#is his name written with one or two ds?
serenfloras · 6 months
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happy november everyone! we as a society should give her highness princess nefertari vivi of alabasta a gun she deserves it
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piece based on the idea that Dakota might've started learning guitar to play along with Ashe's drums ^_^ Ambigiously timed but was originally gonna be post s2 (tho their designs here look more s1)
Extras under the cut, as usual :3 AND a VERY detailed ID since this piece is a big one
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Detailed ID: a drawing of Dakota Cole and Ashe Winters from Just Roll With It: Prime Defenders, sitting in Ashe’s dorm room.
Ashe is sitting on the bed, with one arm behind her head and the other rested on her stomach, while Dakota is lying on his back on the floor holding an electric guitar, legs kicked up on the bed next to Ashe.
Ashe has white skin, long curly white hair, a few freckles, and is looking down at Dakota with an open mouthed smile. She is wearing a dark purple beanie with pins of Madeline from Celeste, the Welcome to Nightvale logo, and the knight from Hollow Knight partially covered by her hair.
She is also wearing a shirt with the album cover of I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning by Bright Eyes. Over the shirt is Dakota's red flannel. She's wearing black jeans, one black and green sock, and one purple and black sock with cat ears at the top and cat paws at the toes.
Dakota has mid-brown skin with a few moles, and medium lengthed, curly, bright red hair thats splayed out across the floor. his eyes are shut tight and his eyebrows are furrowed, whilst hes smiling widely.
He has a black bandana around his forehead. On his neck is a chain, and attached to that is a purple heart with the letter 'A' on it. He's wearing a white tank top, that exposes his shoulder which features a temporary Ms G tattoo of her face accompanied with the words 'Ms G' in a galaxy pattern.
Dakota's wearing beige shorts, and has another temporary tattoo on his thigh which reads 'Teaching Moment' in galaxy text. his socks are white.
The blue and white electric guitar he's holding has a sticker that says 'Prime defenders' in black and white, and another sticker that says 'Just Roll With It' in gold and purple. At the top of the guitar near the tuning pegs, it reads 'Prime'.
They are in Ashe's dorm room. Her bed has a blue mattress and a green blanket that's pushed against the pillow away from Ashe, and draping off the side of the bed onto the floor. On the part of the blanket that's on the bed, there is a plush of Morgana from Persona 5, and another plush of Bacon Man. On the part of the blanket that's on the floor, there is a Nintendo DS, except with the word 'Primtendo' written on it. On the side of the bed there are 3 stickers; one of Hatsune Miku, one of Mae Borowski from Night In The Woods, and one of Tony's Pizza.
On the purple carpeted floor underneath the bed, theres a cardboard box labelled 'Secrets'. There is also an oval rug that Dakota is lying on that has a green, yellow, blue, and red circular design. ontop of this is a pair of headphones with the wire spiralling across the floor, and an amp that Dakota's guitar is plugged into. the front of the amp has the word Prime where the brand name of an amp would be usually
Next to Ashe's bed is a set of shelves. On the flat side facing the bed, there is a My Chemical Romance poster of the album cover of Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. Under this poster are 3 photos, of Ashe and Dakota ice skating, Ashe and William walking on traintracks, and Ashe and William taking a selfie in bed. Next to these three photos are two school schedules, labelled 'Ashe Winters' Schedule' and 'Vyncent Sol's Schedule'.
On the shelves, the top shelf has a lit candle next to a box of matches. Next to these are 4 books titled 'The Carnival Of Souls', 'Planetary Problems', 'The Purps' and 'Overlord'. The shelf below this has a plant with small white flowers, in a ceramic pot with a blue heart, a red heart, and a purple heart on it. Next to this is a bottle of ibuprofen, and a turned on purple lava lamp. Behind these are more books titled 'The New Generation', 'Island Of Amal- [cut off]', 'Ultraviolent Light', '[cut off] -Don't R- [cut off],' and 'Good Cop, Ghos- [cut off]'
Underneath that shelf is an open drawer with two fairylight chains trailing out. One is in RGB colours and the other is golden. On the closed drawer below that, there is a Welcome to Nightvale sticker.
On the white wall behind Ashe, there is a window to her left. outside the light is golden, and there is a street. Behind Ashe's head is a Thank You Scientist poster of the album Maps Of Non-Existent Places, a Car Seat Headrest poster of the album Twin Fantasy, and a trans flag. There are also messages in smudged ink reading: '[cut off] -ncent was here !!!', 'Ashe. W [cut off] -s here :3', 'DC wus here <3', 'wiwi waz here [ghost doodle]' and 'love u man'
End ID.
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1000sunnygo · 4 months
Trafalgar D. Water Law: Whats the significance of Water?
Gonna be a long one, you can scroll down to TLDR below.
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Many of us know that the spelling of Water in Law's name isn't the actual katakana spelling of the liquid water, ウォーター (Wo-ta-), which follows the classic British pronunciation. Instead, it's a new word ワーテル (Wa-teru), which combining with "Law" (written as "Ro, ロー" in Japanese) makes the correct Japanese spelling for "Waterloo (ワーテルロー)".
Big Mom's hat is named "Napoleon", the irony.
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For the sake of separation from water, let's call it "Watel" for now.
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It may not be that deep. "Waterloo" could be a simple pun Oda came up with on a whim, but the scene leaves a bit of mystery. Law was abruptly cut off while talking with Baby 5 and Buffalo. And the pun only works in Law's name; it wouldn't work on, say, his sister Lami's name.
Also, for Law to uncover the mystery of his checkered fate, it'd make sense that his character arc is leading to finding the history of his own bloodline.
Trafalgar family happens to be the only family of Ds with an extra hidden name so there's something going on. Unfortunately, Law is the only surviving member of Trafalgar family and he knows nothing about it. Now it's up to him to restore his family's lost knowledge.
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Law says "Watel" is 忌み名, a "secret name."
The word 忌み名 (imina) is an uncommon word, Japanese readers needed to do some dictionary digging too. "Imi" (忌み) means abstinence, taboo, religious purification; "na" 名 means name. Imina can be defined as a pure name, or a taboo name.
There's an old Japanese article speculating about Law's name, here's a passage from it:
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The term "忌み名" encompasses meanings such as "given name for a person of high status," "title bestowed based on achievements during one's lifetime," and "name used for the deceased person." If Watel is a "忌み名" meaning a "given name for a person of high status," it might trace back to Law's ancestors, possibly connecting to nobility. Therefore, online discussions include speculations like "Were Law's ancestors individuals of considerable status?" or "Could they have been part of the royalty?"
To clarify what it meant with "the name given to a deceased person", I've read some articles about "imina", so let me share what I understood. It's an additional knowledge unrelated to Law's name, I'll explain why afterwards.
Names are often believed to be linked to spirituality, like how you can't exorcise a devil without its name, or use voodoo dolls on a person without knowing their name. In old Japan and China, sometimes two names were given to a person. One is the name that is shared with everyone, other is their taboo name 忌み名 'imina' - that is kept hidden within the family. This name relates to the person's spirituality.
忌み also means pure. As spirit world is linked to deities and gods, and dead body is considered impure. A person would be called in their imina or pure name when the person dies and become a spirit. It was forbidden to call a person using their imina during their lifetime, and to refer to them in their human world name after their death.
The parents gave their children a good 'imina' for their better future. A child with 'imina' has a connection with their spirituality, and by knowing that name, they were believed to have some control over their future.
According to this classic definition, a living person is never called in their imina which is their spirit's name, and it wouldn't be tucked into their real name. For Law to have an 'imina', rather than as his spiritual name, it is implied that his family carried Watel as a secret title that become part of a name over the generations.
From the theories I've read about Law's name, here's a common ground most of them agreed on:
D is a name shared among many people from The Ancient Kingdom, whereas the name Watel specifies a title given to a specific bloodline, for a yet unknown reason.
The theory that D's aren't a single bloodline became more apparent over time, it's now believed to be a codename that was passed down regardless of their ethnicity and family history (ie. Queen Lily who didn't belong to ancient kingdom) - only thing common among them is that they're the enemies of "gods", aka Celestial Dragons.
So who were the Watel? Throwing in my personal theory....
I think Trafalgar family didn't belong to the Ancient Kingdom. Rather, they were affiliates of the Neferteri Family that took the name "D".
There are some similarities between Trafalgar and Neferteri families.
Both of these families are the only D's that kept their names hidden, implying that their ancestors could retain some knowledge of the void century (unlike other Ds who seem to know nothing of D's significance, which means the truth of their bloodline was completely suppressed from being passed down). How could these two families survive the complete purge of knowledge? By never belonging to the ancient kingdom.
Both Neferteri and Trafalgar families are loosely attached to the classic "D" characteristics, to the point you can't immediately associate them to being D's. Rather than bringing a wave of change themselves, they're particularly interested about learning the history. Notably Cobra and Law.
Here's the headcanon territory.
The two families probably had connections in the past through two people: Queen Neferteri Lily and a Trafalgar who we don't know yet.
How were they connected? Couldn't be marriage, as the family names weren't exchanged.
Doctor and Patient, perhaps?
Watel was a title given to the Trafalgar by Queen Lily. That's where the 'title connected to royalty' of imina comes from.
The word Watel (ワーテル) doesn't have a meaning per se, but I can push it a little in meta direction.
A close alternative "Water" goes well with "Lily", the names combining into the flower Water Lily. We know that Arabasta is based on Egypt, and Water Lily in Egyptian culture has a great significance and connection to sun. Maybe the Queen's gesture of respect was to give a title that would combine with her name?
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Reminder that Law's name also has a 'combination pun', Waterloo.
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This is the only ancient doctor that has been mentioned in One Piece. Possibly the same doctor - that'd tie up most loose thread together. Too convenient? hasn't stopped Oda until now, has it?
Doctor Trafalgar possessed the power of ope ope no mi and performed many miracle operations, Queen Lily hired them for their skill and talent, giving them a royal title. Both Lily and the doctor took the codename "D" to support the people from Ancient Kingdom who were rebelling against Imu and the Celestials.
Doctor Trafalgar discovered the fruit's potential of performing a perennial youth surgery, an information that was intercepted by Nerona Imu. The doctor was kidnapped and forced to perform the surgery on him, the process taking thier life.
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Alternative could be that Watel was the given name of the doctor and Trafalgar family simply carry it as a tribute to them, remembering their connection to a royal family and an inevitable sacrifice.
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The fruit returning to the same family, to another Trafalgar who has yet to confront Imu as a D to find the history of their family - would truly affirm that Law's life is "checkered." After all, Water Lily itself stands for "Rebirth and Renewal."
From Water Lily - a flower that blooms in the morning to Queen of Night, Water Law's image flower, that blooms at dusk. It'd be poetic for Law to dispel the immortality affect from Imu. Hopefully without putting his own life at risk.
Rosinante believed Law is kept alive as if by a divine force. He must have a role to play.
- Law's secret family name Watel is an 'imina', in his own words, which signifies that it's a title passed down by his ancestors.
- Similar to Neferteri Family, Trafalgar Family are D's who didn't belong to the ancient kingdom and thus survived the purge of knowledge, able to withhold some knowledge and keep the D in their names hidden over generations.
-The ancestors of both of these families took the codename 'D' like people from ancient kingdom to support their action against Imu, even though they didn't belong to the ancient kingdom themselves.
-Watel was either the royal title or the given name of a Trafalgar who worked under/with Neferteri Lili, and was likely a doctor who possessed and discovered the immortality operation of Ope Ope no mi.
-The said doctor was forced to grant immortality to Imu, dying in the process. Trafalgar family carry 'Watel' in their names as a tribute to the fallen ancestor.
-Law having the same fruit as his fallen ancestor is the truth of his checkered fate. It's possible that he will be involved in dispelling the immortality from Imu.
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weirdmarioenemies · 8 months
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Name: Koopa Krag
Debut: Mario Party DS
Get a load of this GEEZER. Most elderly Koopa in town! You can tell he is old because he has gray hair. And you can tell he has gray hair because they gave him big ol' eyebrows and a beard, so that he would have some hair to be gray!
They are really such impressive eyebrows. So long. So solid! They're like curtains! Or like a little dog's ears! These are eyebrows that would billow in the breeze.
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They are a lot like those of Kroop from The Thousand Year Door! The 2000s was THE decade for elderly Koopas with massive eyebrows! I wonder if they were adhering to a style guide with these. A Mario Bible. Okay, three paragraphs about eyebrows is enough. It is time to talk about the turtle behind the eyebrows! And you will learn what he is holding in that first picture. Is it a glowing corn kernel? Let us find out...
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Koopa Krag is the grandfather of a Koopa named Koopa, and he has been trapped inside of a book by Kamek. We never learn why. But isn't it obvious? They are clearly bitter ex-lovers. Such tension between two elderly turtle men can mean nothing else!
The second most likely reason is, Koopa Krag simply knew too much. He knows a lot of things, somehow. He's like the new Toadsworth! He knows what the Magic Jars in Kamek's library will contain even before they are opened, so I guess he has some kind of magical ability. Perhaps channeling energy through his brows...?
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See that blue tower in the upper right corner of Bowser's Pinball Machine? It holds a secret... and Koopa Krag might know what it is! The game tells us this, and nothing else about it. I'm honestly charmed by how mundane that is. Yeah, this one guy might know a little tidbit about this other guy's custom pinball table. Or he might not. It's like the game's writer just hangs out around listening in on characters' conversations. Anyway, I think the tower probably contains a pinball, considering it's above the plunger, and also considering that this is a pinball table where no actual pinballs are visible.
Why would Koopa Krag know about Bowser's pinball machine? That's easy. Kamek would let him play it! Back before the divorce... :(
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In the end, of course, Koopa Krag is freed through the act of a bunch of little guys running around and partaking in wacky minigames. He gives the heroes the treasure he has found, which is a Sky Crystal, which is really just the Thing The Characters Are Collecting. It is not actually a very interesting thing, but it puts basic plot on the table.
I think Koopa Krag is cool! He only appears in this one game, and is only relevant in two story mode cutscenes, but through flavor texts, they make him really feel relevant to this little snippet of the Mario world. He really does feel like he could be a Toadsworth. Toadsworth may be forbidden for unknown reasons these days, but if they ever need a Nice Wise Old Guy for future Mario games, I have just written a letter of recommendation for one!
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easternmind · 7 months
A compendium of references to Portugal in Japanese video games
The beginning of the historical relations between Portugal and Japan dates to the year 1541, when a Portuguese ship washed ashore at Jingujiura. Nearly sixty Japanese words are of Portuguese origin. A variety of Japanese traditions and culinary delights were introduced by Portuguese traders, sailors and missionaries. But in what way has this cultural exchange extended to the more recent phenomenon of Japanese digital games? As a portuguese devotee of Japanese culture, the topic seemed relevant enough to merit some additional exploration.
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To my knowledge, the first significant reference to Portugal in Japanese video game is found in Koei's The Age of Discovery from 1990, a game published in the west under the title Uncharted Waters. The main character is a disgraced Portuguese nobleman named Leon Ferrero who resorts to maritime exploration, trade and naval warfare to restore his family's good name and prestige.
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Its 1993 sequel, known in the west as New Horizons, diversifies the base game structure of the original by including multiple characters to select from, each with their own story and mission. Among them is the tale of João Franco, the son of the original episode's protagonist Leon, who sets out to discover the mysterious location of the fabled Atlantis, no less.
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Another meaningful reference can be found a year later in ArtDink's 1991 strategy game The Atlas, in which the player takes on the role of a 15th century explorer with a five year contract with the King of Portugal to discover and chart lands around the Iberian Peninsula.
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In 1998, ArtDink recreated the game for contemporary systems and published as Neo Atlas. The protagonist is a Portuguese trading company owner seeking business expansion opportunities in remote territories, as well as discover and chart hitherto unknown parts of the globe. A similar premise is found in a later sequel, Neo Atlas III.
Apart from nautical strategy games, a few other titles exist where mentions to the Portuguese territory, language and culture can be traced.
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Atlus' futuristic vision of Earth in Maken X includes a most unexpected tour of Europe, with a mandatory stop in Lisbon. Inexplicably, the developers got its geographic location wrong and moved to all the way to the northern Spanish region of Léon. The level, itself, boasts a reasonably accurate depiction of one of the city's oldest quarters, Alfama, and the architectural styles found therein.
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Although I could not discern any actual references in the game itself, the Grandia II soundtrack by the veteran composer Noriyuki Iwadare contains two themes whose lyrics are written in Portuguese: A Deus, a double-entendre that can be translated to both farewell and to God; and Canção do Povo, meaning People's Song. Also, the name of the official soundtrack is named Melodia, which translates to Melody as you'd expect. Both themes were performed by guest singer Kaori Kawasumi, who took on the composer's challenge to sing them despite her not knowing the language.
She was coached and assisted by José Álvarez and Motoi Sato from the Portuguese Arts and Culture Center in Japan, whom she thanks in the acknowledgement section. The Grandia II Special Package edition booklet contains a page with two photos of Portugal, one for the Jéronimos Monastery in Lisbon and the other, seemingly, for the Moorish Castle in the nearby town of Sintra.
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The last Pomping World (a.ka. Buster Bros/Pang) that Mitchell Corporation ever produced before shutting down was the 2010 DS European exclusive Magical Michael. It includes two levels set in Portugal, one in Lisbon by the Belém tower, a nautical landmark, and the other in the Sintra National Palace. Their representation is at once pleasingly stylized and true to life.
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This final reference is found in Spike Chunsoft's third installment of their successful visual novel series, Nyūdanganronpa V3 Minna No Koroshiai Shin Gakki. Among the dozens of MonoMono machine items that can be acquired, one is a weathercock styled after a traditional Portuguese folktale hero, the Galo de Barcelos, meaning the rooster of Barcelos, a town in Northern Portugal.
As per the description, this animal became famous through an age-old tale involving a man wrongly sentenced to death who seconds before his execution remarked he was as certain to be innocent as it was certain that a nearby rooster would sing. Because the bird did crow, much to everyone's amazement, he was exonerated. Thus, the black rooster became a symbol for truth.
I would like to thank @diogojira and @DanielOlimac for their assistance in making this article possible.
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yuyan · 1 year
Bound to fall in love...
{Requests: open}
Pairing: Math girl reader x English boy Kazuha
╰┈➤ A/n: A little self indulgent. Yay first writing work thingy. Anyways, NAPLAN drained all my writing skills for today so sorry if its bad.
✎ Synopsis: When a girl who excels in math meets a boy who excels in English, they're bound to fall in love right? After all, opposites attract.
Headcanons + scenario
Genre: fluff
✎ Highschool au
TW: None
CW: Reader despises bad grades(they're an academic), reader bad at english, sumeru classes are like honour classes/i think ap classes if you're american(correct me if I'm wrong im not american), reader in sumeru classes, fluff.
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I think Kazuha gets slightly above average grades
Like Bs in everything but especially excells in english
Every english teacher's teacher pet
He doesn't even try to be on the teacher's good side, they just love him I mean he's really sweet and stuff so
Fails math though
Straight As in english but straight Ds in Math
Ok enough about him kinda
On the other hand you excel in every subject, especially math
almost every subject
You were in the sumeru classes so ofc you're book smart and stuff but
You only got one B in english your entire life, the rest were Cs
If only you could do as well in english as you did with math
Math was logical, it was simple, you always did more then the extension work that was given to you
But with english, you had to interpret the character or author's feelings
Know when to use figurative language and how to make your character appealing, interesting
While Kazuha's only sumeru class was english and he exceeded that curriculum
Struggling, with both subjects, the two of you eventually meet (Short scenario below)
"You got 10% on the math quiz again?" Venti said. "You have to pick up your grades soon Kazuha or else you'll never graduate."
"Your one to talk," Xiao scoffed, "Aren't you failing 3 subjects?" A small pout formed on Venti's face while Xiao continued eating his almond tofu.
The white haired boy laughed at his two friends. "At least I go an A on the english assignment," Kazuha said.
"If only your grades in math were as good as you grades in english," Aether chuckled.
"Aww you and (name) would make a good couple," Scara said sarcatically. "Making up for the other's flaw and all."
"Oh yeah!" Heizou said. "Why not just go and ask (Name) to tutor you," Heizou suggested.
"Ah but I don't want to trouble her," Kazuha said.
"I'm sure she won't mind and if you're still so concerned about troubling her, just tutor her for english," the blonde boy said. "Lumine said she's been struggling with the subject."
Kazuha hummed, staring down at his quiz paper.
"Urgh! Why can't I just get an A!" (Name) screamed, frustration written all over her face. She stuffed her assignment back into her bag, utterly defeated.
"Well, you got a B," Yunjin said,"that's an improvement."
"I know but it feels like I can't break this invisable wall and all my parents say is try harder," (Name) said. "Like thanks for the advice, I totally haven't been doing that this whole time!" she said, throwing her hands in the air.
"Why not get a tutor?" Lumine suggested.
"My parents don't believe in paying extra money for another person to teach me," (Name) sighed. The girl waved at her friends before entering her english classroom, placing her stuff onto her desk and taking a seat, waiting for the teacher to arrive and for another useless class to start.
"Um hey (Name) was it?" one of your classmates called out to you,"can I ask you a favour?" What was his name again? Ah! Kadehara Kazuha.
The boy pulled you outside the room full of overachievers to ask you if you could tutor him math and in return he'll help you in english
You accepted because well it was free tutoring and you didn't mind teaching him in return
"Ok but we'll have to study in a public place cause my parents don't allow strangers in the house and I'm not allowed to go to someone's house unless they've met them." - You
"Ok then." - Kazuha
And this is where the journey starts
You'd tutor each other on the weekends, during breaks and sometimes afterschool
You would teach Kazuha the basics, making sure he understood what to do in every possible mathematical situation before working his way up
You tried very hard to be patient but sometimes you just wanted to give up
Boy seemed hopeless but you wouldn't give up on him
Since he only asked you a week before the test, the results weren't great but he didn't fail
He showed you his C+ like an excited child before composing himself and asking what you got
"How did you even get 102%?!"
"I had extra time so I did a different way of working each question out for fun."
Venti overheard this conversation and his jaw dropped while Scara scoffed, murmuring something along the lines of you being a tryhard or something Scara's mad you managed to beat his perfect score like always
When he got an A next term, you felt very proud
You started giving him extension work afterwards much to his displeasure
On the other hand Kazuha taught you everything about literature
Like everything
He was so patient and gave you so many examples, you don't know how he created such sentences from thin air
You were just like how do you even think of that
He taught you what words to you and how to correctly interpret the character or author's feelings
He explained it so much better than the teacher, you were just like why doesn't our teacher explain it like this
He would edit your drafts and give you feedback
Kazuha told you to edit his draft once and you refused profusely
He wanted someone else's insight on his work but he guessed he'd just have to ask another day
He was prouder than your parents when you started getting As in english
Anyways below is after you start dating
He'd let you borrow his favourite books to read
Study dates were a thing but he made them more romatic
Like he planned out a whole picnic for a study date once
Had boba, mochi, all your favourite food and snacks
He found a really cute cat cafe to study in but you two go disctracted by the cats
You two would agree to disagree on whether math or english was better
When you two got together heizou called scara a fortune teller for foreshadowing this
Their whole friend group started annoying scara, asking him to tell their fortunes
Scara told them all to shut up
When kazuha sees you writing your essays, focussed and completely oblivious to anything else, he's thinks about how glad he is that he asked you to tutor him in math
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ˚ ·
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Appearances of Secrets of the Magic Makers throughout Frozen Stories
One of my favorite tiny details in Frozen is the book Secrets of the Magic Makers (which is also where my username comes from 😂). It is never mentioned directly in the movies or shorts, although it is briefly shown in F1. (I’ll get to that in a minute.) It is mentioned in two of the three major Frozen books, but Forest of Shadows has the most about it.
Dangerous Secrets mentions SOTMM a few times, but never by name. Iduna and Agnarr choose a random map from the secret room to follow to the Valley of the Living Rock. I believe this is the map tucked into SOTMM in F1 because DS says on the night Anna got hurt, Agnarr runs straight for the secret room and pulls out the same map from “the old folklore book” where he’d hidden it after his and Iduna’s adventure. It also says that the map belonged to Rita. I’m not sure if it belonged to her necessarily, but I guess she must have known about it. Later, after Elsa and Anna were separated, Iduna spent many hours in the secret room searching for answers about Elsa’s magic. She translated many of the “old books and scrolls” she found in the secret room, one of which was definitely SOTMM, because when Anna finds it in FoS, she recognizes her mother’s handwriting in the translations in the margins.
FoS definitely has the most SOTMM mentions by far. In fact, it is the only thing in all of Frozen that ever mentions its name. In FoS, Anna finds it in the secret room. (and she definitely can’t read the runes, she thinks of them as “indecipherable symbols”). The book itself is described as “beautiful brown with black lettering,” which perfectly matches what we see in the movie. The most thorough description is soon after she finds the book. It says: “Secrets of the Magic Makers seemed to be a book of old tales, brief histories, and maps showing the way to the Valley of the Living Rock, but also a glossary of sorts, naming all kinds of creatures that only existed in lore. Spirits of wind, water, and fire. Earth Giants.” It also says that Anna remembers these “bedtime-story words” and that she has vague memories of her mother telling her stories and reading, possibly from this book. In the next couple of chapters it also says SOTMM contains “scraps of research that had not yet been bound in,” a map of Arendelle and the surrounding area with the Black Beach circled, and tales of “shape-shifters who lived with herds of reindeer; talking trees; draug; and boys who were no larger than a thumb. There were pages and pages of the unknown language, and every so often an illustration accompanied the symbols.” It also says that Iduna “skipped translating the pages with the more creepy-looking sketches.” There is also a section that details the Saga of Aren with sketches of some of his deeds. And SOTMM obviously also contains the spell that is said to release the Nattmara in the first place.
Now, back to the mention in F1. After Anna gets hurt, we see Agnarr’s hands as he searches for a specific book. When he pulls it out, we can see the title and one page inside, all written in Younger Futhark runes.
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The title of the book he pulls out translates roughly to Runes of Knowledge. (Source: https://lingaspect.wordpress.com/2014/03/13/deciphering-the-runes-book-in-frozen/) BUT I believe it is intended to be the same book, and SOTMM is just the English title because of this image:
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This is from the inside jacket of a book(?) the directors gave to the crew after production of F2. It has the exact same runic title as the book Agnarr pulls out and it also has the English title as SOTMM. (Obviously I know this gift isn’t canon-worthy, but I think it shows the INTENTIONS of the directors well enough to confirm that it is the same book.)
So yeah, this was every mention I could find of SOTMM in official Frozen media! If you notice I missed any, please let me know, as it’s been a while since I read the books all the way through. SOTMM is one of the things I have a strange obsession with and I wish SO MUCH that I could actually read it. I’ll post an analysis of the runes in SOTMM soon too, as they are also VERY interesting and a personal fascination of mine!
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I didn't want to derail your very lovely post with something I understand is a personal choice and doesn't really matter, anyway, but I'm wondering while we're on the subject of you-don't-have-to-do-it-all, why are we taking on extra things that God never asked us to do—like not taking the word g-o-d in vain?
That's not God's name, that's a signifier that didn't even exist when the command was given. It's not the name we aren't allowed to say. It's like writing H@shem or the Al-ighty. It seems like a Christian influence.
this is a really good question and it pretty much boils down to not erasing His name. there are so, so many interpretations of everything in judaism, including how we address g-d in writing. the beautiful thing about this religion is that we can choose what resonates with us and not be judged for it. what it boils down to is not that we shouldnt write g-d's name, but rather that we should not deface or destroy it. if one of His names, rather than a signifier, is written out, then there is always a chance of it being erased. however if He's just alluded to then that problem is avoided. the same concept doesnt really apply to speech bc when you say something out loud it's there for good and there's no going bac
i no longer write out g-d and i use words like Hashem or Him as signifiers as a sign of respect because names have power. I only use the word ad-nai during prayer and i make sure that when i speak to g-d, rather than just about Him, i do so intentionally and with a proper focus.
there are also jews who write out g-d in full and those who switch between methods. those are absolutely valid ways of writing His name as well, but the "-" or Hashem would be the most common ways to refer to Him. what is not common is a religious jew writing out g-ds name or any signifier referring to g-d without some reason or forethought put into it no matter what format they choose. very rarely is it just put down on paper with zero reason.
also btw not taking g-ds name in vain is a honestly huge deal in judaism, but that's actually a completely different concept. the english translation really doesnt explain this concept very well imo, and it is absolutely hard to explain a very non-christian idea in a language influenced by Christianity. in short, not using g-ds name in vain is about avoiding cruel actions that desecrate his teachings. some examples would be using g-d's name and social influence to collect money that is claimed to be for donations but is actually for yourself, using your status as a leader (such as a rabbi) to abuse children, abusing your spouse, etc. g-d's name is a very powerful tool that holds so much meaning and using it for personal gain or to hurt others is what we as jews avoid.
i can sort of understand why this may seem like its influenced by Christianity. its not, the concepts of not taking His name in vain are totally different in those two religions, but these are very very difficult conversations to have in english. hebrew is genuinely the best language to discuss judaism in because it has words and phrases for concepts that just dont exist in English. sometimes close comparisons are all that's there and those can be extremely far off as well.
i dont usually do this but this is long as fuck so:
TLDR: a lot of jewish people use signifiers to refer to g-d so any words used to refer to Him cannot be erased. not taking the l-rd's name in vain is in regards to not using his influence to cause harm or for personal gain.
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dxncingwithastrxnger · 5 months
But here, this is all I have written for it currently:
[“I want you to…be…happy…”
“I don’t…want you to…die…”
His own name echoes throughout his mind, though he’s surprised he still has one, considering he’s dead. He supposes that means there really is an afterlife. In fact, he can still feel his body. Or at least some version of it. He feels almost like he’s falling. Or maybe he’s being pulled down? Like sinking deeper into water. He can’t hear or see anything anymore, he can just…feel. He’s not sure how much time passes as he goes through this strange phase or void. He has no way to tell. But eventually, it’s like he’s finally settled into something.
Suddenly, he feels something solid beneath him. His vision turns into that of behind his closed eyelids. And now he can hear things again.]
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
hi there!
I always see you commenting on OP chapters and analyzing them, which makes it a great joy for me to read some without the typical op fans hate.
Anyhow, I would like to ask for your thoughts on Law's current situation and his rule in the future #spoilers
I personally don't think his rule is over yet, Oda went out of his way to declare Law's new goal, which many ppl said after dressrosa he is irrelevant?
besides, Law isn't a rival to Luffy, if anything he's an ally, so there is no point in tossing him out of the story like he did with Kidd - which is a shame and lazy writing honestly - But I don't like to use '' he's a D too'' argument either, because:
a) Ace, b) not every D is essential to the plot.
I can't predict what Oda gonna do with him in the future, maybe join Luffy again ( the fan in me talking) or join Crocodile and the others (stampede foreshadowing ?)cuz law doesn't seem to care who he works with as long as his goals are accomplished.
I just feel like Oda wanted so bad to get rid of his crew and focus on him - and bepo cuz he's cute- it seems like a pattern that Oda is doing every time Law is on screen.
P.S. I'm sick of people saying law gonna die, like, what's the point of him dying, they've been on it for years lol.
I hope this massage isn't too much
thank you !
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Hi Nonny,
Thank you! Wow—that's quite an ask! (I don't mind). My answer will probably not be that long (haha) and obviously I'm not Oda, so everything is speculation. I'm not answering in any particularly order, but
I don't think Kid has been cast aside. He might not be a contender for the One Piece any more, but Oda put a lot of work into his character too, making it one of the main subplots of Wano, and a lot of work into his design, and Kid and Law appeared on two of the volume covers for the Wano arc, so I think he's temporarily disposed, but I think we'll see him again (plus he named all of Kid's crew?). Killer as well, having appeared on that colour spread with the first hand men of major players (Shiryu is there as well; but I do think that King and Katakuri might not be playing roles).
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2. I think the D. should be focused on, actually. All of the Ds, in that, perhaps the Poneglyphs the Hearts carried did survive in their own possession (wishful thinking!), and the crew themselves. I've written elsewhere that I think that Oda gave them a marine animal theme, and named them after marine animals (some of which can dive very deep) for a purpose (I call them National Geographic Hearts). However, this is more a head canon for my creative purposes, and I do cede that Oda separates Law from his crew on the regular, cos' 20 characters plus 10 characters + 1 is far too many for a storyline to maintain cohesion, and it's Luffy's story.
3. Okay, this is a spoiler for my fanfiction, Bioluminescent Hearts: BUT, what if through marine animal shapeshifting devices, ALL Hearts & Law & Bepo end up on Elbaf, which, according to Artur at Library of Ohara, is not too far from Winner Island (I'll put a visual below). The poneglyphs survive, somehow (actually, might have them wrapped in seal skin. Might edit that into my story!) ie: one of the crew always kept them on their body, nearby, etc.
Saul (a D.) recognises Law because he follows the news and Robin's life, and takes in both the Hearts and "returns" the poneglyphs to Law. (Also, probably knew a young Rosinante). From there???
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4. I doubt Oda is gonna take that path. But that's my alternative path. Law will probably hook up with Luffy and I don't mind Kid doing that either. I don't
want Law to do it as an extra Straw Hat though, or as a (relation)ship or as a subordinate to Luffy. Robin and Law will still be able to pursue their wish to seek out true history through their interest in the Void Century, Will of D. etc., and Saul will help fill in the blanks if this path is taken.
I believe the Kid and Heart crews will still play a support role to Luffy, but it will be sketched into the background. I believe that Killer will also have a role (like Bepo). Possibly the next best-known Hearts and Kid pirates might appear. Again, I don't think it will be that detailed.
5. What I started to say above but didn't, is that I think that all Ds are essential to the plot, especially now that we've discovered that Saul is alive, and Ace's death obviously drives the story, as do Law's parents' death, but Law isn't going to die because he's a D or pursuit of knowledge about being a D, etc., or for any other reason imo.
I don't think that Oda would want anything to overshadow Luffy's story at this point of the narrative, and killing Law off would do that. The angst train is strong, though, anon! So let people have their hand-wringing. It can be fun.
Also, I totally understand the deeper tragedy of losing a home/house (and in Japanese, Law refers to his crew as うち uchi , which is a word for home, when they meet the Straw hats on Zou), BUT I feel that Oda will not kill off the Hearts, and even if they're captured, I don't think the focus will strongly be on them (time constraints).
But, it will be cool if the hook up with Koby again in Hachinosu, etc. (there is that sub-story too!), considering the role they must've played in the Rocky Port Incident. Law too.
The Polar Tang was destroyed. And I love her. And I loved the Victoria Punk too, but through writing about the Polar Tang, probably had a deeper attachment to the submarine. However, the Hearts and the Kid Pirates are pirates, and part of the game is plunder, attack, destruction. Law got lucky (or had the skill and resources) with destroying the factories at Punk Hazard (and destroying the island and navy resources), and unlucky this time. He didn't invite the attack, and was up against an emperor and his crew, but Smoker, Caesar, etc. didn't invite the attacks (whether justified or not) on their person, peoples and possessions either. I'm not saying the attacks carry equal moral weight (which, Oda does a very good job of asking us to question), but pointing out the world they all inhabit.
One of Law's hobbies is apparently wandering, and he was the wandering monk in Wano (komusō). I think part of this might be cos he has been seeking a purpose, and that it's also tied to a fear of putting roots down, because they continually get usurped, but maybe it's also just part of his nature.
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I think that he's learnt by now just how resilient he is and that he can come back and also that he won't betray the faith—and recognises the love—that love has had in him (I'm in the minority there, but I think the novel supports me, and various statements Law makes elsehwere).
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Anyway, did I answer anything? Probably not. And absolutely NO shade on the interpretations anyone else has, and I find if I get frustrated with fandom takes I usually just stay clear of that platform, that tag, that topic for a while! Law lives, don't worry. If he dies, I'm wrong, and I'll eat Law's hat once I wrest it from Blackbeard' grip. However, I do also cede the symbolism of him losing his hat. 3rd time is the charm/death knell?
PS: I don't really want him to join up with Croco and the boys, but Oda has a way of endearing me to any premise he's come up with, so basically, I'll wait and see what unfolds. Too, great metas on this topic over at @purplehairedwonder — for chapter 1081, but I also really liked their meta on chapter 1079. @ninhaoma-ya's chapter analyses are great too, and I enjoy @roydeezed 's write-ups. I don't read anything as closely as these guys do!
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phanfictioncatalogue · 6 months
Strangers AU (2) Masterlist
part one
6:30 Special - dansphlevels
Summary: In a world where you and your soulmate both have constellations of dark blue freckles that glow when you’re together, Dan has been waiting for his whole life for it to finally glow. And when it does, he is stood face to face with a man Phil, who looks back in confusion, his own constellation unlit.
airport meetings (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: Dan is having a bad start to his morning, and you would think a stranger crashing into him, literally, would make things worse, but actually, it makes Dan's morning somewhat better when Dan sees how attractive the man is.
A Match and a Fuse (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: Phil is twenty six years old and stuck in a dead end life. He works at Starbucks and may or may not be carrying a torch for his best friend of eight years. He doesn’t know who he is or what he wants–or how to go about figuring it out. That all starts to change when he happens upon the resume of a certain law school grad named Daniel.
Charmed (ao3) - hygge
Summary: Dan doesn’t understand Valentine’s Day. That is until he’s given an anonymous card with someone’s phone number in it. It takes months of talking with this anonymous person to learn who they are, and it ends up being the person that Dan least expects.
Close To You - succubusphan
Summary:Phil takes his friend’s child to baby ballet and meets a handsome dad. It was the first day of the rest of his life.
Golden Boy (ao3) - hygge
Summary: Phil takes a drawing class in university and needs a subject for his drawing final.
Ice Packs And Coffee Cups (ao3) - rainbowchristy
Summary: As part of the emergency staff for London's biggest concert venue, Phil knew how to manage a huge range of problems. When a certain brown-haired boy turns up unconscious, Phil doesn't think much of it, well, until the boy awakens, that is.
I Really Can’t Tell If I’m Dreaming Or Breathing - wavydanrises
Summary: Dan is an events manager at the Queen’s Garden’s, one of the city’s most renowned hotels, and he's organizing a Christmas reception with the cute reception planner called Phil Lester.
Lost (ao3) - BeeAreEff
Summary: phil goes to an amusementpark, no spoilers.
Lungs Filled With Flowers - botanistlester
Summary: Whenever Dan has a bad day, he always knows that Animal Crossing will be there for him no matter what. When he finds a friend code written on his desk, he immediately adds it into his DS, despite not knowing who it could be.
pastry chef attempts to steal phil’s heart (ao3) - sierraadeux
Summary: If anyone asks, Prince Philip’s sneaky morning journeys down to the royal pastry kitchen are for nothing more than the perfect cup of coffee.
Popping Corn With Your Ex-Boyfriend’s Ex-Boyfriend (ao3) - spencerwrites
Summary: Phil goes to the cinema by himself and finds his boyfriend with another boy buying tickets for the same movie he wanted to see. Phil and Dan both dump their boyfriend and go see the movie together instead.
snuggle up close, let me hold your pieces in place, even if just for a night (ao3) - natigail
Summary: It was just one thing after another really.
Broken down bus with a whole class of freshers. Dingy hotel room that was cold as fuck. No one wanting to share a room with Dan.
But then the TA Phil stepped up to the plate and defended Dan. Of course, it meant that the two of them ended up sharing a bed, and then the heater had to break. It's the perfect excuse for sharing body warmth and confessions.
Special Delivery (ao3) - phantasticworks
Summary: Dan Howell receives a package he definitely didn't order, but the man who did order it is... well, he's rather interesting. And the object he's ordered... well, it's odd, to say the least.
strawberries and cigarettes (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: “Hey, mate, spare a light?” the guy says. He stops a couple of feet from Phil and holds out an unlit cigarette.
Swipe Right (ao3) - howellesterfics
Summary: Dan is tired of matching with sexually confused frat boys on Tinder. When he swipes right on Phil, he hopes that this time around things will be different, and well - they certainly are.
Try New Things (ao3) - PoisonedMind
Summary: Phil tries yoga for the first time and it’s an absolutely harrowing experience except for the cute guy at the mat next to him who sucks just as badly as Phil does.
Two Strangers Drinking Champagne In An Airport - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil in an airport terminal drinking champagne out of plastic cups with a bunch of those airport TV screens in the background with all the flights cancelled.
Up Close And Personal - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan is a famous dinosaur expert who has been studying dinosaurs his whole life, and gets the opportunity to work at Jurassic World (he works exclusively with the raptors). Phil is a very smart guy, like a genius, and he’s close friends with Louise who works at Jurassic World so he gets to go to Jurassic World and gets behind the scenes VIP treatment. There, he meets Dan. Unfortunately for Phil, things go wrong while feeding the raptors and an accident happens.
waffles (ao3) - kae_karo
Summary: phil goes to the 24hr diner with the hopes of seeing his favorite waiter (insp by me seeing a cute waitress at a diner. unfortunately none of the rest actually happened to me lmao)
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stupidspidey · 7 months
AJR - Living Room
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if you told me in 2013 that this was the absolute pinnacle of music and that it would get no better than this, chances are i would’ve told you “that’s nice, leave me alone creep” and went to go kick the shit out of my brother at Mario on the DS. Now if you told me now that these guys ended up being my favourite band, i’d probably give you the same response but i’d go play a Spider-Man game instead. Regardless, Living Room by AJR is just… not good, by any sense of the word realistically, don’t get me wrong it’s got its merits but holy fuck, it’s really hard to listen to. Now, i don’t want to be too unfair about this, believe it or not sitting here for a good 5 minute read yelling about how bad something is is REALLY undesirable in a review, and it’s even more undesirable since my girlfriend refuses to sleep with me because of it. (jk rose ily) So, i’m gonna take their advice from one of their next albums that came after this and well, skip to The Good Part, which unfortunately should only take me like, 20 lines, maximum, before i start either repeating myself or talking about how a line in “The World is a Marble Heart” is was reused as a backing vocal in “I Won’t” like, 10 years later.
The Good
My GOD, do these guys know how to write a decent line or few. Sure there’s a few “Thirsty, Thirsty, Thursdays!” in there but, every one of those is definitely made up for by the honestly-adorable Infinity or the surprisingly-hopeful My Calling, each lyric will either strike you as cheesy in a really cute way, or inspiring in a really dumb way, the album could honestly be mistaken as written about someone with how directed and loving each line feels from the start to the end and briefly sidestepping around at least 49.2% of each song. Big White Bed especially, but as i wrote that down all i could think to describe the song was “I love you… BITCH. I ain’t ever gonna stop loving you… BITCH.” from a vine like 10-or-so years ago. So, really, pretty appropriate for their timing on the albums release realistically. A really specific praise for the album but, i think the art itself is really pretty? something about it feels so real. Like, if you made an album with two of your brothers and basically pro-tools, a mic and a big idea (yeah, that’s a quote from one of the songs, Big Idea.) would you not just make the album art you all sat on the comfy family sofa in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere with your band name splattered on the wall in a nice deep red? I know i would if i could fit all 5 of my brothers onto one tiny-ass couch. Now unfortunately i can only realistically think of these two points for the positive part but, i will say this: Every track on this album, has thought behind it. It sometimes comes across as them just lobbing the entire processing power of a Windows 7 computer running pro-tools at you, but if you listen to the audio-commentary edition of the album (because, for some reason they made that?) it really is easy to tell the three of them had passion for the thing, especially seen in Jack’s (the J in AJR) enthusiasm about finally making it out of slummin’ it in the streets while his two way-fucking-taller brothers tap danced and sang, outside of his appearance in Pink Panther 2 and Sesame Street of course. (seriously, i’m deadass, look it up, he even has an iMDB page.) Now, unfortunately, on that point, i can’t realistically stay on the positives forever on this without ending up on some TikTok calling me a brainrotted liberal or some slur that hasn’t been unsealed since some crusty fucking 4channer woke up from his food comatose over a reddit girl with fat tits so, with that point.
The Bad
Ok right so, you know how i mentioned this was considered some sort of principle of music back then in 2013? Well guess what, motherfucker. I wasn’t even joking, the way people view Bruno Mars now is the way people viewed Living Room in 2013, though it was hard not to when their brain cells rubbed together and they decided the best way to promote their album was to tag every artist under the sun on gods green-motherfucking-earth and tell them to listen to it. Even then, the only one who listened really was Sia, and realistically what the fuck have you actually seen Sia do in the past like 5 years? This is a real question seriously please for the love of GOD tell me i have no idea past *Chandelier*. Anyway, enough of throwing Sia some strays (i’m sorry ma’am i’m sure there’s a grammy somewhere i didn’t bother googling), back onto Twenty-One Pilo— Coldplay— I mean, AJR. The album had passion behind it, don’t get me wrong here, but it is completely misplaced. The only way i can describe this is that, if this was the latest release around the time of E.T. for the Atari 2600? Music probably wouldn’t have survived past that either. Though realistically it was probably one of the better albums of that era since by then every other song was the most bassy-pile of “please dance to this” you’d ever seen, but i’m sure there’s someone still out there hitting the dab to fuckin’ The World is a Marble Heart, surely. The album itself had some pretty… interesting, approaches, but really you can only get around 30 seconds into the first song before that fucker starts yodelling? why the fuck is he yodelling? Regardless, no matter how many times you make a sequel to Turning Out or how many times you make some good shit like The DJ is Crying for Help, to those guys at TikTok? you’ll allwwaayyss be the guys who made Thirsty. You could get a treaty and a vulcan salute from half of space, but all those motherfuckers will still only know you for Thirsty. Personally? i’d be so fucking mad. I mean, you look to your left and Kanye has just dropped Yeezus, and what do you have to compete against that? a new national holiday celebrated exclusively by kids who get bullied at school, Thirsty Thursday, if i were them i wouldn’t have even made it to The Click without some sort of apology statement.
The Ending
Now, if i’m being completely real here. I can’t entirely slander Living Room, it’s got ideas, it’s got (marble) heart, and most importantly… It let Neotheater exist so… some good out of the bad right? Sure, for anyone else, unless you’re subconsciously subscribed to every single opinion on r/Music like some sort of absorption sponge. And just… in future, for anyone reading this, Include yodelling in your song and i will fucking SLICE you, not for poor mixing choices, not even for poor taste, but for reminding me that i sat here for an hour, and reviewed an album. Worst part? one out of five baby, i’m not down until i hear the fat lady sing, i’ve still gotta drop my useless thoughts for The Click, Neotheater, OK ORCHESTRA and *The Maybe Man. So, i’m gonna go out with a BANG! and by that? i mean get gunned down by the mexican cartel for even daring to include a good section in this slice of piss.
4/10 - Not enough yodelling really.
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airprime7 · 9 months
My works
I have written and am in the process of writing multiple things, most of which are Homestuck related.
Roguebent is my WIP Homestuck fan adventure. Currently it has only 1 page, but I've written the entirety of Act 1 and Intermission 1, and I'm working on the art for it.
Heirs of Void is a short story I wrote for the 2022 MSPFA Discord Server Secret Santa. I'm working on a series of sequels to it, one of which is finished but unpublished and two of which I've started but not completed. You can read it on MSPFA and AO3.
Authority Regulated is another short story I wrote about the Aimless Renegade. It has images (all taken directly from canon) and is only on MSPFA.
I wrote a couple of things that were basically poetry, too. Important for a Flight Simulator and part of the 2hiip.
There's also Super Smash Bro, which is a long WIP I am likely to continue updating sporadically.
Nobody ever asked what happened after., about DS's origin, technically unfinished but also never going to get fully written ending.
id drowwn myself in the ocean, a short poetry-like Eridan sadfic.
Other projects include:
An unnamed partially complete Rosemaryjunejazz fic.
Jojo's MS Paint Adventure, starring John Joey Egbert and his stand 「ARCTIC INCIDENT」, which so far has a single unpublished page.
YOUR NAME IS KARKAT VANTAS where there are a lot of Karkats. Unwritten.
An unnamed Sessionswap AU fic where the Beta kids (John, Rose, etc.) pester the Beta trolls (Karkat, Aradia, etc.) during their game, and some other thematic elements and events are swapped around too. Also unwritten.
Possibly other poetry-adjacent things. (We're overly dramatic sometimes, and channelling it into our writing is better than dumping it out randomly.)
Something about our Erfworld-Homestuck theories. Did you know SBAHJ is Carneymancy?
Probably like a dozen other things that rattle around in my brain.
Will update this if I remember.
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meganuzlockediary · 10 months
Pokemon Black! Already Worked up!
20th June
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Ok it is decided! I got excited about playing these games so I chose Black over Platinum for now. I loved Black when it came out and in my opinion this genration is the best in the series. So much thought was put into it! It really was the pinnacle of the DS era. It is also probably one of Pokemon's toughest era. Fortunately with 150 new pokemon to use plus the old ones in Black and White 2 im not so worried about my losses!
So here goes nothing!
My starter choice is Tepig this game. A strong Fire Fighting type which was my brother favourite in the past. I have never been a fan but a strong and guaranteed fighting type for the famous run killer Lenora will be useful. I name him El Piggo he has a -Speed nature which I am already feeling but Emboar wasn't horrendously fast anyway.
Honestly, I breeze through the opening. Tepig is a great start and blasts through all opponants. I feel bad because there are so many cool touches at the beginning. The little scene with Bianca is literally 7 lines long but is very well written. The battles at the start walking onto route 1 together and Ghestsis' speech are really engaging. With that I battle N. His purrloin ain't much to my level 7 tepig at this point. I actually get my girlfriend to fight him. A rare video gaming occurance.
With that I head to route two and get a Patrat I name Alvin. Honestly He is just fodder again in preparation for Lenora especially with the worse ability but we shall see. Last but not least I head to the dream yeard for Pansage as it really is the only answer to the upcoming Panpour and honestly when else am I going to use one.
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This is going to be tiny on mobiles but these are the three. The new format sucks for this unfortunately.
With that I handily beat cheren with Pansage and Tepig before heading into the gym... OK a bit of a power increase. I ahve to grind on patrats and lillipups for bloody ages to get to level 14. The xp just doesnt go up! I'm glad I do though because the battle against Cress does not go as planned.
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So yeah, When I said this is when pokemon starts to actually get hard. I wasn't kidding! I send in Tepig against Lillipup because thats what you are meant to do and I start tackling. Unfortunately it can only do chip damage about 25% he is doing 20% with his bite and didnt use work up. So, I'm happy I'm chill. He gets down to about 50% and then pulls off a critical hit bite! Which Flinches me! activates my berry! Which he then steals at the end of the turn and ALSO HEALS!!!! WHAT! I blame Cheren for this! Since when did pickup do that! I am astonished. Whats worse is I have another pokemon in the back with another Oran berry! I sneak in a few more tackles before I am forced to switch into Patrat! Who I did not train. So I spend the time using leer, I eventually go for tackle fearing a work up that could wipe the team. But it doesnt hit the range and procs a potion. Patrat goes down but I bring in Pansage and finish it off with a vine whip. Which fortunately does finish it off. Enough monkey business! Pansage basically can't be beaten now. As water gun deals practically nothing and vine whip is dominating the panpour!
That insane combination can't have been a high chance but I'm fuming. I was mere inches from losing my starter there and would have been furious! I can't believe how lucky I had to get there! Never again!
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Gym badges won: 65
Pokemon Used: 140
Pokemon Defeated: 31 (didn't like Patrat much anyway)
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s1e2 "Wend*go"
supernaturals second episode, and its first (and certainly not last) to feature a monster of the week taken and bastardized from indigenous mythologies or folklore... why am i rewatching this again? let the records show that i am white, and all the indigenous voices who i have heard / read have lead me to make the decision to censor the name w*. okay with the housekeeping out of the way, what's sloppy sam and daddy issues dean upto this week.
aw man the recap made me angry again that jess died. i miss her. all three minutes of screentime she had.
oh boy i wonder whats gonna happen to these poor campers
brooo they got the ds local play!!!! takes me back
how do they still have battery in thier cells/ds's on day SIX OF CAMPING???
cory monteith :')
and they are dead
okay so how long has it been since the events of the last episode? the existence of the monster of the week as an episodic style implies a quick succession between episodes, but the fully completed gravestone for jess implies that it has been a quick minute since she dies (also apparently she dies november 5th 2005, i didn't know the exact date was know so thats interesting!)
like gravestones take a hot minute, especially the fancy kind with the pictures.
BUT there still isn't grass over her grave,and cemetery gardeners are QUICK with the sod after someone is buried... so like... did jessica already have a grave with her name and birthdate engraved, and it just needed date of death and the picture??? (not unheard of but unlikely for someone her age)
wait, im dumb as fuck. she died on the cealing of a suspicious house fire, she has been in a coroner or medical examiners office for a while, she was just buried but its been a bit since she died leaving time for the engraving.
^^^ this nerd almost became a funeral director.
oh yeah, i like the nod to carrie.
WAIT IT WAS A DREAM. it means nOTHING. and even if it was a dream it was written by someone who wouldn't think about the amount of time to engrave a toombstone
of okay so its been atleast a week since jess's death.
oh yeah, its john who is sending them to blackwater ridge, i forgot about his whole sending them on hunting trips shit he did at the beginning.
"i think i know how you feel" the first and last time dean shows emotion and it feels genuine.
forgot how 'old' the tech feels, and how magical it was.
magical laptop nand its magical ability to solve any problem dads journal cant solve.
the way they describe the w* is quite nice, you cant see it its too fast, it unlocked the door. it really brings out the unsettledness of a monster you cant see.
does dean really think ''corporal' is too fancy??? like girl
oh god i forgot the creepy cave.
aaaaaand cory is dead :(
okay, nvm deam had two (2) genuinely tender moments in the episode.
"not even crickets"
oh god i forgot about it using the voices to lure them.
this is one of the episodes that i cam remember a lot of, but god its still creepy.
okay it taking the packs was smart
oh boy dads journal, i wonder what magical answer it will have this time
"no body likes a skeptic roy", just fuck him dean!! its not gay if you are camping!!! everyone knows that.
"saving people hunting things, the family business" god i hate that line. there was once a time where i genuinely wanted that tattooed on me. thank fuck you cant get a tattoo at 14.
its really interesting how they are coping differently with johns disappearance, dean see's it as him giving them a job, whereas sam sees it as him being in trouble.
once again, i can see why wincest was the big ship, not for me... but i can see why.
OH NO ROY IS GONNA DIE!!!!, anyways
vey well timed body dropping from a tree
also does kripke have like a thing for brod dripping on poeple because uhhh... two episodes in and we are at three instances of blood dripping on people.
if the saddle club has taught me ANYTHING its that you defo shouldn't go down an abandoned mineshaft
its too dark i cant see
magic flareguns, why were they in the cave??? just to solve a problem the writes wrote themselves into???? yup!
deans first thought of how to lure it out was to start yell flirting. okay gayboy.
it just looks like... a gargoyle?? i feel like they could have done "human turned into a monster better" then just, paint them grey and give it strange ears. to be fair i have a very high standard of what a good 'human turned into a monster' should be because the s2 of the x files finale where mulder and scully are in the train car with the 'alien's' that are actually humans, deduced from their smallpox inoculation scars is peak television. PEAK TELEVISION!!!
also, i am now requited to start a tally of how many rewatches i can bring up the x files in.
the actress who plays Haley (Gina Holden) looks so familler to me, but i looked at her imdb and noting is ringing a bell
sam drives the impala.
okay, well that was an episode. asides from the butchering of the wend*go story/mythology to fit the show. it wasn't a bad episode. its pretty hard to fuck up a monster of the week episode. again, i didn't like the prosthetics that they used for the wend*go. but asides from that... its fine. its okay. its a solid episode. it's not the best, and its not the worst. sam and dean have a nice heart to heart. yeah. very mid episode.
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It Was Meant To Be
USA Today Best-Selling Author
Hosted by DS Book Promotions
Available to read on Kindle Unlimited.
Kennedy wasn’t looking for love, but it seems fate had other ideas. When he accepts a job as a ranch hand on a property a few miles from the city of Rogue Bay, he has no idea how much his life is about to change. From the moment he sets eyes on his rancher boss, he knows he’s in a kind of trouble he’s never been in before. Blaidyn is happy as a single man, running the ranch that has been in his family for decades. The last thing he expected was to have his world knocked off its access by a sexy drifter. Will these men accept it's fate that has thrown them together? Will they accept it was meant to be? MM Romance 18+
Author Bio:
I was born in Manly on the Northern Beaches in Sydney, Australia and grew up in the west after we moved there to help my brother’s eczema which was made worse by salt air. I now reside in the beautiful sunny state of Queensland.
My dad had the biggest impact on my life. I have always had an overactive imagination and would often tell him stories which floated in my mind. He encouraged me to put pen to paper convinced that one day they would become published books.
The highlight of my life was being accepted into Nursing just before my 16th birthday. It had been a long-time dream and one which encompassed 37 years of my life. Along with nursing, being married to a Naval Officer for 48 years, and posted in numerous places, gave me experiences which I have written into many of my books.
We enjoy traveling the country with our Caravan/RV and our Jack Russell puppy by the name of Gemma-Jean who comes with us.
My books are in various genres - Western Historical Romance-both steamy and sweet, Contemporary Romance-steamy and sweet, Male/Male, Australian Outback and City Romance. I also have one menage and one paranormal romance along with two children's books. As I said earlier, I have a rather overactive imagination.
I hope you will pick up one of my books and when you close the cover on one of my stories it will be with a satisfied sigh.
I can be found at:
Website: http://susanhorsnellromanceauthor.com
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