#i wonder if i can really handle writing 4 fics simultaneously
gardenoblues · 10 months
First & Last sentence tag war
so apparently i was tagged so many times but i failed to reply due to piled up works, (lazzinessss) and fatigue lol im so sorry ily all. here goes nothing (i swear i will upload all this when break starts next week. tagged by @dark-visitors @ablatheringblatherskite @anotherbluesunday @writerrose1998 @cosmic-lullaby @realisticintentions @fandom-geek17 @chaoticstupiddm <33 (not sure if that's everyone srry) so the first sentence is this overdue prompt that has snail-like progress, even i got bored of it but will still upload it later on. (also, thinking of a title is one son of a bitch to do if that makes sense)
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this is the last sentence and my current obsession with the first ever random mood board that i made ><
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tagging back all these wonderful pips and everyone that wants to join <3 @dark-visitors @ablatheringblatherskite @anotherbluesunday @writerrose1998 @cosmic-lullaby @realisticintentions @fandom-geek17 @chaoticstupiddm tysm for ur patience and kindness and for still tagging me tho i rarely reply back ilyy
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josiebelladonna · 1 year
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so, this is my chart: if you can't see the positions, they are as follows:
sun at 25 aries moon at 17 aquarius mercury at 0 aries venus at 4 aries mars at 24 cancer jupiter at 7 libra saturn at 27 aquarius uranus at 22 capricorn neptune at 21 capricorn pluto at 24 scorpio northern node at 13 sagittarius chiron at 17 leo and i am cancer rising (4 cancer specifically)
everything i've read about planets at 0 degrees says that you are basically that planet and whatever sign it is to a t. and... yeah, i don't have much to add to that. i'm mercurial and aries, meaning i'm androgynous and tomboyish as aries is the quintessential masculine sign. i've never felt fully feminine, and if anything, i always felt weird doing things that are traditionally feminine and i'm not crazy about everyone wanting to be feminine it feels like when you should really be vouching for a nice balance. the right amount of feminine with masculine so you're healthy. aries being a fast sign, i often feel like my mind is going a mile a minute, and you can see this in my fictional writing, too. a lot of fic tends to be flowery and over-the-top in description: not me, it's often very concise and kind of bare sometimes, like i often wonder if there's more i can add to this to give it more substance.
also, i have a masculine instagram handle, badmotorartist, not just as an indicator of where i came from but this was something women were doing for centuries until rather recently: use male names because a female one will get you scrutinized to of great extent (tbh, it’s starting to go the other way: female pen names are becoming more common and taken more seriously. i just feel more comfortable with a more unisex name).
venus in aries: i was a field hockey player, and a baseball player (hell, i still enjoy watching both on tv: i'll watch ice hockey or baseball over football any day, tbh). i also like to go hiking and do archery. i'm a formula 1 fan. i also like watching tennis, the winter olympics, and cycling. i like rock and metal and will to the day i die. i like drawing men, specifically men i'm attracted to. no light, girly colors here, we're all about palettes that are rich, fiery, neon, striking, anything bold and stark (while simultaneously being earthy?)
i'm lowkey ashamed of my venus, though, and i really don't know what's to blame here for that, either.
up in my 10th house with mercury, too: you probably know me for my art and/or my writing. given my midheaven is pisces, i'll be telling you exactly how it is and you'll be the one to put it up for interpretation.
mars in cancer: don't talk about the people i love in a bad way or you'll get it. i may be round and getting rounder as i get older, but i'm strong, though. some days, i feel like working out; other days, i don't feel like doing anything other than reading. oh, my poor stomach.
i've also been told this is a very sensual position to have and- yeah. i buy that completely.
moon in aquarius: i really do feel like an alien at times, like i came from another place other than earth (i mean, the fact i'm the only one in my family with brown eyes should be indicative enough: my dad's eyes are hazel, my mom's are green, and my brother's are blue). one of my finest moments in writing was my sci-fi trilogy now it's dark, as aquarius is into science and science fiction and all things fantastical.
with the moon ruling my chart as well as my mars, you won't get noisy, rough sex or anything vanilla from me, oh, no, no, no.
saturn in aquarius: i think it's this strong uranian point with the two aquarius planets and uranus at an angle in my chart that allows me to think as logistically as i do. i'm an artist but i also have a long history of studying science: i was a mechanical engineering student for a time. i grew up reading about earth science - hell, my best friend and i wanted to be a paleontologist and a geologist respectively when we grew up. my grandpa was a nuclear scientist with a doctorate in mathematics (when i was 7 years old, he and i would sit at the kitchen table together and he'd teach me calculus or how a fission reaction works). my mom's stepdad is a literal rocket scientist: when the challenger exploded, he knew almost immediately what had happened (whereas it took nasa a year to figure it out). my brother is a chemical engineer who specializes in rocketry. my dad's an automotive engineer.
and yet, i'll admit it: i have some screws loose. i didn't suffer from depression and anxiety for as long as i did for no reason. i'm not psychotic like elon musk or andrew tate, two men with a strong uranus, but i do have these impulses to just absolutely shock people just kinda for the lulz. by the way, alex has a strong uranus himself, right next to his sun (at 0 degrees libra, no less! you see him and you think "hello, libra boy!"): i've often found something rather otherworldly about him, otherworldly and hypnotic. that's probably why he resonates with me so much because he and i are both strange, in the way uranus is, and yet we funnel our strangeness into good things like art and music, rather than destroying a social media site (that was admittedly on its way out, imo: twitter was starting to be uncool to me before elon showed up) or being absolutely horrible and misogynistic.
it's also a chore to keep friends, like i really struggle in making them and keeping them. i often feel like no one likes me just from a first glance, like they see me and they go "ew, no way." as i've gotten older (and i'm nearing my saturn return here in the next week or so), i'm learning to pick my friend group more wisely, and this is something i really, really wish tumblr would do more because you can't just trust everyone you call your mutual because in my experience, they very easily could just stab you in the back and shut you out for absolutely no reason, and the excuse they give is often complete bullshit to boot. saturn is in my 9th house, too, so this whole pattern has followed me all through my school days. and yes, i struggled in school, too.
and when i say i struggled in school, i don't mean i was a dropout or i flunked every class (even though i did flunk a couple of classes when in high school and into college). no, i mean there was an inordinate amount of pressure on me to do well, to perform well, to "get grades and everything would fall into place." and obviously, that never happened. i would take higher level classes like calculus or ap english or ap history and i often felt like i didn't belong in those classes - and yet, if i went into the regular classes, i would smoke everyone.
i hear about fucking children taking high classes like that and getting into universities, almost all the time now, and every single time, i just think to myself, "what." like... where did i go wrong? and i hear my parents saying that, too, "where did you go wrong? why wasn't that you?"
and yes, high school did not prepare me for college. like, not at all. when i went to the tech school that i went to for engineering, i was in way over my head. i often felt alone, too, like i couldn't talk to anyone about my struggles in classes because the stereotype of people like engineers and architects being absolutely insufferable is a stereotype for a reason: worse, i would get family telling me "if you need help, just say so" like, gee, thanks, that really comforts me a great deal.
speaking of which...
jupiter in libra: as much as i think like a scientist, i also think like an artist. hell, i am an artist. i haven't had the best luck with it, though (idk if it's from it being retrograde or harshly aspected or what).
i have a tendency to play devil's advocate, as a lot of people on here will tell you.
jupiter is in my 4th: i want a nice place to live. not a big place (i live in a big place right now and it kinda blows, tbh), but a nice living place. a place i can actually call my home, because this wasn't my house when i got here. it became my house once my stepdad passed and my mom is only heir by marriage rather than "next of kin". i.e., we can leave this house and then put it up for sale literally any day we want, we could do it today if we wanted to.
i come from a big family: i have 13 aunts and uncles, 7 nieces and nephews, and a shitload of cousins. my brother married into a huge mormon family and i only know like two of their names lol but holy fuck, is it dysfunctional, though. my dad's a recovering alcoholic with a very unpleasant personality. my brother is a control freak and a little bit misogynist, too. my mom barely talks to her brothers, and her brothers have only just recently started getting along with each other.
i've also read that wherever jupiter is in the chart, it expands whatever part of the body the sign and house it's in. like for example, alex has jupiter in virgo (no clue what his ascendant is, though), and he's got the cutest little belly on him now. eric has jupiter in taurus: all neck. chris had jupiter in taurus, too: a very nice neck and a voice that was too big for the room. i'm very "hippy" and chesty, and i'm also chubby by nature (part of me just wants to let go and be fat).
chiron in leo: i think my lack of success in the art world can also be attributed to this. chiron is like that one thing that bothers you constantly, like no matter how you try to dress it and fix it, it just nags at you, day in and day out. we all have something like this, and more often than not, it's something we don't really talk about much, either. for me, it's creativity. i don't think i'm all that creative, even though i make stuff for a living. this thing is my 2nd house, too. i was hating money before it was trendy. it wasn't that long ago i kept hearing family telling me to "find work" and what i'm going to do about money, rather than letting me enjoy myself and follow my heart, given that's what leo is: it's all about matters of the heart. i have the worst streak when it comes to romance, like if you've read any of my sex journaling, you've watched me bleed, and that's because i simply couldn't hold in chiron's pain anymore. leo is the sign of children: i don't want kids, period. i'm like chelsea handler, i'm literally not in any position or mindset to have kids, like that's a level of mentality that you just need to have. i'm happy to have 7 nieces and nephews, but children of my own? there's no way. there is absolutely no way. i'm turning 30 in april and i live in a world that's plunged into absolute oblivion the last three years: i'd be out of my fucking mind to bring a child into this world and destroy my body in the process. plus, good luck trying to get the perfect spouse, a ~match made in heaven~ for me, too: nevermind the struggles i've had with sexuality, i literally can't imagine someone loving me unconditionally, especially when i grew up feeling like there was something inherently wrong with me.
because of the strong uranian point in my chart, recently, i've started wondering if it's a sign of latent rebellion. like, "love, romance, marriage, children? fuck all that!" at the subconscious level. knowing the intense shame that i feel with my kinks, though, it's hard to say.
i know my desire to gain weight is an act of rebellion. i've read that chiron square pluto is a sign of eating disorders, more so since i have chiron in my 2nd house of the body: i've struggled with anorexia for years, because i grew up bombarded with messages across the board that i'm no good as i am, and that includes my stomach and my appetites. no exaggeration: there's this big part of me that just wants to let go and climb up to 300+ pounds because i already feel more "myself" being over 250. when i was a kid, i remember telling myself that i would be fat in the future and yet i was forced to keep my weight down and also dO wElL iN sChOoL if i wanted to be accepted as i am... and even then, i couldn't do it.
remember when i said alex has sun conjunct uranus in early libra? yeah, my jupiter is literally right there with that conjunction in the synastry chart. every time he sees me on ig live, he smiles, that really big genuine smile as if the sun is shining. it would also explain why i have the hots for him, too, and why i don't ever want to stop feeling this way for him, either (he's also got mars in virgo and venus in scorpio harmoniously aspecting my ascendant, too. figure i'm very attracted to him and i feel like he's way out of my league, too - poor guy's got pluto square venus right now. oh man. i went through that all through high school, is it any wonder that i suffered as much as i did?).
my venus is opposite that conjunction, too: i read about this and it's considered the "bad girl/bad boy" element between two people. it makes me think of rumble by link wray or lolita by lana del rey, there’s something so dangerous about it. all my encounters with him since february 2021 have had this really clandestine feel to it, like he comes back to my comments when no one's looking, or the time he said "i love you and everything you do" to me over ig live after he kicked back a glass of wine, or the time i called him "handsome" and he went, "who, me?" and though i've always made sure that they're not particularly naughty, i have said some things to him over stories that would make anyone blush and feel a tickly sensation in their very cute belly.
pluto in scorpio:
“oh, jos, you've really done it now, you rabid cur!
you are a dinosaur waiting 2 die, a millennial! a 90s kid!
finna aks you a question no cap, have you even been a child before? gen z is great because we said so and you gave them a scathing remark a while back so you can n E V E r take that back!
that's your official opinion! 5EVER! go back 2 ur ravenclaw house, you fecking boomer!"
(full disclosure: i don't consider myself a 90s kid because i was in kindergarten in 1998 and i barely remember 1997/1996. my brother on the other hand, born in 1985, is considered a 90s kid because he grew up and became a teen in that decade, whereas i grew up and became a teen in the 2000s.)
pluto in the 5th: art is in my soul. i have to make things or i will lose it, i will go off on the deep end. i feel like i'm on the brink of insanity most days. some days, more so now than ever actually, i don't feel like getting out of bed because the world is not safe. i suck at romance. i'm not sexy at all, and i'm royally obsessed with this thought, too. my relationship with sexuality is a weird, convoluted one that almost doesn't even make sense, and i'll admit this, too: i want to make peace with it and continually explore it but i also feel like it's all greek to me, like there's no way i can understand it and enjoy it, god forbid. the 5th house cusp in libra: "oh, you pretty things!" and "you gonna eat that?" are two things that coexist in my world.
going back to synastry, alex's scorpio planets (mercury, venus, and neptune to be specific) are all in my 5th house. joey belladonna (another libra boy who's a triple scorpio, not too sure how that happened) has those three + his sun in my 5th as well. alex's capricorn moon (oh, baby) is in my 7th house and joey's moon at 0 leo (surprise, surprise) is conjunct my mars.
i cannot get these two men off my ass. ...not that i'm complaining.
hell, i don't think i've ever met a scorpio i didn't like. helps that we're both martians (more so us aries), but they've all been nice people, though. just like how i never met a libra i didn't like, or a capricorn for that matter. virgo is actually hit and miss now that i think about it: my best friend elizabeth was a virgo, and i have a couple of friends who are virgos who have been friends with me for almost a decade now (we did it, saturn!). but my brother's first wife was a virgo, and she did not like me at all, and ben shepherd of soundgarden is a virgo and it was obviously too much to ask of him to even so much as communicate with me in those long stretches of time when soundgarden weren't touring or doing anything.
northern node in sagittarius: my destiny in life is to keep learning and expanding my horizons. being in the 6th house, i'm doing this every day.
as for uranus and neptune nestled up there in capricorn... i think they're the ones calling the shots around here because uranus rules my moon as well as saturn (saturn also co-rules aquarius), and neptune rules my midheaven, plus my sun is ruled by mars, which is ruled by the moon, which is ruled by uranus and saturn. everything in my chart goes back to those two + saturn. yeah, even that fucking pernicious saturn-pluto square, which is like carrying el capitan on your shoulders lemme tell you, has nothing on the ice giants. here i am, looking at 30, and i have this inexplicable feeling that i'm looking at something huge in the next year or so.
i remember feeling something somewhat similar in 2019, like all throughout the year, i had this feeling something big was about to happen that would change everything, and that that would be the last year where everything would have a sense of fun to it before reality set in. it was like a "make hay while the sun shines" sort of feeling. this thing that i'm feeling right now is not nearly that fatalistic (although i do have plenty of fears): it's more like "the other shoe is about to drop and all the toiling i've done behind the scenes so far is about to pay off big time". everything is about to change dramatically for me on a personal level, and it's not a question of "if" but "when", and also "how".
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sjmsstuff · 3 years
Light and Dark
Hi there, so this is a little Gwynriel thing that I wrote. Initially it was going to be a oneshot but now I don’t know. It’s going to be ages until we see these characters again so I sort of wrote this to keep myself company. Anyway it’s semi canon compliant. Bit of fluff? Bit of angst?
Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6,
Warnings: spoilers for acosf, references to sexual abuse and child abuse (not loads in this piece but if I continue there may be more)
Gwyn didn’t really know what made her travel up to the House that night. Maybe it was the storm outside. Maybe it was the cool air that swept through the library as she worked. Maybe it was the knowledge that Nesta and her mate were staying in Windhaven after a day of training.
More likely however it was the fact that the Shadowsinger was alone in the house.
Gwyn didn’t really know why it mattered. Why that thought had occupied her head all day. Causing Merril to shout at her thrice before sending her away, crowing about lazy nymphs and distracted girls.
Gwyn was going upstairs to keep him company. That was it.
On this cold night, everyone should have someone to talk to. Azriel always seemed occupied and maybe he just needed someone to sit and talk to.
Just sit.
Just talk.
To be completely honest with herself she wasn’t sure if she could handle anything else. But something about Azriel made her want to try.
Something that probably had to do with the softness of his shadows, that juxtaposed the sharpness of his cheekbones so wonderfully.
Something about the way his voice soothed her while simultaneously causing her heart to ricochet in her chest.
Something about the way his shadows whispered to him, made her want to whisper things too. The way they wrapped around his shoulders made her want to wrap around-
Woah. Maybe she had been reading too many of Emerie’s novels.
All they were doing was talking.
It was that promise that spurred her up the final few steps and into the hall of the House.
Should she call out?
Would that be weird?
Should she turn around and pray to the mother that she hadn’t been heard and maybe-
A door opened a floor above and a second later footsteps echoed through the hall, and he appeared, bringing a soothing darkness with him.
“Gwyn” Azriel said, not surprised by her appearance in the stormy night. Perhaps those shadows told him.
They curled around his shoulders now, reaching towards her, like they wanted to play. She wanted to play with them. She wanted to play with him.
Woah- definitely too many novels
Azriel looked at her and she realised she hadn’t responded.
“Azriel. Hi. I- eh” Mother why was she so awkward? “I was just wondering if you wanted company”
He did look surprised at that. Gwyn felt a sort of pride, she’d bet not many things surprised him anymore.
He hadn’t responded though.
Oh no why hadn’t he responded?
He probably didn’t want her there. She’d just walked in. Why did she just do that?
“I can go if-“
“No!” He started. “No please” he motioned to the door he had just come through, inviting her upstairs.
A thrill ran through her as she started to climb. Glancing back down at him, she saw him look away quickly and realised- he had been staring at her ass.
Heat flooded through her, but she quickly stifled it as they reached the top of the stairs and he overtook her to open the door to a sitting room.
Part of Gwyn was disappointed it wasn’t his bedroom. But that would be insane, yes they’d known each other for months but it would be insane for him to just-
Gwyn sat in one of the chairs in front of the fire and Az sank into the other.
He was always so graceful, it was almost unfair.
The silence crowded in and Gwyn beat it back with a stick.
“How’s the whole spying thing going?”
Az snorted, “the spying thing?”
“Ya, the whole I’m a shadowsinger, spymaster thing”
“You mean my job?”
“Is that not what I said?”
Azriel look amused, “I wouldn’t be a very good spymaster if I told you, now would I?”
Gwyn paused, “That actually makes sense.”
Undeterred she forged onwards “So if you can’t tell me about your job, tell me about yourself”
Az flexed his hands and crossed his arms, then immediately uncrossed them, “What do you want to know?”
“What’s your favourite colour?”
“My favourite colour?”
“Yes, Azriel, what is your favourite colour?”
A shiver seemed to run through him when she said his name, but that might have been her imagination.
“Is that not a sufficient answer for you, Ms. Berdara?”
“Its perfectly boring, is what it is”
Azriel let out a low chuckle, “So what’s yours?”
“Every colour, of course, if I chose a favourite the others would get jealous”
“You sound like Feyre,” he laughed “She decided she couldn’t chose one either, but Rhys insisted she pick violet for his eyes”
Gwyn smiled, “They seem really happy together”
Az sobered up at that, “They saved each other, in every single way. And now they have Nyx it’s ... I will forever be grateful to Feyre for bringing my brother back. Back home to us, but also back to life.”
Even the storm seemed to pause at the agony in his voice.
“Was Under The Mountain as awful as they say?”
“Worse.” He clenched his hands again, “My shadows could penetrate some of Amarantha’s wards. I saw and felt some of the horrors. Not enough to form a plan, not enough to help, but enough to know Rhys wouldn’t have recovered if not for Feyre. And I’m sure Feyre wouldn’t have healed if she was left in the Spring court.”
Gwyn’s heart broke at the pain in his words, “The others, they don’t know you saw, do they?”
“No, and I can never tell them, Rhys would be upset I disobeyed him, by sending the shadows. Cass and Mor would be hurt I didn’t tell them at the time. but it’s also not my place to say anything. Rhys and Feyre have only told us some of the horrors they endured, and I won’t let them know I’m aware of others. Not until they’re willing to speak about it themselves.”
Once again he seemed surprised, this time at himself for revealing that much.
But Gwyn realised he was completely solemn, he wouldn’t say a word until they were ready. Yet he trusted her enough to know she wouldn’t say a word either.
She reached out her hand and gently touched his knee. He looked up and met her gaze. Cauldron, he was beautiful.
How many secrets weighed down those broad shoulders? How many horrible thoughts swirled behind those hazel eyes?
“It’s getting late,” his voice seemed lower than usual, rougher. “You should probably get some sleep, we’re training again tomorrow”
Gwyn removed her hand and rose. Az also got to his feet, walking her out.
As she descended the stairs back to the library, a shadow wrapped around her arm before quickly darting away.
She glanced back at him but he had turned and disappeared down the hall.
Tagging: @bookstantrash @perseusannabeth @champanheandluxxury
Chapter 2
Please let me know if you want to see more like maybe make this a fic? Also comment or send an ask if you want to be added or removed from my writing tag list or just this fic tag list
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“How Did All This Happen?”- A Memoire by one Marinette Dupain-Cheng 1
Soooooo I decided to write this. much longer than the other things i posted, also very tonally different. I will definitely continue that other fic tho. I was just brainstorming and now this exists. Yeah.
 without further ado
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
People Fucked Up and Now It’s All Marinette’s Mess to Clean Up I
This was not how Marinette planned for her night to go. Granted, she also could not envision it going literally any other way. The woes of making a deal with the hell-raiser himself, John Constantine, she supposes. She truly hoped Adrien was having a much better time than her with his cousin in London. After the circus that was the past three years, he deserved some reprieve, even if it was with his bratty doppelganger. Regardless, Marinette. Was. Not. Pleased. No matter how many times she thinks over her plan, recalculates every step and decision, she could not fathom this night ending well for her, or anyone really, but mostly her. And no amount of old Ladybug or Guardian luck could help her. Now, if one were to wonder what kind of tragedy had befallen Marinette on this disgraceful night, a brief history of the last three months could enlighten such a person. Or better yet, let’s start at the beginning. The Real Beginning.
So, things existed. Obviously. First there was nothing, and then, something. And as more things began to exist, as new schools of knowledge and concepts and ideas began to, well, exist, Kwamis formed as well. Each Kwami was the physical manifestation of these ideas or abstracts. Creation was the first, coupled with Destruction. And as more things began to exist, more things began needing to be protected. Thus, the Kwami of Protection. This went on. For a while. Soon thereafter there were Kwamis of all types. Jubilation, Time, Strength, etc, etc, and etc. Now these Kwamis did not linger in one spot. They roamed across the far stretches of existence and interacted with the life they found.
Some Kwamis decided to form a magical pact which intergalactic historians would later dub the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum. Sounds familiar? The Kwamis themselves were completely blissfully unaware of this title, lest they would have explained to these beings, Maltusians they were called, that they were not in fact, electromagnetic but more so a part of the Powers that Be. Kind of. But this side-story involves the formation of a few universally known Lantern Corps, and that is a barrel of monkeys our exasperated narrator does not want to touch with a ten-foot pole. Or ever.
Other Kwamis, who stuck close to what would become known as the Milky Way, were discovered by a mage who granted them the ability to interact with humans. This mage— and Marinette was silently cursing his descendants, herself included, for if it weren’t for this absolute mad lad, none of the subsequent events of this night would have transcribed—had bound the Kwamis to magical jewelry called Miraculouses. An interesting side effect of these Kwamis being bound to the miraculouses was that the wearer could call upon the powers of the Kwamis for their own usage. The mage feared what could become of the world if this kind of power became so easily accessible, so he created the Order of the Guardians. The Order was dedicated to training young mages to protect, wield and harvest the powers of the miraculouses. The Order swore to true neutrality; wishing not to impose their will on one side or the other, to maintain balance and to not upset the natural order of the world. 
This went surprisingly well for a few millennia, that is, of course, if you ignore the sinking of Atlantis, the extinction of the dinosaurs, the Black Plague, the creation of the Lazarus Pits, Pompeii, to name a few completely egregious instances—not necessarily in order of course—and well, the point stands that it could have been astronomically worse. Until it was.  
One young mage and Guardian in training had caused the downfall of almost the entire Order of the Guardians. All the centuries of history, teachings, artifacts and even the people at the head temple, were lost to the calamity. Dozens of Miraculous Boxes were lost, destroyed in the fray. The Kwamis themselves were relatively unaffected, being immortal and all, but the magical jewelry binding them to the earth were broken, thus those Kwamis were lost to mankind once again. Only one singular box, and the young mage himself, survived. The new Guardian of one miraculous box was left to scour the earth in solitude. Well, about as much solitude one could have with 17 pocket gods as company. The fact that the only box that survived was missing two more miraculouses caused the already stressed guardian to grey further. But that tidbit of information would be a problem for later. And for someone else entirely too. Oh joy.
But before that sequence of events, aptly named “Marinette’s Trial by Fire,” however, the young guardian had a couple more life mistakes to make before he reached his internal quota apparently. Rather than travel to another sector of the Order on the other side of the earth, this young mage stumbled upon another organization, one similar in architecture and hierarchy but a pendulum swing in the total moral opposite. Yes, that’s right, the guardian found himself upon the League of Shadows, led by Ra’s Al Ghul in his endeavor of global cleansing; by acts of ecoterrorism, but who sweats the small stuff, right? There, the young guardian, who adopted the name of Wang Fu, met his first love Ming Hong and they had a son. The son had a daughter he named Mei. Now Mei was only a few weeks younger than Ra’s Al Ghul’s grandson, Damian. Now with an appropriate heir, and someone to procreate with said heir, Ra’s Al Ghul gained a special interest in the small Fu family that originally flew under the radar of the League. 
Now this is where things continue to go downhill, but not until much, much later in this story. Ra’s Al Ghul, despite his radical ambitions, was particularly good at playing the long game and understood when he couldn’t accomplish a task directly. This being said, he recognized that, due to prolonged exposure to the Lazarus Pits, his soul could not bear the strain of being a wielder of a miraculous and so he waited. Waited until a suitable heir was sired and could copulate with an heir to the guardian of the miraculous box, desiring to create a bloodline of genetically suitable successors and wielders who were loyal to him and his cause. 
Ra’s ordered for the Fu family to have a place on his court and ordered for Mei Fu to be trained in mastering the secrets of the miraculous. And master she did. By age 6 she was fluent in the coded language of the magical text, or as fluent a 6 year old can be in any language, and she had mastered 7 out the 17 miraculouses. By age 10 she was as skilled as the grandson of the Demon Head in combat and could handle simultaneous wear of 3 miraculouses. Her training, however, had to be put on hold as somebody thought usurping the Demon Head was of the utmost importance that glorious Tuesday and staged a coup. She wished Deathstroke had lost more than an eye that day, but a girl can dream she supposes. Mei and her grandfather were separated from the rest of the League and journeyed west. Somehow they ended up in Paris, France. After one too many run ins with the authorities, Mei was removed from her grandfather, who was deemed too unfit to support her. It was a miracle he wasn’t deported. 
Mei was put into protective custody where she resided until she was 13. Recently adopted, and thoroughly done with the plebeians of her daily encounters, Mei Fu became Marinette Dupain-Cheng, daughter of the best bakers in Paris. All was well and good for the new Dupain-Cheng until the start of the new school year. 
She met her grandfather again. And apparently he had a job for her and her soon to be new partner.
Hawkmoth, that bitch, had somehow acquired the two last surviving miraculouses and the only surviving grimoire and thought domestic terrorism was on the agenda for the next few years. Why? Because investing in a family therapist was too much of an inconvenience for local recluse, Gabriel McFucking Agreste, Marinette would shortly learn. 
After dealing with all of that and juggling between her reignited guardian training, and ‘normal’ girl life—because her parents don’t know that she’s a magical girl in the making—, Marinette was ready to sleep for a thousand years. Or commit murder. Whichever gave her enough serotonin to complete her current passion project. But, alas, no rest for the totally-over-it or however that saying goes. Because after declaring Paris safe once again, sending off her brother-in-arms, Adrien Agreste, to family in London (marginally decent but anything beats the abusive prick of a sperm donor), in waltz one drunken John Constantine.
Ah yes. Him. That absolute bastard who doesn’t deserve nice things in life. That guy.
This unpleasantry approached Master Fu and Marinette, who has been regulated to errand-girl in lieu of training, with a job that he proclaimed that only one blessed with magic, and specifically NOT connected to the Justice League could accomplish. Apparently, a group called the Cult of the Kobra resided on Santa Prisca and was in possession of a dangerous magical artifact that had been the backbone of their organization for years. Constantine came to them asking them for assistance in retrieving it as the Justice League could not interfere in the Caribbean due to new UN legislation. It was a mission of utmost urgency for he feared the cult leader, Kobra himself, was planning on enacting a ritual that could bring calamity to Earth. Which is just what the doctor ordered. Not. In exchange, he agreed to add to her magical training as while master Fu was good, he was still young when he ran away from his problems the first time and thus was limited in his magical knowledge.
That was three months ago. Three months of planning, training, and convincing her parents that letting her go on an extended retreat for an undetermined amount of time with her mostly absent biological grandfather was totally reasonable for the seventeen year old to do. Like, come on. She’s almost old enough to drink, almost ready for university and has been praised for her independence and self-sufficiency for years. She’ll be fine is what she told her parents and she was almost able to convince herself of that too. She would be perfectly fine. Right?
Marinette was anything but fine. She was stressed, she was tired and she was abso-fucking-lutely pissed at anything that even breathed in her direction. Why? Well that brings us back to the beginning of the story when everything on this mission did not go according to plan. So here she was along what was once upon a time the eastern coastline of Santa Prisca. Oh and look. The Junior Justice League has arrived.
Some one asked for a taglist. Ask and ye shall receive
@deathwishy @neakco  @ virtualreading  @f-rget-lt @your-resident-chicken-nugget
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go-learn-esperanto · 2 years
I'm browsing through my drafts and damn I wrote this in January. Still think it should be posted
Ours Poetica mini chapter review that I started writing some time ago (edit: HAHAHA SOME TIME AGO. 4 MONTHS AGO IS MORE LIKE IT. Future me knows) and I just now managed to be in a head space to continue! It's a really heavy chapter. Ours Poetica is already heavy but this chapter really takes the cake.
[read the chapter tw because this one goes there, it really does]
So… spoilers.
*heavy sigh* man.
This fic is like you are in the thickest fog imaginable and you just want to have a little bit of sun.
The beginning where you have Ranboo and Tubbo running for their lives while trying to find Tommy in the house, terrified of what they would find, and Techno has yet to realise what is actually happening... And then they are hit with the Tommy's discarded thoughts and oh gods how is that gonna end.
In a way I feel awful, in another I feel glad that it happened. Here's the thing — Poor Tubbo and Ranboo are literally having an anxiety attack over the possibility that Tommy tried to commit suicide again (very thankfully that wasn't the case but they still don't know that) and that's heartbreaking on so many levels. And I hate to say this but I think on the other hand this was good thing to scare Wilbur and Techno to make them realise that what's wrong is not a small thing and they need to get their shit together quickly.
Also, so many people, Tubbo, Ranboo, Sam, Puffy and Dream (and Ponk although they weren't involved in the searching for Tommy) care so much about the kid. That really warms my heart.
The only thing I have to criticize, mainly Puffy and Dream although I completely understand and don't really fault them, is that they were concentrating their anger too much on Wilbur... I know they don't know the full picture but I think in a way Wilbur is just as broken as Tommy. A good proof of that in this chapter is the flash of memory Tommy had when talking with Sam:
(I’m not a monster, he had heard his brother weep once, late in the night after another screaming match with Dad. His brother had slipped into his room after, had tucked himself under Tommy’s covers, comforter and all, and had taken his little brother’s hand. Promise me, he had pleaded, brown eyes round and glistening in the faint breath of Tommy’s night-light cast upon his cheeks, promise me I’m not a monster. And Tommy had done so without hesitation)
(Now, he wondered if he could say the same thing about himself)
That family needs help as a group and all their problems involve Phil dealing horribly with grief which literally affected all his 3 sons. Wilbur practically raised Tommy. And when Wilbur couldn't handle it anymore and left, Phil just... Didn't really act as a parent. Now that Wilbur and Techno are back he actually tries to know what Tommy is doing for once in his life, but Wilbur did notice something was wrong anyway. However Wilbur is an emotional disaster that loves his father (because most sons do, it's all they know) and will have to admit that his father neglected them and was not great at the cost of the fragile family stability that exists at the moment. And he says a lot he doesn't mean. And that's a problem. He's a jackass then cries. He's simultaneously the best and worse person to go in that family to talk about your feelings.
When he was mean to Tommy he came back to Techno's room to have a breakdown about it. His idea of family is crumbling apart and he notices and he doesn't want it to happen but he needs to let it so they can get better. I think Wilbur realised this when Ranboo and Tubbo angrily and panicked screamed at him to see Tommy. He let them.
Poor Ranboo... He really... Almost had a panick attack. And it was very understandable and Tommy's brothers don't know and suddenly Techno finds that scrapped poem and they are forced to see... I hope after the scare they can do something about themselves. They aren't being bad siblings on purpose.
The situation is so complicated.
And Sam fucking deciding he wanted to marry Ponk while being on a run because the whole slam poetry group was worried for Tommy's life made me feel so guilty for finding it such a funny situation...
The part at the end with Tommy and Sam was just gorgeous. It's so sorrowful but relatable. I wish it wasn't because that does say something about me.
I really didn't want to copy paste so much but this really resonated with me.
“They don’t talk about how much you mourn before you attempt suicide.” There was a hollowness there, as if his words were coins dropped into a well with no end in sight, forever hurtling downwards. Forever falling. He licked his lips, tasting the dew of dawn’s arrival on his tongue, the aftermath of midnight rain. With a heavy swallow, he continued: “They don’t talk about that dread. The way you sit on the bathroom floor for hours with a pill bottle in your hand, and really think to yourself how much will I be missing if I do this? If I succeed? If I…‘give up’?
“You know, I cried for days before That Night, trying to say goodbye,” a bitter laugh lodged itself in his throat, trapped in the quivering folds of his voice box, “I thought I had made peace, had said goodbye to everything worth loving. I was already counting out the pills and playing my favorite songs and it hit me like bam, I will never get married. It was like-like a shotgun. A bullet hole; I won’t get to see my own wedding day, hell, even my brothers’ wedding days. And for some reason that…that terrified me.”
“And I don’t even know if I want to get married, or if I’m even into that romantic stuff, but, like, that thought of ‘holy shit I don’t even get a chance’…that was the scary part, y’know?” He ignored the way in which his eyes stung, how with every sentence his tongue grew heavy. Long gone was that furious little beast inside his chest, replaced with a mournful howl that rattled his ribs and had his stomach flipping. He bit the inside of his cheek: he had to keep it together. He couldn’t let Mr. Sam see him break. “And knowing that, sitting alone on a bathroom floor knowing that I was going to die alone, it hurt, you know? Like, I would never get to do those teenager things—never go to prom, never get my driver’s license, never, fuck, I don’t know, fall in love? Have my first kiss? I was giving up all of that! But there was no future for me, and it was pointless to keep pretending there was. I was tired of living a lie, but somehow coming to terms with that truth, that this was it for me…it hurt so much.”
Thinking about this almost always makes me cry. Because it's so true, at least for me. A lot of times the person who's thinking about committing suicide is just so scared of doing it. Not the because of the act itself funnily enough, but because of the consequences. In a way I think that fear can be what saves you from going with it.
But suicide ideation is so much more than sadness or anger or egoism, it's so many dark things mixed together in the worst combination and you either feel alone because nobody cares about you or you think you're just making everyone's life worse by staying, which is obviously a lie. I think this chapter made an amazing job at explaining the feelings behind suicidal thoughts while showing that in the end, there's always someone that cares, and will really wish for you to stay. And it's actually worse if you go, so much worse.
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*cracks knuckles* Clearly I’m going straight for the Blackout. 
Under 1000 Words
take my burdens (and bury them deep) by @thelionshymnal​ Rated M Nothing makes me happier than a fic of my favorite BroTP, especially when Obi is offering to disappear Kiki’s dirty dealings. Content warning for attempted sexual assault and Obi doing what he does best: getting rid of the body.
A Fic That Got You Involved In Fandom
Seven Suitors for Shirayuki by @sabraeal​ Rated T Look. You all are just going to have to accept that there is a certain generation of this fandom that was dragged in, kicking and screaming, by this fic. I wanted to diversify by saying something else managed it, but no. It was the fact that this story was stuck on chapter five for MONTHS that made me vibrate until my own fic fell out. XD
Made You Laugh Out Loud
An Extra Rise Before Dawn by @sabraeal​ Rated G I don’t often worry that I am going to pee from laughing so hard when I’m reading something, but this one definitely does. In one spot in particular. You might be able to guess it. It is simultaneously an incredible sweet and incredibly funny fic that hits all the right notes for me.
Favorite Trope Reversal
Fussing with Firedrakes by @leewritingrecs​ Rated T 1) Dragons. 2) Damsel in distress is no damsel and she is NOT in distress thank you very much 3) Kiki is a DRAGON 4) Obi is cursed, and 5) DID I MENTION D R A G O N S ???
Fic That Made You Friends With the Author
The Wide Florida Bay by @sabraeal​ Rated E I had to think about this because while I read Seven Suitors first, this was the series that made me start sending anons and eventually made me join tumblr where I proceeded to endlessly play the ‘what if’ game with Jen. CLEARLY this is where our friendship was forged.
Action-Packed Fight Scene
Agent, Parts I, II, and III by @infinitelystrangemachinex​ Rated T Like Jen, I was positively torn, because both Andi and Sarah do fight scenes SO WELL, but Agent ultimately won out because there is just something so delightful about Shirayuki flailing and clinging to Obi like a cat that doesn’t want to go in the bath while arrows zip all around them
Edit: Screw it, I’m reccing them both
Republic of Tanbarun by @claudeng80​ Rated T An action adventure series where romance is involved but is by no means the focus. Zen and Obi adventures abound. Politics galore. And some masterfully done slow-motion to quick motion fight scenes that I L O V E D
Gen Fic
Fugue in Three by @infinitelystrangemachinex​ Rated G Ryuu casually destroys Obi and Shirayuki by breathing as they count down the days until he comes of age. Technically this fic has a romantic pairing, but it is by no means the focus of this fic. If you don’t agree, you are welcome to meet me under the Big Oak between the hours of 12 and 4 for a duel.
Missing Scene
Like Brothers Do by @claudeng80​ Rated G Obi is clearly Kiki’s annoying big brother and handles Mitsuhide’s rejection in the best way he knows how. Also read: Mitsuhide gets what’s coming to him. (ง'̀-'́)ง
Canon Divergent
We work at the mall by @kaedix​ Rated T With how many AUs we got floating around this fandom, I was hard pressed to choose a favorite. But there is just something so sweet and wholesome and American teenager about this. It just latches onto you and never lets go. (Also the gang all work at my favorite places in the mall when I was growing up. What’s not to love?)
Steamiest Kiss
Were Hearts Not An Unknown Country by @sabraeal​ Rated T LOOK. SOMEONE was going to have to go dig this out of the rubble of her compilation fics and it might as well be me. Also the birthplace of the much loved AnS fandom practice of solstice kissing.
Contains Your Favorite Headcanon
The road to Clarines is Gravel by @codango​ Rated E Not the focus of the fic as a whole, but like, Torou and Obi are siblings. GALAXY MIND EXPLOSION. I mean, I loved that so much that I wrote a pre-canon fic of this fic. Additional note totally not related to the bingo square: I will ALWAYS be here for positive sex worker representation in fics. Fair warning, though, this is the most unfair AU in existence because the brain screams that it SHOULDN’T WORK and yet by some sort of writerly sorcery, it DOES. PLEASE READ IT IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY.
Wept Real Tears
let it make you by @thelionshymnal​ Rated M It’s not every day that someone manages to write a fic that makes me stare numbly at the very first line for a solid 15 minutes, big fat tears rolling down my cheeks, but Hymn did it. And then she somehow managed to kiss it better. All in 1100 words.
Free Space
AnS Role Swap AU by @owlsshadows​ Rated M This series has it all. Shirayuki as an assassin. Obi as both a royal bastard and a pharmacist. A mysterious meeting out in the woods where it makes you question whether Nanaki and Obi are two different people or the same. Also Zen having some very conflicted feelings regarding his royal authority and how he can choose to handle rejection.
Edit: Since I’ve already doubled up once, let me double up again, I have so much love to give and not enough space to give it!
Blizzard by @nebluus​ Rated T This is one of the earliest fics I read in this fandom and it remains to date one of my absolute favorites. Obi gets hurt protecting his Miss and a blizzard rolls in. Thankfully they find a cabin where Obi, who is definitely on his death bed if no one finds them and SOON, proceeds to still fuss over his Miss. Best scene: When he warms her hands with his. Also the second chapter is all sorts of delightful domesticity I IMPLORE you to please read it and soon.
Favorite Fan-Made OC
All Pain Will Turn to Medicine by @sabraeal​ Rated M All y’all should’ve seen these coming from ten miles out. I fucking LOVE Herr Anda, the cantankerous little bastard. And Jen knows this because she designed him specifically with me in mind. Academic catnap >:|
AU That Made You Find the Source Material
All Knotted Up by @sabraeal​ Rated G Admittedly, there are a great many AUs out there that made me look up the source material, but this Tangled AU is the most recent because I finally got on Disney+. And yes, Mitsuhide is the horse. Ryuu may be Pascal a little bit, but Mitsuhide. He’s The Horse. XD
First AnS Fic You Read
Loyalty by Evelyn Fiedler Rated K+ (which is basically G on AO3) My one and only ff.net rec from my earliest days in the fandom when I was combing for absolutely any content I could find, begging the fandom to help me decide if I was down for Obiyuki and all that it implied and this author most assuredly delivered.
Favorite Minor Character
Undertow by @jhalya​ Rated E The fic itself is a space odyssey of sorts. One mission among many where humanity attempts to colonize Mars. However the real selling point here, if you didn’t know, is Lord Seiran. He is a delightfully eccentric billionaire who clearly always wanted a large family, judging from how easily he fills out the adoption paperwork.
Caulk dirty to me by @leewritingrecs​ Rated E Have I mentioned I love the sex worker trope? I. Love. The. Sex. Worker. Trope. Also Obi is clearly divine at all of his jobs. Shirayuki already got to experience his skills at one of them. I wait with BAITED BREATH for her to experience the other :3
Canon Compliant
Thicker than Blood by @infinitelystrangemachinex​ Rated G In the aftermath of the death of King Kain, Izana and Zen must decide on which path they will take moving forward. Amazing fic. Unfinished, but a wonderful look into the dynamics between the Wisteria brothers and their absent mother.
Worth his Weight in Rice by @claudeng80​ Rated T AU set in an Edo-adjacent Period where a disease has wiped killed off a significant portion of the male population. Resulting societal shifts occur. If you go into the comments, I have a couple of pages worth of reasons why I love this AU, but what I appreciate even more is how you have an absolutely perfect oneshot in this fic. It is a well-translated universe where we get a delightful clear, beginning, middle, and end, all in 5k. NOT an easy feat. Please enjoy.
Rare Pair
the fog pushing through my mind by @thelionshymnal​ Rated E Obi/Yuzuri, friends with benefits. Two pining idiots with some sore feelings decide to get stoned and take comfort in another warm body for the night. I just really enjoyed the casual intimacy of the encounter and how this is clearly neither of their first experiences with a one night stand. Neither of them are going to make it weird in the morning, they just need to take the edge off, ya know? Additional bonus for Obi being ready to stab the dumbasses who made Yuzuri feel like she was a weirdo in her past.
AU You Took a Chance On (And Now Love)
Lightning in a Bottle by @jhalya​ Rated M I mean, if Jules is gonna play dirty by making Obi the hot fish man running around without his shirt on 99% of the time, then of COURSE I’m going to enjoy Deep Blue Sea. It’s, like, one of my favorite movies now.
Favorite Trope
Moonshine Phantom by @leewritingrecs​ Rated T We got a murder muffin who ALSO used to be a sex worker? Sign me the fuck up, I am 1000% here for this. Also all the showgirls who clearly love their coworker and only want him and his adorable wife to have the best. They may have never heard of her before, but she looks sweet, and they all have a silent agreement between them that if she breaks his heart, they’ll cut her.
Fic That Gave You a New OTP
What the Heart Wants by @sabraeal​ Rated G Haruto/Mukaze. An attempted kidnapping and subsequent rescue makes Zen and Shirayuki painfully aware that their parents have had, at some point in their lives, sex. Izana may not be happy about someone banging his mom, but is HE rather pleased at having a new sister. >:3c
The Wolf in the Woods by @krispy-kream​ (YES I STILL HAVE THIS BOOKMARKED) Rated G Everyone knows that I have very delicate food feels and this ALMOST went under the Wept Real Tears category, but I like to spread out the crying as much as possible XD Shirayuki finds a boy at the edge of the wood and decides he needs something to eat. Filed under: Guaranteed to wreck me in 500 words or less.
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thewayshedreamed · 4 years
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This Time— Part 6
A Nessian Fan Fic
Fic Masterlist
This chapter offers some additional insight into Nesta’s thought process and sheds a little light on the ongoing process her emotional development has become. I hope it comes through!
This is somewhat of a “building” chapter so that we can get Nessian to the crest, so to speak. Part 7 is already written and only needs some editing, so it’s possible that I’ll be doing a double update today ☺️ They certainly have a lot to discuss, and once I started writing, I couldn’t stop. 😂 Anyway, enough of me. Enjoy!
Links to the previous parts:
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 ||
Warnings for grief related to the loss of a parent and some strong language.
Around 11:00 PM, Nesta decided she couldn’t be alone with her thoughts anymore. She was ruminating on similar memories and effectively raking herself over the coals. Although she knew any one of her friends would be there for her no matter the time of day, she picked up her phone to call the one she knew would most likely be awake at this hour.
“Hello?” Azriel’s raspy voice came through the phone.
“Were you asleep?! Since when do you go to bed early?” Her surprise was obvious by her tone. What the hell? He’s never in bed before midnight.
“Nes. Always a pleasure.” Azriel breathed a chuckle into the phone. “I usually wouldn’t be. I’m.. umm.. at a friend’s house tonight.”
Nesta gasped and dropped her voice. “Oh my gods. Az, were you on a date?! Am I interrupting?” She clapped her free hand over her forehead. “I’m the worst. I’m sorry.”
Another chuckle from Azriel. “You don’t have to whisper, you know. She can’t hear you. You’re not interrupting anything. I was asleep when you called, but I’m out on the couch now. What’s up?”
”If you were asleep, then that counts as interrupting! Are you sure?”
”Yes. Just, maybe the short version?” His tone was tentative, almost as if he felt guilty asking her to keep it concise at 11 PM. No one truly deserved Azriel as their friend.
“I can do that. So, here it is. I’ll save you the long, tedious trip through my brain.” She paused for half a second to take a breath. “I’m in love with Cassian.” She let out a quiet groan for effect.
”Mhmm...” The lilting of his voice implied that he was waiting for something like the punchline of a joke; the unknown part of her statement.
Her breath caught. “I kind of expected more of a reaction.”
”Did you? I thought there was more to it.” He seemed entirely neutral in that grating way of his.
”How did you know?!” She asked, incredulously.
”You told me.”
“Mm.. I don’t think so. When?” Now she was actually confused. Did she make some kind of drunken confession at Rita’s? She would remember having this revelation before now.
“At brunch. When we were driving home.”
”What are you talking about?!” Her voice was definitely higher pitched than it had been previously. She was anxious to hear his response, thinking he had surely dreamed this.
”Nesta. We were in my car, backing out of the parking lot. You asked me, ‘Why couldn’t we be the ones to fall in love?’ Or something along those lines. I thought that you were using some cryptic way of telling me because it implied two parties. Why do you think I hit the brakes so hard?” He seemed impatient, as if he was telling her the most obvious thing in the world.
“I thought maybe the question weirded you out! I didn’t even realize what I said, to be honest. How the actual fuck do you notice tiny things like that?” She didn’t wait on his response. He would know it was rhetorical. “Now my problem is this: I think he’s dating someone, so I’ve lost my chance.” She briefly told him what she had overheard the night of Elain’s birthday, her voice starting to crack toward the end.
”Hm. He hasn’t said anything to me about that, but I could see why he would wait being that you and I are close. But honestly, I don’t know that you could ever lose your chance with Cassian, Nes.”
She didn’t have anything to say to that. She simply sat there, playing with the corner of her throw blanket and hoping he would continue. He seemed to sense her discomfort and started talking again.
“I think you’ll regret it if you don’t talk to him. But, if I can offer my opinion, maybe wait a little while so that you know you’re absolutely sure this is what you want. I don’t know how he would handle it if you decided it’s not what you want.”
She felt herself prickle with defensiveness. “I wouldn’t do that to him, Az. Of course I’m sure. It only took me an eternity to figure this shit out.”
Azriel responded in a soothing tone he so often used with her. “I know. But remember, you’re not the one he talks to about you. I’m just looking out for my brother. Maybe let it marinate, yeah?”
She knew his intentions were pure, and she couldn’t really blame him for being protective. Before she could respond, she heard a feminine voice in the background ask: “Az, everything okay?”
She heard him pull the phone away from his face to answer. “Oh, yeah. All good. It’s Nesta.”
Delayed by her scattered brain and the copious amount of wine, the identity of the voice finally hit her full force.
”IS THAT ELAIN?!” She sat up straighter as if it would allow her to hear them more readily.
She heard Azriel laugh, followed by a shuffling on the other end.
“Hello? Nesta? Everything okay?” Nesta could hear the genuine concern in her voice.
“Hey, El. Everything’s fine! Sorry to crash your date. It seems we have quite a bit to talk about. Very soon.”
It took Elain a couple of seconds to respond, and Nesta could hear the smile in her voice. “Yeah. I think we do. Someone told me I should just talk to him. Turns out that they were right.” She paused, waiting for an “I told you so” from Nesta. She didn’t have the energy. “You know you can talk to me about Cassian, too, right?”
Nesta shut her eyes tightly and shook her head. “Of course. I’m sorry. I’ve been leaning on Az since our fight, and I honestly haven’t had the energy to bring it up beyond that. But I do want to talk to you. And Feyre. It’s just been...hard.”
“I can imagine. It’s hard to remember a time before you and Cass. It’s like the end of an era or something. Just know that we’re here.” Her voice was soft, laced with worry and a desire to help her older sister.
”Maybe for now,” Nesta teased, “but you may not have much time to chat these days.”
She knew she was blatantly deflecting, but El’s words had caused tears to prick her eyes yet again. It’s hard to remember a time before you and Cass. She realized how true it was, and what upset her the most was that she knew she didn’t want to know a time without Cassian.
The call wrapped up with more gentle teasing between the sisters, and eventually, embarrassing Azriel a bit over speakerphone. She told them she loved them and promised to keep them updated on how she was feeling. Her heart felt lighter once she finally ended the call, thanks to the laughter they managed to pull from her.
Christine Archeron’s death anniversary fell on a Tuesday that year, and Nesta awoke with a similar irritation as last year— death anniversaries should never fall on weekdays. She went through the familiar motions as any other morning, headed to work, and concentrated on her various tasks she was expected to juggle at any given time. As appearances went, it looked like any other ordinary day to those around her, so the extra heaviness remained hers alone to carry.
On her lunch break, she got a chance to pull her phone to check her messages and mindlessly scroll through social media. She had been focused on scrolling for so long that her phone took her by surprise when it vibrated in her hand. She tapped the notification by reflex and found herself studying the sender’s name as if it was some sort of mistake.
Cassian: Thinking about you today. I know it’s a rough one. Keep your head up. Christine would have it no other way ❤️
Nesta read the text several times in a row; just to make sure it was real. It had been so long since he’d contacted her intentionally, and it made her happy that he still thought to reach out today. It simultaneously made her a little sad; however, because it was yet another reminder of what she’d lost in him. That was an issue to deal with later.
Nesta: Of course you are, because you’re the perfect human, and I don’t deserve you. Thanks, Cass 💕 Means the world to me to hear from you. Mom really loved you, and I know she would appreciate you looking out for us.
She hesitated over the send button for several seconds before deciding to go through with it. It felt so weird to intentionally script any type of message to him being that they had spent most of their relationship entirely uncensored. Everything about it felt wrong— she couldn’t act natural with him because it wasn’t appropriate anymore, yet she didn’t feel right having to draft and redraft their communication. It was all so fucked, and she was tired of this odd limbo they stayed in.
She reflected on her conversation with Azriel and Elain on the night she had unintentionally crashed their date. She knew that they both held strong points about her situation and wouldn’t advise her to try to repair things if they knew it was a lost cause. She acknowledged that Azriel, specifically, knew more than he was at liberty to tell her. That being the case, she decided that was evidence in favor of hashing things out with Cassian. It wasn’t long before she was lost in her own thoughts, her food entirely forgotten.
I’ve spent my entire life trying to ensure I didn’t need anyone. I never wanted to depend heavily on another person in a way that I couldn’t manage on my own. But that’s not really the case anyway, right? I’ve managed fine these few weeks, but that’s the thing. I’ve managed. Why do I try to insist that’s enough for me?
But what if the door is closed? What if this was Cassian’s final push, and he’s gone? I don’t know Alis, and she could be wonderful. She probably appreciates the shit out of him and saw immediately that he’s not the average person. She probably knows how special he is. She probably beams anytime he enters a room and tries to take care of his heart in any way she can. She’s probably fucking delightful.
But does that really compete with history? I guess if that history is filled with turmoil, it could. She’ll never know the Cassian that was a freshman in high school— braces and curly hair, still a head taller than most of the other boys in class. She won’t remember how he hit his second growth spurt the summer after sophomore year, where he started to fill out and caught the attention of any girl with a pulse. She doesn’t know what it’s like when he’s truly angry with his dad and the world. She doesn’t know the full range of his eclectic music tastes or the guilty pleasures he sings depending on his mood. She didn’t do the leg work to reconcile the tough, intimidating exterior when he gets upset with the gentle soul beneath. There’s no way she knows when his humor and his laughter are distractions from his pain rather than when they’re genuine. She can’t love him like I do. Im-fucking-possible.
She was pulled abruptly out of her head, and incredible jealousy, by her alarm. It was time to go back to work and finish out the day, and she hoped it passed as quickly as possible. She silently chastised herself for piling this emotional time bomb on today of all days as she threw away her lunch and walked out of the break room.
So much for leaving this issue for later.
She resolved to put all of these thoughts back into their little box until she had the emotional energy to open the lid once again. Whenever the hell that would be.
The rest of the day zoomed by at a blissful pace, thank the gods. In fact, when Nesta glanced at the clock, she realized it was several minutes after 5:00 PM. She clocked out, grabbed her things, and climbed into her car. She took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself to make the drive out to the cemetery. She wasn’t sure what time Elain had been able to go by, but Nesta had agreed to meet Feyre at 5:30 to pay their respects. It was becoming a standing tradition, where they would make their short visit whenever they could during the day and follow with dinner together as a family.
She made it with a few minutes to spare, so she took that time to sit with her mom one-on-one. She gave her a brief update on her life, told her how much she loved and missed her, and gently brushed any leaves or grass clippings off of her headstone. There were fresh flowers in her vase, something she noted each year on her death anniversary. Any other time of year, they kept seasonally appropriate faux flowers to make sure her site was properly decorated. She made a mental note to offer to contribute to the fresh arrangement in the years following when she saw her family at dinner. They were always taken care of before she made it out to the cemetery, and she didn’t want to risk forgetting for the next year. She leaned into the arrangement, taking in the various floral scents emanating from the blooms in the bouquet. There was a myriad of vivid colors, wildflowers throughout, and Nesta loved how true to her mother’s spirit they were.
She turned when she heard car doors and saw Feyre approaching with Rhysand. She stood, extending an arm out to her baby sister, who accepted it readily and rested her head on her shoulder. They wrapped their arms around each other, and Rhysand stood nearby, resting his hand on Feyre’s opposite shoulder. They stood together for several minutes until Nesta excused herself to allow Feyre some time alone with their mom as well.
She drove to her father’s house where she found Elain already setting the table for dinner. They worked together quietly, making sure they had plenty of place settings for everyone. Azriel offered his help to carry various dishes of food to the dining table and took his seat next to Elain once it was all settled. Almost as if on cue, Feyre and Rhysand walked into the house and took their seats as well. The dinner started off quiet considering the somber mood, but Feyre was the first to break the tension when she started to tell stories from their childhood. In a matter of moments, their home was filled with animated story telling and loud bouts of laughter, and Nesta couldn’t think of a better way to honor her mom’s love of life.
As everyone finished up, she suddenly remembered her mental note from earlier. She waited for a natural lull in conversation, then commented softly, “Mom’s flowers were beautiful, you guys. You did an amazing job.”
”They were really perfect. They couldn’t have been more ‘Christine’ if you tried,” Feyre remarked.
“Elain, Dad. I’m not sure which of you took care of them this year, but would you let me take care of next time? I haven’t contributed since she passed, and I’d really like to.”
Mr. Archeron softly shook his head back and forth, communicating to Nesta that it hadn’t been him. Nesta adjusted her gaze to Elain who looked just as confused.
“Oh. Nes, I assumed it was one of you. I didn’t... I didn’t order them. I wished I had.” She looked down at her hands, and Azriel placed a supportive arm across the back of her chair.
“Okay... so who did?” She glanced around the table from person to person, but no one took any credit. It was Rhys who spoke up first, clearing his throat to master his voice.
“You don’t know?”
”Obviously.” She looked to Feyre for support. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Feyre said nothing, watching Rhysand talk with rapt attention.
When he spoke again, it was cautious, as if his words may startle her. “Nesta. The flowers are from Cassian. He’s done them every year since Mrs. Christine died.”
She was suddenly short of breath. Everyone’s attention snapped to Rhys, including her father’s. Her sisters and Azriel were looking at Rhysand with stunned expressions, their eyes flicking to her face occasionally.
“What? How could you know— why would you know, when we don’t? What the fuck is going on?” She was falling over her own words, struggling to form any cohesive thought.
”I’m so sorry,” Rhysand glanced around the room for the first time, realizing he had everyone’s attention. “The only reason I knew was because he asked me to make sure they made it from the flower shop to her gravesite the year he had knee surgery. He asked me to keep it to myself then, but I figured by now he would have said something to at least one other person.” He looked down into his plate, various emotions playing over his handsome face. Feyre leaned over to comfort him, knowing he was likely embarrassed to be the reason the air had changed so dramatically.
Nesta’s head was swimming, emotions roiling from a million different directions. She knew anger was cheap and unfair, but she pulled on that tether as hard as she could to make sure she could navigate everything she was processing. She was on her feet suddenly, pushing her chair away from the table and walking toward her keys.
“I have to go.” She couldn’t be in here anymore. The room was too small, the walls were too close. Too many people. She picked up the pace, flinging the door open and shutting it hard behind her. She was down the porch steps when she heard the door open again. Azriel’s voice followed her.
”Nesta. Where are you going? Nesta, stop!” He had jogged lightly to catch up with her, and he tugged her gently by the wrist to stop her. She spun on him quickly, eyes flaring and brimming with tears.
“Anywhere but here! What the fuck was that, Az?”
He said nothing; looked down at his own feet as he shook his head.
“Cassian has some fucking nerve, you know that? Why is he insisting upon himself?” Her voice was lowered and had taken on an almost eerie quality; the calm before the proverbial storm.
“Nes, I don’t think he meant to upset you. It sounds like it’s something he’s made somewhat of a tradition. Maybe he just wanted to be sure and see it through.”
”He doesn’t get to do that anymore, Azriel. He doesn’t get to butt-dial me while he makes date plans with some girl, then turn around and send flowers to my dead mother. What am I supposed to think about that? And how would that make his girlfriend feel?” Azriel pulled her into a hug at that, resting his chin on top of her head. He didn’t answer her. There was nothing to say.
She pulled away from him, gripping her keys, and walked toward her car. “I’m out. Tell them I love them, and I’ll call tomorrow.” She nodded her chin toward the house, climbed into her car, and backed out of the driveway.
She wasn’t sure how long she’d driven before she found herself in his driveway. She knew it hadn’t been very long considering the sun was still clinging to the end of the day. She honestly didn’t remember making the conscious decision to come here, likely fueled by anger and muscle memory more than anything else. She was still so frustrated at her situation, her emotions spilling over and refusing to be put into that stupid fucking box anymore. The worst part was that, as mad as she was with him, she so badly wanted to see him. She wished the circumstances were less complicated so that she could knock, ask for a hug and some tea, and lay on his couch. They were a hell of a long way from those people now.
She loosed a breath, puffing her cheeks with air and exhaling slowly. Just before she peeled her head from the headrest to get out, his front door opened. He opened it most of the way, then leaned against the door jamb on his shoulder. He had his hands in the pockets of his sweats and one of his ankles crossed casually over the other. For a moment, she only looked at him, unable to move or offer any type of acknowledgement. She took in the charcoal henley he was wearing, unbuttoned save for the very last one. The small flap of the opening leaned to the side, revealing the base of his neck and the beginning of his tattoos. He looked so very Cassian, casual and laid-back, that she struggled to keep her emotions level at the mere sight of him. His hair was down, looking like he had just run his fingers through it with its deep part and how it fell haphazardly around his face. He was wearing his reading glasses, she noticed, the thick frames highlighting the sharp angle of his cheekbones and the wide set of his jaw. He gave her a soft smile, and cocked his head to the side and back in invitation. She could almost hear him gently telling her to “get in here”.
Too late to turn back now.
A/N: Alrighty, hope y’all enjoyed this chapter, even with minimal Nessian. The next chapter(s) will more than make up for it, though! I’m hoping to have max Nessian to y’all ASAP. A million thanks to all of you who continue to follow this au. Your comments/ feedback have meant the world to me!
If you’d like to be tagged, feel free to comment, reblog, or send a message! I’d be happy to add you to the list. If I’ve accidentally left you off or there are issues with your tag, let me know, and I’ll look into it! Comments and constructive criticism are welcome (even encouraged)!
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good-rwbyaus · 4 years
Au blake opens up her own bookstore
Blake’s Book Trade - mod lilac - 
// Bit of an experiment with this one. Going to try and make this more of an open AU and thus more receptive to influence by asks. So unlike other AUs I’ve written, this could end up making a lot of things out of order depending on the asks I get - or invalidate other pieces that are written in this AU. I don’t know. Never tried this before ahaha. Though if people prefer the general fic format where I do things with actual direction, feel free to comment. 
As with the rest of my writings, here is the “nail” post.   - lilac
1. End of One Dream
“Goodbye,” Blake whispered as she swung her blade at the train latch. She watched as Adam - her friend, her mentor - reached out quietly but stayed on the cart he was on; she already knew he would choose the mission over their friendship. He and the train vanished into the distance, much like her dreams of the future. 
She was just tired of the fighting. After working with the White Fang for so long, she could say one thing for certain; the humans who hated them would continue to hate them, just as the Faunus who hated humans would continue to hate humans. All she did was perpetuate a cycle, a cycle she didn’t know how to stop.
Because Adam - and the current leader of the White Fang - might very well be right. Violence might really be the answer. Because no one cared about the Faunus plight until the violence happened - until the White Fang drove up the costs for mistreating Faunus, both physically and monetarily. 
No. Going back to the White Fang was no longer an option for her. She can’t handle what the group has become - what she’d be expected to do.
Becoming a Huntress had no charm for her either, for Hunters and Huntresses didn’t just hunt Grimm. They hunted the enemies of Mankind and by extension the Kingdom, and it was very easy to declare someone an enemy. 
So in the end, she had nothing. No cause to fight for. No direction to go.
...What was she going to do now? 
2. Under the Sun
Rain poured onto her as she wandered through the streets of Vale. She’d been in a daze since Forever Fall; one moment she’d been surrounded by trees and train tracks, and now she’s surrounded by buildings and vehicles. How she survived the forest in her insensate state she wasn’t quite certain.
Ring ring.   
“Welcome to Tukson’s Book Trade, home to every book under the su- Blake,” said a familiar voice, “You came ba-”
She lifted her head in shock and saw a familiar face – Tukson – the handler she and Adam met before taking on the Forever Fall job. Her eyes glanced over at all the books and shelves around her. How she got back here, she didn’t know. Why she was here, she wasn’t sure either.
Before she could apologize and run out the door, she could feel a pair of gruff hands rest upon her shoulders and gently guide her to a seat behind the counter.
“I’ll be right back,” Tukson said as he disappeared behind a set of doors.  
She watched him leave quietly, watching the double doors swing, before she turned around and took in the view beyond the store counter. The shelves and tables lined with tens of hundreds of books. The faint silhouettes of people walking amidst sheets of rain. The tiny bell on the door that had long stopped shaking after her passage. She could smell the dusky scent of old texts lingering about. 
Her body relaxed for a moment before she tensed up again. 
What was she doing here? She shouldn’t be here.
She should leav-
Everything went dark and then bright again, causing her to stiffen in shock. It took her a moment to realize that a thick, wooly blanket had been placed over her head and back, its comfortable warmth making her unconsciously wrap herself deeper into it. She didn’t realize how much the chill seeped into her bones until just now. 
“Here you go,” Tukson said, handing over a small white, almost dainty teacup over, “Sorry if it tastes bad. It’s been a while since I made this.” 
Almost automatically, Blake took a sip of the hot beverage. And she couldn’t help but immediately scrunch up her face. It was bitter, really bitter. 
“Yeah, Ma always said I couldn’t make tea to save my life,” Tukson loudly guffawed, “It’s warm though. It’ll help stop you from getting a cold.”
She took another sip, and the warmth in her belly did make her feel a little bit better.
“Umm… thanks,” Blake choked out, a bit surprised as to how hoarse she sounded. Her hand brushed against her wet eyes. Had this been all just rain or had she been crying this whole time?
The older faunus nodded his head, quietly letting her regain her bearings. The silence did make her feel a bit better, even though she knew it was temporary. Tukson was after all one of the White Fang’s handlers in Vale - knew more things about its seedy underworld than the average Huntsman. The probing she would face was inevitable.
“I thought something had gone wrong,” Tukson said, finally breaking the silence, pulling a small stool by her side, “Adam poked his head in to tell me the mission was complete. And that you weren’t going to return. Then he just walked out without a word.”
“...I left,” she started. 
“I quit. I just...” 
Adam’s cold uncaring reply echoed in her head – to set the bomb charges despite people still being on the train. 
Blake held the cup of tea in her hands, shaking, “I just can’t...”
“Can’t see yourself fighting the good fight anymore?” Tukson finished with a patient smile.
She lifted her head in surprise, lips open to ask the unspoken question.
“I used to live in Vacuo,” Tukson perched himself on the tiny stool he set for himself. “I fought and killed to protect my village back when the local Huntsman academy was still setting up shop.”
“It had been easy to tell myself I was doing the right thing when I was the only thing standing between the raiders and my friends and family,” he continued as he lifted his head in pride before lowering it again with a sigh. “But…”
“…I couldn’t really do that when I fought as part of the Fang,” he spoke softly, “all I could see was that I was robbing and terrorizing humans for the hope that some good would come out of it,” he shook his head, “It wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. Before I was the protector, but then I became the raider, the aggressor…”
He shook his head.
“ -So I finally told them I couldn’t fight anymore. Old battle injuries if I recall,” Tukson continued, “But they couldn’t just let me quit, since I knew too much about our operations. So I became one of the handlers at Vale instead.”
He glanced over at her and then at his store and then back at her. He grinned.
“You must love books very much.”
“Yeah. I do,” Blake said quietly, curling deeper into the warm blankets, “How can you tell?”
“When I realized what I’d become and wondered what I was going to do from then on, “ he looked up at the ceiling in remembrance, “I went back to Vacuo. Not back to my village, but just stayed in the endless desert, pitching up tents, hunting small game, surviving off cacti…”
He glanced over her and smiled. 
“I suppose it’s because when you get lost it’s natural to search for someplace familiar. 
3. My Answer
They both sat in comfortable silence. Tukson had replaced the blanket on her with another, somewhat apologetic that he didn’t have anything for her to actually dry off with. The teacup in her hands had long been sipped empty. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, why a bookstore?” she asked, finally asking the question that she’s been wanting to ask.
Tukson chuckled.
“I guess the bookstore is my answer.”
Blake stared at him in confusion.    
“Knowledge... makes you free,” Tukson explained, “It’s harder for people to chain you down when you know that’s not the way it should be. Every time a Faunus comes in and picks up a book – even if it’s as simple as a basic language primer - I know I’ve contributed to our plight.”
He lifted his head, back a bit straighter and smile proud.
“When I see a mother pick up a fairy tale whose lessons are of tolerance and acceptance, I know I’ve made the world a little better.”
“When I see a kid whose eyes are too tired - too old - for their age coming in and asking for a recommendation, I can give them something that shows that the world still has some light in it.”
“None of these things are world-changing on their own, but I can see the good I’m doing. And if I give it a hundred, a thousand, tens of thousands of times, I know that I’ve made Remnant a better place with means I could accept. 
4. Message
Maybe she’d been charmed by that simple description of Tukson’s occupation because as soon as Tukson finished his passionate monologue, she immediately asked if he was hiring before realizing how absurd she sounded.
Tukson had been kind enough to bring her out of the rain and give her such available advice - not ratting her out to the White Fang was already a big enough favor - and now she was asking to be a further burden on him. But as she was stammering her apologies and thanks and goodbyes, the older man had good-naturedly accepted her request.
 “You don’t have to go. I’ve been meaning to get an assistant to run this place actually. I want to go back to Vacuo to see Ma, tell her I’m doing okay so having someone keep an eye on the shop will make things easier.”
After realizing she somehow landed the job that was simultaneously not one she expected to have and the one of her dreams, she had profusely thanked him - told him she’ll meet him bright and early tomorrow morning to report for her job. Just had to quickly find lodging and proper clothes that didn’t make it look like she was going for a fight. 
Before she could leave to do these things though, she heard her now employer speak out one more time. 
“Before you go, Blake. Just...” Tukson paused before smiling, "your friend’s an idiot with more pride than sense, but he did try to protect you in his own way. At least let him know you’re okay.”
That was why she’s now in this cheap studio, mulling over a message she’s read forty, probably fifty, times over. She’d been in the wrong, abandoning her partner - her mentor - behind on the message. The White Fang were a band of brothers and sisters in the end, and she effectively spat on that in her moment of pique. 
Maybe Adam didn’t want anything to do with her now. 
But Tukson was right.
She should at least let him know that she was okay. That she was sorry. What he’ll do after that, whether it be ignoring her or telling her off, would be up to him.
Nervously, her finger hovered off the send button.
She closed her eyes and pressed down. 
Adam. I’m sorry. For not being able to go on. For leaving you behind. In hindsight, I was the one being dramatic. But I just don’t want to hurt anyone anymore. I can’t continue on fighting this fight, knowing that I’m taking lives in the name of peace. So I decided not to be part of the White Fang nor become a Huntress. I’ll just find my own way.      
I know you hate humans. You showed me part of that reason, so I don’t have the right to tell you what you can’t or shouldn’t do. But I’m afraid for you, Adam. I know all this fighting and bloodshed isn’t you. This isn’t the guy who mentored an idiot kid in the way of the blade all those years ago or patiently listened (with maybe some eyerolling) when she read her stupid fantasy books at you. You’ve always looked out for me, for everyone in the White Fang. You’ve always protected us. You’re a hero, and I don’t want to see you turn the villain.
If you ever need to talk, you can reach me on this scroll. I’ll always care about you.
She never received an answer back. 
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jbbarnesnnoble · 4 years
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Hello lovely humans!
I’ve recently hit the 500 follower milestone and want to celebrate with another challenge! This time, dark fics are welcome! 
I have a lot of prompts here and what doesn’t get used will probably be put aside for a future challenge. I like to make sure there is a wide array of prompts to be chosen from and tend to go overboard. Whoops. 
The Rules: 
1. Use the hashtag #JBBNN500 
2. Dark fics are welcome - Just be sure to utilize trigger warnings and indicate that it is a dark fic. 
3. Even if you aren’t writing a dark fic, use trigger warnings if the content warrants it. If you write something that has heavier themes, like those that delve into mental health topics, be sure to label it appropriately. 
4. Selecting Prompts: Just let me know which one you want to do! 2 people per prompt! Tell me which subheading and the number of the prompt so I can mark it down! If it’s a lyric prompt, please give me the song and the number! 
5. You don’t have to be following to participate! 
6. Deadline: January 11, 2021
Yes, I’m giving about 3 months for this. January 11 also happens to be my birthday, so I figured that would be a good date to choose. 
The subheadings are: dialogue prompts, sentence prompts, quotes from popular media, and song lyrics!
Find the prompts under the cut! 
Dialogue Prompts
“Life is made up of maybes and regrets. I don’t want this to be one of them.”
“You can’t do this. It’s my choice to make, and mine alone. If you don’t agree with it, the door is there. Feel free to use it.”
“I used to be afraid of the dark, you know. Until I learned that the real monsters thrive in the light.” 
“So, what you’re saying is if I gave you a nickel, you’d do it.”
“No, I don’t know how the cheese got there, and honestly, I don’t think I want to know.” 
“You’re sounding more like a cult leader every time you open your mouth. Don’t think I’ll be accepting any Flavor Aid from you anytime soon.” 
“How did you...you know what, I’m going to forget I saw a thing, and go read a book. Or bathe in Holy Water. Or both. Both is good.” 
“If you say one more word I swear--” “One more word” “I hate you” 
“You can’t come in here singing my favorite song and expect forgiveness, that’s not how this works!”
“No. You mean nothing to me. You never did. You never will.” 
“But if it did, it would work and you can’t convince me otherwise.” 
“You are simultaneously the smartest and least intelligent person I have ever meant. Truly, an amazing accomplishment.” @bonkywobble​
“Next thing you’re going to say is that ghosts are real...please tell me that’s a joke” 
“All I’m saying is, I could do that blindfolded.” 
“But why was there pizza on the ceiling?” 
“If you write me a four thousand word essay on why you think that’s a good idea, then sure.” 
“I didn’t think you were serious. Do you know how illegal this is?!” 
Sentence Prompts
Feel free to change the pronouns used to suit your needs, even if they aren’t bracketed! You can also change the tense if you need to! 
The January rain fell, feeling like razors against [your/her/their] skin as [you/she/they] stared out over the horizon.
This was it, the moment where life as [you/she/they] knew it ended.
 [His/her/their] gaze fell on [her/you], like a lion circling its prey. 
You never thought that it would come to this, come to being the one to end it all. 
You took a moment to calculate [his/her/their] next move, figuring out the perfect counter. 
Hanging by your ankles from a tree was most definitely not how you planned on spending your Saturday. 
Glancing around the room at the decor, one thing was obvious: it was [his/her/their] doing. 
Hurt was the only thing you felt, the only thing you could cling to in this abyss.
Lies, it had all been lies and they were crumbling around you. 
The screech of tires on the pavement sent a shiver down your spine.
He/She used to love this time of year, the beauty of it all. 
It was like climbing Everest: ambitious, dangerous, and maybe a little insane. 
Forgiveness was not something you were willing to offer so freely, not this time. 
Chaos may as well have been the code name of this mission. @nekoannie-chan​
Silence was your new best friend, one that never seemed to leave you alone.
That smile, that smile was something you could get used to waking up to every day. 
Your face twisted in disgust as you realized what you had fallen into.
You were beginning to wish you had taken [him/her/them] up on that trip to Madrid. 
Quotes from Popular Media:
With these prompts specifically, you can use the full thing, paraphrase, etc, since some of them are quite long, or just write something based off an idea it sparks. 
“There are so many stories where some brave hero decides to give their life to save the day, and because of their sacrifice, the good guys win, the survivors all cheer, and everybody lives happily ever after. But the hero... never gets to see that ending. They'll never know if their sacrifice actually made a difference. They'll never know if the day was really saved. In the end, they just have to have faith. Ain't that a bitch.” -Epsilon, Season 13, Red vs Blue 
“We're so arrogant, aren't we? So afraid of age, we do everything we can to prevent it. We don't realize what a privilege it is to grow old with someone. Someone who doesn't drive you to commit murder or doesn't humiliate you beyond repair.” - Daniel, P.S I Love You 
“After centuries of men looking at my tits instead of my eyes and pinching my ass instead of shaking my hand, I now have the divine right to stare at a man's backside with vulgar, cheap appreciation if I want to!” - Denise, P.S. I Love You
“Life isn't just death. Don't ignore the living.” - Vada Sultenfuss, My Girl
“Life's full of barbaric customs. But I hope they all end with a kiss like that.” - Vada Sultenfuss, My Girl 
"You're a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant ... but scary." - Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 
"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends." - Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 
"I’ll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I’m not there." - Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 
“Sweetie, this is one of those times when I know what's right and everybody else is confused.” - Angela Montenegro, Bones, Season 3 
“Oh, God. I'm in the middle of something, aren't I? Oh, look! Dead guy!” - Cam Saroyan, Bones, Season 5
“Don’t make it sound trivial when you know it isn’t. You keep talking about how we just need a little more time, but you’re not the one having to struggle.” -Nora, RWBY, Volume 7
“It's called survival. But I forgot, you two at best are functional morons.” - Crowley, Supernatural, Season 5, Episode 10
“I once had to judge a tighty-whitey contest for Lambda Kappa Pi. Trust me, I can handle anything.” - Elle Woods, Legally Blonde 
“How were we supposed to know? It's not like we run background checks on all her boyfriends.” - Kathryn Kennish, Switched at Birth
“Don’t try to get on my good side. I no longer have a good one” - Ouiser, Steel Magnolias 
“I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.” - Shelby, Steel Magnolias 
“You have the handwriting of a serial killer” - Clairee, Steel Magnolias 
“I didn’t know if you would hire someone who might be married to someone who may or may not be a criminal” - Annelle, Steel Magnolias 
Lyric Prompts
What Do You Think Of - Lauren Alaina ft. Lukas Graham
What do you think of when you think of me?
When you look back on us what do you see? Is it the good times, is it the bad times, is it somewhere in between? 
I can’t even drive down 8th Avenue because the whole damn town reminds me of you
Hurts to Know - 1551
But you stayed when I made another promise to keep
And you waited and waited for the life you saw in your dreams 
You walk in and begin to try to heal me again, but each night is a fight that’s getting harder to win.
Sick - 1551
Everyone I meet feels like another target
I’m feeling sick, I’m feeling twisted, I wasn’t home before this feeling existed 
I never knew that wrong could feel so right
seven - Taylor Swift
Sweet tea in the summer, cross your heart won’t tell no other, and though I can’t recall your face, I still got love for you
Passed down like folk songs, the love lasts so long
I think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why 
We’ll hide in the closet, and just like a folk song, our love will be passed on 
the last great american dynasty - Taylor Swift
How did a middle class divorcee do it? 
The wedding was charming, if a little gauche 
And they said “There goes the last great American dynasty. Who knows if she never showed up what could have been.” 
epiphany - Taylor Swift 
With you I serve, with you I fall down 
Something med school did not cover
And some things you just can’t speak about 
Chapters - Brett Young
Chapter one, I was raised on the Dodgers 
There’s no perfect life, you can’t hold back time
Everybody expecting perfection 
Things change in the blink of an eyelid, guess my body knew way more than I did
The Daughters - Little Big Town
Girl, know your place, be willing and able 
Girl, watch your mouth and watch your weight
Pose like a trophy on a shelf, and dream for everyone but not yourself
I wash the dishes, feed the kids, and clean up all this mess, do my best, forgive myself, and look good in this dress
It Won’t Always Be Like This - Carly Pearce 
I remember how I couldn’t wait to get out of my hometown, now I’m looking for every excuse to go back on the weekend
I remember hearing the door slam, twenty-two, didn't have a clue who I was, who I could trust, and who were my real friends
The heart won’t ache forever, no matter how hard it gets, it won’t always be like this
Next Girl - Carly Pearce 
You overlook a lot when he looks like that
He’ll charm your mama with that smile, hide the red flags for a while 
He’ll make you think it’s love, but I promise you it’s not 
Bar Back - Lauren Alaina 
You can have that coffee shop we went on our first date
I’ll give you back that sweatshirt, that one you know I love
I’m taking back that little hole in the wall, the red door sign saying “come on in y’all”
If I Was a Beer - Lauren Alaina
Honey you’re in luck, ‘cause I’m a fine, fine, wine. I’m a slow sweet pour, I can be a little bitter, but I ain’t a hard hitter, like a 30 from the grocery store
Waiting for Superman - Daughtry
She says “he’s still coming, just a little bit late” 
She’s talking to angels, counting the stars, making a wish on a passing car
If life was a movie, then it wouldn’t end like this 
Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi
When you hurt under the surface, like troubled water running could, well time can heal but this won’t
Before you go, was there something I could have said to make your heart beat better?
Our every moment, I start to replay, but all I can think about is seeing that look on your face  @arrowsandmixtapes​ 
Hard to Forget - Sam Hunt
It's kinda funny how I can't seem to get away from you, it's almost like you don't want me to
You’ve got a cold heart and the cold hard truth
Told me to leave all your things out on the porch on the swing
Oh you’re breaking my heart, baby you’re playing hard to forget 
This is It - Scotty McCreery
You can open your eyes
Can’t you see forever 
On top of the world here together
If there ever was a time for a perfect kiss, this is it 
Wish You’d Miss Me - Chase Wright
I was good for you, you were bad for me 
I was solid ground, you were broken wings 
I gave you love you gave me pain
You gave me hell, I gave you grace 
I knew all along that you were gonna leave 
What a Man Gotta Do - Jonas Brothers
I’m not trying to be your part time lover, sign me up for that full time @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad​
This Feeling - Chainsmokers ft. Kelsea Ballerini 
I lay out all my reasons you say that I need help
They tell me think with my head, not that thing in my chest
They got their hands at my neck this time 
I tell you all my secrets and you tell all your friends 
Hold onto your opinions and stand by what you say 
What Are You Gonna Tell Her - Mickey Guyton 
She thinks life is fair 
But what are you gonna tell her when she’s wrong?
What are you gonna tell her when she figures out that all this time you built her up just so the world could let her down? 
Do you tell her not to fight? 
Can you look her in the face and promise her that things will change? 
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amarits · 3 years
for the ask game: 18, 34, 48 and 26 for chirp & common people ^^
Thanks for asking!
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Nothing recently. I have several in-progress Batfam/DC stories that I haven’t posted any chapters for and that that’s there’s no guarantee I’ll ever actually post, but I try not to start posting a story unless I have a good amount written and a plan for where it’s going to go. I’ve had abandoned WIPs in previous fandoms, but that was mostly because there wasn’t a lot of interest in them. I still get a lot of wonderful support, kudos, and comments for all my Batfam stuff, which really encourages me to keep working, even when it’s hard. 
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
In general, all of my readers have been really wonderful. I’ve heard a lot recently about other Batfam writers (really, really good writers) I know getting bad comments, and I’m grateful I haven’t had to deal with that because I am a sensitive flower who cannot handle people being mean to me. The worst I get is the occasional, “I don’t agree with this choice,” which I usually just explain my reasoning on and shrug off. I did get one person who told me how much they hate Tim and that my 100K story (which they apparently read all of) just highlighted all of the reasons why they hate Tim, and I was like, I don’t know what kind of response you were hoping for here, but I actually like Tim quite a bit and that’s why I’ve chosen to spend hundreds of hours writing tens of thousands of words about him. I still think that’s the weirdest comment I’ve gotten. I can’t imagine what was going through their head.
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?
I’m sure there’s specific names of the tropes I like, but I’m not sure what they are. I like to write family stories, stories about characters as kids, about finding their place in the world. Coming of Age, I suppose, though you don’t usually hear that term used in fanfics. I’ve actually never been much of a romance/ship writer, though in previous fandoms I felt like I needed to have a ship to be seen at all. One thing I love about the Batfam fandom is that I can write my little platonic family and friend stories and there will be people who want to read them. (Nothing against ship stories. I’ve certainly read plenty of them. It’s just not what I like to write.)
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write?
I started writing Chirp before I started writing Common People, and got through the first 3.5 Acts pretty quickly, but somewhere in Act 4 (around where Batman tells Selena about his suspicions of Chirp and Batman and Robin find Tim and Steph by the museum), I hit a brick wall. I felt like my writing was terrible, like I was messing up the POV narration, which I had once thought was so good, like if I continued writing as is it would all be bad. So I took a break form it that lasted over a year. When I came back to it, I was simultaneously editing the first three acts and writing the Intermission (which came after the fourth Act), and just avoiding working at all on Act 4, which I remembered having such negative feelings about. Then when I actually got to Act 4, it was totally fine. The writing wasn’t the best ever for that chapter, but I was able to fix it pretty easily, and then I wrote the next several chapters faster than I’d ever written anything in my life. I can really get in my head about things that aren’t actually a problem at all.
Common People
It’s hard for me to come up with an answer to this question that isn’t, “this part I’m working on right now.” I suppose right now with Common People, I’m pulling a Chirp Act 4. Eventually I’ll get back to it and it’ll turn out to be way easier to write than I’ve been working it up to be in my mind and I’ll feel silly that I spent so much time not doing it. 
Thanks again for asking! Here’s the ask game if anyone else has questions! https://tmblr.co/ZuKfSxZqxrDEai00
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cherishingstydia · 4 years
Hi Wonderful! Saw that nasty anonymous post. And taking inspiration from your perfect response, is it possible for you to write 5+1 fics where Eddie worships Buck's legs and that one time Buck worships Eddie's? :)
Eddie never considered himself to be sexually attracted to legs until Buck. Bucks legs were almost intoxicating they’re long, so unbelievably long and thick and muscular. They were probably Eddies favorite body part of Buck....well maybe second favorite.
Eddie stared at his boyfriend. He was sitting on the floor stretching before his run wearing pair of tight shorts that hugged his thighs in a mouthwatering way. The muscles in his legs flexing when he moved. Eddie couldn’t handle it. He moved swiftly across the room and was straddling Buck before kissing him.
“I was gonna go for a run.”Buck laughed.
“I can think of a better work out.” Eddie smirked.
“Yeah?” Buck smiled with a raised brow before continuing to kiss his boyfriend.
“You knew what you were doing when you put on those shorts.” Eddie said between kisses.
“Yeah. I didn’t really wanna go for a run today any way.” Buck laughed.
Eddie stumbled as he pushed his body against Bucks as he held him pinned to the wall. His hands moved down grasping at Bucks thighs before lifting him up.
“Wrap your legs around me.” Eddie begged.
“You sure about this?” Buck said as his legs were tight around Eddie. He was pressed up sandwiched between Eddie and the wall.
“Yes. I’ll take you to the bed when I’m ready, but right now this is what I want.” Eddie said, deeply massaging his hands into Bucks tighs. “Is this what you want?” Eddie asked.
“Yes.” Buck moaned. “I never realized how much I wanted this until now.
Eddie watched as Buck stretched out on his tip toes to reach something from the top cupboard. He leaned back in his chair eyes raking over Bucks body, really focusing on his long legs. Eddie tipped his chair back on two legs before going too far he nearly fell before Buck spun around catching the chair.
“You gotta be careful babe.” Buck laughed as he straddled Eddie on the chair.
It was almost magnetic Eddies hands immediately were caressing Bucks legs touching as much of them as he could.
“I was distracted.” Eddie laughed.
“Oh yeah? “ Buck smirked.
“Hell yeah! You know exactly what you’re doing.” Eddie said.
“I was just getting a snack, but I guess I’m getting a full course meal instead.” Buck winked.
“Even when you use terrible lines like that I’m still turned on.” Eddie shook his head and laughed.
Buck laid naked on their bed as Eddie tied each of Bucks legs and arms to the bedposts with silk ropes. He began leaving a trail of kisses up Bucks leg, stopping when he got to the upper thigh. His lips brushed agains Bucks cock causing his body to jerk. Eddie used his strong hands pushing Bucks hips down to the bed as he then began kissing down the other leg.
“You look so perfect like this.” Eddie said crawling up hovering over Bucks body before giving him a filthy kiss. Eddie soon began leaving a trail down Bucks chest letting his lips gently brush against Bucks cock again before continuing kissing down Bucks leg.
“You’re such a tease.” Buck groaned
“Patience. I know what I’m doing.” Eddie laughed.
He then removed the silk ropes from Bucks ankles before climbing on top of him.
Bucks legs immediately wrapped tightly around Eddie and he began grinding on him now that he could finally move.
“Thank you.” Buck panted.
“Oh that was more for me. I knew just how you’d react and what you’d do.” Eddie grinned.
Buck walked out of the bedroom in in his suit and there was something about the white shirt and black pants color contrast that just accentuated his legs making them look even longer. Eddie bit his lip as he looked Buck up and down.
“Eddie we don’t have time for that. You need to get dressed.” Buck insisted.
Eddie tried the puppy dog eyes and Buck was laughing hysterically. “Is that what it looks like? Why does it always get me my way?”
“Because you’re better at it than I am.” Eddie said trying to kiss Buck.
Buck dodged the kiss. “As fun as that would be and as much as I want it we gotta wait until we get home. Maddie will be pissed if we’re late it’s her rehearsal dinner, but I promise I’ll make it up to you. So please go get dressed.” Buck said fluttering his eyelashes.
“Fine.” Eddie said. “When we get home I want you on the edge of our bed, no pants legs over my shoulders and your cock in my mouth.”
“Fuck yes. Whatever you want.” Buck said breathing heavily.
Buck watched as Eddie did his squats. Generally his eyes were completely focused on Eddies perfect ass, but his eyes drifted to Eddies legs and Damn Buck never realized how good Eddies legs looked.
Eddie looked over making eye contact continuing the squats and throwing Buck a wink. His shorts tight and every leg muscle on display.
“Now I see why you have such a thing for legs. I’m usually so focused on that perfect ass I don’t pay your legs much attention.” Buck said.
“See I appreciate your ass and your legs both simultaneously..” Eddie said still doing his squats driving Buck insane.
“It’s a good thing we’re home right now.” Buck said.
“Oh and why’s that?” Eddie smirked.
“Cuz that way I can explore every inch of those perfect legs ive been neglecting.” Buck said eyes full of desire as he approached Eddie. One hand was on the nape of Eddies neck pulling him into a kiss, while his other hand slipped down Eddies shorts gripping his thigh.
“Bedroom now!” Eddie said pulling Buck along with him.
“It’s about time.” Buck said with a devilish grin.
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ya-like-space · 4 years
Running From The Rain
For two people who constantly check the weather report, you’d think they’d know not to go out when it was supposed to rain, right? At least, that’s what Yosuke thought. Souji and him had gone down to the floodplain on his day off, hoping to just spend time with each other. And maybe find a cat. Or two. Or more. That was something he’d learned about Souji. He really liked cats. So Yosuke proposed the idea of going cat hunting down at the Samegawa. He knew he’d seen some cats down there a lot, and if it gave him an excuse to hang out with Souji, why not?
 It had been about 40 minutes now, and no cats had been spotted. 
 “Man, I swear I’ve seen cats down here all the time. I don’t know what happened partner.”
 Souji turned his head to look at him from his position across the plain, where Yosuke had parked his bike.
 “It’s alright, I’m sure we’ll find some eventually.”
 Souji’s right. And Yosuke’s not here for the cats, after all.
 Then, from out of the corner of his eye, Souji sees a flicker of orange. Gasping, he grabs Yosuke’s hand and starts running.
 He wasn’t expecting this, Yosuke thinks, while being dragged along by Souji. He had to run at an angle, to avoid the umbrella swinging wildly behind Souji. From here, Yosuke can see the cat. Lying underneath one of the tables was a small tabby, watching the two as they edge ever closer. He sees Souji pull a handful of something from his pocket.
 “You brought cat treats?”
 “Of course! We’re hunting cats after all.” 
 Souji tosses one of the treats to the tabby, making a little clucking sound that he apparently thinks will attract cats to him. The tabby slowly starts padding towards him. He brings out a second treat and holds it out to it. The cat starts gently nibbling on the treat in his hand.
 “You could probably pet it now,” Yosuke says softly.
 Slowly, as to not startle the cat, Souji moves his other hand to stroke the top of it’s head. Gentle purring fills the air. Yosuke could see the affection in Souji’s eyes, the softest smile gracing his lips. From this angle,it looked as though the sun was illuminating a halo around his head. If Yosuke had thought Souji looked attractive before, that was nothing  compared to this. He could stand here and stare at him for hours. Which isn’t normal. And he knows he shouldn’t feel this way, but he allows himself this moment. To pretend. To believe that there’s a world where Souji would like him back.
 They sit there for a while, petting the tabby cat. Talking about anything and everything. Half an hour passes before they make their way back to Yosuke’s bike, promising to come back and hunt for more cats soon. (Though Souji does end up leaving the rest of his treats with the tabby.) When they’re only a short distance away from the bike, the sky starts growing darker and darker, thunder echoing around them. 
 Suddenly, rain begins pouring. Souji quickly whips out his umbrella, holding it above them as they start sprinting towards the bike. Now, Yosuke’s bike isn’t the best mode of transportation in the world, but right now, that doesn’t matter. Right now, it’s raining, and it’s raining  hard . Yosuke hops onto the seat of the bike, only to realize, there’s nowhere for Souji to sit. Or at least, that’s what he thought until Souji jumped onto the handle bars.
 “Souji! What are you doing?”
 “It doesn’t matter! Just go!”
 Trusting him, Yosuke kicks off and starts pedaling. It’s a little awkward at first, he has to crane his neck to see over Souji, but eventually they get into a rhythm. Souji’s still holding the umbrella above them while they cruise. The situation is so ridiculous that Yosuke can’t help but laugh. Soon Souji joins him, as they ride along the floodplains laughing like madmen. 
 Lifting his hand off of the handlebars, Souji points ahead of them.
 Laughing even harder, Yosuke starts pedaling faster. He decides to play along with Souji.
 “We shall make in record time m’lord!”
 “Wonderful! Rain could never stop us!”
 “Of course not!”
 They make it to the Dojima household in under 10 minutes, laughing the whole time. The rain had stopped minutes after they got there, and Yosuke had pedaled home with a smile never leaving his lips.
Later that night, when he’s lying in his bed, Yosuke realizes he’s absolutely fucked. He had fallen for that Souji, and he had fallen  hard . And there was nothing he could do about it. Souji would never feel the same way. He falls asleep dreaming of cats and kissing Souji in the rain. But if he had woken up the next morning with puffy eyes and a wet pillow, well, that was no one's business.
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@souyoweek2020​ Day 4 | Rain
this is definitely my favorite fic i've written yet!  it ended up simultaneously being one of the most lighthearted and angsty fics ive written. somehow i managed to write this one in a timely manner :) i think im getting mildly better at this whole "writing" thing. i really am having so much fun. 
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
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Part 3 of 4
Summary: After an unimaginable loss, you discover your powers and become even more cemented in your faith. Sam experiences a similar loss and struggles with it. When you meet, how will your lives change?
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Indian!Superhero!Reader
Words: 1,922
A/N: This is for @bucky-smiles 2K Bollywood Writing Challenge! My prompt was Jab Tak Hai Jaan. The thing that stood out most to me was both of the protagonists’ struggles and/or commitments to faith, so that’s what I drew on for this fic. Although I know that Sam is an orphan in the comics, having lost both his parents to violence, I had him be raised by his mother, so she’s still alive here.
Beta’d by: The lovely @bucky-smiles herself. I wanted to make sure I did the culture and religion justice, so thank you! Also beta’d by another Indian lovely @emilyshurley​, who also made the above aesthetic for me. Thank you both for working with me. It meant a lot for me to get the culture and religion right because representation fucking matters, so your help was invaluable to me. <3
A relationship, or gasp!, love had never really been in the plans, until that morning at the Washington monument, bonding with a man named Sam Wilson about the infuriating whirlwind that was the 30-minute, 13-mile Steve Rogers. “He’s insufferable, right?” You asked, breaths heavy yet steady at your pace.
“Unbearable,” he laughed, letting go of the competition with Steve to hang back with you. “You’re Agni, right? New Avenger?”
“Been with them for about two years now, so not new. But newer. And the name’s Y/N. And despite the “A” it’s pronounced ‘ugh-nee. It’s the Sanskrit word for fire.” He smiled; impressed.
You’d never felt the need to hide your story – how you became who you were - but what Sam said next took you aback. “Sorry about your mom.”
“Thanks,” you replied, smiling fondly at the memory of her perfectly imperfect smile and shining brown eyes. “I can’t say for sure why I made it out and she didn’t. All I know is what I believe. I plan to do right by her memory.”
“That’s really admirable,” he said genuinely. “I lost someone too, and I think it broke my faith. I admire anyone who can keep it.”
“I have to,” you replied. “My faith grounds me.”
It was your distinct differences in regards to loss and faith that drew you closer. Sam was consistently inspired by your ability to hold onto something so intangible as faith when you’d lost so much. After every mission, you all needed to decompress, and you decompressed in your own unique ways, but time and time again, the two of you spent your time together, watching bad movies, eating popcorn, playing pool – or more accurately kicking Sam’s ass at pool – but hey.
Though he’d lost his faith in God, you’d encouraged him not to lose faith all together, instead channeling that belief into something tangible. “What do you mean?”
“Well, faith is a shaky thing for some people. Because you can’t see it. What can you see? What can you see that you believe in?”
“This team. People. I believe in people.”
“Then that’s where your faith lies. You still have it; it’s just changed course.”
“How are you so wise?” He asked with a laugh.
“Just gifted, I suppose.” Leaning over, you kissed the underside of his chin. Somehow, through all this, you’d just found each other. There’d never been any official discussion of what you were to each other – you just knew. He was your best friend and confidant; the man you loved. Another blessing you were sure. There was no animosity between you and anyone else on the team; you got along with everyone, but you found solace in Sam, and he in you.
No one questioned it either. Not even Tony. Though he poked fun every now and then, which you would of course return, because he had Pepper. After a week without any action, you were almost starting to feel left out, until you, Sam, Nat and Steve were called on a mission.
At the rendezvous point, Fury briefed you on your mission. “Pieter Sidorov,” he said, looking straight toward Natasha. “You know him, right?”
“The Russian scientist and mass murderer? Yea, I’m familiar with his work. Rescue mission?”
“Extraction. We still don’t like the guy. He’s still a grade-A asshole. But after the fall of Hydra here, everyone left that’s loyal has gone into hiding. And Sidorov is aiding what’s left of Hydra within KGB airspace. I need the four of you to get him and bring him back. We need him alive.”
The four of you nodded simultaneously, your mission clear. With the help of a few still-trusted SHIELD pilots, you made your way into former KGB airspace. “Okay, what’s the game plan?” Sam asked, already outfitted in the new and improved EXO suit; Tony had made a few adjustments in the likely case one or both of the wings were damaged, so hopefully he would never be down for the count again. “Who the hell is this guy?”
“Pieter Sidorov is a fucking genius. When you have that kind of intelligence, you go one of two ways, good guy or the worst guy. Guess which Sidorov is?” Nat started. “Anyway, he has no superpowers himself. It’s his suit. He developed a suit that allows him to suck the powers, and essentially life, from other super-powered people.”
“What can he do?” You asked. “He’s just any regular guy without the suit, but with? What do we have to look forward to?”
Natasha raised an eyebrow, rattling off the list of abilities the suit imbued him with – telekinesis and telepathy. “With, obviously, the added bonus of sucking whatever powers you and Steve have,” she said, tilting her chin toward you. “So if he’s got the suit, don’t get caught.”
“Thanks, Nat,” you laughed. “We go in teams of two, yea?”
Tony and Steve were your de facto leaders, so you all looked to Steve for your assignments. “Yea. Nat and I will infiltrate the right side, you and Sam go left. Nat will hack us into the system and shoot the map of the inside of the helicarrier to your watches. You might think we need the suit too, but we don’t. It’s programmed to work with his DNA. Without him the suit is useless. We take everyone out in our way and grab Sidorov, unharmed, and bring him back to Fury. From there –“ He hesitated. “From there, I don’t want to know what Fury’s gonna do with him.”
You trusted Fury, but he was definitely a scary man. “Me either.”
“All of us will leave the way Nat and I went in. Sam, make sure your wings are operational. The rest of us, make sure our parachutes are ready to go. As soon as the pilots make the drop off, they’re out. When we hit the ground, Nat has a way out.”
“What way?” Sam asked. “Car, bus, train?” She didn’t answer, her face showing no indication of releasing her secret. “Secret underground base?”
When she raised her eyebrow, you and Sam exclaimed at the same time. “Shut the fuck up.”
Smiling, Steve ensured that everyone had their orders. “Alright,” he said, turning toward you and Sam as the pilot pulled into the hellicarrier’s airspace. “See you two on the other side. Be careful.”
“You too, Cap,” you said quietly.
After Steve and Nat jumped onto the roof of the carrier and made their way inside, the pilots swung around the left, letting you and Sam out before speeding away under the cloak of night. “Back me up,” you said softly.
“Always.” Your back was to him but he spoke with a smile. “Ten o’clock.” Sam hid in the shadows as a man, presumably a guard, approached. Your size, and apparently boobs, always made men underestimate you, leaving you the perfect opportunity to slip them into a chokehold and wait until they passed out.
The moment the guard fell to the floor, Sam emerged from the dark hallway. “Have I told you how sexy that is?” He asked.
“Not now, Sam,” you laughed. “But yes. And please tell me more when we get the fuck out of here.”
Within a minute of knocking the guard out, Nat had uploaded the map to your watches. Unfortunately, it also alerted the entire crew on board to your presence. You figured that would happen. “Alright, stay at the ready,” Sam spoke. “How many people on this helicarrier?”
“About 500.”
“Fuckin wonderful.”
Quickly, you glanced down at the map on your watch, charting the quickest and easiest way to where they were keeping Sidorov. “Right in the middle. Great. They’re coming after us either way. Wanna stealth it or make an entrance?” You asked.
“Baby, do you even have to ask?” Sam laughed.
“Entrance it is.” As you charged forward, Sam followed your lead, handling any stragglers that happened to make it beyond your wall of fire. Those that didn’t run scared, fell victim to your wrath, dissolving into piles of ash snaking through the grates at your feet.
From the opposite end of the vessel, you heard the cacophony of screaming voices. Of course, Steve and Nat were holding their own just fine.
A nearly 300-pound, 6 foot tall Russian made his way past you. Big dude, but agile as hell. He’d assumed you were the strength out of you and Sam, disregarding him to try and take you out. But that was his mistake. As the man put you in a chokehold, Sam pulled out a knife, dropping down and slicing both of his Achilles before spin-kicking him in the face and over the railing. “Thanks, babe.”
“No problem. Let’s go. I want outta here.”
Your well-oiled machine moved swiftly through the maze-like hallways. You’d have a few cuts and bruises, but since joining the Avengers, that was pretty much Tuesday. As you approached the room where Sidorov was being kept, you made your silent prayers for the successful completion of this mission. You’d always prayed beforehand, in one way or another, but in the thick of it, you couldn’t help but offer up a few more silent prayers.
Melting the metal doors before you, Sam barreled past you and grabbed Sidorov, before running straight into Nat and Steve. Sidorov’s eyes sparked with a hint of recognition. “Natasha?”
“Aww, so sweet, you remember. You’re coming with us.”
Steve took the front lines of your escape route, using his shield to push over everyone in his way, while Nat and Sam handled the scientist and you kept an eye on your six. “You ready to jump?” You yelled, wind whipping your skin as Nat opened the door they’d entered. She pushed Sidorov out, sans parachute, and was followed quickly by Steve, leaving you and Sam to bring up the rear.
“Go!” Sam screamed.
Despite having jumped out of planes with the team before, it never got any easier. As you sailed through the air, you chanced a glance back and breathed a sigh of relief when you saw Sam jump too, only to watch a hook pierce the middle of his wings, ripping them off, and knocking him off balance. He spiraled in mid-air; you screamed into the wind, unable to do anything else but pray Tony’s upgrades kicked in.
Turning your attention toward the rapidly-increasing ground below, you waited for the right moment to deploy your parachute. When you ripped the cord, the parachute deployed, but apparently during your scuffle with the Russian guards, one of them had managed to slash it.
“Fuck!” Your heart raced as the ground approached, bracing for impact.
Sam panicked for a moment before his backup wings exploded out of the back of the EXO, giving him control once again. When he looked down, he saw his worst nightmare. “Not again. God, not again.” Y/N was fast approaching the earth with a slit parachute; she had a healing factor sure, but there would be nothing to heal if she pancaked into the pavement.
He retracted his wings and sped toward the ground, his hand stretched out in an attempt to grab her, the parachute, anything that might soften the fall. “Please God, don’t do this to me.”
Within a few hundred feet of the ground, he managed to grab her, only to have the chute make him lose his grip. For the second time in his life, Sam watched as someone he loved fell toward the unforgiving earth.
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phantomwarrior12 · 6 years
Almost There
@revwinchester @gabriel-monthly-challenge @archangelsanonymous @archangel-with-a-shotgun @archangelgabriellives @warlockwriter @ttttrickster
Prompt: His brisk walk came to a stop, and he frowned as the sound of crunching leaves echoed on the path behind him.
Word Count: 1,865
Summary: Sometimes revenge has to be delayed in order to save the ones we love.
Warnings: Swearing (nothing you ain’t seen in the show), angst, a dash of fluff at the end if you squint really hard, reader dead
A/N: Hey folks!
Once again, this fic was the results of the @gabriel-monthly-challenge, y’all are amazing and I love you for holding this event every month and inspiring so many writers like myself to write!
Wondering what on earth is happening and how the hell did we end up here? Read Chapter 1: Will I? and Chapter 2: Rain Storms and Memories.
There’s a lot of angst in this one (not as much as chapter 2, but still a decent amount), so, enjoy!
~ Phantom
Reunions (Part 4)
He hates the woods. He hates how little room there is to fly. He hates the crunching leaves beneath his feet.
He never used to. So many things--dear Father--so many aspects of creation remind him of you.
He pauses, casting a glance towards a clearing to his right, eyes drifting across the branches of thin, elegant leaves fluttering in the breeze. He scowls at the weeping willow, a pang of guilt as he swallows the lump in his throat.
He's lost in thought and suddenly there's a snap of the twig behind him. He whirls, hand raised and ready to smite on sight.
"It's not everyday an archangel scours all of Earth and threatens Hell just to find little old me."
Gabriel straightens, hand dropping to his side, "So, you're the dumbass she couldn't finish ganking."
The demon gives a light shrug, almost too nonchalant for Gabriel to handle, "What can I say? I'm one of the best."
"Let's see how that luck of yours serves you now, because unfortunately for you, Crowley gave you up without much of a fight. Almost sounded relieved to get rid of you." Gabriel smirks, taking some trace of satisfaction from the sickened look on his face.
"The King feels threatened, especially after Abaddon and Lucifer." A flash of black orbs, "He's not ready to face the facts. He's washed up. Useless. He's not what's best for Hell!"
Gabriel scoffs indelicately, if he weren't running on rage and grief, he might have even indulged the demon's complaints before smiting him.
"I don't care about your hellish politics. I don't care about who the hell you are. I'm here to settle a score."
"Oh? Who did I take?"
Gabriel unsheathes his angel blade, admiring the tip for a moment before redirecting his gaze to the demon, "My girlfriend. She was--is a hunter."
"So, just bring her back. You're an archangel, after all." His eyes dart between the blade at the eerie expression etched into Gabriel's features.
"Oh, I would, except, my mojo isn't going to be enough. You see, your sorry ass is the reason she's upstairs and I can't see her. So, for this little spell we're using, we need your blood."
He's begun to feel nervous, bravado and arrogance abandoned long ago as the archangel circles him, admiring the glimmering silver in his hands.
"I'll give you all the blood you need." It's a nervous laugh, "no need to smite me."
Gabriel snorts, "Oh, we're way past smiting, my friend. First, I'm going to take the blood we need." He rolls the angel blade in his hand, wrist flexing, "then, we're going to pay a visit to the Winchesters' dungeon where they have all sorts of fun toys."
The demon shudders, the tip of the angel blade grazing between his shoulder blades, "Come on, angel, I--"
A snap of the fingers and the demon is thrown against a tree, pinned in place by grace as Gabriel paces closer.
"Don't angel me. You knew what you were doing when you killed her."
"I didn't know who she was! If I'd had known she was some archangel's whore, I never--"
A rush of air and Gabriel's blade is to the demon's throat, "Why don't you go ahead and finish that sentence?" There's a dangerous edge in his voice, one rarely drawn forth from the mild-mannered archangel.
His eyes dart from the blade to the archangel's scowl, shaking his head quietly, terror in his eyes.
"That's what I thought. Don't try to smoke out." Gabriel jerks the demon cuffs from his jacket pocket, slapping them on his captive's wrists.
The snap echoes in the demon's ears before  they're inside the Men of Letters' bunker, drawing the attention of Sam and Rowena, who simultaneously glance up from the Book of the Damned.
"You got him."
Gabriel gives the demon an abrupt shove forward, angel blade at the ready when he whirls around, seething hatred and fear all at once.
The archangel isn't fazed, merely spins their captive back around and allows Sam to catch hold of his arm.
"Of course, I did. Is that everything on the list?" He moves past Sam, coming to stand beside Rowena and scour the pages of the ancient text as if he could actually read it.
"Everything but the archangel grace," Rowena returns, anxiously aware of the archangel's questionable stability, both psychologically and physically.
Gabriel nods, "I'll give you that when we actually start the spell."
She nods, starting after Sam and their demon captive, leaving Gabriel quiet and alone in the library.
Whisky orbs drift across ancient writing, unable to comprehend, yet intent upon doing something--anything to drown the prominent sense of uselessness eating away at his soul.
He'd give anything to cradle you in his arms once more, to hear you laugh, to see you smile. He'd give anything, and that included his very life.
Unfortunately, there were no deals to be struck, no whimsical snap of the fingers that would enable your immediate return--even the plan they'd come up with carried no small amount of danger.
It was a risk he was willing to take--he knew that if your roles had been reversed, you wouldn't rest until your angel was safely home, enveloped in your warm embrace.
He can almost feel your fingertips trailing along his spine, warm and affectionate just as you had always done, ghosting over the ridged bones attaching powerful wings to his skeletal structure. He can almost feel your hands tenderly combing gold away from his eyes--when he closes his eyes, your smile, your warmth--it's all he can see, all he can feel. The sensations are almost enough to elicit a quiet shiver, but when he turns, there's no one there--phantom or not.
And it drives the stake ever-further into his fracturing heart. You haunt his every dream, a tormented scream begging him to save you or the two of you wrapped beneath blankets, a mess of tangled limbs and passionate kisses that always end gruesome.
He blinks and he's inside your room, your body in a sort of suspended animation that Rowena assures him will keep it preserved until he can retrieve your soul. He hovers near the edge of the bed before cautiously taking a seat close to you, an anxious energy coming in waves off the archangel.
His fingers reach out, brushing lightly across frigid, porcelain skin, the tears pooling anew in the corner of his eyes.
"I'm gonna get you back, I promise." He doesn't dare disturb your frame, too frightened he'll damage something delicate.
This is where Dean and Castiel find him, gazing longing down at your body, tears slipping unnoticed down his cheek.
His eyes snap up, blood shot eyes landing on the duo in the doorway.
"We're ready." Dean gives a short nod towards the dungeon.
"Right," Gabriel stands, scrubbing away the trails of salt down his skin, allowing one last glance down at your still form. He isn't sure how, but he musters the strength to leave the room.
"The demon is still alive. If this doesn't work the first time, we'll need more of his blood--"
"--it'll work. It has to." Gabriel interjects, finishing quietly as they moved through the compound."
"I'm going to gut each and every single one of you, your souls are going to burn for eternity in Hell! Then I'm going after Crowley, he's going to feel my wrath for betraying me! Your archangel--he's gonna be last! I'm going to--"
"Going to what?" Dean challenges with an amused smirk, noticing the color drain from the demon's face as his eyes settle on the skeptical archangel in the doorway.
"Going to get himself smited ahead of time," Gabriel retorts, tilting his head threateningly.
The demon settled quietly into his seat, eyes shifting to the floor, frightened into silence by the intense glower of the two angels in the room.
"That's what I thought." Dean strides the rest of the way into the room, casually lifting the angel blade from the assortment of tools on the table, "we ready?"
"We've got the demon blood, just need some archangel grace." Sam returns, nodding to Gabriel.
"You heard the man," Dean holds the blade out to Gabriel, who quietly accepts.
Whiskey orbs flicker over to the demon, who wisely chooses not to meet his gaze. The snap echoes through the dungeon and for a split second, the Winchesters worry he smited the demon. It isn't until all eyes turn back to their captive that they notice the mystical gag.
"Don't want any unwelcome additions to the spell," he remarks offhandedly, refocusing his attention on the blade in his hand.
Dean shrugs, the signature Winchester, fair enough expression crossing his features before he moves to stand beside Sam.
Gabriel's face contorts in pain as he harvests the grace, every nerve screams, every ounce begging to heal the wound in his neck. He only gives in after a small amount of grace trickles into the vial, shoving the glass towards the witch and brushes a thumb over the slit to close it.
After a moment's examination, Rowena nods her approval and turns to begin the spell.
"Are you all right?" Castiel lays a hand on his big brother's shoulder, noting the diminished color to the archangel's skin.
Gabriel offers a shaken nod, "I'm fine, I just--" he rubs at his eyes, as if doing so will chase away the nightmares, as if he can banish the exhaustion with a mere brush of the knuckles, "I didn't realize how much I was relying on grace to keep me going."
"Here, sit down," Sam takes his other arm, pulling a chair over and helping him reluctantly into the seat.
"I need to--"
"--sit." Castiel pushes the weakened archangel back into his chair. "You're no good to Y/N if you're too drained to help her."
"He has a point, dear. The spell will have to be combined with your powers in order to bring her back." Rowena interjects with a pitying look, "the spell will take a few hours to reach full potential. You need to rest or you'll be no good to any of us."
Gabriel glances between the four faces leveled on him, defeat seeping into his frame, "Fine," he finds the strength to stand with no small help from Castiel, "but as soon as that spell is ready--"
"--we'll come get you, now go to bed." Dean waves him off, turning back to the book and bowl on the table.
It's a short nod, laced with impatience and anxiety, but he has no choice. He has to wait just a little while longer to cradle you in his arms, to kiss you until your lungs beg for air, to fulfill his promise.
It isn't until he's resting once more in his room, gazing down at a photograph of the two of you lying in a bouncy house that he dares to utter the words he's murmured every night since you'd passed.
"I'm going to get you back, sugar. I promise."
Part 4
Wanna be here? Send me an ask/message!
Everything SPN: @heaven-hell-imagines @currentlyfangirling99 @spnfamily-alwayskeepfighting @csigirl3137
Gabriel Folks: @thewhiterabbit42
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camsthisky · 7 years
Batfam Nov (2017) Fic Recs
So, I want to try and start doing monthly fic recs. I figured it would be fun to try out, and maybe it’ll stick long enough to actually become a thing. But I’ve read a bunch of wonderful fics on ao3 and since I know a lot of people aren’t very comfortable scrolling through fics, even with filters on, I wanted to give people a chance to read some batfam fics that these authors have put so much into.
Where I Stand by DawnsEternalLight Words: 2,821 Summary: Clark comes home one night to find Dick Grayson in his kitchen in need of some advice. Comments: I’m a sucker for Dick going to his Uncle Clark every time he has a problem he doesn’t think he can go to Bruce for. And this fic does a really good balance of both dialogue and action, so it’s pretty easy to get sucked into but also follow along at the same time.
Breather by audreycritter Words: 2,274 Summary: If it feels like you’re always fighting, sometimes you need a break. And if you’re sick, it doesn’t matter if you’re trying to prove you can be a responsible adult— you just need your dad. Comments: Basically the entire first half of this fic was me holding my breath. I have a weakness for Bruce being a dad and Dick being sick or injured and just wanting someone to take care of him. This had both of those things. In short, this fic made me pretty much die.
Collector’s Edition by audreycritter Words: 2,599 Summary: Bruce Wayne overhears some things about Stephanie Brown that are a little bit confusing and it doesn't help at all that his memory is pretty much shot. Fortunately, Alfred is there to help. Comments: There’s not enough fics about Bruce getting old and having problems because of how long he’s been Batman, but Audrey stuns me once again by writing just that and writing it well. The fact that it revolves around Stephanie is great, too.
Watercolour series by Novaviis Words: 97,143 (in 11 fics) Summary: A series of Birdflash, Batfam, and generic DCAU ficlets. Comments: This whole series make me weak. Dick and Wally in puppy love as they try to figure out their relationship. Some of the fics in this series left me an absolute wreck, I swear.
Worlds Apart by Fernandidilly_yo Words: 51,826 (4/10) Summary: Dick's world is falling apart. With all the heroes and Batman gone, the teen thinks this is the end, that is until Dick miraculously end up in an Alternet Universe where the world is whole and there's a family waiting for him. Comments: Oh, man. This fic gets updated every month or so, and this author already wrote one of my favorite Spider-Man fics, so I figured I’d give it a try. And holy cow. The sheer amount of detail given to the flashbacks and each character is stunning. Especially the amount of attention given to Dick as he develops in this new world. The only thing is the occasional tense switch or typo, and they’re pretty easy to ignore.
Horns by HoodEx Words: 2,830 Summary: “What’s with the pet carrier?”
“What’s in the pet carrier would be a better question,” Tim says. He pushes forward on his knees until he’s eye level with the carrier, brows furrowed in concentration. “It’s hiding in the back corner.”
“It? I was hoping you brought me a Halloween kitten.”
Tim leans away from him so they can look at each other properly. “Is that a thing now?” Comments: This fic absolutely blew me away. From the beginning I was hooked, and then I was absolutely cut in half in the middle of it, all the way to the end. I had to literally reread a part because I did not want it to end. I was trying to hold onto the initial emotions that hit me, and I think I’ve read it more than a few times since it was posted.
Middle Winter by jerseydevious Words: 1,788 Summary: When the red, red robin comes bob, bob, bobbin' along, there'll be no more sobbin', when he starts throbbin' his sweet old song. Comments: I will be the first to admit that this fic scares so me so much, just because of how Bruce is acting and the way he seems to be in this state of stasus. There’s so much emotion in this, and jersey does a good job holding your emotions hostage until you feel like you’re about to burst.
Incomitatus by Lightsider Words: 28,391 (12/?) Summary: After the invasion, Dick just needs time to process on his own. Unfortunately, Bruce has been overprotective since Jason's death, and Tim notices more than he should, so Dick pushes everyone out. He should feel guilty - he just feels numb. Comments: Holy crap. This fic really hit me hard, and I loved the way it seemed to accurately capture everyone’s emotions. And Dick’s POV. Just. Woah. The one thing that I would warn about is to be aware of the warnings and the tags. I’m definitely looking forward to an update.
Like Fudge by CaptainOzone Words: 10,167 (3/?) Summary: You know how they say "family is like fudge: mostly sweet...with a few nuts?" Well, this family has more than a FEW nuts.
A "Bat Fam in the Young Justice Universe" oneshot collection. Comments: This is super good. I’m a sucker for the “batfam raised altogether” trope, and the first chapter had me hooked. There’s cuteness and fluff and angst, and a few things that I hope will be explained soon. It’s pretty good!
Frozen History by Aingeal98 Words: 24,112 (7/?) Summary: Bruce Wayne is used to one of his family or co-workers occasionally getting de-aged. What he doesn’t expect is all five of his children reverted to the age of ten. Keeping them all safe is difficult, but he’s Batman, so he’ll handle it.
(He lasts less than twenty-four hours before calling Barbara for help) Comments: THIS HAS ME HOOKED. I love de-aging fics, and to see the entire batfam de-aged all at the same and Bruce having to dad all over the place is honestly amazing. Damian really steps up in this fic, too, and I’ve suddenly got a lot of feelings for the kid. (Also Dickie is so cute in this.)
Reforging the Family by Aoibheall Words: 8,562 (4/?) Summary: In order to become whole again, the family must gather its shattered pieces and journey through the fire once more. A series of one-shots set after Bruce's supposed death. Comments: This is an interesting one. It has a lot of family bonding as the boys try to move past Bruce’s absence and try to adapt to their new situation. Dick is exasperated a lot, and this series definitely has a lot of potential. Each chapter has simultaneously killed me and proven that Dick honestly just needs a break.
A Father’s Return by Aoibheall Words: 2,397 Summary: The burdens borne by his sons in his absence have not left them unmarked. Bruce stands guard over his children and reflects. Comments: A sequel set after Reforging the Family, where Bruce comes back and all of his children are in one place. There’s a lot of emotions in this one, too. It makes sense without reading the prequel, too!
What reveals itself once night has fallen series by Mellaithwen Words: 15,205 (in 2 works) Summary: A trilogy, as the Batfamily makes their way into the DCEU. Comments: A BvS AU where Nightwing was half of the reason that Bruce went down such a dark path. I really love this series. It’s descriptive, well-written, and makes me want to cry my feelings out. Lots of Bruce worrying over Dick and Dick worrying over Bruce and Alfred worrying over both of them. Literally one of the best BvS AUs I’ve ever read.
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nom-the-skel · 6 years
[vore] The Bunny Trap, chapter 4
This fic already owed a lot to @dandelions-sea for brainstorming ideas, but now it is officially a collab! Thank you for writing with me ^w^
1.8k words
[chapter 1][chapter 3][read on AO3][chapter 5]
It had been almost a month since Razz had freed the rabbit from the trap; he had long since come to the realization that life before Edge was quite unimaginable. Their rabbit roommate quickly became a part of their household, finding his place even with Slim’s dislike of him. As of late even that had started to die down, partly due to the gratuitous amount of rabbit-themed puns he was now able to generate. It also didn’t hurt for him to find out about Edge’s brother… Slim was many things (lazy, irresponsible, a general slob…) but unempathetic just wasn’t one of them. Perhaps he was triggered into thinking of what it would be like to lose his own brother. Razz himself had many moments at which he would zone out thinking of the bunny’s plight; on the worst days he found himself wondering about Red - about how his final hours must have been.
Since adopting the bunny Razz took up a strict vegetarian diet - the only one to know of this was Slim, the one wolf Razz could trust with absolutely certainty on the issue. Even if he could trust Alphys to stay quiet, he couldn’t trust that she wouldn’t mock him for this choice. Or worse; think that it somehow made him less fit for the guard. He disguised this new eating habit as ‘penny pinching’, telling anyone who asked that he was eating at home rather than going out, and spending his hunting break working on paperwork to get overtime.
“Lieutenant, I don’t like seeing you here along at lunch again!” Alphys said one day, carrying with her an extra lunch. Razz looked at the bag, brow quirked.
“Forgive me, Captain - I was hoping to catch up on follow-up reports while we don’t have any new cases,” he said, quickly clicking out of the game of solitaire he had open on his computer. Underneath was the final report they received which he had filed almost a week ago.
Alphys humphed. “I admire your work ethic, Lieutenant, however I am legally required to give you a break at noon.” Reaching into the bag, Alphys retrieved a neatly cut square of bread stuffed with cheese and some sort of deli meat. She shoved the sandwich on Razz’s desk, hardly looking him in the eye. “Undyne made too many by mistake today - you should eat it so it doesn’t go to waste!!” she said, completely unable to admit her worry for her closest friend. Razz kept his smile down as he saluted her on her way out.
It took Razz almost a full minute of debating on whether to eat the gift or not. The deli meat couldn’t have come from a monster, so was it really so bad? Alphys might return next time with prey if he didn’t eat the sandwich now.
Razz got through one bite before yanking the meat out, dashing outside and throwing it out into the woods. He hates being wasteful, but he absolutely could not stand to consume it; what a shameful wolf he’d become…
Razz spent the rest of the day in a dour mood, so it was no improvement to hear the chipper hums of Blueberry rolling through the woods. The sounds radiated from down the hill, slowly approaching. Razz grumbled to himself. Wonderful; there wasn’t much Razz could do to avoid confrontation now. There were few trees here and the path stretched for another acre or so. Even if he dashed out of sight, not only would his scent give away his avoidance, but he would eventually be seen with how little cover there was.
Razz hadn’t seen Blue in almost as much time as he’d had Edge in the house. The other had called a few times, wondering when their next training session was; Razz really didn’t want to hold what had happened against the other wolf - after all, it was only natural for wolves to eat bunnies. If Blue had found a method that worked better for him then it really wasn’t Razz’s place to stop or correct him, no matter his personal feelings. Regardless, it had been difficult for Razz to maintain a friendship with both his trainee and his house guest, so it came as quite the relief when the voicemails and texts started tapering out. In the back of his mind, Razz hoped that it wasn’t because Blue felt unappreciated or offended.
Bracing himself for the awkward reunion, he waited for Blue to come into sight. Razz made himself busy on his phone, feigning ignorant boredom. The cheerful hums broke off before Blue came into view, and for a moment Razz wondered if he’d caught Razz’s scent, until he heard Blue’s voice bounce off the hills.
“No, no - it’s probably a lot bigger then you’re thinking… … … well, of course not! I would have to go all the way across town for that!”
Blue’s laugh still sent short waves of warmth through Razz; the kid really did have a lot of potential in the Guard. The conversation was one-sided as far as Razz could tell; perhaps Blue was on the phone with someone? He could hardly tell what it was they were talking about, but the passion that Blue spoke with still gave Razz a sense of interest, as it almost always did. Stars, he hadn’t realized how much he missed his friend…
Finally, Razz could see Blue’s ears poking out over the curve of the mountain. His head was turned down, ears perked with interest as he spoke to someone that Razz couldn’t yet see. He never turned his eyes away from the phone, fiddling with some app so that he could time his reunion perfectly. What would he say after all this time? The awkward nervousness came rolling back as he waited to see who Blue could possibly be talking to.
Razz determined the timing to be right; he lowered his phone and waved, turning to face his old trainee. “Good afternoon, Blue,” he said, masking his nervousness with a stony expression. “It has been a while, hasn’t it?”
Blue’s ears immediately flattened, eyes going comically wide as he froze. For all of his strengths, the one thing that Razz couldn’t teach that kid was how to hold a poker face. He would’ve been irritated, if he weren’t so crushed by that reaction. Was Blue really that upset to see him? He would’ve had a good reason - Razz shouldn’t have ignored him for as long as he had.
But after a moment it became clear that Razz wasn’t entirely the source of Blue’s anxiety; Razz’s eyes drifted lower to Blue’s hands. Unobscured by the curvature of the hill, Razz could see now that Blue was carrying something. It was like a box with a handle… a crate like the ones in human movies where they keep their small animals. The Guard in Razz wanted to demand to know exactly what was in Blue’s hand and what he was doing with it - obviously Blue was up to something he didn’t want to be caught doing - however, the part of him that was Blue’s friend couldn’t ignore the fear in the other wolf’s eyes.
Taking a deep breath, Razz pocketed his phone. “I see you have something there,” he said calmly, keeping his professionalism at a cool moderate. “Would you mind enlightening me on exactly what you are transporting there, Blue?”
Blue shook his head, taking a step back. “N-no, Lieutenant,” he said, practically throwing the crate behind his back. Razz bit back a groan - Lieutenant… no one called him that unless they were on duty or up to something.
“I sure hope you know that transit in Snowdin is marked as capital-licensed goods only - it would be section three in your training manual,” Razz said, his tone slowly seeping into something more stern. Surely Blue hadn’t taken up a side job of smuggling contraband.
Blue shook his head again. “No, no - it’s nothing like that,” he denied quickly, sweat beading at his brow. “It’s just… personal items…”
“I see,” Razz said, unconvinced. He moved forward, encroaching closer on his friend. “Then you won’t mind if I just take a look and see what it is you have.”
Blue’s ears remained flat, his face screwed up as he fought to come up with some excuse to keep Razz out of the crate, but Razz was fast. He marched himself right next to Blue and snatched the crate, holding it up to eye level to look inside.
Razz was immediately hit with the scent of bunny before he could even process what he was seeing. Sure enough, inside there was a small rabbit curled in the far corner, eyes blown wide as he stared at the wolf gazing in at him. In the dark it was hard to see what it looked like, though he thankfully didn’t smell blood or death. That didn’t stop him from feeling sick at the sight; what was his friend going to do to this poor monster?
“Please, please don’t be mad,” Blue said, shrinking in on himself. Razz’s gaze falls back to a blushing, guilty Blue. Razz took a deep breath before handing the crate back to him.
“I’m not mad,” Razz said, forcing himself to keep Blue’s gaze. It was hard, knowing exactly what the other had in store for the rabbit. The poor thing even looked just like the one that Blue killed in front of Razz. “Just… promise me you’ll swallow this one. None of that… biting stuff.” It probably wouldn’t be much better, but it would at least be painless and relatively quick.
Blue’s eyes welled with tears and he shook his head. Razz bit his lip to keep from sighing. How can someone be simultaneously so intimidatingly cruel and yet so weak? Gently Blue placed the crate on the ground and folded his arms around his middle.
“I’m sorry… I know I’m a failure as a wolf and I don’t blame you if you don’t want to train me anymore,” he whined, his head tucked into his chest. “I’ll resign if you want - you shouldn’t be forced to be around me.”
This time Razz did sigh - this self-deprecation shit was not something he would allow from anyone. “Blue. You’re not-”
“I can’t even kill a bunny!!” he sobbed suddenly, practically falling into Razz’s arms. Stunned still, Razz could only stiffen and catch Blue as he latched onto his middle. Between Blue’s trembling cries and the sheer absurdity of the moment, Razz hardly had time to process the words that Blue spoke.
When they did get through, Razz spoke.
“Wait… what do you mean you didn’t kill the bunny…?”
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