#idk to me it bases a lot of what it wears off of what jacket would wear
sodafrog13 · 3 months
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woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 8 months
NOTE: spot check me!
It was the Two Rivers script, but I still haven't read the whole Two Rivers script so if I mention something I noticed that’s actually just… in the script… lmk!
Also: if you also saw the BAC production (or if you are the BAC people???) and I missed something, let me know!!! Literally anything at all I will put it here I’d love to approach comprehensiveness!!
ALSO: Spoilers! If you plan on going to Jake’s Halloween Party maybe wait? Or don’t!!
Putting Madeline here because the first thing I noticed in the whole show is she’s ACTUALLY A FRANCOPHILE and it’s so funny ldksjfjsfksdlf. She wears a beret, and people put on a stereotypical French accent whenever they quote her djslkfjsfkfds And during the play backstage someone (I think Chloe?) runs up to her, smacks her beret off and yells “You’re not French!”
OH oh oh oh oh. Bac Jeremy my beloved…. I swear like 30% of Christine’s autism was generously donated to Jeremy for this production jlkdsfjdls
He has this habit where he’ll put his hands in his cardigan pockets and push his them around in front of him or on his body to feel the tension of the jacket stretching. Patrick said this quirk was based on a neurodivergent kid he knows. I don’t have photo evidence and IDK how to describe it perfectly but i did draw it here (x). It wasn't exactly like that though OTL
He does it whenever he’s nervous (so almost CONSTANTLY) up until BMC P.1 when the SQUIP tells him to take his hands out of his pockets. During that song you can see him trying to put his hands back safe in his pockets but afterwards he never does it again, even after The Play. He also doesn’t do it when he’s with Michael, even at the beginning, so I take it to mean it goes away when he’s comfortable. 
I think he flinches and cowers a lot (compared to other Jeremys, that is). Whenever Rich surprises him, Jeremy jumps and protectively throws his arms over his face. I think he reacts similarly to other people a few times - I don’t remember when exactly though… There’s also several times where he’ll stand totally petrified out of fear, like when Rich is writing “boyf” or when Chloe’s coming onto him. By all of this I basically mean it’s really obvious he’s been physically abused (presumably by Rich).
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Just in general, his freakouts are very physical, he’ll kinda do these stiff arm movements or cover his face in his elbow etc. Off the top of my head this happens during Upgrade and also at the end of The Play when Christine’s singing to him.
All this to say he has a very very visible physicality to his awkwardness and I love it. I don’t just mean that on a character acting level, I also mean like if you’re sitting behind him in class your attention will actively be caught by his awkwardness. 
He also has a deeper register which he uses mostly in a joke context? He used it in normal conversation a few times too, I think more towards the end.
I noticed him standing just a little pigeon-toed near the beginning. I don’t know if this carried through the whole thing though.
Clothes: his cardigan is blackish with a blue outline, and he wears it over a green shirt with a question mark (I perceived it as a Gravity Falls shirt but might be wrong). The eminem shirt is black and I dont remember what he wears it with…. At the party he has a cyborg shirt and a visor, and after the party he has a white shirt with a flannel and khakis (or maybe light corduroys). In VIMH he has another fandom shirt on but I don’t remember what it was sorry it was 11pm ljfsdlkfjdslkfs
Its so obvious I’m a Jeremy stan this entry is the largest one sorry 🧍
Mr. Heere
He seemed less depressed and more just out of touch in this one? During Two Player Game, he seems decently chipper, if annoyed, though of course he’s still unable to dress himself and unwilling to put genuine effort in with his son. 
When he says “Good talk” he gives Jeremy a friendly shoulder punch. Right before Pants Song, as usual, he says “I could ground you!” Jeremy says “I don’t think you could,” and gives his dad the same shoulder punch while saying “Good talk.” AAAAAAH.
He seemed less frenetic and anxious than the Troy!Michael I’m used to (sorry that’s my only reference for Michael lol). 
He was generally loud and exuberant. A very excitable but down-to-earth Michael. 
MITB was amazing. I was nervous because it’s obviously (obviously) the best song so there’s a lot of pressure but no it was done perfectly. Sad as fuck. Perhaps moreso because this Michael was especially normal until now. (Also because pre-MITB Jeremy was extra mean in this production)
For some reason, I found it easier to picture this Michael being a childhood & school friend? Maybe just because this production seriously pulled my psyche straight back to highschool in a way the others haven’t been able to lol. 
I maybe got the sense that he’s really trying to act like he doesn’t care as much about Jeremy as he does. 
BTW I’m obsessed with the fact that his idea of a creeper costume is a mask and a shirt that just says creeps on it. I know that’s kinda textual at this point but taken together with the mask its lkesdjfsdjflksdf
Amazing ballet (?) choreography going on during her intro. I think that might be standard Christine choreo but still! Stunning.
I could actually picture her as an averagely popular girl in this one? Not sure why. Maybe more nervous in her relationships but more confident in other contexts, but I could be pulling that out of my ass. 
I could also be thinking this because she has cool hair (space buns!) and likes Taylor Swift in this one. 
Some of her songs had these really melancholy notes where I didn’t expect them - particularly in GTIKBI Reprise (/pos! I was like oh shit!!! every time)
He has painted nails! They’re black. 
He had fruity energy the whole time but it got progressively more intense. No I can’t elaborate actually I don’t know why I perceived it like this but I did sldjkfsf
After he comes out it gets more explicit; he starts wearing a pink headband in VIMH (he also gains glasses I think? Unless they’re still Michael’s) and during bows he flashed a paper fan that had the gay flag inside. 
IMO, it was implied that the house fire was a suicide attempt. I say this for purely textual reasons -  because he doesn’t mention trying getting the SQUIP out of his head, and because Jeremy’s SQUIP later implies it was a suicide attempt. But his behavior around the fire - looking dazed while rhythmically flicking a lighter - could also indicate squipzophrenia. (Maybe it’s the same amount of implied as usual - To be fair, I’ve never really understood why Rich set a fire in the first place…)
Very wholesome and I love her. IDK Broadway Brooke is very campy, and BAC Brooke is more like a normal sweet girl but maybe that’s just me 
Compared to Broadway, way more respectful of Jeremy’s space. She doesn’t really try to physically seduce him in upgrade instead they just have a cute lil conversation. Also when she tells Jeremy she got cheated on, she doesn’t initiate contact by petting his hair (like in Broadway) - instead the roles are reversed and they hold hands comfortingly, and Jeremy is the one to escalate that by rubbing her hand in a slightly forward way. 
Her French was awful!!! sdjkfldjsfkdsf It was the whole time but Tres Magnifique = "Trays Mag-nuh-Fike" is the one that really killed me
Not to be backhanded… but she was really good at being a bitch??? Especially the scene where she’s giving Christine advice
Maybe closetedly wlw based on the delivery of “I like gay people” and the events of The Play??
The Chloe Jenna friendship intrigues me so much… what’s going on there…
Sadder than Broadway Jenna… 
When Chloe mentions her in play rehearsal she jumps up from across the room and says “I’m here!!” to no reaction.
Later in Smartphone Hour -  J: “....because you are my closest friend-” C: “No I’m not” J: “Yeah I know….” Jenna sounds kinda genuinely bummed lol. Either she wasn’t expecting that or she’s *very* aware of it and it’s making her sad. My impression was more the latter.
During VIMH she’s wearing a sweater that’s colored like the lesbian flag??? (EDIT: the actor, Diana, said this was intentional and her Jenna is a lesbian!)
Idk idk actor so good she made me care so much more about Jenna dsfljdf
Maybe a touch more upfront about the fact that he feels a lot of pressure in his life
He was dumb <3
Mrs. Reyes
She’s a woman in this one!
She has a hippie thing going on i think?? Like a boho mom (affectionate)
Pronounces Reyes with a (several second long) rolled R at the beginning
Doesn’t do the stiff announcer-like angle that the broadway guy does. Her comedy is more crazy cat ladyish
The hot pocket breaks were preceded by an actual alarm sound I think???? bonkers fkljd
BIG ENSEMBLE WAS SO FUN…. They had so many funny bits going on in the background it was soooo good and another reason I wish I could watch it over and over because I couldn’t be paying attention to everything at once OTL
Scene by scene
Organized by song, but scene notes are in there too!
More Than Survive
"Madeline was all like-" *bad french accent* "ohohoho, I'll only sleep with you if you beat me at ze pool~"
“Oh my god he is like totally getting off on that” ← right before this Jeremy starts pointing at them awkwardly from a distance, I think in an attempt to get to his locker?? 
“I like gay people” - the way Chloe says this is kinda like “idk what the big deal is because *i* think gay people are soooo neat” which got a lot of audience laugh. I think she was talking to Jenna but I don’t remember 
“I don’t wanna be a baller” (or whenever the class scene is) - Jeremy’s sitting in the back of class and everyone turns to throw paper balls at him. I was like oh my god he’s being genuinely bullied so hard in this one…. Then again maybe that’s just how he feels?
There’s this awesome chair choreo at the end where everyone’s laying down chairs in front of Jeremy for him to walk on and taking them away from the back to put back in the front as he makes his way downstage.
Scene: Michael's "You don't have to do this!" kind of came across as a shout of protest. (But of course still tempered with, "of course i'll make fun of you forever if you don't)
Play Rehearsal
"This is where you meet for the swim team" --- Instead of looking confused, Jeremy immediately acts like ok byeee - he might be eager to back out of the conversation and/or immediately accepts her answer as literal and wants to leave asap out of embarrassment.
“I also have a touch of ADD” - she trails off and stands there kind of in a daze for a moment, before remembering that she’s in the middle of a song. 
“And can I mention that was really one of my best roles, DID YOU SEE THAT?!" She shouts this very proudly. And after her 'do you find that?' bit she doesn’t give Jeremy time to even try to respond, so it’s a little less rude lol. 
Jeremy was very anxious, and somewhat in a bad way? As in the exchange was a bit off-putting to him.
Scene: “thank god the popular kids are here” - there are SO MANY kids entering. I’m not sure what to make of it! Popular as in everyone’s popular compared to Jeremy and Christine? Or is this a whole clique? Or is Reyes just talking about the popular kids and the other guys also just show up? 
Mrs. Reyes: ~"Our funds will be diverted. To the frisbee golf team. What even is frisbee golf?" Across the room, Jake holds up a frisbee and silently points at it, trying to get Reyes' attention. She doesn't notice.
After scene: Jake’s “pressure to be the best at everything” is said very genuinely, not for laughs at his arrogance which is how I usually read it
Squip Song
Rich actor KILLED it just gotta put that out there
“So it’s like….” Jeremy takes an extended moment to walk to the edge of the stall and look behind to make sure nobody’s there - “...drugs?”
In the end of the song, Rich rubs his dirty hands all over Jeremy's arm.
The Squip Enters
Scene: Payless: “Wolverine” was great djklsfjdsf I’ve never thought about him before. (It was also the actor’s birthday!) When they enter he’s playing the knife-finger game. He threatens Jeremy with the knife at some point (either “400 dollars” or “all sales are final!” I think?). I can’t really describe the character acting but he was very entertainingly unhinged. He's called “Scary Stockboy” in the script & playbill and I thought that was a misnomer until the scene happened lmao. No that was accurate. 
Scene: when they enter the food court there’s like a photo of a mall food court on the back wall but not from the perspective of the scene at all it was like a background that abstractly tells you where you are?? As someone who loves kitsch I enjoyed this, it happens with a few other scenes too 
There’s a couple making out obnoxiously at the mall that someone (I think it was Michael?) had to step over to get to the table. I think they had some great thematically relevant background acting in this scene but I cannot remember it exactly I am so sorry OTL
Michael is buying Ecto-Cooler! It tastes like ghosts.
Jeremy “mourns in his chili fries” by laying his head down on the table. Jake and Christine sit at the table together without noticing him. Then Jeremy pops up and they have the usual exchange (“I didn’t see you!” “Yeah, you’re kind of hard to notice”). I thought that was a really neat staging!! And it makes more sense why he even tries to talk to her in this scene lol
Mild discomfort - The first half Jeremy just stands next to the table and kinda screams in pain. Then the second half he falls to the ground and is thrashing, again mostly just in pain. (Pretty sure that’s how every production goes but I think the intensity of the spasming is pretty variable so I’m describing it here)
When the SQUIP first appears, he offers to appear as Kermit the Frog, Barack Obama, and Gilbert Gottfried, and does a little impression for each one:
The imitations the Squip does are as follows: Kermit the Frog “hi ho Kermit the frog here, we’re gonna fix your life Yayyyyy”, Obama “My fellow Squip, if sync up we can change this loser” and Gilbert Gottfried “So Grandma and the dog are on the table…” - Courtesy of director Chris Guell because I couldn't remember them OTL (thank you!!!)
Also in the middle of this Jeremy says "That's a terrible Obama impression..."
Be more Chill p.1
Brooke and Chloe are shopping on the upstage side of the clothes rack; when Jeremy picks out the girls shirt, Brooke appears through the gap in the clothes and surprises him.
After the song, one of the ensemble steals the clothes rack and the mall cop chases him off stage in a very cartoonishly stiff sprint.
Do you wanna ride?
After the first rejection, Brooke goes to Chloe, who points out the satchel she has belted around her waist. As she starts to sing again she slowly unbuckles it and holds it behind her back. 
Jeremy is very into it by the end and the girls have him dancing along with the music. I think you can see that in one of the promo videos too :P
Be More Chill p.2
Scene: When Jeremy’s going to bed after the mall, instead of sleepily singing, he uses a silly deep voice to say something like “yeah be more chill i’m gonna be more chill i’m gonna be so chill that ice is relatively warm”
After Rich talks to Jeremy (“hey, tallass, where’s my money?” and then they sync up) he spots a girl across the stage and yells “Hey, where’s my money?” then chases her down the hall. 
Guy that I’d Kinda be Into
Scene: during the rehearsal - JR: "Bring me patient zero!" Then Chloe, sitting on the ground, looks through her script for like 45 seconds until finding her line: "Cough!"
At “I’ve been activating your pheromones” - Jeremy starts and looks at his armpits, then as the song continues he slowly pulls his arms up to rest behind his head, it was very comedic djflkdsf. He also uses one hand to waft from his armpit before returning to that position. Guy...
I think this is also the scene he uses a script to hide his boner??
They were so cute at the end!!! Just sitting next to each other in rehearsal and kinda leaning in towards each other. Very real very high school. 
Scene: While Jeremy and SQUIP argue about Eminem, Brooke is (silently) describing the accident. She mimes hitting a hockey puck, then being impaled in the guts repeatedly.
Instead of literal bleachers (at least visually), Brooke and Jeremy go sit on the top of the stairs that lead off of the stage and into the audience. They kinda playfully walk around the railings and stuff, and at the point in the Broadway version where they start aggressively making out, instead they just sit next to each other and talk and it’s very cute :) 
Jeremy’s freaking the fuck out in the middle and it’s so obviously sensory overload auauuauuauaugh. He was like contorting to cover his head in his arms. Guy…
Brooke’s costume is a sexy dalmatian! She has an eyespot and a black and white skirt + other spotty white clothes. Jeremy’s cyborg costume only extends to the shirt & a visor. I think it matched with the squip’s visor?
THE PROJECTOR…. On the background was the funniest background it could possibly be it was like a graphic of a cartoon skeleton holding a wooden sign that said “Jake’s Halloween Party”. IDK if that’s a poster he got printed or if it’s an extremely camp way of abstractly giving us the setting or what but I WAS LOSING IT SLKDJFKDSJFSD 
I WISH I had a picture of it, but in lieu of that I recreated it for you and I swear it was like 95% exactly like this. just projected on the wall behind the stage.
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Do you wanna hang?
Right before this scene, there’s a huge group choreo where people dance with partners, and in the last move one partner spins the other one down, who lands on the floor looking up at them. Jeremy ends up on the floor and Chloe walks up and stands over him while inviting him to come with her. 
TW - This scene is always sexual assault, but the tone felt especially dark this time – maybe it was just seeing it live, though. 
Jeremy’s standing frozen still as the song starts and kind of visibly recoiling as Chloe walks around him. She walks behind him and shoves her hands into his coat pockets, which makes him flinch. Extra upsetting because like I said before I think his coat pockets are kind of a place of safety for him :(((
Pretty sure the SQUIP's Japanese was different from the Broadway. Wasn't sure quite what he said, but it I think it *didnt* include these from the Broadway one: お腹が空いた (I'm hungry) and お疲れ様 ('pleasure doing business with you,' i think?)
Michael in the Bathroom
Scene: Jeremy seems very shaken after DYWH and sits on the bathtub sadly; when Michael reveals himself Jeremy flips out.
Michael talks about “his clever disguise” and makes monster growls (meant as creeper hisses?) - I think with the tone that he’s trying to get Jeremy to respond to the joke, or point out the reference or something. When that fails, he starts getting serious. 
“Get out of my way, loser” is delivered very confidently. 
After Michael says he’s on his period, Jenna opens the door a crack to hand him a tampon dsjfkldsjflkdsjf. He throws it in the bathtub later at “I’m a creeper in a bathroom….”
Also of course, he’s in a creeper mask lol
Song: WONDERFULLY done. Honestly don’t have much to say it was just great. I get desensitized to that song after hearing it so much, but seeing it live definitely brought a spark to it.
“And I look in the mirror and the present is clearer…” section is like the *key* part of this song to me and Connor Introna did it really well. His voice started breaking at mirror, and of course he did the little sob and everything it was just chefs kiss
Guy that I’d Kinda be Into Reprise
When Jeremy asks why Rich didn’t give him a warning and Rich starts saying “warning” over and over, he says it at a steady rhythm until he gets off stage. Then Jeremy tries to rouse a drunken partier to say “So that was weird…” and Rich’s “Warning” randomly interrupts Jeremy like 3 times to comedic effect before he can get the words out
"Popular people are messed up" - less in response to Rich & more in response to the guy Rich is talking to passing out drunk (iirc)
This is just a 2R things but it hit me so just pointing out she just says “I’m not Juliet” in this one (rather than we’re not romeo and juliet) and auuauguughghg poor Christine :(
Weird noises: it’s kinda like a dinosaur impression in this one? They both go like RAAHH and make claw hands in the air. Then Jeremy stands up and pretends to be driving a car (I think???? lol) and Christine copies him
Christine starts standing up while Jeremy’s still asking her out. As soon as he finishes the question she immediately rejects him. That is to say, she saw where this was going and already knew her answer.
After the scene, Rich walks back across the room, flicking a lighter on and off in a daze. 
ALSO: Ensemble were very entertaining in the whole party! During this scene there were 3 of them playing spin the bottle downstage left and it had like a whole arc to it sdnjkfdfdsf Also guys passed out on the floor and on the couch 
Smartphone Hour
Starts w/ Jenna sitting on the edge of the stage, dangling her legs over the pit. 
Brooke is sadly eating Rich’s loaf of bread. (After she forgives Chloe she passes it to some other actor offstage which I probably wasn’t supposed to see but it was funny lol. communal machete bread)
THE PROJECTOR….. Everyone was holding phones and in the background was footage from their front-facing cameras (prerecorded, but it synced pretty well with the live actors). Then you could see the GUI of them typing some of the lyrics (“rich fled to bombay!!”) into imessage and twitter
AND THEN you see footage of the house burning down on an insta reel…. An unremarkable suburban house where you can see flames consuming the roof. This same footage plays on a few people’s reels, then there’s also footage of firemen coming and putting the fire out and its SO REALISTIC i was losing it 
Around “Changed my profile pic to you” it shows a bunch of (presumably) instagram photos of Rich like in his house and at school or wherever and i wont lie it made me feel for him a lot more. They were like actual full staged photos :( like thats a real guy in there… 
Pitiful children
Scene: When Jenna asks if the SQUIP is a drug, she does the same extended thing of checking to see that nobody’s watching that Jeremy did in The Squip Song
The Pants Song
Scene: see my notes on Mr. Heere aaaaaauguh
Michael’s sitting on his front steps while smoking weed from a tiny green bong. You can tell it’s his front steps because there’s a mailbox next to him labeled MELL BOX in big letters dslkfjdskfjs
Michael’s wearing pants - I think that’s just textually accurate but reporting it anyway
When Mr. Heere comes over (“do you love him?”), he puts one leg on the top step and Michael is eye-level with his crotch. Michael has trouble tearing his eyes away. This happens a few times. In my opinion, it made him come off as a lot more high than he usually does lol
If I remember correctly, they get very intense and like shoulder-grabby at one point. Could’ve been a different scene though I dont remember OTL OTL
The Play
Michael comes out of the audience!!! It was cool it was meta lol
PINKBERRY CANON SDLKFJDKLFJKFJLSF. Brooke and Chloe have the Two Rivers dialogue (He didn’t sleep with you? He didn’t sleep with me!) then after Sisters forever! they do these actions to the rhythm of three staccato beats: “Jinx!” *high five(?)* *KISS ON THE LIPS* and instantly pull away. They're extremely normal about it and are just standing there afterwards without moving or acknowledging it. 
Despite being in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, Jeremy is dumbstruck and stares at them for a few beats before moving on to the next line. It was amazing. No notes. 
Jeremy is horrified when Christine starts singing to him. She walks robotically over to him and speaks kind of like she’s reading off a script (hehehe). Jeremy is backing up against a wall and freaking out almost like he’s trying to get away from her. No implication at all that he’s tempted. 
When everyone starts screaming in pain, Michael is screaming in triumph. (Or at least he looked very triumphant, I don’t remember if he screamed lol)
Voices in My Head
Rich is in a wheelchair. Also he doesn't have a lisp.
Rich is wearing Michael’s glasses. When he starts asking about Michael, Michael shows up and takes his glasses back. I think Rich steals them back at some point too? 
Michael acts a lil flirty with Rich - approximately "I'm sure you'll find something very special," then in a tiny high voice: “but not with meeeee…!” and he pushes Rich’s wheelchair so he rolls offstage jdsfkldsfkfd
At “Tell her that she excites you sexually” Rich does a little wheelie to (presumably) represent a pelvic thrust (all of these Rich moments were excellent I loved this Rich sm)
Christine’s squip was Taylor Swift this time!
At “I know the last thing I deserve is another shot, but…” He trails off and there’s a pause before “Just say what’s on your mind, Jeremy.” I know they get together obviously, but it felt like it could go either way! Maybe because it was live.
(And then they cccccome on lets go and do bows, in character i think, and it was amazing the end)
I was gonna write a TLDR here but honestly all of it was amazing and if you want the highlights it’s pretty much just the stuff I bolded!
Also end note the actors were all soooo nice and they let me ramble to them about jeremy for several minutes Q____Q it was amazing im so happy about this still I wish I got their signatures sjdlfkjdsfkdsf
I hope everyone gets to watch the show at some point but otherwise I hope this can be useful to someone!!
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i wanna talk a lil bit about some details about my character designs 😇 long post warning
my designs aren't based off any certain cast- however i prefer the og trt cast recording so the vibes are vaguely based on that yes. since that's the audio i go with when imagining everything yk
starting with jeremy- originally this graphic t-shirt was supposed to be his outfit under the cardigan but i changed it bc his outfit was so boring compared to everyone else. idk what the letters/design on the front is supposed to be (probably some band or video game or whatever) and it was not intended to be in the bi colors either
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his pacman ghost is pink bc that's his fav color :)
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his squipped outfit is completely monochrome to contrast his unsquipped blues/more white compared to squipped rich's black to show how different their approaches to popularity are (jeremy trying to flatter his way into it vs rich using brute force and being a bully) also note that he has calmer hair when squipped
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michael's hoodie is iconic but i also personally think it's kinda boring so i swapped it for the vimh jacket (+ simplified the patches) his shirt is a bleached vintage shirt with like. old movies/weed print.
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i drew him in the creeps sweatshirt for this bc it's so iconic but in my mind he wears an aotd shirt on halloween (the mitb logo is red and it's crucial to me that he always has some red on him for the symbolism)
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christiiiiineeee!! her outfit being in the pan flag colors was unintentional. she has mismatched socks and her shoes are painted with gogh's sunflowers :)
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she has galaxy leggings in this alt outfit bc cmon she totally would (also sky & galaxy theme)
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rich is emo sorry i make the rules. uhh and cute lil hc about his design the red part in his hair has always been a cowlick (see: pre-squip design) and his squip just told him to dye it because it Would Not settle down. post-squip he dyes it purple as a fuck you to the squip (i stole that from this fic ofc)
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brooke's shoes in her alt outfit are painted with gogh's starry night and yes that's supposed to match with christine they are besties <3 now that i think of it the embroidery matches too
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jake's varsity jacket: the middleborough mascot is a manta because i said so. oh shit i misspelled middleborough here FUCK. um anyway it's a manta and it's got some devil imagery going on and it fits bc jake is on the swim team he absolutely slays after his legs are broken cuz of the fire
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arrow pin for archery ofc. gold star for everything he is. i don't know what the green one is for i just needed smth. post-canon though add a purple heart and mayyyybe a bi pride flag to the collection (and a lot of other stuff i haven't made up my mind on yet)
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i have a TON of ideas for chloe's outfits actually- prior to this design i used to draw her in like. an ivory cardigan and boot-cut jeans (like this ⬇️) and i still like that tbh (ignore jake under her this was for a draw your ship meme)
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i also think she'd wear like these sports leggings and varsity jacket and stuff plus a ponytail. oh and the headband the headband is cute
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okay so jenna is the only one i actually drew a ref sheet for before and i switched up her outfit a bit to make it more cohesive but i think the old one is really cute too.
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i def see her in these chunky shoes tho they fit her
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just. bright colors for her overall she needs to be SEEN and she is also a fashion icon
as for the specific hcs like zodiac/mbti/sexuality/other random stuff i wrote uhhhh i change my mind on those like 12 times a day lmao but i'm 100% willing to elaborate on them or talk abt other hcs 😇
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freehounyaoi · 4 months
HALF LIFE VRAI (+gorgeous & og gordon) HEADCANONS IF YOU EVEN CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
during. the end, he had 2 extra eyes, one above his left eye one below his right eye, now he has scars where they laid, they’re faint but he. is autistic im sorry he’s too me to not be he had a tail during the end too faint freckles ^_^ he REALLY likes red meat he likes blue flavor, not blueberries, not blue raspberry, blue stubble YAYY specifically in end, benreys feet to knees and hands to elbows fade into rlly dark blue/black looks like he’s dying of illness but like. has never been sick disassociates very often very touch very very touchy polyamorous, exes with forzen & is now crushing on both Tommy & gordon orphaned, kinda lived on his own since he isn’t human, picked his own name doesn’t actually have brothers, he’s a loser breaths through his mouth esp when he’s comfortable weird but like imagine he’s cuddled up to someone and he just yeah
fat, idc i’m right
gender-fluid, transmasc & gay ^_^ old man yaoi with bubby YAYYY
cool little funky punching enhancement thingies
big ol’ doe brown eyes
brunette hair before he started graying
after the resonance cascade he retired, they deserve it
has nightmares over clones. a lot, a big lot
autistic, everyone knows the science team kinda is autistic,
going off the autistic thing, one of his vocal stims is hello gordon
loves talking, loves it so much, he loves just talking to people she likes
has a high score on punch out & that one punching game where you punch the punching bag to get evaluated on
the reason is divorced because he realized he was gay
hawaiian shirts FTW!!
(most of these are somewhat canon, holly (his va) headcanons him as transmasc, short and stocky, and 5’4!)
Intersex & bisexual (idc if gir hcs him as straight it’s my world now/pf)
if he didn’t live with Coomer after the resonance cascade, he’d probably just be a basement dweller and just sit in the corner and cry
Bionic legs :3
canonically test tube baby, he’s probably really freaked the fuck out over it & has had genuine panic attacks over being artificially made, only in front of coomer
literally always has epi-pens for coomer
naturally(?) ginger idk what you wanna consider it, he’s canonically like 6 but in my head he’s like 67, he’s been locked in black mesa for 67 years
blue eyes
has a leather jacket with a tiger on it he will wear just to do so
has made the science team watch scrubs.. twice
picks at skin as a stress tick
has tourettes
near blind
when he got his bionic heart he died so he will sometimes just be like “hey guys i’ve died before”
being put back in the tube after betraying gordon was one of the worst things he’s been through, it was terrifying
also fat
joshua exists but he was an accidental pregnancy (gordon seahorse father yayy)
ftm based off last hc, that’s just canon cuz i said so
joshua is like, 9 in my head so gordon had him at like 18
has a crush on benrey (canon but yk)
mexican and african
curly ass hair, takes really good care of it, always smells nice
blind in left eye, 25% prescription in right eye
feels guilty as fuck even when everyone would joke about him being the cause of the RC
also autistic
wayne did not dk him justice when he lost his hand, he was screaming so gutturally loud it was painful, he strained his voice so bad, the pain was so excruciatingly terrible
tommy genuinely was the only one he could trust after benrey & bubby turned their backs on him, and that sucked because his feelings for benrey before that point were getting to him
only was adamant about not being friends with benrey at the end because of the betrayal, he wanted to hate benrey
tommy is like his. comfort friend, he doesn’t have to worry about him.. he does but he always feels comfy around him
Tommy cool man
Autistic, ADHD, PTSD and OCD
G man species, half human
strawberry enthusiasts:3 (me too)
every flavor tic tac enthusiast, always give the science team tic tacs like all the time
not very good at games enjoys playing them though
very touchy for multiple reasons
Sunkist service dog for multiple things as well, helps with panic attacks, PTSD symptoms, anxiety attacks etc
Tommy doesn’t know how Sunkist was trained to do all this, he made her sk he just kinda accepts it for how she is, and loves her
compression hugs, likes being laid on top of, it’s comforting
looks scrawny but can like. genuinely pick up all the science team & benrey with ease
started collecting propeller hats after the RC
the reason he can read sweet voice is cuz g-man species
thinking about getting a cat, maine coon or norwegian forest cat, he likes big ass animals
Sunkist is LARGE like large as fuck for a golden Tommy made sure she was huge
milk enjoyer :3 drinks it with most of his meals
wears readers
ANGEL KISSES!! (moles or beauty marks whatever you wanna call them)
tooth gap :3
walks on tiptoes
cuts his hair into a fringe, lets it grow out to shoulder length, then cuts it fringe, never ending cycle
beauty marks man
freckles too
nobody fucking knows his trauma
doesn’t understand why he can understand cicero?? he just.. can??
learned ASL as a kid
clearly has some form of mommy issues he will not touch on
wears solid colors, he doesn’t wear shirts with decals, or anything, a. he doesn’t like them. b. for ASL purpose, it’s recommended to wear light/dark clothes (light in his case) depending on your skin tone to MAKE it easier to read sign, usually in light pink
prefers skirts cuz.. they’re comfy, usually knee & ankle length.. sometimes he will wear mini skirts……. cuz he’s gross
actually hates head crabs.
would be a nudist if it was sociably acceptable
actually really enjoys video games! he doesn’t talk about it, he’s good at them too
he’s a dog person, he wants a saint bernard
freeman YAYY
beauty marks
patchy beard
dark hazel eyes
starting to grey, short pony tail
has scars from his HEV suit
actually lost his hearing DUE to the RC, his mother was deaf so that’s why he knows ASL, it completely shot out his hearing
has always dressed nice
cat person
Alyx is like his daughter to him
i can’t decide if he’s trans or not
same situation with gorgeous, he wears solid colors for ASL purpose
him and cicero have yet to find a way to communicate
when he found out alyx learned ASL for her boyfriend (this is canon, was planned for episode 3) he was over the moon
enjoys IASIP (it’s always sunny in philadelphia)
scary when he’s pissed off
G-Manual samual
major RBF
moles kuz hes kawaii
wears readers
hes autistic
going on with him being autistic, the fabric his suits are a comfort fabric to him
enjoys sitcoms
drinks his coffee straight black
he is trans masc to me
praises his employers like god tbh
if he were to drink, which he doesnt, his go to drink would be rum on ice
some form of alien, not from xen though, no one knows where hes from
some type of holy creature??? he cant die?? hes weird
you'll never see it but he doesnt bleed red, his blood is black
enjoys fishing
goes to bed at 11pm, wakes up at 4am hes weird
hes also the best father ever???
songs that remind me of science team members + benrey the 6th
Benrey the 6th
I Will - Mitski
Kiss Me, Son Of God - They Might Be Giants
I’m Gonna Win - Rob Cantor
Mad World - Tears for Fears
We Will Commit Wolf Murder - Of Montreal
Gallery Piece - Of Montreal
Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears
The Party's Crashing Us - Of Montreal
Tommy Coolman
Living Island - POGO
Fireflies - Owlcity
Teenage Dirtbag - Weetus
rises the moon - liana flores
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Head Over Heels - Tears for Fears
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what-the-fic-khr · 4 months
Hiii Bronwyn I hope you are doing well ! :’) I’m wondering if you’d be up for writing something a lil cute and sweet and fun about Squalo discovering that his s/o has their nips pierced?? 👀 absolutely understandable if this doesn’t spark any inspiration tho bc ahdjshdjfhd I am truly just So Down Bad for any squalo content atm💀 thank you for your time and consideration !! 🖤
character/s: superbi squalo, reader-insert (gender-neutral)
word count: 661
warnings: talkin’ about nipple piercings but doesn’t mention body type, so gender neutral. suggestive at the end lol
prompt: squalo learns his partner has nipple piercings
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It was getting too damn hot. God, he needed to invest in a fan or something. This shit was getting ridiculous.
Squalo glanced up shortly to acknowledge you entering his office, grunting lowly before returning to his paperwork.
“D’you need your hair put up?” You hovered around to fiddle with some things after handing him some papers, checking to see if his windows could open any further than they were. The answer was ‘no’.
“Huh? Whatever.”
Wasn’t a refusal, so you shuffled over to carefully pull his hair up. It wasn’t the neatest, not by a long shot, but it got the majority of his hair off of his shoulders and out of his face. His brows furrowed; he didn’t have his jacket on and neither did you, but something hard was brushing against his back when you moved. He dropped it when you stepped away.
“Alrighty, good to go. Good luck with that.”
He grumbled something, nodding shortly. You went to leave with a hum, and he watched you closely, eyeing you over until finally the silhouette of your shirt changed just the slightest.
You did, freezing in the centre of the room. You glanced at him curiously. “Yep? Somethin’ wrong?”
His eyes narrowed at you and you huffed a little at the attention on your chest.
“It’s way too warm for that right now, sorry-“
“Shut up, idiot, that’s not what I’m doing. Stay still.”
You did. You tried, at least, when he stood and rounded his desk to advance on you. You took a physical step back when he brushed a knuckle over one of your nipples, the two of you quiet.
“What the fuck? Since when did-“
“Oh!” You pet your chest with a pleased hum. “I just don’t have them in when I’m doing work, and you usually catch me in uniform. Ain’t no way I’m leaving this place today, so I figured I’d wear them for once. It’s been a while!”
This seemed to get the cogs turning in his head for a few seconds, and you would’ve laughed if not for the surprised noise you made when he reached straight for the hem of your shirt.
“W-Wait, you just said-“
“Show me.”
“What?! Right now?!”
“Is there a problem with that?”
You glanced past him at his window warily before tilting your head back to check his door, listening closely for if anyone was walking by. When silence met your ears you relented and lifted your arms to accomodate for him pulling your button down up and over your chest.
“Cute, right? I spent a lot on them; real crystals and all!” You chimed, proud of your taste in body jewellery. “It’s a shame I can’t wear em’ as often as I used to.”
“Used to?” Squalo’s brows furrowed. He’d been with you for a while now, at least over a year and a half, but had not heard of or seen them once until now.
“Oh, I’ve had ‘em since I could legally get them. So, a pretty long time ago. I just had to stop wearing them for safety when I started doing more physical work.”
Well, it made sense, but god that fucking sucked. They looked good on you.
Squalo slowly lifted his gaze up to you and you smiled, head tilting cutely. “Yep?”
You huffed, stumbling backwards until your back met his door when he pushed you across his room by the chest, leaning in, chest to chest. You gasped a little, Squalo wrapping his fingers around your chin and lifting your head.
“It’s still way too warm, but eventually I gotta get all this sweat off of me. Let me see them better later in the shower after work.”
Your breathing had picked up and your head was getting foggy. You nodded the best you could with his fingers holding your head in place.
“Good. Now get lost.”
“Ah… Sure.”
You needed a drink. A cold one.
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4ggravation · 3 months
sumeru boys redesigns + notes
as you may know, i redesigned the sumeru boys a few weeks ago because, as much as i love them to bits, their designs are well. not that great in some areas. also because i wanted to draw them more often without the roadblock of their designs being so complicated. i've mainly been drawing my cyno and tighnari redesigns, but i did also do alhaitham and kaveh, so i thought that i'd show off these redesigns in one post, along with some notes on why i made certain decisions. hope you enjoy!
(pre-note: just so no one gets confused, i also renamed everyone when i did my redesigns, giving tighnari and alhaitham first names and cyno and kaveh last names.)
tighnari ❀
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(renamed abdullah al-tighnari; tighnari was made his surname because that was the case for the real guy he was based on)
i went into this thinking "how can i make this design more appealing to me while still retaining what the original design meant?". since tighnari is one of my favorites in the game overall, i put a lot of pressure on myself to make a decent design.
a lot of tighnari's design inspiration comes from moroccan (specifically amazigh) culture, which i kept in my mind through most of the drawing. this inspiration shows in his bead necklace (i forget the name), his belt, and his earring, which i remade to mirror the shape of moroccan headpieces.
gave him some muscles because there's no way a guy with his job wouldn't have them. also a bottom-heavy fat distribution for self-indulgent purposes.
the design has less layers and lighter/flowier clothes because of tighnari's canon sensitivity to heat. if you're living in the rainforest (a famously humid biome), you probably wouldn't be wearing what canon tighnari does, heat sensitivity or not.
gave him some traits that are popular headcanons, such as the flower thigh tattoo, the sharp teeth, the scars, the claw-like nails (with the middle and ring nails filed down for No Reason), and the lichtenberg figure. also gave him tan skin and wavy hair because i Cannot deal with canon nari looking like that.
sturdy shoes! archery gloves! his vision on his belt! quality of life features that an actual forest ranger would have!
i will admit that the slit pants, the shorts, and the tights were all for self-indulgence reasons, but i think they go together well with the rest of the outfit too.
a braid in his hair for cynari marriage purposes. (i hc that in sumeru, marriages are consummated by braiding each other's hair)
kaveh ❂
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(renamed kaveh laghmani; surname is of iranian origin, but i forgot the meaning)
another real quick note: if i change a character's pronouns in their rewrite, i'll be using those pronouns in their notes. here, kaveh goes by he/she pronouns (she just like me fr).
his canon design is actually my favorite of the sumeru boys, so this redesign was more of a simplification while still keeping the original color scheme and such.
from my research, kaveh's mainly inspired by persian/iranian culture. this is what i had in mind with her shirt and her jacket... shawl... thing. idk what to call it.
kept him a skinny twink; imo, her being a twink in canon fits pretty well.
emphasized the bird of paradise motif with the thing on her side looking like feathers. you will see this again with alhaitham.
made him brunet for more cohesion with the color palette, also because i don't like the whole blonde-fading-to-brown situation he has going on in his canon design.
flowers!!! also giving him a pretty headpiece bc this guy is flashy. also also keeping the feather, it's cunty and fun.
i wanted to make kaveh obviously gnc/genderqueer without going into full-on feminine outfit territory. you can tell she's not quite cis but it's not super in your face yk?
made his vision one of his earrings like yae miko because i forgot to give it a proper place in my concept drawings lmao
quality of life feature: actual artist gloves that aren't cut off. seriously, them being fingerless in the canon design completely negates the point of artist gloves.
removed his braids because of the aforementioned marriage headcanon.
alhaitham ⚘
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(renamed amir al-haytham; i wanted to give him the most basic name possible, though i fought with myself a lot on whether to write it as al-haitham or al-haytham)
my god i despise his canon design. it's so... not him. my goal with a redesign was just to give him an outfit that made sense for his character because jesus his canon design is an atrocity.
alhaitham is mainly inspired by either saudi arabian or general west asian culture (like what's constant and such). i was mainly inspired by casual saudi arabian menswear when i was designing him.
hot take but i don't like alhaitham being buff in canon. i made him chubby/fat in my redesign mainly for self-indulgent reasons, but also because it makes more sense to me. also gave him facial hair because yes
kept his color scheme mostly the same, along with the eye motif. emphasized the eagle motif slightly with the feather hip piece (see: kaveh's redesign).
gave him a headscarf (not a hijab or anything like that, just a regular headscarf) because he felt like the type, plus i got the design idea for it and went "well i can't not include it now".
wanted to give him the vibes of an npc who was forced to be a main character
no he isn't wearing his vision anywhere, he doesn't carry it around in my rewrite.
quality of life features: more sensible, looser clothes that are easier to live in- really the whole design is meant to be a quality of life improvement first and foremost
cyno ⚡︎
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(renamed cyno al-sahrawi; surname meaning is "of the sahara" or more generally, "of the desert")
like kaveh, i'm gonna be using he/they pronouns for cyno here because that's what i put in my rewrite.
in my opinion, cyno's design is relatively solid, but with a few glaring flaws that kinda ruin everything for me. i'll bring them up as these notes go on.
they're very obviously inspired by ancient egyptian culture, specifically anubis. like, it's very blatant. with my redesign, i wanted to keep those inspirations in mind while making the outfit less stereotypical and make more sense.
why does this man, who's said to fight a lot, not wear a shirt? why are you letting the place where most of your vital organs reside breathe freely? also, why does this guy not have scars?
simplified a bunch of patterns, especially below the belt and with his headpiece. also made their helmet(?) a darker, more saturated purple to attract your eyes' attention to it.
gave him eye of horus makeup for a little cultural nod
the black piece in the back was made to look like a tail to further the jackal thing.
curly hair that resembles lightning bolts <3
the shoes were inspired by traditional egyptian footwear, because if this guy is out in the desert all the time, i'm not letting him go without some kind of foot protection.
quality of life features: a bit of armor on his arm (partially for aesthetic purposes), less flowy bits on his helmet and hips to prevent distraction or getting caught on things, the aforementioned shoes
added braids for cynari purposes, because i'm me.
hope you enjoyed reading this! please keep in mind that this is all off the top of my head and doesn't even go into color theory, how the designs mirror each other, and other smaller things like that. i might make a part 2 someday going into those things, but who knows with my memory lmao
reblogs are heavily appreciated!
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renova-writes · 1 year
you don’t love him
bucky barnes x reader
word count: 702
warnings: cheating, language, implied seggsual activity
a/n: I wanted to write something based on The Way I Loved You by Taylor Swift because I’ve been listening to that song a lot but it ended up not really being like that. idk. I’m just trying to get back into writing but I’ve been too preocupied with having my work be good so I’m trying to write for fun right now before working on my (way more dark/serious) novel ideas. long intro. sorry. enjoy :)
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It was a busy day. You were working at a coffee bar downtown. The cold weather and finals for the college students always resulted in nonstop traffic. You were five hours into your eight hour shift and hadn’t gotten a chance to sit down. 
“Bucky?!” you gawked, spilling the coffee you were carrying. You had dated him on and off for a couple years. Then last year, he broke things off officially. You had moved on, found a different guy who you were happy with. 
“Hi, Doll.” He smiled from the counter. He glanced down at your blue employee shirt. It was wet and stained from the coffee. “Something wrong?” 
“No. I’m fine.” You said, walking up to the register. “What do you want, Bucky?” 
“Hey, what’s with the attitude, doll? I just want a large black coffee.” The little prick knew what he was doing. 
“It’ll be $4.95. Name?” 
“From the way you used to scream it, you know my name.” He smirked, handing you a 5. “Keep the change.” 
You blushed, but were secretly thinking that you were going to spit in his coffee. “I have a boyfriend, Bucky.” 
“Sure you do.” He smiled and turned away. 
You didn’t end up spitting in his coffee. That was too mean. Instead you made the three people behind him’s drinks even though he had the simplest order. After twenty minutes, you figured he’d get suspicious so you finally called his name. 
“This is for you, doll,” Bucky winked, handing you a few bills. You looked at them. There was a crisp twenty and an old soft one. On the one, he had written the spot, 7. You stared at those words. 
The spot was technically an alleyway where you two used to meet in Clinton Hill. It was about halfway between your place in Manhattan and Bucky’s place in Brooklyn. You’d meet there whenever you were going out with him. What the spot really was, though, was the cafe down the block that you went to whenever Bucky was more than twenty minutes late. And he was usually late. 
You got off at six that night. You sent a quick text to your boyfriend, telling him that you might be back late, and got on the train to Brooklyn. 
That night you took your time to get there. There was no way Bucky would be there at 7 you thought. He had never been on time once. But lo and behold, standing there at 6:57, three minutes early, was Bucky. He was wearing a leather jacket and held a bouquet of flowers. 
“Hi there, Doll.” He smiled, holding out the bouquet. “I got these for you.” 
“Bucky, I told you, I have a boyfriend. I love him.”
“And yet you came all the way out here to meet me. Doll, I don’t think you really love him.”
“I am. He’s so sweet and respectful. He holds the door open for me, he always keeps his promises, my parents like him- Bucky, you were never any of those things.” 
“I can be. I promise.” 
“You said that last time. And the time before that. And the time before that. Why should this time be any different? And besides, I’m happy.”
“Are you?” He stared into your eyes before pulling you into a kiss. A roller coaster of emotion came rushing to you. You remembered being with Bucky. How you guys would fight and break up, only for one of you to come rushing back to the other’s apartment a few days later. This kiss was just like all the others. It was intoxicating and exhilarating and you wanted more. 
When you woke up in Bucky’s bed the next morning, you weren’t surprised or angry with yourself. Not even the dozens of missed texts and calls from your boyfriend gave you any feeling of regret. Instead, you thought about how the universe kept pulling you back to him, and how you would be a fool to ignore it. You had missed Bucky and the way you loved him. 
“See, Doll. You don’t love him. You belong with me.” 
“I love you, Bucky.” 
“I fucking missed that.” He groaned. “I love you too.”
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lightningthunderstorm · 10 months
My problem with Sarada’s timeskip outfit
I wasn’t going to do this but with the number of times i have seen that outfit on my FY page on other platforms, I kinda wanna gauge my eyes out.
But I’ll refrain from that and explain why I don’t like it. If you like it that’s your thing.
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I won’t be too mean so let’s get to the Pros first.
- This is Ikemoto’s own flare and I respect that. Kishimoto did encourage him to do this own thing rather than copy his style, and he’s doing it, so that’s a plus.
- It helps separate Kishi’s and Ike’s work better.
- It’s kinda cool and fashionable once you get use to it. The outfit is also a continuation of her pre timeskip ( which is also problematic for me)
However, for me the Cons outweighs the Pros about 3 times at least
1. It doesn’t suit Sarada as a person.
She’s quite level-headed and practical since the beginning of the series. Sarada also doesn’t express her emotions openly. She’s not much of a fashion gal who needs to dress cute and sexy all the time as well.
She’s also a responsive and active girl.
As we know, outfit is a big part of character design, it shows the readers part of the character’s characteristics, and we can understand which vibes they gonna give off.
Heels and loose jackets don’t help indicate the activeness, maturity and seriousness that Sarada has.
The jacket and the shoes being big and heavy don’t indicate a powerful taijutsu user who has Chidori ( a technique that is speed based) as one of her arsenal.
Various accessories don’t show a girl who is efficient and analytical right on the spot.
So a drippy and ngl sexy outfit doesn’t help showing what kind of person she actually is.
2. The design doesn’t match the world building
Yes this is peace time, yes it is also a fantasy world, but Naruto character designs have always been more functionalities oriented. Tell me you look at a basic jounin outfit and say it doesn’t scream life bulletproof jacket.
However it’s still a fantasy so not everything has to 100% be functionalism because if that’s the case then they’ll all wear bulletproof jackets.
If you see the main designs of each period you can see how it evolved over time: from samurai-ish armor to bulletproof style jacket and lighter version of it in Boruto time.
This problem comes in 2 parts
- It hinders Sarada’s very own power
She has her mother’s strength and her father’s ninjutsu, which requires her being fast and active. A big bomber jacket which is always fallen on one shoulder ( and stay there with all of her movements smh ) doesn’t help her very physical fighting style.
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And you better tell me how this kind of sleeves does not hinder her hands’ signs, esp the thumbs.
- The design contradicts a very crucial element of Naruto’s clothing design: Maneuverability
This one is quite a controversial and people have screamed left and right about this so I’ll just argue some stuff they said
1. Heels are not a problem. She can fight in heels since there were other women in Naruto did that.
Yes and no.
Yes theoretically she can. However Sarada as an active teen Chunin won’t do that.
The famous examples of women who fight in heels were Mei, Tsunade and Konan. However Konan often turns herself into paper and she floats/ flies a lot so she didn’t even need her legs as much lol.
Mei and Tsunade are straight up Kages, they don’t have to fight that often. And when they have to fight, it’s either ambush or a sudden wtf thing appears out of nowhere.
If you look at every Chunin girl designs, none of them fight in heels. Especially those taijutsu specials aka Tenten, Hinata and her mom!
2. There are ppl who wear long coats but still can fight so can she. ( aka the Akatsuki and Hinata)
The coat is part of the character designs to help gives off a cool, dangerous and mysterious vibe for the new villain, so that the readers can be hooked and keep reading.
Still the coat is quite easy to move in even when it’s zipped up.
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The lower part ( idk what to call it ) can still split apart after that.
Hinata has a big jacket but it’s to show her shyness and introverted nature, and she zips that shit up wtf.
I guess my very main problem is that it doesn’t suit Sarada’s very own character, the others are just favour to the main dishes.
Thank you for reading till the end. I’m also happy to hear other takes on this.
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rain-on-wax-feathers · 4 months
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hi so. dsmp countries as countryhumans.
im not sorry this was funny
explanations of each design and also a bonus doodle under the cut (its arguably the best part of this)
okay first off the height was loosely based off of how big the actual countries are.
LMANBURG - i based it kinda off of the people lmanburg was for. fox ears for fundy, flower for tommy and also a homage to the whole tommy singing to flowers and that's how they got the national anthem. The glasses are for wilbur bc he kinda made the whole thing. the outfit is based on the lmanburg uniforms. the tail is because most of the people in lmanburg are hybrids so. also the hair felt hamilton-y to me and that was funny. the three hearts on the uniform is part of a headcanon im currently working on but basically its a war medal. oh btw i love the lmanburg flag its symbolic and nice and works very well.
GREATER SMP - i made the flag for this bc there isn't an official flag. the flag was based on dream obviously cause its literally his whole country. anyway the crown is because that's what the leaders wear. the under shirt isn't very fancy because none of the members wear anything fancy. the coat jacket suit thing feels very traditional and proper to me which is the same as the nation so. also i debated on what i should do for the ears bc i was thinking human ears but also like all of the people have pointed ears so i decided to go for that
MANBURG - uhm i love the manburg flag btw <3 its so good and representative of the administration and also it feels like very modernized and sleek and americanized if you get what i mean but its still very destructive and has strong "evil" connotations as well as being a mockery of the lmanburg flag. okay now on to the design. i promise promise there's a difference between the suit/hair/pants and the skin its just really slight. anyway i think it looks cool either way. the big tie gives off "false confidence / cocky / big shot" to me and i thought that worked well. the horns are there bc schlatt obviously and its almost touching the eyes bc manburg is very self destructive and will never last. the ears are human bc manburg also isn't super friendly to hybrids (headcanon??).
POGTOPIA - sorry guys but i hate the pogtopia flag it makes no sense and has no reason and also i just ugly. but alas that's the flag so ill do what i can. anyway pogtopia is very desperate and also an absolute mess so the outfit is symbolic of that. the beanie is for pogbur ofc. you cant really see it but it also has big eyebags. the fangs are half destructive and also half bc its for hybrids. the ears and tail as well are the whole hybrid bit. i think that most hybrids (if they could) left manburg which treated them badly and went to pogtopia which was for the hybrids. also the tail is kinda reminiscent of niki who to me feels like what pogtopia was for. if that makes sense.
NEW LMANBURG - i also really like the new lmanburg flag. i think its cool. anyway the eyepatch bc it looks cool and also i thought it was reminscent of how fucked up lmanburg was and how they rebuilt. the wings again are kinda phoenix-y and also peace and whatever. the flowers are again like rebirth and renewal and stuff. the tail and ears and such are again bc of the whole hybrid thing. also the outfit is like a suit-ified lmanburg uniform
BADLANDS - okay so admittedly idk shit about the badlands. so. the flag is pretty cool tho. i gave it horns like bbh and cat ears like antfrost and a mouth like sam / bbh. i did the cloak and scarf thingy bc both bbh and ponk have something like that so i figured that fit. sorry there's nothing really special about this
SYNDICATE - wooo boy theres a lot here. so the syndicate does not have a flag so i had to make one. i looked some up and there was a lot of red and black which i liked. red bc of like anarchy and shit and then black bc that's also pretty anarchy-y but also withers which. they do a lot. i put it like slashed bc its very "conflict opposing dangerous" and that works well with the syndicate. and then i saw one a long time ago that was based on their end portal table so i also added that with the border and the thing in the middle. then i added a bit of gold because i wanted to and i thought it looked cool and to me gold is a syndicate color. i gave them a crown bc both techno and ranboo have crowns so. they have a cape bc its like a secret organization and then i added fluff bc its cold in the artic. the outfit is supposed to resemble the type of outfits that techno and ranboo and somewhat niki ? so like older outfits with the corest and fancy sleeves. and then also like good boots bc they do like fighting and stuff. the hair is short as like a niki and phil thing. also the tail kinda looks like ranboo and that was kinda accidental but i like it. the ears are feathered for phil and also kinda niki and i didn't think wings fit. the clasp is an eye of ender bc of the end portal table. you'd think the syndicate would be tiny tiny but i headcanon that they have other lesser members everywhere (just random informants and such) so
SNOWCHESTER -snowchester's flag is pleasing. also i like the memes about it being close to the mlm flag. anyway the outfit is obviously inspired by ctubbos outfit but its cold and called snowchester so i figured it fit. the small horns are for ranboo. the flowers are for peace and healing and whatever and also a homage to the lmanburgs. the curling horns are not close to the eye but could grow to be bc of nukes and such. the tail and curling horns are both puffy and tubbo.
LAS NEVADAS - i love the aesthetics of the las nevadas flag its so so good. anyway the outfit is pretty self explanatory. the horns and devil tail is bc its a place of sin (casino and whatever). the only reference to the habitants are the feathered ears (quackity) bc its not reeeaaaally for the residents.
KINOKO KINGDOM - okay. okay. the flag is absolutely by far the most aesthetically pleasing flag. i love love off white its amazing and makes sense. i gave it a mushroom hat because. mushroom. the hair is a mix of tina's, sapnap's and karl's. the collar is for george, and the sleeves are for tina. the rest of the outfit is kinda for karl??? if that makes sense. and then the tail is for tina and sapnap
EGGPIRE - i also lovee the eggpire flag. it works well. anyway you may notice that there is literally no callbacks to the eggpire members. that's cause the egg literally does not give a shit about the members. its hair is long and kinda curls like the vines. the dress is about temptation and also like. not battle ready doesn't need to explore or anything just happens. if that makes sense. vines around the head and waist for the silly factor. vine tail because it looks cool
LIMBO - i just did limbo bc i didnt know what else to do. anyway limbo has a sweater bc i feel like ghosts get sweaters and then also is in grayscale because that's the commonality
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thank you for your time.
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bluetimeletsgo · 1 year
Headcanon Time:
Cross Sans Edition!
OK SO this headcanon makes me so happy you're not allowed to judge it because if you do I'll cry. Ok anyways, I heavily headcanon Cross to be transmasc and I have decent reasons as to why and not just because I kin him. Also small most recent Underverse eps spoilers!
Anyways, lets get to it! So why do I headcanon this you may ask? Well it's all about how he presents himself. He's always wearing a lot of laters (if you disregard that newest ep) and even before he got his Royal Guard outfit he still wore a thick jacket (and I think a sweater under it). He had the option to only wear his sweater underneath all those layers yet he's never seen depicted in it in the void before the whole x event happened. As a transmasc myself, who wears layers when I'm dysphoric along with a lot of other trans people, this makes a lot of sense to hc him as the same!
That and along with just how he generally acts (idk how to explain it) it just... works in my brain and it makes me really happy. Maybe in that last episode, when he's just wearing what's left of his sweater, maybe he feels more comfortable with his body then based off how he acts! Or maybe he's just still filled with adrenaline from the battle and from xGaster taking control of his body.
By the way that battle was SO FUCKING COOL TO WATCH.
Thanks for coming to my chat.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
hi sou since you are the resident iizuna tsukasa Knower. what kind of clothes do you think he likes to wear day to day :3
i think he likes color!!!! he's not an "oh haha i mostly stick to earth tones" type of person he's got blues and reds and oranges and greens and so on of all shades for his t-shirts!! i can see them being goofy like suga's, or having all these cute patterns and little art pieces like that one cat that flips people off
and you know how everyone has that one super worn-in cozy piece of outerwear they like to wear like armor? for iizuna i think it'd either be a hooded windbreaker of some sort - definitely from a sportswear brand, definitely a bright color/pattern so if he goes jogging in the rain cars and such can see him - or a classic oversized hoodie that's probably band merch or some other fandom piece, or something really stupidly cute and cheesy like an embroidered UFO on the front and the caption "i need space"
he DOES have a bomber jacket that's basically a statement piece, bright art on the back and all. if he's feeling bold on a casual day hanging out he'll wear that to wherever he's going
OH WAIT I ALSO THINK HE'D LOOK REALLY GOOD IN A DENIM JACKET and he'd have a lot of fun ironing on the patches himself!!
he's probs got a patch of his fave band, maybe some word/phrase of inspiration, and then a few stylistic ones here and there
i don't think he's super picky with casual sneakers - as long as they look decent and they get the job done, then he's fine with whatever. he has to save up his money for volleyball/running sneakers, anyways, so he's pretty basic with what he wears in his downtime. they're probably like simple plain converse or adidas
i can see him really liking those two brands and PUMA for some reason?? idk he feels like a PUMA guy
same thing with slides/sandals, he's just got the one basic pair
oh but he DOES have a pair of neon-green crocs matching with sakusa, charms and all. it was from when they first met and iizuna was trying to figure out how to bond with sakusa and he thought it'd be funny. somehow, it worked.
(btw i literally JUST remembered that you have art of sakusa wearing neon green crocs based off rey's post in the middle of me writing that LMAAAO)
just some regular pairs of jeans for him!! i think his fashion-forward younger sister would convince him to get a completely black pair ("because they'll go with ANYTHING!") altho iizuna isn't entirely sure when he'll need them bc he thinks they make him look like an idiot
sweats at home ofc. in the summer he's got like ten thousand basketball shorts to wear around the house and go run simple errands in
mmmm accessory-wise probably not a lot?? i can see him with a couple of really simple bracelets, beaded ones he can mess around with absentmindedly. he'll joke that it's a setter thing, always needing something to do with his hands
(sakusa and komori team up to get him a nice one for his birthday)
this one is just for fun but i think he'd appreciate a silly patterned button-up like one with soda cans all over it or whales or something else completely random
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mittenlady · 4 months
Hi. I am bored and also wanting to bother you specifically. Which theory is better? Athena Cykes being a robot (evidence being widget, how did she never get hurt/see blood, Métis “studying” just being working with her code, autism) or her dad being the Phantom (this evidence is more Métis based like how would the psychological profile work without a match, why didn’t she just kill him, why doesn’t Athena see Bobby as weird, Athena gets double autism genes) Both work well in any context. I like Phantomdad cause Athena and Apollo can bond over terroristic fathers <3
omg me specifically… such an honor… ok lemme think this thru (this is a long one)
• actually how does widget connect to her emotions… bc there is a way to judge how someone’s feeling based on bodily signs like pulse, temp., etc., but even at that a lot of emotions have very similar bodily reactions and part of determining how u feel is like… from the mind. if i remember my AP psych 5 correctly 😎 but also even at that widget wouldn’t logically have access to her thoughts that does not make sense unless metis like… chipped her??? or something????? which is still impossible
• i think if she’s sheltered enough then at 11 when she saw metis die, she might not have recognized it? but i feel it’s very implausible that she as a child would be so that intensely cautious + NEVER get into an accident + absolutely always be supervised enough to never get hurt. it is odd that her perspective would be that warped so that she’s unable to recognize it but idk. if she has no frame of reference is it human instinct to recognize blood… (i will not do further research at this time i am lazy)
• last two points u bring up i don’t think it’s mentioned what metis does specifically so no comment also elaborate on what you mean by the autism point because athena is giving neurodivergent but like what do you mean in context of that being evidence 😭
• she does seem to enjoy orange juice and little girl treats tho so how would that work… robots don’t really need to eat…
• also based on the navigation companions (ponco and clonco; only reason i know the proper term is for CAYA) why would her machinery be so more advanced than theirs? if aura and metis r capable of creating something so lifelike then why are ponco and clonco, made after her (i think) so far behind?
phantom dad ??:
• metis likely wouldn’t have a match for the phantom’s identity but it was simon who brought her the audio recording of the phantom’s voice i believe so that’s how she composed the psych profile knowing that. 95% sure because i had to look this up for CAYA
• tbf the phantom was wearing a jacket, but also yeah she likely could have done something in self-defense… but if they used the sword on her it’s likely any attempts @ self-defense wouldn’t have gone well regardless. there’s not really enough information in the game i don’t think to say whether or not there was an attempt or not
• bobby was able to fuck w his emotions in game and put on the appearance of emotions, if i remember correctly that was an aspect during the cross-examination/mood matrix part during it, so that’s likely why she didn’t find it off. and if she did, the game didn’t think to actually foreshadow anything by having her mention it either in passing or in her own narration during turnabout academy
i think athena and apollo both having terrorist fathers would be funny tho lol
but based on my minimal research as i consider this, the robothena one seems more plausible as it does better explain some of the illogical parts of the game. ofc it’s in the “future” but literally this made me realize that widget doesn’t make much sense with his ability to literally know what she’s thinking. like unless there’s some wack-ass science shit the writers just didn’t think necessary to share like… what is going on with that
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squid-ink-symphony · 1 year
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Finally working on my agents?????
Idk what 8 is going to end up like, but I'm going to play octo expansion in the next couple months which should help with that. But for now here's what we have!
I named them all after citrus stuff cuz.. its cute <3 Anyway, if you want a playlist sort of inspired by these 4 and just Splatoon/Splatoon characters in general check this out!
More info under the cut! And of course anything here is subject to change. Feel free to ask me or the agents any questions!
Lime/Captain 3
I mixed the male and female base inkling hairstyles to get the one i use for Lime.
They/Them :)
I changed the cloak they got from cuttlefish to a cape(easier to draw.)
Gave them back their old hero suit/jacket thing and shortened their pants.
This is Lime as of splatoon 3, i dont really know if anything is different about them in one and two that varies from the canon designs other than the hair.
Lime is very much the silent type who tends to worry too much and tries to make sure everything gets handled. This means they can end up taking on a lot more than is healthy for them, but they figure it's better that they do it than anyone else so no one else gets hurt.
has a lot of scars that i didnt include becuz this pic isnt colored.
The exact same height as Yuzu, but Lime wears high heels when in casual clothes so they end up being taller.
Has one older sibling.
Uses roller.
Clementine/Agent 4
Is used to being the smartest there is, and she still is really talented. But when she got into a really fancy school she was suddenly surrounded by other people on her level and she actually had to work. Had never built up good study habits and had just coasted by on natural talent until now, so she dropped out about 3/4 through the school year. A couple weeks later she was scouted by Marie.
She only really went along with Marie due to the low point she was in, and she figured following some random woman into the sewers couldn't be any worse than what she had already done. Saving Callie really helped bring her emotions and confidence back up.
She might still be dealing with feeling like she needs to be perfect and smart for her to have any worth, but she's working to get better and allow herself to make mistakes.
He/Him, She/Her and They/Them!
Their hair is just a shorter version of the "straight" inkling girl hair
The logo on her tank top is supposed to be the cuttlegear logo, but i never drew it lol
Wears her hero jacket around her waist after rescuing Callie.
The wheels help her skate and work well while riding on inkrails. It was her first actual project she let herself work on after dropping out. At first it didnt work, but she eventually tried again and again until it did.
Worlds number one salmon runner.
Was so used to being "the smart kid" until he was surrounded by tons of smart kids. And suddenly, that trait didn't make her stand out any more.
Starts off very self loathing, and Marie doesn't notice because 4 is getting results and all Marie cared about was getting Callie back. But slowly 4 grew to break down and then build herself back up again with Marie's help.
Only child
Uses Dualies mostly, but is also pretty proficient with a charger. Is sort of a jack of all trades and can really play any weapon.
Pomelo/Agent 8
She/Her and He/Him???
E liter user??
Yuzu/Agent Neo 3
Was originally going to be called Lemon to match with Lime, but i thought Yuzu was cuter
It/It, They/Them, She/Her, and honestly anything else you want to use. Hoards pronouns and names like a dragon.
Lives with Little Buddy and their mom. Their mom(not biological) is a Goldie.
Does actually speak salmonid, and refuses to work for Grizz Co. Will fight their employees on sight. (this causes some slight issues with 4 when they first meet)
Stringer user!
Finds treasure in the splatlands and sells it in splatsville for cash. WILL fight you on sight if you try to take their stuff.
Hair is a mix between the male ponytail and the canon braid style.
Loves to collect shiny bits and bobs, and can sniff out anything like it from a mile away.
Yuzu will do anything for money. It needs money to help support her family!!!
Was sort of conflicted fighting Deep Cut. On one hand, Yuzu respects them a lot for what they do for Splatsville. But on the other hand, Yuzu is not backing down from a challenge OR treasure. So Yuzu chose to at least do Deep Cut the honor of keeping it a clean fight with no tricks.
Speaking of, it WILL play dirty to get what they want.
Very curious and loves to poke around where they don't belong. Will find every little thing hidden in every level.
Absolutely horrible sense of direction, Honey has to help them out a lot.
Is somehow the most naive and most distrusting of the group.
When they celebrate, they go all out! Splatfests, something good happened with the NSS, birthdays, pretty much anything is an excuse to party like tomorrow won't come.
Honey/Little Buddy/Agent Neo 3 Also?
Has a full proper salmonid name, and so does Honey and Yuzu's mom. I just havent decided what they are yet. But Honey was the name Yuzu gave it, and so they wear it with pride!
He/Him, It/Its, They/Them
Has a braid in their hair just like Yuzu!!
Is growing in some of his goldie scales! But not all of them are their yet! Got his first one after the Hugefry transformation. During the transformation he turned into a massive goldie, but returned to normal with no other side effects. But whats this! There was a single golden scale! Honey was so proud!!
Very brave, unafraid to do anything to help Yuzu out! He will help his big sib!!
Likes to cook!
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The Background Characters Of Ever After High Pt.2
The long awaited part two. Like part 1, I will be posting 30 backgrounders, I think this might be the final part because there are not a lot of backgrounders. Again credits to@eah-backgroundersfor all the ideas/inspirations and feel free to comment name ideas or who you think the characters are.
#1: Girl in Yellow and Blue Coat
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She may be the daughter of The Girl-Fish from story of the same title By Andrew Lang. She does give of mermaid-y vibes. But I think she's she's either, The daughter of The Princess from The Frog Prince or The Princess and The Pea. I've noticed the checkered necklace and her belt design looks like a bunch of mini heart and I know the EAH loves designing characters similar to the stories they have so maybe she's from Wonderland.
#2: Girl With Vine Bracelets
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(sorry for the tiny pic, I literally can't find anything else.)
Anyways, it has been confirmed that she is the daughter of Mother Nature, as chosen by one of the Guru Studios team member in which she is based off of. She doesn't have a name but she gives me librarian vibes. Obviously I think her surname would be nature maybe something like Sage Nature or like a flower idk.
#3: Girl In White
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She may be the daughter of the girl from The Robber Bridegroom. Considering her feathery shoes and white dress, she may also be the daughter of The Goose Girl from the story of the same name. However as someone who's looked up both stories The Robber Bridegroom makes more sense for her design-wise, I don't at all see her as The Goose Girl like at all, I guess the feather might make her seem like that but I 100% think The Robber Bridegroom makes more sense so to me it's cannon. And I have the perfect name for her, Robin Bridegroom. Don't judge the name because I'm obsessed with it.
#4: Bob Cut Girl
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She, along with Teal Buns Girl, may be based on evil witches in general. She may be the daughter of Mother Trudy, the villain of the fairy tale with the same name. I don't know about Mother Trudy but I def think she's like a witch or an evil fairy.
(Okay so that's all the girls just on the wiki, I've decided to do a seperate part even if I don't have 30 with ones I find because that's easier for me)
#5: Grey Sweater Boy
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He may be the son of the king and queen from the Grimm fairytale The Girl With Silver Hands due to the fact that he has a hand print on his shirt.
#6: Red Vest Boy
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So he's assumed to be the son of three fairy tales: The Traveller from the folk tale Stone Soup, Dwarf-Long Nose or The Muffin Man.
Tbh the only one he suits is the Stone Soup, I don't see him as the son of Dwarf-Long Nose or The Muffin Man, maybe his name could be some type of rock or some with the last name Traveller.
#7: Black Sleeved Jacket Boy
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He wins the title as the most background character ever, he is so background he's blurry but I can see that he wears the same jacket as Daring Charming. So I'm going to assume he's like a cousin, because in the books I'm pretty sure they have a cousin. Either that or he's another Charming. Right now I'm just going to give him the name Rory (Irish - the “red king” because I think he has red hair) Charming.
#8: Green Beast
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He is Rugsy, an ogre featured on Rosabella Beauty's diary.
#9: Black Scarf Guy
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The way he's literally so pretty, like so pretty. So he is assumed to be of two stories. The Portuguese fairy tale What Came Of Picking Flowers collected by Andrew Lang. (The story is about a brother who seeks to rescue his sisters who disappeared after plucking enchanted flowers) But honestly I see him more as the other one. the Prince from the fairy tale The Flower Queen's Daughter, also collected by Andrew Lang in which a prince is sent to rescue the daughter of the Flower Queen. He gives of Prince/Rescuer/Hero vibes. Like he literally feels like he is the prince sent to rescue the daughter of the Flower Queen. (I was going to say maybe he's the Beast from Beauty & The Beast but then I remembered about Daring)
#9: White Jacket Boy
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He may be be the son of a knight considering that his jacket resembles that of armor. I feel like name would be Sterling Knight and idk why, he just gives me that vibe. He also gives me jock vibes like I feel like this guy would play a sport. He seems outgoing like he'd be friends with Daring or something. He probably is a knight but other than that idk, now that I've thought about it he does give me knight vibes... maybe another Charming.
So that's the end of Part 2 because I think I have all the wiki characters down, let me know what you think about these backgrounders. And yeah, that's it. I know there are more so I will make a Part 3.
Part 1 is here:
And the wiki I got my info from is here:
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trenchcoatsbi · 9 months
Do you have any stories you like to tell Phil and/or do any anons have favorite stories ? - Roier
OH OH OH!!! gonna be honest the whole uh reply I made to 🐣 with the stuff about like sticking together and stuff was all just stuff I've been thinking about cause of one of my canons. I don't wanna bore yall explaining lore so I am just going to gush about my friends because they are all so silly and I miss them dearly. I may come back and ramble off more stories in a sec too.
ANYWAY hi so my best friend and I met trying to save people from uh lets just call em barons! I was going to help a kid I met earlier that day and he was trying to get his parents and we kinda just ended up fighting together (<- i beat everyone up and got his parents out of there and he saved the family of the kid I was helping out while I was doing that) He invited me to his little resistance group after that and we did a lot of punching up against the bastards who were always making life where we were hell >:D!
It was a lot of planning and stuff which kinda was ugh I wasnt great with planning my style was just get in, cause problems, and then get out. But we also goofed off a lot we were barely adults and I wasn't big on being serious so I dragged the others into silly things all the time! I dragged them to festivals and little neighborhood parties and stuff, you gotta remember what we're fighting for yknow?
Uhm uhm idk a lot of my memories are based on the politics and the stuff we were doing and the goofy stuff is a bit less easy to talk about without a lot of me going on rants but I'm just gonna rattle off some more things under the cut
EKKO!!!! RAHGHG this guy!! He's my bestie don't listen to him if he says otherwise we're the bestest friends he's just shy.
He never let me in his little lab >:/ To be fair I was an awful safety hazard haha electricity magic plus technology he was working on wasn't ggreat but i was always curious about his work i used to sneak in by which I mean I would just go in and stand around while he pretended not to see me
Me and Ez used to drag him around a lot he wasn't like an introvert but he was always working, he was the big leader of the rebellion stuff so he was always serious. He was so funny though, making him laugh was like the best feeling in the world.
He used to help me fix my gun and my coat and all that! (aka every time I broke everything he would be one of the one's I could always turn to to fix it) i used tech to help regulate the fact that I was always sparking lol I was like a live wire and it helped people not get hurt around me
EZRA!!! EZ!! EZA!! Him and me were so silly! I think it's so funny him and Ekko were friends, ekko just showed up with him at our base like he picked Ez up off the street.... stray golden retriever vibes...
He accidentally gave me coffee instead of tea once and I was so hyped up I ended up shocking the hell out of him with my magic... I also crashed a bike... and maybe almost blew up our entire base... Safe to say I was banned from coffee forever and Ekko scolded us so bad...
He wasn't from town he was from the richer upperclass area, but he got absorbed into out group so quickly. He was a bastard but he was our bastard and he's my silly goose [Honorable mention to Vi and cait!! i will always say acab!!! but they were cool after they uh stopped being basically cops!!]
I liked stealing his jacket... not even like to wear it cause mine was the one with my regulators in it but just because he always would chase me around to get it back and i thought it was funny lol
ughg i know why people don't like her like in terms of game stuff but I miss her so bad :((( she did leave town and was like moving up in life and stuff when her music career started really getting serious but she used to help me and ekko kinda? she would use her music to help out where possible
She wasn't part of the active fighting like me an ek but she was great for morale! music building community and all that. I miss her singing so bad it was so comforting on bad days after a job went wrong.. even after she left i used to listen to her music on my little disc player that ekko made me
I used to help her dye her hair! or really just idk i'd take any excuse to hang out and have a girls night with her.
Sometimes she let me help with her guitar and stuff sometimes too!!! I was awful with tech, I could use it, just couldn't wrap my head around building it so really i would just hold stuff for her and ask her a million questions about how it worked! still was fun i could listen her talk about things all day!
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shinwhoohoo · 2 years
MEHHHH. I have three things to complain about and they all boil down to styling!!
1. Let’s start of with GC bc it’s his day. Why why why do they insist on this juvenile styling? The white sailor outfit is the worst imo. At least the other white cropped jacket with black trim/fringe and the black version had some type of form even though they still aren’t my favorites. The navy sailor outfit is eh. And the white one underneath (?) is just looking like a frumpy costume from someone’s talent show idk that feels mean and I’m sorry but just, ugh.
I told you before that I realized GC photographs well and can look very model-like in shoots so I had high hopes for his looks today… down the drain that went!
2. Ok so I agree that CNU looks better in these last two events but also—is it just the same white shirt and tie for these two events? Is WM low on funds? Why couldn’t he just wear perhaps that blue shirt from one of the fairly recent vlives?? And ffs, did anyone else see the brown beige khaki suit jacket?? I’m sorry if he owns that (bc sometimes I feel like he does wear baggy things), but ugh. That jacket is just plain ill-fitting on him. Like a suit jacket an old dad wears to some function. I know his build is looking better recently based on other photos/events but that jacket he wore on top of the shirt and tie just makes me so mad—it’s not doing him any favor. Wear it on a non-event CNU!! Someone get him/WM a tailor please!!
3. And I wasn’t going to bring this up but I’m on a roll with their outfits/styling. Tbh I wasn’t a fan of the latest flower fest photos with sandeul bc the florals/greenery look fake af and the whole thing is just too soft/cheesy for my taste and I was thinking, it’s fine it’s just not to my taste but maybe others like it and it’s not the most terrible thing I’ve seen recently done to these three. But now it’s like, they’ve just botched the visual direction for all three and it looks like this more “youthful” direction for all three has been in the works for a while since sandeuls was likely pre-filmed/pre-shot many months ago before he went on duty.
So WM. Wtf. I get that bc of everything that has happened internally and with the world, maybe b1a4 is low on funds and WM doesn’t have the finances either to devote a lot of it to their first group that’s had stuff happen, but this is just so sad to see at the end of the day!! Meanwhile jy mc from the same night is looking well… good for him, looks like he made the right move for his career but now I’m just even more sad for the others! Who do we email is right Britt!! :/
UGH ok so let’s vent together lol 😂 😂
1. Completely agree, the white and black cropped jacket sets were perfectly fine on their own-- the sailor (and honestly, I find the navy school boy fit just as bad as the sailor outfit personally lol) were just so child like, and yeah ok he’s the youngest of the group but at what cost are they going to keep playing that up?? Give us back model Gongchan, for sure. Give me back this Gongchan. He is so so gorgeous, he literally benefits the most with simple, neutral clean fits. Or, if he’s going to go with more of a bold color, bright reds or blues. But keep the fit more sleek. I mean, if I were to say anything positive....? about the sailor boy look is that I do appreciate a good Gongchan leg moment, but trust me it was not worth it to see him dressed like that lmaoo 🥲
2. So when you are saying the beige jacket I’m assuming you are referring to this look and not this.  The former I also completely agree, it literally looked like the exact same tie/shirt/pants that he wore for the Tomato Festival concert lol, and also agree with that jacket thrown on top did absolutely nothing. The latter look though, I did like. Simple, clean, his hair was actually styled much better than we’ve been seeing it (as in-- actually OFF his forehead!!! yay!!!) so I’m not mad at that look, at least lol. 
3. Ok so here’s the thing: again, I do ultimately agree with what you’re saying. The flower setting does look pretty cheap, and I’m also not one to go for that whole youthful flower-boy vibe (especially when we are talking about men who are between 29-31 years old 😩) but one thing I will say, and granted this is my opinion lol, but I do think of the three, Sandeul does pull off the ‘youthful’ look the best. That’s not to say I prefer it at all-- it’s in fact a terrific day the few times we do see Sandeul styled more maturely, with his glorious eyebrows free from hiding underneath the fluffy boy hair. But unlike what we’ve been seeing recently with CNU (and even Gongchan), WM always styled Sandeul like a 12 year old lol. Like ok that’s a slight exaggeration but really not by much. 
I really don’t know what’s going on!!! It has been frustrating, especially since their stage outfits for Origine were so nice-- has it been the acquisition? And new people now being involved in their artistic direction? Are they really just trying to appeal that badly to a younger audience? Idk, but Jinyoung has been looking great, and honestly he’s been looking really good for a while lol (since he’s come back from his public service, honestly... 👀 which I even ranted about a few weeks ago ..whew)
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