#including her friend group that i used to be a part of before we broke up
girl-bateman · 10 months
my ex texted me out of the blue and after I respond (very politely bc im polite) she literally reads it without responding. pisses me tf off
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jklinges2003 · 10 months
Just a Ghost of a Girl You Once Knew and Loved
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A/N: Hey guys I decided to make my first short fanfiction on here. Even though I’ve made a lot of fanfics on Quotev, this is my first time writing one on tumblr, so if I mess up, don’t judge lol! Anyway, I started watching “The Summer I Turned Pretty” with my mom, including watching season 2 this summer and I swear it just leaves me intrigued, makes me laugh, makes feel like I’m actually in it and I wish I really was. And I am so team Jeremiah all the way! So, after I watched 2x06 and 2x07, in episode 6, Jeremiah and Belly almost kiss while at the end of episode 7, they finally kiss, but I can’t find the GIF from episode 6 from when they almost kiss cuz that’s what I want this short fanfic to be about and take place in. And I also might switch POVs.
codes: Y/N = Your name
Y/EC = Your eye color
SUMMARY: So, I imagined what would happen if a girl in the show (Y/N) was best friends with Belly for a long time and had a huge crush on Jeremiah at first, and even Y/N hooked up with Jeremiah in the first season but after him and Conrad’s mom Susannah died and after Y/N has been seeing signs of Jeremiah having feelings for Belly, they broke up before the events of season 2, but Y/N’s feelings for Jeremiah have never faded and as the group reunited in season 2, Y/N has been holding onto hope that something could happen with her and Jeremiah because she’s missed him so much. And even Jeremiah feels the same, but he just wouldn’t admit to her or even to himself since a part of him still has feelings for Belly. And throughout season 2, Y/N has been trying some casual attempts to get Jeremiah’s attention but failed every time. So, one night as the gang throws a party at the beach house to honor Susannah, and while Y/N was hanging out with a couple of friends, she witnesses something that just pushes her to her breaking point, increases her insecurities and her anger/jealousy towards Belly while she’s been trying to keep her friendship with her intact, and Y/N’s heartbroken behavior strikes a chord in Jeremiah and hits him with guilt.
SONG: “Part of Your World (Reprise II)” by Halle Bailey from Disney’s live-action Little Mermaid. I feel like the song matches Y/N’s situation really well, and I love Disney songs, so I wanted to choose this song.
Y/N’s POV:
The party for Susannah has been going great! It’s fun, loud, and it was a beautiful way to honor Susannah. I hoped I’d get closer with Jeremiah this time because out of all the attempts to try and get his attention while he’s been going all lovey-dovey on Belly even though they’re not even dating, I’ve failed. Jeremiah and I had something special last summer, we bonded really well, he brought out the best in me, and there’s nobody like him. He’s irreplaceable. At first I’ve always been a very shy and self-conscious girl, but after bonding with Jeremiah, his childish personality and his sweetness and fun energy is just so contagious that it just makes you wanna have fun and laugh with him. So, he brought out the fun and confidence that I never knew I had in me. And we even felt a strong connection and spark between us. Being with him always made me feel safe, he’s easy to talk to, he’s relatable, his light blue eyes just take my breath away and you can easily see the emotion in them. But, unfortunately, I regret us breaking up in the first place after Susannah died. And I could see it in his eyes that he does, too. Whenever he and I would talk, I could easily see that he feels lost and confused, like he wants to be with me again as if us breaking up was a mistake for him, too, but also another part of him wants to be with Belly since his feelings for her never faded while my feelings for Jeremiah have never faded. And every time he’d be affectionate and sweet towards Belly, my close best friend and who’s like a sister to me, I can’t help but feel nauseous as if seeing the sight of them together just makes me wanna puke, even though they’re not dating, but I respect their close friendship since they grew up together, and I have been trying to be strong and understanding and nice, but inwardly I just feel sick and it’s suffocating me, like I’m tired of bottling it up. And I have no one to talk to about it since I feel like they wouldn’t understand and that they’d think of me as just a sad pathetic ex-girlfriend who can’t get over her ex-boyfriend.
After watching Taylor and Steven’s talented dance moves for the song “Party In The U.S.A.”, I went back to hang out with Nicole and Dara. We laughed and talked for a bit until one of the girls brought up a relationship she’s in, and that immediately made me think of Jeremiah.
Since Jeremiah has always brought out the confidence in me, I have been thinking about it for a while and I have been waiting all summer to tell him my feelings and that I’ve never stopped loving him even though I was scared to since I didn’t wanna stand in the way between him and Belly. But, I realized I’ve got nothing to lose, and that it’s now or never.
I excused myself from the girls and walked into the crowd to look for Jeremiah. I looked and looked and looked. Until I saw something that just hit me in the heart. I saw Jeremiah and Belly sitting together closely, talking and looking at each other that way. I stood and watched worriedly as I glanced at Jeremiah and then Belly. The way they looked at each other was the same way me and Jeremiah looked at each other last summer when we hooked up and fell in love. I felt like I just wanted to run out of the room and throw up. Then, they stopped talking while still looking at each other with smirks, and then they both slowly leaned in, almost about to kiss until a girl yelling “Fight! Fight!” in another room interrupted them and gathered a crowd. Seeing Jeremiah and Belly almost kiss just hit me in my breaking point. I was about to tell Jeremiah how I felt and that I never stopped loving him, but after seeing what I saw…my chance was ruined. I was too late. The hope I had in me all summer was broken and turned into dust. And I felt ignored after all the tried-and-failed attempts to get Jeremiah’s attention, like as if I were a ghost of a girl he once knew and loved. Like as if what we had before was just nothing.
While the fight between Taylor’s ex-boyfriend Milo and Belly’s brother Steven was occurring in the other room, some other kids didn’t bother to watch the fight and just stayed behind, wanting to stay out of it. And also they were also either drunk or high. I’ve never been one to drink or do drugs or smoke or any of that stuff, I’ve made a vow to myself that I’d live life in a clean state of mind. But after witnessing Jeremiah and Belly together, since it hit my breaking point, I was at that stage where I didn’t wanna feel anything anymore.
I walked over to the group of kids in the kitchen, not wanting to talk to them, and instead just opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of beer. Since my emotions were shut off, I let my impulsiveness get the best of me and I started to open the bottle and chug the alcohol drink. I didn’t care that it tasted bad, I was just tired of feeling this way. After finishing half of the bottle already and walking around the party, trying to avoid Jeremiah, I then saw him and Conrad standing outside with Belly stuck in the middle of them and the two brothers were arguing, and I could easily tell that it was about Belly.
Ever since Belly has been hooking up with Jeremiah at first and then Conrad and then having to choose between them, I felt bad for her but I also got irritated at her because every time they would be loving and sweet to her, instead of listening to her heart about who she truly wants to be with, she just kept letting it happen and kept throwing herself at them, playing both brothers. They both don’t deserve that. Especially Jeremiah since after he and I got together, Belly and Conrad got together temporarily, and then since Jeremiah’s been crushing on Belly while he was really in love with me, and he was angry at Belly for hooking up with Conrad since her and Jeremiah kissed before while he and I were together which also caused our relationship to go downhill. The love triangle between Jeremiah, Belly, and Conrad is just stupid and annoying since Belly won’t make a decision about who she truly wants to be with, and now with me in it, it has turned into a love square. And the last thing I wanted was to be involved in a love triangle, let alone a love square. And now I got dragged into it due to my feelings for Jeremiah never leaving me. Could things get any worse?!
I continued drinking the rest of the bottle of beer, trying to numb everything inside me and to just escape from the pain. I started to get a little tipsy and even though it felt wrong, it also felt good since it helped numb the pain. Then while stumbling around the party and then sitting on the floor in a corner of a room, taking a few more swigs of the beer bottle, I started to lose myself into sorrow and despair.
The bottle of beer was then almost done. I was now really drunk. I kept accidentally bumping into people while stumbling and trying to keep myself standing. But, I started to hear Nicole ask me if I was okay since she saw that I wasn’t myself. My facial expression was blank, my eyes looked like as if something inside them had died, my face was tear-stained which caused a bit of mascara to run down my face, and my hair was a little bit untidy. When she asked if I was okay, my vision was blurry, my hearing was distorted and echoey, and my head was spinning and fuzzy. I didn’t respond to Nicole and instead just accidentally lost my balance near another kid who was carrying a glass of a drink, causing that kid to accidentally drop his glass which broke when it fell. And when I fell, the palm of my hand landed on the broken glass which caused my hand to bleed a little, but I didn’t feel the pain since I was numb and drunk.
A tiny crowd of the people gathered around me and started to look at me in concern, worry, and confusion all at once, and that was the last thing I wanted. I didn’t wanna be viewed as someone who was fragile and vulnerable, even though I knew that it was okay to be vulnerable once in a while since everybody has strengths and weaknesses. But, I just didn’t care anymore.
While there was a few people gathered around me, I kept reassuring them that I was okay, but the one person who I definitely didn’t want to check on me was none other than Jeremiah himself, but he checked on me anyway.
“Y/N? Y/N, are you okay?” Jeremiah asked as he kneeled down beside me to try to help me up, but I kept brushing him off and tried to pretend that I wasn’t hurting, both emotionally and physically. Emotionally from witnessing Jeremiah and Belly almost about to kiss, and physically from losing my balance due to my drunken state and falling to the floor and the palm of my hand landing on broken glass. So I even tried to hide my drunken state from Jeremiah since I didn’t want his pity.
“It’s f-f-fine. I’m…fine, Jer.” I tried to reassure, my voice slurring a bit as I tried to help myself up and stand on my own feet without losing my balance again and without Jeremiah seeing my bleeding hand.
But, he was looking at me that way with concern and worry. I finally managed to stand on my own two feet and then walked away from the crowd, stumbling and limping.
Jeremiah’s POV:
Seeing Y/N like this had me worried. I didn’t know what was going on with her, but she seemed pretty drunk and she looked upset for some reason. She shouldn’t be alone. She could get hurt or end up doing something stupid.
I followed her as she stumbled out of the room, but I lost her in the crowd. I looked around for her until something caught my eye. I saw her outside on the patio, walking away from the beach house and just heading down to the beach, still stumbling and limping.
I walked outside to the patio and follow Y/N down to the beach with the dark night sky in the view. She didn’t look like herself. I was really worried.
“Y/N! Y/N, what are you doing?” I asked her in concern as I caught up with her. Her pupils were dilated, her hair was untidy, she could barely walk, and she even had mascara running down her face so she looked like she had been crying. But why?
“Going to the beach. What do you think I’m doing?” Y/N asked sassily, her voice slurring. She was definitely drunk. I’ve always known her to be a goody-goody girl who would never want to drink, do drugs, or smoke, but she was actually drunk. What changed?
“But, y-you’re drunk. Are you sure you’re okay? And you fell back in there. Are you hurt?” I asked as I stopped her from walking any further towards the water since she’s too intoxicated to go for a swim. When I asked if she was hurt, I looked all over her body for any cuts or bruises or anything, until I spotted her hand bleeding. I took that hand gently and looked at her worriedly. But she immediately yanked her hand away and glared at me for some reason before stumbling to walk further towards the water. I stood in front of her and put my hands on her shoulders, preventing her from doing so.
“Y/N, your hand is bleeding. We need to clean that up and put either some band-aids or gauze on there. Let’s just go back inside, okay?” I said to her calmly, but sternly and worriedly before I put an arm around her shoulders to help her walk back inside the beach house. But she immediately refused and put up a fake smile, and her fake smile looked angry.
“No! No, no, no, no. I’m fine, Jer. You don’t need to help me. Why don’t you go and help Belly instead, hm? I’m sure she’s probably going through a lot after being stuck having to choose between you and your brother. So go ahead, why don’t you go help her and be her shoulder to cry on? I can take care of myself.” Y/N said while slurring before letting out a hiccup at the end of her last sentence. She was being stubborn as hell. And this was also a side of her that I’ve never seen before. Why was she acting this way, especially towards me?
“Y/N, I’m not gonna leave you out here by yourself, especially with your drunken behavior. I’m not gonna let you do something stupid. Like, what were you planning to do out here at the beach? Why were you walking towards the water?” I asked her, trying to be calm and gentle, but I had a bad feeling about Y/N’s intentions that it built worry inside me which caused me to raise my voice a little bit.
“None of your business. What is this, 20 questions or something? Just leave me alone, Jeremiah.” Y/N spat out, still slurring before she walked past me, still stumbling. I watched her about to go into the water, but her legs were shaking as if she could barely stand. I wanted to stop her and go get her, but I wanted to see what she was planning to do first so that I can really know what’s going on. She stopped for a second as the water reached to her knees, then she kept going until it was at her waist and she started to cover her mouth with her hand and then cover her nose with her other hand before she began to dunk her head into the water.
I widened my eyes as it immediately clicked. Y/N was about to kill herself by drowning while drunk! As I finally knew what she was about to do, I immediately took action and rushed into the water, grabbing Y/N by the waist and dragging her out of the water. She started screaming protests at me to let her go, but I couldn’t let her do this. I care about her so much. And…I actually love her, even though a part of me loves Belly. I just don’t know what to do. But after seeing Y/N like this and after us reuniting along with the others, I was actually really glad to see her. She’s a sight for sore eyes. She’s beautiful, she’s kind, caring, warm, honest, sweet, sassy, headstrong, authentic, moral, the voice of reason, and a talented singer with a beautiful voice. She’s even a better singer than I am. I did like her when she was a shy and introverted girl, though, I thought she looked adorable whenever she’d blush. But after we bonded last summer and fell in love, I started to see a more confident and silly side of her and I couldn’t help but love her even more. I miss what Y/N and I had together, even though I love Belly, too, but it’s not really the same with Belly actually. Y/N’s the one I feel something strong and loving for. She’s even tried to be there for me after my mom died, but I was too blind in my own grief and in my own conflicted feelings for Belly to even see it. How could I have been so blind?
Seeing Y/N acting like this was just heartbreaking and shocking to me. I was even more worried about her, especially since she just tried to kill herself by drowning in the ocean while completely drunk.
As I dragged her back to the sand while she was screaming protests at me, I ignored the protests and looked at her in shock, anger, heartbreak, and worry all at once.
“Y/N, what the hell do you think you’re doing? Why are you trying to kill yourself?” I asked her sternly as I held back tears in my eyes since I was trying to be strong for her.
“Why did you just help me?! I told you to go be with Belly!” Y/N snapped while slurring as tears filled her eyes. Why is she bringing up Belly while I’m focusing on Y/N and her safety?
“Y/N, this isn’t about Belly, this is about you. You’re drunk, you look like you’ve been crying, you’re acting like a different person, and you tried to kill yourself! Why are you acting like this, Y/N? Did something happen? Talk to me.” I said to her sternly, but calmly as I tried to keep myself together.
“No, if you wanna go be with Belly, be with her! She’s all yours! I won’t stand in the way! So, just leave me alone!” Y/N snapped as a tear rolls down her cheek, her voice still slurring. Why is she talking about Belly like this? She’s Y/N’s best friend and they’ve always been like sisters. This wasn’t the Y/N I knew and loved.
“Y/N, what are you talking about? What do you mean you won’t stand in the way and that Belly’s all mine? Where’s all this coming from?” I asked her in concern, hoping to get her to talk. But, she immediately exploded the truth about the cause of her problem while slurring.
“I SAW! I saw everything! I saw you and Belly almost kiss back in there before the fight between Milo and Steven broke out!” Y/N shouted through her slurs and through her tears. She even had her eyes either looking down or her eyes closed as if she could barely look at me.
When she admitted that to me, I started to remember when me and Belly talked back in the house during the party, and we talked about the flings I had from last summer and through the whole year after me and Y/N broke up and when Belly got together with Conrad. Then I remembered telling Belly that she’s a better kisser than out of all the girls and guys I’ve kissed, including Y/N. I can’t believe I actually said that because Y/N was a good kisser, too. She really was. And I even remembered during this whole summer when me and her and the rest of the gang were hanging out and Y/N tried some attempts to get my attention since she must’ve had hope for us and I didn’t even realize it. I’ve been ignoring Y/N all summer and I didn’t realize it till now. How could I have been so stupid?!
I felt such a pang of guilt and regret for how I’ve been treating Y/N. I’ve treated her as if she weren’t around and as if she were second and I’ve been putting Belly first. I realized Belly’s not the only one stuck in the middle of a love triangle and between me and my brother, I was even stuck between two girls who matter so much to me. With Belly, it was real and I really loved her, at first it was like a brother and sister relationship, but…ever since I saw her last summer, I was done for. She took my heart with her. But then, at that time, Belly brought Y/N to Cousins for the first time and introduced her as her best friend, and Y/N just took my breath away. I know that I started to feel something for Belly, but when I met Y/N, I knew there was something special about her that was just so magnetic to me. I wanted to know her. And what we had was real and strong, too. And I realized now that it was stronger than what me and Belly had because even if Belly liked me back a bit, it was always gonna be Conrad for her, even if she wouldn’t admit it. It finally hit me.
Y/N’s the one for me.
I looked at her with guilt, regret, and sympathy as I realized what I put her through and what she had to witness tonight. I put a hand on her arm, trying to be as comforting as possible.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N. I-I-I didn’t realize that you…” I was just at a loss for words as I still kept trying to process this.
“That I what?! Huh? That my feelings for you still haven’t faded and that I never stopped loving you?! I’ve tried to get your attention all summer and tried to get you to realize that I’m still here, but you just kept pining for Belly and acting all affectionate to her while you ignored me and acted as if I wasn’t the room, like as if what we had together has been forgotten! And you and her aren’t even dating, yet you act like you are, even though you two are best friends, but why can’t you just admit it to yourself that…that you still love me, too? I’ve seen it in your eyes, they can easily tell what you’re feeling. And when you were around me this summer, I had hope for us! But you just won’t open your eyes and realize what’s right in front of you! I was about to tell you how I felt, and yet I catch you and Belly about to kiss! I just…I just couldn’t bear the sight of that, so I’m actually glad the fight between Milo and Steven broke out and interrupted you and Belly. I know that’s rude to say, but I just can’t pretend that I’m okay anymore! All this time ever since everything that’s happened, I haven’t been okay! And neither have you, and I’ve tried to be there for you and reconnect with you at least, but…you didn’t want anything to do with me and the only person you’d talk to was Belly! I’ve gone through enough hell. And so has Belly, so I’m just gonna go…have a little ‘chat’ with her.” Y/N explained everything to me through her tears and her drunken slurs about the hell she’s been going through ever since me and her broke up and ever since my mom died.
And as she said everything, it was all true and I didn’t even realize it all till now. And what she said struck a chord in me. I’ve been leaving her all alone and I shouldn’t have done that. Well, not anymore. I’m not gonna leave her alone anymore, no matter how much she stubbornly tells me off. I’m gonna make up for my mistakes. Then, as Y/N says the last part, she stumbles as she stands up on her feet, holding her fingers up like quotes. I knew she wasn’t just gonna have chat with Belly, she was gonna confront her. I couldn’t have her do that. Her friendship with Belly has always been so important to her so I couldn’t let her be the one to destroy it by having a confrontation and argument with Belly.
“Y/N, no. Just…Just come back to the house, I’ll let you stay with me, okay?” I offered kindly as I tried to help her and not let her be by herself in her drunken state and in her painful heartbreak.
“No! I don’t need saving, Jer. I’m not some piece of glass who’ll end up breaking. I’m fine. Just let me go.” Y/N protested as she tried to walk away from me and walk back to the house. I wanted to stay with her, but I had to respect her decision if she could handle it. I watched in concern from behind as Y/N kept stumbling up the small wooden board steps that would lead up to the patio of the beach house, her legs started to shake again as if she could barely stand and walk.
She then took another step until she tripped and fell down to her knees, making me immediately rush up to her side and try to help her up and help her walk.
“Y/N, let me help you.” I offered while trying to help her stand, but she pushed me away and kept protesting.
“No! Just leave me alone, Jer! If you don’t walk away right now, I’m gonna have to beat the shit out of you!” Y/N threatened drunkenly while she was holding back tears again and trying to stand up on her own.
“Oh, yeah? Let me see you try. I’m not gonna leave you, no matter how many times you push me away. I’ve pushed you away already, I’m not doing it this time.” I responded with sternness and determination in my voice.
As I challenged her to see her try if she can fight me off and push me away, I knew she didn’t have the guts to do it since I knew she still had love in her heart for me. She sat on her knees while I was kneeling next to her, and she turned around and tried slapping my chest and shoving me away, but her pushes weren’t strong enough. She kept trying and trying through her frustrated grunts as if I were her punching bag, but I didn’t let it affect me. She needed to take it out on anything or anyone. And since she was mad at me, I already took responsibility for how I treated her, so I felt like I deserved to be slapped and pushed since I was actually such an asshole.
Then after a few failed shoves and slight slaps from her, she started to get frustrated and feel defeated since I wasn’t going anywhere. Her shoves and slaps started to weaken and she immediately began to finally let out her tears even more. She broke down sobbing as her attempts to push me away and slap me were weakening and slowing down, and she started to lean her head and body against me while sobbing in defeat, frustration, and heartbreak. I wrapped my arms around her securely and protectively, holding her close to me and never wanting to let go of her.
“Shhh…it’s okay, it’s okay, Y/N. You’re okay, you’re okay, I’m here. I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere, okay? Shh…” I whispered softly while holding her tightly but gently, trying to comfort her. She still kept crying in my arms, one of my hands rubbing her back and my other hand caressing the back of her head and her hair. I held back tears as the sound of her cries just broke my heart.
“Y-You left me, Jer…! Why are you still here? Why aren’t you leaving me now? You…You love Belly…!” Y/N said through her drunken sobs as if she was expecting me to just walk away from her after I’ve been ignoring her all summer that she was used to being walked away and abandoned. My heart was just absolutely breaking for her even more. She didn’t deserve this at all. How could I do this to her?
“Because…Because I…I-I-I still—” I was about to respond to her that it was because I still loved her, but before I could finish, I felt her body go limp and she was breathing normally and peacefully, her eyes were closed while her face was tear-stained, and she still had mascara running down her face. She was passed out drunk in my arms.
I sighed guiltily and shamefully, and yet in relief that she was finally out cold so that she wouldn’t do anything stupid while drunk. Then, I put a hand under her legs while I put another hand under her back, lifting her up and carrying her bridal style.
I walked back in the beach house while carrying a passed out asleep Y/N through the party in the house, hoping everyone wouldn’t gossip or be concerned about it since I was already taking care of it. And also some of the kids were drunk anyway, so I’m sure some of the other kids didn’t care.
Then, I carried Y/N to my empty bedroom which only had my sleeping bag since me and Conrad’s bitchy aunt Julia removed everything from the house since she was selling it. And I hated that the beach house was being sold. It held too much memories of me and Conrad’s mom. But now that all the furniture is gone, it’s like memories of our mom are gone, too.
I gently laid Y/N on another sleeping bag that I had laying next to mine and I tucked her in, making sure she was comfortable. Then, I stood up and looked at her sleeping figure. She looked so peaceful and beautiful, despite that she was a drunken mess tonight and despite the mascara running down her face, she still looked beautiful to me. Then, I started to hear a girl crying coming from the bedroom next to mine. I leaned against the wall and heard Belly drunkenly crying in her bedroom. She was trying to call her mom, Laurel, for help since she had nowhere else to turn to about the situation with her having to choose between me and Conrad which is causing tension between me and my brother and also she told Laurel about trying to get the house back while everything she’s trying to do to help just keeps going wrong and she needed help. Her cries even broke my heart. A part of me wanted to go in there and hold her. I couldn’t bear to have my best friend upset like this. But, after what Y/N has been through not just tonight but throughout the whole year?
I thought about it for a moment again and I looked over at a sleeping Y/N, and I told myself again that I’m never gonna abandon her again. I’ve been focusing on Belly and putting her first all summer that I’ve been ignoring Y/N, so it’s time to make up for my mistakes and put Y/N first this time.
I slowly walked over to her and laid down in my sleeping bag right next to the sleeping bag that Y/N is sleeping in. I stared at her sleeping face again and after what happened tonight, I can’t get it out of my head. I could’ve lost Y/N tonight and it was my fault. As I looked at her with remorse, guilt, care, and sympathy, it felt as if a magnet was pulling me. I sat up and leaned forward and down, planting a gentle loving kiss on Y/N’s cheek before laying back down, getting ready to go to sleep.
Y/N’s POV:
As I was passed out asleep from being drunk tonight, I had no idea where I was at the moment. But, I opened my eyes very slightly in which my vision was very blurry and the room was dark since it was nighttime and my hearing was ringing and echoey as the party was going on downstairs. All I could see was someone’s sleeping face in front of mine, but I couldn’t tell who it was. Instead, my eyes just closed again as my eyelids just felt too heavy to be open and my head was pounding.
The next morning, I started to feel like crap. I opened my eyes slightly as the ringing in my ears started and then finally faded away. My head was pounding, I felt a bit nauseous, makeup was running down my face, and my hair was untidy. I looked around the room and wondered how I got here. I also noticed a gauze wrapped around one of my hands. I couldn’t even remember a thing about what happened last night. I could only remember that I was dancing and hanging out with a couple of girlfriends, and then I was crying for some reason, and that I took a walk on the beach. But the rest was all just a blur.
As I slowly sat up, I immediately heard a familiar voice next to me.
“Morning, Y/N.” Jeremiah said to me sleepily but with a concerned and sympathetic look on his face. I looked over at him and seeing him lay there next to me startled me and left me in surprise. What was he doing here laying next to me while he ignored me all summer? What the hell happened?
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as my head was still pounding a bit.
“Jeremiah? Wh-What are you doing here? What am I doing in…in your empty bedroom? What happened last night?” I asked nervously and in confusion, my voice slightly slurring since I was hungover, and I needed answers.
“You don’t remember?” Jeremiah asked in concern as he sat up, sitting next to me. I tried to think hard and see if I could remember anything about what happened last night, but I couldn’t remember. I looked over at him and shook my head.
Then, the moment was interrupted when me and Jeremiah heard Belly and her mom Laurel arguing in the room next door, their voices muffled until we heard Belly’s bedroom door open and close. Jeremiah helped me stand up to my feet before we both walked over to the door and opened it, only to see a crying Belly walking past us and past Conrad in the hallway. She looked behind her and glanced at us before continuing to walk away and walk downstairs. I wondered why she was upset. But whatever it was, I was concerned and felt bad for her.
Then Conrad looked over at us and glanced at me before looking at his brother as if he were encouraging him or something. Jeremiah nodded softly at him before taking my hand, closing the door behind us as we’re still in his empty bedroom. He sat us on the sleeping bags as I looked at him in confusion and in concern. He looked like he wanted to tell me something.
“Y/N…are you sure you don’t remember anything about last night?” Jeremiah asked me in concern in which I shook my head slightly before responding.
“All I remember is dancing and laughing while hanging out with a couple of girlfriends and then…I was crying for some reason, and then I took a walk on the beach. And the rest is all just a blur. And now for some reason I ended up here. What happened, Jer?” I explained all I could remember before asking him in concern about what else happened last night.
He took a deep breath while trying to find the right words to explain to me about what else happened last night. He looked as if he didn’t wanna bring up what happened last night since it would bring back the pain and heartbreak.
“Well, um…you, uh…you were pretty drunk. And…you were at the beach to go in the water to…to commit suicide, but I stopped you and asked you what was wrong, and you…admitted that you, um…saw me and Belly…almost kiss. And…you also explained to me the hell you’ve been going through ever since our breakup a few months ago and ever since my mom’s death. And…also that I’ve been ignoring you all the summer since I’ve been focusing a lot on Belly and I was too blind to see that…that you were still in my life and…” Jeremiah explained everything to me before he trailed off and paused as he could barely finish the sentence. His eyes were tearing up as he felt huge remorse and guilt for what he put me through and he wasn’t sure if he could ever forgive himself.
“God, I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m so, so, very sorry about how I’ve treated you like as if you weren’t in the room. I’m so sorry I ignored you and didn’t put you first and didn’t realize what you were going through. That’s a mistake I won’t make again. I feel like I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but…I realized that…that I also never stopped loving you.” Jeremiah apologized sincerely as a tear rolled down his cheek. As he explained everything, I started to remember a little bit even though it was still a blur. I felt embarrassed that I vented to him about how I’ve been feeling the night before and I didn’t wanna drag him into my problems. But when he said that he also never stopped loving me, I widened my eyes and looked at him in surprise.
“I…Oh my God, I feel so embarrassed for my behavior. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I dragged you into my problems. But…But what about Belly? You love her, don’t you?” I asked, unsure if he was just playing me if a part of him is gonna feel something for Belly and I didn’t want him to choose between me and her. But I was unaware that he already made a decision.
“Yeah, about that, I thought I felt something for her since…last summer when I saw her new glow up and when she first brought you to Cousins for the first time…I thought I was done for. Like, I really felt something for her, but…when I met you and bonded with you and also she’s always gonna love Conrad, even if she won’t admit it to herself…I realized I was lying to myself. I thought I liked her, but…Belly’s not like you, Y/N. You’re irreplaceable. And I’m so sorry that I didn’t see that sooner. Ending things between us was a mistake. I miss what you and I had just as much as you do. And…I don’t know if you can ever forgive me, but I—” Jeremiah said honestly to me as he took my hand. But, I was actually proud of him for finally making his decision. And I just hoped that Belly would soon decide who she truly wants, too, and I hoped it would be Conrad she’d choose because they were actually good together, even though they were opposites.
So, as Jeremiah kept talking, I immediately cut off him off by quickly leaning in and kissing him on the lips, taking him by surprise until he kissed me back. Our kiss was passionate, loving, and tender. His lips just felt so soft and smooth and he was a very good kisser. Then, we pulled away as we gazed in each other’s eyes, his bright blue eyes staring into my Y/EC.
“So…does…does that mean you…forgive me?” Jeremiah asked while he was still in shock from me making the first move and kissing him.
“Of course I forgive you, you lovable doofus.” I responded while smirking and tousling Jeremiah’s golden curls, messing his hair up and making him laugh.
“Hey!” Jeremiah whined playfully through his laughter before flipping his short golden curly hair, making it still look the same as it did before. I giggled before he smirked and tickled me on my waist as revenge from when I untidied his hair.
I squealed and laughed and squirmed around as he tickled me. Then I waved my hands up in surrender.
“Okay, okay! I give! I surrender!” I protested through my laughter before Jeremiah stopped tickling me and smirked. Then he leaned down as I was laying down on my back on the sleeping bag and we giggled again before we shared another tender, loving kiss.
I felt my heart beating out of my chest. I was so ecstatic and relieved that I was actually back together with Jeremiah! I felt as if the darkness inside me has been taken away and then the light has risen inside me again.
357 notes · View notes
wonwoosthetic · 7 months
AHHH I love the Joel x reader series, the way their relationship unfolds is chef kiss! Can we have a fic on how they met, the process they went getting to know each other specially after Sarah’s mom left him must not be easy for Joel to fall in love again so it will be nice to read how reader broke his walls down
Have a nice day 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
series masterlist
warnings - men (only stupid words, no name-calling, etc.), alcohol, cursing
word count - 11k
a/n: I didn't plan for this to become a two-parter, but I guess that's just how it goes sometimes haha. Also: this is SO long overdue, I'm so sorry, I took a break from this series, but I'm back! And there are more requests to come ˙ᵕ˙ thank you so so much for the request and your sweet and kind words🥺, I really hope you like this, and then the 2nd part that will include much more Joel x Reader content🤭 and I hope you have a wonderful day/night🤍🤍
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You're Lonely. I Can Fix That. Pt. 1
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"Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit!" A familiar deep voice from behind you called out, catching you off guard. "If it isn't sweet lil' Y/N." With a forced smile, you turned to the left. Right away, your eyes found the one and only Tommy Miller. The infamous dark locks were still unruled on top of his head. He wore his hair slightly longer than you remembered. The cheeky grin, the entire town had come to know, was still as evident as ever plastered on his face. 
He had just made his way to the bar, where you had been occupying a barstool for the past hour.
You welcomed him with a tight smile, "Hey, Tommy." Surprising you, the older man threw an arm around your shoulder to pull you into a side hug that you reciprocated slightly awkwardly. He had caught you off-guard.
"How the hell they're lettin' you in here?" With a smirk, he took a seat right next to you, his palms brushing over the dark oak of the bartop. He definitely felt comfortable.
You held onto the drink you had been nursing ever since you got there. "I just know the right people," you teased him with a smile, making him chuckle.
"Wow, breakin' the law now too? What happened to you?" His fake gasp almost sounded too real. You joined him, giggling at his comment. "How have ya been?" He added before you could add a snarky remark to his rhetorical question.
You nodded, "Good. Busy."
"You in college now?" Tommy asked. You wondered if his Southern Accent had gotten even stronger. After not seeing you for a good two years, the younger Miller brother wasn't yet caught on to your current life.
Another nod from you, to which he smiled. "Smart girl. What 'bout your sister? How's she?" The corners of your lips curled into a smile. You just waited for that question to finally drop. Her name had to enter the conversation at some point.
"Still not interested in you." You sent him a wide grin.
He shook his head with a chuckle. "Why you gotta hurt me like that, sweetheart?" You rolled your eyes at his love for nicknames - just like you always did - minus the fake gag you used to do behind his back.
Ever since you could remember, Tommy Miller, one of town's biggest troubles and flirts, had been ogling after your older sister. She was probably the only girl who had never given in to his charming personality. At one point, you had stopped counting the calm afternoons you were sitting in your parents' restaurant, either helping out or doing your homework, getting interrupted by the distracting loud voices of Tommy and his friend group. They always chose to sit at the same booth - the one with the perfect view through the slit window into the kitchen. 
After a few months, you were convinced that they weren't visiting for the food or drinks. You had caught onto their actions. Tommy was after your sister. And knowing where to find her after school was for his benefit. Only problem: she was interested in anything, and everything, but the youngest Miller brother. It still never failed to amuse you how dedicated the boy was to get her attention in any way possible - even if it was for all the wrong reasons and probably just wanted to tick her off his list of 'girls in town I've slept with'.
And even now, years after she had left your Southern hometown, he was still thinking about her. It almost made you 'awe'.
"Where's she? I haven't seen her in forever." He interrupted your train of thought.
"Do you really wanna know?" You asked him teasingly. "I'm about to break your heart." He had to know at some point.
Over exaggerating, he placed his hand on top of his chest, holding onto the wrong side, idiot, and lowered his head. "Please do it quick."
No matter how annoying he was in the past, he was entertaining. You had to give him that. Your slight amusement was hard to conceal. "She's in New York."
Tommy looked back up at you right after those words left your lips, scrunching his eyebrows. "New York? Damn... going big, huh? What's she doin' over there?"
"Marrying a lawyer," you simply answered, leaving him with his mouth hung open as you took a sip from your drink. You almost choked on the liquid once you saw his face.
"Wow," he breathed out dramatically. "She really thinks a lawyer's gonna be better than me?" Both of you knew the answer to his question should stay muted.
You chuckled. "I convinced her that a lawyer would be better than you." 
Getting a laugh from him in return. "You little-" He reached out, ready to destroy your hairstyle with his fingers, when the two of you got interrupted.
"This man's troubling you, Y/N?" The sudden voice of your friend behind the bar caught your attention. After serving the people on the other end, she had gotten back to you, expecting to continue your conversation from before, when the man next to you caught her eye.
"Oh, this is trouble in person," you told her with a smile.
Tommy sat up straight right away, a proud grin plastered on his face. He seemed to be very proud of the title you had given him.
"That would be me." He reached out his right hand over the countertop. "Tommy," introducing himself to your friend and bartender for the night.
"Maria," she accepted his hand, shaking it briefly, locking eyes with him for a second too long. You immediately noticed the change in her gaze, making your smile drop within a split second.
She was quick to turn on her work persona, asking him for his order and turning around to snatch the two beers he had asked for out of the fridge. Of course, not without sending you an amused grin. You had to hold back the shake of your head tickling you.
While Tommy still had his ass planted onto the seat next to you, you caught a glimpse of a group of men in a booth right behind the younger Miller brother. Their stares were too hard to miss. The faces seemed familiar.
You cleared your throat. "Your friends seem nervous."
Your comment caught Tommy's attention. With a swift look behind him, he sent them a nod before turning back to you. "Eh," he brushed it off, "They'll be alright. Probably just jealous it's me sitting here with a pretty girl instead of one of them." No. Just no.
"Tommy," you warned him, turning your head to look right into his eyes, a teasing smile threatening to expose you. "No." Just as quick as he had looked up, the little glimpse of almost hope evaporated, replaced by humour as he threw his head back in laughter.
"Oh well," he slapped the countertop, "I tried." You shook your head with a soft chuckle.
Maria was back, in her hand the two cold dark bottles filled with the liquid you couldn't even smell without gagging. She put them down right in front of the Miller brother. A grin that showed her dimple, splashed on her face. You leaned back to watch.
Tommy gave her a nod with a grin, reaching back into his jeans pocket, only to be stopped by your friend.
"It's on the house."
He held still mid-move. "Oh no. No, no, I can't accept that."
Maria held out her hand. "Don't worry 'bout it."
"Nah, I can't just let a drink go on the house. I've been here way too much," Tommy argued, that shit-eating cocky grin still on his lips.
"Never when I was here." The woman behind the bar smirked. You could've sworn she was damn close to winking at him. "So, trust me, it's fine."
With a defeated sigh, the man dropped his head, shaking it with a soft chuckle as he reached for the glass bottles. "I appreciate it, thank you, sweetheart." He stood up, only to turn towards you before officially leaving you alone at the bar again. "Y/N," he called out, getting your attention, "How about joining us for the night?" He nodded towards the table, where the rest of his group was still eyeing you with clear interest. "And Maria, I don't know how long you're working today, but we won't be leavin' anytime soon, so feel free to come too."
Before she could answer, you cut into it. "Thanks, Tommy. We're good, though."
With extended arms to each side, he sent you one last grin. "The offer's open. I ain't takin' it back."
When he finally turned around to join the other three men, you sighed, pushing your barstool straight to lean forward against the countertop. You were met with the crossed arms of your friend and neighbour. A conversation was about to start.
"What?" You wondered, going back to nursing on your drink, that she had made extra sweet just for you.
"'What?'" Maria mocked you, snatching a wet towel to wipe over the wood. "A hot dude just asked you to spend some time with his extremely good-looking group of friends, and you turned him down? What the hell is wrong with you?"
You dropped the straw back into the glass to gasp at her. "I came here to spend some time with you, not to sit around with some weird ass dudes. I know about them. I'm not a fan of them."
Maria didn't grow up around the area. She didn't know about Tommy's reputation just yet. She came to Texas for college after most of them in Boston had rejected her. 
After transferring from one college in Kansas to one in your hometown, you had looked for people searching for roommates in the area, when you found Maria's flyer on the campus blackboard. One coffee date later, the two of you knew it was a match made in heaven. You had become almost inseparable ever since.
Back to her trying to set you up for no good.
She chuckled at your comment, switching to drying off some glasses her co-worker had left freshly washed on the counter. "Oh yeah, you're right. They're neither forty-plus nor one of our professors. How dare I even think you could possibly find any of them attractive?"
With an open mouth, you glared at her. "Are you judging me?" Getting only a grin and a shrug in return.
You leaned forward. "I have to pay for every single one of my drinks every time I'm here."
"Well," she put down the glass she had been cleaning, leaning in closer to your face. "You're not a hot country guy with a Southern accent." She really was that easy, huh?
You let yourself fall back slightly, arms crossed in front of your chest as you dared to take a quick glance over to the table, coincidently catching the eyes of one of Tommy's friends as he winked at you, making you almost shiver. And not in a good way.
With a shake of your head, you turned back to Maria, who had caught the quick interaction that made her chuckle.
"You know them?"
"Their faces. I know Tommy, kinda... but I have no idea who his friends are. I only know they're loud and... disgusting." After finishing your drink, you slid it over to her, with a wide smile asking her for another refill, which she accepted with a slight sigh.
"And how do you know him?" She continued interrogating you as she moved around the space to mix the alcohol and fruit juices to make your cocktail.
You raked your fingers through your hair, hoping to style it just the way you had managed to do, only hours ago when you had gotten ready in your bathroom. "He used to have the biggest crush on my sister. I mean," you stopped for a second. "Either that or she was one of the girls on his list."
"His list?" She took a quick look up at you before directing her attention back to the glass in front of her.
"His 'every girl in my year I still need to fuck' list."
Just as she passed you back your now freshly filled glass, Maria gave you an unamused glace along with it, making you chuckle.
"What? I'm serious."
"That was the name of his list?"
"Listen, maybe... maybe not. But I'm sure there was a list. I just couldn't care less what the actual title of it was." You took a quick sip. "So, don't you even dare." You pointed a strict finger at her.
"Don't I even dare what?" She wondered, teasing you because both of you knew where you were going with your thread.
"Give into his disgusting fake charisma!"
"Maybe it's real!" She fought back with a smile, earning herself a straight and monotone facial expression from you. Maria scoffed, "Oh, I'm sorry for being attracted to guys my age." You knew telling her about your crush on the humanity studies professor the two of you shared, would bite you in the ass someday. And now, she won't let it go. Ever.
"Look, at least we won't ever have to fight over a guy." You stated with a grin.
Your friend joined you with a bright smile as she pointed her finger at you, "Amen." 
You raised your glass.
With a swift move, Maria threw a fresh washcloth over her shoulder. Her gaze was fixed on the table by the wall a few feet behind you. The one Tommy and his buddies had claimed. Their loud voices were echoing through the entire bar - hollers and shouts that could not be ignored. Maria chuckled.
"You should accept his invitation." 
You had to roll your eyes. "I don't want to, thank you very much."
"What about that New Year's resolution of yours? 'Meeting new people', was it?" She teased you. Fuck, you cursed to yourself. She wasn't wrong. The new year was only about a month in, but Maria had already achieved 50% of her resolution, while you were still stuck on yours with 0%. After coming back to your hometown, you remembered most of your old friends from school (not that there had been many) had moved away just about the time you did. And no one had the nerve to come back. So, you were stuck. Stuck with having to meet new people to connect with. But that was a shadow you would have to learn to jump over. And that brings us to your New Year's resolution.
"But-" you groaned, but Maria was ready to interrupt you.
"No buts-" she pointed a strict finger at you. "And they're not even completely 'new' to you. You already know Tommy, that's a start. And that will make getting to know the other ones even easier." Her hands went back to cleaning the bar area.
"I don't even wanna get to know 'the other ones'," you mumbled under your breath, hiding your lips behind the rim of your glass.
Maria looked up. "What was that?"
"Nothing," you quickly added before ending the conversation with a sip.
You took a deep breath. You had two options to choose from. Either you continue your evening alone by the bar, sipping one cocktail after the other, with your best friend by your side whenever she wasn't focused on drunks stumbling over to the counter, lulling about which drink they'd want next. OR you could go after your resolution and try to have a good night with the random idiots you used to curse at back in your school days. You could've hit yourself over the head for even just taking the second option into consideration, but something lured you in. 
With a shake of your head, unbelieving of what your body was telling you to do, you pushed yourself away from the counter. The barstool you had been occupying scraped over the wooden floor. Before you turned around, you got a hold of your cocktail - if you were going to do this, you would not be doing it without more alcohol.
By rolling your eyes, and your attention still on the grin Maria sent you along the way, you didn't see the man you were about to run into. Strong hands on your shoulders stopped you. You definitely felt like you had just stepped on someone's toes too.
"Oh, sh-" you whipped your head around. "Sorry." Glancing up, you already found the possible softest brown eyes looking down at you.
"Sorry," the man immediately spoke up too, taking his hands off you as if your skin had burnt him.
"S-Sorry about that," you couldn't help the stutter. God, those eyes were almost bronze, you thought, Jesus, and his curls too...
"All good," he cleared his throat, "just gotta make sure you ain't runnin' someone over with a force like that." His voice was just as warm as his looks.
You almost let an awkward chuckle escape if it hadn't been for Tommy's loud voice echoing through the rumbling background noises of the bar.
"Yo, Joel! Don't forget our beers! You can flirt later!"
Joel. The man didn't even hesitate to turn around. "How about you go get your beers yourselves?" He got a round of groans in return, only for the Miller brother to stand up and jog over to the two of you. You had to catch yourself back into the present again, daydreaming about the man standing in front of you can wait.
With a sheepish grin, Tommy stopped by your side and threw an arm around your shoulder. "Y/N, is this man bothering you?"
"I should ask her that about you, don't you think?" Joel's eyes fell to his brother's hand that had pulled you in close to the side of his chest. Tommy dropped it quickly.
"You're no fun," he hissed at the man in front of you before turning around to lean against the dark wood that was separating him from the bar area.
A weird silence spread between the two of you as your eyes lost focus on the Southern man now behind you.
"I'm sorry 'bout him," the soft voice apologised. Joel's voice.
You eyed him a little closer.
His shirt was somewhat tight, yet loose enough. It seemed to have a relaxed fit, but his arms and chest were definitely worked out enough to test the stretchiness of the material. It looked comfortable. With his lazy set of dark curls, this man radiated comfort. Even his beard, which he had decided to keep at a length that made it look well-kept, but not too neat, but not completely rugged, added to the softness of his entire appearance.
With a chuckle, you ran a hand through your hair. "It's alright, I- that's how I know him. So it's- you know..."
"You know my brother?"
Brother? Joel? Joel Miller. Tommy Miller's brother. How Tommy having a brother never crossed you, was beyond you. But then again, you literally only knew about the younger Miller brother because of your sister, so no surprise that you had never heard of an older Miller brother before.
"I- well, I wouldn't say 'know'-" you started, but the familiar voice interrupted you once again.
"Oh, come on, Y/N! Don't hurt me like that!"
You swiftly turned your head around to glance at him. "Tommy- we don't know each other that well." Unless you could count the multiple times he had asked you about your sister's well-being in the past, and now present. Or the times he had caught up with you on the street and bombarded you with questions about her.
With a kiss of his tongue, he brushed off your comment. "Don't be like that." He turned his attention to Joel. "You remember Izzy? Back in my High School days. The chick from the restaurant two streets down from our school?"
"Oh, God," the older Miller shook his head as he mumbled. His fingers pressed the bridge of his nose.
"Y/N's her sister," Tommy laughed, mostly to himself. "What are the odds of us meeting here tonight, huh?" He asked into the room, turning back around to the bar, happy about the next round of alcohol. "Joel," the younger Miller nodded towards him. "These are on you." He held up the four beer bottles he carried between his fingers. Not even waiting for an answer, he walked away, getting an annoyed sigh from his brother in return, who switched places with his brother.
Tommy bumped your shoulder. "And you're coming with us. Come on."
After daring to take a quick look behind you, finding Joel handing over the money to Maria and accepting a beer for himself, you followed his brother. The table with his friends seemed to already have been waiting for you as they welcomed you, and the beers, with loud cheers. You joined Tommy on his side of the booth, as the current situation was too uncomfortable for you to sit next to one of his friends. Especially if it was the one that had winked at you before.
"Alright, guys," Tommy's voice brought you back. "This is Y/N," he introduced you before moving on to tell you the name of each man on the table. "And the man of the evening!" He called out, his arm reaching out to the figure that was coming closer to your table. "My brother, the one and only Joel Miller." Looking up, you found him already looking at you again. You quickly diverted your eyes to the dark wood underneath your hands.
"The man of the evening when he didn't even want to be here in the first place?" One of Tommy's friends commented with a scoff. Mike? Yeah, it was Mike.
Joel slit into the other side of the booth, directly opposite of you. You noticed yourself sitting up a little straighter.
"Well, not all of us are thirty and have nothing better to do than to get drunk in the middle of the week," the older Miller replied. He casually sat back, taking a sip from his beer.
Mike chuckled. "Not all of us can't ever leave the house because they had a kid when they were a teenager." 
Joel put the beer, taking a deep breath. The sudden change in atmosphere was evident to everyone at the table. Even to you. Well, this was already going great.
Tommy was quick to react. "Hey," he stopped the conversation, "I thought we agreed on no fighting today? Please, guys, come on. Get yourself together."
With your eyes on the oldest Miller brother, you could see his lips moving, mumbling something under his breath that you didn't catch, due to the loud background noises.
"Yeah, no fighting!" Trevor, you thought his name was, called out, raising the already half-empty bottle of beer in his grip. "To Tommy! Welcome home, brother."
Welcome home? Confused, you joined the table, everyone raising their glasses, clinking them all together in the middle.
Once you noticed the other side of the table had fallen into a conversation, you leaned into Tommy on your left.
"Where were you?" Your voice was too low for any of his friends to catch it, but loud enough to get the attention of the older Miller across from you too.
"Because of the 'welcome home'?" The man next to you wondered. You nodded, letting him continue. With a smirk, he put his bottle down. "Your sister didn't tell you?"
You rolled your eyes. "Tommy, she doesn't even know where you are right now, nor does she care. I can guarantee that." A chuckle from ahead of you made your head turn. You could see the smallest glimpse of a grin playing on Joel's lips as he tried to hide it by taking a sip of his beer.
"Wow," Tommy huffed out. "You're really just gonna put more and more salt into that wound, huh?" You ignored his overly dramatic comment, choosing to just continue glancing at him with a somewhat smile on your face, waiting for him to continue. He brushed a hand through his hair before giving you an answer to your question. "I was stationed in Iraq. As of last week, I'm a free man again."
You found your mouth agape. "Oh... oh shit, I had no idea." Your reaction made him chuckle. "Congrats?" Your reaction turned more into a question as you were unsure about what exactly to say to him.
"Thanks, girly," he smiled at you. "Although I am a bit offended that you didn't even notice I've been since graduation."
"Oh, please," you chuckled with a shake of your head. "But," you started again, getting a raise of his brows in return. "Now that I think about it, my mom did ask about you once."
"Really?" His eyes lit up. His reaction reminded you of a little boy being granted three wishes. You almost giggled. "What did she say?"
"Where's Danny Zuko and his entourage?" You smirked up at him. "It was around the time Izzy moved away. That's when she noticed how quiet it was without you guys."
"She called me Danny Zuko?" Tommy smiled to himself, raising one eyebrow as he glanced at you. You could already feel the greasy hand coming up to glide over his hair even before he actually did it.
From across the table, the warm yet rough voice spoke up, "Don't let it get to your head, Tommy." Joel was looking at his brother in slight amusement. You could tell he wanted to shake his head at his actions.
The younger Miller scoffed. "Don't be jealous just 'cause no one's callin' you the hottest man of the seventies." That's because Joel Miller might just be the hottest man of the century.
"Fictional man, though," you corrected him.
He gave you a quick glance out of the corner of his eye. "You bein' a smartass now?" Getting a sarcastic grin from you as an answer.
The conversation with Tommy moved more naturally than you had expected. You had been scared of awkward silences and pauses, but they had yet to happen, and you prayed they wouldn't even get an appearance this evening.
"So," a voice from the other end of the table caught your attention. "what do you do, Y/N? You lookin' a lil' young." Some of the other guys chuckled at his comment. Unessecary, but okay.
Before you could even open your mouth, Tommy spoke. "She ain't that much younger than us, Mike." Just clearing the air - you were thankful for that.
You cleared your throat, your fingers nervously intertwining underneath the table. "I'm in college."
"What are you studyin'?"
A scoff erupted from your side of the table, but on the other end, making it impossible for you to see exactly who it was from. "Mathematic? How the hell you gonna pay them bills? Doing fractions?" His rhetorical question got a round of laughter from almost the entire table. The guys continued joking about what you had just told them.
"Subtracting and adding, why the fuck would there even be a course for that?" Well, I bet you can't even calculate the tip you should give waiters.
"Everyone with a degree in math can't be anywhere else but in an office. What a life." A life where they earn more money than you, most likely.
"You also had those smartass kids at school that were good at math for no reason? Always hated them. So annoying, I swear to God." At least I was never crying at the dinner table with my dad trying to explain my homework to me.
You decided to stay quiet and let yourself fall back into the leather cushions behind your back. With a soft sigh, you brought your glass up to your lips, taking two sips of your cocktail. You didn't have the energy nor the need to speak up against them. You didn't know what their occupation was. And neither did you care. You're focused on yourself. You had to listen to far too many joking comments about your choice of degree to give a flying fuck about them anymore.
Your eyes wandered around the room before Joel's voice suddenly brought you back.
"What do you wanna do with that degree?" His question surprised you. Your eyes stopped at his face. Even in the dimlit bar, you could still make out his soft features. His coarse voice sent a chill through your entire body - a good chill though. The kind of chill you get after putting the first foot into a hot bath. That was Joel Miller's voice. Warmth. Pure warmth.
You put your glass down, pressing your lips together for a quick second. Looking up at him, his gaze was already on you, patiently waiting for your answer.
"I- ehm," you wiped your hands down your jeans. They weren't wet, you were just nervous, apparently. "I'm not sure yet. If possible, I would really like to get a Master's in STEM too, but..." you trailed off, not about to spill your entire life story to a, technically, stranger. "We'll see."
Joel nodded. His gaze never left you, following each word that fell from your lips. "And," he continued, "what could you do with a Mathematic degree?"
"Oh, a lot," you spoke up. You could feel yourself sitting up straighter, your hands back on top of the table. "A lot of people become financial advisors for companies. Or statisticians... ehm... I could also obviously become just a Math professor," you shrugged. "Most things are office jobs, though."
Joel had a soft smile on his lips, that only made you feel the heat in your cheeks spreading with each second. You hoped the lack of light in the room hid it well.
While you had added that last comment as a validation of most people's thoughts of the jobs you had mentioned being 'boring', you were surprised by his reply.
"So you'll have an easy life, at least. While also making quite a good amount of money. That's the smartest way to live if you ask me." Exactly.
The older Miller surprised you. He seemed to have taken in everything you had told him, giving you fitting answers. All while the men next to you had moved on to the degree they had claimed as 'useless' - Engish Literature. 
"Very smart of you," he added at last. You almost caught yourself giggling as the corners of your lips curled up, your hands still stuck together.
"Thanks," you could only mumble. Get yourself together. Not wanting the conversation to end, you brushed some hair that had fallen into your sight away from your face. "And what do you do? Work wise."
Joel had started picking at the label of his beer bottle, snatching his fingers off it as soon as your question hit his ear.
"I'm a contractor," he told you. Impressive.
You nodded along. "Wow... that's- you know, not an easy job."
He smiled at your comment, ducking his head slightly. You found it almost endearing in a way. "Well," his hand came up to hold onto his neck. "Much easier than studying math, I can tell ya that much."
"No," an awkward chuckle escaped your lips as you crossed your arms on top of the table. "I meant like physically."
To that he tilted his head, nodding slightly in agreement, his hand wrapped perfectly around the beer bottle again. "Guess you're right about that, yeah. I already started praying for my back and knees." He took a sip to end his statement.
You wanted to ask about the kid they had mentioned. God, you were so curious. Something about him seemed so intriguing and you had already figured out that you were most definitely captivated by his warmth. The attention he had praised you with, whether it was out of politeness or not, had only added to your fascination with the man in front of you.
Tommy's loud holler right next to you made your head snap as you found the guys cheering on one of their friends as he held two beer bottles to his lips and tilted his head back to down it all in one go. What an achievement.
In your mind, you shook your head. That New Year's resolution can wait, you decided.
Just as you were about to take another sip of your glass, you noticed the lightness of it, looking down to find it empty already. You couldn't recall ever finishing it, which was already probably not a good sign. Without a word, you got up from your seat, your glass in your grip. You made your way back to the bar, the seat you had occupied earlier was already waiting for you.
Out of the corner of her eye, Maria caught your form coming closer, making her turn towards you, a glass of beer in her hands that she was about to give a waiting guest.
"You want a refill?" She wondered as soon as you had leaned against the counter, sitting yourself down on the wooden barstool.
You shook your head. "No, I'm good for tonight."
"What?" She called out in shock, stopping right in front of you as she took your glass. "Already? Are you okay?" You only nodded. For a second, she let her eyes wander across your face, choosing to refill the cup with water and slide it over back to you. "Drink that, you'll need it."
"Thanks," you mumbled. "But I'm fine, really. Just... tired."
Maria obviously didn't believe you. The time you had spent together let her get to know you better than you had wanted.
"Really just tired?"
You wanted to respond to her and had already opened your mouth, but a deep voice from the backroom that was only accessible from behind the bar called out.
"Maria, get you-!"
"Not now, Steven!" She shouted back, her eyebrows scrunched together in annoyance. You chuckled. Steven... one of the newbies of the bar's staff, but because of his apparently previous work experience as a barista he thought of himself much higher than most of the employees - at least that's what Maria had ranted about after each shift she had with him. With angry steps, he busted through the door, his eyes immediately on your best friend.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" His voice was filled with rage, making you sit up just a bit straighter.
But Maria wasn't that easily intimidated, especially not by a man the same height as her and two years younger.
"Helping a customer, you idiot. We're here together, so do your goddamn job and stop hiding in the backroom," she snarled back at him. With a huff and a shake of his head, he turned around towards the two girls who had been waiting by the bar.
"I'm telling you, I'm gonna get fired soon," she mumbled under her breath, but clear enough for you to hear her.
You shook your head in amusement. "You're not gonna quit?"
"I won't have the patience to do that. They'll fire me because I swear to God, I'm so close to fucking beat him up." With a deep breath, she collected herself again and leaned forward, her hands on the bar top. "Now," she looked up at you. "You're tired? Of?" Of course, she knew you weren't actually physically tired.
"Drunk unfunny men," you told her as your eyes followed your fingertips that were tracing each line of the wood underneath your palms.
A whistle sound from somewhere next to you caught both of your attention.
Maria rolled her eyes. "Yeah, tell me about it," before having to leave you to serve the man who had called after her. He was already waiting for her with a smirk on his lips.
You accepted the glass of water she had left with you and downed the entire content of it quickly. Before you could even stand up to finally leave, a figure suddenly appeared to your left and blocked your way. Just as you were about to complain, not in the mood for yet another stupid comment dropping from a man's mouth, you looked up.
Joel again. He noticed your movement.
"Oh- sorry, did you wanna go back?" He motioned with his hand past him and took a step back, but only a small one because of the barstool behind him.
You shook your head with a smile. "Eh- no, no... I-"
"Another one for you?" Maria suddenly appeared again. She pointed at the empty beer bottle Joel had put down. Her eyes quickly raked over both of your faces.
He motioned a polite no to her. "Thank you, but... that's gonna be it for tonight."
"You too?" She wondered, her head nodding towards you. "What's going on with you two? Why so boring today?" A soft smirk had made its way onto her face.
With a confused facial expression, you stared at her.
The older Miller chuckled, "'m sorry. But ehm... I got a lil' girl at home. Promised her not to stay out for too long, so I gotta get back."
Maria took the empty bottle off the counter. "A good dad, I see. I respect that," she nodded.
While she was occupied with some new dirty glasses Steven had placed in front of her, Jeol turned his attention back to you.
"Sorry, what were about to say?" He asked you. "You're gonna go back?" You shook your head again, nervously you had also subconsciously started playing with your fingers again.
"No, I... I think that was enough of Tommy Miller and his friends for me."
"Yeah," he sighed, letting himself sit down on the barstool next to you. "I-" he started again but stopped himself, the tips of his fingers tapping on the wood. His hands were beautiful, you noticed. Strong. Thick-
Maybe it was the three glasses of alcohol you had in your system but you could've sworn Joel Miller was glowing in the dim light of the bar. His skin was radiating gold specs and even his hair seemed to be more than just plain brown. It was deep, auburn and soft. And his curls, good God...
Your heart rate had slightly picked up now that it was only the two of you.
Joel nodded. "I get that. They can be a bit much sometimes. I'm sorry."
"It's alright," you chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, thinking about what to say next. 
The silence took over the both of you for a good few seconds. Both pairs of eyes fixed on anything but each other. You took a deep breath, followed by Joel doing the same. Silence can be so unbearable sometimes...
"So," he started again. "You're gonna stay here?" 
You gulped. "Y-Yeah, yeah... I... I'm just gonna wait for Maria, we live to-"
"Oh no, girl," your best friend suddenly jumped in. "Tonight's gonna be late. With Steven here, I don't know when I'll be done." She turned to Joel. "My co-worker's an asshole that doesn't know how to do his job, so...," she shrugged.
The oldest Miller chuckled and nodded, amused at her choice of words.
"It's fine, I'll just... wait," you argued, but she was having none of it, waving her hand in front of your face.
"No, no, you should get home. You said you're leaving?" She asked the man next to you, catching him off-guard with her question.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna go now."
"Well, that's convenient. Would you mind... maybe, taking her with you?" Your best friend nudged her head towards you.
"Maria!" You shout-whispered.
But Joel just casually nodded. "Sure." And stood up immediately.
"No," you stopped him. "It's fine, really-"
"Y/N," she interrupted you again, "you really should get home." Maria raised her eyebrows at you. "You got that thing tomorrow."
"What thing?" You asked her with a tight smile on her lips.
"You know... the thing. That you need to be well-rested for."
"Can I trust that you get her home safe?" She ignored you, turning to Joel. A big grin and awaiting eyes on her face.
He nodded politely. "Yes, ma'am, I promise."
"Ma'am?" She gasped with a smile, "Oh, I trust you a lot." After exchanging looks with the Miller brother, she turned back to you, slapping your hands off the counter with the washcloth she had been holding. "Now get your ass out of the bar."
Your eyes kept following her as she continued to take a step back. Followed by another step. Her hands motioned for you to leave once again, making you shake your head and Joel next to you chuckle.
With a soft sigh, you stood up.
"You good to go?" He asked you, making you look up at him with a somewhat forced smile.
He opened his palm, letting you walk ahead first. After thanking your best friend for the drinks, he joined your steps but kept walking behind you. You only came to a halt as you passed Tommy's table and only because Joel spoke up. If it had been just you, you would've continued to just pass them, they wouldn't have noticed it anyway.
"We're gonna head out," he told the table, his hand tightly on his brother's shoulder.
"We?" Tommy asked, turning his body just a bit to find you a few steps next to Joel. "You're goin' together?"
"I'm gonna get her home," he nodded.
A round of hollers erupted from the rest of the guys, taking you by surprise. "GET IT, MILLER!"
"Shut the fuck up, Mike," the older Miller was quick to argue back, clearly annoyed by their reaction.
Tommy laughed, "Don't mind him, brother, he's just jealous. Right, Mike?" The rest of the group joined in, starting by teasing and poking their friend, who was the same guy that had raked his eyes up and down your body back when you were still sitting by the bar. Wonderful...
Joel only rolled his eyes. "Anyways, we're goin' now." That made his younger brother suddenly stand up and walk over to you, his arms opened wide. Before you could react, you were engulfed in a tight hug. You were only able to awkwardly pat his back with one hand.
"It was great seeing you again, sweetheart," he let you know, freeing you again, and taking a step back. "Maybe we'll see each other again."
"Yeah," you could only let out an awkward smile, "maybe." With one last pat on your upper arm, he turned to his brother, doing the same thing to his arm before joining the rest of his friend group at the table again.
With no last words, Joel continued his walk straight ahead, coming to another stop right by the door, where the hooks that had been drilled into the walls were holding the outerwear of each visitor.
"You left a coat here or somethin'?" He asked you.
You nodded and pointed. "The beige one on the right."
He got it off the hook for you and opened it for you. Slightly taken aback by his kind gesture, you thanked him with a surprised tone and turned around to get your right arm into the coat first. He helped you with your left arm as well and only turned back to the hangers to get his own jacket. You waited patiently for him before walking over towards the door, pushing it open and holding it, making sure he got through it as well. As soon as the wind of the cold January air outside hit you, you pulled your coat tighter around you, cursing at yourself for not taking a scarf with you as well.
Joel walked past you, putting on his jacket just then. You noticed he was walking towards a specific direction, clearly to where he had parked his car, but you wanted to stop him. So you did.
"You know, you really don't have to." Your voice made him turn around. "I don't know what the hell Maria was talking about. A-And you don't me that well- and I obviously don't know you either. And I totally understand if you just want to get home quickly. You really don't have to bring me home too. I'm fine with just taking the bus-"
Joel couldn't help but be amused at your sudden rambling. He chuckled at you. "The last bus probably already left. And I really don't mind." With a few steps, he came closer, stopping to keep a comfortable distance between the two of you. "Plus," he looked around for a second before locking gazes with you again, "I promised Maria that I'd get you home, so... can't break that, you know?"
For a second you just looked at him. You noticed you were wrong. It wasn't just the dim lighting in the bar. Even with the almost freezing, for Texas, temperatures outside, he still managed to look incredible. His hair still looked as soft as before and his skin was still glistening golden. You knew exactly what Maria had tried to do. She knew it. Joel was the embodiment of your type.
He drove a truck. Of course he did. It fit him perfectly.
The car ride turned out to be less awkward than you had imagined it would be. Thank God. Joel had turned on the radio, giving the entire situation a calming background sound while the two of you talked about your days. He had started it. 
Joel asked you about what you were doing in the bar in the first place and how you had known Maria, commenting on your relationship with, 'You two seem very close'. So your story about how you had moved away for college and came back only a few months ago started. He continued to listen to you attentively, nodding along to each word you spoke, giving you a comment here and there, but choosing to stay quiet for most of the time and let you tell your story. After you were finished, another moment of silence washed over you. So you decided to change the subject.
"You said you got a little girl at home?" You remembered the stupid comment one of Tommy's friends had dropped - you had already forgotten his name. And his answer to Maria's question hadn't left your mind ever since it came from his lips.
With your eyes on his side profile, you could see the slight curl of his lips. 
"Yeah... I- I got a daughter," he took a deep breath. "Sarah."
You nodded. It warmed your heart the way he started speaking oh so softly.
"How old is she?" You wanted to continue the conversation, noticing the fond look on his face while he was concentrating on the street after you had given him your address, and he told you he knew the way since he had been in that area for work before.
"9. Her birthday‘s in August." You almost chuckled at his added comment, to let you know that her birthday was in the Summer. It was small but sweet.
There was another question burning the tip of your tongue, begging to be let out, but you knew that it was in no way your business to be asking that question. Yet, you were still intrigued about... her mother? As if he could read your mind, Joel continued.
"And I told her I wouldn't stay out too long. It's a school night, so I gotta get her out of bed early in the morning." So...? Single father? No, maybe his partner is on a business trip, who knows...
"Understandable," you nodded, swallowing down the other question and ignoring the voice repeating it inside your head. You couldn't help it. As much as you would've wanted to keep your thoughts sane, it was close to impossible when the man next to you was as attractive as Joel Miller. You had only met him a mere hours ago, yet he was able to captivate you in such a short period. Damn his looks and kind attention when you're speaking.
The rest of the relatively short car ride the two of you spent in mostly silence. Neither one of you wanted to come off as too strong and ask too many questions that might suddenly feel too personal. So you decided to stay quiet. Even though several questions were bubbling up deep inside you - it wasn't much different for Joel.
He brought the car to a halt right in front of your block. You glanced at him.
"Thank you." He was already smiling at you. "You- you really didn't have to, but... thanks."
He nodded, "My pleasure. Better stepping into the car of a stranger than taking a taxi, right?"
"Right," you chuckled, reaching out for the handle to push the door open. With one foot out in the cold again, you turned towards him for one last time. "Good night, Joel."
"Night, Y/N." He copied your sweet goodbye wave after you had closed the door and headed over to the entrance door. Only when you had gotten safe inside the building, Joel started to drive away.
"Stepping into the car of a stranger and a taxi is the same fucking thing, you idiot," he mumbled to himself, shaking his head in disappointment at his own misery. But at least it made you laugh.
You were finished with taking off your make-up and your skincare routine and had switched out your outside clothing for some comfortable pyjama pants and an old shirt you had kept from the musical production your High School had put up. The entire time you had spent in the bathroom, your mind had been anywhere but in the same room as you. You couldn't stop thinking about him. His voice. His side-profile. His lips. His hair- God... his curls. You shouldn't. You knew you shouldn't think of him that much. For fuck's sake, you had only met the man a few hours ago and suddenly he was occupying your mind more than what was then playing on the TV in front of you.
Your eyes switched to the clock Maria had put up on the wall to your left. It didn't fit the rest of the furniture even a bit. But she had found it at a garden sale and got it 'for a good deal', you remember her saying. The place needed a clock though and in that moment, you were thankful that you had one.
11:30 pm here, so 00:30 in the morning in New York.
Knowing your sister, she was probably still up and wouldn't go to sleep until closer to 2, or even past that - that girl needed to figure out her sleep schedule, but that was her worry and not yours. You only benefited from it. 
With a big deep breath in, you pushed yourself off the couch and stumped over into the hallway to fish your phone out of your coat's pocket. Maybe she was actually still awake.
You clicked through your address list until your eyes fell on Izzy's number and you pressed to call her. Your feet took your back into the living room, letting you fall onto the cushion again.
It only took a few rings before you heard her voice.
"Hello? Are you okay?"
You chuckled. "Yeah, I am. Hi"
"Hey, how are you?"
After you had gotten through the casual formalities and explained to her what you were doing right now and why you had to call her, you were finally able to drop your first question.
"You remember Tommy Miller?"
A groan from the other line made you giggle. "Oh God... yes, why?"
"Did you know he has a brother?" You wondered.
"Ye-" she gasped, "YES, I do know! Omg yes, of course. Joel, I think his name was."
"Yeah, it is."
"Mm," Izzy hummed. You could hear the smile on her lips through her voice. "He was... Jesus Christ, he was handsome."
You laughed at her reaction. "He still is, to be honest."
"IS HE?!" She almost shouted into the speaker before remembering to keep her voice down as her husband was sleeping only a few rooms away from her.
"Yup, I met him today," you told her.
Another giggle came from her. "Ooooh, how?"
"Tommy was in the bar Maria works at, and he asked me to join him and his friends at a table, and his brother joined in too."
"Aah, okay okay," she nodded her head even though you couldn't see her. "And?"
You sighed, standing up to walk over into the kitchen. "And now I wanted to call you and ask you what you know about him." Your fingers brushed over the counter that desperately needed to be cleaned - you made a mental note.
"To be honest, not that much. He was neither a jock or a nerd or something like that, you know? Just... a guy... a really attractive one though. And he was... I don't know, like... two... three years above me, I think?" You listened to her talk while your eyes raked over the pantry, hoping to find something to snack on before you'd go to bed.
"OH-" She suddenly raised her voice, making you have to pull your phone away from your ear. "He was also a singer." Well, that caught your attention.
"A singer?"
"Yeah," she giggled. "Like a really good one, actually. That's why a lot of girls liked him. He played something on his guitar during one of our musicals. I don't remember which one, though." A singer...
"Interesting," you smirked to yourself at the new information. Plus the fact that you had found the last bits of your favourite chips package in the very back of the pantry.
She hummed in agreement. You could hear shuffling in the background but ignored it. "And," Izzy started again. "There was a rumour about him, but... I don't know if that's true."
"What rumour?"
"Apparently," she made sure to use a different tone with the first word, letting you know that it truly was only a rumour she had been confronted with. "Later in college, he got his high school sweetheart pregnant. When they were like 19 or 20. And that's why she dropped out. But I don't know how true that is."
'Not all of us can't ever leave the house because they had a kid when they were a teenager', you remembered the comment that came from one of Tommy's friends.
If he was two or three years older than your sister... and his daughter is 9... 
A rumour... possibly not so much.
"Yeah, I don't think that's a rumour."
"What?!" She gasped. "Seriously?!"
Back on the sofa, you put your hand into the pack of chips and took one out to put into your mouth. "He told me about his daughter. She's nine, so that would work if he had her around 20."
"I don't know, that's too much math for me, but if you say so, I believe you," she rambled before taking a deep breath again. "Wow... I never believed that. He didn't seem like the guy something like that would happen to... especially not in Texas, Jesus... But wait..."
"What?" You wondered with a full mouth after deciding that instead of one, five chips at once sounded much better.
"So, did he really leave his girlfriend, though?"
"Huh?" You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion.
"Some people back then said that they broke up after finding out she was pregnant. Is that true?"
You waited for a second. "Ehm... I don't know, maybe. But the daughter's with him."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah," you swallowed down the content in your mouth before taking two chips again. "He said he'll have to wake her up in the morning because of school."
"Aww," Izzy giggled, "That's cute. Didn't think he'd keep her. Where's the mom then?"
"You know, I originally wanted to ask you all of those questions," you chuckled at the situation, your sister joining in.
"Sorry, I don't remember much else. Like I said, he was older than us, so... yeah." A moment of silence divided you two, only shuffling on her side and crunches from your side filled the phone line. Izzy was the first to break it. "But... do you remember Abigail? I think she had like History with him... I could ask her if you want."
"No," you brushed off her question, "it's not THAT important. I just... wanted to see what you'd know about him."
"Mm," a somewhat sad hum came from her. "A bit nosey, are you?"
You chuckled, "I mean," feeling your cheeks getting slightly warmer than before, "he IS really handsome. And he was really... attentive at the bar."
"You don't care about the age?" She wondered.
You scrunched your eyebrows, deciding you had enough of the chips you remembered to be much better than they actually were. "He's only like 31. That's not that much older."
"Maybe not in your eyes."
"And why would I care about anyone else's?" You asked her, throwing the colourful package onto the coffee table in front of you. "And even- I just- I only wanted to know a few things about him. I don't even know if I, you know... want something from him. Maybe he's got a new girlfriend right now, who knows."
"Okay, but I'm not saying you should throw yourself at him, you idiot," your sister chuckled. "Just... kinda like tiptoe towards him and see where things go. You're pretty, he's handsome, from what I can remember, so it can't hurt."
"Yeah... we'll see... It's very unlikely that I'll ever see him again even-" you stopped yourself for a second before mumbling, "Maybe in the bar again, actually... I don't know."
The next words of your sister went past your attention span as the front door opened. You shot up from your spot in the living room and walked over into the hallway, an already smirking Maria glancing right at you.
"Y/N?" Izzy's voice repeated your name a second time before you caught it.
"Yeah? Sorry, what did you say?" you apologised, motioning frantically for your best friend to take off her shoes and sit down on the couch.
Your sister chortled softly on the other end of the line. "It's alright. I just said I gotta go. I gotta get up earlier than usual tomorrow."
"Yeah, yeah, okay," you pulled your friend by her arm just as she tried to escape into her room. "Thank you for the info, and I'll talk to you soon, okay?"
"Alright, bye," she sang into the phone.
"Bye," you quickly ended the call, flipping your phone closed and throwing it onto one of the cushions.
Maria fell onto the couch with a giggle.
"What the fuck was that?" You snapped at her. "Yeah, it's really late, Maria, you were right."You looked down at your imaginary watch on your wrist before staring at her with raised eyebrows. "It was very necessary that Joel drove me home." 
"You are very welcome," she leaned back into the backrest with a smug smile on her lips. "How was the drive?"
"How was-?! How do you think it was?!" You continued to stand right in front of her, arms crossed in front of your chest.
"Honestly," she started with a deep breath, taking the pack of chips from the coffee table into her grip, "going off of the looks you two gave each other, I'm gonna be very surprised if you tell you you didn't do it on the backseat of his car."
You closed your eyes for a moment and pressed your lips together, trying to hold back a burst of laughter that was about to spill. After finding her gaze again, you answered her. "We didn't do it on the backseat of his car."
"What?!" She shouted out. "Are you kiddin' me?! That's disappointing." And shook her head before popping a chip into her mouth.
With a shake of your own head, you made yourself comfortable on one of the single chairs you had placed right next to the sofa.
"I swear to God, that man was eye-fucking you."
"Jesus," you chuckled, a hand brushing over your face and rubbing your eyes.
"No, really. I mean, he was doing it respectfully, which kinda confused me, not gonna lie. But he still looked at you a little too hot and bothered. And girl," her smirk only grew when she eyed you closely, "I thought you were about to lick his skin the way you were looking at him."
You couldn't hold back your laughter any longer. With a loud chortle, you leaned forward, hiding your face behind your hands. Maria joined you.
"I'm serious!" She laughed out loud.
You looked up at her. Your face now clear red as you realised you got caught, "I mean... I wanted to."
"I knew it!" She jumped up, throwing the package of chips into your lap. "I knew it! You ain't sly, girly!"
For a few moments longer, the two of you shared rounds of giggles before you could catch yourself again and sat back down normally.
"Yeah, well..." you shrugged, brushing some hair out of your face.
Maria snatched the chips package back again. "Then why not in his car?"
"Ths situation wasn't like that. We... we talked. I honestly didn't think that he was even looking at me the way you just described it," chuckling again at the memory of the words she had chosen.
"Yeah, well... I've seen enough men at bars and how they look at women, so... yeah," she shook her head slightly. "He did it exactly like that, just, like I said, with... a little bit more respect- I don't know how to explain it."
"It's okay," you giggled, stopping her by showing her the palm of your hand.
After she finished the rest of the chips, she threw the now empty package next to her onto the sofa, the thought of the last bits of crumbles possibly falling between the seat cushions made you shiver.
"So, how was the drive? Seriously."
You shrugged. "It was good. We had a nice conversation. I talked about college, he talked about his daughter-"
"Listen, I'm not one for dads. But..."
"Hot." You ended the sentence for her.
"So hot," she agreed with you, biting down on her lip. "He really is quite attractive."
You nodded along with her before speaking up again, "I called my sister just now," nudging your head towards the flip phone you had thrown onto the couch. "And asked her about him because they went to school together-"
"Not much else. She doesn't really know a lot about him. Just that he used to sing apparently, and... he's a young dad."
"What about the mother of the kid?"
You could only shrug again. "No clue. Izzy said that the rumour is- or, there was a rumour that he left the girl that he got pregnant in college. BUT... he said that he needs to get up early because of her school tomorrow... so, I'm confused."
"Maybe... he got another kid? So not the kid from the pregnant High School girl, but from someone a little later?" She wondered out loud.
No, you had done the math correctly. "Very unlikely. Because Izzy's 27 now. And she said Joel was about two or three years above her, which would make him around 30 now. And in the car, he told me that his daughter is turning 10 this year. If we're going just by estimations, it would work that he had her around 20 and not going to college because of it. I doubt that he left his high school sweetheart that he got pregnant at 20, only to keep the kid he got from another woman when he was 21. I mean- everything's possible, but I doubt it."
Maria blinked at you. Twice. "You're confusing me with your calculations, but damn... you really thought a lot about that, huh?"
You let your head fall back with a chuckle. "I had some time, yeah." Then a groan echoed through the room. "Ugh, but I don't even know if or when I'd be able to see him again."
"But you know Tommy, maybe he can help," Maria tried to explain, but you glared at her with an unamused facial expression.
"I'm not gonna ask him to tell me where his brother is or to give me his number, Maria."
She looked at you with a somewhat surprised look, before standing up and raising her hands in defence. "I'm just trying to help you here, okay?"
"Yeah I know, but he could also be in a relationship for all we know."
"Not with the way-"
"He was looking at me, I know, I know, blah blah blah-" A sudden cushion that was thrown at your face made you shut your mouth. You were about to argue back, but Maria beat you to it, pointing a strict finger at you, while her other hand had made a ball out of the chips package.
"Don't 'blah blah blah' me." 
You chuckled at her reaction. She scoffed as she turned towards the kitchen.
Just as you thought the conversation was over and she was on her way out, she stopped to take a quick look at you.
"I think that if he was a real gentleman and if the looks he gave you were real, he'll find a way to contact you. It's a small town, it can't be that hard." With her last statement, she exited the room, leaving you sunken into the armchair.
If, if, if...
What if you could find a way to contact him?
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Part 2
joel taglist: @corvusmorte @aniia-x3
pedro taglist: @leslieelainetrask
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happy74827 · 6 months
An Extraordinary Existence
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[Sam Riordan x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: After the major confusion the group faced just a couple hours before, they all take a moment to reflect what exactly their intentions are. {GIF Creds: @heronamedhawks}
WC: 1978
Category: Fluff, Slightly Plot Driven
Are you guys proud of me? 'Cause I am lmao. I finally finished the second and final part of this fic. You can find the first half of it here
The ending might be a little confusing upon first glance, so I will say that it is heavily inspired by the theory surfacing around with Sam and Black Noir.
It was a couple of hours later, and Sam was sitting on a chair, his legs pulled up to his chest and his head buried in his arms. They had talked; the six of you and Sam had learned a lot. He was currently trying to take everything in.
So much had happened in the past few days, and now that he was finally getting answers, it was all a bit overwhelming.
Sam was sitting in a dorm in front of a desk. Emma was behind him, rubbing his back, and he felt like a small child. But the action was calming, and he leaned into the touch.
You had been sitting in an identical chair he was, talking, but he wasn’t really paying attention. The lights were still dimmed, and the colors were swirling, dancing across the room, and it was hard to focus.
Andre had said that the room was designed by your friend Kota, a technopath, and Sam wondered if this was a normal room for supes or if it was just you and your friends.
He guessed it was a mixture of the two.
The other four were sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed. Jordan and Marie were chatting, and Emma was listening, though she did throw a comment in here and there. It was peaceful, and the voices were soft and comforting. Is this what normalcy felt like?
Sam didn't know. He had never really experienced normal, per se, but this was as close as it was going to get, so he relished the moment. After you had shown him the "lights' as he called it, he was more comfortable around you. He didn’t know if it was a good thing or not, but he wasn't complaining.
Sam hadn’t really paid attention to the conversation, but he heard you speak up, and he was immediately interested.
"So... Sam. What did you see?"
You were fidgeting, and you were clearly nervous. You hadn’t said anything about the whole light thing and had instead moved on, saying that you would talk about it later.
Sam hesitated, his hands digging into his thighs, but the soothing movements of Emma's hand helped calm him, and he loosened his grip. He raised his head and turned towards you but didn’t answer.
Emma did.
"I think I speak for all of us when I say that we have no clue what the heck that was. I mean, one minute you were talking, and the next minute the room goes dark, and then the lights explode? What was that, even? Magic?"
She paused, taking a breath, and the silence was thick. She looked down, her hand never stopping, and then she spoke again, her voice lower, softer.
"Did you know Luke?"
Sam's head snapped towards her, and his eyes were wide.
You couldn't have known, could you?
Emma didn’t even look up, but she did respond. "I've never seen anyone look that broken before, and that includes my own family."
Her hands stopped, and her grip on his shoulder was tight, her nails digging into his flesh. It didn't hurt him as much as it should have, not when he could feel the emotion pouring off her. He didn't say anything; he just sat there and took it.
Marie broke the silence, her voice small and timid, and she was glancing around the room, her hands shaking.
"What does this have to do with anything?"
She looked so lost, and her eyes were wide.
This time, instead of Emma, you answered. "I saw him in flashes. He was trying to protect his brother."
Marie's eyes darted towards Sam, and her eyebrows were raised. She looked at him with an odd expression, her mouth slightly open and her eyes full of an emotion that he didn't understand.
Sam could feel his shoulders tense, and his heart was racing. His breath hitched, and he couldn’t breathe.
He didn't want to remember, didn't want to think about his brother. Luke, oh man, he was gone. Gone.
Sam felt a sharp pain in his hand, and he looked down, surprised. He had broken the skin, his nails digging into his palm. A single drop of blood slid down his arm, and he stared. Just stared.
"I also saw Shetty and a few other people. I only recognized her, though."
"What about Cate? She was there... wasn't she." Andre was the one who spoke, his voice low and his head hung, staring down at the ground. Sam noticed his hand twitch, and he knew that he was fighting the urge to grab his phone.
"Cate was there."
It wasn’t a question, and Andre didn't respond. His hand stopped shaking, and he didn’t even seem surprised. Instead, his expression was blank, void of any emotion.
He looked like a statue. Unfortunately, Sam could not understand the feeling.
Jordan, on the other hand, didn't seem to be as indifferent. Her eyes were narrowed, her posture stiff, and she looked ready to pounce. "Where were they, and when?"
Her words were short and clipped, and Sam could hear the anger behind the words.
"That's the thing. I don't know. The flashes were quick, and I could barely tell what was going on. I couldn't even tell you if it was a memory, a vision, or something else."
You stopped talking, your shoulders dropping. You had been looking up, meeting their gaze, but now you were staring at the floor, and your fingers were tracing a pattern in the carpet. The number eight, to be exact. Sam wasn't sure why you kept repeating it, but it was a nice pattern.
Emma sighed, and she released her grip on Sam. She stood up, crossing her arms and looking down at the four of them. Her face was blank, and Sam knew she was upset.
"So, now what? We came here for answers, and now we're more confused than before."
"We have suspicions on Shetty. We know about Cate, and now we have confirmation that they were working together. That's not nothing."
Andre didn't sound happy, but he did have a point.
"So, what? We just sit here, hoping to connect more dots until we have a pretty picture of our enemy?" Jordan switched before them, now standing, his eyes flashing. "I'm sorry, but fuck that."
"Then what do you propose we do, hm? Go back out there, running wild and blind, hoping that we don't run into Cate's mind games? And what about Sam? He can't just run free. If you haven't noticed, he has a bounty on his head. He has to lay low. We can't afford to be reckless. Not after last time."
Once again, Andre was right. Sam had no desire to go outside, where people were hunting him down and trying to kill him. No, thank you.
"We need more information. If we knew what exactly they were planning, then we could stop them." Emma was calm, and her voice was level. "And hopefully, we can get Sam out of the line of fire."
"Speaking of," Andre's eyes turned towards him, his eyes still held that emptiness. "Do you plan on speaking, or are you just going to sit there."
"...I'm, uh, good to keep sitting… here."
Your eyes lit up, and a small smile appeared on your face, and Sam was caught off guard. He could even hear a slight tinge of humor in your tone. He didn't think the words were funny, but it made him smile anyway.
"Oh my god... Why do I even try." Andre's head fell, and he dragged his hand across his face.
Emma was also smiling like you were, but it was more of an exasperated grin, and Jordan wasn't paying attention. Marie, on the other hand, was looking at him with a look that he didn't like. He didn't know her well, but from what he had seen, she was quiet and a bit shy. Right now, though, her eyes were filled with sadness, a sorrow that wasn't hers. She almost seemed like a different person.
Emma was the first to notice, after him, and her expression shifted, her smile dropping and her eyes widening.
"Marie, are you okay?"
Jordan glanced at Marie, and she turned her attention to her. Marie blinked, her face turning pink.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Just got a bit lightheaded."
Jordan didn't look convinced, and his brow furrowed.
"Are you sure?"
Marie nodded, and her blush deepened.
"Yes, I'm fine. Really."
"Alright, but if you feel like shit, tell us, okay? It could be Cate, or it could be something else. You can never be too sure."
"It's not Cate," Andre spoke up, his hand falling from his face.
"How can you be so sure?"
"Trust me, I just know."
Jordan narrowed his eyes, and his hand clenched. His knuckles turned white, and he gritted his teeth. "Care to share with the class?"
"No, I don't."
Andre and Jordan glared at each other, and the tension in the room rose. It seemed constant with these two, and Sam was starting to get a little agitated. They hadn't even been there for two hours, and they were already arguing for the tenth time.
"I vote we just stay low until we get a game plan. Maybe hide out here, get Sam some new clothes."
Sam looked down at his current attire, and he didn't blame Emma for her comment. His shirt was dirty, ripped, and covered in a variety of stains that he didn't want to think about.
"Or, we can go out there and fight."
"And end up getting ourselves killed?" Andre didn't wait for a response. "No, thanks. We can't afford another mistake, Jordan."
Jordan scoffed, and his lips curled into a snarl. "So you're saying it's my fault."
"Oh my god, guys! Please!" Finally, Marie spoke up, and her voice was high and shrill. "Can you please stop? We're supposed to be a team, not some bickering children. I agree with Emma; we should hide out, gather our strength, and come up with a plan. If we rush in blind, then we'll only make it easier for them. Cate's smart; she's not going to leave any openings. She's not an idiot."
Andre sighed, his anger vanishing. "You're right. We'll lay low for now. Get Sam some new clothes and maybe some food. Anything else?"
"Pop-Tarts?" You inquired, and Andre rolled his eyes, a small grin on his face.
"Pop-Tarts sound good." Sam agreed. It got him remembering the time he snuck an entire Costco worth of Pop-Tarts into his room, and Luke caught him eating them all during a late-night study session. Luke's face was absolutely priceless. Unfortunately, their mother caught Sam and was not happy about the mess. Sam was grounded for a month, but it was worth it. So, so worth it.
"Seriously, guys? That's the priority?"
"I'm with them, honestly." Emma was grinning; her previous stress had vanished, and her posture was relaxed. "Everyone knows the cinnamon and brown sugar ones are the best."
You flashed her a thumbs-up, and Jordan looked done.
"Are we sure Sam is still the most wanted person? I might change my vote."
"Your favorite flavor is probably strawberry. Disgusting." You were smiling, and Sam had a feeling you were joking. At least, he hoped you were. Strawberry was his favorite flavor.
"Alright, enough with the petty squabbles. Come tomorrow morning, we'll go over our game plan. We're going to take those bastards down, and we're going to get our damn lives back. Sound good?"
A chorus of agreements, Sam included.
"Good. Now, who's going to get the Pop-Tarts?"
Unfortunately for them, given what happens just a few days later, their plan to get their lives back did not happen.
Instead, Sam got a new life and a new name.
The others did not.
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Enjoy guys!
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anemonelovesfiction · 11 months
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Fated Mates 2
Ao’nung x fem! Human reader
Warnings ⚠️: Sex, p in v, fingering (bc Ao’s fingers make me drool), obviously these characters are aged tf up
Y’all I included a little tradition within a marriage ceremony (not Ao & Y/n) please someone tell me if its cute bc I thought it was but now idk, I need like hella reassurance for my skxawng ass.
As always, English text is stricken through, except a blurb where I wrote a note bc there is too much English and I refused to strike through a large some of text
I did make a tag list, but personally I don’t think it’s my forte so I don’t believe I’ll be doing it again, I hope y’all can understand🥺
Tag List 🏷️ @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @universal-s1ut @lili-flower03 @deadpool15
Translation Station
Ma’Sempul: My father
Ma’itan: My son
Tawtute: Sky Person (used as “human”)
Tsahik: Spirtual healer
Tsakarem: Tsahik in training
Kinä: Seven (7)
Tìyawn: Love (or “My Love”)
Oel ngati kameie: I see you
Tewng: Loincloth
Yawne: Beloved
Skxawng: Moron
Tsmuke: Sister
Tsmukan: Brother
Sa’nok: Mother
Word count: 7.9K not as long as the other one but still
<<Previous | Next>>
“How is she?”
“I’m sorry?” I asked confusion evident in my voice and face as he asks me that question, I turn to face my father as he fails at hiding the amused glint in his eye.
“The girl you have spent your nights with for the past month.” He states as a smile breaks out onto his features and I’m a blushing mess. There was no way for me to hide it since my face had already given it away but I tried to move this along smoothly.
“It’s enough that mom knows, now you. Must you ask such private questions?” I groaned internally, the only reason he could be commenting on it had to be because my mother was growing impatient at finding any new information about it.
“Must you always hide everything from us?” He asks
“Ma’Sempul- we’re hunting, is now the time to ask such questions.” I asked.
“I worry about you ma‘itan.” He places a hand on my shoulder before one of the men hiding a ways from us signals at us.
“Thats the signal, lets go,” I broke the conversation short as I dove, my father following behind me.
We’d gotten up extremely early for this hunt to be successful. Quite a few people had gotten married during the last couple weeks and we had the last of the group marrying today. Every day we gathered together, the male of the couple included, to hunt for the feast at our communal dinner, it was the last test that not only could he provide for his mate, but when extreme circumstances arose, he too could prove useful to the clan.
The male of the soon-to-be mated pair had to plan the hunt the day of their union. Plan out where we were to swim, what we were to hunt, and instruct us on skinning the creature and instruct us how to cook it. We prided ourselves in being the providers for our clan and taking care of our mate, the women stayed behind and prepared our work stations once we got back.
It was a beautiful thing to witness a union of two souls, the night was an entire celebration dedicated to them, their friends and family showing their support toward them. I couldn’t wait for Tsireya’s, I’m sure they would make the decision here soon but I wouldn’t know when.
Capturing the beast wasn’t easy, the human boy was assisting as well and proved useful to us. He was great at holding his breath underwater, not as strong as we were, but could definitely hold his own. He, Lo’ak, and Rotxo worked very well together and it prided me knowing that these were the great men who were a part of Y/n’s life.
“Could we talk about something?” Tsireya asks and her face was filled with worry, maybe happiness, confusion? I was usually good at reading her but today I was off.
“That depends, if it’s about Lo’ak, I’d really prefer to not hear it.” Kiri states as she gathers the same sized seashells into a basket. These were going to be used as decoration for tonights union.
“Kiri, stop being rude.” I tease and playfully roll my eyes before turning to the beautiful teal goddess before me
“Is something bothering you?” I asked her as I continued weaving this humongous garment with Tsireya on the other side of it.
They had a tradition where the two stomp on the middle shell, which happened to be the larger one, and however many pieces it broke into represented the two of them as well as the children they were to have. They would then tie their favorite piece of the shell in their song cord, their children's song cord would start with a piece of the broken shell representing both parents becoming one. This garment was going to be thrown around the two who were finalizing their union today as a means to show the clan that they were coming together after they pick their favorite piece and the rest placed in a small container they would take home.
“It’s about Ao’nung,” She bites her lip and apologetically looks at me.
“There must be something interesting for you to want to talk about your brother,” Kiri mentions and I have to force an angry/disgusted look on my face to keep up with the appearance.
“If I could mentally ascend to Eywa right now, I would.” I commented and she smiles while shaking her head to herself.
“Well, he’s been seeing someone recently.” She admits and I fight the urge to freeze, seem curious, or appear affected by her words.
“The sooner he’s out of our hair the better.” I go back to focusing on the weaving and Kiri laughs at that.
“Isn’t that a good thing, ‘Reya?” Kiri asks her and Tsireya looks kind of bothered.
“Oh, sweets, I’m sorry. Don’t take my comments to heart, but it looks like its bothering you, is this a bad thing?” I asked as the small frown had already edged itself into my heart. She shakes her head at my question.
“No, it’s just-“ She sighs and stops weaving, considering this was a two-person job I too had to stop weaving. She lets out a big sigh but still seems saddened.
“You can tell us, we’ll stop being assholes about it.” Kiri speaks up.
“He’s just different is all.” She states and looks like she’s embarrassed for what she said and just about speaks again- more than likely to change the subject.
“Different how?” I ask and she closes her mouth and looks up at me, her eyes very thankful that I’d asked.
“He just seems more patient and kind. His temper isn’t as harsh as it used to be and he is even kinder to the children because of it. I can only assume it has to do with this person he meets up with.”
“But it bothers you?” I asked again and she shakes her head.
“No! This change is good, it is something he needs. But he has yet to share with me and this big secret has been going on for a month. We share everything together and not being let in on this secret makes me feel like he does not trust me.”
“Don’t say that, I’m sure he is just very nervous about it, or maybe this person is very shy? Don’t take it personal, ‘Reya, when he comes home tonight why don’t you ask him about it, if he doesn’t want to share let him know you’re there for him and he will share when he’s ready.” Kiri offers and I look back and smile at her words of wisdom. She always knew what to say to make anybody feel better.
“I am just too nervous to talk with him about it.” Tsireya mentions.
“Hey, remember how nervous you were when you talked to him about Lo’ak?” I asked her and she nodded.
“He might be feeling that same way, but he was supportive- or at least I think he was, because you’re courting Lo’ak now. I’m sure he’s more nervous to tell you than you are of asking him.” I told her and she nods in understanding.
Just then we all hear the sound of the horn signifying the return of the hunters. Tsireya turns and I take advantage of her eyes being off me to scan the crowd for her brother, unable to find him in the massive crowd of teal bodies, although Lo’ak stood out to me and so did Spider. I’m glad I had the weaved garment nearby as soon as Tsireya turns since my eyes looked at my finger positioning at the same time she turned.
“Don’t worry, Y/n, we’re almost done.” She reassures me and I look back up at her, nodding my head as we started weaving once more.
“How long does that usually take?” I asked her.
“It’s tradition for the tsahik to say a few words and bless the union of the pair. Then we celebrate all night with dancing, singing, drinking, it lasts a long time too.”
“How soon do you think they’ll have kids?” I ask in genuine curiosity before feeling Kiri’s lightest swat at the back of my head and Tsireya full on laughing.
“Sorry, I forget tawtute are more invasive than you guys, but I was genuinely curious Kiri, I swear I wasn’t making a joke.” I turned my head toward her as she was squatting behind me finishing separating the shells.
“It depends on them,” Tsireya answered.
Eclipse was quick to come from the moment we’d all finished cooking and getting ready for the union. The couple always had the tsahik speak blessings on them just before eclipse started and once it was over the two would share with the clan the vows they choose to make for their partner.
After the vows are shared, the tsakarem- Tsireya- lays down the garment behind the two and they turn to step on the shell in the middle. At this very moment the two were sharing their vows about their love for each other and I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander over and catch a glimpse of Y/n.
She had one of her hands covering her mouth in awe as her other hand wiped away the tears escaping her eyes. I could see her sniffle a bit to contain herself and Kiri leans over to pat the girls head gently. I couldn’t help but smile at her reaction toward the ceremony and felt my heart swell with pride at the absolute sweet heart she is.
The couple had turned around and broken the shell, Tsireya kneeling on the floor to count the pieces the shell had broken into.
“Kinä!” Tsireya yells as everyone cheers.
Seven, they’re going to have five children between the two, what a blessing! I turned with a slight smile of my own and capture Y/n’s eyes with my own and she lifts her hand to sign a quick Hello. I signed back and she smiles widely.
It doesn’t take long for the singing to begin after they had gathered their shell pieces and everyone stood up. This would be the perfect opportunity to slip away to the woods with Y/n. I capture her eyes once more and cock my head back toward the woods and she nods her head, turning back to pretend to be paying attention to whatever her brother was saying.
I’d started walking away first, knowing she’d have to find her own way out of the conversation she was in. We often did this to prevent anyone from noticing us slipping away together and starting a rumor that would spread faster than whatever rumor was started that morning.
I knew it would probably take a bit for her to come meet me in the clearing so I’d decided to lurk a bit closer toward the edge of the woods to just watch her. Only to flare my nose when I’d noticed Rotxo walk up to her, wondering what in the great mother he thought he was doing. I’d wanted to walk over to her and pick her up and away from his presence but I knew what would happen if I did.
I didn’t need to be upsetting my mother at this moment, not that I would have cared, but she was due to give birth soon. And having my sibling pop out while my mother was stressed wasn’t a good mix. I also didn’t want to embarrass Y/n in front of her family or let her sweet ears listen to whatever kind of messed up comments the clan would have to say. I also don’t want to upstage the happy couple that decided to stay for a while before heading off toward the spirit tree.
I could see Y/n laugh at whatever Rotxo had said and could feel the pure jealousy filling the pit of my stomach. He smiled at her reaction and seemed overall nervous, I was easily angered and my tail swayed furiously. He’d nodded at what she said and headed off before she looked around to make sure nobody was paying attention to her, once she was in the clear she started heading toward the wooded area again, I’d backed off from plain sight and started trudging my way toward the clearing.
I could hear her tiny footsteps walking near the clearing but I had my back turned toward her as I sat with my thoughts and fidgeted with my fingers. I truly did not want to be jealous, but I couldn’t help to feel that way, I had no idea what else to do.
“Guess who!” She had placed her hands over my eyes. She told me a little bit ago that tawtute often did this to one another, what for I can’t say, but it defeats the purpose when I know her smell, her voice, and I could hear her smacking her feet with every step.
“Tìyawn, you scare the sea life within a five mile radius with how loud you walk.” I stated as her arms slip from my sight, my eyes adjusting toward the bioluminescent lights provided by the plants around us, and her pouty face comes around to greet me. I smile softly and reach for her face, pulling her into a sweet short kiss, pulling back from her and staring at her eyes.
“That was mean.” She stated in fake hurt as she crossed her arms next, stomping her feet as she turned around, acting like a child. But I carefully snake my arm around her waist and pull her back toward me, kissing the back of her neck, her resolve crumbling.
“Thats loser talk, little one.” I nuzzle the back of her neck with my nose and she shivers at the touch, her smell was wonderful and it helped calm me down. I took a couple of sniffs before she pulled herself away from me.
“I need to talk to you about something,” She mentioned seriously and it made my heart drop.
“Does it have to do with why Rotxo was all over you?” I asked and felt like kicking myself in the face, she was confused and another emotion settled onto her features, but I couldn’t pinpoint what.
“Where you watching me?” She asks with a hint of something in her voice but it was frustrating me that I couldn’t figure out what it was.
“No,” I looked away from her gaze but she laughs lightly. Was this amusing to her?
“Look at me,” She stated so gently but I didn’t have to heart to, settling to looking at the ground, but feeling her soft hands on my cheeks as she turned my face to look at hers was making me feel shy.
“Hey,” She coo’s gently and I finally look at her. Her smile was still evident and she looks amused.
“I do not-“ I was cut off as she places the backs of her fingers on my mouth to shush me.
“Theres no need to be jealous, Ao’nung, Rotxo was telling me about how his situationship was going along. He’s confided in me as a friend.”
“I’m not jealous.” I scoff and look away before feeling her hands guiding my stare back toward her.
“No, of course not, my mistake.” She runs her thumbs against my cheeks lovingly that I couldn’t help but close my eyes and hum happily. “But you don’t have to worry about me being interested in anyone else, okay?” She makes it sound like a question but I know she wasn’t really awaiting an answer. I’d opened my eyes as she spoke but felt doubtful.
“But what if you find someone else?” I asked her and felt my insecurities rising.
“Never. I only see you, Tìyawn, only you.” She reassures me.
“Oel ngati kameie, little one,” I stated almost immediately after she had and we meet in the middle for a kiss.
“You know what we should do right now?” She asks me as she backs up from my lips and I pout slightly at the loss of her being so close.
“Have sex in the water-“ She tries hiding her amusement but her eyes were twinkling.
Further on closer toward the opposite edge of the woods where we’d come from are more walkways that reach smaller islands within the Metkayina and the other clans nearby. There was usually someone watching post nearby or walking around but due to the celebration, Tonowari was nice enough to let them have a small break and come down to have fun.
“There is something I wanted to tell you,” I stated while panting as his fangs tickled my neck.
“Mm,” He mutter mindlessly but his ears flicker up toward me to listen.
“Your dad is hot-“ I hold back a giggle as he makes a disapproving look, his lips swollen from our heavy make out session, biting my lip as I look down at his mouth and back up his eyes.
“Yeah?” His eyes darkened as his head tilts to the side, hands gingerly gripping my thighs and dragging me toward him. “Why is that?” He asks with a finger on my chin, making sure I don’t shy away from his intense eye contact.
“The tattoo’s that cover his face, he’s very kind, his voice is deep, he’s very strong.” I listed while staring right at Ao’nung, his smirk settling in his face.
“I’ve got tattoos on my face.” He stated as his hands start running across my thighs softly.
“Not very many,” I retort and his big hands start caressing my inner thighs.
“Am I not kind to you, little one?” He asks while kissing at my jaw line and once again down my neck, his fingers dangerously close to where I needed them.
“I-I guess-“ I gasp as he finally pushes my tewng to the side and glides his thumb over my clit.
“Is my voice not deep when I pleasure you?” He asks straight into my ear and plunges one finger straight in and I couldn’t help but moan.
“Hmm?” He grazes my g-spot and I shudder under him, closing my eyes and enjoying his ministrations. I feel his finger remain still and it causes me to open my eyes again.
“Yes!” I whine and he chuckles.
“Look at how pathetic you are and I’ve only used one finger. Do you really think you could handle my father?” He asks cockily.
“Just want you-“ I groan as he slides a second finger in.
“Hmm, are you certain?” He purposely curls them over my G-spot, not even bothering to thrust them anymore, just moving them over my spongey spot repeatedly.
“Am I too weak for you?” He asks and pecks my lips.
“N-no,“ I try concentrating on my words but concentrate on bucking my hips instead, eyes closed tightly, grasping onto his arm for dear life as he continues pleasuring me.
“Fuck,” I moan out loudly and I can hear the smirk in his voice.
“I thought you wanted to do this in the water.”
“Hmm,” I buck my hips against his fingers.
“You gonna come?” He asks and I only nod my head as much as I could just to feel the orgasm ripped away from me as he removes his fingers. But before he says anything I crawl on his lap kissing him and grinding myself over his noticeable bulge.
“It almost feels like you prefer me over my father,” He teases while sliding me against his body as he stands, discarding his tewng in the sand, and walking into the water.
“Wait what about mine-“ I asked but it was too late.
“Just in case anyone comes by unexpectedly, you’ll be safe.” He kisses me and bites my bottom lip teasingly.
“I do prefer you over your father,” I wrapped my arms around his neck answering his previous question.
“I’m not convinced,” he once again moves my tewng to the side, and pushes his penis in one go, after having done this for the past month its safe to say he fits well, and the initial sting does bother me but it doesn’t hurt as bad as before when we’d first done it.
“Oh shit-“ I gasp and shut my eyes and squeeze my legs wrapped around his waist, my arms squeezing his neck, his own hands squeezing my hips.
“You feel so good little one, such a good girl taking my cock like that,”
I tried not to react to what he was saying but I’m sure my pussy was giving it away, his smirk returning on his face causing me to shiver.
“You like that?” He asks but doesn’t giving me a chance to answer before thrusting his hips upward.
“W-wait!” I whine as he continues thrusting rapidly, feeling my orgasm approaching rapidly.
“Can’t believe you’re all mine, pretty girl, all mine.” He grows into my ear and the possessiveness coming from it makes me moan loudly.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” The mantra spills out of my lips so easily and I can hear him grunting with every thrust.
“Touch me, little one, touch my ears-“ He begs and his hands squeeze my hips harder, but I bring my hands up to caress his ears, somehow he thrusts even faster and his hips are meeting mine.
“Fuck!” I yell as his pelvis strokes my clit deliciously with how deep, fast, and hard he was going. I could feel his ears trembling under my touch and the most unexpected constant flow of whimpers coming from his mouth.
“Such a good girl, wanna paint your pretty walls with my come-“ He mutters.
“Come Ao’nung, please!” I cry as I feel myself being tipped over the edge, his own orgasm chasing after mine. I was always curious about their come, it had a slight blue glow to it, shining very brightly in the night.
“You’re wild, Tìyawn,” He states as he gently pulls out, sweeping his fingers inside to make sure to get all of his come off me.
“Do you think your dad fucks as hard as you do?”
He splashes water in my face and I can’t help but laugh at my own comment and the disapproving look he’d given me.
“I only see you, yawne.” I repeat to him and kiss him.
“I only see you, little one.” He connects our foreheads together and I feel at peace as I hold onto him.
“I want to stay like this forever,” I hum in appreciation as he gently runs one of his hands against my back.
“I know but we need to go back soon. We can’t get caught.”
“Speaking of getting caught, when should we tell Tsireya?” I asked as I remembered the conversation we were having at the beach earlier today and the real reason I’d told him I needed to tell him something.
“Are you sure you want to tell her? She can be a loud mouth.” He stated and I pout a bit.
“She mentioned noticing a change in you this past month but was upset that you haven’t told her anything. She would keep our secret.” I stated as he begins walking out of the water.
“Is it something you are sure about?” He asks and I just look at him in surprise.
“Is it something you want to tell her? She is your best friend.” I add on to earn sympathy points from him.
“I do,” He nods. “But, I worry that my mom will find out,”
“No wait, I care more about you than what my mother thinks, but-“
“I know, she’s still scary,” I smile up toward him to let him know I wasn’t offended by his words. His feet had finally touched the sand and I try wriggling off of him.
“Lets stay like this until we get back.”
“You’re naked right now. Nobody else can see you like this.” I narrowed my eyes at him and he just smiles, planting a kiss on my mouth.
“Weren’t you the one who said there was no need to get jealous?”
“I will cut your dick off.”
“You’d wrap those pretty lips around it before you cut it off, little one,”
“Stooop!” I blushed at his words.
“Oh, Hey! Where have you been?” Tsireya had turned right after I tapped her arm gently to gain her attention since she’d been dancing with a group of friends. These girls were friends from her childhood and were known to be gossipers but appeared to have drank a little much at the same time given their sways. I was just thankful we were closer toward the edge of the crowd and not near the singers where it was hard to hold a conversation.
“Could I introduce you to someone?” I’d asked her in a hushed voice. I wanted to be careful with how I’d stated anything around her friends since I had no intention of allowing them to overhear our conversation. I also didn’t want to risk them hearing anything and getting the wrong idea, or allowing their liquid courage to give them any reason to follow us, I just wanted to tell Tsireya, nobody else.
After getting out of the water we’d sat back in the clearing to dry off but her hair seemed to be drying at a slower pace than normal, probably due to no sun or heat being available, and my mind had shifted toward what she had said at the cave where tawtute were sensitive to temperatures. I’d asked her if she wanted a blanket to wrap herself around but she’d refused until I told her I would find Tsireya and bring her over where I felt her shivering and decided to grab a blanket from our marui, bringing it over so she could warm up while I left her to find my sister.
My sisters face goes blank before being switched over toward a new emotion that settles on her face that she fails to hide but she nods either way. She’d turned toward her friends saying I had shown up to escort her home since she had to start early tomorrow morning. It was a wonderful excuse in order for her to part from them, but that meant our trek over toward the clearing would have to take a little longer getting there.
We’d walked in silence toward the marui’s before making sure her friends could not see us anymore to give them the impression that we’d gone home. She pauses behind a random marui but I’m thankful she signs since it is uncertain if anybody else was at home or not.
Where is she? Her giddy smile and the excitement glowing in her eyes were a testament to how she felt at the moment.
She’s in the clearing, we’ll have to walk for a bit. I signed back and turned around to start walking over, and I’m certain she was following behind.
It was just now that I could feel my heart pounding in my chest with each step we took, getting closer to the clearing had my stomach tumbling too, my airway felt constricted and my mouth was dry. I decided to take a deep breath to try to calm myself and slowly exhaled.
“I need you to promise me you won’t tell anyone. You can’t tell your friends at all, you can’t even tell Lo’ak, we’re trying to hide it from mom.” I admitted as we continued walking, we were a littlw ways out from the clearing and all I could think was if this was a good idea or not.
“If that is what you wish I will not tell a soul, but are you certain you want me to meet her?” The lightest touch on my arm caught my attention and I turned, noticing she’d stopped.
No matter how bad she’d wanted to know a secret anyone was hiding, she always made sure to keep her nose out of it, she would always wait for someone to approach her and never shared that secret with anyone else, always keeping it. When we were smaller, our mother forbid me to go hunting with the bigger kids because she knew I’d get hurt, let’s just say I didn’t listen to her and definitely got hurt. Tsireya had walked in on my arm bleeding from a cut I got from coral - since I tried wooing the people I was with- as I searched the salves my mother kept in a box. She’d taken the paste away from my hand and grabbed another one that looked completely different and handed it to me, putting the other one in its place.
She even took the time to place the smallest bits of seaweed on it to help the paste stay in the cut. She’d spent the entire day standing next to me to cover her work so our mother wouldn’t yell at me. She refused to leave my side when her friends called and when our mother asked us why she was stuck on my side she said it was because she loved me.
“I can turn back if you want, no matter how bad I want to know who she is, I can wait.” She adds again and doesn’t even bother trying to sneak a peek around me.
“You’re my best friend, there is nobody else I’d want to introduce her to.” I reassure her and turn to walk again. We were nearing the clearing and I could catch a hint of her wrapped in my blanket.
“Just promise you won’t tell a soul, not even Eywa,” I whispered and she pokes my back for fun.
“Eywa knows all.” She jokes as she whispers back and we are finally here.
“Little one,” I called out to her and she turns her head to face me, her back stiffened as she stands even straighter, Tsireya remained behind me and hadn’t stepped out.
“I brought my sister.” I motion for her to come closer and she does, her footsteps being soft and calculated, she also seemed nervous.
“You ready, ‘Reya?” I asked as I tilted my head back so she could see me, she gives me a nod, and her eyes widened as I stepped out of her way, falling upon the tawtute in a shocked manner. She turns to look between myself and Y/n before uttering her first word.
“Ahh,” It was as if she’d had a sudden moment of clarity as her eyes settled back on Y/n. I could tell ma’tìyawn was letting the doubt fill in, her eyes were knitted upward as she stared up at my sister.
“Hi sweets,” She spoke nervously.
“This actually makes sense.” Tsireya states as if she were in a trance.
“You came back home hours after the storm had stopped, why ai couldn’t find her a little after you’d disappeared, why you’re nicer!” She poked my arm excitedly.
“You are courting my favorite tawtute!” She yells happily and I’m only thankful to Eywa for a celebration happening at this moment, if not I was sure everyone in the clan had heard her.
She had turned and ran up toward my tawtute, picking her up and squealing happily, I could feel my heart slowing down and my stomach settling, a cool feeling overtaking my once erratic nerves as I see the two embracing, a smile settles on my features as the two most important women in my life were embracing each other.
“I was so scared to tell you!” Y/n stated as she too seemed to be at ease.
“I should have pieced it together, but this is a good thing! You’re making him much less grumpy! Only the sweetest of souls could do that, and I should have known it was you!” Tsireya settles her down again as she sits down, crossing her legs.
“Tell me, is he hitting it right?” Tsireya asks and Y/n blushes.
“Who taught you that!” Y/n asks as Tsireya giggles.
“The person whose currently hitting this-“ She points at herself.
“Ugh, gross, Tsireya, don’t taint my tawtute.” I roll my eyes at the conversation being had in front of me.
“I knew you guys were boning,” Y/n comments back with a smile of her own.
“Yawne, thats gross,”
“Awe! Yawne?” Tsireya asks with the widest smile.
“I shouldn’t have let you two meet.” I sigh and place my hand over my face while shaking my head in disappointment.
“I thought you’d hate me for keeping this secret.”
“No no, you have every right to, have you told anyone else?”
“We haven’t told anyone else but we want to eventually, we’re taking small steps.” I speak up and Tsireya nods.
“Come sit,” Y/n pats the grass beside her, I walk over and sit where she’d pointed to and grab her, sitting her on my lap, my arms wrapped around her blanketed form. Tsireya cooing at how cute she thought this whole thing was, it made me blush for sure, I could only imagine my tawtute’s face at the comments. We’d enjoyed each others company throughout the rest of the night.
Walking back toward the back end of the Marui’s we reach the walkways where Y/n stops, turning to face me and taking the blanket off of herself, handing it over to me. I take it and shamelessly smell it, smiling at the change in smell, what once smelled like me now has a hint of her in it. I squat on my toes to kiss her and she wraps her arms around my neck.
“I’ll miss you tonight.” I kiss her forehead.
“We’ll see each other tomorrow,” She lets out a light laugh and I kiss her again.
“You do know your sister is still watching, hmm?” She asks and I kiss her once more.
“Thats her problem.” She takes her arms away from my neck and steps back.
I’ll miss you tonight. She signs with a bright blush on her face and I could only imagine my sister was looking at her, I was correct since I heard the slightest of Awe’s from behind me.
I’ll miss you more I signed back at her and she waves before turning to walk toward the Sully marui.
*this whole conversation is in English until you wake up in the morning, ok? I’d rather make a note here than using strike through on all of the text*
“And where do you think you’ve been?”
I’d long since frozen upon seeing his tall build standing near the walkway, nowhere close to where the entrance of our marui was, just far enough away from being heard from anyone inside it. I could have turned back and walked from where I came but I was sure he’d follow regardless, and I knew Ao’nung and Tsireya weren’t out of sight yet.
“Enjoying the nice fresh air, whats wrong with you?” I asked him, trying to play it off like it was nothing.
“No, because I saw you walk toward the woods earlier, but didn’t see anyone else. I can only assume whoever you went to meet had already gone ahead of you.”
I kept my face as neutral as possible, trying to think of a way out of this situation, but my mind was drawing blanks. If he saw me going into the woods then I’d have to find a way to lie about why I was there.
“I don’t need to explain myself to you.” I scoff and roll my eyes. “But the tree’s remind me of being in the forest. It helps bring my mind at ease during social situations where I feel like I’m suffocating-“
“You really can’t lie your way out of this, lets try that again.”
“I swear, for being born two minutes later you’re the biggest pain in my ass.”
“I may be younger but I’m wiser-“
“No you aren’t, skxawng.”
“You’ve got an answer for me or do I need to find it out myself and follow you around the entire island?”
“With your clear threat, I can only imagine you have a vague idea of why I’m out here.”
“Not really but you buried yourself into a hole with that comment.”
“Spider-“ I stated angrily and pause to try to calm myself down.
“You never hide anything from me, Y/n, I’ve given it some time but I’m worried about you. You disappear several times a day and reappear even more tired. Is someone making you do something, or are you sick and you’re afraid to tell us?”
“Who is all home right now?” I asked aloud and Spider sighs.
“Jake, Neytiri, and Tuk. She got tired and they came back home. Lo’ak and Kiri were staying a bit longer but they should be coming home soon.”
“Give me until tomorrow afternoon and I can answer that question for sure.”
“Y/n-“ He stated immediately before I held my hand up to stop him from continuing.
“I am not being threatened to doing anything, I can assure you I’m fine, I just need to think about it, okay?”
He nods warily as I sigh.
“Just until tomorrow.” He agrees. Spider knew my body language well enough to understand when I’d been lying, but to also tell if I was okay, which I assume he got the hint and thats why he agreed.
“I’m tired, we should go sleep.” I suggested to move this along and he nods, walking over toward the entrance of the marui, and pushing aside the curtain covering the entrance.
Falling asleep had proven to be harsh as I continued tossing to find a comfortable position and no longer finding it comforting after getting settled, leaving me to turn once more and the cycle continued for a while. Jake and Neytiri had already put Tuk in bed and had stayed up until Lo’ak and Kiri came in.
We all talked in hushed voices about how special their ceremony was and how many people they talked to. It didn’t take long for them to have fallen asleep as they were probably tired and I was left to fend for myself. I’d had just about enough of not getting comfortable and stepped out of the marui, surprised that I’d managed to struggle all night since the daylight was starting to creep up onto the water.
I carefully and quietly walked over toward the beach and sat with my back against a tree. Staring out into the water and taking a second to enjoy the tranquility of the gentle waves rolling about, wetting the sand of the shoreline.
“You’re up early,”
“We need to talk.” I stated curtly before turning to make direct eye contact with him, his face had a slight smile but I could tell it had fallen at my tone.
“Whats wrong?” He asked as he squats near me.
I let out a sigh before telling him what had happened right after he dropped me off. I didn’t forget to mention that I’d told my brother I’d give him some kind of answer in the afternoon and Ao’nung smiled weakly toward me.
“What?” I asked.
“We might need to come clean to the whole group.” He suggests and I’m sure the look on my face showed how scared I was.
“Hey, it doesn’t matter what anyone says, I won’t leave you, little one.”
“Thats not what I’m worried about.”
“Then what?” He asks and looks like he’s about to grab onto my arm comfortingly before I see another teal body coming up and my instant reaction is to shake my head at the action, his arm was only slightly outstretched and I am thankful to all of my senses at that moment
“What are you doing?”
Both our heads snap back up toward the woman standing beside us, her own eyes narrowed as she looks directly at me, then sliding back to her son waiting for his response. I should have known she wouldn’t be talking to me and I’m sure if she were she’d believe I was lying.
“Just asking if we were still meeting up later.” He lies through his teeth and I felt a sense of pride run through me. His mother shifts her gaze at me as if to ask ‘alone?’ I couldn’t help but continue staring at her.
“Tsireya told Kiri to convince Y/n to come,” He adds to let her know we weren’t meeting alone and she turns to look at her son and nods as of she were still processing what he’d said. I turn to look at him as his gaze shifts toward mine and he seems panicked. I raised my brow and look at the sand again, essentially telling him to calm down.
“Very well.” She stated and holds an outstretched hand for him to go toward her. “Excuse us, Y/n,” she bows her head lightly and it shocks me at the respect she had just given me, but I have to remind myself its to keep up appearances.
I’d taken it upon myself to head back to the marui to wake everyone up and get started on our day considering we were slightly busy. The quicker we finished our share of work the more time we could spend together and the best opportunity to tell them while everyone else- including Ao’nungs mother- would continue being busy with their works.
“Where have you been?” Tsireya asks as if to scold me for being the only one to have joined the group late.
“I had to throw our mother off my scent. She already caught us this morning.” I explained and her ears flicker upward.
“Technically I have, like, thirty seconds left before I can tell you-“ I can hear my tawtute speaking as her brother looks angrily toward her. Out of habit, I froze and pretended my attention was elsewhere, completely forgetting for a bit why we were all gathered here.
“Thats bullshit Y/n, tell me what stupid thing you’re hiding.”
“I told you I would let you know if I decided to tell you, not that I would for sure tell you!” She yells back at him.
“Well its already been thirty seconds.” Spider crosses his arms and stares at his tsmuke awaiting an answer.
“It’s been fifteen-“ She sticks her tongue out at him.
“It’s been thirty seconds, Yawne.” I agree with her brother aloud and Spider completely misses the point of what I’d said as he shouts a victory toward Y/n.
“You’re supposed to be on my side.” She stated calmly toward me.
Kiri had stood with her mouth agape as Spider just raised a brow at his sister- still missing how we were acting toward each other. Rotxo had his mouth open while forming a shocked smile, looking between us and Kiri. Lo’ak seemed to have just caught on to what was said as his brows furrow.
“Wait a minute- Yawne?” Spider finally catches on and looks between us in shock and I felt like now would have been a perfect time for Kiri to laugh, but I’m assuming it came as too much of a shock for everyone.
“No way-“ Spider states shocked.
“Oh my Eywa,” Kiri places her hands over her mouth but fails to hide her excitement as she lets out a small squeal.
“I should have known someone tamed the beast,” Rotxo comments with a smirk as he shakes his head in surprise.
“Are you serious?”
All heads turned toward the forest boy who’d uttered those words. It definitely didn’t sound like he had been too happy to find out, but he wasn’t yelling about it either, his voice definitely held a calm tone to it, but it was impossible to ignore the harshness that came with it.
“Lo’ak,” Tsireya begins as his eyes go over toward hers.
“You knew?” He asks in disbelief and her ears flicker down a bit, her face changing to show her apology.
“She only found out yesterday, Lo.” Y/n states upon seeing my sisters immediate change in mood.
“You mean to tell me you told Tsireya before telling anyone else?” He asks a little louder this time.
“Maybe now you can see why we decided to tell her?” She sasses back at Lo’ak.
“Look, Y/n,” He pinches the bridge of his nose as he exhales. “Theres no way you can be with this-“ He points toward me and stops talking.
“You loved my brother.” He stated firmly.
“Yes, I do love Neteyam. But I love Ao’nung too.”
“No you don’t.” He stated just as quick. “You think you do, but you don’t.”
“You love me?” I asked in shock.
“Not now,” She states at me while holding her hand up to acknowledge me but continuing to stare at Lo’ak. “You cannot tell me what I feel. Or are you suddenly becoming your dad and think you know whats best for me?” She asks in anger.
“Guys, we should take a second to cool down.” Kiri breaks their angered animosity toward them and both Lo’ak and Y/n’s faces soften.
“I just-“ Lo’ak states as a sudden realization hits him and he sighs. “I just don’t want you to get hurt, especially since you’ve been hurt before when you didn’t even get to say goodbye. And especially with him.” Lo’ak looks toward me but I can understand why.
“Lo,” Y/n stated softly as she walks toward him and hugs him, knowing how close they were and their kind of relationship I had no reason to be jealous, but wondered if he would hurt her due to his anger from before.
“You’re my tsmukan. And I loved your tsmukan. But moving on is part of the healing.” She stated and he wraps his arms around her.
“I’m sorry,” He apologizes.
“He is good to me, I promise.”
“Sometimes it feels like Lo’ak is a better brother than I am, should I have reacted that way-“ Spider started before letting a loud oof escape his lips, nobody spared him a glance as it was obvious Kiri had smacked him upside the head.
“You break her heart, and I’ll break your face with my fists.” Lo’ak threatens as Y/n giggles.
“I am aware of my actions from the past and have also asked for an apology from all of you. I do not plan to break that trust nor break your tsmuke’s heart. I would also like to point out I was not expecting to be hit in the face that time.” I stated and could hear my tawtute giggling.
“Don’t feel sorry for yourself now Tìyawn,” I can feel her little fingers on my face as I’d failed to hear her come up to me for the first time. She’d stood on a rock behind me to reach me and I’d taken her by the waist to slide her off the rock and holding her close onto myself.
“He hit me many times-“ I pouted and she started laughing.
“Yes, I praised him when I heard the story,”
“Hey.” She pecks my lips and a chorus of eww’s are heard from our friend group.
“Not like you all don’t kiss each other anyway-“ She sticks her tongue out at them and its my turn to join in on the laughter.
“Are you planning on telling sa’nok and sempul too?” Lo’ak asks and Y/n’s face falls slightly again.
“We’re trying to keep that from happening. Ronal is definitely the last person that needs to know and if we told your parents I’m sure they’d tell her next. And I don’t want to face Neytiri’s wrath from another native woman again.” She shivers and I can tell its a sore subject for her.
“She’ll find out eventually, but it’ll be too late by then, Tìyawn. And I’m not letting you go either, yeah?”
“Yeah,” She agrees as I set her down.
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lovely-peace · 1 year
Burning moon 1.
Summary: The reader is devastated at Remus nothing saying answer and thinks of it like an rejection. To overcome this they try to forget their love for him but is failing miserably. But Remus doesn't react to their coldness like they expected...
Warnings: self hatred, unrequited love?, angst, Sirius( jk I love him), over thinking, bad communication
~If you see this and haven't read Part 1 I advise you to read it before reading this so you understand what is happening. This part is simply a sequel to part 1 and isn't bound to the song like the first part
masterlist part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6
I was glad the year was almost over after... I confessed. I could go on with my life and go out of his way. Lily was trying to make me go out with the others, but I had plenty of reasons I could tell her why I couldn't go.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah Lily, my stomach hurts pretty bad and I don't think I should go. "
Of course after one week of excuses she would grew suspicioun, but the year was over.
I could go home. I would have some time alone.
It was like I had some luck in my misery.
I really tried to ignore my feelings. I really did, but it was like a really persistent bug that wouldn't fly away. Whenever I heard Remus' name my heart would beat faster. My cheeks went red, and my thoughts circled around him constantly.
It was disgusting. I was disgusting.
I didn't look at him. I didn't sit next to him at lunch like I always did. I didn't acknowledge his existence.
And still. He was still everywhere I went.
At the last day of school we were going to the train station like always. Of course with Remus. Their whole friend group said bye to each other including myself and Remus. It was awkward, really.
I had always hugged everybody and cried when I had to say goodbye.
Not this year.
The most I could do was to say goodbye to everyone.
"Is our little princess not sad she has to leave us behind, this year??" Sirius said with a grin, but he had this look in his face I couldn't read.
"What can I say? You are pretty annoying Sirius and I have to return to my kingdom!" I joked and tried to smile and laugh.
It was the fakest laugh I ever heard.
"Don't forget to write! It always gets so boring without you." Alice said. She was a really good friend and even tho she wasn't good friends with the marauders, she still came to them from time to time.
"Of course Alice! I can't ever forget to write you." I exclaimed and smiled at her. The train was about to start. I always sit with Lily and Mary in one cabin so we always said goodbye to each other before the train started.
Then Remus looked at me. His eyes seemed to bore through my soul and I felt like he saw everything that was going on inside of me.
And I hated him for that.
I hated his pretty eyes and how they made me flush. I hated that I couldn't think straight in his presence after everything I did to overcome him.
I hated that he still had control over me.
"I hope you have a great Sommer. Don't overwork yourself, alright? You can always write me too, if you want to talk." he said. He smiled at me and seemed so sincere.
And I just said :" Yeah, bye." and got on board of the train.
I know that was unfair. He was so nice to me and I just ignored his presence. I didn't even look him in the eyes when I said that.
But I was hurt. No scratch that.
But I was angry. Angry at him that he pretended everything was normal. But more importantly I was angry at myself. At my weakness for him. At my constant thoughts about him. At my love for him.
Lily and Mary followed me after they said goodbye themselves. I sat down inside of an empty Cain and waited for them.
I felt tears in my eyes. It was burning. But I swallowed them before the others came in. I just looked out of the windows while they put down their things.
There was a tense silence.
Mary broke the silence first.
"What was that?" she said.
I didn't look away from the window. I just replied :"What was what?". Even though I knew what she was talking about.
"Come on you know. That between you and Remus!"
"I don't know what you are talking about."
Now Lily stepped in. "We are not dumb, Y/n. We know you are ignoring him. And that out on the train station? That was just cold." she said.
I remained quiet.
"Look whatever you are mad at, talk to Remus about it! He is really worried about you." Mary exclaimed.
They didn't know. Anger boiled up inside of me. It seemed like they made Remus the victim of this situation. They didn't know. They knew nothing about my pain in the last months.
The months I hoped he would answer me. The months I hoped for his love.
I wanted to Scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to tell them. NOW.
I smiled at them instead.
"It is really nothing. I just didn't want to miss the train."
Lily raised her eyebrow. " Yeah sure."
The tense silence was back and filled the room.
This time Lily broke it.
"Why... Why aren't you talking to us? Are you mad at us too?"
That caught me off guard. Was I mad at them? I realized that I was. Yeah, I was furious, because they didn't know anything. That they didn't look for me when we were at hogsmead. And I know that's stupid, life doesn't revolve around me, but we were friends.
Friends cared and looked after each other.
Like Remus did,because I am his friend nothing more.
The tears came back and I began to tremble. What was wrong with me?
" What is wrong? You know you can tell us." Mary said and her kind and gentle voice brought me back to reality.
She was right. I could tell them.
But should I?
They were also friends with Remus. I know we were good friends, but in the end they maybe would tell him why I was ignoring him. And I didn't want him to know.
I felt ashamed of myself. Of my weakness.
But in this brief moment I didn't listen to my thoughts. I just said :"I am angry at you, because you didn't look after me. In hogsmead."
When i saw Lily's wide eyes I immediately regretted what I said. I didn't want to guilt trip them. I was stupid, stupid, stup-
"I'm sorry."
"Remus told us you weren't feeling well and that you went to the toilet. He told us he will stay behind and look after you."
Stop talking about him! Stop saying nice stuff about him!
"I didn't know you were having a tough time... But I should have at least asked after you. I'm deeply sorry." Lily said.
In this moment I couldn't stop the tears. I cried like someone died. And maybe someone did. I didn't even recognize myself.
They stopped asking questions about remus. I wasn't in the right state to tell them, but I would tell them eventually.
When the train arrived, I took my things and ran off the train. I could not see him again today. Not after this conversation. I ran away into the holidays. Away from my problems just somewhere else.
And the sun didn't see the burning look in the moons eyes as he saw his sun ran away.
@juleshadalittlelamb @fluffybunnyu
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shipandrunforit · 7 months
Dropping some Heartsteel head cannons I have bc these thoughts won’t leave me alone and I’m curious how much they are going to tie in magic with this (bc Kayn and Ezreal still have their powers)
Kayn and Rhaast
Was a street kid growing, something happened that lead to him being orphaned and living on the streets for a few years
Accidentally released rhaast while trying to steal things from a museum, Rhaasf was not happy about having the situation and tried to leave but Kayn didn’t let him go out of spite.
Two slowly grew to be friends but aren’t the healthiest of friends with Kayns ego feeding into Rhaast, especially when their on stage, and Rhaast has a tendency to voice and pressure kayn to follow through on intrusive thoughts or actions.
Rhaaat was the one who thought of them entering the music industry (wanted everyone’s eyes on him) and so they worked their ass off to get into the industry.
Rhaast also enjoys the dramatics, got very board sitting in the weapon for years and enjoys putting on a show and being a show off.
Was sort of like those Disney kids from the Mickey Mouse club, was how he got into the industry at such a young age. (Also could be why kayn calls him the pop star Prince, is bc he was everywhere for a while).
Is an orphan and is being raised by his uncle
Not sure how he got teleportation when he doesn’t seem to have the gauntlet but he very much loves using his abilities to jump around the city and do parkour.
Would probably also use it to sneak out at times either to hide from his old manager when he was in trouble
First time he did this in front of the boys was bc he was too lazy to walk to the kitchen and he scared the crap out of K’Sante, still make jokes about it.
The dog sleeps in his room, was also the one to name the dog.
Good af editing, especially on computers
Started out as a dj and went to music school and even taught his brother a few basics of being a dj as well.
Still had a falling out with his brother bc he saw how bad the industry was and didn’t want Yasuo to get involved. Led to them having a fight and haven’t really talked since
Is very into mythology and folklore (is why for his section of music video we see the azukana spirt. Is also partially bc I have no fucking clue how else to tie that part of his backstory into this).
Boys played a prank on him by switching his coffee once, long story short they all (including Rhaast) collectively agreed never to do this again bc of how terrifying the results of this prank where
Yone is one of the best drawers in the group besides Sett and the two talk about animations sometimes (Yone animated the fox in his section)
Has made the boys Dino nuggets at one point
Is a big fan of comics, animation, and pfp fighting games
Did the drawings for his section as well as the animations for the background (am referring to that scene in the end of the music video)
Dad was a boxer who left when Sett was young
Sett also knows how to box and worked as a boxer for a bit as well as a bouncer maybe. Rap was more of a hobby but when he got signed onto a record label he switched to doing it full time
Punched the paparazzi bc they were harassing his mom
Favorite anime’s include jojo’s bizar adventures and one punch man
Meet Apjelious before Heartsteel at a meuseum that showcasing a new planetarium exhibit. Two hit it off and are now dating.
Aphelios and Alune
He and his sister were involved in choir when they were younger
Alune went off to college to get her degree in business in management and aphelios went stayed home and did his music.
Aphelios lost his voice either due to medical reasons or because of an accident, Alune transferred to a closer college to be with her brother when the news broke out.
Aphelios had a hard time getting further in the industry, was often discredited or people wouldn’t want to work with him bc it was “too much of a hassle”.
Was nervous for his sister to meet Sett only to realize the two get along great and would 100% commit crimes together
Is also a gamer and will do dates with Sett that’s just them playing video games or Sett listening to him ramble on about movie or video game scores.
Aline was very chill with the boys breaking into the studio bjt did tell them not to break anything (spoilers, they did and she was not happy about it).
Alune is the older sibling and will tease her brother and the other boys and is not afraid to fight them if push comes to shove.
Has written and preformed a lot of songs before Heartsteel
Used to work on songs with his ex boyfriend but the two spit up due to the strain working together put on their relationship
Is the relationship expert in the group and will give the others advise or flirting or planning dates or anything else they need help with if they ask.
Loves going to the gym with Sett, might have been how the two of them meet in the first place. They got to talking about music at one point and when they found out the other was looking for someone to collaborate with they decided to work together.
Spot for one another when in the gym
Is the other mom friend of the group but a lot more chill, let’s them get away with more things then Yone would
Is good at filming and old school editing. He and Ezrael did most of the did for the music video and let the others scribble one what they compiled then approved it.
Was against the coffee incident and straight up left the building when it happened.
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asirensrage · 1 year
Treating You Right - Tengen x you x Kyojuro oneshot
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Title: Treating You Right Rating: Explicit Fandom: Demon Slayer Pairing: Uzui Tengen x Female!Reader x Rengoku Kyojuro Warnings: Smut. Threesome. A bit ooc. Unbeta'd.
Summary: Modern!AU. “Come out with us, princess. It'll be the flashiest night of your life."
Notes: This is based on this post with @comatosebunny09. It turned out a bit longer than planned but this might be the first threesome I actually wrote in detail. I hope you like it. It was fun (and potentially left open for more...). As usual, undescribed/unnamed female reader.
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You remember the first time you met them. 
You were introduced at a party that one of your friends had dragged you to. You had gone to the kitchen to grab a drink and accidentally walked into a wall. Well, it was less of a wall and more of a man who was built like a brick house. Your mouth dropped open as you look up at him to apologize. He grinned at you and said something like “if you wanted my attention, all you had to do was ask.” Next thing you knew, he had an arm draped over your shoulders as he led you around to introduce you to the people you didn’t know at the party. Including Kyojuro. 
The three of you became fast friends. You were often invited to parties or to join them when they went out. Sometimes it was a whole group of people, sometimes it was only the two of them, and sometimes just one of them. It was nice to build that rapport, to gain those friendships. So you’re not entirely sure when everything changed. 
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Tengen has his arm around your shoulders, his side pressed up against yours as he pulls you close. He leans down, nose brushing your ear. “Come out with us, princess.”
You roll your eyes but don’t move. You like being close to Tengen. He makes you feel small and safe, especially when he’s doing things like this. “I go out with you guys all the time,” you say. 
Kyojuro is standing before you both, watching with interest. “That is not what he means,” he says, grinning slightly when you look over at him. 
“You know we’ll treat you right,” Tengen adds. You try to ignore how your stomach flutters at the promise. They’re both incredibly attractive and you have no idea why they keep pushing for this. They could have anyone they want but they’ve focused on you and part of you wonders if it’s just a game, if they have some unwritten contest to see which one of them will win your attention. 
“We will!” Kyojuro says, eyes still on you. He steps forward slightly, reaching for your hand. “Let us show you how you deserve to be treated.” He lifts your hand gently, turning it before leaning forward to kiss the center of your palm. Your breath hitches at the gesture and from the way he smiles, you know he heard it. 
“It’ll be the flashiest night of your life,” Tengen says, lips brushing against your jaw. 
“Nights, Ten,” Kyojuro corrects. He lowers your hand but doesn’t release it. His eyes meet yours. “As if we would stop with just one.” 
You blink, suddenly realizing that your assumptions might actually be wrong. “What?” You swallow tightly, suddenly all too aware of the men around you. “You…both? Together?”
“I think we broke her,” Tengen teases.  
“No, I just…I thought it was a game?” 
Kyojuro frowns at the admission. “A game?” 
“That wouldn’t be very flashy of us,” Tengen says. You can practically feel him looking over at Kyojuro. “Right, Kyo?”
“No, it wouldn’t.” Kyojuro steps forward so that you don’t even have to reach to touch him. His chest brushes against yours. “Will you let us take care of you?”
Tengen kisses your neck and you can’t stop the shiver that runs through you at the feeling. “Come on, princess. Say yes.” 
You take a deep breath, wondering if you’ll regret this but then you feel the heat of Tengen’s body against yours and you meet Kyojuro’s eyes and the only thing you can say is “yes.”
Kyojuro’s hand cups your jaw, thumb stroking your skin before he leans in to kiss you. Your eyes close as his lips meet yours. The kiss is gentle, almost as though he’s afraid that anything more might frighten you away. Tengen moves from your side, stepping sideways so that your back is pressed against his chest and his hands press into your hips. Kyojuro steps to you until you're sandwiched between these men. 
You feel completely surrounded and impossibly small but all you can focus on is where their hands are touching you and the way Kyojuro is kissing you. The kiss breaks and a hand tilts your head up and slightly to the side. You open your eyes to see Tengen’s warm gaze looking down at you. His eyes are a dark red and he seems completely satisfied as he takes in your expression. 
“That’s a good look on you, princess.” He leans down and captures your mouth with his. His kiss is hard and demanding, drawing you further into him. You feel his smile against you when you make a sound that’s a cross between a sigh and a higher-pitched short whine as Kyojuro kisses your collarbone before he stops. 
“Perhaps we should take this elsewhere,” Kyojuro says, his voice low. Now that they’ve started, you don’t want them to stop. 
Tengen pulls back, but he doesn’t let go. “You’re right. My place is closest?”
“What do you think, sweet thing?” Kyojuro asks. “Or would you prefer we take you out? Properly as we should?” 
“Home,” you say. “Please? If you don’t mind?”
“Now why would we mind, angel?” Tengen says. “Come, let’s take you home.” 
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You don’t really remember the drive. It happened, certainly, but both of the men kept trying to keep touching you, telling you how long they’d been wanting this. Tengen cheerfully admits that the first moment you bumped into him, he knew. Kyojuro tells you it was the first time you smiled at him.
They won’t let you linger on the admission. 
Tengen’s home is well decorated, with a myriad of colours that are beautifully chosen. It’s familiar but you don’t get a chance to see any of the recent changes he’s made because as soon as you’re in the door, they’re touching you. Tengen pulls at your shirt as he kicks the door closed. Kyojuro undoes his, throwing it to the side before he pulls you into him. He kisses you hard, deepening it to lick inside your mouth and taste you. 
You run your hand through his hair, clutching him close even as you shift to give Tengen space to pull off your pants. You know that if you showed the slightest hesitation, if you asked them to slow down, they would stop. Fuck. How did you get this lucky?
Kyojuro breaks the kiss and you lean back into Tengen, closing your eyes as you feel his hands slide up against your skin. You help him remove your bra, uncaring where it gets tossed.
“You’re so beautiful,” Tengen whispers. His hands cup your breasts, thumbs stroking your skin softly. His hands are rough in comparison and he pinches your nipples lightly, plucking at them to see them pucker. “Look at her, Kyo,” he says, looking over you at Kyojuro who is watching intently. 
“Indeed,” the golden-haired man says. “Better than we imagined.” 
Tengen turns you to face him as he walks you backwards. “I want to hear every sound, princess. Don’t be quiet, okay? Let us hear you.”
Your back presses against the warmth of Kyojuro’s chest. “And taste you,” he adds. 
“Flashiest night of my life, remember?” you tease.
Tengen grins. “That’s right. Let’s prove it.” 
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You move to the bedroom. 
It’s easier than you expected to fit between them. Tengen shudders when you scrape your teeth against his jaw or lick at his chest. Kyojuro groans when your fist tightens in his hair and you rock against him. 
“Now now,” Tengen shifts you to lie back against the bed. “Let us show you what we want.” 
Kyojuro moves between your legs, hands gripping your thighs as his tongue presses against you. Your back arches as it feels as though he devours you, mouthing at your clit as Tengen tells him to keep going. 
“You sound so pretty, sweetheart,” he says. “Let’s hear more.” He helps hold your leg in place as Kyojuro adds his fingers, stretching you and curling them in just the right way that has you seeing stars. 
Tengen busies himself by kissing you, moving down your neck and sucking marks into your skin. Reminders, you think, of this night. As much effort as Kyo puts between your legs, Tengen spends his on your breasts, squeezing and pinching before soothing the ache with his mouth. The dual sensations leave you breathless and all you can do is hold on to them one way or another. 
It’s not long before you break. 
They ease up slightly, just enough so that you can breathe and both of them look far too satisfied in your pleasure. You lay there for a moment, mind reeling at what just happened and how good it felt before you move. It’s not just about you, even if they’re insistent that they want to show you how they want you. You believe in repaying the favour. 
You kneel, hand reaching for Kyojuro. His breath hitches as you wrap your hand around his cock and you feel Tengen’s gaze as you move your hand slowly before leaning forward. You’re never going to forget the sound Kyojuro makes when you lick him, or the way he nearly stumbles when you wrap your lips around the head of his cock. His hand grips the back of your neck, just enough to hold you and help guide you. 
You pull back just enough to beg Tengen, “please.” 
As you return to Kyojuro and enjoy the sight of him trying not to break as you suck, you feel Tengen’s hands on your hips. 
“So wet for us, aren’t you angel?”
“You should feel her–” Kyo cuts himself off with another groan. “So good.” 
You moan around him when you feel Tengen’s fingers press into you, as though he’s trying to make sure you’re stretched enough. 
“I will,” he says. “Arch your back, princess.”
You do as he asks, as much as you can while still taking Kyouro in your mouth. There’s no hesitation but Tengen angles himself and pushes in slowly. He leans forward, kissing your back as he groans with the feeling of being surrounded by you. 
Kyojuro shudders as you moan around him. In the back of your mind, you think it’s a bit funny how you’re all so connected. And then Tengen moves.
He starts slow, allowing you to get used to feeling him. Kyojuro’s hand on your neck helps stabilize you as you submit to Tengen’s ministrations. There is little you can do but give in to the feeling of having them like this, listening to the sounds all of you make. 
“Fuck,” you think you hear Kyojuro say. “I’m close.”
You try to reach forward, but the snap of Tengen’s hips against yours makes you falter. He’s kissing the back of your neck, telling you how good you are for them. You belong with them. 
“Please,” Kyojuro says. “He’s right—” he groans again. “You’re ours.” You can’t even complain, especially not when he finally cums into your mouth. You swallow without meaning to and both of them somehow seem to notice if the sounds they make are any indication. 
Kyojuro falls back, trying to regain his composure. 
Tengen takes the opportunity to move you. He sits back on his heels, kneeling on the bed while wrapping his arms under your legs. He holds you up and wide open, maneuvering you with relative ease as he thrusts into you. You can’t do anything but try to hold on you him, one hand gripping the back of his head as you lose yourself in the feeling. Kyojuro watches from his position. His eyes burn into both of you. 
You are so close. So close that your legs quake and you can’t help but reach down with the hand not gripping Tengen’s hair to touch your clit. 
“She’s so fucking pretty, Ten,” you hear Kyojuro say. You ignore him though, focusing only on the way you feel and how deep he’s in you. You cry out with every stroke until the pressure becomes too much. You reach for something to hold and Kyojuro manages to lunge forward, grabbing your hand. He presses another kiss on your palm as your orgasm crests. Tengen speeds up but Kyojuro is there, taking over to tell you how fucking gorgeous you are, how good you taste, how much they’ve wanted this, wanted you. 
When Tengen finally cums, he pulls out just in time. He finally lowers you, releasing his grip on your thighs and if you fall forward into Kyojuro who catches you, neither of them comment on it. Instead, they both move you carefully so that you’re lying down. Their touches are gentle as they stroke against your skin and remind you that they’re going to take care of you. 
Kyojuro leaves the room and comes back with a warm and damp washcloth that he tosses to Tengen. He disappears again but all you can focus on is the texture of the cloth against your sensitive skin as Tengen cleans you up and lays kisses in the places he’s left marks. Kyorjuo returns and makes you sit up to lean against him so you can drink the water he’s brought. He also offers a glass to Tengen who downs it quickly. When you’re done, one of them takes the glass and moves it to a side table before they both ease you to lie down. You’re half on Kyojuro who is just so warm and Tengen is pressed up behind you, arm thrown over both you and Kyo. Tengen falls asleep quickly while Kyojuro strokes your arm and kisses the top of your hair. You think you fall asleep first, listening to them breathe.
When you wake up, it’s with the promise of round two with Tengen’s hand between your legs and Kyojuro’s lips pressed against your neck. 
“We’re not done, princess,” Tengen says. 
“Not even close,” Kyojuro promises. 
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They weren’t lying. Nothing really changes except that the three of you often end up in one of your beds, you all touch and kiss each other uncaring about who sees you, and they continue to whisper promises that you’re theirs and they’re yours. And if you catch the looks they send each other when they present you with a gift: a pale pink choker that bears their initials, you ignore it. They’ll tell you what they want when they’re ready. They always do. 
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doctor-caparty · 1 year
I am piggybacking off of @pinkladiespledge post about Richie and I didn’t want to clog their notes with my multiple part essay.
ALSO TRIGGER WARNING FOR BRIEF MENTION ON NON-CON FANTASIZING. It’s one sentence right after Buddy asking Jane to date in secret.
Richie is so good. I saw a post about how Richie is Buddy’s foil and I 100% agree. Buddy is touted as the good guy because he’s clean cut and popular and Richie is a bad guy because he’s in a gang and doesn’t try to conform when in reality Buddy takes advantage of his situation and privilege. In his letter to Jane he admitted to cheating on tests and drinking, he also had chances to come clean to Jane about the election but backed out each time. He didn’t care one bit about the effort that Jane put in to fix their reputations and he threw it away with locker room talk and then has the audacity to ask her to date him in secret? Let’s also briefly mention his “girls are supposed to put up a fight” comment bro there is nothing sexier than full enthusiastic consent now fuck off with your nonsense. Richie on the other hand is a good guy when it comes down to it. He has respected Jane’s boundaries from the beginning and respected her enough to tell her the rumours being spread about her despite not wanting to get involved. He listened to her campaign speech in detention and didn’t fold to peer pressure and joking along with his buddies at that moment. He drove her home when she was overwhelmed and walked her to her door and respectfully greeted her mother. He watched her debate on tv and went with the girls to pick Jane up and cheer her up even though the debate didn’t work out for any of them. The only time he was disrespectful towards her was at Halloween when he was trying to ask her to go steady and his confidence was shattered when he say Jane talking to Buddy. After his day bender he shaped up and genuinely apologized without expecting anything to go his way in return. He came clean about his feelings and told her to take her time to think it over and hear what buddy had to say. He recognized that what Jane and Buddy do is none of his business and accepted that. He then went home and cleaned his room and was hopeful. Jane gave him an answer he didn’t want but he still respected it and that didn’t change his feelings for her.
We can even expand our world by including how Buddy and Richie treat the people they don’t find attractive because that’s the biggest tell of all.
Buddy puts on a nice front but in his letter to Jane he tells her he and Susan had sex before they broke up and saying he never loved her without any regard for what Jane could do with that information and the impact it would have on Susan’s reputation. He doesn’t stand up to his friends when they bully other people. He leaves Hazel to be awkward on her own to be with his friends and while he’s outwardly nice to her in public he uses her as a backup basically someone he’s nice to and friendly with but doesn’t put in any extra effort to include her. Richie had been nice to people outside his group, he showed respect to adults (that weren’t being disrespectful to him) he asked Dot to the dance because she was crying and alone and respected the date enough to not back out when he learned Jane was alone now too.
I respect the hell out of him not flipping his lid on Jane when he’s informed that she and Buddy kissed after he ended things and went straight to “you took advantage of her” for not telling Jane about the election.
I am scared for episode nine and what will happen after he’s let out of jail because we all know Buddy didn’t get arrested and just sent home with a pat on the back. I’m worried that Richie is going to question if Jane is worth it and Olivia being in the state she’s in isn’t going to be impartial.
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hughungrybear · 9 months
Me watching Only Friends Ep. 6
1. It is fascinating how Top can say and act all the right things and still come off as disingenuous to the audience. Hats off to Force's acting, I guess 😅
2. Ngl, I laugh when Cheum confidently said, "We keep our personal lives away from work". 😂 Girl, if you only knew 😅 your friend group is on dumpster fire lol
3. Ah, Nick. I'm still waiting for your devious plays here. So far, all I see is far too many scenes simping over Boston and not enough scorch-the-earth strategies that was hinted in the previous episodes
4. I love, love Sand's mum. Although, since this is P'Jojo, I would get wary that she doesn't live until the end of this series 😅😅😅
5. Pink milk!!! It's been so long since I saw you in a BL lol Also, coffee girl remaining oblivious to the bickering in front of her stall is just 😅😅😅
6. The fvck. So, Sand can be devious too. However, destroying his own phone just so he can get a copy of the voice recording of Top's and Boston's s*xcapade is 🫥 Nick seems to be aware of it though
7. Ah, Sand will be using everyone, including Ray, to get revenge on Top.
8. I see where Boston gets his a**holery. Nick's heart just broke again - but the man is weak when it comes to Boston. Dang.
9. No, Ray. Don't let Boston gaslit you into oblivion 😔. Romantic feelings for Mew aside, real friends don't stay silent when they know their friend is getting cheated on
10. This birthday celebration is freaking uncomfortable lol Even before Ray took the stage, everyone seems to play a part that they are supposed to play. However, Ray should have given it straight to Mew early on instead of trying to destroy everyone else, including himself.
11. Yeah, Cheum screwed up with the fake compliments thingy. At least, they made up. Nick should really get a move on because Boston is a lost cause. So, Mew knew all along and he still let Ray leave to drive drunk and high??? Wtf. With friends like Mew, who effing needs enemies?
12. Still not sure if Mew is a hopeless romantic idiot or a master manipulator with a hidden agenda of some sort. Guess we'll find out next episode.
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love-little-lotte · 7 months
Hamilton Manila 2023!
As a musical theatre girlie who lives far away from the capital city, it's a bit hard to catch artists and musicals when they tour in my country. It can also be quite expensive since I have to pay for my flight and book Airbnbs. But when Lin-Manuel Miranda announced that Hamilton would have its Asian premiere in the Philippines early this year, I promised myself I would not throw away my shot.
I first discovered this musical in the summer of 2016, probably a month before it garnered big awards — including Best Musical! — at the Tonys. Having only heard of Breathe from LMM's other show, In The Heights, back then, I was surprised to hear rap and hip-hop in a Broadway musical. Nevertheless, I was hooked! Every song was catchy, and the lyrics were smart and informative. Satisfied and Helpless became my favorite songs, with It's Quiet Uptown making me cry whenever I hear the four words: "Forgiveness, can you imagine?"
After watching The Phantom of the Opera back in March 2019, I was so excited to go back to Solaire and watch another musical. This time, I was able to enjoy my second theatre experience with my college friends. It seems very fitting that I get to share this moment with them. Back in college, we used to sing songs from Hamilton during breaks and enact the dance from The Schuyler Sisters. We even made a parody of the song Alexander Hamilton when making a presentation about Confucius for our Asian Civilization class!
While Solaire didn't have many different backdrops for photo ops for Hamilton like they did for POTO, my friends and I were still able to take cute pictures!
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As a partnership with UnionBank, they also offer free holographic souvenir cards for the first 140 people (150 on the weekends, iirc), so coming to the theatre four hours earlier is definitely worth it! Here's my card with my friends:
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My friends and I also enjoyed complimentary drinks from Solaire since it was our first time signing up for Solaire Rewards. Don't throw away your shot for free drinks!
Okay, now for the show itself! Although most of my friends were hoping to watch the show in the orchestra seats, we ended up on the balcony. After a while, I realized that Hamilton is certainly best viewed on the balcony since we're able to see the rotating stage more clearly, as well as the incredible choreography and lighting design.
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Here's the main cast we saw on October 31:
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Like most Filipinos, I was hoping to see Rachelle Ann Go as Eliza. "Pinoy Pride" is something of a cheesy inside joke in our country, but hell, I'm so happy to see Rachelle thriving in West End productions, from Les Misérables to Hamilton. Seeing her portray Eliza live was one for the books. She was playful and giddy in Helpless, but she completely broke everyone's heart during Burn. And not to mention, her voice! Her singing highlights include Burn and the last part of Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story. She also shared wonderful chemistry with Callan Purcell, who played Hamilton in this production.
I was so looking forward to seeing Jason Arrow as Hamilton, but I still liked Callan's performance, even if his interpretation was completely different from other Hamiltons I've seen in slime tutorials. I especially liked him the best in Act 1. His "mature" Hamilton may not be that convincing at times in Act 2, but his energy was so infectious as the "ambitious" young Hamilton in the first half.
Another surprise was Kirrah Amosa's Angelica. I've read some comments in the Pinoy Hamilton FB group about her "lacking" portrayal of Angelica, but you know what? I thought she was great! Yes, she's giving more of an "empathetic Eliza" energy instead of the "fierce Angelica" we usually see, but that's what made her performance of Satisfied even more impactful to me. As for the third Schuyler sister, Peggy/Maria Reynolds, Elandrah Eramiha has a honey-like voice, which she completely showed off during Say No To This.
As a Burr apologist, I'm torn with Winston Hillyer's portrayal of Burr. Eliza's my overall favorite character in the show, but for me, Burr is the most relatable and grounded. I wasn't completely disappointed with his performance, but I just didn't think his character was able to "grow" in the second half. He has a very wonderful, crystal-clear voice, though!
Darnell Abraham as George Washington was also a main highlight of the show! Maybe it's because of his rich baritone voice, but I loved his father-son relationship with Callan. His Washington was thoughtful and deeply caring. (And dare I say I like him more than Chris Jackson from the OBC?)
Brent Hill was hilarious as King George, but I can't help comparing his performance with Jonathan Groff's. They both have brilliant comedic timing, but Jonathan's a much more menacing King George, whereas Brent is sassier and maybe even crazier!
Meanwhile, Hamilton's comrades: Marcus John and Trey Curtis, who played Lafayette/Jefferson and Mulligan/Madison respectively, also had so much chemistry with each other and stole the show so many times! Marcus reminded me so much of Daveed Diggs' little quirks in the show, but he was still great in his own way. I've read somewhere that Trey is also a standby for Hamilton and that he's amazing. Sigh... What I'd do to watch the show again and catch him as Hamilton! Julian Kuo was also very sweet as Laurens/Philip Hamilton, which made his death scenes twice as heartbreaking as usual.
Overall, I'm very much satisfied with this Hamilton cast!
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Of course, Hamilton will not be complete without merch! Just like last time, I bought a boat tote bag because, like other Gen-Z kids, I'm obsessed with tote bags. We just can't help it! I also bought a lapel pin, so I can pin it to my other tote bags. I initially wanted to buy the button pin set, but unfortunately, it was sold out. I'm still pretty happy with my purchases, though!
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Four days later, I'm back at home, and I still have post-show blues. I just listen to the OBC recording and the mixtape to keep me company. Maybe I'll rewatch the Disney+ pro-shot again!
Watching Hamilton was a dream come true and an experience I'll never forget anytime soon. I can't wait to watch my next musical again!
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monamourbladie · 9 months
The Man of My Dreams - Blade x Reader (chapter 7)
Who said that the man of your dreams couldn’t be real? After having dreams of the same mystery man for 2 weeks straight, the reader sets off on a journey to find the mystery man known as “Blade” that had been occupying her mind every single night. After realizing that he might actually be a real person, and not just a man she made up, she will finally discover parts of her past that had been long forgotten and locked away. (Originally posted on AO3, which can be read here. Also posted on Wattpad, which is here.)
Chapters Masterlist
warnings: slow burn, slight enemies to lovers themes, fluff, HEAVY angst throughout the entire story (not kidding.), soulmates, memory loss, mutual pining, eventual smut, pwp, renheng themes
Tag List: (@ me to be added) @kimura-uzuri
Extra warning: this chapter specifically doesn't include much x reader in it, but it is important to understanding our backstory!
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Stelle, Welt, and March sprinted after Kafka, Y/n, and Blade as they jumped off the platform. March screamed in fear as she watched her friend get kidnapped before her, forced to jump to her inevitable demise... The group let out a collective sigh of relief when a Starskiff appeared, and they could make out three figures on it disappear into the sky. "W-What just happened?" March cried, looking at Welt for help. There were tears in her eyes, her worry for her best friend evident. Welt let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head, "I don't know, March."
March turned to look at the glorious tree that now shone across the skyline. "Hey... wasn't that the dead tree that Qingque showed us earlier? How did it grow so fast?" she asked, sniffling as she wiped her tears. It was obvious she was trying to distract herself from worrying about her best friend's fate. Tingyun stood beside her, "Whatever it is, it's amazing! This is a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon - I'm beyond lucky to have witnessed it in my lifetime!" she exclaimed excitedly, not understanding why everyone was so worried. "With such an extraordinary energy radiating from it, it must be from the Stellaron," Welt added. "As beautiful as this is, we must let Fu Xuan and the General know what became of Kafka. Fu Xuan left so quickly, I don't believe she knows just yet that Kafka made her great escape."
The Trailblazers set off on a quick walk toward Fu Xuan, with Tingyun leading the way for them. Up ahead, Fu Xuan and the General were already deep in conversation.
"...That is why I'm so worried, General. What I divined... was not what any of us were expecting. It's worrying me greatly. I've never wanted divination to be wrong, but this one...? I'd sleep better knowing I somehow got it wrong," Fu Xuan sighed to the hologram of the General. "Stay calm, Diviner Fu. The Matrix does not lie. The logic you laid out about Kafka makes sense. It's helped me fill in a much-needed piece of the puzzle. The Stellaron Hunters themselves are not the ones pulling the strings. The moment I saw Blade, it was clear to me. But why is he here, and why was the attention of the Astral Express drawn? That's what eludes me," Jing Yuan spoke to her. Fu Xuan glanced up at him, her hand on hip, "Think it has to do with Y/n?" 
Jing Yuan looked amused at her comment. A sly smile appeared on his lips, "I think so. But I don't think that was the full reason." Fu Xuan crossed her arms, "May I ask how you seem to know so much of this woman, General?" Jing Yuan looked away for a moment, deciding if he should explain or not. Before he could answer, he heard March speak up as the Trailblazers walked up towards them, "Yeah! I think we have a right to know - especially since she got taken by Kafka & Blade!" March said frustratedly. Jing Yuan and Fu Xuan both turn to them, shocked. "What do you mean she got taken?" Fu Xuan asked, irritated. 
Stelle shrugged. "After the tree grew, Kafka's shackles broke, and Blade came to rescue her. He saw Y/n, and literally kidnapped her in front of us! I can't believe it!" March huffed. "Not to mention she was stupid enough to run up to him as if they'd known each other all their lives! I feel so betrayed!" she pouted, crossing her arms. Jing Yuan let out a gentle laugh, "Don't feel betrayed, March 7th. Although they are criminals, she will not be harmed. I trust enough of their old selves exist to know that," he replied to March.
Welt looked confused, "What do you mean by 'old selves'?" Welt asked. Fu Xuan looks up at Jing Yuan with a light glare. "Well?"
Jing crossed his hands behind his back as he sighed. "I must be honest with you all. I know things about your friend Y/n that will change your opinion of her permanently. Be it negative or not, I think - seeing as she's been taken - it's important for you to know the true story," he began. "How many of you know about Y/n's true past?"
Nobody said a word. Jing nodded at this and continued. "She is not a human. She is a Vidyadhara that was forced into an incomplete reincarnation cycle, causing her to lose all memory of her previous life. I was close friends with her and her husband Yingxing, in the past. I was in a group called the High-Cloud Quintet. She was close friends childhood friends with the High Elder of the Luofu, the Imbibitor Lunae. I would regularly see her when I was just a young boy. She eventually met her husband Yingxing who was a weapons master. He crafted the blade I wield now." He picked up his sword, showing it to his guests as they listened to his story.
"We all knew they liked each other, we just didn't think their love story would go the way it did. The High Elder, Y/n, and Yingxing would regularly hang out together - they were inseparable. Eventually they got married, and Yingxing chose to retire from weapon crafting. Everything seemed just fine until the Quintet's gathering place was swarmed by a flurry of Mara-Stricken soldiers. These soldiers invaded our home, and the endless army of them nearly destroyed us. We fought them all off, but not without great loss." Jing Yuan closed his eyes, recalling the moment in his head.
"Her husband was stabbed through the abdomen by one of the soldiers in a last attempt at a fight. There was nothing we could do. He passed on." The room was dead silent except for some occasional sniffling from March, who was crying. She felt awful that her best friend had gone through that - losing her husband in such a traumatic way... Jing Yuan looked back at the guests, "But, that didn't stop her. As you know, Vidyadharians possess a rare ability that allows them to reincarnate if something goes wrong and they're about to die. Y/n was able to manipulate her powers - forcing some of her life energy into the body of her husband. This in it of itself wasn't what caused trouble. The High Elder couldn't stand seeing his best friend dead and the other in mourning, so he made a grave decision to fully revive Yingxing. Because of the mixed powers of two powerful beings trying to bring him back, it caused him to become immortal."
Welt was deep in thought as Jing Yuan explained everything. "That explains her past. But how did she forget it all, and think she's a human?" Jing Yuan frowned at this. "This is where I'm afraid the story takes an even more depressing turn. What they did was an immense sin here in the Luofu. They gave a human, a non-long living species immortal life which is strictly forbidden, and is considered one of the highest crimes anyone could ever commit. Yingxing was taken in by my former master, Jingliu, whereas the High Elder and Y/n were arrested. The pair were forced to separately undergo reincarnation cycles. However, before they could be fully finished, their punishment would begin in the form of near-endless torture: manipulating their reincarnation cycles until their bodies were too weak to continue." Jing Yuan swallowed thickly, "I'm aware this is a horrific thing to do to your friend. But it was... the safer option of the two punishments," he said solemnly. "Because of all the reincarnations, both their memories began to fade until they had no idea about who they truly were, or why they were being tortured. Once we were certain that they had sufficiently suffered, they were banished from the Xianzhou and sent off on their own to live their lives as 'humans.'"
March was clinging to Stelle as she cried. This was more traumatic than any of them could've ever imagined, and their friend had no idea she had even gone through any of that. "W-what happened to Yingxing?" March asked softly. "He became Blade." March and Stelle looked at each other in pure shock. "S-So... she wasn't exactly kidnapped - she just was trying to find her husband again?" March asked. Jing Yuan nodded, "I believe so. I believe she's started to piece together things about Blade and made the connection in some form herself. If you noticed her pendant, she still wears and had kept her jade pendant - her wedding symbol to Yingxing. I'm unsure if Blade still has his, but if he does, then that should be the final clue for her."
"Is it possible for her past memories to be regained?" Welt asked. "And if so, is it dangerous to remind her?" Jing Yuan let out a heavy sigh, "I am unsure. This punishment has only been used a total of 4 times in all of our history, her and the Imbibitor Lunae making up 6. I suppose, since she is already on her way to remembering things about her late husband, it wouldn't harm her to know the full truth. However, she is still considered to be an enemy of the Xianzhou, and should be treated as such. But due to her helping us with the Stellaron Hunters... I can put in a good word to have her banishment lifted - if it is what she requests."
Jing Yuan then turned to Tingyun, "Miss Tingyun, I would like you to continue to guide our Astral Express friends." Tingyun bowed her head, "Yes, General. I am duty-bound," she replied. "I would like you to investigate the Alchemy Commission next, and afterward, make your way towards Scalegorge Waterscape. Both are adjacent to the Ambrosial Arbor's seal, and may have our answers. Through this Ambrosial Arbor is how we gained near-infinite life spans. Before this, however, we only lived a mere hundred years." he let out a soft chuckle at the absurdity of only a mere hundred years to live. "Now, I believe this location would be a solid place for the Stellaron to be. Fu Xuan will guide you on your way to your next location."
"Thank you for the information on our friend, General," Welt said sincerely. "It is refreshing to know the full truth about our once mysterious friend." He let out a soft sigh, "Now if only the same could be said for Dan Heng..." He muttered under his breath.
Fu Xuan walked forward, "Pursuing Kafka will be a waste of our effort. We will get Y/n back eventually, but they are not a priority now. Her innocence in this is evident from the Matrix. Our priority is the Ambrosial Arbor." Fu Xuan motioned for the guests to follow her, "I have a Starskiff prepared for you already. Please follow me."
As they walked, March scurried up ahead to Welt. "Mr. Yang, is Y/n going to be okay? Should we try and peel off to rescue her?" she asked cautiously. "As much as I want to say yes, we have to trust the General's judgment. He knew Y/n in the past. He, out of anyone here, would know if she's truly in danger. Fu Xuan knows Kafka is - shockingly enough - innocent in all of this. I'm sure Blade taking Y/n has only to do with them wanting to figure out their past." March frowned, but nodded solemnly. "And I trust you - so... let's just get this done fast so we can get our friend back."
March pulled out her phone to text Y/n. "Hey - I hope you're okay. Be careful around that dude okay??? and come home soon! I already miss you :("
Message not received. 
Welt let out a soft laugh, "Kafka isn't stupid enough to not disable her phone in case she tries broadcasting their location to us. Unfortunately, this means we will have zero leads on our friend for some time." March huffed as she set her phone back in her pocket, "Damn Kafka. I knew this was a bad idea to come here!"
"You voted yes?" Stelle said to March, her brows furrowed. March scoffed, "Well, I changed my mind. Again. Okay?" She crossed her arms. "We all make mistakes!"
"Well, regardless - we have a job to do, so let's finish this so we can rescue her sooner," Welt said to March. With that, the Trailblazers entered into the Starskiff, and were off to the Alchemy Commission.
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pxrtalchopped · 2 years
So Shell Feed
three: ✧ the lair
summary: you dropped the pizza. and these dudes weren’t lying?!
parts: One || Two || Three (you’re here!) || Four
WHOOPS I’m so terribly sorry I’m doggie doo-doo at posting on tumblr. I have an easier time publishing on AO3, Wattpad and Quotev because I’m more used to those platforms omfg HI GUYS WELCOME BACK TO THE STORY!
April looked back at her phone, rereading the conversation she just had with Donnie.
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     She sighed as she locked her phone, turning towards you with a crooked grin.
     "Well, they're okay with you stoppin' by for a repair! We just gotta get some pizza first and then we'll be on our way to the... well... their home!"
    Her voice was wavery, similar to a tone you'd use to convince someone of a lie.
    You couldn't say you were excited to meet these guys. They were funny and charming, but they were a little bit cooky. And although you lived in new york, you knew life was not as exciting as these five made it look.
    "Oh, goody, I'm starving!" You responded back with the same unconvincing tone. "Uh... just - clarifying, I'm not buying, right?"
    "Oh no, I can pay!" she laughed. "I work at Albeartos, we can head there! I get a 50-cent discount! Yayyy..."
Sheesh. Poor April. But, she did choose to work at Albeartos, so you couldn't feel too bad.
    You ended up ordering two pepperoni pizzas since it was a general favorite for all of them, including you. And although you sounded a little sarcastic earlier, you weren't lying: you were absolutely starving.
    You hadn't had a single bite since lunch! You even forgot to bring a snack for after school! You were just hoping you could sneak a slice right as you walked through the doors of the apartment before your stomach made it known just how hungry you were.
    "Are we getting close?" April was in front of you, pizzas in hand, and muttering to herself quietly with tense shoulders. The only reason you asked out of the blue (apart from nearing the 'starving to death' stage) was because she had quite literally led you two down an alley, and your red flags were blaring.
    "HUH?!" She snapped out of her nervous daze and turned to you quickly. "Oh! Uh... yeah! Yeah, we're super duper close! Actually, um... we're here!"
   You looked at her with a forlorn expression. You felt betrayed - not because you thought there was an ambush about to pounce on you or anything, but because you figured out another pathetically embarrassing excuse for her behavior.
    This all must have been some stupid prank on you. Leading you to the middle of nowhere like you're about to hang out with a group of friends who'd taken you in so suddenly.
    Of course, they wouldn't have welcomed you with open arms! This friend group must've been built for years and you just pop into their group chat and shake things up?
You're such a buffoon! They're probably huddled against the windows of the buildings beside you, recording you with bellowing laughter.
   Your face reddened in humiliation. "Seriously...? You went all this way for some stupid joke?" Your voice broke a bit, which caused you even further grief. Now she knew you were actually hurt by the joke. How pathetic.
    But she looked shocked, then confused, and then came her grin again. Wavery, but not pitiful or mockingly.
    "What? No, there's no joke sweetie, I'm being serious! It's just that... well... the entrance is a bit unconventional."
    Her voice trailed down, as well as her gaze, leaving you to follow. She stepped back from her spot, revealing a manhole.
    Living... under... New York.....
    They couldn't have been... serious, right?
    "No way," you whispered.
    April gave you an unsure laugh. Now it was her turn to be embarrassed, though it was only because of your response terrifying her.
She could literally see the chances of you being her future friend plummeting to the ground.
    "Um... you're fine with ladders, right? It's a bit of a climb down."
    Okay, so here you were. Climbing down a long ass ladder while simultaneously balancing one of the two pizza boxes on your head.
    You could already feel soreness creeping into your neck, so you spent the time down coming up with choice words to say to these lunatics living in the sewers of New York.
    'Why in the WORLD are you living down here!? Isn't it smelly? I mean I haven't smelt anything horrible yet but I'm sure you'd have to acquaint yourself with the neighboring rats and cockroaches which is already a dealbreaker! Sure, there's no noise from the traffic outside, and you don't exactly have to pay any tenant because no one knows you're down here, and I'm sure this place has some crazy acoustics..... actually, can I move in?'
    Okay, internal dialogue, maybe we should stop thinking ahead and remember you're supposed to be viciously salty right now.
    'They're fixing your phone for free?? Wtf???'
    ....Internal-dialogue has been making a lot of good points, actually.
You took a few deep breaths as you neared the bottom of the ladder, and as your feet finally touched the ground you immediately took the time to crack your back and neck, and stretch your body.
Jesus, that was a workout.
    "Alrighty! Sorry, that was a lot of work, but just stay here for a second and I'll go round up the gang," April picked up both boxes of pizza and started to head towards the entrance of the lair before sharply stopping and turning back to you from the heels of her feet.
    "Um," her voice raised, and she gave you a squint.
"Even though I've been told you're already aware of the... 'situation', try to keep an open mind and uh... don't freak out, 'kay? They're good people, trust me. The best people you'll ever meet."
    'Even though they aren't exactly... people...' mumbled April's mind. And then she left.
    The only noise that filled your ears was quiet. Quiet except for the slight ringing of your tinnitus, or maybe the occasional drips of water puddling onto the floor. You could hear a muffled hum of music coming from a room far from you.
    This place seemed a lot more lit up than you figured the sewers would look. You couldn't see much from where you were, as the ladder ended with a tunnel leading out to the rooms April ventured off to, but if you peered through enough it seemed a lot more... spacey than you would have imagined.
    You thought about the movie 'Meet the Robinsons,' particularly the scene where the blonde kid was told to stay put in a strange area he knew nothing about - and completely ignored the command.
    Should you do the same? How much trouble would you be in for just taking an innocent peek at the place?
    You hadn't realized you were thinking about this while you were already moving out of the hallway, and a soft gasp escaped your lips when you neared the entrance to what looked to be a living room.
    You looked to your left and saw a projector, a recliner, and a large screen laying flat against the wall. Next to that was a shelf littered with trinkets, and in the middle of the room was a bunch of bean bags, lounge chairs, and a coffee table littered with empty cans and boxes of aging Chinese food.
    Yuck. You went through the doorway on the right and it took you to the kitchen, where you found opened cabinets, some more drinks left unfinished, and the pizzas you and April brought in, not yet opened.
    You quickly hurried to grab a slice, first looking around for a napkin or paper plate to use, which you successfully found without rummaging through the shelves.
You didn't want to overstep too many boundaries, after all.
    Taking a bite of the pizza, you hummed delightfully in relief. And the pizza was soooo good, too! There's nothing better than eating delicious food, especially when you're starving and you're ready to just take what you can get.
    "What?! She was just here?! I don't... where did she go? I TOLD her to stay right where she was!"    
    "Ring ding ding, add a point to the 'Donnie was correct' board, that's tally mark number 24 to 15, boys: one more and you all have my chores for a week!"
    Oh. You heard April's panicking voice as well as another... fake-sounding, nerdier voice faintly coming from where you just left.
    Not wanting to get in trouble, it was probably best for you to return to the hallway from before.
    .....Buuuut, maybe bringing the pizza would do some good with your apology. You grabbed a box and headed out of the kitchen.
    As the voices got closer, as well as the entrance to the hallway, you peeked around the corner cautiously only to be met with the backs of four tall monsters and April, who seemed to be extremely calm for the insanely startling appearances of her company.
       You meant to start off with a greeting, as no one was able to notice your quiet appearance yet, but you choked on the pizza in your mouth, and in your hand...
    ....Well, you dropped the box, accidentally letting the remaining slices jump out and fall around the floor.    
    But a greeting nonetheless, right? Everyone turned toward you with a shocking jolt, and from there you could make out faces that were just as inhuman as their backsides.
    The four green humanoids all wore bandanas and matching color schemes.
    The tallest of the group was sharp, more angled, and brooding.
A snaggletooth peeked through his pointed, and smaller, snout - and he wore a red bandana covering half of his entire face.    
    To the left of him was a purple-clad creature, adorning a mask similar to the red ones except for this time he had what looked to be... drawn on eyebrows?
Disproportionate goggles rested atop his head and a bulky backpack or... shell, hung from his shoulders and down his back. His magic staff was pointed cautiously towards you.
    Then there was the smallest of the four, almost reaching April's height and wearing stickers and graffiti on his (what you wanted to call) costume.
He was waving at you with three fingers and a bright, tooth-gapped grin on his face. He wore tangerine hues on a thinner bandana along his eyes.
    It reminded you of those vigilante superheroes.
    The last creature had a bit of sass and character to him. There was a way about his stance that alluded to nothing but confidence and charisma, his hip jutting out to rest his hand against and in the other, a sword that he lazily draped over his shoulder.
He wore blue, with a bandana pointing upward and eyes that squinted at you mischievously.
    "Well, someone's a whole lot cuter than I expected. And let me tell you guys, I definitely expected her to be cute."
    "Whaaat? The silence was killing me. Someone had to say something!"
    You wanted to scream but your throat hurt from almost dying on chewed pizza. So instead, you stayed put, completely frozen in fear.
    "Guys, I think she's scared of us?" The smallest creature spoke gently, noticing your frightened nature and giving you a look of worry.
    His statement made the eyes of the tallest's soften, and he slowly walked up to you.
"Uhh... You're MC aren't ya? I thought you knew by now, we told you...?" He stopped talking, voice trailing off in confusion.
    They told you what? That they lived in the sewers? Yes, that's fine, something that isn't entirely crazy you supposed. They definitely did not tell you that they were sea monsters!
    ....Monsters.... mutations....
    "....You're.... turtles....!" Your revelation caused a gasp to leave your lips, and your eyes widened comically. "You were being serious! I didn't... of course, I didn't think that - it's really true!"
    "Actually these are costumes we expertly crafted for the nearest science convention. I rested in a bath of green sharpie water for several hours to give my skin this natural swampy luster," the purple commented sarcastically.
    April walked up to you with her hands in her pockets, nervously grinning. "Welllllll... I did say to keep an open mind. Uh.... Surprise?"
    You couldn't say you were scared anymore now that you realized you weren't in any real harm.
    They were being honest with you from the very beginning, and the only thing that made sense to you right now was that nothing made sense to you, at all. And it was supposed to be that way!
    You had so many questions. So many things to say all at once that it honestly made your brain hurt. No wonder they were suspicious of you, they were in the sewers because they were hiding! There wasn't a single human in sight except for April!
    "MC, I'm so glad to finally meet you! It felt like ages waiting to see what you looked like!" The youngest one marched up to you with arms spread out in a hug, completely forgetting to ask if you were comfortable with him even touching you.
    "It's me! Mikey! I'm the one that added you to the group chat!" He grinned, squeezing you excitedly.
You could hear April from behind him quietly shout, "Hey, Mikes, give them some space!" but the youngest turtle decidedly ignored it.
    "....You know what, I totally forgot that we didn't introduce ourselves," mumbled the blue one, nudging red with a bashful blush.
    It gave Red the courage to step up to you only slightly (he knew his size must be intimidating, especially with first appearances), and held out his arm, gesturing to everyone in the room. "I'm Raphael, or Raph for short. I'm 'like_a_boss' in the group chat. I wasn't sure if you could tell or not, haha."
Suddenly his mannerisms became very shy when he realized his name wasn't his user, and a pink hue grew under his mask.
    "This here's Donatello, or Donnie for short, he's... um." The red continued introducing everyone else, but he seemed evidently embarrassed to say the word 'booty' to you, so he took a detour.
"He's the mean one in the group chat."
    Donnie's arms crossed and he rolled his eyes, "I have every reason to be protective over my inventions, thank you. It's nothing personal, except for the fact that it ENTIRELY IS..."
At the end of his sentence, he glared a sharp, accusatory look at you.
    You gave him a guilty frown. Mikey nuzzled his head along your cheek.
    "No need to introduce me, I'm the best at my own introduction, mkay?"
The last to be introduced swatted an arm past Raphael, sauntering his way over to you in catlike strides that shuddered with only a hint of underlying nervousness.
    He turned his body to you from the side, giving you an angled look, packaged neatly with a dazzling, half-lidded smirk.
    "The name's Leonardo, but you can call me Leo." It took absolutely everything in his power not to say 'you can call me anytime,' but again, for your honor, he held himself back.
He knew this must've been overwhelming for you, and he was right guessing so.
    "Um... Okay, you guys already know me as MC..." You shuffled awkwardly, nervousness slipping from your chapped lips.
     "But, um, you can call me ____."
    "Okay, ____, I hope that wasn't the only box of pizza you brought, because although the three of them are totally game for eating floor pizza, I am very much not."
    "Don't expose us so early on, Donnie!!!" 
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jrob64 · 2 years
Blow Me Away (A CS Modern AU One-shot)
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Happy birthday @apiratewhopines​! It’s a week late, but I hope it was worth the wait! Thank you to all of you who have already shown interest in this story.
After having a discussion with Beth about what it would be like to see Killian Jones as a glassblower in a hot shop, I was determined to write a story about it for her. It includes a short guest appearance by one of her favorite characters, Marco, and something else at the end that she always loves for me to write. Oh, and see if you can recognize the quotes from my favorite CS scene ever!
Please forgive any errors in describing the glassblowing tools and process. Like Emma, all I know about it comes from YouTube videos and the Netflix competition show Blown Away. If you have an interest in glassblowing, I highly recommend watching that show!
Special thanks to @cs-rylie​​ for her encouragement and help with plotting, and to the lovely @hookedmom​​, who cleaned up my messes as usual.
Story Summary: For her birthday, Emma Swan's friends give her lessons for glassblowing, something she has always wanted to do. Once she meets her instructor, Killian Jones, both of them feel the heat from more than just the furnaces in the hot shop.  
Rating: M (for smut)
Words: 12,929
Also accessible on ffn and Ao3
“Happy birthday, Emma!” Elsa, Ruby and Ashley shouted, then broke into the birthday song as Mary Margaret brought the cake in from the kitchen.
Emma Swan smiled broadly at her small group of friends, trying to convey her appreciation to each one of them. Growing up, she rarely had friends. Being in the foster care system meant she lived a transient life, not giving her many opportunities to develop close relationships. Now, at twenty-eight, she was finally putting down roots in the scenic little town of Storybrooke, Maine.
Her best friend Mary Margaret Blanchard brought Emma to her hometown after they both graduated from a culinary academy in Boston. Soon after settling there, Emma and Mary Margaret made their dream of owning a bakery together a reality, naming it Fairytale Confections. Emma handled the duties of working the counter, custom designing the cakes and decorating them, while Mary Margaret took the orders and did the baking. Since neither of them were interested in taking care of the accounting, they hired Mary Margaret’s friend, Elsa Arendelle, who also did the finances for her aunt’s ice cream shop, Any Given Sundae, located beside the bakery.
Mary Margaret introduced Emma to her other childhood friends, Ashley Boyd and Ruby Lucas, too. The group of friends welcomed Emma into their circle with open arms. Ashley was the housekeeper for the only hotel in Storybrooke, owned by Ruby’s grandmother. Granny also owned the town diner where Ruby worked as a waitress. When the bakery opened, she convinced Granny to buy baked goods for the diner from her friends.
It took Emma a while to get used to being part of a close-knit group, but after more than five years, she was very comfortable in their midst. The surprise birthday party was at Elsa’s house and it warmed Emma’s heart to see how much planning they put into it. A large, hand painted banner that stretched across the archway between the kitchen and living room announced ‘Happy 28th Birthday, Emma!’, streamers and balloons hung from the ceiling, and Emma’s favorite Rocky Road ice cream, bought from the ice cream shop, waited in the freezer. The birthday cake had been secretly baked by Mary Margaret and resembled Emma’s beloved yellow Volkswagen.
“You guys didn’t have to do all of this,” Emma declared, as she had done every year they gave her a party, though secretly she loved each one. The only other birthday party she’d ever had before coming to Storybrooke was at one of her foster homes when the mother’s birthday was two days after Emma’s, so they had a party for both of them at the same time.
“Of course we did!” Mary Margaret chirped as Ruby lit the candles on the cake. “You deserve special treatment on your birthday. Now, make a wish and blow out the candles.”
Emma swept her eyes around her group of friends, lingering on each of them for a few moments. She could feel herself getting a little emotional and was relieved when they all started inciting her to hurry.
“We’re not getting any younger here,” Ashley teased.
“Blow them out already!” Ruby chimed in, while Mary Margaret encouraged, “Close your eyes and make a wish.”
Emma smiled so hard, her face began to ache. “I don’t think I need to wish for anything,” she said.
“Sure you do,” Ruby grinned. “You need a big, hunky, stud of a man in your life!”
Emma folded her arms and fixed her with a glare. “I do NOT need a man. I’m perfectly happy without one.”
“Happy, but unsatisfied,” Ruby remarked, her grin growing even wider.
“You two can argue later,” Elsa interjected. “The candles are going to melt all over the cake if you don’t blow them out soon.”
Emma nodded, closed her eyes briefly, then opened them and extinguished all but three of the twenty-eight candles with one blow. Her friends clapped and cheered as she blew out the remaining candles and straightened up, beaming at them.
Ashley retrieved the ice cream from the freezer and began scooping it out onto the Autumn themed cake plates, while Mary Margaret cut the cake into generous pieces and added them to the plates. The tight circle of friends talked and laughed, enjoying the cake and ice cream at the small dining room table. They expounded on Ruby’s suggestion to wish for a hunky man by naming off the list of single men in Storybrooke.
Emma accepted it all good-naturedly until Mary Margaret mentioned Leroy, the grumpy town handyman. “Really? How desperate do you think I am?” she groaned.
“He seems gruff, but he’s just a big, old softy,” Mary Margaret said.
“Not gonna happen,” Emma assured her emphatically, while her friends laughed.
When they finished eating, Emma sat back in her chair, rubbing her belly and licking the last of the yellow icing off of her lips. “That was delicious, Marg,” she praised, using her favorite nickname for her friend. “And Sarah’s Rocky Road is always the best, Els.”
“I know,” Elsa sighed. “Having easy access to ice cream is nice, but it’s also very fattening.” She patted her jean clad thighs for emphasis.
“Oh, like you need to worry about that,” Ashley scoffed. “I’m still trying to get the last ten pounds of baby weight off and Alexandra is almost four months old.”
“You look great. We can’t even tell you had a baby,” Elsa said, while Emma, Mary Margaret and Ruby nodded their agreement.
“Tell my stretch marks that,” Ashley groaned.
“Time for presents!” Mary Margaret redirected, rising from her seat.
“Actually, it’s just a present,” Ruby corrected. “We all went together and got you one big gift.”
Mary Margaret set a small box wrapped in orange paper with a yellow bow in front of Emma, then sat back down and clasped her hands in anticipation. “Oh, I really hope you like it!”
Emma picked it up, surprised at how light it felt, and pulled the bow off the top. “I’m sure I will.” Carefully removing the shiny, foil paper, she found a white box that looked like it could contain a necktie. Upon lifting the lid, she discovered a plain white envelope. “Did you guys give me a million dollars?” she joked, taking the envelope out of the box and beginning to lift the flap.
“In your dreams,” Ruby smirked.
Emma laughed as she finished opening the envelope and drew out the gift certificate tucked inside. Reading it, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.
“Do you like it?” Elsa asked anxiously.
“You…you bought me glassblowing lessons?” Emma managed to ask through her shock and surprise.
“Yeah, Marg went online and found a guy in Portland who offers them at his glass shop,” Ashley explained.
“I know you’ve always been interested in it,” Mary Margaret added.
“And you’re like, obsessed with that Blown Away show on Netflix,” Ruby threw in.
“So, do you like it?” Elsa asked again.
“Are you kidding? I LOVE it!” Emma exclaimed.
Ruby pointed to the corner of the certificate. “We paid for ten lessons. By that time, you should be an expert and will be making glass sculptures like Dale Chihuly!”
Emma gaped at her. “I didn’t even realize you knew who he is or the name of the show!”
“Yeah, well, maybe you’ll start giving me credit for paying attention to my friend’s interests now,” Ruby snarked.
Giving her the side-eye, Emma said, “I thought you only paid attention to my interest in men.”
“Now you know I’m not one-dimensional,” Ruby shot back good-naturedly.
“All you have to do,” Elsa broke in, “is call the number on the certificate to set up the lessons. The instructor’s name is Killian Jones.”
“Killian? That’s an unusual name,” Emma commented.
“I know, right?” Ashley said. “I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone with that name.”
“He sounds hot,” Ruby smirked.
“Of course he’s hot. He blows glass in a hot shop around furnaces all day,” Emma snickered.
Ruby clicked her tongue. “You know what I mean, Emma Swan. He’ll probably be shirtless and glistening with sweat…”
“Please don’t turn this gift into one of your perverted fantasies,” Mary Margaret chastised.
“The man named his shop ‘Blow Me Away’. It literally has blow me in the name. Besides, it’s not my fantasy, it’s Emma’s,” Ruby pointed out.
Emma rolled her eyes. “It’s definitely not mine. I don’t care what the instructor looks like, I’m just really excited to get started with these lessons!”
Bright and early Monday morning, Emma put a call through to Killian Jones. She was prepared to set up her first lesson, but was not prepared for the deep, accented voice on the other end of the phone.
“Blow Me Away, Killian Jones at your service.”
Emma gulped. “E-excuse me?” she stuttered, then facepalmed as she remembered ‘Blow Me Away’ was the name of the glass shop. “Uh…I mean…hi. My name is Emma Swan and um, my…my friends gave me glassblowing lessons for my birthday and I just called to, um…I wanted to…”
“To schedule those lessons, lass?” Killian asked, his voice tinged with humor.
She blew out a frustrated breath. “Yeah. Sorry about that, I just…I wasn’t expecting you to be British.”
He chuckled. “I do hope that isn’t a problem.”
“Oh, no. Not at all,” she assured him.
“That’s good to know, Ms. Swan.”
“Miss,” she spat out quickly, then amended herself, “I mean, Emma. You can call me Emma.”
“Very well, Emma. Now, when were you thinking about beginning your lessons?”
The way her name sounded rolling off his tongue rendered her momentarily tongue-tied again. “Uh…wh-when is a good time for you?”
“I’m here every day, so it’s really your schedule we should work around. Do you live in Portland?”
“No, I live in a little town called Storybrooke. You’ve probably never heard of it.”
“On the contrary, I’ve sailed into the harbor there a few times. It’s a lovely place.”
“It really is. I love it. My friend Mary Margaret and I own a bakery here. She’s the one who found your shop online and ordered the gift certificate for lessons.”
“The next time I go to Storybrooke, I shall have to find your bakery to appease my sweet tooth,” Killian said.
Emma smiled at his vocabulary. The man sounded like he just stepped out of the 1800’s. “You should. It’s called Fairytale Confections and it’s right beside the ice cream shop.”
He groaned, the sound of which caused her stomach to do a little flip. “Ice cream and cake. That’s truly not fair.”
“Sorry,” she laughed. “Anyway, I sort of sidetracked the conversation, Mr. Jones”
“If I’m to call you Emma, please call me Killian.”
“Okay, Killian. As far as the time, I’m free most evenings and all day Sunday when the bakery is closed, but you’re probably not open then.”
“Lesson times are flexible, so I would be more than happy to give them on Sundays, if that works for you.”
“Okay, great!”
“How many lessons were you given?”
“In that case, would you be amenable to having two lessons a week? Otherwise, they’ll run into the holidays when I’ll be in England for a few weeks to visit my brother and his family.”
“Sure. The bakery closes at two on Wednesdays, so maybe later in the afternoon?”
“Would four o’clock work for you?”
“Yeah,” she confirmed. “What time on Sunday?”
“You call it, Swan,” he said.
“How about one o’clock, Jones?” she replied cheekily.
There was a pause on the other end before he spoke again. “My apologies, Emma. I’m used to calling my assistants by their last name since three of the four are named Joe, including one who is a woman.”
She laughed lightly. “I was just teasing. I really don’t mind at all.”
“To answer your question, one o’clock on Sunday would be fine. Is this Wednesday too soon to start?”
“No, that’s perfect. I’m very excited to learn the art of glassblowing. It has always intrigued me.”
“Very good. Do you have the address of my shop?”
Emma looked at the paper in front of her again. “Yeah, it’s on the gift certificate. So I guess I’ll see you Wednesday at four.”
“Aye, see you then, lass.”
Emma ended the call and sat looking at her phone with a dreamy smile on her face. She would never admit it, but if his voice was anything to go by, she might have to agree with Ruby’s assessment that he was hot, in more ways than one.
As she drove to Portland Wednesday afternoon, Emma worried her bottom lip between her teeth. She was excited but also nervous, not only about learning something new, but also about meeting the man behind the sexy voice. She had actually dreamed about him the night after their conversation on the phone, as if her subconscious was trying to put a face with the voice that was still echoing in her ears.
Parking her bug in front of the warehouse her GPS declared was her destination, she drew in a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. Then she grabbed the gift certificate off the seat, flung her car door open and stepped out.
She approached the building and pulled open the creaky metal door, looking around as she entered, but not seeing Killian Jones. Smiling at the glassblowing equipment spread around the large space, she mentally named things she recognized from watching the Netflix show and numerous YouTube videos.
Turning her attention to several blown glass pieces sitting on a table beside the door, she carefully picked them up one-by-one to study them.
“You must be Emma Swan.”
The words spoken close behind her startled her so much, she almost dropped the beautiful aqua colored bowl she was holding. Letting out a gasp, she quickly set it back on the table and turned around, saying, “Oh, I didn’t know you were…”
Her words trailed off as she got a look at her instructor. Her first thought was that her dream of him didn’t do him justice, and her second was that his looks certainly equaled the sexiness of his voice. He appeared to be about her age, was a few inches taller than her, with dark, disheveled hair, a strong, scruff-covered jaw, piercing blue eyes and a gleaming white smile. His hands grasped both ends of a towel slung around his neck, making his biceps bulge under the sleeves of his tight, white T-shirt, the V-neck allowing her to see dark hair peeking out.
While he waited for her to speak again, he used the end of the towel to wipe away the sweat on his forehead. A few strands of hair flopped down over it once he finished and her hand inadvertently reached forward, intending to brush them away. Suddenly realizing what she was doing, she jerked her hand back and ran it through her own long, blonde hair instead.
He looked at her with his head cocked and a raised eyebrow, his roguish grin convincing her he knew the effect he was having on her. She cleared her throat and said, “Uh, yeah. I’m Emma.” Holding out her hand, she added, “It’s nice to meet you, Killian.”
He took her hand, squeezing it lightly as he shook it. “Likewise. Have you been waiting long?”
“Not at all. I just got here and was admiring your work,” she said, sweeping her arm toward the glass works on the table. “They’re very good.”
“Thank you,” he replied with a smile. “Hopefully, by the end of your lessons, you’ll be able to make some nice pieces, too.”
“That would be great!” she said, her voice bubbling with excitement.
“Shall we get started?” he asked.
“Oh, do you need this?” She held out the crumpled gift certificate.
“Aye,” he said, taking the paper, folding it and sticking it in his back pocket. Then he gestured for her to go ahead of him.
“You didn’t check it. Are you just gonna take my word for it that it’s worth ten lessons?” she asked teasingly.
“Well, you haven’t lied to me thus far.”
She turned to look at him over her shoulder and saw the smirk on his face. She was enjoying the banter with him and already felt at ease.
Touching her on the shoulder, he stopped her in front of a large furnace. “How much do you already know about the art of glassblowing, Emma?”
“Well…I’ve watched every season of Blown Away on Netflix and quite a few YouTube videos. Does that count?” she asked, with a hint of embarrassment.
“Of course it does. I’ve watched them myself. Let’s see if you can identify some of the tools of the trade.”
As he led her around the shop, she was able to name many things he pointed out, such as the furnace containing the molten glass, the glory hole, where glass in the process of being blown was reheated, and the annealer, in which glass projects were placed to cool slowly.
He also asked her questions about the process of glassblowing to get an idea of what she knew and didn’t know. She impressed him again when she talked about gathering the glass with a blowpipe, rolling it on the steel marver table and rolling it in ground glass called frit to give it color. In addition, she correctly identified the majority of the tools he had laid out on the bench.
“You obviously know most of the important terms and equipment already, Swan,” he praised when they finished the tour. “Now you just have to actually do some glassblowing yourself. Are you ready?”
“Absolutely!” she answered.
Killian handed her a pair of safety goggles, then he demonstrated the procedure, calling on her to help him from time to time.
“That’s the basic process,” he said when he finished. “How would you like to try it for yourself?”
“Really? You think I could do that already?” She was nearly bouncing on the balls of her feet with anticipation.
“Of course, and I’ll be here to guide you. First, choose a color of frit and then I’ll help you do your first gather.”
She went over to the table to look over the color selection and chose green.
“Excellent choice. Go ahead and pick up your blowpipe.”
She did as directed and went to stand beside him in front of the furnace.
“Now, I’m going to open the door and then I’ll help you, okay?” he asked.
Emma nodded and held the pipe the same way he held it during his demonstration. He slid the door to the left a few inches then stood behind her to guide her hands. “Place it on the bottom edge of the door and start turning it clockwise,” he directed. When she did, he put his right hand behind hers on the pipe, helping her slide it into the molten glass. “Keep turning. That’s good. Start pulling it back, but don’t stop turning.”
With him standing so close, she felt heat that she knew was from more than the furnace. Between his looks, his voice, the way he listened to her, and how he made her feel important, he had an unmistakable effect on her.
When she had the blowpipe clear of the furnace, she was excited to see the blob of orange at the end of it. “I did it!” she exclaimed.
“Yes, you did,” he agreed, closing the furnace door. “Now, roll it on the marver and then in the frit.” Reaching around her, he adjusted her hands on the pipe, surrounding her with his presence, though she could tell he was being careful to leave space between their bodies.
He patiently walked her through the entire procedure until she created a perfectly round orb and placed it in the annealer.
“Unfortunately, it takes about four hours for it to cool down completely, so you won’t be able to take it with you today,” he informed her.
“That’s okay. I’ll get it on Sunday when I come back for my next lesson.”
“I’m very happy to hear you’ll be back. I was hoping you would enjoy it enough to want to continue all of your lessons.”
She beamed at him. “It was incredible! I can hardly wait until next time. What will we make on Sunday?”
He grinned at her enthusiasm. “Perhaps you’d like to try making a paperweight or a Christmas tree ornament?”
“Either one sounds good to me!”
Glancing up at the clock on the wall, she remarked, “I didn’t realize what time it was. I probably stayed past my allotted lesson time, didn’t I?”
“I don’t set a length of time for my lessons,” he assured her. “I’d rather just go with the flow of it, than to cut it off when we reach a certain point in time. I’ve really enjoyed working with you today, Emma. You catch on very quickly and appear to be a natural.”
“Maybe that’s because you’re a great teacher.”
He rewarded her with one of his smiles that made her feel a bit weak in the knees. “Perhaps it’s both.”
“Well, thank you again, Killian. I’ll see you Sunday.”
“I’m looking forward to it.”
She started to walk toward the door, but suddenly thought of something. Turning to face him again she said, “Hey, if you wouldn’t mind, could you take a picture of my project and send it to me once it’s out of the annealer? I want to show my friends that I actually made something today and I’d like to have proof.”
“Of course,” he replied. “Could you put your number into my phone? The one you called to set up the lessons was for the phone in the office.”
He pulled his device out of his back pocket, unlocked it, pulled up his contacts and handed it to her. Once she finished, and handed it back to him, he took a look at it. “Swan, huh?” he smirked.
“I told you I didn’t mind you calling me by my last name. Besides, I wouldn’t want you to confuse me with another Emma.”
He nodded as he tucked the phone back into his pocket. “Drive safely, Swan.”
Throwing him one more smile, she turned and walked out of the building.
Killian stared at the exit long after Emma left, not really seeing the metal door with the chipped paint, but remembering the lovely woman who just walked through it. After hearing her voice on the phone, he had spent more time than he would like to admit trying to imagine what she looked like, but no image that flitted through his mind the past few days could compare to her actual beauty.
He was glad it took her a while to gather her thoughts when she first laid eyes on him, because his first glimpse of her left him a bit speechless, too. Spending nearly two hours with her only made her more attractive to him. She was witty, easy to talk to, and a fast learner. When he stood close to help guide her, it was very tempting to move even closer, but he restrained himself. He didn’t want to offend her or make her uncomfortable in any way. For all he knew, she could have a boyfriend.
That possibility didn’t keep him from admiring her, though. After she chose the color of frit for her project, he couldn’t help thinking how it would perfectly match her beautiful eyes. He almost told her so, but decided to keep the comment to himself, unsure of how she would accept it. The memory of those eyes sparkling with excitement was going to remain with him in the coming days.
Taking out his phone again, he looked down at her contact info with a smile, thinking about her last statement. He didn’t think there was a chance he would confuse her with any other Emma. She was definitely one-of-a-kind.
He traced his finger over her name on the screen, then locked the phone and stuck it in his pocket, before turning to go back into the shop. He could hardly wait until Sunday.
“How was your first lesson?” Mary Margaret eagerly asked as soon as Emma answered her phone. She had just walked through the door of her small loft apartment and marveled at the innate sense of timing her friend seemed to possess.
“It was great! I loved it, and already learned a lot. I made something, but I had to leave it in the cooling oven, so Killian said he would send a picture of it to me when it comes out. I’ll send it to you once I get it.”
“Okay. Tell me about Killian! He must be a good teacher if you already learned a lot. How old is he? Is he nice? What does he look like? ”
There was a brief silence after she finished asking her questions. “Are you done?” Emma laughed.
“I’m sure I’ll think of more later, but that’s all I have for now,” Mary Margaret replied, humor coloring her voice.
“Okay, let me see. Yes, he’s a very good teacher. He explained everything while he demonstrated the process and then guided me through it when I did it myself. I’m not sure how old he is, but I would estimate him to be around my age. And he is very nice. He put me at ease right away.”
“And…” Mary Margaret prodded.
“And what?” Emma asked innocently.
“Answer the last question.”
“What question was that?”
Mary Margaret heaved a sigh. “Seriously, Emma?”
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself,” Emma snickered. “He…he’s the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen, Marg. Dark hair, scruff, dimples and the bluest eyes you can imagine.”
“So Ruby was right! He is hot!”
“Hot and sexy,” Emma confirmed. “But I really don’t look forward to Ruby finding that out.”
Mary Margaret laughed. “I don’t blame you! She more than likely won’t let you alone until the two of you are married!”
“Oh, god,” Emma groaned. “Maybe she’ll forget I had my first lesson today.”
“Fat chance,” Mary Margaret giggled.
As if to prove her point, Emma’s phone buzzed with a text. Glancing at the screen, she groaned even louder. “Just got a text from her that says ‘How was your lesson with Mr. Hottie?’ How long do you suppose I can ignore it before I answer?”
“If you don’t answer, she’ll be pounding on your door very soon.”
“Ugh, fine. I’ve gotta go. I’ll send you the picture as soon as I get it.”
“Good luck. I’ll be listening for her scream when she finds out Killian is good looking.”
“I think I’ll just tell her he’s old and ugly.”
“You really think that will work?”
“Of course not. She should have been a police detective with her knack for interrogating people and making them confess,” Emma sighed. “Talk to you later, Marg.”
As soon as she ended the call, she responded to Ruby’s text.
E: The lesson was great.
R: Details.
E: I made a green glass ball.
R: More details.
E: It was fun!
R: You’re testing my patience.
E: I learned how to use the glory hole.
R: Glory hole? Now we’re talking. Were you horizontal or vertical at the time?
E: It’s a glassblowing term - an oven where you reheat the glass.
R: Whatever you say. Tell me about Killian.
E: He’s a good teacher.
R: What did he teach you? The Horizontal Mambo?
E: Ruby!
R: Ugh, fine! Is he hot?
E: Well, the furnaces are close to 2000 degrees, so it’s hard not to be hot.
R: If you don’t give me a direct answer Emma Swan, I’m coming over there to drag it out of you!
E: He’s very handsome.
R: I knew it! Did you ask him out?
E: Of course not!
R: But you are seeing him again, right?
E: Did you forget you gave me 10 lessons? I’ll see him at least 9 more times.
R: When is the next one?
E: Sunday afternoon.
R: Then you have a few days to plan how to ask him out.
E: You’re impossible.
R: And you love me for it. (smiley emoji)
E: I don’t know about that, but I do love you, Rubes.
R: I know. I’m adorable.
E: (rolling eyes emoji) I’ll send you a pic of what I made today when Killian sends it to me. It had to cool down so I wasn’t able to bring it home with me.
R: Ooh! He has your phone number and you have his! Finally, a step in the right direction! You now have the ability to send him sexy photos!
E: Ugh! I’ve gotta go, Ruby. Talk to you later.
R: Alright. Go daydream about your man.
When Emma entered the glass shop on Sunday afternoon, she saw Killian sitting on one of the benches, speaking to an older man with a fringe of white hair around his otherwise bald head. Curious, she quickly strode across the concrete floor to where the two men were sitting.
Killian looked up as she approached and stood to greet her. “Hello, Emma. How are you today?”
“I’m good, thanks,” she replied, her eyes flicking over to the other gentleman, who was looking at her with a broad smile and twinkling eyes.
“I’d like to introduce you to someone,” Killian said, leading her over to where the man was now standing. “This is Marco Pinetti. He taught me everything I know about glassblowing. Marco, this is my newest student, Emma Swan.”
“Ah, yes, Miss Swan. Killian has told me about you and your potential to be an excellent glassblower,” Marco said, taking Emma’s hand warmly between both of his.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Pinetti,” Emma said sincerely.
“Mr. Pinetti makes me sound like an old man! Please call me Marco.”
She chuckled. “Okay, but only if you call me Emma.”
“Marco stopped in to visit and I asked him to stay to watch your lesson, if you don’t mind,” Killian said.
“That’s fine,” she replied, then turned toward Marco again. “Please just remember this is only my second one.”
Marco patted her on the shoulder. “We all have to begin somewhere, my dear, but from what Killian has told me, you catch on very quickly.”
She glanced at Killian and saw the proud smile on his face. Her face heating from the blush creeping into it, she said, “I’m ready whenever you are.”
As the lesson went along, Killian was just as attentive and helpful as he was the first time. Marco ended up staying for the entire two hours, and by the end, she had a multicolor paperweight and a Christmas ornament cooling in the annealer.
“Do you have any advice for her, Marco?” Killian asked.
The older man scratched at his beard in thought. “Follow your instincts and don’t be afraid of making a mistake. Glass is fragile, yes, but pieces can always be remade. Experiment with it and have fun.”
Killian was nodding his agreement, while Emma soaked in the master glassblower’s words.
“Killian was right - you are a quick study,” Marco went on. “You have a knack for the art and I’m very happy you’re pursuing it.”
“Thank you, Marco,” Emma beamed, while Killian looked at her with pride.
The next month passed in a blur and far too soon, Emma was having her final lesson with Killian. She not only learned a great deal about the techniques of glassblowing, but had gotten to know her instructor much better, too. She really liked him, and was pretty sure the feeling was mutual.
It was all she could do to keep her hands off of him during their lessons. There was just something so enticing about watching him manipulate the glass, the muscles of his arms flexing with a light sheen of perspiration covering them. His knowledge, expertise and the easy way he explained things were also attractive qualities to her.
They texted one another daily. At first, it was just about the lessons, but eventually, they began sharing personal information with each other, discovering that they had many common interests.
When her final project, a plate with swirls of color, was put into the annealer, Killian turned to face Emma. “You have been a pleasure to teach, Swan. I’ve never taught anyone with more natural ability.”
Emma dragged the back of her wrist across her forehead to wipe away the sweat, but also to hide her blush at his praise. “Thank you, Killian, but I think it was because of your teaching that I learned so quickly.”
Killian scratched at a spot behind his ear, dropping his eyes to the floor. “It’s also been very nice getting to know you. I’m going to miss our time together.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, “but just because my lessons are over, doesn’t mean we can’t still text each other.”
“You’re right, it doesn’t,” he grinned. “I, uh, I was wondering if you might like to go get something to eat while you’re waiting for the plate to cool. That way, you won’t have to make another trip into Portland to pick it up.”
She answered with a smile. “I’d really like that.”
They spent the next three hours enjoying each other’s company at Killian’s favorite diner on the outskirts of Portland. When Emma finally checked her phone, she couldn’t believe how much time had passed. She usually had trouble carrying on long conversations with most people, but it was easy with Killian.
“I guess we should go back to the shop so I can pick up my project and get on the road,” she said reluctantly.
He drained the last of the water in his glass. “I suppose it is about that time.”
He paid the bill, after insisting it was his treat, and they both got into his SUV. Emma found a radio station playing Christmas music and sang one song after another all the way back to the shop, Killian joining her after the first song. Once they arrived, she collected her project and carefully set it on the floor of the passenger side in her car, tucking a blanket around it, before turning back to him.
“Well, this is it,” she said with a sigh.
“It, uh, it doesn’t have to be,” he said, stepping closer to her. “You’re welcome to come blow glass with me anytime, Swan.”
Emma grinned, thinking about how Ruby would twist his words to become something dirty if she was here. “You’re right. I can always buy more lessons.”
He reached out to take her hands. “You wouldn’t have to buy them. I thoroughly enjoy working with you and I’m telling you the truth when I say you show a lot of talent. Please consider this an open invitation to come here any chance you get.”
“Thanks, I would really like that,” she assured him.
They stood with their hands still linked for several moments, until Killian broke the brief silence. “Emma, I…I would like to see you again…I mean, besides you coming to the shop. Would you be interested in going out with me?”
She answered without hesitation, “Yes, Killian. I would be very interested!”
His grin stretched across his face. “Fantastic! Will Wednesday still work for you?”
“Absolutely! I’ve been sure not to schedule anything on Wednesday evenings, so that will work just fine.”
“Wednesday it is, then,” he said, giving her hands a squeeze. “I know of a place just outside of town that has a drive-through Christmas light display. Perhaps we can take it in after we have dinner together?”
“That sounds perfect. Do you want me to drive over here?”
“No, lass. It would be bad form to make you drive here and back by yourself. Please allow me to pick you up at your place.”
“That’s very gentlemanly of you.”
“I’m always a gentleman.”
“I’ve noticed,” she said softly. “I’ll text you my address.” Pulling her hands out of his, she ran them up his arms to rest on his shoulders. Gazing into his eyes, she saw the same desire she was feeling herself and pushed herself up to her toes to meet his lips with her own.
She felt his quick intake of breath and nearly pulled away, thinking she was being too forward, but in the next second, he responded by sliding his lips against hers. As her arms wrapped around his neck, his encircled her waist and pulled her closer.
Emma didn’t make a habit of kissing men. In her experience, she found most of them to be forceful and controlling with their kisses, not caring if it was enjoyable for her. Killian’s kiss shattered all of her qualms as he let her set the pace, gently caressing her lips instead of crushing them.
He lightly teased the seam of her lips with his tongue and she allowed him entrance. His hands spread across her back, holding her firmly but tenderly, and she sighed with contentment.
Resting her forehead against his when they separated, she licked her lips and smiled. “I hope you didn’t mind me doing that.”
His chuckle rumbled in his throat. “In case you didn’t notice, Love, I most assuredly did not mind. I've wanted to kiss you since the first day we met.”
She pulled away and looked at him with wide eyes. “Really?”
  He nodded slowly without breaking eye contact. “Aye.”
“In that case…” she said, before initiating another leisurely kiss, enjoying the feel of his hands moving up her back and into her hair. Using them to tilt her head, he deepened the kiss, but kept it soft and undemanding.
This time when the kiss ended, she forced herself to step back. “I, um, I guess I should go.”
“I…” he started, his voice a bit shaky. Clearing his throat, he tried again. “I suppose so. I’ll see you on Wednesday.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Emma said smiling, before turning to move to the other side of her car.
Killian hurried around to open her door, responding to her appreciative smile with a flirtatious smirk. After she settled into her seat and fastened her seatbelt, he leaned in to brush his lips across hers one more time, then closed the door and tapped his knuckles against the window. She started the engine, shifted into gear and gave him a little wave.
Before she pulled out onto the street, she looked in her rearview mirror to see him rubbing his fingers over his lips with a slightly dazed look on his face.
After Emma’s yellow bug disappeared, Killian stood in the parking lot for several minutes, lost in thought. He had been truthful when he told her he wanted to kiss her since that first day she walked into his shop, but to have her initiate it was a very welcome surprise.
He rubbed his fingers against his lips, wanting to hold onto the feeling of kissing Emma Swan for as long as possible. He’d had many first kisses, but he was hoping this would be his last first kiss. He was completely under her spell, and found he didn’t mind at all.
Their date on Wednesday lacked all of the usual first date awkwardness as they shared easy conversation and genuine laughter throughout the evening. At the end of the date, after another languid kiss at Emma’s door, neither of them wanted to say goodnight. He finally tore himself away once they decided to go out again on Saturday.
They enjoyed four more dates before Killian went to England to visit his brother, promising to stay in touch with her during the weeks he was gone. Emma was disappointed they couldn’t spend the holidays together, but saw how much he was looking forward to being with his family after months of being separated, and was happy for him. The night before he left, she kissed him sweetly and told him to have a wonderful time, determined not to be one of those girlfriends who got weepy over saying goodbye. Just thinking of herself as Killian’s girlfriend made her smile and she knew no matter how long he was gone, she would be there waiting for him when he returned.
“I found her,” Killian told his brother Liam when he picked him up at the airport.
“Found who?” Liam questioned, looking over his shoulder before changing lanes.
“Her. The one. The woman I want to be with for the rest of my life.”
Liam glanced over at his brother. “Are you being serious?”
“Aye, very much so,” Killian said. “Her name is Emma Swan and I met her when she was given glassblowing lessons with me for her birthday. She’s…a bloody goddess, Liam. I think I’m in love with her.”
“When did you meet?”
“Six weeks ago.”
“And you’re already saying you’re in love and want to spend the rest of your life with her?” Liam asked skeptically.
“You of all people should understand, brother. I remember you coming home after seeing Belle at Uni, telling me you met the woman of your dreams.”
“That’s true, and I wasn’t wrong, was I?”
“No, she’s the love of your life, and I think Emma may be mine.”
A smile spread over Liam’s face. “I’m very happy to hear it, Killian, and I’m sure Belle will be, too.”
Killian grinned and settled back into his seat for the rest of the ride to Liam’s house.
“It’s your turn to open a present,” Emma declared, handing one to Ashley. “I had your name this year.”
The friends were gathered at the house Mary Margaret shared with her boyfriend, David, on the Sunday before Christmas. They had a tradition of drawing names for gifts, then exchanging them after making dozens of Christmas cookies. Now, the pizza they ordered was eaten and they were all a little tipsy on the margaritas Mary Margaret kept mixing up.
Ashley tore the paper off the box, lifted the lid and let out a squeal of excitement over the scented bath beads, bottles of her favorite lotion and a gift certificate for three massages. “I love it! Thank you, Em!”
“I figured you could use some pampering - being a wife and mother, and working full time.”
“Definitely. The closest I get to pampering these days is putting a new Pampers diaper on Alexandra!”
Her friends burst into laughter over her statement, then Ruby stood up to collect her gift from under the tree. Emma looked up when she stopped in front of her and held it out. “I got your name, you lucky dog.”
Emma bit her lip. “Am I going to like it?” She knew her friend had a penchant for giving slightly outrageous gifts. The year before, she had given Mary Margaret some racy lingerie that made her blush madly when she opened it, along with a very nice electric tea kettle.
“Of course you are! I mean, I couldn’t wrap Mr. Hottie and give him to you, which was my original plan, but I’m sure you’ll still like it,” she said, with a toothy grin.
Taking a deep breath, Emma removed the wrapping paper from the large box. When she opened the flaps, she found a body pillow with a photo of Killian on it. Her jaw dropped and she could feel her cheeks growing warm.
“Now you can sleep with him every night, at least until he gets back home. Then you can sleep with the real thing!” Ruby crowed.
“Where…how…how did you even get a picture of him?” Emma asked, still a bit stunned. “This looks like the one I took at the airport before he left.”
“It is! You should know better than to leave your phone unattended around me,” Ruby cackled. “So…do you like it?”
Emma stood and held the pillow up in front of her to get a better look at it. She had to admit it was a thoughtful gift, and having a tangible reminder of her boyfriend in her bed every night was quite appealing. Looking over at her friend, she said sincerely, “Yeah, I do, Rubes. It’s really great! Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Oh, there’s something else in the box.”
Emma sat back down and looked in the box, then covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.
“What is it?” Elsa questioned. All of her friends stood up to get a better look.
Ruby reached into the box and held the box of thirty-six condoms aloft. “I thought I would get you a week’s supply!” she laughed.
Killian was really enjoying the time with Liam, Belle and their children, Adrian and Elizabeth, but he was also missing Emma more every day. They called, texted or FaceTimed regularly and it got harder and harder to say goodbye at the end of their conversations.
Three days after Christmas, once everyone else was in bed, the brothers were sitting in the lounge, sipping rum in front of a crackling fire. Liam observed his brother staring into the flames and could tell his mind was far away. “You’re thinking about her again, aren’t you?” he asked.
Killian startled a bit, then sheepishly grinned before raising his glass to his lips. “Aye, is it that obvious?”
“I can always tell when you get that dreamy look on your face. You look like a love sick puppy.”
“Just how many love sick puppies have you ever seen in your life, Liam?” Killian deflected.
“Enough to know you look like one,” Liam snarked. “You’ve got it bad, brother.”
Killian threw back the rest of his rum and set the tumbler on the coffee table. Rubbing his hands on his jeans, he took a moment before answering, “Being away from her this long has proven I love her. I can hardly wait to see her again.”
Liam nodded and stared into the amber liquid he was swirling around in his glass. After several moments, he said softly, “Then don’t.”
Looking up at him, Killian asked, “What do you mean?”
“You have an open-ended ticket to fly back, so you can return any time. I heard you tell her the other night that you wished you could be with her for New Year’s Eve. Why don’t you fly home and surprise her?”
“Are you trying to get rid of me?” Killian chuckled.
“Of course not, you git. We love having you here, but Belle and I both go back to work January 2nd and you weren’t planning to stay once we do that anyway. Why not go back a couple of days early and spend the first day of the new year with the woman you so very clearly love?”
Killian sat forward in his chair, rubbing his scruffy chin in thought. “You truly wouldn’t mind?”
Liam stood and strode over to him, placing his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “We love you, Killian, and we will happily have you with us for as long as you choose to stay. But if you decide to go back and can catch a flight, we will understand. After all, you’ve already done an excellent job of thoroughly spoiling your niece and nephew.”
Grinning, Killian pulled his phone out of his pocket and brought up his internet browser to check for available flights back to the States.
“Are you sure you don’t want to join us tonight, Emma?” Mary Margaret asked for at least the fourth time that day.
“I am not going to be a fifth wheel at a New Year’s Eve party where everyone will have a date,” Emma replied. “I’m looking forward to being in my pajamas all evening, eating popcorn, drinking hot chocolate and watching Netflix. I’m sure Killian will call to wish me a happy New Year, probably around seven, when it’s midnight in England, and I don’t want to miss it.”
Mary Margaret gave her a smile and pulled her into a hug. “Okay, but if you change your mind…”
“I won’t. Go have a good time and don’t worry about me. Even if Killian’s not here, it’s my first New Year’s with a boyfriend and I’m happy.”
Emma checked her phone for what felt like the thousandth time that evening. When Killian hadn’t called at seven o’clock, she thought maybe he was just celebrating the New Year with his family, but now it was ten and she was beginning to think he had forgotten all about calling her. She tried to tell herself he might be waiting until midnight in her time zone, but that was unlikely since it would be five AM in England.
She pulled up his contact info on her phone numerous times, but kept herself from clicking on it since she was sure he had to be in bed and didn’t want to wake him.
As she was trying to concentrate on the third episode of The Devil in Ohio, cuddling up to her body pillow, there was a knock on her door. Sighing, she grabbed the remote to pause the show, and crossed the room, mumbling, “I told you not to worry about me, Marg.”
Pulling the door open, her legs nearly gave out when she saw her boyfriend standing in front of her. “K-Killian?” she squeaked.
“Happy New Year, Love.”
“Killian!” she cried, throwing herself into his arms. “How…oh, how are you here?”
“Liam convinced me to come back home to you,” he explained, letting out a joyous laugh when Emma started peppering kisses all over his face.
She stopped her onslaught to ask, “I mean, what?”
“You know, Liam, my older brother, he sent me…”
His words were cut off when she tugged him to her and kissed him soundly, only pulling away to say, “I don’t care. I don’t care how you’re here, I’m just glad you are.”
“So am I,” he grinned, hugging her tightly and swaying their bodies back and forth.
Once they finally ended their embrace and moved inside her apartment, she looked down at herself, her cheeks flooding with color. “Here I am in my pajamas, no makeup, my hair a mess. I look terrible.”
“You look stunning, Swan,” Killian assured her. “I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight.”
“Charmer,” she giggled, running her hands up his chest to loop her arms around his neck.
“Just telling the truth, Love.”
Emma brushed her lips over his. “I missed you.”
He wound a loose tendril of her hair around his finger, gazing into her eyes. “I missed you, too. So much so that my brother called me a ‘love sick puppy’ and suggested flying back to be with you for New Year’s.”
“Love sick puppy?” Emma questioned. Her heart began to hammer in her chest, wondering if she was reading too much into the phrase.
Killian dropped his gaze and scratched behind his ear, before looking back up at her with a warm gleam in his eyes. “Aye, love sick…because I’ve fallen in love with you, Emma.”
Her responding kiss was an acceptance of his declaration, and when it ended, she breathed, “I love you, too.”
More kisses followed, both of them trying to convey their newfound feelings to the other. After a while, Emma became aware of Killian putting some space between their bodies. She tried to pull him against her again, but he resisted and the reason suddenly dawned on her.
“If what we’re doing is…affecting you, you don’t have to try to hide it, you know. It doesn’t make you any less of a gentleman,” she whispered. “And besides, you’re not the only one affected.”
His desire-filled eyes met hers. “I…I don’t want you to…think I’m pressuring you into anything…”
“It’s not pressuring if I want the same thing.”
“Are you sure?”
“See, this is how I know you’re different from most other guys. The second they hear a girl is interested in going to bed with them, they jump at the chance, instead of asking if she’s sure,” Emma smirked.
He rubbed the back of his neck as the tips of his ears turned red. “I just want to make sure we’re on the same page.”
“Trust me, we are.” He wrapped his arms around her again, and she pressed close to him, feeling his arousal against her belly. “I think making love for the first time would be a great way to ring in the New Year, don’t you?”
“Aye, Love. This New Year promises to be the best one ever, and showing you how much I love you would be an excellent way to start it.”
She beamed at him, gave him a quick kiss, then picked up the remote to turn off the television.
“What is this?” Killian asked from behind her.
Turning to see what he was talking about, her cheeks heated immediately. He was standing there holding her body pillow wearing a puzzled look on his face.
“That,” she said, “is my Christmas gift from Ruby.”
“Is it indeed? Well, I like this Ruby already! Have you been sleeping with it?”
“Yes. Are you jealous?” she teased.
“Of myself? Perhaps just a bit,” he admitted.
“Well, you don’t have to be anymore, because tonight I’ll be sleeping with you.” She took his hand and began leading him toward her bedroom. “Come on, I’ll show you the other present Ruby gave me.”
They entered her room and Emma dropped his hand to remove a small pile of clothes from her bed. Dropping them onto a cedar chest in the corner, she said, “I hope my messiness isn’t a deal breaker.”
“Not a chance,” he answered, glancing quickly around the room to take in her personal touches. He saw a few of her glass projects sitting on her dresser, and it made him smile remembering when she made each one.
“The bedding is clean. I just washed it yesterday, but I guess you don’t really care about that,” she said, turning down the top sheet and blanket. She knew she was rambling, but she was beginning to feel a little nervous about being with him for the first time.
“Hey,” he said, taking hold of her hands to still them, “breathe, Swan. Let’s take our time and let this happen naturally. There’s no reason to rush or force things to happen, okay?”
She brought her hands up to fiddle with the buttons on his shirt. “I love you,” she breathed.
His answering smile lit up the room. “And I, you. What do you say we get rid of some of these clothes?”
“Sounds good to me,” she agreed, pushing his coat over his shoulders and hearing it land in a heap on the floor. Next, she began unbuttoning his shirt, while his fingers found their way under the hem of her pajama shirt, caressing the soft skin he encountered.
His shirt soon joined his jacket and Killian sucked in a breath as Emma slid her hands over his chest, her thumbs skimming over his nipples. She felt his hands glide up her sides, taking her top with them. She lifted her arms, allowing him to remove it completely and saw his eyes darken with desire as he drank in the sight of her bared breasts.
“Absolute perfection,” he murmured, his hands moving to palm them. She bit her lip as his fingers stroked over her sensitive skin. After several moments of admiration, his eyes shifted back up to hers, then his hands were framing her face, his head dipping to kiss her. It was gentle and unhurried, and she could feel herself relaxing with every sensual sweep of his tongue.
When he pulled her closer, she gasped as her taut nipples came in contact with the coarse hair on his chest, causing her nerve ends to tingle. His hands made their way down her back and inside her sleep pants to massage her ass, making a moan escape her mouth.
She knew his hands could work magic; she had seen them as he manipulated glass. Now she was eager to feel them on every inch of her body and she told him so.
“With pleasure, Love,” he grinned. He began by ridding her of her remaining clothes, then urging her to lay back on the bed. She watched him sweep his eyes over her body, noticing the hunger in them as he took her in. “Emma, you are exquisite,” he breathed, his voice awestruck.
“Please touch me, Killian,” she pleaded, her hands reaching for him.
He obliged immediately, gliding his hands up her calves and over her thighs. His thumbs brushed over her mound, but continued over the curves of her body, stopping to caress her breasts. His body followed the movement of his hands, straddling her until he was hovering over her.
When his lips closed around one of her nipples, her back arched into him. Then his voice buzzed against the skin of her throat. “I want to find out what feels good to you, so don’t hesitate to tell me what you like, okay?”
“Mmhmm,” she replied, her eyes closing, already on her way to a state of bliss.
Killian was eager to touch his beautiful girlfriend in all her intimate places and discover the things that brought her the most pleasure. He shifted to her side and dragged his hand down her body again, nudging her legs apart when he reached them. “Are you alright with me using my fingers?” he asked in a low voice.
“Y-yeah,” she said, widening her legs.
He stroked his fingers through her folds. “You’re already so wet, Love,” he murmured into her ear, watching her bite her lip as she nodded jerkily in response. Continuing his ministrations, he began rubbing his thumb over her bundle of nerves, taking note of how her hands gripped the pillow behind her head.
Slowly, he eased a finger inside her, the heat of her channel welcoming him immediately. Adding a second one, he began to stroke her steadily. The quivering of her legs and the moans she was emitting assured him she was thoroughly enjoying what he was doing. He knew she was right on the edge when her hips lifted off the bed and she rasped out his name in a wrecked voice. Leaning down, he sucked her clit between his lips and that was all it took to bring her to climax.
When he began teasing the nub with the tip of his tongue, he felt her hands gripping his hair and lifted his head to look up at her. “Do you want me to stop?”
“Hell, no,” she groaned. “That feels amazing!”
He grinned and ducked down to continue paying attention to her clit as he removed his fingers from inside her, bringing a gush of her arousal with them.
Feeling her hands loosening in his hair, he sat back on his haunches and waited until her eyes opened, glazed with pleasure. “Alright there, Love?” he asked.
She licked her lips before answering, “Yeah, and just so you know, I enjoyed that.”
“Did you really?” he said teasingly. “I’m glad you clarified that.”
“You’re awfully smug, Jones,” she said, trying and failing to sound miffed. Pushing up to her elbows to look at him, she added, “And you’re also far too clothed. It would bring me great pleasure to see you completely undressed.”
“As you wish, Milady.”
He removed his shoes, then getting off the bed, he unbuckled his belt and quickly removed his jeans, socks and boxer briefs. He knew Emma was watching him intently and heard her intake of breath when he stood naked before her. “See something you like, Swan?”
Emma was sure he would be impressive, and she definitely wasn’t disappointed. As he climbed back onto the bed and laid down beside her, she reached for him, stopping just short of touching him.
“You want me to tell you what feels good and I want you to do the same, okay?”
“Okay” he promised.
She took him in hand, stroking and squeezing his cock and feeling it grow harder as she did. He started pressing kisses to her throat and shoulder, murmuring words of encouragement and pleasure into her skin.
After a few minutes, he reached down to still her hand. “Don’t take me too far,” he requested in a strained voice. “I want to be inside you when I come.”
Taking his face between her hands, she kissed him sweetly. “I think it’s time to show you the other gift Ruby gave me.”
“Now?” he questioned.
She giggled. “Yeah, just wait.” She pushed off the bed and crossed the room to her dresser, pulling open a drawer to retrieve the box of condoms.
Turning around, she held it up to show him and he barked out a laugh. “Well, I do have to admit I didn’t come prepared, so I’m very happy you have good friends.”
Opening the box and removing one of the foil packs, Emma said, “She told me this was a week’s worth.”
“I like the way she thinks,” he smirked, as Emma joined him on the bed again. Tearing open the package, she met his eyes in an unspoken question and, at his slight nod, carefully rolled the condom into place.
Killian gently pushed her onto her back and moved over her, palming her breast with one hand, while his other cupped the back of her head to tilt it to just the right angle for him to plunder her mouth. Her hands scratching down his back, along with her needy, throaty sounds, had him as hard as he had ever been in his life. He felt her shifting underneath him and soon he was cradled between her thighs, his cock rubbing deliciously against her wet heat.
Their hands continued to roam, caressing and squeezing, while their mouths stayed connected in a searing kiss, punctuated by nips and panted words of desire. He began lightly rutting against her, trying to gauge her readiness by her reaction. Soon, she wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him to her tightly, and he got his answer.
He wordlessly encouraged her to loosen her legs enough for him to reach between them and line himself up. Pushing into her slowly, he watched her face for any sign of discomfort, but all he saw was pure bliss and love.
When he was fully seated, he dropped his forehead to her chest, trying to keep himself from listening to his body, which was telling him to take her hard and fast. Her legs once again gripped his hips and he could feel her nails digging into his back.
“Killian,” he heard her murmur into his hair, “feels so good, but…please move.”
Raising his head, he kissed her briefly, then pushed up to his elbows and started thrusting shallowly. He wanted to savor the feeling of being inside the woman of his dreams; the woman he loved, and who loved him. It was almost overwhelming.
Emma had never experienced more pleasure in her life. She felt like every nerve ending was sparking, shooting heat throughout her body. Killian fit inside her perfectly, like he was meant just for her. Her pelvis raised off the bed as she met him thrust for thrust, her hands scrabbling for purchase on his back.
She didn’t know how long she could last as the pace picked up and his strokes went deeper. Then his rhythm stuttered as he pulled back to look at her and she nearly came completely undone from the look of utter adoration in his eyes.
“I love you,” he panted.
“I love you, too,” she responded. “Now, make me come.”
Grinning, he set about doing just that, and in no time at all, she was falling over the edge, ripples of intense pleasure moving through her body.
Killian felt her climax pulsing against his cock and couldn’t hold back any longer, joining her in a blissful state of euphoria. Not wanting to put his full weight on her, he rolled them over until she laid on top of him, their chests rising and falling together as they tried to catch their breath.
Her smooth, soft skin was a magnet for his fingers, as he drew abstract designs into it. He could easily spend hours holding her against him, feeling her breath on his neck, her hair tickling his arms and her legs tangled between his own. He couldn’t remember ever feeling so sated and content.
Emma didn’t want to move. She wasn’t sure she was even capable of moving since she finally understood what it meant to feel completely boneless. Words failed her, but she didn’t care. Resting her head on Killian’s chest, she could hear his erratic heartbeat and knew this was exactly where she wanted to be.
The comfortable silence stretched on for several minutes, until she felt him brushing her hair away from her face. She lifted her head to meet his gaze. “Hey,” she whispered.
“Hey, yourself,” he mumbled lazily. “Happy New Year.”
She looked at the digital clock on her bedside stand. “We still have forty-five minutes to go.”
“I’m claiming it early because everything feels like a new start with you. I know it’s very soon to be thinking about this, and I don’t mean to upset you, but I can see a future with you, Emma. A happy one.”
“That doesn’t upset me, Killian. For the first time in my life, I can picture being with someone in a committed relationship. I’ve always said I don’t need a man to be happy, and I don’t, but I think I can be even happier with you.”
He barely had time to answer her statement with a smile before she was kissing him, sweet and slow, sealing their declarations about their future.
After cleaning up and putting on the bare minimum of clothes - Killian in his boxer briefs and Emma in his discarded button-down shirt - she reheated some leftover spaghetti for him. He had barely eaten since having lunch with Liam and his family. He merely picked at the meal on the flight, his stomach churning with thoughts of how she would react to his surprise.
“Oh, hey,” Emma said, “can I take a picture of the two of us? I want to send it to my friends. They were worried about me spending New Year’s Eve by myself.”
“Of course, but if they asked you to do something with them, why didn’t you, Love?”
“Because I was convinced you would call me when it was midnight in England and I didn’t want to miss talking to you.”
“So I disappointed you.”
She got up from her seat and circled around the table. Standing behind him, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. “You definitely made up for it, my love.”
After collecting her phone from the living room, she resumed her spot behind him, wiped a bit of sauce from the corner of his mouth with her finger, and took a selfie of the two of them. Adding the caption ‘Look who came all the way from England to surprise me for New Year’s’, she sent it to her friends in their group chat.
She didn’t expect to get immediate responses since it was only a few minutes before midnight, but Ashley’s reply appeared within a few seconds.
A: OMG Emma! That’s fantastic! I’m so happy for you!
E: Thanks! Why did you answer so fast?
A: We had to come home early because Alexandra got sick.
E: Oh no! Hope she feels better soon.
A: She seems fine and is already asleep. I think she just missed mommy and daddy.
E: That’s good. Well, Happy New Year to all of you!
A: Happy New Year to you and your man too!
Emma couldn’t help the ridiculously wide smile that crossed her face at her friend’s last statement. Her man. She had a man, and not just any man. The sexiest, sweetest, most handsome man she’d ever met…and he loved her.
Checking the time on her device, she noticed it was 11:58. “Do you want to watch the ball drop?” she asked Killian.
“Sure, then we can officially welcome in the New Year.”
They sat down on the sofa and she quickly found a TV station where they could watch the countdown, which had already started. When it got to the final ten seconds, Killian took her hand and squeezed it as they chanted the numbers together. As the huge, glittering ball reached the bottom and lit up with the New Year, they embraced one another and shared a passionate kiss, only pausing to exchange I love you’s before diving back in for more.
Emma had pushed him back on the couch and was trailing kisses down his throat, when her phone started buzzing on the end table. She ignored it, until he asked, “Are…aren’t you going to get that, Love?”
She sat up and looked at him. “Do you want me to?”
“Whoever it is will probably continue to call until you answer it,” he reasoned.
Emma sighed and grabbed the buzzing phone. Seeing the name on the screen, she rolled her eyes. “It’s Ruby.”
He grinned at her consternation while she swiped across the screen. “Hey, Rubes.”
“GIRRRRRRLLLL!” Ruby screeched and Emma pulled the phone away from her ear with a pained look on her face. “Mr. Hottie showed up at your door? And he CAME all the way from England! He must be the most prolific lover of all time!”
“Oh, good grief, Ruby! Why do you always make everything sexual? And why are you calling me? Shouldn’t you be sucking face with Graham?”
“I already did and he knows he’ll get hot Ruby love later, but I saw your text and had to call! Did you make good use of my gift to you? Please tell me you’re already well into your week’s supply!”
Emma’s face felt hot and she knew it was beet red. “He’s only been here a couple of hours.”
“And your point is…?”
“Look, Ruby. I’m glad you’re happy for us, but I’d rather not share our, um…personal details.”
Ruby’s loud laugh came through the phone. “You just answered my question, Emma Swan. If you didn’t want us to know you did the deed, you should have made sure he wasn’t naked when you took the picture.”
“He wasn’t…” Emma started, then looked at her shirtless boyfriend. He grinned back at her, rubbing his fingers against his bare chest. “Okay, he was semi-naked, but that doesn’t mean that we…”
“Of course it does. You’re not gonna convince me he flew in from a whole other country to spend New Year’s Eve with you and all you did was shake his hand.”
“You know what, Ruby? Why don’t you go give Graham some of your hot Ruby loving now. I’m hanging up. Happy New Year!”
“And a very, very Happy New Year to both of you, too. Now, go do some more celebrating!”
They received congratulatory messages from Mary Margaret and Elsa soon after and by that time, jet lag and a day of international travel had taken its toll on Killian. Emma ignored his protests of wanting to follow Ruby’s instructions and dragged him off to bed, where he promised to make it up to her in the morning, then fell asleep in her arms within minutes.
He was true to his word, waking her up in the most pleasurable way eight hours later, the two of them celebrating until their growling stomachs finally drove them out of bed at noon.
The new year brought lots of changes to the couple, along with more happiness than either of them had ever known. Killian met Emma’s friends and their significant others, and was soon comfortable being part of the group. He spent many nights at her apartment and within a few months, most of his clothes were in her closet and his toiletries littered her bathroom.
Emma became a regular at Killian’s glass shop, while still staying busy at the bakery. Even though he was thrilled to spend so much time with her, he worried about the amount of back and forth driving she was doing in her old VW. One day in May, he surprised her with the announcement that he rented a warehouse in Storybrooke and was moving his shop there. She protested at first, not wanting the more isolated location to hurt his business, but he assured her his online sales were booming and that people would be willing to drive a little further for lessons, which proved to be true.
When he started looking for an apartment in Storybrooke, Emma suggested he move in with her instead, and he happily agreed. Once he had his shop up and running at the end of July, they moved the remainder of his belongings into her place.
In September, Liam and his family flew in to visit Killian and meet Emma in person. She had seen them through his phone screen on several FaceTime calls and already felt accepted by them. By the end of their week-long visit, her place in the family was cemented when Liam referred to her as the sister he always wanted.
Mary Margaret, who was newly engaged, was convinced Killian was going to propose at Christmas, so when he didn’t, Emma tried not to be disappointed. She really wasn’t in any hurry to get married, but after her friend planted the thought in her head, it began to take root.
Their plans for New Year’s Eve were to have dinner at their favorite restaurant overlooking the harbor and then attend the annual party at the town hall with their friends. That evening, Killian called her thirty minutes before their reservations to tell her he was delayed waiting for several orders to be picked up by the parcel service, and would meet her at the restaurant.
She blew out an exasperated sigh and sat down on the couch to wait until it was time to leave. Twenty minutes later, she buttoned her winter coat over the red, form-fitting dress she was anxious to reveal to her boyfriend, grabbed her handbag, and threw the door open.
It was like deja vu. Killian was standing in the hallway, dressed smartly in a navy suit, crisp white shirt, and silver tie, holding a bouquet of red and white roses in a glass vase she was sure he made especially for her.
“Happy New Year, Love.”
“K-Killian, I thought you said…”
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“Just like last year, huh?”
“Well, not exactly like last year,” he answered, bending to sit the vase on the floor beside him. Then he pulled a jeweler's box out of his jacket pocket and lowered himself to one knee in front of her, opening the box as he did.
Her eyes immediately misted over and she covered her mouth with both hands.
“Emma,” he began, “you blew me away the moment you stepped into my shop. You’re the love of my life and I want to spend every minute of that life with you. It would make me beyond happy and proud to be your husband, if you will agree to be my wife. Will you marry me?”
She started nodding before he even finished asking, and then she choked out, “Yes, Killian! Oh god, yes! I will marry you!”
He removed the diamond ring from the box and took her trembling hand to slip it onto her finger, then stood and pulled her into his embrace, showering her hair and face with kisses. When their lips finally met, the kiss was like none they had ever shared before - a promise of their future which was more than just a dream now.
As they stood with their foreheads pressed together after the kiss ended, he murmured, “I guess we better get going or we’ll miss our dinner reservations.”
She looked at him with a smug smile, bent down to pick up the vase of flowers and turned to go inside. Once she set the bouquet on the kitchen table, she unbuttoned her coat slowly and deliberately, letting it slide to the floor when she was done.
Killian’s mouth dropped open at the sight of her in the red dress and his Adam’s apple bobbed several times before he could force words past it. “Swan, you look absolutely breathtaking.” Moving across the room, he pulled her to him for another passionate kiss. Slightly out of breath afterwards, he picked up the coat and held it up for her to slip into it.
“I don’t need it,” she said.
“It’s freezing outside, Love. Of course you need it.”
She took the coat and folded it over a chair. “No, I don’t,” she purred, draping her arms around his neck. “I want to spend New Year’s Eve with my fiancé, celebrating the exact same way we did last year.”
“But dinner, and our friends…”
“I don’t care about dinner, and our friends will understand once we tell them we were celebrating our engagement. Unless you would rather keep our original plans?”
His face morphed into his signature smolder, with a sly smirk and one eyebrow raised high on his forehead. “Your plans are much more appealing, my love.”
Taking his hand and leading him to the bedroom, she said, “Come on, then. Let’s see if your new fiancée can still blow you away!”
Happiest of birthdays, Beth! I hope this brightens your day, and I wish the same for anyone else who reads it. Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated!
Tagging: @xsajx @hookedmom @kymbersmith-90 @kmomof4 @lassluna @pirateherokillian @teamhook @stahlop @elizabeethan @whimsicallyenchantedrose @resident-of-storybrooke @therooksshiningknight @jennjenn615 @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @killianswannn @stories-enchanted @eleveneitherway @withheartfulloflove @kday426 @djlbg @kristi555 @laschatzi @xarandomdreamx @wyntereyez @goforlaunchcee @yasbio2015 @tiganasummertree @winterbaby89 @wefoundloveunderthelight @hollyethecurious @let-it-raines @jonesfandomfanatic @searchingwardrobes @oncechicagolove @andiirivera  @gingerchangeling @everything-person @klynn-stormz @qualitycoffeethings @enchanted-swans @ohmakemeahercules @donteattheappleshook @bluewildcatfanatic @the-darkdragonfly @demisexualemmaswan @grimmswan @spartanguard @flslp87 @ultraluckycatnd @thisonesatellite @captainswan21 @zaharadessert @mariakov81 @snowbellewells @kiwistreetswan @batana54 @nadine200179 @probalicious17 @courtorderedcake @julesep3026 @jackieorioncat @whatthehell102082 @jarienn972 @sthonour @linda8084  @pirateprincesslena @daxx04 @winterbythesea @artistic-writer @cocohook38 @captainswan4life85 @molly958 @itsfridaysomewhere @fallingforthecaptain  @onceratheart18 @strangestarlighttree @justanother-unluckysoul @mrs-potato-but-likes-tomato @anothersworld @deckerstarblanche @purplehawkcaptain  @superchocovian @k-leemac @citygirlscowboy @laughterandbooks @sotangledupinit @apiratewhopines @huntressandlioness1 @cosette141  @gingerpolyglot @motherkatereloyshipper @cs-rylie @anmylica @paradiselady19 @pawshapedheart @vampcoffeegyrl23 @elfiola @softkilly
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queerlilchinchin · 1 year
The Slope to Hell, Part I
Hello and welcome to the first vote for who the killer is in The Slope to Hell, a murder mystery by yours truly.
The way the game is played is I'm going to write out a scenario of what happened. It'll be a brief overview of what was found, who spotted the body and who the suspects are (and who's left) and why they are suspects. You may then ask the suspects questions to figure out who the killer is... once you think you've figured it out, you can vote on the poll below who you believe it is.
Game rules: NO anon asks, ONLY ask via asks - replies and reblogs will be ignored and ONLY 2 main questions per character per asker - only one follow up question per main question. Make sure you check out the questions already asked before asking a question. Your questions will still count against your question count if you ask repeat questions.
Once the poll has ended, the character with the most votes will be the one picked and it will be revealed if it was right or wrong. If it was wrong, we will continue with the next scenario and on and on until the killer is picked.
I will have a taglist for this, so if you wish to partake in this weekly game and don't want to miss any of the polls/games, please let me know and I'll add you to the taglist!
Scenario: a scream cuts into the freezing mountain air, followed by gasps and murmurs. A woman's body was found mangled at the bottom of the mountain. The woman that was found has medals in skiing and was excited for the skiing competition that was going to happen at this annual skiing outing.
There is murmur of foul play, that she was pushed down the mountain.
There are 9 suspects for who could have done it, including Samantha, who the scream had belonged to. It is up to YOU to figure out who did it.
Meet the Suspects...
Larry is a young man, 35, who used to date Samantha (the suspect that found the body) and is desperate to show her he's changed and is a better man and friend. He was heard telling her that he suspected Morgan of sleeping with Samantha's boyfriend shortly before the incident... was this an act of chivalry, to show Samantha that he's willing to go to any lengths to prove himself to her?
Samantha is a young woman, 32, who caught the victim fraternizing with her boyfriend shortly before the incident. A screaming match broke out shortly after, resulting in the victim storming out, declaring she was going to ski and clear her head. Was this an act of jealous rage?
Daniel is a young man, 34, and Samantha's boyfriend. He's been cheating on her with the victim. He was caught making out and trying to round the next base with the victim shortly before her demise... could this be an act of proving in the end, his loyalties lay with Sam?
Josh is a young man, 36, and best friends with Samantha, who caught the victim trying to sleep with her boyfriend. He has made it no guessing game the fact that he dislikes and does not trust the victim. Could Josh be looking out for his best friend by doing what she couldn't stomach to do, no matter how enraged?
Lou is a young man, 30, who used to date Daniel. When it was announced among the group that Daniel and the victim were sleeping together, he disappeared and wasn't seen again until after her body was discovered. Could this be an act of envy?
Deegan is a young man, 32, who has been very vocal about the fact that he has disdain toward the victim and doesn't like to be around her. In fact, he avoids her at all cost. When he found out about her sleeping with Daniel, he became noticeably disgusted. Could this be an act of disgust?
Ms. Grymm is the instructor (age 42) for the skiing safety classes. She has made it more than clear she is not a fan of anyone in the group - well, except for one person in it... shortly before the incident, she was seen staring at Morgan with disgust written all over her face. Could this be an act of utter done-ness?
Carly is a young woman, 33, who briefly dated Samantha shortly after Larry cheated on her. In spite the relationship - if you can really call it that (she does) - being so brief, she became utterly enamored by Samantha and would do anything for her - even kill. Which she has stated many-a-time. Could this be an act of devotion?
You have now been introduced to all 8 suspects and their stories and reasons for being suspected. It is up to you to find the killer. If you don't, there may be more deaths, and no one wants that!
If you haven't voted yet, take a look at my masterpost of questions for the suspects. I will be posting links to all of the questions' asks (separated by who was asked) there.
Then, once your mind is made up, cast your vote. Then reblog this so others may play as well.
Reminder: there is a taglist if you wish to be added to it. Just let me know!
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flowered-mp3 · 2 months
rant on friend drama lmfao pls ignore unless ur curious about my life ahhaha luv u all
my bf's friend group is a hot fucking mess - i hate it here.
i don't want to be like. that person but fuck, man. i've always been against have super super integrated friend groups where people date each other and get super close with their friends partners and something just happened yesterday that just adds to my distaste of it. i'm sorry, but i cannot be super close friends with cis-het men for a reason and this is why - it causes so much drama and confusion for both myself and the parties involved. i'm not saying that i, a cis-het woman shouldn't be friends with cis-het men but fuck, based on what i've experienced so far it's getting harder and harder to believe.
so summer 2023, someone in my bf's friend group (let's call her jess) arranged a cottage trip with some people (three couples, one dude)
my bf
my bf's cousin (let's call him tyrone)
my bf's cousin's gf (let's call her steph)
jess' bf (let's call him steve)
steph's friend (let's call him cam)
now, this friend group has been in existence before my bf and i started dating (so i'm the new person). additionally, there's another friend group that they're a part of that doesn't include me - let's call them the val group (because they're obsessed with valorant. idfk.) the val group is huge - people dating each other within it, they have a dedicated discord server, etc. my bf isn't super close with them but tyrone, steph, steve, jess, and cam are.
so jess organized a cottage trip with the seven of us and it was fun! i don't have a big social battery so it was a little tough for me because we were all staying in a small bnb with one bathroom lmfao but i did have a fun time with them all. i got to talk to them, get to know them better, and i liked to feel more integrated into my bf's friend group - it made me feel like less of an outsider.
before the trip, i heard from my bf that jess and steve were having some disagreements lately - jess frustrated that steve doesn't make enough time for their relationship, jess feeling that members of the val group are making her life more difficult (apparently, one of the girls that is dating jess' close friend within the val group is upset because jess plays val better than her, i cannot make this shit up lmfao) and steve isn't standing up for her, etc. etc.
flashforward to fall 2023 - my bf told me that jess and steve broke up. i talked to jess about it and it was an amicable break up - they both mutually agreed. she told me that there was alot of differences in how serious they took the relationship, apparently. steve didn't seem to be aligned with her seriousness. jess was making career moves, planning for her future and got frustrated when steve always seemed to be putting it off, never seeming to take their future seriously. they also lived kinda far from each other - i'm talking across the city type shit - solid 45 min drive to see each other. my bf and i are the same but it isn't a problem because we dedicate a single day during the week to see eachother, and we both drive. problem - steve doesn't drive. they've been dating 3 years and this man seriously never got his license, even after jess pushed him to do it. steve also had health issues (chronic knee injury) and never seemed to be concerned about his health, etc. jess expressed that he never took it as seriously as she did and if they consistently talked about it for 3 years with no result, that's it. the relationship is not pursuable anymore, imo. jess also expressed that the cottage trip just further showed her that steve wasn't doing boyfriend things - he would see the other boyfriends do things for their girlfriends and compared it to her own relationship, which did nothing but make the rift grow further between her and steve.
now here's where things get dicey. after the breakup, jess started to talk to cam more often. since we have discord, you're able to see what people are up to and it seems that they were doing things together, talking more, etc. i've also been to dinner with jess, cam, my bf, and myself without steph and tyrone. from the outside, this looks BAD. jess just broke up with steve and now the other friend (cam) that steve was already concerned about starts hanging out with his ex one-on-one? the optics are BAD on that one. and because the val group is filled with a bunch of assholes, they've been teasing steve about it. since steph is friends with steve, steve has been coming to her about how he feels about it. i feel so bad for steve here - it's not fair for him to get made fun of because his ex is moving on with someone within that friend group. but on the outside, jess looks BAD because it seems like she doesn't care about how steve feels and what's going on with him BUT LIKE. the val group sucks! they've been making jess' life hell to begin with. why that fuck would she have a regard for people that treated her poorly? additionally, she's also LYING to steph about where she is. steph asking her to hang and jess saying she's busy or tired, when in reality she's hanging with cam instead. what a mess. and what also sucks is that cam is straight up ok with it and instigating the conflict??? he's like "yeah it be like that dawg" but i'm like??? tf??? you're making it worse for jess? fucking idiot.
because steph knows that jess is lying to her, steph went to my bf to vent about it. do i feel good about it? no lmfao but it happened. essentially, steph expressed frustrations that jess was lying to her about hanging out with cam, and additionally, tyrone ALSO had a problem with the optics of the situation. but the hilarious thing is that tyrone and steph met when steph was dating another guy in the val group, and tyrone was straight up flirting with steph WHILE SHE WASN'T SINGLE. they were hanging out one-on-one while steph wasn't single. now for some reason, they find problems with what jess and cam are doing? steph and tyrone did the exact same shit to get together, and now suddenly when jess does it, they feel some type of way? RIDICULOUS. the second that steph broke up with the guy in the val group, she went on a group skiing trip with tyrone and shared a room with him within the week. and my bf was there to observe the whole fucking thing so my bf is upset because this is incredibly hypocritical (i agree like what the fuck). so because of all this, steph and jess' relationship is strained.
now flashforward to literally yesterday night. i went to an easter dinner at my bf's house and his whole family was there (so therefore, tyrone and steph were there as well). i was blissfully ignorant until after eating, i noticed that my bf and steph were like. nowhere to be found. tyrone was in the living room with his dad and i was busy playing with my bf's nephew so i was like huh idk maybe my bf's busy with his dad or something. he was gone for a WHILE. like a solid half hour. so i thought that i lost my glasses and remembered that i napped in my bf's room so i went upstairs to see if i left it there. then i overheard steph's voice and my brain was like uhhh wtf and i open the door to see my bf and her ALONE in his bedroom, door closed. she sounded like she was crying but i was so just. shook i guess that i just started to ask where my glasses were and left the room. i wasn't even visibly mad i was just. shook. so i just left and resumed what i was doing. eventually, my bf came out he knew that i felt some type of way because he put on his coat and asked to go on a walk away from the house. we sorted it out while talking outside but there's a reason why i'm mentioning this point lol. my bf said that steph was talking about a blow up that happened with jess but didn't mention specifics.
then literally 30 mins later, jess calls me. i missed her call so i texted her what was up and she said that she really needed to talk to me and that i cannot tell anyone that she contacted me. since her and my bf are close friends i asked if my bf knew and she said that she actually wanted to talk to both of us so on my drive home from his house we called and she explained everything.
apparently in jan/feb 2024 steve and jess had a couple of calls. steve reached out to jess wanting to "catch up" but apparently it was a call for steve to ask jess to get back together. jess explained that their relationship problems wouldn't be solved overnight (understandable), and that getting back together now wouldn't change anything. steve didn't like this, and now their break up that was amicable is now no longer amicable at all. now, rumors are being spread around that jess emotionally cheated on steve throughout the relationship, that jess has been trying to get closer to the guys only in the val group. and the fact that she became much closer to cam and my bf after the breakup just does nothing but fuel the rumors. because of that, my bf's name is also being dragged into the drama for ammo purposes and it fucking pisses me the fuck off.
apparently, steph did have a convo with jess about the whole situation, and how what jess is doing isn't "a good look". steph brings up a situation where my bf came over the jess' place to fix her pc and said that she shouldn't have had him alone in her bedroom. in reality, I was there in her bedroom along with cam and my bf, so she wasn't alone with my bf. but recall the situation that happened at easter dinner - she was LICHERALLY in a room alone with my bf. hypocritical? yes but to give benefit of the doubt, i think that this is a misunderstanding though because after, steph said that "if you're ok with hanging out with ___ (my bf's name) alone, you should be ok with hanging out with the guys from the val group alone." i think that steph is misconstruing things - perhaps questioning the favoritism for my bf? maybe steph is implying that jess is discriminating against the members of the val group? even when the val group treated her poorly? ugh. now my bf's name is being pulled up as an example of how jess is "purposefully" getting closer to the guys only, fueling the emotional cheating allegations. i know that it isn't true but it sucks regardless as his girlfriend.
so now, everything is a mess. my bf's friend group is in shambles and i know that this is weighing so much heavier on him than me. normally i wouldn't involve myself at all but this is my boyfriend we're talking about. anyone says shit about him and literally? it's on sight like mark your fucking days. now i also have my bf asking me why i don't deal with his kind of stuff in my friend group and literally i honestly believe that it's because i only have girlfriends and i don't strive to be bestie bestie with my friends bf's. we don't see it as proper so we normally avoid situations like this where people break up and all the complications that happen after the fact. like if i'm close with my friend's bf and they break up, it's bound to cause division within the group because people will take sides - it's unavoidable. i probably sound like such a cynic but it's how i feel based on what i've experienced.
and what sucks the most is that jess is genuinely my friend, as well as steph. it sucks that they aren't friends right now. it sucks alot. just.... ugh i hope that they can sort things out eventually but right now, everything is so tense and heated that it's impossible. my bf and i are kinda caught in the middle of it (my bf mostly though, steph hasn't talked to me about this at all). anyways. that's it for now.
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