#i will pull a just lovers regulus black 100%
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cressthebest · 1 month
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 26
chapter 45:
1. bagels 100% count as breakfast. reg is right
2. why are these bagels destroying everyone?? i’m so upset! (i know why the bagels are upsetting everyone)
3. 😭😭 james cannot stay angry at reg. he’s now kissing him inside the lift
4. 😳😳😳 reg is bouta give james a blowjob in the lift
5. “”Sirius turns to James and flatly says, "Really?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
"So, you hate him, but you just can't keep your hands off him, is that it?"”
LMAO sirius boo let them be. they’re working it out in the worst way possible
6. narcissa 💕💕💕
8. i love that the crowd is going apeshit. first interview and the tributes are already giving the hallow absolute hell
9. “Narcissa likely isn't even pregnant—Sirius is almost one hundred percent certain she's not, considering their last conversation—but the Hallows don't know that, and they're pissed.” LMAOOOOOOO
10. “Sirius is practically vibrating, because as much as he might not like her, Bellatrix is next, and she's fucking insane. There's no way Rita is equipped to handle her; no one is, really.”
any mention of bellatrix has me so excited 😊 i love her insanity so much
11. 😳😧 i’m surprisingly enchanted by bellatrix’s flirting with rita. like- omg 😳
12. i’m so glad that every last victor is giving the hallow/rita/riddle absolute HELL
13. “Augusta weaponizes it against Rita, and if Rita didn't have mother-related issues before, she certainly does now.” godDAMN
14. “”Why don't we start with your reaping then?" Rita asks.
"Which one?" Sirius replies, arching an eyebrow.”
😭😭 stop rita is already being demolished and it’s ten seconds into her interview with sirius
15. the crowd is going fucking insane. i love this
16. “”Did you know, Rita, that a mere five minutes before the Quarterly Memorial announcement, James and I stood together in a kitchen and shared hot cocoa? He held me. We laughed. We were happy." He glances out at the crowd, seeing multiple stricken expressions, and he just keeps going, fucking ruthless about it. "I think that was the last time we got to be truly happy together. After all that we went through, all that we fought for, and we still ended up nothing more than a great, big tragedy."”
i’m losing my shit over here. i’m so sad, but also like, YES! GIVE THEM HELL!! all the victors are giving them absolute HELL and the blacks are the best at doing it, what with Narcissa “im pregnant” malfoy, bellatrix “flirting with the host” black, sirius “which reaping and i’m committed to one lover in the hallow” black, and regulus “we’re a great big tragedy” black
17. 😭😭😭😭 i take it back. it’s regulus “if it wasn’t for the wedding” black. this is fucking phenomenal
18. “Regulus promised himself he was going to make them pay, and he meant it. That's the promise he's chosen to keep.” CORRECT
19. go emmeline. she’s also giving them hell. straight up says that riddle broke rules and traditions. straight up
20. i love that eli stumbled across stage, claimed to be lovers to alphard, the hallow kept them apart, and then eli started drinking once alphard died. even ELI is throwing fucking punches
21. 😳 marlene straight up told rita to, and i repeat, “shut the fuck up”. i love her
22. 😧 gunshots in the hallow. this is chaos and i’m living for it. but i’m also so worried
23. you know what, fuck that severus bitch. he doesn’t even hesitate to tell riddle about marlene’s family and have them killed. i’m pissed that severus got a pov. (not blaming zar)
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Black Heart Part 11
Regulus Black AU
Request: Will you write a Regulus x Reader fic where Regulus is older than the reader? She comes to help the Order and Regulus falls in love with her. The relationship isn’t easy because of the war and Regulus’ denial that he would be a good boyfriend.
Summary: Admitting that he was in love had never been something that Regulus wanted to do. Now that you were in his life, Regulus didn’t know how to react. Should he love you or push you away just like he had everyone else?
Rating: M
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Link to Part 10
The moment Regulus stepped into the room with Ellie, your eyes fluttered open. Regulus had never been happier to see you looking at him. After watching you be taken away from him so fast with little preparation…Regulus was ready to come apart. All of the books that he had read never prepared him for THAT.
Sirius gave you a small nod before moving to sit down in a chair near the window. He wasn’t about to ruin this moment for his little brother. Witnessing it, was more than enough for Sirius.
You smiled seeing Regulus and the small bundle in his arms. Regulus held the baby like the most treasured jewel in the world. All of your hidden worries about Regulus somehow being like his father vanished.
Regulus looked ready to kill whoever may lay a hand on the baby in his arms.
“Are you okay?”
You asked softly. Regulus blinked a few times before quickly coming to join you. He gently placed the baby in your arms before returning to his confused state.
“You just had twins and you’re asking me if I am alright?”
You nodded as you looked down at your baby. Everything about Ellie was perfect.
“Yes, I am. Again, are you alright?”
You asked before stroking a finger over Ellie’s cheek to her little nose. She opened one little eye and looked at you before yawning and snuggling against your chest.
Regulus was sitting in silence for a moment. He was partially taking in your concern about him and partially loving watching you hold his baby. Regulus wanted to sit and just watch you for as long as he could.
How did his father not enjoy this?
It was the only thought that Regulus could make. He would never understand how Orion wasn’t with Walburga when he and Sirius were born. How could he not look at his children and feel some form of paternal love? Regulus couldn't even think about Ellie or Emmy growing up the way that he did. There would be no way that he would let that happen! Emmy and Ellie would always know that they were loved and wanted.
The same question could be said for Walburga too. How could she not care more about her children? The best Regulus could come up with was that he would never understand them or their thinking.
Your soft voice pulled Regulus from his thoughts. He leaned forward taking your free hand in his.
“I’m fine now. You scared me nearly to death. How are you feeling?”
You squeezed his hand as Regulus moved to sit closer to you on the bed.
“I’m feeling much better now. She’s perfect, you know.”
You said turning your attention back to Ellie. The baby had opened her tiny eyes and you were delighted to see that they were the same shade as her father’s.
“Of course, she’s perfect.”
Regulus replied before letting his mind go back to Emmy. He automatically frowned as the panic began to surge back. Remembering that his other daughter wasn’t 100% was now Regulus’ thing to fixate on. What if she wasn’t okay? What if she was born too early and something happened?
I can’t think like that.
Regulus muttered quietly to himself before taking a breath.
“Did the doctor talk to you about Emmy?”
You nodded, automatically picking up on your lover’s worry.
“She will be fine, Regulus. This is normal with twins…”
“Yeah, but those twins aren’t our twins.”
Regulus interrupted. You again squeezed his hand, hoping to calm his raging anxiety.
“Yes, the statistics aren’t our twins but I can assure you that our Emmy will be fine. I have taken care of many sets of twins. The healers are going to have her working just fine. There are some potions and spells that they are doing.”
“See Reg, I told you that everything would be okay.”
Sirius commented. Regulus only nodded as a healer came in. You were instantly relieved to see that she was holding what had to be Emmy in her arms.
And not a moment too soon…
You thought with a pleased smile. Of course, you were worried about Emmy but you knew medically that everything would be okay. Regulus didn’t have that knowledge. He only had what information that you gave him. Squeezing Regulus’ hand, you motioned to the doorway. Regulus immediately stood up to take Emmy from the healer. Coming back to join you, the both of you sighed in relief to see that Emmy was just as perfect as her sister.
Sirius had gotten up from his place and came over to join the two of you. He smiled looking at the baby in Regulus’ arms and the baby in your arms.
“Yep, they are identical. I think the both of you literally hit copy and paste.”
(2 weeks later)
Sirius stood outside Grimmauld Place with a frown on his face. Glancing over his shoulder, he made sure that he wasn’t being followed. Sirius had been taking a lot of extra care when he came for a visit now. Call it nervous jitters or whatever you like but Sirius was worried about some death eater following him to where his nieces slept. As far as Sirius was concerned, he was ready to take out any fucktard that looked in Ellie or Emmy’s direction.
That is partially why I am here.
Sirius thought. He was there with news that Regulus may or may not like. Only time would tell on that one.
Regulus opening the door pulled Sirius from his thoughts. He automatically smirked at his younger brother’s rather disheveled appearance. Regulus was normally always put together and tidy. Today, he looked exhausted with his shirt sleeve rolled up and nearly untucked.
“You look…well.”
Sirius commented as he stepped in. Regulus gave Sirius a glare as he shut the door.
“I look like stomped over crap.”
Sirius grinned as he looked around the neatly maintained house. He was thankful that you had brought some life into the place. It didn’t necessarily look like a haunted house anymore.
“Did the little angels keep you awake?”
Regulus yawned before nodding.
“They have been up since four. I swear for them being identical they do nothing identically. When one is asleep the other is awake. When one’s hungry the other needs a change. I’m exhausted.”
Sirius laughed to himself as he went over to where the twins lay.
“Awe, I think Daddy will be just fine. Daddy just needs to get over himself don’t he?”
Sirius commented in a high-pitched voice. Ellie gave him a little frown while Emmy just blinked.
“Daddy is going to kick you.”
Regulus grumbled. Sirius again chuckled.
“That one is always scowling at me. Which one is that?”
Regulus commented before motioning to the little blanket the baby was wrapped in.
“If you could read then you would notice that the blanket says their names on them. Molly dropped them off.”
Sirius frowned before looking down at the blankets closely. Sure enough, both blankets had each baby’s name neatly embroidered on them.
“Well, would you look at that? Apparently, Uncle Sirius is a big dummy. I have come to the conclusion that Ellie is your mini. She scowls at me just like you do. Emmy is Y/n’s mini. She’s just peaceful and calm.”
Regulus moved to sit down.
“Yeah, she’s calm alright. Just wait until it's 2 am and she has a loaded diaper.”
Sirius winced.
“Ew, not my thing. You, on the other hand, look like you were born to change dirty diapers.”
A small smile formed on Regulus’ face.
“I suppose so. I’m almost positive that Kreacher is now in hiding. He heard the two of them screaming at the same time and ran for it. I haven’t seen him in days.”
“He may have died.”
Sirius interrupted. Regulus gave him a displeased look.
“Mate, don’t.”
Sirius held a hand up ready to defend his thinking.
“Reg, he’s like a million years old. He was old when we were kids.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“Don’t let Y/n hear you say that. You know that she adores Kreacher besides…she’s a little sensitive right now. She’s bursting into tears at the smallest thing…thankfully Tonks and Andromeda showed up like god damned fairy godmothers to help out. They’re in the kitchen having tea. Anyway, what are you up to today? It's early for you to make an appearance.”
Sirius’ smile fell as he, once again, looked over his shoulder.
“I have something for you. I was going to take care of it myself but I figured that you would want to join in. I didn’t want you getting jealous because…”
“What is it, Sirius? I am going on three hours of sleep and don’t want to play charades.”
Regulus interjected. There were just times, like today, when Sirius could be exhausting.
“First, off interrupting is rude. Second, I have Pettigrew tied to a chair in my flat. I wanted to see if you wanted to get a few hits in before I finished him off.”
Regulus nearly broke the chair that he was sitting in to get up. Had he heard Sirius correctly? Did he really say that he had the one man that Regulus wanted to choke? He was almost 99% positive that he had heard his older brother correctly.
“How did you get him?”
Regulus questioned as he moved to make sure that you were still eagerly talking to Tonks and Andromeda. When he was sure that you hadn’t heard anything, Regulus turned back to Sirius.
“It's fine, she’s busy.”
Regulus replied, giving the go-ahead for Sirius to speak.
“I ran into him in a dark ally way. He tried to run, I hit him over the head. As much as I wanted to finish him off for James and Lily… I knew that you would want to get a hit in for how he threatened Y/n and the twins.”
Regulus immediately looked furious. His attention went to the twins who were now cuddled together sleeping. Sirius was right. Regulus did want to kill Peter. He wanted to make sure the other man downright suffered!
Regulus focused his attention back on Sirius. He wondered just how dirty Sirius wanted to get his hands. Regulus knew that Sirius was definitely capable of killing Peter himself. There was no questioning that but the question was, would he?
“I nearly killed him last night but I thought that was too good for him. The worm doesn’t deserve an easy way out.”
Sirius replied, feeling the rage over losing James and Lily return. Peter’s deception and betrayal were still “a cut” that never healed itself. Sirius did well at hiding his true feelings most days but when Peter came back to endanger Regulus’ family’s lives…everything was torn right back open again.
“Did you leave him alone?”
Regulus questioned. Sirius shook his head.
“Remus is with him now. He wanted to get a few punches in too.”
Regulus had already pulled his coat on. He was going to do more than punch Peter. Regulus was going to make damn sure that Peter regretted ever mentioning a word about any member of the Black family.
“I’ll be doing more than that. Excuse me for a moment.”
Regulus turned and went into the kitchen where you sat with Tonks and Andromeda. He felt guilty leaving you immediately even if it was only for a few hours. Regulus knew that you were as exhausted as he was. He justified it, however, by telling himself that he was getting rid of the waste of space…a cowardly, useless waste of space that no longer deserved to breathe.
“Love, can I talk to you for a moment?”
You immediately got up and followed Regulus into the study. Something on Regulus’ face made you nervous.
“Is something wrong?”
You asked. Regulus shook his head, trying with everything he had to appear normal.
“Love, I’m going out with Sirius for a bit. He needs my help with something.”
You raised an eyebrow before glancing to where Sirius stood. Even his expression seemed “off”
“What does he need help with? Both of you seem off. Regulus, what are you doing?”
Regulus took a breath before moving forward to pull you into a kiss. His hand didn’t leave the side of your face.
“I can’t tell you right now. I need you to trust me and know what I am going to do is for the best. It's for the best of all of us. Can you do that?”
Regulus was relieved when you reluctantly nodded. He knew that he would have to tell you the truth soon enough. Until Peter was dead, however, he wanted you to stay in the dark. There was safety in the dark, especially now.
“Just be safe and come home to me. The girls and I need you.”
You said, hoping that Regulus wouldn’t be doing anything too dangerous. The main thing that you wanted to do was plant the seed that not only did the twins need Regulus but you needed him too.
Regulus kissed you again softly.
“I promise, I will be just fine. The three of you are my everything. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Regulus kissed you one final time before following Sirius out the door….
@amelie-black @justfinishthis @jessyballet @knreidy1 @criminalyetminimal @jsjcue @livshifts @ell0ra-br3kk3r @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @golddustwomann @siriuslyceleste @bxcndd @stelleduarte @millies0bsimp @coffeeaddictednymph @readtomeregulus @rogue-nyx88 @i-love-scott-mccall @f4iryluvy @s-we-e-t-t-ea @buttercup-beeee @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @panpride @saramaple @missgorldafirst @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @mentally-unstable-hoe @quinis @yousmellllikecaca @haroldpotterson @goldensunshineshit @aurorasnape12 @ad-astra-again @padf00ts-l0ver @rubyroscoe1 @lucasfilms77 @spideyxalmighty @dumybitch @ravenhood2792 @marichromatic @play-morezeppelin @lostarc24 @un-lovesherself @melaninnbarbie @valvlry @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @knight-of-gleefulness @untoldshortsofthefandoms @deanwherescas @shitfaceddaniel-blog @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @li0nh34rt @tas898 @mycuddlycorner
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futurebicon · 3 years
Marine Biologist AU that no one asked for but I wrote because I miss my second home. Probably two parts.
Very brief mention of a family members death
"Hi welcome to-" Leo stopped his normal speech when he was met with the two most gorgeous men he had ever laid eyes on. "Welcome to the Fort Fisher aquarium. I'm your tour guide Leo and this is Regulus." He somehow managed to snap out of his shock even though the greeting was all muscle memory.
“Two guides. Must be special." The red haired one laughed a laugh that made doves fly. "I'm Finn." He shook their hands.
"That and both of us wanted a break from sticky children trying to swim with the sharks and gators." Reg smiled.
"Sharks? Like ocean sharks? And ocean alligators?" The shorter one asked in shock and a lot more than a sprinkle of fear.
'Fuck he's adorable' Leo swore internally. "Alligators are typically fresh water reptiles but if you are asking if they are real sharks and alligators, than no. They're they’re hyperealalistic mechanical sculptures." He kept a straight face.
"Cute and funny." Finn flashed him a smile after another angelic laugh.
Leo had to remind himself to not die right then and there.
“Don't worry, Logan" Finn told the other one. "I'll protect you from the scary teeth, baby."
Now Leo was sad.
“Oh yeah, right after you stop ogling over our hot tour guide."
Now Leo was slightly less sad and confused.
“Actually." Regulus pulled out his phone. "Our manager just texted and said he needs someone in the gift shop. Have fun." He left with a pat on Leos back.
Leo glared as he walked away, they didn't get texts from anyone for any assignment. Hence the walkie talkies on their belt loops.
“So, follow me and we can start the tour." +++
“This is our 235,000 gallon tank." Leo stood over top of the two story tall tank. In here we have our eagle rays, round stingrays, whiptail stingrays, hammerhead sharks, sandbar sharks, sand tiger sharks, hammerhead sharks. We also have two moray eels and an abundance of fish including shanks and groupers. And a personal favorite, Sheldon the green sea turtle.” Leo stood on the rusted grate with ease as if he didn’t care about the hammerhead only a few feet away from his toes.
“Um, this is great and all but can we not stand on the edge without a railing?” Logan stayed as far away as he could an the 2 feet wide walkway.
“You’re completely safe don’t worry.” Leo flashed a reassuring smile.
“Okay yeah but-”
“Stop being a baby, Lo.” Finn poked his side.
“I’m sorry I’m scared of falling into a 23 foot deep death cylinder filled with sharks.” Logan defended himself.
“Alright we can go officially start the tour.” Leo laughed. “But we do have to walk across the tank.”
“We what?” Logan asked.
“It’s okay. Just don’t look down.” He decided to risk a wink.
“Listen to the hot guide, babe.” Finn kissed Logan’s cheek. “I’ll hold your hand.”
“I love you, Harzy. But I do not trust you enough to not try and scare me.”
“I promi- no I don’t. Fine.” Finn whined when his plans were spoiled.
“Alright, let’s go.” Leo laughed.
They got across the walkway with only a few exaggerated wobbles to scare Logan. And a very grumpy Logan when Leo told him there was another way around the tank.
“So here we have our bald eagle Maverick.” Leo walked up to the opened enclosure. “He’s five years old and has been here since he was two. He was found on the side of the road nearly starved after being hit by a car. If you look at his left wing you can see it juts out a little. That is due to the bones fusing together incorrectly and it makes him unable to ever fly again.” He recited the well known script.
“Poor baby” Finn stuck his bottom lip out.
Leo blinked away the urge to kiss the sad look off his face.
“If we walk up here you can see the aquariums prized possession.” Leo smiled. “Luna the albino Alligator.”
“Oh my god.” Finn hurried over to the glass.
“She looks like you, lover. Pale as fuck.” Logan teased.
“Luna is one of just 100 recorded albino alligators world wide.”
“World wide?” Logan asked in shock.
“Yeah. It’s an extremely rare genetic mutation and due to the inability to hide from predators they’re numbers are next to zero. Very soon they’ll be no more albino gators.”
“What happened to that alligators toes?” Logan pointed at the dark green alligator.
“That’s Gantur. He still hasn’t learn that Luna’s the leader.”
“She bit them off?” Logan’s eyes went wide.
“Don’t underestimate her. Ready to continue?”
“This is my favorite exhibit.” Leo’s face lit up as they walked up to the touch pool.
“Touch anything as long as you use two fingers and don’t pick anything up.”
“Are those stingrays?” Finn pointed towards the end of the touch pool.
“Yeah. They’re still babies and their stingers have been trimmed. Their barbs are like thumbnails and can be clipped monthly without any harm.”
“What are those?”
Leo’s face lit up impossibly more.
“These are horseshoe crabs.” He held onto one of the dark greenish brown banjo shaped creature.
“They are also called living fossils due to the fact that they haven’t evolved at all since the dinosaurs, around 450 million years. It’s mostly due to the fact that they didn’t need anything added or taken away for survival. They were made perfectly. Now their tails.” He pointed to the long stick like end as it moved around with the help of what looked like scaley gills. “Most people look at it and think it will hurt. But it won’t hurt at all. They are extremely, extremely clumsy and use the long tail to flip themselves back over.”
“Sounds like you.” Finn kissed Logan.
“Rude.” Logan scoffed.
“Horseshoe crabs aren’t actually crabs at all. They’re actually more closely related to scorpions and spiders. Watch.” Leo smirked and flipped it over.
There were five pairs of claws moving around as the gills moved up and down like abs, causing the tail to move with it.
“Here-” Leo grabbed Logan’s hand, he tried hard to ignore the way his skin burned. “Touch it.”
“Oh no I’m okay to just look.”
“Come on, just touch it.” Leo begged. “Please just touch it.” He pouted.
“Oh my fuck you’re adorable.” Logan voiced Leo’s exact same thoughts from before.
“Here” he blushed and bit his lib to contain the smile. “Touch it.” He guided Logan’s hand down to the center of the legs, desperately trying to not think about how close they were. Logan’s t-shirt touching his blue polo shirt with his name stitched in the side. The way he could feel Logan’s breathing against his side, the way his leg was pressed between Logans le- stop it.
“Eww that feels weird” Logan’s laughed raised goosebumps on his arm.
“You’re touch his mouth.”
“Ew ew ew ew” Logan pulled his hand away quickly as Finn cackled.
“You asshole” Logan laughed as he pushed Leo lightly.
“Sorry, but it’s funny.” Leo laughed.
“You are now my second favorite person on earth.” Finn put a hand on Leo’s shoulder. “Oh my god I’m crying.” He wiped his eyes.
“Wouldn’t mind if he stayed our favorite.” Logan smiled.
Leo blushed and moved onto the regular view of the huge tank.
“So how’d you get a job here?” Logan asked Leo as they walked around.
“I’ve lived on the island my whole life and started volunteering here when I was 13.” He explained. “I’m going to UNCW for marine biology. Are you two just here for vacation? Even though it’s April.”
“No. We’re actually moving down here. My grandparents owned the arcade on the boardwalk and left it to me once they passed.” Finn told him.
“Oh. I’m sorry about their passing.”
“It’s okay. Didn’t really know them at all.”
“Well I’ll hopefully see you around.”
“Maybe you don’t have to hope.”
Leo tilted his head in confusion.
“We were just wondering if you would want to show us around the island.” Logan told him. “We’ve only been here for a few days and this is the first place we’ve been to. Not even the beach.”
“Oh that’s nearly a sin.” Leo teased. “I’d love to show you guys around. I get off in an hour.”
“Perfect.” Finn said happily. “Do you want to drive over to our house and then switch cars or do you need to change?”
“That’ll work. There’s a locker room and since there’s next to no one here considering the time of year Evan will probably let me leave early.” Leo couldn’t hide his smile as they walked into the brightly lit gift shop.
Logan let out a loud gasp and ran over to the 6 foot long jellyfish stuffie. “I want it.”
“It’s tentacles are going to strangle you, love.” Finn shook his head.
“Kinky” Logan wiggled his eyebrows.
Finn scoffed as three other people in the quiet store laughed.
“Oh hi again Regulus.” Logan smiled at the black haired man who was sitting on the countertop beside the register tossing a brightly colored foam ball with turtles on it between his hands.
“Hey” He smiled back.
“What’d they need help with down here?” Finn looked around the empty room cluelessly.
“He didn’t help me?” The girl beside him raised an eyebrow. “Hi, Rue by the way.” She waved before going back to glaring at Regulus. “Did Evan tell you to help me?”
“No.” Reg smirked. “Just wanted to leave Leo alone with his crushes.”
“Reg” Leo pushed him.
“It’s mutual.” Finn said and Logan nodded.
“Okay. I’m gonna go ask Evan if I can get off early so I can show you a tour of the island and then get changed and I’ll be back down.” Leo changed the subject quickly.
“They’ll show you a tour of their bedroom and then get you off early.” Rue said quietly but not quiet enough. Leo shoved her hard as Logan, Finn, and Reg cackled.
“So are we ready?” Leo walked back down in shorts and a UNCW t-shirt.
A cropped UNCW t-shirt.
“Uh- yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah.” Finn stuttered failing to make it look like he wasn’t staring at Leo’s tan abs.
Finn on the other hand had no shame. His eyes raked his entire body as his mouth went dry.
“Alright. I’ll follow you guys?”
“Huh? Oh yeah.” Logan nodded.
“Get it Knut.” Reg cupped his hands over his mouth and shouted as they left the gift shop and headed outside to the 100 degree weather.
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fforsythiaaa · 4 years
Sweater Weather Tarot
Y’all, never have I ever created fan art or anything... and I still haven’t. Because I can’t draw. But after @lumosinlove mentioned a Sweater Weather tarot deck, I had to cross over this amazing story (which you should 100% read immediately) with my only other creative talent -- reading tarot.
Click through for the Major Arcana as Sweater Weather. (Please, please, someone make my dreams come true and illustrate these.)
spoilers abound, read the fic first!!! 0 - The Fool - James The start of the tarot encourages us to think about the hopeful, confident feelings we have at the beginning of a journey. James is overly excited about welcoming Sirius to the team, about Lily’s pregnancy, then later about Coops and O’Knutzy. He’s a tad oblivious - the main caution that the fool gives us -  but we all wish we had his optimism.
1 - The Magician - Dumo The magician is the one who sees all, knows all, and makes shit happen. Can you think of anyone who better represents creative problem-solving, using intuition to guide actions, charisma, power, benevolence? Daddy Pascal all the way.
2 - The High Priestess - Natalie Even though she’s a relatively minor character, it’s clear to everyone that Natalie knows exactly who she is and she acts like it. She’s a bad-ass who knows what she wants and gets it. That’s the high priestess - balancing our internal and external drives, goals, and motivations.
3 - The Empress - Lily I know, I know, put the pregnant lady on the card featuring.... a pregnant lady? The empress encourages us to embrace our compassion, empathy, and healing powers; she tells us to bring new things into the world, whether that’s literally small people or creative projects or new relationships. She’s so supportive of Loops, James, and Sirius that she deserves this (my favorite card!)
4 - The Emperor - The League Is is cheating to put a kind of abstract body here? The emperor represents the structures in our life that give us rules and regulations. Sometimes, that’s a good thing - we can all use a little routine and structure for stability. Sometimes it can feel oppressive. The League is responsible for bringing all our favorite characters together, but its power makes them feel scared of breaking the rules.
5 - The Hierophant - Minnie A hierophant is a religious leader; in the tarot, he taps into The Rules and uses them to provide guidance on the journey. Minnie, as Sirius’s agent, knows how to guide him along that traditional path as a star hockey player without too much damage to who he is inside. She’s going to work within the system to give the press some Brothers Black drama to distract other news, but she’s proud as hell when he snaps back at nosy reporters. She’s the best.
6 - The Lovers - Coops What did you expect??? In the Tarot, this card isn’t just about romantic relationships with others - it’s also about our relationship to ourselves. Sirius and Remus are both healing and building their relationships with their own identities throughout the course of their careers and lives in SW. Their growth together and individually is what makes them perfect for this card.
7 - The Chariot - Finn This card represents action, action, action - even if you’re not sure which direction that action is headed in. Finn dates June, kisses Leo, runs after Logan, shares their relationship with team... all of this to keep himself moving forward. Maybe it’s not a linear path, but he’s sure as hell skating running down it.
8 - Justice - the Blizzard Honestly I think this card is such a perfect pairing with the High Priestess. Justice asks us to think broadly about what is fair, to ourselves and to others. At Remus’s during All-Stars, Kasey sums up perfectly how Sirius's reaction wasn’t fair to anyone involved -- it’s a moment that really hit home for me what a stand-up guy he is! 
9 - the Hermit - 36 Missed Calls It’s good to take time out to retreat and evaluate yourself, your life, your next steps. The hermit isn’t a “bad” card, by any means. But we can’t hide forever, and we have to choose when our self-reflection is going do the most good, for ourselves and for the ones around us.
10 - Wheel of Fortune - O’Knutzy The wheel reminds us that sometimes it’s best to go with the flow and trust that the right opportunities will present themselves at the right times. Sometimes you just gotta wait 8 years for your missing piece to show up, okay? I’m not crying. 
11 - Strength - Sirius TW: coming out, being outed, abuse (mentions, not graphic) This card always gets me because the Waite-Smith illustration reminds us that strength doesn’t always look like we would assume. Sometimes it’s just surviving, just making it another day, even if you’re not doing the most “courageous” thing. It’s hard to not be out, it’s hard to come out, it’s hard to be outed. And it’s hard to experience abuse and hard to have abuse in your past. Sirius knows a thing or two about strength, okay, plus this card has a lion on it, so there you go.
12 - the Hanged Man - Leo Where the hermit retreats to do his self-reflection and thinking, the hanged man takes his time to reflect out in the open. His upside-down position represents considering that what’s expected of you might not serve you. The most observant guy on the team could teach us a thing or two about stepping back to step up.
13 - Death - Regulus Listen. LISTEN. Death is a great card to pull in the Tarot. It signifies the end of an old chapter and the beginning of a new one. When Regulus and Sirius cut off their mother and Reg agrees to come back to Gryffindor, he ends that chapter of the Black brothers’ lives, allowing a new one to start.
14 - Temperance - Arthur I’m 100% basing this on the snippet that Haz shared where Arthur tells everyone not to bring their relationship drama onto the ice. He’s clearly so happy, but there’s also a game to play and a cup to win. Balance, boys, everything in balance.
15 - the Devil - Paparazzi & Press Sure, we’re mad at the paps and want to characterize them as negatively as possible, but truthfully they’re more complicated. The paparazzi and the press represent the temptation of caring about what others think... it’s fine to care a little bit, but when you care to the point of sacrificing yourself and your own growth, you’ve given into a dangerous temptation. 
16 - the Tower - Greyback, Walburga, and The Photo When everything falls apart in a spectacular mess, that’s the tower for ya. Greyback, Sirius’s mom, and the photo are the ones that set off the chain of obstacles that Sirius and Remus overcome in SW. Of course in hindsight we’re glad the tower fell so that we can build up a better one, but wow, did it have to suck so much? Like the death card, the tower also paves the way for new beginnings, but we can grieve the way it happened. 
17 - the Star - Remus You thought it would be Sirius, didn’t you? Well the star is a “dreams come true” card, and Remus knows something about that. Even when his hockey career was ended before it began, he pivoted and created a new dream to go by; his dreams of love may have taken a back-burner, but now they’re coming truuuue <3 thanks for letting me be so corny
18 - the Moon - Logan The phases of the moon remind us that nothing is permanent. Even if there’s some mystery about what’s going to come next, our worries aren’t going to prevent the sun from rising. Logan was perhaps a little reticent to move from his “ignoring feelings” phase into “yay love amazing relationship” phase. He hid a little bit from himself and from Finn. But it’s all going to be great!
19 - the Sun - Julian & Adele We look to the sun for happiness, confidence, inspiring happiness in others -- the next generation is certainly a source of that. Hazelnuts love Julian and Adele because they represent how amazing life can be for our favorite Lions.
20 - Judgement - Hazel @lumosinlove She’s engineering the whole show. Us Hazelnuts can only wait with bated breath for her to bless us with the next chapters of Sweater Weather and Coast to Coast! 21 - the World - the Cup *knocks on wood* *throws salt over left shoulder* This card is the end of the journey in the Major Arcana and it’s achieving our goals - growth, love, stability, creativity, new knowledge, whatever your heart needs or desires. It’s not just about winning a championship for our characters.... it’s about living a complex and fulfilled life, with love, hockey, self-confidence, family, friends, and maybe a Cup, too. *knocks on wood again*
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unfortunatelysirius · 5 years
Battle of the Bands ☆☆╮ {Sirius Black – Modern AU}
╰❂╮ prompt ╰❂╮ Y/N and Sirius were once bandmates, but that all changed with a simple misunderstanding. Now they’re duking it out the only way they know how: through music. And let’s just say it doesn’t end pretty. ╰❂╮ author’s note ╰❂╮ this idea just came to me and i couldn’t help but write it. hope you guys like it! i know it’s kinda rushed but if you want a sequel imagine, just ask and i’ll be happy to oblige :-) ╰❂╮ warnings ╰❂╮ Swearing ╰❂╮ word count ╰❂ ╮ 4k+
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           You and Sirius Black had a history that was as confounding, and crazy, as they come. And the hate, the infuriation, all started with a total misunderstanding.
         “We could be bigger than Lennon, you know,” said Sirius Black, this cheesy, smug grin on his face as he lounged back. He had a suave arm hanging around the recliner’s back, legs propped up on a large, sophisticated-looking Ottoman, like he owned the building and everything in it. He was never one to play it safe, nor humbly, just like he wasn’t one to apologize for being the biggest git in the room. “Maybe even bigger than Mick Jagger. That’d be something.”
         Swiveling around in your chair, you shot your bandmate—and partner—a look of disbelief. You were already feeling doubtful at the mention of John Lennon, but Mick Jagger, too? Really? “Yes, we’ll be as big as God. Everyone from the Himalayas to the Rocky Mountains will worship us,” you droned, unable to hold your tongue; when in doubt, be sarcastic. “Be realistic, Black.”
         Sirius threw you a scowl, which showed you just how much he appreciated you shattering his totally-unrealistic dreams, but it took less than seconds before his scowl was melting into a grin. “Actually, about that—I got a call yesterday. One I think you’ll love the sound of.”
         “If this is about one of your groupies wanting me in on the action, I’ll have to decline. I’ve taken a vow of abstinence,” you said, holding up your hand and drawing an imaginary ring on your finger.  
         A bark of laughter left Sirius. “Your adoring fans will be left heartbroken, knowing they’ll never the chance to know you in bed!” the idiot cried, throwing an arm over his eyes as he pantomimed a remorseful swoon. “On a serious note, though… I got a call from a record-label, Y/N/N. A real record-label.”
         Your heart froze. And everything seemed to stop, or go in slow motion. You looked at him, and you saw the vibrant grin on his face, the happy lilt in his high cheekbones. It was not something you could ever imagine for yourself, not when you knew the horrors that awaited bands the minute they were roped into a record-label’s clutches. You and Sirius were in a band, one that included Regulus, Sirius’s brother, and two of your best friends, Lily and Marlene. You weren’t extremely popular, but your music was, and you’d garnered a fierce fanbase just from what you were able to post on YouTube. You liked to think of yourself as a pseudo-manager, always taking care of the nitty-gritty details, doing everything you could because you never wanted the burden on anyone else, whether that be last-minute gigs, or plots for music videos. And you were content to keeping it that way.
         “Sirius…” You frowned. “You know how I feel about labels.”
         Sirius’s face crumbled. You could read the frustration in his eyes. “This is our chance, Y/N! Forget how you feel about bloody records; you want this just as much as I do. Our big break—it’s finally here, Y/N. In our hands. I can fucking taste it.”
         “Not everything’s about fame and publicity, Sirius,” you said, continuing to frown at him. It wasn’t uncommon for the two of you to disagree on something, but this felt a bit different. “I thought we agreed on being an indie band.”        
         “And rely on fans to get by? That’s no way to live, Y/N. You have to give up on this distrust you have for big producers, and just learn to live.”
         You didn’t like his tone. Or his words, for that matter. They didn’t sound like they were coming from Sirius Black. Who was this stranger sitting across from you? “I’m not going to change myself for money, Sirius. Maybe you would, but me? I’m not like that.”
         “Bloody fucking Hell, Y/N!” Sirius stood up; as did you. The two of you got up close—close and personal—and there was nothing but anger and irritation in your friend’s face. He was seething. “What the fuck is up with you? I thought music was your dream. Seems to me like you don’t give a damn about the process. You’re just along for the fucking ride. It’s all a game to you, isn’t it?”
         “If you think that way about me, then you don’t know me at all, Sirius!” you snapped, heartstrings being wrenched from their loops. You were completely crushed. “If you want a bloody record deal, then fucking go for it, you dick—but do not expect me to follow you to the ends of the earth for your own damn benefit.”
         Sirius sneered, grabbing for his hat and jacket as he stormed towards the door. “Oh, don’t worry, Y/N—you can sit here and chase a fucking waterfall. When you catch on me on MTV, well—we’ll see who’s bloody laughing.”
         That was the last time you saw Sirius Orion Black. And well—good bloody riddance, if you had any say in it.
         After he left the band, you thought Regulus would follow in his brother’s footsteps, and you thought Lily and Marlene wouldn’t risk being in a band without their star guitarist, but to your utter surprise, all three of them stayed loyal—to you, and to the band. Regulus stepped up, and became the lead singer and lead guitarist, having an interesting, hypnotic voice that you’d never quite expected from him. And in the year that followed Sirius’s abrupt departure, it helped garner your band a loyal fanbase, one not too big but also not too small.
         Unlike Sirius’s new band, The Marauders, who were all that anyone could really talk about in this bloody hellhole of a town.
         Sirius was their singer, and their guitarist, and even though they’d only been together for a few months, they were already being compared to the Arctic Monkeys. Arctic fucking Monkeys! That was the biggest compliment any band could ever receive, much less an up-and-coming, very-much-fresh band like the Marauders. It made your blood boil, just thinking about it.
         It was jealousy, you knew—you couldn’t stand that Sirius got exactly what he wanted, a record deal, while you couldn’t say much for your own band, when you could hardly reach 15,000 views on one of your EP’s MVs. It made you want to pull your hair out. Sirius was definitely laughing about it, ha-ha-haing at you, for he was better than you; his view-count said so, as did his growing fanbase. The very thought of him, smirking smugly at his computer screen, having a laugh with his bandmates about your lousy track-record with hits. You could almost hear his voice; “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, but seems to me, Y/N, like you’re even missing the ones you do take.”
         “You know, Y/N,” said Regulus, obviously seeing the concentrated look of fury on your face and knowing it was never a good thing to let you think about something (read: Sirius Black) for too long, “you’ll need to let go of the past one of these days. It’s been a year. Why are you continuing to torture yourself?”
         You clenched your eyes closed, then opened them; you switched your gaze from the tabletop over to Regulus, dressed in nothing but a t-shirt and boxer shorts as he fiddled with a Rubik’s cube. You were fixing to give him a good talking-to, mind going haywire with all the hateful, spiteful words you could say, but the concerned look on his face made you backstep. “I can’t help it, Reggie,” you said with a sigh, A part of you was determined to be rash, and to hurt him, but you weren’t going to lash out at Regulus just to satisfy the churning rage inside. “I don’t miss him, but…” You were kidding yourself. You missed him. But you couldn’t admit that to yourself, let alone Regulus, the bastard’s kid-brother. “I wish we’d worked everything out. I regret being so rude to him.”
         Regulus tilted his head. “From what you said, it sounds a lot like he should be the one to apologize. He knew just how you feel about big producers. He knew why. You were just being true to yourself. We all know how Sirius is; he’d do anything to be famous.”
         He’ll do anything to be famous. You didn’t like those words, but you supposed they had a hint of truth to them. Sirius was always different from you and your bandmates; he actively sought fame, doing eccentric things he thought record-labels wanted. Being something he wasn’t. For publicity, for groupies, for a legacy—you couldn’t tell.
         It appeared you’d been silent for a long while, because Regulus eased up from the doorway and sashayed over to your side. He put a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Just try to forget about him, and have fun, Y/N. That’s what music-lovers do, right? Forget their worries, and just vibe along to the vibrations?” He smiled.
         You shook your head, about to give him your reply, but the sound of your cellphone ringing caught your attention. When you pulled it out of your pocket, the contact name made you go high-alert. ‘Richard Evans.’ Lily’s dad, and your pseudo-manager. The only reason you allowed him to manage your band was because you trusted the man with everything in you; if anyone was going to be reliable and totally-supportive, it would be Richard. You were surprised to see him calling, considering you and the band had a week off, but you supposed it wouldn’t hurt to answer. You swiped your thumb across the screen.
         “You won’t believe what’s happening next month, Y/N!” cried Richard.
         You raised your eyebrows, looking at Regulus bewilderedly. Did he know something about this? When he shrugged cluelessly back, you hit speakerphone. “What’s happening next month, Mr. Evans?”
         Richard was practically jumping at the seams, if his voice had anything to say about it; he appeared on cloud-nine. “Hogwarts is having their annual Battle of the Bands.”
         You froze. Battle of the Bands was a tradition for you and Sirius, even before you started a band of your own. You were meant to participate last year, but Siri left before you had any real chance to apply, and you’d lost heart in your music in the months following his departure, so the rest of your band (sympathizing with you for losing your best friend) decided they’d try again next year.
         And here was your chance. Laying right at your feet, just waiting to be taken.
         Regulus looked at you. You looked at Regulus. The two of you shared a grin.
         It was time for you to start living in the present, for life happens when you’re busy making other plans.
         It was July 23rd, the day of Hogwarts’s 50th Annual Battle of the Bands. And you and your bandmates—the essence of your band, Carpet Lullabies—were ready. Wracked with nerves, but ready.
         You never even took a second to think Sirius would be here. With his new band. Anticipating a victory both of you wanted desperately.
         Yet, here he was. Standing in line, arms wrapped around two boys—one tall and one short—you remembered from high school. Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Behind them stood James Potter, a bespectacled, messy-haired guy you remembered as Sirius’s pal from grade-school. You turned to look at Lily and Marlene, nudging the two of them and surreptitiously nodding over towards them. Lily gaped speechlessly while Marlene snickered bitterly, muttering, “That’s ironic,” under her breath.
         “I shouldn’t have assumed he’d go out and find strangers to start up a band with,” you said quietly, hearing a defeated ba-dum from your heart that signaled returning heartache, one which you’d tried erasing from memory for over a year. “But I… I didn’t think he’d do it with them.”
         “Ignore them, Y/N,” Regulus muttered in your ear, pressing you into your side. It was comforting, feeling the warmth of his body against yours, as Regulus was like a brother to you, and you knew he was one of the only people you’d ever be able to count on. “Just think about the competition. We’ll have fans there, eager to hear us live. Doesn’t that excite you?”
         You swallowed hard, heartbeat slowing as you imagined it, being on stage again, this time a bigger stadium—and you had a shot at 10,000 pounds. Money you never dreamed of getting. “Yeah, yeah. I’m happy.” To prove your point, you smiled. The smile was weak, but there. You supposed that was all that mattered, at this point. “My mum’s here. She’ll get to see me perform tonight.”  
         “This new song, you’ll get to sing,” Lily pointed out, smiling gently at you. The three of them were being soft, knowing just how hard this had to be on you. You took notice, and the intense, overwhelming gratefulness that shadowed you was enough to make your eyes pool with unshed tears. “Your mom will be so proud.”
         Marlene saw the tears, and she came to your side, pulling you into a warm, comforting hug. Regulus was still at your other side. Seeing the two of them showering you in support, Lily decided to join in, hugging you—hard—from the front. It was enough to make you close your eyes against the strong sense of tranquility that suddenly enveloped you; enough that you didn’t realize the foursome creeping up on you.
         “Well, well—look who it is,” said someone from in front of you. You didn’t have to look to know who it was. Sirius. “I have to admit—I wasn’t expecting you guys to show at all, considering your best member cut the ties.”
         Regulus pulled back from the hug, cutting his gaze towards the smirking git standing tall beside his three silent, awkward companions. “Best member? You hardly did anything except strum a few chords,” he spat. “Didn’t you ever read the bloody forums? Not one mention of your talent. Just how attractive fans thought you were. That’s probably the only reason they even like you now. They pity you for being so, so handsome yet at the same time, such a brainless git.”
         Sirius sneered, raising his brows in a mocking gesture of So what? before he was looking at you. His gaze softened, but only slightly; he was still haughty, still angry, and still infuriatingly self-righteous. “We’ll let the music speak for itself,” he said, grinning. “And I promise—you won’t be the ones with the title at the end of this.”
         “We’ll see, Black,” said Marlene stiffly. Her fists were curled tight from her sides. “We’ll fucking see.”
         “I look forward to it,” the bloke said drily, turning to look at his bandmates. The one with glasses—James—was staring at Lily, looking totally gob-smacked—and the only thing that had him tearing away his gaze was the back of Sirius’s hand meeting his head.
         “Ow, Sirius! That bloody hurt,” James whined, clenching at the offended spot. “I wasn’t—”
         “Let’s go,” said Sirius, abruptly, throwing James a glare before he was striding off. Peter was the first to follow, then Remus, but not before the sandy-haired boy was throwing the rest of you an apologetic glance. James’s feet refused to move. He was having a stare-down with Lily, one that was nothing hostile—more along the lines of, You’re bloody gorgeous and I want to get to know you but Sirius will have my head if I even try. When Sirius yelled out his name, James startled, grinning and winking at the girl before he was running after his friends.
         Lily blushed profusely. Regulus raised an eyebrow. And Marlene waggled her brows.
         You felt no sense of obligation to really tease or brag on your friend; rather, you were feeling a bit devastated. Even after all this time, Sirius was still angry with you. He still despised you. And he was against you and your friends.
         “Up first we have Miss Righteous!” called Albus Dumbledore, the olden, jolly man who always hosted Battle of the Bands. He was an avid music fan, and had a radio show you liked to tune into, every now and again. He had very thoughtful things to say about basically any music artist of any genre. “With lead singer and lead guitarist, Padma Patil; backing vocals and keyboardist Parvati Patil; and drummer Cho Chang. They’ll be singing a cover of The Pretender.”
         The band got into position. You were clenching hard onto Regulus’s arm, anxious to know just how big your competition was. The first keys started to play, and you felt your heart drop at the perfect beginning—
         Until the first verse, and the band fell right apart.
         They were terribly off-key, both Parvati and Padma unable to keep in tone with each other, singing different words as they played their respective instruments. Cho was so bad she ended up throwing up a drumstick in frustration—only to have it smack Padma right in the head, leaving her shrieking and flailing about.
         Dumbledore was trying to hide in his beard, and failing miserably. And the rest of the bands were in fits of laughter; you saw Sirius ripping a stitch into his side from grinning so widely and laughing so hard.
         The threesome stomped off stage, tails tucked between their legs. Dumbledore waited for their exit in silence, before he slowly leaned back into the microphone.
         “Yes, and our next act—The Marauders.” The four blokes, all ranging in their excitement and expression of nerves, walked up on stage. “With lead singer and secondary guitarist, Sirius Black—” The crowd went up into a frenzy of cheers and “I love you, Sirius Black!”’s. “James Potter, lead guitarist and backing vocals; Remus Lupin, bassist and backing vocals; and Peter Pettigrew on drums. They’ll be singing an original called Modern Gypsy. Give it up for The Marauders, ladies and gentlemen.”
         The four got into position. Again, you pressed yourself into Regulus’s side, nearly shaking at the feeling of trepidation in your body. You had never heard the Marauders play, not ever bothering to look up the band’s originals; but now was your chance to really get a feel for how good he was fairing. The lights dimmed, and that was when James began to strum his guitar. The first chords were beautifully hypnotic, and then they built into a crescendo; that was when Sirius joined, then Remus, and the hard hits of a drum followed shortly after.
         You forgot just how wonderful a singer Sirius was:
         “You tried to make me a man…”
         His voice got deeper, his strumming more intensive—
         “You wanna make a man outta me?
         Then blow your vapor and beat my chest;
         A single heart can beat for two.
         Trapped inside your daisy hollow,
         Your garden of tricks.
         Such a clever little minx—
         Just a modern gypsy.
         A damned modern gypsy.”
         You were nearly breathless at the end of their performance. Regulus was blinking in surprise, and he barely gave a wince when you tightened your grip on his arm, leaning so closely into him you could smell his cologne. You whispered, “They’re good.”
         “Yeah,” Regulus said back, just as quietly; “They’re really good.”
         The entire stadium was in a frenzy; all the girls were shrieking, jumping up and down in their seats. Even some of the guys were cheering. It made you want to cry, knowing your own negligence of your band’s needs was the reason you’d never truly get this experience yourself.
         He’s doing so much better without us, you thought, a shiver going through at you at the thought of it. No wonder he holds a grudge against us.
         The next few performances were lackluster, before a mind-blowing one from an indie group called Maestro. You were gaping and clapping hard by the end of it; you’d never seen such intense work on a drum-set. And then it was finally your group’s turn.
         “And our next act—Carpet Lullabies!” There was cheers all around the stadium, which greatly surprised you; Regulus wasn’t kidding when he said you had fans. “With lead singer and lead guitarist, Regulus Black; backing vocals and secondary guitarist, Lily Evans; bassist and today, backing vocals, Y/N L/N; and lastly, Marlene Evans, on drums. They’ll be singing an original called More than Ordinary. Give it up for Carpet Lullabies!”
         The four of you got into position; you first fumbled with the bass’s strap, feeling a tad-bit embarrassed at your own inept quality. But you couldn’t let that affect you, as you stood at attention, ready to give you’re all for this performance.
         Regulus cleared his throat, then nodded for Marlene to take it away. She fell into an iconic drum-solo, something you hadn’t seen from any of the other bands—and that’s when Regulus began to sing.          “An indie beauty, a dying breed,          Playing Russian roulette where I’m the revolver…”
         You strummed your bass, feeling yourself fall into the atmosphere—going deep into a catatonic state, where all you could do was strum a few chords and mouth along the words.
         And then it was your turn to sing.
         “Aphrodite never said beauty was pain.
         Aphrodite never mentioned I’d be the one ugly.
         Aphrodite never said I’d be all alone.
         All the lies, and all the ties,          They string me along.
         To the fates, I’m just a game,          Never the pawn.          Not the hero, nor the cause,          Just a fucking dog—”
         But as you sung, you never noticed yourself nearing the end of the stage. You didn’t notice the amplifier’s cord as it slowly got tied around your leg. And that’s when things got very ugly, very fast.
         Before you could notice what was happening, your ankle was suddenly strung tight, and you were slamming deep into the wood of the stage, head and arms hitting it hard. You felt something pop in your elbow as it hit the floor, and then you were falling off the stage, only being saved from imminent pain by the amp’s cord—until you were limply hanging off the stadium’s edge, too hurt to even begin to comprehend your humiliation.
         You felt your consciousness waver, even as you registered the stadium going stock-still with shock. You heard Regulus’s voice, as he yelled for someone to call an ambulance, as he pulled you up from where you hung, but you couldn’t care less. You were tired, and blood was oozing from a gash on your head, and there was nothing—literally nothing—keeping you here, in this dimension.
         So you did as you had always done, and slowly let go of your reality.
         When you awoke, it was to the slow beat of a heart, and to a soft snoring in the corner. You opened your eyes, but had to shy away, for the light was almost blinding, and you were too weak to brave against it.
         You noticed a familiar bloke sitting in a chair against the wall, and nearly toppled off the bed when you saw just who it was. Sirius Black. What in the hell was he doing here?
         “Sirius?” you said aloud, quietly, nearly straining to hear your own voice. Jesus, you needed some water. You were near-parched. You tried again; “Sirius? Sirius?”
         The bloke startled in his sleep. He blinked open his eyes blearily, nearly gaping when he saw you staring back at him, awake—haze-driven and tired, but awake.
         “My God, Y/N—you shared the living hell out of me,” Sirius said, fumbling off the chair and instead falling to his knees beside your bed. You had to crane your neck downwards to see him, but you didn’t mind; him being close meant being able to hear him better, as your ears were still muffled, as though cotton was shoved inside them both. “I thought I was going to lose you, and just—I don’t know what I’d do if that were to happen. I’m… I’m so fucking sorry.”
         “I’m sorry, too, Sirius,” you said quietly.
         “You have nothing to be sorry about, Y/N. Fucking nothing. It was me and my damn pride that got in the way of us,” said Sirius, and you could hear tears in his speech. He was near hysterics. “I just—I bloody love you, Y/N. And I keep hurting you. That’s—that’s not what love is. Me being a dickhead, and you being nothing but nice. You don’t deserve that. You’re one of the best people I know, and I should have never expected you to change, not for me—not for anyone.”
         You slowly smiled. This was what you were hoping for—desperate for. You and him, making amends—and you being able to miss him and want him without feeling this sense of dread, like you were an idiot for even thinking to love him. For missing him. For wanting him. You and him had always been tight-fitted, too stuck in a skinny-love phase to really ever let it register just how much each one of you cared for the other. And you let a petty rivalry get in the way—a hatred that was much smaller than either of you could really comprehend.
         “It’s okay,” you said softly, feeling safe as Sirius’s gaze met yours. As he slowly stood to take your weak, pale hand in his, his eyes so utterly wrenched in heartache that you just had to squeeze back, you knew the two of you would be okay. You’d work through your struggles. You’d fix everything between the two of you. You’d make your last misunderstanding be just that--the last.
        And you were sure you’d conquer it all in the end.
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Surprises (one shot)
Harry Potter AU 
Request: Hey I was wondering if you could do a one shot with regulus black and the reader gets pregnant and it’s just like really fluffy
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: T
You stared at the fourth muggle pregnancy with wide eyes. There was no way denying what this meant. Apparently, Regulus and yourself weren't as careful as the two of you believed. You sat stunned looking at the small pile of positive tests in front of you.
Oh boy, we’ve done it now.
You thought as there was a knock on the other side of the door. Sirius’ voice came from the other side.
“Hey, it's me...again. You’ve been in there a really long time, Y/n. You haven’t fallen in have you?”
Your eyes rolled to the door.
“No, I’m fine. Go away.”
Sirius groaned.
“But I need to go.”
“Go find a bush!”
You snapped. Sirius whined before going back to the kitchen where Remus sat reading the morning newspaper.
“She’s still in there and told me to go away. Can you believe that?”
Remus didn’t look up at his own lover before smirking.
“You have been pestering her every five minutes since she went in there. Sorry, but you get what you get.”
Sirius grumbled about no one liking him at 9 am in the morning as he walked to the refrigerator to look for a snack.
“I hope my brother gets home soon. Y/n is nice to him. He gets that sassy side under control. Maybe he can get her to come out of the bathroom.”
“Why is she in the bathroom?”
Sirius spun around as Regulus put his coat down. Regulus had been out on a job for the past week and a half.
“I don’t know but I need to go and she won’t get out of there. Go fix your girlfriend. She’s been mean to me and I have been nothing but delightful.”
Regulus rolled his eyes. He knew all about Sirius’ version of “delightful.” That means “I’m going to drive you nuts until you want to murder me.” If Sirius annoyed you, the most patient and kind person that Regulus knew, then he had done something stupid to deserve it.
“I’m sure that you have.”
Regulus replied before going upstairs. He gently knocked on the door.
“Get lost, Sirius!”
You immediately snapped. Regulus grinned. You were about to change your tune really quick when he spoke.
“Not Sirius but if you want me to leave again…”
You were silent for a moment before Regulus heard a bunch of things being moved around in the bathroom before the door opened.
You squealed his name before making a mad dash for him. Regulus wrapped his arms around you and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You looked exhausted and definitely a bit out of character. For it being almost noon, you were still in your pajamas.
“Are you okay, love? You look a bit peaky.”
Regulus commented as he took your face in his hands to try to figure out if you were getting ill. You seemed fine the previous evening when he spoke to you.
You sighed, knowing that you needed to tell him. Regulus was going to figure it out sooner or later anyway. There was only so long that you could hide this particular secret.
“I need to talk to you...alone.”
You wrapped your hand around Regulus’ wrist and tugged him into your bedroom as Sirius made a wide-open path to the bathroom.
“Thank Merlin!”
Regulus rolled his eyes at his older brother before closing the bedroom door behind him. He internally thought about how difficult it was living with Sirius again and wondered how he handled growing up with the other man.
Turning his attention back to you, Regulus titled his head as you started pacing the room.
“So are you going to tell me what is wrong or do I need to start guessing?”
You stopped pacing and thought about how to break the “happy news” to your very unsuspecting boyfriend. The two of you hadn’t discussed having a child in the slightest. Was Regulus going to be angry? What if he decided that he didn’t want anything to do with having a child?
Come on, Y/n. That isn’t the type of man that Regulus is.
You chided yourself before taking a breath and placing all four tests in Regulus’ hand. He looked a bit confused as he gazed at the sticks. You automatically shook your head realizing that he had no idea what the hell you had given him.
“Positive? What’s positive?”
Regulus questioned as his dark eyes rolled up to you for an answer. You couldn’t help but wonder if your baby-to-be would have his father’s eyes? A better question was how were you so 100% the baby was a boy?
Regulus’ soft voice pulled you from your now pleasant thoughts. You were surprised that you were so suddenly thrilled with the idea of what was happening to you.
“Those are muggle pregnancy tests.”
Regulus blinked a few times as he looked back down.
“Oh...OH! Oh?”
You couldn’t help but smile as his mouth dropped.
You had hoped that you would be able to say more but you suddenly couldn’t speak as Regulus started looking at the multiple tests again.
“We’re having a baby?”
Regulus questioned softy. He knew this was getting a bit redundant but he wanted to make sure that he was hearing everything correctly.
“Yes...are you upset? I know that it isn’t a good time with this war and all...I suppose the pills that I was taking just didn’t do their job…”
Regulus tossed the tests on the dresser before pulling you back against him. He snuggled his face against yours breathing in the scent of your perfume. This was the last thing that Regulus was expecting.
In all actuality, Regulus never considered the thought of having a child. He never thought that he would be “good enough.” Clearly, his own father was no pristine example of what a father should be. Orion Black left everything to Walburga. If Sirius or Regulus made the slightest peep of noise when Orion was home, they were getting screamed at or hit over the head with a hex. There was no bonding whatsoever.
His idea of being a father was showing Regulus and Sirius off at family or business functions. He didn’t think that it was important to turn up to any of his son’s events or their births, for the record. If he even knew what his son’s names were or anything about them then it would be a shock for everyone.
Maybe, deep down, Regulus had a fear of being like his father if he had children of his own. What if he didn’t know what to do with the kid or found the child annoying? It wasn’t like he could just “send the kid back.”
My baby will be different...this baby will be half Y/n. Everything about her is wonderful so this baby must be wonderful too...I’m not my father. I’m not my father.
Regulus thought before finally being able to speak. He stood up enough to smile down at you.
“I’m happy! Beyond words, happy! It doesn’t matter if it's a bad time...it's a good time. You know that I’ll take care of both of you.”
You smiled. Normally you would have made some sassy comment that you were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. You would just need his help when it came to caring for the child. Today, however, Regulus’ soft comment of promising to take care of you struck a new place that even you were surprised that you had.
“I like the sound of that.”
Regulus tucked your head under his chin and enjoyed the quiet closeness of the moment. You wrapped your arms around his back, tightening your grasp on his body. For the first time that day, you were finally starting to feel better. After being queasy the past few days, you were relieved to not want to throw your guts up for once.
It was all nerves. You were only afraid to see how Regulus would react. Now everything will be fine.
You thought as Regulus gently tugged you toward the bed. He barely laid down before nestling back against you. Regulus gently stroked a hand over your stomach.
“So is the baby like the size of a bean or something?”
You shrugged.
“I’m not sure. I suppose we will find out when I have an appointment with a healer.”
“How are you feeling? I noticed that you were pale when you stepped out of the bathroom.”
You laid your head on his shoulder wanting to preserve the closeness. Suddenly you were very sleepy for the first time in a few days.
“Just a little queasy.”
Regulus wrapped an arm around you feeling more peaceful than he had in a long time. Even if the situation at hand was going to be a rough one, he knew that it would be okay since it was with you.
“I guess my pullout game isn’t as good as I thought.”
You rolled your eyes before snuggling closer.
“I guess not.”
@amelie-black @truly-insatiable @fandomsxxregulus @realgaytrash @spiderxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @whymyparentscheckmyphone @teletubiswszpilkach @hazncalsgal @quuenofblacks @acciosiriusblack @fific7 @bennyberry @jessyballet @knreidy1 @rubyroscoe1 @criminalyetminimal @exhsle @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @fandom-trash-worth-it @hankypranky @summer-novak @shaylybaby2032 @emiwrites3reads @li0nh34rt @tas898 @marichromatic @untoldshortsofthefandoms @sprnaturallover @stuckinsaudi1 @shitfaceddaniel @shitfaceddaniel @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @knight-of-gleefulness @deanwherescas @wontlookaway
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In Love and Death Chapter 15
Harry Potter AU 
Link to Chapter 14
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M
After Sirius calmed down, you went upstairs to the bedroom for a nap. After all of the excitement, you needed some rest. Regulus sat on the bed when you walked in. He looked up at you with those “please love me” eyes that typically got him anything that he wanted.
Ugh, why does he have to be so fudging adorable?
You thought as Regulus finally spoke.
“Is he okay?”
You nodded, sitting down beside him.
“I think I calmed him down. Regulus smirked. If there was someone that could talk anyone down after being upset by something...it was you. Even though you were typically sarcastic and sassy, you knew how to handle upset people like a champ.
“How did you do it? Scotch?”
Both of you laughed at that. It had been days since the two of you had a conversation like this and you realized how much that you missed it. You had missed “your” Regulus more than anything else. His sudden sullen quietness that he usually reserved for other people being directed at you was more hurtful than any of his icy words could have been. You understood though. He was still in a panicked state over you running after Harry and Bellatrix. It was risky...you had to admit that (especially given your condition). Had the roles been reversed you would have probably been a wreck to. You may have chosen your words and actions a little differently but you would have been upset.
“That is actually a brilliant idea, darling. I just talked him down. That’s what he needed. It's clearly a shock.”
Regulus took your hand in his as he traced his fingers over your palm. A “shock” was a great way of putting what he had just witnessed. Knowing that he had a niece that was 10 was a definite shock to Regulus’ system. He had tried to process his thoughts on the matter and was only coming up with anger and annoyance. Regulus’ main source of annoyance was with the child’s mother, whoever she was. The woman should have come to Sirius when she found out that she was expecting. He was already raising Harry so he could have easily supported his own child.
Your voice pulled Regulus from his thoughts.
“How are you feeling about it?”
Regulus turned his attention back to you.
“I don’t know. I mean...I always suspected that Sirius would knock some girl up with the way that he behaved but it's different now that it actually happened. Part of me is angry that Sirius is getting hit with this 10 years later. I mean, he’s missed 10 years of this child’s life. Another part is pissy because there wasn’t much that I could do to help him being dead and all. The last part is thrilled that this child didn’t grow up with my family...you know what a hot disaster that is. However, I have no idea what kind of trauma this child did grow up with...it could be 10 times worse than whatever we had to offer.”
You lay your head on his shoulder with a sigh. Regulus was definitely right on that one. This kid could be 100% blissfully normal or could be some poor damaged thing that grew up like yourself.
“Either way, she just lost her mother. That will be rough. No matter if a parent is cruel or not...when you lose a parent it's painful. You think about what you could have had if the fates would have been remotely kind to you.”
You said, sadly. Regulus immediately frowned, feeling awful. That statement alone told Regulus how you were feeling. No matter how tough of a front that you put up, you were missing your own mother. It was probably the way Regulus felt when he “woke up” to find that both of his own parents were dead. There was a mixture of relief and sadness.
“We can give the child something better, you know? I think Sirius will do just fine. It may be a bit of a dumpster fire at first but at least we won’t be our parents.”
You had to agree with Regulus on that one. Sirius, Regulus, and yourself at least knew what “not to do.” The three of you wouldn’t care if the child was a Slytherin or a Gryffindor or any house for that matter. You would see the child’s talents and what made that child “special.”
“That's true. We are most certainly not them.”
The two of you sat in silence until you squeaked as the baby shoved another little foot in your ribs. Regulus’ head turned in your direction.
“Are you okay?”
You nodded.
“I would be if your child would leave my ribs alone.”
Regulus smirked before gently placing his hand on your stomach. You were thrilled to see him smile when the baby moved under his hand.
“The baby has been moving a lot lately.”
Regulus commented, his smile not leaving his face.
“I guess I should stop drinking coffee if I want to make it another month. Just so you know, we are never doing this again.”
Regulus nodded. He was fine with this being the only one. Now that he knew healers didn’t know everything, he was pleased with the outcome.
“That’s fine with me. Y/n, about the past few days...I’m sorry that I have been a dick. Watching you run off after my psycho cousin scared the crap out of me. You know that I couldn’t function without you. Since I came back from whatever it was that Voldemort did to me...you’ve been the constant that I needed.”
You copied his action of taking his hand in yours and stroking your fingers over his palm. This was one of the ways to calm him down. A few soft strokes of your hand would leave Regulus a moldable little lump of clay in your hands.
“In your defense, it was kind of dumb for me to run after her.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“I didn’t have to be a dick though.”
“You had your reasons. Let's just say everything is okay and move on, huh?”
Regulus nodded, feeling thrilled for that outcome. If he could just have you back as his lover and things be normal he would be fine with everything in his life.
“That sounds really nice.”
The next morning you stood with Regulus and Sirius as the three of you waited to finally meet Lucinda. Neither Regulus nor Sirius had said much since arriving at the ministry. Sirius had been a nervous wreck all morning and had been anxiously tapping his fingers on any surface that he could get his hands on. It was Regulus that finally told him to “fucking stop.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the difference between both brothers. Sirius stood looking like his typical rock’n’roll god self while Regulus stood at your side in the dark suit that hugged his slender body perfectly.
Now isn’t the time to start drooling over him.
You thought with a smile as Sirius turned to his brother.
“What do I say?”
Regulus didn’t make a facial expression or turn to face his brother. How the fuck was he supposed to tell Sirius what to say when he didn’t know himself.
Hi, we are your family but just found out about you.
Hello, you’re coming with us. Do you have any emotional issues that we should know about?
Regulus had to choke back a smirk at both of those thoughts. Sirius was going to have to tackle this one. Regulus had no idea what he would say if the shoe was on the other foot.
“You could start with hello.”
Regulus suggested earning a sneer from his older brother.
“I am so glad that I asked you for help.”
Regulus again didn’t turn to his elder brother.
“You know that I’m not good at these things.”
“She’s your niece too.”
Sirius commented. Finally, Regulus turned to look at his brother.
“I am very much aware of that. Have you thought about just what we are getting ourselves into, Sirius? This child could be damaged...worse than what we were.”
Sirius closed his eyes. He didn’t want to think about that. The last thing that he wanted to consider was his own child could have had a worse childhood than him. In all of his years, Sirius had sworn that if he were to ever have a child that she/he would never grow up with abuse. Now that promise could have been for nothing…
“She’s still my daughter...traumatized or not. I can’t just do nothing.”
Regulus frowned.
“That isn’t what I meant. I only meant that we should both be prepared for the worst.”
Sirius nodded.
“You shouldn’t worry about it. You have your own family to deal with. Y/n will have your baby soon. You shouldn’t be worried about mine.”
The sentence left Sirius’ mouth before he really thought about what he had said. He knew, if it had been years before, Regulus would do nothing to help him. He would probably sit back and watch him suffer. It wasn’t until Sirius saw the annoyed expression on Regulus’ face did he realize that his brother wasn’t going to just leave him behind.
“You’re talking crazy. Whether I have my own family or not, you are still my brother and I’m not letting you do this alone.”
You sniffed earning a stare from both Regulus and Sirius.
“God damn these pregnancy hormones...you two are making me want to cry. This is worse than the sad abused pet commercial.”
Before Sirius or Regulus could make a comment, a witch stepped out of the office. Her attention went to Sirius before smiling politely.
“Mr. Black, I am sorry to have kept you waiting. If you all will come with me.”
Sirius was crossing the room without a second thought. Regulus’ hand wrapped around yours, seeking reassurance that only you could provide. You gave him a small smile before the two of you followed Sirius into a small office. The witch turned with another kind smile.
“She hasn’t said more than two words since she has been with us. I believe that the poor dear has suffered something horrible in her short life.”
Regulus turned to face you with a dark expression that said “I knew it.” Sirius was unable to say a word so it was Regulus that turned to the woman and said a quiet thank you.
The three of you waited until the witch walked out of the room before turning to face the small girl sitting by the window. Both Sirius and Regulus glanced at each other as the little girl turned. Right away both brothers could see their mother as a child looking back at them. Everything about Lucinda screamed Walburga Black only with deliberate differences. She was a lot smaller than Walburga at ten years old.
You, meanwhile, couldn’t help but smile. Everything about her screamed Sirius and Regulus Black. Her eyes matched her father’s, however, the expression on her face reminded you of Regulus.
The poor dear looked scared to death. Your newly acquired maternal instincts kicked in and you wanted nothing more than to hug the poor little girl and stroke your fingers through her curly dark hair...yet another feature that she shared with Regulus.
You stood quietly beside Regulus as Sirius knelt down in front of Lucinda and spoke quietly.
“Hi sweetheart, I know this all has to be very confusing for you and I’m sorry that you are going through the things that you are. I’m…”
“You’re my father. I know. I heard what the woman out there said to some other people.”
Sirius nodded.
“I am. I don’t know everything about you, dear but I won’t let anything bad happen to you again. You can have a family now. Speaking of which, this is your uncle Regulus and aunt Y/n. They are going to help take care of you too.”
The whole way back to Grimmauld Place, Lucinda didn’t say much. Her eyes were focused solely on the road in front of her. You had a feeling that Regulus was going to be right about the whole thing. This poor dear had seen things that children hadn’t seen and had no idea how to recover from it.
You stood in the kitchen helping Tonks cook dinner. Tonks gave you a smile before patting your arm.
“You know that it is all going to be okay, right? We are going to get the little love straightened out and before long we’ll all make some strange big happy family.”
Regulus was sitting at the table and laughed at Tonks’ comment.
“She’s onto something, Y/n. Notice that she said strange. I think that's fitting.”
“Strange works for us.”
You commented as Lucinda walked in. She sat down across from Regulus. Her eyes had locked on you watching your every move. Tonks elbowed you in the side with a small grin as if telling you to “work some magic.”
“So sweetheart, what foods do you not like?
The little girl shrugged.
“I’m not picky ma’am.”
Regulus’ eyes rolled up from the paper as you tilted your head.
“You don’t have to call me ma’am.”
Lucinda shrugged.
“Mother would have beaten me if I didn’t.”
Both Regulus and yourself locked gazes. You could see the fury quickly building in your lover’s face as he pressed his lips together. Taking a breath, you crossed the room and sat down beside Lucinda.
“I had a mother like that too. Lucinda you were born into a family that didn’t appreciate you. Now things are going to be very different. You have a lot of people who care for you now.”
The following weeks proved to be some of the more difficult for everyone in the house. You quickly began to realize how much Lucinda’s early childhood reminded you of your own and it was one of the more painful things that you had dealt with in a long time. Lucinda reminded you so much of yourself as a child. She was quiet, agreeable, and quickly grown to following you all over the place (and you didn’t mind). She was quickly opening up to everyone a little more with each day.
You smiled at how much she reminded you of an even mixture of Regulus and Sirius. Something told you that once she “came into her own,” Lucinda would be the perfect little trouble maker. Sirius was too good at getting caught. Lucinda, however, had Regulus’ sneaky nature and would probably get away with whatever the task was.
One morning, you stood in the kitchen feeding your obsessive need for hot chocolate. Regulus and Sirius had gone off on a mission leaving Tonks and yourself at home with Lucinda.
“Hot chocolate again?”
Tonks smirked at the expression on your face as you shoved another bite of a cupcake in your mouth.
Tonks gave Lucinda a playful smile before turning back to you.
“If you keep feeding that baby like that, he will never want to be born.”
You rolled your eyes before turning and going off in search of a bottle of water.
“Yeah, well I don’t think that is going to be happening.”
Tonks quickly sat up on the counter.
“Yeah, and why is that?”
You turned.
“Considering that I have been having contractions all morning off and on.”
Tonks' amused expression immediately turned to worry. She quickly looked down at her watch. Jumping off of the counter, Tonks quickly began to pace.
“It's too soon. You have another month and a half. Have you called Regulus?”
“Tonks, it's a bit early to panic. It isn’t like my water…”
As soon as you said it a wet sensation went down your legs. Tonks met your gaze as her mouth dropped. She quickly turned and tossed her phone at Lucinda who effortlessly caught it.
“Darling, call your father and uncle. Keep calling them obnoxiously until one of them answers the phone.”
Tonks turned back to you. She gently pushed you into an empty chair. Had it not been for the pain of another contraction you may laugh at the hilarity of the situation. Tonks was spazzing out as if she had never given birth herself.
“There’s no stopping it now. I’m going to go get Molly. She of all people will know what to do. I want to sit here and breathe. REMUS!”
“Right here, why are you yelling, darling?”
Remus asked, stepping into the room looking confused. Tonks was practically jumping up and down as she pointed to you over and over. Remus raised an eyebrow.
“My water broke.”
You explained. Remus’ mouth dropped as he followed his wife’s example and checked his watch.
“Too early...I know...baby is coming…”
You whimpered through gritted teeth. Lucinda was still playing phone tag with Sirius and Regulus. She finally gave up and turned to you.
“I’m not getting either of them, aunty. Dad’s line just rings and Regulus’ is going straight to voicemail.”
You rolled your eyes before internally muttering to yourself to calm down. The last thing that you wanted to do was traumatize the poor girl in front of you anymore.
“Regulus probably broke his phone again.”
Remus finally pulled himself out of his own state of worry.
“I’ll go get them. I know where they went.”
You nodded as Remus disappeared from the room. Molly quickly appeared into the room taking Remus' place. Her friendly face was full of worry as she reached you. Tonks was behind her still looking as if she was taking Regulus’ place in having a panic attack. It took all that you had not to giggle.
“Y/n, Dora said that your water broke?”
You nodded, still trying to keep your calm and casual persona.
“Yep. That is the way that it looks. I think Dora is having a worse time though.”
Molly quickly reached out for your hand.
“Come on, we need to get you into bed.”
You shook your head.
“Oh no...not yet. I want to wait right here to tell Regulus that my mother was right. Sex is bad.”
Molly instantly broke out into a fit of laughter. Had she not been through childbirth so many times; the comment wouldn’t be as funny. Hearing it come from the first time mum was all the more adorable.
“I’ll be sure to let him know what you said. Now come, dear. We need to get you settled.”
@amelie-black @truly-insatiable @fandomsxxregulus @realgaytrash @lucasfilms77 @spiderxalmighty @whymyparentscheckmyphone @jessyballet @knreidy1 @quuenofblacks @bennyberry @hazncalsgal @teletubiswszpilkach @acciosiriusblack @fific7 @sunles @rubyroscoe1 @criminalyetminimal @exhsle @sluttforsirius @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @fandom-trash-worth-it @hankypranky @summer-novak @li0nh34rt @tas898 @marichromatic @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @knight-of-gleefulness @stuckinsaudi1 @untoldshortsofthefandoms @sprnaturallover @deanwherescas @shitfaceddaniel @wontlookaway @mycuddlycorner
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On making you happy Part 2
Harry Potter AU
Link to Part 1
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M
“So you’re marrying Regulus?”
Melinda questioned as the two of you walked into the girl’s dormitory. You nodded, flashing her the engagement ring that Regulus had just slipped on your finger.
“Yes, that is what I have been distracted about.”
Melinda clasped her hands together.
“I had a feeling that the two of you would end up together one day. It’s a smart match. He comes from a good family. Is his mother as intimidating as she seems?”
You sat down on your bed before twisting your engagement ring.
“She is intimidating. Walburga has always been kind to me. I think she has had her eye on me for Regulus for some time so she’s been hamming it up as much as possible.’
Melinda still looked beyond surprised over the news of your engagement. It was no surprise that you would get into a well respected pureblood family. When your friendship with Regulus ended, Melinda expected that to be it. It wasn’t that she was excited for you. She was beyond words to know that you would be well cared for. Maybe it was the whispers about Regulus being a death eater that concerned her. Regulus had made a reputation for himself as a bit of a jerk and Melinda didn't feel comfortable going up to the boy and asking if he really was a death eater.
“I’m sure it will all be wonderful.”
Melinda said with a smile.
The next afternoon, you sat in the common room waiting for Regulus to come back for your date. He had missed potions and you weren't sure about the reason. He seemed perfectly fine the night before.
Your fiance is a servant to the dark lord. You might as well accept it.
The thought in your mind made you feel slightly light-headed. You didn’t want to see Regulus hurt. Fooling around with the death eaters was going to be a one-way ticket to death and injury.
“Hi, Y/n.”
Your head snapped up feeling instantly relieved to see Regulus standing in front of you. He gave you that warm smile that had won your heart over years ago. You quickly stood up and threw your arms around his shoulders. Maybe it was an extreme or surprising action (for both of you) but you didn’t care.
Regulus seemed as surprised to have your arms around him as you were by giving him the hug. He was still not 100% comfortable being touched. After all, the only time that he was touched as a child was due to punishment. His parents didn’t know what a hug was.
He finally recovered enough to wrap his arms around you. Regulus pressed another kiss to your forehead. Maybe getting you to fall in love with him was going to be easier than expected?
“I was wondering if you were okay. I didn’t see you in potions.”
Regulus’ hand fell to the small of your back and let it sit for a bit longer than he honestly planned. Touching you felt too “natural.”
“I’m sorry. I had some...things to take care of. So, shall we go?”
You eagerly wrapped your arm through his as Regulus led you out of the dungeons and up to the astronomy tower.
“I thought that a picnic at sunset would be a nice date.”
Regulus said, softly. He was relieved when you smiled. Whether the marriage was arranged or not, Regulus wanted there to be some romance to it. He had known you long enough to know that you were a sucker for a good romance novel. If he could just sweep you off of your feet, Regulus knew that he could get away with a lot of things.
“Have you been reading romance novels again?”
You asked as you settled down next to Regulus on the blanket. He chucked.
“I think that it's important to know how to romance one's fiance.”
You sighed as his lip closed on your hand.
“I’ve missed you, Reggie.”
“I’ve missed you too.”
He replied with a smile. The two of you sat in silence until the edge of the dark mark on his arm caught your attention. You immediately felt that dizzy worried feeling return with a vengeance.
“If I ask you something, will you tell me the truth?”
Regulus nodded, resting his head on your shoulder.
You took a deep breath before looking straight ahead. The last thing that you could do was look into his eyes at the moment. All that you could see was the 11-year-old boy who had been your first crush. The sweet boy who immediately decided that you were going to be his best friend. It didn’t matter if you were a girl.
“Are you a death eater?”
Regulus was silent for a moment before sitting upon his knees. He quickly began rolling up his shirt sleeve.
“I think this will answer your question.”
Your eyes rolled down to the dark mark that now ruined his perfectly pale skin. He was. You were going to be married to a death eater. The man that you had loved since childhood was now caught up in something that he couldn’t get away from.
“Why, Regulus? Why in the world would you do something like this? This is…”
“The way it's going to be.���
Regulus said, calmly. You were ready to panic. At the moment, you were being a total “Mary Sue” but you couldn’t help it. Were you able to handle this? You didn’t think so!
You quickly stood up and started for the steps of the astronomy tower.
“I can’t do this.”
You squeaked before Regulus wrapped his arms around you from behind. His body was hard against yours as you stopped trying to getaway.
“Like it or not, Y/n, this is what I am. Just like we are going to be husband and wife, whether you can accept my being a death eater or not.”
You sighed, knowing that he was right. There would be no getting out of this engagement. You were going to walk down the aisle to Regulus in a few months and would be his wife.
“What about me, Reggie? What about our future family?”
Regulus’ painfully tight hold on you eased as he turned your body to snuggle against his.
“Y/n, I can’t tell you everything but things aren’t as they seem. I need you to trust me. Please, trust me.”
You could barely look at him for a moment. It wasn’t until Regulus tilted your face back to his were you able to speak.
“I’ll try.”
“That’s all that I ask.”
Regulus said softly before lowering his lips to yours.
(2 weeks later)
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Black but your husband is dead.”
You stood looking at the little plump witch who had been working on Regulus for the past half an hour.
“What do you mean? He was fine…”
The woman looked over her shoulder. A few other nurses were still trying to bring the poor young man back to life. From what the witch had seen, it looked like Regulus Black had been held underwater until he was dead. Such a shame...another handsome young man lost to a senseless tragedy...
“Excuse me.”
She walked away muttering about another hysterical widow and how she didn't get paid enough...
Your eyes snapped open as you quickly sat up trying to figure out where you were. The room was dark and only illuminated by a flash of lightning every few moments.
You were relieved the moment that you heard Regulus’ voice. His warm arms wrapped around you and pulled you back against his body. His skin was warm against yours as if welcoming you back into the bed.
“Bad dream again?”
He asked, before yawning. You nodded, breathing in his scent. Regulus smiled before throwing himself over you. He held himself up on his arms and gave you a sweet smile. Your heart fluttered at that smile. It was a smile that he didn’t give out often.
“Such a silly dream.”
Regulus whispered, softly.
“It doesn’t feel silly.”
You confessed. Regulus leaned down for a soft kiss.
“Darling, look. I can’t tell you everything but I promise you...everything will be okay.”
You sighed, happily as Regulus kissed a path down your neck. His voice was deep and comforting against your skin.
“Looks like we fell asleep in the room of requirement again. I can’t wait until we don’t have to sneak around to sleep together.”
You reached up and tugged on his now bed ravaged curls.
“You have two months.”
You said with a smile.
“Besides, I think that our friends realize what we are doing when we go away.”
Regulus grinned as you slowly got up and started searching for your missing underwear. The relationship between Regulus and yourself had intensified greatly over the past few months. Both of you had intentions of not having sex until the wedding night but after a few dates of heavy making out; you found yourself underneath Regulus begging for him to take you.
“Don’t you have an appointment to try on wedding dresses with my mother this weekend?”
Regulus asked. You froze immediately feeling that sense of dread washing over you. Walburga still made you a nervous wreck and now you were going to be stuck in a bridal shop with her. All that you could see was those judgemental eyes telling you “that style of dress makes you look fat.”
“Yeah...are you sure that you can’t come?”
Regulus laughed as he buttoned his shirt. You kept your eyes off of the dark mark on his arm. Over the past few months, you had developed a talent for not looking. If you didn't see it then maybe (just maybe) it didn't exist. You were at least thankful that Regulus didn't tell you about what he was up to with his death eater friends. There had been plenty of dates that Regulus had to blow off due to "business." It wasn't only dates, it was sex too. The two of you would be rolling around in bed then all of a sudden Regulus would be howling in pain.
"I'm sorry...I have to go"
You learned to not ask questions.
“You know that it is bad luck for me to see your dress before the wedding. We need all of the luck that we can get. I’ve already talked to my mother about being on her best behavior. I really think you have nothing to worry about. Mum likes you a lot. I bet that I like you a lot more though.”
Regulus had you back on the bed.
“Reggie, we are never going to get back to the common room.”
Regulus rocked his forming hard-on against your thigh. His long fingers quickly tugged your panties down before unzipping his pants. You sighed against his mouth.
“Just hurry, lover boy.”
Both of you gasped as he shoved back inside. You were still soaking from the last lovemaking session.
“Loverboy, that has a nice ring to it.”
The weekend came a little faster than you planned. You sat in the bridal parlor with Walburga and your mother as the shopkeeper went in search of your gown. Walburga looked as regal as ever
“Which color of dress did you choose, dear?”
She asked, seeming more disinterested than anything.
“Champagne, ma’am. Regulus said he liked that color.”
Walburga nodded.
“He always has and Y/n, darling, you don’t have to call me ma’am. In two months, you’ll be my daughter-in-law. Orion and I are looking forward to having you in our family. Speaking of which, I have a gift for you”
Walburga dug through her handbag before digging out a small velvet box. You smiled and gently opened the box to see a golden heart-shaped locket.
“This is lovely. Thank you. It will go nicely with my dress.”
20 minutes later, Walburga stood helping you get into the ball gown dress. You thought that it was a bit overkill but Walburga insisted on something over the top.
“Yes, this is lovely!”
Walburga’s eyes fell down to your thigh. She smirked seeing finger indentations that resemble her son’s hand. She wasn’t the least bit surprised that the two of you were already “getting to know each other.”
“I think that this is a good time to talk about children.”
“Excuse me?”
You managed to choke out. This was the last thing that you expected to be talking about and what an awkward conversation this was about to be. Walburga walked behind you and started lacing to the corset (a little tighter than necessary, you thought).
“As you know, Y/n, the Black family has been around for many many years. There are certain things that will be expected of you. Producing an heir is one of the most important. You’re young. It's best to start producing as soon as possible. I would recommend having at least two...in case one goes insane. Regulus is already aware of what is expected of him. Our son has a lot on him at the moment. As a wife, you should be prepared to provide comfort whenever he needs or desires it.”
You felt your face going tomato red. Part of you was laughing at the conversation. This woman was literally telling you that you had to have a baby and to have sex with your husband.
She would pass out if I told her that Regulus and I were screwing like bunnies.
You made a mental note to tell Regulus about this conversation later. He would be red as you were.
“Of course. I’m going to make him happy, Walburga. I know that you haven’t seen much of our relationship but Reggie and I are already very happy.”
Walburga smiled.
“From the marks on your thighs, I find that believable.”
Walburga smirked when you flushed all over again. If you were trying to get one up on her, you clearly failed.
"You'll make a lovely bride."
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Second Chance 3
Harry Potter AU 
Pairings: Sirius Black x Reader 
Link to Chapter 2 
Rating- M- minor smut
3:00 am…
Sirius’ eyes snapped open. He sat up looking around the bedroom with a frown.
Another stupid nightmare…
He had been dreaming nightly about being thrown back into prison. This time there would be no escape and there would never be a way to see Matilda and yourself again.
“Damn it.”
He muttered before rubbing two hands over his face. Sirius was relieved to wake up in your bedroom. Relieved was putting things lightly. It was more like fucking ecstatic!
Sirius reached over to the bedside table in search of a fifth of whiskey. Taking a drink, the edge started to wear off quickly.
What he didn’t know was you were awake seeing the whole thing. Sirius had been back home a few weeks. As much as you wanted to admit that things were perfect but there weren’t. To admit you weren’t worried would be a lie. You saw how much alcohol he drank every day and how when making love his hands grabbed at you too tightly almost like an inexperienced teenager. The only time Sirius seemed to come alive was in bed.
You knew that things would be different. It has been 13 years and Sirius has been in prison. He isn’t going to come back 100% the moment that he came back.
Sirius had changed since prison. You didn’t see him smile as much. He was hard almost to the point of cold at points. The vacant expression in Sirius’ eyes made your heartache. You missed his happy carefree attitude. You would have been happy to have him teasing you again. In a million years, you never thought that you would miss the days when he would sit behind you in class and pull your hair.
The little voice in your head told you to be happy because you had him back so that should be enough.
“Nightmares again?”
You asked, softly. Sirius didn’t look down at you. His attention was focused on the bedroom door; not blinking.
“They haven’t stopped. Now that we are going back to my mother's house tomorrow night, God only knows how long...it's getting worse.”
You sat up enough to lay your head on his shoulder.
“Everything will be okay. It might now be today or tomorrow but it will be eventually.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. He took care to make sure that you didn’t see him. The last thing that he wanted was for you to be mad at him.
“Everything will be okay when you know who gets his ass handed to him.”
You didn’t move from your place on Sirius’ shoulder. The lover in you wanted nothing more than to pour all of the whiskey in the house down the drain but the sensible side said Sirius would be fighting mad. Sirius had always drank but now you were worrying about it getting out of control.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment before you smirked and climbed on his lap. Sirius’ poor mood quickly changed and a ghost of the man that you loved flashed across his face.
“What are you up to?”
You reached up and slowly pushed the straps of your black lace nightie down. A smile began to play around Sirius’ mouth.
“Getting you occupied with something else. Your daughter is coming home later today and we are going to have to behave like civilized people.”
The two of you had been having sex on almost any flat surface in the whole house. If the mood set either of you right; whatever surface was available was where it was going down.
“She has to go to sleep sometime and silencing charms go a long way. Just ask your brother.”
Sirius said with a smirk. You knew exactly what he was talking about. The two of you had made love plenty of times with Remus in the room beside the two of you not making a peep (or so Remus thought).
“I don’t really want to think about my brother when I am trying to get laid. That’s like me bringing up Regulus when trying to give you a blowjob.”
Sirius’ amused expression fell as he looked down at his lap. The last thing that he really wanted to think about was his brother especially at a time like this.
“And there went my erection.”
You took Sirius’ right hand and placed it on your breast before leaning forward for a few teasing kisses. Sirius’ grey eyes were watching every move you made with intensity. You kissed him one more time before leaning over to rummage through the bedside table.
Sirius quickly wrapped an arm around your waist to prevent you from getting too far from him. He wasn’t ready to admit it but he had a feeling that if you got too far from him you would vanish forever or he would wake up in prison again. That had happened too many times. Only having his dreams for company was not enough.
“What are you doing?”
You sat back up with a smile.
“Let me see your left hand.”
Sirius slowly held his hand out as you slid his wedding ring back on his finger. He moved his hand forgetting exactly what his hand looked like with it on. The one nice quality that Barty Crouch had was to give you the wedding ring back.
“I was wondering if that shit head Barty Crouch actually gave you this. I didn’t believe him.”
You didn’t even like hearing Barty Crouch’s name. From the time that he threw Sirius into prison without a fair trial, all respect that you had for the man went down the drain.
“Fuck him.”
Sirius said, coldly before taking your left hand in his. He smiled and stroked his index finger over your engagement ring.
“Remember the night that I asked you to marry me? As I remember we were on my floor and you were wearing only this.”
Sirius leaned forward and wrapped his mouth around your left breast. Your head fell back and rocked your hips into Sirius’.
“And just like that, your erection is back.”
Half an hour later, you lay snuggled against Sirius’ chest. His long fingers stroked through your sandy hair.
“Feel better now?”
You asked, softly and was relieved when Sirius chuckled.
“Much better now. I have to ask. I am sure that there are going to be things about Matilda that you shield me from and I want to thank you in advance but please tell me that there are no little boys coming around here?”
You giggled at the expression on Sirius’ face.
Sirius sighed before reaching for the cigarettes on the bedside table.
“Good. I don’t think that I can mentally process that right now. Oh, Merlin, we were only a year and a half older than her when we started sleeping together.”
You winced realizing that Sirius was right. The two of you were doing things that neither of you should have been doing way too early.
“First, off you were having sex a long time before me. Second, lucky for you, daddy, Tilly doesn’t seem interested in boys. She is too busy being brutally honest and spreading joy. Don’t worry, I have already had the talk with her. I told her all about the fact that she can’t get pregnant by jumping up and down afterward.”
Sirius scowled down at you.
“That’s what you got for believing me. I was a horny teenage boy that had one thing in mind. Luckily, I learned a thing or two about contraceptive charms by the time you finally agreed to sleep with me. I never had to work so hard to get a woman in my life. I liked spreading joy too...just between your legs. You were this cute little innocent girl that just happened to be my best friend’s sister. I had to be desperate to fall in love with you to test Remus right after a full moon.”
You propped your head upon your arm.
“If you were perfect with contraceptive charms and your pull out game was better we wouldn't have a child.”
Sirius smiled before inhaling.
“Love, you know that I am like a bottle rocket once I get inside of you.”
This conversation made you think of old times. You snuggled back down against Sirius’ body with a yawn.
“Better to sleep stud. 8 am comes early.”
Later that morning, Sirius was a bit annoyed when you wouldn't let him go with you to pick up Matilda. After giving him the “do you really want to go back to prison and never see us again” speech. He changed his tune.
When you walked back into the house looking annoyed, Sirius frowned. He knew that face well. That was usually the face that you made when he did something stupid.
You rolled your eyes.
“I want you to have a good look at your daughter.”
You stepped aside to reveal Matilda whose left hand was wrapped and had a small bruise on her cheek. Remus had stepped in with Harry and looked equally annoyed. Matilda shrugged.
“Hi, dad.”
“What happened?”
Matilda shrugged. Between her mother’s annoyed expression and her father looking confused; the kid decided to go with blissfully dismissive.
“You should see the other guy.”
Sirius sat down the teacup that he was holding. He stepped forward slowly lifting the girl onto the counter to look at the bruise carefully. Sirius smiled looking at her face. She really did look like him. He didn’t want to admit it but some of her expressions were so much like her grandmother that it was almost scary.
“What other guy?”
“Malfoy. He ran his mouth so I punched him. He tried to hex me and he ended up getting his face smashed in. He puked. In my defense, he has had it coming all year.”
Sirius had to bite back a laugh. That was an answer he would have given if he ever heard one.
“The Malfoys have punchable faces.”
Remus and yourself said at the same time. Both Matilda and Harry were smiling. For once, someone had said something right about the Malfoys. Sirius, meanwhile, shrugged.
“I didn’t tell her to go punch the kid and I am also not saying that I did or did not hold Lucius Malfoy’s head under the black lake or cut his hair.”
Harry said with a smirk. Sirius glanced at the displeased expression on your face.
“I also suffered from asshole disease. Matilda, no more fighting.”
Matilda sighed and gave a quiet okay. Sirius had to shake his head and walk off. Merlin, Matilda reminded him of you. You were always that little girl that was always ready to defend your older brother. Defend, take down, beat the ever-living crap out of someone...whatever it took for someone to figure out that Remus Lupin had a bodyguard.
Sirius’ attention went back to Remus, who was still standing at the door. The expression on his face was dark.
“So what happened to you?”
Sirius’ attention had shifted to Matilda who hopped off the counter and walked off muttering under her breath. Remus sighed.
“I kind of lost my job.”
“Because of your furry little problem?”
Sirius questioned. Remus didn’t really want to talk about it but Sirius needed to know. He had a hard enough time telling Harry. Telling Matilda was almost heartbreaking. Remus had a soft spot for his niece and seeing her angry tears made the whole situation worse.
“Yes. Snape let it slip about my condition and you know people won’t want someone like me teaching their children.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. His hatred of Snape increased some more.
“And that’s what has Matilda upset.”
You came in. The three of you exchanged cold glares. There was a silent agreement going on that Severus Snape was still the biggest twat known to man.
“I’ll go talk to her.”
Sirius said before turning and going in the direction that Matilda had gone in. She sat at the kitchen table; scowling at the wood.
“What’s bothering you, sweetheart?”
Matilda looked up.
“Professor Snape is a slime ball.”
Matilda was relieved when her dad chuckled. She had half expected him to have the same attitude that you did.
“Yeah, well, he’s been that way since he was a kid. There’s no hope in him changing.”
Matilda smiled.
“At least you get it. The man hates Harry and I...more like loathes instead of hates. He calls us arrogant.”
Sirius rolled his eyes and made a mental note to yell at Snape the next time the man was around him.
“Sorry, sugar. That is probably partially mine and James’ fault. We weren’t very nice to him. Tell you what, if he gives the two of you grief next term I’ll take care of it.”
Matilda stood up and wrapped her arms around Sirius’ waist. It took him a minute before wrapping his arms around her.
“Dad, did you talk to mom...about you know?”
Sirius glanced in the living room where you sat talking to Harry. He figured that the two of you were on good enough terms to tell Matilda the truth.
“We’re working on it. I don’t want you to worry. Like I told you before, I love your mother very much.”
(6 hours later)
You stood outside of Grimmauld Place looking coldly at the home. It had been a long time since you had been here. Deep down you were hoping to never be back here again...now here you were. You glanced up at Sirius. He stood with his hood up concealing what he could of his face. You didn’t have to look at him to know that he was furious. This was the last place that Sirius ever wanted to go to and now he was about to be trapped here. He was in a hell of a mood and felt bad for anyone that had to deal with him.
Your hand tightened around his as you kept an eye out for any nosy muggles. Molly and Arthur were already there so at least the place wouldn't be a total disaster. You already knew that Kreacher sure as hell wasn’t doing anything except muttering about how badly he missed Walburga and Regulus.
This damned place didn’t burn down.
Sirius thought coldly. Sure, being here would keep his family safe and the order would be able to resume, however, that didn’t mean that he had to be thrilled about it. His hatred of his mother had intensified now that he knew exactly how Matilda’s birth happened. There was no excuse in Walburga putting you through the hell that she caused.
As for Matilda, Sirius knew exactly why his mother and brother were so nice to her. They were hoping for some kind of heir that was actually worthy of the Black family name. Sirius internally laughed coldly at the wish of his mother being alive to know that Matilda was sorted into Gryffindor. The crazy old bat would probably drop dead of a heart attack or roll over in her grave. Sirius would have been fine with either personally.
Matilda’s hand wrapping around his wrist pulled Sirius from his thoughts. The poor thing didn’t look the least bit excited to be here either.
“Alright, darling?”
Matilda nodded, not about to admit that she didn’t want to go in.
“Yeah, If grandmama's picture starts screaming I’ll tell her to hush. She listens to me.”
You were relieved when Sirius laughed.
“That’s a first. The horrible old hag listening to someone. “
Stepping inside, you didn’t have to look at Sirius to know that he was fuming. You took off your robe as Nymphadora Tonks came running into the room. She was wrapped around you like a giant cat knocking Sirius’ hand loose from yours.
“Y/n! I have missed your face for the past two days that we haven’t worked together.”
She leaned down.
“Did you bring that good looking brother of yours?”
You grinned as Sirius ran a hand through his hair while rolling his eyes. The last thing that he wanted to know was Tonks’ interest in his best friend. You, meanwhile, smirked.
“He’ll be in shortly. Go flirt with him like you flirt with me.”
Tonks gave you a big grin as Remus stepped into the house and quietly closed the door behind him.
“There you go, have at him.”
Sirius said with a smile as Tonks made her way over to Remus but tripped over something with a loud crash. Remus quickly picked her up as Walburga Black’s portrait started screaming shrilly. Sirius automatically winced hearing her voice. All of the stresses from his childhood came flooding back as Matilda backed up against him.
“It's okay.” Sirius followed you into the other room where the portrait hung. Both of you froze watching the woman practically jump up and down in fury. Her rage intensified seeing her oldest son.
You wrapped your arms around Sirius’ waist as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“That’s obnoxious.”
Sirius said as Matilda pushed past her father. Walburga stopped mid-sentence and mid-hop to look at her granddaughter with an awestruck gaze.
“Precious! Such a good girl, you are!”
Sirius glanced over at you rolling his eyes.
“Hey, mum. She isn’t in Slytherin.”
Walburga froze before starting screeching about blood traitors again as she noticed everyone else in the room. You rolled your eyes before helping Arthur Weasly close the curtain over the portrait.
“Matilda, what don’t you and Harry go find Ron and Hermione.”
When the two were out of the room, you turned your attention back to Sirius who was scowling at the painting.
“Love, it isn’t healthy to be fussing with a painting.”
Sirius’ eyes were cold as they fell down to you. You wanted to sigh loudly. Sirius had gone back into that hard shell that he had made for himself.
“Apparently a lot of the things that I do aren’t healthy.”
He said before turning to walk out of the room and tugged Remus out with him. Tonks who was in the middle of flirting with Remus was clearly a tad annoyed. She came over to you with a frown.
“What’s got his knickers in a twist?”
You shook your head.
“Anything that moves the wrong way at the moment.”
You gave Sirius a good twenty minutes before going to find him. Sirius sat in the living room staring coldly at the fire. You reached out stroking your fingers through his hair. When Sirius didn’t pull away, you knew that he wasn’t mad at you. You missed his hair being longer but the shorter hair was definitely growing on you.
“Still mad?”
Sirius took your hand and started kissing it gently. His five o’clock shadow was rough against your skin as he nuzzled his face against your wrist.
You were quiet for a moment before getting brave enough to speak.
“What do you want, Sirius? You’re on edge all the time.”
Sirius frowned before rolling his eyes up to your face. He felt guilty knowing that he was putting you through hell that you didn’t deserve.
“You know what I want? Peter Pettigrew’s head on a silver plate...extra bloody.”
You took another breath.
“That’s a delightful topic to talk about over dinner.”
Sirius dropped your hand for a moment before quickly taking it back. He didn’t want to let you go for a second.
“You asked.”
He stated. You wanted to hold back some snarky comments but maybe Sirius needed to hear it. Maybe he needed to hear that you were on his side.
“Don’t worry. We are going to get him then I’ll haul his useless ass off to Azkaban. I plan on getting a few punches in along the way.”
Sirius started laughing. You were relieved to see that his tune had changed.
“And you wonder why Matilda smacks Malfoy around?”
“Very funny, smartass.”
You said as Sirius reached out and pulled you onto his lap. A few kisses turned almost desperate before he pulled away to nuzzle your nose. What the two of you didn’t notice was Matilda standing in the doorway. She had heard everything about Sirius wanting Peter Pettigrew’s head on a silver platter...
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