#idk what invader zim even is lol
73647e · 1 year
dps supernatural au where it actually is shitty as fuck and is so far from supernatural and is essentially just the poets as the mystery gang from scooby doo but it's actual ghosts and demons that they're fighting and not just people pretending to be creatures of the night. oh, and anderperry obviously.
no cause it would be so funny to me if todd's family were hunters, and he was essentially raised into it, with his brother jeff. as they got older and did more respective hunting, he met all sorts of people on his travels. other hunters, the kids of other hunters, etc. he has like a network by the time he went off on his own. jeff, who the family golden boy, went off to college instead, leaving todd to hunt on his own. he spends time with his friends, hunting with them, hunting alone, everything. then the whole dragged-to-hell-saved-by-an-angel thing happens in the same way that it did in the show (idk why todd would’ve gotten dragged down there, like what he would make a deal for his soul for but whatever. semantics). but that’s where neil comes in. and then yk,, they fall in love blah blah idk gay people are so funky and i’m in a weird mood
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pichupurin · 2 months
Was zim hormonal while pregnant with the smeets? How did they even find out about them?
I mean, how would you even TELL if someone like him was hormonal? I think he stayed pretty much the same. Aside from the occasional (and initially inexplicable) nest building in randomass places, like behind the computers, inside a hole in the sofa, any place there's a corner... I personally don't think he would act much different lol still scheming, still screaming.
As for how they found out, well, in the comic I wanted to make (and this is a rough summary), Zim was trying to get some maintenance done on the PAK but it refused to dislodge from him. In a normal state they can go without the PAK for a few minutes, but with 8 little monsters eating up resources, the PAK read its host's status as life threatening and initiated an emergency protocol which put it into a hyperstate of preservation... or something or nother, lollll so sorry this sounded so cool when I thought of it like 3 years ago :(
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cas-ettetape · 4 months
I'm sorry to say it folks. But Vaggie Hazbin Hotel is Cas who won
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juleteinthrum · 1 year
Zasr? Zadr? Zatr? Is it not enough to be a gay little bug
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fawfulydoo · 8 months
Last night I had a dream about an unknown irken medical student. I don't know what her name was but she looked like this (on the right is a hypothetical uniform she could wear, but she only appeared in her regular irken outfit)
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She was observing an autopsy (?) and the main teacher guy went into the idea of irken death. Apparently, after death, the mind keeps going inside the body, even though the body has died. Idk it wasn't exactly elaborated on. And ALSO, Zim was mentioned briefly. There is this procedure that can be done post death that can let the body continue to live, and Zim had refused it or something. He didn't die, just didn't like the idea of it (oddly out of character? you'd think this guy would want to live forever).
If I come up with a name or have another dream that elaborates on any of this I'll update this post but for now that's pretty much it. I was not expecting to have a fucked up invader zim dream like a week after I get hyperfixated but here we are lol
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xx-slug-xx · 11 months
Slug | He/They | 22
Hey, welcome to my stupid side blog! If you’ve been on proship tumblr within the past year, then you probably know me as that guy who was making a paper on proshipping! I’m not doing that anymore lol but I’m still here!
Here to talk about proship stuff and my other views on things, fandom-related or otherwise! I’m pretty open minded about things, and I love a good discussion!
I’ll be talking about a lot of topics that could trigger people, but I always try to provide a tw on the posts that discuss those things! I also try to tag things appropriately so people can avoid my posts! Feel free to block me if you would like, I really don’t mind if you don’t want to see my content!
Things About Me
OSDD1b system
LGBTQ+ (aegosexual, biromantic, nb, trans masc)
Pro kink (even the scary ones! Pet play, abdl, ddlg/ddlb, and the like are all fine and cool as long as it’s with consenting adults!)
Para neutral (big three is NON CONTACT but I don’t care what gets you off if you aren’t hurting people lol)
Radinclus (not radqueer though)
Comship, but most of my ships are pretty basic lol
Self ship (ask me about my f/os IF YOU DARE)
I hate the government (all of them)
Proship in the way I’m 100% anti censorship, but I personally don’t like certain types of fictional content and I’m against harassment if it purely involves opinions over fiction.
Fiction can affect reality, but fiction affects everyone differently. Fiction should never be taken at face value. Some people just lack critical thinking skills and they let fiction affect them in a way that dictates their real life morals, or the other way around :/
Fandoms I Like To Talk About Sometimes
Listed, top to bottom, from most to least relevant btw lol
Homestuck AND Beyond Canon
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Undertale Yellow
Steven Universe
South Park (not in the fandom, but used to be lol and I still enjoy it)
Invader Zim
I like a lot of things though, feel free to share your interests if ya want :D
People I don’t really like
Not a dni, but serves a similar purpose of expressing who I don’t agree with. Not all of these people are disliked equally, some are disliked more than others. And I may not even dislike people in this category at all, as I may just be uncomfortable and that’s it. Y’all can interact all you want, but I won’t agree with you when it comes to certain things in this list lol
Self harm community (is there a name for it? Idk)
Anti mogai/xeno gender/neo pronoun
LGBTQ+ exclusionist
Anti ace-spec
Pro harassment
Endogenic systems (I don’t hate y’all, I promise. I’m just a traumagenic system and it makes me uncomfortable)
Anti shippers (depends on how you personally define that term though lol)
Anti recovery
Anti kink/sex negative
Pro contact para/supporter
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1nvad3rz1m · 1 year
The funny thing is that I expected zagr to be most popular ship in the fandom, when I joined, because "my enemy's sister", "my brother's enemy" and I thought zadr was gonna be some underground crackship or something. I mean I wasn't exactly wrong with zagr, because from what I've seen it was the most popular for a while in the past, but zadr ended up overtaking later? Correct me if I'm wrong.
I was also suprised by the ship discourse, because Zim wouldn't have a healthy relationship with anybody as he is now, he needs a LOT of therapy/development, to get even remotely close, which people can write for any ship, so I didn't get why some shippers acted like they were allowed to give Zim development/be out of character/just ignore huge parts of his character to make the ship work (like his hatred for humanity, and every other species that isn't Irken, like it doesn't matter how old you think he is, he still views them as below him, or how he is infamous within his own kind for a good reason and he treats them disposable if that's what benefits him at the moment), but saying people with their notps can't do that. Like I expected that while the community having different ship-preferences, but they stick together, because they all go against the canon of the least romancy show in existense, but I guess nope. I have seen somebody defending this by saying that: "Well my ships are not as bad as the other ships." From whose perspective? Because everybody has a different idea about that. Even if they are right, that's what it sounds like to me:
Mom: "I can't believe you got a D!"
Kid: "But mooooooom, other people got an F!"
Like I can't take this argument seriously, and I'm not sorry about it.
zagr is/was really popular but tbh i think zadrs always been top dog in terms of like...long term dedication i tried looking at google analytics but since the terms are so vague im not sure hoooow reliable they are
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blue is zadr red is zagr dating back to 2004. i guess youre not wrong though but idk if zadr really took over so much as zagr ended up dying out. this is also only 2004 and on though so make of that what you will. something to note about zagr is that im willing to wage a guess that it was everyones first introduction to invader zim (a lot of old zagr art is based on old emo/goth/scene aesthetics of the time) leading to it being searched more but thats just a theory. zadr outranks zagr by about 10k deviations on deviantart but that could still be credited to zagr just...dying out over time. idk!
as for the zim thing i think its less so zim being unhealthy and moreso the age debacle when jhonen decided to come and gunk up long cemented fandom interpretation for...some reason. though i do think thats a part of it because when silly discourse was happening people tried to alternatively ship dib with other like-aged humans (torque, dipper, etc etc) and it was very sanitized...undiblike. it was somewhat related to the overall fucked-up-ness of zadr but mostly the age lol.
there was a definite air of hypocrisy about what was acceptable and what wasnt because during this like..drama people tried to promote membrane and zim instead all the while membrane fully believed zim was one of dibs school aged friends so IDK it was a weird time to be here!!
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zims-left-antenna · 4 months
HI !!!! :D
(this is gonna be a short "about" post xP)
hi ! im ninikins !! (she\her) and this is my personal blog, where you'll find fandom stuff, memes, my rambles, and idk what else ! i dont even know !
im an artist !! my art blog is @w4fflerapt0r (and formerly @chocolate-cake-and-waffles). i also post my art on instagram as _ninikins_
other things i like are:
WAFFLES !!!!!!!!!! and just food in general !! yum :P
languages !! currently im studying C1 English !! and i plan to learn more !! (also im a native spanish speaker !)
i also am learning to code websites and its starting to grow on me !
videogames !!! and cartoons !!!!! I LOVE ART especially when it sillay
MUSICAL THEATERRR !! :D (I watched Hamilton on Disney+ and heathers on youtube,, and I wanna watch more !!)
old technology !!!
also I like some scene stuff like skelanimals, so so happy, kandi bracelets (and the rubber bands ones too),,
frutiger aero is sooooo nice, I luv it :3
FASHION !!!!! like, I'm not soo into it nor do I know all about it, but I think it's neat that there r so many genres (?), and outfit combos I wanna try out too
fandoms that im sure ill always be in:
club penguin
super mario (yes this includes everything !! especially the mario & luigi series cuz it's my fav !! didn't finish all the games thoo)
invader zim (maybe its too soon to say that lol but !! i think i see myself still being here)
ace attorney (didn't finish the second game YET ! I'm trying to avoid spoilers lol)
i play club penguin journey from time to time, u can find me there as "nakota" !
other fandoms !! or actually just things I also like lol (this may be subject to change and also may be "dormant", like for a while I'm not super into them and then one day I get SUPER into them for a while and repeat):
MLP !! (luv ponies, they're cute !!)
ghost trick (didn't finish the game yet but it's so COOL !!)
pokémon and pokemon special :D (im on the start of the ruby arc)
eddsworld !
super smash bros
animal crossing
danganronpa but like only the first game + nagito komaeda xD
undertale and deltarune !!!!
geometry dash XD not really but I wanna keep up w the game sometimes + it's funn
brooklyn 99
the good place (im on season 3 !! i think..)
lemon demon
do old technology and operating systems...have fandoms.......pls XD i don't know everything about em but i think they're neat, especially OSes and their designs and sounds :D :P
spongebob is neat too :D not into it but I like watching it when i remember XD
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emeraldspiral · 5 months
Are Invader Zim characters "likable"? According to this vid a character must have 5 of these 9 traits to be "likable".
Unfair injury
In danger
Loved/loves others
Hard working
I'd say Zim isn't really courageous because when he's not overcome with anxiety it seems like he just doesn't realize he's in danger, rather than that he's overcoming his fears. He brings most of his injuries on himself. Although generally incompetent, he does have some genuine skill that makes you root for him in episodes like Planet Jackers and Plague of Babies. He's funny, but definitely not nice. He is in danger a lot. He loves no one and is hated by all. Part of what makes him so incompetent is that he half-asses his actual mission despite his obsession and only puts his whole pussy into inconsequential dick-measuring contests with Dib.
GIR isn't notably courageous, doesn't really suffer injuries, and has no skill. He is the king of LOL RANDOM humor though. He's not really nice as much as not actively malicious. If he's in danger, he doesn't really acknowledge it much. He's passionate about food, toys, and random animals he picks up, but IDK if you'd call that "love" and Zim never hesitates to tell him how much he sucks and prefers Minimoose. He's certainly not hard working and too flighty to really be obsessed.
Dib is certainly courageous and does suffer a lot of unfair injuries, is skilled and funny, but not really nice, is in danger a lot, loves and is loved by his family, works hard, and is most definitely obsessed.
Gaz has courage but is rarely harmed in any sort of way. She is possibly the most skilled character on the show. I don't know if I'd call Gaz funny, per say. Her deadpan jokes and over-the-top horror-movie slasher reactions to minor slights can be pretty funny, but she's generally more of a straight-man character. She's not the one suffering comic injuries or embarrassment or doing wacky goofy things most of the time. She is most certainly not nice and pretty much never in danger. She does love her dad and Dib and Membrane do love her. She doesn't seem to expend much effort when she goes after people like Dib or Iggins for revenge, most of the time it just seems like everything comes easy to her, but I think it does come across that she does actually work hard to be good at the games she's so obsessed with.
Membrane isn't afraid of facing down a robot army because he's OP and he knows it, but when something actually terrifies him he'd rather go into hard-core denial than accept it, so I would say he's not courageous. He never really gets injured but he is skilled and funny. He may be the world's greatest humanitarian, but he's quite rude and condescending to people, especially his own son, whenever he thinks they're wrong about something, so not nice. He's only been in danger one time. His kids love him, even if he doesn't deserve it, and he does love them, even if he's bad at showing it. He does work hard and is obsessed with his work.
Almighty Tallest: They're not brave, no injury they suffer isn't deserved, their only qualifications for leadership are being tall. They are funny though. They are not nice, were only ever in danger twice and the second time only because of their own stupidity. They love no one and the love they received from their subjects is compulsory with no genuine loyalty. They're lazy SOBs and they lack the ambition or passion to form any obsessions.
So to Recap:
Zim is skilled, funny, in danger, and obsessed. 4/9
GIR is only funny. 1/9
Dib is courageous, unfairly injured, skilled, funny, in danger, loved/loves others, hard working, and obsessed. 8/9
Gaz is courageous, skilled, loved/loves others, hard working, and obsessed. 5/9
Membrane is skilled, funny, loved/loves others, hard working, and obsessed. 5/9
The Tallest are just funny. 1/9
So by this logic Dib should be the most likeable by a long shot, Gaz and Membrane only barely pass, Zim fails to clear the bar, and GIR and the Tallest should be absolutely detested.
So yeah, I'm thinking whoever came up with this is full of shit. GIR is living proof that funny is all you really need.
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r0tt3n-corpse · 2 months
First post! Uhhh so I’m a writer 👍
That’s basically it. I write. Thats what I’ll probably be doing on here 💀
I’ll write stuff like short stories, x reader content, and whatever else I feel like (I’ll probably go more into detail on another post)
I’m always up for people to request me things but I cannot in any way guarantee to fulfill the request. I still have a life, after all! That being said, my life’s pretty boring, so request away until further notice!
Here are some fandoms I’m in:
Trolls (The movies)
Series of Unfortunate Events (Books, haven’t yet watched the movies)
Smiling Friends
Invader Zim
House Hunted
The StanleyParable
Fran Bow
Little Nightmares
Stardew Valley
Lilo and Stitch (idk if that even has a fandom, I just love the movies)
So… yeah! There’s some other stuff I like, but those are the main ones for now. Warning though if you’re wanting to request, I’m a yapper as you can probably tell. So my writings usually aren’t short lol
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wc-confessions · 1 year
idk much about lockandkeyhyena or whatever, the art sorta rang a bell. Buuut whats with the anon continually bringing up “bad stuff” that feels flimsy at best?? Bruh why are you trying so hard. Feels like they’re trying to do something. Cool your jets bro, ur coming off super obvious LOL
someone made a mini callout post and he acknowledged it. while i understand being upset about the bi lesbian thing with its history etc (although i dont find it rlly serious enough to include in the same category with stuff like endorsing pedophilia. then esp since his stance is p just over with arguing which i completely get.), the remainder of the doc is just a huge reach. since yk you can't expect someone to know everything and everyone in this fandom heck i didnt even know some of the biggest artists on here were pedos and whatever until i made this blog. liking a post doesnt. really mean anything esp since no one wouldve known from those pics alone the person was a creep. idrk what to say abotu the invader zim stuff tho lol bc i dont know the context of tht pic (and vasquez has said zim is not a child and i saw tht was him so ig its not too much of a deal?)
but like anyway this person is like what a year or two behind me and i find it so weird full adults are so desperate to make them out to be a bad, problematic person. without knowing anything abt him or the story. i dont think that should be done to anyone esp not like some random teen on the internet. i feel like adults on here, if they're concerned, should talk to kids regarding these things instead of treating it like a kid is automatically never capable of change. its just weird behaviour af yeah. like i dont expect ppl to play parent but at least be a better figure to younger fans. but what can you expect from this fandom
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Tagged by @cityofdiangelo
What book are you currently reading?
The Stand by Stephen King, my ant got it for me for Christmas
What do you usually wear?
Random t-shirts and jeans, or that one skeleton hoodie I love so much
How tall are you?
What’s your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
Aires, and no not really, at least not anything I’m interested in
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
Just my name, except a few family members that have called me Banana since I was a kid
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?
Lol nope. I wanted to be a rockstar but mom quickly squashed all my hopes and dreams before I was a teenager.
What’s something you’re good at and something you’re bad at?
Uh I’m good at making kandi bracelets, and bad at literally everything else, but if you want specific, when I’m reading something new I’m really bad at imagining the surroundings of a scene or what the characters look like or talk like. I’m still struggling with this on The Stand. It was worse when I was younger, I’ve gotten a little better at imaging the scene and characters (mostly thanks to PJO and hunger games, I’ve read them so many times I can play them like a movie in my head without even looking at the books )
If you draw/write/or create in any way, what’s you’re favorite picture/favorite lime/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
I don’t know about this year, but my thing that I’ve created so far is song lyrics and a melody I made “loosely” based on Percabeth. Also really love a few of the kandi bracelets I made with band names.
Dogs or cats?
I really love both but I’ve only ever had dogs because growing up my parents didn’t want to deal with the kitty litter box thing also my ant found out a few years ago she’s allergic to cats and she comes over a lot so
What’s something you would like to create content for?
PJO, Hinger Games, Invader Zim, Umbrella Academy, Killjoys, would also love to start writing songs again but I don’t have much motivation these days.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
The Stand right now, always been obsessed with PJO and HG and music, the entire Ju Ju album by Siouxsie and the Banshees right now
What’s something you were exited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Disappointed in myself for not having my drivers license yet I’ve been learning how to drive for three years now. Hopefully get it in 2023.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
Uh I don’t have many talents at all much less hidden ones so idk
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
A back and legs and shoulder and a neck and a head that do not hurt, and some hot chocolate and tiny marshmallows
@allium218 @three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat @my-apollo-gies @italian-wall-lizard @burning-moths @the-ghost-king
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f4gbutchdyketwink · 6 months
hello here is an about me!
my blog is 18+ only! minors don't interact!
my commissions are open! click this link!!!
I'm 24, my pronouns are anything except she but it/xe/he are my faves rn. I'm a guy in a twink way and a girl in a butch way 💖 I'm polyamorous and I love my wife and my boyfriend very much!!!
I'm probably autistic, got some kinda anxiety disorder, fuck knows what else. I'm also chronically ill and probably disabled at this point but I feel weird about claiming that label so idk. Likely ehlers danlos and/or lupus 🤪
ex Christian and kind of baby witch but I don't do witchy stuff often, it's more of a state of mind for me I guess
stuff I'll probably blog about:
special interests: Half Life (whole series but especially half life 2), dragons
hyperfixations: dungeons and dragons, Moominvalley (90s anime), hyperpop, Skyrim, homestuck
other interests: arts & crafts, emo/scene fashion, harajuku & kawaii fashion (especially decora and ouji), invader zim, dungeons and dragons
I mostly just reblog memes, shit posts, and helpful things/social justice posts but I will post about my interests or art every once in a while lmao
I'm also almost exclusively a mobile user lol
I will be posting NSFW here but I'll definitely tag it as such. I try to tag common triggers but I won't be able to tag everything so be careful. if we're friends/moots and you have a specific trigger lmk and I'll make sure to tag it, but I'm not really able to spend that energy on strangers so take care of yourself even if it means not following me. I don't mean this to be mean, but I only have so many spoons to remember what I need to tag.
I'm neither proship nor antiship. Thought crimes are not a thing but you also need to be responsible about how you conduct yourself online as the media you create and interact with affects real people whether that's your intention or not.
my only hard DNI is minors. if you're under 18 go away. other than that just don't be a creep or a bigot and we're cool.
I highly recommend NOT listing what you need trigger tagged publicly, you're telling random strangers how to trigger you!!! not everyone online has your best intentions in mind!
MY TAGS: maybe this will help me remember to actually tag my shit
half life: #im a simple man I see half life I hit reblog #im a simple man I see halflife I hit reblog
selfies: #my face
my art: #spero creates
OCs: #Sparkz the dragon, #Ruthless the Tiefling, #Invader Bit, #Alto the Tiefling
nsfw tags: #nsfw #nsfw image #nsfw text #lewd #lewd text #lewd image #artistic nudity
queue: #quwu
general thoughts: #spero live
other: #art ref #helpful #witchy #vent #vent in tags #wifecore #bfcore
potentially triggering posts will be tagged with CW or TW before the trigger itself. for example: #CW bugs #TW abuse
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homocidal-invader · 9 months
Zadr, Zagr, Tagr, Datr some classics
Ship meme here!
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Making me think there are better templates 🤔 BUT WE'RE DOING THIS ONE.
Fanon is fine it's just so popular that there's bound to be many people that make interpretations I dislike. AUs are good and all I just can't stand when people make them nothing but fluff and they call each other pet names XD I'M HERE FOR DRAMA DAMN YOU
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Possibly poisoned by the fact that most of my exposer is old 00's art where people were just trying to find anything hetrosexual to ship in this show. There aren't really a lot of main characters and Tak appears only in one episode so back then a lot of people didn't even know she existed.
I like ZaGf, I've had some funny ideas for it when it comes to @the-best-invader blog's backstory lol
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Otherwise though I've just never seen a version I like. ZaDr is too much of an OTP for me it's very hard to convince me to ship those characters with other people XD
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I did used to draw some kind of TaGr art? It was appealing to me, I liked the lesbians lol.
Over the past year though I've kind of forgotten what I liked about it. Idk I think there's potential for if I ever went back to think about Tak's character more, but I think it might be more of a friendship.
Especially if it's with the Tak ship instead of Tak herself. I think it'd be really funny if Gaz and the Tak ship were super close and hang out all the time and then real Tak shows up and is like SHIP KILL THAT HUMAN and the ship is like NO ORIGINAL TAK! I WILL DEFEND THIS HUMAN lol
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Okay this one is one I haven't posted about before lol. I don't SHIP ship it, as in I think they should be otp dating forever, I just like the idea of Tak being Dib's one comp-het moment.
Like, back when Tak first appeared and he thought she was human, he actually really liked her because she believed him and engaged with his ideas! So he took his normal like of another person and went "Is this romance? Maybe I could be straight. I could try that" and then she turned out to be an alien before it went anywhere lol
I think more could be done with it XD
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I'm assuming the S is Skoodge
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I think Skoodge and Zim's relationship is interesting, and I like thinking about why Skoodge acts around Zim the way he does, I just... I just can't see it romantically. I think Skoodge deserves better, Zim would not treat him right.
I think Skoodge listens to whoever is scariest. He's a good loyal irken solider, but he also knows Zim is Definitely more powerful and so he follows him around. He wouldn't rat Zim out, not because of loyalty or love, but because he doesn't think he'd live.
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sinnabee · 2 years
are there any specific songs that remind you of your own favourite character from a show/game/books or just Sun and Moon themselves?can you make a song lists? :)
oooooh. this is a tough one! sorry if it took me a bit to answer. tbh i think i usually tend to think of ocs for songs?? tho i do have a sun n moon playlist >.> i’ll see what i can come up with!
LOT of songs (and fandoms) under the cut! arranged in no particular order tbh. not even all precisely ultimate “favs,” more just “these are the only canon characters i know that i associate with music”
i know. it’s a REALLY weird assortment of songs, characters, and fandoms. some of the stuff u can tell is from when i was younger and in my emo phase in middle school lol, and several of them probably don’t make sense! those ones are most likely association with a youtube video i watched way back when. :P but! here’s the list, as requested anon! enjoy??
Sunslammer - Cement City • Cement City Vol. 1: Housetrapped
Candy - Robbie Williams
Runs in the Family - Amanda Palmer
Buttercup - Jack Stauber
Happy Face - Jagwar Twin
Under My Skin - Jukebox the Ghost
Dirty Night Clowns - Chris Garneau
You are the Moon - The Hush Sound
Boats and Birds - Gregory and the Hawk
Bitter and Sick - One Two
Rises the Moon - Liana Flores
Plastic Soul - The World Fair (?)
Bubble Tea - dark cat, juu, Cinders
1/6 Out of Gravity (English Cover) - rachie
Alligator Sky - Katie Sky
Freckles and Constellations - Dodie Clark
Requiem for a Dream - ??? (apparently this is from some movie, idk, i just HEAVILY associate it with zim. if u look on youtube it’s like, a dude standing in front of the sun. that video. 9 years old)
All About Us - t. A. T. u.
All The Things She Said - t. A. T. u.
Tourniquet - Evanescence
The World Is Black - Good Charlotte
18 - Anarbor
Angel With A Shotgun - The Cab
We Don’t Have To Dance - Andy Black
Hook’d - KIRA
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hismercytomyjustice · 21 days
I once again find myself yelling at the tv today.
This is what happens when my husband is traveling for work.
…and also when he is at home.
Bridgerton and Helluva Boss spoilers below the cut!
This post is also basically borderline gibberish, so 🤷
Tho ngl part of me kind of shipped her and Lady Danbury but that would be a little weird what with the events of the Queen Charlotte series… STILL. I’m glad they’re at least besties.
BUT OMGGGGGG. I am so excited for her to get another chance at love!!! 😭 God the scenes in the Queen Charlotte series and the 2nd season with her broke my heart.
I also have such a soft spot for multiple great loves in one’s lifetime idk I am a sap like that. I’ve seen it in my own family and my in-laws and I just find it so sweet and bittersweet.
It’s possible they actually do introduce him but I paused the episode like right after so lol I am as yet in the dark
Also I LOVE seeing Colin realize he caught feelings. Especially after Pen has pined after him for so long.
But omg her having to write about herself HURT MY HEART
I was wondering how they were going to mend fences somewhat with her and her struggles with Colin and Eloise and DAMN she went straight for her own jugular
Ugh there is so much sweetness this season so far that I’m gonna get cavities T_T
I love getting to see the characters get to play more and be unabashedly themselves
I am a season 2 super fan lol. It’s been so nice getting to see more of the fucking phenomenal chemistry between Kate and Anthony
I love them so much T_T
I love Lady Danbury too. And that we’re getting more of her friendship with the Queen because MY HEART THE FUCKING PREQUEL OH MY GOD IT WAS SO GOOD
T_T her love with George gives me life and also SO MUCH SADNESS
Lol it’s also a little weird watching this because I live in Charlotte, NC which consists of Mecklenburg County both of which are named after the queen lol
We are ~the Queen City~ literally. That is Charlotte’s literal nickname.
I pretty much watched the entire two seasons over the past two days
I wasn’t sure how I was gonna feel about it after Hazbin but I loved it in a different way
love Stolas so much T_T he is such a sad little bird man and CAN HE AND BLITZO JUST BE BOYFRIENDS AND GIRL DADS OKAY?!
also as soon as his dad showed up I was just like “wait one goddamn second, JAFAR?”
And it was! But I recognized him from the Broadway and then I fucking found out he had basically been Jafar since goddamn 1992???? I had no idea it was the OG Jafar in the Broadway Original Cast recording
I also really love the portrayal of Lust and his relationship with Fizz (I am too lazy to look up the spelling of his name). Just s’cute! And god the panic attack he had…ouch. Lol I really felt him on the thought spirals too. WELCOME TO THE CLUB!
Ngl Blitzo annoyed tf out of me at first but he really grew on me and PLEASE LET THEM BE BOYFRIENDS AND GIRL DADS OKAY
the episode of them as kids omfggggggg so goddamn CUTE
I also love Millie and Moxxie or however you spell it
Of course I was gonna that’s literally Invader Zim right there but omfg they’re so cute and I love how stupid in love they are
just nauseatingly so and in such a good way
I literally watched Hazbin for the first time like…2 or 3 weeks ago? And have been obsessed since. Alastor is my fave but Stolas from Helluva is right up there with him
I actually only watched Hazbin because Spotify played some of the music for it on my daylist and I got hooked and now I’ve been listening to electro swing and I didn’t even think I liked jazz but then I realized I like a lot of jazz vocals from other stuff so it fit really well
~It’s all gibberish from here folks!~
I love…idk how to word it…like unique instrumentals? Which duh jazz, but I’ve never been a huge brass/band type instruments person
I played violin, strings are my fave
Except for the organ and the harpsichord omfggggg god I love me some fucking organ and harpsichord music
Ngl growing up going to church the organ music and hymns were my fave part
I don’t really go to church anymore, but damn if I don’t miss the music. Lord of the Dance is my fave hymn of all time and I used to get SO HYPE when we’d sing it
Communion was always the best too because we just got to sing hymns the whole time lol
If I’d stuck with church I’d def be in the choir now because I LOVED IT
One of my fave church memories was when I was a teen and they had a session where everyone got together and just sang favorite hymns
But I mostly stopped going to church because of how fucking toxic the folks at my church were (in addition to all the problematic shit about gender/sex and the rampant Christian hypocrisy etc) but it’s hard to escape church in the south
I drive 5min down one road and pass like 10 churches which is not much of an exaggeration because there is literally like one on every corner down here
Also found out the other day that the denomination I’m part of JUST removed the ban on lgbt preachers??? Didn’t realize we still had one, so that was a bummer, but hey at least they got there in the year of our lord 2024…..
Continuing on the church tangent I’ll never forget the time we had Baptists come to our door when I was in high school to try to share the good word and I told them I was Methodist and they just looked at me in borderline disgust before leaving 💀
Or the time the MORMONS CHASED ME when I was trying to go pick up food for my dog 💀💀💀
I saw them a few stores down and started power walking and they started hustling and I was just like “am I genuinely being chased by Mormons right now???” and I was!
To each their own, but I am not interested in being converted kthnx
I’ve got a lot of complicated stuff already with Methodism so I’m good on the religion front! Still consider myself Christian but don’t feel the need to harass other people about it! Or to evangelize! Or to actually go to church! But again, I live in the south so church in general is still very much present in the lives of my loved ones and nigh inescapable
Lmaooo no one is gonna read this monstrosity of a post but goddamn can you tell I didn’t take my adhd meds today and that my body has refused to sleep for like two weeks now!
So of course I’ve been having ocd spirals of “this is it, we’re an insomniac now, we’re never gonna sleep again, we’re gonna die from never sleeping again, it finally fucking happened” 🥰
Yaaaaay I need to go to bed
shut UP ocd 🖕
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