#it was just jacob laying back down
g4yforethan · 8 months
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pairing: nate jacobs x male!reader
summary: nate spots reader at a party and invites them upstairs for some fun !
warnings: cursing, drinking, top!nate, bottom!reader
a/n: i hate nate jacobs but jacob elordi is so fine so i had to write himm ;)
your friends had invited you to a party on saturday night. you weren’t exactly in the mood to go out but they convinced you to go anyways. you wore a white tee and black jeans and drove with your friends to the party. when at the party, you went to go grab a drink in the kitchen. when doing so, you noticed someone eyeing you. it was nate jacobs. he always had an intimidating stare but this stare was different. he looked intrigued and desired you. “yo what got you here?” he says to you as he gets closer.
“oh nothing just here with some friends.” you quickly say while grabbing your drink. you try to leave which he notices and grabs your arm. “bro chill i’m not gon hurt you or anything like that. what’s your name even?” his hand still grabbing ahold of your arm. “uhh y/n. i’m in your english class.” he nods his head and let’s go of your arm. he takes another shot and slams the cup on the kitchen table. “why don’t we chill upstairs? your friends will be fine with it right?” you were confused as to why nate jacobs was asking you to hang out but you agreed.
as the party started to die down, the two of you went upstairs to the master bedroom. you sat down on the side of the bed and nate locked the door. he sat next to you and started to massage your thigh. “you know i never knew you were this pretty.” you started to blush and he took note of this. "uhh thanks. you know i kinda had a crush on you for the longest but i thought you were straight." you were scared that you said too much but he leaned in and whispered in your ear. "i go both ways." he grabs your face and pulls you in for a kiss. "fuck your lips taste so sweet." he moans as you massage his crotch and his dick starts to grow. he quickly unzips his pants and you get on your knees and put his dick in your mouth.
he moans and forces you to take his entire cock in your mouth. you pull out to breathe and he grabs your chin and kisses you on the lips. "fuck you look so pretty sucking my dick. you tryna do more?" you nod your head and he smiles. you pull your pants and lay on the bed with your back arched and ass facing towards him. he starts to lick and kiss your hole which leaves you body filled with pleasure and desire. "you like that baby boy?" you moan yes as he starts to tease your hole with his cock. he enters and goes slow at first grabbing your waist in the meantime. he leaves kisses all over your back as each stroke he gives becomes more passionate and stronger. he starts to pick up the pace and starts pulling your hair back. "that's right baby. take this dick." you start to moan and roll your eyes back as nate goes faster and faster.
"fuck im gonna cum." he pulls out and shoots his load all over your back. he lays back on the bed and looks at you with a smile on his face. he grabs your face and leaves a hickey on your neck. "you taste so good you know?" you blush at his comment. "thanks. i put on a good amount of cologne before coming here so." he laughs and gets up and puts his clothes back on. "i'll see you in english class y/n." he gives you one more kiss on the lips before leaving the room.
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saturnsorbits · 3 months
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Benefits Denied
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Warnings: Smut, Audio Voyeurism, Sero is a Whore with a jacob's ladder. Word Count: 1.8k.
Summary: Sero has fucked everyone, everyone except you.
A/N: Another thing I started, but I'll never finish...
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You’re not curious.
You’re not.
Not even a little bit.
‘I’ll call you.’
Hanta's voice drifts into the living room from the hallway. It's low, gravelling in the back of his throat in the way it does when he hasn't had enough sleep. He's barely had a handful of hours, from what you can guess – the soft mewls and harsh grunts that seeped in through your wall only dying down around three in the morning. Humming low, you hear the tell-tale wetness of a kiss; the squeakiness of a parting giggle and then, the door closes.
When Hanta reappears, he's shirtless and sleepy. He scratches at his stomach, flaking black nails itching at the thick trail of black hair that slinks teasingly below the waistband of his loose sweatpants. He cocks an eyebrow while stifling a yawn with the back of his hand as he notices your staring.
No. You're definitely not curious.
Not at all...
You chew your lip, eyes dropping into your lap as you squirm under his gaze. After almost a year living together, you'd have thought you'd be used to it now: Used to him. And, yet, with every passing day there's less hope denying the way your stomach begins to burn when you catch him fresh out of the shower, or straight from his work outs. How something nestled deep inside of you seems to flutter whenever you lie awake listening to him rail the living daylights out of his chosen fancy for the night. ‘Hanta…’
‘Hmm.’ He hums, twisting at the waist to look at you.
'I...' You thought you'd be used to it, be over the butterflies by now; but you know what they say about curiosity.
His eyebrows scrunch as he crosses to the sofa, perching on its edge beside your feet. ‘What’s up…’
'Are you… Are you going to see her again?’ The words feel odd as they fall off your tongue, a thinly vailed question that disguises what you really want to ask.
Sero's eyebrows scrunch on his forehead as he processes your words. ‘Who? Mina?'
You widen your eyes and you shrug, pretending not to have learned her name from Hanta's own curled tongue. He's loud, something you've learned over the past year as his list of conquests has grown, unafraid of his own pleasure as it rolls from his mouth in a series of groans and graveled, whispered commands.
'Nah - she just needed to scratch an itch, y’know.’
Your stomach clenches. An itch. You could laugh. Living with Hanta has you feeling like you've got hives. ‘Oh.’
‘Why?' Flicking up his eyebrows, he twists more fully, laying his back against the arm of the sofa. Kicking one leg up, he wriggles it down between you and the back of the sofa and sinks deeper into the cushion.
‘Just asking…’ You swallow, trying not to focus on the way his hips jut out just enough for you to catch sight of a soft bulge below the grey of his sweatpants – or the way that, should you want to, you'd be able to crawl between those legs and nestle into his lap. 'Jirou hasn’t been around in a while either.’
Sero shrugs. ‘Started seeing some girl.’
‘And Kaminari?’
‘Going steady with Shinso.’
Your eyebrows furrow. Kaminari had been one of your favourites to listen to. His voice was low and sweet, a beautiful contrast to the ragged sounds he managed to pull from Hanta. You've never cum harder than when you've listened to Kaminari make Hanta beg for his cock. ‘Shinso?’
‘Yeah' He laughs, reaching up behind his head to grip the back of his own neck. The gesture makes the muscle of his bicep stretch, highlighting the purpling veins that pulse along its underside. 'That’s the face I pulled, but - they’re happy, y’know.' He pauses, debating. 'It's nice.’
Sinking deeper into the couch, you tilt your head and bite the inside of your cheek. ‘Yeah. Bet Monoma’s thrown a fit -.’
‘Nah. He’s doing alright.’ His tongue flicks out over his lips, doing a poor job of disguising the smirk that follows after.
‘You’re fucking Monoma?’
The muscle in his jaw ticks.
Something flares in your stomach, your mouth dropping open as you huff. This is the ugly bit. The rise of jealousy and insecurity that burns like a match in your chest, stealing your oxygen to fuel itself. ‘Is there anyone you aren’t fucking?’
Sero smirks, his eyebrows arching up on his forehead. ‘You?’
'Fuck off.’ Your glad your mouth manages to summon the insult instead of the filth playing out in your head. It's hard not to, imagine it, you mean. Sometimes you indulge, allow yourself to think of what it would be like...
How would his hands feel? His fingers, long and lithe – would he press gently inside you, or curl his fingers against the sponginess inside of you until you clenched around him and cried? Would he get lost between your thighs? His nose bumping against your clit as he licked inside of you, tongue twisting and flicking until you shook. You wonder if his cock is as big as you've heard. If the stretch would steal your breath, or have you feeling him for days afterwards.
You shift, trying to quell the heat burning between your thighs.
'Oh?' There's smoke in Sero's voice. It curls in the air and lingers, growing thicker by the second as he hitches himself a little more upright on the sofa.
He licks his lips, wriggles until he's almost tipped over, his knees pulling up towards his chest. 'Oh...' Tilting his head, he smiles. It's large, still too large for his face despite that growth spurt back in his late teens. He wears it well now, uses it, much like he's doing now.
You try and push yourself further back into the arm of the sofa, arms crossing your chest even though you know it'll do nothing to disguise the beating of your hummingbird heart.
‘Are you -.'
'Fuck off, Hanta.' You stand, almost knocking yourself over in the process. You can't take his teasing, not now, not about this. There's only one person Sero Hanta hasn't fucked, and that speaks more volumes than you care to think about.
Storming into the kitchenette, you tip-toe to reach the tallest cupboard and pull down a cup. Your hands are shaking, a bubble swelling in your chest as you bite back the emotion threatening to swallow you whole.
'Hey...' Padding on bare feet, Hanta gives you until the kettle boils to approach. He's stooping, head tilted as he digs his hands into his pockets, pushing down until he can ball his fists against his thighs. He swallows. 'I didn't mean -.'
'It's alright.'
'It's not, I've upset you.'
You snort. 'No you haven't.'
Stepping closer, he leans against the counter besides you. 'I have...' He smiles, soft and real, the light glistening in his eyes. 'C'mon, I've known you long enough to know when I've fucked up. I didn't mean to tease, it was just banter - y'know.'
You clench your jaw. 'I know.'
Sero chews at his lip. 'Why do I feel like I'm not quite getting something?'
You shrug, but the string of your patience is already pulled taut and fraying, liable to snap at a moments notice.
'Hey...' Reaching out, he lets the pads of his fingers brush against the bone of your wrist. 'Talk to me.'
His softness hurts, causing you to flinch away. You huff, turning to face him as you let the question you've kept locked in your chest surface. 'Why haven't you fucked me?'
'You've fucked all of our friends, you bring a new person home every week, but -.'
Sero steps back. 'Hold on, hold on... You want to -'
'Is there something wrong with me? Is it because we live together, or am I just not your type?' Now that you're talking you won't stop, it spills out of you, pooling in the air between you. 'What is it, because you haven't even made a pass at me Hanta and I'm starting to take it personally.'
Biting his tongue, he rolls his lip until he can catch hold of the black ring wrapping the plush bump. There's a spark in his eyes, one that vanquishes the slither of deep chocolate brown that is often dismissed by those less observant.
He's about to laugh, you can see it.
His eyes crinkle, mouth twisting, tongue darts out from behind his lips. He cocks his head.
You think you might slap him.
When his voice finally slips from his mouth, it's like liquid sin. 'I fucking knew it..'
Narrowing your eyes, you cross your arms across your chest; hackles risen. 'I already feel stupid there's no need to...'
Sero stalks closer. His shoulders roll, the muscles there tensing as a flash of vein glows from beneath his tanned skin. He doesn't stop until he has you boxed in against the kitchen counter, his arms bracketing you at either side even as the edge begins to dig into the middle of your back.
'Han -.'
'I knew I could hear you last night...' He smiles wicked and wide. 'How many times, huh? How many times have you fucked yourself listening to me? That is what you're doing, right?'
A shiver races up your spine forcing your straighter. There's a flood of embarrassment in your stomach, one that burns hot like bile forcing your to swallow to keep it down.
'Dirty bitch...'
You choke...
'Oh, c'mon. No point in being so shy now...' He chuckles. Lifting one hand, he strokes his knuckles down your arm and across your hip, until he can rest his hand just above your pubic bone. 'Not when I can see how wet you are for it.'
You want to deny it, but you can't. Your arousal drips from you, soaking into the old cotton underwear you wish you'd exchanged for something sexier this morning. You inhale, swallowing the shaky breath. Yeah, you'd spent the last three months listening to him rail everyone in the city, but seeing him like this first hand is enough to make your head spin.
'You know the only reason I've not had you tucked up under me is because I didn't think you wanted it, right?'
He nods, some of his softness returning to him.
It makes your nerves settle, seeing the fracture in his persona as he returns, slowly, back to the goofy, laid back man you share an apartment with.
'Everyone I've ever slept with has chased me...' There's a blush colouring his cheeks. 'Never really done the asking out before.'
Summoning what little nerve you have left in your body, you straighten your spine and raise your eyes to meet his. You stretch, looping your arms around his neck and pulling him close until you can feel the thrum of his heartbreak through your chest. 'Hanta...'
'Mmm.' He hums, canting his hips back a touch to prevent the hardness of his cock from pressing into your stomach.
'... I'm asking.'
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-> Masterlist
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sethsclearwater · 10 months
jacob with a reader who has a praise kink is something i craveee 😩😩
short but cutie!! 🥺
"such a good girl for me aren't you?" jacob asked teasingly as you let out a loud moan when he sheathed himself inside you, absolutely loving how much of a mess you became from just having his cock inside you.
you eagerly nodded, "'m your good girl," you murmured, running your fingers up his chest as you worked at accommodating his length. jacob just let out a breathy laugh, nodding.
"my good girl," he reassured, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your forehead, "now are you gonna lay there all nice and pretty for me while i make you feel good?" he asked, already knowing your answer before he said it, smiling to himself when you nodded again.
"that's my good girl," he mused before he was drawing his hips back so he could set a slow, steady pace as he fucked you. you let out a loud whine at the first thrust, loving how he managed to brush his cock up against that particularly sensitive spot inside you from the get go.
"takin' my cock so well," he praised as he picked up the pace a bit, reaching down to press down on your clit, sending your brain into a tizzy as you tried to process all the pleasure coursing through you at his actions.
"jake-" you whimpered, dropping your head back as you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to fully immerse in all the pleasure he was giving you.
"such a good girl," he murmured as he rolled your clit between his fingers, smiling to himself when he saw the moans and whimpers you let out at the action.
within a few minutes, he had you teetering on the edge of your first orgasm of the night, his steady thrusts combined with the way he was toying with your clit had you a complete subby mess on his cock.
"you gonna cum on me?" he asked breathlessly, his tone letting you know he was working at holding his own orgasm off until you came. you nodded, letting out a particularly lewd moan as he pressed down on your clit at your nod, "let me see you cum on my cock, yea? wanna see how good i'm makin' you feel," he encouraged, voice tight as he began desperately snapping his hips against yours, his encouragement, combined with the way he rolled his hips against yours had you cumming on his cock in a matter of moments.
as you rode out your much needed orgasm, jake met his own release right after you, immediately spilling his release inside of you as he watched you cum on him.
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sivyera · 3 months
Hii! Can I make a request please? Jacob Black and the fem imprint reader. The reader is a human.~ Thanks in advance if you write <3
ofc! i don't know any specific details so i'm just gonna write headcanons.
dating headcanons
jacob black x fem!imprint!human!reader
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when jacob found out that YOU are his imprint, he completely forgot about bella
it was indescribable feeling, when his eyes met your
he of course started spending a lot of time with you and the rest is history
he's overprotective, he knows how vampires (the cold ones) are dangerous and it's also a wolf thing (yk what's his, is his)
he hesitated from the start when you suggested to see his wolf form but it took you few seconds and you had a giant puppy in front of you
he lets you ride on his back as he runs through the forest
he's extremely warm so you don't have to worry about being cold, he's always right next to you, ready to hug you and warm you up
he'd make you a bracelet with a tiny wolf attached to it from wood (ofc) it was precise and beautiful work, he put a lot's of love in it which makes it much special
you often help him with his father like when jake is not around and has to do some things like when he's out on patrol or when he's helping fix someones motorcycle, doesn't matter
so you often cook for his father (and for jacob also) or clean his house or just talk
but be prepared for a LOTS of cooking, because they eat a lot!
billy, jacob's father has a special place for you in his heart, you are very kind to him and you make his son happy, he really appreciate you a lot
others from the pack also loves you, especially emily
baking with emily every sunday became a tradition and jacob always makes sure he's first one to taste your baking
but they also tease jacob a lot, paul does it a lot and sometimes it's too much so you have to separate them
the pack is your new family, they protect you a lot, because you are a human plus much younger then emily so
jacob often finds himself drained from the night patrols he sometimes has to take, so all he wants to do after them is lay down on his bed, wrap his arms around your waist and hide his face into your neck, which also happens pretty often
overall he's a real cuddle bug, he's like a baby sometimes; more like a puppy
you are his passenger princess and whenever you two are in his truck, his hand always finds it's way to your thigh
he loves forehead kisses, it's his way of saying 'i love you and you are safe'
whenever you have a sleepover, you will make pizza and eat it while watching some stupid romantic movie like the notebook, but he secretly loves it
while cuddling his arms has to be wrapped around your waist and your back has to be against his chest, that's the only position he feels like he protects you
...and he can reach your every body part
sometimes he teases you by slightly pinching your but and it always makes him laugh when you squeak and then hit his biceps
he rides you to school on his motorcycle and always picks you up after
sometimes you two ride on his bike through Forks at night, just enjoying the moment
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livingddeadgirlrl · 5 months
nate jacobs smut pt 2 :>
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then, you heard a slight tinkling. it was his belt, he was taking it off. you started to get a little excited, your chest tightening slightly. he got on the bed right behind you, grabbed your forearms, placing them behind you on the small of your back, and started to wrap his belt around your wrists tightly. “nate stop- what’re you doing” you mumbled softly. he leaned his chest against your back, pressing his body weight into yours and leaning in close to your ear to whisper, “here’s what you’re gonna do. you’re gonna lay here and take my cock like the good little slut you are, got it?” you let out a soft little grunt and shifted slightly under his weight. “i said, got it?” he repeated, pulling on the belt now tightly wrapped around your wrists, pulling your back closer to his chest. you nodded very gently, leaning your head forward slightly, your hair draping over your face. nate was always very forceful with any girl he’d fuck. he always loved to be extremely dominant and always went after the pretty and dainty girls, which was why he was so interested in you. he pushed your front back down into your bed, pulled your hips up again, and pulled you closer to him. he gripped onto the belt around your wrists tightly to control you. in the time that he was doing god knows what when he got off of your bed, apparently he took off his pants and boxers. you wanted to turn around so badly to get just a glimpse of his perfect body, but he had you pressed face first into your sheets. he lined his cock up with your slick slit, tapped the head against your puffy clit a few times, and plunged his cock so deep inside of you, bottoming out. you let out a slight scream, trying to grip onto literally anything to stabilize yourself, but the belt was preventing you from doing just that. “slutty pussy’s so tight..” he mumbled out through a low grunt. he began to rock into you, his hips slapping your soft ass. you let out a soft whimper. his dick was even more than you ever imagined. it was so thick, visibly stretching your pretty pink pussy, and so long, you could feel it in your fucking stomach. all of a sudden, you saw a flash. you turned your head slightly to the side, your cheek still pressed against your sheets, pretty mouth opened wide, and saw. he was fucking filming this. you jerked your hands slightly in the belt, whining out softly. “come on doll, lemme have my fun. i need to save this for later, gonna look at it all the time,” he whispered out. you were already so fucked out, your eyes half lidded and lips slightly glossy with your drool, you couldn’t protest. he quickened the pace, his dick slamming into you with crazy strength. you let out another moan, pressing your face back into the sheets to muffle your sounds, hoping your brother and his other friends wouldn’t hear. wouldn’t hear the grunts coming from one of his best friends, the sound of your squelching and sopping wet cunt being pounded right now. in an instant, he pulled you up by your confined wrists, pulling your back into his chest. he moved his hand to now hold the phone in front of you, capturing all of your expressions. your now tear stained and mascara streaked cheeks, your dazed eyes- he used his other hand to forcefully pull down the top of your dress, freeing your tits. they bounced with the force of his thrusts, making a pretty scene. he leaned his head into the crook of your neck, letting out a low and breathy chuckle. then, he noticed something. “my my… wouldya look at this…” he trailed his free hand between your tits, down your stomach, and pressed softly. you let out a loud whimper at the feeling. you could feel him pressing against the outline of his thick cock, visible through your small stomach. “god… this is too good.. no way i can’t show the boys this,” he whispered in your ear.
you tried to object, only being able to let out a small mutter of a ‘no,’ mixed between your incoherent babbles. he took one last long glance at the sight, and then pushed you back into the sheets, reverting back into his old filming position. he gave your ass a firm slap, watching the faint red outline of his palm appear on your delicate skin. he gripped the skin, spreading it out so he could get a good look at your drenched cunt and cream, a white milky ring forming around the base of his cock. the sound of your sloppy pussy alone was making him go insane. with every stroke, he made sure to press into you as deep as he could, resulting in a loud and pretty moan from you along with a few more tears being squeezed out of your eyes. the coil in your stomach was so unbearably tight, the pressure was making your head spin. your body twitched a few times, jerking forward slightly each time you felt his tip hitting your cervix. you couldn’t take it anymore. your legs shook as you cried out, only making him chuckle more. you muttered his name through pleads, hoping he would let up on his pace slightly, but to no avail. he kept pounding his hips into your ass, moving the camera closer to capture your pussy covered in all your juices, still sucking in his cock. “fuck- i’m gonna cum” he muttered out, his eyes glued to your pussy. he pumped his length into you a few more times, his hips jerking forward and finally shooting his hot and thick load into you. he gave a few more slow and languid strokes, making sure he was filling you all the way up, not letting a single drop slip out. after a few moments, he pulled his cock out, his cum slowly dripping out of your slit in an extremely explicit manner. he put the camera back up to your pussy, scooping his cum with his index and middle finger, and pushing it back inside your sensitive pussy. you let out a little mewl at this, knowing you were not on birth control and of course he didn’t use a condom, but you let him do it anyway. he pulled his fingers out after he was satisfied with the result, and gave your ass another hard slap. he finally stopped videoing, the flash quickly turning off and holding it in his hand. he unbuckled the belt that was fastened so tightly on your wrists, revealing the soft marks on your skin. you stayed on the bed, slowly catching your breath, laying there, fully fucked out and feeling hazy. he pulled you up from your waist, having you sit up to face him. he turned on his phone again and pulled up the video, playing a short clip of it. you took a quick glance at it, looking away with flushed cheeks. “now, see this here? if you don’t want it getting leaked or mysteriously shared in the groupchat.. you’re gonna let me fuck you every time i’m over here, and imma be over here a lot. got it?” he stated matter of factly. your eyes widened slightly, but you knew he wasn’t kidding around. “i wanna hear you say you understand,” he added sternly. you nodded your head gently and let out a soft ‘mhm’ sound. he held your chin gently with his fingers, placing a light kiss on your cheek. “thanks for this, doll. see ya again tomorrow.” he then got up, quickly slid his pants back on and fastening his belt again, and walked out, phone in hand. he left his boxers on your floor. that bitch. he probably did that purposefully. a small reminder of him. something you could look at while you touched yourself to remind yourself of him. you knew you were in for one hell of an experience. your poor pussy was gonna be so tired.
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urrockstar-xe · 5 months
if u leave me - j.m x fem!reader
posted jan 4th, 2024 2:08 pm
anon asked: hii can I request a fluffy jj x fem reader fic inspired by the song if you leave me by niall horan?  thank u!
this was so cute omg. I'm so sorry for the long wait but thank u for requesting<3 again so so sorry abt the wait
summary; jj can imagine life without you, which is how he knows he'd be miserable.
word count: 1.7k
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It was all so innocent
Well okay,
You did steal something from the store but! In your defense, it was not something the cops should be chasing you for!
That didn’t stop them though.
So suppose you shouldn’t be that surprised now as you ran down the road, just barely stopping yourself before you rain head first into JJ Maybank.
JJ was walking out of a store when you were suddenly two inches away from him, you knew each other of course. Both born and raised on the cut, both having some sort of reputation around the OuterBanks.
Both known by their first names by all of Kildare’s Sheriff’s Department.
“Oh shit” JJ muttered to himself once he realized who you were running from, watching as you laughed and then continued running. 
“Maybank! Should’ve known you were involved!” JJ turned his head towards the voice of one of the officers. “I knew I smelt bacon somewhere!” He called back, not quite getting the amused reaction he was aiming for before JJ turned back in the direction you ran, following after you.
Your accidental partner in crime.
You don’t what point you both had lost them but as you hid behind some old shack, all that was heard was out-of-breath giggles from the both of you, catching his breath JJ finally asked
“What’d you even take?” 
Another round of laughter was triggered after he watched you pull the small tube of pink lipgloss from your pocket. 
Something shifted that day, an actual friendship blossoming after the chase, dragging each other to parties, JJ picking you up from work on his motorbike, Spending most nights on the old trampoline in your backyard or in John B’s old hammock. 
“I don’t think I trust this thing to hold the both of us,” You remarked once, laughing as JJ pulled you into his arms anyway. “Do you trust me?” he asked, a smirk on his lips as you settled into his side. 
That landed both of you in the grass after JJ pushed you off, not expecting you to pull him down on top of you. You both lay there, the sweet laugh falling from your lips as JJ shook his head, smiling down at you as he held himself up with his hands. Before you had time to react the feeling of JJ’s lips on yours flooded your senses, hands flying to his hair while almost desperately kissing back.
It’s getting repetitive how all but a handful of your memories together result in giggle fits 
and soft kisses.
speaking of handfuls though.
You and JJ never had an official label, not at first. You assumed of course that it was JJ’s choice, if he wanted you to be his girlfriend he would’ve asked, right? And he hadn't, it’s free game.
Especially when every time you looked over at JJ tonight, he was cozying up with some tourie and he has been the entire party.
It's your turn.
So, naturally, you shoved down any envy over the pretty girl next to your JJ and found yourself a kook. It’s not that you were trying to tick off JJ, really! You weren't! 
But if you had been trying to tick off JJ, what better way to do it than with a kook?
It was a matter of minutes, you had barely learned the kid’s name before JJ showed up behind him tapping his shoulder. You didn’t need to know JJ Maybank personally to know what his plan was as Jacob previously mentioned Kook turned to look at him. 
“You can fuck off man, she doesn’t need you to save her and take her to the dark side,” JJ said, his words with sarcasm as he got closer to Jacob, too close. John B’s attention was shifted to the situation JJ was starting from Kiara pulling on his sleeve and pointing, Pope and JB both moving forward slightly, just to pull JJ off or help if needed.
“Oh, you’re scared she’s gonna run off with someone worth it huh?” Jacob argued, earning your attention as you went to cut in and argue with him yourself but you were quickly cut off by the sound of JJ’s fist colliding with Jacob’s jaw.
The night ended with you cleaning JJ’s bloody knuckles in John B’s bathroom. 
“He was wrong” You muttered, gently wrapping the bandage around his hand. “What?” JJ’s gaze was soft as it landed on you, having previously been too occupied staring at the floor to give you so much as a glance. 
“Jacob was wrong-” JJ rolled his eyes, scoffing quietly, cutting you off in doing so. “Jacob? You remember his name?” “JJ will you just shut up for a second and listen to me please?” You all but got on your knees as you begged him to just listen. 
Finally, his eyes met yours, sliding himself off of the small bathroom counter so he was directly in front of you, hands going to your forearms and rubbing up to your shoulders in the comforting way he’d always do to you. 
He had shut up now, allowing you to take a breath and settle your hands comfortably on either side of his waist. “JJ, you are worth it, and Jacob’s a piece of shit, and had you not thrown any hits I probably would have because you are the most worth it” You explained quietly, nearly whispering, allowing the small space between you two to be filled with soft breaths and your words. 
And he kissed you again, with more feeling than ever before, and a silent promise of proving himself to be as worth it as you had known he was.
The summer before the big gold hunt had beaten any summer before it, and you failed in believing it wasn’t just JJ’s presence that made it so great.
You cheered for JJ as he tried to take on his biggest wave yet, watching as he instead crashed straight into the water you cautiously kept an eye on his flipped board before he came up from the water and flipped it upright, heading straight for you as you moved just slightly forward in the water so he wouldn’t have to swim so far. 
JJ pouted as you took off your sunglasses, keeping a hand on his surfboard so it wouldn’t move away as he leaned up just enough to press a soft kiss on your lips, more for his comfort than yours. 
“You almost had it, baby” You mumble against his mouth, before letting out a short squeal when JJ picked you up, hooking a hand under your knee to guide your legs around his waist as he looked up at you with a soft look that JJ always reserved for you. 
“I’m gonna get it next time” he mumbled back, tilting his head back when you ran your fingers through his wet hair to get it out of his face. “Yeah, you will. And I’ll be waiting here with your victory kiss” You smile at him as he moves slightly, turning you with him as he tries to get the sun out of his eyes.
“It helps havin' my cheerleader here” He responded, matching your smile when you set your heart-shaped sunglasses over his eyes.
What would he do if you left him?
That’s all JJ could think about after that day, what if you just up and left? Leaving him behind to beg on his knees every day for the rest of his waiting for you to come back,
Hoping you’d come back.
It kept him up some nights.
How easy it could be for you and how hard it’d be for him.
But this particular night was one spent in your bed. He had come over only 4 hours earlier, around 10. Knocking on your window and wordlessly leaning into you when you asked how he got a black eye. He knew how you’d react, you hugged him with all your strength, smoothing comforting hands up and down his shirt and muttering sweet words into his shoulder. He knew that you’d know exactly why he came over.
He needed you.
And like always you were right there.
JJ had only managed to sleep for 3 hours, waking up in a cold sweat after a shitty dream. He distracted himself with the way you looked, sleeping peacefully beside him, the moonlight coming through your window hitting your face just right. 
JJ was never one for really cuddling while he slept, he’d typically end up on one side of the bed, passed out laying on his stomach but somehow his arm always ended up across you, or his hand would be your back or stomach, no other part of him touching you but something touching you. 
He reached for you even when he was sleeping. 
But now, all he wanted was to be cuddled up next to you, on top of you, or sprawled across you, hugging you in any way he possibly could.
He really couldn’t help himself as he moved closer to your sleeping frame, carefully moving one of your legs and settling between them, laying his head on your chest. 
JJ really hadn’t meant to wake you up but he couldn’t help but sigh with relief once he felt your hand in his hair, hearing the difference in how your heart was beating, typically it would bring a sense of pride at the thought and confirmation that he could still make your heart race. 
You both lay there in silence, playing with JJ’s hair as he mindlessly toyed with the hem of your shirt. 
“I think I’d lose my mind if you left me” JJ’s soft and tired whisper broke through the comfortable silence you had created. “What?” Your voice was just as quiet as if speaking any louder was forbidden.
“Just” He started, pausing to sniffle, “just promise you’ll stay this close okay?” He asked, words almost getting stuck in his throat. 
“I just don’t know who I’d be without you” He sniffled again, one of your hands moving to his cheek and gently caressing his. Although you couldn’t see his face you could still feel the tears hitting your chest through your shirt. 
“JJ, my sweet love, I’m not goin’ anywhere, I’m right here with you.” You assured, feeling the soft kiss he left on your wrist as you continued running your thumb up and down his cheek. 
“I could never leave you”
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bimb0fy · 2 months
— 03; i watched you change
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pairings; luke castellan x hephaestus!reader
warnings; kissing, angst at the end, dark!luke, choking, mentions of swords, swearing, violent tendencies.
summary; luke castellan was always a saint, it was a wonder how he would date a hephaestus girl over the dozens of aphrodite girls wrapped around his finger, he saw you, and he loved you for it. you'd be an idiot if you said you didn't love him to, but something was going on, he was. changing.
word count; 2.07k words.
a/n; a part is kinda inspired by that one scene of nate jacobs and maddie perez, yes the one where he choked her, also I am on my last stray since I finished, then tumble deleted the whole thing which I loved, alsooo uh sorry for the late upload i had so many exams :((.
masterlist!! | navigation!!
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i. I love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do.
— high-school sweethearts, melanie martinez.
You smiled as you sat down at the breakfast table, your hair in a bun and your were still in your pj's. It was your day off so you decided to take breakfast, then snuggle up to your new boyfriend's, Luke, cabin.
"Hey mender." Luke said as he sat down beside you, kissing your cheek as you smiled, you took a bite of your mac and cheese, Luke's hand wrapped around you.
"So, tell me, how's the best swordsman at camp huh?" You joked as he smiled. You both took your scraps, placing it into the fire before walking off back to the hermes cabin.
Even though most of the Campers lived in the hermes cabin, it somehow was always empty during the morning, most people going back during either lunch or at the end of the day.
So here you were, on the bed with Luke's mouth latched onto your neck.
Ever since that night, Luke was addicted to you, the way you tasted, the sweet noises that erupted your mouth whenever he touched that one spot on your skin.
"Luke. You'll make marks!" You giggled as he laughed, slowly raises his head to look at you.
"Too late baby." He winked before rasing your shirt, pressing soft kisses to your stomach as you laughed. You playfully shoved him as he smiled, looking up and laying down beside you, moving his hand so you'd lay on his chest. "Fine. You win mender."
"No way, I beat the Luke Castellan?" You teased as he rolled his eyes, placing a soft kiss to your forhead before taking out a scrap book you had made and a Polaroid.
"Cmon let's get your first win into our amazing book of memories." He snaped a picture as you giggled, he smiled at the picture as he glued it on.
Her first win!!
Luke castellan gets beat up by a woman half his size. NOT CLICKBATE. CANON EVENT!!
Baby wtf.
Luke closes the book, taking the pen and placing it on top of the book as he turned back to face you. He watched as you traced soft patterns onto his hand. "I love everything you do. You're mine, and I love that."
He pushed your hair to the side to see your giggling face. You couldn't help but smile, kissing his lips. "I'm all yours."
He grabbed your waist, pushing you down onto the mattress as you groaned. "Luke-. I have to go to work."
"And suddenly my names work." He jokes as he hugged your waist, placing soft kisses onto your neck. You giggled before wrapping your arms around the boy. "You mean the world to me. You know that right?"
"I know luke. I know." You whispered as you played with his hair. You sat in silence, playing with his hair as he closed his eyes, falling asleep on your chest. "Ten minutes."
Luke smiled at your words as he hugged you tighter. "Thirty and you got yourself a deal."
ii. just trust me, you'll be fine.
— end of beginning, djo
Chris smiled as he passed by you. It was weird being the center of attention now, everyone needed to figure out the hot gossip about Luke Castellan's new girlfriend, and to their shock, she wasn't an aphrodite girl.
Everyone knew that Hephaestus' daughters were rather, boyish, only because there were very little, being surrounded by men in a job that most people would assume a man to do was well, difficult.
Luke saw you. He saw who you were. Not what your sibling saw, not what camp saw. He saw what he wanted to see, and that was all of you.
You sat down by the docks, the same docks of that night. You two would always meet up there to catch up and spend time together, but here you were, an hour later still sitting alone on the dock.
You started to give up, standing up to walk away but you heard Luke's faint calls. You turned around to find a man you almost didn't recognise.
The once shining Luke had eyebags under his eyes that were bigger than yours. He was wearing sweatpants and a tank top, yet you could see tracs of sweat around it. He wasn't out of breath so he hadn't ran, maybe he did, what was going on?
"Luke? Heavens have you been sleeping?" You asked him as he held your hands away from his face. He gave he a small smile.
"I'm fine." He rasped. You shook your head, holding onto his cheek as you looked at him. "Don't."
"Luke." you scoffed as he shoved your arms off of him. You had a pained expression on your face, hugging yourself with your jacket as you looked at him. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before walking towards you, placing his hands onto your shoulders.
"I'm sorry I'm just, really tired." Luke muttered before hugging you. "And I'm sorry I was late, I uh, took a nap after training and lost track of time I suppose."
You hugged back, he quickly carried you which caused you to squeal as he set you down onto the dock. He smiled as he sat down in front of you, the picnic basket empty as he chuckled. "Someone was hungry."
"And someone was late." You giggled as he dramatically rolled his eyes, he smiled before taking your hand in his, looking out to the lake, clearly thinking about something. "Are you okay Luke?"
You waited for a response but he just stared out. You were starting to get worried, what the hell was going on? "Luke?"
"hm?" He said as he turned back to you. You could feel his arms tense around you, his breath hitched as you said his name. You needed to know what was going on.
"You know you can talk to me. Right baby?" You asked the boy who kissed your cheek before turning to the soft waves.
You didn't understand why he was keeping secrets from you, were you that bad? Were you not as supporting as you thought you were?
"I know mender. I know." He whispered in your ear as you melted into his grasp. A smile on your face.
He's fine, he says he's fine so he has to be. Right?
iii. Was it my August? Shit, I don't remember
— Gone gone/thank you, Tyler the creator.
"Where is he?" You asked Chris as he sat quietly, playing with his food. You glared at him, leaning onto the table as you glared at him, your eyes glowing orange, fire swimming in them.
Luke had been ignoring you for two weeks now, you had no clue if it was because you did something wrong, and if you did, you wanted to solve it.
That was until Max, your brother, had told you that he was giving Stacy Evans, aphrodite's prettiest daughter, extra sword fighting lessons.
"Hermes cabin bathroom." Chris muttered as you hummed in approval, walking off to find Luke.
Ever since your last interaction on the beach, you haven't seen him. Some would say you were worried, and if the right person asked, you were worried.
Little did you know, that Luke wasn't running from you. He was protecting you. From himself.
He did know how, how the he'll could everything about you agitate him. He hated it, he hated how every time he heard your name, he wanted to punch someone.
He hated how whenever he saw you laughing with your brothers, he wanted to smash your head against the wall, he wanted to hurt you.
He didn't know why. Why you out of everyone. You were a Saint, you were perfect to him, perfect for him. Suddenly, without warning now he's ignoring you.
You loved Luke, and Luke loved you, but now. Even at the mention of you, he wanted to stab you with his sword and watch you bleed.
You knocked on the door, hearing shuffling as you waited for him. Your eyes widened as you heard muttering coming from the other end of the door.
You barged in, finding Luke huddled up over the sink, clearly irritated by you. You glanced at the sword on the bathroom counter.
"What the fuck is wrong with you mender! You can't just barge into the men's bathroom." He spat out as you scoffed, you locked the door, walking towards him.
"What the fuck is wrong with me? What's wrong with you?!" You spat out as he let out an agitated sigh, clutching the sinks frame as his eye twitched. You shoved him to look at you, his breathe staggering as he stared at you.
"You know you're a real shit boyfriend you know! Missing out breakfast because im there, wow I mean. Master of communi-fucking-cation right!" You laughed as you watched his reaction. His eye twitched more, his mouth agap as he panted, he was controlling himself. He was on his last straw.
He wasn't even listening to what you were saying now. He was just trying to keep his thoughts at bay, he couldn't hurt you. If je hurts you, it was over.
"You really are your father's son huh?!" You spat out, that was all it took for him to lose his sense of control. He grabbed you by the throat, shoving you into the wall as he smashed your head against the wall, before wrapping his hand around your neck again.
He lifted you up, you kicked your feet as you tried to pry him off, stopping as he shoves you against the wall again, clearly agitated by the fact that you tried to pry him off.
"What the fuck is wrong with you. Don't you ever say that again you little bitch." He Luke spat. An evil laugh escaped his lips as he leaned in to face you. "You really are a pathetic whore huh. No wonder your mom left you."
Soft cries left your lips as he tightened his grip around your throat. You started to feel nauseous as you found it harder to breathe. Clawing at his hands.
"L...Luke..." You struggled under him, even though he was two times your size, even though you had no chance against him. You watched as the darkness in his eyes was replaced by realisation.
He let go, allowing you to fall on your knees as you sobbed and panted. The air suddenly returning to your lungs. Luke hovered over you, panting as he realised who was on her knees before him.
"Y/n." He breathed out, you shook your head at the mention of your name. He sighed grabbing a rag and before wetting it and holding it out for you.
You took it, holding it against the bruises that already formed.
He did it, he hurt you and he wanted to kill himself right at that moment.
"Mender. I... I." He didn't know what to say. You kept your gaze onto the floor as you cried. Unsure of what to do, what to say, as you rubbed the bruises. "Listen, I know you want to run of to Chiron and-."
"I won't. Don't worry." Your voice cracked as you looked up at him, standing up and walking to the door. But Luke's voice stopped you.
"Why?" Luke asked you as you shrugged. You hovered over the doorknob, sighing as you opened the door, leaving Luke alone in the bathroom.
He glanced at his hands, sobbing as he fell to his knees, he hurt you. He hurt you. He did the one thing he was afraid to do. The voices in his head won, he had lost you, the only thing that mattered to him.
He was weak, he allowed him to hurt you, he allowed this to happen. You were the best thing to ever happen to him, and somehow he messed it up.
You were special, not like the aphrodite girls who only cared about looks and who hooked up with who, most people saw him as Luke Castellan, most popular guy at camp.
In your eyes, he was Luke Castellan, another mediocre privileged guy, but he was yours, and you loved him for the good and bad in him.
Don't cry my child, it'll be over soon.
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wileys-russo · 8 months
Fic idea : reader meeting leah’s family and they all love her, then she’s always invited for family game nights and leah is jealous bc reader always wins but they’re never on the same team and you know how competitive leah is 😂
sore loser II l.williamson
"babe. would you want to come with me on tuesday?" leah asked suddenly as the two of you were sat together on the lounge watching tv at her place one night. "like, to your grandmas?" you asked in surprise, having met leahs mum and brother but not the rest of her family just yet.
"yeah. she's been asking about you ever since mum let it slip i was seeing someone, and i'd love for you to finally meet holly and ben." leah smiled at the thought, not a single doubt in her mind that the rest of her family would adore you as much as she did.
"only if you're ready though! there isn't a rush." leah quickly added, squeezing your leg with a reassuring nod as you took a second to think.
"i'd love to lee. but are you sure they won't mind? i know the tuesdays mean a lot to your family." you asked curiously, leah and her cousins always spending every tuesday night at her grandparents house since long before the two of you had started seeing each other.
"of course not gorgeous, and you are family." leah stated sweetly making your heart melt as you pecked her lips with a shy smile. the two of you had been seeing one another for around four months now, though had really only been official for about two.
"then tuesday sounds wonderful my love."
"-and you're sure i don't need to bring anything. and this is okay?" you stressed, gesturing to what you were wearing as an amused leah lay down watching you from your bed, having arrived about an hour ago to help you get ready knowing you were quite nervous.
"yes i promise you don't need to take anything. and you look perfect, as always. same thing i said to the last outfit, and the outfit before that." leahs lips curled into a smile as you nodded, turning back to the mirror and tugging at your top with a small frown.
"hey." leah suddenly appeared behind you, grabbing your hands in hers and gently pulling them away. "you look beautiful my girl. my family are going to love you, same as mum and jacob already do! they can see how happy you make me, hollys always winding me up for smiling at my phone whenever you message. should have heard how she carried on when you didn't come to ibiza! she's been hanging to meet you baby." leah assured firmly, hand softly grabbing your chin, nudging your head up so she could press a soft kiss to your lips.
"ready to go?" she asked as you gave yourself a once over and nodded, taking a deep breath. "good girl, come on then." leah let you go, grabbing her keys off your desk and holding out her hand, wiggling her fingers impatiently as your cheeks flushed red at her praise.
"hello family!" leah sang out as she let herself into her grandmas, closing the door behind you and grabbing your hand again, sending you a smile and kissing your cheek before tugging you along with her toward the sound of laughter and chatter coming from the living room.
a loud cheer sounded as the two of you entered, and all of a sudden you found yourself being passed from person to person, leah introducing you as you were pulled into a hug and then tugged away into another by one of her relatives.
eventually you'd made your rounds and were sat down beside leah and holly on the sofa, laughing away as her uncle shared stories of what leah and her cousins were like growing up. "so lee, did you prep her for how much of a sore loser you always are?" holly smirked, slinging an arm over your shoulder.
"sore loser?" you asked with a confused smile, leah rolling her eyes. "yeah its game night! she didn't tell you? oh leah, not even giving her time to prepare? thats just downright sneaky mate!" holly tutted with a shake of her head as you raised an eyebrow at the other blonde.
"i didn't want to overwhelm her! you lot are already too much." leah defended her actions as you joined holly shaking your head at her. "i'm already used to her being a sore loser, we've played monopoly once...i won and we've not touched it since." you teased as leahs mouth opened in offence and holly let out a loud peal of laughter.
"right, i'm claiming her as my partner. you can have ben!" your girlfriends cousin grinned as her grandma yelled dinner was ready, cutting off leah as she started to protest.
holly grabbed your hand and dragged you to sit beside her, leah pouting at you from the end of the table as you mouthed an apology, pulled into a conversation with her aunt who sat at your other side.
"-four letters!" holly yelled and you nodded, continuing with your silent gestures as leahs family all yelled and jeered, sledging one another playfully as the night went on.
you'd all already played twister, cluedo and blackjack, and you and holly were on a hot winning streak as a power duo, and leah was not coping well with it.
"movie!" you nodded again, switching up what you were trying to act out. "musical?" holly guessed and you nodded happily, her brother yelling out you had another thirty seconds.
a few guesses later and it was right down to the wire, you and holly were currently tied with ben and leah and you needed holly to guess this for you to walk away with winning yet another game.
the timer sounded right as hollys eyes widened. "cats!" she screamed out and you cheered, turning around the card with a grin, everyone else letting out claps of congratulations, well almost everyone.
"nah nah nah!" leah stood with a shake of her head, scowl plastered on her face as you and holly jumped around hugging each other. "she guessed after the timer. doesn't count!" leah announced firmly, walking over to the whiteboard and rubbing off the win with a stern shake of her head, holly booing her.
"leah love its a game, sit down." her grandma smiled as leah continued to kick off, going as far as to pull out the rules and read them out with a grumpy frown. you knew your girlfriend was a bad loser, and you honestly found this amusing more than anything else.
"right then, tiebreaker?" you called out with a raised eyebrow, leah halting her yelling for a moment as her brother and ben ooohed causing her to flick them a filthy glare. "fine. jenga!" leah decided, disappearing as you smiled shaking your head, everyone moving to clear the table.
you walked out of the room in search of your favourite blonde, finding her grabbing a glass of water. "hi loser-oh sorry, love!" you teased, the look sent your way absolutely withering. "cute." leah replied curtly, refusing to hug you as you wrapped yourself round her taller form.
"when i win are you going to be moody the whole drive home?" you smiled smugly, leah trying to pull your arms off as you held on tight. "you're insufferable." leah huffed, giving up and dropping her arms by her side.
"come on baby, give me a kiss good luck." you cooed, letting her go and tapping your lips. "no, get off." leah refused with a blank stare, shouldering past you as you followed after with a grin, sending holly a wink as you joined her, jenga already set up.
once again, it came right down to the wire, the stack now dangerously unstable as leah took a deep breath, surveying which one she was going to take.
"while we're young lee." you faked a yawn, the blonde sending you a glare as you only grinned, even ben chuckling at leahs expense despite being her partner.
the rest of her family had disappeared to the kitchen for tea and desert, only leahs brother jacob hanging around to watch the aftermath of what had been an incredibly tense game.
with baited breath leah made her choice, gently starting to wiggle out the block. "looking a bit unstable there, nobody breathe or else she might kick off!" you teased, holly clutching at you with an overdramatic gasp as leah flipped you both off without looking away from the tower.
you were certain she didn't breathe until she'd dropped the block on top, the tower wobbling for a moment but not falling. "ha, boom!" leah whooped loudly pumping her fist with a smirk sent your way.
you rolled your eyes at her cockiness, the blonde watching you with an arrogant smile, arms folded over her chest and jaw clenched, you hated how attractive you found it honestly.
ignoring leahs ongoing sledging you surveyed the tower, finally selecting a piece and carefully beginning to wiggle it out, holding your breath with each passing moment, making sure to take your time.
eventually it came free, your entire body unclenching as you gingerly placed it on top. you grinned and gave holly a high five, though the smiles were wiped off your faces as suddenly the tower came tumbling down, blocks crashing to the floor as leah cheered.
what she failed to notice was you seeing her foot quickly dart back from where the blonde had subtly kicked the corner of the table, leah grinning as she assumed she'd gotten away with it.
you chose not to mention it, accepting her teasing with a roll of your eyes, the two of you making your rounds saying bye as leah had training early tomorrow and the night was ticking on.
though once you'd gotten to the safety of leahs car, you sent her a very pointed glare. "you are such a fucking cheat." you accused, smacking her hand away as she tried to rest it on your thigh.
"don't know what you mean my girl, don't be a sore loser now." leah smirked and you huffed, ignoring her for the rest of the drive home much to leahs amusement.
"oh come here. stop being a baby!" leah laughed as she tried to pull you in for a cuddle and you shoved her off, you have successfully ignored her every attempt at engaging with you as the two of you arrived back to your flat and got ready for bed.
"admit you kicked that table over." you warned, the two of you laying practically nose to nose in bed as her cold hands slid up your jumper. "so what if i did? what are you gonna do about it hm?" leah smirked, lips ghosting yours.
"nothing? thats what i thought." leah leant in intending to kiss you as once again you shoved her away, flopping over onto your other side. within a few seconds your girlfriend had climbed on top of you, legs straddling your hips and hand clasping your cheek, forcing you to look up at her.
"you are such a sore loser." you glared up at her, only further annoyed at how good she looked as she gave you that stupid cocky grin of hers.
"maybe. how about i make it up to you then baby girl?" leah all but purred, rocking her hips on top of you and tilting her head with a smirk as a hot flush started to creep up your neck. "and how are you going to do that?" you challenged as she kissed your jaw.
"oh i have a few ideas."
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starlightxsvt · 7 months
Game On! | Bloodily Safe 2
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synopsis ► ❝ there has not been a single uninteresting moment since you have started living with wonwoo. as halloween rolls around, things only get more riveting. ❞
pairing ► psycho!Wonwoo x fem!reader
warnings ► ghost face kink, scream movie references, sir kink, degradation, choking, fingering, squirting, unprotected sex, rough sex, breast play, serious knife play (I won't spoil the details but there is no cutting or marking), implications of violence, blood.
word count ► 6k
Now playing ▶ Mind Games - Sickick
⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻
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The raindrops hit the glass of the bedroom window, creating this steady white noise that lulls in deep slumber. Occasionally, you hear the thunder rumble and strike far away, lighting the sky with a beautiful but dangerous flash of purple.
The silk sheets feel comfortable against your naked skin but what is more comfortable is the weight and warmth on top of you, something so special no blanket can ever mimic.
It is Wonwoo.
He rests his head against the crook of your neck while lying entirely on top of you and even though at first you thought you were going to suffocate and almost die, it has been weirdly comfortable so far. After an intense session of fucking he has simply passed out on top of you which is a bit unlikely but you don't mind; you get to admire his beautiful face up close and touch his soft, silky mesh of hair.
Which you are currently doing.
The digital clock on the bedside table reads one in the morning but you cannot fall asleep. With a soft sigh, you gently try to move him down from your body and almost become successful as you manage to lay him on his side. However, just when you are about to roll out of bed, an arm wraps around your waist and tugs you back.
"Where are you sneaking off to, hmm?" His sleepy voice is a treat, an orgasm for your ears. Wonwoo's voice has always been one of the biggest reasons behind your attraction to him but his sleep-ridden voice? You are confirmed no sound in this world can top that.
"I need to pee." You whisper. He grunts behind you, only gripping you tighter and pulling you towards him as he spoons you from behind.
A gentle smile plays on your lips, feeling a sort of childish glee at his attitude. In the span of the last six months that you have been with Wonwoo, you have noticed a drastic change in him compared to when you first met him.
Your new beginning started when you moved in with him a few weeks after the accident with Jacob, after a lot of pestering from Wonwoo. He argued that you would be safer with him and he will rest easy knowing you were not going to run to the police the first chance you get. Which you would never do, of course, and you knew he said it as a joke only, a farce really, to hide the fact that he just wants you around him 24/7.
The same went for you so you agreed quite easily. After all, Wonwoo isn't the only crazy person in this relationship. You are equally obsessed with him and even though, you were never a possessive person, after meeting Wonwoo you have surely become one.
Good thing your possessiveness only turns him on.
As your cohabitation started, you found a cuter side, you dare say, of Wonwoo who only appears in the comfort of your own home (his house basically), especially after you have sex, very much like the one cuddling you right now. He is still as possessive as ever, his dark aura never changing and you are equally obsessed with that part of him as the rest.
Not to mention, you have found out more interesting and frankly shocking things about him as well. Like the fact that he is a very popular online gamer and he did not feel the need to mention that to you. You found that out about a month into your relationship when you decided to accompany one of his gaming sessions. Sure, you knew he loved gaming but you didn't know he was a professional streamer with two million subscribers. The vivid shock on your face when you realized that was embarrassing for sure.
Similar to the other time when he casually dropped another mind boggling secret on you like a bomb one day.
The fact that he was actually adopted.
The information had you dumbstruck when you were doing an assignment with him at his place and he casually mentioned that his mother was visiting him next week.
"What the hell, Wonwoo?" You had yelled. "Why did you not tell me that before?"
"It slipped my mind, cherry." He replied, unbothered as ever, his eyes trailing down to your chest, your cleavage visible due to the low cut top. "I'm telling you now. Besides, why are you getting so anxious? It is not like you are going to ask permission from my mother to marry me."
His response made you blush which was exactly what he had aimed and just like that, and a few tantalizing touches, you could not stay mad at him.
All the time that you have known him, he never gave indication that he had parents. His loneliness and broody nature made everyone assume that he was alone. Even in highschool whenever you saw him come to or leave school, he was always alone. Word went around that he lived with an uncle of his but it all turns out to be rumors.
True to his words, the next week his mom came to visit him and you tried your best to leave a good impression.
His mother was the epitome of elegance, soft spoken but bright, and as far as you could tell and her positiveness and welcoming behaviour gave you the impression that she liked you.
You had spent quite some time chatting with her on one and came to know how she and her husband adopted Wonwoo when he was fourteen. They now lived abroad due to his profession but they visit every now and then so you knew you would be seeing them around. And you were glad for that because after all, they gave Wonwoo a new life, a home, and a family, which you are grateful for.
Among other things, your mother's treatment was also completed successfully last month as the doctor's released her with a clean bill of health. There was yet another shock waiting for you here, striking you like a bolt of lightning when you found out that Wonwoo had taken care of all of your mother's hospital fees.
It was completely unexpected and unlike him and even though you tried to give him the money back in instalments, every time you remotely mentioned that he would shut you up with a kiss. He reasoned that he did not want you doing cams anymore just to earn money and paired with the earnings from his channel and his inheritance, he had plenty to his name.
And you didn't disagree with him entirely. After the incident with Jacob, you developed a dislike towards live streaming and it is your guess that Wonwoo noted it down when you expressed that concern to him randomly in one of your late night talks. So for now, you have kept your live streaming on hold with a message pinned on your webpage saying that you are on a leave.
Quite honestly, you do not really plan on going back to it because you have scored a position for internship at a clinic with a decent salary. However, there is a tiny itch in the back of your brain that feels unsatisfied to leave your page like that.
You have the urge to do one final livestream to put a complete end to this chapter and say goodbye. It is daunting, yes, and you are not even quite sure what to do in your last livestream, which is why you have been putting this idea on hold for a while.
However, the next morning, you voice out your thoughts to your boyfriend. "Wonwoo?"
"Hmm?" He replies, his eyes focused on the computer screen as he edits a video for his channel.
"I want to do a livestream. One last time."
Your words make him turn his head as he regards you in silence, his expression unreadable.
Why do you feel so nervous all of a sudden?
"I want to close this chapter of my life properly you know, not just end it like this, abruptly."
For a long time, he remains mute before asking. "What do you have in mind?"
"I honestly don't know yet." You confess shyly. He hums, his gaze becoming unfocused as he seems to ponder a while before speaking. "What if I join you?"
He smiles. "I would wear a mask like you and you would introduce me as your boyfriend and I'd fuck you in front of the camera. Quite a way it would be to end it, no?" He says it like it's the most casual thing ever while you feel your entire body heat up, tingles shooting down your spine, just the thought of the act making your toes curl.
Of course, your reaction does not go unnoticed by him.
"You seem to really like it, little cherry," he grins, getting up from his chair and strolling over to you. As he comes closer you shift backwards until your back meets the mattress and he almost jumps on top of you, caging you underneath him with his arms around you. "Tell me, do you like the idea?" His mouth hovers on your jaw and your neck, his breaths warming your skin as he runs his nose against your sensitive flesh.
You can only nod, your body twitching underneath him, begging him to touch you.
"Words, girl."
"Yes. I love the idea."
He grins, victorious, predatory. "Good. We just need to fix a date then."
Later that night, you sit in front of your laptop, the light illuminating your face as your cursor hovers over the publish button. Inhaling a shaky breath, you finally press it before your mind runs rampant.
Hello everyone! Sorry for being inactive for a while. I would like to announce with a heavy heart that I have decided to close this account as I start a new chapter in my life. Thank you all so much for supporting me until now and as my last form of gratitude, I am here to tell you that I will be coming on live on the 31st October for the very last time.
Be sure to tune in because it will be very special and unlike something I have done before!
After some discussion with Wonwoo, you two had selected 31st October as the date for the live. Mainly because Wonwoo insisted on that day, promising you that since it is Halloween, he will make it extra special and spooky.
It does not take a genius to understand that there will be constumes involved. You aren't really concerned about what you will be wearing but as the days slowly drag by, you go out of your mind, trying to figure out what Wonwoo will be wearing as he continues to tease you, keeping the suspense. No matter how much you beg, plead, or tease him he gives away nothing and you are driven to the cliff of your impatience.
Torturing you further, when the packages containing the costumes arrive the day before the live, Wonwoo takes his sweet time opening them in his gaming room with the door shut before he stores them in the storeroom, pocketing the key with a cheeky smile.
You watch him with a pout. "Oh come on, Wonwoo! At least give me a hint for your constume!"
He smiles cheekily, slowly walking towards you as you stand next to the kitchen counter and traps you between his arms, leaning towards you to press a tantalising kiss on your neck.
"Stop distracting me," you complain as a soft sigh escapes your lips.
"You really wanna know, huh?"
You shake your head eagerly.
He watches you, amused, before finally taking a little bit of pity on you. "Okay, here's your clue. What's your favourite scary movie?"
Immediately, your breath hitches, goosebumps prickling your skin as you watch Wonwoo with wide eyes, a hint of heat blooming in your face.
Oh. My. God.
He is going to be Ghostface!
Wownoo's eyes glint at your reaction, his lips curving into a satisfied smirk as he presses a kiss on your jaw, picks up the keys to his bike from behind you and casually walks away, humming a tune.
Even after he is gone, you stay rooted to your spot, stunned but excited at what he has in store for you.
You are giddy that he took special note of your liking to the scream movie franchise. He had watched it before but after a random discussion about your favorite horror and slasher movies, you excitedly told him how much you loved that series and from then on, he had taken a liking to it as well. Now, Scream movies are a staple of your movie nights, especially the nights when you are in the mood for something freaky.
But Wonwoo as Ghostface?
Holy shit.
You have no shame in admitting that you have imagined him as Ghostface a time or two.
Does that man know how to read minds?
Dressed in your angel costume consisting of a frilly white lacy bra and panties, a halo headband and angel wings, you finish setting up the camera and light before picking up your phone to see if there's any further update from Wonwoo. He last texted you to let you know that he would be a bit late coming from university as he had some things to finish up.
He asked you to text him before you are going to start the live, with a promise that he would be home within 10 to 15 minutes after that. Taking a deep, nerve-wracking breath you let him know that you are about to start.
Your fingers hover over the start button on your laptop for a while, your nerves making you shaky.
Fuck it.
Pressing the start button, you hold your breath and watch as seconds pass and the viewers start pouring in. Within two minutes you almost have five thousand viewers who are flooding the chat box asking where you have been or complimenting your look.
With a smile, that comes quite naturally, you greet them. "Hello, my lovely viewers! It has been so long, right?" You respond to a few comments in between before continuing. "As we all know, today is Halloween and today's live is Halloween themed as well. I have saved the best for my last live so stick around because there's plenty of surprises tonight."
Your eyes skim over the comments flying by rapidly while donations start pouring in with the increase of viewers. You chat with your viewers for a bit more, unsure if you should just get right into it without Wonwoo, as he is taking quite longer than you expected.
Right at that time, your phone's screen lights up and you see Wonwoo's message.
"You are looking absolutely ravishing, little cherry. I will be home in five minutes. Why don't you tell your viewers a bit about me now, so that they don't get worried when Ghostface comes and blows your back out."
The text leaves your throat dry, pooling heated lava in your belly as you try to swallow and form your next words as you look back into the camera. "So! Let me get into the fun part. Today my boyfriend will be joining me as well and he has promised to do all sorts of dirty things on camera with me."
Your face has heated up by now as you continue. "And the best part? He will be wearing a costume. You guys wanna take a guess?"
Your eyes scan the comments as people excitedly leave their guesses, most of them wrong. You smile. "I see a few people got it right. Those who said Ghostface, you got that absolutely right! I love the Scream movies and tonight I will have my very own Ghostface. He—" You stop as you hear the faint beep of the front door of the house opening.
"Guys, he's here!" You don't even care to hide your excitement as you almost jump off of your bed, moving outside the view of the camera and take a deep breath as your hand reaches for the doorknob of the bedroom. You hear the footsteps getting closer on the other side and with a swallow, you pull the door open.
And half a second later, he appears. Ghostface.
Well, Wonwoo.
Your man is wearing the mask, covering his entire face and he even got a black cloak to complete the ensemble. It only gets better as your eyes lay on the leather gloves covering his hands and the black commando boots on his feet.
Wonwoo's hands reach into his pockets to pull out his phone, wallet and keys as he takes one slow step into the room while you take one back.
"Hi," you whisper as he sets the items down on the dresser before pulling you by your waist and taking off his mask to capture your lips in a fierce brutal kiss. Your body goes jelly as your hands come to hold his neck, kissing him like a starved woman as your panties grow damp.
"Fuck, I am going to ravish you tonight, angel." He promises, his voice deep, the look in his eyes dark and menacing and you cannot wait for him to keep his words.
"Please do," you reply and he smirks before pulling the mask down.
"Get ready to get fucked by Ghostface, my cherry." He orders the next moment, shoving you towards the bed and after a second push, you land on the mattress on your back as he crawls over you before turning his face towards the camera, tilting his head in the standard Ghostface fashion as he lets the viewers take a good look at him.
The comments along with the donations go crazy right after he appears on the screen. You watch him with bated breath, waiting for his next move as he turns back to face you, his face unreadable due to that mask, his body a tempting blend of dark danger and desire.
Wonwoo abruptly tugs you up by grabbing your wrist, before shuffling off the bed so that you can come in front and be within the main focus of the camera. He moves behind you, kneeling on the bed but his form still towering over you as you sit with your legs open, back slightly arched. Wonwoo's hand roughly comes to grab your jaw and force you to look at the lens, making your breath stutter as he whispers in your ear, his voice muffled underneath the mask. "Open your legs, cherry. Wider."
With a swallow, you do so, as your sex comes into view, covered with the very tiny strip of fabric of your underwear which already has a light patch of wetness. Wonwoo's leather-clad fingers dance on your neck, before trailing downward, hovering over your breasts and then your stomach before reaching your pussy as without any warning, he pushes the tiny fabric of your underwear beside and slips one finger in.
"Fuck!" You jolt, your body rising from the bed but Wonwoo forces you down by grabbing your throat.
Your brain short-circuits, the feeling of leather deep inside you something unimaginably pleasing and arousing. Your hazy eyes land on the computer screen where you watch Wonwoo finger fuck you and your hips chasing him back with equal passion.
One finger becomes two inside you as he gradually builds his pace which is in tandem with the breathy moans coming out of you. By the time he has inserted the third finger, his grip on your throat is tighter, enough to make your lungs overwork for air as you try your best not to call out his name. Instead you yell his title for tonight, that you two fixed earlier.
"Sir! Please, sir! More!"
"You want to come, little cherry?" His voice is much deeper because of the mask and it is doing things to you. You can feel your pussy clench and unclench around his digits as a shiver runs down your spine.
"Yes, yes! Please!"
"Are you close?" There's a hint of mockery in his voice as he curls his fingers deep inside you and gives the slightest brush against your clit that makes your body shake. "Fuck! Right there!"
The orgasm builds and builds, the sweet taste of release dancing on your tongue. Wonwoo seems to have figured it out because just as you are about to fall into the well of bliss, he pulls out all his fingers leaving your pussy achingly gaping.
"No! Please!" You beg in protest as tears come to your eyes, body slumping forwards onto the bed, trying to catch your breath as you feel your orgasm painfully ebb away. But Wonwoo doesn't let you catch your breath. He grabs your hair and tugs you back roughly to bring you back into the view before shoving his fingers inside your mouth.
Your taste combined with leather is a pure erotic bliss on your tongue, making you suck eagerly on his fingers as you feel more wetness leak out of you.
You are about to start begging for more as he retracts his fingers from your mouth but you stop when you see his hand move to his back, looking for something underneath his cloak.
Your breath stutters when you see him pull out a stiletto knife and waving it in front of the camera, his movements teasing as you watch the blade glimmer dangerously underneath the soft lights. However, the main cause of your panic is the tint of red on the blade, the appearance of the crimson a bit too akin to real blood.
The image is scary but equally erotic for your fucked up, lust hazed brain.
He really thought this through, huh.
You don't get to dwell on it for too long because the next moment, the knife is against your throat, the tip dancing next to your sensitive flesh as you swallow. For a splinter of a second, you are scared, your hands reaching behind to grab his cloak tightly but then he whispers, "Easy, cherry."
And you relax as much as possible while he drags the tip of the knife down from your throat and between your breasts, teasing your skin all the while but not breaking it. It is dangerous and erotic, an addictive combination of two which renders you helpless as you simply watch him play with the knife and you while your breath comes in short pants.
The blade slices the lace right between the cups of your bra, easily tearing it into two and revealing your breasts to the camera. You don't have time to be shy because Wonwoo moves the knife towards your nipple, teasing the hard bud with soft pokes that make you whimper pathetically.
"Are you wet, little cherry?" He whispers in your ear and you can only nod, hypnotized by the way the blade looks moving against your skin.
"Touch your pussy." He commands and you immediately do so, dipping your index and middle finger into your pussy before pulling them out to show him the wetness coating them.
"Good girl. Suck them clean."
Once again, you are a mere puppet of his words, eagerly doing as you are told while he moves the knife away from your breasts, doing down and down until he reaches your panties, leaving trails of red on your skin. There, he drags the sharp tip up and down on the skin of your right thigh, before hooking it underneath the lace of your panties and tugging it open with a clean slice. You watch with bated breath as he does the same on the left side, before leaving you completely bare.
"Lean against me." He commands as he throws the scraps of your lingerie away on the floor. You lean back, resting your weight against him and sit in a position with your thighs parted that gives a clear view of your pussy to the camera and easy access to Wonwoo.
"You want to come, right? Let's see if you can come from this," His tone is challenging and you wonder what he is talking about. Good for you, you don't have to think too long because the next moment, he inserts the butt of the knife in your core.
"Oh my god! Fuck!" You shriek, surprised, embarrassed, stunned.
Wonwoo's hand has a firm grip on your stomach, holding your body flat against his as he pushes the butt of the knife inside you, not even an inch deep but the filthy and perilous act makes your breath hitch, a brand new wave of arousal hitting you, something you have never felt before.
The most embarrassing part is how wet you are and how easily the handle moves inside you, slick noises coming out to echo in the air. You completely forget that you are in front of a camera, as your mind travels to your desires filthiest swamp, making you forget about the time and place as you can only feel the sensation of the knife fucking you open while Wonwoo's body cradles you.
You throw your head back in pleasure, eyes falling closed as a continuous string of sirs slur out of your mouth and embarrassingly quick, you reach your release.
Wonwoo is kind enough to let you savour your release this time, as he holds you tighter and fucks you harder all through your high which triggers another orgasm for you. Your entire body shakes with the force of the second orgasm, your mind completely blanking out as the sweetest feeling of euphoria washes over you.
For a moment, you feel nothing physically, just a sensation of bliss growing in your chest. Wonwoo lets you catch your breath for a moment and when you start to drift back to yourself you realize the knife has been discarded on the floor and Wonwoo is moving you himself, manhandling you into the position he wants.
You are on all fours, your back arched as Wonwoo digs his fingers into your hip bone, placing you in the perfect position for him to slide inside easily. Your mouth remains open slightly, watching through the screen as Wonwoo unzips his leather pants and pulls out his cock. He is hard, the tip of his cock shining with precum, veins visible underneath the soft lights.
His tips prods at your sopping entrance and before you can take a deep breath to recollect yourself, he slides in, fully, effortlessly, eliciting a breathy gasp from you.
The feeling of fullness overwhelms you, making you shudder as he hits the most sensitive spot inside you.
"Oh fuck, sir—"
"Be quiet, slut." Wonwoo's hand moves to cover your mouth as he tugs your hair, making your head fall back while he increases his pace. Even though his hand covers your mouth, muffled whines come out of you, your fingers gripping the sheets tightly, similar to the way his fingers dig into your ass cheeks as you stare at the ceiling while gladly taking what he gives you.
And before too long, you hear soft, all too familiar grunts from Wonwoo and you know he's about to come. Wanting to make it quicker, you purposefully clench around him which wrests a loud groan from him, making you smile cheekily.
Of course, Wonwoo doesn't miss it and punishes you with a slap on your ass which you gladly receive as a reward. A sharp couple of thrusts later, you feel him release inside you and the warmth of his seed filling you up makes you whine as you grind your hips back. "Sir, please! I wanna come!"
Wonwoo's response is to shove your face down to the bed, smothering your face into the sheets as he takes a few deep breaths before thrusting back inside you with more vigor. The bed softly shakes with each thrust as you lie there limp, pleased to accept his every delicious inch.
His pace is powerful, maddening, teasing you as you hover over the precipice of your orgasm until you fall, when he leans to whisper in your ear, "Touch your cunt for me."
Immediately, your find flies to your clit as you frantically rub yourself while his hands tighten on your neck, hard enough to leave marks that you await to see eagerly. And that is enough to make you fall into the euphoria of release as your orgasm washes over you like roaring waves, making your body quake as your eyes roll to the back of your head. One of Wonwoo's hands crawl down to your center, batting your hand away from your pussy so that he can pinch your swollen bud between his thumb and index finger.
Which prompts you to do something you have never done before.
You squirt.
Jets of wetness fly out of you as you clench around Wonwoo on and off, your body slumping over in complete bliss and exhaustion as you obscurely feel Wonwoo come inside you.
The next few moments are hazy as you feel the vague warmth of Wonwoo around you before he shuffles around, followed by his voice which is directed at the camera, you think. When you finally, fully or half fully regain your consciousness, you see the live has ended with a whopping number of 1.5 million viewers, your highest ever. Your wide eyes are about to bulge out of your sockets when you see the amount of money you have earned.
"Holy shit." You breathe.
"Indeed." Wonwoo's voice reverberates from behind you, making you turn your head to find him sitting, leaning against the bed frame with one hand resting on his knee. Despite the mask still covering his face, you know his gaze is trained on your fully naked form, especially between your legs where you feel his warm release drop out. With a shy grin, you sit up and crawl towards him, positioning yourself comfortably on his lap, his cool leather pants bringing comfort to your heated skin.
You gently pry his mask off and your boyfriend's gorgeous face comes into view, those sharp fox like eyes watching you in a fervid gaze. You cannot stop yourself from running a hand through his messy hair, the strands soft against your fingertips, trying to smooth it down as you gingerly move to kiss his lips.
He tastes addictive, making you burn with a new dose of lust and longing as his hands come to hold your jaw brushing your hair out of your face.
"Still not satisfied?" He breathes against your mouth.
"Hmm, not for the night. How about a shower before round two?" You offer with a cheeky smile before jutting your chin the little traces of red on your chest and the cum seeping out of you.
"By the way, what was that red thing on the knife? It looked so much like real blood." You ask, resting your head against the crook of his neck and breathing in deeply. Wonwoo's arms come to wrap around your body, engulfing it in warmth as he rests his cheek on your head while you close your eyes feeling drowsy.
Due to the position, you cannot see the malicious smile on his lips when he whispers. "Something like that. Don't worry about it."
You hum sleepily while Wonwoo's eyes lazily fall on the knife, lying on the floor, the leftover specks of blood igniting a deep, depraved satisfaction within him.
Joshua had the balls to challenge him, threatening how he was going to expose him to you and everyone else and that was why Wonwoo left him alive.
It was the first time anyone had the audacity, the balls to challenge him. He was too amusing, too pitiful to be killed in one go. Besides, what he did could not be forgiven so easily.
No, Wonwoo was going to take his sweet sweet time with this heinous fucker because after what he did, a quick death is a mercy for him.
Wonwoo smiles when he remembers Joshua's forlorn face when he left him there as he bled, uttering the two words as he disappeared into the night.
"Game on!"
Wanna know the story behind the blood on the knife? Subscribe to my Patreon to see what happened from Wonwoo's POV here!
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A/N: This was basically me confessing my obsession towards Ghostface (he's hot okay?) But Wonwoo as Ghostface? Ugh, that is peak perfection. As always, if you liked this, don't forget to reblog, comment and share! I'd love to hear your thoughts! And happy Halloween to those who celebrate!
On a side note, there are a lot of despicable things happening in the world right now like g3nocid3 and ethn!c cleans!ng of millions of people in various parts of the world. Please take some time to educate yourself on these issues and spread the word. Thank you!
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bumblesimagines · 1 month
what's a kiss between friends?
you don't treat anyone else like this. just me.
- Maddy Perez
you don't treat anyone else like this. just me.
what's a kiss between friends?
Pronouns: they/them/theirs, gender neutral!reader
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You watched Maddy fiddle with the speakers from the comfort of your bed, one cheap beer can in hand while the other kept your head propped up. She grinned when the music finally began flowing from them and tapped on her phone screen a few times until a Kali Uchis song began playing. Maddy spun on her heel to face you, her hair flying from one shoulder to the next with her movements, and she began to sing along to the song. 
"I just wanna get high with my lover Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo Kiss, kiss"
You chuckled and pushed yourself up to lean back against the headboard, eyes trailing after her as she danced along to the song, swaying her hips and using her half-empty beer can as a microphone. You nodded along to the beat, unable to resist the smile spreading on your lips while Maddy continued her performance. She moved onto the end of the end after setting her can aside, kneeling at the edge, and continuing to sing along with a wide smile.
"But I know a place we can escape Find out how it feels to let go of everything, be free When you're here with me"
Better to see Maddy loose and carefree than agitated over Nate or her parents. She seemed fully in her element, laughter occasionally escaping her and the smile never leaving her face. She leaned down, crawling toward you with a mischievous grin and stealing the can right from your hand once close enough. She flopped onto her back and drank the last remaining drops of beer before setting it on the nightstand and tilting her head toward you, resuming her singing and dramatically resting her hand over her chest. You stayed silent, keeping your teasing at bay for the night. She needed a good time after what Cassie had done to her.
"There's nothing like peace of mind And you take the time to make sure that I'm okay I know I can put stress on your brain"
Maddy trailed off toward the end of the lyrics, her lips pressing together and pursing lightly as she stared up at you. You quirked a questioning brow at her and reached out to brush raven-colored strands out of her face. She swatted lightly at your hand and mimicked your position, curling her arm around her pillow and tilting her head. 
"What is it, Maddy?" You prodded, shifting to lay more on your side and look at her better. She ran her fingers through her hair, pushing it back and fully out of her face, her eyes still lingering on yours. 
"You ever thought about, like..." She trailed off, the tip of her acrylic nail scratching lightly against her jaw. "Kissing?" 
"I had my first kiss years ago, Mads, and you did too."
"That's not what I mean, asshole," She huffed lightly, lightly pushing your temple with two fingers and rolling her eyes dramatically. Her hands moved to the ends of her hair, combing through it thoughtfully. "I mean, like... us." 
Us. It almost sounded like it had a double meaning, as if it meant something more than friendship. You'd known Maddy quite literally your whole life, practically since the womb. Your mother had fallen pregnant around the same time as Mrs. Perez, and as a result, they'd often exchange tips or simply talk about how life had changed for them. It'd almost been fated, really, to become best friends with the girl across the street. You'd seen it all: her rise in popularity, the cheerleading practices, her circle of friends growing, the turbulent relationship with Nate Jacobs. the anger, the sadness. The very definition of ride or die.
"What's a kiss between friends?" She lifted her brows at you, but you knew her too well to miss the hint of nerves. The way her fingers combed through her hair, the slightly pursed lips, the way her eyes slipped away every so often. It would've been a shock to the girls if they learned nothing had ever happened between you and Maddy. They joked about it often, and you were fairly certain they believed Maddy turned to you whenever something went wrong with Nate. She did, of course she did, but not in the way they thought of. 
"Friends." You repeated airily, your finger drawing shapes on the sheets. "You know, you don't treat anyone else like this. Just me. Everyone else thinks you're always acting like this cool girl when you're just a dork."
"A dork?" Maddy scoffed softly, the ends of her lips curling upward. "The fuck you mean, a dork?"
With a soft snort, you leaned forward, planting your lips against her in a swift peck. Her typically colored lips were clean and soft, with only the taste of cherry chapstick. Maddy made a soft noise of surprise, her body growing motionless, but by the time the surprise had faded, you'd already pulled away, slumping back into the pillows and listening to a new song fill the room.
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kiatheinsomniac · 8 months
hi kia :) are you doing ok? i hope you are queen 💃 I was wondering if you could write how the assassins (altair, ezio, connor, arno, jacob) would react to a reader who suddenly passed out after standing up too fast 😭 it happened to me yesterday and it made me laugh so hard afterwards like thats the goofiest way to pass out ever 💀 iron deficiency queen 👏
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☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: bestie mood. i stand up too quickly and immediately go semi-blind and have to lean on things for support lol 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: altaïr, ezio, ratonhnhaké:ton | connor, arno, jacob 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: none
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。・:*˚:✧。 altaïr ibn-la'ahad
♡ he's got the fastest reflexes you've ever seen, he's lunging to catch you so you don't fall or hit your head. He immediately checks that you're still breathing and will cup your face in his hands and give firm pats to your cheeks while talking loudly to you, trying to pull you back to consciousness
♡ when he finds out why you've passed out, he's immediately reprimanding you and sending you to go and eat enough nutritious foods.
。・:*˚:✧。 ezio auditore
♡ he wasn't quick enough to catch you yes this is based on how quick you have to be to interact with the game or you don't get to hug Leonardo sobs but he does immediately check you over for injury, your head being the first he checks. He lays you on your back with your head in his lap as he waits the few moments it takes for you to return to consciousness
♡ he immediately begins to ask how you feel and if anywhere hurts and wants to know if you're sick or if you've been eating or drinking enough. He'll pick you up bridal style and cook you a meal himself if it's older Ezio but younger Ezio will lay you down somewhere cosy while he sends for a servant to cook for you.
。・:*˚:✧。 ratonhnhaké:ton | connor kenway
♡ he won't show it but he panics. He's watched his village be burned to the ground as a child and his life's work revolves around killing people so when he sees you drop to the floor, his first though isn't that you've fainted but that you've died.
♡ he soon gets over that moment of gut-wrenching panic though and comes to his senses, immediately checking you over for injury, checking your temperature and your breathing. He sets you down somewhere comfortable, assuming you're now on your way to bruising from hitting the ground. He makes sure that you get plenty to eat and drink, trying to use the most nutritious ingredients he can for you.
。・:*˚:✧。 arno dorian
♡ another one who panics due to childhood trauma: when he sees someone laid on the floor like that, for a moment, that awful memory of his father flashes before his eyes. He's not so good at hiding his concern as Connor is though. The panic is evident in his voice as he calls out to you and dashes to your side.
♡ Arno knows to make sure that you haven't hit your head or anything and he sets your head in his lap while he waits for you to regain consciousness. When your eyes do open again and you look up at him, you'll see teary eyes and shaking hands on him. But he's just relieved you're ok. You'll get a very pointed tongue-lashing from him following by him insisting on making sure you're well-fed and hydrated
。・:*˚:✧。 jacob frye
♡ with quick reflexes and his very extroverted personality, Jacob is either fast enough to catch you or surrounded by some Rooks who he can call to so they can break your fall if he's too far. His first worry is that you're overworking yourself so he makes sure you get a break from work
♡ cannot cook to save his life so he's had to go out and order food to bring back for you (or he's begged Evie to cook for which he now owes her many favours) but he insists that you eat and drink well to recover
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g4yforethan · 7 months
can you do another Nate Jacobs fic. maybe him taking male bttom reader's virginity
pairing: nate jacobs x male!reader
summary: what the request says
warnings: cursing, top!nate, bottom!reader
a/n: thank u guys sm for the support on my page!! i am forever grateful <33
it was towards the end of 6th period and you were bored scrolling through the several apps you had on your phone. you got a text notification on your phone. it was from nate jacobs. you two had been talking for the past few weeks and secretly hung out outside of school. "hey i was thinking we chill at my house after school. my mom's outta town." the text read. you got excited and replied yes and the school bell rang. you left the school building and walked a block down to a parking lot where nate always picked you up. you saw his black truck and got into the car. he gave you a kiss on the lips. "hey baby you ready?" he says as you nod your head yes and the two of you drive to his house.
as soon as the two of you got out of his car, nate picked you up and rushed you inside to his room. he laid you on your back and began to kiss you on your lips and neck. you put your hands on his back and moaned as he gave you several hickeys. he ran his lips through your chest and made out with your nipples as he savored every bit of your body. "fuck baby i wanna do it." he said to you. "do what nate?" he looked at you with a desired look on his face. "i wanna fuck you so bad." nate knew you were a virgin which turned him on even more and this time you were ready for it. "i want you to fuck me right now."
the smile on his face said it all. he turned you around and took off your pants and began to lick your hole. you moaned as he licked and kisses your hole for what seemed like forever. he smacked your ass and began to tease your hole by putting his finger inside you. he then put another finger inside and then another. "please nate just fuck me already." "i gotchu baby boy." he unzipped his pants as his 9 inch cock grew inside your hole. he went at a slow pace putting his hands on your waist having your hands behind your back. each stroke started to become more intense as he started to dig deeper in your hole. "fuck your hole is so tight." as he went faster, he pulled your hair back and smacked your ass leaving several marks and scratches on it.
"fuck im gonna cum baby." you feel your hole be filled with nate's cum. he moans as he lays on your back and kisses your back as well. "fuck baby. first time and you got me wanting round 2 already." you smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips. "only because i was in the mood. i was really just wanting to fall asleep with you right now" nate laughed. "haha we can do that right now baby." he gave you a kiss and put his arms around your body as the two fo you began to doze off.
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ramp-it-up · 1 month
II Most Wanted Part 5: Wherever You Take Me
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Pairing: Syverson x OFC Reader "Buttercup"
Summary: The cookout gets hot and dinner with Sy is a revelation. Plus, you get to see his place. 😏
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. RPF. S MUT, Fluff, Angst, Reader has PCOS, talk of infertility, talk of war, daydreaming about shower sex, anal play, natural hairstyles, clothes kink if you squint, voice/dirty talk kink, Graphic depiciton of sex. Woman on top, size kink, slight choking, squirting, nipple play, begging, raw p in v, copious amounts of cum. I did not mean to disparage yoga in any way.
Read at your own risk.  Not Beta’d. All errors my own.
A/N:  This is the fifth installment of II Most Wanted. I'm in love with these two; they are bringing my writer heart back to life. If you like it, please reblog and comment.
I don't have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
Previous part here
To say Sy had you shook was an understatement. You woke up expecting to find him there, but then you remembered saying a groggy ‘goodbye’ to him almost as soon as you hit the bed after the workout he gave you in the shower. 
You lay in bed as your anxiety spiked and wondered if he took that as a dismissal. You hoped that he didn't think that you didn’t want him around. But you didn’t want him to think that you were going to just fall into his arms.
You just didn’t know what to do with these old/new crazy feelings for Sy. How well did you really know him? You knew the kid from 20 years ago, but he broke your heart. How careful would grown ass man Sy be with your love? And would he still want you if he knew the entire truth?
You decided to relax and stretch and clear your mind of all the clutter. Yes, yoga was the perfect antidote to Jacob Syverson.
Yoga failed you miserably.
You found yourself checking for Sy as soon as you arrived at the cookout. You socialized as you lowkey searched for him at the function, and when you realized he wasn’t there yet, you inhaled a whiff of the shirt you were wearing for the dopamine hits. It was his dress shirt from the night before that you tore off of him and that you were wearing over your tube top and jean shorts. You couldn’t help it if he left it there and it was the perfect complement for your outfit.
It was well past noon and he hadn’t arrived. You chewed your lip and let anxiety in again. You avoided questions from Carla and Tiffani about what happened, and your mind drifted to how he’d handled you last night. 
Sy’s soapy hands were all over you, pulling on your wet nipples, grabbing your wet hair as his mouth attacked your neck, and sliding over your body under the hot stream of water. He was a quick study, and at the point of your fifth orgasm, it felt as if he knew your body better than you. 
And you let him take possession. 
His slippery fingers toyed with and penetrated your ass as he fucked you senseless against the wet tile, ramming his thick cock inside you again and again as you begged for more. You came again, harder than you ever had, and afterward your energy drained out of you just like his cum streaming down your legs. He had to dry you off and carry you to bed, all the while leaving sweet kisses all over you.
You’d never felt so…loved...and in trouble.
As soon as your towel covered head hit the pillow, you were out like a light. You didn’t see Sy’s look of adoration, didn’t feel the kiss on the forehead that he gave you as he whispered “Sweet dreams,” and his chest puffed out with pride at having put you to sleep, a cocky smirk on his face as he let himself out and strode toward the Bronco. You were snoring softly.
You were busy reliving the experience of the night before, relishing the slight soreness of your body as Carla and Tiffani chattered around you. You weren’t really present until fingers started snapping in front of your face.
“Come back to earth…”
“Oh shit,” you giggled, “sorry, Carla. What were you saying?”
Both of your besties laughed at you.
“Umm hmm. Yeah. Well you answered the question without answering it. That dreamy look on your face says it all.”
You just smiled, rolled your eyes and sipped your cider.
“I’m just chilling. Sy and I had a good talk, and a good time last night. We buried the hatchet.”
Carla and Tiffani exchanged looks.
“I bet you did. I bet you buried it hard. And deep.”
You scoffed at them both, but Carla was unswayed. 
“Tell us, Buttercup. Exactly what size hatchet does Jacob Syverson carry?”
You shook your head and took another drink, rolling at your friends’ ridiculousness.
”Well, if you don’t want to give the details about Sy’s dick, you’ve got to tell us the story of that hair.” 
Carla nodded toward your thick cornrows.
“Did Sy mess it up so badly that you had to detangle in the shower, or did you get tangled up with Sy in the shower?”
Your cheeks heated as you took another swig and scanned the park to avoid answering your intuitive friends. And when you saw the Bronco, you almost choked.
You put your beverage down and straightened up, patting your head. Sy had arrived.
“Does it look alright?”
“It looks dope,” Tiffani looked around to see Betty Bronco pulling into a parking spot.
“Oh shit, she is sprung. This is gonna be good.”
Their teasing faded into the background as you watched Sy unfold out of Betty Bronco and were reminded of the night before as he ran his hand over his beard. That beard. How wet that beard got last night. Both in and out of the shower… 
You took in the vision of this man who indeed had you sprung after one night. You sighed when you saw him come toward you. Although he was dressed simply, a dark grey t-shirt and jeans, he looked like the best thing you’d seen in ages.
Damn, he was hot. Or was it that you’d just spent too much time in the sun? He strode toward you and the way his body moved was dangerous. You felt that you would hit your knees with the slighted signal from him. 
Sy was indeed hot. And you may have also had sunstroke. Both things could be true. What else would explain the way your heart was beating and the weird feeling in your stomach?
Yes. Sunstroke it was. And lust. And nothing else.
Your friends’ laughter pierced your reverie and you got up to meet him before he reached the group.
Sy got home that morning and fell into his bed, daydreaming of having you in it. It was 4 am, and he fully intended on sleeping just a few hours, then waking up and sending you a good morning text.
Soon he was dead to the world.
The next thing he knew, it was 11:30, too late for a morning text. He would just have to greet you in person at the cookout. He got out of bed to get ready, taking extra time with his hair and beard. He hadn’t cared this much about how he looked since high school. He hadn’t cared this much about anything since you. He wanted to be the one that you wanted. If it was a quarter of the way he wanted you, he’d be a lucky man.
Plans rolled around in his head as he rolled toward you in Betty Bronco, but also uncertainty. Was this just a trip down memory lane for you? Just a whim of a weekend, a chance to experience everything you didn’t 20 years ago? 
Whatever this was, he wasn’t going to waste any time. 
When Sy pulled up at the event almost an hour late, lo and behold, there you were. His eyes fell on you, a vision in his white shirt, your lips wrapped around what looked like a beer bottle. Your hair was different. Sexy. But then again, every look was sexy on you it seemed.
“Well, ain’t that a daisy.”
His heart did a thing and he took a beat, trying to be cool. Sy thanked his lucky stars before he got out of the Bronco, his destination not even a question.
You met him under a live oak tree, a few feet from the picnic tables. Carla and Tiffany and a couple of other people called hello to him, but he just nodded and waved at them as he focused on you.
You in his shirt was one thing, but the tube top and shorts you were wearing, he felt as if he hit the jackpot as his eyes feasted on your curves. He licked his lips as if to recall the taste of some of them.
You stood there as Sy’s eyes roamed your body possessively, and although it was 82 degrees, you shivered. Maybe you were getting the flu.
“Hullo there, Buttercup.”
Sy beamed down at you and you screamed at him in your mind as you flushed hot again. ‘Where have you been!? Why did you leave!?’
But instead you just said, “Hello, Sy.”
You grinned back up at him, suddenly okay. More than okay. Sy’s attention was a powerful drug and you’d forgotten that you were an addict. You wanted it all the time. 
“‘D’you sleep well?”
You bit your lip and grinned again as you played with the collar of the shirt you were wearing. Sy could glimpse a hickey that he’d put on your collarbone and he felt the urge to take you behind the tree and give you more. You had some powerful magic.
“Yes. Very.”
He took off his sunglasses then and stepped closer to you. His smile was contagious.
“I’m glad. You were knocked out when I left. Seemed tired.”
Your smile dropped as you chewed your lip.
“Yeah, about that. I didn’t mean to kick you out.”
Sy shifted his stance closer to you.
“You didn’t kick me out, Buttercup. You were exhausted. I said I was going to give you space.”
“You did?”
You stared at him, wide eyed. He chuckled.
“You don’t remember that, do you?”
You sighed in relief and looked at the ground, cheeks heated.
Your voice was small and Sy’s heart lurched, He had hope. Maybe you did have feelings for him other than lust if you thought you’d hurt his. He reached for your hand, just your fingers really, and caressed them softly. He smiled at you when you looked up at him again.
“It’s okay, Buttercup. Really. I got some rest. And If I’d stayed, I have a feeling that we would still be in bed right now.”
The deep timbre of his voice and the affirmation of what you already knew had you shook, imagining a morning in bed with Sy. You went silent, staring up at him with those eyes. His cock stirred. Shit, you were so hot when you went lust-mute. He cleared his throat.
“I like your hair.”
Sy nodded at you.
“Thanks. Got a little wet last night, had to do something…”
Sy smiled at the shower memories.
“Looks great. Like your outfit, too.”
He adjusted the collar of the shirt you were weating, eyes sweeping down your form to get a look at you underneath it. He knew that all he had to do was hook his finger in your tube top and your breasts would spill out. He licked his lips as he regarded you, eyes shining with need when he looked back up into your eyes.
Your mouth opened as if for air as you stood stock still, like a deer caught in headlights. You wanted the same things he did. Damn. You were dickmatized.
“I can see what you’re thinking, Buttercup. But everyone is watching us.”
You huffed out a breath, moved closer, grabbing his t-shirt to bring him down for a kiss. You heard some people murmur and your friends high five and laugh behind you.
Sy felt triumphant. He grabbed your waist and kissed you back. Thoroughly. Then you pulled back, out of breath.
“You’re right. Everyone is watching.”
Sy brought his hand up to the back of your head and looked into your eyes.
“I don’t give a fuck.”
The gruff whisper went straight to your cunt as he pulled you back in for another kiss. 
He finally pulled away and you were still holding on to the stainless steel chain of his dog tags. You looked up at him, ready to ditch the cookout on a word from him.
“Didn’t you get enough last night?”
You were posing the question to yourself, as well as Sy.
Sy inhaled oxygen, because he was drowning in your vibe right now. He grunted.
“Hm. I thought you understood, Buttercup. I will never get enough.”
Another kiss. You whimpered and he just knew that you were wet for him.
“I just want to haul you in the back of Betty right now, but we’re gonna do this thing today. Tonight we’ll go out for dinner, right?”
You nodded, licking your lips as he released your waist and took your hand, leading you back to the table.
You all were sitting around the table playing cards a couple of hours later with your old friend group when someone pointed at Sy’s arms.
“What happened to you, Sy? Did you get attacked by a wild animal?”
Sy looked down at the scratches you left on him with pride, smirked and started to answer, ignoring the look from you.
“Well… Sorta. Kinda. You know I like to live dangerously.”
The wink he threw the questioner was for you, however, and you knew it.
“Sy, you’re too much!”
“Funny thing. Someone said that to me recently.”
You tugged on Sy’s hand.
“Excuse us for a minute, please.”
You gave them your best dignified smile, even though you hot. Sy was chuckling as he followed you back to the live oak tree out of earshot of the group. All they could see was that he was laughing now and everyone could tell that you were giving him the business.
Your friends watched you two and smiled.
Sy put his hands up and nodded, still laughing. You turned away from him, but he grabbed your hand as you tried to walk away. You turned around, annoyed, but then he pointed to his lips, suddenly serious. You gazed at them, smiled and then reached up to kiss him, then pulled away and flipped him off. He laughed again.
"Promise?"  Sy called after you. 
You flipped him off again but grinned as you rejoined the table and Sy went to get more beer. 
“So, when’s the wedding?”
“Shut the fuck up, Carla!”
You let Sy pick you up that evening, and the mood was subdued. He complimented your dress and kissed you on the cheek, careful of your makeup, which you’d carefully applied. Your hair was curly again, the braid-out giving you the look that you wanted. You were quiet as you looked out of the window.
“What’s going on in that head of yours, Buttercup.”
You looked at him, anxiety written all over your face.
“Today was a lot.”
Sy looked back at you.
“Today was fun.”
You sighed.
“It was. A lot of fun hanging with our friends. It was like we were a couple. Carla asked… Well, I think people think we’re a thing. They expect us to…”
Sy understood. You were spooked.
“I see. Well, if you want to know, Buttercup, in my head we are a thing, but I know you aren’t there yet. I know you’re scared.”
“I’m not…!”
“It’s okay to be scared. We’ve been through a lot. Name it for what it is. I am not into bullshitting. Especially with someone I love.”
That sentence shut your mouth.
“And I don’t give a fuck what people expect us to do. I want to enjoy any time you grace me with. We’ve wasted enough time already.”
Sy picked up your hand from the leather seat and brought the back of it to his mouth. The tender kiss went straight to your soul.
“Just be here now. I mean, we can talk about the past, or the future if you want. But let’s take it one step at a time.”
You smiled at him as he pulled you closer to him and as he kissed up your arm.
Somehow, you wound up with your head on his shoulder as you drove to the restaurant.
The restaurant was nice, Meyers on the River, and it was a great atmosphere as you and Sy ate on the deck overlooking the lake. You chatted, filling in some of the blank spaces of your lives.
You asked a question that had been nagging you as you ate your salmon.
“Did you- did you go all in during the war? Did you agree with all of that? I mean, almost 20 years Sy. I feel like you had to have a certain kind of mindset to do that.”
Sy shook his head, leaned back, and sighed.
“It was a job. With good benefits. And my family had been enlisted, my uncle Mike. I went and after I found out about Jeremiah, I just dedicated myself to my job over there. I channeled the feelings that I had in order to prepare myself to be a father to being a leader. My men were under my care. It was hell. Hot, sweaty, full of hate. So I became Syverson, the asshole Captain who got the job done. I survived.”
Sy shrugged and toyed with his napkin. 
“There were problems to be solved. And most of the time we solved them.”
You took in what he said and saw there was something deeper there.
“I’m glad that you are back home now.”
He smiled at you.
“Me too. Everything happens for a reason, Buttercup.”
You smiled back and thought about what he said. He was right.
“Can I ask you a question?”
You sat back in your chair, trying to prepare yourself.
“How do you feel about never having kids? I know about your losses, and you don’t have to talk about it….”
This was part of the reason why you were so hesitant with this relationship. You took a deep breath and decided to name it.
“No. We need to talk about it. It might change your mind about me… us…
You fiddled with your fingers in your lap.
“Doubt that.”
“Just wait until I’m done, Sy.”
“I have PCOS, Sy. It’s a condition that makes it very hard to get or stay pregnant. I’ve been through surgeries and meds, natural methods. The stress of my relationship also didn't help me to have healthy pregnancies. We were going to do in-vitro, but when I found out about the second mistress, I was done. Scott and I divorced and I was content to be by myself. The condition can be progressive. It’s why I take the pill everyday.”
You looked into Sy’s eyes.
“I don’t know if I will ever be able to have a baby. And I’m certainly not getting any younger.”
“I’m sorry, all that has happened to you Buttercup. But none of this changes a thing about how I feel about you or us. I still want you. I still kinda feel like forever with you.”
Sy had your hand across the table now and watched as the smile spread across your face. Something shifted inside you. Sy knew everything and he still wanted you. Maybe this could be a thing. You wanted to say so much, but instead, you just nodded at his plate.
“Finish your steak.”
Sy grinned at you.
“Yes, ma’am.”
The conversation different, lighter after that. The chef came out and you spoke, then he comped your meal.
“I will never thank you enough for helping this place to happen Mr. Syverson.”
You looked at Sy quizzically.
“We solved that problem, didn’t we Ben?”
“Yes! Come back and bring your beautiful lady any time!”
“Will do, Ben. Will do.”
Sy stood up and shook his hand, then left what he would have spent on dinner as a tip. You walked out hand in hand as you looked at his profile. 
“I haven’t told you about my business. I used my payout from retirement and my injury to start a construction company. Captain Construction. We make a pretty good living. And we help folks out when we can.”
You scooted closer to him on the seat.
“Why does that not surprise me?”
“I don’t know. I feel like you are in my soul though, so…”
You gave Sy a peck on the lips, and he chased you for more.
“Want me to take you back to your place? Or would you like to see my house? Built it myself.”
You looked up in the air, as if it were even a choice.
“I want to see your house. You’ve got me curious.”
Sy grinned and started the truck. Then he shook his head and turned it off again.
“Ok, no bullshitting. If I take you to my place, I’m not gonna wanna take you back until daylight tomorrow. And maybe not even then.”
“I’ll go wherever you take me, Sy.”
“Please Buttercup. I’m just a mere mortal. I can’t take this.”
You loved the way his voice broke and how Sy’s eyes were glued to your body, your glowing skin, your breasts swaying with each movement, your hand which was clutching him between your luscious thighs, which were on either side of his pelvis. You were pumping his engorged and weeping cock, teasing him, and yourself, by bouncing on just the tip, your small fist preventing full penetration. 
Sy’s hands were grasping the steel bars of his headboard, stuck there by the promise he made you when you began the end of his house tour. It was a beautiful home, and now you were about to fuck his beautiful cock.
But you were testing his patience. His knuckles were white, and his biceps and pecs were flexed, forearms straining to hold back. His abs were tensed and he was gritting his teeth as he tried to respect your request, but he didn’t know that his struggle was the sexiest part.
“Hmmmm. I think this feels as good to you as it does to me, Sy.”
Sy looked to where you were connected, silently willing you to let him enter you fully. He growled.
“Please, it can feel so much better. Fuck me, Buttecup. I’m yours.”
You keened as you worked yourself open on him.
“Loot at me baby. Please. Need to see your pretty little fucked out face.”
You moaned and did as he asked. You spoke with him, halfway incoherent with pleasure as you slid down his cock.
“So, fucking hugeee. I love this big dick, Sy.”
Sy groaned as you clenched around him.
“It’s yours.”
He licked his lips as he gazed at you opening up for him. Your slick cunt clenching his cock was the most beautiful thing in the world. 
“I love that tight little pussy. Is it mine?”
You reached up and grabbed his shoulders as you adjusted to his size again. You looked into his dilated eyes and gave him a kiss in response.
“Shit is so fucking big. Ah.”
Sy was quivering beneath you, still holding back from going crazy on you. While he wanted to fuck you silly, he also wanted to savor this slow sensuality with you.
“Feels amazing,” you stared down into his blazing blue eyes as you slowly circled your hips.
“Yes, it does. Holy shit it does..”
You leaned down, kissed him and started moving. Sy watched your breasts as you arched backwards and he planted his feet to fuck up into you better.
“Oh! Sy! Feel so full. So good.”
Sy growled and let the bed go, causing a grin at his loss of control. He wrapped his arms around you and held you in place as his hips moved at the devil's pace. The sound of his dick breaching your wet pussy was everything. Skin slapping on skin was the music of your heartbeats at the moment. Sy’s hand found your clit and traced wicked circles there as he pounded you out, making your eyes spark as if with stars. 
“F-f-f- u-u-u-ck! I’m- I’m coming!”
It was embarrassing how quickly he had you there.
“Give me that shit, Buttercup.”
He stroked you through your peak as you gushed around him.
“Fuck. Got my balls dripping with you. This is my dream come true baby. Gimme more.”
He sat up, grabbing your ribcage and moving you up and down his now even slicker, impossibly bigger, cock.
“Shhitttt you feel so good!”
Sy looked down and then up at the ceiling, eyes rolling at the sight. He was about to cum. He manhandled you like a rag doll so that he could kiss you. Hard.
“You are hotter than the desert, Buttercup.”
Your hands moved up his abs to his pecs, rubbing your palms on his nipples as he growled and reached for you. He pulled on your sweaty breasts until your nipples remained pinched between his fingers.
“Ahhhhhh, Sy!” 
You moaned and rolled your hips as he pulled on your sensitive nubs.
“Love your fucking sounds, Buttercup.”
His hand was sliding up the column of your throat now, manhandling you in the way you’d come to love in such a short time. You moaned and Sy felt the vibrations of your voice box on his palm.
“You are so goddamn pretty when you are impaled on my cock. Can’t get enough of you.”
Sy leaned back on one arm so that he could pound you the way he wanted. 
“Fuck, want my cum, Buttercup?”
You were circling your own clit and squeezing your breasts at the same time. 
“God, yes, Sy. Give it to me!”
“Here it comes, godamn….!”
You felt his ropes of cum spurt against your cervix as he came forcefully inside you. Sy looked down to see it and your own juices eek out of you as he kept pulsling inside you.
“It’s like it’s never gonna end, fuck! Got so much for you Buttercup.”
You reached down and played in your combined slick as he pulsed again, bringing your fingers up to taste as Sy finally finished coming.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that right?”
You grinned and kissed him, as you collapsed on the bed reveling in your wet, sweaty bodies as he held you close. You wriggled out of his grip.
“Time for a shower, Sy.”
You smiled as you walked into his en suite, seeing him hot on your heels.
“Damn if I don’t die a happy man.”
You laughed at Sy as he got your hair wet again.
Hit Reblog if you like it!
Next part here
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sethsclearwater · 5 months
poly paul and seth
they’re all riled up at emily’s house so disappear to the bathroom for a quickie but it’s quite intense so reader falls into the subspace and the boys dont notice until they’ve left the bathroom
"you all good pretty girl?" seth asked as he helped you off the counter of emily's bathroom, sliding his hands over your hips as he waited for you to respond.
you hummed and nodded, smiling up at seth before your gaze drifted over to your other imprinter who was stepping over to open the bathroom door so the three of you could head back out to the living room with the rest of the pack.
"you got it," paul reassured, a teasing smile tugging at his lips as he refrained his laughter over how flustered you looked after getting fucked senseless by the two boys just a few minutes prior.
you beamed at the praise, allowing seth to guide you out of the bathroom and into the living room where the rest of the pack was in fits of laughter over the wrestling match currently happening on the floor between embry and quil.
seth was quick to guide you out of the line of destruction the two boys were creating, helping you over to one of the open couches so the three of you could sit down and chill out for a little bit. as you sat down on the couch, seth went to go grab you a blanket but you were almost immediately tightening your hand on his and looking up at him pleadingly, anxious he wasn't going to come back.
seth paused when he saw the way you were looking at him and your other imprinter seemed to pick up on it as well, both boys turning their attention to you. "hey pretty girl," seth cooed, coming to sit back down next to you on the couch, cupping your face with his free hand.
you let out a soft sigh at the touch, immediately leaning into his hand, "you feelin' okay?" he asked softly, both boys watching as you thought about it for half a second before humming and nodding.
seth let out a sigh, looking over at paul who groaned when they realized you had definitely managed to slip into the subspace while they were fucking you not even 5 minutes prior, "you didn't do anything with her today, right?" seth asked, gently rubbing his thumb against your jaw as he waited for paul to respond.
paul shook his head, "not since last night," he reassured before turning his attention back to you, "princess do you wanna lay with me for a little bit?" he asked, voice softening as he spoke to you. both boys watched you wearily, not exactly sure how to bring you back with all the ruckus currently happening around you.
as if on queue, quil slammed into the couch you were sitting on, nearly knocking it backwards from how hard embry must've thrown him a few moments prior. you barely noticed seeing as paul had pulled you into his lap before you could get too rattled from the jolt.
"what the fuck is wrong with you two?" paul asked, glaring at quil who was now laying on the floor and letting out a loud groan as he gathered his bearings. quil only briefly apologized before he was getting back up and throwing himself on top of jacob who currently had embry in a rather strong looking headlock.
"y/n can you come into the kitchen for a minute? i need some help," emily called, drawing your's, paul's, and seth's attention to the doorway of the kitchen where emily was smiling at you.
you hummed and nodded, moving to get up but paul's grip remained firm on your waist, "you should stay here for a minute princess," paul suggested, leaning down to press his lips to your forehead. his voice managed to remain awfully calm despite how freaked out both him and seth were by the prospect of having to manage you in the subspace with everyone else around.
"i got it!" you reassured, smiling up at paul and pressing a playful kiss to his lips before you were squirming out of his grasp and skipping into the kitchen to meet emily.
"hey princess," emily teased when she saw you come into the kitchen, paul and seth following closely behind you as you got yourself up on the counter to sit.
seth's hands were on your hips in a moment, helping you get situated on the counter while paul went to go get you some water from the fridge, "everything okay?" emily asked softly, turning her attention to seth when she also realized just how blown out your pupils were from the subspace and how your hair was pulled into a rather messy ponytail - definitely not how you had originally looked when you first arrived at emily's a few hours earlier.
seth sighed and paul rolled his eyes with a groan as he handed you a water bottle, helping you hold it while you took a few sips, "is she..." emily started, voice trailing off as she looked from you to both boys, already knowing all too well how easily you could be pushed into the subspace seeing as this regularly happened with her as well.
seth sucked in a breath before nodding, his gaze softening as he looked over to emily, "it was an accident," he explained, "you wouldn't happen to have any ideas on how to help would you?" he asked, both him and emily letting out breathy laughs at seth's question.
before either boy could get too flustered over the situation, emily was nodding, "i've got some tea that she can have," she reassured, "why don't you sit at the table with her and i'll go make some?" she suggested, smiling when both boys let out relieved exhales.
"you're the best," seth smiled, pulling her into a tight hug which had emily laughing before he was releasing her so him and paul could help you over to the kitchen table and work on bringing you back.
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codeinecraz · 5 months
summary- you and Jacob are celebrating the new year at the club when you get jealous of all the female attention he is getting.
Warning- use of alcohol, cursing, mentions of sex, use of y/n
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December 31- 10:49 pm
y/n bent over the cool marble of the table, placing her elbows down on each side of her. She stared at the nearly empty cup of alcohol infront of her. For the past hour, she has been wondering around, filling her cup with every alcoholic beverage she could find. Her and her friends had come to a club that most celebrities attended at to celebrate the new year.
She also had to keep watch of how intoxicated she really got, because too much to drink could lead to one wrong move from her, which could ruin her entire career as an actress. Almost happened one too many times. Plus, she didn’t want to make a fool out of herself. So she continued to stare at the cup infront of her and play with her rings
It wasn’t necessarily boring, but she had been ticked off about something the whole time she’s been here. Her first few minutes at the club, she had spotted Jacob, one of her close friends. Then she looked at all of the woman around him. The worst part was watching him entertain them, buy them drinks, dance with them, or flirtatiously touch the strap of their dress.
Whatever he was doing, it irked her to her core. Her and Jacob weren’t dating, but they were those type of friends that had everyone questioning what went on between them in private. The upsetting part was, not much happened. They met, became close quick, both would flirt and talk for hours on end, and she fell in love. That’s about it. Who knew how he felt about her, he was difficult. There were countless time’s where Jacob would lay with her, or hold her, or hug her, but the kiss that she expected never came.
What she didn’t know was that Jacob felt the same way about her, maybe even more than she did. That night, he was doing everything in his power to get his attention from the second he saw her walk in. He didn’t want to go to her, he wanted her to come to him, to prove to him that she feels the same way about him, but she never came. He watched as she moved around with her friends, and laughed at whatever some guy was telling her, and poured relentless cups of alcohol.
He could have five woman infront of him, flirting and touching or whatever they were doing, but she was the only thing he could focus on. He loved the way her warm brown hair complemented her warm, toned skin. He loved the way her dress fell perfectly over her curves. He loved the way she smiled, even if it was fake. It was never fake around him, he knew that much.
Both were too scared to admit it to one another, so they waited for the other. She hadn’t moved from her spot, zoning out as her friends continued their conversation. When she looked back at the spot Jacob was just at, he was gone. Assuming he had snuck off with some broad he found, she picked up the glass in front of her and finished the last swig almost immediately. She slammed the glass down and ran her fingers through her hair.
Suddenly, she felt a light tap on her ass and spun around quickly, confused but not surprised that some random man would have the nerve to do that. Though, when she turned she was met with no other than the Jacob Elordi looking down at her, a half-drunken smile plastered on his face. He grabbed her hips and pulled her against his body. She pulled away and smiled, taking a minute to observe him. He was wearing a white Ralph Lauren polo, with the first couple of buttons undone, a pair of dress pants, and a random cowboy hat he must have found earlier. His hair was wet with sweat, same with his chest.
It was an attractive sweat, If that makes sense. She thought it made him look hot.. or just hotter than usual. She was brought back to her senses when he tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear and lowered his face into the crook of her neck.
“where’ve you been?” He mumbled against her. She sighed and ran her fingers through his hair. “around, you just get here?” She asked. Obviously she knew the answer to that but she wasn’t sure what else to say. You know when you’re mad at someone but you can’t even tell them why without embarrassing yourself? That’s how she felt. He ignored her question and looked up at her, “are you ignoring me?” he blurts. She furrows her eyebrows. She wasn’t ignoring him, he just wasn’t acknowledging her. “no.. why would you think that?” She laughs.
He half smiles and holds the side of her face in his palm. “I don’t know, just felt like it. Forget I asked.” He said as he lifted her up onto the counter. “Bored?” He tilted his head. She shook her head yes and giggled. He continued a conversation for a few minutes while he stood between her legs, covering underneath her dress while she pressed her dangling legs on either side of him.
While he talked, she stared into his eyes, thinking about what it would be like if they were together. She kept giggling and swaying as he talked, the alcohol really getting to her now. At some point, they had both gotten up to dance. The song “Sex on the Beach” by PARTYNEXTDOOR blaring through the speakers.
He stood behind her and held her against him as they danced and watched as people joked around on the poles. He grinded on her as she pushed against him, one hand against her back and the other holding his drink. She moved away and leaned against the wall, laughing as he started swaying around the pole. He laughed loudly and then closed his lips in to a puckered form as he continued around the pole. She laughed harder, holding her stomache and slowly sliding down the wall. He laughed and moved away from the pole, holding his hand out towards her.
She gladly took it, not even caring to look at all the girls around her staring her down with jealous looks. He pulled her to him so they were chest to chest. He pressed his forehead against hers and stared into her eyes, caressing her cheek with his thumb. “I was waiting for you.” He spoke. “hmm?” You mumbled. “Before. I was waiting for u to come over but you didn’t.” He was hardly drunk, but she thought he was so he wasn’t worried about saying anything embarrassing, as she was drunk too.
“You seemed busy.” She almost scoffed. He stayed silent but made a confused face. “which one you gonna pick?” She motioned her head towards the woman around him, watching as they purposely bump into him and apologize just so they could get his attention, which failed every time. When he realized what she meant he laughed and shook his head. “There’s only one girl, you know that.” He yelled over the loud music, still holding his head against hers.
She giggled and took his glass out of his hand, taking a large sip. “yeah but..” she paused, taking another sip “do you really want her, or are you just drunk?” She asked while she held her other hand against the back of his neck. Their hips swayed in sync as they moved against the beat, the speakers now blasting the song “never be like you” by Flume.
He breathed deeply and smiled “I’ll always want her, drunk or not drunk.” She believed him, she’d believe anything he’d say, but she didn’t want to give him that satisfaction. She laughed and pushed off his chest. “Yeah whatever” she giggled as she walked away from him. He made a fake ‘offended’ face before laughing and following quick behind her. She sat on the short pedestal that the pole came out of. He stood infront of her and she held his hands, playing with his wrings. “Come here” he rolled his eyes after she ignored him trying to pull her up. She pushed her arms higher up in a way to say “get me up”
He lifted her up by the arms, picking her up. her legs wrapped around his body. He used one hand to stop her dress from riding up and the other hand rubbed up and down her back. Their heads were so close that their noses were pushing against each other. Still, she giggled and rotated her head slightly, making their lips come even closer. He pushed his lips against hers, gripping the side of her body. Her hands flew to his hair and lightly tugged. She smiled into the kiss, as he did the same. He pulled away, pulling her bottom lip in his teeth before releasing it and pressing his forehead back against hers.
both stood there, staring into each others eyes and giggling, not paying attention to anyone around them. She hoped that this wasn’t a one time thing, or only happened because he was drunk. She hoped it was forever.
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livingddeadgirlrl · 5 months
nate jacobs smut (cw: degradation, creampie, size kink, videoing… yeah)
wc: 2.7k, 2 parts
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It was your last finals week of your high school career. you were absolutely drained from the hours of testing and all of the studying you had done. you came back from school, bag slung over your shoulder, trudging to your room. after your long day, all you wanted to do was lay down, but you couldn’t even do that. your brother’s room was right across the hallway from yours, always causing disturbance. your asshole brother was the same grade as you, but the complete opposite. he was a total fucking dipshit. he was om the football team, always drunk as shit, and probably failing all his classes, per usual. he always had his loud ass jock friends over, screaming at the top of their lungs over the most idiotic things. they were always either watching porn on full volume, slamming doors, and stomping as loud as possible as they walked around the house. you were really not in the mood for their antics today, already pissed off from all of your exams. you got to your room and slammed the door shut, letting your brother and his friends know that you were home. tossing your bag onto your ground loudly, you began to quickly slide your jeans off, then pulling your shirt over your head and tossing it onto your bed. you always had cute undergarments, and today you were wearing a cute pink and black lace thong with a black bow on the waistband and strappy sides, and a matching bra that accentuated your pretty tits so perfectly. you were always naturally girly, always looking so perfect, almost like a doll, even when you weren’t trying. you changed into your little lounge dress, pulling it over your head as you stretched your arms up- it was a white babydoll dress with black bows all over and black lace trim. your hair was still slightly curled from your earlier appearance, but it was now looking a bit more disheveled. your lips were still a soft red shade and a little bit glossy, your cheeks a soft rosy shade. you plopped down on your bed face first, your ass up in the air. you could hear the pounding bass coming from music in your brother’s room, and several male voices inside. you rolled your eyes. they kept laughing at full volume, making your blood boil. you were about to snap. “CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP?!” you yelled out at the top of your lungs. only a few moments later, there was a hard pounding on your door. you sighed and hissed out, “what.” then, there it was. the door opened with a slight creak, and your least favorite friend of your brother’s was there. the one who leaked your nudes to the football team last year. the one who continuously slut shamed you in the hallways at school. the one who would always take long and obvious glances at your thighs when your skirt was just a little bit too short. nate jacobs, the star quarterback and prized student of east highland high school, was standing in your doorway. you barely turned your head to take a short glance at him, letting out a small sigh. your positioning on your bed gave him a clear shot of all your precious bits- your cute thong under your dress that covered your slit juuust barely. your legs were up in the air and crossed behind you, with hello kitty socks on your feet.
“sup y/n. long time no see..” he said softly in that stupid cocky tone that bitch always had, leaning on your doorframe with no shirt on. for some reason this guy, along with all of the other football players, had an odd obsession with going shirtless any time they got the opportunity. i mean, not like you were complaining. his body was so perfect to look at. you hated how he made your stomach fill with butterflies and your panties just a little bit damp at the sight of him. ‘what do you want..” you mumbled out. “just coming to check in on my favorite little whore. i see you haven’t changed a bit,” he smirked, letting his glance travel up your legs. “fuck you,” you hissed out. “well you see… that’s why i came here.. to do juuust that,” he said through a soft chuckle, fully entering your room now and pressing the door closed with his bare and muscular back. “yeah fucking right. you know i hate your guts” you retorted. he turned the lock on your door without saying a word and slowly walked over to the foot of your bed, standing right behind your legs. he slid his big hand up the side of your shin, playing with the lace on your hello kitty socks. you tried your best to ignore him, but his touch was just so addictive. he began to slide his hand down your shin, caressing the back of your thigh and giving it a light squeeze. you picked up your phone, scrolling through your instagram feed to show that you were still ignoring him. he let out a low chuckle and decided to take things up a notch. he wasn’t gonna let you ignore him. he got down on his knees at the foot of your bed, his mouth oh so close to your thighs now. he leaned in even closer, placing small kisses all over the insides of your soft and plush thighs, trailing up towards your thong. you let out a small little squeak like sound, unintentionally letting him know that he was getting to you. he slid both of his hands up the back of your thighs and up to your pretty hips. he gave another squeeze, slightly harder this time. he gripped your hips, pulling you up slightly so you were now resting on your knees. his hands were so fucking big, making you look so small compared to him as his grip completely enveloped your hips. he tucked his fingers underneath the waistband of your thong, beginning to slowly slide it down past your hips, then your thighs, and then your knees, oh so slowly. your cheeks immediately began to flush, still looking at your phone, not wanting him to see your reactions. with absolutely no warning, he pressed his lips to your puffy clit, lapping in between your folds with some intensity. this caused you to jerk forward slightly, not expecting the sudden contact. He chuckled lowly again, pulling away slightly. “if you hate my guts so much, why are you soaking right now, hm?” he asked in a low and seductive tone, his breath hitting your folds lightly. ‘shut up..” you muttered softly, pressing your chin and mouth into your soft pink bedding. “just admit it. you’re a fuckin slut who loves attention,” he replied in a slightly stern tone, brushing his fingertipslightly around your pretty pink and slick pussy. “no, i’m not,” you said into your sheets again. “i bet if i pulled out my phone and taped me fucking your pretty little pussy, you would’nt even fight back. you’d probably just let me have my way with you,” he began pressing his middle finger into your cunt, watching it get sucked in. you let out a tiny little whimper. his fingers were so long and thick, you could only imagine what his cock was like… probably really long… really thick… make you feel really good… oh god. you were getting so turned on, and the way your pussy was clenching around just his one finger was telling him all he needed to know. he slowly pulled his finger out and stood up, leaving you unsatisfied and needy. you didn’t wanna let that show, though, so you kept scrolling on your phone, swapping through apps and doing absolutely nothing. you didn’t hear your door open, so you knew he didn’t leave, but you had no idea what he was doing. (cont in pt 2 :>)
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