#i want a shirt that says "i can have a little hypocrisy as a treat
eleord · 2 years
there’s thought swirling in my brain
so i think there are 2 types of masking that i undergo. #1 is behavioral masking, as in, eye contact, controlling my body movements, following dialogue scripts. #2 is identity masking, as in “who *should* i be in order to be socially acceptable.”
#1 is exhausting but fortunately the circumstances when it comes up are quite rare nowadays, and i’m becoming more comfortable being Slightly Weird around other ppl. #2 is an amalgamation of what I learned from my parents and from peers (esp in HS) abt who I need to be to not get harassed/commented on. This masking is more insidious because it never lets up - I end up constantly self-policing my identity to try to make it match this idea - and because I haven’t really been able to sit down and be like “ok what are the actual components of this” because the “ideal mask” i’m comparing myself to was built up over such a long period of time.
BUT i am becoming Very Aware now of how it’s influencing - who i date and how i feel about it - how i feel about my body - how i feel about my career - my ability to enjoy hobbies
for example, I am nonbinary and have wanted to have a different relationship w femininity than it seemed like would be socially acceptable, so i repressed these feelings and grew my hair really long. my mom taught me that nothing short of stunning academic success is acceptable, so when i feel badly about my performance in grad school it’s not really about feeling like I let her down, it’s feeling like I am shut off from being a person who deserves to exist. And let me tell you, there’s not much that makes you dislike a hobby more than being overly obsessed with whether you should be enjoying it and if you’re enjoying it correctly.
What I am learning as I get older and am around other people is that whether this type of mask matters is extremely contextual, and as people regard you as being responsible for yourself their general tendency to judge your behavior and express that judgement changes. Again for example, I cut all my hair off and basically everyone either said nothing or went “yeah i like that.” If i flunk out of grad school, no one will care bc it happens all the time, and they will continue to regard me the same way (you know, a person they like).
I think identity masking got me through high school when I was living with my mom and when my behavior was much more heavily policed by my peers. I think a lot of the impulse I get sometimes to go back to high school is that I want to be like “LOOK HOW MUCH BETTER I AM AT MASKING NOW.” but this masking is actively making my life worse. when I say the policing is constant, oh boy is it constant, and it’s all pretty negative. i think it might help if i sit down and actually write out my “ideal mask” in all its horrible, self-contradictory glory, so that it doesn’t have more power in its obscurity.
OH i do want to add. that part of the reason it’s self policing is bc i HATE hypocrisy and i feel like if im presenting something to the world i have to really Be That. But of course I really have very little control over how others perceive me, and my own benchmarks for like “how much x do you need before you can be considered y” tend to be unreasonably strict anyway. so like. I have spent hours agonizing over I Need To Do This For This Person Or How Can I Be A Good Person and the other person is like “dude i really just like that we talk lmao.” the point is that i self police to avoid hypocrisy and my internal benchmarks are set at Literal Saint and Savant so it’s.. uh.. a whole mess. But am coming to realize more that no one gives a shit about any of this anyway and MAYBE i can have a little hypocrisy as a treat.
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crownmemes · 3 months
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Questioning Sentences, Vol. 20
(Questioning sentences from various sources to ask all kinds of muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"What makes you think I’m so much better than you?"
"Why are you wearing perfume?"
"Can you honestly tell me you've never done anything hypocritical?"
"You think I have a hypocritical attitude to hypocrisy?"
"You don't like flying, do you?"
"Suddenly you discover humanity?"
"So, when you say 'call me if you need anything', you mean 'don’t call me'?""
"Something on your mind?"
"Have you ever actually killed anybody, or do you just talk them to death?"
"You don't think that's a little paranoid?"
"Is this some clever practical joke that I'm not aware of?"
"Are you going to cry?"
"Why do you want so badly not to be human?"
"Did I mention that I have been drinking?"
"You would really give up everything you've ever known for me?"
"What exactly are you looking for?"
"Did you iron your shirt?"
"I assume you have a reason beyond wanting to make me completely miserable?"
"Why are you so curious about his curiosity?"
"You blow-dry your hair?"
"Does that make me evil?"
"Are you afraid of silence?"
"I'm supposed to show you sympathy?"
"How many people do you know in completely happy, fullfilling relationships?"
"Are there no depths you won't sink to?"
"Are you really okay?"
"You don't think she's hot?"
"What do you do with your time off?"
"May I have a drink now?"
"Why do you think that people would treat you worse if they knew the truth?"
"Excuse me for actually caring what I look like!"
"Have you watched any X-Files that inspire an explanation?"
"I don't suppose it's occurred to you that I might hugely prefer someone else?"
"Do the consequences of attacking outweigh the potential benefiits?"
"Did you sleep here?"
"I take it you two aren't sleeping together anymore?"
"You've come home to me, then?"
"Would you care to be a little more specific?"
"Is there any fucked up thing you don't know about?"
"What? You're saying I've only got one friend?"
"Tell me about your father? What was he like?"
"You've done this before, right?"
"Who said I was joking?"
"You really believe this, don't you? That you're a vampire?"
"Why don't we just kill him?"
"Why is everybody so ashamed of sex all of a sudden?"
"What do you mean you're married?"
"Are you thinking of doing something that has an outcome you can't live with?"
"What is the point in tradition if one is constantly changing things?"
"I don't mean to pry, but is something troubling you?"
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queerfortress2 · 8 days
May I request any number of mercs you’d like to write for helping a S/O who is getting burnt out from work/school/general busy life stuff?
I’m having the worst burnout right now and it stinks :/
If I had any preference…any of these: Medic, Engie, Scout, Spy
You can write for one, you can write for all of them, whatever you would like to do.
I’m a woman and use she/her but you can make this gender neutral so non-female folks can also enjoy, whichever you’d like!
Hope you’re well, and thank you <3
an engie request finally you don’t understand — mod engie
my brother in christ he is ALSO working. 2fort’s best paper pusher right there.
if you see work pile up he wouldn’t be opposed to helping you if you ignore is own work piling up. he doesn’t mind it really, as much as he says he doesn’t get burnt out he absolutely does and completely understands.
also taking you out of a work environment !! separate yourself from work for a little while, it’ll make you feel a lot better. he would take you somewhere nice if he wasn’t banned for 99% of public spaces, but does his best with what he has. you can walk around town together or he’ll invite you to his private quarters for you to relax with him and his Unusual Amount of Doves.
he’s also huge he’s practically a living weighted blanket. he isn’t exactly one to lay down and cuddle for hours but he can give you physical comfort before he finds himself distracted by something else in the room. you WILL have to listen to his crazy side rants if you spend time with him.
over all i think he’s more work oriented, so i think he’s more focused on “getting it all done” than “girl fuck your work we’ll go out on the town”
paper pusher number two
he saw it happening before you did and probably dragged you out of the workshop before it got too serious. in the most non-creepy way possible he finds himself observing you frequently when you work together (or just in the same area) and will run checks on you frequently. need water? don’t worry about it, got a mini fridge right there for you— hey would you be a darling and pass the beer over too? thanks.
hospitality is his deal, even if you’re dating he finds himself treating you like a guest. you get the top priority. ignore his constant working and hypocrisy and he’s like a mini nurse.
also also probably does the work for you while he distracts you with something else. he doesn’t mean to be untruthful but.. while you nap he might’ve finished up a bit of your work and just told you that you did it but you were so tired you didn’t remember. HE JUST WANTS THE BEST FOR YOU
celebration too! he can actually go places, he takes you to a nice little diner and has dinner with you. he’s wearing his stupid little plaid shirt and jeans to dress nice and is TOTALLY playing but off like he’s the prettiest boy at the party. (he is) he even does the slick back hair motion on his hardhat (or very bald head). i want his dead /pos.
brother doesn’t know what he’s doing. he is one of the WORST at trying to help you get work done. he honestly just tells you to forget about it and you both just leave to go run about the base for a bit. a good jog never hurt anyone, i guess. (pauling is drowning in work)
he’s irresponsible so don’t trust him to help you either, he’ll forget about it and get distracted with something else entirely. but it’s the thought that counts! he’s also illiterate so that’s probably a problem with homework or just filing pages…
he also doesn’t take no for an answer, if you shove him off he’s just gonna keep pestering you, or if you’re small enough? just GRAB YOU. you’re leaving that desk whether you like it or NOT. you’re gonna go— as the kids say— “touch grass.” it’s gonna happen.
on the bright side, you’re never bored, he’s extremely entertaining. even if it gives you guys weird looks out in public, at least you aren’t frowning! you’re just having a good time.
if anything you’re going to get a good break, but when you get back that work is still going to be there, that’s a guarantee.
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tricksters-captain · 3 years
Bucky Barnes Imagines - Some Sunny Day Part 3
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Summary: Before the Blip, you and Bucky were close. After you both returning and Tony’s funeral, you decided to go back to your home town to spend time with your family. When duty calls, you return.  
In this chapter: After finding Sharon in Madripoor, you learn about the creator of the soldier serum (Based on S1 EP3)
(PART 1) (PART 2)
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Sam Wilson x Platonic!Reader
Word Count: 3,457
Warnings: Spoilers for episode 3, violence, strong language.
Once you arrived at Sharon’s you were itching to get out of the costume Zemo cooked up for you. 
“Looks like breaking all those laws is treating you well.” Sam gawked at Sharon’s place which was full of art work and collectables. 
“I thought if I had to hustle, might as well enjoy the life of a real hustler. You know how much I’ll get for a real Monet?” Sharon shrugged as she lead you through her gallery. 
“Easy...Deactivate your hustle mode. You sell fake Monets.” Sam didn’t believe her as he stared at the artwork. 
“No. She means real. This gallery is specialized in stolen artwork. Monet. Van Gogh. Classics.” Zemo defended Sharon as he followed her.
“It’s true. You know, half the artwork in museums like the Louvre is fake. Real stuff sits in places like this.” Bucky informed Sam. 
“Okay, guys, I see what you’re doing. You’re more worldly than good old Sam.” Sam pulled out his phone and started searching a nearby paining. 
“Yeah. What’s Google say?” Bucky teased him for it. 
“No shit.” Sam muttered as the realisation hit him. 
“You guys need to change. I’m hosting clients in an hour.” Sharon beckoned you along to which you were silently thankful for. 
Sharon was kind enough to let you look through her vast collection of clothes until you picked out something you liked. 
“Hey... You okay?” You asked softly. 
You and Bucky were alone with your backs to each other as you changed in one of Sharon’s many rooms.
“I’m fine.” Bucky replied quietly. 
You knew he wouldn’t be fine after having to act like the winter soldier again. You watched him at that bar. He didn’t hold back when he attacked those men. 
“Buck, you know you can’t lie to me.” You tried to keep it light but Bucky wasn’t having it. 
“I’m not.” 
You didn’t push.
“Hey, will you zip me up?” You asked after stepping into your dress. You didn’t turn but you could hear Bucky’s footsteps as he approached you. 
You felt the cold of his fingers brush against your back as he slowly zipped up the dress. 
You turned when the zip reached the top. 
“Thanks.” You whispered. 
Bucky’s eyes were burning through you as he admired your choice of dress. 
“You look beautiful.” Bucky murmured, his eyes taking in every detail. 
“You scrub up quite nicely yourself.” You smiled as you admired Bucky in the suit Sharon had given him. You couldn’t deny the butterflies in your stomach as you thought about a possible normal circumstance Bucky could wear something like this. Like a date. 
“Come on.” Bucky took your hand and lead you to the door that would take you back to the others. 
“It’s alright. I’m gonna sort my hair out. Running through Low-town didn’t exactly do it any favours.” You retracted your hand and returned to the mirror. Bucky hesitated didn’t question you. 
“What’s going on with you and Bucky?” Sharon’s voice filled the room as you  heard the door open again. “Thought the two of you’d be together by now.”
“We’re coworkers. We’ve always been coworkers.” You were wary of Sharon’s new found attitude.
“Oh please. You two have wanted to jump each others bones the whole time I've known you.” Sharon rolled her eyes at you as she slump down on the love seat beside you.
You remained silent as you brushed through your hair. 
“Oh come on.” Sharon rolled her eyes. “You two have never?” 
“No.” You said almost too quickly. 
“Well it’s only a matter of time. I don’t know why you are dragging it out so long.” Sharon sighed dramatically as she picked at the fabric on the settee. 
“I don’t know why everyone is so invested in mine and Bucky’s relationship.” You spun around to face her. “You. Sam. Steve. You all poke and prod but you don’t take into consideration all the factors.”
“No you don’t take into consideration that there’s only so much time before one day you’re shot or killed or you have to go on the run and never see him again. You need to grow some balls, (y/n).” Sharon didn't bother sticking around after that. 
You groaned and closed your eyes. 
When you finally decided to rejoin the group, they were discussing Sharon’s status in Madripoor.
“What’s going on, Sharon? You don’t ever wanna come back home?” Sam asked as he put on a shirt. 
“They’ll lock me up if I step foot back in the States. Madripoor doesn’t allow extradition.” Sharon replied pretty matter-of-factly as she walked over to her desk. 
“Look, I’m sorry I didn’t call, but after the Blip and the chaos, I just––” Sharon cut Sam off before he could explain himself. 
“––Look, you know the whole hero thing is a joke, right? The way you gave up that shield, deep down, you must know it’s all hypocrisy. 
“He knows. And not so deep down.” Zemo felt the need to jump in. 
“By the way, how is the new Cap?” Sharon asked.
“Don’t get me started.”Bucky grumbled.
“Please. You buy into all that stars and stripes bullshit. Before you were his pet psychopath, you were Mr. America! Cap’s best friend.” Sharon smirked as she sat down beside Bucky.
“Wow. She’s kind of awful now.” Bucky said as he looked over at you.
“Karli Morgenthau and at least seven others have taken the serum.” You took the initiative to change the topic back to the reason you were here in the first place. 
“You guys really should steer clear of all of this for your own safety.”Sharon warned you as she shook her head. 
“We know it’s a risk, but we won’t leave until we find the one who cracked the code.” Sam took the chair beside Sharon as he spoke. 
“We got a name. Wilfred Nagel.” Bucky told her. 
“Nagel works for the Power Broker.” Sharon informed you as she stood to pour herself a drink. 
“We need your help, Sharon. I can get your name cleared.” Sam offered. 
“You haggling with my life?” Sharon smirked again.
“Not like that.” Sam shook his head. 
“I don’t buy that. You pretending like you can clear my name.” Sharon leant back against her bar. 
“Okay, maybe it is hypocrisy. Maybe you’re right. What happened to you. But I’m willing to try if you are. They cleared the bionic staring machine, and he killed almost everybody he’s met.” Sam approached her with his good old puppy dog eyes. 
“I heard that.” Bucky frowned, unimpressed by Sam’s use of example. 
“I don’t trust charity.” Sharon sighed. 
“All right, a deal then. You help us out, and I get your name cleared.” Sam offered his hand. 
“Well, I sell to some pretty connected people. Lay low, blend in, enjoy the party. Try to stay outta trouble. I’ll see what I can find.” Sharon took the deal. 
The party seemed to suddenly start. 
Within minutes the whole place was jam packed. Music suffocated the space and the smell of sweat and alcohol was growing.
You stayed in between Sam and Bucky as you walked single file through the gathering. You reached back and linked fingers with Bucky’s to make sure you didn’t get parted in the crowd. 
As the bar came into view, you felt a hand grab your ass. 
“Hey!” Bucky took hold of the stranger and slammed him against the nearest wall. Holding him by the throat. 
Sam was there to diffuse the situation in a second. He placed a. hand on Bucky’s shoulder to pull him away. 
“Lay low remember.” Sam repeated what Sharon had told everyone over the blaring music. 
Bucky released the creep and stepped back. 
That gave you enough space to send your own punch. The man cried out, sliding down the wall and cradling his gushing nose. 
“Looks like she does not need help.” Zemo chimed in. 
You all left the guy without drawing too much attention to yourselves. 
The music wasn’t exactly your taste and you knew that it definitely wasn’t Bucky's but that didn’t stop you from taking him away from Sam and Zemo. 
“What are you doing?” Bucky asked you. 
“Got a bit boring just standing there, no?” You smirked. 
“You can’t expect me to dance to this, can you?” Bucky grimaced at the pulsing beat that classified as music. 
“You can try.” You smirked as you brought yourself closer to the man. 
You moved your body to the music, smiling widely him as he awkwardly tried to sway to it. 
“I thought you were a good dancer?!” You teased Bucky as you watched him. 
“I was!” Bucky defended himself. “When the music was Louis Armstrong and Glenn Miller!” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the man before wrapping your arm around his neck. 
“You gotta move a bit more like this.” You tried to show him, taking his hand and placing it on your hip. 
Bucky was starting to look a little less like a grandpa as he got into the groove of it. 
His eyes were locked on you, a small smile on his lips. He looked undeniably handsome. 
“I think you’re getting it.” You leant up by his ear to tell him. 
“Well, we can’t look any worse than Zemo.” Bucky pointed through the crowd where Zemo was dancing. 
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You burst into laughter at the sight of the war criminal dancing and buried your face into Bucky’s neck. Bucky laughed next to your ear. It was a rare genuine sound that sent tingles through your head. 
“Come on.. Let’s get some water.” You left the dance floor and rejoined Sam by the bar where he had started to speak to some other guests.
Sharon approached you a little while later with some good news and so you all immediately left the party. 
“Madripoor could give New York a run for its money.” Sam stated as you arrived at the location of Nagel. 
“They know how to party.” Zemo agreed. 
You followed Sharon through the shipping container yard as she searched for the right one.
“With that bounty on your head, the longer you’re in Madripoor, the less likely you’re ever leaving.” Sharon stopped and pointed over to a red container. “All right. He’s in there. Container four-two-six-one. I’ll watch while you guys talk to Nagel. But hurry. We’re on borrowed time.”
“You want me to stick around out here with you in case you run into trouble?” You asked her as you all took an ear piece. 
“I’ll be alright. I’ll call if I need any back up.” Sharon dismissed your offer before walking away. 
You all entered the container cautiously before Sam contacted Sharon. 
“Hey, Sharon. You sure this is the right one? It’s completely empty.” He was right. To the eye, it was empty. 
“Positive. It has to be.” Sharon replied. 
You shared a look between Sam and Bucky as Zemo felt around the. back of the container. 
Suddenly, it shifted and a hidden door opened. 
Soft music played from below along with a muffled voice. 
It has to be Nagel. 
Sam, Bucky and you all went in armed. 
You silently negotiated between each other which urged Sam to go ahead and cut the music. Nagel spun around at the intrusion. 
“Dr. Nagel?” Sam inquired. 
“Who are you? What do you want?” The man wasn’t intimidating and didn't seem to have any weapons around him but you had learnt in the past not to underestimate your opponent.
“We know you created the super-soldier serum.” Sam informed him. 
“Get out of my lab.” Nagel demanded pretty boldly considering Sam was the one with the gun. 
“Hey! You know who he is, right?” Sam asked as he caught the shocked look on Nagel’s face at the sight of Bucky.  This is Baron Zemo. I know you’ve heard of him, too, right? You seem like a pretty smart guy. So you better become conversational real quick.”
“How about a counter proposal? Make me a better offer and I’ll talk.”Nagel smirked. 
“Guys, we have company.” Sharon’s voice whispered through the ear piece. “Every bounty hunter in the city is here. We gotta go.” 
“I’ll go up.” You lowered your gun from Nagel and went to turn when Sam stopped you. 
“No, we might need you.” Sam meant he might need your powers. 
“But...” You gestured to your ear. 
“She didn’t ask for back up.” Sam argued. 
You sighed but listened to Sam. 
Bucky moved Nagel over to a chair. He held his gun to the man’s temple. 
“Here’s your counter offer.” Bucky shot next to Nagel’s head which worked wonders to make him talk. 
“Okay. Okay. I was brought into HYDRA’s Winter Soldier program to pick up their work after the five failed test subjects in Siberia. When HYDRA fell, I was recruited by the CIA. They had blood samples from an American test subject with semi-stable traces of serum in his system. After much labor, I was able to isolate the necessary compounds in his blood. I was a god. I did what no other scientist since Erskine was able to do. But mine was going to be different. No clunky machines or jacked up bodies. Mine was going to be subtle, optimized, perfect.”
“How have we never heard about this?” You asked, your eyes flicking over at Sam. 
“Because… Before I was able to complete my work, I turned to dust. Then when I returned, it was five years later, program had been abandoned, so I came here. The Power Broker was more than happy to fund the recreation of my work.” Nagel explained. 
“How many vials did you make?” Sam asked. 
“Twenty. Karli Morgenthau stole those, so I can only imagine what the Power Broker has planned for that poor girl.” 
“Where’s Karli now?”You stepped forward, rolling up your sleeve as a warning.
“I don’t know where she is. But a couple of days ago, she called and asked if I could help someone named Donya Madani. Poor woman has tuberculosis. Typical of overpopulation in displacement camps like that.” You took a mental note of the name Nagel mentioned. 
“Well, what happened to her?” You pushed
“Not my pig. Not my farm.” Nagel shrugged. 
You looked back at Sam with a look asking if you should check if he's telling the truth but Sam shook his head. 
“Is there any serum in this lab?” Bucky asked. 
Nagel sent Bucky a deep glare but Bucky’s gun brought forth the answer. 
“Now what?” Bucky asked you and Sam. 
“Guys, we’re seriously outta time here.” Sharon bursted in, looking a little battered. 
All of a sudden, Zemo pulled a gun out and shot Nagel. 
“No!” Sam cried out
You lunged forward and reached for the man’s arm. If you could catch his final moments of life leaving his body you could still get the memories but as you hand touched his skin all you saw was darkness. 
You screamed as you went blind. 
You felt a pair of hands pull you up from the ground to which you could only assume was Bucky. 
“What did you do?!” Sharon gasped at Zemo’s action. 
“I can’t see, Buck.” You felt your whole body go limp in his arms as you muttered those final words before you passed out. 
When you felt your eyes open again, you were out of the container. Gun shots were muffled in your eyes as you heard Bucky and Sam arguing. 
You were covered in dust and you didn’t have your gun. 
“Where’s my gun?” You asked. That’s when the boys realised you were awake. 
You only managed to crawl over to Bucky to take it from him and start to fire. 
Your aim was off from how exhausted you were but the adrenaline was there enough for you to get a good few shots in. 
“Are you okay?” Bucky asked you as the firing stopped. Zemo was busy taking out the remaining bodies so it gave you time to sit back again. 
“Not really.” You shook your head. Your body felt cold and darkness still clouded the corners of your vision. It’s what happened when you tried to get the memories from a dead body, all you could see and feel is death. Your powers only worked on living people or people close to death. 
“Come on.” Bucky lifted you up, tucking his arm underneath you to keep you steady on your feet. 
You only lasted being half dragged/half running before Bucky picked you up. You hated being carried but this was a life or death situation. 
“Buck!” Sam shouted as some more bounty hunters appeared. Bucky put you down and you fell against the container door as he used a broken off pipe to fight them off. 
“Let’s go!” Sam tugged you both inside.
Bucky kicked open the back of the container so you could escape, only for you to be met by Zemo in a swanky getaway car. 
“Supercharged.” Zemo gestured to his ride. 
“You’re going back to jail.” Sam told Zemo. 
“Do you want to find Karli or not?” Zemo asked. 
“He’s right. We need him.” You tried to speak but your throat was hoarse. 
“And there’s only three of us, and at least 20 of them.” Bucky added. 
“Fine. But if you try that shit again...” Sam warned him. 
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Zemo stated. Not that he was to be trusted. 
Sam helped you into the back seat. There was concern painted across his face. 
“Well, that was one hell of a reunion.” Sharon sighed as she placed her hands on the car. 
“Come back to the States with us.” Sam tried to persuade her. 
“I can’t. Just get me that pardon you promised me.” Sharon reminded him of the deal they made. 
“Thanks for everything.” Sam nodded. “You’re not gonna move your seat up, are you?”
“No.” Bucky shook his head. 
You laughed weakly as you remembered the same conversation back when Steve was still around. 
Back on Zemo’s plane, you took a position on the small couch with Bucky. You were resting your eyes but trying to stay awake as you listened to the boys talk. 
“Donya Madani. She’s a refugee, yeah.” Sam had contacted Torres about the woman Nagel had mentioned. “Call me if you get a hit. --- Thanks, Torres.”
“You okay?” Bucky asked Sam as Sam slouched down.  
“Yeah. Just thinking about all the shit Sharon had to go through. And Nagel referring to the American test subject like Isaiah wasn’t even a real person. Just makes me wonder how many people have to get steamrolled to make way for this hunk of metal.”
“Well, it depends on who you ask. That hunk of metal saved a lot of lives.” Bucky looked up from cleaning his hand. 
“Yeah, I get that. All right. Maybe I made a mistake.” Sam confessed. 
“You did.” Bucky agreed with that statement and so did you but you kept your eyes closed. 
“Yeah. Maybe I shouldn’t have put it in a museum. Maybe I should have destroyed it.” Sam didn’t say what you expected. 
“Look, that shield represents a lotta things to a lotta people, including me. The world is upside down, and we need a new Cap, and it ain’t gonna be Walker. So before you destroy it, I’ll take it from him myself.” Bucky turned to face Sam as he spoke. You felt the couch shift.
Sam then got a call with the information on Madani. 
“They found Madani… Dead. She died in Riga, a city near the Baltic Sea.”
“I have a place we can go. I, for one, am looking forward to coming face to face with Karli. Oeznik, we’re changing the course.” Zemo’s voice was the last thing you remembered before waking up at landing. 
“Hey sleepy head.” Bucky whispered quietly. He’d rather be caught dead than let Sam hear him say that. 
“Have we landed?” You asked as you rubbed your eyes. 
“Yeah.” Bucky nodded. “Come on.” 
It didn’t take too long to get to Zemo’s place but when you did, Bucky decided to break away. 
“I’m gonna go on a walk.” Bucky announced before you entered the building. 
“You good?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah.” Bucky nodded as he stepped away. 
“Be careful.” You warned him. 
You knew Bucky needed his space sometime but now wasn’t the best time for him to just be wandering the streets. Especially if Walker clocks on it was you three that broke Zemo out of prison. 
“Always.” Bucky winked at you before finally leaving. 
But that was a bad feeling in your gut. 
(PART 4)
Bucky Barnes Tag List
@florencxs @mystictimetravelcolor @yourphotographyteen16@shannon-posts @darkbluenovember @sexwithhiddlesbatch@thefandomimagines @mydarkness-itsnotmyfriend @sad-huffle-nerd @glitchingghosts @themaddies-obx @avenging-parker @delilahsdaydream​ @felicityofbakerstreet​ @purplewcrld​ @opheliaaaa​
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purebarnes · 3 years
courage to change— (fem!avenger x bucky!)
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ ➢ finally developing feeling for each other, bucky and y/n each spend the night with each other hoping to resolve their feelings
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ➢ 2k
ᴅɪꜱᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀꜱ ➢ honestly nothing
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ ꜱᴘᴇᴀᴋꜱ ! ➢ it’s been like a week but hope you liked this—pretty bad for not being here.
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it was pretty awkward for everyone as no one spoke and they didn’t care or dare to open their mouths, it obviously felt weird for everyone to be together again. driving off to sharon safe house, was a pretty nice place to live—she wasn’t going to lie that the woman had some style. sharon and her used to be close but that all changed when they decided to help steve. she never wanted sharon to get in trouble but she couldn’t persuade her father to let go of the charges between all of them.
sharon blamed y/n and was upset at her because she got away with breaking the law. she made it seem more of a higher stake then it was, she got off easily because she was a stark but she still faced the consequences. despite everything bucky did to tony’s parents, he was upset and hurt and he let it all out on bucky. the man had every right to be hurt but nothing could make up for it.
when the news that y/n’s mother had been murdered, she was devastated because she lost the one woman that was still there for her. steve and tony had argued about what they were going to do to bucky but steve kept telling tony that it wasn’t him and it was the winter soldier. at that moment in time, all y/n wanted was vengeance against bucky but he didn’t want to hurt or fight her. she didn’t care.
bucky noticed y/n staring ahead and looking at the rear-view mirror and looking at herself until he snapped out of her deep trance. he asked her if she was okay and she lied once again. they pulled in to sharon house and once they got out, they went inside. the inside was much nicer then she thought it would be, she looked amazed at the furniture of everything in her place.
y/n trailed along to see all the paintings sharon had placed in her house, “huh, looks like breaking all those laws is treating you well—some point, i thought if i had to hustle, might as well enjoy the life of a real hustler. you know how much i can get for a real monet?” sharon asked sam walking towards, “easy. deactivate your hustle mode, you sell fake monets.”
y/n could hear the distant conversation between sam and sharon talking about how much they could get for the paintings. zemo spoke up about how they were real, “it’s true. you know, half the artwork in museums like the louvre is fake. real stuff sits in places like this.” bucky said making y/n look up to see sam pulling up his phone to search something up. she couldn’t understand what was happening in the current situation, “okay, guys, i see what your doing. you’re more worldly than good old sam.”
the girl went to see what he typing, “yeah. what’s google say?” bucky asked as y/n went to gently pat sam on the shoulder trailing behind bucky when sharon told them that they needed to change into something else. while sam was changing his shirt, sharon brought some outfit to y/n so that she could wear it. “here you go.” sharon spoke handing her the clothes. y/n grabbed the clothes, “what’s this?”
sharon rolled her eyes gently, “you looked uncomfortable. maybe these would work—we are the same size anyway. give or take.” she mumbled a thank you to the other woman and went to go change. y/n reached towards a bathroom and she bag an taking off the tight shirt and examined the scar on her shoulder.
it was the little scars that made her happy to see where she came from, if it was a battle against bucky with natasha and tony or if it was thanos fighting against the avengers. she hoped it would stay there forever. putting on the clothes, she made it out to where everyone was talking. she could hear some faint things between sharon and sam—nothing she could make out though.
y/n walked to sit across of bucky while he glanced at her but none of them said anything, sharon noticed the tension between bucky and y/n and wanted to see what was up. “what’s this?” sharon pointing to both of them and sam chuckled telling her that everything was becoming awkward for them. “they aren’t really talking.” sam pointed out whispering but y/n could hear him because he wasn’t whispering to quietly.
she furrowed her eyebrows and turned to look at sam, “you’re not the best whisperer.” she said rolling her eyes at him while he kept having the conversation with sharon before she came in, “by the way how is the new cap?” sharon asked while bucky was already getting aggravated by the mention of john. “don’t get me started—please. you buy unit all that stars and stripes bullshit.” sharon scoffed.
she moved towards bucky and y/n, “before you were his pet psychopath, you were mr. america! cap’s best friend.” sharon replied taking a seat and grinning at her comment. “wow. she’s kind of awful now.” y/n chuckled at him before sam went to go around all of them to keep the conversation of the soldier serum. “karli morgenthau and at least seven others have taken the serum.” sharon looked unsurely about the whole situation that they were doing. “you should really steer clear of all of this for your own safety.
y/n looked up from the floor that she was looking as she went to speak up, “it might be a risk but we need to figure who did it—we got a name. wilfred nagel.” sharon had a anticipated glance before she got up from the seat, “nagel works for the power broker.” getting up to get another drink—“we need your help, sharon. i can get your name cleared.” sam still tried to persuade her into helping them but she kept refusing each time. “you haggling with my life?”
“not like that—i don’t buy that. you pretending like you can clear my name.” she said while sitting down staring at sam and only him at the moment. “okay, maybe it is hypocrisy. maybe your right. what happened to you. but i’m willing to try if you are.” y/n stopped listening to sam’s conversation and finally looked up at bucky when he mentioned him. “they cleared the bionic staring machine, and he killed almost everybody he’s met.”
as said before, sam wasn’t a quiet whisperer because both bucky and y/n heard what he had said about him. “i heard that—i don’t trust charity.” y/n chuckled light but not enough for anyone to hear or see her. she thought it was funny to her even though she knew what sharon did—so many times y/n did anything to help sharon and sam. “how about her? you help us out, she will get your name cleared.”
this time y/n looked up wondering how she got dragged into the conversation but sharon still was sure, “she probably wouldn’t do it—she will.” bucky spoke making y/n widen her eyes as she never agreed to do anything and quite frankly it was just she didn’t know if she could do it. “ok, deal.”
she inhaled before nodding and agreeing to do it even though she want sure if it was something that she could surely do. sharon let telling them to enjoy the party and y/n didn’t do the quite thing she told her to do. she saw a lot of people and she decided to have a few drinks and she layer her eyes on a pair of blue eyes. she put her drink down as he came over, “you’re drinking—i mean, is that a crime?” y/n joked to bucky as he shook his head.
“you don’t drink though, it just seemed different for you to drink. go ahead.” he said pushing the drink back towards her but she pushed it away, “you don’t need to take care of me—who says that what my intentions are.” bucky breathed out rubbing his temples. “look, i can drink and do whatever. it isn’t hurting anyone.” she scoffed to him.
bucky couldn’t understand how the conversation turned into her her upset with him, he just wanted to talk to her simply without having any problems. “why do we have to argue on the littlest things y/n.” bucky said shaking his head, sighing at the girl. y/n turned to bucky and looke straight into his eyes, she mumbled a sorry while feeling the alcohol starting to do its worst in her body. “i’m just gonna head out.” she went to walk out the bar and went to go and see the stairs.
she felt dizzy at the lights and couldn’t stand up straight and fell against the wall as bucky went to run up to her and catch her before she fell. “let me help you, please doll.” he pleaded to y/n as she gave up and nodded while bucky pulled his hand out to help her up. they made it towards a a room that y/n was going to sleep at but once bucky brought her in the bed—she laid down drifting away.
bucky smiled lightly seeing her at that state, so sleepy and beautiful at the same time. he admired her for awhile before going to tuck her into the blankets to keep her warm as it was a bit chilling in the room. he placed his phone on the side of her bed and reaching to grab it but she turned to the side hovering over the phone. he sighed, leaving the phone and closing the door gently.
awhile later, bucky knocked on the door but with no response, bucky tried to see if she was awake or just ignoring him. she was actually doing both but not on purpose, the man with metal arm peeped his head open to see her staring at the window. “you awake y/n?” she turned around and nodded and saw him on the edge of the door. “what’s up?—i just left my phone.” bucky walked over to her bed and reach down to grab it but stopped when they looked at each other and we’re meeting each other’s eyes.
it took him a second to see what he was doing, he leaned forward so close to her lips and she just didn’t move to see why they were doing. the amount of space that was left wasn’t that much when bucky paused and asked, “if i do this, i won’t be able to stop.” he warned her and she nodded understanding what he would do. “i know.” she whispered grabbing his cheek and bring down his face to give him a soft kiss and most needed one.
y/n grabbed his shirt pulling him into a deep and more meaning full kiss, she couldn’t stop feeling a sort of way towards him. she needed him and he needed her more then they thought. bucky pulled his jacket off and tossing it towards the floor and started to take off her shirt and stated placing his mouth on her neck started kissing it when she moaned at his mouth on her neck. she heard a knock and cursed. y/n rolled her eyes, “sam?—yeah, uh you alright?”
“yeah. sam, just hit myself. do you need anything?” she yelled but he replied no before leaving and into the room he was staying at—y/n looked back up at bucky and shook her head while pushing him off of her, “wait? what’s wrong?”he frowned at her when she reached the bathroom. “nothing buck. it’s just a lot for me, i don’t want to stop you—what are you talking about?” he asked entering the bathroom.
“you are meant to be happy buck, I just don’t think... i can be that person for you.” as she said that, bucky grew aggravated at her, she couldn’t understand what had happened. “maybe you aren’t the one.” she looked appalled at him before stepping back trying to hear what he said to her. “but i want you. i just want to feel you.” she chuckled at him, patting his cheek. “me too. let’s go finish then.” she said pulling him into the bed and finishing what they had started.
on the other side of the door was sharon and sam listening to them, “i knew it!” sam yelled out making bucky groan at him and yelling him to leave before he would make him leave.
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gusu-emilu · 3 years
Whumptober No.2
Ship: Xue Yang / Xiao Xingchen Rating: T Wordcount: 1421 Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Choking, Whump, Angst with a Bit of Fluff, Xue Yang POV Summary: One time Xiao Xingchen healed Xue Yang, and one time he healed Chengmei.
He sinks back into the feeling of Xiao Xingchen pressed against him. Even after living with him for so long, Xue Yang still finds himself startled at the comfort the daozhang’s presence brings.
Comfort from a man who would have seen him murdered.
Seen Xue Yang murdered, that is.
The fuckers had been too cowardly to kill Xue Yang in one clean blow.
Instead, they’d left him on the ground, arms and legs bound, leashed to a tree to slowly choke. The rope binding him is thin but strong, charmed to gradually cut into the skin and to suppress spiritual power, designed to slowly kill.
But the cultivators who captured him are just from some no-name sect. The charm they cast on the rope is mediocre. Potentially breakable.
Not that Xue Yang would be able to do much with his spiritual power given how much blood he’s lost. Otherwise, even his piecemeal cultivation abilities, scraped together for survival over the years, would be strong enough to break these binds—and then rip out the spines of the cultivators who dared touch him, vertebra by vertebra.
As he squirms against his restraints, he thinks about how those bastards will turn him in to the meathead leader of the Nie Clan once he’s dead, and have a little celebration praising themselves for their righteousness.
But where’s their righteousness now, while Xue Yang chokes and bleeds out on the forest floor? Where are their clan values? Xue Yang knows they aren’t stuffy inner disciples of a major sect—just some backwoods lowlifes—but they could at least kill him cleanly and quietly with the integrity that every hypocrite clan sings about.
And if they can’t kill Xue Yang with integrity, they can at least kill him right—by getting some fun out of it.
Instead, Xue Yang’s murderers are too cowardly to look him in the eye while he dies. They’ll come back for him when he’s fully choked out.
And he might be choked out soon. The coarse rope constricts tighter around his neck each time he struggles, closing in on each breath that claws its way down to his lungs.
Tighter, until it squeezes out all thought.
Until Xue Yang’s entire world is one strip of rope cut into his skin and one shrinking column of air.
Primal fear smothers him like a rancid stench as the leash crushes his throat.
He knows struggling will only constrict the rope more. But he can’t fight the instinct to trash against his restraints, desperate for air.
He’s going to die here.
The rope loosens.
Xue Yang coughs and gasps for breath, folding forward as his stomach lurches. But he forces himself to look up immediately, to prepare to fight tooth and nail against this new threat—
“Who did this to you?” asks a man in flowing white robes, gleaming sword in hand. The man’s face is in shadow, only a few smooth contours rimmed by moonlight.
But it’s enough for Xue Yang to recognize him.
“Xiao Xingchen,” he hisses, voice hoarse, barely able to speak. Blood trickles out the corner of his mouth as he smirks.
“Who did this to you?” Xiao Xingchen repeats, firmer.
Xue Yang cocks an eyebrow. “What?” He coughs blood. “Not going to untie the rest of me? Or would you rather leave me to slither from now on?”
Xiao Xingchen doesn’t answer. Instead, he squats down next to Xue Yang and sends a stream of spiritual energy into him, healing him, a rush of cool sweetness like pilfered candy.
Xue Yang recoils, then jerks, trying to knock Xiao Xingchen away. But the stubborn daozhang only dodges and grabs him by the shoulder, holding him steady while forcing spiritual energy in through the battered skin on his back.
“Let go of me,” Xue Yang growls. “I don’t want your useless qi inside me.”
“You will die of blood loss without immediate healing.”
“Isn’t that what you want?”
“No,” Xiao Xingchen answers, sounding distressed. Sounding surprised that Xue Yang asked such a question.
“No?” Xue Yang echoes, throat still sore. “Liar!”
Xue Yang stops struggling and accepts the spiritual energy, using the strength from it to devote all his focus to forcing Xiao Xingchen to acknowledge his hypocrisy.
“You think you’re any better than the bastards who did this to me? What are you planning to do with me after you so graciously heal me?”
“Turn you in for your crimes.”
“And that’s justice?”
“It’s what must be done.”
“‘It’s what must be done,’“ Xue Yang mimics. “You know good and well they’ll murder me the moment you hand me over. Why bother helping now? Is it only right for me to be murdered if you decide when?”
“It is not my decision—”
With spiritual energy the daozhang so kindly gifted him, Xue Yang diverts his new qi from healing his wounds to create a blast of energy. The binds snap off. He slams his body into Xiao Xingchen, knocking him to the ground.
Every sinew in Xue Yang’s body protests movement as light-headedness overtakes him. His injuries could've used the spiritual energy he spent on escaping.
But he still manages to jump out of reach before Xiao Xingchen reacts. After all, physical weakness had never held him back.
People like Xiao Xingchen had held him back.
“Here’s a lesson for you, daozhang!” Xue Yang calls as he slips deeper into the darkness of the forest. “Unlike you, I can show mercy and spare your life. You can never be righteous by killing me now!”
* * *
“Chengmei,” Xiao Xingchen croons fondly in his ear. “You can’t keep doing this.”
"Can't keep what? Being irresistible? You're the one deciding to touch me."
"I'm not—" Xiao Xingchen huffs and lifts his hand from Xue Yang's back, still so easy to fluster. "You know what I mean."
Xue Yang shakes his head, a crooked smile playing on his lips. Xiao Xingchen is treating an injury he'd gotten by falling and gouging a wound in his back while changing the roofing.
“The Coffin House needs renovations,” Xue Yang says. “Unless you manage to anger a spirit who gets revenge by a feng shui makeover of the nearest building, you’re going to have to rely on me to fix things around here.”
Xiao Xingchen chuckles and leans forward, wrapping himself around Xue Yang from behind, chin resting on his bare shoulder. With one hand he rubs soothing circles of spiritual energy into Xue Yang’s back.
Xue Yang soaks in the pleasant sensation. Absorbs the warmth from Xiao Xingchen’s body and the way the heat intertwines with the coolness of spiritual energy. Relaxes into the satisfaction of the daozhang healing him.
Then, like blood splattered on white stone, the long-buried memory of Xiao Xingchen’s hand pressed against his back rushes back into his mind. Drowns him in that unbearable moment of vulnerability that he’s tried so hard to forget—the feeling of being on the brink of death, his life in his enemy’s hands, healed by someone who only intends to kill him again.
The unbearable vulnerability still eats at Xue Yang, making him restless with the memory flaring up in his mind. Instinctively, he draws as much air into his lungs as he can, just to reassure himself that he still can.
He sinks back into the feeling of Xiao Xingchen pressed against him. Even after living with him for so long, Xue Yang still finds himself startled at the comfort the daozhang’s presence brings.
Comfort from a man who would have seen him murdered.
Seen Xue Yang murdered, that is.
The daozhang has already found Chengmei on the brink of death, and never once tried to harm him. Instead, he healed Chengmei and has asked for nothing in return but stories and companionship. And the occasional stint babysitting A-Qing or buying groceries.
Xue Yang tells himself that makes Xiao Xingchen more of a hypocrite than ever—that Chengmei gets everything for free but Xue Yang doesn’t—but somehow can’t fully convince himself.
“You can’t keep injuring yourself while working,” Xiao Xingchen says, “You even aggravated your old leg injury last time you—”
“I’m fine, daozhang. I think you’re inventing these injuries so you can steal me from my work and make me take my shirt off.”
Xiao Xingchen laughs again, a soft, comforting rumble against Xue Yang’s back, and slips an arm around Xue Yang. Xue Yang leans back, melting into the daozhang’s embrace.
Xiao Xingchen may think it’s right for Xue Yang to die for his crimes. But surely he would never think it’s right to kill Chengmei.
Chengmei can receive the daozhang’s spiritual energy with no cost, no conditions, no consequences except the attention of a stupid, gullible, beautiful man.
Chengmei will only die if Xue Yang kills him himself.
 * * *
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this fic, come visit me on AO3!
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mytwdblog · 3 years
the negan stans are so funny because they’ll say stuff like:
“[said character did this bad thing that isn't on the same moral level as negan's actions]
[this bad thing that said character did that is treated in canon as the bad thing it is and said character is held accountable for, when negan's actions aren't treated as such nor is negan held accountable for]
[a character did a bad thing that is understandable in a zombie apocalypse, unlike negan's actions, e.g., r*ping women and intentionally creating a system that exploits them, especially disabled or sick women]
[a bad thing said character did that isn't as bad as negan's actions, yet they have suffered far worse for it than negan has for his]
[some comment along the lines of ‘negan was just murdering and terrorizing people to keep people in line/to create order in a post-apocalyptic world’ and they somehow think this is ok despite seeing multiple communities live in peace with each other and fairly trade for food and supplies without the violence negan caused]
[abuse apology]
[rape apology]
[racist comments]
[something that is the result of writing that doesn't make sense that anyone one with the most basic critical thinking skills should be able to see]
[something that is false]
[misogynistic comments]
[something ableist]
[victim blaming statements]
[something a character did that the negan stans have intentionally taken out of context to make said character look like they are on the same moral level as negan]
[something that amc wants viewers to believe because they know they can get more money if they get people to believe it]
[something they wouldn't believe if amc wasn't pushing it and making money off of it]
[some comment along the lines of ‘negan isn’t a r*pist because he says he’s not a r*pist’ like thousands of r*pist haven’t gotten away with r*pe because of statements like that]
[some statement defending negan’s misogyny, ableism, fat shaming of olivia and/or abuse while claiming to be against those things]
[some comment in which they admit they do not understand the difference between a totalitarian dictator and the people who are subjugated, despite most of them living in and/or witnessing the horrors of a totalitarian state]
[some fatphobic comment against ann mahoney (olivia's actress) for saying something true (i.e., something they don’t want to hear), but gets mad when someone rightfully calls out jdm for the problematic things he says and does (e.g., the time jdm wore a ‘blue lives matter’ shirt and posted a rant against people who rightfully called him out on it. but they say that listen to lizzo and they think it makes their fat shaming ok]
[something a character did that they don't see as bad when negan does it, even if he does it worse than said character]
[some derogatory and/or misogynistic comment about sherry, tina, amber, frankie, and the other women negan r*ped, as well as any woman who doesn't like negan, discrediting them when they say something true (i.e., something that they don't want to hear) about negan]
[some comment about how they think the alexandrians are abusing their poor precious innocent little baby negan and about how they think the alexandrians need to suffer because the negan stans think anything that isn’t them letting negan r*pe anyone he wants, go wherever he wants, do whatever he wants, talk to anyone he wants, and murder anyone he wants for any reason he wants whenever he wants (i.e., not being punished at all) somehow constitutes as abuse. somehow doesn't see their hypocrisy]
[some comment along the lines of 'all rick and co had to do was fall in line with negan no matter how cruel and brutal he was, let him kill and terrorize innocent people, rape, and kill children’]
[a racist and misogynistic comment towards michonne about how they think he could run alexandria better that her, despite negan losing a war, several of his own people turning against him, simon (his own right hand man), being unable to keep simon in line TWICE (that we know about), people running away from the community he ran, knowingly sending his own people to die, the community he was leading falling, and none of his former followers coming to his aid because these are totally qualities of a good leader (note the sarcasm)]
[them saying a statement that basically boils down to 'of course i love female characters, but they have to love negan, worship negan, make their whole lives revolve around negan, do whatever negan says no questions asked, let negan r*pe them whenever he wants, and not call negan out on his flaws' and if you call the negan stans out on it they'll call you the misogynist]
[brings up something that the negan stans themselves do and a lot worse than said character]
[some comment about how they think rick fairly negotiating with hilltop for a fair trade is on the same moral level as negan threatening, killing, and terrorizing innocent people]
[judges maggie's morality solely on one of the most justifiable murders in twd but thinks negan should get away with murdering innocent people. somehow doesn't see the hypocrisy of this either]
[some comment that shows the negan stans conveniently "forget" anything that doesn't suit their own narrative, e.g., the fact that the saviors attacked rick's group first]
[something that is actually negan's fault, but isn’t framed as such]
[something that jdm said because he knows he will stay on the show and get paid more money if he can get people to believe negan walks on water, and because he gets paid by amc, who makes money by getting people to believe a certain narrative]
[something another actor, a producer, chris hardwick, or someone else associated with twd and/or amc said because they'd get fired if they said otherwise]
[something that ignores the character development of the character they are slandering]
[some comment that shows they don't have the most basic grasp possible on the geography of the country where a lot of them live]
[additional comments that show they don't have critical thinking skills]
[some comment along the lines of ‘i liked glenn but [justifies negan killing him/unfairly criticizes the love of his life/says things glenn wouldn't believe]']
[some comment along the lines 'i don't hate maggie but [some comment about how think they know better than her/ some misogynistic comment about her/unfair criticism of her/some comment that show they they are unwilling to sympathize with her on the most basic human to human level possible]']"
and think its irrefutable evidence that negan is the moral heart of twd 
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larentsbr · 3 years
thank you @skyyneverlookedsoblue for tagging me <3
I really loved doing this one, it's a really good way to know the other better :))
🌵 what do you prefer to be called name-wise?// como voce prefere ser chamada?
some friends calls me Ma and others Mari... I dont know which one I prefer, I like both. // alguns amigos me chamam de Ma e outros de Mari... Eu não sei qual eu prefiro, gosto de ambos
🌵 when is your birthday? // quando é o seu aniversário?
january 28th
🌵 where do you live?// onde você mora?
🌵 three things you're doing right now // três coisa que você está fazendo agora
right now I'm on break from psychoanalysis class so I'm just laying in bed and answering this // agora eu estou no intervalo da aula de psicanálise, então eu estou deitada na cama e respondendo isso
🌵 four fandoms that have piqued your interest righ now // quatro fandoms que me atiçaram interesse
My answer is the same as Bia's. One direction/Solo careers already take all my energy, so only them. // minha resposta é igual da Bia. One direction/carreira solo já consome toda a minha energia, então apenas eles.
🌵 how is pandemic treating you? // como a pandemia está te afetando?
well... I think the pandemic affected everyone, specially affected negatively. It depends on the day, sometimes I'm ok and sometimes I'm not, sometimes I'm very active and sometimes I'm not, and it's ok to not be ok all the time. I'm just tired of the same routine, I do exactly the same thing every fuckig day. I wake up, eat breakfast, start studying, eat lunch, study again, eat dinner, take a shower, watch class, go to sleep, I wake up, eat breakfast... I am living in a loop. So it's a mix of feelings that it's hard to process and accept some things. I love having a routine, but it is different having a routine when you are locked at home and it's different having a routine when you can leave the house and do other things. So Idk, right now I'm just ok. // bem ... eu acho que a pandemia afetou a todos, especialmente afetou negativamente. Depende do dia, às vezes estou bem e às vezes não, às vezes estou muito ativa e às vezes não, e é normal não estar bem o tempo todo. Estou cansada da mesma rotina, faço exatamente a mesma coisa todo santo dia. Eu acordo, tomo café da manhã, começo a estudar, almoço, estudo de novo, janto, tomo banho, assisto aula, vou dormir, acordo, tomo café ... estou vivendo em um loop. Por conta disso, é uma mistura de sentimentos que é difícil processar e aceitar algumas coisas. Amo ter rotina, mas é diferente ter rotina quando você só fica trancado em casa e ter rotina quando pode sair de casa e fazer outras coisas. Então, sei lá, agora estou ok.
🌵 song you can't stop listening to // uma música que não consegue parar de ouvir
Religion - Isak Danielson
🌵 reccomend a movie // recomende um filme
Green Book
🌵 how old are you? // quantos anos você tem?
🌵 school, university, occupation, other?
I'm in college studying psychology and sending resume to companies... but it's hard and I'm little sad about not receiving good news, only bad or complete silence. // Estou na faculdade estudando psicologia e mandando currículos para empresas... mas está difícil e eu estou um pouco triste por não estar recebendo notícias boas, só ruins ou silêncio total das empresas.
🌵 do you prefer hot or cold?
springs and autumn, Its not too hot and neither too cold, its just good. I can leave the house wearing shorts and a sweater or pants and t-shirt. // primavera e outono, não é tão frio e nem tão quente, é apenas bom. Eu posso sair de casa usando shorts e um moletom ou de calça e uma camiseta de manga curta.
🌵 name one fact other may not know about you // fale algum fato que outros possam não saber sobre você.
I have scar near my left eye because when I was 3 a girl bit me because I didn't want to share a toy that I picked up first and hadn't played for 2 minutes. // Eu tenho uma cicatriz perto do meu olho esquerdo porque quando eu tinha 3 uma menina me mordeu porque eu não queria dividir uma brinquedo que tinha pego primeiro e nem tinha brincado por 2 minutos.
🌵 are you shy? // você é tímida?
yes! But if you give a green light I will start talking and talking and I wont stop. But I dont like bother people, so I just keep myself in my bubble. // sim! Mas assim que você me der um verde eu vou começar a falar e falar e não vou parar. Mas eu não gosto de incomodar pessoas, então eu fico bastante na minha e na minha bolha.
🌵 do you have any prefered pronouns? // você prefere algum pronome?
she/her // a/ela/-a
🌵 any pet peeves? // o que mais te incomoda?
hypocrisy // hipocrisia
🌵 what is your favorite "dere" type?
??? I dont know what it means
🌵 rate your life 1-10. 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be. // avalie sua vida de 1-10. 1 sendo uma merda e 10 sendo o melhor momento da sua vida.
I don't know... Maybe 6 // Eu não sei... Talvez 6.
🌵 what is your main blog? // qual é o seu blog principal?
this one :) // essa daqui :)
🌵 list your side blogs and what there used for // liste os seus blogs secundários e para que você usa
I only have this one // Eu só tenho esse daqui
🌵 is there anything you think people need t know about you before becoming friend with you? // tem alguma coisa que as pessoas precisam saber sobre você antes de vocês começarem a amizade?
I am really shy, I do like a lot my space and I will disappear at some point. I will take a time to answer, I don't like to do things in a hurry, I like to think, I like to analyze. But if you really need me, I will try my best to be there with you, to give support, to listen what do you need to say. // Sou muito tímida, gosto muito do meu espaço e vou desaparecer em algum momento. Vou demorar para responder, não gosto de fazer as coisas com pressa, gosto de pensar, gosto de analisar. Mas se você realmente precisar de mim, farei o possível para estar com você, para dar suporte, para ouvir o que você precisa dizer.
I'm tagging @justalarryblog @larentsgirl @twofghosts @kissybrve @skepticalarrie @chrisltomlinson @greedy-queen @dragmedown @loutays-m I would like to know you better :) But if you dont want to do it that's totally ok! Feel free to ignore it! And whoever wants to do, feel free to do and tag me :)
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
what made the colored rose glasses come off?
i can say that mine too came off a while ago and i cant believe how blind i was and i blame his fans because i remember how i was defending him even with all that shit he pulled i thought he needed protection and needed to be treated with so much care and he was big cute baby i was part of the people who got his back no matter what but he is not stopping and the amount of money he and his wife keep asking from the fans and the fans give with love is just too much for me am glad you got out i just cant wait for the others to wake up too
and speaking of walker i too hope it flopped because of his ego and his spn Easter eggs and dean sam parallels its just not fair you cant have it all dean died for sam to live even before he died in the end and jared still trying to make money of it just no!!
This is a really good question, so thank you for asking! I’m glad you got out too! It’s kinda liberating! This will probably get really long because I ramble a lot, so I apologize in advance! 
I’m not entirely sure there was a specific incident or one thing that happened that made me stop and thing, it was sort of a culmination of a few things. Firstly, I sort of lost interest in the show because I was getting tired of the fan service. I know that sounds a little silly because I was a fan, but the whole pandering to the shippers and the bad writing and for lack of a better word, ridiculous storylines, it got to be too much. I stopped getting excited to watch the show. Now that kinda happened naturally in a way because I fell behind a few weeks, but it wasn’t like when I was a hardcore fan, and I’d be waiting to catch up, I just kinda lost the push I guess? Then seeing the storylines and things, I just didn’t think “Oh wow, I really need to get caught up!” because nothing really sounded that interesting. I didn’t care about the Jack storyline, I was tired of the Dean/Cas fan baiting, all of that. I was only interested in Scoobynatural and then the episode where John comes back because I wanted to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan. 
So I was kinda disillusioned a bit about the show. I was also getting really tired of Misha’s political tweeting and his hypocrisy. I believe that was what led me to an anti blog? I can’t really remember how, but I stumbled upon an anti blog and I started reading through and realized that there was a lot going on behind the scenes that I wasn’t really a fan of. So all of these things were kind of stacking on top of the next, and I started to take those glasses off. So it wasn’t really one specific thing, it was many. 
But now I’m at this point where I’m really opening my eyes and realizing how bad things have always been, and I turned a blind eye. I was the same way as you were, needing to protect Jared the big fragile baby, standing up for everything they did. I was going through my timehop and saw some tweets defending Jared’s relentless bullying of Justin Bieber, his insensitive comments of PSH, things like that. It was embarrassing because I was only standing strong with him because I was in so deep as a fan. I mean, I never really agreed with his doxxing of random employees, but I would sort of turn a blind eye to that and just ignore it. Now I realize how stupid that was. 
I’m not saying that I regret being a fan because I don’t. I had a lot of memories, I loved the conventions (not the prices or the Creation company, but that could be an entire different post) and some of the fans were great. I still consider myself a fan of Supernatural and a fan of Jensen and Jared (but he’s pushing it), but I’m not a super fan anymore. I’m at that point where I can recognize when they screw up and can call out things that aren’t okay. I think a lot of fans are still stuck in that illusion that these guys can do no wrong, and it’s sad, but I’m sure they’ll come around at some point. I’m not saying that no one can enjoy the show or the actors or whatever, but at least call them out on their bull and don’t blindly defend everything just because it’s your fave. 
I will say that all celebrities sell things to their fans, and that’s just part of the celebrity/fan relationship. Everyone has merch, everyone does charity fundraisers, etc. What I started to get a little wary of, was everyone jumping on the Represent bandwagon and milking AKF and YANA for every single penny. The first run of AKF was great and I think it started a conversation within the fandom, and everywhere really which is great. I mean, to a point, the second and third runs were cool because I know a lot of people missed out on the first run, etc. And you can bet your bottom dollar that I bought most of the shirts released. But then Misha had to get his grimy paws in the pot and make YANA, using Jensen in the mix too. Is it great to raise money for charity? Yes. Is it cool to do that while making fans happy? Sure. What I got tired of was them milking the same thing for more money. It seemed to lose its authenticity when they kept milking it and making new things if that makes sense. 
But look at Misha and Stands; they milk EVERYTHING they possibly can to get money out of the fans. It really disappointed me that Jared moved AKF to Stands because Stands is a trash company as it is. 
The fans are paychecks to these people, and while that’s just a fact of life, they don’t need to make it so blatant. I thought Gen was bad for shilling products left and right, but Jared is getting just as bad. He’s using Jensen, his family, and Supernatural to try and shill his show and his crappy supplements. 
I haven’t watched Walker, but I’ve seen the failed attempt at trying to capture that Supernatural lightning in a bottle and that reeeeeeally rubbed me the wrong way. I’ve mentioned it before, but he’s basically taking a show that took 15 years to build its fanbase, the family, everything, and trying to do that same thing with a concept that seemed better on paper. 
I think Jared got cocky and figured that the success of Supernatural would follow him into anything he touches, and he’s quickly realizing that it’s not gonna happen. So what does he do? He rides on Supernatural’s coattails to try and bring traffic to these things. The Easter eggs aren’t “for the family”, they’re to try and get viewership up for his show that no one seems to care about as much as he expected. The forced “brotherhood” with Keegan is him just trying to recreate the J2 brotherhood for more attention and more views. After all, part of the magic of Supernatural was the boys, Sam and Dean. Jared’s having to start from scratch and trying to have the same magic and fandom that Supernatural took 15 years to grow, but right away. That’s his biggest problem. 
If anything, I hope it flops because it’s really embarrassing and a bit insulting for Jared to just move onto the next “ship” and the next “family” like Jensen was nothing. It makes the “brotherhood” and the “SPN Family” seem so fake it’s unreal. I also hope it flops so he can get a reality check and a hearty slice of humble pie because Lord knows he needs it. 
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alwaysforyouscully · 4 years
So I've been thinking... dangerous, I know but I started to notice some parallels and extreme hypocrisy in regards to the presumed DD/GA and the PM/GA relationship confirmation.
I will continue under the cut for those weak of stomach. 😁
The latest GA/PM posts and videos got me thinking, why no pics together? They are in the same house by their own admission but when GA says David is in the shower, it was a joke. Hmm...
We have not seen Gillian with Peter in a non business related social setting, ever and they live in the same town. PM/GA fans say that's because G is a private person, not remembering the spectacle of Portofino. Put this in perspective of GA/DD. They are often in the same town and are also not seen together but then there's The Cutting Room. Need I say more about how you treat a girlfriend; however, folks claim no sightings, no truth.
I'm also thinking about all of GAs social media from before the Netflix era, there was some exceptional content there, my friends. Don't get me wrong obviously some X-Files promo was involved but look at all that wasn't. Has she so few friends/co-workers that she must dig into the depths of her contacts to call David from the comedy telethon and show him and Miller on her phone? I think not. So why not do the same for ol' Pete? Why not action off t-shirts with 'How many fish sticks do you want?' or 'Loud houses are hell!' on them. Those are sure to bring the money. 😂
Then let's talk about what Gillian says about each of these relationships. PM is all "I need a back door" and "I can't stand to be in the same space as the love of my life" all while making a face like she swallowed a lemon. Not to mention it took 3 years before she even said his name out loud. Put this up against DD and how she and he talk about each other. Even at the height of David's poor behavior in 98-99, neither said they couldn't be in the same room and in fact did some of their best work. Gillian has repeatedly said DD is her best friend, they have an intimate (not sexual) relationship, that they're soul mates and that she loves him but all of this is passed over as lies and jokes to appease X-Files fans. So which is it, does she lie about DD or PM or both? Was she telling the truth about all of it all along? Maybe she was with David and now is with PM? Seems odd to me though that she would be in a new relationship with PM and talk about David's penis size on live British TV, even after we all know she saw PMs little appendage by the pool. Too bad he doesn't get the same press, I think you get my point 😉.
I know this is long but I just can't get past the way some are treating this situation. Why all the double standards? Why buy up all the GA/DD swimming pool pics from Malibu but let every last nip slip from Portofino get published? You can bet your sweet boots there is a good reason for that!
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Prompt List
I feel like my blog needs to be spiced up (and I need to experiment more with my adaptability) so here's a self-curated prompt list by yours truly.
Interested? Read more for the deets... 😏
Goofy Fluff - (G)
"Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're a bit of a moron."
"If that's true then I'm the queen of England."
"It takes serious intellect to be this comedic but you wouldn't know that, would you?"
"I'm not even dead and I’m rolling over in my grave."
"Yeah, people like going to circuses, not LIVING in one!" “Yeah, but you’re a total bozo, so you should be familiar with living in circuses.”
"What can I say? I'm a natural at pissing you off."
"Thanks for your opinion but you're wrong and I'm right, the end."
"What do you want? A trophy?"
"Call me a disaster but watching you lose your mind is my top three kinks."
"That's lame. You're lame. Your style is lame. That shirt? Lame."
"That's not constructive criticism, that's blatant verbal assault!"
"Was that a threat or a request? Cause there's about a hundred reasons to kill you right now."
"Hah, if an employer saw that listed on your resume, they'd kick you to the curb for perjury."
"Artistry can be whatever you want it to be... and I want it to be competitive skee ball."
"Using cheap insults isn't a healthy way to cope, you know."
"You blame me like you didn't cheer me on!"
"I may be small but I can be intimidating. You ever seen a chihuahua? Yeah, same shit. Don't try me."
"Fun fact: I'm not a guest to your little pity party."
"Come on, a little bit of exertion never killed anybody." "Then consider me the first."
"I'm not judging you; I'm viciously questioning your life choices.”
"God, the world can't take a second you. One is already pushing the limit."
"You suck at lying, just for future reference."
"I've never been so proud of someone whose insulted me so hard before in my life."
"Dude, your track record of hypocrisy is not something to flaunt."
"That's not a word. Try again. And this time, think about what you say before you say it. Saves you from crippling humiliation."
"I was on the fence for a while but I've finally come to the conclusion that... you're brutally wrong."
"That's bold coming from someone with a pretty generic fashion sense."
“I’m not surprised.” “What?! Come on, I wanna be unpredictable!”
“Did you not know? I’m the president, vice president, and secretary of the (insert LI’s name) Fan Club.”
“I wish you would pour that on me!” “Consider your wish granted!”
Romantic Fluff - (R)
"I love you, in case you were wondering."
"Don't worry, I got you."
"Not to sound cheesy, but you're a home away from home."
"You can hold my hand, if you'd like."
"It’s not everyday someone manages to make (insert character’s name) swoon.” “What can I say? You’re a rare specimen.”
“You’re safe with me, I promise.”
“Pinky promise?”
“How about a good ol’ game of rock paper scissors to settle things between you and I?”
“Come on, stop making that face, it kills me every time.” “That’s precisely the reason why I’m making this face.”
“For me? Awww, you really don’t have to do this for me!”
“You’re worth running up a flight of stairs for.”
“I love your jokes, even if they’re a bit much at times.”
“Not to be sappy, but you’re my after-work stress reliever.”
“You look so beautiful/handsome, I really mean it.”
“You make me feel so safe and I’m so grateful for you.”
“I might’ve caught baby-fever... and I might be daydreaming about starting a big family with you one day... if you wouldn’t mind that of course...”
“Seriously, you’re the shit. Like you’re the coolest person I know.”
“Kiss me like you mean it and I’ll tell you why.”
“Wanna cuddle? Just you and me?” “Of course, who else is here to cuddle with us?”
“You’re such a goofball and I love you for it, you silly, silly person.”
“Let’s take the day off and spend it together, doing whatever you want to do.”
“Look at you, baby, you’re fucking amazing!”
“What do you mean? You look like the most gorgeous human to ever exist; period.
“I just didn’t think Valentine’s Day was up your alley, that’s all.”
“So... now that we’re married, how many kids do you want?” “We haven’t even been on our honeymoon for a DAY yet and you’re already bringing up the talk?!”
“How about a kiss to make it better, hmm?”
“Give me some platonic love, please. I’m feeling down and in my feelings.”
“See, I knew you could do it!”
“I’m so happy I could kiss you!” “What’s stopping you? Kiss me already!”
“You’re always on my mind, just so you know.”
“I miss you so badly. Can’t you just ditch that gig and come home to me already?”
“Tell me how much you love me.” “I love you so, so, so, so, so, so, so, SO-” “Okay, that’s overdoing it!”
“Like it or not, you’re my soulmate and we’re meant to be.” “You make it sound like this is a travesty; hell, I’m grateful that we’re soulmates!”
“You’re the best gift I’ve even been given, you know that, right?”
Angst - (A)
“How could you betray me like this?!”
“I thought you were more than this. But you’re not.”
“Why would you do this?!”
“Please, don’t do this to me. Please, (insert character’s name).”
“Don’t go, I need you.”
“You always said how low they were, how you’d ever be like them, but look at you now! You’re a carbon copy of the exact person you never said you would be!”
“I can’t be with you anymore. We’re done.”
“What did I ever do to you to deserve all of this?!”
“I loved you, (insert character’s name). I adored you so much. Not anymore.”
“I’ve moved on, there will never be an ‘us’ again.”
“Have a nice life, (insert character’s name).”
“I’ll leave and I’ll never come back if that’s what you really want!”
“I can’t trust you anymore.”
“I’m sorry but this is for the best.”
“It’s all my fault, I let this happen to you.”
‘What the hell did they do to you?!”
“Stop making this harder than this needs to be!”
“Forget you ever knew me, it’s for your own sake.”
“I fucked up alright and I’m sorry! What more can I do to convince you that I truly am?! Please, I’m desperate at this point!”
“Don’t give me that smirk, asshole! You almost died! ...I almost lost you!”
“I don’t care if I get my clothes bloody, you’re dying, (insert character’s name)!”
“Just keep your eyes on me, okay? Everything’s fine now.”
“I can’t live without you, you have to understand how important you are to me!”
“You used me. All this time I thought you loved me and cared about me... but you fucking used me!”
“You’re a liar! I know you’re lying to me!”
“What the hell does (she/he/) have that I don’t, huh?! What makes (her/him) worth more of your time?!”
“I knew I should’ve listened to them and not you.”
“I hate you! Do you hear me?! I HATE you!”
“You can’t do this, you can’t just leave me for something so stupid.”
“Just listen to me!”
“...just leave me alone. I’m done talking to you.”
“Stay with me! Please!”
“I feel like I’m losing the only person I love--you.”
“I don’t even know who you are anymore.”
“Oh I’M crazy?! You haven’t seen crazy yet; I’ll show you crazy!”
Smut - (S) 
“I want you on your knees, mouth open.”
“You know what? I’ll just tie you up and teach you a lesson, how about that?”
“I mean, I’ve never been called ‘Daddy’/‘Mommy’ before, but I can’t say I don’t like it when you call me that...”
“You’ll have to beg for it.”
“I want you. Right now.”
“You’re making so little noise. Can’t you be louder for me?”
“How about I give you a reason to stay in bed?”
“Stop fumbling with that button and just touch me already!”
“Take me right here, please.”
“That was a command, not a request.”
“Do it. Now.”
“What are you going to do to me?”
“God, I love it when you touch me like that!”
“Say that again. Louder this time.”
“Stop teasing and just fuck me.”
“I’ll make you regret that.”
“Please, I can’t hold on much longer!”
“How can I make it up to you?” “Well, there is something that I’ve been wanting to try...”
“Spread your legs, don’t be so bashful with me.”
“Keep your voice down. No vocal performances allowed tonight.”
“Strip for me and make sure it’s slow.”
“I love when you’re gentle with me, but right now, all I want is to be treated like your little toy.”
“Make love to me tonight.”
“You deserve a reward for all of your hard work, may I...?”
“Do that again, I love that so much.”
“You’re giving me serious bedroom eyes and I’m so into it.”
“Let’s sneak off and have some fun of our own...”
“I want your taste in my mouth.”
“Come here, come see how good you taste...”
“You cum when I say so, do you understand?”
“Don’t you dare look away from me, I want those eyes trained on me at all times.”
“I think a spanking is in order for your misbehavior...”
“If you expect me to have mercy for you, then you’re mistaken.”
“Fuck this boring shit, pull some kinky shit on me and spice this up.”
“I could always pour this on you and lick it off, if that’s what you prefer...”
“You’re my favorite flavor to have; so versatile all times of the day.”
“Make me.”
“I want to watch you touch yourself.”
“Just like that, you’re being so good for me.”
“You’re gonna make me--ah, fuck!”
A Brief List of Every LI I write for:
Alex Cyprin
Cal North
Cecelia Visconti
Ezra Wolf (NEW)
Helena Klein
Joaquin Ortega
Julius Harper
Liora Skyheart 
Nav Hexan
Neil Dresner
Nikolai Stirling
Renzei Feng
Sevastian of the Winter
TK Yoon
Vince Moretti
Vivienne Tang
Xenia of the Autumn
Whew! Anyway, here’s the prompt list I came up with (all by myself; shocking, I know :P) so if you want to request something based off this list then just send in a letter and a number along with a character. 
Examples: G6, G9, and R2 with Vivienne Tang, or S12 and S17 with Cal North
Thanks and have a nice day! Oh, and if you want to reblog or use my prompt list, that’s all cool with me (just give credit where credit’s due, please and thank you)!
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bldreamer · 4 years
Sweetness  To Your Love | MorkSun
Dark Blue Kiss : MorkSun
Summary: Mork is stressed over final exams and Sun tries to cheer him up with a little sugary goodness. Based on THIS  prompt from @anon. Genre: Stressed!Mork. Sweet!Sun.  Warnings: None? 
A/N: More thanks to @kdramama for turning my spelling error into an idea x
Mork has a sweet tooth. Not many people are privy to the fact. Most would take one look at him and assume he takes his coffee black and his ramen heavy on the salt.
Sun is privileged enough to know that couldn’t be further from the truth, and he learns to take advantage of his insider knowledge as often as possible. Particularly when Mork seems especially stressed.
Final exams at the university are fast approaching and while Rain seems rather blasé about the whole thing, Mork is on edge.
It’s so subtle Sun misses it at first. Mork in an introvert at the best of times, let alone when something is troubling him. It’s only when Sun smells the unusual excess of cigarette stench on him in the middle of his shift that he realizes something is up. Mork knows better than to smoke while he’s working.
Sun bites his tongue when he feels himself itching to lecture him on his bad habits and keeps an eye on him for the rest of the day. Noting the delicate nuances in Mork’s behavior. How quiet he is while he’s working, how distracted he seems when he serves customers, how little he argues back when Sun has constructive criticism to give.
Sun’s usual approach would be to push and shove and nag relentlessly until Mork shoves back. He knows the young man well enough to know that won’t work in this case. If anything, he’ll clam up all the more.
Instead, he waits for a new day to dawn and settles on an alternative tactic which he puts into motion at five AM on a Tuesday morning before the sun has even approached the horizon.
“Mork, wait.” Sun catches Mork’s wrist as he heads to the door for school. Red faculty shirt bunched in his hand, backpack slung over his shoulder. “Here, try these for me after lunch.” Sun hands him a to-go cake box, two glazed cinnamon doughnuts tucked inside.
Mork frowns. Eyes on the box in his hand. “What is it?”
“New recipe. I’m thinking of adding them to the menu,” Sun smiles, “Let me know what you think.”
“Me?” Mork points to himself.
“Mh, you’re my new taste tester.”
“Since when?”
“Since now?” Sun shrugs. “I could always ask Rain if you’re not interested,” he says, faking offense.  
Mork shakes his head. “Whatever, I’ll try it.” He checks his watch and huffs. “I’ll see you later.”
“Have a good day,” Sun says.
Mork throws him a confused look over his shoulder before he leaves.
Four hours later Sun receives three new LINE messages.
Doughnuts were good, old man.
Put them on the menu.
Fridays only. I hate going to the gym.
Sun smiles, it’s not much but it’s earned him more words than Mork has said to him in person all week.  
Thanks for the feedback.
Don’t call me old man.
Two days later, a rainy Thursday, Sun sends Mork to school with a box of caramel oat cookies. They’re not as good as the doughnuts but still worthy according to his official dessert taster. Not that Sun has any actual plans to add either to the cafe menu. The cookies are far too expensive to make and the doughnuts are way too precarious to fry in batches.
Sun keeps those tidbits to himself.
Friday, he tries his hand at a chocolate ganache sponge cake before dawn. The mess in his kitchen, chocolate glaze smeared on almost every surface and himself, is completely worth it when he sees Mork smile for the first time in over a week.
“Chocolate, my favorite.”
Sun gives both his brother and his boyfriend the weekend off to study. Rain sits in his bedroom with Manow -Sun hopes they’re busy with schoolwork, otherwise, he’ll be having words- and Mork sits alone in the quiet spaces of the cafe surrounded by papers and textbooks. Sun keeps him topped up with the sweetest drinks on the menu and the odd chocolate chip muffin left over from the week.
Mork doesn’t say much but the cups are always empty when Sun comes to collect them half an hour later and the muffins are picked at throughout the day. Sun worries for his teeth but at least the sugar will give him an energy boost.
On Monday, Mork doesn’t ask what’s in his to-go box. He’s running late and Sun has to rush after him because he forgets the box on the end of the counter. Blueberry pancakes, because he remembers Mork saying he visited an aunt in California when he was a kid and he’s had a thing for American diner food ever since.
Tuesday, Sun makes Mork sit down for breakfast when he doesn’t have to be at the university until ten. He places a generous slice of lemon cheesecake in front of him and a glass of chocolate milk.
“It’s lemons so it’s healthy,” Sun argues when Mork gives him the eyebrow.
When Mork comes home after school complaining of a headache, Sun decides it’s probably best to rein in the sugary treats for the time being. He doesn’t even think his plan is working anyway. Mork smells less of cigarette smoke but looks just as gloomy when he thinks people aren’t watching.
Sun doesn’t see him for almost three days after that because Mork goes back to his dorm and Sun doesn’t have the heart to argue with him and persuade him to stay.
Friday he returns for his shift and Sun can see the dark circles under his eyes from the other side of the cafe.
A few hours later he finds him curled up on the bench outside, shirt tucked under his head, hands in between his knees, chest rising and falling softly.
Sun stands over him and smiles, pushing his fallen hair back from Mork’s face from the cool breeze. The young man usually so alert doesn’t move an inch. He must be exhausted. Sun pulls off his overshirt out from under his apron and carefully lays it over Mork’s shoulders.
Sun checks on him every half hour or so, happy he remains undisturbed and relatively in the same position until closing.  
It’s dark outside, the cafe is eerily quiet, Sun is wiping down the tables when he hears the groggy voice over his shoulder.
“P’Sun?” Mork says, rubbing his eyes.
Sun turns around, cloth in hand. He smiles at the sight, Mork’s t-shirt crumbled, face puffy and eyes bleary but less dark than they were earlier.
“How long was I asleep?”
Sun checks his watch, “A couple of hours,” he lies. It’s been closer to five but it’s no matter. “I’ll let it slide this once on account that I took some really cute pictures on my phone.”
Mork glares, it’s less intimidating when he yawns afterward. Sun smiles fondly.
“Next time I’m docking your pay,” he warns jokingly. “Do you feel better, at least?”
Mork nods. “Mh.” He throws something in Sun’s direction, and he catches it easily. His shirt. “Put that back on, no one wants to see a half-naked barista. It makes you look desperate.”
Sun looks down at his attire, he’d forgotten he’d only been wearing a tank top this whole time. He meant to grab another shirt from upstairs but he hasn’t had the time.
“Are you jealous you missed out?”  
Mork shrugs. “I can see you without clothes whenever I want, why would I be jealous?”
Mork tilts his chin upwards, cock expression taking over his sleepy one. “You’re not the only one with a camera phone, P’.”
Sun smirks, feeling the heat on the tips of his ears. “Nong Mork, are you flirting?”
“Take it how you want,” he shrugs, walking towards the stairs. “You coming to bed or what?”
Sun throws the cloth on the table and yanks off his apron. He checked the door not five minutes ago so he knows it’s locked. He runs after Mork who has made it half-way up the steps and grabs him by the waist. Mork wriggles away and grumbles about safety being the top priority. Sun laughs and chases after up to the bedroom.
Mork scores third highest in his class when they graduate and Sun couldn’t be prouder. He looks damn handsome in his robes too, despite his constant grumbling. When he comes down from the podium Sun grabs Mork by the sides of his face and kisses him firmly on the lips, much to Mork’s chagrin.  
Sun makes him a three-tiered chocolate cake topped with a mini Mork made out of icing he spent the entire week perfecting, right down to his rings and his hip chain.
“I don’t look like that,” Mork tuts, bright eyes shining in the sunlight. “He looks angry.”
“Yep,” Sun nods, laughing when Mork pushes him hard enough he trips. “Watch the cake you brute,” he whines with a grin.
“Where’s my cake?” Rain grumbles. He could have done better if he had put his mind to it, but he did well and that’s all that matters so Sun keeps his opinions to himself for a change. “I’m your brother.”
“And he’s my boyfriend.”
Mork rolls his eyes from the side. He’s still shy about the title and Sun kind of loves it.
“Didn’t your girlfriend make you one?” Sun asks feigning innocence.
Rain narrows his eyes.  
Mork snorts, and Sun tucks himself into his side, the large cake box safely under his arm.
“Speaking of my girlfriend, is it okay if Manow stays over tonight? Her parents are out of town.”
“Do her parents know?”
Rain nods. “I’ll even call them if you don’t believe me. Pleeeease P’Sun? Your boyfriend practically lives with us. How is it any different?”
Mork kicks a leg out and Rain skillfully doges it.
“Fine. But I want her parent's number. And no funny business, we share a wall.”
Rain is about to complain about hypocrisy -it’s true, but Sun is the older brother and he pays the rent so tough- when Mork interrupts.
“We won’t be here.”
Mork puts his arm around Sun’s shoulders. “I booked us a room out of town for the night.”
Sun is speechless. “You booked us a hotel room?” he asks. “With what money?”
“He sold those cakes and cookies and things you kept making him,” Rain chirps and Mork pulls his arm from around Sun’s shoulders and chases after him until he runs away laughing.
When Mork returns, messy hair and breathless, he looks guilty.
“You sold the things I made?” Sun pouts.
“Not all of them. Come on, P’.” Mork tugs on his arm. “You gave me a box of twelve cookies, how was I supposed to eat them all myself?”
“You could have said.”
“I appreciate them. I really did. I just didn’t want them to go to waste. And I saved most of the money myself,” Mork says, cupping Sun’s empty hand. “Don’t be mad.”
Sun shrugs. “‘m not mad.”
“I booked us the hotel to say thank you,” Mork explains. “I know you’ve barely been sleeping between the extra work at the cafe and making me desserts in the middle of the night.”
Sun sulks, looking away and playing dumb.
Mork smirks, putting a finger under his chin so their eyes meet. “You think I didn’t notice none of those things went on the menu?”
Sun shrugs. “I’m still perfecting the recipes.”
“P’Sun,” Mork cups his cheek. “I told you I’m not good with words. And I can’t bake for shit.”
“So let me show you how much I appreciate you instead.” Mork pulls Sun’s hand to lay on his chest. “I already packed for you, Rain is watching the cafe tomorrow with Manow so we can spend the whole day doing whatever. Please?”
Sun huffs. Giving up his pout with little fight. “You really booked a hotel for us?”
Mork nods. “Four stars, all-inclusive, giant pool,” he explains.
“I’m not worth five stars?”
Mork snorts. “I didn’t sell enough cookies for five stars.”
Sun tries to fight the grin but it’s a losing battle. He bites his bottom lip and chuckles. “Nong Mork, the boy who hated me. Now whisking me away for a romantic overnight getaway.” He shakes his head, chuckling. “Where is this hotel?”
“Not telling. But you might want to hold onto that tight,” Mork gestures to the cake. “We’re taking my bike.”
“You have got to be kidding me?”
“Nope.” Mork nods behind him and when Sun looks over his shoulder, Rain is in the distance wheeling Mork’s bike towards them with a bike helmet on each handlebar.
“Then I’ve changed my mind,” Sun whines. “I am mad and I’m not getting on that deathtrap.”
“You rode a bike when you dragged me across the countryside for your stupid coffee beans.”
That’s true.
“That’s different,” Sun grumbles instead.
“I was driving,” he tuts.
“You’re not driving my bike.”
“Why not?”
“I said no.”
“Shut up, and put your helmet on.”
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iffyswriting · 5 years
Neighbors (Jay Park)
Paring: Jay Park x Black!OC
Genre: Smut, just straight up smut.
Summary: There are ways to compromise with an annoying neighbor.
Word Count: 2064
Note: This is my first imagine on this account, yay!
Waking up out of her sleep, there were loud bumps on the other side of Tiana's wall. Groggily, rubbing the sleep that creased her eyes her initial confusion soon turned into anger when the noise continued, the banging hurting her ears.
She threw her head back onto her pillow, pushing the sides to her ears hoping they would drown it out but to no use. Tiana got out of bed grumbling with irritation as she slid her feet into her slippers, throwing her loose silk robe over her body.
With her hand in a tight fist, she knocked on the door of the offender. Tapping her feet annoyance as the minutes passed, finally the door opened and an attractive man covered in sweat and tattoos, leaned against the frame, his boxers clearly looking hastily thrown on as they hung from his waist, leaving little to no imagination.
"Can I help you?" He licked his plump lips as he spoke and Tiana tried her hardest not to eye his body. She had come there for business and she would state her problem with enough dignity to not let her eyes wander.
"You can actually. You realize it's 2:00 at night and some of us have fucking work in the morning. It'd be appreciated if you could keep it down." Tiana barked heading straight for the point, her arms crossed over her perky bosom.
"I can try and do that but I won't make any promises," Jay responded shrugging his shoulders in such a nonchalant way Tiana was tempted to punch him. She didn't dare look him in his eyes and since she couldn't look upward her only option was the opposite direction, which resulted in her seeing some very interesting developments. "Hey uh, I know I'm cute or whatever but don't think you should keep up eye contact when you're having a conversation with someone?" His tone was teasing and smug, Tiana's fists clenching as the words rolled off his tongue.
"Yeah, well I'll try not to let the landlord know about you being so inconsiderate. Fucking prick." Tiana spoke her ears beginning to burn. Didn't she just say she wouldn't let her eyes wander? She never ever could keep her word. Finishing her piece, she flipped him off and slammed her door behind her fuming slightly.
Things didn't get much better between the neighbors. Jay persisted in the constant noise making and Tia made it known that she wasn't here for it, often slamming her fist on his door or catching him in the morning to work to personally curse him out. Her threats to tell the landlord seemed empty and she would never ever admit that sometimes she wished she was in his bed causing all the noise. Every once and a while Jay would chill out, trying to show he wanted to make amends with Tiana but the girl flipped his endeavors right back in his face constantly reminding him of before.
The two communicated with petty insults and minor arguing, other tenants calling them the married couple who lived in separate rooms. They'd both scoff at the nickname, stating that "I couldn't be with someone so whorish." "I couldn't be with someone so stuck-up." More arguments would come from their mean words and the arguments would constantly be thick with tension. 
"Aw, do you miss me so much you have to follow me everywhere? I'm flattered but I'd prefer if I could get just a little breathing room to wash my clothes." Jay spoke strolling into the laundry room, where Tiana happened to be.
"You actually do your own laundry? At least you aren't an incompetent asshole." Tiana offered him a fake smile, unamusing to Jay.
"I do more than just my laundry." He spoke with a wink.
"I'm sorry, but if you're insinuating what  I think you are, I'm not interested in a guy who's constantly literally and figuratively drowning his sorrows in pussy," Tiana confessed with a sarcastically sweet shrug taking satisfaction in the twisted up face, Jay made. 
"Ohhh that's clever, you got any more insults other then me being a slut?" His stupid smirk never left his face, it's presence agitating even more.
"I mean." Tiana sounded out, slowly seeing that she had to get to his level of comprehension.
"Tia-” He started off, Tiana raising one of her hands to automatically cut him off.
"Don't call me Tia." Tiana responded with an irritated scoff, stuffing her clothes into the washing machine.
"Like I said, Tia-" He repeated once more, Tiana slamming down the top of the washing machine as she whipped towards Jay with an agitated glare.
“All of this disrespect you keep throwing my way, I don’t take lightly so you need to find some fucking chill.”
“You can talk to me in any way you want and treat me like shit but you can’t take it back?”
“I’ve only given you the energy you’ve given me, stop acting surprised.”
“Your hypocrisy is barking in volumes!" Jay answered with a humorless laugh, putting his basket on the floor.
“Hypocrisy!? I feel like the pot is calling the kettle black right now." Tia argued in return her back facing Jay as she turned the button to warm on the washing machine. 
"So you know what you’re doing is wrong but you keep doing it?" Jay asked stepping closer to her making Tia lean against the machine for support.
"Huh?" Tia choked out.
"Don't fucking huh me. I'm sick of your mouth, I try and bring the noise down be cordial but you stay on my fucking neck, continuing to be fucking rude. What do you want me to fuck you or something?" His rant ended and Tiana's mouth had drawn closed into a line unable to answer his claims. 
That dangerous smirk replaced the frown on his face, his eyes becoming hooded with lust as he looked down at her, boring into her dark brown eyes. Gulping Tiana, pulled up her t-shirt using it as a makeshift fan, reveling in how hot everything was beginning to feel all of a sudden, how claustrophobic she felt. 
 Inching towards the woman with a new objective in mind Jay tilted her head upward in a swift motion, Tiana taking the hint, immediately smashing her lips into his her hands twisting themselves in the confines of his white tank top.
As things began to escalate, the tension growing in the room, Jay roughly pushed Tiana into the cool metal making her gently gasp into his mouth. Her free hand, that wasn't resting on the back of his neck, slithered down to his jeans rubbing the fabric teasingly. His fingers pressed hard on her hips, easily plopping her on top of the washing machine
"Is this going to make you lose that fucking attitude?" He grunted, snatching at her black leggings tugging them down roughly. With ease, he picked her up and plopped her on top of the tool, his fingers would only brush the front of her panties, going no further than a boundary he set.
"Let's see how well you impress me. Then I’ll think about it." Feeling bold- Tiana, caressed the bulge in his shorts, looking him straight into his eyes. His fingers hooked onto her panties, slipping them off with ease.
Every time he teasingly touched her throbbing clit, her body would shiver and she would attempt to buck back into him hoping a finger or some sort would slip in her efforts futile as she was left provoked with no relief in the end. 
“If you’re just going to tease me I might as well get the fu-” She was interrupted from finishing as two thick fingers plunged deep inside of her. She mugged at him and his amused smirk, her frown opening into a large moan as he twisted the fingers inside of her, finger fucking her fast. Before she came, Tiana pulled his fingers out of her, they were dripping with her essence.
“You forget whose pace we’re going at.” She stated simply out of breath, the rush of euphoria on the tip of her tongue. 
Tia smacked his hand away from finishing, unbuttoning his pants. She slithered her hand inside of his boxers, rubbing at his erection. Her thumb swiped over his pink tip, his shallow breath pleasing her.
She brought her hand up and down at a rapid unforgiving pace, jacking him off with a devious look. Dribblets of his cum flew onto her hand, his groans trailing into her ear.
They collectively moaned together as he slipped in, Tiana wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck to actively bring him in closer. She caught his lips, immediately slipping her tongue in as he moved forward.
His thrusts were filled with passion as all the pent-up frustration he had for the girl was taken out on her pussy. Jay fucked her roughly, slamming her against the washing machine with force. 
“If we’re going to fuck on a washing machine, let’s make it fun.” The first wash cycle was turned on as the machine began to vibrate, causing jolts to flow through both of them
He flipped her body over pressing her into the washing machine as they began to fuck Doggystyle, unknowingly denting in the machinery. 
 Tiana’s chest heaved up and down as she met him each time he pounded into her, throwing her ass back. He stopped for a moment letting his entire length sit inside of her before sliding out and ramming back into her rocking her forward.
"Oh fuckkkk-" Tiana moaned out, crossing her ankles together as her thighs slapped into the cold metal, Jay's relentless strokes digging her out in the most pleasurable way. Tiana rested her head on the top of washing-machine trying to muffle the whimpers that echoed from her mouth. Jay's hand wrapped around her throat pulling her backward so the whimper she released could be heard clearly.
"No, I want to hear from you. This is loud enough right?" He growled into her ear slamming into her with such precision, Tia's soul was close to escaping her body. He kissed the side of her face, a groan seeping out of him as his dick twitched inside her walls.
“Oh Daddy, I’m about to cum!” She whimpered, her walls clenching and releasing around him as the pressure in her stomach built up, the neverending pleasure overwhelming.
Tiana tried to move away from Jay as her orgasm soared through her body but he pulled her back, she tightened her walls milking him well. Tiana purred as she came, the sweat that had formed on her brow slipping towards her breast.
His strokes became increasingly sloppy, as Tia helped him meet his own end grinding slower on his dick, popping her butt as she maneuvered, Jay let out a throaty moan. 
Tiana slipped off of him getting straight on her knees. She held his manhood in her hand, jerking it a bit as his cum splattered across her face, staining the top of her sports bra. She gave a devilishly satisfied smile, his nut dripping down her lip, as she stuck out her tongue to give it a taste.
“You owe me some washing powder.” She said jokingly, licking her lips of his kids.
After what happened in the laundry room, things changed. Noise no longer came from Jay's room anymore and with no reason to keep fussing nor a reason to talk to him, Tiana could only look from afar too afraid to speak.
"We ever gonna talk about- what we did?" Jay finally asked, breaking the game of avoiding they had been playing. 
“Is there anything really to talk about?” Tiana replied, unable to look at him in the eye. He took her hand into his own, shrugging his shoulders as he began to speak.
“I just thought we could-”                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “Hi, Mrs. Garrison!" Tiana spoke to their elderly neighbor, interrupting Jay from finishing. She wasn't sure where he was going with his words, and fear etched into her heart, nervous about what he would say.
"Hello, baby!" The sweet woman responded before turning towards Tiana."I just wanted to mention that you shouldn't use the washing machine for a while. Someone dented the damn thing in and it's been working funny ever since. I'm guessing it was that delinquent Rodney who did it but Jermaine's cheap-ass ain't gonna find the culprit."
“Is that so?” Tiana glanced at Jay, who had a soft blush on his cheeks. Looking at each other knowingly, they snickered quietly to themselves an inside joke being born.
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hopesiick · 4 years
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𝐉𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐍 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐃 // vice detective, thirty-three, red ridge native.
— unflinching, grudging, brainy, irreverent, plucky, mulish. loosely inspired by dominique dipierro (mr robot), laurie blake (watchmen hbo), eve polastri (killing eve), wendy byrde (ozark), and allie pressman (the society). this vine, too.
howdy, folks! i’m dev. 🤠 this is my dearest brain babie, jordan. normally, this is where i’d get all mushy-gushy on y’all, but the rest of this introduction is already too long as it is, and i’d rather not add insult to injury hehe. just know i’m happy to be here & even more excited to get to know you all + your brain babies, too! 🥳 @redridgeimp​​
— pinterest, stats + connections page.
𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑: bullet points marked with three asterisks (***) feature mentions of domestic abuse and unfit parenting. reader discretion is advised.
the toussards are old money. her mother’s side of the family have made their fortune off of hay farms scattered across the state of nevada, and her father’s side of the family have mostly been cattle and dairy farmers. together, they decided to venture into real estate, too, by buying up farm land plots and selling them at a higher price, along with residential plots, too. 
they’re not showy people, but they definitely make good use of their money. jordan’s childhood home is a plantation-style house on a big ole plot of land situated on the outskirts of town. they had healthy green grass with sprinklers and a full garden. inside, everything was real wood, ivory, and silver. they had a maid and gardeners and the whole nine yards. still, if you hadn’t seen that or recognized their family name, you might have expected them to be any other family belonging to red ridge. 
to many, they gave off the image of a picture-perfect, all-american nuclear family. it’s easy to pretend, seeing as they live so far away from all the glitz and none of them -- no matter how they feel -- are willing to shatter that golden reputation, but it isn’t real. elise, her mother, wanted a doll more than she wanted an actual child, and it was society’s pressure on women to give birth that forced her hand, not any sense of innate desire for expanding the family. joseph, her father, was too caught up in his wife’s every wish and whim to really pay attention to jordan in a deep way. he never turned his back on her, but jordan never felt any deep belonging to him either -- if anything, he felt more like a 2d stand in for the father she wished she’d had. 
*** that meant there was only one adult left to really pick up her parent’s slack, and that was corinne, her aunt. corinne, who had an awful habit of bringing terrible men home. corinne, who was bipolar and unmedicated, and often in charge of taking care of jordan from the moment she was in diapers to the moment she graduated college. corinne, who was manipulated by her own sister. corinne, who was helpless to protect jordan against her mother’s attacks, and unable to shield her from the rage her boyfriends spat. corinne is like a mother to jordan. she was the hand that rubbed her back when she was sick. she was the open arms that held her when one of jordan’s teenage dates went sour. she was the one to cover for her when she snuck out and the one to teach her everything her mother considered too immoral and dirty. corinne is her mother in the way elise never could be, but still .. jordan can’t help but feel anger towards her. 
*** jordan’s known how to use, fire, and clean a gun from the age of eight. she learned how to hunt at the age of ten. she knew and helped her father field dress a handful of animals by the age of twelve. you may think this was just a bit of heavy-handed bonding between a father and daughter, but it wasn’t. elise and joseph used to go away a lot, both for pleasure and business, which left jordan in corinne’s sole care. that wouldn’t be a problem, if it weren’t for the fact that a grand majority of corinne’s relationships were abusive, specifically physically. jordan was a child, but she was a child with a duty -- a duty to protect her caretaker if necessary. at the time, jordan didn’t think much of it. she liked feeling like she had an in with her father, liked feeling important. it was only when she got older that she realized how fucked up everything had been, and how that’s the driving factor behind the feeling of fear she just can’t drop, and the mistrust she has in others. the anger she feels towards corinne is rooted in that. she can’t help but feel like it’s corinne’s fault and she hates that her aunt -- a fully grown adult -- was the center of her childhood, instead of her own self.
skipping forward a bit, jordan went to college right after high school to major in criminal science. her lifelong exposure to such abuse left her with a taste for vengeance. see, jordan wanted to be a police officer to protect her hometown, sure, but she also wanted the badge so that she could finally dish out the punishment that so many of the officers she’d seen were unwilling to. the only way to stop that culture of turning a blind eye was to do it from the inside, and that’s exactly what she did. 
jordan’s been a cop for twelve years now. she started her career doing patrol and eventually working with the gangs and narcotics team for five years. after a lot of pestering and brown-nosing, jordan became a g&n detective. she was mostly in charge of surveillance, carrying out raids, and the planning of both. ( she had an opportunity early in her career to go undercover, but jordan’s too obvious for that. ) eventually, jordan switched departments over to the special victims unit, but that stint really only served as a segue into where she is now: the vice and support department. she used to specialize in community outreach, helping bridge the gap between the community and the precinct. she worked with groups focused on helping those affected by drugs and sex workers who have been abused. when one of the detectives assigned to missing persons cases left, jordan was quick to apply for it. needless to say, she got the job and has been doing that since.
she’s got the nose for it -- all the digging and reviewing and passion for the relentless pursuit. she doesn’t particularly like dealing with the families of those affected, but it’s part of the job. on most days, she genuinely enjoys it, but with the rise in crime and the amount of deaths at their feet, jordan can’t help but rethink her choices. she’s competitive by nature; she can’t handle these losing games. 
jordan’s a very cutthroat cop -- especially in her g&n days, when it was all heat, all pressure, all the time. she’s got an eye for weakness and isn’t afraid to exploit that on the job. she’s not above making threats -- promises, really -- and has always been the type to gather as much evidence as humanly possible, because she wants prosecutors to see justice through. she’s just really efficient. she wouldn’t be where she was at only thirty-three if she wasn’t. most of the time, you can catch her putting in overtime hours. 
that being said... jordan has a big heart. she doesn’t believe in institutions as a whole, but she does believe in people. the law is the law and rules are vital for a functioning society, but .. she may be willing to look the other way sometimes, if you’re close enough. ( i mean, she was married to a valencia member at one point, so. ) she may not agree with what some people do, but she’ll really only go after you if what you’re doing is truly heinous. ( but don’t tell her supervisors! 🥺 and don’t mention the hypocrisy to her face. )
outside of work, though, jordan’s pretty chill. she used to be a loudmouthed firecracker in her youth, but she’s calmed down significantly since then. really, she’s not so bad! maybe it's because she can't handle being alone, but she thrives from being in groups + will strike up a conversation with anyone and everyone. if she likes your shoes, she'll tell you. if you need a ride home then she’ll walk with you because she’s most likely equally as inebriated. kind of the person that you’re hesitant to approach, but when you do she treats you like you’re old friends -- even if you're not. you know that drunk girl in the bathroom that gives you sagely advice or tells you she loves your hair? that’s jordan, except she’s not drunk. 
when jordan makes her mind up on something, it’s almost impossible to get her to budge. it doesn’t matter if she’s in the wrong, she’ll trudge on no matter what. her flippancy in the face of danger – a prized act at this point – has landed her in trouble before, and it most certainly will again. she’s unyielding and unapologetic; not willing to change herself for anyone. getting her to talk about her emotions is like pulling teeth, except even that would probably be easier. she’s incredibly honest about some things as a way to hide behind it; it’s a farce that distracts people into thinking she’s being honest with them, when really she’s not -- not entirely, anyway. 
loves love, but she’s rotten at it. her anxiety gets in the way, tells her that she’ll mess it up somehow until she finally does, like a self-fulfilling prophecy. ( something-something abt the fact that she can’t comprehend someone loving her if not even her own parents could ). she’s a much better friend, and jordan thinks that’s more important anyhow. genuinely, if you’re her friend then she loves you endlessly and earnestly.
𝒇𝒖𝒏 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓 !
jordan is that friend that gets a little bit too into car karaoke.
she’s also the type to order a screwdriver during an 11a brunch.
it’s a wonder that she doesn’t have tinnitus, considering she always blasts heavy metal music in her car.
makes jokes about getting married and divorced, because if you can’t laugh at your pain then you’re fucked.
if you ever visit her unannounced, you’ll spot her in t-shirts that say “milf in training”, “god looks like me”, and more.
if you’re mean to her she’ll give you a parking ticket.
she plays dirty in fights. used to bite a lot as a child and she still does. all is fair in love and war, babie! enjoy getting that tetanus shot and lovely hospital bill! 💋
pantsuits from monday to friday, and overalls without a bra on the weekend because fuck that shit. also extremely partial to shirts with low plunges. a lil bit of side titty for everyone. 
if you’re leaving a drink behind she’ll finish it for you because daddy didn’t raise no quitters.
has a lot of self-worth issues, but she’d sooner die than ever tell anyone about them or even confront them herself. 
don’t let the pantsuit fool you! there’s pure muscle underneath that two-piece, babie. 
𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒄. 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔:
“i am the shape you made me. filth teaches filth.”
"can i be blamed for my efforts? all men are drawn to the sea, perilous though it may be."
"there is a place, deep in the heart of fear, where you trap yourself and claim that is safety."
"still, a great deal of light falls on everything."
"i hold a stalk in my hand. i am the stalk. my roots go down to the depth of the world."
“i always figured when i got older, god would sorta come into my life somehow. and he didn’t. i don’t blame him. if i was him i would have the same opinion of me that he does.”
“nothing washes off.”
“you cannot be stolen, ransacked, looted like an emptied bank account or a burgled house. you are the tough old tissues, the exquisite scars. you are the thing that would not die.”
𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚, 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒔 ! ( open to any gender ) 
jordan can’t function without a best friend, so.. gimme, please! 🥺🤲
i once read a passage talking about how the friendships you make in your childhood can never be mimicked in your adulthood, and you know what.. #true. where’s jordan’s childhood friends at? do they still keep in touch? did they have a massive fallout as teenagers where jordan told them to get hit by a truck because she was a very dramatic 16 yr old? were they frenemies? do they still have one of jordan’s things because she was terrible at remembering everything after a sleepover? did jordan’s parents help your muse’s family out? idc, just gimme!
exes / almost exes. remember what i said about jordan being a shit when it comes to love? they could’ve been serious at some point whether as adults or in their youth, maybe it was short-lived, maybe jordan never even let it get off the ground. could be on good terms or bad terms or no terms at all. 
neighbors!! jordan pulls some odd hours n sometimes plays her music a little too loud and burns her food more often than she should at 33 yrs old. she may or may not be the best neighbor to have is all i’m saying, but she tries!! 
friends!! platonic love is the most purest form of love there is and she’s got a lot of it to give!! come and get ya some! 
enemies / hateships because sometimes .. it just be like that. whether this has to do with a falling out of some sort, just straight up hate at first sight, or something to do with an encounter on the job, or something else entirely i’m here for it! 
one night stands / [old] fwb. i’m gonna be honest with y’all: if jordan likes you, then she can’t sleep with you. now, i’m gonna be honest with y’all again: jordan’s very much a yes-girl. she says and does things just to get a reaction sometimes or see what’ll happen ( something-something "sometimes if you let people do things to you, you're really doing it to them" ). that being said, she’ll sleep with just about anyone. maybe they don’t talk about it ever, maybe they only ever talk when they want something, maybe they regret it, maybe it’s all gucci, and maybe it was good until it wasn’t. idk! 
jordan has been shot twice in her career thus far. the first time was during a noise disturbance call and the second time was during a narc raid. if your muse wants in on that we can discuss the deets! 
and also literally whatever else your heart desires because i’m both here for the fluffiest deepest connections ever and also the angstiest makes-me-wanna-die type shit. i literally don’t say no to anything so if you have any ideas you think jordan can be a good fit for, i’m all ears!! 
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sserpente · 5 years
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A/N: Request from anon. I got these a while back and just had to write them at some point. James getting trapped in a cave with RC? Um, yes please. Here’s what I came up with! Enjoy, my lovelies! ;-)
Words: 2524 Warnings: smut
Hatred was a strong word. You hated hypocrisy and ignorance, intolerance too. But you probably hated nothing and no one more than James Conrad. You didn’t quite know what it was about him that you despised so much. Was it how honourable, righteous and brave he was, the fact he was just a little too perfect? Honestly—a former soldier, a handsome British decommissioned Captain… every woman would be envied if she shared a bed with him at night. But not you! Oh no… not you. You hated this man with a passion, if anything because you knew a man like him—so hunky and decent—would never date someone like you.
You had a past. A criminal past… multiple thefts had turned into assaults, illegal trading of stolen artefacts had resolved in getting involved with the Russian Mafia. The government had decided to give you another chance, in other words, send you on a pointless mission with James Conrad and a few other hopeless souls to do research for a couple of mad scientists instead of throwing you in prison. You were hardly a trustworthy and innocent young woman—something James made sure to remind you of whenever you spoke up and suggested different strategies.
Shock waves of pure electricity rippled through you whenever he impaled you with his stern blue gaze, an effect you hated he had on you. You knew you had screwed up, you knew you had done bad things. You knew you regularly imagined him bending you over his lap and spanking your backside until it was bright red whenever he looked at you like that… almost as if he was trying to read your thoughts. You sincerely hoped he couldn’t.
“If we hurry up, we can reach the top of the mountain by sunset,” he just explained, drawing a map into the sand with a dry branch. “We climb the front and set up camp near the forest. Someone will guard the fire, we don’t know what wild animals lurk in the shadows.”
You frowned at the dirt to your feet, a disgusted expression on your face. “How are we supposed to climb? Did you happen to have brought professional gear with you? All we have is a bit of rope.”
“One could have thought breaking into museums to steal paintings and jewellery gave you a bit of experience in that area.” James shot back, staring daggers at you. Swallowing thickly, you turned away again. Arsehole.
“Then let’s go. I’m hungry.” His name was Slivko. A very young man and a soldier—way too immature and childish for you but at least, he did not treat you like vermin.
James nodded, ignoring his unnecessary comment. Much more important than food was to reach the summit without falling to your deaths—and doing so before the sun would set. Standing up, he brushed the sand off his knees and shouldered his gun. You all followed suit, hoping for the best.
It took you a rough twenty minutes to reach said mountain. Twenty, silent minutes you spent attempting to kill James with but a single glare… if he noticed, he did not show.
“I say we split up. Slivko, take some of this rope and make sure you don’t slip.” James turned to you. “You stay with me.”
You smiled bitterly. “Aw… and there I was already building a raft to escape.”
Yet, he replied nothing when he approached you and tied the rope around your hips. You shivered involuntarily when his fingers brushed against your body ever so slightly. The other end, he tied around his own hips so you could both fall to your deaths. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“Let’s go.”
Slivko and his team went first, spreading out across the vertical surface of the rocky mountain. There were a few roots and thinner tree stubs to hold onto but mostly, it was solid stone you were dealing with. You could already feel the blisters and bruises you would be treating tonight.
James was right. You did have experience with climbing. You had once climbed the Louvre and avoided the security guards, not harming a fly. Still, there was a massive difference between a modern building and a crumbling mountain.
Reluctantly, you began to heave yourself up next to James, watching his every move before making your own. Any step could be your last the higher you climbed—especially on a deserted island. You couldn’t exactly say you were afraid of heights but when you looked down to where you had started, you felt a little sick. Usually, you climbed with professional gear. Security measures that would prevent you from dying in case you slipped and fell. Now, there was nothing.
The rocks were getting wobblier with every single metre. Little bits and pieces rained down on you both, coming from where Slivko and the other soldiers were climbing. A crunchy sound echoed through the air, earning him a strict “Watch it!” from James. Perhaps it was too late for that—for when you looked up with a shocked expression, the heavy rock, about twice as big as you, was already shaking. You all halted, holding your breaths. Then, the rock fell, causing an ear-piercing rock fall.
“Hold on tight!” You heard James screaming. Hold on tight? How? Your right hand slipped, leaving you holding on to the stone wall with your left hand only as one of the rocks as big as your head dashed past you. You were about to steady yourself when it was James who let go. No… he didn’t let go. The rocks he had been holding on to crumbled from the impact, ripping him into the depth beneath you. The rope between you stretched, the force of his body weight pulling you down with him and you were falling.
Panicking, you closed your eyes. This was not how you had wanted to die. Would you feel the collision with the ground? You might not be a decent person but you still had things to live for! You didn’t want to die, you didn’t want to… all of a sudden, all air was knocked from your lungs, causing you to gasp loudly. The rope cut into your skin, burning horribly. When you finally dared to open your eyes again, you were dangling from a cliff. Conrad was above you, his face distorted from exhaustion. He must have landed on the ledge!
“Climb the rope, (Y/N)!” He bellowed, his voice dripping with pain. He did not need to tell you twice. Quickly, you pulled yourself up until James could wrap his arms around your shoulders. Your whole body was shaking when you curled up on the dirty ground, adrenaline still cursing through your veins. Never before had you faced the Grim Reaper eye to eye.
“The… others?” You managed to choke out. James was still panting. He peeked over the edge, his expression darkening. He didn’t need to tell you what he saw. There must have been corpses at the bottom of the mountain.
“I can’t see them all. They might have survived.”
“So contact them.” You insisted, looking around yourself. The ledge you were sitting on formed the entrance to a dark cave. It appeared uninhabited and might just pose as a shelter for the night.
But James was already fondling his radio. “My bloody radio is broken, (Y/N).”
“So what the hell do we do? We need to get out of here.”
James turned, his blue gaze deadly as it bore into yours. Enraged, he pointed at the sun. “Do you see this? It will be dark any moment now. Attempting to climb now would be suicide. We try again tomorrow and see if we can find the other survivors.” He paused, waiting for you to react. When you only nodded, he went on. “Stay here. I will explore the cave, see if it’s safe.”
“Absolutely not. If you get shredded to pieces by a wolf or a bear, I’ll be on my own! And I really don’t want to eat your body parts to survive.”
Conrad only shook his head, clearly repulsed by the idea. “Stay where you are, (Y/N).”
Surprising yourself though, you actually stayed put, waiting for him to return and spending the time checking your body for any injuries. There was a huge, wet blood stain on your stomach. When you lifted your shirt you found a cut right above your navel. Nothing too deep, you figured. It stung a little but with the disinfection spray in your backpack and a band aid you should be fine.
James returned to you just when the sun began to set. “It seems fine to me. There are no traces of animals living in here.” He paused. “You’re bleeding.” And for the first time since you had first met, he did not sound condescending. James seemed to be downright concerned for you, if anything because you were still trembling. In the end, you were a woman alone in the wilderness and even though you were hardly helpless, in this very moment you needed him.
“It’s nothing. I’ll patch myself up.”
“I can help you. Go inside and lie down.” You swallowed. There was no point in refusing now, was there? So you obliged, taking off your shirt to let it dry, leaving you in your sports bra only. Behind you, James hissed.
“Here. Take my jacket and lie down. And give me your backpack.”
Sighing, you did as you were told, watching him intensely as he tended to your wound to ignore the pain. But once he was done, you were shaking even more. For a brief moment you wished his fingers would linger on your naked skin just for a bit longer.
“Sleep a little. I’m gonna try and repair the radio.” James’ hand brushed against your arm so gently and reassuringly he left you behind completely astounded. Wow. Just for a second you could, almost, believe that you didn’t quite hate him after all—and that he didn’t hate you either. Only then was it he seemed to realise his “mistake”. He withdrew as if he had burned himself, hurrying away.
You awoke around an hour later, ripped from sleep cruelly by an animalistic moan. Your eyes narrowed. Thinking at first the cave might be inhabited by animals after all, you flinched and listened again closely. Oh no, it was speaking. Cursing, to be precise. You rolled your eyes as you got up to join James only a few metres away from where you had rested, stepping closer quietly. Apparently, he was still trying to repair that radio. But…
“Fuck… ah…” He was panting. Holding your breath, you inched even closer to him, watching the muscles on his back flex with every movement. It was only then you realised what he was doing. This man had the audacity to masturbate in this godforsaken situation! Your jaw dropped. You could not see him but it was obvious enough now what was happening.
Your curiosity you could understand, not however, that you desperately wished to join him. You hated James for your very own reasons but that did not mean you had to find him repulsive, right? Quite on the contrary… he was incredibly hot. What would he look like, you wondered? How… long and thick would he be and Gods, what would it look like when he spurted his cum into his own fist?
“Fuck…” You heard him again. You bit your lower lip. “(Y/N)…” Yes… wait, what?! Had he just said your name?! Was he masturbating… to you? Your eyes widened when you remembered his flustered reaction when you took off your shirt to let the blood dry, wearing no more than your sports bra and now his jacket too to keep warm.
You couldn’t watch him finish… not without your help. A malicious smirk spread on your lips when you approached him, placing one of your hands on his back while the other sneaked around his waist to grab his hard cock, simply pushing his own hand away.
James tensed. You could tell he was glaring down at your fist grasping his aroused rut, feeling his thick shaft pulsing beneath your touch. Suppressing a moan, you said nothing as you began to jerk him off, finding just the right pace to drive him crazy soon enough.
“You’re awake…” He choked out, his chest heaving.
“You called me. You could have just asked, you know.” You teased him, grinning mischievously behind his back. You could practically feel him rolling his eyes only to moan the fraction of a second later, causing you to giggle at him.
Losing all of his self-control, his composure fell off of him like a heavy coat as he began to groan wildly and thrust into your fist for more friction. And oh sweet Gods, witnessing and feeling him cum felt even more enticing than you could have possibly imagined. James’ cock twitched in your hand, shooting his seed all over your fingers and onto the rock wall in front of you both. The urge to draw away and lick your digits clean was strong, yet you helped him ride out his orgasm, listening to his animalistic growls until he had calmed enough to turn around slowly, his member beginning to soften again.
For usually, his blue gaze was judging and condescending, it was now lustful and demanding. Like a predator, James towered above you, ready to devour you like prey. You knew there was a difference between love and lust and you certainly didn’t expect anything to change between you now… well, nothing but hot and dirty sex, maybe—the true definition of a quick and good hate fuck.
You were already half naked and you were more than ready to rip those trousers off your body and have him take you so thoroughly you would be unable to walk tomorrow.
“We both know this is a bad idea.” He purred darkly then, inching so close you could feel his warm breath on your lips. He was right, of course. You were not on the pill and first aid kits usually didn’t come with a stash of condoms.
“You could just… return the favour, you know.” Your voice was shaking. For Fuck’s sake, why was your voice shaking? Your arousal was pooling between your legs, robbing you of your senses. James was about to reply, a cheeky smile forming on his lips when suddenly, the radio began to rustle.
“Captain Conrad, Captain Conrad, please respond, Captain Conrad!”
Just like that, the heated moment was gone. Pulling his trousers back up again, James’ eyes widened as he hurried over to the little device and yelled clear and stern orders into it—you would meet the rest of the team, what was left of it, tomorrow, near the summit of the mountain, to finish this suicidal expedition and finally go home. Yet when his blue eyes locked with yours again, there was a carnal longing and desire sparkling in them; a silent promise that he was not quite done with you yet.
A/N: Part II coming soon! ;-)
If you enjoyed this story, I’d be flattered if you supported me on KoFi! kofi.com/sserpente (or hit the “Support me” button on my blog) ♥
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There’s Power in Pain
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CH11 CH12
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
A farmer with a troubled past had found a fallen hero on a riverside and makes the decision to take him in. With Ganondorf gathering power by the minute, there is no time to delay in his defeat however there is a time and place for everything as well as a lesson to learn. Link will have to do the hardest thing he has ever done and that is wait until he is ready to defeat Ganondorf.
But will Link ever truly be ready to rely on help to do the impossible? To accept that even heroes need support even from the most unlikely of people?
Meanwhile, a group of thieves organize to steal the sacred sword of the Hero of Destiny for themselves.
Chapter 12: Canteen
Chapter 12 on AO3
Annette was laid over her horse, her arms dangling at the sides. The sun had set and they had been on horseback for over an hour. She was certain that a bruise had already formed on her back from being slammed into the table. Link hadn’t said much after that, quietly playing his flute on the ride, exploring different songs that he knew. Several of them were so unique and she had never heard them, but when she asked where he learned them, he just responded that his mentor taught him and went back to playing. She had hoped that their outing would be a good one, and for several reasons it was.
Link had gotten his clawshots back, crossing off another item from the list. Seriously, she wished she had half his luck. They had no hitch in running errands and she was able to hustle some arrows out of Beedle, something she counted as a personal victory. But at the same time, the ache she felt from their little tussle in the cafe was enough to sour just a part of her day and she was certain Link was no happier about it than she was. She was still impressed that he knocked that guy out with a punch, yet she hoped for Link’s sake that he hadn’t overdone it.
One of the worst things, if she had to categorize, was learning that Ganondorf had not fully been vanquished. She almost felt silly, naive for thinking that such a hateful man could be snuffed out so soon. Yet, she believed the worst part of it all was the guilt smeared on Link’s face as he had told her. As if he were to blame for the return of Ganon when no one else dared to do anything about it.
It made her think on the horse ride, her doubts coming to full circle. Link’s behavior was now fully explained.
What if, by insisting that he rest up and being concerned for his health, she was tampering with fate. Was his fate just to be a tool? A weapon? She wondered if she was doing the world an injustice by treating him like a person instead of a hero. Was that so bad? Still, she would feel to blame if he ran off and fell in battle because he didn’t fully recover. She began to wonder if anyone from his home urged him to rest, insisted that he stay safe. He had never mentioned anyone and she realized that she had no clue what his life was like. She didn’t know who his friends were or what he did outside of hurting himself. He had mentioned a friend once, but he never went into it in any depth.
The soft notes of the pan flute ceased and Annette looked up, seeing her house in view around a bend of trees, the gas lantern that she kept lit outside glowed a dull yellow. A beacon in the night. She was grateful to Cordial, who knew the way home and had led them there even in the dark. She was a smart horse and sometimes Annette wondered if she took her for granted. Evidently, Epona was equally as loyal, following along without diverging. Link hadn’t exactly been tugging on the reigns, but his horse still knew where to go.
Putting his flute away, the blonde gathered himself and was ready to dismount his stead as they came to the small stables. Straightening up, Annette prepared herself to hop down and take care of both of the horses, but Link had beat her to it. Although the crescent moon didn’t offer much light, she could still see the firmness of his face. He didn’t look particularly happy.
“Let me board the horses. I’ll be inside in a bit.” He spoke quietly, and Annette could already tell that no argument could be made. He probably wanted alone time and she couldn’t say anything against it. Without acknowledging his words, she took a breath and hopped down from her saddle, taking the accumulation of bags from the day’s shopping as Link took Cordial’s reins. With another glance at the blonde, whose back was turned as he headed towards the stables, she walked inside and set the bags down before she lit a lantern to illuminate the kitchen.
Busying herself with putting away the various bread, farm-fresh veggies, and smoked meats, she felt the exhaustion fall onto her shoulders and each movement strained at her sore back. She scowled to herself and put the kettle over a new flame, cherishing the heat of the burnt-out match in her fingers. Some tea and the cookies she had bought would help her to relax, she concluded, and sat at the round table waiting for the familiar whistle of her kettle, having to sit at an odd angle as to not hurt her sore back. Thoughts of the day spun through her mind as she got lost in thought.
Her heart dropped when she recalled the conversation at the restaurant, despite wanting to shake it from her mind. It wouldn’t help her relax but no matter how she tried, it resurfaced again. Everything Gerudo had worked for in the past fifteen years to renew what had been destroyed by the evil king and now there was the possibility he could come back and finish his wreckage. It was the decision of the Gerudo people to ultimately have him executed, and she was sure that a betrayal like that wouldn’t leave his mind.
She jumped when she heard the side door shut behind her and immediately felt silly for being startled. Under normal circumstances, in her fright she may have uttered some smart remark or insult but her scare drew attention to her back and she instead bit back a groan. The blonde gave her a look and glanced over at the kettle. Hoping that he wouldn’t say anything, she opened her mouth to ask him if he wanted cookies, but he was quicker.
“Your back hurts doesn’t it?” He asked, but from his inclination, she could tell he already knew. There was no way he could watch her get shoved into a table like that and not wonder if she was sore afterward, but she was surprised he brought it up. She looked at him in contemplation on whether or not she should admit that it hurt or just chalk it up to being nothing more than a little bump.
Scoffing aloud, she got to her feet and slid the chair under the table as she headed to the counter to fiddle with a teacup, as if preparing it further.
“Of course it hurts. It will be sore for a few days, but I’ll be fine. Now, do you want tea and cookies or should I count you out?” She answered short and anything but sweet, but she didn’t want sympathy for it.
There was a moment of silence and she wondered if she should have been more sensitive, yet the blonde behind her spoke again, her focus on the teacup.
“At least tell me why those guys were looking for a fight. It can’t be just because they were bored and “asses”, as you put it.” he asked, folding his arms and wincing a bit at the movement, his broken arm still bothersome to him. Annette shut her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. What was she gonna say now? After a deep breath, she began to give her vague, detached response.
“There are a lot of things in Termina to do and it is more dangerous than Hyrule is, especially Clock town. Let’s just say that along with an unhealthy obsession with swords, my brother also had bad friends who unfortunately thought that by extension I was also their friend. Nothing more than a conflict of interests.” She explained and was ready to shoot down any further prodding. She didn’t want to get into it this evening and she was sure Link didn’t want to hear it either. Their day had held enough bad news and foul situations.
“A conflict of interests, huh? I know about that but none of mine ever ended with smashing a teacup on someone’s head.” he said, and she could tell he was trying to deflect the mood. He gave her a little smile and then motioned with his hand. “Can I have a look at your back? It’s only fair considering you’re always on my case about my injuries.” He said softly and she looked away, feeling guilty for being so harsh with him about his concern. It wasn’t a bad thing that he wanted to make sure she was okay, so why was she so defensive? She couldn’t answer it for herself. Since when was it okay for her to worry about him but be mean when he did the same? Under any other circumstances, she would be quick to accept her own hypocrisy, but she was too tired and felt they both needed to relax. Arguing over letting him help her wasn’t on her agenda this evening.
“Fine, if you must. It’s hardly an injury so you can’t compare it to you.” she began and then mentally scolded herself, finding herself do it again. “Thanks for your concern anyway.” she concluded, hoping the addition would soften her statement. The swordsman approached and taking a cue, she folded the back of her shirt up for him to take a look. He hummed to himself in his inspection. “What’s the status back there?” Bruise?” she asked, not really liking the uncomfortable judgment of her injury.
“Bruise.” He confirmed. Before anything else was said, a prodding finger poked at her back and the pressure was a little more than uncomfortable. She took in a breath and was about to say something scalding before a question fell from him, “Does that hurt?”
“Of course it does! What did you thi-” she was cut off with another question, her sarcastic remark stunted before she could get into it.
“Do you have a canteen?” his question left her dumbfounded for a moment. Letting her shirt fall back over her bruise, she gave him a look.
“Canteen? What do you want that for?” She asked, as he looked over her shoulder at the countertops for what she assumed was a canteen. He, still searching, gave a small response as he stepped forward and began to rummage through the cabinets. She stood back and watched as he explained himself.
“For your back. Filling it with hot water and pressing it to your back will help some. I used to do that when I would go on journeys and got hurt. You’ll see.” he stated, things that he moved around clinked and clanged in the cabinets and Annette herself was trying to recall where she would have put a canteen.
“It’s not really worth all the trouble, but I admit it is a nice thought. Knock yourself out.” she resigned, giving an unseen wave of the hand as the kettle whistle began to rise in volume. As she pulled the kettle from its perch, she heard a quiet aha from Link. He had found a canteen. As soon as he had found it, he spun around and took the kettle from her, not asking for it by any means. She huffed and waited for the kettle to return so she could make her tea, Link focusing to pour the boiling water through the mouth of the metal container. She was half expecting him to miss the mark and spill hot water on his hand, but he was accident-free.
With the canteen filled, he handed her the kettle and took a step back to secure the cap nice and tight. Without a word, he left the room to go fetch something and she, having never gotten an answer on whether or not he wanted tea, waited for his return as she stirred sugar into her drink.
Returning with a towel wrapped canteen, he presented it to her and all she could offer was a small thanks. With his care done, he tried to subdue a yawn and she knew what he would say next.
“It’s been a long day, so I’m going to bed. What about you?” he asked, stopping in the kitchen doorway. Balancing her tea, cookies, and warm canteen in her hands, she shook her head.
“I don’t believe I can sleep yet. You were up early so I bet you’re beyond sleepy. Goodnight and thank you for the, er, canteen.” she said, setting her cup and saucer down with a clink next to her armchair. He hummed in acknowledgment and almost looked as if he was going to ask her why. She settled herself down in her comfy seat, paying more attention to the call of her cookies than to whether or not he’d ask.
“Don’t stay up too late.” He said, finally, slinking off to bed, the sound of the door clicking behind him left her mind to shift into her thoughts. With some inspection of the canteen, the warmth nicely insulated in the towel, she decided it was worth a shot and placed it under her back, letting the warmth dwindle there.
Cherishing the tea and cookies, she could now cherish the steady warmth of the canteen as it helped her soreness fade. It was a different kind of warmth than that of evening tea because this time she hadn’t done it just for herself.
The soft chirps of birds outside greeted Link as he stretched, pulling himself up to sit on the bed. Rolling his shoulder, he had decided that after some time of lying in bed and soaking in the comfort of the pillow it was time to get up. His injured arm was stiff and sore, but it was no where close to as painful as it had been the previous morning.
In his time of lying around, he had heard no clinks or thumps from Annette in the other rooms and he wondered again if he had woken before she had. Judging by the light that streamed in through the windows, the clear and bright light was not golden enough for it to be dawn. In other words, he had slept late. Taking to his feet, he continued to stretch his arms and the pain of his left was more bearable. A good sign.
Taking his arm as a signal, he pulled his shirt over his head and unraveled the bandages around his torso. Slowly but surely, they came off and he used the mirror to help him inspect his chest. The gashes were now healed and only in smaller, diminished spots were streaks of scabs. None that would be affected by movement. The bruises from the bublin incident by the creek were faded, yet still tinged his flesh blue and purple hues. The only thing that remained so clearly was new, pink scars and older, lightened scars from previous injuries. Part of him didn’t mind so much the scars that littered his body, yet some of them still felt painful through the memories he had with them. They were earned out of dark times and harsh battles. One scar, in particular, was particularly soured by memory, as it was at Ganondorf’s hand. A paled scar just under his collarbone.
Trying not to dwell on it too much, he happily threw the bandages aside and looked through the dresser and scrutinized the many shirts he had pushed aside of Annette’s brother. Some of the things didn’t match his style, if Link even had a style. He wore what he liked and it was that simple. Finding something suitable for his taste, he pulled a sleeveless blue Hylian style shirt on and brushed his fingers through his hair before casting a glance to his sword, which lay atop the trunk in the room. He had never opened the trunk, as he didn’t feel like sneaking around when the brunette woman had trusted him without much effort. Taking his sword in hand, he made his mind up how he’d spend his day if he were stuck here until his tunic was tailored.
Stepping out of the room, he looked around the living room and peered into the kitchen, finding no trace of the brunette. He stepped to the window and looked out to where the stables were, her horse was present. Scratching the back of his neck, he stepped over to the door to her bedroom, where he had never entered. Giving a knock, he heard no response. After not enough deliberation, he cracked the door open and looked inside to find her bed absent. It was the first time he had ever looked in her room so he took a moment to give it a fair sight.
Her bed had not been made and she had an abundance of pillows. It was not a traditional bed, with a frame and bedposts like Nal’s old room was, but rather more of a large round and fluffy cushion that was perhaps twice the size of a normal bed and it was decorated with pops of color and woven blankets. A yellow and red quilt covered most of it. If he had to guess, it was a Gerudo thing. He noted that with the number of pillows and cushions, it had to be cozy. Among the very odd bed, she had a vanity with loads of golden jewelry, wooden knobs held necklaces and earrings. Given that the odd bed took up nearly half the room, it was understandable that she didn’t have more clutter, but he supposed that what the bookcase in the living room was for.
He reasoned that if she were not inside and had not left the property, she must be just outside. Stepping into the kitchen, he found a handwritten note on the kitchen table along with a cake in a glass cake stand. He picked it up and read the writing to himself.
This is a gift from my mom. You can help yourself with a slice for breakfast or you can attempt cooking again with the smoked sausages that I bought yesterday. Of course, I trust you can make yourself tea or coffee if that’s what you’d like.
That was all that the note said and he was unsure if she was away or close by, as the note had not provided any answers. Maybe she had gone out with her mom for the day? But if that were the case, he would think that it would be in the note.
Taking it upon himself to figure it out, he placed the paper down and with his sword slung over his shoulder, he headed out the side door and into the side garden. Immediately, he was greeted with voices from a conversation just around the corner, but the tones were not friendly and mirthful. Given this, he felt more inclined to be careful and not just jump out and ruin an important topic between Annette and whoever it was she was talking to.
“But vabai , that’s the problem. Apparently, it’s not that easy. He described it as a “phantom”, like some kind of spirit. I don’t think that a normal army could do much.” Annette’s voice rung out and Link peered around the corner of the house to get a quick peek at the brunette. She sat at and ironwork metal table with a very tall and muscular woman. Her skin was darker than Annette’s and she held her arms over her chest, a scowl on her face. She looked twice as tall as he was and her blazing red hair was pulled into a high ponytail. The oddest thing, if he could pinpoint, was the mundane and average Hylian style clothes she wore, a simple skirt and a loose top with flowing sleeves. She was scary looking and immediately the resemblance was clear. She was Annette’s mom and they both had the same angry face.
Ducking back behind the corner of the house, he thought it best to turn back and go back inside, that is, until he became interested in what the larger women had to say. The rose bush provided a proper shield from anyone’s eyes.
“Gah, how do you even know that boy tells you the truth? He may just be telling you that to escape responsibility. There is nothing that a well-aimed Gerudo spear cannot pierce.” she said and he could hear the signature sigh from the brunette.
“No, mom, I don’t think it’s like that…” she trailed off before the topic shifted. “My main concern is our people. What if he comes back to ruin everything? He’s not above holding a terrible grudge and if someone who has that sword couldn’t stop him outright then… what are we going to do? I doubt the queen will listen to any warning like this, especially from an outsider like me.” she said, her voice dropped.
Link knew exactly what they were talking about. He knew her reaction to him admitting Ganon’s return wasn’t as explosive as he thought it would be. He understood now. She didn’t want to discuss it with him. Her worries were kept to herself. Taking a deep breath, he listened on.
“Oh, vehbi , don’t worry about that. If he comes back, Gerudo can handle him this time. You should worry about the more pressing things, like that boy you have harbored here. He’s too dangerous and he needs to go.” she said, sharpness in her voice. Link held his breath. Was that true? He hadn’t thought of it that way.
“Harbor? He’s not a criminal. It’s Link. I’ve only known him for a week, sure, but he’s not dangerous to me. Every time I yell at him he looks like he’s about to cry.” she said, a chuckle from her pushed her point. That also wasn’t true...was it? It was nice to hear her take up for him, but not like this.
“It may not be him personally that is dangerous, even though I still wouldn’t trust him an inch, but it’s what he has that’s dangerous. That book is enough to keep in your home, but that sword? Honey, do you realize what Volmar will do it he finds you with it. I don’t care how much of a soft spot he has for you, he’ll kill you.” her words were laced with a stern warning. Volmar? He didn’t recall Annette ever mentioning that name. The thought of someone killing someone over his sword was awful and he felt his heart drop.
“He won’t find out. Besides, Link will be leaving in a few days when his armor and tunic are restored and all I’ll have to conceal is that book.” Annette said matter of factly, but her mother continued on.
“I say you should burn that book and kick Link out as soon as you can. Don’t speak to him after this, if you know what’s good for you.” she advised and he could visualize Annette’s face, even though he couldn’t see her.
“I can’t just kick him out. Besides, it’s just a few more days and-” her mother interrupted her
“Oh, you think he’s your friend, huh? Friendly or not, boys cannot be trusted and he’ll disappoint you one day. They all do.” she stated and there was a small period of silence. What would Annette say to that? Link closed his eyes and listened extra hard.
“Yeah, I kinda see him as a friend, but I don’t think I’m being careless. He’s… not up to anything bad and I don’t think he’d ever betray my trust.” she said finally and her mother scoffed aloud.
She thought he was her friend? The thought had never really occurred to him, but he considered her a friend too. He certainly wanted her to be safe and feel content, so he wasn’t surprised that she was a friend to him. However, he had a small impression that he was a bother to her and all she wanted was for him to leave. Not all of her actions said this, of course, but she may have just been nice about it, despite her usual rude exterior. He wasn’t sure if it was reassurance or just the thought, but it was warming to hear that, even if he had to hear it from behind a rose bush.
“Oh, but you’re not sure? You don’t think he’d betray your privacy either do you? But let me tell you, I know he already has for sure.” the woman paused and he could hear the sound of the chair slide back from the table.
What did she mean by that? Before he had a chance to figure it, a sharp and directed remark broke out from the woman.
“That Link is an eavesdropping little rat!”
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