#i'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones?????
startingfires · 2 years
no but how is one to know?
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starstaiined · 5 days
5, 15, and 25 for the ask game 🩷🩷🩷
ask game !! // @jackietaylorsversion
5. what made you start your blog?
my first blog, i was like 13 and suuuper obsessed with descendants lmao. i found some gifsets which led me to tumblr, and i thought it was soooo cool. i made a few friends! and found a space to like, really express myself and yell into the void that i never had before. so i never left.
for this blog in particular, it was primarily focused around the six musical back in like 2019? and then i just made it an amalgamation of everything i love instead of jumping from blog to blog.
15. what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
the people who make it home. they've managed to put up with me for an ungodly amount of time, and i can be quite a handful. but they never make me feel like one. they validate and encourage me to chase my dreams and share my ideas. i know if i ever need anything i can reach out to them.
25. fave season and why?
autumn!! i love the temperature, it's cooler and good for sweaters which account for like 90% of my wardrobe. i also love the way the trees change colors, and it has some of my favorite memories. from babysitting the kiddos and going out downtown, to hanging out with salem and having our first date. autumn is a time of endings, but just as many beginnings. it's nice to watch it all begin again.
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
"I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones" or other things that could easily be said by Marcille to Falin
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matthewsblue · 1 year
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How's one to know?
I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones
In a faith forgotten land
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I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones… my boredom's bone-deep… your ivy grows, and now I’m covered… one slip and fallin' back into the hedge maze… I wish to know the fatal flaw… these fatal fantasies… I can't stop you putting roots in my dreamland… if it’s make believe… my house of stone… what if I roll the stone away… my sheets are ablaze… it’s a fire, it’s a goddamn blaze in the dark and you started it…
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in-my-feels-probably · 10 months
Sirius x pureblood!reader inspired by ivy by Taylor swift where reader’s parents r extremely against sirius because of his reputation
Request: Sirius x pureblood!reader inspired by ivy by Taylor swift where reader’s parents r extremely against sirius because of his reputation
and: sirius black x pureblood!slytherin!reader where they have known each other since they were younger but drifted for obvious reasons. the drift causes resentment in each side which leads to snarky comments and lots of sexual tension in their later hogwarts years lol. eventually they get into an argument or something and the reader insists she is the same person she was when they were younger where as sirius is like no ur an uptight b. anyway this leads to sirius almost challenging her to prove herself to him and so even tho she is freaked out when he shows up outside the slytherin common room one night and says they are sneaking out to see a muggle concert she has no choice but to oblige. it ends up being an amazing night for both of them and they realized the love they had for each other as children truly never died.
Hi! I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to these requests, and I hope it’s alright I combined them. They worked really well together. Ivy is one of my favorites by Taylor, and it was so fun writing this based on that song.
Also, the reader isn’t actually a pureblood, just raised by a pureblood family. It just worked out easier for me to write this that way, hope that’s alright, too. Anyways, thank you again for being patient! I hope you enjoy!
(Warnings: swearing, smoking, mentions of Sirius’s home life, insults, guilt, let me know if i missed anything)
How's one to know?
I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones
In a faith-forgotten land
You should have known what you had with Sirius was never going to last. 
Growing up as the daughter of two prominent pureblood wizards in high society, there was certain expectations of you to follow in their footsteps. Except, you weren’t exactly pureblood yourself. You were just a baby when you were orphaned by the beginning of the war, and your parents just so happen to not be able to have children themselves. And—although you were the child of two halfbloods—they thought if they took you in young enough, it wouldn’t really matter. They’d raise you as your own, and you’d be no different than the rest of the pureblood children.
But there were whispers.
They were never confirmed by anyone, but your family could still hear them. Whispers of your true birth—which meant that all your life, you had to be on your best behavior. And that was quite hard to be on when Sirius Black was your best friend. At least, he was your best friend.
You weren’t sure what he was to you now. 
You were very close in your first few years at Hogwarts. Even when you were sorted into Slytherin, he overlooked it. Although he had his opinions, he didn’t look at you any differently—just like you didn’t look at him any differently when he was sorted into Gryffindor. You were always by his side, even when your parents hated it, so what did he have to judge you for? If you could overlook all his flaws and caveats, he would welcome yours.
It was no secret that your parents hated Sirius. While they had a certain respect for Walburga and Orion—who seemed to like you—they just couldn’t stomach Sirius. Regulus, they liked. He was a good boy, and he never got into trouble or brought shame upon his family. 
Sirius was another story. 
But you never cared. You didn’t buy into the blood purity prejudice parade that your parents and their friends tried to sell you. 
But, unlike Sirius, you weren’t so loud about your distaste for it. Despite wanting to stand up to your parents about it, you couldn’t. There was already a lot depending on you, and you were too afraid to disrupt the small sense of normalcy you had in your life. Letting it go was too much change, and you didn’t much like change.
There was a time in Sirius’s life where he found your reserved manner charming. It was one of your cute little traits that made you who you were. 
There was one evening when you received mail from your parents at dinner, and he came over and snatched it out of your hands before you could stop him. He was joking of course, but as he read over it, his face fell.
“This is the third letter in a month your Mother has sent telling you to stay away from me,” he mused, a sad smile on his face. “They really hate me.”
This wasn’t the first time you’d had a conversation like this, and there wasn’t much you could do to ease his pain. All you could do was take his hands in yours, squeezing them tight. 
“I’m sorry, Sirius. They’re set in their ways, there’s nothing I can do to change that. But you know I don’t hate you. I never will. And I’ll never let them stop me from seeing you. You’re my best friend, and I’ll never let them change that. One of these days, I’ll muster up the courage to tell them that to their faces.”
He just shook his head, slinging an arm around your shoulder as he changed the subject. “It’s alright, darling. We’ve got plenty of time to piss off your Mother and mine until we actually need to do something about it.”
But as the war came closer, and it was time to start making bold choices, he grew tired of always waiting for you to speak up. There wasn’t much you could do about it, either. You loved him more than pretty much anyone else in your life, but even that love couldn’t squander the fear you felt when being with him meant breaking too many rules.
Slowly but surely, you started losing your best friend.
Your relationship came to a standstill the first evening back to term after Sirius had spent his second entire summer locked up in his house. He couldn’t see anyone, most definitely not you. Neither of your parents would have allowed it—punishment for Sirius, and a regulation for you.
“You could have owled,” he teased when you found each other after dinner, but you could see the hint of sincerity in his eyes.
“You know my Mother never would have allowed it, and your Mother never would have let you read it even if she did, Sirius.”
He sighed in frustration. “For once, I just wish you’d stand up to her.”
“Is that so?” You asked, pulling him into a corner away from prying eyes. “You know as well as I do why I can’t do that. I told you, one day I’ll figure it out. But you can’t ask me to do it now. I’m not brave like you—”
“You are brave like me. It’s a wonder you weren’t sorted into Gryffindor,” he laughed, but you could see the sadness in his eyes. 
You moved to wrap your arms around his waist, settling your cheek against his chest. You could feel him heave a breath, but he wrapped his arms around your shoulders anyway. You stood in silence together for a moment longer, gently swaying back and forth before you spoke. 
“I’m sick of arguing with you over this,” you murmured into his chest. “I really fucking am.”
Sirius gripped you tighter. He felt like letting you go meant he was doing far more than just physically letting you go. It was more than that—it was letting you leave him. And he wasn’t sure he could stomach that just yet. But he knew…you both did. He’d released his grip a long time ago. Anything now was futile, like grasping for straws. 
Still, he held you tight against him. He would allow himself this. He didn’t have to let you go just yet.
“Me too, love. Me too.”
In from the snow
Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow
Tarnished but so grand
How unfortunate that the time you were most cross with each other was the time you found each other the most attractive.
It was ridiculous, really—how pretty he was.
He grew into himself over the years, confidence quite literally radiating off him. He had some attractive friends too—who were generally friendly with you—but none of them in your opinion held a candle to Sirius. There was just something about him. And while Sirius showed interest in other girls, he just couldn’t seem to shake you. 
By Fifth Year, you were in a quarreling stage of your relationship. 
You’d had many nights like the one you had after dinner, and they hadn’t all been so cordial. There wasn’t two people in the whole of Hogwarts more stubborn than the two of you. And you found many reasons to butt heads like rams. 
It was just who you were to each other now.
No longer best friends, but people who knew too much about each other. People who knew all the right ways to piss the other one off. You know all of each other's likes and dislikes—anything that made the other tick. 
In his absence, you grew more sure of yourself. Less afraid to speak out about things that bothered you, and less afraid to stand up to those who had something to say about you. Recently, Sirius had been trying his luck with you. He couldn’t help himself. Pissing you off and seeing your reaction was like a drug to him, and he was hooked.
“Look at you…practically fuming,” he smirked when he messed with your cauldron in Potions. “It’s kinda hot.”
“So mature, aren’t you?” You snapped, shooing him away from the table. 
He snickered as he walked back to his own work station, and he left you alone for the rest of class. You spent the remaining time trying to fix what he had ruined. By the time the period was over, you were seeing red. Sirius casually strolled out the door behind his friends, and you marched after him in a fury. You grabbed him by the back of his cloak, spinning him around.
“What the fuck is your problem, Black? What did I ever do to you?”
“What did you ever do to me?” He asked sharply, before taking a breath and forcing himself to relax. “When did you get so uptight, love?”
He tried to turn to walk away, but you grabbed his forearm, yanking him back toward you. You held him tight, your fingers making indentations on his skin. He looked down slowly, carefully watching where your body was meeting his. You took a breath, easing your grip once you realized just how close to him you had gotten. His friends carefully watched a few feet away, silent as they waited for Sirius to speak. 
You cleared your throat, running your thumb along his reddened skin before dropping his arm. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to grab you that hard.”
He could barely hear you from how quiet you were speaking. He just shook his head, looking at you with curious eyes. He knew he had overstepped, but was too proud to say anything. So he just shrugged you off, rubbing at his arm.
“You’ve got claws…shame you didn’t use them when I needed them.”
He turned around and left before you could get out another word.
But I don't, I just sit here and wait
Grieving for the living
You weren’t speaking by the time you found out Sirius had run away from home. 
It broke your heart when you found out. You may have been one of the only people in the world who understood what he was going through, down to the exact same rhetoric your parents would use to try and convince you to be good children—and the punishments they’d dole out when you didn’t listen. You felt nothing but guilt, knowing he needed someone to save him…and you weren’t there. 
Instead, he had to save himself. 
But more than anything, you grieved for him. Not for his life, but for the one you could have had with him. When you were kids, you thought you’d be best friends forever. Side by side, always there when the other needed them. 
But now? 
Now he was having to make a new life for himself. He had new best friends by his side, who took better care of him than you ever could have. And you grieved that missed opportunity.
You missed him.
You figured it wouldn’t take much—to take him back into your life. All he had to do was ask, if he even still wanted that. You’d had your share of fighting, and would much rather go back to being strangers. That was much easier than passing him in the halls every day and wishing he was someone else to you.
Clover blooms in the fields
Spring breaks loose, the time is near
What would he do if he found us out?
Crescent moon, coast is clear
Spring breaks loose, but so does fear
He's gonna burn this house to the ground
You had one night separating all those days of fighting.
You weren’t even sure how it happened. You’d had a particularly bad day, and you weren’t in the mood for your regularly scheduled spat with Sirius. You’d skipped all of your classes you had with him, and he of course had taken notice.
He found you down by the Black Lake, where you’d go to get some peace and quiet. You could hear the leaves crunching under his boots, turning around to see him coming down the hill. You sighed, putting your head in your hands. 
“Not in the mood today, Sirius,” you said over your shoulder. “Go home…please.”
He shook his head, coming to sit down next to you. “No—no, I don’t think I will.”
You didn’t have it in you to fight with him. Clearly, he had noticed your absence. That was something, wasn’t it? It was quiet for a moment as you watched the water from the lake lap onto the shore, before you felt a warm hand on your knee. You looked over to see Sirius gazing down at you, a mild look of concern on his face. 
“Not gonna fight me for sitting down? Not gonna shove my hand off your knee?”
You shrugged, shaking your head. “You can do whatever you want with your hands. I don’t care.”
Sirius smiled to himself, knocking his shoulder with yours. He didn’t move his hand, instead tracing his thumb absentmindedly back and forth along the curve of your knee as he spoke.
“You weren’t in class. It’s not like you to break the rules—”
“I break plenty of rules,” you snapped, feeling your skin heat underneath his palm. “But how would you know? You barely talk to me anymore.”
He let out a laugh, a giddy feeling spreading in his chest. “I know you well enough, Y/N. And I know you don’t break the rules. Too uptight, maybe.”
“Or too scared,” you retorted, slapping his hand. “But you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you?”
He let out a laugh, slinging an arm around your shoulder. “Merlin, you really are a bitch.”
“Takes one to know one,” you said without hesitation.
Sirius seemed surprise for a moment, not expecting your retort. But after a moment—in his usual fashion—he grinned at your snark, turning to face the shoreline. You turned as well, watching the light glisten on the water as the sun began to set behind the trees. With Sirius so close to you, you couldn’t help but ponder the life you had once had with him. It wasn’t that long ago that you’d find yourself shoulder to shoulder with him, trying to choke down the butterflies in your throat as his skin brushed yours.
“Do you remember when we were kids?” You finally managed to say, letting out a breath. “When we were little, and you owled me after your Mother had punished you? It was the first summer she wouldn’t let you leave Grimmauld Place.”
Sirius stiffened next to you, clenching his jaw. But after a moment, he gave you a slight nod of acknowledgement.
“I had barely learned how to use the Floo on my own, but I knew it was my only way to get to you. I managed to sneak out before my parents found out, and I came to you as quickly as I could. I found you out in the gardens behind the house. Do you remember what you said to me?”
It took him a long while to speak. He didn’t dare look at you, keeping his eyes on the lake as you waited for him to speak.
“The ivy grows thick here,” he finally said, the slightest waver in his voice. “Mother can’t find us.”
You nodded, brushing your knee against his. “That’s right. I sat with you in that garden all night. And, Merlin, I was scared out of my mind. I knew I was in for a world of trouble when I got back home to my parents, but I didn’t care. That didn’t matter to me. All that mattered was you. I came for you…I always came for you.”
You suddenly felt a burning anger brewing in your chest, and you pushed Sirius away. You quickly stood up, leaving him bewildered in the grass next to you. He followed you up, managing to catch your wrist before you could march back up the hill.
“Calm down!” He shouted, his grip unrelenting. “What’s happening? What’s wrong?”
You scoffed, a dark chuckle pulled from your chest. “You wanna know why I wasn’t in class? Because I didn’t want to see you.” 
Sirius stuttered, unable to form a response. He watched as angry tears clouded your eyes, but you quickly wiped them with the heels of your palms before they could fall. You took a grounding breath, watching him stare helplessly back at you.
“There it is…that’s the look. I didn’t want to see those eyes staring back at me, looking at me like I’m the one who changed. Like I’m the one who suddenly decided to abandon you and choose the wrong side. I never did that, Sirius. Why do you treat me like I did? I’ve always tried so hard to be a good friend to you, even when it would get me nowhere good. You’re the one who changed, not me. And you can’t handle the fact that I’m not like you—that I can’t bring myself to be as bold as you.”
He shook his head as he stepped closer, his voice assertive and stern. “I never said that—”
“You didn’t have to!” You spat, ripping your arm out of his hold. “That look in your eye is enough.”
You turned away, running your hand down your face. Grief and anguish bubbled in your throat, burning your esophagus as you choked down a sob. You wouldn’t cry in front of him. He didn’t deserve your tears. It was quiet for a moment, the only sound coming from the lapping of the Black Lake and the ragged breaths coming from you both. You turned back to him, ignoring the ache in your chest when you saw his pained expression. He was standing so still—like if either of you moved, you’d both crumble, and there’d be no one left to pick up the pieces to put you back together. 
“I’m still me, Sirius,” you managed to say, your voice sincere. “Why can’t you see that?”
Sirius looked at you for a long while. You shifted under his gaze, debating bolting up the hill before he could catch you. But then, he stepped closer. He gently reached up, running his thumb along your cheek. You sharply inhaled, waiting for him to speak. His voice was soft—forgiving.
“I’ll believe it when I see it…all you have to do is show me.”
He pressed a chaste kiss to the top of your head, quickly walking back up the hill before you could even get your feet to move.
Oh, I can't
Stop you putting roots in my dreamland
My house of stone, your ivy grows
You didn’t see Sirius the entire weekend. 
Granted, you mostly stuck to your dorm, but you didn’t even see him at meals. He was either sneaking food, or waiting for you to leave until he sat down for his dinner. You almost could have thanked him for it. 
It was an indescribable feeling—thinking about Sirius.
Your night at the lake had certainly given you a lot to think about, and it often overwhelmed you. You tried your best to distract yourself, never letting your thoughts of him creep in for too long. Sirius—in usual Sirius fashion—eventually forced you to confront him, at least once he finally forced himself to confront you first.
You were by the window in one of your secret hideouts when an owl came to the window with a note in its grip. You raised a brow in confusion, plucking it from the bird and watching as he flew back into the night sky. How did anyone know where you were, or how to find you? You immediately recognized the handwriting as you unraveled the small piece of parchment, almost in disbelief as you read the words. 
It read,
I’m starting to believe you…but it’s time you showed me. Prove me wrong, darling. I very much want to be wrong. Meet me in the corridor in front of your Common Room in ten minutes, and don’t let anyone else see you. You say you always come to me—so come. Please.
You chuckled to yourself in disbelief. He was so formal, even doing something as simple as sending a note. That was just part of his upbringing, you supposed. He never did anything without a little style. You shook your head, crumpling the note and shoving it into your pocket as you stood up. The Slytherin Common Room was at least a ten minute walk from your hideout, and you figured Sirius had already started walking to meet you there. 
You wasted an entire minute with your feet planted on the floor before you finally forced yourself to move—and then you were really moving. What am I doing? What am I doing, what am I doing, what am I doing, you thought to yourself. You couldn’t shake the question, thinking it the rest of the way to the corridor when you turned the corner, running straight into Sirius’s chest.
“Shit,” you mumbled, steadying yourself by holding onto the wall.
Sirius grinned, reaching a hand out to steady you. “What took you so long? I was beginning to think you’d stood me up.”
“I don’t see why we had to meet out here,” you said, motioning around to the dungeons. “You knew where I was—and I won’t ask you how you knew that, although it’s a bit concerning. But you knew where I was, so why not just come to me? Or ask me to come to you?”
He shrugged, looking around. “Maybe I wanted to see what your life is like down here. Maybe I wanted to see what mine could have been.”
You nearly laughed. Sirius had come from all the way up in the mighty Gryffindor Tower to the depths of the castle to see you, all the way down in the dungeons where the Slytherin Common Room resided. The very air was colder, the Black Lake seeming to loom over the windows. 
You watched as he looked around, leaning against the wall yourself. “Is that important to you—me being down here? Why I’m down here, and why you’re not?”
Sirius tore his gaze from the castle walls to look at you, his face contemplative. He spoke after a short while, his voice soft. 
“No,” he finally decided, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I thought it was, but now it seems…minuscule.”
You smiled to yourself. “Big word, Sirius. Did your fancy education teach you that one? You know—the same one I had?”
He chuckled, watching you with curious eyes. Finally, he pulled his hand out of his pocket, along with two pieces of paper. He held them out for you to take. 
“My cousin Andromeda got these for me,” he grinned as you read over them. “She can’t use them anymore, and she figured I would want to. David Bowie is coming to London tonight. He’s a muggle musician—”
You snickered, nodding. “I know who he is, Sirius. You forget which one of us isn’t actually a pureblood. I know my parents don’t let me do much, but I do know some things. Like how Bowie is actually a wizard, but chooses not to practice.”
Sirius’s eyes widened. “What? How do you know that?”
“Remus told me,” you shrugged, laughing when his eyes opened even wider. “I have Charms with him. He’s smart, he knows things. I figured I’d have the best chance making it through the class with him close by. I do actually talk to people in your House other than you, you know. Is that so surprising?”
“He’s never mentioned you,” he murmured, looking a little bewildered.
“So? Are you jealous?” You joked, but by the way the corner of his mouth quirked, you were beginning to think he actually was. “Enough small talk, then. Why are you here, Sirius? What do you want?”
Sirius seemed to snap back into himself, his grin returning as you passed him back the tickets. He slid them in his pocket, turning his attention back to you. 
“You’re coming with me.”
It was your turn to look bewildered. You stuttered, shaking your head frantically as his grin widened. He was enjoying watching you squirm, that much was clear.
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Oh, come on, darling—live a little,” he mused, throwing an arm around your shoulders. “You have nothing to worry about, I’ve got it all taken care of. You just have to come with me.”
“And why would I do that?” You asked, shrugging his arm off your shoulders.
Sirius’s grin widened. “Because—you have to. You can’t say no.”
You shook your head, scoffing. “Why not?”
Sirius sighed, stepping closer and placing both his hands on your shoulders. He held you steady, looking you in the eye as he spoke. 
“I want to be wrong about you, I really do. I won’t lie and say I haven’t missed you, because I have. I really have. We used to get in so much trouble together. And, lucky for you, I’ve pretty much perfected the art of evading trouble. Really, I’ve got quite the knack for it.”
“I’m waiting for the point, Sirius,” you said, looking towards the Common Room door. “I’m tired, and you’re making me stand out here in the cold.”
“It’s not my fault it’s dark and dingy down here,” he mused, jumping back and laughing when you tried and failed to swat at his arm. 
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a modified map of the Hogwarts grounds. He turned away from you as he murmured something you couldn’t quite catch, turning back around to show you the now open map. Your eyes widened as you watched pieces of the map move on the page, unable to stifle your shock when you found both your names printed just in front of the Slytherin Common Room door.
“What—what is this?”
“I’m putting a lot of trust in you here, so don’t tell Remus or James that I showed you this,” he said, taking the map from your hands. “But this is our map. It’s enchanted, clearly. We’ve been working on it for years. It shows us every secret passageway we’ve found to get in and out of Hogwarts, and it tells us where everyone is so we never get caught if someone is coming. It’s how I found you tonight.”
“Invasion of privacy, don’t you think?” You asked, but you were too enamored by the map to really care.
You heard him chuckle, looking up to see him grinning at you. “Don’t flatter yourself, darling. This is the first time I’ve looked for you on it. You’re not that interesting.”
You glared up at him, placing your hands on your hips. “You’ve got twenty seconds and I’m going inside. And I’ll let you know in the morning whether or not I’m going to hex you for this.”
Sirius smiled, looking at you with a glint in his eye you hadn’t seen in a long while—at least directed at you. There was a feeling so distant but familiar brewing in his chest, and he pushed you one last time to listen to him. He had to try.
“There’s that fire in you. It’s time to use it. You say you haven’t changed? You say you’re still the same girl I’ve always known? Prove it. You say you always come for me? Then come. I’ve got the map, and I can get us out of the castle to the concert and back without anyone even noticing we were gone. All you have to do is come with me. Trust me, just this once. And I’ll get on my hands and knees and beg for your forgiveness if you show me the girl I knew isn’t truly gone. Come with me, and I promise I’ll make it up to you—for however long it takes. I’ll change.”
He reached for your hands, taking them in his. You let out a sharp breath, but you didn’t pull away as he looked at you with soft eyes.
“Or…you can go through that door and up to your room, and I’ll leave you alone. No more teasing, no more snarky remarks, no more late night talks—nothing. This’ll be it. I won’t come find you…I’ll let you go.”
You could feel your chest tighten as he spoke. It sounded so final, and it was making your head spin. The thought of Sirius truly leaving you alone and never talking to you again made you want to crawl into a pit and never come out. 
You couldn’t quite tell why.
You’d done nothing the last few months but argue and bicker, always bitter over the choices the other was making. It was clear to anyone on the outside watching you both that you hadn’t been the same for a long time. In a way, Sirius was right—you had changed. For the better? That was up for you to decide. But he had changed, too. And you were starting to think you had been wrong about him. Maybe he had changed for the better, and he was trying to show you.
“But know that I don’t want that,” he murmured as he squeezed your hands, pulling you from your thoughts. “Not at all. I want you back. I want you to come with me. Just say you will. Please.”
It was now or never. He watched with a look of hope on his face as you opened and closed your mouth a few times, struggling to find the right words to say.
Finally, you let out a breath, squeezing his hands. “Okay…okay, I’m in. Let’s go.”
Sirius couldn’t have grinned wider. It actually looked like it hurt, how hard he was smiling. The little laugh he let out was infectious, and you couldn’t help but smile, too. 
He squeezed your hand in his, and whisked you off down the corridor before you had the chance to protest.
So yeah, it's a fire
It's a goddamn blaze in the dark
And you started it
You started it
So yeah, it's a war
It's the goddamn fight of my life
And you started it
You started it
After a very confusing path of twists and turns, a couple Floo’s, and a very sketchy bus you had to sneak your way onto, you found yourself standing shoulder to shoulder with Sirius in a large crowd of people, waiting for the concert to start. It was loud and chaotic, a cloud of smoke hanging in the air. Sirius—of course—was adding to it, a cigarette in his hand. 
You looked around, a feeling of unease settling in your stomach. There was so many people. So many strangers, and it was all a bit overwhelming. 
Not only that, you couldn’t shake the feeling that at any second, someone was going to find you and bust you. Someone was going to tell your parents that you had snuck out of school—with Sirius of all people—and you were going to face the punishment of a lifetime. Someone was going to spread the word that you were out with the most popular blood traitor in the country, and you were going to put both him and you at risk, all because you couldn’t let him let you go. 
Sirius must have noticed your look of concern, because he nudged you in the side, bending down to you ear so you could hear him. “What is it, love? Nervous?”
“No,” you shook your head, though you knew you weren’t convincing anyone with that look on your face. “It’s just—really crowded in here. And loud.”
Sirius nodded, giving you a warm smile. You were being so brave. It made his chest flutter, and he didn’t quite know what to do with that feeling. He pulled you toward him and placed you in front of him, letting his arms wrap around your shoulders. Your back was to his chest, a comforting warmth coming off him.
“This alright?” He asked, running his thumb along your arm.
You nodded, smiling to yourself. You didn’t have much time to sit in the feeling, because the house lights went down, and the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. You could feel Sirius shaking with excitement behind you, letting out whoops and shouts as the stage lit up. You looked over your shoulder up at him, smiling at the look of pure joy on his face. 
The whole concert went by in a blur. 
You sang along to the songs you knew, swaying along to the music as you watched. It was an entrancing performance, but it didn’t hold a candle to the concert Sirius was putting on behind you. 
He knew every single word, buzzing with excitement. He couldn’t keep still, jostling you around as he kept you close and away from the ruckus of the crowd. It was adorable, you had to admit. He bent down every once in a while, checking in on you and making sure you were alright. During the slow songs, he swayed with you back and forth, laughing when you stumbled over his feet. 
As you slowly filed out of the building amongst the crowd after the show ended, Sirius kept a tight grip on your hand to make sure you didn’t get seperated. You couldn’t deny the buzz that went through you every time he squeezed your hand, having to take a breath every once in a while to calm yourself. When you finally made it back on the street, Sirius was quick to bring you along the winding path that brought you back to the castle. 
You barely had time for small talk, having to rush to get back to the dungeons. You had hardly spoken at all until you found yourself back in front of your Common Room door, a silence throughout the castle—except for the portraits on the wall, who Sirius threatened to hex if they didn’t keep quiet.
You turned to Sirius, a small smile on your face. “Happy now?”
He chuckled, nodding. “You have no idea.”
“I think you had more fun than anyone else in that crowd,” you mused, taking a seat on the step that led up to the door. “But maybe that’s because you were all I could really hear. Singing isn’t one of your talents, Black.”
Sirius placed a dramatic hand on his chest, feigning offense. “Hey! I’ll have you know it is one of my many talents. You were lucky enough to witness it.”
You chuckled, a comfortable silence falling over you both. This was good. This felt familiar. Bickering in the way lifelong friends do, not friends who are teetering over the edge of never speaking again. You were afraid of what going with him tonight was going to do to you both, but this was good—it was worth it.
In a very unusual turn of events, Sirius was—for once—having trouble finding the right words to say.
There was so much he wanted to say—so much he needed to say—and yet, he couldn’t bring himself to. There was peace between the two of you. A calm that was rare, and he was too afraid to disturb it. 
You were smiling at him. 
A genuine smile, and he would have rather been caught a thousand times than see it fall. So he didn’t speak. He just offered you a hand, helping you up from the step.
“You should get some sleep,” he said quietly, stepping back once you were settled. “If we stay out here any longer we might actually get caught by a Prefect, and I know you’ll punish me far more than they would.”
You chuckled, nodding. You didn’t want him to go. You found yourself wanting to come up with random topics, just so he could stay and keep talking to you. But instead, you walked up to the top of the steps, stopping just in front of the door. You looked over your shoulder, smiling once more down at him.
“Goodnight, Sirius.”
He smiled back, turning to leave. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
And now I'm covered
In you
In you
One thing you had forgotten about Sirius was how much he likes to sleep in. 
You found yourself looking for him at breakfast in the morning, before you remembered how late you had gotten back to the castle. Sirius was absolutely not a morning person, and he certainly would have been in bed all morning into the early afternoon.
You had to swallow your nerves, taking calming breaths as you ate your food. He’d come to you when he was ready. He certainly had the means to with the map. 
All you had to do was wait.
And sure enough, he found you once again down by the Black Lake. You could hear him coming, snickering at the obnoxious tune he was whistling as he came to sit next to you. You looked over at him, raising a brow as he gave you a grin.
“It’s two in the afternoon, Sirius.”
“I’ve been busy,” he shrugged, letting his knee rest against yours. “I’ve been thinking.”
“That’s never good—” You joked, but he was quick to interrupt you before you could turn the conversation.
“I’ve been thinking about you.”
You could feel your heartbeat quicken, swallowing hard. You forced yourself to remain calm, swallowing your nerves. Of course you had been thinking about him, too. But you waited for him to speak, letting him go first.
“I’ve decided that you were right,” he admitted, locking eyes with you. “I am different. But so are you—and I think that’s a good thing. I’m sorry I didn’t see that sooner.”
“And what prompted this decision—last night?” You asked, your voice soft.
He shook his head. “Last night was just the trigger, I guess. I think I had been noticing signs for a long time, and I just didn’t know what to do about it. Lucky for me, you’re too stubborn to let me be wrong.”
You couldn’t help but smile. With a breath of courage, you took his hand, fiddling with one of his rings.
“I’ve decided something, too.” 
He grinned, watching as you twisted the ring around his finger. “Oh, you have?” 
“Yes, yes I have.” 
“And what is that?” He asked, leaning closer ever so slightly. 
“I’ve decided that the next time my Mother sends me another semi-threatening letter full of veiled threats that she tries to cover up with hints of love, I’ll at least consider telling her to piss off. And—assuming you're ever mentioned in that letter—I’ve decided I’ll tell her to piss off about that, too.”
Sirius stilled, grabbing onto the hand you were using to twist his ring. “Are you serious?”
He deserved a little teasing, after all the things he had said to you over the years. He was just as stubborn as you were, but you weren’t going to let him get away with it all without a little taunting—even if the sight of his smile directed at you made you want to forget about everything and forgive him completely. You chuckled, nodding.
“What’s she gonna do? Disown me? She’s spent her whole life keeping my birth a secret, I highly doubt she’d risk all that effort just to get me to stop talking to you. Which—and I’m just assuming, here—you’ve decided you want to do, right? Keep talking to me?”
And then Sirius did something you hadn’t seen him do more than once or twice in all the years you had known him. 
He blushed.
Flushed cheeks and all, turning his face away so that you couldn’t see him. He chuckled to himself, turning back to you after a heavy sigh. He hooked an arm around your shoulders, resting his chin on top of your head.
“Yes, you dickhead. Of course I do,” he said, his voice muffled into your hair.
You smiled to yourself. Despite your best efforts, you couldn’t help but turn around in his hold and wrap your arms around his waist. You really couldn’t help it.
Sirius was all consuming.
Once you got stuck on him, it was practically impossible to shake him off. He was like the ivy that grew along the patch of walls in the far corner of his backyard. You could hide in him forever. He could keep you completely safe and away—at least that’s what it used to feel like.
And, Merlin, you wanted it to feel like that again.
“Good,” you smiled into his chest, pulling away to look up at him. “So, when can I expect you on your hands and knees begging for my forgiveness?”
“Piss off.”
A/N - Hi! I’m so sorry this took so long, once I started writing I just kept going and it got a little out of hand. This is kinda long, so hopefully that makes up for the obscene amount of time it took me to post this. I hope this is what you were looking for! I really enjoyed writing this, so thank you for sending the request in :)
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swiftievolturra · 6 days
Six of Crows AS Taylor swift lyrics:
KAZ- If a man talk shit then I owe nothing, I don't regret it one-bit cuz he had it coming.
INEJ - I was tame , I was gentle , till the circus life made me mean
Wylan - Takin' your chance, it's a big mistake I said, "It might blow up in your pretty face" I'm not sayin', "Do it anyway" (Do it anyway)
Jesper - I feel so high school every time I look at you I wanna find you in a crowd just to hide from you
matthias - I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones In a faith-forgotten land ,In from the snow
nina - But you were on somethin' It was one drink after another Fuckin' politics and gender roles
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cloudburst-ink · 5 months
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Happy birthday @staykimchay!!! 💖
As promised, Kim from i'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones. 🎆🌟✨🤗
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pacificwaternymph · 1 year
angst ask angst ask angst ask
either 21 or 47 for witchcraft flower husbands? i know it's not going to be canon but i know you love them and i love agreeing (and wc scott is just perfect for any angst)
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Figured I'd just combine these <3 Anyway you guys are making me vibrate in my seat so here we go.
Scott barely dared to breathe.
He was there. He was right there, standing in the middle of the circle, the same as he had been the morning of the day he died.
There was no gaping hole in his chest, no blood or tear in his clothing, no burnt hair or broken bones. His hair, golden in a way Scott's hadn't been in a very long time, was decorated by a crown of poppies. He still wore his wedding ring around his ring finger.
"Jimmy" Scott breathed. He'd dreamed of this day for years, plotted over and over how it would go, what he would say. Yet in the face of his love, his husband, all his words left him. His vision started to blur.
"Scott- is that- is that really you?" Jimmy took a step forward, hesitant. "Where am I? What are we doing here?"
Scott opened his mouth, to say something, or do something, he was right there why couldn't he say anything-
"Jimmy." He repeated, forcing the name past the lump in his throat. He stared up at the other man with a reverence from his position on his knees, drained from everything the spell had taken from him.
He wasn't really there. Scott didn't have Jimmy's body, nor did he have a body suitable to attach his spirit to. He didn't have the resources, the time, or the power to bring him back fully, not yet anyway. He still needed more.
But he'd found a spell. A way to contact someone from the other side, to speak with them, if only for a short time. And it had worked.
Because Jimmy's apparition was standing right there, at the edge of the spell circle, still looking hopelessly lost and confused. Of course, he had no idea what was going on. One second he'd been in his afterlife, and the next he'd been dragged through the veil to the land of the living. It was bound to be disorienting.
He needed Scott to explain everything. But he still found himself speechless, watching the beloved form of his husband as he waited for a response.
"Scott- you're- you're starting to scare me." Jimmy brought one hand up to rub his forearm. And no, that was wrong. Jimmy shouldn't fear him. His husband should never fear anything from him. "What happened to you? Why do you look so..."
Scott blinked, and looked down at himself. Yes, he supposed that he did look different than he had when Jimmy was still alive. His hair for one thing. But that was likely the least startling change.
Scott felt shame flush his cheeks. He was a hollow mess, an empty shell of the person he once was. The bags under his eyes had grown so dark that he feared they wouldn't go away with a week's worth of sleep. Decay spread up his arms and in the ground beneath him. He was ragged and torn, little more than a husk.
"I..." Scott dragged his eyes up to meet Jimmy's. He forced himself to his feet, ignoring the way he swayed as he stood upright and pain burst between his eyes. "You're here. You're really here."
"Where is here?" Jimmy asked desperately. He tried to reach out, to help steady Scott, but his hand bounced off an invisible barrier, white light flaring up around the edges of the circle. Just another downside to the spell--the person inside could not leave, and the caster could not enter.
"You're-" Scott flinched at the scratchy sound of his own voice. "I've brought you back."
"Brought me... back?" Jimmy shook his head bewildered. Scott couldn't meet his eyes, but after a few moments, they widened. "You don't mean-"
"Not permanently." Scott hurried to clarify. "Not yet. I... I'm not strong enough yet." He stared at the palms of his hands, nearly overtaken by rot. Jimmy followed his gaze, and his expression turned horrified.
Scott couldn't help but curl in on himself at the way his husband looked at him. But he understood. It was horrifying, and he'd long since grown used to people looking at him like that. It never bothered him, in fact, he reveled in their disgust.
But... he never thought about what would happen if he looked at him like that. He couldn't handle it. The one that he'd done all this for, the reason he'd become a necromancer in the first place, was staring at him like the monster that he was.
Scott had to convince him. He had to show Jimmy that he was still his Scott, that nothing had changed. He was still just as devoted to him, he would never turn a hand to harm him. He would rather plunge a sword through his own neck then allow anything to happen to him ever again.
He clenched his fists and lowered them, returning his gaze to Jimmy's gorgeous brown eyes.
"But I will. I've been chosen, Jimmy. I'm competing to become the next Supreme Witch. And when I win, I will finally have everything I need to bring you back for good. Then everything will be as it once was."
He clasped his hands together in a pleading motion, practically begging Jimmy to understand. To not be scared. To not be disgusted by the wretched creature he had become.
But Jimmy didn't look scared or repulsed. He looked sad.
"Oh, my love..." His voice ached, in a way that Scott had never heard it before. He felt his breath catch in his throat as Jimmy put a hand up to the force field that kept them separate. "What have you done to yourself?"
Scott broke. A sob escaped his throat, and he reached up cover his eyes, cover his weakness. But then- why? Why was he hiding it? This was Jimmy. His husband. His beloved. He'd never judge Scott for such things as crying.
Scott placed his hand on the barrier, right over Jimmy's. His head thunked forward against it, the tears continuing to pour, dripping onto the soft dirt below him and disappearing.
"I love you," he whispered. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
And he was. He was sorry that Jimmy had died. Sorry that Jimmy had to see him like this, in this worn state. Sorry for everything he'd sacrificed to get to this point, and for all the things he would have to sacrifice to continue. Sorry that he wasn't strong enough yet, sorry that he hadn't already won the trials.
"I love you too." Jimmy bent over slightly so that he could see Scott's eyes. "Can you look at me?"
Of course he could. He would do anything Jimmy asked of him, no matter the cost. Scott forced himself to look up, sniffled and swiped at his eyes to try to get himself to stop being such an embarrassment.
"I love you, Scott. More than words could ever express." Scott opened his mouth to say it back, say it a thousand times, anything to prove that he could still be the lover Jimmy deserved. But Jimmy held up a hand to silence him. "But I don't want you to bring me back."
Scott felt the floor drop out from underneath him.
"What...?" He felt like he couldn't breathe.
"Move on, Scott," Jimmy pleaded. "Find someone else. Don't stay hung up on me forever. Please."
"No." No, no no no. He couldn't. He'd spent so long trying to bring Jimmy back. He'd wasted away for years, searching for answers. He'd done too much, sacrificed too much. "I can't."
"Yes you can." Jimmy smiled sadly. "You don't need me. You can find meaning in your life elsewhere."
"I don't want to." Scott couldn't give up now. Not when he was so close to figuring it out. "Jimmy, I- I'm too far gone. I can't let go, I'm sorry. I- I have to do this. I have to prove that- that I'm still-"
Still what?
Still a good person? He'd passed that threshold a long time ago. Still worthy of Jimmy's love? No, of course he wasn't. He hadn't been even when they first met, and he certainly wasn't now.
But then what? What was he trying to prove? Who was he trying to prove it to?
"You deserve happiness, Scott. I don't want to be the reason you stay miserable forever."
"You wouldn't say that if you knew everything I've done."
And oh, there it was. This was a punishment. This was his self inflicted atonement for allowing Jimmy to die in the first place. An impossible task that had seemed so far out of reach when he first started. But now he was mere steps away from the finish line, and he'd actually begun to hope.
So perhaps it was fitting that this was where he would have it ripped away from him.
"I don't know. And I don't care. There is nothing you could do that would make me think any less of you, Scott. I do love you, and I always will. But my time has passed. I don't belong here anymore. Please, do yourself a favor and let me go."
Scott could barely hear him anymore over the ringing in his ears. Let go. He'd heard those words so many times, from so many different people. Cleo, Eloise, Delilah. Each and every one of them had told him what Jimmy was saying now. But he'd brushed them off, and now look where he was.
The light emanating from the runes on the ground started to fade, and Jimmy's solid form turned translucent. He was fading, and quickly, but Scott wasn't ready yet. There was still so much he wanted to say, so much he wanted to do.
Jimmy noticed it too. "Petal?" Scott snapped back to attention. "Win that competition. Become supreme witch. And then forget I ever existed. Be happy. Live your life to its fullest. I'll see you in the afterlife."
Scott felt the tears anew. He didn't say anything, didn't do anything. He just stood there as his love vanished once more, leaving him alone.
As soon as the last of the light disappeared, and the chalk blew away in the wind, he fell to his knees, and sobbed until the sun came up.
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takingchences · 8 months
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good intentions pt. 2 - DABI
A young agent for the Hero Commission offers a hand to a scarred boy on the street, unaware that one act of kindness would come back to haunt her years later. After all, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Pairing: Yandere!Dabi x fem!oc ( feat. Hawks )
Warnings: mature language, implied smut (Hawks), drugging, kidnapping, stalking, voyeurism, dacryphilia
Why are the crazy ones so hot 😩
series masterlist + face claim
Fuck. I'm never drinking again.
Kazuha groaned groggily, her head feeling ten times heavier than normal as she tried to lift it. Her vision was blurry, her senses dull and muted. Her body screamed with each subtle movement. A metallic sound rattled in her ear when she tried to move her hands, which immediately sobered her up. The cold bite of metal on the sensitive skin of her wrists made her heart rate spike.
She was handcuffed.
What the fuck?
The last thing she remembers before waking up was talking with Keigo on the phone. His patrol was almost over and he'd asked to meet up for drinks. She'd changed and gone to their favorite bar... that's it. She draws a complete blank for everything else after that.
Keigo will be looking for me. She couldn't feel the familiar tickle of his feather against her clavicle, but she wouldn't allow herself to panic. He'd given her the necklace after a particularly difficult mission with a joke about always wanting to be close to her heart. It was one of the things she loved most about the winged man. He'd seen the toll her job had taken on her and he'd jumped into action to lift her spirits. Keigo is her own personal hero. He saves her from herself on a daily basis.
If the feather is somewhere nearby, he'll find it. I just have to buy some time until he gets here.
"Sleeping Beauty is finally up, huh? And here I thought I'd have to kiss you awake." A deep, amused voice echoed through the room she was in. Her eyes darted around the dim room, looking for whoever just spoke. From what she could tell, she seemed to be in some sort of abandoned warehouse. It was mostly empty space with the exception of a few large crates up against the walls.
"The hell is this?" She jerked her arms, testing the strength of the chains. Her years of training had prepared her for situations like these, but the way her head felt like it was stuffed with cotton was making it difficult to focus. "Who are you?"
Footsteps filled the room coming from her left. She whipped her head in that direction, her eyes straining to pick him out of the shadows. "Just a precaution, princess." The man stated. "Until I can trust you to behave."
"Behave?" She scoffed in disbelief. "I'm not a fucking dog, asshole."
She thrashed her arms and legs—which were also chained—the veins in her neck visible as she fought the restraints. The chains were looped around metal rods that were drilled into the cement floor. Her body was lying on a mattress in the center of the four rods, forcing her body into a starfish position. There was little slack in the chains, allowing her limbs limited movement. Come on, she grunted, her jaw clenched as she tried to force her hand through the small cuff. She hardly felt the pain anymore, having had to deal with countless broken bones and dislocations for years under the Commission. Some of which had come from training scenarios just like this, where the objective was to escape and subdue her captor.
Except this time, the danger was real and she had no idea where she was or how she got here. Not to mention, her captor didn't sound remotely familiar. Why was he doing this? What did he want with her?
"No," he drew out the word, following it with a dark chuckle. "But I could make you my bitch."
"You're the one hiding," she tried to coax him out of the darkness. The closer he got to her, the greater her advantage would be. Her quirk would do all the work, she just needed to help it along. "I'd say you're the bitch in this situation."
The stranger chuckled again.
Slowly, his footsteps drew closer until black combat boots stepped into the beam of moonlight peeking through the boarded up windows ten feet above their heads. He revealed himself inch by inch until she could see all of him standing casually with his hands in his pockets. He wore a tattered, knee-length navy overcoat with large silver cuffs on each sleeve. Underneath was a white shirt and dark blue pants. His hair was black and spiky, a startling contrast to his turquoise irises. She noticed silver helix piercings on both of his ears, as well as a triple nostril piercing.
But what stood out the most to Kazuha was the man's skin. Purple patches of leathery skin covered his lower face, under eyes, neck, and forearms. The gnarled flesh was secured to the healthy skin with surgical staples. His scarred appearance unnerved her, but she couldn't risk taking her eyes off of him now that he was in view.
"Like what you see, doll?" She honestly didn't know how to respond to that, so she kept her mouth shut. The stranger took another step towards her. "You know, you're a hard girl to find."
"You've been looking for me?" Her eyes followed his figure as he paced in a slow around her. He hummed in agreement. "Why?" His boot scuffed against the cement as he came to a sudden stop by her head. He loomed over her, his crystal blue eyes almost glowing.
"You don't remember me?"
Kazuha raked her brain for answers, but nothing came to mind. She definitely would've remembered this guy if they'd met before. His face was pretty unforgettable. Which means she must've crossed paths with him before he received such devastating scars. They weren't fresh wounds, either. Think, think, think.
He must've picked up on her confusion. "What a pity," he tutted in disappointment, shaking his head. He walked until he was at her side and crouched down. "Because I remember you very well... Kazuha."
She stiffened.
No one—absolutely no one—outside of the Hero Commission knew her real name. She hadn't used that name in years. She was told to forget her life before joining, and that included everything that made her her own person. She was given the name Hebi, and was expected to answer to that name only. Keigo was the only person who still called her that. Speaking of...
Where the hell are you, Keigo?
She stared up at him in shock. "How did you-?"
Cerulean eyes burned into maroon as a long, pale finger hovered above her cheek, as if he was debating whether or not to stroke it. "I'm hurt you've forgotten me so easily, doll face." His voice was almost a whisper as he brushed the back of his finger against her skin. The stranger leaned down until their heads were mere millimeters apart. His was breath hit her cheek and smelled strongly of cigarettes and whiskey. "Because I've been dreaming of this moment for fucking years," he purred in her ear.
It took every ounce of willpower in the agent to not laugh manically in this man's face. He'd just damed himself without even knowing. Soon, he'd fall victim to her quirk and there was nothing he could do to stop it...
Whiskey. Her eyes widened. It was fuzzy, but she did remember a tall figure approaching her at the bar as she sat and waited for her date. The man, wearing a mask on the lower half of his face, had ordered a whiskey for himself, and another of whatever she was having. Kazuha had politely refused the drink at first, but gradually accepted the man's offer over the next few minutes of conversation. He was charming, laidback, and openly flirtatious. Keigo had been running late and the stranger was easy on the eyes (from what she could see, anyway.)
"You were there... at the bar."
He booped her nose with a smug smirk. "See? I knew you hadn't forgotten about me."
"But that doesn't explain these." She shook her hands, the chains clanking. The man himself had admitted just moments ago that he'd been plotting this for years. Plural. Why?
"Because you're mine... though lately you haven't acted like it. A brat like you needs a reminder of just who she belongs to." What the fuck is this guy on? She said just as much to him. The black-clad man rose to his feet slowly, his tattered coat swinging behind him on a gentle breeze. "Don't deny it. I saw you with him, Kazuha."
"With who?!" She jerked against the restraints once more. "What the fuck are you talking about!"
"That damn bird," he said in a calm, almost-bored tone. But the fire in his eyes spoke volumes. Whoever this guy is, he wasn't to be taken lightly. And right now, he was pissed. "For years, I've had a front row seat as he touched you, fucked you, cared for you. I heard another man's name on your lips as he pleasured you, made you scream. I watched you fall apart for another, when all this time, you were supposed to be with me."
Kazuha's heart was nearly beating out of her chest now. This perverted asshole just admitted to watching her—stalking her—for years. What else had he seen? What all had he heard? How many intimate moments had he intruded on? What other secrets of her's had he learned through observing her from afar?
"I. Don't. Know. You." She growled through clenched teeth. He loomed over her, his eyes near glowing in the dim light.
"'Will you let me be yours?' Those were your fucking words, sweetheart. Remember?"
That boy, she realized. The boy she'd found in the rain all those years ago. He'd been covered in burns, though they weren't as severe as this man's. In a moment of weakness, she'd introduced herself as Kazuha. The first and last time since she'd developed her quirk that she hadn't felt like a monster.
"That day... in the rain," she exhaled shakily. She'd never been able to get the boy's name. He was pretty tight lipped about that, his past, and how he'd ended up in that alley to begin with. She'd known better than to press a trauma victim for answers, no matter how curious she may have been. The stranger tilted his head in mock curiosity, lifting a brow in a go on fashion. He looked cocky though, satisfied. "That was you?" His smirk from before was now a full-blown grin.
Kazuha observed the man carefully, looking for any signs of illness. His breathing was fine, not the wet, labored gasps she's used to. He wasn't sweating or coughing, and there were no tremors in his movements. Why is my quirk taking so long?
The blue-eyed man gazed down at her with the same curiosity, his lips still curled in that devilish grin. He tilted his head again, licking his lips. "You seem frustrated," he noted, crouching down to rest his elbows on his knees. "Are things not going to plan?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Really?" He drew the word out with condescension. "You're not waiting for that birdbrain to barge in and steal you away from me?"
Yes, you psycho. "No."
He hummed, nodding his head. "Then you're probably wondering why your quirk hasn't effected me yet." Right again, freak.
"I don't have a quirk."
The man laughed. "Oh, princess." He shook his head. "Did you really think I wouldn't do my research? That I wouldn't take precautions against your quirk?" His pale hand reached out and tapped something on her neck. She hadn't noticed it before, having assumed it was the choker she'd worn to the bar. But around her neck was a thin metal cuff. "This," he leaned forward, "is a quirk-canceling device."
No, she panicked internally. No, no, no, no, no.
"As for your hero," he chuckled huskily. "Well, he won't be a problem." His finger slid down the space between her collarbones, where Keigo's gift used to tickle her. "I destroyed his little feather before we left the bar. We're safe here."
Kazuha went still, all the fight from before suddenly leached from her body. "He's not coming," she breathed, her voice small and melancholy.
"No, doll," the man sighed, running a burnt hand through her dark, silky curls. "It's just us now."
Her amaranth eyes, which he always remembered as sad, could only be described as devastated now. They shimmered with unshed tears, and the man felt his control slipping. The most beautiful things were always the most deadly, and his Kazuha was no different. Finally, after ten long years, they were reunited. He could touch her, feel her, taste her the way he always wanted to, and nothing could stand in the way of his desires any longer. Not now, when she is so close.
A single, silvery tear slipped down her cheek, and her captor couldn't resist any longer.
Kazuha gasped as a warm, wet tongue darted out and followed the trail of her tear up her face. The scarred man released a low moan, dipping his head to rest against her temple as he groaned. "You taste even better than I'd imagined," he whispered in his low, deep voice. His large hand palmed her breast. Kazuha bit her lip, clenching her eyes shut as his touch wandered. "I wonder what the rest of you tastes like."
His dreaded weight that she'd felt pressing in on her more on more suddenly disappeared. She opened her eyes, meeting his heated stare. He held himself above her, his breathing labored. The way he looked at her, with hunger and awe, made her feel important, powerful. Maybe she could use his obsession to her advantage.
She raised a cuffed hand, hovering beside his scarred cheek hesitantly. "What's your name?"
The man moved his head to lay his cheek against her palm. The sensation was odd, part of his skin warm and soft while the other half was a leather-like texture. She tried to disguise her disgust as fear and apprehension, which she also felt.
"They call me Dabi," he answered, pressing her hand further against him with his own. His metal rings and medical staples were a cool contrast to his skin. He was hot to the touch, like a human furnace.
Dabi. She knew that name. He was a villain, and a powerful one at that. He'd murdered a number of people in cold blood, his victims reduced to ash all around the city. Even the Commission believed that his fire quirk rivaled that of Endeavor.
Will that be me? She wondered. Will I be another casualty of his? Another missing persons case to be solved?
She knew Keigo wouldn't give up, that he would do whatever it takes to find her. So she couldn't give up, either. She would get out of this situation by any means necessary... quirk or no quirk.
"Dabi," she forced out his name through gritted teeth. If she wanted to stay alive, she'd have to play along with his games. Feed into his delusions.
"Good girl." He purred in his low voice, leaning down until there was no space left between them. "And this time," he nipped at her bottom lip hungrily. "I'll make sure you never forget who you belong to."
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artist-issues · 2 months
hello; you like Avatar: the Last Airbender, right? does anything about it seem anti God to you? And also, do you think the canon romances fit the themes and arcs of the story?
Hello! I love that you cut right down to the bone with both questions 😂
I don't think the show was trying to promote Eastern religion, but I think it drew so much inspiration from those religions that the lines got way too blurry. Truthfully, the moment I think of most was when Aang insists that it's harder to forgive than it is to hold on. That's a very Christian principal. C. S. Lewis was a big believer in God's spiritual influence being felt all of the world, and seeds of it left in even the most incorrect religions or ideologies
Anyway. I'd have to think more on it. The worst thing is that there is no God. No one King of the Spirits character, no Creator and Lord, no perfect spirit that the humans can have a relationship with. Nothing even alluding to that. Instead, the "Spirit World" is treated sacred whenever it needs to be sacred in the story (the Moon and Sun spirits) but then treated like "an alternate planet" whenever it needs to be that in the story, too. So sometimes the Spirits are sacred and the heroes need help from them, and sometimes they're just aliens and only Aang can communicate with them to keep the peace
So the most anti-God thing about the world of Avatar is that He's not in it. But they really don't comment on Him one way or another. The story is more about responsibility and what you do with the power you have, and how that affects others, than it really is about anything directly spiritual in the real world.
But Zuko should certainly have gotten together with Katara, if anyone, and Aang probably should've gotten together with Toph.
Zuko and Katara make sense. I don't even need to talk about why. Everybody knows it. I see less chatter about Aang and Toph. But truthfully, Aang and Toph's strengths and weaknesses compliment each other better. Toph is all about doing what she's gotta do, by the time she meets Aang. Aang, on the other hand, constantly has to fight running from responsibilities. Toph isn't careful with how people feel, and she holds grudges. Aang is compassionate, and he understands forgiveness and mercy. But, they both love fun. They both love a good prank. They're both passionate about justice. Plus there's that symbolism of them being masters of opposite elements, but good friends and understanding of one another anyway. Also, Toph's family failed her and didn't understand her, so she ran from them. But Aang's from a type of community where everybody's family, and he knows what it's like to run away. So all they needed was a little more maturity and they could've easily completed each other.
In no way did Katara and Aang ever make more sense than Top and Aang, or Katara and Zuko. They just chose to like each other. Which is fine, it's lovely. But no, it had nothing to do with their character arcs, unless you count Aang needing someone or something to struggle with letting go of. But that could've been anybody, really. I think it was just what made the most sense to the writers because she was the compassionate one who woke him up and believed in him, and they had the most time together as characters.
It's not a show-breaking thing though. Cuz they're all kids, and romance really wasn't the focus. If it had had one more season for some reason, I could see it!
Thanks for the ask!
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November Day 9
Check out the masterpost to vote on more polls!
You can find the other half of this poll here.
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boozles · 5 months
i'd meet you (where the spirit meets the bones) (1127 words) by shesaboozle Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ลางสังหรณ์ | The Sign (TV 2023) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Dub-con/Non-Con Relationships: Phaya Chadayu Kamonwipak/Tharn Wansa Raksil, wansurat/sakuna Characters: Phaya Chadayu Kamonwipak, Tharn Wansa Raksil, Wansarut (The Sign), Sakuna (The Sign) Additional Tags: non-graphic dubcon, dubcon in a past life/nightmare, i don't think it's too bad as it's slightly vague?, but i'm warning y'all anyway Summary:
Once the Naga Prince is asleep, always so deeply after a day of battle and taking what he wants, that is when Wansurat will slip away into the night. That is when she will seek her reprieve.
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
Editing Farcille to Ivy by Taylor Swift because I viscerally need to edit them to the lesbian song that says "I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones"
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mrs-lockley · 3 months
Results of WIP Poll
Thank you to everyone who participated in my WIP poll! Here are the results, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on which character you think it was 🥰 In ranking order!
Tagging: @soft-girl-musings @writefightandflightclub @venting402 @musing-magpie @sleepy-timaeus @marc-spectorr
I was supposed to protect you, not fall in love with you (34.8%)
Pairing: Jake Lockley x Southeast Asian Fem!Reader, (Platonic) Steven Grant x Southeast Asian Fem!Reader, (Unrequited) Marc Spector x Southeast Asian Fem!Reader Fic Title: Reach for the Moon | Series Masterlist | Part I. The Breaking Summary: To heal your broken heart and move on from your unrequited crush on Marc Spector, your family sends you to help establish your cousin’s bakery in Singapore for two years. You return to New York as a more confident woman, but you find yourself picking up the pieces of your broken heart (again) after meeting Marc as he continues to heal from his divorce. Sensing the pain and heartbreak between you and Marc, Jake steps in to create some distance to protect you, but he was never meant to fall in love with you. No Moon Knight AU.
In another world, I would have loved to do laundry and taxes with you (23.7%)
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Southeast Asian Fem!Reader Fic Title: Forever the Name on My Lips Summary: Chasing an anomaly through the Spider-Verse, Miguel finds himself stranded in a house that seem so familiar, but unfamiliar at the same time. He expects to find his way out, but what he does not expect is to see you standing in the doorway, your eyes wide as if you have seen a ghost, a wedding ring on your finger, wearing one of his college shirts. In his universe, you and Miguel never made it, but in yours, he was your late husband buried six feet under.
The dragon eats the moon, and I am afraid you will consume me whole (16.3%)
Pairing: Namor of Talokan (K'uk'ulkan) x Filipina (Kapampangan) Sirena Fem!Reader Fic Title: Where the Spirit Meets the Bones | Part 2 (Title TBD) Summary: Part 2 of Where the Spirit Meets the Bones. After reuniting with his Sirena, the King of Talokan returns to Asia’s Pearl of the Orient to see her again, only to learn that his Sirena is not what she seems (aka her human backstory revealed).
I never break a promise, but I broke my promise to you and fell in love with you (14.8%)
Pairing: Marc Spector x WOC!Reader Fic Title: A Thousand Cuts Cornelia Street Summary: Heartbreak is something you and your friend, Marc Spector, are familiar with. After one night of drinking and tears, you and Marc make a promises to each other to never fall in love again, but you soon find yourself breaking that promise. But you’ll be alright, it’s just a thousand cuts
We were never meant to be, but came to be, and only in this way. (10.4%)
Pairing: Jake Lockley x Southeast Asian Fem!Reader Fic Title: We'll Always Have New York Summary: Wanting to get out of California, you temporarily move to live with your aunt in New York to help take care of her after her fall. Not wanting you to spend your time looking after her, she suggests setting a blind date between you and one of her old coworkers, only for him to stand you up at the restaurant. Mortified and heartbroken, you seek refuge at a nearby coffee shop where you meet a taxicab driver, Jake Lockley. Takes place before the events of Moon Knight.
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summereveningsky · 3 months
KATE & JULIET: i'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones in a faith forgotten land
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