#im already very annoying about it on main
andr0nap-wf · 1 month
this is a "warframe" blog and im trying to keep it that way but im fighting for my life to not be a specbio nerd here too
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digsys · 9 months
jade to wwe rumors... this is huge. Huge.
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ikilledamanforthisurl · 8 months
u can be sick of klingons and i get it but the jem'hadar and their parallels with klingons is kind of the coolest shit ever. what the fuck is going on with you two. you are a statement of connection in spite of infinite odds and seeming contradictions. you are soo fundamentally different yet you respect one another. if jem'hadar soldiers lived beyond eight i'd make ocs who were in alien love
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gibbearish · 1 year
eggecutive vp 270 infested with three flyfish im deperately trying to bomb but theyre all out of range and the person with the inkjet only bothers to pop it when theyre the last one alive, revives us all in one shot and then doesnt bother to go after them after. bb girl its a special youre supposed to use it in special situations and a flyfish infestation is literally what you are made for youre 270 you should know this
#please for the love of god mr grizz just let me pick my special no one else can be trusted with it#literally if i have the inkjet i get excited bc it means i get to chew through flyfish whyyyyy would you not use it right#i should get a flyfish tattoo#ive said this before but my goal in life is to get the bronze silver AND gold flyfish badges and have that be my entire badge section#my username had been gayluigi for years but at that point id change the display name in game to gayflyfish#we have a love hate relationship is my point#but back to the main point: if you are blessed with the flyfish ruiner it is your job to ruin the flyfish and keep the rest of us safe#hit the red side first to make sure it wont kill you then take out the other half#red side always targets the closest player so i like to bomb that one to make sure ill be safe refilling then take out the blue side#i can usually get both sides in one cycle#blue side targets a random player so like if u know ur gonna die id bomb that one to protect ur teammates and then itll target you#with the other side but youre dead already so theyre rendered useless#to defeat the flyfish you have to think like the flyfish‚ truly understand the machinations of their minds#you also have to be good at bombs unfortunately#but on the bright side i am now insanely annoying with my point sensor in turf bc flyfish eliminater tranates to good bomb aim and#better ink monitoring#its part of why im a nautilus main is i can constantly mark people for death#whether by myself or by others You Cannot Hide From The Circle#sorry for rambling this is my first edible in a while LMAO#im just very passionate about flyfish and also the nautilus#splatoon 3
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reidsdaisies · 8 months
hihihi !! i saw that you wanted requests and i will happily oblige 😭 i was wondering if you could do a like grumpy spencer reid x sunshine/bombshell reader !! i love the whole opposites attract trope. maybe its where like hes having a bad day and just kinda wants to go home but reader turns that frown upside down and flirts w him n stuff !!
༉‧´ˎ˗ pairing; grumpy!spencer reid x sunshine/bombshell!reader
༉‧´ˎ˗ warnings; maeve doesn’t exist bc this is like right around the beginning of season 8 I’d say, slightly handsy reader ig?, use of pet names ‘baby’, ‘sweetie’, ‘hon’, mention of the one ‘sugar pie’, also I don’t think spencer would growl but i thought it was kinda funny and random. also he’d probably not not want to do a guest lecture but just imagine he’d had a rough week or something and that’s why he’s reluctant to go.
༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 0.6k
༉‧´ˎ˗ a/n; i also love opposites attract but im not the best at writing it, so this one is like subtle ig and so reader is more of a flirt than a bombshell. but if you or anyone else has a diff request for bombshell!reader pleasepleaseplease send it in bc I’d love to try again and make her an actual bombshell lolz
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cm masterlist ; main masterlist ; request guidelines ; inbox
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The day was already off to a bad start. You could tell from Spencer’s body language and whole demeanor that he just wasn’t having it.
Today, Spencer is supposed to be giving a guest lecture to Alex Blake’s class. So, here you stand outside the classroom, 10 minutes before he’s supposed to go in and prepare, pulling at his arm uselessly.
He’s planted himself to a bench in the empty hallway, head in his hands, hiding his face from you.
“C’mon, Spence, it’s just 30 minutes, a 1 and done thing.” You squat down in front of him at eye level, though it’s slightly uncomfortable even in your most casual heels. You’re currently trying to convince him that it really isn’t that bad, and that he’ll feel more relaxed once he’s gotten into the flow of things.
“It’s not like you’ve never done this before,” sighing, you give up trying to make him look at you and instead sit down besides him, your hand reaching over to rest on his left shoulder. “Didn’t you do something similar with Rossi a couple years ago? And you’re good friends with Blake, so this should be a piece of cake.”
“You say that, but you’ve never even had to think about doing something like this. It’s nerve wracking.” He mumbles into his hands, shaking his head.
When he finally pulls his head away, he’s pouting, giving you an annoyed stare. He shrugs your hand off him, hunching in on himself.
“Sweetie,” you start, taking a deep breath and choosing your next words, “remember the first time this happened? One second you were all frustrated— I mean like at one point I think you even growled at me— then the next you were fine. What did the trick that time?”
He scoffs at the mention of him growling, but he does stop to think about it. You can see him mentally searching for that last time, replaying the events of that afternoon.
He licks his lips in contemplation, opening his mouth before closing it. Taking another glance in your direction, he gives you a quick once over. “I-.. well, you..? I guess.”
“Well, what did I do, hon?”
“Uhm, I don’t know..” Of course you already know he remembers, there’s very few, if any, things he doesn’t, he’s just having a hard time saying it outright.
“C’mon baby, I know you know.”
Even after multiple months of dating you, he’s still getting used to all the nicknames you call him. You’ve called him things such as ‘baby’, and ‘sugar pie’, more times than you’ve called him by his actual name. He knows this for a fact. He counted.
Biting the inside of his cheek, he glances down with a soft smile on his face. “Stuff like that, like calling me ‘baby’ and whatnot. Flirting with me.”
“Aw, look at you smiling,” you tease, gently prodding his shoulder, “I knew deep down, as much as you try to deny, you actually enjoy my flirtatiousness.”
“Hush,” he rolls his eyes playfully, looking up at the ceiling.
“Well then, ‘baby’, what’s it gonna take this time, hm? Maybe a bit more of my flirtatious charm could ease those nerves.”
You wink at him jokingly, eliciting a chuckle from the man beside you.
After a few seconds, you push him to stand, about ready to shove him towards the door as well. “But in all seriousness, you better get your ass in there or I will tell Blake and all your other colleagues about the growling.”
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thurio-edau · 2 months
yup, him for part two. funny thing despite Aiden being my favourite character I'm most excited for the other three posts I'll make, especially the last one. there's a lot to unpack here so
also im writing this with a migraine pls read it-
Part 2: Aiden Clark
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ah, yes. the obviously-mentally-ill from the start fan favourite Aiden Clark. let's go.
first, I want to start with something I find really important about his character, what makes him heavily mischaracterized in the fandom. the 'psychopath' cliche.
the terms 'psychopath', 'insane' and 'unstable' are often confused with each other due to media stereotypes, such as Aiden here. one, he is not a psychopath. psychopath literally means a self-centered person who lacks sympathy, affection and care; making them far from most other characters in their franchise. their lack of sympathy/empathy often makes them criminalized, here
disturbing content warning, for an example of a psychopath.
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let's take Gressil from Homesick for example since a lot of SBG readers also read Homesick. so, here, Gressil is a perfect example of an actual psychopath. his lack of empathy makes him torment others, he's very self-centered. and when asked why he's doing this? he says he was bored. let's look at Aiden here. what does Aiden do when bored? probably dumb ideas or annoy Tyler. not torturing people for fun. Aiden is just a boy who likes thrills, but he has a sense of empathy, care and justice.
you wanna see a psychopathic Aiden?? the canvas is it
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(our local Logan hater is publishing the canvas eps go checc beachy out)
but that's him, not our Aiden. canvas does not equal originals y'all
alright, now since we got that cleared out!! firstly, ADHD.
I think everyone in the fandom is already aware that Aiden is ADHD but I'm still going to talk about it just like Ashlyn's autism. Red has also said that she wrote Aiden with ADHD in mind but hadn't canonically confirmed anyone as neurodivergent. let's start with the main symptoms of ADHD, also known as Attention Decifit and Hyperactivity Disorder.
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I know about 5 different ADHD people myself and did some research, it probably won't be extremely accurate since I'm not ADHD myself, but I'll try to do whatever I can. first with the AD part, Attention Decifit.
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now as seen, he doesn't exactly have any problems with theorizing itself. but the problem is that his attention just goes away easily.
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i mean cmon bro was making memes on the job
he tries to do work, but can't. he has a low attention span which makes him not able to concentrate. he can't keep it up for long, he'll get distracted or bored too easily about things that doesn't interest in specially.
it's just distracting. what his attention is on constantly changes, there's more to that after the ADHD part but we're here for now.
the hyperactivity... it's a lot more apparent. but I should explain the insane-unstable thing before that.
insane means that someone's mental health is not in an okay situation, where it prevents the person from thinking normally, acting rationally, very often found together with delusions. the person is seriously mentally ill where it might count as a disability.
unstable, however, where someone is prone to psychiatric problems, has moodswings etc. they're not exactly the most sane person, but they aren't insane either. Aiden here, obviously falls on the unstable side. maybe just a little bit insane if you squint. this will be brought up later too, but it mixed well with his hyperactivity too.
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and as we all know, our boy isn't exactly the most stable person. (sorry for the collages, but since there is a tumblr picture limit i have to keep on collaging. yes i learnt from the last time) his hyperactivity mixes with his unstable mindset which makes him incresingly vulnerable to danger- which he likes. from when the first shift happened, he's been really careless about stuff but it's been all about his love for thrill.
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and it irritates Tyler, too.
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the main subplot about his character is that he's a person of excitement. guess what? ADHD people like the excitement, they like new things, they like the adrenaline and thrill. now, Aiden's main characteristic of being unstable mixed with ADHD makes him an even more reckless person. another thing mixing with the hyperactivity, is boundaries.
this part will mostly be about Ashlyn since the boundary issue only happens with her.
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I talked about this on Ashlyn's side on my Ashlyn analysis, now it's time for Aiden's side.
he's really annoying to her at first. Ashlyn is someone with lots of boundaries, like high walls. and who tries to climb them with his dumbass? Aiden of course.
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she kept rejecting his efforts to befriend her for some time, until the night they stole the jeep. then she managed to actually bring the walls down, and accept them all into her life. but damn was she blunt.
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felt that honestly
and Aiden understands her that night, too.
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Ashlyn was hesistant to hug him, yes, he was aware. but she still did which made him realize she was also trying. i have to tell you, people with ADHD and people with autism either have trouble getting along, or go perfectly well. my ADHD sibling for example, I have to push them away for a lot and tell them to lower their voice. but once they remember my boundaries it actually becomes a normal, even pleasant hangout. which, Aiden realizes and tries to get along with. he tries.
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seeing his efforts on her boundaries makes something click in her mind. and she starts to be a lot nicer when they hang out in the arcade.
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Aiden eventually learns and remembers what she's like and what she loves to do. he already tried to watch her ballet sessions once -got slammed-, he's been to her room where he remembered the mat from and her fighting makes it obvious. I'm sure he knew he'd get cooked by betting that. but he still did,
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because he knew it'd interest her. which he succeeded, he saw her smile again. the arcade day went great until Barron and his gang pulled up, but if we ignore that part it all went well. Aiden started to understand and respect her boundaries.
anyways then Tyler fucking dies
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he knows that Ashlyn feels guilty. Aiden wants to comfort her through it, but also do it correctly. without going over any boundaries. which makes him really,
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really surprised when she responds.
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also including this pannel cause its hilarious
here we see that he's still trying. hell, I'm sure he spent minutes thinking if he should come close physically to help her. that's probably why he just nudged her softly before anything else. he's not used to it, he has to conciously make an effort to not cross said boundaries. keeping his voice lower, try to not be so reckless, not doing anything physically close unless she reciprocates. wow how i wish another someone i knew irl tried that hard instead of blaming it on me cOUGH COUGH COUGH
also other small things to include
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he's yapping a lot
he has a comically large amount of puzzles in his backpack for one single trip
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and sticks his head into lamps for some reason
but that's just Aiden and his little neurodivergent brain for ya.
now the part I wanted to get to the most.
Borderline Personality Disorder.
first, what is Borderline Personality Disorder?
shortened as BPD, borderline is when someone's mood is inconsistent and swinging. think of it's name; the person's mental state is in the border, in the border line, switching up fastly. the most easily understood and common type is when the person goes from a depression to a happy state. but no matter which state they are in and/or go to, one thing stays the same: it is unstable.
one thing about borderline is that it is frequently mixed with bipolar. however bipolar is a neurodivengercy which means it is what someone is born with and cannot be changed. but borderline is obtained later in life. it usually happens with depression. bipolar is much more random and the episodes last longer in comparison. it may last up to hours, and the person's memory might have trouble remembering their episodes. borderline, on the other hand, is a short-lived mood swing.
now here. here's the catch; people with BPD during mood swings can have reckless behaviour, suicidal thoughts -in his case as far as we know, lowered sense of protecting himself- or a loss of understanding danger. sounds familiar?
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borderline's recklessness and dangerousness, sometimes self-destructive acts combines with ADHD's love for thrill and excitement, combined with Aiden's own personality all make up for a great condition of instability.
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Aiden's behaviour constantly goes crazy, I think his most frequent mood swing might be his normal self (at least, as normal as he could be) to this more maniac way of acting. I noticed it from his eyes, when he's in a more calm-ish normal state his pupils are a bit more dilated. in the pictures above, you can clearly see that he's still in the episode; filled with the adrenaline, the unstable way of thinking.
but, what causes that? surely a mental illness such as borderline doesn't happen on it's own.
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cause it didn't.
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it never works that way.
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but it can get better.
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but what happened to him?
personally, as much as a large amounnt of people seems to believe it's something like family abuse I don't think so. maybe neglect, maybe withdrawal, maybe maybe. but we've seen his parents. I don't think they would hurt him like that. I can't put any more pictures, but this is the last part anyway. his parents seem to be kind and gentle, despite that picture in his house. I'm thinking the picture was only for the dramatic effect. his parents said that he used to be really calm and quiet during Lily's birthday, and both Aiden and Ben seem comfortable around them. they were happy taking Ben in too, any kind of abusive parent wouldn't do that at least that's what I believe. also there is that Aiden got serious and concerned when he learnt that their parents were also in the facility, most likely worried for his own as you would have thought.
there was a post that I've been trying to find for like half an hour, I commented on it but I can't find the post now. the person talked about their own theory. if I remember correctly it was that when Aiden was depressive as a child, his parents took him to a thrilling activity like the ones he's been talking about (bungee-jumping, skydiving etc.) and the thrill made him actually get excited. which is why his parents allowed him to go even more reckless, because they are aware of how prone their son could be to the depression.
what happened? let's ignore the parents factor. someone can have a loving family and still be traumatized, someone can be taken care of and still feel abandoned, someone can never have confronted a situation they are terrified of.
one of my theories is that, the loneliness. it must get to a child heavily considering children need to not be left alone, but Aiden was. he didn't have any actual friends since they always moved from one place to another from his parents' business, and they might have not had enough time to make for him (which I believe is bullshitting, every child deserves to be taken some time out for. some people quit their jobs entirely for their child.) and be unaware, and that doesn't change that he was still depressed and alone. his depressive state was seemingly before Ben was taken in. now here one thing with borderline, at least from my experience, is faking actions. smiles, laughs, friendships, conversations... almost as if there's two different lives; one fake, and one real. you keep on switching, you keep on swinging between the sides where you're yourself and where you're just mimicking 'normal human behaviour'.
it starts from faking a happy state during their depression, and by time you're faking it it becomes an automatic adition to your personality. to your mind. once it furthers, it becomes the disorder. Aiden we see is always smiling. it becomes a habit that only breaks sometimes. now, I'm not saying his smile is fake- I think his face is literally just stuck like that. it breaks ever so slightly sometimes. fake it till ya make it yanno? that kind of thing. and when he swings from his calm mood to his borderline-d mood, his pupils get small and his smile gets worse. noticably worse. I'll be rereading the series (AGAIN) and this time look at all the small details since Red loves putting them and I love theorizing so
which, wraps up the Aiden thing! im actually really proud of how i could put my thoughts into text which i never could. i'd love any additions because i love other opinions as well.
and you know what? im glad Ash and Ai are out of the place because the rest are what I'm actually looking forward to >:)
...and i should sleep. really.
(wow sorry yall i finished this hours ago and said 'alright reread to make sure its good before sleep' and fell asleep through it lol sorry for 4 hour delay ig)
(leaving for school rn see yall 8 hours later 🫡)
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d1edre · 4 months
im going insane thinking about what fresh season and side order could add to the game. anyway. locker features and mechanics that i hope will be added to splatoon 3
more locker colors (we dont even have PURPLE)
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being able to switch the shirt shape with the press of a button (now you have to change your character's body shape to get the masculine or feminine shirt variation)
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we have main weapons and subs, but no special weapon decorations... i think it would be very cool to have something to represent them. specials that don't use an item (like kraken, zipcaster, booyah bomb) could maybe be represented in some sort of statue. other specials like ink vac, big bubbler, reefslider, super chump, etc have physical items that i think would easily make some sick decorations
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being able to change the ink color of weapons and gear. sometimes an item i really like just happens to be the wrong ink color and totally clashes... SIGH
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being able to revert back to smaller locker sizes after unlocking the bigger sizes. the small locker is so cute
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a special button for moving stickers up or down in between the layers. the last sticker you place always gets placed on top, if i then want to shuffle it between already placed stickers i have to delete all of them and replace them again, which can be very annoying
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locker save slots (sort of like freshest fits?). sometimes i get attached to a locker if i spent a lot of time on it and it's sad to delete it if i want to make something new
changing the color of the shelves and hooks
more locker part types like shoe racks, half-shelves or single hooks that let you actually hang up clothes
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they need to bring back the glitch that let you place items diagonally but as a feature PLEEEAAASEE !! angled items can really make the locker feel used and lived in, it's so sad that they patched it
i think updates like this could really unleash the potential that the locker feature has as it would allow us to be even more creative with it :3
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phntmeii · 10 months
If you write for e42 miles could you write some hcs for him
♡ Dating Earth-42 Miles Morales Headcanons:
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❝ I'm Miles Morales. But you... you can call me the Prowler. ❝
[SFW + Fem Terms Used]
A/N: That accent went crazy for the movie ngl. I’m so hyped for more of him ahhsidjs. Sorry for this one being a tad shorter just because we didn't get to see enough of this ver. of Miles </3 Also, requests are open ofc :) ty anon!!
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🕸️ This version of Miles is much more serious about his work and how busy he can be. He didn’t think he had time to look for someone.
🕸️ Then, there was you. Miles couldn’t take his eyes off of you, just watching as you passed by. He’s having an internal conflict because he doesn’t want to invest himself in someone just to lose them but he can’t stop thinking about you.
🕸️ So he ends up defaulting to just watching you from afar for a while to try and learn what's special about you. And with each day, that feeling grows until he just one day does it and talks to you.
🕸️ He's confident but quiet. A lot of his sentences are short and to the point. He looks down at you as you talk, keeping his eyes on yours. He's giving his full attention to you.
🕸️ He also does the thing of having his hands in his pockets and leaning down to hear you better. He knows exactly what's he's doing.
🕸️"Shit... desculpa, ma... didn't hear you. Say it again for me?"
🕸️ I think this version of Miles would be the least obvious with his feelings at first. Half the time you can't tell if he's actually into you or not because he seems disinterested most of the time but when he's in his room, he's sat listening to love songs and picturing different scenarios with you.
🕸️ His mother taught him right so when he does ask you out, it's not a casual text of "will you be my girlfriend" or something basic like that. He's taking you out at night to somewhere with a nice view where he has your favorite flowers, then he asks.
🕸️ He isn't too big into PDA. Not because he doesn't love giving you his attention but because Miles is a very chill and settled guy in public.
🕸️ Most of his "PDA" are small things like hand holding and whispering romantic things into your ear.
🕸️ Yes, many of his pet names and flirty comments will be in Spanish just because he knows you like it. He usually defaults to "mami" or "mamas" when talking to you.
🕸️ Once he's more comfortable, he likes to be a tease because he knows it sets you off especially if you're busy. He'll just open up your window and sneak in while you're doing your work just to feel you.
🕸️ He'll have a dumb grin as you smack him away, putting his hands up in surrender. "Ay, lo siento, mami... Didn't know my girl was so focused."
🕸️ There are some times where he just sweeps you away from your work any way because he wants to spend time with you. He'll never admit to being clingy despite doing that.
🕸️ Definitely the type to do shit just to try and piss you off cause he thinks he’s funny. He’ll rest his arm on top of your head, make jokes when he sees you’re annoyed and act like he’s the one wearing the pants in the relationship to friends when in reality, he’s all too obsessed with you and treats you like royalty.
🕸️ In public, acting like the man, meanwhile in private, he’s all “yes ma’am omw o7”. LMAO
🕸️ Miles can instantly tell when you're in a bad mood. A slight change in the way you text and he's already thinking about how to fix it.
🕸️ "good morning mamas 💜" "morning" "tf is 'morning'?? nah, start over." "what?" "my girl not starting the day like this. im coming over."
🕸️ Miles' main Love Languages are: Quality Time and Words of Affirmation.
🕸️ Miles needs to be around you which is why he'll sneak off to see you. It doesn't matter if you're busy with something, he'll just watch you and keep you company as you do it. (Although, he might try and distract you.)
🕸️ He’ll let you do his skincare or do his hair (if you know how) but he’ll likely complain the whole time even if there’s no reason to.
🕸️ Like he’ll complain about not being able to touch his face when he has a face mask on or that you’re being too rough when doing his hair even though he loves when you do this for him (He’s being dramatic.)
🕸️ “Ay- Shit! You havta fuckin’ pull that hard?” “You want your braids to look good or not?” “I want to have hair by the end of this.” *proceed to smack the side of his head with a brush*
🕸️ He’s definitely a flirty guy. He’ll text you suggestive messages when he knows you’re in public or at a family event just to mess with you. He’ll also send super romantic paragraphs to you over text when he knows you’re asleep.
🕸️ There is no insecurities allowed about yourself when you’re with Miles. The moment he hears self doubt, he’s showering you with praise because his girl is perfect in his eyes. There is no one else but her.
🕸️ "baby. i feel ugly today" "ugly?? tf are u on?" "i just feel idk like gross" "mami don't start allat. u know ur too fucking gorgeous to think like that." He then sends several 1-3 min voice messages freaking out to you about how lucky he is so you know that it is impossible for you to be "ugly" in his eyes.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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barblaz-arts · 3 months
It’s confirmed the Vee’s are the main villains of Season 2, I can already guess your thoughts on Val, but how do you feel about Vox and Velvette so far?
I like Vox as a character. Very entertaining. Even if I found him a lil annoying to a certain extent in the final ep. Like, why am I suddenly watching a YouTuber react to Hazbin Hotel rn... He's so pathetic and has absolutely terrible taste in men, it's so funny.
Velvette is a hoot to watch too. I hope we get to see her clash more with Carmilla. She seems to be the brains of the group, so im really curious to know what they have planned. If the "the future of Hell belongs to the Vees" line is anything to go by, I'm a lil afraid of the possibility that they're stoked about the discovery that angels can be killed because this means LUCIFER can be killed.
I also noticed that all three Vees are absolute brats to some degree, with Valentino's possessive toxicity, Vox's petty rivalry, and Velvette's haughty attitude. It's a good way to show just how much younger they are than the other Overlords, aside from the fact that their domains are relatively modern things. Also love that their domains are all different addictions.
I'm also curious to know what Alastor's jab that Vox "would be powerless without the other Vees" means. Like, did it mean that Vox is the lowest in their power hierarchy(combat wise) or a reference to the fact that Vox is the media outlet who would be nothing without the content Valentino and Velvette provide? Or both.
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dollfacerecs · 9 months
— jeon ⋆ jung ⋆ kook
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jjk fic recommendation list by clover. 🍀 ↓
♡ = smut ; ♤ = angst ; ♧ = fluff ; ♕ = favorite
main list
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♢ mutual help ; ♡, ♤, ♧, ♕ || series — by @personasintro
⇝ fwb, fakedating, slowburn // lmao. if u know me u know this is one of my all time, if not all time fav fic. personasintro really outdid herself w this one. i love her so much she really inspired me to pick up writing again and im glad i did 😭😭 guys when i tell you nothing has ever slowburned the way mutual help has like guys. the messiness of it all THE DRAMA. the jealousy. the pining. the sex. literally the way she wrote jungkook is just too fucking good. what a dream to have a man like this in ur life. i can’t tell you how many times i reread certain chapters and just spend nights thinking abt certain moments like its popular for a reason guys. don’t let the amount of chapters scare you away from diving into this guys its sooofucking goodidndkdnskdn
♢ we weren’t just friends ; ♡, ♤ || series — by @jknoah
⇝ fwb, situationship // guys like.. trust me. jk so fuckin insufferable i need him rn. what a little shit. ughhh i love this. kisses to u noah ! <33
♢ once the thrill expires ; ♡, ♤, ♕ || one-shot — by @alphabetboyluvr
⇝ fwb, situationship // again… jungkook is a fucking asshole and he knows it. the way this author describes the details in this literally so fucking good guys like i need a whole series of this its just excellent 😭😭😭 reread this like 3 times soooo good
♢ about u ; ♤, ♡ || one-shot — by @ugh-yoongi
⇝ exboyfriend!jungkook, jealousy // idk whats up w jk being shitty in fics but i just can’t help it guys. its saur good. this one is so heartbreaking tho like they rlly just love each other man.
♢ soft ; ♡ || one-shot (part of a series) — by @hamsterclaw
⇝ cop!jungkook, mortuaryassistant!reader // jungkook is so fucking cute in this djfbcnf vomitboy <333 and the way he gets teased by the others bc of ur nickname for him dbfhf i also really like this reader
♢ bad decisions ; ♤, ♡, ♧ || series — by @alphabetboyluvr
⇝ bartender!jk, barista!reader // jk and yn are best friends who don’t act like best friends. clearly in love w each other. constant misunderstandings and annoying exes. i havent finished but im very much intrigued. this author is very poetic. very gewd. inspires me a lottt. like this a lot. just excellent.
♢ throttle ; ♡, ♤, ♧ || series — by @alphabetboyluvr
⇝ racer!jk, clerk!reader // jk is soooo damn shady (im not that far into the series yet but i had to recommend bc its already so damn good) and yoongi is the man of my dreams ummm but a bad boy will always prevail and jk in this saurrrr fucking hot i gasp for air
♢ pending…
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sadie-bug345 · 1 month
gang as after school snacks🫵🫶
i main oreos and milk ANYDAY OF THE WEEK🧍‍♀️👹❤️
prob apples or sum shit😭
like something kinda random but also reasonable
ngl apples and peanut butter HIT sometimes
so he’s real for that
6/10 also gives pudding cup guy
either doesn’t have anything as an after school snack
in all seriousness i feel so incredibly bad for johnny and his home life
OR he makes like a whole meal
no in between
like he’ll come home and just put together a whole sandwich, juice, apple, the whole thing
5/10 i’m sorry😭
just has a can of coke or smth
this is not a joke on his name but it does go very well with it
but i think he just THRIVES off caffeinated sodas
comes home and cracks open a dr pepper, pepsi, whatever
thats enough to fuel him thru the rest of the day
also when he’s had a bad day he’ll just sit in his and pony’s room in the dark and sip his soda ominously LMAOOO
8/10 my mom does this
yoghurt and granola typa guy
probably calls granola “cereal”
ily darry but this is unacceptable 🫶🥰
he def pressures pony and soda to have healthy snacks which pony listens to but soda…well we know what soda does💀
everyone makes fun of him for his taste but he gets so pressed so fast (trust me he’s mad at me already for writing this)
religiously has bowls of cereal
or just cigarettes yk
just sits in the dark and eats his lucky charms whilst contemplating everything annoying he !everyone else! did that day
thinks about how much homework he has and how hes not gonna do a lick of it
calls up friends asking them to share their answers to the spanish hw
and on the other side of the line they can just hear him munching away and just like “…what are you eating🧍‍♀️”
dal’s just like “the bones of your dead dreams now tell me what the fuck a conjugation is and how i do it”
9/10 y’all prob know im an intense cereal lover
gushers or fruit snacks typa thing
prob drinks kool-aid like it’s the water of life
he’s real for that to a degree
like sometimes too many ritz crackers is too much 😭
probably just eats packs after packs of fruit snacks
struggle meals all the way💀
just drinks a glass of milk or smth
straight from the carton
just a total scavenger of the pantry
so disrespectful💀
in general i think he steals all the gangs food as a joke
darry just bought some cookies from the grocery store and by the time he gets home from work they’re gone😭😭
ANYWAYS request hcs, imagines, anything! i do platonic and romantic y/ns too🫶
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carelisswriting · 1 year
I wrote something based off a prompt by @epkot94 https://at.tumblr.com/epkot94/dp-x-dc-idea-time-so-eventually-danny-tells-jazz/8wbwdhtc71pm
 I hope y’all like this, this is the first bit of my writing I’m posting on Tumblr! I also crossposted this on Ao3, which is https://archiveofourown.org/works/45308998 
Btw, I adore @proshipper-on-ship and @kine-iende thinking of Dan calling Danny ‘Mom’, so that’s in here too!
EDIT: @lenacraft drew some amazing fan art of the Phantom royal family here! https://at.tumblr.com/lenacraft/im-still-trying-to-figure-out-how-i-wanna/u0n7lg2g8eo9
Dan liked being one of the ‘good guys’, don’t get him wrong. He enjoyed saving people, and being seen as a superhero. What he didn’t like was being on a team.
Oh he could work with them just fine, but Ancients did they get on his nerves. Superman constantly checking in on him, Batman trying to figure out his identity (he didn’t have one in this universe anyway, take that asshole), Flash trying to befriend him. All in all, Dan was not a fan of his coworkers. (Ellie insisted that he secretly liked them, but she was wrong and also being very annoying about it.)
They were being particularly annoying today. Flash hadn’t stopped talking for the last 20 minutes. They were all in the main meeting room, for some sort of meeting. Honestly, Dan hadn’t been paying attention, so he had no clue why they were all here. Batman was droning on at the front of the room, something about a cult? Dan had no clue, and really didn’t care enough to listen.
He was idly tossing his thermos (which he still hadn’t told the Justice League the purpose of) back and forth when John Constantine burst into the room.
“We’ve got a problem.” He said, slightly out of breath.
Everyone had stopped talking when he burst in, turning to stare at the man. Batman sighed, before asking “What is it?”
Constantine came up to the table they were all sat around, setting down an ancient looking book across the table from Dan. He noticed that the title was in something similar to Ghostspeak. Interesting. He wasn’t gonna tell any of his coworkers about it, though. They all thought he was an alien, which technically he was, and it would be suspicious for him to know some random magical language, even vaguely.
“Someone is summoning powerful entities from a dimension parallel to ours, using this book.” Constantine said, gesturing to the book “I brought my copy, but I don’t know how to stop these beings.”
“Why?” Batman grunted out the question, already flipping through the old book.
Constantine sighed aggressively, pulling out a cigarette. He lit it, before answering sarcastically “I don’t know, maybe because they’re significantly more powerful than most beings from this dimension? Maybe because they have an insane set of abilities?”
Batman grunted in acknowledgement, turning back to the book.
A few moments passed, before everyone started talking, shouting questions over each other. Dan sighed. This was going to be a long day.
A few hours passed, everyone still trying to figure out what the hell to do. Well, almost everyone. Dan had long since given up on planning, playing a game on his phone under the table. It wasn’t like anything could actually be a threat to him, and if it was? He’d just call Danny. He’d prefer if his coworkers figured something out, however, so he hadn’t bothered telling them about the fact that he could probably deal with whatever this was in a snap. If they still hadn’t figured anything out in the next hour, he’d deal with it.
Wonder Woman looked up from the book Constantine had summoned for her to read through, hoping it had answers.
“Where are these entities from? You didn’t say what dimension it was.” She asked.
Dan realized that no one had thought to ask that anytime in the last few hours. Seriously? He knew that most of his coworkers were stupid when it came to magic and stuff like it, but seriously? He slipped his phone back into his pocket, wanting to see where this was going.
Constantine glanced up from where he was studying a leatherbound tome. Dan couldn’t see what it was about from here, but he bet it was unhelpful, considering how much Constantine had been glaring at it over the last few minutes.
“The Infinite Realms. It’s an extremely dangerous dimension, home to the dead.” Constantine answered, his tone grim.
Dan couldn’t help it. He chuckled. His coworkers looked at him like he was insane, which only caused him to laugh harder. He bent over the table, laughing.
“Something funny, Phantom?” Batman asked, glaring at him.
(Dan had stolen Danny’s superhero name, it was his first anyway. And besides, everyone found it hilarious, including Danny.)
Dan theatrically wiped a tear from his eye before replying “Yeah, it’s so damn funny that he said that with a straight face. I mean, c’mon, ‘extremely dangerous’? Maybe if you’re an idiot.”
Superman raised an eyebrow at Dan, before exchanging a look with Batman.
“Have you been to these ‘Infinite Realms’?” Superman asked, voice calm.
Dan snorted “Yeah, of course. Ancients, if the problem’s just some guy summoning ghosts, I’m just gonna call my mom.” Dan could deal with it himself, but where was the fun in that?
He pulled out his phone again, dialing Danny’s number. The ‘mom’ thing had started as a joke, but honestly? It fit Danny so well, and Ellie already called him that, so why shouldn’t Dan?
“Why are you-“ Flash asked, before being cut off by Batman.
Batman glared at Dan “What are you doing.” He asked flatly.
Dan laughed, waiting for Danny to pick up.
“Calling my mom, duh.”
Batman gave an aggravated sigh, and went to speak.
Danny picked up, and Dan immediately started talking, cutting off whatever Batman was about to say.
“Hey, so, apparently some asshole is summoning ghosts and causing problems over here. Thought I’d have you deal with it.” Dan said, explaining quickly. The Justice League stared at him, shocked and very confused. Dan hadn’t told them anything about his family, so their reactions were pretty justified.
Danny sighed “Not even gonna say hello?”
Dan sarcastically cut him off “Hello!”
Danny sighed again, but Dan could tell he was amused. They shared a sense of humor, Ellie had the same one too. Perks of being a clone/evil future self and their original/past self (Their relationships were all kinds of funky, but it worked for them.)
“You said someone is summoning ghosts? I’ll be there in a sec.” Danny said, before hanging up.
Dan put his phone away, finally glancing at his coworkers. They all looked extremely confused, except Batman who was fuming, and Constantine who looked wary.  
“Who was that?” Batman growled.
Dan looked at him, the picture of innocent confusion.
“I already told you, my mom. He’ll be here in a moment.”
Dan could see Flash mouthing ‘he?’ to himself a few seats away. Dan relished in the sense of confusion he was causing. It was extremely funny watching his coworkers flounder in the face of Dan’s sheer chaos.
Constantine took a moment to speak “I don’t think-“
He was cut off as a green portal opened up in the middle of the room, above the table. Everyone, excluding Dan, went still as it appeared.
“What the-“ Superman started to say, as Batman pulled out a weapon. They were both startled by a white and black blur flying out of the portal and attaching itself to Dan.
Dan was knocked out of his seat as Ellie bowled him over. He tumbled down to the floor, falling flat on his back. Ellie grinned at him, sitting on his chest.
“Got you!” she gleefully yelled out. Dan chuckled, gently shoving her off him. He sat up, and was greeted with his coworkers, who all looked ready for a fight. Their faces switched to confusion when Dan just blankly stared at them.
“What’s up?” He said, slightly sarcastically.
Ellie floated into the air, hanging upside down in front of Dan.
“Well, you were just tackled by someone they don’t know.” She pointed out, a grin on her face.
Dan sighed, gesturing to Ellie “Please meet my little sister, Ellie. She’s an annoyance.”
Ellie smacked him on the shoulder, before flipping around so that she was facing the Justice League, and also so that she was right side up.
“Hi! It’s nice to finally meet Dan’s friends!” She said, darting away when Dan attempted to hit her.
“They’re not my friends! We’re coworkers!” he shouted as she flew to the corner of the room, sticking her tongue out at him.
He sighed, before looking at his coworkers. Most of them were still stuck in a state of confusion, and Flash hesitantly asked “I thought your mom was coming?”
“Oh yeah.” Dan said, before yelling over to Ellie “Where the hell is Mom?”
Ellie floated closer “He was right behind me, so-“
The portal, which had slipped the Justice League’s minds when faced with the chaos that is Ellie, sparked as Danny stepped out, before it flickered out of existence.
Immediately, the aura of Danny’s power settled over the room. Being the King of the Infinite Realms afforded someone a lot of power, and death magic always affected people more than other magics. Also, the crown, ring, and cape made him look very intimidating. Combine that with his imposing stature (inherited from Jack) and he was downright terrifying. It was a comforting thing to Dan, who was used to Danny’s powerful presence. To the Justice League, however, it felt like the Grim Reaper himself had just come for the souls.
Danny looked around, spotting Ellie floating up above the table.
“Ellie, I told you not to scare them! We want to make a good impression.” He said, Ellie immediately darting down to stand next to him.  
“Sorry Mom, I just wanted to say hi!” Ellie defended.
Danny sighed, ruffling her hair.
The Justice League looked so confused. Constantine looked like he was about to throw up.
“That’s… King Phantom.” Constantine said, shocked, before he scrambled to stand in front of the Justice League.
“We didn’t mean to offend, I swear-“ Constantine started, before Danny cut him off.
“Dude, it’s fine. I just came cause Dan asked.” Danny said with a chuckle, slightly uncomfortable. He had gotten better at the formalities that came with kingship, but he still wasn’t that comfortable when people begged for his mercy, understandably.
It seemed to hit everyone then. That this terrifying man, and king, was who Dan had been referring to when he said ‘Mom’.
While his coworkers processed his chaotic family, Dan floated over them to stand next to his mom.
Danny smiled, ruffling Dan’s hair. They were almost the same height now, so Danny didn’t even have to stretch to reach it.
“How have you been? I know we talk everyday, but it’s not the same as seeing you in person.” Danny said, a soft smile on his face.
“I’ve been fine, Mom. It’s nice, helping people.” Dan replied.
Danny beamed at him “I’m happy it’s working out!”
“Yeah, and you haven’t even tried to kill someone!” Ellie cut in, a smirk on her face.
Dan reached out automatically to swat at her, but she dodged.
The Justice League seemed to snap out of their shock.
They are started to talk at once, before Batman yelled “Quiet!” over top of the noise.
“I believe introductions are in order.” He said, before muttering under his breath “especially as they’re some sort of royalty.”
Dan hadn’t told them about his enhanced hearing, so Batman had no way of knowing that the three ghosts could hear him perfectly. Dan and Ellie shared a smirk at how done the man sounded with them.
Danny clapped his hands, startling some of Dan’s coworkers.
“Yes, you are correct! Danny Phantom, King of the Infinite Realms, at your service!” Danny said cheerily.
Ellie spoke next “Ellie Phantom, Princess of the Infinite Realms.”
They both looked expectantly at Dan, who sighed.
“Dan Phantom, Prince of the Infinite Realms.”
Technically, he was also sort of the king, but it had been a different Infinite Realms that he conquered, so this one had decided he was a prince. He was fine with it, honestly being King sounded annoying.
Predictably, that led to another outcry from his coworkers. Constantine looked like he was having a mental breakdown.
When they had settled down, Superman asked “You’re a prince?”
Flash chimed in “Also, your superhero name is just your last name?”
“You’re the prince of the Infinite Realms. The place the entities are from?” Wonder Woman added.
Dan rolled his eyes at the questions, before looking at Danny pleadingly. Danny sighed, but answered the questions for him.
“Yes, we are the royal family of the Infinite Realms. And the beings there are called ‘ghosts’, by the way. Also, Flash, it was a superhero name before it was a last name.”
If anything, that answer made Flash even more confused.
Ellie stuck out her tongue at Dan “If you just told them about us, you wouldn’t have to deal with all these questions!” she sang out.
Dan groaned “Can you stop it for two seconds?”
“I swear to the Ancients, I’m gonna-“
“Settle down, you two.” Danny cut in, stopping the argument.
Dan and Ellie gave him matching pouts. They loved arguing with each other over nothing, it was fun.
Danny sighed, before turning back to the Justice League.
“So, Dan said that you’ve got a ghost problem?”
Batman stepped forward.
“Yes. Someone is summoning ‘ghosts’ into our world and causing havoc. Constantine doesn’t know who, but they need to be stopped.”
Danny closed his eyes for a moment.
“Okay, got it. Some asshole in Central City.”
Constantine startled “How do you know where he is? I couldn’t find him, even with my most powerful tracking spells!” He shouted, before a look of immediate regret came over his face. He probably just remembered that he was yelling at a death god, or close to one.
Danny dropped his smile, his eyes going blank. His presence seemed to double, a crushing sense of doom coming over the room. Constantine realized just how much he screwed up.
“The Realms is connected to all, especially those who are going to die shortly.” He said, flatly.
Dan chuckled slightly at Danny’s scary act, sharing an eyeroll with Ellie. Danny tried so hard to be intimidating, and it never really worked.
(Meanwhile, the entire Justice League is trying not to faint. Constantine really needs a drink.)
Superman shook it off first, asking “Going to die shortly? Are you going to kill him?” his voice pitched down at the end, trying to sound threatening.
Danny laughed, the crushing aura receding “No, of course not!”
Superman nodded, relieved.
“I’m just not gonna stop the others from doing it!” Danny continued.
Immediately, the mood of the room plummeted.
“What do you mean?” Batman asked.
Danny gave them a sharp smile, Ellie and Dan mirroring it on either side.
“He is enslaving my people, Batman. I’m sure they’ll want justice for that.”
Danny turned, opening another portal above the table.
“I’ll go deal with the asshole. Ellie, Dan, let’s go.” Danny said, smiling at them.
Ellie patted Dan on the head, before darting through the portal.
Dan looked out at the Justice League.
“I’ll be back in a bit, don’t wait up.” He said. He was definitely going to take advantage of his family coming to visit him, he wanted to hang out with them a bit. Maybe show them Gotham? He knew Danny and Ellie would get a kick out of it.
With that, Dan walked into the portal.
Danny surveyed the Justice League for a moment.
“Thank you for helping Dan. Don’t be too annoying to him over all this, okay?” His words were light, but his tone was anything but.
Batman nodded seriously.
Danny smiled, stepping through the portal to go keep his kids from getting into too much trouble.
(Constantine looked seriously at Batman “Don’t call me for the next week, I need to get drunk. To deal with all…that.”)
Tag List! 
@seraphinedemort @ever-changing-weirdo-3100 @thewondersoflebanon @botwadtict @akikkobara @sailor-goddess @dontfightmecauseillcry 
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marcellaasblog · 9 months
My maid.
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Summary: You needed the extra money really bad, so your best friend Sidney shows you a way she makes money and how you can too,but this job has a little dirty twist to it.
Warnings for the whole series:angst,smut, fluff,alcohol, smoking,p in v, squirting, daddy kink, digrating kink, pervert Eddie, insecure reader,dom Eddie,shy reader, jealous Eddie.
Author's notes: If their is incorrect spelling Im sorry and I'll definitely edit it later on.
This is inspired by a girl on TikTok thats a topless maid and I was very intrigued by it,so why not make into a fic.
Part 1 // part 3 // part 4 // part 5
Part 2
You and Sidney were in a rush this morning.
She was running all over the place grabbing her costume and other things she may need for today. You try to calm her down but all she was worried about was this Eddie guy and how he was gonna get pissed for being late and she can't lose a costume no matter how annoying they may be.
"Sid calm down." You Tell her as she frantically tries to find her keys she's throwing pillows everywhere she's moving furniture she's opening drawers she's just making a whole mess for herself to clean up later.
"We're my keys? Where are my keys? Where are my keys?" She asked, scattering her whole place around.
"Dude there in your hand." She looks down at her hand as she grunts feeling very annoyed because she just made a mess for no reason.
"Come on, let's go, I'll help you clean up later." You grab her hand as she picks up her duffle bags from the couch.
"We are never going out the day before I have an early shift." You can see Sidney is still tired and exhausted. Was Going to Eddie's place that big of a deal.
"Yeah yeah,I will cry about it later,let's just go before I change my mind."
As you and Sidney walk up to this Eddie guy's house,you curiously look around this new environment. It was a little messy outside, bear bottles and cigarette buds all over the grass and plants In Front of his house.
Sidney, already annoyed by it all not even wanting to do this shift, bangs on Eddie's door looking back at you, giving you that "I don't wanna do this." Type of look.
The door opens and stands a tall man with fluffy brown short hair beauty marks all over his face as he flashes his pearly whites leaning on the door.
"Ahh Sidney my favorite girl, what brings you here?" Was this Eddie you though cause wow he was pretty.
"Move along Steve, where's Eddie?"
I guess that's not Eddie .
"Why didn't he ask for you? Steve said letting you and Sidney into the shared house.
"Uh yeah he did, he made an appointment 2 nights ago for me to come today." Sidney said, putting her bag down on the brown sofa.
Steve takes his eyes off of Sidney as he lets his eyes roam your body as he smirks at you .
"Who's your friend over here?" Steve asked, waving his finger at you.
"Y/n she's my childhood best friend, the one I talk about a lot." Sidney said, making her way into the hall.
"Ah so you're the best friend,well it's great to meet you named Steve". Steve said, shaking your hand.
You smile as you introduce yourself.
"Nice place you go here." You looked up at the ceiling, the walls and decorations; everything was so elegant and neat.
"Thanks, my dad left this house behind before he passed."
" oh shit I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up." You looked into his brown eyes.
"No, no, don't feel sorry." Steve said. "He was a douche anyways.
You huffed as you relaxed your shoulders.
A girl with short dirty blonde hair comes out from the back door.she looked sweaty and tired she had on a white muscle shirt and loose plants. You could see she was working outside by how messy her shirt was.
"Is Sidney here?" She asked, trying to catch her breath resting her hands on her knees.
"Yes robin she is getting changed." Steve relayed back with an annoyed tone..
"Cool,cool I'll be back then." Robin raced into the hallway seeing her short hair fly everywhere.
"What was that for?"
"Well, robin has a little crush." Steve huffs. "Who am I kidding? She has a MASSIVE crush on your friend.
Steve leans against the counter top sipping his drink."really Sidney. She has a crush on sidney."
Steve giggles "yeah why do you think we call her for?".
"Well she told me about a guy named Eddie." You looked at Steve confused.
" oh yeah no. She tells Eddie to call Sidney for her because she has too much of a baby to do it herself."
You nod your head at Steve. "Ohh" Steve laughs" yeah oh"
"So Eddie isn't a 30 year old pervert living in his mom's basement?" You had to ask just to be clear.
"God no,more of a 25 year old nerd that still plays dungeons and dragons and wears batman pajamas to bed that he has already outgrown since the 10th grade."
"Hey, don't make fun of my jammies." You heard a voice come from the hallway. You expected a bald short dude but nope you were wrong.. AGAIN.
Eddie was around 5'10, 5'11 you wanna say. He had long brown curly frizzy hair with uncut bangs that almost went over his eyes. He had really nice tattoos with bats on his arm and maybe more you couldn't really tell.
Eddie wanted to run into the hallway like Robin does everytime she sees Sidney. He was nervous. He shouldn't be this is his house too after all but God were you gorgeous. You had on these nice fitted black jeans that shaped your thighs nicely and a red turtleneck on that was a bit baggy but still showed off your curves.
"Hi you are?" You shook Eddie's hand feeling the warmth, smoothness of his palm and the thickness of his finger as they glazed over yours.
"Uhh umm y/n names y/n." You smiled at the boy.
Eddie giggled, noticing you were a big nervous or shy person.
"Well hi uhh, umm y/n, im Eddie." He mocked you.
"It's just y/n." You giggled, whipping your sweaty palms down your jeans.
"Yeah I know.so what brings you to the Munsons, Harrington, Buckley residents?" Eddie asked, patting Steve's shoulder as he walked past him to the kitchen.
"Hey, my name was supposed to be first." Steve pouted
"Oh shut it." You snorted at his and Steve's bickering.
"Anyways what brings you to hear sweetheart?" Eddie looks directly at you without breaking eye contact as he sips his juice. Little weird. Yeah.
"She's with sidney." Steve answered.
"Ohhh so robin wanted two this time, I see " Eddie snarked at Steve hitting his shoulder as Steve bowled his head .
"Oh no I'm not". Before you could finish Sidney came out from the restroom in a maid costume that covers barely anything and rides up her thighs. She has on no shirt or bra letting her boobs hang out freely.Your eyes widened at the state of your friend as you looked at her as she put her bag down on their couch.
"Well I'll get out of your lady's way,but y/n if you need anything just let me know my room is the last one to the right." Steve lets you know as he quickly disappears into the hallway.
You could hear whispers in the hallway as robin is pushed out of the hallway as she nervously leans on the wall almost missing the Wall as she crosses her feet stuffing her hand in her thrift stored pants.
Eddie laughs as he taps your shoulder.
"Have fun and make sure Robin doesn't faint." Her eyes follow up to Robin's flustered red face as she pulls her shirt collar away from her neck.
"Trust me she did it last time after your little friend left so just keep an eye on her Please." Eddie said, winking at you as he headed for the front door.
"I'LL BE HACK STEVE GONNA GO EAT LUNCH WITH WAYNE." Eddie said, taking his keys off the hook as he walked out of the front door in his black and yellow batman pants and blank top.
"I swear he's the one to call for me and never stays. What's the point of cleaning if he isn't gonna watch just like all the other customers?" Sid said as she walked to the kitchen rolling her eyes as she saw the stacked up dishes in the roommate's sink.
"That's what you think." You whispered to yourself.
"What was that?" Sid asked, tying her hair up into a low bun.
"Huh, oh nothing." You make eye contact with a robin biting down on your bottom lip looking back and forth at your best friend and the shy girl as you try to hide your smirk as robin puts her finger to her lips trying to shush you up.
"Well I'm on the couch, show me what you got." You tell sid making your way to the couch as you look back at robin looking down on her feet.
"Robin why don't you come join me will yah?" You pat the couch cushion letting her know to sit down by you as you smirked her way.
"Um, okay. sure." Robin said, fixing her shirt as she looked down at her feet as she sat by you as you grabbed her knee.
"Don't be nervous babe Trust me sid nice just enjoy yeah." You whispered into the girl's ear patting her knee.
She smiled as she moved her hair behind her ear.
Eddie came back 30 minutes later seeing your face buried into your hands as you tried to hide your laughed as you would look at your friend and back at robin who would stare at sidney with a blank stare and mouth dropped open it was like she left her body as she would roam your best friend body.
Eddie snickered as he joined you and Robin on the couch.
"Robin, close your mouth before a fly flies into it."
Robin snapped back into reality as she reached over your back hitting Eddie's shoulder.
"Shut up ass." She whispered through her teeth.
You snorted at Robin as you looked up at your friend as she rolled her eyes tieing up the kitchen trash bag.
"Okay kitchen done y/n your turn." Sidney walks into the kitchen as she grabs her bag, dropping it into your lap.
"Wait what?" Your blood rushes to your head a little nervous that you had to do the same thing the first day.
"Yup get up and go change." She pulled you up from the couch.
"How did you-" Sidney cut you off before you could finish.
"I looked through your clothes and found the size of your dresses and bought you one when we went to the lingerie store."
"Is that why you took forever?"
"Yup. go change and you're welcome." Your best friend smiled as she pats your shoulder as she lets her black hair fall down from her bun she made for the 4th time today.
"But I don't wanna show you know." You motion at your boobs.
"You don't have to, I bought you the full cover up costume."
You were a little relieved but still mad at Sidney for not warning you before.
"Are yall okay with this?" You asked Eddie and robin.
Eddie roams your body as he smirks looking back up at your eyes.
"I'm cool with it. Robin?" Eddie asked, looking at the girl as her eyes were still on your friend.
"Uhhh what? Oh yeah I'm cool with it." She said looking back at your friend.
"Alright then I'll be back."
You entered the hallway heading towards the bathroom not really needing to guess we're it was when there was a big sign outside of the door saying "Bathroom" with a poop emoji on top of the bold letters. You giggle as you enter their bathroom setting down the duffel bag on the toilet top locking the door.
You calmed yourself down, setting down your phone on the top of the toilet as you opened the black duffel wincing as you looked down.
You took out this beautiful full body maid outfit and yes it was a full outfit that won't show your boobs well not your whole boob.
The skirt was a bit short but they came with nice fitted fishnets.
You had a decent body, you were not skinny and all like your friend but you had a nice body , so you hoped these were your size.
Time for tryouts.
"So why the googly eyes Eddie." Robin asked as she shifted towards Eddie patting his knee to get his attention.
"What do you mean?" He asked
"Don't you know what I mean?" Robin nudged him in the shoulder.
Eddie arched his eyebrows as he stared at robin.
"Is it that obvious?" He asked worriedly, playing with the hems of his shirt.
"Yup." Robin said as she popped the p.
"Damnit." Eddie whispered.
"Who's making googly eyes?" Sidney asked as she sat down on the couch crossing her jacket over her chest.
"Eddie to your little friend." Robin blurts out.
Eddie smacks Robin's shoulder giving her the crazy eyes warning her to not say anything else.
Sidney shifted in her seat as she stared at Eddie scoffing at him as she turned her attention towards the tv.
Before Eddie and Robin could react to it they could hear the clock of the door shutting as their eyes made contact with the entrance of the hallway.
Eddie eye's eyes widened as he shifted in his spot and robin wowed as she traced your body with her eyes.sidney stared at you in spite as she got up from her seat heading to the kitchen.
"So how do I look?" You asked shifting in your shoes dropping Sidney duffle bags on the couch.
"You look" Eddie paused. "Wow. I mean you look good I like it." Eddie replied nervously rubbing the back of his neck, chuckling as Robin smirked at him.
"I think you look hot." Robin said, smiling at you as she turned her head towards Sidney that exited the kitchen with her keys and water bottle in her hand. She makes her way towards Eddie putting her hand out.
"My pay." She said
"Why are you leaving so soon?" Robin asked, rubbing her face in panic.
"I did my part so it's time to go." Sidney replies looking towards you.
"Y/n go get changed." You didn't question as you made your way towards the bathroom. You didn't know why the sudden Change in Sydney you thought was going to help you get the job but I guess not."
"Hey y/n?" Eddie asked as he saw you putting on your coat as you were heading towards the door with Sidney.
"Uh yes." You turned to Sidney before turning towards Eddie.
"Maybe next week you can come over we're having a party. It's just gonna be me, Robin, Steve and a couple of our other friends." He asked, messing with the back of his bracelet.
You smiled at Eddie jester " yeah I would like that can sidney come with her pretty much my ride." You laughed looking up at your brunette friend.
"Sure, why not let's go." She said, taking your hand as she made her way out the door.
"IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU." Eddie yelled as the door slammed shut.
"Someone got a little crush."
"Shut up robin."
Steve comes out from his room looking up from the uo from his phone looking at his two friends' confused faces.
"What did I miss?"
Sidney opens the door to her penthouse walking towards the refrigerator taking out a Jamaican me Happy seagram that she regularly drinks to whine down.
"So do I get the job." You asked as you took the bottle from her hand taking a swig of her peach and strawberry flavored drink.
Sidney huffs before answering. She knows you needed a job but she was confixing what to tell you because of the way she felt.
"Yes you have the job."
You jump in enjoyment hugging your Best friend, almost spilling her drink as you grab her face, kiss her cheek, and her forehead in happiness, thanking her for this opportunity.
"Okay okay stop." Sidney giggles, taking your hands off her face.
"Thank you really, you're amazing." Sidney blushed at your compliment.
"You're welcome, my best friend. I'll do anything for you."
You smiled before leaving another kiss on her cheek before getting up from your seat heading to the kitchen to get another drink for you and her.
"By the way. You still wanna go to Eddie's party Saturday or no cause we don't have too."
Sidney really didn't want to. But like she stated she would do anything for you, even if her feelings were getting hurt during the process.
"Fuck it why not." You did your little happy dance in your spot smiling at your best friend. She smiled at your state as her stomach rumbled in jealousy.
Sidney was definitely going to regret saying yes.
Taglist: @eddiesguitarskills @tiklick73 @kpge1218 @danielbrandt
The @ crossed out did not let me tag y'all sorry about that.
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iamchriswife · 3 months
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chris sturniolo x angelina hamilton
chapter one
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Liked by SkylarHamilton, MattSturniolo and 583,726 others...
sturniolotriplets TOUR DATES! TICKETS GO ON SALE AUGUST 9TH 2:30 PST 5:30 EST! Excited to see you guys 🦌🦈🦇
nicksturniolo Bats on top 🦇🦇🦇
chrissturniolo 🦌
user crying from europe
-> skylarhamilton ME TOO GIRL!! 😭😭
user raaah they all look so good 😍😍😍
skylarhamilton praying to god you just randomly switch up and come to the uk 🙏🙏🙏
-> sturniolotriplets Another time maybe 🤷‍♂️
-> skylarhamilton SCREAMING WHAT
-> skylarhamilton NICK PLS BE YOU I LOVE YOU 💕💖💗💞
-> nicksturniolo Love you more!!
-> skylarhamilton I DIED.
-> mattsturniolo Lmao me too
user id beg my mom to go but she just wouldn’t let me 🥲🥲👎
mattsturniolo See y'all there 👋👋
Skylar Hamiltons birthday had been hectic already and it was only lunch time. First of all Skylar had woken up way before Angelina which was unplanned as Angelina had saved the decorations for the morning, the girls cake hadn't been finished by the bakery, some of her presents still hadn't come in the mail and most of the teenagers friends hadn't knocked at the door to join her party.
Angelina had tried her very best to make do with what they had. Turning blowing balloons up into a 'party game', picking up a cake that didn't fit the theme from the stores instead, and was currently trying her best to make a fun party even though only three out of the twelve girls invited had shown up.
What annoyed the siblings was that they had notice. It wasn't like it was a rushed invitation that had been handed out at the start of the week. No, in-fact they had invited people at least two months before to know what to prepare for, the girls who hadn't shown up had been in the group-chat that was made and were seemingly excited about it all.
But what pissed off Angelina more than it did Skylar, was that the girls who didn't show up were hanging out together and posting it on their public stories on every possible social media account possible. Lord knows she was damn near pulling up and screaming in their faces, but she kept herself calm.
So Angelina sat on the sofa and watched Skylar and her three friends; Jess, Sophia and Charlie. They were currently playing a stupid game one of them had bought over. It was some type of card game that had them rolling on the floor in laughter, so Angelina couldn't complain.
All she was waiting for now was the doorbell to ring. Her phone sat on her thigh, refreshing her texts every few seconds (sometimes minutes as she would zone out or get distracted by the teenagers in-front of her).
Once the doorbell rang she would be able to collect Skylars main present, the one she had bought not too long ago after doing quite a lot of research after the teenagers ramble in the kitchen one morning a few weeks ago.
"That's not even funny! I'm just— I'm—!" A cackle tuned itself in too Angelinas ears. Jess was struggling to catch a breath whilst speaking, Skylar and Sophia were both laid back on the carpeted floor with their hands on their stomach. The sound of laughter not even escaping their mouths as they were laughing that hard. Angelina smiled to herself, snapping a few pictures of the three that she would make sure to send to them all like she had been doing all night.
The TV played quietly behind them, a youtube video playing of the brothers their car, discussing something random topic each time Angelina would pass by. Skylar seemed to enjoy their channel a lot, along with the friends sat in the living room, and Angelina didn't really watch any youtube at all so she was open to anything. She would consider herself a 'fan' but not like the type she's seen occasionally on her for you page.
The dark skinned girl snapped out of her thoughts as the doorbell rung, the teenagers in-front of her not even noticing in the midst of their fit of laughter. Angelina stood up and walked towards the door where her friend, Maya, stood behind the wood.
Maya smiled towards Angelina, "Hey! How are you?"
"I'm good you? You have the thing?"
"Yeah I'm good, and of course." Maya smiled towards the dark skinned girl. Lifting the small, sealed envelope that was sat in her hand. "I would stay but I gotta run, tell Skye I said happy birthday!"
Angelina nodded with a smile, shouting a 'thanks' as the girl walked back towards her car, shutting the door and moving back into the living room. The group of teenagers were now sat on the sofas, the TV's volume turned up slightly as they were all focused on the current video playing.
Charlie looked up as Angelina walked in, "Hey, where'd you go?”
"Got something for the birthday girl." Angelina smiled, gently chucking the envelope onto her sisters lap which caused Skylar's eyes to drift downwards and her eyebrows to raise.
"What is it?" Skylar questioned, Angelina only shrugging in response and plopping herself down on the other sofa. Sophia and Charlie only smiled as they encouraged the girl to open the envelope quicker.
Inside the envelope was a small sheet of paper, small graphics decorating it. "Read it out then!" Sophia sighed, nudging Skylar in the ribs. Skylar only beamed a bright smile after skimming through the note.
"Dear Skylar, you are invited to the Sturniolo triplets verses tour in Orlando Florida on the eighteenth of October. Unluckily for you, your sister will be joining you but I hope you have a good time. Your flight leaves in three days, get packing."
The four girls squealed all together, jumping up and down in a small group huddle. Skylar separating herself from the other three and jumping onto Angelina, hugging her tightly.
"Thank you so much!"
"You're welcome Skye, just know you're doing the dishes for three days."
tags: @st7rnioioss @its-jennarose @timmyscomputer @kriissy4gov @liz-stxrn @sunrisemill @mattssluttywaist @riasturns @mx0qin @junnniiieee07 @sturnzsblog @mattslolita @ariieeesworld @alorsxsturn @nonameisthegameandilovejake
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Anything? Anything.
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x [gender neutral] Reader Words: ~ 1 200 Summary: It was a simple request for Sanji that turned into an absolute teasing mess. Tags: Very boyfriend content / Sanji using lipstick / Lots of affection
A/N: idc if this shit is out of character, im dumb. pls enjoy.
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Sanji had developed such a devotion for you that it was even weird for the others not to see him simping for every woman that crossed his way, but it was also comforting seeing him receive back all the dedication and love he expressed. Though, it was annoying how he wouldn’t shut up about you sometimes; every single thing managed to remind him of you, and send him into a spiral of chaos. In fights, it would be rather good that someone brought your name up—he would do whatever he could not to leave you alone at the end of the day—, Zoro could already see their enemy dead whenever they happened to mention you.
With all of this taken on account, it was no new Sanji would do absolutely anything for his lover. His boundaries weren’t exactly clear, that way. A lot of conversation was needed to solve this and reassure him that you wouldn’t leave just because he told you that he wasn’t okay with something, and thankfully evolved into the harmony you had today.
Nonetheless, it was still a little difficult to offer new things to Sanji without always knowing clearly if he would accept it because he really wanted it or because he just wanted to make you happy. He could notice something bothered you every single time, on the other hand, of course; Sanji read you like a book. It was the main reason you were sort of avoiding him today—avoiding handling his sad worried face trying to figure out what was wrong with you, even more when it was a stupid situation. Like today.
The idea was very fucking good, though it was maybe just a little awkward, in your mind. You weren’t ready to have your little mental imagines killed down so easily. Why did he have to be so hot, anyways?
Sanji suddenly showed up on the deck, looking around until his eyes softened at your sight, and waltzed over with his hands clasped together. A kiss was pressed to your cheek once he was close enough. “(Y/n), baby, what’s wrong? Are you falling sick? Are you hungry? Do you need a hug? I’ve barely seen the light of my life today!” He took a seat next to you on the stairs.
“Sorry, San!! No, no, there’s nothing wrong at all!” You shook your head frantically, pulling him for a tight hug he immediately melted in—he didn’t deserve to feel bad because of a stupidity of yours, a tempest in a teapot. “I’ve just... been thinking.”
There was a short moment of silence before he sat up properly to look at you, taking both of your hands in his. “About what? Did I do anything to hurt you, mon amour?”
“I— No, of course not, you never did!” You brought your hands up to give his knuckles a little kiss. “Sanji, y’know you can always refuse to do stuff and let me know how you feel about anything, right?” The little pout you received in response had you raising an eyebrow inquiringly.
“Yes, my love!” Sanji squeezed your hands. “I know you’re very understanding of everything! I couldn’t be luckier!” Reacting to his pampering was a rollercoaster—sometimes you’d feel your ego burst, sometimes feel like you didn’t deserve it, but you’d never give it up, no matter what.
Your eyes flickered over his form for a long moment, watching Sanji throw his nose in the air with a grin, an expression that was exchanged for a curious one at how you let go of one of his hands so you could reach into your pocket. “Would you try it on?” In your hand, there was a tube of... of what? Sanji furrowed his eyebrows before he reached for it curiously, uncapping it. Oh. Dark red lipstick—it almost sent his cheeks burning in the same tone. “You can always say no—”
“Of course I would, mon amour! Anything for you!” Sanji had that stupid smile on his face as he put his cig aside and rolled the lipstick until just enough pointed out, and looked at himself through the small mirror on the top of the cap.
Well, shit. Was he just being impulsive or did he really mean it? “Sanji, you don’t need to...” Your words faded at the sight of the blond just putting on the lipstick. He smacked his lips together before turning to you with a smirk. That really was... something. It wasn’t a sight you were used to, of course, so it would take you a while of observing so you could finally decipher whether you liked it or not. “It is... Um, you look...”
Sanji chuckled lowly, letting his strands fall more over his face. “Well, my love, I’m not quite wearing it for the looks, no! It’s for a much more honorable reason!”
“And that would be...?”
His lips met your cheek before you could even finish. He didn’t even stop there, continuing to press kisses to your face until his lips crashed against yours, a desperate kiss that demanded more from you. You could taste the sweet lipstick on the kiss.
“Sanji...” You sat there dumbfounded while he ran the lipstick over his lips again. What the hell was that? Not that it was bad, no—it hard your heart skipping beats and your mind all fuzzy.
Sanji pressed kisses all over your jaw, trailing down to your neck, and even daring to stain the collar of your shirt. “Hm? What, mon chéri? Cat got your tongue?” His lips ticked against your skin, but all you could do in response was to spill out some incoherent words breathlessly, barely able to even hold onto his shoulders for support, looking at the sky, though staring at the nothing. He pulled away just enough to meet your eyes and blinked with an innocent air that would trick anyone who didn’t know him any better, and also those smeared lips—you wouldn’t be surprised if he just straight up killed you at some point. You were just collapsed back, with edges of the higher steps of the stairs digging into you back, and his arms wrapped around your torso, and you didn’t even fucking know when that happened.
A chuckle came from Sanji before he could continue what he was doing, his lips pressing butterfly kisses up and down your neck before they started getting longer, lingering over your skin with sucks and nibbles. It felt as if he couldn’t be close enough to you, as if he’d never get enough of you. His mouth reached a particular spot that compelled your hands to wrap around the fabric of his shirt tightly whilst you fought against the sound that threatened to escape your throat, pressing your eyes shut.
“Where is he...” A voice said, a voice that didn’t belong to you nor to Sanji, but it wouldn’t be a problem, right? They— “What the fuck are you two doing?! Don’t you even have enough decency to get a bedroom?!! You’re even letting the goddamn food burn!!!” Zoro stood there, having you jumping and pulling away from each other the moment he started fucking shouting.
Not like you could get your thoughts straight properly to react in time, hence you sort of sat there, blushing at how you were caught, but also at how you kept replaying the recent events in your mind in an attempt to process everything.
“Mon Dieu, the food!” Sanji gasped, immediately pushing himself up to his feet. “I’m sorry, mon amour! I’ll be back later!”
“Look at your state!” Zoro continued shouting. “What do you think you’re doing to let food burn just because you want some kisses, you ero-cook?!”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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ihearteugeneroe · 3 months
im having so many feelings about john and gale in the new episode and i NEED to share them. buckle up guys this is a long one because this last episode was angsty for these two and i love psychoanalysis
first and foremost, john is absolutely not okay. like i know we have seen this so many times already because he’s been on a mental decline since episode six but it’s gotten worse. the beginning scenes where him and gale fetch the water and gale tries to create some playful banter only to receive a mostly silent john is scary, especially because he knows that man is a chatterbox that can’t shut up to save his life. something has changed and gale knows, but gale doesn’t push it.
second of all, the topic of marge. nobody would ever make fun of a guy getting a letter from his girl because that’s the only source of joy they get inside the hell of a pow camp. but the way john seems almost annoyed by it, as if it is personally inconveniencing him is so noticeable. now one could argue it’s just because he doesn’t have a girl back home, but i don’t think he cares even a little bit about that. john has realized that his home is wherever gale is. which brings me to my third topic.
the scene where gale tells john he asked marg to marry him. the fact that he doesn’t even say those exact words, but rather “popped the question and she said yes”. god, the tension in that scene was goddamn near unbearable. john is entirely stoic which is concerning knowing that he is a man of emotion who feels things on an entirely different level than most men. something is turning within his brain and his way of congratulating gale was so robotic and almost calculated. i feel like a part of him kind of froze in that moment. i mean, he likely knew they would never get anywhere serious because hell this is the 1940s in the middle of a war but still. his buck is no longer his. and who does he have besides buck?
which brings me to one of my final points: john is realizing he doesn’t have anybody. that scene between them where he mentioned he never got letters because he didn’t set it up right, and was so concerned gale would only know this version of him and not his old self. i don’t think anything gale could’ve said would help, but it was nice that he tried at least… john’s whole world is gale, but gale has his world back in america. he has a home. he has something to return to and someone to love when he’s out of this mess. all john is going to return home to is his own loneliness and severe ptsd. john is a feeler and he feels things deeply and painfully, like a knife in the belly, especially when it comes to gale. the man he’s in love with has a woman to return to, and he might as well just be a legend that gale tells his kids about someday. but to john, gale is everything. he will never forget.
anyways this episode for them was VERY angsty and it’s late and i’m tired so this is kind of all over the place but i wanted to share my main thoughts. thank you for reading if you got this far i’ll probably continue my rant tomorrow depending on if this actually gets any traction LMAO i still don’t know how tumblr works.
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