#it was very 2014 tumblr and I KNOW we got fandom olds on here
samsincerely · 5 months
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daddyplasmius · 1 year
okay, so, I've collected a bunch of DP fandom stuff that I remember off the top of my head, specifically in chronological order & colour coded here in this post (fics/comics, tumblr posts, important imo) for no reason other than I saw a post asking for Phandom history & it triggered my biggest, most long-running hyperfixation & now I'm curious if anyone else remembers stuff.
this link is going to be the permanent version I will be updating, but I'm posting what I currently have (gonna go through my old laptop later for more) just to let people know. you can also find the link on my blog, but only on desktop. It isn't colour coded there, sorry.
please share more if you got anything else cuz I'm 100% sure I'm missing a lot of stuff & am too interested now. the biggest reason a lot of stuff isn't here is that I simply can't find it. second biggest reason is i forgor. things not included here aren't "unimportant," this is just the first stuff that comes to mind.
putting it under a cut 'cause it got kinda long
Mars by JadeRabbyt (2005)
Checkmate by pearl84 (2006)
Conversations of a Ghost Gabber by Cordria (2006)
The Foley Maneuver by bluemoonalto (2007)
One Thousand Years by Nylah (2008)
Lab Rat by AnneriaWings (2009)
Lost by Cordria (2010?) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Phantom of Truth by Haiju (2011)
Ghost Deaths (2012)
Through Coals and Rain by Kakawot (2012)
Shadow of a Doubt by Haiju (2013)
Pink Pants (2013?)
Wes (2014) [original] [1] [2] [3] [4]
this "I'm Inevitable" gif (2014)
Space AU (2014)
Treading Water by The Full Catastrophe (2014)
Danny, you dead IDIOT!! comic (2014)
wash away the darkest days by anthrop (2014)
Reverse Trio (2014)
Inverse Trio (2014-2016) ALT
Halfas are "feral children" (2015)
Burn the Streets, Burn the Cars by anthrop (2015)
It's Not Gay if He's Dead by phantomrose96 (2015)
You Smell Like Death by starfleetrambo (2015)
Ghost Bird AU by @rest-in-peachs (2016?)
Things I Can(not) Do In Amity Park by RedHeadsRock1010 (2016)
KEtTLE by Cordria (2016)
Deeper, Darker by Silvermoonphantom (2016)
Danny Phantom Punches Butch Hartman In The Face by MistressVintage (2017)
Dannypocalypse (2017)
Ghost Train (2017?)
Ghost Physics by jayrockin (2017)
Ghost Infographics (2018)
The Taxonomy of Ghost Cores: An Observational Study (2018) Communicating with Ghosts Professionally: A Study (2018)
Species in Danny Phantom (2018?)
Diddles Piddles by diddly-darn-ghost (2018)
Broken Ectoplasm by ghostanimal (2019)
Ghost of Heroes by Enigmaris & ScarletNightFury (2019-2020)
do not stand at my grave and cry (i am not there, i did not die) by blueh (2020)
Undercover Phantom by artistfingers (2021)
Corruption is a Two Way Street by datawyrms (2021)
Things That Bleed by artistfingers, kkachis, & Perfectly_Inconspicuous (2022)
10,000 works on AO3 (2022)
Ghost Speak:
Danny's handwriting (2015?)
Cordria (2015)
Fiver-Rivers [1] [2] [3] (2019)
Rubber Chicken Sounds (2019)
#Danny Phantom#Phandom History Archive#do you even understand how hard it was to find the original Wes post????????#i spent like 2 hours on that alone#Wes Weston why are you so hard to find#just realizing that a lot of shit happened in 2014#like. 2014/2015 ish#i joined somewhere between 2014 & 2016 so i guess i literally came here right at the peak of phandom activity#the height of tumblr's paranormal activity. you might say#i think i'm just biased though#should i put my own fics on here. Phantom is pretty important to me being my first DP fic#& also the thing that got me back into writing#it's not very good but by god if i dont love it. & anyways i put Bird AU on here lol i think i can put Phantom up at some point. as a treat#also if any links are broken tell me cuz i'm not checking them again. it's 4am#reminder: gotta find those Bird AU fics i read & put em here. there ARE actual Bird AU fics. i know there are. i did not hallucinate that#it just might be the hardest thing on earth to do since that was years ago & i have no idea what they were called#anyway gonna add a fuckton of fics & (hopefully) tumblr posts when i go through my old laptop. i got everything bookmarked on there#like. so many fics. i had them organized too based on what kind of fic it was. but they all have stupid names cuz i was like 15#me: i should do my stencil art today. just to be a bit productive & also maybe make money#my brain: what if you organized Danny Phantom fandom posts into a big archive for people to look at? for free. until 4am.#me: you know what that sounds so much better let's do that
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Lana del ray, marina this the 1975 that but WHERE I ask are the edgy kids?!?! Ya know that weird 2014-2018 emo revival that we all just moved on from? I’m talking the emos that were around when TØP got a number one with stressed out, the emos cried over Mrs potato head, the emos that thought my Chem were coming back when the teaser for MCRX dropped on Halloween (LIKE AINT THAT THE MOST EMO SHIT YOU COULD THINK OF!) where are my edgy legends who remember the fall out boy fandom literally splitting in half over night when young and a menace dropped? Where are all the people (who I mostly found on this hell site) who collectively fell in love with Ryan Ross and made AFYCSO and pretty. Odd. A part of our personality. WHERE ARE ALL CRANK THAT FRANKS FORMER SUBSCRIBERS?!?!?!? My black veil brides girlbloggers who went to WAR with Juliet bloggers (if you know you know). The true edge lords who single handedly made suicide squad a cultural moment and deadpool their new favourite boi (HERE COME THAT BOI OH SHIT WHATSUP).
We were dealt a weird hand in the history of alternative culture, where the old ways were dying out slowly and the bands we loved were evolving into something more modern. We got some of the very best and very worse of music at the time. We all cried over Chester Bennington together. We strived for change while still respecting the best parts of 2000s emo and better treatment of POC and the LGBTQ+ community within our communities (we still aren’t 100% there but being on this site now makes me believe the alt kids now will do even better than we could). I can’t even get a fraction of all the things 2014-2018 edgy kids went though in this post there’s just so much, so if you’re out there still rotting away here on tumblr.com, and you happen to see this post, PLEASE tell me your fondest memories, your wildest bandom stories, your drama and tea and shade I want it all!! Sometimes I swear just me and my friends went though this weird emo phase and maybe it’s because I’m not on tik tok or instagram but it feels like this era of emo is just so overlooked in favour of classic 2000s MySpace emo (which is ironic because 2010s emos really wanted to be 2000s emos so bad but we just couldn’t bring ourselves to take….certain bands seriously or put raccoon tails in) it’s probably also because there wasn’t just emos, pale grunge and pop punks not dead and ethereal tumblr girls and Hollywood undead wannabes dominated at the time SO WHERE HAVE YOU ALL GONE?!?! YOU CANT HAVE ALL JUST GOTTEN OVER IT AND MOVED ON!
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the-pink-album · 10 months
So 1989 TV is here and this is it. This is the re recording I was waiting for. It means a lot to me for so many reasons, and it felt like a good moment to talk about the why.
As much as I love Red and all too well and beging again are so dear to me, and therefore I was so excited about Red TV, truth is I wasn’t a fan when the original album came out, and less so for the other two albums we have Taylor’s version now. So I couldn’t quite go down the memory lane for those. I don’t have the connection of being in the fandom in that era.
But i do have that connection with 1989. Is when I first got to really know about Taylor. It was a funny road, getting there: see back at the end of 2014 two things were happening: i really loved blank space and shake it off. So much so I wanted to check the album. I liked it. I was also becoming a Harrie. Bc somehow even if I didn’t follow 1D blogs he was all over my dash, and I tried to resist it, I didn’t want to stan the guy… I was in my mid 20’s way over boybands… it feel silly to be so taken by a 20 year old guy.
So… while I was in denial I was still watching interviews and following along Harrie content on tumblr and on a few they mentioned Taylor. And that’s how I was introduced to Haylor… and the Pandora Box was opened.
And then there was Style. An amazing pop song on it’s own. But also a song about Harry Styles and how it ain’t the easiest to let the guy go… and it sounds over the top but I never had quite the thrill as singing that song when you’re in the process of falling for a certain artist. It made me feel happy, silly and young. It was in ways like falling in love but without the risk of getting your heartbroken. And Taylor gave me the soundtrack for it, and I don’t think I would have become a Harrie in the way I did if it wasn’t for Style.
Style isn’t the only Harry song in 1989, and in the process of getting through those, of seeing Harry through Taylor’s eyes I got to know her too, and she was amazing. Her lyrics were something else (the amount of love i also have for You’re in love… is insane). And so along with a Harrie, a lowkey swiftie was born. (Nowadays while I still would say i’m more of a Harrie than a swiftie, I love Taylor, I feel for her and if I could I would love to tell her I’m going to be forever grateful for Folklore in particular those two songs that feel like she wrote them just for me)
I went from checking tumblr on my free time to endless scrolling between two fandoms, both of which where also touring which meant really fun times here, (and crazy ones too) and if it came with a lot of discourse, fandom fighting, (and getting to know Taylor in a very particular point of her life) also i the moment, those were really happy times. (Yes, even when Harry was clearly 💔 at the 2015 BBMA) I really loved being here for all of it.
2015 was the year that brought me to the two artists that would be a huge source of comfort for the years to come. I often refer to 2015 as my last happy year, in reality it’s just that it was the last time I felt young and carefree and the world didn’t seem as overwhelming. It also gave me friends here that while I don’t talk much to them nowadays they were there for me when life got my heart broken, and to this day I still remember the wise things they told me. I will always remember that year with a fondness and smile, bc nothing has ever been as so naively happy since.
So I’m really excited to revisit and album that was a huge part of that time in my life. It will also remind me of Haylor, I just can’t separe it from that album and in truth I love that. Since 1989 the glimpses we get of Haylor are like Harry said once the most amazing unspoken dialogue ever. Theirs is quite the tale.
So 1989 TV for me is a really special time, that will never be not haylor related, and i’ll be in that headspace for a while. Yes, i know the album is about her, and reclaiming it for her, not about a relationship. But as Taylor herself would say, these songs are also about us, and I want to remember the why and how I came to love her so.
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spurious · 8 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Thank you for the tag, @wonkyelk & @sga-owns-my-soul!
How many works do you have on AO3?
103, a number which recently shot up due to me posting all of my random tumblr ficlets to my AO3 account lmao. Previously it was, like, 70.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently it's pretty much all SGA all the time over here. I am enjoying dabbling in Genshin when the mood strikes though, love the yuripeans <3
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Twenty Questions
Ink and Wings
Five Times Rodney (and John) Visit the Millers
Solitary in a Wide Flat Space
Abercrombie & Rodney
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I try to, at least, though sometimes my responses are painfully delayed. I like hearing what people think about a story, I want them to know their comments are loved and appreciated, and sometimes you end up getting into a discussion like back in the Good Old Days on LJ.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Man I really do not write a ton of stuff that doesn’t end happily /just went through all my fics
Angstiest ending of things I've posted is probably either the Kanjani superheroes AU or the apocalypse akame fic? Has my tolerance for writing lengthy angst lessened with age?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
As I said above, most of my stuff seems to have relatively happy endings. If I were to pick I might say O I Think We Should Be Brethren, because it takes the longest and hardest journey to the ending, which makes it feel more impactful to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got one "hate" comment on the Kanjani cannibalism fic from someone who thought I was sick and needed therapy, or something to that effect. Otherwise, nope.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes. I would say my smut wheelhouse is kinky porn with feelings, I guess?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do not.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I believe one or two of my fics in Johnny's fandom were translated into Russian and/or Chinese?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not to completion!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
how dare you make me choose between my children
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Story I started for a fic exchange in, like, god...2014 or so? In which Yoko kisses Hina, then hits his head and wakes up in a world that's just a shamelessly silly amalgam of J-drama tropes. Sometimes I read through the doc and go "man i wish the author would update"
16. What are your writing strengths?
Sensory description, wanky poetic bullshit, smut, scenes with no more than two people in them, banter-y dialogue
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Endings, complex plots, ensemble casts, scenes with three or more people in them, transitions, being a complete baby about taking criticism, endings, endings
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't see a reason for it? You either need to add a gloss with a translation (if your POV character and audience are intended to understand it), at which point you may as well just write "Screw you, McKay," Zelenka said in Czech; or you want it to be incomprensible to the reader, at which point you may as well just write Zelenka muttered something in Czech as he stomped away. If your reader happens to understand the language you've written in and you're not confident in it, they'll be annoyed by the weird grammar you've gotten from google translating it, and even if you are, you're losing the effect of someone having said something that your POV character shouldn't understand.
......................apparently I have an Opinion on this? who knew.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Cardcaptor Sakura, when I was like 13? I may have posted it on FF.net but if there's a god it's been lost to the sands of time. I do not think it was very good.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Shouldn't be surprising at this point for me to pick O I Think We Should Be Brethren for this, right? I just think it's neat.
Tagging (I've seen this one circulate a fair bit so apologies if you've been multiple-tagged): @audioletter @sparrowsarus @texasdreamer01 @luredin @alienfuckeronmain
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floralcrematorium · 8 months
I don't know if youve answered this before, but what made you come back? I'm not that old in the fandom, maybe half a year and it's so interesting how that fandom changed and how it used to be.
Thanks for the ask! I'm gonna be real with you, it was an accident. This is about to be a loooooooong ass post so I'm putting it beneath the cut:
It happened steadily in July. A very slippery slope.
I left in or around 2018 just because I lost interest. A friend in 7th grade introduced me to it in early 2014. I had been running my Instagram account since Summer of 2014 with my best friend (who at the time had been my partner, and by 2018 we had broken up) and our other friend. We'd all moved on and the account became dead. It wasn't a good account, but we'd amassed 1.1k followers during our tenure. Those were the days of if you wanted to post a comic, there were no Instagram slides. You had to post it all individually. The account was deleted in 2021? I think? 2020?
So come July 2023, I was poking around in my old Google Drive and found some of my old Hetalia stuff. Which included a fic with the aforementioned friends. It uh. Is not good. I reread it and oh boy is it a product of its time (we were probably 13-15 when we wrote it) and it was a 3 way POV that we all wrote with self insert characters. It was basically Heta characters get thrown in the setting of Outlast but with the plot of FNAF. Yeah. So uh. Not much to defend there. I jokingly went to my friends like "Hey, what if we rewrote this but not horrible" and we genuinely thought about it! For a night.
But for me it wasn't one night.
I kept thinking about it.
And one thing led to the next, I was revisiting old Youtube videos I liked and reread a fic I used to like.
I think what really did me in was listening to the character songs again and a couple of hetaloid covers. I was doing artfight and listening only to Hetalia music while I drew.
I genuinely did not really use my normal Tumblr before floralcrematorium came to be. I have an entirely separate account for personal stuff and art (I will not be sharing it) and it got to a point where I was seeking so much Hetalia stuff that I figured, why the fuck not, and eventually made an account. I also eventually made my first A03 account (I was on Wattpad and FFN back in the day) because someone wrote a CanUkr fic where Mattie had overexerted himself and was in the hospital and Katya and Alfred were going to kill him because he kept insisting he could work (I CANNOT FIND THIS FIC AGAIN, I FOUND IT ON TUMBLR ORIGINALLY, PLEASE HELP IF THIS RINGS A BELL!!).
And uh, so here I am!
I draw Hetalia stuff on occasion (I should... draw more considering that's what I went to college for but whatever) and have a couple of ideas for illustration series in my head.
I've got a lot of fic ideas I want to write. I have a literal list on my phone. I think about it in bed, at work, and little things remind me of Hetalia all the time.
I've gotten back into RP (I used to use Shamchat and Kik).
I've met so many cool people and I've been having a wonderful time being back so far. When I was originally in the fandom, I consumed a lot of content, but as far as mutuals went it was just me and my two friends. Meeting so many new people has been absolutely wonderful.
Hetalia is really the only fandom I've been in. I've liked other media and consumed fics/enjoyed art/bought prints (COUGH RWBY), but Hetalia is the only media I've ever had fan accounts for. It's the only media I've so deeply entrenched myself in that I feel comfortable writing fics. My walls used to be covered in Hetalia -- both official wall scrolls and shitty art I'd made myself (I have pictures I can attach at the end of the post). I had... so much merch. When I was 14 I only asked for Hetalia related things for my birthday. Every now and again I get that "am I doing the right thing?" ick because of the negative fandom reputation and reactions I'd get from people when I would admit to having liked Hetalia in the past, but I don't care about that now. Genuinely, fuck that. I like this piece of media whether I want to or not. I'm not going to be a self-hating Hetalia fan like I was in 2018-2021/22. I've come back to the show with completely different... motives? Idk what the right phrase is here -- I'm here to explore the characters of these little freaks (looking at you, Francis), I love all of the fanart I see, I like the exchange of historical and cultural information/resources.
Sure, I'd consider my fandom niche to be humanverse Francis and FACE fam, but I genuinely enjoy exploring outside of my corner of the fandom. I try to spread myself out -- I want to consume everything. I want to be exposed to everything.
Hetalia is one of the single most impactful pieces of media in my life. Without it, I wouldn't have my best friend, who broke up with me for APH Austria in 2015. The friends I ran the Instagram account with and I are all still in contact. I talk to one much more frequently than the other, but they are both so near and dear to my heart and I can't believe that this silly show is what got us to where we are. The youngest of us is about to graduate college a whole year early. I met her when she was 11 and I was 12 or 13? I couldn't be more proud of her, of the three of us, and it's been so fun to have these occasional nights where we (okay, just me) get tipsy and go through old fandom media/watch the dub and go ooooof. I was in a really bad place when I was originally into Hetalia. Coming back now feels like coming full circle.
The old fandom had plenty of its own issues, and the fandom now certainly isn't devoid of issues, but now that the fanbase has shifted to an older audience and I actually have like. Social skills. I love talking to other people. I like creating. I like thinking about these stupid characters before I go to bed.
My single favorite thing about the Hetalia fandom now is the care put into historical work as well as the exploration of portrayals of the characters. Because Hetalia lacks a plot and Hima is constantly retconning things, everyone has their own interpretations of everything. Everyone has their own version of Francis Bonnefoy, Yao Wang, or Alfred F. Jones. And that's so cool!!! You don't see that anywhere else.
I know I'm typically a pessimist on main, but I'm genuinely glad to be back. It's weird to be back. I've had mixed reactions from irl friends that I'm back.
But who the fuck cares?
I'm having fun, I'm making friends, and I can't believe there are still people here.
I genuinely hope I'm here for a while. I have so much I want to write. I want to draw all of the things my skill level was too low for back when I was a teen.
The following images are certainly about to destroy any cool perception anyone has of me, if they even do. I was... certainly a teenager, is all I have to say! I am,,, thankfully not like this anymore. I hope.
Here are those pictures of my bedroom circa 2015 I promised:
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That drawing of Russia with Neko-Talia Russia? Yeah. Uh. I did that for an art project in the 7th grade for class. I also did a ceramics piece with the mochis, that I've since lost. These images scream "I'm 14 and like Hetalia in 2015."
I used to have little hearts with all the ships I liked in them (I think that's AusHun in the picture on the left?). I also had "I love you" written in like 20 languages on index cards taped above my headboard.
Also a literal timestamp I found in my old emails with the friend who got me into Hetalia:
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Being a young teenager in the old fandom certainly,,,, was something. I would not relive that, but by god would I do ANYTHING to get my favorite pieces of fan media back from that time. There was a video called "Hetalia What Did You Do To Panda" which was a bunch of clips from the anime with Katie Herzig's "Hey Na Na" playing in the background. Every now and then a dub audio clip would interject with the song.
I also really miss this one very specific Character Theme Songs video that had Poland in the thumbnail. Mein Gott would play between each song and I could tell you most of the songs that had been assigned to each character.
I would do ANYTHING to get those videos back. I miss them so much.
Anyway, if you read this whole thing, thanks for reading??? I am very Cool And Normal about the things I like, unfortunately. It's nice to come back to Hetalia and like... be a normal person about it.
All I've got to say is, when I like something, I like it a lot.
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
Number 7 for the chose violence ask game?
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
This is an immediate and unhesitating Star Wars answer: Ahsoka.
so these days a lot of my annoyance is about the canon, but go back in time to 2015 when the Rebels S1 finale came out. at this point Ahsoka had not appeared in (real time) Star Wars canon since the first TCW series finale (this show has had three for various reasons), which aired in March 2013, which is actually not that long. (She showed up briefly in Yoda's vision when Lost Missions aired in 2014, the second TCW series finale.) From a 2023 perspective, two years is not that long, but it was 2015, okay. TFA had not yet come out. Rebels S1 had just aired. The decanonization of Legends wasn't even a year old yet; the amount of new (Disney) canon Star Wars was in the single digits. This was years before Disney+ or TCW S7 (the third TCW series finale) and live action Star Wars television was an oft-shotdown rumor (Star Wars Underworld, we remember you kindly).
Back in 2014 when they first announced Rebels, there was a lot of bitterness about it -- did they cancel TCW for this, why aren't any of these characters Ahsoka, could Sabine maybe be Ahsoka? (They first introduced her helmeted.) You can probably find some of this on my Tumblr if you go back far enough because I was also very wary at the time. All through when Rebels S1 was airing there was a lot of conversation about when or if Ahsoka was going to show up in a way you really wouldn't get today, because these days we're used to cameos and crossovers. When Fulcrum made their debut with the masked voice in Out of Darkness, people reverse-engineered that voice and did digital...stuff...to try and figure out if it was Ashley Eckstein voicing the character, because back then people immediately did assume that Fulcrum was Ahsoka. And then Fire Across the Galaxy came out, and Ahsoka actually did appear, and then the animated side of Star Wars fandom lost its fucking mind.
so you have to understand that a lot of TCW fans did not go over to Rebels when it first aired. many did, I was one of them, but a lot didn't because they were very angry about TCW being cancelled, about Ahsoka not being a main character, about Rebels' art style -- gods, that one had (and still has!) people furious. and then Ahsoka appeared in Rebels with her new design and people just LOST IT.
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(not my edit)
people were FURIOUS she didn't like her TCW vision version -- like, you think the reaction to her live action appearance was bad? please, we were all dead inside by that point and inured to Star Wars' nonsense. I have seen some shit in the Star Wars fandom and the reaction to Ahsoka's Rebels redesign is way up at the top of the list. The shape of her lekku and montrals. The tiger striping on her lekku. The shape of her face. The way her facial markings changed. Her skin color. The one that always sticks in my head are the people who argued that because she was wearing a different headband Filoni and Co. had stripped her of her cultural identity as a Togruta. The list goes on. I swear to gods however bad you think it was from what I'm saying it was worse. No, worse than that.
That's just the aesthetic elements. What also happened as soon as she had appeared was people going "well, Ahsoka's here, so Kanan is obviously going to die," and this went on for ALL of the hiatus summer between S1 and S2, and ALL of S2. As many SW fen who follow me know, Kanan is my favorite, so I was logging on every day to find people discussing how Kanan was extraneous and marked for death because why would you have Kanan when you could have AHSOKA. I got very bitter about it. (Not helped by canon completely fumbling Kanan every time Ahsoka was onscreen, I am still EXTREMELY angry about the hot mess that was The Future of the Force.)
Two years later canon quite literally did swap Kanan out for Ahsoka, and I've never really gotten over it, but when World Between Worlds aired that was the first thing that I thought of. It was just...extremely bad.
And then in general people get extremely weird about Ahsoka in the way that people always get about their faves (depth? flaws? we've never heard of them), in a way that's just been getting much worse over the years since Rebels S4 (which I hate) and TCW S7 (which I hate) and the live action appearance (which I hate) and the upcoming show (which I refuse to acknowledge). Even as a fic writer, it got to the point where I'd really hesitate to put Ahsoka into a story or a chapter because I knew that if I did, I'd get a large number of comments (large being relative here) that ONLY talked about Ahsoka and not about anything else going on in that chapter. And then when I didn't put her into a chapter (you can see this in the last few chapters of Crown that I posted earlier this year), I'd get people going BUT WHERE'S AHSOKA? As a cast of thousands writer it was a combination guaranteed to drive me crazy, even if I hadn't been, at that point, pretty neutral about the character. And I started as a fan, you know? I didn't come into TCW until S4 was airing, so the show had to sell me on her, but it worked, and I was a fan. It just...went wrong in every possible way.
(The Marvel equivalent for me is Peggy Carter, and I am doing a lot of work on my end to not end up as bitter about Peggy as I am about Ahsoka, because I know it's a danger for related but not identical reasons, and I'd really rather not have that response to two characters. And mostly I have been successful, because I'm pretty careful about where I go in the fandom and I'm not picking up rabid Peggy fans the way my Rebels fic picked up rabid Ahsoka fans, since it's a much larger fandom and people who are very aggressive about Peggy are not reading a clearly labeled SteveNat fic. It's helped by the fact that these are very different canons and very different fandoms, and that I came in well after Endgame, because I know if I'd come in before I'd be way less clear-headed about it; there's a reason I avoid all the Captain Carter stuff, which makes me rabid for various reasons.) (That said I know I'm blocked by at least one Peggy fan.)
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breakthings · 1 year
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Well, it’s a new year; and while things have had its ups and downs both IRL and on this platform, I still wanted to say a few things. I’ve been on tumblr in and off since like 2014 in multiple fandoms. I took a break, was back 2019 in the anime rpc for about a year and some; then came to the ST rpc for a few months and then moved to a multifandom multimuse not really associated with the fandoms BUT—I’ve met a lot of people in these fandoms that’s I care a lot about, and people were willing to follow me as I blog hopped—which means a lot, honestly. I remember the old days of FFs, and I’m kind of glad they’re back. I always liked them, idk. And I can't write a blurb for everyone, but know that I do love and care for all of you. <3 ANYWAY.
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HAZE: @cultesdesghoules You have been a huge part of my life over the last...7 ish months, and honestly, idk where I'd be now without you. You've helped me a whole lot in regards to my personal life whether its just being there for me or offering the advice that I need to move forward. my best friend here, honestly. I really hope we continuing talking and writing together forever, bc I'd do anything & everything for you tbh. <3
J: @mysharxna / @girlpsych You're also one of the closest people to me during this time. I really appreciate your friendship; you mean a lot to me. It's kinda funny because at first I didn't think you liked me LOL, but I guess I was wrong, since we got pretty close! You're really great, but knowing you--You already knew that. <3
JT: @kegk1ng You may not be here on tumblr very much anymore, but I'm mentioning you anyway bc I still talk to you ooc. While we've had our differences, I still really appreciate you as a person and I think we've gotten closer despite things. I really enjoy hanging out with you in VC and talking about whatever, or watching movies, ect ect. You're also the first duplicate I felt comfortable around, which is a BIG deal to me, so. <3 Here's to another year of friendship!
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@temporarywiin / @inkfng / @cahroline / @creelsclocks / @hostica / @barhd / @survivedbefore / @wisteriaorchids / @appendaged / @psychiclegacy / @trashm0uth / @jerksredeem / @crackedfm / @yellowbrckrd / @vigilantaes / @overclocks / @cthulhued / @wheelrisms / @brokenalibi / @feralsmile / @kschmidts / @aquariusvibes / @godsdeal / @gareththegreat / @bloodawakening / @mikewheelertm / @shatterxdsouls / @enshijou /
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t00thpasteface · 2 years
favourite tf2 headcanons? yours or other peoples?
ohoho man. grab a seat anon, and let me tell you a really long and stupid story about a headcanon i had many moons ago...
i got into tf2 over the summer of 2011, when i was 14. somewhere at the end of the 2010-2011 school year, i went to a function that the local high school held to acclimate next year's incoming freshmen. while i was there i bumped into a friend from elementary school who i'd lost contact with, we traded Skypes (where my skypers at???), and he got me into this awesome game called Team Fortress 2, because, hey, it just went free to play!
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(here's my proof i joined literally one week after it went f2p)
here's what you need to know about 14 year old Shebbz: i was extremely autistic. i had just found out about tumblr after spending my formative years on deviantart. i still did not process that i was a comphet lesbian. and i LOOOOOOVED scout! i loved him so much. scout was everything to me. he was ME and also he was my BOYFRIEND and i was drawing him on EVERY surface i could use a pencil on. all i played was scout. i was not good at it but that didn't stop me. i was textbook 14-year-old crazy and scout was the chosen vessel for it. also i drew like this:
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ok. so. i'm insane. i love scout. thunder mountain is my favorite map because it's the prettiest and that's the only metric i judge anything by. and every day i talk tf2 with my friends at lunch, which is about three to five obnoxious 14 y/o boys. and i fucking wish i still had the paper or at least a scan of it, but one day i had the BRILLIANT idea for a headcanon for scout.
okay so get this, i tell my friends at lunch as i'm unzipping my backpack to grab my notebook. scout is so funny and cool right? nods of agreement. he's obviously way too cool for the other mercs to handle. he's hip and with-it. well, check out this idea i just had, i think it's got a lot of potential. i slide a piece of paper over the table to my very dear friend who got me into tf2.
it's two panels. the first has scout holding up his own drawing of the thunder mountain skybox scenery, storm clouds and all, and he's saying, "look guys, i drew thunder mountain!" in the second panel, all you see is bullet holes through the paper and, presumably, into his torso meat behind it. "ow," he says. he's crying a little.
now i thought i was really onto something here. i was excited to get talking and explore more headcanons branching off of this one.
but my friend shut that shit down IMMEDIATELY. lo, my obsession with scout has turned into bastardization! i have lost touch with the canon! at this point i have woobified scout into something completely divorced from the soul of the character! and my greatest crime-- baseless projection! put that bit from jurassic park about the scientists here. clearly, he surmised, i had been poisoned by all those saucy yaoi askblogs i'd been following at the time. (hey, leave askheavy out of this!)
i was ashamed. embarrassed. he read me like an open book. i felt like the scout in the drawing. i put the drawing up, did away with my frivolous little headcanon, and resolved to be more of a stickler for canon-accuracy in my fanworks. hell, i nearly ended up becoming something of a fandom police myself. but i always felt a little slighted. yes i was projecting, but because of that, it was so personal! so what if it was totally baseless? it meant something to me!!
anyway, that was late 2011. seasons came and changed the time... i later had a falling-out with that friend (for totally unrelated reasons) and switched high schools to a newer fancier one. i got diagnosed with bipolar and i was trying so, so, SO hard just to get out of bed and scrape through my classes with C's and D's.
2014. june. i'm 17 and i'm borderline comatose now that it's summer break and i have no reason to get out of bed in the morning. what little creative energy i have is directed towards my askblogs with incredibly inconsistent and sporadic results. and i really don't play tf2 much at this point. no energy for it.
but then... a light in the shadows. a triumphant fanfare. at long last, there's another tf2 animatic, and it has hand-delivered unto me the sweetest validation, the coldest dish of revenge, the delicious ice cream sundae of justice:
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scout has drawn a picture of spy getting hit by a car.
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yngai · 1 year
dash game, get to know the mun. ( repost, don't reblog )
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🦋 name: nadiya, diminutive of nadezhda. 🦋 pronouns:  she/her. 🦋 preference of communication:  tumblrs IMs as a starting point though i will always move things to discord since it's less of a hassle. 🦋 single/taken: single & aromantic so i'm fairly comfortable as is.
🦋 three facts.
currently i work in a fairly expensive & somewhat busy sushi restaurant in my city that's about 2 minutes away on foot from my apartment, so can you believe that my favorite movie from 2022 was the menu? all the kitchen nightmares & hell's kitchen binging me & my pals did during the pandemic didn't help.
beforehand i worked at a run-down pasta shop that survived through delivery apps & while the food was pretty good (i wasn't a huge fan of pasta beforehand), the location was in a part of the city with a bunch of restaurants that act as fronts for potential criminals, so most of the owner's friends were coen brothers characters. i'm glad i got out of there. the place closed down after i left, my boss was sent to a mental health facility for 2 weeks for reasons unknown, though her last act was to try & rally a bunch of businesses against the leading delivery app in my city, which failed spectacularly, as you can imagine. me & an ex-coworker still text each other whenever there's an update on our old boss.
restaurant work has led me to pick up a smoking habit that i've avoided till now.
🦋 experience.
gosh i've been roleplaying since i was barely a teenager on windows live messenger, then skype after a long break, & i eventually moved to tumblr in 2014 because i got very tired of the group chats i was in, stuck to d.octor who for ages & ages writing basically every character you can imagine, from the show to the audio dramas & its expanded universe novels, it was a fixation for a large part of my life that led me to meet some of my best friends on this website. then i switched over to h.ellsing & that blog is what helped get my foothold in the rpc, i was a pretty obscure writer until then, & the people i met through the fandom i still talk to daily, we've been a gaggle for five years now, inseparable. we'll see where things go from here but i'm pretty solidified with writing ada, i care a lot about her character & properly portraying it, & while i've had my ups & downs in the ressie rpc i'm glad to be back & very happy with the writers i've befriended since my return & with all the peeps that have stuck around with me since i first made the blog, you're all so cool, i don't deserve any of you.
🦋 sub-genres.
political/crime thriller is my favorite genre to write in which is pretty basic taste though it does fit the blog, mix that in with the ideological/body horror of ressie & you have a recipe for success. across other blogs though i love both utopian & dystopian sci-fi, high & modern fantasy, again, basic.
🦋 plots vs memes.
plotting is my bread & butter i'm always sitting on like a million headcanons, ideas, inspirations for my characters & i'm always looking for people i click with to share them. tumblr is a social media platform first & foremost so i'm always searching for people i can bounce things around with very smoothly & maybe i've been lucky that i've never struggled to make new pals. even the act of plotting itself can be fun & creatively rewarding to me, we don't have to actually write anything on the dash, really.
🦋 long or short replies.
i used to struggle with longer replies as a younger writer but now i write so many needless paragraphs of introspection for most of my characters i feel like i give nothing to the other writer to reply to, just thoughts upon thoughts with little action & even lesser dialog.
🦋 best time to write.
i try to get a reply in before a shift if i can help it because usually i come home exhausted, if i'm off work though i usually write in the evenings or afternoons depending on how not distracted i am.
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tagged by: @croftborn, danke :) tagging: steal it, i dare you.
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miss-dollette · 6 months
With these shitty opinions, you're gonna have a field day reading the dead dove tag on ao3. You're gonna have a field day.
Like. Let people write whatever as long as it's tagged properly bc very fucking obviously you don't know how to scroll past certain fics bc they're not catered to YOU. And there's literally a tag for this kind of taboo shit that you've been shitting on. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat!!!!
Also, shut up about the fucking writing style and grammar of fics now and oh, no! bad dialogue?? dude shut UP. In time, they'll improve in their own way or maybe, maybe!!! ITS JUST NOT YOUR STYLE???? With what little there is with Makarov fics you better be fucking grateful that there's at least a small community on here.
And why tf are you suddenly turning into the fun police, huh? "Codename "Athena" cringe bc callsigns r usually used to make fun of u and don't be a mary sue!!!" Cry about it. Let people have their fun with their OCs. I thought we were over cringe culture with the Mary Sue shit man.
If you don't like seeing that type of content then mind your own fucking business because truthfully, I feel like you wouldn't survive old Tumblr or old fanfics with this attitude. Consume what you want, don't interact with what you don't like and just get on with your day.
It's a shame that you are a good writer with such shit opinions on what the fandom is making. Grow up.
Skimmed through this and couldn't help but laugh.
Babe, I know what DDDNE is, I've been reading and creating fanfiction FOR YEAAAARS and my Ao3 account was created in 2014 and I was on Wattpad before it had ads! And honey, i was on Tumblr YEARS before the porn ban and when SuperWhoLock was trending. So don't presume anything about me because I know my shit.
I said what I mf said, and I knew ya'll were gonna come for me, so I said it anyway.
Take your own advice, and don't interact with my blog if you're such a crybaby - I left a TW for a reason, so people like you wouldn't wander in by accident. But look at you, you read my post on purpose, then got mad and sent me a message!
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single-malt-scotch · 1 year
Single Malt Scotch masterpost
well, i made a nebtho one so i guess i should make one of my namesake, right? sorry to say but in terms of video content.... aint much lol. But I will link a playlist and talk about its history!
Right so, what is there??? Why should you watch these guys?
Team Single Malt Scotch is the pair of Zisteau and Kurtjmac. Z does youtube sporadically but doesnt play minecraft much at all anymore, Kurt is well known for Far Lands or Bust and still does that and other games! So we're talking about the old days really- SMS first teamed up in UHC 7. Their dynamic caught on pretty strong in the tumblr oriented mindcrack fandom, and honestly I'd say they were one of the most popular ships back then alongside the expected Team Canada and Nebtho. I enjoyed their whole deal especially because I liked Kurt a lot, and related to his shyness and interests back then. Zisteau and him get along pretty well and shared similar interests so it was always nice to see then hang out- and their slight opposites with Z being more extroverted made them pretty balanced. Overall good chemistry.
The videos. What videos? Heres my playlist, but I will lay it out below as well. (additionally I only included one episode of UHC 7, i suggest going and watching Kurt here as he has the more eps). Be sure to read the playlist description for further info on how to watch.
Ep 45/12 - Episodes with them together start after UHC 7- its hard tracking down more videos due to lack of keywords, etc... They're working together on Kurt's base! good ol 40 min long episode.
Ep 46/13 - back to back, more work on kurt's base. really just nice slow eps with lots of chatter. - i suggest kurt's because its longer.
Fun fact about those two above!! Kurt mimics Zisteau intro :) in his episodes.
a little minecon video in there... from 9 years ago. god i feel old.
another little extra mindcrack server stuff, a pov from kurt that he hadn't shared before.
while this is in the playlist, its a specific timestamp- FLoBathon 2014, Zisteau jumps call in for a good long period. this is definitely more podcasty of a watch.
final stretch... UHC 2017 Charity event. Yeah, way later than everything else lol. This one was a shock to me when it happened too! This UHC is chaotic due to item donations but it was incredibly fun to watch them again- especially up to the very end!! Really suggest it if you want something faster paced. Spoilers: extra good because we got an "i love you kurt" out of it so.
Extra, not on the playlist- feel like itd be fun to mention this FLoB episode where Kurt recognizes the popularity of SMS on tumblr. which sends anxiety through me at times knowing i also had this url way back then as well.
Well thats it boys. There is a good chance theres some other episodes floating out there and i appreciate any added links! (especially later stuff like post-2016 since i was around less).
As I said above SMS was a pretty popular ship. its hard to know how that felt if you weren't around back then but, there is a huge backlog of fan fiction for sure. Ao3 isnt the biggest archive of fics (i suggest dreamwidth) but even there its the top ship with 100 fics!
so you know. old ship, not anything new, not something i expect new people to get into- but i think its worth sharing especially as a fandom history thing because it was quite a popular subject back in the day.
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jandjsalmon · 2 years
2022 Fanfiction Reading Challenge
June 2022 Stats  
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Well, my friends. June was as crazy as I thought it would be. Aside from the whole horrible state of *gestures at everything*, the Salmon fam moved out of our house and into a hotel for a MONTH - right in time for the HS graduation of my middle son (and our fun impromptu grad trip to Los Angeles and my sunburn from hell). Thankfully, there are only SIX more sleeps until I’m in my brand new house. I have missed my own bed and I never thought I would say this - but I miss eating food I made myself in my own kitchen. You know how they say that adulthood is basically complaining about what to make for dinner every night until you die? Well eating out every night doesn’t change the fact that you still have to decide at which restaurant to eat... it’s a never ending problem (and an expensive one).
ANYWAY - enough about my real life. Let’s talk fic because we all need a little brightness in our lives right now because *gestures at everything* I’m JUST shy of 10 million words read and I’m just over halfway through the year. My goal of +20 mill for the year *might* be within reach.
Pairings were fun this month. I read 10 new ships (some highlights were Eddie/Chrissy from Stranger Things, Phoenix/Bob from Top Gun: Maverick, and even a Ted/Rebecca from Ted Lasso), I also read some of YOUR favourites (from your bookmarks on Ao3) - how else would I have found a heartbreakingly angsty Stevie/Alexis (Schitt’s Creek) fic if it weren’t for you? So thank you!
I’m still working on my Hard (72/88) and Extreme(35/65) challenges. There are several tasks at the @fanfic-reading-challenge​ that deal with minorities. Do any of you currently have favourite stories with a minority (any minority) as a main character that you can direct me to? 
Here are some of my favourite reads and rereads for this month. I hope you will read them and leave lots of loving reviews to let these awesome authors know how much you appreciate them.
Tumblr Meet Cute (2 fic series - T) by Toryb - Tory wrote this one several years ago and it was SO fun to revisit. Betty meets Jughead on tumblr - and they fall in love and then meet in person and it’s the sweetest thing ever. I was feeling nostalgic for Bughead fandom fluffiness and this fit the bit. Fellow Buggies - if you haven’t read these two one-shots yet, you need to. DO IT!
let's make some music (fuck all of the bullshit) by @feelavalanche​ (2/2 - E) - My girl wrote this one - and I am a SUCKER for Musician AUs. Fez and Lexi are both singers with grammy nominated albums and they are SO CUTE together. 
only good things happen here by @sweetsoundsofignorance​ (6/6 - E) - HELLO DARKNESS MY OLD FRIEND! Okay, so I had a lot of feelings while I read this one. It was dark. SO dark. But the final chapter was SO FREAKING cathartic! This fic is canon-divergent at the 'Key Party’ and includes a very dark Betty who does dark things for good reasons? It was both hard and wonderful to read. I don’t know how to explain it - but I think you should read it if you like morally grey (or morally black) characters and character motivation. 
Postcode Envy by @bewitchingredhead36​ (33/33 - E) - I started reading this Veronica Mars fic in 2014 on ff.net - and there was a big break and then the lovely author started posting chapters again 2022 (thankfully I was subscribed so I got the notification) and it was finally finished in June. The premise is - Cindy Mackenzie is hit in the head with a baseball and wakes up back in high school - but not as Cindy Mackenzie, but as Madison Sinclair (as if she wasn’t switched at birth at all) - but she remembers Veronica and Cassidy and Dick and Logan and everyone. 
Enjoy the recs - and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and happy July. 
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Hello! The ever-sweet and wonderful @marthaskane tagged me to share eight shows that define me/help you get to know me. Without further ado, the shows!
Alias (2001-2006)
Alias has taught me the value of old LiveJournal pages and the Wayback Machine more than any other show I've ever loved. I discovered this show in 2013 when it was on Netflix and then I spent a few months in Germany, where I spent too much money buying almost the entire show on iTunes because I could not comprehend going more than a day without Sydney Bristow with me.
2. The Clone Wars (2008-2013, 2014, 2020)
I remember when this show first aired and my siblings and I had a square dance at our school (very American, I know) so we had to DVR it. The next morning we snuck down early to watch it with the volume super low so we wouldn't wake up our parents. Few shows have continuously come back into my life the way this one has. I can track a lot of how I've changed as a fan through the different ways I've viewed this show over the last 15 years.
3. Fringe (2008-2013)
I've been rewatching this show since January of this year and can confirm: it is still a nearly perfect 100 episodes of TV. Fringe manages to perfect a lot of the plot lines and dynamics that appear in Alias (both are J.J. Abrams/his collaborators projects). It manages to walk the line between a procedural and a mythology-driven show beautifully and so clearly knows what message and themes it wants to share from the very first shot. If you like exploring messy family dynamics, action, and the X-Files, Fringe is a good option for you.
4. Gotham (2014-2019)
I historically have no cared much at all about Batman. He struck me as pretty boring in comparison to every other person he interacted with. Gotham change that for me (turns out he just needed to be put next to any even more boring guy, but I digress...). Loving this show is a lesson in looking past weird choices, wacky inconsistencies, and learning to just trust that writers will give you a fun ride, even if you understand less that 15% of it. It helped me remember that the sentence "I love this show" does not always mean "here is a perfect example of perfect storytelling" and just how freeing that can be. It also gave me a beautiful little group of friends who continue to make me smile on a regular basis.
5. Blindspot (2015-2020)
While this show may not be one I post about often, it was foundational for how I interact in fandom now. It was one of the first times I was active in a fandom from the start of the show. It was the first time I was in a fandom group chat and my Tumblr friends broke containment into being people I followed on Instagram and texted. I organized a Secret Santa. It was the first time I remember actively freaking out of promo photos (1x09 IYKYK) and synopses. Almost all the confidence I have when interacting in fandoms is from these experiences. And the plot is stellar.
6. Iron Fist (2017-2018)
I can't tell you how I ended up watching this. I do not know what prompted me to turn it on but I'm really glad I did. This show has so many amazing nuggets of amazingness and its shortcomings brought me together with two of my favorite people as we tried to understand what had gone wrong and where. (This is not a good ad for the show.) I love getting to play with stories and characters that have seemingly infinite potential and getting to do it with other people who are just as committed to the story as I was meant the world.
7. The Rookie (2018-present)
I fought against this one so hard. I did not want to get into it, but as my dash filled with those gifs of Lucy in the green dress and I had my wonderful friend pitching the show to me over and over, I caved. And I'm really glad I did. The experience of watching a long season over months, one week and one episode at a time, is so different than streaming or rewatching shows and I'd forgotten how much I missed it until I got to do it again for this show. My Tuesday livestreams with my lovely friend single-handedly pulled me through so many rough spots over the last year. For a procedural dramedy, The Rookie continues to serve up some of the best characters on TV right now and consistently delivers some of the best cold opens.
8. Prodigal Son (2019-I'm in denial)
The show that owns my heart and soul. The show I'd sell my organs to get new episodes of. Returning to this show, whether I'm writing fic, doing a TED Talk in my head about the psychology in the show, or actually watching an episode, consistently feels like coming home. I did not know it was possible for someone to stick their hand in your head and pull out a show custom-made for you, but that's what this is. The characters are all so perfectly imperfect and desperate to be better. The plots are just the perfect amount of bonkers. The show being a drama pretending to be a procedural is beautiful. If you'd told me in 2019 that a show about a profiler whose dad is a serial killer and they solve crimes together would be the show that would leave an indelible mark on my life, I would have rolled my eyes because that's so cliche. 2019!me had no idea what she was on about. But I'm glad she figured it out and randomly put on this little show one night that had continued to pull me through good days and bad days and everything in between.
As for tagging other people, anyone is welcome to join but I’ll specifically tag some people I know who haven't been tagged (I think): @electricbluebutterflies, @chenlucys, @shinythinx, @rojaswarren, @meandmyechoes, @padme-deserved-better, @whitesunlars, @harrows-bones, @bpdanakins, and @violetsandmagpies.
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kittyandco · 1 year
THANK YOU 😭😭😭 elliot will be in orange and hans will be in pink (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
1. how long have i known about them
when i started middle school i started to get into a lot of different things, mostly manga, and hnkna was one of those!!! so i've known about elliot for a long time! my romantic feelings have apparently been simmering for all this time...
i didn't know a thing about hans until i watched frozen in 2014. december 19th, 2014. our anniversary! the very same day
so they have both been part of my life for, well, most of it!
2. whether or not they’ve ever made me cry
not quite... but it could happen. hnkna can be angst city 😭
yes, but only because i wish he could be here with me 💖
3. whether or not i have any merchandise/objects with them
NO, BUT I AM PLOTTING. i've always made my own hnkna merch 😭 i made a boris plushie and a finger puppet out of felt a long time ago. now that i have money and can search for things on my own, i bet i can find some elliots! (also hoping to see some at the next convention i go to in march!)
answered for hans! i only have a couple things though
4. what about their personality i like
5. what about their backstory makes me emotional
the fact that elliot was punished for an act of pure love will always make me SO emotional
do i even need to say it for hans?
6. the moment of theirs that made me the saddest
same answer for 5...
reading "a frozen heart" nearly had me in tears. hans lived a pathetic and hopeless life for so long. i wanted to jump into the book and protect him. and i still do
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest
i am absolutely LIVING playing the game. so many happy and cute moments with him 🥺 i can't even pick one
when he dances with and romances anna... kills me instantly
8. something about them that made me laugh
elliot is hilarious! his insistence that he isn't a rabbit will always get a chuckle out of me 😭
"you slipped on ice 🙄" is such a funny line i love the way he says it 😭
9. my favorite canon outfit of theirs
APPARENTLY ELLIOT HAS DIFFERENT OUTFITS? AND I JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT THESE (but many of them are very new and i am SO behind on the lore it isn't even funny. like 11 year old me i'm stuck in the first couple of volumes from the late 00s) i like his normal fit... but shout out to this one 😳
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and you KNOW. YOU KNOW I GOTTA GIVE IT UP FOR HANS' BLUE CLOAK -- it isn't flashy like his other fits, which are both immaculate, but it does something to me
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10. my favorite moment with them in canon
THIS ONE IS SO HARD BECAUSE first of all, elliot has SO MUCH material, and it can change depending on how i play the game... so i'll go with the first heart manga. i like his first appearance tbh. 😳 he's so willing to kill which is hot and then suddenly he's like "oh yeah i like you now alice sorry about that 😇" like boy??? idk why it's just really cute to me. get to see both sides of him 🥰
I THINK YOU KNOW what i'll say about hans. :)
11. my favorite relationship they have with another character
elliot is so sweet with alice, it's easy to project onto them 🥴 i mean that's the biggest reason why i sought out the game to play
ANNA, IT'S EASY TO PROJECT ONTO THEM. also i ship them 🥰
12. what i like about the way the fandom portrays them
i'm not very familiar with the hnkna fandom; i didn't start interacting with fandom spaces until very recently when i got to tumblr, which wasn't that long ago. but i've been in a server for it for a while and haven't been disappointed with their talk about elliot! everyone is actually supportive of me loving him 🥺
13. what i dont like about the way the fandom portrays them
see above! i really don't know, and the less i know the better sometimes
idk where to even begin, y'all are lost... so the frozen fandom has a long, weird history of major drama over hans fans just existing... and this section really goes all in and i don't understand it. it's bad. i don't even wanna get into it. it'll upset me
14. what i liked about the way canon portrayed them
i like that he has a sweet side! and that he lets himself be sweet and goofy with alice! it's very cute!
aside from making him the perfect man for me to love?
15. what i dont like about the way canon portrayed them
he's executed very well. however i hate blood so if he could be a little less loyal to him that would be good. for my sake. but KJDSKJFD
he's reduced to a joke, hardly gets to be cool, glosses over his past on purpose, and disney & canon constantly sidelines him. i'm working off crumbs here!
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imbirart · 2 years
Life update (?)
At some point of my life this blog was one of the most important parts of my life. We all (or at least a few people who still follow me) remember the tumblr peak of 2014-2016. I made a big progress with my art, I would turn out those rendered digital paintings of random silmarillion characters almost lie once a week, and even tho I would whine, my life was at it’s best. I wasn’t populkar, I never was, on any social media, I lacked the consistency, but I had so much fun! I was a part of an active discord server, I was obsessed with my niche fandom and everything was great.
This is me, 19 years old in 2017 on my way to the best hiking trip of my life. If you think I look like a baby  here- you are correct. I am not wearing makeup, but at the time I never realy did. 
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I stopped posting here during the second half of 2018. It was the time when I have moved from Poland to Manchester for University. Since then I have lost my mom, fallen in love for the fist time, were sexually assaulted, got my heart broken for the first time. I lived in two diffferent student halls, two diferent student homes, I drank so much. I slept on the floor, under a library table, on a matress in a completly furnitureless apartment, I made so many mistakes. Last year I had to move back Poland. I lost touch with most of my uni friends, and two of my closest friends stopped talking to me. Talk to me of villain era when your closest friend blocks you on every social media, including Linked-in. I was SHATTERED. This is me now: 
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I am now back at the same desk that I posted my silly Tolkien takes when I was 17.The dark circles under my eyes don’t seem to go away, no matter how many serums and face masks I use.  I am wandering the rooms, forever changed by my experiences, and somehow nothing seems to be as sweet as it once was. I’m just picking up the pieces. I am trying to stop drinking. For the past few years I was trying to grow my instagram, with my Very Serious And Proffessional Account. But we all know how ass instagram has became recently. SO I am coming back home. For the last year I have heardly drawn ANYTHING. I was so depressed and burned out I need to teach myself back from almost scratch. And here I am again, to those few who still remember. I am here. And what alse is there to say. I am here. And I hope some of you are here too. 
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