#what substance there was was handled poorly imo
moesartblog · 2 years
I watched that edgerunners show and
Well I can’t say I liked it
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softgrungeprophet · 2 years
me: idk the infantilizing way fandom woobifies characters (like peter, for example) makes me uncomfortable esp. in the way it intersects with perceptions of a character’s class, neurodivergency, sexuality, gender etc.
also me: anyway flash thompson did nothing wrong
in all seriousness:
obviously i post much more in-depth about the reasons i feel various retcons have handled flash's character poorly, but sometimes i'm like Am I a Hypocrite? and the answer is no because i'm usually not trying to make flash into a softboy either so much as trying to marry multiple aspects of his character as they have appeared in the original early comics with some more recent aspects, while also making an executive decision that i disagree with the depiction of him as the schoolwide terror or the singlehanded life ruiner
cause i don't feel that accurately reflects what we had been shown for most of his character and it feels like it's mostly just used as a tool to make peter seem more helpless and ''relatable'' (by sanding off all of peter's edges) (which is not actually relatable for everyone, it turns out) or else used as a tool to make flash himself less humanized
ideally they should be roughly rivals though technically they can't be because peter could kill flash with his bare hands but like (and i’ve spoken about the rivalry dynamic at length before so i’ll be brief here) EMOTIONALLY SPEAKING they should be on equal footing imo. neither is afraid of the other and that's like... kind of the point, right?
one: that peter is not just the antisemitic stereotype of the jewish wimp and why his masculinity is actually very important in that context, but also two: how flash is mostly .... well. it's in his name. he's all flash and no substance (when it comes to being a threat, at least. obviously as a character/person he has a lot more substance than he lets on, exemplified by peter’s surprise at him reading poetry)
anyway these are things i genuinely think about a lot when i write but also like... Flash is amusingly one of the hardest characters for me to write despite how much thought i put into it (or maybe because of how much thought i put into it).
i spend a lot of time trying to balance his roughness and his softness cause they're both important but sometimes it's very difficult. peter is ironically much easier to write possibly because he's such a hater and i can relate to his anger and id so it comes to me faster whereas flash has a little more to untangle cause i don't want him to be TOO sweet because of the ways he has purposefully closed himself off, but i don't want him to be too hard either because he does have that softness to him even when he's angry. he's an inherently vulnerable character and it can be difficult to do that well. at least it is for me
the sweet spot really is getting that friendly/bitchy banter between them just perfect
#nadia rambles#nadia reads comics#the frenemies of it all...#also i think there's a deeply relatable aspect to flash and peter being rival-friends who are not very nice to each other but then#slowly maturing and realizing hey this fucking sucks actually and i would like to be gentler and more tender with you if that's okay#cause like yeah! being a teenager fucking sucks in a lot of ways and the 12-18 demographic is often really unkind to even their best friends#so growing out of that is a crucial aspect of growing up and re-forging your friendships in a less toxic and less destructive way because#you love your friends and you don't want that dynamic to be that way forever#and i think that is SO clear in flash and peter's relationship so when it's rewritten so that peter is terrified and flash is just a bad guy#i find that frustrating both because it doesn't lend itself to the dynamic changes in their relationship and their eventual closeness#and because it feels dishonest to the ways in which their relationship actively evolved and the ways in which IRL friendships do the same#a way of trying to scrub any messiness out that ultimately shoots itself in the foot cause why the fuck would they ever become#as close as they became in this scenario. it's a great example of a retcon that doesn't really fit into what it's retconning#imo at least#reasons i hate the ''flash showed up in middle school and ruined everything and stole peter's friends and terrorized the school'' takes#sorry cullen bunn i enjoyed many aspects of your agent venom run#but i really hated that one spider-man minicomic about flash being a terrible bully that he wrote prior to doing agent venom lmao#i don't even remember what title.... it wasn't very good in general lol#plus i didn't personally enjoy the flashback about him breaking that other character's arm for being gay cause like it said#i don't feel like he really was a schoolwide bully so it doesn't really fit to me personally#but also it felt kind of annoying to read about flash's sadman hours by using this gay brown dude as an emotional plot object lol#i didn't feel bad for flash at all in that issue like yeah you better feel guilty#but i also don't think in retrospect that the incident itself fit his character#but to each their own i guess
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Oh boy, here we go with my drunken ramblings(this is me trying to coherently type for the second time cause i messed up and closed the tab after filling it in, the first time!!) But thanks for the ask Anon<3
my favorite female character
yes yes no prize for guessing it is Regina Mills. I liked her from the start, I tend to like dark, angsty characters anyway so it was a no brainer. She came across as a complete badass, getting shite done, tearing the very fabric of the universe in the name of revenge, oh such a drama queen, my teenage self lived for that , I say as if my adult self doesn't lol, but the thing is her rage spoke to me, her pain, I could feel it, her desire to destroy the people who wronged her felt like vindication to me. But what I related to more was her immense capacity to love, her love for her son was something so raw and pure, it absolutely blew my mind, and her desire to become someone worthy of her son's love, to become a better person, the hero that her son is so enamoured with, it helped to humanize her and helped her character to break free of the confines of the one note aspect of her initial arc. And Lana played it brilliantly imo, she did this character justice, even tho overall it was a shit show. And that is why this character still has such a hold over me, and has become so much more than canon could ever handle. I hope she continues to flourish in fanon, she was too good for the mediocrity that was OUAT anyway.
my favorite male character: 
eh all male characters are so poorly written in that show I don't think I ever care for any of them, other than Hen and even then he was reduced mostly to a plot device(I know so did the rest but hey ho).
my favorite book/season/etc: 
Season 1, the premise was interesting, it attracted me, I wanted to see what exactly was going to happen, how will they play with this fairytale characters trapped in our reality with no memories of their former selves, how will Emma break the curse, will she be able to break it, what will be the complications of undoing it, and they did touch it but failed abysmally to flesh it out and then they started pandering and it became a huge effing gimmick with no substance oh well.
my favorite episode (if its a tv show):
 Despite the stupidity that was in abundance with this show, I did like a couple of episodes from the later seasons but i have to give it to TSSV. As i was a talking about in my previous ask for HP, nostalgia plays a big role, memories u associate with certain things makes it more appealing, and TSSV was THE EPISODE for SQ fans like me, I mean i was here from day 1 shipping remma:P with all my 12 fellow shippers but TSSV kinda made it blow up. I live blogged that episode, I missed my classes for it lmaoo, I remember the hype around the almost kiss and when it actually happened in the show and all of us collectively lost our shite. We were coming from a two weeks break and the anticipation was HIGH AF, it was chaos, the good kind, I was flailing over Emma Swan's arms and getting emotional over Regina's haircut "FLICKY HAIR FEEL" TM, it was so silly but so much fun,it was the best time to be in the fandom, it was just great. Yeah so maybe some other SQ heavy episodes were probably bit more intense but my vote will always go to 1.05, "THE STILL SMALL VOICE" it is.
my favorite cast member: 
Don't have any, I used to like the cast but overtime I became quite indifferent to them so don't have a favourite.
my favorite ship:
 hahahahahah it's sad but it's also funny because like it's been what, 9 years, right?! and Swan Queen is still and always will be my OTP. It makes me so angry that my ship got stuck in such a shitshow, but also like it was such a good ship and I met some of my best mates because of it. And the fact that we still are so weak for those two idiots, I can't believe it and you see that's why I am so effing bitter about it, that they had such a good thing in their hand and they squandered it all, so much potential all wasted UGH!!! To sum it up this is how I feel about it
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a character I’d die defending:
 Emma Swan, she never really has many people on her corner, it amazes me cause she was the protagonist and initially she was such a relatable character. She went through so much and she came out of the other side a pretty decent person who actually has a great capacity to forgive and I liked that about her, cause she would not lie down and take it, she would call you out on you bs but she would also be the first person to stand up for you if she believes in you, because she never had anyone doing that for her, so it was important to her that she gets to do that for the people she cared about. And then they destroyed it all and shoehorned her storyline with a self serving bastard and eventually wrote her off her own story like WTF. Emma Swan deserved better. And I for one can never forgive them for robbing and stripping her off her agency and butchering her entire characterization and reducing her to a ridiculous caricature, a shallow husk of her former self, fk them:/.
a character I just can’t sympathize with: 
okay we are going to step in the drama hmm. I don't feel like talking about the wooden mop and deplorable dunderhead because it leaves a bad taste but I really loathe those scenery chewing unnecessary lamps. 
a character I grew to love:
Probably Kathryn yeah she seemed like a good person trapped in a shitty situation who was trying to make the best of it, she was cool.
my anti otp: 
My favourite characters forced into terrible storylines with detestable Love Interests!
This is basically me raging about Once with a smattering of story time ugh I apologize for the ranting but it is what it is!!!
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calliecat93 · 5 years
Top 5 Things I Disliked About RWBY Volume 5
(Top 5 Likes)
I don’t think that I’m exaggerating when I say that RWBY V5 is most likely the most hated volume thus far. I… don’t hate it. Oh don’t get me wrong, it is a flawed volume and suffers badly in the pacing department. I still put it above Volumes 1 and 2, but it is definitely below the rest. But hate it? Nah! There’s plenty that I like about it, and I’ll get to all those on the Likes post! But we gotta do Dislikes first. While I don’t hate V5, with how much hate it had gotten and still does even nearly two years later… let’s just say that I have a lot of negative feelings towards it. So I have not looked forward to going over it again, especially in a negative context. But… I do have dislikes and I do want to talk about them, and I’m not gonna let my own feelings prevent me from doing so.
So, let’s get to my Top 5 Dislikes of Volume 5 and get this over with.
#5. Corsic and Fennec
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So… imo, the worst villain in the show is Cardin because he is just a one-dimensional bully who only exists to be a hate sink. But my second least favorite is these two guys. While I really like their designs and voices, as villains? They suck. THey’re just kinda creepy followers of Adam. Why? Why are they following Adam? Why are they serving the extremist side of the White Fang? I know why Ilia is doing it, but why these guys? If they were just nameless mooks I wouldn’t care, but they’re the main antagonists of Blake’s arc in this volume aside from Adam and the ones fueling Ilia’s extremism. I was expecting more substance, but… nope. There is none.
They have no motivation. They seem to want what’s best for the Faunus, like Ilia does, they’re just less hesitant than she is. But they have no real character. They’re just… there. I never felt like they were a threat or a concern. They’re just creepy cult leaders, and that’s just boring for me. Maybe that was the intent? IDK. As villains though, they suck. But as I said, they had good voice actors and hey at least unlike Cardin they have some kind of purpose, so I’ll leave it at Number Five
#4. Leo Lionheart
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Honestly, Leo wasn’t a bad character. I understood where he was coming from, especially after V6. He feels like Salem can’t be and is afraid, so he shifted to Salem to survive. He knows that what he’s doing is wrong and that he’s giving in to cowardice, which hey he’s honest, unlike say… Raven. Clearly, we’re supposed to feel bad for this guy and his turn after serving Ozpin faithfully for so many years and this is a fall from grace form a once-proud Huntsmana nd Academy Headmaster. But… I… don’t feel bad for this guy. At all.
So you know how ‘show don’t tell’ is a frequent critique towards RWBY. Well, V5 may have gotten that the worst. Leo suffers from that. We’re told about how he was this great Huntsman How he was once one of Ozpin’s most loyal followers, and the betrayal still has Oz reeling in the next volume. But I don’t see any of that. We never knew about Leo until this volume. We never see or hear about how great and loyal he is until now. We don’t even find out that he’s a Faunus, and considering Mistral’s racism you’d think that that would be a bigger deal than it gets made out to be. I don’t feel bad for this guy. I just see him as a coward who allowed various Huntsmen to die just because he was scared. I didn’t care if he felt bad because I had zero reasons to feel sympathy for him or feel bad about his fall from grace. He led people to their deaths all because he was a coward, and there is no sympathy in that.
Leo was a weak character. As such, as horrifying as it was, I was perfectly happy when he died when I’m pretty sure that I was supposed to feel some sympathy. His voice actor did a really good job, but sadly the character himself was underdeveloped. It’s a shame, and hopefully, they avoid that with the Vacuo Headmaster. But yeah, Leo was weak, and good riddance to him.
#3. The Battle of Haven
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By far, the most well-known criticism. I knew that this wouldn’t be as epic as the Fall fo Beacon considering that they weren’t going for a mass assault/statement like in Vale. Which was fine and since they were still new to Maya, I wasn’t expecting a massive brawl like then anyways. Like I’ve said before, I feel like V3 raised a somewhat impossible standard so IDT that the Haven fight would have pleased a lot of people no matter what they did. But… that being said… they didn’t do a very good job here.
It starts off well, but from about the point that Weiss gets stabbed, it goes downhill. We have characters just standing around. Fights just end without us getting to see them. The pacing is awkward. Some of the animations are awkward. We get fight teases like Qrow vs Raven and RWB vs HEM… and it’s already over when we cut back to them. It’s frustrating as Hell. Now group fights are very difficult… but this was just… lackluster. Now animaiton is not easy, so I think that the animators likely did the best that they could in the time that they had. It’s just unfortunate that the final result was not very good.
FOr what was meant to be the grand event, it sadly wasn’t very grand at all. I do think that they improved as the next massive brawl against Cordo’s mech was much better and gave everyone something to do. It’s what I appreciate about CRWBY, they acknowledge the mistakes and they do their best to correct them. Honestly, it could have been worse and again, animaiton is hard and they’re on a time limit. It’s unfortunate that the final result couldn’t have been better, but ah well. I’ll take what we get.
#2. The Pacing/Exposition
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The thing best known about this volume, aside from the issues with the Battle, is it’s over-reliance of exposition and having nothing really happen. I mean, The House has become infamous. I think that some of the exposition was necessary, like Raven making Yang question Oz, but it does drag quite a bit. We have a long stretch of volumes where it’s mainly just characters telling stuff to others. The RNJR training arc goes nowhere. Qrow recruiting Huntsmen goes nowhere. Blake repeating Ilia’s backstory despite the Blake trailer already going into it. The Weiss Sky fight, as awesome as it was, probably could have been trimmed down quite a bit.
All of this makes it feel like the volume is going on forever and it gets boring to watch. I’m glad to have all fo this info and clarifications, but they don’t do anything to make it interesting. Like when Qrow tells us about the God’s in V4, they use some creative animation to make it visually interesting and keep our attention. They don’t do that here, and they don’t do anything interesting with the camera work or the character reactions to make it at least entertaining to listen to. And as I already covered, the Battle for Haven dragged out and had choppy fights that got cut short or happened off-screen. Which made what should have felt super exciting… well… not.
This volume drag. They gave it a good start, and then just… kinda stretched it out to fit the 14 episodes. A lot could have been trimmed down I think. I heard that writing fell behind a pretty good amount, so this one is fully on Miles and Kerry. I’m sure that they tried their best, and I can only guess that they got overwhelmed. I mean heck, they had to cut out an entire plotline while well into production, and don’t worry we’ll get to that in a minute. Had they done a little reworking and rearranging, the pacing could have been a lot better. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. IDK if I’d call it the worst written, but it may just be the most boring.
Still, the volume did has a lot of good character stuff and conversations. As such, I can suck up the pacing. That being said, there was one thing about V5 that did genuinely upset me. Like I still feel like V5 gets hated on more than it should, but this I very much did not defend. What is it?
#1. Ruby Rose Was Poorly Handled
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This just angered me. Ruby is my favorite character. I had a lot of expectations for her in this volume. We’re going into another Battle. We have an arc et up to have Ruby improve as a fighter and not be overly reliant on Crescent Rose. Even the Yang Trailer hinted at that. With Oz back, Ruby can start to question about the Silver Eyes and maybe figure out how to properly utilize them to help int he fight. She’s about to get her team back, so we can see how her leadership skills have improved. Maybe we’ll have her open up about her pent-up feelings. We kind got that when she talked to Oscar, which to be fair was a good scene. But we were still waiting to see her open up and to have a payoff for all that was built up, especially with her renewed resolve to be a Huntress.
And they did absolutely nothing. 
I can’t begin to tell you how disappointed I was. Her training arc amounts to her head-butting Mercury and is still completely reliant on Crescent Rose. Aside from the one scene with Oscar and when Yang re-appears, she doesn’t open up about her feelings at all and little is done to get her to do so. We see that she has PTSD in Haven when Cinder goes at Jaune, but she has zero real reaction to Cinder nor the damage that she dished out to her in V3. She doesn’t really interact with her team when they’re back… though the reunion scenes themselves are really good. She doesn’t question Ozpin whatsoever about the Silver Eyes or even indicates that she’s wondering about it. Like… really guys? Really? Even if Oz just said that he didn’t know anything outside what Qrow told her, we still could have had something from her end. Anything. 
No? Really? We’re just... not gonna do anything? She is the main character, so... shouldn't there be at least a little? Still no? Okay...
Ruby was wasted. This should have been when she began to rise up, take the reigns back with her restored team, and become more serious about her training. I don’t expect her to become a Yang-level brawler, but I do expect to see her trying to progress and getting some kind of payoff. But there was none. She didn’t grow whatsoever. Not as a fighter, nor as a character. What’s worst? You know that cut plotline I mentioned? Yeah, it WAS supposed to be about Ruby and the Silver Eyes. They were going to introduce Maria here and have Ruby begin to understand her power and likely have a proper payoff to her training arc if Maria got involved. But due to timing, they had to cut it and push it into Volume 6. While I fully understand why they did this, the results of that decision show. Ruby was done overall poorly, and while V6 did a lot to fix that, it is still the thing that I dislike most about RWBY Volume 5.
Okay, no more negativity with this volume! Onto the good things! Happy thoughts folks~!
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nadziejastar · 5 years
Do you think Subject X was created purely for the sake of the sea salt trio + Isa to have a role in future games?
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Sadly, no, I don’t. Quite the opposite, actually. I think the concept of Subject X was thought up many years before this girl even existed. Ever since KH2FM+, Isa was meant to be Subject X. I mean, Saïx is the one with orange eyes and a large “X” on his face. I think the canon Subject X was created because Lea—and especially Isa—will never be able to live up to their true potential as characters. They are both irrelevant at this point. Lea and Isa were given almost no backstory in the Xehanort Saga because BBSV2 was cancelled, so they are awkward half-baked characters with little hope for improvement. They’re in the same boat as Xehanort.
Nomura said he wanted to explore Xehanort’s youth in a future game, but he was told the Dark Seeker Saga needed to be over with KH3, so he wasn’t allowed to. Xehanort is a joke now and he’ll never be able to be salvaged. I think the same is true for Lea and Isa. Nomura had all these concepts like mind control and human experimentation planned for them, but he couldn’t follow through, since they were connected to the Dark Seeker Saga. So, what he did was slightly tweak these concepts a bit so that they would relate to the Foreteller stuff instead. He gave Isa’s backstory to a new girl who was totally separate from the Xehanort Saga. That way he could have some kind of story to tell going forward.
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IMO, Mystery Girl’s existence has nothing to do with providing other characters relevance. She wasn’t created for the benefit of the existing characters at all. She was created to be the new main character and to take their place. They exist for HER benefit now—to give HER a way into the existing story, not the other way around. Roxas and Xion don’t have a connection to her that I’m aware of. But Lea and Isa’s role going forward will simply be to shift the focus onto her. That’s the only reason they were given a backstory at all. 
They will have a marginal role going forward. They are effectively plot devices now. Then they’ll fade into obscurity once the new Union X main characters take their place. That’s apparently the plan. That’s why Nomura said he wanted a “blank page” when asked about the rest of the old organization and Isa’s scar. He’s effectively pushing the reset button on the story. That’s how badly the Dark Seeker Saga conclusion tainted everything.
The truth is, Nomura is not capable of juggling such an enormous amount of main characters. He never wanted to have such a bloated cast. KH3 showed that very well. Kairi might as well have stayed on Destiny Islands for all the good that she did. Roxas and Xion barely had any dialogue, and none if it had any substance. Their problems were instantly resolved. They didn’t even need to talk things out with Axel (or Saïx, for that matter!) Just…BAM! Everyone’s eating ice cream on the clock tower singing Kumbaya. Hayner’s group never even got their memories of Roxas back, at least on-screen. That’s how little Nomura cared about any of them by the end. They exist to sell DLC packs, that’s all. I am not expecting much in the future from any of them, since Nomura will have so many other things to deal with. Like the Foreteller stuff and…Verum Rex…
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If you think about it, where is there to even go with them? All Roxas wanted was to live a normal life in Twilight Town, so he’s set. Xion had no real goal other than to find out her identity. Neither of them were friends with any of the other characters besides Axel. They’ve never exchanged dialogue with anyone else. Lea was never allowed to have his character evolve past being “the guy obsessed with Roxas,” even after he got a Keyblade. Despite being a Guardian of Light, he barely interacted with Sora. Even his relationship with Ventus was treated like a joke. 
He didn’t seem like he truly belonged in the group. He joined late and didn’t have strong connections to any of the other Guardians of Light. He didn’t know what was going on or who anyone was. Nobody knew who he was, either, or why he became an organization member. It didn’t seem like he grew close to anyone. The only new person he bonded with in KH3 was Kairi, but he forgot all about her by the end. He was relegated to the Twilight Town “clique” at the end because he had no backstory to connect him to his real home.
Isa was never allowed to evolve past being…Saïx. Now he’s just “Saïx but now obsessed with a random girl he barely knows anything about”. He definitely has no place in the series. His so-called redemption happened off-screen and he has no friends or bonds with anyone except Lea. And Lea doesn’t even seem to like him and barely tolerates him. All he existed for in KH3 was to provide Roxas a body and to mention Subject X for sequel-baiting.
Lea and Isa’s friendship had no real narrative importance. Lea had nobody to bring back anymore, so he got sidelined during his fight in favor of Roxas and Xion, who offered nothing to the story themselves. Then when they came back, Kairi wasn’t needed. If Skuld becomes the new star—which she no doubt will—I expect that Lea and Isa will share the same fate as the Final Fantasy characters. Cameos. Side characters, at best. Unfortunately, that is a very poor prognosis for all of these former Nobodies. FF characters have no role anymore because there are so many characters.
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KH3 already had way too many unnecessary characters, so I have no reason to expect the sea-salt trio or Lea and Isa will have much significance going forward, considering poorly how they were handled in KH3. Nomura wasn’t interested in having that many characters, now there’s even MORE with all of the Union X ones. I don’t expect much effort will be put into all of them going forward. There are going to be casualties. There was no room for all of these characters in the first place. Most of them are a lost cause now that the Dark Seeker Saga is over and will be left collecting dust.
Roxas and Xion were never supposed to come back, anyways. Lea and Isa had the potential to be an important part of the main cast, but that isn’t gonna happen now. I’m sure Nomura didn’t intend it to be that way, but without receiving a real backstory or bonding with the rest of the main characters, they have nothing to do or contribute. Skuld certainly wasn’t needed if Lea and Isa developed a deeper bond with SRK or TAV.
If Isa was properly rescued, he could have become a Keyblade wielder and then he and Lea could have been relevant for their own merits, not just because of a random girl they barely knew and haven’t spoken to in 10 years. Isa’s certainly in no position to have a Keyblade now, since he’s barely even a good guy and nobody really likes Saïx. If a popular character like Lea couldn’t even get proper treatment in KH3, there’s no hope for a character like Isa, who was never even given a chance.
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Of course, new characters would always need to be created in a long-running series, but they had enough main characters to continue the story. But now they’re adding an entire new cast of Union X characters on top of the existing ones? These aren’t supporting characters, either. These are brand new protagonists being introduced. That wasn’t done so Roxas and Xion or Lea and Isa could remain relevant. Isa wasn’t even popular enough to be rescued. Nomura doesn’t care about keeping him or Lea relevant. It was done to move on from them. Nomura has given up on them. He doesn’t even seem to like them anymore, if you ask me. 
I 100% believe that a lot of Axel’s dialogue in KH3 was meant to be a self-aware roasting of the awful story and characterization. That is how it read to me. Like Axel’s “especially Roxas!” line. It felt like it was put in to parody Axel’s embarrassing, one-sided obsession with Roxas. And I definitely think Nomura is ashamed over what Isa was reduced to. I don’t think he’s going to be very motivated to include either of them in the story very much going forward.
It’s no wonder he’s using Lea and Isa to introduce Skuld. They have no connections to anyone else. Roxas and Xion aren’t going to want to hang out with two grown men all day when they’ve got kids their own age to play with. And their relationship with each other is not even very solid. Saïx did spend all of KH2 trying to kill Axel, after all. They never did work out their issues in a healthy way, so they needed to focus on something else simply to make things less awkward. So what’s left for them? What else is there for them to do?
If you ask me, nothing really, other than to be used as plot devices to introduce one of the NEW main characters. Once they find her, what’s left for them? They don’t even have a REAL relationship with her, so I doubt they’re going to become a meaningful trio or anything. They’re also anomalies in the series due to being adults. Skuld was a teenager in Union X. All the other characters that have returned are the same age they were in Union X. I highly doubt Skuld will be any different. They’re not going to make her a grown woman. JRPGs have a bias against adults. So, Lea and Isa will probably be a decade older than her, too, which will just make them seem even more out of place. My expectation is that Roxas and Xion’s story is basically over and there’s nowhere to go but downhill for Lea and Isa.
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typologycentral · 6 years
[Fi] Bloody Fi purge! Your inferior cousin needs some dominant and auxiliary guidance.
To preface: I love you XNFPs and unbeknownst to me, always have. For one, it's been edifying and validating to see some of my all-time favorite humans (writers, musicians, actors, thinkers, etc...) being typed as XNFP. Even before learning about typology and gaining a deeper understanding of Jungian cognitive functions, I was actively working on (what I now know to be) Fi development because a lack of it had reaped much unnecessary hardship onto my life. Therefore, I think that conscientious journey led me to people that embodied their Fi with vigor and authenticity and helped me get in touch with my own, for which I am eternally grateful. And now on to the issue at hand (this is a long read but I'm trying to give relatively detailed information that might help you to help me): For a little under a decade, since high school, I've had an on and off, pseudo-platonic, quasi-romantic, eternal soulmate, occasional f-buddy relationship with this ebullient, effervescent, deeply insightful, dreamy eyed, pixie warrior priestess (INFP) that, in my relatively short life, has always stood a mile apart from the "Gone Girl/Cersei Lannister/Elle Driver/Cookie Lyon/Harley Quinn/Akasha, Queen of the Damned" fare I've usually attracted [strike]...and been equally attracted to[/strike]. Our first interaction was a classroom debate turned bloodstained duel to the death over the ethics of eating animals (I swear on the atom, this is not a utilization of an NFP stereotype lol). Something clicked (energy + angst + lust + social isolation + troubled pasts), and from there, this happened > I'd never before intimately known someone who had the chasm of incongruously layered emotionality she possessed--ostensibly she experienced feelings in a plethora of shades from eggshell, hunter green, and cobalt blue to neon yellow and not only that, could verbalize them as such. Meanwhile, I only had ready access to basic black, white, red (all degrees of rage), grey, and at my best, a metallic gold. Though wholly confounding, maddening and taxing to me, I had never felt more woke and unchained and set free. It was intoxicating to experience a wider array, a more diverse palette of feelings. I obviously never reached her depths, patterns and colors, but even experiencing a trifle more than I was previously accustomed to felt like a massive, tectonic plate moving, internal shift. She saw me shed an actual, solitary tear once under extreme duress but in better times, just by staring into my eyes and smiling on a whim she could easily make me mist up with soul purifying relief, which was a gargantuan, almost incomprehensible feat for lesser mortals and I truly honestly never before felt so connected to someone on a level that was nigh impossible to articulate in a rational way. And particularly when she was sad and grieving (probably because of me), which often left me feeling inadequate because I was too emotionally dumb and powerless to effectively help--which, in and of itself, beset me with very real, very potent, personal "trigger" landmines. Especially back then, I neither spoke of nor experienced emotions with great affect. I understood them cognitively and intellectually, but to actually engage them with my "heart" felt like a blind man wading neck-deep in cement. My take on our biggest, most immediate problem aside from all the other reasons this union was likely to fail? We just spoke completely different cognitive "languages (Ni vs Si? Dom Fi vs Inferior Fi? Dom Te vs. Inferior Te?)" that always created endless communication gaffs, roadblocks and nuclear disasters. For example: Pixie: "Did I see you at Starbucks earlier today with Cersei f%#king Lannister when you were supposed to be at a study group?" Me: "That was the study group." Pixie: *heart imploding with the force of a billion suns* "Why didn't you tell me that?" Me: *blistering dispassion with a hint of exasperated bemusement* "Look, our past relationship is just that, in the past. You have nothing to feel insecure about. It was harmless, only work. You know I love you." Pixie: "That's not what I asked you! Stop lying and trying to hide and sugarcoat things! You know I hate that brother f%#king bitch! Why didn't you tell me you were going to see her? Me: *voice box shredding like the Hulk's Capri pants* "Because that was fucking irrelevant. She was put in a group with me! Her strategy to double-cross Dany and Jon will fall to shit, for Christ sakes. Are you happy now? You always focus on the wrong thing!" She always wanted to know the exact details behind what actually happened in a very direct, matter of fact way (perhaps to refine the many possibilities she generated for why I would withhold supposedly important information from her), whereas I always instinctively and immediately went to why I did something or the "why" concerning the underlying problem, because the "why," the deeper meaning (should and theoretically, in my mind) supersedes anything else, and especially when problem solving and coming up with a viable solution imo. Ultimately, it just didn't work. Idiotically yet idealistically, we wouldn't let that stop us. We broke up and got back together a few times before deciding that we were better off as this nebulous, ill defined glob of corrupted love and unresolved daddy/mommy abandonment issues that maybe one day might actually not fall apart at the seams just as it's getting good again. The whole idea and its subsequent execution was dysfunctional, unhealthy, ridiculous and plain ol stupid, but I gather this was us trying to be intense, brooding and deep. Dunno exactly. We'd go on to see other people and sometimes, in between relationships, link up again. Usually we couldn't reach a year and a half before we wound up back in the other's arms/bed. Moving on. She experienced a tragedy (by her standards) about 3 years ago while I was literally on the opposite side of the planet and whereas I would've normally come flying to her aid with an S on my chest, I made the conscious choice not to. Already enduring my ascent to power (lol) being stifled because of my brokedown Fi usage as it pertains to my burgeoning career, I resented yet another unwieldy force (Pixie) possessing that type of influence over me as well; I defiantly chose self-interest above anyone or anything else (like I'm instinctively wont to do, right or wrong, good or bad). She kept trying to reach me to the point of flooding all of our communication channels with emotional spam (from childish antics to vile, unforgivable diatribes). After a while, I felt bad, decided to reach out to her but was ignored for 2.5 years straight. That had never happened before--it broke our unspoken rule, which devastated me more than I realized. I grieved (rather poorly by over-utilizing Se), but eventually tucked it away, moved on and focused on work. I figured we were never meant to be anyway but that I would still love her (from afar) and wish her the best regardless. Lo and behold, she called me last night out of nowhere, drunkenly seeping concentrated pain, spewing regret, betrayal, rejection, abandonment, hatred and then love for me. She says, through tears, that she's still in love with me and wants to know if there's any chance for an "us." I felt terrible and thoroughly confused. I tried to listen and be supportive (my Te is completely inept at properly addressing/handling others' intense feelings)--I just don't naturally "speak" emotions in an unforced, compassionate, empathetic, organic manner. I'm better than I used to be but I was blindsided, taken aback and don't think I did much good. Honestly, I don't need or want this in my life right now; I'm so engrossed in my work and achieving my goals and going by what she was saying over the phone, she's still stuck in past patterns of dysfunction. I don't want that anymore. But I truly do care for her and want her to be well and happy--just not with me and not right now, at least. I hate that she is suffering but I don't know what, if anything, I should/could do to remedy this. And now, finally, here are my questions to you smart, capable, helpful people*/**: 1. When you are expressing your feelings (whether "good" or "bad"), what is the best way to respond to this that will make you feel heard, understood and validated? 2. When overcome with negative feelings that seem too powerful and unrelenting, how do you self-soothe (using safe + legal methods)? 3. Is there anyway I can speak my truth and tell her honestly where I'm at and what I want at this point in my life without further hurting her? Should I do it regardless or is it better to wait for when she's more stable? 4. Tangent, now that I have you > How do you know what you value? (Is that a stupid question? lol) I think I know what I value ("money-power-respect," knowledge, meaning/substance, fairness, justice, individuality) but it can be hard to finesse on the spot (when asked) and not come off as crude and unrefined. Do you spend a lot of time going over in your mind what is meaningful and significant to you, or do you just know somehow? (like how I seemingly "know" and intuit stuff via introverted intuition) To those who made it all the way to the end, thank you. I would really really really really appreciate some help. I have very few people in my life I trust to give me strong emotions related advice and none of them are XNFPs. Their emotions are just as trash and poorly developed as mine are. lol *Obviously, there are a multitude of ways that people respond to these things that exclude type but I'm looking for any and all variations, particularly from XNFPs and anyone else who can provide insight. **And I will shamelessly bump this thread until I obtain the breadth of insight I seek. :shrug: https://www.typologycentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93755&goto=newpost&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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