#in restaurants where he seems to drink his own weight in alcohol
lemon-wedges · 18 days
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cwritesforfun · 22 days
The Bear: Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto x Fem!Reader: Business Dinner
Enjoy;) Masterlist
(YES, the plot has changed. I do not own The Bear characters.) Y/N = Your Name
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You finish getting ready and you walk out to your living room where you see your boyfriend pacing. He was pacing earlier, but you were hoping he had stopped when you did your make-up. You exclaim, "Carmy, baby, what's wrong?" He turns to you, sees you, and says, "Wow honey, you're gorgeous. I mean, jaw-dropping stunning. Let me see you twirl." You twirl and he says, "I can't believe I'm your boyfriend. I'm so lucky that I have you in my life." You wrap your arms around his neck and say, "I'm lucky to have you in my life too. I've never been happier." He wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you gently. He asks, "Are you sure you want me as your plus one tonight? I'm sure one of your friends would go if you asked." You answer, "Yes, I'm sure. I can't wait to show you off. I'm so proud of you and your success with the Bear. You also said you couldn't wait to try the food at this restaurant, so I'm happy we get to try it together. Why? Where is this sudden hesitation coming from?" He replies, "I just ... I know that there are going to be a lot of business people tonight with their millionaire star boyfriends or girlfriends. I'm not even close to that. Everyone at the party doesn't have anxiety like us and I'm stressed I'll say something wrong. Times like these make me feel insecure about who I am and like being together doesn't work." You ask, "But if you ignore tonight, do you think we work together?" He answers, "Yeah, I mean sh** I love you. I haven't told you that, but I'm nervous and stressed. I don't want to lose you." You say, "I love you too, Carmen Anthony Berzatto. I think you're the sweetest and kindest boyfriend ever." He kisses you on the cheek and you continue, "I know you're nervous, but you'll be okay. We'll be together all night. You won't ever lose me. And I refuse to hear you talk about yourself as worthless and think that. You're worth the weight of the world in gold. You're the love of my life and you're perfect to me. I love every side of you." You kiss and he says, "Ok, if we are going, we should leave before I back out. And, warn me, next time you say my full-time, I felt like I was in trouble." You laugh and you leave the apartment.
Carmy drives you both downtown and you use the valet at the restaurant. It's free valet tonight, but we're allowed to tip.
Outside the restaurant, one of your coworkers waves and walks up with their partner. The coworker says, "Hi, I'm Pippa and I work with Y/N. This is my partner, Jennifer." I introduce Carmy to them and meet Jennifer. We all head inside and ask to be seated at the table together. I know Pippa and she's a good person. She's also very passionate about food. I've met Jennifer once or twice when she drops lunch off for Pippa at work. She seems cool. They should get along with Carmy and not make him feel anxious.
Drinks are being ordered. I know Carmy is still working on staying away from alcohol and being clean. I'm so proud of his journey with it so far. I lean over to Carmy and say, "Check out their Clean Cocktails. It's their version of mocktails and they're really good." He kisses me on the cheek and says, "Thanks babe."
We then get up to get a salad from the salad and appetizer bar. Carmy gets excited to see the fresh fruit and hot fresh bread. The restaurant has some pepper that makes him excited since it's hard to get, so he tells the chef behind the bar that he is the head chef at The Bear and he wants to know more about how they use it/cook it. The chef behind the salad bar says he will send the head chef to talk to Carmy about it after the salad servings are out. This excites Carmy and you're so happy that he is happy.
You both mingle with a few people as you walk back. You can tell some of their eyes linger on Carmy an extra second or just stare weirdly at you both, so you try to keep moving.
As you're eating the salad, the head chef of the restaurant walks up and asks if we want to see the exclusive inside of the preparation of the peppers as well as the meat. Pippa, Jennifer, Carmy, and I follow him to the back. We learn about their process and they let Carmy try, which makes the head chef intrigued. You all try them hot off the pan and they're so good. We then head back to our seats.
The entrees are served and you notice your boss walking over with his wife. Note about your boss, he thinks he's the best boss and the smartest person in the room at all times. His wife is super fake and clearly is only with your boss for the money. Your boss exclaims, "Hello Pippa and Y/N! I don't believe I have had the pleasure of meeting either of your plus ones yet tonight." Pippa says, "This is Jennifer and she's one of my best friends. You also might recognize her from The Chicago Bandits Pro Softball Team. She's the pitcher and the captain of the team." Jennifer shakes your boss' hand. Your boss says, "It's nice that you were able to make it. I'm sure practice keeps you busy." Jennifer replies, "It's the off-season, so I was able to be here. It's a lovely dinner." Your boss nods. To cut the tension, you exclaim, "It is a great event. This is my boyfriend, Carmen Berzatto. He's the head chef and owner of the restaurant, The Bear." Your boss' wife says, "One of my girlfriends said you had lovely appetizers and a fine wine selection." Carmy smiles and says, "I'm glad, tell her thank you. I helped hand-select our whole menu and think it all pairs well with our wines. Our sommelier hand selects it all as well." Your boss asks, "I'm glad to hear you have a sommelier. Do you think that we could get a reservation there for Tuesday at 7:15?" BRUH wtf?!?!?! The Bear is usually full at peak dinner times and most reservations are already fully booked. Carmy pulls out his phone and says, "Sure, enter your details. I'll send a confirmation of the reservation. We'd be pleased to have you." Your boss enters his details and asks, "Will you be working that night?" Carmy answers, "Yes sir, I will." Your boss hands Carmy his phone back and replies, "Good, we want the best experience." Carmy replies, "My staff is highly trained and all have completed training with chefs worldwide. And, my sous chef is the expediter as well. You have nothing to worry about." Your boss nods and then asks, "How did you go behind the scenes tonight? I saw that you all met the head chef too. It took me forever to meet him. I thought he was avoiding me." And for good reason lol ... You exclaim, "Carmen was talking to them about their peppers. The head chef had heard of The Bear and knew of Carmen's work from NYC as well as here, so he was excited to invite us back into the kitchen. They gave us a tutorial on preparing them, and we tried them hot fresh off the pan." Your boss nods and then leaves with his wife. That was weird, ok.
When they're far away, you ask, "Is there even space free at The Bear on Tuesday?" Carmy says, "We always save a few tables for walk-ins, so yes." You reply, "You should put them by the bathroom." Carmy replies, "No, I'm not that mean." Pippa says, "You should spit in their food." Carmy replies, "I don't want it to bite either of you in the butt if he hates it. They won't be at a prime table, but I'll make sure my staff are on their best behavior. I'll even stop by to check in on their meal." Pippa says, "Don't give them a discount. They have the money." Jennifer says, "You're so evil, babe." Pippa laughs. You say, "Yet there was no lie in what Pippa said."
Dinner finishes and light desserts are served. It's sorbet, which is cold and refreshing. Your boss thanks everyone on the microphone and everyone is reminded to pick up the free swag bags by the door prepared by his wife.
Pippa, Jennifer, Carmy, and I leave together. The swag bag includes a bottle of wine, soap made by the boss' wife, socks with your work logo, and extra pens with your work logo.
You tip the valet and you get in the car.
At your apartment, you strip off the dress and slide on one of Carmy's shirts and your pajama bottoms. You go into the bathroom to wash your face of make-up. Carmy walks in, wraps his arms around your waist, and says, "I'm glad I went tonight. I liked being with you. I also will admit that I liked your friends. Pippa and Jennifer were cool. I don't like your boss or his wife. They kind of suck." I laugh and reply, "Yeah, they're not the best. Why did you give them a table this week at your restaurant? Also, I need to rinse my face." You move slightly out of his arms to wash your face then you say, "Ok, we can go to bed." Carmy holds your hand and you both get into bed. You exclaim, "I loved being with you tonight. You're the best boyfriend for going and for putting up with my boss. I feel like I didn't get to show you off as much as I could have. I forget how many people I dislike at work and don't want to speak to. Ugh, I wanted to tell everyone how cool you are and why you're a catch." He laughs, kisses the side of your head, and says, "Baby, it's okay. I think you're a catch too. I'm sure people saw us together and thought we were just the hottest couple." You laugh and say, "I mean we are." He kisses you as he laughs with you.
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aries-writingblog · 3 years
Brave Enough
Summary: Bucky wonders if he’ll ever be brave enough to admit his feelings to you
Words Count: 1980- ish (I got a little carried away- sorry!!)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: language, characters engaging of age drinking
A/N: gif is not my own, credit to original creator. Happy reading!!
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“Bucky, lighten up, man.” Steve griped, flicking through the menu. The brunette didn’t respond, just slumping down lower in his chair and sulking even more. A deep frown etched onto his features. “It’s just a couple hours.”
“Whatever.” He snipped. Bucky could feel his teeth grit together, his jaw aching from pressure. Sam’s foot connected with his under the table, a teasing tilt to his eyebrows.
“He’s just mad that he has to be here instead of lurking ‘round in the shadows back home.” Sam nudged his foot again. Bucky kicked out, but Sam was too quick. Pulling his foot away just in time. “You ever catch him at like three in the morning, just standing around in a dark hallway?”
“Shut up.” Bucky hissed, snatching a spoon from his place setting. The utensil flew across the table, smacking Sam in the chest before falling to his lap. “And I’m not mad I have to be here.”
He truly wasn’t upset he had to be there. He was upset that one person in particular wouldn’t be in attendance. YN was still off on a mission, unfortunately missing Wanda’s birthday dinner. Without her, Bucky would just spend the whole night sulking, no one else treated him the way she did. No one else was her. Without her, his night was already marked as uneventful and boring.
“You are.” Steve corrected, glancing to his watch. “The girls should be here by now. What’s holding them?”
Bucky glanced around the restaurant, eyes scanning over Tony who was animatedly speaking with the owner. Bruce, retuning from the restroom, Peter following him with a million questions. The older man seemed to age further as the teen pestered him- asking questions ranging from science to personal. The kid could be slightly invasive at times.
The door opened- the other half of their party. The birthday girl. Wanda made her way across the room, Natasha behind her and…
“YN.” Bucky felt a weight lift from his chest- possibly his reluctance to be at the table. He watched as she gave him a small smile and wave before Wanda pulled her off to the bathroom.
“Save me a seat!” YN called, meeting Bucky’s eyes. His eyes followed her all the way, until he could no longer see her. Then he was brought back into reality by a cough.
Fuck- he did that in public. His eyes fell to Steve and Sam, their faces schooled into expressions of taunting delight.
“You gonna save her a seat or what?” Steve asked, lips twitching as they begged to smile. Bucky flicked his wrist, giving his friend a very classy middle finger as they snickered in response.
But Bucky did as she said. He unfolded the napkin at the place mat on his right, showing someone was going to sit there. Then he tucked his hands into his lap, waiting anxiously for her return. Sam pursed his lips, leaning his elbows on the table. Bucky groaned, regretting his decision to stay out when Sam sat across from him.
“Won’t you just tell her you’re in love? It would be a lot easier.” He advised, fingers laced under his jaw. Bucky scowled, his foot finally catching Sam off guard, foot connecting with his shin bone. The man cursed, jerking his chair back.
The bathroom door opened, the trio of women hustling toward the table. Natasha was shoving YN playfully, the woman responding with a laugh. Then she turned her eyes to him and he stopped breathing. Stopped living. Oxygen leaving his lungs at an exponential rate when she smiled. Teeth flashing.
“Got a seat for me, Barnes?” She asked- the sound of her voice snapping his consciousness back into the present. Bucky stumbled over himself clumsily, shoving his own chair back to pull hers out for her. “Thank you.” He pushed her back in before taking his own.
“I thought you were still in Arizona?” He kept a constant tab in his brain to focus. There had been several occasions when the pair were carrying a conversation and he noticed, too late, he had just been staring into her eyes. He didn’t mean to- it just happened.
“Just landed. Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner I was back- Wanda begged me to come tonight so I had to rush to get dressed.” She explained, giving a half hearted gesture to her clothes. Bucky saw nothing wrong with them- she looked beautiful as always.
“No worries. You look beautiful anyways.” Bucky smiled. He could see in the corner of his eye- Sam and Steve sharing a look across the table. Bucky always experienced these mood swings around YN.
If he was distraught, she was there to soothe him. If he was annoyed or angry, just seeing her face would brighten his day. If he was happy, which wasn’t too often without her being a catalyst, she only intensified that feeling.
Bucky had met YN three months into his stay at the Tower. They shared a wall- his apartment was the one beside hers. He didn’t know she was his neighbor the night she came stumbling home from a mission- exhausted and dirty. Dried blood on her hairline and a red path dripping from her nose. She didn’t notice him that night as he sat in the quiet common area of floor 48. She brushed past him and dug into the fridge. He watched her shove six slices of cold pizza onto a plate and snatch three beers before disappearing into her apartment.
Needless to say, he was intrigued. But he never spoke to her. Not until two months later, in the middle of the night. She happened upon him sitting in the quiet, wide awake and writing in his journal. She commented that she also journaled- sprinting back to her bedroom to bring back a leather bound journal covered in stickers. She then offered him some of his own stickers, pressing them to the black journal in his hands.
Four months of midnight meetings passed and Bucky was infatuated. He found himself wanting to speak to her all the time- going out of his way to find her and talk. Thinking of her all the time, linking an activity with her. Asking himself ‘I wonder what YN would think of…’ Sitting with her at meals, hanging out when she was home. If he could, Bucky would have her attached to his hip at all times.
When they were together, Bucky would go to any lengths necessary to keep her there longer. To take more of her time. For once in his life, he wanted to be selfish. He wanted her complete and undivided attention. Most times, he received it. She happily gave into him, pouring affection onto the super soldier. And he swam in it- unabashedly. Unashamed to be so intoxicated around her.
“Hey, what are you ordering?” YN whispered, leaning toward his
Bucky snapped back, again, noticing that everyone had taken a seat and began to order their meals. Her eyes were trained on him expectantly. YN had seen him lose focus and attempted to reel him back in. He always seemed to fade away, she noticed. She didn’t know where his mind went when it happened but she was a pessimist- she assumed the worst.
“Me- ordering?” Bucky stuttered, his tongue barely catching up with his mind. He winced as she gave a soft smile- another snicker coming from across the table. He shot a glance over to Sam, the biting glare garnered a snarky reply.
“Smooth.” Sam muttered, propping his menu in front his face, shielding it from Bucky’s wrath.
“Sam.” Steve scolded lightly, voice low. Bucky bit back his embarrassment, clearing his throat before responding. It was gonna be a long night.
YN giggled again, swaying as Bucky latched an arm around her waist. Keeping her upright. It was a struggle- she was very touchy when she was tipsy. Bucky’s heart did jumping jacks, unsure if he should revel in the affection or be disappointed she was doing it while drunk.
“Oh- Bucky, what if we took Four Loko’s and, and… White Claws!” Her fingers wiggled as she spoke, eyes watery and wide. Bucky chuckled, his body unaccustomed to the motions.
“No more alcohol for you tonight, alright? You’re already gonna hate me in the morning for letting you drink so much.” He tugged her waist gently, allowing his fingers to rest on her hip. YN rested her head against his chest as the elevator slowed to a stop on their floor.
“I could never hate you, you know that, right?” She asked, eyes gazing up at him. Bucky heaved a gentle sigh, meeting her eyes. A soft smile on his lips.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
The pair slowly exited the elevator, YN trying her best to break away from his grip. Her attention span was that of a mouse- hands reaching for things in the hallways and in the common area. Finally, they reached the set of doors belonging to them. He released her very carefully to dig through his pockets. YN had given him her spare key months ago, he had it on his key ring. She had it printed in a bright blue- the loudest color on the ring when compared to the black key of his motorcycle and the silver key of his apartment.
He didn’t really need the color distinction. There were only three keys there but hers was the most important one. He had it memorized the day she gave it to him.
“Hey Friday, unlock Bucky’s main door.”
“What? She can do that?” Bucky whipped around, catching a fleeting glimpse of her wobbling, unsteady body as she stumbled into his apartment. “Fuck.”
Bucky abandoned his task in favor of the new, more important task. Getting YN out of his apartment. He followed her at a quick pace, hand outstretched to snatch her wrist but she made an abrupt turn down his hallway. Toward his bedroom.
“YN!” He hissed, reaching for her again. She shoved the door open and made her way into the room. “What are you doing?”
“I wanted to see your apartment- you never let me in here when we hang out.” She murmured, eyes locking in on the bookshelf in the corner. She made a beeline to it, fingers tracing over the spines of the books. She reached for a book on the second shelf. The second shelf was dedicated to his old journals.
“Okay, maybe…” he gingerly broke her grasp on the book before she could open it, sliding it back into place. Bucky rested his hands on her shoulders, steering her out of the room. “We can do a tour when you’re a little more sober.”
It wasn’t that he didn’t want her there- Bucky wanted to show her everything, give her everything. But some part of himself kept pushing it all back, keeping her in the light. He didn’t want her to see the bad parts, and there were plenty. He was terrified she wouldn’t want his broken pieces if she saw them.
YN hummed, breaking from his grasp again. He sighed in defeat, letting her go. She tossed her phone to the rug and flopped face first into the bed. A sigh of content rushed from her lips as she snuggled deeper into the blankets.
“Your bed is sooo comfy…” Her voice was muffled by the thick comforter. “This isn’t fair- my bed isn’t this comfy.”
No one’s slept in it since it was purchased- Bucky but back the comment, deciding it wasn’t a good topic to broach. Considering the circumstances. He stood, watching her for a moment. Allowing her to take control for the time being. The smile from earlier began to creep onto his face as she snuggled deeper into the sheets- fully clothed.
“Alright- enough of that, YN. Let’s get you home.” He murmured, tugging on her ankle. She didn’t budge. Bucky stopped, looking up to her face. She was sound asleep. “YN?”
Bucky sighed.
He reached for her ankle again, unclipping the heels from her feet, allowing them to fall to the floor. He swung her legs around, tugging the blankets down on the bed. Bucky pulled them back over her body, reaching into her hair to pull it out of the tight bun she had it in. The hair tie around his wrist as he tucked her in.
“Goodnight, YN.” He whispered softly. Bucky hesitated, lips close to her temple. He could hear a faint snore coming from her throat, dark lashes resting against her cheekbones.
He allowed himself to carefully lean forward, lips pressing to her temple gently. Then he backed away quietly, turning the lights off as he exited. He couldn’t help himself- stealing another glance at her sleeping figure before closing the door. He also couldn’t help the bittersweet smile that tugged at his lips.
One day… one day I’ll be brave enough for you.
Read Part 2: Courageous
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pascalpanic · 3 years
hi angel 🥺 i’ve had some time to think of what i want to request and i’ve finally come up with something ;-;
do you think you could write something comforting (doesn’t have to be long!) where maxwell is caring for a reader who is a little tipsy or drunk? the reader is the kind of drunk who’s giggly and playful. and he’s super sweet and gentle with her. maybe they already have a pre-established relationship? maybe some slimy guy is hitting on her and he gets all protective and takes her home? and i’d neverrrrr object to smut either. but i’m leaving it up to you to write whatever you think works the best. i just miss reading soft and protective maxwell yanno ;-;
Overdoing It (Maxwell Lord x f!Reader)
W/C: 1.5k
Warnings: alcohol obviously, sexual innuendo, Maxwell lifts reader so I know some ppl aren’t comfy with that
A/N: RACH MY LOVE I’m sorry this took so long but I’m glad I finally did it bc I love how it turned out! ALSO HAPPY WW84 DAY (July fourth) SO WHAT WONDERFUL TIMING!
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You certainly had not intended to imbibe to the level you had tonight. The problem was Maxwell, really, although in the best possible way.
The man has a high tolerance; you, admittedly, have one considerably lower than his. You love seeing Maxwell when he’s tipsy. It’s rare that you get to see it and remember it. The times that he’s tipsy are the times where you’re next to vomiting.
But tonight was a celebration, and Maxwell spared no expense. You’d finally received a position in a job you’d dreamed of, one that caused the two of you to spend hours poring over applications and perfecting cover letters. It was a success for the both of you, you said, but Maxwell insisted that it was all you.
You’d said that takeout was just fine with you, so long as Maxwell was there, but he insisted that a bigger celebration was in order. You didn’t really mind; you love getting dressed up to go out. Max made a reservation at a nice place in downtown D.C. and kept the specific place a surprise from you until now.
As you walked inside, the gorgeous atmosphere made you lose your breath for a moment. Your eyes nearly watered as you looked at Maxwell, and he simply kissed your forehead. “You deserve it, my love. I’m so proud of you.”
The words aren’t exactly rare from Maxwell, but they mean the world to you. Having someone tell you that they love you is one thing, but having someone say they’re proud of you is a completely different one. “I love you,” you grinned and followed him to your table, lacing your fingers through his.
Dinner was wonderful, unsurprisingly. Maxwell had scanned the menu the last time he came here, with business cohorts, and been certain you would like it. The delight on your face as you scanned the menu confirmed it, and Maxwell mentally gave himself a little pat on the back.
You’d ordered appetizers and drinks, then more drinks with the main course (two to accompany the meal, to be exact), and then more with dessert. By then, you were starting to feel a little tipsy, but nothing you couldn’t handle. Slowly, as you left the restaurant, the alcohol sunk in. The drinks were stronger than they’d seemed.
Luckily, Maxwell has a chauffeur. He’d had as many drinks as you, but the man’s tolerance is quite high. He seems barely affected, if not slightly looser and more carefree. The two of you made your way outside, Maxwell holding his arm around your waist to ensure that you didn't stumble; just in case, he reminded you, but you didn’t believe him.
In the car, you snuggle into Maxwell’s side happily, resting your head on his shoulder. “Buckle please, love,” he insists and wraps an arm around you.
“No,” you whine, kissing the soft cologned skin of his neck. “You’re too cozy.”
Maxwell laughs and nestles into you. “I’ll excuse it this once, only because I trust Jeeves,” he teases you. “How are you feeling, love?”
“So happy,” you smile up at him, dazed but content. The alcohol has brought you to a state of bliss now; love for Maxwell, a full stomach from the wonderful dinner, pride in your achievement.
Maxwell nods. “Of course you are,” he murmurs, mostly to himself.
“Ooh, do we have wine at home?” You ask, sitting up and looking at him. “You need a few more.”
“No, no more drinks,” he chuckles and pulls you back into his side. “I think we’re both done for the night, don’t you?” His hands slide over your shoulders, smoothing the bare skin that’s cold to the touch.
You pout at him and Maxwell turns his face away, smiling. “No, I can’t look at that. I won’t be able to say no.”
“Please, baby?” You plead with big eyes.
“We have wine at home,” Maxwell tells you, even though he’s unsure whether or not it’s true. Either way, he won’t be allowing you to drink any of it.
Sighing, you snuggle into his side, shivering. “Car’s cold,” you murmur.
Maxwell removes his suit jacket and drapes it around your shoulders, kissing your head and smiling down at you warmly. “How’s that?”
“Smells like your cologne,” you practically purr like a satisfied cat as you wrap yourself in the expensive fabric. “I love you so much, Maxie-poo.”
“I love you too, darling,” he chuckles. The chauffeur brings you to his house not long after, and Maxwell offers you a hand when you get out of the car.
Sitting in the seat, you frown up at him. “I’m fine, Max.” Standing in your high heels, your wobbly legs thanks to the alcohol send you falling into Maxwell, who catches you.
“Fine, yes,” he chuckles and lifts you back to standing. “Take off your shoes and let me help you inside.”
Sighing and crossing your arms, you step out of your shoes, calves screaming a thank you for removing them from those torture devices. He reaches down and picks them up, ass straining in his suit, and you can’t help but give it a smack, giggling.
“Oh, no, little miss,” Maxwell playfully chides and grabs your arm. “Let’s get you inside, tiger.”
Your legs lead your brain without any thought, drunkenly stumbling your way inside. Maxwell’s arms are your support, really the only thing to keep you from falling. He purposely steers you away from the path leading to the kitchen, knowing you’ll ask for more alcohol should you see it. When you reach the foot of the stairs, you groan and look at Maxwell with puppy eyes. You know his back has been bad lately, his joints ache when the humidity rises, but you can’t do this without him. “Can you carry me? Please?” You ask him.
Maxwell chuckles and kisses your head tenderly. “I suppose. Climb on my back.” He stands with his palms the wall, squatting for you to jump up on him.
The formal dress makes it difficult, but you hop up, both of you groaning as you latch onto him. “I love you so goddamn much,” you babble happily, kissing along the skin behind his ears.
“You’re lucky I love you too,” he grunts as he makes his way up the stairs, his knees aching from the weight of carrying absolutely anything on his back.
When he reaches the top, you get down and sigh, kissing him sloppily. “You’re the best.”
“I’m wonderful,” he sighs and rolls his eyes, leading you to the bedroom and letting you plop down on his plush California king bed.
You strip off his suit jacket and toss it at him, and he catches it without even looking. “Don’t even think about seducing me tonight, darling. You’re too far gone,” he chuckles.
His words make you frown and stop in the middle of unzipping your dress slowly. “I wasn’t gonna,” you grumble and stand, slipping out of the dress and getting under the thick covers of the bed.
“Sure,” Maxwell smiles and retreats into his large closet. He returns in pajama pants and the white tee he wore under his button-up.
He looks so soft like this, and even drunk, you recognize what a privilege it is to see him like this. His large suits hide his frame, but you can see the soft curve of his tummy, his broad shoulders and narrow torso. “We should get married,” you blurt to him, your heart-eyes penetrating through to his center.
“You’re drunk,” he shakes his head as he wanders to the bathroom. He returns with his thick-rimmed glasses on, and it completes the look, his highlighted hair messy and beginning to curl.
He sits on his side of the bed and hands you a glass of water and some painkillers. “You’re going to feel like shit in the morning, and you’re not allowed to blame me.”
“I won’t,” you pout and take the pills, rolling onto your side to face him. His legs are beneath the covers, and one of yours snakes to his and wraps your ankle around his.
Max smiles softly at the gesture. He recognizes it. You need his touch, want to snuggle tonight rather than keep to your own in his spacious bed. He lies down and you quickly scoot over to him, resting your head and a palm on his chest.
“I love you, dear,” he murmurs and kisses your forehead, his hand stroking your back lovingly. “You sleep now. Please.”
“I want to cuddle a little longer,” you frown and look up at him, face barely peeking out from the covers.
Max laughs. “Of course. We’ll stay like this, but at least make an effort to fall asleep. Your headache in the morning will be better if you sleep more.”
“Fine,” you sigh and scoot your body as close to his as possible, kissing his chest through the plain white t-shirt. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” he repeats and sets his glasses to the side, letting himself sink into the squishy bed. He’ll surely have to care for you in the morning too, but he doesn’t mind. It’s worth it.
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munsonsduchess · 3 years
Hello there, lovely duchess <3
I'd love to see what you come up with for prompt #8!
Take care! :)
summary: You and Bucky are FWB and you've been together for a while now but that's all about to change warnings: kissing, fluff, swearing, gambling (don't do it kids), mentions of smut a/n: yeah so this took an age and that's because my motivation went on vacation and i had to wrangle it back through customs
Prompts from this list
»»————- ♔ ————-««
You’d met the Avengers when Tony had finally had enough of your constant nagging and had agreed to let you meet the team he always spoke so much about - not to mention you wanted to see the people he couldn’t stop complaining about in the flesh - so he’d finally relented and introduced you to everyone as only Tony knew how. With a party.
You’d been so excited to meet everyone you hadn’t even minded when the dark brooding man at the bar had spilled your drink on your dress, he was too handsome for you to be mad and with the gleaming metal arm on his left side there was only one person he could be,
“It’s perfectly alright Sergeant Barnes, it’s just a drink” you’d given him your best smile and offered to buy him a drink instead but he’d refused and you hadn’t seen him the rest of the night. Much to your dismay, he’d been someone you’d been looking forward to meeting the most.
In Bucky’s mind anyway he wasn’t planning on getting too close to you, figuring that if you were Tony’s friend there was a high chance you were just another upper east side park avenue princess. A socialite who only cared about wealth and who she could be photographed next to in newspapers and he didn’t have time for that anymore. He was a different man now.
Then you were around more often, spending time at the compound with Natasha, getting lunch with Wanda, offering to bank roll the team since you had “more money than I know what to do with” and it didn’t seem fair for Tony to have to do everything when he had a family to support as well.
Slowly but surely you wormed your way into the team’s hearts and it got to the point where everyone was asking Bucky what his issue was with you, why did he not like you? Had he even spoken to you?
Bucky had brushed off every question, he’d just ignored the needling and the nagging until finally he couldn’t. He’d blown up at Peter who’s eyes had gone wide as the teenager stuttered out an apology. Bucky hated himself for it, even more so when everyone was walking on eggshells around him afterwards, even Steve and Sam who knew him best.
He’d gone out to clear his head and off all the gin joints in all the world you had to be in the one he chose. With your warm smile and offering to buy his drinks, telling the bar staff to put everything on your tab despite Bucky’s protests that he could buy his own drinks. You just rolled your eyes at him and moved to sit next to him instead.
It ended up with just the two of you in the bar that night, your cheeks rosy from the alcohol and your eyes glassy with tears of joy as you listened to his stories and laughed at his jokes. Maybe you weren’t as bad as Bucky originally thought but he still wasn’t planning on getting closer than he needed to, until you’d put your hand on his thigh when you settled the tab and offered to split a cab.
You’d both ended up tangled in your bedsheets, laughing and joking, gasping and moaning well into the night. It had been a while for both of you and this release was definitely needed, plus you’d ended up teaching Bucky a few things when the initial groping like horny teenagers had worn off.
You’d also introduced him to the term ‘friends with benefits’ which is where you found yourself currently. Of course you both went on dates separately but you found yourself cancelling plans more and more to spend time with Bucky instead. To be curled up on the couch watching a terrible movie which was usually forgotten about halfway through for other more entertaining activities that could be partaken in on a couch.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Maybe it was silly of you to think you could resist having feelings for someone like Bucky, someone so kind, caring, funny and someone you felt so comfortable around but that’s exactly what happened. You’d woken up one morning with the smell of him cooking in your apartment kitchen with the radio playing something you didn’t really care about. You’d curled up in the blankets on the bed and revelled in the domesticity of the whole situation and it had struck you. You really cared for this man and not just as a random hook up.
The only problem was, did Bucky feel the same? Everyone else seemed to think so, when you’d spoken to Steve and Sam and Natasha and Wanda and even Scott they’d all seemed to think you and Bucky were already a couple. So you’d enacted a plan, was it your smartest plan? Probably not. Were you going to do it anyway? Damn straight.
You’d created a new tinder profile and specifically matched with the most boring man you could find. The poor bastard had no idea what he was in for or why you’d decided to go out with him but you needed him to be the human equivalent of the colour beige for the plan to work.
Bringing the man around the compound to meet the team, telling Bucky you couldn’t spend time with each other sexually anymore since you and … Dave were serious now and it wasn’t right to cheat on your boyfriend.
Bucky to his credit had wished you well and was happy you’d found someone, outwardly anyway. He’d known the ‘relationship’ the two of you had couldn’t last, that of course you’d move on and find someone worthy of your time and attention. Did it hurt? Like a bitch but he was going to be the bigger man.
Or at least he had wanted to be. The more you brought Dave around the more Bucky wondered what the hell you were doing with a man like that, he couldn’t make you laugh the way Bucky could, where your nose would crinkle in the middle and you’d gasp for breath. He didn’t know how you liked your coffee in the morning, iced usually and loaded with sugar. He sure as shit didn’t know how you liked to be touched.
It had come to an ugly head one evening when you and Dave had gone for dinner, in a restaurant you and Bucky would hang out in all the time. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back, that and the asgardian mead that Thor had left on his last visit. Bucky had taken a shot for some dutch courage and driven his bike straight to the restaurant pushing past the staff who tried to stop him,
“Y/N” he yelled, causing you to look at him with wide eyes and a surprised expression.
“Bucky, what are you doing here? Is everything alright? Did something happen to Steve or Sam?”
“Forget them and forget this guy too, you’re coming with me” he reached down to where you were sitting and wrapped his metal hand around your upper arm, “come on”
“Bucky no, I’m on a date I can’t just leave!” you protested, “David, I'm so sorry about this”
David opened his mouth to say something but a glare from Bucky told him that wasn’t a wise move. Instead he seemed to shrink back into his seat under the weight of Bucky’s icy glare,
“Come on doll” Bucky said again, hoisting you up from your seat by his grip on your upper arm, “we’re leaving”
“James Barnes! I am not your property, let go of my arm right now! If you have something you want to talk about we can talk about it later, I am with David and you have no right to barge in here like this!”
“The hell I don’t”
“Leave James, we’ll talk about this later”
Bucky was about to rebuke you again but was interrupted by a man in a fancy suit clearing his throat, apparently you and Bucky had caused enough of a commotion that several guests had complained and now both of you were being asked to leave. Which suited Bucky just fine. He grabbed you and pulled you from the booth ignoring your cries and protests and simply pulled you along with him until you both were stood at his bike,
“Come on”
“No! You do not get to manhandle me like you own me and then act like nothing is wrong, if you had something you wanted to talk to me about we could have done it like grown ups”
“Oh yeah? Like Dave? Is that what you do with him? Talk like grown ups?”
“What David and I do is none of your business Barnes”
“It is my business cause you’re my business, you’re my girl not his!”
You blinked at Bucky a few times before you huffed out a laugh, that was definitely confusing. Why were you laughing?
“Oh my god! You couldn’t have said something earlier? You had to make a scene? How am I supposed to come back here now?” you were still laughing, “not to mention I owe Steve $50 because he bet you couldn’t last the month”
“Wha? You and Steve had a bet goin’ about me lastin’?” Bucky was beginning to get agitated now, what the hell were you and Steve betting on?
“Yeah! I mean honestly Buck did you think I really liked David? He’s the most boring human being alive! I mean yeah he’s nice enough but oh my god of course I wasn’t serious about him!”
“Then why were ya out with him?”
“To see what you would do!” you said exasperatedly. Bucky raised his eyebrow, what the hell did you mean by that? “Oh my god how can you be this dense, it’s you I want to be with Barnes, not David. You! So I picked David to see if you would just let me be or if you felt the same way!”
“Wha? You couldn’t have just asked me?” Bucky shoots back, “you had to make this whole convoluted plan?”
“Right because if I’d asked you you’d have said you wanted whatever was best for me and if I wanted to see other people that would be fine and you’d never tell me what you really wanted. At least now I know” you said batting your eyelashes at him “you like me, you called me yours”
Bucky groaned and ran a hand down his face. He’d been an actual idiot. He’d told himself he was fine with you seeing other people, that this was just how the modern world was like. He couldn’t expect to hold onto someone like you forever. Now he’d gotten you kicked out of your favourite restaurant and had put his hands on you in a way he swore he never would. That being said, none of that would have happened if you’d been honest with him, no matter what you thought he’d say to you. Now here you were batting your eyelashes at him like nothing had happened,
“Don’t you dare give me those sex eyes right now! This is a serious situation, here!”
“Oh shut up and kiss me Barnes”
That he could do. Repercussions from his actions be damned. You were his. All his.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Taglist: @metalbuckaroo @doasyoudesireandlive @spicynudlesoup @calisamcro
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falling-pages · 3 years
Over and Over, Again and Again: KyoHaru (commission)
The absolutely lovely @ouranbound commissioned me for her birthday. This was so much fun and I just melt every time I read it 🥺 thank you so much sweetheart, I hope your day is magical!!
Info on commissions here (updated!)
Despite the heat, despite the outdoors, Kyoya considered it a lovely afternoon, if only for two reasons: he had a book in his hands and Haruhi’s head in his lap.
Kyoya Ootori x Haruhi Fujioka
Genre: Fluff
Contains: first I Love Yous, established relationship
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, but no drinking
Kyoya did not like being outside. It was often hot and sticky, the sun too bright and burning his skin, or too cold and blustery, the wind too harsh for his delicate constitution. Even refraining from walking to work, using his own driver to commute the blocks. It was silly, yes, and quite wasteful, but he had the money, and all that money allowed him to demand comfort. He never could understand why the others seemed to strain at their leashes to go outdoors--Mori and Hikaru organizing hikes and fishing trips, Tamaki and Kaoru scampering after them. He couldn’t find pleasure in swatting at the sweat running down his back, or cleaning his glasses every few minutes. The outdoors were quite insufferable.
But Haruhi liked the outdoors, and he liked Haruhi.
He supposed it was because of their different upbringings. While he had all the luxury of indoor pools and air conditioning, she didn’t. The outdoors were free; a simple space where commoners could exist without the expectation of spending money. Unlike any mall or restaurant, beneath the sun, the air cost nothing.
So he put up with it whenever she requested it. Her cool touch was more enticing than air conditioning, anyways.
He began to regret it, though, when their wine was no longer chilled. They had arranged a lovely picnic, lounging in a field his father owned. There were plans to develop it, one day, but for now it remained wild. A place where lovers could stow away amid the tall grass waving in the wind.
They sat in the shade of a lemon tree. Remains of rei-shabu and morokyu were stowed away in their picnic satchel, next to the ice pack. Their glasses were still filled with strawberry wine, though their minds and stomachs were too content to have more.
Despite the heat, despite the outdoors, Kyoya considered it a lovely afternoon, if only for two reasons: he had a book in his hands and Haruhi’s head in his lap.
It would have been lovelier in late May or early June, but he had been so busy with the end of the fiscal year. He was afraid of Haruhi’s impending disillusionment, with their relationship still so new, but if she was ever discontent, he knew she would tell him. Dating him had not turned her into a placated doll, as he had feared. He still took care of her, showering her in wealth whenever she asked, but it was rare; mostly, she just wanted to spend time with him, and he just wanted to take care of her, making sure her stomach was full and loans paid.
Not to say he didn’t spoil her, though. He had bought the very dress she was wearing, a strappy yellow thing with magenta stitching. And the gold earrings, shaped like roses on dangling stems, which laid so artfully on the backdrop of her velvet brown hair splayed against his thigh. Her hair was long enough to begin curling slightly at the ends, whenever it wasn’t done up in her tight law school bun.
It was rare he saw her like this, heart unbound and carefree. Her skin was soft beneath his fingertips as he ran them against her cheek, half dreaming, half admiring. She slept in his lap, tuckered out from their afternoon. Lips red from wine pulled back slightly, a whimper on the tip of her tongue. For a moment, he feared had awoken her, hand frozen on her jaw, but she turned her neck back into his leg and resumed her breathing.
He sighed in relief. He had already ruined much in his life. The peaceful portrait beneath him was too pure to interrupt.
Once she was back asleep, he gave one last glance to her blushed cheeks and held up his book. It was old, a brown cover etched with gold, antique and clearly made for a bygone era, tattered pages though born on a press just a few years ago. Kyoya felt like that sometimes. An anachronism of his own kind. Set in one spot and lost to the pages of history.
But not here. A butterfly landed on Haruhi’s nose. Instead of swatting it, he watched, breathed in the life bellowing into his bones. In the world, at work, with his family, his soul felt ancient; his shoulders shook with the weight of an old-world empire. But with her, he was fresh, bathing in the fountain of youth. He was no longer an Atlas, cursed with the weight of the world; he was Dionysus with Ariadne--his shining jewel in the sky.
The love he had for her transcended space and time, yet she was blissfully unaware.
Tamaki’s advice echoed in his ears. He had to tell her eventually, else he’d lose her. Trained in all things etiquette, he still stumbled over even the most human of phrases.
Kyoya shook his head. The day he listened to Tamaki’s advice would be the day he’d resign from the Ootori group. As he returned to his book, his focus shifted. Some old French thing on culture, it mocked his feelings with dry phrases and tiny text. Tamaki had taught him enough French to get by, but reading it was another matter. It was to better himself and improve his chances with foreign business relations, was what he told himself, at least.
Haruhi’s ease and fascination with the language certainly had nothing to do with it. Nor did the jealousy in his palms when he would watch the two he loved most converse and giggle without him.
Some time after he resumed scanning it, regretting how he left his translation dictionary at home, Haruhi awoke. Not with a sigh or startle, as he was accustomed, but silently, with a breath, as if he were the bridge in which she crossed from one world into the next.
She laid still and watched him read, brilliant mind sweeping over each and every word. From the angle of his head tilt, she could see his eyes behind his glasses, a sharp, rare, deep black. Nondescript, and beautiful, the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen--above Tamaki’s lavender, Mori’s silver, the twins’ bronze and amber. She loved them because within their deep pools of tar, she saw her future.
Haruhi didn’t know for how long she looked at him. She had just started to fall back asleep when he spoke.
“I can feel you staring at me,” he murmured, not even taking his sight from the page.
She stayed focused on the smooth, pale skin of his jaw. It clenched and unclenched periodically, whenever he came across a phrase or word he didn’t know. She could have offered her help, but his lap was just too comfortable.
“I like the view,” she shrugged.
When he set the book down, eyes widened, she already knew what he was about to say.
“Out of all the sights, of the trees, flowers, and fields surrounding us, you think me more admirable?”
She was the lawyer--she was the one used to provoking confessions from people--but his cunning as a businessman made the words drip from his lips like honey, accentuating even as he dipped his head down to hers. Haruhi scrambled to shift her weight to her arm, propping herself up to meet his lips. And yet he hovered, smirking as he watched her mouth chase his, quieting her displeased whines with a chuckle.
“What, no answer?”
He was the devil in disguise, with a voice so silver and smooth, and she knew it. But if he were the devil, she was his Persephone--his lips were her pomegranate, and she bit.
She mustered her frustration into finally catching him in a kiss, swatting at his chest when she tasted his beleaguered smirk.
“You know my answer,” she retorted. “I choose you every day, over and over again.”
“I know,” my darling.” He removed his glasses, the only barrier between them, and pressed his forehead to hers. “And for that, I love you.”
He said it. It wasn’t how he planned on saying it, but it was there, suspended in the air by wires thin as twine. Her hand stilled in his hair, but she didn’t remove it.
“That’s the first time you’ve said it,” she breathed, an elation and joy she didn’t know she missed bubbling in her chest.
Kyoya opened his eyes. They had clenched shut on instinct, as protection, so he wouldn’t have to see the way she rejected him. But her calm voice coaxed them back open, and they settled on her lazy smile.
“It is,” he affirmed. “I thought...I thought you knew. It’s been so long.”
They had been dating for three months, yet known each other for nine years, and Kyoya had loved her for most of that. She had loved him for only half that, that she knew, but their affection was ancient, the kind read about in archaic stone tablets. The kind that would wait forever and ever to be discovered again and again.
“I do,” she whispered. “I love you, too.”
And just when he thought his back would break from carrying the world, she kissed away his pain into an immortal love.
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princehrry-writings · 3 years
Friends Don't
ahhhh, i hope you love it!! please send in requests!! let me know what you think, and if you like it maybe share with your friends?
wordcount: 3226
warnings: mentions of alcohol, maybe swearing? tbh I don't think anything else.
we love a good bff's to lovers :)
All Harry did was shrug him off and say his final goodbyes- heading back out to his car that he had been in not more than 20 minutes ago when he arrived to have dinner with Jeff, and followed the gravitational pull that always seemed to lead back to you.
Harry is your best friend that you're in love with, but neither of you will admit it.
“What are you doing here, it’s the middle of the fucking night H?” It was cold, too cold to stand there on your front porch in nothing but a big teeshirt and shorts. The smile on his face was cheeky, but when was it not with him.
“Just wanted to stop by, that’s all. Got bored…” He said and you sighed, shaking away the blush that wanted to creep up your neck. His hair was a bit messy and his clothes were wrinkled, like he’d been tossing and turning in them. He made his way into your house after you stepped aside to let him in and made himself comfortable like he always does when he comes over.
With a huff, he collapsed on your living room couch, you following in suit and cuddling into his side. It wasn’t uncommon for you to find yourself here in this position. The middle of the night was usually a time when Harry’s mind ran wild, you weren’t much different. Usually, it was the man himself plaguing your mind, but you’d never tell him that.
It’s ok, he’d never tell you that you were the reason he kept himself up at night either.
“Wanna go lay down?” You asked quietly, fidgeting with the rings on your best friend’s hand as the other tangled itself in your hair just the way he knew would relax you. A soft hum arose from him and you nodded, reluctantly separating your bodies and treading up to your room. Harry felt like he spent more nights here than at his own house.
Harry’s phone buzzed beside him, pulling his attention away from whatever Jeff had been talking about for the last 5 minutes. A message from you sat there on his screen asking if he wanted to come over and have a movie night and order take out. Another message popped up a few seconds later adding “I have wine 😏” and a smile crept onto his cheeks, something he was never able to control when it came to you. There wasn’t much you couldn’t get him to do, it was something about you that fascinated him. He felt safe with you, safe enough to do anything. He didn’t have to worry about something being leaked to the press or worse- being made fun of by you. He quickly typed back a reply saying he’d be there in 20 minutes and to call in the order to your favorite place not far from your house so he could pick it up on the way. Jeff finally stopped talking as Harry caught his attention, telling him he had to go.
“Wait what? We just got here, we haven’t even ordered yet! Where are you going?” Harry shrugged and said something came up and he had to go but the look in his eyes told Jeff everything he needed to know.
“So you’re leaving me to go see the girl you claim you’re not in love with?” A blush crept up Harry’s neck and onto his face, turning so the man couldn’t see it. With a shake of his head and a cough to clear the lump that had gathered in his throat, he turned back to his friend sitting in front of him.
“She’s my best friend, m’not in love with her!” He defended, wondering which one of them he was trying to convince more and pushing that thought to the back of his mind. The sound of Jeff scoffing, he swore, could be heard from outside the restaurant they were at right now, and the pointed look being directed at Harry was enough to make him want to shrink back into himself just to get away from it.
“H… I hate to break it to you, but friends don’t cancel other plans just to see each other…” Somewhere in his mind, Harry knew that- but that was a thought for another time. Right now, he was just focusing on making it to your house with your guys’ favorite takeout food and cuddling up to you on your couch or in your bed to watch movies he wouldn’t be paying any attention to in favor of watching your eyes light up during your favorite scenes, and drinking what some would say is a little too much wine for a Thursday evening. The two of you didn’t have to worry about that part though- you always had Fridays off.
All Harry did was shrug him off and say his final goodbyes- heading back out to his car that he had been in not more than 20 minutes ago when he arrived to have dinner with Jeff, and followed the gravitational pull that always seemed to lead back to you.
Loud music and large crowds were something Harry was accustomed to, he’d spent the majority of his teen years and all of his adult life around them, in the middle of them. What he wasn’t used to was you being there with him. He’d convinced you to have a night out with him and a friend that was in town and you hesitantly said yes. The two of you didn’t go out in public together very often, and when you did it was always very meticulous. You showed up separately, acted like you didn’t know each other, and tried to stay away from as many prying eyes as you possibly could. It wasn’t that Harry didn’t want to be seen with you or even that you didn’t want to be seen with him- it was just better for the both of you that your friendship stay out of the public eye. It was better for your job and it made things easier in your personal life as well. The last thing Harry wanted was for the media to start making rumors and for his fans to start ripping you apart like they had been known to do in the past.
The club you guys were at was very exclusive, and you had followed the same protocol of showing up at different times as to not be seen walking in together. You had sworn you’d never been around so many A-list celebrities in your entire life and you were starting to feel a little overwhelmed at all the people you knew of in the room, all the faces you’d seen so many times before only through a screen. You didn’t have much time to panic as Harry was whisking you off to meet the friend he’d told you about that was here. A very familiar Irish accent piqued your ears as you got closer to the bar near the back of the crowded room, a head of brown hair, that in your mind should still be blond, peaking out amongst the people surrounding him. Of course, out of all the friends he has, it had to be Niall Horan he was talking about. Someone that you were very familiar with. Niall had always been your favorite in One Direction and you made sure you reminded Harry of that every chance, uh sorry, every chonce you got.
Memories of the two of you sitting in your car as a 1D song came on the radio and you shushing him as Niall started singing- reminding him that this was “the best part” and turning it up louder than it really needed to be flashed through your mind and you tried your hardest to fight the blush creeping up your neck as you stopped in your tracks, halting both of you from going any further. You shot him a glare and it took everything in you not to slap that smirk off of his face.
“Really? And you didn’t even warn me? What the fuck H?” If your heart wasn’t racing before, it certainly was now at the thought of meeting Niall Horan. You didn’t even freakout this hard when you met Harry for the first time. That encounter seemed like it was yesterday and 100 years ago all at the same time.
“M’a little hurt you didn’t freak out over me like this, love! What does he have that I don’t?” Faking offense, his hand coming up to hold his chest as if you’d actually hurt him. You scoffed and pushed his shoulder away, fully prepared to run and hide in the bathroom the rest of the night. You freaked out over Harry in a different way. One that you didn’t let him ever see. And sure- maybe you went home after the first time you met and screamed your head off to your best friend in your hometown- but he didn’t need to ever know that. But now here you were, 20 feet away from Niall fucking Horan, your teenage celebrity crush, and you didn’t know if you were gonna make it to see tomorrow.
Why you were so freaked out about meeting him you weren’t quite sure. Maybe it was that he was one of Harry’s closest and oldest friends and you wanted him to like you (for reasons you weren’t ready to admit to yourself, let alone Harry) or maybe it was merely the fact that you spent the entirety of your high school career with pictures of him on your wall and on the front of your school binder.
“I’m gonna die tonight…” You muttered to yourself as Harry began dragging you behind him once again, over to the open bar stools next to Niall.
“Oi there he is!” The Irishman turns to see the pair of you, pulling Harry into a long overdue hug.
“Hey mate,” The smile on Harry’s face is one you don’t get to see often as it only comes out when he feels a weight lift off his shoulders. You knew seeing Niall was something he’d been looking forward to, although you didn’t quite know it was Niall until less than 2 minutes ago. Sometimes life gets to be a little too much and having someone that gets it like Niall does is important. You could only offer so much as you had no idea what it was like to walk in his shoes.
“You must be the famous Y/N this guy never stops yappin’ about!” The smile is replaced by a flush you’ve seen plenty of times before. He almost looks like a dog with his tail between his legs as he flicks the brunets forehead.
“Aye, no need for that,”
“I guess that’s me!” You say with a smile, expecting for Niall to extend his hand. He, instead, pulls you into a bone crushing hug that you know 14 year old you would have died for, but current you can’t help but wish it was Harry’s arms wrapped tightly around your body like this. He hugs you like this all the time, if not tighter, but it doesn’t seem like you could ever get enough of the man with green eyes standing next to you with that lopsided smile sewn onto his face.
“M’ Niall, it’s nice to meet you!”
Ok. Maybe those last two shots of tequila Niall had talked you into weren’t the best idea. Maybe, dragging Harry out to the dance floor when you were just drunk enough to tell him anything wasn’t the best idea. Maybe you didn’t really care right now because the feeling of his hands on your body in a way that wouldn’t be considered platonic was too good to do anything about.
Drunk you has been known to almost spill a certain 8-letter phrase that sober you would rather keep to herself. Drunk you wishes you could get over yourself and just say it, so every time- like clockwork- you get close to his ear and begin the little phrase. But somehow, by some magical happenstance, an outside force steps in. Almost as if the universe is trying to tell you something. You just can’t figure out if it means don’t tell him at all or don’t tell him like this.
Just as you felt yourself lean in and brush your lips against the outer shell of his ear Niall showed up out of nowhere letting us know he was heading to the bathroom and joking about how if he wasn’t back in 20 minutes to call security.
“What was that you were about t’say love?” He leaned in close to your ear as you had done to him not even 30 seconds ago before you were interrupted. In his inebriated state, it sounded more like “wha’ was tha’ ya were abou’ t’say love,” as he always talked a little sloppier when he’d had a few drinks. He says that when he bit the end of his tongue off that it got rid of his little lisp but it didn’t really. He’s just never sober enough to remember.
“I-uh, I don’t remember now,” You giggled, playing it off as drunken rambling. He nods, pulling you closer, if that was possible at this point, and swaying back and forth off beat to the music. His arms wrap tightly around your waist, face buried in your neck where he felt most at home. Your arms find purchase wrapped around his neck, your head placed gently atop his. To any wandering eye, it would seem as if the two of you were in love with each other.
Someone leaked pictures of your night out to the media. Harry doesn’t even bother to knock as he barges into your house to see you wandering around your kitchen putting things away, acting like you had no idea that the whole world thought you were dating your best friend. Because you didn’t. Your phone had been off all day in favor of getting things done around the house.
“Love, please don’t be mad…”
“Why, what did you do?”
“Have y’not seen?”
“...Seen what, H?”
“Shit,” He muttered under his breath, walking closer to you. He looked like a dog with his tail between his legs. You only grew more suspicious as he pulled his phone out, swiping around until he found what he was looking for.
A cold sweat broke out over your body, throat suddenly dry, heart beginning to race. What you were seeing was a picture of you and Harry with your hands all over each other on the dance floor of the club you were at last Friday night. Your name was attached to the tweet along with Harry’s, obviously, along with other pictures of the two of you together from that night. You felt a little sick.
You were angry that you let your guard down in public but all of your feelings of anguish and sickness washed away when you saw the look of pure fear in Harry’s eyes. He was absolutely terrified that you were going to push him away after this. His mind raced from all of the possibilities. He was terrified to lose you.
“I didn’t mean for this t’happen, pet. Promise! M’so sorry, I-” You shut down his worry, gently placing your hand on his cheek, brushing your thumb under his eye.
“Hey, I know. It’s ok. It’s ok.” You pulled him into your arms, wrapping yourself around him tightly. He melted into you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. This is where he felt most at home. Safe in the arms of the girl he loves. His heart sinks at the idea that she would never know. He doesn’t know if he could live with the idea of you meeting someone else. Holding someone else the way you're holding him now. Tightening his grip on your waist, he pulls his head away from your neck, resting his forehead against yours.
“Y/n… I- god why is it so hard f’me t’say this.” He stumbles over his words, trying to find the courage to say what he’s been waiting for so long to tell you.
“Say what, Haz?” You whispered, heart picking up speed. Your fingers gently brushed away a stray curl that had fallen into his eyes.
He was quiet for a beat, looking anywhere but your eyes. When he finally did make eye contact, your breath caught in your throat. His eyes held a look you had seen so many times before. A look you told yourself didn’t mean anything so many times that for a moment, you almost believed it.
“The way I feel about you…” He whispered. This time, it was his hand that gently met your cheek, thumb brushing under your eye. His eyes flitted back and forth between your lips and your irises.
“Baby, for so long I tried to tell myself that there was nothing here. That we really were just good friends, but we both know…” His voice didn’t raise any higher as he said this. You could feel his hand shaking on your cheek. You held his wrist, returning his intense gaze and nodding your head subtly.
You did know. You hadn’t quite realized that he knew too, but you knew you certainly did. Maybe it was a good thing that someone leaked those pictures.
“Y/n, my darling Y/n… I love you.” Tears welled in your eyes as it felt like the weight of the galaxy had just been lifted from your shoulders.
“I know you do,” Your voice broke, trying to keep the happy tears at bay,” And I love you too.”
He closed the already minuscule distance between the two of you, matching his lips to yours. He poured everything he had ever felt for you into this kiss, holding you even tighter against him. You gave him everything you had and more, hoping that this kiss would be enough to truly tell him how you felt. I love you just isn't big enough. There aren’t enough words in all of the languages combined to truly describe the way you feel about the man kissing you right now.
You fit perfectly together, like one soul that's been split in two and destined to reunite over and over again throughout time. You truly believe you’ve fallen in love with Harry many times before, in different lives, as different people. The connection was just too pure for that not to be the case.
He broke the kiss, both of you gasping for air, him muttering, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” between every breath and wiping away the tears that had managed to escape onto your cheeks.
“What are we gonna do?” You asked after you’d both caught your breath.
“Well, first things first, I think I have a question to ask you…” He trailed, a gentle smirk pulling onto his face.
“M’love, will you be my girlfriend?” You beamed, looking into the green eyes before you, nodding your head more prominently.
“Yes,” You giggled as he cut you off with a kiss. His hands roamed the span of your back, cheekily dipping below your waistline, onto your ass. He rubbed his hands around before you playfully slapped them away, not being able to swipe the smile off your aching cheeks.
“We’ll figure this out, together. As long as I have you, the rest of the world doesn’t matter. We’ll take it one step at a time.” He says with an adoring smile.
The rest of the world doesn’t matter, you decide. You have him. And he’s all you need.
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
iv. Lolita, Lolita Series
Hey Lolita, hey! Hey Lolita, hey! I know what the boys want, I'm not gonna play.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: bestfriendsdad!Andy Barber x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, mentions of alcohol, mentions of relationship violence, oral (female receiving), pet names, dirty talk
Words: 2240
Summary: Andy’s falling at y/n’s feet, just like all the other boys before.
Six days. It had been six agonizing days since their encounter at the club, and Andy Barber was losing his cool. The nightly, and sometimes midday, jerkoff sessions weren’t quite enough to satisfy his hunger.
Things with y/n had been the same, as if their little blowjob fest hadn’t happened. They continued to carpool to the office, continued to be friendly back at home, and y/n continued to tease him as always. She’d wear her tight and barely there clothing around the house and the office and had even started walking around in her towel after her showers. Andy didn’t mind the view, and neither did the boys, stuttering and stammering at the sight of her. But again, it wasn’t enough. 
That morning y/n greeted him with another breakfast and coffee before work, donning a black long sleeve crop top with a slit across to give him the view of just a bit of cleavage. Her light denim jeans were practically painted on her body, her perky ass bouncing with each step in her black strappy heels.
“You look good, y/n. As always.” Andy commented, taking a sip of his coffee. He thought a bit of flirting might help his case of getting closer to his little Lolita, though she didn’t seem phased by the compliment.
“Thanks Andy, we should get going. I’m shadowing you with your clients today, remember?” Her internship had been stellar, learning valuable information about the field and her future career. The only problem occasionally was Neal, who tended to linger too long at her desk and always stared down her shirt as he talked. Normally she would put the man in her place, but it offered a good source of jealousy from Andy, which she couldn’t pass up.
Their ride to the office was filled with conversation as Andy briefed her on their clients for the day, y/n taking notes in her notebook of all the critical details. Though she probably wouldn’t need the notes, she had read over the client’s files for the past two days in anticipation.
Y/N sashayed down the hall in front of Andy to his office, and he watched her ass the entire time she moved, trying not to pop a boner before the workday even started. After arriving at the office door and unlocking it, the two got comfortable for their first client of the day.
“Are you nervous?” Andy questioned, eyes focusing intently on her.
“Of course not. I’m just eager to please.” Her tone was heavy with seduction, lips curving into a huge smile when Andy shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
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By the time they had finished up with their clients for the day it was nine o’clock, a much later day at the office for them since y/n had started her internship. The two were both starving since lunch, stomachs growling as they headed home for the evening.
“Jacob said he and the boys are going to see a midnight movie showing after the bar, won’t be back till late.” Y/N announced, fingers typing out a quick reply to Jacob.
“Alright, are you interested in going out for some food? I think it’s way too late to start cooking something. We can go to that Mexican restaurant up the street from the house if you want.” Andy suggested, glancing over at y/n as he parked the car in the driveway.
“That’s fine, let me go change really quick and then we can go.” Y/N walked straight through the garage doors and up into her room, getting herself refreshed for dinner. Andy decided to change as well, pulling on a pair of dark denim jeans and a grey Henley long-sleeved shirt that accentuated his muscles. He was honestly hoping that y/n might consider this a date but given how she seemed to avoid any movement in their relationship, it seemed unlikely.
Andy scrolled through his email on his cell phone, leaning against the kitchen counter as she walked down the stairs. His eyes met hers before traveling down to the tight burgundy floral mini dress, the thin spaghetti straps barely holding in her braless breasts as they poked out slightly above the fabric. Andy’s eyes continued lower to the slit in the dress, staring at where the slit hit mid-thigh and ended right at her hip bone. Was she not wearing any underwear?
“Okay, I’m ready.” Y/N’s black stilettos clicked against the hardwood as she made her way towards the door, headed towards his car once again. Andy trailed behind, his eyes roaming over her backside while his cock stirred in his jeans.
The restaurant was less than a mile from the house, a quick drive for them both, which was a relief considering how hungry they both were. The waitress came up shortly after they sat, a young perky blonde who seemed to be a little extra attentive to Andy, though he didn’t pay any attention to her. He was too busy watching y/n scanning the menu, chewing her bottom lip as she figured out what to eat.
“I’ll have a Coors Light and a southwest salad, please.” Y/N’s voice was soft as she spoke to the waitress.
“I’ll have a Coors as well with the street taco trio. Thank you.” Andy handed over their menus before returning his attention back to y/n. “Did you like sitting in on the meetings today?” He asked, leaning back in his seat.
“Definitely, it’s nice to fully see the process at work. Usually I’m filing the paperwork after a meeting, but today gave me the chance to start from the initial meeting to the filing.” The waitress arrived with their drinks as she finished her sentence, taking a long swig from her beer.
“I’m glad. We make a good team, don’t you think?” Andy had to admit, she was the most impressive intern they’d had since he started there. But the question isn’t just about work, hinting at the possibility of them together.
“We’re alright.” She responded, shrugging her shoulders. Andy sighed, six days of waiting to figure out anything between them was torture, just like the mind games she was playing with him now. His thoughts are briefly interrupted by the arrival of their meal, using the break in their conversation to consider his next words carefully. It was like he was building a case as he had done hundreds of times at work, though this case was a bit higher stake for him.
“Look, in the club I know I said we couldn’t do this...do us.” Good start, Andy-boy. “But we’re both adults as you said. It’s not weird, unless we make it weird, and if we keep things private for a while so as not to hurt Jacob...why don’t we give it a try? Us, I mean.”
Y/N chewed thoughtfully on her meal, listening to his case and reflecting on his words. “I’m not a relationship girl, you know that.” The thought of being in a committed relationship with anyone terrified her, a trigger from her family trauma. What happens if Andy is kind at first, but later turns into a monster like her father? Would she really want to end up like her mom? No thank you.
“I do know that, but I also know that there’s something between us, y/n. You can’t deny that. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have done what you had.” Andy retorted, taking a bite of his tacos.
“Everything I do is because I want to do it.” She declared, leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms over her chest. “A relationship is different, Andy. Why tie yourself down to someone? It’s not like it ever lasts, you should know that firsthand.” She’s referring to his divorce, the thought that Andy even wanted to be committed to someone else after that was confusing.
“Maybe that’s true, or maybe we’re just waiting for the right person to change our minds.” He’s leaning on the table now, his eyes locked on hers to gauge her reactions.
Y/N’s eyebrow raises at his response, her head tilting to the side. “And you’re trying to say that I’m that right person?” Her eyes roll back into her head, straightening her body and digging back into her meal. “You’re thinking a little too highly after one hookup.”
Andy knows they’re going in circles with the conversation and so he drops it, finishing up their meals in silence and not protesting when y/n asks to split the bill. Definitely not a date.
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The ride back to the house is uncomfortably silent, y/n playing Candy Crush on her phone to distract herself from any further talk about a relationship. Y/N is about to go up the stairs to her room when they arrive, but Andy stops her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her back over to him.
“What are you doing?” She asks, brows furrowed as her eyes meet his blue hues. Andy tugs her closer by her waist in response to her question, lips hovering inches away.
“Think about it, we’d be good together, you can’t deny that.” And with that Andy is leaning in, pressing his lips passionately against y/n’s own. Without any hesitation y/n reciprocates the kiss, hands instinctively wrapping around his neck to pull him in closer, if that was even possible.
Their lips dance together in the perfect rhythm for a moment before Andy breaks the kiss to pepper wet kisses to the flesh on y/n’s neck. She rolls her head to one side to give him better access, tugging at the hair on the nape of his neck when he nibbles on a sensitive spot. She lets him continue for a moment before pushing him gently off her, confusing laced across his face.
Y/N’s heels click against the hardwood as she starts walking down the hallway towards his bedroom door, stopping right in front of it and looking back at Andy, a cocky grin spreading across her swollen lips.
“I think it’s time you return the favor from the other night.” And with that she slips into his bedroom, Andy following quickly on her heels and shutting the door behind them. He watches, eyes blown wide, as she saunters over to the bed, sitting right on the edge of it. She leans her body back, her weight against her elbows, opening her legs to reveal her bare core, her heels firmly placed on the floor in front of the bed for balance.
“Don’t just stand there and stare, Andy. Get to work.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice, practically crawling across the room, his knees hitting the soft carpet a foot away from her outstretched legs. His strong hands move from her knees up her thighs, pushing her dress up to her stomach to reveal her wet heat to him.
It was glistening like diamonds, just as beautiful as the rest of her body. He rests his hands on each of her inner thighs, pushing her legs slightly wider and locking his eyes with hers as he leans forward and licks a strip up her slit. His first taste of her is incredible, better than he could’ve imagined, and he wastes no time on diving in further, lapping at her core.
Andy’s beard tickles her pussy as he works his tongue into her, sending shivers down her spine. Her fingers instinctively grab at his hair, her grip tightening whenever he lapped at a spot that made her moan. She kept her eyes on him the entire time, loving the way he looked between her legs. She could get used to this.
Andy moved his head back, his pointer and middle finger rubbing against her wet folds before they dive in, curling deep and releasing a satisfied moan from her lips. “Your pussy is so pretty, so wet and delicious. My little Lolita.” There goes the pet name from the other night, though it was quite fitting for her.
His fingers find a good rhythm inside her, eliciting the prettiest moans from her lips. His cock is painfully hard in his jeans, though he knows right now it is all about her pleasure. He can tell her orgasm is building, moving his face back to suck at her clit while his fingers keep their pace in and out of her dripping core.
Her walls start to tighten, y/n seeing stars as she feels that familiar buildup in her stomach, tightening her grip on his hair. Andy’s eyes lock back on hers, a seductive smirk spreading across his lips.
“Let go, Lolita. Cum for me.” And just like that her orgasm rips through her, her walls tightening around his fingers as she pushes his face flush against her folds, allowing him to lap up her release.
She’s shaking by the time he pulls away, his beard covered in her slick, the sight alone giving her a sense of pride and ownership over him.
“That was incredible.” Y/N announces, adjusting her dress and standing back up, stepping towards the door of the bedroom. Andy’s jaw drops, his cock twitching as she walks away. “Where are you going? I’m hard as a rock right now.”
Y/N stops to look at him, her eyes trailing to the bulge in his jeans, shrugging her shoulders. “Guess you’ll have to jerk off to your fantasies of me as always.” And with that she opens the door and exits the bedroom, leaving Andy kneeling with frustration against the carpet.
Tagging those who may be interested. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list: @midnightf @my-divine-death @saamwilsonn @fierylibraa @fuckandfluff​ @rattlemyb0nes​ @rootcrop @goldenboysteve​  @turtoix​  @jeremyrennermakesmesmile​  @ccmarvelxx ​
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melyaliz · 3 years
Remember Me 10
Master List
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Notes: Trying to catch up on a few chapters.
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
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Everything was lovely. Perfect and beautiful. The food was delicious, the drinks were sweet, Olive looked amazing
And Bakugou was about to murder that lady who wouldn’t stop taking pictures of them from across the room. Seriously? This was supposed to be a nice place and these people were acting like riff raff. He couldn’t even pay attention to the questions Olive was asking him. His date clearly saw the woman as well since her gaze kept darting over to the rude fan. However, unlike him she wasn't really acknowledging it.
Oh great, now she was coming over here.
“Excuse me, are you Ground Zero? My son loves you, Japanese heroes. I was wondering….”
Olive’s brown eyes grew wide, blinking in shock at the woman standing before them. “We’re actually in the middle...”
“Oh he doesn’t mind honey. After all these heroes love attention.”
“Maybe after we eat?” Olive’s eyes darted from the woman to Bakugou’s hands which were gripping the table so tightly it was a shock it didn’t break. It was VERY clear that he was NOT loving this attention. Quickly the young woman tried to think of another way to de-escalate this situation. While she hadn’t known Bakugou for long it was clear from both the resorts and their conversions he was not the picture of easy going. Which was the kind of attitude you needed for women like the one standing by their table.
“No no, actually could you just take the photo?” she asked holding out her phone to Olive who looked down at it. The situation being so comical she was having a hard time not laughing. God if only she could be filming this situation to save forever. This woman was a piece of work.  Looking back up at the prestant fan Olive was about to respond when Bakugou, who had been festering in his seat trying to keep his cool for the whole interaction, lost it.
“Can’t you see we are on a DATE!?!” The blonde snapped sparks flashing from his fits singing the white tablecloth as the women, shocked, instantly took a step back.
“Oh excuse me… I didn’t.”
“Just go!” he snapped, already feeling that mix of annoyance and instant embarrassment that he had just lost his temper in front of his date. His face so red it almost looked like it was on fire. His hair standing on edge looking like the small sparks that were flickering from his palms.
But the damage was done. Glancing over at Olive he noticed she wasn’t even looking at him but her phone. After a moment she glanced up at Bakugou then the woman who was retreating to the safety of her own table. Slowly turning back to Bakugou Olive took a sip of her wine, her face totally unreadable.
“ My friend and his wife are going to this bar where this metal band Revocation is playing. Did you want to ditch this and go ?”
“Uhhh” Still coming down from the scene that had just transpired it took a moment for his brain to register what she was saying.
“ It’s this band ” she held up her phone for him to see, “ I know you like Metal so… ”
“ Yeah let’s go ” he stood ready to leave right now. Over this whole fancy restaurant and it’s perfectness. Honestly, this wasn’t really his thing he had only taken her here because he knew chicks liked it.
Or apparently the chicks he had taken out before Olive.
“We still have to pay. ” she mumbled reaching for her bag.
“ Don’t you dare, ” he growled, still heated. Freezing Olive glanced up at him before sitting straight in her chair a small smile slowly starting to grow on her face. Sipping the last of her wine she tried to hide her amusement.
Bakugou decided not to ask her what she found so funny instead pulling out his wallet taking a few deep breaths. Calming himself down. Breath Bakugou breath. As if on cue the waiter came rushing up. He had no doubt witnessed the whole scene and was ready to get this explosive hero out of his restaurant.
“ I’ll order an uber. ” Olive said, “I’m excited” she added in english smiling and Bakugou suddenly felt like a huge weight had been lifted.
The club was a small hole in the wall with a stage. Dirty with low grade alcohol and beer. Olive ordered for them saying Bakugou had to at least try a local brew since he was in San Diego.
It was ok, a little bitter for his taste.
The opening band was ok. He might had enjoyed it more if Olive didn’t seem so distracted. She kept stepping forward slightly, casting a half a glance behind herself as if trying to discreetly see something behind her.  Her distraction distracting him. What was wrong with her?
Then suddenly her body became translucent and some guy who had been standing behind her fell through her. Slowly, as if she was underwater, she stepped over him glaring down at the offending man.
“Wow, not cool!’ the guy says getting up touching his face checking if there is bleeding.
“Yeah, it’s really not cool that you kept touching my ass!” she snapped up at him. Eyes flashing with frustration. “If you're close enough to fall, you're too close.”
“I can’t help it, that skirt….” his predatory gaze at said skirt was cut off by Bakugou stepping in front of Olive. English my not be his native language but he had heard enough to understand what was going on. And he was not ok with it.
“Get away from her.”
“You with her?” The guy asked sizing Bakugou up. It was apparent, even dressed in the nice slacks and button up that Bakugou had put on for this evening, that he could take this guy. Yet this guy didn’t seem to really understand that as he puffed out his chest trying to make himself look better.
“I will kill you” small sparks flickering in his hand ready to take this guy out. Who did this creep think he was?
Bakugou was about to show this douchebag JUST who he had been messing with he felt a hand folder over his own stopping him.
“Just walk away and stop touching women without asking.” Olive said calmly, her hazel eyes hard as her grip on Bakugou’s hand tightened slightly. The guy, who had seen the sparks, knew he was no match for the blonde and decided to leave while his limbs were still attached.
At the sound of her name Olive turned and waved to a couple coming up toward them. Her hand still intertwined with Bakugou’s. As the couple came closer she dropped his hand and Bakugou couldn't help but miss her touch a little. But only a little.
The guy who had called out her name pointed his thumb behind his shoulder at the creep who was now nursing his pride at the bar with a bottle of IPA. “What happened with that guy?”
“ Bakugou, this is Peter and Emma . ” Olive said, pointing to the couple. The guy had shaggy auburn hair with pale skin and a face of freckles that made him look almost like an overgrown child. The woman next to him had short curly black hair and dark skin. They were such a contrasting couple they almost stood out in the crowd of people. “That guy tried to grab my ass and…” she started retelling the incident so quickly that Bakugou couldn’t keep up. She even kept using her hands to act things out while adding in sound effects making the couple laugh.
She must have reached the end because Peter leaned over toward Bakugou holding up his hand for a high five.
“Dude nice!”
Bakugou wasn’t really the high five kind of guy but he had also had enough PR classes to know when to just do it. What was the term american’s used for these kinds of guys? Oh yeah, surf bros. Peter was a surf bro. Although his energy level did kind of remind Bakugou of Kirishima.
The rest of the interaction throughout the concert was awkward slow english with Olive mumbling a few words here and there. The couple was friendly enough but for the most part they were there to listen to the music and Bakugou was grateful they didn’t force too much conversation. Although, every once in awhile Peter would glance over at Bakugou sizing him up as if trying to gauge who this person Olive had brought was. It took a lot of self control not to call him out on it but after the restaurant Bakugou knew he needed to keep his temper in check if he wanted to save tonight. And deep down he wanted to make a good impression on this girl who would rather spend the night listening to Metal music while drinking cheap beer than at a fancy restaurant.
As the night wore on and the drinking continued Olive’s Japanese became better and worse all at the same time. Her confidence was rising so she was speaking quicker but because of that she kept mixing up tenses and direction. One moment Bakugou could understand everything she was saying with total clarity the next it was as if she was speaking totally giberious.
It was kind of cute though because she was so confidently failing.
As the last few songs started to play Peter and Emma had disappeared to the bar and had never come back. Not that Bakugou really cared, he was too busy explaining drumming techniques to Olive.
It had all started with her leaning forward to ask a question about the drummer, her body barely touching his as her hand gently touched his arm to pull him down to her level so she could into his ear. As the music wore on, she had slowly wormed herself under his arm, his hand gently on the curve of her back as they continued to talk music. Well Bakuogu explained, she mostly asked questions with wide eyes of wonder at his knowledge which just fed into his ego.
He was surprised how even drunk she kept up with his questions and prodded deeper. She wasn’t asking to flatter him or fuel his ego, she genuinely wanted to hear what he had to say.
Soon the conversation shifted from music to his powers and moves he was working on. A small smile was on her face as she watched him explain a trick he had been trying out. It was a little more subtle than his normal moves but he was realizing he needed some smaller, more controlled ways to use his powers in more crowded arias.
“What?” Bakugou paused frowning down at Olive who was just smiling up at him hanigng onto his every word. Biting her lip she shrugged.
“I just like you and your interests”
“My Interestings?” he chuckled gently brushing away a few strands of her hair that had fallen into her face.
Olive scrunched up her nose trying to find the right words, stumbling for a few moments she just sighed, shrugging, “I just really like you.”
“Oh do you” Bakugou said leaning forward grinning down at her, all teeth as his crimson eyes studied her expecting her to get flustered at his forwardness.
To his delight he noticed a small flush spread across her pail skin as Olive nodded her eyes never leaving his. Without thinking she licked her lips and Bakugou’s gaze followed her tongue. Moving a few inches closer he was only a hair's breadth away from her.
For a moment they both stood there just wrapping up in the moment, daring the other to make that move. To push toward that next step in this murtal attraction. Admitting that maybe there was something there, something worth exploring.
If asked, Bakugou will always say it was him who took that step forward. Who kissed first. And maybe he was, but if he really was forced to admit it he wasn’t really sure. All he knew was that one moment he was thinking about kissing her and the next he was.
She tasted just how he imagined she would. Sweet and playful, a bit like the beer she had been drinking and surgery sweet from the lipgloss she was wearing. Her body seemed to melt so willing into his, her hands gently pressed into his body, one on his arm and the other on his chest.
Not one for PDA, Bakugou moved her into a dark corner of the bar. She giggled as he pulled her to him again, his hands moving down her body to her hips, pulling them flush to him. She let out a little grunt pushing herself onto him. Her hands moving to his neck pressing herself into him as she grinded into him
“My place?” he asked huskily in english pulling himself slightly away from her, just enough to catch his breath. To put himself back together. Hif brain buzzing with more than just the alcohol.
It was like a switch in her brain went off and she pushed away.
“I can’t I’m married ”
It was Bakugou’s turn to jolt back. It was as if with those four words he had become completely sober and painfully aware that he had just been making out in some dirty dive bar. “ What ?” There was no way his brain tried to reason. Her friends would have said something. He would have seen a ring.
“He’s dead… I… you should know though because I like you” the words were slurred and making no sense to him as he stood there looking down at her completely lost. Those lips he had just been kissing pulled into a grimace as her breath became shallow.
Fuck fuck fuck.
What the FUCK?
“Can I kiss you”
Bakugou’s voice thick and warm like his body wrapped around her. His eyes trailed up from her lips to meet her own with the most intense gaze Olive had ever felt. It was as if those crimson eyes were looking into her very soul. Cracking her open bare before him seeing things she didn’t even know about herself. Nodding mutley her tongue felt like it had been velcroed to the top of her mouth.
He learned forward gently touching her lips. Hesitant at first, testing the waters but knowing them oh so well. Olive couldn’t remember kissing anyone but Eliott so the experience of Katsuki being so good seemed very foreign to her. He tasted sweet with just a hint of smok. The taste of alcohol barely evident on his breath as he slowly moved his lips pulling her in deeper.
It was so warm. His tongue flicked expertly over her lips asking for entrance, his hand travelling up from her arm to her cheek gently pulling her closer to him. His touch was too tender and intimate. As if she was made of porcelain. About to crack and break. Shatter across the floor.
Olive didn’t want to be weak. She wanted to be confident and strong. To be happy. To be the woman she had been with this man who was way out of her league. To be…
To be…
Her heart was beating so fast she couldn’t breath. It was pounding in her chest as if it could crack her very bones shattering through her chest. She needed air. She needed to catch her breath.
She needed Eliott.
Pulling away she could see the concern spread across Bakugo’s face as he looked down at her. He had looked so happy. So focused and now… he was unreadable.
“I’m sorry I…” she stammered trying to pull herself together. Those little porcelain pieces putting them together on this china doll. That’s all she was, a fragile little doll.
“Don’t apologize. I hate it” he cut her off shaking his head, his eyes unable to meet hers.
“Oh…” she paused unsure how that felt, “ I’m not sure how I feel about not apologizing.”
“Well apologize if you are sorry but none of that insecure shit.” he said his gaze snapping toward hers burning bright hot flames in his eyes. He wasn angry. It was taking every ounce of self control to not lose it on her.
And she couldn't blame him. The woman he loved was dead and what he had instead was this… this broken thing.
It made her angry too.
It felt like they were caught in this loop. Both of them were looking for something they were missing. He was looking for something in his past and she was looking for something in her future.
“ I just.. ,” she let out a long breath, “I hate this so much,” giving up and switching to english so she could be as honest as possible. The weight of the statement hung over them, pushing down like some dark storm cloud. Her saying what both of them had been feeling for weeks. Finally out loud. Barely understandable over the music on the dance floor it was still there.It hung there between them both like the chaem that had grown since the accident.
This wasn’t really club conversation. Not that much of what had been spoken that night had been very good “night out” topics.
“Let’s go,” Grabbing her wrist Bakugou turned, pulling her off the dance floor.
“But the others… do we need to say goodbye?” she asked glancing over her shoulder trying to find his… their friends.
“No, I’ll text them later,” he wouldn’t but he knew she would worry and - of all the things on her mind - it wasn’t worth it.
The cool air against their skin seemed to wake them both up. It hit them like an ice cold drink on a hot day as they excited the bar. Refreshing and just everything they needed. Olive let out a long breath, her hands going up to her dark hair wishing she would just massage the answers into her skull.
What were they supposed to do?
“ I hate this too ” his back was to her but she could hear him as clear as if he had whispered it in her ear. He turned to look at her, studying her. “It’s like you are there but you're not. ” he said switching to her native tongue. Just another reminder of how distant they were from each other. Just another struggle in this relationship.
“I feel like I’m living in the body of a stranger. As if I don’t fit in my own skin” hot tears were fighting in her eyes, frustration filling her body like bowling water. Bubbling so close to the rim it would spill over at any moment. “I want to love you, I want to be that girl… I just don’t know her… she’s years away from what I am right now.”
Her words were simple but strong determined to talk this out. Her eyes bright as she searched his answers. How could she make him happy when she didn’t know anything about the Olive he had fallen in love with?
He lunged forward grabbing her arm pulling her to him. Wrapping her in a warm hug. His body enveloping her in his own just holding her as she let out a choked sob crying angst his black tee. His hand gently stroking her hair as he kissed the top of her head fighting back his own tears. He had always hated seeing her cry, and she had probably been crying more these past weeks than he had ever seen her cry in the 4 years before.
But she wasn’t hiding them from him anymore. She was crying freely in front of him. Letting him in to what she was struggling with.
He could feel her hands gripping his denim jacket pulling him closer to her as she shook her head, her tears seeping through the thin cotton of his shirt. Not that he cared. She could ruin that dumb shirt for all he cared.
Just stop crying.
“ I’m sorry ” she mumbled through her sobs. “I’m sorry”
Pulling away he took her face, his in hands wiping away the tears on her cheeks with his thumbs. Bending down slightly so he was eye level with her he shook his head.
“Stop apologizing, this is not your fault and once I find the guy who did this to you I will… I’m going to fix this Olive.”
She sniffed, wiping her nose with the back of her arm, “W...What?”
“The guy who did this. The moment we find him I'm going to pound his ass into the cement until he undoes this. And then I’m going to kill him for doing this to you. For making you feel so sad.”
She studied his face blinking wide tearfilled eyes unsure if she understood him. But he wasn’t going to clarify for her. She might not fully understand it right now. She didn’t know him well enough to know what he would do for her.
And the answer to that was anything .
“Let’s go home” he said standing up straight holding out his hand for her to take. Gently she slipped her hand into his nodding sniffing again. A soft sad smile on her lips as she blinked away a few stray tears from her lashes. It took all his self control not to kiss her again.
They walked in silence for a while. Lost in their own thoughts. Hands gripping each other as if they so much as loosened theri grip they would lose the other. That they would drift away until the chasm between them was too great.
“ God I’m a mess” Olive let out a wet laugh looking down at her now makeup smudged sleeve and arm.
“Yeah you are, ” Bakugo chuckled looking down at her before trying to rub away some of the mascara and eyeshadow that was running down her face only to smudge it more. “You almost looked this bad on our first date.”
“Did I start crying then too?” The horror written over her face was adorable. Sadness forgotten replaced with total embarrassment. Memories of that night came flooding back to Bakugou. That look of amusement she had at the restaurant. The excitement she had while making him try different beers explaining them over loud music. The way her body rocked out to the music in that bar. And the way that same body melted in to his while kissing him in that dark corner.
“No just sweated, we went to a metal concert with Peter and Emma.”
“Fuck no we didn’t!” Olive’s eyes grew wide at the choices of her past self, “ I must have really liked you… Peter is… was Eliott’s best friend.”
“I didn’t realize that at the time” H e had learned that fun fact a year later when Peter had - in Bakugou’s option- hilariously threatened the hero that if he ever hurt Olive he would cut off Bakuoug’s balls.
As if Bakugou could even imagine hurting Olive.
The memories of that first night and the millions after made him smile, they were such different people back then, yet so much the same. “You also got drunk and told me you were married after we kissed.”
“I didn’t,’” she groaned hiding her face behind her hands “ What is wrong with me? ”
“ You meant to say you had been married but ” he couldn’t help but laugh at the memory. While not funny at the time it was nothing but comical now.“ I had no idea what you were saying. ”
That got a laugh out of her giving him a sense of triumph. “Did I ever tell you that when Eliott asked me out I told him that I was just a very awkward person and if I was too weird he needed to tell me and then I shook his hand and said ‘let’s do this?”
“You didn’t, but I think mine wins.” he said, nothing can top that night in Bakugou’s book.
“Oh for sure” she paused biting her lip, a sure sign she was still worrying. However, her eyes were much brighter now. “You’re better looking than him.”
“I know.”
“Well it’s good to know you know your are hot.” her tone was playful, for a moment it almost felt like the old Olive was back. Teasing him about being so full of himself but also feeding his ego a moment later.  “Although it doesn't explain us to be honest.”
“Huh?” he asked, turning to her, confused.
“ Like, you’re the number 1 hero, hella hot and… I’m like maybe a 5 in everything.”
“I wasn’t number 1 when we met, I was number 2. I only became number 1 a little over a year ago.”
“Wait really?”
“Yeah” he sighed looking up at the sky. He couldn't see the stars because of all the lights from the city but the moon looked down at them. Full and bright. “You… I never thought I needed anyone to support me. That I could do everything by myself but you somehow just snuck in and proved me wrong.”
“Now that doesn’t sound like me.” she said softly having a hard time imaging she was cool enough to help a hero make it to number 1. She could barely get herself to an average ranking on the Amazon seller’s list.
“You just kept telling me I could do it. Kept pushing me to do things I didn’t want to do, to get there.” they paused at their apartment building looking up at it as they stood outside scared to go in. as if leaving the city would break this spell they had created. “Deku always said he was who he was because of the people who supported him and I always thought it was stupid. But… you didn’t just support me you pushed me. You helped me.” he looked down at her meeting her gaze. She had been looking up at him smiling softly watching him speak as if he had just told her she was made of star dust or some other romantic bullshit.
“Can I kiss you?” she asked, catching him off guard. “I’m not… ready for much more but… just one kiss before the end of the night…. Just…”
He cut her off capturing her lips. Kissing her so desperately it made Olive’s head spin. Just drinking her in as if his actions could say what his words just couldn’t.
He wanted so much more than a kiss. He wanted all of her like he used to have. But he would get what he could take. Because no matter what was going on, no matter what kind of Olive he had right now.
She was worth it.
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Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @myraticm
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wing-ed-thing · 3 years
Fraternizing and Spineless (Kabuto x Reader, Part IV)
Synopsis: Kabuto has a fixation and you sometimes apologize to inanimate objects. Ever since one fateful day, you’ve been drawn to each other from opposite sides of the battlefield.
Word Count: 3,429
Warnings/Tags: @tiktoktheclockisticking​ Bullying, Language, ANGST CITY, Alcohol, Side Iruka x Reader, Fem!Reader
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Finale
Notes: I’m fully expecting to get messages in my inbox that range drastically in forcefulness. Perhaps a “how dare you” or two. 
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You stood outside of Shushu-ya, almost as if you expected to be told to come in. A silly notion. With a heavy sigh, you clenched the warped gift in your hands, starting to regret the shoes you wore among other things. But you know you couldn’t back out now. You couldn’t miss Iruka’s birthday. Your reluctant hand grasped the door and before you could chicken out, you heaved it open.
The group was easy to spot, even in Shushu-ya’s dim lighting. Everyone gathered around the bar. A few people sat in a large, open booth. The crowd made you nervous, but you couldn’t help but feel a semblance of relief. You weren’t the first one there. Iruka spotted you immediately and waved you over. You took a sharp inhale before forcing yourself across the restaurant with a smile. You were, at the very least, glad to see him.
Iruka got up from his spot at the end of the extensive, circular seating and greeted you warmly. Knowing him, he sat at the end just to see people come in the door. He extended his arms to you in a hug. You happily embraced him. It had been quite some time since you got to spend any quality time with your friend. You handed him his present.
“As usual, you’re always so thoughtful.” Iruka pursed his lips, a sentimental expression coming upon him. Even still, the corners of his lips turned upward into that classic Iruka grin. “You didn’t have to.”
“It’s your birthday, Iruka. Of course I’m going to get you something nice.”
Iruka motioned for you to sit down and carefully placed your gift in the pile he had accumulated. You took a seat among two ninjas who you only knew by name. Iruka sat down next to who you were fairly sure you recognized as Kakashi of the Sharingan. The mask made it difficult to tell. You took your place next to Might Guy, the Leaf’s Green, Taijutsu Beast. You looked over to Iruka and wondered how he made such powerful friends. You supposed it was hard to not be acquainted with any famous shinobi in Konoha. Perhaps that’s what happened when you weren’t afraid to talk to people. You spied a few more of your colleagues around the bar, including your teammates from the last mission you took. They didn’t seem particularly pleased about your presence, but no one was going to impulsively make a fuss in front of Iruka.
You kept your head down and that’s where it stayed. The conversation went, for the most part, without you. You ordered a water quietly. You weren’t the type to drink, especially when you were as on edge as you were in this particular setting. The waiter set down your glass, making a sort of a sour face. You stared at the clear liquid, supposing that not many ordered water from a bar.
“That’s all you’re going to get?” You looked up into Kakashi’s intense eye. “You know you’re not on the clock, right?” He chuckled and you nervously laughed with him.
“Don’t listen to him.” Iruka rolled his eyes before taking a sip of his own drink. His kind gaze found yours. “You can do whatever you want, just know that the tab is already taken care of.” He looked past you and waved towards the bar. The bartender waved back.
“No, no. I completely understand!” Guy wrapped an arm around you, holding you a bit too close for the volume of his voice. You immediately let go of your drink. Your eyes went wide as he shook you with every word. “You gotta watch out for that hangover! Very smart! I commend you!” Kakashi tsked, tilting his head towards Iruka.
“Such a bad host, letting her sit next to Guy like that.” Iruka laughed sheepishly.
“Sorry,” He scratched at the back of his neck. “I guess the seat was open for a reason.” Guy pouted at the discourse across the table, arm still wrapped around your shoulder.
“Nonsense! Tease me all you like but I just know that… uh…” He turned to you with an outstretched hand and as much embarrassment as Might Guy was capable of. “What was your name again?” You took his much larger hand in yours and spoke your name, realizing that you hadn’t prior. He immediately shouted your name as if to commit it to memory, shaking you even harder than before. His shout got the attention of the rest of the booth and you suddenly your self consciousness skyrocketed. “—and we’re going to be best friends by the time the night is over! What do you think? You down for a party?” And suddenly you were expected to respond. You glanced around nervously.
“Um, yeah. Sure thing… I just think it’s really nice how everyone’s together.” Despite your response, you still felt like a bug under a magnifying glass. Sweat began to bead on your brow and your palms. You crossed your legs. “I feel like everyone’s always on missions so it’s nice to be among friends. And um, I can drink to that.” You glanced around the table once more, to Guy, to Kakashi, and then Iruka. Iruka’s eyes fluttered shut.
“I couldn’t say it better myself.” You raised your water weakly.
“Happy Birthday, Iruka.” Iruka raised his glass of sake and a roar went around the booth and extended to the bar. Someone hastily ordered a round of shots for the whole group. They came quickly, likely due to whatever likely large tip Iruka gave to the bartender.
One slid across the hard surface over to you. You gripped it between your fingers. The alcohol went down your throat with a steady burn. You let out a gasp with a bat of your eyes. The aftertaste of the ethanol burned your nasal cavity. Kakashi let out a deep laugh. Guy patted you hard on the back causing you to cough. Iruka smiled, ordering another round. You took another shot. People filtered in the door. And as the night went on, the three of you took to greeting Iruka’s guests along with him. The party crew quickly overtook the bar. A dull roar overtook Shushu-ya.
More words spilled from your mouth than you thought ever would in one sitting. Your three colleagues listened to you intently, jovially, and exchanged stories of their own. A small crowd gathered around your booth, members flitting from the bar and back. And for once in your life, people actually listened to you. You told your stories animatedly, waving your hands in emphasis. You took in the smiles around you, tales of missions and edgy impressions flying from your lips. Distracted, you hardly noticed the looks exchanged by your old teammates as they leaned against the low back of the booth.
“And I said, ‘You don’t need a rag, you need a towel’!” All those gathered around you burst out in hysterics. You felt the low rumble of Guy next to you. Iruka couldn’t pick his head up from the table. Kakashi yanked him up by his collar, revealing Iruka’s red, cackling expression. Kakashi snorted, dropping the cloth under his hand to cover his own face as he mocked his longtime friend. Joyful tears were still welled in your eyes when a slender hand clamped onto your shoulder.
You looked behind you only to become face to face with the kunoichi from your team. Her ever prevalent scowl remained plastered to her lips but they swiftly upturned into a sickly sweet smile.
“Hey, why don’t you tell everyone about our last mission? Or should I say, your last mission.” Your eyes widened and a chill coursed down your spine, remembering her unforgiving grasp on your hair following your meeting with the Hokage. You clenched your fists underneath the table, balling up the fabric of your clothing. What did she want from you? She crinkled her nose at you smugly. “Shy all of the sudden? That’s okay, I can tell it.” You heard Kakashi clap his hands together. You jumped.
“I’m always down for a good mission story,” He admitted eagerly. You shook your head vigorously.
“No, this one’s not very interest—” Another hard slap on your shoulder. Her nails dug into your shoulder.
“You don’t give yourself enough credit. I think they’ll all find this very interesting.” The kunoichi settled into her spot behind you, shifting her weight as she leaned forward. With a finger, she pointed out your two other team members. “See we were assigned with this one to find a scroll in a territory suspected of being owned by Orochimaru. ‘Cause she’s a wonder at blending in, right? That’s what we were told. And of course you know how these things go. Of course we find someone. Some bitch of Orochimaru—”
And as she described it, you could remember the scene vividly. Your teammates were reckless in their fighting and overall poor choices for a stealth mission. Flashy jutsu corrupted the frame of the underground system. The walls began to crack and shake. Your enemy had been caught off guard and outnumbered. Seeming to be already injured, there was only so much he could do to fight back. That was how you met Kabuto Yakushi.
“And so she doesn’t even warn us that the tunnel is, like, about to collapse. Some freak earthquake or something. So the enemy is knocked out cold and we’re running and running to try to find a way out and—”
You dove towards him. You didn’t know what drew you towards him in the first place but that’s what you did. As your team left without you, you tried your best to save the young ninja who had to only be as old as you. You tried to drag him but either you were too frail or he was too heavy. Your second option. Your hands ignited in healing jutsu, flickering on and off. You were by no means a healer, but your only thought in your panic was to get him awake. And as the maze of tunnels imploded around you, your world went black.
“So we don’t see her for days. You know, we think she’s dead. So in the meantime, we check out the other places on our list. Nada. We’re about to completely give up and then, wouldn’t you know, this one shows up having spent almost a week in enemy territory holding the exact thing we were looking for. Zero scratches and she apparently ‘doesn’t remember’ anything about it. Don’t you think that’s funny?” The kunoichi motions to your other teammates.
“I remember it being very funny,” One huffs, arms crossed. The small surrounding crown had gone silent. You dared to look across the table. Kakashi sat with his arms on the table, wordless. Iruka pursed his lips, equally expressionless. He cleared his throat. An awkward overtone laced the atmosphere.
“Well I think that’s enough of that—”
“Well, I wasn’t done. Almost there, though, I promise.” The kunoichi held up her hand. “‘Cause wouldn’t you know it? When we got back to the village, we found out that the scroll was a fake.”
“Well,” You squeaked, “Later we did find out that it was authentic after all—”
“But that was later,” She snapped. She ruffled your hair roughly, giving your head a slight push as she finally took her hands off of you. “Still doesn’t explain where you got it from.” She leaned in towards your ear. “Traitor.”
“Okay that’s enough.” Iruka stood from his seat. He extended his arm towards the door. “You three have clearly had too much to drink. I think it’s time for you to go home.” The kunoichi scoffed.
“We haven’t had too much of anything,” She snorted with a roll of her eyes and opened her mouth to say more. Guy turned with the most serious expression you had seen from him all night.
“He’s giving you an out. I suggest you take it.” He told her and apparently, that’s all it took for them to leave.
Iruka apologized for your team’s behavior but said nothing more about it for the rest of your time present. Most of the partygoers stuck to the bar now. Everything was off and you knew it would be as long as you were there. Your friends could hardly look you in the eye properly. You remained for a little while longer, starting to feel dreadfully sober. And when you thought you wouldn’t draw too much attention, you announced that you were leaving.
“Let me walk you out.” Guilt rattled around in your chest. It was Iruka’s birthday and you ruined it, just like you thought you would. And yet, he still offered to walk you out.
You allowed it, suddenly finding yourself standing outside of Shushu-ya, Iruka by your side. Even as the door closed behind you, you could hear the sound of Konoha’s nightlife. You waited for Iruka to speak, but the weight on your shoulders became unbearable.
“I’m not leaving because of you, you know. I had a good time. I really did, so go back in there and know that, okay?” You tried to read his face. He looked conflicted and the pounding of your heart only increased.
“I just want you to know that you have a friend. Eh, friends. No matter what.” You blinked at him a few times. You didn’t like how he said that last part.
“No matter what?” You let out a nervous laugh for the umpteenth time that night. Your eyes wandered erratically. “What do you mean by that?” You were expecting some reassurance, but none came. Your mind filled in the blanks. You took a step back. He took a step forward. “No matter if I sold out the Leaf? Is that what you’re telling me?”
“I-I didn’t say that.” He stammered. Suddenly frantic. “Don’t put words in my mouth.”
“Well, you’re not denying it.” You gripped onto your strap bag. Another step back. Another step forward.
“I don’t think you sold out the Leaf. Not on purpose.” The tail end of that sentence stung. You began to tremble. Another person who thought that you were a traitor. “Listen, I had a student once. He’s out of the Academy now but he was in your shoes once.” You couldn’t look at him. You focused on your shoes, the shoes you’ve regretted wearing. “I know how guys like that are. I know how manipulative they can be, how they can convince you into doing something that you know you don’t want to do.” Your head snapped up.
“I didn’t do anything wrong. I wasn’t convinced to do anything wrong by anyone.”
“I know how kind you are. I know that you had a good heart. No one’s going to blame you if someone took advantage of that. I don’t care what happened. We’ve known each other forever. I’ll always be here for you.” Iruka gently placed his hands on your shoulders and his forehead against yours. You became cognisant of how violently you quaked. You didn’t even register his confession. The sharp burning between your eyes threatened to spill over into tears.
“Iruka, please stop. Just tell me that you believe me.” You gripped onto his forearm, wanting to feel a semblance of comfort. “I’m not a traitor.”
“I do believe you.” Unconvincing. You looked into his eyes, salty droplets now silently streaming down your cheeks.
“I didn’t do anything wrong.” Iruka nodded against you without a word. A beat. You gulped. “And Kabuto didn’t either.”
He pulled away, trying to fight a frown from crossing his face. You could see it. The realization morphing his features. Iruka tried his best not to show any of his mixed emotions, but he was always one to wear his heart on his sleeve. The corners of his mouth twitched.
“Who? The bingo book ninja?” He shoved a hand in his pocket. He always did that when he was nervous. “No, I’m sure he didn’t. D-didn't do anything wrong.” Once again, unconvincing.
“I’m sorry, I don’t feel well. Please, uh, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” You didn’t look back. You ran home.
When you got to your apartment, you dropped to the floor. You scrambled for a kunai to pry open the floorboard. Throwing the plank aside, you plucked out the scroll. Unraveling it, you bit your finger, smearing your blood across the summoning symbol.
You were already starting to scurry off when Kabuto appeared. You walked right through the white cloud of smoke. He felt troubled, but that wasn’t something you picked up on. Kabuto immediately pulled out a scalpel in defense, ready for an emergency fight. You didn’t even tell him to lower his weapon. You didn’t blink twice. You stormed straight to your wardrobe, yanking out a large travel bag.
“What’s going on? I thought you were going out tonight.” Kabuto asked, but you ignored him, stuffing belongings inside the bag. You skittered frantically around the room, pulling sentimental belongings from your drawers and off your shelves. Kabuto looked on helplessly as you muttered to yourself. He could hardly catch you with how erratically you darted around your small living space. With enough calculation, he caught you, grabbing you by your wrists. You struggled against him. “Hey, hey, hey slow down. Tell me what happened.”
You looked up at him, rivulets still flowing from your eyes.
“Please, Kabuto,” You begged. “Let’s run away together.”
His immediate response was to let go of you, stumbling a bit backwards.
“What?” His mouth went dry.
“I—” You couldn’t even get your thoughts straight. You just spoke, everything spilling out of you. —“Please take me away from here.” Ever-suave, Kabuto found himself panicked.
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I’ve killed a lot of people for one thing—” You met his eyes, but in your haze you missed all that they told. You saw complete and utter rejection.
“Aren’t you the one who always tells me that you’re not my enemy? You’re all I have.” Betrayal. If Kabuto could name the expression that washed over your face that would be it. You wiped the wetness from your skin with your sleeve. “Please, you know I would be quiet. You could have any of my books. I don’t even care about shoes on my bed. I don’t even need a bed just please let’s go right now!”
And for all of his big talk, Kabuto was at a loss. He wanted to. More than anything he wanted to scoop you off of your feet then and there, but he couldn’t. It wasn’t an option. He couldn’t bring you to Orochimaru. You were supposed to be here in the Leaf. You belonged here in the Leaf. This was where you could be happiest, not on the run with him. He’s caused enough damage to your life.
“I can’t.” That was all he managed to make out without his voice cracking. And as he looked into your large, wet eyes, his heart shattered.
“You can’t or you won’t?”
“I-I can’t. I—” He kicked himself. —“You’ll be happier here.”
“I’ll be happier with you,” You pleaded. You balled up your hands in the front of his shirt. “Please, I love you.” Kabuto diverted his eyes from yours, clenching them shut.
“No, you don’t.” He placed his hands over yours, gingerly trying to remove you from him but you stood firm. “You’re drunk. I’m sure that if you go to bed you’ll feel better in the morning.”
“I’m not drunk!” You argued, getting even more desperate than you already were. “You told me to gather up some nerve so here it is! I love you! Please let’s go, just you and me. We can start over—” And with a few quick hand signs, you fell asleep.
Kabuto’s hand hovered over your forehead. He could see your fear, feel it too. He caught you as you began to collapse and brought you over to the bed. Knowing your recovery speed, the jutsu wouldn’t last for long. Perhaps it would last a half hour, maybe less. Anyone else and he would have expected them to be out for the rest of the night. He covered you with your blanket and sat at the edge of the bed, ready to recast his spell when you began to come to for the rest of the night. He knew that if you kept talking, he would have done exactly what you asked. Kabuto buried his head in his hands and uncharacteristically, for the first time in years, began to sob.
Thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged, and followed. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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mooniefics · 3 years
in the grand scheme of things [ 2 ]
pairings : zeke jaeger / reader, referenced eren / reader
word count : 6.2k
tags : unhealthy relationships, relationship discussions, implied cheating, drinking, break ups, eventual smut, praise kink, mutual infidelity, dubious morality, love triangles
warnings : contains nsfw, rlly toxic behavior
summary : you and eren hadn't been doing the best these past few months, and no one that you knew seemed to have any answers for you, or pointers in the right direction. who better to offer you some sound, insightful relationship advice than his older brother. or so you thought.
— originally posted 1 / 25 / 21 on ao3 —
✧·゚: *✧·゚:  *:·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚: *✧·゚*:·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚: *✧·゚:*·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚: *✧·゚:*
you were already halfway back to campus before you noticed your phone was missing.
you'd completely forgotten about your desire to message sasha after you stepped out of the shower, taking a good, long look at your naked body in the steamed mirror. starting from your shoulder and ending around your sternum, your skin was scattered with deep marks that you were sure would be printed onto your skin for the rest of the week, maybe even some of the next, seeing as the worst of them were accompanied by the faint bordering of teeth. you wanted to be embarrassed, ashamed, anything that showed the slightest bit of maturity on your end, but you couldn't deny the feeling like you'd gotten a weight off your chest, like you'd reclaimed your emotional freedom by getting the chance to cry it out—and get it fucked out of you, too.
the only concern you held was whether eren would ever know. zeke didn't seem like the type to kiss and tell, he was laidback and easy-going enough to let you come in his home, drown away your sorrows in his alcohol, rightfully take your side despite your weak, albeit still there, insistence for him to take the middle ground and not feel angered on your behalf. plus, you didn't really know how to broach the topic of "can you please refrain from mentioning to your younger brother that you fucked me" without completely embarrassing yourself, but your dirty little secret felt safe with him.
you didn't know exactly how you'd make it up to him, you'd have to figure out some way that was feasible for a broke college student such as yourself. although, he was making it incredibly difficult to chart this incident off as a one and done sort of endeavor when you exited the bathroom just to find your clothes, cleaned and freshly dried, neatly folded on the bed, and the ibuprofen you'd requested with a glass of water waiting for you on the adjacent nightstand. zeke was being nice—a little too nice—but you couldn't help but feel your heart skip at his apparent concern. perhaps it was because you'd been emotionally neglected for a while, or maybe it was because zeke was an impossibly attractive older man who you wouldn't think would ever give you the time of day, or maybe a combination of both.
whatever it was, you allowed that stupid, giddy smile to stay on your lips as you tugged on your clothes, gulping down the two pills, mouth uncomfortably dry until you'd finished off the entire glass in one go. you chatted with him over your plate of eggs, noting that he'd changed out his sweatpants for a much smarter pair of dark trousers, white button up ironed and pristine, brown corduroy coat in one hand and mug of coffee in the other. you quickly finished up, noting the way he kept checking the expensive looking silver watch that fit perfectly over his wrist, accentuating the fine contour of his large hands.
you couldn't say that you were thrilled by the butterflies still fluttering about in your stomach, not at all made any better when he'd once again made an attentive offer to you. "it's kinda chilly out, the jacket you brought isn't really all that suited for the weather today.. wanna borrow one of mine?"
and so you left that morning wrapped up in a leather bomber jacket that was a size or two too big, having to stop yourself from breathing in the wonderful scent of his cologne still lingering on the collar as he walked you out of his apartment, so distracted that you hadn't even bothered to check if you had all your belongings in your purse until something reminded you of your desire to message your roommate.
you'd been driving past one of the shopping plazas you frequented when you had enough time—and money—to spare, catching sight of the many drive-thru restaurants open and quickly thinking of sasha. you owed her a bit of an apology for ditching out on her last night, especially after you'd assured her you would be back in time to watch the new episode of her favorite show when it premiered, but when you'd dug your hand into your purse to reach for your phone, you came up empty.
"fuck." you muttered to yourself, turning into one of her favorite restaurants anyways to get her something.
you didn't exactly have any phone numbers memorized aside from your mother's, you didn't really think anybody did these days, and it wasn't like you could go back and wait the entire day for him to get home. so you settled on roughing it until then, hoping that it'd just fallen out onto the floor of his apartment rather than in the parking lot of his complex where it could be stepped on, run over, stolen—any myriad of things that would assure your phone-less-ness for an irritatingly long time.
by the time you made it back to campus and up to your dorm, sasha was already awake enough to immediately pounce you at the site of the paper bag in your hand, nearly crying with gratitude as she unwrapped her double-patty burger, with extra cheese, as you'd remembered her emphasizing the first time you'd watched her place her order, and two large fries on the side.
"an' yuu ev'n rem'ber'd muh ord'r!!" she spoke around large bites, practically halfway done with it before she properly swallowed. you'd never met a girl who could eat like sasha could eat.
"it was the least i could do after completely ditching out last night." you said as you settled down on your bed with a sigh, shedding zeke's jacket.
"don't sweat it, i invited meeks over so i wasn't completely alone." she assured, then froze, glancing nervously at you like she expected you to be angry.
you weren't entirely thrilled with the fact that your roommate happened to become great friends with mikasa, but it wasn't your place to tell her to stop hanging out with her for the sake of some stupid rivalry over the boy. although, the situation had changed. she'd technically "won" at the end of the day, if she considered such foul play as a win, so you guessed that there really wasn't anymore reasons for tense silences and unnecessarily aggressive glares to be exchanged any longer.
"i'm glad you had fun last night," your smile seemed to ease sasha as she bit into a handful of fries, "even if i couldn't make it."
"so what happened? you went over to talk with one of eren's other friends right?"
you'd told sasha you'd been going over to see someone who knew eren, not exactly bringing in the detail that the said individual was his brother, but it was technically true. the blurry memory of last night flashed through your head, his lazy grins, full lips kissing and nipping over your skin, fingers and cock spreading you open so perfectly for him—
"i-it was nothing..! just got kind of carried away drinking, and he was nice enough to let me crash on the couch for the night."
oh, he let you do something on his couch alright. you hoped your face wasn't incriminating you as her gaze flickered down to the jacket.
"let you borrow his jacket too?" you nodded a bit too quickly, earning a crooked, teasing smile from the girl. "anyways.. what's the consensus? figure out anything new?"
that his best friend you hung out with last night and him cheated on me. "just talked about basic stuff, nothing's really set in stone yet, still mulling it over."
she nodded, already done with her burger and working through the first carton of fries. "did you have your phone on silent? i was worried you got kidnapped or something."
you chuckled through your nose, wandering over to your dresser as you began to unbutton your blouse, jerking to a pause when you remembered the very damning evidence of your own infidelity last night. "don't laugh, ok? i had my phone on silent, we ate dinner and drank, then i passed out, and i guess it fell out of my purse or something, because it wasn't in there when i went to text you if you wanted anything to eat."
"and you still got me something.. you're an angel." you rolled your eyes at sasha's wide, adoring gaze, laughing at the fact that the food took priority over your missing phone, "do you remember the guy's number..?" she wracked her brain for a moment before smacking around her mattress, tapping into her phone, "oh! i got it! he's one of eren's friends, right? if that's the case, mikasa'll have his number for sure."
you felt your back stiffen up, biting at the inside of your lip as you floundered for an excuse. "o-oh no, i wouldn't wanna bother her.. you know we're not on great terms, what happens if she asks why you need his number?" sasha's disgruntled frown encouraged you. "if she hears that you're only getting it for me, she probably won't give it to you."
"come on, she's not that bad." you shot her a look as you pulled a set of clean clothes out of your dresser drawers, opting to change in the closet, "alright fine... maybe she is that bad sometimes. but it's not like you killed her dog or something, and plus you're, like, her best friend's girlfriend-"
"for now." you interrupted, shutting the door and putting a barrier between you and your roommate's prying eyes, "and we barely even act like a couple anymore."
"for now." sasha repeated mockingly, mouth obviously full of fries, "but anyways, i'm sure she'll do this teeny favor for you—especially if i'm asking—so c'mon, give me a name!"
you tugged the long-sleeved sweatshirt over your head, checking yourself on the mirror hanging onto the back of the door to make sure you were entirely covered. "no, sasha. she already doesn't like me enough as it is, no need for us to interact and antagonize each other even more."
you walked out after pulling on your pair of athletic shorts, loose and comfortable around your slightly sore legs, laughing softly when she stuck her tongue out at you. "fine. be like that. keep secrets from your best friend in the whole wide world."
"ha-ha." you enunciated wryly, sitting back down onto your mattress and pulling your laptop from beneath your pillow. clicking through your itinerary for the coming weeks, you internally groaned. ironic how being a psych major could make you need a psychologist yourself.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
your password had been woefully easy to guess.
he'd tried the classic 1-2-3-4, almost thankful when the text at the top of the screen prompted him to enter a different combination, but a slight disappointment came when he tried your birthday and the phone opened without a problem. he'd at least expected to get locked out for a minute or two, but there he was, scrolling with free reign through your inordinate amount of apps at his seat.
he had plenty of time to laze around, seeing as the library didn't have many patrons at the moment, plus the elevated desk concealed the fact that he wasn't truly doing anything from the average passer-by. the sense of power he felt almost made him smile. these days, everybody had everything on their phones, and it made him wonder what secrets you could be hiding in this little device of yours. it was a few generations behind, not that he expected the latest and greatest from a college freshman, but still mostly intact with a obviously aged case, a few dents here, a scratch in the metal there, small cracks webbing from the corners of the screen protector, but all and all it functioned perfectly fine.
he was tempted to snoop further—maybe scroll through your contacts list to see if you had any mutuals he didn't know about, check to see if you actually cleared your browser history or just left out all your dirty laundry for anyone who tapped into your search engine to find—but he maintained some semblance of self-control, opening up your messages app and checking to see what his brother had said.
eren <3  10:53 am hey babe where are you right now
you missed a call from eren <3 (2)
eren <3  10:57 am i know we haven't gotten a chance to talk lately but please pick up
you missed a call from eren <3
eren <3  10:58 am youre making me nervous pick up
you missed a call from eren <3 (3)
zeke couldn't help but chuckle at his younger brother's emotional incompetence. your last message had been days ago, and from scrolling back in the texts he could see how you were attempting to initiate a majority of the conversation, and the sparse replies here and there from eren were nothing short of pathetically uninterested.
zeke pitied you—the desperate, doting, undeniably adorable college girl who wanted nothing more than to make eren happy—his brother didn't deserve such devotion. even if he wasn't truly sure if eren had really cheated on you, what he was sure about was the fact that this relationship was entirely weighed against your favor.
eren <3  11:03 am fuck i know i fucked up but i didntnfucking deserve that please tell me that wasnt you fuck please fuckign pick up i love you
you missed a call from eren <3 (4)
eren <3  11:08 am did you seriously fucking shut your phone off what the fcuk
eren <3  11:10 am you know what me and armin are coming back next week we'll talk then.
that's right, he'd gone out of the country with that scrawny little blonde kid that always flinched when zeke intruded on eren's hangouts, probably on his dad's dime too. zeke scoffed to himself, shaking his head as he tapped through your text conversation, quickly finding the "delete messages?" prompt and selecting all evidence of eren's one-sided correspondence, tapping the bright red "delete all" button at the bottom of the screen, and finally blocking his number just for good measure. all your old chats were still there, and he was sure that you'd gotten used to eren not messaging anyways, meaning he wouldn't have to worry about him reaching out to you for the time being.
slipping your phone back into his pocket with a sigh, he could feel that warm, smug feeling bubbling up in his chest. he knew he was only postponing the inevitable, that you'd find out the whole, horrible truth eventually, but it was almost fun to dance around the consequences like he was doing so right now. you were fun to play with, unassuming and prim one moment and brazenly shameless the next. there were layers to you, hidden bits that he was sure that he could coax you into revealing to him, slowly but surely bare your raw, unconcealed essence.
his thoughts were interrupted by someone at the counter, a girl who looked about your age with a shirt that was far too low for the way she was leaning toward him, pushing forward her library card with a single dainty finger and setting down a small stack of books. and somehow, he was thinking about you again as he flashed a charming smile that had convinced many other women before into getting a library card of their own.
that was the difference between you and everyone else, you didn't throw yourself at him, you didn't so blatantly vie for his attention, but instead silently appealed for it with your shy glances, small shifts in your posture when he drew near, and all those pretty little sounds that he could earn with a few gentle touches in just the right place. he could feel himself stirring in his pants just thinking about last night, glad that he'd made such a good first impression on you as he swiped the girl's card and scanned her books under the sensor next to the computer.
"all set for the next two weeks." he offered a small grin, passing back her things.
"thank you," she paused, making a show of dragging her eyes down from his face to the name tag pinned over his bicep, "zeke. i'll see you then."
she bit her lip as she stepped away from the counter, sauntering away towards the door with an obvious excitement. easier girls always held a place in zeke's heart, but there was nothing like the thrill of the chase that he found in you.
he heard the quiet swoosh of the automatic doors sliding open, glancing over absentmindedly to check out the newest patron. but he felt himself perk up in his seat at the sight of you, large canvas book bag hanging off your shoulder and, much to zeke's delight, still wearing his jacket. it took you a moment to notice him, but the change in your features enthralled him nonetheless, going from bored and almost tired-looking to surprised, then flustered as you froze, wide eyes trained on him. he chuckled to himself, nodding his head at you, almost beckoning you to come, and the self-satisfied smirk that drew across his lips was impossible to contain when you actually began your quick advance up to the counter.
"z-zeke, hi. i didn't know you worked here.."
"and i didn't know you came here." he rolled his chair closer, "i thought i would've seen you around by now."
"i usually go to the library on campus, but," the way you peered around, almost looking nervous to gaze directly at him, was strangely endearing to zeke, "i was just kinda looking for a change of scenery."
"fair enough." he said, remembering the weight of your phone in his pocket, "oh yeah, i'm glad you're here. my roommate called me earlier, said he found your phone on the floor back at the apartment."
you leaned forward at the mention of your phone—the complete lie he'd come up with just now—lips parted in surprise. it looked a lot like the expression he'd envisioned when he had his arms around you last night, pressing teasing kisses over your warm skin, but zeke held off on that thought for the moment.
"ah, i almost forgot about that..! well i'm glad it was that rather than it getting stolen or something.."
he checked his watch, very cognizant of your expectant gaze falling onto him the second he took his eyes off you. "i get off for lunch in about half an hour, if it's not too much trouble we can swing by my place, then i can bring you back here, maybe get you some lunch?"
you flushed brilliantly at that, barely containing your almost giddy smile as you nodded. "yeah thanks, that'd be really great actually! but you don't have to worry about getting me lunch.. i already owe you for dinner last night."
just dinner?, he thought, internally smirking, but he kept it to himself. "don't worry your pretty little head about it," your flustered reactions were addictive, "just go have a seat over in the working area and i'll come find you after i clock out."
you nodded, offering another small "thank you" before you obediently turned to traverse the scattered expanse of tables on the library floor and find yourself a spot to sit. the next thirty minutes felt unnecessarily long for zeke. he'd answered a few phone calls, worked through recording the stack of books he'd recovered from the "returned" box when he clocked in for his shift, but ended up giving into the temptation of shelving them himself instead of handing them off to the page to sneak a glance at you.
you'd settled at a long table nestled between the large shelves, entirely alone aside from another college student that zeke recognized from the frequency of his visits, but the modest amount of seats separating you let him know that you were strangers. you didn't seem to notice him when he drifted by, headphones in, entirely focused on your open laptop in front of you, jacket now zipped up halfway. he'd forgotten how cold the library was, mostly used to it after having worked there for nearly a year, not lingering in the aisle for too long before he finished up putting away the last of the books remaining in his arms and returning to the front.
"willy, i'm clocking out for lunch, can you watch the desk?" he called out when he caught the man emerging from the back.
"yeah, yeah, i've got you. but actually come back on time, alright?" he said, tying up his long blonde hair into a messy ponytail, "magath got on my ass last time i covered for you when you were late."
"can i make it up to you with some coffee?" zeke offered, grinning when his coworker grunted affirmatively, "text me your order, i'll get it to you on my way back."
and with that, he logged out of his account on the work desktop and left the chair for willy to sit in, wandering back out onto the floor to circle back around to where you were sitting.
he alerted you of his presence with a hand on your shoulder, smiling down at you. "ready to go?"
you nodded, quickly packing your things away into your bag and following him out of the library doors to his car. he opened the passenger door for you just to see that cute smile that always seem to draw across your lips when he did something you liked, slipping into the drivers' seat and syncing his phone to the car before he pulled out of the parking lot.
"the smiths, huh?" you mused from beside him as "heaven knows i'm miserable now" played across the radio's screen.
"you still listen to them?" he asked, remembering when he'd seen you in his parents' kitchen in their merchandise.
"sometimes." you replied, fiddling with the hem of your skirt.
"a little cold to be wearing a skirt, don't you think?"
"what? it's cute, isn't it?" you protested, prompting him to reach over the console with one hand to give the exposed skin of your thigh a few affectionate pats as he laughed softly.
"it is cute."
you fell quiet after that, obviously pleased with his attention but clamming up with that endearing introversion once again. he was content with watching you nod along to his playlist, smiling to yourself when something you recognized came up in the queue. the ride to his complex was short, and the walk up the staircase was silent, but he could feel your eyes lingering over him as you followed behind him, just as they had flickered over to glance at him when you thought he was focused on the road ahead. something about those tiny looks, shy smiles, the face of someone sheepish yet eager to please, it set zeke on fire.
he knew that he shouldn't be bringing you back to the apartment again, but he also knew that he had just about an hour to kill, and reiner was occupied with his own job and away once again, and you really did look great in that skirt and his jacket—
"give me a sec, i'm pretty sure my roommate put it in his room," zeke said, nodding over to the short hall across from the kitchen, knowing he couldn't just pull your phone out of your pocket right here and give it to you, "feel free to check the fridge if you're thirsty or something."
you gave an affirmative hum, wandering toward the kitchen as he turned to enter reiner's room. he was sure that his friend would throw a fit if he figured out he was in his room without his permission, seeing as he was such a stickler for personal privacy, but he wouldn't have to know, zeke was good a keeping secrets. or at least that's what he liked to tell himself, that he was good at lying and sneaking around and pretending like he wasn't bothered by things that made his blood boil, eren being a prime example of such a thing. nineteen years, and somehow in all that time he'd never matured past the age of twelve.
zeke rolled his eyes at the thought, pulling your phone out and wiping away his finger prints on the front of his shirt. the notifications from your assumed roommate were still on the lock screen, joined by a few more miscellaneous ones from earlier in the day, looking entirely untouched for the hours that it had been out of your possession. that lack of accountability he held for essentially stealing your phone eased him a bit as he ventured back out into the main space.
but he couldn't help the burning desire he felt for you when he saw you seated on the island in the kitchen, open water bottle in your hand, peering at him excitedly in expectance of your phone, jacket now hanging off of you from the warmth of the apartment. you didn't shy away like he thought you might as he approached, simply screwing the cap back on the bottle and straightened up your posture, hand outstretched with a smile on your face.
"here you are." he said, sliding your phone into your hand, legs nearly bumping yours from how close he was.
"thank you." you murmured in reply, turning it on for a quick check of your notifications just for your eyes to gravitate right back over to him.
there was something intoxicating about the way you gazed at him, with a meek yet faintly awe-struck look that always seemed to stroke his ego in just the right place. he usually liked confident women, who were well-aware of their beauty and prowess, but there was something about the way you hid yourself away, only showing what you felt necessary but still caving when he peeled away the layers concealing yourself one by one. you weren't desperate initially, not exactly standoffish either, just the perfect balance of reserved and alluring to draw him along after you. especially how you didn't seem to shy away from a challenge such as himself, despite how easy you were to fluster.
he checked his watch before he spoke, his voice low and full of intention. "we've still got about forty minutes before i have to get back." you licked your lips, eyebrows cinching upward just the slightest bit, head unconsciously tilting upwards towards his. though the height of the counter closed an inch or two of distance between the two of you, he still stood taller than you, pressing forward the smallest bit, able to feel your soft breaths fanning over his cheek. "so, what do you say..?"
you didn't speak, only giving a small nod, and that was all it took for zeke to close the space that was barely there between you, lips melding easily over your own. you let out a small sound of surprise, sending a jolt of heat straight through him, determined to make it happen again. your hands grasped at the front of his shirt, clenching at the fabric when his own rose to grip your thighs, spreading them to accommodate his presence and urge himself even closer to you. the feeling of your bare skin, pliant flesh that his fingers sunk so easily into, the knowledge that the only thing keeping him from you was your underwear under your skirt, was enough to make him even more impatient than he already was.
"didn't get enough last night, huh?" he breathed into your ear after he'd pulled away, grinning at the sight of your shaking head and your whispered "n-no".
he maintained enough control to not mark the skin exposed by your shirt when he reached it, but still nipped with enough pressure to pull more little moans that made his cock ache in the constraints of his pants. you didn't protest when the hands on your thighs slid further inward, gasping softly when he let a finger slowly stroke over your clothed cunt.
"and i've barely even touched you.. naughty girl." the way you bristled at his shameless words was endlessly enthralling to him, "already so needy for me..."
you squirmed as he palmed you through your underwear, attempting to speak, but your words always stammered off into an incoherent whimper, hips already rutting up as subtly as they could manage into his hand. "p-please, zeke. i w-want.."
"what do you want?" he pulled away from your neck, hazy, low-lidded eyes gazing directly into your own, "want my fingers in that little pussy of yours?"
you flushed brilliantly at his crassness, but nodded all the same, following up with a whimpered "yes, please..!"
you were begging with your mouth and eyes and he'd only just started, the fact that you were so eager from just the slightest touches made him impossibly hard. he lowered himself to his knees as quickly as he could, letting your heels rest on his shoulders to push yourself up off the counter long enough for him to peel your underwear off of you, sucking air between your teeth when you lowered your bare skin back down onto the cool granite.
he loved how compliant you were, how you let him adjust your position as he pleased, balancing yourself on one hand after he'd settled you on the edge of the island. he made sure to admire the way your face shifted when he ran a finger across your slick skin, thumb drawing across your clit to tease you for just a moment before he slid one finger into you.
"fuck.." he muttered to himself, admiring how you just barely arched toward him when he curled it inside you, retracting his hand and pushing in with a second finger.
he was sure that he could watch you all day, spread out on the kitchen counter, bottom lip reddening from being bitten so firmly between your teeth, eyes glassy and completely fogged over with lust. but he knew that he only had this single hour, regretting offering willy his promise of apology coffee, but deciding to take care of what he'd started and still having time to spare.
plucking his glasses from his nose, he set them on the counter beside your phone, pressing a lingering kiss over one of the thighs beside his head as a silent way to let you know his intentions, pleased to see nothing but anticipation etched across your flushed features as he proceeded. his first lick was intentionally slow, savoring the full body tremble you gave and the flavor of you on his tongue, grasp on your flank fastening to hold you apart while he continued.
he groaned at the hand that shakily clenched in his hair, the one clasped over your mouth doing little to contain the whines and baseless pleas spilling from your lips. zeke was certain his neighbors hated him by now, but he could honestly care less about such a menial detail like that when it was you moaning loud enough to be heard all the way down the hall, solely because of him. and a part of him had to wonder if eren had ever been able to satisfy you the way he had last night—the way he was now—if he'd ever gotten to fully explore and appreciate all the little things you had to offer. his younger brother was juvenile at best in his eyes, and, as far as he knew, entirely inexperienced until he began dating you. but zeke didn't mind showing up the kid, especially not when you deserved to feel as good as he made you feel. after all, he still had just about a week until ramifications were entirely inescapable, he could keep having fun with you for those couple days at the very least.
he pushed the more complicated thoughts from the forefront of his mind, choosing instead to focus on you in front of him, eyes low-lidded and unfocused, now biting onto one of your knuckles, hips rolling into his mouth and fingers in an obvious chase for your release. he rolled his tongue across your clit in quick, ruthless strokes, grinning against you when you whined, eyes rolling back into your head as it felt back toward the ceiling, your hold in his hair almost painfully tight. he could feel the tell-tale stiffen of your muscles, curling his fingers to rub at that part that seemed to drive you wild, catching the stammered end of his name on your lips as you came.
even from his place on the ground, he could see how your chest heaved, legs still quivering, wearing an almost dazed expression until you'd blinked away the fogginess in your eyes. your sheepishness returned when you watched him lick his lips, still slick with your arousal, whimpering softly at the departure of his fingers. he adjusted himself in his pants before stepped away, allowing you to recollect yourself while he proceeded over to the kitchen sink, washing his hands and patting away the remaining stickiness from his chin with the paper towel he used to dry them, watching with a close-lipped grin as you slowly lowered yourself back onto the ground and pulled up your underwear.
he checked his watch after he'd situated his glasses onto his face, frowning. only the better part of twenty minutes left in his break. "ready to get going?" he asked, running a hand through his hair to smooth it back down, his casual tone seeming to ease you.
"mhm." you replied, straightening out your clothes and beginning to shrug his jacket back onto your shoulders before you glanced over at him, "do you want this back? i didn't mean to steal it from you.."
"keep it." he said, plucking his keys from his pocket and proceeding towards the door, "it looks good on you." he didn't even have to look back at you to know that you were smiling.
the car ride was once again mostly silent, seeing as you were tapping through your phone and looking at everything you'd missed in the time you were away from it. but when he'd pulled into the starbuck drive-thru to get willy his unnecessary complicated order and turned to ask if you wanted anything, he caught you looking at your text conversation with eren before you shut your phone off and asked for a chai latte and a butter croissant, and he felt an odd twinge in his chest as he delivered your request and his own of an unsweetened cold brew to the speaker beside his rolled down window.
was it irritation? jealousy? possessiveness? for the first time in a while, he was unsure of how he felt. it was a bit unnerving, but also fascinating all at once. he could've never expected this sort of outcome from the situation, but it wasn't entirely unwelcoming. now that he thought about it, his life had been a bit dull lately, a cyclical routine of attending his job, going out for drinks on tuesday, the occasional sexual conquest here and there with women he met but never remembered, but your call had been a break in the routine, an expected opportunity that he was determined to not let slip through his fingers. and while he would've probably just been satisfied with allowing your name to join all the others in the blurry recesses of his memory at first, he knew now that there was much more for him to discover.
so he let you finish up the lunch he'd gotten you, turning up the radio and escorting you back to the library, feeling far too satisfied with himself as he watched you disappear between the shelves, proceeding back behind the desk and setting willy's coffee down beside him. "don't get up yet, i have to piss."
he groaned frustratedly at that. "why didn't you fucking do that on your break, you ass."
"i got your coffee in the drive-thru." zeke replied absentmindedly, already stalking off to the staff bathroom in the back with the thought of you on the counter playing over and over in his head.
only after locking the door and settling on the toilet did he finally let out a heavy sigh, tapping into his camera roll and quickly finding his picture of you from this morning. just the sight of your half-exposed body made his pants feel tight once again, and he regretted not taking more photos when he had the chance, but this would be enough for now, especially with the memory of you begging for him not even an hour ago fresh on his mind.
he didn't feel any sort of shame as he unzipped his pants and pulled himself out of his boxers, the tip of his cock already slick with pre, ready for the release he'd denied himself for the sake of time—and your satisfaction, of course—the release he'd be granting himself right now, with you just a couple meters away, entirely unaware that it was all because of you.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:  *:·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚: *✧·゚*:·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚: *✧·゚:*·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚: *✧·゚:*
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izzabeean · 3 years
Chapter 6 : Taking Care
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It's all about timing.
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pairing : ushjima x f!reader / oikawa x f!reader / iwaizumi x f!reader
genre : angst + fluff
word count : 3,194
content : profanity, references to alcohol, slightly suggestive nsfw
tags :  alternate universe - college/university, post-break up, friends to lovers, pining, slow burn
a/n : I’m sorry if the chapter seems rushed! I’m just very eager with what I have in store. Ahaha, I still hope you like it!! Also, PS, kinda just proof read it once.
Will try to post every Thursday evening PST, if not latest by Friday.
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The rest of the night feels like a blur, you feel like your head is barely in it, as the high from the cigarette mixes with the alcohol. All the fear from before dissipates quickly and the next thing you know you’re not standing in a dark alley, but slumped over in the booth of a grungy dinner.
You don’t recall the walk over, only the feeling of Iwaizumi’s arm wrapped around your waist, guiding you down the street away from the nightclub. The warmth of his touch still lingers and you wish the walk was longer so you could have him next to you; he made you feel safe and calm.
The daydream is quickly interrupted by the strong ache in your wrist that not even the alcohol can suppress. You're still trying to process what just happened in your earlier encounter, but find yourself wishing you hadn’t gone out at all. 
Despite the beginning of the evening being enjoyable, you were left with a feeling of disappointment, mostly in yourself, you’ve never actually been someone to go out or drink copious amounts of alcohol to the point you couldn’t walk on your own. That wasn’t you. But you did feel the need to reevaluate your morals and put them to a pause to post an image merely for the fact of saying fuck you to Ushijima. Your intentions weren’t necessarily a positive one: to go out with friends and take your mind off things. It was more like: go out with friends and forget the ingrained image of Ushijima and his new side piece.
“Oikawa should be here soon,” Iwaizumi says, pushing a glass of water towards you.
You huff as the server comes over to your table, placing down a plate of fries in front of you and a burger in front of Iwaizumi.
“I didn’t order this,” you address.
“I did for you,” Iwaizumi booms, sliding the basket closer to you while thanking the employee who looks like they’ve dealt with too many annoying customers including you. “Drink your water.”
“Why?” you whine, pouting your lips at him.
“You’re dehydrated,” he explains. “Don’t fight me on this.” 
You get it, you’re being taken care of, but he’s already done enough, but you don’t know why you’re here when he could’ve just taken you home.
The bell from the diners door opening echoes across the restaurant as you spot a panicked Oikawa rushing in towards your booth. He stands there gazing down at you, exhaling deeply with an apprehensive look on his face. You've never seen him this way before; today has definitely been a whirlwind. 
“What the fuck happened to you?” Oikawa gazes down below studying your behavior recognizing you’ve definitely had one too many. 
“Some creep tried to pick her up outside in the alley,” Iwaizumi says.
“What? Why were you outside?” Oikawa’s eyes grow wide as you blink at him slowly trying to register the words he spoke.
“It was too hot,” you groan, dropping your head into your arms crossed on the table, closing your eyes. You're tired and ready to sleep feeling the effects of the alcohol come to play.
Oikawa sighs, “I better take her home.”
"I'll call a cab," Iwaizumi says getting up from the booth to cover the tab. 
Oikawa scooches into the booth beside you noting that you seem a bit distraught with your brows furrowed and messy hair covering your face, almost like you’re trying to take back the excessive consumption of shots. Slowly he leans over, reaching for your hair to tuck it behind your ear.
The tips of his fingers gently graze your face as the all too familiar gesture causes you to believe you must be dreaming. 
Wakkun? you think. But it can’t be.
Your eyes shoot open to see it's just Oikawa. You definitely drank too much. 
"Sorry, did I scare you?" He says pulling his hand away while his cheeks slowly appear rosy.
"No," you reply, closing your eyes and turning your head away from him. 
You wanted to say no, but your slightly fuzzy head delayed your reaction and soon Iwaizumi was walking away in the opposite direction as the cab pulled into the street driving away. 
Beside you, Oikawa sits looking out the window and the taste of regret fills your mouth as you spite yourself for not asking Iwaizumi to bring you home. 
Oikawa, take her home, echoes in your mind as Iwaizumi bids farewell. You wanted him to take care of you but instead, you were stuck with Oikawa who wouldn't even answer your call when you needed him. 
Oikawa’s heart clenches as you silently sit beside him looking out the window. The silence in the vehicle is slightly awkward but the hum of the radio buzzes in the background giving the atmosphere some white noise.
He fucked up. He made you drink too much and now you're mad at him. Maybe he can make up for it by taking care of you. Luckily the drive wasn't too far from the diner or this car ride would have seemed longer. 
Arriving at your apartment, Oikawa practically has to drag you out in order to get you moving at a reasonable pace. He wasn't your level of intoxication but he definitely had a good buzz going, enough to help him edge off the irritation coursing through him with your cold shoulder attitude 
As you walk towards the building, the crisp air bites you through your clothing as your exhale curls and condenses into the atmosphere in front of you. The sudden craving for a smoke fills your senses and your mind is put at ease as you imagine the flavor of toxins and liquor coating your lips. 
“I’m sorry,” Oikawa mumbles, barely audible to the human ear. 
“What?” you ask and without noticing where you’re walking, stumble off the curb landing awkwardly on your foot. Oikawa reacts quickly and catches you in his arms before you take the tumble to the ground.
“Fuck,” you grunt. 
“Are you ok?” Oikawa asks. 
You put weight on your foot, feeling no sign of severe pain then nod your head, “Yeah, I can walk.”
Oikawa let’s go and you continue down the walkway to the staircase with a bit of a limp. The stairs you climb every day seem timid and easy to bear with but as you place all your weight on your injured foot, a surge of aching shoots up your leg making the climb seemingly more unpleasant. 
“Are you sure?” he questions.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” you reassure.
But by the fact you stuttered on your word, he doesn’t believe you. With a sigh, he crouches down beside you. “Get on.”
You can't believe what you're seeing in front of you and hesitate at the request. 
"We going to be here all night? Get on," he snaps. 
It's not quite something you want to do right now, being a bit bitter still. But from the exhaustion and intoxication you feel, you don’t have the energy to argue and crawl onto his back wrapping your arms around his neck. He tucks his arms under your thighs and stands up continuing to walk.
“Sorry if I didn’t answer your calls,” he says clearing his throat. His words are serious like he means it. “I’m also sorry about Ushijima.”
You squeeze Oikawa tighter at the sound of Ushijima’s name, it stings.
You’re well aware that Oikawa isn’t a fan of Ushijima, no matter how many times you tried to convince Oikawa otherwise, he was too stubborn to change his opinion. Maybe there was a reason why, you could ask him, but you weren’t ready for the answer. You appreciate the illusion you had created in your head of Ushijima, even if it was slightly broken.
“You deserve so much better,” he adds.
Strange, you think, normally he’s not as pushy to talk to you about this sort of stuff, but maybe he actually was worried, maybe he did want to make things better and help you.
Reaching your apartment door, Oikawa sets you down as you fumble for your keys in your purse. Inside it is dark and empty, you haven’t been back since the beginning of the day and the aura feels absolutely depressing. 
He pauses before walking in, it had been so long since he last was here. 
You continue down the hall stumbling into your room where you flop onto your bed, too tired to change; it’s been a long night, and you didn’t want to think about how you were going to feel in the morning. 
Walking into your room, it’s messier than he imagined, compared to how organized you are with school, this feels like he was walking into your personal space, one you didn’t show to very many people from the start.
Stepping in further, Oikawa turns his head seeing a picture of Ushijima and you sitting on your desk. You looked so happy with your arms wrapped around Ushijima’s neck and his arms wrapped around your waist. The image didn’t sit well with him, especially after Ushijima’s betrayal, but Oikawa wasn’t very surprised. He couldn’t understand why he felt much more relieved due to Ushijima being out of your life. Perhaps it was because he now had ample opportunities to spend time with you, almost as if you coming to him for comfort was the only thing he wanted from the start.
Then a loud thump causes Oikawa to turn around noticing you're not on the bed anymore.
“What are you doing?” He shrills rushing to your side to pull you back up. 
"Ouch," you cry holding your wrist while tears starting to form in your eyes. “Ice! Please!”
"O-okay, hold on," Oikawa urges while getting up.
You're still sitting on the ground trying to ignore the pain but it just feels never-ending. Oikawa’s not gone long, but it feels like forever.
"Here," he says, taking a seat on the ground and slowly rests the bag of ice wrapped in a towel on your wrist. 
He’s close. You've never seen him this close before. Undoubtedly, he’s handsome just based on the amount of attention he acquires from other girls, but this is different. You’ve never noticed how beautiful he was. His long lashes, the curtains to his opalescent eyes. His creamy complexion radiating under the moon-lit bedroom. 
Oikawa looks up studying the distress in your face. "Is it helping?"
“Y-yes, thank you,” you croak. The relief is uncanny, but you can’t take your eyes off how breath-taking he is.
Oikawa looks up at you and meets your gaze only inches away from each other.
“What?” he says. “Do I have something on my face?”
You let out a laugh which only half-heartedly reassures him as he wipes his face with his shoulder. “You’re fine, you’re fine!” you assure. 
Giving you a pout he leans back away from you as you take over applying the ice to your wrist. 
A few minutes pass as you look up at the ceiling observing the soft city lights spilling through the curtains. You want to be impulsive and self-destructive at once. You desire to be out of this severe and prolonged fall into remorse. 
“Tōru... Would you date me?"
You couldn’t believe you said it aloud, but you believe the liquid courage (that could've helped before) expressed your honest thoughts.
Oikawa scans you as you lean your back against your bed. The gleam in your eyes seems weaker like you were stuck in your thoughts and couldn’t find a way to get out. 
The question is starling. Of course, you’d always been friends, but when he first met you, he did think you were pretty cute. He wants to say it, but he’s worried his words will come out too strong. But he thinks in your state, maybe you won’t remember tomorrow. All he wishes is that he could take all the pain away from you, he just didn’t know how. He couldn't articulate it in words.
“Who wouldn't want to?” he asks.
"Ushijima,” you mumble. The words are dry and heartbreaking.
Oikawa's mouth opens at your confession, but no words come out. 
You painfully laugh at the sight. “It’s alright. I know there’s nothing you can say.”
That’s right, there’s nothing he can say that will help mend your broken heart and it made him feel absolutely helpless. 
“This is never how I thought things were supposed to go,” you add. “Honestly, it’s kinda fucked up how he just did that out of nowhere. And I don’t want to hear you say ‘I told you so’ or ‘that’s something he’d do’ because he wouldn’t. Why does it matter anyway?”
You felt like you unloaded more than what you bargained for, but it’s been on your mind all day and you just needed to let it out.
“Of course it matters! What kind of shitty person do you have to be to break-up with you?” Oikawa feels his heart skip as the words leave his mouth, worried that your reaction will be to just get mad and throw something at him. 
Instead, you just stare at him, wide-eyed pressing your lips together. You can feel yourself starting to sober up now. The comment gives you a warm feeling in your chest that seems incredibly unbearable. The tender caress of his words sends shivers down your spine. There was this unexplained comfort that you never knew you could feel from him.
"You need to rest now," Oikawa murmurs. “It’s getting late.”
Oikawa stands up reaching his hand out for you to grab it to lift you off the floor.
“Can you stay?” you breathe quietly. “I don’t want to be alone.”
He looks into your lost and lonely eyes, basically begging him to stay beside you.  It felt criminal if he was going to leave you by yourself in this state. 
Oikawa sighs. “Alright.”
On that note, you start to lift your shirt up.
"Whoa, Y/N," he chokes a bit on his words, startled you’re undressing in front of him and shelters his eyes.
“I didn’t ask you to look!”
He merely shakes his head while keeping his back to you. In any other situation, a girl would be undressing in front of him for other reasons, this time though, it's seemingly complicated. It seems you’re a little bit bolder when you’re drunk and he’s not going to lie to him, but he kind of likes it.
“Ok, you can turn around,” you announce.
Oikawa turns around and sees you tucked in bed, you pat the empty space beside you welcoming him to join. Taking off his jacket, he rests it on the chair tucked into your desk while keeping the rest of his clothes on. As he’s about to climb into bed, you stop him.
“Ew, not in those jeans,” you huff.
"Huh?" Oikawa replies.
"You sat in public places … took public transportation…. Just stay on your side of the bed but take them off," you argue.
Oikawa is getting mixed signals but realizes you just want him to be comfortable and turns away to take off his trousers. He climbs into the bed wearing his t-shirt and boxers.
The silence makes him feel like he’s drowning as he becomes hyper-fixated on the fact he’s lying next to you in your bed. As a matter of fact, he didn't know if he was even able to fall asleep. He watches you drift to sleep hearing your breathing deepen as your shoulders slowly rise and fall.
He is unable to decide where to go from here as his entire body shudders at how peaceful you looked.
You bury yourself deeper under the covers, not wanting to leave the warmth of your bed from a long night. Keeping your eyes closed you stretch your body and feel a figure pressed up behind you. You don’t move a muscle as the sound of deep breathing inhales and exhales. 
As you slowly open your eyes you realize you are in your apartment, it’s morning and the heavy breather beside you must be Ushijima. Quietly, you relish in the feel of his solid and warm body, trying to readjust, moving your hips a little. Then you feel his body press against your back. Before you can think too much about it, you roll your hips closer and against him. You can feel his warm breath on the back of your neck and you want more.
You slowly move to adjust your back flush against him and you both lie there neither moving or speaking, only a desperate attempt at self-control. Then you notice his breathing isn’t heavy anymore. Neither of you speaks.
You slowly turn to give your routine ‘good morning’ kiss, but as you look over your shoulder, it takes you a second to register it’s Oikawa. His eyes are open and he’s looking right back at you.
You bolt upright in bed, hands covering your face in embarrassment. “What are you doing!!!”
“I could ask you the same thing!” he purrs.
There's a heavy silence between you, both of you seemingly frozen in place. You feel your cheeks start to warm as you avoid looking at him at all. You’re afraid to ask as your mind runs laps on what happened last, last night. You remember everything, but once you got home, you just remember passing out. “Did we...” 
“Have sex?” Oikawa smirks. He keeps the answer from you for too long and it’s driving you insane. You felt in complete agony as he hummed giving your question some thought. 
“I don’t believe so,” he turns around to go back to sleep.
Embarrassment strikes you again as you realize you are wearing a big t-shirt without a bra and your underwear and you slink away deeper into the covers. You feel horrified with your outburst and mumble, “Sorry…”
Oikawa is about to tease you a bit to lighten the mood but as he opens his mouth you interrupt, “I thought you were someone else…”
He freezes at your sudden confession.
“I--I thought you were Ushijima,” you quietly sob, as you recoil under the covers, even more, trying to make yourself small enough thinking you could perhaps disappear.
"Oh," he replies, looking to the window where the morning sun tries to trickle in through the closed curtain. Sitting up in bed, he stretches his arms out and swinging his legs out of bed. His feet hit the ground noticing it’s damp and cold.
“Y/N, is your place always this cold? ” he whines, lifting his feet up and noticing it make a tiny splash as he lets it back down. His eyes flash open seeing a very low film of water trickling around your bed. He turns to you and violently shakes you away.
“What!” you groan.
“Did you leave the water running somewhere?”
Quickly you sit up, wondering if he’s messing with you again. And looks down at the floor seeing it coated in water.
“Fuck!” you get out of bed and look around to notice your entire apartment flooded. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
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U N P L A N N E D, part seventeen
You weren’t sure how to feel. You were confused and upset and angry. And at the end of the day, Harry storming out of the house only felt like it confirmed your fears: he would leave. 
He did, right?
He left, even if he came back and shut himself in his office. He left, even if he popped out only when Jane cried, before you could wave him off and say you could handle whatever it was and didn’t need his help.
But the bottom line was that your emotions came out and that scared him away. You tried to hold it back and you tried to avoid the conversation because no matter how hard you tried, you didn’t see a world where the ending of that scene would look any different.
A few days later and things had settled down, he cooled off and you gave each other enough space when you passed in the hallway or sat on the couch at night and watched the news. Things felt tense inside the house and outside, too. 
Which is why, four days later, you were sat uncomfortably in a chair next to Glenne in some restaurant in Hollywood. 
“This is the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever done.”
“Oh stop,” she waved you off, a full 180 from the Glenne you once knew. 
She didn’t seem to completely understand what you were saying. Your eyes trailed down the table, Lexi was busy chatting with a girl you’d met a few times. The band was there, Jeff, other faces and names that offered hugs and hellos as if you’d been around the whole time. 
But that wasn’t what made you uncomfortable.
“Oh,” Glenne’s mouth set in a firm line when she saw what you saw. She leaned in and let her voice drop lower. “She worked on the album, I think, helped write a song or two.”
“I don’t care,” you lied, picked up the drink in front of you and took a sip through the black straw. Another gulp, maybe you could ease the knots in your stomach with more alcohol. 
He’d been nice leading up to this, said he liked your dress when you sat awkwardly in the car on the drive here. He got Jane bathed and dressed when you got ready, passed her off to your mom for the night after she made the drive down from Santa Paula. 
But his arm was slung around the back of her chair now, he nodded and smiled when she said something funny, leaned in to hear her over the noise of the restaurant as if they were old friends.
Glenne sipped her own drink, kept her eyes focused on the two of them, just like you. “She’s nice, she’s not someone you need to worry about.”
“It’s fine,” you shrugged, hopefully more convincing this time. “We’re not together--he can do what he wants.”
She turned to look at you, her eyebrows arched when she held her straw between her fingers and took a pull. “Right,” she laughed. 
“I mean it, Glenne.”
“What do you mean?” Jeff materialized behind you both, pulled out his chair on the other side of his girlfriend and rejoined the table.
“Y/N’s just going on about how her and Harry aren’t together,” Glenne looked up at Jeff, offered him a sweet smile when he bent down to kiss her on the head. 
Jeff laughed at this, smiled over at you and placed his napkin on his lap. “But like, you’re not not together, right?”
“We’re just not together. One ‘not.’ It’s not a thing.”
They both looked at you, straight-faced and expectant, like suddenly you’d let out a laugh and admit this was all a silly joke. “What?” You asked.
“Nothing,” Jeff shrugged. “Just, I thought things were going well.”
“Oh my god,” you rolled your eyes at his words, thankful to feel more comfortable having an honest conversation with both of them. “Things can be going well and that still doesn’t mean we’re together.”
“Yeah, but, things were, like, all sweet and cute after she was born and--”
You cut Jeff off, held up a hand to avoid having the same conversation with Glenne from the other night. “Our focus is Jane.”
He nodded, shrugged as if to imply that yes, of course it was. 
Somehow, miraculously, Lexi decided it was time to hop into the conversation, too. She turned around beside you, smiled when she saw that you’d all been congregating right beside her. With a grin on her face; “hi, what’s up?”
“Y/N and Harry are being weird again,” Jeff laughed a little before you offered him a narrowed glare. 
“What? Why?” Lexi pulled her head back as if this was the craziest thing she’d ever heard.
“Since when do all of you like to team up against me? Didn’t all of you used to think that this was a bad idea?”
“Not me,” Lexi held her hands up to show innocence. 
“Okay, fine,” you corrected. “You two did, though.”
Jeff and Glenne looked at each other and smiled a bit. Maybe the alcohol had gotten to them. Maybe everyone was just relaxed and enjoying the birthday celebrations. 
“Opinions change,” was all Jeff offered.
You rolled your eyes. “Okay, well, mine hasn’t. It’s not happening.”
“Because you’re afraid?” Lexi’s words caught you off guard. You turned to eye her, gave some sort of we’re not doing this here look.
“Stop,” was all you said.
“What?” She laughed. “You know I’m right.”
“Let’s just not.”
“Oh come on, Y/N. I love you, but you’re getting in your own way.”
You picked up your drink and took a sip, hoping that it’d be enough of an excuse to relieve you of having to answer. 
Jeff offered a hesitant smile, like it pained him to admit it: “she’s right.”
“This is not a good place for us to have this conversation,” you said, their suddenly strong opinions crashed over you like a tidal wave. What happened to not letting things get messy? What happened to following the rules like they’d wanted and staying out of trouble?
Lexi mowed over your statement. “You’re afraid, which is fine, but don’t make us pretend that we don’t see through it.”
“Alright, I’m not doing this.” You pushed your seat back from the table to leave. 
“Doing what?” Lexi asked, more frustrated with you.
“Lexi,” Glenne reached out a hand to settle her. “Let it go.”
“Oh so I’m the only one who can be honest with her?”
“Being honest isn’t license to be a dick,” you said.
She rolled her eyes at that and let her hands drop to her lap. “Fine, whatever.”
You reached for your purse and offered Glenne and Jeff a smile. “I’ll see you guys later.”
They didn’t chase after you, they let you slip out to the parking lot, call an uber, and stand there by yourself atop the asphalt and hurt feelings. 
As if Lexi hadn’t been enough, Harry stepped out to the hidden back alley after a few minutes. 
“Hi,” he said, looking you up and down. “Y’heading out?”
“Yeah,” you offered a smile. “I’m just tired, but, I’m fine.”
Quiet for a second when he hesitated, unsure if he should let you go and unsure if he had the right to stop you. “I saw your mom’s text.”
“Yeah, she’s been asleep for a while, no issues.”
A pause in the night air, he shifted his weight on his feet and for a second, you thought he’d ask you to stay. 
“You don’t have to wait here with me,” you told him, clicked your phone to life to see the driver’s ETA. “I called an uber, should be here in three minutes.”
He nodded, shoved his hands in his pockets. “Okay, yeah, I’ll see you in the morning?”
“Yep,” you nodded, smiled when he turned on his heel and let the door to the swanky restaurant close behind him. He was already gone, but you whispered it anyway. “Happy birthday.”
He said he loved the goofy apron you bought him, simple and blue, the word DAD was etched on the front. You signed the card from both of you, left it on the counter that night when you got home. He found it sometime when he keyed in late and brought it up the next day. 
But it wasn’t as awkward as walking into the tiny room somewhere in Burbank a almost two weeks later. Jane was in the carseat on the floor and a woman with short brown hair smiled after you handed her back the paperwork you signed. 
“So--you said on the phone that you’ve been struggling with anxiety?”
You gave her an unsure nod, shouldn’t she be telling you whether or not that was the case?
“And who’s this?”
“Jane--she should sleep the whole time, I think.”
She smiled. Cassie, a therapist who’s profile came up when Glenne lovingly sent you the link to a website search for therapists. She was young enough, smiled down at Jane and sat back in her chair once she set the clipboard on her desk behind her. 
“How old is she?”
“Six weeks.”
She held a hand to her heart and smiled. “How’s that been going?”
You told her about the start of it all, that night at Harry’s and the anxiety that settled in your bones in the Facebook bathroom when you saw the first tiny plus sign. She managed to keep a straight face when you name dropped Jane’s father, a good sign. Or maybe she thought you were crazy and making it up. Either way, you spent the first session just catching her up on the last nine months.
Before that, your life had been quiet. Sure, maybe some unresolved feelings around your parents or tough times in high school like the rest of the world. But whatever lurked beneath the surface had never been shaken up so much until now, like a snowglobe knocked from its shelf, typically settled pieces now swirling in the air around you with no hope of slowing down.
The second session the next week was similar, but that’s when she pushed a little harder. 
“But things are totally fine with Harry?”
You nodded. “Yeah--I mean, like I told you last week things were kind of messy for a bit, but they’re fine now.”
“You mentioned that you fought with him recently?”
This time Jane wasn’t there to be a distraction. You lied this morning and told Harry you were meeting Lexi for a coffee, but the truth was that you hadn’t spoken to her since his birthday. He promised he’d take her for a walk and put on a new onesie if she threw up on herself. Leaving her was easier now, he seemed more confident in his ability to handle the things that might go wrong. 
But now you wished she was buckled in beside you, an excuse to change the topic or leave the room to change her diaper.
“I guess we fought--he was upset, I was upset.”
“What did you fight about?
“He uh--I guess he thinks we could be good together.”
“And you don’t?”
You shrugged, took a breath and looked around the room. How were you supposed to explain your thoughts to a woman you’d met twice? “I don’t know.”
She eyed you for a minute, the small smile on her face let you know she wanted more.
“I do have feelings for him, I guess.”
“You do?”
Another hesitant nod. “I think just cause of Jane, though.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, at first I swore it was just the hormones and you know--feeling like we had some weird bond.”
She smiled a little, understanding and encouraging. “You do have a bond.”
“I know, but--I just mean at first it felt like there was something there.”
“But it doesn’t now?”
You dropped her gaze at that. No--it wasn’t not there. “I guess my thought process is that it’s just too risky now.”
“What is?”
“Being with him, like, as a couple.”
“How so?”
You sighed--the questions were fair but you already felt exhausted. 
“None of this was planned--for a while it felt like he was only being nice to me cause he got me knocked up. He kind of had to be nice to me.”
“Do you really think that’s true? Do you think he would do that?”
“He’s a nice person,” you shrugged.
“But do you think he would ask you to move in and spend so much time with you and your family if he didn’t actually want to do those things?”
“I mean--no, I guess I only thought that for the first few weeks.”
She nodded thoughtfully, waited to see if you’d add any more. When you didn’t, she parted her lips to speak. “When did you realize he wasn’t just being nice to be nice?”
You thought back on the months you’d spent with him. The time you went to the beach and had a picnic, the nights at his house when he’d make dinner and when the panic that lurked in your tummy about the future felt like it had vanished. 
“I guess when we started spending more time together and I actually got to know him.”
Another nod. “So you were nervous at first, which makes sense to me. Do you still fear that that’s true?”
You already had the answer, it sat on your tongue and felt like it’d spill out any second. You glanced around the room, out the window to the sunny streets and wondered what would change if you admitted it.
“I know he won’t leave. I know he won’t just up and never speak to me--to us--again.” 
She waited for you to say more. 
“But why would he want to be with me? Why--out of all the people he could be with--would he pick the girl who got pregnant with his kid?”
She challenged this, a slight smirk on her face. “He might actually have feelings for you, you know.”
You made a face, shifted in your seat as if to send the message that it was impossible.
“Why is that so hard to believe?” Her words were quiet, a sudden shift in the air in the room as if in any second, rain would pour from the ceiling or a wind would sweep her papers off the desk in the corner. Like everything in the world was hinging on the secret about to fall from your lips.
“People don’t stay in my life.”
She frowned at that, aware that she’d actually gotten something out of you now.
“Like who?”
“My last boyfriend, my dad--” the tears that welled in your eyes cut you off, you swallowed the emotion and wiped quickly, embarrassed to be crying in front of someone you’d only met twice.
“You said your parents got divorced when you were little?”
You nodded. “I don’t want Jane to grow up like I did.”
“Who says she will?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “But if him and I are together--if I let that happen--then he can leave, but he can’t leave me and hurt me or us if we’re not together.”
She tilted her head to the side. “Yes he can.”
“Whether you’re actually in a relationship with him or not won’t change the emotions you have for him. It’ll still hurt if he leaves or backs out, even if you’re not romantically involved.”
You stared at her for a second, confused by her bluntness. Weren’t therapists supposed to make you feel better?
“I guess.”
She could read the look on your face and offered a small smile. “I’m not trying to freak you out--it just seems like you already love him, so it sounds like it would hurt either way.”
You didn’t reply. You took in a shaky breath of air when you tried to wipe at your cheeks and gain composure.
“It makes a lot of sense that you don’t want the same thing to happen to Jane, but you’ve been telling yourself that it will when you don’t know that. Sometimes when we try to avoid the past really hard we just recreate it.”
You took a few days to let it all sink in. You folded laundry and changed diapers and you took Jane on a walk near the beach with sunglasses and a hat. You never imagined that you’d need a disguise, too.
You’d settled back into a routine of climbing the stairs separately, his footsteps down the hall felt more weighted now with the insight you’d discovered in Cassie’s office. 
You tried to take space, not get too overwhelmed by the growing knowledge that you loved him, hopelessly and helplessly. You tried to tuck it away in a drawer beneath your sweaters, like somehow if you kept it out of sight it wasn’t true. 
But the world didn’t want to make it so easy. 
Your mom called and reminded that your upcoming birthday was the perfect excuse to have another party--one that more of your family could come to, a bigger and more public event than the quiet shower you’d kept under wraps. 
They were dying to meet Jane and she was dying to show off her granddaughter to the rest of the family and her friends back home. When you floated the idea to Harry of bringing Jane home with you for a long weekend, his brows furrowed.
“Without me?”
Jane was strapped to his chest at the kitchen counter, he was obsessed with the new wrap you’d gotten online and now he barely took it off. She kicked her legs against his abdomen.
“I mean--I figured we’d just get out of your hair for a while, some space--” you trailed off.
He let out a huff of air and dropped your gaze. “You don’t have to do that.”
“I know, I just--”
“But you’re doing it anyway?”
“Do you really not want me to go see my own family for my birthday?”
“Why can’t I come?”
“I didn’t know you’d want to,” you eyed him skeptically, smiled at Jane when she made eye contact with you and then started to whine. 
“I mean, yeah,” he said it quietly. “I’d like to.”
He offered to drive and a week later you were leaning into the backseat to adjust the toy rattle that hung from Jane’s car seat when he changed lanes on the 101. You’d already briefed him on the players: Aunt Lisa and uncle Melvin. Aunt Melissa and Uncle Mike. Your cousins Cassie, Eric and his boyfriend Tim, Shayna. Cousin Ryan and his wife Sam, their daughter Paige. Your mom’s best friend Tammy and her husband Bill. Their son, Luke.
“I’ll never remember all these people.”
“I don’t expect you to,” you laughed a little. “All you need to know is that Ryan and Sam are super sweet, everyone else is fine. Uncle Mel is a little too Republican for my taste, but, that’s just me. Oh, and Luke was my high school boyfriend. So some people might make comments about that, but it’s fine.”
He looked over to you from behind his sunglasses. “What do you mean?”
You shrugged. “We dated--we were like, sixteen.”
“How long did you date for?”
“I don’t know, like almost three years?”
“Almost three years?!”
“It was forever ago,” you tried to downplay it. You didn’t expect the reaction he gave. 
“Well, yeah, but--did you--”
“Yes,” you cut him off, waved a hand in his direction to get out in front of it. “I lost my virginity to him.”
He lifted his eyebrows at that, shifted in the driver’s seat and kept his eyes on the road. 
“Why does that matter?”
“It doesn’t,” he said, a shrug of his shoulders and a quick glance in the rearview mirror to see Jane. “Was just curious.”
You stared at the white lines on the road, watched as they blurred together when he accelerated on the gas. It was only an hour drive, you were there before noon and right in time for Jane to have another bottle. 
He was happy to greet everyone who was already there--just a few aunts and cousins who decided they’d help set up platters of food and bowls of juice before the rest of the crew arrived. They fussed over Jane, passed her around and tickled her cheeks, but Harry kept a close eye on whoever had her.
When more people showed up you were whisked away again, hugging cousins you hadn’t seen in ages and trying desperately to not sound like a fool for getting knocked up by a celebrity. Your cousin Carrie didn’t seem to think it was all that bad. 
“Not the worst thing in the world, though, right?”
You gave her a knowing look, fought the smile on your face when she elbowed you in the ribs. Carrie was closest to your age, only a year older and always so much cooler than you were growing up. 
“Come on, Y/N, he looks pretty good with a baby on his chest.”
“He’s been great with her so far,” you admitted. “I’m just trying to stay sane and deal with turning twenty-six.”
“Must be so hard,” your aunt Lisa pulled you in for a hug when she appeared behind you. “Dealing with a handsome man and a beautiful baby.”
You rolled your eyes at her teasing, hugged your uncle and let out a sigh. “I’m managing, but, you know, it’s been a wild year.”
“And you’ve handled it beautifully,” your mom chimed in, dropping off a cake on the table in the backyard. She kissed you on the cheek, “help me inside for a minute!”
You followed behind her, promised to come tell Carrie more of the_ dirty details_, as she put it. But the kitchen inside was quiet, your mom pulled out more serving dishes from the fridge and handed them to you when she spoke.
“Have you talked to him at all?”
You’d been watching him out the window, he tugged at Jane’s toes while she sat, happily, in your uncle Melvin’s arms. When you pulled your eyes over to hers, she eyed you suspiciously.
“Are you going to?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh, honey,” she rolled her eyes and let out a short laugh, shutting the fridge and taking inventory of the dishes she’d made. “I know you’re not sleeping all that much, but, I’m not that stupid.”
You sighed, held the bowl of pasta salad in your arms. “Not yet. Not now.”
“Sweetie,” she placed a hand on your shoulder and offered a look of sympathy. “You know what they say. He who hesitates is lost.”
“Don’t waste your time,” she shrugged, her gaze immediately going back to food she still wanted to bring outside. Her attention was pulled away by commotion outside, another arrival of family who’d yet to meet your daughter.
And maybe she had a point, but you weren’t wasting time. Your time was spent standing over his shoulder as he learned how to change diapers. Sitting on the edge of the bed in the middle of the night when she wouldn’t stop crying. Thumbing through pages of parenting books or calling your mom instead of ripping out your hair. 
Pediatrician appointments and dodging the cameras that seemed to point your way when you stepped out of the fortress on the hill. 
And most importantly, protecting your daughter from the same heartbreak you felt your whole life: the one that comes along with a father who’s nowhere to be found.
You hadn’t expected the party to last so long, but the sun started to set and people still loitered around the backyard. 
Things quieted down though after dinner, your mom opened another bottle of wine with her sisters and Harry sat at the table with a beer in his hand as he listened to Eric and Tim recount their amazing vacation in Aruba. Jane was on his lap, getting fussier by the second after her evening feed.
You’d avoided it so far, a quick hello and minimal interaction, if only to save yourself an awkward conversation later that night. But when Luke sat down at the empty seat beside you--and directly across from Harry--you knew the night was about to get more interesting. 
“So Luke, Y/N told me you two have known each other for a long time,” Harry shifted his attention over to you, a small smile on his face when you locked eyes. 
Luke nodded, sipped at his own beer. “Yeah, God, we met when we were in seventh grade?”
“Yep,” you confirmed, a quick nod. “Do you want me to take Jane inside?”
“No,” Harry shook his head. She looked up at him with big blue eyes and then over at you when he smiled down at her. “She’s fine. And you two dated, right?”
“Yeah,” Luke laughed, smiling in your direction. “We spent a lot of time together in high school.”
“I heard,” Harry offered a quick chuckle, you tried to send a message with the narrowing of your eyes. 
“What a throwback,” you said sarcastically. 
“What is?” your mom was suddenly interested from the other end of the table, a tipsy smile on her face as she pushed up the sleeves of her sweatshirt she’d tossed on at the end of the night. 
You and Luke spoke at the same time, but your mumbled nothing didn’t sound as convincing as his answer: me and Y/N dating in high school.
Your mom smiled and held a hand to her chest, which made Tammy suddenly tune into the conversation from a few feet away as she chatted with Carrie. 
This made Harry more annoyed, but he hid it well. No one else could tell, probably, but you knew the way his lip twitched and he itched his neck when he didn’t like the way things were going. 
“I’m gonna take Jane inside,” you stood from the table and walked over to him with extended arms. Harry stood and set his beer on the table, I’ll come with you. 
Once you were alone inside, he started explaining before you could even give him a hard time. 
“I’m not trying to be a dick--just getting to know everyone.”
“By interrogating my high school boyfriend about our teenage relationship?”
He shut the door to the guest room and picked up Jane’s diaper bag from the floor. “What else am I supposed to talk to him about?”
“I don’t know--sports, music, anything.”
He rolled his eyes and took out the portable diaper mat. You undid her onesie after you tugged her shorts down. 
You held your hand out for a wipe. “You’re a jealous person, aren’t you?”
His brow furrowed, but he handed one over. “Never been told that before,” he tried to keep a straight face, but a giggle escaped his lips. 
“There’s nothing between me and Luke,” you promised, tossing the dirty wipe and diaper aside for him to dispose.
He handed you a clean one, picked up the travel-sized baby powder. “Yeah--I mean, you can do what you want, but--”
“I don’t want anything with Luke.”
You fastened the diaper around her hips despite the way she squirmed. He handed you the set of pjs you brought for her, found the swaddle in the bag and then sat on the edge of the bed. 
“But you don’t want anything with me, either.”
You let a breath escape your lungs, long and deflated. You’d had enough anxiety about bringing Harry here. But now there was a lurking feeling of nervousness in you about whether or not you’d ruin Jane’s sleep habits by interrupting her routine.
You wrapped Jane in her swaddle and picked her up, thankful for the heaviness of her eyelids when you started to rock her back and forth. “I don’t know what I want.”
You almost told him, laid it all out down the hall from your childhood room. But instead, he nodded, stood from the bed and opened his arms, a look of disappointment in his eyes. “I’ll take her,” he whispered. “Go spend time with your family.”
table of contents | talk to me + join the tag list | the playlist
author’s note: woooooowwwwww we are close to the end, pals! the next chapter will be the last one!!!!! 
tag list: @stepping-into-the-light @thurhomish @afterstylesmadeit @iconicharry  @harryspirate @mellamolayla @harryinsweatersandbandanas @stylesfantasy @clorenafila @mell-love @anssu-amry @yelllowgrass @littlesoldierelleora @styles217 @rachkon @c-h-e-r-r-y-y @myhat  @rosegoldbel @passionate-dreamerr @grammyforstyles @haute-romance-quotidienne @dontgiveupthedayjob @ursamajor603 @craic-head-horan @heavenspidey @talk-british-2-me-britbritharry @blackxxmagicc @winter-soldier-007 @ssllbb @wanderlustiing @jdcharliewhiskey  @caritocp @kaybee87 @wildbeee @hsunflowervol @harrys-medicines @tobe-sogolden @theresnooneheretosave @1d-tommo5 @soullikestyles @mrsfstyles  @you-youneverdo @fstopsteph @cock-a-doodely-doo @s-u-t @mleestiles @rubytersteege @heartsandwheels @rainbowparadiseharry @ainatirb-j @sing-me-a-song-harry @g0bl1nqueen @mmithharold @harrymfingstyless @yourpolaroid07 @zarrysfineline  @pinkpolaroidgirl @staceystoleyourheart @kind-heart @galsingold @adams-tammy72  @ednaofearth @neverland-city @zna0000 @mythoughtsvsreality @damnigotadime @stylesfics-xx @goldenncherrybombb @splendidsunsetsx @guccicreature @niallsfoolsgold @sunnflowerchild @lanallaa @harrys-stan @kialawley7274 @odetostep @wastedsweetcreature @rainbowbutterflyboy @live-at-the-forum @ajayque @goldenngracee @youredeadrong @indaydreamswithme @amaridon @icedsoylattes @cronias13 @sltwins @rbforsmileycal @tobesosunflower @noxiousacilegna @svnflowrv6 @flagitiume @splamilton @sloanferg @szaghata @girlgotattitude448 @ji5hine @strawberrrypie @stay-lovely @pwettyyharry @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @swooningoverstyles @golden-asoab @svnflowervol-6 @twinswallows @kammy67 @bookwormandteasstuff @peter-prkr @harrys-suits @kiwicherryharry @harriedstylus @harbear77 @tpwkxxkiwis @theresalotof0spaceoutthere @allthenicekids @harrys-watermelons @laura-q @sweeeetcreeaturee@britnicole11 @crowdedimagines @winesex @abundanceofsoph @spideys-wife @cherryyharryy @goldencherrymooon @begluketostay @jcgarciaa12 @thesarcasticshrink @magiclolipopqueen
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addicted2escapism · 4 years
Hands to Yourself | JJ Maybank
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Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: You have a small crush on JJ. You’re also in major denial about why he can’t seem to keep his hands off you.
Warnings: none
Being a Pogue had a lot of downfalls. Pogue status meant you probably had a very unfortunate financial status, and maybe even an unfortunate family dynamic. But being a Pogue guaranteed one thing: you had amazing friends. Friends that were basically family.
“Hey!” Kiara’s voice pulled you from your thoughts, catching your attention as she ran down the pier to where you sat perched on the edge. You smiled and greeted her in return, watching as she plopped down beside you. She cast her feet over the side to hang just above the water’s surface, matching your own pose.
“Where are the others?” You asked, looking over your shoulder to see if the other Pogues were on their way.
“I think John B and Sarah should be here soon, he was picking her up from the other side of the island.” Kiara shrugged, before a wicked smirk crossed her face as she eyed you. “Don’t worry, JJ will be here soon. And Pope, too, if you were concerned about him.”
“I wasn’t… worried.” You scoff, trying to force down your smile. Your gaze flickered from Kiara’s eyes to the body of water in front of you. “And I have no idea why you’d think I’m more concerned with JJ’s whereabouts than Pope’s.”
Kiara snorted, rolling her eyes and shifting her position on the dock to face you.
“What?” You press, beginning to worry if your feelings for JJ were starting to show. You tried not to like him in that way, hoping that it was just a fluke and that your feelings would go away, but they persisted.
“Nothing, nothing! I’ve just seen the way you look at…” Her sentence fades out at the sound of advancing footsteps on the dock, running at top speed. You barely begin to turn around before a pair of hands slam down on your shoulders and start shaking you back and forth. Instinctively, your hands shoot up to cover the ones on your shoulders.
“Seen the way she looks at who, huh?” A familiar voice teases, eliciting laughter from you and a raised eyebrow from Kiara.
“JJ, knock it off!” You giggle, folding in on yourself to try to get his hands off you. You look at Kiara from the corner of your eye, and the knowing gaze she casts at you draws heat to your cheeks.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” JJ announces sarcastically, easing off your shoulders and sitting down behind you. You pull your legs up from the water and spin to sit facing Kiara. “Are we having girl talk right now, is that what this is?”
“Yeah, that’s exactly what this is.” Kiara nods. “You’re interrupting.”
“I can be one of the girls!” JJ prattles on, bantering back and forth with Kiara, but you barely register what they’re saying. Your entire thought process had shut down from the moment JJ sat next to you. Your crush had developed to the point where his presence left you malfunctioning. Every second you were hyper-aware of his existence. But you wouldn’t act upon your feelings. No Pogue on Pogue macking.
John B’s house was your favorite. The very wood it was made of seemed to echo “family”, as it comforted you in a way only your closest friends could. The group had decided on a movie night to calm down after multiple days of wasting away in a boat under the hot sun. Kiara brought a projector from her house to cast the movie onto a wall, along with a handful of movies to choose from. She’d settled onto the couch beside Pope, and John B and Sarah laid piled in blankets on the floor. That left you and JJ to sit on the other couch, something you definitely couldn’t be mad about.
The movie was good, but with JJ beside you, you couldn’t bring yourself to pay attention. On top of that, you were exhausted from the past week of boating and working your life away. Thinking about your tiredness had you yawning silently, sinking back into the couch and pulling your blanket up to your chin. You curled your legs underneath you and slightly leaned towards JJ to rest your head against the back of the couch.
“Tired?” JJ asks softly, leaning over to you as well. All you can do is nod and close your eyes, trying to will away the desire to inch over and press your body against his. The light from the projector flashes in front of your eyelids, washing the room in a blue filter as the scene of the movie changes. The characters in the film must be hiding, because they’re whispering back and forth to each other. The tone of their voices calm you, even with the weight of JJ’s gaze piercing your skin.
A moment passes and you wonder if he had gone back to watching the movie, leaving you to fall asleep on your own. Unable to contain your curiosity, you squint your eyes open to peek up at the boy. He’s still looking at you. You flush under his gaze and bury your face deeper into the blanket.
“What?” You whisper, smiling slightly despite the lower half of your face being covered.
Instead of responding, JJ reaches his arms out from underneath his blanket to grab you. Not to roughhouse, but to pull you closer until you’re flush against his side. You swallow down a noise of surprise as he moves you, glancing at your other friends to see if the motion caught their attention. The other four teens seemed blissfully unaware of the butterflies blooming in your chest, totally engrossed in the movie.
“Your neck would have hurt if you fell asleep like that.” JJ reasoned, sliding an arm around your shoulders.
You snort, because deflection was much easier than showing vulnerability.
“Sure.” You roll your eyes, but rest your head on his shoulder anyways. The way your body relaxes in his hold is almost too natural. Sure, you’d been friends for years, completely comfortable with each other, but now his touch meant something different to you. A different way than it meant to him.
You, Pope, and Kiara stood in a circle outside of The Wreck. The other two boys were late. Very, very late.
“Ok, we’ve been waiting for like a half hour! I’m starving!” You threw your hands in the air, looking around for what felt like the thousandth time.
“We should just go in, I’m sure John B is just caught up macking on Sarah.” Pope offered, gesturing towards the entrance of the restaurant.
“But what about JJ?” Kiara asked, and then lowly added on, “You don’t think he went home… do you?”
“No way.” You shook your head and crossed your arms, instantly denying what she was implying. “He wouldn’t. Maybe he’s just… right here!”
A relieved smile graces your face as the blonde haired boy comes into view, looking sweaty but very much unharmed. Kiara and Pope are just as relieved as you, they just did a better job at hiding it. You catch his gaze as he approaches, jogging the last couple of steps up to you, and he returns your smile.
“Sorry I’m late.” JJ greets everyone, reaching up and tugging the end of your hair gently. “I feel asleep at John B’s.”
“So then where’s John B? Please tell me he’s with Sarah so I can be right.” Pope inquires, earning a slap on the arm and a facial expression that screamed ‘seriously?’ from Kiara.
“I don’t know.” JJ shrugged, letting you bat his hand away from your hair, only for it to return instantly, this time twisting it around his finger instead of tugging. “But he did tell me that he was going to Sarah’s before he left, so I bet he’s more than fine.”
JJ wiggled his eyebrows and made an obscene gesture with the hand that wasn’t occupied in your hair. You scrunched your face up in disgust but made no effort to push him away. Kiara rolled her eyes and turned around to enter The Wreck, clearly over the nonsense. Pope followed her like a puppy on a leash, with you and your grumbling stomach at his heels. You couldn’t go far, only managing two steps before JJ was tugging your hair again, forcing you to wait and walk inside with him.
“Alright, this is getting ridiculous!” Kiara announces, closing the door to her bedroom behind you. “You like JJ, don’t deny it. And he likes you. Don’t deny it! He was literally pulling your hair like a lovesick elementary schooler during recess a few days ago.”
You open your mouth to retort, but quickly snap it shut at the face Kiara makes towards you. You settle for a sigh and throw yourself down face first on her bed. She snorts at your childishness and lays down beside you.
“Listen to me, okay?” She nudges you with her elbow, surprisingly serious. “There’s nothing wrong with liking JJ. He’s a good guy.”
“There’s no Pogue on Pogue macking. I don’t wanna mess it up.” You admit quietly, turning over so that you’re both staring up at the ceiling.
“Dude, we all know that rule doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t even make sense.” She props herself up on her elbow to look down at you. “And you won’t mess anything up. He likes you back. I promise.”
You chew your lip in silence for a moment. It’s been easy for you to just deny, deny, deny so far. Why change the dynamic of the group when it’s already working so well? Kiara shoves you lightly, looking at you with knowing eyes.
“Do something for yourself, for once. Tonight. At the party.”
Somehow, Kiara had actually managed to rope you into going through with this. After her pep talk, it seemed like a good idea. But you’d squeezed in a few hours of worrying before the party started, and now that you were here, the nerves had made you a wreck. You needed alcohol.
After your first drink, Kiara had stolen your cup.
“Maybe you shouldn’t drink too much. Better to keep a clear head for tonight, yeah?” Kiara encouraged, nodding to get you to agree. Reluctantly, you nodded back and ran a stressed hand through your hair. You instinctively searched the beach for JJ, who you found handing drinks to John B and Sarah.
“What’s so important about tonight?” Pope asked, looking between you and Kiara.
“She’s acting upon her feelings.” Kie informed him, smirking slightly and glancing to where your other friends were. Pope made an ‘O’ shape with his mouth and nodded knowingly.
“What the hell? You know?” You ask incredulously, unable to stop yourself from looking at JJ again.
“Yeah, everyone knows.” Pope laughs, and then casually sips his beer. The panic festering in your chest must show on your face, because Kiara jumps in.
“Everyone except JJ. He’s stupid.”
“You both are.” Pope quips, and then sprints in the opposite direction before you two can punch him.
You huff at the teasing insult, suddenly wishing you had something to do with your hands. If only Kiara would just give you the drink back. But instead of giving you the cup, she gives you her hand, and drags you down the beach to where everyone else was. Your brain screams at you to drag your feet and cause a scene to avoid going over there, but the commotion would definitely catch JJ’s attention, and that was the opposite of what you wanted right now. Kiara marched you right up to JJ, but you were only capable of looking everywhere except at him. She snatched JJ’s beer from his hand, too, as if that’s not suspicious or anything. It causes him to start bickering with Kiara, so you take the opportunity to involve yourself in John B and Sarah’s conversation.
It doesn’t last long. Arms creep around your waist from behind as JJ slides up behind you, holding you against him. It starts as roughhousing, when he leans backwards to lift you off the ground and swings you left and right. It’s an obvious maneuver for attention but you indulge him anyways.
“Put me down!” You giggle, struggling weakly against him. He obliges almost immediately, even if he does make a bit of a show out of it. Your feet are returned to the sand but he doesn’t let go, he creates even more contact by resting his chin on your shoulder.
You exhale softly, leaning back against him, which causes him to stroke up and down your side absentmindedly. No one else seems to be bothered by JJ’s actions, but Kiara is taking every chance she gets to smirk at you. His embrace is warm and comforting, unmatched by anything or anyone else. But you don’t want to indulge in something like this if he doesn’t feel the same.
You spin suddenly, ripping yourself out of JJ’s hold to his dismay. He reaches out for you with confused eyes and a frown, but you grab his hand before he can touch you again. The rest of the Pogues fall silent from your abrupt actions.
“I need to talk to you.” You snap, yanking his arm and pulling him away from the group. JJ protests but comes along nonetheless, in fear of getting his arm ripped out of his socket. You stop as suddenly as you started and spin to face him, sucking in a deep breath and exhaling: “I like you.”
Confusion, hesitation, and maybe hopefulness cross his face all at once. The confession feels like a weight lifted off your shoulders, but was now replaced by the impending crush of his rejection. JJ opens his mouth, closes it again, glances away, back again, and then finally speaks.
“I mean, yeah, I like you too.” He says it so nonchalantly, shrugging and looking off towards the coast with a sniff.
“No, JJ. I mean it, like, I like you.” You insist, tugging on his hand that was still in yours. “I just- look, Kiara convinced me to tell you, okay? So, we can just forget about this, or whatever-“
“Dude, I like you too.” JJ grins, and the tension in your shoulders drains away. He uses your hand to tug you closer and brushes your hair out of your face. “I mean, I thought it was kind of obvious, but you never did anything about it so I just assumed you didn’t feel the same.”
“I thought you didn’t feel the same.” You laugh, relief swirling in your stomach.
“I guess we’re both pretty dumb.” JJ laughs with you, but the moment of peace is short-lived, cut short by JJ himself. He dives for you, hoisting you up over his shoulder and starts running towards the ocean. You scream in protest, lightly punching his back but it does nothing to deter him. “I hope you know what you’ve done, because you’re never getting rid of me!”
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
Don’t Move
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Warnings: NSFW, Oral Sex, Dub-Con, Double Penetration, Humiliation, Anal, Possessiveness 
Word Count: 6.3K
A/N: Ignore the mistakes lmao! Enjoy! NSFW starts shortly after the cut:)
You've been gone for a while. Your daily messages have dwindled down, you hardly call, you've refused to video chat the past couple of months and to top it all, you seem rather bored to be sitting down with them.
Your food has been picked at, your fork twirling in your hand, scratching at the porcelain bowl as you listen to Kai ramble about who knows what. 
"You seem bored." Hari's hand touches your wrist, his fingers clasp around your wrist, stopping your movements. His hand is cold to the touch, sending a sudder down your spine. 
You remember a time where you used to clasp his hand in yours, telling him with a cheeky smile that he was always so cold, so perfect for hot weather. It's a fleeting memory that you're unsure of why it even popped up.
Next to you Kai clears his throat and dabs at his mouth with a wine colored napkin. "If we're boring you, then you're free to leave." His eyes bore into yours and you feel exposed.
You shake your head. "No, no. It's-It's not that." You sit up straighter and the fork clinks against the bowl. "I just-" You try to find the words but fail to come up with anything. You reach a hand to grab at your wine glass, fingers grazing the stem of the glass before you're pulled away. 
"You seem to have something on your mind." A gloved hand turns your face. "Talk to us. We used to be so close. What happened?" Kai's voice is sickly sweet. A pit begins to grow in your stomach, a deep, dark void that is telling you to run and to never stop.
You open and close your mouth. A flash of pink swipes across your lips and you turn your head to look at your glass, your face is held again by Kai's hand, while a gloved finger dances around the rim of your glass.
"I just-" You spare another look at the glass before you're forced to look at Kai. 
A body presses against your back, hands coming to place themselves at your sides.
You help at the sudden contact and all at once, the restaurant dings and clinks with dropped silverware. Your body burns with shame and embarrassment. You remove your cardigan and clutch it in your lap. 
"It's- I'm having relationship problems is all." You fail to notice a set of eyes widen and another golden pair narrow with lips curled in disgust behind a black mask. "Well it’s not really a problem but more like an issue. I met this guy and he's really great," you whisper the last word, "but our anniversary is next week and," you twirl a loose string of fabric and wrap it around your finger, "I don't know what to get him." Your bottom lip comes to a pout. "I'm sorry I seem so disinterested but I really like him and I-"
"Anniversary?" Kai's voice cuts you off. "I didn't know you were seeing someone." He watches your glass, blinking lazily at it and sighs.
"I've been so busy with school-"
"But not busy enough considering you're fucking some pig on the side." You can hear the disgust in his voice. He’s looking down on you like you’re some common trash. You’re revolting him.
“No, he’s not,” you say but there’s not much conviction in your voice. You’re too scared to stand up to him. It suddenly dawned on you who you’re having dinner with. “He’s really great.” The knife in his hands catches in the light. It winks at you and you have to look away before you’re blinded. The pasta on your plate has gone cold and no longer looks appetizing. “He-He doesn’t have a quirk. I thought you’d like him,” you whisper out, your head down. The string hanging off the cardigan snaps off. 
“Oh. You thought I’d like him?” His voice is high, frillish. It’s a mockery of your own voice and it leaves a sour taste on your tongue. The pit in your stomach is a storm now. 
“I-I-” You don’t even know what to say. You wish you hadn’t said anything. You wished you looked more interested in whatever Kai was rattling on about. You wish you weren't here.
“Overhaul, you’re scaring her.” Nails are digging into your shoulders. “Can’t you see, the poor thing is shaking.” You pinch your legs together. “I’m sure they aren’t even that serious.” Two pairs of hungry eyes are on you. “How long have you two been dating?”
Through the fabric of your top, his hands turn into claws. You know that angry, red lines are etched on your skin when you take too long to answer. “Ha-Half a year.” You croak. “Little bit before I went to school.” You look up at stormy gray eyes. “I want a drink.”
His hands leave your shoulders and you reach for the wine, hands shaky, the drink rattles around, sloshing and threatening to spill. You gulp it down and your throat hurts. 
The table has grown silent. You’re holding the glass in your hands too scared to disrupt the silence with your nervousness. 
“I’m leaving.” Chisaki throws the napkin on the plate and walks away. You stare at his retreating form. The weight on your chest eases a bit until you hear Kurono speak.
“Tsk. You made the boss mad.”
“I didn’t-” Your voice is frantic and tears well up in the corners of your eyes.
“I know. You were just being,” he hesitates to find the correct words, “reckless.” He pulls out a card and ushers the waiter over. “You should go apologize. You know how he can get when he’s angry.”
You nod, your lips pulled into a tight frown. You get up and pause halfway. “Wait, the check.”
“I have it covered.” He replies cooly, not sparing you a glance. “Now go.
You make haste to catch up to sigh, smiling and waving a hand as the host as they tell you to enjoy your night. 
The humid air contrasts the cold air that hugs your body. You look around the parking lot, eyes landing to a dark figure making its way to a black car. 
You speed walk over, your hands forming into fists, your nails dig into your palms, little red crescent shaped marks appear instantly. “Chi-Kai! Wait!” You call out, forcing your hands to open up. “Kai, please!” He stops against the passenger side door. His back is facing you.
You stand behind him, breathing heavily. “Kai. I’m sorry.” You don’t even know why you’re sorry. “I didn’t mean to make you upset. I thought-” Don’t place any blame on him, you know how this works out. It’s worked like this ever since you’ve met him. He’s the perfect one. You’re the one that always has to apologize because you’re so incompetent. A flash of lightning sears across the sky. It’s followed by a clap of thunder. “I shouldn’t have said anything Kai. I’m sorry.” 
His golden eyes pierce through the darkness. You remember learning in class that the brighter the object, the deadlier it is. “You’re sorry?” He asks, raising a thin brow.
“Extremely sorry,” you agree. 
“So you’ll break up with him?” His voice is slow, eyes never leaving yours.
“I-I can’t. Kai, please. I really like him.” You want to cry. 
He takes a step towards you. His arm is outstretched. A gloved hand cups your cheek, the thumb brushing along your lips. A loud smack sounds across the parking lot. You whimper and hold your face where a bright red has marked you. 
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He can do so much worse to you. Oh god, why did you open your mouth. “Tell me,” he plays with a strand of your hair. “Has he touched you already?” Your face is hidden behind your hands. 
You beg him to stop. Tears slip down your face and you’re flushed with embarrassment. You shake your head when he starts to speak, hands covering your ears while you shut your eyes, not wanting to hear him. 
“Please Kai.” You repeat like a mantra while shaking your head. It’s starting to mist. 
The parking lot is empty, save for a figure walking towards you. 
This figure’s eyes narrowed and underneath the raised hood, hair begins to elongate, stretching out towards you.
“Kai,” you look at him through tears, “Kai I want to-” You fall forward crying out and bracing yourself for impact on the concrete but you find yourself being held by strong arms. You can feel warmth trail down your leg. You try to raise your arms to pull yourself away from Chisaki but find yourself unable to. You’re unable to move, feeling as though your bones have turned into rocks, weighing you down and rendering you useless. 
“She’ll be out for an hour.” Kurono’s voice is clear and holds no emotion. “Should be long enough.” Something soft is wrapped around your leg. It fits snug around you  and the blood that was leaking out of you is wiped away. The stench of alcohol makes its way to your nose and you close your eyes.
“Let’s go.” Kai commands, handing you off to Kurono.
The fabric across your eyes is soft, it’s pressed firmly against you, allowing no light to pass through. You are utterly blind.
You've forgotten who you were with. You could only remember them when they were younger. When they weren't so dangerous. When all that they talked about was ambitions and dreams, ifs and hypotheticals- not reality. You forgot that college was a way for you to escape, a way to finally experience life. All you remembered were their kind smiles, their hands holding onto yours when you got lost, them protecting you from bad people- people that they deemed bad. But that wasn't reality. The reality was their cold smiles as they examined you, their hands holding tightly onto yours to prevent you from wandering off, people pleading for mercy, that they hadn't meant to touch you, they just weren't looking. You weren't looking. You were turning a blind eye, looking away and telling yourself that those people deserved it, that they were bad. And now, when you can truly see who they are, you're still blind.
You know where you are. You know how to get back to the city and cry until a hero comes to your rescue. There isn't anything holding you down. You could run, make a break for it.
You move a leg, hoping, wishing against all odds that maybe Kurono had taken pity on you and you could move now, but when your hand moves as if it were held together with molasses, your eyes water and tears catch on your eyelashes. You should have known he would make sure to get you.
"Don't move," Kurono says, his hands dragging down from your skirt, the fabric soft against him, and then his fingertips freeze against your skin. "I mean, it's not like you can anyways." He chuckles when your leg twitches. "Sorry."
The bottom of the fabric dampens with your tears. You must look pathetic to them. You know no amounts of pleading will save you from their wrath. Your chest shudders as you breathe. You want to curl up in a ball and wish that you were home, pinch yourself that you were in the arms of your partner. But you don't even have the luxury of wiping away your tears.
"You always were so pretty." Kurono's fingers are tracing against your skin. They swipe down from your thigh, circle your knee, and flick at your ankle. 
"Please Kai, please Hari," you whine, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." 
"Why?" Kurono's fingers glide across your skin. "What are you sorry for?" They dance underneath your skirt. 
You want to squirm underneath his touch. You want to do anything you can to push him away. He's so cold. 
"I'm-" You let out a sob when his fingers trace your panty line.
"An empty apology, hm? I wonder do you give your partner empty apologies as well? Empty promises?" He swipes at your clothes slit, pressing down and humming when your body responds to his touch. "Tell me, have you promised him anything special?" 
You hold your breath as he pushes your panties to the side, the cold air of the room meeting your heat makes you whimper. 
"Move aside Hari," Kai's voice cuts through the air. "I'm not in the mood to have seconds." With a wave of his wand, Hari moves aside and sits next to you, grabbing your hand and begins to play with your fingers. His touch is ice cold, you can feel your heat being sapped out. Your fingers scream and ache for warmth, for movement, anything to feel heat once again. 
Kai lifts your legs and places them on his shoulders, your skirt barely covers your core. The only thing in between him and you is a thin layer of clothing.
"Have you fucked him?" Chisaki asks. 
You stay silent. 
A bare hand lays flat against your thigh and it takes everything in you to not scream.
"I asked you a question." He rises from where he laid. Your legs fall against the mattress with a thump and suddenly you can see. 
The bright fluorescent lights blind you and you squeeze your eyes shut. Your heavy breathing fills the room. Little whines and sniffles accompany the noise. 
A hand is wrapped around your throat and it pulls you back to reality. You snap your eyes open when he begins to speak. "Have you fucked him?"
"No," you whisper, your voice wavering. "No, I havent fucked him Kai. I promise." 
You feel sick. "I wanted it to be special," you say dumbly. Your ears burn with shame and you can't make eye contact. 
"Were you going to fuck him on your anniversary?" The grip around your throat tightens.
"Yes. If-If he wanted to." You beg for this to end, but it falls on deaf ears.
"Has he touched you before? Have you touched him?" He raises a thin brow, golden eyes looking over at you. 
"Kai please-" your skirt is gone, it flashes away and strands are left coating your legs. "I'm sorry!" 
"What's the answer?"
"We-We only did hand stuff." It sounds so pathetic when said out loud- so juvenile. "Nothing else, Kai, I swear!" 
Chisaki regards you heavily. The pressure around your neck is heavy, your face is growing red and the need for air growing until you're seeing black spots dot your vision. 
Suddenly you have air back and you're coughing and choking on your spit. You're begging for forgiveness. Telling him, telling them both, that you won't do it again, that it was a moment of weakness. Your hair is toyed with, and a streak of gray teases your vision. You snap your mouth shut.
You focus on the ceiling, the lights blind you and hurt your head. You've known them for long enough that there's never any empty threats, that the only reason you've survived this long with them is because you're obedient. You're a pet to them- something that they could mold into what they want you to be. But you've spread your wings too far, chirped too loudly and now your wings must be clipped. 
Hands run down your body. Manicured nails grip the edge of your thin sweater, bunching it in their hands and smoothing it out with a pat on your stomach. A thoughtful hum fills your ears, gentle touches on your stomach, fi gets freezing when they touch the little bow on your bra. You dont usher a word, scared that if they remember you're still alive, one of them will end you.
It's quick. You hardly even realize that your clothes are gone until the ripped fabric rests on you and slides down your skin. All that's left now are your heels and panties.
You meet his golden eyes. They're unblinking as they examine you. Eyes flicker over your skin, analyzing and trying to figure out if you’re telling the truth. 
"You know I hate messes." It holds no malice, no undertones of threat- just a simple reminder of who he is.
You nod to the best of your ability. "I know Kai." You give him a grin that struggles to fully form. 
All eyes are on him as he pulls his mask off. You would always make a deal when he would take it off, you always saw it that he truly did care for you, that his removal of a mask was an approval of you. But now when his lips are pressed against your unmoving ones, you desperately wish for the mask.
You pucker against him. Your eyes are closed and you pretend you're with your partner. There's nipping at your bottom lip, teeth clashing against each other awkwardly, hands roaming down your sides and touching your breasts. 
You breathe his name out, it rises and cracks in the middle and your leg kicks out, brushing against his calf. You promise him to be good, that you'll break it off with your partner, that you won't ever bring this up again. 
He grabs you by the face and forces you to look at him. If looks could kill, you'd be dead a hundred times over.
You focused your gaze on the lights, and squeezed Kurono's hand tight. You whimper when his mouth drags down your breast, your nipple erecting at the stimulation. 
Mouth covers your breast, harsh kisses pressed against your skin, your chest littered with love bites. A hand brushes against your heat and a moan tears through you.
"Already so wet," Kai muses, playing with your clit through the fabric. 
Without fully understanding what's about to happen, choosing to ignore the sensations coursing through your body, your delicates are tossed over to Kurono who places your hand above his crotch. You scrunch your face in disgust when his cock twitches underneath you. 
"You've already gotten me so hard by just being toyed with." You peer over to Kurono whose face is buried in your panties. "You smell absolutely divine might I add."
"You'll get your turn Chrono." Chisaki's voice cuts in. "Let me have my fill." 
A high pitched whine erupts from your throat when a finger is experimentally pressed inside of you. The finger moves inside of you, circling around and pressing into every squishy part, petting every surface with gentleness and curiosity. Another finger presses inside of you, working its way around, feeling every groove, every way that your cunt pours out its arousal, every way your cunt tightens and begs for more. You writhe as he works his way, your face burned red and fighting back moans to no avail.
Chisaki’s voice cuts through your moans, speaking above you, “You know the reason why we’re doing this-” He pauses to let you moan out, your hand clamping over your mouth, “-is to show you how real men treat their women. With the way you're leaking, I bet he’s never made you feel this way. You’re squeezin so tight around my fingers that it makes me sure that this is the first time you’ve ever been finger fucked so good.” Your moans are a sufficient answer for him.
Metal clinks together, the sound is lost with the wet, squishy noises coming out of you. Chisaki’s fingers massaging the inside of your walls, pressing down and rubbing, urging more juices out of you.
“Ah-ah, Chisaki,” you croak out, sucking in your lower lip.. You snap your mouth shut, and tense. Your walls tighten around his fingers, soaking him further.
“You really love being fingered, don’t you?” His lips pressed against your cunt send vibrations and tingle your clit. “You know why I’m doing this, right?”
“Yes, I do.” Your back arches and in the corner of your eye you see Kurono jerking himself off, his cock fisted in his hands.
You scream out, your hands clutch your chest, and you twitch when Chisaki works his tongue in you. Your hand is pulled away from your chest. You let out a gasp when your hand wraps around something hard. 
You crane your neck over and see your hand is covered by Kurono’s. He’s pleasuring himself with your hand. When you attempt to pull away, he tightens his hold on you, freezing you in place when he begins to use your hand.
Slowly, he releases his hold on you, letting your own hand work by itself. “Why are we doing this?” Kurono asks, petting your hair.
“Be-Because I need to know how real men treat their women.” You’re lightly jerking off Kurono, your hand is limp around him, only your forefinger and thumb circling around him while the rest barely graze his cock.
“Come now, surely you didn't pleasure him like this?” Kurono’s voice is teasing, something that you’ve only heard a handful of times.
Your grip tightens around him and with a jerky motion, you pull against his skin, hiccuping when and shutting your eyes when he tells you what a good girl you are. He pets your hair as he compliments you, telling you words of praise muddled in with moans.
“How much did you love them?” Chisaki asks, his breath hot against you.
The question catches you off guard. “What?” 
“How much did you love them? I mean you must have right? To touch their cock with your bare hand? To let them touch and play with your cunt?” He slaps your cunt. “Did you love them?”
“Don’t tell me you just opened your legs for anyone. If you were going to let him defile you, then why didn't you ask us? We love you.” He kisses your clit. “And you love us.”
You stay silent, your grip tightens around Kurono and he’s edging closer to you. 
Chisaki bites your inner thigh. You yelp and squeeze too tight. Your cheek is white for a moment before a red handprint takes form and spreads across your face. You let go immediately, and your eyes burn with hot tears.
“I’m sorry Hari!” You apologize immediately, hands grasping in the air, searching for him.
“You love us don’t you?” Hari raises a thick brow, his hair inches closer to you.
“Of course I do!” You did love them. “I love the both of you!” You swallow the lump in your throat. “I’m sorry for hurting you Hari. Let me- let me make you feel better.” You smile at him.
“Overhaul,” Kurono looks over to Chisaki who is too busy examining your lower lips. His finger stops its tracing and he only glances up at Kurono. “I think she should kiss my cock.” 
Chisaki’s eyes widen. His eyes glance between you and Kurono before settling back to you weeping slit. “Don’t make a mess.” He tentatively licks your clit. “She’s always had a gag reflex.”
“Kurono please-” You stop and stare at him, your nose is pinched between his fingers. 
“You’re going to make me feel good right? Because you love us?” He stares at your mouth with hungry eyes, his member leaking precum and dripping down your cheek.
“Let me make you feel good.” Your voice is nasally. “Because I love you.” You're able to breathe regularly again.
Another harsh slap to your clit. “I love you too Kai. I love you so much.” Another slap. “Please Kai, make me feel good.” Kisses are pressed up and down your slit, the crown of black hair bobbing up and down as his tongue works you. 
Kurono’s length is inside of you. Your tongue swirls around it and a hand jerks off what you cannot fit. He shudders above you and holds your head, moving at a slow pace, his shaft hitting deeper and deeper with each thrust. His balls hit your chin and he holds you there, spit dribbles down and coats you both. He thrusts against your, his package hitting your chin with a wet slap. Your eyes sting and throat burns with the warning of bile. You tap against his thigh and plead with your eyes to stop. Your words bleed together but the word “mess” is still able to be made. He scoffs and slows his pace, inching his cock out of you. 
Chisaki works your slit quizzically. His tongue swipes over, moving your pearl around and sucking it into his mouth. 
"Ah! Kai!" His name is muffled and Kurono groans at the vibrations. Your pinch yours together and jerk your hips upwards. 
Your clit is nursed on, his tongue flicking around it while in his mouth all while you writhe and moan underneath him. Two fingers are pumping in and out your slit, wet sounds reaching your ears.
You bob your head around his cock, a rocking motion where you meet his cock and your cunt escapes the ravenous mouth of Chisaki, only for it to be assaulted again when he holds your hips down. 
Your arousal drips down his mouth and he's feasting on you like a hungry man, his tongue and fingers never leaving you. His face is buried in your cunt, and god, you want to fight against the waves of pleasure, hide that this feels good but you can feel yourself soak him. 
You moan against Kurono's shaft, hand pumping harder and cheeks hollowed- desperate for him to cum so you'd only have to worry about Chisaki. 
Your legs clasps together when Chisaki’s mouth finally leaves your aching clit. You shudder and want to hump the air. Your stomach is pained with the lack of release you haven’t allowed. You remember how angry Chisaki has gotten in the past when someone disobeyed him, you’ve seen what he does, and you don’t want to meet that fate.
Kurono removes himself from you, spit dribbles and splats on your chin. Your tongue wipes your lips and you stare at him through half lidded eyes.
Your legs are kneed apart, your cunt fully exposed and shivering with want. A hard member presses against the inner of your thigh and with slow, teasing movement, inserts itself inside of you, your pussy welcoming and squelching around him. 
Chisaki lays above you, his eyes staring into yours, as he fucks you, his cock pressing and hitting all the correct spots and you’re seeing stars. Your body betrays your mind, and begins to fuck him back, your pussy wrapping around him. He groans and bends his head down, hot air moistening your shoulder.
Kurono groans as he watches Chisaki fucks you raw. His hand working faster and rubbing down his package, pre-cum oozes out and stains the floor.
“You can have her after I’m down Chrono. Fuck,” Chisaki breathes out, his cock slamming into you.
"No Overhaul. You can have her cunt. I, however, would like the other."
Your eyes widen. You begin to shake your head when you hear a wet, squirting sound fill the room.
"No! No please Hari. Hari, take my cunt! Please Hari!" You sob and plead with him. "Hari, it'll hurt!"
"It won't hurt." A loving hand caresses your cheek. "I could never hurt you."
Chisaki holds you tight in his arms and flips over. Your hair falls to your face and Chisaki continues to pump into you, groaning and toying with your breasts. He kicks your legs open with his, placing them above, effectively trapping you. 
Cold, silky like lube coats your puckered. You sob and plead with Chisaki.
"Be careful with her." Chisaki warns, shushing you when you begin to cry. He combs your hair and coos into your muttering words of assurance.
"I will." Kurono probs a thin finger against your hole and you tense. He assures you everything is going to be alright, that he'll take good care of you. It swirls around you, and with a few more minutes of gentle massaging and the pleasure of Chisaki's cock, you begin to open up. A deep moan escapes from your throat and you wiggle above Chisaki.
"Another one, okay?" Another finger is added. They scissor against each other, massaging the soft walls. A hand runs your clit when you moan out, circling and providing a distraction from what's happening. "You're doing so well." Three fingers are inside. The thumb runs around and cool air is breathed onto you. The silky liquid covers you again. Clicking noises are filling the room and with a hiss, you let out a cry that soon turns to a moan. 
There's an added pressure behind you and Kurono's lips are pressed against the back of your head.
"You did so well. You took all of me with such ease." He shudders and you feel his cock twitch in you. "You're so tight. You have this vice grip on my cock." Your tears of shame and humiliation and have turned to those of pleasure.
Your body has finally convinced your mind to enjoy this. Your hump against them both, wet, clicking sounds are echoing in the room, your moans over taking them.
It's getting harder to breathe, the cocks inside of you are driving you insane, the pleasure makes you see stars and the knot in your stomach is coiling tighter. You can feel their cocks hit deep inside of you. 
"Oh god, oh fuck!" You moan. Your mouth is open wide in an unheated moan and saliva dribbles out of your mouth. 
Their cocks fit inside of you perfectly as if your body was just made for them. Your body shivers with the wave of your orgasm on the edge. 
“We love you,” Kurono kisses your back, “You know that right? You know that we’re doing this because we love you.” He bites your neck, his tongue swiping at the area when you flinch. “You feel so good. You’re so tight around my cock. Milking it for everything it’s got. You fucking slut.” He spits the words out at you, pressing feverish kisses down from your neck.
“You know, I might actually believe you when you said you hadn’t fucked him. You’re as tight as a virgin.” Chisaki’s cock works in and out of you, holding you tight against him as waves of pleasure courses through you. 
“I wasn’t lying to you Kai.” With shaky hands you cup his face, your thumbs running across his cheek bones. “I’d never lie to you or Hari. Oh god,” you moan out, the coil in your stomach tightening. “I love you two so much. So much, I promise,” you begin to cry. “I love you, I love you,” you repeat like a prayer, digging your nails into Kai’s biceps. 
"Tell us how it feels," Hari grunts. His mouth is pressed next to your ear. "Tell us how it feels, and we'll tell you." His nails are digging into your skin.
"It-" a moan interrupts you and you press your forehead against Kai's chest. You're breathing has turned ragged and it's all too much. "I feel so full. It's like I'm stuffed." Your mouth is watering. You press your lips against Kai's mouth and moan into him, hoping that the desperation will show. "I have two cocks in me all at once- I-I've never felt like this before." Words are spilling out of your mouth without much thought. "Please, go faster, please, Kai, please Hari. Fill me up." You tongue lolls out of your mouth. “It feels so good!”
“Your cunt is all swollen.” Kai’s voice is cold and laced with lust. “We’ve been working you too hard. I’m surprised you haven’t cummed yet.”
"You haven't told me to. I didn't want to disobey.” A choked out sob erupts from you when Hari’s fingers rub at your puffy clit, pinching it between his fingers and tugging on it. “Hari please, I’m already so sensitive, please Hari,” you beg, “please not too rough. Ah-ah, Hari, my clit,” you cry out. Tears slip down your cheeks and you’re already so close, the pressure building up inside of you is getting painful.
“You poor thing,” a hand smooths out your hair, “you must be in so much pain right now, hm?” A sharp smack fills the room. “You must really want my cum to fill up your tight little ass. Don’t worry, you’ll cum soon enough.” Hari shoves his fingers into your mouth and buries his cock in you deeper as you suck on his fingers as if it were lifeline.
The feeling of them both being inside of you is getting too much for you to handle. What once was a sharp pain that made you want to kick and scream, is now making your eyes roll to the back of your head with a desperate want of their cum inside of you. The tightness in your stomach is pulling you apart and aching to be released, it hurts so bad, it’s literally pulling you apart and you desperately want to cream over their cocks, you want to fucked until your limp and oozing cum out of your cunt. 
“Please let me cum, ah, I’ll be so good, I promise, just let me cum please,” you’re sobbing against Kai’s chest, it seems as if that’s all you’ve been doing the past hour, “let me cum, please, oh fuck!” 
A small nip at your collarbone is all the permission that you need. As if you were once again you were  once struck by Hari, your limbs fall and you still and for a brief second, your mouth is wide open with a pained gasp stuck in your throat, before your back arched and your legs are shaking, toes curled and hands dragging against the linens, nails clawing into them and bunching underneath your palms. Tears have blurred your vision and a mix of Hari and Kai’s name is jumbled between the mess that you are. Your waves of orgasm rushes throughout your body, creaming over Kai’s cock. You’re clenching around them both tightly as they continue to pump into you. Your body is exhausted, you’re fully spent and with your cunt still spasming and constricting around the men, they search for their own high, fucking deep int you you, their cocks in sync, little pinches to your clit when you lay flat and huff against Kai’s chest. You no longer plead for them to stop or to continue, all you can truly do right now is wait as they reach their own high, with hands touching every surface that they can, hands gripping at your breasts, tugging on your nipples, toying with your clit and hooking your mouth until your drooling. Kai’s nails dig into you and in the farthest depths of your mind you feel the blood that springs out, blending in with your bitten, bruised skin. 
They cry out your name at once, slew of curses leaving one mouth and grunts leaving the other. Their thrusts don’t lose speed or strength as they release into you, parallel kisses and bites are spread from your collar bones and your shoulder blades. You feel Hari’s cum first, how it fills you and the warmth of it soothes the aches and pains that reside in you. It seeps out and makes loud squelching noises when he continues to ride his high. His thrusts slow to a stop and he buries his cock in you, hips pressing harsh against your rear, cum spurting out and staying in place.
Kai’s cum, comes out all at once, thin strands that paint your gooey walls, covering every surface and filing you right. He keeps his cock buried inside of you, gyrating his hips to feel you squeeze him. He breathes harshly against your skin. His eyes are clouded and gazing at the ceiling, a dark blush sweeps across his face and his nails are still digging in your skin, holding you tight and ignoring the beads of scarlet that has begun to drip.
You cry out when Hari pulls out, and with a humiliating mewl, you hide your face when the cum spurts out, dripping down to your aching cunt.
With a growl, Kai pulls his cock out of you, your pussy follows suit, spewing out the cum in slow streams. You try to cup it with your hand, pushing the cum back inside, clamping your fingers together when it parts through the gaps, staining the bed.
The men stand above you, their cocks drained of all cum. Kai regards you with disgust when he  stares at the mess but with the way his cock begins to harden seeing the cum slip between his fingers, you guess that he isn’t all that pressed. Hari looks to be a bit smug and promptly dresses himself.
You stare up at them and for what must be the hundredth time in the past hour, you cry. Harsh sobs wrack through your body, you curl in on yourself and hug yourself, the cum stains your arms as you cry and feel your face flush with shame. You’re cold and you just want to go home.
“Shut up.” You don’t even know who said it but you know better to disobey.
You bite the inside of your cheeks and taste copper. 
“Remember that this is how real men treat you. How they make you feel.” You nod, waiting for them to continue. “I don’t ever want to hear about you’re fucking filth on the side.”
You nod numbly and wince when a thin sheet covers your body. There’s talk about getting you a spare change of clothes, about keeping a closer eye, about anything and through closed eyes, you feel lips press against your temple, little words of approval and praise sludge together and you mutter an “I love you,” and with a click of a switch, the room is enveloped in darkness and you fall into a deep slumber.
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ivyveil · 3 years
Mary Me
the one where he proposes aka the 1940s installment of The Soulmates Verse, Sign of the Times
A/N: Bringing this back from AO3, hope you guys enjoy! I wanted to create a series of ‘soulmate’ Harry/Y/N where they try to make it work each decade, and fate hasn’t seemed to get the memo. Here’s my Tumblr masterlist, and my AO3 hub! Thank you for reading, hope everyone is staying safe.
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The room was swathed in a deep maroon. Curtains draped against the windows, curves forming around the sills and down the gold columns on either side.
It was a nice restaurant, with expensive-looking candles and fresh-cut flowers on each table. The bar wasn’t fully stocked enough for the crowds milling about, having yet to find its balance of supply since Prohibition ended a few months ago. It was a rough adjustment for everyone, with the prices taking a jolt and the people having to remember what a drink tasted like without poison.
While the idea of a fancy restaurant would allude towards privacy, this dinner was anything but. Granted, it was a personal room but the numerous crowds of friends and family around the table led the mood towards something more lively than dim lights and slow jazz. Tables were pushed against the walls, only a handful actually sitting down, and the band had taken its land near one of the corners, setting up an orchestra to dance for.
It was a gathering, a party.
Nerves were knotted against the floor of your stomach, and despite having a glass of champagne in one hand and hooch in the other, nothing was easing the clench. Perhaps it was residue from hardships that had only ended a few years ago, or it could be the more instinctive nerves - holding alcohol without needing to look over one’s shoulder was still new for everyone. Even now, you saw Nick stealing a glance at the waitstaff, as if sussing out which was the cop.
“‘lright, love?” Harry spoke low, his hand briefly resting against your back as he came around from behind. It wasn’t far into the party, enough time having passed for his entrance to be marked by everyone already feeling tipsy, but not raising an eyebrow at his late arrival.
His suit was understated, a black with minimal design. His mother would tailor all of his suits, resulting in most of them being the absolute extravagant pieces for all the parties he threw - the magnificent ones where the moon grew twice to try and be an inch closer, where the ocean glittered around his villa and you could strain to taste the rose-colored smoke in the air. They were alive with people and spirits and spirited people, and the types who would disappear in the morning and you’d question their existence, but never their stories.
His suit was fine, but his hair was a proper mess. Harry had insisted to you a few days ago, a dopey smile on his face as he leaned against your shoulder, that it was a rebel of the highest degree.  You knew the words were bullshit, but the way he spoke sounded like a home you’d never known, so you listened.
“You need a haircut.” The words came out before you could properly hold them back, the liquor having moistened your throat and disconnected your mind from your choices.
Harry broke into a smile, this time shaking his head slightly so the curls danced, delighted, in the dim glow.
“You like it?” he asked, and you made a sour face in response. He took one of the drinks from your hands, making the low noise in the back of his throat to signal disapproval. Where Harry managed to gather his rebellious streak of societal indignity, but still manage to believe that women should be held up on pedestals and protected, eluded you.
But you were still dizzy with him. Drunk in the way he said your name, caught up in his eyelashes, a fatal swoop in your chest that felt like laying in bed after a long day’s work. You were simply infatuated, but insistent on the fact that the feelings drifted no farther. Infatuation could be controlled, but love.
Love would be an entire beast that you couldn’t battle. It would include leaving him, leaving him because Mary was cemented down in his roots. Not that you’d agree with it, but she was, and it was a reality you lived with.
They’d been sweet on each other for the first couple months. You hadn’t kept up on the details too much. But time had worn their feelings thin, wafering holes poking through in the way they loved. Which was a wrong, horrendous source of comfort to you - but it terrified you, as well. Harry was the embodiment of love, with how he danced and moved and swayed into the moonlight, and yet there was something off in the way he loved Mary. It felt like a commitment for the sake of, rather than motivated each day, and the failures of love haunted you.
“Where’s Mary?”
Harry shrugged, taking a swig of the drink and looking against the crowd. The two of you were propped against the wall, as if only existing in the plane of the party by the physical constraints. If you had your way, your souls would fall through the wallpaper and into something more exquisite.
Harry had a way of making the dullest parties exciting, and you wondered what he had up his sleeve. But his face showed no signs of telling, a crease along his forehead denting in his sudden gloom and moodiness.
“Dunno. Was gonna find her, thought she’d be with yeh.”
That was his mistake, his constant mistake, of seeking his love around you. It was there but not where he expected - it was manifestation he sought, the woman he called ‘darling’ on late nights out, not the friend he called ‘love’ because it meant nothing.
Words didn’t quite fit your mood, so you merely shrugged and shifted your weight between legs. The music had picked up but your feet had been worn to the bone by running all over town the previous night, so you prayed Harry’s stance next to you would dissuade any men from approaching.
“Think I’ve got to end things with Mary, yeah?”
It was a loaded question, especially with Harry’s eyes staring into yours. It was a rush, how the lights cascaded down the side of his face and his hair was a horrible mess, an unsightly vision for anyone in town, but he was utterly angelic nonetheless. It was a weird sensation against your throat, seeing him tragic and sad, and not knowing how to respond that wouldn’t be an attempt to benefit your own tragic and sad.
“Why’d you say that?” you asked.
“It was never right, was it?” He spoke thoughtfully, scanning your face for agreement, and apparently finding some, for he continued. “It’s reached an end.”
Silence befell the two of you, yet it was heavy with the implication of further words against his tongue. They weren’t spoken yet, but you felt with one more moment-
“I’ve got somethin’ I need to say to yeh. After it’s done.” His eyes had swept to his feet, the dirty tips of his shoes from the soil around the town.
You both were misplaced, you felt it in your soul and the way you two would wrap in each other’s auras, clasped at the hands and promising you’d escape this hellhole of a town one day. And it only was proven in how Harry’s eyebrows sloped together, a defiance in the order of things prominent in his pursed lips.
“Okay,” you drawled it out, but Harry didn’t seem to find anything humorous. With a tilted neck, his Adam’s apple bobbing and drawing your eyes in like flies to honey, he downed the rest of your champagne.
“See her over there,” he mumbled, slipping back into the throngs of the party. He was still incredibly visible, a mess of hair and clunky shoes passing through the sea towards his girl. She was sat, pretty and prim, but you could tell she felt only half. Mary had an odd sense about her, a jealousy towards you for sure, but a feeling around her sphere of influence that she wasn’t full unless Harry was there. Half-dazed without, only focused on him with, there was seemingly no win.
The pair of them slipped out into the night together, with your eyes trailing behind. Mary was oblivious as to how the conversation would go, and for that, you were conflicted.
It must have made you an awful person, how the nerves crashed against giddiness. The drinks may have kicked into effect, because before you knew it - you were swaying and dancing against the moonlight, around the tables with the rest of the folk, pained heels clipping against the floor as they did every night, dancing out the mundanity of a town life crippled with the distrust of life. It would be a conversation for the rest of the night, how Harry would retell the dramatic discussion with fire in his eyes and a sadness plunging into his heart, because he always felt guilty and you’d never understand why.
You glided out of the mass, panting with how the dance took your breath away, feeling the redness built up in your cheeks and the sweat on your brow. You passed Nick with his wide eyes and bursts of laughter, and noticed how he winked at you when you left the room. The restroom was calling.
The main hall of the restaurant was bustling with normal activity, waiters dashing around with massively weighed trays balanced against their shoulders. There was a coat rack near the entrance, huddled with pounds of jackets, hats, and scarves, and a lone Harry Styles squatted next to it.
He looked up when you passed by, the hollows of his cheeks straining purple in the grotesque lights.
You paused next to him, almost dashing around to head and pee, but his expression caught you off guard..
He looked in another world. His eyes, blue with morose, opened to look at nothing. Eyelids heavy with almost boredom, but his posture offered enough to let you know his demons were free once more.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, and once he shifted to the side, you took the cue to sit beside him, crossing your legs and ignoring your body’s protests.
His mouth open and closed, his fingers spread wide in front of him to grasp onto his senses, but they were nowhere to be found. His lips were glistening, perhaps from him licking them continuously, but a small streak against his cheek made you think otherwise.
“Was she upset?” It was all you had to offer, but it seemed like you hadn’t struck gold. He continued to mime whatever words that were escaping him, but your attention had been caught elsewhere.
In one of his hands, you had thought he was holding onto his pack of cigarettes. At second glance, however, it wasn’t. It was terrible.
The fact it wasn’t, and the fact his mouth was gaping, and the fact his eyes were glassed and that his shoulders were quivering – it all accumulated into a story you never expected.
A blue velvet box, iconic in its time, holding only one thing inside.
“Harry, is that-”
“She’s pregnant,” he managed to choke out, not glancing at the box, his voice cracking in its sudden revival, “Mary’s pregnant.”
“She’s what.”
“Couldn’t break it off, would she gonna do? Can’t go back to live with her parents, the town’s too far off-” he continued to speak, words that made sense when combined but gibberish with how he stringed them. It was a rant that had been built into his lungs and found a small stream to blow off, with only your collection of stammers breaking through the dam.
“Did you–’re you–is that–”
“Proposed. Bit rushed, didn’t get on a knee, but it did its duty. I did mine, anyhow,” he said, a desperate gloominess clutched your dress as he presented the box. His fingers fumbled against the velvet, nubbed fingertips and signs of bitten skin surrounding the nails.
Opened, the box was empty. The contents were stuck on Mary’s finger, presumably back at the party showing off the latest development in her life.
“Congratulations.” It didn’t feel as if it were you who said anything, the voice too breathless and at ease to have come out of your body, with its thundering heartbeat and screaming mind.
“Gotta get a job, gotta call up Howard ‘n see what’s not ‘n the papers. There’s gotta be something, yeah? Need a crib, now, too.” It was clear his mind was far off, into what he needed to do, in the adult-life that neither of you had never quite fit into, but was now thrust upon him.
All your mind was on, was the trip you two had been planning for the past year. Harry had promised train tickets across the country, down towards where the sun always shone and the waters were constantly warm around your ankles, even in the dead of night. Maps and notebooks had cluttered your office for months, with strings attaching your future endeavors in a maze of findings. It had started out as an escape from the Depression, the one that had seemingly ended but never quite had, the one where your throats were aching for more than speakeasies could offer.
It wasn’t going to happen. It simply couldn’t. You’d never see how he would look, dozed off across from you on your hundredth train, his backpack used as a makeshift pillow. You’d never feel the brutal mountain winds with him. You’d never be able to wander around the greatest cities of America, you’d never explore all the lives you could’ve lived, in towns you never knew existed.
The realization brought you to another moment, another question, one out of place with Harry’s rant but in tune with how your blood ran cold.
“Where’d you get the ring?”
That snapped Harry’s attention, and his bloodshot eyes managed to find you in their blur. Perhaps it was an expectation, for you to ask, but the surprise against his lips, how they parted with a slacked jaw and a sharp inhale, said otherwise.
You repeated yourself, and he staggered into a motionless statue of himself, a final shake of his shoulders until he ceased to move. Just stared at you, haunted.
I’ve got somethin’ I need to say to yeh.
“Harry.” To your surprise, it almost sounded admonished.
His eyes were pleading for you not to speak. For speaking would bring it into existence, and he could never juggle it all. Neither of you could, it was a mortal flaw that ran deep into your flesh, and now against your heart, where it felt it would stay forever.
You felt compelled to speak anyway, motivated slightly by the intoxication and the exhaustion and the bitterness in which life was taking from you continuously, without ceasing, and this was the one chance to take something back for yourself. To give a bit of yourself back towards him, to offer a glimpse of the life that could’ve been.
“I would’ve said yes.”
It was quiet.
You thought Harry was being quiet, as well, but his hands reached up to wrack against his scalp, collecting at his hair and his head went between his knees.
He gave a nod, a gentle movement from your perspective, and a choked cry. It was stifled by the sudden uproar within the restaurant – perhaps another fight, perhaps another birthday, you didn’t care – and your arm went around his shoulder, bringing him into your chest.
You cried. Tucked away, hidden behind swaths of clothing that had belonged to the rich and now hung off the poor, surrounded by lights and glamour that suddenly became cheap and instrumental, compared to what you two had deserved. He felt warm against your skin, his forehead now pressed against your shoulder as his body pushed forward in distress. Time stretched to allow for you both to have one moment, a solace against the blazing sun of normalcy. It was one minute until Anne would burst through the party doors, searching for her son, perhaps having caught a glimpse of the truth and knowing where his heart truly was.
But for that minute, his heart was in your chest, the beats matching up, the pair united for a last breath.
The box slipped from his fingers and landed on the floor, half-open and completely empty.
It was a reality you’d have to live with.
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