#tpn analysis
lonely-cereal · 4 months
A small analysis about the psychological aspects of "The Promised Neverland's." world and how messed up it is
I'm reading TPN light novels and listening to September's Instrumental (sparky deathcap) and it's raining and I'm starting to realize how terrifying yet beautiful living in that world would be. A beautiful life, wonderful friends and a loving mother. You don't know anything about the bad parts of the world. It's you, your friends and your family awaiting the world that will never come. You'll never face the horrors humans outside know and face everyday. Until the very end, you lived a life most would die for -- a happy and rich life full of smiles.
But once you find out the truth, Life isn't just "wake up eat play games and imagine with my friends." it's being consumed by death and knowing yours is lingering right in front of you. You,a mere child, learning the hard way that life isn't perfect as you thought it was. To learn to mask your emotions, to keep secrets, to know deep down that You will never, ever, be able to change this system. You can only run away, or join the system. No matter how much you run from your fate of being eaten, The generations to come will suffer the same fate your older siblings did.
Your only option is to run, or to serve them. To assist the cycle you hated so much, or to leave it all behind.
unless, somehow, your wish comes true, it's a cycle of lies, death, rivalry, and fear.
the idyllic world everyone else knows, if you really had no other choice, makes giving up not seem like the worst option.
You were happy, weren't you?
(for my TPN Mutuals, if you have anything to add please do. Topics like these interest me and Promised Neverland is perfect for this)
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Norman's Reason of Murder, Analysis
(Inclued Ray and Emma too but mainly Norman)
Norman decides he must kill the demons because it's the only way his family can survive when there's truly no Neverland to escape to. Those who insult hard on Norman for murder overlook this: Norman was dying, and before he died, he wanted to leave a world to live in for the people he valued most in life and for whom he had worked for years. He thought he had no other choice, he would bear the price of this murder, he should bear this burden. All of these come from the responsibility and sense of justice he has felt since childhood. Just like Ray decides he can take the burden of killing people when Minerva's first shelter is found. "I am ready to carry this burden."
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Because Ray has been carrying the burden of the truth for years. Emma was also ready to take on the burden of every child she encountered and the responsibility of her life. Even if Emma's failure meant the children would die, Emma did not consider failing. The burden Norman is trying to carry is the same as Emma and Ray, but unlike the two of them, Norman sees himself as deformed after Lambda. He thinks that no matter what he does, they will not accept him as his old, true self, but Ray was thinking almost the same. (Did i mention i love norray). Ray believed that he had no place with his family and that he had to die at the end of the 6-year plan because Ray think their family doesn't show him understood because Ray watched their siblings die for years and they might thought Ray's humanity was destroyed. But there wasn't a rule for humanity in that world. Ray had Emma by his side to shake him, but Norman didn't have Emma at first. I want to hug Emma, she needs to shake me too. Emma, on the other hand, could push herself up, her psychological endurance at a level I could never have imagined.
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Back at Norman, he was deathly afraid of ever hoping again, believing that his plans and dreams were destroyed forever so he afraid to trust Emma and Ray about Mujika, afraid to believe there was another world. He think, he dissapointed hard after this and all of his family die. Norman wasn't bad, Isabella wasn't bad, they never were. Because when all the information you have about the outside world is likely to be fake, when you have spent years surrounded by lies and the truth is hitting you like a slap in the face, you cannot learn to do something that society deems evil because you aren't learn "act evil for gain" If one sheep bites another while running through the meadows, will we call it bad? It's not the same as a murder in the world we live.
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In this panel Norman says : I hope in your next life, you enjoy life like a human.
They never carried like humans.
Norman get away too, too much suffering and try to create a world humans can live. Norman is right
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They feel peace in this panel because they were accepted, they were each other and they feel incalculable trust for each other
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valenteal · 9 months
Okay so I just got into The Promised Neverland, the anime, I adore season 1. It was beautiful and heartbreaking and hopeful and unique. Season 2 isn’t half as enjoyable but I think this for different reasons than most people.
Everyone else is like ‘oh no they skipped over so much of the manga’ and I’m just like????? No??? Because the way I see it the whole Lambda thing is a cop out that makes exactly 0 logical sense. After season one they lost the plot. Simple as that. They did irrational things for the sake of drama.
I mean think about it, they didn’t want to actually kill Norman so they came up with this elaborate experimental plantation but it doesn’t make sense. Norman was the cream of the crop, the one they were looking forward to, they wouldn’t keep him alive and experiment on him and possibly make him inedible. When we farm animals do we do that?! It’s illogical. If they were trying to clone him I might get it but they weren’t. And then when Norman goes crazy from the torture (because drama!) part of his arguments is that the demons in charge want to maintain the status quo. They’re supposedly very happy with the current system. If that were the case they wouldn’t be doing those experiments at the cost of their best product!
And don’t even get me started on the whole ‘eating humans to be intelligent’ thing. Like… that’s not… where did that even come from!? But oh wait! There’s this super convenient solution! It’s so convoluted but also so forced, like… that isn’t how biology works. I get that this is a fantasy world but that’s too far.
If it were me, I’d have season 1 stay the same and just scrap season 2 for parts. I actually like Sonju, even if his appearance is a bit deus ex machina. His motivation for helping them is interesting and I think he creates a unique situation for the kids. I like the religious fanatic angle, and I like the kids having a mentor. If they’d just let things continue organically instead of forcing it… I mean Ray isn’t stupid, he wouldn’t carve the coordinates where enemies would see. He would have at least used code. They could have stayed at the base thing and built a freaking safe haven and then launched a quiet war against the farms. Guerrilla warfare, slowly rescuing more and more kids, building more bases. Do it realistically, none of this ‘one chemical weapon solves all our problems’ and ‘but wiping them out is wrong!’ quick fixes and simple plans stopped only by moral dilemmas. It too simplified but they try to disguise it with all the drama. It’s okay we took the cowards road and didn’t kill Norman cause he’s so traumatized we can barely recognize him! It’s okay we’re pulling easy solutions out of our asses because they trigger moral strife and end in the main characters struggling to choose the path of light! Drama!
Look, I haven’t read the manga yet but I don’t know how much more I would’ve liked it. It doesn’t matter if we get more context, it’s still just burying the plot holes and cop outs in more drama. We don’t need a simple answer, that’s not how systemic oppression is fixed, that’s not how war and rebellion works. There are plenty of ways they could have gone. Hell there are other, better ways they could save Norman! His shipment was abnormal and unscheduled, Isabella could have saved him or Minerva and his followers, something else, anything else.
I have feelings about this. Season 1 was amazing. Season 2 was just full of familiar cop outs disguised as “plot twists.” It was disappointing. This series had real potential.
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On Cecile's plan including the destruction of the sisters' embroidery and Cecile embodying the figure of the traitor
I'm really going through it now. Okay you know that unconsolable dread one is afflicted by when history goes lost. Ancient libraries burning, historical art pieces being destroyed; it shakes to the core, because to destroy books and art and historical artefacts means to destroy the last items that carried the memory of people long gone; and doing so means killing them again, once and for all. Because if there's one thing more scary than death, that's the thought of being forgotten forever; then, you won't just be dead, but you'll cease to have ever existed.
I needed to preface that because no sane person would do that of their own will; it's going against the natural emphaty all humans share and that is ineherently human; it's going against one's own humanity.
But that's what Cecile did when she threw the sisters' embroidery to flames. The history of sister after sister who fought against the system, a legacy of trainees hoping in a better world, hoping that even where they failed, someone else could still succeed. Young, abused girls who still believed escape was possible, that a world of freedom could be real. And Cecile threw all of that away. She killed those girls again, and that makes her ruthless. And she did that because she loved another person.
And to do that because you love another person. To do put everything, everything on the line to grant their survival. To go against your own humanity just because your love for them is stronger than anything. To selflshly (can I say that?) condamn every. other. person if it's to save the person you love. To be willing to have them hate you till they're alive, as long as they stay alive.
Like idk I don't think we talk enough about Cecile as the figure of the traitor. Because she intentionally made herself guilty of betrayal thrice at least. She betrayed the system; when she put Krone's survival over hers, going against all the principles the mama system is based on. She betrayed all the sisters that came before her and that had entrusted her with the embroidery as a way to escape; to make Krone appear innocent. She betrayed Krone, by framing her; to grant her survival. And all of that- all of that, she did for Krone.
It's funny- in Dante's depiction of Inferno, the deepest circle of hell is where traitors get punished. The circle is divided in four rounds; on the first round are punished the traitors to family. On the second, traitors of the nation. The third is for hosts who betray their guests. The fourth is for traitors to their lords / benefactors / masters. It's curious, Cecile kinda fits every category: she betrayed her family (Krone), the nation (the system), the guest (the mama structure that gave her a new place opposite to sure death, though this one is a stretch); the benefactors (her seniors, the sisters that came before her and gave her the means to escape). The last round is dedicated to the punishment of what Dante deems the worst sin a man can commit: the betrayal of your own benefactors. The people there - Judas, who betrayed Christ, and Brutus and Cassius, who betrayed Caesar - are forever damned to be incessantly eaten by Lucifer.
Cecile is the epitome of traitor. Not a traitor like Minerva Norman, who tried to kill Emma's friends when she was away in order to pursue the greater good; she's probably a closer traitor to GF Ray, who gave the lives of other children in exchange of the sole survival of the people he loved because he thought there was no other way. Who was willing to be hated by them for that, as long as they would have survived.
If after dying she was sent to Dante's Inferno, she would end up in the last rounds of hell. She tainted herself of sin, and she did all of that for love.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 3 months
Your analyses are the best. They are so fun to read and I over think everything afterwarrs
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Thank you!
For analyses above my level, I highly recommend checking out these if you haven't already read them:
The two chapters of Kei Toda's Reading The Promised Neverland with a British/American Literature Scholar (2020) that have been translated into English by fans (Chapter 2: Religion by @thathilomgirl & @0hana0fubuki0 | Chapter 3: Gender by @1000sunnygo)
Anime Feminist's "Emma’s Choice: The gender-norm nightmare at the heart of The Promised Neverland" article (2018) (good follow-up to Toda's chapter on gender)
Jackson P. Brown's "Thoughts on… The Promised Neverland, and Black Women in Manga" (2018) blog post and Zeria's video essay/blog post (2019) on Krone's depiction
Jairus Taylor's "The Unfulfilled Potential of The Promised Neverland Anime" (2021) which made me more open to the idea of a remake of S1
For tumblr posts (some of these I'm linking through my blog because I either had a minor link addition or think the OP's/prev's tags deserve to be seen and rebloggable, but you can just click through to the original post):
@puff-poff's exploration of the demon world's culture (Part 1 & Part 2)
@just-like-playing-tag's examination of the farm system, Emma character analysis launched by a minute change in S2e02, and mini-Isabella analysis regarding her treatment of Ray (along with her blog just being a wealth of knowledge in general)
@hylialeia's post on the series' handling of Norman's plan/the oppressed and oppressors
@avadescent's analysis of the S2 ED album art (Norman and Emma are perpendicular; Emma and Ray are parallel.)
@linkspooky has a lot of analyses from when the series was running but special mention to this analysis of Norman's character
@vobomon also has a lot but special mention to her Norman is autistic and Norman has PTSD posts
@goldiipond's "Ray is autistic" essay
@emmaspolaroid with some of the best Emma and Emma & Isabella meta in general
@nullaby's post on Isabella and Ray's relationship
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goldiipond · 5 months
YOUR ART IS SOOO SWEET AND YUMMY ive been sucked in by your raydon propaganda i need to hear more
and i am soooooo normal about raydon you have no idea<3 i've been meaning to make a more in-depth analysis on their dynamic and why i like them as a ship for someone else who asked but i haven't had the chance to organize all my thoughts yet </3
tbh the biggest thing is i just really like their development through the series because like. don is shown to really admire ray and obviously pre-escape ray is experiencing the horrors and is actively pushing everyone besides emma and norman away and i really like seeing them grow closer after ray is finally allowed to begin healing it's very sweet to me <3
their dynamic is just really good in general and i think it is very underappreciated. and in the context of romance specifically i like the idea of them finally being allowed to get to know each other and seeing don's admiration turn into genuine love while ray tries to process his feelings (and probably has a few crises over it<3) and i think don being such an openly affectionate and caring person would definitely help ray as he learns to handle recieving affection and giving it as well. also it's really sweet seeing how emotional ray makes don at several points in canon and i like thinking about him just being so overjoyed whenever ray shows him any sort of affection (and ray noticing this and making a mental note to do it more often <3)
tldr theyre both very sensitive people in different ways and their development is very sweet and the would be so good to each other and they are cute. also they are funny as fuck
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graphx · 1 month
interesting hypothesis…
I have made other posts about how demons differ based on what they eat. I thought this scene when Don, Gilda, Emma, Ray, Violet and Zack were searching for the golden water temples was every interesting
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We as the readers have seen demons with feet like that! (These are just Bayon cuz his outfit makes it the easiest to see his feet)
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i don’t think it has ever been explicitly said that masks are a sign of wealth, we only know that older/richer/ more dangerous demons have masks that are harder to break
but if they are a sign of pride and status then lower class demons that the protags were interacting with would not have seen the faces of rich demons before!
so hypothetically the humans could show their faces/feet and claim they were rich demons that didn’t show regeneration? The poor most likely haven’t seen human faces before because brains are the most valuable part
but I don’t think it’s been confirmed how well they can smell humans since they had to wear perfume
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Hello there 👋
Can you talk about why you feel the way you do about the female bsd characters? (including the female characters you like) and while I don't think the author doesn't know how to write female characters I think the biggest problem with the female characters is that they're underutilized and barely have much screentime ( the most one we saw recently having screentime currently in the manga is teruko)
Hi!! I love you all SO much but seriously I don't have the mental stability to talk about why the bsd female characters are badly written ahah. Here's my best attempt at it:
I hope it's enough for me to say there's a female / male characters proportion of like 1:10, and no female character has any real repercussion on the plot– literally. Besides from Kyouka and Lucy and maybe Yosano? you could hypothetically erease every other female character and... Realistically, nothing would change. That's just how much irrelevant all but three female characters are, and there's already very few compared to the rest of the male cast. The four main / most popular characters are all males. Dazai is openly sexist and it's just kind of there never to be addressed. Akutagawa is repetedly violent with his female coworker and it's treated as a gag (like you DO realize how repulsive it is to write a character who is obsessed with her abuser and never be intentioned to elaborate on that because I guess that's what women are supposed to do according to author? Like. okay). But honestly the main issue for me is how each of them literally gravitates around another male character. God, it's SO annoying. And I mean every single of them!!! Every. single. Every single!!!! I struggle to come up with even one exception to the pattern. Kyouka has Atsushi as her savior, Lucy has Atsushi as her savior, Higuchi is obsessed with Akutagawa, Naomi is obsessed with Jun'ichirou, Gin literally exists because of Akutagawa, Alcott is just there to aid Fitzgerald, Margaret's only role in the story is to save Hawthorne, Elise is just expression of Mori. Teruko is a person in the body of a child who literally drools over her 50-something superior, like we hadn't as a society come to the common agreement that the “not as old as she looks” trope was disgusting pedophilia apologism like ten years ago (but it's okay though, because pedophilia was established to be okay in this manga at like, chapter 15 or something) (is this the good time to bring up that time Aya asked Kunikida out? No? Okay let's just collectively pretend that never happened). Do I need to go on? I haven't read Gaiden, but do I really need to read it to know Tsujimura gravitates around Ayatsuji? Oh wait, I was just remembered about Gaiden's full title: Bungou Stray Dogs Gaiden: Ayatsuji Yukito VS. Kyougoku Natsuhiko, and if that doesn't speak of the consideration author gives their female characters, I don't know what does. It's just– no female character is ever going to have their own novel. No female character is ever going to be protagonist. They'll just keep being treated as they've always been so far, like flat and personality-less disposable plot devices.
Now. I love Yosano's backstory, I really do- I think it was the best executed arc of the manga, reading those two chapter still gives me chills. But you do have to acknowledge, Yosano herself has no agency in the entire arc development. It's okay, she was eleven, it's natural; but she is just tossed one way to the other by other characters. That, and I can't stretch it enough, is not a bad thing on its own; not all stories have to scream #womanpower to be good stories. It's a good story. But you need to acknowledge it does nothing to empower female characters' role in this manga; it just speaks once again of it being a systematic problem, how author can't write female characters like they were masters of their fate if their life depended on it. And it's not that just because there's one (1) mini arc that happens to have a female character as its protagonist, author knows how to write female characters with depth, or agenda, or an objective, or personality, because... They clearly don't.
Like. I probably became annoying by now but like. When was the last time you found any bsd fan whose favorite character was a woman? When was the last time you found people describing themselves as a Lucy kinnie? If you ask me, it's not a matter of fans' fault for overlooking female characters; the female characters in this franchise are meant to be overlooked, because they're abysmally less stretched out and complex compared to their male counterparts– because male characters are distinctive and unique, while author can't go outside the range of one-dimensional femme fatale, letal woman (Yosano, Kouyou, Teruko, Christie, Gin / Lucy / Elise too to an extent) and woman who's just there to obsess over a male character (Alcott, Higuchi). But do not fret, because author will sometimes go outside that scheme by making a letal femme fatale who also obsesses over a male character! (Naomi). Also this
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(Have you ever wondered why I never talk about Beast Gin? Yeah.)
Okay but you see the problem here? You see how it's impossible to make the same kind of argument for the male characters, because they're all diverse and various and multilayered as much as their little screentime allows? Higuchi doesn't exist outside Akutagawa, Lucy doesn't exist outside Atsushi; but it's not like you can say the same goes the other way round. That is, crossing out the various parallels drawn between male characters, but that only speaks more of how precisely curated male characters are, while all female characters... I'll be honest, aren't written as people. Author really sounds like your average Washington Post best selling psychological thriller author of the week that writes women like an alien species from another planet. It would have spared me having been writing this whole post for an hour (two hours? Which is definitely not the time I wanted to spend on this, man) if only author would have formed the thought, at the start of the serialization: “perhaps! Perhaps I should write women as people instead of writing them as female characters (whatever that means)”. Alas, we ended up with the infamous Naomi description from Untold Origins (what the fuck. who in their right mind would ever think of writing something like that. what the fuck.)
Now, I know if you're here reading this you most definitely like bsd. It's okay, really. Unpopular opinion, but people are perfectly allowed to like things that are flawed (and this is a big flaw). What's extremely important, seriously, I'm on my knees begging you, is to be critical of the media you consume. All kinds of media. Even if you end up disagreeing with me on this matter, really!! Just be able to tell apart the things that make appealing a series for you from whatever kind of agenda / worldview the author is pushing through, and peacefully acknowledge you can like something despite it having issues (because bsd has issues). I don't know who needs to hear this, but someone definitely does: “I love s/kk!!” “the bsd storytelling has many compelling aspects!!” and “I recognize the bsd writing has flaws some of which actively harm an already disadvantaged part of society” are statements that can and should coexist, and if anything - and I know you hate to hear this, I'm sorry, I'm sorry - it should be kept in mind when deciding to support the franchise by buying its products.
One final note is that like... I'm sorry if this comes off as pretentious but I seriously feel like people have NO idea what media with well written female characters look like, because for people to even question bsd being sexist is just insane to me (in the way: do we really need to to talk about it, isn't it obvious like ten seconds in the show??). And this is probably the least good place to advertise things, but please do yourself a favor and read The Promised Neverland and learn what well written female characters read like.
#bsd#bungou stray dogs#Me writing this: I guess this is why everyone hates political sciences students uh#Following up: Why Romanticizing Mafia Is Actually Very Bad (no click bait ‼️‼️ )#Also since I brought up tpn: do you really think that it's a coincidence that the manga with incredibly well written female characters–#and a socialist agenda who was in the top ten Japan's yearly best selling franchises for the entirety of its four years serialization–#got an insulting two seasons anime adaptation that completely narrated another story from the manga‚ a live action movie and THAT'S IT#While series like bsd which didn't even enter the top 20 selling franchises like? Ever? are at their tenth year of serialization–#an excellent four seasons (and counting) anime adaptation five spin-off manga one of which has its own anime–#nine novels as many stage plays and two movies? Do you REALLY think it's a coincidence?#anti bsd#For blacklisting purposes ಥ_ಥ#I know there's some people who won't like reading this but let's be honest... That's probably the people that need to read this the most ;;#bsd analysis#Of sorts...#mine#people asks me stuff#This post contains the several reasons why Tumblr can't become like Twitter namely 1) author in question has Twitter#2) Tumblr is anonymous so people can't send me personally death threats#3) It's Tumblr so people won't send me death threats at all (... Hopefully)#Also I'M SO SORRY I know I have dms pending I'm just the worst at answering them 😭😭😭#I swear I'll do my best to get to them eventually ;;;;;;
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emmaspolaroid · 23 days
Rachel hyping up my Emma and Isabella Dynamic essay to others?? no pressure at all haha ha (I now have three pages of word vomit-y notes .. this is going to be so incredibly long)
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girl4music · 1 year
Yep. ‘Forever’ feels like a character-centric episode that never really centers around the character themselves in much the way ‘The Body’ does with Joyce. Except it doesn’t really work at all because it’s evidently not the point. If it was, we wouldn’t be following Dawn’s story with accepting death in it.
There is of course the argument that it really centers around the theme of “grief”. But when a specific character is tied to a theme predominantly, then the theme should be explored through them, not at the expense of them. And as you correctly pointed out - there is no point in the episode where Dawn gets her subjective “look-through-my-eyes” moment that Willow gets in her character-centric ‘Something Blue’, and that’s given to pretty much every other character, including Willow, in ‘Forever’. We cannot feel sympathy for Dawn’s grief. We can only feel annoyed at her defensiveness. And that’s because the way the episode is written spends so much time affording that sympathetic character moment to everybody else but the centric character. And to be honest, the writing almost always does this with Dawn. It’s like their need to remind us that she is too young to understand her actions and choices overrides the requirement for the audience to better understand her. Thus, we get a character that largely remains a plot device than an actual living breathing human. Which feels weirdly and oddly ironic considering she began as a ball of green energy - something to use rather than relate to and resonate with. Which much of the season tries it's best to tell us is not true and does successfully. It’s the same sort of thing that’s the problem for me with Tara’s character. And perhaps that’s why they’re both the target in Season 5.
'Forever' honestly feels like a contradiction of this more than support and evidence for it. It's a shame.
Well reasoned, Ian.
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lonely-cereal · 10 months
I stayed up all night thinking about how depressing Rays life is.
Since he was just a toddler he had been gearing up for death his whole life, he never really found joy in much things because he knew he'd lose them. when he did find a good interest he never gave up on it.
When he read, he only did it to improve his value so he could save Emma and Norman, the two people he'd always loved with a true passion.
He did everything I could to prepare for the escape.
Became Isabella's spy
Gathered things for 6 years to disable the tracking device.
He also planned to burn himself alive.
Ray believed that he wasn't worthy of love because he stood by all those years watching everyone he loved die and couldn't do anything about it.
And also because his biological mom was the one killing all of them.
He did everything he could to make the escape perfect for Emma and Norman.
After the escape plans seem to be going smoothly, Ray's own mom snaps emmas leg and reveals that Norman will be killed in a day.
Ray watches as the plan he's worked on for 6 YEARS fall to ashes (no pun intended) and has to watch as norman refuses to escape alone, and is shipped out.
(When ray reunites with him years later, Norman has been traumatized by the demons so badly that he turns genocidal)
Then on his 12th birthday ray tries to light himself aflame to distract isabella and let everyone escape. When Emma saves him he's shook. Then she slaps some sense into him and tells him that his family won't let him die, and that they're all going to escape together.
After the escape ray admits that he "lost." to Norman and will continue to life for his family, and protect them no matter what.
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Bungou Stray Dogs just feel extremely connected with The Neverending Story. In Neverending Story, stories create stories and actually nothing have a end. Connected with it nothing have a start if they don't have story. Stories cause stories so its imposible to finish a story if you live in Fantasia. (The universe in Neverending Story)
There was endless universes endless possibilities endless characters endless situations. The book. Fantasia have a book which everything happen in Fantasia writing in it. Fantasia's book can't search a living creature just can found it . Book written by Old Soul Of the Wandering Mountain. (I can't directly translate it to English because i read it turkish)
Michael Ende (writer of Neverending Story and fascinating fantastic books , his books live forever in my brain) would be a great bsd oc. Michael Ende as a bsd character, ımagine...
People who live in world we know- and world we think we live- can come in to Fantasia. For example Shekespeare describe as a Fantasia traveler. I wonder Howard Philips Lovecraft ever go there ?
So in Fantasia humans who have a brain to understand fantasia's world can travel Fantasia every bsd author and port have a brain to this. Bungou stray Dogs is a theory born in Fantasia's endless meadows, forests, houses. Neverlands
Nikolai Gogol's stories, evenings from a farm near Dikanka, from Ukrania mountains, Fantasia have a visual look to people who look at it.... Ohh
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thathilomgirl · 9 months
After more than a year of work on this, @0hana0fubuki0 and I are finally able to present our translation of the Religion chapter featured in the TPN Western Literature Analysis book by Kei Toda!
The translations aren't perfect and the wordings picked might not match the desired nuance of the author, as the main translator is not a native Japanese speaker. If there are things that are unsure by the translator, they will be addressed later at the bottom. 
From what I can remember, this book was published at least a few weeks/months before the Mystic Code fanbook and 3rd light novel got released (and based on Part 3, also possibly finished before the last few chapters of the manga were out), so certain observations written here may or may not have been made obsolete by any new information revealed in these specific sources.
Names and terms used within the series follow the Viz English translation, and mentions of the manga’s timeline are double-referenced with the fanbook. 
The ESV translation is used for the Bible verses mentioned in-text. 
Another thing to note is that Kei Toda is looking through this topic as a Western literature/culture scholar, and not necessarily as a theologian.
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whamss · 3 months
Tagged by: @awellreadmannequin
Last song: I’m a designated Not That Into Music guy but Mahou by Myuk? I think (Where TPN season 2 failed me, the music never did)
Favourite colour: This bright ass blue (or green? up to interpretation): #5cffc8. I don’t know the name of this color I just know the hex code I assign myself in all of my servers. Runner up is #ad90bb
Last movie/show: The Zookeepers Wife (with my mom) and uh, Dungeon Meshi. Last show I finished in full was Steins;Gate (feels so long ago). I think last book would be a more interesting question for me to answer here
Sweet/spicy/savoury: I like Boring. White rice and buttered pasta. Savory I guess, if I must
Relationship status: Blissfully single
Last thing I googled: Have to disappoint people in that I only look up practical things like “How long do navel oranges last” and “How long does bottled soda last in the fridge” and “How long do pickles last” (notice a theme here)
Current obsession: Homestuck (permanently ingrained in my brain, does it really count?), min-maxing in Fire Emblem Three Houses (I come in for Edelgard and stay to try to make broken builds), meta analysis of media that nobody asked for... I’m reluctant to put anything school related here but unfortunately schoolwork is always on the mind…
I’m annoying enough that I feel very little shame in tagging several of my dear friends and mutuals: @terraco-07 @fantasiallamarcia @kurisus @loppiopio (I know you don’t really post here. Consider this encouragement to post more) @euclidpaws @bblueraven14 @rosemaryyuri. Others are free to hop in and pretend I tagged them, I don’t mind
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graphx · 1 month
what character in the promised neverland was characterized as motherly and kind but strict with a bun?
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I would pay so much money for their parallels to be adressed
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Not to say one can't consume media they don't 100% agree with (I do the same so like), but you talk a lot about how the core views of TPN vs BSD change your entire way of enjoying these two, and I was wondering what drew you in into BSD if there are so many aspects of it you disagree with?
(Not meant as an attack or as a questioning of you enjoying it, I always am interested in your analysis so this is just out of curiosity, and also I am planning to pick up TPN again sometime this year)
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#I've probably already mentioned it somewhere but this was the exact picture that made me start liking sskk wwwwww#And by extension made me stick around bsd#That said do I really talk a lot about t/pn???? To think I was doing my best to keep it at minimum‚ sorry‚ I sincerely didn't realize 😭😭😭#In the end sskk is just a ship I particularly enjoy consuming (and producing I guess) content of in this particular period of my life-#about that I know for sure I would definitely have hated the pairing when I was 14-18 ahah.#And tbh I hope next I'll hyperfixate on healthier ships#But I just. at this time of my life I find the idea of someone loving you despite you not being a good person strangely comforting.#The idea that even the most evil of people can be loved is oddly reassuring#Besides I like the fandom! I mean‚ in the perfect world at this point I would still be in the p/p fandom... But my p/p hyperfixation ended–#up burning out sooner than how it would have done organically because the fandom was nearly non existent and the canon content was–#untranslated and extremely difficult to access. With bsd the monthly chapters release is ideal in the way it’s both a constant influx of–#new content without it being overwhelming. And it's enjoyable to be part of an active fanbase!#I like receiving asks. And celebrating character birthdays together.#sskk#people asks me stuff#That being said please read t/pn if you can!!!! It's really a fabulous story with incredibly insightful themes.#But also remember not to watch the anime since it's not a good adaptation!!!!!!!#As for the physical reason why I got into bsd: it was to impress a girl. duh
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