#in both cases someone's at the wheel who really shouldn't be
toskarin · 4 months
as random trivia, Jetkaiser and VesalBlood actually kind of exist around the same time, if you assume that they're both descended from a world with otherwise similar chronology
VesalBlood experienced a more catastrophic sort of flesh magic imperialism that completely erased existing power structures more or less immediately, while Jetkaiser had those power structures linger for as long as they could possibly manage before collapsing in on themselves
one had a dark age of destroyed information at the hands of a sort of "flesh alchemist nightmare war leading into a biotechnotheocratic data apocalypse", while the other had information-worshipping cults that preserved everything they could for as long as possible in hopes they could one day restore the world from before the god-like entity manifested
VesalBlood has three enormous church entities (one a bit nondenominational) fighting for scraps in a dying system, Jetkaiser has a bunch of ostensibly allied corporate conglomerates competing in a neverending game of hyperexpansionist colonialism and proxy wars
while Jetkaiser is about carving up the pieces of a dead god to power this horrifying future, VesalBlood is about desperately trying to create something to fill a god-shaped hole that was seemingly always there, at the expense of ever feeling like enough has been done
the Third Cycle isn't the same as the Eternal era, but they're like... cousins who somehow ended up looking more like each other than their actual siblings.
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loserdiaz · 2 months
u/hot_pilot84 • 2d ago
I'm new to this reddit stuff, but a coworker suggested it, and I thought I'd give it a try. I probably should start saying he's not really my boyfriend??? We just started dating a few weeks ago, and it's been... interesting. But I really like him and he is a nice, sweet guy.
He recently came out, so I've been trying to be patient and understanding. But recently it's been hard to spend any time alone because his best friend is always there.
Now, I also like the guy, so I don't really mind, and to be honest, I kinda suspected from the first moment they were in love with each other. They both talk about each other all the time, and when we hang out together, I can't help but feel like intruding on an intimate moment I shouldn't be part of.
Like, our second date was at his sister's wedding and the best friend spent most of the time glued to our side. He has a son who my date adores, so they danced together for most of the party as well. It was cute, but again: it felt like intruding on a private moment.
Then we had a relaxing night at his place, eating take out on his couch and watching a movie.... when the best friend just, came in. No notice, no knocking. He has a key to the place and he just walked in. It was awkward at first but we insisted it wasn't a big deal so he stayed for tge rest of the night.
By the time I was leaving, my date was telling him to just get comfortable on the couch.
Another thing is. My date? Situationship? I don't know how to call it anymore. Well, I recently found out that he is the legal guardian of his best friend 's kid? In case anything happens? I wouldn’t find this weird at all if it wasn't for the fact this man has parents and sisters and other close family members that also have a less chance of dying along with him on the job. (They work together.)
Also. Recently, the best friend broke up with his girlfiend and called this guy in the middle of our date. So, he crashed again.
All of this to say, I'm not really hurt? This was new and sure, I like the guy. But to be honest my expectations were low. This is fairly recent, so it's not like my heart is broken and I just lost the love of my life. No, that's not the problem.
I just don't think these two know they're in love with each other, and it’s starting to get really uncomfortable for me. Should I say something? Should I talk with my date about it or just break things off and keep it vague, but that we should still be friends? Should I talk with both of them at the same time and confront the situation?
This is a situation I don't even know how to begin to get a handle on. Does anyone know where I should start?
rctherpcliarredditor • commented 1d ago
to be honest, i don't really have any advice for you. i just find this gay drama really hilarious. thoughts and prayers for you, my man 🙏🏼🙏🏼
twohottakes • commented 6hrs ago
definitely have a conversation alone with your date. point all of this out to him and tell him you don't wanna get in the middle if there's deeper feelings involved for someone else. all the luck to you, man!
storyreddit23 • commented 2hrs ago
talk to ur date!! and pls, post an update if u do. i wanna know how this ends.
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Hi how's your day going? Just wanted to vent and say I'm pissed at what sounds like Ryan being sidelined and casually belittled in the latest cast interview/promo 😑 i.e. apparently zero mention of Eddie's storyline for s7, Tim once again making the tired joke about eddie being "too pretty to kill off" (kind of insulting considering how much Eddie and Chris have brought to the show since s2), seems like the only thing Ryan got to say was something incredibly sweet and complimentary about working with Gavin 🥺😍 and fandom just thinks it's funny "well he IS pretty". If that's all Eddie is to buddie fandom...that just confirms everything I've been complaining about the last couple of years 🙃
Thank you @blutterlie for the ask. I'm doing well and I hope you're doing well too.
I read through the snippets that were posted on 911blr from the panel interview that was done a couple of nights ago with the main cast and the showrunner and... I really don't have words. But to say I was disappointed is an understatement.
I was really hoping things would be different for Eddie and Chris, the characters and RG and GM, the actors this season since it seems like KR got the boot and is no longer sitting in the showrunner's chair. Hopefully she is gone and if so, maybe someone other than Buck (Eddie, Chris, Chimney and Bobby because they were all sidelined in the last two years while the other half of their ships got good storylines) can get a storyline or two but I can't say I'm surprised with the outcome.
Apparently TM cares about the big emergencies which is great and all but it would be better IMO if they stopped trying to recreate scenes from movies (Speed, Poseidon and whatever other movies they've copied) and focus on growth of the main characters. I've mentioned this before in my Constructive Criticisms posts but none of the first responders have been promoted. How long are they going to remain in their same roles? For me, the show has lost something and I'm not sure a cruise disaster that puts Bobby and Athena in danger again for the umpteenth time is going to make people watch... but I digress.
I'm saddened because RG and GM the actors and the characters they play, Eddie and Chris have been sidelined and given minimal screentime for a while but the little amount they do get is always solid gold because both RG and GM are superb actors. They work very well together and I had hope for season 7 that they would finally be given the screentime they deserve especially since they barely got any in seasons 5 and 6 but it looks like another wash, rinse and repeat season with Buck still looking for answers (which I figured would be the case after I completed a post about his attire in the still of him and Chris). I was really hoping it wasn't going to be another season 4 with Eddie and Chris suffering with another recurring character (all they did was replace AF with M) while they wait for Buck to finally "get it" but apparently some people think it's fun and cute for Buck to be in the words of OS, "stuck on a hamster wheel" but I don't and honestly, unless he's headed for a massive breakdown SO he can finally DEAL AND COPE with all his issues, they can keep it.
The comment TM made about RG being pretty was just... 🙄. IMO, it was disrespectful, disgusting, disingenuous and completely discrediting. If it's true and he was initially hired for his looks for whatever reason, shouldn't they be past that by now? It's been six years and RG has proven time and time again that he's a fantastic actor. For those who forgot, EDDIE carried the ENTIRETY OF SEASON 5 on his back while KR was stumbling around as showrunner with most of the "top billed" cast (that's two-thirds of those who are paid the most) out of pocket. AB was working on A LOT of other projects and that's no hate to her but it's true, JLH was on maternity leave, RD and MR left the show and instead of giving more screentime to Eddie, Bobby and Chimney, they forced TK into the spotlight just to show how bad she was for Buck. They could have done that in episode 1 without giving her a back story so they could have dedicated more time to Eddie’s PTSD and therapy. Buck got two whole seasons and he still hasn't figured anything out but they rushed Eddie’s story and wouldn't even let him say he was going back to the 118🤔.
How many times will the audience have to watch these repetitive storylines? Also, how many times will RG, AH, GM, KC, CM and PK be sidelined for the other mains? It's supposed to be an ensemble cast but someone keeps forgetting that and pushing certain characters out front while they push the others to the side. In season 5, Chimney was sent on a road trip to drive across America with a 6-month-old instead of him staying in L.A. so Buck and Albert could help him with Jee-Yun. In season 6, Bobby was given a sponsor (Wendell) no one had ever heard of before and he appeared out of thin air. Hen's medical school storyline went absolutely nowhere and May disappeared after 6x11. And Eddie and Chris were once again sidelined and then pushed into another "Eddie has to date" because "Chris needs a mother" storyline with another bland and ridiculous recurring character because they keep dragging out whatever the "F" they're doing.
Now with the comment about RG being "too pretty to die", it made me wonder if Eddie and Chris being left out of the promos was a mistake after all🤷‍♀️.
I hope RG and GM can find a show that will appreciate their contributions and give them the screentime they deserve and it be based on how great they are as actors because they deserve so much better.
Anyway, this got longer than I expected and I didn't mean for it to but I'm disappointed in how they're treated and I'm tired of watching the same ole same old.
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naranjapetrificada · 8 months
Fic recs based on what bits of s2 promotion made you go 👀
So obviously we only have a couple days left and I shouldn't have put this off for so long, but I've been making connections between fics I've encountered and questions raised by the teaser, trailer, and BTS video and thought I'd share some of them. Light (extremely light, like you've just emerged from an isolated cave light) s2 spoilers possible, although it's still mostly speculation?
Anyway this obviously got very long, so I'm throwing in a break now so I don't slow your scroll.
Maybe time in nature helps Ed do some healing?
Fallow Land & Bigger Sky, which I can't ever seem to shut up about was such a rewarding and healing read for me. Especially recommended for people who are interested in Ed's inner life, healing journey, and coping mechanisms, maladaptive or otherwise. Also folks who are excited for him to have an animal friend like Stede Bunnet, although in this fic it's a sweet little black lamb that he sometimes carries around in his shirt.
It begins with Ed having spent a year since The Dock living incognito on a remote (but not deserted!) island trying to get his head around everything that happened and looking for something like peace, however he can get it. It's written in an evocative, poetic way and includes some incredibly lovely flashbacks, believable character growth, important realizations, and tender emotional moments. The vibes are more pastoral than castaway, but Ed is still given time and space to do the work he needs to do in rugged, isolated surroundings so it still scratches that itch for me.
[There are definitely some triggers to be aware of but it feels like the author did a good job of mentioning them at the beginning of each chapter.]
Maybe they do some healing together?
There's no need to reinvent the wheel so I'm going to borrow heavily from an earlier post I made about healing and fanfic two make the case for these two:
Brace Yourself and Nestle into Me: The premise is that Ed and Stede figure out that they're into each other around episode 7, and they're deliriously happy to know that they feel the same way about each other. But Stede has some (understandable) sexual dysfunction around being queer thanks to the horrible society that he grew up in. Ed is a darling trying to help him through it all, and along the way he realizes he also has some of his own hangups he needs to work through, and that they can both support each other's healing.
I appreciate that this one doesn't treat healing like a straight line because it never is, and emphasizes that trust can't just be implicit, you really have to talk it through as a crew, even if it's just a crew of two broken middle-aged men who are desperately in love with each other. It also gets into some of the stuff I've been talking about on here about grieving your former selves and the selves you never got to be, which was validating as hell. That sounds heavy and there are concepts that are literally part of modern therapy modalities woven into the story, but there are also warm and loving and hilarious moments too, including this gem:
“Also can you just imagine how proud little horny baby gay Stede would be know you would be to know that whatever he went through, today you’ve got your own ship and are getting completely railed by Blackbeard? I mean, just absolutely dicked down by the most famous pirate in history? He would lose his mind.”
Adrift Between the Dreaming Seas: Based on my usual filtering on ao3 I probably never, ever would have come across this fic if it weren't for a recommendation someone posted here. It's got fantasy elements, allegory, metaphors stacked on metaphors, talking animals, and so many other things that would have kept me from ever discovering it on my own. My life would be poorer for it.
Basically Stede is cursed to be a lighthouse keeper on an island that seems to move around the world. Animals show up and the ones who talk to him are members of the crew, and Ed is an actual kraken. It's all this symbolism about monstrosity and trauma and maladaptive coping and the messiness that is Stede's kindness scraping against his self loathing. I shed tears of many kinds along the way, and it made me think hard about community and recovery and the things we do to and for ourselves and others.
It's just a lovely little gem of a story that made me feel so much so deeply while also making me laugh much more than I was anticipating. I'm so glad I gave it a chance.
Maybe there's a massive, life-altering storm?
A World of Tempestuous Things, which is nearly finished and has been such a rewarding, moving journey to follow as it explores another take on their reunion story. There's the expected angst and misunderstandings, but also wit and warmth and longing and rage and these casually devastating historical asides, some of which still haunt me out of the blue because of the staggering and inescapable nature of the passage of time. Speaking of passages and being haunted, dig if you will, this picture:
Tumblr media
so little time to dwell amongst strangers as a citizen of the world will never, ever stop reverberating in my head like a cymbal crash and I guess that's just something I live with now. @lostakasha, you've given me the existentially beautiful prose version of tinnitus.
Maybe Stede's slut party era is finally upon us?
If so, good for him, he deserves it so much.
When the Light Shines In is a missing scene/lightly canon-divergent take on s1e06, if you just like the idea of meeting a jolly version of Drunk Stede (vs that "unhand me or bleed" guy, who is hot in his own way or course but can't beat messy earnest bossy Stede in my opinion). It's set immediately after the fight with Izzy. Ed is patching him up and trying not to vibrate out of his own skin, while Stede is affectionate and chatty and besotted whether he knows it or not, and steadily working his way through a bottle of rum for the pain. So not really related to season 2, but it will still scratch that same itch and make you smile real big.
Well, I Ain't Tactful is actually set during season 2, inspired by the moment in the BTS video where Ed sees Stede getting drunk with his new leather buddies. If you asked yourself what might happen if Ed felt compelled to keep an eye on Sloppy Stede and tuck him in with a glass of water, then this one will be fun. Ed is caring and lovely about it all even while still being a bit mad at him for everything, and Stede is a mess but so sweet and still so, so in love.
Maybe we'll get to see young Ed on Hornigold's ship?
There's no evidence of that so far beyond the whole ghost of Hornigold thing, but it certainly would be a treat. But even if it doesn't, if the idea of more young Ed appeals I cannot possibly recommend the pre-canon Never Shall We Die enough.
Now there's no getting around two crucial things that may be dealbreakers for some people: first, it's long. It's very, very long. Second: it's a WIP. Only one of two I've allowed myself to follow in this fandom so I don't get overwhelmed or bogged down. But!
The writing is so impeccable that it stands head and shoulders above almost everything I've ever read on ao3 and honestly above a lot of commercially published original fiction I've encountered in the same span of time since I've started it. The settings are deliciously (and sometimes, due to the realities of life on a pirate ship, disgustingly) immersive, the action scenes are perfectly paced, and the emotional beats, when they hit, hit hard and ring true and stay with you.
Starting at at age 13, young Ed's growth and development over time is equal parts rewarding and harrowing. Threads are pulled together from canon and from earlier parts of the story to coalesce into a portrait of a living, breathing version of our favorite guy trying to find his place in the world, stumbling along the way, and eventually realizing that if he wants a place he'll have to make it himself. The secondary characters leap off the proverbial page too, and the connections he does or doesn't form with them have interesting, believable fallout for everyone involved.
I mentioned action scenes earlier, but I want to circle back around to them again because NSWD takes Izzy's season 1 comment about Blackbeard being the greatest sailor he's ever known and says the same with its whole chest. I know I'm not alone in hoping to see Incredible Sailor Ed in season 2, but in the mean time this is more than scratching that itch for me. We see Ed set foot on his first ship with no skills beyond attracting (mostly) unwelcome attention and observational skills that become the foundation of his later abilities with the sea and with the art of fuckery. From the outside he looks like a savant but on the inside he builds his skills slowly over time, delighting in learning new things and seeing a plan come together. But best of all, he delights in the skills of others, eagerly learns from them when he can, happily teaches what he can to the few people he trusts, and takes pleasure and pride in their own success.
I could literally keep talking about this fic until the next chapter gets posted, but the good news is that happens regularly! I know it can be tough to trust a WIP but I for one am so thankful for the moment of poor impulse control that led to me starting this one. New chapters come roughly every two weeks, and looking at @tresdem's output elsewhere helps me feel secure that we'll actually get to the end.
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sir-buddy · 1 year
Okay, time for yet another stupid NatM rant post.
So, in the second movie, Jed calls Larry's cell to tell him about what's happening, right? But given Jed's time period, he shouldn't even know what a phone is, let alone how to use one.
So my cracked out 3 AM explanation for this is that Larry was like "okay all of you are idiots I need someone to be responsible if something goes wrong" and so he goes full dad mode and teaches the museum how to use a phone and gives them his number in case something happens (which we all know it does).
(I also like to think that Jed and maybe Teddy were the only ones who listened.)
Jed knowing how to drive in the first movie, however, I have a completely different explanation for. I think it'd be really funny if Jed just somehow inexplicably figured out how to use the car properly (even though it's remote control but we see him actually using the steering wheel and Larry was kind of preoccupied so he couldn't use the remote so I'm just going to say the car can be driven manually.)
Then I thought it'd be even funnier if this was how the conversation went before Jed lost control of the car:
*They're both vibing when Octavius suddenly stops and looks over at Jed*
Oct: Wait a minute how the f*ck do you know how to drive?
Jed: I don't!
*They only then spin out of control.*
Anyway yeah thanks for sitting through my brain rubbish about how Jed knows how to do things he shouldn't.
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siriannatan · 15 days
Just Go With Your Feelings - Chapter 1
Manhwa inspired me once more, Tree Without Roots in this case (very non-con and I'm shocked I'm still sticking to reading it...) I'm not going that far here but there is some pushiness and lack of consent
Whip never expected he'd get involved in an accident with an old acquaintance from high school days.
Yet here he was, sitting in a hospital with minimal damage to him. Waiting for Scott S. Major, a man everyone had a crush on, literally the perfect guy you see in high school TV dramas, gets discharged from the hospital after they were involved in a traffic accident.
Jimmy was going to have a field day making fun of fWhip.
But it wasn't like it was his fault. Scott just suddenly ran into the road. If fWhip didn't react as fast as he did he'd be dead. But fWhip was planning to take responsibility anyway.
“How are you feeling?” He asked once he was allowed to sew Scott.
“Mentally or physically?” Scot joked dryly. “Both feel like shit, in case you're actually interested.”
fWhip pushed the urge to punch Scott down with force. He was injured. With a broken leg. “Doctors say you can leave today,” he said instead. “Need a ride?”
Scott laughed. “The guy who hit me with his car is offering to be my chauffeur? That's grand,” there was something in his eyes that made fWhip want to grab him and never let go.
“I'm… I'm just offering, no need to be an ass about it,” he sighed, pretending to look away. Actually, he was tracing where Scott was looking. 
The rooftop.
“You know what, just because I think it'll be funny, sure, why don't you drive me to my hotel,” Scott scoffed but froze as soon as the last word left his mouth. 
“Dickhead,” fWhip muttered under his breath. At least now Scott was looking at him and not the rooftop. “I'll wait outside while they do the last checkups and you change,” he said and left, hands deep in his pockets. 
Why was Scott staying in a hotel? Delay in house hunting? Didn't want to leave much hassle behind? Was avoiding someone? fWhip could not help but wonder. The first time in a long time that he regretted quitting smoking. He needed something in his mouth before he went crazy so he got some candy from the vending machine.
On second thought he got some for Scott too. Just to be funny or whatever.
“Sweets?” Scott blinked as fWhip offered him a handful of candy. 
“I was bored,” fWhip shrugged but the stick from the long-gone lollipop was still in his mouth. Maybe he shouldn't form a habit around them but it was quite relaxing.
Scott shrugged back and shoved the candy into the pocket of his cardigan. Why was he in a white suit before? Why did he have a change of clothes on him? 
fWhip made sure to walk slower than Scott could at the fastest. Couldn't have the injured overworking himself, no?
“You're as much of a jerk as you used to be, maybe more,” Scott scoffed once in fWhip's car.
“Must be stress from work getting to me,” fWhip chuckled. No way, he enjoyed destroying cases Jimmy built up so diligently. “You need a place to stay?”
“Wha… No? Why would I?” frustrated Scott had a weird feeling waking up deep inside fWhip.
“You told me to take you to a hotel,” fWhip deadpanned back, hoping it would kill it. “I'm barely home anyway,” he added with a shrug.
“And why exactly are you never home?” Scott asked cautiously. Good, he wasn't completely inside his head.
“I'm a lawyer, and the cops are trying really hard to bury my latest case, I'm trying my damndest to blow it open right back in their faces,” fWhip grinned, gripping the steering wheel tighter.
Scott hummed and stared ahead. “You're actually a pretty decent driver, aren't you?” He chuckled when they stopped outside his hotel. To his credit, it wasn't a bad hotel.
“So? Are you staying here or should I go up and help you pack? Or just my number in case you change your mind?” Or need someone to talk to, he didn't say that part out loud but hoped it was implied enough. He was pretty sure Scott would punch him if he did.
Scott blinked. “You weren't kidding? You know what, sure. But it probably won't be for long, I'm currently looking at houses in the area,” he shrugged. He was obviously lying. Probably hoping that fWhip was secretly a serial killer. 
Whatever. fWhip followed Scott inside and into his room and helped him pack his suitcase. He didn't comment, even when packing more personal items. Scott was content to just sit there.
“So law? I would never expect you'd end up as a lawyer,” he chuckled from the couch.
“I get to stick it to the lazy cops, it's pretty satisfying,” fWhip shrugged, not really caring he was packing Scott's underwear.
“So you're a top? Not at all surprising,” there was Scott's usual humour he remembered, just outright sexual comments and innuendos. Must have been feeling better
“Who knows, I don't like sharing a bed before a second date,” fWhip effortlessly tossed back. Two can play this game. Not like fWhip was ever interested in anyone. Be it a girl or a guy.
Scott shockingly didn't have much in his room for a guy who was in the middle of moving. He wasn't… Not a fWhip issue, so he wouldn't even think about it. “That's all?” He asked while scanning the room.
“I think so, if I'm forgetting anything it's probably not important,” Scott shrugged and with some struggled up to his feet. Stopping fWhip when he tried to help. “No second date yet,” he grinned once finally on his feet. 
fWhip just sighed and followed him out of the hotel. The staff were very nice to Scott from what he has overheard. Like nicer than they were to other guests. Well, Scott's family was pretty famous. 
The drive to fWhip's apartment was pretty uneventful aside from Scott's constant praising of his driving skills. Why was Scott so fixed on it? fWhip had no clue. “If you weren't such a good driver I probably wouldn't get away with some bruises and a broken leg,” Scott chuckled as he clambered out of the passenger seat once at fWhips building.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Stop talking about me driving, it's creepy,” fWhip rolled his eyes. It was getting mildly annoying.
“Kill joy,” Scott pouted as he followed fWhip and his suitcase to the elevator.
Shockingly Scott behaved pretty nicely as fWhip prepared dinner. Sitting at the table as he was told, grimacing at his phone before shoving it into his pocket.
It was after dinner that problems started.
fWhip was cleaning the table. Just brought some dishes to the sink, and as he turned around suddenly he was crowded to the sink counter by Scott. His injured leg between fWhip's. Face dangerously close to his ear. 
“Were they true? The high school rumours about you?” Scott wondered, his voice tickling fWhip's ear, sending shivers down his spine.
“You remember that nonsense? Obviously, it's not,” fWhip scoffed. He refused to think about it. It was all in the past. It didn't matter anymore. 
So why were his hands shaking?
“No need to be shy,” Scott chuckled, his voice dangerously low. Why was fWhip blushing? He could see it pretty clearly in the window. “Want to know a secret? I was supposed to be married today. Yup. He ditched me though. Shame, if he didn't we'd be having sex and my leg would be fine,” Scott suddenly confessed, forehead resting on fWhip's shoulder.
“My condolences?” fWhip said, unable to control how much his voice was shaking. “I'm not into guys though so if you could step back and like… go shower while I finish cleaning?” He was rambling. It was distracting from the situation in his pants.
“Are you sure?” Scott chuckled, his knee pushing up slightly. 
fWhip had to bite his lips to stay quiet. “Absolutely,” he said, shocking himself with how steady his voice was. “I’ll forget this happened so don't worry about it,” he said, escaping the proximity of the counter as soon as Scott took a step back.
Scott was silent as he went to the bathroom. And fWhip could finally let out the breath he was holding in. What the hell? He thought looking down at the obvious problem in his slacks. He never got hard this fast or easily.
Bah. The few times he tried dating girls in college he couldn't get it up at all. And all Scott had to do was whisper seductively about his problems for it to go up? What… No way. fWhip refused to believe it had anything to do with his guest. It was just a while since he did anything remotely… yup. Had to be that and the frustration with Jimmy's antics.
With a few more deep breaths he finished cleaning and set the dishwasher going. He didn't wait for Scott to be done. He said himself he'd be fine to shower alone. So fWhip went to the master bathroom. 
Or tried but it would seem he lost time while thinking and the guest bathroom door opened just as he was about to walk past and out went Scott. With nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. Hair mostly dry. Lips curled up with a smirk when he spotted fWhip.
“Trying to jump me in the shower, Mr Lawyer?” It shouldn't have sounded as attractive as it did.
“No, merely passing by. And I told you to stop that,” fWhip protested, scowling at the mere thought.
“Okay okay, I'm sorry, but you know you're still…” Scott didn't sound sorry at all as he glanced at the obvious bulging in fWhip's pants.
“I'm aware, and it has nothing to do with you,” fWhip stopped him, maybe a bit too abruptly, and pushed past. He was too tired to wonder who the hell he offered his guest room to.
“There's nothing…” Scott started.
“I know, there's nothing wrong with being gay. But I'm not gay so drop it,” fWhip scowled. The thought of kicking Scott out crossed his mind but he'd feel like absolute crap if he did.
“Fine, I won't tell any you got hard because of a guy, or that it twitched when you saw me naked,” Scott sighed, raising his free of a crutch arm. A slight smirk was still tugging on his lips though.
“Good night,” fWhip mumbles just because he was raised to be nice and hid away in his bedroom. Glaring down at his crotch. He groaned as it twitched when the image of Scott shirtless crossed his mind against his will just because the guy whistled while passing his door.
Grumbling fWhip practically tore his suit off on his way to the master bathroom. Why did he need an apartment with two bathrooms? He didn't, he just liked the location.
He took an ice-cold shower. He hated cold showers. But he was not dealing with the issue at hand. Not with Scott in the apartment.  It with Scott being the reason behind it. He just had to wait and he'd be fine.
Scott woke up with a pained groan to the noise of his phone ringing. Maybe charging it wasn't a good idea. “It better be important,” he hissed after seeing Owen was the caller.
“Scott, really sorry I couldn't be there yesterday…”
“Don't bother, he ditched me. Why are you calling me at seven in the morning?” Scott cut him out. It was too early and fWhip left him with blue balls so he was a bit annoyed.
“I'm being accused of murder. And the prosecution is not buying your bachelorette as an alibi since my phone completely died, like all data gone…” Owen completely panicked.
“Calm down, I should have like a million on my phone. Who's the prosecutor in charge?”
“... Jimmy,” Owen barely whispered. Scott grinned.
“You got a lawyer?”
“fWhip? You know back from…”
“I know, I kind of accidentally walked under his car yesterday, don't worry I got away with a broken ankle and some bruising, I'll live. Tell him I'll come with photos but not my name, okay? Make it a surprise,” Scott's morning was getting a bit better.
He cut the call as Owen profusely thanked him. He had a couple more calls to make.
fWhip was shocked to see Scott up and ready when he was leaving. With no breakfast. His client had finally found someone to collaborate his alibi. “Awake already?”
“Would the police station be on your way to work?” Scott asked after greeting him.
“I'm actually going there. Why?” Was he thinking about reporting yesterday's accident? They had an amicable agreement after all.
“A friend of mine needs some support there,” Scott shrugged. There was no way… there absolutely was.
“Fine, but I have no time for breakfast,” fWhip sighed. He'd scream if Scott was the alibi.
“No problem, I'll eat after dealing with that,” Scott grinned mysteriously. fWhip groaned it was going to be a long day.
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rebellum · 3 months
Had a weird convo yesterday about meds with a friend and one of her friends. They were both adamant that psychiatric medication is like a training wheel while someone learns to deal with their mental health via therapy.
So I pointed out that like... no? No? A lot of people need to be on psych meds their whole lives, and that's okay. And my friend conceded that there MAY be OCCASIONALLY some times when someone shouldn't go off of meds. But her friend was adamant about that never being case.
So I mentioned that I will likely be on meds my whole life, because my brain is broken. And as soon as I said that her friend was like "NO. NO. NO. NO." While I was speaking.
And so I just let it drop, because I frankly didn't care enough about this convo to push it. I've met a few people who have that stance, who have depression or anxiety from life circumstances or trauma. They assume everyone is like them. People like me are the 1 in a billion unmentionables (which is odd, since the rate of schizophrenia is 1 in 300 people, and the rate of bipolar disorder is apparently 2.8/100, OCD is 2.3/100, and 4.2/100 have severe adhd. While I don't fit neatly into categories like that, it means about 8.43%* of the population has any of those. So it's not as if people like me are super rare.)
So I assumed that she wasn't super duper mentally ill.
And then a few minutes later she mentioned how she'll be going off an anti-psychotics soon??? So that was wild. Cause it's like. Shouldn't YOU understand why some people need to be medicated for life.
And then later my friend was like "well I hope you don't have to be on meds for your entire life"
And its like.. what? But it's fine. Like, rn it's expensive, bc I don't have insurance and one of my meds isn't covered by provincial health insurance, so yeah it'd be like to have that extra $150 per month, but like.. it's fine? I'll have to wear glasses my entire life. I'll be taking hormonal birth control to control my periods until I'm like 50. It's really not that big of a deal.
Idk it's weird bc people who don't know the intricacies of my mental health often insist I CAN survive off my meds. And it's like, sure, okay, with therapy and a good support system and maybe if my brain changed enough then I can survive.
But I shouldn't HAVE to survive dealing with having a psychiatric disability from extreme executive dysfunction, mood swings, delusional episodes, paranoia, ocd fixations, hallucinations, anxiety, and depression. Like, even though therapy can help me deal with living with it and mitigate things like ocd intrusive thoughts, and therapy before I was on meds helped a LOT with managing my moods, managing my mental health was still like being chained to a giant dog that eats cats and chases cars and barks at all hours of the day and shits everywhere but at least now knows "sit" and "come".
I'd rather thrive with meds, than merely be surviving off of them.
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theherosreturn · 1 year
(A.N. I said Ena but this will do)
Bradley: Well, so long as we can repel any that are threats, maybe even gain them as allies, I’m fine with more Pokemon joining us. Now…since Uzi is occupied with aiding our Miraidon friend, I’ll go check on Irida now.
(After being pointed to the room she was in, Bradley found her on the room’s bed, clearly in sorrow over her…unique situation, even as her Glaceon sits next to her)
Bradley: I take it you’re not handling this well.
Irida: In all honesty, I don’t know what to do now. With what you have said, I do believe that I am not in my current time period…while you were busy, I tried several different things that would’ve worked otherwise, but not even the nobles would respond, as if they were just…not there… (She is clearly bothered by the loss of so much she knew…)
Bradley, sitting next to her: I’ll be honest myself, I have not quite had to face a situation exactly like yours. (Irida seemed like she was about to say something, but Bradley said something first) However…I am very familiar with loss….all too familiar. In my years as the Warrior of Light, death has been at every corner, and not just foes who must be put down for one of many reasons…or civilians I couldn’t save. Indeed, I’ve lost close friends over the years. (Bradley is clearly quite somber over this, unpleasant memories all to common) Papalymo, Moenbryda, Minfillia, Haurch-…Actually…you recall how I reacted when the Analog Beast mimicked a knight and ended up enraging me? (Irida: I do…was the knight someone you remember fondly?) Very much so. His name was Haurchefant Greystone, and to say he was a friend of mine is…not really the whole truth. He was a ray of sunlight, in a sense. Eternally kind and optimistic despite knowing to keep things realistic, always willing to help others, and willing to stand with others no matter what. Heck, if he was still alive, he’d likely be making you hot chocolate by now or something like that. Alas, while we were trying to stop corrupt members of a church that held power over Haurchefant’s home of Ishgard, he ended up having to sacrifice himself to save everyone else, even his shield unable to defend against the attack he took. Even so, in his last moments, he didn’t seem to have regrets, simply telling me that a smile better suits a hero…*sighs* You know, it never truly gets easier to talk about his passing, even now. It’s easier to handle my feelings about it, but even so… (Irida can easily tell that Bradley…genuinely misses Haurchefant….) I’m sorry about the depressing story, I just wanted to explain that…well, you aren’t alone in this. I understand that you’re no doubt confused and missing those you hold close to your heart. Just know that for now…*takes hold of her hand for a moment*…you’re still not alone. If the others and I can find a way to help you return home, we will. If we can’t, then we’ll do our best to aid you regardless, as even in the worst case scenario…the sun will shine again.
(This…was not what Irida expected…but somehow…she didn’t feel so alone now)
Irida: …thank you…
Bradley: *smiles* Now then…I’m going to head back out to the others, do you feel comfortable enough to join me?
Irida: …I…I think I’ll stay close to you…for now, at least…
Bradley: Then just know that if you need some time alone, you can return here to collect your thoughts, ok?
(Irida simply nodded, her expression only a small smile. Thus, she and Bradley went to the main hall (with Irida’s Glaceon staying what was now Irida’s room for a nap). What was now going on? Something involving both ‘Raidons, apparently)
Medic, who was checking on both the "wheel" parts of the two dragons: How very interesting! In my medical opinion, zese creatures and zeir vay of transportation shouldn't be even possible! But much like zhe Bee and its round little body, zese creatures care not for such logic~!
Jackrow: Don't even think about it Doc...Remember what happened last time when you tried to experiment with the slime of a Muk and a loaf of bread?
Medic: Oh come now, It vas only just one gelatinous bread monster! Besides, I'm not going to experiment on an injured animal. I may be a hired mercenary that experiments on his fellow teammates but even I have standards!
Luz: Bradley, since you were curious what new factions we're currently dealing with, I guess I can try and explain them all briefly.
The Crystallized Horde: The true main threat that disturbs all natural order within the entire multiverse.
The Plagued Ones: Infected individuals turned into fungal infested undead and are lead by Plagued Killer.
The Metal Legion: A hive mind of Robotized individuals that follow every single order of Mitchel Smasher.
The Gluttonous Savages: A giant pack/clan of ravenous people turned demons that even feast upon their own kind if they become weak or show weakness and all follow The Texas Wendigo rule to a T.
The Phantom Assassins: Black cloaked assassins/killers that rarely speak and are all loyal to Shogun Rex.
The Global Occult Coalition: A fascist group who sees anyone who have powers/magic or are anomalies as "inhuman abominations" and try to kill them in anyway possible.
The Chaos Insurgency: A group of chaotic individuals who use anomalous items to cause as much madness as possible and have all joined forces with The Savage Scavengers and their much more powerful than before leader.
The Null Order: The secretive rebuilt/reborn Gray Horde that desires both revenge and total control over everything once again...And have joined forces with The Combine/Universal Union with their bases still unknown.
The Xeno Hive: The reincarnated Neo Hive with much more deadlier soldiers by the newly renamed King Xeno Blight.
The Syndicate of Steel: Same "Destroy all organic life" goals but now with a much more bigger and powerful army and a much more greater fortress...Which is also the robotized Copper 9 exoplanet from another universe.
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raphael-angele · 2 years
Tim Drake as Spencer Reid cuz they're both Geniuses
ft Jason as Derek Morgan cuz they are the older brothers:
After someone called them ass clowns:
Jason: Ass clowns?!
Dick: You ever work with someone who continuously show you that they're smarter than you?
Jason, pointing at Tim: every day
Dick: I hate it
Wayne Enterprises meeting:
Bruce: This is my son, Timothy.
Person: You look a little too young to be a CEO
Tim: I have experience and a PhD for it.
Person: You a genius or something?
Tim: I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified, but I do have an IQ of 142, am multilingual and have a typing speed of 220 words per minute
Whole Room:
Tim: Yes, I am a genius.
Red Robin: *skimming through the whole file, turning a page every second*
Officer: The body was found last night at 2 am. *looks at RR* He was...floating in the river and some...fishermen found him. I'm sorry, can you actually read that fast?
Red Robin: Our conscious minds can process 16 bits of information per second our unconscious can process over 11 million.
Red Robin: Yes, I can actually read this fast.
Batman: You find anything, Red Robin?
Red Robin: I was able to differentiate between two distinct voices, two authors. I found various idiosyncratic words, phrases, punctuation, and orthography within the blog entries consistent with each separate person. Words like soda and pop. One guy uses dashes while the other uses ellipses. Heh!
Superman, whispering to Bat: Where'd you find this kid?
Batman: He was left in a basket on the steps of my cave.
Tim: It's actually possible for twins to feel each other. There's a scientific explanation to it.
Jason: And you believe it.
Tim: No, I'm just saying, it's possible. I don't know everything despite you thinking I do.
Jason: I didn't say that. When ever have I said that?
Tim: Everyday since I met you
Damian: This morning at breakfast
Dick: Yesterday when he beat you at cards.
Detective, looking at the note the killer left: He's taunting us. I used this specific quote in my book-
Red Robin: On page 184. I uh, read it on the plane.
Detective: And you remember the page number?
Detective: Nice to meet you. I'm Michael Wolynski, Milwaukee P.D.
Red Robin: You worked the Jeffrey Dahmer case.
Detective: 16 years ago.
Red Robin: I've, uh, studied it.
Detective: You remember my name?
Red Hood: He remembers everything. It's what he does.
Case in Mexico:
Red Hood: What's all this?
Officer: Dia de los Muertos.
Red Robin: Day of the Dead, a three-day Latin holiday where souls of dead relatives are said to return to Earth and enjoy the pleasures they once knew of.
Officer: He sounds like he was reading that out of a book.
Red Hood: Trust me, he always sounds like that.
Red Robin: Actually, I, uh, was reading. I picked this pamphlet up at the airport.
Tim: I need to stop by a bookstore and get a copy of Empty Planet. I wanna reread it before we talk to the author. I haven't read it since I was 6.
Jason: 6? I was still riding my big wheel at 6 years old.
Tim: Do you mind? It'll only take 10 minutes.
Damian: To buy it or read it?
Tim: Uh, both, actually.
Dick: How many cops are there in L.A.?
Tim: City or county?
Dick: You actually know the answer.
Tim: I know both answers.
Tim: There's something wrong. *referring to Jason who's been quiet, reading a book*
Dick: Why do you say that?
Tim: He's been reading the same page for 16 minutes and 24 seconds.
Dick: Maybe it's a really good article.
Damian: It shouldn't take Todd longer than 11 minutes and 17 seconds to turn a page.
Dick: (disappointed) You time how long it-- What's your theory?
Tim: I'm extrapolating probabilities as we speak.
Dick: Professor is reading the manifesto.
Jason: I hope she reads as fast as Tim.
Dick: No one reads as fast as Tim.
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
Modern Scenarios with Genshin Boys
Brainrot time - be glad, today was supposed to be angst but I had a change of heart.
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"Hey, pick on someone your own size!" The first time you met Childe was when you were being bullied by some annoying bullies that had nothing to do but want to pick a fight. It was something you can handle really, and you were about to disperse the commotion when this big guy suddenly appeared as if you were his knight in shining armor. "It's the duty of the strong to protect the weak!" Did he just-?! THE AUDACITY!
Spurred on by your annoyance and your want to prove your strength, you joined the Karate club in your school where you heard he is part of. And in under a month you reached the second tier of the yellow belt. But you needed to become stronger, to reach that guy's black belt status so you can spar with him. He was too high to be directly involved with your training after all.
Finally when the fateful day comes, he looks at you with admiration at the other side of the mat, your determination and fast rank up had him enamored. But you had different plans. When the spar session started, you maneuvered around his kicks and finally did what you've always wanted to do— you wiped your dirty, uncovered foot against his face in a kick. Somehow he fell in love more.
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You've been his lover for a while now, and restaurant dates are nothing uncommon in your relationship. And you know his habit of leaving behind his wallet even if he offered that tonight's date would be taken care of. After your lovely dinner session, lo and behold, he DID forget his wallet. But as the considerate lover, you took the liberty to bring your wallet with you even if he said you shouldn't-
Only to realize you brought the wrong wallet, only counting spare change for chicken nuggets. As compensation, you two spent the rest of the night forced to pay off your late bill by doing the restaurant dishes. It was not at all part of your itinerary, but as you start singing to alleviate the boredom and with Zhongli singing along, you had the most fun dancing around the kitchen with soapy arms and loose aprons.
You didn't even know that Zhongli could sing and dance that well! Plates were cleaned faster than any of you expected, and after the IOU contract that you're for sure fixing the next day, the two of your walk home hand in hand with the brightest smile you two had ever shared.
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Oh, god, more frogs. Welcome to Biology class! You are partnered to be laboratory buddies with the ever enigmatic, science genius Albedo. He was so epic during Chemistry class, and you were praising the gods for finally bringing this ray of hope to raise up your grades effortlessly. You would think this class would flow by ever so nicely as you finish the plant studies, that is until zoology started and the professor starts talking about dissecting kits.
Your first project was to bring a frog to school to prep up for dissection. Okay, very wack, you thought as you turned to Albedo to ask how you two would even get a frog for the project. Until you saw a curious glint in his beautiful, teal eyes. Next thing you know he was over your house and as you two go around the fields in casual wear.
The fact that stores exist for buying frogs SPECIFICALLY for Biology and dissections was something Albedo held back from you, opting to wish to experience the class firsthand and beyond. It was in all honesty to get to know you better, even if most of the time you tripped on your ass over the mud of the fields trying to chase or run away from a frog. In the end he finally suggested to just buy one, to which you were furious, thankful and elated that you at least got to know the genius more.
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Heavily inspired by Driver's License. You've just recently broken up with your boyfriend a day before you got your license to drive, something you were so proud of and excited to exercise together with your lover. But yet here you are crying your eyes out as you drove on the long and winding road of... somewhere. A deserted area with the next stop over or town miles and miles away, so when you happened upon a dejected voyager who clearly needs a lift, you offered him to be a hitchhiker. Xiao was thankful, really, but the ride was ever so awkward with the obvious puffy eyes and tear stains on your cheeks.
At one point, you remembered your ex once again and had to pull over before you end up killing the both of you through tear-stained vision. With sympathy, your hitchhiker offers to drive and a listening ear to your burdens, and it indeed lifted your spirits as he offers helpful advice on your pain. You part when you reached his home with a huge thank you for the lift, and you realized that you were just a town away from him.
The next time you saw him was an embarrassing moment you didn't expect to happen or come by so fast. Awkwardly standing by the roadside where your car was supposed to be, towed away because you didn't realize it was illegal to park there, an motorcyclist with a neon decorated bike suddenly pulled over in front of you. And when he takes off his helmet to offer you a ride, the smirk on Xiao's face doubles the embarrassment. You accepted the offer.
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You are a secret agent tasked to assassinate a target you've been following and gathering data on for weeks now, the perfect opportunity happens to be a gathering of high class people, a party or ball even. You thought it would be a quick and easy operation until you realized a man named Kaeya seem to be hovering around your target too closely for your taste and ease. It seems the guy has a body guard in hand. Now your focus was on swaying this bluenette, who was thankfully very, very receptive and welcoming to your advances.
When you finally FINALLY managed to let him off your case and successfully separated him from your target, you hurried over to finish the assassination as you realized you've been lingering for far too long— only to see Kaeya about to stab your target before your interruption. It seems that instead of his body guard, Kaeya was actually a hitman hired to kill your target too, and had been dancing around together with you because he thought YOU were the body guard.
"Woah, this your target too?" "Hell yeah." "Yoooooo!" How ironic, you two laughed the coincidence out nonchalantly as your target bleeds to death besides you both. After escaping your almost jail time when the true body guards came to check on their boss, which made a very awesome action sequence as you exchanged bullets next to Kaeya, you learned that your agency had recruited a new fellow under its ranks. You didn't need a name and face to know who the sly bastard was.
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You're not really the type of person to be into parties, not since high-school, and still no in college. Things were already a pain to deal with as the midterm examinations rolling in, but your roommate somehow managed to drag you into a popular college organization's midyear party before unceremoniously dipping to drink with the org members. As you cradle your alibi cup in a corner, staring into the raucous party, you realized someone else who's solo is accompanying you in silent brooding.
The two of you awkwardly introduce yourselves to each other before realizing that you've already met once or twice in campus grounds. "I don't really wanna be here." "Me neither." "Wanna dip?" Your relief didn't even need words to confirm your wants as you two slipped away from the mess, growing in intensity that you wouldn't even be suprised if the local authorities were to be called later on.
A little food date in the local 24/7 fast food restaurant nearby and exchange of numbers made your night a little bit better. So when you two found each other in another party you were dragged in again, your hand was held warm and tight within his as you two snickered, skipping out of the venue to have your own little party.
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Hello there, welcome to the start of the fluffy days. Figured you're all sad and broken enough to finally enjoy some good ol' flutters.
@sk1nnyangelic @kookieyachi @bunniesrorange @anormalguyreader @scarletroseneko @albaedhoe @xiaophilia @heisenwurst @moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre @traveler-lumine @nonniechan @creation-magician @hanniejji @gojos-baby @just-some-stars @volleybloop
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 || werewolf!Lee Bodecker x reader
summary: being the sherriff’s department’s crime scene photographer means seeing terrible things.  following lee bodecker into the woods means experiencing terrible things.
word count: almost exactly 4k
warnings: smut (noncon but she comes around eventually, if you will), werewolf sex (so...pseudo-bestiality??? but like... not really??), breeding kink, knotting, some a/b/o tropes?, kinda some degradation?,  violence, vague-ish description of gore
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Something undeniably wicked was lurking in the woods behind Knockemstiff, Ohio.  That much was obvious.
It wasn’t your first gig as a crime scene photographer, so you knew what to expect; or, you thought you did.  This town was nothing like Toledo, though, in all the worst ways.  You’d left the big city in hopes that you wouldn’t have to see another drive-by shooting, another stockbroker who jumped out of his office, another mafia job left out in the street to serve as an example for would-be testifiers.  You’d left to escape some of the brutality that the urban environment brought.  And to be fair, it wasn’t anything like that, but it wasn’t at all better.  
You’d never seen a cut this deep before.  You’d never seen a body nearly turned inside out.
“It’s that damn bear,” the officer nearby announced, his words failing to distract you from your task of photographing the bloodied remains.  “This happened a couple months ago, body just like this turned up.  Thought we shot the damn thing but I guess we got the wrong one.”
“That can’t be right,” you frowned, stepping back and lowering the camera from your face; it looked worse when it wasn’t seen through the viewfinder, it looked more real.  “Bears might maul people, but they don’t… eat them.”
“They do if they get hungry enough,” he sighed.  
“Do you really believe that?” you pressed.
“I need to.”
The conversation was still echoing in your head as you drove back to the station, which was still bustling despite the day being just about to end.  
You stopped by your desk to grab a folder from your top drawer, "FOR SHERIFF" written in big letters on the front.  Tucking it under your arm, you navigated through the officers and secretaries mulling about to the back hallway of the station, finding the last door on the left and knocking even though it was already halfway open.
“Good evenin’ little lady,” Sheriff Bodecker greeted with a smile when he looked up at you, “got somethin’ for me?”
“Photos from yesterday,” you explained, stepping inside and setting the folder down on his desk.  He opened it and flipped through your shots, nodding slightly.  
"Looks good," he praised— gruff and monotone, but praise nonetheless.  "I think it's enough to prove who was driving recklessly and who was just driving."
"Think they'll be all right?" you asked, remembering how one of the car crash survivors looked as they were being wheeled into an ambulance.
He sighed a little, setting the folder down.  "Seems so, last I heard."
"That's good…" you trailed off, toying with the strap of your camera nervously, studying his face as he looked down at some paperwork in front of him.
You were a career woman, working in a male-dominated profession, and you had so much to prove… but god, if you didn't sometimes fantasize about the Sheriff in ways you knew you shouldn't.  In spite of the fact that you were sure he wanted an obedient housewife, and that that was something you could never be, you'd been known to daydream about another life where he wasn't your boss and you weren't so worried about what other people thought and the two of you could be together.
Or, on other occasions, you just wished Knockemstiff was as liberal as Toledo, so you could have a fling with him and not worry about everybody calling you a harlot.
Either way, it could never happen.  You worked with him and he worked with you; he was looking to settle down and you were looking to start your life.  It was a basic incompatibility.  That didn't stop you from letting your gaze linger on his hands, admiring how strong and thick they were.  God, you wish he'd just grab you—
"Anything else I can do for ya?" he asked slowly, that deep voice making the question sound just a bit more dirty than he likely meant it.
"No, that'll be all," you decided, giving him a polite nod before you slipped out of his office.  
Sometimes, it felt like the only chance you got to really think during the day was when you were alone in your darkroom.  The photo development equipment here was significantly more primitive than what the Toledo Police Department had been able to provide, but you didn’t mind; if anything, it brought you back to your roots, when you were just a newbie photographer who wanted to make compelling art, take photos that would end up on magazine covers or beside hard-hitting journalism.  
That dream had been dashed quite some time ago, but you really did enjoy your job more often than not.  Sure, it came with a lot of gruesome imagery, but at least it was important, and interesting.  
You couldn't be sure what time it was— with no windows and no clocks, and with hours always flying by when you were developing film— but the lack of any noise from outside your darkroom made it clear that it was quite late and everyone had left.
It was odd, then, that you did hear a noise from outside the room, like floorboards creaking.  You were ready to blame the old building settling until you heard it again.
“...hello?” you asked hesitantly, the sterile echo of your voice only making you just that much more paranoid.  “Is someone there?  I’m just here developing my film…”
The red lights cast everything in an eerie glow— bright enough to see, but not enough to assuage your fear.
You opened the door to your darkroom slowly, careful not to let too much light in, and peered down the dark, empty halls.  An uneasy feeling awakened in your gut and you swallowed nothing before hesitantly stepping out into the dark.
Another creak from around the corner made you turn, walking towards the noise and considering calling out again but suddenly afraid to speak at all.
A man's form appeared in front of you out of nowhere.
“Oh!” you gasped, but you sighed a bit when you recognized the badge glistening on his chest.  “Sheriff, shit, you scared me…”
“Sorry, little lady,” he breathed, “didn’t know you were still here…”
“Come in, if I leave this door open too long it’ll let light in,” you explained, pointing to where the street lamp outside shined into the window and ushering him past you into the darkroom.
“What’re you still wearin’ that damn camera for?” he asked, pointing to your hip where it was slung at your side from over your shoulder, making you giggle a little as you shut the door behind the both of you.
“Force of habit.  Never know when something worth photographing might take place,” you explained, returning to the tub of ammonium thiosulfate where you were dipping another glossy print.  
“If somethin’ worth takin’ a picture of happens while you’re stuck in here, I think you’ll’ve got bigger problems than not having your camera,” he smirked.
“Fair enough,” you scoffed.  “Let’s hope I never need to take pictures like these—” you tilted your head towards the pictures you’d hung to try— “unexpectedly.”  Lee sauntered over to where you’d motioned, pulling one the more developed photos from the clothespins.  “That’s the body we found in the woods,” you informed him, “I’m surprised you weren’t called in— it’s pretty gnarly.”
“Sweet girl like you shouldn’t have to see stuff like this,” he shook his head, sighing somberly.  
“I can handle it,” you shrugged, “Believe it or not, I saw worse working mob cases.”
“I’m going with ‘not,’” he answered quickly.  
He was right not to believe you, and you weren’t sure what to say now that he’d called your bluff.
“What… what perfume are you wearing?”
The question threw you off but you figured no harm could come from answering honestly.  “I’m, uh, I’m not…”
He stepped closer, his footsteps soft but audible on the carpeted floor as his form settled behind yours.  Your breath caught when his fingers trailed over your arm and he leaned in, pressing his face to the side of your head as he breathed in.  “You smell good,” he stated plainly, deep voice vibrating in your ears and making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
“Um… thank you…” you answered, hearing your voice waver.  
Just when you thought he might make a move (was this already a move?), and just when you thought you might actually reciprocate if he did, he pulled away.  “I should… I’m sorry, I oughta— I have work to get done.”
Before you could even begin to wonder what he was talking about, he had already slipped out of the darkroom and back into the hall.  Oddly enough, you were sure you heard him start running the second the door was shut.  You considered shrugging it off and getting back to work, but the more you thought about it, the more you were worried.  Most of all, you wondered if he had seen something in your photographs that gave him a lead on what killed the poor old man.  
That possibility needed to be investigated further.
So, you powered down your equipment and left the darkroom, leaving just in time to see the Sheriff stumble out of the back door of the station, seeming to be limping slightly.
Too curious now to stay away, you followed his path and pushed the door open with your weight, seeing him making a mad dash for the nearby treeline.
“No, Lee, the woods—!” you warned, horrified to imagine that he could meet the same fate as the man in your photographs.  You weren’t dressed well enough for the weather— already the evening breeze blew against your bare legs and made you shiver— but you forged ahead regardless.
The moon light was just enough to illuminate your path at first, but as the clouds moved and the tree cover grew thicker, squinting just didn’t do enough to help you see.  Generally, you weren’t afraid of the dark, but this was different… it was cold, and you were alone; but you didn’t feel quite as alone as you would’ve liked to.  You called out for Lee, only hearing the gentle rustle of the leaves and the occasional snapping of twigs on the ground.
At about the same time you considered turning back and using one of the station phones to call some officers for a search, you heard something.  A whine, maybe, or a whimper.  You weren’t sure what it was; it only just barely sounded human.
“Lee, are you out there?” you called, whipping your head around wildly.  
In desperate need of light to navigate your way, you had a moment of insight and reached for the camera slung by your hip.  You relieved yourself of the shoulder strap, pointed the camera ahead, and opened up the flash.
CLICK.  A brief moment of light gave you at least an idea of where you were standing.  It was impossible not to notice how similar it looked to the background of the photos you had just been developing.  You realized, then, that you’d worried so much for Lee’s safety in these woods, but hadn’t considered your own.
Lee, at least, had a gun.  You just had a camera.  Both could shoot, but only one could protect you.
CLICK.  You moved in the direction that you remembered as clear.  It was even harder to see in the dark after the bright light had burned your eyes slightly, and you longed to reach out ahead to feel out your path yet found yourself too terrified of what you might touch.  You could hear the flash charging between shots, you knew well enough by now what it sounded like when the camera was ready to shoot again.
CLICK.  Something white reflected back in the distance, so you moved that way, nearly tripping on a root for your trouble.  
The cloud over the moon finally blew away, and just barely— finally— your eyes could make out the shape of Lee, leaned against a tree and breathing deep and fast.  His back was turned to you, but even then you could see he didn’t look well, his back bending and swelling with each panting breath that grew louder as you stepped closer.
“Oh my god, Sheriff?!” you squawked, sprinting closer.  “Are you alright?” you asked loudly, but when you reached out to touch him he spun to look at you, eyes wild and teeth bared.
“Leave,” he growled between panting breaths.
“You… you’re…” you tried to begin, but you were speechless as you tried to imagine what trick of the light could make him look like he was getting taller, like his eyes and face were shifting.
“GO!” he bellowed.
You stumbled back, dropping your camera but too terrified to even hear the bulb shatter as it hit the ground.  Your legs couldn’t move right, your eyes couldn’t look away from what you were seeing, and what you were seeing… you couldn’t describe it, couldn’t understand it.  
It didn’t look like what scary stories and picture books told you a werewolf was.  It didn’t look like an animal; it sure as hell didn’t look like a person.  Disturbingly, it still looked a bit like Lee, even though his Sheriff’s uniform was tearing at the seams from his morphing, swelling body.  His cries were broken and twisted as his face seemed to be overtaken by teeth— so many teeth— and dark fur.  
Ultimately, one last command to "go" was lost to a howl.
You finally managed to get your brain and body on the same page, turning and scrambling to run away, hearing him chase behind you.  
He walked on two legs but ran on four, his snarls coming closer and closer as you made a mad dash for the distant light of the police station.  Cold wind blew past you as you sprinted, coming to a sudden halt as you tripped and landed on the ground.  Leaves crunched under your hands and feet as you tried to stand back up, but he was already above you, tossing you to the ground again and pinning you at your shoulders.
You tried to kick him away once he'd turned you into your back, but it was laughable— pitiful, even.  When he curled his lips back to brandish his glistening fangs, growling deeply, you were too stunned to fight.  But you could beg.
“Lee, please, please don’t eat me,” you sobbed.
“I didn’t turn to feed,” he informed you, and it almost sounded like Lee, aside from the depth and roughness that shook you to your core.  “I turned to mate.”
“No…” you whispered, denial more than rejection— and as you looked down between your body and his where he hovered over you, you choked on your breath at the sight of his cock, erect and reddened and.... for lack of a better word, enormous.
You weren’t excessively familiar with human cocks (not all the rumors about the new girl who moved here from the city were true), but this one seemed different than what you’d seen, most notably in the size but additionally in how you could see it pulsing and throbbing.  His teeth were bared as his claw-laden hands grabbed your legs, lifting and spreading them.  Your stupid dress just fell away and exposed you easily, like it didn’t even care that he was a monster.
Your panties were already damp, like you didn’t even care that he was a monster.
A deep breath in through his snout-like nose made it clear he was picking up your scent.  He grinned and you shuddered.
You’d seen how deep those claw marks could go, so you were surprised when he was delicate enough to tear your clothes off without ripping your skin.  The fear that he could or would, though, kept your heart pumping plenty fast— or maybe that was because of his dark blue eyes scanning your nude form hungrily.
He adjusted your hips as he held you with his… paws, one might call them, pulling you closer and bumping his thick, swollen head against your entrance.
"No, you can't—" you stammered, not sure if you meant morally or physically.  There was no way that would fit in you, right?  There was no way Lee would force himself on you… right?
The noise you made when he pushed into your channel was, ironically, animalistic.  His intrusion stretched you wide and filled you deep, and he wasted no time in setting a brutal pace that slammed his rough, strong thighs against the back of your soft ones.
Fear paralyzed you, made you unwilling and unable to fight back.  He was all claws and teeth— where could you reach to try to push him away, without the extremely high risk of him just biting your weak little hand off?  No, it was better that you just laid there, whimpering and sobbing and trying with all your might not to moan at the feeling of being fucked, hard, in the woods, by a beast.
His tongue on your neck was an odd sensation, another way he forced you to acknowledge that this wasn’t normal— because no human tongue was this long, this thick and hot, nor surrounded by sharp teeth that grazed your jaw and cheek.
“Gonna breed you,” he informed you coldly.  It made you squirm beneath him with renewed vigor, desperate not to be filled with the seed of— well, of anyone, but especially not this thing.  Could it get you pregnant, were you even biologically compatible?  You didn’t want to find out.  
“Please, no,” you whimpered.
“If you hate it so much then why is your cunt sucking me in so tight?” he whispered gruffly against your ear before licking it, too, with that cursed tongue.
His question was probably rhetorical, but either way you couldn’t answer it— you had no idea why your body was submitting so easily, why your walls welcomed him so eagerly, why your legs wrapped around his hips to pull him closer.  Further, you had no idea why you were about to come.
Numbness and sensitivity warred across your body, everything feeling tighter and hotter and heavier until you finally snapped and your body shook and convulsed.  His arms reached beneath where your back was arching, and you clutched at his shoulders as your fingers weaved into the fur you found there.
Of course he didn’t stop when you reached your peak, he wouldn’t stop for anything now, so you were forced to take him just as deep and hard as always even as your body went limp and became overwhelmingly sensitive.  It was clear, then, that your pleasure was only collateral damage to him; he was using your body for whatever he wanted, to sate his biological drive to impregnate something.  Like everything else about this, it was disgusting yet annoyingly arousing.
It's hard to say how long you laid there, limply jolting with each of his thrusts, dripping your arousal onto the cold earth beneath you, moaning weakly as you alternated between pleading for mercy and pleading for more.  You watched the clouds blow through the night sky, afraid to look up at his monstrous face, at his pointed ears and shining teeth.  Occasionally you glanced down and noted the way your stomach bulged from the size of him; you couldn't look at that anymore because it would either make you sick or make you come again.
You gurgled and choked as you felt his cock swelling inside you— bigger, wider, until your body was stretched beyond its limits.
"Take my knot," he instructed darkly, "my little bitch."
Disturbingly, you realized he probably wasn't calling you that to insult you: it was literal.  You were his breeding bitch, a womb to carry his litter, and you whined at the way it made your gut sink in shame.
His noises were more animal-like than ever while he came inside you, thick come all but pouring into you as he panted and growled.  Funny thing was, it just didn't stop: he kept coming for so long, giving you so much while the knot kept every drop inside.
You'd never felt so full in your life, of anything, let alone hot come that made you feel warm and sticky and dripping wet.
The knot kept you plugged and showed no signs of going down as he caged your body in, nuzzling into your neck.  He could bite you now and end it all, but you weren't afraid of that since he seemed to have found a better purpose for you.  His heavy breathing made his back rise and curve above you, his clawed hands pinning your wrists beside your head while he started to lick and nibble at your ear, neck, and collarbone.
You didn't even notice that you'd fallen asleep until you awoke in the wee hours of the morning— that time just before sunrise where there's light but no real color in the sky yet— with Lee asleep on top of you.  Regular Lee, that is, naked with no fur whatsoever and a normal cock that had softened inside you.
Okay, maybe "normal" was a strong word considering it was still pretty big and deliciously thick despite not even being hard anymore, but at the very least totally human.
"Lee," you whispered harshly, shaking him to try to wake him up.  "Sheriff."
He stirred, and his cock moved inside you; the subtle stimulation on your sore insides made you moan lowly and involuntarily squeeze your walls around him.  That got his attention, and you heard his breathing change beside your ear before he groaned a little.
"Mornin'," he greeted, his grin audible in his tone as he sat up slightly and looked down at you.  You reached up and brushed your hand over his chest, happy to find a much thinner layer of hair there than last night.  "Of all the times I woke up in this forest with no fuckin' idea what happened the night before… this has got to be my favorite."
"What's the last thing you remember?" you asked.
"I told you to run… I must've caught you, huh…"
You nodded and bit your lip.  
"You know I can't stop, when I'm like that… I didn't mean to—"
"It's okay," you sighed, "you didn't— it wasn't you."
"But it's my seed in you," he remembered, his words sending a little tingle up your spine.  
He must have felt it, must have seen your eyes widen or heard you gasp a little, because he grinned proudly as he looked down at you.
"Oh, you really love it, huh?  Love bein' mine…"
His hands held your arms tight as he pinned them down, making you whimper a little while he leaned in to suck on your neck.
"Love bein' bred like a bitch, ain't that right?"
You heard the deep, desperate moan before you even realized it had come from your mouth, his chuckle beside your ear making your heart twist.
"Yeah, I can tell… who knew you were so dirty, little lady?  Sweet girl like you shouldn't be gettin' off on being ravaged in the woods by a monster."
"Y-you're not a monster," you protested weakly.
"I eat people," he reminded you, letting go of your hands which you instantly weaved into his hair.
"Well, that's… everybody's got flaws, that's all."
"Yeah?  And what's yours?" he teased.
"I've got a crush on my boss," you answered with a grin, "and I came harder than I ever have in my life being fucked by… what are you?"
"The clinical term is lycanthrope."
"Right," you nodded, "that."
"And what would a pretty girl like you have a crush on me for, hm?"
"I dunno," you smiled coyly, running a finger down his chest, "guess I just thought you were cute…"
"Cute?!" he scoffed incredulously.
"Yeah… and sweet… you know, you go around actin' all tough and stuff, but I think you're really just harmless."
He cut you off with a growl as he lightly bit at your neck, holding your arms down again and tightening his grip on your wrists until you yelped and giggled happily.  "Oh, honey, you have no idea yet just how monstrous I can really be…"
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goldenwanderer · 2 years
X Y Z for Moiraine/Siuan!
Prompt List Here
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Siuan is more affectionate than Moiraine - in large part because she clearly grew up with a doting father than the distant Cairhienin bullshit Moiraine was raised with. Even in the scenes we get with them, Siuan is usually the one to initiate physical contact. Most of the romantic lines also come from Siuan, as well as the cutesy pet names that make Moiraine smile. Casual affection and romance comes easily to her, and Moiraine loves it.
Not to say Moiraine can't be romantic as fuck when she wants to be. I mean, what she says as she's swearing her exile oath? The woman's clearly spent enough time around Lan to know how to wax poetic on occasion. I also think she'd be more physically affectionate if she had longer than one night at a time with her lover - if she didn't have to jump back into cold and distant mode immediately after. Siuan is better at switching between her public and private personality; Moiraine takes a little longer to fully open up, and she usually isn't given the opportunity.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Considering they're apart, like, 99% of the time, I'd say they cope fairly well.
A lot of the coping comes from the reason they're apart in the first place - The Mission. I mean, they're both Blue Ajah for a reason. We know from later books that Their Purpose is enough to help them survive some severe trauma, so it's certainly enough to help them cope with being separated from each other.
Moiraine has the extra benefit of having a close confidant and partner in Lan. His love is not a substitute for Siuan, but it is a great source of comfort and support.
We haven't seen whether Siuan has a Warder or not (she has one in the early books, but we never meet him, so we don't really know much about their relationship). Likely the show won't give her one, at least for now, so I'll assume for the time being that she doesn't have a Warder. If this is the case, then Siuan probably struggles more with missing Moiraine than the other way around. Moiraine has Lan, and she's also actively carrying out her mission in life, and both are great distractions. Siuan, meanwhile, is stuck in the White Tower, dealing with other Aes Sedai and all the politics. And after she becomes Amyrlin Seat, this gets worse. Suddenly no one can even use her name, let alone get close to her. Siuan has a will of iron, so she does what has to be done, but the loneliness come close to unbearable sometimes.
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Honestly, the fact that they're still making the effort to be together could be considered "great lengths." One of them is the most powerful woman in the world, who really shouldn't be romantically involved with anyone at all, but especially not someone under her direct authority. And both are hiding their involvement in the world's most important but also most dangerous spy mission.
And yet... they still make time for each other. Not much, admittedly - the Wheel rarely gives them the chance. But instead of taking the easy route and going their separate ways (which would be safer for both of them), they choose again and again to keep investing in the relationship. Maybe it's selfish, and maybe not. But that active choice to keep loving each other is more than enough.
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babytaes · 3 years
The Kickback
Tumblr media
summary: What happens when your long-life crush's secret is discovered? In hopes of not wanting him to find out, what do you do... nothing.
pairing: dk x female reader
genre: fluff, slice of life, crack lol.
warnings: profanity
word count: 3k
a/n: today is my birthday and I wanted to share this one that has been in my drafts for so long. this campus life is stressful but I’m finding time to upload here and there. I hope you enjoy and have a great day/night. Much love from Babytaes! :) Also I really didn’t read this over sooo... if it doesn’t make sense. Take it up with corporation. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Dear diary, I saw my crush today. I saw him in the living room after my brother invited him over with another friend. It's not as if I'm scared of him. I've spoken with him numerous times. I mean, I'm almost fluent in his language, lol. Seeing him and hearing his boisterous laugh was still entertaining. I'm wondering if he'll be at the kickback this weekend; if so, maybe I'll have the bravery to approach him. Okay, goodbye journal, love y/n.”
Your life consisted of short, insignificant interactions with him; however, when you had a crush, life was exciting and unpredictable. Since you're so near to him on a daily basis, your crush increased exponentially as you couldn't control your intrusive thoughts.
Yes, you did think of him, probably 25/8. It's not like you didn't know him, but you only knew the head version of him. And we all know they could be two different people. So the only thing left to do is keep it secret.
It's impossible for your secret to come out when you're the only one who knows about it. Right? Unfortunately, this isn't a movie, and your secret was revealed, and the perpetrator was none other than your arch-nemesis, Boo Seungkwan.
Okay, not quite that far, but you and him frequently collided because you and him could never agree on anything. He's just Boo, and he has his own behavior category.
He was the second-to-last person you wanted to find out about, after your crush, of course. From this point on, your life was not going as planned.
Your secret would never be revealed to Lee Seokmin, and you would do anything to protect it.
“What are you doing?” You leapt to your feet as you hurriedly closed your diary, terrified of prying eyes.
You rolled your eyes and stuffed your journal into a drawer with random papers, saying, "Shit, why don't you ever knock."
“Well, this is my shared dorm, and you're basically free living here,” he chuckled. You gave him a sidelong glance.
He was right.
“Is that a way you treat your twin? Is it now.”
He strolled away, completely oblivious to your yelling, and into the kitchen.
“Shut up, and get your ass out here we have to go shopping for the kickback. If you’re not out in 10 I’m leaving your ass.”
Great sibling love, what more could you ask for.  As much as you know that this is the way he expresses his love, you still got up and started getting ready for the day despite his warning.
Amidst your constant disagreements with him, you still loved him. The only problem was that you had to keep your love interest hidden from him. You could see it now and the big brother trying to protect and all that annoying shit.
You were old enough to take care of yourself and you didn’t want unruly men to ruin something that you wanted for so long.
“Coming, if you leave me, I'll tell Mom.” And I think we can all agree that I am the favorite twin.” As he slammed the fridge door shut, you could hear his huge scoffs.
You hurriedly grabbed your purse and beanie as you dashed for the door, laughing at his tantrums. He had a habit of leaving you behind.
We will not speak of March 5, 2017.
“Hey, wait up,” you said as you ran to his car and jumped in before him, grabbing the aux before him.
He started the car and sped out of the dorm parking lot on his way to the store, saying, "You're such a pain in the ass."
“Oh, don't act as if you don't love me.”
“Whoever said I did must have lied to you. Mingyu laughed as he accelerated through Seoul's crowded streets.
The jokes, the laughter, and the love were all part of the experience of living with one of the biggest Kpop groups.
You wouldn’t have it any other way!
While listening to your playlist, the song "Come to You" perfectly complemented the mood.
You smiled as you passed many streets and watched the busy lives of many different people. You could say you had an imaginative mind.
We arrived at the store a long way down the road, grabbed one of the carts, and proceeded to a separate aisle of the store.
Buying stuff was always expensive with a party of 13 and more friends on the way. Almost everything had to be doubled, and the meat had to be tripled. When throwing a party, everyone is required to provide a dish.
You didn't seem to mind; after all, you weren't paying, so you just chilled on the cart while you watched Mingyu placed the goods in neatly.
You told Mingyu to grab a specific chip as you walked to the chip aisle, and he furrowed his brow.
“What are those? I've never seen them before.
"Dokyeom likes them," you blurted out without a second thought. As you mentally processed what you had said, you stared at him with wide eyes.
“When they're not there, Dokyeom and Soonyoung get upset.” You shook your head and scooted by him, tossing two bags into the overflowing shopping cart.
“Oh-okay I guess you can get them.”
As you pushed the cart toward the cashier, you mentally slapped yourself in the face. You were certain that you would not crack.
The ride home was silent as the only noise was the continuous taps from Mingyu's fingers on the wheel.
Mingyu called wonwoo on his phone as he drove up to the dorm and asked him to help with the groceries.
As you heard Mingyu pout over the phone, he refused, and not even minutes after, wonwoo is strolling down the driveway on his way to the car.
“You shouldn't even have picked up I know I wouldn't"  Wonwoo pushed your shoulder and chuckled at your humor. “I know”
“Heyyy I'm right here,” Mingyu began to sulk as he observed his sister speaking without him.
You and wonwoo both chuckled as you gathered your belongings and began walking away from Mingyu.
The days went by slowly as you reached the door. It was time to leave the house. You grabbed a jacket and purse. Today, the boys went to Hybe for a quick practice session before heading out for the weekend.
Because you are such a good friend and thoughtful person, you decided to buy them a few drinks as a gift. It wasn't anything special, you didn't want to see anyone, noo.
It took some time to order everything, especially with the large number of 13 items. Since you've known each other for most of your lives, the drinks on the list haven't changed. Ice Americanos and Frappes were the most popular drinks.
As soon as you arrived at the Hybe building, you swiftly grabbed the bag containing the drinks and proceeded to their floor. You finally made it to their practice room after thanking the employees for their assistance.
Slowly pushing the door open, you drew the attention of almost everyone as they turned to face you. As a number of them raced over to you and took the beverages from you, smiles crept across their faces.
As they sipped their drinks, the room was filled with thank yous and hellos.
The voice of an angel said, "Thanks again, y/n." He gave you a short smile before returning to his practice. Oblivious to people around you, words spilled out.
“Fuck, he's so attractive.”
“Whose good looking?” As you slowly turned around, you heard a voice speaking to you from behind you.
It's Boo Seungkwan. He smiled at you as he grabbed a drink from your hand. He cocked his head as he sipped it, and his eyes widened.
“Don’t tell me you said dokyeom is good looking, no fucking way.”
As you coughed to relieve the high tension in the air, you started to mentally sweat.
“That's insane, I said the room was in good condition," you said as you slapped his shoulder and shook your head.
Come on, y/n, that didn't even make sense.
“You know you're not going to fool me, y/n?” Afraid that someone would find out, you dragged him into a back room and locked the door behind him
“Shit..shit..shit. If you tell anyone, I swear I'll -
Laughing, before raising his eyebrows after taking a sip of his americano, he cut you off.
"You're right, this is important information. But you already know that I'll keep my mouth shut about the situation. I don’t even know what we’re talking about right now.”
Seungkwan heard dokyeom announce that practice had resumed as the door opened. Before he left, he smiled at you and waved goodbye.
“Y/n and dokyeom in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. As you were about to leap across the couch to silence him, he jumped up and ran out of the door laughing.
All of a sudden, your mind was filled with confusion and paranoia.
It became increasingly difficult to watch them practice as the session progressed. Your thoughts were not positive, and your attitude was slowly deteriorating.
Imagining the worst-case scenario. You paced in the back room when you heard a knock at the door. As you mentally prepared yourself, it caught you off guard. While walking side by side, Hansol and Seungkwan were whispering.
“Did they know?” You didn’t want anyone to find out so you ran, and didn’t stop running. To avoid society, you hurried out the door after saying a quick goodbye to the boys.
The goodbyes were not even heard as you hurried out of the Hybe parking lot without looking back. In a small group, information spreads quickly. And he was bound to find out.
Flushed and worried, you staggered into the dorm room. You knew your secret was going to get out eventually. In the case where Hansol and Seungkwan knew, Joshua is likely to know.
And since Joshua is close to the older boys, Seungcheol and Jeonghan know. The news would then spread to Hoshi, and then the entire performance team would be in the know.
The only remaining candidates are Mingyu and dk. If Mingyu finds out, it's game over for you at that point.
There was no point of living any more. Having completed a full loop of the house, you had come to your room for the final time. You slowly melted to the ground and fell out.
Dokyeon is more likely to know if Mingyu knows.
"What went wrong?" Unable to control yourself as you rolled around the floor, you erupted into a tantrum.
You sat up and shook your head, "I'll just have to leave the country," you said. "Man, you're so smart. Your plan y/n is fantastic."
You ran to your room, grabbed your suitcase from your closet, and began tossing things into.
No need to pack everything since you were only going to be gone for a year. As soon as your adrenaline slowed down, you began packing.
(A few hours later)
You were relieved when your clothes fit into your luggage when you had finally done packing. You were on your way now, and as long as it wasn't here, everything was good.
“Ah, I figured it out; now let's book it.”
When you approached the door, you unlocked it, and we were greeted with a pleasant surprise.
You walked up to the door and opened it, where you were greeted by Mingyu and his gang. Outside the door, you could see him, hao, dk, and wonwoo. They stared at you as they looked you up and down, perplexed as to why you appeared to be departing.
“Um, what is going on and where are you going?” Mingyu reacted with a rejoinder of his own.
Your throat felt as though it was clogging up, and you began sweating furiously under your armpits. Thank god for hoodies.
“Well, I was simply going to visit a friend's house,” you explained.
You knew he wouldn't believe you; he knew most of your friends, and they didn't live that far away for you to be carrying that much.
“First, that's a lie, and second, I need to speak with you, so your "buddy" will have to wait.” You sighed and closed your eyes.
Your escape had to wait.
Mingyu took your suitcase and slid it near the door, while the other members shuffled awkwardly into the room. While the other lads sat in the living room, Wonwoo went to his room.
“Maybe I could escape now?”
“What did you say y/n?” minghao said as he glanced at you.
You waved your hand in front of them and did a walk of shame to your room as you physically and mentally prepared yourself for whatever Mingyu had to say.
So much for your crush now.
Mingyu sat on the edge of your bed, arms crossed, staring at you.
“Sit down, he patted the bed on your side before lightly coughing.
"Some rumors have been going around, so I wanted to clear the air."
Seeing what he was about to say made your heart race, and you couldn't take it any longer. Does anyone else hear their loud banging, could Mingyu hear it?
You leapt to your feet and shouted at him before apologizing on your knees.
What a sight to see, a grown ass woman on her knees apologizing to her twin brother.
“I apologize; I should have told you first, but I was afraid you'd tell him. That's why I kept it a secret and plus dating a member of seventeen. That's dangerous enough-“.
Mingyu's "WHAT" cut you off.
You came to a halt as he got up, slowly staring up at him.
“Wait, weren't we discussing my crush on Dokyeom or something else?” Worries began to creep in as sweat began to accumulate on your brow.
“What the fuck, you have a crush on do-?” you exclaimed as you jumped to your feet and tackled Mingyu to the ground.
“Don't say it so loudly; he'll hear you.” As Mingyu began to pace around the room, as he pushed you off of him.
You could see his anger as he panicked, and his small rage tantrum was truly uncomfortable because he couldn't communicate his ideas to you because he was afraid of his companions' sensitive ears.
He pointed to the door and said, "Wait, so you do have a crush on him." You sighed, shaking your head.
As he walked away from you, he had another outburst.
Everything is now turning to shit, this was your only chance.
“I have to escape” you said as you dashed out the door and to your suitcase. Mingyu was standing behind you, staring at you in terror.
It wasn't in the plan for you to fall on him, but it was still nice. Focus y/n.
“I’m sorry, dokyeom; it was my fault. I didn't realize you were there. “Are you okay?” As you extended your hand to him, you pushed yourself off of him.
“Yeah, I'm OK, are you okay?” he asked. You've had quite a tumble.”
“Yeah I’m good, I live with a clumsily brother so I’m fine”
You swiftly let go of each other and placed your hands behind your back as you became embarrassed.
“Hey, Seungcheol texted the group chat and said he wants to go out to eat. He said whoever can come.”
The boys instantly got ready as they wanted to eat, food is a great scapegoat. As you saw them exit the dorm, you took a step back and found your way back to your room.
“Is leaving still an option?” you murmured into your pillows, plopping your exhausted body on your bed and overthinking life.
You rolled over and looked at the clock, which reads 9:30 a.m.
You turned over in your bed, unable to yell, and trudged to the bathroom to make yourself presentable.
“What have you gotten yourself into, y/n?” You stripped off your clothing and stepped into the hot water after turning on the shower.
You didn't spend much time in the shower, but today you were engrossed in how your plan had devolved into this ordeal.
Resting your head on the tile as the hot water traced down your back, you contemplated on what the HELL you were going to do.
“Y/n hurry up, we have to prepare.”
Hearing Mingyu's voice drew you back to reality as you turned off the water and got out of the shower, unlocking the door and letting him in.
“Hey, no snarky remark?” he said as he watched you walk to your room with your head down. You ignored him as you closed the door and prepared for the party.
It didn't take long for your calm disposition to be noticed, since you were the outspoken one. Even if you tried to fake it, it didn't work out.
You grinned as you walked through the background of Seungcheol and Jeonghan shared housing, looking at the celebration.
There were groups of people near the pool, at the grill, and even by the chairs, as you could see.
“Hey, bring the food inside; I'll take the meat to cheol,” mingyu said, shaking your head as you picked up the bags and headed to the kitchen, where you recognized some familiar faces.
“Y/nnnnnnnnn, heyyyyy, I’ve missed you.” When you saw her, you put the bags on the counter and hugged her, smiling into her embrace.
“It's great to see you again, yeji; how are you and the rest of the group doing?” Are the others here?” As she led you back outside, she interlaced your hands in hers.
You saw dokyeom and a few other people descend the steps before you left, as he waved and gave you a quick glance.
As you reach for a drink from the cooler, your heart begins to race. Something had to be turned off if you wanted to make it through the night, and this was the only way.
You took a sip and coughed loudly as you followed Yeji to the poolside.
It was going to be a long night for you.
As you and a group of individuals began to dance uncontrollably, the effects of the alcohol in your system began to show as you staggered to the grill.
“HeEeeyyYY, Wheeeere d'ya think yeeeeer goin’?” you slurred, jabbing a finger into seungcheol’s back
The other members laughed as they glanced at you, plainly detecting your intoxication.
“I forgot how drunk you can get, so why don't you take a break,” your overprotective brother says, making you scream within.
He always did this.
Gerroff me!” you said. “I’m ash sober ash ’m gonna git. And nuffink I - wait wait wait - nuffink you can do ‘boutit.” As you ambled back to the kitchen without so much as a hiccup in their direction, they laugh.
As you struggled to reach the door, you fell forward and were grabbed by a hand. As he lifted you from your imminent doom, his hold felt warm. With your eyes enlarged, you focused on the individual and stared at his face.
As you grabbed on to him, your words tumbled out of your mouth, “Ohmygoshimsosorry.” He drew you closer to him by taking your hands in his.
Saying your heart was racing was an understatement, it was literally pounding out of your chest. You were hand in hand with your crush, who you believed was exceptionally attractive and talented, and you wished he knew more about your sentiments or could somehow fill them.
But you know no huge idol like him would go for you. Feeling that made you sober up real fast as you felt your arm being pulled upstairs, you had no idea where you were going but it looked like someone's room.
Dokyeom eased open the door as he sat you on the bed and went to get some water from a little fridge. He handed it to you and sat next to you.
“No problem, also I've been trying to talk to you all night but you appear to be occupied.”
As you took a sip of water, your heart began to beat faster; “waitttt, we donthavetotalk. Let’s dance! As he chuckled at your erratic movements, you began to wander around the room, pulling your hands into yours.
The alcohol was definitely making its way out of your system.
As he spun you around, his body in tune with the music, the bass of the song could still be heard. Even though this felt like a dream you didn’t quite care at the moment. Was it because you'd finally met the boy from your dreams, or was it because he wanted to meet you in person?
Your connection with him got stronger by the second, as did your heartbeat, which began to rise steadily with it. You couldn't keep stalling any longer; you needed to listen to what he was saying.
“I think I'm sober up for now,” you said as you let go of his hand.
Dokyeom chuckled before tossing his head back, “I didn't realize you could move like that” he said as they sat back on the bed, a little closer than before.
“I guess I learnt a few things along the way when you're friends with the best dancers out here.” As you finished your sentence, he peered into your eyes, making no sound as the room fell silent.
“Soo, what did you want to talk about?” you awkwardly state to relieve some tension in the air.
“I don't know how to explain it, but I kind of heard your "secret" as it passed through the practice room, and I simply wanted to be the first one to tell you about it because-
Your heart stopped pounding as your world came crashing down around you. You didn't want to hear it; the rejection; you'd rather live in your fantasy world, where you don't have to worry about anything. It wasn't true if you didn't hear it.
“Wait, if you can't reconcile those feelings, don't say anything; just let me go.” They're probably curious about our whereabouts anyway.” And with that, you stood up and walked towards the door, but you were pulled back by his hand.
He kissed you as swiftly as his hands linked with yours. You were taken aback at first by his passion, but you regained your calm and reminded yourself of what was going on: he was really kissing you, and you were really kissing him, and the rest of the world was inconsequential.
You were chilling on the outside while shouting for joy at the top of your lungs on the inside, as if your inner child had been set free. You had to be sure if this was a dream or if it was happening in real life.
“Why did you do that?” Dokyeom asked as he gripped your arm in his.
“I had to double-check that I wasn't dreaming; this isn't the first time something like this has happened to me.”
“So you're saying I've been in your dreams?” he laughed as he cocked his head to the side and placed his hand in yours.”
You smacked your forehead and shook your head, realizing you couldn't get out of this one, and now he knew you fantasize about him. You didn't mind because the lad of your dreams was right in front of your eyes.
AND HE WAS HOLDING YOUR MF HAND. It was clear that your diary needed to be updated.
Stopping at the door, you placed your palm on his chest and worriedly stared at him.
“Wait, how did you find out?” 
“Well, a tiny birdie was chattering loudly about it, his name rhymes with coo,” he said as he grabbed your hand in his and opened the door and began the walk downstairs.
“Fucking Boo Seungkwan”
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kingsuckjin · 3 years
Season of the Witch- TEASER
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☾ Pairing: love triangle Taehyung x jimin x reader
☾ Genre: yandere, smut, horror, thriller
☾ Rating: 18+
☾ Warnings: STALKER SHIT, Tae is insane and has really dark and obsessive thoughts about Jimin, there’s some sexy stuff in here too, hints towards make oral sex and just sex, violent themes I guess and hits of murder.
☾ Summary: all Taehyung ever wanted was Jimin, and he had always done whatever it took to stop whatever or whoever got in his way, you were going to be no different. Surely Jimin didn’t love you as much as Taehyung loved him… right?
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"So," Jimin sucked in a deep breath from across the table of the diner and nervously adjusted in his seat before looking across the table at his best friend. He wondered why he was so nervous, why he was dragging this out, why he thought Taehyung wouldn't understand.
"So, you brought me here to talk about something?" Taehyung cleared his voice, doing his best to try to hide his own nervousness and butterflies mixing in his stomach as he played with a little pink packet of sugar on the table.
"Since you're my best friend and I want you to know what's going on in my life..." Jimin's eyes flickered to his melting vanilla milkshake he no longer cared about. He felt like he needed to look at anything but Taehyung, just in case he had the same reaction as last time, although that was years ago when… Jimin refused to let his mind go back to it.
Taehyung bit at his lip and put down the sugar packet he had been playing with upon hearing Jimin's words. He looked down at the little chipped places in the diner table, chipped at by time itself. He knew now what was coming, and it wasn’t what he had wanted to hear… it wasn't going to be anything close to "I love you". He braced himself for the impact, heart ready to shatter into his ribcage and start sobbing in front of Jimin.
"I've- I've met this girl…" Jimin floundered at first, but the rest just slipped out of his mouth naturally as if he had been born to say these words "she's the one, Tae."
Jimin's sentence had come out in slow motion for Taehyung, as if the world wanted to drag this out just to hurt him more. Although Taehyung knew it had been coming seeing as Jimin had been quite distant recently, just like before, it still left Taehyung swallowing down the pain. A sad whimper too high and soft to be his own partially escaped his throat before Taehyung caught it, cut it off, and drowned it out by clearing his throat. He could feel how wide his eyes were, he felt his pulse quicken and blood heat to an uncomfortable level under his skin. He wanted to crawl out of his own outter flesh and slink away unnoticed by the man sitting across from him. He didn't know what to do, but he had to say something, so said the only thing he could think to say.
"You sure?"
"I'm sure." Jimin confirmed with a nod "you- you aren't going to say what you said last time?" Jimin furrowed his brows with worry.
Taehyung had been through so much with Jimin last time he had uttered these words to him. Jimin should've known better than to go and do this again, Taehyung shouldn't have to warn him again, Jimin should be scared, he should be too scarred to do this to Taehyung again. But would Taehyung say all of this to his friend? No. Warning him of the future heartbreak didn't work last time, it only made Jimin push Tae away and he wasn't about to make that mistake again… he didn't have to, this time around he was prepared, it would be easier now.
"Of course not." Taehyung sat up straighter in the diner booth and watched Jimin's surprised reaction. "It was wrong of me to say all of that last time, especially after what happened."
Jimin's face fell into a pout for a moment as he remembered but pushed it out of his mind. It still hurt him, but now at least he had you.
"You deserve to be happy and you deserve someone." Taehyung forced the best smile he could as he wished that someone was him. He had always wished that someone was him, ever since the both of them had been in high school. Taehyung said a silent prayer every night that one day Jimin would just come to his senses. Taehyung's mind drifted away to the time where he thought Jimin was almost his, the night it was so close he could taste it, he did taste it, he could still taste Jimin's sticky smooth peach schnapps flavored lips and tongue on his.
"-she's such a good dancer too. I can't wait for you to meet her." Taehyung had only caught the tail end of Jimin's rambling. Jimin's smile and enthusiasm when talking about someone that wasn’t him made that warmth in his veins turn into a fire in his stomach, Taehyung was angry. The muscles in hands clenched to try to hold himself together. His hands had felt so tight that they ripped the packet of sugar he had open that he hadn’t realized he had picked back up off the table.
Taehyung looked down at the little pile of sparkling sugar on the table that Jimin ignored as he went for a drink of his milkshake. He watched as his friend's lips wrap around the straw and thought about how perfect they would look and feel if they were wrapped around his-
Taehyung let his eyes fall back to the sugar on the table but that was no help either. He now thought about Jimin's lips coated in the tiny crystals, kissing him, tasting sweeter than the night they almost- Taehyung was sure he'd have a breakdown right here in this diner if he didn’t stop thinking about that night.
"How's the art stuff coming along?" Jimin decided to ask, he hadn't heard Taehyung talk about painting in a while now. He knew it had been Tae's favorite hobby since they were teenagaers, and he was good at it too.
Art stuff. Taehyung knew he didn't care about it, he didn’t even pretend to. Jimin didn't come to the first and last art show his paintings had been featured in. It was a disappointing blow to Taehyung, so disappointing that he gave it up.
"Yeah, I've been exploring other hobbies lately and haven't had time for it. Work and stuff too has been keeping me busy." It wasn't a lie, it was the truth, however Tae wasn't about to start naming his new "hobbies" Thankfully he didn't have too, Jimin's phone went off.
"Oh! Oh man, It doesn't feel like we were here that long does it? I've got to be at the dance studio in fifteen minutes." Jimin couldn’t help but smile as he said it, anytime he mentioned or thought of the dance studio at all now he couldn’t help but smile.
Jimin quickly held his hand up to flag down a waitress but Taehyung stopped him.
"I've got it, you're in a rush." Taehyung urged.
"Are you sure?" Jimin questioned "I'm the only one who ordered anyt-"
"It was just a milkshake. Just head out." Taehyung urged once again, forcing a boxy smile.
Jimin thanked his best friend with a cheerful crescent moon eyed smile that Taehyung would die to see everyday.
Once Jimin had left Taehyung grabbed a napkin from the napkin holder and in the blink of an eye, had stolen the straw from Jimin's half finished milkshake. Under the table, he wiped the excess milkshake from the straw, careful not to touch the end Jimin had put his lips on, and tucked it into his small bag he had brought along with him before flagging down a waitress and paying the bill.
Once Taehyung had gotten out to his car, what Jimin had told him began to catch up with him and really sink in past his bones and into his soul.
Jimin now had a girlfriend.
"Fuck." Taehyung muttered to himself and let his head fall onto the steering wheel. Was this it? Was it all too late? Taehyung should’ve been faster about making Jimin love him.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK!" He let out as he slammed his head against the wheel a couple of times, anger and disappointment radiated through his body.
This wasn't supposed to happen, it wasn't supposed to be like this ever again. Taehyung thought he had taught Jimin a lesson, that lesson being he shouldn't love anyone but him.
Taehyung was protecting Jimin. He was protecting him from his own self, not just from the heartbreak. He knew Jimin's heart was filled with warmth and love that he wanted to share, but why couldn't he just share it with Taehyung? Taehyung, the best friend who was always there for him. Taehyung, the man who strived to be everything Jimin wanted. Taehyung, who would, has and will kill for the man he loves.
Taehyung didn't know what you looked like yet, but he imagined the satisfaction of taking you down just like the girl before you.
He felt a smile grow and spread across his face.
He knew shouldn't be worried, it would be easier this time now that he's getting the hang of this black magic thing. It could be as easy as stomping an ant.
A laugh sounded throughout the quiet car and only grew louder and heavier the more he thought about your death.
Taehyung knew that in the end all you were would be another lesson, another reason for Jimin to never get close to anyone ever again, only him. It would always only be Taehyung, and he figured Jimin would have to learn that eventually.
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redjaybathood · 2 years
Jayslade (my first and only, inspired by a discussion in a Sladejay server and a convo I had with @d-xs). It was supposed to be NC-21 but as often happens, I ran out of steam during the setup.
If you wanted Jason to describe to you just how did he end up here, falling out of the highest floor in Titans Tower, bleeding from a stomach wound, with Slade Wilson in his arms... He can tell you, but it's not like it's a rare thing nowadays.
Well. It was a hell out of the first kiss, he can tell you that.
Probably the only thing that is making this different. And only time will tell if the butterflies in his stomach is a "good different" or a "sword wound, but extreme amount of dopamine released in his bloodstream fucking up with his pain perception".
It started when on his way to LA, he met with Talia. Unlike all the other times, she didn't come alone. Trouble followed her. Literal and figurative.
Figurative trouble came first, in the form of a six years old boy with a familiar scowl.
"And who might it be?" He said, completely unnecessary, save for him wanting to see how she would answer that one.
A sword tip pressed to his skin faster than he could move.
"Someone who can pierce your throat for the disrespect," the boy said.
Talia pressed a hand to the boy's shoulder.
"Someone who is on his way to meet his birth father, and so he should start to get used to the rules that are going to be expected from him. Damian, unsheathe the sword only as means of physical defense. Use your words otherwise."
The boy grumbled but put the sword back to its sheath on his back.
"Now, boys, lets get out of the open," Talia clapped her hands.
Jason made a half-bow, gesturing toward his car. Judging by the expression Damian made, he completely missed that it had been ironic.
Jason sighed. He could already tell that the little guy inherited the worst out of both parties involved in his conception.
"Why are you doing this?" He asked Talia after all of them had been seated and put belts on.
In case of Damian, it has been a kids car seat - which, now it made sense Talia asked for one to be installed when he picks them up in the airport. Damian had to put the sword down and right now it was just out of his reach. Jason couldn't help but chuckle - Damian noticed. Judging by his glare, he will remember it forever.
"Why am I bringing my son to meet his father?" Talia raised an eyebrow at him. "Indeed."
"You know what I have in store. You know it's not going to be a picnic for your Beloved. You really want to bring a kid into the mess?"
She waved her hand.
"As you assured me when you asked for my support, your plan ensures the city is to become safer, not more dangerous. Do you have second thoughts about your own tactics? You shouldn't follow through, then."
Jason shut up. If that's how she's going to play it, fine.
LA being what it is, soon enough they hit a traffic jam. He fiddled with radio. Drummed his hands on the wheel. Sneaked a look at Talia. She was immersed in something official-looking on her tablet. Jason only caught "Lexcorp" and "Offer".
He cranes his neck to check how the things were going in backseat.
Blue eyes immediately met his.
"So," Jason said. "What's your favorite book?"
A thump, and windshield broke, with pieces of glass inserting themselves into his back, just as he himself was flying to cover the boy and shoot the attacker. Talia's Kris managed to stop a blade from being embed in his side as he turned again.
In a blink of the eye, Talia was out of the car and Damian - out of his seat, shoving Jason to get at his sword and screwing up his aim. Jason still took out the first attacker, and he noticed Talia piercing the second. Damian hit the third one opening the car door and Jason shot him twice. Fourth and fifth jumped over the car and. The fifth one had been huge, with bulging veins and muscles, probably Venomised. Damian sliced his leg and he didn't even blink, bringing his fists on the boy's head. If Jason didn't tug him back, his scull would probably burst open as a walnut.
"What are you doing? Unhand me!"
Jason didn't listen though, sending a bullet into the Gargantua's chest, which did little more than knock him a few paces back.
Jason took a quick look around. There had been more assassins, crawling closer. Talia was fighting two, currently. She didn't tell her son to run, so probably she didn't see any way out except to fight till the last one, same as he. But, neither Jason saw how the little guy is going to fight them.
"Okay," he picked Damian up and swung him up, so Damian would sit on his neck. "This way you have a better reach to his neck. Let's work together, okay? I can't take him alone."
"I can," the boy said, but still, he listened.
Jason took a position back to back with Talia and continued making sure nobody could get to al Ghuls from his side closer than a bullet wound distance.
"So," Jason said, as the hostiles stopped coming and the police sirens were getting louder. "This is why you travel light."
"We need to leave the car," she inclined her head. Then she raised her hand and gently touched Damian on the wrist of his sword hand (kiddo was still sitting on Jason's neck, still dangling the sword precariously close to his face). "Are you alright, my love?"
"I wasn't afraid," Damian said immediately. "Todd chose to - I was helping him."
"I know, I saw you. You fought bravely, and I am sorry you had to fight at all. But I am asking if you're unharmed, and if you want me to take you down."
"No," Damian let go of Jason's head. "And yes, please."
Jason took the sword and Talia took her son. All of them took a retreat.
They made a pit-stop in a drug store, then Jason bought some clothes. Now, Jason was sporting bright red curls, Talia was looking gorgeous in a men suit and a hat, and Damian's sword was hidden from privy eyes in an elongated gift box.
They checked into a different hotel than Jason reserved. But that was the least of the inconveniences they were going to face now.
"So," Jason sipped orange juice.
They were sitting far away from the other restaurant patrons, and the architecture of the place ensured their voices wouldn't carry.
Talia didn't reply, though. She was carving Damian's meal into smaller pieces while the kid was looking at her with indulgence, as though she needed that far more than he did. He merely allowed it.
Based on how Damian was with his sword, maybe that's how it actually was.
Jason coughed and said louder.
Talia sighed and gave the fork and knife back to Damian.
"Yes. Jason. Those were my father's men. Or hired by him in any case, thus allowing us to be attacked with so many witnesses, each of whom potentially could have recorded the incident and posted on social media. Which, in turn, would make it harder for us to reach our destination unnoticed. Or, keep your father from finding out you're alive."
"He really doesn't like me, does he," Jason pursed his lips.
What did he do? He didn't feel like he deserves that negativity yet.
"Grandfather said you're a blight upon the world," Damian said helpfully. "You coming back disrupted the natural order of things."
"Natural order?.. He is an immortal!.."
"Father is very much a mortal man, hence his reliance on the Lazarus's Pit. And he never was closer to feeling his mortality than when he caught up to the fact that I disobeyed his orders continuing to help you, and us, together, decimating his operatives around the world."
"He's not seriously butt-hurt I killed a child slaver, is he?"
"His issue was more with the poisoner. And my insubordination in general. He told me he was too lenient with me for too long," she rubbed her forehead. "And he can forgive a youthful folly, and he can forgive me taking pity on you once. Everything else required a proof of loyalty from me."
"Which was?.."
Talia pressed her lips together. Jason glanced quickly at Damian and back. She closed her eyes in response and when she opened them, there was nothing but determination.
"So, you're going to Gotham."
"I learned the way of Sword and Shadows from my mother," Damian said after he chewed a bite. Jason noticed he shoved carrots to the side. Good to see something of a normal kid in him. "And now I am going to learn the way of the Bat from my father."
"You know, I learned the way of the Bat already. I would rather do swords." Jason looked up at Talia. "Speaking of which. I guess the supply of masters is all dried out? Can you teach me?"
She wrinkled her nose.
"We teach the sword from the time a baby starts walking. I don't have patience going through the basics with someone like you."
Jason pressed a hand to his chest.
"I am a delightful student, I will have you know. No teacher of mine ever had a bad word to say, after."
He could tell she wanted to roll her eyes, but also she wanted to smile, so that was a win.
What Talia actually did, was to offer him a couple of option.
"I know a group of people in South Eastern Asia. But their sword style differs from mine, or most if what you will meet nowadays. It also includes a lot of introspection, suffice to say."
"Pass," Jason said.
"And the Terminator."
"Will he do it, though?"
"For a price. I can place a call, check out the price - but you will have to cone up with money this time."
"Don't worry," Jason said, mentally adjusting his plans. "I just know where to get it."
It's what he would have to do in any case. Jason getting outed was a big possibility. He can't step into Gotham - or, rather, let Bruce know he is back in town. Which meant no Red Hood, and no toying with food. It meant getting sneaky and flying under all kind of radars.
One part of the plan didn't change: Joker was going to be in LA tonight, and Jason was going to kill him.
The new spin on that plan was, Jason was going to rob him first.
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cycat4077 · 2 years
Hello. I had this random thought that I wanted to share. Plus it has been all of a day since we have mentioned Sonny 🤣
I think it would be really sweet if he started dating someone removed from his ADA/NYPD world so she didn't know all these things about his family other then what he told her. He'd first introduce his GF to Bella early in their relationship before the rest of his family. Kind of a test, if she survives that she will survive his other Ma and other sister. I think Bella would be the 'less in your face, less crazy' one of the family besides his father. I also would like to think as she is his little sister they have a this close relationship. 
I would love it if they totally hit it off. Both Bella and his GF get along so well. They would have these conversations, where Sonny is feeling like the third wheel. Eventually his GF and Bella become close where they socialise without him, gossip etc etc.... He would be all “I can’t believe ya went to dinner with Bella and didn’t even tell me about it.” I want to think he'd love how close of friends they are becoming, maybe even possibly worry about what they were talking about especially if it was about him? Though I'm not sure....  
I know in the show, it gives the impression his Ma would be the most important person for his approval and be maybe first one his family his GF meets etc but I find this idea cute. What are your thoughts/opinion? Do you think this could happen? I've watched a fair bit of him on the show but don't have this full idea yet if that makes sense.
Sorry for totally rambling and long message. I have all these thoughts to type out 😂.
YES! I think this would most certainly be something Sonny would do.
After "Parole Violations", I think Sonny and Bella grew even closer, especially since Sonny, who wasn't necessarily a fan of Tommy's before, defended him and made Bella see that it wasn't Tommy's fault. I feel like there would have been a lot of appreciation towards Sonny for that.
Also, it's my personal HC (until we're told otherwise) that the age gap between Sonny/Bella and Teresa/Gina is larger than between those pairs themselves. So, Sonny and Bella would get into younger kid mischief while Teresa and Gina were end-of-middle-school/teenagers. That would make the bond between them stronger too.
And, as Sonny said in that same episode, his older sisters aren't the best to be taking relationship advice from since Gina has been "engaged" multiple times while Teresa is more interested in the dollar value attached to a guy. That leaves Bella who's more level headed, loving Tommy for who he is and not who he was.
With Rollins, she already knew Bella so the first impressions were out of the way before they got together. And I don't see Bella and Amanda developing a relationship outside of her romantic connection to Sonny. (That is, becoming friends without being his girlfriend first.) But we DO know that Sonny wants his family to like the person he chooses to be with. While some may say that your family shouldn't have a say in who you choose to date, I don't think it's a bad thing if the context is right. In Sonny's case (and if I ever will be lucky enough to find a S/O), his family is so important to him and his S/O is so important to him that he wants them to like one another. It would be torturous to have to choose between the two or always play mediator.
Coming back to the question (see, I ramble too, lol), I definitely think Sonny would have his gf meet Bella first. Like you said, she seems sensible and I think that their sibling bond is even stronger. He'd have a hard time hiding his smile if he saw them getting along so well.
After the first meeting Bella texts Sonny a: "Ma's gonna love her." and he grins even wider.
Sonny then plans to bring his gf over to his parents for some holiday-type occasion so that everyone is there. Get it over with all in one shot lol. In the meantime, his gf and Bella arrange lunches and coffees from time to time. They get along great, his gf gets silly stories about Sonny as a kid and they bond over various things. They just get how each other ticks and it helps that they both love their families.
One day when Sonny meets them for coffee, he does something that's one of Sonny's little habits (something Bella has filled in the gf on how the habit came to be) and they both giggle, Sonny looking completely left out and getting grumbly about it. Of course, on the inside he's just so happy that they're getting along so well.
And finally, when the time comes for that family dinner, meeting his parents and other siblings goes wonderfully. Serafina scold Sonny for not bringing her over sooner and Bella offers her endless praise over how good a friend the gf is. Sonny is over the moon as his gf officially gets "adopted" into the Carisi clan.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE thinking about these little scenarios! I'm also happy we got to finally see Ma Carisi in the show. We all had our suspicions about what she would be like and she didn't disappoint. I love how Mia was all pro Amanda, too. And now, if we could only see how Bella and Teresa have changed while also meeting Dom Sr and Gina :D
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