#i'm just going to. yeet this into the void
spacebugarts · 9 months
Forcing you to Look At Them
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katy-l-wood · 2 years
I've seen a lot of posts welcoming new Tumblr users, but I haven't seen any welcoming old users BACK. So, if you're returning, here's some fun new stuff Tumblr has added. Some of this may be desktop only right now, but Tumblr has been very good about migrating features to mobile without too much delay. I'm also primarily a desktop user, so some buttons may be in different spots on mobile.
You can now turn off reblogs on your posts, even the old ones. Click on the little gear icon at the top of the post window and towards the bottom to set reblogs to "anyone" or "no one."
You can have up to 30 images in a post now! Just be sure to be respectful and tag it as a long post.
Speaking of long posts, you can now set tumblr to automatically shorten anything over a certain length. It's under Settings>Dashboard.
Tumblr now has content labels, which is what has allowed them to bring back mature content art. These are important, so please use them. You can turn them on on each post individually by clicking the "everyone" drop down next to the "post now" button. And you can control how your dashboard shows or doesn't show labeled posts by going to Settings>Account.
You can now filter tags and post content via tumblr itself without using something like XKit! This is also under Settings>Account.
Tumblr offers an ad-free subscription now. $40 a year. If you love this little hellsite, this is a great way to show support!
Tumblr also allows users to pay to turn their posts into ads now. It's called blazing a post. It is great fun and generally hilarious. You have no control over your audience. You're just yeeting your post, of any sort, not just advertising, off into the void. An ad-free subscription hides these posts, but you can in fact turn blazed posts specifically back on while blocking the rest of the ads. Blaze a post by clicking on the little flame icon at the bottom. You can only blaze your own posts.
You can buy fun little tchotchkys for your dashboard and, sometimes, the dashboards of others. Right now we've got crabs, a horse that shits everywhere, and the super special double blue checkmarks. These are just fun little things to play with.
You can now enable tipping on your blog/individual posts. Totally optional, of course, but can be useful if you're a creator.
Staff has been a lot more active this last year, so if you want to keep up with what is going on be sure to follow @staff, @changes, and @wip.
That's all I can think of. Everyone else is free to add to this!
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takeme-totheworld · 6 months
I don't have the energy right now to try to recreate the post I accidentally yeeted into the void, but I've been having lots of feelings about the ongoing fandom discussion of Aziraphale's decision at the end of S2.
I wasn't surprised by his decision at all. The minute he said "I think I might have misjudged the Metatron" I had an immediate, overwhelming feeling of "OH NO" because I saw exactly where the scene was going. And I was right! I felt zero surprise when the episode ended the way it did. (Devastation, yes. Surprise, no.)
Not only that, I was shocked at how shocked everyone else was. Because I grew up in a toxic religious community, of which I was a very devoted and enthusiastic member until young adulthood. So I have firsthand experience with that kind of indoctrination, and know exactly what a mindfuck it is.
Look, it's possible that there's something else going on under the surface, that Aziraphale was being coerced or that he was lying to Crowley in order to protect him or that he was trying to send Crowley a coded message and it failed or whatever. I'm not the creator of this story, I don't know. But what deeply distresses me is how often I've seen people say that it has to be one of those other things because if it isn't—if Aziraphale made his decision of his own free will because he actually believes that Heaven is the side of good, or at least that it once was and will be again if it can just solve the whole bad leadership problem—that means he's either unforgivably cruel or unforgivably ignorant or both.
It's a painful reminder for me, every time, of the fact that if you are the victim of this type of indoctrination, a lot of people will assume that it's your own fault for being gullible enough to believe such obviously ridiculous and wrong things. (Hint: it's only obvious from the outside! Because if you're on the outside, you are not having your mind directly and repeatedly fucked with!) Or that if you've been exposed to contradicting information, but you still continue to believe the things that were indoctrinated into you, it's because you're willfully choosing to stay clueless.
And that is just not how that works. Yes, some people cling to their indoctrination because they're genuinely happy with their lives as part of whatever institution, because it stacks the deck in their favor in some way, because they like having a respectable-sounding excuse to be bigoted jerks, or whatever. But there are also lots of people who have just legitimately had their minds twisted into pretzels by years or decades (or in Aziraphale's case, millennia) of mental conditioning and manipulation.
You can generally tell the difference between the two. At least, if you come from the kind of background I do, you can. But I imagine that even if you didn't, it's probably fairly obvious once you get to know people who is a shitty person using their religion as an excuse to be shitty, and who is a fundamentally decent person who has just had their mind so thoroughly fucked with that they've been manipulated into believing total bullshit.
And breaking the latter group out of their conditioning isn't as simple as just "show them information that contradicts what they've been taught," as much as we all wish it could be. It's a long, messy, and traumatic process. Your entire worldview falls apart and it's terrifying. You lose a community and an identity in the process. And there's often debilitating guilt afterward, about the person you were and the things you did and said while you were still in it.
So I watched the ending of S2 and my reaction was, "Well, of course Aziraphale said the things he said and made the decision he made, he's not free of his programming yet." It made all the sense in the world to me even as it was excruciatingly painful to watch, because there was a time in my life when I made decisions every bit as jaw-droppingly fucked up and incomprehensible to outside observers, decisions I look back on now and still want to shake my younger self by the shoulders and scream "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??" And the end of S2 took me right back to that time in my life, when my head was so thoroughly messed up that I made terrible decisions that hurt myself and alienated the people around me, all while wanting nothing more in the world but to be a good person and do the right thing. And I imagine that when Aziraphale finally breaks out of his own indoctrination he is going to be horrified and devastated by a lot of what he did and said, not to mention the betrayal of how thoroughly he was manipulated and gaslit.
Yes, I am projecting hard onto Aziraphale. Yes, this is just my own theory about the final 15. But I don't see anything in the story that flat-out contradicts this reading of his character. And honestly, I care less about the veracity of my interpretation than I do about the fans saying things like "I can't take the final 15 at face value because it would make Aziraphale a terrible person," or "If he really believed that stuff he was saying, Crowley should make him beg and grovel for at least a century before taking him back" or even "if he really believed that stuff, he deserves to have Crowley never speak to him again."
Just...as a person who used to be heavily indoctrinated and has to live with the memory of who I was and what I believed back then for the rest of my life, it's incredibly distressing.
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bluginkgo · 2 months
Depression is hitting hard, but you know what hits harder? Eternal Dream with the context of ep7
I kid you not, I was doing regular chores and brain said "Hey, pssst, eternal dream is HELLA depressing now."
So here's me dissecting Eternal Dream yet again but with images from ep7 just to cope ;w;
Spoilers duh
(indicate my thoughts/ramble/not part of the lyrics)
I am tired of this dream Will it ever end for me?
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(Betrayal after betrayal, the general tiredness of being let down over and over)
I don't have the will to know... Can you help me see?
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(This verse remains a bit up in the air for me, as it always has been. I'll try a jab at it though. This is Uzi asking for help. She's tired of the horrors, the secrets, and betrayals. She needs someone else to help her see that this is not a waste of time. She needs N to help her see that there is going to be someone to encourage her.)
Let my body keep you warm Let my essence be your breeze
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(So, technically, these images are rather hard to connect. But going with "Let my essence be your breeze" everything that N does in the fighting scene is to get Uzi to return to herself. Her entire being and personality is what is driving N to fight so hard. And in turn her "essence" becomes his "breeze" and will to fight back in situations that seem hopeless.)
Can you hear me calling? Please look out for me
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(And he does, despite fighting to the death, he still continues to look after her TwT)
Can you set me free? Will you take my soul away?
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(I keep going back and forth on this one. But the more positive one would be if N could set Uzi free from the Absolute Solver, like he has done in ep4 and helped in ep7.)
Casting me in cold Bury me in bones Rest eternally
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("Bury me in bones" was first made me think of even doing this silly thing 😅 Because Uzi is literally going to be buried in the grave of Absolute Solver cores and humans that the solver snagged during the core collapse.)
Will you take me home? Can we see the moon again?
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(I'm mostly pulling on the moons because they're seen in the background. This can be taken also as a way of asking to go back to the old times. To the times when none of this happened before.)
Dancing in the dark
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(Hey, I know I've overused this, but I still can't stop thinking that this was a nod back to ep3. Their entire fight seems like a dance... a brutal, angst-filled, dance ;w;)
'Till we fall apart
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(You know, I WAS THE ONE THAT FELL APART TwT. In all seriousness, they did fall apart. Fell/forced apart by the events of ep7.)
I can't end this dream
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(This is not the end. Despite being ready and accepting of death, I- personally, so feel free to yeet this into the void- believe her job is not done. She still has something else to settle. And this dream will not end until Uzi finishes that job.)
Does this make any sense? I reckon not. But I needed Eternal Dream out of my head, and this is the only way I could think of getting rid of it ;w;
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mattmurdocksscars · 5 months
A Reveal
*Yeets this into the void* Have the third part to the Chaos Trio. I've had this sitting in my docs for a little while now and I finally decided I wasn't going to add any more to it for now. This chapter has no Frank sadly but he'll be back, don't worry.
Word Count: 1666
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader x Frank Castle
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Daredevil stood outside your door and shifted his weight back and forth. He wasn't injured, he had no real reason to be here, and yet… outside your door he stood. Frank's words had been bothering him for some time now and he tried to pretend it was just a rough night driving him to seek your comfort but it was so much more. It was months of yearning on his end, of wanting more but being too afraid to act on it. He told himself that tonight he was going to tell you who he was. He was going to open up to you and hoped you would, in turn, do the same.
He just had to find the courage to open your door.
He tilted his head, listening in on where you were in the house. It sounded like you were in the kitchen, maybe making a late night snack from the sounds he was picking up. He smiled softly to himself. He knew you stayed up for him and it meant more than he would ever be able to put into words, even if he wished you would get more sleep. But who was he to call you on your sleeping habits?
Taking a deep breath, the Devil of Hell's Kitchen forced himself to open your door. 
"D, is that you?" You called out.
"Yeah, it's me." Daredevil moved through your space with a practiced smoothness, telling of months of being familiar with the space. He made his way to your couch and sat down.
"Don't stop what you're doing, I'm not injured." He called out when he heard you move towards the sink. He heard you stop and cock your head, before slowly returning to making your snack.
"Is this a social visit then?"
"You could call it that, yeah." You chuckled and finished what you were doing before moving to sit across from him. But D stopped you before you could, gently guiding you to sit beside him. You furrowed your brow but did as he requested. It was quiet for several minutes as he seemed to be getting his thoughts together.
"Is everything alright, D? You're scaring me here." You said with a nervous laugh. To your immense surprise, Daredevil reached up and pulled his mask off.
"Matt. My name is Matthew Murdock." You gaped at him, eyes greedily drinking in his newly exposed face. 
"What- Why-" You cleared your throat. "Why are you telling me this?"
"Because after everything you've done for me, you deserve to know. That, and… I want you to know. I want you to know who I am underneath this suit." Tears welled up and Daredevil's, no Matt's hands came up to cup your cheeks.
"Don't cry." He whispered. 
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to, I just… I was beginning to think you'd never tell me who you were." You admitted quietly. Matt's heart broke at your words and he pulled you into his arms to hug you close.
"I was always going to tell you. I just… had to stop being afraid first." He felt your arms come up to rest around him, your fingers skirting over his suit in a soothing motion.
"You? Afraid? I don't believe it." You teased, pulling a chuckle from Matt's mouth. 
"I know it doesn't seem like it, but there's plenty I'm afraid of." Matt smoothed a hand down your back. "I was especially afraid of telling you who I was."
"Why though? You have to know I won't tell anyone."
"Of course I know that. It's just, if I get too close to you, someone could find out and use you to get to me. That… that happened to a friend of mine. They found out she was connected to the man in the mask and they used her as bait to drag me out. Beat the hell out of her because she wouldn't tell them anything. Not that she knew much then, but still. I've had a hard time getting close to people since…" Matt explained. 
"That why you're friends with Castle? Cause he can take care of himself?"
"Something like that. Our priorities line up occasionally and if I'm around, I can tend to lower the body count." You both chuckled at that. Slowly, you pulled back to look at Matt. He let you pull away to an extent, but kept his hands on you. You brought your hands up to gently cup his cheeks, thumbs brushing just below his eyes.
"You know… I always believed everything you told me but somehow seeing that you're blind… I don't know, I guess I just had a hard time believing that part before." Matt cracked a smile. "What you didn't tell me is how beautiful your eyes are."
Matt cleared his throat, his cheeks heating beneath your palms.
"They don't bother you?"
"What do you mean?"
"It… tends to bother people that I can't look them in the eye." You ground your teeth together at that, angry for him.
"That is completely absurd. It's not like you're doing it on purpose. So, no, it doesn't bother me and it never will." 
"Good." Matt whispered before clearing his throat. "I was thinking that we could spend tonight talking. I want to answer any questions you have."
You smiled brightly at that. 
"You may end up regretting that." You warned him and he laughed. 
"No. No, I don't think I will." A warmth filled you at his words and you got settled into the couch to start asking questions. 
You asked him everything you could think of. What he did for a living, his hobbies outside of the firm and being a vigilante, his favorite foods, how sensitive his senses really were. And he answered every question with the utmost sincerity. 
It wasn't one sided either. Matt asked you questions too and you answered them all. You told him simple things like your favorite color and favorite food but also deeper things like what you were scared of. He had been shocked to learn that he played a part in your fears.
"I just… sometimes I'm scared you're going to come to me with wounds beyond my capabilities. Or that you won't make it to me at all. Those are valid concerns." You told him. He made a soft noise before he reached for you, gently pulling you into his lap and pressing his forehead to yours.
"I promise you I will always try to make it back to you." You smiled and leaned into his touch.
"I can deal with that."
"Good." Matt nuzzled his nose against yours and you couldn't help the way your breath hitched at how close he was to you. Matt smirked as he picked up on your uptick in heart rate. 
"Yes, Matt?"
"Can I kiss you?" 
The first press of his lips to yours was a soft, tentative thing. A barely there brush of skin. But the second kiss? Oh, the second kiss was an explosion of all the pent up passion the two of you had been harboring for each other. Matt's mouth pressed to yours, his lips moving in tandem with your own, was like a dream come true for you. Matt's hands slid to your hips to squeeze while your hands slid into his hair to tug, which pulled a deep moan from Matt's throat. You grinned into the kiss and he nipped your bottom lip in retaliation. Both of you chuckled as you pulled apart and pressed your foreheads together, not interested in space. Matt was the first to break the silence.
"Can I take you out to dinner sometime? I want to take you on a proper date." You grinned and nodded quickly.
"Yes. I'd love that." 
"Good. I know a place. How does Friday at 7 sound?"
"I can make that work." You told him. He smiled and leaned up to kiss you again, softly this time. One of his hands gently slid around the side of your neck and he held you there for just a few moments. 
"It's getting late." He murmured. "I should probably go. Let you get some sleep."
"Or you could stay. Since you wouldn't have to sleep in the mask." You offered. He gave a rueful little smile.
"I would, but I don't have any clothes to wear for tomorrow. And I fear if I stay with you tonight, I'll be unable to keep my hands to myself." You chuckled, cheeks heating with his admission. 
"And that's a bad thing… why?"
"I want to do this right." He admitted quietly. "You deserve better than that and I want to give it to you."
You smiled at his words and leaned back enough to kiss his forehead.
"Well, when you put it like that…" You both laughed and Matt pulled you in close again, hugging you tightly.
"Thank you for understanding." You buried your head into the crook of his neck, holding him as tightly as he held you.
"You don't have to thank me for that. Your logic is sweet." You pulled away and pressed one more quick kiss to his lips before standing up. Matt followed your lead and the both of you headed for the door. Matt quickly donned his mask before opening the door and stepping out into the night. 
"I'll call you?" He said, a hopeful lilt to his voice.
"Sounds good. I'll see you soon." And with that, he was gone. You closed and locked the door behind him before turning and leaning against it. You pressed two fingers to your lips then squealed, jumping up and down a couple times. You couldn't believe tonight had really happened. Not only did Matt tell you who he was but he returned your feelings. It felt too good to be true. 
You floated on cloud nine as you got ready for bed. Finally laying down, you fell asleep with a smile on your face.
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hard-core-super-star · 9 months
Hi, may I please request Reader is Australian and is a judge on the Voice, Australia. Hailee (Steinfeld obviously), with the other judges help to surprise Reader by 'auditioning'. (Reader obviously turns her chair. They've been dating for a couple of years.)
keep on coming back for more [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x musician!reader
summary: you don't really like surprises...unless they involve a certain brunette and your favorite song.
warnings: none, just fluff; me pretending like i know what i'm talking about when i really don't; R is technically a guitar player but that's not expanded upon; like two seconds of nervous hailee
wordcount: 1k
a/n: messed around with the pov on this one again so...yeet. i also did the most scuffed research on the voice, australia so forgive me if it sucks/if things are too vague. this fic was also just an excuse for me to scream into the void about rock bottom because it's one of hailee's best songs, argue with the wall. [but not the version with dnce because...men. do i have to say anything else?] hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
Hailee knows being nervous about this is ridiculous but that doesn’t stop her heart from thundering in her chest or her hands from growing clammy. Usually, those things are a sign of excitement but today, the butterflies in her stomach feel a little more uneasy than usual.
It’s been more than a few years since the last time she performed this song live and, if she’s being completely honest with herself, she’s worried about what you’ll think.
Surprises aren’t her strong suit, especially not when they involve your work but it’s been a few months since you left L.A to start working on The Voice, Australia and she hasn’t had a chance to come see you until now.
She was originally just going to visit you on set and let that be the surprise but she may have texted Rita Ora about her idea to fly to Sidney to see you and then one thing led to another and now she’s here. Minutes away from pretending to be yet another blind audition for the show.
Everyone had agreed it would be a great way to get more people to watch the show, or at the very least the clip that would be posted on YouTube later, but she didn’t care about any of that. She just cared about getting to see your smile again. 
“You’re on in five.”
The brunette nods in response, practically counting down the seconds until the two of you are finally reunited. Dramatic, sure, but also sweet in a way that makes you melt every time.
While Hailee’s getting ready for her surprise performance, you are doing your best to act like you’re paying complete attention to whatever ‘argument’ Rita and Jessica are having to convince the most recent auditioner to join their team. 
You’ve been a witness to these ‘arguments’ a couple of times since filming started but you always stay out of them. Mainly because they’re fun to watch but also because you’re technically the new kid on the block and you have some massive shoes to fill. Keith Urban-sized shoes to be specific. 
You still don’t know how you went from playing the guitar in your room to being a professional musician to being a judge on The Voice but you’re not about to complain. That doesn’t mean the job isn’t tiring but you can’t afford to look like you don’t know what you’re doing. 
The young singer ends up choosing Rita’s team and you’re given a quick break as the crew gets everything ready for the next contestant. You resist the urge to check your phone, knowing all it will do is make you miss your girlfriend. This wasn’t the first time the two of you were doing long distance but it never gets easier. 
You don’t get the chance to dwell on your thoughts too long since filming resumes. You straighten your back in the surprisingly comfortable chair and prepare yourself for the next blind audition.
A few seconds go by before you hear the beginning notes of a song you know like the back of your hand. The smile on your face gives away your growing excitement at getting to hear someone cover a song you love so much. 
You're honestly a little surprised it's taken so long for someone to audition using one of Hailee’s songs. It’s a shock but a welcome one for sure. Just because they're using one of your girlfriend’s songs doesn't mean you'll go easy on them, though. You’re easygoing but extremely picky when you want to be. And you’ll be extra picky just to honor the one you love more than anything else. 
“What are we fighting for? Seems like we do it just for fun…” 
Your eyes widen at the sound of that voice. 
For a second you think you’re imagining things but there’s no possible way you could be wrong. You could be underwater with a bag over your head and still manage to recognize your girlfriend’s voice.
“Breathe deep, bottle it up…”
You don’t waste another second in pressing the red button that allows you to turn around and see Hailee in all her glory. Your breath gets caught in your throat at the sight of her and suddenly, everything else around you disappears. The lights, the audience, even your fellow judges, all you can see and hear is her.
Her brown eyes are trained on you and you have no doubt she’s feeling exactly what you’re feeling. The smile on her face tells you all you need to know about where her mind is. “Oh, we’re on the right side of rock bottom…”
She can’t hold herself back any longer and she takes a few long strides, walking down the stage steps and reaching your chair with a smile so bright it rivals every star you’ve ever seen. Her hand reaches out toward you and you take it without hesitation, allowing her to pull you toward her.
The moment might go viral later but neither of you is focused on anything except the other.
“You’re the best kind of bad something,” she sings, her face mere inches away from yours. “‘Cause we keep on coming back for more.”
This time, you’re the one who can’t hold back. You wait for her to pull her microphone away before you lean in and capture her lips in a kiss filled with all the love you’ve had to keep inside since you left L.A.
You have no doubt the studio probably wanted more words exchanged and overly dramatic shocked expressions but all those complaints will come later. Hell, you’ll even reshoot the whole thing if it means getting to spend time with Hailee on set. But all of that can wait until later.
“Warn a person next time,” you whisper with a grin once the two of you part for air.
“Where’s the fun in that, babe?”
You playfully roll your eyes at her, pretending to be annoyed when you’re truly overjoyed to hear her teasing remarks in person again. “You’re the worst.” 
“You love me,” she replies with a shrug.
She starts to move away but you pull her back in for another quick kiss before she can get too far.
You hear the commotion that comes with getting ready for filming to resume but you’re too busy giving Hailee all your attention to care. You’re incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be here, and you absolutely love your job, but your girlfriend will always come first.
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twilightbloom · 8 months
Bear with me I just need to yeet my thoughts into the void for a second
I have played HSR's 1.4 story quest a little while ago but having felt really conflicted about it I honestly didn't know what to think and needed some time to gather my thoughts, but... the quest was good, don't get me wrong, but my thoughts on Topaz are quite complicated
Like I've read around and I've seen people either being like "y'all are awful to Topaz this is why Hoyo doesn't do morally ambiguous women!!" or "Topaz is a horrible character and I hate her so much" and my take is that while I do enjoy Topaz's character AS A CONCEPT I just wish HYV would've decided her framing in the story
Like I get the first argument. Morally ambiguous women get either waifu'd like Raiden (and my opinion on her character is in line with most of the community that she was horribly mismanaged for all of her buildup, until the second character quest put a bandaid on her) or not that explored in the story (see Yae). Topaz is in a very awkward middle ground, with the complicating factor that she is a tax collector so she will rub some people in a very wrong way.
Still, my issue is that she jumps between being a cold "I'm just doing my job, no hard feelings" kinda gal and "oh my gosh animals are so cute and I'm so kind uwu" with almost no in between. I would really like to see HYV commit to one of the two in the framing, because while I can kinda see the "outside of work she's a sweetie" angle they were going for but given what kind of work she does, and WHO she is working for, it doesn't really work for me. And it ended up souring her as a character for me.
That's without covering the fact that we KNOW most people in the IPC are assholes after the Aurum Alley event, and Topaz doesn't really help their case. She's "one of the good ones", supposedly, but... Ehhh. I would've preferred she stayed an antagonist and they weren't this wishy-washy while treating her. It's a shame, because I feel like she would've been a really cool antagonist/villain had they not flip flopped around with her personality and tried to absolve her of the IPC's darker sides.
Idk basically I like her design A LOT and wish she was framed better by the narrative, like they either should've stuck to plushy waifu (which would've weakened the story though I feel) or antagonist/villain with OCCASIONAL hints of a softer side underneath.
Basically, 1.4's story was good but ironically enough Topaz was my least favorite part of it. Shame. Hope her story/companion quest makes her character feel more defined so I can decide my stance on her.
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hothotpot · 5 months
Hey did you know Disco Elysium is absolutely incredible and I haven't stopped thinking about it one single second since I played it for the first time two months ago and also I am going to marry Kim Kitsuragi I don't care if he's fictional or gay or I'm not a man, we'll figure it out.
Anyway, here's a scrap of a fic I started that I'll never finish but there's enough in this 350 words that I like that I figured I'd yeet into the void and hopefully some of y'all will enjoy it.
GREY DOOR: There is nothing noteworthy about the door in front of you. It is, in all regards, non-descript, unremarkable, *average*. Worn and weather eroded, perhaps, but no more so than any other door in the neighborhood.
PERCEPTION: (Easy: Success) The brass of the handle is tarnished from years of use, a dull and mottled brown where once it had been bright, shining gold. The wear on the paint is uneven, one area in particular worn down to the metal where a broad shoulder has leaned against it countless times, in part because the door tends to stick but also because it’s difficult to remain upright when one is *that* drunk.
HALF-LIGHT: It’s not *that* door, but it’s still bad. Dread settles in the pit of your stomach, icy cold and heavy as an artillery shell, sweat breaking out on the back of your neck – you *do not* want to open that door, Harry.
KIM KITSURAGI: The lieutenant shifts next to you, almost imperceptibly. He doesn’t clear his throat. “Everything okay, detective?”
EMPATHY: This is difficult for you, he knows.
- ENDURANCE (Godly): “Never better, Kim, my man!” You throw the lieutenant a wink and punctuate your reply with flawlessly executed finger guns, demonstrating just how okay everything definitely is.
 – (Lie) “Yeah, just checking to make sure this is the right place.”
 – “I have a terrible feeling about this, Kim. I *really* don’t want to open this door.”
YOU: You can feel your hair and the collar of your shirt sticking to your neck, clammy and uncomfortable. “I have a terrible feeling about this, Kim. I *really* don’t want to open this door.”
KIM KITSURAGI: “I understand.”
EMPATHY: He does. He really does.
KIM KITSURAGI: The lieutenant nudges his glasses further up the bridge of his nose, then settles his gaze on you. Light from the dim bulb in the hallway reflects off his lenses as he tilts his head, but behind the glare there is compassion in his eyes. “It’s okay, detective,” he says, quietly, a hand resting lightly on your arm, “it’s just an apartment.”
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voxofthevoid · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by my one and only Jesus @eusuntgratie
I recently cleared out all the ask/tag games in my drafts because I realized I'd reached the pile-up stage of putting things in there and not doing shit. Thanks to everyone who's tagged me in those the last couple of months and sorry I didn't get to any!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
2,005,606 (crossed the 2 million milestone recently and am still buzzing about it)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm only writing for Jujutsu Kaisen, but I'm posting for Jujutsu Kaisen, Bleach, and MCU.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I was so sure it was going to be all MCU, but nope, it's a mix of MCU and Hannibal. God, that was my first Ao3 fandom, and my Hannibal fics are from 2014. It's surreal people are still reading/enjoying them.
if you're looking for jesus (then get on your knees)—MCU
i'm a ghost, you're an angel (one and the same)—MCU
A darkness seen and shared—Hannibal
Ways and Means—Hannibal
the hand you want to hold is a weapon (and you're nothing but skin)—MCU
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I enjoy the interactions and discussions. Plus, since I'm not a Discord (or group spaces) person, it's how I find fellow fans to chat with, especially during my initial foray into a particular fandom. I do have a huge backlog of some 1.1k comments from 2020 to mid-2021 because I didn't have much time for fandom in that period. I'm chipping away at it slowly, but I'm pretty prompt about replying to everything on my post-2021 fics.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, this Hannibal fic, I'd say: Till the bitter end
Let's just say I predicted the series finale in some weird way.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of mine end happily—a few are ambiguous, while others are dark.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Oh yeah. It's only happened with MCU and Jujutsu Kaisen, and they're mostly cases of overgrown children unhappy that I didn't write the ships or dynamics they want.
9. Do you write smut?
It's my specialty now 😎
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah. I've done fusion-style AUs, but full-on crossovers aren't something I'd like to write. I'll read them, but I'm picky.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Multiple times (MCU and YoI, iirc), both within Ao3 and offsite.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Multiple times, for multiple fandoms! It's always a delight.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I did write one(1) fic that way, but it got yeeted into the void when my co-author deleted her entire Ao3 account. I have a copy, I think.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I'm the kind of person who's most devoted to whatever is eating my brain at the time, so right now, it's Yuuji/Gojou from Jujutsu Kaisen.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but probably won’t?
My writing superpower is that if I lose interest in a WIP, I also lose all desire to finish it and any guilt about it. And these days, I tend to start a fic and work on just that till it's done. So the answer is—none.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I write some smokin' hot porn, and I'm pretty good at threading character study through it. The porn is the plot, in most cases. I also enjoy doing background worldbuilding that serves to give the narrative a sense of depth despite the focus being on characters and relationships.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fight scenes, ensemble casts, and sustained plotty plots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Ah, I can feel my Hannibal-era Google-translate Lithuanian judging me.
In general, I avoid it, but when I write for anime set in Japan, I tend to work in honorifics. My mother tongue has those too, so I know from experience that there are no English equivalents that capture the same vibe.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hunter x Hunter, I think. That account no longer exists. On Ao3, it's Hannibal.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I tend to be biased toward my newer works, so this keeps changing. At the moment, it's (let me be clear) every version of the story ends with you being slaughtered (JJK, goyuu).
Tagging (no pressure) 20 people because why the hell not: @possibleplatypus, @actualalligator, @joeys-piano, @cursedvibes, @backwardshirt, @m34gs, @naamah-beherit, @dragongirlg-fics, @crossroadswrite, @spacebuck, @jenroses, @calamitouskings, @knivash, @lo-55, @bookwyrmling, @sorrythatwasamistake, @ddelline, @lilyfarseer, @roughkiss and @deunan306
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
You have successfully made me have a full-blown existential breakdown with your statement that Tears of the Kingdom's story is imperialist propaganda, so thanks for that. But I have a question if you have the time.
From your posts, I can tell that you've finished the game. But I don't see anywhere that you've spoken on the post credit scene. So I have to ask, what did you think of it?
Before you answer, I'm going to try and predict what you will say: you were disgusted and horrified that the present-day sages (two of whom are children or at the very least minors) echoed the exact same "allegiance" speech, and Zelda accepted it with a smile.
Am I correct?
...Oh my god I totally forgot to talk about That Scene.
YEAH YOU FUCKING NAILED IT MY DUDE LMAOOO, I WAS SCREAMING IN DISGUST THE WHOLE TIME. The whole story had already been SO bad I really didn't think they could possibly make it worse at that point, I was just like what are we doing here, yeeting Mineru into the void? Fucking fantastic, still have no idea what she was even here to begin with, please go away now Mineral you have contributed nothing to this team or to this story - hey, what the fuck are you doing WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP TALKING NO FUCK NO NO NO-
Like, I got to the whole ancient sages swearing loyalty to Rauru scene BEFORE I'd realized how fucked the game really was. I was still accepting the surface reading in good faith at that point! But that whole thing was enough to make me extremely grossed out, even accepting it at face value. So to have them repeat that clusterfuck at the end? Jesus christ, it was just the final kick in the dick to solidify my hatred of Zelda and her entire family. This is why I tried to drop her to her death at the end lmaooooo.
My Link is just, furiously building a guillotine in the background the whole time. I'm so done with this bitch.
Also like even putting aside the ethics of Tulin being a literal child (and possibly also Riju, unclear as to what age she is now), but jesus CHRIST, Riju and Sidon are literally the leaders of their people! They are the heads of state! WHY ARE THEY SWEARING ETERNAL SERVITUDE TO THE RULER OF A DIFFERENT COUNTRY. WHY IS ZELDA JUST ACCEPTING THIS AS SOMETHING SHE IS OWED. FUCKING DISGUSTING.
I expected the ending to be miserable, but this was so much worse than I was prepared for. What a final 'fuck you' to everyone that isn't a goddamn bootlicker.
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fantastic-nonsense · 4 months
It's Six Eight Sentence Sunday and I am struggling to finish the How Inej Got Her Knives fic, so I'm going to yeet these unedited sentences into the void and run away
Marya, who held the weight of the world in her hands and ensured others would live. Marya, whose determination to see her family again split open a mountain and left safe harbor for generations of travelers. Marya, who was welcomed home with songs and kisses as she giggled on her father’s shoulders, free from the dark and uncertainty and pain of that infinitely long day. Sankta Marya, who protected those far from home. Inej clenched her fists and lifted her gaze towards the harbor, to the horizon that hid Ravka from her eyes. She would have that happy ending too. There were no safe caves of refuge here in the darkness of her own mountain mine, but maybe that meant she just had to create them herself. She would have to be her own candle in the dark.
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isa-ghost · 9 months
Hey Isa!! So I haven’t really been following the QSMP, I’ll admit, but I heard about the recent angst of the “Cage for a cage” situation, and I’m very intrigued! What are Philza and Wilbur’s stories in the QSMP? I’d love to know more! Also where could I find all their footage to catch up?
Well Wilbur's sorta yeeted into the void bc of Lovejoy things, so there's not much to talk about on his front. He has his egg daughter Talullah, who Phil is looking after and has adopted as his own at this point bc its been months, and that's kinda it as far as major keypoints go for Wilbur lore. That and he canonized (or tried to?) him/Phil father/son dynamics again. Haven't heard much from the community if we accepted that as canon or as a Wilbur Bit Because Of Course He Tried To Canonize That Again.
Phil lore on the other hand. OUGH. I don't know where to start, it feels like so little and so much at the same time. Which is funny bc this motherfucker is so allergic to lore despite being a bomb ass rper (I have 11+ years experience rping, this man is rp veteran approved). I get timezones exist and whatnot & he's usually 3-4 hours into a stream already by the time he gets on QSMP to begin with, but he dodged so much of The Horrors for so long. This week has been an outlier and the crows are suffering thriving.
As far as his lore (in a simplified tldr) goes: Ancient bird man wired for nothing but survival gets plopped on a weird island with other English speakers & Spanish speakers. Shit Is Weird And Continues To Be, but all the islanders make friends with eacg other. They're *emotionally slams fist on table* levels of tightknit. Phil especially is always so ready to help anyone out. Timeskip a month or so, Island Federation decides to play matchmaker and then make said matches parents. They're given a dragon's eggs because Dragon Gone ??? Phil acquires egg kid and raises them to be a careful & loving powerhouse like himself (& then later gets second egg kid who's meant to be Wilbur's) only for the island he's stuck on to throw every wrench at him they can in the form of mobs, federation people, trivial ass tasks given by said feds, and more. The longer things go on the worse they get, and ancient man's biggest weakness is his two kids who keep getting used against him. But ancient bird man is an anarchist, this federation can pound sand. Federation doesn't like that! Ancient bird man get punished. (And that's skipping chunks of things, but I have the memory of a peanut so I'll leave better summaries to someone better equipped.) Also when he's not experiencing the horrors he has at least 4 other men thirsting for him at any given time and he donowalls their advances beautifully while also playing into their flirting and thirsting at the same time because he has No /R Thoughts, Only Goddess Wife and egg children. Goddess wife also encourages his unintentional yaoi-ing.
I DO know you can catch up on QSMP lore via the official recap channel "QSMP Info" on YouTube! There's two videos out so far so the recaps aren't caught up to date yet, but they're made by the admins of the server, so they're thorough and accurate.
There's also a Phil VODs channel that's run by one of the most devoted PEGS (Philza Early Gang Society, Phil's offline chatters <3) in the crow community. I'm sure they have every single QSMP vod uploaded (but strap in, Phil's not a 1-3 hour stream andy, he's a 5-8 hour stream chad). Most times, he does Hardcore first then QSMP later (though I think a few times while playing TOTK he'd get on later too so ??? Good luck?) so realistically despite being a 5-8 hour stream chad, there's only 2-4 hours of QSMP in the vod, you just gotta skim through the last half of the vod. For reference, you'll want to search for vods from March 22nd, 2023 to now. That's how long QSMP has been going. It'd be laborious to fish out every crumb of QSMP stream time but I do genuinely think it's worth it just to see how things on the island develop and why so many people are screaming about The Horrors every day.
I'm sure you could also scrape around YouTube for like. Fanmade recaps, perhaps even Phil-centric ones, though I'd be wary of ones that have character analysis rather than just the plain ol stream content a) because they won't have every bit of footage & b) Sometimes People Are Wrong About Characters. You could also dig for clips of major moments (Phil has some on his Phil Clips YT but they're mostly funny) but that'd probably not give you the whole picture if you wanna be slamming your fists on the table and screaming like a monkey with the rest of us LOL.
There's also plenty of livebloggers who scream as streams progress, so check out some tags maybe. The main one is probably #qsmp liveblogging but that'll be any & all member POVs so it's not the most helpful resource but an idea nonetheless. You'd probably be better off looking through #qsmp philza or #q!philza or something, you'd just have to sift through creative works, memes & shitposts too.
Any crows who follow me that might have more/better resources are welcome & encouraged to reblog or reply to this and add Phil lore summaries (and your character analyses bc Phil mains are trustworthy) or more things to check out in order to get all the Good Shit Lore(TM) btw!
(Reblogging might also help this reach crows who DO have more/better suggestions or the capability to recap Phil lore thoroughly, so please do that. :] )
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elizmanderson · 4 months
ask me anything
just gonna yeet another ama into the void so I can answer the questions of the like two friends who will see it and go :eyes: and throw questions at me. click here to send asks.
but in case you are not one of those two friends and are like, "I'd love to ask you some shit but idk you/idk enough about you to know what to ask," here's some shit to know
debut novel The Remarkable Retirement of Edna Fisher is about an 83-year-old who leaves the nursing home for fantastical adventure when she learns she's the chosen one. she loves knitting and adopting all the young people in the book. also there are dragons. click here for more.
sophomore novel The Keeper of Lonely Spirits (2025) is about an old man cursed with immortality who sends troublesome spirits packing rather than making mortal friends who will die one day, but whoops his hand slips and now he cares about some folk. shit. what to do?? he's gonna try to gay I mean go. I'd say click here for more but there is no more because this book doesn't come out until 2025.
I also have several short stories published, mostly fantastical and bordering vaguely on horror. click here for more.
my birthday is in two weeks and it'll be my Hobbit-coming-of-age birthday
I'm considering a tattoo for the first time in my life but am not committed yet
I keep an annual list of all the birds I more or less positively ID each year
I'm also currently working on IDing more native wildflowers and trees
I love Uncle Iroh
my latest obsession is pole fitness, which I have been doing for 10 months now, and this is best I've ever felt about my body
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ccaptain · 1 month
Spoilers under the read more related to the plot of the 2.2 H:SR patch:
BIGGEST SIGH EVER. So like. Hoyo, stop making my imaginary H:SR Kaeya fatherless. This is the second game already-
Look at what Gallagher says here:
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When I started with his verse, I headcanoned that Enigmata ''beings'' identities were essentially lost in time due to their occupation as History Fictionologists. Just like how history unravels back up again once the fog surrounding it has dissipated, thus nullifying their work, their identities unravel and unfog once exposed, making their existence null and void. Being of the Enigmata means, indeed, being enigmatic, and once you cease to be a mystery, you are essentially yeeted out of Enigmata priviledges.
So for this verse specifically, I'm going to go with the hypotesis that Gallagher's teaching to turn Kaeya into a ''being'' made him essentially unfoggable.
Stay with me here: Gallagher took him as his pupil, and of course he cares abut his strays not vanishing upon being discovered. He used the loophole of turning someone into a ''being'' to further shroud his identity in mystery- both for his sake and his old, destroyed planet's. Fogging ''Kaeya'' also means reorganizing the history of the Great Catastrophe and the end of his homeplanet, thus giving him an already good jump-start for the mission that will accompany him for the entirety of his life.
''Kaeya'' is no longer the lone survivor of a cataclismic disaster that happened when the Aeons set their gazes on their abuse of knowledge. That identity of his has long since died, and his work has been done so excellently that nobody knows of any survivor from said destruction.
Anyone who perceives him as ''Kaeya Alberich'' upon introducing himself, and keeps him in their mind as ''Kaeya'', contributes to further muddle his real identity. His acquaintances perceiving him as ''Kaeya Alberich'' make them unknowing accomplishes in shrouding his real identity in mystery. If we wanna go in a much tender part of this, his friends are keeping him in existance. It's a little heartwarming bit that we deserve.
''Emanator of Enigmata'' is not his real identity either- it's a simple title, and while he does respond to it, by now he's much more complex than that. There's a personality that has grown behind this identity too- there's a will to be kind and help people and to preserve the cosmos as it is, along with every inhabitant of it. ''Kaeya'' has grown his self, thus not making anything react to this title.
''One of Gallagher's strays''. ''An History Fictionologist'', ''a threat'', ''the man with cobalt hair'', ''Kae'', ''A sweetheart of a person, that's what he is'', ''such a kind young man'', and any nickname his friends might give to him are not his identities either, despite being a part of him.
In truth... Gallagher possibly went through many loophopes to make sure that ''Kaeya'' would never cease existing. Once he successfully taught ''Kaeya'' how to be a ''being'', half of the work was already done- for ''beings'' of the Enigmata are in the fogged uncertainty of a lost existence, made of mystery themselves. 
''Kaeya'' being perceived as ''Kaeya Alberich'' goes further from the truth while inching a bit closer to it, but not quite: because Kaeya Alberich was another man entirely with an entirely different mannerism and personality, having long since perished. He acts nothing like the old Kaeya Alberich despite donning his skin, his eyes, his hair. It's a comfortable suit to mask himself in.
You cannot say that, after going through so many hurdles to keep him alive, Gallagher doesn't care about him. There's the emptiness and melancholy that comes from being an entity in a crowd of real people- but this is a thought that disappears once ''Kaeya'' is with friends, the people who made him feel more human, loved, and perceived without it being a dangerous thing.
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senoleaf · 2 months
Last Line Challenge
In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew!) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many as you like).
tagged by: @silvermizuki ! :D
tumblr yeeted this into the void when my internet died mid answering, but it reappeared!! so anyways! ignore the time stamp in my art piece!! :,)
last line(s):
(just a rough idea of a scene for a Splatoon fanfic)
"Good luck out there," Acht voiced as Three made to leave the elevator first, "It seems like you'll need it."
The Captain's face turned more serious than ever as they gave a nod back, cast a glance at Eight and exited the elevator.
Eight was no longer afraid of losing though. Because now they had Three.
Now everything was going to be okay.
last art:
(i'm working on a Splatoon (Side Order themed) animatic)
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i tag uhhh (not as many as i have words):
@lavleyart @smutav @linkerbell @parksrway @piixelpaint @m-aee @bamsara @blackkatdraws @maybemochas
aaaand anyone else that wants to join!! :)
(feel free to ignore though, hope you dont mind the tag!!)
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fireflowersims · 4 months
Soooo some idiot named fireflowersims ignored her mail for too long leading to the contents of her MEGA account being yeeted into the void
So, yeah, if you find any dead MEGA links, that's why.
My priority is reuploading the BPS archive, then my own stuff. I'll update the download links for both as soon as possible.
For my medieval downloads, with Tumblr getting worse and all, I'm thinking of just going Keep-exclusive (with a link and image on Tumblr ofc)
Anyways, lots of work to be done. Toodles
PS: I guess I'll find a third place to mirror myinks, just in case.
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