#i'm sorry i know people love these youtubers
jmdbjk · 20 hours
Cultural reset...
These are just my own opinions and I think it's time I address this.
I had to google "cultural reset" to make sure I was using the term properly. New Google AI Overview says:
A cultural reset is when something significant in popular culture changes or is added, causing people to change the way they view things or to have a lot of people hop on the trend. For example, in K-pop, a cultural reset is a song that is very influential, usually one that gets pretty popular and many people love. It has a lot of influence over the K-pop fandom, and gets a lot of attention.
I did not ask Google AI Overview to specifically give me an example in K-pop. That's just my browsing history telling Google AI Overview that this bitch is obsessed... scary right?
(But I'm a little miffed that Google AI Overview generalized my BTS browsing history as K-pop because I don't look at or search up other K-pop artists. I am BTS only.)
Anyway, thank you Google AI Overview. Actually, I was more interested in styling concepts that are a cultural reset.
Let's stop stalling and just get into it.
I know none of us knew what to do with this Jimin when the photo folios dropped:
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Definitely a cultural reset in my opinion.
We had never seen a Jimin like that before. Only in our fanfic-AI generated images imaginations had we ever thought...I don't think AI images was even a thing when this Jimin dropped on us.
Does anyone else have the urge to smooth the wrinkles and creases out of those pants for him? No? Just me? Ok.
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Photo folio-black lace up leather gloved-patent leather panted-big chain belted-horny mask Jimin was a cultural reset for me and for many of us. The gloves really put it over the top. We'll never go back. He's covered from neck to foot except for a few slivers of skin. It's wild. It's just a smooth arm pit. Ok, before I run off the rails here... what was I saying? Oh yeah.
Also a cultural reset for me:
Every time I see this come up on my Youtube I watch it because it deserves all the views. Even the soundtrack was perfect.
I know Dora-the-Explorer haired Jungkook is not the favorite of some but I absolutely adore it... wait... sorry. There's a word there that I'm striking from my regular vocabulary from now on. Reasons.
This Jungkook was a cultural reset for me. He's never looked like this before and hasn't since in any concept photos. This was brilliant styling, I don't know if it was JK's regular stylist or if a Calvin Klein stylist did it but it was pure art.
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He played that camera until the camera wilted, I just know it. I hope he grows his hair out long again when he's back with us.
And no shoulder booboo. I wonder when the shoulder booboo incident happened and I wonder if we'll ever hear the details.
While I'm talking about cultural resets, I have an honorable mention:
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Not just this visual but the song too. PJM2 is coming. I feel another cultural reset coming.
Talking to my partner in crime the other day and I think a meeting DID occur where they detailed out a timeline for Project Naked Bangtan. Because they weren't going to go full frontal on us cold turkey. (Somehow all those words together sound hideous but you get my meaning.)
Regardless of Tae and his proclamation that "Chapter 2 isn't about us taking off our shirts" it is about showing a more mature side of themselves which inevitably is going to lead to showing some skin and some cuss words. Little did we know.
I can imagine how it went down in the brainstorm meeting of them trying to come up with content to fill in the time until they are all discharged...on a whiteboard possibly... because some of us are visual learners... someone drew a timeline of nakedness, possibly for each member.
I can hear it now:
RM: "We have to ease them into it. Who's first?"
Jin: "Hyung will do it." LMAO
What's been your Jimin and Jungkook cultural resets?
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cassidymb121 · 2 days
OMG It’s You…(Part 8)
YouTube!Fem reader x Stray Kids
Summary: Y/N’s YouTube channel is taking off after her reactions to Stray Kids MV God’s Menu. Now she’s making videos nonstop along with working a full time job. What would happen if she got offered a job of a lifetime and met the boys of her succession?
⚠️Warnings⚠️: reader feeling down, crying, people pleaser, (orange is Korean being spoken)
🏷: @laylasbunbunny @weirdowithaphone
Previously on OMG It's You…
Third Person POV
Y/N never imagined that she would be summoned to the conference room at her workplace, especially by unfamiliar individuals not from the United States. Nevertheless, they were seated on one side of the table, while Y/N found herself on the other, facing a stack of papers with the word "CONTRACT" emblazoned across the top.
“Are you interested in collaborating with us?”
I have also been content with working in the evenings as I am a natural night owl. I also inherited punctuality from my father and typically arrive at work at least an hour early to have time to eat and fully wake up before my shift. Although I don't love my job, I am grateful for it as I have been in worse situations previously.
As I was about to start my shift, my boss sent me a text asking me to call immediately. I quickly dialed the number and waited anxiously as it rang. When my boss finally answered, they informed me that I was needed in the conference room in Building 1 right away. My mind raced as I wondered if I had done something wrong. I couldn't think of anything that would have led to this sudden summons.
I can feel my anxiety starting to creep in. “I'm not aware of what’s going on, Miss Y/L/N. I’ve just been told to inform you to come up here. It’s the conference room facing the front of the building.” I nod, but then realize they can’t see me. “Okay, I’ll be up there shortly.”
As we bid our farewells, my body starts to rebel. My heart races, my head throbs, and my hands tremble. I grab my belongings, preparing for the worst – getting fired. The short ride to Building 1 feels like an eternity as I battle my escalating anxiety. Upon parking, I make my way to the main entrance. Climbing the stairs, I unexpectedly encounter our CEO at the top. If my anxiety was bad before, it's now off the charts. I attempt to calm my racing heart, but it feels like it's about to burst out of my chest.
“Good Afternoon Miss Y/N," she said with a bright smile. I did my best to smile back, but my nerves were evident. "I'm sorry to call you up here, but there are some people who would like to talk to you." I froze up again, but this time for a completely different reason. "So then I'm not getting fired?”
"Oh heavens no! You're one of our top employees!" I let out a breath I was holding, then I remembered what she had just said. "Wait, who's here to see me?" She beamed and said, "Why don't you go see for yourself? It's the last door to your left. Take your time. Your boss knows where you are. Just let them know when you're done." I thanked her and took a few deep breaths. ‘I wasn't getting fired, but who could be waiting for me?’
As I walked to the door and opened it, I was greeted by a group of people I had never met before. To my surprise, they were all from Korea. I flashed a smile and said hello, and they returned the gesture, acknowledging my presence. After introducing themselves, I took a seat at the opposite end of the table.
"I'm sure you're curious about why we've come to see you." I chuckle softly. “I couldn't help but feel like I was getting fired today," I admitted. "We're sorry for the inconvenience. We came earlier this morning, but we were told you didn't start until later, so we had to leave and come back.” one of the ladies added.
“It's alright. I never imagined someone would come looking for me at my workplace.”
“I'm pretty sure you got a call from us a few weeks back," I nodded. "Yeah, I did. I did send an email in response later, but with work and the channel taking up most of my time, I just haven't had the chance to get back to you.”
“The channel is the reason why we're here.” I look to them in confusion. “In South Korea, you are one of the most popular channels. We have a diagram to show you.” They gave me a diagram that shows all the most watched people and/or channels in South Korea and I'm within the Top 5. Looking to the side, I see all the names of the people who are also listed along with the dates of when this was recorded.
“We've been keeping an eye on your channel for a while, and we're enjoying your content. Have you ever calculated how much you typically earn from your videos?" I pause and meet the man's gaze. "It all depends on the views I get. It can range from $150 to $500 per day and $5,000 to $9,000 per month. It varies based on the video.”
“How much are you pulling in at this job?”
"This job has the potential to bring in (your weekly earnings/twice a week) before taxes, and around (your weekly earnings/twice a week) after taxes. Any overtime you put in could really boost those numbers!" He nods in agreement and shifts his gaze to a stack of papers sitting on the table.
The conversation took an unexpected turn as the women across the table revealed their intentions. "We're here to offer you a job with us," one of them stated. I couldn't hide my surprise, "You want me to work for you?" The room filled with laughter as one of the ladies replied, "Yes, we would like you to work for us. We know it may seem surprising to you, but to us, it's quite simple. You see, there are multiple companies, including Music Industries like JYPE, who are interested in hiring you. That diagram we have isn't just to tell you that the majority of your viewers are in South Korea. It's to show you how popular you are in South Korea. In a sense, you could be just as popular as K-pop idols, if not more."
As I heard those words, I felt like my head was about to explode. The thought of being as popular as K-pop idols seemed too far-fetched to be true. However, as I glanced back at the diagram, a part of me started to see how it could make sense. After all, numbers don't lie. When I looked up again, I noticed that everyone around me had gentle smiles on their faces.
“So, what exactly are you hiring me for?” The gentleman to the far left speaks up. “That’s where I come in,” he begins. He proceeds to outline their proposal to bring me on board as a full-time content creator. The position would require me to relocate to South Korea and would come with a dedicated space for shooting videos. This would be a significant upgrade compared to the limited space I currently have in my room. Additionally, they offered me a part-time editing role when I'm not creating new content. Both positions came with generous compensation, but the amount they were willing to pay for my videos was almost beyond belief.
"Wait, $9,000 to $15,000 per video?!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My eyes must have nearly popped out of my head. Typically, a video with 150,000 views a day would earn around $620 to $1,035. On top of that, they were offering to pay me for each video, in addition to my regular YouTube earnings. It was hard to wrap my head around why they would offer so much. Finally, I couldn't hold it in any longer, and I asked the one question that had been consuming my thoughts all along.
“Why does it feel like everyone is trying to fight over me in some way? I mean, take a look at this diagram." *Showing them the diagram* "I get that I'm supposedly very well known over there, but why pay someone so much for videos that never get paid that much?”
The gentleman positioned in the center let out a small sigh before responding. "Due to your widespread popularity, everyone desires to have you working for them. It's a way of demonstrating that 'My company has become even more popular now that I have y/c/n working with me.' That's essentially what it signifies."
"So, essentially, that's your intention here. You want to have me under your company name to help your business expand." They all nod, and I turn my gaze to the left. "But what guarantee do I have that another company won't come along and offer me a better opportunity? What about that?" Before they can reply, I speak up again.
“Listen, I appreciate the offer, but I won't engage in this if it's solely about gaining popularity. I value my worth as a human being and refuse to be objectified or treated as a trophy. If I decide to pursue this, it will be on my terms. I'll only associate with a company that respects me as an individual, values my content creation, and allows me to work on my terms. I might consider additional projects in my spare time, but my integrity as a content creator mustn't be exploited. I seek a professional partnership without the need for flaunting or seeking fame.”
“We are committed to supporting your growth. Rather than simply showcasing you, we want to nurture your potential within our company. Your creativity and dedication could lead you to a producer role here. If necessary, we are open to adjusting the contract terms to better suit your needs. We envision a promising future for you, not only within our company but also in your personal life.”
Four days have passed, and here I am at my grandparent's house with most of my immediate family. We're gathered around, discussing the contract I've been revising with the company. They've been cooperative, working with me to include what I want and exclude what I don't want in the contract.
The updated contract sparked a lively discussion, or rather a heated debate, among my family members. Initially, they were all thrilled when I shared the news. Well, almost all of them. The mood quickly soured when I mentioned that I would have to move to South Korea.
“Why do you need to move? Can't you just remain here?”
“Why are they offering her such generous compensation?”
“It's likely a ploy to entice her into joining their team.”
“Have you considered the potential risk of experiencing a similar episode to your last one at WD? You've never had the experience of living independently, and the one time you did, you struggled to fulfill your financial obligations.”
“How are you planning to support yourself? Will the income be enough to cover your expenses?”
I excused myself and made my way to the back porch, hoping for a moment of peace. As I sank into the couch, I couldn't shake off the feeling that things were spiraling out of control. Just a few days ago, I had left the conference room on cloud nine, but now everything seemed to be falling apart.
It's tough to admit, but I've always been a people pleaser. I've spent my life doing what others thought was best for me, even when it made me unhappy. When I finally mustered the courage to pursue my passion and start my own channel, my family didn't support me. It was disheartening, and almost made me give up before I even started. However, with the encouragement of a few close friends, I found the strength to pursue my dreams. And now, I'm proud of how far I've come.
As I reflected on their questions and concerns, I found myself contemplating aspects that hadn't crossed my mind, such as the possibility of this opportunity being a scam. My once-envisioned dream job now seemed to be losing its luster. Just as my thoughts started to spiral, a familiar figure emerged to join me outside. I desperately needed to avoid any further negative discussions about the situation. Surprisingly, it was my stepmother (or someone equally close to me). Despite not being my biological mother, she has consistently been my pillar of support when others have fallen short.
“Hey there, are you holding up okay?" I give a small nod. "I'm hanging in there, I guess. I get why they're worried about this, but every time I start feeling a little hopeful, they shoot it down. I even spoke to the company about delaying my relocation, but they refuse to listen. It's like they don't hear me at all." I pause, looking at her, struggling to hold back tears. "Just once, I wish they could be happy for me. I'm finally making progress in my life, and I just want their support, not their doubts.”
As tears streamed down my face, my stepmom did her best to wipe them away. She pulled me close, and it was as if all the emotions I had held in for so long came rushing out. After I finally composed myself, she gently pulled away and looked at me with concern.
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with you Y/N. You know your grandparents and your dad adore you and would do anything to see you happy. I've always encouraged you to pursue your dreams and not let anyone hold you back. I still stand by that. I understand they may not be thrilled about you moving away, but if it means living the life you've always envisioned, then go for it. You know we'll always be in your corner, no matter what. Our collective wish is for you to find genuine happiness. Don't let their words steal your joy, okay?" With a nod, I couldn't help but smile a little brighter.
When we returned inside, everything had calmed down. They expressed their happiness for me and their concern about me being so far away. My stepmom even seemed to have said something to them before she emerged, as she winked at me when I turned to her.
I thought long and hard about it, but in the end, I took the leap and reached out to the company, letting them know I was ready to dive in. Within a week, I had the contract in hand, and soon after, I was receiving payment for the videos I'd already uploaded. Two weeks later, I handed in my notice at my job and officially transitioned to working full-time from home. I made it clear that I wanted to secure a place in South Korea near the company before making the final move, ensuring all my belongings were shipped across the seas.
In just one month, I'll be making the official move to South Korea! I couldn't be more thrilled about this incredible opportunity!
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aloftmelevar · 3 months
starting to understand what people mean when they say nothing on youtube is good anymore
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sciderman · 6 months
How do you feel about the increase in really weird NSFW ads on here (advertising panels that look like sexual encounters, and AI art apps that pride themselves on porn) but will take down NSFW posts from their users, even if it isn't technically sexual.
i hate all social media and it's consistent prioritising the advertisers over the users and the internet simply was a better place before capitalism sunk its hooks into it
#i could write essays about how capitalism ruined the internet.#i was actually talking to someone earlier today about how youtube was kind of effectively ruined by monetisation.#and they were raised in the soviet union and we had a bit of a talk about how art was better because it wasn't for profit.#the people who made art made it because they wanted to do it and because they loved it.#she said that communism was terrible for every aspect of life for her. people's lives under communism wasn't pretty.#but the art was better. and i feel like it's true for the internet – it was better when it was a free-for-all.#the companies didn't know how to exploit it yet and turn it into a neverending profit-driven hellscape.#people created content because they wanted to. because they wanted to make something silly to make people laugh.#not for profit. not for gain. not for numbers. not to further their career.#i miss the days of newgrounds and youtube before monetisation.#capitalism has soiled everything that's joyful and good in this world.#people should be able to share whatever they want.#people should be able to tell any story they want without the fear of being silenced by advertisers.#that's what made the internet so beautiful before. anyone could do anything and we all had equal footing.#but now we're victims of the algorithm. and it makes me sick.#i'm quitting my job in social media. i'm quitting it. it makes me too depressed. i have an existential crisis every freaking day.#every day i wake up and say "ah. this is the fucking hell we live in#i'm so sorry i feel so passionate about this.#social media is a black hole and it is actively destroying humanity. forget ai. social media is what's doing it.#i miss how beautiful the internet used to be. it should've been a tool for good. but it's corrupt and evil now.#sci speaks
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crengarrion · 3 months
few things are as touching as the appreciation hardworking, heartfelt, passionate, dedicated young people express when you support them. sometimes this appreciation is shown by those young people sending you unedited footage of their professional wrestling ambulance matches and it fucking rules.
#[ whispers ]#mango brought to my attention a ugandan pro wrestling promotion fundraising for their first wrestling ring and i decided to reach out#to them because i made a post raising awareness on my wrestling sideblog. they asked me to record a video saying hello to a young lady#wrestler of theirs i said i'm a fan of. so she can record a video saying hello back to me! and then sent me exclusive footage of a match!#i cannot stress this enough: reach out to dreamers. reach out to the people making their dreams reality. to artists and musicians and#writers and people blogging about their cultures' food and their daily lived experiences and dedicating their lives to community outreach#and harm reduction and activism and rescuing animals and raising awareness. tell the people making what you love that you love it and#admire their hard work. thank the person bagging your groceries and driving your bus with a big smile. tell the makeup artist standing with#palestine openly what that means to you. one of my favourite authors is on tumblr and i'm reaching out to her after i read her new book that#just published. one of my friends became a well known poet in pakistan because a group of us all sent CDs of our spoken word poetry to each#other and made all of our friends listen. i'm friends with youtubers because i've been vocally supporting their videos since pre-YT or early#into their channels and have met up with some of them to hang out and talk shop. don't just cheer people on silently! let them know!#long post#sorry. overcome by my simple love for humanity in the midst of unfathomably dark times. it will happen again
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butterflieswhisper · 15 days
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hhelp wait this is so funny. didnt you follow me forever ago after a scott themed october song analysis . sorry if you dont remember that and this ask doesnt make sense but this is still funny to me
hi!!!! yeah. it was the cherri crane lives art i think and also where you made your flower husbands tag! I have never really interacted with fh outside of you (and like, seeing pretty fanart) but i am nonetheless deeply invested in your interpretation specifically!!! I honestly haven't watched jimmy outside of rats and the beginning of empires2 either i genuinely have no clue what they get up to you just seem to have a lot of fun with it
#asks#<-omg i can make that a tag now#i also am a year behind on the life series. i think the most recent one i've seen is double#like from any pov. i am a year behind. however that goes for everything on youtube#my poor watch later playlist hit the 5000 video limit forever ago and so did the second one i made to replace it. i am on my third#but seriously i don't know what goes on in fh canon but i like their blue/yellow thing they have going on. idk if that's like? intentional?#but like scott blue and canary yellow are really pretty colors together#and they are also SO close to being complimentary colors and yet. they aren't. just a little bit off#they don't quite fit quite how they should. i made that up on the spot i mostly think yellow and blue are nice colors#i think my biggest exposure to scott before you was literally the deal with destiny song in empires1#and i don't even think i acknowledged him as like a real guy ykwim.#like oh yeah. scott smajor. he's like. in that song lizzie made or something. he can sing alright i guess (plays it on loop)(plays it on lo#whisp whispers#seeing u post about Discourse(tm) is always really funny to me because i didn't realize for a while that u did not have like#the 'normal' interpretation? like i didn't realize you had a different view than other people#i was like oh yeah the relationship held in the death games is toxic. that makes sense yeah and is not surprising#and then suddenly there would be a post where you mention discourse and i went. Ohhhhh wait they're supposed to be HAPPY!!!#but i feel like this is infinitely more enjoyable i love Flawed Characters#and especially now after watching his rats. i get it. i get it i get it i see what you are saying#he doesn't interact much with jimmy hes mostly with owen and. i mean#'i've never heard someone apologize so much while putting the blame on the other person'???? i see exactly what you mean#r!scott accidentally hurting r!owen and then apologizing profusely while insisting it's because owen stood in his way. and then immediately#isolating himself in a room for like 20 minutes and refusing to interact with anyone feels like. idk#it reminds me of ur rambles and i understand them more now i think. kind of#to be clear by 'with' i mean like. in proximity of. those rats are AROMANTIC!!!!! (to me)#i'm so sorry these tags are a mess. but alas#i also think it's really funny to follow Flower Husbands guy and know nothing abt them. invested by proxy. whenever i hear abt scott giving#jimmy a flower i get excited not because like i know what's going on but because omg! that's like that thing bree talks about sometimes!!#i hope that like. any of this makes sense shdbfjk
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13xiii13-13 · 1 year
I love Avatar
The Change
Or should I say shocking full metamorphosis?
The first 3 album is good, not great but totally ok, high-stenderd metal albums. Then Black Waltz came and Jesus Fuckin' Christ.
I don't know how it felt in real time, for people who was already fan of the band but for me it looks magical. That song is similar yet, totally different from anything before.
The atmosphere. The lyrics. The video. The melody. It moves into your heart and never go away.
"Life is so wonderful Life is so beautiful Just smile No one gets out alive"
Johannes transform into a perfect gross, creep, with painted smile that worth everything.
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The whole band becomeing a piece of art. The visualisation is flawless. The whole album is damn good. The live act leave you breathless.
One of the best style reforms in the history of metal. :D
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neverendingford · 1 year
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yoihino · 13 days
So the author of a webcomic I really really love stopped updating after a seasons finale 2 years ago and the last post in any of his social media is in instagram stating that season 3 was in production and that it would not be long until they started updating again. That was a year ago. So.
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running-in-the-dark · 4 months
#hahaha okay well. that last post. with the song title. made me check if there's a music video for that song because I like it#and there is#and I didn't know I wanted to see Corey Taylor pole dancing but. I'm glad I did?#also fascinated by the comments under the video#because oh my god I'm sorry but he has never really been particularly attractive to me before#but he sure as fuck is now#like yeah man I won't forget seeing him in that outfit but that is a very good thing imo#anyway. I love stone sour okay. and I guess he's hot now. that's confusing lol#that's unfortunate. people with fucking amazing voices should never be hot too. it's too much 😔#noooo. and he's short too?? come on don't do this to me#I'm never allowed to look at him again#personal#(how the fuck did I manage to never really look at him in. idk 17 years? very very unfortunate that it had to happen now.)#(okay tbh I get it. I was always distracted by his neck. that sure is. a neck. I mean. I appreciate it. nice neck. but. distracting.)#yeah yeah it's just the issues again. it's fine he can be hot. whatever#(and I have just been reminded why I don't like slipknot. forgot how absolutely fucking terrified I am of those masks :) good to know. won't#ever look up pictures of him again! that also explains why I didn't really ever look at him that much. there were like. maybe 3? stone sour#music videos whenever I liked them. and it was before YouTube. so. if I saw those I saw them way later. so. probably saw like the pictures#in the cd booklets if there were any. don't remember 🤔 but anyway yeah I most likely just never saw his face that much. interesting.)
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vanteguccir · 3 months
TikTok trends | Matt Sturniolo
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Summary: 4 times that Y/N and Matt made a couple's trend on tiktok.
Warning: None.
Requested?: Yes, by @paytonthereader
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
PS.: I made a part 2!
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Just like Matt worked with YouTube making videos with his brothers, Y/N worked with TikTok. She created her account on the app in 2019, and from 2020, she lost her camera shyness slowly and started posting her own videos, creating content for her favorite niche: makeup and skincare.
When Matt moved to Los Angeles, the two met in an unexpected and cliché encounter in line at a bakery on a rainy morning. Their friendship grew as quickly as it began, and feelings were gradually cultivated. With both of them working on the Internet and being public figures, it was easy to understand each other and fit in their crazy schedules.
It didn't take much. The two quickly found themselves in a tangle of reciprocal feelings. Matt felt proud that he was brave enough to make the first move, and soon, the two were in a beautiful relationship that blossomed very quickly and lightly.
Because they both work with social networks, they decided not to keep their love a secret, and what surprised them most was how the fans supported them together, it was rare that they encountered comments from haters.
With that, in all of the Sturniolo Triplets' YouTube videos and Y/N's TikToks, there were thousands of people begging them to make more content together, being called "the power couple" by both fandoms.
That's why Y/N always found a way to convince Matt to do some couple trends on TikTok with her, and despite pretending he didn't like it, she knew how much he adored making mini videos with her, showing to the world how much he loved her.
Y/N fitted her phone on the phone holder attached to the right side of the front windowscreen of Matt's car - which was there precisely because she loved recording herself doing makeup there, being the passenger princess she was -, lowering the brightness of the screen so that the boy couldn't see the TikTok camera open.
She adjusted the position of the device so that it covered the two front seats, pressing the red button to start recording, smiling slightly to the camera before looking away.
Matt didn't notice her movements, too focused on the sight in front of him, driving slowly through the McDonald's drive thru line, waiting for their turn. His left hand held the steering wheel, while his right hand rested on Y/N's thigh, caressing her covered skin gently.
Y/N's calm playlist played softly through the speakers, creating a comfortable atmosphere for both of them.
The girl knew that she was going to make the order that day, knowing that Matt was feeling too anxious to talk to a stranger, so her plan would work.
"Do you already know what you will want, baby?" The girl asked. Her tone was low as she turned her upper body to the left, focusing her eyes on the brunette.
"Just some nuggets, baby. And Coke, please." He asked, looking at her quickly before returning his eyes to the cars in front of them, receiving a nod from the girl.
It didn't take long and soon it was their turn. Matt rolled down the window on the driver's side door, smiling kindly at the attendant before turning to his girlfriend, waiting for her to start the order.
Y/N leaned to her left, getting closer to Matt so the attendant could hear her clearly.
"Hi, good evening! Can I have a cheeseburger with fries and a Diet Coke, please?" She spoke her order, waiting for the attendant to select it before starting Matt's. "And my husband will just have a big portion of nuggets and a Coke, please."
Y/N tried to capture Matt's reaction without letting on that she was expecting something, watching him surreptitiously from the corner of her eye, pressing her lips into a thin line when she saw him smile big, lowering his face to hide the red color that took over his cheeks.
His hand - which was still on the girl's thigh - squeezed the flesh lightly, and Y/N could swear his fingers were shaking.
After receiving confirmation from the attendant and paying for them, Matt rolled up the window and gently accelerated to get back in line.
When the car in front stopped again, he finally turned to Y/N, a huge smile on his face as his eyes glistened with tears.
"I'm your husband?" He asked, his voice coming out weak from the emotions he felt, his cheeks burning with redness while he felt his heart accelerating.
"Not yet, but one day you will be." Y/N said in a low voice, smiling equally big. She brought her left hand to Matt's right, caressing the soft skin, holding herself back from pulling him into a hug and peppering him with kisses.
"I love you so much. So, so much." He muttered, moving closer and sealing his lips over Y/N's, closing his eyes and letting a happy sigh scape through his nose, a smile still on his mouth.
Y/N placed her phone on the kitchen counter next to the stove so that the front camera was facing her and taking in as much information from the room as possible.
The girl was cutting some vegetables while preparing lunch for herself and the boys, wiping her hands on the dishrag before clicking on the screen, starting the recording.
"Baby!" She called from where she was, smiling quickly to the camera before lifting her chin slightly so that her voice echoed better. "Come here, I need a favor."
The sound of her and Matt's shared bedroom door opening sounded before light footsteps approached. Soon, the boy's image appeared behind Y/N as he walked closer to her.
"Hi honey. What do you need?" He spoke back, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend's waist and resting his chin on Y/N's right shoulder, sealing the area with his lips softly before noticing the phone recording them. "What are you doing?" Matt asked, his brow furrowed as his eyes focused on the image of the two hugging each other that stared back at him.
"I'm just recording a recipe." She lied quickly, lightly biting her bottom lip to hold back her laughter. She really didn't know how to lie to him. "Baby, can you go to the market for me? I need tomatoes to make sauce." Y/N asked, releasing the knife she was holding in her right hand and bringing it to Matt's head still on her shoulder, stroking his hair lightly, receiving a happy sigh in response.
The boy let out a sound of agreement, nodding his head before lifting it up, kissing Y/N's shoulder and her cheek, squeezing her waist one last time before taking some steps back.
"That's it, baby?" He asked as he felt his pants pocket with his right hand, checking if he had his wallet and car keys.
Y/N agreed, picking up the knife again and going back to cutting the vegetables.
"Alright, if you remember anything else, just text me. I love you, bye." Matt asked, turning around and starting to walk towards the stairs.
"Okay, thanks!" Y/N thanked him, smiling small when she heard Matt's footsteps stop abruptly. She looked up at her phone slightly, seeing her boyfriend turn around with a confused expression.
"I love you, bye." He repeated, watching her closely.
"Bye, honey. Drive safe." She added, trying to hide her smile as she turned her attention back to the vegetables.
Matt approached her again, positioning himself behind her body and tilting his head to the side so he could see her profile, his blue eyes running over her features.
"I love you." He repeated it a third time, this time slowly, as if he were speaking to a child.
"Okay." Y/N persisted, keeping her eyes on the vegetables, taking deep breaths to keep from laughing.
"Did I do something?" Matt asked, his right hand lightly grabbing Y/N's right arm and making her release the knife, turning her body so that she was facing him. "I'm sorry." He asked, his eyes scanning his girlfriend's face as a weight took over his gaze; he felt guilty despite not knowing what he had done.
"What? No, you didn't do anything." The girl shook her head, intertwining their fingers and looking at him in false confusion.
"But... that's not how it works, baby. I say, "I love you", and you have to say "I love you" back." Matt insisted, his brow furrowed as he tried to understand what was happening. "Did something happen that I don't know about?"
A sound of laughter escaped Y/N's throat, she couldn't keep pretending when seeing the confusion in her boyfriend's eyes, her heart warmed with the way he was trying to apologize and fix something he didn't do and that, in fact, didn't even exist. Matt remained watching her, feeling even more lost than before.
"I'm sorry, It's just a prank, baby. It's for a TikTok." The girl explained, pointing to her phone that was still recording them.
Matt rolled his eyes, sighing in relief before a smile took over his face.
"You're still going to give me a heart attack." He muttered, shaking his head. "Let's do it again then. I love you, bye." Matt repeated, still holding his girlfriend, who laughed lightly at his reactions.
"I love you more, my love." She finally responded, reaching forward and quickly sealing their lips. "Now go buy my tomatoes."
Y/N held her phone with her right hand, the screen showing the TikTok camera open, with the audio already selected, just waiting to be started.
She was standing in front of the closet doors in her shared room with Matt. The lights were low, forming a comfortable atmosphere.
Her left hand held her favorite red lipstick from Kylie Cosmetics, with the lid off and the contents showing.
Her right thumb clicked the red button to start recording, the audio echoing through the four walls.
"Stay with me"
She applied one more layer of lipstick to her bottom lip, smudging it a little on purpose.
A masculine hand - Matt's - appeared in the camera view, cupping Y/N's chin firmly and wiping away the smudged lipstick with his thumb gently, pulling her face up so she was looking at him.
"I don't want you to leave..."
Y/N turned her phone slightly so the camera caught the two of them, Matt appearing at her side with his face and neck smeared with lipstick marks.
His face was facing hers, his blue eyes traveling from her eyes to her painted lips, a smirk appearing on his cheeks.
Y/N looked up at him through her eyelashes, feeling her face take on a red color due to the intensity of his gaze, smiling shyly.
Matt pulling her face for a kiss was the last image captured on camera, before the TikTok ended.
"Baby?" Y/N called out loud, her eyes briefly flicking to her phone, which had the TikTok camera open, already recording herself.
She was sitting on the couch in the living room, the television on in the background as her favorite series played.
"Yes, baby?" Matt responded from their bedroom, leaving the room seconds later and approaching the living room, stopping near the couch as he looked at his girlfriend, waiting.
"Do we have orange?" She asked, turning her face towards him, smiling small when she saw a confused expression appear in his eyes.
"The fruit? Hm, I guess so. We bought it last time we went to the market." Matt replied, resting his hand on the back of the couch, leaning his hips on the armrest.
"I really feel like eating an orange right now." Y/N continued, closely watching her boyfriend's reaction.
"Oh, I'll get you one, hold on." Matt responded quickly, turning around and walking over to the fridge, opening the door and reaching for the fruit from the fruit and vegetable drawer.
Y/N looked at her phone camera wide-eyed, catching her bottom lip between her teeth as she smiled big, a reddish hue taking over her cheeks.
Just under two minutes later, Matt returned with a small bowl in hand, and Y/N quickly recognized it as her favorite bowl that had bee designs on it.
"Here, my love." He handed her the ceramic. Y/N took it and looked inside, seeing her orange not only peeled but cut so that she could eat it slowly and without getting her hands dirty.
Y/N pouted as her eyes filled with tears.
"Thank you." Her voice was broken due to the amount of love she felt at that moment, looking up at her boyfriend.
"What is it?" Matt asked worriedly, sitting down next to her and pulling her close, laying her head on his right shoulder as he brought his head closer to hers, sealing his lips on her hair and exhaling lightly, smelling the soft smell of shampoo. "Why are you crying, baby?"
"I just love you so much."
"I love you more, silly."
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
My asks are always open. Feel free to send requests or anything at all 🩷💋
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~ taglist:
@lustfulslxt @ladybunny44 @worldlxvlys @earth2starkey @remussbitch @freshloveforthefit @il0vebeingdelulu
(If you want to be added to the taglist, comment here, please)
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neonpinksnake · 1 year
#I'm ignoring the theories <3 some youtubers do not know how to be normal about horror so I avoid them <3#I only watched one (1) about what if it's all about autism. I only watched it cause I was really curious if I was wrong in thinking that#and nope!! I might be right!! cause there are a lot of things talking about struggles of being autistic#now I don't think the other theories of it criticizing how fascist and outright bad is traditional education#like the points ARE there it's not like people just put thing for nothing#but I think both theories are right. like it's rouching multiple themes at the same time#it does talk about trauma a lot too. and model families. education system. religion. neurodivergent (specially autism)#like it's not just one thing although the video I watched made it seem like it can't be the other things#so disagree only that cause the theory the video presented was spot on for me#I think in the series it touches neurodivergency more broadly cause surely duck has Something#he reminds me of my dad so I might be projecting but maybe ocd?#my point is all of them have their issues and that's one reason it's difficult to love together. cause the whole thing is also them trying-#- to not kill each other and figuring out how to live with the other person + all the people jumping out of nowhere to teach them#red guy trying to scape? maybe not scape but trying to See more things. to experience more and discover what's happening or why#LOVE that. hunted by the narrative#I hate duck <3 PUT THAT KNIFE DOWN. I'M SAYING IT WITH LOVE#he's so well made like I hate him but he's so necessary it's insane. I went full circle watching the series#'i hate him' 'i love him' 'I hate him <3' Like he's my emotional support shitty guy#THE SECOND RED GUY TALKED I LITERALLY FELL IN LOVE. SORRY. Not as in literally but in a 'He's just like me fr' way#I see myself in him soooo much I WANT to be him#And then yellow guy#I am ACTUALLY him <3 I'm not joking every time he appeared I was like 'ME. I DO THAT#AND THIS IS WERE THAT VIDEO I WATCHED GAVE ME A NEW PERSPECTIVE: the horror is Not in what it satirizes or the weird theory saying this is-#-an actual kids show that went wrong. The horror is in the experience of being autistic and living in the world.#That person was so right for that. what the theories do is make the story intresting. but the horror is There. Visible.#you don't have to look for easter eggs. you don't have to analyze how they move. the horror looks at you the second it can#things fall apart and have a reason and I do think it tackles a lot of the problems living in the world being autistic. SO good. loved that#I headcanon all of them with autism but + other things. like they're all autistic but also have other conditions that make it difficult#edit- there are many typos SORRY. will happen again. specifically 'rouches = touches' and 'love (together) = live (together)'
0 notes
hotyanderedaddies · 2 months
The School Bully Loves You, Pt. 4:
Yandere Bully Interrupts Your "Date"
Part 0 │ Part 1 │ Part 2 │ Part 3
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[Yandere! Bully x GN Nerd! Reader]
Jonathan was a nice guy, you figured.
The quarterback of the football team was always all smiles, and he seemed to never treat you differently despite being way higher up on the social ladder. Therefore, you sort of liked to tutor him. Not only did it feel like you were sometimes hanging out with a close friend, but it also made you feel good deep down that a guy was paying you some attention... even if it was just for school. But still.
And plus, you figured that he could potentially protect you from Blake.
Seriously, it was crystal clear that Jonathan lived in the gym after school, given his large muscles and athletic prowess.
Blake is muscular too, but he tends to hide his bulk underneath his leather jacket.
But still!
You tried your best to force your mind away from Blake as you and Jonathan pulled into the parking lot of a local diner. It was a small place where the two of you could be uninterrupted during your study session. It was one of the few local spots where Jonathan would treat you as payment for tutoring him, and you'd always order something sweet and tasty!
The two of you took your seats at one of the booths near the back, and your eyes stayed glued to the door. The constant fear of Blake finding you kept you on edge, and you found it hard to stay present with your brain always straying back to the bully.
You mentally berated yourself, annoyed that you kept thinking about Blake.
He'd claimed you as his, and you'd gotten three strikes.
Both of those spelt trouble in your mind, and you wanted nothing more than to avoid the guy. Therefore, you figured that being away from school with someone big who could protect you was the best course of action.
Jonathan and you placed your orders and tried to start the tutoring session, but it was close to impossible for you to get your nerves settled.
"Is something on your mind?" the jock finally asked when he'd noticed you staring nervously at the door for the millionth time.
"O-oh!" you mumbled, jerking out of your panicked daze. "I'm sorry, I'm just a little... distracted." You sheepishly smiled at the end of your statement, hoping that the jock wouldn't catch onto you inadvertently using him as protection.
Jonathan pursed his lips into a thin line, deep in thought. "So," he slowly asked, shrugging his broad shoulders, "is it Blake?"
You jerked back in your seat, shocked. "Wh-what do you mean?" you stuttered, trying your best to force an innocent smile onto your face.
Jonathan scrunched up his face in confusion. "Oh, my bad," he muttered. "I just thought that you two were having couple problems."
"'Couple problems'?" you repeated.
Jonathan shrugged again. "Well, yeah," he grunted. "I mean, by the way Blake talks about you, I thought the two of you were dating..."
"The way he talks about me?" you repeated again, feeling yourself go pale at the words you heard.
Never in your life would you have ever expected Blake to talk about you in any sort of positive manner. You always tried to avoid him like the plague, hence you'd preferred if he didn't know that you existed. But if he were to talk about you, you half-expected him to curse your name and call you the scum of the earth given how badly he's beaten people up all around you.
Thinking about it, there were several of Blake's victims you knew personally:
Kyle, the bully who's stolen your lunch money back in the sixth grade. He'd gotten his face beaten to a pulp, causing his nose to be a little crooked now.
Tristan, the guy who'd called you ugly on picture day. Blake had based his face so hard that his front teeth had been knocked out, totally ruining his picture.
Cesar, the douche who'd smashed your science project to smithereens for a YouTube prank. Well, Blake had filmed himself stomping him in the nuts, posting it to Cesar's now defunct account.
"Wh-what has Blake said... about me?" you asked, feeling your heart fall to the floor as you thought everything over. It all had to be a coincidence, right?
The waitress delivered your food, distracting the jock for a second as he began to eat his fries. "Oh, um, he says lots of things about you," he mumbled, his mouth full of food.
That didn't really help.
"Like what?" you pressed.
The jock took a loud gulp of his soda. "Well, he says that he--"
He was cut off by the loud slamming of the front door. The both of you were altered to the booming noise, making you both flinch as you turned to see none other than Blake enter the tiny diner.
The bully's eyes scanned the area before landing on you, narrowing in your direction.
To be continued...
I'm sorry about the lack of tagging people! I'm forever and always appreciative of everyone's interest in this story. Unfortunately, I just can't tag everyone at the moment. I apologize and hope you all understand!
818 notes · View notes
anadiasmount · 1 month
opposites attract - jude bellingham insta au.
quick sum: in which golden retriever energy jude bellingham tries to shoot his shot with black cat energy y/n. quickly realizing how determined and just sassy she is...
psa🗣️: HIII! this was supposed to be uploaded last week but i got so sidetracked i couldn't finish so here it is! fav insta au i've written tbh, so i hope you all enjoy! 🤍
fc: bella ramirez | pics: pinterest and youtube!
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liked by: judebellingham, jamalmusiala, yourbestfriend, hudabeauty, others.
ynusername: when in doubt, go with the mini skirt 😛
username: when in doubt, go take pictures at parking garage! got it!
user283: you are so UGH
username28: i’ve watched the movie like 10x by now. so obsessed with you 😣
↪️ judebellingham: same
user982: in yn we trust! 🙏
yourbestfriend: face card is insane so so so pretty 🫦
username395: you were so badass in your new movie!! legit can't stop watching!!
user953: outfit and skirt are SERVINGGG
user29321: haven't seen such a role as influential and that fits with someone so much xx
username193: ur so black cat energy in your latest interview, yn not giving any f's around here!!
--- ꔫ ---
ynusername added to their stories!
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judebellingham sent a reply to your story!
↪️ shall we be on the lookout for this latest roll?? 👀
↪️ yourreply: not anytime soon
↪️ can we get a sneak peek? or would that be too much?
↪️ yourreply: i'm sorry and you are?
↪️ well this is awkward...
↪️ yourreply: mhm...
--- ꔫ ---
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liked by: ynusername, judebellingham, user392, username32094, user384, rubendias, popculture, vogue, time, hollywoodnow, others!
spottedcelebrity: we can't get enough of her! she has stolen and broken the hearts of many! passionate and driven to her career, find out more about the new 'it girl', @ynusername, in our 8pm show live tonight! stay tuned for more...
user8594: THE YN? don't play with us.
username759: its the fact she turned down jacob elordi...
judebellingham: 🤝
username33: so pretty... love how she is careless and her all the time!!
vogue: that's our girl!
user234: crazy how big she got in under a year...
↪️ username483: was telling this to someone the other day! the movie barely had any pr or announcing and now its a worldwide adaptation because of her!!
ynusername: thank u for having me! 🖤
popculture: we're going to ignore who commented? 👀
↪️ spottedcelebrity: stay tuned now guys... 👀
--- ꔫ ---
ynusername added to their stories!
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judebellingham sent a reply to your story!
↪️ so beautiful! 😍😍
↪️ yourreply: no.
↪️ no?
↪️ yourreply: look at the second pic again xx
↪️ okay, i looked and what now? :))
seen one hour ago **
--- ꔫ ---
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liked by: ynusername, zendeya, jennaortega, username587, judebellingham, popculture, vogue, user342, others!
spottedcelebrity: and it's out, here's a small preview of our current 'it' girl's interview and photoshoot for the april campaign! acting, dating, fashion, and beauty, she gives us all her tips and iconic phrases! join us for our early show tomorrow at 11am!
user95: 'i know my standards, and if he couldn't fit them, then that's on him' CAN WE PRASIE??
ynusername: oh my! million thank you's! 🖤
username294: is she real? like how? everyone at her feet and she could give less than a damn? need to be her so bad!
user85: she's such a bitch? wtf? how can you stan her?
↪️ username11: like she said... she's speaking her truth
↪️ user85: for who? herself? she needs a new personality
↪️ username349: people like you are the reason why she is like this. iconic and real.
judebellingham: wow! 😍
username854: jude?? when did this happen?
↪️ user09: he commented on her latest pic!!
↪️ username032: could you imagine? jude with y/n? IT COUPLE?
↪️ user281: black cat gf x golden retreiver bf? OH YEAH
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judebellingham & adidasfootball
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liked by: realmadrid, lucasvasquez, brahim, camavinga, ynusername, adidasfootball, marca, vinijr, rodrygoes, fedevalverdde, 4,984,213 others.
judebellingham: tested my inner actor 🫡🫡 adidas predators out now 🖤
username395: bro wants y/n to notice her so bad
user11: we know what you're doing jude...
lucasvasquez: hermano mejor dedicate al futbol 🤣
camavinga: ohhh now i see who your referring too 👀🫡
↪️ judebellingham: shhh 🤫🤫
↪️ usermane66: @ynusername come get your man
↪️ username13: frr he keeps throwing hints, take this man out his misery, and teach him how to act 😭😭
vinijr: amazing bro! 😍
username29: testing his inner y/n lets not lie to ourselves guys
user87: he looks so bf with this hoodie on!!
brahim: this guy yeah 🤣🤣
adidasfootball: BELLIGOLLL
fedevalverde: someone give him an oscar 🗣️
username45: him using the black heart instead of white says a whole bunch…
--- ꔫ ---
judebellingham added to their stories!
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ynusername sent a reply to your story!
↪️ selfie is making up for the attempted ''acting''
↪️ judereply: is it now?
↪️ terrible choice of hat tho, especially with this weather 👎
↪️ judereply: i tried LMAOOO
↪️but guess what? choice of song is also making it up 🫡
↪️ judereply: there's no denying there... definitely on my mind 24/7
↪️ who me? or the song? better be the song because your acting is still stuck in my head 😐😕
↪️ judereply: when i think we're going somewhere... 🤣🤣
↪️ lol, going where? 😕😕
↪️ judereply: yk what im referring too, don’t be so oblivious especially after your latest role!! congratulations on that btw! such a phenomenal job once again! 🤍
↪️ it's very hard to dislike you when you're this sweet 😕 thank you jude!! 🖤🖤
↪️ judereply: why would you dislike me?
↪️ now why would i tell you that
--- ꔫ ---
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liked by: judebellingham, jamalmusiala, yourbestfriend, spottedcelebrity, username984, user44, ynrealestfan, vogue, username23, judefanandstan, and 2,459,898 others!
ynusername: lace top was giving so 2014 vibes
username984: how does she rock every single outfit? i'm jealous.
user44: need that hair and makeup comba ASAP!! been asking for it for about a year now :))
judebellingham: still haven't told me why you dislike me 😕😕
ynstan: jude having his notifs on for her post is so bf of him, give him a chance y/n, he has money and can take you shopping ;)
judebellingham liked this comment!
username56: need those pants, where are they from?
yourbestfriend: why don't i get photo creds?
↪️ ynusername: because you took my chocolate churro away. i don't play around with my food.
jamalmusiala: 😍😍
ynusername: thank you!! 🖤
judebellingham: oh hell no
judefan: we lost him ladies, his gentle heart doesn't deserve this 👎👎
--- ꔫ ---
judebellingham sent you a dm!
so you respond to jamal's comment and not mine?
yourreply: idkk he is kindaaa 🤭🔐
i've literally have been trying for months to get your attention
yourreply: have you ever thought of maybe just giving up?
really?? what is it going to take?
yourreply: i don't mean to be a debbie downer but what is it you exactly want for me... i can't just trust your word and go for it. it's not me and it hasn't ever been me. i have standards.
so then let me prove to you i can meet them. i promise i'm not like you think or hear. and that's coming from a man who also has standards and just truly interested in someone like you. is that so hard to believe?
yourreply: yes.
i'll prove them to you, you'll see....
--- ꔫ ---
judebellingham added to their stories!
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ynusername sent a reply to your story!
judereply: yes really.
why do i even try with you?
judereply: because after today you have a soft spot for me in that deep jade like from victorious little heart :))
who said anything about a soft spot??
judereply: i did. the eyes chico they never lie. and yours have so many specs of unread feelings and emotions i can stare into them all day.
creepy, don't you think?
judereply: you think everything is creepy when you literally love horror movies and the color black
because they prove points xx
judereply: just like rom-come and disney movies also proved points 😉
--- ꔫ ---
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liked by: judebellingham, judefan1, ynstanforeal, ynrealestfan, username44, user55, jennaortega, popculture, madridwags, jude22, ynfanbcyes, username76, user21, and 3,872,234 others!
spottedcelebrity: new couple on the block? we are soo into this recent pair, and it seems like they are mending our hearts little by little! y/n recently moved to spain for a movie role, could we see frequent hangouts between them? 👀
jude22: literally WHAT?
jennaortega: oh i am so into this... i just sit back and observe
username44: despite us seeing a cold and black-hearted y/n, some of the videos released showed her being soft and lovergirl with him!!
madridwags: new wag at the bernabeu soon? 👀
popculture: rumor has it they shared a kiss!
↪️ spottedcelebrity: stay tuned for our live 7pm show tonight!
username76: am i the only one who doesn't ship them?
↪️ user21: yes you are
judebellingham: made her dream date come true!! 🤍
ynrealestfan: when he remembers stuff said in interviews about you <<<
username55: jude attempting to soft launch with y/n while still being in the friendzone is so hilarious i can't 😭😭
--- ꔫ ---
yourusername added to their stories!
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judebellingham sent a reply to your story!
can't get over how beautiful you are, it's not fair 😍😍
yourreply: life is not fair
my life is since you agreed on our shopping date 🤷‍♂️
yourreply: only agreed because you offered to buy, a win is a win 😍
yet you're wearing the dress i bought... and going out where to be exact??
yourreply: jealous darling? it's for me to know and well you to find out out. if i don't tell my mother where i go, why would i tell you?
because you kissed and held my hand? and replied to my dm btw!!
yourreply: ...
where are you? i'll meet you there
yourreply: sorry no men invited tonight, it's our girls night out xx
and you're wearing this red stunning short dress? yeah i'll find out where you are, think of me 😘😘
seen twenty minutes ago **
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spottedcelebrity & vogue
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liked by: judebellingham, vogue, popculture, ynstanfan, girlpro, username34, user89, username15, ynrealestfan, yourbestfriend, jennaortega, and others!
spottedcelebrity: despite the recent encounter the pair of y/n and jude faced, in y/n new vogue beauty secrets video, she talks about being single and not dating anytime soon... the first picture shows y/n before her fame took off a year ago, has she changed or hasn't changed one bit?
ynrealestfan: not changed one bit!
popculture: ohh? well this is certainly very interesting!!
judebellingham: LMAOOO, she told me to stay out the room while she filmed? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
↪️ camavinga: if you all could see the frown on his face right now as he types 🤣🤣
ynusername: oh that's not... guys don't believe that man, all men do is lie lie lie! 😊😊
↪️ judebellingham: not all of us! some of us actually want something serious, real and loving in our life 🤍
username03: jude's comment just proves everything for us...
user54: jude wanting everyone to know about them knowing damn well how our girl y/n is
username33: off topic but we finally got that look everyone was talking about!!
judestan: she is not good for him? she is so mean and bitchy like what?
ynstanfan: girl bye. wdym? i think your golden retriever energy footballer can't bag a baddie like y/n xx
user13: well now i don't know who to believe...
username98: is no one going to talk about how she was watching a rom-com (jude’s fav) and not her typically horror movies?
--- ꔫ ---
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liked by: judebellingham, camavinga, yourbestfriend, username05: user51, ynrealestfan, ynstanforlife, jennaortega, username38, judefan5, popculture, vogue, and 2,786,899 others!
ynusername: oh i look so sexy in here!! 🤭😩 dinner showcase before new movie “the accountant” releases! this role means so much and i can’t wait for you to see! 🖤
ynrealestfan: did not have to slay this hard on us 🤭
judebellingham: caption did not lie, prettiest rose in the whole city 🤍
username38: i NEED to be her…
yourbestfriend: when she’s caught and knows it
↪️ yourusername: STOP 😭
limited restriction! **
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liked by: vinijr, gioreyna, jobebellingham, ynusername, yourbestfriend, fedevalverde, brahmin, vogue, spottedcelebrity, camavinga, aurelientchouameni, and 5,679,999 others!
judebellingham: grateful with life and for you. words can’t describe this immense feeling i have for you and your hard work. i love you so much my dereast y/n. i can’t wait to celebrate more moments like this with you 🖤🤍
ynusername: brb… crying because ilysm 😔🖤
↪️ judebellingham: i love you darling, never forget it xx
camavinga: only took you two three months when we already knew
gioreyna: literally HOW?
jobebellingham: run when you can y/n
↪️ ynusername: trust me i tried but this one is not so bad
↪️ judebellingham: this one is crazy after i spoiled you again…
username79: jude you deserve the world, come to me
user20: can’t believe how he BAGGED y/n
judefan22: so happy for our girl!
yourbestfriend: we lost her ladies
↪️ ynusername: i’m still here babes 😭😭
ynrealestfan: these pictures?? can we talk about how he has good angles?? 😩
juderealestfan: she issss sooooooo gorgeoussss 🫦🫦
spottedcelebrity: congratulations! 🧡
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liked by: judebellingham, jennaortega, zendeya, gioreyna, yourbestfriend, vinijr, madridwags, spottedcelebrity, vogue, hbomovies, hudabeauty, camavinga, fedevalverde, brahim, and 6,459,653 others!
ynusername: life lately 🖤 (p.s. no one mess with my baby. i love him very much, unfortunately. in my lover girl era!!)
judebellingham: unfortunately?? :((
ynusername: come here, i’ll give you a kiss to make it feel better 🖤
↪️ judebellingham: on my way! picked up your favorite snacks and hot chocolate too 🤍
↪️ ynusername: changing my caption rn!! 😔🖤
jennaortega: 🖤
ynrealestfan: never saw this coming 🤭🤭
judefan22: they’re both in their lover eras 😣😣
camavinga: y/n if you could see how jude just sighed and looked up with the biggest grin 😭😂
↪️ ynusername: he is so silly 👎👎
yourbestfriend: it couple i can’t 😩
madridwags: so happy for you two 🤍
vogue: more to come with you two 🤍
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liked by: username55, user91, judebellingham, ynusername, jobebellingham, trentaa, gioreyna, username123, vogue, louisvuitton, user44, username72, jennaortega, user00, and 2,399,494 others!
spottedcelebrity: wow is one word to describe this couple and their ability to make our jaws drop! after recent real madrid footballer jude, posted pictures of his beautiful gf y/n on her birthday and congrats post, the couple poses together at the LV fashion paris show!
trentaa: ❤️
jennaortega: oh my god.
louisvuitton: what happens in paris…
judebellingham: look at my beautiful and sexy gf 🖤🤍
↪️ ynusername: still made at you for going shirtless and showing everyone what’s mine 😒😒
username53: i just spit out my food
user49: what an entrance they made???
user81: her dress?? SO Y/N CODED !!
ynrealestfan: our favorite and beautiful couple!!
judefan: jude listen to your gf next time
ynstanforlife: just sighed so loud 😔
username91: sexiest couple of the generation
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510 notes · View notes
sunny44 · 4 months
The exes club
Pairing: Max Verstappen x ex!reader, ex wags x fem!reader
Warnings: ex wags.
Summary: Where all the ex wags are best friends.
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Yourusername instagram post
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Liked by @maxverstappen, @isahernáez, @charlottesiine, @luisinhaoliveira, @elenaberri, @katerinaberezhna and other 174829
Yourusername the exes club is reunited again
Ps: for sure the best part of ours relationship
Tagged: @isahernáez, @charlottesiine, @luisinhaoliveira, @elenaberri, @katerinaberezhna
Isahernáez I miss this so much
Yourusername and I missed you
Luisinhaoliveira love you babes
Yourusername love you more girlfriend
Maxverstappen I can see you’re having fun
Liked by Yourusername
Love4wags I love that the best wags are bestfriends
Mv33fan I miss y/n and Max together
User81 I hate the fact that y/n explicitly say that she doesn’t like the current wag
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Model Y/n Y/L/N talking about the comments of her not liking the new wags.
Y/n was Max Verstappen's girlfriend until a few months ago when they decided to end their relationship.
She and the other ex-WAGs were often seen together in the paddock during race weekends, emphasizing that they were and still are best friends.
Fans are now commenting on her latest post, suggesting that she dislikes the new WAGs just because she shared that she and the other exes were out having fun.
Yourusername instagram stories
“It’s race weekend”
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I was invited to attend the weekend in Monza.
It had been a while since I attended any races; it lost its appeal after Max and I broke up. We decided it was for the best, as my modeling career consumed all my time, just like his racing career did to him.
We no longer had time for each other, and it was driving us apart. So, the best decision for both of us was to take a break, which ultimately led to the end.
But here I was again, at a race, hoping everything would go well without any stress.
"Excuse me, Miss Y/L/N." I turned around to see someone from SKY Sports. "Could you give a brief interview?"
"Of course," I agreed, controlling to not roll my eyes as giving interviews was the last thing I wanted to do today.
"We saw your statement in your latest YouTube video regarding the comments on your posts. Do you have anything to declare?"
"As I said in the video, I'm not obligated to like anyone, even if that's what fans think. I don't personally know any of the girls, so the comments are unfounded, defamatory, and malicious," I said, looking into the camera. "I've always been friends with the other girls, and our friendship might have started here due to our ex-boyfriends working in the same field. But our friendship goes beyond that, so the fact that these so-called fans are bothered by something so trivial truly amazes me. Once again, I have nothing against anyone, so I ask you to stop trying to portray me as the villain just because you don't like me."
"Very well, thank you Y/n, for your words," I agreed and left.
I continued walking, stopped for a coffee, and on my way back, Daniel waved at me.
"Y/n, long time no see."
"Hi, Dani," I hugged him. "How are you?"
"Good, and you?"
"Good too, just the usual dramas."
"I saw; people don't have much sense.”
"Don't even talk about it. I don't know where people get this rivalry. It's not like I said anything about them in the post."
"Don't worry about it. Fans are just jealous because all of you dated who they wanted. The girls are getting hate now for dating them."
"Yeah, tell me about it," I sighed. "It's terrible for all of us. Max and I aren't even dating anymore, and people still hassle me."
"I can imagine. Heidi sometimes shows me some comments, and they're pretty nasty."
"Well, I need to go, but good luck in the race," I waved. Passing in front of the Red Bull garage, I was pulled inside, and when I saw, I was in Max's driver's room. "What the hell is this?"
"I wanted to see you," he said simply.
"And did you need to pull me in like you were kidnapping me?"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you and I wanted as few people as possible to see."
"Why? Are you ashamed?"
"Of course not." He stared at me. "How are you?"
"Look, you didn't pull me in here to ask how I am, and I know it was your idea to invite me, even though you tried really hard to make it seem like it wasn't," I said, and he looked at the floor. "So tell me, why so much effort to bring me here?"
"Because I wanted to talk to you."
"You could have called me or sent a message."
"I know, but I needed to say this in person," I agreed and sat on his bed.
"All right, I'm listening."
"I wanted to apologize for my fans. I heard about what happened with your last post, and I didn’t wanted you to go through all this because of me."
"It's not your fault."
"Are you sure? The fans are mine."
"It doesn't matter; they're not your real fans if they're such nasty people," he agreed. "It's okay."
Max sighed, briefly averting his gaze before fixing it back on mine.
"Y/n, I need to be honest about the other reason I brought you here," I nodded, encouraging him to continue. "I still love you, more than I can admit. Seeing you dealing with all this pressure and drama made me realize that, even with everything that happened between us, I can't just let you go. Not again."
My heart raced, and a smile formed on my face.
"Max, I feel the same way. I think, deep down, we never stopped loving each other. Maybe it's time to give what we had a second chance."
He smiled back, sincerity reflected in his eyes.
"Y/n, I just want to do this the right way, without rushing, and make sure we're both ready." I nodded, feeling a profound sense of relief.
"I'm willing to give it a try, Max. After all, what do we have to lose?"
And in the end, I guess I put an end to the exes club.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername instagram stories
“Ops, I guess the exes club is over for me”
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608 notes · View notes
pt IV good omens but all i know is i watched three episodes on a stream with you all
Three hours being in a server with good omens fans in the wild *insert random emojis to sound like optimum clickbait youtuber except this ain't clickbait*
Okay I woke up. Before everything just WASHES out of my brain, I'm gonna describe whatever happened last night best as I can, because that's what I do.
Some of you were unable to attend the stream, and were sad. But don't worry I got you guys here's the rundown:
people joined the server. people were confused. i was afraid. i was assured that i should be, which was meant to comfort me.
people introduced themselves. someone said they had worked in a brothel as a bartender, which was cool, they said they had many stories. they did not elaborate for fear of scaring the newcomers. The newcomers, aka, me, were already scared, and it was not of the brothel stories.
I brought an emotional support orange with me. It looked uncomfortable. I thought it would be rotten. It was not, but we would not know that until later.
@thescholarlystrumpet entered fabulously, and started the stream.
i didn't realise the show had started for a good two minutes because there was a random voice over that was telling us about Earth's star sign (Libra) and somehow that didn't compute in my brain as being part of the episode. I thought we were checking audio.
It turned out, the episode had begun, and everyone was acting like this is a completely normal way for a show to start.
We time-jumped from the fall of man to modern day society so fast that I got whiplash.
There were a lot of orgasmic noises. I asked why. I was told in no uncertain terms that those were screams of labour. I'm sorry to everyone who has given birth ever.
There were three babies. I tried to keep track, it was hard. I thought the Antichrist won prizes for tropical fish. I was wrong.
I fell in love with Crowley and his hips and was very gay on the chat. This was heartily applauded.
I didn't realise an hour had passed when the episode ended, which it seemed was to be a common theme. I said nothing happened which everyone found funny for some reason.
I was very concerned about Armageddon. Everyone assured me that it would take place over the course of the season. I asked why we'd speedrun through millennia in five minutes but eight days took several episodes. I was a naive fool. Time is a social construct and this show cares not for social constructs.
They fucked up the mission. This was also to be a common theme.
I begged for a break and had to shake my head to try and get the brain rot out. I did not succeed.
The second episode commenced. The intro concerned me, because the cartoon Aziraphale looked pregnant or like a chicken. I asked if Crowley had impregnated him. He had not.
The pornography scene had to be replayed because I was so lost and had not relished it properly.
There was a lot of crying on the chat. Every few minutes someone would say a normal sentence in English and everyone would respond with crying emojis. Needless to say, I was concerned. This was also to be a common theme.
I asked why we were talking about random children. I was told it was The Them and they were the Antichrist's friends. I liked the hellhound.
I wanted to adopt the Antichrist, and grew more thirsty for Crowley every time he was a casual accessory to murder. I'm relying on this fandom not to use this as evidence with the cops. The chat was not reassuring, they said maybe.
I thirsted for Crowley more. This was also to be a common theme.
Aziraphale was very cute, I realised. That was nice. It was not nice when he had gay panic and said mean things to Crowley and they broke up. This was also to be a common theme.
I got so gay for Crowley that I ate the emotional support orange. It was gaseous. The chat was concerned, and everyone got excited every time oranges were mentioned after.
The third episode was a fucking roller coaster. Crowley and Aziraphale were your average high school couple but biblical for 6000 years.
Both were casual accessories to murder, and sometimes the cause of the murders, before going out for a date. Crowley got horny and he stopped listening every time Aziraphale ate. This was also to be a common theme.
The chat was keeping count of the husband breakups. This was not nice.
The Bentley was silver in many scenes, and people were forced to concede that they saw it. I was smug.
Crowley was sexy. She served gender, or as some people in the chat said, she served cunt. Her hairstyles got better and better. No one liked the 60s one. I did. I like everything she does. I love him.
Things happened. The fandom infected me. Someone mentioned how the book said Crowley felt lonely. I was near tears.
Crowley walked down the aisle for Aziraphale. We all were happy.
The book case, the thermos, the bandstand. I was broken.
Everyone said very emotional goodbyes.
I made a post on tumblr that was absolutely incomprehensible but accurately conveyed my love for Crowley. I fell asleep.
Same time next week, I believe.
I hope this was an adequate summary of the livestream for everyone, I am broken irreparably and if anyone mentions the bandstand I will have to start drinking and not stop till I get a happy ending. I cannot afford alcohol. I will ferment grapes myself if I have to.
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