#it was a very pretty show and the animation was superb of course but the story and characters I just couldn’t connect to any of them
moesartblog · 2 years
I watched that edgerunners show and
Well I can’t say I liked it
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i-didnt-hate-it · 3 days
Okay, starting with something just so I can get back into the swing of this.
I didn't hate the first two episodes of Star Wars: The Acolyte.
Not really spoilers below, but if you want to go into it without knowing anything, maybe read this another time.
It takes a little bit to get invested, mostly because I don't know the characters yet, but it's actually refreshing to not know anything about any of them. To start off with characters you don't know or care about and set up a premise intriguing enough to make me care, that's promising.
After the first two episodes, I can say I'm into it, and I can't wait for the rest of the season. It's not perfect, and I can see some of the things that toxic "fans" are going to complain about. Some the acting and dialogue is a bit stilted, some of the sets clearly look like they were made on the volume, and sometimes the editing/pacing is a little weird. But the story is interesting enough for me to ignore most of that stuff.
It's not Andor, but it's not trying to be. It's not The Mandalorian, but it's not trying to be. It's not Ahsoka... you get the idea. The Acolyte is taking a big risk, setting itself in an era we haven't seen yet except for books, comics, and one animated show that is marketed for very young children (Young Jedi Adventures is pretty cute btw, I've watched a couple episodes). We don't know most of these characters, and if you're like me and you haven't gotten into the High Republic stuff yet, you don't know any of them.
I would dare to say that The Acolyte is even more original than Andor. Andor has amazing original plotlines and superb writing, but it still focuses on an era we know extremely well and stars a character whose fate we already know. Of course, this isn't anything against Andor, and it also isn't to say that originality is not the sole factor in making a good show. But it is easier to compare these shows that "no one asked for" rather than shows based on established popular characters like Ahsoka or Boba Fett.
I don't want to get into every detail, because this post is long enough already. I'll just say that The Acolyte feels like Star Wars. If you like watching Jedi be Jedi, if you enjoyed the episodes of The Clone Wars where the Jedi just did Jedi things and foiled plots and uncovered mysteries, The Acolyte is Star Wars for you. If you liked Tales of The Jedi, watching Dooku, Mace Windu, and Qui Gon Jinn in their prime before the Clone Wars, The Acolyte is for you. If you liked Star Wars Visions, seeing new, creative takes on Star Wars with unique fight scenes and interesting spins on classic Star Wars themes like balance and duality, The Acolyte is for you.
If none of that sounds interesting, maybe it's not for you, and that's okay. Nobody is making you watch it, but please don't be toxic about it.
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omegafan101 · 2 years
Okay I need to give some thoughts on Sonic IDW 50 cause I was finally able to read it so MAJOR spoilers below.
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I feel like the best way for me to talk about this would be in sections so--
I love Belle, definetly one of my favorite new inclusions from the comics (which honestly isn’t saying too much because I love ALL of the new inclusions so let’s put her in top 5).
In all honesty I was a little dissapointed with her finally confronting Eggman. It wasn’t bad by any means just not as much as I wanted. But I do like how, without outright saying he remembers her, the writing makes it clear he remembers creating her but that he still isn’t Mr. Tinker. Doesn’t treat her with any fondness but knows her name. I do love that he asked her to join him after seeing how useful she was, and when she refused, he actually let her go just fine. Could’ve had Metal destroy her then and there but he’s perfectly fine letting her walk away. Good little moment there.
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Also, Badnik siblings fans finally got their interaction and I am very happy for them. Now when does she meet Omega and/or Gemerl???
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Tails vs Kit
I don’t know what I was expecting from this fight but I LOVED it. Tails is a fighter, obviously, but he’s never been nearly as actiony as Sonic, so it was great to see him mostly just dodge and try to talk Kit down.
Kit’s reliance on Surge’s needs have finally kicked Starline in the ass because without her around he just doesn’t know what to do aside from keeping Tails away from helping Sonic or stopping Surge. The way he was genuinly taken aback by Tails’ kindness towards him was kinda fucking heartbreaking, this poor little guy deserves the world. The fact that Tails can calm him down by simply complimenting his tech and relating to him on being different is so nice and a very good moment for Tails and of course he beats him by outsmarting him, Finally Tails has good moments again!
Also just constantly in love with any panel. that gives Kit the evil anime eyes I love this guy’s design it’s so good.
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Sonic vs Surge
This is the big one. Most of the issue is dedicated to it after all, and rightfully so. I get where people are coming from when they think Sonic wasn’t written well but, guys, come on, he doesn’t know who the fuck Surge is. She showed up, threw him against a wall, and started going on about how much she hated him, a typical Tuesday for Sonic. He started to catch on that Surge has gone through a LOT more than he knows but didn’t get a chance to truly sympathize with her before the fight ended.
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I think the problem here, and this is a good problem for writing, is that Sonic is treating Surge like he treats all his enemies. He’s cocky, he’s quippy, he’s forgiving and tries to give them a second chance. He’s like that with everyone.
The issue is Surge HATES that. She was designed to hate and destroy him and he doesn’t share nearly the same animosity towards her and, in her eyes, doesn’t even treat her like a real threat. It’s a pretty good clashing of characters.
And as for the actual fight my word it was amazing. Felt like something ripped straight out of Dragon Ball, fitting with how many parallels Surge and Kit have to Androids 17 and 18, even if it was apparently unintentional. I gotta say I’m a sucker for villains refusing help from heroes even if it costs them their life and Surge doing this while also getting the satisfaction of “getting the last hit” was superb. Can’t wait to see more of her in the future cause you’d be a fool to think she’s actually dead.
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Eggman vs Starline
For a comic about Sonic the Hedgehog coming off of a mini series about Surge and Kit, this fight, by all accounts, should NOT be the highlight of the comic but holy fuck it IS.
This was amazing start to finish. Sonic Heroes is what got me into Sonic in the first place so I am HERE for the Egg Emperor being pulled out! It’s honestly just such a cool design for an Eggman robot, and of course Starline pulls out the Death Egg Robot because that things becoming as necessary to Sonic as Green Hill and Chemical Plant (I still love it though good robot design). An Eggman mech battle was NOT on my bingo card.
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Egg Emperor was made even better with Starline pulling out the team blast (on his own) and I love how Eggman used that AGAINST him! After such a blunder with having no backup plan for the Metal Virus, the way he absolutely demolishes Starline and uses his own ego, fanboy nature, and tech against him is fucking amazing. New triple power glove? Used the Egg Emperor to bait him to use all its power. Hypnotizing glove? He told him about that, he remembered, and planned for it. Barbed ankle? YA YA YEET!!!
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This issue finally made Eggman scary again. Yeah he’s a goofy, egg shaped scientist but what sets him apart from someone like Bowser is that he is CAPABLE and when he’s at his absolute A-game he is fucking powerful and terrifying.
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As for Starline. MAN what a send off for the character. He’s easily had some of the strongest presence out of any of the new characters and I’m glad we’re finally done with him. I loved him but I was kinda worried he would escape, be upset his plan failed again, and try something else. But no! He fails and is just fucking TORN by the fact that no matter how much he plans, he can’t beat Sonic, and he CERTAINLY isn’t better than Dr. Eggman.
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I can’t find the source for this but I read that Ian Flynn confirmed that he dies here so I suppose this really is a send off for this wonderful homage to Dr. Finitevus. It was great while it lasted but hopefully this means Eggman and more new or old villains get chances to shine. Plus, supposedly Ian also said that if demand is high enough he could feesibly be brought back in the far future, which is standard comics affair, so I suppose it’s not goodbye, just, until next time you rat bastard.
It’s no Metal Virus arc but man I’ve loved Imposter Syndrome so far. It’s not quite over yet but issue 50 was a very neat wrap up of several plot threads and it was just such a good time.
Can’t wait to see Adrenaline Dubs do it, even if they are way way behind lmao
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oraclekleo · 10 months
Kleo's Oracle Decks [02]
This is a second part of me sharing what oracle decks I own. You have seen some of the cards on the pictures I occassionally post together with the reading but not all decks were included in those.
So let's see with what I work when crafting those readings you like!
The Lantern Oracle
Angelina Mirabito ^ Illustrated by Yuly Alejo
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This is such a beautiful and deeply meaningful deck. I can imagine it to be super good for shadow work. I don't do that very often but I still like to use this deck for a daily pull and sometimes for the personal readings. It's artistically superb.
The Solitary Witch Oracle
Lucy Cavendish ^ Illustrated by Lady Viktoria
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This is one of the most aesthetically beautiful decks I own. When I saw it was about to be released, I knew I will need it. It's a recent purchase, I didn't have that much time to use it but first impression is highly positive. I can relate to the theme of the deck as I also live alone and some might call some of my habits and hobbies witchy. 😁 I'm looking forward to read this deck more often in future and I believe it's going to become one of my favourites.
The Wild Unknown Alchemy
Kim Krans
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This is one of those super unique decks that approach the whole spiritual aspect of life from a new angle. I trully love the connection with the grandfather of modern science - Alchemy. While it's not easy to work with this deck, it's actually one of my favourites. The meanings are pretty deep and resonating well with me. The only drawback is the shape and size of the cards. Maybe if they were smaller, the hexagon shape wouldn't be an issue but the cards are pretty large and there are 71 of them which makes a pretty decently thick deck. For someone with small hands like mine it's a challenge to shuffle it. But it's not like a major issue.
The Wild Unknown Archetypes
Kim Krans
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Once again, a pretty original type of deck from the talented author Kim Krans. I also have her tarot deck. The Archetypes deck contains 78 cards and they are of circular shape. Once again, for my hands they are pretty big but they still shuffle easier than the hexagon ones. The archetypes are picked pretty well and not limited to like human roles or personalities. It's also one of my favourite decks despite the fact it's not the easiest one to read.
The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle
Kim Krans
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And last deck from Kim Krans. This one is more on the traditional side. It contains animals sorted into categories by element - fire, earth, air, water - plus there's a special spirit category where you can find some mythical creatures like Unicorn or Dragon for example. It's one of my favourite decks and I use it often as it tells me what kind of energy I have today or what kind of energy needs to heal. And I love animals, of course. It's a beautiful and pretty universally useful deck.
The Wisdom of Trees Oracle
Jane Struthers ^ Illustrated by Meraylah Allwood
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I love this oracle deck. It gives such peaceful vibes. I'm a nature lover and this tree deck simply resonates so well with me. I often use it in my personal readings as it gives pretty useful informations. The cards can actually read as reversals, too, as the guidebook includes reversed card meaning. I don't read reversals in tarot nor oracle but I know for some this could be a useful information.
Urban Crow Oracle
MJ Cullinane
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Once again, you can see that the author is my favourite as I also have three tarot decks from her. This a truly good oracle deck and I felt such an immediate connection when I hold it in my hands for the first time. I love crows. They are one of the smartest birds and they can truly act in a bit of human way. This oracle shows how much of love and respect the author has for them, too. I smilled reading some of the stories that inspired the cards as I have experienced similar situations with crows, too.
Wild Mystic Oracle
Anastasia Catris
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Yes, I have many animal decks. Because I love animals of all kind. This is such an impressive and useful deck. The guidebook includes a shadow meaning of each card as well as the ... regular meaning of it. It's pretty useful for readings and I often use this deck in personal readings. The cards are glossy and might be harder to shuffle but that's really a minor setback.
Woodland Wardens
Jessica Roux
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This deck gives such a vintage vibe but it's genuinelly beautiful. Each card combines an animal with some plant and the guidebook gives messages for both straight and reversed position of the cards. I love the aesthetics and the messages which are pretty short and straight to the point.
The Literary Witches Oracle
Taisia Kitaiskaia ^ Illustrated by Katy Horan
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This is one of my newer decks and I haven't had the opportunity to use it in depth yet. It's for those who are fans of literature and it contains cards depicting famous female literature authors and then there are cards depicting symbols or items often used in stories. The guidebook is pretty short and not very complex which is a pity as I think it had a potential to make more of the cards but then again, working with oracle cards is a personal experience and when the guidebook is thin it opens the door for your own take on the meanings. I wouldn't recommend this deck to beginners, though.
These were my oracle decks (some more are on their way to me so this post will be updated soon, same for the tarot decks post).
Oracle cards are always pretty specific.
Tell me whether some of these caught your attention.
Do you use oracle decks? Which one is your favourite? Do you connect well with oracle cards? Do you combine oracle cards and tarot?
Share with us!
I personally combine tarot and oracle only in specific cases, I don't really have a spread that would include both types (with the ideal partner spread exception). Do you have ideas how to include any of the oracle decks in the existing spreads? Feel free to give your suggestion.
Check part 1 of my Oracle Deck:
Kleo's Oracle Decks [01]
Check the Tarot Decks:
Kleo's Tarot Decks [01]
Thank you for reading!
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weekendbanana · 2 years
Download amped five free
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Our proven in-depth domain expertise has been developed over decades of working with law enforcement organizations on numerous complex crime investigations. Probably the best version I've heard sung by Bobby.Foundation Futuristic Technologies (FFT), established in 1999, is a global leader in the computer forensics and digital investigation solutions space. This is an amazing way to close out a great show an has to be heard. This version features some intense jamming, incredibly hot fiery leads from Garcia and howling vocals from Bobby. They rush through an Around and around before ending the show on one of the night's highlights, Lovelight. The vocals are a bit rough but I never mind that in this song. The Wheel that comes out of Space is pulled off nicely with pretty harmonizing and segues into a decent Black Peter. Garcia has some decent soloing but this version is somewhat off. It kind of falls apart at the end and segues into an off tempo Samson. They stumble a bit wit a very awkward Crazy Fingers that takes a while before there is any cohesion. This is one of the better versions of this song from this tour, featuring powerful vocals and hot leads. The energy continues in the second set with a rousing Miracle. What a perfect ending to an incredible first set! Bobby growls out the lyrics with passion and the whole band is going nuts in the Saint jam. It is bursting with energy and all three are played and sung well. The Sailor>Saint>Deal trifecta that closes the set is amazing. They bounce back quickly with a beautiful FOTD that includes a sweet extended jam with great Garcia soloing. The only letdown of the set comes next with a very plodding, mediocre reading of Esau. He flubs a bunch(read most) of the lyrics but he is singing soulfully with passion and his solo is great. One of the highlights of the evening comes next when Jerry busts out She Belongs To Me, a song they only played once before in '66. El Paso is quick paced featuring more fiery leads from Garcia and an extended jam. Dire Wolf is next and while short it is enthusiastic. He gets most of the lyrics in Alabama and his leads in Jack Straw are blistering. The boys get things started with a hot Alabama>Jack and Jerry's voice sounds pretty good. This is a very well played, energetic show that features an excellent setlist and superb 1st set. I truly think that this show may have been considered for a DP or other Vault release - but for the aforementioned minor setbacks. The band is cooking on this one and it is the band that delivers this Lovelight from being a throwaway to being a solid set closer. If I want a good Weir Lovelight - there are 3 I would choose 1) 6/27/85 2) 9/3/85 and 3) this one. Good Lovin' was one thing (of course the arrangement was changed) but Smokestack and Lovelight? LoveLight - I remember in the early 80's talking to older Heads who were not keen at all with Weir singing PigPen's old tunes. Notice that he quickly uprights any mistakes - I think that's pretty cool. His playing is crisp and he ventures into challenging waters by delivering the first She Belongs to Me in 19 years. But for this one, I found Jerry more animated and certainly his voice in better form (regardless of flubbed lyrics). I know many find dicotomy with Jerry leaving the stage or standing stoic at times during the show.
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rojas01proctor · 2 years
Preserving up with style does not have to be a overwhelming task. There are a number of points that you want to know to assistance you make the most of your wardrobe and other trend items. The subsequent guidelines will improve your understanding of what you require to do to be stylish.
A uncomplicated black blazer is a superb addition to any wardrobe. You can use it to costume up pretty much any outfit. Then, you can get rid of it if you alter to a more casual venue. The color will also match virtually something in your closet, from denims to company everyday blouses and slacks. If you want to make on your own glance thinner, try to dress in the coloration black. No matter whether it is a black shirt, skirt, dress or go well with, the color tends to make the whole physique look to be thinner. If black is not a colour you are fond of, attempt to decorate your outfit with brighter hues. A person beneficial piece of vogue tips is to make absolutely sure you might be normally searching out for new styles. Comprehension these variations can assist you to stay in the trend loop. Publications are likely to be your ideal close friend because they in all probability have the information that you will need. Just one quick style suggestion is to just be much more self-assured. No matter how fantastic your garments seem, you will not definitely search trendy unless of course you have on your clothes with assurance. Outdoors require to have on your own with the utmost confidence. This is a single easy way that you can choose your vogue to the future stage. If you like type fitting outfits, it is quite critical to know what supplies and hues mix jointly, and will maintain their form the best. This is important since if you get the completely wrong mix, not only the outfit will probably go out of condition, but it may possibly be not comfortable as nicely. Use quite a few colours when producing an outfit. You do not want every piece to match correctly, that is not the stage of trend. As an alternative discover strategies to produce innovative colour strategies. For case in point, a purple dress can be matched with yellow, silver, black or eco-friendly extras. Just have enjoyable with it. To have great trend, you want to get started with the principles. A bra that suits accurately will give your determine definition and build an interesting silhouette. High-quality bras will help to tighten your glimpse so that you can retain curves. There are some excellent undergarments readily available to slim you and disguise issues, so you can search fantastic. When obtaining the ideal coat, it is essential that you find a single with the right suit. A good coat will flatten the form of your upper overall body. It should really be just unfastened plenty of so that you can reach insider to get some thing out of your breast pocket. Any looser and your glimpse will not be chic. Showing Outdoors harm any person, but make guaranteed that you are not displaying totally far too a lot. When you go overboard and leave really very little to the imagination, that is not deemed alluring. It is a excellent idea to wear a backless dress or a semi-sheer top, but a see-through shirt with absolutely nothing under is tasteless. If you wear leather, choose care of it. When you invest in a leather-based garment, check with the salesperson what kind of animal was applied for it and what the tanning process was. Uncover out the unique treatment steps you will need to take both equally proper following obtain and above the lifetime of the garment. For a pleasurable and uncomplicated daytime glance, have on your hair in a informal up-do. Use an accessory that coordinates with your outfit to hold most of your hair in spot. Permit some mild items to tumble out and frame your deal with. You will truly feel cooler, and seem casually appealing to everybody! If you are concerned about the price linked to upgrading your wardrobe, market off your previous clothing. There are numerous places to go when offering your garments products these as an on-line auction or potentially a thing neighborhood likes a consignment store. Some shops deal only in trade and some will shell out you money for your old fashions. These suggestions are a good beginning to comprehending how to make fashion perform for you. Start out employing them nowadays and you will observe a adjust in how you seem and experience. As you grow your trend self-assurance, the men and women all-around you are specific to recognize you and your new glimpse.
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firethekitty · 2 years
talking about my favorite Owl House scene & Hunter’s facial expressions!!
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my favorite scene in The Owl House (so far!) happens near the end of Hunting Palismen.
Hunter turns on Luz as soon as she lowers her guard. she honestly probably knew it would end this way, but figured that like. no one has ever shown this dude kindness in his entire life, so she wanted to give him a chance. a bit naive, sure, but she’s not stupid. just has a lot of love to give!
Hunter is in an aggressive stance here, he’s like a loaded spring. his eyebrows are furrowed and his gaze is very hard and sharp. his staff is trained on Luz, like he’s expecting her to try to run or fight back. He’s prepared for that.
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what he’s not prepared for, however, is Luz just outright confirming his own suspicions about Belos and basically saying that Hunter is a bad person if he goes through with his mission.
she specifically says “you’re not my friend, you’re just the golden guard”. that is what ultimately gets to him, and the screen cuts to one of my favorite shots in the entire series.
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it just lingers silently on this frame for a good 3-4 seconds and he doesn’t say a thing, even though you expect him to. you expect him to get mad, to outright deny it, but he’s just stunned to silence. his eyebrows are pinched and his eyes are wide; the lighting is actually softer in this scene compared to the last, a lot less hard shadows, and comparing the frames over each other, Hunter was actually manually redrawn! the lines are much thicker and rounder, most noticeably on the hair and clothes. whether this was on purpose or not i’m not sure, but it’s certainly effective. he looks younger, in a way. much more vulnerable
i really wasn’t expecting it the first time i watched. it literally took my breath away because like! for as admittedly-little screen time hunter had gotten (at the time), we could already tell that he doesn’t like to show much emotion. he responds to pretty much everyone who isn’t his superior with anger or smug pride. so this is the first time we actually see him doubt. doubting belos, doubting his mission, doubting himself.
there’s so much emotion in just his eyes. this guy, this kid, who’s spent almost 3 entire episodes fully-masked and hidden away. you can immediately tell that what Luz said cuts deep. “The Golden Guard” is pretty much all he knows, but he doesn’t really… want that anymore. he’s starting to get disgusted by it.
so he disengages his staff and pulls his mask down over his chin. he’s purposefully making himself vulnerable and exposed, literally baring his scars to her. it’s so beautifully-symbolic because like.
“The Golden Guard” covers his face. Hunter doesn’t.
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then he tells her his real name, in a way i interpret as like. “(no, i’m not the golden guard. at least—i don’t think want to be, anymore. i don’t know what i want, just please don’t call me that. i’m sorry.) my name is Hunter.”
with animation, a lot of very subtle (but usually very important) facial and body language can be lost in the translation from storyboard to finalization.
(extremely unfortunately, i couldn’t find a storyboard of this specific scene. according to Rhea Dadoo, an artist on the show, they weren’t able to be recovered from the transition to working from home. i’m genuinely bummed about that because i would’ve loved to see this shot in storyboard!!)
anyway, just my opinion of course, but i believe this is a good example of some emotion being lost during the process of animation. but honestly Zeno Robinson’s absolutely superb acting more than makes up for it, so it’s really not a big deal at all. just something i’ve noticed!
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however, The Owl House is extremely good with replicating expressions from storyboards to finalization! Hayley Wong’s boards in particular are fucking amazing with body language
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this scene really fucks me up. i’ve spoken about it before and if i start i’ll add another 1000 words to this BUT the way Hunter immediately puts all of what remains of his trust into Luz is just. so beautifully-written. he is so fucking terrified here, silently pleading for her to save his life.
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this is a deleted scene that would have occurred after the Eclipse Lake scene! Luz reaches out for Hunter in an attempt to comfort him. Wong said she’s glad it was cut because it makes the climax even more impactful, which i agree with!
but. man… he doesn’t ever really voice his thoughts until he starts making friends, so he lets his emotions out solely with body language. this is definitely a result of years and years of abuse from Belos. (a scene that comes to mind—“my apologies, i spoke out of turn”)
basically this was when i realized that this show did the impossible, making me feel genuine empathy for a character i had already fully determined as “annoying & bad” in my mind. i’m very happy they did because Hunter my best friend Hunter’s character & development is ridiculously well-written, one of my favorites in recent memory. i have a lot more to say but this is super long already but! i love this dude
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lambourngb · 3 years
Day 2: AU get me out of here - places to go when canon is complicated
It’s Day 2 for @roswellnewmexicocreate, time to celebrate those stories that I turn to when I can’t deal with canon, or when I don’t have the emotional energy to untangle all the emotions I have for what’s going on in canon. Alternative universes, the safe harbor for us. Below are a mix of rewrites of canon, remixes of canon, or out right not even set in Roswell- to fill every type distance you want from canon- from near to far.
and the howl of the desert carries me home by @christchex​/ @michaels-blackhat​ (4,334) Alex runs into the desert to escape from his father with his guitar clutched to his chest. He plans to spend one last night playing before his father destroys it. Instead, he meets a cute boy with flowers in his curly hair and a lizard on his shoulder. He exchanges a song for a smile.
why i like it: I love everything about this story. Michael is totally a disney princess, and what a lovely way to save him from foster homes, but have him run away to the desert and use his alien powers to build his own little protective world. Looping in Nora’s plant powers like that, giving Michael a little animal friend, I love it all, but the show stealer is Alex Manes, playing music to coax the mystery boy out. It’s just incredibly soft.
Heartbeat series by @adiwriting ​ (133,000 - in progress) During the lost decade, Alex gets Michael pregnant and Michael doesn't see or hear from him again for the next four and a half years. When Alex comes back to town, he discovers he has a daughter with Michael and they all have to figure out how to be a family.
why i like it: it has it all, installments with angst, installments with fluff, I can find whatever mood I am in by just pouring over this incredible series. I really don’t even like mpreg, but in RNM, with aliens it seems a little more probable to me and bless Britt, she goes light on the details but heavy on the kid aspect of it. I absolutely love Alex in this story, he’s richly characterized as a man who is trying hard while wandering unfamiliar territory like aliens, like being a dad, like being Michael’s boyfriend, and he doesn’t always get it right, but he’s loved regardless.
tonight we are young @skinsharpenedteeth (8,137) Alex and Michael ditch the Evans' New Years Eve party to find their own fun and Alex gets his New Years kiss...(the underage tag is because they're both 17 in this.)
why i like it: I’m a sucker for teen!Malex, especially stories that take place before the shed. I love this little AU where Alex is thinking about making a move, but hasn’t yet. They are both adorable nervous babies, this feels very much how a softer teen!Malex first time would go. Perfectly characterized here, you can just feel the hopeful vibes they have at 17. I like to believe nothing bad ever happens to them again.
you shift on a gear (it’s been a long year) by @backinmybodymp3 (28, 362) “Good morning,” Michael says. “What the hell did you do?” Alex asks, exasperated. (or: There were times, in some of the lower moments of the past however-many-days it’s been, where Michael had thought about what it might’ve been like to share this time loop with someone. He never imagined— well, he never imagined it’d be Alex.)
why i like it: I love time-loop stories! And this is just superb. The friendship dynamics of everyone involved, the Liz/Max wedding, Michael being a good brother, Michael trying so hard to keep this bullshit from dragging Alex in and then Alex being his usual reckless self when it comes to Michael, I absolutely dig this canon-divergent au. you can feel how much the author cares about everyone on the show in this story, and they really nail the Malex dynamic. This story came along just as season 3 did and it’s a true antidote to the malex drought on screen.
the library by @arielana (9,657)  Alex had stopped too far away to hear exactly what they were saying, but their voices did carry over to where he was standing. The guy’s drawl had a melody to it that was vaguely familiar, but much deeper than the voice it reminded Alex of. God, that and the hair really brought some memories back.  Just as Alex told himself to stop secretly staring like a creep and walk over there, he turned slightly so that Alex got a glimpse of the side of his face.  Fuck!  Fuck, fuck, fuck! Twelve years ago Alex left Roswell to join the Air Force, nursing a broken heart and promising to never return. When work brings him back to New Mexico he runs into someone he’d been sure he’d never see again.
why i like it: the first kiss in the UFO emporium was groundbreaking, but I have to admit, I love stories that explore the almost-happened, where Malex reconnect as adults without the shadow of Jesse’s attack. I love how sharp Alex is in this story, he has all these walls as an adult built from that first rejection, but then he’s so completely unprepared to reconnect with Michael again. The clownery in this story by both of them is perfect! I also totally love Forrest as a gay best friend for Alex, trying to wingman Alex, that cracked me up.
stellar light based life by @jocarthage (30,651) It’s not a memory if it’s something you see every day. It’s a trigger and it’s not one Alex wants to ever let go of.Alex saw Michael disappear into a blinding blue light, soft 17-year-old body pulled back into some kind of impossible vortex -- one hand, outstretched.
why i like it: another submission from 2020 RNM Big Bang, this story just wrecked me. I can’t even really put into words about how it hooked me and basically lives in my head now to the point I often mumble the first line to myself. Anyway, this AU takes a right turn at the shed attack, and goes full force scifi and tragic separation, I love it. In so many ways it reshapes Alex’s life but the core of who he is never changes, there’s so many great science geekery details about Michael’s planet and the astronaut journey that Alex takes, plus SANDERS... anyway, this is a fandom classic for me.
Crossed Wires by @beautifulcheat, @ladynox (15,351) Michael's been kicked off more than one Starfleet posting. So when he learned he was reassigned to the USS Roswell, he decided that he would keep his head down and behave. This decision is immediately thwarted when he meets her hot Vulcan captain.This might be the first time Michael got kicked off a posting for flirting with a captain.
why i like it: Star Trek AU? I’m pretty easy. Seeing elements of Kirk and Spock’s tragic backstory blended into genius mechanic Michael Guerin and ice prince Alex Manes was amazing. I love how it’s serving with his family that brings Michael to the Enterprise, his bond with Max and Isobel was chef’s kiss good. The blend of Michael’s powers and Alex’s biology - I loved the balance even if it came with its own misunderstandings, but hey, this time it was cultural! lol
I’m still here by @vague-shadows @pippsmcgee  (35,928) Treasure Planet AU in which Michael is the gifted young delinquent who found a treasure map, and Alex is a space pirate pawn in his Father's obsession with riches and legacy.
why i like it: I’ve never seen Treasure Planet, but I didn’t need to thoroughly enjoy this AU. This was the perfect mix of angst and sci-fi adventure, where the authors managed to make the shed even more horrifying. Jesse Manes is the absolute worst in this story, the levels of obsession he goes to find a treasure, and then Michael on his own collision course - the ability to write tense action is a gift, and it’s on display in this story. Cyborg!Alex took up a place in my heart and still lives there, where he only gets the nicest things.
If you like any of these recs, please leave a comment on the story or a kudo- a  ‘this was awesome’ is enough to propel an author into the stratosphere with happiness, so don’t worry about coming up with a unique, never before shared insight- sometimes a keyboard smash and emoji makes all  the difference!
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hi hello did you read the ray side story for tpn bc it took my heart and shattered it to pieces but it was all the angst i ever wanted and never got SO
Yeah I did!!!! That chapter is so goooooood thank you very much Kaiu Shirai and Posuka Demizu for the GF years Ray pov, it was GREATLY needed and that execution - although short - was simply superb. I love that chapter with everything I've got, it's just... Amazing. I think that at first, and especially if you're a passive reader, not fully immersed in the fandom, it's hard to understand the reality of what Ray has gone through. Full disclosure, but I didn't really like Ray the first time I watched the anime: it took me reading a bit further in the manga to start liking him, because, at first, I hadn't understood that he loved his siblings besides Emma and Norman too, and having him sacrifice dozens of children to allow the escape of his two best friends sounded pretty cruel lmao. Of course he was just an infant himself and had no control over the death of his other siblings- but that is an afterthought, and my first impression was very different! More similar to Emma's reasoning in chapter 15, I couldn't really forgive him what he had (not, ahah) done.
But this chapterrrrrrrrrr... Aaah, it was everything I ever wanted. In other words, it delivered what I always craved: Ray's suppressed affection for his other siblings, and how it killed him to see them die. It showed us the complementary trio's faces!!!!! It showed us Ray's internal battle, his hopeful wish to give up on his knoweledge for his happiness (a 4 y/o wish- man, he's so damn young????). THE TRIO SCENE SIS that scene was SO good, definitely made it to one of my favorite moments out of the entire series!!!!! It's just... So adorable how Norman and Emma have always been there for Ray, how Ray's suffering was their suffering. It's evident that they share a special, deep bond- that scene is just so beautiful.
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And more: Ray's attempt to make his siblings study so that they could live longer... It just really shows how much he cared about them, it was so tragic and heartbreaking. I kinda always headcanoned that no matter how lone and detached Ray acted, he was always ready willing and ready to help his siblings when they asked him to help them with studying.
Guess it was pretty natural and predictable, but seeing baby Ray having nightmares every night was terrible and heartbreaking nonetheless.
RAY DESPERATELY PRAYING FOR ISABELLA TO SHOW SOME COMPASSION, TO BE ON THEIR SIDE, TO ACT LIKE A MOTHER, JUST FOR ISABELLA TO SHOW HER TRUE FACE. That... That was a lot. I'm so sorry little Ray had to go through this, he really didn't deserve it.
And Ray ultimately giving up to save everyone. It's heartbreaking, because you know he really wants to- but it's just impossible. His following determination to at least save Emma and Norman. I swear this chapter is just so good!!! I'm very glad it came out, the special chapters have been so extraordinary good.
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razberryyum · 4 years
Scumbag System (SVSSS donghua) episodes 1 and 2 Thoughts
(covers SVSSS novel chaps 1 - 6, available on BC Novels)
Thanks to Legend of Tang, I've gotten used to 3D donghua animation so this was a much easier pill to swallow than when I first saw a preview of the show like last year. Of course Legend of Tang looks like it has a MUCH larger budget, but the SV donghua is not bad at all. I feel as if they spent all their effort on making sure our two protags look as beautiful as possible which is fitting.
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Ok their smiles are a little wonky but I thought they both looked really pretty, especially Binghe with his big doll eyes. My favorite moment from both eps:
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Each grasping the symbol of what will become most important to them. So beautiful.
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The size difference between the two of them right now is hilarious. I cannot wait for Binghe to grow up and tower over his Shizun.
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The donghua captured the humor of the novel perfectly. I was lmfao during Shen Yuan's recap of PIDW in 10X speed. I love SQQ's voice so far the most... the performance is superb. Binghe's voice on the other hand, is much softer than I expected... even when he's Bingge, so that's gonna take some getting used to. Speaking of getting used to...
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Yue Qingyuan's face. His entirety's kinda weird actually, like his head is too small for his body, and his voice is off putting too. Again, I'm sure I'll get used to him, but so far, whenever he appears, I just immediately think, dude what's wrong with you?
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Those damn sleeve thingys. I seriously need to know if they serve any purpose. If they don't they better have a self-aware scene where someone grabs onto those things and pull s SQQ down to the ground with them.
Love the show so far, the opening and ending themes are beautiful, the pacing was quick but not overwhelmingly so. The animation's not perfect but it was easy to get used to. As another indication of the production crew's sense of humor, they even included a 2D sequence to tell Binghe's backstory, and honestly, even though it looked cool, I'm ok with this 3D style. Made my peace with it. I'm just so glad we finally got to watch this donghua that I honestly teared up a little during the OP credits. They really would've had to fuck it up very bad for me to hate it, so I guess I'm just biased already going in. No regrets.
The donghua is available on the WeTV app.. VIP members get one more episode in advance. Episodes are available on Youtube a week after release.
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scope-dogg · 3 years
Return to Gaogaigar Final: Final thoughts
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The last Super Robot Wars to come out gave me an excuse to rewatch the original TV series Gaogaigar, which is in my opinion is probably the greatest single Super Robot TV series of all time. This time, SRW 30′s giving me the excuse to watch Gaogaigar Final, its OVA sequel. While it’s technically part of the roster, it’s listed as units only, with the real star of the show being its manga and novel sequel Hakaioh, but nevertheless it’s important background to that new entry in the same way Betterman was - and any excuse to come back to this OVA was good enough for me. After a good few years since I’ve last seen it I was pleased to see that it’s still the bombast and surprisingly emotional followup and a fitting conclusion (or at least, it was up until recently) to the saga of the brave heroes of the GGG corps.
The plot setup is that one year following the conclusion to the TV show and Mamoru’s departure from Earth, GGG still has their hands full with various threats including a high-tech terrorist group called Bionet. However, these are trifling in comparison to a new crisis arising. Several strange alien artifacts called Q-parts have been discovered across the world. Suddenly, Mamoru appears unexpectedly, and seems to acting in a strangely hostile manner in order to gather them all. This strange turn of events will lead to a dangerous voyage across space and time in order to prevent a calamity that puts the very existence of the Earth in jeopardy.
While this show’s sister entry, Betterman, is a dark and complicated narrative, Gaogaigar Final, like the TV show it’s following up, is pretty straightforward, being about courage triumphing over harrowing danger first and foremost. That said, Final differs from the TV show somewhat. It’s not necessarily darker per se, but it does feel a hell of a lot more serious. The stakes are almost immediately ratcheted up to levels that rival the endgame portions of the TV show, and it’s markedly less afraid to inflict hardship and tragedy on its beloved characters in order to drive the point home. Once the introduction is out of the way, the OVA’s run is defined by a constantly escalating sense of peril - by the time of the climactic final battle, just before the turning point that allows for final victory, the OVA truly manages to make you feel like all hope is truly lost with no way to turn it back around - of course, when our heroes do prevail, it makes it all the sweeter - but even then, it doesn’t feel like the victory has come cheaply, which leads into a really emotional bittersweet final send-off. It helps that the characters, both old and new, are uniformly excellently realised - there’s nothing particularly deep or complicated about any of them, but you feel their pain when they undergo hardship and tragedy, and it’s inspiring when they eventually rise above it to triumph. 
Presentation-wise, Final is truly excellent. It was relatively recently remastered for Blu-ray alongside the TV show and the extra quality really lets you appreciate all the superb detailing in the animation and the superior mechanical design. Legendary designer Kunio Okawara returns to bring two new incarnations of Gaogaigar to life and hits a home run with both of them, while the OVA features a rogue’s gallery of strange but well-designed and threatening opponents to battle. The soundtrack is mostly made up of tracks from the TV show, albeit sometimes with new versions of those old tracks to fit the mood better. Masaaki Endoh delivers two new versions of the original TV show’s inspiring theme song as well. Overall, it’s just a supremely well-made and put together package.
Really, it’s hard to say a lot about such a short and straightforward OVA, especially when it’s done so well. It goes without saying that you should watch the TV show first - this is ultimately just an epilogue to that, after all. If you watch Gaogaigar (which you should) and if you enjoy it (which you ought to) then definitely don’t hesitate to watch this next.
Of course, watching it this time was different when I watched it the first time. The OVA ends with a line from the narrator - “We believe that our heroes will one day return.” This is a promise that went unfulfilled for many, many years despite plans to deliver on it, but the recent novel and manga release of a mutual sequel series with Betterman finally has brought it to pass. The primary reason for me watching both this and Betterman was so that I could prepare myself to see if it lives up to that promise in a fitting way. That’s what I now intend to find out.
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meant-to-be-a-hero · 3 years
Ranger Rankings - Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Premise - 4
Reminiscent of Ninja Storm - kung fu academy gets attacked, only three people left who can save it, etc. But the idea of the animal spirits runs through the entire season, and I like how it shaped the villain team as much as the hero one without becoming a fight to see who had the most.
The thing that tips the scale for me over Ninja Storm's set-up is the effort they go to give the kids something to do outside of Pai Zhau/Ranger stuff; the Jungle Karma Pizza setting gives the Rangers civilian issues to deal with that are usually pretty varied, whereas the Ninja Storm kids were mostly bumming around or at the motocross track. I wasn't even sure if half of them worked at Storm Chargers by the end of their season.
Character Dynamics - 4
I actually really like the seasons where there's only three main Rangers to start with, it gives the show time to really flesh them out before adding more. Jungle Fury is the longest they go as a three man team - RJ doesn't suit up until episode 15 or 16 I think, so we get a lot of time just with Casey, Theo, and Lily.
The three of them really go on a journey this season. There's not a massive focus on Casey over everyone else compared to other Red Rangers (he only gets one upgrade that the others don't get, for a change), and they all feel like fully formed characters rather than just singular personality traits turned into a person.
I'll talk more about RJ and Dom in the next section, but they're also pretty great. In terms of support characters, Fran's definitely one of the better ones. She might not be able to fight, but she's superb emotional support, and I'm glad the Rangers clued her in midway through the season rather than waiting right to the end, it makes their dynamic so much more fun, and also stops the Rangers from looking like complete dicks for just running out and leaving her alone all the time.
It's nice to see so many recurring characters too - the three Masters feel like a big presence rather than just one-offs, and Flit was oddly charming for a fly. His little focus episode was a surprise.
Characters in Power Rangers are either regulars or one-off appearances with no in between usually, so it was a nice change.
Sixth Ranger Arc - 4
This one's an evening out between RJ and Dom's arcs tbh.
RJ being present from the beginning gives me major Cam vibes, so it's not a complete surprise when he finally suits up. I love that he has flaws of his own to deal with, and isn't just an all-knowing mentor type. His relationship with his dad is a nice touch too, and the struggle with his animal spirit added something new. Plus, werewolf.
Dom's a bit more of a blank. He does do the whole 'turns up and becomes a Ranger within one episode' thing, but he's so different to the other four, so laid back (even compared to RJ), that he instantly feels like he's shaking things up. After he turns up and joins the team he does tend to fade into the background a bit though, which is a shame.
Plot Development - 4
Serialised storytelling really has come a long way for Power Rangers, and this season's no exception. Everything flows, and pretty much every episode is part of a larger arc apart from a couple at the beginning and the clip show near the end. Coupling that with the character growth across the season really creates something that feels like it evolves as the series goes on rather than just being the same thing over and over until it decides not to be anymore.
Villains - 4
Having a potential ally become the villain for the season makes Dai Shi one of the better villains overall. His journey through the season is comparable to the Rangers in that he ends up in a very different place than he starts, not just because he ends up face turning at the end.
The rest of the villains evolve naturally too - most of the one-off villains are fairly bland, but the ones that work together like the Five Poisons, the Three Overlords, and the Phantom Beasts sometimes give the villains a more interesting dynamic than the Rangers themselves.
I'd be remiss not to mention Camille as well, who I was glad didn't just become a fawning girlfriend character for Jarrod, and was a strong, scheming villain in her own right.
Of course, the face turn was the best part. It was well signposted, which I always appreciate over the earlier seasons 'oops they're good now' in the finales, and seeing Jarrod and Camille fighting alongside the Rangers at the end gave me the warm and fuzzies.
Overall - 4
A very consistent season overall, I was really sad to see it end actually.
Hottest Ranger - RJ. The others all looked like preteens, which didn't help their cases for the category, whereas RJ's a wolfman both in and out of costume, which hits all my buttons. Shout to Jarrod and his cheekbones for days, though.
Notable Episodes:
Bad To The Bone/Friends Don't Fade Away - The Wolf Ranger's introductory arc, because every Power Rangers team needs a werewolf.
True Friends, True Spirits - Flit's focus episode. It's oddly heartfelt, considering he's a little fly dude.
Tigers Fall, Lions Rise/The Spirit Of Kindness - A two episode redemption arc seems a bit quick, but strangely it works.
Path Of The Righteous/Now The Final Fury - Seeing Camille and Jarrod team up with the Rangers is everything I wanted and more. Another great finale.
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oosteven-universe · 3 years
Future State Gotham #4
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Future State Gotham #4 DC Comics 2021 Written by Dennis Culver Illustrated by Nikola Čižmešija Lettered by Troy Peteri    “Hunt the Batman” continues as Punchline prowls Gotham searching for the one thing she needs before leaving the city forever! The only person standing in her way is a revenge-fueled Harley Quinn! And just when things couldn’t get any worse, the brand-new hero Hunter Panic comes for them both!    This issue blew me away.  My personal opinion of Punchline means nothing in the long run, she’s a throwaway character who gets too much attention right now--see I told you, aside this really is about Harley and introducing us to Hunter Panic.  Of course it is also the ending that really grabs your attention with the prospect of what is to come.  Harley made the transition from Animated Series to comics to continuity very naturally and has become something of a stable, not mentally mind you, anti-hero and her love affair with Poison Ivy has become the stuff of legend.  For me this is more about Harley and the new character who now that’s she’s been introduced I have to learn more about.  If Jason and Rose left hunting in Gotham and she’s the premiere hunter then we need a spotlight issue.    I am thrilled by the way that this is being told.  The story & plot development that we see through how the sequence of events unfold as well as how the reader learns information is presented exceedingly well.  The character development that we see through the dialogue, the character interaction as well as how they act and react to the situations and circumstances which they encounter.  These continue to flesh these characters out magnificently I might add.  The pacing is superb and as it takes us through the pages revealing more and more of the story it generates this great sense of excitement and electricity.    I am rather enjoying the way that we see this being structured and how the layers within the story emerge and grow.  Now the layers here contain the good strong bits of characterisation and plot twists but also some great forethought moments as well.  What all these add to the story are some great depth, dimension and complexity to the proceedings.  How we see everything working together to create the story’s ebb & flow as well as how it moves the story forward is achieved exceptionally well.      I am a huge fan of the interior artwork here.  The black & white style is the most unforgiving, it has a tendency to show every single flaw as much as it does highlight the good work, so to see it done with such zeal is amazing.  The linework is fantastic and how the varying weights and techniques are being utilised to create the detail work that we see throughout the book is stunning.  I’m a big fan of the way we see backgrounds utilised throughout the book as well, since they expand and enhance the moments beautifully.  They also work within the composition of the panels to bring out the depth perception, sense of scale and the overall sense of size and scope to the story.  The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show a remarkably talented eye for storytelling.  Also I’m pretty impressed with all the gray tones that we see throughout as well. The overall illustrative package here is extraordinary to see.    There’s also a really cute silent action sequence in the back of the book that’s pretty impressive as well, it’s almost like a silent film until the very last panel.  For a future Gotham story we’re seeing pretty much the same gang right so while we’re waiting for someone new to show up, there’s Hunter Panic, we’re teased by the last page and if this new character is much worse than their namesake I cannot wait to see the sheer chaos and havoc this one will create.   ​    With some pretty sensational writing and sharp witty dialogue alongside these phenomenal interiors is why this book is so gosh darn good.
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For some reason I decided to pick up 7 currently airing anime this season, so here’s my thoughts and ratings just as the season is nearing finale time:
Majo no Tabitabi: 4/10. This is the only one I dropped (after 8 episodes). You can get a better experience by muting Kino’s Journey and playing the audio from Little Witch Academia over it. Don’t bother.
The general concept is similar to Kino’s Journey: After a couple episodes of witch training, Elaina goes from country to isolated country experiencing the unique culture of each. Unlike Kino’s Journey, Elaina is a self-important busybody with enough magical power and social privelege that she barely ever faces an inconvenience, let alone a consequence or moral dilemma. There is no development for a character who believes she’s the most perfect person in the world, and nobody is powerful enough to threaten that worldview.
Every episode of Kino’s Journey leaves you wondering who, if anyone, was in the right in any situation. Every episode of Majo no Tabitabi says “Elaina was right, of course, because she’s right all the time”. The casual sexism, the single lesbian character portrayed as a clingy boundary-pushing annoyance, and the constant undertone of horniness don’t help either.
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle: 7/10 Surprisingly fun!
I wasn’t planning on watching this on my own, but my friends were interested and I sat through it. Originally I thought it was repetitive and wished it were a short anime instead. Now ten episodes in, I’m enjoying it a lot more than I ever thought possible. It keeps a solid comedic strength, and adds just enough backbone to really let you care about everyone. I can really tell the same creative minds behind Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun headed this project, and it’s the best sweet funny turn-your-brain-off show this season has to offer.
Yuukoku no Moriarty: 8/10 Cathartic, and a very well-done perspective flip
Usually a Sherlock show is about Sherlock, and hint at a sinister presence behind the shadows tying together threads that otherwise seem unrelated. This show doesn’t even show Sherlock until episode 6. Instead it shows how Moriarty, presented as a hero, is trying to topple the corrupt British empire by assassinating nobles one by one and letting their working-class victims get the final revenge.
It’s the reverse of a murder mystery: We’re shown an evil noble, and spend the episode setting up how to kill them and get away with it. The villains of the week are, admittedly, pretty ham-fisted. There’s a lot of yelling about how DARE these filthy commoners think their lives matter than MY NOBLE BLOOD, they are but livestock born to serve us, etc. The show doesn’t give you any reason not to want them dead, and seeing Moriarty arrange for these common folk to commit the perfect murder against their oppressors would have been enough brain candy to carry me through the season.
The introduction of Sherlock is quite interesting- because he’s not shown as the hero, he’s allowed to be a character you really don’t want to root for. He’s not evil by any means, and he has strong morals he won’t compromise, but he’s irresponsible and impulsive and has a big ego and is just kinda annoying. If he were our hero, the show would be almost as bad as BBC. But it keeps the central character intact while allowing us to root heartily for the supervillain.
Jujutsu Kaisen: 8/10 If everyone hasn’t convinced you yet I probably won’t
Judging it against other shonen series: I appreciate it setting up a power ceiling and difficult but reachable goals for the characters, I like the main trio, and the power system is somewhat like HxH’s nen: solid but has a lot of potential for fun twists and combinations. I wish it treated its female characters a little better, but nothing stands out as egregious. The animation and soundtrack are superb. Give it a go.
Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst: 9/10 Holy shit??? How is this based off a mobile game??? Why isn’t anyone else talking about it???
Realistic fantasy done exceedingly well. While it’s set in a world with a generic Anime Fantasy vibe (mixed with some 1930′s tech and fashion), it’s filled with people. Characters are realistic yet diverse and recognizable, government power is complex and messy and everyone’s got their own motives, fights between swords and pistols and magic staffs are balanced and feel like everyone has equal weight to throw around.
It’s dark enough to hurt, but not gratuitous enough to numb and keeps you hopeful that they could succeed. Enough people die that you really wonder if people will make it through the danger, but they’re not killed so thoughtlessly that you avoid getting attached. You hate the villains, but they’re realistic: not flat caricatures of a person. They throw you in without establishing worldbuilding, making you piece together what’s going on just as the main characters are thrown against each other.
It’s got a tight plot and characterization as well: they throw out a lot of threads, but they tie them together and keep them moving. Characters develop and change without changing the core of who they are. At this point, all it has to do is stick the landing to get a 10/10.
Haikyuu: 9/10 It’s still Haikyuu.
Still damn good. I almost cried over a receive that went really high up.
Talentless Nana: 9/10
This is a thriller that has kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering how it’s going to play out. I can’t get into it much without spoiling the base concept much, but if you like My Hero Academia, Among Us, and The Promised Neverland then DEFINITELY watch Talentless Nana.
The tension stays high, you don’t know who’s pulling all the strings, and they do an excellent job of giving you enough hints and foreshadowing to try and guess at some of the twists before they reveal them but still keep the action almost unpredictable. I’ve been seeing it week-by-week but I feel like this will be a show meant to be binged in one rollercoaster of a day. Again, I’m waiting to see if it sticks the landing but forsee a 10/10.
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
dropping by to tell u that ur my favoritest yan fic writer out there and your yan genshin updates give me life MUAH
thank you so much nonnie!!!! 😘😘😘 i appreciate you!!! i’ve absolutely loved writing for genshin, so i’m glad that the community is thriving with so much content aaaa ❤️ warms my heart...
anon 2 asked: I’m not sure if this has been asked before or not, but have you read/watched Togashi’s other work Yu Yu Hakusho? If you haven’t, I think you’d definitely like Kurama.
i have heard of it but i haven’t watched it before! i looked up the design for kurama and wow... he is a very pretty boy. he has these mysterious vibes that makes me think i would like him. if i ever get around to watching it i’ll keep an eye out for this boy 👀
anon 3 asked: If you don't mind me asking, what other games do you play besides genshin?
my cycle of playing games is kind of messed up by genshin right now since that’s the main game i play whenever i get hit with Gamer Urge. however, the games ive enjoyed the most recently other than that would be divinity original sin 2, darkest dungeon, pokémon, animal crossing, and fire emblem!
anon 4 said: it's nice to see a fellow hu tao simp! i was so excited to see you make a yandere hu tao x reader,, i rarely see any x reader content of her so i just silently suffer most of the time 💔 ty for feeding us hu tao simps good food op i will be reading that story religiously everyday 🛐
we need more hu tao in this world, i fully agree. every time i see her i just can’t help but smoke... i think it’s the super cute hair. long pigtails 🥺 ANYWAYS you have god tier taste anon. i trust anyone that loves hu tao.
anon 5 said: i am going to kiss u on the forehead as gently as i can,,, that hu tao fic was absolutely delicious❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
THANK YOU NONNIE!!! i was worried at first over how much macabre hu tao typical dialogue to incorporate into a fanfic, but i ended up content with the balance. she can be soft when she wants to, after all. i’m happy that you enjoyed it!
anon 6 said: You posted the harem HCs right after I finished work and it was such a treat to read. I love them. I know you obviously didn't write them for me in mind but thank you for brightening up my day!
PHEW what good timing!! i end up working on my writing on and off throughout the day and finishing it around the time people (in american) time zones would be getting home. i’m glad that you were able to enjoy the headcanons after a day of work!!
anon 7 said: I loved the Liyue reverse harem, how can you be such a good write???Xiao being a puppy is actually cute and I love this concept
i was looking forward to including vigilant xiao watching over his crush the most 😭 it’s just an adorable sight to picture. he’s such an intimidating figure, it can’t help but melt your heart that he’s there to ensure you’re always safe. the main trick is writing the most self indulgent stuff, anon. that is what produces the best you have to offer because you’re having such a good time writing it.
anon 8 said: akfhdsh Lock why was that Zhongli fic so hot🔥?? Ahh I haven't been able to get it out of my head ALL day & 5000 words? You are superb 😍 I can't help but feel so sorry for poor darling. Having to do that with him on the very first night, man didn't even give her a break/a chance to settle down. Either way I'd love for you to throw some concepts here & there if you can 👉👈 or share your afterthoughts ^_^  the universe in this one felt especially great! I wish you the best of luck, take care <3
it’s all because of the random zhongli dream anon 😭 i couldn’t get him out of my mind until i wrote a loooong fic for him. the idea of his darling being with him since the archon war days is my favorite! i’ve always had a soft spot for it, ever since i was trying to figure out what a yandere zhongli might look like back in november. it’s just... genuinely horrifying to imagine being stuck with that for thousands of years. especially when people view rex lapis so highly in liyue, darling feels even more alone on her festering feelings. there’s no relief to be had.
i think i’ll do a big ol headcanon post because the world for yan zhongli and his god darling is so big, i’ve given it a Lot of thought. but the main gist of it is how darling deals with the inaccurate portrayal of their history together. and of course, she interacts with others, since zhongli has the reassurance from the contract that she won’t try to escape. so there’s a lot of angst there. 😭
anon 9 asked: Hey! any plans for more Hu tao content in the future? your last story was just really gooood, she's such an interesting character! I've also been hooked to Rosaria and I'm wondering if you plan to write for her aswell... hopefully no one asked this already lol
i’d love to write more for hu tao!! she is a character that i adore a lot. currently, i don’t have any ideas for her that would get me going, but once i see one or get hit with inspiration she’ll make a reappearance. i do have a few hu tao requests so hopefully those will help inspire me. AND ROSARIA... 🥺 WHAT A WOMAN. i want to learn more about her!! i’ll write for her when her stories and voice lines are all out, that way the characterization is more accurate. she captured my heart with that distant attitude and those listless eyes 🥰🥰
anon 10 said: hi hi!! i just wanted to say i discovered genshin impact bcs of you! i saw your yandere genshin posts back in november, i didn't know anything abt genshin or their world but i read it and just googled their names to know their appearances lmfao and until then i just fell into a rabbit hole of genshin. i eventually grew tired of not knowing anything abt genshin and its lore so i craved around early january and downloaded the game despite me not rlly being a gamer™ and now i'm here at ar 51, a hu tao main and no, i haven't touched grass since downloading the game 😭
ah yes, welcome anon, to what could be considered heaven or help depending. if you were able to get hu tao then i’d say you’re in the latter camp (aside from having to grind for her ascension materials, that is pure suffering). it’s a fun game to get into during this quarantine/spotty lockdown time, so i hope you’ll enjoy your time with it! i’m glad that mihoyo releases content often enough to keep us well fed.
anon 11 asked: Lock dearest, have you ever watched Jujutsu Kaisen?
i like that super cute girl with short finger hair!! i’m planning on watching the show when it’s completed, which i think is soon? ill binge watch it. i’ve recognized a lot of my favorite voice actors from the clips i’ve seen posted, so i’m excited to give it a shot.
anon 12 asked: You watch Demon Slayer? It's really great 🤯
i’ve seen clips of the amazing animation before! it’s currently on my list of shows to watch. 👀👀
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
Family day playing hooky hc
(this turned into another fic. Apparently I don't make the rules anymore)
Read on AO3
It's the beginning of a long summer. Both kids are home - well, not really, since Amy has signed them up for several activities all around the city. Today is arts & crafts time at the children's library wing, Jake notes as he checks their shared calendar before the morning meeting. But they are home, insofar as Mac's school is closed for the summer holidays, and so's Maya's kindergarten. They drop them off at their daily activity in the morning, and the rest of the time they're at his mom's, who's been happily overfeeding them and entertaining them as the proud grandma she is. Or they drop them off at Gramma Peralta’s first, and she drives them to whatever place they were signed up at. It's a pretty good routine, and he's proud of Amy having found so many things for them to do that seem right up their alley, judging from their excited stories during dinner and the ever growing collection of handmade gifts on their living room shelves.
But they're home for the summer, and Jake and Amy have to sit at the sweltering precinct, slogging through paperwork and a dull week of almost no new cases. It's really not fair, Jake thinks. He remembers his summer days with Gina, when Nana would hand them both a couple of dollars and tell them not to be home until sunset at least. They can’t do that, obviously - Mac and Maya are still too young, and Brooklyn has definitely not gotten any safer since his early teens, when it was already questionably sketchy for him and Gina to stalk around the neighbourhoods and buy cheap ice cream and soda at random bodegas. He also remembers those few rare days when his mom would get a day off that did not need to be spent on catching up on housework, or when his dad would finally show up for more than one day and they could plan a little trip (which would actually take place at least 50% of the time). He remembers the aquarium and the zoo and the natural history museum and Central Park and Coney Island.
And they could absolutely do that, he realises, so the decision is pretty much made before he’s even set his bag down at his desk. But he’s patient enough to wait through the morning meeting - blessedly short, because nothing new has come up anyway, and they’re all told to finish up the paperwork and start on re-organising the evidence room. Jake supposes it’s a generally good thing that crime seems to slow down in the summer heat a little, but that’s not really why he’s so happy right now hearing the captain tell them to ‘find something to do anywhere’. He certainly knows what he wants to do already.
Amy’s morning meeting must’ve been just as short, because she’s already at her desk when he jumps down the last steps of the stairwell to her floor. Her uniformed officers mostly give him a quick nod or smile as he passes - it’s not a rare thing to see Detective Peralta come by to visit his wife outside of break times.
“Good morning, Lieutenant.” He smiles at her, and she rolls her eyes with fondness. The title is still pretty new, and he loves to remind her of it any chance he gets.
“Hey babe. We’re not due for lunch for another 4 hours, you know that, right?”
“Yeah there’s no way I’m waiting that long.” He’s still smiling wide, and when she looks up from whatever paper she’s been filling out, she instantly recognises that mischievous glint in his eye.
“What are you planning?”
“Let’s bail the kids out of the library and go somewhere fun. Coney Island? It’s all open since last saturday I think.”
“We have to work, Jake.” Amy levels him with one of those ‘please be a grown-up’ looks, but she knows they seldom get results.
“Do we, Ames? Do we really? Because Holt has us organising the evidence room. I have literally zero open cases on my desk. And how far ahead are you with all your paperwork and organisation?”
She looks sheepishly at the very small stack of papers on her desk.
“About two weeks, I’d say.”
“And you’re saying we can’t take one day off? Just one day of family time? Getting cotton candy and taking Mac on an actual roller coaster now that he’s tall enough and winning a new teddy for Maya because you’re an ace at the fake shooting range?” He wiggles his eyebrows for emphasis, and Amy stifles a snicker. It’s too bad her husband knows exactly how to win her over for most of his childish endeavours.
“I guess it wouldn’t be so bad to take some personal time right now. We’d still have to convince Holt-”
“On it.” Jake slaps her desk in excitement as he gets up, ready to race upstairs and sweet-talk Holt into giving them the day off (or rather, annoy him into it). Only Amy Santiago would request permission from her boss to play hooky, of course, but there’s no way he’s not going to indulge her.
It’s not even fifteen minutes later that he’s back downstairs, his bag already on his shoulder, almost pulling her out of her chair.
“Got the go-ahead, so let’s go!”
“Give me five minutes at least to brief Gary, and change out of my uniform before I leave.”
He sighs and thrums his fingers across his thigh, but obediently watches her talk to her ‘own Amy’, eagerly taking notes about the few things they actually have to remember to do. He refrains from pushing her forwards by the shoulders as she heads to the locker room, deciding to pack up her purse instead (he knows the layout perfectly by now - the calendar and pen goes next to the baby wipes, and the glasses case has to be by the little box of healthy, kid-friendly snacks). But the moment she returns in one of her signature flowery blouses, he grabs her hand and drags her out of the precinct so fast she can barely protest.
The drive to the library is equally as quick. Amy only manages to slow him down once they step into the actual building, reminding him of the library rules of being quiet and calm.
“Lieutenant Santiago!” The librarian behind the desk greets her - she’s well-known around these parts, obviously. “Back so early? Isn’t your mother-in-law picking up the kids later?”
He should probably call her to tell her about the change of plans, Jake thinks as Amy explains and asks if it’s possible to get Mac and Maya packed up and ready to leave already.
It’s absolutely possible, of course, and Maya proudly shows them the pipe cleaner and yarn figurine she’d just finished making as the kids librarian leads them out to the main floor. Mac, a few feet behind her, seems wary as he hugs them hello.
“Did something happen?” He asks into the hug, quietly, and Jake remembers with a twinge in his heart that the last time someone picked him up unexpectedly early from football practice, it was aunt Rosa, taking him and Maya to the precinct until Amy brought Jake back from hospital after getting knifed by a perp.
“No, buddy, this is a good surprise.” He hugs him back extra tight, ruffling his hair for good measure, and silently cursing his line of work being so shit sometimes.
Mac smiles back at him, luckily, but there is still a bit of hesitation in his eyes, and Jake’s excitement about his own idea of playing hooky falters for the first time. Maybe they should’ve just let the kids enjoy their crafts and grandma-time, and planned a proper day out for the weekend-
“Grandpa Holt gave us today off.” Amy explains as she steps up to the two of them with Maya by her side, and that title still sounds a little weird even years later. “So we thought we could all go out for a fun day at Coney Island!”
The squeal Maya lets out certainly changes Mac’s smile for the better, even as it is quickly shushed down (they’re still in the library after all!), and they’re soon dragged outside to the car by their kids the same way Jake had dragged Amy out of the precinct.
“C’n we get hotdogs?” Maya asks as she clicks her seatbelt closed and Amy smiles at her through the rearview mirror.
“We sure can!”
“Can we go on all the rides?” Mac joins in, and Jake is glad to see there’s absolutely no hesitation on his face anymore.
“All the ones you’re old enough for, sure.”
The questions and cheers and excited chatter keep up during the whole drive, even as Amy calls Karen and barely gets a word in, between the happy interruptions shouted from the backseat, and it takes a lot more to actually keep them together as they step on the boardwalk, Maya already running left to some game parlour while Mac races on ahead to the first ride he sees.
The rest of the day does not slow down in their whirlwind. Mac decides after three roller coasters that maybe he’s had enough (and Jake is glad they didn’t go through the food stalls before it), but he spins Maya around in the teacups ride like only an older brother could. The ice cream after is well deserved, seeing how sweaty and exhausted they are already, and gives them more than enough energy to hit literally every game they can see. Jake can watch Amy calculating the vast amount of money they’re spending in tokens, but she’s also the first one in line once they reach the toy-shooting range, winning Maya a unicorn plushie and Mac a knock-off superb-man figurine (his wife is a goddamn sharpshooter and he’d be lying if that wasn’t a turn-on). The third shot earns him a wacky pair of sunglasses that make both Amy and Maya giggle in that way he loves the most, and he refuses to take them off for any of the silly pictures they take in front of cutouts, wall art and weird statues.
He’s pushed them up into his hair by the time they get hotdogs (3 for him, 2 for Mac, one each for Amy and Maya), because the sun is already starting to set and he can barely see. Maya begins to shiver as they stroll down the quieter parts of the boardwalk, so he buys her one of those kitschy animal-hoodies all the stalls are touting (they know their clientele too well), and of course Mac immediately needs one too, so now there’s a tiny tiger and a slightly larger dragon running in front of them with cotton candy sticking all over their hands and faces.
Amy slides her arm around his waist as they slow their steps a little to let the kids go ahead, and he lays his across her shoulder as she leans into him.
“I don’t think I’ve ever had more fun playing hooky.” She mumbles, and Jake laughs for a second.
“Amy Santiago, are you telling me you’ve played hooky before? I am shocked. Here I thought I’d married an upstanding girl.”
He gets a soft punch to his side for that before she leans back and whispers.
“Actually, you’ve made me play hooky before, remember? But we didn’t exactly go to an ‘amusement park’…”
“And yet you’re saying this has been more fun. I see where I stand.” He pouts before grinning again, and leans down for a soft kiss. (He definitely remembers the last time they played hooky now.)
“Sorry, babe.” Amy smiles as she looks at Mac and Maya again, currently busy chasing each other and dueling with the sticks left over from their cotton candy. “But this has been such a great day.”
“Yeah, it’s gonna make for one hell of a memory, I hope.” He follows her eyes forward, thinking about that short moment with Mac at the library earlier today. Amy hadn’t heard it, he’s sure, but the look on her face as she pulls him to look at her with a hand on his cheek tells him she knows his thoughts well enough.
“Hey. No sad thinking allowed on such a fun day, okay? We had a great time today and we’re gonna have so many more great days in the future.” She’s still smiling, swiping her thumb across his bottom lip, where he’s sure some cotton candy is still left clinging. “We could take them to the zoo next week.”
“Santiago!” He gasps again. “Are you insinuating-”
“On the weekend.” She leans up to kiss away the last bit of sugar on his mouth. “Like the upstanding girl you married would do, obviously.”
He laughs into the kiss even as he pulls her closer, and it’s only Mac and Maya, running back to them with news of another stand they’ve discovered selling funnel cakes, that makes them break apart again.
Later, after Jake’s carried a sleepy Maya up to their apartment, and she and Mac have barely had enough energy left in them to brush their teeth and wash their faces free from all the grime and sugar that’s covering it, he falls down on the couch as Amy checks on them one more time to see both fast asleep before the lights are even out.
“Do you feel as tired as the kids?” She says in her deep, sing-song voice that sends goosebumps up his spine, just as much as her hand raking through his hair does as she stands behind the couch.
“Well, it’s been a pretty long day. But I do have more sugar in my system to keep me running, I guess.” He tries to sound nonchalant, but then she leans down to nip on his ear and ‘nonchalance’ is the last thing he’s thinking of.
“Then how about we save time between now and bed by showering together?” She whispers, and he lets his head drop back to actually look at her.
“We have never saved time in the shower together, babe.”
She only smiles at him while humming an M-hm before heading for the bathroom, and he definitely doesn’t waste any time following her.
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