny want to help people and how this is her way of doing it cause she has no powers. How could’ve been her build up to becoming a hero alongside Danny!
And second, is when her parents attack her. This shows how little they listen to her, why she always feels like the only responsible person in the family and how she probably is.
I’ll probably get on that more in My Brother’s Keeper.
Danny fighting the little meat creatures is my favorite fight scene in the episode
“The Fenton Thermos! But how am I going to get it to work?“
How did he get it to work?? They never really explained it, he just kinda turned blue and it did.
side notes:
The Amount Of Sound Effects...
Personal preference but I don’t like how much they change the colors of the sky and background only when a ghost is near and then it turns back- It’s distracting.
I usually expect side jokes to not affect the plot but here they kinda mix it and I can’t know what’s a side joke and what is more meaningful 
Y’know... I never did notice how many jokes Danny makes. But now...
Danny looks so happy when ever he manages to do some ghost trick, it’s adorable
The Fentons have 5 brain cells and Jazz holds 3 of them. (Danny and Maddie split when they need it)
The camera angles are very fun and look like they could fit perfectly as a comic
The voice acting is super good
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thepaperdollsseries · 5 years
SNEAK PEEK - Love Like Crazy
Our new novel Love Like Crazy is the story of Charli and Laura, two girls that become roommates at the exclusive all girls boarding school, Hanover. Charli is a perfect Hanover girl; pretty, soccer star, and never breaks the rules. Laura is an accidental bad girl that’s sent to Hanover by her disapproving parents.  I saw Laura up in the stands and I kept looking up. She’d come down on her own. I was surprised when I first saw her. It was more fuel for the rumors that had started. It didn’t bother me, quite the opposite. 
I didn’t examine how I felt about it. I just let it go. I liked Laura and the mystery of her past was intriguing. I wanted to know why she was here but letting her tell me in her own time was important. I could tell. 
When coach dismissed us I ran up in the bleachers and sat down next to her. I was tired but energized from the exercise. She was adorable up here all on her own with empty bleachers surrounding her. 
“Hey, watcha reading?” I asked. 
“One of the assignments for Ms. Rosewell’s class,” she said. “I kinda love it. Makes the last book I was reading really look like crap.” She set her reader down beside her and turned to examine me. “You’re really good. You never told me that.”
“Ah, I’m pretty good,” I corrected. “Good enough for a scholarship hopefully but it’s not remarkable.”
I put my hands between my knees. The cold was setting in now that I wasn’t moving. I saw Abby walking up the bleachers towards us and glanced over at Laura. 
"You want this?” Laura asked, taking my hoodie from off of her arms. The fabric slid off of her easily as she moved to hand it over to me, it was warm.
“No, you keep it. I’m gonna shower soon and head back to dinner. I just wanted to say hi,” I told her. 
Abby stopped on the stairs and waved. 
“Hey Laura, how’s it going?” Abby asked.
“Hey Abby. It’s good. You guys looked really great down there.” Laura was always nice to everyone but she tended to keep to herself whenever possible. 
“Thanks, I just wanted to say hi and apologize for my girlfriend’s ridiculousness. Honestly, she didn’t mean to start any drama. She just has that too much gene and it gets the better of her. You’re always welcome to eat or hang out with us.”
"Ahh, it’s fine,” Laura laughed it off. 
“I’ll see you guys later. I’m all icky. I can’t wait to shower,” Abby said. 
I just sat there smiling and being grateful that I had Abby around. 
“I need a shower too so I’ll go with,” I said and stood up. I looked back at Laura. “I’ll see you at dinner?" 
Abby was already down at the bottom of the bleachers and out of earshot so I reached out and put my hand on Laura’s arm. 
"We can find a quiet place to sit by ourselves if you want.” 
I felt her hand touch on mine. "Aw, I don’t wanna take you from your friends. I’ll just go and grab something now,” she said honestly. “Are you gonna be busy after?”
“Okay,” I said. 
I kept my face even and tried not to show anything. I’d rather have just had dinner with her but I knew she probably wanted to go alone. 
“No,” I said. “No plans. I was just going to go back to the room after.” 
"Nice,” Laura smiled softly. “Go on. You’re cold,” she nudged me. “I’ll see you soon.”
It was windy and it would probably storm tonight. I laughed and jogged down the bleachers, hurrying along to warm up. 
We had plans for tomorrow and that was what I was looking forward to most. Hanging out tonight would be fun though. We could talk and chill in the room. The hall wouldn’t get too rowdy since Serena was in all weekend. 
I liked the quiet nights. Occasionally, I liked to let off the tension with my friends but I was a bit of a loner after all the forced socialization of school, meetings, and practice. Rarely, could you be alone at Hanover. 
I finished up my shower quickly and changed back to my uniform. I’d beat everyone out of the locker room so I knew I might have a chance to catch Laura at the dining hall. 
At first, when I didn’t see her, I was a little bummed but then I felt my phone vibrate. Laura had sent me a picture of her meal at a table tucked away just outside near one of the large decorative outdoor fireplaces. She’d gone full out for once, getting the hot food which she never did. My portable speaker sat nearby and she had her thermos with her which I knew was filled with instant coffee that she probably doctored up to be tolerable. 
It said in a text beneath the picture: surviving the night. It was already pretty dark out and her food shone brightly beneath the flash from her camera.  The yellowing lamp posts that sparsely lined our walkways at night could hardly compete.
I rushed into the dining hall and got in line. It was the normal line but it seemed to take forever to get down to the end. I took the pasta dish and a bottle of water. 
It wasn’t hard to find her. She was sitting exactly where the picture showed me. She was smiling at me and I just stood there, like a dork, smiling back. 
“This is awesome,” I said. 
“I know, you came,” she laughed, pulling a chair out close to her so I could sit right next to her and be closer to the heat. “Come on, sit. I made you coffee to warm you up.”
“You’re awesome. Thank you!” I sat down and slid my tray into the table beside me. “Coffee sounds great and this is perfect.”
“It’s nice,” Laura said. “They don’t usually light these fires. I’d never seen it before.”
“Yeah, they should do it more often. They’re always lit around Christmas but for some reason they don’t keep it up.”
"There’s gonna be a storm soon. I just got a weather update. Vic wants to go to the beach and watch the lightning,” Laura said. “I think I’d rather stay in with you tonight. Watch a movie or read or something. If you have plans though that’s cool.”
“My plan is to do whatever you want to do. We could watch some movies or something. You pick one and I’ll pick one. We could just hang out and read too. I’m down for anything,” I said. 
It sounded perfect. It was all that I wanted. 
Laura laughed and blushed. I think I surprised her. “What do you usually do?”
She opened the coffee and drank some before putting it over in front of me to get me to drink. 
I took the coffee and took a sip. 
“You made this so much better. You’re like a coffee genius,” I said before having another drink. 
I handed the coffee back and reached for some of the garlic bread on my plate. 
“Usually, I just read or go for a walk. Sometimes I binge Netflix,” I said. 
“Alone?” She asked, curious.
“Yeah, usually. Once Abby and Lindsey started dating they spend time by themselves. I got used to being alone,” I explained. 
“Were you sad,” she asked honestly. 
“Not really. I like hanging out with them how we do now. It’s been nice to have time to read and chill. My friends like going out and doing things when they can. That’s nice. It’s hard to be the third wheel with a couple sometimes.” 
I took a bite of my pasta and nudged her with my elbow. 
"What about you? What do you do in your downtime at home?”
“Uhh, I leave,” she smiled. “Or Vic sneaks in. Or we text and call if I’m trapped but that hardly ever happens,” she sighed. “Or I lay there and feel anxious and hate myself. Hanover is really extreme for me,” she ate her food sadly. “There wasn’t exactly a warning for this. No progression leading up to it. I used to be pretty free.”
“So, you and Vic went out a lot?” I asked. 
“We were always out,” Laura said. “Even if it was just to be alone together in her car. Away from our families. Away from everyone… Couldn’t exactly breathe anywhere else.”
“You don’t like being at home?” I asked. 
“It’s okay if no one else is there. Me and Vic locked up in my room. But someone else is usually home so no. I sneak out, mostly.”
“You and Vic are really close,” I observed. 
I brought my bowl closer and ate some more. 
“Closer than anyone,” Laura said. 
“Like sisters?” I asked. 
It sounded like more to me, like something more than friends. That thought made me sad for no reason. 
“I’ve never had a sister,” she shrugged. “But I dunno. I have a brother and we’re closer than that. My family doesn’t understand me. Only Vic does.”
She leaned back in her chair and drank some more of her coffee. “Or maybe she doesn’t and I just choose her,” she zoned out.
“I’m sure she does. It’s hard to get close to someone without understanding them. At least on some levels.”
Laura stared off into the night. When she snapped out of it she smiled at me. "She at least tries,” she confessed. “No one else does that.”
“That sucks, It has to make you feel so isolated and alone.” 
"I am isolated and alone,” she smirked up at me and looked around to tease me. “They literally sent me away, Charli. This school doesn’t mean the same thing for you as it does for me.”
“No, I’m sure it’s very different,” I agreed. 
She seemed so sad about it and all I wanted was to make it easier for her. It was an impossible situation and I couldn’t help much. 
“I hope you don’t hate it all though,” I said.
“I don’t,” she said, watching me. “I like you.” Her eye contact was insane sometimes, it was so direct and kind.
I blushed and bit my bottom lip to calm my smile. 
“I like you too,” I replied. I always blushed too much and I could always feel it climbing up my face like a wave.
I looked at her and got caught by her eyes. The way she looked at me was so warm and piercing. I moved a little closer without realizing. I broke the moment and looked down at my pasta. 
“You’re different and I also like that,” I revealed. 
“Different,” she nodded, trying to decide how to take it. “Yeah,” she nodded. “Guess so…”
“No,” I groaned. “I mean, different, in that, I’ve never made friends with someone this quick. I feel like I can actually talk to you and be real. I don’t have to have a face on. You make me comfortable. That’s the different thing about you,” I explained. 
“It’s okay, you can say it,” Laura said. “Everybody says it. There’s something wrong with me. I do stupid things.”
“That’s not what I meant at all,” I said, worried. “There’s nothing wrong with you. You just draw me in and make me feel good.”
I wanted to hide my face. Talking like this made me feel naked. I just hoped she would hear me. 
"I know you didn’t mean it like that,” she comforted. I felt her hand slip onto my thigh beneath the table. “Forget I said it,” she asked. “I���m really bad at this stuff.” A lock of her hair flew into her pink lip gloss and she slipped it away from her lips. 
“There’s nothing wrong with you,” I said. 
I put my hand on top of hers and let it rest there. It felt right. Her feelings about how people saw her made me sad. She didn’t deserve that. 
She laughed and tears sprang to her eyes but she shrugged them off and smiled through them. “Okay,” she said, obviously not believing it but ready to let it go anyway.
I ate a little more and then gave up on my dinner. Everyone has flaws but from my perspective I hadn’t found any in her. Laura’s self-esteem might need a little work but most of us were guilty of that.
She ate a lot more of her food than usual and kept on relaxing by the heat of the fire with her coffee in hand, taking slow sips. “Wish we had one of these.”
“One of what?” I asked. 
“The fire,” she said, getting all warm and sleepy. 
“Oh, yeah. It’s nice,” I replied. “If we could transport it to our room, it would be even better.”
“I’d sleep too much,” Laura smiled. 
"I’d wake you up,” I said. 
“Rude,” Laura smiled more. 
The wind rushed and took a couple of napkins from us, blowing them out onto the floor near a couple of other people down the way. “Oh shit,” Laura said, getting up and rushing to gather the trash. Once she got the napkins, she walked them to a bin and came back. “Guess that’s our sign,” she chuckled, the stress of the day was coming back to her face. In the night, her eyes stunned when hit by light.
 "Yeah, I guess,“ I sighed and pursed my lips. "I’ll take this inside and we can go back to the dorm.” The awkward feelings were coming on, how to act, how to be.
I stood and picked up my tray. Barely half of my pasta was gone. It wasn’t enough and I’d get hungry later. I took the fork and shoveled more pasta into my mouth. It was cold and tasted so much worse now but I made myself chew and swallow it. 
Laura followed me inside and waited to put her tray up. The little conveyer belt that took away our dirty dishes zoomed around making our trays disappear. 
“Maybe you should get something for later,” Laura said. “You exercise hard.” She touched my hip bone with her fingers, grabbing the nonexistent love handle I could have.
I jumped a little and laughed. I was way too ticklish to handle that. 
“I’ve got stuff in the room that I snatched yesterday at dinner,” I said. 
She was sweet. It made me melt a little and smile. 
“Okay fine,” she said, amused. 
“You gotta stop being cute and sweet. I’m not used to it,” I teased. 
“Uh-oh. Okay, I’ll work on it,” she blushed. I could tell it made her happy to know I liked her.
“Maybe I’ll take you to my favorite breakfast place in the morning,” I suggested. 
“Oh my god, please,” Laura groaned, hugging herself into my back and holding my upper arms. When she decided to touch me it was always effortless. Right now she was leading us out.
It felt good and a certain kind of special that was unfamiliar. She made me smile when I didn’t even realize. 
“They have really good quiche but the best pancakes,” I said. 
“Love pancakes,” Laura mentioned.
“Then you’ll love this place,” I said. 
I took one of her hands and led the way. We fit and I loved the feeling of being like this, carefree and focused on the warm feeling.
I pulled her into our dorm and past all the open doors. A few of the girls looked out and greeted us. I saw that sharp consideration in their eyes. 
Fuck ‘em.
This was the best feeling and I wouldn’t let anyone ruin it with assumptions. 
We closed our door and I immediately started changing. 
“PJ time,” I declared. 
Laura laughed. 
Taking my tip, she moved to the closet beside me and slowly started to change.
I turned and saw her bare back facing me. Looking away would have been polite but I stared, entranced. Her skin was so smooth. I didn’t snap out of it till she turned around. 
I quickly put my shirt on and looked in my closet, pulling out some Hanover joggers and putting them on. 
I grabbed a shirt and threw it towards her. 
“Try this,” I suggested. 
She took the shirt and looked at it. It was a US soccer shirt I’d gotten at one of the development academies freshman year. 
“Thanks,” she smiled over at me. She slipped her bra off and put my shirt on. We danced around each other quietly. Soft breathing and careful hands. “Did you ever have a roommate before me?” She walked to her desk and pulled out her makeup wipes to start in on her skin routine. Step one was to take it all off. No matter what she did, she always made it look second-nature and easy.
“Nope. There was some kind of fluke. The girl I roomed with freshman year dropped out and they never put anyone else in here.” 
“That’s so weird,” Laura said, confused about it. She went along with her routine, getting ready to relax.
"Maybe,” I said. “I’m glad it was you though.” 
The flat screen was between the closets in a little alcove. I retrieved the remote from my nightstand. 
"What do you want to watch?” I asked. 
“Uh… I dunno,” Laura said. “What do you think?”
“Something fun, maybe Love Island. What do you think?” I asked. 
“Love Island?” Laura laughed. “Yeah, okay,” she smiled to herself. “Lets watch Love Island.”
“Hmm, maybe we should push the beds together? Then we can both have a good view of the TV.”
“Yes please,” Laura said. “It’s kinda bad but I’m not used to having a small bed like this. It’s totally lame. They really diminish your quality of life.”
"I know. I have a queen bed at home and this kills me. I’ve literally fallen off of it a lot, in my sleep. Especially, the first year.”
We moved the few things blocking the space between the beds and pushed them together. They were light.
Once the beds were touching I nodded and got in my side. I still had the remote in one of my hands. 
"That’s better,” I said. 
The middle of the combined beds was inviting and that’s where I ended up. I was still on my side but there was enough space on the outside that I was in no danger of falling off now. Laura crawled up her bed and pulled a pillow down for her head. She didn’t try to be far from me, she was really close. The shirt I’d given her was a little long and she never put on pants, instead she pulled her blanket up over her body and laid on her side facing me, cuddling up in the blanket like she was cold. “Oh shit. The light,” she said, realizing she’d forgotten it.
“I’ll get it.” I slid off the bed and walked around to turn it off. “Do you need anything while I’m up. Water or something to eat?”
“I’m good,” she said, resting. Her phone lit up and she ignored it.
I got some water for myself and got back in bed, laying closer to her than before. When I lay back on my pillow my arm brushed her hand.
“You’re cold. Here,” she said, pulling the blanket up so I could get under it.
I took the invitation and then leaned my head over to rest on her shoulder.  I turned on the TV and found the episodes I wanted, pressing play on the first one. 
“Better?” Laura asked, touching my arm beneath the blanket. She let her fingers trail down to find my hand and she played with my fingers sweetly.
“Much, thank you,” I said. 
I moved my fingers against hers, playing back. 
She smiled at me and held my hand, shutting her eyes and breathing normally like she might fall asleep.
“You’re tired. We can sleep if you want,” I offered. 
“I’m okay,” she said. “Feels good to lay down.”
“It does,” I agreed. 
It was especially nice to lay with her though. I focused on the TV and tuned into the ridiculousness. 
I fell asleep after two episodes and Laura checked out even earlier than that. When I woke up in the middle of the night the TV screen saver was flashing on the screen. 
We were cuddled together, much closer than we were before I fell asleep. I turned off the TV with the remote that was sitting by my hand. 
I tried not to move much because I didn’t want to wake her. Laura’s forehead was pushed in against my collarbone and her fingers clutched at my shirt near my side. She was cute and I didn’t want to ruin this feeling of being so close.
I lay my head close to the top of hers and took in the smell of my shirt mixed with her hair. It made me smile as I closed my eyes to go back to sleep.
The next morning I woke first and found myself underneath most of her body. My arms were surrounding her and her nose was now pressed close to my neck. 
It was a little warm and sweaty like anytime two people sleep together but not in a bad way. I closed my eyes again and enjoyed the feeling of her body on mine. She felt so small curled up against my body. Her smell surrounded me and I took it in like a drug. 
I’d rarely cuddled with anyone. After my best friends got together any intimacy there greatly decreased. I didn’t want to get in the middle of anything and Lindsey was a little touchy about it. 
Laura was the perfect size to fit with me. If I didn’t need to use the bathroom, I would have stayed like that and drifted back to sleep. 
I opened my eyes and looked at the time on the clock that sat on my desk. It was already nine. We needed to get going so we could get breakfast. I sighed. Breaking the spell was a sad but necessary thing. 
I untangled myself and got out of bed.
Laura groaned and cuddled into the blanket, burying her face in my pillow as she deeply breathed. “What time is it,” she mumbled.
“Just past nine. I’ll be right back.”
I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and glanced at her one more time before I left. She was stretching with her eyes closed. I smiled, suppressing the urge to go back and watch her wake. My brain was kind of weird these days. 
“I’ll get up,” her voice ached.
"Okay,” I said, leaving finally. 
I passed closed doors and stopped in the quiet hall before going into the bathroom. I used the toilet first and then brushed my teeth, returning to find her up and sitting on the bed. 
“Did you sleep well?” I asked 
“Way better than I usually do, yeah.” She scoffed a tired laugh. In my absence she’d quickly changed clothes and tied her hair up in a messy bun. She had her phone in her hand and she was staring down on it, scrolling through things. “Vic is pissed,” she laughed. “Guess she thought I died or something.”
“Hmm, did she expect you to call?" 
I changed into black skinny jeans, tossing my joggers on the combined beds and then found a clean bra and a slim white tee. 
"Uh, I think she thought I was joking when I said I was too tired to go out yesterday.” She texted something quickly. “We always go out.”
There wasn’t regret or remorse in her but perhaps some heaviness.
“I can be your witness. You passed out after one episode,” I said. 
Laura laughed and smiled. “Sorry,” she said, a little stressed. “It was comfy.” She got up and gripped her bathroom bag. “I’ll be back,” she said, leaving to use the restroom for a bit.
I sat on the bed and put my worn, black Chuck’s on. I’d take them off once we got to the beach. The feeling of sand on my bare feet would be welcome. I loved that movement and softness mixed with grit. 
When Laura came back I’d brushed my hair and let it hang loose. I kept it up a lot during class and practice. 
She smirked a little and blushed when she saw me. “Okay I think I’m together enough,” she teased, throwing a few things into her bag. Together enough was an understatement. I tried not to stare.
“Nice. We can walk out toward the front gate and catch the bus down the street. It’s not due for fifteen minutes so we’ve got time.”
I grabbed a ball cap and put it on. My beach bag was already by the door. I went to grab it and opened the door. The bus was always how I usually got to the beach because I kinda liked the ride. It didn’t run all the time though. Sometimes I had to uber there or to the store. Today I wanted to give Laura the full experience. 
"You ready for an adventure?” I asked, grinning. 
“With you? Definitely,” Laura said. 
On her way out she grabbed us both waters, then she walked in front of me and waited for me to lock the door. “If I don’t call Vic soon she’s gonna murder me. She’s all upset about so many things. You’d think we’d been apart a year or something.”
She dug her sunglasses out of her bag and put them on.
“Call her while we walk to the bus,” I suggested. 
I locked up and we walked down the hall. By now Serena was up and policing the front door. 
“Morning ladies. Where are you off to?” Serena asked. 
“Oh, just the beach,” I said. 
“Laura, I promised your parents I wouldn’t allow you to go off campus until I was sure you settled in,” Serena said. 
“I swear we’re just going to the beach for a few hours and coming back. Just like usual,” I said. 
“Uh huh, I know you’re responsible, Charlotte. I’m just-" 
"Please,” I begged.
Serena frowned and looked toward the door, considering.  
“Alright, but you better be back by curfew or I’ll be sending you to detention,” she threatened. 
“We will. I swear,” I said. 
I took Laura’s hand and rushed past Serena before she changed her mind. I pushed open the front door and held it open, letting go of Laura’s hand. 
After it closed, I turned to walk towards the entrance to campus. 
“That was close. I was going to riot if she didn’t let us go,” I sighed. 
Laura laughed. “Yeah, I highly doubt that. That’s weird though. My parents never said they asked for that. They even pretended I could come home on the weekends if I wanted to.” She seemed bummed. “Maybe they just knew I’d say no.”
We’d only been outside for a few seconds and the world had already shit on her.
“Serena probably offered it.  She’s like that,” I said. 
“Why would she offer that,” Laura asked, bruised.
“Because she’s a suck up and she thinks she knows what’s best for everyone,” I said. Laura didn’t say anything, she walked along beside me and kept quiet.
“You okay?” I asked.
“Not really,” she said. “Let’s just get out of here.”
“You got it,” I said, taking her hand.
The bus came a few minutes later and we boarded, finding a seat in the back where we could sit close. 
Laura kept her hand in mine but she stared listlessly outside of the window. I watched her for a second and then squeezed her hand. 
“Show me a picture of Vic,” I said. 
“Oh, sure,” she said, taking a deep breath in. She woke up her phone and found a picture to show me. Tan, bleached blonde, tall, and skinny. Vic was at the beach in a bikini and visibly laughing like she was really really happy. Her arm was slung around a guy, equally pretty and tan. “That’s her and Pete,” Laura said, handing her phone to me.
“She’s pretty,” I commented. 
“Yeah,” Laura laughed. “It’s really frustrating.”
“Why is it frustrating?” I asked. 
“I dunno,” Laura shrugged. “It’s just hard. Our friendship is weird.”
“Like it could be more?” I asked. 
“I dunno,” Laura dodged it. “I mean, she’s obviously my favorite person on the planet but…”
“Friendships are different. Abby and I used to be closer and we would stay over in each other’s rooms,” I said. 
“I’ve never had anyone I cared about so much,” Laura said. “Was it like that with Abby?”
“No, it wasn’t. I’ve never had anyone like that besides my family,” I said. 
We were two of the few people riding the bus so we had a lot of space. We still sat close, legs touching and hands still clasped.
“I’m a little jealous of your family,” Laura said.
“They’re pretty cool. I got lucky. All my friends have always loved my mom and dad. Abby visited me for a week in the summer once and she loved it. Her house is ten times fancier than ours and she has actual servants but she didn’t want to leave. We had a good time,” I said. 
“I didn’t say I was jealous of you,” Laura said. “I said I was jealous of them. You love them so much.” She slipped her hand back into mine and held it with both of her hands from the front and the back. “I envy them.”
“Oh! Well, maybe I’ll love you too,” I said.
It slipped out before I really knew what I’d said. It wasn’t bad, I just didn’t know what she would think. 
“Yeah,” Laura laughed. “Maybe… Possibly…” She ruminated on that and then let my hand go. “Sorry,” she smiled. “I’m in a really shitty mood and I wish I wasn’t.” She held the back of her neck in her hands and tried to relax. The result was that she leaned forward over her knees in an uncomfortable position just to deeply breathe.
“Don’t apologize to me. I’m happy we can get out of there and maybe you’ll feel a little better after you eat and we go see the ocean. The ocean always makes me happy.”
“Yeah,” Laura said. “Maybe.”
“Hey, can I do anything?” I asked. 
“No,” Laura said, feeling sad. “I think I’m at a rock bottom moment or something. It’s not you. You’re wonderful. There’s just so much stuff I don’t want to think about right now.”
“Then, let’s think about something else. What’s your favorite food?” I asked. 
“I dunno,” she laughed. 
“Well, mine is kind of weird. You have to promise you won’t laugh,” I said, feigning seriousness. 
“I always laugh,” she reminded. “Just tell me.”
“Ah, I guess I trust you. I am addicted to gummy worms. If I could I’d eat them every day, I would,” I confessed. 
Laura sat up and stared over at me. “Interesting. Iiiii, really don’t think that’s a food.”
“Oh? What is it then?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. 
“Corn syrup,” she said, raising her eyebrows.
“And gelatin plus blue 1,” I teased. 
I leaned toward her and pressed our shoulders together. 
“Okay fine, chicken nuggets,” I said. 
“Oh wow. Okay. I get it. You are actually five,” she laughed.
“And a half, you can’t forget the half. It’s important,” I said and stuck my tongue out at her. 
Soon as I did that her fingers quickly found my sides and she tickled me until we both busted up laughing. 
“Oh my god, no!” I was on my side, trying to cover my sides and protect myself. “You found my weakness. Mercy!" 
I leaned back up and let my body go a little too far so that I was almost laying in her lap. 
"That’s just below the belt,” I said, still grinning. 
“Oh fine,” she beamed, stopping it. I felt her arms slip in around my stomach and she hugged me tight. “But you’ve been warned.”
“I’ll keep it in mind,” I said. 
I hugged her back and kept her close, loving the ride and her ways. 
“You smell really good,” I commented. 
“Not as good as you,” she said. “Mine’s all artificial.”
She pressed her nose to my shirt sleeve and breathed me in.
“Not true. I can smell you. And mine is a mix of detergent and products. After practice I stink.”
“No you don’t,” she said. 
“What? I’m all sweaty and gross. Do we need to get your sense of smell tested?” I teased. 
“I’ve never seen you gross,” she laughed. “You’re like perfect.”
“No way, I’m not perfect. I have weird ears, I don’t know when to say no to people, and there’s a pimple on my nose,” I complained.
“Don’t know when to say no to people?" 
"It’s just hard for me to say no when people ask for things,” I said. 
“Like… Today?” Laura asked.
“Today? When?” I asked. 
“The beach,” she reminded. “Your secret spot.”
“Oh! No, I wanted to show you. I just want to do stuff with you. It makes me happy,” I said. 
I puzzled over that like a revelation. Something clicked in my head and I forgot to breathe for a second. I pushed it away and focused on holding her and the feeling of her solid breathing body in my arms. 
“That’s really sweet,” she said, leaning back in her chair and absentmindedly rubbing my back.
I shook my head and smiled. 
“You’re just as sweet. I don’t know if you know that. I bet not. You probably think you’re a badass bitch,” I teased.  
“Oh wow,” she laughed. “Yeah, you’re right, that’s all I think all day long,” she teased. 
“I knew it!” I raised my fist in triumph and laughed. “Little did you know that you’re super soft and gooey inside,” I pointed out. 
“Are you calling me fat,” she chuckled. Her hand slipped beneath my shirt and I felt it touching my skin, her nails carefully playing and her palm rubbing methodically.
“You’re definitely not fat,” I insisted. 
Her nails on my skin made me shiver and my breath caught. I tingled all over and closed my eyes. There was no mistaking what was happening to me. 
Laura sighed and dazed. “I think you’re a miracle,” she whispered. “I don’t even want to think about how bad this week could’ve been if I wasn’t with you.”
“I’m happy I could help,” I said. 
The bus was getting close to our stop. I’d be able to get a little distance and get control of myself. 
“Here we go,” I said. 
The bus stopped with a soft screech and I released her, scooting away and standing up. Slow to rise, Laura followed me. Fingerbeds touched down on my back as we wove our way through the corridor and made it outside.
The restaurant was visible from the bus stop and once the bus moved on we could cross over to walk down the road toward it. 
It was a small place with fresh, modern decor but the prices were really good. I could even afford it with the money my parents sent me every month. 
We went in and were greeted by the owner, Alma. 
“Nice to see you Charli! Give me a hug,” Alma said. 
I walked around the host stand and hugged Alma. All three years I’d been here, I’d come in consistently on the weekends and by now the entire staff knew me. The place was family-owned and run so the same people always worked. 
“This is my friend Laura. Laura this is Alma,” I introduced. 
“Nice to meet you Laura,” Alma said, opening her arms for a hug. 
“Nice to meet you too,” Laura said, buried into Alma’s arms. She hugged her and stepped back to be polite.
Alma was a robust black woman in her fifties with grey wisps of hair escaping from her orderly bun. 
A hug from Alma was like warm sunshine. I could never leave here without my mood being high. She and her daughter’s ran the restaurant seven days a week and their love for it showed. 
“You come sit in your booth and we’ll bring out some biscuits,” Alma said. 
She gave me two menus and went off to get our biscuits. The booth I always sat in was in the back, by the window overlooking the cliffs that led to the ocean. 
I slid into one side of the booth and put the menus on the table. 
“I found this place freshman year while I was exploring and loved it right away,” I said. 
“It’s amazing,” Laura said, completely taken by the view. She perched up on the bench cushion, knees elevating her so she could look out. “Wow…”
“Pretty right?” I followed her gaze. “Alma bought it in the late 70’s and her oldest daughter is going to take over someday. I hope you like the food.”
Laura turned to gaze down on me and she shook her head. “You know I like food,” she said, adjusting her position until she was perfectly across from me in the booth. 
Her eyes wandered, taking in the other people eating out together on a Saturday. She bit her bottom lip and seemed distracted. Her phone buzzed and she grumpily looked down on it and shut it off.
“Vic?” I asked. 
Laura looked up at me, a little confused. “Yeah,” she said, softening.
“Do you need to call her?” I asked. 
“I dunno,” Laura said. “She’s mad at me and I kinda don’t want to deal with it right now.”
“Then, don’t,” I smiled. 
Alma came up and put a basket of biscuits on the table.
“Here you are girls. Now, do you know what you want to drink?” She asked.
“I’ll take coffee and water,” I said. 
“Um, iced coffee please,” Laura said. Once Alma left, Laura stole a glance at me and smiled. “So, you come here a lot,” she commented. 
“Every other weekend at least. I’d love to work here in the summer but there’s no way I can stay on campus,” I said. 
“I thought you missed your family though,” Laura said.
“I do but I really want to pay for college myself so I’ve been working in the summer and playing club soccer too,” I said. 
“Wow,” Laura said, dazed. 
“I know, I’m boring,” I joked. 
“You kidding?” Laura asked. “You’re insane. I could never do what you do. That stuff’s all really hard.”
“I’m sure you could. Everyone has strengths.  You just have to find yours,” I commented. 
“That’s the kind of thing really talented people say to not so talented people like me,” Laura teased. “My parents put all their hopes and efforts into Roger so…” Her words trailed off.
“That’s bs, you’ve got talent. Your parents just don’t give you credit.”
Alma came back with our drinks and stood with her order pad ready. 
"What are you having today?” Alma asked. 
“Sorry, I didn’t give you time to look. Did you need more?” I asked Laura. 
“I’ll have the peachy-keen daily pancake special,” Laura said, reading the board on the wall.
“I want the everything omelette and a short stack of banana pancakes, please,” I added. 
“Alright, I’ll put these in,” Alma said, walking away. 
I put cream in my coffee and way too much sugar from the jar and then stirred it before taking a sip. I was gonna crash later but it tasted so good. 
“What are you thinking?” I asked.
“I like being with you,” Laura said. 
 "That’s good cause I like being with you too,“ I replied. 
“You’re really genuine,” Laura said. “I’m not used to it.”
"Thanks. That’s probably the best compliment I’ve gotten. You are too, you know. I like that you talk to me about things.”
“I don’t talk to many people like this,” Laura laughed. 
"Why me then?” I wondered. 
“Right place, right time,” Laura said. “Plus, you’re like adorable. It’s kind of hard not to talk to you.”
“You think I’m adorable? Hmm…” I contemplated. "I’m happy to be someone you can talk to. I really am,” I finished. 
“Yeah, you’re gonna drive me nuts,” Laura laughed and groaned. “I like you too much and I can’t keep secrets from you. That’s a recipe for disaster.”
“Or it’s a recipe for amazing things. You should tell me everything. That’s what I want to know,” I said. 
“You say that now,” she joked. Her iced coffee sat before her and she pulled it close to drink from the straw.
“You couldn’t have done anything to make me not want to talk to you,” I said.
“Yeah but you could not like me,” Laura said. “As a person. And that’d be worse.”
“I don’t think so but you could try me,” I suggested. 
One of the other staff dropped off our food and left us to eat. I still watched Laura though, waiting to dig in.
“I could try to ruin our friendship?” She went on. “Yeah, rather not.” Her hands found her silverware and she placed her napkin on her lap and started to eat. I could tell she loved it. She made a face, rolled her eyes, and pointed at her mouth. “Mm. My god…” She mumbled. “Fuck.”
“Right!” I started on my omelette and I couldn’t stop. 
There was silence for awhile as we ate. I finished my food first since I always ate too fast. My mom used to yell at me about it but I couldn’t help it. Food was so good. 
“You’re a little animal,” Laura smirked. I’d gotten used to that smirk. She was constantly amused by me.
“At least I’m a cute animal according to you,” I said and grinned at her. 
“Super true,” Laura said. She ate some more and took her time. “I’m not sure I can finish this. Okay, I know I can’t. Would it be a pain to carry?”
“Nope. We can put it in my bag,” I said.
 I patted the beach bag beside me and smiled. 
“Okay,” she nodded, overwhelmed. 
“If we need to we can Uber back to campus. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to go by the grocery store on the way back,” I said. 
“That’s genius actually,” Laura commented. “No pressure though if you wanna meet up with your friends.”
“No, I’d rather hang out with you,” I replied. 
“Why’s that?”
“Because I like you and I’m getting addicted,” I explained. 
I played with my fork and watched her. 
“Addicted to me?” She laughed, surprised.
“Yeah. I like being around you. It makes me want to see you all the time, which sounds crazy probably,” I admitted, looking down and counting the crumbs there. I couldn’t think about what I’d just said. 
“No, that doesn’t sound crazy at all,” Laura comforted. “It might, if I didn’t like you, but. I do, so…” Her voice trailed off.
“I’m glad you don’t think I’m a crazy stalker then,” I laughed. 
“I literally follow you everywhere,” Laura teased. “What are you talking about?”
“I’ve just never made a friend like this,” I told her. “I think about you and hope you’re doing well when we aren’t together.”
"What do you mean?” She smiled, uncomfortable. “You have tons of friends Charli and I can tell you worry about them too. Are you feeling okay,” she teased. “Cause I can get you some aspirin or something.”
“I have some good friends and a lot of acquaintances, which is great. I love my friends. I know I’m being weird. It’s totally cool. I’m sorry,” I babbled. 
“You’re not being weird,” Laura laughed sweetly. “You’re just not making sense.”
“Oh, I don’t even know,” I said. 
“It’s okay. We don’t have to make sense,” she comforted. 
“Good because apparently I can’t find sense. It’s gone,” I said. 
I hummed low and cleared my throat and then drank the rest of my coffee. Alma came back over to look in on us and give me the check. 
I gave her the money and told her to keep the change. We still had the beach ahead of us. That would clear my head and get me out of this confusing headspace. 
“You ready?” I asked. 
I took the box full of her leftover food and put it in my bag. 
“Mhmm,” she nodded. As we got up, a couple walked toward her. To dodge them, she scooted closer to me and clung in against my shoulder.
We walked outside and I pointed us in the direction of the beach. I didn’t say anything. I was already too scared to say what was going on in my mind. 
“I think about you too,” Laura said randomly. A lot of time had gone by but she was still thinking about what I’d said.
“Oh… Really? That’s cool. I mean nice,” I said. 
I wanted to sink into the ground. There were so many feelings going on. Happy that she told me that. Afraid that it wasn’t the same way I thought about her. Wondering what my thoughts about her even meant. 
“Yeah well, I don’t do it to be nice,” Laura said.
I nodded and tried to find words. 
“Why then?”
Were the only two that came to me. 
“You make me feel safe,” Laura said. “I hardly know that feeling…”
It wasn’t what I expected. 
“That’s awesome. I know that’s hard,” I said. 
We made it to the steps that led down to the beach and I bent down, setting my bag on the floor. I untied my shoes and took them off before standing up again. 
I was getting excited. I could hear the waves and smell the water. 
“Harder than you might think,” Laura dazed. 
“Hey,” I said, taking her hand. “You’ve got me.”
Laura searched me and eventually lost her seriousness. She leaned into me and half hugged me. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s touch the water.”
We walked out and stood near the water’s edge. I pulled her along, playing with our chemistry. When the water hit my feet, I grinned and looked over at her. 
“Ooooo,” she shivered, gripping my arm protectively.
 "You want to go in further?“ I asked. 
"What do you think?” She wondered. 
“I think we’ll dry out before we go back,” I said. 
“Okay,” she laughed. “Wait, gimme a second.”
She hurried back to the sand and stripped out of her clothes so she’d just be in her bathing suit. Running back over to me, the wind blowing her hair away from her skin, she looked so happy. 
“Sorry,” she said, taking my hand again and holding it with hers.
“Ah, don’t be,” I said. 
I stared for a second and then shook my head and looked back to the water. 
She was beautiful. 
I watched the dark waves crest and roll in. This was my safe space. 
“Come on,” she laughed. “Before I have a chance to change my mind.”
I reached down to roll my jeans up. I walked in with her and felt the water come up my legs. 
When the waves splashed we jumped and Laura clung onto my body to try and handle the impact from the cold. She clung to my body and screamed a little before laughing. Her fingers clung to the fabric of my t-shirt.
“Holy crap!” My adrenaline roared and I turned, hugging her and laughing with pure joy. “You okay?”
“Uhhh, yeah,” she chuckled and stared at my lips. Her teeth chattered from the cold but she was smiling and watching me close.
Another wave crashed into us and I laughed, putting my hands on her shoulders and reading her emotions. She smiled back at me and I hugged her again, overwhelmed. 
“Sealegs,” she smiled and bit her bottom lip. “Thanks for bringing me here.”
“I’m glad you like it,” I said. My eyes stared down at hers, a magnetic feeling kept me glued.
I pointed down the way. 
“Do you see that big rock arch down the beach?" 
It was barely visible but I knew it was pretty clear in the distance. 
"Yeah,” she said, smiling. “What about it,” she asked, pulling on my shirt to get me to move a little in the water to be closer to her. 
“That’s where I go to read and hang out,” I said. 
“Your spot?” She asked, eyes lighting up.
A strong wave came and knocked into us. Laura clutched onto me and we both ended up falling completely into the rushing wave. Like rapids, the frothing force bowled us over and rolled us together towards the shore. We clung to each other to even survive.
“Shit,” I laughed. The wave was so strong it knocked us all the way back to the shore before pulling away. Laura had her body preseed close to mine, her arms around my waist, fingers clutching the transparent white of my t-shirt. I stared down at her, more packed with feelings than I’d probably ever been. She was practically naked and all glued to me. We both sat now, alone in the sand. My lips touched her forehead and I let a huff of a breath out against her skin, a small laugh, like: how did I even get here? 
“Sorry,” she laughed. “Didn’t mean to attack you.”
“No. No. I uh, I like it,” I stuttered out. My heart beat was so intense that I could feel it pounding inside me: beat, beat, BEATing against my skin.
“Oh, um, yeah,” I laughed to get myself back on that previous thought. “I’ve got towels in the beach bag and a blanket. We can go sit on the rocks or the sand and dry out.”
“Sounds good,” Laura laughed. She stared at me for a while, I stared too. Eventually she peeled herself off of me and started to stand.
I walked toward my stuff and squeezed the water out of my hair. My shirt stuck to my torso like a second skin and my jeans felt heavy. Jogging to my bag, I took a towel out to hand it to Laura.
“There are more in there. I loaded up on beach towels.”
She took the oversized teal cloth and wrapped it around perfect body, covering up. My gaze couldn’t stop now. She’d given me so much permission to stare simply by the way she’d been staring at me, openly liking me.
"What did you think was going to happen?” Laura laughed.
"I’m over-prepared but I figured we could make a big bed of towels and the blanket.” 
"Let’s do it,” she said. 
“Yes ma’am,” I stared back.
Grabbing my bag by the handles and my shoes in my other hand, I walked us both toward the rock arch. It wasn’t a long way but the deep sand made it take a little while. When we got there, I put down the bag on a rock. The arch rose high above us, with a big open area where solid rock used to be. The result was an overhang like a shelter with a wall of rock on one side. 
I took out the blanket, some of the towels, and my phone from the bag. I spread the blanket and put a few towels on top close together for us to lay on. 
My wet shirt was tricky. I wrestled it off and pulled my soaking jeans off. Then I walked over to one of the big rocks surrounding the area. I spread my wet clothes out so that the sun would dry them out.
Laura crawled up on the blanket and watched me a little. She put her sweater in a ball and laid her head down on it, taking her hair down from its wet messy bun.
I lay beside her and covered most of myself with another towel, shivering. 
"I wish we had that fireplace now,” I said. 
“I know,” she laughed. 
“Oh well, we can lay in the sun if we need to get warm. I just love the overhang and how sheltered you are,” I said, looking up at the rock above us. 
“You are one brave girl,” Laura said. “I dunno if I’d be bold enough to come out here alone. And I love it here so… That makes me really sad.”
“I just like exploring,” I panted. “Now, you can come out here whenever you want, with or without me.” 
"I don’t think I can,” Laura said. “I’d only want to come here with you.”
She seemed sleepy and a little serious. 
“Then we’ll come whenever you want,” I said. 
Laura softly smiled at me before looking away.
“No one can find us here,” I said. 
“I love that,” Laura dazed.
“Mmm,” I hummed. I closed my eyes and stretched my arms out above my head. Though it wasn’t the season, the sun was warm enough to be felt. I fell asleep eventually but woke up when Laura got up and walked out into the sun. 
I watched her from where I was, gazing through slitted eyes. I knew I could sleep here for the whole day but I was tuned into her. 
“I’ve got sunblock in the bag,” I said. 
“Oh shit,” she laughed. “Guess I should’ve been wearing that.”
“Sun burns are shitty. I got one last year and regretted my life choices for two weeks.”
"You and all your regret,” she teased. “You trying to mother me?”
“Not unless that’s your thing,” I joked. 
“Uhhhh,” she pretended to think about that. “Verdict’s still out but I don’t think it is.”
“Then no, I’m just trying to selfishly keep you from getting burnt so I can hug you when I want to.”
"Aww, stop,” Laura smiled, all embarrassed by me. “You can always hug me. I’d suffer through the pain.”
“Come here, I’ll help you. There’s no way you can get your back.”
I rolled over and stood up. Laura came back to me and stood patiently. I opened the tube and squeezed some sunblock into my hand. 
I slipped the end of the small tube into my bra strap where it met the cup to keep it safe while I started to apply the sunblock to Laura’s back. 
She stood so still while I rubbed it in, all over. Her pale skin would have burned so quickly if she’d stayed outside her towel for too long. 
"You’re done,” I said, stepping back and taking the tube out to give it to her. “Here’s the rest.”
When she took the tube I went back to my towel and sat down. I did have a need to protect her. Maybe I was being a mom. 
I watched her until her eyes found mine and then I redirected my gaze to the ocean. 
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h3llostrang3r · 5 years
Guardians of the Heir (TRH)
Liam x Sophie Word Count: 2,064 Warning: Just a bit of fluff.  Summary: Pregnant Sophie spends some time with Maxwell, Hana, and Drake. Note: This idea stemmed from “The Queen's Throne.” Here we see what Sophie did during the day. 
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The Fun Uncle: 
“Hi there Maxwell Jr.! This is your favorite Uncle… Maxwell! I’ve decided that not only will you have written documentation of your mom and uncle on their great adventures, you will also get to see it first hand via video!” 
The camera is zoomed in close on Maxwell as he attempts to vlog and walk alongside Sophie and her corgis, Lord AppleSeed and Lady AppleBottom, and they make their way to the menagerie. In the background, Sophie laughs and can be heard saying, “Names are still up in the air until the baby comes.” The camera is still on Maxwell, huge grin on his face, he mouths, ‘Maxwell Jr.’ 
“Alright baby, here is your beautiful mommy, Queen Sophie, but you call her Queen Mommy.” 
He pans the camera to her and she waves, her smile bright and freckles highlighted by the sunlight. 
“Aaaand here are your fur siblings! They will give you lots of kisses and hours of entertainment when your Uncle Maxwell isn’t around.” Lord AppleSeed and Lady AppleBottom wag their tails and bark their “hellos” to the camera.
 As they approach the menagerie the two corgis run off in search of Milo and Sagwa, Sophie’s red pandas. The picture is slightly blurry as Maxwell chases after them to catch their interaction.
Milo and Sagwa yawn as the corgis’ barks wakes them. Sagwa untangles herself from her brother’s cuddling embrace and the two climb down to greet their visitors. Sophie reaches out for Milo and he happily embraces her in a hug, while Sagwa circles around the corgis. 
“Alright everyone, are we ready for the most amazing dance video the world has ever seen?” 
All the animals tilt their heads as they watch Maxwell set up the camera on a tripod and adjusts it so everyone is seen in the video. Sophie gets the music ready on her phone, and connects it to the portable speaker they brought along. 
As soon as the music starts playing Maxwell gyrates to the beat and makes his way to group. Sophie laughs infectiously at the site and sways from side to side with Milo still in her arms. He grabs treats from his pockets and uses them to encourage the animals to dance on their hind legs. At the sight, Milo jumps from Sophie’s arms and joins the others. 
“Aww, there goes my dance partner,” she dramatically pouts, but as soon as the words leave her lips she feels the baby kick.
 “I was kidding, baby love, I know you’re still dancing with me.” She cradles her belly as she continues dancing and feels the baby moving around. 
Maxwell begins popping and locking with an occasional spin, while Milo and Sagwa hop on the backs of Lord AppleSeed and Lady AppleBottom. He then makes sure his space is clear before he performs and lands a backflip.
“I am the master of the dance!!” He shouts as he raises his arms in the air. 
The corgis respond with an, “ARooOoOoo.” 
“ArooooOoOoOOo,” Maxwell joins in, then looks to Sophie. 
“Maxwell, a Queen doesn’t howl.” Her face is stern, and her full lips transition into a thin line. 
He doesn’t blink as he continues to stare at her, while simultaneously shimmying his shoulders. 
A smile creeps up and she shakes her head in defeat, “ArooOoOOoOoOooo.” 
As soon as their dancing ends the two corgis and pandas run off with each other, and Sophie finds a quiet spot to sit. 
“That is going to be the best dance video in Cordonia history. Do you think Liam will let me upload it?” 
“Not a chance, Maxwell.” Sophie said, slightly out of breath. “But, it will be a great video to show the baby when they’re older.” 
She places her hand on her belly, the baby still not done dancing.“Maxwell, feel this.” 
She takes his hand and places it on her stomach.“They loved dancing with their fun Uncle Maxwell.” 
His face lit up with joy as he sat next to Sophie, “don’t worry little one, we’re going to have plenty of dance parties together.” 
The Loving Aunt:
The weather outside was warm with a cool breeze, the flowers were in full bloom and the air was filled with their sweet scent. Sophie and Hana were on the grass adjacent to the gazebo, paint easels set-up, and a picnic blanket laid out with an assortment of goodies they prepared earlier. Sophie wasn’t much of a painter, but she enjoyed the feel of the paint gliding across the canvas. She found herself reaching out for the finger foods as she mindlessly swirled her paintbrush. 
“Sophie, I’m almost finished. How about you get some plates started for us, and I’ll join you on the blanket when I’m done.” Hana giggled, she knew Sophie had been excited to eat since she put the basket together in the kitchen. 
“Oh thank God.” Sophie cleans up her hands then scoots onto the blanket and grabs their plates; adding dumplings , spring rolls, and fruit. From the picnic basket Sophie pulled out two small cups and a thermos. It was filled with an infused tea made up of oolong, and hints of apple and cinnamon.
“Alright, finished. Are you ready to see?” Hana looks over from the canvas, spotting Sophie with a dumpling halfway into her mouth. 
Sophie nods her head with anticipation as she takes a bite of her food. Hana carefully rotates the easel and displays it for Sophie to see. The portrait was filled with bright shades of red, orange, and yellow. She had painted Thornwood’s sigil, the ever rising Phoenix.
“What do you think? I hope the colors are alright, I tried my best to match the ones that you have throughout the duchy.” 
Sophie swallowed her bite, and brought her napkin up to her mouth; attempting to wipe the crumbs and hide that she was about to cry. Sophie was never one to hide her emotions, but since the rise in hormones she found herself crying a bit more than she wanted to. 
“Hana,” the tears started to form, stinging her eyes as she attempted to fight them off. “It’s absolutely gorgeous.” She chokes up, trying to compose herself, but in the end the hormones always win. “It’s going to look fantastic in the nursery.” Her tears begin to fall, and Hana quickly scurries to her side. 
She lovingly wrapped her in a warm embrace, “Please don’t cry. I accept payments from you in smiles only.” Hana squished her cheeks to Sophie’s hoping she would get her to smile and giggled, “you’re going to get salty tears in your tea.” Sophie squeezed back and a gentle laugh replaced her tears. 
Sophie could feel the pressure in her belly shifting to where Hana was. Once she realized what was happening, she grabbed Hana’s dainty hands to where the baby had moved. She chuckled at the sensation, “the baby wants a hug too, Hana.” 
Hana’s smile glowed at Sophie’s words, she found the baby with her hands and leaned down to give it a kiss. “Sweet little baby, I can’t wait for you to see your painting in person. Oh, and for us to have cocoa-parties, I promise to make you my best treats. We’ll have so much fun.” 
“I think they’ll like that very much, Hana. If we’re best friends, I can only imagine the joy and happiness you’ll bring them.” 
“Aww, Sophie.” They embraced again, this time the tears belonged to Hana. 
The Whipped Uncle:
“Alright, let’s see what we got here,” Drake grunted as he bent forward reaching for the portable air pump. 
Earlier in the month Sophie ordered new inner tubes for her and Drake. She loved that he would take her around the lake in the row boat, but with the warmer weather she wanted to relax in the cool water. She handed him her inner tube first, as she sat with her legs crossed on the grass she carefully watched his reaction. It wasn’t long before he dropped his head and shook it, when he looked at Sophie he gave her a smirk. 
“Thorn, what the hell did you buy? I thought we were going to be relaxing in the water. Not… role playing the Crown and the Flame.” 
Sophie’s smile lit up as the inner tube inflated more, it was a blue dragon with fire that came out of its large mouth. She bought it off of the show’s website, she always wanted to have a dragon. Sure this one was plastic, but it would do just fine. 
She called out, “Your turn,” as she chucked his inner tube in his direction. He squinted his eyes at her as he turned on the pump. It definitely wasn’t the same as hers, but it wasn’t a plain one either. 
“What should I be expecting, Thorn?” 
A coy smile crept upon her lips, “You’ll see!” 
Drake ran his hand over his face as he came to realize what she bought. He shook his head furiously as he glared her way and shouted, “No way, Thorn. I am not getting in this.” 
“Yee-haw, cowboy!!” She cried out as she pretended to wave a lasso in the air. It was a float in the shape of a horse, a saddle as the backrest, and functional reins.
“Yee-haw, my ass” he grumbled to himself. 
“C’mon Drake, it’s totally you! And it has a cup holder for your whiskey.” She giggled at the sight of his face, he was irate, but she knew he would still sit in it. “Help me up, I’m stuck.” She reached out her hands playfully and with his head still shaking he made his way towards her. 
 His large, calloused hands carefully held on to her soft, small ones and he lifted her up with ease. 
“Why thank you, kind sir. Now let’s grab some drinks and ride off into the sunset!” 
In a small cooler, Sophie had two insulated tumblers - one filled with whiskey, and the other with a virgin pina-colada. They made their way to the lake and she handed off Drake’s drink as she wiggled into her inner-tube. He took a long sip of his whiskey as he stared at the inflatable horse. 
Sophie pushed herself off from the shore, happily sipping her drink as she watched Drake contemplate getting in. “C’mon water buddy, I am floating away and Liam is going to be pissed if I’m stuck in this water all night.” 
He hollers back, “I’m fine with just walking away right now.” 
“Draaaaake, please!” She whines, as she splashes her feet in the water. He takes another sip as he gets onto the tube. 
Time passes as they savor their drinks, and Sophie occasionally singing off-key, “If you like pina-coladas.” They talk about anything that doesn’t involve the royal council or any sort of politics. Just relaxing, laughing, and enjoying the simple moment.
“I’m so excited to take them camping, and fishing, and horseback riding.” Drake’s smile is wide as he helps Sophie to shore and out from her seat.
“They’re going to love it too. I really want them to be able to step away from court from time to time. Just because we’re royalty doesn’t mean we’re not human, we should be able to take pleasure in ‘commoner’ activities.” 
Sophie suddenly wraps Drake in a hug, he’s startled at first, but hugs her back. “Thanks for doing this for us, Drake.” She steps back and rubs her hand over her bump. 
“Any time, Thorn.” He looks to her questionably and she nods in approval. He reaches his hand out to her belly, “Any time for you too, Little Thorn.” He feels a strong kick to his open palm, 
“Hey, Little Thorn’s first high-five.” 
The moon and stars were out, Sophie had taken a long and steamy shower, then a delightful dinner with Hana. She discussed tomorrow’s plans with Gladys and responded to a few emails before she started to feel a bit nauseous.
She finally decided it was time for bed. Her feet ached, so one by one she slipped off her shoes. Her hair had been up all day, so down it came. Her breasts were sore, so off came that restraining bra. As she made her way to her bedroom a light peeked out from Liam’s office.
“Oh look, baby love, daddy’s home.”
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peachyfic · 5 years
Hours Gone By - Mark
January 3rd. BamBam
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January 4th. Mark
Just as BamBam told you last night, Mark wanted to meet you in an outdoor activity. He chose a perfect day for it as it wasn’t that cold like in the previous days, however, you still had to dress warm enough to endure the breeze. Your best friend texted you that Mark is waiting for you by the Han river at noon for lunch. Well, Han river is vast and has many spots where people meet up, but in the following text, she told you that he will be by the convenience store. There weren’t that many stores by the river’s main park so you kind of guessed which one he is talking about. 
It took you only thirty minutes to get there as you took the subway. Since you were on time, you didn’t expect Mark to be there already. You were right about that as he was late by 15 minutes. 
“So sorry for being late,” he said while he was trying to catch his breath. 
“Don’t worry about it, at least it’s not too cold outside today,” you smiled at him which made him feel relieved. 
“Before we go and sit down do you want to get something from the store? I prepared a little food but I don’t think that will be enough,” he said while looking at the bag he had in his hand.
“That’s really nice of you that you brought food,” you said excitedly but then both of you decided to get some snacks and Mark made ramen for himself. 
After you finished with the shopping, you tried to find a nice spot where there weren’t too many people and you got a good view of the river. Thankfully, it was easy to find a place just like that as for many people this weather was still not ideal for a picnic. 
Mark took out a blanket from his backpack, which he laid down on the grass, then he carefully put down the food and a big thermos that you guessed had some warm drink in it. 
“The restaurant is ready, Miss,” he said as he imitated a waiter. This made you giggle and he knew he was on the right track. 
“Wow, did you make all of these?” you asked as you looked at all the gimbap that was in the container. 
“Yes, I did. I also have some warm tea here, so please just take whatever you want,” he replied and without hesitation, you picked up one gimbap and started eating it. The taste was great as he used delicious and fresh ingredients. 
“I would have never thought that in January I’m going to have an outdoor picnic date by the river,” you said as you were still amazed by all the things Mark prepared. 
“We are lucky that the weather is good today. It was made just for the two of us,” he said cheesily which resulted in him bursting into an embarrassing giggle. It was hard for you to not notice how cute he was. 
“In my past dates I haven’t been outside that much so it’s great to get some fresh air and sunshine,” you told him and he suddenly put down his cup of ramen. 
“Oh, this reminds me of. It might sound cheesy or pushing the boundaries, but I think it’s beautiful how the sunlight is shining on you... do you mind if I take a picture of you?” He asked timidly but you shook your head. 
“I don’t mind it, just show it to me. And if I look unacceptable then you have to delete it,” you made him pinky promise it. Then he took out his camera and snapped three pictures of you. After that, he showed you the results and he looked at the pictures with admire in his eyes. “You made me look prettier than I actually am.”
“Ah come on, y/n, I think you are really pretty even without the sun shining down on you,” he replied before you could continue talking down about yourself. “But I gotta admit the rays make you look like even more of an angel.” 
“Well I think between the two of us, you are the angel as you prepared all this stuff for today,” you said and he started to blush. 
“It’s really nothing. I’m just happy that I can spend some time with someone that I’m just getting to know. After a while it gets boring to be with the guys,” he laughed which implied that he loves them regardless, but it’s good to meet new people. “By the way, BamBam couldn’t shut up about you yesterday which wasn’t cool of him as we all promised we are not going to talk about the dates.”
“BamBam seems like that type of person who just can’t keep the words inside him,” you chuckled as you thought about how even on the previous day he kept on dropping information about stuff he wasn’t supposed. 
“Yeah sometimes he can be really annoying, but of course I adore him a lot. He pretty much grew up in front of my eyes and I consider him my little brother, so I really can’t be mad at him,” he smiled softly while he thought about his dongsaeng.  
“That’s great how all of you are so close to each other,” you said and he nodded. 
“I consider myself lucky that I was able to meet these guys. But hey let’s talk more about you. Even though BamBam already shared so much, I feel like there is still a lot for me to learn,” he said with a playful wink and that made your heart beat faster. 
The two of you kept on talking for hours. It was already four pm when you realized it was starting to get a little colder as you were getting closer to the night. 
“I can’t believe that time went by this fast...” sighed Mark as he looked at his watch. You emptied out even the last bit of tea from the thermos. You now had neither food nor any drinks. “But I don’t want to say goodbye yet... there is a basketball court close by and I happen to have a basketball in this magic bag. What do you say?” He asked while he was really hoping for you to stay longer with him. 
“That sounds great!” You said cheerfully and Mark quickly got up to pack up everything while you picked up all the garbage that you didn’t want to leave behind. 
After ten minutes of walking, you arrived at a basketball court. There were barely any people playing as it was still work and school time. Mark took out his basketball from his bag while you got yourself ready for another sports embarrassment. Third time this week. 
“I don’t think that I’m such a good player,” you admitted but Mark shrugged. 
“I don’t consider myself a good player either. But hey, this is not the NBA's, we are just here to have fun so don’t worry,” he said to ease your worrying. 
For almost an hour you kept on playing against each other. At first, each of you had ten chances and to whoever had the least scores, that person had to post an embarrassing picture on social media. Surprisingly that person was Mark. 
“But hey, you didn’t go easy on me, right?” You confronted him but he put his hands up in protest.
“I swear to God you were just simply this good,” he said which made you laugh. Then he proceeded to take one of the ugliest selfies of our time, but still, he managed to look handsome. 
“Wow, how can you look this good even from this angle?” You asked, truly amazed by him. 
“I guess I was just born with it,” he replied while he flipped his non-existent long hair. 
“Okay but this time let’s try to block each other’s attacks,” you suggested and Mark put up a thumbs up. 
“I might hurt you so be prepared,” he said which now sounded a little darker compared to how cute he was a few minuted before. 
“Oh, the real Mark is finally starting to show,” you teased him and he wiggled his eyebrows as an answer and when you were not paying attention, he took the ball from you. When it registered in your brain what just happened, you quickly turned around and started to chase after him. 
“Yaa Mark Tuan!” You yelled but he was just loudly giggling as he was running away and then getting the ball right in the hoop. 
“Next time pay close attention,” he said while he pointed at your eyes with two of his fingers. 
“Okay then what if I get your attention away,” you said, getting closer to him. First, he looked like he cannot be bothered but when you got way too close to him, as only a few centimeters were between your faces, Mark’s hold on the ball got weaker which was the perfect moment to steal it from him. Then you started running towards the other hoop, Mark closely behind you.
“You can’t seduce me like this, it’s not fair!” He shouted but you managed to go all the way to the other side and get the ball in the hoop. 
“I didn’t do anything, you are just imagining things,” you shrugged and Mark rolled his eyes. 
“Nice try, but I won’t give up this easily,” he replied.
For thirty minutes you were playing around like this, chasing, teasing, and laughing at each other. You had such a good time with him that you didn’t even notice how fast time has gone by. 
“I should head home now, it’s really dark outside,” you said as the two of you were sitting on the concrete, feeling exhausted. It was already dark and cold. On the river, you could see the lights reflecting from the city, which made the waves look colorful. 
“I will take you home,” he said and you looked at him questioningly. “I mean I don’t have a car, but I can take the subway with you and walk you home, to make sure you get back safely,” he added and you melted away just by how caring he was. 
“Okay, then let’s go,” you said and the two of you walked to the subway. On the way to your home, you didn’t talk as much as you both felt exhausted. Instead, you were trying to fight off the sleepiness.
Once you got to your house, it almost seemed like as if Mark didn’t want to go home. 
“I really enjoyed my day with you,” he said with a sleepy voice and it just made him even cuter. 
“I had a great time too. Thanks for the food and the tea,” you mentioned again and he just smiled softly at you. Then he suddenly leaned in to plant a kiss on your cheek. When he saw your widened eyes, he realized what he had done just now. The embarrassment was taking over him in form of a tomato red face and sweat forming on his forehead during that cold winter night. 
“I guess I should go, good night!” he said with a higher pitched voiced and he started to back away then he jogged towards the subway station. That was one of the cutest reactions of your life. 
“Good night,” you shouted after him and he suddenly turned back to wave at you with a big smile, then he continued to make his embarrassed home run. 
January 5th. Jinyoung
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Hubie Halloween Review: Adam Sandler Gets Scared Stupid in New Netflix Movie
In the weeks before the 2020 Academy Award nominations were set to be announced, Adam Sandler was a guest on The Howard Stern Show. During his conversation with the host, Sandler joked that if he wasn’t handed a Best Actor statue for his role as the beleaguered Howard Ratner in last year’s critically acclaimed stress fest Uncut Gems, he’d take revenge on the world by making an absolutely awful film in response to that perceived slight.
“If I don’t get it, I’m going to fucking come back and do one again that is so bad on purpose just to make you all pay,” he said. “That’s how I get them.”
Despite such tongue-in-cheek fist-shaking from Sandler, everyone perked up a bit when Netflix announced that its next feature film project with the comedian, Hubie Halloween, would be coming to streaming before the end of the year. Sadly, if there were a grain of truth to Sandler’s threat, Hubie Halloween isn’t The One – the film had wrapped months before his remark – but there’s an element of genius to his comments. If we even casually entertained the notion that one of his upcoming movies could be deliberately bad (which would imply that some the other ones were simply bad accidentally) our expectations might be further toward rock bottom, greasing us up for an unexpected surprise.
The truth is, most of us have been riding The Unexpectedly Surprised Rollercoaster with Adam Sandler for decades, but while it’s fairly respectable to be on board with stuff like Uncut Gems and Punch-Drunk Love, his broad comedies have more misses than hits, critically. Netflix has taken the rough with the smooth in its deal with Happy Madison Productions to date because those movies have been unquestionable hits for the streaming service, regardless. Last year’s middling but inoffensive comedy Murder Mystery even topped the list of its most-viewed titles. So here comes another one, this time with Sandler getting back to basics.
In Hubie Halloween, Sandler plays the central role of Hubie Dubois in the same vein as a few of his other more socially inept characters. Dubois is a virgin in his mid-50s who still lives with his mother and wets the bed, and his yearly highpoint is the day he gets to spend as a kind of self-appointed spooky season hall monitor in the hope that the largely contemptuous residents of his hometown of Salem, Massachusetts will celebrate Halloween safely. When people who have been bullying him for years start vanishing, though, Hubie starts to believe that a supernatural force is responsible for the disappearances, and decides to try and convince the town and its hapless cops to help save the day.
Along the way, Hubie gets entangled with his age-appropriate crush since the 2nd grade, Violet Valentine (Julie Bowen), and her three foster children – the oldest of whom is played by Stranger Things star Noah Schnapp – and butts heads with a variety of dismissive local characters played by the likes of Ray Liotta, Tim Meadows, Maya Rudolph, Kevin James, and Michael Chiklis, all of whom appear to be having the time of their lives aboard another Happy Madison joint. There are also some other obligatory cameos scattered throughout the 102-minute running time. Without spoiling them: yes, he’s in it. Him too. And him.
Sandler plays Hubie as a gentle character without a bad bone in his body, and at points he’s even held up as a kind of ‘turn the other cheek’ Christlike soul at the heart of Salem. The town, painted here as warm, wealthy, and inviting, regards its muddy history with almost the same joyful, store-bought cuteness as its children treat their makeshift Halloween costumes. Hubie is the descendant of a woman who spoke up against the Salem Witch Trials, and his commitment to keeping Halloween fun and wickedness-free is a reflection of that lingering bloodline. He has nothing but the purest love to offer those who view his Thermos-wielding eager beaver with darkness in their hearts.
Despite this vaguely heart-warming approach to the innocence in Hubie, it’s still a little frustrating to see Sandler back to his old tricks again in front of the camera, muttering with an aggressive underbite and helping to dish out piss and fart jokes by the dozen so soon after proving how versatile he can be when working with talented indie filmmakers. The disappointment is compounded when so many of the jokes in Hubie Halloween fail to even land – and a bunch of them are running jokes that we have to see die on screen repeatedly.
On a sliding scale of Netflix’s Sandler films, Hubie Halloween sits somewhere in the middle. It’s not anywhere near as painful as The Ridiculous 6, but it isn’t as weirdly soothing as Murder Mystery, either. There are a few twists and a couple of laughs, and there’s a decent amount of Netflix money splashed on the screen, so technically it’s not a badly made film.
Though it plays with certain horror tropes, like jump scares and mask-wearing psychos, it’s also aimed at younger viewers – you could probably leave your tween-and-above kids in front of it and crack on with something else with very little to worry about while you’re gone. Your little one randomly saying “shit” or “boner” in the days that follow is arguably a preferable consequence to being asked the question “can we watch MORE Kevin James movies?” at any rate.
If you don’t have any kids and are still hovering over the ‘play’ button, you’ll instinctively be aware that Hubie Halloween won’t be joining anyone’s regular go-to All Hallows’ Eve line-up in the future, least of all yours, but it’s bound to do some impressive numbers on Netflix nonetheless, and if you watch it, you must accept your part in that outcome with no quarrel [flashlight under chin] another Adam Sandler film will be along soon enough…
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my-emotional-self · 7 years
Let Me Protect You Chapter 29/?
Pairings: Chris Evans x OFC Emilia
Word Count: 1,680
Warnings: So much fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: After Emilia’s fiancé cheats on her, she moves to California to live with her brother Eric, who just so happens to be good friends with Chris Evans.  Follow Emilia and her roller coaster life through heartbreak, love, and emotional trauma. Will Emilia choose to let Chris into her heart, or will she remain broken and alone forever?
 Christmas morning came fast and you were all too eager to give Chris your gift.  You had talked to Chris the night before and asked if the two of you could exchange your gifts in private and he didn’t mind at all.  The entire family was sitting around in the living room as the kids opened presents.  All of the adults were in matching flannel pajamas and you loved the tradition.  Lisa having gone out and bought yours the minute Chris told her you would be joining him here for Christmas.  
Watching the kids open their presents was a blast.  You didn’t have any nieces or nephews so it was fun to see how excited they got with each gift that was torn open.  Screeches and squeals filled the living room as wrapping paper was discarded everywhere. You and Chris curled up on the couch together as you laughed at the entertainment of the kids.  
Lisa, Shanna and Carly loved their matching jewelry set that you got them.  Scott was almost in tears as he opened his gift from you and saw that it was his favorite book growing up.  He tackled you into a big bear hug and he scolded Chris, telling him to never let you go.  Chris chuckled at his words.  “I wouldn’t dream of it” he whispered into your ear.  Turning to face him you quickly stole a kiss from his lips.  
The gifts you got from Chris’ siblings were so thoughtful.  Lisa gave you a gift card to apparently one of the best hair colorists in LA.  You couldn’t wait to try something new!  Shanna gave you a brand new bakeware set.  You had needed a new set so badly because your old ones were so worn out from all the baking you had done.  Carly gave you a gift card to a craft store to help you buy more supplies for your Etsy creations.  Scott being Scott gave you a gag gift and you couldn’t hold back your laughter.  It was of a picture of the two of you making a silly face at the camera.  He took the picture two nights ago when you both had a bit too much to drink; the frame stated “Best Friends” on it.  It was one of the greatest presents you had ever received.  
As morning faded into early afternoon, the living room was starting to look more like a living room again as the kids played in the basement with their new toys.  Lisa and Chris’ sisters started working on an early dinner.  Deciding it was the perfect moment to exchange your gifts; you and Chris got dressed and went for a walk.  It was fairly warm for a Christmas day, even for Boston.  You didn’t even need your winter coat as you layered on a few undershirts with a cozy sweater.  
The two of you walked around the neighborhood and enjoyed the view as you made your way to a park; both your gifts to each other in tow along with a blanket Chris brought.  He found an empty bench on the park and laid the blanket down so your ass wouldn’t freeze too much on the cold wood.  As you two settled on the bench, he took out a thermos and two paper cups.  You gave him a bewildered look as he took the cap off the thermos; you smelled the hot chocolate and sighed in content.  Placing the cup to your lips, you took a small sip as the warmth radiated down your throat and you let out a hum.  “This is the most perfect Christmas morning I have ever had” you said to him with a smile on your face.  “Me too beautiful, me too.”
Chris pulled his present for you out of his pocket, “Merry Christmas Emilia” he stated smiling to you. You put your cup down and took the gift from him.  It was in a small box with a bow on the top and as you opened it up a gasp left your lips. Inside was a beautiful white gold ring and a singular black diamond sitting on top.  It wasn’t a huge diamond or anything but you still didn’t know what to make of it.  It couldn’t be an engagement ring, no, not this was too soon.  It had to have another meaning behind it.  “Chris” you choked out, unsure of what else to say. He took the box from your shaking hands and removed the ring from it.  “This is not what you think Ems” he stated with a sly chuckle.  “This is a promise ring.  A promise from me to you.  I promise to be the man you want and need.  I promise to be there for you at any time, day or night.  If I’m not with you physically, I will only be a phone call away.  I promise to never hurt you in any which way.  I promise that you, and only you, will have my heart” he finished as he placed the ring on your right middle finger.  You were glad it fit that finger as you didn’t want it on your left ring finger; it was draw too much suspicion and that was the last thing you wanted. “It’s so beautiful” you said as a single tear of happiness fell from your eyes.  “A beautiful ring for my beautiful girlfriend.”  You giggled at his choice of words, ever the dorky cliché man that you were in love with.  You brought your hand up to admire the ring some more as it shined in the sun. Turning up to face Chris, you lovingly placed your lips onto his; the kiss soft and sweet, just like the moment you shared with him.
You grabbed your bag off the floor and pulled out two envelopes for Chris.  You handed him the first one that was his actual present first. He opened it with a curious glance in your direction and once he saw what it was, his eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store.  He pulled out the matching bracelets; the blue one had his name stitched to it while the pink one had yours stitched to it.  The lettering was done in the classic Disney themed design.  “Does this mean what I think it means?” he asked excitedly.  “Yes Chris, we are going to Disneyland when we get home” you giggled out to him.  He raised his fist in the air and yelped out enthusiastically.  “I’ve never been and I know how much you love Disney so I figured it could be another fun adventure for us” you spoke.  “Oh baby, you are going to have SO much fun!”  You laughed again at how excited he was and you were happy with yourself with your gift to him.  
Your heart started to beat more rapidly as you reached for the other envelope and handed it to him. He took it from your hand and gently tore into it to reveal a card inside.  The card itself was simple, and just showed a shadow of two people holding hands while on the beach.  He opened it and his eyes widened as he started to read what was on the inside.
I could not have asked for a better support system in these past few months.  Nobody has ever showed me such kindness and patience when dealing with me. I honestly don’t know if I would have ever been able to start my road to recovery without you by my side.  From the moment I met you I knew there was something inside of you. You have always been so patient and calm when I needed it the most.  With you by my side I feel like I can conquer the world.  I have you to thank for my progress and I don’t know how to thank you just yet, but I will find a way.  You make my heart flutter when you are near.  I didn’t know it was possible to feel the way I do, but again, it is all thanks to you.  
I have been falling deeper and deeper in love with you over the past few weeks Chris and I wanted to let you know that.  I felt that you deserved to know what I was feeling.  I was worried at first, seeing as we are still so new to this relationship but I didn’t want to hide my true feelings anymore.  I understand if you don’t feel the same way quite yet, but I had to get it off my chest.  
I love you Chris, so much that it hurts sometimes not being able to tell you so.  I wouldn’t change anything for the way my heart swells knowing you chose me.  
His eyes roamed over the card a few more times, reading it over and over again.  You heard a slight sniffle from him and thought maybe it was the cool December air, but you were wrong as he raised his head to look at you. A few tears escaped down his cheeks as he gave you a look as if he was confirming what he just read.  “It’s true, everything I wrote.  I love you Chris.”  He gathered you into his arms and never let go, squeezing you close to him. He was so warm as you were buried into his embrace.  He pulled away too quickly for your likely and grasped your hands.  “Emilia I have loved you since the moment I laid my eyes on you.  After so many women failed me, here you came; sweeping me off my feet and you wiggled your way into my heart.  You and only you have my heart.  I love you Ems…so much!” he finished and you leaped right back into his arms.  
You spent a few hours at the park, wrapped up in the blanket and cuddled into Chris’ side as you enjoyed each-others company.  You would never get sick of being with the man you loved so much; it would never be enough. 
Tag List: @evansfanficweekly @iamwarrenspeace @ssweet-empowerment @always-an-evans-addict @patzammit @tacohead13 @valentinesbird @littlemissacorn @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @potterhead1265 @miss-cap21
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puppetwritings · 7 years
The Shattered Camera || Wonwoo || Pt. 8
Pt. 1 // Pt. 2 // Pt. 3 // Pt. 4 // Pt. 5 // Pt. 6 // Pt. 7 // Pt. 8 // Pt. 9 // Pt. 10 // Pt. 11 (FINAL) 
Word Count: 3070
Genre: comedy, fluff, paparazzi!au, celebrity!au, angst
Summary: Wonwoo already had enough on his plate as it is—proving his parents wrong, making a living, fighting his just conscience—and with you in the picture, nothing could possibly go more wrong. Or could you be his ticket to the good life that he wanted?
Wonwoo stood outside your door, unsure if he should knock or not. He raised his hand and put it back down and then raised his hand again but soon it fell back to his side once more. Wonwoo pushed his hand through his hair and glanced at his phone as well as the time. He frowned, wondering if he should just send you a quick message. Maybe you had changed plans? Perhaps you had forgotten about the date? Wonwoo turned back to your door and was about to ring the bell when the door opened revealing you, staring at him in surprise.
“I just—I was going to—“
“Were you waiting for me?” you asked, a smile tugging at your lips.
“Yeah,” Wonwoo breathed out honestly. He pursed his lips and nodded, “I was. Ready?”
You nodded, smiling to yourself before you followed Wonwoo.
The two of you stepped onto the elevator in silence and Wonwoo pressed the button to the ground floor, his eyes trained on the red numbers as it began to count down.
“You don’t have work today?” you asked curiously.
“I’m on break right now,” Wonwoo replied. “You don’t have filming today?”
“Nope,” you smiled happily.
“That’s good, it’ll be a nice relaxing day.”
Once the elevator doors opened, Wonwoo waited for you to step out before he followed after you. After a moment you began to speak again.
“We don’t know each other that well.”
“You don’t know me that well,” Wonwoo corrected. You raised an eyebrow. “No offense, but you’re sort of everywhere.”
“Not all of it could be true, you know,” you huffed.
“But I still know more about you.”
You glared at him and pulled out your phone. Wonwoo looked over curiously, “What are you doing?”
“I’m going to look your name up on the internet,” you replied resolutely.
Wonwoo smirked, “You don’t even know my last name.”
Wonwoo’s eyes widened and he reached over, “Don’t do it.”
You moved your phone away from him, smiling. “What? Do you have some embarrassing past on the internet that you can’t erase?”
“Oh, yeah, totally. I have this embarrassing MySpace account,” Wonwoo walked in a circle with you, his hand reaching towards your outstretched phone. “So please don’t look me up.”
You turned towards your phone and slowly began typing his name. Wonwoo yelped, “Stop!”
“Why? I want to see this embarrassing MySpace account,” you laughed, running away from him.
“No, you really do not,” Wonwoo said, following you quickly.
You successfully finished typing the rest of his name but before you could press enter, Wonwoo came up behind you and snatched your phone. You stopped walking and frowned at him. “Aw, c’mon.”
“No,” Wonwoo erased his name and slipped your phone in his pocket.
“I won’t do it again,” you promised. Wonwoo looked at you uncertainly and then turned away.
“What, it’s my phone,” you protested, trying to reach into his pocket.
Wonwoo dodged your hand and looked at you, “We’re basically going on a date. Are you telling me you’re going to be on your phone during our date?”
You looked at him, mouth opening hesitantly and then closing, unsure of what to say.
“Exactly,” Wonwoo turned and began walking again, making you quickly follow after him.
“This isn’t a date,” you corrected quickly after coming to your senses. “It’s just a thank you for delivering that letter to your coworker.”
The letter. Wonwoo hadn’t opened the letter. He glanced at you and shrugged, mumbling how it wasn’t a big deal. You looked at him reproachfully until he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Did they like it?”
“I’m not sure. I wasn’t exactly staring at them when they opened it,” Wonwoo replied. “Why? What’d you write in there?”
“Just thankful words,” you shrugged, shoulders slumping a little. You frowned, mumbling to yourself, “Did I say too much?”
Wonwoo rolled his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips.
“So,” you pulled his attention back to you as the two of you headed out of your apartment. “What are you going to do for Seollal?”
“Seollal,” Wonwoo repeated with a long sigh. “That’s coming up.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Why? You don’t like your family?”
“I like my mom,” Wonwoo replied. “But the rest of my family is…”
“Mm,” you hummed in understanding. “I get it. I don’t really like my mom’s sisters. They gossip way too much.”
Wonwoo nodded, smiling. “Yeah, that.”
“Do you have any siblings at home?” you asked.
Wonwoo thought for a moment, wondering if he should answer yes or no. After a little he nodded, “An older brother and sister and a younger brother.”
“Oh, really?” you looked at him excitedly. “What’s the younger brother’s name?”
“H-his name?” Wonwoo thought for a moment. “Um…It’s uh Bo…hyuk.”
Wonwoo nodded. “Yeah, that’s his name.”
“That’s a cute name,” you grinned. “How old is he? My age? Younger?”
“Your age,” Wonwoo replied. “He’s a year younger than me.”
You smiled and then looked at him, “I have a hard time imagining you being raised with a bunch of siblings. You just seem so…only child-like?”
Wonwoo chuckled. That’s because he was raised alone. Instead of saying that he shrugged, “Well, I’m pretty mature for my age. My older siblings liked to fool around a lot and my youngest brother was kind of spoiled.”
“Ah, I see.”
“What about you? Do you have any siblings?”
“No. An only child.”
“That’s what I thought.”
“You’re spoiled,” Wonwoo said, grinning when you tried to take a swat at him. “Or maybe that’s because you’re an actress?”
“Oh, shut up,” you rolled your eyes, unable to hold back a smile.
As the two of you walked towards a restaurant, you continued to keep your eye on him until he opened the door. Once you two took a seat, he looked at you curiously.
“Why are you staring at me like that?”
“It’s just nice to talk to you,” you shrugged. “Like we’re friends.”
“Is it?”
“You don’t think so?” Wonwoo thought for a moment, making you nervous until he grinned. “I like it. It’s a little weird that a reporter is friends with an actress though.”
You shrugged, “Why not? Friends can be made anywhere.”
“And,” Wonwoo raised an eyebrow, “why did you decide to find a friend in me? You didn’t like me before.”
“It’s not that I didn’t like you,” you sighed, rolling your eyes. “Just…we just didn’t get along. But then after I stopped running into you I felt like I did something wrong and I felt bad.”
“So this is to ease your conscience?”
You hesitated for a moment before sighing and boldly nodding. “Yes. It is. So what?”
Wonwoo laughed again and shrugged, leaning back.
“Why are you laughing,” you murmured, lifting the cold glass to your lips as your cheeks began to warm.
“Nothing, it’s just,” Wonwoo chuckled, his shoulders shaking for a moment with a smile still plastered on his face, “it’s nice that you’re honest like this.”
“You’re not falling for me, are you?”
“Nah,” Wonwoo scrunched his nose and shook his head before a waitress came over and Wonwoo ordered the food.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in a sleepy daze after the movie. Wonwoo took you to the park and walked around, talking about nonsense things. You realized that he wasn’t as cold as he had originally made himself out to be and laughed often. When he laughed, you felt your chest become lighter and you found yourself laughing too even when you didn’t think it was as funny as he found it to be. There were moments where Wonwoo caught himself and seemed to take a step back but soon he’d be laughing again at a story you were telling and he’d add a few wise-crack jokes as well.
By the time the two of you were ready to go back to the apartment it was already late. You two stopped somewhere for a quick dinner before heading back.
“That was fun,” Wonwoo said, stepping out of the elevator.
“Aren’t you glad I forced you to come out with me?” you asked, smiling.
“I wouldn’t say ‘forced’,” Wonwoo drawled, rolling his eyes.
“But I had to come up with a good reason for you before you wanted to come out,” you taunted.
Wonwoo shook his head, “Are you going to be this childish?”
“Why? Are you getting annoyed?” you grinned.
“A little…” Wonwoo stopped walking. He stayed, frozen in his spot. You looked at him, a smile still on your face, and then you looked over, eyes widening at the person that stood in front of your door.
Mingyu lifted his head, a smile appearing on his face as he walked over. You expected him to greet you but he didn’t. In fact, it was almost like he didn’t notice you. He stopped in front of you two and he held up the brown bag in his hand, pulling out a thermos as the shocking words left his mouth, “Hyung, mom wanted made kimchi soup. She knew it was your favorite so she told me to walk it over.”
“You could have called,” Wonwoo said, his palms feeling sweaty as he was hyper aware of the way you were looking between the two of them.
“I did call,” Mingyu pouted, pulling out his phone and showing his brother the dial history. He tucked his phone away. “You didn’t answer though.”
“Well that’s because I was with…company,” Wonwoo glanced at you.
Mingyu raised an eyebrow and slowly turned, finally registering your presence. Mingyu looked at his brother and then back to you slowly, his mouth in the shape of an “o”. He cleared his throat and nervously bit his lip, looking at you, “Why are you here?”
“So this is your younger brother? ‘Bohyuk’?” you ignored Mingyu, turning to Wonwoo accusingly.
“Yeah,” Wonwoo admitted, “We’re half-brothers.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“It never came up,” Wonwoo replied, his eyes on yours steadily.
“Well, didn’t you think you should have told me?”
“Why should I have?” Wonwoo asked, whatever friendly demeanor he held before melted away and was replaced by his cold, hard shell once more.
“Because we’re friends and he’s my ex-boyfriend,” you pointed at Mingyu.
“I never wanted to be friends with you. You’re the one that started this,” Wonwoo said coldly.
Your heart fell with a loud thud. His words resonated in the back of your mind and you felt yourself going faint as you pulled your eyes from Wonwoo back to Mingyu who was looking at the ground guiltily. “Then what about you? Why didn’t you ever tell me you had a brother?”
“I did,” Mingyu said softly. “I-I just didn’t know that you two would be—“
“Don’t drag Mingyu into this,” Wonwoo interrupted, pulling your simmering anger back towards him. “He didn’t know any of this was going on. I did. If you’re going to be angry at anyone, you should be angry at me.”
“Oh, so you realize that this situation warrants anger,” you scoffed.
“I acknowledge that,” Wonwoo confirmed. “I didn’t say that you shouldn’t get angry.”
“You seem to not say a lot of things,” you fumed.
“Guys,” Mingyu whispered, eyes darting between the both of you. “Look, I’m sorry, I should—“
“You shouldn’t be sorry. Like your dear brother said, you didn’t know anything about this,” you stated, eyes still concentrated on Wonwoo.
“You look like you have a lot to say, Y/N,” Wonwoo noted. “Why don’t you just say it?”
“I should have known you were lying to me,” you mumbled.
“Say it louder,” Wonwoo ordered, his jaw clenching.
“I should have known you were lying to me,” you repeated, enunciating each syllable. You glared at him, “That’s all you know what to do, isn’t it? You’re a reporter after all. For all I know, you were probably just pretending to be my friend so you could learn more about my relationship with Mingyu and then publish an article—“
Wonwoo jerked his head towards Mingyu who was glaring at you with a balled up fist. You stared at him, shocked.
“Don’t you dare talk about Wonwoo like that,” Mingyu hissed. His brows were furrowed and his nostrils were flaring, “You don’t know anything about him. You don’t have the right to talk about him like that.”
“Mingyu,” Wonwoo held out an arm, stopping him from stepping forward. “Stop.”
“No, she…” Mingyu glared at him, beginning to get short to breath. He inhaled a shaky breath and exhaled again, “You have no idea what kind of person Wonwoo is.”
“Alright, Gyu, stop,” Wonwoo took hold of Mingyu’s arm and tugged him towards his apartment.
“Do you know how many times he’s helped y—“
“Get in the apartment,” Wonwoo opened the door and shoved Mingyu in. He turned back to you for a second before ducking in himself, leaving you with a hollowed feeling in your gut.
“On purpose” wasn’t the correct phrase. There was no way Mingyu would have known that you were out with his brother. He had expected you to be inside your home or maybe you were out with other people. Never in a million years did he expect you to be that close with Wonwoo. And even if it had been on purpose—just the slightest bit—Mingyu couldn’t help but feel guilty even if his little plan did succeed.
So, as Wonwoo stepped out onto the front steps of the grand house several weeks later, Mingyu wanted to do him the favor of sending him off and not letting his family members see him.
“What are you doing? Let me in,” Wonwoo said, raising an eyebrow at the frozen Mingyu.
“O-oh, right. Sorry,” Mingyu stepped aside and Wonwoo stepped in. He was soon greeted by the maid who announced to the entire house that “Young master Wonwoo was back”.
Mingyu watched in silence as his siblings came down the stairs from their rooms and hugged Wonwoo. Wonwoo gave them grimaces that passed as a smile as he half-heartedly greeted them back. The family warmth wasn’t there from either party. There was just a stiff coldness that seemed to hang in the air from the brief moment Mingyu opened the door. It wasn’t until Mingyu’s mother came over and happily greeted Wonwoo that the atmosphere was released a little bit.
But then dinner came.
Mingyu sat beside Wonwoo, their father at the head and Mingyu’s mother beside him. Their siblings sat across from each other and beside each other respectively and there was zero conversation. The only noise was the quiet clanking of utensils and the soft running of water as the servants cleaned the equipment used to make tonight’s dinner.
“Are you going to come back?”
Wonwoo looked up, knowing that the question was directed at him. He turned to his older brother and smirked, “Do you miss me?”
“It’d just be nice to have another sibling working at the company. Things would run a lot smoother,” his older brother said, returning a dull smile.
“I have no intention of returning,” Wonwoo replied.
“Why? Father always said you had a great business mind,” his sister said, pushing her way into the conversation.
“Does he now,” Wonwoo lifted the glass of wine to his lips.
“Oh, but he’d have a hard time readjusting to our life,” came the sweet sigh of his sister again. Yeonhye’s ruby lips pulled into a gentle smile, “He’s lived away from home for too long.”
“Which is the exact reason I don’t want to come back,” Wonwoo replied.
“Oh, no,” his older brother, Seojun, shook his head. “Wonwoo, that can’t possibly be the reason why you don’t want to come back home.”
Mingyu gritted his teeth. Oh, there were a lot of reasons, Mingyu thought, and you two snakes are one of them.
“It is,” Wonwoo answered, his voice an echo of his words from a few years ago. “Plus, you know me, I hate the high life. I like staying out of the spotlight.”
“Which is why you create the spotlight for others,” Yeonhye nodded with another one of her deceivingly sweet smiles. “You’re so sweet, little brother.”
Mingyu glanced at his parents and heaved an irritated sigh, stabbing at his food with little appetite.
“And Mingyu,” Seojun’s attention turned to the youngest brother, “Are you going to stop playing those young CEO roles and actually take up a position at the company?”
“I don’t like the stuffy, backstabbing corporate life,” Mingyu replied plainly. He glanced over and saw Wonwoo duck his head, trying to hide his amusement.
“Acting has made you rude,” his father grumbled.
Mingyu shrugged, “I think it’s made me a better person.”
“That’s right, sweetie. Remember how shy Mingyu was when he was a child,” his mother giggled.
Mingyu breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that the conversation had shifted from corporate matters—though the siblings across from Wonwoo and Mingyu continued to watch them with a menacingly hungry look in their eyes.
After desert, Wonwoo was the first to rise. He made a plain excuse about having to get to work early tomorrow morning. Mingyu stood with him, saying he had a modeling job and he’d need to beauty rest. The two brothers bid farewell to their toxic family and stepped out into the darkened neighborhood, lit only by the scarce streetlamps.
“I can give you a lift,” Mingyu offered, holding up his car keys.
Wonwoo looked at the keys and then back to Mingyu with a tired smile. “It’s fine, I’ll just go home myself. I can take the taxi.��
“No, hyung,” Mingyu grabbed Wonwoo’s hand as he was about to leave. “Let me just give you a ride home. Just a ride. I won’t get out of the car.”
Wonwoo pulled his hand from Mingyu’s grip. “We have to be discreet remember? Do you really want the world to explode over how Jeon Wonwoo and Kim Mingyu are related?”
Mingyu pouted, biting his lower lip again.
Wonwoo smiled, ruffling Mingyu’s hair. “Text me when you get home, okay?”
“You too,” Mingyu said, watching after his older brother uncertainly.
Silence filled the streets as the brothers departed but just out of earshot, the shutter of the camera went off and the culprit slipped away.
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