#it’s not hot and it’s not irritated and it hurts a normal amount when i press gently
in the middle of playing “hm what’s that stabbing pain in my side” my cat showed me HER new game, which is “biting all the pompoms off the bottom of the shower curtain”
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rise-my-angel · 2 years
Distracted Mistakes
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Length: 10.5k
Warnings: angst/hurt comfort, graphic descriptions of violence, implied threat of assault, restraints, smut, p in v, orgasm denial
Notes: Kinda dark in tone but has a happy ending, can be seen as a sequel to Confused Warmth but also can be read as a standalone. Follow up Past Retribution
Growing up, you knew you didn’t experience things the same way you thought you should have. You knew what was normal, but you didn’t have the chance to naturally grow out of childhood into an adult. No, you were a kid one day, and the next, most adults around you demanded you behave just like they did. Sure, you sort of knew why at the time, you were ripped away from your home and into a world where you didn’t know who to be more scared of, the infected or other people.
One thing that you were taught was that you had to be good at the same kinds of things adults were. Few people who travelled with were willing to give you the time to learn, most told you to just do it and shut up about it. It didn’t matter if you were bad at it, or hated it, you were a kid and you needed to just do what you were told. Unfortunately for you, that was a habit you never lost as you became independent. Years of surviving alone, and you still refused to speak up about things you hated. All you learned to do was to be quiet and stew in your frustrations alone.
Months into your stay in Jackuson, Wyoming had helped to unwind some of the more demanding parts a nomadic habitation had forced you to endure, but if you still struggled with anything, it was speaking up truthfully about negative emotions. Still remembering the gruelling years of teenagehood, and the lessons you were taught. How irritated or angry you are doesn't matter, just shut up, do your job, or face the consequences like an adult.
Unfortunately for you, that irritation grew strong that afternoon, sun beating down on your head, pack strapped to your person making you sweat underneath, and the unbearably uncomfortable straining in your lower half all added up. The steady trollop of hooves and the presence of the men you normally treasured spending time with, did very little to make you feel better.
You put a lot of work into pretending as if it didn’t bother you, but the mix of a particularly hot day, and spending hours in the sun's direct path did little to quell the fact that you absolutely hated riding a horse.
You and Joel had spent increasing amounts of time scouting outside of Jackson, but this was by far the furthest away from town you had been since arriving. Tommy suggested the three of you go together to this area he and Joel had been looking at, and bringing the horses made the most sense.
Part of you wanted to feel guilty for being so grouchy, Joel did outright ask you before you left, “You know how to ride, right? Cus we’re gonna be out there a while just getting there.”
If by knowing how to ride, he meant your one time learning how to ride a horse during a short stay at a horse ranch many years ago in which you spent 3 hours total on one? Then sure you technically knew how to ride, but Joel already had one all set up for you when you got there and saying no wasn’t really an option. If you said you weren’t comfortable on one by yourself, you figured Joel would just tell you to stay behind, so you just said yes.
Two hours later, you were ready to jump off this damn thing and never look at it again. Coming to a stop near a set of buildings, Joel’s voice brought you out of your head, calling you name. “You with me?”
Nodding without much thought you moved to get down, face wincing as you haul your leg over to join the other on one side. Before you could step down, large hands grasp at your sides, picking you up and gently placing you on the ground. “I got it, I got it”
“Sure you did.” Joel didn’t even acknowledge your narrowed eyes towards him, one hand keeping you steady as it holds your hip firmly, the other reaching for your reins. “What’d we just say, then?”
You move to grab them from him, but Joel’s arm just raises out of your grasp. With a sigh, one palm finds a home on your hip, “We go through the strip right there, quick clear before grabbing essentials only and moving to scout the two story at the end. I heard you loud and clear, Joel.”
Joel’s face doesn’t change much, eyebrows furrowing downward. “Clearly not, since Tommy said all that not me.” His arm stretched back to wordlessly let Tommy take the reins of your own horse and secure it with the others. “Look if you’re not up for this-”
“Well I’m already here.” Moving the strap holding your firearm laying across your back up and off to hang over your arm, you hold back the attitude you know isn’t really warranted. “I’m fine, Joel. I’m just..”
He takes a small step into your personal space, head leaning slightly down closer to yours, but you keep talking before he can interject. “You and Tommy should start with the larger building. It’ll take longer anyways, and I can quickly make my way through these two small ones and meet up with you two before you even get to the second floor.”
A warm hand raises to the bottom of your chin, lifting up to meet his eye. “Hey, if you’re not okay just tell me.” His deep brown eyes, usually a degree of harshness within them, soften as he takes in your clear agitation.
Your own hand comes up and gently grasps his wrist, twisting his hold on you open, as you bring his hand to your lips with a gentle kiss. “It’s fine, I'll rummage through those two quickly and meet up with you two. You two are faster than me anyways.” Letting his hand fall, you step back to turn to Tommy, leaning against a post watching with a questioning gaze. “That okay with you?”
The two brothers share an unspoken conversation, as Tommy nods. “Works for me. Just keep your eyes peeled.” Joel moves to start off in the other direction as you make your way to the first, and smallest building. You don’t look back to see Joel’s watchful eye follow you with concern.
You’re not normally in such a bad mood, but the relentless heat pouring on top of you for two hours, straddling such a large horse for only the second time allowing pain and soreness to creep up the length of your legs and into your lower back left you uncomfortable to the point of vast frustration. Hearing Joel almost tell you that you should have stayed behind just poking at your already sore spots.
This was still new. You still weren’t used to having a person know you the way Joel does, having a person always watching your wellbeing with such care. You still feared Joel seeing you as incapable. If he didn’t think much of your skills out here, then what did he really think of you back home? Years travelling alone, surviving solely on your own skills, couldn’t match the experience over two decades Joel held over you. He was an adult when this started, you weren’t. And maybe you still worried he saw your inferiority as childish rather than just less experienced.
How long could he care about you in this way if he sees you as childish, afterall.
You made a slow progression through the first building. Too distracted, that’s what you were. You were focused on what was on the shelves, not your surroundings. You grabbed a few things as you moved out of the first room, too busy making your way to the much more full shelves in the back you missed the movement hiding in the shadows. Slipping your bag off of your back, you knelt onto the ground and started sorting through what to take or not.
If you had been thinking clearly, you could have cleared the building first, wouldn’t keep your back to the majority of the room. Realistically, the best decision would have been to stick to the original plan and scout the room as a group. You aren’t sure if you could have avoided what was about to happen even if you paid attention on your own.
Creaking wood had barely even grazed your eardrums, giving you enough time to lift your head up, before an arm came into your eyeline. All you could do was watch as the hand came into view and slammed itself down onto your mouth, while the other arm wrapped around your stomach and yanked you back into the body of its owner with an unpleasant lurch. Your own hands flew up to pry your mouth free with a muffled grunt, but whomever had you in their hold turned their body towards where you could see a second figure standing before throwing you onto the ground in front of them.
Your head slammed into the ground, a sharp sting flowing through your entire head, and the crushing pressure of a heavy weight kneeling down onto your back. Someone pressing your wrists together followed by a painfully tight restraint wrapping around them, another set of hands coming over your head, forcing a fabric around your mouth with such force it knocks your head back with it.
Suddenly your vision seemed to spin, as you found yourself being picked up and thrown face first into a wall, before the perpetrators spun you around to finally face them. Two tall men stood before you, covered in dirt, soot, and what you feared may be dried blood. They seemed gangly for the strength they used on you, but two on one wasn’t a good way for you to gain the upperhand.
“Search her.” One of the men spat out, pulling out a hunting knife as he crowds your face with the blade. “You gonna let the man do what he’s gotta do or you about to get a whole lot uglier.” His breath felt putrid alone, like it threatened to burn your skin off as the blade poked into your cheek.
The other wasn’t any better, his grungy hands roamed your pockets and feeling far too slowly around certain body parts, before checking around your clothes, pulling anything he found as he tossed it onto a small dirty table beside him. Your eyes closed shut, unwilling to watch his touch, when you realised just how badly you had screwed up.
You didn’t notice the strap of your gun sliding off your shoulder, it wasn’t on you thats for sure. Were you so distracted that they had slipped it off you before grabbing you? You opened your eyes to the one with the knife, and there it was. Hanging off of his shoulder, sitting too high on his torso for it to be his own. It was sized for your own height, not someone as tall as this, but you suspected it didn’t matter now.
The other straightened up as you were ripped of your possessions, “Not much good. Couple knives, some first aid shit.” The touchy one looking down at you, “Lady like you out here alone with fuck all on you? You believe that?” His attention turned towards his companion, both looking as sceptical as the other.
The one with the knife moved it up and off your skin entirely but continued to point too close to your body. “If shes all by herself out here with just this,” shifting the weapon on his shoulder, “then shes the dumbest broad I ever seen.”
Touchy man kneeled down to your height as you lean back as far away as you can, hoping the wall would swallow you up. “There’s one of you, and three horses outside. You ain’t alone, right honey?”
All you could do was glare. You wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of trying to yell, let alone give them even a lie. The one kneeling just smiled, a dark and greasy smile to match the suffocating stench that came from it. “We got ways of making you talk, but they ain’t nice so you best bet start talking. For your own sake.”
With a jerk of his head, he seemed to give the other man instructions as the knife holder stepped up and tucked just the sharp tip of the knife under the fabric around your mouth. “You scream when I take this off or do anything that ain’t just talking, I’m sticking this thing right into your face.”
You didn’t move. You didn’t try and speak. So the knife cut the fabric off of you, falling to the ground as you steadied your breathing. “Sorry to disappoint, but I’m alone.”
Touchy man leaned into you more, your head turning to the side to avoid it. “What you just love horses so much you got three of ‘em?”
There wasn’t a chance you’d tell the truth. You didn’t know how many men were here, or what they had planned. You didn’t even know exactly how far away Joel and Tommy had gotten, but you sure as hell weren’t about to put them up on the chopping block. “Those aren’t mine. Not much of a horseback rider.”
The men shared a look, before the touchy one stood up to full height once more. Seeming to speak to the other silently, the one with the knife waved it around as he spoke. “Look, we ain’t that stupid. There’s at least someone else ‘round here, two probably. Either you tell us where they are and what they got, or I go lookin’.”
Touchy knelt down to your height once more, this time his dirty finger just grazing your skin as it moved down your cheek. “And honey, it ain’t just gonna be bad for your pals out there, cus if they got nothing good then you’s all we got, and you can trust I’ll find a real good use for you.”
If anyone came close to your chest, they’d be able to hear the pounding fear of your heart racing, your eyes trying to glare as blatantly as possible, hoping it masked the chill of fear swimming through your body. Behind your back, your hands twitched desperately, scraping against what felt like a zip tie, searching for a way to loosen it even slightly. If you could pull against the plastic just enough, you could force your way out of its hold. You wanted to yell, just enough to maybe get Joel’s attention, but you were stuck. You were stuck and it was all due to your own stupidity. So you just twisted against the ties. You just hoped you could do it before they went beyond what you could come back from.
Joel had barely made it to the second floor before he felt that passing itch of paranoia. It was a sensation he had become accustomed to, but it never failed to hitch up his senses. Neither he or Tommy had found anything particularly suspicious so far, a decent haul of supplies sure, but nothing to send him on edge. Throwing glances over to Tommy, Joel made his way over to a window.
There was no sign of you making your way over at this point, he couldn’t even really see much in the way of movement in the next building. That itch flares up again, this time rising up from a tickle, finding a home in his shoulders. Time and time again, Joel has told himself he needs to let himself breathe. Not to always trust that his instincts are a verified threat, but there was something about you that threw that off.
It had been a long time since he held these kind of feelings in his heart. There had been people before, but it was never anything resembling a relationship. Not for quite a long time. You were different though, but honestly it was too soon for Joel to quite understand why.
You wormed your way under his armour and found the path to his heart. If he were more like his brother, maybe he’d be a little better about handling a relationship. Something had been bothering you, you’d been pretty quiet on the trip out here, and insisting you do some of the searching alone told him you needed a breather. So he let you go alone, he knew you were used to it.
Now though? As Joel stands at the window, waiting to see any sign of you coming his way, he starts to realise that letting you scour a building alone when you seemed to be distracted, might be a mistake. You could handle yourself, you had done so for years, but a wave of protectiveness splashes Joel anytime he was out here with you. No amount of skill you had would keep Joel’s desire to keep you safe from consuming him.
“Nice to see you’re still just as good with women now as you were back in the day.” Tommy teased. You were in a mood, and it seemed Joel hadn’t really picked up on its extent until you had already walked away.
Joel took in a deep breath, tearing his watchful gaze away from the view below long enough to send his brother a noticeably unimpressed look. “Yeah, and I’m sure if I ask Maria you’re always on top of things.”
Tommy’s chuckle followed his approaching steps. “Hey, my relationships have always lasted longer than yours.” Finding a place beside him, he looked down below at the stillness below.
“That’s just because you’re good at tricking them into staying with you.” Both men laughed before letting Joel’s unease fill the air. “It’s too quiet out there.” Tommy looked between the view and his brother. Waiting for him to continue. “She should’ve started making her way over here by now.”
Tommy nodded, he could feel something in his gut growing, similar to what Joel was letting take over. You should have been here by now, you didn’t linger like this, but he had to stand calm, keep that impulsive aggression in his brother from dominating his decisions. “What are you thinking?”
Joel’s hands flexed over the weapon in his hands, “I should go check on her. It’s taken too long, something’s wrong.”
“Want me to finish up in here, or you want backup?” Before Tommy could even get an answer, a door down below opened. From the back of the first building, the vague shape of a man made its way onto the gravel below, before facing the still open door, and making some kind of gesture to another person inside.
Joel and Tommy moved to the side, masking their presence at the window while they watched. It wasn’t the knife at their side that put them on alert, but the man inspecting the strap of the gun in his hand before tearing them off to hold it more comfortably. Weapons may not vary in appearance much, but Joel sure as hell knows exactly what you were carrying and that did not belong to this man.
Tommy leaned in to watch closer, “Vultures. Just a lowlife looking to take whatever they find off whoever they cross paths with. Probably no more than two or three of them.”
Joel watched the man skulk around the back of the alley, peeking into the window of the second building. Antsy, and almost looking a tad eager, and he understands, he’s looking for them. “They know she’s not alone.” His eyes track his every movement, seeing his head looking inside windows, then peeking at the horses as if to catch someone in the act. “They’re looking for who she’s here with. She doesn’t have enough on her alone, they want what we got.”
At the same time, both brothers head towards the stairs. Tommy knows exactly what Joel is afraid of, if they’re too late. “She’s probably being held by one of them until she gives us up or they find what they’re looking for.”
Reaching the door, Joel rests against the wall next to the door, “She won’t. Even if she wanted to talk, girl’s way too stubborn for her own good.”
Tommy makes a slow move to open the door, his voice lowering as the faint sounds of footsteps grow ever closer on the man's hunt for them. “You go out front, I’ll sneak in through the back and cover you.”
Joel nods, pressing his body up against the nearest wall and letting Tommy slowly headed to the side of the building in a more obvious view. The greasy man hadn’t even turned the corner before getting ambushed, seeing Tommy and raising his gun matching the one pointed at him.
Joel throws himself towards him, gripping the hand at the trigger, yanking it down to the ground as before wrapping his arms around his neck in an aggressive chokehold, giving Tommy the chance to get the weapon out of his hands.
It didn’t take much effort until he passed out in Joel’s hold, before being dropped onto the ground. Snatching the other weapons off of him, passing a few off to Tommy. The two brothers share a nod at the other before moving in their respective directions. Tommy headed back, quiet and steady, knowing he can sneak in unnoticed.
Joel making his way to the front, having no interest in keeping up any more level of stealth. These were immoral degenerates only interested in what they can gain from others. They’ll keep you alive for as long as they can get something from you, and Joel wasn’t going to let them take the only other thing they can from a woman they’ve already robbed.
These men were stupid, you realized. There were only two of them and one had walked out the back door to hunt double him. You just wish it was the touchy one who left. Being held at knifepoint would be easier to get around then one watching your every move, let alone raking his dark, sunken eyes over your form.
You could feel the skin on your hands ripping, the heat building up as blood begins to fall from the tears. Your eyes staying on his with a plotting anger, contrasting against his disgusting gaze. You just needed enough room to pry a single hand free of the restraints and you could go.
Realistically you were a bit out of touch with this kind of confrontation. You’re trip to Wyoming was a relatively silent one, and the months you’ve spent in Jackson have been nothing but entirely safe. It had been a while since you’ve been cornered like this, and even longer since you’ve found yourself in a vulnerable position due to your own sheer stupidity.
Maybe that helped fuel this deep anger, this frantic explosion of rage trapped within your chest just waiting to burst. Sure, these men clearly had been hiding out here and would have been found regardless, but at least you would have had 2 much larger and more intimidating companions as back up.
But no, you were uncomfortable, in pain, hot, and cranky and you wanted a moment alone. Hearing Joel almost suggest you should have stayed home just made that worse, like you had to prove you can still do things on your own.
So now you’re stuck leaning up against a wall, with your hands zip tied behind you as you pushed and pulled your way out. If you had any charm or charisma at all, maybe you would take advantage of the pervert’s wandering eyes, lure him over with soft sweet whispers and surprise him with a close attack. You’d seen happenings like it before, travelling with groups and watching the far prettier and leaner women with doe eyes manipulate those around them.
You didn’t have any of that. You simply had an angry drive to get out of something your own choices had gotten yourself into. With that drive, came a searing pull against your skin and the sudden snap of plastic.
Shifting your entire body as if to stand up straighter, the scuffle of your feet and creak of the boards below you hopefully masking the snap that felt so loud in your own ears. He still had all of your possessions, tossed aside too far out of reach. You could make a dash for it, but not only was he closer, but unlike his own partner, he had yet to show off what weapons he already had.
As if following your train of thought, he made a step towards your own stuff. A finger poking and tossing things aside before looking your way, “Your pals must not like you very much. Leaving you with a buncha junk and one gun.” Huffing to himself in a sort of condescending laugh he continues, “Maybe we’ll be doing you a favour, keeping you for ourselves.”
Don’t think about that, don’t even let what that may mean sink into your head. You had to focus, keeping him distracted was the only way to find an opportunity. “Doesn’t seem like you two have much worth while yourselves, why assume me or anyone else has something good to take?”
“Yeah, them horses look like they belong to a couple of barely scraping by folk.” His scoff was irritating, grating your eardrums. But it wasn’t the only sound you heard. A shuffling of something coming this way. It wasn’t his companion, the loud and uncaring stomp of his walk as he took off in hunt had no sense of awareness.
It wasn’t a long moment of suspense, front door wide open, no sound had yet alerted the man to someone walking in. You weren’t sure what Joel thought had happened, if he even knew of the other man looking for him, but there was a darkness in his eyes. A deep black that poured from his gaze into his entire being as he took in the sight.
Your belongings tossed aside, being fiddled with by a grimy tall figure, your body against a wall, hands behind your back, and if you guessed correctly, you assumed the stings and liquid on your face were likely bloody cuts from being thrown face first into an uneven dirty floor.
Part of you wished he wouldn’t, that he’d force you to get out of this yourself, prove that you could handle it alone, but Joel was protective, and nothing could simmer that. Gun raised in aim, his deep voice filled the air. “Pretty cowardly, tying a woman up after you’ve already taken her gun.”
The man almost slipped along the floor as he spun in place, finding a gun aimed in his direction from a man much stronger than him. “Women are wiley things, never can trust ‘em after they’ve been spooked.”
Not much of a well crafted self preservation instinct in this guy, considering he just keeps talking. “Side’s a like a bit of fight in ‘em, and she’s been looking at me like she eager to start one. You get what I’m saying buddy, big guy like you? Probably not keeping her for her face, but I’ll bet she gives you a good fight, right?”
Jesus, what kind of men are these guys used to meeting? He is either that confident that the man in front of him will agree, or he’s so incredibly stupid that reading the room isn’t a skill he has. Either way Joel takes more than a few steps forward, crowding into the already small space, an unmoving gaze trapped on the man. “Give me one goddamn reason I shouldn’t just kill you right now.”
Turns out, the man had a pretty simple answer. From the hand that had sat close to his belt line, a swift move turned a pistol in your direction. At least you had been right not to jump him the second you slipped from the restraint, silver lining. Not that Joel was seeing it that way. His voice growling out, “You know, your partner is still out there. We left him alive.”
Another figure came into view, this one much slower and quieter than his brothers, crept into the faintest part of your vision. With a noticeable raise of Tommy’s own gun, the sound was loud enough to let you know of his presence.
The gangly creep seemed to sound offended and he looked back to Joel, “So what, you want a trade? I look like a fucking barter to you?”
Joel’s eyes narrowed in an almost terrifying malice, “An offer actually. You let her go, and maybe I won't kill you, but the second that gun goes off, I’m dragging your partner in here, and make you watch as I take my time tearing him apart in front of you, before dragging his own knife deep into your goddamn throat.”
An eyebrow raised up in challenge. His attention found a focus, no doubt used to threats being the kind of lowlife he was, but he said he liked a little fight in them. Clearly that didn’t just apply to women they tie up. “You really gonna stand there and tell me some bitch’s worth all that work?”
Whatever deeply aggressive and growling response Joel gave him was lost on you as you looked over to Tommy, watching carefully, an eye on the two men but also you. As your eyes meet, you cast your gaze downwards towards your hands furthest the view of the stand off. Lifting up just enough to show the zip ties, and then furthermore to show the clear snap holding them together. Stretching your fingers out slightly, mimicking a small grasping motion, before casting your gaze at the one holding you hostage.
You could hear Joel speaking, but not really knowing what was being said. You could only pay attention to the slight shifting of Tommys position, just enough to come within a close reach of you. Your captor standing closer than that, he stood just out of view, lifting a knife off of his person, a small one at that.
Your jerked your head in the slightest of movements you could afford without drawing attention. You needed Tommy within view, there was no way he could hand you anything or even pull you to him without being noticed. As he flipped the knife, slowly reaching it towards you from the blade’s edge, Tommy looked up behind you.
He and Joel were a similar kind of expressive, their eyes held a bountiful language of their own, one seemingly only the other brother could speak fluently. Watching him look behind you, you knew he was communicating something to Joel, something unknown, before turning back to you.
Your hands moved to the side together, reaching out to meet the handle, Tommy’s body crouching to keep as low of a viewpoint as possible, but it was fruitless. You wanted it to be. You needed to let your captor get you close enough. Wood met your fingers and you jerked it in your hand to keep the edge pointed down behind you, in the same instance your whole body was pulled into another.
Holding you against his side with a grip so tight, your skin already crying out in protest no doubt leaving a mark in its agony. The pistol once held mere feet from you, now rested against your skin, pushing slightly in on the cheek he held it to. “Fuckin’, she ain’t going nowhere, pal. You two gonna learn how to fucking negotiate.” Waves of nauseating rot hitting your senses, and overwhelming your eyes to fog up as if his smell could melt them. But the fog wasn’t enough to hide Joel from you.
You tried to look impassive, you really did. If you were a better person, maybe you could have maintained a calm and determined look at the man before you. But really, you felt guilt, suffocating guilt that overtook you as Joel looked at you. There was anger in him yes, but the guilt only swallowed you up more as you saw behind it. There was a desperation there, a real, tangible, terrified panic as he watched you unable to just take you in his arms and leave. And it was your fault. Your own immaturity led to this, and Joel deserved better.
You had once told Joel you could take care of yourself, that you had for a while, but now you felt small and stupid. What Joel was seeing wasn’t you taking care of yourself, it was a pathetic girl needing to be saved, someone who he couldn’t rely on. Maybe his panic could turn to relief, but the guilt was filling the air in your throat and constricting your lungs. The panic could also turn into shame, humiliation, a different kind of anger that you were not the capable brave women you tried to be.
Brown eyes met yours, a deep penetrating gaze that knocked you back in time. Early evenings, and quiet laughs with those same brown eyes looking at you in a way you didn’t understand. Speaking the language you couldn’t and filling you with a warmth that had never been there before. Now though, the gaze didn’t feel warm. You didn’t know what it felt other than the pounding of your heart echoing through your head. “I’d let you shoot me before I just watch you walk out with her.”
What you felt didn’t matter. Joel had enough damage on his heart, he had enough loss that threatened to tear him apart for too long. You needed to end this yourself, and you needed it to end now.
So your grip tightened on the blade, eyes casting upwards to the man no doubt looking to flaunt the upper hand he thinks he held. Just as his mouth opened, he was proven terribly wrong.
His reflexes weren’t quite as sharp as he boasted, no doubt assuming any attack would come from a gun, but your sudden movement had simply startled him instead. Your hand reaching around from behind, and finding the blade a new home in the soot covered throat of your putrid captor.
A forceful grunt from you faded into his own cry of agony. Only you pushed it further, muscles burning from strain you had long forgotten was necessary. Knife sliding deeper into his neck as the edge of it was pushed across the skin to carve a wider slice.
Blood blocked your vision. Your face, your arm, torso, all freshly splashed with a disgusting red, as the sounds in your ear turned garbled and inhuman. Feral like a screeching animal, only to stop just as quick as it started.
Letting go of your attack, you felt yourself falling backwards, only for your back to be met with a softer surface than the wall or floor, and you felt consumed by the force pulling you away from the violence. You could only watch as the man fell to the floor with an aggressive thump, only to be approached by another and have the fallen pistol kicked away from its once owner.
It took you a moment to come back, to realise Tommy had pulled you away and into his hold for safety, as Joel kicked the gun away and seemed to be making sure he was dead. Tommy’s grip on you loosened, but his hands remained, one on a bicep keeping more of a steadying hold, the other found itself on your shoulder. A comforting gesture in a small sensation as Joel finally disarmed himself and turned to you.
Teeth and jaw matched both tense and gritting, as the pantings breaths of adrenaline lowered in his chest. This was it. Joel looking at you in a language you never spoke, and the anxiety but expected anticipation of never having a chance to learn it again, threatening to overpower you. You made a mistake, and it almost cost you your life and however little Joel wanted to do with you now was entirely yours to blame.
Taking mere steps towards you, Joel seemed to encompass your whole vision. Expecting him to stop and yell at you, only to find your body being torn from the comforting arms of a friend into the desperate needing arms of the other.
Tommy had taken a respectful step back and given his brother the space he deserved. Joel wasted no time on that chance, and flew into you. Large, rough hands finding both sides of your face and pulling you up and into a dominating kiss. Part of you didn’t understand, but most of you didn’t care. Your hands reaching up to grasp his neck, holding on like a cliff’s edge, one of his own trailing down the path of your hand and grasping one of yours and holding it tight.
Before the force of his lips could take away what little breath you had let, he parts from you to tilt his forehead down onto your own. The hand still on the side of your face readjusts, holding tighter yet not meaner. Holding onto your face as if it was the only thing keeping him from falling into the abyss as your hands on his neck was for you.
Barely a whisper, more of a small muttered prayer, “I’ve got you. I got you.” Joel’s eyes opened just enough to watch you try to say sorry, wide eyes panicked with shame, but he refused it. Once again using both hands to tilt your head down slightly, letting his soft lips kiss your forehead, attempting to soothe whatever was inside before making you look up at him, at his shining wide brown eyes filled without any of the resentment you feared. Just softness to match this voice. “I’m proud of you, baby. You did so good.”
Were you both panting from the exhaustion of terror, or from the fast and rough kiss his gifted to you? You weren’t sure, but all you could do was drift your hands down his collar onto his chest. Shaking your head just slightly, “You shouldn’t be. This was all my fault.”
Shaking his head, Joel tried to speak but you didn’t let him. “It was. I was distracted and stupid. If I just paid attention, or just stuck to the original plan I wouldn’t have been caught off guard. I fucked up. You shouldn’t be proud of me, you should be pissed.”
The hesitation in his face only made this sickness in you feel worse, even more so as he firmly says your name, "What you did was defend yourself, why the fuck should I be mad at you for that?"
Your hands slowly shifted upwards, grasping Joel’s own and pulling them down from your person to his sides before letting go of him entirely. “All I did was fix the mistake I made that put all of us in danger. Don’t coddle me for that.”
This life you’ve grown into has never once granted you reprieve from any mistake you’ve made before. The world always found a way to punish you, give you your comeuppance for the times you’ve screwed everything up. Easy forgiveness, just being able to push what you did behind you wasn’t normal for you, it was simply how you grew up.
Joel took in your unease, eyes looking towards the outdoors, with a view of Tommy busy hiking things up onto one of the horses before turning back to you. “Listen,” his hands finding a resting home on his hips, features on his face twisting to resemble much more of the frustrated glare you had once been so used to. “You didn’t waltz in here, throw your gun on the ground and purposely ignore everything around you. You’re not some dipshit who doesn’t know any better. So I’m not going to stand here and yell at you like you’re one.”
Taking a deep breath, one hand runs down the length of his face as he turns away from you. Only a few paces made before he pivots to look back at you, gesturing towards you. “Do you know how fucking terrifed I was when he had a gun pointing at you? How fucking angry I was having to stand there, watching those grimey hands pull you into him pointing that thing right at your head? Listening to him run his mouth about all the vile shit he very clearly had planned for you.”
Were you able to hear it, the aggressive pounding in Joel’s heart matched your own. “All of that was because of me. I don’t want you to just let me off the hook just because of,” Pausing, not knowing how to put it, or really how to say it diplomatically or even accurately. “Just because of this… between us.” Finger vaguely gesturing the empty air from you to him, shoulders sitting locked and tense.
Anger had thinned out to a quiet uncertainty. Whatever adrenaline coursing through your veins had dissipated completely, leaving only the intimidating anxiety you had felt before. Footsteps echoed loudly in your ears as Joel approached you, as if they were screaming with each step.
Part of Joel had concern written on him, as he looked into you for something specific to search for, until it began to wash away. Flushed out and leaving a far darker and glint in his eyes. There was intent there, and something..well something that you still were getting used to being directed your way.
It was as if something in his head clicked. Like Joel somehow switched gears, and he realized that his intent towards calming you down needed a different approach. And he found one.
“Oh I’m not letting you off the hook.” As his broad figure invaded most of your space, you had to turn your neck up to meet his eyes, and the darker unknown flashing in them was much clearer now. “You don’t get to scare me like that and get off scot free.”
There it was. Your lips parting as it all clicks together, the same sensation finding its way from the realisation in your brain, swimming down to find a place alighting your nerves. Your hands, your senses, and finally sparking a steadily increasing heat between your legs. That unknown in Joel’s eyes was desire, and by the upturned corners of his mouth, you were sure he found the same in yourself. Joel was simply better at recognizing it in you, then you were in him.
You looked over to the open entrance, only having a view long enough to see the tail end of Tommy’s horse being led away. In a less clouded and muddy brain, you would have simply recognized that he was moving it closer to make packing supplies easier on his own. You later would find a deep embarrassment that he had very purposely walked away from the building on his own. But your attention was short lived, being brought back to Joel’s with a hand grasping your chin and tugging it to meet your eyes with his.
“You don’t want me to coddle you? Fine.” His fingers pulling you right up into his own personal space, close enough to feel the air on your skin as he spoke, deep and quiet. “How about I show you just how livid I am that you put yourself in a positon where that perverted fuck was ready to put his hands all over you.”
Another hand of his tightly grasped at your hip suddenly, pushing you backwards towards the wall behind you. Your eyes cast briefly to watch as the view of the open door closed off as you were backed into an alcove. Shoved finally against the wall with a force strong enough to jolt your body, Joel’s grip on your chin tightened once more as he pulled your lips just before meeting his own.
“Is it punishment you want, sweet girl?” His lips grazed yours with each word, causing the heat between your legs to feel unbearable.
This..was new. You should be angry, upset, traumatized, and Joel shouldn't be looking at you the way he does, alone together when the sun goes down. Somehow, your brain was confusing this panic and adrenaline with arousal, but it also seemed to consume whatever Joel felt as well.
So you nodded, barely whispering a please before Joel kisses you. His body crowding you against the wall with no space to move, the hand on your chin moving down to find a firm hold of your throat. Not tight, not hurting, just enough to tell you that he was in charge.
You don’t think you will ever get used to how utterly soft Joel’s lips are. His stark and harsh sitting features don’t give any hint to the gentle plush softness hiding in plain sight. A plump pouty mouth moving against yours, so demanding and dominating you have no choice but to simply follow along.
Raising your hands up, hoping to find a home around his neck, needing to scratch the itch of tangling your fingers in the soft curls of his hair. Joel doesn’t give you a chance though, the second your hands touch his neck, both of his shoot out and snatch your wrists. Holding them in the air between the two of you, Joel keeps his lips brushed against yours.
“Now, isn’t this a punishment sweetheart?” Eyes shut, you couldn’t see it, but you could feel it. His smile he holds against you, borderlines on a smirk when you try to reach his lips once more for a proper kiss again. “If you want to be taught a lesson for what you did, then you don’t get to just touch me the way you want.”
Moving a step back, giving you space, Joel lets your hands down gently, only letting you go right as your arms are back down the entire way. “Turn around for me, okay?”
Joel’s hands find a soft, barely there touch against your hips helping coax you around into the wall. Once you’re facing the wall, Joel’s hands find yours once again, gently bringing them up to sit flat against the wall. “Keep these right here.”
You give him a nod before shutting your eyes, letting your mind focus solely on his touch. The hot air of his breath hitting your neck before tracing down to your collar with his lips. Feather-like presses of Joel’s lips felt like a hit of electricity, and each zap pulling a gasp closer and closer to leaving you.
You mindlessly cast your eyes to the side, only to be met with a wooden blocked view. You don’t know how visible Joel is from the outdoors, but your head is filled with a lightness anyways. A rush flowing through you, a thrill of being found, of being caught. This was also new, this arousal of being just barely hidden from view. A lot of things were new for you since Joel, some of which are new between both of you, most of which are new for you.
It seemed ironic, minutes ago you had shoved a knife into a man's throat, and yet it’s being pressed up against a wall, Joel’s hands flowing up and down your body, lips marking up and down your neck, the threat of his brother walking in at any moment that gets your blood racing.
The gruff husk of his voice purrs in your ears, “I’m not going to tie you up, baby. But if you move them down, or try to touch me or your own body,” One hand hovers above you only to come down and smack your ass. “Then I punish you more. Okay?”
When you don't immediately respond, his head turns slightly into the groove of your neck, his nose nudging into the softness from your cheek. “Sweetheart-”
Your body moving back, desperate to fit your back up against Joel’s chest. Leaning your head back into his own shoulder blade, fitting together like missing puzzle pieces. Straining yourself just enough to peek at his own gaze. “Okay. I understand.”
Confirmation was all he needed. You knew all Joel needed to hear was you being okay with this, as the abrupt shift in behaviour happens so fast it leaves you dizzy. The soft scrape of facial hair, the gentle push of his nose, and sweet lulling whispers leave you entirely, replaced by rough handling.
Joel’s body pressed tightly against your back, and his hands jerking in front of you to undo your pants with no gentle working up. His presence looms over you as he loosens you up just enough to find home for his hands to slide within. One sliding the fabric down just enough to grip the seam of underwear, tugging at it upwards just enough to hold it in his grip while his fingers dig into the meat of your hip, nails pressing in sharper and sharper with each passing second.
The other is ruthless. Joel slinks his fingers down right to your clit, pressing down on the bundle of nerves with the pads of two fingers before grasping it in a hold. Finally the air in your throat flies out, high and wanting and far too loud.
The transgression is given no reprieve, as Joel’s hand releases your clit onto to use what small tight space he has, to slap it. The resounding slap of skin muffled by fabric and layers, but to your own ears, echoes throughout. Another smack to your clit as your body tense up, winding your insides like a stringed instrument about to peak too far.
“First rule about survival, is how to,” a smack, “stay” another smack, “quiet.” The final smack follows a soothing rub of his fingers against your clit almost to soothe it. The dry rubbing from just his fingers, almost stings in a foreign kind of way. The wetness soaking you just below his reach feeling so needy at the raw burn, but also leaving you wanting more of the pain.
As if the mixture of pleasure and a sting of pain was what you needed. You didn’t know what you needed, your entire view on your own physical desires left entirely in Joel’s control. Your teeth came down to bite against your tongue, keeping yourself silent.
Joel’s fingers rub against you, each pass winding that string tighter and tighter as your fingers curl into fists. The cutting of his fingers in your hip slide up, pressing and grasping each patch of skin he passes, a desperate needing hold distracts him for a moment as his hand passes up your tits.
Finally he reunites his grasp on your neck, Joel’s lips only making a short caress over the skin before his teeth bite down. The scruff on his jaw and moustache burn against you as his teeth mark your neck up and down. His mouth almost moving in tandem to his holding on your clit.
It builds and builds, the white hot core making its way to the surface. The whine and need slipping through your purposeful silence. “You close, sweetheart?” Your head nods, biting down harder to keep your silence, “Yeah? Are you gonna cum for me?”
Your lean back, and Joel presses into you in return. He feels it, Joel knows you, knows what you need, but he does it anyways. Pulls his hand from you entirely only to slap his hand over his mouth covering the cries he knows you were about to let out.
“See if you just behaved, I would have let you cum. I’d sink my fingers into your tight little cunt, and let you cum as many times as you wanted.” The hands on your mouth and neck, respectively, join as they yank down your pants only just far enough to give him access to your ass.
Hands grasping and pulling your cheeks, unable to control himself and slapping more than enough that you know you'll be red with the large imprint of his hands, each slap harder than the last. “But you didn't, did you? And now?” A tsk leaves him, “You’re just going to have to wait, sweet girl.”
As his hands leave you, he doesn't abandon you as his mouth leans in. Starting by soothing the red bites he left in his wake, and a kiss finding its way onto your cheek. All you can hear is the clinking of Joel’s belt being open. You feel the edges of the leather as it opens up, loosening, his hands pulling himself out just enough that you don’t even get the reprieve of his bare skin on yours.
Part of you knows you’re ready, your own underwear soaking through enough that if you’re left on your own much longer, it’ll drive you crazy. There’s some part of you that has your nerves set alight. Anytime you have sex with Joel part of you always feels a sense of anxiousness, he’s so much more. He’s broad, and large and the months you’ve been together is hardly enough time compared to the decades of experience he has over you, it keeps you on edge a bit.
“Come here, sweet girl.” Joel’s hands bend you just slightly, arm around your waist pulling your ass to his own hips, and you feel the drag of his cock against your cheeks. You push back against him, pushing a groan from Joel has his cock now rub against you deliciously.
All you can do is plead, “please," his cock slips between your legs, his own hand guiding his cock to rub against you, prodding just inside before sliding back and forth.
You utter his name, it’s all you can get out. Joel slips inside you, just enough to let a moan creep out before thrusting himself to fill your cunt completely. The arm wrapped around your torso pulls you into him, as if the closer your own body the deeper he can push inside you, a groan growls behind you “That’s my good girl, let me fill you up.”
You were right. Part of you would never quite get used to Joel’s intensity and size, he begins pushing his cock in and out of you. Shallow thrusts deep inside you, but quick and pounding. The sight of your ass jiggling against the force of his hips drives him crazy.
Joel moves a hand to grip against your hip and pull you back onto him, each drag of his cock hitting the sweet spot only he has ever known. A pounding with little mercy and the groans singing in your ears harmonising with the hardley held back moans he pulls from you.
The arm wrapped around you shifts back down and rubs urgent circles into your clit once more. It’s obscene, the way Joel teases his fingers past you just long enough to feel his cock, soaked and sliding harshly in and out of your own warm cunt. Only your squirm of desperation pulls him back to stroke your clit in tandem with each push of his cock inside you, now with your own wetness to push you over the edge.
“You want to cum, don’t you?” Joel slows his thrusts, but pushes into you so much harder. The quick smack making way to loud slaps that sound so loud it almost completely overtakes the moans you are crying. You nod, your head leaning back into his shoulder blade. “How close are you, sweet girl? Almost there? Going to soak my cock like a good girl?”
He watches you stretch your fingers against the wall, arms trembling trying to struggle not to reach back and touch his neck, feel his dark curls beneath your fingers. The whine slipping from your mouth brings a smirk onto Joel’s face.
Joel’s cock slides in your cunt fast, faster than before, rushing you towards your end as his deep voice keeps talking. “I’ll fill you up, sweet girl. Fill this hot little cunt full of my cum, okay? Then I’ll give you what you want.”
“Anything, anything you want, Joel please.” You feel Joel’s entire body lean into yours. Head tucked right into yours, chest and hips pressed tightly into your back.
It rose and rose, your orgasm ripping at the seams demanding to be released, until it was at your door. Joel’s cock loses all rhythm, his own groans turning into a higher pitched moaning and just as you start to clench around him he moves his hand.
Abandons your clit and uses the free hand to bring your neck to his mouth to bite down and hide the undeniable moans as he finally cums. You feel him spill inside you, his warm cum being kept inside you as he pushes his cock deeper and deeper again until he has nothing left to give.
Then it all stops. He cock slows as his deep breaths pant into your neck, his hands finally soothing over top of any skin he can touch as he brings himself down. You are stuck in place, your orgasm crawling away from you, leaving you feel an ache between your legs and the stinging pleasure on your clit fade.
“I- Joel…you,” What do you say, you feel so utterly lost. “You said..” Joel’s pants increase, only you realise it’s not really that, it’s laughter. Turning his face into your neck enough to give a kiss.
Moving to remove his cock from your heat, you almost cry at how empty it leaves you. Joel only gave you a teasing reminder of his words. “I said I’d let you cum, not when, sweetheart.” Pulling your own pants back up, he taps at your hips and finally backs off of you to fix himself back up.
Spinning to lean up against the wall facing him finally, the man has the audacity to smirk. Walking towards him, shaking your head almost laughing at the condescending smile he has towards ripping your own release from you.
He meets you halfway, holding you by your shoulders leaning into your face with a small voice, “You be a good girl on the way back home, and I’ll make you cum so many times you’ll be begging me to stop.” His hand nudges at your chin, bringing you in for a soft peck.
You hold his waist still right when he shifts to walk away, “Joel, wait…before we.. about what happened-”
Joel’s hand stays on your chin, while his other encompasses the side of your face. “Don’t ever scare me like that again. Next time, just talk to me, okay?”
Foreheads touch as you lean into his, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I just wanted a minute to myself but..I just fucked up. I fucked up and it was so fucking stupid of me.”
Joel nods against your forehead. Part of him should be mad, but the other part of him has softened. Getting mad at you for something you’re beating yourself up over won’t help. Or maybe he’s just soft for you in particular leaving him unable to summon the ability to feel anything but relief, either way he pulls you into a hug just the same.
“Next time, you’re staying with me, got it?” You nod against his chest and that’s enough. “Let’s go, we take any longer and Tommy’s gonna storm in asking if we got lost.”
Sun shining bright outside, you rejoin Tommy standing casually by the horses arms crossed. Joel’s hand on your lower back, pushes you forward as Tommy comes to put a comforting hand on your cheek muttering your name, “You okay?”
Nodding but giving him a smile, Tommy seems to understand what Joel also thinks. You'll beat yourself up about this enough, neither of them lecturing you like you didn't know any better won't change what happened.
You step away from both, recognizing the look on his face as soon as both brothers turn their attention to the other. Tommy’s face twisting around, eyebrows raising high with a mocking tone to match, “That was quick, stamina not quite what it used to be, old timer?”
You don’t see it, but you can absolutely imagine the flat but irritated glare likely plastered all over Joel's face, probably pointing at him with a childish threat of hitting his brother. “Yeah yeah, and Maria has nothing but good things to say about yours, right?”
The three of you pack up the horses to go, the sun beating down on you as it begins to move across the sky into late afternoon. Before you have a chance to climb back up on the very thing that set off your entire mistaken chain of events, a pair of arms grabs you and pulls you up to a horse definitely not yours.
Joel chuckles as he brings you up onto his own horse, pointing at you to stay before he moves to lure your horse into walking alongside his own's gait. “You’re staying with me, sweetheart. I told you.” A small smile on his face as yours almost laughs.
Tommy hops onto his as Joel climbs up behind you, grabbing the reins from in front of you and leaning into your body once more, only this time, you feel a warm comfort from his body instead of an anxious arousal. The pair of you turning to rest your heads against each other for one peaceful moment.
“I’ll head up front, make sure the path is clear. Don’t fall behind, grandpa.” You don’t see Joel’s response but you assume it’s just as mature as their earlier interactions as you hear Tommys laugh out loud permeating the air then fading into the distance along with horse trotting.
Joel’s own deep tone brings you back calling your name, “You ready to go home?”
All you can do is nod at first. "Listen, what I was even upset about before, it was stupid. This was all just because I was being stupid. You deserve better than that." Joel shook his head, before simply leaning down to catch your gaze just enough to meet his soft lips in one last kiss. That's all you either of you need for now.
Breaking the seal of his lips on yours, Joel stays right against you brushing against them. “Don’t worry, There’s still plenty of punishment once I get you into bed tonight. This isn’t over yet.”
Joel kisses you one last time, smiling at the obvious flustered look you give, before he finally starts following Tommy on the journey home. You and Joel were a complicated pair, things between you don’t always make sense and you’re not quite on the same level yet as much as normal partners should be.
But you and Joel weren't normal, and neither was the world around you. So for right now, you both still were figuring out how to match the other the way you both knew could. That would take you a little time, but you and Joel had all the time in the world to find that harmony.
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
Invisibly Beautiful
The hot nighttime air blasting through the windows of the hovercar made conversation hard for all of us, but that didn't stop Paint. She pulled her lizardy face into the car long enough to ask "Can we make more deliveries to climates like this? It's great!" Not waiting for an answer, she stuck her snout back out into the gale.
"I'm just glad the air is moist," said Captain Sunlight from the driver's chair. She was as fond of extreme tropics as the next scaly little Heatseeker, but as least she was tactful about it. "If this was an arid climate, we'd dry out in no time."
Zhee snapped a pincher in irritation, adjusting the coldpack draped around his shoulders. He had another around his praying-mantis hips. "I," he declared, "am glad it is DARK. Sun this intense would fry us on the spot. This is not a temperature for any reasonable being." He cast a big bug eye in my direction, with what passed for subtlety.
I hadn't spoken up yet because I was busy guzzling water to replace all the sweat I was losing. "Agreed," I said when I came up for air. "There's a place this hot back home. We call it Death Valley."
Paint leaned back into her seat. "What? How could such a lovely heat mean death? It's so nice."
"For you," I said at the same time as Zhee. I would have high-fived him but didn't want to hurt myself on his pinchers. Instead I said, "I'd die of heatstroke in no time."
"But you have that temperature regulation!" Paint said, waving a hand in my direction. "I thought you were fine in hot and cold!”
"Just because I'm warm-blooded doesn't mean I'm comfortable in all temperatures," I said to my scaly crewmate. Holding up an arm, I asked, "You see this sweat? This is not fun." I was wearing the smallest amount of clothes I could stand: sports bra and shorts, and it was still too much. “At least the wind helps. I’ll want to get the unloading done as quickly as possible when we stop.”
“We’re almost there,” Captain Sunlight said, pointing at the navigation screen.
It was a good thing she had that screen, since the view outside was an endless nighttime seashore with sand dunes and rocks, but no memorable landmarks. You’d never know there was civilization here. We’d been instructed to land our ship far inland, so we didn’t risk blowing sand into a burrow when we took off again. Luckily the hovercar was acceptable. Thinking about dragging all those crates across the dunes by hand was enough to make me need another drink of water.
When we settled in to park, it was beside a boulder at the very edge of the water. Gentle waves lapped at a very flat shore. No civilization that I could see. The air gushing in the windows was oppressively hot and wet.
“The client should join us at any time,” Captain Sunlight said, getting out of the chair. “Let’s unload.”
“Aw,” Paint said.
Zhee led the way out the door while I focused on taking deep breaths. This was unpleasant.
Sunlight insisted on keeping all but the dimmest lights off, for the sake of the client’s nocturnal eyes. The many stars helped. Luckily there wasn’t much around to trip over. And the boxes were head-sized, not gigantic hassles. There were a lot of them though, and we weren’t quite finished stacking them on the wet sand when the client rose from the waves.
Captain Sunlight’s polite greeting prompted me to look up just in time to see what looked like a lobster the size of a horse come splashing toward us. I clamped down on a startled yelp. Professional calm, I reminded myself. This is entirely normal.
I did a pretty good job of pretending to be calm while I set down the box I was holding and went back for more. Sunlight kept up the small talk and handled payment, both thanks to technological aid: a translator and credit screen with some impressive waterproofing. The voice that came from the speakers was almost too deep to hear. It reminded me of my aunt’s favorite whale impression.
“Thank you for your use of time,” the client said. “Our previous delivery people arrived at high tide, leaving us with a long walk to the burrow.” A little crustacean leggie waved back at the water, where I assumed the doorway lurked. Now that I thought about it, I could almost make out a darker spot among the waves.
And that’s not so much a lobster as a huge shrimp, I decided, setting down another box. Looks like it would have some bright colors in the sun, too. The starlight didn’t illuminate much, but the faint glow from the ship’s cargo hold showed hints of red, blue, and green. And far too many legs, honestly. But you didn’t hear that from me.
“Last one,” Zhee announced, resting a box against the others. “Would the esteemed client like to confirm the count?”
The client did, waving two legs while counting. “Confirmed. I am pleased to do business with all of you.” Captain Sunlight started to say something else polite, but the client wasn’t done talking. “And it is pleasant to see such a lovely being of light.”
With the way all those legs moved, it took me a heartbeat to realize she meant me. “What?” I blurted.
The rest of the crew were confused too. “Being of light?” asked the captain tactfully.
“Yes, and with those charming stripes, too!”
It was all I could do not to ask “What?” again. I just looked at Sunlight, wondering if I was being pranked. If so, she didn’t look in on the joke.
“I, ah, can’t say I’d noticed,” she told the client.
“Your eyes are different, aren’t they?” asked that deep voice with even deeper sympathy.
“Um. Must be.”
“You’ll have to take my word for it, then. You two little ones blend in with the surroundings, while you, friend, look more like an artfully painted land-skimmer,” she said to Zhee, who looked like he had decided to take it as a compliment. “But you. You glow like a gentle moon, with all the curves of a crashing wave across your surface. My night has been enriched with the view.”
“Uh, thank you,” I managed. “My pleasure.”
“I will be sure to request such prompt and pleasurable couriers for my next delivery. I thank you.”
“And we thank you!” Captain Sunlight said. “We’ll be on our way. I trust you can get the boxes into your home without trouble?”
“Oh yes, this will be fine,” said the client with more leg waves. I wasn’t even sure which part of that complicated face to look at. “May you have safe travels!”
With more polite words from Sunlight, we re-entered the hovercar and took seats in even hotter air. The door shut, the engine started, and a very welcome breeze wafted in. Sunlight eased away from the beach at a tactful speed before gunning it toward the ship. No one spoke until the sea was out of view behind a dune.
“Glowing?” exclaimed Paint. “Stripes??”
“Did she mean heat vision?” Zhee wanted to know.
“Can’t be,” Sunlight said from where she drove madly. “She compared you to a nice paint job, remember?”
“As she should,” Zhee said. “But was that a different thing she was seeing when looking at me?”
“Hard to say,” Sunlight said. “Robin?”
“I have no idea!” I burst out. “This is the first I’ve heard of any of it! Is there a chance she’s joking?”
“I don’t think so,” said Captain Sunlight. “All the courier reviews of her behavior are top-notch. If she was the type to lie like that, then surely she would have done it before.”
“But stripes??” I asked, sticking a forearm into the aisle. “You’ve seen me! What stripes? I don’t even have that much body hair!”
“You don’t glow in the dark, either,” said Zhee, staring with the kind of intensity that only someone with truly gigantic bug eyes can. “You reflect a little starlight right now, what with all the grossness you’re exuding, but I doubt that’s what she meant.”
I laughed. “You know, people do sometimes describe sweating as glowing, but it’s really not meant to be taken literally.”
Paint leaned close, all curiosity. “Does something in your sweat fluoresce?”
“No!” I said. “Nothing about me does! This is absurd!”
“We can check the wiki as soon as we get back in range,” said Captain Sunlight. “The ship’s knowledge banks are pretty good, but let’s not kid ourselves.”
“I can’t wait,” Paint said. “My money is on the sweat.”
I shook my head and finished the water bottle. With the way Sunlight was driving, we made it to the ship quickly indeed. Paint was already out of the car and telling the rest of the crew about it while I had barely stood up. I exited to several other curious faces, immediately telling them no, I had no idea.
Normally after that kind of delivery I would have gone to wash up, but this time I just grabbed a towel to wipe off the sweat (and to wear as a shawl in the much cooler spaceship air). Captain Sunlight was calling for top speed.
And she got it. Good thing we’d be refueling soon, because I was pretty sure we’d used up a solid chunk of the reserves.
But we were back in range of easy broadcasts, in record time! Everyone who didn’t have to be somewhere else crowded into the meeting room with the big info screen.
And we all learned that humans freaking glow. Just too dim for anyone to see, unless they have extra-super-special eyes. The kind of eyes that can also pick up the seams from cell division that are usually just as invisible.
“What the heck,” I said, staring at the screen.
Sunlight had called up both topics side-by-side, and everyone was reading at different speeds. I’d skimmed enough to be unsure of what emotion to settle on.
“It’s not the sweat,” Zhee said.
“Well, it’s also not the heat vision!” Paint retorted.
“It may sometimes coincide with heat vision,” Captain Sunlight said, pointing as she read. “Tied in to metabolism, changing throughout the day. Human metabolism creates heat, right? So it could be both.”
“But it said it’s not.”
“I still win the bet,” Zhee insisted.
“Oh, you didn’t even make a bet!” Paint said.
Mur sat beside me, flipping a tentacle in amusement. “It’s a pity we don’t have anyone with those extreme eyes onboard,” he told me. “We could send the pair of you into dark areas, and she could see by your light.”
I shook my head. “This is just bizarre. I can’t believe nobody told me.”
The squiddy alien shrugged a pair of tentacles. “If you can’t see it and neither can most of the civilized galaxy, I’m not surprised that it isn’t common knowledge. What I want to know is—” he spoke louder “—Hey Zhee! Do you want to get glowing paint to decorate yourself with now, since somebody is outshining you?”
Zhee angled his antennae into a glare. “Maybe.”
“Ooh, me too!” said Paint, to no one’s surprise. “Can we do the walls too? It’ll be great if we ever lose power!”
I huffed a laugh. “Look what you started.”
“You’re welcome,” Mur said. “Care to see who can paint some nice new decorations in the highest and most creative places?”
“Absolutely. You know I can reach the top of the engineering crevices by putting a foot on each wall and shuffling upward, right?”
Mur cackled. “And you haven’t seen what a properly motivated Strongarm can do! Extra points for painting a likeness of Zhee somewhere he’ll never find.”
“You are on.” We shook on it, which is an absolutely disgusting experience when tentacles are involved, but I managed to pretend it wasn’t. Gotta be professional, you know.
Fact check! Humans do glow slightly, and we do have stripes called Blaschko’s Lines.
Yes I based the alien on a mantis shrimp; yes I know the shrimpvision thing has been debunked; did it anyway. They’re cool.
And if you enjoy these shenanigans, you may like the book that this is backstory for. More stories to come!
(Thanks to @theacegamingdemon for giving me the idea for this one months ago.)
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flamingskull28 · 8 months
Ink burns headcannon
So ink burns are a common Injury in splatoon, they occur when an inkling or octoling is shot repeatedly by a single ink color in a single part of their body. This happens due to the different color ink burning into their skin so much that their own ink can't fully fix that part of them. Leaving a burn mark at the area in that color for a while until their body can flush it out.
It's a low level injury most of the time. It's mostly is just a sore and irritable area on the inkling/octoling. It may hurt to touch or cause slight pain when moving that area depending on how big the burn is. Most people get it playing Turf either by getting splatted a lot in a single round or fighting the same color repeatedly. This is why teams try to change color each round. It's also why splatfests have a high amount of ink burns reported during and after them.
Treatments are pretty simple. If you see a burn appearing [1st degree ink burn] try and avoid fighting that color if possible, or avoid getting shot in that general area if the first isn't possible. If it's already burned into the skin fully [2nd degree], it's recommended you stop playing Turf or whatever ink related activities you're doing though if you're careful you should be fine. At this degree you can wash the area with cold water to help cool it (ink is hot after being fired) and wash some of the forgin ink off. It should disappear in about a day or two. If the burn is becoming a darker shade [3rd degree] it is very highly recommended you stop whatever ink activities you are doing immediately (if a squid-force employee notices you trying to play with this degree burn they will stop the match and force you to stop until it's gone) at this level pain will become highly noticeable and the burn may take over a week to fully dissappear. To treat effectively wash the area with cold water and try and keep it on ice. If possible try not to strain that part of you too much. If you see a very darkly shaded ink burn [4th degree] stop all ink activities immediately, no matter how important you think they are. Further damage to that area could cause nerve damage, sometimes permanently. At this stage the ink burn will be penatrating your muscle tissue and can make it difficult to move that part of you without large spikes of pain. This degree of burn, depending on how bad it is, could stay for years or sometimes forever (though the pain will lessen over time). As for treatment, it is highly recommended you check into a hospital to reduce risks. If you are unable to for any reason (like trying to hide agent work for example) try and submerge the area in cold water while as soon as you can, of course, being careful not to submerged too much and end up splatting yourself. Avoid using that part of your body if possible wear and tear will only make it worse, applying disinfectant is also recommended as burns this deep can cause bleeding and Lead way to infection. After you do this bandage the wound and try and keep it on ice whilst straining it, after you think the area is fully cooled down make sure to eat and drink plenty while getting lots of rest while your body works to restore the damaged area. This degree of inkburn is very rare since most people stop playing after 3rd degree, the leading cause of this is high acidity Ink (I will explain in a moment) but aside from that Splatfests are the leading cause.
High acidity Ink, this is ink that that has a higher acidity level than normal. Certain people are born with this type of ink and it can carry down by generation. This ink hurts more to be hit with and causes ink burns easier, people who have it are mostly the same as other inklings/octolings though it is a common belief that high acidity Ink makes people both stronger and more irritable though it's never been proven. This trait is seemingly more common in people who evolved from venomous species of cephalopods. The octarian army considers ink acidity when choosing front line troops and when promoting solider to elites, leading to a majority of Elites having high acidity Ink and being more dangerous as a result.
Extra info
-some of the top level turf players have prominent ink burns from their years of battle.
-Agent 3's scar is technically an ink burn, since they had sanitized ink latched to their face for a long period of time and sanitized ink is the highest acidity ink known. (the degree of Burn caused is dependent on what you think.)
-Agent 4 and 3 (in my versions) have multiple ink burns due to the high acidity Ink of many frontline octolings. As does 8 due to the Metro
-4 is more proud of her scars. Seeing them as proof of her strength. 3 is indifference about it (except the one on her eye which she hates). 8 doesn't like how they look and tries to hide hers
- ink Burns during splatfast are so common they often have tents set up on the edge of the event for the pure purpose of treating them
-chargers and splatlings are the weapon that causes burns the most
- ink burns on someone's tentacles often end up sinking down to the ends of their tentacles if they occur often enough it can lead to noticeable amounts of that ink at the end of their tentacles.
Feel free to use my head Cannon in any way you like, if you want some background medical book like text for any reason. you can also just use the paragraph I wrote.
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tonguetiedraven · 9 months
cliche I know, but handholding bonrin?
Thanks for the ask!! I went somewhere a bit different with it, but I hope you enjoy! This takes place during the festival arc.
The problem was that Ryuuji didn’t even know her name.
Well, there were probably several problems, but that was the first and biggest one for him.
He didn’t know her name, and he had never confessed it to anyone, not even Konekomaru, that he had never actually felt the desire to go on a date. To go to a dance to be close instead of just spending time with his friends, or to hold someone’s hand for any reason other than not getting separated, or to lean in (down, because everyone was shorter than him) and give someone a kiss.
That one was probably the strangest. He could see an appeal in some kinds of dancing as it being a fun form of exercise or close to hugging, but the feelings that went with it just weren’t really there for him. All the other things people went nuts over really didn’t apply to him and were mostly a mystery. Even finding out from Shima that people meant hot a bit literally had baffled him. Why should attraction make you feel warm?
It wasn’t the first time he’d been pursued despite never giving any sort of sign that it was welcome or would be reciprocated in any way. He’d had people ask him out from almost the beginning and he’d had people bring him Valentines since he was in grade school.
He had seen people get angry or embarrassed, but he had never seen someone cry.
She did so almost immediately. He gave his normal, “I’m sorry, but I’m not interested in a date right now,” spill, and she’d stepped back, gripped the small package of candies she’d brought him (the kind he never ate because they always seemed to give him a migraine) and before he could really realize what was happening, she was sobbing. Ryuuji immediately jolted in shock and reached out to help and try to stop it, with no idea how to do so.
He had never made someone cry from this. He didn’t know what to do to make it better. Saying yes wasn’t an option because that would make it worse when he didn’t return any of her advances and didn’t keep this up.
“I—” he stuttered, entirely out of his depths and feeling like his heart was breaking with guilt, “it’s—I’m gay!”
He wasn’t. (At least not that he knew. He was nothing as far as he could tell.) It was just better than the crying, and he almost never lied, but maybe this one wouldn’t hurt.
The girl looked up from her hand, still crying more than not, and sniffed dramatically. “You are?”
“Yes,” Ryuuji lied again. “It’s not something I share.” It wasn’t something that was likely true. Ryuuji, whatever he was, seemed to be alone.
“I’m sorry,” the girl apologized, sniffing, and that irritated something in Ryuuji. He wasn’t gay, but it was rude to apologize for the way someone else felt. “I didn’t know.”
The anger dissolved as quickly as it had come, and that brief and poor choice of words was probably the reason he didn’t see a dark-haired boy ducking back around the corner with a shocked expression and a slight blush before he was covering his face with his hands and trying to get his excited and hopeful tail to still.
Ryuuji was sitting under an old oak while he tried to finish his third essay for Demon Pharmaceuticals (Yukio had to be upset about something with the amount of work he was giving out) and was thinking he needed to get some food because he was starving.
Rin’s cheery voice had him looking up, squinting a bit as his strained eyes refocused, and nodding in acknowledgement.
“Hey, Okumura.”
Rin gave a small wiggle Ryuuji recognized as meaning his tail was trying to wag where wit was hidden under his shirt, and sat down.  Ryuuji raised an eyebrow as a small smile started to lift his lips.
“You need help with homework?” Ryuuji asked, thinking Rin wasn’t likely to have started on this essay yet, but might be working on the previous one.
Rin shook his head and set a bottle of tea and a yakisoba bun on the table before sliding it towards Ryuuji.
“You skipped lunch,” he explained. “Figured you’d be hungry.”
Ryuuji grinned properly and reached for it. “Thanks! I was late getting out and knew there wasn’t a shot of getting there in time to get anything affordable.”
It was still warm. Or Rin had warmed it up for him. (That was more likely now that Ryuuji was thinking about it.) The warmth always made the flavors come through more vibrantly and he’d gone through half of it without even noticing. He blushed a bit when he did notice and made himself slow down and look up.
Rin was beaming and it was hard not to smile back at him. He had a great smile and Ryuuji hadn’t really gotten to see him today. It wasn’t a day they had a shared Cram Class.
“I um, wanted to ask you something?” Rin said after a moment. “I… would you like to go to the concert together?”
Ryuuji stilled in utter shock. Of all the conversations they’d have, he would never have expected that one.
Rin swallowed, and Ryuuji realized Rin was blushing, quite a lot, and that his hair had the slightest glitter of flames in it.
“I want to go to the concert with you.” He said, like it wasn’t shocking and he hadn’t been asking most every girl and gotten super excited about the possibility of going out with Shiemi. (And got excited about trying on a regular basis.)
“Me? Since when?”
Rin blushed all the more. “Since the hairclip? I just didn’t think… I didn’t know you were gay.”
Ryuuji blinked and realized that of course people gossiped. That was probably everywhere. He was going to have to figure out how to turn guys down too now. Great.
“I don’t… I’m not. I didn’t know what to do and she was crying and I just said the first thing I could think of.”
Rin flushed all the more and seemed to wilt. “Oh. Shit. Sorry. Just, uh, forget I said—”
“I’m not straight either. I don’t…”
He didn’t think he was anything. He’d never really looked into it. He’d fit in fine when he was younger and then it seemed like everyone was doing something he hadn’t been told about and that entire world had left him behind and confused.
Rin looked up again, seeming curious now. “You’re ace?”
“I don’t know.” He frowned, curious. “Did you actually want to go out with me? Or did you just want a date?”
He’d never actually thought about going out with a guy. He’d have fun hanging with Rin. More fun than going with a stranger. At least as long as Rin didn’t expect a lot more than what they usually did. (Not only did Ryuuji seem to be missing most of what his friends got, he also had no idea what dates even really entailed. Everyone seemed to only be trying to get as far as they could and that wasn’t appealing.)
Rin looked a bit insulted. “Yeah I want to go out with you. Not just a date. I like you Suguro. You’re cool and funny and smart and determined. You’re fun to be around and I like competing with you. Of course I wanna go out with you.”
Something warm and strange seemed to spread in Ryuuji’s chest. He liked the specificity of that. That it was him Rin was seeing and not just another person to ask out. He liked Rin, and he found Rin fun to hang out with and compete with and Rin drove him crazy in so many ways, but he knew he could trust Rin, and he knew Rin trusted him, and Rin would call him out when he was being an ass and listen when Ryuuji said he was, and Rin was earnest and loyal, and Ryuuji was starting to think he’d just found a strange new idea.
“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. You can just, uh, forget I asked? Forget any of this happened?”
Ryuuji shook his head. “No.”
Rin scowled. “Why not?”
Ryuuji pulled the tea closer and broke the seal with a strangely loud noise as Rin watched him. “I’m going to keep getting asked,” he decided with a frown as he twisted the lid off the rest of the way. “It’s gonna keep happening and I’m tired of it and I don’t want to make anymore people cry. So…”
He took a sip, wondering if this was actually a stupid idea, but he’d rather do this with the promise of actually having fun than keep saying no or crumble under the pressure of some stranger crying and making him feel like a monster.
“I’d go with you, if you’re serious. I can’t… I don’t know what I am, or if I can like you, but it’d be fun.” He looked at Rin over the top of the tea – the brand he drank the most and the type that was supposed to help with migraines and one you could only get at a specific vending machine at this level of the Academy, but one Rin had brought him because he’d noticed that. “If that’s okay with you, then let’s do it.”
Rin narrowed his eyes like he was trying to sniff out a trap, which was rude and made Ryuuji scowl a little, but he held his tongue.
“On a date?”
“I don’t know anything about them. But sure. Just know I—”
“You’re not all feely,” Rin interrupted and flapped his hand like that wasn’t what he was concerned with. “That’s fine. I can try and woo my princess,” he gave Ryuuji a big and toothy grin that made Ryuuji’s entire face feel hot.
“I’m not a princess!”
Rin grinned all the wider. “Don’t get your skirt twisted, princess. I’m gonna be all romantical and no hard feelings if it doesn’t work, okay?”
Ryuuji grumbled but nodded. “Deal.”
Rin stuck his hand out as he stood up, holding it out to Ryuuji like he wanted him to shake it and seal the deal, so Ryuuji did, and found himself entirely confused when Rin took his hand and shifted to sit next to Ryuuji, not giving his hand back. Just holding it in his own warm hand, sitting close enough that Ryuuji could feel the heat of him and peering down at Ryuuji’s Demon Pharmaceuticals homework.
“Shit,” he asked like it wasn’t weird to snag someone’s hand. (Wasn’t it?) “Did we have homework?”
Ryuuji laughed and shoved the book towards Rin. “Yeah, another essay.”
“Another?! We had one?!”
(Ryuuji’s hand was still being held, and he’d never realized how Rin’s hand was calloused. Probably from all the sword drills.)
“We had three.”
“Three?!” Rin looked down at the book horrified. (His hand was smaller than Ryuuji’s. Their fingers fit strangely well together despite that.) “Yukio’s gonna kill me.”
“I’ll help ya out, moron. “
Rin’s smile went all toothy again, enough that his eyes went a bit squinty too, and Ryuuji decided he could use his left hand to finish his own essay. Rin could keep his right one for now.
Ryuuji passed Rin a few sheets of paper and a pen and pointed to the first assignment where he’d written the notes for it.
“You take notes for homework?” Rin asked, and snorted. “You’re a nerd, princess.”
“You’re not in a place to judge, ya monkey.”
(His face felt a bit warm, and there was something spreading through his chest he wasn’t quite sure about, but he wasn’t scared and he wasn’t uncomfortable, and it was something he felt might be okay to explore with Rin.
Just without the princess.)
“No,” Ryuuji intercepted, tapping Rin’s hand with his pen. “That’s the wrong word. Check the spelling.”
Rin did and Ryuuji saw his tongue poke out a little in concentration and felt Rin’s leg start to jiggle a little next to his that reminded him of dozens of study sessions like this. Something comfortable and familiar, but the slightest bit different as Rin started to brush his thumb over Ryuuji’s in a steady rhythm that wasn’t distracting, even though it seemed like it should be.
He didn’t know what he was or if he could feel anything like what Rin wanted, but he thought he might be starting to see the appeal in holding someone’s hand.
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girldewar · 2 months
🦷 for the ask game ....
!!! okay this one i wouldn't say is necessarily abandoned, but it's going to be a while before i can get serious work done on it, so here's a bit from the possible jerk sequel!
Brandon lets Connor toe off his shoes, at least, before bundling him into the kitchen. His face is stormy as he pushes Connor into one of the barstools and sits on the other.
“Um,” says Connor. He thinks he probably shouldn’t have come.
“Ground rules,” Brandon says. He’s been thinking about this for a while, Connor can tell. Probably all morning.
“Ground rules?” asks Connor.
“Yeah,” says Brandon. He’s having a hard time looking Connor in the eye. It’s unsettling. “About this.”
“This?” says Connor. He’s not actually trying to be obnoxious, but he can tell Brandon’s patience is wearing thin.
Brandon’s sigh is more of a growl, and then he yanks the collar of his hoodie down, and Connor — ah. Right. The scabbed-over bite mark looks angry in the mid-morning light, and Connor can see vicious purple bruises forming around it. He wants to reach out and run his fingers over it, but he’s pretty sure it’s not a good time.
“This,” Brandon says. His whole face is red, which is new. “We — you can’t do this. I can’t go to practice with this. Seriously, dude.”
Connor takes a second to think about that. “Okay. Next time, no — none of that.”
Brandon’s face does another weird thing, but then he nods. “Okay. Good.”
Connor looks down at his hands, which he had folded carefully in his lap so he wouldn’t touch Brandon. They seem too big to him now, awkward and gangly. Last night feels like a distant dream. “Um,” he says, right as Brandon buries his face in his hands with no small amount of panache.
“Dude, Dew, how the fuck am I gonna cover this?” Now Brandon presents his neck to Connor like he wants to be poked at, so Connor does. Obviously.
The skin is hot and the scabs strange and rough against his fingers, but what Connor likes most is that Brandon didn’t go to much effort last night to clean it up, so his hand comes away with little flakes of dried blood stuck to it, and just for a second, everything from the last twenty-four hours feels real and good.
“Dew,” Brandon says, annoyed.
“Uh huh,” says Connor. He pokes at the mark again just to watch Brandon flinch. “What about, like, makeup?”
“I don’t just have, like, makeup.” Brandon narrows his eyes at him. “Just lying around.”
Connor narrows his eyes back. Brandon’s being an asshole on purpose, and Connor’s not going to give him the satisfaction of calling him out. “Then we go to CVS?”
“You think makeup is gonna stay on during practice?”
“There’s like, waterproof brands.” Connor has no idea why Brandon’s being so obtuse.
“Are they hockey-gear-proof?” Brandon stands up. He looks like he might start pacing, which alarms Connor more than anything else he’s done today. Brandon doesn’t pace. He lounges, and jabs, and irritates. He doesn’t get like this — agitated, caged.
“Why not just leave it?” Connor ventures. “It’s not like they’ve never seen a hickey before.”
“Fines,” Brandon says instantly.
“Huge concern,” Connor shoots back.
“What the fuck do you want me to say,” says Brandon, and Connor’s mouth shuts with a click. “You left a fucking bite mark on me. That’s not — normal.”
Connor does his best not to recoil. He probably should’ve expected this. Still hurts like a motherfucker, though. “Sorry, Jesus. I said I wouldn’t do it again.”
Brandon shoots a glance up at the ceiling, which almost sets Connor off, but when Brandon looks back down, he seems chastened. “I don’t mean, like. It’s. I just don’t know how to explain it to them.”
Connor makes a gamble, and Brandon doesn’t pull away when Connor’s hand lands on his arm. “B,” he says, feeling a little like he’s speaking to a frightened animal. “You laugh off the chirps, you wear a neck guard, and you let it go. And then they let it go, too.”
Brandon leans into the touch. Just barely. “Yeah,” he says. “Right. Okay.”
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snifflesandchills · 2 years
Snzarios for Every Month.
I’m also going to do one for sicknesses in general, rather than just colds.
January 🎄
So many people get sick right after the holidays, after exposure to countless colds and germs, and the stress of the season. Maybe a relative was sick, or maybe someone at Walmart while you were doing your last-minute Christmas shopping. Either way, you’re down with a bad head cold.
A stuffy, runny nose
Sneezes that are so tickly they coax more sneezes out.
Every time you sniffle, you can feel congestion going down the back of your sore throat 😣
Headache from constant sneezing and coughing. It throbs with every stifled sneeze, but you can’t stop stifling because then someone else might catch your germs and come down with a bad cold of their own.
What would a winter cold be without chills? And a fever just high enough to make you feel sooo sickkkkk 😩
February ❄️
I catch the messiest colds ever in February, I don’t know why. Like, there was only one February (2021) since I can remember that I didn’t get an awful cold. Idk why 😬 oop
Potential low-grade fever, but constant chills.
Achy throat, head, chest, and basically everything else,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Nose is completely stuffed up, but somehow runs like a faucet? 🤨 messy af
Sneezing continuously, getting rid of a ton of thick, gooey snot, but still not doing anything to help the congestion.
A cough, just so your throat will continue to hurt
So incredibly tired from the sneezing, sniffling, and snot production
March ⛅️
So many people are getting sick as the weather starts to change and snow starts to melt, kicking off allergy season. Sneezy season pushes on.
Chills, but no fever
Congestion. Plugged, snotty nose and sneezing, a cough, discomfort in general. You are a complete snot monster, but you can’t help it. You can only blame whoever gave you such a horrible cold.
April 🌧
April showers bring May flowers, but they also bring bouts of spring colds. The weather is beginning to get nicer, but you have to be stuck in bed with a bad cold.
Fever and aches. Not the kind of fever that makes you solely cold, but the kind that makes you sweat and have goosebumps simultaneously. As for aches, think head, throat, chest, legs, arms, everything.
A head that’s so stuffed up that the sufferer can’t breathe, let alone sneeze normally. With every breath, they can feel everything shifting grossly inside of their head.
May 💐
Why do I feel like everyone catches the sniffles at the end of the school year?
A runny, slightly sniffly nose that’s just stuffy enough for them to sound congested, and for their exhaled to feel uncomfortably hot against their skin.
Sneezing, a result of the snotty, itchy nose.
A sight, irritated cough
June 💦
Summer break is prime time to swim, but the earlier in the season you do it, the colder the water will be. Keep this in mind, because swimming in cold water can result in a nasty cold.
It would start off with chills. Your body would try to warm up, but eventually a fever would start to set in.
Your nose would begin running when you were in the water, but it wouldn’t stop when you got out. It would completely stuff you up within a few hours.
A headache/body aches from shivering for hours on end. No amounts of medicine, blankets, or hot tea can warm you up.
Sneezing excessively. By excessively, I mean, not being able to stop and needing to wipe your face after each one because they are so messy.
Coughing, but only after you blow your nose, because of the irritation.
A sore throat and glands from all of the sneezing and coughing and being sick in general.
July 🔥
Everyone around seems to be sick with something. Staying up on the Fourth of July might have been your body’s last straw. Say hello to a gross, streaming summer cold.
A fever, which causes you to sweat and shiver simultaneously. It’s ninety degrees, whatever. A heavy sweatshirt would make you feel better.
An extremely stuffy nose which only runs at inconvenient times.
Stuffy sneezes, which the sufferer is constantly trying to ward off so the others won’t notice the monster of a cold they’ve come down with.
A bad, congested cough, just to make hiding their illness harder.
Bonus points! The sufferer is constantly ducking off to blow their nose or cough away from the rest of the group because being sick embarrasses them.
August 🏵
One of the hottest months of the year, hypothetically a month you shouldn’t get sick during. But after a long, busy summer, your immune system needed a day off. Unfortunately, that day was long enough to land you with a stuffy head cold. Oops.
A nose so stuffy that sniffling does absolutely nothing. No matter how hard you try, nothing moves, untiiillllllll it starts running uncontrollably.
Stuffy sneezes to partner with the congestion 😌
Exhaustion. That’s it, exhaustion.
September 📓
Everyone is going back to school and getting exposed to all sorts of new germs. Despite best efforts to avoid sick people, a snotty cold is practically inevitable.
There just had to be a very runny and stuffy nose
A headache
Sore throat
Just enough sneezing to tell everyone you’re sick ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
October ☔️
Imagine getting caught in a cold autumn rainstorm, getting chilled to the bone, and coming down with a vicious cold as a result of it.
stuffy/runny nose, of course, because that’s what cold weather does to you.
sore throat that makes you sound so hoarse 🥺
head/body aches
fever and chills
an unimaginable amount of congestion
a cough caused by the congestion
constant, excessive sneezing, each causing a wet, inescapable mist of cold germs to rain down on anyone nearby. and no, tissues do nothing to contain the sneezes, because they are far too messy.
November 🎃
okie so I can’t actually think of anything except !! catching a chill on Halloween that knocks you down with a huge cold.
stuffy/runny nose
sore throat
a constant chill and a slight fever
constant sneezing
December 🚎
The darkest, dampest month, perfect for getting sick. The snow is getting more frequent, and it’s not uncommon for you to get stuck in it waiting for a bus. Once you get on the bus, you’re in close quarters with a bunch of sick people, like it or not. The worst chest cold of your life is on its way.
A sniffly nose
A sore throat and hoarse voice
A ton of congestion and a bad cough that makes the congestion and hoarseness obvious
Even the sneezes sound hoarse and stuffy 🥺
On top of that, a headache and fever because of how sick you are. The fever makes you shiver and sweat and sleep and feel absolutely miserable.
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girlfromthecrypt · 9 months
It's so hot here that my roommate started shedding his skin. [Short horror story/nosleep]
Marco and I have been living together for over two years now. We never had any issues with our arrangement. We work together to keep the apartment clean, rent gets paid on time and in full every month, and I believe we've actually evolved into being friends over time. Therefore, these problems we've been having really threw me off guard.
It started when Marco staunchly refused to leave his room. I wasn't exactly worried at first. Our area has recently been hit by an extreme heatwave, and since we don't have an AC, I figured Marco locked himself in with a bunch of electric fans. When I went to knock on his door, I could hear them whirring on the other side. It weirded me out that he didn't answer immediately, though. After waiting a couple seconds, I chalked it up to him being asleep, but just as I was about to turn and leave, he called out to me. "Jen?"
I breathed a sigh of relief. At least he wasn't dead. "Yeah, it's me! Just wanted to ask if everything's alright."
"Sure, I'm, uh… great."
His voice gave me pause. It sounded unusual, un*like* him. It was garbled and had an almost hissy quality to it. "You going to the store?"
"Yeah," I answered, trying not to make my discomfort known. "Need anything?"
"Can you get me a sixpack and a bag of ice, maybe?"
I told him I would and upon my return, I found a twenty lying on the floor by his doorframe. "Keep the change," Marco shouted.
I placed the items he'd ordered where his money had been and left, hoping things would be back to normal the following day. Perhaps Marco had caught a heatstroke working outside and that's all there was to it. Temperatures aren't normally that high where we live, so nobody's used to this kind of weather. The day after was a Sunday, and I made breakfast for the two of us like I did every week. Unlike every week, however, Marco wasn't waiting in the kitchen for it to be finished.
At first, I hollered for him to come out and eat with me, but when he didn't answer, I carried a plate of pancakes over to his room. I knocked, then asked into the silence whether he wanted any. I received no response, so I set aside the plate and banged both fists against his door. Still nothing. Both irritated and uneasy, I tried the doorhandle. My roommate and I are very respectful of each other's privacy, and I would never do so if it wasn't a pressing matter. It didn't amount to anything either way. Marco had locked himself in. He was definitely there, though. I heard his chair squeak.
"Are you okay?" I asked. "I can call a doctor, or…"
I trailed off when I saw a note being slid through the crack beneath the door right at my feet. I bent down to pick it up. It was in Marco's handwriting, but decidedly messy; like he'd been in a great hurry and practically spewed ink onto the paper.
*Hey Jen, I'm fine but my throat hurts so I can't talk. I'm sorry but I'm not coming out, I don't want to pass it on to you. I don't need a doctor, I bet I'll be fine in a couple days. Don't worry, ok?*
I frowned at the note, but took the news in stride. What else could I do? I told Marco I'd leave the pancakes outside for him, and not long after I'd returned to the living room, I could hear him dragging the plate inside. I found myself rather missing Marco's presence around the apartment. Three days went by without me catching so much as a glimpse of him. I'd have to walk past his door to get to the bathroom, and I would hear him playing the weather report on his little TV inside every time. On the fourth morning, I found another note, this time on the fridge.
*Hey Jen, I'm going out to see my mom. Be back in a week.*
What the fuck? First he's sick, now he's going on a trip. I was beyond confused. I tried to call him, but he didn't pick up. That wasn't really a surprise. Marco is one of those people who don't ever really use their cell phone. Most of the time, he doesn't even have it on him. Nevertheless, it only added to my growing concerns. Another two days passed and I didn't hear a thing from my roommate. I tried once more to call him when I got off work, just in case. It was already nighttime and Marco normally went to bed quite early, so I didn't really expect him to pick up. And he didn't.
Instead I heard a familiar ringtone coming from his room. It only lasted a few seconds before stopping abruptly, like it had been turned off in a hurry. My stomach sank when the realization set in. Why in the world would he lie to me? This didn't make any sense. The whole situation had the hair on the back of my neck stand up, but despite this, I began heading towards Marco's room. His door looked eerie in the dim lamplight of the hallway. I inched closer, hand outstretched to jiggle the handle. Locked. Of course.
"Marco?" I tried, pressing my ear up to the wood. "What's going on?"No answer. I could hear a squeaking noise coming from inside, like a chair being moved."What the fuck, man," I said, stifling the tremor in my voice. "You're clearly in there, I don't understand…"
That's when I had an idea. There were spare keys to all the rooms in a drawer in the living room cabinet. Neither of us had ever used them before, but there they were.
"Marco, if you're not gonna talk to me, then I'm coming in," I declared with all the determination I could muster. He didn't respond.
"I'm serious, I'm getting the spare and then I'm coming in."
I bit my lip, turned on my heel and headed for the living room. My heart was thundering in my chest when I returned with the key. I crammed it into the hole with shaking fingers, turning it once, then twice.
I swallowed, steeling myself before I pushed down the handle and nudged the door open. The motion was accompanied by a drawn-out creaking noise that reminded me I should oil the hinges sometime. With my pulse thrumming in my ears, I entered the darkness beyond the threshold. I couldn't see anything except the limited areas that were illuminated by the ceiling lamp shining in from the hallway. In vain I groped around for the lightswitch, then I decided to give up and just proceed. Something stopped me from going back and grabbing a flashlight. I simply had a feeling I shouldn't turn my back on that room.
Both arms outstretched, I ventured further inside, feeling around for Marco's desk. Soon enough, my palms met with the smooth, hard wood and I braced myself against it almost desperately. "Marco?" I asked, an intangible fear compelling me to whisper. My hands started roaming the surface in front of me. I could feel his laptop, powered off and shut, his mousepad and a set of pens and pencils. Then I moved on to the chair. I flinched when I made contact with something dry and soft hanging over it. At first I thought it was a t-shirt, but the fabric felt almost like extremely thin baking paper. I continued to stroke it, and as my hand went down what was presumably the neckhole, I found that it was warm and damp.
Disgusted, I withdrew from the surely sweat-soaked piece of clothing. Remembering Marco's small desk lamp, I mentally palmed my face for not looking for it sooner. It didn't take me long to locate the switch. As the small light came on, its beam fell onto what I'd *thought* to be a shirt, causing me to recoil in shock. It was skin.
There was an entire fucking skinsuit slung over the back of the chair. It was like a snake's shedding, except tan and pink and human-shaped, with two arms and two legs and a tear in the back from which its wearer must have emerged. The remnants of the face dangled from the ragged neck-scrap, and it looked like the dried remains of one of those cosmetic gel masks. I stared at it for a moment, my eyes bulging and my heart in my throat before I started to violently gag. I clung to the edge of the desk for dear life, trying to keep my thoughts in order.
And that's when I heard it. A garbled, distorted hiss coming from right above me. I whipped my head up just in time to catch a glimpse of a figure scuttling across the ceiling and disappearing into the hallway at an inhuman speed. My mind raced, but before I could think of anything better to do, my feet were already carrying me out the door. I burst into the living room, my face burning as panic spread throughout my body. Inwardly, I was yelling at myself to get out, to leave this place while I still could. Despite this, I followed the sound of dishes rattling into the kitchen.
I hastily flicked on the lights and started looking around for the source of the noise. My stomach was churning and beads of cold sweat ran down my face. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew that whatever had been hiding in the shadows could be none other than Marco.
Marco, who was somehow able to walk on the ceiling, who had shed his skin and deposited it on the chair at his desk. Marco, who I'd been living with for two years, who had always been kind and friendly and open, who never argued when it was his turn to clean or take the trash out. Marco, who most definitely wasn't human.
Marco was staring at me. I could feel his gaze burning holes into my side. I turned to the right, slowly raising my eyes to the kitchen cupboard. Cowering on top of it, not unlike a wild cat, was my roommate. He had pressed himself against the wall, flattening himself to the cabinet on all fours like a master contortionist. His entire body was of a dripping, aggravated scarlet. His face was bright red, his eyes bulging out of his head; it looked as though the lids were missing. Marco's lips had thinned and receded so his gums were on display—I'd never realized how large his teeth were. Dampened brown curls clung to his neck and temples. Rooted to the spot, all I could do was stare at this thing that my friend had turned into.
He—it—stared back, that same hissing sound emanating from somewhere deep in its throat. Slowly but surely, it loosened from its rigidity and began crawling towards me, sticking to the ceiling like an enormous anthropomorphic gecko. The fluids coating Marco's pink body dripped onto the floor in front of me. I must have forgotten how to breathe altogether. My tongue was bone dry, like a dead leaf lying limp inside my mouth.
"Marco," I muttered. "Marco, this is you, right?"
A rumble rolled from his chest, something akin to a growl.
I raised both my hands, taking a step back as he advanced. "You're okay! I swear," I stammered. "I'm not gonna tell. Whatever this is, I promise I'm not gonna tell."
He stopped and cocked his head, neck cracking. His mouth fell open and his tongue dropped out. It was twice as long as humanly possible. I stifled a shudder, keeping my hands up and forcing myself to assume a soothing expression. "Everything's okay. Stop growling. You know me. We live together. I make you breakfast on Sundays and it's your turn to take the trash out tomorrow."
Marco closed his mouth. He crept over to the left wall and began descending, movements fast and spider-like. Once more standing on two feet, he started walking towards me, step by step, the soles of his skin-stripped feet creating a wet slapping sound on the smooth clean floor. I dropped my arms, focusing on keeping my breathing steady until he finally came to a stop in front of me. "You're okay," I repeated. "You're alright. Can you still hear me? Do you understand what I'm saying?"
A nod. Then, he opened his mouth, forcibly shaping the growls and hissing noises into distorted, almost intelligible words.
"My kind is sensitive to heat."
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 On a cold evening in the cemetery, Sodo joins you and you tell him what's been on your mind for the past month.
𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 Cemetary.
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩(𝐬) Sodo x GN!Reader. I don't think I've used any pronouns or gendered terms for reader but please let me know if I've missed any!
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 Nothing spicy here tonight lads. Discussion of reader being a Christian in the past. Also discussions of questioning faith and not feeling worthy of who you believe in. A tiny bit fluffy.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 902 words.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 Currently suffering with pain because when does my IBS not be an asshole to me? Irritable Bowel Syndrome more like Inconvenient Bitch Shit (pun not intended, or is it?). So this one is another short one because even though I'm unwell I wanted to write something for this Ghosttober prompt.
During the colder months at the ministry, everyone knew to wear layers under their habits and uniforms. While the heating worked just fine, the cold was unbearable in the early mornings and the dead of night, particularly outdoors where there was no heating or insulated walls to keep you warm. The rest of the siblings of sin tended to stick to the inside of the ministry during this time, but not you. To Sodo, you were the outlier and that was what made you so interesting to him.
Every evening for a month now, the fire ghoul had watched you from the ministry windows as you visited the cemetery not far from Primo’s gardens. You always wore a thick coat over your clothes, sometimes even a scarf and gloves, and never stayed any longer than twenty minutes each time he saw you. It intrigued him, unable to come up with a reason why you were there so often and for such a specific amount of time. You couldn’t have family buried there – you’d told him yourself that no family members had been laid to rest at the ministry. But if you weren’t there to pay your respects to your family, who were you there to see?
Sodo decided the next night that he would follow you down to the cemetery and find out for himself why visiting was such an integral part of your daily routine. Yes, he could ask you about it but he didn’t want you to think he was pressuring you to tell him if it was something you’d rather not talk about where others could listen in. The thought of someone spying on you brought on a sudden urge to protect you, anger bubbling in the pit of his stomach at the concept of your boundaries being crossed in such a way. And if it hurt or upset you?
The ghoul forced himself to calm down as he slowly approached the gates, spotting you at the far end in front of a monument that made him realise why you were there. It made him pause for a moment before he eventually forced himself to make his way over to you.
“I think I’ve told you before,” you told him once he reached you, not bothering to turn around as you continued to gaze up at the statue of Satan. Or at least a depiction of him. “I was a Christian before I joined the ministry. Born and raised, I guess you could say. I didn’t really know otherwise, and yet I still questioned it.”
Sodo kept his hands in the winter coat he’d wrapped himself up in, not daring to say a word.
“I wonder sometimes if I’m truly worthy of Satan. How could I, someone whose soul was made impure by a false god at birth, be worthy of His love? So, I come here every night to try and find the answer to that question. I thought that if I meditate upon this statue that maybe He would tell me or give me a sign.”
Furnace hot fingers intertwined with yours and gave your hand a gentle squeeze. “I think it’s normal to question these things. It’s healthy to have questions and doubts because that’s what makes you human. I’m not sure anyone truly has an unwavering faith in their god or deity or whatever they believe in. Part of human nature is to be curious and seek answers to the questions that others may not necessarily be able to answer.”
You glanced at him and found that he was staring down at your hands. “Do you have doubts sometimes, Sodo?”
“Sometimes.” He lifted his gaze, blazing red eyes meeting yours. “We ghouls are more like humans than some of you like to believe. We also question. We are curious. We crave answers and knowledge just as you do. Our Dark Lord undoubtedly understands this and is there to guide us, even when our faith begins to shake. It’s part of the lived experience of being on this plane of existence.”
The two of you returned to looking at the statue, a comfortably silent pause filling the air for a moment before you decided to speak up once more.
“Do you think Copia – sorry, Papa – has ever questioned his faith?”
Sodo’s laugh was abrupt but warm. “He’s human too, right? I’d be surprised if he’s never at least wondered about whether he’s worthy or if what he believes in is true.”
You chuckled along with him. “I suppose that’s true.”
“And for the record,” the ghoul said, his clawed thumb running over the back of your hand, “your soul isn’t impure or tainted just because of what you used to believe in. You get a fresh start when you join the Clergy. What is it that Papa says in that song? I know your soul is not tainted even though you’ve been told so.”
“That is indeed what the song says.”
“Well, there you go then. Even Papa says that you’re not tainted or impure. If you don’t trust what I say, trust him. Got it?”
You smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Sodo. I’ll take what you’ve said tonight to heart.”
He hummed and pulled you against him, releasing your hand so that he could wrap his arm around your shoulders. “Good. Now let’s go inside. It’s fucking freezing out here.”
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notsuure · 2 years
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Leona kingscholar x reader
*it’s all just maybe fluff- but maybe I would make a part 2 with more spicy moments :)
It was close to break and yet again Crowley had not found you a way home . So just like last year you would stay at the school while everyone else got to go and see their loved ones. Grin was more that happy to stay at the school and do nothing but ransack the kitchen for a few weeks.
But maybe this year would be different. During your stay at night raven college you gotten close to a certain lion. Even tho he was not always the best to get along with. He was definitely a guy you did not want to be on the bad side of. Also when ever you guys were by each other, everyone knew to stay away from you because of his intimidating glare. He might have a small soft spot for you after helping you in octavinelle.
So once he heard that you again having to stay alone at the school he thought it best to instead offer an alternative.
You were in the library studying for one more test before break. “Oi herbivore.” You looked up to see the one and only 2nd prince standing in front of you. “Oh! Leona do you need something?” You looked at his emerald eyes, they show no emotion as he said. “You can always come with me to my home if you still have no where to go during break.
You looked at him before smiling. “Thanks Leona! I really do need to leave this school for a while.” He gave you a smirk and walked away out of the library.
Now on the outside you looked completely normal. But on the inside your mind was going crazy. Leona fucking kingscholar invited you to his home! His home is literally a castle! A red blush spread across your face as you thought about everything that just happened. “Please tell me I’m not going insane.”
When break finally came you were in ramshackle packing up the small amount of things would bring. Grabbing your bag you made your way to the mirror chamber. When you got their you saw ace and deuce also exited to go home.
“Hey y/n!” Ace waved at you. Deuce gave you a confused look. “Why are you packed, you going somewhere?”
“Oh yeah I’m going with Leona for break.” Both of their eyes widened and jaw dropped. “LEONA KINGSCHOLAR?” Ace grabbed your shoulders and looked at you dead in the eyes. “Did he bribe you or something? Why are going with a guy like him?” Deuce also gave you a questioning and empathetic look.
You smiled lightly and held ace’s shoulder. “Don’t worry I’ll be fine. Besides I trust him enough to not hurt me.” Even after saying that their worried faces still didn’t go away? “Wait, then where is grim staying?” Deuce asked. “Oh he will just stay at the school, I asked the ghosts to keep a very close eye on him to make sure he won’t burn the whole school down.”
A few more minutes of waiting you saw the guy you have been waiting. And of course he had nothing but his phone and wallet with him. “You ready?” He asked. You nodded and you both went up to the big mirror. You turned and waved to ace and deuce.
Stepping into the mirror you were met with a strange feeling and a slight gust of wind on your body. Then you felt the humid and hot air around you. Opening your eyes you were met with a magnificent scenery. The hot sun overhead and vast land around. You could also see Leona’s house (or castle).
When heading towards the castle you guys walked in comfortable silence as you admired everything around you. Leona looked at how astonished you looked looking at his homeland. Arriving at the castle the doors opened for the both of you. It was slightly colder and felt good on your already warm body.
“Leona! Is that you!” You looked at Leona and he had a irritated look on his face. “Shit.” You looked and saw a figure taller than Leona. He had ginger/brown hair and brown eyes. This must be falena… Leona’s brother. But that was not the only one. Behind the king was a smaller child know as Cheka. “Uncle!” Cheka ran up and hugged leona’s leg making him more irritated.
“Oh! You must be y/n. Falena looked at you. “Yep.” You smiled and waved. Cheka looked at you and smiled widely. “It’s you! You were at the spwelldrive thingy.” You chuckled and knelt down to his height. “Yep that was me.” Cheka ran up to hug you. You hugged back and looked at Leona who still had a sour look.
He grabbed your arm and dragged you away and to the upper level of the castle. Going down a hallway to a group of doors he opened them leading to a luxurious bedroom. It had a lot of browns,blacks and some yellow. Having some decorations of bright colors to symbolize the sunset savanna.
“Your room is the one across from mine.” He set is phone and wallet on his bed and led you to your room (Even though it was not far). You opened the door and it opened to a room with a king size bed and many bright colors. You admired the room and let your bag on the couch. You turned to him leaning against the door frame. “It’s really nice thanks Leona.” Hearing you say that made his heart skip a beat and a small pink dusted his cheeks. “No worries. I didn’t want you spending the break along again.” 
You checked the time and it around noon. “You wanna go around town?” Leona asked you. He did not expect your eyes to light up. “Uh hell yes!”
Leaving the castle you headed to the main town around the sunset savanna. Their were shops and restaurants and you wanted to look at all them. You headed to a jewelry shop. Looking at the necklaces, rings, brackets, and earrings you were in awe at them all. You had you eye on a a set of a necklace, ring and earrings. They were the traditional colors of the sunset savanna and looked amazing in the sunlight. You were smart and brought your own money so you didn’t have to always ask Leona. But when you put the set on the counter Leona drifted your attention to someone that was doing a dance outside.
While you were distracted Leona gave the cashier the money for your jewelry. When you turned back the set was already in your hands and he was out the door. Looking at your hands then him, and then your hands again you ran after him. “Leona! You didn’t have to pay for me I could have pay for myself.” He had no expression and just shrugged “Just say it’s my treat.” You were about to argue back but then let it go. There was no use arguing with him.
You and Leona spend many hours in town trying different foods, watching performers on the street and going into many shops you both were officially tired for the day.
Heading back to his home you were surprised him being the lazy lion he is spent all this time with you. Usually at school he put in the least amount of effort or made Ruggie do things for him. But here he is buying things for you and spending hours of time with you.
Walking through the hallway leading to both of your rooms you were about to go your separate way before you felt someone grab for hand. Leona instead led you to his room and closed the door. He grabbed you gently and sat you on the bed and laid next to you.
You were confused till you saw his arm laying across your body. Ohh he want to use you as a pillow (not that you objected for anything) you laid down next to him and he put his head into your neck. A blush also spread across your face as you wrapped your arms around his head and played with his hair.
You heard a satisfied sigh from him. He fell asleep very quickly and soon your eyes started to feel heavy and you also feel into a deep sleep. Both of you comfortable in each other embrace.
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kerra-and-company · 1 year
4, 7, and 12 for whoever you'd like!
You get Kerra for this 'cause one of these is a commander question, and also just why not :D Tyty!!
4. Assuming they're a commander, how close were they really to Destiny's Edge? To Trahearne?
Caithe is Kerra's sister who she loves very much and would readily give her life for--and always has been, even through the rough patch they had in HoT. Eir is someone Kerra looked up to and shared a lot of things in common with, and her death hurt quite a lot. Logan and Kerra originally had the same sort of friendship you might have with a close friend's older sibling who you kinda-sorta know, but they're closer these days thanks to working together as much as they have; she trusts him. Zojja and Kerra were never super close, but they did understand each other, and Kerra still keeps tabs on her recovery (or lack of it). (I also could probably write essays on each of these individual relationships, especially Kerra and Caithe's, but I'll save that for future posts, perhaps.)
Rytlock and Kerra have by far the most fraught relationship. During the personal story and immediately afterwards, she's roughly as close to him as she is to Logan and Zojja--distant, but still friends. She's a little irritated with him on Braham's behalf during LWS1 but also understands why he didn't immediately believe that Braham was Eir's son. She's further frustrated with Rytlock leaping after Sohothin into the Mists in LWS2, though, again, she admits there is a component of practicality to it, if the sword could indeed be used to get rid of the rest of the Ascalonian ghosts. (She also is pretty certain that's not the main reason he chased after it, though.) HoT and PoF throw a whole lot of any previous goodwill out the window, though. No one can tell her that she and her family belongs to Mordremoth and expect her to take that lying down, and she truly will never forgive him for letting Balthazar out, both for the overall destruction and death and for the personal cost she and Aurene paid. Even though they're on (shakily) better terms these days, she does not fully trust him and never will again.
As for Trahearne, he's her brother as much as Caithe is her sister. She gladly stood by his side when the Pact was formed, and they made a very good team. He had far more knowledge and experience with Orr than she did, and she was a natural leader and devoted to seeing the fight with Zhaitan through to the end. She is terrified for him when she learns what happened to the fleet in Maguuma, and she pulls off a very risky move at the end of HoT that easily could have killed her trying to save him. She's incredibly lucky that it both didn't kill her and worked. She still stays in touch with him, though he stepped down from the Marshal position after HoT.
7. Do they have any skills or abilities that their class wouldn't normally have/just go about their class differently in some kind of way?
Kerra's empathy abilities are the main thing that differentiates her--overall, regardless of class. She has the capacity to read anyone's emotions; they don't have to be sylvari. That combined with her soulbeast magic basically means she can fully communicate with and understand her pets (and any animal that trusts her enough).
12. Have they "completed" the map? What does that look like in your canon?
First of all, Kerra's my one character who has literally completed the map in-game, so yes! xD But as far as canonically/story-wise, also mostly yes! She's traveled around so much, both for the in-game story events and before and in-between. She ran a decent amount of missions for the Order of Whispers in 1325, for example, and she'd basically wandered across the entirety of Caledon and the Brisban Wildlands helping out whoever she could before she even joined the Order. She hasn't been everywhere, but she's been around, for sure.
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rosenallies · 2 years
37 for jasco?
this is just sad ramblings </3 ik this was supposed to be hurt/comfort but </3 oh well
Send me prompts 🌻
37. "Try to eat something."
Jasmine adjusted the sweater she wore tighter around her body to keep the chill at bay as she watched out the window, eyes fixated on the way the streetlight outside her window flickered in a warm orange glow. She imagined herself standing under it, pretending the stupid orange light would warm her from the inside and help her find some kind of solace in the deep sorrow that came to her in the middle of the night.
This was her new normal since Bosco walked out on her; late nights, chapped lips, shaking hands, and pretending to find comfort in the little things around her even though she felt as if she were drowning. And she didn't have anyone to blame but herself and the way she sucked the life out of others, as Bosco had put it as she packed her suitcase. No amount of begging and pleading from Jasmine got her to change her mind. No promises of getting better, no promises of swallowing the despair she felt got Bosco to stay, to change her mind.
She thought back to when her and Bosco first met, when things were new and exciting and for the first time in her life Jasmine could say she was happy. But that's the funny thing with her, it didn't last, it never did. For Jasmine, happiness was fleeting, as inconsistent as the New York City weather. Bosco began to see her for who she really was, for the deep sadness that she held with her for as long as she had been old enough to form a conscious thought.
Feeling too lost in her thoughts, Jasmine almost missed the knocking at her door. At this hour, most people would be concerned, but Jasmine wasn't, only slightly irritated that her wallowing had been interrupted. But she knew exactly who it was and she knew they would keep knocking until she let them in.
Opening the door, Daya walked in without a word, still dressed in her scrubs from her overnight shift at the hospital.
"I pulled in and saw your lights still on," she said matter of factly, pulling a container of something from her bag, "and I brought you leftover pasta."
Jasmine's relationship with her neighbor and somewhat friend was complicated. In the beginning it was distain then a mutual understanding and then when Bosco left, Jasmine thought Daya saw her as a responsibility, a pet she had to keep alive because she had no one else. She'd come over after work and force Jasmine to eat something and on some days she'd run her a hot bath, proclaiming Jasmine's consistent shivering was scaring her.
Today, it was only the pasta, which she heated and put on a plate for Jasmine, guiding her to the table and sitting with her.
“So, how are you feeling? A new therapist started at the hospital, I think you might like her, I could give you her card.” Daya tried.
Jasmine shook her head as she pushed the pasta around on the plate, feeling a tad sick to her stomach.
Daya sighed. “Just-just try and eat something, please.”
As much as she wanted to scoff, ask Daya why she gave a fuck anyway, she stayed quiet. Trying was all she had nowadays anyway.
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jimmycartersufo · 2 months
I just need to vent about pain and ocd and being autistic for a min so this may be triggering so I'm putting it behind a read more thing. so Cw for pots, issues with autism like melt downs, chronic pain, long covid, ocd.
yesterday the house behind us their dogs jumped our fence and ran around the whole court and into the next but they chased a poor stray cat up a tree. I don't think the dogs are violent or anything but they're puppies (husky) so they have energy and don't know what to do with it and what to do with cats. Anyway I tried to get the cat out of the tree so I picked up a log not thinking about anything else and I ended up literally covered in ants. like I felt my hand burning like static and looked and I was covered with hundreds of ants. after we returned home I ended up spiraling. I've been having an issue with contamination of food and drinks with bugs after an incident that happened the same day as the super Bowl where John got me a little pie, the ones you get from the gas station for a dollar, and I took a couple bites and noticed ants on my hands and it turns out that ants got to the pie. which makes sense bc it was a pie in a little cardboard box no plastic so if you're an ant you'd suss it out from miles away. Anyway it's been a thing that has stuck by me. it's always been a thing with me being nervous with food staying out, putting hot food in the fridge, etc but this was soo bad and has made me feel awful so basically I started to have a meltdown once everything was settled. I then noticed as I was drinking from my water cup that there was a tiny bit of mildew at the bottom of the cup. this put me over the edge plus I had taken allergy pills for the ant bites because I was very itchy and the itchy and weird stinging pain was irritating me so ofc ofc ofc I had a big meltdown which included me sleeping on the bathroom floor for comfort and for the solid feeling that a hard floor gives you. I woke up multiple times extremely groggy because with long covid/pots from long covid I have a hard time with normal things so I just... wasn't having a good time last night which included me trying to sleep. I had multiple nightmares about zionists and ants. I woke up yelling a couple times, basically having an anxiety attack in my dreams. I slept restlessly, obviously, so I would wake up without a pillow or my neck and head at weird angles. so when I actually woke up today I was in an immense amount of pain and feeling like a husk from the mental bullshit I was going through.
mentally I feel OK today but exhausted. like a deflated balloon. physically better by 6pm as it is now. but I'm having really bad hanger pain today, it's coming to me quicker it feels, or I don't have a grasp on time. or my neck is already hurting so I just feel it quicker. my hips hurt. random stabbing pains everywhere which is my normal ty long covid BUT with the ant situation my brain goes oh that's ants inside of you biting you :))))
I really need to shower. can't remember the day I did shower but I know it wasn't too long ago because I dyed my hair purple again. Thursday night? I've been relying on dry shampoo. I'm scared to shower today because of the tiles. tiles trigger me because of the thought of germs and fungus and mildew and bugs. what's sooo funny is we've been having an issue with a shitty member at work, she's been a problem for AGES and it got worse on Friday when she decided to scold a child and I went to her and said hey, if there's an issue with a visitor, you need to tell us and not talk to a visitor BECAUSE THAT VISITOR WAS A MINOR CHILD A MINOR!!!!! A CHILD!!!!! and she's like you're abusive you have abused me etc etc. one of her things is to give sob stories so Black women in particular will hug her it's a fucking thing her other thing is to tell you the graphic details of her sexual assault and abuse which then she explained to one of the security supervisors the reason why she spoke to a child she didn't know was not because the child being anywhere near her but the child jokingly hit their siblings leg ONCE and she saw it and scolded this child in the middle of our fucking lobby and considering this woman is also notoriously racist in the quirky little liberal way (pretending to be color blind but reading a Black person a poem she wrote pretending to be a slave) she was definitely scolding this child because they weren't white anyway I am very worried she gave graphic details to a fucking ten year old child trying to have fun in the museum. Anyway I bring this up because this woman tries to excuse all of her bad behavior on being a survivor of abuse and being triggered but she literally puts people, a captive audience, in a position where they may be triggered. like literally my first month in the job she gave me a graphic description of her sexual assault. and then whenever she confronted about something she either says you're abusive or she's like oh I never thought about it like that. meanwhile I'm afraid to shower because if I see a bug idk what I will do. like I can't shower because I'm afraid of the FUCKING TILES! it's just wild how white women in particular weaponize victimhood and survival. she uses it to collect Black women, because she hates Black men for the obvious racist reasons, and once those women aren't palatable and safe for her she turns on them. And for white women (I'm not a woman but I doubt she understands the concept of gender) when you no longer accept her ruse of being a sweet little victim who can't do harm because she's a victim then you are an abuser. which is funny because I have GONE OUT OF MY WAY to never speak to her in the three damn years I have worked here because of the first interaction I have had with her. she calls me abusive because I had to raise my voice to be heard in a busy lobby, but she also doesn't know who I am because she tried to introduce herself and ask me my name late last year because she did not recognize me, but then she also tried to harass me about not making eye contact with her and greeting her and when I told her I am autistic and I do not make eye contact she just turned around and walked away but yeah I'm Sooooo abusive. did I mention she wrote a poem pretending to be a slave?
which just reminds me of how stressful work has been. there's been a ton of bullshit. every god damn week there's something. multiple somethings. I'm tired. we went to John's family after work for Easter. no one stayed but his mom. so it was his mom and grandma and the whole time she complained about her sons not speaking to her enough and had the audacity to be like well Rea how would your mom feel like ma'am, I have a good relationship with my mom, perhaps it is time for self reflection but regardless of that I really found myself struggling to stay masked as in have the right face, the right tone, the right amount of eye contact, etc. I instantly felt drained. working at the museum the last three years is what triggered me looking into an autism diagnosis despite me suspecting since 2018 at the very least, having autistic people tell me for years, etc. I am not able to fully perform the whole customer service role like I used to but I wonder if I was actually doing such ever. or did I just not realize. it's been a lot of looking back and analyzing and realizing that oops someone should have noticed but for the reasons we know it never really happened. Anyway it was a specific interaction I had with my now former boss where we had these jazz concerts we did and one was coming up and I said I'd work the like second or third one but I had questions and I was like oh I dint know much about this event what should we expect and she had kinda snapped at me and was like Rea your coworker is working this event not you you don't have to be stressing etc and it was.... weird. she sometimes did that, not often but it was a thing that would happen and I felt like very weird because I thought I was asking so calmly and it was a spark like..... is my perception of my social interactions different than everyone else's????? is it truly that bad? but no, actually it wasn't. but me needing to know what to expect even months in advance was Def a major sign and it was literally me needing an accommodation except asking for something explained isn't accommodation it's like, my fucking job but anyway!!!!!
today is a pain day. that was the point. I'm in pain I feel awful. I had a vertigo spell whole laying down but I need to lay down because the pain. Just got a notification the neck massager I ordered from tik tok shop should finally be here tomorrow. I got it because there's no way it isn't good when they have people moaning and whimpering online and I really need something for my neck stiffness and pain. Anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am hoping that soon I will be OK enough to shower. I miss our old shower only because it was big enough where I could shower with John which was really helpful. maybe he can sit there in the bathroom with me?????
I need to stop venting and rambling and go lay down again and drink some water. at least I have a lot of food bc of Easter :) and I can eat ham and Mac and Cheese cold which I prefer because I don't always like. hot food esp if I'm already feeling bad and shitty!!!!! cold Mac and cheese really hits. and my dad made it and he used jumbo noodles which is like not a thing but he wanted to lol and I actually rly like them!
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strbymacaroon · 4 months
Silent Love: Ch. 6 - "Forgiveness"
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⊹ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ Chapter Six
Previous Chapter: "Good Guy."
Chapter One: New Roommate(s)
Master-List: Here!
.・゜゜・ 。・゚゚・ ╰┈➤ Sukuna x Reader
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Sypnosis:
When moving out of your dorm and leaving your eccentric roommate goes to shit, you're offered by one of her friends to move in with him... for free! That is, if you don't mind living with two completely opposite college boys.
However, life isn't that easy, and there's a hot asshole around the corner to piss you off. Especially when he's always up late at night when you're studying, purposely trying to get on your nerves in the most perverse way possible.
You hate him.
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Genre:
College/Modern World AU. Multiple parts.
Shameless Smut, Thin Walls, Mildly Dubious Consent, Roommates Fluff and Crack, Slice of Life, Kinda Slow Burn, Oral Sex Vaginal Sex, Slight Age Difference, Degradation Fake/Pretend Relationship, Dirty Talk, Dirty Thoughts, Enemies to Lovers, Spit Kink, Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Word Count: 27,169
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・ 。゚☆:  *・ November 14th, 2023 ☽ .* :☆゚.
You keep your eyes closed, ankles crossed while sitting down on the toilet. Your fingers play with the end of your sweatshirt while Uraume kneels before you, their thumb pads softly working into the eyelid of your eyes. Softly rubbing left and right, and up and down. 
“This always helps with swelling.” Their voice is monotone, holding no emotion or form of expression. “Cooling them down is good for a short amount of time, but it can strain the eyes and be uncomfortable. Rubbing them gently removes the fluids that have built up.” 
Uraume is completely different from when you first met them. They’re more collected, calm, emotionless, and put together. They haven’t so much as smiled yet, nor do they even sound human. They’re also wearing something more formal, a white button up shirt, and some nice black pants. You feel like a child next to them, messy and disorganized. 
You sheepishly nod, “I didn’t know that.” 
“You most likely haven’t cried enough to know that.” Uraume tells you, pulling their hands away from your face in exchange for a cool damp cloth. “These are things you learn with experience, much rather time.”
You tilt your head, “Have you cried enough?” 
Uraume pauses for a moment, before responding, “Not me, no.” The stand up, tossing the wet cloth in the sink and it hits the bowl with a gross splat. Then, they add, “But, someone I used to tend to, yes.” 
You nod, fluttering your eyes open, you immediately notice how much lighter your eyes feel, along with your vision being a bit better. You push yourself off the toilet seat lid, moving to the mirror and looking at yourself. 
Uraume’s standing next to you, looking at you through the mirror. “Looks good enough for the day, wouldn't you agree?” They grab their rolled up sleeves, and pull them down, making sure that the cuffs of their nice shirt rest perfectly at their wrist. 
You nod, the tips of your fingers moving to the corners of your eyes. They’re still a bit irritated, but the swelling is practically gone, along with your eyes, no longer bloodshot, more tired or high looking. “Yeah, it looks good.” You smile slightly. 
Uraume nods satisfied, “That’s good.” They sigh to themselves, closing their eyes with a bit of exhaustion, their hand pressing against their mouth, mumbling, “This is getting to become my normal again.” They open the restroom door and leave the small room. 
You follow after, blinking a few times, “Is there…?” You watch as Uraume makes way to the kitchen, opening the plastic bag they brought with them. “Uhm… are you? Is there something you’re here for?”
Uruame nods, placing the things on the table. “Of course, I’m here for Sukuna.” They place the final item, and you quickly observe they’re the ingredients for cookies. 
“Oh, well, I’m sorry but…” You move to the island, resting your weight on it, “Sukuna’s not here, and I have no idea when he’s coming back.” You pass them an unsure smile, “If you want, you can stay and wait, but I don’t know how long you’ll be waiting.” 
“I’m aware.” Uraume tells you, discarding the plastic bag, “He’s currently at my place, he’s going to return later today.” They pull out their phone, typing something. You can’t deny you’re jealous, especially knowing that Sukuna spent the night there. 
Wait, what? 
Now, you’re a bit confused, why would Uraume come here for Sukuna while he’s at their house? “Oh, did he tell you that?” You lean back and forth, a bit anxious at the thought of Sukuna coming home. “He hasn’t told me, or Yuuji anything.” 
“No.” Uraume tucks their phone in their pockets, “I just told him. He should be here in an hour or two.” They shrug, “However long it takes for him to get out of bed.”  
You tense, “Oh, uhm. Okay.” You twist your feet to the hall, ready to leave. “I’ll be in my room if you need anything–” 
“I do.” Uraume points at the items on the island counter, “I’m making something, it’d be nice to have an extra pair of hands.” Their finger taps expectantly on the counter, almost impatiently. They want you to stay, and you don’t want to stay. The idea of Sukuna coming home has you anxious, and avoidant, you really don’t want to see him right now. 
“Oh, uhm…” You thickly swallow, shakily pointing at Yuuji’s room, “If you want… I can go grab Yuuji?” You pass them an unsure smile, letting your hand fall to your side again. 
Uraume shakes their head, “No. Your help is good. Come on.” They point at the butter, it’s two sticks. “Put those in the fridge for me, I have a feeling they’re close to melting.” You pass them an unsure look, naturally turning to go to your room, only for Uraume to say, “I’m trying to help you feel better, you’re being a brat.” 
You blink at their abruptness, before slowly nodding, “Okay.” You grab the two slabs of butter, and move them to the fridge. “Bossy.” You whisper, shutting the fridge behind you. 
“No, not at all, just trying to help you.” Uraume says, reaching into their personal bag and pulling out a headband, “People tend to drown in their emotions if they don’t have anything to distract them.” Their hair is now out of their face, “Besides, everyone likes making cookies.” They blink at you.
You roll your eyes at that, you’re sure Sukuna doesn’t like cookies, he’s too brittle for that. You cross your arms over your chest, huffing a small bit.
“Even Sukuna.” Uraume quips mindlessly. “Although, he is picky about how they’re made. But, he’s like that with all food, it needs to be perfect, or it goes in the trash.” Despite the content matter, Uraume doesn’t sound like they’re complaining, it sounds more mindful if anything. 
You laugh a bit, “Am I really that readable?” 
“People tend to be when they’re mad.” 
“Really?” You lean on the fridge, biting the inside of your cheek, trying to find a kind way to phrase your words. “Uhm, Uraume, I appreciate the attempt to make me… uh, feel better, but I’m not interested.” You place your hands behind your back, “I’m sure Sukuna would be more than happy to help–” 
“He told me what happened.” Uraume says, reading your face, seeing the way your face burns. “He told me everything. Including what occurred at the party.” Which… they already had a faint idea of what occurred. 
“Oh.” You don’t know what to say anymore and Uraume knows that. “I’m surprised, I didn’t take him as someone to talk about such things.” It’s a slight jab at Sukuna, but it’s the least he owes you, right? 
“He doesn’t.” Uraume moves around the island, “Although, as of yesterday, he’s become much better at it.” Uraume tilts their head at you, narrowing their eyes. “Any idea to why?” You divert your eyes at that implication, shaking your head. “I’m sure you’re aware, but back when he moved out, he moved in with me, I was the friend who took him in.” 
That makes you gasp, “You’re… So, you two lived together during–” 
“Yes.” Uraume looks down, “Yesterday, I’ve never seen him so… vulnerable. It’s endearing, as his friend, but very odd to witness.” They hesitate to say, “It’s almost as if I’m reliving my youth. Dealing with Sukuna back when he was a teen and first moved in with me.” 
You feel your chest flutter, “Wait, you mean…?” You play with the end of your shirt, your face slowly heating up. “He’s also hurt by what happened?... He cares about what happened?” Uraume can sense your flattery, it’s as easy to read as a children’s book. 
Uraume turns away from you, chin resting on the palm of your hand. “I didn’t say that, but if that’s how you take it.” They reply emotionlessly, not bothering to look at you. 
You’re trying to hide a smile, but are miserably failing. Which makes you turn away from them altogether, “Can you tell me… what he said?” Your fingers are toying with each other. 
“No.” They push themselves away from the chair, moving towards the ingredients on the table. “Are you going to help me with these cookies?” They pass you an expecting look, a bit hurriedly too. 
You move after them, softly saying “I can’t cook.” You’re a bit embarrassed by that confession, even though you’ve said it close to a million times now. 
Uraume softly sighs, letting their head fall in a tilt, “I don’t think that matters, Su–” Uraume pauses for a moment, before awkwardly adding, “It’s cookies.” They grab some bowls from the cabinets, placing them on the table lightly. “You can’t mess up cookies.” 
You rub your arm, “You’d be surprised.” You open the drawers and pull out some mixing supplies, along with falling to the floor cabinets to pull out the electric mixer. You didn’t think there was one, but checked just in case, which thank god you did. 
Uraume doesn’t respond, just grabs the sticks of butter and uses a butter knife to cut them into chunks. You take this time to ask more questions, “Sukuna likes your cooking?” You tilt your head to the side, “But, needs things to be perfect?” 
Uraume nods, “Yes.” 
“How did he know your cooking was perfect?” You grab some paper towels and place them on the counter, allowing Uraume to place the blocks of butter on them. 
“He didn’t, and it wasn’t.” Uraume almost smiles to themself, recalling back to those times. “And he wouldn’t eat anything I made for quite some time. Sometimes he would starve himself, which I forced him to eat before he died in my house.” 
You laugh, and Uraume adds, “Could you imagine that? Cleaning a dead body?” They shiver, “The absolute time and mess it would be, the smell?...” They wrinkle their nose, before relaxing, “Is what I would say about anyone else, but it’s Sukuna.” 
You lean on the counter, a bit of dread filling your stomach. “You… like Sukuna?” 
“I love Sukuna, more than myself, actually.” That makes your stomach drop, twisting into something gross and unnerving. Uraume shakes their head, “Not like your type of love, mine is more… admiration, if anything.” 
“Oh?” You tilt your head to the side, “You admire Sukuna.” 
“Of course.” Uraume went through something similar to him, but was much more… crushed by the situation. Sukuna handled it far better than they did, which was admirable to Uraume. They hesitate, but add a small, “Sukuna admires you…” 
“Really?...” You turn away, cheeks burning, and heart racing. However, you don’t dwindle on it for too long, you’re quick to change the discussion. “So, how did Sukuna grow to like your cooking?” You tap your finger against the table, the action creating a small noise of which Uraume absolutely despises. 
“He had no money, nor anything to eat.” They toss some of the butter cubes into the bowel, passing you an empty one and silently ushering you to do the same. “Yet, that didn’t stop him. Like I said, he almost starved. But, I cared enough to force him to eat.” 
You nod, mimicking their actions and placing the butter in your bowl. “So, you learned how to cook for him?” You push your bowl in their direction. 
Uraume grabs some sugar, pouring some into their bowl, and pouring an equal amount into yours, “Yes. I learned exactly how to cook for Sukuna’s taste.” They sigh a bit, “It was difficult the first few tries, good food would go to waste, but I managed to get it “perfect” soon enough.” 
“How did you make it, “perfect?” Sounds a bit impossible.” 
Uraume adds brown sugar to both the bowls, eyeing the amount. “I don’t know.” Uraume passes you a whisk, mixing their batch which entitled you to do the same. “One day, after his constant comments on how to make the food, I served it to him, and he ate it.” 
You struggle a bit to mix the ingredients, before finding a rhythm that is good for you. “Hm. Sounds like Sukuna.” You smile a bit, but immediately hide it, “He’s bi-polar as hell.” 
Uraume quickly breathes out of their nose, “Sure.” They tap their whisk on the side of the bowl, their free hand spinning the container while expertly twisting their hand and mixing the batter, “Although, I have a suspicion it wasn’t the food that was…‘not perfect.’” 
“What does that mean?” You glance at both your bowls, and notice yours doesn’t look as nice as Uraume’s. You start mixing with a bit more purpose. Uraume doesn’t respond, just taps their whisk on the edge, then takes yours to do the same. 
“Does he feel bad?” You ask, watching them mix your bowl. 
Uraume pauses, before finally removing the whisk, tapping the edge of the bowl and placing the whisk to the side. “You’ll see.” They add an egg along with vanilla extract in both bowls, handing you the items again. 
You smile a bit, you know you should feel bad, Uraume is silently telling you that he is hurt over the situation, but that makes you a bit happy. Knowing that he’s in pain, just like you, maybe even crying, makes you happy. Because, it means one thing. Sukuna does care for you. 
You cringe, eyeing your burnt cookies, and Uraume’s perfect ones. You grab one of your cookies, tapping it on the pan, it’s solid. You drop the cookie, “I told you I was bad at cooking.” You pout slightly. 
“Like I said before, I don’t believe it matters.” Uraume grabs one of your cookies, breaking off a piece, and popping it into their mouth. You can hear the loud crunching, before they pause, close their eyes, reach for a paper towel, and silently spit the cookie inside the towel. 
“I’m sorry.” You say, but smile ever so slightly, you find the situation a bit amusing. “I swear, only I would be able to find a way to ruin cookies.” You pick up the remaining piece, popping it in your mouth, only to split it back out into your hand. Wow, those are horrible.
Uraume nods, tossing the paper towel out, “It’s just a matter of practice.” They sigh, looking at the two trays, “I suppose we can toss them out and say you made mine.” They put their hand to their chin in thought. 
“No! Why would we do that!” You take one of Uraume’s cookies, “You’re being ridiculous. Here, let me just–” Your heart stops when your head the garage door opens, Sukuna’s engine revving. You feel an indescribable worry shot through your body, forcing yourself to freeze. 
Uraume’s leaning on the island counter, chin resting on their palm while they’re looking at you. “Too late, it seems that Sukuna’s home already.” They’re watching you so intently, you’re a bit unnerved by it, are they…? Are they waiting to see what’s going to happen?
“Cookies?” Sukuna asks, closing the door behind him. 
You jump, turning back to look at him. Sukuna’s eyes are already on you, and unlike normal, he’s looking directly at your eyes. His hands twitch as his sides, unsure of what to do. You’re looking at his eyes too, they look familiar. They look like yours.
Sukuna raises his hand, and weakly waves. 
You mimic him, passing him a weak smile. “Hi.” 
“She made cookies for you.” Uraume cocks their head to the side, gesturing at the two trays. “She left the first batch in for two long, and insists on making a second batch for you.” They pull the headband off their head, letting their hair fall in their face. 
You blink at this, turning over your shoulder to say, “No, that’s a lie, Uraume made one batch, I made the other.” You can’t look at Sukuna, you only mumble with a flushed face, “I messed up my batch… for you.” 
Sukuna finally tears his gaze away from you, looking at the trays. “You made them for me?” He takes a few steps forward, standing in front of the two trays. He makes a face at your burnt cookies. 
You feel even more embarrassed now that he’s blatantly looking, “U-Uraume made some for you, too.” You stutter, playing with the ends of your sweatshirt. You feel Uraume standing next to you, their arm touching yours. 
“It was all her idea.” They immediately press their hand to your mouth, not allowing you to add to their statement. Going so far to shoot you a nasty glare when you turn to look at them. That’s when you feel something click into place, Uraume’s helping you right now.
Uraume is here for Sukuna. 
You can’t help but wonder, did Sukuna send Uraume to check up on you? See how you’re doing and if you’re okay? Is that why they texted him to finally come to the house? You feel so many questions flooding your mind, but your mind is stuck on the implications. 
Sukuna sent Uraume to check up on you for him. Uraume is here for Sukuna. They're here in place for Sukuna.
“Which one’s did you make?” Sukuna asks you, finally glancing over his shoulder. By this time, Uraume already pulled their hand away from you, acting as if nothing had happened. 
“Uh,” You point at the tray with the burnt cookies, “The ones that are rocks.” You move to grab them, “Here, let me just toss them out, I know no one is going to eat them.” You reach for the tray, but Sukuna grabs your wrist, shaking his head. 
Sukuna grabs one of your cookies, and pops it into his mouth. You cringe when you can hear the harsh chewing, and you instinctively reach for a paper towel, but Sukuna doesn’t give any indication of the taste. He just closes his eyes. 
He’s eating your cookie? He’s eating your burnt cookie that is sitting next to Uraume’s perfect ones. The picky Sukuna, is eating one of your fucked up cookies… and why? You softly pull away from his grasp, “You’re eating it…?” Sukuna swallows, and it makes your cringe. “You didn’t have to do–” 
“You’re cooking is…” Sukuna places his hand over his mouth, turning away from you. “You really do need to work on it.” His voice sounds shaky, uneven, and a bit mocking. “Did you even try?” Is he laughing at you?
“I can’t believe you ate that.” You’re burning up, turning away from him. “And, of course I did, I just… messed up.” You cross your arms over your chest, “And, it’s–it’s the thought that counts…” 
“Dumb girl.” Sukuna replies with a small amount of amusement. 
You look at him for a second, mumbling, “Why–Why did you eat them? They’re obviously not… perfect.” 
Sukuna raises one of his eyebrows, pinching your cheek. “You made them for me, it’d be rude not to.” He wrinkles his nose, shaking his head slightly, “Even if they’re shit.”
Uraume smiles slightly, grabbing their things. “It’s getting late, I suppose it’s time for me to leave.” They turn for the door. 
Sukuna looks at Uraume, he places his hand on the back of his neck. “Thanks.” He waves, “I’ll see you around.” 
They smile to themself, “Anything for ‘Master’ Sukuna.” Yet, right before they leave the house, they point at Sukuna, “I don’t want to see you acting weird anymore.” They point at you next, “You, learn to like better people.” 
“What?! W-What does that… mean?” Uraume passes you a knowing look, which makes you flush. You place your hands on your hips, pretending to roll your eyes as you look to the side. “Bye, Uraume. See you later.” 
Sukuna nods in agreement, “Of course, I’ll see you.” Uraume waves, finally leaving the two of you alone in the kitchen. It’s silent, but not like the silence when the two of you argued, it seems more comfortable and somber. 
You’re about to say something, when your phone rings, making both of you jump. You laugh slightly, “Sorry.” You pull it from your pocket, checking the called ID. You feel a small spike of dread when you see your mom’s name, did something happen? “Wait, let me get this.” 
Sukuna just nods, instinctively grabbing for another one of your cookies, but quickly pulls his hand back. It makes you hide a giggle before answering. You place your phone on the counter, seeing her face fill your screen. You pass her a small wave. 
She waves back, “Hi.” She pulls something on the screen, and you recognize it as your driving license. “You left something, I forgot to tell you yesterday.” She looks at the card, nodding her head, “You are so cute in this.”
You let out a sigh of relief, nodding your head, “Oh, I didn’t even know.” It wasn’t like you’re actively driving, so keeping it on you at all times wasn’t entirely necessary. It was just used as a form of identification. “I’m sure I can pick it up during the holidays.” Your mom nods, and in the corner of your eye you can see Sukuna looking over your shoulder. 
Oh no.
“Who is that?” She’s trying to look over your shoulder, despite being on a call. “Oh my–is that your boyfriend? He’s so hot!” She’s signing a bit more frantically, she’s excited. “Why didn’t you tell me about it? You are so lucky, baby, I wish your father–”
“Mom!” You say, covering your face. “Can you not, he’s just my roommate.” You bring your hands down, and silently tell her, “For now, just wait.” 
If your mom could, you know she would be smiling like an idiot. She’s always been one for listening to your stupid drama or about boys, you’re sure it’s no different even in your adulthood. “I knew it, I have a sense for these things.” She nods, “You have good taste, although, he looks like an–” 
“Asshole.” You nod, “I’ll talk to you later mom. I’ll see you during break.” She nods and ends the call, prompting you to let out a relieved sigh.
Sukuna stand next to you, one of Uraume’s cookies in hand, “Mom?” 
You nod, turning your head to look at him, “Yeah.” You snatch the cookie from his hand, taking a bite and handing it back to him. 
Sukuna’s eye twitches at your actions, “Fuckin’ disgusting.” He scowls at the cookie. 
You hide a giggle, “I accidentally left my drivers license.” 
“You could’ve grabbed another fuckin’ cookie.” 
“You’re still on the cookie?!” You give him an aspirated look. 
“Just tell me what she said.” He waves you off, “I’m over the cookie now.”
You laugh abruptly, “Ar-Are you?” He rolls his eyes and nods in acknowledgement, you quickly add, “She thought you were my boyfriend.” You’re tempted to take another bite of his cookie to mess with him. 
Sukuna looks at the bitten cookie, passes it a scowl, then pops the rest into his mouth, chewing while asking you, “What’d you say to that shit?” 
You turn on your heel, walking towards your room, “You’re the worst person ever, and I’d rather date Yuuji than you.” You have a smug smile on your face, fluttering you lashes innocently at him. “What else would there be to say?” 
Sukuna scowls at you, “You’re such a fuckin’ liar.” He wants to follow after you, but keeps in his spot. “You know you love–” He stops himself from finishing his sentence, he probably shouldn’t mess with you too much right now. Especially saying something of that nature. 
You wave him off, opening your door. “You’re so full of yourself. I will never like you.” 
Sukuna half smiles, something you can’t decipher hiding behind it, but it becomes more real once he sees you smiling back at him. “Promise?” He tilts his head to the side. 
You stop at the door, leaning on the frame while looking at him, “Do you promise?” There’s a small smile on your lips, your eyes full of curiosity, but it’s tainted with a bit of pain. Like you’re looking for something in his answer. 
Sukuna pushes his hair back, giving you a boyish look, “Do you… want me to?”
You bite the inside of your cheek, trying to stop your smile from building as you look to the side. You pass him a final smile, before silently entering your room and closing the door behind you. Sukuna cups his face, shaking his head into his hand. 
He hates that he’s smiling right now. 
・ 。゚☆:  *・ November 30th, 2023 ☽ .* :☆゚.
Yuuji picks up his controller remote, which is coincidentally pink, and clicks the icon for YouTube. “I usually do this with Fusiguro or Nobara, but they’re out of commission today.” He leans on your legs, his head falling back on your knees, “Studying or something…” 
You run your fingers through his hair, “I mean, finals are coming up, Yuuji.” You grab another butterfly hair clip, clipping it to his hair to hold his bangs back. “I’ve been starting to study, too.”
Yuuji groans, closing eyes and moaning, “I don’t want to study.” He lets his head fall to the side, which you quickly grab and pull it back on your knees, adding more hair clips. “I don’t even want to take a final, why can’t break just… come.”
“Don’t whine, Yuuji, you’re a smart boy.” You take one of your under eye patches, and place it in its designated space. “I promise you, it’ll go by so quick, you won’t even process it.” You nod, “There, that should feel refreshing for your skin.” 
Yuuji nods, propping his head back up and searching for something on the search bar. “It feels good.” He clicks something, mindlessly telling you, “We should do this more often, I like doing girly things.” 
You giggle, twisting your hair up and pulling it out of your place. “We can totally do that.” You place another pair of eye patches underneath your eyes, and tap them in place. “Although, I’m moving out after finals, so you may have to hurry.”  
Yuuji gawks at this, twisting his head so fast, you think he’s going to break it. “What?! You’re still moving out?” He sighs, shaking his head, “Is it Sukuna?” He throws a dirty look in a general area. 
You laugh, “No, it’s not Sukuna, Yuuji.” You pat his head, “Although the thought is thoroughly appreciated.” You watch as he plays the half time of a super bowl game, one featuring Shakira and Jlo. Of course. 
“Oh, are you two still mad at each other?” Yuuji leans his head back, allowing you to put some star pimple patches on some designated areas. “Or, did you two make up?” 
“Mad at each other? No.” You close the small container which you keep your pimples patches in, before looking to the side and thinking. “Me mad at him? Well.. I haven’t completely forgiven him. But, I’m not as mad anymore.” You smile a bit, thinking about Uraume, and what they did to calm a bit of tension between the two of you. “But, I feel like that doesn’t answer your question.”
Yuuji looks at you with determination, shaking his head. “Stay here. If it is Sukuna, I can kick him out.” He grabs your hands, giving you a curt nod. “Mhm!” You just laugh, hand pressing against his head to push him away from you. 
“You’re being ridiculous, Yuuji.” You tap his forehead. 
“I pay for the house, Yuuji. Please, throw me out, see what happens.” Sukuna snarkily adds from behind the two of you. “Maybe ask our old man for a job while you’re at it. Get you to stop leeching off me.” He grumbles. 
Yuuji flops back into your legs, groaning out dramatically while you giggle. “But I don’t want to work…” The super bowl music starts, and Yuuji springs out of your lap, raising in his arms as he dances in his spot. 
You laugh again, looking at Sukuna and passing him a quick shrug. 
Yuuji is already up again, the system remote in hand and singing Shakira opening half. Moving his hips, and smiling like an idiot. Still, you got to give it to him, he’s actually really good at dancing. A part of you thinks Shakira should’ve had Yuuji as one of her backup dancers. 
Yuuji looks at his brother, passing him an unsure smile, before saying your name. You snap your attention to him, “Hey, can you do all this to him, too?” He gestures to his face, “If you couldn’t tell, his skin is literally crying for help.” 
Sukuna’s eye twitches, “If you didn’t know, I actually take care of my skin.” He moves to stand over Yuuji. He crosses his arms over his shoulder, smirking to himself while adding, “Probably better than you wash your ass.” 
“Hey!” Yuuji yells, pointing an accusing finger at Sukuna, “I wash my face with a soap bar.” He narrows his eyes, “And my ass, too.” He turns back to the TV, wiggling his shoulders to the beat. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes, “We can totally tell.” 
Yuuji pauses his dancing for a moment, pointing at you. “Do a face mask on him so he has to shut up.” He turns back to the TV and dances like nothing happened, completely changing up his attitude the moment Jlo appears on the screen. 
Sukuna drops down next to you, making you bounce ever so slight from the weight distribution. He closes his eyes, leaning his head back, “Alright, let's get this shit over with.” He taps your thigh. 
You raise an eyebrow, “Wait, you actually want me to do this?” You push his hand away from you, “I thought this type of stuff would be too girly for you, or something?” Besides, you’re not too keen on touching him right now, you’re not completely healed from the argument between you two. Better than before, but not completely over it. 
You wonder if Sukuna is over it, he did seem relatively upset over what you did. Even if you have no clue what you did. He seems over it, then again, you can never know with Sukuna. Yet, a part of you wishes you do. 
“Just do the shit before I leave.” Sukuna tells you, eyes still closed and his body relaxed on the couch. If you know Sukuna well enough, you’re sure that means he wants to do this, just won’t admit it. 
You can help, but subtly smile. “Then ask politely.” You point at Yuuji’s dancing body, “Your younger brother had no problem doing that.” Yuuji didn’t ask, you forced it on him, but Sukuna doesn’t need to know that. “Aren’t you supposed to be setting an example?” 
Sukuna’s eyebrow twitches with frustration, but he remains silent. Which you think is much better then hurling more insults at you, so you take it as him asking politely. “Whatever.” You grab a pink headband, and place it on his forehead, sliding his hair behind it. You pick a few of his baby hairs and clip them with your hair clips. “You know, I saw you before all this, just mixed you up with Yuuji.” 
“Really?” Sukuna asks, not bothering to open his eyes. 
“Yeah.” You grab a moisturizer, placing it on the tips of your fingers before spreading it to the other hand and placing it on his skin. “I was with Maki when I first saw you.” You laugh to yourself,  “She said you were spoiled.” In nice terms, “Then, I met Yuuji, and complimented his hair, since it was the only thing that stood out to me.” You pull your fingers away, “Looks like Yuuji stole the only compliment I would ever give you.” 
“Oh, how absolutely kind of you.” Sukuna pauses for a moment, recalling the conversation you’re referencing. “Wait, that’s why you said I didn’t work to get here?” He huffs a small bit.
“I was hoping you forgot.” You whisper, gathering more eyepatches to place on Sukuna. 
“I have a good memory.” Sukuna tells you, finally opening his eyes to look at you, “I’m sure you know that, at least.” You don’t respond, just peel open the product and place them under his eyes. “Just so you know, I pay for my and Yuuji’s education. I work for our grandpa.” 
That surprises you a bit, “That’s kind of you.” You feel that's a common thing you tell Sukuna mindlessly. You place the final eyepatch, swiping your fingers over both to make sure they stick. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you leave for work.” You open a face mask, spreading it open to make it easier to fit over his face. 
“Yeah, you’re just really forgetful.” You glare at him, which clearly assumes him. “It’s nothin’ I need to leave the house for, purely mental work.” He smiles to himself, flicking your forehead. “Stuff your little brain wouldn’t be able to wrap around.” He mocks you.
You feel your eye twitch, you slap the face mask over his face. You laugh when he flinches, his eyes shutting from the intrusion. “Uh-huh. Yeah, my stupid girl brain wouldn't be able to wrap around your big man, alpha job.” 
Sukuna shakes his head, trying to hide his smile, “You’re so fuckin’ dumb.” 
You spread the mask over his face, “Yeah, yeah.” You tap his cheek, removing the small air bubble caught between his skin and the mask. “Okay, there.” You grab the package and check the instructions, “Says to leave on the skin for fifteen minutes.” 
Sukuna sits up, about to speak when you cut him off, “Ah, nope! It means no talking for fifteen minutes.” You tap his shoulder a few times, a cheeky smile building on your lips. “You don’t want to get wrinkles, right?” You push yourself off the couch, tapping Yuuji’s shoulder to show him your masterpiece. 
When Yuuji turns to look at Sukuna, his jaw drops, “Holy shit, I didn’t think he’d actually let you do it.” He smiles at his brother, hand holding onto each other while singing, “He’s such a cutie, maybe he’ll let you do his makeup, too.” 
“Both of you come any closer to me, and I will kill you.” Sukuna says with a scowl, pulling up his phone to scroll through it. “Especially, you, Yuuji.”
Yuuji wraps his arms around your shoulder, whispering, “Hear that, he’s got a soft spot for you.” He wiggles his shoulder, singing in your ear, “Maybe, he likes you.”
A pillow comes right between the two of you, but hits directly on Yuuji’s head, making him fall to the floor on his knees. Sukuna cockily laughing behind him, “That’s what you get for whisperin’ like little fuckin’ girlies.” 
Yuuji just collapses into himself, “Why… Why does this always happen to me…?” He reaches a tantalizing hand for you, shaking while he mumbles, “An.. an angel. An angel has come for me…” 
You giggle, naturally reaching back for him, but Sukuna places his body between you and Yuuji, smirking while he slaps his hand down. “Yeah, that’s one hell of a way to put it.” He picks up the pillow again, only to throw it back at Yuuji’s face. 
Yuuji’s reaching for you, again, but your attention is preoccupied by picking a new video to watch. Which… Sukuna feels a small pride in. You’re not paying attention to Yuuji, then again, you’re not paying attention to him, but it’s better than you hanging off his brother in front of him. 
Sukuna swears when Yuuji’s hands dramatically falls to the floor, he can hear Yuuji whisper, “Traitor…” Of which falls on deaf ears, clear by the way you're humming to yourself and clicking onto a video. 
“Here, I picked a Selena video.” You say with a smile, placing the remote down. “It’s the intro to her performance at the Astrodome.” You already smile when you see her waving to the crowd. 
Yuuji gains an inhuman amount of strength to push the pillow and Sukuna off him, joining your side and chanting Selena’s name. You’re quick to grab your hair brush, using it as a mic to sing along with Selena’s singing while Yuuji messily follows her dancing on the screen. 
Sukuna merely sits on his heels, looking at the both of you idiots with a dumbfounded look. You’re idiots, you two are actual idiots, maybe even mental. Still, Sukuna is… smiling. A fond look on his face watching the two of you enjoy yourselves. 
More specifically you. You’re hair tied back with a similar fuzzy head band, although yours is decorated with small cat ears and the color white. Some matching colorful clips holding back your baby hairs, and your face adorned with star pimple patches and eye masks.
You’re so weird, he thinks to himself. It’s nice to look at.
Even when you turn to look at him, passing him a face that can only be read as, ‘Stop looking at me, weirdo.’ Sukuna still admires you, passing you an expression you’ve never seen before. It makes your chest flutter a bit. 
“You look dumb.” Sukuna tells you with a smile, laughing when you push his shoulder making him fall off his heels.
“Oh please, have you looked in the mirror?” You say between lyrics, passing him a smug smile as you say, “I’m sure your blonde girlfriend would be on her knees if she saw you right now.” You laugh to yourself, spinning alongside Yuuji. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes, grabbing your wrist and pulling you down with him, “Forget about her.” He tells you, enjoying the way you perfectly fall into his chest, an adorable glare staring at him, “I know I have.” 
You naturally place your hands on the floor, pushing yourself off his chest. “I haven’t.” Your words are directed at something else, and Sukuna knows that. Still, you don’t stand up just yet, you keep your gaze concentrated on him. 
Sukuna looks to the side for a moment, “I’m aware.” 
“I have such a thing for asses.” Yuuji says from behind the two of you, making you turn your head over your shoulder to give him a questionable look. Only to see he’s giving you a mirroring look, “Woah, I literally had my back to you for five seconds, what is happening?” He covers his face, “I feel like I’m interrupting.”
“I’m trying to kill your brother.” 
“Oh.” Yuuji slowly nods to himself, “Fair.” 
You look at the pillow, then point at it, “Pass me that so I can suffocate him.” Yet, Yuuji’s quick by your side, placing the pillow over Sukuna’s face with a laugh. “Or, you can do that, too.” You place your weight on Sukuna, keeping him in place. 
“We got him!” Yuuji yells, looking back and forth around the room. “Someone call animal control!” You giggle, only for both of you to be pushed back, practically sliding across the room as Sukuna sits back up. Yuuji fakes worry, “He’s loose!”
You and Yuuji start laughing again, finding humor in how dumb that line was, while sitting on the ground. Before both you take a moment to stare at Sukuna. You point at him, “Su-Sukuna, your face…” You cup your mouth, trying not to laugh, “..Where’d your face mask go?” 
Yuuji makes a confused face, before lifting the pillow he’s still holding onto. Displaying Sukuan’s face mask perfectly intact and sticking to the cushion. You and Yuuji fall to the floor, laughing hysterically. 
Sukuna turns away from the two of you, his hand placed on his lips. “I-Idiots.” 
Yuuji then proceeds to pick himself up with the pillow, raising it in the air and recreating his best ghost impression while violently sprinting after you. “Boo!” You awkwardly get up, your feet sliding on the wooden floor as you run away from him with a fake cry. 
Sukuna just… watches as this unfolds in front of him. 
And at some point, he swears there is actual terror on your face while you’re running away from Yuuji. Practically, slipping on everything everytime you take a quick corner or round the dining room table. Yuji’s quick on your tail with another scary yell, which tears a real scared scream from you. 
You pass Sukuna a quick look, hiding behind the dinner table. And despite your terror, you’re smiling, clearly enjoying yourself, as you scream, “Help me!” Then, quickly run behind him, hands pressing into his back, “I’m calling for backup, someone get the ghostbusters in here!” 
Sukuna, does something that shocks you both, he laughs. His hand lifts to his eyes while he shakes his head, “You’re so stupid.” Yuuji takes this as an invitation to continue, this time giving his attention to his brother. Only for it to seriously fail and receive a bodyslam into the couch, the pillow long gone. 
Your jaw drops, watching–almost in slow motion–as Yuuji drops, presumably, dead in his spot. His hand dramatically falling limp by his head, his head falling to the side with it. He mumbles, “Brother…?” He blinks, his other hand touching his face, “Is this heaven?” 
“It’s hell.” You quickly perk in, sitting by his head, “I hope you had fun Yuuji, because it’s nothing but suffering and fire from here on out.” You laugh to yourself, pulling his head into your lap. “I swear, you’re always dying on me, Yuuji. It’s like you’re trying to escape from me.” 
Yuuji covers his face with his forearm, “You’ve finally figured me out…” 
You slap his arm, Sukuna sitting on his legs, which you have to think is painful, but Yuuji doesn’t flinch. “Rude.” You mumble, pulling his arm off his face, “What were you saying?” You silently scold Sukuna for sitting on his brother's legs, but he doesn’t move. 
Yuuji’s eyebrows furrow, him looking to the side in thought. “What was I saying?” his eyes land on the screen, watching as Selena finishes her final song to the intro of her performance. “Oh!” He sits up, “Asses.” He says with full confidence. 
You tilt your head to the side, passing Sukuna an unprepared look, before repeating his words with uncertainty, “Asses?” There’s a small laugh hidden behind your words. 
“Asses.” Yuuji asserts, “I have a thing for asses.” 
You nod your head, eyes wide, “Wow. That’s… amazing, Yuuji.” You give him a forced smile, as if he were a toddler passing you a horribly drawn drawing, “I didn’t need to know that.” You stand up, almost pushing Yuuji off the couch as you do so. 
Yuuji throws finger guns at you, clicking his tongue, “Well, now you do.” He falls back down, taking your place on the couch. Yuuji passes you, what he thinks is a charming smile, but looks more scary if anything.  “By the way, you have an amazing–” 
Sukuna hits the back of Yuuji’s head, “Learn to shut your fuckin’ mouth, Yuu.”
Yuu? Is that a nickname Sukuna calls Yuuji? You’ve never heard it before. You put your hand out, “Wait, Sukuna, let the boy speak.” You shrug, turning your attention back to the screen, “He may say something that I want to hear.” You scroll through the related videos, and try to pick another song to listen to. 
Yuuji passes Sukuna a smug smile, “Yeah, Sukuna.” 
Sukuna just rolls his eyes. You give up on finding a video, and place the controller in Sukuna’s hands, silently telling him to pick something. Then, you sit on the ground next to the coffee table, since both boys are taking up the couch. 
Yuuji pulls his legs from under his brother and stretches them, pulling out his phone in the meantime. Yuuji calls your name, “Are you free the whole next week?” You just give a halfhearted shrug. “Well, if you are, Nobara and Megumi are planning on meeting up in the library for the whole week, to study. They just texted me about it.” 
You watch as Sukuna begins searching for a song to listen to. “Oh, that actually sounds really nice, I’d totally be–” You pause, thinking for a moment, “Wait, I can’t on Monday and Wednesdays, I have my club.” You groan at that thought. 
Yuuji tilts his head to the side, “Wait, I thought you liked going to your club?” 
You turn to look at him over your shoulder, “No, I do. Believe me, I do.” You sigh, “But, I have to go to every club meeting since no one wants to cover for me. It’s honestly so exhausting. Like, you don’t even have to do much, you just have to check roll-call, yet no one seems to want to take on the small work load. “And with finals coming up, I really need a break.” 
Yuuji hums, pouting ever so slightly, “Sorry to hear that, if you want, I can take your spot.” 
You laugh, shaking your head while turning back to the TV, only to see a video playing. “I feel it coming.” By, The Weekend. You hum to yourself, already nodding your head to the beat. You smile to yourself, “Tell me what you really like.” 
Yuuji nods with you, skipping a few lines before adding, “Just take it step by step.” He pushes himself off the couch, crawling next to you, “You’ve been scared of love, and what it did to you.” He bumps into your shoulder, making you nod in sync with him.
“I feelin’ coming, babe.” You sing, this time snapping your fingers to the beat, your shoulder rolling together. The two of you enjoy the rest of the song while humming parts, eyes engrossed in the music video. Until you turn over your shoulder to look at Sukuna. 
You feel a bit… shocked by what you see. 
Sukuna’s nodding along, his eyes already on you while singing along, and now that you’re looking at him, it feels like you can hear him singing, “You’ve been scared of love, and what it did to you.” It sounds a bit odd, knowing how deep his voice is, but at the same time it’s domestic. A bit intimate to you, never in your life would you think that one day you would see Sukuna singing along to a weekend song. 
You pass him a ridiculous smile at him, nodding your head a bit more dramatically, “You don’t have to run, I know what you’ve been through.” You place your hand over your heart, which gives Sukuna some form of encouragement. 
He places his hand on his chest, “Just a simple touch, and it can set you free.” 
“We don’t have to rush when you’re alone with me.” You mouth back, swaying your shoulders slightly. 
Yuuji leans back, shooting his hands in the air while loudly singing, “I feel it coming,” Which inclines everyone to sing the final lines together with a laugh.
It may seem ridiculous, singing along to a weekend song with Sukuna, but… it feels real. 
Sukuna feels real. 
You stretch your arms over your head, letting out a long yawn. “I think I’m clocking in for the night.” You push yourself off the ground, accidentally making Yuuji fall to the floor. Shit, you didn’t know he was sleeping on you. 
Yuuji shoots up, “I’m up! I’m up!” He blinks hard, looking around a bit confused, “Uh, save your tears for another day?...” He lets his head fall back onto the floor, almost as if he had passed out again. This time, without you to cushion his fall.  
You laugh, rolling your eyes, “Goodnight, Yuuji.” You pat his head, which gains you a small smile from him. 
Yuuji pats your hand back, “Night, night.” He curls into himself, much like a puppy. 
A small huff leaves your lips, before you make your way to your room. Sukuna passes you a quick glance, which you return with a curt wave. “See you in the morning, Sukuna.” 
Yet, when you go to open your door, a hand grabs yours. You don’t even need to look at him to know who it is, you turn over your shoulder, the name leaving your mouth like sticky honey, “Sukuna?” Yet, your eyes aren’t on his face, they're stuck on your hand. 
He’s holding your hand.
Albeit, he is holding it a bit awkwardly, but he’s holding you. Last time you were in a similar situation he was holding your wrist, now he’s holding your hand.  A small difference, but it holds more meaning than you can ever imagine. You’ve never noticed before, most likely because you’ve never taken the time to mentally note, but Sukuna’s had it much larger than yours. It holds your whole hand whole, it's warm and calloused. It’s comforting.
It’s far more intimate now.
“You're rude.” He tells you, but for once, there’s no malice in his voice. It’s more calm and playful, shockingly. “I see you clearly have a favorite brother, pretty girl.” 
You raise your eyebrow at him, slowly pulling your hand away to cross it over your chest. “What? Is it that I didn’t wish you a good slumber?” You smile while he glares at you, you tilt your head to the side ever so slightly, “You’re oddly sassy today?” 
Wait, did he just call you pretty girl? “Wait, what did you call me?” You blink dumbly. 
“I didn’t say anything.” Sukuna says, before adding, “Besides, you’re always fuckin’ annoying, but you don’t see me bitching at you ‘bout it.” You raise an eyebrow, which is more than enough said. “Okay, fine, I’ll give you that.” 
You nod satisfied, “That’s what I thought.” You shake your head, “Wait, no, you’re not changing the conversation, what did you call me?” 
“Dookie stain?” Sukuna says with a satisfied smirk. 
“Oh my god.” You place your hand over your face, “I don’t think I’m ever going to forgive you.” And with that sentence alone, the tone between the two of you snapped into something less light-hearted, and more… distant. 
There’s a small silence between you two, and it isn’t very comfortable, nor is it uncomfortable. If anything, it’s more…. The two of you don’t know what to say. Should you say something about the argument? Or, should you leave the topic to simmer, then eventually die out? Maybe, find a completely different topic to talk about, despite how much you want to talk about the argument.
You look to the side, biting your bottom lip gently. Sukuna leans on the wall across from you, “You’re still mad?” Looks like Sukuna can also read your mind. 
You’re hesitant to say, “Not as much as before, no.” You hug yourself, “I’m guessing you’re also no longer mad…?” You give Sukuna a hopeful look, but it isn’t returned. 
Sukuna doesn’t say anything, just softly sighs. “Finals are coming up.” He tells you, and him ignoring your question, is answer enough. He’s still bothered over what happened. Still, a part of you wonders what you did that got under his skin. That makes you feel a bit worse, the fact that you don’t know. Yet, it couldn’t have been that bad, right? 
That thought makes you feel even worse.
You merely nod, not adding to his words. You don’t have much strength to do that right now. Maybe, you don’t have the strength to have that conversation right now, much rather to your own desires. 
Sukuna seems unsure, hesitant to say, “I study at home, if the brat isn’t bothering you, you should come by.” He cocks his head in the direction of his room. “I already know how annoyin’ he can be.” 
You tilt your head to the side, raising an eyebrow. “Wait, right now?” You tap your door, “It’s past my bedtime, and I’m actually really tired.” You tease. 
Sukuna scoffs at you, “No, dumbass. Later.” You laugh a bit, knowing that even though you're clearly joking, Sukuna seems to find offense to everything. “Besides, I’m going to… uh, talk to Yuuji right now.” He passed you a look that says a thousand words. 
You feel your lips part a bit, knowing exactly what Sukuna and Yuuji’s conversation is going to entail. And, as much as you are a bit mad at him, you smile at him. Your eyes glowing in the small light of the hallway, while your eyes shine bright at him, “That sound… amazing.” You nod softly, “I’m glad.”
Sukuna diverts his gaze away from you, not able to hold your gaze. “Yeah, whatever.” He crosses his arms over his chest, mimicking your stance. “I swear, you always look at me with that stupid smile. It’s annoying as hell.” 
You’re still smiling, tilting your head to try and look at his face. “What? You hate my smile?” You say, leaning closer to him, “Is that why you can’t look at me right now?” 
“I can’t look at your hideous face.” Sukuna responds. 
“Uh-huh, sure. I completely believe you.” You smile a bit, “I’m sure that’s why you called me a pretty girl right now. Just because of how hideous I am.” Sukuna doesn’t respond, but the twitch in his eyebrow is satisfying enough. “Okay, yeah, we can study later.” You turn on your heel, opening your door, “Since you asked so nicely, Sukuna.” You say animatedly. 
“Didn’t ask for anything.” Sukuna tells you while rolling his eyes, pushing himself off the wall to stand a bit closer to you. “You might actually be going mental.” He pinches your nose, blocking your airway for a moment. 
“Sure.” Your voice sounds ridiculous. Which makes Sukuna smile a small bit. You wave his hand off, turning to your room. Yet, right before you close your door behind you, you pause to look at him. Your head leaning on the door. Sukuna almost perks up at you, expecting something. It’s a bit puppy-like in a way. “Say it.” Your eyes are boring into him. 
“Say what?” Sukuna mumbles back, passing you a disinterested sigh. You just give him an expecting look, similar to the one he was giving you not even a few seconds ago. He loudly—and obnoxiously—sighs, “Good fuckin’ night, loser.”
You burst into laughter at his insult, which doesn’t at all feel insulting, but more humorous. “Bye, Sukuna.” You watch as he makes his way back to the living room, but you call his name again, just to mess with him. “‘Kuna?” 
Sukuna—visibly—sighs, his shoulder slowly raising, then lowering, before slowly turning his head over his shoulder to look at you. “What do you want now, idiot?” He’s glaring at you, but it’s still entirely humorous in your head. 
“Good…” You watch as he eyes perk a bit, and you laugh a bit, you can’t help it, really. “Good luck removing those eye masks, they stain the skin.” 
“Fuck you.” He flips you off. 
・ 。゚☆:  *・ December 1st, 2023 ☽ .* :☆゚.
“It’s done!” You squeal, throwing your hand in the air with enthusiasm. Only for you to collapse onto your computer, “Oh my god, I’m done.” Your eyes close, rubbing your eyelids from the strain of looking at a screen without your glasses. “I hate Gojo, I pray for Gojo’s students next year. This project is literally so invasive.”
Yuuji merely nods, a bit caught up in his thoughts. You can’t help but notice Yuuji seems a bit different, more put at ease, and untroubled with himself. A blissful smile on his face, as his eyes blink with a similar tone, he looks happy. But, not in the sense of grinning ear to ear, but in self… contentment. 
You can even see it in the way he holds his body, his shoulders seem lighter, his smile less forced. It’s almost as if you’re finally getting a glimpse at the real Yuuji, not the one he’s been trying to force into your eye. He’s still Yuuji, but more… real. 
It makes you feel warm. 
You can also see the slight puffiness in Yuuji’s eye. They’re a bit red, and the corners look a bit irritated, too. You assume their conversation entailed a few tears, but you’re not going to point them out, nor are you going to ask. You’re sure Nobara will do that for you.
If anything, you’ll bother Sukuna about it later. Noticing his eyes are also a bit irritated at the corners, too. Not in front of Yuuji, though, maybe when the two of you study on your own, you’ll tease him about it. 
You bite the inside of your cheek, turning your computer to Yuuji, “Wait, can you check it for me? I feel like it’s too personal.” Knowing Gojo, he’d probably love that. “Should I tone it back some more? Or, should I say ‘fuck it,’ and leave it as is?”
Yuuji leans over, eyes skimming the google document. “I think it’s fine, your writing is way better than any papers I’ve done.” 
Sukuna reaches over, taking your computer, only for you to snatch it away from him. “Ah, you can’t see it yet.” You’re mumbling a bit, your face growing hot, “I still have some comments I need to delete before I turn it in.” Again, you think it’s far too personal for a normal school paper, much less for Sukuna to read. 
Sukuna doesn’t bother to ask, just lets you do whatever. “Weirdo.”
“We still enjoying our Friday out?” You ask Yuuji, pulling your head up to look at him. “It’s our last glimpse into freedom for a month.” 
Yuuji perks at this, “Yeah, Nobara should be swinging by with Megumi anytime now.” He closes his computer, looking at Sukuna sitting across from him. “You sure you don’t want to come, Megumi is going to be there.” 
“You’re acting like Megumi is going to suede his decision.” You rest your head on your hand, looking at Yuuji. “Wait, unless they’re secretly dating, and this is your way of coming out to me.” You turn your attention to Sukuna, passing him a smug smirk. 
“I’ll kill you.” Sukuna says, not taking his eyes off his computer. 
You merely giggle in response, leaning ever so slightly in his direction. “Mhm. Keep talking to me like that.” 
Yuuji blinks innocently, “I don’t know, It might. I think Sukuna likes Megumi.” He narrows his eyes at you, “Wait, I’m changing my answer, she’s going to be there.” Yuuji points at you. 
“You’re acting like that is going to change my answer.” Sukuna rubs his eyes. 
You shrug, “It might.” 
Yuuji sighs, looking away from you with a red face, “Well, I’m going…” 
That makes both you and Sukuna turn to look at Yuuji, a smile building on your lips, while Sukuna bites the inside of his cheek. “I’ll…” He smiles a bit, “I always hated when you pulled that shit on me.” He leans back in his chair, letting out an exasperated breath. “I’ll take you out somewhere this weekend, you good with that?”
Yuuji tries to hide it, but he smiles into his hand. 
You lean close to Yuuji, “He loves you, Yuuji, isn’t that so sweet?” Sukuna throws a pencil at your head, to which you almost tackle him for. You quickly compose yourself, “Good thing you love him, because everyday I fight the urge to take him out in his sleep.” You give Yuuji a small smile, “You’re keeping me sane, Yuuji.”
“Who knew we actually had that in common?” 
“We love Yuuji, or we want to kill–”
“Nobara’s here.” Yuuji stands up, closing his computer and placing it in the middle of the table, which you allow your device to join next to. He laughs to himself, tucking his phone into his pocket, “She also said, Megumi bought drinks, but I think that’s a lie.” 
“Let me grab my shoes.” You push yourself back from the table, grabbing your converse and twisting your feet into them. Tapping them on the ground once you stand back up, satisfied with how they look. 
Yuuji’s already by your side, draping a blue jean jacket over his red hoodie. “We’ll be back around ten, I don’t think we’re going to do anything crazy.” He tells Sukuna, looking over his shoulder to see his brother standing behind him. 
“I don’t care what you do.” Sukuna says dismissively, “Just don’t wake me up when you get home.” His hands are in the pockets of his sweats. 
Yuuji nods at Sukuna, pulling your hand quickly to the car. “See you tomorrow.” Sukuna returns the gesture with a small wave, almost laughing when Yuuji pushes you into the car awkwardly. A small yelp resigns in his ears as he shuts the door again. 
Sukuna softly nods to himself, making way back to the table, grabbing his computer from the center. He doesn’t know why he put his device in the pile when he was going to return not even a moment later, but what was done, was done.
“To finish that stupid assignment for Geto’s class–” Sukuna pauses after opening his laptop, immediately flooded with a pink background, and a splitscreen of a google document. It hits him like a rock through a moving vehicle, this isn’t his computer. 
See, if this computer was Yuuji’s, he would’ve closed it and reached for his own. It’s truly as simple as that. But, it’s not Yuuji’s computer, it’s yours, and the google document open is the research project you did on him. 
Besides, what you don’t know, won’t hurt you. 
Sukuna hides the open webpage in favor of looking at your wallpaper, noticing what he thinks is your family under a cherry tree. But, he can’t spot you, which is a bit odd, you would assume that a picture like this would include everyone–Sukuna pasuses, his eyes landing on a small girl in the middle. 
“Holy shit.” Sukuna mumbles to himself with a smile, trying not to laugh. That small girl is you. You look incredibly young, most likely a picture from middle school. Yet, what he’s a bit perplexed by, is your appearance, a stark contrast to how you look now. Glasses, braces, messy hair, and a fashion sense that screams early 2000’s. 
Sukuna wonders if you still need glasses, possibly changed them out for contact once you hit college? Now, he wants to see what you look like in glasses. Would you look childish, like the picture here, or would you look more grown and dignified. Some other thoughts pop into his head thinking about you wearing glasses, but he doesn’t dwindle on them for too long. Despite how inviting they may seem. 
He opens the document again, immediately meeting with the simple words of, ‘Project, by me.’ He thinks it’s a bit improper, and adds your name for you. You can thank him later for being such a kind roommate, and–now–study partner. 
Sukuna’s eyes naturally fall on the small circle chart at the beginning, explaining the nutrients, and food he intakes. Right next to it is a graph explaining his active life, how much he works out, and practices. Along with the calories he burns, along with what he gains from working out. 
It’s far more extensive than he’s ever noted about himself. Yet, that’s not the part that seems interesting to him, more or less what he’s looking for. He’s looking for personal notes about him. Your… “evaluation,” of sorts. He wants to know what you wrote. 
Sukuna actually spoke to Maki earlier in the day, asked her about the project. 
“What?” Maki asked with a scowl, “Why the hell would I do that?” She places her hands on her hips. 
Sukuna’s quick to say your name, “Asked for an example, just hasn’t had the time to find you yet. Decided I’d help her out.” He placed his hands into his pockets, tapping his foot on the ground impatiently. 
Maki sighed, flicking her glasses to the bridge of her nose, before pulling out her computer, placing it on the picnic table where she was eating. “Fine, but tell her she owes me.” She said with a groan. 
“Nah, I’ll take care of it.” Sukuna said, eyeing the screen Maki just showed him. She did it on her brother Megumi, writing about who he is, analyzing his character, and more specifically, who he is in her eyes. “Hm.” He nodded to himself, “Cool, I’ll buy you lunch, or something.” 
Maki shook her head, “Sure, whatever.” 
Now, Sukuna can’t deny how curious he is about what you wrote about him. Along with the small comments you added to yourself. He’s quick to click the first one. It’s attached to a sentence. 
“Sukuna Itadori – a previous student of yours – holds himself with pride, strength, and dignity. Yet, contains a side to him which no one seems to view, a side that’s more caring then most would note.” 
– ‘Pride is one hell of a way to put it. I already hate this.’ 
Sukuna laughs a bit, clicking onto the next personal comment. 
“Sukuna is an individual that pushes everyone out, in fear of rejection. (Rejection – the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.) However, the rejection feared isn’t tainted in love, or measly relationships written in immature youth, nor is it littered from social cliques which people tend to flock to, but rejection as in the fear of yourself, of never meeting what you pray to become.” 
– ‘That’s all the professor is going to get out of me, honestly, the man is so nosey. Fail me if you need to, I don’t care anymore.’ 
There's another comment attached to it. 
– ‘Sukuna deserves so much better, then just being my stupid fucking project. I wish I could tell him that.’
That makes Sukuna reel back, his heart beating loudly in his chest. A plethora of emotions flooding his head, along with guilt seeping through his chest. It feels weird, something he feels very little of, but it’s real and drowning. You… You do know why he’s mad. 
Now, ugh… he feels a bit stupid. 
Now, he feels bad. 
Sukuna shakes his head, he wants to continue, but doesn’t know if he should. There’s only a few more comments, which can’t be too revealing, it can’t make him react in such a way as the previous one, right? So, he’s fine to continue. 
“I noted that being by the side of an athlete was going to be revealing of his character, however, I couldn’t help but notice the change of mine. I became more nervous, scared, excited, and riddled with anxiety. My personal agenda against Sukuna switching from the one I heard from acquaintances, to something I could piece together on my own. He’s brash, stoic, and pleasing to the eye.” 
– ‘“Pleasing to the eye?” What is this, 1900? I swear, just call him sexy asf, I’m sure Gojo wouldn’t care… hell, he’ll probably understand if anything.’
That makes Sukuna laugh, “She’s going to hate me.” But, that doesn’t keep him away from looking, if anything, it has him clicking your second to last personal comment. However, right before he can get to them, Sukuna notices the massive paragraph break between a conclusion, and the two more comments. 
The conclusion is simple and dignified. However, the paragraph under the break isn't so much. 
“Sukuna Itadori. A man who has managed to flip my world upside down, a complex person of which I feel I will never understand. Yet, I've grown to terms with that. I’ve grown to terms that the only individual I will understand is myself, however, spending time with some else at close proximity, passes me a glimpse into someone else's life, along with their problems and aspirations. I understand so little, yet more than most.” 
– ‘This is too personal, I need to write a better conclusion. Ugh. So close to being done.’ 
Sukuna agrees, mumbling to himself, “It’s like she’s in love with–” His finger clicks the last personal comment. 
– ‘Just say you love him, it’s not like he’s going to see it. Maybe, Gojo will give me a good grade for the confession, too.’
Sukuna closes the computer, then cups his face. 
He’s fine, there’s nothing happening right now, his mind isn’t racing, nor is his heart beating quickly at all. He’s completely calm, not freaking out at all. His…
Sukuna’s ears are tinted red. 
You’re going to kill him. 
・ 。゚☆:  *・ December 2nd, 2023 ☽ .* :☆゚.
You already told yourself–close to a million times now–you put your name on the document. You just don’t remember putting your name, even though you distinctly remember, not putting your name on the document. You shouldn’t think about it anymore, anyway, you turned in the assignment and–
“Madame President, are you okay?” 
“Stop calling me that, I actually hate it.” You mumble to yourself, before standing straight up. “Uh, what’s up?” You glance around, “Are there more papers I need to fill out, or something?” A boy shows you his drawing of him and you, a heart in the middle. 
You smile, patting his head, taking the paper away from him, telling him a silent ‘thank you,’ before looking at your peer. “Uh, no, there’s someone… uh, someone’s waiting for you.” They push their glasses to the bridge of their nose. Pointing in–what you think–is a general area. 
You feel everything around you go blank, the floor sinking beneath you. You want to swallow the lump in your throat, but you can’t. You force a nod, “Uh, yeah, I’ll go… talk to them.” Walking to the person makes your heart pound, your body littered with anxiety. 
He’s smiling at you like a friend, waving widely and catching the attention of your fellow peers and children. He calls your name so kindly, you wonder if you hallucinated the whole night at the party. “Yoo-hoo! Come here!” 
You feel your eye twitch, your feet sinking into the ground with each step. You pass him a half-hearted wave, “Uh, what do you want?” That sounded really mean, but he deserves it. 
“Awh, don’t be tense with me, I’m not here to hurt you.” Mahito waves his hand reassuringly, before his eyes narrow in on you. “I just wanted to talk to you, little puppy. Without your owner to bother us, this time.” 
That nickname makes you uncomfortable–no, Mahito makes you uncomfortable. “Uh…? My owner?” Is he talking about Sukuna? That makes you scowl, why in the world would Mahito think Sukuna owns you? Just because you spent some time around him–and like him–doesn’t mean anything. “I’m sorry, why are you here?” 
Mahito pushes his hair over his shoulder, his smile widening. “I’m here to talk to you.” He taps your forehead, and his finger is cold, sending an uncomfortable shiver down your spine. “Also, Sukuna sent me for you.” 
“Did he?” You glance over your shoulder, looking at the children and peers playing. It makes you feel a bit sick, you’re in such a tight situation. You can’t cuss him out, nor can you make a big scene. You’re trapped, and there’s nothing you can do. 
Mahito nods, “Yup! He’s asking to bring you to the parking lot.” He places his hand on your head, ruffling your hair, which you hate immensely. “Just wants to make sure his little puppy doesn’t get lost on the way over there.” He smiles at you, “Isn’t that so kind? Wanting to keep you safe from the horrible people out there?” 
You push his hand off your head, “Don’t touch–” 
A hand presses on your shoulder, making you turn. “President, if you need to leave, that’s fine.” They lean in a small bit, cupping your ear as they whisper, “A few of the kids are scared of your friend.” 
You shrug them off, “He’s not my friend.” But, that leaves you in a horrible place to make a decision. You don’t want to distress the children, but you also don’t want to leave anywhere with Mahito. Your head is screaming at you, that is a horrible idea, and you’re going to listen. 
“What? But, I thought we were close?” Mahito takes a step forward, placing his arm over your shoulders, “Is this you telling me that you hate me? That you don’t want to be my friend?” 
Yes. “Uh, I would personally…” You push him off you, glancing at your peer, then the children again. You look down at the drawing in your hands, before softly sighing in defeat. “Fine. Where does he want to meet?” Your head is screaming at you, don’t, you’re going to get hurt, but you can’t be around children with this creep. 
Mahito jumps with joy, humming to himself briefly, “Yay!” He claps his hands excitedly, grabbing your wrist to pull you along with him, but something grabs your hand, pulling you away from him. Mahito instantly turns on his heel with a questionable look, before his face flushes pale. 
You keep your back to them, their chest hitting the back of your head. Their voice is laced with venom, “You really want to die, huh?” Naturally, relief washes over your body, your hand squeezing his. A silent thank you, and gain of strength. 
Mahito thickly swallows, shaking his head, “Let’s stop kidding around, Sukuna, you’re not going to kill me.” He waves off his sentence, “That’s… illegal.” He sounds unsure of himself, passing the two of you an unnerved smile. 
Sukuna merely raises one of his eyebrows, “You want to talk about shit that’s illegal?” He sticks his free hand out, holding it open and gesturing for him to hand him something. “Give me your phone, let’s see what’s on it.” 
Mahito seems to cower at that, shaking his head. “No, actually, do we have practice today? I think I need to be… there.” They don’t have practice today? He turns on his heel, shoving his hands into his pockets, “I’ll see you there, Sukuna.” 
You twist on your heel, looking at him, “What are you doing here?” 
“Saving your ass, apparently.” 
“How did you even find me?” You cross your arms over your chest, tapping your foot impatiently. 
Sukuna raises an eyebrow at you, lifting his sunglasses up to keep his hair out his face. “I didn’t find you, I just remembered.” He’s wearing something that fits along with his sunglasses, a black button up shirt, two buttons popped at the collar, and the sleeves raised above his elbows. He’s wearing some black pants, however, they’re matched with some red jordans. 
“Remembered?” You say a bit confused, “What do you mean, remember? I’ve never brought you here.” You glance at the person with glasses, passing them a quick look of, ‘did I?’ They shake their head shamefully. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes, lifting his hand to rest on the back of his neck. “When we first saw each other.” He turns away from you, and, maybe it’s the sun–it’s December, there’s no sun–that’s making his ears red.
You blink a few times, before your eyes widen with realization, “Wait, you noticed me?” You tilt your head to the side, trying to look at him, “Wait, are you saying you were looking at me when you passed by with your football friends. You noticed me?”
“Don’t sound so giddy, weirdo.” Sukuna finally looks at you again, but he pinches your cheek, hard. “Who wouldn’t notice your ugly face.” 
He smirks to himself, but it quickly dies into a scowl. “Looks like Mahito noticed you first.” He sighs, leaning his head back slightly, “If I were you, I would file a restraining order.”
You shudder, recalling the blue-haired man, “Ugh, I don’t want to remember him, or that…” Your voice waivers a bit, before you finish your sentence, “Uh, that night…” You divert your eyes, pulling your hand in front of your body to look at the drawing again. You shake your head, “What on his phone, by the way?” 
Sukuna looks to the side, licking his teeth. “Don’t worry about it.” He places his hand on your head, but instead of ruffling your hair like Mahito, he fixes the messy strands. “It’s nothing you’re ever going to have to worry about.” 
“What does that–”
“You’re a horrible fuckin’ artist.” He takes the paper from you, looking at the drawing. “Good thing you’re becoming a physical therapist.” 
“I didn’t draw that.” You flinch when you feel a small hand tug at the bottom of your shirt, drawing your attention to the artist of the drawing Sukuna is holding. You instantly lower yourself to his height, your hand touching his shoulder gently. 
“Is he bullying you? Mean one.” The boy asks, pointing a finger at Sukuna when he stops signing at you. A small breath of relief passes your lips, you’re glad he’s around with Sukuna, and not with Mahito. 
You laugh a small bit, a smile splitting your lips as you quickly glance at Sukuna. He’s looking at you curiously. You shake your head, “No. Not bullying me.” You pat his head, “A close friend. He’s nice, most of the time.”
“He looks very scary.” The boy tells you, “Is he the boyfriend?” 
You loudly laugh at that, shaking your head. Sukuna hands the drawing back to you, “Did he ask you if I’m your boyfriend?” 
That accurate guess startles you, “Uh, yeah? He did?... Wait, how’d you know that?” You blink a bit at him, taking the boy into your arms as he silently asks for a hug. 
Sukuna shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets. “A good guess.” 
You narrow your eyes on him, suspicious. “A good guess?” Maybe, Sukuna and Uraume are part Jedi, or something? For some reason, that makes a lot of sense in your head. 
The boy tugs your shirt again, “Is he take you away from me?” 
You smile, “No, he will not take me away from you.” You look up, locking eyes with his mother, “But, your mom is here to pick you up.” He perks at that, quickly twisting around and searching for his mom with an excited smile. You stand up, pointing a finger at the person with glasses again, “You, go sign him out, I gotta’ deal with him.” You cock your head in Sukuna’s direction. 
“Fine, walk your ass home then.” Sukuna turns on his heel, walking away from you. 
You’re quick to grab the back of his shirt, “Wait, you’re taking me home?” You ask innocently, peaking your head past his shoulder, “But, that means that Yuuji’s going to have to take the bus alone, and I can’t do that to–”
“I’m taking you both home.” Sukuna pulls his shirt away from you, “Believe it or not, but not everything is just about you.” 
You roll your eyes, before glancing behind you. You catch a glimpse of all the people and children, before turning back to Sukuna. “Let’s just go.” You whisper, looping your arm with his, “Maybe, no one will notice.” 
Sukuna seems to smile at this, “You’re not going to get in trouble?”
“Who cares?” You shrug, walking alongside with him, “I do everything for that club, the least they can do is let me have a day off…” You look to the side, mumbling, “Maybe, even two.” You smile, picking up your pace when you think you hear someone call your name, you look at Sukuna over your shoulder. “Besides, don’t you need me to study today?” 
Sukuna raises an eyebrow, before scoffing a bit, “Yeah, let’s go.” 
You just laugh in return. 
You pop another fry into your mouth, “I thought you said you were also taking Yuuji home?” You shut his door behind you, passing Sukuna a quizzical look. “Unless, he somehow has powers and is just invisible?” You use your hands to feel around the car’s area for anything. 
“You’re so stupid.” Sukuna locks the car, turning it on to blast the heater for you. “I just lied to you. He’s out doing some weird ghouls and ghost shit. The weirdo.” He can see the glare you’re giving him, and quickly responds, “What? You were acting too cocky. Can’t have you think I’m goin’ soft on you.” 
“Well, you are.” You lift the Mcdonalds bag, shaking it slightly. “Even if you don’t want to admit it.” You lower it into your lap, grabbing another fry and eating it. 
“I was hungry.” Sukuna tells you. 
“Uh-huh.” You pass him a knowing look, then point at the cup sitting in his cup-rest. “Can I have some of your Mcflurry? Looks good.” 
Sukuna doesn’t even pass you a glance, “Help yourself.” 
You giggle before grabbing the cup, helping yourself to the creamy treat. You know, and you’re sure Sukuna knows the ice cream is now yours, and he’s not getting it back. So much for being hungry. “You’re so sweet to me.” 
“Nope.” Sukuna takes a bite of his burger, nodding his head in approval. Something you noticed all people–more specifically, men–do when eating. You wonder if that’s a psychological thing, or something…
“You didn’t get any fries?” You ask with a head tilt, grabbing a small french fry and lifting it from the brown bag. “Isn’t that the best part of Mcdonalds?” You take another bite of the Mcflurry, a shiver shooting down your spine uncomfortably. 
“Sure.” Sukuna looks at you, taking a bite of his burger. “If you don’t mind dying from whatever shit they put into them.” He grabs his coke, taking a small drink of the dark liquid. 
“Ugh.” You loudly groan, sinking into his leather seat. “Don’t tell me you’re an obnoxious gym-bro who’s gonna’ criticize me for everything I eat.” You twist your head away from him, “I don’t think I’m going to be friends with you after this.” 
Sukuna laughs a little bit, saying your name to catch your attention, you merely lazily pull your head in his direction. “I’m joking, I’m literally eating Mcdonalds with you.” He lifts his burger, testing it back and forth. “You’re bad with sarcasm.” 
You quickly sit back up, narrowing your eyes at him. “It’s not sarcasm if you sound the exact same, Sukuna.” You press the fry to his lips, keeping it there for him to eat, “That’s you being… you.” 
“Hm.” Sukuna opens his mouth and allows you to feed him, “Maybe, you’re autistic.” He says in between chews. He says it so nonchalantly, you didn’t even find it humorous, again, you think it’s Sukuna being… Sukuna. 
“That option is definitely on the table.” You say with full seriousness, before narrowing your eyes suspiciously, “Wait, is this a form of you shaming me?” You point dramatically at him with a fry, “Are you shaming me right now, Sukuna?
“Absolutely.” Sukuna turns on his car, “In fact, I’d call you a whole lot of things in my head, just filter myself since I know you’re sensitive.” He places his hand on your head while looking over his shoulder,  pulling out of the parking spot. “You big baby.”
“Now, we’re just going back to our previous conversation, you do have a soft spot for me.” You pop another fry in your mouth, adding, “You may not be aware of it, but you subconsciously do, which I think speaks louder than any actions, or words you may yell at me.”
Sukuna furrows his eyebrows, “You seem very talkative today.” 
You shrug, scooping up more ice cream into your mouth. “I’m just stating the truth.” You scoop another mouthful, but this time, you hold it to Sukuna’s lips, which he takes into his mouth without a second thought.
He mumbles, “And, what’s that?” Sukuna pulls his hand away from your head, putting the car into drive. 
“I don’t know.” You lean your head on the window, a small spark of anxiety building in your stomach as you whisper, “You actually care for me, in a weird Sukuna way.” A part of you wants Sukuna to agree, you want to hear what he has to say. You want to hear it more than anything right now. 
“Wait, I thought you have to eat healthy for Football, or something?” You tilt your head, “Isn’t Mcdonalds totally bad for you, or is this like your cheat day?” Not even that, but supposedly Sukuna only ate things that were perfect, did Mcdonalds also happen to fall under that specific spectrum?  
Now, you have so many more questions. Wait, no, Mcdonalds fries are fair, you completely get it. But, he’s not even eating them?! You’re just making your brain hurt right now. 
“Coach doesn’t care what I eat.” Sukuna shrugs, “I don’t care how I eat, as long as I work it off later.” 
You thoughtfully hum, “Oh. Well, you should probably write down all of this in your app thingy.” You gesture to the Mcdonalds mess in his car. “I can do it for you.” You reach for his phone in his pocket, and he naturally lips his leg for you to retrieve it. 
“My app thingy?” Sukuna questions, but it sounds more like he’s making fun of you if anything. “The hell are you talkin’ about?” Wait, no, he sounds genuinely confused. 
Now, you’re confused. “Yeah?” You tilt your head to the side, “You literally let me look at it for my project, remember?” 
Sukuna pauses for a moment, before his eyebrows raise ever so slightly, “Oh, yeah.” He nods, “I know what you’re talking about.” 
You slowly move your hands back and forth, “So…?” 
Sukuna groans, “I deleted that forever ago.” He shrugs, “I didn’t need the app.” 
“Then why did you–” 
“I got it for you.” Sukuna rolls his eyes, “I didn’t want to deal with your pestering questions about my diet. Thought it’d be helpful for the situation.” 
You furrow your eyebrows, “Wait, does that mean you got the app for me?” You end up smiling, poking his arm playfully, “Oh my gosh, Sukuna, you got an app to make the project easier for me? Is that why you were really bad at filling out the–”
“Not everything is about you.” Sukuna shrugs off your arm, mumbling to himself. “I swear, you’re so conceited.” 
You pout like a child, shoving your face with more fries before placing the empty bag on the floor of his car. “You can at least let me think you did something nice for me, ‘kuna.” You try to finish the Mcflurry, but find yourself a bit too full. 
“Kuna?” Sukuna mimics back to you, “Where’d that come from?” 
You furrow your eyebrows at him, “What? What are you talking about?” 
“You just called me that.”
“No, I didn’t.” You’re not looking at him.
“Yes, you did.” 
“You’re such a child.” Sukuna rubs his eyes, “Whatever, be like that.” 
You just shrug, scooping another mouthful of ice cream and feeding it to Sukuna. You keep silent, and you can’t help but notice the way Sukuna adjusts himself uncomfortably in his seating. “Keep talkin’ to me.” 
You tilt your head to the side, narrowing your eyes at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“I want to hear you talk.” Sukuna flicks your forehead, “Dumbass.” 
“You want to hear me talk?” You smile to yourself, “Or, is this a silent way of you telling me you like hearing me talk?” 
“I’m used to you babbly about nonesene, silence from you makes me uncomfortable.” Sukuna didn’t really answer your question, but he didn’t deny it. Which is better than nothing. Honestly, that’s a win in your book with Sukuna.  
“Wow, thanks.” You put the empty cup in his cup holder, shoving the spoon inside. “What do you want me to talk about?” You naturally place your elbow on the center console, leaning your head on your hand. 
“I don’t know.” He rests his hand on the center console, it’s close to touching your arm. “I like hearin’ you talk.”
“So, you admit it now.” You sound more matter of fact, rather than playful this time. Because, in all actuality, you already knew Sukuna felt that way. You huff a sharp breath of laughter, “I feel like you’re making fun of me.” 
Sukuna smiles to himself, “Oh, I absolutely am.” 
“You know what, just for that, you now have to take me home everyday.” 
・ 。゚☆:  *・ December 3nd, 2023 ☽ .* :☆゚.
“Do you think Yuuji will be mad we got food without him?” You shut his door behind you, passing Sukuna a sympathetic look. “Again?…” You pout to yourself, “Hopefully, he’s going out to eat with his other friends?” You grab the trash from his car and stuff it into the paper bag. 
“He’s good on his own.” Sukuna locks the car, making way to the entrance of the house. “He can manage one or two days without Mcdonalds.” He can see the glare you’re giving him, and quickly responds, “What? You want to buy him the food?” 
“No.” You add from behind him, following him into the house. “You already know I’m too broke for that.” Sukuna doesn’t respond, but you’ve grown used to his silence, so it doesn’t bother you. If anything, the small huff of laughter is enough for you. “Do you want to set up in the kitchen?” 
Sukuna opens his room, shaking his head. “Nah.” He walks inside, “We’re doing this in my room.” 
You almost trip over your feet, your face growing a bit hot. “Your room?” You look to the side, then back at his open door. Shoving the paper bag into the trash can sloppily, a small napkin falling out. “We can’t study in the–” 
“Get in here.” Sukuna yells from his room. 
You’re quick to join him, dropping your converse loudly at his door while mumbling, “Maybe, if you would ask politely.” You shut the door, dropping your bag next to your shoes. Mumbling to yourself, “I swear, you’re also so bossy.” You naturally move to his bed, flopping onto the mattress. 
“Yeah, just lay in my bed.” Sukuna says sarcastically, pulling out some textbooks, “It’s not like you haven’t washed your ass in days or anything” Sukuna literally saw you leave his restroom with wet hair in the morning, he knows you showed today. 
You laugh, rolling your body in his blanket, trying to create some form of warmth. “Shut up.” You naturally grab one of his pillows, planting your face in it. Instantly, his scent floods your senses, making you a tad bit dizzy. 
Sukuna feels one of his eyebrows twitch, his face a bit red from watching you shove your face into his pillow. “Stop being fuckin’ weird.” He grabs your ankles, tugging you off the bed and onto the floor, your back hitting the ground with a solid ‘thud.’ “Now, I need to clean my sheets.” 
“Stop being so dramatic.” You let your head fall back onto the floor, a small smile on your lips. “I remember you telling me you like the way I smell, so consider it a–” 
Sukuna slaps the pillow over your face, “Oh my god, you never shut up.” He sighs, sitting down on the ground, laying out his computer and textbooks. “Start doing your damn work.” 
A muffled, “You asked for this.” Leaves your mouth, making you push the pillow off your head. “See, this is why I wanted to study in the dining room, we would actually be working on a table. Not the floor.”
“Stop complaining.” Sukuna’s already trained on his work, notebook and textbook open. “Do your damn work.” You sigh, crawling over to your bag. Sukuna’s eyes follow your body as you bring your stuff in front of him. 
“Hey, do you think my skirt is cute?” 
The question seems random to Sukuna, but he answers nonetheless, “What do you want me to say to that?” 
“Yes.” You say with a playful grin, “Honestly, I would prefer it if you got on your knees and told me, ‘It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen since you’re wearing it!’ but, I’ll take a simple yes in this situation and be happy.” You bat your eyes at him innocently.
“Even if it would save my and Yuuji’s life, I wouldn’t get on my knees for you.” Sukuna says annoyedly, “But, uh, your skirt is fine, I guess.” 
A small spread on your face, “Awh! Thanks Sukuna, you’re always so sweet to me.” You wave your hand up and down, pretending to be flattered. 
“You’re pushing me.” Sukuna says unbothered, looking at his work. 
“That's the goal.” 
Yet, as you’re laying out your things, a small light bulb lights up in your head. “Sukuna?” You place your notebook on the ground next to your computer. Sukuna doesn’t look up, but he does say your name in a similar tone to your question. Acknowledging and a bit indulging. “You’ve never told me what you’re studying?” 
Sukuna lifts his eyes from his computer screen, “I’m studying engineering.” He writes something down in his notebook, answering or writing a question down. 
“Is that what you always wanted to do?” You lean forward, trying to catch a glimpse of the type of work he’s doing. Although, you can’t really see it, to be honest, you can’t really see your work right now. You need your glasses, but you’re not keen on retrieving them from your bag right now.
Not in front of Sukuna, at least. 
“No.” Sukuna places his pencil down, “I wanted to go into business, but gramps told me that was a stupid idea.” 
“What?” You tilt your head to the side, “Why would that be stupid?” You think for a moment, “Well, I have no idea what business would do for you. What type of business would you be dealing with?” You laugh to yourself for a moment, “Perhaps… you’re in everyone’s business?” 
Sukuna’s eye twitches, “I don’t know how you’re in college.” He shakes his head, whispering, “You’re so fuckin’ stupid.” Still, with his palm pressed over his lips, you’re sure he’s smiling right now. 
“It’s a genuine question.” 
“That’s what makes it so stupid. I think that makes it worse, too.” He leans back on the palm of his hands, “But, I wanted to get a degree in business to… I don’t know, do whatever people do in business.” He shrugs, “I knew I was going to inherit my old man’s company, so I guess I wanted to learn a few things before jumping into work.” 
Things are starting to make a bit more sense now. Sukuna had a nice sports car at sixteen, and owns his own house. Then, there was that one time where you ate out with him and Wasuke at a really nice–expensive–restaurant. You’re slowly starting to piece together Sukuna comes from a bit of money. “Wait, but that sounds smart.” You lower yourself to the floor, laying on your side comfortably. Sukuna’s pillow supporting your elbow. 
Sukuna shrugs, “Gramps said he was hiring me no matter what, as long as I worked, so I decided to do something else. I’m not going to pay for something I’m already experiencing at work.” He sighs, “So, I decided to major in engineering.” In simple terms. 
“Hm.” You continue scrolling through your computer, it’s nowhere or anything important, but you’re sure an idea of what you’re supposed to do will come to you in a bit. “Are you excited? It seems like you’re going to be making a lot of money.” You rub your pointer finger and thumb together. 
“You’re asking a lot of questions.”  Sukuna says, closing his computer briefly. You don’t know if it’s a sign of annoyance, or a silent tell that he wants to continue the conversation. “Any reason behind your sudden pestering?” 
You laugh, a small smile on your lips, “I want to get to know you more, Sukuna.” 
Sukuna pauses for a brief second, your personal comment on your project flashing in his head. ‘Sukuna deserves so much better, then just being my stupid fucking project. I wish I could tell him that.’ And, it makes his throat tighten uncomfortably, a sensation he’s getting far more familiar with, then he would personally prefer.
Sukuna whispers, “Really?” Before he quickly covers it with a scoff, “Money, who cares.” 
You can be going crazy, but you swear you saw his demeanor slip. “Uh.. I–I do.” You explain, slowly shaking off whatever you might’ve noticed. “I’d love to have money to burn.” You smile a bit, “Uh, but… doesn’t everyone?” You drum your fingers on your computer, “It’d be nice to have some money to spend on luxuries, you know?” 
Sukuna passes you a half smile, “Yeah, I get it.” 
“Don’t do that.” You wrinkle your nose. 
“Do what?” Sukuna furrows his eyebrows at you. 
“Smile.” You say, an unserious smile on your lips. “It’s scary, looks like you’re going to murder me.” You search up something on your computer. 
“You’re so kind.” 
“Yeah, this is what you look like.” You flip the screen to him, showing Jeff the killer in picture form. “Think someone posted your morning pictures, Sukuna. Should we go hunt them down?” You turn the screen back to you, giving it a quizzical look, as if you were trying to find the answer to your question on the spot. 
“I’m going to kill you.” 
You giggle, pointing at him loosely. “Only proving my point.” You hook your foot on your other sock, playing with the fabric. “So, how do you plan on doing it? Suffocation, maybe taking me out–” 
“I actually have it written down here.” Sukuna pushes a sticky note to you, it’s pink. “Read it out loud.” 
“Is this a fetish?” You raise an eyebrow, “Do you make all your victims read what you’re going to do to them, or am I just special?” 
Sukuna furrows his eyebrows, almost glaring at you, before he breaks. Twisting his head to the side and bursting into laughter, the back of his hand covering his mouth as he tries to collect himself. He ends up covering his face, still laughing while muttering, “You’re so dumb.” 
And, in this context, you agree. You’re absolutely dumbfounded. Sukuna is laughing, and it’s not a pretty small huff, or a brief chuckle, which you’re not even sure you’ve heard him do, but now, he’s genuinely laughing. 
You press your lips together, a tight lipped smile slowly building on your lips. But, you still look at the sticky-note anyway, trying to make out the words, but you can’t. They’re too small, and a bit too messy. “Sukuna, I can’t read this.” You’re just trying to distract yourself, because if you look too long at Sukuna laughing, you know your face is going to break out in flames. 
“Yeah.” Sukuna says, ignoring your words. “You’re special.” Your name follows, punctuating the sentence. 
Your lips part ever so slightly in a silent gasp, before you look away. “I–I… still can’t read it.” You try to ignore what he just said. Still, Sukuna just called you special. You can literally hear your heart beating in your ears right now, your hands are shaky, too. 
“I want to hear you read it.” Sukuna says, tilting his head to the side slightly. 
“Can you…” You slid the sticky note back to him, turning your head away from him. “Read it for me, I genuinely can’t read it.” You can feel your ear burning, before a horrible realization comes over your mind. 
Sukuna dramatically sighs at you, snatching the sticky note from you. “What? Are you blind or somethin’?” He laughs to himself, before looking at the sticky note whispering, “Oh, that’s right, you are.” 
You blink once, then twice. “What.” 
Sukuna presses his lips together, “Huh?” 
“What did you say?” 
“Didn’t say anything.” 
You narrow your eyes at him, watching as his eyes are trained on the sticky note. “How do you know that?” You made sure no one knows that, even Nobara, so how would Sukuna know that? Were you squinting too much at your screen when you worked with Yuuji and Sukuna yesterday, or did he see the family picture on your–
Your stomach drops. 
Sukuna can see your express fall with it. He closes his eyes and tries not to laugh, “Don’t tell me you saw it?” A horrible, twisted realization falls over your consciousness, “You read it?…” You can feel yourself flush pale, an uncomfortable and embarrassed feeling twisting in your stomach. 
Sukuna deeply inhales, “Read what?” The expression you pass him, breaks him. It’s riddled in embarrassment, your lips quivering slightly, as your eyes are ever so slightly watering. Sukuna laughs until his hand, unable to control himself. Yet, he didn’t expect you to do what you did next. 
You tackle him. His pillow in your hand as you place it over his face, sitting on his abdomen as you ignore his muffled laughter. “Shut up. Shut up. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.” You chant, closing your eyes and trying to not reel in your embarrassment. 
Sukuna taps your thigh, trying to tell you to stop, while his other hand tries grabbing your hand, or the pillow on his head. But, you don’t relent, you continue to try and kill Sukuna. Then, the resistance stops, Sukuna’s hands drop limply by his side, his laughter ceasing. 
You sigh with relief, letting your hands fall slack, but Sukuna goes in for the attack. Swiping the pillow away from your and grabbing both your wrists into his grasp. “And you’re calling me the fuckin’ killer.” He scoffs, using his free hand to reach for your bag. 
You struggle in his grasp, glaring at him. “I have every right to kill you now.” You watch as he grabs something from your bag, and immediately you resist even harder. “Absolutely not, don’t even try to—“ 
“I just want to see how you look with them, calm the fuck down.” Sukuna opens the small box, pulling out your glasses and placing the lenses over your eyes. “See, look at you.” He sits up, making you slide down into his lap, your wrist still held together by his one hand. “You’re…” He looks to the side for a moment, “It’s cute.” 
You look to the side, face burning, “You’re so… ugh.” You groan, “Infuriating.” Still, you can’t deny how pleasant it is to have Sukuna admiring you like this. If admiring is the right word in this situation. 
It’s quite for a bit, before you softly sigh, your legs sliding down and relaxing into him. His grip on your wrist looses up nicely, your breathing soft and content. “How… how much did you read?” You finally look at him again, but with the glasses decorating your face, you can really see him now. 
Sukuna’s face markings are so much more detailed than you originally thought, and his eyes… they’re stunning. A deep crimson, looking at you with so much… admiration and awe. They divert away from you, a cocky smile on his lips. He scoffs, “All of it.”
You feel so exposed right now, “All of it?” You repeat, more so to yourself, then to Sukuna. “So, you know?…” You stop yourself, unable to force the words out. You’re too embarrassed. Sukuna nods, turning his gaze back to you. You instantly cover his eyes with your hand, you can't look at him. More so, you don’t want him to look at you. 
Sukuna smiles, his sharp teeth flashing at you, the dimple in his cheek indenting perfectly into his skin. “I can’t look at you?” He cooed, it’s more mocking if anything. 
“No.” You lean back slightly, which makes Sukuna grab your waist, keeping you in place. His smile falters for a moment, and you wonder why. You were just adjusting your sitting. “Besides, you think I’m hideous, or whatever.”
“It’s true, your face makes me laugh.” You annoyedly groan at him, but Sukuna trails one of his hands to yours, his finger hooking over your fingers. “Let me look at you.” He tugs a bit at your hand, it’s not forceful, it’s more asking if anything. “I want to see the girl who likes me, stupid.”
You don’t respond, you don’t even let his hand pull away from his eyes. You don’t know what you do, you don’t know what to do, nor how to respond to his question. You’re merely grounding yourself into the situation, in the way he’s holding you, and his soft breathing.
Sukuna says your name again, only for it to quickly die in his throat. 
You kiss him. 
Your other hand cupping his jaw as you deepen the kiss, your eyes fluttering shut as his lips work with you. His hands wrapping around torso, holding you tighter than he’s ever held anyone before. You can feel his lashes flutter behind your hand, his head twisting to the side so he can deepen the kiss. 
You break it, pulling away with your hands at your side now. You chew on your bottom lip nervously. Sukuna leans in again, but you turn away, your hands resting on his chest to push him back. Despite your denial of his advances, he holds onto you just the same. His hands aren’t holding you like they did at the party, they’re gentle, they are soothing, and comforting, maybe even a bit longing. 
It’s silent for a moment. 
You softly sigh, your fingers playing with the collar of his shirt while you whisper, “Sukuna?” You see him nod, but keep your eyes on your fingers. Looping your index finger under his shirt and pulling his golden chair for your pleasurable viewing. “Can… we talk about it?” 
Sukuna doesn’t even let a second pass before he responds, and his words make the world fall silent. Your heart is beating so loudly, and your body freezes, your fingers tangled in his chain as they finally process in your head. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Your lips part, before you quickly press them together, pulling your gaze to his face. Did he just say that? Did the stoic, unforgiving, asshole, Sukuna… just apologize to you? Your lashes flutter at his expression. Sukuna’s isn’t looking at you, his glare is trained to the dull wall to the right. “I’m so fuckin’ sorry.”
Your heart beats even faster at his expression, your face flushing hot. 
Sukuna is blushing red. 
His cheeks covered in a deep blush, eyebrows furrowed, glaring at you like normal Sukuna would. Except for one thing… his face is burning in a deep red blush, even the tips of his ears are red. He’s embarrassed, very embarrassed, but he still looks angry. 
You move in quickly, wrapping your arms around his neck, whispering, “You… you’re sorry?” You shakily exhale, closing your eyes into his neck. “Did you just say that?” 
Sukuna instantly wraps both his arms around you. His hands touching his own sides from holding you so tight. “I’m so sorry, I’m such a fuckin’ horrible…” He groans, leans his head on yours. “I’m terrible, I’m so terrible.” 
You nod, laughing slightly as you add, “Yeah, you’re an asshole.” You softly sigh, “But… maybe, I am, too.” You hold him tighter, your heart longing. “What.. what did I do wrong? I–I feel horrible for asking, but… I really don’t know.” 
Sukuna closes his eyes, “When I told you…” He thinks to himself, “What happened to me. That’s something I’ve never told anyone, but Uraume about.” He pauses for a moment, “And, I really… I value you more then… I don’t even know. That scares me. It’s terrifying.” 
You nod. 
“I was telling you the worst of me, and I didn’t want to know how you were going to react. I hate everything that happened, and how I reacted, but here I was relieving it for you.” Sukuna pauses again, before forcing out, “Only for you to remind me our friendship was only a week. Everything that we were experiencing was only going to be for a week.”
You instantly pull away from him, “Sukuna, that’s not what I meant–” You pause, looking at his expression, his eyes glossy and shiny. You feel something trail down your cheek, before hitting Sukuna’s shirt. You feel your bottom lip wiggle, before your sniff, your shoulders jumping up with a hiccup. You feel dumb, you’re not even as upset about what happened anymore, but the tears don’t stop. “At the party, I thought you were just going to use me and throw me away, but I didn’t want that–”
Sukuna feels his chest tighten, shaking his head, “I thought you were using me for your project.” He tells you, “I thought that's why you told me you were a burner phone.” Sukuna recalls the way his heart shattered when you told him that, doing everything in his power to keep his emotions together. “I thought you wanted everything to end the moment the week was over, and…” He diverts his eyes, “I… I never wanted that.” 
You close your eyes, recalling the following day. “Then, we had an argument.” Your mind instantly floods with memories, recalling the pain and words you yelled at Sukuna, the lies and truths you told him in a fleeting agonizing moment. 
“Yeah.” Sukuna looks regretful, “The stupid fuckin’ argument.” Both of you are silent for a moment, and you don’t think it’s going to be broken for a few moments, but to your surprise, Sukuna speaks up again. “Did you…?” He thickly swallows, “Did you mean those things?”
You feel a bit on the spot with that question, and you don’t know how to answer. Well, you do, but… what about Sukuna? Did he mean the things he said? You don’t want to say something only for him to not feel the same. But, it’s obvious how he feels, right? It should be now, but it doesn’t feel like that. His words bounce in your head clouding your mind with doubt. You’re scared, no, you’re terrified. “Did… you?” 
You don’t want to hear that answer right now.
“When we “first” made up.” You abruptly ask, chewing the corner of your lips, “I asked you if you’d promise you wouldn’t like me. You asked me if I wanted you too.” You push your glasses to the bridge of your nose, “Why?” 
Sukuna remains silent for a bit, before huffing, “This is so weird to me.” He mutters, softly groaning to himself. “I’ve never done this type of thing with someone.” He furrows his eyebrows, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. 
Still, you look at him through your lashes, and hopefully ask, “Do you… like it?” Your voice is a hushed whisper.  
Sukuna wrinkles his nose, scowling ever so slightly. He shakes his head, “No. This fuckin’ sucks.” This conversation is supposed to make everything, but it feels sad, every word that comes out of you, or him makes his throat tighten painfully. He watches as your gaze diverts from his face, and that makes his chest tighten. Shit, he didn’t say that right. “Well…” He starts again, pulling your face to look at him, “I hate it, but… I hate it less, since it’s with… uh, you.” 
You sniffle again, his words holding you in a comforting blanket. The words spill out, sooner than you would like, “I didn’t mean it.” You push your glasses up, whipping your eyes with the back of your hand. “I was just scared, and you made it seem like you didn’t… I don’t know. Care for me, or something.” 
Sukuna cups the bottom of his face, whispering, “I don’t know why I said that.” 
“I don’t know why I said that, too.” You sniff, “I was just…” 
“I didn’t want to promise anything, because I already know…” Sukuna pushes your hair from your face, leaning in a bit closer, “I’d be lying to you.” He flutters his lashes, “And, I don’t want to… lie to you anymore.” 
You nod, eyes pearling with tears, “I don’t want to lie either.” You whisper, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” You grab his shirt.“I want to be… I want to be with you.” You hug him again, your tears wetting his shirt. “I’ve always wanted to be with you.” A soft whisper.
Sukuna chuckles, letting you cry into his shoulder. “Why did you say that sooner?” 
“I thought you didn’t like me!” You cry, adding in a hushed whisper, “I thought you hated me. I thought you were just going to leave me the moment the week was over after using me.” You shake your head, gripping onto the back of his shirt, “I couldn’t stand that thought, so that’s why I pushed you away!” 
Sukuna continues to rub your back, “You’re so stupid.” He mumbles, bringing you into him tighter. I could never hate you. I would never push you away. “It’s okay, now, don’t cry like a baby about it.” He adds a derogatory, yet playful, “Baby.”
“I’m so happy you don’t hate me.” You softly sigh into his neck, closing your eyes as your body completely relaxes into his. “So happy.”
Sukuna tries, he really does, but something hot and wet slides down his cheek, and you don’t see it, nor are you ever going to know about it, but it happens. It’s real, it’s grounding, and it’s pulling. “Yeah.” He holds you, “I know.” Arms wrapped around your, his head tucking close to yours, “I know.”
Your body is completely relaxed as you whisper, “I don’t want to argue anymore.” You shake your head, whipping off the final tears on your cheeks, “I don’t think I have the power to argue with you anymore. I want things to be…” 
Sukuna presses his closed eyes onto your shoulder, “I don’t want to argue like we did on Tuesday.” A sharp breath comes out of his nose, “I like the arguments like the one in the car. It’s cute you have a bit of spunk. As much as it is annoying” 
You pull back, a small smile on your lips, “Yeah, your grandpa is right, you do need someone to keep you in check.” You lower your hands to his chain again, “Thank god you have me, right? What would you do?” 
Sukuna nods, “Yeah, I’d be stress free without you.” He raises his hands to your waist, “Who would want that? A carefree life, compared to an annoyin’ little shit like you?” He’s passing you a boyish smile. He’s smiling far more than you’re used to. You like it. 
“Yeah.” You laugh, pulling on a piece of his hair, “Look, you even have a gray hair, now you have a small piece with me wherever you go.” You look  at him again, this time a smile on your lips. “Aren’t you so happy? You’re stuck with me?” 
Sukuna doesn’t say anything, he just looks at you. His pupils blown wide, as his hands gently hold onto you. You pass him a silly smile, “What?” You tilt your head to the side, “Why are you looking at me like that?” 
“Can I kiss you?” 
Your lips part, your eyebrows raising in silent shock. “Huh?” A small suppressed laugh escapes your lips, “Wait, are you asking me to kiss me?” You tilt your head to the side, “The f-boy Sukuna, the one who had a girl over this very week, is asking to kiss me?”
“We didn’t do anything. It was just a stupid fukin’ project.” Sukuna leans in closer, grabbing the back of your head. “Just fuckin’ kiss me already.” Sukuna doesn’t even let the sentence process in your head, before trying to press his lips to yours. 
Key word. Trying. 
Unfortunately, right before the two of you can kiss again, a strand of your hair falls in between your faces. Blocking the kiss from ever happening. You naturally giggle, mumbling a small apology. But, Sukuna doesn't seem to be fazed. He just pushes the strand behind your ear, cups the back of your face and pulls you into a kiss. 
It almost feels like he’s smiling against you. 
You kiss him back, but his kiss is much more brief, ending then starting again. It feels unreal, Sukuna, the emotionally unavailable Sukuna, kissing you like a lover of years would. 
You’re giggling, sniffling every now and then, only for Sukuna to kiss your cheeks, then kiss you on the lips again. You can taste the salty wet tears on his lips, but you don’t mind, it’s cute in a way. “You’re not acting like Sukuna.” 
He places his forehead on yours and tells you, “I’ll slam your face into my bed, if you’d like?” Sukuna cockily smirks to himself, tilting his head to the side. “Or, do you want me murder you silently?”
“Silently? I feel like murdering me would not be a quiet activity.”
Sukuna nods in agreement, “You’re right. I can set the house on fire with you inside.” He kisses you again, whispering, “Doesn’t that sound romantic? You’d be my first murder. You’re special.” 
You laugh, “Romantic is definitely one way to put it.” You look to the side, thinking, “But, that definitely sounds more like my Sukuna. I wonder if you were an arsonist in your past life. I feel like that’s very on brand for you.” You look at his eyes, and catch a slight red look to them. “Oh. My. God.” Sukuna flinches when you point at him, “You were crying? Oh my god, were you crying?” You huff, “And you’re calling me a baby… hypocrite.” 
He makes a ludicrous face at you, placing his hand on your face and pushing you off him. Making you fall onto your elbows with a laugh, “I think you’re actually going mental now.” He throws the pillow at your body, “I fuckin’ don’t cry.” 
“Not true.” You smile at him, grabbing the pillow and holding it over your lap. “You cried when you talked to Yuuji, and don’t deny it, I totally saw how red your eyes were.” You wiggle your shoulders, “Awh! The big strong Sukuna is actually a big cry baby like me–” 
“I can make you cry.” He’s now leaning over you, the pillow thrown on his bed. “We’ll see who’s the real cry baby, then.” He’s smiling, but it doesn't look inviting or reassuring, sadistic would be the right word here. A small squeak leaves your mouth. 
You blink a few times. “Huh?” Sukuna picks you up, tossing you over his shoulder. This must be a common practice with the brothers, it doesn’t happen often, but it happens enough for you to mentally note. Another noise leaves your throat when he drops you on his bed, parting your thighs and moving in between them. 
Sukuna keeps his forearms near your head, his nose touching yours. “You want to know somethin’.” 
You giggle, “No, not really.” You laugh when Sukuna drops his head with dejectment, his forehead hitting your nose gently. “Fine, tell me, what do you want to say, Sukuna.” You shiver when his nose brushes over your neck. 
Sukuna’s hand moves under your knee, hooking it around his waist. “I’d give anything to make things up to you.” 
You laugh, letting your arms comfortably cross over his shoulders, “You already said sorry, and that’s already enough for me.” You tug him closer, which almost throws him off balance, causing him to stumble into you. “Especially with your big boy ego.” 
“You ever call me that again, and I will throw your ass to the streets.” He kisses your neck, enjoying the way you naturally open yourself to him. Still, there’s a bit of hesitance behind your movements, and that alone makes him stop. “Did I hurt you?” 
“Mentally.” You throw out loosely, but immediately smile, “No, I’m just, uh…” You divert your eyes for a moment, “Uhm, nervous, I guess.” No, you’re not nervous, you’re scared. What if he just… leaves again. 
“About?” Sukuna sounds different, more soft. 
“Uh, this.” You naturally hug him tighter. 
“Should I stop?” 
You take a moment, “...No.” You softly sigh, “I just don’t want you to… uhm, leave again.” 
Sukuna takes a moment, before kissing you again, it’s sweet. “I’m not, don’t even worry about that.” But, your unsure expression makes him hesitate. It’s a bit weird, he’s feeling so many new things today. He wants to make sure you’re comfortable, and he’s almost scared to touch you. You feel like glass to him. 
Sukuna thinks he may be broken, maybe you broke him, but everything that is happening is so new to him. He doesn’t know how to respond, but he does know one thing, he doesn't want to hurt you anymore. He doesn’t want to scare you, or make you cry. He doesn’t want to hear you sob in his arms over something stupid thing he did. He can’t stand that. 
He doesn’t know why, but seeing you like that, hurts him. 
Maybe he is broken. But, every broken part of him wants to be around you all the time. And, he doesn’t know exactly how to comfort someone, or fix what he’s done. But, he’s trying, he’s trying harder than he’s ever tried with anyone before. 
Sukuna may not be the best person in the world, but he’s trying to find a way to build your trust in his own way. It’s the one thing he has always been good at, and almost centralized his identity around. It’s a bit sad when he really thinks about it, but trauma has a unique way of messing with a person. 
He nods, “Okay.” He kisses your temple, “I won’t do anything until you beg me to.” He pushes himself off you, standing between your thighs while you lay down on his bed, towering over you. “You like the sound of that?” 
You feel your stomach twist and turn with butterflies, the feeling of being prey to a hungry wolf has you heating up with desire. “O-Okay.” You thickly swallow, pushing yourself up and sitting up straight, grabbing his chain and tugging him down to your lips. “I like… uhm, I like the sound of that.” 
Sukuna chuckles, “You do?” 
You bite the bottom of your lip, nodding your head slowly. “Mhm.” He cups your face, and his nose tickles your cheek, his kisses coming in fast and soft. Peppering down to your neck, his nose touching your neck like a fleeting feather. While his fingers trail down the inside of your thighs. Goosebumps follow his hands on your legs. 
A pleasurable shiver shooting through your body when he finally slides his hand under your skirt. You whimper, grabbing your skirt and lifting it up, allowing yourself to watch the way Sukuna gropes you. A small moan leaves your mouth, “Keep… uhm, doing that.” You watch as his thumb works painfully slow circles into your covered clit. 
Sukuna nods, eyes enraptured by your thighs shaking around his hand, your pink panties wrinkling and damp from your slick. “Such a slut.” He shakily exhales, “You like this, don’t you? You like when things are nasty.” 
You don’t say anything, merely nod your head. “Yeah, I know, baby, I know.” He says against your neck, his deep voice rumbling against your skin. You feel something warm, and wet slowly move up to your ear. Before his mouth bites your ear playfully. “I know you love the way I touch you.” 
He lowers himself to his knees, flipping your skirt completely up. Allowing himself to look at you for however long he wanted. You move your hand in between your legs, “Are you looking?” You can feel your face burning, your heart beating in your ears. “That’s so embarrassing, please don’t look.” 
“It’s not embarrassing.” He responds, running his nose gently down your thigh. “It’s hot.” He grabs behind your knee, tugging so your legs are dangling off his bed. He smirks to himself, “You’re making me hard.” 
“Oh my god, please don’t say that.” You use your other hand to cover your face, your face burning in embarrassment. But, a small whimper leaves your mouth when Sukuna places his hand over yours, applying pressure to your pussy. You pass him a half hearted glare, “Sukuna!” 
“What? Don’t tell me you hate my words?” Sukuna teases, his eyes drinking up the way you jolt. “Or, maybe, it’s that you hate my voice?” 
“I just hate you.” You mumble, leaning back in his bed, and allowing him to peel off your hand from between your thighs.
“Mhm, I know, babe.” He loves how much he affects you, his voice and words, causing your body to burn and shiver with desire. “Hopefully you can keep to your words when I make you squirt over my fingers.” Sukuna devours the way you shiver at that, your thighs twitching. And, all caused by a few kisses, a light touch, and some deprived words. . 
So cute.
Sukuna grabs your hips, pulling you closer to his face. Lifting your skirt and looking at the thin pink panties that separated you from his mouth. He groans, resting his hand on your knees, pushing your thighs apart to look at your drenched panites. He swallows, blood flooding his cock, straining it against his pants. 
“Okay..” He starts, putting all his weight on his knees. He can see the way your chest is slowly rising and falling, and the cute pink panties that stick to your wet hole. He wishes, more than anything, you weren’t wearing them, but he wanted to toy with you. Just a little. Besides, they would be off in a few minutes, so he isn’t entirely worried about it, he has the patients to wait. “Has anyone touched you here?” 
If anything, Sukuna wants to hear you beg for him to take them off. 
You blink at him innocently, before softly nodding your head. “You have.” 
Sukuna chuckles a bit, “No, gorgeous, anyone other than me.” Both his hands follow the curve of your thigh. Getting closer, and pressing under your skirt. You thickly swallowed, glancing at his hands and face. 
You hesitate to shake your head, but when you do, Sukuna freezes. “Wait, have you ever…?” Sukuna’s still touching you, but it’s more endearing, and less sex-driven. “Has anyone ever gone down on–have you ever had sex?” 
You again shake your head. 
Sukuna feels his cock twitch. “Shit, so you’re really a virgin.” He watches as your eyes divert, “That’s not bad, I just…” He leans his head on your knee, resting it there. “I’ve never been with a virgin.” Sukuna’s been with only a few people, less than he can count on one of his hands, but they’ll all have some form of experience. So, approaching them, and their sex-life is different, but with you, he doesn’t entirely know how to approach it. He wants you to feel comfortable with him, but he also wants you to feel good. 
You push yourself up, leaning on the palms of your hands while looking at Sukuna. “I’ve never done anything, does that make you feel better?” You pass him a silly smile. 
Sukuna huffs, “I mean, it’s kinda hot.” He smiles, his sharp teeth flashing as you, “I'll make your head spin, and your legs shake.” He lifts his hand, tapping your forehead. “Do you want that, you want me to make you feel good?” He watches as your throat bobs, “You want to shake and cry with pleasure while I tongue your clit?” 
You shiver. “Just get on with it already. I feel like we’re talking too much right now.” You laugh a small bit, “I feel like we’re doing this wrong, or something. Are we doing this wrong?” 
Sukuna just raises an eyebrow at you. “You’ve never done this before, how would you know what’s right or wrong?” 
“I’ve seen porn.” 
Sukuna drops his head back, deeply inhaling that exhaling. “Porn is made for horny twelve year olds.” Sukuna smirks to himself, “Wait, don’t tell me you get off to that fake and gross bullshit.” He sarcastically adds, “Dirty girl.”
You flop back down, a small giggle leaving your lips. “I feel like you’re messing with me now. Just do what you’re going to do.” You mumble, before softly adding, “I mean, I want to know why everyone cares about sex so much–” Your mouth parts in a moan, his tongue giving you a hard kitten lick. Eyes bouncing up, and trying to see what reaction you would give him. 
He laughs, “I’ll make you an addict.” Sukuna places his thumb on your clit, rubbing it up and down. “Just promise me you’ll keep your legs wide open f’me. Don’t even think about fuckin’ close them.” He slaps your thigh, making you yelp. “Or, I’ll make you go so brain dead, you won’t even be able to.” 
“Stop talking–” A moan tears through your throat, Sukuna wrapping his lips around your covered clit. Sucking hard on your small pearl, before laughing against your cunt. 
“Did you say somethin’?” He slowly inhales, eyes rolling to the back of his head from your scent. Sex and pure lust, god you’re so fuckin’ sexy. He continues licking your clit, keeping his attention on the sensitive bud. 
You can feel his tongue working against your fabric, wetting it with his saliva and your juices. It’s so nasty, but it makes your eyes cross everytime he flicks his tongue over your sensitive bud. This is amazing. You gasp, your hand clamping down over your mouth to try and keep quiet. A pathetic attempt, really. Sukuna slaps your thigh in response, shaking his head, his tongue swiping left and right as he does so. “Don’t even fuckin’ think about.” He seethes, pissed by you trying to keep quiet. 
Sukuna doesn't want you to be quiet. He’s been robbed of all chances to hear you cry out in pleasure, or his name in ecstasy. Despite this not being his first sexual encounter with you. The first time, he knew you were listening to him jack off, but you didn’t so much as whimper for him. Which was saddening. And, you can only hear so much when the music from a party is playing in the background. Sukuna wants to hear how good you feel. He wants to hear how good he was making you feel.
“What–ah! What if Yuuji is home?” You arch your back, Sukuna sucking on your clit again. “What if he hears?” You whisper, grabbing onto his sheeps, the fabric seeping between the cracks of your fingers. “That’s going to be so–” 
“Embarssin’?” Sukuna fishes for you, trying to finish you off. “I know, but he won’t know, if you stay quite.” Sukuna reaches for your hands, pulling it to his cheek, only to kiss your palm. “But, I don’t want that.” He continues kissing your palm, moving his lips towards your middle and ring finger. “I want to hear you, want to hear you whimper over my tongue and scream my name.” Sukuna smiles, slides his tongue between your two fingers, letting you look at the lewd gesture the two of you are making. “Okay?”
A shaky exhale leaves your lips, before you meekly nod. Sukuna chuckles, pushing your hands to your face, “Good girl.” He keeps your two fingers spread, pressing the open space to your lips. “Let me see your tongue.” 
You feel your bottom lip tremble, before opening your mouth, your pink tongue sticking out and resting between your two fingers. You can feel how they’re wet, and you can taste Sukuna’s saliva. You moan, “This is…” You feel your sentence trail when you notice Sukuna’s gaze trained on your tongue, wiggling and moving between your fingers. 
He closes his eyes, softly groaning to himself. Fuck, he’d give anything to feel that tongue on his throbbing cock. Watch it slide and swirl over the head of his cock, before your pretty little lips would stretch over his fat cock. Drowning in your glossy eyes as hot tears slide down your cheeks, your throat constricting around his girth. 
“Stop thinking too hard about it.” He tells you, his tongue sliding from your knee to your inner thigh, pressing wet kisses into his skin. “It’s supposed to feel good, even if it is gross.” And if Sukuna is being completely honest with himself, knowing that something is filthy makes it hot. He moves to your covered cunt, kissing your lips. Avoiding the place where you want him most. “Just lay down and feel, I clearly make you think too much.” 
You just pull your hand away from your lips, a string of saliva falling down on your shirt. “Okay.” You keep yourself propped up, watching as Sukuna practically makes out with your pussy. You can see how wet your underwear is now, along with how glossy Sukuna’s lips are. 
You keep your hands bundled in his sheets, trying to keep yourself sane as Sukuna makes you feel good. It feels incredible, and looks porngraphic. The fat of his tongue pushing itself between your lips, making a small crater in your panties. The tip flicking your clit, moving up and down like a teasing feather. 
You feel your eyes flutter shut, holy shit, it feels amazing. You don’t ever want it to stop, you want… more. You clamp your thighs together, but Sukuna’s hands are already on your thighs. Pushing them apart and smiling against your skin, “Keep them open.” He shakes his head to the side, his tongue following his movement on your clit. 
You groan, and Sukuna moans with you. Grabbing you right knee and placing it on his shoulder, “Keep this here.” He whispers, continues to suck on your covered clit, watching as your body falls back on his bed. Your back is arching. 
“Oh–oh my god.” You lean your head back, your body hot and sweaty. Holy shit, this feels amazing. Sukuna feels amazing, and it feels depraved. Licking and sucking at your clit, even though it's covered with the thin fabric of your panites. “Fuh–fuck, please.” You moan, tucking your calf behind Sukuna’s head, pulling him closer to your cunt.  
His eyes seem to glow watching as your body jolts, and your pussy twitches. And with the way your panties are absolutely drenched, clinging onto your pussy lips like a second skin, it doesn’t leave much to the imagination. “Please what?” Sukuna mocks, “Please… stop?”
Sukuna isn’t going to stop, there’s no way in fucking hell he’s going to stop, but mocking you, seeing your eyes water, it makes him insane. Hearing you beg and whimper over his mouth, god… Seeing you like this makes him feel… incredible. Knowing that you haven’t done this with anyone else, yet want to do it with him, has him spinning. It makes him feel good. It’s something he’s never had before, but knows he now can’t live without. He has craved for something like this. A hole he’s always adorned in his chest, but never found a filling for it. But now, he feels full, it’s a feeling he would’ve never thought to find, despite how desperately he searched for it. 
Sukuna feels amazing when he’s with you. Even when you’re dancing in his living room with face care adoring your face, a pout on your face while you playfully ignoring him, glaring at him with your reflective eyes, or the small back-and-forth the two of you share. It’s all so amazing. 
But, seeing you like this. Embarrassed and eager for what he was going to do next. Open and vulnerable, trusting and wanting more, it’s… it feels like the best thing in the world. Sukuna feels like he’s becoming addicted to this. He holds the back of your thighs with his big hands, closing his eyes and flattening his tongue on your pussy, tearing another moan from your mouth.
“N-No! Please don’t stop.” You whine, tears brimming your waterline. Your lips part as you moan, gripping onto the sheets as your hips jolted forward, trying to push your pussy harder against his lips. Desperate to get more pleasure from his mouth, you just want to lose yourself in it. You don’t want to think about anything, not school or studying, just Sukuna between your legs. 
Sukuna laughs against your cunt again, continuing his abuse on your pussy. Enjoying the way you try holding your legs apart, your thighs shaking around his head. He tightens his grip on you, not even giving you the opportunity to move them together if you wanted to. “I won’t stop.” He whispers, “Don’t you worry your pretty head off.”
You giggle, sounding a bit drunk, “You–ah! Called–you called me pretty, fuh-fuck, again.” You feel a coil in your lower stomach, something you’re all too familiar tightening inside of you. “You think–oh my god, holy shit, you think I’m–I’m pretty.”
“Fuck yeah.” He moans into you again, “I think you’re fuckin’ sexy, your tits and body, your lips and tongue, all of it.” He wants to add your eyes, but feels himself grow a bit… embarrassed to say that. Ironic, huh?
That makes your stomach twitch, butterflies swarming inside of you. The coil growing tighter, your thighs pushing agsint his hands in protest. It feels good, it feels too good. “Su-Sukuna, m’getting… I’m–” You back arches, your body resisting a bit more. “I’m gonna’ cum, I feel–shi-shit!” 
“Yeah?” Sukuna lolls his tongue out, letting it slowly drag over your over-worked bud. “Fuckin’ cum on my tongue then.” Sukuna closes his eyes, feeling them roll to the back of his head with your soft moans filling his room. You taste so fuckin’ good. 
You roll your eyes into the back of your head, your pussy clenching around nothing. But, you wonder to yourself, what it would feel like to have something inside of you. Something long and thick, stretching you open and fucking your insides until you’re mindless. “Sukuna–Sukuna!” His name leaves your mouth like a mantra, your voice raising in pitch as your legs shake. Your toes curl with pleasure, your hands grabbing onto Sukuna's hair. 
Sukuna instantly moans, loving the way you tug at his hair. Unsure whether or not you want to push him away, or pull him closer to you. “Fuck, c’mon, cum on my tongue, just let it feel good.” 
You finally feel the coil snap, your lips parting in a silent moan as your body tingles. Your thighs naturally pull into your body, opening wider for Sukuna’s tongue working fasting against your covered clit. It feels amazing, it feels unworldly, unlike any orgasm you’ve ever had before. Your fingers don’t even compete to this, it’s addicting. 
The worst–best–part is, it feels so long, and Sukuna doesn’t stop his abuse on your sensitive bud. This time, placing his thumb over it and rubbing circles into it. Making your orgasm even more intense, your back arching in pure pleasure. 
Your hand reaches down for his writes, your mind pulling together only for it to be thrown back into intense pleasure. Something you don’t entirely like, but you don’t dislike, it feels good, but it feels… too good. Like, unbearably, burning pleasure, type good.
Your body grows hotter to the thought of Sukuna touching you without any fabric in the way, the fire in your lower stomach lights a flame again. His tongue actually touching you, his fingers spreading you open allowing him to get easier access to your swollen cunt. 
Sukuna slow stops, watching your legs twitch by his head as he pulls his finger away. “Awh, is it too much for the baby?” He mocks, tilting his head to the side and passing you a cocky smirk. “I thought you were a big girl.” 
You naturally pout. Even if Sukuna didn’t say anything bad, you want to… make him proud. You nod your head, “I… don’t be mean.” You whisper back, “Feels too good.” You pull his hand to your mouth, kissing his palm like he did yours a few minutes ago. You slowly bring your lips to his middle and ring finger, silently admiring how big they are. You can’t help but think how they would feel inside of you, splitting and stretching you open. “I want to make you feel good, ‘Kuna, I want to do something for you.” You open your mouth, your tongue making way between his two fingers. Your tongue is peaking at him, while you flutter your long lashes at him. 
Sukuna feels his brows twitch, his dick straining against the zipper of his jeans. His pupils are blown so wide, you can barely see a ring of red in his eyes. He’s absolutely enraptured by you, his mind swirling with nothing but the way you cry his name, and tremble beneath his touch. 
It feels like Sukuna’s going insane. He just wants to push you further, he wants to see what noises you make when he laps at your clit for hours. Would you cry, or whimper? Would you scream in pleasure, or go numb from it being too overwhelming? Only for him to push his thick cock into your slit, watching your eyes grow wide as your pussy swallows him up whole. 
Your breath grows more uneven with his concentrated gaze, sliding your tongue up the tip of his fingers, and pulling it into your mouth. You whimper, your body flowing with nice tingles again. “‘Kuna, can you please…” You divert your eyes for a moment, before softly finishing, “Can you please do that, without my panties in the way…?”
Sukuna breathes out, closing his eyes for a second before placing his hands on your shoulders and pushing you against his bed. “Careful.” He whispers, resting his dick between your thighs, grinding himself against your wet panites, “I would do anything, if you beg me to.”  
You smile, grabbing his face and kissing him tenderly, tasting yourself in his lips. You tongue rolling around his, “Then…” You pull back, whispering, “Can you please stop teasing me, ‘Kuna, and really eat me out?” You furrow your eyebrows cutely, as you add even quieter, “I really want to feel your tongue on my pussy.”
That makes Sukuna snap.
Sukuna places his hands behind your knees and pushes them to your stomach, keeping them pinned there, “Grab your knees.” He tells you, and you instantly listen, your hands grabbing at your knees and keeping them pinned to your chest. He pulls your panties up, letting them dangle at your foot before looking at you. 
Sukuna looks at you again, his eyes devouring your bare pussy. Wet and swollen, ready for his touch. He keeps himself snug on the bed, places his hands back on your thighs over your hands, and licks a long stripe up your pussy. Instantly you throw your head back, your teeth digging into your bottom lip with pleasure. His tongue sliding between your lips, dipping into your hole, before sliding up and dragging over your sensitive over stimulated clit. 
You whine, your hips writhing against his mouth as your juices slides down your ass and onto his bed. Ruining his sheets, but Sukuna loves that, he loves knowing what the two of you are doing is so filthy, it makes a gross mess. That’s so hot to him, makes him so fuckin’ hard. 
Sukuna moves his hand to his cock, his palm rubbing on the head and trying to adjust his painful hard-on. A feeble attempt to try and release some needed tension, his head spinning from how horny he is. His hips rut into his hand, desperate to feel something, anything on his aching cock. 
Sukuna unbuttons his pants, pulling his boxers underneath his cock and sloppily wrapping his hand around his girth. Groaning against your pussy with an eye roll at the brief, yet pleasurable relief. But, that doesn’t stop him, no, that makes him work his tongue even harder against you. Getting off to every whimper, moan, and breath, that leaves your pretty little mouth. 
You can’t help but notice how much more vocal Sukuna is, and as much as you want to push yourself up and see what he’s doing, but you can’t. Your legs twitch with overstimulation with every swipe, your chest bouncing up with every moan leaving your lips. 
Sukuna pulls his remaining hand on your thigh to your pussy, creating a ‘v’ on your base, then spreading you open. Flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue, making you cry out in pleasure. You try to grip the sheets harder, but it doesn't help, the pleasure is just so intense. This coil of pleasure builds within your belly again, this time it’s faster and more intense then last time. It makes you babble something incoherent to try and warn Sukuna, but to be honest with yourself, you don’t know what you’re even trying to tell him. Your mind is swirling with thoughts of Sukuna, and his actions. How he makes everything around you disappear with something as simple as his tongue.  
You feel tears slide down your cheeks into Sukuna’s sheets, your eyes crossing into your head with pleasure. You babble out, “Oh my god–oh my god.” You hands move back to your thighs pulling them open, and another moan tears from you, he has so much more access. 
Sukuna pushes himself off the ground slightly, places his hands and weight on your thighs, keepings them securely pressed to your stomach as he continues to abuse your swollen clit. His tongues sliding between your lips before catching under your hood, applying pleasure to make you squeal. 
The small act makes your words jumble and moans out of your mouth, your thighs fighting against the pressure and trying to push him off. You don’t want to, but it’s so overwhelming. You don’t know if you want him to stop or keep going. Yet, at the same time, you know you don’t have a say in that currently. 
Which… for some reason, you absolutely love. You love that you don’t even understand what you’re trying to do or say. You love that you don’t even know what you’re laying on anymore, or which way you’re facing, again? But, Sukuna can make out the words, “Fuh–’Kuna, I think… oh my god, please, don–don’t stop! S’close!” Your eyes squeeze shut.  
Sukuna laughs at that, not stopping and letting his eyes drink up the way your muscles tense. You’re close, he knows that you're so close. He sucks onto your clit, watching the way your twitch, before letting go. He pushes his weight off of you, watching as your scrunched expression relaxes, and immediately looks at him with an adorable confused expression. 
Fuck, he loves teasing you.“Feelin’ good, babe?” 
You tense, the feeling being ripped away from you. It feels good, but it also feels wrong. The intense feeling pulled away from you so quickly, it makes you tense. Your muscles are tightening in your lower stomach, you’re so close, but so far at the same time. Then, the intense feeling quickly vanishes making you completely relax into his sheets. Instantly you feel sweaty, your muscles tired and sore. You feel your bottom lips wiggle, “Stop d-doing that! I was…” You trail off, looking to the side as your eyes flutter. “Uhm, you know…” 
Sukuna smiles at this, you got embarrassed. How cute. “Were you?” He mocks at you, caressing your cheek, “Awh, the poor baby wants to cum, you want me to contune tongue fucking you? You like the sound of that?” He rubs his nose on your inner thigh affectionately. 
You pout, “I–I…” You pass him your gorgeous eyes again, glassy and wanting, “Can you please not stop again?”
Sukuna knew he was making you feel good, he could tell by your fucked out face, but anyone could. He merely wants to hear it from you, hear you writhe and beg for him to keep you on the edge. He gets off on that, watching a girl cry from how good something is, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to scare you. So, something more intense, would have to wait for a later time. “I won’t, don’t worry.” He places his thumb on your clit again, “I’m just teasing you.” His finger rub slow and pressured circles on your clit, and it drives you insane.Again, this curling string continues to spiral inside you, pleasure building upon itself. 
Sukuna hums in acknowledgement, before going back to your pussy. Taking two fingers and spreading you apart. Tongues hitting all the places he couldn’t before. He gently bites your clit, letting his fingers trail down your slit. Your eyes widen, before a moan leaves your lips. His finger sliding into with ease, your slick and saliva allowing you pussy to swallow his finger whole. Sukuna groans at this, fisting his cock again. 
Your reaction is perfect, the small gasp you let out when his knuckle hits your lips is liberating. He almost hears you choke on your breath, a bit shocked by the intrusion. But, Sukuna is already reassuring you, praises spilling his lips as he shushes you. “It feels good.” He slowly adds another finger, “Trust me, you’ll love this.” 
You nod, turning your head to the side and resting it, trying to watch as he fingers your hole. It’s not something you’re too experienced with, since you stick to stimulating your clit. If anything, you thought you were broken, since every time you finger yourself, it didn’t feel like anything. Also, the stretch is a bit uncomfortable, but it’s complemented with Sukuna’s tongue, so it’s not all too bad. 
You softly sigh, before closing your eyes. You hold as you feel this prickle of pleasure intense, far more pulling then Sukuna’s tongue. It feels… good. 
Sukuna’s finger slides inside, then pulls out, only to slowly slide back into you, his knuckle resting on your lips again. Pushing his fingers up slightly with every slow thrust. You can hear your voice raise in pitch, growing louder with each thrust and swipe of his tongue. You want to place your palm over your mouth, but you can’t. You’re unable to function, more or less keep quiet. And after a few pumps of his thick finger, you're writhing in his bead with pleasure. 
Your eyes roll into the back of your head, toes curling as an unexpected loud pitched moan leaves your lips. You feel like you’re unable to express how you’re feeling, you want to desperately pull away, but make it even more intense at the same time. It feels like you’re so close, the coil inside you was about to snap. 
You feel something unfamiliar in your lower stomach. It feels good, it feels somewhat familiar, but at the same time, a bit different. His fingers are still working into your cunt, wet with the slick you’re producing. 
It makes the feeling even more intense, and suddenly, it feels like you’re about to… You feel your bottom lips wiggle, “K-kuna!” You gasp, trying to form words, but are unable to find the right ones. 
Yet, Sukuna ignores your plea, merely smiles to himself while sucking into your clit, and pressing his fingers inside of you. He nods to himself when he touches something spongy, he chuckles to himself, “Fuckin’ found it.” As he presses his fingers up, applying pressure onto your g-spot. 
Your vision goes white. Your back arching as you quickly grip his hair, a high pitched moan leaving your throat as you feel yourself completely let go. The pressure in your stomach releases with a painful orgasm. 
Sukuna’s mouth is already on your pussy, riding out your orgasm while he milks his cock. Focusing his attention on the head with a soft groan. His throat bobs as you finish, your thighs shaking around his head before they limply slide off onto his bed. But, he quickly grabs them and wraps them on his shoulders, giving you a final long stripe up your pussy, watching as your hips twitch in overstimulation. Sukuna cockily smiles, watching you pant and melt into his soft and sweaty bed. Clearly exhausted by the high you just received. 
You look adorable. Your eyes were still watery and red, the bottom of your lip swollen from you biting on it, and your body abused from the pleasure you were receiving. God, it makes him even harder knowing that your first time was with him, too. “Mhm, that’s it. Just relax.” 
A shakily exhale, before humming with a head nod. 
He feels his cock twitch in his hand, but he pays it no mind. Just tucking it back into his boxers and zipping up his pants. It feels gross, but he’ll think about that later. He pushes himself on his feet, whipping his mouth with the back of his hand, a smirk on his lips. He sits down next to you, pinching your cheeks and making you look at him. “You with me, doll?”
You slowly blink, trying to gain your sight again. “What is… uhm, what’s supposed to be…” You drop your head back, his fingers slipping from your cheeks. “What was the question?” You still feel… you don’t even know. 
“Yeah.” He lays back on the bed with you, “Just say you’re in love with me, I promise I won’t make fun of you.” 
You gain your head, blinking a few times to pull your thoughts together. “I hate you, Sukuna.” You turn on your side, flipping your skirt down to cover yourself up. You lean forward, and kiss him. “I already told you that.” 
Sukuna hums, nodding his head while closing his eyes. “Keep saying that, I’ll get hard again.” 
“I hat–” Sukuna raises his eyebrows expectantly, passing you a cocky smirk. “I can’t with you.” You look away, but you’re smiling. Trying not to laugh at Sukuna’s stupid fucking joke. Suddenly, you’re hit with the feeling of your bare legs sticking to your sheets. “I feel gross now.” 
Sukuna kisses you for a final time, “I’ll be right back.” He pushes himself off the bed, walking to the door and pulling it open. You assume he’s going to the restroom, and he isn’t gone for long. The next thing you know, he’s back between your legs with a damp towel. While he cleans you up, it feels a bit intimate, as well as embarrassing. You ignore the lewd comment Sukuna made about you wanting to pull your panties back up. Cockily saying, “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” 
You merely respond with a slap to his shoulder, letting him press the towel to your legs and clean up the mess. And despite how embarrassingly bare you feel, it’s nice, really nice. “We can put a towel on your bed next time.” You say, pushing yourself off his bed and looking at the stain left. You giggle to yourself, “Guess you were right, I did dirty your sheets.” 
Sukuna slaps the towel over your face.  
You immediately pull it off your face, throwing it at his, “Oh my god, that’s so gross!” You place your hands over your face, “I totally need to watch my face, or I’m going to break out or something.” You work so hard to keep your face clear, now this jackass might ruin it! 
“You’re actually a child.” Sukuna says, dropping the towel to the floor. 
The two of you flinch at the sound of knocking at his door, both of you turning your head simultaneously. You smile to yourself, “One, two, three, not it!” 
Sukuna throws the towel back at your face, which makes him laugh when he hears you cry out in anger. You’re quick to drop the towel back down on the ground with a satisfying, ‘plat.’ Turning your attention back to Sukuna to watch him open the door, you see his back tense. His shoulders pull together slightly. 
You sit up in his bed while tilting your head at him. “You okay?” 
“Is that…?” That voice makes your face drain. Yuuji tilts his head to the side, looking past Sukuna’s shoulder and right at you. He instantly lights up, your name leaving his mouth, “Oh my god, have you two made up already?” He loudly gasps, “Wait, does that mean we can have more movie nights?” 
You part your lips, and look at Sukuna when he turns to face you. The two of you don’t say anything for a moment, before you burst out in laughter, cupping your mouth as you turn away from the two boys. Sukuna leans his head back, resting his forearm over his eyes as his face turns a bit red. 
You let out a sigh of relief. You don’t think Yuuji heard. Sukuna straightens himself out, “Get out of the way, Yuuji.” Sukuna pushes him to the side, making his way to the kitchen. “I need somethin’ in my system.”
Yuuji lets Sukuna pass, “We’re out of drinks!” Yuuji calls back, which is responded with an obnoxious groan. You giggle, but Yuuji is quick to eyeball the floor, noticing how it’s scattered with books and computers. “I’m guessing the two of you have been spending quality time together?” He smiles, “You’re going to tell me all about it, right?” 
You don’t know how to respond to that, “Uh… Sure, yeah.” Still, you feel a soft smile split your lips, crossing your legs over one another. Before you quickly pull your foot underneath your ass, realizing your panties are still strung on them. Shit, you really should’ve put them on despite Sukuna’s comments. “We’re… uhm, we’re just studying together. And, he was… making things up to me, I guess.” 
Yuuji tilts his head to the side, “Things are good now?” He passes you a hopeful smile, “No more angsty tension between you two?” 
You giggle, nodding your head in agreement. “Things are good, Yuu. No more angsty tension.” You feel your thighs sticking together, and you resist the urge to wrinkle your nose in distaste. “Yeah, definitely no more angsty tension.”
“Alright, get out.” Sukuna pulls the back of Yuuji’s shirt, pulling him out of his room. However, this time he emerges with a cup in his hand, you wonder if it’s water, or if he really did find some alcohol. 
Yuuji waves at you, “Bye, I love you.” He passes you a sad look with his big puppy dog eyes. 
You feel your heart tug, “Can we keep him here with us, Sukuna?” You plead, which is answered with a silent glare from Sukuna. You pout, begrudgingly waving back, “I love you, too, Yuu.” You blow him a kiss.  
“Yeah, yeah. Cut the bullshit you two.” Sukuna shuts the door on Yuuji, shaking his head while making his way to you. “I swear, can’t believe you say that shit right after you just came on my fuckin’ tongue.” He leans on his nightstand, passing you a teasing look, “Whore.” 
Sukuna smirks a bit, leaning his head to the side. “Gorgeous.” 
You feel your brain malfunction for a second, “H-Huh?” 
Sukuna grabs his phone, opening an app. The smirk goes wider as he responds, “Dookie-stain.” You’re about to respond with quick banter, when he pushes the screen in your face, “Give me your phone number.” 
You furrow your eyebrows, taking the phone from his hands. “Wow, does that line work with all the ladies?” You put your phone number into his phone, placing your contact name as, ‘LOML.’ You nod to yourself, clearly content with the creative name you picked.
“You tell me.” Sukuna takes his phone from you, sending you a quick text. You can hear your phone ring in your bag from across the room. “Are you obsessed with me already?”
“I mean, you picked out the name for me.” You point at his phone, making Sukuna actually look at the name you saved yourself under. “I think you’re the one obsessed here.” Sukuna looks at the name, and clicks the contact, and you automatically assume it’s to change it. “Awh, I actually like that name.” 
“Of course you do.” Sukuna saves the contact, then pushes himself off the desk. “Alright, get your ass back to studying.” 
“I can’t believe you just ate me out, then are going to make me study.” 
“Do you want me to buy you a cookie?” 
Sukuna grabs your ankles, pulling you off the bed again. “Study.” 
You yawn, stretching your hands over your head. You can hear the washing machine rumbling in the background, Sukuna’s sheets in the wash for the night. You hear your phone ring again, and you’re quick to grab it, flipping onto your stomach while you kick your feet back and forth. 
You don’t even have to look at the name to know who it is. It’s not like the two of you have been texting all day, despite sitting across from each other, or merely a wall apart. 
Come here
You smile to yourself. 
im not sleeping with u
Just come here
You left your glasses
Thats what I thought
You wrap your blanket around you, shivering when your bare feet hit the cold ground, but you’re quick to shake it off. Slowly cracking your door open, and tip-toeing to Sukuna’s room. Luckily the door is unlocked when you go to open it. 
You giggle a little bit, “Give me back my glasses.” You can see the room is still a mess, your notebooks and textbooks littering the floor, since you were too tired to pick them up. However, your glasses aren’t on the floor where you left them, they’re now on Sukuna’s bedside counter. The small lamp ever so slightly illuminates his room. 
“Go get them.” Sukuna responds, and you can see him on his phone, face illuminated by the blue screen. He’s wearing black sweats, and nothing else, his hair is messy and unruly. 
You’re already smiling to yourself, closing his door behind you and making way to the drawer. Being careful to step over all the things on the ground, and finally reaching the drawer. “You’re so kind.” You inspect them, “You even clean them for m–” 
You feel Sukuna drag you into his bed, quickly reaching an arm over your body, and turning off the light with a loud click. He taps your back, “Oh shit, did your dumbass fall?” He says, draping his blanket over the both of you. “Clumsy.”
“Ha, ha. So funny Sukuna.” You let go of your blanket, warming up to Sukuna’s body. “I’m leaving the moment you fall asleep.” 
“Oh my god, shut the fuck up, and fall asleep.” He mumbles back, an arm resting underneath his pillow. “Can’t do anything without you annoyin’ me.”
You giggle, closing your eyes and whispering, “Goodnight, Sukuna.” You don’t expect to hear a response, even when you’re seconds away from falling asleep in his soft bed. But, you hear something anyway. 
“Good night.” 
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Next Chapter: Ch. 7 - A Lovely Night
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Tag(s)!: @openup-yourmind, @sherlock-holmes-jr, @maskedpacific, @gasp-a-homo, @diogodxlot, @beahappyhoeee, @tojimeow, @sukunamylovexoxo, @yoontaedotin, @sukunaloverrr, @lanadelreylover4l, @raininginthemoonlight, @blackjanexx, @ethereally-lyann, @fritzzbitzz, @lanadelreylover4l, @chayunwoo, @madamteller, @mazzd4, @haithamsbb, @c-l-ellis, @samysaha, @pi-crust, @shukiinnkm
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kai-bobbi · 2 years
9/26 (at least it was when I started writing it this 😅)
RESEARCH PROJECT 3: The $2.00 Shopping Spree!
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Living off campus always gives me the temptation to go home between classes. "20 minutes there; 20 minutes back; bada bing bada boom." Today, I thought a quick stop at Aldi couldn't hurt to add. It was about 1:30pm when I got there. I was surprised by the amount of people there for the middle of a Monday. This Aldi has a vibe. The lights are always suuuuper bright. Someone needs to turn up the volume on the music though. It's way too low. It's just high enough to almost decipher which song is playing. I just exited a hypomanic episode and on the other end is often drop where I'm easy irritated. My mind felt burnt and I was feeling low, so I just wanted to get out of there. as quickly as I could. Today was a bit more colder inside there than normal. I regretted leaving my jacket in my car. Even thought outside was a bit chilly, the sun was out. I falsely believed no coat was the way to go. Fooled again! This Aldi kind of smells like if Nothing were a scented candle. I think I saw an article (probably a TikTok video about how they intentionally try and keep the scent of a grocery store low. Hmmm.
A few items in, I remembered that I still needed to buy something for my splurchase item project. I tried to go about my shopping as usual. Fun thing about my brain is that when you tell it not to think about something, it is gonna think about that thing. So between grabbing my go-to items, my mind kept trying to find sometime that fit the assignment. I found these two colorful chocolate bars that together would cost about two bucks. It was the color of the packaging that caught my attention. The design was meh, but I couldn't find anything else. I put them in the box I snagged from the giant wire crate of boxes. For some reason, I always feel like I'm stealing something when I take one. As if, the employee cares I didn't bring or buy a bag. I took some photos of the chocolate bars and how they were existing in the aisle. I thought that I had found my splurchase. I was wrong. I kept on moving down the aisles and only one away, I came across this box of individual cans of tea, Honestly, it was the font choice of Tea that pulled me in; super fun. It was displayed almost perfectly as a repetitive. I love patterns. They make my brain happy. It also helped that it was at my eye-level. I saw the words organic and realized I had naturally found what I was not looking for. I always associate organic with expensive and almost always go another route. I often don't even glance at the prices. I just assume I can't afford it.
But this is my splurchase! And although I always bulk buy and get my tea in big jugs with a handle, I said screw it and I grabbed one. I pulled up a tea from the box that was cropping off the half of the can that sold me on this item perfect… it's blood orange! OMG! I loooove blood orange! It's sooooo good!
I started taking photos. I noticed that it was in a section that said HURRY and THESE DEALS GO FAST in the signage at the bottom! I love how I associate organic with expensive and yet this tea is in the leftover discount section; calling out to me as something special. I noticed the top was a little dusty. Clearly these had been here for a spicy second (<--- this is my made up alternative to hot minute. It'll catch on. I can feel it). But a little dust didn't bother me. That's what waters for.
After I checked out I realized but after my photoshoot, I forgot to actually take and buy the tea. I ran back full armed with a box of La Croix in one hand and a box of groceries in the other. I came back to the checkout line again to see only one lane open. The amount of items the stranger in front of me was loading on the belt seemed like it was was endless. I checked my watch and realized that I was running out of time to get home in time to make lunch, eat and get back on time for my last class.
I asked if I could cut ahead. I got the kindest "Of course!' The kindness ended my roller coaster of a shopping trip on a happy note. I check out and off to to home I went. I thought I'd have it along with lunch. I got lost in a conversation with an ex I'd rather call a roommate. I slapped together lunch real fast and took it on the go. I housed my sandwich on the drive back but spaced and forgot to grab my tea in to enjoy in class.
I ended up being happy that I did, 'cause when I got home I thought it would be a delightful porch hang beverage to end the way with. I made sure to bring my coat. I took some artsy photos. I hopped on my porch swing and stationed up with my things on the side table. I cracked it open and took a big sip.
For now, I'll keep my review a secret.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
So happy your requests are open and I don't mind the wait at all!
I just really want to see a sweet quirkless omega going into heat and sending her alpha Overhaul (Kai Chisaki) into a hard rut and he just pins her to a wall and fucks the life out of her before taking her to the bedroom to knot her.
but you do know that it would 100% be like "hate sex" on Chisaki's part (even though he kinda do like it lol)
(Kinda overhaul x reader x chrono btw but only for a little bit)
Just. Overhaul being able to tolerate you being kept at his compound because one, you're his mate, whether he likes it or not.
Two, you're quirkless.
And three? You don't bother him, you stay out of the way and you have passable hygiene when compared to Chisaki's standards.
But that has to be thrown out the window the second Chrono hauls you into Chisaki's office, the man in charge of watching you when Chisaki isn't around flustered and pink around his ears.
"B-boss, your omega, she's-"
"What the fuck is that smell." Chisaki growls, eyes immediately snapping to your trembling form. Taking in the way you're gasping, sweaty, barely able to stand even with Chrono's hand tight around your bicep and holding you up.
For some reason, the sight of Chrono touching you makes Chisaki itch. Odd, that usually wouldn't bother him.
The smell is cloying; too intense and too sweet, it makes his throat burn and his skin crawl.
"I think she's in-"
"Please, it hurts." You choke out, cutting off Chrono. "Need... I need-"
Chisaki recoiled as the scent got stronger, clouding his senses, making him feel... Chisaki didn't even know. Excited? Tingly?
Uncomfortable - he decided.
"Get her out. Give her a bath too, she smells disgusting." He commanded, but Chrono stepped forward instead of back out the door.
"Boss, she's in heat."
Overhaul cringed.
Logically, he knew it was going to happen eventually. But on the other hand, he had hoped his omega would be different. you was already quirkless, already pure... surely it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to assume that you wouldn't be affected by the mindless heat-addling that Omega's all seemed to undergo?
His irritation was rising.
Chrono looked at his boss with questioning eyes, unsure what to do with the omega becoming increasingly more distressed at his side.
"You'll get her over it." Chisaki decides, ignoring the bitter taste that floods his mouth as he utters those words. His eyes slide over you again, lip curling into a disgusted sneer.
"Messy thing."
Chrono is frozen in disbelief. But this isn't a test of his loyalty, Chisaki truly doesn't want to deal with the germs and the mess and the cleanup associated with omega's during their heats. Slick everywhere, pheromones staining the room, needy hands touching everywhere-
"Sit her down on the couch." He instructs his second-in-command, rising from his office chair and stepping around his desk so he can close the door. "I want to make sure you don't damage her."
That's the only reason. Only reason he wants to be present and watching while Chrono fucks you through your heat.
"You're serious then?" The white-haired man asks, removing the plague mask he wears while inside the compound, thus beginning the process of disrobing.
Chisaki waved his hand idly, resuming his position in his office chair with a tired sigh. "It'd be such a chore for me to do it myself. Aren't you an alpha yourself Chrono? You should be jumping at the chance to bed a nice quirkless omega."
Chrono shrugs off his white coat, looking up from where you're panting on the couch while he stands in front of you, eyes finding his boss. "I wouldn't want to overstep my boundaries with your property."
The brunette smiles, not that anyone can see, but it's clear he's pleased by the crinkle near his eyes, the relaxed way he slumps in his chair. "And that's why you're my favorite Chrono."
You're wearing what you usually wear - long pants, a cozy sweater. Overhaul hasn't heard you complain about the chill in the compound, but it's clear to see it affects you by the way you dress and the way your nose darkens from the cold.
You don't fight the half-naked Chrono as he helps you out of your sweater, unbothered by the temperature of the room and looking entirely too hot and sweaty.
Chisaki supposes it's good that you aren't fighting. You had at first, when he first brought you here, crying and pleading for him to let you go and leave you alone. That pathetic show was quickly shut down with a simple demonstration of Overhaul's quirk, and what he'd do to you if you didn't comply.
Now you're seemingly accepting of the situation, casting nervous glances towards Chisaki, your attention constantly getting stolen by the pale man stripping in front of you.
It takes an embarrassingly short amount of time before Chrono has his cock in you.
And you look completely blissed out, mouth open and letting out choked little gasps on each thrust, one hand desperately trying to hold onto Chrono's shoulder, his arm, his chest - anything you can reach.
The other hand is on your stomach, and Chisaki doesn't understand why until he focuses on it, sees the distention whenever Chrono swings his hips into you.
Chisaki feels himself throb.
The sounds you're making sound like music. Awful music, all discordant and rushed and pornographic, stuttered breaths and pitiful cries, high-pitched and girlish moans in between Chrono's quiet huffs.
The sweet pheromones in the air become sweeter, thicker, and Chisaki can see the direct correlation between the smell and how much slick is dripping out of you, drenching Chrono's pretty cock, his stomach, even splattering his thighs on each thrust as his cock squelches deeper.
It's disgusting.
Digusting but curiously enamoring. Chrono's got you sitting on the couch, pushed up against the back while he fucks you. It's a tall piece of furniture, and Chrono merely hikes his leg up onto the cushions to gain a better angle to fuck you with. Your slick is everywhere; Chisaki knows that couch won't be salvageable after this. Somehow, he doesn't mind.
What he does mind, however, is the way Chrono is speeding up, rhythm stuttering and practically falling apart. He's going to knot you. Chisaki had given him full permission to - that's what taking care of an omega during their heat means, after all. But jealousy is boiling inside him, blood painfully engorging his cock, he feels tingly all over, very unlike himself.
He wants to touch you.
But you're a disgusting mess, smelling sweet and fertile and sweating and dripping everywhere. Chisaki can't believe he's feeling... attracted to you right now.
"O-ohh feels good, r-right there! Yes, thank you,t-than-" You mumble out, drunk on cock as you shudder through an orgasm, cream gushing out of your cunt and further dirtying Chisaki's office.
Chisaki sees red.
He's furious - not only at you, but at Chrono for touching you, and for himself for explicitly allowing it to happen. Chrono's about to knot you, claim you, and Chisaki is out of his chair before he knows what's happening.
"That's enough." And his gloved hands are ripping Chrono away from you, sending the other man reeling as his subordinate struggles to control his alpha instincts and stop himself from fighting his boss, tearing Chisaki to shreds for interrupting his mating.
Chisaki doesn't care, he's too focused on you.
"You're so pathetic." The man hisses at you, crowding into your space. When had he taken off his mask? He wanted to smell more of you.
His gloves are gone too, ripped away in a moment so he can feel your wet skin against his hands, feel the sweat beading your brow before those same fingers snap to undo his pants.
"I hate you, I hate you." He seethes, golden eyes staring at you so intently that you start to cry, overwhelmed with the situation, still craving a knot, craving intimacy and tenderness.
You've reduced him down to barely better than an animal, tearing at his clothes so he can sink into you, closing his eyes at the way you're wet and warm inside, perfect and velvety.
Chisaki doesn't know what's come over him. Normally he'd be disgusted, absolutely incensed at having such filth be in direct contact with his skin. But right now... all he feels is pleasure ripping through his veins, clouding his head, his mind, flushing rational thought down the toilet.
"Stupid, hate you-" his words rattle out on each rapid thrust, breath uneven and labored as his muscles stretch and work to fuck you harder and faster. He's building up to his peak.
One of his hands is fisted in your hair, close to your scalp and keeping you still, the other hand clamped firmly against your hip and making sure you don't wiggle away. Alpha instincts taking over as his brain convinces him to mate, breed, cum.
"You're so fucking dirty." He gasps, voice heated and gravelly as he struggles to fight through the heat taking over his body.
He's going into a rut.
Chisaki isn't supposed to do that. He takes supplements and suppressants to ensure he doesn't have too. Ruts are messy, nasty things to endure, and Chisaki would rather lick the floor of a dirty subway than experience one.
Yet here he is.
"You disgusting, wretched thing-" And you're crying, fat tears mixing with sweat and rolling down your chin. Chisaki feels disgusting himself, wanting to lick the liquid away.
He hasn't felt this good in his entire life, this burning fever pitch rising and rising and cresting, blazing along his nerves.
He can barely thrust his hips anymore, and only then does Chisaki realizes that he's popped his knot, jammed it in deep while you cried and moaned and struggled to hold onto him.
Theres a sick sense of satisfaction filling him up, his mind clears for half a second and Chisaki thinks to look over his shoulder, seeing Chrono still standing there with a soured look on his face, cock still swollen and drippy and bobbing purple against the man's stomach.
"Get out." Chisaki orders, and Chrono knows enough to merely pick up his coat and wrap it around himself before exiting the room. He's never seen his boss like this - so feral and unhinged and debauched like some regular dirty plebeian.
But Chisaki doesn't care. Odd.
He cares about grinding against you, feeling you milk every last drop of cum from his balls, shimmying his hips to hear you gasp and moan and clutch at his body, trembling like a little lamb.
Chisaki doesn't want to stop.
"As soon as my knot goes down-" He growls, lowering his face until it's mere inches from your own, breathing into your space. "I'm going to take you to my room and knot you until you break."
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