#is anyone else crying or is it just me is it just jersey and raven and me and curb and the entire internet
boxwinebaddie · 29 days
How/when does Jersey end up saying I love you?
oooooh! okay, so i was going to write it out ( i am jennifer slowpez so in nina fashion, i am spoiling it, what's new? ) but there is a part after this...if we remember this ask i am obsessed with where raven is diabolically patching jersey up via the tiny child sized hellokitty carebear bandids kyle bought for the kids he works w in the elementary school via that one anons delicious input...genius really.
*raven vc* pero like, so you know, they pull away it's awkward fml. dawg, they are about to *dreamy fit asf rm tolkien posh british vc* have a cheeky little snog like that entire whumpshot...anyways!
kyle notices that the vinyl record player is playing their sadie hawkins first dance song ( idk what song it is but its an abba song because thats gay rights baby! its probably my love, my life or andante andante...branch in my eyes ) and theres a bowl of skittles, but only the red ones are in it...because stan still eats around the red ones bc only kyle can have the red ones....brb crying!
yadda yadda yadda. and i think on the tv, the screen is paused over a brand new episode of say yes to the dress ( if we recall, before i deleted chapter six...which was a disaster but also a masterpiece rip, ravenstan was being so boyfail cute in it in his armani suit and was rizzing the hell out of kyle with his crunchy boy knowledge of plants...when stan came over for their #hate fashionably late, kyle was stress-watching say yes to the dress...which is his favorite show because he claims to be allergic to romance, but secretly thinks its really beautiful that people can fall and love and get married...AAA )
but anyways, when they start dating say yes to the dress ( shoutout to when ravenstan forgot what it was called bc adhd and called it Are You Down With The Gown ) became their show and kyle very quietly is like "were you going to watch it?" and stan getting nervous, trying to deflect because they always watch it together is like uhuhuhHhHh and kyle, sad laugh shaking his head is like "baby" *yersey swearing* "dude...baby dude...my guy...just guy, fuck, you know you can watch it without me. we're not...Together. *hurts worse than his ribs* you don't have to wait for me." and stan is like "i-i know. i was going to...i-i Wanted to! i just--i couldn't. i couldn't watch all the people in...."
Love :(
he doesn't say it. but jersey kyle can FEEL it.
he winces. hard.
he wants to fucking die...he wants to say something but he's so stupid and he ruined ravenstan's life, words fail him but STAN!!! grabs his hand and is like "-because! because i knew it would make me miss you. and fuck it. FUCK EVERYTHING KYLE I FUCKING MISS YOU!!!! i miss you and i LOVE you and i don't--i don't care if you can't say it back! i don't have to wait for you, but i WILL! i want to! i'll--i'll wait forever! YOURE MY FOREVER. people tell me they love me everyday, but with you--i can feel it. I. Just. Know. and that's enough! you're enough. YOURE ENOUGH, KYLE BROFLOVSKI. just the way you are. and i'm sorry...i'm sorry i pushed you and tried to change you. i was just, i was insecure about it i guess--and--and--"
cue kyle smiling like an idiot ( the rare kyle smile ) like "...stan?"
ft. stan still yapping smh like "oh my god, i miss you SO much! curb only got into the trash because you weren't here to remind me. and i had pasta from this five star restaurant the other day and oh my god, ky. it was TRASH! yours is so much better! and-and i think i broke the washing machine earlier, oh my god, it sounded like an explosion, i can't find anything, i--"
kyle...literally still trying to get stans attention smh going
"stan? hey? stan???? Stan???"
stans still yapping btw ( oh my god when he is passionate the man never shuts the hell up hes like rambling himself into a corner ) like "and theres this new exhibit in the aquarium and theres this huge red fish in it and i wanted to send it to you and be like 'this you' but were fighting and I HATE FIGHTING WITH YOU. can we stop fighting? :< i miss you. will you please come home? curb misses you, i miss you, i--"
*jersey vc* STANLEY MARSH!
*stan doing the wide flustered doe eye thing with the lip ring lip bite combo that makes kyle like actually criminally insane with love feels*
speaking of...
he leeeeeeeeeeeeeeans in...
gently grasps ravenstan's face
and says
and i quote...
"Te amo." <3
-uncle nina, gratuitous undivorcer of ravesey style
#i'll edit the tags in a second#but is everyone happy#theyre in love again#i promise#*impastor craig vc* by the power vested in me i now pronounce my beautiful gay sons that i tortured for half a year#Undivorced ;-; <3#I CAAAAAAAAAANT BELIEVE IT#no one get used to it im still gonna have them do miserable break up things and create drama dont worry about THAT#BUT I CANT BELIEVE JERSEY KYLE SAID I LOVE YOU#I AM SO PROUD WOW THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL#now i can write the jersey kyle Can say i love u meme#( which is my favorite ask meme its so funny ily robot kyle )#he is like...i have so many feelings...i am excited? frightened? ex...frightened?#I CANT BELIEVE JERSEY KYLE SAID TEEEE AMO#SMILE PENDEJO NATION WE ARE SOOOOO BACK!#is anyone else crying or is it just me is it just jersey and raven and me and curb and the entire internet#UR WELCOME! YOU ARE ALL NO LONGER CHILDREN OF DIVORCE! TIME TO REJOOOOOOOOOOOICE YALL#*passes out The I Survived The 2024 Ravesey Divorce And All I Got Was This Stupid Teeshirt stupid teeshirts*#my sons in love my sons in AMOR bitch!!!!!!#that rizz was crazy also this was too happy so pls note they quite licherally almost smashed but kyles bones are broken#NOT THE ONE THAT MATTERS THO but he did still get stanbanned by sexy nurse raven lamE#*teri vc* at least he'd die doing what he loves...LITERALLY!!!#i admire his dedication like i too would risk it all to get risque and frisque with ravenstan but no they just#watched say yes to the dress and fell asleep on the couch#The End <3#everybody chant NINA!!! NINA!!!! NINAAAAAAA!!!
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swanlake1998 · 3 years
Article: Five Pioneering Black Ballerinas: ‘We Have to Have a Voice’
Date: June 17, 2021
By: Karen Valby
These early Dance Theater of Harlem stars met weekly on Zoom — to survive the isolation of the pandemic and to reclaim their role in dance history.
Last May, adrift in a suddenly untethered world, five former ballerinas came together to form the 152nd Street Black Ballet Legacy. Every Tuesday afternoon, they logged onto Zoom from around the country to remember their time together performing with Dance Theater of Harlem, feeling that magical turn in early audiences from skepticism to awe.
Life as a pioneer, life in a pandemic: They have been friends for over half a century, and have held each other up through far harder times than this last disorienting year. When people reached for all manners of comfort, something to give purpose or a shape to the days, these five women turned to their shared past.
In their cozy, rambling weekly Zoom meetings, punctuated by peals of laughter and occasional tears, they revisited the fabulousness of their former lives. With the background of George Floyd’s murder and a pandemic disproportionately affecting the Black community, the women set their sights on tackling another injustice. They wanted to reinscribe the struggles and feats of those early years at Dance Theater of Harlem into a cultural narrative that seems so often to cast Black excellence aside.
“There’s been so much of African American history that’s been denied or pushed to the back,” said Karlya Shelton-Benjamin, 64, who first brought the idea of a legacy council to the other women. “We have to have a voice.”
They knew as young ballet students that they’d never be chosen for roles like Clara in “The Nutcracker” or Odette/Odile in “Swan Lake.” They were told by their teachers to switch to modern dance or to aim for the Alvin Ailey company if they wanted to dance professionally, regardless of whether they felt most alive en pointe.
Arthur Mitchell was like a lighthouse to the women. Mitchell, the first Black principal dancer at the New York City Ballet and a protégé of the choreographer George Balanchine, had a mission: to create a home for Black dancers to achieve heights of excellence unencumbered by ignorance or tradition. Ignited by the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., he founded Dance Theater of Harlem in 1969 with Karel Shook.
Lydia Abarca-Mitchell, Gayle McKinney-Griffith and Sheila Rohan were founding dancers of his new company with McKinney-Griffith, 71, soon taking on the role of its first ballet mistress. Within the decade, Shelton-Benjamin and Marcia Sells joined as first generation dancers.
Abarca-Mitchell, 70, spent her childhood in joyless ballet classes but never saw an actual performance until she was 17 at the invitation of Mitchell, her new teacher. “I’ll never forget what Arthur did onstage” she said of his Puck in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at New York City Ballet during a Tuesday session in January. “He made the ballet so natural. Suddenly it wasn’t just this ethereal thing anymore. I felt it in my bones.”
Marcia Sells, 61, remembered being 9 and watching with mouth agape when Abarca-Mitchell, McKinney-Griffith and Rohan performed with Dance Theater in her hometown, Cincinnati. “There in front of me were Black ballerinas,” Sells said during a video call in April. “That moment was the difference in my life. Otherwise I don’t think it would’ve been possible for me to think of a career in ballet.”
Shelton-Benjamin left her Denver ballet company, where she was the only Black dancer, turning down invitations from the Joffrey Ballet and American Ballet Theater, after reading a story about Dance Theater of Harlem in Dance magazine. Abarca-Mitchell was on that issue’s cover — the first Black woman to have that honor. At her Harlem audition, Shelton-Benjamin witnessed company members hand-dying their shoes and ribbons and tights to match the hues of their skin. Here, no traditional ballet pink would interrupt the beauty of their lines. “I had never seen a Black ballerina before, let alone a whole company,” Shelton-Benjamin, 64, said during a February Zoom meeting. “All I could think was, ‘Where have you guys been?’”
Finding one another back then, at the height of the civil rights movement, allowed them to have careers while challenging a ballet culture that had been claimed by white people. “We were suddenly ambassadors,” Abarca-Mitchell said. “And we were all in it together.”
They traveled to American cities that presented such a hostile environment that Mitchell would cancel the performance the night of, lest his company feel disrespected. But they also danced for kings and queens and presidents. In 1979, a review in The Washington Post declared their dancing to be a “purer realization of the Balanchinean ideal than anyone else’s.” Their adventures offstage were similarly electric, like the night in Manchester when Mick Jagger invited them out on the town. “We walked into the club with him and everybody just moved out of the way,” Shelton-Benjamin said.
Cultural memory can be spurious and shortsighted. Abarca-Mitchell was the first Black prima ballerina for a major company, performing works like Balanchine’s “Agon” and “Bugaku” and William Dollar’s “Le Combat” to raves. In an April Zoom session she said she first realized how left out of history she was when her daughter went online to prove to a friend that her mother was the first Black prima ballerina. But all she found was the name Misty Copeland, hailed as the first. “And my daughter was so mad. She said: ‘Where’s your name? Where’s your name?’ It was a wake-up call.”
While Abarca-Mitchell paused to wipe her eyes, Shelton-Banjamin stepped in: “I want to echo what Lydia said. There was a point where I asked the women, ‘Did it all really happen? Was I really a principal dancer?’ And Lydia told me: ‘Don’t do that! Yes, you were. We’re here to tell you, you were.”
Sells went on to a career that included serving as the dean of Harvard Law School, until she left this year to become the Metropolitan Opera’s first chief diversity officer. Shelton-Benjamin is now a jeweler who recently became certified in diamond grading. She, along with Abarca-Mitchell, McKinney-Griffith and Rohan, continue to coach and teach dance. They all have families, including another grandchild on the way for McKinney-Griffith, who announced the happy news to whoops on a recent call.
But they are done swallowing a mythology of firstness that excludes them, along with fellow pioneers like Katherine Dunham, Debra Austin, Raven Wilkinson, Lauren Anderson and Aesha Ash. It’s true that Misty Copeland is American Ballet Theater’s first Black female principal. It is also true that she stands on the shoulders of the founding and first generation dancers at Dance Theater. A narrative that suggests otherwise, Sells said, “Simply makes ballet history weak and small.”
Worse, it perpetuates the belief that Blackness in ballet is a one-off rather than a continuing fact. And it suggests a lonely existence for dancers like Copeland, a world absent of peers. “We could’ve been Misty’s aunties,” Abarca-Mitchell said. “I wish she was part of our sisterhood, that’s all.”
Dance Theater saved them from being the only one in a room. The work was so hard, the expectations so high, the mission so urgent, that those early days demanded a familial support system among the dancers. “Someone would take you under their wing and say, ‘You’re my daughter or sister or brother,’” McKinney-Griffith said. “The men did it also. Karlya was my little sister, and we kept that through the years.”
Like in any family, the relationships are complicated. The women speak of feeling shut out of today’s Dance Theater of Harlem. They are rarely brought in for workshops or consultations on the ballets they were taught by Mitchell. At his memorial service in 2018, they wept in the pews unacknowledged. “We’re like orphans,” Rohan said with a laugh in a Zoom session. “If the outside world neglects us, it seems all the more reason that Dance Theater of Harlem should embrace us.”
Virginia Johnson, a fellow founding member, is now the company’s artistic director. She assumed the helm in 2013 when Dance Theater returned after an eight-year hiatus caused by financial instability. “It makes me sad to think that they feel excluded,” Johnson said in a phone interview. “And it’s not because I don’t want them. It’s just because I can’t manage. I’ve probably missed some chances but it’s not like I haven’t thought about the value of what they bring to the company. They are the bodies, the soul, the spirit of Dance Theater of Harlem.”
“We all think about and love and respect what Arthur Mitchell did,” she added, “but these are the people he worked with to make this company.”
By the end of May, the five members of the 152nd Street Black Ballet Legacy were fully vaccinated. They traveled from Denver, Atlanta, Connecticut, South Jersey and, in Sells’s case, five blocks north of Dance Theater of Harlem for a joyful reunion. So much is different now at the building on 152nd Street. The old fire escape in Studio 3 where they’d catch their breath or wipe tears of frustration is gone. So are the big industrial fans in the corners of the room, replaced by central air conditioning. But they can still feel their leader all around them in the room. Crying, Abarca-Mitchell told McKinney-Griffith, “I miss Arthur.” (Though they all laugh when imagining his response to their legacy council. “I do believe he would try to control us,” Rohan said. “’What are you doing now? Why are you doing that? Let me suggest that. …’”)
The body remembers. In Studio 3, all Shelton-Benjamin had to do was hum a few notes of Balanchine’s “Serenade” and say “and” for the women to grandly sweep their right arms up. “These women help validate my worth,” Abarca-Mitchell said afterward. “I don’t want to take it for granted that people should recognize Lydia Abarca. But when I’m with them I feel like I felt back then. Important.”
Even as the world reopens and they grow busy again, they’ll carry on with their Tuesday afternoons. They want to amplify more alumni voices. They dream of launching a scholarship program for young dancers of color. This fall, they’ll host a webinar in honor of the director and choreographer Billy Wilson, whose daughter Alexis was also part of Dance Theater.
“What we have is a spiritual connection,” said Rohan, who turns 80 this year. She was 27 when she joined the company, already married and hiding from Mitchell that she was a mother of three young children for fear it get her kicked out. When she eventually confessed a year later, he got mad, insisting he would have increased her salary if he’d known she had mouths to feed.
“Arthur planted a seed in me, and all these beautiful women helped it grow,” she said. “Coming from Staten Island, I was just a country girl from the projects. My first time on a plane was to go to Europe to dance on those stages. I thanked God every day for the experience. This year, coming together again, I remembered how much it all meant to me. I didn’t have to be a star ballerina. It was enough that I was there. I was there. I was there.”
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snakeboistan · 4 years
Pairing: Sugino x Nagisa
This is kinda based on this headcanon I read a few months back that said that Sugino loves it when Nagisa sings for him
The song I used is ‘I Like You So Much, You’ll Know It’ by Ysabelle Cuevas because it’s so wholesome and adorable and I love it bc I reminded me so much of SugiNagi
“It’s okay, Sugino,” Nagisa said softly as he continued to card his fingers through the raven strands that sat on his boyfriend’s head. He sat cross-legged on the pale yellow tablecloth they were using as a makeshift picnic blanket with Sugino lying on the ground beside him with his head resting on the blunette’s lap. Surrounding them were boxes filled with sushi and grilled chicken breast, his and Sugino’s favourite foods respectively. The ebony haired boy just hummed non committedly, refusing to say anything in response, causing the older to sigh. The dejection the baseball lover possessed was so evident that it was palpable and all it took was one single glance at the way Sugino’s head hung low after the match ended, at the way those navy eyes he loved so much looked so downcast even from where he was sitting in the bleachers, for Nagisa to wrap the taller boy in a hug. 
“Sugino,” Nagisa said when he approached the boy, who was sitting on a bench that sat at the perimeter of the playing field. The plastic water bottle in the tan-skinned boy's hand looked like it was going to break under that crushing grip, “come on, let’s go.”
“I don’t really feel like doing anything right now, Nagisa,” Sugino murmured, still refusing to look up. Nagisa could feel the cracks forming in his heart at the sight of the other boy, who’s usual puppy-like enthusiasm never failed to put a smile on his face, looking so disheartened. He crouched down in an attempt to meet the other’s gaze.
“Come on, Sugino. I brought chicken breast. Your favourite,” no response, “please can you just come with me, just for a moment. You don’t have to do anything or speak or anything you don’t feel comfortable doing but I don’t want to leave you alone. Not now, not ever so can you please come? For me?”
The hopeful inflection of his voice was able to make the baseball lover look at him. The expression of pure sadness was still evident on his face, “Shindo-”
“I spoke with him and he says that it’s okay for you to leave without the team.”
Sugino looked at Nagisa, giving the shorter boy a once over and taking in how the blunette was decked out in a too big baseball jersey - his spare baseball jersey - with his high school’s name and his number on it. The small smile that was being offered to him seemed to make him crack. He exhaled deeply, “sure, Nagisa. I’ll go with you.”
So that’s how they ended up here, having a picnic in a small clearing in the middle of a sunflower field, basking under the late afternoon Tokyo sun. It was actually supposed to be a surprise. Earlier that day when Nagisa was packing the bag he was going to bring with him to watch Sugino’s baseball match against a rival high school, he was sure that a nice late lunch-slash-early dinner in the field he found near the school on Google Maps would be a great way to congratulate the other teenager for winning a game after weeks of hard work at practice, he was even going to make a congratulatory cake - which in hindsight was a good idea to scrap since, well...
“It’s not, Nagisa,” Sugino whispered, “If I didn’t throw that lousy pitch the other school wouldn’t have got the point. Now my team can’t go to Nationals and it’s all my fault.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Yes it is,” Sugino’s sadness was so overpowering that it made even the proudly standing sunflowers that encompassed them seem to wilt miserably, “you were there in the stands, you saw what happened. My pitch wasn’t good enough and the other team scored the winning point because of it. I had one job and I messed that up.”
“Just because you lost once doesn’t mean that it’s the end,” Nagisa said, “You’re one of the most talented people I know. So what if you fell down? Just pick yourself up and continue. And if you can’t get up by yourself then you have me and everyone else around to get you off the floor. Sugino, I’ve known you for months and I don’t think I’ve met anyone that’s as passionate about baseball as you. You’re going to make it to Kōshien, I know it. You’re going to get recruited for the Nippon Professional Baseball League, beat and impress every single player out there like Arita, play for Japan in the MLB All-Stars and show the world just what Sugino Tomohito is capable of.”
Sugino scoffed, “yeah right. Pitching is what I’m the best at but it turns out that I can’t even do that without flopping. God, what will everyone think of me.”
“Everyone has their off-days,” Nagisa reassured dulcetly, “and it’s just one high school match. There’ll be other opportunities.”
“But this was the match that would’ve sent us to the National Championship and I screwed it up. I’m such a mess up,” Sugino whispered, sounding like he was about to cry. Ignoring Nagisa’s own soft words of ‘No, you’re not’, he continued, “why do you even like me so much?”
For a moment Nagisa was quiet, pausing his movements, and his silence made the stone that was sitting heavily in Sugino’s stomach grow and grow into a boulder, his insecurities increasing with intensity. His eyes started to close, in an attempt to block everything out, to not see the look that Nagisa was wearing.
“I like your eyes, you look away when you pretend not to care.”
Sugino’s eyes snapped open at the soft melody that sounded so similar he could tell the source from anywhere with his eyes closed. He looked up at the blue-haired boy to find him looking down at him with that small fond smile that never fails to make his heart flutter and breath catch. Nagisa opened his mouth again to whisper out the next verse, resuming the process of running his pale fingers through inky black hair.
“I like the dimples on the corners of the smile that you wear.
I like you more, the world may know but don't be scared
'Cause I'm falling deeper, baby, be prepared.”
Sugino must have looked dumbstruck, with his eyes wide and jaw slack as he continued to gaze up at the petite boy wearing his spare oversized baseball jersey and who had the voice of an angel. Holy sh*t why does Nagisa have to be so frickin adorable, this isn’t fair!
“I like your shirt, I like your fingers,” Nagisa gently took Sugino’s hand and pressed a chaste kiss onto the skin between the joints and knuckles of his index and middle fingers before nuzzling his cheek onto them, “love the way that you smell.”
“To be your favorite jacket, just so I could always be near
I loved you for so long, sometimes it's hard to bear
But after all this time, I hope you wait and see.”
At the last word, Nagisa pulled lightly onto the hand that he was holding as he got up. Sugino followed the silent instruction, wondering what the other was planning before he was gently led away from their picnic and towards the rows of sunflowers that surrounded them. Nagisa had managed to hold onto both of his hands and was walking backwards, pulling the other along with both his soft tugging and the sugar sweet tune he was singing.
“Love you every minute, every second
Love you everywhere and any moment
Always and forever I know I can't quit you
'Cause, baby, you're the one, I don't know how”
Like a moth drawn to a flame, Sugino found himself trailing towards his own beacon of blue irises that held a shine so captivating it would put the stars to shame. He remembered how when he was in Elementary school, one of his classmates was interested in mythical creatures and would talk about how sirens would lure pirates to their deaths with their songs. Well, he would gladly jump off a ship and drown if the last thing he saw was Nagisa’s bright eyes and the last thing he heard was his honey-like voice. They were just walking along as if they were the only people in the world, making their way past the sunflowers that were so tall that they overtook the blue-haired boy. However, despite being the smallest thing in this vast field of flowers, Nagisa’s presence seemed to be the largest, most powerful being and Sugino was (not so) surprised to find that the sadness that seemed to fill him earlier was completely replaced by this feeling of complete euphoria - all because of this absolutely amazing person called Shiota Nagisa.
“I love you 'til the last of snow disappears
Love you 'til a rainy day becomes clear
Never knew a love like this, now I can't let go
I'm in love with you, and now you know”
“Nagisa,” Sugino laughed breathlessly, feeling completely powerless against the unstoppable force that was his boyfriend’s love and affection, “what’s this all about?”
“You asked me why I like you,” Nagisa giggled, azure eyes twinkling like the ocean under a sunset, “now hush, I’m not done.”
The boy started to sway their interlocked hands sideways as he picked up where he left off, “I like the way you try so hard when you play ball with your friends
I like the way you hit the notes, in every song you're shining
I love the little things, like when you're unaware
I catch you steal a glance and smile so perfectly”
Sugino found himself yelping when Nagisa unceremoniously pulled on his hands, bringing him closer to the shorter boy. Suddenly, he felt soft palms cup his cheek and tilting his head so that he was looking straight down at Nagisa’s beaming face.
“Though sometimes when life brings me down
You're the cure, my love
In a bad rainy day
You take all the worries away”
And now they were dancing. By themselves. In the middle of the endless rows of sunflowers. Well, it was less actual dancing and more of the two of them spinning and propelling each other in a circle and making jerking movements with their hands, but Sugino found himself laughing so hard that tears were seeping out of the corners of his eyes (although, those tears might be more to do with how much he loves Nagisa than him actually laughing but semantics)
“Love you every minute, every second
Love you everywhere and any moment
Always and forever I know I can't quit you
'Cause, baby, you're the one, I don't know how
In a world devoid of life, you bring colors
In your eyes I see the light, my future
Always and forever I know, I can't let you go
I'm in love with you, and now you know”
When Nagisa finished, Sugino couldn’t take it anymore and he just pulled the shorter boy into a crushing embrace, “you’re really awesome, you know that right? And an amazing boyfriend.”
He could feel the other smile against the cotton of his shirt as slender arms returned the hug, “I’m just glad that you’re happier now.”
“How could I possibly be unhappy if I have you?”
“Nagisa?” Sugino leaned back a bit and found that Nagisa had pressed his face right into his chest, refusing to look at him, “are-are you okay?”
“Yes,” was the high-pitched reply. Sugino gripped onto the blunette’s shoulders and gently pulled him back to see that the other’s face was so red that they could rival the sweatbands that sat on his wrists.
“Uh, Nagisa, you good?”
“Yep, I’m fine,” Nagisa squeaked, squeezing his eyes shut nodding his head so rapidly that Sugino thought that he’d get a headache.
“Are you sure because you’re-”
“Yep, one hundred percent.”
“Nagisa,” Sugino huffed out a laugh as he poked the other’s cheek, hoping to get the blunette to actually look at him, “you don’t have to be embarrassed.”
“I-I’m not embarrassed,” he said defensively, finally opening his eyes so that he could pout at the taller boy, whispering, “I-I just-you can’t just say stuff like that, alright.”
“What? Stuff like how you are the most incredibly amazing boyfriend ever and you always know how to make me happy.”
“Sugino!” Nagisa whisper-yelled as he buried his face into his hands.
Sugino laughed, prying Nagisa’s fingers away from his face, “come on. You can sing an entire song about how much you love me but I can’t give you one compliment.”
“That’s different.”
“I-I just-why don’t we just go back to our picnic. We don’t want crows getting to our sushi and chicken.”
Sugino smiled fondly and patted Nagisa on his head, “sure thing, Nagisa.”
Together they walked back with linked hands.
I'm in love with you, and now you know
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Unforgiven- Crimson Rain chapter 15
Pairing: Bastien x Liza; Liam x Raven
Word count: 3,434
Warnings: fluff, angst, manipulation, character death
Summary: Someone causes trouble.  
A/N: A smidge of fluff and then shit hits the fan. I’d apologize, but no one would believe me. If you want to listen to the songs that fueled this chapter Smile by Uncle Kracker, Final Warning by Skylar Grey, Monster by Beth Crowley (god is this song so Madeline this chapter, oops) and Monster by Imagine Dragons
Series warnings: Mobster AU, there will be violence, and death. Possible NSFW to come. Possibly dark and deals with pregnancy loss. If you ask to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age.
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
Disclaimer: I own my OC’s, the rest I’m simply borrowing from PB for a bit.
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Present day; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:
Liza felt like she was floating on a cloud, still overcome with joy over what transpired in the last forty-eight hours. She pulled her phone from her purse as she settled back into the plush seats of the SUV, Buttons laying with his head in her lap. She opened her messaging app, her finger hovering over a name she desperately wanted to push, she clicked another name, smiling as she typed out the words.
Liza: Guess who just got married!
She smiled as she watched the dancing dots.
Percy: Without me?! I’m wounded!
Liza giggled as she envisioned him clutching his chest, his face etched with mock hurt.
Liza: Oh calm down! We eloped. Only Liv was there… well and our new puppy Buttons.
Her smile grew as she scrolled through the pictures, selecting one where Liv pretended to be annoyed, but her smile proved she was just as overjoyed as everyone else. Elvis stood between Liza and Olivia, striking his signature pose, Buttons cradled in Bastien’s arms by her side.
Percy: You were a beautiful bride.
She blushed at the compliment.
Liza: Thank you.
Percy: For telling you you’re beautiful or calling Bastien to tell you where you were hiding?
Liza: Everything.
Percy: I hate to ask, but does your dad know?
She frowned as she bit her lip. She wanted to tell him with every fiber of her being, but she refused to allow his disappointment to pop her happy bubble.
Liza: No, you know how he feels, he won’t ever accept that I’m happy.
Percy: I’m sorry kitten.
Liza: Don’t be, at least I have you I can count on.
Percy: Anytime kitten, & congratulations.
She smiled as she closed out of the app, tucking her phone back in her purse. She turned her head, smile growing wider as Bastien took her hand in his squeezing it gently.
“Telling your dad the good news?”
“No, you know he wouldn’t be happy for us, I don’t want his negative energy to ruin things for us.” She shook her head, refusing to allow her smile to drop from her face again. “I was telling Percy, he says congratulations, and pretended to be hurt he wasn’t invited.”
“He could have had my invite.” Olivia quipped from her spot up front. “I mean cheesy Vegas Elvis wedding, no thank you.”
“Oh Liv, stop pretending you hated it, I saw you smile, and cry. Besides you would have been pissed if you weren’t there.”
“Whatever you have to tell yourself.” Olivia said as she rolled her emerald eyes towards the heavens, still unable to conceal the smile on her lips. At least I’m up here so they can’t see my face.
Bastien stifled a chuckle as Liza mouthed ‘she’s in denial’. An unfamiliar ringtone broke through the mostly silent car. “Hope.” Bastien said sliding his phone from his pocket.
Hope. Oh shit! Regret engulfed Liza, coiling around her body squeezing her tightly. How could we forget Hope? What a great start to being her stepmother. First I run out in tears and then we exclude her. She was pulled from her thoughts by Bastien’s gentle squeeze of her hand, her hazel eyes meeting worry filled grey. “Hmm?” Did I miss something he said?
“I need to go to Trenton after I drop Liv, Buttons and you home.”
“Why?” Concern etching her features.
“Hope called, something happened, I’m not sure what she was too panicked to understand fully but I need to make sure she’s okay.”
“I’ll come with you.” The words jumped out of her mouth without thought, though she felt sure of her decision.
“Are you sure? Last time—”
“Last time I was in a bad place. I’m not saying I’m perfect, but I’m doing much better now that I’m not hiding our losses from you.”
“I’m glad you finally trusted me.”
She grimaced, it’s not that she didn’t trust him, she just didn’t want to burden him with the pain. “Me too.”
Present day; Trenton, New Jersey: 
Two weeks ago:
Madeline paced her room, hastily grabbing clothes, tossing them haphazardly into an open suitcase on her bed. “How could he keep this from me? He wanted me to lead Liam to take down Bastien I needed to know Emmaline survived!” She glared at the man standing the door waiting to escort her out of her home. Who the hell does he think he is throwing me out like this?! I will show him! She wasn’t taking this lying down, she refused to be made to look the fool. She was promised she would be by Liam’s side and she would do anything it took to take it from that ungrateful bitch who stole it from her.
She slammed her suitcase shut, angrily zipping the lid. She grabbed the bag roughly, her heels clicking loudly as she stomped to the door. “I can see myself out, thank you!” She said as the low level soldier tried to lead her out, taking offense that Liam thought so little of her. I will be back and I will win Liam, I will be your wife!
It had been weeks since her mother accidentally revealed that she was the one who had actually pulled the trigger that took Emmaline from Liam. She had never felt more confused in all her life, she wanted her to pay, but at the same time it was her mom and what would be gained in both of them losing their mothers. She couldn’t help but wonder if her mother would have kept the secret till she died had she not overheard their conversation about Emmaline.
She knew as hard as it was on her it had to be even harder in Liam, he needed to prove he was the right man to head the Rhys family, and that meant dealing with Mara. She was aware that the decision was also weighing heavily on him and she knew it wouldn’t be if it were anyone else, and if he hadn’t wrongly gone with Bastien. He couldn’t afford another misstep, but he also needed to show he could take action. She hated that she was part of the reason that was making it tougher on him to decide what to be done.
Raven nervously chewed her lip as realized what she needed to do. She always knew deep down, on some level what she had to do. She needed to remove herself from the equation, if she didn’t Liam would never be able to do what he needed to without a guilty conscience.
Mind made up, she headed towards Liam’s study to tell him he needed to act as if she wasn’t involved. It was the only way he’d be able to handle the situation, he couldn’t be worried about her and her feelings if they were to ensure that Mara paid for what she had done to Emmaline.
“Liam, can we speak for a minute?” Her voice soft as she entered the study. If she didn’t say it right away she knew she might not ever.
“Hello love.” He smiled, but it didn’t meet his eyes. He motioned for her to sit down, the weight of his decision showing in his tired face.
Raven gave her own forced smile as she sat. “I think you should do whatever you need to with my mother. Don’t worry about me, I won’t fault you for whatever you choose. What she did was wrong, she never thought of anyone but herself in any of her actions. She’s the reason I was ever threatened, and she made her choice out of self protection. She knew Emmaline would be stopped but she only worried about her own position. So I want you to do what is needed and I promise we will be fine.”
Liam looked at her in awe, trying to decipher how she could be so calm and strong. “Thank yo—” The phone rang cutting off his words. “Hello?” His brow furrowed and his face contorted in pain as he listened to the voice on the other end. He silently hung up, his head hanging in disbelief. “My mother, she’s gone.”
The morning before:
Madeline moved swiftly down the halls, her heels clicking against the cool polished linoleum. She managed to talk her way into the details she needed, her name still held some weight, even if Liam didn’t see it. I’ll teach him to underestimate me and push me aside.  She stopped outside the door, smoothing down her dress and painting her face with remorse and worry, while inside she could feel the anger churning in her veins waiting to erupt in a fiery rage. She pulled a large diamond ring from her bag, slipping it in on her finger as a small smile played on her lips. She twisted the knob, pushing the door open. “Oh, Emmaline, I just heard.”
Hope jumped up from her seat by her sleeping mother’s side, her textbook falling to the ground. “Who are you?” Her fingers inched towards the call button.
“I’m Madeline, you’re soon to be sister in law.” She raised her hand, diamond sparkling as it caught the light.
Hope’s face twisted in confusion. “What are you talking about? What happened to Raven?”
“Oh dear? Is she at it again? She’s convinced she’s Liam’s girlfriend and that he loves her. It’s sad really. She’s loved him since we were children, but I’ve been his betrothed for years. Except every time we try to get married she somehow finds out and stops the wedding. We’ve tried having her committed but her mother always has her released. And now she’s gotten you fooled too?” She painted her face with mock concern, she could sell this, just a little more. “Oh my poor dear. I would have been here sooner but I’ve been abroad, my own dear mother is gravely ill, I’ve barely been able to leave her side. But I’m sure you understand.”
Hope nodded in agreement, her head spinning, Raven had seemed so sincere, but how else would Madeline know?
“Did she try anything? Please tell me she didn’t! I’d be beside myself if anything happened to Emmaline. She was like a second mother to me, when I finally heard she was alive and Liam had a sister I had to come! I still can’t believe he did this to her.”
“Who?” The words flew out of her mouth before she could stop them. She’d been wanting answers all her life, maybe she’d finally learn the truth she’d been searching for.
Madeline turned, carefully concealing her smirk. “Constantine.” Her hand flew to her chest. “Oh dear, don’t tell me they kept you in the dark. It was well known that Constantine had Mara, Raven’s dear mother kill Emmaline, although he allowed it to be spread that it was her jealous lover. Had I known she was alive all this time!”
Hope sank to her seat, tears pooling in her eyes. “H—he knew? Liam really knew?”
Madeline closed the distance resting a comforting hand on Hope’s shoulder. “I’m afraid so. The only person who didn’t know who really did it was your father. Constantine tried to disgrace him and most everyone fell in line. Liam learned the truth at a young age, we both did, in training to take over for Constantine. I guess he didn’t want you to hate him because of his father. I truly thought he’d tell you.”
Hope looked up through tear filled grey eyes, missing the smile threatening to break across Madeline’s face. “Th—thank you for telling me the truth. Can you come back, maybe later after I’ve had the chance to process?”
“Of course, anything for my dear sister in law to be.” Madeline’s smirk grew as she shut the door, Hope’s sobs filtering through the door. She slipped off the large diamond, depositing it back into her purse. Oh, I will be back, but when no one is here to stop me. She smiled as she passed the young orderly in green scrubs, his hungry gaze boring into her. Ugh. He’s a means to an end, the position I deserve, the place I’m owed. Just a few more hours and she’d have Liam exactly where she needed him.
Two years ago; Trenton, New Jersey- Constantine/ Madeline:
Madeline was fuming, her heels clicking as she paced the study. “I can’t believe you just sat there and let him call it off!”
Constantine sat back in his chair, an unnerving sense of calm coiling around him. “Patience Madeline, he will fall in line.”
Madeline spun, her eyes flashing with fury. “No! I’ve had enough with being patient! I. Want. What. I. Was. Promised. I have waited for him to fall in line for four years listening to you placate me, no more!”
Constantine’s blue eyes narrowed, his fist coming down on his desk causing Madeline to jump. “Enough! I would kindly remind you who you are talking to and disrespecting, yes you were promised Liam’s hand, and you shall have it. He will fall in line or he will learn of his girlfriends mothers involvement in his mother’s death, with a few omissions on my part.” Madeline opened her mouth to speak, stopping as he raised his hand, palm facing her. “But, if you ever have another outburst like that towards me, you will get nothing. Understood?”
Madeline’s hands clenched in fists at her side, before she released them. “Fine!” I can’t wait until he’s dead and the real plan can start.
Present day; Trenton, New Jersey: 
Early Morning:
Madeline smirked as she carefully slipped from the supply closet undetected. She straightened her scratchy polyester green scrubs with a look of distaste. It’s a means to an end. The phrase becoming her mantra with every task she had to endure that she found beneath her. In the end, it will all be worth it when I’m at my rightful place.
She carefully navigated the quiet halls. Shift change, I should have just enough time to do this and slip out without being spotted. She patted her scrub pocket, ensuring the syringe was there. Just a few more minutes and everything will be on its way to being the way it’s supposed to be.
She slipped into the darkened room, moving through the room towards the bed without making a sound. She smiled down at Emmaline’s sleeping form. “Oh Emmaline, if only things could be different but this is the only way to make your son fall in line.” She pulled the syringe from her pocket, a devilish gleam in her clover green eyes as she uncapped the thin needle. She carefully pulled up the sleeve of Emmaline’s top, exposing her upper arm. “This won’t hurt.” Her smile grew. “Well me, it will hurt you a lot.” She drew back her arm a few inches, pinching the skin with her other hand, her arm came down, needle piercing the skin. Emmaline’s eyes shot wide open as Madeline pushed down on the plunger.
Emmaline’s mouth dropped open in question, fear quickly filling her eyes as she felt her fingers go numb, she drew her arm up only for it to fall back to her side like dead weight. What’s going on? Panic set in around her heart as she struggled to move, to breathe. Why can’t I breathe? Every breath was a hard and painful gasp. Who would do this? She tried to glance around the room for help, but she was still, motionless, trapped in her bed with no way to call for help. I’m going to die and I can’t scream.
Madeline’s sadistic smile grew as she watched the panic set in on Emmaline’s face. She remained quiet, watching until Emmaline’s body went limp, dead chestnut eyes staring up at her unseeing. She carefully closed her eyes, making her appear to still be in a peaceful sleep. She slipped from the room, retracing her path back out of the nursing home, smug smile on her lips. Let’s see you say no to me now. It was only a matter of time before she finally received all she was promised, all she was owed.
Liza worked to force the nervous feeling bubbling up from the pit of her stomach back down as she walked through the familiar doors. Things are different this time. She nervously twisted her rings as she took a deep breath. You know where you stand, just breathe. The only similarity between this time and the last was the nervous energy hanging in the air. The air was heavy, wrapping around them as they wondered what to expect.
They barely made it three feet, before a streak of dark hair ran towards them, tears falling heavily down her cheeks. “Bas!” Hope choked out between sobs. “Thank god.” She swiped at her cheeks with the backs of her hands trying to stem the flow of tears. “My mom.” Her lower lip trembled as she struggled with the words. “She’s gone!” She sank to the floor, her body collapsing in a heap as her legs gave way, no longer able to hold up her weight.
Liza crouched down, her hand instinctively going to comfort the younger woman. “Let’s move to the sitting area and you can tell us what happened, okay?”
Hope nodded, accepting Liza’s helping hand up. They moved to the same corner they spoke just weeks prior. Liza sat next to Hope, gently wrapping her arm around her shoulders, her need to comfort coming on pure instinct. Bastien sat on Hope’s other side, his hand resting on her shoulder. “Can you tell us what happened?”
Hope sniffled as she nodded her head. “My mom, she’s just gone, someone killed her.”
“What makes you say that?”
“She was fine. She was perfectly stable, then this morning they found her just after shift change. Nothing else makes sense. They tried to kill her before, so why wouldn’t they try again now?” She roughly wiped at her cheeks. “Plus I got a visit from Liam’s fiancé yesterday.” She shook her head in disbelief. Maybe I could have stopped this. “I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but it can’t be a coincidence, she comes and then my mom is dead.” She choked back a sob. “She didn’t remember anything, I just don’t understand why she had to be killed.”
Liza gave Bastien a questioning look, he shook his head in response. They could understand her line of reasoning, but they couldn’t think who would want her dead with Constantine gone.
Hope suddenly jumped up, her face contorting from sadness to fury. “You have some fucking nerve showing up here!” She shouted as she spotted Liam and Raven approaching.
Liam scowled. “Yea you must be surprised since you tried to tell them not to call me!”
“Why do you even care?! You knew! You knew where she was, who put her here, you always knew and yet you tried to blame the only one of you who even showed me an ounce of care or told me any truth!” Hope’s hands clenched into fists as the anger took over, tears of anger and grief rolling down her wet cheeks. “All you ever did since you got here was lie to me! Both of you!” She laughed at their shocked faces. “You think I wouldn’t find out about your fiancé?! She was here, she told me everything!”
Liam felt the anger coursing through his body. He knew of only one person who would feed her such lies. What was the point, it’s not like we were close.
Liza reached out to put her hand on Hope’s shoulder, Hope shrugging her off. They need to know what he did! “How could you? How could you protect her mother when she hurt ours?!” She turned to Raven. “I can’t believe I ever trusted you! You just wanted to know how much I knew, see if your mother was safe!”
“Will you stop?!” Liam shouted, his jaw clenching in anger.
“Why?! So you can spout more lies?!”
“ENOUGH!” Liza shouted stepping between them. “This isn’t the place.” She turned to Hope, watching her body deflate. “Let’s move somewhere more private and try to discuss this.”
Hope nodded in agreement, Liam’s phone beeping in his pocket before he could acknowledge. He slipped the phone from this pocket, he gritted his teeth, his hand curling into a fist as he read the text. Think before you say no to me next time. Be in touch, my dearest fiancé. His eyes flashed with rage. “Madeline!”
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olboypacman · 5 years
2. What is Justice? (Finale, A Cry For Justice)
A Few Months Later, The Day of The People of New Jersey v. Frank Castle
“Funny seeing you and the rest of the gang here, Chuckles.”
“Jason. You’re looking well.”
A tense silence manifests itself between the factions of the leather clad couple of Jason Todd and Komand’r and the Titans dressed in their civilian attire.
“Kori. I see Victor’s holorings still have their uses. But, tan’s a bad tone on you, sister dear.”
“Why you-“ Kori lunges at her sister but is held back by Victor.
“OK,” Said Cyborg, “this is more awkward than I thought it would be. I’m taking Kori into the court room, gonna find us some seats. Who’d a thought this trial would’ve attracted so much attention?”
He heaves the Tamaranean over his shoulder as he walks through the door. She’s spouting off her objections to her treatment in Tamaranean, as she pounds her fists Victor’s back.
“I’m gonna join Cy- I mean Vic. You guys look like you got some stuff to catch up on.” Said a fair skinned, blonde-haired, green-eyed Changeling. “See you guy in court!” He said as waived off the others, following Cyborg.
Raven shrugs her shoulders at the people remaining. “Wait for me Gar.” She intones, coming up the rear.
“Komi,” says Nightwing, “was that really necessary?”
Blackfire gives him a look of mock innocence, “What? I’m telling the truth.”
“Blackfire,” said Jason, “let me talk with Dick alone. Find us a spot will you, cutie?”
“Fine, Jay. I’ve got you.” She pecks him on the cheek, as she makes her way into the court room to find her and Jason some seats.
“You and Blackfire. A part of me may have saw that coming-“
“Grayson,” interrupts Jason. “Is Bruce here?”
“Yeah. Alfred’s here. Babs is here. Tim’s here. Even poor Harley is here. Everyone is here. Are you planning on saying hi to anyone?”
“I’ve said all needed to him or anyone a long time ago.”
At the implication of Jason’s words, Dick sighs and says, “He never would’ve done it. None of us would’ve. For what it’s worth, he’s sorry and he misses you. And despite our recent history, I miss you too. Your family-“
“Stow it, Dick. The fact that it took some cop to do what needs to be done tells me what kind of family I’ve got. Give my love to Babs. Enjoy the trial.” Said Jason, as started to make his way into the court room.
“Wait. Why did you bail out Frank Castle?” Asked Dick.
“Honestly? I wanted to meet the man ballsy enough to properly avenge his family.”
“All rise!” Commanded the bailiff as the judge made his way to the bench.
The older, bald, caucasian judge, clad in the dark robes sits and bangs his gavel getting the attention of the full court as everyone present takes their seat.
He creases his brow, as if he’s making eye contact with everyone in the court.
“I know we have a lot of people here today, but I’d like to remind everyone here today we are in a court of law this day. A man is being tried for his alleged crimes and recommend all out bursts be keep to a minimum. With that being said, let’s get started with our opening statements.” The judge motions to his left, “Prosecutor.”
The prosecutor stands upon being beckoned by the judge. He’s small slip of man dressed in a cheap beige suit with an even cheaper haircut. He smiles condescendingly at Frank, practically assured of a conviction as he begins his opening statement.
“What is justice? We in the DA’s office like to define it as set system of right and wrong. Of showing those who break laws there are set consequences for what you do. Today we are here to prosecute Frank Castle for the crime of murder of the Joker in the first degree. We will prove that he did so maliciously and with no regard for our system of justice. And I would like to remind the court that the people of New Jersey are seeking the maximum conviction of life without the possibility of parole.”
A hush goes over the court as the mousy prosecutor finished his opening statement.
The hush turns into murmur as they seemingly wait for something to happen.
The judge bangs his gavel once more to bring the hush back to the court room.
“Mr. Castle, I understand you’ve waived your right to attorney. As a result of that it’s up to you to state the basis of your defense or to counter point anything said by the prosecution in your opening statement.”
Being addressed, Castle rises from his seat and says gruffly, “I decline to make an opening statement, your honor.”
A murmur goes over those present in the court and the judge bangs his gavel again to gain control of the court.
The prosecutor’s sneer returns to his face.
The judge takes a moment to take in his appearance.
Castle’s dressed in a black suit coat with matching pants and tie, with a white shirt underneath the coat. The whole ensemble looks like it’s seen better days, as littered with wrinkles and is poorly creased. There’s a look in defeat his eyes and looks like her hasn’t shaved in a while.
He’s a man whose already been beaten, dressed for a funeral for the fight of his life, thinks the judge.
“Both of you, please approach.” Commands the judge, addressing Castle and the prosecutor.
“Mr. Castle,” said the judge in a low voice, “how prepared are you for your defense?”
“I just thought to show up, your honor. Everything else is formality at this point.” Responded Frank.
“Mr. Castle, I’m telling you this for your own good, but do you recognize without a proper defense you maybe damning yourself to a guilty verdict and consequently to whatever fresh hell I’d imagine a waits a police officer in Blackgate. Yes, Mr. Castle, recognize that my power as a judge won’t save a violent offender from a super max prison, first offense or not.”
“Whatever happens, I’m consigned to the worst of what may come to be.” Said Frank.
“Then why show up at all? Your absence today would’ve defaulted a guilty verdict.”
Frank shrugs his shoulders, “Then that would’ve cost the guy that bailed me out a half a million dollars. I couldn’t in good conscience let him lose that kind of money on my say so.”
The prosecutor attempts to contain his laughs, as the judge shoots him a look of annoyance at his outburst. “You will respect this courtroom, prosecutor.”
“I’m sorry, Your Honor,” he said as he tried to stow his laughs. “This going to be my easiest conviction yet.”
“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch, counselor.” Said Castle.
The prosecutor sneers and says, “Unless you know something I don’t, I expect a guilty verdict in less than a few hours, Castle.”
“Enough,” interjects the judge, “let’s get this case underway.” He said, dismissing them.
The judge bangs the gavel again to bring the noise of court down that came up as he was addressing the prosecution and the defense.
“Prosecution, your first witness.”
The prosecution had gone through about half a dozen or so witnesses of the police and EMTs that were on the scene of murder. Most testimonies were very brief and consistent outlining what happened that night a few months ago.
To no surprise to the judge and the prosecutor, Castle, acting as his own defense, had opted not to question one witness.
The prosecution had just dismissed the most recent witness, the officer who had been headbutted by The Joker.
No one even bothered to check if Castle had any questions for him, taking ques from earlier.
“The State of New Jersey would like to call Commissioner Gordon to the stand.” Said the prosecutor.
Gordon stands from his seat among the spectators. He makes his way to the stand, dressed in his signature tan overcoat, off white dress shirt with a black tie, light brown pants and black shoes.
He takes a seat on the stand and is sworn in as the prosecutor waits, sneer still on his face.
“May the witness state his name for the record,” said the prosecutor.
“James Gordon,” was the response.
“And what is your profession, Mr. Gordon?”
“I’m the commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department.”
“Do you recognize that man over there?” Said the prosecutor, pointing at Frank Castle.
“Yes, that’s officer-“ Gordon stops himself, running his hand through his white hair in frustration. “Frank Castle.”
“Do you know what Mr. Castle’s vocation was until recently?”
Gordon hesitates for a moment, glaring at the prosecutor, his mouth forming a grim line. “He was an officer under my command in the city’s police department.”
“Do you know what Mr. Castle is accused of?”
“And can you state what Mr. Castle is he accused of, Commissioner?”
“Murder in the first degree. He’s accused of killing The Joker.”
“And you were there on the night in question, correct?”
“Yes, I was.”
“Well, from what you saw can you tell me what happened?”
“It happened pretty fast. I was speaking with Batman, then I heard one shot and a few officers fingered Castle as the shooter pretty quickly. Joker was already down with one in his chest before I could get eyes on the situation. Castle then fired 3 more shots into The Joker, another to his chest, one to his throat, and the last one to the head, before any officers could get to him. About 4 or 5 officers’ dog-piled him before he can shoot another round off, and that scuffle didn’t last long. He gave as soon as he was tackled.”
“So, you saw him kill the victim?” Asked the prosecutor.
“Was Frank Castle within his right to execute the victim the way he did? Within his duty as sworn officer of the law?”
"I speak from someone whose family was a victim of the Joker, hell I was a victim of him my damn self. What Officer Castle did, who’s to say it was wrong? Really? I mean after what he did to my girl Barbara, I can't say I didn't think about pulling the trigger myself."
“That’s interesting Commissioner, I had no idea that the police department condones the cold-blooded execution of detained criminals.“
“I didn’t say that!” Interrupts Gordon.
“Well it’s no surprise. You condoned the actions of the Bat-family in our city for years, and they done nothing to stave off the rising crime and supervillains that plague our fair city.” Said the prosecutor, as he raised his voice. “Why not execute them all? It’s only the natural progression of things under your command, right commissioner?”
“No that’s not what I’m saying!”
“Then answer my question Commissioner Gordon; was Frank Castle within his right or his civic duty as an officer of the law to execute the victim?”
“No.” Said Gordon, defeatedly.
“Nothing further.” Said the prosecutor, as he makes his way back to his seat.
“Does Mr. Castle have anything for the commissioner?” Asked the judge.
Frank stood from his seat, scratching his unshaven scruff. “How’s Babs?” Asked the former police officer.
The court erupted into a roar at the question.
“ORDER! ORDER!” Yelled the judge as he banged his gavel. “Mr. Castle, the court room isn’t the social hour. Do you have questions to defend yourself, to rebuttal anything the prosecution established to the court?”
“No, your honor.” Said Castle simply.
“Thank you for your testimony here today, commissioner,” Said the judge.
“The prosecution would like to call one last witness to the stand, Frank Castle.” Said the prosecution.
The court erupted once more.
The judge banged his gavel again to quiet down the court.
Castle makes his way to the stand.
He’s then sworn in.
“Can you state your name for the record.” Said the prosecutor, as he approached the stand.
“Frank Castle.”
“What is your vocation?”
“Former officer of Gotham’s police force.”
“Former,” repeats the prosecutor. “And can you tell the court today what caused you to lose that position, which coincides with what your accused of today.” Said the prosecutor, emphasizing the word, ‘accused.’
“You read the reports and statements, councilor. You tell me.”
“Answer the question, Mr. Castle,” commands the judge.
“Shooting and killing the Joker.”
The prosecutor clicks his teeth, as if processing what was just stated.
He walks back to his table, producing a picture.
The councilor walks back to stand showing a picture to Castle.
“Do you recognize this man, Mr. Castle?”
“I do.” Said Castle simply, as the prosecutor showed the picture to the court.
“That is James Irons, an alleged associate of the Falcone crime family.”
“And what is your history with, Mr. Irons?” Asked the lawyer.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Oh?” Said the prosecutor, facetiously. He goes back to the table grabbing several pieces of paper stapled together. “In my hand I have a formal complaint filed with the Gotham City police department against Mr. Castle on behalf of Mr. Irons. The complaint being brutality.” He hands it off to the jury, for them to verify it for themselves.
“And what is the point of this?” Asks Castle.
“I believe the phrase your looking for is, ‘objection, on the grounds of relevance.’” Said the prosecutor, arrogantly.
“Watch your tone counselor, but Mr. Castle does have a point. To what relevance is this to the court?” Said the judge.
“I’m only trying to establish to the court a history of Mr. Castle being less than kind to detained suspects. A history that started only after his family was allegedly killed by The Joker.” Said the prosecutor.
“You son of bitch-“ Frank growls as he lunges at the prosecutor and another ruckus stir occurs as he does.
The judge bangs his gavel, to regain control of the court. And the bailiffs are able to restrain Frank before he can get to the prosecution.
“Order! Mr. Castle, you are to control yourself, councilor, please do your best not to badger the witness, or I will hold you both in contempt.”
The prosecutor obviously frazzled by having Castle jump at him, straightens himself out. “As I was saying I’m simply trying to establish to the court a history of misconduct towards already arrested suspects, a history that started,” the prosecutor hesitates as Castle scowls at him, “after the untimely death of his family. As a matter of fact, I have 5 or 6 similar complaints against Mr. Castle over the last few years. So, what were those brutality cases, Mr. Castle? Working up your nerve to kill? Some measure of revenge until you found your desired prey?”
Frank sighs, then goes to answer. “If you saw what Irons did to his wife, you would’ve done the same thing. As far as the others,” Frank paused, a far away look in his eyes, “I don’t know. Things have been difficult since my family was killed.”
“That does not excuse an officer assaulting a person that’s already been arrested. It certainly doesn’t excuse you killing a detained suspect in cold blood.” Responded the prosecutor, he starts to walk back to his table, apparently finished questioning.
“Cold blood,” laughs Frank. “That was the hardest decision I’ve made since they died.”
“What?” Said the prosecutor.
“You’ve been needling witnesses all day to paint as some kind of monster. And all day I’ve listened to you corner my former colleagues and commanding officers to confirm it so. Who am I to deny what you want?” Said Frank sarcastically. “Killing the Joker wasn’t something that came to me easy. I thought about it for a long while. When I finally decided to go through with it, I waited years for my opportunity. Waited for something, anything where I can come across that piece of shit. A transport detail, a detail guarding a door as he’s being interrogated. Literally anything. My opportunity came that night a few months ago. The city’s resident so-called hero had just subdued The Joker and all nearby cars were ordered to report to scene. I happened to be assigned to guard him with another officer while we waited for a high-security bus to come cart him off. I lucked that officer I was pared with was very antagonistic and he managed to get himself hurt leaving me all alone with the Joker. I was unsure now that the time had come to actually go through with it. When I questioned him why he attacked the civic center, his answer steeled my resolve. My only regret is that I didn’t get to empty my entire clip into the son of a bitch. Is that what you wanted counselor?”
“That’s it,” replied the prosecutor simply. “Nothing further.”
“I, um,” said the judge. “The jury maybe excused so they may deliberate.”
The court reconvened after only 30 minutes of deliberation.
The judge once again bangs his gavel to quiet the court once more.
“Has the jury reached a verdict?” The judge addressed the foreman.
“We have reached a unanimous verdict, your honor.” Said the foreman.
He unfolds the piece of, containing said decision.
“We, the jury, find Frank Castle on the charge of first-degree murder, not guilty.”
At the rendered verdict, the court erupts more riotous than before.
The prosecutor is beside himself at the decision.
He’s yelling and ranted animated in his position at the court, mutterings of ‘mistrial’ and damnings of fifth amendment rights.
The judge is just as animated, banging his gavel attempting to regain control of the court room once more.
“Order! Goddamnit! I will clear this courtroom! Order! Order!” Yells the judge.
The court begins to simmer down at his threat. He chuckles and goes on to say, “Not guilty. Huh. Oh, well. The State of New Jersey would like to thank the jury for their service today.” He then turns his attention to Castle. “So much could be said to you, Mr. Castle. You avoided the obvious despite the overwhelming evidence against the contrary.”
“I’m just as surprised as you, your honor.” Replied Frank.
“Indeed. Mr. Castle, I wish I can say justice, as I understand it as an officer of court, was dispensed. Had it been so, you probably never would’ve been in front of me in this capacity. Commissioner Gordon’s baby girl wouldn’t be in a wheelchair. You would still come home to your family every night. Hell, that can be said of countless families across this city of ours, cause The Joker would’ve been locked away for a long, long time. But it hasn’t. Furthermore, I wish I could pat you on the back for a job well done. I wish I can tell you that-a-boy. I wish I could tell you your wife and children could rest easy now that that piece of shit is off the streets. But again, because of my station I can’t officially. Mr. Castle, the jury has given you your life back. Congratulations. Case dismissed,” he said, banging his gavel.
It had been a fight out the court room, as more than a few reporters had managed to find a seat during his case. He had to fight even harder on the courtroom steps, as there were reporters from every newspaper and news station trying to get a quote for this story.
Showing he still had allies in the police station, Commissioner Gordon and few other officers had formed a makeshift human barrier around Castle as they pushed their way though the throngs of journalists.
As they make their way to the parking deck, a well-built clean-shaven, red-haired man in a navy-blue suit is waiting for them. He’s standing by the rear door of limousine. Upon closer inspection, it can be seen that the gentleman actually is dressed in a military officer’s uniform.
The man then makes his own way toward Frank Castle and his escorts.
“I can take him from here, boys.” Said the man.
“Mind telling us who you are.” Said Gordon.
“Captain Rick Flag, United States military. No need to be so defensive,” said Frank, defusing the tension between the police officer’s and the man. “I served with him in the marines. He stayed with military, I decided to go into law enforcement.”
“If you say so Frank. Listen, if you need anything, anything at all, don’t hesitate to call me.” Said Gordon, extending his hand to Frank.
“Thanks, Commissioner,” replied Castle shaking hands with Gordon.
The officers and Gordon leave Flag and Castle alone to catch up. “By the way, its Colonel these days, Frank,” said Colonel Rick Flag, extending a hand to greet his old comrade.
Castle scoffs at the Colonel, “Look at you. So, what do want, Rick?”
“I’ve got someone who wants to talk to you. I know with, recent developments you’ve found yourself with a lot of time on your hands, old friend. She’s in the limo, follow me.”
Flag leads Frank to the limo. Upon reaching it, he opens the door, beckoning him to enter.
Frank passes the threshold, fixing himself into a plush leather seat as Flag closes the door.
Sitting across from him is a heavy seat African American woman.
She’s sloshing ice around in quarter filled glass, with an amber liquid inside, alcohol presumably. She’s dressed in a blue suit jacket and pencil skirt. Her hair is incredibly short, styled in a mini afro. Her dark-brown eyes bare a seriousness mirrored in the expression on her face.
“Mr. Castle,” she said, “what do you know about Task Force X?”
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nickireadstfc · 6 years
The King’s Men, Chapter 10 – [Andreil Intensifies]
In which Mission Fix the Twinyards finally kicks off, Nicky values the important things in life (ice cream), Andreil have a Consent Talk, and oh, also the Foxes rule. Natch.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The King’s Men.
After the game is before the game, so the team kicks off this chapter by sorting through the aforementioned applications for new recruits. This goes well by pretty much everyone but Kevin, whose Exy Elitism is making him kind of a little bitch.
             Kevin insisted Wymack put out a second request, to which Wymack demanded Kevin be a little more accepting of strikers who hadn’t been raised to be champions.
No offense, but chill, my man.
             Neil didn’t have the experience or insight to argue with Kevin, but he quietly clung to one of the choices he’d made and refused to let it go.
Okay, but do we ever find out who Neil recruited?
I need to know this for reasons.
             Abby stepped in when the argument got too loud and banished Wymack and Kevin to opposite ends of the locker room.
Bahahahahaha. Love me some good Fox mom moments.
In other news – Mission Fix the Twinyards has finally commenced!
Apparently, all is takes to get them to cooperate is to have them shout emotional murder confessions in each other’s faces. Who would have thought.
             “One of these days I want you to tell me how you roped Katelyn into it.”
             “I asked,” Neil said.
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             “There goes that ‘asked’ thing again,” Matt said. “Does it mean something different where you come from?”
             “Most of the time, yes,” Neil said.
             The unexpected honesty startled a laugh from Matt.
Also, a laughing Matt is a wonderful Matt. In this household, we like all our Foxes laughing and happy, thank you very much.
However, of course, one counselling session isn’t enough to fix years and years of Twin Teen Trauma (even if it’s with Betsy and her magical cocoa powers), so the brothers still aren’t exactly BFFs, as the kids say.
             Wymack looked from one to the other. “Is this going to be an ongoing thing? I need tot know how to plan around you.”
             “No,” Andrew said.
             Aaron flicked him an irritated look. “Yes.”
In a rare occurrence, the Foxes get a night off, which everyone takes as an excuse to kick back and relax.
In Kevin and Neil’s case, this means marathoning Exy games and taking notes like fucking nerds.
Nicky, once again, manages to be my fictional voice in this universe:
             “It’s Friday night and this is how you’re entertaining yourselves? Give me a break! Think about something else for a while, would you? Like ice cream.”
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Nicky, in a brave attempt to distract Neil’s nerdy ass (as we all know, all hope is lost on Kevin), tries to convince him to go to the store with him, which of course – works?
             Neil looked at Andrew and thought about Nicky’s worried appeal last fall, the warning that one day Exy wouldn’t be enough on its own. (…) Neil built his life around Exy after his mother dies because he needed something to live for, but Neil wasn’t alone anymore.
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And all of this over ice cream.
The food of gods, my guys. The food of gods.
Also: Nicky apparently isn’t on Andrew’s insurance policy anymore and doesn’t have the keys to the new car either? Which means Andrew didn’t just give Neil permission to use his car, but gave it only to him?? What kind of gay FUCKERY????
I can’t believe I’m really out here having feelings about car policies. What the fuck has this book done to me.
Speaking of gay shit!
You thought we were done with a little angsty kissy-kissy on the rooftop?
             “Question,” Neil said, “when you said you don’t like being touched, is it because you don’t like it at all or because you don’t trust anyone else enough to let them touch you?”
HELL yes, this is what I am about.
Give me that sweet sweet consent talk.
             “It doesn’t matter to a man who doesn’t swing,” Andrew clarified.
             Neil shrugged. “I don’t because I’ve never been allowed to. The only thing I could think about growing up was surviving.”
Hell yeah again for Neil not having a Gay Freakout over this <33
Only like, a General Life Anxiety Freakout, but when does he ever not have that one.
             Maybe this was why this was in that gray area of what was acceptable. It didn’t matter that Andrew was a would-be sociopath or a man; the idea of Andrew was so intertwined with the idea of Neil’s safety that this too was a means of self-preservation.
That’s… kind of poetic, actually.
Damn, Josten.
             “I trust you.”
             “You shouln’t.”
             “Says the man who stopped.”
Ohhhhhhhh, you clever boy, you.
I LOVE this.
Please know that I am giggling gleefully, almost manically, during this entire exchange.
             “So are you completely off-limits or are there any safe zones?”
             “What are you hoping for, coordinates?”
             “I’m hoping to know where the lines are before I cross them,” Neil said, “but I’m open to drawing a map on you if you want to loan me a marker.”
Bless these boys and their sass at all times.
Seriously, this is so, so important and so, so wonderful.
             “I’m still waiting for a yes or no I actually believe,” Andrew returned.
             “It’s fine if you hate me,” Neil said.
             It was the truth, if a bit of an understatement. So long as Andrew was only physically attracted to Neil, this was safe to experiment with. Neil’s death wouldn’t be more than a faint inconvenience to Andrew.
My boy…
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Yeah right. A faint inconvenience, my entire fucking ass.
             “Good,” Andrew said, “because I do [hate you].”
Again – yeah right, my entire fucking ass.
             “Stay,” Andrew said, and leaned down to kiss him.
And the next part I’m sparing you all because this is, frankly, unholy.
I want to quote everything.
I want to quote nothing, and let us all treasure the absolute gloriousness of the following makeout session in peace.
Because honestly – I read a lot, and I read a lot that has kissing in it, and this is still one of the best, most real, most heartfelt-without-being-tacky descriptions of kissing I’ve ever read. All the kudos to you, Nora.
I am way, way too invested in this pair by now. Holy shit.
All good gay things come to an end, though, and eventually Nicky comes back, diverting the good gay things with ice cream and horror movies.
But – our boys don’t quite walk away from their, ahem, encounter quite as unscathed as they’d like:
             Andrew had stayed by the door after letting Nicky in. Thinking that Andrew needed space and time to regroup the same way Neil did almost wrecked Neil’s attempts to get his neutral façade back together.
This is the most beautiful shit I’ve read all chapter, what the fuck.
Any time we see indicators of Andrew not being an Emotionless Void With Arm Bandages, I gain +5 years to my life expectancy.
Phew. We survived the gay shit once again, folks. What’s next?
Oh yeah.
More specifically, Neil and Kevin have an argument about whether to be a Technical Mastermind Player, The Very Best, Like No One Ever Was, or whether to be an Intuitive, Impulsive Heat Of The Moment Player, Because Fuck You Kevin.
Basically, Kevin wants to bone the perfect game, while Neil wants to bone the suspenseful game.
Oh, guys.
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(Watch me revive year old memes at all times, watch me.)
In related Sportsball News – the Foxes have their first death match coming up!
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And apparently they’re… Crushing it?
             When the Foxes hit the court February 9th, no one was expecting the fight they brought to it. (…) The sportscasters were shaking their heads in amazement.
             “I’m not entirely sure who we’re looking at now or what they did with last year’s Foxes, but they’ve completely blown me away.”
Also hah, we almost made it exactly to the date again – three days late, but this is still such a nice touch to be reading this in almost real time.
             “This is the kind of synchrony you’d expect from top-notch schools. A few weeks ago we all laughed when freshman Neil Josten said the Foxes were raring for a rematch with the Ravens. No one’s laughing now.”
Hell fucking YEAH for my children. I am such a proud soccer mom.
Exy mom. Whatever.
             The seniors exchanged a long look, exhausted and triumphant. (…) The girls came to Palmetto State University knowing it’d take work to salvage that sour reputation and knowing Wymack was their only ally. (…) Despite every loss and every roadblock, they’d made it, and now they were finally getting the nod they deserved.
Honestly, this bit right there just got to me. These three fought so hard, wading through patriarchal bullshit every day of their lives and going on still, and now they finally fucking made it, and we get to see them as a unit, standing proud.
More love towards our Fox girls always, y’all.
(Also, did I mention I’ll be cosplaying these three ladies with two friends of mine at a con here in Germany next month? With full jerseys? And did I mention I’m hella excited? And does that heighten my feelings over this bit hardcore right now??
Back to the death match – hey, remember last book when Andrew actually gave a shit about Exy for 0.2 seconds and pulled some really sweet stunts?
Apparently, our boy has decided to up his Giving A Shit game to 0.3 seconds now, because I manages to give Neil a goal shot by – hold on – making Nicky take a red card for fucking flooring a dude, taking the penalty shot, deflecting it like an absolute badass, and clearing the ball all the way up the long ass court.
Holy shit, my dude. Do I want to see what you’re like when you give 0.4 shits, or even one (1) entire shit?
Also, there is a description in there of Neil running “like his father was on his heels”, and if that isn’t the funniest, most unexpected bit of gallows humour I’ve seen in this chapter I don’t even know.
             [As the match went on] Andrew stopped every shot on goal and bounced a couple rebounds off the strikers’ helmets just to rile them further.
Andrew, I love you.
And of course, what happens as soon as Andrew moves so much as a little finger?
             The buzzer sounded on an eight-three win. They’d dominated their first death match and were on to round three for the first time ever.
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Sadly, even though he may give a tiny bit more of a shit on the court, as soon as the game is over Andrew is back to being his angsty self. Shame.
Petition for their final game to be the one that finally gets through to Andrew, please.
However, Nicky more than makes up for his mood.
             “Can you believe it?” he asked, amazed. “We are such hot shit sometimes!”
Nicky, never change. <3
When they go back to Wymack And Abby’s for a mandatory team celebration, there is another bit of Quality Nicky Content that had me in absolute hysterics:
             Matt commandeered the sound system in the other room. Nicky and Allison argued with all of his choices and each other, but they didn’t sound serious so Neil didn’t intervene.
I cannot, cannot stress how much I love this.
Brb, making a playlist instantly.
Neil, sadly, isn’t super hyped about choosing the latest bops, and goes in search of his boyfriend instead, who he finds sitting on a car gazing into nothingness – as one does when one is Gay, Angsty and Dramatic.
             “We won,” Neil said. (…) “Would it kill you to let something in?”
             “It almost did last time,” Andrew said.
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Hope your foot tastes good, Neil, because you just put it real nicely in your mouth.
             “You sound like a wind-up doll with only one topic,” Andrew said. “I have nothing to say to you.”
             “If I talk about something else, will you talk to me?”
             Andrew quirked a brow at him. “Can you talk about something else?”
Oh, burn.
One last thing before we go –
             Halfway across the lawn his phone went off. Neil was annoyed enough to answer tonight’s “28” in his inbox with an “Enough”.
             No one responded.
Seriously guys, what the happ is fuckening.
If you like what I do here and you want me to continue writing fun things for you, why not buy me a coffee? Every lil bit helps, getting me through uni and all that jazz. Thanks so much!
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School - Part 1
AU for TMNT 2k16 where mutants are the majority species and human's are less seen or treated badly if not in authority role - strange and not a lot of people got it but wanted to post the series
Enjoy and feel free to let me know if it sucks ;)
  ~Day 1~
She walked onto the university campus pulling her leather jacket down after parking the motorcycle feeling like she was going to be sick
Raven had just transferred schools a few months before after getting into trouble at the last campus she had been on and this was the only place the teenager could find that had a martial arts class that coexisted with an arts career so now she was trying to figure out where she was going needing to find the main building to get her classes for the new semester that had just started this week, looking around seeing people running about having fun before it hit her she didn’t see one human anywhere meaning this was an almost all mutant college, a quick thought crossed her mind that maybe things would be different and she would like it here after all, moving to the side dodging past people moving slowly towards a huge brick building taking her best guess that was where she needed to be.
A slow glance around had her shields dropping seeing the groups of people on the grass feeling at ease as she got closer to what the teen guessed was the main building
As Raven got closer she could see a couple of guys playing football in the center of the walk having to jump out of the way fast as a ram bolted past her to catch the ball turning to whistle impressing looking her over “Danm baby what’s your name, number, and status?”
She kept walking seeing all the guys in front of her stop in their tracks mumbling as she moved up the steps hearing a wolf whistle from behind her as a short rabbit with a jersey on yelled a ‘Danm’
“Oh my – do you see her?”
“What a babe!”
“Boy I could hit that but wouldn’t be able to quit afterwards”
A small grin crossed her lips as she looked back seeing a huge turtle looking her over giving him a small wave before he looked away pushing past one of the guys that was still gawking at the teen “Yo beast where you going. That babe was totally checking you out”
She ignored him since just having someone notice her made her day as she went through registration getting the classes needed but found out she couldn’t live off campus unless she was in one of their assigned buildings; that wasn’t a big problem since the young woman had recently got kicked out of the boarding home she was staying at so it was already obvious that she had to find a dorm room here and after a while the headmaster came back to tell her he had found one but it would require her to be rooming with a few males asking if that was okay, she shrugged telling him it wouldn’t bother her taking the room key before walking out of the office
She heard the bells ringing as she rushed through the door heading to the library wanting to hurry and get all the text books for the two classes she would need them for before the next class started but wasn’t looking where she was going glancing up at the last second in time to dodge a chubby panda girl who was standing in the way only to turn bumping into a large rhino falling backwards hitting the ground hard dropping the stuff in her arms that she was trying to put in her messenger bag as he towered over the small teen
“What the hell bitch you fucken blind? Watch where you’re going”
Raven jumped up grabbing her things from the ground stuffing it into her bag “Sorry” she got to her feet continuing on her way ignoring him and his hog friend walking on as he started yelling again before she was spun around being slammed into a wall by her throat hard catching a fist to the gut knocking the breath out of her
“What you gonna act like it didn’t happen”
She struggled to get free from his grip seeing the hog with a purple tinted Mohawk coming up behind him “What should we do with her Rock since she wants to be rude”
“I think we can come up with something Beebs”
“Get off me” planting her feet against the wall she caught him off guard shoving forward as he lost his balance pushing him hard knocking both to the ground before flipping across the grass getting to her feet fast ducking under a fist from the other guy growling under her breath as he got up, instincts kicked in dropping her bag out of the way pulling the jacket she was wearing off tossing it to the ground as a crowd started to form in the yard
Raven quickly moved both feet apart putting one hand out in front of her waiting for their next move as he charged forward roaring as he got closer
She took a deep breath running towards the wall behind her hearing his friends laughing as he got closer until she bolted up the wall flipping over the rhino guy landing behind him as he slammed into the wall hard groaning as he got back up coming towards her charging fast swinging his arm out as she tried to get away from him feeling his arm connect with her side sending her flying into a tree
She slammed into the trunk as her head bounced off the bark hitting the ground hard crying out feeling a warm wetness dripping down her face as she rolled across the ground getting back up to her feet holding a hand over her forehead blinking fast as blood dripped down into her eyes blurring her vision as the warthog grabbed her from behind holding tight to the struggling girl who fought to get free from his grasp “Get her Rock” she opened her eyes as he stepped closer raising his fist
It took all but two seconds for her to plant both feet against his chest shoving off him as he went to punch her feeling his fist cuff her nose before he fell back into the wall as she and the warthog tumbled back into a pole loosening his grip on her body just enough that she could shift throwing her head back hard hitting him in the nose so he would let go to grab his face
The teen dropped to the ground moving away from them as the rhino stepped closer come after her charging forward running head on into a hard roundhouse kick hitting the ground with a hard thud losing consciousness immediately
She turned to catch a fist across the cheek tasting blood as she moved dodging a leg as it came up towards her gut only to be picked up off the ground taking a deep breath when she felt herself falling before being slammed on the ground losing half of the air in her lungs before his fist connected with her cheek again making her cry out as he landed two more punches
She heard some voices coming over the crowds cheers as somebody yelled at the big guy “Hey Bebop! Stop it” glancing over fast seeing three huge turtles coming to the front of the circle of people looking surprised as the teenager moved again not looking for help
She twisted as he went to hit her again rolling out of his reach flipping over on the grass as he tried to stomp down on the human girls chest before spinning around kicking both feet behind her connecting with his leg making him go down as she scrambled away from his reach once more
“Yo beeps leave the kid alone!” he didn’t get the chance to listen as another turtle pushed past a few of the guys friends who were laughing
Raven got to her feet holding tight to his arm when he tried to grab her again twisting it behind his back hooking two of his fingers in the back of his shirt hearing him shriek in pain as he tried to throw her off him but the moment the teen’s feet were back on the ground she planted a foot against his back shoving him forward into a thick tree trunk using the momentum to flip backwards hearing his head connect with it as a loud thunk echoing out across the yard seeing the wood splinter slightly at the force of which he had hit it.
The circle of people went silent as she staggered to her feet spitting out a mouth full of blood trying to catch her breath feeling like any second then she was going to pass out still clinging to the high she was getting off the adrenaline pumping through her system “Touch me ever again and I’ll snap both of your fucking necks”
She looked up to see the hog was back on his feet holding tight to his head where blood was dripping down his face coming at her once again; unsure as to if she could go another round with either of the two morons she pushed her body to stand up straight wobbling slightly as someone grabbed him forcing him down to the ground
“Hey! Chill the fuck out dumbass! She’s a kid are ya out of yer minds” the deep voice had her trying to focus as she winced dropping to the ground with a low thud laying there gasping for air as her head spun seeing the person who had stopped the altercation glancing in her direction watching carefully as she finally managed to push herself up off the ground dusted the dirt and leaves off her clothes catching her eyes as soon as they came up
“Hey ya okay kid?”
“Y–Yeah” Raven couldn’t look away seeing it was a huge turtle with a shredded red bandana on his head but there was something else that kept her from looking away from him as she tried to move “Thanks for the assist”
Turning on her heels she started to walk off seeing a few of the boy’s friends running past as the two guys she had just got away from got to their feet “We went easy on you…”
“Yeah, you wouldn’t be standing if we wanted to hurt you”
Raven ignored them as she turned leaning on a tree as her stomach turned swallowing hard clinging to the rough bark keeping her on the trembling legs trying to give out from under her as she walked off feeling a slight ache flash through her body
“That’s right freak keep walking”
“You’re lucky he stepped in otherwise we would have stomped your bitch ass into the ground”
“If anyone is lucky I stepped in it was ya two fuckers” she turned away hearing them call her all types of derogatory names but ignored them she was so used to it at this point in her life it was pathetic that anyone would think it would bother her at all
Her face stung something fierce as she brushed across the deep cut on her forehead wincing the moment she touched it wiping a hand over her nose smearing the blood dripping down her chin
“Here miss I think these are yours”
She jumped looking up fast finding a large forest green turtle with blue speckles around his eyes holding her jacket and bag out towards her giving the teen a warm smile as she slowly took it nodding “Oh – um thank you”
He bowed slightly as she tried to walk off “No problem ma’am” she had maybe taken two steps when a wave of cool air washed over her and the yard started to spin before both legs gave out making the teenager drop surprised that she didn’t hit the ground immediately looking up to see the man that had handed the teen her stuff was holding her body up “Woah there. Alright let’s just take a moment to rest before you try to move”
“I’m okay…” two more humanistic turtles joined him after a moment later when he guided her over to a bench letting her sit down
“Okay just relax and Don will check you out”
The shorter sea green turtle jumped up and down so much she almost couldn’t see the orange speckles around his baby blue eyes “Baby girl you were awesome! That had to be the best fight I’ve ever seen on campus this year… we’ll right next to the one that hothead started last week” he kind of reminding her a little bit of a hippy as he struck a few poses that she knew she had to have been it
“Chill Mike, she’s probably had enough action for today” the taller olive green one with a beautiful purple fleck around his eyes leaned down looking over the injuries he could see “Here just stay still. Are you feeling dizzy or lightheaded at all – they hit you pretty hard so if you’re feeling off in any way you need to tell me”
“I’m just a little dizzy nothing major” he shook his head as he placed a cool rag on her cheek laughing when she groaned leaning into the cold cloth “Danm that feels better”
She looked up over his shoulder hearing one of the guys yelling at her “What’s wrong Freak can’t fight your own battles”
“Ay! Ya keep fucking with the kid and I’ll be the one beating yer asses next, now get the fuck out of ‘ere” she caught the turtle that was standing across the yard looking at her with just a hint of concern in the hard stare he was given her “Kid okay Fearless?” the blue shirted turtle waved him off before focusing on the girl again
“Thanks again guys, sorry to be so much trouble” the turtle in blue helped her to her feet as she tried her legs out once more finally standing on her own before the turtle let go
“Just be careful”
Raven turned away from them heading back down the walk fast feeling her throat burn as tears threatened to fall but blinked them back bolting up the steps through a door and straight into the bathroom inside the library before anyone else could mess with her locking it behind her looking in the mirror seeing the damage from the fight for the first time
The right side of her face was discolored and swollen; her neck was bruised where the guy had grabbed her, and her clothes were a mess
She shook her head turning on the sink washing the dirt and blood off her skin watching the clear water turning red as she cleaned the cuts on her arms and hands with soap ignoring the sting reaching into her bag for her make up bag pulling out gauze and bandages after drying her skin gently wrapping her wounds with a few covering her raw knuckles before focusing on her face seeing one eye was nearly swollen shut turning purple where the hog had popped her a few times, her nose was bleeding and her bottom lip was split, and the cut on her forehead was deep but a quickly applied bandage would cover it until she could see to it later knowing she might have to stitch it up
After a few minutes she finally managed to stop her lip from bleeding blotting at her nose trying to slow the bleeding checking herself over putting her sunglasses on before digging around in her bag finding a black beanie and some fingerless gloves pulling them before fixing the beanie on over her head wincing as it pressed on the bandage taking a deep breath tossing the trash into a small bin under the sink before opening the door walking over to a shelf looking through the text books before the librarian came over to help her taking the paper  with her classes offering to assist finding she only needed two books and luckily they were light.
When Raven left the library she didn’t have to look up to see people were staring at her a few laughed as she walked towards the class she had in ten minutes running up the stairs pushing through the door seeing several rooms off the hall, finding the room number on her paper walking in not saying anything as she took an empty seat at the back feeling like the two hour class was flying by quickly, nobody acknowledged her probably didn’t even notice the teen was there until someone placed a paper on her desk, the teacher didn’t even see her until after she had gotten up and left out the door going to the next class she had standing against a wall silently waiting since it had already started by the time she had came in the door not saying anything until the teacher looked over seeing the young woman
“Ah you must be the new girl that just transferred here, please take a seat in the back over there beside Mr. Attitude in the red”
She kept her face down keeping the sunglasses on so she couldn’t see the bruise that were starting to darken, slowly moving past her before she glanced to the back seeing the three turtles sitting in the back row with the turtle that had stopped the fight who had his feet propped up on an empty desk watching her as she moved to the back of the class looking directly at the floor getting a wave from the one in orange which she returned slowly keeping her eyes downcast as she got closer to the empty desk looking back up to catch him still watching
She could see he was bigger than the others with a beautiful deep emerald green color to his skin, a torn up red bandana was wrapped around his face as a mask with a pair of black sunglasses on top of his head hiding a entrancing pair of golden eyes that stared back at her, the tight red shirt he was wearing was almost ripping at the seams under his black hoodie but it matched his bandana; he glanced up looking at the teenager with his cold golden eyes as she took the seat not bothering to ask him to put his feet down leaning back waiting for class to start groaning as her ribs adjusted to her crumple position breathing fast as the pain lanced through her again
“Mr. Splinterson please take your feet of the young lady’s desk, even if she didn’t say anything I’m sure she doesn’t want your feet in her face” he glanced at her for a moment making her duck her head lower rolling his eyes at her with a low growl before he moved them off the desk.
Raven pulled her legs further into her chest not making eye contact with the turtle when he glanced back over “Now that we’re all here maybe you would like to tell us your name”
“Oh I know her name… Is it – freakazoid?” the class exploded into laughter the a short dog looked back at her as a small grin tilted the sides of her lips wondering if he was part dumbass part hound before the teacher slammed her hand down on the desk making the class jump
“Mr. Ortiz get out that was disrespectful” he high fived a few guys that were sitting around him pointing at her with a smug look making her notice the turtle next to her shifted in his seat growling under his breath which seemed to make the guy move faster
“I’m sorry for that-”she turned seeing the teen’s face for the first time when she glanced up struggling with her words before clearing her throat “W – What was your name again dearie”
The teen looked around seeing everyone watching her as she sat back further in the desk chair “It’s Raven ma’am”
The teacher smiled kindly making her feel slightly better “That’s a beautiful name and quiet unique. Well Raven I’m Mrs. Davis so please allow me to say welcome to our school and I hope that you will forgive the football boys for being a little – off putting; we can blame that on their demented coach. Oh and please remove the hat and sunglasses sweetie, we don’t allow them during class”
It took a moment but she pulled the hat off dropping it her bag throwing her hair up into a messy bun pushed the shades up on top of her head seeing the teachers eyes widen as a few students gasped and mumbled between themselves as she pressed a bloodied napkin to her nose as a small amount of blood oozed down not bothering to hide her face anymore as she sat up in her desk but the teacher didn’t even flinch “Thank you dear” after a stiff nod from the teen she returning to teaching the class not saying another word
Her eyes were on the front of the class as she semi-focused on what the woman was saying but she could feel more then see the turtle next to her was staring at her finally turning to look at him seeing a small blush darken his skin as she shot him a small half grin giving him a little wave before he looked away
Raven listened the best she could but didn’t bother to write anything down knowing the lesson already seeing the teacher look at her desk but didn’t say anything about her not taking notes; as she finished reading she turned from the board “Okay listen up, we are having a test on this so get out a pen and I’ll be around with your packets then whenever you are finished you may go to the computer lab to play on the internet until your next class”
She looked around as the teacher rolled her eyes getting several loud groans from the class, she stopped at her before placing a thick packet on the teen’s desk pulling one of the pens stuck in her bun out setting it on top patting her on the shoulder before returning to her desk keeping an eye on her “You may begin and as soon as you are done bring it to me to be graded”
Raven wrote slowly reading each question carefully before answering not surprised when she stood up first taking the test up to the Mrs. Davis sitting it on her desk in front of her silently “Your finished already dearie”
The teenager nodded as she flipped through the test grading it in front of her seeming surprised as she glanced over the last page before looking up at the girl who was keeping her face down completely confused handing it back to her “I’m must say I have never had a student get a perfect score on this test in all the years I’ve been teaching, especially one that wrote the short essay in such an informative way and didn’t take any notes. If you don’t mind me asking were you going over this lesson at your old school?”
Raven finally looked back at her as she shook her head “No ma’am – uh it’s actually one of my favorite books… plus my mom use to read it to me all the time when I was little so I kind of know it by heart” taking it out of her hand seeing her nod slowly still scanning over her face at the darkening skin lowering her voice as she leaned in closer
“I know it’s none of my business but is everything okay?” Raven locked eyes with her as she pulled out a small package of tissues placing them in the teen’s hand “I don’t want to call you out on it in front of everyone but it’s not every day I have a student come into class – like this”
“Oh this! Uh no everything’s fine really it’s nothing ma’am I just… you see I fell of my bike this morning in the parking lot hit a curb and I didn’t want to miss my first day…” the teacher nodded slowly standing up cupping her face wincing as she pulled out of her grasp clearing her throat as her fingers grazed over her jaw eyeing the hand impression around the teen’s neck as she stepped back looking away
“So – you just fell off your bike” the teen nodded slowly meeting her eyes after a moment as she finally gave up on getting the truth “Well okay I just wanted to be sure”
“No problem… Um my next class doesn’t start for a while can I just sit in the back until it starts, I’ll be quiet I promise”
“Oh of course sweetie” she nodded with another warming smile “Good job again, and please be careful next time”
Raven nodded moving to the back of the room seeing a few guys eyeing her as she took her seat seeing the teacher pick up her phone asking to see the Dean when he had time
Pulling out her sketch pad she flipped to a page where she had drawn a woman with a pair of sais fighting a man with a bladed suit right before she delivered the final blow finishing the picture hearing the teacher get up and walk out of the room after a second of whispering to someone out in the hall way
She looked up seeing a face peaking in the room looking in her direction but didn’t look at him trying to hide her face as much as she could before going through fixing the small things in the picture she didn’t like
After a few minutes she noticed the huge turtle next to her looked frustrated trying to look off the forest green turtles paper but growled lowly as he shifted in his seat putting his arm on the desk so he couldn’t see his answers glancing back with a small smile “Should have paid attention to the lesson hothead”
“I was but I still don’t get this crap” there was a pang of sympathy as he growled leaning his head on his desk mumbling a few choice words knowing if he hadn’t been staring at her train wreck of a face he might have been listening to what Mrs. Davis was saying
Scooting back in the seat she was in Raven leaned over picking up a piece of paper that was discarded on the floor scribbling a small note to him putting it behind the last two pages of the packet before placing it on the edge of the desk clearly watching for the teacher before tapping the wood twice with her nail catching only his attention shifting the paper so he could see it
She tapped it silently asking if he wanted to use it
He looked up at her for a moment scanning over her when the teacher reached down for something before she checked the room seeing nobody was looking handing it to him fast below the desk as he covered it with his looking it over carefully before working on his
The teen watched the teacher quietly as he quickly worked to fill out his work sheet
“That’s cool. I like how you did the handles on the weapons”
Raven looked up to find the ram who had hit on her earlier sitting in front of her looking back staring down her shirt with a smile not once looking up from her chest not that she thought she was much to look at anyways
“Uh thanks” keeping her eyes down on the sketch not wanting to get in trouble just in case Mrs. Davis decided to step back there while the biggest turtle had her packet
“Names Buck, I couldn’t help but notice that you are kinda cute”
“I highly doubt that dude, take one good look at my face and you won’t think I’m so cute anymore”
“Bruises heal” she shook her head with a roll of her emerald green eyes as he continued to stare at her chest not even looking at the teen’s face
Out of the corner of her eye she saw the turtle next to her lean forward before hitting the blue turtle in the arm motioning towards her with his head “Ay fearless - look”
She didn’t bother to pay them any mind not wanting to hear them make fun of it but they didn’t say a word as she started on a new sketching absentmindedly drawing a woman sitting on the ground clutching her legs to her chest hiding her face in her arms as big pair of wings wrapped around from behind her body protecting her in a way from whatever the world would throw at her
“So what do you say princess? Ya wanna go out with me this weekend? Maybe a movie – or we could hang out at the bar-”
“Look Bucky, you seem like a sweet guy. But if you are going ask out a girl you might want to start out looking at her face. You might also want to work on not staring at what you can’t touch… and don’t call me Princess ever again, you can call me whatever you like but I don’t like being called princess”
The turtle on the end in the orange chuckled to himself before looking over “Danm she told you Buck, now leave my baby girl alone before she kicks your ass” the turtle in red rolled his eyes as the turtle in purple leaning over popping the smallest turtle in the back of the head tapping his work
“Focus Mikey”
Raven realized the ram was still trying to spark up a conversation but she wouldn’t return his attention happy when he finally turned back around “Whatever you stuck up bitch”
After a while she was done with the sketch finally liking how it looked as she let her mind wonder daydreaming for a bit still sketching on the picture adding thick cuffs to her arms and legs held together with chains that were draped over her after adding several bruises and blood dripping from her wrist slowly writing below the picture ‘The lost and forgotten’
The teen stared at it for a while feeling like she couldn’t deal with today thinking of skipping her next period and just going to find the place she was going to be staying in but when the picture was finished she felt slightly better tossing the pad into her bag when the bell rang jumping as the turtle walked past dropping her packet in front of her with the note folded up on the top of it
Unfolding it she shook her head seeing him dropping his packet into the box on her desk walking to stand by the door waiting on the other turtles silently before his eyes found hers
‘Consider this my thank you for helping me with those jerks big guy J’
‘No problem kid… thank ya too’
She smiled inside putting her stuff away before pulling up the sleeves to her hoodie when she got out of the desk pulling her glasses back over her eyes and the beanie back on her head heading out of class hearing a few people snicker behind her
“Hey weirdo why’s your arms wrapped up like that”
She kept moving heading for the stairs getting half way up when she heard a voice behind her “Hey Rave wait up!”
The teenager turned to see the group of turtles not that far behind her “You seem a little distracted during class are you sure you’re okay miss?”
Putting on a fake smile on her face knowing they usually fooled people before giving a small nod waiting until they caught up to her to really put on the show “Psht, I’m fine taken worse beatings then that from girls” they chuckled as she continued up to the next floor noticing they were still behind her talking about the fight earlier
“I still can’t believe you took those two down without much effort! You have got to be the coolest girl I have ever met I mean danm just marry me now honey”
Raven couldn’t help but smile as they walked down the hall turning into a class as she heard the red turtle laugh under his breath stopping for a moment seeing all the guys in this class were on the football team glaring in the direction of the two guys she had whooped on as they started mocking her in front of everyone before she was even in the door
“Look it’s the little ninja girl. Shouldn’t you be in the dean’s office getting kicked out of here freak?”
Shrugging as she pushed the bag further up on her shoulder she finally moved not acknowledging any of them hearing the rhino they called Rocksteady grunt under his breath “Hey bitch I was talkin’ to ya, don’t fuckin’ ignore me”
His hog friend snorted laughing as she turned to face them seeing him make a crude action with his hand towards her as his brows wiggled “Yeah doll face don’t ignore us or-”
A desk behind her shifted as she slammed her hands down on his desk leaning over so she was in his face seeing he held his breath as soon as she was eye to eye with them
“Or what pig boy! You two moron’s wanna try me and get your ass re-kicked again? Last time I checked I put both of you on your asses – I’m not scared of you. You don’t intimidate me… so try something new and shut your traps, don’t ever call me doll face again, don’t even talk to me anymore, and leave me the hell alone”
She looked back hearing the turtle in the orange shirt laughing seeing the one in the blue half standing looking like he had been about to come to her defense but was stopped by the red masked turtle who looked surprised like the rest of the class
“Danm I like her. You tell them baby girl”
Raven moved past the shocked mutants before sitting in an empty desk away from everyone hearing one of the turtles clear their throat before the purple shirted turtle pushed his glasses up on his face not looking up from his computer as he messed with something “You two should be ashamed to show your faces after the epic beating the both of you got from such a tiny girl”
“Shut it nerd we went easy on the skank”
“You mean she went easy on you two right…”
She held back a smile seeing a tall man walk in the class room his eyes falling on her as soon as he saw the human girl in the back of the class alone feeling his icy stare boring holes into her head until it finally made her look up locking eyes with what suddenly felt like death
“I’m going to take it this is the young woman who beat up two of my star football players. And what a surprise it’s the human child they allowed on campus”
She couldn’t explain it but he looked familiar for some odd reason and the vibes coming off him made her skin craw as he looked her over making a quiet comment under his breathe before he barked out making her internally jump “What is your name young lady. Get up out of your seat if you’re going to speak to this class and take off those”
The teen got to her feet pulling the hat off pushing her glasses back up onto her head seeing a smirk pulling at his lips as she rolled her eyes “My name is Ravenna Anastasia Hamato but I only go by Raven to the people who know me well enough, and yes that would have been me that put those two on their butts after they picked a fight with somebody they probably thought they could beat up on”
The look that came over his face when he heard her name made the teenager wonder if she knew him from somewhere but quickly dismissed it when he cleared his throat “Well Ms. Hamato I wish I could say it was nice to meet you but it isn’t, the Dean needs you to go to the Main building, they are wanting to ask some questions about this morning’s incident. I’m sure they will find what you have to say very interesting”
Raven didn’t speak grabbing her bag putting the hat back on making sure he was looking at her as she hid her face again ready to leave hearing the guys in the room telling him about it making her sound like some kind of heartless monster that just attacked them for no reason looking the teacher in the eyes as one of the turtles spoke up pulling her attention back as she looked over her shoulder in time to see it was the red masked turtle
“I don’t know why he’s playing innocent attacking a girl for no reason seems kind of cowardly. Yer probably just pissed off because a woman whipped yer asses” a smile surfaced as she started to walk out
“Wait a moment girl” turning back around to look the man in the eyes suddenly feeling unsafe that close to him “Wait right there until I get them going on our lesson and then I will escort you down to the office”
The teen leaned against the wall keeping her arms crossed over her chest glancing around the class seeing the four guys who had talked to her on the way here trying to hide their smiles as they pulled out their books flipping to the page on the board but for some reason she could see the biggest glancing between the man and her obviously picking up on the same thing she was
“Are they really on the football team? If so I’d be concerned for your season. Unless they are on the benches constantly then you might be okay cause they can’t hit for shit, kicking sucks too”
The teacher turned slamming a book down on the desk next to him growling his words with a steel tone in his hard voice as he got in her face “Get out of here and wait in the hallway until I am done, the sooner your troublemaking ass is out of this school the better off the whole world will be”
“Who shoved the bug up your ass dude? Shit the sooner my ass leaves this world my life will be easier”
He pointed out the door as she turned heading out hearing a muffled comment from the man that she had wanted to call him out on before a short women walked past the door sticking her head in looking up at the teen as she moved aside letting her in pushing the sunglasses down on her face covering her eyes hearing her mumble something under her breath when she saw the damage even if Raven tried to hide pulling her face up gently moving the shades she was wearing looking over her black eye “Oh my goodness you poor thing… Mr. Saki could I please speak to you in the hall”
“I’m in the middle of getting class started so I can take this delinquent down to James”
“If you will please that is what I need to speak with you about” he pushed past her making her sit down in a chair next to the door
“Wait there and don’t move”
He stepped out closing the door although it did no good since they could all hear the conversation through the door
“Mr. Saki. Sorry to interrupt but Dean Smith doesn’t need Raven Hamato anymore. Along with the security footage from this morning somebody just posted a video of the fight on the schools page he needs Bebop and Rocksteady in his office immediately” there was a growled response that she couldn’t hear before the woman’s voice rose again this time in anger it made her happy to know she wasn’t on the receiving end of her fury
“As much as I enjoy the games and we are having the best season this is a serious matter. Two young men attacked a new student who is a female outside of his office where everyone who was in the building could see the whole thing in front a three security cameras and over twenty witnesses. They will be lucky if they aren’t suspended or arrested…. It would be worse if she had seriously been injured and from the cell video we found it does look as if she took quite a few blows from them before Mr. Splinterson was able to step in to stop the altercation… she even lied to Sara Davis about what really happened so I have a feeling she didn’t want anyone knowing about the fight. And not to be a bitch but I think if you could pull your head out of you deranged little world that you seem to be stuck in you would be able to see that she is obviously hurt…” her words lowered until the class could no longer hear the conversation before the door flew open
 “Little girl take your seat and be quiet until I get back, as for you two get your asses up and out this door this instant” he didn’t wait for them to move before he slammed the door obviously continuing the conversation with the woman in the hall
Raven walked past them hearing them mumble something under their breaths laughing before feeling a hard foot meet her back sending the girl flying towards the wall knocking over a desk as she hit it tumbling across the floor seeing stars before hearing a loud voice at the door yelling for them to get out as blood dripped down her chin
Her head was spinning as she tried to get up shaking when she hit the ground once more wheezing and gasping past blood as someone helped her sit up brushing her back off carefully “I gotcha kid”
“Mr. Splinterson is she okay?”
“I don’t know ma’am… we’ll take care of getting her to the nurse”
Whoever was holding her up let the teen lean on them as the woman left the room shouting for the two mutants to go
“Ya okay kid”
She looked up to see the red clad turtle kneeling close to her as the blue shirted turtle hovered close by watching the door, she nodded fast feeling her face heat up as he pressed the sleeve of his hoodie to her busted lip “Ya sure, that’s bleedin’ pretty good”
“Uh y–yes I’m fine… just need to get up and I’ll be great”
Raven moved slowly letting him help her up making sure she could stand on her own before letting her go over to her desk limping slightly as something popped in her ankle sitting down seeing more of the football guys glaring as she sat back putting her head down not daring to look up at any of them before hearing a chair move beside her glancing back to see the turtles had moved over sitting around her desk “Do you mind if we sit with you?”
She shook her head before jumping when the desk in front of her moved turning seeing the biggest one sitting sideways with his feet up on a spare chair
“What ya got a problem wit me sitting here” he looked back to the front of class when she shook her head no before he glanced back over her bruised body seeing she was pressing the sleeve of her jacket to the split lip trying to stop the bleeding “Here kid” he reached back pulling a box of napkins off the shelf behind him placing it on her desk seeing her give him a small grin making her lip bleed more as he shook his head giving her a small sideways smirk
“Thanks dude”
The teacher entered the room again an hour later staring her down for several minutes making the teen really uncomfortable “Have you learned to walk yet child?”
The blue shirted turtle mumble so low she almost didn’t hear his voice but the other seemed to pick up on his words “Bebop needed to learn to not take cheap shots”
She pressed the Kleenex to her lip so she wouldn’t smile as he finally started class telling them they would be picking up where the class had left off on Japan’s history looking in her direction asking if she could keep up with them; it went by slowly and every time he’d ask a question he’d call her name asking for her to answer it
He seemed to be doing it on purpose trying to embarrass her only to look stupid when she would answer the questions correctly seeing the turtles trying hard not to laugh “Are you using a phone to look up these answers”
He sneered at the teen as she stood up showing him her pockets “I don’t own a phone. I was actually raised in Japan until I was six; my father took great pride in his home country and taught me everything about the nation I was going to be raised in – plus while you were gone I went ahead and read the chapter on my own” with a low growl he signaled for her to sit down not speaking another word to her
She had never been so happy to get out of a class in her life running out the door after thanking the guys for sitting with her even though they didn’t have too getting a smile from the one in blue as the smallest put an arm around her waist planting a small kiss on her forehead “No problem baby girl. It’s all cool”
Raven couldn’t help but smile when she got to the door of her next class seeing the teacher was gone and had left a note on the door saying class was excused for the day hearing the bell ring heading outside looking around before heading over to the stands climbing up to the top sitting by herself in the fold up chairs propping both legs up eating the little Chex mix she had left in a Ziploc bag making her realize she was out of food and only had one soda left as the football players started warming up below
She leaned back dosing off for a bit since her head was killing her sleeping peacefully waking up when the loud voice of one of the guys met her ears “Hey watch out freak” she didn’t move as a football flew past her face going over the top of the stands as she glanced down to see a few were laughing while two of three were standing back watching looking like they didn’t care for what the others were doing
“Holy shit I was right you morons couldn’t hit the broad side of danm building if it was two inches from you” they all went quiet as she giggled before another ball flew past her but this time she reached up grabbing it with one hand holding it up for them to see “Watch it dickhead save that shitty throwing for the games”
She held it up hearing somebody coming up into the stands walking slowly taking the football from her hands as she laid there not bothering to open her eyes still feeling tired “Sorry about ‘em kid” she nodded laying there for a while longer before sitting up pulling out her book to do the homework that had been handed to her on my way out the door of Mr. Saki’s class
She chuckled seeing him step out on the field “Well speak of the devil and he shall appear”
“ALRIGHT ALL YOU FUCKERS LINE UP AND MAKE IT FAST!!! I ain’t in the mood for any of you giving me shit today. Now we’re going to be a little shorthanded tonight at practice thanks to some little brat getting those two numbskulls kicked out… That being said all of you will be running doubles for the next two hours” his voice carried up to the teen making her very aware of the fact that they wouldn’t get along this year
Raven already didn’t like him just from the uneasy feeling he gave her.
She sat in silence going between her work and watching them run plays back to back hearing him yelling obscenities whenever somebody screwed up waiting for one of the players to just punch him out for a while not seeing a girl coming up the stairs towards her “Hey there! Can I join you?”
The teen looked up nodding slowly seeing a skinny lizard girl with black hair not seeing the small red highlights until she was near her “You must be the new girl Raven I’ve been hearing so much about, I’m Clarisse. So how do you like your first day here?”
Raven looked up for a moment before she gave her a half assed answer not wanting to reveal just how much she hated today plus there was something about the other girl that made her feel uneasy finally seeing her yellow eyes were boring into her with a creepy intent, listening carefully to her as she continued to watch the players run a few more plays returning the conversation while jotting down an answer to the question she had been working on she talked to her for a while until the practice ended a few hours later
She had glanced up fast before looking up again recognizing one of the players as he took his helmet off unable to hold the grin that broke over her face back “Just to give you fair warning he’s trouble. He’s nice enough at first but I wouldn’t trust him”
Raven looked over to see her pointing to the turtle but didn’t say anything before she walked off leaving the teen to mull over what she had said about him; he had seemed nice enough when they had met although he did have a bad attitude and didn’t seem to like her very much she wasn’t going to judge him by that; most people that met her at first didn’t like her so that was a normal thing
She kept watching him with interest as he grabbed his stuff before he walked off the field looking up seeing her sitting alone gathering the stuff up from around her
He had stopped for a moment looking over his shoulder at the coach who was glaring into the stands before he continued towards the locker room looking back as she walked down the ramp towards the parking lot catching insults left and right from the team before feeling a bottle bounce off her head
To his surprise she didn’t even seem to flinch
She snuck a quick glance behind her hearing one of his team mate yelling in another language and even though she didn’t speak it very well it was easy enough to know what he was saying
The teen glared over her shoulder meeting the turtles golden orbs before he shoved them into the door “All of ya shut the hell up and get in there. Leave the kid alone”
Raven waited until it was semi clear before getting the other bag with what little stuff she did have off the back of her bike walking over to the large property full of buildings across from the school finding the right building number quickly taking the stairs up to the fifth floor seeing a lot of the guys that had been in the yard and her last class most were wearing football jerseys now moving to the side as she walked down the hall ‘That’s the girl who kicked Bebop and Rocksteady’s asses’  she kept her head up hearing people talking about her as she walked by ‘No way dude she’s so tiny... they had to have been going easy on her’
She looked up at the door numbers finding the room number she had been given turning the door knob to see a huge room inside, it looked more like a huge apartment then a dorm room
“Raph is that you – hey Mike’s looking for his belt said you had it-”
She turned fast seeing a figure step around the corner stopping in the living area wearing a towel around his waist stopping cold in his tracks when he spotted her “Oh hi…” the taller turtle ran back around the corner yelling for someone called Leo as she opened her mouth to say something but didn’t get it out
The forest green turtle walked into the room looking her over “Hey can I help you?”
She looked down at the piece of paper in her hand glancing at the door before handing it over when he stepped closer looking at the it carefully seeming to be reading it before glancing back at her as she saw the other two turtles come into the room the tall one was wearing sweat pants and a shirt that he hadn’t buttoned yet
“I’m sorry is this the wrong room number?” he looked at the paper again before shaking his head smiling at her “No… you’re in the right place. Guys this is our new roommate” the short turtle wearing an orange shirt whoop in excitement punching the air
“Yes dreams really do come true!”
“Really Mikey-”
“Sorry about him… Um well welcome to your new home. I’m Leonardo although that’s kind of a mouth full so everyone calls me Leo here and these are my brothers Donatello and Michelangelo”
Raven bowed slightly in a show of respect before shaking his hand doing her best to smile even though she was freaking nervous as hell glancing around “Do you need any help getting your belongings upstairs? Me and Mike don’t mind helping if you do, and I’m sure when hothead gets here he’d be glad to lift the heavy stuff”
“That’s sweet of you but this is all my stuff right here” they seemed concerned and slightly confused when she showed them the bags on her side when she realized she hadn’t introduced herself properly “I’m sorry where are my manners… My name is Ravenna Hamato, I just moved out here a month ago but just managed to get classes. You can call me Raven or Kid… whatever you’re more comfortable calling me I guess since everyone around her just gave me nicknames today” they smiled back before Leo looked her over checking her out again slowly thinking hard
“Excuse me for asking Raven but you wouldn’t happen to be related to Mr. Hamato Yoshi from Japan”
The look on her face must have fell before she could stop it faking another smile quickly when he started to apologize “Yes actually I am. He’s my father… Well my adoptive father”
She saw a big smile cross his face as the others moved closer looking her over too, Leo held up a finger stepped back to the coffee table pulling a picture out of a big book holding it out towards her “I thought you looked familiar when we first met we haven’t seen you in years”
The teen’s eyes landed on the picture seeing a little girl she recognized as herself surrounded by four turtles that were much taller and bigger than her “Ah I’m sorry I don’t understand”
“You were pretty young back then; we came to live with you and your father for a few months. He’s friends with our dad-”
The teen’s eyes came up fast looking them over before looking at the picture once more as her eyes teared up when she looked back placing a hand over her mouth “Wait a minute… Leo, Mikey, and Donnie – of course I remember you guys and Master Splinter. He helped my dad start my training-” she stepped forward giving them each a big hug feeling them return it fast holding onto her just as tight as she was to them “Oh my god it really good to see all of you… it’s been years, How’s he doing?”
Leonardo smiled pulling out his wallet before showing her a picture of her old Sensei “For raising four rowdy teenage boys he’s holding up.” She smiled reaching out touching the photo “What about your dad? We haven’t seen him since we were in Japan back when you were still a little kid, how is he and your mom”
Raven had to change the subject fast before they wanted her to respond “Would you mind if I put up my stuff real quick before we start catching up” they jumped leading her to the room that would be hers opening the door only to groan under their breath as she saw the room was destroyed smiling as they looked at her before Leo finally shook his head
“You can have my bed tonight Raven I’ll get this cleaned up so you can be in here tomorrow”
She all but laughed as Mikey looked around the room with wide eyes “Dude this looks worse than when Casey left, oh you don’t know him! He dropped out without telling us and we just didn’t touch the room”
“More like we forgot, I guess we just never expected to get a new roomie”
Raven shrugged walking into the room clicking on the light setting her bags on the bed which was the cleanest thing in the room looking around carefully seeing most of it was trash as Mikey tapped the oldest turtle on the shoulder whispered a little too loud “Brah have you forgotten! We’re all going out tonight – and you really trust that thing not to mess with my girl…”
“Mikey stop it, she needs a room and it’s not fair to her if we all go out and not clean up this mess. You guys can still go out and I’ll stay home not like his ass wants to be around me all the time”
“Don’t worry about it guys you got any trash bags?” they looked at each other before Donatello moved down the hall bringing her a box of garbage bags moments later, she tossed her jacket on the bed taking it from his hands before throwing her hair up in a loose bun “I can knock this out in an hour while you guys get ready”
Leo looked her over as she swept several beer bottles into a trash bag “Are you sure Raven? I don’t mind helping out you shouldn’t have to do it”
She could see he was watching as she moved around the room working to get as much done fast nodding “Go get ready for your night out - I got this” he sighed as the teen patted him on the arm waving him to go before walking off to a room across the way leaving her too it.
She was surprised that she managed to finish with the trash in less than thirty minutes stacking anything that looked important on the desk neatly until she found a small box to put everything in before opening the window to let some fresh air in the musty room moving her bags to the floor after she swept again laying the rug that had been thrown in the corner of the room back on the floor, ripped the sheets off the bed tossing them on the floor by the door flipping the mattress over.
Raven glanced around happy with how the room looked before looking back towards the hallway closing the door so she could change her cloths slipping into a pair of sweat pants and a baggy shirt before picking up the sheets looking down the hall to see the washer and dryer closet opening it to find stacks of cloths piled in front of both machines tossing what was in her hands into the washer starting it on the fastest cycle moving back into her new room seeing the big improvement.
She tried to waste time by meditating letting all the bad things in her head disappear until she had to change out the laundry into the dryer after that deciding to go through a few katas to practice before class tomorrow turning on the radio finding a station that played slow depressing music singing along moving slowly checking her form with each movement until she had completed them repeating them faster moving fluidly until there was a soft knock on the door making her jump slightly turning fast to see Leo standing in the doorway
“That explains how you beat those two; your dad continued training you in ninjitsu after all”
“Oh yeah… Sorry – it helps me relax” he shook his head giving her a small grin as he stepped into the room placing a bottle of water on the desk as she leaned over trying to catch her breath seeing him holding the stuff from the dryer in his arms “Thanks Leo… didn’t hear the dryer stop”
She took it moving around the room making the bed putting her stuff away in the drawers looking back to see the others standing next to Leo looking around “Wow – you are a miracle worker”
“No kidding this is the cleanest I’ve ever seen it”
They were all interrupted as the front door slammed hearing a loud voice echoing through the house as something was dropped on the floor “Ay ‘m back where the hell are ya guys”
“Let’s get this over with – come officially meet the resident hothead of the house… I think you’ll remember him right off the bat” they were all heading down the hall leaving her standing alone to listen to whoever walked in
“Danm ‘m fucking barely making it in English Literature… man I need a night out. Coach ran us ragged at practice since the new kid made the football team look like a bunch of wusses”
“That sucks…”
Raven slowly made her way down the hall coming to a stop after turning the corner seeing the huge figure of the red masked turtle from earlier leaning over in the fridge rummaging around until he leaning back against the wall as the smallest turtle hopped up on the counter “Well you can’t blame her for thinking so when all of the guys on the team are major ass hats-” he popped a beer open tossing his bag on the counter making the youngest jump scooting over further towards the others who rolled their eyes at the action
“Oh - I saw ‘er sitting in the stands; at one point I think she was fast asleep but she was watching us during practice caught ‘er smiling as we ran a few plays. Coach Shredder was beyond infuriated - He was so pissed off that the new girl had made him look stupid in class… added onto the fact that both those dipshits got suspended for the rest of the semester for attacking ‘er that he bad mouthed ‘er the entire time. And then for ‘er to show up at practice danm it was like an insult to the injury for looking like a complete dumbass”
The guys laughed as he chugged down the beer in his hand grabbing another from the fridge popping the top downing half in less than a second
She saw Mikey smile as she leaned on the door watching them as the biggest turtle chuckled nudging his younger brother in the shoulder “Coach was an hour late to practice cause he was trying to change Smiths mind on letting them continue in football, tried to say she was a mouthy little shit that was bragging about it in class and that the kid probably started the whole thing but Mrs. Pine was ready for his excuses, the whole fight started out because she bumped into Rock after she tried not to bump into Sheena, kid even apologized as she tried to walk off. That ‘video’ that somehow wound up on the schools web site caught the whole thing… Thank you Donnie for filming it and posting it from his web server so I had to hear it for the last four fucking hours”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about bro, how would I have ever done such a thing when I obviously didn’t pull out my cellphone” Donnie grinned as Mikey nudged him playfully before the genius turtle pulled off his glasses cleaning them messing with something on the side of the ear piece
“Sure keep acting stupid… but you know Smith will be coming to ya to get it off the home page sometime when he can’t remove it himself” Leo shook his head as the biggest turtle grinned looking at all of them for a second before he chuckled “So – she was kinda cool right, sarcastic little shit but she’s ballsy talking up to Coach Shredder like that. Hate to admit it – and none of ya bastards better laugh - but she’s kinda cute too”
Raven stepped forward seeing him standing in the kitchen in a pair of jeans and no shirt showing off his chest and gigantic arms feeling her face flush as it hit her
He was really attractive
Finally able to breath normally she grinned unable to hold back a giggle hearing the nickname the team had given Mr. Saki “I really am sorry for that-” Leo tapped him on the arm pointing towards the teen quickly before he turned to see her looking confused as she waved at him “Hey again - I didn’t mean to get ya’ll in trouble didn’t realize me hanging out in the bleachers would be that big of a problem. You did really well at practice if that makes up for anything, that last run was epic”
He turned fast looking at the others seeming like he might be more than a little shocked “Ya wanna fill me in on why she’s–she’s right there… in our house”
She took a step back hearing the tone in his voice sounding less than thrilled that she was there in the same room as him before Leo stepped forward putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder shaking her slightly until she cheered up “Raven’s the new roommate Smith told us about” he looked at her again letting his eyes wonder down over her figure before he met hers eyes again “Anyways we discovered something interesting – this is Master Yoshi’s daughter”
The huge turtle looked confused looking at Leo for a second before raising his eye brows “Uh Leo that ain’t helping shit because I can’t remember ‘er that entirely well…”
The oldest turtle rolled his eyes saying something in Japanese under his breath making her grin at him “Raven since he forgot you I go ahead and introduce him… this is our other brother -”
“Oh trust me out of all of you I defiantly remember him” Leo grinned as she moved closer nudging him slightly with her arm seeing him step back looking down at her “Hey there Raphie, been a long time hothead. You still hate human’s right? You got tall and really big – still handsome and probably just as big of an ass as you were years ago”
Raven stood there waiting for him to say something but when he didn’t she moved back some more “It’s really good to see you again” he rolled his eyes walking past her mumbling something under his breath as he headed back to the rooms slamming his door “Well - I can be thankful to know time hasn’t changed him much… his rude gene is still thankfully intact”
“You’ll have to forgive him he had a bad day. He’ll come around later”
She nodded looking down to the floor with a small interest “I wouldn’t blame him if he never spoke to me. If my memory serves me right he never really liked me around anyways – he disliked me more than Leo”
Leo smile wrapping an arm around her shoulders placing a small kiss on her head “Just give my brother some time to warm up to you again… he won’t say it but I saw the way he was looking at you today - he seemed happy to see you”
“Don’t worry baby girl, Raphie boy had a soft spot for beautiful girls – and you seem to have him buzzing already”
The comment made the teen smile “Danm – I’m defiantly never going to be on his good side. Do you see my face, pretty is the furthest thing from this train wreak”
Mikey chuckled walking over planting a kiss on her cheek wrapping his arms around her waist “Aww don’t say that you’re still as cute as the time we saw you in Japan. Plus you look bad ass right now”
“Thanks Mike” he chuckled kissing her shoulder as Donnie checked the time mumbling that he needed to go finish getting ready
She headed back to her room as soon as she had gotten out of Mikey’s grasp stopping as the massive turtle slipped into the room looking back as she dropped her head stepping into her room pulling out a picture of her and her dad from her birthday a time that felt like decades ago feeling the tears dripping down her sore face as she forced another smile “Hey daddy! What do you think of my room?”
She pulled out another picture of her dad smiling letting her fingers drift over the glass; it was the last picture she had ever gotten of him, grabbing one of her text books flipping through the pages finding the lesson she was supposed to read tonight sitting down at the desk that she had moved to face the wall with his picture reading for a bit taking notes in a spiral she had found in the pile of abandoned books not realizing she was softly singing the lullaby he use to sing to her every night when she had been a kid wiping the tears away before a light tap startled her
“Hey were heading out to the club downtown you want to join us? I’m sure the others won’t mind”
Raph walked past the room pulling on a shirt over his head cracking his neck “Leo would ya hurry the hell up stop bothering the kid” he paused to look at the room for a second before he was gone from her sight
Leo looked back at the teen with an eye roll before a smile pulled at his lips “Some of us don’t care if you tag along. It’ll be fun”
She smiled looking down at her dad’s picture wishing he could see this place and meet her friends “Trust me it will be more fun if I’m not there. I think I’ll stay here and finish my homework. Visit with my dad for a bit before I turn in, you guys go have fun and I’ll see you later,” he looked confused looking at the picture about to ask something as she realized what she had said “I meant I’m gonna call him”
He smiled nodding with a knowing look “I do the same thing every day. I guess we’ll see you later when we get back, dinner’s in the fridge just help yourself if you get hungry” a loud bang made both of them jump followed by Raph’s voice
“LET’S GO LEO!” the oldest turned hurrying down the hall leaving her sitting in the room alone waiting until the door closed as the sob she had held back finally escaped her throat echoing around the room as the emptiness surrounded her missing her dad and for some reason wishing she had went with the guys so she wasn’t there alone
After an hour Raven finally calmed down picking up the bags of trash stuffing her key in her pocket heading down stairs keeping the hood of her jacket up and her head down once she got outside seeing the yard was empty before starting across the grass tossing the bags in the dumpsters on the other side of the parking lot making her way back to the apartments
“Look what I found guys it’s the freak that got us all in trouble. And she’s all alone”
She looked up quickly seeing fifteen guys standing in front of her looking back to see they had surrounded her without the teen ever noticing “Why are we bothering with the girl, all this is gonna do is get us in more trouble Jeff. Just leave her alone”
“Don’t worry Tommy, we won’t hurt her… Much”
She was looking for a way past them as the first guy came at her
She blocked a punch before ducking under another moving slowly through them knowing if she could get to the door she might be able to get up to the room where it was safe
Raven turned seeing someone coming at her from the side catching an elbow to the face before she was shoved to the ground quickly scrambling to her feet trying to get away from them only to be tackled to the ground pinning her down as someone started punching and kicking her over and over before a few others joined in, she struggled to get up as somebody stomped down on her hurt ankle several times finally managing to punch the one on top of her chest before someone kicked her in the head making her neck pop as it jerked to the side
The teenager went limp on the grass unable to fight anymore as the yard started spinning on her finally feeling whoever had been holding down getting up off her chest as they all moved back the leader of the group stepped forward slamming her back down as she tried to get up off the ground grabbing her by the hair jerking her head back until she cried out trying to get out of his grasp as he pulled her up on her knees
“You listen up; and you listen up good freak, you need to get out of here and go back where ever the hell you came from. Every day you’re here it’s going to continue to get worse and just because you friended those turtles doesn’t mean they can keep you safe. They won’t be there to protect you forever. Now do you understand what we are telling you?”
He didn’t wait for a response from the girl before he slammed her face into the ground making her scream out as he did it again until she finally stopped and was just lying on the cool ground silently focusing on the drops of blood soaking into the dirt under her face until everything went dark around her
She waited until they were gone no longer hearing their footsteps before forcing her eyes open trying to move once the ground finally stopped shifting under her hands as she turned over feeling her body protesting as she continued trying to get up feeling herself heave before she threw up what little bit of food she had in her stomach unable to breath as her stomach emptied onto the ground crawling away a few feet dropping again finally just lying there pondering not even getting up at all
It was a few minutes before she was finally able to move again slowly crawling towards the building using the railing as she got to her feet slowly trying to stand up leaning on the wall until she could walk stumbling into the door past a few people who stood back watching her stumbling up the stairs finally making it to the apartment after what felt like an hour
Limping into the front door she was sure to shut and lock it behind her before going straight to the bathroom leaving the door open before turning on the shower as she laid down in the bottom of the tub just letting the water pour over her body crying loudly not giving a danm if anyone heard her breaking down anymore seeing the water coming off of her was discolored with dark red from all the reopened or new wounds
She didn’t know how long she laid there but finally the tears seemed to slowly stop until she could move once more turning the water off just sitting up watching as her blood soaked the top of her shirt until she got the strength to get off the bottom of the tub stumbling down the hall into her room hiding in a corner not wanting to go to sleep now grabbing the picture frame hugging it close to her chest shaking as her soaked cloths clung to her body in the cold room
“She walks to school with the lunch she packed nobody knows what she's holdin' back wearin' the same dress she wore yesterday she hides the bruises with linen and lace. The teacher wonders but she doesn't ask it's hard to see the pain behind the mask bearing the burden of a secret storm sometimes she wishes she was never born” she sobbed into her hands not hearing the front door open or the voices that came down the hall hours later “Through the wind and the rain she stands hard as a stone in her world that she can rise above but her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved… Concrete angel”
The friendly voices made her look up before she moved pressing herself against the wall so they wouldn’t see her “Raven we’re home…. Are you here?? We were going to watch a move, just wanted to know if you wanted to join us-”
She looked up still shaking from the cold to see Leo standing in her door jumping when the light came on pulling her legs closer holding an arm up to block the light hoping he wouldn’t see her but wasn’t that lucky
Raven saw his body go ridged before he rushed to her side “Raven…” a slight panic in his voice made her look away as he stripped his jacket off quickly wrapping it around her shaking body carefully lifting her head “W–What happened? You’re freezing”
She couldn’t find her voice as the others came into the room joking around with one another “Leo what’s the holdup, the kid in or not”
Raph froze in place when he caught sight of her on the ground looking at the broken body over as Donnie came to her side checking the wounds he could see “Are you okay? What hurts…” he got closer once Leo had moved making her glance up seeing the dark look that came over Raph’s face when she finally nodded
“Of course. I’m fine guys trust me I’ve looked way worse. This is nothing”
She tried to give them a smile wincing as the muscles tightened aggravating the bruises on her cheeks hearing Leo mumble under his breath as he kneeled back down pressing a warm rag to her forehead “Hate to be the one to say it but you’re not okay, Donnie to go get the first aid kit let’s get her into the living room, Mikey she needs dry cloths”
Raven tried to get up off the floor ignoring the way her body protested the sudden movement “Guy’s I’m fine… Really I’m-” the room was sent to spinning fast as she swayed slightly before finding herself in a pair of arms being lowered back onto the floor
She looked down seeing her shirt was shredded and she was missing one of her shoes, blood was still dripping on the top of her shirt leaving the ever growing stain that was slowly expanding across the chest and now that the teen’s mind wasn’t fogged she could tell that she could barely see out of her right eye once again and that there was blood on the floor around her coming from a few deep cuts in her forearm
Raph moved closer picking her up off the ground tightening his grasp on the teen’s body as she tried to move away from him “Relax kid, I got ya just hold still”
Raven stopped resisting as he lifted and carried her into the living area sitting her gently on the couch before moving into the kitchen bringing an ice pack back with him pressing it to the right side of her face after Donnie had bandaged it
Mikey laughed when she groaned leaning into his strong hand pressing the cold bag against her face a little more ignoring just how bad and how wonderful it felt all at the same time
She stayed still letting him clean the wounds seeing he was trying to be careful before wrapping new bandages around her injuries seeing when she looked up at each of them seeing they were watching her carefully “I’m sorry for being an inconvenience guys… didn’t mean to ruin your night out”
“Ya didn’t ruin anything baby girl”
“You four were going to watch a movie, I’ll just-”
Raphael looked her over “Shut up and fucken hold still” he continued cleaning the cut on her forehead before placing a huge Band-Aid over it looking back down at her raising his brow when he saw she was staring up at him keeping her mouth shut like he had told her to do before a small half smile graced his lips as his face softened brushing the long strands of hair out of her face “Sorry kid-”
Mikey looked the teen over slowly wincing at the new bruises that were starting to darken up on her pale skin “So what happened baby girl?”
She looked at them not wanting to get them involved in her problems while thinking of something to say, telling them about the threats was useless and would only cause more problems “I… I fell down the stairs - trying to carry those bags of garbage out to the dumpster all at once. I’m such a klutz, guess that’s what I get for thinking when I should have been paying attention”
Raven grinned at them before looking away feeling Raph squeeze her bleeding arm giving her a look that scared her as he continued to clean the deepest cut on her small arm “Yo Donnie she might need stiches” she stared down at the floor seeing they didn’t believe her for a second but didn’t say anything as he agreed stepping down the hall before coming back with a small kit as they wrapped both hands where she obviously had defensive wounds from trying to fight back
“Raven this might hurt a little but I’ll try to do it fast” he pulled her face up gently before reaching into his bag pulling out a bottle of liquid and a syringe obviously going to numb the area but she moved then holding her hand up stopping him “It’s just a little morphine it’s going to numb the area so I can do it faster”
“It won’t hurt that bad, I can take it” their eyes widened as she turned for him holding her injured limb out for him seeing Raph inch closer holding tight to her arm to hold it still as Donnie pinched the skin back together looking up at her every few minutes gaging her pain level but she wasn’t even flinching and her face was blank as she watched him closing up the deep gash until her eyes finally floated back down to the floor
Thirty minutes later she was still staring at the ground focusing on the warmth of the strong calloused hand on her arm instead of the unbearable fire every time Donnie shoved the needle into her flesh “Okay Raven, I think that will hold up”
She glanced up looking up as he wrapped a bandage over it before moving back as the teen scanned over her newly bandaged arms and hands flexing them a little “Thanks guys…” they all nodded once they had finished patching her up
“Rave you want me to call your dad to come check on you. Or maybe your mom I’m sure she would want to hear from you…”
“What – No, dad’s still living down state and he’s probably asleep by now. There’s no need to worry him over a small accident. He knows how clumsy I can be…” she moved getting up off the couch wincing as the sudden movement made her entire body ache “Thank you again” getting a small smile from Mikey and Leo she limped past them grabbing the clothes the youngest was offering her going to her room hearing them talking as she left the room.
Raven shut the door behind her ripping her bloodied shirt off groaning as she did feeling the horrid lancing ache that shot through her body looking herself over in the mirror seeing the dark bruises that were already there and the newer ones that were surfacing on her pale skin “Way to go idiot – this is what you get for not paying attention”
Kicking off her wet jeans she stopped seeing her legs were scrapped where the skin wasn’t bruised pulling on a pair of sweat pants holding her breath as she pulled them up unaware of the eyes that were staring at her from the hallway as she pulled her hoody on sitting down on the desk looking out her window
“Why don’t you come back out to play bitch, were getting pretty bored down here” she laid her head down on her legs hissing as the movement trying to slow her breathing as her door was pushed open behind her as the tall figure leaned on the frame “She’s just scared, bet she couldn’t handle another ass whooping” she chuckled feeling her body shiver as they yelled up at her from outside unaware of the soft footsteps that were coming towards her “Come on Freak we’ll be gentle with ya”
“Keep it come dumbasses – and I’ll pretend to not hear you” the soft whisper left her lips as she closed her eyes just listening to the boys who had beat her up screaming obscenities as they coxed her to go back down before the window slammed shut.
It had startled her so much she jumped falling off the side of the desk hitting the floor with a pained shout when she landed on her hurt arm mumbling under her breath unable to move as she hissed from the pain blinking back the tears as she rolled over pushing herself up from the floor looking up to see Raph towering over her “What the hell hothead!”
He glared down on her as she struggled to get up keeping the injured arm up as she crawled away like a wounded animal
It took a moment but she finally pushed herself up using the wall to stand up glaring right back at the turtle
“Why the hell would ya lie for those bastards” he growled turning on her fast as she jumped back moving away from him only to fall back on the bed when her leg gave out still feeling panicky looking up to see Raph glaring out the window growling under his breath before he closed the curtains
Glancing down at her he stiffened seeing she had started shaking again and was keeping an eye on him as she tried to stop the quivering in her body pulling both legs firmly against her chest suddenly realizing she was probably scared he might hit her too like his teammates when he leaned down catching her eyes with his cold ones “Don’t ever lie to me - ever again ya understand. If they touch ya again ya better fucken’ tell me so I can do something”
“And what could you possibly do? You aren’t always going to be around to save my ass so I should just get use to fighting my own battles-” she took a shaky deep breath not daring to look away for a moment as fresh tears fell down her cheeks surprised her voice came out stronger then she felt swallowing hard  “…that’s how it’s always been and nothing’s going to be able to change that Raphie”
“I can try instead of coming home every day to ya in a corner bleeding” he sat down on the edge of the bed holding his head in his hands as she nodding quickly seeing something in his features that said he had meant the words before a knock came on the door making her jump again but she never took her eyes off Raph knowing she was showing the weakness that she had tried so hard to hide from the world
“Raph is everything okay in here” he glanced back before taking a deep breath exhaling slowly clenching his hand into a fist meeting her eyes again but this time he seemed gentler in a way reaching out carefully patting her on the shoulder looking more than a little hurt when she jumped at the smallest amount of contact from another being
“Sorry if I scared ya kid ‘m just not going to stand here and let them beat on ya. Just knowing ya for the few hours I have I can tell ya don’t deserve that”
Raven looked over at his hand as it rested on her arm before nodding thinking that he would never know how much she really thought she had gotten what she deserved “You don’t know me that well…”
“Well yer living with us now so – maybe that will change” he stood up walking out of her room stopping for a moment shooting a quick glance at his older brother as Leo came in kneeling down next to the bed
“Hey Mikey’s gonna make us something to eat. He was wondering if maybe you were hungry. His cooking isn’t the greatest but its tolerable”
“I… um - I already ate something earlier before I came up to the room”
He looked over his shoulder seeing Raphael was still standing off to the side of the door, slowly he moved closer to her side sitting down beside her as she was laying down groaning the second her body was on the mattress curling into herself “Get some sleep – and if you change your mind I’m sure Mikey will save you a plate”
Raven nodded curling up as he stepped out closing the door slightly before heading down the hall leaving her laying in the dark completely unaware of the golden eyes that were still watching her from the hall.
After a while she closed her eyes listen to them talking in the living room keeping their voices low so not to disturb her but it was easy to hear them
“Leo… Did she say anything about what really happened” Donnie’s voice held a note of concern as he asked his older brother about the teen
“We already know what happened Don, she didn’t say anything but – we all saw it she’s trying to keep us out of it. I should have stayed home like I wanted to…”
“What are we going to do guys? Bebop and Rocksteady beating my baby girl up today was bad enough but now that they got kicked out the whole football team is out to get her. What the hell did she do to them?” she chuckled shaking her head when one of the guys popped Mikey in the head making him fall silent for a moment
“Mikey we have no proof who it was and she won’t cause any waves… we’re all just going to have to watch her back for the time being and keep her safe” the strong voice of the oldest made her smile pulling the blanket up over her before she saw the light from the hallway hit her wall as somebody opened the door picked up on the soft footsteps approaching her bed when she closed her eyes pretending that she was asleep so whoever it was would just go away
“I know ya ain’t sleeping kid” she shifted holding her breath until she was lying flat on her back unable to actually go any further seeing Raph moving closer until he was at the side of her bed “Here I take these whenever Shredhead runs us too hard at practice it’ll help with the pain – and don’t give me that bullshit that yer fine, ya can try to hide it from the other three - but I see it”
She didn’t argue knowing it would just be a waste of her breath as she tried to push herself up before his hand was on her back pushing her up into a sitting position holding her up “T–Thanks”
He nodded placing two pills in her hand waiting until she popped them in her mouth to hand her a bottle of water “Does it hurt?”
She looked up as he sat down on the edge of her bed facing her as she leaned forward relieving some pressure in her back but causing fire to engulf her ribs “Which part…?”
Raph looked her over slowly as she shot him a small grin shaking his head as he eyed the teen carefully looking over her as she rolled her shoulders wincing as it cracked loudly “Just tell me what hurts? Don’t be a smartass kid; I just wanted to know if yer okay-” he froze as one of her emerald green eyes looked up at him as if to see if he really wanted to know
“Well since you asked so nicely I guess I can be honest – truthfully… fucking everything is killing me but I’ll live… Thanks for asking”
The turtle nodded as she tried to adjust on the bed seeming to be on the edge of just screaming out from the pain but was doing her best not to show it “Ya need anything” she shook her head no groaning as she started to lean back looking up fast as he leaned forward helping her
“Get some rest and maybe tomorrow will be better” she quietly watched as his shell got further away until he was blocking out the light from the hall way before turning back around looking at her for a moment “If – if ya want, ya can come hang out in the living room with us… Mikey seems to like ya and I guess it might be cool to get to catch up with someone from our childhood”
She nodded as he stepped out of the room going to close the door before she looked over quickly “Hey Raph-” he looked back as she looked away nervously before a small smile pulled at her lips “Thanks again for – you know…”
He smirked nodding slowly shutting the door behind him hopefully heading into the living room as she cried out shifting on the mattress, once or twice she almost got up and went to go be near them… Almost but finally the teen just turned over groaning as her body screamed at her to stop moving around
She finally obliged once she was comfortable on the nest her body had created
So how was the first part of the series? Hope someone enjoyed it as much as I did getting to write it
9 notes · View notes
teddyryker-blog · 7 years
cash me ousside howbow dah || a self para
Setting: post-Ravens game but pre-drunken mess (this will make sense later).
trigger warnings: abuse, murder (fairly graphic description).
Teddy could’ve been completely thrown off by the sight of his father, he could’ve completely flunked the game and walked back into the locker room more ashamed than he was already. He thought he and the team had done their best but it wasn’t enough and the loss was already sitting coldly in his stomach — pure disappointment. After a normal game loss, Teddy could’ve just gone back to his room and slept off the discouragement, waking up the next day with in a better state of mind and ready to get back to work. This wasn’t one of those games.
If he could’ve, Teddy would’ve pretended he hadn’t seen his dad at all and just followed the rest of the Foxes back into the locker room but even when he wasn’t looking at his dad, he could feel his eyes on him. Whatever his reasoning was for being here it definitely wasn’t good, Teddy’s dad was not the kind of man that travelled across the country to watch his son play Exy unless it was to ruin it for him. Now that the game was over and he couldn’t be distracted by strategy and technique anymore, Teddy’s mind was racing with possible reasons for his father’s sudden appearance. He thought about the short phone call he’d made to his sister after their last game and that he should’ve just fucking listened and not even bothered. He was ready to accept the more-than-likely fact that he was about to get pulled out of college, no more Exy and no more championships. Teddy felt sick at the thought.
He caught his dad’s eye as they started filing off the court and he jerked his chin up at Teddy, a silent way of saying get your ass over here. Swallowing hard, anxious enough that his hands were trembling, Teddy veered off from the rest of the team and spared them a quick (possibly last) glance over his shoulder as he forced himself off in his father’s direction. They met halfway, Teddy waited at the end of the row where his dad was sat until he made it over and snatched Teddy up by the front of his jersey, dragging him away so aggressively that Teddy nearly tripped over himself. He couldn’t breathe, his heart was hammering so hard in his chest he could hear the blood pulsing in his ears.
Neither of them said anything until they stopped in an alcove just past where the locker room was, far away from the crowd and the team. Teddy was shoved into a wall and he stayed with his back pressed up against it, wishing he could just disappear into it. He was braced for a punch, a kick, a slap, anything, but it didn’t come. Teddy’s dad walked straight up into his face, he was a good 9 inches taller than Teddy, his expression was stone and his eyes were steel. Nobody scared Teddy more than his dad, especially considering everything that had happened the last time they’d seen each other.
“I’m sorry,” Teddy said, even though he didn’t know exactly what he was sorry for. It was a flawed attempt at some understanding, maybe a second chance, another way of saying please don’t take me away from this.
“Shut up,” his dad snapped, giving Teddy’s chest a hard shove, “I...I am so close to throwing you in front of a train right now, Teddy, you have no idea.” Teddy went silent after that. His dad dug around in his jacket pockets and pulled out a phone — except it wasn’t his phone, this phone had a cracked screen and a bright green phone case. “Do you know what this is?” His dad asked, voice low.
Teddy swallowed hard to clear his throat but he couldn’t shake the lump that formed there. “It’s a phone,” he said.
“Who’s phone?”
“Jewel’s.” He almost stammered as he spoke the name. The disappointment at the loss of the game, the anxiety he felt over seeing his father was now completely overshadowed by cold, hard, despair that washed over him like a bucket of ice and sat in his chest like shrapnel. 
“That’s right,” his dad said, his tone worryingly casual, “you wanna know how I got it?” Teddy jerkily shook his head because he already knew what was coming and he kept swallowing back rising tears. He was not going to cry, not here, not now, not in front of this individual. “I went into his shitty, crack den of an apartment,” his dad said, continuing anyway, “I got this wire right? Wound it super tight around his neck and just kept pulling until he stopped struggling. It cut him actually, right here—” He ran his finger horizontally across the middle of Teddy’s throat and he had to suppress a shudder. It was the same place his dad had left bruises on Teddy only weeks prior to this. He wouldn’t have noticed anyway, Teddy was already shaking from head to toe and staring into space as he pictured the scene.
Firstly, he was angry because Jewel hadn’t listened. He’d stayed in California when Teddy told him he wasn’t safe there, if he’d listened then he’d be alive but...if Teddy hadn’t disobeyed the rules then he’d also probably be alive. Teddy felt like he was crashing, this sickening feeling was growing in him like a patch of weeds and all he could do was let it happen. “After that,” his dad continued, “I took him, took his phone, put him in the trunk of some car at a junk yard and left him there. It’s been about a week, bet he’s starting to stink up the place.” Teddy’s stomach lurched and he had to drag his knuckles roughly over the wall behind him to ground him — if he didn’t then he’d throw up.
“You’re lying,” Teddy said through gritted teeth.
“You think so? I took pictures, you wanna see?” Teddy shook his head furiously. He didn’t doubt his father did, he didn’t doubt he did have pictures and Teddy really, really, didn’t want to see them. “Didn’t think so.” Less than a second after he said that, he grabbed Teddy by the front of his jersey again and slammed him so hard against the wall that it left Teddy winded. “We need to get something straight,” his dad said, still calm enough that his voice went right through Teddy, “the next time you disobey me, after I gave you a second chance that you frankly didn’t fucking deserve, I can do much worse things than kill that stupid boy.” Teddy didn’t doubt it. “You can’t call your sister if she’s dead — or if you’re dead. We clear?” They were more than clear. “I don’t wanna see you or hear from you for the next two years and if I do then we have a problem.” He didn’t wait for Teddy to respond, he pulled him away from the wall and harshly shoved him off back in the direction they came from. 
Teddy walked away numbly, not looking back and going straight into the locker room where he ignored everyone he walked past and went straight to the toilet cubicles — as soon as he locked himself in one, his stomach lurched and he emptied the contents of his stomach into the toilet, retching and choking and unable to stop. He kept going until there was literally nothing left, Teddy felt empty and shaky as he fell back against the cubicle door and slouched against it, his knees drawn up to his chest as he tried to catch his breath.
Jewel is dead. Jewel is dead. Jewel is dead...
He kept thinking it over and over again, it was Teddy’s new white noise that was punctuated by And it’s my fault. Shame and anger flashed hot in Teddy’s gut and he lashed out with his leg, kicking as hard as he could at the wall, the noise echoing loudly, until he felt a painful twinge in his knee. This wasn’t real, this day could not be worse than it already was and Jewel couldn’t be dead. He told Teddy he’d leave, they’d promised they’d see each other again soon. He could hear Jewel’s laugh, smell the cigarette smoke on his clothes, see him waiving an optimistic goodbye from that motel parking lot. That wasn’t meant to be the end of it all, they were meant to see each other again.
With that thought, Teddy puts his face in his hands, curls in on himself and screams, it’s so sudden and so much that is wrecks his lungs and his throat immediately. It’s a desperate sound, grief stricken, angry, completely desolate. When he stops, Teddy is trembling and pale and if anyone had come knocking on the cubicle door then Teddy wouldn’t have noticed. All he can think is: Jewel’s laugh, Jewel’s cigarette smoke, Jewel waving him goodbye, Jewel rotting in the trunk of a car...
It goes over and over again in Teddy’s head until he’s in a ‘trance’, he’s numb and he can’t even think about how disappointed he was over the outcome of the game. It doesn’t matter, none of it matters now. Teddy doesn’t even realise how long he’s been in there, it could’ve been minutes or hours but by the time he manages to register I’m still in the locker room, everyone is still outside, the locker room is quiet. Teddy struggled to his feet, he’s still trembling but he can still move and that’s enough to get him out of the cubicle. He doesn’t look at anything except his things and the floor, he changes out into his regular clothes, packs up his things and leaves the locker room as if nothing’s wrong. This isn’t reversible, this isn’t anyone else’s problem, and Teddy keeps going.
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Sins of the Father- Crimson Rain chapter 13
Pairing: Bastien x Liza; Liam x Raven
Written for @badthingshappenbingo
Fandom: Choices (The Royal Romance Book)
Square filled: Blackmail
Word count: 2,205
Warnings: angst, threatening of a minor, blackmail
Summary: Liam learns a little more about his father’s involvement and comes to the conclusion of who he can and can’t trust. 
A/N: @katurrade and @zaffrenotes kept pushing me to do a Mobster AU. Beta’d by my patient husband who is completely hooked.
A/N2: My emotions always jump off the page, Liam’s emotions in the first section are the most real and raw I’ve ever written, they are my actual feelings regarding news about my FIL’s killer, so it might really hurt. I could barely breathe while writing them or rereading them. 
Series warnings: Mobster AU, there will be violence, and death. NSFW content to come. Possibly dark. If you ask to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age. 
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
Disclaimer: I own my OC’s, the rest I’m simply borrowing from PB for a bit.
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Present day; Trenton, New Jersey: 
Liam stared at the door Mara had just disappeared out of, hands clenched tightly into fists at his sides. While he wanted to react he knew he needed to try to keep some semblance of calm. He knew had Raven not been by his side in that moment he may have done something to hurt them both. He was stunned, anger rolling through his entire body. The last twenty years of his life had been a complete lie. People he had trusted had lied to him, betrayed him. His own father was behind his mothers attempted hit. His fist hit the wall with impressive force, the drywall giving way leaving a large gaping hole in its wake. Hot angry tears stung at the back of his eyes. 
Liam wanted to yell, scream, cry, destroy the entire house with his bare hands, yet at the same time he felt completely defeated. He felt betrayed. Those around him misled him, who could he trust that his father had? Who would be able to lie to him and betray him easily without a single thought? Who had known and watched him blame the wrong man? Every action he had made in the name of retribution for his mother had been made based on falsehoods he had been fed. Would he even know the truth if he hadn’t had found his mother and Hope? 
Hope, he had held the only remaining family at arms length, refusing to let her in based on who her father was because of facts he was led to believe. He was unsure if he could ever get past his feelings he had felt for the last twenty years. Sure what he believed was wrong, but with the truth widely exposed, things he hadn’t ever known come to light his emotions were still high and raw.
Liam didn’t know how if he ever could get past the things he learned. Would he ever be able to forgive Bastien, his actions were still at the root of what caused him to lose his mother. Would he ever be able to let Hope in knowing how she came to be? What else had his father lied to him about? Was anything he was told the truth, or had his entire life been a lie? 
All feelings could wait. The most important thing was deciding what to do about Mara. Fuck! Things couldn’t be more complicated. How was he supposed to deal with the woman who made him lose his mother when she was the mother of the woman he loved? 
Raven watched in stunned silence as the man she loved slowly started to spiral coming completely undone. She watched as years of training him to only show feelings such as rage slowly become forgotten. She knew he needed her, but in that moment she wasn’t sure how, or if she actually could help. Knowing that his years of pain and anguish from losing his mother was all because of her own had her worrying that he may no longer want anything to do with her. 
Raven felt like her entire life was crumbling around her. She hated her mother more in than moment more than she’d ever hated anyone before. She couldn’t understand how she could so easily make the decisions that caused Liam so much pain. Why couldn’t she just help Emmaline? Why did she have to alert Constantine of Emmaline’s plans? Her heart ached knowing that the one to blame was her family. She knew she needed to be punished, Emmaline deserved to be avenged somehow. Could she stand by and watch her mother be punished by the only man to ever hold her heart? She felt as is if the fact that her mother was to blame for everything to befall Emmaline only complicated matters tenfold and she wasn’t sure if her relationship could survive. 
Twenty years ago; Trenton, New Jersey Constantine: 
It was clear Constantine had misjudged Bastien’s loyalty to him, something he should have realized given the intimate nature of Bastien’s relationship with Emmaline. Adulterous Bitch! After everything I did for her, everything I gave her! He felt like he had been taken for a fool, again. Never again. He would get it right this time. 
The one thing Bastien taught him was not to underestimate those in his control, free will was a powerful thing even if it was a falsehood. He needed someone he could control to ensure that there would be no further issues going forward. Mara has given him the intel needed of her own volition, yet that was worrisome. It was clear to him that she was worried about her own gain, he needed to ensure that she wouldn’t betray him and warn Emmaline. He had one avenue he could explore, it was questionable, but no less than the hit against his own wife. 
With his plan in place Constantine sat back, hands folded against his chest as he waited for Mara to arrive. A few moments later he heard a tentative tap at the door, a smug smile formed on his lips. This time nothing will be left to chance. “Come in.” He called out. 
Mara stepped into the room visibly shaking, unsure of why the boss wanted to see her. “You wanted to see me Sir?” She asked her voice quaking.
“Yes, please take a seat.” He replied gesturing to the seats across from him.
Mara sat, clasping her hands in her lap. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out what he could want with her. Has Raven done something? 
“So, I wanted to thank you for telling me about my wife’s plans.” He said drawing to his feet. He crossed to the bar cart pouring a few fingers of Scotch. “Drink?” He asked motioning with his hand.
“N-no thank you. What exactly did you want to see me about?” 
“Ah yes, getting right down to business I see. I like that in an associate.” He said bringing his tumblr to his lips drawing a long sip of the smooth Scotch. “As I said I wanted to thank you for alerting me to Emmaline’s plans to leave.” 
“O-of course. Is that all?” She replied drawing to stand.
“No of course not.” He responded once more sitting at his desk. “I understand you’ve been worried about your position here since your husband’s untimely death.”
“Yes sir.”
“And I would be correct to assume that you gave me the information about Emmaline to secure your position here?” He questioned, eyebrow raised, drink at lips. 
“Y-yes Sir.”
“Very well.” He said, pursing his lips as if he were in thought. “Well, I can guarantee your position here for the foreseeable future—that is if you were willing to handle something for me.”
“A-anything.” She replied without hesitation.
“I need to ensure Emmaline won’t leave with Liam. Bastien was supposed to do the job but he refused, so now it’s yours. I need you to kill Emmaline.” 
“W-What? No I can’t do that!” She exclaimed in shock. She couldn’t be the reason Liam felt the same pain her daughter did. 
“Either you take care of Emmaline or you will never see Raven again, simple as that. Do you want to be a widow mourning the loss of her only child and her husband or do you want to ensure that you and Raven are taken care of?”
Mara’s eyes went wide. No, not Raven! “Fine. I’ll do it.” I’m sorry Liam, it’s for Raven, I can’t lose her.
“Very good. Let me know when it’s done.” He replied, his hand mentioned to the door. “You may leave now.” He sat back in his chair, sipping at his Scotch once more as he walked Mara hurriedly exit the room. At least there shall be no surprises this time… 
Present day; Trenton, New Jersey:
Liam sat at his large oak desk, fingers drumming on the top, empty whisky glass in front of him. He was trying to sort through all he learned that day. He still couldn’t believe his father of all people had been behind his mothers hit, all because she wanted to take him away. Raven sat on the nearby couch, mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds; eyes flicking from one post to the next but registering none. She knew Liam was hurting, and she wouldn’t leave him alone, even if she was also struggling to process that her mother had been the one to enforce the hit. They both looked up when they heard a sharp knock at the door. Must be Drake. I’m sure he’s heard by now. “Come in.” Liam called out. 
The door swung open, Madeline glider into the room. “Liam.” She said smiling widely. “I was hoping to have a word, alone.” Her eyes flicked to Raven. “Eh, close enough.” She smoothed down the back of her dress, sitting across from Liam.
“Madeline, I believe it’s proper to wait to be told to be seated.” Raven stated to platinum blonde woman. 
Madeline flicked her wrist towards Raven, ignoring the comment. “So I hear the cat is out of the bag so to speak.” She said, smirk on her rouge painted lips. “Are sure you still want to marry her knowing what her family did to yours?” 
Liam appraised Madeline, allowing her words to sink in. “You knew!” 
Madeline laughed. “Of course I knew! I was meant to be by your side, to guide you! Why wouldn’t I know?” She laughed off the absurd thought. “But of course you had to go and mess up your part.”
“What are you talking about?” Liam growled, his jaw clenching.
“Bastien.” Madeline said, her face read of annoyance that she had to explain something so simple to him like he was a child. “You were meant to loathe him, hate him so much you would be driven to destroy him.” She tapped a perfectly manicured nail against her leg. “With me by your side you would have, but you had to go and break the engagement and ruin everything.” The last words spat from her mouth like something that tasted vile. “I tried to warn you, but you had to follow your heart like some simpleton.” A soft smile formed on her perfectly painted lips. “Now, can you stop playing this charade and you finally admit that you need me by your side?”
Liam felt his rage boil, growing hotter in his veins threatening to consume him. “You actually think I would choose to marry you, after you admit to trying to trick me?” He sat forward, planting his palms on his desk. “Madeline I never planned on marrying you, why do you think I came up with excuses for four years to postpone? You will never be by my side! And from this day forward you are no longer welcome in my home.” Liam all but growled, he was absolutely seething in anger. It was talking all of his willpower to not take matters into his own hands. He knew he needed to remain calm, she was trying to goad him and he could not allow her to win. He was angry and hurt, but with his father’s insistence that anything but anger and rage was weak he was able to contain the overwhelming pain he felt and learning how much he was being used and played by his own father. 
Madeline’s smile faltered for a second. “Fine, have it your way.” Her emerald eyes shone with pride as she stood, her lips curved up into a sinister smile. “But just know without me you will never find your brother.” She said spinning on her heel, platinum blonde locks swaying behind her as she glided from the room feeling sure in herself that she had him where she wanted him. 
Brother? And Mara said something about my father refusing to lose another child? His mind raced as he tried to wrap his head around the fact that he may actually have two siblings he never knew about. 
“Liam, what did she mean by brother?” Raven questioned. 
“I don’t know but I intend to find out.” Liam replied, running a hand over his tired face. All the new facts not only turned his life upside down, but punched all the energy out of him. He needed to learn more, find out more about this possible sibling he never heard of before. He felt in his gut it had to be true, why else would his father take such extreme measures to keep his mother from leaving? One thing he was positive of, Madeline was only saying what she thought would gain his favor and put her by his side. 
He wouldn’t allow her to win, he didn’t need her. As much as it pained him there was one other person who may know the truth. As much as he’d grown to hate him, he was surprised that he trusted him more than those he’d already spoken to. 
Liam was surprised that he was about to turn to the last person he ever thought he would for help. There was only one remaining question, would Bastien help him after his attempt on Liza?
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