#ill post these separately in due time
shadow0-1 · 1 year
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4 ship renders babey
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bunniesanddeer · 3 months
Heat: Part One
Part Two
This was my first attempt at smut, so you will all get to see it now. I hope you'll like it. I originally posted it on AO3. If it is terrible, I apologize. This is also set in the same universe as "Bound to Hell" and "Going Straight to Hell", but it is NOT canon to the official multichapter fic which will be posted when it is half done. So it is the same characters, with a much more developed relationship.
Pairing: Alastor x Reader (AFAB) Lamb/Sheep Reader
Warnings: References to abuse, going into heat, no a/b/o, female anatomy, Rosie being a good friend, references to Soul Bonds, something you can ask about haha. Minors DNI. This part is not explicit, but the next is! Alastor speaks French.
Word Count: 3,690
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Alastor knew something was wrong very early on. He hadn’t been able to identify what it was specifically, but it had been unsettling. His shadow had quaked and quivered at something he couldn’t see, and his skin had felt tight. When he had left his room, the sound of crickets in the swamp fading behind him, the feeling had grown worse. It had made the Overlord not quite jumpy, but definitely uncomfortable. Then he saw the cause, stumbling from their room.
His little lamb that was slowly carving out a spot for themself in his cold, dead heart, was the cause. Their wool was disheveled, nearly matted. Their eyelids were drooping low, as if they hadn’t slept. He watched them stumble for a bit before he caught their scent. Due to their bond, and proximity, he was quite attuned to their scent. Normally, they were faintly sweet with a hint of florals, but now? All he could focus on was the deep, heady smell of them. Alastor wasn’t sure what had happened, but it was clearly drastic.
“My dear,” he called. The sound of his voice had made the little demon perk up. They whipped around, and nearly sprinted to his side. They were often enthusiastic to see him in the morning, but this was new. 
“Alastor!” Their voice was filled with joy, their eyes full of unwarranted excitement. The exhaustion that had painted their face only a moment before, was gone. Their hands wrapped around his lower arm, and they nuzzled into his side. They cooed, “I missed you.”
Alastor’s brows furrowed. How very peculiar! His little lamb never initiated contact without asking first. He didn’t mind their touch, it was rather pleasing. He enjoyed the softness of their skin, and the gentleness of their hands. They still liked to ask, though, some strange need to make him feel comfortable. (He thought it was unnecessary, he was an Overlord, and he owned their soul; if he wanted them off, they’d be off of him). Not to forget, they had ‘missed’ him? The two had been separated a handful of hours at most. What was going on?
“My dearest, are you feeling alright,” he asked, lifting their chin with his other hand. “You seem a little out of sorts.”
Their eyes wavered, and the exhaustion leeched back into them. The grasp they had on his arm tightened. “I’m sorry, Al. I feel really weird.” Their eyelids fluttered, and they released a strangled breath. “I feel like I’m burning up. Which is weird, it’s winter still.” 
Alastor could feel his smile wavering. He hadn’t heard of sinners getting fevers for anything other than strange illnesses. No one else in the hotel was sick, so how could they have contracted anything? He looked them up and down, noting the flush to their cheeks, and the sweat building up on the back of their neck. They were sick. 
“Hey, can… can demons get colds?” They asked, almost as if it was a joke. Before Alastor could muster a response, they collapsed. He deftly caught them, his surprise showing on his face. 
“Oh, dear,” he muttered to himself. Who would know about these kinds of things? Perhaps Charlie? But she was supposed to be rather busy that day. Perhaps Rosie would know! She had been in Hell for quite a long time. She was bound to know something. 
Alastor arranged his little soul-bond in his arms, and stalked back to their room. Their room was full of that smell that had thrown him off just before. It made his skin tingle, and his head feel full. He couldn’t account for it, but it wasn’t something he disliked. The discomfort came from the confusion that was growing in his breast. What a strange sensation!
Alastor wrapped them up in their blankets, hoping that perhaps getting warmer would help their fever. Before he stepped away from their bedside, he stroked their cheek with the back of his fingers. How soft their skin was! He stared down at their little face, taking in every detail. The white freckles that looked like stars against their gray skin, the way their lashes fluttered in their sleep. Their plush lips, just barely open, and the sharp teeth he knew lay behind them. His chest tightened, something aching deeply, as he looked at them. His smile tightened. Alastor decided it was time to go. 
On the way out of the hotel, he called for Husker. The cat-demon was clearly disgruntled at being called on earlier than he’d prefer, but Alastor didn’t care. 
“My little lamb seems to be sick. They’re in bed right now. If they don’t stir before noon, wake them up and make them eat something.” Alastor let the underlying threat color his words. He wouldn’t have their situation get worse just because Husker wanted to be lazy. They would eat, before he got back, and then he would help them get better. But first, he needed to know what was wrong.
“Alastor! My good friend! What brings you in on such a fine day!” Rosie’s fervor was nearly infectious, but Alastor had a mission. The feather on her hat bobbed as she tilted her head in question.
“Ah, I seem to have a problem,” Alastor replied. “Do you mind if we perhaps have a conversation in a less, public space?”
The deer-demon glanced about, as if to remind her of their location. Rosie nodded, still smiling happily. She gestured with a flick of her wrist, and led the way to the back of her store. 
When the two had finally settled into their seats, Alastor sighed. Rosie went about pouring some tea for them as he worked on his words. He conjured his microphone, idly tapping it. Something heavy weighed in his chest, and the feeling wouldn’t go away.
“Oh Alastor! You know you’re my favorite pal! Just tell me what’s on your mind. You look all twisted up!” Rosie sat back in her chair, sipping from a teacup that she held delicately. Her smile was welcoming and patient, and it soothed Alastor minutely. 
He was thankful for her breaking the silence, as it forced him to finally speak. “Do you know what might cause a sinner to get sick? Even if they have not been exposed to anything?” 
Rosie hummed to herself, a knowing look in her dark eyes. “Oh, this is about your little paramour, isn’t it?”
Alastor’s smile twitched, faintly. Of course! Rosie would be able to tell immediately. She was intelligent, and she was better at reading people than even himself. Not to mention, the two of them had been friends a long time. She could read him like an open book. 
“Yes,” he admitted. “They seem to be sick, and I don’t know what it could be. I’ve never seen nor experienced such a thing, here.” His claws tap at the armrest of the plush chair, as he props his chin up with the other hand. “They looked positively dreadful this morning! Claiming that they felt hot, despite the cold.” 
Rosie set down her teacup, letting a hand cover her smile as she laughed. “Oh dear! That is quite something.” She laughed again when Alastor let his annoyance show. “They’re a sheep, are they not?” 
Alastor nodded, not quite knowing what that aspect of his little soul-bond had to do with it. 
“And they are female, yes?” Alastor nodded again, his confusion growing. “Oh dear. You said some time ago that they had reciprocated the soul-bond, yes? And they’ve been down here for several months now.”
Rosie trailed off, as if expecting him to suddenly understand what she was implying. Alastor couldn’t think of how any of that had made them sick. Rosie picked up on how deeply confused he was, and sighed.
“My, my. You really don’t know about how demon manifestations work, beyond what pertains to yourself, do you?” Rosie waved a hand. “As you know, the form we take in death often have something to do with our life. The way we died, the way we lived, all of it contributes in one way or another. Lambs, sheep, whatever you want to call them, tended to have harder lives where they had no control. Often dealing in their bodily autonomy, or lack thereof.”
Alastor’s smile shrunk. Well of course, he had known what their life had been, but seeing that their new form was a reminder of that, each day? It made him uncomfortable. He hoped that his little lamb didn’t know why they were a lamb. 
“Yes, I see that you have connected some of the dots. They’re lambs to the slaughter, all of them in one way or another. Their forms, because it’s Hell, often come with some terrible side effects that don’t show for a while. Their stress needs to level out, and they need to feel comfortable with the demons they are frequently near.” Rosie raises her brows, waiting for him to get it, but he doesn’t. “When they’ve settled, and they’re around demons they like, or they bond, the side effects kick in. Your little lamb, is experiencing that now.”
“So, they will get sick, because they’re comfortable?” Alastor feels mildly bamboozled, as he tries to clarify.
“Alastor, no,” Rosie sighs. She rubs her forehead, carefully avoiding cutting herself with her claws. “They’re in heat.”
Alastor shifts in his seat, that uncomfortable feeling tingling in his brain again. “Heat? Like, like an animal?”
“Yes, like a ewe, Alastor. They will seem sick, for about a day, then they will be clingy with you for the next, and then it will happen.” Rosie leans back in her chair, again. Unlike Alastor, she seemed entirely comfortable with the topic of discussion. “They will have the strongest drive for sex that they will have ever experienced. Going without is said to hurt terribly, like their whole body is on fire. They’ll seek out comfort in you, or by themself. Whatever quells the urge.”
Alastor felt like he had been shot. Never in all his years, alive or dead, had he heard of such a thing occurring. How tedious! How disgusting. His nose scrunched up at the thought of having to deal with such a thing himself, but the thought of his lamb… Heat rushed down his chest and into the pit of his belly. His skin was itching. The thought of his soul-bonded needing him in such a way… Alastor could not tell himself that he disliked such an idea.
He was deeply aware of how much he had grown to care for them. When he had finally relinquished some control in their relationship, offering to tie their little string tight on his end, he knew it was cemented. Alastor had a bizarre, and new, kind of love for the sweet thing he had made a deal with. They were his, and for the first, and only time, he could say, he was also theirs. He still owned their soul, but it was different. Their relationship had shifted over time. There were no more orders, and there was no more fear. His little lamb had grown comfortable, happy even, and this ‘heat’ was the proof.
Something akin to pride ignited in his chest. Yes, they were happy with him. What a delightful thing to know for sure! 
“What should I do? I am not ready for anything of that nature, and I don’t want to risk them. They have had far too many choices taken from them,” Alastor says. His hands clasp together as he gives Rosie a moment to think. He didn’t want them forced into such an awful thing again. The realization that their experiences in life had caused this…anger was a word that barely described his feelings on the matter. He wanted to tear whatever being was in charge of such transformations into pieces. 
“They will need something, at some level. Tomorrow, bring it up to them, ask. Let them know everything you know, and give them a choice. They can try and ride it out alone, or you can be beside them. How you handle it beyond that is between the two of you.” Rosie stands, a gentle smile on her face. “You should get going, my friend. You should get back to them. You’ll want to feed them well over these two days. They’ll need the energy, no matter what happens.”
Alastor stands, thanking her, almost absentmindedly. His trip back to the hotel is spent in silent pondering. He needed to plan. He wasn’t sure if sex was something he desired for himself, but he knew, deep down, he would do it for them; he’d give them that pleasure, that joy. Alastor could also feel something possessive growing. The idea of anyone else getting to commit themselves to such a task made him grit his teeth. No, if anyone was going to touch the sheep-demon, it would be him. 
Angry flames licked at the bottom of his belly, something in his thoughts igniting them. They were his, and his alone. He would be the one to drive them to pleasure. (He ignored the memory of Richard and his deeds. None of that changed anything about what they deserved. It just meant that he needed to more carefully heed their wants and needs. He would give them the bliss that no other had). 
Alastor smiled widely when he returned to the hotel. Now he needed to sit by their side for the night, and then speak with them tomorrow. Perhaps a quick discussion with the others as well? The two of them would not be available for the next few days, and he needed to make sure they would remain undisturbed. Perhaps a different location would be ideal.
When you woke, all you could focus on was the smell of food. Alastor was a very good cook, and you knew from the lovely smell of spices, that it had to have been his food. When you finally cracked your eyes open, you were delighted to find yourself right. The demon was sitting on the edge of your bed, a steaming bowl cupped in one of his hands.
“Good morning, dearest,” he said. There was something akin to apprehension on his face, but you were far too hungry to immediately comment on it. “I figured you would be quite hungry, when you awoke, so I took the liberty of making you something hardy.”
You smiled widely in thanks. How sweet he could be to you! It was new, in your relationship, but you loved it. You held out your hands, thanking him as you did, but he didn’t hand you the bowl. Alastor merely gestured for you to sit up, and scoot back. You did so, hesitantly, your back settling against your headboard. You held out your hands again, but he settled himself close to you on the bed. With his legs swung over the side, he started spooning the stew.
“No, hey, wait a minute! I can feed myself!” You glared at him, confusion and a tinge of anger mixing together. 
Alastor sighed, affection leaking into his words. “I know, my love, but I need to tell you something quite…hmm, difficult might be the best word here. I want you to just listen, and focus on eating. Plus, I just love taking care of you.” One of his hands edges towards your face, claws softly stroking your cheek. He pulls it back, and spoons some more stew. “You can ask questions when I am done, but for now, eat.”
You grumble to yourself before opening your mouth to accept the spoon. Although you were loath to admit it, the stew tasted great, and him feeding you only felt slightly patronizing. 
“Do you recall how you felt yesterday? You said you felt like you were burning up. Well, when you fainted, I went to find out what could be the cause. I went to my good friend Rosie, you remember her?” He lets you nod before feeding you another spoonful. “I came to the conclusion that she would know enough about Hell, to know what was causing your sudden illness. 
“So I described it vaguely, and she realized I was talking about you, dearest. And she said some things that upset me, more than I had been willing to admit at the time.” Alastor sighs, static, that seemed ever present in his voice, fizzling out. The room was quiet for a moment as he let you swallow your food. “The way we manifest in Hell, has to do with the way we lived, and died. The things we experienced. I know you know some of this, but I also found out something more specific about your form.”
Alastor goes quiet, and you frown. Whatever could he have learned to cause the demon that never stops talking to go quiet? 
“Sheep demons are often the result of lives lived that had very little control over themselves or their situation. You are a sheep, because you had such little bodily autonomy in your life, my love.” He feeds you another spoonful as your eyes widen. He snorts to himself. “It made me so incredibly angry, to have that confirmed to me. It only got worse when she finally told me why that had anything to do with your illness.
“You aren’t sick. You are experiencing a ‘heat’, as she called it. It’s a side effect of being a sheep, or more specifically a female, sheep demon. It occurs when the individual has been comfortable with the demons in their vicinity and stress-free for a time. Soul-bonds can trigger this too.” 
Your brows scrunched up, and you swallowed the food before you had finished chewing. It hurt your throat, but the urge to grimace was too strong. How fucking terrible. It felt like you couldn’t escape anything from your life. Your eyes drifted to the wall. You couldn’t even make eye contact with Alastor. His gaze felt heavy on you, and all you wanted to do was hide. 
“I’m sorry, dearest. You need to know what ‘heats’ are, though. Then we can talk about what you would like to do about it.” Alastor sets the bowl down on your bedside table, taking the hint that you couldn’t eat right then. One of his hands tugs at yours, large claws wrapping around your whole hand easily. “Yesterday, the fever and the exhaustion, was the first day. The second, which is today, it’s common for the affected individual to be clingy, especially with a bonded pair.” His thumb stroked the back of your wrist, as he continued. “Tomorrow, the actual ‘heat’ occurs. You will be driven to-” 
Alastor cuts himself off with a cough, and it draws your gaze. “Sorry, my dear. I’ll continue. You will want to have sex. The desire will become a need, and it will consume you. I have been told that it can hurt, to go without, but that it is possible to handle alone. This is what I would like to talk to you about.”
Your nose twitches, and your lips quiver. Of course, this would be thrust on you. How could you deal with this? The idea of sex still unsettled you. However, he mentioned that it could be handled alone. Did he mean masturbation? Would something other than penetration work? Your thoughts whorled in your head, when one stuck to the forefront. 
The image of Alastor holding you tightly to his chest, hand cupping your navel and exploring lower, made your brain halt. The thought of his fingers rubbing at your clit, and his wonderful voice whispering in your ear. Him touching you gently, talking you through the whole ordeal, and bringing you to orgasm, lit up your mind. You suddenly wanted it more than anything. You didn’t need penetration from him, but you so desperately wanted to be touched.
Your cheeks flushed, and fluttering erupted beneath your navel. Alastor’s eyebrows raised as he took in your appearance. You were so glad that he couldn’t read your thoughts. How embarrassing, especially because he wasn’t the biggest fan of being touched.
The heat subsided as you remembered that detail. That would complicate things. The idea of being left alone, right now, made you want to cry. You hoped he didn’t want you to handle it by yourself. If all he could do was be in the same room, you would take it over being alone. 
“I know that neither of us are at the point where…sexual intercourse would be the best action. However, I don’t want you to deal with it alone. As new as this will be for me, I would like to be there for you. To help you with it, if you so desire.” Alastor leans in towards you, one of his hands cupping your face. “I would bring you pleasure, and help this ‘heat’ end for you, my love.”
Your eyelids flutter closed, letting his breath fan across your face as you think. You want him with you, badly. 
Alastor chuckles, making you look at him. “I can do that, my dear.”
Oh. You had spoken out loud. (Your brain feels like it's melting. It feels hard to think, but you push through). Your cheeks flush again. 
“Please, stay with me. I don’t want sex, but I would like your help, if you would give it to me.” Your eyes shift off of his face, shame curdling in your stomach. “I don’t know how to help myself very well, as it is. I would like to learn, with you, if I could.”
Alastor suddenly grabs both sides of your face, his own getting closer. “Look at me, my little lamb. You are deserving of such pleasures, and I would gladly help you. We can learn together, dearest. We can stop if you are ever uncomfortable, I swear it. I would never take advantage of such a situation.”
You smile at him. “Same for you, Al. If you don’t wanna touch me, or vice versa, just let me know. I can figure something out.”
Alastor’s smile softens, and his pupils expand. “Oh, love, worry not. The desire to touch you in such a way has been growing, and the thought has been stuck in my head all night.” His thumbs rub your cheeks, gentler than you had ever felt him be.
Your chest aches, and the sudden need to cry grows within you. You love this strange demon, despite everything that had happened in the last months. He was growing to be so good to you, and it made your heart hurt. 
“Can I kiss you,” you ask, your volume barely above a whisper. 
Alastor answers by molding his lips to yours. His skin is cool to the touch, but compared to the fire you were bathed in the day before, it was Heaven. One of his hands clutched the back of your head, brushing by your sensitive ears. A sound breaks free from your throat, and it makes him press into you harder. You clutch at his suit jacket, your lungs starting to burn. Before you can grow lightheaded, (although you definitely were from just kissing him, just not suffocating), he pulled back from you. 
“That was splendid, ma chéri.” His voice dips lower, his fake radio accent slipping. 
You bask in his presence, as you think over what tomorrow will entail. Although he feeds you a few more times that day, and you talk more about how you feel about it, nothing could prepare you for the full force of the ‘heat’. When he transports you to a room that you haven’t been before, you let your curiosity numb your anxiety. Worrying about it wouldn’t help you, anyway.
My asks are open! Feel free to make a request or reach out to say hi! :)
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full breakdown of the daycare attendant's color scheme & minor design details throughout their apperances
bc im mentally ill abt them lol
warning: this is a very long post and will probably only interest a very specific audience of people
3d model
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their body follows the pattern of having a "primary" color, a "secondary" color, and an "accent" color. this pattern shows up for all of their apperances.
the primary color is the one applied to the crescent moon on their face, the right half of their torso, the upper half of their forearms, the middle "in between" sections of their fingers, and their legs.
the secondary color is the one applied to the other half of their face, and the other half of their torso.
the accent color is applied to their lower forearm, their palm, and their finger tips.
sun's color scheme is a pale tan color(primary), a light orange color(secondary), and a light grey(accent). notably, sun's 3d model's palms are colored with their primary color instead of their secondary.
moon's colors are a pale white, a blueish black, and bright dark blue respectively. also the white of their upper arm fades out into the blue of their lower arm before ending at the elbow, but this doesn't show up on sun's arm. (also also, moon's eyebrow & eyelash are colored in with their secondary color, while sun's isn't colored in at all.)
the buttons on their chest tend to fall more in line with the main colors of their clothes, except for moon's 3d model which is their body's secondary color instead.
nothing major to say about their clothes, so here's a thought about their color schemes: even though moon shares a lot of colors with sun (red, orange, and yellow), sun's design doesn't have any of moon's blue. (though sometimes sun is shown with blue eyes? so who knows.)
their ruffles and ribbons all tend to stay the same color (red), all except for the ruffles on moon's neck which turn blue. this is a consistent detail throughout all of their designs.
their little elf shoes are orange and stay the same color regardless of which form they're in. there's a crescent moon on the inner facing side and a star on the outer side. the crescent moon's two pointy parts(?) are pointed towards their heel.
i will not talk too much about their head/face, but here are some details that are different in other iterations: their eyes do not move, sun's rays cannot rotate and can only move inwards and outwards, and moon's hat goes over their forehead.
also their ribbons have no physics in this game LOL
concept art
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covering this first because the general color scheme and the placement of those colors is nearly identical to their in game model (albeit with brighter, more saturated colors). the overall design is also highly similar, but with a few notable discrepancies:
one major detail that's different in all their drawn iterations is that their torso is one solid piece instead of two separate parts like it is with their 3d models.
moon's arm gradient is still present on their concept art, however sun now has a lighter colored gradient on the end of their arm to match moon's coloration! (this could always be shading but it feels too specific for this to be the case). (also, moon's arms, fingertips, and stars seem to almost glow? which is potentially what their unused emission textures are based off of.)
sun's palms are colored grey! also, the middle sections of moon's fingers are colored dark grey on the concept art (pretty much everything with their primary color is colored like this ((except their face)), but it's probably just due to shading this time since it's not present anywhere else but here.
they seem to have a little circular panel near where their arm bends that isn't present on their 3d model. same with a rectangular panel on their leg.
their clothes, ribbons, and shoes are mostly the same except for a couple small things: moon's pants have faint lines on them to match sun's, their shoes have no symbols on them, and the bit of ribbon on the ends of their pants is colored yellow instead of red. (also moon's shoes are colored darker.)
their face has a lot of notable differences too, but one of the biggest ones is that they have no left cheek! their grin stretches a lot farther up on that side of their face because of this (they have no lips on that side of their face either!). the circular indent on their cheek is colored in on sun's face, their eyes aren't being squished by their cheeks anymore, and they also have a lot more teeth (which don't stretch into the corners of their mouth, and are colored differently than the rest of their face.) lastly, they share the same color for their eyebrow and eyelash!
official art work
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something important to note is that all of the dca's (current) official art will have this color scheme and all of the same details due to them either being drawn by the same artist, or because all other current official artwork of them is based off of this design and/or the concept art. (any and all additional artwork i mention can actually be found on their wiki page, but i'll link to it here if i feel it's important.)
one of the most notable details of their official art is that their accent color has been changed to a light grey color for both of them (albeit slightly warmer or colder to match their respective color schemes). though, interestingly enough, moon's palms (similarly to sun's 3d model) are colored with their primary color instead, despite both designs having this detail in the concept art.
additionally, something that was changed from the sketch for this drawing, is that (like their concept art) their shoes lack the little symbols on them, and the ribbon tied on the end of their pants was colored yellow instead of red. something that wasn't changed though is their lack of a left cheek.
moon's button aren't visible here, but other artworks (such as their claw machine artwork) show them as a blue color to match with sun's red.
sun's arm still has the little circular panel near their elbow that can be found on their concept art.
their face has a lot of similar details to their concept art, while still being stretchy and cartoony. they have a lot more craters spread around their face, and sun has consistently been shown to have a chipped tooth... it's cute.
before i move on, i'd like to talk a little bit about their various eye colors! there are several instances of sun with golden colored eyes (e.g. this drawing here, their in game plush, their claw machine art, their piñata from ruin, their actual design from ruin, and an exclusive design from steelwool's store.), while there are only two instances of sun with blue eyes (the sunnydrop candy poster and their icon on the daycare pass).
moon's eye color (when their eyes aren't just... closed) tends to just be red, but there are still a few instances of them with a blue right eye (their plush and piñata, with their claw machine art's eyes being entirely blue).
there's actually even a few specific instances of their eyes being black (their 3d model, the golden moon plush, and the golden sun plush... however that one is more brown than black.)
there's also that one book cover of moon with the pink spiral eyes but that was more of a one off thing.
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this is where my bitching session starts
very noticeably, their eyes move around in this game. did they finally get the glitter glue out of their eyes after the earthquake or something? does no one care about their dead fish eye swag...
speaking of eyes it's actually kind of lame they have yellow eyes instead of blue. the blue eyes actually have some additional meaning to them when you consider moon, but the yellow eyes are just... well, they're already super yellow. what makes them so special. make moon's eyes yellow for a change.
ok actually relevant: they use a mix of both sun and moon's primary colors, while using exclusively moon's secondary colors... both of their accent colors are used too with sun's on their right and moon's on their left.
suddenly their unused emission textures decide to join the party... this was a weird decision for them to make when those textures weren't even visible before. but ok.
all things considered they're actually not even that damaged. the most major damage is to their outer casing and their leg... like, compared to the others this is pretty good? even compared to the original shattered animatronics this is good??
wait is their hat just sitting on the very top of their head? is that because of the rays? are they holding it up? why was this a thing that was changed.
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ok well the hat is even farther back now. what the hell. why
iirc their eyes don't noticeably move around as much as they do in ruin, but they do still move around sometimes (iirc they spin around after sun's cartwheel?) which i guess is fine. whatever. im the only bitch who would care about this anyway
they nerfed moon's ultra bright high beam eyes in this one... sad!
this is such a non problem but sometimes (especially in sb) when you shine a light on moon their pants have this little purple shaded section on the inner thigh parts and it looks. weird. in this picture it's not visible due to the shaders but it's very noticable in the daycare section of sb when you get a good look at them with the flashlight.
actually you ever realize how their design literally makes no sense whatsoever. how does their casing change color, and why is their coloring so inconsistent between the two without visibly affecting the other? how do their CLOTHES change color like that?? where the hell does the hat come from??? why do specifically and only the neck ruffles change color???? where do their pupils come from????? i will stop talking about this now
jack o' moon
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they do have moon's color patterns, they're just shifted around a little. they even sort of have the lack of a texture on the sun rays that moon's model has! but this time it's actually intentional.
their face has the world's shittiest paint job which i think is really funny. i guess it does sort of look like a pumpkin yeah.
idk how the hell their glowing mouth overlay works but it's certainly a thing they have. the glowing eyes are also pretty cool looking admittedly. and the insides of their eyebrow, eyelash, and craters glow a little bit too.. that's cute.
the ruffles on their neck and waist, and the ribbons around the bottom of their pants are green, while the ribbons around their wrists are purple (but a small part of the ribbon on their right wrist is still red)? their shoes are similarly purple.
potato sack pants ♡ it's a really good part of the whole look actually
basically their design is like if bbw eclipse was stupid. but like in a funny and endearing way WAIT ACTUALLY SPEAKING OF THAT
balloon world eclipse
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bitching session is officially OVER
first off: sun's faces! so the first face very obviously takes inspiration from their in game artwork while still having the general face shape for their regular look. the scattered look of the craters on their face and the color of their eyebrow reflect this as well. sun doesn't have their trademark chipped tooth but overall it's a very nice look and it serves it's purpose very well.
since sun's 2nd face and moon's are the same i'll go over them both here... this look is very much based off of their concept art look! but it's more noticable in the shape of their eyes and the way their teeth are drawn this time, because they actually do have a left cheek... but the corner of their mouth still stretches up the same way it does when they don't have one! also, the base color for moon's eye is a little purple here which is always fun.
now ECLIPSE... brightly lit yellow eyes with red flickering pupils... the light being pushed out between the cracks of their teeth... a menacing color scheme too dark for sun but too bright for moon... the faint color of the illuminated crescent moon hidden inside the darkness of their face... their complete and utter lack of a left cheek because it never got added onto this sprite... this is PEAK eclipse design
also, this isn't about their design but i edited these sprites for something a while back and noticed that some of the pixels were just ever so slightly off color? which leads me to believe this was done in a regular art program not made for pixel art, and that whoever made these isn't super experienced with it.. however that honestly just adds to the charm for me. i really love these sprites.
harvest moon
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oh mmy god look at it
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nicromancytarot · 5 days
Back at the start of October I became educated on the Palestinian genocide and advocated for those in Palestine on various platforms of mine. I do not feel comfortable with my silence on this account as I have a fair amount of traction here. So here is my 4000 word document on the conflict in Gaza, it has educating history and information, as well as updates.
There is a fair amount of information missed out due to losing my password to the account this was posted on, but I plan on getting back to updating it as soon as possible!
Mahmoud and his family
Dana and her family
4 year old Naya and her family
Samah’s family
Hasan and his family
Haneen’s family
Aya’s family
The Elessawi family
Mariam and her family
Ahmed and his family
Young Omar and his family
Mosab’s treatment
Student Khaled and his family
Ahmed and his family
Bisan and her family
In 1947 the United Nations recommended the partition of Palestine and separation of Jewish and Arab states.
This meant that they would be giving away the Palestinian land and giving part of it to the Jewish (now mainly Israeli)and part to Arab (mainly Palestinian) people.
In 1948, Britain (who were in occupation and control of Palestine) finally gave the land up and departed back to England, leaving the Jews and Arabs to fight out who was going to get the land – this turned into the war that we know to have been the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the Israeli government.
since that day, Israel (as it came to be) have been taking over more and more land, by doing so, they are killing, capturing and torturing the innocent Palestinian civilians.
This has been going on for 75+ years, and the media refuses to allow us to speak about it.
Hamas is an extremist group fighting for liberation of their land,we have to take note that Hamas wouldn't be doing what they are doing now had the Israeli government not taken over the Palestinian land.
80 years ago Israel did not exist, Palestine was where Israel now stands. Innocent Palestinians have been captured, killed and put into concentration camps which live on the Israeli land. Yet the media never talks about it.
Even if this is a supposed war against Hamas, Hamas does not represent the entirety of Palestine.
With what is happening in Israel right now innocent Palestinians are being murdered once again, yet the media is refusing to talk about it.
The Israeli government have shut off water supply to Gaza (home to 2,000,000 Palestinians, half of those being children) and have started launching white phosphorus, a harmful chemical that can cause burns and even death, due to injury and illness.
recently Israel has mentioned that they are going to bring Gaza to the ground, every building will be nothing but rubble by the end of it.
Israeli government had recently given Palestinians the opportunity to leave to Egypt for a safe passage, letting the citizens know which paths were safe and which were not, the Palestinians loaded themselves onto open trucks, so the planes belonging the the Israeli government could see them and know that they are innocent. Isreal bombed the trucks and the passage. Killing many, including children.
They warned Palestinians in Gaza to head to South Gaza so they could bomb the north, many evacuating to the South. Israel bombed the South, killing even more.
And then continued to bomb ambulances those in need of medical assistance were in.
Israeli propaganda is trying to make us believe that these are mere defence tactics, yet the majority of us can see that this is just another ethnic cleanse in the form of self defence. Israeli government is trying to get rid of everything and everyone from the land, which will no doubt become Israel in the near future if their "defence mechanisms" go to plan.
The media is trying to convince you that Israel is in the right by starting the war and fighting back, since "Hamas started it."
But the 7 decades worth of oppression of Palestine in the hands of the Israeli government says otherwise.
Israel has one of the most progressive militaries in the world (declared in 1967 during the Jerusalem massacre) meanwhile also receiving guns from the US, which are illegal in Gaza.) But Palestinians have nothing, only the rocks and stones from their blown up homes.
It's not a war if it's not a fair fight.
They want you to see Palestine as an enemy that they must eliminate, but once again – this is just Israeli propaganda.
standing with Palestine does not mean you support terrorism, it means you support resistance and liberation. Standing with Israel means that you support the mass-murder, genocide, torture and ethnic cleansing of Palestine and Palestinians.
For every city in Israel is a concentration camp home to thousands of Palestinians.
Israeli forces have killed 2750 Palestinians in the recent attacks, 1030 of those are assumed to be children.
Israeli forces air-struck a supposed Hamas base inside of Gaza hospital Al-Ahli, 800 Palestinians were killed in the attack.
Israeli human rights activist against antisemitism Hananaya Naftalí was seen posting to twitter reporting on Al-Ahli, in his first post he was seen to say "BREAKING: Israeli Air Force struck at Hamas terrorist base inside hospital in Gaza."
He then deleted that tweet after backlash and reposted a new one saying "The mysterious explosions in Gaza." "Hamas blames Israel for this. I believe it is either a failed rocket that hit the hospital or something that was done on purpose in order to get international support."
check out @/aquilahel on tiktok for the tweets.
For anyone who thinks that this is just a two sided issue, I will tell you why it is not.
6 year old boy Wadea Al-Fayoumi was stabbed and killed by his landlord in Plainfield, Illinois for being Palestinian and Muslim. The 71 year old landlord Joseph Czuba forced his way into the house when Wadea and his mother were home, stabbing the mother once, she managed to hide from him and waited until he left. After he left she came out to find her son stabbed 26 times. Joseph was found sat outside the apartment complex by police.
This is not just an issue for Israel and Palestine, this is affecting Palestinians and Muslims all around the globe.
We have received some good news, the president of Columbia Gustavo Petro has stated he "does not support genocide" and has sent humanitarian aid to Gaza.
We have also been notified that "ground operation" (Israeli forces operation to leave Gaza on the ground) has been posponed due to "weather disturbances", with further investigation we can see that the date it is set to happen on has clear weather and no disturbances, yet we have seen that Columbia's Gustavo Petro announcing he doesn't support genocide and sending help to Gaza has caused Israeli forces to pospone the operation due to the lack of support from a member of the United Nations.
Our voices really do make a difference.
Israeli forces have bombed a 2000 year old orthodox church in Gaza where groups of people who had either evacuated or had to leave their homes were seeking refuge. It was reported that 18 Palestinian-Christians were killed, and 18 more injured.
The united nations had a meeting to discuss the plans for the Israeli attack on Gaza. They were asked whether or not humanitarian aid should be let into Gaza.
Brazil, China, Gabon, Mozambique, Russian Federation, United Arab Emirates
United States
8 abstentions (refusing to vote), leading to the failure of adopting a solution for humanitarian aid.
The United Nations held another meeting to discuss the possibility of a creasefire on Gaza, the results are as shown.
China, Gabon, Mozambique, Russia, United Arab Emirates
France, Japan, United Kingdom, United States
Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Ghana, Malta, Switzerland
Currently there are no updates on whether a solution has been put together.
Scottish Priminister Humza Yousaf has called for ceasefire on Gaza, and has said that Scotland is willing to take Gazan refugees.
Multiple countries have given humanitarian aid to Gaza, but it is all in trucks at the border, which is closed. The border between Gaza and Egypt was supposed to be opened by Israeli forces on Monday 16th October,
Saturday 21st October Israeli forces have opened the gate, letting in only 20 trucks, this will not be enough to sustain and aid 2 million people and they know this.
Total statistics from Thursday 19th October:
At least 3,785 Palestinians have been killed and 12,493 wounded in Israeli strikes in Gaza since October 7th.
Jewish-American conservative talk show host Ben Shapiro posted a picture of a "burnt Jewish baby" claiming that it is one from the Hamas-Israel attack. He posted this photo to twitter after receiving backlash from "Jew haters" (as he called them) who did not believe that any babies had been harmed by Hamas. (as there is no real proof of any individual attacks by Hamas.)
The picture has since been proven to be artificially generated.
Shapiro only 19 hours ago took to the internet to tell everyone how "America will avert world war three." Talking on the Palestine-Israel situation. (It's more likely America will cause world war three than avert it, Ben.)
UPDATED DEATH TOLL: 4,385 killed. 1,756 assumed to be children. 967 assumed to be women.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Israel has sent a warning out to hospital in Gaza Al-Quds, telling the people seeking refuge in there to evacuate so they can blow it up.
They have been bombing around the hospital for the last few days and now plan on taking it down completely.
12,000 people are there right now, it is their only place of shelter and safety, there are medical staff treating patients in need of medical aid, and the doctors refuse to leave.
this is inhumane, they are going to kill 12,000 people and this will not stop until gaza and palestine is wiped out completely.
So many babies and young children are there with their families. If you care about the hypothetical babies in the Hamas-Israel attack, you NEED to care about these.
We should not have to tell you that innocent babies and children are being killed for you to listen and realise that this is terrorism.
Do not listen when they tell you Hamas did it.
United States has donated $100 billion to Israel, backing this current attack and the many more to come.
United Kingdom's priminister Rishi Sunak has stated that the UK "stands with israel" and "are friends with Israel", and that he wants Israel "to win." (We do not stand with Israel, our stupid priminister does.)
There is no winner to a war that has more death than solution.
And there is no war if the other side cannot and does not fight back.
Gazan children are having to write their names on their hands to ensure that they can be identified after death. No child should be having to think or worry about death, let alone go through it.
This is genocide.
This is mass-murder.
This is terrorism.
This is dehumanisation.
This will not stop until Gaza and Palestine as a whole are nothing but Israeli land.
But we will not stay silent about this.
UPDATES: 24th October
23 reported masacres in the last hours of the 16th day of attacks, which caused a current total of 436 deaths, 182 of those were reported to have been children. These people were mainly from the South of Gaza, the place Gazans were told to relocate to by Israeli forces as it would be "safer."
5087 killed,
2055 children,
1119 women,
217 elderly,
a total of 15,273 injuries and 1,500 people including 830 kids have been reported missing under the rubble.
Severe burn injuries are being seen across Gaza, some including melting skin which they have never seen before, and in which is being proved hard to treat with the limited resources they have.
12 hospitals and 32 healthcare centres are unavailable due to targeting and lack of fuel.
Hospitals that are available have reached mass capacity and the medical teams are struggling to help those injured due to the lack of recourses and fuel.
130 premature babies lives are at risk, these babies are in incubators which run off of electricity, when Israel shuts this off (which they have been doing a lot recently) these babies will die as they will have no way to breathe and will therefore suffocate, if they can breathe on their own, loss of electrical function will cause the thermal system to fail and therefore the babies will die of hypothermia.
Day 16 was reported to have been the worst bombing Gaza has seen since the beginning (7th of October.)
The night sky was lit up red by Israeli bomb lights. (After having been a complete blackout at night since the 7th.)
This is only the reports for today, this is only going to get worse. As it is going, we unfortunately believe that this "war" will not stop until Gaza and the west bank are erased from the land completely.
Please keep talking about this, make posts, tell friends and family. Be Palestine's voice in a time when they cannot use theirs.
UPDATES: 26th October
Hospitals have made it to their full capacity and are now being reported as reaching their "total collapse" as result of the israeli airstrikes.
People in need of medical aid are being treated with whatever is left, patients are having to be seen to while laying on the ground and having their wounds and injuries seen to while under no anestesia.
Since October 7th: 5,791 people, including 65 medical staff, 2,360 children, 1,292 women and 295 elders have been killed, with 16,297 injuries. This only accounts for the ones that have been found and identified.
It has been said by the ministry spokesman, Ashraf al-Qudra that "children, women and elderly make up around 70% of the victims."
But that does not mean we disregard for the 30% of the Gazan men, and the rest of them that are working hard to find and help people in need, I unfortunately keep seeing men unaccounted for in these attacks due to fear and stereotypes. They deserve our attention too.
16 year old Muslim girl on a train in New York was attacked and discriminated against due to her religious beliefs.
When heading to Union square the girl sat down on the train, a man sitting next to her. The unidentified individual then told her "you're a terrorist, you don't belong here." Before pulling on her hijab.
The man ran away after another passenger intervened and tried to help.
There have been no arrests made at this time.
This is the impact of what is going on around the world. For so incredibly long Muslims and Arabs have had to fight the stereotypes that the Western media has written for them. May I remind you that no one person fits into a group of stereotypical values. No matter what ones religion or culture is, they are an individual with achievements, goals and dreams. Stop trying to generalise a group of people because you don't like what they stand for. It's pathetic.
I ask you to step away from Western media, when you come across it, ask yourself "what do they want me to think and what are they hiding from me?" Make your own judgments by doing your own research, do not follow the rest.
Accounts on various media platforms are being deleted for talking out about what is going on in Palestine and Gaza,
Instagram account "eye.on.palestine", one of the biggest Palestine news update accounts was recently deleted, luckily it is said to be restored soon enough.
But not all pages will have that outcome, they are trying to silence us because we know the truth.
So keep talking.
UPDATES: 27th October
Death toll in gaza reaches 6,747
Biden has stated he has "no notion if palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed" genocidal denialism at its best, not only that - he is straight up stating that their lives are much less valuable than anyone else's.
Palestinan officials have sent him a 212 page document on all the names, age, sex and official identification number in response.
281 of them are missing information as they have not identified them yet.
Schools in the West bank have been bombed by Israeli forces, once again - Hamas doesn't exist there, I beg you to tell me the reason to kill and scare innocent people, especially children.
Do not turn your back to the children of Palestine and then complain to me about the hypothetical children killed in Israel by Hamas.
Hamas have released some of their hostages, the hostages that were interviewed have stated that they were treated well and ate the same food as Hamas did, and received medical attention. They were kind to them and caused them no harm. It is reported that the current hostages released (at least a few of them) were given back due to needing medical aid that can only be given to them outside of Gaza.
I would also like to add, for the people who think they are hero's for speaking out about this issue, please shut up. The majority of the time this is white savour complex and I am tired. You are not a hero for doing the one thing you should be doing. Well done for doing it, but it doesn't mean you should be praised.
Also please stay respectful about what you post about Palestine, edits of the war are strange and using the genocide to promote your music is even weirder.
Stay safe out there.
Also for anyone who does not believe that Israel is the problem, I ask you to look into the issues with the West-bank Palestine, and how Israeli forces treat the people who live there even without Hamas (Whom are supposed to be the reason for this "war", right?)
Watch Joe Rogan's podcast interview with journalist Abby Martin, who talks about the month she spent in the West-bank, it's highly educational.
If you are Palestinian or Muslim, please stay safe and take care of yourself.
October 9th, Hamas offered Israel an unspecified number of women and children to be released from gaza, in exchange of 36 Palestinian prisoners held captive in Israel. Israel denied.
October 16th, Hamas says they'd release all hostages in exchange for 6000 Palestinian captives. Israel denied.
October 17th, Hamas said they'd release all Israeli hostages if Israel stopped bombing gaza. Israel denied.
October 28th, all hostages for all Palestinian captives. Israel denied.
November 17th, all Israeli hostages for a 3 day ceasefire. Israel denied.
January 2nd, Hamas would release 40 hostages in order for Israel's gradual 3 day withdrawal from gaza, on the last day Israel would stop the war and give back all Palestinian captives. Israel denied.
January 22nd, Hamas would be in leadership of gaza, they would release all hostages in exchange for all Palestinian captives and the end of the war. Israel denied.
February 7th, all hostages from both sides and the end to the war. Israel denied.
March 15th, Hamas would release all elderly, children, women and sick captives held in gaza in exchange of 700-1000 Palestinian captives being held in Israel. Israel denied.
May 7th, Hamas offers all female hostages for 50 Palestinian hostages and an 11 day ceasefire before Israel finally dismantles all military structure from gaza and allows gaza to begin reconstruction. Israel denied.
it's never been about the hostages, Israel could've got them out 7 months ago if they really cared about them, they are a tool being weaponised to mask ethnic cleansing.
I am so sick of people saying they are not educated enough to speak about this. 7 months. SEVEN FUCKING MONTHS. I cannot be nice about this anymore, I am tired, Palestine is tired, GAZA IS TIRED, we are all so fucking tired of this performative bullshit that everyone is spewing. I am so so sick of hearing that people cannot boycott Starbucks, that Mcdonald's is too good to stop eating, that Disney is important to them. SHUT THE FUCK UP. People are dying, they are being brutally murdered and you are crying about your fucking coffee??? GROW UP!!! This is life, you either grow with it or you don't. No one is asking you to sell your kidney for Palestine, but most of us would do it in a heartbeat.
For the celebrities and influencers, do not complain about not knowing enough when you've had 7 months to learn it, I was reciting "in 1947 the United Nations requested partition and separation of the Jewish and Arab states" in my dreams dude, I literally had a dream last week where someone offered me a Starbucks and I stood up shouting "BOYCOTT". This is what should be happening to everyone, it should be so drilled into your head that you think about it every waking moment. So trying to sit there and complain about your lack of understanding and education is a bunch of bullshit. Why be an influencer if you cannot influence??? 7 months to pick up a book, to listen to Palestinians who explain it to us for free on social media, to watch videos.
I saw a picture of a baby the other day, unlike normal I wasn't prepared for this, it wasn't censored and I had just woke up, it was on my Instagram feed, a young girl, not old enough to walk, I doubt she could even crawl, a small bow in her hair, a onesie, her ears pierced. A baby, someone's child, someone's entire life. half of her face and body was skinned, you could see her organs. While this baby was murdered in cold blood, Israeli's gathered at the Rafah border to celebrate the ground invasion. WHILE THIS CHILD WAS MURDERED.
If you are not angry, why the hell not? Our people are being killed, we may not be Palestinian, but we are all connected by humanity. So where is it when it comes to them? Why kill the people who cannot even fight back????
That land is not yours, it will never be yours. No matter what your bible says, God would never make you exchange a soul for soil.
30TH MAY 2024
I struggle to find the right words when I write this, and this is now my third attempt. It is great to see people advocating for Gaza now after having seen the pictures, videos and media coming from Rafah. However I cannot hide my anger when it comes to the way people have done this. Posting an AI image which does not convey the atrocious actions Israel has and still is carrying out on Gaza and Palestine as a whole on your timeline on whatever social media you have, is peak performative activism. It is unfortunate that people have utilised this time now to post something so out of touch while we have actual images from Gaza relaying the terror, we have videos and quotes you can use, why share an AI image when you have gofundme's and families who you can advocate for during this time?
Another thing I would like to mention are the videos now coming out with people chanting for a ceasefire, but saying that it's "never too late". I will not reprimand you for not educating yourself on this situation prior, and I will say now that it is great that you are getting involved and helping out the best you can by spreading the message. However while you do this, please remember that for the last 8 months while evidence from Palestine has been circulating social media, you were turning away and swiping past - and therefore are complicit in genocide. Acknowledge your mistakes and ignorance while educating yourself and others going forward.
The more people involved, the more people we save. But it will not bring back 40,000 people who did not have to be killed.
And do not promote or hype up Piers Morgan, he is one of the main advocators for the genocide on Gaza since the 7th of October and the main reason people in the UK feel so comfortable with their hatred towards Palestinians and Pro-Palestinians. And still now he is on the wrong side of history when saying "Israel has the right to defend itself" - that proves that he knows nothing of the conflict even while he asks for a ceasefire.
I ask you to open your eyes to the truth.
Do not be on the wrong side of history.
Palestine needs our voices now more than ever.
Free Palestine until it's backwards 🇵🇸
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t34-mt · 9 months
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tepueh pu, the domesticated que'arsaeb animals of maanuls that act as a "sheperd dog" for them, but for the ocean obviously. more info and images below ->
tepueh pu are a tiny aquatic animal of the que'arsaeb reign meaning it has 6 limbs and its body is segmented in distinct parts, It also means they have a sort of "bone" exo-skeleton with rough skin on top. their front limbs who serve no purpose but to do courting dance and occasionally help themselves to crawl around.
The fur-like things around the eyes and front limbs are purely for courtship, they are not made out of modified feathers as feathers are exclusive to the silieus reign, instead its sort of bristles that are quite rough to the human touch. maanuls do find it entertaining to see them court and as a result of that, they get excited during the part of the year when they court. Creating safe temporary spaces on the beach usually being circle-shaped, all maanuls do is watch them perform and fall over, if they cant get up they come and assist them to put them on their feet again. Tepueh courting consists of them desperately trying to get on their feet (usually being pushing themselves onto a rock to balance on their feet, but more commonly maanuls help them to), then the bright ones will shake their arms. Extending them and vigorously shaking the bits that have the bristles, that when rubbing against each other rapidly, create a sound that can be compared to sand being shaken in a jar. the brighter the bristles, the better the sound, and the bigger the moves is what will attract a partner. Said partners are the dull ones.
I'm not sure if they're a unisex species, they might just be random individuals who get a certain boost of hormones that gives them bright bristles and they have to perform for the others who are dull, or if they're just bright males and dull females.
Like i said they're very pathetic on land, meaning maanuls carry them when they need to be transported on land for a reason. Central north maanuls who need to migrate once a year due to temperature drops in the far north have to carry their Tepueh pu on long distances, thus they use these attire, where they attach 2 tupueh pu per side, transporting 4 in total. While I'm talking about north maanuls, every other maanuls would also use this attire to transport multiple tupueh pu. Although said attire has regional variants in terms of designs, a rough look at what a northern one would look like here ->
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as seen in the example, tupueh pu can have different color variations per region, While this is not the final look of northern tupeuh pu there would be light coloration from mutations. Tupueh pu are purely bred to be working species not a pet, so while color mutations are seen as a fun thing its not their priority or what they're searching for. While not a family pet it doesn't mean children do not play with them from time to time in the water. However, tupueh pu can be used as a service "pet" in the water for maanuls with blindness or other disabilities affecting vision that would require a service pet to navigate in waters. tupueh pu are never bred to be fancy but to be useful to maanuls, they're very grateful to have them and treat them with great respect.
While they are not house pets it doesn't mean they cannot be pampered outside of working hours by maanuls, being given treats, groomed daily by owners, and being treated with care for the smallest illness they could catch.
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the breathing holes of tupueh pu are on each side of their back, due to being aquatic for quite a while their opperculums had the time to shift to a more convenient place for quick gasp of air at the surface. Their maanul owners however do not, maanuls when wanting to breathe before swimming again need to get on their back once reaching the surface, as their opperculums are placed here. While technically they could push air to enter their vocal vents and redirect it to the lungs its not something they do as they do not inhale enough air using this method to feel comfortable.
ocean shepherd as a concept (final version will be posted separately)
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warning The cattle shown here is not the final design, they will not look like this once ocean sheperd as a concept are done and fleshed out in the future. this is just an example
ocean shepherd, or just called shepherd among maanuls, originally i thought of them guarding a group of smaller animals (small fish) tho the idea of one or three large slow domesticated cattle sounds more cool in my opinion and also easier to contain for maanuls overall. their cattle would need maanul assistance to live comfortably, maanul coming near them by canoe or even swimming if they're not so far. usually always have at least one maanul by their side who shifts their guarding job with other fishermen after a period of time. I imagine said cattle to be kept in a shallow kelp forest where it has all the food it needs, and little to no predators around to worry around. Maanuls might even sit on their backs during their shift duty because the cattle is docile and doesn't bother them doing it, plus they also need to get on them when they pamper them (by cleaning them)
this is my rough vision of it for now, while i have tupueh pu (tho its quite bare bones on this post) , i just need to design the cattle now, then write a whole long post about how maanul sheperds works.
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the vague shapes i did to figure out tupueh pu (in chronological order)
heres some fun stuff, i wanted them to be awkward looking, those penguins from subnautica were on the back of my mind while doing them, creature design is just doing vague shapes for me
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conelluwrites · 10 months
Sleeping Together (Literally) Headcanons
Just some general fluff and sweet headcanons for Byakuya, Nagito, and Kokichi.
I had to get these out of my brain so I could work on kinktober fics
Posted on my AO3 as well
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He has a nighttime routine so please don’t interrupt him, he has extremely little patience if you try.
Not one for cuddles (lies).
He will fall asleep as far away from you as possible.
He will wake up touching you in some way- an arm over your waist, your head on his chest, or even just legs touching
Don’t try to sleep in, that doesn’t fly with him.
No morning kisses, don’t even try.
Doesn’t snore, but does occasionally grunt or groan.
Blanket hog and will admit to it, this isn’t a battle you’ll win.
Will accept you guys sleeping with separate blankets to prevent this but it doesn’t prevent him waking up being close to you.
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Spending the night (or even just napping) with Nagito takes a while to work up to.
Be patient with him!  I promise he wants to sleep with you just as bad but he fears everything going wrong.
He will be stiff and nervous when you first get in bed next to him, he’s not uncomfortable he just… doesn’t know why you’re wanting to be in bed with him, surely you have other people you could be near.
You have to bring up cuddling him.
His body is cold, please use blankets and warm him up.
Has nightmares about his illness, he’ll tell you it’s fine and to not stay up with him but at least sit up with him for a few minutes.
Snores and knows it, please don’t bring it up.
You are free to get up when you want, but why would you want to?
He prefers to have you wrap an arm over him, put a leg over him, hold his hand, just do ANYTHING to remind him that he’s alive, that he’s with you.
Will eventually get more and more comfortable with you being in bed with him and will tease you over wanting to be so close to someone like him.  It’s all jokes, don’t take it too seriously.
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No naptime cuddles, he gets too hot and uncomfortable.
His body is like a heater, blankets aren’t required unless it’s just a comfort thing for either of you.
He has to have the TV on, a song playing on his phone, SOMETHING- he will fall asleep with just a fan on but that takes a very long time.  Silence is a big no.
He will cuddle you, he prefers to be the big spoon regardless of your size.
That’s not to say he doesn’t like to be held while sleeping, but he’s got a reputation to maintain y’know
Will hold you as close and as tight as possible, good luck if you have to get up in the middle of the night.
This fucker snores and talks and due to his closeness, you will wake up.  This is unavoidable, please understand.
You aren’t sleeping in, the second he’s awake you have to be awake.
He’ll try to be good sometimes and let you sleep in, but he just doesn’t have the patience for you to sleep too long.  He’s not doing this to be a bastard, he just doesn’t comprehend how much time has passed.
If you wake up before him, you aren’t gonna be able to wake him up until he’s ready to.
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blindbeta · 3 months
Hello! I have two questions, so I'll send two asks in case you want to answer them separately. First, a lot of your posts suggest writing multiple blind characters into your story to help avoid tokenism. However, when I try to write multiple blind characters, they always stand out or feel shoehorned in. Do you have any advice for writing multiple blind characters more "casually" so they don't feel as out of place?
Examples of How to Write Multiple Blind Characters Using The Owl House
Hello. Thank you for your questions! I actually started on this months ago and returned to it answering this question here.
I suspect this is what stops many writers, although they aren’t aware of it. This feeling of forcing representation is the result of society’s ableism and it can be difficult to recognize or deal with.
It might help to think about the reverse- isn’t it strange that so many characters in books and shows are abled? Isn’t it strange that so many disabled characters have no community?
When you write multiple blind characters, you are giving your blind character a community.
Another thing that might help is to show different characters having different conditions and different ways of dealing with their blindness. This is a technique I use all the time. You can even list all the blind characters and their characteristics so you can consider them all at once. For fun, we’ll use The Owl House. I feel that using all-ages examples might help writers feel comfortable engaging with the material.
The following will contain discussions of external and internalized ableism. It will also contain heavy spoilers for The Owl House up to the show’s finale.
Here is an example I came up with:
Main character, Luz, has a low vision in both eyes. She uses a cane for nighttime, mostly, but she feels like more of an outcast when she uses it at school, compared to the enthusiasm with which she used it and showed it to her classmates when she was a child. She stopped using a cane before entering high school. She packs it for camp just in case and uses it all the time on The Boiling Isles. There, she feels more comfortable using it every day. She is eventually able to use her cane and other assistive devices, whether magical or non-magical, whenever she needs to. Growing up, she struggled in school due to neurodivergence and not always getting her accommodations or maybe even struggling to ask for accommodations. She is happy to find that Eda and Hexside are able to accommodate her without making her feel othered. Although she has felt rejected in the past, she is able to fully embrace her blindness once more, celebrating a part of her in a way she was able to as a child. Also, she has several copies of The Good Witch Azura books in regular print, large print, and audiobook forms.
Eda, her mentor, had total enucleation in one eye and wears a prosthetic. How did she lose her eye? She doesn’t remember, now stop bugging her. Due to macular degeneration, her vision isn’t so good in the other eye and is decreasing over time. She doesn’t use a cane after struggling against her mother in childhood. She can use her Palisman or King as guides if she needs help. (King appointed himself her unofficial guide demon.) Her visually impaired partner, Raine, has gently and jokingly encouraged her to do what helps, including using assistive devices. After they started dating again, Eda feels comfortable using Raine as a guide, which also gives her an excuse to cozy up to them. Eda eventually comes to terms with her blindness much like her chronic illness. When she and Raine go on walks, she jokingly makes them carry things, stating if they want her to use a guide demon or a cane so bad, they can lend her a hand considering she only has one. She switches between the cane and guide depending on what suits her that day. Raine also supports her in her times of vulnerability. She can also have her phone or use spells to read, but reading is for nerds so she would rather have someone else read to her, such as her sister, Luz, Raine, or King.
Principal Bump is blind with residual vision and uses a guide Paliman to help him navigate and magnify things if he needs it. When he had Eda as a student, he was excited to help a student with similar experiences, but he quickly learned she was a troublemaker.
Willow is totally blind and uses a fluffy guide demon. She also has a cane decorated with flowering vines, which she enjoys using because she can have interesting tactile feedback. She was born blind and doesn’t struggle with her blindness beyond the occasional frustration with ableism or lack of accessibility. Her dads are very supportive and helpful. They sent her to Hexside hoping having a blind principal would assure she would get accommodations. She enjoys using magic with physical and textural elements, which is why she tried the magical school tracks she chose.
Gus is also blind with a bit of remaining vision. He enjoys looking at colors and lights. Gus chose to focus on illusions because they make interesting shapes and colors, providing his brain with a lot of sweet, sweet stimulation. Gus also enjoys that a track that is very visual is something he can excel at. He met Willow when complimenting her on how pretty her plants looked, describing to her what looked like a colorful blossom on a vine. He uses a cane to navigate, finding it more helpful for stairs and general independence even if canes aren’t quite as popular on the Boiling Isles as magically assisted options such as Palismans and guide demons. He also enjoys using something more similar to what humans use, as he is very interested in humans. He feels very comfortable with his blindness, finding a similar outlook in his friend Willow. Together, the two feel more understood. Willow and Gus pass Braille notes to each other in class. Gus prefers to have his spelled books or illusions read to him, though.
Amity deals with internalized ableism stemming from a need to be perfect, as well as many terrible implications from her parents that she doesn’t let on hurt her. She concentrates on not letting her disability stop her, as that’s what a Blight does. She has low vision, similar to Luz, and progressive vision loss. Unlike the other characters, she does not have much positive support. Principal Bump tries to encourage her to use the many aids and accommodations provided by the school, surprised that she knows the Boiling Isles equivalent of Braille, but only because her parents thought it would give their child an edge and because she attended the same early childhood classes as Willow. Amity politely rejects his help and goes on the be the top student just to prove a point to everyone (a.k.a her parents). She grows up being friends with other kids who say ableist things, leading to Amity feeling even more pressured to rely on her remaining vision. Eventually, her relationships with Luz and Willow help her to accept herself. She is able to act more authentically. This includes confronting her former friends, apologizing to the people she bullied, and attempting to use a cane at school. She is surprised to find that nothing really changes and a few people, including her siblings, even comment on her cane use positively. Willow also shows her how to get her phone to read to her, as well as use the spelled books you can buy that read out loud, which helps reduce eye strain. The similarities between her and Luz helps to strengthen their bond, but otherwise their relationship is unchanged from canon. Amity also has another troublesome barrier to asking Luz to Grom, such as how to make the note accessible. She ends up going with large print and high contrast ink. If she can read it, she knows Luz will be able to.
Hunter has an inherited retinal disorder, such as LCA or Stargardt disease. All of his predecessors have had a similar experience and Hunter takes pride in being part of that line. Each Golden Guard has decreased vision compared to the last, it seems. Hunter views his blindness as a part of him. His blindness allows him to adapt in ways others may not have a chance to explore. He becomes aware of advantages he has over the many sighted people he works with. He is known for his talent, adaptability, and resourcefulness. Hunter struggles with photophobia, which his mask helps with. For navigation, he has a cane, as well as his staff, which he prefers to adapt for navigating. It is about chest height and acts similarly to a WeWalk cane. He can use it to teleport and use magic, but it is mostly for identification and navigating if needed. Eventually, he considers switching to a guide demon like Willow’s, which can also offer companionship along with his new Palisman. Hunter can read the Boiling Isles equivalent of Braille, which he uses for labeling, personal note-keeping, and reading when his eyes are tired. He can keep working longer this way, although he does occasionally read or write for fun if he has a spare few minutes. Hunter also makes tactile maps.
There we go. I provided examples of several blind characters in the same place. Many of them know each other and maybe even meet because of their blindness. They all have different types of blindness and different experiences with their blindness, even when compared to characters who are on similar places on the blindness spectrum. I explored how they navigate, how they view their blindness, and ways in which they relate to others. Some struggle with internalized ableism, but not all of them. They have their own arcs related to their blindness, although they have the same arcs and interests as in canon.
Rather than seeing multiple blind characters as an obstacle, view it as an opportunity for characterization. For example, Amity’s experience with ableism is heavily rooted in how she was raised, in how her parents treated her blindness as a defect or something to be ignored. Meanwhile, Luz’s experience with ableism originated in childhood rejection. Compared to them, Willow, Gus, Principle Bump, and Hunter are all thriving. Even Eda is mostly cool with everything, only having a confusing and uncertain relationship with mobility aids. Additionally, Luz is able to let go of and unlearn her internalized ableism as soon as she finds people who accept her. Amity, in comparison, takes much longer to accept herself.
I know that some writers who aren’t blind may feel unequipped to write internalized ableism. It isn’t necessary, but instead something I thought fit Amity’s original character arc. Internalized ableism can be a lot more subtle than this or not feature in your story at all. Luz and Eda might struggle with this as well, but to a lesser degree. It would also be similar to their arcs in canon.
Here are additional character breakdowns because I thought they were fun:
Who uses Braille?
Willow, Hunter, and to some extent, Gus
Braille literacy is declining, so not everyone knows it in this A.U, which is similar to real life. However, I prefer to have at least some of my characters use Braille to push back against that.
Who uses audio to read, primarily or some of the time?
Gus, Amity, Luz, Eda
Who uses regular or large print?
Luz, Amity, Principal Bump
Who uses magnification?
Principal Bump and probably Luz in childhood
Who uses a cane?
Luz, Amity, Hunter, Willow, Eda
However, Luz, Amity, and Eda all struggled to get there to some degree. In real life, few blind people actually use canes despite possibly benefiting from them.
Who uses an animal guide?
Eda, Willow, and, later, Hunter
On the Boiling Isles, creatures participate in training schools and are matched with potential handlers. They are mostly given to adults, although some schools allow kids to apply, such as those in their upper teens. I have a post on guide animals here.
Who has some residual vision?
Luz, Eda, Bump, Gus, Amity, Hunter
Who is totally blind?
In real life, 85 to 90% of people who are blind have some residual vision, depending on what source you draw from. Most of the cast can still see something, even if only colors, light, and shadow.
I hope this helps. This is my first time sharing something like this. Readers, feel free to use this however you like, for stories or fan art.
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genshinluvr · 11 months
Masterlist 2
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🔞 = Contains Smut, suggestive themes
❗ = Contains triggering content
🫧 = Self-indulgent (will make a separate masterlist for it soon)
🧋 = Author's favorites
🌸 = Requests
✨ = Mini-fics
🧧 = AUs
[All contents listed/linked down below are also posted on my AO3]
• [ Coming Soon ]
Not What You'd Expect [Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader] (One-shot series):
Summary of Not What You'd Expect [Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader]: Who knew that getting Isekai'd into Genshin Impact would get you into many situations that you've never thought you'd get yourself into! Whether the situation is life-threatening or just one of those soft and fluffy moments, you don't think you'd want to leave the game any time soon! And it seems like they don't want you to leave any time soon either! So, you might as well enjoy your stay while you're at it!
• Weaseling in (Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader, Neuvillette x Isekai'd!Reader x Wriothesley) [Published on July 23, 2023] ✨
Summary of "Weaseling in": The men left to grab some food while you stay back and wait for them to return. When they return, they see that you're not alone. The two strangers from Fontaine are chatting you up— only they recognize the two strangers with familiar faces from the last time you got lost in Fontaine.
• Sick Days 2 (Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on July 30, 2023] ✨
Summary of "Sick Days 2": The men are sick, and it's your duty to nurse them back to their healthy selves. Yes, the men are sick— all twenty-seven of them are ill, and you're the only one who's taking care of them. Some of them made it easier for you, but others made it complicated for you. It's a good thing you don't have emetophobia.
• Where I Truly Belong (Various Genshin Men x Villain!Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on August 6, 2023] ❗
Summary of "Where I Truly Belong": Your arrival at Teyvat was sudden and you thought you'd be welcome with open arms and new friendship. However, you were terribly wrong. You were ignored, threatened, and chased out of the regions in Teyvat. One day, on the heart island outside of Liyue, a portal opens and an opportunity is given to you. An opportunity where you have power and control over fate. Perhaps this is where you truly belong.
• Mr. Sweet Talker (Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader, Lyney x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on August 20, 2023] ✨
Summary of "Mr. Sweet Talker": Aether and Paimon managed to snag free tickets to the magic show in Fontaine! It's all thanks to a certain famous Fontianian magician. Who knew he could be such a sweet talker?
• Happily Ever After? (Various Princes!Genshin Men x Royal!Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on August 27, 2023] 🧧
Summary of "Happily Ever After?": There was a small kingdom on Teyvat where a king and queen kept their child locked in a tower for over two decades— the public and other kingdoms do not know what this royal Highness looks like, nor do they know much of this person. However, twenty-seven princes set off to free their royal Highness from their high-rise prison. Maybe you will finally get your happily ever after by finally getting your freedom.
• Burning Desire 4 [Al Haitham's Route] (Various Genshin Men x Iskeai'd!Reader, Al Haitham x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on September 3, 2023] 🔞
Summary of "Burning Desire 4 [Al Haitham's Route]": Awaken from your slumber due to the burning pit in your stomach, you decide to take a shower early morning, hoping it will cool you off. After your shower, you leave your bedroom to see a shirtless Al Haitham reading a book at your desk. You weren't sure why Al Haitham is in your bedroom, but he has his reasons for visiting you.
• Watch the World Burn (Various Genshin Men x Villain!Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on September 17, 2023] ❗
Summary of "Watch the World Burn": [This is part 2 of Where I Truly Belong] Those who have wronged you, chased you out of the region, and ostracized you will all go down with Teyvat. You will watch the world burn as bodies around you fall to the ground one by one.
• Where's the Update? (Genshin Filler Chapter) [April 1, 2024]
Summary of "Where's The Update?": You and the men go and visit the person who writes the script for every project you all do.
• [ Coming Soon ]
Brightest Star in the Universe [Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader] (One-shot series):
Summary of "Brightest Star in the Universe [Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader]": You were thrust into the world of Honkai Star Rail without warning and any recollection of your memory. Blade and Kafka refer to you as the fallen star. You don't know what it means, and you think it sounds ridiculous. After meeting the men from the Honkai Star Rail universe, these men can't help but feel drawn to you. As if there's this invisible line that's pulling them closer to you. Just when you thought your stay in the Honkai Star Rail universe couldn't get any weirder, the universe keeps proving you wrong.
• Anything for the Star (Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on July 22, 2023/July 23, 2023] ✨
Summary of "Anything for the Star": March has a theory that the men would do anything for their precious shining star. However, you thought it was ridiculous. Due to you being skeptical about March's theory, March decides to put it to the test because those men would do anything for the star, right?
• Final Moments (Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on July 30, 2023] ✨, ❗
Summary of "Final Moments": You're somewhere alone, bleeding, and on the verge of death. Everyone is scrambling to reach out to you, but you're not picking up your phone, and no one knows where you are. Not even Nanook knows your whereabouts. You didn't think you could die in a universe you didn't belong to, but you were wrong. At least you were able to hear their voices in your final moments, right?
• Seeing Stars (Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader, Nanook x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on August 6, 2023] 🔞
Summary of "Seeing Stars": Your and Nanook's intimate moment was interrupted by your Astral Express traveling companions. Caelus spots a hickey on your neck, you make a poor excuse regarding that hickey, and all of a sudden, you find Nanook balls deep inside you. Needless to say, Nanook is called the Aeon of Destruction for a reason. And that reason isn't because of destroying the universe, but because he's going to be destroying your insides.
• Anything for the Star 2 (Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on August 20, 2023] ✨
Summary of "Anything for the Star 2": After being sandwiched between Gepard and Sampo's chest due to March claiming you wanted to be sandwiched between the two men from Jarilo-VI, you fainted. You soon regained consciousness and now have to deal with the aftermath, and you're also on the hunt for March around the Astral Express.
• Trouble in Paradise (Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on August 27, 2023]
Summary of "Trouble in Paradise": Nanook has always communicated with you through your dreams because both you and Nanook are connected with each other. But now that Nanook has taken a human form, there's no need to communicate through your dreams! You were certain that it was just Nanook who could communicate with you through your dreams until Phantylia showed up.
• To be Reborn (Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Vidyadhara!Isekai'd!Reader) 🧧 [Published on September 3, 2023]
Summary of "To be Reborn": Waking up in Scalegorge Waterscape, you have no recollection of your past life. You are reborn— you are a Vidyadhara— hatched from an egg. A young blond boy awaits your rebirth, the same boy who volunteers to be your protector. Your past life remains a mystery. Your relationship with three particular men remains a mystery as they gaze at you longingly from a distance. Sometimes, it's a curse to be reborn.
• Well, Shit. (Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Toddler!Isekai'd!Reader) [Published on September 17, 2023]
Summary of "Well, Shit.": Well, Shit. This isn't supposed to happen. How did this even happen in the first place? Yanqing was tasked to watch over you while General Jing Yuan and your traveling companions were out on a mission. Who knew it would end up with you turning into a toddler?
• Where Are the Updates? (HSR Filler Chapter) [Published on April 1, 2024]
Summary of "Where Are the Updates?": The person who writes the script for your and the men's future project is visiting the Astral Express. Everyone is wondering what is their future role in the projects (and Sampo is being Sampo)
• [ Coming Soon ]
Asks w/ Mini-fics:
• [ Coming Soon ]
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tonkatsubowl · 8 months
welcome home.
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dan heng x trailblazer!fem!reader
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you have been gone for quite some time.
it was mainly due to the fact welt and himeko had sent you to an expedition that you needed to do alone, for whatever reason. but dan heng, march, pom pom and the others had faith in you. but according to welt and himeko, this was a trial that you needed to surpass...to find yourself again.
and also, only you could complete this mission, solely due to the fact you had a stellaron inside of your body.
you were gone for a month, or at least half a month, and you weren't responding to any text messages. but luckily, herta's technology enabled everyone to keep an eye on your wellbeing.
you were still alive, you were at full health, but what were you doing? how many people have you saved? or killed? how many aeons did you see? or did you see any at all?
... and were you thinking of him?
you and dan heng had established a relationship with each other a while back, and this was the first time the two of you were actually separated for some time.
"i'll be back. i love you." you told him.
"i love you too. please be safe." he would respond.
but that was the last time he's seen you-for now, at least.
but he feared that you may have forgotten about him. perhaps you found another lover, which was why you stayed in that unknown planet for a while...
...but now, he was overthinking.
tossing and turning in his bed, he couldn't sleep at night because of these thoughts.
you weren't going to be home any time soon, and there was no word that you'd be home soon at all.
...until the door opened, and his eyes shot open.
he eyed at the doorframe, and pinched himself to make sure he wasn't sleep walking, or dreaming.
because he saw you.
you had a tired expression, yet you wore a smile. you were unharmed, and you were safe.
"i'm home. sorry for the wait."
immediately, dan heng bolted out of his bed, and went straight into your arms.
"...welcome home."
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hii i was gone for a long ass time, but im still going to be very busy with work x.x thank you for everyone's patience!! and thank you for the 300+ followers!!!
ill do my best to post more and update my series'.
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acesw · 9 days
Reverse: 1999 : Disabled Characters
The game doesn't stray too far on the neurodivergent allegory for the arcanists themselves. But at the same time, there are also inclusions of other characters who are very much known to be disabled. So for this post I'll delve into that, just a bit.
Now, there are 10 characters that I want to put in the spotlight. These mostly lean towards being canon, but a part of these are also researched upon and shortened so the post doesn’t become way too long.
Cristallo, Rabies, Erick : Chronic Illness
It's quite self explanatory that Cristallo herself has a chronic illness. She was born prematurely, with an added condition that makes her physically fragile. As seen in the game, she needs a life-support system to maintain her health when she's outside. It's also implied that her condition may be a recurrent cancer, as her arcane abilities are tied to a machine that provides cobalt therapy, a known advancement in radiotherapy in the post-WWII era.
Rabies is an odd case. In his stories, it's noted that Adam cured Alicia through unknown means at the cost of contracting rabies himself. However, instead of the virus being acute and guaranteed to be fatal, it becomes a chronic illness to Rabies due to the abundance and use of arcanum. And since the rabies virus attacks the brain, his cognitive capabilities and ability to recall things before the present had been impaired, making him rather docile and animal-like in nature as a result.
Erick, as revealed in her anecdote, has a hereditary blood condition that came with her arcane skill. With her arcane skill making her physically powerful, overusing it will accelerate the effects of her blood condition to the point that it can become fatal. To prevent this, she also inherited an armband from her grandfather, Harald. The armband suppresses one's ability to use arcane skills, but by extension it also prevents Erick's condition getting worse.
Shamane : Amputee
Shamane's circumstances are also self-explanatory. He lost his arm for unknown reasons, but after having lived without it for 20 years, it doesn't bother him anymore. However as we know, he crafted his prosthetic arm as a means to avoid scaring kids. (which I think is quite cool in itself)
Ms. Radio, Bessmert : Blindness
Ms. Radio and our new friend, Bessmert, are both canonically blind. Ms. Radio has stated that she cannot see, and asks Vertin to left in places where she can feel temperatures to make her feel at peace.
And as we know, Yenisei (or in other words, Yenisei's VA) has stated in the 1.6 livestream that Bessmert is known to be blind, but even with that, she's a great researcher and guide to her.
Mesmer Jr. : OCD [Content Warning: Mentions of Self Harm and Suicide.]
Mesmer Jr.'s character has heavily implied throughout the main story and her own to have OCD as a result of the traumatic experiences she had gone through from her field of work and her family’s history in it. She identifies that she has "incurable" anxiety, which causes her to think differently about arcanists and act a little irrationally from our own perspective. This anxiety results in double checking everything and having a slightly intensive routine.
This routine is created as a means to maintain herself and her own sanity, but an imbalance or interruption can greatly upset her. As a result, she has conflicting ideals, experiences hallucinations and panic attacks, has suicidal thoughts, and actively inflicts self harm as a means to cope with her anxiety. However, she’s calmer and at peace with herself when she's left alone in a quieter and clean space, away from others, and where nature is heard more than constant buzzing. In short, Mesmer Jr.’s mental health is really complex and would be better if it's explored in a separate post.
Baby Blue : Alice in Wonderland syndrome
It's no secret that Baby Blue has Alice in Wonderland syndrome, or in other words dysmetropsia. This affects her perception of reality and her ability to recall, but this in turn makes her arcane abilities all the more powerful. As a result, she doesn't realize that she's growing up, yet it seems she doesn't mind that much. This doesn't seem to affect her physically either; In fact, it has a heavy influence on how she displays her arcane skills.
Poltergeist : Social Anxiety
Poltergeist has been known to be anxious in social settings which conflicts with her people-pleasing tendencies. She's also insecure about herself which adds up to her not wanting to be directly perceived. At the same time, she doesn't like being left alone as a result of having been ignored and forgotten post mortem. Poltergeist is also elaborate (i.e. not wanting to be looked at for too long) yet awkward at the same time when communicating them.
However, I'm not sure how to describe Poltergeist's case quite well, but the idea of her having social anxiety resonates greatly in my mind, so it can be treated as a partial headcanon.
Balloon Party : Autism and Speech Impairment
Balloon Party as a child had contracted an illness that caused her to have a persistent high fever. In the end, she awakened her arcane skill this way, with her being able to cough up balloons that can be harmful or a cure to anything.
However, it might have also affected her speech because of the physical strain that comes from coughing, it results to BP's speech being a bit slow and having abnormal pauses before she speaks again. Though, this also might be a sign of her possibly also having autism, where rigid and uneven language development is a common pattern in how autism affects one's ability in communication. Her speech also has a pattern of echolalia, having a flat tone, and lack of control of it.
However, speech impediment isn't everything about autism, and there's a lot more about BP's character that also connects with it such as her special interests. I can better explore this in a different post, which will be explained below.
Last Notes
These are the characters I’ve written down, most of these are less headcanon and more of observations I’ve found when looking into these characters. Some people from the lore chat have also added their own insights on some of them. (Thank you lupjo for beta-reading through it and helping me out) 
Of course, there are a few more characters I want to discuss because of the implications of them having autism / ADHD, but these will be written in another post in the future because I still need to research and gather other information. Additionally, it would be an opportunity to talk about the connections between an arcanist’s and neurodivergent person’s relationships with modern society.
Congrats for reaching the bottom of this post, and feel free to add your own ideas or headcanons about the characters here and/or any other ones.
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iamthat-iam · 11 months
after reading through your posts and other non-dualism blogs i realised that when i was in loa, i struggled so much to manifest as i kept seeking validation from the 3D more than my imagination as i kept relying on my human body, the 5 sense for validation. if i didn't see it in the 3D/ experience it with my 5 senses i would automatically be like "oh i don't see it" then i either continue affirming and persisting or do SATS fulfilling my inner man, or other loa methods. and the cycle repeats again. it's like i know the knowledge i know exactly how to apply but due to the fact that i couldn't stop relying on my human senses to determine what is "real" and what is not. it's so automatic and that's the reason why i was stuck in the cycle and i couldn't get out or actually persist for goodness sake as some point in time id be like "okay this is not working ill try something else" then came the void obsession. i would try so many methods just to get into the void and manifest my desires. affirm, persist, fulfill the inner man, seek validation from my 5 senses and then start all over again and it never stops. everyone keeps saying that the 3D and the 4D are separate which made it even worse as it would be EVEN HARDER to actually see my desires as mine when the physical senses are showing the opposite. no one denies that the physical sense are fake. we are taught that we have every right to feel whatever we want to feel and that our human body is real etc.
then when i left loa and stepped into the non-duality community. it started making so much more sense. everything is an illusion, nothing is real. everything is consciousness/imagination. my trauma, my name, age, height gender etc. NONE OF IT IS REAL. the only thing that is "real" is awareness. even my 5 sense aren't real. so why would i have to rely on it? seek validation from it? i no longer have to "work" to get it in the human experience. NO. there's no affirming to "get" something. there is no "desire". there is no "manifestation". there is no "human body/self/ego/senses" ALL OF IT IS IMAGINARY. self doesn't desire. self has everything. self IS EVERYTHING. there is no "3D" no "4D". these concepts do NOT exist. they are made up and are an illusion. is doesn't make sense to call yourself limitless and then limit yourself to methods, affirm/persist, laws, etc. THERE ARE NO RULES. there is no such thing as "if you don't fulfill yourself, you won't get your desires". desires are from the human ego, the human body-mind has desires. SELF DOES NOT HAVE DESIRES. it doesn't make sense for self to desire when self is everything.
the 5 sense aren't real, never were, never will be. the moment we imagine something it INSTANTLY exists. the reason why we do not "see" is because we identify with the false self/ego hence thinking that it's not real. i remember i saw a non-dualism ig account say this before @infinite.ko.
"You can instantly experience a reality without your 5 senses, only by observing it, if you constantly limit yourself to 5 senses, you will identify with the Body-Mind and go down the "Why isn't it here yet" hole"
the concept of manifestation does not exist. it doesn't make sense. you claim to have all of your "desires" then why do you look else where to search and search for it when it has been within YOU all along? you job was never to affirm 10k times, repeat to saturate your subconscious mind, get into the void to "manifest" or "materialise" your "desires". why would you work so hard to "get" something when all you had to do was realise that it was within YOU the whole time? "manifest", "materialise" only exist because you think that there is a 3D reality for them to show up in. when the truth is, there was no "3D" or "4D" in the first place. there is no imagination VS reality. nothing is real, it has always been illusion VS illusion. your only and ONLY job ever is to simply just OBSERVE. just sit back and watch.
5 senses
if you want something simply observe it. imagine it. that's it. once you imagined it you already experienced it. as the observer and awareness you are not even supposed to put in the bare effort to get anything. NOT EVEN AN OUNCE OF IT. why on earth would you want to experience it with the physical senses when you are just the observer and you can experience it by just observing? the physical senses are an illusion. "manifestation" was supposed to be effortless and easy, but the idea of our "thoughts" and "states" manifest and we are supposed to change them is just TOO MUCH. there is nothing to change just observe/imagine/be aware.
if anytime you get thoughts like "why is it not here" "why don't i see it" "why hasn't it manifested yet" you are immediately identifying with your human self. as your true self/ nature would NEVER think/ even say such things. it would simply OBSERVE.
credits to all the non-dualism blogs out there, i couldn't thank you enough for teaching us this. thank you <333
@msperfect777 @lains-reality @consciousnessbaddie @awarenessis @luvcompass @infinite.ko (on ig)
That is so true!! Relying on the human senses will always be our downfall, we can affirm and persist, apply states, do SATS, script, or any method we want, but if we can't accept that it's DONE ALREADY, then it's all for nothing! It really is a vicious cycle.
I'm also guilty of jumping from method to method, I got the most "results" from affirming and persisting, but I wasn't "getting" my "big" manifestations, so I switched to states, which did nothing but stress me out 😂 with the 3D and 4D being separate, fulfilling the "inner man" like it's too much.
Non dualism has given me all the clarity and peace I had been searching for since 2019 when I found law of attraction. I am so happy that myself and other bloggers were able to help you on your journey as well 🥹🫶🏾 I am so happy that you are now in a better place and are out of the cycle of trying to "manifest" and "get things". Such a stressful way to live.
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AITA for making my ex taking medication as a bargain chip for us to get back together?
This happened a while ago but I saw some posts about the right of someone to go unmedicated and now I feel bad and wonder if I was shitty 💊🧘‍♀️ mentions of death, pet endangering, pet death, untreated mental illness and if you call them a narcissist I will steal your left socks. Also not disclosing their diagnosis because you guys can't be normal about mentally ill people.
So me and J (about 25, I was 22 at the time. Name changed for privacy. Both of us is NB) had a extremely quick developing relationship where in 5 months we went from dating to living together. Don't judge me okay I was 20 when we met and I needed a place that wasn't my parents house. Sorry, this will need some context. J convinced me to drop college due to mental health and to move out of my roomies house for privacy reasons.
So three days before my 21th birthday, J lost her brother due to an accident, and we moved together anyway. One month after her brother passed her cat also passed away. That made the grief way worse and about 10 months into the relationship she tried to choke my cat because she peed in the wrong place. I told her I was going to leave her and in result she slitted open her arm with a box cutter.
Later she admitted to be hurting our two cats when I wasn't home by choking and almost drowning them.
By december of the same year I came out as aromantic and she was extremely shitty towards me from deceiving her because she thought I actually loved her but that was all a ruse. So we broke up for real this time but kept living together because well, it was unfortunately what we had and we couldn't move to our separate paths due to our income. That was january with until march/april more or less when she noticed i was pulling guys like no one and hooking up constantly (that was self harm but that doesn't justify it. In my defense I told her just because she would ask me repeatedly if I was hooking up with guys and always wanted to know where I was going). I also went back to college and started hanging out with other people that seemed to actually like me!
Keep in mind all this time she was unmedicated and when I tried to bring up she need therapy and medications she would shut me down, even before the break-up.
And then, by may she was crawling at my feet because she wanted me back. And I cared a lot about her. So I put in my conditions that unless she was medicated and on therapy by the end of july, I would never consider going back to her. And would you look at that, it actually worked because before june ended she was both medicated and on therapy and I said well you did your part, and went back to her, with her now.
Btw for all that matters I am 25 and broke up with her again from almost 2 years now but last time I talked, she was still on therapy and medicating herself, making a bitter remark on how "that's the only way people can stand her, that no one can stand her true self"
So, AITA for making my ex take care of her mental health before I considered going back to her?
What are these acronyms?
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen act after catching a cold
requested by anon: "Hey, can u pls do "how svt will act after catching a cold" like will they be clingy or crank with their s/o 😆"
notes: hope you enjoy! this is basically like the s/o counterpart to this post haha but they can also totally be seen separately
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has those great big hacking coughs that make it sound like his lungs are being torn in two. he starts coughing and then motions for you to back away really quickly bc he doesn't want you to catch his germs. also a whiny baby. complains about his headache, his blocked nose, even his own coughs. asks you to check his temperature every hour bc he swears he's burning up so bad even though "cheol it's literally just an ordinary cold—"
clingy. so so clingy. acts like every cold is as terrible as some major illness. tries to use it as an excuse to not get up for the entire day and spend it cuddling in bed with you (and conveniently forgetting that he's sick and could totally pass it onto you—unless… that's his intention…?). sounds like an old man w a croaky voice, laughs at himself and is striking up a conversation with you every half an hour bc he sounds so funny
gets a cold just as autumn is setting in. gets another cold when winter is at its peak. gets a (kind of) cold in the summer due to his hay fever. asks you to carry around tissues w you so there's always someone who has it just in case. sometimes when he doesn't have a cold he'll lie in bed beside you and breathe rlly loudly through his nose as if to appreciate the fact that he can actually do it
is absolutely Devastated. rarely catches colds, suffers terribly when he actually gets them. coughs so hard that his eyes start watering. loses his appetite, doesn't wanna eat or drink anything. initially refuses the conciliatory hugs you offer before falling into them willingly. is like a sad, dejected kitten for the entirety of his cold. almost starts crying in the middle of the night bc his throat feels like sandpaper n he hates it :((( needs to be petted on the head until he calms down
dramatically throws himself onto you when he comes back from work to tell you that he found out this morning that he was unwell and his head hurts so bad and he starting coughing so much that he almost wet himself. clings to you like a limpet for the entire evening. only lets you go bc you convince him you'll cook him something nice to eat. insists on sleeping next to you, croakily asks in the middle of the night if you'll still love him if he had no voice
tries to breathe through his blocked nose, fails badly and sounds like the sputtering engine of a tractor. is utterly miserable, will not let you take care of him bc he's so sure he can take care of himself. eventually caves when you put his head in his lap and massage his headache away. very drowsy and kinda not-there the entire time he's awake, doesn't state it outright but he's really obviously hinting that he wants you to hold him throughout the night
doesn't tell you when he catches a cold. you can only tell bc he's shuffling around the house a little sluggishly and he's taking ibuprofen along with his supplements in the morning. you try to convince him to sleep instead of going out to the gym but he insists that working out will help him sweat off the cold (?). comes home an hour earlier than normal bc he couldn't breathe through his blocked nose
is mad. at his cold, mainly, but that makes him mad at everything so pls be a little delicate with him bc he might snap at you if you say the wrong thing. but then he immediately apologises afterwards because he doesn't mean it at all, he's just tired and his head hurts and his voice sounds weird in his own brain. gets really sleepy, ends up falling asleep on you on the couch while trying to tell you about his day. wakes up two hours later bc of his coughing fit
is sneezing??? a lot??? even though he has a cold??? asks you to cook chicken broth for him, is yelling instructions into the kitchen from where he's laying on the couch in the living room surrounded by pillows and a blanket. grabs the bowl and slurps the soup straight from it like a little child. asks you to pet his head to help him go to sleep, refuses to sleep in his own room during the day bc he wants to see you :((( it would sound rlly sweet if he hadn't coughed at you in the middle of the sentence
is leaking liquid from his nose everywhere. throws his arms around you to hug you then pulls away quickly with a sleeve over his nose bc the sudden movement made his runny nose almost get all over you. doesn't carry around tissues with him, needs you to run to get some for him whenever he coughs too hard. puts his head in his lap and asks you with his puppy eyes to give him head pats and even tho he's sick you can't say no bc he's looking up at you so sadly
asks in a baby voice for you to make him warm food bc he feels absolutely terrible </3 you have to force the paracetamol down his throat bc he keeps complaining about feeling terrible but doesn't Wanna take meds. carries round a silk hanky you bought for him once and always dramatically holds up a hand in the middle of a conversation to fish into his pocket and cough or sneeze into it
has tissues permanently held over his nose, holds up his hand if you get too close and tells you to back away in case you get his cold. doesn't let you touch him even if it's just a common cold, tries to leave when you enter the same room as him before you reassure him 10 times that you'll be fine. sounds so nasally bc his nose is all bunged up to the point that it's almost comical, and you can't talk to him for too long before feeling like laughing
wants cuddles 24/7, even when he's sick. gets jokingly hurt if you hesitate, asks if a measly cold will stop you from giving him hugs. has those really wet coughs and they're so often and so hard that you have to pat his back to get him to stop coughing. disappears into his room saying he wants to take a nap, emerges the next day looking even worse than before bc now he even has a fever. wants to be spoon fed soup in bed
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currently taking requests
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ciaonicole85 · 1 month
Part 2: What Then?
I promise I have a life, but I couldn't help writing part 2 today! This takes place the same day as the "Development Day" when Syd and Carmy are thrown off by each other's answers during an ice breaker activity. Post-season 2. Feel-good fluff.
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Photo Credit @drrav3nb /  drrav3nb.tumblr.com
"So those are the menu changes for Chicago Restaurant Week. If you have questions, feel free to ask me or Chef Sydney. You should also have an email from Natalie by later today. Okay, let's prep for night service!"
Carmy closed the meeting, grateful that it was finally over. He was no longer afraid of public speaking after rising in the ranks of various kitchens, but his mind was not in this ever since the ice breaker. He, Carmen Berzatto, had made Sydney's favorite meal ever? The last time he prepared the pork confit and the Milk and Honey dishes she mentioned was several years ago. Back then he was at Eleven Madison Park, a rising star on the culinary scene, who chain-smoked, slept 3 hours a night, and was berated by the EC daily. It was a nightmare peppered with flashes of genius. He was dying to ask her about it, but before he could get her attention Sydney had slipped into the kitchen.
He stared disappointed at the window that separated the dining area and kitchen.
"Hey Bear, what's up with you?" Richie said sidling up to him trying to follow his gaze.
"Nothing cousin."
"Yeah, right. I missed when it happened, but it seems like you crashed and had to reboot during the meeting. Then you were lost in Sydney-land. Want to talk about it?"
Carmy rubbed his eyes and raked his hands through his hair. When he used both hands, Richie knew without a doubt he had hit on something.
"First, cool it about Syd. That handout you gave us was really cute. And yes, there's something on my mind, but it's not for me to say."
Richie grinned and rubbed Carmy's shoulder.
"Fine, just get your head together because tonight is going to be loaded and it includes three anniversaries and a birthday. And second, you need to cool it about her or do something. It's like I'm living in The Wonder Years with Kevin and Winnie."
"Oh, right. That's probably before your time. Kids!"
With that Richie sauntered over to the host stands to strategize with the wait staff and hosts.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Sydney who had a thousand things to do, was adding at least a hundred more onto her plate. She didn't want to appear like she had a moment to spare. She and Carmy could talk at the end of the night as usual, without any eavesdropping. This would also give her time to think of an explanation as to why she never mentioned eating at Eleven Madison Park and that she wasn't a stalker who followed him to The Beef. To top off this awkward sundae, Carmy casually admitted his favorite part of the day was closing, the only time they are alone every day. She hoped no one else had connected the dots on that last part.
The afternoon and the night never went quicker to her chagrin. Even when one of the line cooks was sent home due to illness and a large group put in an order for 7 Fishes two minutes before tickets closed, she thought the night couldn't last long enough. Fortunately, Carmy seemed resigned to waiting and didn't look at her more than usual. In a flash service was over and no one was in the mood to hang around. By 11:00pm Sydney had cleaned her station for the third time and forced herself to go to Carm's office. He sat there pretending to do busy work, patiently waiting like a child who consoled himself that his parents wouldn't make him wait too long to open his Christmas presents.
"Hey Syd...it was a good night," he said softly not wanting to scare her away.
Sydney nodded and took a seat. Might as well get it over with it.
"Okay, yes. You made the best meal I've ever had. During a break at the CIA, I went to NYC and ate everywhere on my list, including Eleven Madison Park. It was a Wednesday night and I ordered several things including pork confit and Milk and Honey."
Sydney couldn't help closing her eyes and smiling at the memory. Her guard began to slip.
"Carm, it was like tasting my future and the best part of my past at the same time. I asked the waiter who made those dishes and he said Carmen Berzatto."
Carmen leaned forward on the desk. Whenever Sydney praised him, he felt like a cactus in an unexpected downpour. He wouldn't waste a single word. Her sunny existence and her belief in him sustained him during his dry seasons. He reached for her whenever he looked at the debt they still owed Uncle Cicero, when his mother finally visited The Bear and cried saying that he had erased Mikey, and even when their success seemed too good to be true. 
Sydney opened her eyes to find him looking at her in the way he had. It was terrifying because she had a very specific plan for her career. It also thrilled her, knowing the power she had over him. Five months ago, she had been begging for his focus and now she knew every her mood, glance, and word she spoke impacted him. Once for the fun of it during a slow night she stared at him until she drew his attention and smiled. He blushed, smiled back, came towards her without saying "corner", and crashed into one of the servers, sending three Michael cannoli to the floor. That was three months ago when she first realized something was going on with him. She'd refused to abuse her power since, going so far as to convince herself that she was overestimating his feelings. Then he said the best part of his day was closing. She hoped, well sort of hoped, that they could maintain this close, but not too close partnership and friendship without complications.
After a long pause Carmen sighed and sat back in his chair.
"So, how did you find me?"
"Well, like I said when we met, it was the job posting. I recognized your name and also The Beef from my dad taking me here."
She shrugged thoughtfully.
"It felt like it was meant to be. It gave me hope for the first time since Sheridan went under."
He nodded.
"It's really strange. You came here because I inspired you and the only reason, I felt capable of attempting something this big was because of you" he said gesturing to the ceiling.
"Yeah?" Sydney whispered.
He stood up and walked around to sit on the desk facing her. Now, Sydney felt vulnerable looking up at him. It was so easy for him to unnerve her when he spoke this way, like under the table.
Carmy took one her hands and after a moment brought it to his lips.
"Thank you for telling me, Syd. It means a lot."
Sydney was unable to speak. Her throat had closed.
"Soon, is your one year work anniversary and I think we should celebrate."
She nodded.
Carmy set her hand down.
"It's late. I'll drive you home."
With that they left the office, gathered their stuff, and walked to his car in silence.
As they drove, Sydney attempted to talk herself down. Was that hand kiss, an Italian thing? Possibly. It also seemed like Carmy decided to do...something, but what? Worse, she was feeling like they had traded positions in mere seconds. She'd enjoyed having the upper hand. Oh, well. With a goodnight's rest she'd be back in form tomorrow. Maybe "accidentally" brush past him, or ask him to lift something heavy for her and comment on his strength. Then it would be game over for poor Carmy bear. For now, she wouldn't worry about the work anniversary. It was probably just going to be a cake Carm commissioned Marcus to bake.
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peachy-wolfhard · 8 months
Dating Leo II
a/n: I wanted to add more after I posted part one so here it is Bone Apple Teeth, I love leo sm so its LONG
Let me know if you would like to be on my tmnt taglist!
Warnings: swearing, grandchildren mention (splinter is gonna splinter), illness mention, insomnia, mentions of slapping leos bald head
Word count: 738 -woof
Insomnia gang
This turtle physically cannot sleep
When you don't spend the night he is CONSTANTLY texting you everything that comes to mind
“y/n…why is pizza a circle?” “idk lee can i come over :3” “yeth pls HURRY IM DYING HERE WITHOUT U”
Lying in his bed, cuddling, matching eyemasks ON, fan ON
Even with all of that, nothing works
The nights that the both of you are actually able to sleep he has a grasp on you
Holds you so close to him all the time, you guys are joined at the hip
Everyone besides Mikey and Splinter thinks you guys are gross
“You can't even say their names apart now it's ALWAYS Leo and y/n. You can't separate them they will DIE without each other”
“Calm down Mikey please you're scaring Shelldon”
Splinter is…well Splinter. He stays in your guys' relationship, with how dramatic you guys are he doesn't need his soaps
He loves to show you baby pictures of the boys esp the ones of Leo
((cough cough he definitely mentions grandchildren like the old man he is))
Bites all the time like anytime anywhere
Making breakfast peacefully listening to music- CHOMP
Getting ready for work- CHOMP
Dr. Delicate Touch has to intervene
Play fights with you in slow-motion
(slow motion voice) “yyy/nnn iiiimm goooinggg tooo kick your aaaasssss”
(also slow motion voice) “im gooonnnaaa kick yours firrrst”
Initially, it started as a way to keep Leo from running off when exploring places, but then it turned into a regular thing
“My love, light of my life, future spouse eHEM!”
“What Leo”
Absolute drama queen and don't get me started when he’s sick
Picture those old paintings of the sick children in bed, he’s that but dialed up to eleven
All he wants is cuddles and daytime television and don't you DARE come in between him and his Maury
Giving him medicine is surprisingly easy maybe it’s because he’s so out of it or maybe he’s just in love he’d let you do anything to him
But if you’re ever sick he does the exact same for you
If you fight medicine (just like me fr) he’s NOT afraid to use those ninja moves to get you to take your meds
Loves it when you read to him no matter what you are reading
Manga? Sign him up! Horror book? Let's get spooky! Sad book? I'll get the tissues! He just loves to hear your voice especially if you do different voices for the characters but not overly comedic voices, he’s here for the story!
Falls asleep listening to your voice with his head on your lap 99% of the time
Going to the Hidden City for date nights and getting up to absolute mischief
(having to then call Raph to come get you guys because you pissed someone off and just kicked their butt)
Speaking of the Hidden City! During their break in the Hidden City (when everyone gets arrested) you join Leo at the spa
After he gets kicked out he BEGS you to go to the creepy spa across the street with him
“Sorry sweetheart I too am in DIRE need of some relaxation plus it’s not often I’m in an exclusive club”
The moment he shows up with that gorgeous hair you’re suspicious
Texts you a selfie of his new hair with the creepy ass background
“Whatcha think? Even more handsome than normal? ;)” “go back to being bald i miss slapping ur bald head :(“
Anyway when he starts “sleepwalking” your immediate reaction is “Maybe it's the wig” but quickly forget all about it due to relaxation
“Um… yyyy/nnnn could you please help me out with one teeny tiny situation…? Please?”
Now you and Leo are on the case!
“Ooo lala finally some privacy ;)”
“Don't touch me until you’re bald AND we figure this out”
“Pwetty pwease? JUST ONE!”
“Fine, ONE kiss”
After the evil hair reveal and fighting with your boyfriend’s hair he's finally bald again
Leo explains the massage guy’s deal but it falls on deaf ears
“Hey, who’s that guy?” “He'sthe non-member we kicked out earlier!”
“I bet he and that human are the thieves. Call the cops”
After a quick stay in jail, you’re now peacefully back home
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penaltyboxboxbox · 1 month
i love ur charlos parents au sm!! im not requesting art or anything if u dont feel like drawing (tho youre a phenomenal artist!!), but i was wondering if you wanted to share any more details abt the au? i thinks its so cute haha and would love to know more. also hope ur having a great day!
I LOVE THIS AU TOO i do want to draw more i always have ideas for it.... but i will gladly ramble about my lore ive developed
1. is this an mpreg au even i do not know or care to know. yes these are their biological children who look like them and share their genes but how did we get here ill leave that to you to assume. either way both of them definitely wanted big families and even tho i draw them with 2 kids i think they want at least 4..... charles wants a daughter and carlos says the same but secretly he only wants sons. hes picturing a future football team and also doesn't understand women conceptually
2. i actually think carlos3 was an accident child and charlos get shotgun married over it. its part of the reason why theres a bit of a gap between their first and second child. they had to like reassess and settle stuff after kind of having to get their shit together and make honest men of each other.
3. they get divorced at some point during all this mainly due to SAINZ SENIOR PRESSURE. probably while carlos3 is like highschool age. charles talks so much shit and then proceeds to get emotional like I SHOULDNT TALK ABOUT YOUR FATHER THIS WAY vs carlos like. bro tries to just act like they are normal regular friends now like man thats not how this works....charles always plays cool irl but is annoyed as hell underneath. very good coparents though....always at all the events together. when the kids stay at sainz family evil mansion for the summer they come back to charles so villainous and feral. he has to go supernanny on them...
4. charlos DO get back together after like 10 years of being separated lol. and yeah there were lots of messy nights out and not quite reconciliations throughout that time. very confusing family dynamic but theyre happy at the end
5. carlos3 grows up to be a guy who just kind of piggybacks onto whatever business endeavors his dads are doing. ultimate nepotism hire. hes not bad at what hes doing he just never really found that passion. his passion is like.....posting peaky blinders quotes on instagram. hes kind of a failson but hes also the perpetual baby for charlos so they just...coddled him too much his whole life djhdksndksbs.... younger son herve becomes a FASHION MODEL!!!! hes beautiful gorgeous and also a perfect nepo child so he's ripe for this career....he walks runways in paris
thats all i can think of for now thankssssss ily
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