#iZombie Spoilers
jaxyscreams · 1 year
God the scene where Frau Bader is being surrounded by zombies and getting eaten and it pans over to Blaine with tears in his eyes
I might actually cry god this show got me caring about Blaine
Like I hate him and I love him!
and seeing him so touched that his father changed and had his worst abuser killed in such a way?? fuck man! he deserved something that good for him
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redgillan · 8 months
mike flanagan pitching “the fall of the house of usher” to the netflix team: it’s a family, they’re all awful people, they’re all a little gay, and they all die horribly. all of this is established within the first 30 seconds. also carla gugino
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maycanady · 8 months
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Stephanie: I don't know if you're hungry, but you know what my mama always said?
Damian: "Why'd I stop using birth control?"
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lovevalley45 · 13 days
i hate to do this to zac oyama but whenever i saw his alter emo look in the finale i kept thinking of vampire steve like…
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it’s totally 90% the hair but
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allonsybadwolf · 5 months
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so anyways I'm learning that I have a very specific type
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heyitsthatgirl · 8 months
Unexpected but pleasant surprise seeing Malcolm Goodwin show up in The Fall of the House of Usher
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jazzypizzaz · 22 days
Liv's boyfriend Drake (zombie) is crazed and fighting with her work partner voice of reason Clive (human) and the music ramps up high tension drama! drama! danger incoming!! and I'm biting my nails like NOooo!!! Drake is gonna scratch him in their grapple! Clive can't turn zombie!! neither him or Ravi aren't allowed, they're the innocents, the allies, the best hopes for humanity and peace and!!!! then Liv finally shoots Drake in the head and I'm relieved, phew close one!!, but the danger music climaxes into dissonance and oh. I guess the thing I'm supposed to care about in this scene is not Clive's safety but Liv having to kill her boyfriend. a guy I forget about the second he's not on screen. *michael bluth voice* him??
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emordnilapxpalindrome · 8 months
i'm sure i'll have like. a long post with at least semi-coherent analysis eventually, but as of right now, my thoughts on ofmd s2. from a purely entertainment value standpoint, absolute banger. i'm having a blast. but as a sequel to s1? as a narrative arc? i'm......... disappointed. i'm really, really, really disappointed. and i know a ton of my issues clearly stem from a combo of budget restraints and the shorter season length! but a lot the writing choices they made as a result of that are bizarre at best (and often just kind of...baffling, honestly, in some cases).
i absolutely despise being the "this season isn't living up to my expectations :(" person because, well, i'm sure my expectations were higher than they should have been. and fan expectations/pressure were probably a negative influence on some of the writing this season, if we're being completely honest. but it just feels like a different show entirely this season
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what did you think of the izombie ending?
I thought the resolution of sticking all the zombies on a segregated island was not great, and I kinda wish blaine and don e had a better ending than just dumping them in a hole and leaving them there together, but what do you think? also if you could change the ending what you make happen instead? sorry for autismdumping izombie thoughts on you,,, have a good day !! +also sorry if you’ve already talked about this one
!! I mean, we're...I think in year 2 of my absolute hyperfixation on this show and me rambling about it so you have nothing to be sorry about!! I love talking about iZombie!! (and I don't think I've talked about the ending before bc...I only watched it one single time, went 'duly noted' and then...proceeded to care a lot more about everything that had been going on before that. So it's also that part of the show where I'm the least immersed)
(Which, in the defence of the show, isn't entirely their fault. I have a way of trying to repress the fact that my favourite shows are over by not thinking too much about the endings).
And I also know there were some budget issues, personnel issues, CW issues so I also cut the show some slack for all that stuff affecting the writing. I also think that with everything that happened since the season 3 finale and season 4 only beginning to set up New Seattle, it would definitely have taken more than season 5 to unwrap all of those plot-points in a really all-around satisfactory way. Especially since s4 also spent a significant amount of time on the whole Brother Love plot which then ended with the season finale, meaning it gives season 5 barely any material to build on BUT also stealing a lot of time they could have invested in starting to set up a satisfactory finale in s5. I heard a lot of people say that the ending was rushed ...and yeah IT WAS - but honestly, I don't see how you resolve a zombie-Seattle under the control of a mercenary army being threatened with nuclear destruction in just 12 episodes without breaking a few eggs.)
What I don't understand is that they knew they had this time problem and then...spend a lot of time introducing so many new plot points and focussing on new ideas and elements. For example, I think the whole Dead-Enders plotline was not very compelling, rushed and...I don't know, I just didn't feel particularly intrigued. Especially since it was introduced so late in the show.
Or Liv's father being Beanpole Bob - for one, I didn't really care about Liv's father up to that point bc...she never really seemed to care. I didn't even really take much notice of the fact that she didn't have a father around and it didn't feel like something we were supposed to be invested in. Honestly, up until that point, Liv didn't seem to care much about her father at all. There was no significant journey to find him, and I wished they had dedicated more time to exploring her relationships with her actual relatives and their falling-out after the season 1 finale. Maybe even really dedicate an episode just to the Moore family. Hell, give me Evan Moore as a narrator, talking about his feelings over the last few years. It would have been better if they had delved into those dynamics earlier instead of cramming them into the last season.
And perhaps this is a personal preference, but as someone who is also fatherless and okay with it, it's a bit irksome from a feminist perspective how just HAD to give us a father to Liv. It feels as though we were suddenly supposed to care deeply about the identity of our female protagonist's creator and rejoice in this revelation. Like they thought we were watching this entire show wondering desperately where Liv's father is and why she doesn't have one around. Especially since the Moore-family is very well-situated and successful and is clearly managing just fine - while the media often likes to make deadbeat dads look like a problem specific to precarious living situations. I think it would have been good to show a family that is well-off, successful without a man around and no, you don't have to ask where the father is, just be normal about it. And yes, Liv's mom is toxic in many ways - but I genuinely think that this is something that never really is resolved, for better of for worse because suddenly we have a father for Liv to care about. They spend so much time on Blaine and Angus horrible father - son dynamic that it feels a bit annoying that they never fully explored the disturbed mother - daughter dynamic between Liv and her mother.
Also, the whole twist of discovering that Liv, who became a zombie simply by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and had no involvement in drugs or related activities, happens to have a father who was connected to the creation of the zombie virus and the Boat-Party Massacre felt just too contrived. It didn't sit well with me; it felt forced.
(sorry, I know this isn't really about the ending itself but I got carried away)
As for zombie-island - I feel like pretty much everything has already been said about the issues with that entire solution. The biggest problem I see is...with eternity. It doesn't really feel like much of a resolution to me.
Take the idea that you now have terminally ill people getting infected and living on the island. This is going to get very crowded very soon - not to mention the rise in brain demands - this would mean over time, it would really difficult to keep this place working without once again giving power to brain dealers and brain smugglers (also, again: eternity. Islands aren't exactly getting bigger these days, with the oceans rising). And if the good-will and brain donations depend on people being a lot more pro-zombie because they're helping sick people, then this sentiment can also turn sideways very quickly when they start rejecting people because they cannot feed them anymore. It would be the same problem they had in Seattle. Moods change, governments change, problems change. It feels unrealistic to me that just because there is a cure now, people are just going to be fine with this for the rest of time. (This is part of the reason why I at least made it a government secret in one of my fics)
Not to mention what it means for the main-characters. Again, this is a bit of a personal opinion but...I never really liked stagnant endings. The kind of endings that are 'well they're living in small house in the countryside now and have 5000 kids and don't work anymore'. That kind of Peter Fox Haus am See ending. Especially not if it's for all eternity. Because that's...not really a happy ending to me, unless e.g. that person was always shown to have really longed for that or maybe they spent their entire life without having peace like that. For example, Liv and Major taking care of kids together is something I enjoy because this was something they both wanted - Liv wanted kids and Major was a social worker who lost his job because of this situation. But especially Liv was always an extremely driven person - she was always in motion, always chasing that feeling of accomplishment. And a big deal in the show was her realisation that she was chasing things that weren't actually making her happy and that she wasn't doing what she did because she believed in it. She had to learn to do what she thought was right and important over what others thought was right and important. She had to learn that she wasn't taking the time to rest and look around and take in the sights and live.(In fact, one of the many things I consider zombism to be a metaphor is - at least in the early days - Liv suffering from burn-out). And the ending feels like it's going into the opposite extreme and I don't think she would be happy, spending literal eternity living in secret on an island. Like...what's going to happen to her? It still hasn't really been answered.
(don't get me wrong! I'm excited that Major apparently got to live his dream of building outdoor furniture like he said in season 1).
The problem was never that Liv WAS a driven person or active person - the problem was that she applied it to the wrong things in the wrong measures. Her drive is one of her best traits and while she certainly deserves a few decades of peace and vacation and relaxation after all the events of the last 5 years, I don't think that would work for her for the rest of eternity. What will become of her? That question still hasn't been fully answered for me. The lives of the other main characters went on. I like that - even though I'm a bit sad that their group is kind of separated now and to be back together, they also have to live in stagnation.
So yeah, this is kind of my biggest reason why I'm not over the moon enthusiastic about the ending. I'm also not like...super-angry about it but I'm also not thrilled. It just wasn't one of those endings that are brilliant, for me. It's just...an ending.
As for Blaine and Don E:
Honestly, I'm going to out myself here ... I think it's a fitting ending for them. On the one hand, I think it is intentionally a somewhat ambiguous ending. Blaine and Don E were fan-favourite characters but they were also pretty awful people AND especially Blaine also had some parts of the audience that really, really hated him - so it's a bit hard to find an ending for those two that works for everyone (and I mean, this one also clearly doesn't work for everyone).
But...the well-ending, even more so than the zombie-island ending, leaves room for speculation. Maybe they're down there for the rest of time, going Romero. (something that would be a giant fucking biohazard btw). Maybe the main gang just leaves them down there long enough to scare the shit out of them, before having someone fish them out, cure them and put them in prison. Maybe they climb out on their own (they're not weighed down like Angus was and it IS a pretty narrow well) and kill each other. Maybe they escape and play some Catch Me If You can and finally make up again. Maybe one of them kills the other and gets away, maybe they both kill each other, or maybe they were killed by the fall. The opportunities are basically endless so everyone gets to have their cake and eat it.
Another reason I'm fine with the well-ending is that I'm a bit obsessive about the symbolism of the well (I'm going to make a really long post about this one of these days and will be legally declared insane) but long story really, really short: I think the well is a symbol of how Blaine never managed to truly define himself outside of his own upbringing and trauma. Despite how much he resents Angus, he also defines his own worth by the way Angus defined his (lack of) worth as a son: Angus is all about power, selfishness, capitalism, how feelings and compassion are weak and pathetic etc. Après moi le déluge. And his entire life, Blaine ran after those values, trying to accomplish something in this framework. His efforts to do something else were very brief and dishonest (like the amnesia-thing where he tried to live a lie with Peyton).
His only idea of changing was being seen differently by others - but never to actually work on himself. He could never bring himself to commit to the idea that if his father is such a horrible person it doesn't matter if he thinks that Blaine is a failure - that it is, in fact, a badge of honour for a guy like Angus to consider him a failure. (I think this is at least partially because Angus is the only person left from Blaine's childhood. He could never even really bring himself to kill him, he just freezes him or dangles him in a well and talks to him).
Blaine never found friends of his own other than Don E, never went to therapy, he could easily have moved to a new city, found a job there, gotten married to someone or done whatever the hell he wanted with his life that WASN’T mass-murder and become a fully self-actualised person. And sure, he would probably always have carried that trauma and pain with him - but we can't change the pain we carry within us. But we can do is decide whether we're going to do something about it and grow - or whether we're always going to venerate what was done to us and try to climb into a shell to keep that from happening again. A very important aspect of Blaine's storyline was always that he felt entitled to act the way he does in order to get rich and reclaim the privilege he was born into and that he feels he's owed. And for me, the well and his relationship with it, his talking to the well, throwing his father in there (even instead of killing him!) really symbolises how much he's a prisoner of his own pain and of his own stunted self-image and that's why in the end - he ends up being devoured wholly by the well. The more unhinged he becomes, the more he becomes part of the well.
And...as for Don E - and I know this is probably the even more controversial point bc I know a lot of people wanted a redemption arc for him: As it stands, I'm also fine with him going down the well. The reason I stand with that is specifically the exchange he had with Peyton when he found out that Blaine had killed Darcy - he was absolutely fine, even amused with everything Blaine did UNTIL he learnt that it affected him this time. His response to learning that Blaine had killed some girl was literally "well we all have our hobbies". And that's really always been his thing, honestly. Yes, he did less genuinely awful things than Blaine - but he also never really spoke up against them. He was always happy to profit from Blaine's bullshit and sit on the bandwagon as long as it got him forward. So him getting the same ending even if he's not directly as bad as Blaine - I feel fine with it.
Now, mind you, I'm not entirely against Blaine and/or Don E getting a redemption arc if it had been done right (and it would have had to be done early enough). However, in Don E's case, it would have required more than just falling in love and caring deeply about another person like he did with Darcy. I think it should have required some initiative regarding something that isn't just him protecting something or avenging something or someone he cares about.
I understand that many people view Blaine as beyond redemption, but honestly, the point of no return for me would have been if he had simply become friends with the main gang, especially if someone like Peyton or another female character did all the work to fix him (as he intended with the amnesia arc). If he had shown personal growth and started establishing moral boundaries on his own at some point and chosen something like compassion or idealism or morality over profit and personal power, and if it had been handled intelligently and with care, I would have been okay with that. Nevertheless, I'm not upset or saddened that they didn't go that route, because it's a delicate matter that could have easily gone awry, and I prefer him not being redeemed over a poorly executed redemption arc that mishandles his character.
Things that I would change:
Small thing I think about a lot: I would have made Al Bronson the relative or former teacher or friend or maybe a girlfriend (I guess she's a little too old for that) of one the kids Blaine killed in season 1. I liked that he got his comeuppance for what he did to those kids and that he got outed as a child murderer but I feel like the fact that she's the niece of Mr Boss cheapens it a little. For one: Al Bronson is the one who manages what no one else previously could do - she really brought down Blaine. This would be a lot cooler if she was e.g. the sister of one of the kids from season 1. By making her Mr Boss niece, her accomplishment kind of falls onto a male character and Blaine's punishment suddenly becomes more about the gang war he started in season 2 rather than the kids he exploited in season 1. He openly admits that he killed those kids because no one was going to notice or care or investigate for long - so someone genuinely caring about them and THIS causing Blaine's fall would have been great. But now it's just...part of another scheme in the endless scheme-war these guys got goingand Mr Boss gets away with everything and doesn't receive his due punishment despite also being pretty awful.
In the grand scheme, I would have avoided introducing so many new things in the finale, like the Dead-Enders.
I wouldn't have introduced Liv's dad. I genuinely don't care about meeting Liv's dad. Instead, I would have wanted more episode with her established family.
I really didn't like that they killed Michelle
maybe an ending where the main gang is a bit closer together
and I mean, if I had all the power ever to make changes, I'd have...maybe dropped a few cases of the week in order to stretch the resolution over a few more episodes.
Heck, if I had all the powers in the world ever (and budget, I'd just have made a season 6)
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Sauron: Beauty is in the eye of whoever is looking at me.
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corvusthecryptid · 2 years
whoever wrote episode 9 of izombie is genuinely just. a bad writer. like that literally just Did Not Make Sense from a storytelling perspective, and it just felt like they wanted to get everyone amped up without ever actually committing to anything WORTH getting amped up over.
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sukoshimikan · 1 year
iZombie potential spoilers ahead for season 4
Ravi said the brain smells like lilacs and tastes like honeydew/ melon.
Could use Midori and a lavender/ violet simple syrup (not sure about edibility of lilacs), tequila or vodka for a base, and maybe use a mini brain shaped mold to make an icecube to put in. 🤔
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nervouswreckhere · 1 year
i read a spoiler and now i want to either die or kill something
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bittersweetyrn · 10 months
fun reactions my mom had to good omens 2
we watched the first season together back in november when i wrote a big communications paper on it, so i had to remind her of stuff. I tried to make these as close to verbatim as possible bc she is very silly and forgetful too <3
spoilers ahoy under the cut!
"That's entirely my fault for not collecting the rent!" mom: gonna tell our landlord about this
Gabriel is naked in the streets mom: is he naked?
mom: literally gets jump scared by Crowley's scream of Gabriel
"I thought I'd put the books in alphabetical order...what's author?" mom: oh no "I was shelving the books by the first letter of the first sentence." mom: OH NO
mom: why do these crows sound all fucked up? mom: ohhhh....haha
"Was Eve a baby?" "No, they can arrive at any size." mom: *literally losing her mind laughing*
"You have my word as an angel." mom: *gasp* and he wasn't struck down???? oooooooh.... mom: wait were job's children really killed in the Bible???
"You said it wasn't lonely." "I'm a demon..." mom: ....I lied. *looks at me like this* 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
"I always say the best part of a cupperty is looking at it." mom: awww, a nice angel!! they're cute
Aziraphale's custom job of the Bentley mom: cute, it changes depending on who's driving it :3
Sean Biggerstaff: appears mom, nearly yelling: who is that!!!! who is he!!! I know him!!! what's he on!!!!
discussion of selling bodies for anatomy lessons mom: oh yeah this was an episode of Sawbones
Crowley makes a big hole mom: oh my god he just sent them to hell?????
Elspeth pours a glass of laudanum mom: she's gonna kill Aziraphale
crowley loopy off poison mom: he reminds me of Jim Carrey
"I mostly use it for Twitter. And Grindr." mom: what's Grindr? me: I literally can't do this right now
"You know I can't cross the threshold." mom: what is happening, vampires now??
mom: (about Furfur) that's the Neo of Sporin guy
nazi-zombie burps out the drunk guy's song mom: just like iZombie...
"Oh, well! Sometimes you meet a stubborn turnip." mom: he is so embarrassing
the entire bullet catch scene mom: I'm chewing all my cuticles off im so nervous
Furfur gives Crowley the evidence packet mom: ooh I bet the picture isn't even gonna show up, that'll save them. somehow.....oh. never mind.
Nina walks into the bookshop for the ball mom: what has he done to everyone??? wow, aziraphale doesn't know anything, huh mom: also Jim looks like he's wearing the suit from Dumb and Dumber
mom: *cracks up at every instance of the Jim/James/Gabriel goof*
"You are unloved and unlovable." mom: jesus that's pretty harsh
"You wanna come in here and say that to my face?" mom: HONEY NO
Heaven's security footage of Gabriel as he leaves mom: okay, hohoho, now all the pieces are coming together.
fly climbs into Jim's eye mom: aueghhgheohh??
"No need to ever meet again, is there?" "None whatsoever." mom: pfft, they're in love
"No one's ever given me anything before." mom: now I'm sad :(
Metatron buying coffee mom: who's that? is he important? me: you saw him like 15 minutes ago. earlier in the episode mom: really? when?
metatron scowls at crowley mom: whoa why'd he scuzz him so hard?
The Argument mom: MY CUTICLES!! *keeps looking over at me nervously*
"I forgive you." mom: oh no he didn't
mom: is there gonna be another season?
me: if people watch it enough, but it's also up to amazon
mom: we should write a letter to amazon
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purplerakath · 1 year
School Spirits Whodunnit Update 1x06
Spoilers: I should be asleep right now but here I am, updating this.
...But it isn’t really an update as this episode didn’t change a lot. I think Claire, Xavier, and Anderson are all off the hook. But I wasn’t too sold on any of them being responsible. All theories were too early. Meanwhile Xavier has had a pretty solid run on being protagonist for this ep.
I don’t think the custodian did it either.
I’ll also say Nicole is off the hook, she’s sketchy but I don’t think she’s murder Maddie without a pretty significant shift in the next episode (she could also have filmed the blackmail).
So my list right now is:
Mrs. Fields - She’s around, and connected, but not directly (so far). If she isn’t guilty she is the other option on who filmed the blackmail video. We’d need to point things at her and fill in the blanks second half of next ep to do anything with this.
Mr. Martin - Like- if we didn’t have Rhonda searching the shelter at the end I’d be less all in on this theory, but I’m pretty on board for the ‘missing ghost is joyriding in Maddie’s body’ theory. That whatever sketchiness is going on it’s on the ghost side of the gap, not the mortal side.
The other reason I’m on for that theory, and that direction, is it opens up more avenues for a Season 2. The alternative would be to drag out Maddie’s mystery (which won’t feel great to watch) or start murdering other people (which- like- creates logistical Sunnydale problems). Expanding the ghost side of things gives the show room to go.
Kinda the same thing that happened in iZombie.
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