#i cant help it speculative biology is SO much fun!!
andr0nap-wf · 1 month
this is a "warframe" blog and im trying to keep it that way but im fighting for my life to not be a specbio nerd here too
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Artemis Fowl Podcast - Writers Room!
So, its finally happened! We have officially commenced editing of the Podcast scripts and moving the project along! However, I wanted to take a moment to introduce just some of the amazing people on our team. If you want to have a look at the other members of our team, here is our cast list thus far.
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Hey there, I'm Meira! You may know me from AFC :) I'm 25, Israeli, @ohyesitsmeira on Instagram and BurytheAcorn on AO3, and into all things Pirate. I've been writing my whole life and only very recently began to put my work back out online. Happy to be contributing to this fun and exciting project!
(OP – Yes, we actually got Meira. I’ve been fangirling for the last few weeks!)
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I grew up reading the AF series over and over again; I think I've read the series six or seven times by now. I'm so excited to be working on this project with so many awesome people who love AF just as much as I do. Also known as @emmas-cozy-nook on Tumblr.
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Aspiring writer and graphic designer, also helping work on the Assembly (by cv35w). Speculative biology, eldritch being, and alternate reality game enthusiast.
(OP- And if you’re wondering, yes. Mathew is a lizard in disguise. You cant fool me with your lizardy tricks! I see the truth!)
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I’m Xander, a recent Creative Writing degree graduate and enjoy eating books in my spare time. I also write for fun and joy as well as my own suffering, only recently starting my own fanworks. I have various other hobbies befitting a human person and my own skeleton that I grew myself. @lokebrenna​
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Stace, avid reader and single mum of two, has been writing for as long as they can remember. Artemis Fowl caught their imagination and kept it, and their life motto is "What would Holly do? My tumblr, is @shortace​, and I'm short_ace_8383 on IG.
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It's ya lad Vintage here. I write and do crafts and generally vibe. I do theater when the world isn't collapsing, and I play video games when it is. I'm on Tumblr as @pokegeek151​, and I sell my crafts (primarily professional quality friendship bracelets) on Tumblr as @vintage-makes-things​. I am excited to help bring this project to you!
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Hey there, I’m Becca/Hue, life long Fowl fan, writer, cosplayer and history nerd.
I’m excited to get to be part of this project because seeing a big fan adaptation done with this franchise has always been a dream of mine.
I can be found on tumblr at @varioushues​ and my discord handle is Varioushues#6156
Look at them! All these lovely people! And they all volunteered to help me and are so good at planning and giving me advice on what to do next in making the podcast and they’re all so nice! I can not stop thanking each and every one of you for your support and editing skills!
For anyone else interested in helping, we’ll be putting out a call for about four additional beta readers to the ones we have now, but that’ll be a little ways down the line by now.
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solarianradiance · 6 years
Black Romance
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The Black Quadrant of Troll Romance intrigues me to no end, and makes my thoughts churn like a creative slurry in a bucket, wandering what exactly its like under long term circumstances, the little intricacies of unwritten rules and expectations to be found within this sort of relationship.
How did it even first occur? What in Troll biology cause it to be a such a strong fixture in their social culture?
Perhaps these questions will be answered one day... probably in a way that makes me wish they hadn't and force me to moan like a lil bitch in disappointment.
We can only speculate for now however... which is what im going to do.
In its history, Black Romance likely started as a genuine desire to kill a rival, likely over the feelings of the same Matesprite, but unable to do so, in spite of the genuinely serious trying at mutual murder, only to find they dont mind each other so much, even if they dont like many other aspects about them~
 Even though they try to kill their rival they actually begin to make one another as strong as possible through constant conflict. Like two Knights sharpening their skills in a friendly sparing match. After all, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Given Troll society, they likely take this notion to heart.
Through this rivalry, their partner is made as strong as possible, so they may live to see each other again another day.
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I think, in my opinion, a Black Romance is a relationship born of Hate and Irritation, but evolves into a genuine mutual love and respect.
It starts as Hate, but becomes Love over time.
They may start in opposite directions, but they ultimately end up in the same place.
Any actual pain inflicted upon your rival is to make them dulled and numb to that pain. Makes them ready to deal with it mentally. Their weak traits being absolved or mitigated to some extent, and their strengths expanded and reinforced.
The individuals, sharpen each others knives for their partners to use one another, so that they may also sharpen their skills, ensuring that they are both full prepared for the trials ahead.
A Black Romance usually revolves around the two partners actually trying to hurt and injure one another, both verbally and physically, but not cripple, maim or kill their opponent. Its the two trying to Dominate, but not so thoroughly as they cannot grow as individuals. To remove the blemishes in their techniques, working out the kinks in execution.
Blackroms must have times of bonding and enjoyment, a break from the conflict, to relieve stress... by ♠any♠means♠necessary♠~
This often revolves around the two Haters tending to eachothers wounds, and enjoying the typical Red Romance activities, like dinner and a movie, albeit with a side of snark, super sized. Probably poisoning their partners meal, just enough for them to get an upset stomach and vomit over it all.
Signs of affection take the forms of hand holding, kissing, and small levels of antagonisms such as harmless insults or mild scuffles. One method is manipulation to encourage romantic retaliations, such as stealing clothes, pranking their rival, or even publicly humiliating them in way that will embarrass them but wont destroy their standing or self-esteem.
Anything that gets under their skin without causing permanent harm goes and one must always be on guard and never show signs of weakness or reveal any information to their kismesis, lest they use this against their partner.
One sign of devotion in a relationship is wearing the colors of your partner. In the case of a Matesprit, its their favorite color.
In the case of a Kismesis, its their blood color, or at least a color they may hate.
All relationships are born of trust, but for a Kismesissitude, it is far more important, for they must both understand they are not trying to kill eachother while trying to wound one another. 
A good sign of trust is allowing your Kismesis to wear your clothes with minimal reservation, as they probably wont destroy it outright, but probably will at least modify it, such as dying it another color.
This trust is what is crucial for it to succeed, they have to try and hurt without killing. And due to nature of the relationship, they try to one up each other constantly.
Stabbing someone in the arm may result in them cutting off your hand in response.
This often results in the one of them killing their partner kind of unintentionally while being caught up in a whirlwind of passionate hatred~
Sometimes in bed even.
These bouts of hate filled fighting can spill over into society at large, causing damage and injury to others and their property.
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This is why the Auspices were founded~
The importance of the Auspice in a Black Romance is critical, for they serve as the referees, and prevent the relationship from getting out of hand. The loss of one or both individuals can be devastating to the group, especially if they’re of great standing and use to said group. Losing your own members to themselves is embarrassing to say the least.
They at minimum, keep the two individuals focused, preventing them from getting embroiled in their bitter dark chocolate freakishness, and having them stay civil as well as decent in public.
Anyone can be an Auspice, be they a passing stranger, or a concerned friend. But many Auspices are more permanent fixtures, usually one party members current Moirail or Matesprite.
But most often, it is normally a third party that is a mutual friend, that aides in keeping things from getting out of hand. A platonic friend that can help cool the flames and calm the storms, so the ship will not sink.
But Not All Ashenroms Are Platonic~
Some Are Polyamourous Relationships Where The individuals Engage in Mutually Consenting Frivolity In Their Own Various Ways, Be They ♥Flushed♣Or♣Pitched♠ And Can Vary On The Individuals Involved, Creating A Sort Of Menagerie Of Earthly Delights, One Could Compare To A Candy Store With A Wide Variety Of Sugary Treats To Suit Every Taste~~~
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Which Makes Such Relationships Quite Appealing To Most People~
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However, there are times when someone is Auspicing for their own selfish desires. Attempts may be done by the Auspice to change the nature of the relationship, and pull an individual into another Quadrant.
This is why they are known to be “Meddlers”, and prolonged Ashroms are rare, especially when they dont make it to the bedroom.
When they do make it in, its normally so the two individuals can pail and the 3rd party ensures they dont kill one another and nothing more. Once completed, the relationship may continue or end.
If an Auspice doesn't know what they are doing, they may be unable to keep up and be ineffective, or even make the situation worse.
But in the case that an Auspice does succeed, and pays their cards right, everyone can have a grand old time together, creating a rare instance where more than two individuals has a well balanced Romance with variety.
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Black Romance often ends in two rivals breaking apart, either they cant handle the stress or one of them dies, usually at the hands of their partner. Or one of them simply gets bored, and doesn't feel fulfilled like they once were.
A Black Romance is after all, based in enthusiastic engagement, and it is not unusual for the relationship to end in mutual separation.
But there are times when one side loses the romantic aspect, and the hate turns true and genuine, and kills their partner on purpose.
There are even instances of cruel situations where one partner is manipulating their other for dark machinations.
Machinations that are Darker than Black
Abuse does often occur, but a proper Pitched relationship has consent, subtext and subtle hints giving expressing desires, and when fulfilled, there is aftercare, wounds are dressed, and reminders that there is affection. Should a deed go too far, a boundary overstepped, a true Kismesis will in one way or another, express regret and remorse over a transgression.
Transgression may include overly controlling behavior, emotionally isolating them, direct harm with intent to cripple or kill, engaging in a relationship with your Kismesis’s actual enemies who want to kill them, destroying what is valued and cant be replaced and manipulating them for personal gains at their permanent expense, especially when they cant afford it.
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A Kismesis cares for their partners feelings and well being, and a good one goes out of their way to ensure they are secure and safe, even when having fun.
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An abuser does not.
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But then there are the very rare instances, where Kismesissitude is so strong and so stable and healthy between partners, that they seemingly end up in the same place as a end of a Flushed romance.
A truly loving rivalry, whose only goal in it, is the joy of having it.
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When it happens, its like Black Magic.
The two seem to engage in bantering and mutual antagonism, yet its clear they’re enjoying each other in the act. Vacillating between Red, Black and Pale all within moments.
Should a Black Romantic Couple reach this level, they stay together simply because they love being together.
Marriage exists within Troll society, though it is rare, especially when its outside ones blood caste.
Black Marriages are particularly rare, as the process of getting Hate Married is rather intense.
A proposal involves biting off eachothers right ring finger and swallowing it. Which is pretty hardcore if you ask me.
Which turned out to be too hardcore, which was phased out for simply biting a wound into their partners finger instead
Which was also phased out as it was a custom from a time before oral hygiene was a thing, people died due to infection.
Afterwords it became a case of merely scaring, then branding, then finally tattooing in your fiance’s sign in their blood color on your right ring finger.
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A simple wedding ring is also acceptable, usually some cheap metal, like a Black iron ring.
Finally, the two tell each other a special secret about one another, usually something quite humiliating, as a means of making blackmail, so that either one wants to declare a divorce, they simply air their others dirty laundry.
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hopes4gf · 3 years
Thievery and Mischief- (a descendants/marvel crossover)
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4 months later... 
“Adri!” The paparazzi scream as I try and make my way through the entrance of the school.
”Please give us any updates!” The reporters ask.
I get a text from my publicist with a couple of notes.
”The rumors are absolutely true, I am permanently leaving my position as advisor to focus on my creative career and college preparations. For now, I am wrapping up a couple of projects and I have many collaborations in the works. We are planning many different events including photoshoots, meet and greets, and festivals. If you have any more questions I am gladly open to interviews through my management,” I say through the microphones of the reporters.
Fairy Godmother waits for me at the door as I push through.
”It’s too early for this,” I say tiredly taking off my sunglasses.
”I know darling,” Fairy Godmother.
She hands me my skateboard and I laugh.
”You truly are a Fairy Godmother,” I snicker.
She smiles and I love my board on the ground, speeding off into the school. I ride my board into the courtyard where everyone hangs out.
Some students wave at me as I pass through the spring grass. Once I reach the tree I hop off. Under the tree, Jay, Carlos, Lonnie, and Arabella wait for me.
”The press back again?” Carlos asks.
”This is exactly why I didn’t want you a part of this,” I groan, sitting down in the grass next to Jay. He plants a sweet kiss on my cheek and wraps an arm around me.
”How you doing, mama?” Jay asks.
”Stressed. I’ve got to coach cheer this afternoon, do my fitting tomorrow for Mal’s cotillion, do a radio show on Thursday, and do the culture fest on Friday,” I rant.
”Tough being a celebrity, huh?” Arabella asks.
Ah yes, to get you up to speed...
My music started taking off after I was being promoted by several influencers. I started making snippets of music and posting my graffiti on my social media and it picked up TONS of views. Call me crazy but I like to think I’m an overnight sensation. The press hounds me every day for updates on the album I promised at the coronation and about my government work.
”Definitely, which is why I didn’t want me and Jay to be public yet,” I say.
”Come on, don’t you think it’s time?” Jay pleads.
”Jay, I cant. I’ve got too much on my plate, leaving Ben’s side and transitioning schedules and having more things to fill my time is absolutely taking me over. I TOLD you the press would hound you and look at what’s going on, they’re doing exactly that,” I say.
”Whatever,” Jay says rolling his eyes.
Jay constantly begs for us to go public every day. We hang out pretty much every day since we’ve started dating in secret. I visit him after his Tourney and Fencing practices, he watches me coach cheer, and we have movie nights every weekend. We do small things to show PDA like notes in our lockers and holding hands and small pecks on the cheek (and neck sometimes :) ) but never anything too big because of the press.
”Listen, why don’t you just spread everything out across your week?” Lonnie asks.
”I try but there’s just so much. Like performances, award shows, conferences, tours,” I start.
”Tour? Your gonna go on tour?” Jay asks with wide eyes.
”My fans have been begging me to do one so it’s in the works,” I say.
Jay stares at me disappointingly and I gulp.
The bell rings and I pack my stuff up.
I head to my locker to get my sketchbook and Biology book as usual and Jay follows me.
”So then what’re your plans for cotillion?” Jay asks.
”I don’t even know if I’m sure I’ll go. I’m just so stressed that I can’t find any time to do things,” I sigh.
”Is there any way I can help with that?” Jay whispers flirtatiously, pressing his lips on my neck. I push him off lightly with my hand.
”Jay, you know I can’t do this. I have to focus on my career right now. I’ll see you in Bio,” I say sincerely to him.
I kiss his cheek softly and close my locker, turning to head to art.
I look behind me and see him beside Carlos, heading down the steps while waving to the girls who try and flirt with him. I sigh softly, I really wish I didn’t have to all these things so I can be with him.
Later, Jane, Arabella, and I head to the gym to watch the boys fence. I walk up to the balcony with the girls, and we watch from above. Jay scouts me through the people in the gym and winks towards me.
”Alright boys, let's line it up!” Jay orders the team.
”Tensions have risen, don’t you think?” Arabella points out.
”What? No,” I scoff.
”Lemme guess, you didn’t talk?” Jane asks.
”Well, he tried to ‘help me’ destress but he knows about how I feel about the press and all that,” I say.
”Don’t you think that’s a little selfish?” Arabella asks.
I think about it for a minute.
”Maybe,” I say.
”I think you should apologize to him, that should usually work,” Jane says.
I nod in agreement. The boys start fencing but one member particularly stands out. They challenge Jay to a duel and all the other boys step aside. Jay’s eyes are focused deeply on this person as he swings his sword. He loses it during the fight and when the match is lost the person takes off their mask...
”Hey, it’s Lonnie!” Jane exclaims.
The audience claps.
”Not bad,” Jay compliments.
”You should put me in the team,” Lonnie replies with a smile.
Then, Chad interrupts.
oh god.
”What? No way- we’ll be the laughing stock of the league. What’s next, we put girls on the Tourney team? Come on, guys,” Chad disagrees.
”Why not, I bet I can tackle your ass any day,” I interject.
Lonnie smirks at my comment.
”So?” Jay assumes.
”So...have you not read the rule book? Chapter 3, paragraph 9, 11-4, 'a team will be comprised of a captain and 8 MEN,” Chad accentuates.
”But you’re down a man! Ben, ever since he started doing that king-stuff!” Lonnie stutters.
“Yeah, we are down a man,” Chad says.
”Sorry, but coach trusts me and I’m not gonna be captain if I just throw out the rule book,” Jay says.
”If my mother thought that way, she would’ve lost the war,” Lonnie huffs.
Chad scoffs and taunts her with the book.
I roll my eyes as the last bell of the day rings.
What the hell is wrong with him? There’s nothing wrong with girls on the team! And to especially say that to Lonnie, is also an offense to me.
Later, I wait for Jay at the front of the gym for a little bit. Getting concerned, I ask Carlos where he is.
”I think he left already, by the way, what are you doing for cotillion?” Carlos asks.
”I don’t even know if I’ll go. I need to clear my schedule first and see if Jay will ask me,” I say.
”Um- Jay told me that he’s not gonna ask anyone,” Carlos says shyly.
”What? He did?” I ask.
”I guess,” Carlos says.
”Can you walk me back to my dorm?” I ask.
”Yeah, sure,” Carlos smiles.
We walk towards the end of the halls and see Jay and Lonnie talking.
”No, it’s fine. I get it. And plus cotillion is coming up so I don’t wanna freak you out with stuff while you're with Adri,” Lonnie says.
”Who said I was going with Adri?” Jay responds.
Carlos puts his arm in front of me, stopping me in my tracks.
”Listen,” Carlos whispers.
”She’s your girlfriend, why not?” Lonnie asks.
”Shes...always working. I try and act like everything with her is fine but it’s like she’s almost never there. She tries to come and support but she’s always taking calls or messages about work. I just want a girl who’s gonna to have the balance of work and fun at once. She’s all over the place and I just...I don’t know if it’s good for her to go to Cotillion with me,” Jay says to Lonnie.
I feel my eyes widen at his words and Carlos turns to me concerned. I feel the air grow thick and my throat tighten as my face gets hot. I start to walk the other way, leaving Carlos by himself.
I walk to the courtyard and sit under my gossip tree. I hide my head in my shirt and start to cry. I gasp and whimper as I sob under the tree, my shirt now stained with my salty tears. The emotion goes over me like a huge wave. Does he not trust me anymore?
”Adri? Are you okay?” A familiar voice asks.
I take my head out of my shirt and see Logan standing in front of me.
I shake my head no.
He sits beside me and rests my arm on his shoulder. 
“Hey, what’s wrong? If Jay did something to you, I’ll kick his ass,” Logan offers.
”No. I-I just...I’m w-worried,” I say through breaths.
”Worried about what?” Logan asks.
”That I’m working too hard and not being there enough for Jay,” I say.
”Hey,” Logan starts.
I look at him.
”You are such a supportive girlfriend. You may be going through a rough patch right now but he has to understand the pressure you're going through is hard for any Royal,” Logan says.
”I’m afraid that he won’t understand though,” I say.
”He will,” Logan assures.
Logan wraps his arms around me in a hug. He walks me to my dorm.
”If you need absolutely anything, just knock,” Logan says as I reach my room.
I open the door and before I can start to cry again, I jumó as I see Evie in the middle of my room.
”There you are! You ready for your fitting?” Evie asks.
“Sure...” I say shyly.
”Is something wrong?” Evie asks kindly.
”Just tired,” I lie.
Evie sighs and escorts me to the rack of dresses.
”Whatever it is, this will make you better,” Evie points out.
I smile softly and she starts to work her magic in me.
After my interview, I remember Jay wraps up practice at the time so I head to the gym.
I get a call from my manager, Katie, Doc’s daughter, as I walk to the gym.
”Hey, Katie. What’s up?” I ask.
”Check your socials,” Katie advises.
I put her on speaker and check my social media. Trending, headlines; ADRI WITH NEW BOYFRIEND?!
My eyes widen at the headline. I scroll down and find two pictures, one of me and Jay and another of me and Logan. The articles speculate who the two different guys are and my face flushes as I read it.
“Are you really seeing someone?” Katie asks.
”Yes, but these are two different guys. The blonde guy is just my friend,” I explain.
”So, the other one is your boyfriend?” Katie assumes.
”Yes, but he agreed to keep things on dL...” I say.
”Is this dL to you?” Katie asks frustratedly.
”Katie, I-“
”Fix it!” Katie says, then hanging up.
I speed towards the gym to see Jay.
”Hey! Where are you going? Practice just ended,” Carlos says, bumping into me.
”The press know about Jay,” I tell him.
His smile drops.
”How?” Carlos asks.
“Someone took a picture of us together. And not just that,” I say.
I pull out my phone and show him the picture of me and Logan.
”What? Is that Logan?” Carlos asks.
”Yes! This was after Jay was talking to Lonnie about me. He came to comfort me,” I say.
”Damn, you should probably explain to him the situation before he gets the wrong idea,” Carlos says.
I nod and we walk to the gym. He steps in front of me and his eyes morph into those of fear.
”Too late...” Carlos mutters.
I peek over his shoulder and see the sight of something I never thought would happen.
His hands were on her waist, her hands in his brown hair, he was standing over her as she was pressed into the wall, her, my ‘best friend’, Lonnie...
She was kissing the man I loved.
I could feel the tears well up in my eyes as I stared.
”God, I’m so sorry,” Carlos says.
I fall to my knees and put my head in my hands and cry. 
“I don’t know why he would do this,” Carlos says.
The tears on my face continue to stream down as Carlos speaks.
“Take me home,” I say. Carlos pick me up and we walk to my dorm. I shut my dorm, and sob more. Sliding down the door and crouching. Roxie, concerned by my anxious crying, cuddles next to me. I pick her up and stare at her cute little eyes.
”I love you. Thank you for trusting me. You’re the only one who cares,” I say through tears.
She purrs in agreement. I just lost my best friend and lover and this tiger is the only thing comforting me. I’m almost pathetic at this point. I stand up and put Roxie on my bed. She curls up and watches me.
I grab a duffle bag and I put all of Jay’s hoodies and sweatpants in the bag. I pick up his bomber jacket and I remember our first date. The way he kissed me under the waterfall. How he recognized my scars. How he spoke so passionately in my ear, whispering sweet nothings to me. And I begin to cry again.
My door opens.
”Hey, babe. How’s-“ Jay starts, walking through the door. He notices my tear stained face and his jacket in my hands.
”Baby, what’re you doing?” Jay asks, approaching me concernedly.
”Who the hell do you think you are?! Do you think you can just prance in here and think everything is fine? You w-were kissing her. I saw you! Lonnie! What has she got on me, huh? And why did you tell her all those things? How I’m not supportive of you, and I’m always busy! I’ve sacrificed my patience, my dignity, my temper, my family, and my time just so I can make you happy! And what do you do? You go around telling Carlos that you’re not asking me to Cotillion, telling lies about me and you, and kissing my best friend!” I tell.
”Oh? Do you want to talk? Then what were those pictures that I saw? Who is the estranged guy you’re dating, huh? Cause I sure as hell don’t have blonde hair,” Jay assumes.
”Are you kidding me? That guy isn’t my boyfriend! You are!“ I say.
”Well it sure doesn’t seem like it anymore. And it’s not my fault that I actually found someone that can actually be with me!” Jay yells back.
His words silence me. I think about my brother. He’s such good friends with Jay. I remember him telling me about his friendship with Jay and telling him how he had a crush on Lonnie.  He would be crushed.
”Aziz is gonna kill you for this, you know that? And if he doesn’t, I will. Now take your shit and leave my fucking room,” I say deeply.
Jay glares at me and takes the bag of his things.
”By the way, your best friend was kidnapped. Don’t come looking for him or me,” Jay huffs.
He slings it over his shoulder and slams the door shut. 
I wipe the tears from my face and hold Roxie in my arms.
2,634 words
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