spinmeroundandround 5 years
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Y鈥檃ll. How is time going by this fast?! My Tiny at 2, and now at 5. Look at her cute little toddler face! 馃槏 I need time to slow down just a little... https://www.instagram.com/p/B1g0XTeBEoHtHfZ6A-Eew04ziTYiXZRzSsPrO00/?igshid=rg4a7ybz6g16
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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Tiny is officially a kindergartner! She says she had a great day and can鈥檛 wait to go back tomorrow! We only cried a little bit. #proud https://www.instagram.com/p/B1cZp-NBkt_e9bFORCB0QRFpZQYnxiJxJ10Yl80/?igshid=1dap91itvm5fx
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍 https://www.instagram.com/p/B1OnKCqhIeT1EBZYO6cJO75KRlhypYOcvYia9k0/?igshid=1x9ql0yowja5z
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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Full fucking offense. 馃枻馃枻馃枻 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Q74uSBEMAi45-ym1jMuv_h0szxM79-wb5YlY0/?igshid=1rp3tsf7eodvm
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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Cheers to 4 years and a lifetime to go! Happy anniversary mi amor! Thank you for being such an amazing wife and best friend. Thank you for the countless laughs, the heart to hearts, and the late night conversations under the stars. Because you love me, I know I鈥檓 never alone or unprotected and I am forever grateful for that. I love you more than words! 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍 07.18.2015 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ELySjh1XbgjvQWCcx2Rkc6gmtW2HGxIB1Ulo0/?igshid=4z4gxtep0aea
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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Progress>Perfection https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzt4NHJBgQ7wyBS3kFC4zA31CT4mGsAD7ik0HQ0/?igshid=4kqsr6wu4ti7
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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Congrats @uswnt for the amazing win! Four time champions!! https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzn7PPBBk2rLN77uJymjkJdgmC0gicC-n1nmtA0/?igshid=1qbra9l9de9nq
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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Mom life. 馃挏 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzG-AWFBrgg-ayymPTs13Zr0MDpWRqftpn7YIM0/?igshid=1k5599tt9fkd9
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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My Tiny 馃挍 #summerdays #pajamaday #mytiny #ali #twomommies #five https://www.instagram.com/p/By8IU1PhrENMkbb0-gBwW11DKCYVVp2nE5GPXU0/?igshid=1owglen4645fr
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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馃挍馃挍馃挍 https://www.instagram.com/p/By27mPVB8LbKLLe8eLcsv5P1AlrI8hlTTa2M6w0/?igshid=11a0wfw1rqiht
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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Happy Father鈥檚 Day to my dad! He鈥檚 always been an amazing provider, and an example of hard work and determination. Now he鈥檚 a wonderful grandfather and father figure to our Tiny. We鈥檙e definitely blessed to have him! 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByxkhUmhmQIPOJoaQqfNNXkWhpKb05p7OzziIs0/?igshid=1oghwjrqbjfcp
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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Congratulations to my Tiny! Done with Pre-k and ready for Kindergarten! It was the cutest ceremony and of course this mom shed a tear lol so proud of you my little one! Momma and I love you very much! #myTiny #ali #twomommies #prekgraduation (at Lil' Champ's Quality Learning Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BySzkdghSCi9GqNgHGjtrFNnkZzs8f5agQaNbU0/?igshid=1ab75sq0m0qyw
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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Y鈥檃ll! I can鈥檛 even right now... it鈥檚 so bittersweet. First of many more milestones for our Tiny. 馃槉 #mytiny #prekgraduation #bittersweet https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQ6C8dB13jUdV4My4Cu-bNYxDosXPlsPapJfc0/?igshid=ndwdb2tle5ds
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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Texas Brunch! (at Kenjo鈥檚 Barbecue) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLLn-eBWiYoeUuNuvE3tNWi_wXiya0tHNhiLk0/?igshid=cee3vrvv7vds
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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My forever. 鉂わ笍 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx5-iyEhFHFOr6NeRXicPFfgkja7o-UIjvOsJA0/?igshid=yac8sddz4oq6
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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Doing my best to keep this mentality strong. 馃А https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxuyb1LFDk_ALdrb-Vp3_zxwiwSSbyhwPCE6v00/?igshid=18u0fml8eot1s
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spinmeroundandround 5 years
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This. All of this. Because at the end of the day, being pro-choice is not just about abortions. It is about preventing, educating, and supporting opportunities for people in all communities equally to choose without fear. To take away access to safe and legal abortions without offering more comprehensive access to family planning services AND without more severe punishment for perpetrators of rape is not pro-life. Women should ALWAYS have a choice and a voice about what happens to their bodies. #repost from @carina_ornelas #prochoiceisprolife https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxlh3AHlEt3g8Mr7bKuZcUoWi7M69naDpDnmAQ0/?igshid=o6m1gwvllyad
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