#im too tired to listen to discourse yall
I'll say this once and only once bc I'll only consume Netflix ATLA via Tumblr gif sets and YouTube compilations only
The fandom: Show runners ruining character arcs in order to make the show more "safe", people simping for a trynnaical dictator and abusive father bc he's played by a smoking hot man, SHIPPING DISCOURSE RENAISSANCE!!
Me, cheerily wearing orange and green noise cancelling headphones to block out the flames while waving taang (toph x aang) flags even tho I know I have to wait for Schrodinger's season 2: :3 I YEARN FOR MORE CRUMBS :3 🧡💚🧡💚🧡💚
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mybiasisexo · 1 month
Hi! Hope u had a great day!
Can I just vent for a sec? If u don’t mind?
Okay here it goes… I rly need solo stans to shut. the. fuck. up. Like rly I do. As we know, Baek had his concert (which looked fantastic btw! I’m so proud of him!) and ofc, some of members came to show their support (im sure if Sehun and Jongin weren’t enlisted/busy they’d be there. Same goes for Yixing). However some miserable people wanted to use this ammunition or proof (whatever the fuck they want to call it) that the members don’t like each other, completely over analyzing their actions/words. Tbh, it’s mainly Kyungsoo and Baekhyun stans I see this from. Tho some other solo fandoms have been yapping about too. For some reason, they’ve gotten brave since Ksoo and CBX left sm (ofc I’m happy that they’re out of the shithole that’s sm). Like it’s 20-fucking-24! And yall still don’t believe that they like each other yet? Seriously? They’ve been together for nearly 15 years at this point. And they are FUCKING GROWN ASS ADULTS! If they didn’t like each other or want to be around each other, then they wouldn’t interact at all outside of work. Yet, how many times do we hear stories of ppl running into them while they’re on LITERAL “DATES” WITH EACH OTHER. Stop treating them like they’re in high school ffs! Every time any member is asked about exo during solo activities, they always say how they’re lucky to have them and that they’re family/brothers/lifelong friends.
If you don’t like the group or certain members, fine. That’s how you feel. I can’t change that. But you need to shut your damn mouths and show some respect! As the saying goes: if you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say anything at all. Just remember, any of them members would burn you all alive to keep the others warm. Without a second’s hesitation.
Sorry, damn, I rly needed to get this off my chest. Thanks for listening to my rant lol. 😂
Damn. Yknow I’ve been lucky enough to miss this discourse and I’m glad cause solo stans make me sad bro 😔. I truly can’t understand the concept when it comes to exo. They are one god dammit!!!!
But yeah you’re spitting nothing but facts! Exo have proven years ago that they are more than just coworkers and it’s such a tired argument. If they really didn’t care for each other they would disband. They’re literally staying with sm to remain together like ??? If that don’t prove their loyalty idk what does.
Solo stans can gag bro cause exo ain’t going anywhere and they love each other lmfaoooo like huh???
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
believing in female solidarity and class conciousness and sisterhood while dealing with western feminists is actually a nightmare lmao
im so tired of making an effort, i truly am. im so tired. im tired of feeling like i have to teach Basic Empathy and Caring abt Others and Class Conciousness 101. im tired of being the only one whose making an effort in this relation. im so tired of it being the case that its only the westerners who lose their little marbles over whatever feminist points i may be be trying to make, and they somehow don't understand the irony in them prepetually calling so many nonwestern feminists fascists or whatever the fuck else. yes yes, indian feminists are just stupid for trying to ban pornography and surrogacy, please enlighten them. south korean women are just evil brainwashed bitches, that's why they're radical separatists - south asia in general having a separatist and radical wave is for no reason whatsoever theyre just nazis lmao. african feminists, so many of them, are white supremecists for not exactly parroting your western bullshit, yup yup this makes sense. islamic feminists are "suspicious" lmao for the language we use in our writings (analysis of material reality). lets completely ignore that the feministms of the nonwestern world call for the abolition of prostitution. balkan sex trafficking victims, which are most prostitutes and child prostitues in the west, spending years speaking out against all this and trying to change laws? naaah we know nothing, we dont know nothing at all, the well of westerners who have no idea what theyre talking abt will englighten us abt that, while calling for the death of women who dont agree with their sex work bullshit lmao. we also have a bad habit of joking abt unifying and killing men and killing sex tourists, we should probably stop that bc its real offensive and scary to the westerners too
all this god damn endless performative sharade about LiSteN to WoMen of CoLour and LisTen to ThIrd WoRld WoMen and liSten to NonWeSteRn WoMen and poOr woMen and SeX TrAffIcking ViCtiMs (wait nvm they dont even say that now, bc only "sex workers" exist to them, ever) et fucking cetera. yea lmao. they dont actually give a shit about marginalized women though
god help us. how the hell is the cognitive dissonance of this whole situation not hitting them exactly? with. literally basically any other feminist on this planet but the liberal/mainstream westerners you can hold an actual conversation and discourse and understand each other. everyone but them and their postmodern brainrot understands this is a class struggle and understands the root of the opression of the female sex. "ThErES nO UnIvErSalLiTy BetWeEN wOmEn" just shut it already jfc. the fact that we can have international conversations on our struggles basically already proves there is - its only you who cant get what planet youre living on, with the endless relativity and individualism and choice and language politiquing and patriarchal bootlicking
i know, because ive been doing it for years. and ive been watching the feminist movements of the nonwestern world for years. i also know the only reason why on this blog i Can actually for the most part say things without being crucified is bc most of yall arent western or white or both
and apart from the ones who outright lose their mind or feel incredibly comfortable speaking over you or talking down to you - dont rly know how they havent choked on the entitlement yet -maybe they're just fucking lost and too far gone. but. even the rest. who are less hostile or just privileged and dont know better. im just tired, just tired.
the internet is chock full of the opinions of nonwestern women on feminism. the internet is chock full of the accounts of sex trafficking victims, of child prostitues, of prostitutes, of experts on human trafficking. its fucking full of it. and its on tv, and sometimes in newspapers. god fucking damn it so much has been written on this, so much has been done on this, so many efforts movements organizations documentaries whatever the fuck. spains laws were changed by our trafficked women but somehow its like this fact doesn't exist to the westenrs, or the have the gull to explain that, actually, they're wrong.
it is of absolutely no pleasure of me at all to educate the western "feminists" on shit they could educate themselves on in approximately 10 fucking minutes if theyd bother to do a google search and give a shit, actually give a shit and maybe, for fucking once, realize theyre not always right and the center of the world. its of no pleasure to me at all to have to keep my cool and be nice enough that whatever i say isnt just dismissed, because if youre too fucking angry over god damn sexual slavery you're just an evil crazy irrational bitch. im tired. whatever the hell i say has been said by so many before, so many times, for so long, but its like its been said to a wall or yelled out into space
sometimes i wonder what the hell we must even do for it to even matter. rationality and calmness hasnt helped. anger hasn't helped. detailed accounts of what its Actually like to be trafficked or a child prostitute or a prostitute or a sex slave, havent helped. we have bore our pain and sorrows and trauma and soul and so often it doesn't mean a single god damn thing to them. what. what needs to happen. should we just start having mental breakdowns and screaming our throaths raw infront of them? no, they will not care or understand even then. should we show them what the sexual slavery of children actually looks like - except wait, theres undercover journalism and documentaries and accounts written on this. it matters not. it matters not. Whats next? Interpretive dance?? What else we got, should we maybe just start trying to communicate through telepathic waves?? i wonder if some of them are simply doomed to be deaf and blind and unfeeling
im tired of making the effort, and im tired of reaching across the isle hoping that at least some of them can change their minds and give a shit and open their eyes to whats actually happening, and how detached their "feminism" is from the rest of ours. im tired of having to explain to the western women whose ideology is responsable for, lmao, our peoples sexual slavery, that this shit is real bad, and lmao in actuality imperialism, but having to do it nicely enough while They are x30 times more hostile with Me. lord. if youre going to call me a fascist and cancel me irl, if were just throwing words around, can i just start calling them slavers? except thats not going to get us anywhere, except no matter how many times i want to just snap, i know that doing so as badly as i want to to their face isnt going to get anything done
. and.what choice do i have, really? i cant simply leave the western feminists to their bullshit. because what they think becomes law in their own damn countries and then affects us, it becomes international law as well because it is their country who lead the international community. the bullshit that they think, actually, unfortunately direcly affects us. and not only that, but it affects the women and girl-children most vulnerable and opressed in their own countries, whom are still our sisters whose pain and saftey i am concerned with. so i cant just leave them to it, and there is little choice then to not educate, or not try to at least try to reach across the isle. theres little choice but to have the hope that some of them can care and understand, and that some is better than nothing and worth it and a start..... even with how fucking tired and fed up i am and how i wish i wouldnt have to keep bearing my god damn suffering just so theyd get it, im still. frankly so willing to do it with someone who is actually willing to listen and change. i dont believe in canceling people forever, and i have the hope and knowledge that changing one persons mind is a ripple effect, for then they change anothers mind, and on and on
i just wish. theyd at least meet me halfway. im tired of making the effort to still see them as sisters and women whose struggles i care about, while for the most part they could give less of a shit
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angelic-prince · 3 years
Instead of brushing off our voices and concerns and issues or making fun of them, why don’t you try actually listening to disabled people without screeching about how some other minority has it worse or how we’re such a “small” minority that we shouldn’t expect any rep and should be put on the back burner because the “majority minorities” deserve more rep??
Or would that actually mean having to change some of y’alls ways and acknowledge the severe amount of ableism in online left and woke circles hm?
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0rb1ting-1 · 4 years
In conclusion, if you vibe with hetalia in 2020 good for you. If you don’t, also good for you. We all know it’s a fucking shit show and the anime equivalent of a dumpster fire. It’s 2020, if Hetalia was gonna come back at some point, i’m not surprised it’s on this hell hole year. It’s not that deep yall, just keep it moving.
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fried-manto · 3 years
hmm.... come to think of it...bakugou is standing right next to deku right?
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so..wtf was bakugou doing when deku
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fell on his knees?? did horikoshi just think that bakugou doing this again after just two chapters later might make it look like he supports the shipping discourse thingy??
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or is bakugou too distracted on something else? lol
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" damn, i just apologised to deku. i wonder if he'll ever forgive me...i hope i dont sound too cheesy. then again was he even listening?? what do the class think of me now. not like they know everything, dont think they'll even look at me anymore if they do. ugh thinking of this makes me cringe, why the fuck did i apologise in public. i wanted to do it in the hospital (my interpretation of why bakugou wanted to to talk to deku, i guess), but stupid nerd here ran away with all might to become batman or some shit. oh yea, where is all might?? he's not anywhere when we saw deku. where the hell is he now?
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hey, come to think of it. Round face ( Uraraka ) here has been saying the same thing since last chapter. the author is really stretching this huh? anything for that sweet sweet clifthanger in the end of the volume. i hope im just not going to be stab to half death again this time. i wonder if the author is going to give me some dialog next chapter. havent been speaking for a week... " dude be thinking alot when he didnt even noticed the guy next to him is on his knees ugly crying lol.
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NO WAIT, not just bakugou. wtf were yall doing when- im too tired to spell it out again.
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i dont even know where tf todoroki is. probably found his dad and sticked with him for awhile lol. dang yall really be thinking hard to not notice. " damn bakugou just apologised, wonder how midoriya will reply to that.. hey..is it just me or is Uraraka repeating the same thing she said one chapter ago....? "
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its okay i noticed babyboy. if i could, i would go to your world and hug the fuck out of you.
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bi-lesbian · 4 years
How do you feel about the term sapphic replacing lesbian as the community umbrella? ❤️
well id be fine with it if:
A) people actually used sapphic as the main term for loving women instead of just saying lesbian isnt for all wlw, and then continuing to use it as such
B) if lesbian no longer being claimed to be the main term wasnt due to extremely biphobic political lesbian/radfem rhetoric from the 70s when lesbian was always used as an umbrella term for hundreds of years before that, and tons of people still define/use it as an umbrella
C) if kicking bi women out of the lesbian label didnt also cause more people to just take more "lesbian only" terms from bi women, and generally end up hella erasing bi womens history shared in lesbianism
D) if any bi women ~dare~ to continue to use lesbian for whatever reasons, then lesbian separatists literally fucking harass, insult them, say theyre "lesbophobic, biphobic, and transphobic," actually fucking tell them to kill themselves, and blame them for predatory mens actions- bc apparently bi automatically means theyre """available to men""" (gross, no one is just "available" to anybody) and if men think that way about lesbians too, its the bi womens fault (bc not holding the fault towards the actual shitty men and victim blaming to fellow queer ppl is just great isnt it? /s)
E) if it generally wasnt another case of "these labels are for X people only now, but yall can have this other word that doesnt hold the same amount of history and common usage 😊" like people keep doing with other queer terms- butch and femme to name a few. people do not like to have their terms stripped away from them and just have something else shoved onto them, its fucking shitty. and im fucking sick and tired of people acting like bi women need to just suck it up and let this shit happen, and get labeled lesbo/bi/etc-phobes if they try to say anything about how fucked up this is and to continue using their own god damn words.
so yeah, generally sapphic is fine i dont have anything against using it, but im extremely fucking pissed at all the shit surrounding it and how incredibly biphobic everyone is being about it. im not one to be like "just listen to X people" about stuff bc thats often used like "if you ever disagree with me then youre obviously ignoring me and not just having your own opinion," but please just at least hear us bi lesbians out. please stop being just reactionary about all this shit and not even trying to understand anything about our side. its. fucked. up.
im so god damn tired of intracommunity discourse, people taking shit from each other, and putting blame amongst our fellow queers.
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idiealotdontworry · 4 years
im literally so tired of aphobes on this stupid hell site. we didn't fucking do anything to you, every "cringe" or "homophobic" aspec on here has been proven to be someone faking being aspec again and again but yall don't fucking listen. you don't care. you just see a vulnerable group of people and jump at the chance to be the bully you don't have the stones to be IRL and it's so transparent and disgusting.
i don't care anymore about the "aspecs have always been here" argument because at this point it doesn't even matter, even IF these were completely new identities, they would still deserve respect, they would still deserve to not be reduced down to "discourse"
ace and aro people aren't infringing on your rights, not at pride, not in general, not at all. we are not telling you to stop kissing in public, we are not telling you what to do, anyone that DOES has either been confirmed to have been faking it to mock us and make people hate us, or is someone who is. like. 13 and doesn't know shit about anything because they're 13 and, seriously, you weren't right about jack shit as a kid either, and a child having a stance that you find problematic by no means justifies the very real harassment and abuse that y'all throw our way
you say we aren't oppressed. I say you aren't fucking listening. You aren't seeing it, because you are not aspec. And you do not care, because you are not aspec, but also because you are so desperate to feel better than SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, that you throw us, who were supposed to be your friends in this fight for LGBTQ+ rights, into the fire again and again and again. you other us, you mock us for existing, you refuse time and again to listen or understand our struggles or plight. we face very real IN REAL ACTUAL LIFE discrimination but you refuse to care. you think we're cishet, that we're invading "your" community, or faking, or confused, or cringy or whatever the fuck. Aspec people have been raped, beaten, tortured with conversion therapy, kicked out of our homes, and so many other atrocities, FOR BEING ASPEC, but "we're not oppressed" because being invisible is a privilege, right? having a "hideable" identity is a privilege, right?
we face everything you do. every challenge, every roadblock, every bit of discrimination and erasure and pain and suffering. really, we do, and there's sources to back it up that i don't have the spoons to find rn. but because we're different than you, and because we challenge your amatonormative worldviews, you don't give a shit. we're disposable to you.
we ARE oppressed, not just by actual cishets but by all you allo LGBTQ people, too. But even if we weren't, that wouldn't be the point, because the POINT is acceptance. and no one is accepting us. I'm fucking tired. go fuck yourselves. nothing i say, nothing i do, no amount of sources i link or articles and studies i cite, no amount of words on a page pleading with you to treat us with basic fucking decency, basic humanity, will EVER make you change. you don't want to change, so you won't. that's that.
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shadow-schemer · 5 years
That feel every time the same old angry reworded discourse shows up in your fandom every time like yes i get it you're all miserable, yes you hate the creators for not giving you the ship/ narrative/ purity lesson/ validation you want, yes you hate sexy things some older fans want for themselves, like listen im tired. I just want to enjoy stuff. I dont want to be woke from yall first world problems nonsense anymore. I just want to discuss how cool the story and characters are and what everyone likes. But of course thats too much to ask around here.
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gghero · 5 years
People who dont want to be called queer are valid. I respect yall
But could you PLEASE not add the mandatory "queer is a slur" discourse onto personal posts of people using that word? We know. We fucking know. We are reminded it is a slur constantly and its tiring and stressful, do you think its easy to reclaim a word?
Before you say something like "that literally never happens" please just look at the notes of every popular post that uses the word queer, and listen to us.
We need you too to end the stigma we are trying to fight. This includes: if you know a person feels only comfortable being called queer because its easier to explain than their actual sexuality/gender, you should minimize the exposure they get to rants against the word queer because... idk man it wears you off. To interiorize that your identity is less valid because some of your fellow lgbt people refuse to call you that, because you should just call yourself Xsexual Ygender for them to be comfortable adressing you... its exhausting.
i get that some - no, a lot of pro-queer - folks have been loud jerks before, overstepping boundaries, being annoying, we are aware of this. I cannot speak for their actions and im sorry and ashamed that the lib kweer has become the visual representation of us. So dont become like them in retaliation, and dont boss around and annoy people who just want to call themselves queer.
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fatlittlefroge · 6 years
Sometimes you just have to rant about tumblr bullshit instead of going to bed at a barely reasonable time
bc as a group of people who love to laugh at straights/men for doing the whole “what about me?? :((((” thing, yall looooove to do it too
i reaaaalllllyyyy try to keep out of discourse/stating my opinion on this site for a multitude of reasons, but one of the biggest ones is bc im an adult and this site is populated by early-mid teenagers. i dont expect everyone to be mature bc they literally arent, and its not my place as an adult to try and force kids to listen to me with some kind of holier than thou attitude
but like,,, i used to be a early teen on this site and it never got this bad. ever. i remember the biggest discourse used to be that A stood for asexual not ally, and even then it was rare to even be on my dash
idk when the shift happened, but at some point everyone became so obsessed with being right and inclusive that everything had to be about everything. no one can make a post making a general statement abt a topic without a thousand people screaming “WELL I GUESS YOU HATE THIS *insert specific person/place/thing* AND UR A FUCKING MONSTER”. sorry op didnt feel the need to write up a 25 page dissertation on the subject before posting. it just ends up with everyone reaching for something to get angry about and everyone pointing fingers to try and find the most “wrong” person. its fucking exhausting.
see a post and feel like op didnt touch on an important topic? well theres a neat tool which lets u make ur own post without shaming anyone AND it still gets ur point across! wow!!!!
and this isnt even coming from a personal experience!!! ive been on this site since ~2010 and ive never had any fights with anyone, so its not like im making this out of some spite abt being called out by some 14y/o going through baby’s-first-social-justice. this is all second hand experience over seeing 12000 posts like that every day and being tired of the secondhand aggression 
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autisticstarseed · 7 years
im just. so dead tired of people out here really thinking that straight people even care about aces at all. like i cant believe exclusionists still actually try that “uhh you’re valid though!” shit when theyre constantly equating being ace as hetero points(tm) on your sexuality card. ‘oh yeah yall ur valid but also ur basically straight and should just go hang out with the straight ppl!’ smhhh like ill be fucking real to you if you are a gay exclusionist you should especially know damn well what its like to tell a straight person you dont wanna have sex with them. they hate it. they hate us. they will get violent. they will pressure us. they rape us. that is Not a safe place for us.
on top of that, they genuinely dont even view us like we’re any ‘less gay’ or something. hets don’t understand it and won’t accept it if its an identity besides het, i thought that was obvious lmao. its the same to them. we’re forced into therapy to fix us, raped to fix us, everyone wants to fix us. people arent punished by society for specifics, nobody says god hates pans, polys and androgynes, you are punished if you arent cishet. whether or not your warped fucking mind thinks aces are straight, straight people dont, therefore we are not accepted by them. and if you listened and even just Pretended to care about our experiences you would understand that, but yall literally won’t take in anything that doesn’t back up your discourse. anything that makes it look like we’re struggling is ignored and brushed off. wiped from the record every time its brought up. doesnt matter didnt happen i dont care. We’re not allowed to look vulnerable. 
and the problem is, we are so vulnerable right now. im sorry but the only reason we’re not this dictionary definition of oppression you guys have is bc we’re literally too invisible, and erasure aint privilege when the 25% of people that Do know what you are fucking hate you and think your sexuality is biologically impossible and a mental illness. we’re not accepted by straight people, not accepted by lgbt+ people, we have no support system. saying “go take care of yourselves” is another way of saying go be silent and ignorable. its not how a community works, if only the people that are a part of it support themselves theyre a sitting fucking duck. we have no awareness, no support, nothing and no one on our side but ourselves. if you have no allies you have no system. its literally just a blatant attempt by everyone to push us onto someone else so they dont have to care about us. its hellish and the loneliest ive ever felt with my identity to date.
most importantly just stop fucking telling us where to go, what to do, how to identify, etc. if you wanted us out of your community that bad then you need to stay in your own lane. you literally dont have a right to tell us what to do with ourselves. it was never your place but especially not now. i dont care what your discourse is, aces have valid problems that deserve peoples attention and support. whether we’re traumatized aces or aces with mental disabilities or just ace because we’re fucking ace, we’re out here alone and struggling and if you refuse to listen to our pleas for any form of positive attention from you then your issues with us run far deeper than just saying you dont want us in your club. you literally dont fucking care about us. we’re a joke to you. at least admit that
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yur-ahh · 7 years
Tagged by: @noonedefeatsme
rules: answer these 85 statements & tag 20 people
the last: 1. drink: pepsi (lol self medicating) 2. phone call: the only person i call is my grandpa 3. text message: "myth puppy" from @alma---vivo 4. song you listened to: believe me natalie by the killers 5. time you cried: yesterday morning
have you ever: 6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: once lol, that's why i was crying 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: does potentially special count? i was too young to remember anything about her, but i know she was special to me already 10. been depressed: i'm getting better 11. gotten drunk & thrown up: nope
favorite colors: 12. purple 13. red 14. pink
in the last year have you: 15. made new friends: i have!!! and i've been so happy for the first time in a long long time 16. fallen out of love: obviously 17. laughed until you cried: on more than one occasion! 18. found out someone was talking about you: i'll take this to mean "talking shit behind my back" and yes, of course, have you seen the internet? people have been talking shit about my achievements since i debuted in juniors three years ago 19. met someone who changed you: interestingly enough, one changed me in bad ways and the others changed me in better ways than i could ever imagine 20. found out who your friends are: found out i had way more friends than i thought. i've got a problem with understanding my relationships with people 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: i'm gonna be real right now. i don't run my official facebook account so i have no idea who i have added on there
general: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: okay i checked just for you and yes they're all the accounts of senior skaters, so i know most of them (also i finally remember who minami kenjirou is) 23. do you have any pets: my two kitties potya and mariska 💕 24. do you want to change your name: i was gonna be cheeky and say "uwu my last name uwuwuwuwu" but do you know how long that name would be??? Too Long. so i guess i don't have to call about changing all my merch 25. what did you do for your last birthday: had a movie marathon (note to self, start marathons earlier than 5pm) 26. what time did you wake up: 4am? it might've been 5. i have a hard time sleeping at night 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching youtube to help me pass out 28. name something you can’t wait for: getting married 31. what are you listening to right now: vitya snoring quietly 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i think there was an interviewer once named tom?? idk 33. something that is getting on your nerves: there's a fly in here and i have no idea where it is 34. most visited website: tumblr.hell, youtube, or netflix 35. hair colour: i can see there being discourse about this in the future (cause yall pick the dumbest things sometimes) but i'm a natural blond 36. long or short hair: my hair is past shoulder-length by now 39. piercings: here's a cool piece of trivia. i got my ears pierced a long time ago, i just rarely ever wear earrings 40. blood type: B. i'm not gonna lie, i had to check my own wiki page for that one 41. nicknames: you guys know most of my nicknames by now: yura, yurotchka, yusha, yushka, kotik, koneko, kitten, etc 42. relationship status: taken x4 combo! 43. zodiac: pisces 44. pronouns: he/him 45. favourite tv show: princess tutu or vampire diaries (both got me through hard times don't @ me) 46. tattoos: i love how they look but i'm not sure if i'll get any 47. right or left handed: right-handed 48. surgery: none.... yet, knock on wood 49. piercing: awesome this is on twice 50. sport: figure skating ofc. i would put ballet on here but i don't dance competitively so does it even count as a sport? 51. vacation: i had the wonderful opportunity of going to universal studios, epcot, disney's hollywood studios, and disney world all in the span of a week 52. pair of trainers: only for exercising
more general 53. eating: snuck outta the nest awhile ago to get some fruit 54. fav drink: fUCK i LOVE SMOOTHIES. STRAWBerry smoothies, mANGO smoothies, pour it down my throat you COWARDS 55. what you’re up to: being the middle of a vitya and seung-gil cuddle sandwich 56. waiting for: someone to wake up 57. want: seung to Move his Hand lmao 58. get married: yeah 🐱 59. career: jj wrote "Gold medalist ;)" so im gonna write "goldier medalist ;*"
which is better: 60. hugs or kisses: i love to be kissed. also, lemme point out it didn't say where the kisses are going 61. lips or eyes: lips, their shape, their color, lipstick, lipgloss (though, eyes are also fascinatingly beautiful) 62. shorter or taller: taller. tall people are easier to spot in a crowd 63. older or younger: young 64. nice arms or nice stomach: all tummies are perfect canvasses for me to write my name or rest my head 65. hook up or relationship: definitely relationship, i wouldn't have been able to do hookups i think 66. troublemaker or hesitant: the thing is, you need to have both. an impulsive, "spontaneous" person will make the cautious, "calculating" person open up to doing things they never would have done, but they also keep the impulsive person from doing anything dangerous
have you ever: 67. kissed a stranger: nope 68. drank hard liquor: noo 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i-i don't have glasses! 70. turned someone down: pffff the amount of angels who were clearly in heat and on twitter (a bad combination already) and asking me to father their pups has been hilarious considering i physically cannot do so 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: not that i know of 73. had your heart broken: yes 74. been arrested: absolutely not, i'm a good boy 75. cried when someone died: obviously??? i'm a human being?? i cried when binx died in hocus pocus and he didn't even actually die 76. fallen for a friend: fuck off
do you believe in 77. yourself: only if i'm motivated by something else, usually proving to people that they shouldn't underestimate me 78. miracles: everyday is a miracle, like when i wake up and i see my pack wasn't just a dream, or every time i make them smile 79. love at first sight: no, and if you think it does you're going to have a bad time 80. santa claus: i havent believed in ded moroz since i was seven, grandpa used to say that if he was ded moroz, i could be snegurochka because if i grew my hair out i'd look just like her pfff he's right though 81. kiss on the first date: if it went well, go for it! 82. angels: ive never been very religious or spiritual but i do find comfort in the idea of guardian angels 83. current best friend’s name: aside from my pack, there's phichit/pchela (@justpeachyphichit), seung-gil (@alma---vivo), and of course mila (@milababaecheva) 84. eye colour: blue/green 85. favourite movie: besides the lion king, i really love the movie black swan
20 is way too many people to tag so if i mentioned you in this post you can count that as me tagging you? if you want? idk i'm so tired i spent almost four hours typing this
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jonghyyn · 7 years
1)this fandom turned to be disturbing yall only care about shinee sexual orientation and gender when its not of anyone's business. you spend all ur time on fighting over their personal matters instead of enjoying their music and what they give us. both sides acting like what they say is confirmed facts nd when one of shinee say random names or look at someone you act like they want to have sex with them nd yall act that the only attraction is sexual or romantic
2)the side that gets angry of the possibility that shinee are queer is homophobic nd not all idols has to be cis. the side that gets angry at the possibility that shinee might be like girls is weird coz we don't know these idols in real life no matter what they say or share with us
3) as an pan-aro nd part of lgbt its lowkey skeevy for me that shawols are painting shinee as lgbt icons when they only did basic decent things but in no way they r lgbt icons. yall literally could be calling a hetero guys an lgbt icons. I get wanting to connect more with them nd wanting representation but its not like this. actual lgbt people get killed nd a lots of lgbt people are fighting for our rights with little support bc we r looking in representation somewhere else we r not sure about
4) and please don't start with the closet talk bc I know how dangerous for an idol to come out but the idols u think they r queer might not be queer in the first place and if they were we have no right to want to them out too, at the end we don't know their sexualities. what am I saying is both opinions should be treated as headcanons not as confirmed facts nd this whole issue shouldn't have got that big. also neurodivergent idols headcanons should be respected too
tbh i dont even know what ur..trying 2 say by this?? i dont understand how youre like Yeah, Headcanons! but when ppl talk about headcanons ur like no...i didnt mean it like that... i mean it honestly baffles me how you reconcile these two things. if u respect ppls abilities to have headcanons youve also got to accept ppls ability to Talk about them as headcanons?? getting in discussions w ppl who say every idol Must be straight or cis isnt fighting w someone over shinees orientations Specifically, its fighting against the bigotry involved in this line of thinking. arguing w ppl who say “___ Msut be cishet” is not saying “_____ must not be cishet” its saying to question what motivates ppl to say the first thing. its not really About shinee exclusively bc its applicable to every single idol, and tbh every single person. its a discussion larger than any one particular person. i think this is an aspect that a lot of ppl miss.  
also i truly dont know when ive ever acted like attraction can only be sexual or romantic bc i rly have not. talking about how queer idols Exist is not demanding idols be out. its acknowledging a reality that is hardly ever acknowledged. like. ignoring queerphobia is Not whats going to make it easier for idols to come out, discussing how queerphobia manifests in the idol industry is what will. 
it really tires me when ppl pull out the U Spend All Ur Time Doing This, we’re all here for the music!! enough of that!! because while thats true, we all did become connected through shinee through music, a part of being an Active participant in fandom for many ppl is also like...talking about stuff besides their music. we’re here for their music but the Reason ppl blog about them and do shit like make gifs or edits or fics or what have u is bc they also care about the members themselves. their music is a given. i also like mamamoos music a whole ton, but i dont have a blog dedicated 2 mamamoo bc i am not As invested in the band members as i am in shinee. which isnt to say that every stan has to get involved w this specific discourse or even discourse in general, just that stans often Do get involved w non-musicy things in the process of stanning.
why is it that only queer headcanons are policed to this level...why is it only queer headcanons are met w Listen To Their Music Instead ! instead of the numerous other things ppl involved in fandom do that dont directly relate to their music. why dont u tell gif makers that theyre Too Obssesed w shinees faces and to go listen to their music instead. ppl do shit like “boyfriend imagines” for shinee which are 1000% unrelated to their music and tbh effectively function as Headcanons except youll never see ppl respond to that with Go Listen To Their Music Instead! while its not always (although it. often is lmfao) explicitly said, a lot of bf imagines are implicitly cishet and i feel like this is undoubtedly why those are accepted w/o word. bc ppl find being cishet ‘more polite’ and ‘less intrusive.’ when u make being queer a taboo to talk about (whilst simultaneously accepting anyone that talks about being cishet) u are basically saying that it is more acceptable to be cishet, while being queer is something that ought to be kept private. if ur truly adamant that this is about not spending enough time enjoying shinees music, then id like 2 see u come at every single other thing in fandom that has nothing to do w music. every time you see someone say “hey jonghyun would make a great bf” remind that person they shldnt care about something like that and shld instead be supporting shinees music. in any case, you ought to examine what makes u think that someone being queer is taboo to speak of while not rallying against statements like ‘he would be a great bf 2 his girlfriend.’
anyway i agree that ultimately what people are doing is making. headcanons. ive always agreed w this fact? this is a thing i continually say?? its why im not out there to Objectively Prove that jonghyun is gay or bi or whatever. the reason people respond to statements like ‘no jonghyun is not gay hes a straightie hetero’ with ‘no ur wrong’ bc the first statement is one that is Constantly enforced by society and it just functions as a way 2 shut down queer voices and reassert the heterosexual default present Everywhere. society treats straight as the absolute default. this is why straight “Headcanons” arent treated as well lmao... headcanons. theres rly no reason for anyone out there 2 headcanon something as straight?? when its the Assumed Sexuality in every situation?? tbh the only reason ppl are interested in doing that is Denying that idols might not be straight. doing this when ppl are Forced 2 be straight is gross. theres a difference between queer ppl saying Hey, remember not all idols are straight so lets talk about that and straight ppl being all No! ur wrong! he cant be anything but straight so shut up! these two things are coming from different perspectives. 
like. imagine a pie being sliced up. historically, a 100% of this pie has been given to straight people. when queer ppl speak up, theyre trying to take some of their fair share of this pie. saying Hey, queer ppl exist!! is trying to section urself out a piece of the pie when youve been given none. someone saying Nope!! theyre all definitely straight is stealing back the measly slices someone has Actively Fought to obtain and attempting to perpetuate this imbalance. 
im not rly here for ppl painting shinee as lgbt icons. ive expressed how annoying i find statements like ‘king of the gays’ or whatever to be. but also just. saying that anyone in shinee might be lgbtq is not painting them as an lgbtq icon?? its just stating a fact?? esp since a lot of the King of The Gays ! stuff seems to come from ppl who position him as a Amazing Cishet Ally so. idek buddy i feel like youve got to further think through some of your positions bc some seem to be in direct conflict with others. 
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littlebabycrybtch · 5 years
god do exclusionists (who actually recognize what we go through and are decent human beings who dont feel okay with accusing an entire group of lying about rape and assault perhaps) just. not realize that like. if the lgbt+ community doesnt want us literally nobody else does either. we suffer under the exact same group but since its not as bad (bc of the erasure of aces) we’re cast off to the side even though nobody else is gonna understand our struggle or be willing to help us??? like? smh, cishet aces literally cannot and do not experience cishet privilege bc cishets Dont Accept Us lmao like. uhh where we gonna get this privilege from??? whos givin t to us??? does privilege grow on privilege trees like a natural resource ??? or is it perhaps, something perpetuated by society, and if society doesnt even fucking know what ace discourse is and decides to inherently groups aces in with lgbt+ as a new flavor of gay(tee em) then like. its not happening no matter how many posts you make. they hate us lol. it kills me like ‘tHe aCeS aRe PrIViLeGed’. sdkjfhsdkjf k well somebody better let the privileged ppl know that !! cuz as of rn this is what ‘ace privilege’ looks like. whether we’re lgbt+ oriented, aroace or yes, even cishet ace, it just doesnt. matter in the real world. its different and weird and ppl fucking reject it regardless. im sorry to burst your dang bubble but its just not as peachy for us as you make it sound like in ur echo chamber lmao its the pure violence of rape culture steeped in ableism and wrapped up in homophobia which when you open up the box is actually just ‘any orientation that i, a cishet, dont understand is gay and i hate it’ and thats why we need ur help. you’re literally the only group that Can help you just always wanna label it under the margin for caring bc we’re too cringey to be relatable which means our suffering is a joke lmao can we please get those empathy muscles workin like. god how does this not make sense that you should just. Care about our struggle instead of fighting over what to Call it, cuz theyre still going on this whole time ! they havent stopped and are in fact getting worse!!! smhhhhh like the roots of all the problems we face are things yall Claim to care about, why is it so fucking insignificant and ignorable when we tell you we’re experiencing it for our identity. why is there always an excuse. why do we mean. literally nothing to the same people who claim to listen and be caring. why are we subhuman im so tired pls just fucking care
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