#im currently knee deep in this musical
On thin ice (Hockey player! Miguel O’Hara x Figure skater! Fem! Reader)
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A/N: Im very excited for this series, apologies now for If Miguel is ooc and if the terminology and sports talk is wrong. If you’re experienced in either sport and wanted to lmk if I got something wrong, I’m open ears. This is mostly self indulgent brain rot tho. Enjoy :).
(Y/N)- Your name, (N/N)- Nickname.
Swearing, yelling, a lot of me trying to explain moves, I’m not good at these lol. Not completely proofread so sorry for typos or grammatical errors. Not a ton of reader and Miguel interact, mostly just set up. Story takes place in a college setting.
Word count: 1.8k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 1: Have you got color in your cheeks?
“Nope, nope try it again.”
“I don’t wanna hear it. Again.”
For the- god you’ve lost count- you go back into starting position for the move right before for the lift, you and your skating partner are currently been worked to the bone by your coach. It felt like by the time you both will develop hypothermia before you get off the ice. Your ice skating partner, Logan, throws his head back in frustration as your coach starts to put the music back to the same spot it’s been starting at for the last half hour. She was having you both do a routine to the swan lake theme (overplayed we know, but did she still find a way to make the coreo beautiful? Of course.) and she was having you do a very “simple” sequence, starting by doing twizzles together before having Logan lift you over his head in a crucifix lift. Simple enough right? wrong. Because your lovely coach is convinced that in over to win first to enter regionals, Logan have to immediately go into a hydroblade around you, while you does a single camel spin in the middle of the rink, as soon as he is done putting you down from the lift. Although you’ve mastered the moves all individually, putting them all together was difficult.
You were too focused on trying to mentally prepare yourself to attempt and fail the sequence again to noticed a group making their way through the double doors that separated the rink to the rest of the building. Taking a deep breath before you and Logan both made your way to just slightly left from the center of the rink, your coach starts the music as you and Logan began to twirl in sync with one another in almost perfect timing. Almost.
“Logan! You’re twirling too fast! You’re ahead of the music and your partner!” Calls out coach Kavinsky.
As you both stop going the tizzlers, you turn your body so you’re now facing Logan as you circle around the end of the rink before turning back around and slowing slightly so you were next to each other, Logan bending down slightly to put one hand on the back of you knee, his other arm wrapping around the front of your waist, your hands quickly traveling to his shoulders.
“(Y/N), you need to shift more of your weight to your left foot for an easier take off!” She yelled out again. Your brows furrowed together as you attempt to shift your weight over a bit more to your left foot as you squeezed Logan’s shoulders slightly. But unfortunately, your partner misinterpreted you shifting your weight and the squeezing as your cue for the lift, causing him to lift you too early before you to properly shift your weight.
“Shit- (N/N)! You good!!” Logan asked concerned as the music stopped, you’re back now flat of the ice as you let out a small grunt of pain from the slip and the fall. “Ugh… yup…yup…” you replied through gritted teeth, ignoring the ache from your back as you slowly move to your hands and knees.
“Damn! How’d you two fuck up that badly?” A voice asked before a laugh, no, multiple laughs fill the room. You shot your head in the direction of the taunt to glare at whoever made the comment as Logan helps you off the floor.
Why weren’t you surprised?
“O’Hara. Shut it.” The couch of the hockey team scolded his star player. Miguel fucking O’Hara. Captain and star player of The Spiders, your university’s hockey team. The man was nothing but 6 feet and 9 inches of pure muscle. You would honestly have found him attractive if he wasn’t such a fucking dick.
“You act like your touch shit, but I bet if you didn’t have 25 pounds of padding on and fell on your back, you wouldn’t think it’s so funny.” Logan hissed, causing Miguel to roll his eyes and scoff in response, adjusting the helmet under his arm with the hand that was also holding his hockey stick. The other hockey players trying to stifle their laughing, so they don’t get chewed out as well.
“It’s not my fault that the ice princess can’t handle a small fall.”
“It’s not my fault that you’ve developed some brain damage from being slammed into the boards one too many times.”
“Well atleast-“ before the rest of the insult can fully come out from Miguel’s lips, the hockey coach, coach Turner, interrupts him. “MIGUEL O’HARA. YOU FINISH THAT SENTENCE AND YOU’LL BE BENCHED FROM THE NEXT GAME.” He roared, causing the cocky smirk to instantly drop from the hockey player’s face, your coach then turned to Logan. “You too. You’re one more remark from no ice time for the next week.” She scolded, causing your partner to huff and grumbled under his breath.
“Alright…I’ll stop, but they needa get off the ice, they’re 15 minutes over their time. They’re messing with our practice schedule.” Miguel said to Turner as he points at you and Logan with his hockey stick, his coach letting out a sigh as he turns to yours. “He’s right, you aren’t the only one trying to get wins. You’ve been digging into our ice time.” Coach turner says, crossing his arms, his clipboard in one hand. Coach Kavinsky let out a heavy sigh, as she rubbed her hand over her pale face. “Alright…let me just have them do it one more time then we’ll get off.”
The hockey team loudly groan at her sentence, causing you to roll your eyes at their dramatics, “hockey players…” you mumbled under your breath to Logan, who just nodded in agreement. Now it was Coach Turner’s turn to let out a heavy sigh. “Fine. You get one- and I mean one more go, then after that we need the rink.” The man grumble as he began to rub his temple.
“But coach-“ one of the hockey players that you didn’t know the name of (so all but Miguel) was starting to object but cut himself off when Turner turned to glare daggers in his direction, causing him to just clear his throat instead. Coach Kavinsky just turn to you and Logan, wasting no time to tell you to go back into the same spot from were you’ve been stuck on.
“It feels like we’re stuck in a time loop.” You joked with a small grin as you both skate back to being slightly to the left of the middle of the rink. Logan letting out a snort as he followed you. “We better not fuck this up again, we’ve got an audience.” Logan said as he nodded to we’re the hockey team was impatiently waiting. You just shrugged, waiting for the music to start again, “We got this.” You sent him a confident smile before continuing.
“You promise not to drop me again?” You asked with a playful smile, obviously joking as you start positioning your feet to start the twizzlers again, Logan following your movements closely after.
“Only a fool would drop a girl like you.” He teased before the music started, both of you beginning to spin shortly after. You know he was only joking, you both knew there weren’t anything between you too that was more then a platonic friendship/skating partnership.
You don’t know if the impact from the fall was messing with your vision, but you swore that you saw Miguel’s hand twitch into a fist for a spit second after Logan’s reply.
“Good! Better Logan!” Your coach praised as Logan’s twizzlers were more in sync with yours this time. Once you were done spinning, you followed the same steps to prepare for the lift, this time your footing was actually correct and you were ready for when Logan spins you over his shoulder, you letting go of said shoulders once your stomach was securely on his shoulder, as the song crescendos. Bringing your arms up and straightening them out to your side, your upper body in the shape of a cross (hence the name of the move being crucifix lift) and you couldn’t help but smirk when you say some of the hockey players, especially Miguel’s, impressed reactions. It doesn’t help that you know that most of them would never admit that they were impressed.
As Logan spun around the rink once with you in the air, before flipping you back down onto the ice the same way he flipped you up. “Shit this is the part we always fuck up.” You thought as your blades touch the ice again once Logan reaches the middle of the rink, his hands leaving your body as soon as you were stable on the ground again. Before quickly gliding a bit more towards the outer edge of the rink, you took in a steady breath as your eyebrows scrunched together subconsciously in concentration. Miguel couldn’t help but notice and thought it was adorable, before quickly shaking the thought away.
Part of the reason you both always got this part wrong was, because one would either start too early or too late, making the speeds of both moves looked rush and sloppy rather then sharp and contrasted. As Logan start to lower himself into the hydroblade, you began to do the camel spin.
“Beautiful!” Coach Kavinsky praised as she stop the music. And you almost wanted to fall to your knees and cry from relief, and you probably would have if the hockey team and their coach wasn’t 20 feet away, watching your every move. So instead you skated up to Logan and engulfed him in a hug, your partner instantly returning it. What you couldn’t see because your face was being buried into Logan’s chest was Miguel’s face turn to a scowl for a split second, his hand twitching into a first again, before both going back to their neutral state in the blink of an eye.
“We still need to clean it up, don’t get too excited.” She added as you and Logan pulled apart and began to exit the rink, a huge smile on both your faces. As soon as you were off the ice, the hockey team quickly rushed to get on and set up their nets on both ends of the rink. You didn’t pay them any mind though as you put your guards on your skates, and were starting to make your way to the girl’s locker room before you felt a hand gently grab your wrist to stop you. At first you were expecting it to be Logan’s, but theses hands were much larger than his.
“That was actually quite impressive, ice princess.” You didn’t need to turn around to know who’s talking, but when you felt the hand release you, you couldn’t help but turn around anyways. Seeing Miguel walk away from you to head to the rink, and you didn’t need to see his face to know that he probably had a cocky smirk spread on his lips. You didn’t need to admit that the shiver you felt run down your back came from his hush, low tone as he spoke and not the coldness from ac blasting to keep the ice solid.
“Did…did he just compliment you?” Logan whispered as he came closer and raised his brow at you. If you knew one thing about the hockey player, is that he never, ever said one positive about or to you (or Logan for that matter) since you’ve known him.
“I- yeah he did…”
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beababoobies · 5 months
Helloooo you asked for some Sally face requests and I have one 🤭
Can you write Larry x fem! Reader who struggles w anxiety like hurt comfort kinda thing 💗💗💗💗🫶 THANK UU
Hiya! Absolutely, I’d love to do that for you lovely! Enjoy :) and thank you for the request!
Calm Me Down, Work Me Up.
Larry Johnson X anxious fem!Reader,
(0.6k words)
You had been having the absolute worst day. Whether it was panicking about your math test with Ms.Packerton and convincing yourself you had flunked it, or the fact that you had gotten too nauseous looking at the mystery meat for lunch and been unable to eat, you had practically come to your breaking point.
Sitting in your boyfriends room, huddled up on the corner of his bed while he paints pretty strokes on a canvas, closing your eyes and trying to focus your attention on not falling victim to the current bout of over exhaustion and overstimulation that your brain was falling into, knees hugged tight to your chest as you took deep breaths.
You loved Larry dearly, you really, really did, but the way too loud hard metal music was tipping you over the edge. Normally, you’d bring your headphones or even be in the mood to head bang with him, but the time being? Before you could stop it, you started crying. Full on tears and sobs, falling harder into sobbing when you realized how embarrassingly loud you were crying when Lar turned off his music and came to sit next to you on his bed, looking at you with those confused brown puppy dog eyes.
“hey hey hey, baby, what’s wrong?” He cooed softly, watching you try to take a breath between the sniffles and sobs to actually explain yourself, wiping your cheeks on the back of your hand, watching the black of your eyeliner and mascara wipe off on your skin, sniffling and swallowing thickly as you finally got yourself to speak, closing your eyes as you took a deep breath, feeling him out his hand on your back softly, rubbing circles into your skin.
“I - I don’t know! I just, im so scared about my math test, and and, I don’t know, maybe my blood sugar is just too low right now? I don’t - I’ve been nauseous most of the day because of that stupid fucking mystery lunch meat, I just - I can’t.” You whine out, stopping to sob and whine a couple times, looking up at you with panda-black eyes from rubbing your makeup out all over your face.
“oh, babe, I’m sorry I didn’t notice. Do you want some water? Do you want to cry about it more? Or would you just like me to stop asking you questions when you don’t know what will help and I’ll just do my best?” He asks with a small smile, thick eyebrows pinched and droopy eyes looking into your face for answers, and you just offer up a weak nod, watching him get up to go get what you can only assume is a glass of water and some tissues, so you take the time to let out a few last dry sobs before he walks back into the room.
”here you are my love” he coos softly, handing you a glass of water and watching you bring it up to your shaky lips, taking small sips of it and swallowing softly, leaning in to kiss you on the forehead before taking the empty glass of water from your shaking hands, putting it back on the bedside table before gently placing you to face towards him, gently wiping off the remaining smudged makeup from around your eyes, whatever you hadn’t cried off.
“t-Thank you.” You hiccup out quietly, looking down at your hands, before being wrapped in a warm hug by your beloved boyfriend as he places gentle kisses to your hair, reassuring you as you start to come back to your senses and your own emotions, silently cradled in your boyfriends arms.
hope you enjoyed strawberry!! I love your user it’s super cute! <3 sorry it was a little short!
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random-writer-person · 4 months
I Wanna Be Yours
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Remus Lupin x Reader Smut
this was a request from Annabella-darklight on my wattpad
they wanted the same as my last one shot but rough. it's got some changes but essentially the same plot i hope you like it.
word count: 2178
Warnings: Rough smut, penetration, tying fem reader up, oral (fem receiving)
Recently your band has been increasing in popularity. Now you're not very overwhelmed because you know what to expect.
how you may ask? Well, you are currently dating a member of one of the most popular bands in the world. who? only Remus Lupin of the Marauders. you weren't public because you were more scared than Remus. also, you are very stubborn that the popularity of your band is based on your band's music only.
your band mates Lily, Marlene, and Dorcas have been catching onto your strange behaviour recently and have been asking questions. you wanted to tell them badly but you had an idea.
you showed them your new song and they loved it. you're so glad they loved it. This is the most meaningful song you have ever written in your life. not so much the lyrics or anything but what you're planning to do with the song.
you already cleared things with Remus he was going to be there for the first show of your tour. he had no idea what was coming which was great. so you set your plan in motion. you and your band spent forever practicing making sure everything was perfect.
The night of the show everything was going great. Remus was right in front of the stage people recognizing him immediately and him being polite but blowing them off to watch you. you had your eyes on him pretty much all night and his eyes were on you. your plan would be set into motion for the last song of the night.
"Hey everybody, how are you tonight?" you ask and the whole crowd screams. "Lovely. I hope you guys enjoyed our set this is our last song of the night it's never been heard by anyone but the band so I hope you enjoy it." they scream again. "it's called I wanna be Yours" With that the girls start playing their instruments and you start swaying to the music dancing a little. When you look down you see Remus raise an eyebrow, you smirk and start singing.
"I wanna be your vacuum cleaner, breathing in your dust. wanna be your Ford Cortina I will never rust." you continue staring at him. It was a well-known fact in the fandom that Remus likes older things, one of those things was his car. a Ford Cortina. while you continue singing he knows it was about him and he's smiling hard getting the meanings behind all the words.
when you get to the line "at least as deep as the Pacific Ocean, now I wanna be yours." you drop to your knees and crawl towards Remus continuing to sing. When you sing "Maybe I just wanna be yours, I wanna be yours" you hold his chin between your fingers and slide your thumb against his lip. he bit his lip and you smile turning around standing up and continuing to sing.
Now your plan was set into motion. you planted the bait you won't see Remus until tomorrow after your publicity interview and you were counting on them asking about what happened.
when you got back to your hotel room everyone was blasting your messages, Remus, Sirius, and James. Sirius and James didn't know but you were friends due to your connection through music. you ignored them all but you couldn't ignore your bandmates who stormed into your room.
"y/n what the hell was that!?" Lily asks throwing herself onto your bed.
"uh..." you were about to answer then Marlene butted in.
"Are you and him like a thing? you know what the interviewer tomorrow is gonna do babes." she was worried but you were counting on them doing that.
"honestly guys it's fine I have it under control can you just wait until tomorrow it will all be cleared up? trust me" You smile at them and they smile back.
"fine but if this fucks with our tour im going to kill you," Dorcas said with a playful glare.
"if anything it'll get us more ticket sales," Marlene smirks heading out of my room with the other two. you roll your eyes and jump into bed going to sleep for the night.
the next morning you work up right on time ready to get pampered for the interview. your publicist came and was lecturing the band on what to say and how to avoid saying things. She turns to you.
"what are we doing about this Remus situation" she smirks a little. Alice was the best. even though she's our publicist she's also our best friend and she has our best interest at heart. you knew she was happy for you.
"I've got it under control don't worry I know what to do." she nods and goes back to the other.
in no time you guys were sitting on the comfortable couches ready to talk to Drew Berrymore.
"so I don't mean to start the interview off with gossip but everyone wants to know. what is going on between you and Remus y/n?" she tilts her head smiling kindly at you. She was your favourite interviewer.
"oh lord" I chuckle nervously hiding my face in my hands. " alright, alright, okay we're dating. we have been for a while almost a year now. That whole show of things was to announce it. though he had no idea." you smile a little mischievously.
"Will he be mad about you announcing it without him knowing?" she looks concerned.
"Remus? no. he couldn't care less if people knew or not. on one hand, he likes to keep things private but on the other, he's also very possessive so he wants everyone to know I'm his. so he kinda put that job on my shoulders. I just wanted to have some fun with it." we all laughed and drew turns to the girls.
"did you girls know about this?" they all shook their heads hard.
"no she was acting a little strange so we were suspicious but we never guessed this. a pleasant surprise." Lily smiles big. she's always loved Remus.
"don't be sad guys no one knew. not even James and Siri. just our families." you pat Marlene who looked in shock on the shoulder.
"you called sirius siri does that mean you all are friends with the marauders?" she asks curiously.
"oh very much yeah we met through our publicist, whose husband is the marauder's publicist, that's how I met Remus. I guess I owe all my thanks to Frank and Alice Longbottom." you smile big at the camera and make a heart with your fingers. Alice behind the camera does the same.
after all of that, the interview went back to your music and ended soon after. when you walk out of the interview you grab your phone and see messages from Remus.
My moony❤️
What was that at the concert?
I mean it was really hot but what?
that was last night when I was ignoring him for the rest of the news to come out.
My moony❤️
Oh god, I love you.
turn around.
I looked at that message in confusion seeing it just came in and turn around. you see Remus standing there with a single daisy and a smile.
"hello love" he picks you up into his arms hugging you and spinning you around.
"Remmy what are you doing here?" you hold his cheeks pecking his lips.
"I wanted to surprise you for a change. I see what your whole plan was now." he chuckles into your neck still hugging you.
"was it a bad plan?" you get nervous you did something he didn't want.
"no love it was amazing." he leaned down to your ear. "I'll be thinking about that concert for many nights to come."
"Oh," I raise my eyebrow in teasing curiosity.
"oh I can't do it anymore come we're going home." he grabbed your wrist and led you to his car. handy dandy old Ford Cortina. he put you in the passenger seat and buckled you in before hopping into his side. he sped out of the parking lot and to his house.
"someone's eager." I tease. he makes a growling sound. When we make it home he quickly gets out and makes it to my side of the car. Once I'm out he picks me up and brings me inside.
he rushes up to his bedroom and throws me on the bed. I gasp a light moan and look up at him. He looks back at me, eyes dark with arousal.
"take your clothes off" he demands in a gravelly voice. immediately I started stripping in front of him. he started palming his pants and tilted his head. "spread your legs" he demanded again. As you slid your legs open he crawled in between your legs. slowly he licks a strip between your folds and you gasp grabbing his hair.
"oh remmy" he puts his arm around your hips to keep you in place then starts to lick faster. your climax approaching quicker and quicker. suddenly he adds two fingers into you curling them inside you. you arch your back and moan. he continues flicking and sucking your clit with his tongue and thrusting his fingers in and out of you. quickly the feeling grew more and more.
"remmy oh oh I'm gonna cum" You pull his hair trying to get his head closer to your heat chasing your release.
"cum for me love" he growls into your heat. you moan loud as your vision cuts out only seeing white as you cum.
he slowly works you through your climax till you've calmed down a bit. he slides up your body till he's face to face with you your bodies pushed together. he slowly tugs on his tie. you think he's about to get undressed but suddenly he grabs your hand and before you can resist you're tied to the headboard. he gets off the bed slowly stripping while you wiggle trying to get friction where you most need it.
"Please Remmy hurry I need you" you moan throwing your head back in frustration.
"Patience my love I'll give you what you need," he said crawling over you again you feel his hard length brush against your heat. you let out a moan and try to grind against it. he moves away. "not so fast" he kisses you deep and passionately. he rubs his hands along your body while you continue to buck up into him. after a while, he slowly strokes his cock before sliding it between your folds. you never get used to how big he is letting out a loud moan.
"ah yes remmy you're so big" You buck your hips trying to get him to move fast but he pushes your hips into the bed before he starts aggressively bucking into you. you're moaning loud and tears start slipping out of your eyes.
"you like that hm? finally shut up once you get what you want?" he teases when you don't answer he quickly unties your hands and flips you over onto all fours. "when I ask you a question you answer" he slaps your ass. you let out a moan and nod.
"yes I love it I love your big dick yes" he sticks it back in happy with your answer and immediately sets a punishing pace. you brace your hand against the headboard trying to prevent your head from smashing into it as Remus leans down your bodies fully connected groaning into your ear.
"I love your warm tight pussy so good for me love." you moan in response he holds you up with his arms as you reach an arm back and play with his hair.
"oh godic I'm so close remmy please." you try to match his thrusts but he holds you too hard.
"wait till I'm ready we'll come together." he starts going harder reaching an arm down you play with your clit bringing you closer. you clench your teeth trying to hold back.
"Remmy I can't I need to cum" You grab his hair harder. Remus groans into your ear.
"Now love cum now" You feel the strings of his cum shooting into you and you let out a loud moan as the earth-shattering orgasm ripped through you. you fall to the bed as Remus slowly works you through your high. slowly Remus plops down next to you looking into your eyes.
"the whole world knows I'm yours now." you smile at him he smiles back and kisses you.
"quiet now or you'll get me worked up all over again." he goes to get up but you grab his hand. "I'll be back love I'm just grabbing a cloth to clean you up." you let go and he goes to the washroom quickly cleaning you up before cuddling with you in bed. it doesn't take you long before you start fading out of consciousness but before you do you hear Remus whisper to you
"I wanna be yours too."
hope you guys enjoyed
Good day night whatever
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A Father's Resolve - Ch 10
Ingo returns after a decade - with two extra cars in tow. Years later, his kids are swallowed up by time in the same way he was. Will he be able to find them? Will they be able to make it out alive?
Word Count ~3400
hope yall missed me cuz im back on my bullshit. i already have 14 more chapters written of this garbage and youre gonna like it cuz im not even halfway done with the fic as a whole yet
“Hmmm…” Rei sat with his sister in Laventon’s office as he hummed to himself. They had told him about Kleavor, and he had been deep in thought ever since. They had taken out their pokedexes to work on them, Rei drawing in the margins of his dex and Akari filling out the words of hers, as she insisted that he was the better artist of the two. He was currently doodling the little Budew that sat on the table in front of him, drawing a diagram of how its top buds opened and closed on command. The lone Rowlet also observed them closely, occasionally turning its small head one way or another as they sat in silence. It had even begun to drift off, a small bubble forming in its nostril as it breathed, its wings tucked into itself. 
“EUREKA!” Rei and Akari jumped in their chairs so hard, they smacked their knees together painfully. Budew screamed, letting off a Razor Leaf on accident, giving Rei some painful cuts. Rowlet let out terrified “HOO?” as it fell backwards on the branch and flailed, its feet snagged on the wood but unable to right itself. Akari hopped up and grabbed the poor thing, helping it down and placing it back into the tree. Its feathers were a bit unruly now as it blinked and glanced around wildly.
“We’ll simply have to throw the food!” Laventon shouted. Rowlet shot him a dirty glance at the ludicrousy of that statement. Rei rubbed his arm where small bubbles of blood were welling up from the sharp leaves. Budew sat down, tears in its eyes, as it looked at him apologetically. He rubbed its little buds. It was an accident. “You’ve quite the arm for throwing things, haven’t you both? Might I suggest taking Kleavor’s favorite foods and throwing them at him?”
“How would that help?” Akari asked from her spot by Rowlet. In an attempt to placate the upset bird, she had snagged a couple berries from its food dish and offered one to it. It had accepted the bribe. For now.
“By taking the foods Kleavor loves and wrapping them up into little balls, we can achieve the same calming affect - but from afar! A genius idea, if I do say so myself. We could call them Teatime Balls!”
“Why not Laventon Balls? You came up with the idea.” Rowlet had settled on Akari’s arm now and she brought it over to the table. It continued to munch on a Persim as she stroked its feathers. 
“I worry that’d make it sound like I was the projectile being thrown…” Laventon trailed off. “In any case, we can trust that the Pearl Clan will gather the necessary foodstuffs, yes?” The twins both nodded. “Then you should head back to the Grandtree Arena to let them know our plan! It would be best to set off from the Heights Camp- oh, Rei, my dear boy, wherever did those scratches come from?” 
The twins crested the ridge that separated the Heights Camp from the rest of the Fieldlands. Rei was surprised to find some people waiting there for them. 
“Rei! Akari!” Adaman smirked at them from his position beside the Noble. Mai stood just a couple paces away from him. The twins scampered over to see what he needed. “I’ve been telling Wyrdeer all about what you two have been doing for Kleavor, like how you’ve been traveling all across the fieldlands to help him. All for someone not even from the Pearl Clan or our clan.” He grinned at the majestic white deer pokemon. “And you can see how he responded!”
“I trust you appreciate it,” Mai added. 
“He’s found you worthy, you see. You’ll need a flute like we have. Mai, mind demonstrating?” 
Mai nodded. She brought a silver instrument to her lips and played a series of seven notes. The musical tones reverberated around the clearing, loud and crisp. Wyrdeer huffed loudly in response to the notes she played, tossing his massive head.
“That’s a Celestica Flute,” Adaman explained, “an instrument that can be used to call upon pokemon like the mighty Wyrdeer. It is said that the flutes are gifts from almighty Sinnoh itself… and now, we’d like you both to have these. Do not lose them,” he added with a sly grin. At their bewildered looks, he shrugged. “It’s not that grand a gesture, really. I can’t play the flute for the life of me.Try to replicate that melody.” 
Akari met eyes with Rei. He played the tune first, the lilting timbre of the flute eerie and somehow, it seemed that the notes could be heard all around Hisui. Akari played them next, each sounding exactly the same as the one Mai played. Wyrdeer huffed and strode forward. They both lowered their flutes in confusion as he bowed his head and shook his horns, allowing something to fall from his mighty beard. A small brick-like object fell directly into Rei’s hand. It was a deep fuschia. He had no idea what it was. 
“I- uh… Thank you, Lord Wyrdeer.” It was probably best to be polite. 
“Use that flute wisely and gallop across the land with the great Wyrdeer!” Adaman announced proudly. Wyrdeer tossed his head and huffed again. 
“We can ride him?” Akari asked incredulously. 
“He deemed you worthy of it,” Mai clarified. “He will allow you to ride his back.” 
Akari grinned at her brother. “I call the front.” 
Wyrdeer thundered down the path, its hooves tossing aside leaves and smashing through twigs and tearing up clumps of mud and grass as it wove its way up the hillside to the arena. It was all poor Rei could do to hold on and try his absolute best not to be thrown off the back of the massive beast. He bounced up and down uselessly, holding on to the saddle for dear life. The trees passed by in a blur, along with smaller pokemon on the ground. The Lord was careful never to run any of them over, resorting to leaping over any pokemon in his path. 
Just as suddenly as they started, Wyrdeer skidded to a halt. Rei had to wait for the world to stop spinning before sliding off the pokemon’s back, his legs wobbling. He waddled his way over to Lian as Wyrdeer’s footsteps pounded away behind them. “...throwing them at him,” Akari was saying. 
“You want us to ball up his favorite foods so we can THROW them at him? That’s quite an unorthodox approach…” Lian scratched his chin. “Though I must admit, you Galaxy folk are quite inventive. Let us not waste any time! Let us begin!”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Lian! We still need to prepare!” Irida came up the path to join them all at the offering table. “I have his favorite Plump Beans, but I still worry about having someone outside the clan do this. They do not follow our customs and values…” She knitted her brows, taking on a fighting stance. “I must ensure you are worthy of the Lord. Battle me! One of you! Battle me and let me test your worthiness! You may order about the pokemon in those silly balls, but I have with me a pokemon as close as a sister!” At her shout, a Glaceon tumbled down the path where she had been and let out a battle cry. 
Rei could feel his blood beginning to stir. Honestly, the more Irida complained about pokeballs and assumed that the relationship with his pokemon was strictly a boss-and-slave type of work, he grew more and more frustrated with her. He stepped forward. He tossed a ball in the air. If he had to show her that pokeballs weren’t shackles for his beloved partners, then he would show her the old-fashioned way. 
“Campfire.” His voice was calm. Too calm. “Quick Attack, Agile Style. Then Ember.” The little Cyndaquil hadn’t even hit the ground before it shot off like a rocket, careening into the side of the icy opponent. Glaceon tried to fire off a Swift, the stars readying themselves by its side, but they never even had the chance to be released. Campfire spit out a red-hot coal that buried itself into the ice-type’s fur, hitting it so hard, it careened into a bush and quivered as it fainted. A critical hit. Campfire huffed as it turned back to Rei. 
Rei blinked. He needed to calm himself. It really wasn’t that serious. He took a breath and knelt down to pet the excited little pokemon. “Good job, buddy! You did so well-” He stopped as a glow enveloped the tiny blue ‘mon. He gasped, backing up to allow it space. An ethereal, primal power emanated from Campfire’s body, swirling in a blinding flurry of activity until it just as suddenly exploded out, rushing past all the humans. And there stood Campfire, a freshly-made Quilava. “C-Campfire! You evolved!” Campfire took inventory of itself, looking at its much more elongated body. Its eyes were much wider than they had been prior to evolution, the irises a vibrant red. Fire now came from a mohawk on its head, as well as in a ring around its behind. It blinked a few times. 
“Campfire evolved?!” Akari rushed forward, standing with her hands on her knees as she watched the fire starter. It ran towards its trainer as Rei squealed and hugged it close. “Now you and Riptide match! Look at you both!” Akari released her own starter, the blue fur of the water pokemon almost matching the fire-type. They investigated each other. Quilava sniffed at Dewott. Dewott showed it its two shells on its hips. Quilava burst into flame and tried to stand on its hind legs. 
Rei patted his starter’s head again as he stood, recalling the pokemon. They would have a proper celebration later. Akari recalled hers as well, clipping the ball safely to her belt. 
“I see now…” Irida murmured. “The balls are simply tools of choice, not products of disregard for your pokemon…” She looked up at the two. “You still treat the pokemon you catch as partners. I feel better putting some trust in you now. Allow me to heal our pokemon’s wounds. As I do, tell me the Galaxy Team’s plan.” 
Akari explained what Laventon had devised as Irida healed up Rei’s pokemon with poultices and berry mashes. She nodded along to the explanation. “So you have developed balms to throw at Kleavor to calm him, I see…” She stood up after everyone was revived, including her Glaceon, which now was curiously sniffing at Campfire. Her eyes were lit with a rejuvenated fire. “Very well. If it is to help Kleavor, we will make these balms with our very hearts and souls!” 
Emmet put away the last of the groceries and sighed to himself. He grabbed all the cloth bags used for grocery runs and placed them on their hook by the door so as not to be forgotten. Ever since he'd come home, he'd heard not a peep from his brother. He was half-convinced Ingo wasn't even aware he'd come home. 
To say he was worried was an understatement. 
Emmet peeked into the bedroom. There sat Ingo, books piled up around him as he combed them meticulously. A page flipped.  Ingo’s thinning hairline seemed to be thinning faster than Emmet's in the last month from the amount of times Ingo ran his hand through his hair, as though the goal was to rip it right off. Emmet could hear a foot tapping away. 
He hesitated before leaving. He should pull Ingo away from his studies, but to be honest… He wanted a minute to himself. Granted, he got many of those lately, but just a minute he needed to not argue with the brick wall that was sitting in his desk. 
He flopped onto the couch with a deep sigh. His arms rested at his sides as be stared at the ceiling. His mind could not seem to slow down. More often than not, he was throwing out food as of late, because he could not eat the food for two he bought. Someone needed to be working to pay their bills and quite honestly, it was exhausting for him to bring Ingo to work because he practically had to babysit him. Ingo would space out on the tracks and was not able to battle properly. 
Emmet ran a hand over his face. He knew, he knew, it was not fair for him to be so harsh on his brother. He'd been in that place before. Even thinking about it sent a wave of guilt over him, for the millionth time. But it was so damn exhausting. Having to be the sane one was usually not his forte. 
“Drill?” Emmet peeked through his fingers. Ingo's Excadrill stood in the doorway. It's drill hands were threaded into each other as it glanced up at him awkwardly. 
“I'm alright, Excadrill.” Emmet sat up straighter. “What do you need?” The pokemon gestured to him and pointed down the hall. Emmet stood and followed the ground pokemon as it led him away from the couch. 
He was dimly surprised to come to a stop in front of the spare bedroom. “In here?” 
“Excaaaa.” The mole nodded at him and stood back to let him into the room. What could be in here? Ingo was in the room back where they had come. Emmet opened the door and flicked on the light. 
On the bed, in a makeshift nest of blankets, laid his beloved Butternut. All her legs were curled underneath her, her pedipalps tucked against her chin as she investigated the scene before her. Emmet smelled a thick scent of wet electricity. He sprinted to the bed, skidding down on his knees. His eyes were wide with excitement as he took in the objects of interest. 
Thirteen yellow orbs with blue speckling sat in a blanket. If one looked hard, some of them were beginning to shake imperceptibly. Emmet listened hard for the tell-tale scritch scritch scritch from the inside of the shell. Yes! They were there! 
The pair waited alone with bated breath, watching the eggs like Staraptor. One of them began wiggling more than the others, knocking aside other eggs as it rolled out of the blanket. It nearly fell to the floor, making Galvantula give a strained “VAN-”, but Emmet caught it with ease. 
He went to place it back as the shell cracked in his hand. A small blue foot stuck out of the shell. More scratching emerged from the egg as the occupant struggled around inside. Another leg erupted from a different spot. 
Finally, the legs retracted and a small head burst from the shell, shattering it to pieces. A soggy little spider was left in his palm, wobbling as it took in its surroundings. Galvantula clicked her mandibles, prompting Emmet to move the infant closer to her. She rubbed over it with her pedipalps, working on drying off the little creature. Emmet plucked a towel from the floor and rubbed it off the rest of the way, making its fur downy soft. Then he placed the baby onto its mother's back, where it burrowed its way down and settled in, blinking around with large blue eyes. 
They continued on with eleven other eggs. One would begin to hatch, it would fully emerge, Galvantula and/or Emmet would dry it off, and the little Joltik would be brought to sit upon her abdomen. 
Finally they were left with one egg left. Scratching noises were still coming from it, though Emmet had noted them growing weaker and weaker over time. He worried for the Joltik within. They waited for the last egg to hatch for several minutes. Emmet bit his lip. 
The scratching stopped. 
Emmet plucked the egg out immediately, standing and rubbing his socks against the carpet. Galvantula squealed in surprise and concern at him. He worked up some static for a moment and then laid the egg directly against the carpet, eliciting a loud shock. And then they waited again. 
A crack appeared in the shell. Emmet scurried back to the bed and propped up the egg again, murmuring, “Come on, little one. You can do it.” A little leg appeared, quickly followed by a second, a third, a fourth. They flailed around wildly, trying to get some purchase on something. Emmet set the egg down as the baby scuttled blindly into his chest, the shell shattering as it splatted to the blanket. It blinked up at him. He gasped. 
Its eyes were a bright purple instead of blue. Its fur, upon closer inspection, was a greener shade of yellow than the others. Emmet grinned and shouted in excitement, scooping the baby into his hands. A shiny! He'd never actually seen one before! 
Galvantula waved her frontmost limbs at him. He wiped the baby dry and went to set it on her back with its siblings as the door creaked open. 
“Emmet? What was that?” Ingo was peeking into the room, trying to find the source of the shout. 
Emmet gently took the baby, getting permission from Galvantula. He strode to his brother, the newly hatched infant in his palms. “After almost two full decades of breeding Joltik, we have had a truly special one hatch. Behold, a shiny!” He held the little one up to his brother’s face for him to see. The small spider could still hardly stand, it was so fresh. It blinked up at Ingo with large eyes. 
Ingo cocked his head as he examined it. “Ah! That is rather exciting.” Emmet could swear that a ghost of a smile danced on Ingo's features. 
“Indeed!” Emmet quickly returned the infant to its mother before shooing his brother and his lamp from the room - Chandelure had come in to see what was going on. She bobbed at Galvantula from a distance, likely offering congrats, but left quickly. Emmet shut off the light as he left her with her newest brood. Every pokemon in the house knew that a new clutch meant that Butternut would prefer to be alone for at least a week or so to bond with the babies and keep them safe. Only Emmet was allowed into the room to care for her and the babies. 
“I did not know that she had laid eggs,” Ingo confessed. His voice cracked from disuse. Emmet did not mention it. 
“She laid nearly six weeks ago. They were due to hatch any day now,” Emmet grinned. “I was beginning to get worried they might not come. Usually they hatch closer to five weeks.” 
Ingo hummed, but said nothing else. He followed Emmet around the house for a bit, deciding to dwell in the kitchen and grab a snack. “I didn’t see the food…”
“I just got home from the store an hour ago. I do not believe I forgot anything.” Emmet noticed Ingo staring longer than usual into the fridge. “Is something missing?” 
“What?” Ingo blinked and shook himself out of whatever he was thinking about. “Oh no, nothing like that. I… how long have I been in there?” 
“At seven hours, give or take,” Emmet admitted. “I tried to bring you out for a break, but I do not think you heard me.” 
Ingo said nothing as he closed the fridge. He instead watched what Emmet was doing - putting away dishes from his solitary breakfast that morning. He busied himself with wiping down counters and the stove, starting the dishwasher, tidying the silverware drawer… but Ingo was still staring. “What’s wrong?” Emmet asked finally. 
“Do you need help?” Ingo returned after a minute. 
“If you want to.” Emmet shrugged. “You could help in the living room. We haven’t dusted in ages.” 
Ingo nodded and grabbed the cleaning spray and a rag from under the sink and shuffled into the living room. Emmet had no idea what he was on about but if he was offering, Emmet would by no means turn him down. 
Emmet began the laundry, swept the kitchen, and even pulled out the vacuum before checking on his twin. The entire room was spotless, top to almost-bottom, as Ingo was finishing up the last shelf. His brother wordlessly grabbed the vacuum from Emmet and began to run it under the couch. Emmet stood and openly stared at Ingo as he did so, gears slowly turning in his head, but approaching no conclusion. 
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horanghoe · 1 year
SBIADITO - Scarlet Fever 2/2
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Main Masterlist // SVT Masterlist
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Group: Seventeen
Members Mentioned: Hoshi//Soonyoung, S.Coups//Seungcheol, The8//Minghao, Han//Jeonghan
Pairing: Werewolf!Soonyoung x Reader (Fem Perspective)
Genre: Angst / Fuff / Heavy Smut / Werewolf!SVT, minors dni !!
Word Count: Just over 17K
T/W’s: Heavy smut with frequent mention of Werewolf features & lore. This is purely fiction and not intended to harm. If you don’t like Werewolf!au’s, please scroll on, with peace and love!! 
(Pls dm me if you would like a trigger warning added ♡)
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Banner, Header & Divider Art: @classicscreations
MTG Discord Furries /jk/: @slightlymore // @raibebe // @starlitmark// @just-come-baek
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(For this post): listen up yall, I'm over writing this shit 😈, imma post it, balls to the walls & errors intact, thanku n GOODNIGHT!!! (its 10.14 am and im at work) (Copied from previous post): Wow. So I think it's fair to say I never ever ever thought in my time here writing that a werewolf series would even be in my league, but here we are, wahahaha... This beast took me over 3 months to fully draft, write and edit. (There's already an Epilogue of the original series, (Spider Boy Is A Dog In This One) in the works, along with an edit of the OGS!)... So please stick around for more ;) Asks welcome!!
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Music to listen to while reading ♡  (in no particular order)
None currently on the OP's mind - please feel free to recommend some via my ask inbox ;)
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Soonyoung slid his hands down the curve of your arms to grip the middle of your shirt, ripping until the buttons pinged off. Then he continued his hot and open-mouthed kisses down the length of your stomach. A simple squeeze to your right breast made you furl into him with a cry. 
Soonyoung chuckled with a mocking tone; knocking your knee out of the way and pressing your legs apart with his elbows.
"You left these on?" he growled against your stomach, hooking two fingers in the elastic waistband of your completely soiled trousers only to let the fabric snap back against your skin.
His mouth continued to lick and suck down your belly, Marking the skin there with wet, bruising, lovebites, as he travelled to your hipbone.
“Y-yes, they’re m-my nesting pyjamas...” Your lips trembled as you moaned beneath him, words barely strung together.
His nails scraped against your skin as he pulled your silk sleeping shorts down towards the crease of your ass. It was humiliating. You held your hands to your chest as his face travelled everywhere but where you needed him.
“Yeah, well. They smell fucking good. Try not to wear these around the house again - unless you're in the market to be bred full of pups.”
He seemed to have some kind of affiliation with your left side. In theory, you figured, maybe because it was the side closest to your heart. 
But then again he was never one for methodical balance. As he spread his tongue across the thin skin of your hip, teeth teasing over your bone, you knew he was about to leave his Mark.
Soonyoung anticipated - or really rather, caught - your hands as they attempted to fly out to him. Wrists held in an iron grip as you struggled, pausing only to pant and whine loudly.
“Soonyoung, please, it hurts, please just fuck me, please, please please please please, fuck me, please please, please God I need you -”
The pleaded words were a surprise to you both, but you just couldn't help it.
Your body was burning now; set alight, cunt clenching for a release, that he seemingly was refusing to give. 
Soonyoung barely even reacted. He simply growled against your hip, tightening his grip on your wrists until you huffed and whined in defeat.
Satisfied with the way you were giving in to him, Soonyoung released you, giving you the grace to thread your fingers through his hair, dragging your nails across his scalp and earning a deep moan. 
His hand spread long fingers across the soft of your belly. Gripping and kneading before weighing you down with strong, lean palms.
“Do you want me to breed you, pup? Fill you up until cum drips out of you and you leak all over your den?”
“Yes, yes, God, please -”
“Mark you till you have no skin left to bruise?”
“Please, please touch me Soonyoung, please -”
Soonyoung chuckled at your begging. Hi smoothed his hand over your belly and your right inner thigh until you settled. Shushing you with kisses and a hickey at the thin of your hip. 
“Then settle down for me, angel. And be a good bitch for me. Can’t do much when you’re kicking me, can I pup? All this moving is doing is telling me that you want me to leave you all alone in here like this. Sopping wet and needy.”
You released a deep belly whine, one last kick and twist proving that you wanted him and you needed him badly. His use of 'bitch' was meant in an entirely carnal and sinful way, not degrading at all.
But you complied, panting breaths as you lay below him in a complete and utter willingness to be used.
"Good girl," He purred fiercely against your hip. 
Your momentary submission allowed him space to press his palm up against your clit, pushing the silk fabric into your dripping wet cunt. Soonyoungs eyes closed upon contact, nostrils flaring and a deep familiar growl vibrated against your legs as he caught your skin caught between his teeth.
You just couldn't help yourself, grinding yourself down upon his strong palm. The movement of the silk against your boiling skin sent you into ecstasy. Your belly tensed and fluttered under his left palm, keeping you pinned to the bed. 
“Soonie, I’m close I - I can’t stop it, I’m so close, please, please don’t stop -”
“I know, beautiful,” He hummed against your skin, watching you with adoration. “You don’t need to stop. Don't stop. Just let it happen. Chase that high till you've got it; then tell me when. I’ve got you.”
You moaned aloud as he flexed his hand to add sensation to the friction, the fingers of his free appendage splaying across your stomach to ground you, your only anchor to the bed.
Quickly, the coil in your belly turned and twisted until it was impossibly tight. Your thigh muscles spasmed and as you moved to curl backwards; you cried out his name, hips bucking up against the palm still firmly pressed to your stomach.
Soonyoung growled loudly before sinking his teeth into the skin of your hips. 
The feeling was insatiable. 
He groaned deeply as you cried out, his eyes rolling into the back of his head to betray the ecstasy he felt at getting to watch you twitch and writhe against his hold.
It was different here, covered in nerves and much more sensitive. You gushed instantly through the fabric and his nose flared at your scent coating his hand. 
Finally, he moved his palm in patterns against your cunt that had you gripping his wrist and seeing stars.
Your orgasm didn’t seem to stop. Your fingertips with frazzled electricity while you pulsated around nothing, aching to be filled and grinding against him wanting more, more, more.
As your orgasm settled you yowled deeply, panting and tugging at his hair as a silent urge for him to ease up, your body unable to take any more of his attention directed at your most sensitive spot.
You could feel yourself dripping down the back of your thighs, the fabric of your trousers and tainting your mate's hand. Your body was pleasantly numbing with energy while your cunt continued to throb wildly.
You could smell yourself from where you lay.
Retracting his teeth from deep within your hips with a groan, Soonyoung licked the wound until it clotted and he could no longer taste blood. He grumbled gently as you gasped short breaths beneath him, stomach still shaking. 
He rose to meet your face but saw a blissfully closed expression instead.
"Well done, pretty dove."
Your mate welcomed you, allowing your arms to wrap around his neck, legs curling to lock your feet at the small of his back.
'I'm here.' Soonyoung spoke through the link; the sound bounced around in your mind. 'I've got you. You're safe.'
His body weight pressed you back down into the bed, the vibration of his rumbles grounding your mind and allowing you to give in. 
You panted, trying to force your body to breathe at a normal pace while a buzz settled into your mind, your cheeks growing numb.
You released a loud, long moan that sounded more and more like howling as it went on. Shivering as your mind flashed stars behind your eyes, completely clearing your thoughts.
Soonyoung could sense it immediately.
The way you curled into him. Clinging to him and burying your face against his neck. 
The twist in his lungs was followed by clarity. 
He allowed you space to settle into this new feeling for a moment. Letting the ripples in your after-orgasm glow settle against his ever-so-sensitive skin. Your lustful pants had turned into the smallest sounds against his skin. Murmurs. Whispers of trust.
"Can I see you, angel?" he whispered through a deep growl, feeling your small whimper and a nod against his neck as a response.
Soonyoung rose on his elbows, seeking your face.
With a soft exhale, he met your eyes. 
They were newly painted in gold, pupils blown out wide and dark, edged by his purple claim, unique to himself and a high-ranking Alpha.
The colour was permanent. Soonyoung could feel it in his soul. 
Deja vu to eyes he had never met before; a love from another lifetime. 
He reached a hand to brush the hair from your face, meeting your eager reach for reassurance. A gentle kiss, pressing once, twice three times before settling. Your lips brushed against him, noses bumping against one another before shying away.
“Hi, flower. Well, this is new, isn’t it?” He spoke quietly, lips curling into a kind smile. 
His grin widened when you nodded, eyes turning into crescent moons of joy that make you fall in love with him over and over again.
“You’re beautiful, my brave Omega. I'm so proud of you for trusting yourself. For letting me take over. I'm honoured - honoured to call you mine.”
You groaned at the beautiful words whispered by your lover, and the groan coupled with the curl of a familial growl in your stomach, the likes of which you've never felt before.
Soonyoung nodded at you, encouraging you to ‘try it again’. You did, and your brain fuzzed in a way that shook your shoulders, eyes drooping from the warmth on the back of your neck.
“Are you scared? Scared of the new things happening to you?” Soonyoung asked., watching your face carefully for any signs that indicated you were uncomfortable, or that you wanted to stop before you linked completely. 
But you were placated. Scented and Marked three times over. He knew you were stubborn, but fighting this would be God-like. And he knew that if you truly wanted it to end, he would be a slave to your pleas. 
“If you want, we can stop? You have one last chance before it’s too late. Before we commit to this. You just need to say the safeword, angel. You know I would never push you.”
Gently, you shook your head. You knew your Wolf. And the only anxiety you felt was the anticipation of judgement from absolutely anybody else. So you shook it again.
“Want it. Want you. I’m ready, want to feel you Alpha.” Your voice was once again accompanied by the purr of a growl, and the feeling was alien on your tongue. But it felt good, and it felt right. "I'm nervous, it feels weird - but I trust you. I want it. I promise. Want. Want…"
Soonyoung huffed tenderly in response, the air over your face causing you to blink into a smile. 
“Do you want me to scent you?” he asked benevolently, voice barely above a whisper. This close to each other your noses brushed, gazes locked with bated breath. His thumbs brushed against either side of your eyes. 
You admired his eyebrows, hands smoothing up and onto his strong shoulders to make him shiver. Then you admired the fluctuations in his skin tone, the length of his pretty lashes, his eyelashes, his tiger-like eyes you had traced and outlined in your mind many times. 
“Y/N, listen to me. Would you like me to scent you?” 
Soonyoung searched your face as your body tried to match his demand for an answer. His pupils constricted and you felt a tug in your belly to respond to his question. But you were slow to come to a decision. Your lips twitched and your nose flared; pupils fluctuating until you were able to form a coherent thought.
“You liked it before, and it may make the pain of the bites less intense. I will never force you to be scented, love. Tell me what you want, and I’m yours.”
Scenting, depending on the environment, acted like a mild sedative or a calming aphrodisiac for Wolves and their sexual partners. At this point, you were already beyond turned on. If there was such a thing as a Wolf-subspace, you were on the one-way train of getting there. But it would cause you to sink into him even further. Smell like him for weeks, rely on the otherworldly pull to get by.
“Please,” You sighed into his lips. “Please yes, Soonie. Want it. Want you. Don't make me wait, I can't take it…”
You were met with a heavy, placating kiss that lay you back down. Padding kisses from your cheek down to your jaw. Your knees curled up further into him, onto his strong back. Holding onto his bicep, supporting his head as he moved your neck out of the way.
He could scent you any place on your body. 
The back of your legs. Even your feet. 
Such was the powerful scent of an Alpha. 
But he chose to do it near your original scar. Kissing, nuzzling, growling and whining against your skin. Wiping his cheek against your own and purring into you until all he could smell was himself.
The scent hit you heavily, and it hit you hard. A lot harder than usual due to the scenario. Making you feel inebriated with a full body buzz, despite being completely cold-stone sober.
“My den -” You mumbled airily with heavy eyelids, feeling his warmth leave your body as he lifted himself up and away from you.
Soonyoung gracefully turned you onto your belly with his strength. 
“It’s -” You rested on your elbows in a cobra-like yoga pose while his hands smoothed along the back of your thighs. Massaging their way back up in adoration of your body. Total praise. "It's -"
“Mhmm?” Soonyoung hummed, spreading your cheeks apart with one hand as his other stroked languidly at his cock. The visual made him groan. "What is it, little dove?"
He was already erect. And he likely would remain so for a long time. 
He checked your body for any resistance as he pushed his thumb into your entrance. But he was only met with a dipped head and a strong moan, his hips twitching into the ghost of momentum.
“It smells of you. An Alpha. Of my cum. Of - of us. Both of us. It's so heavy I can feel it in my lungs, Soonyoung.” You finally whimpered. Jaw slack at the two fingers that readily entered you. "Want it to gather till I can't breathe, Soonie ~"
Soonyoung smiled against your shoulder. 
"Intense, isn't it love?" He hummed in agreement. Moving to kneel over you as his abs flexed against the feverish ache in his muscles. Fingers hooking down into your stomach and making you tremble.
“Is it bad?” He huffed. 
He was asking you if it was a bad thing, the way it smelled. 
How it filled your lungs with weights and smoke screened your virgin scent den with a scent of pure sex. 
He moved his body onto his strong arms and pecks either side of you; sliding forward to kiss your shoulder and hold your elbows as you tried to speak.
You nasally whined, knocking your cheek against his with a dizzying shake of your head.
“No. It’s good. So. Fucking. Good. Nngh -"
He chuckled at you, placing a chaste kiss on the height of your cheek.
'Breathe, sweet dove.' 
Soonyoung pressed the head of his cock into you as slowly as he was able, hands trembling. Your hips twitched upwards, moaning into the open air as you gripped the sheets between your fingers. Meeting his face at your side for the meetings of cheeks as he thrust forward.
Unusually girthy, thanks to the intense rut making his cock throb filthily, it was a new stretch to accommodate. But with your multiple orgasms already, and your own liquid sipping from your cunt, he knew you were ready and soaked through as soon as he had entered your den, moments ago.
With one movement, a sloppy thrust and a grunt permeated the feeling of complete fullness, cock stuffing you full. 
You moaned loudly, brows creased as Soonyoung moaned and growled loudly into your shoulder blades. Pulling his hips back to slowly push back in. 
The action pushed both his precum and yours out with a loud wet sound, and he could feel you throbbing around him.
He set a slow pace. Pulling most of the way out, before hitting the hilt of your cervix. Making your toes curl and head fall forward in ecstasy. Soonyoung was never a shy lover and became even less so as you lay pliant and pleasure rode beneath him. 
His voice only spurred you on further. 
Moving your hips back to chase him whenever he pulled out, pushing up against him when your ass met his cervix. 
At such an angle where you were lying down, he was unable to go much faster, but you didn’t care. 
On one particularly deep thrust, you shuddered, moaning as your hand tapped across the bed to fold over his hand. He accepted you willingly, pausing his thrusts to gyrate his hips while he left hot open kisses on your shoulder blades. 
“F-fuck Soonie, you’re - so deep, nghh - fuck -”
Soonyoung purred at you once more, feeling your walls press in against his cock as you hit a very slow and steady peak. 
“You’re close already, aren’t you pup? I can feel you, you know. Can feel you squeezing me tight. Feel your heartbeat racing inside your cunt.”
He nipped at the skin on your right shoulder, finding his preferred spot and Marking it before he snapped his hips into you in quick succession. 
It made the heat in your skin prickle up until the pressure in your abdomen gave way, moaning and fucking yourself even further on his cock and dropping your head to practically drool onto the duvet. 
Your walls pulsated, gripping onto him and making such sinful moaning sounds as you came.
When you whined for him after catching your breath, Soonyoung moved to nuzzle your cheek, cock still deep inside of you. 
But even from all this fucking, you were buzzing from head to toe. The other shoulder now sparking under your skin in a way that blew your Wolf's eyes open even further.
He chuckled next to your ear in amusement.
You made a noise of confusion before he moved a hand back and swiped it ever so carefully over your shoulder blade. 
You flinched at the sensation of something new and sensitive.
“You didn’t even notice that one, pup.” 
Dropping his hand, he traced his teeth over your skin until it dipped into the already-closing wounds. The fit was snug. And your skin was no doubt swollen and 
You shivered deeply, mewling as he shifted positions behind you. Your eyes drooped and your jaw loosened at the sensation of being anchored to him by his Marks. Sensing where he was moving his body weight without having to look. He was moving away, to kneel behind you.
Experimentally, he thrust back up into your awaiting hips - sat back on the heels of his feet - tilted forward in the air and just begging to be filled. You moaned deeply at the unexpected thrust but didn’t move to push him away. Instead, you pushed your hips back, shuffling low onto all fours just to be able to feel that heavenly pressure again.
It seemed Soonyoung could hardly wait.
With calloused hands, he used your pliancy to pull you up, back, and into his chest, holding your wrists at the soft of your belly. 
The placement of your hands meant his knuckles rubbed against your new mark on your hip with every tiny movement; making you keen with a moan at the feeling of numbness being sparked up your thigh and cunt every time it hit.
You had started panting. Wolf's eyes bleary from the moving lights in the room. You arched your back, pressing into him with a loud open-mouthed moan as his other hand moved to hold your throat. Head pressed back to his shoulder.
He wasn’t choking you. Merely holding you upright with his large hand wrapping around your jugular and pressing into your new Mark. Growling against your cheek with bared canines as his hips hit fast and sharp upwards into you. 
A total change up from the pattern before. 
And by God's - it felt amazing. 
“Look at you, my pretty little Omega, getting fucked dumb. You take me so well, love; I can’t wait to make you gush all over this den.” 
Sooyoung's uncharacteristically harsh growls vibrated into your brain, clenching down on him and crying out until he gripped your cheeks, moving to hold your face and point downwards.
“Look at yourself, getting split open on my cock. Look at it, my precious Marked bitch. You’re close already and we haven’t even done anything yet.”
He didn’t need to command you twice.
With bleary eyes, you looked down at where your bodies met. Over your chest and stomach, face held by Soonyoung to watch as his thick cock pumped in and out of you with wet noises followed by slick dripping down your legs. The view made you fold over in ecstasy.
Once again your stomach is bundled. Whining and trying your hardest to withstand his hard thrusts into your hips. 
Soonyoung was close, you could tell by the way he stared at you with a gentler expression, eyes full of love. His hips jutted up in a sharper, shorter sequence until he came hard.
It felt like he was filling you to the brim. Making your thighs ripple in pleasure as your fluids dripped down the inside of your leg. Fucking it back up into you all the while.
“Fuck - fuck - fu - fuck - fuck -” Your mantra continued as you ground down on him in a totally different headspace than you ever had experienced before.
He was literally going to fuck your brains out. 
And for the unknown time this night, you felt the sensitivity of your walls rub against his hot cock slick with thick warm cum and your belly twisted desperately with the need to release. Shaking with shut eyes and grinding down on him until you were positively vibrating. Totally missing his next bite onto your outer shoulder, holding you up by a squeezed breast and upwards thrusts alone.
And his efforts to fuck you until dumb became even more apparent when despite cumming himself once, despite feeling you orgasm on him twice, he was still rock hard and thick inside of you. 
Now with his thick cum creaming inside of you, you dropped forward onto the bed. His cock made you moan and drool, fists gripping at the fabric next to your mouth as you slithered open an eye to see him.
Soonyoung’s hips never stopped. They moved with a stiff judder, thanks to the fever, but if anything it made him hit the right parts of you even harder. 
He moved you so your knees stayed together, ass up in the air and between his knees. Hitting the deepest you had felt yet. A strong palm pushed your ribs into the bed and in honesty - you had no wish to fight.
“How - do you - feel - pup?” Soonyoung panted between thrusts. Teeth grit and tone tight.
Your response was immediate. Garbling as he commanded you to respond. Fingers curled into the blankets and eyes blown impossibly wide. Meeting his eyes in your peripherals as he fucked you until you couldn’t breathe. 
He knew how you felt. 
He just wanted to hear you say it.
“Full.” Your mouth hung open as he thrust harder and quicker; your toes curled until you gasped for air, eyes closed and sound falling out of you from behind your lungs coupled with rippling vibrations in your vocal cords that satiated the eternal ache in your gums. For once, it was enough. For once, you couldn’t ask for more. 
“So. Fucking. Full. So good. So warm… Yours…”
“Good.” He snarled. “You deserve it, and more Y/N. Whatever you want. I'll give it to you."
He was content. His instincts were pleased by your display of vulnerability. 
Your back was Marked by teeth and tongue. Flushed skin indicated the healthy blood pumping through your veins, the aphrodisiac poison making your limbs go numb in pleasure. 
There was no resistance to the bonding anymore. 
No want or need to fight for control. 
You were finally letting yourself get lost in the motions of it all. 
And he was so proud of you and your bravery.
In a final display of possession, Soonyoung lifted onto all fours to press you even further into the mattress. 
Fucking down into you until your legs began to uncontrollably shake, voice strained and stuttering, moving and gyrating as he watched his second load pour out of you like a fountain. At this angle, a stream slipped along the length of your back, but the majority of it dripped onto your belly and your bedsheets. Making Soonyoung groan from the sight alone.
Distinctly, he felt you shudder; legs kicking and hips moving to continue the pace as you shoved your face into the blankets and pressed your ass up in a deep curl of your spine. 
Well, this was new.
If he didn’t know any better; if he wasn’t acutely aware of your cycle and multiple methods of birth control; he would’ve taken that as a begging to be bred full. 
Not that you weren’t milking him currently.
He decided to help you chase your body and its high; fucking into you at the same pace and angle that made you cry out and grip the sheets against your hot body. 
Until eventually something panged deep in your cervix. You released a loud, pitiful and erotic cry as a feeling of release seeped across the muscles in your abdomen. 
Your body began to tremble as Soonyoung continued to plough into your sensitive and soaking-wet cunt, until you were twitching away from him with a sharp whine.
Seeing you squirt all over his cock and onto your bed, your safe and quiet comforting nesting bed, made Soonyoung practically cum again on command. With your sensitivity finally appearing, he pulled out with only one goal in mind. 
He released strips of sticky hot semen all over your ass and pussy, pushing the stream down your belly like melting ice cream.
And like his favourite dessert, he intended to eat you whole.
“Relax, Y/N. You’ve done so well pup. So, so good, pretty girl. Catch a breath.”
Without your eyes even opening, you relaxed fully into the mattress. Whining and moaning and sniffling as Soonyoung held your hips up by your love handles. 
You curled the blanket up into your mouth to bite into it; each hit against your canines caused you to moan in dumb satisfaction. 
Fucked dumb and yet still writhing for more.
He chuckled at your method of trying to satisfy the deep ache in your gums but wasted no more time in swiping his tongue up the majority of the stream, lapping into your folds as your entrance moved in response. Pulsating around nothing. Clenching to be filled, but pushing your fluids out all the same.
The sight made Soonyoung short circuit. 
And before he could help himself, his gums sat snug in the flesh of your ass cheek on the right side. His thumb slipped into you easily as you moaned and moaned and moaned, hips grinding into nothing as he held you there.
It twanged the coil inside of you to suddenly coil and release.
But he wasn’t about to let this orgasm of yours come and go so easily. Even if he was your; totally wholeheartedly obsessed mate.
He removed his thumb to circle your hole, holding you with one firm grip. He slipped two of his fingers into you up to his knuckles, and with surprising ease. You groaned into the fabric in your mouth. 
Gnawing with closed eyes.
“You look good, pup, fucked nice and full.” Soonyoung hooked his fingers down towards your belly, moving in and out at a fast pace before gliding slower. He smiled at your pitiful whines, eyes droopy and fucked into oblivion.
“Try holding the bite. That should satiate it.” A particular flick of his wrist pooled cum to pull out with his fingers, quickly lapping at your clit to catch it. 
You weren’t listening to him. He kissed his teeth in annoyance before pulling back to see you. 
Of course, you weren’t listening. 
You had no active thoughts left between those rolling, spaced-out eyes.
With a roll of his own eyes and a sympathetic shake of his head, Soonyoung reached to give you his forearm. 
“Go on, baby girl. Bite me, you pretty idiot.” 
He growled with a firm tug at your link, smiling at his own humour. 
Even fucked brainless you could still follow the command. Releasing the fabric to sink your teeth into his forearm.
The skin there was so soft and pleasant and warm against the very snug top of your canines. A completely new satisfaction that made you drool. It completely eased the throbbing against your skull to just get a hold of something. 
You didn’t exactly have any poison like an Alpha would, but the Mark of Claim was enough, and his pulse against your tongue only spurred you forward towards your next climax.
Soonyoung groaned as he sped up the pace of his fingers fucking the liquid back out of you, adding a third finger that had you curling your toes and biting down harder.
When you did eventually cum, and for the very last time, Soonyoung moved down what couldn’t have been two more inches downwards behind you, keeping you up steady as he bit into you one last time at the very back top of your thighs. That made your pussy drip onto his nose. By now, you didn’t even register the pain. 
Moaning and whining as the poison seeped like the aether of the gods into your veins. Releasing his arm to bury your face into the bed.
For a moment, you were sure that you must have blacked out.
But you were merely fucked so good that you had started to dissociate. 
Soonyoung lapped lazily at your broken skin, scenting the area (your inner thighs) as the wounds closed.
The scars looked clean. Probably some of the best work he had ever seen, aesthetically. 
And he cleaned you up with his tongue. 
He diverted for a small moment to lick his own wound, still holding you with one lean arm. He growled in comfort at the Mark you had left on him. Watching your face carefully.
"You okay down there pretty dove? Not going to pass out on me, are you?"
"Mmmm - hhhgh - no - good - feel good -"
"Alright, if you say so." Soonyoung chuckled, kissing your thigh.
He was impressed at how deep and hard you had bit him; imagining that with the look on your face it had finally eased the ache that your human biases told you so incorrectly to ignore. 
He was so proud, smitten even, as you melted against the duvet.
With no thought at all he reached his hand up to spread the beads of cum on your legs and stomach, up and over the back of your thighs. It made his cock twitch, and he growled loudly against the fresh bite to your thigh.
"Where do you want me to come, sweetheart?"
Soonyoung asked with grit to his teeth. One hand holding you, the other starting to squeeze at the base of his cock. 
"Inside." You moaned dumbly into the duvet.
"You sure?" Soonyoung chuckled, growling possessively as he moved to kneel again. 
"Yeah - Want it Soonie…"
Pumping himself on his fist despite his efforts to just clean you up. Fucking his fingers imagining it was your squeezed cunt before - thrusting into you in one fluid pump and groaning.
He gripped your ass harshly, staying there for a moment before reluctantly pulling out.
Pushing in one last time to pump you full of thick white beads of cum.
Soonyoung pulled out and crashed to sit weakly on the bed behind you, holding you up as he regained the blood rushing around his head.
He had come so hard and heavy he saw stars.
He satiated himself afterwards by lapping at your labia. Slipping in between your folds and sucking until you moaned, pushing against his face. Yet twitching in sensitivity.
He amused himself by licking until there was nothing left. Nipping and sucking at your thighs to hear you sigh. 
But nothing more. You needed to rest.
Finally, pleased with his work, Soonyoung placed your hips onto the bed. Leaving to clean himself, clean his teeth and change the blanket. 
Then, eventually, he doted on you selflessly until you awoke.
The next thing you remembered was Soonyoung sitting beside you on the bed. 
His heartbeat was steady. And you were curled up into an oddly tight ball at his side as he applied ointment to your wounds. 
Your knees were tucked unusually tight to your chest. And every intake of breath smelt of him. Eyelids heavy as you moved to find him, his warmth. 
You weren’t sure exactly where you were going, so dizzy, full, and content; but you knew you needed to make contact with him.
“Soon -” You called with a sharp and desperate whine, catching his immediate attention as he quickly pulled his oily hand away from you. "Soonyoung, please -"
Soonyoung blinked down at you, growling protectively and with a huge amount of affection in response to your link tugging so suddenly.
“Hey, pretty girl. You shouldn’t be awake yet. What’s up?” 
You just about made out his smile in the haze, aching to move up, up, up.
He realised quickly what you were doing. Moving forward to bump against your head. Eyes closed. Breath shallow. 
“Easy, angel. I’m just cleaning your bites…" He grumbled, huffing affectionately against your cheek. "I'm right here. You can rest."
You held there for as long as you could.
Whining through your nose with a new wolfish peak to the tone made Soonyoung practically whine back. He was enamoured with you, by you.
'You’re okay, Y/N. I'll care for you now. Easy, pretty girl.'
Soothed, you lay back down. Feeling a gentle brush of his knuckles then an even softer kiss against the side of your head.
"They don’t look that bad at all, actually. Nothing like your first Claim. I think your body actually accepted them this time.”
His voice was low, rough and sore. But back to his usual tone. And it made you reach for him. He smiled fondly at your hands curling into the corners of his shirt. Giggling at your canines tucking your lip into a funny position.
“The fever…” You mumbled before a huge yawn prickled over your scalp, stretching your sore and aching limbs out then back in again. “Is it gone?”
Soonyoung laughed softly with a small cough into his bicep, using his non-greasy hand to press his fingertips into the crown of your head. Sliding back into your scalp with an eye-rolling pressure.
“New discovery. I think it can be fucked out of me.”
“Mmhmm…” You yawned into his knee, curling around his back and placing your arm over his thigh. 
“Aching.” You sighed airily.
Soonyoung smiled down at you.
“I think you’re going to be feeling that poison there for a little while, pup. Scenting will help. Sorry, I went pretty hard on you. About ten bites total. I know - it was a lot."
Soonyoung scratched his neck sheepishly.
"Speaking of… second new discovery: you might be the one suffering from the first discovery when it comes to practice... In the future I mean… Sorry, love.”
You shook your head, curling even further around him with an even bigger yawn. Mumbling something along the lines of ‘Don’t be silly. It felt amazing! Would do it again anytime, 10/10 rating’.
But if you knew anything about Soonyoung’s chuckle, you knew that you hadn’t even delivered one line successfully. 
But you really didn’t need to say anything for him to understand.
His thumb brushed next to your eyes as your pupils expanded. Enraptured by you.
“Get some rest, love. You’ll be aching tomorrow. Or whenever you wake up. Trust me on this one.”
And being the stubborn beast that you were, you tried to fight it, you really did.
“Go back to sleep, precious dove. I’ll lay with you soon.”
“Please don’t leave… don’t go…” Your eyes dipped heavily as a yawn rippled up your throat, face pressed into the outside of his thigh and lips tucked in front of the gums of your canines. “Stay here… my den… Don’t go…”
Soonyoung laughed softly, shaking his head and scrunching his nose. You were adorable. “I’m right here, Y/N. I’m not going anywhere, anytime soon. I just need to clean you up first, after using and abusing your body so much. You’re safe, angel. I won’t leave you. Close your eyes. Get some rest. Go on. I’ll be here when you wake up. Sleep well, my love.”
But with all that comforting and coaxing, and a healthy dosage of his pressuring ability pulling at your already weak consciousness, you could do nothing but melt into his touch and submit whole and fully to his gentle command. 
The grip from your hands slowly released, until they rolled to the bed and into your chest. 
“Good job, beautiful.” He whispered, tugging at your link until he felt content enough that you were steady into a deep sleep. 
And as your body eased, Soonyoung leaned to kiss your temple one last time before continuing his attention to your wounds. 
Scraping out one last viscous lump of earth-scented goop and spreading it into the crease of your ass cheek before shaking his head with a soft laugh to himself. 
Of all the places to bite - he really did think with his dick first.
The ointment congealed against the open teeth-shaped wounds on your skin as your Wolf immune system mixed with it to heal. Creating a barrier over your skin to encourage scarring and clotting any chance of bleeding. 
But with how diligently he had Marked you, there was nothing much beyond body liquids to clean up. 
Most of which he had already swallowed; the heavily scented blanket shoved into your wash bin until a later date.
He watched it dutifully to make sure the skin was completely coated and had hardened before using a damp cloth to wipe away the excess on your skin, testing as he did the others with a poking thumb, stretching the skin. 
In the quiet of your room now, alone with you and caring for you, he blushed at such an action. At everything that had happened. He was so happy. And more connected to you than ever.
He placed the ointment on your nightstand and moved away to rinse his hand in the bathroom sink in the hall and change his clothes before coming back into you. 
He closed the room to your door with a soft putt. Immediately picking up on, and then further appeasing the sounds coming from your body, curled up in your sleep with a hand to your head and a thumb moving against your tense brow.
“Easy, easy, easy now. You’re so silly Y/N. I’m here, flower. Right here. And I'm not going anywhere. Get some rest.”
As you settled down again, he pulled your weighted blanket down from the overhead cupboard. Doing his best to place it down gently as he stepped over you, lying on his side to curl his legs underneath you. He tucked his arms under your ribs and onto your belly. Crossing them to pull you flush to his abdomen. Anchoring you as your eyes fluttered open, shut, open, shut. In a place between sleep and consciousness.
Soonyoung growled softly at a steady and deep vibrating pace, whispering commands of deep, restful sleep until your movements subsided. Anchored in his arms. Heartbeats matching. 
Finally, finally, after hours of stressful waking, you could rest. 
Soonyoung thought much the same; burrowing his face into your neck, and curling into you until he felt safe. Comforted by holding you. 
His Scarlet Fever was placated. 
For now.
You woke up alone… but not entirely.
While it was true your nesting room and safe bed were now otherwise empty; it was still warm, and six other beings were moving around and making unwelcome noises in the sanctity of your usually silent apartment. 
More noise than you found comforting, in this current state. And it strung a tense band around your head and between your eyes.
You could hear them through the walls. 
Their voices and distinct heartbeats. 
Could sense their presence like a rash on your skin as a stranger's coy laugh bounced between your ears. 
Though muffled, it was intrusive. And as you rose, wiping your bleary eyes, you realised just how much you were aching.
It must have been a day or two that you had spent in and out of deep sleep, you realised with slight shock. 
You remembered drinking and relieving yourself with his aid. But never had you felt a sleep this deep. And you didn't even feel hungry, or thirsty.
Soonyoung had flipped over your calendar for you on your bedside table. And as you moved to sit up, a hot water bottle flopped along the floor, until it came to a stop in front of your dresser, where he had hung one of his nightshirts and your favourite nesting drawstring joggers.
“Oh…” You mumbled, clutching the heavy-weighted blanket to your chest as your heart and belly fluttered. Touched. Humbled. Enamoured with love.
He had been doting on you.
The thought to text him came to mind, but you saw his phone on charge next to your own on the bedside, and you huffed in defeat. The time read 8am; which while reasonable on any other day, was an awful time to wake up in your current state. You couldn’t call him from across the suite, you would embarrass yourself in front of these strangers. But you couldn’t exactly run out to him on strong legs either.
As you shuffled out to the edge of the bed, you whined deeply, so deep that you gasped for air afterwards. Scrunching the blanket between your palms. 
You had caught a whiff of Soonyoung, disorienting you completely as you knew he wasn’t in the room. 
But it was coming from… the blanket? 
Curious, you inhaled deeply against the fabric in your hand; dragging it along with a dazed mania until you reached the side he had slept under. 
It smelt just like him.
You found some small form of new comfort in rubbing against his scent for a moment, but it just wasn’t enough. 
Soon it was replaced with the smell of your usual bedding, and you whined at the ache you felt, desperate to just get near him.
It was a strange feeling for someone who usually defended their independence so fiercely.
Rising from the bed, you changed at a slow pace, and in a great amount of discomfort. You were aching bitterly, but you weren’t suffering from any usual symptoms of heat. This was an entirely new feeling. And you figured the intense tug in your gut to reach him, the strain in your ear and nose muscles to follow your mate’s tracks, was due to his intense imprinting upon you. And yours upon him.
And as you passed the large oval mirror hidden in the alcove of your oddly shaped room, you parted the decorative fake ivy to peer into your own golden yellow eyes. 
Well, that was new.
At your own shocked noise, you spooked yourself, watching in morbid fascination as your pupils contracted. Making yourself relax just to watch them expand again, if only slightly. And the colour; a deep matte brown gold edged by an electric purple, which you correctly presumed to be a sign of your mate's imprinting; he had left a Mark on you that was simply gorgeous.
Well, that was something you would just need to get used to.
The thought of trying to suppress your emotions to see the switch into your normal eyes occurred, but before even putting the thought into action you shuddered with a deep whine. 
Another time, then. Noted.
Your skin also looked… softer? 
And while you knew he had probably helped you to the toilet already RE: a lack of sudden pressing urge to after-sex-pee after being rudely awoken, you hadn’t realised he had also brushed your hair for you. 
You huffed a breath into your hand to check your morning breath, but it was just… minty.
“Huh…” You mumbled to yourself. 
And your neck, your shoulders… He must have bitten you more than you had realised in the throws of lust and carnal passion.
Two scars lay on either side of your pulse points under your jaw, one old and healed, the original bite that turned you, the other freshly melded and hot to the touch. There was another above your heart, two more on your left shoulder, and two on your right. And you caught sight of one at your shoulder blade and slightly lower on your back and in the middle as you spun with a craning neck to try and see them.
A weak growl rippled from your lips, vibrating your throat. 
He had been gnawing at you like a dirty old fishbone. 
And you were smitten. 
Entirely besotted by them. 
Oh if your human companions could see you now - well, they would never understand. 
You even pulled up the shirt to brush your palm over the particularly sensitive bite on your hip, and the other on the soft of your belly. It made you twitch with a pang of desire, and with thoughts of the nights before flooding behind your eyes, you decided to leave it alone, for now. 
Dropping your shirt to puff out a sigh.
All-in-all, it was an unfamiliar sight. A new, heart-wobbling and consuming image. It sent a message to the world that you could never take back or deny. But it was not unwelcomed, not at all. You had only ever seen glances and been taught about this level of Claiming by your pack elders. It took many a decade to build that level of trust. 
That fact made you feel entirely seen. 
And you mostly just felt… loved.
Your attention soon turned to your den door. It had never seemed this unfriendly. 
But hearing Soonyoung’s small giddy laugh, your body rushed with energy to leap out, hands outstretched.
Before you could realise what you were doing, you stood outside of your room with the door pulled tightly shut.
You just… stood there for a moment. 
Outside of your place of security. In shock. In fear. 
You even considered hiding. That was what it was made for, you argued with yourself, before deciding that no, it was only to be used when threatened - it’s our home, and there’s no reason to be scared. Not while Soonyoung was near.  
While considering whether to lean into your human flight or Wolfish fight instincts; you caught Soonyoungs scent on your shoulder; chasing it to breathe in the smell until you had pressed yourself silly into the corner. 
You had practically breached the wall to chase your mate’s track. Huffing with frustration towards yourself as you rubbed your head, punching the stupid wallpaper with a weak open palm. 
But eventually, that trace also disappeared. The residual scent still stayed; as yours did to your nesting clothes. And you realised with a flip in your heart that that was the reason he had left it for you. Hugging yourself tightly in his scent before taking a deep inhale and gathering the courage to leave your safe place pressed in the corner to move forward.
You made it about three steps, moving closer to the noise and smells and the unwelcome coats and shoes in your entryway. Almost instantly you felt a small pang of anxiety hit deep inside your belly and up into your chest. You held yourself tighter. Shrinking in against the wall and against yourself until the shaking in your legs stopped and your irises unpinched. But it took an unusually long time, swallowing with a dry throat as your peripherals fuzzed completely.
This was entirely unlike you. Or anything you had experienced in your turning.
With a deep huff of frustration towards yourself and such a foreign wave of anxiety, you gripped the fabric of Soonyoung’s thick cotton shirt between your fingers and slid them back out, breathing through your mouth in deep fear of becoming overstimulated. 
Your nose twitched as you padded to the edge of the wall.
You could tell that the majority of them were people you knew, with just one remaining stranger unidentified and otherwise unwelcome. Your senses were sharper and more sensitive than ever thanks to your strengthened link. Being Marked by an Alpha was no small thing. And you felt its repercussions in the ache of your bones and the trembling of your legs.
You squeezed yourself in frustration as you just tried to concentrate. They were right around the corner, just  - they’re right there! Why couldn’t you properly smell, or even hear them!? 
Truthfully, the world was muffled. And as you closed your eyes, inhaling deeply through your nostrils and holding it as Soonyoung had taught you - all you could sense was him. His shallow and relaxed breathing. His pulse. The sound of his hair as he scratched behind his ear; fabric rubbing against his arms. 
Even with your new ‘abilities’, you just knew you had to reach him, and fast, before you gave in to your urges to get near him and ended up hurting someone.
He must have felt you coming. A silly thought, you realised, considering how connected you were to each other now. But it was all just so new that you found your brain chasing nature with logic.
Truthfully; he had picked up on the change in your heartbeat as soon as you had awoken from a deep slumber. He had listened out for you as you had shuffled from under your bed covers, anxious to your whines as you got changed, feeling the minute shift of your mood in the mirror, even feeling your anxious heartbeat against his skin as you stopped dead in your tracks at the hallway to your open home.
He found it a true test of his will that he was able to withstand your tugging and reaching for him while there were so many other Alphas present in your home. Let alone other Wolves. And he felt your grievance in the way you moved, the urgency and uneasiness of your footsteps to reach him.
But he had to push you. Had to see if you would follow the pull. Had to see if you had finally accepted him. Needed to test if you trusted yourself enough after years of encouragement to finally lean into your new instincts and lean into them more than ever before. Enact upon teachings that could sometimes take natives decades of processing to understand.
So of course, as soon as you had rounded the corner of the entryway - your eyes wide with strikingly pinched irises, hair loose and appearance soft, while your fists lay white and clenched at your sides, pink scars making themselves known - Soonyoung locked onto you with a pleased smile. 
As you locked eyes with your mate, you choked down a pained sound. Face scrunched and body language screaming as you pressed your back, back against the other side of the hallway. Soonyoung watched as you struggled, feeling your own fast pulse beat seemingly in his own throat.
But he had to let you move. For you to come to him. And so he waited. Removed and unbothered by the conversation in front of him; his sole focus was on you, even as the voices in the room stuttered into silence.
Your mate had been leaning forward with crossed arms onto the island separating the modern kitchen and open living area. 
Upon seeing you, he straightened his spine. A movement that alerted the company to your arrival. 
All attention snapped to whatever the trusted and well-reputationed bodyguard had become alert to. 
What they didn’t expect to find a bother to their security was the small stiff form of a female hovering near the front of the apartment.
Soonyoung wore a pressed suit; his family ring pinned to his breast pocket. 
He had washed since your activities. 
And before he had been expecting you, you imagined his expression was as fiercely sharp and intimidating as it usually was in his job. And with his hair gelled back, he looked as handsome and as eye-catching as the day you had met him. 
Well, maybe you were slightly biased. 
But he did catch eyes easily.
In the anxious silence of the room; he smiled at you discreetly with an aching heart. The tips of his lips twitched up until his cold expression completely cracked; nodding his head for you to come further into the room.
"Come here, angel. Come in." Inviting you to come into the circle of Wolves, to be seen by several sets of eyes, to come towards him, to arrive safely in his presence.
And despite everything; he was still peering into you with those bright red Scarlet Fever eyes. With a purple ring that now finally matched your own deep and settled gold canvas. Soonyoung was already grumbling with glee, pleased even from this distance at your visual.
His prized partner in life now stood before him, Marked into a possession nobody could ever touch. He wasn’t the type to show off, but he admired you as you stood there; strong despite your nerves. Defiant despite your submission. It reinforced that you had given yourself to him willingly, pulling an enchanted smile across his cheeks.
You had wandered straight into a family business meeting you realised very, very quickly. 
Anxiety in the form of carnal fear bubbled in your veins as you stuck to the wall. 
Something innate screamed inside you that they shouldn’t be here. That it was too soon, they were too close, too loud. And finally that they needed to leave. You had to get them out of your home before they could come near you. It tormented your mind's eye enough that you began to tremble, with eyes pinched so harshly it was nought but feral impulses driving you now.
Having located your mate, you looked quickly at the other five Alphas.
You could tell they were Alphas by their domineering presence; the knowing of the power they held. You could feel it pressing against your throat like it had sucked all the clean air out of the room.
You knew four of them in total. Your family leaders and eldest brothers; Jeonghan and Seungcheol. Your mate, and his closest friend, Soonyoung’s brother Minghao, who you considered a brother to you now also.
But there was a stranger with his back to you. And it stuck a fist in your gut that had your brain spinning gears.
You huffed quietly in desperation, rocking on your feet before gripping the wall and hauling yourself forward. With thick night socks, large oversized clothes and a deep ache in your bones, you juddered forward as fast as possible until you reached the island.
Running into your mates' arms with a heart-jolting cry and eyes squeezed shut.
Soonyoung caught you behind the island in a tight embrace. He lifted you into the momentum of your run with a graceful spin, before rounding back. His stomach was vibrating as you struggled to breathe, gripping your mate with tears in your eyes.
“Easy, easy, easy now, flower. You’re safe. I've got you.” Soonyoung whispered gently, holding you so tightly against him that you truly believed it for once. 
"You're okay, I'm here. You're alright." 
He kissed and grumbled against your hair, cradling you between his shoulder and his cheek.
Until after about three minutes, your grip ever so slightly loosened. 
"Soonie - please -"
Your body was shaking, nerves still in your throat, irises painfully slit thin, but you were just so desperate to see his face.
When you pulled away; Soonyoung anticipated your nerves and grumbled deeply as he met your forehead. He bumped your nose with his while turning you gently, to shield you from the eyes of your guests in momentary privacy. 
His lips met your own; pressing once, then again, then one last time. His eyes blew wide; pouring love and security into your own.
“Hey there, gorgeous. Calm down, you're alright. Can you tell me how you're feeling? Or what you’re feeling, pup?”
Before answering you looked wildly at the room. Looking back into his eyes with the most hushed version of a whining plea that you could muster.
"Hey, don't look at them. Look at me. Look at me, love."
You whined on a long exhale before surrendering.
“Strange, Soonie. I’m so anxious it hurts, my bones ache without you near and their heartbeats are giving me a headache… Please don’t leave me again. I'm so frightened of - of this, it's new and I don't want to get overwhelmed -"
“Hey, hey, hey. I'm not about to let you freak yourself out after reaching the finish line. You've done so well dove, even if everything is a little much right now. I’m also not going anywhere anytime soon. You're my priority. I’m right here. Always have been; less than a room away. Not that far away at all, hmm, silly?”
At his words you whined loudly; so loud that even Soonyoung laughed in shock, the sound piercing across the otherwise relaxed aura of the room. 
But he stopped laughing, smiling lovingly instead as soon as you pressed yourself against him, tucking under his chin and reaching to intertwine your hands against the hot, inflamed skin of your cheek. 
He felt your heart pounding against him, burying your face into his collarbone with a short, puttering set of cries. Skin hot to the touch like it would be during your heat; though no sweet smell to accompany it.
“See to your mate, Soonyoung.” An older, deep and rumbling voice purred with amusement across the room. “She looks about ready to kill someone.”
Soonyoung pulled away from hushing you to look to his side, observing with a curled lip the eyes that watched you. 
It made his skin crawl, and he was never usually the overly possessive type, especially in front of his brothers. 
But with his mate shaking so vulnerably in his arms, he had to cut off the tension and fast.
"Quit fucking staring at her before I lose my patience. All of you. You’re intimidating her. She's already newly Claimed and anxious and you're making it worse."
"We're just anxious as to how she might react to us, Soonyoung," Jeonghan explained calmly, with accusing caution written all over his features. 
"This isn't - well, we all realise that it's not an ideal scenario for a freshly marked to be exposed to. You’re not naive. She can now shift and lash out violently brother, so please be realistic here."
Soonyoung snarled fiercely in response.
"You're already doing a great fucking job scaring her by impressing yourself upon the room so much, so do me a favour and fuck off glaring holes into her back like a rabid dog. She won’t shift if you don’t give her any reason to." 
Soonyoung growled lowly towards everyone in the room. His tongue curled and pressed to the roof of his mouth to make some fearsome gurgling sound. 
"I'm sure you’d all like your eyes still stuck firmly in the sockets of your skull by the end of this meeting. Give her some space and we'll keep it that way."
You held him tighter and with a sense of desperation as his sounds caused you to shake in fear. Was he indicating danger? He said you were safe but - were you really?
“Okay, okay, okay. Just - quickly now, please. Everyone divert your eyes for just a moment. Respect and some space.” Seungcheol pressed in a low voice, cautiously eyeing you from beneath his younger brother's arms. 
While he couldn’t exactly see you, he could smell and hear how much you intended to get them out of here and away from your newly scented home in the snarl against your throat and anger rushing off you like a wave of heat.
Seungcheol didn’t exactly blame you for being angry.
The three of them had sensed, smelled and tasted that their brother had Scented the entire floor as soon as the elevator had opened its huge reinforced doors to them early that morning.
It was an impossible thing to hide, even despite Soonyoung’s attempts at open windows and odour-neutralising sprays; or the building’s deliberately thick-lined architecture; it was just something innate that a Wolf didn’t have to touch in order to feel.
Seungcheol just preferred his guests to be mauled at a later arranged date - rather than in his brother’s comfy and swish living room by the hands of his newly Marked, freshly Claimed, reasonably pissed off and honestly his favourite, little sister.
You hadn’t quite anticipated the ferocity of your snarl until it curled up against the back of your throat; eyes wide and pure gold as Soonyoung gripped your wrists. 
Before you could struggle against him he moved fast and with purpose; dragging you with him in one solid gripped hand and a chair in the other.
"Come on." He grumbled. "Sit down, you pretty pup, and tell me what's wrong. What is it exactly, love, that's stressing you out so badly?"
"Want. Them. Out."
By now you were shaking, about ready to let out another blood-curdling growl before Soonyoung gripped your hips, lifting you into the opposite stool and dragging you into his space until your knees hit up against the chair between his legs. 
Growling with wild eyes and a racing pumping beat of adrenaline in your ears; Soonyoung gripped your wrists. Shaking you to look at him again.
“Stop it, Y/N. Quit it. Look at me. Look at me, you precious thing. They’re not going anywhere, and neither are you. Get a hold of yourself before you black out - I'm right here, you are safe.”
Your muscles rippled and tensed visibly all over your body as you shook your head, eyes squeezed shut and teeth bared; somewhere between fighting him and curling in on yourself. Your knees knocked up loudly against the chair as you pulled at his grip on you with some might.
“Look at me, you’re going to hurt yourself in a minute - Y/N, I -” 
The leaders watched with accusing eyes; what they saw as a threat, Soonyoung simply knew you were just deeply afraid. Terrified, even. And their pressuring ability was simply making it worse.
Soonyoung growled viciously through grit teeth. Fighting his instinct to smother you to instead allow you to come to him when you needed him. Right now, you were too highly strung to need much at all.
“Fine then, resist it, see what happens. You’re not going to like it, or last long at all. I'll catch you when you fall."
As soon as Soonyoung stopped fighting you, letting go of your hands and leaning back, you paused in shock. And became instantly consumed by a trembling, whole-consuming fear of your mate pulling away from you. 
You peered up at him with a desperate plea, one that he answered with a deep grumble you could feel against your connecting skin.
He was right; you couldn’t have lasted longer than a few seconds. 
He met you in a teeth-clashing kiss, blunt nails digging into the crown of your head and holding your scalp in his palms as his teeth migrated across your cheek in a forceful growl. You choked for breath, holding him against you as your last fight kicked in.
"Want them out - want - they're scenting our home, Soonie - want them - them to - LEAVE - out - get out of our home, please! It's not their place to stay!"
Soonyoung hushed your manic cries with his tongue lapping at your hot and relatively unscented pulse. He could sense now that he had left you alone for too long and caused you to get overwhelmed by the fight mode in your Wolf.
"Soonie - I can't breathe -" You cried, body flinching harshly at the faux panic coursing through your muscles.
"Easy, you're alright, you're okay. Give in, angel. Lean into me. Stop fighting the pull. Breathe love. I'm here." 
He sucked and gnawed and growled against you until your legs shook. His free palm pressed your shaking leg against your bar stool, soothing over the joggers until your body tensed, then fell against him. He held your scalp in a tight grip as he scented you, but this time he went the direct route.
"Let go, beautiful. I've got you. You don't need to protect anyone. You're safe. Let me take over."
Like a predator holding its prey's neck, until it stops moving, Soonyoung sunk his teeth into your new Claim on your shoulder, holding you there until you stopped struggling. The wound wouldn't re-pierce now even if he tried - not that that was what he was even trying to do.
He licked at it occasionally, but mostly he was using it to anchor you to him. The scar was sensitive and soft, the flesh hardening over the last few days but still deep and so snug to the hurting gums that he reacted in a way that made him growl so possessively you couldn’t help but mewl audibly in response, curling into his hold.
"Soonie -" You cried pitifully. " I - my - it feels like you're pulling me into you b-but - h-how do I make it stop - I can't grab onto it, Soonyoung please it feels like you're ripping away from me -"
‘Remember to breathe, my frightened little dove. You're doing so well. Take a deep breath for me. I've got you. Let go, whenever you're ready, let go.’
Soonyoung growled like a rattling engine still canine deep, kneading at the aches in your thighs as you clung to him. Closing your eyes to give in and lean on him in every way.
"Nngh - my head - it hurts -"
‘Is she going to make it, Soon?’ Minghao asked with a timid tone, through the link and across the room. ‘We’ll need to remove her, if not. I don’t want it to come to that. I know you don’t want it to come to that. And neither do the boys… But this is worrying, brother.’
Soonyoung grumbled with a nod and a smile that was tempered completely with love, lips secured over his connection with you.
‘She’ll make it.’
Slowly but surely, you indeed came around.
You relaxed completely in his arms, a pang in your heart causing you to moan a few pained breaths through burning lungs. Your heart rate slowed until it matched his. And he could pull away to Eskimo kiss you. A sense of clarity washed over your scalp like a mint bath as he removed his teeth from your scar, lips pressing to your cheeks and growling hushed against your hair.
‘Well done, beautiful. The link wasn’t snapped, it won't ever break now - but you were so scared that it might, you started to panic. Just another day, another lesson. I'm so proud of you gorgeous. You’re safe. Catch your breath.’
A warm, aching whimper echoed from you, Soonyoung purring a deep growl in response. Your heartbeat and adrenaline slowed dramatically, gasping a breath as you leaned to pull him forward for his comfort. He met you without question.
“Easy, love. You’ve got time.”
You curled your fist up into your aching canines, eyes drooped under the mind-numbing security now occupying your thoughts. You gnawed at your knuckles until Soonyoung tugged your hand away. 
“I'm sorry… It's just… It’s all too much, Soonie…" You whispered against his blazer collar. “Thank you…”
The light from the window dazzled you for a moment. Bright and sparkling. 
With your irises blown wide; it was not exactly a great idea to stare straight into the morning sun, at least not so soon. Jeonghan moved ever so subtly into the ray of light; growling affectionately, but acting indifferently to the room.
“I know,”  Soonyoung laughed gently, after observing the interaction with his brother. He moved to support your head and brush a thumb over your eyebrows; forcing you to blink and break eye contact. “I know it’s a lot.”
‘The boys are worried for you.’ He added mentally, letting you rest for a moment.
Suddenly, your body followed your mind; your eyes flooded out wide and your lip twitched in tandem with your nose. 
“Is it - are we safe? Are any more people coming? When will they leave?”
At the urgency in your voice; all eyes returned to you in Soonyoung’s arms. He purred something pretty as he tucked you into his shoulder, embracing you as best he could at this angle. 
“You’re okay, flower. You’re safe.” He growled softly through open lips. His heart melted for you. “Nobody is going to hurt you. Nobody else is going to come. They'll leave under Seungcheol's command. Relax, Pup. No one is going to touch you, or me, or our home, without our permission.” 
'But - your brothers - why are they here -' You whined through the link.
He understood where your fear came from. You weren’t used to having so much power and it was devouring your usual mind into more instinctual behaviours.
"They're your brothers, Y/N. They would never deliberately hurt you. You're safe." 
You took a second to compute. Eyeing them all suspiciously with contracting, then expanding golden eyes. Soonyoung smiled widely as you squeezed the knee stuck between your thighs, accepting your affection as you rubbed your cheeks to his neck. Meeting your embrace.
You had just given him your first non-verbal sign. Agreeing with him by performing the equivalent of folding your ears and rolling; wilfully submitting to his lead.
He took a second to tilt your jaw away from your shoulder.
Your neck and shoulder were Marked so beautifully he couldn't help but deeply growl in comfort. Continuing the soothing of your thighs as he removed his hands to let you curl into him, arms around your shoulders instead in a momentary embrace. 
Seungcheol addressed you both now. 
The elder watched your reaction closely and with a great amount of caution.
The whole ordeal seemed to have lasted hours. But it was only a minute or so outside of your little bubble. Soonyoung did a good job deliberately shielding you with his body for the majority of the interaction, anyways.
As you had dashed to meet him; Soonyoung’s nightshirt had hung low on your shoulder blades. Flowing off Soonyoungs heavy, musky scent in waves and exposing your collarbone and upper back scarred and marked for the world to see. 
Not that you cared. You hadn’t even noticed it. Tunnel vision set upon Soonyoung and your desperate need to reach him.
But everybody else did. 
Everybody else had noticed.
Everybody else had taken it in with a sharp, focused vision.
Minghao averted his eyes as soon as he took note of you at the corner of the room with a knowing private smile. Instead, he watched your dash to his brother with a warm heart. Laughing to himself as your nails dug into his blazer, desperate for reassurance. Ready to crawl into him in an effort to be soothed.
Jeonghan had stiffened against the window he was propped up against. His lip had twitched up into a sour expression at the scent of a newly claimed entering the space; before shaking out the red that seeped into his eyes. He only glanced back up again at your whine upon contact with your mate, smiling to himself. 
He heard the emotion in your voice. But he wasn’t convinced. Uncomfortable in his entire being that they were even in your space after being Claimed so soon.
Seungcheol had also stiffened upon your presence being made known but was the only one to watch you dash the whole distance to his brother. 
He had been waiting for your appearance all morning. And you hadn’t failed to please him. Hands outstretched and eyes blown wide for your mate. He was mildly disgusted with his brother and the thought of him even performing the act; but otherwise, he was touched.
 And this guest - they seemed to be staring at you far too much. 
Seungcheol put two and two together and made a note to watch this newcomer closely, especially around you. His intense staring had been putting you at unease at a much more suffocating pressure than any of the brothers.
As Seungcheol’s younger brother tended to you, the guest seemed to watch with bated breath. 
As he understood it; his guest also had brothers, 5 in total, that had never mated, pressured or even bought an Omega from the outer cities. It was strange to him. But he guessed with good knowledge that he likely watched the two of you with envy, slight lust, but mostly pure fascination.
Seungcheol had curled his lip into a snarl until the stranger quickly apologised and averted his eyes. 
"Cut it out." He had growled lowly and directly as Soonyoung placated you. "Or I'll gauge your eyes out with my tongue." 
The young man bowed his head in apology, but despite his size and physique, he didn’t appear to be at all threatening.
Your pack leader stared him down until he was confident the action was not done with offence, and the heavy beating in your chest had settled into a gentle matching pattern to your mate’s, before looking up at you both.
You looked so out of place. 
Your usual sharp-witted self with a sweet musk of an aroma was newly replaced with a bed-soft, Marked and scented female. 
It's hard to describe to a human, but the connection and the new binding of the bond could be felt by everyone in the room. It was present as much as Wolf’s pulse, breathing and own Alpha imprints upon the space around them, the type that the eye could not see.
Seungcheol was unfamiliar with the golden eyes that stared back at him over the height of his brother's blazer sleeve. Your gaze was sharp and cold, unlike your natural eye colour and humility he was so used to. He would be lying if he said he didn’t like this new side of you. 
But it would take some work.
“Good morning, Y/N. Apologies, I hope we didn’t wake you.” Seungcheol spoke with a softer and far more hushed voice than normal. 
With your nose pressed into Hoshi’s shoulder, it was hard to fight the pliancy of the pull and bite back. "You most certainly did." But you still managed. Hoshi giggled behind a knuckle.
“I'm sorry - we’ll try and give you both some more warning next time; so as not to scare you so much. We didn’t realise the situation until we had sat down.” Though he remained his usual sarcastic Leo self. “Thank you for your understanding.”
Jeonghan eyed Seungcheol with suspicion before turning to see your reaction. His brother seemed to know what he was doing; you hadn’t bit back and seemed to genuinely be considering his words from behind your mate’s arms that leaned at ease on the bar stool’s flared edges on either side of your hips.
All six pairs of eyes turned to you. Some yellow, some red, some green. The new male’s eyes struck silver in the mid-morning light.
You growled from within deep in your belly, moving to shift your chair even closer, then behind Soonyoung. He let you move to his side; practically behind his taller frame. The two of you were sitting up with your eyes locked together.
“What are you all doing here?” You growled, nose pressed against Soonyoung’s shoulder as he peered down at you. He was watching you in case you reacted suddenly but he also acted as your grounding in such a volatile state.
“In our home. At this particular moment in time. With a stranger. This early in the morning. Couldn’t you have held this meeting somewhere - anywhere else but here?”
A beat of silence pulsated in the room.
And your gaze was locked with Seungcheol’s.
Soonyoung growled in warning as he moved to lean his weight on the palm planted between your anxiously tensed thighs; lips pressed to your temple in pattered kisses.
‘Drop it, Y/N. Not now, not here.’
Seungcheol met your tension until he heard Soonyoung’s voice through the link. Then he kept it strung tight purely out of his classic morbid curiosity.
Soonyoungs growl grew deeper. And his fang pressed into your cheek, teeth bared.
Instantly; your thighs eased, instead focusing on his body leaning into you as you nuzzled his bicep with a dizzy expression. One hand gripped his blazer back as the other slipped between his fingers. In a complete tunnel vision of affection, ears once again metaphorically folded. Soonyoung kissed the corner of your eye in thanks.
But you tensed once again as your attention was drawn away, back to the wider room. Eyes pinched at the stranger who stared far too much into your eyes for your liking.
“It’s a fair question.” Minghao shrugged, smiling knowingly at Seungcheol who simply rolled his eyes. Jeonghan remained quiet and watched you with sincere caution. As anxious of you as he would be any other newly turned. “Who wants to take this?”
Soonyoung jumped at the opportunity.
“The neighbouring pack has offered us a treaty, in unity, pup.”
You met Soonyoung’s gaze. His eyes were soft; the purple and red softened by his love for you. 
But no matter how much you fought it; these basic customs still churned your stomach into bits.
“You’re marrying off one of our Betas?” You questioned. Tone hurt, sad. Smooth to his ears. “One of our Omega girls? They’re not even ready to consort like that, Soonyoung… You would do that? Marry off one of your own girls?”
Soonyoung considered your words. But didn’t physically react. You were asking a deeper implied question here; speaking for the pack as if the Omegas were your own, shared children. The Omegas in question were well of age, and the Betas in question fell within the gender and sexuality spectrum, more than ready to move on.
“No.” Soonyoung purred plainly. 
It was alarming how much he could control his body; but he was determined to keep you steady, so aggressively shaking his head would do no good here.
“At least, not yet pup - that’s why they’re here to discuss it. To see if there are any suitable matches. I’m here to make sure nobody gets hurt, like at every head meeting.”
Your mate spoke in a soothing tone as his thumb circled your palm. His expression was calm, and it spoke to you a thousand words. Tactfully melding you into a state of ease. Your cheek dropped to Soonyoung’s chest, one sharp eye watching the said stranger.
“I’m presuming you already know the implications of the unity, hmm?” Soonyoung asked; words muffled as his nose brushed against your hair. 
You nodded against him.
“That’s why they’re here, in our home. That’s why I'm here, Y/N. And not outside. At the office. The company bank. Anywhere else. The meeting came here, so I wouldn’t have to leave you. You're my priority here, love. I’m not sure there’s much more I can do to prove it.”
You didn’t respond verbally. Instead, you rubbed your forehead against his neck; infatuated and submissive. Soonyoung brushed the hair from your cheeks and pressed a kiss to the crown of your head; nodding that it was okay for them to continue.
The brothers in the room audibly sighed.
Every careful step to counter your anxiety was saved effort in preventing your potential sudden and violent shift. This was a critical time, and everybody could sense it. Even the guest.
“I can now see why Soonyoung didn’t want to leave you alone in here, little sis,” Minghao spoke, voice gaining your attention.
“And why he recovered so quickly,” Seungcheol added in humour, voice as gruff as ever.
“Right,” Minghao chuckled to himself quietly. “We weren’t sure how long the meeting was going to take.”
“I’m sorry, we should have considered you further,” Minghao added from his place on the sofa next to the stranger. He sat up suddenly from his resting elbows to stretch his arms.
This allowed the visitor to eye you curiously.
Soonyoung pressed his thumb into your palm as you growled into his bicep.  Your pinched eyes pressured the guest until he looked away. 
Soonyoung eyed him curiously - exchanging a few mental words with Seungcheol about him - before rounding back to you. 
“You’re safe here, little sis.” Minghao continued. 
“I’m sorry we spooked you, pup,” Seungcheol uttered through a heartfelt mumble; leaning forward with heart-melting amber eyes that you very rarely got to see. “If I would have put two and two together sooner, I personally would have forced us to rearrange,” 
“You’re okay - I promise. Nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen. And we’ll leave as soon as the meeting is done. Okay?”
You considered his words deeply before whining weakly and hugging Soonyoung tightly, burying your face in his scent. 
“My. Head. Hurts.” You growled moodily. “And they stink. Want their scent gone, Soonie… They’re making me nauseous..”
“I know, flower. It’s a lot to take in, a little too soon.” Soonyoung laughed softly, smiling down at you. "You're doing so well, though. Just don't push yourself. Your senses are viscerally stronger, so you don't want to process too much too fast and get a mild sensory-hangover…"
"You never even told me that was… a thing…" You grumbled in a long sigh.
"Well, it wasn't really an option before - you weren't able to shift completely - but, it will be an issue from now." Soonyoung smiled fondly down at you. His face pressed into his blazer, glaring at him. "You could always go back into your den until -?"
Before Soonyoung could even finish that sentence your grip around his ribs tightened and you shook your head against his stiff jacket. 
“Okay, pup.” He laughed benevolently, looking up to see an anxious Jeonghan as the other two brothers cooed at the massaging hand on your head. “Just don’t strain yourself.”
'I think my big-brain of an older brother wants to talk with you, love, whenever you're ready.' Soonyoung purred inwardly, awaiting your eyes to meet him before nodding back towards the window.
Jeonghan remained tense until you caught his eye from behind his brother.
The older Wolf growled in a way that you imagine a young female Wolf would. It was pretty. Delicate. And the type of sound you wanted to hear again and again.
It was at that moment that you realised you had never actually heard Jeonghan growl before. 
Soonyoung laughed through his nose as he heard your mind wander; nodding for Jeonghan to come towards you both.
'She's settled, brother. You can come to say hi.' 
Cautiously, he walked forward. 
Edging into your space before he stopped at the edge of your comfortable bubble, senses sharp and in tune with your body as he anticipated a reaction.
But there was no reaction. Curiously, your new instincts knew what to do, and your heart followed. 
You kept a hand locked with Soonyoung and met Jeonghan’s gaze as he stepped in front of you. His eyes seeped a lighter yellow, closing the distance by holding his breath and closing his eyes to lean forward and knock his head against your own.
You were starting to grow accustomed to this. 
It was… a nice and new feeling of familial intimacy.
Closing your own eyes with a sharp inhale, you immediately felt Jeonghan’s love he had been guarding in front of the others. 
Something about it.
Something about his gentle exhales and the pretty rumbling as he leaned a hand on the edge of the chair, breath fanning over your cheeks. You could feel all of his worries and anxiety surrounding you and Soonyoung come rushing forward through the link.
'Are you okay, Y/N? Did he hurt you? Are you cleaned properly? Are you able to control yourself around the guest?'
The strangest feeling took over your throat; chuffing delicately against Jeonghan’s cheek. His worrying was coming from a place of love.
'I'm okay, Hannie.' You confirmed in a noticeably weak tone. 'We're okay. I’m just… Worn out and tense, is all.'
Jeonghan nodded ever so slightly, moving to hug you.
'You’ll get to rest together, soon, Y/N. I know it's a lot to get used to. You're doing good, pup. Just shout us if it becomes too much.'
The embrace was a little… odd, given the situation. But you could smell his scent in a new way, and it comforted you greatly. Something like the perfume of a sibling. It filled you with familiarity and love.
'I'm sorry - if we had realised, we - I … Just don't push yourself. We're in your newly Marked territory. But we won't do anything to disrupt it, Y/N.'
You opened your eyes slightly to see him.
Strikingly pale yellow irises against a light brown outline and an inner brighter yellow ring met you.
'I promise.'
You hadn't much to say. But you didn't need to say anything. Not with your new body.
He could read you better than you could read yourself.
You matched Jeonghan's strength until he pulled away, settled now he knew you weren’t going to lash out.
Soonyoung kissed your head on the way back, rounding you to stay by his side. 
One arm stopped you from retreating backwards while the other was free to move. Your thighs and side pressed into his suit, a solid hand laying between your knees and gripping the soft flesh under the thick joggers.
"Good job, beautiful." He purred against your hair as your cheek rested on his shoulder.  
From this angle, he could see your irises had begun expanding greatly; blown wide whenever Soonyoung pressed against you, but also by Jeonghan. Being still new to muscle control; they would almost touch black if it wasn't for the purple ring.
"You follow your instincts more easily now. I can feel it, pretty dove " Voice hushed so only you could hear, his puffs of air pushed your heavy eyelids to blink wistfully. "Just take it slowly. You're doing so well. Can you try and unfocus your eyes for me, love? You've blown them out a little too wide. And give me these -"
He moved to slowly pull away the fingers curled up and pressed between your throbbing teeth and under the sharp point of your canines - the second time in mere minutes the habit had appeared - to smooth over the grazes and indents and small, sharp, thin but deep cuts with his thumb. A new habit he would have to watch out for. 
Your fingers were bleeding.
He popped the finger into his mouth - to make contact with his saliva - without much thought. But winked at you with a giggle as you shied away into his shoulder. Releasing you with a chuckle.
You looked exhausted. 
Small pained whimpers fell from your lips as your pupils expanded and pinched at every single dart across the room. A dazed look of confusion began settling on your face with your brows tugged low.
"I know, baby. Try and focus on me. Or Hannie, or Hao if you need to. I know it hurts to process so many people in your territory right now, but you'll be alright, I promise." 
Soonyoung was tender to your wants of not disrupting your home, but there was little he could do against his older brother's instructions. 
He placed a gentle kiss on your brow bone, smiling deeply as your dazed line of view spun around until your face met his own. He wasn't convinced you could totally comprehend what he was saying at the moment, but your eyes blew wide under his watch and eyebrows eased their tension. And this was enough.
"I'll help you rest again soon, angel. We'll sleep later, get some real good food down you, then afterwards I'll scent you until your nerves settle again. Lean on me, the link, for now. It will all be over soon."
“I’m guessing now would be a good time to introduce myself?”
The stranger's voice made you flinch hard.
Your irises pulled together unreasonably quickly; Soonyoung anticipated the spike in your pulse as a solid warning to place himself in front of you. 
You had intended to run towards him. 
And to no doubt maul him with your extended and exposed canines appearing from under your lips.
'Don't. Do not. Don't you dare lunge at him.' 
Soonyoung growled slowly. Pressuring you not to fight his guidance again. Unable to truly command you with such a soft spot for you. 
'Do not move, Y/N. I mean it.'
He held you steady, growling almost inaudibly as you gripped him. His lips pressed against your head as you folded into the tug of him grounding you. 
But this action was mirrored by a watchful growl from Jeonghan.
'Sister, you have to resist it. I know it's hard. Try and control yourself. He is safe in your territory. You have many guards here. You are safe.'
You knew logically you were safe. But it was a lot to process and by now your vision was blurry and you had already worn yourself out; sinuses burning as much as the ache in your gums. 
So you took his previous offer up immediately.
With a scratchy nasal exhale, your eyes closed and you moved to lean into him in every aspect. 
His hand withdrew from your leg for a moment to press into the muscles under the height of your cheekbones, where he presumed you were throbbing into your skull.
"Good pup." He whispered, kissing the corner of your eye with a creased-eye smile before settling again. "Good choice."
Your instant moans of relief proved he was right. 
Luckily hidden by his blazer; you had your mouth open and eyes closed so he could easily slip under your lips and press the pads of his fingers into the throbbing ache in your gums. 
It was heavenly, but not enough. 
You needed to mark him again.
Soonyoung growled softly, tugging at the link while he rested the heavy meat of his palm against your lips. 
You followed your body; discreetly sinking into the flesh of either side of his palm with eagerly smooth canines and sinfully muffled moans until he winced.
'Hold it.' Soonyoung reminded you. Brushing his thumb over the hand that held his palm to your mouth. Smiling sheepishly at you despite the sharp pinch.
And you did hold it.
It was terribly tender for him, but you couldn't stop pressing down with new Werewolf jaw force until the tension panged out from your link. 
“Enough,” Soonyoung whispered, eager to guide you to stop, aware of the hunger versus the limits of marking in your current state. “Let go.”
You pulled away upon his instruction, pliant and eager to please; processing the taste of iron with a muted moan; gasping for air. The blood spooled from his palm quickly upon the break; dripping down your lips and chin and the veins of his hard-working hands.
"Good girl." He growled affectionately, tactfully avoiding blood stains on his pressed suit by forcing gravity to suppress the flow and hold your face up via a pinched chin. 
As you peered up at him with a dizzy expression, he pulled to make eye contact. 
'Eyes on me, angel. I’m right here.'
He waited until your irises pinched to make sure you saw him and no one else in such a vulnerable state.
You simply melted under his gaze.
All consumed. Mesmerised like a kid in front of a fire.
He held your gaze until your irises completely expanded; pulled intensely by his powers. 
And he was barely even exerting himself. Preferring never to use it on you; the rare occasions he did made such a difference.
"That's enough." He calmly whispered, allowing the grounding to snap. “Rest.”
Like a weight dropping; your eyes drooped with an exhausted whimper. Soonyoung had been holding you in anticipation; pressing you to his chest between his arms instead of letting you fall. You folded towards him as he caught the towel chucked at him via Jeonghan from the counter. 
"How unsanitary." Jeonghan mused. He was being light-hearted, luckily. “Marking with company present, next to the kitchen, of all places. Didn’t Mother teach you better?”
Soonyoung snickered but moved to wipe at your face, then his wrists. He was holding the wound behind your back. But mostly he was watching you.
You were placated. And it pleased him, greatly.
Minghao's expression softened greatly from where he sat. 
'That’s going to hurt Soon…' He spoke, gently scolding his younger brother. "Not a wise place to put a mark brother, not at all…"
'I know.' Soonyoung replied, looking up at his close companion as he licked at his hand. 'I know it will hurt…'
'Hmm. But not as much as she's hurting;  right?'
'Right.' Soonyoung confirmed. 'She's been aching badly, Hao. I can feel it. I've been taking some of the pain from her while she sleeps.'
Minghao pressed a finger against his lips and pulled tight in consideration. 
'You're a good mate, Soonyoung. She loves you dearly. You have my wholehearted protection, brother. We'll keep her safe while she's out of your sight. But just look at her, Soonyoung. Her eyes are beautiful. You placed the scars well - even if it makes me gag thinking about the fucking shit you did to even think about placing them. You dog.'
Soonyoung shared a silent smile. 
'She just looks so weak, Soon. We're worried about her. All of us. We're also sorry if we upset you.'
'She's so tired already.' Soonyoung confirmed. But he shook his head. 'And thank you. I appreciate it, but you don't need to explain. It's okay, Hao. Really.'
His brother nodded.
'I didn't get a chance to scent her before you guys turned up. The whole thing has really spun her off her axis…'
A pause.
'She's scared, Hao. So, so scared. It's all so new to her. I think the family tends to forget she wasn't born like us sometimes, because she puts on such a brave act. Even I do. But it's mostly a front.' 
He growled a consistent hum as you nuzzled against him. Your heartbeat had settled greatly. It grounded him.
'All to cover how lost she truly feels. Vulnerable in amongst the pack. And I don't blame her; do you?'
Minghaos eyes floated to your face; delightfully puffy lips and eyes folded over with grief. 
'No brother, I don't blame her. Not at all.'
'Ever since she's let me in - I can feel it, Hao. She's terrified… I think it's all very new for both of us. But one of us was born a human. Please be patient with her. That's all I ask of you. She's trying so so hard for all of us, but it will take her a little longer to get used to it than one of our own.'
Minghao smiled lovingly with a soft muted growl. Sharing a glance with Jeonghan over your shoulders.
Though not speaking directly to him; Jeonghan was being pulled into the link via Minghao. And Seungcheol by Jeonghan. 
So in this way, the link in a family acts like a Web. 
Whereas a mated pair can communicate solely between themselves; not much outside of that can be hidden from the pack.
Even Seungcheol’s eyes strayed from distracting the guest to the way you folded against his brother so feebly.
How could they say no?
'I know.' Minghao smiled gently. 'We all do. You're both doing so well. We're here if you need us. And you're right; we shouldn't judge too quickly. We won't. And we'll remind the younger ones to do the same… Just make sure she's secure before the next time either of you leave this building. We don't want anybody getting hurt. Especially not our new sister.'
Soonyoung chuffed; deeply touched by his brother's words.
He was talking on a deeply spiritual level. You were now tied into their bond, whether you liked it or not. And they were equally as tied to yours.
'We love you, brother.' Jeonghan added faintly. 'Love you both. We all do. It will be a big adjustment for all of us. There are three of us who have mated until linked now. We'll discuss this later.'
The three dipped their heads to each other discreetly before Seungcheol spoke, bringing them back into the open space.
“I think now would be a great time to introduce yourself!” Seungcheol chuffed through an amused smile, curious to see your reaction. 
Softened by you and your vulnerability towards the family. Listening to the link while entertaining the guest until you were all ready.
In fact, everyone was enamoured by you. 
But none seemed nearly as humoured as the elder. He knew you too well. Like he got some kind of dark joy out of testing your limits. 
“Soonyoung, may I speak for your mate?”
You were far gone again; face buried into his blazer collar. Soonyoung nodded. 
He moved to place a grip on your thigh, just in case. “Sure, go ahead.” Rolling his eyes then his jaw, releasing the tension in his own neck to rest his cheek against your hair.
“Thank you. Chan, Y/N is Soonyoung’s mate - if that wasn’t already fairly obvious. She delegates his safety teams where and when needed, in collaboration with Minghao in our statistics team. Oh, and she also helps Jeonghan and me with our accounts. Though I imagine you’ll need to be a little gentler with her today, you’ll usually find our sister to be quite the tough cookie. She has a reputation for being sharp and is a valued member of our family."
Minghao scoffed at his brother, rolling his eyes now, with a kiss to his teeth.
“We’re still not entirely sure how these two paired up. An intern with a killer work ethic and an idiot in clown-to-clown combat training. But there you go. Fate has her own initiative.” 
Seungcheol snickered, nodding to his guest; “Go ahead, she doesn’t bite.”
His voice trailed off with a cruelly amused smile as the young and totally oblivious Alpha stood to jump in your direction with a loud booming voice and an outreaching, palm down hand, flashing his gums at you in an eager smile. 
He may as well have lunged at you in this state. 
Seungcheol didn’t even have to move or give a signal, to know you were protected.
“Hi Y/N, my name is Chan -”
As he stood to speak to you, a snarl ripped from your throat so firmly that it forced Minghao to rise with quick reflexes to stop Chan dead in his tracks. 
Demeanour switched in an instant with a hand gripped firmly into the guest’s throat. 
Jeonghan had also stepped forward, ready to block. But as usual, he remained able to see all, ready to catch you instead if you ran forward.
"Woah, woah, woah, easy now boys… Stand down before either of you start something we will all have to regret…" Jeonghan mumbled with a snappy tone to his younger brothers, but stepped forward to shelter you further. 
"Think about what you're saying before you ruin a fucking pack unity, Soonyoung." He whispered harshly down at your mate. "Take a damn second."
But by now, Soonyoung was furious. 
Body shaking and eyes glaring into Chan as Jeonghan moved back out of the way on high alert.
"Sit down, or get the fuck away from my mate, you naive mutt, before I take that choice away from you. Learn a thing or two about body language before you come into someone else's den and start lunging at newly Claimed females. You're lucky you're under my brother's explicit protection, or you would already be staining my wife's 30-thousand-dollar-rug."
Soonyoung growled deeply, lowly and genuinely enough for Seungcheol to quit laughing.
"And you - your shit isn’t funny, Cheol. Don't make me maul our guest like one of your sick and twisted fighting pens for your own fucking amusement in the middle of our own apartment."
nodding at his brother and maintaining mental communication before the elder's face dropped completely, waving his hands for everyone to sit back down. 
You don't know what was said, but it was extremely rare for Seungcheol to back down. And maybe more so for Soonyoung to get so genuinely angry. Such is the hierarchy of a pack. But Cheol had considerably overstepped his Mark.
"She's Exhausted, and afraid, Seungcheol. Think of Y/N as your own mate before you start playing your fucking power-hungry games around her."
"That's enough, Soonyoung." Jeonghan spoke quietly from his place against the dark window. Turning around from his view with an unimpressed demeanour.
"Cheol - it's time to move on. Continue with the meeting, please, brother." He turned with a scowl to the elder. "Before one of us gets hurt."
Jeonghan was entirely unamused by everyone this morning, and it hadn't even hit 9am.
“Alright - alright! The fun’s over, that’s enough now, let’s leave the poor woman alone and continue our discussion. Chan, please sit your cute ass back in that chair before my sibling rips your throat out. Either one of them. And Minghao, step down, for fuck’s sake. He’s not going to touch Y/N, you’ve made that perfectly clear, thank you. Thank you again.”
Chan had reacted appropriately to the sudden aggression; though naive he knew how to defend himself and snarled at the tall man digging his nails into his jugular simply for the following instruction. Standing down from his counter with Minghao upon the eldest brothers’ instruction to ‘take a seat’.
Minghao turned to you with emerald eyes as his hand left Chan’s throat. He looked frightful. 
It was rare to see your brother angry. 
And you were pretty sure the last time he flashed his gums at anyone they died long and viciously in an alleyway outside of a bar - which now that you think about it, was to protect his own mate.
He stepped towards you fluidly, reaching your cheek in an embrace, meeting your forehead and squeezing his eyes shut. 
The contact felt strange with your gut tugging you back to Soonyoung, but when he pulled away he stuck to your cheek with a soft growl. It washed over your skin like sparklers and you groaned gently in a confirming response.
'Are you okay?' Minghao spoke through the link so only you could hear. Speaking you through what he had just confirmed non-verbally.
You nodded with a jaw-cracking yawn and a grumbling vocation. 
'I’m okay. He didn’t even get close. Thank you.' 
You smiled, accepting the final contact of his forehead against yours before curling back up into Soonyoung’s side. 
But this time for good.
Putting your legs over his knees - and loving the contrast of your clothes in some deep part of you - as you growled gently. The sensation was… nice. New, but comforting. Soonyoung watched you with a kiss on your forehead.
'Yeah, right, no worries.' Minghao laughed softly as he plopped back into his seat. His eyes were partially green as he bit at his lip, at odds with the stranger next to him.
"Welcome home, Y/N." Seungcheol spoke low and with gummy-grinned intent. And you felt it, what he truly meant. Despite Minghao's dismissive scoff, or Jeonghan’s glance of confusion.
Welcome home. 
Finally, he had seen you in your entirety, and accepted you.
"Bangchan, I hope, overall, that you aren't insulted by our younger sister, or my brother's. As you can maybe tell, she has recently been Marked. You're a stranger in her home. And though you haven’t had the chance to experience this yet; I'm sure your mate would react exactly the same way. And your bothers would protect your mate also, I hope."
He was the only one laughing, the only one with years of wisdom and hundreds of dog fights under his belt. But as he nodded to confirm your security across the lounge, a private understanding of boundaries was shared. You never know unless you rock the boat; Seungcheol had almost tipped it.
“Right, golden eyes?” He poked softly.
All eyes looked at you as you nodded back, moulding into your mates’ side and taking refuge in the solid sound of his beating heart as the meeting continued. 
At some point in the meeting, Soonyoung purred at you lightly dozing on his shoulder. With little effort, he pulled you onto his lap. Quickly your forehead met his neck, arms hugging yourself tightly as he held you. One hand on your knee and the other on your back.
"I'm so proud of you." He whispered kindly. "Get some rest while you can. We'll talk later. Take some of my energy, if you need it. You know how now."
You managed to mumble something back but mostly moved to find one last piece of comfort. And you found it in the bite against your heart. And the feeling it gave you as your hand curled against it. 
Soonyoung felt a tug in his gut, something otherworldly that meant you were aching for him. Pulling on the newly strengthened link is like testing the strength of a new elastic band straight out of the box.
Your mate simply swooned. Kissing your hairline with an enraptured smile, Soonyoung released your knees to press his palm firmly under your own, intertwining your fingers. 
'There’s no need to search for me, when I'm already here with you, Y/N. My love is free. You only have to ask. And I'll always leave a part of myself with you, wherever we go. Get some rest, love. I'll be here when you wake up. Closer, this time. Sleep, my brave dove. You deserve it.'
Finally. You felt safe. Secure. Connected.
And your eyes drooped until numbness eased over your brain.
As Soonyoung soothed you, the eldest brother, Jeonghan, mused something new to himself. Something he had been waiting over four years to witness.
You had a bark. 
But you most definitely had the spirit to bite.
Both physically - Jeonghan had already noted the deep wound on his wrist and the one settling into his palm - and metaphorically too - despite all the reassurance and placating pheremones in the world; you still went to bite at the guest when wrongfully approached.
They could use that. 
It was sadistically amusing to him, just as much as it was to his brother. One of them could just hide it better. One of them deal in relations while the other watched men and dogs bleed out for fun.
And in your new tight-knit family, you were beyond willing to help with anything asked of you. Surviving every test put past you without failure; even with initial barks and doubts.
And despite their sickly sinful inclinations; the family in that room with you would die for you, on a very quick dime.
A good match, even by Jeonghan's standards.
The Tiger and the Dragon - two beasts in their own rights, pushing to face the world one surprise at a time.
“So,” Your subdued voice spoke into the room. “What comes next?”
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Well would you look at that: 13/April/2023
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9 ppl to get to know better
thank you for the tag @ghostradiodylan it has been such a long time since I've done a tag for anything & i desperately need a break from the writing/editing nightmare
1. three ships: Max Brinly/Laura Kearney own my soul, it's not even funny. i wish them every happiness forever. i'm also a firm believer in Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth & i will never stop rotating them in my brain. let's go with Steven Universe/Connie Maheswaren bc i love them & if i keep thinking about ships i like, it will completely derail me
2. first ever ship: Ryan & Chad from high school musical. please don't ask me to elaborate
3. last song: "Weirdest Science" by Mo Mo O'brien which is an absolute banger that i stand by 100% (altho i could put together a whole playlist on songs i want everyone to hear) but an honorable mention to Mothica bc i have been looping their albums for a few days
4. last film: i forced my cousins to watch "Aliens in the Attic" bc it was one of my favorite films as a kid & neither of them had heard of it so i needed to enlighten them. that movie is insane & nonsensical & i love it so much
5. currently reading: i've been, admittedly pretty bad about reading full, published books lately & i alwasy pull back from reading when i'm on a writing craze. i was knee-deep in "Solar Lunacy" by bamsara before i had to break for writing (highly recommend for any fnaf fans who somehow haven't seen it) but in my free time, i've been rereading "Every Last Word" by Tamara Ireland Stone which was my favorite book in high school & not just bc the girl i was in love with recommended it & loaned me her copy. that's uhhhhh unrelated
6. currently watching: at the moment of typing this, i'm watching one of Danny Gonzalez's reviews of a disney movie. in general, my cousin & i have been rewatching some criminal minds but other than that, i'm between shows
7. currently consuming: seaweed bc i'm cursed with the desire for the Salty Ocean Leaf. it's actually rlly good
8. currently craving: cotton camdy miwlkshake 🤤
tag 9 ppl - @geniusbuilttm @girlypear @insertlovelyperson @adangersandwich @cjthestoryteller @pileontheyears @torchmlp @solarmoonecilpse @deepseawave
sorry for anyone i tagged who was ready tagged or doesn't want to - no pressure & also im sorry 😩 hope y'all are having a good night
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wildemaven · 1 year
New Year, New You
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x F! Reader (established relationship)
Word Count: 1813
Warnings: M 18+; Mentions of food and alcohol; Poor attempt at smut; I changed reader to be read as F (the previous two installments are read as non-descriptive); If I missed anything let me know
A/N: I saw the prompt for this week’s @writer-wednesday and it sparked a little idea. Since New Year’s Eve falls on Saturday this year, this is set in the Weekends with Frankie universe, but can also be read as a stand alone fic. Also, this is my first attempt at writing any sort of smut. Im hoping it is ok for what it is, trying to slowly dip my toes into writing it— you all make it seem so easy! This isn’t beta’s, so all mistakes are my own doing. And I try really hard to not use specific descriptive words for Reader (unless other wise noted; this being a F!Reader), so it’s open to interpretation for anyone reading, but if I missed stepped and did, please let me know so I can fix it. xo
Series Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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Your skin tingles, breath slowly returns to a normal rhythm.
Your brain not sure if it’s the effects of the bottle of champagne you indulged in or a post lust haze sweeping through your body.
The bed dips next to you, sheets rustling as a warm body slides up next to your worn out form.
“Looks like we started the New Year off with a bang!” Frankie jokes as he places a soft kiss to your shoulder— always looking for an opportunity break the silence with a ridiculous pun.
“You are the worst!” You say as you turn to face him. He’s pleased with himself, that grin he wears proudly when he’s pulled a genuine laugh from you. Your lips find his instinctively, soft drawn out kisses exchanged as the minutes of the new year tick by. “Happy New Year Babe.” You whisper against his plush lips.
“Happy New Year indeed!” He mumbles as he starts sprinkling kisses down your neck, shifting his body over you now— lifting his head just enough to catch your sleepy gaze. “What’s your wish for the new year Love??” He asks as he makes contact with your still dewy skin, planting peck after peck in a haphazard trail down your body. Each one sending an electric current through your veins, overriding your sleep like state.
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The evening began celebrating the ending of a long drawn out year.
Santi hosting a New Year’s gathering of friends at his place— an abundance of food and drinks at your disposal, all of you dressed to the nines.
The music is blaring over the conversation you’re trying to hold with Will’s wife, catching up the recent happenings in their busy lives.
You’re trying your best to to stay present to stay completely present as she shares about her and Will’s recent vacation. But from across the room, your attention is pulled to your husband, dressed in your favorite suit of his that he only wears when the occasion calls for it. He seems to be in a deep discussion with Santi. You can’t help but stare at his serious demeanor— furrowed brow, pursed lips paired with the cute little jaw tick his does when he’s really thinking. He must sense you staring, as his gaze turns towards you and you’re suddenly on the receiving end of his dimpled smile.
You can’t help the warm feeling emanating through you. Your husband still makes you giddy after all these years together. Your eyes still locked as you sip from your champagne flute, he winks and it’s all over— knees beyond weak and ready to give at any moment in the already too high heels you’re wearing.
He checks his watch, you assume to make sure you’ve both spent an adequate amount of time socializing. He glances back up at you, and you already know he’s suggesting it’s time to go with out saying a single word.
You both excuse yourselves from your conversations, drinks abandoned on nearest open surface. You weave through the other party goers to make your way to the front door with one thing and one thing only on your mind— Frankie.
Your adrenaline pumps through you wickedly, arousal tiptoeing its way to the surface sparking want from deep with in.
How every party seems to end this very way isn’t lost on you. You both can’t seem to get enough of each other and you don’t plan on changing that anytime soon.
Frankie all but crashes into once your reached the door. Desire written blatantly all over his face. His hands instinctually grabbing your waist, sequin dress bunching as he pulls you into his lust filled orbit. A man on a quest— his wife in bed, a familiar mission he’s endured many times before.
“Do you think we were spotted?” His asks resting his warm forehead on yours. His eyes dark with a similar need to your own.
“I don’t think so.” Your heart racing as your try to steady yourself against him. “But I grabbed us a few parting gifts,” You say as you lift two chilled bottles of champagne in each hand. “so we better vacate the premise now before he notices they’re gone.”
“You little minx. I didn’t realize my wife had a bad side to her.” His grip on your hips tightening.
“Well, if you play your cards right…” Grabbing onto his jacket so he knows just how serious you are. “I’ll show you more of it before the night ends.” You say as your lips ghost his.
“Fuck! I love you!” He nearly growls into your mouth with a searing kiss delivering a hunger for more. He backs you into the door caging your body with his, his tight pants not doing much to hide his eagerness as he presses into you.
You can’t help the slight whimper that escapes and the slight roll of your equally eager hips. If you both don’t leave now, this will likely end with you both on the receiving end of a Santi Tantrum (it never ends well). “I love you too Francisco. Take me home soldier!”
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Breathy soft sighs are all you can manage to produce right now. How does he expect you to hold a coherent discussion when he’s working you up like this. His mouth set out to rediscover every dip and curve, never the same path twice. For every sweet kiss, there’s a gentle nip as he makes way down your torso, his destination already craving his presence.
“This! I wish for more of this!” Stumbles out just as Frankie places a soft kiss to your already sensitive clit. “Fuck!” Your hands clenching the sheets, back arching off the bed, you’re already flying towards your impending orgasm— the third one of the night.
“I think we can make that happen.” He says before continuing his pursuit for your pleasure. Grabbing the tops of your thighs to shift you down closer to him, adding just enough pressure to make your toes curl.
*Ring* *Ring*
Frankie’s phone rings just as your waves just begin to crash. Your eyes flying open in annoyance and the warmth pooling in your belly quickly dissipates as the ringing continues— you already know who it is.
“Santi!” You huff in frustration.
“Babe, can you not say his name while my head is between your legs?!” He states looking up at you in confusion.
“He’s calling! The mother fucker is calling right as I was about to cum!”
Reaching over you grab the phone as it begins to ring for a second time. Santi tantrum has been activated and he will continue to call until someone answers.
You toss the phone down to Frankie who’s still camped out between your legs. He looks up at you apologetically as he answers, he knows he’s going to have to make it up to you.
“What the fuck Fish?? I’ve been looking for you for the last hour and then I hear from Joelle that she saw the two of you sneaking out!! WITH TWO BOTTLES OF CHAMPAGNE?!”
Even in your state of annoyance, you can’t help but chuckle at his irritation.
“Uhh, well I got hungry so we decided to head home.” Frankie says as straight faced as he can. He’s the worst liar, stammering over his words trying to make his story credible.
You can’t help but smile down at him. His curls tousled but gorgeous and his handsome face covered in a mixture of sweat and you’re arousal. As annoyed as you are, you’re grateful he has friends like Santi who worry about him.
“You got hungry?! I had this fucking thing catered and you were hungry!?”
“What I was hungry for wasn’t on the menu…” You almost lose it at that remark.
“I should have known better than to expect you two to actually stay the entire time. So really I’m not that surprised you both bailed. But you couldn’t even wait until midnight to celebrate with us could you?”
As much as you’d love to listen to Santi carry on with his childlike whining, because you do find it quite hilarious, you have other plans and it doesn’t involve this drawn out interrogation.
You decide to take matters into your own hands. Never one to rock the boat, but there’s a fire in you that’s been stoked and a mighty need for your husband. You sit up and snatch the phone from Frankie. If he can’t put an end to this call, you’re more than happy to.
“Hey Santi!”
“Well if it isn’t the thief of the night!” He grumbles into the phone. Frankie has moved up to rest his forehead on your stomach. He can’t help but snicker as Santi goes on, he’s body nearly shaking from laughter.
“Santi, it was a beautiful party and we had so much fun,” You figured you’d try the sweet approach, kill him with kindness as they say.
“I’m failing to see why you left if you had so much fun.” He cuts you off and now you’re ready for this to be done.
“Oh for Christ sake Santi! I was just about ready to have another mind blowing orgasm courtesy of my sexy husband before you decided you needed to call us at 1 am!” Frankie looks up at you in disbelief. He’s not sure he’s ever heard you be so forward before— he’s into it.
“So, what’s going to happen next is I’m going to hang up on you, Frankie is going to reconvene back where he was so perfectly situated and continue that thing he does with his tongue that makes me…”
“Ok! I got it! Goodbye!” *click*
Satisfied with yourself you toss the phone back onto the nightstand and fall back on to the pillows. You’re not sure where this boldness came from, but you kind of like how it feels.
Frankie snakes his way back up to you, propping himself up on his forearms placed on each side of your adrenaline thrilled form. The grin on his face making you melt slowly in to the bed.
“Where did that come from?” He asked looking down at you with pure excitement.
“I don’t know.” You say as you bite your bottom lip, teetering on the verge of embarrassment. But the way Frankie is looking at you says there’s no reason for anything but to be satisfied with your new found gutsiness.
“This must be the side you said I’d get to see more of tonight.” He said before leaning down to press his plush lips to yours. Neurons already firing at top speed as you smile into the kiss. “I like it! You should bring her around more.” You can’t help but smile into his kiss, Frankie always “Here’s to a New Year and a new you!”
“Happy New Year to me!” You exclaim as Frankie begins his decent to finish what you so desperately wished for.
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ghost-bleus · 3 months
about my blog
hello hello! you are here because you just so happened to stumble upon this blog of mine! welcome! my name is fritz, and i go by he/they pronouns! i identify as transmasc, asexual and omniromantic.
i am currently knee deep in a fnaf hyperfixation, so expect most to be that. however, i am also into:
chnt, dead plate, day shift at freddy’s, welcome home, the amazing digital circus, generation loss, lobotomies (DO ask, actually, i’d love to infodump), deltarune, undertale, and a whole bunch of other medias.
will wood has tapewormed his way into my brain (haha. get it. tapewormed. i’m so funny) so i will, naturally, spontaneously combust whenever his music is mentioned.
current kin list:
michael afton (fnaf), puppycat (bee and puppycat)
two year olds dni ☹️☹️
gaehivians feel free to dm me for my user if you don’t recognize me
thank you, and enjoy your stay
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lovebombs4life · 8 months
all i wanted - m.g.c.
requested: no i’m just emo rn
a/n: it’s like 5am rn and i can’t sleep so im writing
cw: angst song blurb, swearing, fluff end
3 days ago
“please michael, tell me how we can fix this!” i begged, tears falling down my face, staining my cheeks.
“i don’t think we can fix this y/n. both of us are gone all the time, it’s just not good for us.” he bit his lip, tears falling down his face too.
i wanted more than anything to just walk up to him and wipe the tears from his face, and hold him close one last time.
before i could even think of doing so, he grabbed his keys and opened the door to our apartment. “i’m sorry, y/n.” he choked out, leaving me alone in our shared apartment.
current time
i took deep breaths as i prepared to walk out on stage. i was one of the acts for the vma’s, performing ‘all i wanted’ by paramore.
that wasn’t originally the plan, until the breakup. it was supposed to be michael and i, and we were going to sing ‘everything has changed.’
i tried to clear my head, knowing michael would be watching, just a few rows away from the stage. i took a deep breath as i was directed to the stage. i put my ear pieces in, and was handed a mic.
i walked to the mic stand, putting my mic on, waiting for them to announce my performance.
“for the performance we’ve all been waiting for, here is y/n y/l/n!” i heard ring through my ears.
i smiled out to the crowd, taking a deep breath as the opening chords started playing. i wrapped my hands around the mic, closing my eyes.
“think of me when you’re out, when you’re out there.” i sang, the crowd roaring.
“i’ll beg you nice from my knees.” i continued. tears pricked my eyes as i kept going.
i looked out into the crowd, spotting michael, watching him. he bit his lip, bringing his hand to his mouth and bit his nails.
“all i wanted was you.” i sang quietly, keeping my eyes glued to michael. i blinked my tears away.
as the drums came in, i moved my body to the beat. i closed my eyes, feeling the music. i forced myself to look anywhere but where michael was sitting. thousands of eyes were on me, yet i could only feel his burning into my skin.
tears flowed down my cheeks, and i’d wipe them away occasionally, trying to keep my makeup from running down my face.
i took a deep breath as i got to the end of the song, having to hold out that long note. my nerves faded away as i belted it, making the crowd go wild.
i wiped my face once more as the song ended, running off stage. i couldn’t hold it back anymore, running into my dressing room, crying.
i sniffled hard, trying not to let my nose get runny, failing at doing so. i let my sobs out, grabbing tissues to clear out my nose.
i gasped for air. everything was finally feeling so real. michael wasn’t mine anymore. he didn’t want me.
i grabbed a pillow from the couch, sticking my face into it, letting out sobs that turned to screams. i gripped at my hair, pillow on my legs, my knees to my chest as i screamed into the pillow.
there was a knock on my door. ignored it, still crying. it came again, this time louder. “go away!” i yelled, hugging my legs.
“please, y/n,” a broken voice called from the other side. i went to the door, leaning against it, hearing his voice for the first time in what felt like years.
“n-no, michael! i can’t!” i cried, my forehead pressed to the door. somehow, i knew he was doing the same, his hands pressed to the door.
“you’re all i need, y/n. i want to work out our schedules, everything, i want us to work.” he begged.
i breathed in sharply. “you didn’t want to try the other night, why now?” i questioned, trying to catch my breath.
“because i love you. seeing you perform up there broken like that instead of filled with love with me alongside you just fucking killed me. please, y/n, let me in.” he sniffed.
i pulled away from the door, grabbing the handle and pulling it open. he lifted his head to look at me.
my makeup was running down my face. black streaks of mascara stained my cheeks, my eyeliner smudged around my eyes.
his face was shiny from crying, too. he walked in, grasping me tightly. i nuzzled my head into his shoulder, sobbing. he moved us forward, closing the door behind us.
i screamed into his shoulder, feeling his embrace slightly calm me. i gasped, trying to regulate my breathing.
“i want this to work, i need this to work, y/n. he cried, stroking my hair, squeezing me. i nodded into his shoulder. i took deep breaths, my body relaxing as i drowned in his presence.
“then tell me how to make it work, michael.” i asked, pulling out of his hold. he held onto my hands, looking down at me.
“i want you to come on tour with me, i want to go on tour with you. we’ll get your manager to schedule your concerts a few days before or after our shows, we’ll space them out, something, we’ll make it work.” he stated, squeezing my hands.
“i need to see how much you love and need me, not just hear it.” i spoke, squeezing his hands back.
he nodded his head, pulling me back in to hug me. i looked up at him. his eyes flickered to my lips, and back at my eyes, questioning if he could.
i nodded my head. he leaned down, kissing me softly.
in that moment, i knew everything would be okay.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
(name) stared down the pregnancy test terrified, the two lines indicating that he was in fact pregnant with Eddie munsons pup.
How? They always wore protection!
Oh god did the condom rip and they didn't notice?!
(Name) was losing his shit in the bathroom, thankful Eddie was gone to work so (name) had time to get his shit together.
When Eddie graduated the two moved in together and Eddie got a job at the comic/game shop and (name) had a job at the general store, between the two they could afford the pup but (name) was worried. What if Eddie didn't want them?
Oh god would he be a single parent?!
(Name) began spiraling again as he rubbed his belly, unsure what to do.
"Whatever happens pup, I got you" (name) whispered to his belly before getting up and grabbing the pregnancy test before walking out of the apartment.
He needed to talk to someone.
During the drive he thought about Eddie as a dad, he wouldn't deny that the thought was adorable. He was already like a father figure to Dustin and the others so maybe he wouldn't be that bad of a dad, he also tried not to giggle at the idea of a tiny baby with Eddies hair.
It was a precious but funny thought.
He walked into family video where Robin and Steve were lazing around, no one currently in the store as it was still pretty early in the day, the duo perking up at the sight of (name) entering "guys I need to talk" (name) said anxiously as the the two alphas glanced at one another confused.
"Holy shit" Steve said staring at the pregnancy test, Robins jaw dropped in shock "you got knocked up by Eddie..." Robin said equally shocked "I don't know what to do! Eddie and I never spoke about pups! We only mated a month ago!"
"Well... Talk to him about it either way we got you buddy" Steve said softly, the two alphas going in to hug the Omega who clung back "Dustin's gonna freak when he finds out he's an uncle" Steve joked and the two smiled when they heard (name) snort "you want one of us to come with?"
"You guys are working..."
"We can take a lunch break"
The trio made their way to Eddie's work, Steve refusing to let (name) drive, pulling out the pregnancy card all while robin giggled at (name)s pouting as they put him in the back seat.
The shop was lively as ever as kids and teens if the nerdy variety bought stuff and played board games in the gaming area where (name)s brother and his little friends usually hung out at.
"Baby? What are you doing here?" Eddie asked curiously, those hypnotic brown eyes staring deep within (name)s and (name) felt like crying again "oh shit, what's going on?" Eddie asked the two other alphas as the four went to the employee only area and (name) thrusted the pregnancy test at his mate "is this..."
"I-Im pregnant Eddie..."
The room was silent as Eddie processed his words before dramatically falling to his knees in front of the omegas belly "the gods bless us with child?!" He said dramatically before standing up "you're happy?" (Name) asked hopefully, a smile on his face "happy? Our kids gonna be fucking awesome! You're cute face and my taste in music? Unstoppable force"
(Name) let out a sob like laugh as Eddie hugged him close "got my pretty little Omega knocked up? Damn I'm lucky"
"We're gonna have to get a bigger place for them..."
Steve and Robin smiled as they watched the couple hug, not missing Eddie rub his wrists gently along the omegas middle, scenting him.
The Alpha was possessive, pregnancy only amplifying it now.
When they finally left the back rooms, (name) was tear stained but happy as Eddie wrapped an arm around the others waist and gently drew circles along his waist as Dustin and the others took notice "what's going on? Why is (name) crying?" Dustin practically demanded as he got up and walked to his older brother who almost cried again "we have been blessed with an heir!" Eddie shouted happily and (name) laughed "you're gonna be an uncle Dusty"
Dustin froze as he looked between the two "no way"
"Yeah way" Robin said watching Dustin connect the dots "I'm gonna be an uncle..."
The day was spent with (name) sitting in his mates line of sight between Will and Dustin as he watched them play board games, the teens and Eddie arguing over what the babies name would be based on how cool it sounded.
(Name) smiled as he watched how passionate the Alpha was about his kid, happy knowing Eddie would be a good dad.
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jaydekarios · 4 months
People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
tagged by @oldanimefan ! thank you for the tag <3
*Fave Ships*
i have so many hyperfixations this list could be like a mile long. i'll try to be brief..
rdr2 - vandermatthews (hosea/dutch), charthur (charles/arthur), arthur and a healthy dose of antibiotics, marybeth/kieran. nbc hannibal - hannigram (hannibal/will), jimmy price/brian zeller (do they have an official ship name?) bg3 - i dont really have any solid ships other than my tav/characters but i've seen some gale/lae'zel content that has me thinking... of course there is bloodweave but i think they'd murder each other. the walking dead - richonne (rick/michonne) until the day i die, connie/daryl (fuck leah), aaron/jesus, going out on a limb and saying shane/rick (look that one scene where shane is wiping the blood off of rick .... they definitely experimented is all im saying.) call of duty - i have been a firm ghostsoap shipper since the early 2010's i was writing fanfiction about them on FANFICTION.NET ! ghost/roach (yes roach was the playable character of mw2 and has no speaking lines but i love him), keegan russ/logan walker (again yes logan was the mute pc in ghosts but i love him.) batman/dc - batjokes, jason todd/roy harper
*Last Film*
the last film i watched was saltburn! all the fuss about the movie really drew me in but oh my god it's so much more than barry keoghans penis, i swear. not nearly as weird and horny as everyone was making it out to be but there are definitely some weird horny moments in there (big fan personally). really really loved the 2000s uk vibe too, im pretty sure they filmed on actual film too? loved it.
*Last Song*
well the song im currently listening to is poison poison - renee rapp, but the last new song i listened to is fire down below - ye banished privateers. look im a big fan of pirate music its so fun (it may or may not have helped inspire a new oc..)
*Currently Reading*
currently not reading anything fun unfortunately. im knee deep in 'understanding and using challenging educational theories' by karl aubrey and alison riley. absolutely riveting read.
passing it to @hugefatballs (missing you brother), @scarfacemarston, @selkiewizard, @tripleyeeet and anyone else who wants to do it ! i just tagged a bunch of mutuals i cannot remember who has already completed this and who hasn't so my bad if you've already done this, or if i didn't tag you and you haven't done it !
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Hi there! I ADORE YOUR WORK. Can you maybe write a fic that’s hurt/comfort? Pearl calming Marina down from a panic attack. It would be super comforting to me ^u^
bro i cant believe this ask came in bc i was literally just thinking about a situation like this in the shower (who doesn't imagine fanfics while taking a shower) so tada here we go with pearlina <3 and thank u so much im so glad u like my stuff!!!! sorry it took a while to get it out!!
[cw, description of intense panic attack, PTSD symptoms]
Marina didn't know what happened, one minute she was watching a new movie with her girlfriend and cuddling on the couch, the next she was hyperventilating and sobbing. Curled up in a ball on herself, her knees were folded up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them with a death grip, her nails were starting to dig into her skin but she couldn't feel it.
Pearl was just as confused, but she knew the octoling got like this sometimes, a symptom of her PTSD which they talked about before. The moment she realized Marina spiraling, she did her best to comfort her and try to prevent a full panic attack but her flashbacks were too intense. She sat with her girlfriend, trying to talk to her and get her to come back into reality, away from the torture her mind was subjecting her to.
"Rina, you're safe, you're here with me in Inkopolis, you're home. It's alright baby, please come back to me... please Marina," she pleaded in her gentlest tone, the one she only used for times like this.
Marina gasped in between sobs, trying to catch her breath but it only made her feel like she couldn't breathe at all, furthering her panic. The only sounds she could make were short syllables caught in her breath, completely incomprehensible. Pearl reached out and grabbed one of Marina's hands, leading it away from where she had been clawing herself by accident. She placed it on her chest where the octoling could feel her heartbeat and the movement of her body.
"Here, focus on me, kay? Feel me and match me, follow my rhythm, you're great at doin' that. Feel how I breathe like this, really slow and steady, just in... and out. In... and out." She demonstrated taking large, deep breaths through her nose and slowly exhaling. "Your turn now, just try it with me, in... and out."
Marina did her best to focus on Pearl, seeing the small inkling's body and feeling her heartbeat while she was breathing distracted her from the current pain she was in. She was still hiccuping, but she managed to take a somewhat normal breath in and exhale it quickly. Then again a second time, she tried following her girlfriend, but her body's involuntary reaction was making it hard. She didn't have control, everything was out of her control and she couldn't do anything-
"Pearlie- can't... I can't breathe Pearlie, I-"
"I know sweetheart, I know. You can do it, just look at me, just focus on my face and my movement and my voice, look in my eyes and see how many colors you find. Look at my skin and every single pore and mole I have, hear all the things I say and the sound of me moving on the couch, hear the fan cooling the house and the music playing,” she looked into her girlfriend’s eyes, desperately wanting the tears to clear from them. She didn’t know what else she could do to help, she hated feeling so useless like this. 
The octoling’s eyes darted from Pearl’s eyes to her face to her lips, she saw the gold and yellow and brown in her eyes. She saw the delicate swirls of color blend together outside her pupil and she traced the outline of Pearl’s eye markings with her gaze. Her skin was pale and clear, but Marina still counted every tiny freckle she could find no matter how insignificant it was. 
She could hear Pearl guiding the same breathing exercise she began earlier, and she hadn’t noticed that she had been following along with the rise and fall of the inkling’s chest. When did she stop gasping and start breathing? She listened in to the faint sound of the air conditioner buzzing throughout the house, a sound she mostly tuned out on a daily basis seemed so helpful now. The bluetooth speaker was connected to Pearl’s phone, playing a quiet piano melody of the Calamari Inkantation. 
For the first time since her panic began, Marina unclenched her hand and stretched out her fingers, gaining feeling back in them again. Her arms felt like they were vibrating, she could hardly feel any of her body earlier, but now at least the uncomfortable feeling of her arms being “asleep” was providing some sensation. She closed her eyes for a moment to fully take in the calming energy Pearl had created for her, breathing in the Inkantation melody like it was a lifeline. It always had been for her, for many people who heard it when they were at their lowest. 
“You’re okay Rina, I got you.” Pearl said softly, reaching out to bring her girlfriend into her arms. 
“Pearl,” Marina whispered as she fell into the embrace, wrapping her arms around the inkling’s small frame. She could feel the softness of Pearl’s sweatshirt on her skin, the tingling in her arms was fading much more now and she couldn’t get enough of the texture she could feel again. 
Her face was still damp, but her tears weren’t falling anymore. Her breath still shook upon each deep inhale but she didn’t feel restricted or unable to breathe like she had before. 
Pearl squeezed her tight, playing with her long brown and teal tentacles idly, “You’re safe, baby. You’re always safe with me, I’ll protect you from anything.”
Marina could only nod in confirmation, her voice too weak for her to speak without it failing her. Pearl didn’t need the words though, the two of them always had an understanding of what was left unsaid through their body language. It was okay that she couldn’t voice the words right now, the inkling knew them anyway. 
“I love you so much,” she sighed and rubbed the octoling’s back comfortingly. It had gotten late, the movie they were watching had ended and the house was fairly quiet now. She felt like she could fall asleep right there on the couch, holding her girlfriend tight and chasing away any bad memories or nightmares that may try to haunt her. 
Marina felt herself relaxing, after an emotional outburst like that she was exhausted. Her mind and body both were shutting down for the night, but it didn’t stop her from tracing her finger on Pearl’s chest in the shape of a heart - her way of responding, “I love you too.”
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diizi-dot-png · 1 year
Music Through Your Eras Tag Game!
thanks for the tag @ifritfan !!!
1️⃣first song/artist you remember liking: Maroon 5, Melanie Martinez and Marina.... 
👶middle school anthem (age 11-13): mostly DAMA songs (portuguese band) but esp Luísa and Às vezes, they werent new songs at the time but we were crazy over them for no reason lmao, and ALSO I loved ariana grande so some of her songs as well
🚗roadtrip must have song: i dont know. I have no idea dude. im gonna say A minha casinha and Homem do Leme by Xutos e Pontapés bc I have distinct memories of listening to those in the car
🙈Guilty pleasure artist: Chico da tina. if any of you guys knew who he was id be bullied relentlessly but idgaf. his music may not be good but fuck do I love it
💯I know all the lyrics to: year zero, ritual, con clavi con dio, prime mover, all by ghost, probably some more but these are the ones that come to mind lol, the Damned by cos sylvan, not allowed, cigarettes out the window, song about me and The blonde by TV Girl, The Fall, Perfume and Sex sells by lovejoy + p much every Wilbur Soot song (LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY), almost every public void song (penelope scott album. again leave me alone), a bunch of Mariana and ashnikko songs, almost every single melanie martinez song, first love/late spring by mitski, literal legend by ayesha erotica, I can keep going
🤬A song to yell to: i dont know??? mr. self destruct by NIN?? I cant think of more I dont yell to music bc i cant scream at home 👍
❤️‍🔥 Current favourite music video: Ive always loved the square hammer mv, and also call me what you like by lovejoy is cool. OH AND THEIR COVER OF KNEE DEEP AT ATP I love that mv
🥰current favourite band: dude cmon now. thats so hard. its between ghost and radiohead but Ive also been getting into goth music esp sister of mercy lately and theyre great
🏟️Would kill to see them live/again: ghost obvs, Chico da Tina, brother his concerts are such a fucking vibe!!! rammstein, theyre coming here this summer and I want to go sooo bad
🏝️if you could listen to one song on repeat for the rest of your life: the Damned, woodcutters or night sculptor by cos sylvan I love all of those songs very very much
🔁stuck on repeat: climbing up the walls and my Iron lung by radiohead, absolution by ghost, and a bunch more that Ive already mentioned here
Tagging: @sphylor @owlghuleh @s01ar-3cl1ps3 @purple-moonglade @finch-does-stuff @everybodyshusband
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scorchedhearth · 2 years
em!!! what sort of music have u been listening to lately? any particular favourites? <3
kat! been listening to a lot of kinda gloomy stuff, or good and loud noise that rattles my brain around, it’s what feels particularly good to me these days. i fell back into techno and industrial stuff too, when there's no voice just the rhythm and the beats
kellermensch, especially the album goliath and the songs lost at sea and mediocre man
black honey by thrice
amazonia by gojira is a big, big fav of mine <3
for the noisy stuff: eugh! by spiiral, fckd by hyper, toxin by sid and ram, esther by tzusing
in general all of igorrr but these days apopathodiaphulatophobie and very noise. do give them a listen he’s got a pretty interesting style
also! regarding ost im currently knees deep in the nop ost, it’s so good, it helps noticing a lot of the work done both on the soundtrack and the sound design
there’s shortparis still on my playlist too, i love говорит москва and любовь моя будет тут but i've also been looking at their live show and they're all great, like this one любовь
it’s called freefal by rainbow kitten surprise
freaks by the hawk in paris
and this is very much out of the left field but i’ve been going through tom cardy stuff and he’s hilarious in addition to being talented
i've also been listening to a lot of thao & the get down stay down and i love her universe so so much! meticulous bird is so good <3
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1d1195 · 5 days
It was very hard for me to actually stay home and like rest?? But yeah no I got it all fixed today which was nice so at least! and you're so right about inconveniencing them lol
Im sorry your weekend was not good and stressful :( Hopefully your week is not as stressful! Is the school year almost over? Either way I am so excited for you to be on break and be FREE!
This week has gone okay so far! Im going to a drag show on Wednesday so I've been doing a little bit more work recently to have free time that night. But very excited! Ive also been having a new album on repeat so Ive had new sad songs to fixate over lol
And It's actually my last week of classes! So finals week for me starts next Tuesday and I think my last final is on that Friday! So i still have a bit to go but not really lol And yes! I agree it felt very far away and I simply can't comprehend time lol
ALSO I SAW MY EX HOT PROFESSOR YESTERDAY WHILE WALKING BY THE PSYC BUILDING😭 I felt weak in the knees! even after all this time seeing that man in his leather jacket makes me want to cry in a good way lol
and speaking of going feral lol THAT TRADITIONAL EXTRA WAS SO GOOD! it was kinda sad considering we got to read a bit about Harry's POV. But I really did like reading about him being vulnerable and I think it really adds to his character :)! but tell me why you kinda surprised me with her going down on him WHILE NIALL WAS THERE!?! yeah that was hot 😵‍💫 Also when she called him 'boyfriend' my first though was that Harry probably hates being called her boyfriend HAHA Love his little thoughts lol Anyways I loved reading it, seriously so thankful to be able to read what you create 💗
Wishing you a better week/weekend! You got this my love, I doubt it at all! love you!!-💜
omg I love girl-rotting lol. I never do it because there is always something to do. But when I'm sick I give myself like an extra hour to rot and whatnot. It's hard though because I'm the only one that does anything in my relationships (family, friends, work, etc.) I'm having a very eldest daughter kinda week. My sister and mom both texted me asking for help on something and I was actually TRYING so hard to set a boundary and my sister is just useless quite frankly. I actually think most people in my life fall under the weaponized incompetence category of people. It's EXCEEDINGLY frustrating. But nonetheless, I will move on :)
I'm glad you got to rest. I'm sure it was really hard and whatnot (based on what I mentioned above) But your body needed it. Now it's all taken care of too so that's good! SO exciting about your finals. Feels like it's a quick turnaround but maybe that's good! What do you have planned for the summer!? That's cool about the drag show! That will be so much fun and a nice mental break between your last classes and finals! What album is it? I love a musical fixation! Def in the need of some sad music. My current sad girl hour songs are not cutting it rn lol
I think a leather jacket is like catnip for women. My anti-feminist take. 😂 So happy to have a sighting of him 😍 He'll be good visual for our TA Harry 😉
My week has actually started off pretty okay knock on wood. I'm doing alright. Treated myself to a manicure today. My cuticles were so gross the woman did a deep sigh after getting all the dead skin off ☠ I feel less busy at the moment. I'm hoping I get some time to read. I desperately need my hair and eyebrows done lol. I'm hoping after this week is over I can kind of schedule that. My school year is over toward the end of next week. My students also have finals and such thank the lord. Can't wait to be done with my 3rd period group. I love all my students--I would take a bullet for them. But I do not like some of them. The TUDE and AUDACITY is reaching my limit for this year. I need a reset.
I love to write from Harry's POV. But I think I'm at fault for writing a man for a woman because I'm pretty sure Harry doesn't think like that (maybe he does, that would be really nice 😍) But I do LOVE to make him vulnerable. I think as a celebrity he always has to be poised and put together and always on so I like to think about the part of him that no one else gets to see. I'm glad you liked the boyfriend line too! We're actually getting towards the end of what I have planned for them. I think there is still a few more tricks up my sleeve maybe but only four more blurbs in store for them 😉
Onto the kinkier side of things, I have been thinking about this blurb for an EMBARRASSINGLY long time and can't even tell you how depraved I think I am for even THINKING about it let alone sharing it 🙈😭😅😍 I am a pretty conservative person when it comes to my sex life or whatever but I'm pretty sure I would turn into a whole other person for Harry 🤭🙃 Poor innocent Niall has no idea I wish I could tell you what was going through my brain but it was not much at all hahahahaha
Thank you for reading and checking in. So glad you're almost done with your classes! Can't wait to hear about your drag show. Also I assume you'll be studying your smart little butt off so don't worry about getting back to me! Don't forget to stay hydrated, caffeinated, and rested this week! Love you lots!
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voidselfshipp · 4 months
Avatars and Rocky starts
Cw: Mentions of almost drowning, forced marriages, violence.
Summary:jon meets Jerico's avatars, whom he didnt even know they existed.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog,
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Its not always that Jon gets a break, but after his whole trip across America, hes jetlagged to shit. Which leads him to his current situation.
Hes getting ready to go out, he ties up his coat and fixes up his hair a little. --Im ready to go!--He calls out towards Jers room.
Jerico comes out looking as stunning as ever, she smiles and gestures towards the door-- Shall we?
Jon,though a little flustered, nodds and walks down the corridor to the bookshop with his girlfriend in toe. As they step out, they see the overcast Sky above,grey and rainy.
--It never lets up,does it?--He mutters a little annoyed, stepping into the passenger Seat of the car. An old vintage Mustang in a dark Teal color.
--nope--jer answered,settling down on the drivers Seat-- I Like it though
--Well youre associated with storms, no surprise there--He replied, putting on the seatbelt-- so,run me by the plan again?
--Im going to visit a few people, then we can go Grab lunch-- she answered-- do you need any more details?
Jon thinks for a moment, she knows his need to be in controll of everything, its what makes him feel safe.
--My avatars--She replied gently.
--YOUR WHAT? YOU HAVE- how do you have avatars?!--He exclaimed as she turned on the car.
--Ill tell you everything,settle down Jon--jer said Gently, stroking his knee soothingly before pulling out into the street and Driving down it.
Noticing his freak out, he clears his throat and takes a deep breath-- sorry its just- ive seen what avatars can become- it doesnt...it doesnt work how it works for others?
He sees her shake her head, understanding of his concern-- I have few avatars,and well- I try to make sure not to hurt them, theyre not human but...theyre not Michael level of not human
--So..theyre not insane?
--Theyre not, quite sane actually-- she replied, eyes not looking away from the street, a little empty.
--So...what are your avatars like? Like- they dont go insane or anything,How do they work? -- he asked,aware of how differently Antiquarian operated from the other beings.
--Theyre like...normal people. They get things for me you know? One of them gets me antiques,others get me books or transporation. But I take good care of them, I Keep them well--jerico explained, stopping ar the stop light and stretching a little.
--Im not used to that...--Jonathan confessed--How you take care of them, you actually care. Theyre not tools,theyre not playthings,theyre people you care about
She smiles and turns to him,leaning in to kiss him Gently and briefly. He barely has time to kiss back before she pulls away-- just like I care about you-- she pauses for a moment-- well,youre special,you get privileges
The archivist looks away,skin darkening a little-- oh uhm...I uh..--He looks away scratching his bicep.
Jer giggles and pats his thigh, to then Keep driving-- but yeah, I treat my avatars almost like...my children yknow? I Keep well,I Keep them healthy and safe, if they need my help I help. That sort of stuff
A thought comes into his mind but he doesnt say it, he doesnt know if its appropiate to say-- you surprise me more with each day-- he says instead,hand going to rest on her thigh.
She smiles and turns a corner--Cmon,youl distract me and we'll crash
--Ah thats not a me issue,love -- he answers smugly with a grin.
--Damn you archivist, you and your charming allure-- she replied slowing down to take the hand on her thigh and kiss his knuckles.
--Guilty as charged,im afraid-- He pulls away all flustered, and he sees her reach for the radio to turn it on.
The car drive is somewhat calm with sparse conversation and jerico vibing to the music on the radio. Jon,being the lovesick puppy he is,watches With loving abandon at how his girlfriend moves and sings along. Shes bright as the sun in those moments.
After a while,they reach their destination. The car gets Parked, and both step out. Jon looks upon one of the buildings, a small rustic café, nothing big or particularly eye catching, just cozy. Above it an old sign read "Seafoam Cafe"
--Who are we here for?-- Jon asked, opening the door at letting her go through first.
--Azariel, she procures hard to get books for me--jer explained, stepping in and walking alongside him to a booth.
--Like leitner's books?--He asked a little concerned.
--Nono,dear god NO--She exhaled with exhasperation at the mere thought of it. She sits at a booth and gestures him to sit by her side. --Those are off limits,im talking like... books with limited copies or those who are heavily censored by one entity or another
--Oh gotcha--He answered,taking off his coat-- and what book are we here for?
Jer smirked-- Oh youll see-- along comes a waitress to take their order, after both order some light breakfast, she adds-- oh by the way,can you call up the owner? Tell her Lady Racounteur is calling her
The waitress nodds and leaves,Jon smirks--Lady?
--Azariel insists on calling me that, ive tried to make it stop but.. shes stubborn--She shrugged it off,before taking off her jacket and feeling Jon help her out--Oh,thanks
Feeling a little mushy,he kisses her lips briefly and sheepishly says--its...its nothing
--Youre so sweet
--I mean it!
--Well hello Lady Raconteur--A third voice says beside them, both turn to see a black girl with a slight hispanic accent, her hair is a bright white and tied off into space Buns,she wears a small lacey bolero and a black dress with tights and short boots.
--Azariel!--chirped jerico with a big smile-- good morning
The girl sits infront of them all happy and bubbly-- good morning, im guessing youre here to pick up that gift?
She nodds while Jon ignores the conversation,his eyes settle on the choker around Azariel's neck. Its that same symbol as the one hes got in his own necklace. A one eyed octopus in a stormy sea. The gold its made of looks pretty New, a little polished.
--Thats her insignia right? --He blurts out in a moment of recognition--Antiquarian's I mean i- I have the same one--He lifts up his own necklace to show It off.
Azariel grins with a child like happiness--Oh yes it is! Who might you be?--She turns to jerico-- is he another avatar?
--Oh nono,he is my boyfriend--Jer explained with a beaming pride in her voice. Jonathan goes a few shades Darker and he looks away.
--Oh pleased to meet you then!--The youngest avatar chirped-- lovely choice!
--Thank you--Antiquarian replied all sweetly,Jon sulks as he feels pretty flustered. The two ladies catch up, Like theyve been old Friends forever.
When their food arrives,Jon manages to calm down and ask-- s-so,how did you became an avatar?
Azariel's smile faltered a little and cleared her throat-- ah well, y'see, before my Lady over here came into my life,I was in deep debt to some people. Anything to fund this little place of my dreams
She stirrs her tea lazily in deep thought. Her eyes lost in the swirling liquid in the cup--Lady Raconteur here was a regular for the coffee part of the shop, one time she came late at night, and I was...cornered by these people...she uh... took care of them and my debt
--I was going to let her to free of charge but...--Jer trails off,taking a sip from her hot chocolate.
--I knew that what I saw,That Giant wave of well...you know--She follows up,though Jon doesnr know what she means-- was real,That she wasnt human,but she was such a sweet patron that I...invited her inside,asked her what she was and well...I accepted being an avatar, I mean she saved my life
Jer shrugs it off-- I did It out of good Will...but she wouldnt hear it, in the end she insisted so much that even after I explaimed everything she just...accepted
The archivist finds it endaring-- oh so youre telling me you defeated an eldritch being with the mere Power of human insistence?
She rolled her eyes at her boyfriends antics--Okay Simms, get it out of your system cmon
--Nonono,im gonna savor this-- He says,leaning in with a smirk-- Ive seen you take hordes of things down and what does you in is just...one human
Jerico sighs and takes a sip from her tea,Azariel giggles with mirthful joy and adds--You two are so entretaining to watch
--Im afraid we wont be here for an all day performance, still gotta visit the others-- Antiquarian replied,trying to put a stop to her boyfriends lighthearted mockery.
--Though im sure youll convince her to stay if you insist enough--he adds as a final comment, ignoring the glare from his girlfriend while he finishes his drink.
--But yes, she saved me,im here- it mustve been five years now--Azariel said to defuse the tension-- thats why this thing--she points at the disk with the insignia-- is not that old looking
Jon nodded in understandment-- mines...quite old actually
The avatar looks at the necklace,squinting a little. Theres barely any shine to the pendant, if gold could be corroded,it wouldve been nonexistent by now--jer never told me how old this pendant is -- he turns to his lover and asks-- how old is it?
He sees her start to count on her fingers in that dead language she uses sometimes, it sounds like the lulling crashing waves and a deep deep reverberating growling harmonies of the deep.
--Is she counting...?--He asks as his eyes widen.
--In centuries? Yes-- Azariel andswered non-chalantly.
--She just keeps going...
--III think it was originally made in the neolithic era--Jer finally answers-- first of their kind
Jon just stops, looks at jerico with wide eyes as his mind struggles to understand just how old the thing around his neck is--Are you mental?! This should be in a museum!
Antiquarian just shrugs-- You deserve it, anyway, im done. Azariel?
Azariel nodds and gestures them to follow her, they go to the storage room of the place, small and a little cramped, filled with boxes that contain books and supplies for the coffee shop.
She pushes a seeminglh normal wall and gestures them In-- welcome to my humble Office
It was rather small YES,possibly underground,but its cozy and quite comfortable. Cream walls, one half circle Window to let the sunlight in and a few shelves and boxes with a few hanging plants that looked a little too alive.
The avatar goes to Grab one specific book, not too big or too small. Its like an old leatherbound Journal that looks like it has seen better days-- so my Lady here has been looking for this thing, its really old.
Jer smiles and signals Jon to Grab It, she has a big big grin on her face filled with warm and excitement-- what is it?-- he asked, a little confused.
--Read it-- his girlfriend says.
So he does, the first few pages are unassuming until he spots the notes that have to do with the fourteen fears. More and more knowledge he starts to notice, then he stops and looks at Jeri-- oh my...god. -- he breathes out-- I...this is so helpful
--I had to make up for my lackluster insight on it all. Technically I just...helped. yknow? The information is yours to decode
Jon chuckles and hugs his girlfriend tight,--Im sure elias Will be happy to see it-- he said with obvious sarcasm.
--He'll be screaming with joy im sure-- she followed up squeezing him.
--Thank you love-- he murmurs,kissing her briefly.
--Dont mention it-- jer answers nuzzling the side of his face-- And thank you, Azariel
The avatar smiles wide--Anything for you,my Lady
Antiquarian looks at the time on her phone-- we Better get going, im hoping to get to Rudy's by the end of the morning
--Yes,of course. Do send my regards to him and Yuzuki--Azariel said,guiding them back out-- and Tell our lovely fisherman to be nice
--He needs the reminder?--Jon asked and the avatar scoffed,not answering the question.
Soon theyre back on the road towards their Next stop, the antique store. The drive is mostly silent with the radio playing barely audibly--
--what did Azariel meant with telling the fisherman to be nice?
--Ah, well Rudy's a bit of a....special case. Hes got a sense of humor thats very acid and comes across as really mean-- she answered-- hes a good Man, jusr rough around the edges
He blinks a few times-- I was hoping the other two were as nice as Azariel was...
She scoffs lightheartedly-- theyre not...That sweet but theyre good of heart,you know?
--I trust your judgement--He answered,looking out the Window.
Once at the antique shop, it was mid morning. Still that same rainy street, overcast Sky with that awful grey, and a wind thats starting to pick up as if to usher a storm. Jons about to ask if jer is the reason for the increased wind but he keeps it to himself.
Above the store,a pretty sizeable one, is a sign that reads "mother of pearl Antique shop" with the same thing written in japanese. The sign has that 1920s art deco and it looks old but well kept.
The store has that english look to it and its all in those brown,beige,cream colorations. As they enter through the white Doors, a small bell rings above, theres a few people here and there, Theres soft jazz music playing.
--wonder where she is now--Jeri mutters,Jon looks at her weird-- usually she has other employers cover the work here,but she did tell me she'd be here today
--Well, we can go look--He says,taking her hand a little shy.
--Yeah, cmon-- they walk around the place in comfortable silence for a little bit. They look at the Many oddities stored around, the halls they walk by arent crammed but theres certainly a lot going on.
--Soo..how did yuzuki find her way into being your avatar?--He asked, walking closer to her.
--Its kind of a dark story-- She explains,looking at some of the old portraits thar looked a little too haunted. She swears the eyes follow her as she moves
--eh, ive heard worse
Jer nodds and says--Well,Yuzuki was being taken from japan,her home,to the UK. She didnt want to go and her father forced her. To Marry her off rich or something. Every day and night she prayed to anything that would listen to sink that boat into the depths of the Atlantic.
--Well, I answered. I sunk that ship so far into the Ocean. Yuzuki washed up on the shore and thanked the sea- me for it.  She started leaving me offerings and one morning I appeared by her side, she thanked me with a tight hug and well...she Wanted to serve me.
--Im guessing you explained her what an avatar was?-- he asked,stopping look at the old books.
--No,at firsr she just got me relics,antiques I needed. She had a way of talking herself in and out of situations. The years passed and Yuzuki told me she wanted to spend her life with me, i had been so good too her so far...--She explained,looking at him briefly to see his handsome face-- I had given her a home, a place to work...
--Basically a New life--He answered, pulling a book out of the Shelf.
--Yeah, and Well, I relented. I told her of the dangers but she said her New life had to have me in it. So I agreed. I named her The Collector, for obvious reasons
--You...named them?--He asked,putting the book in his bag.
--Youre literally titled "The Archivist",let me have fun,simms
--okay, okay. Sorry,please continue
--Azariel is The Scholar,Yuzuki is The Collector--she makes a pause to see a small miniature boat in a bottle and take it-- and Rudolph is The Scourge Of The Deep
--We were going pretty normal until we reached Rudolph-- he half joked, standing infront of a nice ornate fullbody mirror-- oh hey, Thats a nice mirror
--Yes it is--Jer agreed-- we should take it home...
--Im afraid thats not a good idea,my Lady-- Another voice comes from behind them. Jonathan turns to see a tall,elegant woman wearing a chestnut brown coat with fur across two large panels on the neck and at the end of the jackets wrist.
The best way he could describe her was as if she was stuck in the 1920s, that same make up, that wavy short hair and dark Teal flapper dress.
--its very much haunted--The avatar continued,taking a drag from a ciggarette using a long black Holder.
--Yuzuki,there you are-- jerico said warmly with a big smile-- how are you?--She walks up to her to give her one kiss on each cheek and then bowing at eachother
--Im quite alright, slow day-- yuzuki answered,eyes setting on jon--Who might he be?
--I am her boyfriend-- Jon answwes-- Jonathan simms,Head archivist of the magnus Institute
The japanese woman looks at him for a moment-- the eye has claimed you,this is most odd my Lady. Havent see two entities dating ever since...Michael
Jerico visibly flinches and shakes It off-- do you mind uh. Showing me what you got for me?
--Yes,apologies-- the avatar answered,waving one of her workers over-- show Lady Racounteur item 1414. Please
The worker nodded and took jerico away, Jon is about to follow when hes stopped by the owner of the place.
--aht archivist. Its not safe for you to see it, its unstable and Jerico is going to fix that right now. I do not want you going mad -- Yuzuki said, watching the Man step back a little annoyed.
--Fine, ill wait.
Theres a brief silence, broken by Yuzuki-- you fit well for the role The Eye has given you, I do hope theres no ulterior motive to your interest in my Lady
He growls under his breath-- Im not out to get her,I could never do it. Trust me,if I could change patrons I would.--She smirks a little at that last part--what?
--Ah nothing-- she answered,giggling to herself.
--What is it?--he asks again
--You wont take it well
--Try me
She sighs and takes another drag-- Well,you dont have the characteristics of someone whose an avatar for The Antiquarian.  Youre too paranoid, read too much into it, to enjoy stories, the calm of the Ocean,you cant be paranoid over if the pages Will cut you or if the sea Will swallow you. Theres a certain whimsy to it that cant be enjoyed if youre running yourself into the ground with paranoia
Jon blinks at her slowly, he cant even be mad because shes right-- I am her boyfriend, that ought to count for something... right?
Yuzuki shrugged with a conciliatory smile-- perhaps,truth is I do not know much about how all this works. Maybe you'd do a great avatar for her and im wrong.
Feeling a little vindicated, he puts his had in his pockets and smiles. --Perhaps-- He answered with pride in his voice.-- I think i'd make a great avatar for her-- he added,not Like he'd say it to jericos face
In all his little pride induced bliss he doesnt hear the avatar's Scoff that has the same energy as an adult playing along to a childs nonsensical tirade.
Jerico comes back a few minutes afterwards with a box that heavily carved along with runes and passages in what seems to be a dead language. A magical Nuke is in there.
--What do you have there?--Jon asked,pointing at the box,both worried and curious.
She shrugged--Contingency plans
--Care to explain?
He sighs and nodds--Fair
Jerico laughed and with a wave of her hand, the box gets consumed by a roaring wave. Then it subsides and the box is gone.
--Ah Yuzuki, one more question--Antiquarian adds, pulling the avatar to the side,away from Jon--Jon here is looking for some sort of..gorila skin? Magic in nature,has to do with the unkowing,can you check?
--Yes,of course my lady--She answered-- y'know--she added with a conspiratory look in her eyes-- Jon said he'd make a great avatar for you if he could
Jer's heart warms up, she coos and puts a hand on her chest--man, thats so cute.
--Y'know, if uh...our watcher ever falls, maybe he could make an avatar...I personaly dont Belive it. Hes uh- theres something missing. No offense
The Antiquarian snorts-- None taken,hes good at what he does, the sea isnt really his calling
Yuzuki only chuckled,keeping her thoughts to herself before both walk back to the archivist. Jon insists on paying for the book and the little ship in a bottle jer got,but the avatar insists that its a gift.
--Im guessing youre going to see Rudolph yes?--She added as her patron and the Man stood there on the sidewalk.--
--Tell him to watch his mouth
Jer can only snort-- I can certainly tell him,not that it would make him change behavior-- the antique shop owner nodded in understanding-- Goodbye, Yuzuki
--Goodbye,my Lady
As they drive away from the store, Jon looks out the Window with a few things on his mind. Thoughts that he knows he shouldnt share, because theres always some grey to everything.
--Yknow,its been two times that two of your avatars said that this Rudolph should watch his mouth--He states,trying to push away his thoughts-- what are they so worried about?
He sees her hesitate as she makes a turn to the left,the wheel turning to its respective side-- Rudolph has a certain way to react to people, especially those close to me
--jealousy?--he asked.
She shook her head-- protective
--Well...that I can respect--Jer purses her lips ,as if she knows something he doesnt-- can I ask how he became an avatar?
The streets and buildings were a blur as she drives down the streets,still somewhat rainy and grey. Theres a sudden shift on the air as they go a bridge overlooking one of the branches of the River thames, Jon sees shorter builders and cobblestone paths thick with sand between the cracks they form.
At this point he doesnt even ask.
--Well,he was a fisherman back in the 1800s. He was working extra time to pay for his two daughters' medicine, he went to fish on a really bad day once--She explains-- a big storm reached the place he was fishing at, it rocked his humble fishing vessel and he almost drowns...
--Jesus christ--He breathed out.
--I was around the area, it didnt take me long to find his struggling form. I scooped Him in my arms and dragged him to the shore, I pulled what water I could from his lungs...he was fine afterwards-- she followed up.
Jonathan looked at the little village they were Driving down, nobody seemed to even look at the Mustang-- and then? -- he asked.
--He knew that whatever I was, wasnt human. He explained his situation, why he was doing what he was doing, all while laying there on the sand-- jerico answered, recalling the memory almost fondly-- he invited me to his house for dinner,to thank me.
--If he had a wife I hope she didnt take it the wrong way. Her Man Bringing home a beautiful woman? Recipe for disaster--He half joke,unaware of the little flirty undertone to his voice.
She chuckles a little flustered--No, he explained the situation to her right away, and I think the wife could sense it too. That im not human I mean. But regardless, I loved the food, I loved his daughters that were having a heavy flu, and I decided to help them out
He smiles--good to know you never changed
--what can I say,im that good--jeri half joked-- I helped him get a New boat, get the medicine for his girls. Hell, I helped them get the kids to a good school, a good college and a good marriage.
--How much of that was...--He was reluctant to say the Word-- Magic?
--most of the money was magical, the marriage part was more of my well- aptitude to detect bad people--She answered.
--Your little escapades with Elias would beg to differ -- Jonathan said with a shit eating grin,still looking out the Window while the glass fogs with his breath.
--I said im good at detecting them, whatever I decide to do with that is something different-- She answered, holding back a few giggles.
--but im guessing Rudolph was very eager to return the favor-- He added.
--Yeah, even his wife was on board--She confirmed, scratching the back of her neck-- I of course was on the fence, they didnt want to adore me as a goddess, I had mentioned the thing about the avatars and they got the idea in their head. --Jerico finally parks outside one of the larger,mostly empty docks-- I told them that I had never had any avatars, That I wasnt sure what toll it would take on them
--But im guessing that they didnt care
--Rudolph,always the sweetheart, offered himself as an avatar-- she leans on the back rest, arms folded over her chest.
Jon unbuckles the seatbelt and shamelessly sits on her lap, resting on her chest. He didnt want to go out into the cold yet.
His action is such a routinely thing for her that it doesnt even phase her-- I wasnt sure at first but,as you can guess, he didnt want to hear any of it. I accepted, I could use the company anyway since onyx wasnt around at the time
With her arms around his waist, she nuzzles his face and Snickers a little as he returns the gesture-- He was the first avatar I ever took like,ever in my life. I wasnt sure how it all worked,what rules I needed to follow--She explained-- and at the time I didnt have any issue with the eye, so I asked it...
--Well shite--Jon scoffs--You? Asking for help to the eye?
She rolls her eyes and says-- again, I didnt hate it yet. Anyway,it told me that I made the rules, that my avatars could feed me if I wanted to,it wasnt too sure on if their sanity would be affected-- shrugging,she adds--not that it would not admit that it didnt know something. We guessed that it wouldnt happen,since im more of a force of nature,something they can sort of understand, so...
--Hmm,thats good--He answered-- then?
--Well, with my first ever avatar, I wasnt too sure on what to do with my life other than Keep Rudolph and his family company--She replied-- eventually his kids grew old,so did his wife...peaceful deaths all of them thankfully. Of course,its not something easy but if you ask him,rudolph wouldnt change a thing. So I guess he did his peace with it
There was something oddly powerful in that, making his peace with grief and loss,and not regretting such a big choice.
Jerico pressed a soft kiss to jon's jaw, adding-- we should get going
--Cmon,five minutes--He answered,cuddling closer.
--Fine,five minutes
《Come into the water
Do you wanna be my baby?
Are you waiting to touch me?
You look so good, but I keep my hands
'Til you come into the water》
The radio plays Gently,on low volume as to not distract their conversation. He sighs in comfort as he shuffles into a comfortable position, taking off his glasses and letting them hang against his chest.
Jer Strokes his forearm with her thumb,eyes closed and head resting ontop of his.
《Maybe I'm the same as all those men
Writing songs of all they're dreaming
But would you tell me if you want me?
'Cause I can't move until you show me》
The archivist hand goes to her face, tracing her jaw with his fingers. He tries to see his face but not with his eyes,but with his hand, brushing over her cheekbone and bridge of her nose, down to her Lower lip.
He can feel her giggle,all afluster,the sound gets stuck in her throat. She laughs to play off her feelings but he already knows,and no Powers needed, he simply knew his girlfriend
She leans into his touch, his hands feel the stay hairs to the side of her face and he pulls them back over the Shell of her ear, soft butterfly touches. Then he opens his eyes a little just to guide her head a bit to the side with the tip of his fingers that press against the curve of her jaw.
Jonathan kisses her, briefly,short. Still loving and warm,doing whatever his heart tells him to. Finally, a proper break.
《I didn't know I had a dream
I didn't know until I saw you
So would you tell me if you want me?
'Cause I can't move until you show me》
When he pulls away,she instantly kisses him again,holding Him close.
By the end of the kiss her forehead presses against his as he lets out a shaky breath,feeling safe for once in the years that hes been hunted by paranormal things.
It almost makes him crumble,he channels that shaking feeling into melting against her,he doesnt say anything but he doesnt need to.
She squeezes him a little,like a plushy. Jerico kisses the bridge of his nose and smiles.
Five minutes go by,and they get out of the car. The world outside is still that damp,rainy cold,still grey skies and  a misty dock that makes it feel almost like a hazy dream.
Jon is still drunk with the very sweet moment he just lived,so hes quiet as he walks alongside jerico, holding her hand.
Theres a few lanterns hanging on posts,light defused with the mist,making them look ethereal as the boats tied to the dock move back and forth with the waves.
Its oddly cozy,seagulls squak and a few bells ring. The air smells of salt, fresh and utterly freezing,but nice.His exhales get mixed with the mist, vapor getting lost in the blanket of condensation.
They reach the end of the pier where a Man is tying off a boat. This Man is huge, about 6'2, very well built.
Black hair tied up in a half bun, curls tight with humidity, he wears a simple white button up with his sleeves rolled up and the first few buttons undone,worn looking jeans and heavy rainboots.
His hickory Brown skin doesnt even seem to form goosebumps, utterly unpjased by the cold.
--Rudolph--Jerico calls out.
The Giant hunk of a Man turns and from a scarily serious face, he softens his empression-- ah,my Lady,good morning
She smiled, happy to see him--Good morning
His eyes fall to Jon and he just utters a mildly dissappointed and somewhat annoyedxhis shoulders drop and his eyes go half lidded,clearly holding back a scowl--...oh
--oh?--Jon parroted,a little confused and feeling a little insulted-- what does that mean?
--Jon,drop it-- She warns,voice stern and clearly not up to dealing with whatever shitshow was going to go down.
--Nono,what does he mean by "oh"?-- he insisted,turning to Rudolph.
--Youre supposed to be the Smart one,if she tells you to stop,then stop-- the other Man answered,brow quirked upwards and folding his arms over his chest. Almost defiantly.
--And im asking you a question,what do you mean by "oh"?!-- Jon asked again,jerico notices the whisps of green coming from his eyes that seem to glow brighter with the mist.
She flinches and purses her lips,mistakes where made.
Rudolph could shrug off the Effect of the compelling If he wanted. But he doesnt-- im just dissapointed
--Dissapointed?!--Jonathan echoed,voice cracking as he feels very offended.
--Out all of the people she could get, she chose you as her consort. You look like a wet cat, no offense
The archivist through gritted teeth turns to jerico-- say something! Hes being disrespectfull
She looks at him and says--I told you to drop it, youre a whole ass Man, figure it out. -- with her best resting bitch face.
Rudolph just smirks and turns to the woman--Anyway my Lady,the thing you asked for is in my captains cabin
--Thank you--She replied,-- ill go get it, you please do make sure nothing happens to Jon-- she kisses her boyfriends cheek and lets go of his hand,walking onto the ship.
--i can take care of myself!--Jon protested
--Do you want me to remind you all the times you got kidnapped?--She asked whilist still walking to the cabin.
He kept quiet and soon shes gone, rudolph sits on the short wooden pillar he tied one of the ropes around. Out of seemingly nowhere, he pulls out a fish gutting knife,twirling it around his finger a few times before checking the sharpness of the blade.
Jonathan heard the other Man curse in that ancient language jerico spoke, and from his pocket he pulls out what looks like a literal stone,but the surface is slick and looks quite sharp. And so he starts to sharpen the Knife silently.
--How do you know that language?--The archivist asked,unsure on what to do with his hands since he cant hold jericos.
--Im her avatar,of course I know it--He answered,not bothered to look up and meet his gaze. -- Jesus, you work with the Institute, you should know that
--Well excuse me if i do not like the idea to read all about my literal partner. Thats creepy-- he replied, folding his arms.
--Thats just basic knowledge,bruv-- he replied,voice thick with his english accent,not posh,a mix of all the accents in the uk--hell youre an avatar
--Im quite New to this whole avatar thing!--The archivist protested-- and im not being handed a manual for this
Rudolph looks up from his Knife to him,with what seems to be pity,but as soon as he makes eye contact he loos back to his hands-- I dont s'ppose other avatars help you out much
--The only one that does always gives me the smallest of hints. Not all of us are blessed with such a good patron,youre lucky
Finally he can say it out loud, he wished he could have a patron that didnt leech off of him,that it didnt feel like he owed it its life. That hes not under its control.
Jericos avatars got a loving,sweet patron that asks for nothing in return. They had true loyalty and camraderie, not whatever the hell he had.
Rudolphs keeps quiet for a moment,understanding his Point-- yer blessed too, in some ways- you dont know your patron,you do not care for It. If something happens to it, all the better for you. We dont get that luxury
--Yeah but you dont have to feed It or you die. Its different. -- Jon answered with scorn.
--touche. But you dont suffer with it when it feels sad,or alone, and you do not agonize knowing that there are things you simply cannot help it with even if shes suffering.
Jonathan rolled his eyes--youre talking about a friendshipp rather than a pact you made, you got to chose It ,*i* didnt. So excuse me if I dont feel lucky
Rudolph puts away the stone and grips the Knife and the archivist feels like hes about to get gutted--fair enough
--Also what is your damn problem with me?
The avatar looks the Man up and down-- its not personal
His companion scoffed-- bollocks
--Think what you want, im trying to weed you out--He answered,gaze unbothered as he twirls the Knife.
--I dont mean jerico any harm
--All of them say it, sorry if I dont Belive it-- he replied,clearly not sorry-- after everything with Michael id rather not have her be with men that end up in a tragedy
--Im not gonna
--You dont know that-
--And you dont know either!--Jon protested, pulling his arms away from their crossed position,voice roaring with anger-- what makes you think ill die or forget jerico? Good lord,have you seen her?! I dont think The Eye or anything in this world could make me forget her. Think whatever the hell you want but im not leaving her behind
--Hmmph-- Rudolph answered,sounding somewhat impressed-- very well archivist,you made your point. I take back what I said
--Good! I expect an apology
The Man shrugged-- im sorry
--Apology accepted and- wait a minute-- the Archivist looks at the man-- you were trying to weed me out.
--Finally you catched on, I started with a personal insult to see if if you'd take the bait. You did--the avatar answered, all smug-- I figured personal insults would make anyone mad,as soon as I got jerico involved, thats when you bared your teeth
--Why you little sh-
--i wanted to see if you'd stand by your Word, you clearly didnt show any signs of fearing me even if I was bigger,stronger And I was armed with something you knew I know how to use.
--You couldnt just...asked?!
--Actions speak louder than words-- he replied.-- congratulations,archivist, you passed. Not Many people do.-- both hear approaching steps from the ship.
Jerico steps out of the vessel with a leather bag, all happy--well,I think we should start heading back to london if we want to make it to lunch
Both men share one look and play along-- youre right,love-- answers Jonathan,fixing his glasses that got a little crooked in his little outburst.-- lets go
She turns to Rudolph who stands up and smiles-- Rudy,pleasure to see you again
--Same here,my Lady. Please do come by my home soon, ill make dinner. Bring Yu and Az-- he makes a pause, directing a look of mutual respect to Jonathan-- and this one too
Jer snorts and pulls the big Man in for a brief hug. -- Will do. Thanks ,again
--Its nothing my Lady,its the least I could do. Hope he likes it.
Thats when Jon notices the same pendant hanging around Rudy's neck. That one eyed octopus made out of gold that looks really,really old and exposed to the elements.
--I hope so. Anyway,lets go Jon
Jonathan nodds at his fellow avatar and offers his arm for jerico to take. She does and as they walk away rudolph adds--He'd make a fine avatar of yours,by the way,hes certainly got the ferocity for it.
She only smiles at it but the archivist turns to see the other Man step into his ship and getting lost in the mist. And he couldnt hear a hint of mockery in rudolphs voice.
With wide eyes he walks back to the car and off they go to london.
Both find a nice little restaurant to get lunch.Sitting there and eating, Jon Asks...
--So...what did Rudolph get you? More contingency plans?
Jeri chuckled,pulling out the small bag-- nope. A gift for you actually-- she shows Him that same amulet hes got but even older,with one aquamarine gem in the eye of the octopus. -- first pendant with my symbol that was ever made, it got stolen and tossed around and once it sunk in the Ocean, couldnt find it until now...I thought it would be a nice gift
His eyes widen as he takes the impossibly old pendant and changes the one he previously had on-- i- dont know what to say other than...thank you,I love you-- he scrambles to take her hand and kiss her knuckles.
--I love you too,im glad you like it. -- she answered with a smile.
After lunch,they return home. Jon changes into a green cardigan and his pijamas, as hes about to go down to the library to find a good book to read he hears jerico from the kitchen.
--So? What did you think of my avatars?
He stands there on the corridor that runs across all the rooms in the small appartment. His hands trace the carvings on his New amulet and just goes-- Theyre....alright-- he clears his throat-- thank Rudolph for getting this,tell Him the Institutes doors are always Open for him if he needs something...
And before she can answer he goes downstairs with quick nervous steps. But jerico smiles and has to wipe a small tear on her face.
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