#if he were even 5 yrs younger...
stellarwaffles · 11 months
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Movie Akita + Kataru when they were 9
Some kids are picking on Kataru + Akita is telling them to leave him alone
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sillylittleclowncat · 9 months
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eek almost forgot to post them here too! my internet was bad where i was that's why lol >_> anuways enjoy cat family having fun at the beach and being happy and silly!! :oD
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official-darkforest · 2 months
What’s Jayfeather and Alderheart’s relationship like in your au? I always imagined Jayfeather choosing to tutor one of his siblings after Hollyleaf, Cinderheart, and Lionblaze kind of did and he realizes five days later he was mislead into thinking this would be fun but now he just has a little 13 year old on his hands. But I don’t know how well that translates to another time period
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kinda! i think with how the timelines overlap a lot closer (to make sure that characters are within reasonable age differences between each other) alder and his sister were born earlier and are only just barely younger than ivy/dove, so jay/lion/holly’s childhood overlaps with alder/spark’s a little bit. i’d say with squirrel’s fertility issues (probably PCOS or some other unspecified reproductive disorder) they probably have a pretty significant age difference but not to the same degree as the books where jay was a grown ass adult (theres a 5 year difference between them in canon! that means he wouldve been like fucking 35 or so human yrs LMFAOO) by the time alder was born. maybe 10 yrs at the most. dandelion and juniper were born between that but unfortunately didnt survive long
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as for their relationship, they were pretty okay. jay was probably fresh into college by the time alder got diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. squirrel/bramble probably pressed jay about it but he dismissed them because he was still a student at the time and nowhere near a professional yet. alder idolized jay a lot growing up because he “didn’t let his disability hold him back”. there qas a lot of inspiration porn type of thinking on alder’s end and honestly the rest of the family kinda perpetuated it as well so its not just him. its not intentional either but yknow. at a certain point (and a lot of long conversations and arguments between the two about it) alder stops idolizing him to such an unhealthy degree and doesn’t fall into the ‘if my disabled brother can do xyz then i have 0 excuses’ line of thinking as much as he used to. while alder isnt the biggest fan of jay trying to psychoanalyze him mid-argument, he takes his word into consideration anyways
jay likes to say he thinks alder is irritating (in the younger sibling kind of way) but honestly spark was worse than alder when she was a teenager. jay just interacted with alder more since he was quieter and less overstimulating, especially when in the Deepest Pits Of College Homework Hell. also hes bluffing he really does enjoy alder’s company. he’s hard on him because he wants the younger to succeed, evem if hes a bit mean about it sometimes.
alder eventually becomes a pharmacist instead of a psychologist, finding the work of the former much more attuned to his needs and his likes. he’s still helping people. by the 2010s-2020s, he’s even filled and compounded a few medications jay prescribed to his patients!
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braxlrose · 10 months
Heyy i LOVE your writing your my of my favs writers
was wondering if u could do like hc of tom with a reader like childhood bffs to dating only if you can ❤
a/n: i love this trope so much so im so glad someone requested! imo it's one of the best and cutest tropes to ever exist. it's actually the one I'm using for my DR 💀 this is also kind of like a pt 2 for this post except with Tom instead of bill and there's not much mentioned of georg and gustav
childhood friends to lovers w/ tom
tom x fem!reader
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• you met tom and bill when your mom moved you to Loitsche when you were 5 years old, right next to tom and bills house. their mother met yours when their mother went over to introduce herself to you guys. that's when she mentioned that she had a daughter the same age as her sons.
• that night, your mom brought you over there for dinner and you played with Tom and Bill. you guys had tons of fun and ended up becoming great friends that night.
• after that, you guys hung out every day and hung out at school. you were their new bestfriend and as I mentioned in this post, you helped them switch back and forth and confuse the teachers.
• the teachers were already used to their antics but with you, it just got worse and more complex. your mom scolded you a ton and ever had a fight with Tom and Bills mom because you kept getting into trouble but there was nothing they could do to stop you guys from hanging out.
• it was really hard to tell them apart when they were younger so you got relieved as they got older and started to have their own style
• you guys went bike riding all the time together and would ride for hours doing random shit
• you, bill, and tom would always go to the pet store to see all the cute little animals
• you would pick flowers for bill and make him a flower crown and even know tom refuses to admit it, he wishes you made him one too.
• both bill and tom were very over protective of you, but tom mostly. if he ever found out that anybody hurt you in anyway, he'd be pissed.
• you went trick or treating with bill and tom every year. (even though it wasn't too popular yet in the 90s in Germany)
• sharing and switching candy with them was a must
• you and tom were a bit closer than you and bill but you were still friends with both of them. it's not like you had a choice anyways.
• you always slept in toms bed whenever slept over (which was pretty much almost every night) and you two were always cuddling.
• bill and tom had bunk beds, so whenever you slept over you guys would put blankets around the edge of the top bunk and then tell scary stories
• you guys would sneak onto the ice cream truck and steal as much as you could. you'd always end up puking after because of how much you ate.
• you and tom would sit next to eachother every time in class and whine whenever you two had to move or got told to move because you guys were talking
• tom has a massive sweet tooth and you guys would steal stuff from the corner store
• you, bill and tom would hang out at the pool tons.
• you and tom would practice playing guitar allllll the time
• you were apart of the original "band" and played for weddings and other gigs with them
• you helped their mom bake a cake for their birthday every year and you always had so much fun with her. she even taught you how to write their names on a cake
• you went cd shopping with Tom for new cds and other old cds he didn't have.
• when tom had his first kiss (WITH A 16 YR OLD GIRL AT 9 YEARS OLD 😨😨😨) you didn't really know what to feel. you weren't even sure what you were feeling but you didn't like that he was kissing another girl
• you never said anything though, what could you even say?
• you and tom started out as just friends, no feelings at all not until you guys were pre-teens.
• as you guys grew older, tom and bill started getting girlfriends. you never dated anybody though; mostly because of your insanely massive crush on Tom.
• you basically just pined for him while he dated other girls. but you did feel nice sometimes. you got to see the side of him other girls didn't. you got to see how sweet and fun and nice he was with you. he was always different with you and if any girl had a problem with that, he'd drop them immediately.
• you got to sleep in his bed and cuddle with him and stay up late and hang out with him 24/7. they didn't get to do that, you did. and that gave you a sense of security.
• when the band started to actually become a band and you guys started getting more gigs, you and tom would always play next to eachother and even created your own style of playing with eachother
• you helped tom pick out his red guitar
• you and tom also have matching stickers on your guitars
• whenever girls flirted with Tom, you'd always get jealous and sometimes even try and steer tom away from them. like if they started flirting, you'd come up to tom and say "we need to get to band practice" or "Bill needs you for something" etc. etc.
• after a while, you'd come to the conclusion you just weren't his type and he'd never have feelings for you like you did for him.
• when tom first told you guys he lost his virginity, your heart dropped. tom, your tom, lost his virginity. you wanted to cry but you couldn't, they wouldn't get it, they wouldn't understand. so you just laughed along with the guys and make jokes.
• when durch den monsun came out, more and more girls were all over tom. but at this point, you'd gotten used to it. when you realized how many girls he was sleeping with, you just shoved all your feelings down and locked them away. feelings would ruin your friendship, right?
• your hotel room was right next to toms so you could hear basically everything they were doing. it was absolute torture. why couldn't tom see your feelings, why didn't he feel the same way?
• tom treated you like a little sister. it was awful. you wanted to cry everytime he called you dude or bro. he would never call you baby, or babe, or sexy. like he does other girls. he'd never see you like that.
• when you guys are at clubs, you try your best not to watch him flirt with other girls. it's easier that way. but along with that, you just end up getting drunk.
• tom would come running into your room at like 11 pm at night asking you for a condom. this became routine, and over time your heart shattered a little bit less only because you'd gotten used to this. used to him liking other girls.
• one night, while you guys were out at a club. you got sloppy. when you were drinking you ended up stumbling over to tom and dragging him to another room. and that's where you confessed to him down you were feeling.
• you ended up bawling your eyes out and saying how stupid it was because you know he'd never feel the same and that he doesn't want a serious relationship but you couldn't "help how you feel".
• tom took you back home that night and cuddled you and rubbed your back until you fell asleep. little did you know he felt the exact same way about you...
edit: I'm super tired and wanna go to bed, but let me know if you want dating headcanons for this bc I will do it, I'm just so tired.
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7 @killed-kiss @memog1rl @80s-tingz @billybabeskaulitz @victryzvv9 @banshailey
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: Steve has a few younger siblings. He is very protective over them (2 brothers & 1 baby sister) his family is very close. But the party meeting his siblings in the hospital post spring break from hell, Steve's little sister screams tearfully until she is put beside her older brother who is in hospital due to severe injuries. His younger brothers (8yrs old & 5 yrs old) demand for their big brother to be left alone by these strangers. The party demanded to know why he kept his siblings from them???? Also Steve just being loved on by his parents & his siblings and of the party.
DARLING IDK HOW YOU COME UP WITH THIS STUFF BUT THANK GOD YA DO!!! Steve having siblings and good parents and STILL choosing to be the best damn babysitter is kind of giving me LIFE. I am forever here for giving Steve all the love he deserves. A little backstory for this in my brain: Steve's parents got married right out of high school at their own parents' insistence, and they loved each other, but wanted to go to college first. Anne got pregnant during their honeymoon and had to put college on hold. The reason there's such a big age gap between Steve and his siblings is because she finished college, started working as a lawyer, and then went into business with Richard. Once they were comfortable in that for a couple years, they decided to have more kids. We love responsible decisions!!! - Mickala ❤️
Steve spent 12 hours unconscious, which would be more alarming if he hadn’t had worse before. At least this time he was in a hospital for it.
Or maybe that was worse.
His mom was by his side the moment he woke up, along with a pacing Dustin and half-asleep Robin.
“Mom? Where’s Dad?”
“Oh, honey!” Anne Harrington was a strong woman, a lawyer who didn’t take shit from anyone, only cried when Steve won his basketball championship and graduated high school. But here she was, sobbing against his hand tightly grasped in her own. “He’s with your brothers and sister. I didn’t want them to see you like this, honey. You almost died!”
Maybe that was true. He certainly felt like he almost died.
He felt Robin and Dustin staring at them, realized what his mom had said.
“Brothers?” Dustin asked, barely more than a whisper, from the foot of the hospital bed.
“Sister?” Robin asked, a yawn breaking out before she even finished asking.
There was a commotion outside the door, he could hear his father’s voice trying to stay calm as he spoke, but knew he was frustrated.
Then he heard a loud cry and his heart broke.
“Was that Bethany?” Steve croaked, his eyes watering at the wails his three year old sister was letting out.
Anne looked at the mostly closed door, nodding as she turned back to Steve in the bed.
“They’ve been begging to see you since this morning. They wouldn’t stop begging to come, so your dad compromised and said they could sit in the waiting room until you woke up, but they’ve been sitting there for two hours. You know how they get.”
He did. He knew that any compromise they’d agreed to was going to work to their benefit in the end because they were all much too clever for their ages.
Suddenly, the door shot open and his eight year old brother, James, stood there with wide eyes. His five year old brother, Ryan, stood behind him, bouncing on his feet so he could try to see.
His father appeared behind them, holding Bethany in his arms, and looking like he wished he could be anywhere else.
But that look disappeared when he saw that Steve was awake.
“I’m so glad you’re okay, son,” he said, a choked noise making its way from his throat like he would have sobbed if the kids weren’t there.
He could feel the confusion coming from Robin and Dustin, but now wasn’t the time to explain any of it.
“Hey kiddos. You guys okay?” Steve rasped out, giving a small smile to all his siblings.
James and Ryan ran to his bed, climbing onto it carefully when Anne snapped her fingers at them and told them to go slow so they didn’t hurt their brother.
“Down, daddy! Wanna see Steve!” Bethany was kicking her legs and trying to push away from Richard, who sighed and let her down.
She ran to the bed, ignored the warning to go slow, and piled into Steve’s lap.
It hurt, but she was so small, and Steve could deal with some discomfort if it meant she could see he was okay.
“Steve, you have boo-boos!”
He patted her always messy hair, and gave her the best smile he could muster.
“Just a few. I’m gonna get all better soon, though. The doctors just had to put some bandaids on them.”
“Are they Barbie bandaids?”
“Of course they aren’t, Bethany. They’re big and have to be wrapped,” James said.
Steve gripped James’ hand in his.
James was going through a phase of wanting to seem older than he was, which was normal, but he took a lot of it out on Bethany. Bethany could certainly hold her own, and often did, but they were all emotional and under a lot of stress at this moment, so Steve stepped in.
“Buddy, let’s just take it easy today, okay? It’s okay to be scared, but so is Bethany and she’s little, so we have to be patient. Like we talked about, remember?”
“What is happening right now?” Dustin asked, still standing awkwardly at the end of his bed.
“Um. Dustin, Robin, this is Bethany, James is to my left, and Ryan is to my right. These are my brothers and sister.”
“You have siblings.”
It wasn’t a question, but Steve could hear the disbelief in Dustin’s tone.
“I do.”
“You never mentioned them?” Robin asked as she looked at where Richard and Anne were now whispering in the corner of the room.
“It just never really came up?”
“Uh. Okay.”
“Who are these people?” Ryan asked as he turned his face into Steve’s arm, always more shy than his other siblings.
“That’s my best friend, Robin, and Dustin. I used to babysit him and now he’s like another brother.”
“But we’re your brothers,” James said, crossing his arms against his chest.
“Of course. But there’s plenty of room to have Dustin around, too. He’s awesome. He can teach you D&D!”
Bethany was curling up against his chest, at least being more careful now that she’d seen his injuries up close. Ryan was shuffling closer to his side, burying his head under his arm like he did on their family movie nights when he was getting tired but didn’t want anyone to know. James was still tense, jealous.
“Did he teach you D&D?”
“Nah. I told you it’s too complicated for me.”
“Did I hear someone say D&D?” Eddie peeked his head through the door, grin lighting up the room.
“Eddie!” Dustin exclaimed.
“Looks like Steve’s got a whole party in here! Are we playing or what?”
Eddie walked into the room completely, smiling until he realized that Steve’s parents were here.
They got together during chaos; they didn’t have time to talk about logistics, about what Steve’s parents knew about him, if they would even be okay with him.
He’d briefly mentioned his siblings to Eddie when they were getting weapons ready, but didn’t talk much about anything else.
“Eds, these are my parents, Richard and Anne,” Steve introduced them, winking at his mom when she gave him a questioning look.
He’d been out to his parents for months, accidentally letting slip that he’d gone on a date with a guy on their Christmas vacation. They took it well overall, the shock making it seem like they were upset, but they were just confused about why he’d only ever brought home girls.
“Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Eddie.”
Eddie’s eyes practically bulged out of his head when he realized what Steve was doing.
“Ew, a boyfriend?” James, already back to his previous attitude, curled his lip up in disgust.
He looked so like Steve sometimes, it was alarming. If they were out running errands together, people often assumed he was his son.
“James! Watch your tone!” Anne said as she reached out a hand to shake Eddie’s. “It’s lovely to meet you, Eddie. I assume you’re the one who helped carry Steve to safety?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“So polite. Who would’ve thought Steve found someone so nice?” Richard said with a smirk and a wink at Steve.
“Are you in love?” Bethany asked as she watched Eddie from her spot against Steve’s chest.
Steve could feel his face heat up, watched as Eddie’s face went red and he looked down at the floor.
“We care about each other a lot, B,” Steve replied, hoping she would drop it.
“But he saved you! Like a princess!”
Eddie let out a small laugh as he got closer to the bed and sat down on the edge.
“Well, you look like a princess, too. What’s your name?” He asked, glancing up at Steve for a moment to make sure it was okay he sat there. Steve nodded once.
“Princess Bethany? Of Loch Nora?”
Bethany looked at Anne to confirm, nodding as soon as her mom gave her a thumbs up.
Eddie stood back up, bowed, and then sat down again.
“It’s an honor to be in your presence, your highness.”
“Are you a knight?” she asked as she scooted away from Steve’s chest and off his lap, climbing her way into Eddie’s.
Ryan was even pulling away slightly to watch what was going on.
“I wish! I haven’t been through all of my training yet. Maybe you could help me?”
“What kinda trainin’?” Bethany started playing with his hair, but Eddie didn’t stop her, wanted her to feel comfortable while Steve recovered.
“I need to learn my royal etiquette. Do you think you can show me?”
“Yes! We have lessons!”
“Great!” Eddie beamed at her. “Maybe you can give me lessons when your brother goes home?”
“Mommy! Can Eddie come play?”
“Of course. But not today. Steve has to keep resting here for a couple days and I think Eddie probably wants to be here for him.”
“Okay. I stay too?”
“No, baby. We have to let Steve rest some more. We can come back to visit tomorrow.”
Steve felt Ryan and James cling to his arms when they realized that meant they were all leaving.
“But Robin and Dustin are staying!” James was jealous. He loved spending time with Steve, thrived on being considered “mature” enough to run errands with him when their parents were busy, helping him with chores because he was the only one big enough.
Dustin was a threat to his time with Steve, even at eight he could tell.
“Actually, I passed Dustin’s mom on the way here and she was coming to get him soon to go home. He hurt his ankle and shouldn’t even be walking around right now,” Eddie said, eyes squinting in Dustin’s direction like they’d already discussed this once.
“And I have to get home to my parents so they don’t worry. Maybe you can walk me to the bus stop and keep me safe?” Robin asked, somewhat awkwardly.
She didn’t know how to talk to kids, but it was a valiant attempt.
And it seemed to work.
James perked up at the thought of helping in a big kid way.
“Oh, darling, we can drop you off at your house on our way home,” Anne said. “I’ll take you and James can walk with us so we aren’t alone. Right, James?”
James nodded vigorously.
“I’ll protect you. And then we can come back tomorrow to see if Steve’s better.”
Steve leaned down and kissed the top of Ryan’s head, smiling when he realized he fell asleep at some point during the conversation.
“He barely slept last night. I’ll carry him. Hopefully now that he’s seen you’re alive and okay he can rest,” Richard said with a sad smile.
“If you bring them all tomorrow morning, I can help them make character sheets for D&D,” Eddie suggested.
“Yes! Please, dad! Can we?” James bounced in the bed, jostling everyone a bit.
Steve hissed in pain, but tried to cover it with a smile when James looked at him with an apologetic look.
“Sure. If you promise to sleep tonight and eat breakfast in the morning, we can come back.”
“I promise!” James poked Ryan. “Ryan! Promise you’ll sleep tonight and have breakfast in the morning so we can come play D&D!”
Ryan blinked a few times, nodded, then snuggled back into Steve’s side.
As Richard and Anne worked on gathering the kids and Robin and Dustin walked out with them, Steve relaxed in the hospital bed, finally feeling most of his injuries.
He knew they would give him more pain meds if he asked, but he wanted a few minutes with Eddie first.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie said as he took his hand in his own, gently squeezing as he made himself comfortable on the side of the bed.
“Thanks for being so cool with them,” Steve let his eyes close for a moment as he took in every wound on his body.
He knew this was a close one, could tell by the way Eddie was looking at him a moment ago.
“You never told anyone else about them?”
Steve shook his head.
“Didn’t really need to. I figured they’d all meet eventually. Just never came up before.”
“Want me to get the nurse?” Eddie could tell he didn’t want to talk about it right now, so he changed the subject quickly.
“In a minute. Wanna kiss you.”
“Oh yeah? Come kiss me then.”
Steve opened one eye and started pouting.
“You come kiss me,” Steve said.
“Fine. But only because you’re hurting.”
Eddie leaned down to press his lips against Steve’s softly, a comfort as much as a promise for more when he was better.
“You’ll stay?”
“Yeah, sweetheart. Just gonna get the nurse and grab a snack from the machine down the hall and then I’m all yours for the night.”
“Can’t wait to feel better.”
“I know. Maybe next time you won’t try to be a hero, hm?”
“No, I don’t care about the pain or anything.”
“I want you to fuck me.”
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie choked. “Are you always like this or are there still some drugs in your system?”
“Dunno. Never felt like this with anyone else.”
“You’re good with them. Especially Bethany. She’s a lot. But you did good. Good for my nuggets.”
Steve was slowly losing consciousness and Eddie couldn’t help the fond smile creeping up on his face.
“They seem like good gremlins. They sure love you a lot,” Eddie whispered.
“Mhm. Love you.”
“Oh. I don’t think they know me well enough to love me yet, sweetheart, but that’s nice of you to say,” Eddie scrambled to get out, his heart flipping over in his chest at the thought that that wasn’t what Steve meant.
“No.” Steve opened his eyes, staring right at Eddie. “I do. I love you.”
It was crazy. Probably a product of his injuries, exhaustion, and drug cocktail in his system. He probably thought he loved him, but they’d only just gotten together officially.
“Eds. It’s okay. I’m just lettin’ you know how I feel. You don’t have to say it back.”
“I just. I. I think I love you too. I just don’t see how you love me.”
“‘S easy.”
Just that easy.
Like Steve would have said it whether he was in the hospital or not.
The next morning, James, Ryan, and Bethany planted themselves on Steve’s bed while Eddie explained character sheets to them.
Steve watched with a smile as all of his siblings watched Eddie in awe.
His family meant the world to him, and Eddie did too. He wanted things to always be like this.
When Eddie smiled at him over James’ shoulder a while later, he thought that maybe they would be.
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Aita for "yelling" at my teenage sister for putting earrings through the ears of my childhood stuffed animal?
🤬🐘 <- cause that was me holding them when I found out lmao
So I (22 two spirit, I was 20 when this happened) have had Ellie (Ive used He/she/they for Ellie my whole life, they never had a set gender), a stuffed realtively realistic elephant, since I was at least 3 years old. He was a plush of big Al, the elephant mascot for crimson Tide of the university of Alabama. (Roll tide?) that my dad owned but eventually it was cuddled by 3 yr old me and dragged to my room and out of his man cave (which I don't know why he had a big al plush, we're from Ohio) never to return. I think she had a jersey or hat or something at some point but she doesn't now. Considering just how cuddled Ellie was, it's a miracle how good her condition is. No rips, tears, bald patches or holes beyond the plasticy coating on one of his tusks ripping off in a few places. I wasn't super violent with my toys and never drew on them or ripped them up. The most I did was put hair ties around her ears so they'd look like pigtails.
I've had Ellie a very very long time obviously and he means a lot to me. I very rarely cuddle him now because I want him to stay in that good condition. Well, when I was 19, I moved to Maryland to be with my partner and Ellie went with me obviously. 3 or 4 times a year, me and my partner make the trip to Ohio to visit my family, about 8 hrs away. I bring Ellie because she comforts me when we're there (Alot of traumatic memories are wrapped up in childhood home). Well, one time Ellie got left behind and I was devastated. It was gonna be at least 3 months till I went back and even though my mom offered to send ellie through the mail, i was not willing to take the chance that ellie could get lost forever in said mail so i waited.
Here's the part where I mention I have a younger sister who was 14 at the time. we have a good, if not distant relationship that is a much better place now. Here's where the problem occurred. I returned home after about 3 months after accidentally leaving ellie and immediately wanted to find him once I arrived. My mom told me my sister had been watching them while I was away so I went to her room. My sister then excitedly held up Ellie to me... Ellie's big ears were absolutely littered with my sister's (real) earrings. There had to of been at least 150 piercings in her ears, if not 200. I held myself together as best I could and very sternly told her I was pissed she'd do that, she knew how much Ellie meant to me and she should never treat other people's things that way.
I make a very strong point to never insult, scream or yell or not explain why I'm angry at someone. If I get so angry I can't handle my composure, I leave and gather myself then come back. I never insulted my sister or raised my voice but I definitely hammered how disrespectful and destructive this was to something that wasn't hers as I took out her earrings one by one. My childhood stuffie did not deserve to be turned into Swiss cheese and used as an earring display. If I had done anything like that to her stuffed giraffe, her stuffie, she'd have a cow. Once they were all out I took Ellie and went to my room. Luckily, they were normal sized earrings so the holes were very small and I can't see them if I don't look for them but it felt so disrespectful.
My sister apologized pretty quickly but my mom said I didn't have to yell at her (I never raised my voice but I was clearly hiding an angry one trying to explain to her) nor should I have said it 5 times in the moment (shes exaggerating). I'll admit I repeat myself twice or thrice in the moment as a way to keep myself from raising my voice or stewing in it if I feel like i haven't properly expressed my anger or I feel like the person wasn't listening. Everything is cool now and we dont really talk about it (it's not taboo or too painful to touch, it just doesn't come up) but I wonder if I over reacted considering the holes are tiny, not super visible and I don't think my sister did it to spite me or hurt Ellie, she was just young and dumb and didn't think about how it could mess up Ellie. Should I have held my tounge since shes my sister? She was only 14 but I feel like you should know earrings can cause damage to fabric when you're 14, there's no way she didn't know that wouldn't leave tiny holes in Ellie. I just think she didn't think of them as a big deal.
What are these acronyms?
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justkennadi · 8 months
Black and Purple.
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Notes: So now i like Mr. Hitoshi. I used to reallyyy like him a couple yrs ago and ig here we r again🤭 So basically this is gonna be a mini series of mine like idk 3 posts? I don’t wanna call them chapters..
Content: Hitoshi Shinso x afab, Blk!Goth!reader
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- You were weird. You’re quirk was weird and so was the music you listen to or how you dressed which, could be blamed on your quirk.
- When you were younger, like up until kindergarten, you were really feminine and pink and peppy. Until you got your quirk.
- When you were 5 it activated for the first time. It was halloween and you dressed up as a witch. Door to door you tried to look as scary as possible. You got to your neighbors house and when she opened the door you stood and did your creepiest face knocking she was terrified of witches. Oh this would be good.
- Hmmm, it was maybe a bit too good…
- She opened the door and screamed. You and your mother were a bit taken aback..you were 5 were you really that scary?
- Turns out the neighbor saw a much more creepier version…
- You later learned that your quirk was meant to play on people’s fears and paranoia causing people to hallucinate or hear things not there. The doctor you saw called it paranoia. So that was it, your quirk was just Causing paranoia.
- Your parents had emotion related quirks too but this? It seemed….villainous.
- Your life changed that day. Kids were scared of you. Teachers too. You only got good grades even if you didn’t try on work. You could do anything and never get in trouble because if people knew what you could do to them it was over.
- You spent most of your life from that day lonely and sad. You always wanted to be a hero but this was just such an obstacle. You started getting darker..
- And this appearance change did not help your case at all.
- Anyways time skip to your UA days. Yes you got in. But not in the way you hoped.
- You were in class C.
- You we’re jealous of the lucky people in Classes A and B. But you felt if you tried hard enough you could get bumped up.
- The first few weeks of school you just sat in the back of the class. You didn’t really speak to anyone.
- However you did start to catch a certain purple hair boy staring at you often.
-One day you finally looked over at him and asked, “What do you want?”
- He shrugged and went back to doing his work.
- You knew him just a little and mostly because his quirk. Secretly you wanted to get to know him more and his quirk. But you had become so anti social you just couldn’t. He didn’t seem the type to strike up conversation either but luckily for you he was interested enough in you to try.
- “Hey.”
- You looked up from packing your backpack as class was over.
-Quirking an eyebrow you wanted to know what this guy wanted now.
- “What do you want?”
- “Careful, i’m trying to be nice here Morticia.”
- “Ok, i’m sorry, but no one talks to me out of nowhere.”
- “Interesting… I wonder why..”
- You rolled your eyes. Was he playing dumb, being sarcastic?
- “How about you? You don’t seem so popular yourself sir.”
- “No i’m not…and i think it’s because of my you know what..”
- “Same here.” You thought about this next part, “Wanna talk about it?”
- He didn’t seem like much of a talker especially about his quirk but he took interest in you so it’s only fair you do the same back.
- To your surprise he nodded. Then he added, “Only if you talk about your situation too.”
- So you two left class and walked around talking about your quirks and how it isolated you both from everyone. You talked about your get up and he talked about why he has eyebags.
- You learned you both had almost the same life, we’re night owls, had the same ambitions and loved cats.
- Before you both knew it, it was dark out.
- “Thanks for talking to me, Shinso. I haven’t said this many words since my junior high science project presentation.”
- He chuckled slightly and thank you back.
- He walked you to the street your house was at and waved goodbye.
- You never had a crush on anyone but Shinso…he evoked a whole new feeling.
- Everyday you two would talk about any and everything. It was so nice to see him open up. And surprisingly he was such a gentleman too..
- The sports festival was coming up and you really wanted to go but said nothing. You saw Shinso signing up one day and asked him about it.
- “You’re really serious about this huh?”
- He just nodded.
- “Well, i believe in you Shin..” You smiled.
- “I think you’d do pretty good out there too yknow. You should sign up. Scare some of those pros.”
- You were shocked. He really believed in you? You barely believed in yourself. You were extremely lacking in the physical department so you were nervous to go up against anyone honestly. You wondered how Shinso was so brave himself. If someone doesn’t answer him it would be over..
- “You really think so??” You asked.
- He just nodded again and handed you the pen as he walked away.
-You stares at the sign up sheet for a bit. And then you did the unthinkable.
- You wrote your name.
- The day came and you were a wreck. You didn’t even do your usual makeup and kept your face bare.
- Shinso noticed your face and patted your back. “You’ll do amazing. Even if you don’t, you tried and that’s saying something right?”
- He smiled. He was not the best motivational speaker but he helped you just a tad.
- When it was your turn you were up against some green haired boy named Izuku. He had just defeated your friend so you were a bit fired up now. You saw all he could do was flick his fingers and send waves of power out which was..odd.
- Your quirk allowed you to see people’s fears and anxieties. You quickly accessed this boy, peering into his life. You saw what he was afraid of. Failure.
- You stared into his soul as the game started and activated your quirk. He started to attack but stopped once he heard, booing?
- He started to look around and see people pointing at him and laughing and booing his name and gagging and and and.. what was happening??? He was frozen.
- Then he heard whispers in his ear. Like the most unmotivatonal things ever. The sky got darker and you started your final move. You snapped your fingers and he looked at you to see your eyes roll back to your head as you smiled your most creepiest smile ever as it started “raining” burning metors. Izuku ran out the ring in pure fear to avoid get “hit”.
- The whole time you just stood there smiling an of course the snapping your fingers part. Once Izuku was out of bounds he saw how reality finally snapped back.
- You won..
- Well you didn’t win in the end, losing to Bakugo, but you got 4th place.
- And still plenty of pros came over to you to ask you how your quirk worked and offered you internships. Even kids from Class 1-A came to talk to you. It was amazing to be seen for once. You were quite popular now in fact.
- Later you heard a voice; “See i knew you’d do great…” Shinso said after everything was over and the room you were in was empty.
- You then ran up to him and hugged him. He was shocked. He wasn’t used to touches but here you were. The most prettiest girl ever, hugging him.
-“Thank you…” You said into his chest.
- He blushed and looked away. “Don’t mention it…”
- “No, really. You just changed my fucking life dude…Thank you so much.” You said pulling back looking him in his eyes.
- He just smiled.
- You held his hand as you two left that day. Your heart filled with joy. It wouldn’t be long before He asked you out finally…😉
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More notes: anyways if y’all haven’t seen on my latest post, i started college and i work so i’m like really busy everyday, all the time. So idk the posts r gonna be kinda slow 😭👋🏾 but yeah i’m still alive, i still got my plug!connie and nerd!armin drafts but i’m saving those for when i’m really slumped and can’t put nothing out for a while so if ur waiting sorry 😵‍💫😔 also this is not proofread…
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aphroditesmoon · 10 months
sea, swallow me (part II)
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jacaerys velaryon x fem!velaryon!reader
part 3
summary: when jacaerys finally meets the hidden bastard of corlys velaryon, he loses interests in his betrothed Baela and intends to make her aunt his, but are you really what your family has made you up to be?
warnings: this fic is inspired by the movie 'song of the sea', CANON DIVERGENCE, slowburn, aged up jace (18 yrs old), reader has selective mutism (she CAN talk), reader is 5 years older than jace, selkie! reader, reader's race is NOT specified(adopted!reader), cursing, nsfw content in future chapters,typical ASOIAF sexism, typical asoiaf targcest.
a/n: if u can't swim irl its okay, me neither, thats why we have fanfics, to pretend we can.
taglist: @marytargaryen , @cdragons , @libdarkheart , @bellstwd , @dianxiaxiexie
They'd all call you a liar and a child if you'd tell them that from where you're standing right now, inside of your father's study with Rhaena, you could hear the ocean waves vividly. You could feel them splash onto the sand as clear as it sounds in your ears.
But unfortunately, the enchanting sounds of the sea had been cut short once your father started to speak. "No." A short but loud enough answer to send shivers on your skin. "It doesn't have to be long, she could sail back here after a moon-"
"You wish her to leave for a whole moon?" He asks in a storm of a voice, silencing Rhaena. "I've kept her here for her own protection. You have no idea how much we've already compromised with the feast-"
"Then why have it at all?" The younger girl snaps, out of anyone's expectation. "Why go all the way for the damn feast just to lock her up again? Do you ever intended to ever let her see outside of Driftmark?" She challeges him boldly. He is quiet.
"And what of marriage? She is two and twenty. Will you ever wed her to anyone?"
You turn your face down, avoiding looks from either of them. "Never." You hear him whisper, too low for Rhaena's ears. "You don't understand anything, you are a child. "
"I am no child, and you shall not treat me as one! What will happen once you die? Who will she have then?" Corlys slaps his hand loudly againts the desk as he gets up. "That is enough, I'll have you here no more, go pack your things like you should. My answer is final." Rhaena opens her mouth to defy him again but pauses when she feels you pulling her by her arm. You gently lead her out the room and pressed a kiss by her temple before shutting the doors close.
You walk towards Corlys the same time you hear Rhaena walks away from the chamber. Your father eyes your movements, as if scared you'd jump him. "You think me cruel." He says matter of factly. You shook your head once you're in front of him. "I think you're irrational." The man sighs loudly at the sound of your voice and slumps himself on the chair.
"I can take care of myself." He raises a brow at you. "I don't doubt it. But these men, they- what if they started asking the wrong questions? What will you say then?"
You squeezed your eyes shut in frustration. "I'll say nothing. And I'll walk away."
"That's not good enough." The wind was howling so strongly that the curtains was flowing inside from the window. "It's good enough to me! Rhaena is right, I am trapped here, I have nothing, no purpose, no one who needs me." He nears you with a sadness in his gaze. "I need you." "No you don't." You roll your eyes. "In 5 days you'll leave to sail for god knows how many moons, and I'll be left alone again- and don't say I have Rhaenys, I do not."
Your father turns quiet again before turning his back from you. "I love you, and I know more than you do of this world. Leave and never ask me of this again."
You were stunned by his conclusion. A bitter laugh spills from your throat. "You're kidding me?" He says nothing.
"I ask for this one thing. One thing, and you can't even do this for me." You move towardd the door to leave him until he calls for you again. "Wait-"
You twist your neck to look at him, cheeks wet and eyes angry. "You were gone last night. Rhaena said she couldn't find you. At the same time Baela had trouble searching for Jacaerys-" you sigh loudly. "Are you really asking me what I think you are?" Your voice was hostile and mean. "I do not wish to make assumptions-"
"Then don't. I was in my chambers, I wasn't feeling well. And as for the prince, how would I know?" That seemed a good enough answer to satisfy Corlys as he asked nothing more before you slammed his door.
A cage was what these beautiful walls are to you. Once upon a time you had thought it enough. Now, you wanted more.
♧♣︎♧ what happened that night
The night of the feast was better than the eve of it. You weren't lying when you said that you've left to your chambers. You did for a good few minutes. Before you snatched your coat and slipped through the window.
Your feet was fast and strong, a swimmer's feet, Laenor once joked. A sharp pain attacked your chest. How peaceful the night sea was when everyone is inside. You could still hear the distant music and laughing crowds. It was beautiful.
The moon felt like a mirror as you stepped one foot at a time inside the water, walking towards the giant reflective shape. You slipped the coat over yourself, and then ducked into the water, swimming further and further before sinking down.
Jacaerys was slow. His hands were quicker, a knight's strength. His father once told him. He's not sure if it's true anymore.
He had hid behind the walls of the corridor that led to your room, waiting for you to leave. When he heard no sounds, he moved toward the stone railing that gives him direct view to the ocean. He sees something huddled on the sand, something that looked like your dress. So he doesn't think twice like he usually does and makes a quick escape down to the sea.
Once he's finally down to the sands, he jogs towards what he then confirmed are your clothes.
"My lady?" He calls out to nothing. There wasn't any sight of you anywhere. If you were swimming, how far could you have gone? "A pretty bad time to swim." He mutters to himself.
Picking up your dress, he puffes it and shook the sands out before swinging it over his shoulder. I'll wait. He tells himself. No one can swim underwater for that long.
So he does. Sitting down on the sand, he lets his eyes do the roaming, trying to spot you in the clear empty sea. Little waves were all there were for a while. Until soon a minute and two passes, and even the waves are dying down, he starts to worry.
Did you drown yourself? On purpose? Is that why this whole feast was held for? A last goodbye party before you killed yourself? He jumps up and throws your your dress off before taking his thickly sown clothes along.
Jacaerys is running into the water now, he's moving as fast as he can, searching through his left and right for any signs of you. The water was reaching his waist now, he takes a deep breath and dives in. He swims slowly, eyes wide open as he searches all around him. Once his lungs feels as though they've caught fire, he gives in and rises back up, coughing out water.
"My lady?" He yells slightly, still coughing. "My lady?" He tries again louder, walking further into the sea.
His heart was beating so fast he was sure it'd jump out. She's dead at the bottom of the ocean. Because you're too late.
His fingers were clenching at his side, shaking whilst also feeling the urge to punch someone. Once his breath has recovered themselves, he stares straight at the moon, and calls out for you again.
"My lady-" "Why are you yelling?" A voice beside him shouts.
Jacaerys jolts and turns to his left, taking in the view of your head above the water on his further left. "My lady." He gasps out, a relieved sigh leaving him.You watches as his body relaxes and he starts to walk towards you.
"What are you doing? Its half past midnight." He scolds you like a child, the strangeness between you both makes it feel worse, earning him a frown from you. "What's it to you?" You snapped, backing away from him when he's close. Jacaerys almost backs away when he remembers you were naked, but halts when he sees the white material covering you. "What- did you bring a coat? To swim?" Your eyes widen and your mouth opens to defend yourself but nothing came.
"It helps me swim." You decided finally.
He stares at you as if you're crazy. "Oh my god, I was right. You were trying to kill yourself." Your frown deepens and you raise your hand to slap his bicep before swimming further from him. "Why would I do that, you idiot? And what are you doing here? Following me and making accusations, I should tell my father of your behaviour." You yell louder at him.
He's startled by the confidence in your voice, a few minutes ago, he was certain you were mute, now he's been proven wrong. "You- you can talk." He breathes out, the realization hitting him late. "Why wouldn't you talk earlier?"
You shook off strands of your wet hair off your face. "Because I don't like talking to stupid men." Jacaerys bursts out laughing, againts his better judgement. "And such blatantly rude way of talking too!" He's bewildered by his discovery of you. "You think you're so funny? We'll see who's laughing when my father hears of this."
"I thought you tried to kill yourself! And with that heavy arse coat, you probably were. Have you tire of your life so much or did Dalton Greyjoy's annoying voice made you think the only way it could disappear from your memory is by death?"
He thought he'd done it then. Jacaerys was anything but courteous as the moment, but he had to ask, the whole situation was so amusing and bizarre that he had to. But then he notices your eyes squinting together whilst the frown had disappeared, and your lips were no longer pouting, it was grinning widely.
You were laughing. In fact, he's sure you could've woken up a deadly whale by your laugh. Not for how loud it was, but for how beautiful.
He's never heard anyone laugh like a melody. He understood now the songs he heard written of sirens luring sailors to their ends. For he'd drown there and then if you'd ask him to, with the same voice. You laughed again when you saw how stupidly he was smiling at you.
You're both in the deep waters, half naked with the moon at your feets. And you wondered if anyone had even noticed your disappearence or have wines made it's effect on them. "You're shirtless." You spoke then, after you've calmed down. His cheeks pinked as he puts on an annoyed face. "I- I was going to save you." You laughed again, right on his face as you finally swam closer.
"Alright, you can stop laughing now, we need to get back." You laughed louder, receiving a sigh from the young prince who finally gave up and moved toward the dry sands.
He snatched his clothing fast before putting it back on, squintinng at your floating head as you still stayed in the water. "Come on, get dressed." He tried to tell you as strict as he could sound. "I'm not changing in front of you, squid hands." His head jolts back at the insult. Were you calling him touchy or were you insulting his hands?
"Wha- you know, just- here's the dress, alright? I'll turn around."
He did as he said as you dressed yourself quickly and started walking to the castles without saying anything. The prince chases after you once he notices you've walked off, his footsteps making a mark on the sand. "What, no more talking?" You say nothing and shoved him off until he falls onto the sand when he tries to goad you.
Your face turns to your side as you try to hide your laugh when you hear him rolling off the grounds with a loud oof. "I'll get you for that-" he yells, voice sounding distant as you scrambled to the nearest stairs to your room, away from him.
The first time you've been on a ship, was a few moons after you were claimed as Corlys' bastard. He wanted to see how you'd react to the sea. And his heart skipped when he sees how much you adored it and the ship. It was a sail to Kingslanding, you came with guards on your own, the queen's face was one so blurry, you can't recall how she looked like. But she was kind, despite the stern edge in her voice.
You were locked in a given chamber and had not seen or met anyone else besides the servants. Once time was up, you went back home with your father.
You never told him, or anyone. But being on that ship had brought back nightmares of your mother's death. Sailors were going mad that day. You were only 5, your mother and many other sea creatures had been caught by sailors. And not the usual ones.
Royal sailors.
They were more violent than the usual ones, they threw back many dead sea animals into the sea again. You presumed they weren't deemed good enough for the royalties. Your mother had disappeared for two days, she wasn't caught with the others and was instead snatched during her run from them. A singular harsh net pulled her up, and you saw the large but less noisy ship took her away from you.
When she finally came back, it was in the form of a corpse, and a woman. Her selkie coat was gone, and she had a straight line of a wound in between her chest. Dried up blood stained her along with your unseen tears.
If Corlys had known, he'd be much more insistent in seperatimg you fron the Targaryens, as it was their sigil on the ship.
But you were too young to be sure of what you'd seen, and too confused to point fingers towards anyone.
Evening had come, It was time for Rhaena to leave to Dragonstone with her family. You weren't going to send her off with your father as planned. You refuse to. That'll show him.
Dressed in your nightdress already, you groaned lowly when you heard a knock on the doors of your chambers.
You waited 10 seconds before walking up to answer it, counting with your fingers so you wouldn't seem desperate or too quick to accept your father's apology.
You almost flinch when the door opens to reveal Daemon Targaryen. He looks as confused as you are as he takes in your already sleepy appearance. "Why aren't you dressed to go yet?" You tilt your head in confusion.
"Ah." Daemon relaxes and hia knowing smirk returns to his face. "He purposely didn't tell you, that old cow. I've talked to your father, he's allowing you to come."
You continue to stare at him dumbly. Was he trying to kidnap you without your father's knowing. "I speak the truth when I tell you, he said yes. I also speak the truth when I say that the ship is leaving soon and you have barely half an hour to get dressed and packed."
Your eyes widen at the time given and spared him no thanks before you slam the door on his face and rush to your closet.
Was that all it took? A few insults (probably) from the rogue prince to get him to surrender? It didn't matter. You were leaving this box of a life, and you were going to make friends out of these people.
When the sharp memory of Jacaerys' face flashes on your mind. You took a deep breath and forced yourself to forget him. Soon enough after seeing his face on a daily, you'll tire of him. You're sure of it.
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ladystoneboobs · 6 months
when it comes to the theon/starks pov trap, so many fans just assume jon's and bran's dislike of theon must be only bc they're just smarter, better judges of character than dumbly friendly robb, even somewhow foretelling theon's later actions at wf in clash. all of them missing that the explanation for why theon was closest to robb is clearly stated in his own first pov, after we've gotten to know jon and bran.
As for their[Ned/Catelyn's] children, the younger ones had been mewling babes for most of his years at Winterfell. Only Robb and his baseborn half brother Jon Snow had been old enough to be worth his notice. -Theon I, aCoK
when you've been sent to live with an unknown family in a strange land and the only boys in that family are ~5 years younger than you, it's natural you're going to learn to ignore that age difference to socialize with the only peers available. but that doesn't mean doing the same with little babies born after your arrival with 10+yr age gaps, that's an age difference too far. jon and robb have to care for all the starklings younger than them, that's their family, but theon was never a member of that family. it's only natural to only want to hang out with your friend and not adopt their hangers-on younger siblings as yours too. idt bran or rickon can be blamed for only robb ever being brotherly toward theon (as he once retorted to maester luwin while hunting for them in the wolfswood), they're little kids, but the point is everyone was reacting in regular kid patterns. bran had no reason to warm up much to an older boy who stole robb's attention from him while having no time for bran in return. (or at least that's how he'd see it.) the notion that bran was rejecting theon from a place of moral superiority implies there was something more there to be rejected. but i think it's more likely that, had it not been for the natural results of a ~12yr age gap, if bran had been a little older or theon had been a little more willing to befriend little kids, then imo bran would have been eager to join the club with all the older boys and truly feel like "a man grown". imho, a closer reading of agot would show that this explanation was also right there in starkling pov all along.
He[Jon Snow] missed his true brothers: little Rickon, bright eyes shining as he begged for a sweet; Robb, his rival and best friend and constant companion; Bran, stubborn and curious, always wanting to follow and join in whatever Jon and Robb were doing. -Jon III, aGoT Even when he was home at Winterfell, Robb the Lord seemed to have more time for Hallis Mollen and Theon Greyjoy than he ever did for his brothers. -Bran IV, aGoT
as for theon/jon ...
The bastard was a sullen boy, quick to sense a slight, jealous of Theon's high birth and Robb's regard for him. -Theon I, aCoK
i think that jealousy for robb's regard must have been mutual, and yet we know who'd win that contest as idt robb would ever yell at jon for saving bran's life. jon had reason to envy theon's station when he was sidelined on special occassions, the same as theon envied jon's relationships with non-catelyn winterfellians. (ie, "Even the bastard Jon Snow had been accorded more honor than he had." theon had a father who was likely a miser with affection even before his wars and here's ned stark and a good part of his household treating even a bastard better than balon greyjoy treated his youngest child, almost as good as the stark heir and more welcome than the ironborn heir who should be robb's equal.) wf castle may have been huge but still not big enough for two liminal quasi-outsiders/not-quite-starks in the same official household with only so much respect, regard, and honor to go around.
there's also just a bit of a personality clash from jon's side of things. idt theon ever really knowingly or intentionally hurt jon, much less bullied him. but look at the rest of his behavior in that first theon pov chapter, casually seducing the captain's daughter and quipping about getting her pregnant, with no thought of ever seeing her again, making it unlikely he'd acknowledge, much less care for, this hypothetical greyjoy bastard. imagine how this attitude comes off to a proudly voluntary celibate teen who at least once declared he would never father a bastard. theon doesn't understand jon's baggage anymore than jon understands why theon, living under an implied threat of possible execution, might make light of beheadings. (some of their reasons for sullenness were similar but others were different enough to ensure that the wf household wasn't big enough for the both of them rather than them finding common ground.) to jon, it's all one and the same, part of theon being a selfish ass. but jon is also the same guy who later kept loving ygritte after she murdered an old man right in front of him, so it's not impossible that he could have befriended theon if they'd met later under different circumstances.
the real difference wrt the wf boys and theon is that robb was just the right mix of naturally friendly extrovert, close enough in age, and without too much baggage of his own to be theon's closest friend.
but we can also see that dislike of theon =/= distrust of theon. bran, as a little kid, is bewildered by theon's invasion of wf, not really getting what it meant that he was always ned's hostage as well as ward. jon may understand more of the background there and reiterated to himself that he never liked theon when hearing of the sack of wf, but he was still confused by the details of what he learned, thinking theon would never do that. and he was right about theon then! the boys theon killed were not bran and rickon, and it's true he would never burn and sack wf, that part was entirely ramsay. theon would emphatically never sack and burn his great war prize, which meant so much more bc he grew up there. that's so true, jon! so, far from sensing a deeper depravity in theon or always seeing him as an enemy, (which rather goes againt the false impression that theon was practically an adopted stark with reason to be equally brotherly to all ned's kids) when jon is objectively right about theon, it's actually in a positive sense, just that he was a skilled archer who wouldn't murder bran and rickon and would never sack wf. that's the jon who sees more and understands when his understanding applies to theon.
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persephone11110 · 11 months
An Angel Just Landed
Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Warnings: love at first sight trope, bar fights, mentions of alcohol, No means No!,douchy men,reader almost gets badly hurt, hurt/comfort, soft/protective bradley bradshaw, Jake“Ride or Die” Seresin,curse words
Summary: The one time you branch out and feel confident enough to be in a public place a drunk digusting man almost ruins it. A tall man wearing a hawaiian shirt in the middle of winter protects you.
How Y/n L/n and Bradley Bradshaw meet and fall in love with eachother.
This apart of the FALLEN ANGEL Series
the fic where Bradley calls Y/n—angel for the first time.
AN: also if you the saw the title Touched By An Angel- it was meant for this fic by i changed it
also yes jake is in here but i making them friends so its set 3-5 yrs before tpg.m
This is what happens when you go out your comfort zone. The hard deck was swarmed for what had been over fifty people, you didn’t know what your were thinking. You barely did well around one person and with people you knew— this a disaster waiting to happen.
It’s not like you didn’t know what do expect in one of California most visited bar—but damn this alot of people. Brown uniforms all over the place, some of them in plain clothes—a man in a hawaiian shirt.
“In the middle of winter, I wonder what his name is—”
Someone tapped your shoulder— and you hoped it was Elea your little sister who promised to be here over twenty minutes ago. You glanced at your watch getting ready to reprimand Elea—perks of being the eldest kid your parents had.
“Elea Jayne”, The hand on your back moved and it indeed wasn’t the hand that belonged to your younger sister.
He moved infront of you, blocking the view of the hard deck doors, your chance to leave.
A well built short muscular man with brunette hair stood there with a creepy smile on his face— you could tell he been drinking alot tonight. A person smile gives away their character- and his made you feel worried and disgusted.
“Don’t leave me here alone”. When he spoke you could smell the vodka on his breathe— and of course and there was a shot of vodka in his hand.
How many shots has he had?
“I wish I could but my sister is on her way” you said–giving him a fake grin. The last thing you needed was a drunk man swinging on you tonight.
“Stay here with me and I’ll drive you home tomorrow”, He winked, his eyes wondered your body. He made you shudder— you tightened your jacket.
“She’s probably outside”, you make a weak attempt to scoot out the booth. An attempt that was shot down by him. You were hoping even in a drunken state some part of him would a been gentleman and let you go. Not happening today.
“Well if she’s here, I wouldn’t want anything happening to you—a girl like you can get seriously hurt out in the dark”, Is he looking in the mirror and talking about himself?, “B-Boys Scout Honors”, he slurred his words. His grip on your arms told you otherwise— even in a drunken state you could see his temper flaring.
You started to panic— you aren’t going home tonight.
“Please let go of me” you begged him, your arm turning red from his rough grip. In return he gave you that creepy smile again, only making you want to vomit. Before something else could happen— the tall man with the hawaiian shirt was next to you. His presence felt so calming and loving.
“Are you okay ma’am?” he asked you, giving the man who had a tight grip on your arm a violent glare.
The drunk man didn’t even give a chance to reply. “We’re fine— get out my way”.
“I’m not talking to you” he retorted.
“N-No” you stuttered out, you could see his dark brown eyes turn angry.
“I figured”. he turned back to the man.“Walk out of here on your two feet while you still have them”. He points to the door. The hawaiian shirt guy gave him a warning.
“Really Bradley?” There on a first name bases— he knows him?
“I’m not your fucking friend Lewis, you don’t get to call me by my name” Bradley bite out. “Get out”.
Lewis puff his chest out, he no longer cared about you— he dropped your hand as he gotten ready to swing at Bradley.
Lewis laughed and all you could see was his white teeth. “Fuck you Bradley”.
“I would listen to him Lewis”, a tall blonde man says with a grin on his face. “When Bradshaw makes promise— best believe he’s following through with it”. He appoarched the three of you— most likely Bradley’s backup just incase shit hits the fan.
“Thank you Jake” Bradley throws a sloppy grin his way.
“Ma’am is your arm alright?” Jake asks you, he gently holding it with his hand. “I suggest icing it when you get home”. Like Bradley his voice is soft and gentle.
Jake’s steps infront of you blocking your view of Lewis and Bradley.
You nod your head “I’m fine, thank you” you tell him.
“No problem”. he smiles at you with warmth.
Lewis cowers under Bradley’s gaze easily.“Don’t make me ruin my hand aganist your face” Bradley warns him. “Now for the last time get out or me and Jake will do it for you”.
“Fine” Lewis says, he probably saw how built Bradley and Jake were— he knew they would’ve beat the living shit out of him.
“You got her Bradshaw?” Jake asks.“Making sure dumbass knows how to follow directions”.
Bradley nodding his head. Jake leaves you both at the booth alone.
“You okay?” he asked you, Bradley could tell your were on the verge of tears. You so badly wanted to lie to him, but it didn’t feel right. You guys are walking towards his bronco.
Not after what he did for you.
“We don’t have to talk about that— whatever comes to mind”. He holding your bruised arm– inspecting it for damage. His fist clench, right now he’s itching to go and hunt dow Lewis and throw punch at him repeatedly— but your sniffle stops him.
“What do you do for a living?” he offers you a warm smile. His hand are messing with the radio as the car is stopped a red light.
Your nibbling at your lip. My job pretty boring compared to his.
“Hey, no need to be nervous if you feel uncomfortable answering you don’t have to”Bradley drops his arm over your headrest.
“I’m a ER/N at St. Adams” you answer barely above a whisper. “I’ve been working there for six years”.
“Well if I ever get hurt I’ll swing by”. His eyes you and you can’t help but look out the car window.
“Bradley—” you stopped yourself, you don’t even know his last name.
“Lieutenant Bradley Peter Bradshaw” Bradley finishes for you. You find yourself smirking at the rhyme of Bradley’s name. “Go ahead laugh Y/n”.
“I’m sorry Bradley” your giggles fill the car.
He smiles at you—“Don’t laugh alright my mom’s dad was named Bradley and my dad last name is Bradshaw”. He drums his hands on the steering wheel.
“If it makes you feel better my middle names is Helen”.
“Yours is better Y/n”. He glances at the radio station then stares at you.“Put on your favorite song”.
“Really?” you look back at him perplexed.
“Yeah I need to know your music taste”. He says—flashing that big smile of his again.
I put a spell on you.
Cause you’re mine.
Your shoulders start to bounce along with your legs.
“Blues fan I see, right after my own heart Y/n”
You and Bradley spend the car ride singing.
With everything thats happened tonight you forgot your jacket at the hard deck. You began shivering from the cold california air.
He pulls a jacket from the backseat and hands it to you.“Here—take this”.
“Thank you” you tell him.
“No problem can’t let you catch hypothermia”
“This is it Bradley Bradshaw” you start to shrug off his bomber jacket.
Bradley stops you.
“No—don’t gives me a reason too see you again Angel”.
“See ya later Bradley Bradshaw” somewhere a spark of confidence filled you and you left a note on his passenger seat.
Bradley watches you walk away….obviously for safety reasons.
“Can’t let her get away” (spoiler alert he didn’t)
“I put a spell on you”.
“Because you’re mine”.
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So, I was explaining the plot of Obey me! shall we date to @loekas​ 
And here it is:
FYI: Everyone in Obey me! is emotionally constipated as F U C K
I just know that the Obey me lovers are about to come for my soul
Lucifer- pride
Basically a total asshole and prick. He constantly overworks himself. He has threatened to kill the MC many many times. He punishes his brothers in cruel ways. ( A sadist ) To make things better though, he is hot, i’ll give him that.
Mammon- Greed
A thief, will fucking steal from you. He is the MC's best friend and fandom's favorite although he acts greedy like my little brother during Christmas so I fail to see the appeal and cry blood whenever I see smut on him bcz he acts like a spoiled 5 yr old brat who loves his mom but will never admit it. You could hold a gun to his head and force him to say it but he will not
Leviathan- Envy
What a loser, honestly. All my man does is play video games and simp over underage waifu's. ( YOU CANT TELL ME RURI HANNA IS NOT LIKE 8 ) He 10/10 has a body pillow. Also attempted to kill the MC, even though MC is his only friend ( thats sad ). A hardcore gen z and hated by a lot of the fandom. Shut in Otaku and a creepy discord mod.
Satan- Wrath
Daddy issues who?? Lucifer is his dad and he HATES when he is compared to Lucifer because spoiled brat doesn't want to be like that "ugly old man". He was created out of Lucifer's wrath when their sister died and since then everyone sees him as a replacement for their dead sister he hates it. The kind of guy who would smash random objects when angry bcz of temper tantrums. I don’t feel bad for him because??? Daddy issues??? Suck it up, Lucifer isn’t even that bad your just salty he’s hotter. Also purge that outfit rn, that's a crime to fashion.
Asmodeus- Lust
A boy but so girlypop??( No hate I love girlypop boys ) Probs fucked every human, demon and angel in existence. Gossip queen and mean girl. Never trust him with secrets, he would tell the entire school. Horny 24/7, honestly a big cheater and fuckboy. Regina George 2.0, will make fun of your outfit because he wants to look better. That pretty girl that you go to talk to but turns out she has a nasty attitude and talks shit about everyone?? Thats him. Then he gets mad when people call him ugly??? Also compliment fishing on Insta all the time.
Beel - Gluttony ( older twin )
Genuinely sweet. Himbo, super muscular?? He plays sports, that one high school jock that EVERY girl has a crush on. Crying and temper tantrums when he is hungry and not given food. Tried to eat MC when he got hungry- but he apologized to MC and now they are cool. Man child tbh
Belphegor - Sloth ( younger twin )
I bet y’all were WAITING for my opinion on this one
I hate you. Murderer, literally everyone hates him. Nobody in the fandom likes him because he actually succeeded in killing the MC but they were brought back to life by the demon king and his butler. Dangerous mf, MC forgives him though?? Once you get to know him he is just a sleepy baby that wakes up with murder on his mind lol. But then again EVERYONE tried to kill MC, he was the only one that succeeded. Ngl he is pretty bad at pretending to be a defenseless human, I didn’t fall for it but the game made me go in there anyway.
Simeon- angel
My man could rail me but he would hate me irl. Holy man, jesus is good you all are unholy. Sweet? Kind? Talented writer? Grandpa that can't learn to use devices no matter what?? Everything I need in a man. Wears a slutty outfit but acts like he is all angelic and kind. Like- ✨sinful shoulders✨
Solomon- Sorcerer
Grandpa Sol. Can’t cook to save his like, Yor Forger level but even worse. Never eat his cooking, even Beel refuses to eat that monstrosity. Makes the most annoying dad jokes ever like stfu. Sussy Baka fr fr
Luke- cute baby angel
Simeon's adopted son, MC is his role model ( much to Simeon's dismay ) bcz my MC be unholy asf. Loves baking MC sweet things ( Luke pls can I marry your dad-? ) but hates when MC flirts with his father figure ( Isn't stopping me ) He is a chiwawa as per EVERYONE. Woof woof
Barbatos - Hot butler
The demon prince's hot servant, I like the butler kind. Would probably smile while insulting the shit out of you. WIll make you regret all your life decisions. Also has time manipulation where he can look into the future and stop it from happening by turning back time. The demon prince's father figure.
Could you please take me back to when I failed my math test and help me fix it-?
Lord Diavolo- Demon Prince
Demon prince, spoiled child, himbo, MC's source of secret income. When Lucifer doesn't let the MC or brothers do something they talk Lord Diavolo into changing Lucifer's mind. Biggest sweet tooth ever. Daddy Issues 2.0. Sugar daddy material, probably has a secret relationship with Lucifer.
Mc- Human
The most insane human being to ever exist.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
He is indeed hyung of relationship lmao. Let's see some examples ?
1. JM : like JK decided I'm the maknae of the group
Why JK decided he is hyung while JM is the youngest ? When he is even so conservative about not dropping honorific with his rest hyungs.
2. JK : JM be thankful you are younger than me 😏😏😏
Or else ? What he gonna do 😭 as if you are not literally acting like his husband already
3. Also JK : Still I sometimes remind myself he's hyung
This was 🤡🤡🤡 You need a reminder JM is elder than you and your hyung and someone you should obey according to hierarchy??? Isn't it like second nature to Koreans? But you need a reminder for that ?
4. JM : grow like that and protect me (9918188 times over these years)
Which hyung is asking his 2 yr younger one to protect him ? In rest groups and pairs we see 'Hyung/Unnie projecting their maknae' while it's opposite for Jimin and Jungkook lol
5. Now how outsiders (native koreans) see them :
* "Elder one, who was tall and so handsome was taking care of younger one, who was so pretty and petite. He was blowing him his hot soup, rolling his meat and even feeding him"
* "JK is younger than Jimin but it's actually JK who takes care of Jimin more. And I feel like Jimin is getting all cute when he's with Jk"
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I have already spoken about this moment here on this post but I'm gonna bring it back because I feel like no one appreciates it enough.
Hyung JK in action. Bon voyage season 4 episode 6.
Btw this was a satellite Jimin moment. He was on the other side then went to sit between JK and Suga. Anyway. Members are done eating and are just hanging by the fire. They then start discussing where they will sleep. Jimin says while looking at JK:
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The night before he slept in the RV. So this night he wanted to sleep in the tent. Get the experience. So he turns to JK and says that 👆🏽 JK replies:
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But then Jimin is like; babe, I don't think you understand, I will be in that tent with Suga
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But JK super unbothered and very casual is like; go ahead, its cool. Sounds good
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Like I mentioned before, JK doesn't have an issue with all Yoonmin moments. And he had no problem with the sleeping in the tent together.
What gets me about this though is how Jimin is clearly asking for permission here. Because he knows how JK feels about Suga. If that wasn't the case he wouldn't have specified he would be sleeping in the tent with Suga. But he did not want to upset bae and so he wanted to make sure JK was okay with it before he did anything.
The power JK holds y'all. Yeah, Jimin is in charge always but there are moments where JK pulls his hyung card and I'm sorry but that is just so 🔥 to me. The power the Jungkonda JK holds.
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However, something else happens later that made me go ❓❓❓❓❓❓
When Hopekook go to bed Jimin comes inside the RV and hovers.
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Like dude just stands there doing nothing. Like go watch and see, he stands there for a while doing nothing as Jhope and JK settle in.
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I didn't understand why he did this. Like it could be a million things. This season Jimin really takes care of JK, pays more attention to him than usual because JK had been through alot. So it could be he was ensuring JK was settled before he left? Could it be he wasn't convinced JK was okay with the tent situation? Or, option 3 given to me by a friend, could it be that he was making sure JK was indeed sleeping with Jhope and not V who likes to cuddle people in his sleep? (We all know what happened in BV Malta when Taekook were cuddling and Jhope found them and couldn't wait to tell Jimin) Or option 4 was he there to make sure Jhope too doesn't cuddle JK in his sleep? I mean this is how Hopekook slept after all
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They could have been avoiding the sun though. But still... I was sus 🧐🧐🧐
Anyway, Jungkook oppa FTW 🙌🏽 thanks anon!
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sassyfrassboss · 10 months
'Thank you' to the anon who sent the long rant calling Harry out for being a shit dad. I absolutely agree. There is not much evidence to show he is better at raising those kids. And "raising" the kids is what's important. Not having a better rapport with them while they are toddlers.
In spare, Harry thanks his kids for allowing him to be an absent father. Most of this book was done during lockdown, on zoom and later the ghost write stayed in their guesthouse. The kids were younger than 3 yrs old. So, what is Harry's excuse for being an absent father when the rest of the world was pretty much forced to stay at home. Where was he??
If you back years you can see videos where, when the Wales kids are present, Harry is standing in the backyard making faces and scowling at them. This was before Meghan. I remember a TTC video I watched and I saw Harry and I felt I was having some sort of cognitive dissonance. Was it just me who thought he looked mean there? Why wasn't anyone commenting on it? Once I'd seen it I couldn't unsee it.
Someone who is jealous and resentful of someone else's kids can't be all than nice in the long run. He might be all fun and games now, but kids grow up. They are a lot of work. They need constant care, and they absorb a lot.
All of this epic saga we are seeing over the past 5/6 years is rooted in Harry's resentment of his family. Or rather, Harry's narcissism. Men like him arnt all that rare.
You may have come across someone like this in your own life - someone who seemingly out of the blue did something horrible but had a ready excuse of being "ensnared by a vile woman". We see this all too often in horrible cases across the world. But you think back and you realize (or find) that these men were just good at hiding it. They do not care. They are constitutionally incapable caring. They don't snap. They reveal their true colours at a convenient time. And even if convicted or exposed, their excuse forever will be something or someone else.
Harry's excuse forever will be Meghan. But some me included, who met him before will know and remember what our experience was. Mine was an intuitive feeling that he was just going through the motions but wasn't interested in bringing anything to the table. He thought everyone was beneath him. And that his presence was all that's needed. He appeared in fun in pictures and videos released but in actual reality was bored, did not participate and did not give anyone his time or attention.
I'm talking about a charity appearance btw, not personal equation in a private capacity, which I don't have with him. Just a participant at an event and earlier from what I saw at Diamond jubilee in 2012.
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toothybat · 2 years
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Cover art, Batman, Robin, Batman again, Joker, Mr. Freeze, Two-Face, Penguin, Riddler, + bonus baby jokes
Remember when the lead singer from My Chemical Romance — Gerard Way — came this close to making a Batman comic for DC?
I went through his twitter where he released all the art, and compiled all the tweets with info about it. More under the cut!
About The concept art: "Cover art to an approved DC comics proposal for a “Vertigo” Batman limited series. Never got to write it. Sadface.” “Each one took about 3 hours to produce. I would do about 2 a day. Weeks of making notes and planning though, pulling ref”
The comic proposal: “6 issues. All one word titles. First issue is “Rats” “So theres no confusion-there’s are from a comic I pitched to DC the year Gab and I won the Eisner. Drawn prior to CW or DXD, at home in LA.“
Why it never got produced: “Just got busy is all. Dan and Ian at DC were crazy supportive of the project but my life took a different turn at the time” “They wanna put it out I just never have time to write it! I think it’s been approved for 5 years haha” [5 years as of June 2013]
Batman “He has ESP, can turn into a bat, and can see into the future, but only he knows about these powers” “the inside of the cape has a massive drawing of a magical kingdom that he made up, like his version of Heaven” “He only eats rats” Bruce Wayne: “Never got around to him. He’s pretty basic, though. I guess the biggest change is his mental hospital buzz cut”
Robin “This is Dick” “He’s more subdued because he’s the only person in the book that isn’t nuts” “He even has his bird medal from BP, or should if its not on the drawing”
Joker “Joker was also the youngest character in the book, about 19. A year or two younger than Robin.” “Touch me I’m sick” “I love that he just wears little white ninja slippers!”
Mr. Freeze “I’m Mr. Freeze! I like to dress up as my dead wife in armor I sculpted out of scrap-metal from her car accident!”
Two-Face “The Two Face was supposed to get a re-do. My least fav. Outfit is great though, since he’s a cop.”
NOT PICTURED Alfred “...he’s the leader of the Order of Hecate. Homeless knights that live under Gotham, who adopt Batman at 30 yrs old” “But whatevs, I suppose he could just be a butler and everyone could show up to work wearing the same clothes for 50 years.”
Catwoman and Harley Quinn “There was no Harley in the book. And Catwoman was very strange.” “Can’t find the Catwoman but let’s just say she’s very “Grey Gardens””
DC also released some Batman and Joker figurines based on these designs!
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cottoncandysprite · 1 year
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The way I'm making myself sad about a character that doesn't even exist
(More info about my hcs under the cut)
If you haven't seen my previous posts about my Nandor headcanons, here's a quick rundown on Ziba in particular:
She's Nandor's half sister, only 11 months younger than him
Nandor was seen as the runt out of his brothers (he has two older ones, Heydar (2 yrs older) and Firouz (5 yrs older)), and Ziba was his only confidant for most of his childhood
She fostered his love of animals, often joining him to visit the stables. She most likely named or inspired the name for John/Jahan.
She was a storyteller, and would comfort Nandor when his brothers were mean to him by telling a story where their brothers were the villains and Nandor was a brave hero.
When she was 15, a few months after Nandor was sent to join the army but before he would eventually ascend due to circumstance, she was married off. Nandor never saw her again.
Nandor tried searching for her when he was turned, to no avail. He could only assume she was long dead.
When Guillermo finds out about Ziba and sees that Nandor wants to forget about her, he hangs her portrait up in Nandor's room right next to one of Nandor's. Nandor is annoyed for a moment, then lets it be, and finally accepts that he should honor her memory instead of burying it.
So yeah. Sobbing over a nonexistent character.
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crack-canon · 1 year
Saiki K Headcanon: Parents
I may have forgotten some information that is canon in the anime
It’s the whole main cast so LONG READ
- The Saiki’s have a loving mother and father, albeit a chaotic ass household
Kusuo picked up his sweet tooth from Kuniharu most definitely
Kusuke has one too he’s better at hiding it
Kusuke isn’t quite aware of it but he got into building because he was helping his dad build gundam figures when he was younger before he got obsessed trying to beat Kusuo
The parents are a bit dense but they love their children unconditionally. Kurumi (mom) probably isn’t even aware that her eldest son is incestual fuck or because Kusuo never said anything about it because he always seemed to have a handle on it
Kurumi dug herself into bit of a hole when Kuriko pulled up to pick up their mom
Kurumi lied and said that Kusuo and Kuriko were twins
- Shun’s mother is strict and the father is there but unknown and it’s mentioned at some point that they travel a lot or at least busy with work
I like to think Shun’s mom is a total tsundere to her husband while the dad is happy and easygoing. She always gets angry and blushy whenever the husband compliments them or stares a little too long with a loving look in the eyes
Shun’s mom has heat seeking slippers
The dad tries to be there as often as possible for his kids despite his travels. He always makes sure to spend an hour on FaceTime during important events he can’t be in person
The dad has the spikey blue hair similar to Shun but he keeps it combed down save for the annoying cowlicks
Mrs. Kaidou is pushy on her children with academics because she doesn’t want to them to slack behind like she did in college
Shun came out to his dad first
Kaidou’s dad is fascinated with ferries and often takes them for work so whenever he has time off, he likes to take the kids on ferries he’s members for (let’s just say that exists). Shun and Toki love exploring ferries but they easily get seasick
The dad is one of those silent Japanese vloggers. He started his vlogging when Shun was just 5 and came crying to his dad about how long he’s always away. He uploaded them so Shun can know and see how his dad’s long travels are going. He uses English subtitles so his son can practice his foreign language young “in case he runs into troublesome tourists”
He just kinda so happened to grow a following but he only keeps uploading with his children in mind. He blogs the hotels and dinners he has and tries to edit upload them the next day so it’s “still fresh”
Shun still watches his dad’s vlogs as 16-17 yr old
- Saiko has his dad but I like to think that dude makes terrible choices in women and has like a sugar baby. Saiko is very against the idea of this woman who’s half his dad’s age being called his new mom
“HOW CAN SOMEONE DATE WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE?! I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE!!” “Maybe they like him for their personality?” “Sure! Yeah! The personality of ‘The rich are better than than poor’”
Metori sees his nanny and butlers more as parental figures
Metori’s hair is not natural. It’s dyed
He also doesn’t know anything about his mom other than she was most likely just another lady that came Mr. Saiko bedded on some drunk night
- Teruhashi’s parents are also unknown but I like to think they’re just as famous and are just constantly traveling. What neglectful ass parents (especially when they’re son is trying to commit incest)
The dad’s probably like some CEO while the mom’s a supermodel or maybe an actor
They too have stunning auras but can turn it on and off for their own convenience
Both their hairs were turned blue when Saiki changed the world (alongside the children). The dad’s probably foxy and like mid 40 while the mom is like 35. They met late
- I like to think Toritsuka is an orphan who was adopted by a monk from their brother who didn’t want them
Not much to say about the monks. They tried their best …
They loved him unconditionally and still do care for him but they vocally detest his perverted manners
Toritsuka has many dads (not in the gay way) but one specific monk who will be number one dad to him that he goes to when stressed about life problems (not the girl kind)
The monk always intimate the hug with Reita because he’s became a little too paranoid that some people might be ghosts and he doesn’t want to deal with that crushing realization again like his grandma and grandpa. “You’re real…” “it’s alright Reita. I’m here with you my boy”
- Akechi also comes from a loving but divorced home, albeit one that’s on the quiet side so he chatters off to make up for it since his family doesn’t talk often
I like to think, one of his parents is near-deaf and can barely hear their son but they nod along anyway
They’re all probably into puzzles
One parent is a historian consultant while the other works in a forensic lab
He probably has an older sister that’s already an adult
Even though they’re divorced, the parents decided to keep living together since it was easier than splitting up (money wise). They own a home and one small bare minimum apartment for when the other needs time away
They moved houses upon the divorce into a 3 bedroom home where the office was converted into a fourth bedroom for whenever their daughter comes home to visit. They sleep in their own rooms
Akechi knows how to cook due to late nights and often than not, makes dinner for his family. Most of the time it comes out just a little burnt because he gets distracted. That’s when his mom will come in and cook with him which he finds comfort in
- Rifuta comes from a troubled home where they argue late into the night probably about shifts and bad habits. She has a 7yr rude ass brother after the parents thought having another kid would rekindle their relationship. She stays over at Teruhashi’s home often
This also so happens to protect Kokomi from Makoto
Her dad is a generic office worker with a smoking problem that’s taking a toll on his health
Her mother is vain and has an alcohol and shopping problem. Probably cheating and got with Saiko’s dad
- Aiura comes from a loving home just like Akechi and Saiki and probably has like 3 siblings (1 older brother and young twins)
The father is a foreigner and runs a foreign restaurant. They mostly attract tourists but that’s alright (His intentions were to introduce his food to Japan)
The mother works as a writer for a newspaper and on the side does crystal readings which just like Mikoto are accurate
They may believe in crystals and naturalist stuff but they aren’t stupid. They’re going to vaccinate their kids and give them medication when teas and herbs don’t work
The dad is naturally dusty blonde. Mikoto was unfortunate to get her mom’s straight black hair
- Chiyo comes from a decent family and is an only child. The marriage was arranged
Her mom is a plus-sized model and adores her daughter
The dad really tries but he’s a tad emotionally distant. He hasn’t fallen out of love or anything, he’s just bad with expressing things and a repressed asexual. Had sex out of social norm obligations
The dad probably works some small governmental job
Mom knows this- well they know of the bad at expressing stuff things and don’t honestly mind. She can tell he still cares with how close they sleep together at night. She’s the big spoon
- Mera’s is a father and mother who both couldn’t finish high school due to financial issues. Their parents (Mera’s grandparents) were fucked over by some black company and have been struggling since then
Father struggles to find work after he was reunited with his family
On top of Chisato having to work multiple jobs just to feed her family
They all live in one small cramped house that was owned by the grandparents (who are still living). Probably one of em old homes that gets cramped between two modern homes as the neighborhood changes
- Aren’s family is weird but well-meaning. We know they are ex-gang members now and only saw the dad. They quit their gangs when Aren was born
they most definitely opened up centers for troubled youth and safe buildings for women and men where they hire ex gang members looking for work
Aren eventually comes to volunteer at the troubled youth center
Sure they made mistakes like not stopping Aren from becoming a gang member but they’re doing their best to adjust to a “goody goody” life
It’s more funny thinking Aren’s mom is short cute woman who always wears a pleasant look on her face but turns into a demon when threatened or approached wrong. She’s scarier than Aren’s dad. Both son and dad are scared at that side of her and are quick to deep bow and apologize
Not like loli height but more like Manami Aiba proportions from My Hero or just a bit taller. Wiki says she’s like 3’7. Maybe like 4’5
The mom is most definitely the one with the purple hair. Probably a soft lilac that’s in a bob that covers one eye in a cute fashion
She’s powerful and can break shins with a kick
Rean (the dad) and the mom probably met at a gang war and they began fighting. It was a harsh start but they were both evenly matched with the mom having the slight advantage due to her speed and size but Rean had incredible reflexes
The Mom’s name is probably Areina or something close since Rean is literally just Aren spelled different. But also Arrietty sounds adorable
The dad is the one who cooks the most and taught Aren to cook also in case they were ever late home
- We already know Nendou Midori had a kid young with Riki’s father (Takeuchi Riki) and then married then divorced Chouno (Nakanishi Kouta) at some point
Chouno probably eventually cleaned up his act and horrid spending habits sometime after Nendou and the cast graduate and eventually remarried Midori
Chouno is still a magician but he settles for doing small party gigs when he can between his big acts
Someone once hired him as a support magician when getting fired
They all mourned the eventual passing of hat dove
Midori did amazing raising Riki on her own
She also doesn’t really hide the fact that she smokes from her own son
Midori is a STRONG woman and probably helps out the other moms with moving stuff, mostly Kurumi and Mrs. Kaidou since they do house wife chores (plus she’s the closest with them)
- I kinda want Hairo’s family life to reflect Nendou’s by only having a single father
His mom probably died when he was 7-8, just enough time to impart wisdom and instill the dedication we see in Hairo now
The mom was loving and extremely active until they got too sick and tired easily. She was probably a tennis player
I can see the mom being an Olympic athlete in Women’s tennis on top of other normal tennis tournaments
His dad never bothered to remarry after her death. Hairo had attempted to get his dad back into dating with his usual shouting and cheering at 13 and they went along with it before they couldn’t anymore and sat Hairo down and told them he was just fine being a widow. His wife lived on through Kineshi and just watching him grow up into the kid she wanted him to be is enough for him
Mr. Hairo is a soft spoken introverted man while his wife was the boisterous one that dragged him around to sports events
Mr. Hairo is probably some big league coach guy
He encourages Kineshi to express his words and not be afraid to show what other guys might call “womanly” emotions
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