#i’ll be forever grateful and in awe
I had the sudden urge to draw you since yesterday because hnghhhh long color-of-the-sky hair
idk what else I should add to it tho :l
that actually sounds so incredibly cool?!?
even cooler because I actually do ✨hypothetically✨ have really really long (like almost hip length?) hair and now I want to dye it to be the color of the sky aaahhhh
idk what else you could add, other than a fedora (like the hat post) and rick astley somewhere in the background
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peachesofteal · 6 months
Light on - single mom/neighbor fic Simon Riley/female reader
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Simon wakes up before you.
At first, he forgets. He blanks on the fact that you’re in his bed, curled up against his side, lips slightly parted and pressed against his bicep, a leg haphazardly thrown over his thigh.
When he realizes, he freezes. Turns his head just so, enough that he can see you, stare at where your lashes lay against your cheek, the exposed part of your shoulder, peeking out from your too big t shirt with a stretched out neck. The sun has just barely come up, peeking through the curtains, shining across the bed and the slope of your body, curves and lines all mapped out across his own sheets and blankets, his own pillow the one supporting your head.
He should feel bad. He knows. And he does, a bit. Feels awful that most of your stuff is ruined and the building manager is slow moving, taking his time getting a recovery team into your flat.
But he also feels grateful. Lucky. Stupefied. Here you are… in his bed.
You twitch, eyes moving in your sleep, and then your face burrows farther between him and the pillow, nose pressing against his skin, your hand curling up between his ribs and your chest, still blissfully drifting, soft puffs of air tickling across his arm.
On instinct, pulled along by some magnetic force, his fingers glance across your forehead, to your temple. You still don’t stir, and he strokes the pad of his thumb along the apple of your cheek, soft skin beneath him a marvel on its own. His girl. In his bed.
The baby monitor sparks alive. It’s crackly and cranky, fresh morning tears calling to you from the other room, and you wake instantly, blinking your eyes open, orienting yourself. You look exhausted, long night of trying to sort through your belongings catching up quick, and he can’t stand the idea of you dead on your feet.
“Morning.” You’re a little shy, hesitant, and it melts him, makes him want to pull you in tight, keep you in his arms forever.
“Morning.” You try to shake the stupor of sleep free, half moving to your elbows before he cups your shoulder. “I’ll get ‘er.” He murmurs.
“I can, it’s fine. She’ll need a clean nappy.” You tell him, half asleep again, and he leans down, brushing his lips onto your forehead.
“I know. Rest, sweetheart. I’ll bring her in.”
Emmaline is displeased for the first ten minutes she’s awake. Simon changes her, and manages to get her into a new onesie, remembering how you always get her fresh clothes first thing in the morning. He’s cautious, moving her legs and arms into sleeves and maneuvering her as carefully as he can, his touch gentle, supportive as he sits her up. She settles once he’s finished, babbling as he carries her back to bed.
“You’re talkative this mornin, huh sweet pea?” She reaches for him, little fingers stretching out across what he imagines must feel like a great distance, trying to pull at the mussed strands of his hair. “Alright, alright.” She wriggles, small smile on her face, revealing a barely there white ridge in her bottom gum, a tooth poking through. “Let’s say hi to mum. Want to see mama? And then we’ll get some breakfast. How’s that sound?”
“There she is.” You hum, reaching for her when he crosses the threshold of his bedroom. She goes without fuss, cuddling into your arms, and Simon’s breath hitches, heart stumbling in his chest at the two of you. “What is it?” You whisper, frowning, and as he shakes his head, you hold your hand out to him, beckoning him close, urging him back into the bed. “C’mere then?” He’s so weak for you, easily swayed by just the bat of your eyelashes, so sweet and pretty, his shining glimpse of sun in such a bleak life. He folds, sliding back in beside you, an arm above your head, his finger now in the grip of Emma’s hands, the digit being dragged to her teething mouth. You smile, at her, and then up to him, kissing her cheek with a loud smacking sound, the affection making her squeal with a delighted giggle. If he was standing, he thinks his knees would be weak. He thinks he might be on the floor at the sight, the reality, of what this is, what this is growing into, and he clears his throat, trying to chase away the emotion that knots in the back of his throat as he keeps his eyes locked on the two of you.
His girls. In his bed.
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eviesaurusrex · 10 months
ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ | ʜ. ꜱᴛʏʟᴇꜱ
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GIFs not mine!
Harry Styles x Wife!Reader
summary: Harry’s final show is over, and now the aftermath is hitting.
word count: 1.7k
warnings: crying, mentions of pregnancy (I couldn’t help it, sorry 👉🏻👈🏻), and dad-to-be!Harry, fluff, soft!reader, soft!Harry, more crying, just fluffness, not entirely proofread
author’s note: I only could watch parts of the livestream and saw videos on Twitter, and because I was so emotional over this, I had to write something. This is my first time writing in a while, so please bear with me, thaaaaanks
* * *
YN would have to lie if she told anybody her eyes were entirely dry over the course of his final show. No one would believe her anyway because the internet was full of evidence that she certainly had been crying—she had been a never-ending waterfall from the minute the intro had started, and Harry arrived on stage.
Maybe her hormones were already more chaotic and over the top than she had anticipated.
But seeing him falling to his knees, overwhelmed by all the emotions crashing down on him, seeing his loyal fans in numbers of thousands gathered to celebrate him and his last night on tour, also took her in. A moment after, she had found herself in the embraces of Anne and Gemma, all three women watching the man they loved so deeply and dearly doing what he loved the most while the venue cheered for him. It was an otherworldly moment, YN was sure of it. Her heart ached in astonishing proudness, in overwhelming love and devotion, but also in sympathy because the woman already knew how hard this was for Harry. He just loved his work just as much as he loved her. But she would be ready to catch him from falling and build him up again if he needed it.
Apparently, Harry’s goal tonight was to make this even more emotional than it already was, to ingrain it in her memory for all the years ahead of them, as he stood again and slowly, still in awe, walked back to the microphone stand, the Love Band in his back. YN only could wipe away the last fallen tears, her head resting against Anne’s shoulder, feeling Gemma’s head resting on hers, before Harry’s next words let new salty oceans well up in her already red eyes.
“This-this tour was the biggest adventure so far in my life, and-and I will be forever grateful for the experiences I was fortunate enough to have, thanks to all of you. I will never forget that. Never. But now—“ His still watery eyes searched through the crowds until he seemingly found her, a knowing smile stretching over his lips. “Now, I’ll aboard the grandest adventure of a lifetime, feeling prepared enough not to make a fool out of myself, for not letting this gorgeous, gorgeous woman—“ He pointed in her direction, and the fans screamed as some of them seemed to realize what he was telling them. “—down and disappoint her. You helped me to grow over the past two years, and becoming a dad isn’t so frightening anymore.” Now, everyone caught up to it, the venue boomed and buzzed with excitement, and YN couldn’t hold back the pent-up tears and the smile appearing on her face.
This really was a final show to behold.
“Thank you to all of you. I might be gone for a while, but I’ll come back with something magical. I promise. Stay true, stay wild, stay kind. Remember everything will be alright.”
* * *
It took almost two hours until YN saw Harry rounding the corner and walking toward her in their hotel room. She had already gotten ready for the night, had ordered dinner for them, and got the place as cozy as possible. They wouldn’t stay long here before finally heading to Harry’s Italian sanctuary, reveling in the endless amounts of free and uninterrupted time together, distressing from this incredible tour, and preparing everything for the new addition to their small family.
“Hey,” she whispered as Harry wordlessly sank to his knees in front of the bed, kneeling between her legs and resting his head against her chest. YN could hear him humming in contentment as her fingers started to card through his still-damp hair, not caring for the sweat clinging to him. “You were incredible. I am so, so proud.” She continued to whisper praise after praise, interrupted only by soft kisses to the top of Harry’s head until she felt his shoulders shake under her loving hands and the quiet sobs pressed out against her top. “Oh, baby…” Tightly, they held onto one another, feeling each other as closely as possible while he drenched her shirt in much-needed tears and never let go of her.
YN didn’t care a millisecond for her clothes and let him cry until the only sounds inside the hotel room were his heavy, shaky breaths and her soothing voice, whispering sweet nothings into his soft curls, against his forehead, his temple. She felt his strong hands on her back, his long fingers burying into the soft fabric of her shirt, which had been once his a long time ago. Not able to stop, YN continued to press kisses to every spot she could reach and gently guided him through the emotional turmoil of the aftermath as best as she could.
After some time, Harry inhaled deeply before a long, deep sigh released it again, his body now unmoving resting against hers, slowly relaxing in her embrace. In one moment, he was like warmed clay under her hands, molding perfectly against her, and in the next, his hands had wrapped her legs around his waist, and he carried her wordlessly into the adjacent bathroom, gently placing her on the bench next to the shower. YN knew he needed her close, even though he stepped under the warm water stream alone at first. Without so much as a second thought, she discarded the clothes, ignored the fact that she had already showered earlier, and stepped right behind him into the glass cabin.
Hands softly, lovingly, glided over his hips before arms wrapped themselves around it, a face pressed against his back, fingers slowly tracing every single dark inked line on warm skin. Featherlike kisses flew over his back, and she could hear him sigh again, still not saying a word, still contemplating the last hours. Another heavy, shaky inhale was the sign of the next set of tears, and now, he turned in her arms and buried his face in the crook of her neck, pulling her as closely as possible to hold onto something in the sea of overwhelming emotions.
“It’s okay, love. Let it out. I’m here,” YN could only mumble against his shoulder, feeling somewhat helpless and on the verge of crying herself while the hormones started to run havoc inside her once again. But she never had liked seeing him upset or even crying, to begin with, too empathetic not to be fazed by it. Most times, she had cried alongside him until they laughed under tears which had always changed the mood to something brighter. But now, YN felt it wasn’t her place to cry along, so she bottled it up, forcing the traitorous tears down and let her hand find his cheek to gently caress it with the pad of her thumb.
Harry mumbled something inaudible against her neck, grabbing her tighter than before. “Hm? What was that?” YN asked quietly, her words almost drowned by the still-running shower. “Don’t think I’m mourning this tour more than I want to spend time with you,” he repeated himself and pulled his head back to let their foreheads meet again. “My career isn’t more important than you. Or the family we’re starting.” Blinking stunned, YN softly furrowed her brows, slowly shaking her head. “I’d never think that,” she finally whispered, not sure where this came from all of a sudden. Her thumbs wiped away the remaining tears. “There wasn’t a single moment in the past eight years where I felt like a second choice. I never thought you prioritized your career over me. So… Never think that. Okay? We know we’re loved without measure, beyond compare, H.”
At that, Harry started to smile, eyes still watery, and placed one of his hands over the place where his second true love was safely growing. “Thank you, sunflower.” It was only a whisper, voice filled with wonder, as he looked down at the woman who had decided he was worthy enough for her love all those years ago and who had grown alongside him. And now she gifted him the most precious thing he could ever ask for: fatherhood with the woman he loved more than anything else at his side.
YN smiled up at him and let Harry kiss her softly. “Nothing to thank me for, love. It’s my job. I’ll always be here to catch you, just as I have always done.“ Mumbling against his lips, she couldn’t let go of him, but soon, she was wrapped in a fluffy towel, and Harry lovingly dried her hair, always watching her through the mirror above the sink with a loving expression. She watched him just as closely, seeing that one familiar spark of inspiration lighting up in his mesmerizing eyes, but he contained himself. YN couldn’t have any of that. “You can go and do your magic, y’know? Dinner should be here soon, and the little bean and I can entertain ourselves.” But she should’ve known better and allowed Harry to pull her back against his chest. “The music can wait. I need this. Need you. Time with you. Wanna talk about anything and everything. Want to talk to the little bean. I want to have dinner with my wife on the balcony. I want to sleep in with her tomorrow before we head out to the villa.”
Sometimes, YN couldn’t comprehend her luck, couldn’t comprehend how it was possible for someone to love another human so deeply. It was like a miracle.
Grinning, she let both brows wander up in question. “Have you ever thought about telling your fans that the Harry Styles is not only becoming a dad but is also a married man?” A chuckle escaped them at that, and she still wondered how they had been so successful in keeping secrets from the world. “Maybe after coming back,” he continued to chuckle as he bent down and kissed her right shoulder, his thumbs now sweeping over her skin like soft feathers.
The moment of contentedly looking at one another through the slightly fogged-up mirror was over as the sound of knuckles against the wooden hotel room door echoed through their rooms. Harry bent down once again, his index finger resting under her chin and turning her face to capture her lips in another kiss. He just couldn’t get enough of her. “I’ll set up dinner, and you’ll get cozy again, sunflower.”
And with that, he ventured out of the bathroom, leaving a smiling YN behind.
* * *
As usual: Thanks for reading, folks <3 If you like my work, I’d be very happy if you reblog it because reblogs are super great! And I love to hear your thoughts, so hit me up whenever and however you like
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cieloclercs · 10 months
what would you say (if i told you i love you)? — charles leclerc
PART: 1/?
summary. in which childhood best friends blur the lines between what they’ve always known, and something more
warnings. swearing, reader and charles are oblivious idiots but they’re cute so it’s ok, ending is annoyingly abrupt (sorry)
pairings. charles leclerc x artsy!reader
face claim. tara michelle
author’s note: so this is a multi-part social media fic inspired by this ask that i’ve been working on for a while. as always, all media and pictures used in this belongs to the original creators. hope you guys enjoy! ps, all i really know about art is what i learned in my gcse class (and my teacher was awful) so if i use any incorrect terminology at any point in this series i’m so sorry! i’m trying my best 🫶
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liked by pierregasly and 11,386 others
yourusername monaco summer 🐚🌊🦋☁️
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yourfriend prettiest ever 🥹
yourusername oh hush you 🤭
username girl your figure 😮
username she literally has my dream body 😭
charles_leclerc no photo credits? 😃
yourusername 🙄🙄 photo creds to char ig
arthur_leclerc looking a little windswept there
yourusername do you want me to block you again
arthur_leclerc no thanks u look very pretty !!!!
yourusername aww thank you arth 🥰
username wait who tf is this girl and how does she know charles??
username she’s his childhood best friend! they’ve known each other since they were five 🫶
username i firmly believe y/n y/l/n is a goddess not a human being
*charles_leclerc liked this comment
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liked by carlossainz55 and 2,376,926 others
tagged: yourusername
charles_leclerc opening day for y/n’s latest exhibition, ‘flow’! je suis très fière de toi, mon artiste. ne jamais cesser de rêver 🌊 / beyond proud of you, my artist. never stop dreaming
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username now if this isn’t obsessed boyfriend behaviour then i don’t know what is
yourusername aww charlie 🥹 merci de m'avoir soutenu, je vous en serai toujours reconnaissant / thank you for supporting me, i’m forever grateful
charles_leclerc toujours
username and they say they’re just friends?? THIS IS NOT FRIEND BEHAVIOUR
username omg these paintings are so beautiful! what’s the exhibition about?
charles_leclerc it’s a study of water and the ocean!
username they way he’s answering questions about y/n’s own exhibition for her 😭 babes ur not subtle x
username she’s so talented wtf
*charles_leclerc liked this comment
leclerc_pascale Incroyable 😍
yourusername merci, maman 🥰
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liked by joris_trouche and 17,936 others
yourusername summer break, week one ✅
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username everyone say ‘thank you y/n’ for feeding us the soft charles content 🥹
username thank you y/n 🙏
joris_trouche elvis is the star of this dump
yourusername i’ll let him claw you again
joris_trouche PLEASE DONT
charles_leclerc woah who’s that handsome guy in slide 2? 😏
yourusername you wouldn’t know him he’s kind of annoying x
charles_leclerc ouch
username charles featuring twice?? we’re losing her 😔
username three guesses who took the pictures of y/n
username hmm…joris? 🤔
username try again
username elvis 🤨
username close!! but not quite
username is it maybe…charles?!
*charles_leclerc liked this comment
username bingo!!
username trade lives with me please 😫
charles_leclerc i hope summer never ends
yourusername you and me both
username he doesn’t want to go back to the sf-23 and ferrari fucking up his race every week 😔
*yourusername liked this comment
username LMAO Y/N LIKED
username she’s just as sick of ferrari’s shit as we are
joris_trouche everyone ignoring the fact that i’m also in this dump as well !!!
charles_leclerc mate you’re not even looking at the camera
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➜ part 2
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 1 year
I’ve Got You
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Summary: Y/n always finds safety in Natashas arms, so it stands to reason that after she was injured in the Avengers fight with themselves that she would seek her out. This time though Natasha offers more than just safety, she offers Y/n her heart.
Warnings: some very slight angst, reader has a penis, sexual content(grinding, oral, fingering, handjob, vaginal sex) 
Word count: 5109        Nat Masterlist   Marvel Masterlist 
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   Natasha sighs as anxiety consumes her once more. She's safe in her safehouse, well trailer, in Norway now but she still hasn’t heard anything about you since the fight in Germany and she's extremely worried for your safety. She wishes she at least knew your whereabouts. Knew if you were safe somewhere. Knew if you needed her help, or even just needed her like she needed you.
   You and Clint had been the ones sent to kill her, and she's forever grateful you both chose a different option. She was trained by you both to become a Shield agent, causing her to form a fast friendship with you both. Clint had become like the older brother, whether she wanted him to be or not. And you, well you had become her best friend. But she'd be lying if she said friendship was all she felt for you. You make her feel things no one ever has before, things she hopes you feel for her as well.
   She's never been great with feelings or emotions, the Red Room made sure of that, but with you she would be willing to try. If she could ever gain the courage to tell you so, that is. She wanted to tell you, she really did. But the fear of you not reciprocating those feelings, or of her not being good enough for you won out everytime.
   But now, after being on opposite sides during the accords, seeing you get beat up pretty badly by T’challa before almost getting captured by Ross’s men….She knows she has to tell you, because she can’t risk losing you like that again. 
   For now, as she waits to hear from Mason about any news of you, she settles in to watch her Bond films and eat her caviar. She tries to ignore the pit in her stomach, but without you by her side nothing seemed to feel right.
   She's brought out of her thoughts by a shuffling sound outside. She quickly arms herself with her pistol, standing to head to the door only for it to slowly open before she gets there.
   “I will shoot whoever walks in that door!” she calls out
   A familiar chuckle has her lowering her gun, “You wouldn’t shoot me, would you Natty?”
   “You know anyone else that calls you Natty?” you tease as you open the door fully, allowing her to see you. She's shocked by your state, you look awful. Like you haven’t had rest since Germany, which was highly likely. You stumble into her living room and nearly collapse, but she catches you instead.
   “What happened? Are you ok?” she asks in quick succession as her worried eyes scan your face
  “Well, I didn’t really have a chance to tend to my wounds from T’challa before Ross’s men were on me. Managed to evade them for a bit but they almost got me the second time. I’ll be alright, just gotta clean up and get some rest” you tell her, attempting to pull away and stand on your own, but she can see how weak and tired you are
  Her hold on you tightens, “Let me help you, please”
  Too tired to pretend you can handle it yourself, you nod and let her lead you to the small bathroom. You sigh as she leans you against the counter, and you let your head rest against the wall as you rest your eyes. You can hear her rummage around for the first aid kit, a washcloth and some extra towels. Once she finds the items she gains your attention with a soft hand to your cheek.
   “Where are you hurt?”
  You shake your head, “Its ok, I can- ”
   “Y/n” she sternly says, “You can hardly stand. I’m helping you.”
   “Ok” you sigh. 
   You carefully remove your shirt, letting her see the bruises and scrapes that litter your abdomen and chest below your bra. Her eyes land on a hastily bandaged section of the right side of your abs, blood starting to seep through. You can see the concern etched in her brows. 
   “The Panther's claws.” you tell her and she nods
   She gently removes the bandages, causing you to hiss as the cool night air hits your wound. You watch as she runs the hot water, getting a washcloth damp before bringing it to your side. You grunt as she cleans it. She then pours alcohol on the same washcloth, bringing it to your skin once more. This time a gasp leaves you as pain ripples through your side. Again she cups your face to offer comfort.
   “Shh, detka(baby). It’s ok.” she coos, not even noticing the pet name slipping past her lips, “Now I just have to give you stitches, put ointment on, and then new waterproof bandages so you can shower.”
   You nod again, watching her grab the proper stitching materials. You clench your jaw as the needle pierces your skin repeatedly, closing up the four lacerations. You're relieved once she puts ointment on and it's rebandaged. “Thanks Tasha”
   “Of course, do you have any other injuries?” she asks, obviously still concerned about you
   “Yeah..” you sigh, “Left thigh. One of Ross’s guys was quick with his knife.”
   Her face shows even more concern, and she instinctively moves for your waistband. But then it hits her just how vulnerable this must all feel for you and she can’t help the blush that rises to her cheeks as she hesitates, “Can I…?"
  You chuckle, "Don't know how you'd stitch me up otherwise"
   She nods and proceeds to pull them down around your knee. The slice is caked in dried blood, a small trickle still running down your thigh. 
   “Shit, this looks pretty deep.” she exclaims, getting up to grab the washcloth
   She runs it under warm water again, watching you out of the corner of her eye as she does so. Your breathing seems normal, but you're definitely exhausted. You need rest, food, and plenty of water. She's determined to give you all those things and won’t take no for an answer. She won’t let you give an excuse about how the team being separate will be safer and how you only came to her because you knew she'd have the supplies you needed to tend your wounds. Not that she thought you'd say that, but the fear of you leaving now that you were here with her was immense.
   You grunt as she presses the cloth over your wound. She's careful, yet tentative enough to get most of the dried blood off you. She rinses the cloth out, pouring alcohol on it before approaching you again. Her eyes rake over your body once more, just to make sure you aren't hiding anything from her and she's glad you're too tired to have your eyes open, otherwise you would have seen her blush when the slight bulge at the front of your boxers caught her gaze. She quickly refocused on the task at hand, pressing the cloth against your thigh again.
   “Fuck!” you shout, not expecting it to burn worse than your side had
   Natashas apologetic eyes meet yours, “I know. I’m so sorry, it'll be over soon.”
    Her free hand instinctively rests on your abdomen as she rubs soothing circles on your skin. You nod, knowing it has to be cleaned no matter how much pain that brings. She removes the cloth and grabs the equipment for stitching you up once more. You clench your jaw as she works to close up the wound. Her soft hands remain on your thigh a few seconds longer than necessary after she bandages you up, not that you mind.
   “There. That should do for now, but I’ll need to redress them again tomorrow.” she says as she stands, “Are you going to need help?”
   “I can manage” you tell her, not believing it entirely yourself but you knew that if you were ever privileged to see Natasha naked, you didn’t want it to be because you needed help while injured. 
  She nods, “Alright, I’ll leave you some clothes on the counter and I’ll be in the next room in case you need me”
   You let your shoulders slump as she closes the door and you take a shaky step towards the shower. Eventually you manage to get your bra and boxers off and you step into the already running hot water. You let yourself relax, holding yourself up by leaning against the cool tiles. The door opens and you tense up slightly before remembering it was just Nat with your clothes. 
   You don’t realize she lingers a moment, wishing to check on you and longing to be able to join you. She decides against asking if you were alright, not wanting to come across as overly concerned, even though she was. She simply sets your outfit down before exiting the room once more. She takes a seat on the edge of her bed and waits as her leg bounces with anxiety. Part of her wants to tell you how she feels, to hold you and never let go. But the other part screams at her about love being a weakness, about how you deserve someone with a less bloodstained ledger and hard to escape past.
   She's brought from her thoughts when you emerge from the bathroom, a slight wobble to your step. She has to resist smiling like the lovesick woman she is when she sees you in her sweatpants and shirt.
   “You alright?”
   “Yeah. Just tired.” you reply, not wanting to tell her you couldn’t remember when your last meal was. She always has been good at calling your bluffs though, she was a trained spy afterall.
   She smirks, “Want some take out? I've got plenty of leftovers from earlier.”
   You sigh, “Yes please.”
   “Come on, we can sit on the couch and watch something as we eat.” 
   “What Bond film did I interrupt?” you ask with a chuckle
   She scoffs, pretending to be annoyed that you knew her so well, “Moonraker”
   “Not one of the best ones, but not one of the worst ones either.” you reply, earning yourself an eye roll from her.
   You sit on the couch and soon she joins you, takeout containers in hand. She doesn't say anything as she watches you scarf down the food, she only smiles knowing that she's able to take care of you. You sit back with a hum as you absentmindedly scoot closer to her, seeking out comfort and warmth. It isn’t long before you end up falling asleep tucked into her side with your head on her shoulder. 
   Carefully she turns, bringing you into her chest as she lays back, her arms wrap protectively around you as your head now rests on her chest. She watches you for a bit, wanting to make sure you were sound asleep before she places a soft kiss to the top of your head.
   “I’m so glad you're safe” she whispers into your hairline
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 She isn't aware of when she fell asleep and she isn't aware as to why she's suddenly woken up, until she realizes she no longer feels the weight of you on top of her. She immediately sits up, and when she doesn't see you anywhere she can feel her panic build. 
   “Y/n?” she calls out as she enters the bedroom. She lets out a breath she hadn’t realized she'd been holding when she sees you emerge from the bathroom
   “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.” you tell her, “I just needed some pain killers”
   She shakes her head, “It’s ok, did you find them?”
   “Yeah, I got them.” your brows furrow as you notice her disheveled state, “What's wrong?”
   “Nothing, I just…” she trails off, but your hand on her shoulder encourages her to continue, “I was worried that you left.”
  Her admission was quiet but you heard it, and there was no mistaking the vulnerability in her voice. It tugged at your heart. “I’d never leave without saying goodbye first Natty. Besides, I’m much too injured to travel right now. I’m lucky I made it to Norway.”
  “Don’t say that” she says, taking a seat on the bed
   “Tasha, I was bleeding profusely on the airplane runway, which led Ross’s men right to me. I had to fight them off and flee while patching myself up as well as I could. Then once I thought I’d lost them, they ambushed me in Serbia and nearly sliced my artery open. You were my only safe option, if I hadn’t found you…well it wouldn’t have been good” you reason with her
   Her jaw clenches as she looks away from you. She fights back the tears in her eyes, not liking how close of a call you had actually had, “I should have helped you. I shouldn't have talked with Tony and then ran, I should have just gone to you and ran with you.”
  “It’s ok, you- ” you try
   “No Y/n” she takes a deep breath, “I saw that you were hurt fighting T’challa, and still I went to help Steve instead. Ross could have had you arrested or worse, and instead of making sure you were safe, I saved my own ass.”
   You sigh and take a seat beside her. You gently grab her hand, “You couldn’t have risked helping me and you know it. You double crossed Tony and Ross and we both know neither of their egos would allow that to go unpunished. They would have used your background against you”
   “I don’t care. You could have died, and I never would have forgiven myself” she admits
   “But I didn’t.” you remind her, “I didn’t die. I’m ok.” She finally looks at you and you can see the unshed tears in her eyes. You smile softly, cupping her face and bringing your forehead to hers, “I’m right here.”
   She nods as a few tears finally slip down her cheeks, “I was really worried about you. I’m glad you found me”
   “So am I” you admit, “Though, it’s more like Mason found me, then told me where you were.”
   She chuckles, “Well, I’ll be sure to thank him. Even if he did give me Fanny as an alias.”
   “He didn’t!” you laugh out
   “Oh he did. Fanny Longbottom.”
   The two of you erupt into laughter as you think about the ridiculous name. Her gaze shifts to you smile, the one she's always loved to be the cause of and your gaze shifts to her eyes, you have always loved how they seemed to sparkle when she was happy. 
  Lost in her eyes, you don’t notice how you've begun to lean into her, you only notice when your lips lightly press against hers. But you quickly pull away, afraid she wouldn’t reciprocate the gesture or would be upset with your advances. However your attempt to move away is quickly stopped by her arms as they wrap around your neck to keep you close.
   “No, please” she rasps out, her hands tangling in your hair, “Please kiss me”
   You surge forward, connecting your lips once more as your hands grip at her waist. She hums and gently straddles your lap, careful of your injured leg as she grinds down against you. Your hands make their way under the back of her shirt, traveling up her back and leaving chills in their wake. She moans, allowing you to slip your tongue inside her mouth. 
   She grinds down again, and this time she can feel how the bulge in your pants is beginning to harden as it presses against her ass. You can’t help the moan that leaves you as you feel her against you. Her excitement and hope for finally getting to be with you grows the longer you keep your lips on hers. 
   She pulls away, nearling panting for air as she grinds down once more. And your mouth moves to her neck as your hands go further up her back. She relishes the groan she feels against her skin when you realize she's already braless and she shudders as your hands move to the front of her, gently running up her abdomen before palming her breasts. You can feel her breathing quicken as your thumb skims over her hardened nipples. She grinds against you again and you squeeze the soft mounds in your grip causing her to moan.
   “Is this ok?” you breathe against her neck between kisses
   She eagerly nods, “Yes…please don’t stop”
   You move back up her neck, kissing her softly as your hands grab the bottom of her shirt. You pull it off her and nearly forget how to breathe when you see her naked upper body in front of you. Yes you'd seen her in tank tops before for training and immaculate dresses for parties, but this was entirely different. Before you had to admire subtly from across dancefloors and training mats. You didn’t have to do that now, she wanted you to see her. All of her.
   Natasha shys under your gaze, finding herself somewhat nervous as your eyes take in every inch of her. Some of her scars had never been seen by anyone other than her and those that inflicted them or stitched them up and she worried what you would think of them. Your thumb gently traces a longer scar that rests slightly lower than her breasts near her sternum causing her to realize how badly she wants your hands back on her. She's about to ask you to touch her again like you were earlier, but then your head is moving towards her chest and as your lips touch her skin she finds it very hard to form words.
   "Y/n…" she whispers, clutching at your forearms to ground herself
   You hum, briefly pulling yourself away from her chest, “You're so beautiful Natty”
     A shy smile makes its way across her face, accompanied by a light blush and the way she squeezes her thighs together does not go unnoticed by you. You gently kiss the scar again before moving over to one of her breasts. You suck her hardened nipple into your mouth causing her hands to grasp at your shoulders as she arches into you. Your hands move to squeeze her ass as your mouth moves to give her other breast the same attention. She moans when she feels your hardened cock rubbing against her, and she finds herself desperate to feel you inside her. She can feel her arousal dripping from her and she knows her panties are ruined.
   “I want you, detka(baby). Need you so badly, please” she whispers against your lips as they meet hers for another kiss. Your heart pounds in your chest as you quickly remove her from your lap and lean her against the beds pillows and headboard
    You stare at her for a moment, taking in the way her lips are slightly parted and her chest heaves as she breathes deeply. Then you meet her gaze, “Are you sure?”
   “Yes” she nods, “I’ve never been more sure about anything, or anyone”
   You smile before connecting your lips to hers again, letting your hands trail down to her hips before moving them back up to cup her breasts. She desperately clutches at your shirt, overcome with the urge to have you as close as possible despite already having you there. Your hands make their way back down to her hips and your fingers slip below the waistband, ready to pull them down completely. But before you can do so her hands grab your wrists and she pulls away from your lips. She pauses for a moment, her eyes scanning your face.
   “You're sure about this too, right?” she asks, insecurity lacing her tone
   “Of course I am. I only want you.”
   She smiles widely, letting go of your wrists so you can continue to pull her pants from her body, and you stare in amazement at the wet patch that you find on her underwear. She shifts slightly under your gaze, wordlessly trying to hasten your movements.
   “You're soaked” you whisper as you let your thumb press the damp fabric against her clit, making her hips jump, “And so sensitive”
   She lets out a breathy moan as you rub your thumb in slow circles and her grip on your shirt tightens, “Need more. Please detka(baby)”
   “Aww, is my thumb not enough for my needy girl?”
   She shakes her head, “No, need your cock please. Wanna feel you”
   “Fuck baby…I wanna feel you too, but I gotta get you ready for me first.” you explain as you finally pull her underwear off her. She automatically spreads her legs further apart for you and you praise her by caressing her thigh, “Gonna taste you first though”
   Her breath catches in her throat as you lean in, your tongue kitten licking her sensitive nub before parting her open and slipping inside, “Ooh!”
  You hum, enjoying the flavor of her and her hands grip onto your hair tightly, practically forcing you to bury your face in her cunt. Not that you would complain about such a thing, you’d gladly give her whatever she wanted. Which is why you slip a finger inside her too. You pump your digit in and out of her at a steady rhythm as your mouth focuses on her clit until she's nearly dripping onto the sheets. Then you slip a second one in. She moans at the stretch, arching into you
   “That's it. You're taking my fingers so well baby.” you praise, curling them inside her making her walls clamp down around you, “Does it feel good, Natty?”
   “Blyad'(fuck)! Yes!” she answers, fists tightening in the sheets
   You hum, “You like having my fingers inside you?”
   “Oh god yes!” she's cut off by her own moan as you move your fingers even faster, “I’m…I’m gonna- ”
   “Go ahead baby, cum for me”
   “Y/n!” she shouts as she cums into your mouth. You happily swallow it all and continue your mouths and fingers movements to help her ride out her high, only stopping when her grip on your hair lessens and she whimpers in protest
   You crawl back up her body, placing soft kisses against a few scars before reaching her lips once more. She sighs as you rest against her and wraps her arms around your neck as you make out. Eventually her hands begin to tug at your shirt and you separate to allow her to pull it off you. 
   You chuckle as she simply stares at your chest licking her lips, and you move one of her hands to your breasts, “You can touch”
   That's all the encouragement she needs and she brings her other hand to your other breast, letting her thumbs rub against your nipples as they harden in the cool air. She brings her mouth forward and latches onto one of your nipples, sucking on it as her hand pinches the other and you moan at the sensation
   Wanting to make you feel just as good as you’d made her feel minutes ago she lets her free hand wander down between your bodies, and you're so focused on the feeling of her mouth as it makes its way up to your neck that you don’t even notice her hand slip your pants and boxers down, freeing your cock, until her lithe fingers are wrapping around you. 
   “Shit Y/n” she mumbles as she slowly begins stroking you, your size surprising her slightly. Your hips jerk forward at the sensation and it doesn’t take her long to find a decent pace, your breathy moans and grunts only encouraging her
   “Just like that baby, feels so good” you grunt, resting your forehead against her collarbone
   “Yeah? You gonna cum for me?” she asks, rubbing her thumb against the large vein on your shaft
   You rut into her hand, “Fuck! Yes!” 
   “Come on detka(baby), cum”
   Spurts of white hit your stomach and hers as you release and the way you moan has arousal pooling in her belly once more. After a few more strokes she lets you go and you practically collapse against her as you regain your composure. Her hand comes into view, a few drops of your cum on it still, and you watch as she cleans them off with her tongue. That action alone has you getting hard again and she smirks when she feels it.
   “You like watching me taste you?”
   “You don’t even know” you groan out, moving positions to be above her once more, “You ready for me baby?”
   She nods, “God yes, please”
   You line yourself up with her entrance and smack the head of your dick against her clit a few times before sliding inside. You bottom out in one swift movement and a guttural moan leaves her at the feeling of being stretched so wide. She's even tighter than you thought she'd be and the way she's squeezing you already has you light headed, so you still for a moment to allow you both to adjust.
   After a few minutes she wiggles her hips slightly, her green eyes boring into yours, “Please move now. I can handle it, I promise”
   You smile and kiss her softly before slowly beginning to thrust your hips. Her tits bounce as you move and you can’t help but lean down to suck marks against their plump flesh. Her moans only increase in frequency and volume as your pace picks up and her hands grip onto you so tightly that you know her nails will be leaving marks behind.
   “Your pussy fits me so well baby. Feels incredible” you praise, cupping one of her breasts and squeezing
  “O bozhe(Oh god).” she manages to get out between her moans, “I’ve never been so full, feels so fucking good”
  “Gonna be even more full when I cum inside you” You tell her, moaning as her walls flutter around you, “Oh you like that huh?”
   She nods, “Yes, please cum inside me detka(baby)”
   You start pounding into her even harder then, eager to give her what you both so desperately want. After a few more thrusts she wraps her legs around you, and you can feel by the way she tightens around you that she's close.
   “That's it baby, make a mess on my cock”
   She throws her head back with a moan of your name as she cums hard around you, sending you head first into your own orgasm. You moan as you paint her walls white with your seed. You continue to thrust your hips to prolong the pleasure for both of you only stopping when she's a shaking mess beneath you. 
    “Shh it's ok Natty I got you.” you coo, stroking her cheek, “You did so well baby. Such a good girl”
   “Your good girl” she mumbles with a smile, making your chest fill with warmth
   You nod and bring your forehead to rest against hers, “My good girl”
   After a few more minutes you slowly pull out of her, watching a bit of you cum leak out of her as you do and she's struck by how full she still feels. She can’t even imagine how much cum you pumped inside of her for that to be the case. The thought alone has her head all fuzzy.
   “Come on, let's get cleaned up in the shower really quick. Then we can go back to sleep”
   She nods and allows you to help her out of bed. You help her stumble to the bathroom and can’t help but giggle at the look of bliss on her face still and she quiets you with a kiss before letting you turn the water on. You both help clean the other, each feeling a sense of pride at the marks you’ve left behind on the other and even after you're done washing you stay a while longer just basking in the other's presence.
   Neither of you bother to put on another outfit after you dry off, the likelihood of them coming off in the morning is high so why bother. Instead you simply crawl into bed and under the warm covers. You open your arms for her and she immediately settles against you. She wraps her arms around you and buries her face against your neck. It's silent for a while, and for a few minutes there you think she's asleep, until she moves to look at you properly.
   “You're staying, right?” The insecurity in her tone nearly breaks your heart, but before you can answer she continues, “I mean I know Steve said we’re all safer apart from each other, but that's bullshit because there's nowhere I’m safer than with you, and I…I just got you back. I just got to be with you. I’m not ready to say goodbye”
  You softly kiss the small scar on her left shoulder before kissing her lips, “My Natty. So brave, so strong. You're not alone anymore, I’ve got you. And I’m not leaving your side. Not now, not ever. Not even if you told me to.”
   Tears build in her eyes as she lets your words settle over her. She didn’t have to be alone, didn’t have to build walls and hide emotions just to survive. She could be fully herself with you, she could be free. She could let herself be loved, let herself be happy. It wouldn't be easy and there were sure to be hard days, but she finally felt like she could do it. As long as she had you.
   Her hands cup your face, “I….I love you” Your eyes widen at her admission. Even if she ever felt the same for you, you didn’t expect her to allow herself to be vulnerable enough to say it. Especially so soon. 
   She bites her bottom lip and her stomach flips as she waits for your response, thankfully it's a short wait. “I love you too, Natasha. More than anything.”
   Her lips crash into yours and you each poor out your emotions for the other into it. You aren’t sure how long it lasts, you were too lost in her to think of anything else, but when she pulls away she stays close enough that her nose is brushing against yours. You smile at each other before the most adorable carefree giggle leaves the redhead in your embrace.
   You give her a quizzical look so she elaborates on her giddiness, “Madame B was wrong. I do have a place in this world. My place is with you.”
   “Yes it is baby, yes it is”
Taglist: @wandaromamoff69​ @mmmmokdok @nataliasknife​ @natashasilverfox​ @when-wolves-howl​ @danveration @naomi-m3ndez​ @sheneonromanoff​ @sayah13 @likefirenrain​ @nighttime-dreaming​ @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece​ @readings-stuff​ @chaoticevilbakugo​ @crystalstark02​ @wackymcstupid @xchaiix​ @iaminluvwithnat​ @lovelyy-moonlight​ @blackwidow-3​ @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito​ @yomamagf​ @yourfavdummy​ @justarandomreaderxoxo​ @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145​ @eline03 @wizardofstories​ @imthenatynat​ @marvelonmymind​ @fluffyblanketgecko​ @bitch-616 @dakotastormm​  @zoomdeathknight @rayeofmoonlight
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The course of Nature, part (2)
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First Part
Pairing: Negan x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of Negan’s brutality, cursing, implied coercion and kidnapping, mentions of polygamy, (c’mon guys, everything related to Negan in the Sanctuary), talking of periods and pregnancy, thoughts about abortion, sensitive content regarding pro-choice… SMUT, a soft mommy kink, rather pregnancy kink, a little biting and a little blood, Negan being a horny jackass.
might miss some warnings. 
TWD Era: Alexandria, Negan Era, (season 7) 
Notes: Seeing Negan saying, “Oh my, look at this little Angel!” and grabbing Judith from her crib did something to me, and here it is 
“Why don’t you want to be my wife?” he asked her, amused 
“Negan, I know you are like a rabbit or a jackass… you are horny and you hump the first thing you see, but I’m like a cool Eagle, or a wolf… I mate for life” she answered simply. And it was so clever he wasn’t even mad, he chuckled darkly watching her intently, hoping to burn the shape of her body and her face in his mind forever
“You are acting like someday I’m going to get bored of you and just let you leave” he whispered in her ear. He felt her getting nervous, the small hairs on the back of her head standing to attention and goosebumps in her arms. But still she acted like he didn’t cause her incredible fear.
“You might” she whispered
“Believe me, I will not” he answered back 
You didn’t want to have anything to do with the other wives of Negan, really, you didn’t want to talk to anyone, you didn’t want to make friends, you just wanted to stay in your room and most importantly, stay fucking alive and not make it worse for your friends in Alexandria
When weeks passed and you didn't get your period. You were quickly losing your mind
It was hard to keep track of the calendar in the fucking zombie apocalypse. All the electronics went to shit… but you guessed that outside in some place of the sactuary, someone might have a fucking clue.
Your period was like a swiss watch, you were never late, it was like clockwork, so you had a sense of when it was coming, so now, you left your room looking frantically for a calendar, or something 
The wives seemed surprised to see you, but somehow relieved, since he took you, Negan never left your side, he didn’t spend the night with any of them, you thought they’d be angry, or jealous, but the looks on their faces told you they were grateful, and relieved.
Even though Negan was proud to say he had killed rapists and didn’t tolerate the awful act, he did use coercion to get what he wanted, he used it on you, and probably all of them as well. Yes he did give them a choice but… “Be my wife or I’ll bash yours or your boyfriend's brains” didn’t seem much of a choice to you.
“Hey, we have been wanting to meet you” only two of them approached you, a redhead, and a smaller girl, with dark hair and and bangs, “I’m Frankie, this is Tanya”
“(Y/N)” You answered, “Sorry I was hiding in my room” you explained 
“It’s understandable” she drew an apologetic smile. There was an awkward silence, in which they expected you to say something, and all the way around
“I was wondering…” you started, “if any of you had a calendar, or something… a way to tell what day it is?” you explained. They all looked at eachother. The one you knew her name was Frankie took your hand softly and led you to the wall where there was this old calendar
“It’s the 17th” she said softly. You just nodded, confirming your fears, you were late, two fucking weeks late. You drew a shaky breath, tears burning the back of your eyes.
“Shit” you whispered, debating internally if you should share your fears or not
“What’s going on?” she asked you, “you can tell us”
“Yeah” a blonde one that seemed a little out of it also came close to you, “we are so grateful to you” she whispered with a reassuring smile, “For… distracting him…”
“I’m late” you choked out. You heard them gasp loudly, “I don’t know… I’m two weeks late and I feel like shit, I’m probably…”
“pregnant” murmured the blonde one 
Frankie must have known how you felt. Maybe they all did. She placed her soft hand on your shoulder to comfort you, and it worked. You draw a shaky breath, wiping the tears with the back of your hand
“What is he going to do?” you asked, “Is he going to… push me down the stairs or something?”
“We don’t know” she whispered, “we are the ones that take care of it” she explained, “he had never express his want to… have kids”
“He is the one that makes sure we use contraceptives” the black haired woman said
“I’ll go with you to the doctor” Frankie said, and you just nodded, “It’s the only way to be sure”. grabbing the hand she offered you tightly, and under the sad eyes of all of Negan’s wives, you left the room.
“I’m terrified” you murmured, when you came face to face with a man you knew they called Fat Joey
“Hey joey” greeted Frankie, and he eyes you both suspiciously
“Negan wouldn’t want you to walk alone” he said, “specially if you are terrified” you wanted to swallow your own words
“We are fine, Fat Joey” Frankie muttered
“Let me escort you” you squeezed her hand, but he walked behind you silently in your journey to the doctor’s office 
You managed to shake him off of you in the consult, you closed the door on his face.
“Good morning ladies, what can I do for you?”, this doctor gave you the creeps, but he was the only one around so…
Frankie gave you a reassuring smile, nodding, so you turned to the doctor
“I think I’m late”, you whispered, he looked at you and nodded
“Very well, I have a pregnancy test you could take”
It was the most uncomfortable 5 minutes of your entire life, and you were living in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, go figure
It took less than 10 minutes for the two lines to appear, and you truly felt like you were going to lose it. Frankie didn’t say anything, neither did you, but she hugged you tightly and you hugged her back
“Everything is going to be alright, it’s still early”, she whispered sweetly in your ear, caressing your hair, you only nodded, it was true, it was only a couple of weeks… Frankie looked at the doctor
“Is there anything you could give her?”, she asked. The doctor looked at you and then at her. 
“That’s a lie”, she accused
“Yes”, he said simply
“You have to do something!” you demanded, “Give me something…”
“I’m sorry, I can’t do anything without Negan’s permission” 
“WHAT?” you argued, “It’s my body…”
“It’s Negan’s baby” he said seriously, “I can’t do anything or give you anything without him knowing” He perfectly could, but he had clear instructions from Negan, and he valued his own life more than yours. 
. . .
Negan knew something was wrong when he passed the lounge where his wives were and they all looked at him in terror.
Did someone die?
Did someone escape? or tried to?
He hadn't punished someone publicly this week, so he knew this wasn’t that. And if someone actually had died, betrayed him or escaped, he would have known by now, so, what was it? He looked directly at Frankie, she averted her gaze, but her eyes looked at the wall to the right. He just nodded, silently, and kept walking until he found himself at your door. He knocked twice, but you didn’t answer, so he just went in.
He found you with your back turned to the door, in a fetal position on the bed 
“Hey sunshine” he greeted carefully, and he saw you flinch. You turned, slowly, and he was surprised to see you crying. Did you find out about all the things he had done in Alexandria? No, impossible, “What is going on?” he asked, you were there, in front of him, so you didn’t tried to scape, and you didn’t kill anyone so he wondered what got you so fucking scared of him right now
“I’m sorry” you whispered, “Negan” you called, “I love you” oh how much he could have given to hear you say those words, but the way you say them, it was desperate, you sounded like Amber, you didn’t mean it, in fact, you wanted to calm him down
“What is going on?” he repeated the question, harder this time, making you flinch raising your shoulders and trying to hide between them 
“I’m pregnant” you whispered, you dropped the revelation and then you wanted to bend over your own body to protect yourself from him, and that is what kind of broke him. “I’m sorry”
Of all the reactions he may had that you played in your mind, him chuckling and smiling widely wasn’t one of them 
“You are not mad?” you asked back, and he shook his head
One of the most scary things about Negan is that he was totally unpredictable, you could never guess what’s coming 
In one scenario he grabbed you by the arm and threw you down the stairs, and then made sure to beat you up until there was nothing left inside of you. In another he’d let the doctor get his hands on you, but you never, ever, thought he’d be happy about it
“Aw honey, this is wonderful news!” you jumped when he yelled that, opening his arms in celebration, he never stopped looking at you, “An heir!” he continued, “A little savior, a little Negan or Lucille” you shook in your place when he called his deceased wife’s name
And suddenly, you were more scared.
“A little Lucille?” you muttered, he had told you everything about his late wife, and the thought he might be using you to relive some weird fantasy chilled your bones. Suddenly you felt your eyes wet with tears, and not being able to stop them, fat, bitter tears started running down your cheeks, “No…” you whined. His face dropped when he saw how you started to lose it, you started to hyperventilate 
“Hey, sweetheart, I need you to relax”
“You have to talk to the doctor, so he’ll give me something…” you tried to explain
“Why would I do that, baby?” he asked
“I can’t have your baby” you whined, wiping your tears
“Why the hell not?” he asked, this time his face became so serious so fast you shook in fear
“Negan…” you called, expecting him to understand, “please” he softened his gaze on you, with his gloved hand he caressed your cheek as he smiled sweetly at you, but that didn’t calm you, he was unpredictable and you’ll do well in remembering that. He leaned in and kissed you softly, gently, as he was scared of breaking you
“You are going to be an amazing mother sweety” he whispered against your lips and you only whined, “anything you want, everything is yours!” he announced, standing up, “I’ll tell all of them, to bring you anything you could need” 
“You are going to let me carry this baby?” you asked
“Of course”, he said simply
“Please Negan”, you whispered, “I can’t bring a child into this world”
“It will have hundreds of people that will take care of him”, he said, “we are in the sanctuary baby”
“Negan please”, you begged, he just say on the edge of the bed, cradling your face with his big hands
“This a good thing baby”, he whispered, leaning in and catching your lips with his
“Negan”, you whined against his lips
“You are going to be such a good mommy”, he purred, abandoning your lips and going down your throat with heated open kisses
And you snapped out of your hornyness, you grabbed his face and pushed him off of you
“Fuck off Negan!”, you grunted, but your heated face told him your resolution wouldn’t last long, you were as horny as he was. He smiled wickedly
He knew he had chosen well, you were going to protect that baby with your life, your lioness instincts already kicking in 
“C’mon mommy”, he purred, “come to daddy”
“I hate you”, you said, with no conviction in your voice
“No you don’t”
And perhaps that is what was so messed up about all of this
You were scared to death, yes, but you were also… excited
And Negan could see that
He approached you again and held you in his arms, he leaned in and again he kissed you. It was soft at first but then it turned heated, you grabbed him roughly, pulling on the hairs on the back of his neck making him grunt needily
“You like it rough, don’t you?”, he mocked, you didn’t want to talk, you just took his leather jacket and threw it on the floor caresly
Another day he would have make a big fuss about it, but today he knew better
“he leaned over you, wanting to pin you down to the bed, but you didn’t let him, instead you managed to pin him down, straddling him 
“Oh baby”, he purred, “or should I say… mommy?”
“Shut up”, you growled, leaning in and kissing him roughly. he immediately responded with teeth and licks of his own, but as you separated from him, you bit his lower lip until blood came up 
He whined under you, not pained but horny and almost pathetic, you grind your hips against his own, feeling his cock hardening between you, giving you goosebumps
“Hormones?”, he teased, but you shushed him up, you wanted him, you needed to feel him, you needed to distract yourself from everything that has happening
You almost ripped his pants off of him, making him chuckle, setting himself comfortably on the bed, you stood up to toss your own pants away from you, and then you crawled back over him. HIs greedy hands tossed your upper clothes, and finally he had you naked all to himself. You leaned in and kissed him roughly
“Yes mommy”, he teased, and you couldn’t help but slap him, not hard, and he only smiled wickedly, “I loved this side of you baby”, he purred, placing his hands on your hips
“You are so fucking mean Negan”, you accused, “you misogynistic prick!”, but you couldn't stay angry at him, you leaned in and kissed him before he could make some snarky remark. He responded at the kiss immediately, his greedy hands caressing you all over he could, your thighs, your sides, your hips. You rubbed your pussy against his hard cock, and you couldn’t help it anymore, you needed him.
You used your hand to pumped his thick cock a few times, before impaling yourself with it
“Fuck!”, you cursed at the same time, perhaps Negan was so attracted to you because you both sounded alike sometimes
You started riding him angrily, almost like you wanted to hurt him, but that turned him on even more. You started moving your hips back and forth. and the friction in your clit almost made you loss it
“FUCK THAT’S IT BABY”, he whined, and you gasped, feeling your orgasm build incredibly quickly
“I hate you”, you cried when you cummed
“I know”, he whispered, entertained, letting you fuck him for once, admiring the goddess riding him.
But you rode him until you cummed again, finally making him finish inside of you.
You let yourself fall on top of him, as you both recuperated, he just held you, caressing your naked back
“I mean it”, he gasped
“What?”, you asked back
“I will do anything to protect you”, he promised, “I leave Rick alone, I promise, you will be a great mother, I really believe that”, you smiled, not letting him see it, of course.
. . .
“Arat” the girl was on his side on a second, that determined look in her eyes that Negan liked so much, “If something happens to me… “ he started, and she frowned, like he just spoke treason, “If this world is fucked up and for reason I fucking die and Rick the prick is still alive I want you to do something for me, ok?”
“You want me to kill him Sir?” she asked, and he chuckled
“No, I want you to take (Y/N) to him” he whispered, “without me controlling everything she is in danger, I want you to make sure she comes back to her people”
Damn, being a father does change you and your priorities 
He thought with a smirk on his face and a swing of his bat
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TAGLIST @neganswoman @nijiru @imvomitting @aleemendoza2425-blog @0vecam @heavenhatesme
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
hi, thank you sm!!🤍 this was really fun to write, hope you like it!
i’m so chill, but you make me jealous — jack champion
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word count: 1,059
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: y/n and jack are invited to read thirst tweets and jack gets a little jealous of the compliments his girlfriend receives.
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“HI! I’M Y/N Y/L/N AND I PLAY JULIET ON SCREAM 6” the girl said to the camera with a big smile.
“And I’m Jack Champion and I play Ethan Landry on Scream 6” he did a little wave while showing his perfect white teeth.
“And today we’re here with Buzzfeed to read…” Y/N said, waiting for his boyfriend to finish the line.
“Thirst tweets! I’m scared, Twitter is one wild app” Jack chuckled.
“I love twitter” Y/N told the cameras, emphasising the word ‘love’.
“She really does, she spends hours on it. And sometimes I can hear her laughter from the bedroom when I’m in the living room” he smiled, looking at her in adoration.
“People are very creative in there!” she defended herself. “Anyways, let’s start this!”.
it’s just rude how jack champion walks around being cute and i’m not there to witness it
Jack smiled “That’s actually really adorable. Thank you so much!”
“It’s honestly ruder when you actually witness it because you can’t just comprehend how someone this cute exists” Y/N said faking annoyance.
“Aw, stop it. You’re making me blush” he let out a nervous laugh, covering his face.
“My favorite hobby: making my boyfriend blush” she’s smiled proudly.
“I just love how supportive people are about our relationship. Like, especially the fans, they’re always sending us adorable messages and commenting how we make them happy. Honestly, thank you so much” Jack said in a grateful way.
“Yes, they are awesome! And you don’t have to do that to makes us happy. Just send us fan edits of us with Taylor Swift songs, and we’ll be the happiest!” she winked at the camera.
y/n y/l/n in scream 6 is so fine, like she could gaslight gatekeep and girlboss me and i would let her
“Thanks! I guess… man I love this! My self-esteem is going to be on the fucking sky once we’re finished!” Y/N laughed.
“I don’t know how I feel about people thirsting over my girlfriend… but at the same time I get it, look at her!” Jack said, turning his face to look at her profile. She truly was an angel—inside and out. And he honestly, even after a year of dating, still can’t believe how lucky he is.
jack champion has the cutest smile ever i cry forever
“I feel you!” Y/N said loudly. “He says he never had braces but I don’t fucking buy it. No one naturally has that million dollar smile”.
“Thank you for the compliment. And I swear, I never had braces”
“I don’t buy it, but okay. I love you so I’ll let you gaslight me”
y/n y/l/n could stab me 781 times and i would still be screaming thank you!
“Woah! You have some serious kinks, but I won’t judge you” Y/N laughed.
“Y/N! Oh my god” his boyfriend laughed. “I honestly don’t know how to take this tweet, let’s just quickly move on”.
if you don’t find jack champion hot, you’re lying!
“I mean, everyone has a different type, so” Jack shrugged.
Y/N rolled her eyes “Bullshit. You’re everyone’s type. If you know someone who doesn’t find him hot, send me their address, I just wanna talk”.
“I love you” Jack laughed, kissing her knuckles.
“I love you too” she smiled.
no one talks about scream 6 without mentioning how hot jack champion is
“I mean, it’s true! I think we all felt some type of way during the train scene… and when he took his mask off???? I forgot how to breath” Y/N said. She will never shut up about how gorgeous his boyfriend was, because his factions were just too good to not be talked about.
“I’m starting to think you sent these tweets, love”
“I didn’t. But you know what? I’m opening a Jack Champion fan account to tweet about your pretty face every day”
“I’m honoured” he laughed. Jack just loved how she was always complimenting him, it made him feel really loved by her.
i would let y/n y/l/n split me in half like a pistacho send tweet
Jack widened his eyes “Can we leave now?”
“No!” Y/N laughed.
“I feel like every tweet gets dirtier and I won’t be able to handle it”
“Are you seriously jealous about some random people on the internet?” Y/N chuckled “You’re so cute. Thanks for the tweet, by the way! But I have a lovely boyfriend who would definitely not appreciate me doing that!”
“That’s better” he smiled proudly.
i want someone to look at me the way y/n and jack look at each other
“That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard” Jack said, touching his chest.
“We really are part of those annoying couples who can’t keep doing heart eyes to the other. And honestly, I’m not even embarrassed by it, I love loving my boyfriend”.
y/n is so fucking fine i hope her cheetos are FLAMING HOT like her
“And we’re done!” Jack said, doing one big loud clap. “Thank you for watching!”
“Thank you for the compliment and sorry about my jealous boyfriend. Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and suscribe!” Y/N gave one last grin to the camera before it stopped recording.
“Everybody wants you” Jack frowned, wrapping his arms around her waist.
Y/N laughed “Sorry for them then, because I only want you. Now, can we go to the dressing room so we can make out?”
Jack nodded, and Y/N swore she had never seen him run so fast.
buzzfeed here you go! your favorite couple reads thirst tweets! ❤️
y/nxjack this should be called “y/n and jack read thirst tweets while thirsting over each other” tbh
y/nslover omg the cheetos tweet is mine!!! y/n.y/l/n you are the love of my life
jackchampion no she’s not she’s mine🤬
y/nslover jackchampion can you fight??
y/n.y/l/n i love you you’re a sweetheart y/nslover 💕 JACK STOP IT OMG
devyn_nekoda i love how jack’s jaw clenches more and more as the video goes on😭😭😭 by the way, the pistacho tweet… i relate
y/n.y/l/n tell me time and place gorgeous :)
jackchampion we are over y/n.y/l/n
y/n.y/l/n okay jackchampion
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cloudslou · 22 days
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Abbi Pulling did not know the motor sport career she is enjoying — and excelling in, as the first female British Formula 4 race winner — was even a possibility when she was growing up. She thought go-karts were the extent of her racing opportunities.
“I didn’t actually have a clue,” the 21-year-old from Spalding in Lincolnshire says. “I thought that was it. It was only when I was a bit older, matured a bit more, probably at 12 or 13, when I realised there’s more to motor sport than just go-karts and motorbikes.
“When I started winning championships — at 15 years old I won the British [karting] championship — that was when I was like, ‘Oh what’s the next thing I can do?’ I just wanted to do it forever.”
Pulling has had the racing bug since she was three, attending a paddock for the first time alongside her father, Andy, who raced motorbikes. She began her own racing journey in go-karting at eight years old.
The F4 British Championship is largely based in the United Kingdom, as the name suggests, but will race for the first time in the Netherlands in July. It features 22 drivers from eight teams. It is aimed as a stepping stone from karting and Pulling is one of the elder drivers on the grid. She is seventh in the overall standings, the highest-placed female driver (out of four). Lando Norris, the McLaren Formula 1 driver who won the most recent Grand Prix in Miami, won an F4 title in 2015.
Her back-to-back victories, first in the F1 Academy — the all-female series founded by Formula 1 — in Miami and then in F4 at Brands Hatch last weekend, came after her career was almost ended in September 2021. In an emotional post on Instagram, Pulling described being “absolutely heartbroken” to withdraw from the F4 championship due to a lack of funding.
“When I was previously in British F4 I was getting what I would say were fair results, beating the boys, getting podiums, then I ran out of funding, unfortunately,” she says. “That put things into perspective, a lot. I was even more grateful for any opportunities.
���I grew from it and I learnt from it. It was an absolutely awful feeling, to be honest, but then I got an opportunity in the W Series. I put it in perspective — If I were a guy, I wouldn’t have had that; it would have been the end of the line.
For Pulling, the focus is on balancing F1 Academy and F4 for the remainder of the season.
“Any driver in my position wants to say that they want to go to Formula 1, but I’m not keeping my options closed,” she says. “I want to take any opportunities. The prize for winning F1 Academy is a funded seat for 2025 so that is obviously what I’ll be aiming for.”
full article here.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box Series— National Best Friends Day
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liked by _quinnhughes, trevorzegras, and 17,043 others
yourusername dear quintin,
i never had a big brother. i didn’t know what it meant to have any sort of siblings until i met all of you, let only someone who cared enough to protect me and clean up my knees when i fell on the sidewalk. i never knew what it meant to have a real family.
then you came along. well, i guess jack came along, but i knew you were different from jack from the beginning. you’d walk me to class every morning in elementary school until you left and made sure my french braids were straight before i went in. you helped me on all my school projects, you scared away bullies, you gave me your hoodie went you went to middle school so that “you could still walk me to class,” and in fourth grade, you officially became my best friend.
no one else will ever have a best friendship like ours, and i think that’s pretty special. we live over a thousand miles away and we still manage to make each other a priority. to quote kelly clarkson, “my life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you!”
i love you more than words, huggy💙
p.s. i can’t forget to mention how grateful i am for my best friend number two, @/colecaufield! i love you!
p.s.s. i also can’t forget to mention how much love i have for all of my friends. so to jacky boy, turcs, lukey moosey, jamie baby, z-baby, and many more (teammates i’m looking at you) (especially petey because he calls me every week), i love you, i’m grateful for you, and you’re not allowed to leave me until you die <3
p.s.s.s. to all my sons, fatherless or not, you’re all a delight to be around and i love and miss every single one of you!
p.s.s.s.s. dear jack, i’m (not) sorry i traded you in for the better model, but without you, i don’t know where i’d be. thank you for giving me the family i deserve and being my best friend from kindergarten through third grade❤️
tagged _quinnhughes
view all 223 comments
_quinnhughes trevor’s right, you can be a sweet girl! i love you so much, sissy💙 don’t worry, i’m contractually obligated to stay your best friend until i die and i intend to keep that promise
yourusername aw you sap!
_quinnhughes there’s my girl, i was getting concerned
jackhughes you’re concerned??? she didn’t tease any one of us in her sappy post
yourusername @/jackhughes stfu toothless i will shove you off the boat when you least expect it
jackhughes there’s my girl
trevorzegras we’re friends???
yourusername i mean i think so
trevorzegras that’s news to me
yourusername you’re lucky i love you
trevorzegras forever?
yourusername always🧡
jackhughes i just threw up so much i started bleeding
yourusername @/jackhughes that sounds like a you problem
trevorzegras um… anyways… i love you, forever🧡
user23 i’m not crying you are
user4 i’m just picturing little quinn petting down fly aways and making sure sissy has both braids over her shoulders and hugging her before class🥹
colecaufield i love best friend number two! can’t wait to see what movie you’ve picked for us this week!
yourusername it’s definitely one we haven’t watched before
colecaufield is it the new jennifer lawrence movie?
yourusername that’s not out til the 23rd!
colecaufield but i’m assuming you’re taking us all to the movie theater?
yourusername my home girl is back from the dead, of course we’re all seeing the new jennifer lawrence movie
colecaufield you don’t know her???
yourusername home. girl.
user91 i will never recover from this
colemcward i love and miss you, too, mom! i’m honored to be your and quinn’s son!
yourusername my favorite child! you should come visit! we got snacks!
colemcward i’ll see what i can do
lhughes_06 @/yourusername you shouldn’t rank your children
yourusername @/lhughes_06 mom ranks us
_quinnhughes @/yourusername no, mom ranks you first and the rest of us are tied for second
yourusername @_quinnhughes that’s what you think
user80 i envision sissy as like the team snack mom to far too many hockey teams
yourusername i do what i can🫡
_alexturcotte forever my favorite smoke buddy! i love you!
yourusername enough to give me back my bong?
_alextucotte not a chance <3
_eliaspettersson i love you, too! i’ll call at three your time
yourusername i’ll be anxiously awaiting your call!
user21 i’m perplexed as to how y/n manages to do little things with about 800 people to keep the friendship alive
jamie.drysdale i love you soooo much, ex wife! you make my life entertaining so please never leave
yourusername i’m with ya til the end of the line
jamie.drysdale is that a comment about my hair?
yourusername sure is ya bucky barnes looking ass
trevorzegras @/yourusername does that make me steve rogers?
yourusername @/trevorzegras you’d like that, wouldn’t you?
edwards.73 i miss you the MOST
yourusername aww i miss you the most! i love you!
edwards.73 i love you, too, mom💛
user2 sissy and quinn >>> jamie and trevor
jackhughes sap alert! (i love you, too, soulmate)
yourusername come cuddle
jackhughes omw
dylanduke25 team mom! team mom! team mom!
yourusername can’t wait to crash the team sleepovers
dylanduke25 wrong! you’re always invited to team sleepovers
lhughes_06 you’re more than my friend, you’re my sissy and i love you❤️
yourusername you made me cry you jerk <3 i love so much, lukey moosey you don’t even know
lhughes_06 i think i’ve got a solid idea
yourusername well it’s wrong
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woso-fan13 · 7 months
Comfortember 2023: 8 (engwnt)
8. Grief/Mourning
@lionesses: A heartbreaking update: Y/N L/N passed away last night. Although it’s not unexpected, it’s still an awful loss. She will be greatly missed. 
@LW6: I’m not sure what to say, it hasn’t fully sunk in yet. I’ll miss you, little pea. 
@L.Bronze: The best person and the future of football- Y/N was an absolute force. Life’s so unfair. 
@Alessia_Russo: Y/N/N, you were one of my people. You were so much more than a teammate, you were family. 
@Tooney: There’s no proper thing to say right now. I miss her. 
@Walsh.K: I’m so grateful that I got to know her as well as I did. I’ve never met a more special person. 
@Beth.Mead: Every moment with Y/N was special. She would always manage to put all of her love into every interaction. What I wouldn’t give to hug you again, sweetheart. 
@E.Morgan: There’s a hole in my heart that will never heal. I miss you and I love you. 
@SarinaWiegman: We were lucky to be able to watch Y/N grow up as she was on her team. She was irreplaceable. 
@MEarps: Something that people don’t know about Y/N/N is that she would make me switch positions with her at the end of every training session. Watching her jump around in gloves way too big for her always made me laugh, even when all I wanted to do was get off the pitch. I’m glad she never took no for an answer. 
@Stanway.Georgia: You're part of our team and part of our family forever, kiddo. 
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current-mcr-news · 27 days
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frankieromustdie: Today I received some truly awful news… I’ve been incredibly lucky over the years to meet and work alongside people that I’ve looked up to and have been inspired by since i was kid. Some were definitely cooler than others… but few shaped my entire artistic world the way that Steve did. I remember every time hearing a record Steve made, whether I knew it was a Steve record or not, it made me feel things about music I had never felt before. I wondered what the connection was between these bands and these albums… why were they my favorites by a mile? And upon closer inspection I found a consistent name in the liner notes, Steve Albini. From a young age I always knew I wanted to write songs and be in a band, but Steve Albini’s tones and his ability to capture sounds and performances made me want to record albums. Getting to make two records with him was an experience I am forever grateful for and I wouldn’t trade one harrowing second of it for the world. He made me think about my craft differently and he taught me lessons without necessarily wanting or trying to. Steve always shot me straight, treated me with professionalism and a sort of dry/sarcastic kindness that was uniquely his. He also made me laugh a ton. Steve was a consummate yet humble master of his craft and in getting to know him over those recording sessions I have a feeling he would probably hate anyone gushing about their admiration for him. So I’ll leave it at that and just say I am eternally grateful for the time I was able to spend in his presence and for all the unparalleled art he gave the world. Thank you Steve, Thank you rock n roll. Rest Easy. 🐝 Albini Forever. 🙏 KTF 🖤 xofrnk
[May 8, 2024]
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eddiemunsons80sbaby · 6 months
Never Say Never
Chapter 3
Pairing: SingleDad!StevexReader
Summary: You are a 32 year old single mother, raising your seven year old son on your own. After being widowed at 30 and going out on awful dates with disgusting men for the past month, you have decided that you're giving up. You already had your great love. One person can't possibly get lucky enough to have two in their lifetime. But then your son starts playing baseball and the coach might just change your mind about that.
No posting schedule.
18+ only for eventual smut
Word Count: 7.1K
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“Jeremiah and I are going to build a fort when I spend the night,” Eli told you from the back seat as you drove him to school. This sleepover tomorrow was all he had been able to talk about all morning. “He said his daddy builds the most epic forts that take up the whole living room and he’s gonna ask him if he’ll build us one. And we’re going to watch Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders. And Jeremiah has a Gameboy and he said he’s going to let me play on it! I think I’m going to ask Santa for a Gameboy this Christmas!”
“Wow,” you replied, smiling to yourself as your eyes darted to the rearview mirror, relishing the excitement on your son’s face. “Well, Christmas is pretty far away, buddy, but you save that idea.”
“Well, Christmas is way closer than my birthday now because that already happened and I have to wait a whole ten months for my birthday to come again but Christmas is only eight months away.”
“You’re right. Christmas is closer.”
“Yeah, and the Easter bunny doesn’t bring stuff like Gameboys. He just brings some candy and small stuff.”
“That’s right. I think asking Santa for it is a really good idea.” Plus, that would give you some time to save up for it. You made good money but working off of a single income meant you started saving for Christmas long before the holiday arrived.
“Yeah, I think so too,” your son replied, his little face serious. “Maybe I’ll start working on my list so it’s all ready. Oh! And Jeremiah said that we can ask his dad if we can go for a night walk. They take their flashlights and Miles and walk around in the dark! Isn’t that cool?”
“The coolest! That all sounds pretty amazing, buddy. You’re going to have the best time.”
“I know! And we get to spend the whole day together! We have baseball and then we’re going to get ice cream and then I’m sleeping at his house. It’s going to be the best day of my whole life!”
You laughed, “Well, that’s a pretty big statement. You still have a lot of life yet to go, but I am sure it will be the best day of your seven years so far.” 
Turning into the drop-off line, you waved to Ms. Lincoln, Eli’s kindergarten teacher, who was standing to the side, greeting the kids as they came in. She’d been so vital to Eli that year. He’d lost his dad just a couple months into the year and she’d been so empathetic and kind to him. You would forever be grateful for the way she’d helped your son navigate such a confusing and awful time. 
It had been difficult for Eli to understand the permanence of what had happened, especially when his dad being gone for a long period of time was not unusual. He continually asked when Justin was coming home, each inquiry another ice pick straight into your chest, when you would have to explain, again, that daddy couldn’t come home this time. He couldn’t ever come home again. 
Ms. Lincoln had taken a special interest in him, knowing his love of superheroes, something that had come about because you had told him once that his daddy was one. Eli envisioned his dad like Superman, saving people’s lives, which wasn’t entirely untrue. His teacher was the one who encouraged him to draw. That was when he’d created Master Marine, a superhero with blond hair and blue eyes just like his dad that swooped in and saved the day, defeating the bad guys. 
Every single time a new picture made its way onto your fridge, you would battle back the darkness. The darkness that sat just to the side, waiting to swallow you whole. The darkness you fought every morning, knowing you had to get up, knowing you had to keep moving or you would become stuck. And you couldn’t become stuck because your son needed you. 
He needed you to be his mother, needed you to be strong and show him that everything was okay, needed you to keep going to your job so you had a place to live and food to eat. So as much as those pictures used to tear you up, take whatever pieces you'd managed to tape back together and run them through the shredder each time they appeared, you knew they were helping your son cope. Even his therapist had said art was an excellent outlet for him. So, when he would present you with a new one, Master Marine saving a young child that looked just like Eli from a bully at school or saving a woman with your hair and eyes from an evil mastermind, you would smile and gush about how amazing it was, sticking it to the fridge with a magnet. 
“Bye mommy!” Eli yelled as you moved up to the front of the school, one of the fourth grade teachers opening the back door for him. 
“Bye buddy. Have a good day. I love you!”
“Love you too!”
He turned back and waved to you over his shoulder before disappearing into the red brick building, his Batman backpack bobbing on his back. You turned out of the school and onto the road, heading for your favorite coffee shop. 
You had a rare Friday off and you were starting it off by meeting Janice for coffee, a little ritual you had whenever you had a weekday off. It didn’t happen often but when it did, you savored every single moment of it. Your life was a constant cycle of work, running errands, doing household chores, and being a mom. To have six hours of time where no one required anything from you was a gift, one you didn’t get very often, and one you never took for granted.
Some people might use that extra day to catch up on household chores or run errands. But you didn’t, not if you could help it. You used that time to meet your friend, enjoying a slow coffee that you could savor instead of inhaling it just to get the caffeine to kick in. You used it to actually sit down and read a book or lay on the couch and watch tv shows you couldn’t ever watch when Eli was around. The laundry and the messy house would still be there tomorrow. The grocery store wouldn’t cease to exist if you didn’t go today. 
Opening up the door to Brewed Awakening, you instantly felt like you were home, the atmosphere always so warm and welcoming. June, the owner, a woman around your age with long black hair and startling green eyes, waved from behind the counter. You waved back, inhaling the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee, already feeling that zing of energy, as if your body knew what was coming and was preparing for it. 
You had been coming here for coffee since June had opened the place four years ago. Your love of coffee is what had brought you to the door but the atmosphere and the friendly owner is what kept you coming back. It didn’t hurt that June made an excellent cinnamon mocha. But what she’d done with the space turned it into an inviting place that kept you wanting to come back.
The decor was like a warm hug, full of comfortable furniture and cozy blankets. People often curled up in the squishy armchairs with their mug of coffee, reading a book, a blanket draped across their lap. Or they might be cross legged, on one of the wide chairs at a table, working on their laptop. The walls were a canvas of photos and artwork, small cafes from all around the world, allowing you to imagine that you were sipping a cappuccino in Vienna or enjoying a cafe latte in Paris. 
“Hey girl,” June greeted with a smile as you approached the counter. “Cinnamon latte as usual?”
“Yes, please. I’m actually meeting Janice but she’s not here yet, of course.”
June winked, “Of course. Our Janice prefers to be fashionably late. Want me to get her Flat White ready?”
There it was, that feeling of belonging, like you were old friends even if the only encounters you ever had were at this counter. June had to serve hundreds of coffees a day but she knew every single regular’s order and often took the time to learn personal things about them as well. Often, you would approach to find your drink already ready, June preparing it the moment she saw you walk in. 
“Yes please.”
“How’s my favorite little guy doing?” asked June as she steamed the milk.
“Oh, he’s great. He actually started playing baseball. His first practice was yesterday and he loved it,” you told her, slipping your credit card into the reader. 
“Yeah? That’s great. I played softball all through school and I loved it. I can’t wait for him to come in with you so he can tell me all about it.”
“I’ll have to pop in with him sometime this weekend. You know how much he loves your hot chocolate.”
June laughed, setting the cups on the counter and leaning in, whispering, “Just so you know, that’s my Eli special. Not everyone gets extra whipped cream, chocolate chips, and crushed candy canes on their hot chocolate. Just my favorites.”
She winked and you smiled as you took the two coffees and headed over to two squishy armchairs that were free. You sat, sipping on your blessed caffeine, only waiting a few moments before Janice came swirling into the coffee shop like the tornado she was, apologies already falling from her lips for being late. Not that they were necessary. Late was just her perpetual way of being. You'd accepted that about your friend. You learned long ago that if you needed Janice ready at five, then you had to tell her four or you’d be waiting a while. 
You held up your friend’s coffee and Janice took it with a smile, flopping down into the chair with a dramatic sigh, “Thank you. You are my favorite person ever.”
“I already had that title. I’ve had that title for a very long time. I didn’t need to buy you coffee for that so maybe you should pay me back. What a waste of my money,” you teased. 
Janice stuck her tongue out. “You only stay my favorite because you supply my caffeine habit. Sorry I’m late. I was editing photos from that wedding I had a few weeks ago and I completely lost track of time. Then I raced out the door and got in my car and realized I didn’t have my purse. So, then I had to run back in and then the house phone rang and it was my mom and you know how hard it is to get her off the phone. And then when I told her I was meeting you, she had to know how you were doing and if you’ve found a guy from online dating so I was filling her in on what a disaster that was. And…”
“It’s fine,” you laughed, not surprised at all that Janice had told her mom all about your online dating escapades. The two were more like best friends, only sixteen years between them, than mother and daughter. “I never expect you to be on time anyway.”
“You know, I should be offended but that’s fair,” your friend shrugged and then she lurched forward, hand on the arm of your chair. “But I really was trying to get here on time today because I am dying to know how last night went with the hot dad.”
“You know it wasn’t a date, right?”
Janice waved her hand, groaning loudly, “He brought dinner to your place. It’s practically date adjacent.”
“Our kids were there. I told you that. Do you even listen when I talk? Eli and Jeremiah were just having a playdate. He brought pizza. It wasn’t even in the same zip code as a date.”
“So…you’re not interested in him at all?” Janice’s eyebrows lifted to her hairline, coffee cup brought to her lips, challenging you. Damn, she knew you too well. “Aha! I knew it! It’s all over your face. You are a smitten kitten and I love it! You’re definitely interested.”
You groaned, your head resting against the back of the chair. “Maybe…I don’t know. Janice, this is all very strange for me. And he’s just the dad of my kid’s friend. It’s not like he asked me out or hit on me or gave me any sign that he’s interested in me at all. He didn’t approach me at some bar and buy me a drink. I approached him to ask about his son coming to my house to play. I don’t even know if he’s single.”
“Well, that’s easy enough to figure out. Just ask him. When are you going to see him again?”
“Tomorrow. The boys have baseball practice again and then Eli is going to spend the night at their house.”
You looked down at your coffee, focusing on the dots of cinnamon speckled across the foam, not wanting Janice to read your expression. You did not want her to see how excited you felt at the idea of seeing him again and to read too much into it because you didn’t even know how you felt about it. 
Yeah, you were lonely sometimes. Eli was your entire world and you had Janice and Matt. You weren't alone but sometimes you wished for someone to be around. Someone that was yours. Someone who might take care of you, offer to rub your feet or handle things while you took a bath. Someone you could curl up with while you watched a movie or who would make the salad while you prepared dinner. Someone to talk to, to share about your day, to hold your hand while you strolled through the grocery store. 
It was dumb, really. Silly. You knew that. You should be perfectly content with everything you had, everything you'd had before you lost Justin. Not everyone got to experience a love like you had. But even when you had him, because of his job, he wasn’t always there. You'd spent lots of evenings alone. Being alone was not anything new for you but there was something vastly different about being alone, knowing your person was coming home to you at some point versus being alone knowing they never would. 
“Okay, perfect. So you ask him tomorrow.”
“How am I supposed to ask him if he’s single?” you scoffed, appalled at the idea. Clearly, Eli had a mom. He’d spoken about her last night. Maybe he just didn’t like to wear a ring. Maybe she was simply out of town for work or something. 
“Just like that. You tell him that you enjoyed your evening together and you wondered if he was single.”
“Janice, I can’t do that.”
“Of course you can. It’s a simple question.”
“There’s nothing simple about that. I haven’t asked a guy out in over a decade. And even back then, I was awful at it. I was always so nervous. Do you remember when tripped over my own feet and spilled that drink all over Josh Day in college? It was mortifying. Just because you’re all confident and brave doesn’t mean everyone is. Besides, I don’t even know if I want to know. I don’t know what I want.”
“Honey, we’ve been over this.”
“Yeah. We have. And you’re the one who wants this for me,” you groaned, “but Janice, you’re not in my shoes. You have no idea. You can’t know what this is like and I hope you never have to. You say it’s been long enough and that I need to move on. Maybe you’re right but that doesn’t mean I can wave some magic wand and be ready. They didn’t exactly give me a manual on how to get over your grief when your husband suddenly dies. They didn’t give me some step-by-step instruction booklet for how to start dating after losing the love of your life. And how to do that when you’re also a single mother who has a kid to consider in all of it. I tried. I went on four dates and every single one of them was awful and just reminded me of what I was missing. They didn’t make me want to move on. They made me want to hang on for dear life to what I used to have.”
“I know. I know they were awful. But I don’t want to see you close yourself off to the possibility because you’re scared. Online dating sucked. I hear you. But this isn’t that. This is a guy, right in front of you, who you obviously are interested in. And it’s a guy who already knows Eli and your son likes him. He’s already organically a part of your world. You spent a whole evening with him. Do you have another horror story to tell me about him?”
“No,” you admitted, sinking down into the comforting cushion of the chair. “No. He seems wonderful. He was great with the boys. I mean, obviously he’s good with his kid but he was great with Eli too. He had them both laughing. And he has a good job. He’s a project manager for a construction company. Not that it should matter but I definitely don’t need a manchild in my life. Raising Eli is enough.”
“And what? Isn’t that enough?”
“He’s cute obviously?”
You flushed, bringing a hand to your face as those eyes and that smile came back to you, “I already told you he’s good looking. I mean…hazel eyes, ridiculously good hair, and a smile that could power up the whole of New York City. He’s that kind of good looking that makes you wonder what he’s doing here and not on your television screen.”
Janice giggled, her feet bouncing against the floor, arm smacking her chair, “See? Come on. Take your shot, honey.”
“But what about Eli?”
“What about Eli? Didn’t you say he liked him?”
“He did but he barely knows him. And this isn’t the kind of thing where I could wait to introduce them until I knew it was something real because he’s already in Eli’s life now. And Eli is best friends with his son. I can’t screw that up for him. Because how would we be able to still set up playdates if we had some horrible breakup? We wouldn’t be able to be in the same room and then Eli would be crushed. And what if Eli isn’t ready to see me with someone else? He’s only ever seen me with his dad. He might think I’m betraying Justin. And what if…”
“Whoa, okay, let’s back the truck up a bit here,” Janice soothed, her hand coming to rest on your arm. “It’s just a date, one date honey, not a lifetime commitment. Ask him out on one date and see how it goes. Keep it simple and come here for coffee. No pressure. Not some fancy restaurant with low lighting. Just a nice coffee. If there’s nothing there then you just move on as friends and it doesn’t have to affect the boys. They don’t even have to know that you two went out. And you know I’ll watch Eli for you if you need me to. Name the time and Matt and I will be there.”
“I don’t know. This all just feels weird and wrong…I mean, Justin…”
“Justin wouldn’t want you to be alone for the rest of your life. Justin loved you like Sam loved Annie, like Wesley loved Buttercup, like Harry loved Sally. He would want you to have the world. He would hate the idea of you sitting in that house all alone. You are far too young to be facing the rest of your life alone. Take the leap, my friend. Take a chance on this movie star man. Be happy. It’s okay.”
But was it okay? You would like to think that Justin would want you to be happy, that he wouldn’t want you to spend the rest of your life alone at only thirty-two. But would he look at it as a betrayal? Would you be dishonoring him and everything you'd shared if you replaced him like an old couch?
And was any of this even relevant? You didn’t even know if Steve was single. Maybe he was still married or maybe he wasn’t but he was already seeing someone else. You couldn’t imagine a guy like that staying single for long. There had to be women lined up just waiting for their turn. If the moms at practice the other day were any indication, that was certainly the case. 
But did you want to keep being alone? Maybe you didn’t straight up ask him but maybe you could find out. You were hanging out tomorrow for a bit anyway. Maybe if you were crafty, you could figure out his status without just coming out and asking if he was single. 
“I’ll think about it,” you finally relented. 
“I guess I’ll take what I can get,” sighed Janice. 
After listening to Janice spend the next hour trying to convince you why you needed to grab the bull by the horns, your friend’s words and not yours, you were ready to get the hell out of there. Janice was not going to let this go. You'd hugged your annoying, but well-meaning, friend and headed off to the grocery store. 
As you'd just had pizza last night, Eli had asked if you could change pizza Friday to nacho Friday. So, here you were, even though you usually avoided doing things like this on a bonus day, grabbing all the fixings you would need to make the best nachos ever. Or really, what you would need because when Eli said nachos, all he really wanted was melted cheese on tortilla chips and some salsa to dip them in. 
Not you. You had every intention of loading yours up with all the good stuff. Grabbing a cart, you wandered through the aisles, grabbing avocados to make guacamole, ground beef, taco seasoning, black olives, sour cream, and one jalapeno. Deciding a bottle of wine would be a nice addition, you turned down the liquor aisle and almost plowed right into another cart with your cart. 
“Oh my god. I am so sorry. I wasn’t even looking…”
Your heart stopped, along with the entire grocery store, as if someone had hit the pause button, when you saw who you almost ran into. Steve gave you that megawatt smile, blinding even under the fluorescent lights of the grocery store. He stood there in a plaid button down and jeans, a baseball cap on his head. 
Seriously? You'd met this guy two days ago and you had never seen him before. You definitely would have noticed if he’d ever been anywhere in your vicinity. Who wouldn’t notice a guy who looked like that just having the nerve to exist? Now you were running into him in the grocery store? Could you have just been blind?
To be fair, after Justin had passed, for a long time you felt like you w were moving through life in a fog. Your grief had been so thick that you barely noticed anything, simply going through the motions that were required of you. Maybe you had seen him before but never even noticed, blinders that were you just trying to function keeping you from seeing this beautiful man that lived in your town. 
“Hey there,” he laughed, taking his hands off the cart and holding them out wide. 
“Hey. Grocery shopping?”
Your eyes closed as you inwardly cursed yourself. Obviously he was grocery shopping. He had a cart in the middle of a grocery store. Why were you so bad at this? And Janice really thought you had a shot in hell of flirting with him, of asking him out when you couldn’t come up with anything better than asking him if he was grocery shopping in a grocery store? 
“I mean, it is a store full of food so, you know?” Steve shrugged, gesturing to his basket. “I had a few hours before I had to be out to check on a job site so I figured I’d grab all the provisions for the big sleepover tomorrow. It’s way easier to do it now than to lug Jere with me. He’ll have this cart overflowing and my wallet completely drained by the time we checkout.”
You looked down. His cart was full of everything two seven year old boys might want. He had burgers, hot dogs, buns, four kinds of chips, cookies, ice cream, popcorn, juice boxes, cereal, and milk. You also noticed the six pack of beer that was probably his own personal little treat for having two seven year old boys in his house all night. Your eyes met his, eyebrows lifting. 
“The beer is just…I mean, I won’t drink it all when they’re there or anything. Just like to have one or two in the evening sometimes. I promise you I am a responsible adult.”
“No, that’s not it. I don’t care if you enjoy a beer. You’ll probably need it. It’s just that’s a lot of food for one overnight. Looks more like you’re planning on twelve kids or possibly stealing my child for a whole week,” you teased, pressing your lips together. “I warn you. You can try to take him if you want but you’ll want to give him back after the first night. I’ll be impressed if you make it through night two. He’s amazing but he’s a handful.”
One of his hands ran through his hair as he chuckled, “No. I wasn’t planning on keeping him. Trust me, one seven year old is more than enough for me to handle on a regular basis. Besides, Jere’s mom will be home Sunday night so he’ll be heading back with her until I get him again on Wednesday.”
“Oh?” So she was in the picture but definitely not in the picture as in them together. Here was your opening, your way of finding out more information without blatantly letting him know you were interested. Just a casual conversation between two acquaintances who ran into each other. “Shared custody?”
“Yeah. Nance and I divorced about four years ago but we try to co-parent the best we can. She’s been on a trip with her husband for their anniversary for the past week so I’ve had Jere all week. That’s why I needed a babysitter for the meeting. Normally, we just help each other out if we need to.”
“Wow, that’s great. It’s so nice that you two can make that work when so many can’t. Jeremiah must love that his parents can work together so well. It has to make the split a lot easier on him.”
Steve shrugged, “Yeah. I mean, we’re just better friends than we were romantic partners, you know? It wasn’t really a contentious divorce. Nobody did anything bad. No cheating or nastiness or anything. We knew we wanted to make it as easy on Jere as we could so we agreed to joint custody, splitting our time with him fifty-fifty and then if something comes up, we just move stuff around as needed.”
You were impressed. You had known quite a few people who’d gone through a divorce, more than you should for only being thirty two. Most of them were not friendly with each other. Nasty divorces where venomous words were thrown around and battles lasted for months over possessions and children and pets. To have two people just recognize that their marriage wasn’t working and decide to work together for the sake of their kid was incredibly mature and only made him that much more attractive. You really needed this guy to have a fault because it was getting harder and harder not to think he might be the most perfect guy you'd ever met. 
“It’s really nice that you two are there for each other like that. It’s hard being a single parent.”
“Yeah. It is,” he agreed. “You’re always feeling like you’re doing the job of two people. But I’m very lucky to have her and my friends to help me out.”
“Yeah, I have my friend Janice and her husband Matt. They help me out a lot whenever they can. Matt is actually the one who got Eli into baseball. He started taking him to the batting cages right after him and Janice started dating. And he’s taken him to a couple games. That’s why Eli wanted to play.”
“Well, Jere is definitely glad for that. He was practically bursting to tell me that Eli was going to be on the team.”
“Those two really seem to have connected,” you said fondly. “Eli talks about him all the time. It’s nice. He…uh, he struggled to make friends the first couple years of school. He was kind of quiet and kept to himself after…well, he just was going through some stuff. So, him finding Jeremiah has been really great. Or, I guess Jeremiah found him, actually. Eli told me Jeremiah saw his Batman backpack on the first day of school and showed him his Superman one and asked if he wanted to be his best friend. It has really brought him out of his shell.”
“Well, Jere loves him. When I ask about school, he’s never talking about anything he is actually learning.” Steve chuckled. “He’s always telling me about Eli. He would not stop talking about Eli coming to sleepover after we left your house last night and it was all he talked about this morning on the drive to school.”
“Eli too.”
“Coach Harrington, is that you?” came a sing-songy voice as Laurie Streeter came sliding up next to him with her cart. 
“Oh, hi Ms. Streeter,” Steve greeted with a nod. 
“I thought that was you,” she beamed and was that, was she actually batting her eyelashes at him? You grimaced at the woman in her mid thirties acting like some teenage girl with a crush. “I just couldn’t pass up the chance to say hi to my favorite baseball coach. You know, Richie hasn’t been able to stop talking about how much he loves baseball ever since the first practice the other night.”
“Well, good. I’m glad he’s enjoying it. I try to make sure all the boys are learning but having fun.”
“Oh, and you do such a wonderful job.”
Her hand fell on his forearm as she leaned into him, pressing her ample cleavage against his bicep. Steve’s eyes widened and you noticed the red that was creeping along his neck, up over his jaw, coloring his cheeks. But was he blushing because he was flattered or because he was mortified?
You were certainly mortified. You couldn’t even bring yourself to ask him if he wanted to maybe get a cup of coffee sometime and this woman was practically melding their bodies into one in the liquor aisle of the grocery store. 
Laurie was that mom that was always put together. You never caught her without a full face of make-up and not a hair out of place. Her husband left her for a younger model last year and instead of letting it beat her down, she’d come back with a vengeance. She’d taken up Pilates and even you had to appreciate how tight her ass looked in her yoga pants. Apparently, Laurie had decided to show her ex just what he’d given up when he walked away.
You looked down at yourself. It wasn’t that you were sloppy. You were wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, normal attire for your off days. You'd put on some concealer and mascara this morning and you'd pulled your hair into a ponytail in preparation for meeting Janice for coffee. You looked presentable but you would never be able to compete with that if that was what Steve was looking for. 
Laurie might be a single mom but she was living off of the generous alimony she received in the divorce from her cardiac surgeon ex husband. She didn’t work. She had a nanny for her three sons. She had all the time and money in the world for Pilates, spa days, and the salon. You were lucky if you remembered to get a haircut every six months. 
“That’s really nice of you to say,” Steve replied, and you watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. 
“Oh my gosh, coach. Your arm is so firm. Wow. Do you work out?” asked Laurie, giggling as she wrapped her hand around his bicep, squeezing. 
“I mean…I try to get to the gym a few days a week,” he stammered.
Jesus. Laurie was ready to straddle him right there next to the wine and Steve was struggling to speak. This situation was just getting uncomfortable at this point and you needed an out. Janice was wrong. There was no way you were going to embarrass yourself by setting yourself up to be rejected. 
“It shows. You know, it must get so lonely in that house all by yourself when Jeremiah is with his mom. I could bring over dinner sometime for you, keep you company…”
That was it. You could not listen to it anymore. “You know, I really need to get going so I’ll let you two catch up,” you interjected, attempting to maneuver your cart around them. 
“Oh my gosh! I didn’t even see you there,” Laurie said, her voice dripping with false sweetness, letting you know she absolutely had seen you there. She just didn’t care. The woman’s eyes roved over you from head to toe. “Oh honey, you must let me give you the name of my stylist. You could really do with a…well, everything. I know single motherhood is challenging but you really can’t just let yourself go. When was the last time you had your hair done, sweetie? How do you ever expect to find a man walking around like that?”
“Well, you know it’s hard to find the time,” you seethed, the urge to just leave your cart and dart out of the store overwhelming. But no, you'd promised Eli nachos for dinner. You would not let this woman bully you into running away in shame.
“I’m a single mother and somehow I find the time.”
“Yeah, it must be so hard when you have a full-time nanny to mother your children. Some of us have to actually do that ourselves.”
Laurie looked like she’d been slapped, her jaw almost hitting the floor. Steve’s hand slid across his mouth but you caught how his eyes crinkled. He was hiding a smile, amused by your comment. 
“You know, I happen to enjoy a woman who doesn’t feel the need to get all made up just to go grocery shopping,” he offered. “When you’re naturally beautiful you don’t need to hide it behind a bunch of face paint, anyway.”
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth to conceal the smile that came at his words. Could this man be any more perfect? Did he even have a flaw? And the look on Laurie’s face, the way she turned tomato red, the fumes that you could practically see coming out of your nose, only made the moment even more enjoyable. 
“Well, this was fun but I really need to get going now. I have to pick up my son and make dinner for him since I don’t have anyone to do that for me. I’ll let you both get back to your shopping,” you said simply, pushing your cart down the aisle, heading for the checkout.
“Hey, I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” Steve called out.
You turned to look at him over your shoulder, “Yeah, tomorrow, facepaint free, split ends, and all.” 
Oh, but that look on Laurie’s face, sheer jealousy and outrage, would have you smiling for the rest of the day. 
Steve drove toward home after checking in at the job site, unable to stop grinning, occasionally chuckling as he remembered Laurie’s face when you had called her out. As he remembered the smile you gave him when he spoke up, saying you didn’t need make-up because you were naturally beautiful, his chest warmed. 
Well, okay, he hadn’t exactly said you were beautiful but it was implied. At least, he thought it was. And you didn’t need make-up. He loved that you were comfortable enough in your own skin that you didn’t feel the need to cover every inch of your face in make-up. He loved that you didn’t feel the need to look like you were heading out to the club just to pop into the grocery store. 
He’d dated his fair share of high-maintenance girls. And while there was nothing wrong with a lady caring about her appearance, there was something annoying about having to wait an hour and a half for them to get ready when you casually mentioned grabbing some lunch. Now you were waiting until closer to dinnertime and grouchy, which inevitably led to a very unpleasant meal when you started sniping at each other. He’d been there more times than he could count.
And Laurie Streeter, she needed someone to knock her down a few pegs. She walked around with her nose stuck up in the air, acting like she was better than everyone else. She had milked that divorce for all she could and honestly, her shitbag of a husband had cheated, so Steve didn’t fault her for that. But everyone knew she didn’t get her hands dirty if she didn’t have to. She had a cleaning lady, a nanny, and in the summers she even had a pool boy. That woman had no idea what it was like to actually be a single mother. 
Steve pulled his Ford Explorer into the driveway in front of his house. He’d bought it after Nancy and him had separated. There’d been no arguing. She was the mother of his child. He told her to go ahead and keep the house. He’d be the one to find somewhere new but she’d wanted a fresh start too. So, they’d sold the house they bought together when he was only twenty-three and split the profits. 
It fit his needs. In fact, it was probably a bit more space than he needed for just him and Jeremiah. It was a two story house with three bedrooms and two full baths. The kitchen area was decent sized with a wrap around island where he kept a couple barstools and a space for a dining room table. He’d refinished the basement two years ago and that was where most of Jere’s toys were, along with a tv for him to watch his cartoons. 
But his favorite part was the backyard. The house was rare in the neighborhood, boasting a quarter acre of land with a large backyard. His fence butted right up to the treeline and he spent many nights sitting out on the deck he’d built or on the patio with a fire going and a beer in his hand. Jeremiah loved the swingset he’d put in and he was begging for them to get a pool but that was a big expense and a hell of a lot of upkeep. Still, he promised the kid he’d think about it. 
Unlocking the front door, he smiled as the familiar tapping of paws across hardwood greeted him. Miles came dashing around the corner. He swore that the dog looked like he was smiling, with his big old tongue hanging out of the right side of his mouth. His size intimidated people sometimes but he was just a big old teddy bear. 
“Hey there Miles,” Steve cooed, rubbing his head. “You miss me? Your buddy will be home from school soon. I have to get him in about an hour. You wanna come with me?”
The dog huffed loudly, curling his body and spinning in a circle as if he understood exactly what Steve was saying. And quite honestly, sometimes he wondered if he did. He’d spent many a night spilling his guts to the furry beast, telling him things he never shared with anyone else, not even Robin.
“You know, there’s going to be some new people coming to meet you tomorrow,” he told Miles, heading into the living room, the Newfoundland trailing behind him. “Jere’s friend, Eli, is going to come over and spend the night. He’s really excited to meet you.”
He sat down on the couch and the dog did not hesitate, leaping right up next to him. He laid down, his big head dropping onto Steve’s knee and he absent mindedly stroked his fur, fingers moving through the black, shaggy fur. 
“His mom’s coming too and I think I might like her.” Miles lifted his head, those big brown eyes observing him. “I know. I know. I see a pretty girl and I’m losing my mind again but I don’t think that’s what this is. Not this time. This girl’s different. But she lost her husband and I don’t know how long ago it was. I don’t want to push her into something she’s not ready for. And you know, if I asked her out and then it didn’t work, what if she felt awkward and then Eli and Jere couldn’t hang out anymore? He’d be so hurt. I don’t know. I thought about asking if she wanted to stay for dinner tomorrow. I mean, the kids would be here too. So, it’s not really like asking her on a date, right? It would just give me a chance to maybe talk to her, get to know more about her. I just feel like I have to be careful with this one, you know? It’s not just my heart that could be on the line this time. So, what do you think? Should I ask if she wants to stay for dinner tomorrow? Have a burger? It’s casual enough, right? Just being friendly?”
Miles leapt up and barked before bestowing Steve’s face with one of his sloppy kisses. He laughed, grabbing Miles’ big head, placing a kiss right on his black nose. 
“I guess that means it’s a good idea, huh?”
Miles woofed loudly and maybe it wasn’t the most valid way to make a decision, but Steve trusted this big beast more than he did most people. Alright, he’d ask you to stay and eat with them. No big deal. You'd all eaten together the night before. Then he could maybe figure out what the right call was with this because he really wanted to find out if you were as different as you seemed. He wanted to know if this time could be different, if maybe he’d chosen the right one.
Chapter 4
Taglist: @katethetank @roxiehorrorshow @sapphire4082 @bakugouswh0r3 @frostandflamesfanfic
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Am I the asshole for not inviting my friends friend to my wedding?
We’re all women in our mid 20s. I have this friend Fran* who I was friends with in hs lost contact and re-connected with. Fran js friend with Tisha who I was friends with middle school and some of hs and not gonna lie I ghosted her (I’ll explain later.) Fran and Tisha are super close.
I got engaged recently. And I’ve been planning a wedding. Fran likes wedding stuff and wants to watch the process with me. However she’s been inviting Tisha to our lunches without telling me Tisha is gonna be there. It’s uncomfortable because when they ask about my wedding Tisha always has something to say. “I’m thinking about a spring wedding” “the weather is awful here in the spring time” (example).
So for some info. When in school Tisha started using me as a butt a lot of jokes as the years went on. She was always trying to call me dumb, and project her insecurities on Me. (Tisha does/did have a hard life). I ended up telling Tisha some issues I was going through and later she used it to make a joke saying I was dumb for letting that sorta stuff happen to me (not super dark but still a dick move). She loved to use me as a therapist in private and love to make fun of me in public. Something snapped in me, and every time she was be rude to me I’d say something like “that’s a weird thing to say” or is look her up and down and just make a face. When she’d asked to cheat off my papers I’d tell her she wouldn’t want to cheat off my stupid answers. I was lucky I had other friends that I just hung out with to avoid her. She never asked for answers and I never expected her to.
I went to college far away, lived away for awhile and then moved back to work at a start up that has been awesome.
When I reconnected with Fran it was awesome. We mutually reached out since we both liked the same restaurants in the area.
Fran would try to get me to wanna hangout with Tisha and try to plan something and I told her that Tisha is a good person, but I don’t really need to reconnect with her. She would “respect” that until later she would ask again. I never told her the details because I still questioned if I was being too sensitive or not about Tisha. Not gonna lie I do pity Tisha and I hate the idea that someone like that ever did intimidate me. She’s just a reminder that I was ever awkward. Fran hasn’t asked me for the whole story. However I couldn’t avoid Tisha forever. Fran would throw a party and Tisha was there. And I knew she would be. And she was the same.
Tisha fran and I are all bisexual. When I’d hang out with them they’d sometimes refer to me as a lesbian or a wasted lesbian because now I’m marrying a man. I’d tell ‘em I’m uncomfortable with that since I’m bisexual. Fran respected it, Tisha would “forget”.
Tisha dropped out of college and I did for a bit. I told her I did the same and she would just tell me the career she was doing was so much harder than mine that I couldn’t understand how hard her life is. (It was a hard program, and she does have a hard life but again it’s that “I have it worse Olympics”) Tisha even made a joke that I got a job I wanted and I didn’t even needed to finish my college program for it since I got the job before I got my degree. I just said yeah I’m a quick learner.
I don’t see Tisha much, maybe 3 times a year before. So I just figured I’d roll with the punches because I love Fran she is awesome. Tisha kinda brings fran down too. They both kinda enable each other to be down in their dumps. They’re not dating but they’re like each others plus ones. I’ve been helping fran budget, opening new banking accounts and getting a credit card that’s good for her. Fran was grateful and tisha heard she said we were bowing our heads to capitalism.
Anyway ever since I got engaged fran has been brining Tisha everywhere. I had planned on telling fran privately, I don’t want it hanging out with Tisha, but also Tisha is not coming to my wedding. Before I could do that, while we were at lunch, TISHA MADE THE ASSUMPTION SHE WAS A BRIDES MAID.
I asked her why did she think that and she said we’ve been friends longer than fran and I. I said you’re not invited, we don’t talk privately, we don’t text, we don’t hang out, and you don’t like my fiancé because he’s a man. Fran was shocked and said couldn’t Tisha be her plus one and it’s uncofortable to talk about events someone isn’t invited to. I said that they both have been asking about it. The lunch ended.
Fran has been asking me to consider letting Tisha ve her plus one since dating is hard. Tisha thought the things I mentioned were objectives so now she is texting me, and said she wants to meet my fiancé to get to know him so she can go to the wedding.
I was trying to be nice by never mentioning to fran I really hate Tisha, but now they’re both upset and I regret not being mean. I feel like an asshole.
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strawmaerry · 9 months
18 | g. satoru
you’re grateful for megumi’s and tsumiki’s existence. really. they brought nothing but joy to your already chaotic life. they may not know it but they are one of the people who bring smile to your face.
but sometimes, when you’re alone in the dark and contemplate about life; you can’t help but think if it’s worth it to have them in your home.
you and satoru are only eighteen and already suffering. the two of you are barely teenagers when you are thrusted to the world of danger. everywhere you go, curses follow.
at night, when you already deem your classmates sleeping; you cry, and cry, and cry. because that’s the only thing you can do. you can’t back out from this obligation. there is no way out.
is this worth it? did i choose the right choice? why does this job have more deaths than lives?
“i am not ready to become a guardian,” you had told satoru when he asked you what’s wrong. when you gave the children the wrong cuisine, “i can’t even take care of myself. how can i take care of them?”
he hugged you as tight as possible. he kissed your doubts with assurances. “don’t worry about it, [name],” he had said, “i’ll be with you every step of the way.”
then you realize there and then that if satoru can endure it, why can’t you? you want to be by satoru’s side every step of the way. you sacrificed your childhood for the society, you wouldn’t let other children lay down their life that young. you’re not selfish.
so you helped satoru guide the tsumiki and megumi. children helping children. and it’s sad, to see barely surviving teenagers take care of the abandoned.
“baby, are you crying?” you jump in shock when you hear your boyfriend’s voice. you don’t feel the tears running down to your cheeks.
you touch your cheeks. “oh. no, i am okay, satoru. ‘m just remembering something.”
he sits his place by your side and wipe the tears for you. “what memory is that so i can erase it for you?”
you giggle and slap his arms. “shut up!” you inhale a deep sigh and smile. “‘m just… grateful that i met you.”
satoru grins and it’s the most beautiful smile ever. you don’t want him to lose that precious feeling. “aw, baby! i, too, am very very thankful to have you in my life.”
he squishes your tears-stained cheeks. “especially when you never leave my side when i decided to take guardianship over megumi.”
you smile and intertwine your fingers together. you look at them and it fits perfectly. like a missing puzzle piece finally found the one who completes it. “just you and me, right?”
he stares at you, eternally in love. “always and forever.”
“plus megumi and tsumiki.”
“what?! i thought it will be just us in that motto?!”
you can overcome everything as long as you two are together.
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lust4lifemelanie · 5 months
𝑫𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒎𝒆? pt 1
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| Matty Healy x reader
Summary: Friends to lovers, reader is kinda blind, playful flirting, slow burn, lightly based off fallingforyou. Btw this is really short but trust the process 🙏🏻
A/N: We are soo back, i’m actually so sorry for being so unactive i’ve had so much writers block. I hope y’all enjoy this one though.
Your clock read 9:30 p.m., as you were finishing last-minute homework you heard a knock on your window, making you jump slightly. You open your window and scoff when you see your best friend's face smiling like a dork.
“Really, was that really necessary?" You roll your eyes. “Yes, now can I come in? It's cold as fuck out here.” Matty practically whines, which you couldn't help but smirk at.
"Fine, but be quiet.” You open the window wider so he can crawl through. "I'm always quiet.” He scoffs as he climbs through the window.
“Since when? You never know when to shut your gob.” You tease him as you watch him climb through your window.
“Um? Yes, I do. I just prefer not to.” He stands up. “Whatever, why are you here? I thought your band had practice or something?” You look at him, slightly confused, as you sit down on your bed.
“We finished early; Hann’s mum wanted him home, fuckin pussy,” he says as he sits next to you on your bed. "Plus, I wanted to see you, I feel like we haven’t hung out in forever,” he adds on.
“So you crawled through my window at night because you missed me? Aw, Matty, have you gone soft?” You tease and pinch his cheek.
He playfully slaps your hand away and rolls his eyes. "I'm starting to regret coming here.” You smile softly. You’ve known Matty since primary school, but after he met that group of guys and started that band, you two kind of drifted away from each other. 
“Anyway, how was band practice?” As you gently look into his soft brown eyes, a crooked smile forms on his face. “It was good; we're working on a new song at the moment, so it's been a little more difficult than usual.” He scoots a little closer to you. 
“You should come to practice sometime; it's actually quite funny watching George get mad when he messes up.” He adds on, the smile remaining on his face. 
“I mean, I’d love to, but I don't want to be a bother or something.” After the sentence leaves your mouth, Matty instantly shakes his head.
“You wouldn't be a bother; Hann’s girlfriend always comes to the practices." You sigh because you know he isn't going to shut up until he gets what he wants.
“Fine Matthew, I'll go since you're so desperate to get me there.” Your sarcasm makes him roll his eyes again.
“Please, you practically jumped at the chance."  
For the next hour, you and Matty talked. Your favorite thing about hanging out with Matty was that you didn't feel uncomfortable with him. You could talk to him about anything; guys around your age were gross and annoying, but Matty wasn't; he was sweet and actually funny.
As your mid-conversation matty's eyes wander to the clock on your nightstand, his eyes go wide. "Shit, I missed curfew. My mums going to be pissed. I got to go, but I'll see you later, Bye Y/N”
You smile softly. “Bye Matty, I’ll pray that Denise doesn't kill you." He flips you off before climbing out of your window, getting on his bike, and riding away.
 The next week, Matty got his way, you were sitting on the floor of his basement with your back against the wall, watching and listening to his band rehearse.
 Something about Matty's voice singing was oddly comforting for you. He had a way with his words; you weren't the biggest fan of rock or indie, but for him, you’d be the first one at the barricade.
After the rehersal, Matty sat down next to you and asked, “So what’d you think?” He smiles softly, looking at you with his pretty brown eyes.
“I surprising liked it.” You smiled back, he couldn't help but scoff, “Suprisingly? that sounds backhanded."
“Shut up. I didn't have to give you a good rating. Be grateful that I'm nice.” You say in a teasing tone, he raises an eyebrow after hearing your sentence.
“Nice? Bitch, please; you are so far from nice.” You roll your eyes. "I'm spending my Saturday here watching your band play; I think that's pretty nice if you ask me, Matthew."
 “Actually Y/N, I'm saving you from a boring Saturday of doing homework or going out with whatever douche bag you're dating at the moment.” His cocky attitude was so annoying sometimes.
“Is this slag off Y/N hour?” You ask sarcastically. He smirks, "I'm just taking the piss, darling.” He puts his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to his side.
There was a little bit of silence. Matty’s friends were upstairs, getting drinks. It was just the two of you. “I missed this, Y/N.” Matty breaks the silence and looks at you.“Hm? Oh yeah, same.” You smiled softly, and he smiled back.
 The boys came back down with water bottles, tossing two to Matty and me. The boys sat on the couch in the basement and were going on about the songs, cracking a few jokes here and there.
You never really hung out with Matty’s band friends; as much as you loved Matty, you’d much rather hang out with your girlfriends than with a group of guys. "Matty how come you’ve been hiding Y/N from us?” George asks and playfully nudges Matty’s shoulder. You smirk and join in. "Yeah, Matty, how come?” Matty scoffs at the both of you.
“I haven't been hiding her from anyone; blame her; she's the one who hates meeting new people.” He says defensively, and you roll your eyes.  "Well, I didn't know that your friends were funnier than you.” You say it jokingly, causing the others to laugh.
 A dramatic fake pout forms on Matty's face. "Well, now I know the taste of betrayal." He puts a hand to his heart like the drama queen he is.
 The day went on in Matty's basement, and you got along well with the group. The sun started to set, and you thought it would be best to start heading home before it was fully nighttime.
 You told everyone goodbye and made your way back upstairs out of Matty's basement. You were almost out the door when you were stopped.
 "Wait, Y/N,” you said, turning around to see George. “Yeah?” You look at him slightly confused.
 "I'm having a party Saturday, and I thought maybe you’d want to go?” He flashes a flirty smile.
 You smile back and say, "Yeah, sure, I’d love to." George's smile widens when you agree.
 “Cool, I'll have Matt give you the details. Oh, and you can bring a friend if you want."
"Thanks; Ill see you until then.”
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princesuna · 2 years
you come out of suna’s bathroom after changing into your indoor clothes and his brain almost short circuits at the sight of you. you come out wearing a loose flannel that’s way too big for you with only one button closed in the middle with your sleeves rolled up and grey shorts. his face heats up a bit and doesn’t realize he’s staring until clap your hands in front of his face.
“oi rin! did my beauty turn you into stone?” you quip with a giggle.
“you wish. button up more or you’ll catch a cold,” he retorts.
“but it’s still summer! and i feel so comfortable right- hey!” you pout as suna stands in front of you closing most of the buttons on your shirt. when he’s satisfied with his work, he pulls you towards him by your shirt to give you a quick kiss.
“you’re gonna drive me insane. where did you get this shirt anyways? it’s so big even i could wear it,” he asks. 
suna thinks he knows what most of your clothes look like, but this seems to be a new piece to your collection. his mind shoots him with the intrusive thought that it was from another guy, but he quickly dismisses the thought because he has seen you in oversized clothing before. you have a huge green flannel in your closet similar to the one you’re wearing now. there’s no way this shirt could ever be from an ex or someone you’re cheating on him with.
are you that bold to wear something like that around him? suna isn’t sure why he’s starting to doubt you. you both love each other very much. he feels very secure in this relationship, but for some reason, he can’t shake the possibility from his mind.
“i found it while i was shopping at forever 21. it was just randomly sitting on a rack and i thought it was totally my style so i bought it.” you reply.
you didn’t show any signs of hesitation while answering him and suna can tell when you’re lying. you’re so god awful at it he would spot it in the blink of an eye. he flushes the intrusive thought out until you speak up again.
“now that you mention it, this might fit you perfectly! try this on, i wanna see you in it,” you urge.
“ah i dont think it will fit, sweetheart. besides, this isn’t my style,” he objects.
“no! you’re trying it on right now. i’ll be right back,” you say and disappear into the bathroom again before he has the chance to argue back.
you come out in a t-shirt while holding the shirt in your hand. you push the shirt into suna’s arms and force him into the bathroom.
your boyfriend shakes his head at your shenanigans, but he is grateful because now is the perfect time for him to put the intrusive thought to rest. he puts the shirt on and when he’s buttoning it, he begins to feel uneasy. the way he buttons this shirt is exactly how he buttons his dress shirts for press conferences. suna examines the shirt closely and his suspicions are confirmed. this is a men’s shirt. the buttons are on the right. buttoned shirts for women are always on the left. he knows this fact because he had to wear his mom’s dress shirt for a high school banquet one time because he stained his the day before.
suna tries not to jump to conclusions because he trusts you. he didn’t sense any hint of deceptiveness in your reply to him. he tries to calm himself down before walking out of the room in the shirt.
“babe, you know this is a men’s shirt, right?” he asks stepping out of the room.
“really? how can you tell? i remember picking it up in the women’s section,” you questioned.
“for men’s shirts, buttons are on the right. buttons are on the left for women’s shirts,” your boyfriend explains.
“oh my god! so that’s why it felt so weird to button up the shirt! i thought maybe it was just a style thing. that makes much more sense!” you exclaim.
your reaction seems genuine and he feels bad for doubting you, even if it’s just for a second. you love him so much, how could you ever cheat on him?
“yeah. if i didn’t know any better i would’ve thought this came from another guy,” he joked. 
“rin, don’t tell me got jealous over a shirt.”
“i’m not!” he disputed, but his voice gave him away.
“sure, the high pitch tone in your voice is telling. did you really think this belonged to another guy? you’re so funny. i love you and only you,” you go over and stand on your tippy toes to give him a peck on his cheek.
“i just don’t wanna lose you to anyone,” he mumbled while pulling you into his arms.
you manage to catch what he said and smile. you admire every feature on his face while playing with his hair. you’re lucky to have him. then, a thought pops into your head.
“rin, how did you know the difference between the dress shirts?”
“i’m leaving,” he pulls away and vanishes into the bedroom.
“hey! come back!” you yell chasing after him.
you couldn’t waterboard that story out of him.
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