#it’s just not happening i’ve been trying for YEARS since my TEENS
professionaljester · 9 months
beating my brain into submission anytime it wants to draw bc i’ve told it for weeks now we’re done with that. we’re not an artist anymore stop trying to make art happen
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#abc shut it#vent#it’s just not happening i’ve been trying for YEARS since my TEENS#and i just cannot make the connections i need bc no one wants to be my friend bc i can’t socialize#ppl show no interest in me or my art and if they do it’s out of pity to get me to stop whining#so i’m done#no one wants to help an autisic bitch out to get their career off the ground#all i get told is i need to go out and make the connections#as if i’m not doing that i go around conventions talking and trying to connect with other artists but it doesn’t work it just doesn’t work#i need fucking help to get my shit out there bc i literally cannot do it on my own#i’ve been fuckkng trying#but no one wants to help me so i just figure this all out myself#and i get told talk in the artist alley server as if it’s not an overwhelming mess to look at and i don’t know what conversations belong#where#i’ve never been apart of a crazy big discord server like this i’ve frankly barely been in any servers at all!#what the fuck am i suppose to be doing in this fucking mess to make friends#no one wants to tell me how discord works bc you just need to use it and figure it out#but i’m not going to use it if it’s overwhelming and i don’t know how it works#i barely know what half the shit included in discord is for or does#i’ve never been apart of a group order bc i don’t have friends and no one will want me to be in their orders anyway#I DONT KNOW HOW ANY OF THIS SHIT WORKS AND NO ONE WANTS TK HELP ME#THEY JUST SAY DO IT LIKE IM NOT AUTISIC AND NEED TK BE SHOWN
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sleekista · 5 months
you don’t have to be perfect
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barça fem x teen!reader, lucy bronze x teen!reader
request: here
A/N: also i would just like to say, if anyone has any feedback for my writing it’s greatly appreciated cuz i’m not the best writer ik that but i want to improve.
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It was apart of the contract I first signed with Barcelona that I continue my studies and finish school. Not ideal, but I get by with around 80% and sitting on a B for most my classes. What I didn’t factor in was the amount of stress I would have on top of the League and UWCL games when exams and assignments from 6 different classes were coming up. That’s hard on a 17 year old.
I felt myself start to drift away from everyone in the 2 weeks before mayhem. First it was denying to go out with the younger girls like Salma and Vicky, both of whom understood. Vicky being the same age as me and Salma only 2 years older than us. Then as expectations rose, classes became longer and filled extra information. All the time I wasn't on the pitch, I was studying. Or sleeping. (we dont talk about how even thats being cut down to maximum 5 hours a night).
Living with Lucy meant that she was bound to catch on to what was happening. It was inevitable. She took me under her wing when I first arrived along with some of the older girls and since I don’t speak Spanish natively, I was told to go with Lucy who was told to keep an eye on me. It’s nice, when you don’t want her to worry about how you’re ignoring everyone and have bags under your eyes whenever she sees you. She really does try her hardest to get me to do anything that’s not over analysing and over-studying the numerous topics, but no matter how much it pains me. I always turn her down.
After another night of studying until 2am, there’s an early morning training session and I know I’ve only gotten 4 hours of sleep. If I told the medical staff I’m sure they’d pale.
I’m aware that I probably look like death walking, but it doesn’t bother me. If I pass with above average grades, I’m happy and I know my actual parents will be too. I ignore the concerned looks that Irene and Alexia give Lucy, and get changed ready for the training session.
It’s gruelling, the lack of sleep from the past 2 weeks has finally started to catch up. When I least needed it to. Maybe I am working too hard. It’s too late for that though. I know I’m being watched by the captains, acting for a little bit longer won’t do much harm. Can it?
When the third water break rolls around, I sit on the floor and flop onto my back, closing my eyes. Too tired in the moment to do anything other than breathe. The sunshine above me dulls as Lucy and Alexia stare down at me. When I open my eyes. My captain has a raised brow, while my roommate has her arms crossed.
“Y/N, get up please. Now.” It’s Lucy who speaks first. I don’t give in. What’s their problem?
“No. I am fine where I am thank you very much.” I bite back. Lucy looks like she’s trying to hold herself together and Alexia looks furious. Unconsciously, I sink into myself hoping the ground could swallow me up.
“Nena, we won’t ask again.” The spaniard says, her voice low as she sticks out her hand.
I reluctantly take it, pulling myself up and staring at the two in front of me.
“Come.” Alexia says blankly, leaving no room for argument before walking toward the main building. I sigh, doing as she says or I know I won’t hear the end of it. Lucy trails just behind me, her jaw set and making sure I don’t run away.
When inside I’m placed on a couch, wishing and praying to any extra-terrestrial being that I can leave this confrontation. What is it even about? Why am I here? I’ve done nothing wrong.
“So, we noticed you’ve been pushing people out. You also look dead.” Classic Alexia, straight to the point.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I look away.
“Really? Because when I go to bed, which is around midnight and sometimes 1 if I’m doing other work. Your light is always on. You better fess up now before we make you do extra laps, and clear all the equipment from training.” It’s Lucy this time, starring daggers into me. Still, I don’t let up.
“Maybe I left the light on.” I shrug. “And why do we have to do this right now? I have 2 exams tomorrow. So, if I may. Let’s finish training so I can get to study and do other things.”
“This is exactly what I’m talking about Y/N. You’re deflecting absolutely everything we say. You’re not taking the information in. I get you’re stressed but that doesn’t mean you isolate yourself.” She pauses, sighing deeply. “We are going home right now. You will not touch your school work, this has gone on for long enough. I know Alexia agrees with me.”
“Before you argue, just think. Is this really the best way I could’ve prepared? Yes nail in, do the study for good results. But also remember to utilise the support system you have, the team, the coaches, take a break.” By the end of the rant I feel tears well in my eyes. I feel someone hug me and I can tell who it is by the obscurely large hands.
“Nena, go home with Lucy. Get some rest, and not only will you feel better but it gives your brain a break. When the week is over we can talk more but for now go.” The Catalan smiles warmly. I nod my head saying thanks before walking with Lucy to the car.
“Do you feel alright? You do look very pale.” She places her hands against my face and frowns. “No temperature. I’ll get some food into you and we’ll have a rest day. Just us.” I nod slowly staring out of the window as my mind races.
When we get to the apartment, no conversation is made and I immediately go and take a shower. It’s there that I cry and let all my frustrations out, the stress finally taking its toll on my mind.
When I’m dressed and ready I walk out to the smell of pancakes and Lucy sitting on the couch with Narla next to her. She hears me and turns her head around, eyebrows furrowing at the state I’m in.
She pats the open spot next to her which isn’t taken by the Westie and hands me a plate, which I accept gratefully.
It’s a comfortable silence, but I know she’s waiting for me to say anything. And this time, I do.
“I’m sorry Luce.” My voice is quiet and more high pitched compared to what it normally sounds like.
She smiles lightly.
“Hey, these things happen. You’re smart, just as Alexia said give your mind a rest and you’ll do better. Myself, Keira, the rest of the team only want the best for you and your well-being. Let’s not talk about this now, take it step by step. You’ll be ok.” I nod wiping freshly formed tears as she pulls me into a big hug, giving the rest of her pancake to Narla who eats it happily.
- - - - -
And ok it would be. I end up playing Fifa with Lucy the rest of the day before eventually falling asleep against her. As for the exams, I pass by with good grades and after everything’s done the team takes me out to a restaurant to celebrate. As much as I deny it, this team is the most important thing to me. I love and adore them all so much.
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bejeweledblondie · 8 months
imagine noticing königs belt missed a loop and so you go down on your knees in front of him and fix it, and when you stand back up he’s like blushing and panting 😮‍💨
Ah yay! My first request I’m so happy! It’s been years since I’ve written anything, but I’ve come out of retirement so I welcome anything
You’re the supply clerk for KorTac, you provide everything from pens to ammo magazines. Since you’re so articulate & organized nothing gets past you. König had walked in to return some of the extra unused ammo magazines he had signed out. He was incredibly stealthy on the battlefield & oozed confidence whenever he was behind his rifle. But women especially beautiful women much like yourself made him freeze up. Due to his experiences as a child, & teen he never went through the awkward dating phase. You were catching up on some book keeping when he walked in.
“Guten Tag fräuline,” he greeted as he walked in. You looked up from your tablet & smiled at him.
“Good morning König,” you greeted back & walked up to the counter. “What can I do for you?”
His breath hitched as he saw you looking at up at him. He was always used to people staring up at him due to his height. But there was just something about those big glossy doe like eyes. He gulped & tried to piece words in head to form a sentence. You beat him to the punch before he could even get the sentence out.
“Oh I see you’re returning the magazines!” You said pointing to the three magazines he held in his hand. As you pointed, you had noticed his tactical belt was missing a loop. “König, did you know you’re missing a belt loop?” Feeling like he was caught with his pants around his ankles he shook his head. “Well let me help you silly.” You said & walk around the counter. Before he could even react you were already on your knees undoing his belt to fix the missing loop. You couldn’t tell due to the sniper hood but he was wide eyed & his cheeks were flushed. Once you got the belt off, you readjusted his pants & started to feed his belt back through the loops. König was trying to prevent the growing erection that was happening maybe an inch away from your face. You obliviously didn’t even notice. When you went go & buckle the belt you felt a strong hand reach down to stop you. You looked confused as he pulled you to your feet. He grabbed your hand & put it on his crotch. Eyes widening you bore into the eye holes of his sniper hood.
“Y- you have absolutely no idea what you do me schatz, do you?” He stammered.
“What makes you think I don’t know?” You replied with a smirk. “Why don’t I show you?” You said as you got back down on your knees. He started to pant & breath heavily as you undid his zipper. Both did the both of y’all show each other the importance to boost morale for your fellow service members.
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wrtingsoftheunknown · 3 months
Vincent Sinclair HC
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Vincent Sinclair hc SFW and NSFW
I’ve haven’t  been seeing my boy get repped recently so I have to do it myself. My first time writing something on here or towards this character ,I promise I will get better y'al,l I made this super quickly not proofread oops.
-While he can be insecure about his face he definitely has an ego from being the favorite child and having perfected his craft.
Lester drags him out to go for a ride around town or force him to come to his place for some quality brother time (Bo joins every now and then but wants peace and quiet dammit )
‘I know a lot of people have him learn sign language but I think he either writes what he wants to say, speaks as best as he can, or gestures, ( he was born in the south to parents that I don't think cared about communicating with him too much but he could have picked it up later in life maybe in his teen years or middle school era)
More sadistic than Bo when it comes to killing, he doesn't care if they are dead or alive when working on them and takes satisfaction in the result of his work
He prefers to work in silence but you can catch him humming now and then some country song or a guilty pleasure pop song from the 80’s( I see you Vince)
I think he partakes in multiple forms of art besides wax work.We see he’s able to paint, draw, but he also  takes pictures, , sews, writes, makes videos, anything artistic he’s learning and keeping up with new techniques.
Since he takes video of the killings at times I think they sell them as snuff films to make extra cash on top of stealing and selling victims stuff. (At least that’s what I thought when I first watched the film anyone else or just me)
Rarely happens but will keep victims that interest him like Bo ,but dispose of them when they get boring  or no longer match up the ideal version of them in his head.
-Does want a lifelong partner, the white wedding and picket fence, kids,  but knows it might be difficult with the line of work he does.
- He can talk but only does when it’s important or to emphasize something. He does have a southern draw like Bo and I imagine his voice to sound similar but raspier, maybe deeper/ quieter from not using it as much.
-like I said earlier you have to really catch his attention and be able to hold it for more than a week, if that happens then he’s obsessed and protective maybe a little too over protective.
Does indeed have a hair care routine I believe this full throttle and no one can can tell me otherwise I'm not listening.
I don't know if he’s a virgin, I don't think he is something is telling me he isn't, but i’m not sure
He has no problem with nudity, bodies are seen as art, there's not as much of a sexual connotation with them as with Bo and Lester .
He wants to be in love with the person he is intimate with, he wants to be worship and worship his muse.
Drawings  of his partner naked as well as in the midst of a passionate night, he might tease them all night to make sure the sketch is as life like and accurate as possible
Good size and thick that's all I gotta say
Praise kink hard core, hearing his partner call him a good boy or how he makes them feel so good he will crumble
He starts slow and sensual, enjoys the control he has and having someone at his power.
I think he will edge you and leave you high and dry when you act out but he always caves by the end of the day and gives you what you need.
Can last a long time surprisingly
Mainly a giver but someone please for the love of god give this man the nastiest had he’s ever received will make the prettiest noises 
Is down to try anything new and more open about sex than you would think.
When he’s horny he comes up behind his partner and starts caressing every inch he can reach, while resting his chin on their shoulder acting as innocent as he can.
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I don’t think Jason has ever hated Tim
I recently revived my Jason Todd hyperfixation from its torpor and realized I had... Means and Ways of reading as many comics as I want for free, so I made the transition from Fanon Only to having read Lost Days, Under the Red Hood, Teen Titans #29 (where Jason fights and beats the tar out of Tim), Hush, Red Hood and the Outlaws (the majority of both runs), Red Robin: The Grail, Batman and Robin: Streets Run Red, Green Arrow #70 - #73 (where Jason kidnaps Mia), Battle for the Cowl, and a smattering of other bits and bobs, all within the last month.
I have come to the conclusion that the idea that Jason hated Tim before slowly learning to be okay with him is completely backwards.
Jason starts respecting Tim as a fellow combatant after basically their first meeting, and was sympathizing with him even before. Fandom talks a lot about how Jason repeatedly tried to kill Tim, but I think there’s a good argument to be made that actually Jason has never tried to kill Tim, and there’s a better argument that Jason has never tried to hurt Tim out of a dislike for him.
Tim is the one who feels viciously betrayed by Jason, hates his guts, and depending on if you blend in the New 52 either learns to begrudgingly like him or just stays hatin.
Obviously I need some proof here, since this goes completely against the grain of every relationship interpretation I’ve ever seen for them, so approximately seven miles of character analysis under the cut lmao
I’m gonna try to go in chronological order of the characters’ history here, which means we’re starting with Lost Days, and Jason’s first reaction to finding out there’s a new Robin:
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This does not look like anger to me.
Lost Days is only six issues long, and this is the entirety of the pages devoted to Jason’s feelings on Tim. Jason succeeds in a plan that would have almost certainly killed Batman if Jason had gone through with it. Jason undeniably has Joker dead to rights at one point, but lets him go. Jason at no point in this story attempts to harm Tim at all.
Now for Hush.
Context for fanon only folks: this is where the “throat slitting” bit happens.
Context for a lot of confusion: I don’t know if Jason is the one who holds Tim hostage or not.
In the original Hush plot line this is only Clayface; Jason isn’t here at all. It was later retconned in Under the Red Hood that Jason was actually in this fight for... some amount of time. It’s highly unclear to me when they swap out. Probably because originally, they didn’t swap out. Oh well! In either case, it’s now canon that Jason coached Clayface on his acting, so for the purposes of this essay, Imma hold Jason responsible for the throat damages and the words said regardless of who did what!
Right off the bat: this is a hostage taking, not a murder. Yes, Clayson Jayface does nick Tim’s neck and absolutely makes the threat of murdering him to Batman, but it’s clearly a threat. Like, look at this panel:
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He is talking a lot. This isn’t an attempt to kill Tim, it’s an attempt to screw with Batman. No matter who this is, they have every reason to expect that Batman will stop them before they do any permanent damage. Can you see that little, blurry, half-hidden line of red? Lets look at what the damage was later on:
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The bleeding was stopped by a bit of cloth, some pressure, and he’ll need stitches eventually, but they can clearly wait, and Tim doesn’t seem alarmed. That’s enough to scar, and enough that it is perfectly reasonable for Tim to assume that he would have died if he hadn’t been rescued.
However, Jason being deeply protective of kids is a reasonably consistent character trait. “You really think I’m gonna bring the pain to a ten year old?” Even at Jason’s most villainous, he is willing to put himself in danger in order to protect his own sidekick Scarlet. I think it would be very out of character for him to have gone through with it. Combined with Jason’s later actions and the general fact that a hostage is pretty useless dead, I come to the conclusion that Jason was bluffing.
It is ambiguous though, and I admit that this is probably the weakest link in the “Jason never tried to kill him” chain.
But enough of that, was he angry with him? Is the hate there?
I argue no, and that really there’s no emotional investment in Tim at all. In terms of hard numbers the pages Jalay Toddface spends holding Tim hostage is 3 and the number he spends fighting Batman is 13 and the number of times he even so much as LOOKS at Tim is ZERO, like actually, literally ZERO TIMES. He does not spare poor Timmy a SINGLE GLANCE.
Now make a special note here because those three pages of no eye contact from someone who might not even be Jason are the ONLY times that Tim is called Pretender or Imposter.
I’m relying on this research done by Kiragecko: https://kiragecko.tumblr.com/post/128411908944/bat-sibling-interaction It only goes up to Battle for the Cowl, (as does this essay it turns out, I just don’t know how to bridge between that and the New 52) so it isn’t every interaction ever, but it’s still excellent research, go leave a like.
According to them: “Comments: Tim thinks about Jason a lot while he’s first training. He imagines the former Robins giving him pep talks, and uses them to fight off fear gas. When Jason comes back, though, Tim’s really nasty, especially in his head. Jason, however, is somewhat respectful. He usually calls Tim ‘Tim’, and seems to kind of like him. ‘Pretender’ and ‘Imposter’ are things that CLAYFACE said, not Jason.“
How many times are those said? Once. Each. That’s it. As a comment under the Jason and Tim post done by Kiragecko points out, “Replacement” doesn’t even get used.
Under the Red Hood is basically THE Jason Todd comic. To my memory he doesn’t interact with Tim in it. However, it does contain that aforementioned reconning! So we get to see his reasoning during this encounter.
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And it very very clearly isn’t at all about Tim.
Moving on to Titans Tower, which is indisputably focused on Tim: When he fights Tim, he is absolutely violent and over the line, but he’s NOT out of his head. Jason is clearly very lucid and careful about what he’s doing.
Is he angry? Of course! He’s angry at the Titans who in his mind cared about him way less than their other members, and accepted a replacement robin as though his life, his whole flesh and blood self, was something that could be so easily forgotten and swapped out.
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But I think it would be a mistake to assume that Jason’s at all mad that he isn’t Robin anymore.
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A very interesting direct parallel to this fight is when Jason kidnaps Mia, Green Arrow’s sidekick Speedy, fights her, appeals to their commonalities and encourages her to solve crime his way rather than Green Arrow’s way.
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In both scenarios Jason engineers a way to isolate a sidekick and attempts to teach them something through combat. He makes a direct appeal to them against their mentors, and seems genuine about what he’s saying. He also lets both of them live, and with Mia is honestly pretty damned polite about it all. At least, as polite as a guy can be about kidnapping you and encouraging you to try to kill him in your high school gym that he definitely should not know about.
The plain fact of the matter is that Jason knocked Tim out, had time to paint his whole ass name way up high on a wall, and did not kill him. This is the same Jason who just prior to that took out all of Tim’s allies non-lethally. The same Jason who kept Mia’s protector’s busy non-lethally. The same Jason who cuts Mia free and gives her weapons back and starts slow in their fighting to make sure he doesn’t hurt her too badly. The same Jason who seems to feel very strongly that killing, trafficking, or selling drugs to kids is an unforgivable offense and very clearly sees Tim as a kid.
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Quite frankly, this reads not like a murder, and not like a jealous beatdown, but an attempt to convince Tim that he’s going to get himself killed and needs to get out while he still can. In Jason’s mind before they meet, Tim is purely A Robin, a kid who deserves better than to be put into danger against the same monsters over and over again until he finally slips up and dies.
Is this a hairbrained and back asswards way of doing that? Yes! But it does track for someone who tries to do all of his talking through his actions, which do speak louder than words, but unfortunately C-4 loudness is not actually a significant boon to nuanced communication.
If you want to put it in a less charitable way (and maybe we should, this is a bonkers asshole move on Jason’s part no matter how you slice it) then we can say Jason is testing Tim, trying to see if this one has what it takes to be better than he was, to survive where he couldn’t. Personally I think it’s a mix of both, and for this end of that emotional mess: Tim passes the test.
Jason leaves while talking about Tim in present tense, showing that he has every expectation of Tim being alive, and praises him in the process:
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Did you know that the fun panel of Tim kicking Jason in the nuts is actually from the same comic run, about twenty or so issues later?
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Did you know that the argument they were having starts with Dick and Tim wrestling with Jason and accusing him of a murder he did not commit, and in fact tried to save the victim from?
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Did I mention yet that the death in question was of Duela Dent, aka the JOKER’S DAUGHTER, whom Jason caught attempting to hold a young woman hostage for ransom? And that Jason repeatedly shot her getaway balloon instead of her and then tried to save her life immediately afterwards despite the fact that she was going to let the hostage plummet to their death? And it is implied that part of the reason he’s so easy on her is because of “Once a Titan always a Titan” loyalty, with this being our first clue that Jason isn’t the one shooting at her anymore?
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Did I also mention that he comes to her funeral in part to be around Donna (the starry leotard lady whose statue he smashed) because it’s nice to be around people who understand being displaced by their own death? And that the one who sticks up for him in this scene is Donna?
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At risk of negating my own thesus here, I’d say it’s reasonable to think that maybe Jason feels rage-hate for Tim in this “kicked in the dick while Dick grins smugly” moment.
Lets go now to Robin #177 at the tail end of the 1993 to 2003 run - Bruce has “died” and Tim hasn’t yet gone on his epic quest to find him. Tim finds Jason unifying street gangs with the intent to bring them under control and solve the current crisis. He appeals to Tim for help with this, in fact he comes off as almost puppy dog eager to work with him, and seems really sad when he says fuck no.
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This is one of the first fights in which Tim really holds his own against Jason, and I am very proud of him, yes :3
This gets Jason arrested. Then Tim actually goes through with a heavily modified, less violent version of Jason’s plan that Jason didn’t think could work. A few issues later, when Tim decides that he’s going to try to honor what Bruce would have wanted by springing Jason out of jail, Jason makes note of that.
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Jason is pretty damned civil at their next meeting, even though Tim makes it pretty damned clear he doesn’t want him around.
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And now... we have to talk about Battle for the Cowl.
I’ve seen it described as a masterclass in how NOT to write Jason Todd, due to it portraying him as being an absolutely off his rocker anger murder violence man. I am inclined to agree.
In this three issue comic Jason Todd has been dRiVeN mAd (in the most bullshit comic sense of that word) by Bruce’s will... telling him to go to therapy. Yeah. So uh, he dons a Batman suit to shoot people in AND pretends to be Black Mask so he can enslave a bunch of villains Amanda Waller style, and like it gets weird from there. It is an extremely jarring transition from that last scene to GUNS BAT HATE MAN.
He still does not hate Tim in it. I really, seriously thought I was going to have to make a lot of excuses for this portion but then the more I read of it the more vindicated I was cause let me repeat: One of the most unhinged with Bat hate and crazy juice versions of Jason ever put to print does not hate Tim at all.
Hell, he likes Tim! He compliments him!
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And on top of that, even though he is MUCH more lethal against his fellow robins when they attack him - Jason straight up shoots a ten year old Damian in the chest. It’s fucked. - There is still evidence to suggest that Jason deliberately didn’t kill Tim when he had ample opportunity.
Jason first of all never hunts Tim down. I’ve heard Battle for the Cowl described as Jason tracking Tim down or kidnapping him or going after him to force him to Be His Robin, but that’s just not how it goes.
Instead he waits for Tim to come find his Batcave, disorients him, and goes for a ton of surface cuts. He only actually goes for a real body blow after Tim picks up a crowbar and beats Jason across the face with it a few times.
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(Again, proud of you Timmy)
After the stabbing, Jason doesn’t just leave Tim there; this isn’t a matter of hurrying on before he could check. He’s seen dragging Tim off. When Nightwing later comes to rescue him, Dick is downright certain Jason is lying to him about Tim being dead because Jason is refusing to show him the body and Dick figures it’s because he knows there’s no body to show (if in part because he can’t let himself believe Tim is dead without hard proof).
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Tim himself wonders about this, noting that the batterang was rusted and shattered on his armor.
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Sure, Tim used playing possum to make his pulse slow to a near stop for a while, maybe that fooled Jason, but keep in mind that BRUCE taught Tim that skill, and if there’s one thing these comics have established, it’s that Jason is dangerous precisely because he is so intimately familiar with the techniques of the Bat. Jason even makes specific note of the fact that Tim being trained like Bruce and fighting like Bruce would be his downfall at the beginning of their fight.
The whole comic leaves me wondering just how much of what happened went completely according to Jason’s plan. I really would not put it passed him to engineer a ‘death in the family’ recreation for the next Batman in line! As much as I agree that this is garbage characterization for him in many many ways, I do think Jason makes a fantastic villain. I love to see him run rings around the Bats in some places, and make lemonade out of getting his ass kicked in others.
No matter how we interpret the stabbing here though, what does seem very clear to me is that Jason makes the Be My Robin offer to Tim first and foremost because he thinks pretty highly of Tim! He’s been rejected by Tim at least three times over but keeps holding a hand out for him. This does not seem like Tim hater reaction hours here!
Also that whole thing about kids being dragged into this vigilante life irresponsibly? Yeah that’s still there!
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I have TRIED to find evidence that Jason hates Tim at like literally any point here. I have gone through the shit people point to. I have looked at the context around those and dug up more obscure interactions for second and third views. Everywhere I look I just see more instances of Jason complimenting Tim!! It’s driving me nuts!
The only conclusion that I can come to is that people read this stuff and just trust that Tim is right about Jason. Tim’s internal view waaay more closely resembles fandom interpretation. Tim assumes that Clayson Toddface would absolutely have killed him in cold blood, that Jason beat the shit out of him purely to prove he was stronger, that he’s a brute, a moron, an active danger to society, and that every bit of leniency given to him will result in betrayal and death.
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I don’t have clearer proof for it, but I also don’t think it’s a stretch to say that Tim probably believes Jason has it out for him and holds him responsible for his replacement.
So yeah. As a fascinating reversal of my expectations going in: I don’t think Jason has ever hated Tim, but boy fuckin howdy has Tim HATED Jason.
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mychemicalrachel · 1 year
Full disclosure, I have not seen the Teen Wolf movie and no I do not plan on it. I have caught a few things through the magic of tumblr and I had some thoughts. So if everything I saw is accurate; Derek has a kid Eli (basically a Stiles replacement since Dylan wasn’t in the movie. Also, nobody knows who his mother is?) and Derek dies, and he leaves his kid to Scott and Allison. Am I right so far? I’ve seen a few posts entertaining the idea of Stiles being Eli’s other dad, fix-its that have him resurrecting/saving Derek in some capacity. And so it got me thinking of my own version of how I would fix this dumpster fire and like,
What if Stiles was not Eli’s dad?
No no no, hear me out, okay?
Derek had Eli with some one night stand or whatever, it’s not important. She’s not in the picture but neither is Stiles. Stiles is just the one that got away, he’s the guy Derek has been pining over for the past fifteen years, and nothing more. Stiles finally got away from the supernatural shitshow and Derek is not going to be the one to drag him back into it just because he has feelings for him.
But Stiles is still the closest thing Derek has ever had to family and it makes sense for Derek to entrust his family with Stiles’ family. So what if he left Eli in the care of John? (hIS NAME IS JOHN, FIGHT ME ON THIS.) And John, he kind of adores the kid, right? Of course when Derek dies (because he does) John takes Eli in just as he promised he would.
But John is getting older. Eli is a handful because he is just like Stiles. John has to tell Stiles eventually what happened and he really could use some help trying to wrangle a grieving teenager, so he calls Stiles.
Stiles is FURIOUS when he finds out what happened. He hasn’t been in contact with Scott for years because he realized what a piece of shit Scott was, but the fact that Scott didn’t even call when everything was happening makes him angry. The fact that they let Derek die?? More than angry. Angry enough to kill somebody. But when he meets Eli, all that anger disappears. Eli, who is this weird mix of Derek and Stiles, who is mourning the loss of his only parent, his only family. He knows what it’s like to lose a parent, but even after his mom died, he always had his dad. Eli doesn’t have that so Stiles makes it his responsibility to become that figure for him. Not his dad because nobody could replace Derek, but a guardian.
He moves back to town, he bonds with Eli, and in his spare time he maybe starts to explore the possibilities of necromancy. Death in a place like Beacon Hills has never been permanent– Peter and now Allison are proof of that. He doesn’t tell anybody because he doesn’t actually plan on bringing Derek back, it’s just a thought that keeps him from falling apart entirely. During this time, he realizes not only his feelings for Derek, but Derek’s feelings for him. He wishes he could have just a few minutes with Derek, wishes he could go back in time and redo everything. Maybe he would have stayed in Beacon Hills, or he would have asked Derek to leave with him. And time travel, yeah that’s a possibility, too, but time is a fickle bitch and Stiles isn’t willing to gamble with it. What if he messes something up and erases Eli from existence?
In the end, bringing Derek back is kind of an accident.
Years have passed and Eli is healing, Stiles is healing– they even manage to fix the jeep together because symbolism. Stiles is going through some old journals or something of Deaton’s and he finds something that looks kind of promising (something about true love being the one thing more powerful than death or something equally as cheesy) and he’s reading it out loud and it just happens. No fanfare, no sparks, almost like it’s not magic at all. One second, Stiles is alone, and the next, Derek is there– older than the last time Stiles saw him, just as beautiful. There’s some panic because what the fuck, the last thing Derek remembers is the fire and being so sure he was going to die and thinking if only I could see Stiles one more time and now he’s here, standing in front of Stiles– also older than the last time Derek saw him, and just as beautiful. But after the panic, there’s some kissing and some crying and some long awaited love confessions, and by the time they go home, Stiles still isn’t sure exactly what happened, what he did, what the consequences might be, but he’s got his arm around Derek’s waist and the burn of Derek’s stubble on his lips and Derek is alive so nothing else fucking matters.
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starsomens · 7 months
I would like to request for a Noah x reader where they’re both friends who are pining for each other.
At one point they were talking about Noah’s hand tattoos and one thing led to another, they both realised the size difference between their hands and they both went 👀👀👀👀😳😳😳😳
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"Honestly, I really want the next album to progress but I'm really glad the meeting was canceled this morning" Nick sighs as he leans back in his chair. They were currently visiting LA again after traveling. You had asked Noah if he was free to catch up for an hour or two like you all used to before their recent tour.
You had Known Nick for basically you're entire life and you were then introduced to Noah around your teen years. Of course you stuck around for their success, new members and their latest hit album and tour. You had even went on the first half of their tour with them.
“ oh yeah, did I tell you that Y/N is coming to visit after so long?” he informed his friend. “ she should be here pretty soon actually.”
“ oh, so are you gonna finally make your move?” Nicks Eyebrows danced at him,
“ come on, it’s just a meet up. We’re just gonna catch up.” Noah couldn’t help but play with his hands at his friend poking fun at him. Truth was you and him kind of had a little thing going on. A lot of people thought that you would’ve ended up together, but no one ever made a move. There were times where one of you was going to confess to the other, but chickened out last minute. Eventually, you both had kind of ignored it, and just kept being friends.
Oh, and he thought you would’ve felt too overwhelmed with his lifestyle and everything that was going on. You wouldn’t want to settle for someone who is always traveling doing work and writing, and thought it would scare you away. You were one of the most beautiful girls ever eyes and he thought You guys were dying to be with you and you would not settle for him.
You thought that you weren’t enough Noah was an uprising artist, along with the rest of the band, and you thought you were gonna just weigh them down. It didn’t help that Noah was very handsome and it honestly intimidated you into feeling as if you were not pretty enough for him.
Everyone else around you thought you would’ve made a great couple. They found both funny and annoying how long it’s taking you both to realize that you have feelings for one another.
“ I’m telling you you guys guys are running in circles. She clearly likes you and you definitely like her just make your move.”
“ we’ve been over this. I’ve already said it if it-“
“-was meant to happen you wouldn’t feel a certain way when you try to talk to her. I know you say that every time how about you just make a move I promise you dude it is going to work.”
Just before Noah could answer his doorbell ring
“ speaking of the devil herself, there she” side, feeling more anxious than he was before, since the conversation was brought up
“ make your move. This might be your last chance.” And Nick hung up the call, and Noah was face with his fears on his own. He feels his ears, lungs as he pushes himself from his desk and goes to answer the door.
Why am I nervous? She’s just a friend…. It’s not like she would want to be more than that….. even if I wanted it to be
He thought himself as he started to unlock the door. They did you who he would consider one of his best friends but also his secret love. He just wish that he could tell you that.
“ long time no see” you smile up at him just like you used to. How he missed that smile. The way your eyes would slightly squint and how your smile can brighten up any dark day. Oh, how he wished you were his so he could hold you and kiss you and stare at you all day long. Was that weird for him to think about?
“ the same to you look at you really covered in tattoos now” he teased you only seeing about three of them on your arm
“ says the one covered from neck to toe and tattoos all you’re missing or some face tattoos and you’d be complete “ you both give a giggle before he steps aside, and let you .
He watched you as you walked in. The way your hair gently flowed in the wind. Your hips swing with each step that you took.. and that ass . Noah was an extremely respectful person, especially towards women, but he couldn’t deny that you had a great ass on you, and it was one of the features that he really liked on you physically
“ so anything new going on? Aside from resting, of course.” You asked as you popped down on the sofa, making yourself at home as you would usually do
“ oh you know just working on the new album, all that junk. But we got the day off today, so just another day for me to center myself” he sat down close to you
"That sounds really productive and honestly relaxing” you kick your shoes off and fold them underneath your weight
“But tell me about you, you’re the one who’s been traveling and gotten some new ink” he said looking to your new inked skin. Out of all of the friends you were the only odd one out with no tattoos. You had finally gotten one with Nick, and once you left you had gotten one from each state you visited.
“Well, New York was obviously amazing and fluent a great artist for this one,” you pointed to the one on your shoulder “then after went to Virginia, visited some old friends of course and got this one. And finally stopped at Vegas and got this lil cutie” you pointed to a delicate design that wrapped around your wrist and went just about half way into the back of your hand.
Without thinking twice, Noah takes your hands in his and observes the tattoos. Face. You could feel your palms starting to sweat and your heart rate begin to race. You really hope you couldn’t feel how sweaty your hands were getting. You really hope you couldn’t hear how heavy you were breathing all the sudden. You had tried to convince yourself that those feelings were simply just teenage hormones, but now that you say here, again, with him in his living room. Your hands in his as he looked over your tattoos you had realize that those feelings truly did not go away…. However, you didn’t want them to go away either. Something with you hoping he would also reciprocate those feelings.
Then looked up from being much closer to your face than he had thought he was, and he giggled. He struggled to make eye contact with you know that if he did, he would say he’d regret. So, instead, he simply sat there in silence, while you looked at each other.
“They’re um….really pretty..” he said staring at your orbs. Mentally he meant your eyes, but verbally he said. “The tattoos…you found some great artists huh?”
Damn it! That was your chance! Artist? Come on!
“Y-yeah they were great, but compared to yours these are nothing” you blush trying to change the focus of the conversation
"which one is your favorite?" he asks
"I mean it would be hard to chose there are so many..." you chuckle trying not to sound nervous
"well take your pick" he said displaying his arms. You instantly look to his arm covered in a beautiful scarlet from wrist to shoulder. It was your honest favorite. You take his hand in yours as your other hand glides up his arm and trace along the beautiful design. You thought it was one of his best pieces
"this one.." you said softly. You hadn't even noticed he was now holding your hand in his. Your eyes fall down to them as you notice the size difference between you and him. How his hand encaged yours in warmth and comfort. Both your hands lining up finger by finger in front of your faces as your fingers slowly come to intertwine together. His hand lacing with yours nearly perfectly, like a missing puzzle piece finally put together.
"Y/N..." he called you and you finally snap out of your mind. Realizing the position you were in
"O-Oh Noah I'm sorry I didn't mean to do th-"
"I really like you." he blurts out
"I think..I've alwasy thought of what an amazing, smart and funny girl…I uh…lost my chance when you left to travel but I want…to want know..if you would- if you! If you feel the same way?” He asked cautiously
“…” you remain silent making Josh very nervous
“…if you don’t that totally fi-“ the poor boy was then shut up by your lips on his. It was 100%, defiantly a yes from you. His hand lets go of your as his arms wrap around your waist and brings you closer to him. You both pull back slowly and rest your foreheads on each others
“…well that took long enough” you giggle whisper
“Yeah…just pissed I didn’t do it sooner” he sighs as he rests you in his lap, feeling at home and comfortable with your weight in him
“Well we’re where now,” you smile “and you can make it up to me of course”
“And how’s that?”
“With some more kisses Mr,Sebastian”
「✨Taglist✨」 @lilhobgobbler @cncohshit @vir-tual @tdopomymind @concretenoah @misspygmypie @fvckmeorchokeme @lust-for-sacher @thescarlettvvitch @cind6547 @itsmrsfuentes @purple-lili @lma1986 @daylightlvrs @darling-arwen-rose
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starlight-eclipsed · 1 year
DPXDC Social Media AU
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Fic below!
The video started, the camera focusing on the scene before it. A teenager’s bedroom was shown, decorated with posters of space and model rockets. It was deceptively normal, had it not been for fans pointing out that they weren’t labeled LexCorp, Wayne, or any of the other leading names in aerospace.
“Hey everyone!” The teen in question greeted, smiling at the camera as he waved. “Danny here! Sorry for the radio silence—two of my rogues decided to do a collaboration and kidnapped a bunch of people. My parents grounded me and took all my video games since I kinda trashed a bunch of their equipment saving them, so I finally had enough time to record this. Again, grabbing a smartphone from you guys’ dimension was absolutely the right call. Looking forward to when the ones here will get to that level and I can use mine in public.”
Sitting back in his seat, Danny waved his hands. Papers from around the room were pulled up in the air, showing a variety of news clippings, report cards, and event flyers from the last year. “Sweet, that worked! I know it’s been a year, but I’m still getting used to these powers. Anyway, today’s topic is: secret identities! Specifically how much they can suck sometimes.”
The papers drop as he spins in his chair and folds his arms.
“Okay, so I’m gonna start this by saying I only speak for myself. Your dimension has a ton of other heroes who have all kinds of perspectives on this kind of thing. It’s also not an invitation to start harassing your friends and coworkers if they pull any stunts like the ones I’m gonna talk about. Some people are just flaky, some have other things in their life going on that they don’t want to talk to you about. In the extremely unlikely chance that you’re right and the friend who keeps bailing on you is a vigilante, you should leave that shit alone. No matter how justified you are in getting upset that they don’t have the time for you, trying to expose them can kill not only them, but everyone they want to protect. Don’t do it.”
Clapping his hands Danny tilts his head to listen for something before continuing. “With that out of the way and my whole family leaving the house, let’s get to it. Going ghost!”
A flash of light marks the transformation, revealing Phantom at the end. He adjusts the camera so that he remains in frame as he now floats in his room.
“So if you’re new here, let me run through the basics. When I was fourteen, I died and came back wrong. No, I won’t go into the details—I don’t need any of you getting any ideas. I can appear as human, so me and my two best friends decided to keep it a secret from my parents, who are ghost hunters. The current arrangement is that I go out as Phantom to fight off aggressive ghosts when they attack, and the rest of time I try to lead a somewhat abnormal civilian life.”
“Onto the topic. Now, the main reason people keep their identity secret is so that their enemies can’t use it to hurt them. I…sorta do that? I mean I’d be in a lot of trouble if ghost hunters figured me out, and the government here kinda revoked my human rights so there’s that. But there’s no hiding from other ghosts. Not when we can sense each other. I’m just lucky for the anti-ghost hunter solidarity, it’s probably the only reason my rogues haven’t revealed my human identity to the world.”
He shivered dramatically.
“So, humans. People. Being a superpowered vigilante is all fun and games except when an attack happens during class. I don’t even ask to go to the bathroom anymore, the teachers gave up on stopping me,” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Don’t get me started on how many times I’ve gotten grounded or given extra detentions because I was busy stopping someone from torching a building or possessing someone to ruin their life in creative ways. I can’t just tell them why I wasn’t there, so I either have to act like an idiot who forgot that I have classes to attend or pretend like I was skipping on purpose. Which I was, but not like that, ya know?”
“Another thing! My grades have completely tanked. I used to be a straight A student, I needed to be if I wanted to be an astronaut. But no, I had to go and get myself killed, and now my biology is all messed up so I can’t even qualify for the physical if my grades were good enough. Which they aren’t, because now I spend most of my time brawling whatever ghost of the day. And like, sure. I could do my homework and study in the rest of the time I have that’s not spent sleeping. But that’s exhausting, and honestly I’d rather take the F than spend all my time working.”
He sighed, slumping down a bit in his chair.
“It just sucks. My sister is setting records on her exams, and I’m a few pity-grades away from being held back a year. At least now I can handle most of the regulars by myself, so I’m not dragging my friends down with me. They deserve better.”
Danny opened his mouth to continue, but was cut off by mist escaping his lungs. He groaned, using his telekinesis to put his room back in order (notably cramming his graded assignments behind his dresser) and reaching for the camera.
“That’s my cue. Here’s hoping I can handle whoever’s out there fast enough so I have time to get started on my book report. Over and out.”
The video ended there. For many, that would be the last they’d hear of what was speculated to be the best performance-style LARP series for a while. Fans would start analyzing the footage not in the comments section, which was disabled, but in a separate online forum.
However, there was one place, albeit less well known, that one Danny Phantom would respond in.
Anonymous said
its good to see yuo posting again, but you looked really stressed. are you ok?
lol no
metwise said
I completely agree with you on your recent video. Vigilante work is hard; I was lucky when I started out, and I still nearly died many times over. Don’t let your grades get to you, if your school system is anything like this world’s equivalent then it is based heavily on busywork. Next time you’re visiting this world, try looking into online schooling. There should be free resources online you can download and follow along at your own pace to supplement the classes you miss. So long as you score well on tests, you can make up for the homework grades.
oh ill have to look into that, sounds neat. not sure if ill get around to actually studying any of it, but its better than nothing. i cant wait for my earth to catch up with yours, online school sounds so much better
Ayo is that Red Robin? Why tf is he takin some kids larp so seriously
bold words from the deathnote rp acc
shoutout to my rogues, who beat the shit out of me, dropped some new ghost lore, then backed me up in fighting an army of the undead
also mech suits hurt like hell how does skulker do it
Mech suits shouldn’t hurt??
my parents’ one runs on lifeforce
anyway if i had a dollar for every time i woke up somewhere i didn’t pass out in these last few days i’d have enough money to buy a burger
How much do your burgers cost
when the hell did so many supers start following me where are you people coming from
‘why r there so many heroes’ says the hero on the hero site
its like the only anonymous platform left that doesnt suck
Free entertainment <3
ok fair
wait a second
coalminesinger said
Hello Phantom! I just wanted to check in on you after your last few posts. Did you enjoy your weekend off?
nope lol, technus escaped and I used one of my parents inventions to split myself to try and relax while handling the ghost issue and just made more work for myself
#on the plus side my house is now on the beach #just in time for summer
You live in the middle of town???
yea putting it back is gonna be a pain
ok this is gonna be a heavy one folks. like arkham asylum levels of shit. i just spent the last week with my family convinced i was going insane, and i need to vent
That really really sucks, and I’m so sorry you had to go through that.
I went through a similar experience (only I was under the influence of a hallucinogenic drug that made me see, hear, and feel the villain in question, who wasn’t actually there). I was lucky enough to be on a team with someone who could read my mind and figure out what was happening, but if you can���t do that the next best thing is figuring out code words with anyone in the know. Obviously it’s not perfect, but some kind of word indicating that you feel like something is very wrong could save you a lot of trouble.
More under the cut.
…that could work? ill have to talk to my friends about it, but it sounds good
#thanks #still cant believe so many of yall are following this
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arzuera · 2 years
Conner isn't a clone of Luther and Superman,but Danny phantom and Superman.
Phantom looked at the monitor in the med bay dumbstruck. Several other leaguers were in the same situation. How could this have happened? WHEN did it happen? Sure during the early years of crime fighting, Danny hadn’t been the best at keeping his blood in his body but he had grown by leaps and bounds since then. With GIW and his parents trying to figure out how to take him out, it had become instinctual to make sure that he didn’t leave much of a trace wherever he went. Yet, somehow it had been leaked.
And to Lex Luthor no less.
“I don’t understand. Phantom wasn’t even a part of the league when the Cadmus project was in operation. So how could this be?!” Flash stated as his eyes scanned the results over and over but they remained the same.
“I’m… I’m just as confused as you are.” Danny admitted still feeling overwhelmed by this new information. When Cadmus was in operation he had finally appointed as the King of the Infinite Realms at the age of 21. He didn’t join the Justice League until a little over a year later when some idiotic cultists had thought it was a good idea to try and merge the death realm with the living. Now, going into his second year with the League, Danny was finding out he had been cloned.
Batman grunted as he leaned back in his chair. “The results don’t lie. I’ve run them about ten times and it has all come up the same. The records on Cadmus had stated that Superman and Lex Luthor were the donors in creating Connor. However, Phantom’s DNA is a perfect match.”
The halfa looked to the teenager who was lying on a bed in the other room unconscious. While out on a mission, Superboy had taken several nasty hits and was severely injured. He had needed a blood transfusion and the poor kid had a horrible reaction when Manhunter tried to use an IV of Luthor’s blood which was supposed to have been a match. (Superman donated his blood as needed. It's not that he didn’t want to help but it was really hard for him to give blood with his body the way it was. Most needles just bent out of shape when they tried to pierce the skin.) It was touch and go but it appeared that Danny’s was a perfect match in more ways than one. Phantom pulled out his cell phone and started texting Jazz. She was not going to believe this.
“Phantom, what are you doing?” Batman asked when he saw him pull the device out.
“Texting my sister.”
Flash, finally, peeled his eyes away from the monitor. “Why?”
“Because, apparently, I have a long lost son who I didn’t even know about and she is going to flip that Superboy is her nephew,” Danny responded with a smirk. He wished he could have delivered the news in person. Oh! He also needed to get a hold of his other sister. Dani was going to be so excited to learn that she was no longer the only clone in the family.
Thoughts were swirling inside of his head. Conner currently lived at the base of the Young Justice team. Mainly because he didn’t have anywhere to go. Would the boy mind if he took him home with him? His castle in the Ghost Zone was massive and a lot of the rooms were unoccupied. Conner could pick as many of the rooms as he wanted for all he cared. So long as he was happy. Danny’s apartment was a lot smaller but he could probably upgrade so that Conner could have his own space. Money wasn’t really an issue anymore. It would probably do wonders for the teen’s mindset if he had a proper home to come back to instead of the reminder that the one person who was supposed to care about him didn’t.
“You are taking this awfully well,” Batman said as a statement but Danny could feel the questioning gaze of the bat when he put his phone away. “I would have thought you would be mad.”
“Oh, I’m livid all right.” Phantom replied and what he said was true. “I just found out today that I have a son because the boy was put into the hospital due to the severity of his injuries and he had existed for at least two years in this world without my knowledge. Two years that were filled with an unprecedented amount of physical, emotional, and mental trauma as he tries to figure himself out and separate his identity from the man who is supposed to be his other father and mentor. Only for that man to have treated him as an abomination for existing in the first place.” The room temperature dropped to the point that the breath of the other Leaguers showed. “To be honest, I had already low-key adopted him because of that fact but now that I know I’m related there are going to be some changes.”
Flash and Batman exchanged a look seeing the green eyes of the ghost king flare for a few moments before settling into a soft pulse. Both were thankful that Superman was off-world, at the moment. Clark would have probably said something that would have set the man off if he had been there for the startling revelation. Superman cared about Conner. He did but he was having a hard time overlooking the fact that he was cloned without his consent. So Conner’s life was basically denied by the one person he wanted to be acknowledged the most.
Superman would have to be told before he came back so that he would be prepared for when Phantom was going to come at him. Hopefully, enough time will have passed so that Phantom will have calmed down and had a chance to figure out what he wanted to say. Regardless, it wasn’t going to be a fun conversation. For now, Batman nodded to the halfa and turned back to the monitor. “Why don’t you go check on Conner? He should be waking up soon and this news might be what he needs to hear.”
“Maybe he won’t see himself as a villain anymore because he shared DNA with one.” Danny nodded and flew into the teen’s room trying to think of a good way to tell him. How was he going to react? What was he going to say? Would he accept Danny as a father? It didn’t have to be a father role right away, maybe even a cousin or brother. Whatever the boy felt most comfortable with. After all, it didn’t matter what Conner picked in the end because he was family.
And he would never be fighting through things alone again.
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graciegoeskrazy · 6 months
i’ve got a woman now
pairings: Matty Healy x Teen!Daughter!reader (ft. The 1975)
a/n: GUYS. i really like this one lol. im so sorry to the wonderful anon who requested this! it took forever to complete because i loved it so much and kept adding and shit. but here it is and i hope u enjoy!
warnings: blood, periods, giving ‘the talk’, talk of absent mother, matty is the best dad, lil bit of panicking, a lil crying
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Your life quite literally flashed before your eyes when a line of blood started running down your legs. You ran to the bathroom and sat down as quickly as possible. Your bottoms were coated with blood. You were immensely scared and did the first thing that came to your mind - calling out to the person you trusted most.
Matty sat up and ran upstairs as soon as he heard you shout, never hesitating. He heard the panic cries coming from the bathroom. When he walked in he saw you sitting in the loo with a towel covering yourself. He kneeled in front of you.
“Woah, woah. Hey.”
You were scared shitless. Matty could tell by your panicked breathing.
“Breathe, baby.”
He led you through some exercises and after a moment he calmed down. “Is it under there?”
You frantically nodded.
“Good. Now let me see.”
He was pretty sure he knew what was happening but needed to make sure. “What happened?” He asked.
“I don’t know! You just sat down and I was peeing- and there was blood everywhere!”
“Okay, Okay, breathe darling.” His worst fear was confirmed. “It’s gonna be okay-”
“Daddy, what’s happening?”
He grabbed your shoulders and looked you right in the eyes with a smile. “You got your period, love.”
“Huh?” His casual tone threw you off.
“I’ll be right back.” After a moment or two Matty came back with a pair of underwear with a pad already attached, new shorts, and another roll of toilet paper. “Ok. You’re gonna clean yourself up, put this on, change your bottoms, and come meet me in my room. Okay?”
You nodded but continued crying. He kneeled again. “What’s wrong, darling?”
“Am I in trouble?”
“No, love! Of course not! Why would you be?”
You sniffled. “I made a mess and stuff,”
“No, you didn’t, love. This is all normal-”
“What do you mean normal?! Dad, I’m scared.”
“Just change, then come find me. Okay?”
You were so fucking confused
Although Matty tried to stay calm for the sake of his kid, on the inside he was a panicking mess. So, he called the person who usually always knows the right thing to say, and usually ends up fixing his problems. Your uncle Adam.
He mentioned that he, his wife Carly, your uncle George, and uncle Ross were all going out to lunch for the day, and would be back at the house you and all of them shared after. He facetimed him and he thankfully answered immediately.
“We’ve got a serious fucking problem.”
“What’s happened?” Adam asked.
“Y/n got her period.”
Everyone at the table went silent.
“She got her period mate. I have to fucking give her the TALK now!”
He could hear the others laughing in the background. Adam just smiled a bit. “You’ve never given her the talk?”
“No! I raised her alone! I’ve been trying to avoid that topic for as long as possible!” Your father was freaking out.
George spoke up from the back. “Did she even know what a period is?”
“I don’t think so. She called me to the bathroom- I think she thought she was gonna die.”
“Oh my god,” Ross said laughing.
“Does she need supplies?” Carley said, taking the phone.
“No, I had some stashed since 2 years ago for when this happened.”
“Awe! He cares!” She said, teasingly.
“Give Hann the phone back.” He replied with a blank face.
One Hann’s face was on the screen again, he continued. “Mate, What the fuck do I do?”
“First, you’re going to chill the fuck out.”
Matty took a breath. “Get her relaxed, it’ll do you both no good if she’s an anxious mess which I know she is.”
“Then you are going to simply explain that what happened is called a period. And because she got a period, she is now capable of making babies. But she cannot and will not make a baby until she is at least 30. She will bleed down there every month, and stick some cotton in her underwear to help. she might get terrible mood swings or cramps, or like her auntie Carly, she will want to stab her significant other's eyes out,”
“Hey!” Carly yelled.
“But it will all be fine, because her dad is here to help, and will be there every step of the way.”
“That was pretty good,” Ross said.
“I can’t believe my baby girl is becoming a woman,” Matty said.
“It was inevitable mate,” Adam said.
“I’ve been dreading this exact moment since I found out she didn’t have a penis.”
“You're a good dad, mate. Go.”
Your dad smiled a little bit before saying, “I’ll see you later.”
Carly chimed in before Adam had the chance to hang up. “Remind her that she now has an excuse to stay out of P.E!”
Your dad was lying in bed, scrolling on his phone after sending a text to George that read ‘pray for me’, when he heard the door creak open slightly. “Hop In,” he said, pulling back the covers.
“I can’t.” You shyly looked down, basically caving in on yourself.
“Why?” He asked.
“I’m gonna mess up the sheets again.” You slowly looked up to him.
“If you do then we’ll wash them. It’s not a big deal, c’mon.” he patted the spot next to him. You walked over to the bed and snuggled under the covers, immediately hiding in your dad’s chest. He ran his fingers through your hair for a moment, thinking about how to start the conversation. However, you did it for him. “Am I dying?”
He chuckled. “No. You’re not dying.”
You mumbled in his shirt. “So what’s happening then?”
He sighed. Here we go, “When girls get older…and start becoming women…they get their period every month-”
“Every month?! I’m gonna bleed out of my but every month?” You said sitting up.
“It’s not out of your but, it’s out of your vagina-”
“Doesn’t matter! I’m gonna have blood coming out of me every month?!”
He looked at you with a tight lip before replying. “...Yes.”
You showed a look of confusion. “Why?”
“Now, time for the fun part.”
Your brows furrowed. “What fun part?”
“The part where I tell you how babies are made-”
“NO. NOPE! I’M GOOD. No need for that.”
“So you’re telling me you didn’t know what a period was but you know everything about having sex.”
“I don’t know everything about sex, and I don’t wanna know everything about sex!”
“You have to, love.”
“I just learned im gonna lose gallons of blood every month out of my butt and you're telling me you wanna have the freaking birds and the bees talk NOW?”
“It’s not gallons…I think. And, it’s all connected, y/n. You need to have a period to get pregnant.”
“I can get pregnant?!?!?!”
“...technically, yes.”
“Oh my god, my life is over.”
“Your life is not over. We’re gonna have this conversation, I’m gonna answer all questions you have, and then you will continue living your life.”
You were silent. Staring at your hands.
“If you don’t hear it from me, your father who loves you, you’re gonna hear it from stupid kids around you who either tell you false information or try and get in your pants.” After a moment, you answered.
I can’t believe this.”
“Well…you’re aunt Carly says you can use it as an excuse to get out of gym!”
Your eyes widened. “You told Aunt Carly?!”
“Yeah…I called Adam and the boys and she answered.”
You sat up. “THE BOYS KNOW?!?!”
“Relax, love. It will all be okay.” He patted your knee and you fell back down, hiding your face in the pillows.
“Everyone’s gonna look at me differently now.” Your sound was muffled by the pillows.
“Honey, that’s already happened.” You didn't move. Your dad readjusted to fave you and your hidden state.
“Do you know how many times you’ve made your Uncle George cry simply because you’re growing up? And I think Ross had a panic attack when he found out you started wearing real bras.”
“Dad…” You said looking up
“The point is, you have people in every corner who want nothing more than to support you because to them you’ll always be our baby girl.”
After about an hour, a couple of Google searches, and a phone call to Carly and Charli to get a second and third confirmation that there are indeed 3 holes, you and your dad had covered everything. Yet, some dots still weren’t connecting.
“Why do some babies get put up for adoption? People still have sex even if they don’t want to have a baby?”
Matty could get over your confused face it was adorable.
“Yeah, sure. People use condoms or there are pills women take. It’s different for everyone.”
He could still see the wheels turning in your mind and continued. “They don’t always work though. Your mom was on the pill when we were together, but she still got pregnant.”
Your mother.
For a while now you had been perfectly content with the fact your mother wasn’t in your life. Your dad always said your family was perfect the way it is, but all these discoveries had you questioning your existence a little bit. Some of those dots started connecting in your head, and that confused expression turned to fear.
“You guys didn't mean to have me?”
Marty’s heart shattered. How in the world was he supposed to deal with this one? There isn’t exactly a guidebook on telling your pre-teen daughter about sex when you’re a single dad to a baby who has never had a mother in her life and was raised around nothing but dirty disgusting men who are also in a band that leads her to have a not so normal life?
“Not technically…no?” He said.
You nodded and looked down- finally understanding. “Is that why she left?”
Oh shit. Now THIS was the talk Matty wanted to avoid even MORE than the birds and the bees. He knew it needed to happen eventually and now seemed good enough.
“Your mother left for a multitude of reasons, but newborn you was not one of them.”
“Then why did she leave?” You asked.
You rolled your eyes. “You always say that-”
“Because it is, y/n.”
You looked up at your father. He had a look of pity written all over his face. He sighed and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer.
“The truth is, you were unexpected. You were a surprise to everyone. And your mother wasn’t ready for such a big wonderful surprise.”
“So she bounced.”
“Yep.” He replied, popping the ‘p’
“But you stayed.” You replied smiling at him.
“I did.”
“Thanks for not putting me up for adoption.” You said, leaning into him.
“Thanks for being a great kid.”
“Thanks for playing mom and dad.”
He kissed the top of your head before replying with, “My pleasure.”
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bat-writer · 11 months
Dick Grayson x Wayne! Fem Reader who is in a romantic relationship, meets Damian for the first time
A/N: i have no idea if accidentally skipped over this or just didn’t see it but three birds with one stone. ALSO! I’m gonna make it as tho dick and Damien have already met. Like in the animated film “son of Batman”
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̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿   ‿‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
“You are one strange kid Damian” you said resting your chin on the heel of your hand as you spoke with the small copy of your father. It was weird honestly, like speaking to your father in child form.
“Y/N? There you are I’ve been looking for you” entered your boyfriend aka night wing “oh…so you’ve met the new pain in my ass huh?” He said crossing his arms
“Well this, ‘pain in the ass’ also happens to be my biological brother” you said walking over to him and giving him a quick kiss to the lips
“Gross. So both my father and sister have terrible romantic taste? Great” Damien Scott, as Grayson rest of his hand on your waist
“But anyway, we’ve got a date to get to babes” dick added in “don’t give Bruce a hard time will you?”
“Just remember who the actual son is here” he said as he resumed looking out of the window ‘thinking’. You thought he was just trying to be like your father and look brooding. He thought it was silly and cute in his own way. But sometimes he did scare you, but for just being a child who is barely into his teen years.
“What happened between you two before I got home?” You asked with a curious look
“I beat him in combat-“
“I wasn’t trying to beat up a kid and tied him up for Bruce” dick interrupted
“…OH WAS THAT THE NIGHT YOU GOT STITCHES? Damien that was you???” You asked in disbelief looking to your brother and he just gives you a smile. Not wanting to tease dick more than you both have already you go and ruffle Damien hair.
“Well I’ll see you later Damien. If dad asks I’m staying over with Dick alright?” You I got as you take Dick’s hand and walk out of the room for your date. Now it wasn’t that Damien liked you, as he cleans, he simply “tolerates you“. But now that he knows that you have connections with the former Robin, he was gonna use that to his advantage.
Humidity of not only tracking Dick, but oh, so now we can schedule specifically when he came to see you. He’d make sure that you were helping him with something or he was just around you in general. He would state that you were “attending your sister duties with him.” Which she did have to mid have a new round was nice. Since he didn’t really grow up with any siblings, now, knowing that his father had another child kind of made him feel a certain way.
Dick then started catching onto his little game. But every time he tried to reprimand him, you’d get in his way and tell him that he was being too harsh on the boy.
“ you know he’s new to all of this ever in his life until now, and neither did I. He’s just still adjusting. This is all new to him and maybe it’s something he really wanted.” He try and explain to your boyfriend, called to try and bare with. He’s not taking me from you.” I remind him laying a kiss to his lips.
“ I guess not,“ he sighs “still being a brat, though” he said, crossing his arms “ besides, sometimes I see something in the kids eyes and I can’t help but feel like he may hurt you in someway. And I don’t want that.”
“Well remember who you’re talking to. I am the blood daughter of Batman after all” you mock your younger brother with a giggle
“Mhm, and you’re my Girl” he smirks pulling you in close by the waist until your flush against him “but you know I’m still keeping an eye on you. Kid spent most of his life with Ra’s Al Ghul. Like he said he was born into a league of assassins.”
“I know, I know, I just want him to be a little more of normal kid at least. Have fun, enjoy himself stuff like that. Just be a regular kid. No Batman, no robin, no league of assassins.”
Suddenly someone clears their throat behind the two of you. Both of you turn to find the same young man you were just talking about.
“ if I wanted to anything to either of you, I would’ve done so already.” Looking to your boyfriend he says “you special should know that.”
Dick squint his eyes at the young man about to question him when he was interrupted again
“But…. I guess I wouldn’t do anything to you guys…… I guess” he said, rolling his eyes. You knew that in his own creative way it was his way he cared for you. And that included dick.
the night has lead into Damien and Dick falling asleep to a movie while leaning against one another. You smile at the duo and snapped a picture and covered them with a blanket. Kissing Damien on the head and a quick kiss to Dick as well you shut the tv off. You wake up dick and had him carry Damien to bed.
“…maybe he’s not that bad” he whispered as you left his room
“Well he’s my brother after all, and I’m great” you responde with a wink “maybe it’s time we also get some rest” you take his hand and quietly close the door to his room. Damien went to sleep that night with a small smile and warm feeling in his chest
~kitty 🐈‍⬛
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chdarling · 4 months
Hii i love love your works they are truly inspiring! I had a few questions if you don’t mind sharing a bit :)
The way your characters „speak“ and what words they use seems so real and i always wondered how you pinpoint their „personalities“? I love you characterization of Lily especially, she always came across like a real person.
Another question i had how you think of these plots and subplots. Do you have a strategy or any inspiration?
Hi! Thank you so much!
Hmmmm. This is always a hard question for me to answer because most of the time it’s just “idk my brain just did the thing and now I have this imaginary person talking at me” lol.
But there are definitely strategies and techniques I’ve employed over the years to figure out voice and (hopefully) get it right. A big one is to give your characters a defining linguistic trait or habit. For Sirius, it’s cursing. None of the other characters curse as much as Sirius, and on the whole I try to use it somewhat sparingly with other characters so it’s more impactful when they do. Remus curses near the full moon when he’s exhausted and annoyed. James curses in serious scenarios, when he’s upset or scared or whatever. But Sirius curses fluently, happily, and with gusto haha.
For James, he’s a bit more lighthearted/frivolous in his language choices. Lots of play on words and always ending things sort of trailing off with “and all that.”
Lily I genuinely don’t have a good answer, I’m sure I did character work on her at some point but these days she just exists in my head as a fully-formed person so I have no idea how to tease that apart 🙈
Ummmm I’m drawing a blank on the others but i know they have specific tells, I’m just sleepy. 😂
Plots and subplots are I think just the result of my brain constantly playing a game of “yes and” with itself. (By which I am referring to the improv technique and not the Ariana grande song lmao.) Pretty much the entire plot of TLE was born from me having a handful of completely unrelated scenes/headcanons that had lived in my head since my teen years, then putting those random scenes in a timeline and trying to make sense of how one could lead to the other etc. And just like…allowing myself to go a little crazy and be like “ok I want a scene where Lily dresses in a Muggle mini-dress in front of James, why would this happen” and then extrapolating from there. Ok so the scene in which she’s wearing a mini-dress needs to be at least somewhat scandalous to warrant the kind of attention I want it to get from James and others? Why is it scandalous? Maybe it’s scandalous because wizards are super conservative. Ok if wizards are super conservative what does that means in terms of how they view Muggles, specifically Muggle girls? It means they’re constantly slut-shaming them. If they’re constantly slut-shaming Muggle girls, how does that show up in Lily’s plot? She gets accused of being a boyfriend stealer. Etc etc etc. So much of the plot so far has been me working backwards from ideas that won’t happen for many thousands of words yet to come 😂😂😂
I guess my biggest tip is just to make time to be very bored and let your brain roam free. Walking is great for this 😂
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starsandhughes · 1 year
I loved the engagement post 🥹 would you be willing to write about how Luke gave Trevor the talk after walking in on him and reader?
Ever since that first date with Trevor, there’s been a lot of sneaking into each other’s rooms at night for some alone time and… make out sessions.
It had been working out well for the last couple of days! No one really goes into anyone’s room after everyone’s gone to bed. Until tonight, when Luke flew open your bedroom door and found you and Trevor making out on the bed.
“Hey, Sissy— oh my god!” Luke shouted as he walked in.
You and Trevor flew apart, wide eyed at the teen standing with his jaw dropped in the doorway. Luke’s demeanor changed as soon as he collected himself. He was no longer shocked, he seemed mad. His arms crossed and his eyes narrowed at Trevor, “Can I talk to you?”
“Yeah, Z, I’ll come talk to you when—“
“I meant to Trevor,” Luke interrupted. It was your turn to be shocked, “I guess I’ll go sit in the living room?”
The second you closed the door, you heard Luke began to speak. You contemplated snooping, but you decided to let him have his moment.
— — —
“Sissy better not just be a make out buddy for you. Because if she is, I swear—“
“Woah! Y/N is not just a make out buddy to me! We’ve been kissing a lot, yes, but that’s because it’s so new! We don’t just sneak off to kiss each other. We talk, and we enjoy spending time together, and we’ve been making plans on things to do once we go back to school!” Trevor defended himself. “Is that what you all think?”
“No,” Luke sighed as he sat down next to Trevor. “We all know you two go into each other’s rooms, but Quinn told us to be respectful and leave you guys alone. I thought I came in early enough for you to not be here. But I wasn’t exactly pleased that I found you on top of her.”
“Not our finest moment,” Trevor awkwardly laughed.
Luke was quiet for a moment. He’d been a bit protective of his sister ever since he saw her crying in Quinn’s arms after her first breakup. And again after the most recent one, which felt way worse than the ones before.
“I don’t want to see her heart get broken again,” Luke admitted. “I know it’s different this time, because you asked Quinn for permission and you already know us, but I’m scared. You didn’t see how depressed she was here earlier this year.”
“I did—“
“No. You saw her at school. You saw her post being with Quinn. You didn’t see her here.” Trevor remained silent. “Y/N’s been through a lot. So much that she left her family to live with us and hasn’t spoken to them since. Nothing was worse than seeing her feel so broken when we first moved, but I can already see how different you are. If you break her heart, it’ll destroy her, and nobody will stop Quinn from coming after you because Jack and I will, too.”
Trevor took a moment to take that all in. He still doesn’t know everything that happened for Y/N to move in with the Hughes family, but he hopes that one day she’ll be able to trust him fully to tell him.
“I don’t intend on breaking on heart. I intend to be there for her while it comes back together. The second I met her, I knew she was someone special. I’ve never met anyone before that I wanted to try so hard for, but I want to be the best man I can be for her. And if I fuck that up tremendously, I’ll gladly take whatever you three choose to do.”
“I know that. I’m just…” Luke trailed off.
“Scared,” Trevor finished for him. “Me, too.”
“Why are you scared?” Luke asked him.
“I know Quinn said I’m good enough for him if I’m good enough for her, but I’m scared that one day she’ll want more. That she’ll not want to be with a hockey player that leaves for roadies if I make it to the NHL and that she won’t want to be with me if I’m on a far away team. I hated seeing her so upset. I hate seeing her upset over things that I don’t know about so she goes to Jack for. I never want to be the reason she cries,” Trevor admitted.
“At least Quinn’s not scared,” Luke offered.
Trevor laughed, “That’s good. I think that’s what matters most to her.”
The two boys sat for a moment, taking everything they both said in. They seemed to come to a silent understanding when Luke finally spoke, “You’ll be good to her?”
“I’ll be great to her,” Trevor said firmly.
“Good,” Luke stood up. “Go get her then. She’s in Quinn’s room.”
“I thought she said she was going to the living room?” Trevor asked, standing up with him. Luke gave him a look, “Maybe you don’t know her as much as you think you do.”
Trevor followed Luke out of your room and sure enough, she was in Quinn’s.
“Can I come back now?”
Trevor looked at Quinn and Luke, silently asking for more permission to go back into Y/N’s room.
“Yes, go,” Quinn said.
Y/N laughed as she took Trevor’s hand to take him back into her room, “I love you both!”
“We love you, too, Sissy,” Luke laughed.
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shmothman · 4 days
Defying Fate
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Pairing: Casper/Reader Rating: Teen and up audiences Words: 991 Read on AO3
Summary: Finally, you and Casper are together in person, tangled together with your feelings laid bare. Still, there are some things that he needs to ask.
With your head resting on Casper’s bare chest and his fingers smoothing over your hair, you don’t think you’ve ever felt quite so happy, so in love. You’ve been making good use of the past hour or so since he showed up at your door in person, and you practically feel like you’re walking on air.
You can’t believe he’s real.
You can’t believe any of this is real.
But you’re so, so glad that it is.
He calls your name softly, his voice like heaven, and you hum a questioning tone back as you’re pulled from your thoughts, loath to move from your comfortable spot against his chest.
“I…” he starts, and you immediately hear that he sounds nervous, so you look up at him, eyes brimming with all the feelings swirling in your heart. “I am certainly not complaining, but… I… I need to know…”
Your brows draw together in confusion as he seems to gather his thoughts. “Know what?”
He meets your eyes, and his gaze is… sad. Remorseful. “How… how are you okay with this?”
You blink. “What, having sex with you?”
His cheeks flush that pretty pink you adore so much. “N-not that,” he rushes to say, before growing serious once more. “I mean… with being with me. After I have spent the last several years trying to kill you. Doesn’t… does that not bother you? You act as if it’s nothing.”
Oh. That’s what’s on his mind.
You settle back into his arms, laying your head next to his so that your noses almost touch. His gaze is so open and honest, it almost makes your heart hurt. “Well,” you say quietly, “no harm, no foul, I guess?”
He exhales through his nose in something that’s almost like an amused little laugh. “You are so… cavalier about things, Sunshine. Is that truly all you think of it?”
For a grim reaper, Casper sure does wear his heart on his sleeve. Not that you’ve met any other reapers yet—maybe they’re all like this. 
You bring your hand to cup his cheek, brushing your thumb across his cheekbone and watching the way his eyes flutter closed. How do you love him so much when you’ve only known he exists for a week?
“I… don’t know, honestly. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about it. All I know is how I feel about you.” 
He blinks his eyes open, and the look on his face is so very hopeful. Like he needs to hear you tell him that it doesn’t matter to you, that it doesn’t change how you feel about him.
“It’s like… by the time that I realized you’re, y’know, actually the grim reaper and everything, I already felt like I had known you for ages, and that was only after like, two days. And then I get this massive revelation that every weird thing that’s happened to me, everything that people say is crazy but is just my everyday experience, that’s all you? That’s all the doing of this pretty boy on my computer screen?”
He pouts slightly at being called a pretty boy, but you continue.
“But, I mean, I’ve never taken my constant near death experiences seriously. You’ve been watching, right? Have you ever seen me react in any way that isn’t just… a shrug?”
“I suppose not,” he says. “But that doesn’t change the fact that I’ve been the one trying to end your life.”
“You said it yourself, Casper. If it wasn’t you, it would be another reaper. Normally ‘I was just doing my job’ would be a terrible excuse, but given that we’re in the realm of like, fate and magic and the balance of nature type shit, I can’t fault you too much here.” You grin. “I just happened to get lucky, and they assigned me to the one reaper who would fall head over heels for me the minute he decided to break protocol and talk to me.”
He’s blushing again, and you think he’s about to protest the idea that he fell for you that quickly, but instead, he leans in to touch his forehead to yours and says, “any reaper would have fallen for you. I’m the one who got lucky.”
Your heart flutters happily in your chest, and you sound rather breathless as you say, “okay, maybe we’re both lucky,” and you lean in to press your lips to his.
You feel him melt beneath your kiss, as he has every time so far, like he’s turned to liquid: quicksilver at your touch, shimmering and cold. If he says that you’re like sunshine, then you say he’s the moon: something beautiful and bright in the darkness, the light by which you find your way home.
As you pull back slightly, there’s a smile tugging at the corner of your lips. “Or,” you say, “maybe it’s just fate.”
He’s been made breathless by your kiss, but he still smiles back. “Perhaps,” he replies into the scant space between you. “Though, I’m growing fond of the idea that this is in defiance of fate itself. That we are making our own destiny.”
You hum, as if thinking deeply. “Well, clearly we both love breaking the rules, especially for each other.” With a sudden grin, you shift, rolling yourself atop him and watching those pretty red eyes go wide. “Whaddya say we defy fate all night?”
That vivid blush crawls up to his ears, then down his neck to splash across his bare chest. Unable to summon words, he simply nods.
You waggle your eyebrows, only just getting started with your terrible jokes. “Wait, wait, I got another one: how’s this for destiny?” 
He rolls his eyes with a huff that doesn’t mask his clear affection, and opens his mouth—probably to call you annoying or something, but he doesn’t get that far, because you’re already kissing him again.
And that’s something he won’t defy.
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I’m looking for a fic where stiles died in a fight and came back cuz he was a phoenix! I’m not really ao3 savvy so I’m not sure how to search!
We got a couple of suggestions!
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From @iwannahibernate:
Rising Again by 1Ginger1Keyboard
(1/1 I 538 I Teen I Steter)
Stiles is missing and when he returns his true nature is revealed.
One Must Burn by Yeah_Toast
(1/1 I 1,308 I General I No Pairing)
Stiles has never told anyone his secret, but time is running out. It can’t stay hidden long.
Light my Fire by Divinae
(1/1 I 1,546 I Not Rated I Steter)
The Alpha pack has invaded pack lands that is shared between the Hale and McCall packs.
Stiles is told to stay hidden within the trees as they face off Alpha pack and their newest recruit, a mage and his dragon.
But Stiles won't let his loved ones die even if it means revealing his true self.
@soundfanatic suggested this one!
There's Monsters at Home by calrissian18
(6/6 I 83,600 I Explicit I Sterek)
“How did you get past the wards?” Derek had put them up, with Peter’s grudging assistance, after the Alpha pack had made themselves at home a few times too many.
The guy pulled a face. “You mean the wards a five-year-old girl with the mental ability of a goldfish could deconstruct?” He blinked wide eyes at Derek. “Gee, I don’t know. It’s bound to go down as one of life’s great mysteries.”
Derek despised him.
@somethingsomewherethere says this one!
with ruffled feathers and gaping maws by gryvon
(1/1 I 8,306 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles tries to save Erica and Boyd from the Alpha pack on his own. His plan backfires, but Stiles's death is only the beginning.
@lovesouthernsweettea suggested this one!
Season of the Witch by gryffindor17
(22/22 I 95,013 I Explicit I Sterek)
“I just want to feel whole again.” Stiles said weakly, turning his head to look searchingly to Derek. “I’ve got all this…guilt…this pain…and it feels like it’s a part of who I am now. This…constant ache. I just wish there was a way to get rid of it.”
Stiles watched as something flickered to life in Derek’s eyes, and suddenly he was off like a rocket.
After the Nogitsune's been killed, Stiles still finds himself haunted by what it had done with his body. Try as they might, The Pack can't seem to console their friend... That is until Stiles mentions something that jogs Derek's memory and he takes off to find a friend from the past who he thinks can salvage Stiles's mind. After all, she'd done it for him.
And if she happens to become a part of the pack while she's at it, well, no one's really complaining.
@sivan325 suggested their fic!
Trickster by Sivan325
(1/1 I 3,589 I Teen I Sterek)
“Are you going to throw out our friendship because of what Theo told you?” Stiles asked since he didn’t get a reply to his question.
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sterekbros · 9 months
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the wolf and the renaissance fair (1596 words) by Winchesterek Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Original Children of Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski, Eli Hale (Teen Wolf) Additional Tags: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski are Eli Hale's Parents, Mates Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omegaverse Omega Stiles Stilinski, True Alpha Derek Hale, Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Good Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Omegaverse Alpha Derek Hale, Established Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things, Derek Hale is a Softie, Married Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale Loves Stiles Stilinski, POV Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski is a Nice Thing, Slice of Life, Kid Fic, Fluff, Family Fluff, Parents Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Family Feels, Renaissance Faires, Carnival, Games For @sterekweekly hilarious, @sterekfests road trip, @warmandfluffybingocards won you a carnival prize, @sterekbingo country fair.
Stiles turned around to look into the back seat where Eli was reading a book and Ava was, thankfully, sleeping. He smiled at his little family, his heart filled with overwhelming love. Sometimes it hit him during quiet moments like this, which rarely happened when they were driving. But it was nice, especially since they’d been on the road for a little while and that was like an eternity for his kids.
He reached out to take Derek’s hand, threading their fingers together. “I love you,” he told him quietly and Derek cast him one of those smiles reserved only for Stiles. 
“I love you too,” Derek replied softly and gave Stiles’ hand a squeeze. “We should be there soon. I hope the kids enjoy it. It was always fun when my parents used to take us as kids.”
“I don't think I’ve ever been to a Renaissance fair.” Stiles had checked out the place online and it looked like people really went all out for it. It was seasonal and they had shows and games with prizes and a market that Stiles really wanted to check out if they had enough time. Not only did they have themed shops but the farmers market looked great in the photograph he’d seen on Instagram.
“Maybe if we come next season we can dress up? Elijah will be a little older and Ava would probably be able to fit into a small costume.”
“Only if you dress up too,” Stiles teased. “Tights and all.” Derek laughed. “I’m not going to wear tights. I’ll be a knight and wear britches and armor.” 
“Well hopefully it’s not during the summertime then because you might just boil up in all that armor,” Stiles teased and laughed, imagining Derek dressed up. He couldn’t say that he wouldn’t think Derek was all hot dressed like a knight. It had Stiles thinking about Derek sweeping him off his feet and straight into their bed.
“Yeah, let’s not do that. Hopefully they’ll have one in the fall or closer to the winter time. Wouldn’t want to have a heat stroke dressed up as a knight. I don't know how some of them do it.” Derek laughed and squeezed Sties’ hand. “Thank you for coming and bringing the kids. I know it’s something new.”
“Well, I like doing new things with you. We’ve been together so long, it’s good that we can still find things to do that we’ve never done before. Life’s an adventure.” Stiles’ head rested back against the headrest, rolled in Derek’s direction as he watched his mate, a warmth filling his chest. 
Sometimes it was hard to believe that they were together after everything they’d been through, but Stiles loved Derek more than anything. Well, except their kids. No matter how much they got on his nerves sometimes. It was just part of being a parent.
“I know Ava is only a few months old… but whenever my heat comes again, I want to try for another baby.” He knew it was a sudden change of topic, but he needed Derek to know.
Derek took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay… you know I won't say no to another baby. We waited years between Elijah and Ava, but if you are ready now, then we can try again.”
“It might not even happen right away… You know sometimes it can take a while after I give birth, but I just wanted to talk to you about it before it happened.” Stiles didn't think Derek would tell him no, so he wasn't sure why he was suddenly nervous over the whole thing.
As if sensing his feelings, Derek gave Stiles’ hand another squeeze. “Stiles. I love you. I love our family. Another child, it would only fill our house with more love…”
That calmed Stiles’ nerves and he smiled at Derek before glancing into the backseat. Ava was still asleep (and still human, thankfully) and Elijah was still engrossed in his book, oblivious to their conversation.
“Thank you,” Stiles said as his gaze returned to Derek’s. 
“I should be thanking you for everything you’ve given me.”
“We’ve given each other a lot of things… there’s no keeping score,” Stiles assured him and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.
They fell into a comfortable silence as Derek drove them the rest of the way to the Renaissance fair.
Once they were there, Stiles took care of Ava, changed her, and had her ready for the fair in no time while Derek got Elijah situated. They carted the kids off to buy tickets and get them through the gates as they thankfully beat the crowds.
The atmosphere changed the second they were inside, where there were tents, tables, stables, and signs that stated they had wares. They walked by a shop that said they made handmade books and Stiles was intrigued. They’d have to stop by on their way out to see what they had inside. 
He rubbed Ava’s back as he carried her in her wrap against his chest, Derek walking next to him with Elijah on his shoulders. Elijah’s eyes were big and he was excited about everything babbling and pointing and giggling. Thankfully Derek had a strong grip on him, so Stiles wasn't afraid that Elijah would topple off of Derek’s shoulders the second he saw something else he was excited about.
They watched a jousting tournament and the knights as they fought during the sword fights. The knights were given their prizes and they were off to check the market. Stiles was especially excited to see what they had at the farmers market, despite all the cool things they also had for sale there.
After buying a basket full of strawberries, they headed in the direction that stated they had more traditional fair games on the map.
“So which one do you want to play?” Derek asked Elijah as he jiggled him on his shoulders. Elijah looked thoughtful at all of the games. 
“Hmmm,” Elijah said, putting his finger up to his face and studying each game more thoroughly as if he knew what each one was.
Stiles knew that he was really checking out the prizes.
“That one!” Elijah shouted and pointed. “It has a big wolf!”
Stiles laughed. He knew their son. It was all about the prizes for him. Stiles couldn’t deny that he liked the prizes too. He remembered the first time Derek took him to a fair, early in their courting. They’d gone home with several prizes that night, but the best prize was Derek. He knew it was cheesy, but Stiles loved him so damn much.
“Whoa! That’s a huge wolf!” Stiles exaggerated and smiled when Derek looked over at him.
“That one looks good, bud. Did you want me to play all the rounds or did you want to try?” Derek asked as he tapped Elijah on the thigh.
Elijah looked thoughtful again like this was serious business. Finally, he said excitedly, “I want you to do it! So you can get me the big wolf!”
Stiles laughed, smoothing his hand along Ava’s back as she stirred in her baby wrap. “Well, then let’s go win us a giant stuffed wolf. I’m not sure where we’re going to put it at home, but we’ll figure it out.”
“It will go in my room!” Elijah countered like it was law.
“Of course it will,” Derek chuckled, glancing over at Stiles and then motioning with his head as they started over to the game tent.
When they got there, they paid the attendant and they gave Derek three balls to throw at a stack of bottles. Derek missed the first two with greatly exaggerated terrible accuracy, which had Elijah laughing next to him as he waited. Stiles thought it was adorable and yes, he made sure he was recording it on his phone so he could tease Derek about it later. 
He was such a great dad. An amazing mate.
When Derek threw the last ball, he knocked all of the jars down and Elijah screamed in excitement. Stiles chuckled and watched as Derek picked Elijah up and put him on his shoulders. They talked to the attendant and Elijah pointed eagerly at the giant stuffed wolf. When it was handed over, Elijah had a hard time holding onto it so it smacked Derek in the face, but he didn't complain. Stiles managed not to laugh despite how hilarious the whole situation was, with the stuffed wolf dwarfing them.
Derek helped Elijah hold onto the wolf off to the side of his shoulder instead of in front. “Hold on tight, Elijah! You don't want to drop him.”
“I won't!” Elijah promised, but Stiles wasn't so sure about that as the stuffed wolf swung as Derek walked with Elijah still on his shoulders.
“Ready to go home?” Derek asked, stopping in front of Stiles.
The stuffed wolf bumped into Stiles as Elijah moved on Derek’s shoulder and he laughed softly. “I love you,” he said softly, leaning in to give Derek a kiss. “Yeah, let’s go home. We have to find somewhere for that stuffed wolf to live anyway.”
Derek chuckled and kissed Stiles’ temple, one arm wrapping around him as they walked, his other holding Elijah steady on his shoulders. 
Stiles couldn't wait for the next time they came to the fair as he leaned against Derek while they walked back to the car. They’d had a perfect family day and Stiles was warm with happiness and the promise of more in their future.
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