#i think they also specifically date a lot of my art in a way i’m not fond of. i like to draw mouths and faces
adhdandcomics · 2 months
are you not wearing a mask anymore?
great question, i do wear masks indoors in public! however as a cartoonist who’s main form of humor is through expression work i just hate drawing them sooooooo so much
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west-brooke · 2 months
This time of year is really busy for me as a uni student with finals and big projects, so things might be slowing down for a few weeks while I focus on school. But slowing down doesn’t mean stopping! I’ll still post when I have the bandwidth to make things hehe.
In the meantime, I figured I’d do a FAQ on Meet the Parents! These are questions or comments that I’ve received a few times around the AU and I figured I’d respond to them en masse.
Q: Is Donnie’s dad going to be mutated?
A: This is one of the most frequently asked questions I get lmao. The answer is eventually. And not in the way you probably think.
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Q: Are Kelpie and Lord Knaw going to get together/date?
A: no.
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Q: Who are the parent’s voice claims? (Or other voice/accent related comments and asks)
A: I’ll be making a voice claim video proper at some point in the future, but off of the top of my head, Kelpie is definitely Wendie Malick (i.e. Eda the Owl Lady), Lord Knaw is Keith David (i.e. Goliath from Gargoyles). I don’t have anyone specific in mind for Daisy yet, and Mr. Mustache doesn’t really talk lol.
Q: How strong is Donnie’s dad?
A: However strong is the funniest
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And thank you to everyone who has sent kind words or expressed that they like my au in asks. I read all of them but I don’t generally reply to asks unless I feel I have something to add to them or it’s something like fanart, but I absolutely appreciate them! I’m glad y’all enjoy my art and story, and I have a lot of fun making it! And also thank you to everybody for 2000 followers! I’m going to make something special for the occasion when I have the time.
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briarmoon1015 · 4 months
I think I’ve already confessed that I’m not a big birdflash fan, but there is something I really gotta point out because it’s bothering me.
I see a lot of people use specific comic panels to try and show how close these two characters are, but completely miss the whole point of the comic itself.
For example, I’ve seen a lot of people use panels from The Flash 1987 210, in which Wally reflects on his relationship with dick.
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The problem with this is they are literally cutting out the next part of the page that explains that they have drifted apart
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Wally is extremely different from dick, and once he takes up the flash mantle, it becomes clear that these two characters are on different paths. Wally wants to uphold the legacy of the flash, dick desperately wants to escape the legacy of Batman. Wally has a wife, three children, and a stable job. Dicks life changes at a moments notice, one minute he’s broke, one minute he’s rich, sometimes he has a job as a police officer, sometimes he’s dating one of his many red headed girlfriends, he’s the opposite of stable.
And that’s not to say the different characters can’t be friends or be together, but as this same comic shows, these two often struggle to understand one another once adults
Wally, after zoom caused his wife Linda to have a miscarriage, went to Hal as the spectre for help, which no one liked, including Dick. He is somewhat miffed Wally didn’t come to him, be he also sides with Bruce about how reckless and stupid the action was
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He definitely empathizes with Wally’s situation, but he’s not really there to give support. Later on, dick does start to get the point, and the two take down gorilla grod. Dick apologies for his actions and both agree to stay in touch more. Obviously every good friendship is going to have some moments of tension and disagreement, but I think this really shows why Wally and Dick fell apart as adults.
And this really is the crux of why I’m personally not a big fan or birdflash. These two characters are inherently different and it’s so rare for me to see any birdflash content that acknowledges this. They can be together in a way that acknowledges and builds off of this, but it really hasn’t been done.
More importantly, I’ve noticed that to make burdflash work, a lot of fans completely erase Wally’s character to ignore these differences. His own goals, his own backstory, his own relationships, are just gone so he can be with dick. There is never any acknowledgment of the canon of Wally’s own motivations, such as living up to the flash mantle, or any mention of his connections to characters outside of Dick.
Even more so, I think erasing the presence of his wife and kids from his life so he can be with dick is really hard on the character. Linda is so essential in Wally’s life. She is the character in which speedsters learn the importance of having a lightning rod. She is the one to often push Wally to keep going. His kids redefined his life. He literally broke the source wall in order to keep them in his life. These are essential relationships that are just erased from Wally’s life.
As someone who truly prefers Wally over Dick, it hurts to see a potentially good pairing erase the good aspects of Wally like this. There is plenty of erasure done to other dc characters because of how popular the Bats are, and this ship, at least to me, is one of the worst examples. These characters are different, and often times it makes it hard for them to understand each other. Ignoring that issue doesn’t make the ship good in my eyes.
Anyways, I really don’t want to poop on birdflash as a whole. It is by no means a bad ship, I personally just don’t really like it. It has a lot of qualities that bother me. Despite all of this though, I do love seeing people’s art of it and I actually do think it can work a bit better when they are young and apart of the teen titans. I also know as a halbarry shipper I’m throwing rocks in a glass house lmao. But please ship what you like, I really don’t care, I just needed to shout into the void about my feelings around it :)
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narcpixiedreamboy · 4 months
Okay I’d like anyone that sees this to blind react and put a finger down for each thing in this list you relate to. There are 9 things. You can comment your score publicly or keep it private, up to you, but I think this might be interesting for some people. Here’s the list:
-Do you tend to take criticism too personally, or gotten unreasonably defensive when someone points out a mistake you made? Do you hate admitting you’ve done something wrong?
-Do you like to daydream about doing something amazing (such as saving people from a burning building, being the one to win your team the game, being an amazing actor in a movie, etc.) and having people recognize you for the great thing you did?
-Do you place in importance on being associated with important or high status things, like trying to date/be friends with the coolest kids in your classes, or choosing to go to a prestigious university over a common state school?
-Do you tell people about things you’ve done specifically to get praise for it? Such as telling your friends about the A you got on that really hard math test, or pointing out your cool new hairstyle, or the drawing you did that you think looks really cool, specifically so that they will compliment you for it?
-Do you feel comfortable prioritizing yourself and what you want/need over other people?
-Have you ever diminished your accomplishments, or been purposefully self-deprecating so that the person will reassure you (i.e. “You’re such a good artist!” “Oh no I’m really not, anyone could do what I do” “No really, your art is amazing!”)?
-Do you find it hard to genuinely care about other people’s problems?

-Do you get jealous easily if, let’s say at a party, your friend is getting more attention than you?
-Have you ever felt secretly happy that someone around you failed or did worse on something than you did? Like maybe you didn’t want your friend to fail their math test, but them failing it did you make you feel a little extra good and proud about the non-failing grade you got on it.
(Scroll for explanation for spoiler reasons)
So what that list was a rewriting of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality disorder, where for each section I filled in one of the ways I actually feel that part of the criteria. So instead of “grandiose sense of self”, I said “bad at taking criticism”, because that’s one of the ways my grandiose sense of self actually presents. If this was the original diagnostic criteria, you would need 5 of 9 to be diagnosed with NPD.
The reason I asked you all to count how many you relate to is that I have seen a lot of egotypicals do this exact same stuff. My goal is to help someone possibly unfamiliar with NPD understand that people with NPD are not the foreign, subhuman monsters that we are so often represented as, but rather people who feel some normal human traits too much.
(Also please don’t use this alone to self-diagnose, it was not made for that)
(Also also, thank you to the people in the reblogs for letting me know I could’ve used the read more feature. I am new to tumblr so tips on how to use it are appreciated)
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torialefay · 4 months
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🗝️ Sun in Scorpio ♠️
minho as your boyfriend!!! (pt. 1)
(based on astrology) 🔞
✨minho x reader (f); possessive fluff, slightly suggestive at the end
✨take a look into lee know’s natal chart to see what type of boyfriend he would be! in this post, i will be talking about his sun in scorpio. this is a series!!! so follow up later if u want more <3
✨i will give a brief synopsis of what each chart placement means (for all my non-astrology friends out there <3) and how that would affect minho in a relationship :)
✨word count: ~2k
✨ author’s notes:
★★ (1) i do do brief astrological compatibility readings if anyone wants one! if you’re interested, message me your birth date, time, and location OR lmk your placements. i’m gonna limit the reading to include you x 1 skz member only! just specify who you’d like.
(2) i am wanting to get better at using neutral-gendered pronouns so more people can feel included in my posts. i’m really struggling since i use phrases like “my girl” a lot. anyone who has some good alternatives or tips, please message and lmk! i really want to be able to start cranking out more gn options!
(3) the aspects in this reading are based solely on my opinions and interpretations! nothing about a person is set in stone simply because of astrology. please don’t use anything i say as canon :)
(4) i will not be going into ascendant or house placements because lee know’s birth time has not been confirmed for AM or PM
✨warnings: some explicit language
✨ tl/dr: minho as your boyfriend will spoil the shit out of you and charm you until you can’t help but live and breathe him. he’s got to keep a grasp on you at all times- literally AND figuratively.
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Sun in Scorpio: Sun signs are all about personality- the face you show the world! It is also the lens through which you usually see yourself and how friends would describe you.
• Scorpio has two planetary rulers- Mars and Pluto. Mars is the ruler of action and aggression, while Pluto is the ruler of transformation and rebirth. Scorpio is an amazing mixture of the two, as it embodies strong desires, innate control, and deep mental and supraphysical understanding.
• Scorpios encapsulate passion. They tend to have a deep understanding of others and can utilize this power to their advantage. They are able to influence others to do as they wish. Scorpios have a deep understanding of beauty and admire things that could be seen as dark, different, or strange to others.
• Scorpios have a tendency to become obsessive, controlling even, if not careful. They get fully engrossed into who other people are and want others to fully engross themselves in them as well.
• Scorpios are known for their creative and expressive nature- something that comes naturally to them. Because of this, they can really shine in areas such as art or drama, historian or detective, intuitive research or psychology, and are amazing for dabbling in the occult.
As your boyfriend:
• He is super protective over you. He’s always watching behind you as you do something to make sure you’re okay and no one is bothering you… And to be honest, I don’t think many people WOULD bother you, knowing you were the person with a psycho boyfriend (in a good way <3).
• He would bring you lunch any chance he got. If you were at work/school and he knew you hadn’t brought lunch or hadn’t had lunch that day, he’d definitely bring you something- whether he picked it up or made it himself. It also gives him an excuse to see you and check on you during the day.
• He knows when you are having a bad day. And he knows exactly how you need him to act in order to help you deal with it. When he senses something is wrong, he will pull you onto his lap in a hug and tell you to talk to him about it.
• Other people think he’s cold, but he’s definitely not with you. He loves you and nurtures you. He takes pride in knowing every part of you. He loves that there is a side of him that is specifically for you and not for the rest of the world. He’d like it if you were the same.
• He loves when the both of you have a chance to get dressed up. To look good for one another and just enjoy the other’s company.
• He loves nice dates, ones where he can make a grand gesture to make you feel loved and special.
• That’s why it was no surprise when he’d texted you earlier to dress up pretty for him and he’d be at your apartment to pick you up at 8.
• This was a monthly occurrence. Him surprising you with a nice date- and when I say nice, I mean NICE.
• Yes, you went on smaller dates a lot too, but he made it a priority to spoil you with something bigger at least once a month.
• So here you were, all dressed up in your favorite dark blue satin dress. It looked absolutely enchanting with it’s spaghetti strap and cowl neck top with a deep slit running up the side.
• You made sure to do your hair his favorite way- loose curls all brought to one side.
• You gave yourself one final look in the mirror, swiping on a glossy coat over your lip stain before heading out the door. Minho was already waiting on you downstairs.
• When he saw you like this, he always smirked.
• ‘Looking so beautiful all for me,’ he thought.
• Once you got to him, he just smiled at you, taking your hand in his.
• “Now, are you going to tell me where we’re off to?” you asked.
• “Shhh, you’ll see,” he kissed your hand, leading you out to the car.
• He always made sure to open the car door for you and make sure you were buckled before you took off.
• And of course he always had to rest one hand in his favorite spot- gripping onto one of your thighs. It was harder when you had a dress on, but he’d never let that stop him. He needed to always have a hold on you.
• Arriving at your destination, it was a quaint building you didn’t recognize. You’d never been here before, but it seemed to be a small restaurant with only a few (very nice) cars in the parking lot.
• The valet rushed to the car to speak with Minho and grab the keys.
• You smiled up at your boyfriend as he walked around to your side of the car, opening the door for you and taking your hand in his to help you stand.
• As you made your way toward the restaurant, he made sure to hold tightly to the one hand, while the other stabilized on your hip, making sure you were safe while ascending the few steps in front of you.
• “Hello, can I get your name please?” the host of the restaurant asked as you stepped inside. It was a beautiful restaurant- dark and sensual. There was very minimal lighting, but what they did have gave a beautiful warm glow. The sleek bar to the right shined bright from the sparkly crystal bottles aligning each of the shelves- luxury liquor only.
• “Lee,” he said, matter of factly, only taking a brief moment to look at the host. Tonight, his eyes were only on you.
• The host presented a big smile before stepping to the side and motioning for you to follow him. “Great, Mr. Lee. Right this way.”
• Minho let you walk just slightly in front of him, always watching your back to make sure he had a full view of you. One hand continued to rest on your hip. It was like it was glued there. He never wanted to lose contact with you.
• The host led you down one of the dimly-lit aisles and to the back of the building. Off to itself, he rounded a corner to lead to a beautiful, private, screened-in room in the back. It sat adjacent to a huge lake, which could be seen through the mesh netting of the “walls” that enclosed you. With the moon shining bright over the water and the stars on full display, it was a captivating view.
• Minho pulled your seat out for you to sit before pushing you in towards the table. You allowed yourself this moment to look around the beautiful secluded room. It was still dark like the interior of the building, with the nice, warm lighting. But there was an even more bewitching feeling to it through the beautiful scenery and soft music that was emanating from afar. It was absolutely breathtaking.
• If there was anything Minho knew how to do, it was how to wine and dine you. He made sure to start the evening with ordering a full bottle of your favorite reserve red wine. He loved the way you looked and smiled at him after a glass or two- how lovey dovey you got for him and how you began to try and charm him, getting all giggly, before the night was over with.
• He encouraged you to get whatever you wanted off the menu- even if it was the most expensive thing by far, he wanted you to have it. He was never going to let you pay anyways.
• Once you decided what you wanted, he always wanted you to tell him so that he could order for you. It wasn’t that he thought you were incapable of ordering for yourself, but he wanted you to know that you would always be taken care of when he was there. He didn’t want you to have to take your attention off of him for one second.
• Your heart always swelled as you watched him order- for some odd reason. And he never ordered just what the two of you wanted. No way. He made sure to always order at least 3 or so dishes so that you could share with each other and sample everything. He would make sure to have something on the table that his baby loved.
• Even if you were absolutely stuffed, if he noticed there was still wine in your glass, he would always order a dessert for the two of you to share. And although he wouldn’t admit it, this was also a way to extend his time out with you.
• He’d make sure to do all the gross romantic stuff with you, like feeding you a bite of the crème brulèe straight from his spoon. He definitely didn’t want to overdo it though and would NOT do it unless you two were in private.
• At the end of the evening, after your head felt light and bubbly from the wine and your stomach was full, he made sure to tip the waiter very generously. You loved that about him. That’s why the restaurant owners and workers always loved to see the two of you back.
• Taking the last sip of your whine, you leaned in with a smile, half-whispering “thank you for dinner, jagi.”
• “Thank you for being here with me, love,” he said back. Slowly, he stood from his chair, so naturally you waited in yours as he always requested, so that he could again pull your chair out before you stood.
• He made his way over as usual, standing behind you, but this time he didn’t put his hands on the chair.
• Instead, he placed one hand on the nape of your neck, bending down to plant a soft kiss to your shoulder and then to the side of you neck.
• You let out a giggle as you started to blush. “Stop itttt, you know we can’t do that here.”
• “I know, but I had to at least get a little bit out,” he smiled smugly.
• Suddenly, you saw his hands both in front of you and a cold sensation on your chest. You looked down to see a beautiful silver pendant resting just between your collar bones.
• “What’s this?” you asked, as you felt his hands secure the latch at the back of your neck.
• He walked to your side so that he could see your face and bent down, resting one knee on the ground.
• “Why don’t you look at it and tell me?”
• You picked the small-ish pendant up to examine it. On the front, in dainty cursive font read “LMH”. Lee Min Ho.
• The back had a single, small diamond implanted in it. Around it’s edges, it had a Latin phrase inscription. You read it aloud. “Aut viam inveniam aut faciam?” You tried to make the words out, looking to your boyfriend for confirmation.
• “That’s right jagi. ‘I will either find a way or make one’. For you.” He smiled up at you, as your looked at him with eyes of endearment. The love you had for this man was unbearable. You could hardly stand the emotions that he made you feel.
• He gently reached out for your hand, planting a gentle kiss to it, before standing up and motioning for you to do the same.
• Once you were upright on your feet, he leaned in next to your ear. “It looks beautiful on you, by the way,” he whispered seductively.
• You smirked, the boldness of the wine starting to manifest out of you. “I’ll keep it on for you later. Everything else is coming off,” you winked.
• His eyes grew large for a split second before turning himself so that he body was right up against yours. He swiftly let his hands wonder to your waist, then hips, then grab lightly at your ass.
• “That sounds perfect,” he planted a small, sweet kiss to your lips. “But that necklace is never coming off of you. Promise me. Promise me you’ll wear it at all times, and I’ll always be with you.” He looked at you, his face full of sincerity and genuine lust.
• “Anything for you,” you gave in to him before leaning in for another slow kiss.
• You knew that’s exactly what he wanted. For you to give yourself fully to him. You’d play around with him later, but for now, you would give yourself up. He knew you were his.
✨ author’s note: lowkey thinking this man put a tracker in the necklace lol. he just wants to know you’re safe and also wants to be able to know where you are at all times. but it’s up to you what you want to think 🤷‍♀️
✨ if you enjoyed, please consider liking, commenting, or re-blogging <3
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purplefangirl42 · 5 months
You're My Favorite
Summary: Silco is a bit insecure about your interest in others, but you're quick to ease his mind.
Pairing: Silco/GN!Reader
A/N: This was part of a gift exchange for my lovely friend @deny-the-issue. Love you lots and lots Jasper 💜
Tags/Warnings: Modern AU, Fluff, Silco being jealous, Themes of Insecurity Divider by saradika
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A soft huff of annoyance was the sound that greeted you when you entered Silco’s office, which was not exactly what you were expecting. He was usually very happy to see you, as it meant he would have a small distraction from his busy work day.
“Something wrong?” you asked as you sank into the armchair across from his desk.
Silco peered at you over the edge of his laptop screen, the skin between his eyes crinkled as he furrowed his brows at you. Before you could ask again what his problem was, he turned the computer to face you.
You leaned forward to look at what he was showing you and discovered he had the purchase history open for his online shopping account. The list contained many purchases from Jinx, but also a number from yourself. The latest was a set of merchandise for a game you enjoyed, specifically for the character you were a big fan of.
“If you’re upset I used your account, I can pay you back,” you said, trying to not let your own annoyance seep into your tone. “I didn’t think you’d mind me using it though. I’ve used it plenty of times before.”
Silco sat back in his desk chair, turning the computer back around.
“It’s not the money that bothers me, it’s the content,” he said. “Everything has this man’s face on it. As if the big poster at home that I have to walk by every day wasn’t bad enough, now his face will be staring back at me from your clothing?”
Confusion filled your mind at his reaction. He had never expressed an issue with this subject matter before, so you had no idea where this was coming from. 
“At least tell me this one has some flaws,” he continued. “That last character you were fawning over from that TV show was a near perfect human specimen.”
Silco’s last comment echoed through your mind for a few moments before you realized what the problem was. He was feeling self-conscious about his looks and comparing himself to others you showed attraction to. 
This was not the first time something like this had happened. Around the time the two of you started dating, he had expressed concern about your ability to find someone better than him. Someone younger and better looking. Though you had assured him that he was the one you wanted, it seemed that those doubts still lingered to an extent.
You stood up from your chair and made your way around to his side of the desk. He was pointedly not looking at you, focusing on the screen in front of him. When you stopped at his side, you gently placed your hand on the side of his face to turn it towards you.
“Silco? Are you feeling jealous?” you asked.
Silco scowled and let out another huff in response. 
“Of fictional characters? Don’t be ridiculous.”
You raised your eyebrows at him, giving him a chance to change his answer to the correct one. After a moment, his face relaxed and he gave a resigned sigh.
“I will admit, it’s a bit discouraging to see you so infatuated with these people,” he said. “It just reminds me of what I’m lacking.”
He gestured to the computer screen again and to the phone in your front pocket.
“You surround me with these images and as hard as I try to ignore it, it lingers in my mind.”
You reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone. The case had a piece of art featuring the character you had just purchased merch for. You turned the phone over and placed it down on the desk so the case was hidden from his view.
“I’m sorry, darling,” Silco said. “I know I’m being ridiculous about something so unimportant. Forget this conversation ever happened.”
You leaned down to be at his level and gently stroked his cheek.
“Silco, you don’t need to apologize for expressing your feelings.”
“You deserve to enjoy things, to go all out. If having these things makes you happy, then I will deal with Mr. What’s-his-name staring at me from every angle.”
You laughed softly at Silco calling the character ‘Mr. What’s-his name’ and reached for your phone again, turning on the screen.
“While he may be all over the place, do you know who I have as my lock screen?” you asked, turning the phone so he could see.
Silco leaned over and looked at the phone and you could see the embarrassed look on his expression fade into something softer. The image on the screen was a picture of the two of you together. Jinx had taken it for you at one of Silco's company parties. She had said the two of you looked cute together, and you had agreed and immediately made it your lock screen. 
“I may enjoy all these beautiful, FICTIONAL, characters,” you said, emphasizing the fact that they were not real. “But you are still my favorite, Silco. You always will be.”
You leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before pulling away and placing the phone back in your pocket. Silco looked up at you with a look of adoration that made your heart swell. You gave him a soft smile and pointed at the screen.
“I’m still getting those by the way, they were a great deal.”
Silco rolled his good eye and you could swear you saw the hint of a smirk on his lips. 
“Yes, darling. I will simply pretend that they do not exist. For you.”
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To make things easier for Silco, you placed the items you purchased in your office as soon as they arrived. You had even moved the poster so he wouldn’t have to see it every day. When you watched him walk past the spot the following day, you saw him hesitate and look at the empty wall. He turned his gaze to you with a raised brow, which you responded to with a smile before coming over to wrap your arms around him.
“What happened to What’s-his-name?” Silco asked. “I was just starting to get used to him.”
“He lives in my office now so you don’t have to see him staring at you every day.”
You felt Silco’s arms tighten around you for a few moments before he released you. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead and went about his normal routine. You knew he had many things to get done before the holiday break, so you let him go without further conversation.
You started going about doing your own things, getting the house ready for the upcoming holiday. Jinx was going to be coming home from school for two weeks and you wanted the house to look magical when she arrived. Silco wasn’t much help when it came to the decorating process, so it was probably better that he was busy while you did this.
Just as you were putting the finishing touches on one of your decorations, you heard the front door burst open. Before you could turn around, you felt a body slam into you, nearly knocking you to the floor. Blue and pink tipped fingers were visible at the ends of the arms wrapped around your midsection, which gave away the identity of your attacker, as if you didn’t already know.
“Welcome home, Jinx,” you said, patting her hands. “Did you have a good trip here?”
“I don’t think she stopped talking the entire way here from the airport,” came an annoyed grumble behind you.
Turning around in your daughter’s tight grasp, you looked over her head to see a very grumpy looking Sevika standing in the doorway holding Jinx’s paint splattered bags. She dropped them to the floor and held up her hands.
“She’s your problem now,” she said, turning to leave.
“Thank you, Sevika!” you called after her as she departed.
You spent the rest of the afternoon with Jinx, listening to her stories about the past semester. You all had plans to go out for dinner once Silco came home from work, so when the time got closer, you disappeared into the bedroom to get ready. You were surprised to find Silco standing there waiting for you.
“When did you get home? I never saw you come in!” you said, walking towards your closest.
“That’s because I told Jinx to distract you so you wouldn’t notice. It would have ruined the surprise.”
“What surprise?”
You stopped in your tracks at the sight of a box sitting on the end table beside the door to the closet. It was long and red with a white bow on top. You reached out for the box and picked it up carefully before turning to face Silco.
“What’s this?”
Silco crossed the room to stand in front of you, his hands clasped behind his back and the hint of a smile lifting the corner of his mouth. He pointed his chin in the direction of the box in your hands, clearly wanting you to open it.
Doing as he wished, you pulled at the white bow, undoing the knot. Lifting the lid from the box, you revealed the contents inside. A beautiful gold bracelet sat inside, nestled in black velvet. You let out a soft gasp as you carefully extracted it from the box, placing the box back down on the end table.
“Silco, this is beautiful!,” you exclaimed. “But, Christmas isn’t for another week!”
“I thought you could wear it tonight when you go for dinner,” he said, stepping closer and taking it from your hands and turning it over. “Look on the back.” 
You looked at where he indicated and saw an engraving that looked very similar to Silco’s handwriting. Your eyes scanned over the words on the metal and you felt your heart skip a beat.
You’re my favorite too. Always have been, always will be.
Your vision blurred slightly as tears began to form in the corners of your eyes. You looked up to meet Silco’s gaze as the first drop ran down your cheek. Throwing yourself in his direction, you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his shoulder. 
“I’m glad you like it, darling,” Silco said, returning your embrace.
“Like it? I love it!”
Silco pulled back from the embrace and took your hand in his to guide it to a position where he could attach your gift. Once it was securely in place, he lifted your hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
“It is just a small token of my love for you. I wanted to ensure that you knew your sentiment was returned.”
“I didn’t need a bracelet to tell me, but it is nice to have it there as a reminder.”
You closed the distance between you once again, kissing Silco softly on the lips. You felt him smile into the kiss and wrap his arms around you to pull you tightly against him. You hoped he truly understood how much you loved him and how important he was to you. Much more than anyone else you could ever meet.
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A/N: Give this a like, comment, and reblog and let me know what you think!
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jujumin-translates · 1 month
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 10 - Forced to the Starting Gate
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Itaru: (I think it’s about time to head out… ah, right.)
Itaru: (Now that I’ve got a rough idea of our performance schedule, I’d better apply for paid leave before I forget.)
Boss: Chigasaki-kun, may I borrow you for fifteen minutes?
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Itaru: --Of course.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Boss: It appears you’re all here.
Itaru: (Looks like there’s a few of my colleagues… and a handful of younger guys too.)
Boss: I called you all here to ask if you’d be interested in participating in an urban development project that our company is currently working on.
Boss: The project itself is already in its final stages, so what we’d like from you is to provide support in the form of an induction course.
Itaru: (So this is that large-scale overseas urban development project. The one about creating a theater establishment and developing the surrounding area to be a center of arts and culture…)
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Itaru: (I checked out the outline since it was related to theater and sounded interesting.)
Boss: It’s not mandatory, of course. It would just be something to do alongside your current jobs.
Boss: That said… there is a reason you all were chosen specifically.
Boss: As individuals who are important to the company’s future, I truly hope you consider becoming core members of this next project.
Itaru: (Eight racehorses competing in the promotion race line up at the gate. Favored to win is Communication Skills Demon, but My Parents Are Absolutely Loaded is also attracting quite a lot of attention.)
Coworker A: I’ll do my best to meet your expectations.
Coworker B: I’ve been interested in this project for quite some time now, so I’m honored to be part of it!
Itaru: (The gate has opened and both of the favored horses have taken off running.)
Coworker C: Considering the state of my current workload, I should be able to participate in the induction course.
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Itaru: I… sorry, can I have a little more time to think about it?
Itaru: (If it weren’t for the timing, I probably would’ve been all in, but…)
Itaru: (Honestly, I’m so busy with the troupe and the Fleur Award right now that I just don’t have time to think about anything else.)
Boss: …Ah, because you have your own theater company to worry about, right, Chigasaki-kun? Please do consider it based on your schedule with that in mind.
Boss: However, the theme of this urban development project is the arts, which is why the other team members were really hoping to work with you, Chigasaki-kun.
Coworker A: …
Itaru: I thank them for considering me.
Boss: I’ll set up another opportunity at a later date to explain more on what the induction course entails and to introduce the project’s team members. I hope to see you there.
Itaru: I will seriously consider it.
*Door closes*
Itaru: …
Coworker B: He seriously can’t just say he’ll consider it and then refuse.
Coworker C: Must be nice being in a position where you can just quit the company if worse comes to worst.
Coworker A: Well, it is a popular theater company, and the fact that it’s generally well-known definitely doesn’t make it any easier for the company to deal with him.
Itaru: …
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Itaru: (If you’re gonna say it, at least do it behind my back.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Chikage: I’m so sorry, but my hands are full at the moment.
Company Employee A: I see. I apologize for dropping it on you so suddenly.
Chikage: Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.
Itaru: …
Itaru: Wanna head somewhere a little nicer, Senpai?
Chikage: …I don’t even want to try and guess where that might be, but go on.
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Itaru: The hell is that supposed to mean?
Chikage: Haah, I suppose I can’t say no. I’ll go with you.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Punching SFX*
Itaru: Start by cheesing it and then follow that up with a double finishing move and K.O.! Man, is there any greater high than this?
Chikage: If you’re going to try and hide the way you actually feel, do it a little better.
Itaru: …Ughh, this is so stupid. Why can’t it just be the people who actually wanna be part of the promotion race at the starting gate?
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Itaru: I mean, they should dip if they don’t wanna do it. Directing hate at me isn’t gonna go anything.
Itaru: There’s supposed to be a fine line between noobs like them and a mid-tierer like me. Why is it that the more of a mid-ranker you are, the less human rights you get?
Chikage: There aren’t really that many mid-level people to begin with.
Itaru: The company knows what to expect from the “Elite Chigasaki-san”. That’s why they’re hiring guys fresh out of college to steadily raise them into the perfect corporate slaves.
Itaru: I get why my colleagues are so desperate to advance their careers by using their outer appearances and mild manners to do so.
Itaru: From their point of view, it’s gotta be infuriating to see a guy who acts so carelessly while chasing after both theater and a career.
Itaru: And hit ‘em with a triple combo finisher-- But I’m just trying to figure out where I stand, so just eff off.
Itaru: Must be nice for you, Senpai. You go overseas a lot and get to level up your career stats in the least complicated way possible.
Itaru: And the things people say about you aren’t nearly as harsh, either.
Itaru: Me, on the other hand, I’m just stuck being the “can-do guy” who does a little better than decent work around the office.
Itaru: At the end of the day, I’m just a mediocre handyman at best.
Itaru: Even if I’m not being treated like the favorite, I still don’t slack off with my work. I may not be the most motivated, but I’d like to think I’m still doing everything I’m supposed to.
Chikage: You sure move your mouth and your hands a lot.
Itaru: What am I even trying to do in the first place?
Itaru: Should I sell my soul and become a corporate slave like you, and aim so high that no one can ever possibly complain about me not being good enough, or should I try and attain a rank that’s purely “Itaru Chigasaki”?
Chikage: Dad jokes and pro-level dodging techniques, huh? (1)
Chikage: Anyway, shouldn’t your first step be thinking about what you want for yourself?
Itaru: What I want… Well, I guess just to maintain the status quo so I don’t have to deal with everyone’s complaints about me… No, actually, maybe I want to speedrun my way to early retirement with passive income…?
Chikage: Then stop spending money on pulls and start investing.
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Itaru: Absolutely not.
Itaru: …I originally chose this job based on the benefits and was lucky enough just to get in, so it’s not like I have any real desire to climb the corporate ladder.
Itaru: Most of the troupe have more than one thing on their hand, but they all have dreams and love what they do.
Itaru: And then there’s me who’s job is just a source of income. I feel like I really don’t have a whole lot to bring back to the troupe.
Itaru: It’s an important time for Spring Troupe to compete, and here I am getting caught up in a promotion race while all my coworkers talk behind my back.
Chikage: So you’re in a position where your hobby is more useful to the troupe.
Itaru: Exactly. To be honest, I wonder if there’s even any point in me continuing to be an office worker, but I don’t have the backbone or the self-confidence to just quit and do theater as my full-time job.
Itaru: Basically, I just wanna have something to fall back on.
Itaru: Ugh~, who would’ve thought I’d still be having these kinds of student problems even now… You ever think about this kinda stuff, Senpai?
Chikage: Well… there’s a variety of upsides to my job.
Itaru: A variety?
Chikage: A variety.
Itaru: Oh, okay. By all means, don’t elaborate or anything.
Chikage: No matter where you are, there are always two sides to things. There’s the side where you’re appreciated and the side where you’re disrespected. It’s not just you.
Chikage: The same goes for me, just with a different set of people. I guess I’m just glad to even be able to do theater activities in the first place.
Itaru: But if we’re actually nominated for the Fleur Award this time around, I doubt the company’s gonna be too eager to accommodate for that.
Chikage: Well, the company does have a performance-based evaluation system. If you can’t contribute to improving the company’s image, you’ll be told you need to be giving your work your undivided attention.
Chikage: At any rate, that doesn’t change the fact that we need the results of our next performance to be good too.
Itaru: I guess you’re ri… Hell yeah, I win! Haaah, I feel better now.
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Itaru: Oh, right, didn’t you get asked to do something annoying too, Senpai?
Chikage: Ah… I was asked to accompany a client on an overseas business trip as an interpreter, but I had to decline because I just don’t have the time for that right now.
Itaru: Guess even cheaters like you have it hard sometimes. But y’know, I’m sure there’s tons of people who would kill to have the opportunity to do some sightseeing while all you have to do is be an interpreter.
Chikage: Well, it’s not to a country that I particularly want to go to.
Itaru: But you know the language, don’t you?
Chikage: I guess.
Itaru: Yeah, okay, we get it, you’re cheater.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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(1) Itaru says “役職 『茅ヶ崎至』 に至る” (yakushoku “chigasaki itaru” ni itaru), literally “Attain the position of “Itaru Chigasaki”. The joke is that the verb “to attain” (至る; itaru) and Itaru’s name are the same kanji and have the same pronunciation, hence why Chikage mentions dad jokes.
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koichi-nomura · 2 months
You mentioned absolutely adoring "Ask Her A Question" from My Fair Hatey for a lot of reasons. Was that partially exaggeration, or do you actually have an analysis to dish out?
Much love!
Yeah definitely some exaggeration lol and it’s basically just the sound of it, I adore all the songs on there but judging purely by how they sound, (not the narrative purpose) of all of them that one’ my favorite.
Voice acting is incredibly important to me, across all my favorite shows that’s the first thing I think about, I’m obsessed with line delivery and with identifying voices (I pride myself in being the best out of my siblings at identifying who’s voice it is first lol), so the main thing for me really is that Wander has my favorite voice in the series, his singing is so nice and it’s interesting how (for this song at least) he doesn’t do it with a lot of volume or anything, it’s relatively calm for him. He’s half-singing half-talking too and his line delivery is amazing. You can hear the giddiness in his voice at some parts, he does it so well lol. And his accent and the inflections he puts on certain words I love it. Namely his “ab-out:”
I can’t explain why I’m so interested in voices (probably just autism again) but along with comedy, art, and animation it’s one of my favorite things.
I’ don’t know a ton about music other than “this sounds good to me, this doesn’t” but I’m still very opinionated on it, my enjoyment of music tends to be more based on unique singing voices and variability in the music. Some cartoons have very lazy, uninteresting soundtracks and Wander is definitely not one of them, even if you’re talking about just the normal soundtracks, not the songs. it’s great how each if the main characters have their own background themes and even some sung theme songs lol. I can’t tell you what I like about specifically the music of “Ask Her a Question” I just know that I really like it.
In a narrative sense it’s obviously fun seeing Wander’s philosophy on romance and watching Hater go along with it lol. For the story overall I think it’s meant to be pretty significant that Hater would be interested in someone else enough to ask about their opinions, we saw how terrible he was on “The Date”.
The animation is visually interesting as usually with a lot of great stretching from Wander.
This is also my favorite kind of musical; “everyone knows they’re signing” instead of “nobody’s actually singing, they’re just conveying the emotions and storytelling through song for the audience’s eyes only.”
Woy in general is just exemplifies all the ways I would love to do things if I could create a cartoon;
The music is spectacular, so is the voice acting, the voice actors can sing instead of needing stand-in singers, the character designs are so recognizable, I love everyone’s names (‘Major Threat’ is such stupid and funny wordplay lol), the characterization is so good and interesting for everyone (infinitely kind characters are my favorite tho) the comedy is great and I like a lot of the gags but what’s especially great is the character-driven comedy; jokes that are funny just because the characters have funny personalities and interactions. The animation is spectacular too, I’m usually not at all a fan of flash animation but they utilize it in such a way that I didn’t used to know it was flash, the squash and stretch they do with the characters is so fun and interesting without looking grotesque or unappealing, they just look silly (there’s so many moments where it’s too fast to really get a grasp on what’s happening and if you look at it frame by frame it’s super impressive).
Sorry for rambling, this is what happens when I get questions and no character limit, much love back!! :]
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soft-teddybear · 1 year
ateez - gifts they’ll give their s/o
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genre: fluff
cw: none that I’m aware
summary: Christmas special! What would ateez give to their s/o as a christmas present and why.
disclaimer: this is a work of fiction made for entertainment and from my point of view of the members.
members under the cut.
seonghwa: thootless plushie.
he wanted to give you something to keep you company while he went away for his activities, but he wanted to be original and after thinking about it for long he finally got it: a toothless plushie with recording of his voice saying different things like i love you, stay safe, take care. seonghwa also made sure that the button was har to get while cuddling so it won’t scare you at nights if you press it by accident, he also got matching scarfs for the three of you so it could be part of your family.
hongjoong: personalised bag.
he would buy a bag of your favourite color and decorate it using things you loved: lyrics from your favourite songs, meaning full dates or things that remind you of special occasions or events in your life, everything to make it more you. for someone that didn’t know you most of i wouldn’t make sense, but you knew the meaning behaving everything and were surprised hongjoong knew you so well. the big was a big art piece of everything that represented and made your personality and it included things that hongjoong loved about you.
yunho: favourite drink gift card.
call it coffee, boba, regular tea, yunho know what you love to drink and that you drink it lots, so he thought of a gift card, but a normal one was boring so he went big. yunho got a membership card and added money to it, the equivalent of a drink for each week of the year, that way he could “invite” you for a drink even when he was away or busy whit his schedule. that isn’t stoping him from paying your drink every time you go out, no, he still pays saying that this way the gift could last longer.
yeosang: gaming set.
most specific a keyboard and headphones, you liked to play online video games with him when you couldn’t see each other, it was like a long distance date but your sent wasn’t the best and it caused problems. so yeosang helped you build your own gaming set by giving you part of it, on your favourite colours of course. that wasn’t the only reason thought, he wanted you to have a set that would also motivate you to do your school work and study and he loved your company while gaming so it was a win-win situation, a gift for the both of you.
san: matching jewellery.
he wanted to give you something to remind you of him even when he was away on tour or really busy to meet you, and he also wanted it to be discrete so he could use it on his daily life with out getting too much attention so a matching set of a necklace and a bracelet was. they has each other’s birth stone, so you’ll have san’s and san has yours, it was an expensive gift but he really didn’t cared because he wanted to feel you close and four you to feel the same but in a more discrete and fashionable way.
mingi: big coat.
it was an inner joke, you always steals his hoodies, jackets and coats because you “were cold” but in reality you just wanted to be hugged by his warm clothing full of his smell, so he bought you a big coat that matched most of your clothing, with a little extra gift inside a pocket: a bottle of his perfume. that way you could ad it to the coat or any other thing you wish that smelled like mingi. he made sure you knew you could still take his clothing but that he wanted to help you build your own style and maybe keep most of his coats to himself in the process.
wooyoung: photo album.
printed and decorated lots of pics of his favourite memories with you, all of them takes by him, the album was almost full of beautiful memories and had some empty spaces for you to fill them with your favourite. the decoration was so pretty too, some doodles, stickers, quotes and detailed that brought even more life to the images, they were really amazing and you almost cried while looking at it, because it was almost full because both wooyoung and you loved every single time you spend together, ben if it’s not really planed.
jongho: big teddy bear.
went extra because it’s dressed and smells like him. once you told him that you missed his cuddles, you were particularly needy that day so the statement came out dramatic, but jongho took note so when Christmas was near and he looked out for a teddy bear big enough to wear human clothing and bought him an outfit soft enough to cuddle with, he then spend lost of nights cuddling with the plushie and adding his perfume so it’ll smell just like him on the day he’ll give it to you. said day came and you cried a bit when you opened it because it was the most perfect gift.
n/a: Rosie Christmas gift, sorry if it’s a mess but i had to rewrite the whole thing besucase i lost the original and i was sad. thank you for supporting my work this year, it was really one of the highlight and it makes me really happy.
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hetalia-club · 8 months
Don’t know if you take requests like these but I’m really curious and I really love your interpretations of the characters but what kind personalities would certain nations be attracted to??? Feel free to disregard this, love you and your blog!
hmmm that's an interesting question let's see....(And thank you sm Ily to anon🥰!) (I would like to remind you all these are my opinions you don't have to agree)((I would also like to clarify this is for like a human AU))
Italy- I think Italy would like someone who was more pathetic than him. I do feel he would like being the 'strong one' in a relationship. He says all the time he doesn't like feeling useless or stupid so I think he would seek out an SO who looked to him as a knight in shining armor. I think he would get easily depressed in a relationship where he is constantly being 'mothered' by his SO. He might be fine with it at first but I think eventually it would really kill his self worth. I think his SO asking "Can you open this jar for me" "Can you look at the sink? I think it's broke" would be such a little victory for him. He would also want someone who appreciated him for him. Someone who thought his art was pretty and loved his cooking. He would really like praise from his SO and would need validation about their love for him almost daily and would always give it back as well.
Romano- I think Romano would essentially want to date himself. Not consciously but I think he would subconsciously seek out someone who was almost exactly like him for better or worse. Someone who didn't take much effort for him to understand. Someone with similar hobbies, outlooks and energy levels. He wouldn't like chasing someone and would like for it to come easy.
Germany- I think Germany would go for someone who was as ridged as him. He does not seem to care for nonsense. He doesn't like to leave his comfort zone so I think he would date wanting his comfort zone.
Japan- I head canon Japan as ace and not really caring much for relationships in the least. But if he were to be with someone I think he would want someone who was the opposite of him. Someone who was loud and energetic. I think he would feed off their energy and try and incorporate it into his own life.
Prussia- Prussia is another I view as hard core ace. As in he does not even think about relationships at all, he thinks they are icky. He has zero desire for physical contact and the idea of it kind of freaks him out. BUT if I had to decide what kind of person he would pick it would be someone who was crazy about him. Personality and looks wouldn't matter much to him they would just have to think he was perfect. he would feed on positive comments and praise from them and drink it up like a fine wine.
Austria- I think Austria would only date someone who had very specific interests. He cares deeply about certain things (Classical music being a big one) He would not call someone back after the first date if they said something like "I don't really like music". Austria wouldn't only be looking for a lover but also a best friend. someone he could talk to about his hobbies for hours, Someone who would sit and listen to him play his piano or violin and never complain. Someone he could bring to the opera or a symphony and they could gush about it the rest of the night and how great it was.
America- America would want to date someone who went with the flow. He is a very spontaneous person and he would want someone who could keep up with his ever changing mind and hobbies. Someone who would be happy to wake up at 5am and go on a hike and then half way through get an UBER home and finish out the day at Disney World. He would want to date someone who was also fine with lounging home some days and having streaks where they do nothing but watch movies. I think his SO would have to get used to being ghosted a lot. Not that he's doing it on purpose just that he maybe forgets to call.
England- England would want to be with someone who understood his dark humor. Someone who would laugh at his jokes and understand them without having to over explain it to them. I think his biggest turn on would be someone who could make him laugh really hard. Like an ugly laugh. Someone who he could sit and watch a movie with and they poke fun at it the entire time laughing and joking until the wee hours of the morning.
China- China would have very traditional views on relationships I feel. He would want someone who understood is culture. Someone who little work. He would want someone who as basically a mind reader. Someone who knew him better than he knew himself.
Russia- Russia would want someone who was loving and kind. Someone who looked at him with soft eyes and weren't put off by his threatening demeanor he puts out. I think his biggest turn on for a relationship would be someone who initiates all the affection. He wouldn't be the one to grab his SO and kiss them in a grocery store but if they did it to him it would make his day.
Canada- Now I think Canada would want someone who was a good listener. Someone who listened to what he had to say happily and could listen to him talk for hours. And he in turn would listen to them. Communication would be HUGE in a relationship with Canada. I think he could get easily dejected if he felt his SO were ignoring him or weren't listening to his feelings. Canada would be the type of guy do double and triple text just to make sure you saw it. If that would be a problem for you then he would be a bad partner to have because if you told him to stop he would completely shut down and stop texting you all together taking that as 'well they don't want me texting them ever I guess'
France- France would want someone who liked to wine and dine. He would want someone who wanted to go out every single weekend to a 5 star place. Someone who he could order for. Someone who put al their trust into him. he would want someone who he could really invest in. Someone he wanted to learn everything about. He would remain mysterious but would want to date someone who he knew like the back of his hand. So he could buy them a perfume he knew they would love. Take them to a wine tasting and say "try this one I know you'll love it"
Denmark- Den would want a best friend first and a lover second. He would want someone to go everywhere with him. Someone who was happy to drop everything and go to the store with him, just walk around the city, or go to a club. He would want someone who would be his world, his new obsession. He would be absolutely wild about his SO. He would buy them a ton of surprise gifts. They would wake up to a man at their door delivering flowers or him sowing up with a designer bag he got them. Denmark would want someone who was not afraid to ask "hey can you buy me this?" he would be the type of BF to ask "How many and what color :)?" He would want someone he could spoil rotten.
Norway- I think Norway would want an easy going person like himself. He will ignore his SO. He will make them wonder if they are even still dating and then then he will call his SO one night at 10pm and be like "Want to come over and watch a movie?" He would have to be with someone who was okay with that because he can't change it.
Sweden- Sweden needs someone teh complete opposite of him. Someone who will do all the talking at a party for him. Someone who will know when he wants to leave somewhere without him asking, someone who knows what he likes to eat and where he wants to go out. His SO would be running circles around him while he just stood there and he wouldn't have it any other way.
Iceland- I view Iceland as ace as well but if he were in a relationship I think he would want someone who was like him. Someone who was moody and sassy. It would irritate him to no end and he may instigate a lot of arguments about it but at the same time he would like that. he would like someone who wasn't afraid to push his buttons and someone who he could push their buttons and they would just forget about it in a few hours and not hold it against him. Iceland would want to have a heated argument about "Don't put the keys there put them here" and he wouldn't let it go until you agreed with him and then a couple hours later he would be like "So we getting Dominoes or..."
Finland- Finland would want someone who made his personality look dark and brooding. Someone who was the light of his life. Someone who was cheerful and kind. But also someone who enjoyed the same music and shared in his heavy metal obsession. It wouldn't be a deal breaker if they didn't like it. But the entire relationship he will be showing them bands saying "What do you think about these guys?" and if he did so happen to find a metal band his SO liked he would go over board buying them shirts, concert tickets, albums and just really nurture it.
kind of came up with these on the spot but it was fun to sit there and think about them for a minute! I love picking apart personalities
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dbh-bb · 1 month
Yet More Questions
As we come up to the final sign up deadline for Artists we've been receiving a lot of questions about how much we expect by June 1st, so we wanted clarify some information for both artists and writers
Oh my god, how much do I have to have ready to submit by 01 June? What will the form ask for?
The form will ask you to submit the following things:
Identifying info (obvs), including whether you are a minor
Your willingness to be paired with a minor
A sketch, layout, or concept of your art
The premise of your concept for the story
Ratings you’d be happy with on the story
Things you really don’t want to see in the story
Let’s break down a few of those.
Sketch, layout, or concept of your art: 
This should be substantial enough to get your idea across to the writer. It does not have to be finished or near-finished (although it can be if you’re there). If you work in a medium that takes significant time to generate, or where the concept of a “sketch” is hard to apply (such as 3D render art, gifs, or fanvids), do your best to express what the idea is. This could include a storyboard, a rough sketch, stick figures, and/or references/examples to show what you mean. We want the writers to get the general idea of what the final art will look like.
We will ask these submissions to be in standard formats (i.e. .png, .jpg, .gif, etc) that can be accessed on anyone’s computer without the use of special software. Your final art can be in your preferred format.
There will also be a text box where you can describe what the final art will be, like you might for an alt-text.
Premise of your concept for the story:
Artists aren’t just sharing a sketch, they’re sharing the concept behind that sketch. The concept of your story should be enough to give your writer a good direction to head in, without being so limiting that you’re ‘ordering’ a story rather than planting an idea. Yes, you can give ideas for bits of dialogue, and scenes, and major story beats and character dynamics. We want you to be either providing a jumping off point that a writer can build from, or full on working with the writer to tell a story. You need to give them enough that they can write ten thousand words from it, so we want more than the idea for the scene you are depicting yourself and a pairing.
That being said, this isn’t an opportunity to demand a very specific story out of a writer; that’s called a commission. There should still be room for the author to help shape the story as well. As Atro said, you’re giving them the blueprints; they’re building the house.
Things you don’t want to see in the story:
This is where you can let writers know anything you really don’t want added to the story. Including your personal specific do-not-wants is a way to help writers pick which stories they want to bid for. For example: “No X/Y, I prefer X and Y as platonic,” or “Please no background A/B.”
Keep two things in mind: first, writers are not allowed to add any of the AO3 Big Four to a story unless the artist suggests it first. Second, we do expect writers to work with the artist’s concept. So you don’t need to list out every single possible thing you don’t want.
What if my idea is risque, or even extreme?
We’ll make sure you get into the version not provided to minors, and you’ll have the same space to explain your concept as everyone else. Sometimes having a more extreme concept makes it harder to find a writer …but sometimes, you find that one person who does see your vision! All we ask is that you remain flexible in case the idea has to evolve to find you a match.
I’m not a writer. How much do they need for 10,000 words?
In writing terms, 10k and up is a novelette or a novella — either way, a short novel. Significantly, this will introduce plot. Now sometimes people think “plot means an entire movie” and it might not — sometimes the plot is “X and Y on a date.” Sometimes the plot is porn. But 10,000 words gives you both room to play with moving pieces. 
Example for artists who don’t write: Let’s use a very generic concept: a heist fic. You want the Jericrew on a heist. THESE ARE ESTIMATES DONT COME AT ME based on mods being old enough to remember when a drabble was 100 words exactly, but in general:
~3000 words will get you a scene. A dramatic scene or a confrontation! Cool! But a single scene.
5000-7000 words is a bit of the plot. Maybe the heist itself. Or a bit after the heist. More details, some repercussions.
~10,000 words will cover… let’s say planning the heist, executing it, and a bit of what comes after. 
A full mystery novel is usually 70,000-90,000 words. 
I’ve seen heist fics that break 200K.
This is why the minimum is 10,000 words — we want to generate deeper works where things happen. And the artists get to start the process this year. For those of you who wanted to make multiple arts and are limited by our writer count: this is your chance to think of other artworks you’d like to make within this concept!
How much information / freedom am I going to have?
First: We ask that writers do not add any of the AO3 Big Four to a story unless the artist suggests it. 
Second, see above for the information artists are being invited to share, to get a feel for it.
Third: There will be a variety of offers to choose from. Some artists might have a much more vague concept, while others might have a lot of the story in their head already. Remember that writers get to pick in this scenario. So if you prefer jumping into a fully-formed idea, look for those. If you prefer a less-firm idea where you can really collaborate with your partner to flesh it out, look for those. 
Artists are expected to understand that their concept is a suggestion, not a commission. So even if an artist sounds like they have a narrow view of the story they want, they know that they need to work with their writer to make it belong to both of you. Even at low levels of collaboration, we’ve seen this work out so that both contributors can be happy. So if there’s an idea you love but/and have suggestions for, go for it — there’s a good chance your artist will be happy with all your enthusiasm.
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ryuichirou · 6 months
Today’s portion! Some asks about the Floyd/Epel comic from yesterday, about the Jack/Deuce drawing from the day before, and some other stuff~
Anonymous asked:
Epel looking like a straight up gremlin when Floyd enters
Oh and he is one! He’s way too excited to have this type of teamwork with Floyd~
Baiting people and then messing them up together with a huge cool guy? Sounds like the best date ever
Anonymous asked:
Great seven those thighs! 🤤 their bigger than Deuces head and probably mine too! Gods I want to see Deuce whimpering underneath that behemoth of a man, just trapped with those legs and arms trapping Deuce under Jack 🤤 it’d be so fucking hot and Deuce would be wrecked, wouldn’t be able to run for weeks
Anonymous asked:
When will you draw Jack railing Deuce we want to see!!!
Hehehehe HEH I’m so happy that drawing made you feel things, Anons lol Honestly, this is exactly why it exists: we saw Deuce’s new card, and then remembered Jack’s card, and then looked at the two of them together with their absolutely gorgeous differences in size and other things and it’s just… way too good not to squish the two together and dream about them making out sloppily and awkwardly lol and of course Deuce needs to get railed by that behemoth of a man (wow that’s an awesome phrase) ASAP
That being said, I don’t know when I’m going to draw it. To be completely honest, the more I get asked to draw something, the less likely I am to do it lol SORRY, but we’ll see. Maybe it’ll happen in a week, maybe it’ll happen in a year… can’t predict these things. I didn’t even tag my previous art with them with a ship tag because we didn’t plan on ever drawing them again... and then this happened lol
Anonymous asked:
what are your exceptions that you mentioned in the post for the whys and hows of bottom and top? i remember you had a hard time placing Malleus and Rollo, but not actual exceptions
There are no exceptions, Anon. I mentioned that exceptions are not completely impossible, but super unlikely: we haven’t had a single one yet, as far as I remember.
I mentioned it just to note that they are possible in theory for extremely specific, special situations. We don’t know what kind of characters and dynamics await us in the future, and a lot of what we love is decided by our gut feeling; so a certain character that technically aligns with the “bottom” type might turn out to be a top due to their unique characteristics and circumstances.
But once again, I mean it in theory. Our whim is more important to us than any type of categorized list, no matter how nuanced it is and how well it represents our tastes and tendencies.
I hope that makes sense.
Anonymous asked:
Say, do you have any headcanons for a scenario where Kalim overblots after the events of chapter four?
Nope, sorry, Anon :( Just like I said in a reply from just the other day: can’t quite picture Kalim overblotting because of the ch4 events. I’m sure there are people who have written about this topic, but I’ll just do it a disservice if I try to force it, at least for now.
Anonymous asked:
Any thoughts Kalim x Epel? (Yes, I am just pulling random ships out of my ass.)
Hmmm~ I don’t think I have any thoughts about them, I don’t remember their interactions aside from the ch5 ones. They would probably have fun together though, once Epel stops feeling shy and kinda awkward around Kalim.
Oh RIGHT!! Epel would absolutely love the magic carpet ride! This is going to be their date lol And his love for speed and the tickling sensation in his stomach would enable Kalim to do some insane tricks and swirls and turns and flips with the carpet, which is SUPER dangerous, but also SUPER fun.
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bright-and-burning · 3 months
tagged by @landoisokay and @bsaka7 to do my 9 favorite albums (with commentary. i had a lot to say...)
these are all relatively recent because i pick and choose older songs individually more than i listen to them as a single album. like i could pick at least an album’s worth of queen songs, but they’re not all off the same album, ya feel.
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in no particular order!! w some explainers below the cut:
dreamland (2020) - glass animals. i almost put how to be a human being but i’ve been listening to that album basically on repeat for the last three weeks so i needed to switch it up. such an experience of an album honestly?? where how to be a human being makes me feel like the main character in an over-saturated murderous movie set in miami, dreamland is like, over-saturated fast car movie set in tokyo (the like. hollywood idea of tokyo, to be clear). forever intertwined with midnight walks through empty cities during covid, driving too fast, the first time i hung out with people after getting to come back to college, neon lights on cinderblock walls and $12 plastic handles of liquor. fundamentally bittersweet as an album imo? but so full of bangers that you forget that it’s . really sad. tokyo drifting with denzel curry was my top song of 2020 and spotify helpfully informed me that i listened to it 30 times on my 19th birthday. lol. the “get loose, streetfighter” with the street fighter sound effect… oh yeah baby that’s art. it’s all so incredibly loud also a song of all time tbh. whole album is floaty and sharp all at once, insane production, the perfect sadness layered underneath, every song building into this brilliant crescendo… perfect album for 2020 eve for like so many reasons, i could wax on about this for AGES so if u want more drop an ask no joke it’ll make my week. still holds up soooo well
lemonade (2016) - beyonce. LOL. this album dropped right around when i was getting cheated on by my gf of. over a year. and then we broke up and i signed the papers to transfer schools the next day without telling anyone. so this album fr got me through uprooting my entire life to start over. (what timing, to get cheated on right as beyonce drops her got-cheated-on album). i knew beyonce belonged on here (too influential musically to me to Not) but i was stumped on what specific album to include (i had 4 on cd in my car in high school, for example, and homecoming: the live album felt like cheating) until i remembered how much play time this one got, and how much i leaned on the album and the visuals then (which. by the way. i bought on itunes bc it wasn’t available for streaming. used precious data bc school wifi wouldn’t let me download it. possibly the last album i bought on itunes??)
save rock and roll (2013) - fall out boy. oh man. 2015 me was on one bc i was a HUGE mcr/fob/atl/p!atd/green day girl but at the Exact same time. a 1d girlie. my shuffle would literally go from mama to up all night. ANYWAYS. was stuck between american beauty/american psycho and save rock and roll, but i think american beauty/american psycho didn’t hold my attention for long and only recently came back on my radar (has some very toxic inspiration won’t lie). the mighty fall ft big sean? life changing. big fan of rappers being dropped into songs that you aren’t expecting them to feature on. “i’m either fuckin or workin so the grind don’t stop” is a work of art. young volcanoes and save rock and roll were legitimately like. the most comforting songs of all time as a sad and lonely 14 year old
when we were friends (2019) - the backseat lovers. starts out so strong and keeps it going. what an album to listen to while absurdly into someone who then starts dating your roommate lol. just like, beautiful stuff. makes me yearn. crazy good to belt out in the car while driving
cleopatra (2016) - the lumineers. feels like home, and being dumb young and in love to me. i’ve been listening to them since ho hey played on our local membership supported radio station when i was . 11?? finally got to see them two summers ago and bawled my eyes out the entire time. this whole album no skips but also like. so overwhelmingly nostalgic and infused with feelings with nowhere to go that i can’t help but want to cry. i learned how to play ophelia on a piano in a basement of a dorm i’ll never see the inside of again lol. patience makes me insane and it’s literally just piano. the lumineers in general make a lot of music that makes me ache for times and places i can’t return to, but this album is pretty peak for it
lungs (deluxe edition) (2009) - florence + the machine. god florence just does not miss does she. dog days are over another local member supported radio station hit. i started listing all the perfect songs off and then had to stop because i was listing the entire track list. floaty and romantic with a heavy edge of morbidity and violence. remember when i said i love when rappers on songs you aren’t expecting? if you listen to anything from this post PLEASE listen to you’ve got the dirtee love ft dizzee rascal from this album. a long ass album that’s good the whole way through, i’ll truly never tire of it
ctrl (2017) - sza. i think SOS might be better and eventually take this slot but i’m trying not to let recency impact this too much. drew barrymore went quintuple platinum in my bedroom in high school. it really was the perfect album for insecure 16 year old me? speaks of growth that listening to this album doesn’t hit me where i live half as much as it used to, that instead of being like damn so real sza to things like . “im sorry im so clingy i dont mean to be a lot... lonely enough to let you treat me like this” im like. damn good song
hozier (expanded edition) (2014) - hozier. take me to church another song that member supported ad-free radio station introduced me to. what a fucking album my GOD. angel of small death and the codeine scene… jackie and wilson was literally like. the love song to me. still is can’t lie. need to be saved and have hands through my hair. every single song has lines that literally make my jaw drop, i feel like i discover something new on every listen through. “free and young and we can feel none of it”… foreigner’s god makes my chest ache. i can’t fucking believe this album is ten years old???
mt joy (2018) - mt joy. another album that reminds me of home; my whole family listened to this for months on end during covid. i’m your wreck is such an opener… “and whatever happens please remember all the laughter” like i’ll cry. my instagram bio is from this song lol. the bit where it shifts into what my family calls shoulder lean mode… anyways. ASTROVAN!!! A SONG ABOUT JESUS SMOKING WEED but like. also an emotional tale of assuring mom how music’ll work out even if they’re broke the whole time. whole album gives me Feelings. this might be the happiest album on this list and it’s. not really that happy. just a very specific kind of like. optimism. we move forward even when we look back. the world fails us but we build it better. idk. like the last song is a break up song, but it’s whole thing is “so if you worry, don’t worry bout me, i always wanted you to see the california coast-line on your own time.” so like yeah, love is burning out, but don’t worry about me. i told u. Feelings.
uhhhh no pressure tagging @mecachrome @freeuselandonorris @monacotrophywife and @oscarpiastriwdc
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pansyfemme · 1 month
What kinda person would you want to date?
i think these questions are kinda abstract! Honestly what makes me interested in someone is just a general appriciation for the type of person they are. its silly but someone having having good taste in art or music or humor is a pretty big deal to me for starters. I like to know that i can talk about my interests with someone who’s open minded, and i have a lot of specifically artistic interests. I also just really dig people who are comfortable in themselves. Like i think because i’m the way i am people assume i gravitate towards other people into fashion but its moreso people who look really comfortable in their gender experession if that makes sense? people who are really gender confident, whether that’s in a more typical binary and gender conforming way or a more abstract gnc way is an important trait to me when i’m into someone. in practice its mostly people i just really enjoy talking to as vague and general as that is. i’m not really looking for a partner who’s really one thing or another, just someone i find funny and sweet and respectful and down to earth.
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vampirerodeo779 · 2 months
❤️🎼🎨📚 (for the ask thing :))
omg i feel so special thank u mutual (answers for @sunsets-and-satsumas Star Trek ask game is under the cut because this is a very long post haha)
original post
who’s your comfort character in star trek?
easiest question ever. spocj ❤️❤️❤️ Live laugh love spock. I also really like Kirk but more in like a microwave way. that doesn’t make sense. anyway.
I also love Data, Troi, Wesley, Neelix, T’Lyn, Boimler, and Mariner. I love autism.
What are some songs/music that you associate with Star Trek?
Other than the half of Subspace Rhapsody that’s on my playlist? good question. I love Leonard Nimoys music. I have so many of his songs saved and he’s so talented.
A lot of the TOS cast has music actually. Both Nichelle Nichols (Uhura) and William Shatner (Kirk) have cover songs of varying quality. please listen to Shatners Bohemian Rhapsody, it is a necessity.
I mostly watch TOS (and SNW and LD when they come out)(i’ve watched every star trek thing but those are the ones i think about most) so I really associate slower songs with Star Trek. vaguely sad or whistful slow songs especially. I would link my Spock playlist but I barely add to it and it only has 3 songs I think.
What is your favorite piece of Star Trek fanart?
Oh god 😭 I genuinely don’t know. When I was first re-entering the Star Trek fandom, it was mostly for k/s. (just spent 20 minutes trying to find two very specific drawings but i can’t find them). I don’t think i have a FAVORITE though. If i had to pick I’d say any Star Trek art myself or my mutuals make are the ones I love seeing most ❤️
What is your favorite Star Trek fanfiction?
Purposely not linking any of my own works (yes, some of them ARE my favorite; i made them for me lol). But i pretty much ONLY read k/s. I like other ships but k/s is just my comfort 🤷‍♂️ here’s some that I’m reading or have bookmarked!:
Controlled Environment by Obsessed_Wraith— I know they have tumblr but I don’t remember/couldn’t find their handle, please tag them if you know it. This fic is currently unfinished, Chapter 6 was uploaded just today, but it is so amazing! please read it.
We Will Meet Again by Darksknight— I love long fics, and this was amazing. It’s very rare that I fully enjoy an AOS fic, but I think this is just a right balance between AOS and TOS. The Tarsus IV chapter(s?) were beautiful and are probably my favorite part, they were so amazing
Undone by my mutual @greengoddesssmoothie — also an incomplete fic, but the emotional turmoil in the beginning chapters were so amazing! the way Spock is characterized in this fic is just so so so fascinating.
If anyone has fic recs, i am in desperate need for more reading material lol. and also a special shoutout to my favorite tropes: Fake dating/marriage, slow burn, soulmates, and angst ❤️
(also, i personally do not read smut so none of the three above have smut i don’t think)
thank you so much for asking me these questions!! this was SO much fun to answer
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charleslebatman · 3 months
I recently found your blog and kinda binge read on a few people last night so I have a few things to add in.
Charles and Alex being a PR relationship. In my opinion they totally are and one of the things I find more indicative of this than all the weird stuff already covered is that Pierre doesn’t follow Alex. Just hear me out a bit. I currently work for a sports pr company, not motorsports specific and certainly not formula one; but I’ve been here around 4-5 years now and certainly know how things work.
In this day and age, there are a variety of ways to do these “PR” relationships and I’ll say now that very few of them are two agencies (or the same one but two different people) playing little matchmaker for an actual relationship. Sometimes with the only moderately popular influencers we can hint at a relationship by sending them to the same hotel as a celebrity especially if they are at the same brand event - or, my favorite, have them post or “caught” at the same hotel a bit after being seen at the same event. The most common one’s you see (at least in my industry) is more like hey we recommend you be seen with someone that has this or this characteristic to serve that image we are either supporting or cultivating.
One of the things I see speculated a lot is well what does charles have to gain from seeing Alex? He gets protection from the effect that we are seeing Lando suffer from at the bare minimum. EVERY girl question, EVERY like analyzed, EVERY follow posted everywhere. By having an Alex he is creating that buffer. She also support the brand he cultivated under Charlotte. The good boyfriend. There’s a reason there’s rumors that she promoted the breakup because he needed her to constantly be around and serve the image of his girlfriend and not Charlotte the separate entity also dating Charles. That’s also one of the reasons I think Alex is private on Instagram. Or at least a perk being manipulated. She is only seen through association with Charles. She has no individual brand. Granted, with the separate art account she has certainly set herself up to be able to create one after they end if she desires.
She is quite literally around to be Girlfriend. And I’m sure it doesn’t hurt that she’s attractive and can get along with his friends. He’s probably fine being around her but certainly wouldn’t have chosen to fall in love with her. Like when you’re in school and constantly dating due to proximity.
Pierre not following her shows me that while she is around now, she won’t be forever. We’ve seen evidence that Pierre and Charles are pretty genuine friends and we know he’s interacted with her, his own chronically online girlfriend does. Why isn’t he?
I tried to keep this limited to just the stuff I haven’t really seen talked about, but again, I just found your blog so I haven’t been around for ages if you’ve already discussed last year.
Ciao 🌚
I hope you’ve no problem I’m calling bestie, cause I do it with every one who follow the blog. 😂
So, bestie it was so interesting! I’m glad you find the blog, I hope it wasn’t too annoying to read everything and all. Don’t hesitate to come back or to give some opinions if you disagreeing with something. As every besties are doing.
A bestie, discovered that Alexandra could be and certainly connected in a way of the ex monegasque minister calling André Saint-Mleux. Not directly as if he was her grand father, but more great uncle and indirectly connections with this family. Could be a PR reason too idk?
But thanks for this long ask, I love long ask 🫶
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