#im too late to this fandom im not sorry
biby-24k · 27 days
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heroes and sad bois
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apoorhuman · 19 days
Mc: hey everybody!!!
The brothers: ....
Asmo: are... We seeing a ghost?
Satan: I don't think so, this is probably an illusion
Levi: what.. What if it's an hallucination?
Mammon: there's no way you idiot, what can even cause the hallucination?!
Beel: I believe tht this is a dream
Belphie: am I still half asleep?
Lucifer: excuse me, but who are you?
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knightingale · 6 months
Not that it really matters but the thing about the Darry Trial™ in AGoT that I think so many people get wrong is that Sansa was protecting Arya when she said she didn't remember what happened by the Trident. Lets say Sansa told the truth in that scene; she'd necessarily have to include that Arya hit Joffrey with a broomstick, because he was cutting Mycah's cheek for hitting Arya, and that's what led to the fight that had Nymeria biting Joff. But if Sansa said this then Arya would be wrongly seen as the guilty party.
Like, these people didn't care that Mycah was killed, so why would this room full of nobles and mostly Lannister knights care that Joffrey cut him on the cheek? They'd most likely view the situation as their Crown Prince chastising an impudent peasant for hitting highborn Lady Arya Stark. So Arya attacking her "defender" over this could be seen as an unjust (or even an irrational/crazed) assault on the future king. Don't get me wrong, I think Arya was totally right to beat Joff, just like Dunk was right to beat Aerion for the same reason, but their classist and sexist nobility isn't going to view the situation like we do.
And as we learn later, the punishment for striking a royal is to lose the hand that struck them. Do I think Robert would've cut Arya's hand off? No, of course not, but I'm sure that Sansa thought her sister would be punished in some way if she confirmed that Arya had hit a royal. We don't actually learn that Robert thinks the whole affair is no big deal until after Sansa has spoken and with further context we know that Sansa is frightened by Robert... so ya'know.
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
the show chb logo was also ripped from fandom, like in the past decade all the official chb shirt had the logo without the circle and then the fandom started doing and the show went for it, sorry your tags reminded me of that
[Link to post/tags in question]
Yeah, I know Delphi Strawberry Service has done more circular-based CHB shirt designs for ages, and I've seen the more circular-based designs floating around for awhile. I think Magicbysab's circular-based CHB shirt designs also predate the show design? Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I understand on a level that if they did base it off fandom designs, particularly if they're basing anything on widespread fanon or fandom-based concepts, it can be difficult to pin down credit or may even seen unnecessary. But if they're going to be doing that I feel like at least they could hire like, a fandom consultant of sorts? Instead of just ripping off from the fandom, hire someone from the community who produces that already so at least there's some recognition and acknowledgement of where it originated.
Heck, in some instances if you ask around in the fandom it's not hard to pinpoint who specifically popularized certain concepts! I could talk for ages about Cherryandsisters being a driving force behind photokinesis!Will, or Saberghatz with plague!Will (tbh between the two they spearheaded a ton of early Will/Solangelo fanon), and I swear Drksanctuary alone is behind like 50% of Alabaster fanon, etc etc etc. People in the fandom know these things! Heck, we know ReadRiordan company knows how to do that kind of thing! They commissioned Viria for the official art, and the UK Riordan newsletter reaches out to fans all the time to feature their work (with credit, they're one of the better ones)! Though in Rick's book tours he did showcase Viria's art (at least with credit) without asking before she got commissioned, and during the Tower of Nero book tours they actually straight up stole a solangelo edit from Pervysloth with completely zero credit (link is to my canon url readriordan parody blog).
I think it doesn't help as well that Rick and his editor allegedly use the fandom wiki in place of a series bible. The PJO wiki is notorious for putting inaccurate information or fanon onto pages at random and having no sources. (What I wouldn't give for the PJO wiki to have frequent book/page sources a la Warrior Cats wiki...) There are what, now almost 18 books in the main series alone? Of an extremely renowned best-selling series that's 20 years old and now being adapted for TV? And they STILL don't have a series bible? That's like, step 1 of writing a series. This kind of reliance of the fandom for resources and concepts definitely isn't new for them.
It just feels so bizarre as to what it says about how the ReadRiordan company views the fandom and the creatives within it. I understand that trying to figure out how to give credit to the concept of "CHB shirt design, but circular!" is difficult, if you even can find out who did that first or popularized it. But if you're going to rip things from fandom, at least find somebody to try and credit? Show that you put in even the tiniest amount of effort? And if you get it wrong and people know, they'll correct you and that's that! But ReadRiordan just keeps trying to actively obscure these kinds of things, even with their own media, not ripped from the fandom, which makes it feel all the worse when it gets pointed out. And a lot of the time the whole reason those concepts get popular is because they're filtered through big names in the fandom! The fandom is a community! We know these people! We can point to them and explain exactly what they popularized! Remember how Velinxi popularized long haired Piper with the heart-shaped flyaways? Goodness only knows how many fandom designs are heavily influenced by Viria and Minuiko and Burdge (and Indigonite and Fuocogo and Ikimaru and Thecottonproject and Joker-ace and Sixofclovers and Vikingmera and Saber and Cherry and and and-). If you are in the community this stuff is easy to find. But Rick and the ReadRiordan company clearly being ~5 years behind with fanon pretty obviously tells me that they're not in the community at all, and aren't bothering trying.
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the-slasher-files · 7 months
Ok yall, here is the fic that fixes it lol. Ignoring canon with a passion and throwing this in it. Also im very obsessed with the sunshine nickname lol. Warning: heavy angst, inaccurate medical, soap almost dying... hope you enjoy 🔪🤍
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The lump in your throat hadn't ceased since you received that phone call hours ago. Hands shaking, you packed an overnight bag that had become more Johnny's things than your own. He would need his favourite body wash- the one that would finally ease him as the sand flowed away. Johnny would want that stupid hair gel you had gotten as a sample. He said it made his mohawk withstand the Scotland wind and rain like no other. Your smile curled as a tear fell down your cheek when you piled in his favourite hoodie- "Y'know I've had this since I was 21, if I ever lose it, a piece of me will die, Bonnie" His thick fingers pulled slightly on the drawstring. Cobalt blues shifted from the SAS logo to your eyes with all the love in the world. He was your world, and all you could do was wait.
"Love," Ghost's timber trembled over the plane engines, "We are transferring him to Glasgow now-"
"T-tell me..." Your breath caught with a deep inhale as you tried to form a sentence, anything. "Tell me he'll be ok"
You were met with silence for a few beats before a sigh shook on the other end of the line. It held your shattering hope.
"Just- P-Please wait for me to text you with the details, okay?"
"Okay?" His voice was harsh with a grunt becoming the cold Liuentent, giving you the order to follow knowing just how much it hurt. He didn't mean to- he would never mean to.
Rushing into the hospital, you saw him there. Shrouded in black under the blinding white, standing outside a door with arms folded and brown eyes lined red, looking into the abyss that was nothing. Lost somewhere in his mind, your voice broke him away. "Ghost!"
Like a shield, he became almost robotic in nature, functioning on fumes and fight or flight, protecting himself in and out— He couldn't lose the best man he's ever had. This was his fault and he could still feel the blood on his hands, the reak of copper, and the bits of brain matter that wanted to force their way out, only to be stopped by a dead man's hands.
Hollow eyes met yours, quickly looking away to look beyond you, not wanting to face the love of Johnny's life in this circumstance. It was like he didn't know you, pushing it all down even though Simon had become something of a brother to Johnny and a brother-in-law to you. You placed a gentle hand on his broad shoulder.
"He's stable, outta surgery, and sleeping. He won't wake for a while. " He breathed methodically, reaching out a gloveless hand to have you take Johnny's shining tags with a sick stomach. He left out the part where the doctor said that anything could happen. 'Stable for now' 'the swelling is a concern'
Sliding your hand down to meet his, the metal clicked between your shaking fingers, almost dropping them until Ghost curled your fingers delicately around the cold steel.
Your voice was barely above a whisper as you tried it out, "C-can I go see him?"
Simon nodded, still unable to see your pleading face as he turned the door knob allowing you inside. Adrenaline shuffled your feet inside the dimly lit room with Simon slowly slipping in behind you, an arm outreached in case your knees gave out, which they threatened to do.
Your eyes adjusted to the dark. Only one lamp and several monitors illuminated the small space. Lighting up Johnny's tan features; Swollen and bruised, his head was propped up on white pillows that had been stained with his blood before the guaze was changed. Mohawk obscured in white wrapping and blue eyes held shut, one starting to leak bruises beneath the soft lashes that lay on his under eye. You were unsure how your body carried to you to your husband's side, but your fingers carefully lingered, hesitant to touch, to break what had already been. After moments of hovering and your breathing held, your fingers lightly grazed the dark stuble on his strong jaw. Eyes flashing everywhere they could to gather and collect an inventory of what you could fix.
"Si— Simon, help me get him c-cleaned up." You sniffled, hands fluttering around each bandage looking for anything that you do. Pulling down the light sheet, taking in the scrapes and discoloration on Johnny's expansive chest, your breath increasing with each inhale— Panic setting it.
"I-I have to," you studdered, feeling a large body begin to pull your body away softly. "Simon. I—Help me clean him up, please—He, he has blood on hi—him, I"
"Love." Caring and warm hands turned you towards him, feeling your panic and trembling frame within his grasp. He knew too well what ran in your head.
"Simon, please. He's—He needs"
"Ssshhhh, I know, love..." Simon tucked your head against his chest, "I know... I'm sorry"
The flood came in your eyes, spilling onto Simon's hoodie as you began to sob. Months apart, promises, future endeavors, memories, and seeing a man so full of life laid out helpless made you break. "Ghost, he— Johnny needs to come home. He promised me, " You whined, gripping and beating on Simon as he stood still, hushing you with brown eyes firm on his brothers body.
Both of you lost track of how long you held each other in the dark. Just the sounds of slow, steady beeps, rain on the windows and soft breathing filled the space until a nurse came in. Without a word, the masked man grabbed a chair for you, placing it beside Johnny's bed and he hovered over the nurse intently. Every touch, every breath was protected.
"He is doing well so far. The body just needs time," The nurse spoke softly with a sympathetic smile, nodding to both before making her way into the labyrinth that was the hospital. And Simon followed, taking your keys to give you a moment alone and for him to get the bag you packed.
Your body released a sigh, one that you felt had been stuck for hours inside your burning lungs. It was just you and your husband. 8 months. Way too long without the love of your life by your side.
Whispering his name, you smiled with silent tears streaming your flushed cheeks. Grapsing his large hand in yours, it looked so small, even now with his fingers twitching slightly but muscles lax. Tracing every scar and vein, you picked away at the dirt lightly as you watched Johnny's face. So peaceful, calm under the bruises and bandages, the world seemed to cease to exist around you as you took in every twitch, every sweet inhale and breathy exhale. You were just thankful for him to be alive, to hold on just a little longer so the time would come, if it had, to hold him as you did.
You recall the memories gazed into pure azure pools, the room painted in honey as the morning sun graced you both in tangled sheets. His lips floated on your soft skin, the delicate nips to your collar bone left breathy moans falling from pouted lips. Promises he made to you as he worshipped "I'll always make it home to you." "I'm gonna be 'ere to protect you" "Never worry about me. I will fight to always be next to you"
"Come on, sunshine... Please" You pleaded to any god that was listening as you traced his knuckles with gentle kisses, tears following in the path.
"I'm 'ere." Blue eyes met yours with his signature smile.
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orbital-inclination · 6 months
*tries to fill prompt*
*Rem and Nightmare aim for the jugular, simostaniously, and wrench the keyboard out from under my fingers*
Boys, boys!! This was supposed to be related to Broken Glass how did this happen
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localgardenweed · 2 months
Just saw the new video Hargreaves posted via tiktok and im sorry i sighed seeing the Tord clip im sorry gang i cant get myself hyped.
I dont know why but for a while now all the Tord stuff has been leaving a bad taste in my mouth cause before it was “guys dont ask us about Tord stop asking ugh so annoying” to “hey guys dropping more Tord merch, episodes, spinoff show and also gonna send him over to do a concert with Miku” or some shit like ok they realized he is a cash cow its okay to admit that but idk, as much as I love Tord i feel like it would have been better to let him go bury him in satin laid down on a bed of roses sunk into the river at dawn sent away with the words of a love song. I know people love Tord and I DO TOO if you look through my old stuff you knew he was like one of my favs and also ya know the whole oc x canon stuff but i dont know, knowing Larson wanted Tord out of the show after he left just for him to be brought back in The End, show ended and like hm well this is it to Beyond dropping and getting made fun of for wanting him back to then turning him into a cash cow and whole joke and middle finger to fans who wanted him back by teasing them with him behind a paywall or just murdering him on screen. I know they need money this shit doesn’t come for free but idk it always left a bad taste in my mouth. For those who are happy for the possible probably maybe return of Tord, good for you guys, but im gonna hold off on celebrating.
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rookflower · 2 years
the horrifying implications of Cinderpelt as a pawn of Starclan- trying everything she can to unsuccessfully stop her apprentice from leaving because she's terrified of the internalised idea of "failing" her clan and her job due to her impending death, while unaware that the entire Crowpool situation is intentional by Starclan for their own benefit to initiate the Power of Three prophecy and that her death in itself is to be Leafpool's motivation to stay- the idea that the stars, the ancestors and family and friends she devoted her life to always meant for her to die young and hopeless and were willing to manipulate her emotionally for the best outcome for them- is alone a piece of her character that's infinitely more heartwrenching and tragic and interesting than "she actually had a crush on Firestar and she's sad she can't date him :((" and I'm so mad that the latter is her primary legacy instead of any interpretations of her as a character that go beyond boring forbidden romance #17 that was barely even implied to begin with
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bas-writes · 2 months
i wonder if geto fans felt the same as s2 was airing as i do rn when i'm watching fanon slowly swallowing higuruma into the stream of uwufication
did fandom collectively forget this man literally rage murdered someone or are there still fans who do read manga with their brain turned on?
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arttsuka · 8 months
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Day 12
Exactly one year ago I started playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. It wasn’t my first interaction with the aa games because a few days earlier, on October 1st, I tried playing one of them online (it was the second game, justice for all) and I immediately fell in love with the franchise. I didn't finish the case right away because I wanted to play them in order but my first official interaction with the games was the 'Phoenix has amnesia' plot.
If you haven't played any of the games (and somehow see this post) please consider doing so.
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caramellashton · 2 months
'this is like wanting your kid to get better by yelling at them and hitting them… you know it won't change/fix anything.'
EXACTLY I have been saying this for so long!! it's not gonna work and it's just gonna make everything worse. it's not a form of activism to just bully people until they conform to what you want; humans are autonomous people capable of choosing good, and like. we could be in the fandom of another band that doesn't even try, whose fans have given up on them and are just there for the music and the drama, but it's like the minute they do try to do something good they have to do activism a certain way and it almost becomes a kind of purity culture and purity culture is famously about control and not good for anyone.
but it's also people trying to be funny in the comments with thinly veiled frustrations that come out as insults about their appearance (which especially gets to me bc like. does body positivity stop if you're famous? or are they just idealised figures/bodies/personalities for us to look at and pretend our bodies don't change over time and we don't like it when they remind us that they actually do?) or their partners or how they express themselves. and it's the aura of entitlement that erodes their right to autonomy and individuality that gets me, not only because the way we get the creative music they make is them expressing that.
anyway i do think we as a fandom can do better and i want to attempt to start a conversation about that rather than trying to call people out in the comments. still thinking of how. there's a lot of people in the fandom who are struggling and exasperated with life and relate to their songs and the pressure has to come out somewhere; it ends up being in comments they feel like won't ever be seen except for by people who agree with them, at people who seem to far away and too big to ever see getting hurt by their comments. at least that's what I assume happens. but yes, they were bullying a cat
I agree with everything...
Was it always like this? It can't be because this is too much, none of the hate was on me and I couldn't take it, I wonder how the guys (or any celebrity) feels, being judged about the tiniest move you do, it's crazy I would totally lose my mind.
That's not how life is... yes I would love to be a fan of good people but if the gf/partner of the artist you're a fan of is bad and their friends are bad what does that make them? Maybe it's on you, maybe YOU should pick better idk 😭.
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mxboxlocks · 9 months
ahh my stickers aren't selling at all and it's really disheartening bc i really really thought they would do well. im not sure if i wanna print the other designs now
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katagawajr · 11 months
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canon bisexual lighting + heart eyes >>>
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nalivaa · 9 months
Do you still draw Midam? I haven't seen any of your art come across my dash in a long while.
ah. well. it's been a while since i've drawn,,, anything tbh. my brain is being really mean to me lately and my art has been the unfortunate victim here. i'd love to draw midam! they're still my favorite guys! i just can't promise when so,,, sorry about that 😅
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the-kipsabian · 1 month
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nekropsii · 2 years
A lot of people are hypercritical of female characters, but will let male characters get away with literally fucking anything, with seemingly no reason for this dichotomy existing whatsoever. This is because of misogyny. That's it. That's all it is. Mystery solved. Just don't be a fucking misogynist. I don't care if you're gay. Being gay is not a reason to exhibit misogynistic biases. You should know better.
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