#i think living with clem for 5 years would do that to a person to be fair
millenniumbreak · 1 year
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diientedegato · 5 months
I'm curious if you have any thoughts on what Ben Paul would look like if he was alive years after S1 of TWDG :> I honestly prefer to imagine both him & Kenny going off on their own adventures after S1, because Idk if I'd've had Kenny as part of S2, it felt like when he returned it became less Clem's story & more his. That might be controversial among fans but it's how I feel :s I like to imagine Ben, Kenny & Sarita forming their own little family in fact <3 I'd expect Ben would end up with shaggier hair after a while but I wouldn't mind knowing what he'd look like with short, spiked up hair ;>
IM SORRY BOTH THE ASK AND DRAWING ARE OLD- but I came across the sketch I had eugeugeh. I do not have many headcanons but behind the cut is just a rant about. Kenny mostly. Too much should I warn? But yah I'm sorry it took me like 5 months lol
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The only headcanon (regarding Ben's appearance) is that he'd keep his school jacket for as long as possible. Until it thorns apart. Or until he dies.
I'm big fan of Ben lives possibility btw I've gotta draw sum about that sometime (I say, about every twdg character i like,)
And dude, do I agree about Kenny. Man doesn't belong in season 2. The character they made him to be in the second season is not Kenny, it's just a nostalgia element. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, I'm biased as hell, I break that hug choice every time. But it made the character development in the first season just.... pointless. "For some reason, I saved that piece of shit Ben", man, that quote just disappoints me. Kenny lost everything. Father and husband of none no more, which was pretty much the arc of Kenny on the first season?? I think? . Everything he loved and he had he lost, and he killed the person responsible for it. But not as revenge, he killed a kid out of mercy. He saved the boy from suffering a painful death, and that was forgiveness, to the reason he hadn't any. He took a decision he would be fully responsible of, when it was time for him to go. And he was perfect.
Hell, if he had appeared during season 2, I do prefer the Kenny as Carver idea. Clementine wasn't even that close to Kenny in the past, the player was, so even then it feels... off, off to be forced to care about a man that says so much he wants to protect you. (They're not really family, but is as if Kenny tries to protect and have Clem on his side, to have Clem's loyalty through and through. Though he does let her go and is proud of her on her individuality... hm.) But still, I mean, second season Kenny is not first season Kenny, and it isn't even a change that made sense. If he had been antagonist (which pretty much feels like it in the Canon story already), he should have had some other background story, no Sarita or company. Maybe then the cynical view he has would have mattered. The violence and anger and whatever else. For him to change that way was a consequence of him losing what he represented, protection of family? Wasn't failure and grief and acceptance meant to be important after all?
But otherwise yea I think it would've been pretty cool if Ben survived :3 I am a sucker for tales of redemption, forgiveness, and found family. And I hadn't thought about Kenny, Ben, and Sarita, but hell yeah. Man, even if they appeared in the second season, it would've been interesting if the choice wasn't between two individuals, but between two families. Ben already had a relationship with Clem! He appreciated her and calls her his only friend during season 1, he did leave her behind during that scene, -but the point of Ben was that- He was a coward all the season, until when he wasn't. He wanted to help Lee help Clem. They would've had an interesting sibling relationship-? also Ben had a young sister before the apocalypse so ooooh projection and parallels and shi. And if Ben had lived, he would've completed his development to something close to bravery-?
Well, I don't know, at least I think that'd be one interesting way to bring back old characters. Otherwise, Kenny should only be mentioned on dialogue maximum. The way I see it.
(I repeat the same thing over and over when I talk about something I'm sorry
(I've developed no language skills whatsoever in my life
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spacedlexi · 2 months
Was AJ justified or not?
not justified. understandable, but not justified
the situation was a bad one. marlon Was trying to kill clem. aj was ready to do whatever he needed to to protect her. but hes a young child. either through fighting or talking marlon will stand down. the threat has been dealt with but aj doesnt realize that. marlon drops the gun and aj takes it because he still feels threatened and is ready to do what he thinks he has to to protect clem (whos life WAS on the line twice that night). he doesnt know the difference because hes never been taught the difference. all he knows is danger and survival. hes unsocialized and doesnt know what its like to be a part of a larger group. he was already biting and hitting anyone who would come up behind him reflexively because hes a traumatized little kid who doesnt know anything besides protecting himself first and asking questions later
he messed up. he thought he was helping. he wanted to protect clem. he was scared. it was a horrible mistake, but its not like marlon was completely innocent. marlon Was a threat, he just wasnt anymore when aj finally got his gun back. aj just couldnt recognize that because hes 5 years old and doesnt know any better. louis yells at clem asking her what the hell she taught him, but its more about what he Wasnt taught. he only knows survival and to eliminate threats. no room for nuance because its just been him and clem and a fight for survival for years. ericson is the kind of environment aj desperately needs, where he can be Safe, where survival isnt the only thing he needs to focus on. he needs socialization and support and patience, otherwise he will only get worse. clem knows this. its partially why shes so desperate to find a home for them. she sees what the world is doing to this little boy and so desperately does not want that for him, even if it keeps him safe
i do not like a justified aj. for me teaching him to be repentant and to know the difference between a threat like marlon and a threat like lilly is important. marlon wasnt a monster, he was a scared kid just like aj is, and they both make mistakes that cost people their lives. but lilly IS a monster, in the sense that she is a legitimate threat that cannot be reasoned with. so teaching aj that him killing marlon was wrong, but still telling him to shoot lilly, i have confidence in him that he Can tell the difference, it just needs reinforcing in the cave for him to Get It. to steer him away from that anger. hes learning when to make the hard calls. and because of that i believed him when he gave his little speech in the cave. i Did trust him. but seeing other routes and other cave speeches i can def understand why some people didnt trust him. raising aj into a person you can trust feels like the whole point to me. people will teach aj that he was justified and then hate him for his actions like YOU TAUGHT HIM THAT
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thebrixtons · 3 years
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questions & answers about your oc!
i was tagged by the lovely @wa-royal-tea! i’m super late to this, but it was sm fun to do and a really good character writing exercise !! i’m tagging @nexility-sims, @thestenhams, and @evandroyals for this oc questions & answers tag game 💗
q&a is under the cut!!
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1) What is your favorite sport?
Soccer! Or football, depending on where you’re from, I guess.
2) What is your favorite color?
Sage green. Everything in my bedroom is sage green! But I also like medium blue, like a Pantone dresden blue. Is that too specific?
3) What is your favorite movie?
That’s an easy one. Halloweentown, for sure.
4) Taken? Single?
Are you allowed to ask that? You are? Umm... next question, please.
5) What would be your perfect day?
Having my mama be home, since she’s always busy. She’d cook us all her Simyeon scallion pancakes for breakfast, and I’d play with my little brother, Rhys. If my papa’s not busy, we’d go down to the beach and play soccer for hours.
6) Are you a night owl or an early bird!
I’m an early bird. Usually, I’m the first to wake up in the morning.
7) Do you think you’re smart?
That’s a trick question, right? I guess I’m smart? I get better grades than my twin sister.
8) How do you like to be comforted when you’re sad?
I don’t like being alone when I’m sad. I want someone to distract me with macarons and mochi and make me laugh.
9) Where do you want to be in 5 years time?
In five years, I’ll be like 25 years old? And by then, I’ll have graduated university and started preparing to work as a full-time royal. I’d like to play soccer professionally but— uh, never mind. Where I want to be and where I’m going to be are different.
12) Do you have any regrets?
No, not yet! I hope I won’t have any.
13) Who are/is your best friends?
My twin sister, Lina, is my best friend. I feel like we understand each other better than other people do? But I’m also really close with my friends I met at boarding school. Ren, Arthur, Nora, and Penny! I love them. 
14) What was your dream last night?
Last night, I dreamed I fell into a puddle and was transported into this alternate reality. The sky was purple and there were monsters everywhere! I usually have really wild dreams... though they’re mostly nightmares.
15) Who in your family are you closest to?
Lina, obviously! I’m also really close with my papa.
16) What is the one thing people don’t know about you?
I have asthma. I try to control it as much as possible— and always take my medication— so that when I’m playing soccer or working out I won’t have an asthma attack.
17) Best present ever given to you?
When I was 12 years old, I went through an embarrassing photography phase. Mama bought me a brand new DSLR for Winterfest! I think it’s a Rikon, or something. I’m starting to get back into taking pictures of special moments and the people I love.
18) What is your favorite food?
Anything my mama makes. But my favorite would have to be her homemade dumplings. And we always have it with this secret sauce she makes. It’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted. I could cry thinking about it.
19) Earliest childhood memory?
I was like three years old, and I remember watching my papa look out the window. It was snowing. I think he hates the snow.
20) Do you have a crush?
I... do, but it’s none of your business.
21) If you could live in a different period, which one would it be?
I’d rather live in this time period. We have technology, cars, cellphones, and a modern understanding of hygiene. That’s good enough for me.
22) Any nicknames?
A lot of people call me Clem.
23) Introvert or Extrovert?
I love talking to people and making new friends, so that makes me an extrovert.
24) Favorite book?
Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. A close second is These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong.
25) Hobby?
Aside from soccer and anything athletic, I like photography, painting even though I’m really bad at it, reading, and journaling— you know, with the cute calligraphy pens and stuff.
26) Beach or pool?
Beach. There’s nothing better than laying out at the beach and feeling the sun on your skin.
27) First kiss?
28) Favorite subject
Anything science-related. History, too!
29) Age
I’m 19! I turn 20 years old next month.
30) Full name
Clementine Beauchamp.
31) Pets?
I don’t have any.
33) Favorite song?
I can’t choose! Right now, my favorite song is Step On Up by Ariana Grande.
34) Where do you live?
At my parents’ house?
35) What/who do you miss?
I miss my... close friend, Ren.
36) Which school(s) do/did you go to?
I’m a freshman at Foxbury Institute.
38) Tattoo?
Uh, no. Those hurt.
39) Done anything illegal?
Huh? Illegal? Nope.
40) Fav TV show?
Girl from Nowhere. I love it, even though it’s kind of dark?
41) Do you know any celebrities?
Mama knows celebrities and movie stars, so I’ve met a bunch of them and their kids at her parties. I guess that counts?
42) Dreams/wishes?
I want to be happy. 
43) Are you very competitive?
Uh, yes.
45) Greatest accomplishment?
Getting a full-ride soccer scholarship to Foxbury Institute. I hope I’ll become captain of the women’s soccer team by junior year!
46) If you were stuck on a desert island, who would you be stuck with?
My papa. Since he was in the military for a long time, he knows how to survive in all kinds of places. 
47) Zodiac sign
I’m an Aquarius sun, Taurus moon, and Aries rising!
48) Where were you born?
At a hospital in Newbury?
49) Sexuality?
I don’t know. Pan?
50) What color are your eyes?
Dark brown.
51) What color is your hair?
... Dark brown.
52) Do you want/ have kids?
I’d love to have children when I’m settled down and comfortable. Two, maybe. A boy and a girl.
53) When is your birthday?
January 21st!
54) Current mood?
I’m fine.
55) Do you send goodnight or good morning texts to people?
Yup! If I’m too busy to text my family and friends during the day, I like to at least message them in the morning or night.
57) How long do you sleep for?
8 hours. From around 10pm to 6am.
58) How long does it take you to get up in the morning?
As soon as I’m awake, I’m ready to go.
59) How long does it take you to get ready?
Including a shower, getting dressed, and all that stuff? I’d say like 20 minutes.
60) Meyer Briggs personality type?
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devilatmydoor · 3 years
five minutes to midnight I l.r.h
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 a/n; i was listening to boys like girls and this fic was born! i love NYE and i’ve always wanted a midnight kiss so here we are, enjoy! 
summary; You attend Calum’s NYE party and as the year closes so starts a new beginning. 
pairing; luke/reader 
word count;1,049 // warnings; drinking, language 
masterlist // ficmas masterlist 
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You walked down the hallway and returned into the crowded room, your eyes scanned the area for familiar faces. Your eyes met his as he waved you to come over, red solo cup in hand as he talked to Calum who was sipping his white claw. You weeded through the multiple groups of people as you made your way to him, his smile brighter than the disco ball Calum managed to put in his living room.
"I thought you left." Luke mentioned as he ran his fingers gets through his curls.
"I thought I told you I was going to the bathroom!” You explained as you walked with him towards the kitchen.
“I forgot, obviously.” He winked as he walked with you, you could smell his cologne as you reached the empty kitchen.
“Clearly, let me guess- tequila!” You teased as you reached for a red solo cup. You knew it was his favorite drink and that he’d either drink that or beer.
“Cal’s convinced me to try his favorite flavor of white claw!” He smiled as he reached over and grabbed a can. You poured your drink. You realized how alarming close Luke was standing to you.
He sipped his drink as he leaned against the counter, "You think Mikey and Cal will make it to midnight?"
You looked over to see them sleepily talking on the couch as Crystal talked to Kay Kay. "If they lay down and start cuddling then it’s over.”
He let out a wheeze before laughing, “I can totally see it.”
“Me too,” You smiled as you talked with him about everything and anything; the both of you ready for the new year and what it would bring.
Crystal motioned you over and he looked at you, “I’ll go find Ash, go talk to her.”
“I’ll be back.” You smiled as you left his side and walked towards her. She smiled as Kay Kay and she smiled like idiots.
“I swear if you two don’t kiss at midnight I might have to intervene.” Crystal explained as she sipped her drink.
“We’ve got a plan if you don’t.” Kay Kay commented as you sighed, as much as you wanted to kiss him you knew he only saw you as a friend.
“Like what?” You asked curiously as you watched him leave the kitchen after finishing his drink.
“A friendly game of spin the bottle or truth or dare.” Crystal smirked as Calum drunkenly walked up to the both of you.
“I heard spin the bottle, if this is a plan for them to kiss I’m in.” He said with a wink as he nodded to Michael who joined in.
“Did I just hear you talking about Luke kissing someone, it better be you and not me.” Michael teased as he looked at you.
“Like Luke’s that bad of a kisser Mike,” Calum commented as he finished his drink.
You all laughed as Michaels’s cheeks turned bright pink, “You know what I mean, they need to kiss already.”
You shook your head as your focus was drawn to Luke who was talking to Ashton across the room. Both of them had their eyes on you and everyone surrounding you.
Luke cleared his throat as you caught him staring at you, “Fuck, they caught me again.”
“Then stop staring and do something.” Ashton expressed as he waved to you.
“Like what Ash? It’s almost midnight there isn’t much time.” Luke sighed as he shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Take a shot of liquid courage and take them outside and talk to them without everyone else.” Ashton suggested and Luke thought about it and realized it wasn’t a bad idea. He left Ashton without a word and walked into the kitchen and found the whiskey, poured a shot of it before checking the time.
He threw back the whiskey before looking at you and walking back into the living room, you walked up to him, “Hey you.”
“Hey can we talk outside?” He asked and you nodded and followed him to the front door of Calum’s house.
He opened the door for you and you stepped outside and looked at your watch and it read 11;55pm.
Luke stood in front of you as he took a deep breath before stepping closer to you making the space between you no longer present. “I know I’ve had all year to tell you but I can’t live another moment not telling you how I feel.”
“I’ve always had a ‘thing’ for you as the boys would say but it’s so much more than that. You are the only person who makes me smile the way you do, you always know how to make me laugh and you’re always there no matter what. Every time I look at you I feel loved beyond measure.”
You hung on every word as you looked in his eyes, his soft blues. Everything he said was exactly how you felt about him. He meant everything to you and more.
You held his face in your hands and smiled, “Luke, you are my world. I don’t know what I’d do without you. You make me feel so safe. It’s you, Luke, it’s always been you.”
Within seconds his lips were on yours in a heart-stopping and world turning kiss, his hands resting on your waist as your chest pressed against his. His lips softer than you could’ve ever imagined as you tasted whiskey mixed with mint, inhaling his scent you breathed on his lips before he softly pecked yours. “Oh Luke.”
He hummed before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, “Yes?”
“You truly waited until the last 5 minutes of the year to tell me.” You giggled running your fingers through his golden curls.
“I didn’t know how else to do it, Ash convinced me to take liquid courage” He chuckled as he gazed into your eyes.
“So that’s what I tasted on your lips.” You slowly swiped his lower lip, his soft lips kissed your fingertips.
“Mixed with my love, darling.” He winked as you felt your heart skip a beat. “Wanna get out of here?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” You smiled as your fingers intertwined with his as you left Calum’s house and walked together towards his car.
@twilightmomentswithyou​ @lilacsos​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @calumrose​ @softlrh @esbisos​ @burstintocolor​ @redrattlers​ @himbocalum @sanrioluke @blackbutterfliescal @honeybunchcalum @sublimehood @talkfastromance4 @redrattlers @lukeysdimples @myloverboyash @sublimehood @littledrummeraussie @flowers-on-the-graves   @calumthomcs @feliznavidaddycal @calswildflower @haikucal @ukulelecal @highscal @sexgodashton  @currentlyupcalsass @clemmings @notinthesameguey @calmlftv @castaway-cashton @mashlums @boytoynamedcalum  @wastelandcth @spicycal @canyon-moan
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scaredbisexual · 3 years
Shells| Sirius Black
Pairings: Sirius Black x OC, Remus Lupin x OC, Lily Evans x James Potter
Words: 1199
Warnings: Foul language (as alwasy, lovelies)
Summary: "Platform 9 and ¾ was not unusually loud. There were young wizards and witches running around, greeting their friends, saying goodbye to their parents and so on, and so forth. Maisie wasn't really in the mood to observe someone else's happiness. She was more than ready to wallow in her self-pity during the whole train ride to Hogwarts, listen to some music and read a sappy novel, thank you very much."
Where Maisie Hoggan is a friendless, boyfriendless Gryffindor that needs some friends. The Marauders come to her rescue with Syrius Black at the forefront.#1 How it all started
Introduction or Where it all started
„Oh, that little piece of shit, don’t even think about him anymore Maisie, I mean it”, she heard through the phone. A very irritated and loud feminine voice continued to shout profanities under the address of nobody else but Gregory Wittens, Ravenclaw’s Quidditch team’s captain and Maisie’s boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend for two months then.
He’s been quite a good boyfriend, to be honest. She loved him, or at least she thought so, wasn’t so sure anymore about that actually. Well, it was all complicated, they dated for about three years, were inseparable, two peas in a pod, but then came their 5th year and something changed. His smile, always so shiny and full when directed at her, suddenly stopped meeting his eyes, he had more and more Quidditch practices, even though others did not seem to have to train as much. He started making up excuses, taking up new hobbies- I mean, the boy took up running in the morning, just to be able to get away from Maisie. A bit alarming, remembering that he hated jogging with his whole being, but she just shrugged it off as a way of coping with stress. After all they were getting older, more mature, having much more stuff to do, yadda yadda.
She was living in her little bubble, doing homework, hanging out with their shared friends, spending her nights in the library, never even doubting Greg’s alibis. And what a fool she was, huh?
One day, really close to the end of their 5th year, she chose not to go to the library at the same time she would always do that. Instead, a walk seemed to be a perfectly good idea. She walked and walked, listening to her favourite playlist, looking at the nature that surrounded her. It was all so beautiful, the birds, the trees, her boyfriend kissing another girl.
So yeah, that’s how it all went down, her Greg with some blonde, perfect witch with big boobs. Nice.
And there she was, talking about this for the 100th time, if not more, with the only friend that was still by her side. Clementine Green, the sole purpose of her life during that particular time. The girl that woke her up every day, listened to every little detail, lulled her to sleep and then did it all over again, sometimes multiple times a day if it was needed. What a shame that Clem was a Muggle, a girl with no magic abilities whatsoever, just her good friend ever since they were 5. All other friends, and she used to have quite a few, turned their backs on her after The Breakup, taking Greg’s side, even though she was obviously the victim.
“Well yeah, I know, but you know. He’s everywhere in this school, I bet I’m going to be seeing him every time I step into a classroom.”
“Then flip him off from me, please.” Clem answered. You could hear traffic sounds from her side, she clearly was using a phone booth. ‘That’s nice of her’ though Maisie. Not only did she find some time in her schedule to actually call her, she also remembered about Maisie going away to a “Boarding School in Scottland”-a little white lie- where she would for sure meet mister Douche Wittens.
“Yeah, okay. Listen, I got to go, the train will leave without me soon.” Maisie answered, playing with the phone’s cord. It was true, she was still on the Muggle side of London’s train station and the clock was ticking behind her, reminding the girl she was only minutes away from the most lonely and miserable year in Hogwarts.
“Sure, love you girl, write me, will you? And please, for God’s sake, make some new friends. Don’t be the weird lonely girl that walks around talking to herself.”
“Aye, aye Captain, will do.”
The girls said their goodbyes and she hung up, sighing deeply, and moving slowly but surely towards the gap between platforms 9 and 10.
The platform 9 and ¾ was not unusually loud. There were young wizards and witches running around, greeting their friends, saying goodbye to their parents and so on, and so forth. Maisie wasn’t really in the mood to observe someone else’s happiness. She was more than ready to wallow in her self-pity during the whole train ride to Hogwarts, listen to some music and read a sappy novel, thank you very much.
She was on her way to enter one of the compartments, when she bumped into somebody. She shook her head and started apologising, but before she could finish saying “Shit, sorry”, she recognised the person. Of course she did, she would recognise those sandy curls from the other side of England. The same went with his beautiful, deep blue eyes and a cheeky smile.
“Actually, not that sorry, bye.” She muttered, pushing past her ex-boyfriend. She cursed the platform, her parents for having her, Hogwarts because that’s where she met Greg, and everything else she could think about, in her head of course, and ran away before the boy could say something. She chose the first open compartment and was met by the sight of three people talking together animatedly, laughing, and eating some Muggle candy. She could do that, they seemed to be friendly.
“Hi, fancy adding one person to your conversation?” she asked, trying to sound the nicest she could.
“Oh, um…” on of the two boys sitting there said, more like uttered, nervously looking at his friends. “Sure.” He answered, not getting any negative feedback. He had curly, dark brown hair and was wearing an old, worn jacket with stiches here and there. “Name’s Remus, hi.”
“Maisie, nice to meet you.” Making friends was easy, she could do it, yeah, she just needed to talk with them about something she had the faintest idea about and get them to like her. Easy peasy. “And what are your names?”
A really pretty, ginger-haired girl with piercing green eyes and a whole lot of freckles smiled at her and extended her arm towards Maisie.
“Lily, and that guy is James, but I wouldn’t pay him too much attention if I were you, not worth it.” She said, smiling in a way that told Maisie she was joking. The boy she introduced was sleeping like a rock, hugging himself and snoring softly and Maisie chuckled.
“Well, seems like a real snore.” The girls giggled. Remus rolled his eyes and cracked half a smile.
“Damn, another one with dad humour, I like you, Maisie.” They laughed once again and started talking about this and that. She got to know that they all were from Gryffindor, just like she herself, and were in her year. Great news for Maisie. She patted herself on the back for picking the right place to start looking for new friends.
The rest of the train ride was incredibly nice, they all chatted and binged on some gummy bears and chocolate. Eventually James woke up and was a little bit startled to see her there, but quickly shook the initial shock off and joined the conversation.
This year didn’t have to be that bad for her, did it?
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mimirue · 3 years
2020 Blog Recap
I saw @desira-sims make a post recapping the events on their blog for 2020 and I thought I’d steal the idea
Everyone knows 2020 has been a crazy year and for me it was no exception. I started working from home in March and I’m still working from home now. I got shingles and that was a painful process of recovery lol. And then after many things pushing it back I started streaming on twitch and hit affiliate which has been such a great experience and feels like such a fit.
Posting in tumblr has been a definite constant throughout 2020. It’s been mostly Markus’ BC and gens 5 and 6 of my not so berry but I’ve loved every second of it.
Be sure to let me know if I included any of your favorite moments or even if i\I missed yours!
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A Muse for Markus: I started out Markus’ search for love with the thing he’s loved most in the world. It was finally time for him to find the person he loved just as much as music. Markus’ BC has by far been my favorite thing I’ve ever done in the sims and I definitely look forward to doing another BC in the future.
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Solo dates: We started out the competition with solo dates and there were three girls who had quick leads for Markus’ and my own hearts. They all made it to the final half of the competition so obviously the initial connection meant something. From a storytelling perspective it was challenging to try to think up 12 unique dates for the girls and I learned quickly that this struggle wasn’t going to go away any time soon.
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The first rose ceremony: *sigh* ...I took a 2 week break before actually writing this scene. I didn’t think it would actually be so hard to let someone go home but hell it really was. I don't think this was made any easier by the fact that the first girl to go home was that of one of my best friends or that it kinda came as a surprise to me literally at the end of the pre-ceremony party when I totaled up their relationship scores. I would soon learn that each elimination really does get easier.
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The first kiss: I have so many feelings about the Angie X Markus pairing lol. I love Angie so much but I hated how her in game actions made me have to write her (I actually wrote her so much nicer than she was in game lol). Markus was OBSESSED with her for the first half of the competition and I almost felt bad for the other ladies. He viewed her through rose-tinted glasses and she could do no wrong...until she could. For some reason living an entire season (on the longest setting) together was not enough for Angie to stop feeling tense around the other girls and eventually she started taking that out on Markus. All of that being said I put so much love and care into the first of many kisses for these two and also of the competition.
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Nadia Nadia Nadia: The early favorite to win, the first tears, and the only one to let it be known that she was upset at Markus at the end. I thought she wouldn’t actually fall in love with Markus when this thing started but by the time it was time for her to go you could just tell from in-game actions that she was way more in love with him than he was with her and that was a bit heartbreaking. This screenshot might still be my favorite screenshot ever taken. And I love that Nadia left the show just how she entered it, a fucking queen.
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The Finale:
(Don’t tell me you expect me to pick one photo from this emotional rollercoaster of a post)
Six months is how long it took me to write this sims story and while I still stand by what I said at the start that I’m not a good writer by any means I learned a lot about writing over those six months. I learned that I CAN write if I want to, I learned that it’s okay if it takes a while to get to the end, I learned that the journey is just as important for you as it is for your readers. And most importantly to me I learned that I want to be that person who writes those cliché stories with the plots you’ve seen a million times because that’s exactly what I like to read and it’s so important that you look back and love what you put so much of yourself into creating. 
Now to these two hotties: Simnosa is no stranger to the fact that I didn’t feel much of a connection to Lorena at first (I tease her about it endlessly). It seems appropriate that Markus was the same as it allowed me to fall in love with them at the same pace that they fell in love with each other. At the very last minute I decided to make the winner a mystery till the second to last post and to have Markus get Lorena back for all the teasing and pranks she had thrown his way. I knew if I made it look like there was no winner I would never be able to pull that off again so it was quite literally now or never and I quite liked the result even if not every reader was the biggest fan of it haha. I love these two and I promise I have more planned for them once ya girl gets the time.
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Nsb Plum: By the time I was done with the BC I was missing the Berry family something fierce so it was so refreshing to get back to something a little less story focused. 
For some reason I didn’t realize that gen 5 of the Not so Berry challenge would end up so story heavy. I never really wanted to write fighting scenes before but I also wanted to showcase that their divorce was technically neither of their faults individually. Indi was a work-a-holic because he somehow felt he had to be this super successful person in an “important” career just like his family before him and he felt that Clem didn’t understand that. While Clem left without telling him that she was pregnant and then only telling him about his daughter after he had shown signs of growing up (here’s a secret: she needed to do some growing up as well). It was like watching my children grow into adults even if they weren’t necessarily the more fair of parents.
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Aspirations: I wrote and started posting my first sims challenge. It seems quite fitting that my sim for this challenge was Emilee as she was the reason I first started posting anything on tumblr and she and Sutter were also the only reason I ended up writing my first sims story. It was time I wrapped up their story so we can move on to that of others ~in her family~. It was so nice for me to tell a story that spanned a few years of their lives with no dialogue. I really liked this style and I’ll most definitely adopt it again in the future.
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Nsb Orange: Back when Ginger wasn’t 90% chaos and she was at least 40% naïve. I’m always excited to move on to the next heir but Ginger had me more excited than normal.
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October Photo Challenge:  This was a fun one, it was a nice way to give some love to the characters that I’m playing next as a bit of a preview. I also think the photos turned out pretty snazzy. 
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Next gen: The twins are so freaking cute as both toddlers and children. What I never expected (and kinda planned against) was for them to get along or for Ginger to be such a good parent. I wanted Ian to be a bit of a loner but the two best ladies in his life love to shower him with too much love and care for him to have too much time alone.
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End of Orange gen: I had so much fun with her story. Ginger might not be my only polyamorous sim but she’s the first one really showcased on my tumblr. I covered a lot of borderline controversial topics and it seemed like you all enjoyed it, for which I’m grateful. Gen 6 is the first generation where there are no rules on your spouse so I knew I didn’t want her to get married. But that didn’t mean I wanted her to be single. 
Thank you all to all of you who followed and read my dumb little blog during 2020. 
And a huge thank you to all the people who made sims for me! My blog and stories would not be the same without your creative geniuses being added to the mix as well!
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
Anything But Mine (d.s.) - Chapter Twenty-Three
A/N: A chapter just in time for Daniel’s birthday! 🥰 Maybe I’ll post two to celebrate? 🤔
T/W: brief mention of abortion
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Tuesday, July 28th, 2020
“Well it’s good to see you have some company this time around.”
Florence smiled at the doctor from her place on the white clinic bed. Her blouse was pushed up past her swollen stomach, the clear gel spread messily over her skin. Emilio stood on her other side, a gentle hand on Florence’s arm.
“So, thirty-five weeks, we got a solid heartbeat here.” The doctor stated, dragging the wand across the gel, the rapid rhythmic beating echoing gently through the room. Florence watched the screen with wide eyes, seeing the almost fully formed baby there.
“I think it has my nose.” Emilio whispered to her. She smacked his chest playfully.
“You didn’t want to find out the sex after all?” the doctor asked.
“I don’t know. I’m still on the fence.” Florence chuckled.
“No harm in that.” The doctor shrugged. She took a few notes on her paper as she checked the baby’s movement, breathing, muscle tone, and amount of amniotic fluid. The hour went by quickly and smoothly, filled with suggestions for the next month by the doctor in preparation for the birth. Florence held onto a few pamphlets she was handed as they left, Emilio leading her to the car as she flipped through them.
“Oh my God.” Florence sighed as Emilio helped her into the passenger side of his black BMW.
“What?” Emilio asked.
Florence shoved an open pamphlet in his face, a list of post-partum creams and routines listed in bold font. “I forgot my vagina turns into a post-apocalyptic world after birth.” She stated plainly.
“Ew, did not need that visual.” Emilio shuttered and gently pushed the pamphlet away from his face. He closed the passenger side door and let himself into the other side.
“And you bleed for like…six weeks straight.” Florence added as he reversed out of the parking spot.
“Way too much information.” Emilio shuttered. “Again, did not need to know that.”
Florence shrugged, looking back at the pamphlet in her hand.
The previous seven months had gone by fast and a lot had changed as well. Emilio and Grayson soon fell into a civil and friendly relationship, realizing they were both sort of stuck under the certain situation. Tensions had since eased and Florence felt more comfortable around both young men since everything had settled into a unique reality. She was still extremely nervous, however, as she was carrying around the silent burden of who was the father of her unborn child. It was a sticky spot to be in and the guilt she had was heavier than the twenty-five pounds she put on by the start of her third trimester.
Florence’s apartment was arguably the one consistent thing in her life. Although expecting her second child, she could not afford to upgrade to a three bedroom and was therefore stuck with the place she had. Callum was still sending a consistent amount each month for her rent which helped greatly.
Emilio parked in the underground garage beneath the apartment building and the two took the elevator to the familiar 25th floor. Grayson had already arrived earlier that morning, gladly offering his assistance in putting together the crib in the master bedroom. That’s right where Florence and Emilio found him, quiet music playing through a Bluetooth speaker as he sat on the floor surrounded by tools. Clementine sat nearby, a small plastic bowl of cut up strawberries set in front of her as she watched Grayson work.
“We’re back!” Emilio called, falling onto the neatly made bed on his stomach, glancing over Grayson’s work.
“How was it?” Grayson asked, looking up from the floor, pushing his messy hair back from his face. “Everything still okay?”
“Everything is perfect.” Florence nodded, setting her hands on his shoulders. “This looks great, Gray.”
“We’ve been working hard, haven’t we, Clem?” Grayson looked over to the eighteen-month-old who nodded excitedly.
“I knew I shouldn’t have gotten rid of the old one.” Florence sighed, sitting on the end of her bed.
“New is fun.” Emilio shrugged.
“I agree.” Grayson nodded, pressing the screwdriver into the last beam and turning it clockwise. Clementine crawled over to him, her small hands pressing onto his light blue pants with white stripes as she got herself to her feet. She reached for the screwdriver as Grayson pulled it back.
“All done!” he told her, tickling her sides.
“Please.” Clementine whined, reaching for the bright orange handle that he held behind his back.
“Grownups only, remember, Clemmy?” Grayson said, starting to pack up his tools.
“The nap was okay?” Florence asked as she picked up her daughter from climbing over Grayson.
“Yep. She slept a good hour. I got her up at 2.” He said, also getting up from the floor. “We’ve been having fun. She’s been a big help. I think she’s going to take after me with her building skills.”
Grayson tickled the toddler’s side and she giggled loudly, slinging her arms around her mother’s neck.
“We should get ready to head out.” Florence said as the group headed into the living room. “I’m going to throw on a dress.”
Clementine was passed over to Emilio and Grayson set his tool box on the kitchen island before unzipping his bag that was on the stool. He took out a new shirt and slacks and the two separated to different rooms to change in preparation for their plans for that night.
Once dressed and touched up, Florence came back into the living area where Emilio had Clementine situated on the floor with a puzzle. Puzzles were Clementine’s new favourite toy.
Florence set her purse on the island and shuffled through it, “So-“
“I got dinner at 5, bath at 5:30, and bedtime at 6 if you aren’t back.” Emilio finished without even looking up.
“And there’s-“
“Left over spaghetti in the box in the fridge and I should warm it up but make sure its not burning.” Emilio sent a small smirk in Florence’s direction.
“Yeah.” Florence sighed. “What would I do without either of you?”
“God only knows.” Grayson tisked playfully as he emerged from the bathroom dressed in a black t-shirt tucked into olive green slacks and finished with his usual designer belt. He set a hand on Florence’s shoulder, his other ruffling through his mess of brown waves.
“We’ll be back as soon as we can.” Florence said.
“Don’t rush.” Emilio assured her. “We are going to be just fine.”
“Like every time.” Grayson added.
“Tell mama that we’re fine.” Emilio whispered to Clementine.
“Fine, mama.” Clementine whispered through a grin, leaning into Emilio’s side.
“Now let’s get a move on. Daniel didn’t take it well the last time you were late for a meal with him, remember?” Grayson shook his keys in the air, ushering Florence towards the door.
“Wait! I can’t forget my pamphlets.” Florence grabbed the small stack from the table and rushed after him.
“Good luck.” Emilio said more to Grayson than anyone. The other boy rolled his eyes teasingly before closing the door behind himself and Florence.
It was approaching 4pm as they arrived at the restaurant, Grayson’s light blue Porsche earning many glances from on lookers as he handed the valet his keys and helped Florence into the building. The casual restaurant was bustling as the hostess led the pair to their table. Daniel was already there, sat next to a brunette girl on one side of the booth. The girl was named Cayleigh and she was Daniel’s new girlfriend. 
They had been dating only a couple months, meeting near the end of the school year on an app that Florence didn’t care to know the name of. Cayleigh was a nice girl and Daniel seemed to really like her but there was something about the whole situation that just made Florence annoyed. She was not looking forward to sitting through an entire dinner with them and having to deal with Cayleigh’s overly chipper personality.
When Grayson and Florence got to the table, the friends greeted each other happily, Florence plastering on her best fake smile that she had perfected over the years of attending boring functions and dinners with her parents and brothers.
Cayleigh was quick to start with an excited, “How was your appointment today, Florence? I haven’t seen you in so long! You look like you’re ready to pop!”
Grayson shifted awkwardly at the slightly controversial statement and Florence gritted her teeth through her offence, replying with a simple, “It went well.”
While she was pregnant with Clementine, Florence’s body was going through massive changes for the first time, meaning she was barely showing well into her fifth month. Now, with a second child, Florence was shocked to see the difference in how easily her body stretched, the massive weight gain and large, round belly being a sensitive topic to the still young girl. Of course, having Cayleigh of all people point it out so bluntly made Florence’s cheeks flush with anger more than embarrassment. She covered it with a long drink from her water glass and hid her pamphlets deep in her purse.
“How have you two been?” Grayson asked, trying to turn the subject away from Florence as she was clearly already on edge and dinner hadn’t even begun.
“We’ve been fine.” Daniel said. “I’ve managed to pick up a few gigs around the city this summer.”
“And I’ve been working as a sports camp counsellor. It’s so fun.” Cayleigh boasted. “The kids are so crazy but literally relentless. Plus they all love me, so it’s good.”
“I wish we could see each other more but things have been busy.” Daniel said quietly, offering Florence a gentle smile from across the table. She could barely force one in return, her eyes focussed on the minimal space between the two love-birds across from her, Cayleigh’s hand rubbing against Daniel’s thigh. Florence drank more water.
Dinner progressed slowly, lighthearted chatter filling the space between the group of four as they ate. It had been a while since Florence and Daniel had a moment to talk once summer started, although their relationship was never quite the same after their little hiatus in the fall. She knew he was always there for her but things were simply different. Plus, Cayleigh coming into the picture put even more of a strain on their already weak relationship. At least from Florence’s point of view.
But Daniel adored Cayleigh and that was clear. They were almost never apart and whenever they were seen together they were always touching. It was like they couldn’t keep their hands or eyes off of each other. Daniel would stare at her when she spoke, seeming to absorb the way her lips moved and how her brown eyes would squeeze closed when she laughed. Florence hated that she noticed that.
She was glad Grayson was there, though. Even in their simply platonic standing, Grayson’s presence always made Florence feel calm. He told the group a story of how he had been getting into building in his spare time that summer. Grayson always spoke loudly, especially when he was excited about something and a few customers at other tables glanced their way as he continued his story of his recently constructed coffee table. Florence leaned into him, her hand falling to his leg. He shifted a little, almost in a movement to get Florence off of him but he didn’t miss a beat with his story. Florence frowned but turned quietly back to her meal.
Florence pushed the remining food around her plate with her fork before breaking the conversation with a gentle, “I have to pee.”
Grayson stopped his story and quickly got up from the table, letting her slide out of the booth ungracefully.
“I’ll join you!” Cayleigh said, getting up from the table as well.
Florence sent a small glare in Grayson’s direction but he merely smiled in response as he sat back down in his spot. The girls walked slowly across the dining room to the washroom and Cayleigh held open the door for them. Florence thanked her quietly before getting herself into a stall, having to wiggle her swollen stomach through the small door opening.
“Isn’t Daniel amazing?” Cayleigh spoke from the stall next to her.
Florence, now shielded by four walls, rolled her eyes, “He is.”
“He’s literally so sexy. I have no clue how you haven’t snatched him yet, girl.” Cayleigh’s voice echoed through the empty bathroom.
Florence’s eyes widened at her statement and she ran a hand over her face. The whole dinner was tiring her out. Cayleigh was tiring her out.
“We are only best friends and that’s all we’ll ever be.”
“So I don’t have to worry about you stealing him from me?” Cayleigh teased with a laugh although Florence could tell there was a hint of seriousness in her tone.
“No.” Florence could hear Grayson in her mind telling her to be nice. She then asked a question she could have cared less about, “How are you two doing?”
“So good!” Cayleigh’s groan made Florence physically cringe. “Although we haven’t slept together yet. I’ve been trying!”
Florence gaped at the stall door at the girl’s bluntness.
Cayleigh flushed and Florence heard her approach the sink as she continued, “I mean I don’t know why he won’t. Sleep with me that is. He’s a literal man, shouldn’t they want sex all the time?”
Florence exhaled deeply, wishing she could have just gone to the bathroom alone, but she got herself out to the sink as well, starting to wash her hands. She caught Cayleigh’s expectant gaze in the mirror.
Clearly wanting an answer, Florence complied, “Daniel is not much of a physical person. He shows love in different ways. Don’t take it personally if he’s not jumping in bed after three minutes.”
“I guess.” Cayleigh shrugged, pulling a tube of lipstick from her purse and applied a generous amount of pink to her pursed lips. She fluffed up her light brown hair and made a face in the mirror that reminded Florence of early pubescent girls. Florence glanced at herself in the mirror, stood next to such a unique character. Florence’s knee length blue floral dress was pulled tight around her belly, and her blonde hair hung loosely over her shoulders. She couldn’t help but compare herself to the happy, wild, free-living twenty-year-old girl beside her; the girl who’s biggest worry in life was why her celibate boyfriend didn’t want to sleep with her.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Cayleigh speaking through the mirror, “Okay but honestly though, have you seen Daniel’s fingers? Like, holy shit, can he put them to use yet?”
Florence forced a small laugh to hide her disgust, turning for the door so Grayson could keep her from screaming.
Much to her relief, dinner concluded not long after that, and with a quick one-armed hug from Daniel, Florence was back in the passenger seat of Grayson’s car. The exhausted sigh that she let out once the doors were closed made Grayson chuckle.
“That was awful.” Florence shifted in her seat, rubbing her hand over her belly.
“It wasn’t awful.” Grayson shrugged, pulling the car out of the parking lot.
“You didn’t hear what I heard in that bathroom trip.” Florence held her hands up. “I think I am traumatized.”
Grayson’s laugh filled the car and, like it always did, it made Florence crack a smile. She let her two hands intertwine on her lap, her gaze drifting out the window as the city lights zipped by.
“Well while you girls were bonding in the bathroom, Daniel and I had a nice chat.” Grayson spoke after a moment.
“That’s nice.” Florence said, not turning her attention from the window.
Grayson glanced at her before turning back to the road, “He asked how you were doing. Have you not been talking?”
“No.” Florence shrugged, nervously playing with the hem of her dress. “It hasn’t been the same. Not since Cayleigh is around. She takes all his time.”
“He says he misses you. That you haven’t been calling as much.” Grayson spoke gently.
“Because I don’t want to call him just to hear all the new details on his girlfriend and her new fucking lip gloss she bought.” Florence said sharper than intended.
“Why don’t you like Cayleigh?” he asked. “She’s nice.”
Florence held onto her two hands like it would save her life, “She’s taking him from me.”
“What do you mean?”
“We were starting to be better again and she took him away. Now we don’t talk anymore. I miss how things used to be, Gray.” Florence sniffled. “When I was pregnant with Clementine and there was no Matt and no drama and it was just Dani and me. And I was happy.”
Bright lights flooded the car as they pulled into the parking garage, Grayson’s soft sigh at her recently consistent tense emotions barely audible. He pulled into the parking space and put the car in park before turning to face her. The hormonal girl let out a soft sob into her hand.
“Are you not happy?” he asked quietly.
Florence took a trembling breath and shook her head slowly, almost ashamed at the admittance of it. “I keep hurting you. And that doesn’t make me happy. I’m stressed, Gray. So stressed. And I-I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself when this baby is born and one of you is going to get hurt. I can’t do this! I just want to go back in time and change so much! Change my choices and my actions and everything! Fuck! I wish none of this happened! I just want this baby gone!”
The panicked inhale that followed her sentence made her choke on her tears, her free hand tightly grabbing a fistful of her hair as almost to punish herself for admitting such a thing out loud.
Grayson simply watched her cry, staring at her expressionlessly. His silence made her heart ache in her chest and she tried to smother her ridiculous sobs into her hand. Grayson ran a hand through his hair, his gaze falling to his lap with a sigh.
“I-I should go.” Florence hiccupped, reaching for the door.
“No.” Grayson said quickly, reaching for her wrist to keep her from leaving. “I just…this is a lot. And I don’t know what to think or what to do. It’s hard on me too. On both of us.”
“I should have gotten a fucking abortion when I had the chance.” Florence grumbled angrily at herself.
“Don’t you dare say that.” Grayson replied sharply. “I’m allowed to still be hurt, you’re allowed to be upset, but you cannot say things like that. That is not how you better yourself and that is not how you solve this situation.”
Florence took a shaking breath and wiped her eyes with her the back of her hand as she turned away from him slightly.
“Everything is going to be okay.” Grayson whispered, but he sounded more like he was convincing himself rather than her.
Florence wanted to believe him, she really did; but even his gentle words of assurance didn’t spark comfort in the girl. She was stuck in her own mind, spiralling to where she felt she was unable to be saved. But she let herself stare at the wall of the parking garage, missing what life was like before everything changed.
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skamfrance · 5 years
Interviewer : You can find SKAM on france tv and on other platforms.
Hi Axel!
Axel : Hello!
I : How are you?
A : I’m great, what about you?
I : Axel, how do you manage to have this much energy? I know people usually ask me this, but you’re currently on tour all around the country with your show ‘Une vie sur mesure’, and not ‘Une vie meilleure’, as I’ve been saying (mumbled, i don’t understand the rest of his sentence). ‘Une vie meilleure’ is a movie. I confused the two of them.
You’ve just finished filming season 3 and 4 of SKAM. We’ll explain the special format soon, you filmed both seasons together. You’ve just come back from filming a movie and you’re going back tomorrow. How are you living? What’s going on?
A : Listen, it’s cool, you have to enjoy it and I’m really happy and aware of how lucky I am to be able to live out my childhood dreams. But I’m also aware of how ephemeral it can be and that you have to work. You have to enjoy your opportunities but also be aware that everything can be over tomorrow. You have to live everything out as much as possible. This is insane and amazing.
I : And how old are you, Axel?
A : I’m 21.
I : You’re 21. I’d like to say, I’ve seen the first two seasons of SKAM. I just saw the last two, or at least the 3rd one, the leaked episodes. Leaked episodes? No, the ones that came out.
This season is amazing. First of all, we’ve been waiting for LGBT representation for a long time. We can find them after 18 years old, but not never from the point of view of a high school life. I know it’s been good for a lot of young people, I’m thinking about the kids from Le Refuge (French LGBT organisation that’s a shelter for LGBT kids who’ve been kicked out of their homes) who are listening to us. Just for that, congrats on having had the choice to do this role. It’s not an obvious choice for lots of actors. I know it was never a problem for you, but it is for a lot of actors.
On a technical level, this season is extraordinary. The use of lights has nothing to do with first two seasons. I’m only saying that because of cinema fans who might have skimmed over the first two seasons. I’m telling you, this is on another level. I was amazed - not that I didn’t like the first seasons-, I was amazed by this one.
When you got the script, did you know it was well above the first two seasons? Did you realise it? And did you understand that it would be so good on a technical level? The technical work on the lighting is great, especially considering the fact that I know you have really long filming days. 8... 18 usable minutes per day?
A : No, no, it’s about 12 to 14 minutes minimum.
I : Why don’t you explain to us the SKAM experience, after this onslaught of questions?
A : I at least felt, not that it was gonna be above, far from it, but that it was gonna be different. Because for one, for the first two seasons, David Hourregue, the director, and even the writers, we’d signed a contract with France TV... I mean, ‘we signed’, I didn’t sign anything, but they signed the fact that they really had to stick to the original, be the same narrative framework, be close to the original script, and the camera angles, and the story.
So they had this constraint of the Norwegian version in this french adaptation.
I : It was crazy, a huge success over there.
A : And I understand that! It talked about the teenage years and really important matters.
I : With a different tone.
A : With a different tone, not overly emotional. And in this third season, from the beginning, David... David Hourregue, the director, who’s a magnificent conductor, to be able to make 14 usable minutes of footage every day, it’s truly... He’s an amazing team leader, and always with benevolence. He knows how to direct each person with different words, but always in an admirable way... Uhm, he immediately set his conditions, meaning he really wanted this season to be true to his vision, he wanted to be able to change some things from the framework, so that it wouldn’t be a copy and paste from the original.
So right from the beginning, when he showed me the script...
I : Had you seen the original version?
A : Yes, I’d seen it. I’d seen it. And it reassured me too, because it’s true that the characters came from us a lot more, he took inspiration from us because he knew us, to write the characters and to write Lucas’ evolution.
I : He’s a very dreamlike character, he’s a bit like you. We’ll talk about it later.
A : Do you think so?
I : Yeah. He’s a bit like you. There are a lot of differences, but I think he’s a bit like you, in regards to the poetry or the dreamlike quality... He’s someone who could be from the 18th century, the 19th century...
A : That’s nice.
I : It’s a compliment!
A : I’m glad I came!
I : Did you work on... When you got the script, did you tell yourself, ‘okay, when it come to gay representation, or just the representation of a high shcool, love story, but between two guys...” Did you need to look for other movies, or novels? Did you do research work on this? Did you just go on the set spontaneously, as an actor, without any research beforehand.
A : No, no there was research work before. I saw Call Me By Your Name, I saw Moonlight, I saw The Office. Not for the LGBT representation, but for references David wanted me to have. I also did a lot of preparation with Maxence Danet-Fauvel, who plays Eliott.
I : He’s amazing, the two of you have an incredible chemistry.
A : He’s a genius, it was a really beautiful meeting with him. We got very lucky, and we did a lot of work beforehand to have this chemistry, and to know and trust each other. So that when we got on the set, we could just let Maxence and Axel go and really be in character. We trusted the whole team.
You were talking earlier about the photography, and I would like to thank Xavier Dolleans, who’s doing amazing work. He’s an unbelievable operating chief. To do 12 to 14 minutes of usable footage everyday... I don’t know if you guys realise this, it’s truly a lot...
I : 12 to 14 minutes, it’s 12 to 14 minutes of scenes that can be used in the cutting room. Usually, it’s 2 to 3 minutes in movies and 5 to 7 minutes for tv shows. It’s a lot.
A : And to be able to have this maturity with the light, and...I saw him manage his team and it’s really a fantastic team, and it was a team which was dedicated to this story, and everyone really wanted to...There was a week when we did at least three hours of overtime every day. 
And there was really a thing where every one was carried by the same energy, and to really...give life to this story, which we all thought was beautiful, and the whole team was really motivated and that also really contributed to the fact that we really had fun, we really enjoyed ourselves, and it really has been a crazy experience to live as these characters and to live this story.
I : And did you know...did you see what we call the rush combo (??), did you realise that from a technical standpoint it was superior? I’m really impressed by the editing, the filming, the music. I actually texted you about this when I watched the episodes. I really liked seasons 1 and 2, but here, we’re clearly at the next level, especially since I know you were filming 18 usable minutes a day, which is huge. Did you realise that you were going to the next level?
It’s promising for seasons 5-6, which are coming soon.
A : No, season 4.
I : But you’re filming seasons 5-6 soon, right?
A : Uh... No. Not that I’m aware of. I might not be invited.
I : Oh, well, we’ll talk about it. So, for now, season 3 is filmed and season 4...
A : Season 4 is also filmed.
I : It’s also filmed.
A : But for seasons 5-6, we don’t have any news yet.
I : Yes, but it’s so successful, it would surprise me if you didn’t... you have to say it’s really successful. It’s even more successful than the first two seasons if I’m not wrong. I know you’re humble and won’t say it. I’m telling you, it’s smashing everything on the platform.
A : Yes, it’s crazy, and we’re so happy. We see people’s reactions, and we get messages in which... young people tell us it can help them, give them confidence, show them they’re not alone. An we realised, and I realised more and more while we were filming, while trying to live this story, how difficult it could be for young people today. That it was still relevant.
I : What do you mean, you realised it?
A : Because the character ends up having to lie, to hide his feelings...
I : Did you meet people, I’m thinking about all those young people from Le Refuge who are listening to us.... Did you meet young people who... Because, in your life, you’ve met people who...
A : I met people around me, I have friends who... I have a friend who came out two years ago. And to see how the way people look at you can change too, people who said they were your friends and suddenly turn their backs on you...
That’s something that’s very violent and I never had to live through. I saw it through my friends. And there, I was at the center of the story, and even if it wasn’t my life, when I got on the set, and I was Lucas and we were filming scenes where things were going badly, I realised what this could be like in real life, at least at my scale.
And I also realise how important it is. That’s why the message from the show is that, even if society gives more and more importance to assholes who think they have a right to judge other people, well, you’re not alone, and love prevails, love will win and you have to be proud of who you are.
You have a right to love a girl, to love a guy, to change, and it’s really important to say you have a right to do that, and that a love story like Lucas’ and Eliott’s is beautiful, and that’s what you should remember.
I : And have you gotten... I know we had Medhi Meskar for the show Les Engagés (french web serie about LGBT activists; it’s amazing, you should watch it) and he said he got quite a few messages from young gays from the Maghreb, I got some when I was on Clem (another tv show). Have you gotten messages... you blew up and social media recently and you deserve it, I’m really happy for you, but did you get messages from young people saying thank you?
A : A lot, yeah! And that’s what I wanted to talk to you about! We started the show, and that’s true... Maxence and I had a drink together, which ended pretty late... And we told each other the purpose of the show was to have an experience above everything else and on top of that, to help even just one young person to be able to accept themselves to realise they could and should be proud of who they are. And when we get messages like that, it feels like we’ve won everything. Because this crazy experience lasts longer, and seeing what the show’s impact on people can be is amazing.
I : What did your work on this show teach you as an actor? How did it make you grow as an actor? And did you have time to look at the technical parts? I know things go really quickly on this show, but the technique is so amazing, did you take advantage of that to see how an operator works etc?
A : So, I’m super naive about technique, to be honest. I know we used the same camera as Avatar. I mean, the same model. Beyond that, I’ll admit I don’t really know... I learned that... I mean, I learned... it went really fast, so you had to be in it right away. And I was lucky, I was in every frame of the story, so you had to be quick, go from one state to the other. It was real work, getting on set and already having all of the script in your head, what moment we were shooting, to know that if I was shooting the scene from episode 9 before the scene from episode 4, to know what had happened before the episode 4 scene even though I’d just shot episode 9. It was a lot.
I : How did you do it? Did you have a notebook?
A : I did have a notebook and post it notes each day with what had happened before, what my relationship was with each character at this point, what I was thinking when I got there etc. It was a lot of work before shooting.
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You've mentioned you like Nick a lot. What are your thoughts on his character? Also, how would you change the shitty treatment he got after ep 2?
Nick to me, was a very important character because he represented what a character like Ben could have been if he was provided the time to own up to his faults and then worked towards improving and growing as a person (Ben admitted to his faults and accepted his determinant death, but didn’t get a chance to properly make up for them).
I grew to like Nick really early on because he was a very flawed but real character with raw emotion. I often feel like a lot of the characters in Twdg, though realistic - kind of have a bit of exaggeration to them that makes them stand out as very much “comic book characters”. Nick however, felt very much human.
In episode 1 when we first meet him, he nearly kills us and gets told off by his uncle. Now this is the part where you are supposed to think he is a total jackass and in most games this would be the “asshole character” constantly trying to undermine and screw with the main character.
But he isn’t. Later on he apologises to us then explains his (pretty valid) reasoning of why he is trigger happy. Does that mean he is justified in all that he does? No. But it does provide context and gives us insight into him as a person - being that he is actually a pretty kind and loyal person that doesn’t think before he acts and lets his emotions get the better of him.
We also see more of this when we go with him and Pete to the lake, where we also learn that Nick’s only male parental figure in his life is Pete - someone he respects but we also learn tends to feel pressure from and underestimated constantly which leads to him having a bit of an inferiority complex and need to prove himself to people (which in turn, leads to his screw ups because he doesn’t think and acts on those impulses).
All in all, episode 1 sets us up with a really solid concept for a character and one that promises a lot of growth. And it’s this build up that makes his ultimate fate in episode 4 leave a bitter taste in my mouth. 
Episode 2 is very much Nick’s episode. Yes, even when Kenny showed up and took the spotlight at the beginning that episode was very much an entire development arc for Nick, so much so that in 2 episodes he became the most developed character in that entire season.
That scene in season 2 with him in the shack with Clem is one of my favourite moments in the entire series. So much emotion and deep dialogue came from that one scene and it was that exact moment that established to me just how amazing this season could have been, because that entire conversation is the embodiment of makes “The Walking Dead” special. Not the walkers or constant drama, but just two people sitting together and forming a bond despite the shitty situation they are in.
And Nick’s character only got better from there. He willingly puts himself at risk so Clem can run away (amusingly the opposite of Ben) and even thanks her for not giving up on him. It’s kind of interesting in a way, because a lot of people view Luke as the close companion or older brother figure of Clem, but you could honestly make the argument that Nick also fits that role given how much the two of them can bond in the season.
He has a lot of moments that make him flawed (killing the dude on the bridge, nearly shooting us, his anger, letting an 11 year old drink, ect) but is also written in away that stops him from being dislikable (owns up to his mistakes, is honest, caring, quite brave actually).
The thing that really made him stand out from Ben as character though is when he kills Matthew (I hope I got the name right) and actually WANTS to tell the truth and it’s Luke who doesn’t want him to. Nick takes responsibility over his actions and tries to make it right.
And I ADORE how that entire outcome played out with Walter and the fact that we can decide whether or not we actually view him as a good guy or not and our answer determines whether Walter sees him worth living.
Which is also the sad point because this is when his entire character takes a nose dive because Nick Breckon only wrote the first 2 episodes and the writers began changing each episode (and so did the character development). Which isn’t a bad thing per say since it happened with TFS. But I do think there was way less communication for this season than there is for TFS among the team.
In episode 3 Nick gets shoved to the side along with the rest of the cabin group in favour of Kenny, quite literally getting benched as he sleeps most of the episode. The only noteworthy thing being his sweet moment with Clem where he clearly sees her as part of their group and his moment of faith in Luke and the last we see of him is helping Luke chase down Sarah.
And then in Episode 4 he dies off screen...
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And there lies one of the biggest problems with Season 2.
They build up so much character development with these characters and the start of arcs but never truly follow through with them to the end.
And I understand that not everyone gets a chance to improve as a person or get their “big moment” I get that, I do. It’s just not realistic. Some people die having never improved as a being or doing what they want to do, that’s the tragedy of life.
But from the context of the narrative that Season 2 set up - it makes NO sense.
Now, I didn’t expect Nick to become some insane walker killing machine and the MVP of survivors in the apocalypse - hell, he didn’t even HAVE to survive the season.
But he definitely should NOT have died the way he did in episode 4, and that’s the hill on which i’ll forever die on.
I don’t know how I would have handled Nick’s fate personally, but I do think he shouldn’t have died until episode 5 and that his death should have meant something. 
Looking back on the season as someone who hasn’t played it in years, I think what I would have done was keep the Luke vs Kenny rivalry that was the original narrative and then maybe had Nick die similar to Luke (maybe protecting him - or Clem if you were loyal to him). Give him a death that’s fitting of someone trying to prove himself to people, who genuinely wants to protect his friends and let him do something for once that actually benefits the group instead of fucking up and putting them in danger, even if that still ends in his death.
Because it’s a hell of a lot more poetic and fitting than sticking his character model on a fence and being like “yeah he ran to get help, but I guess he got bit lol” especially when the other characters barely acknowledge it and it just ends up rubbing salt in the wound.
Because when you do lazy shit like that, you are then just conforming to the idea of which this Season proposes (in episode 4) that characters who aren’t “strong” or hardened survivors can’t survive or will die being the pathetic idiots that others view them as.
It happened to Nick and it also happened to Sarah (though Nick suffered the worst I think).
My biggest gripe with this season is honestly the lack of empathy and interest it has in it’s own characters. The season started off so hopeful and like it had passion behind it, only to then decline into...whatever that was.
And I know that there are issues that go on with the company, and I’m sure there were things beyond the writer’s control (such a time constraints, ect) which made it hard for them to give it 100%. I know.
But knowing how much potential Season 2 had if it were handled a little better will forever continue to annoy me a little bit.
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petitprincess1 · 5 years
My Heroic AU (Warning: Long Post)
So, I don’t know why, but I have this dying need to explain my Heroic AU, especially since I got newer followers. I just want explain more about this to even those that have read my fics, but are more curious about it.
Central/Main Idea: Mine are more on the chaotic good side of things than lawful because I find it more fun and they kind of explore the whole “if villains can kill and destroy and people just accept it, why can’t a hero do the same, especially when justified and with a corrupt justice system?” Basically, whenever a hero does anything like kill or destroy, no matter the reason, they are automatically seen as corrupt or they have a dying need to be stopped, even more so than villains. My Heroic characters basically exist to prove such a thought wrong…even if they aren’t the most mentally balanced people.
Also, the images I’m using were created by @themcnobody when they did a commission for me and I posted it up, so I don’t think this counts as reposting, but I’ll remove them if they don’t want me using them.
The Crew:
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Clemencia/Felicity Clement Age: 19-20 Height: 5 foot 3 Job: Assassin/Hitman for Hire Background: Clem was born powerless in a family full of superheroes both on her father’s and mother’s side. Around the time when she was born, White Hat made her family move to a more crime filled neighborhood to lower the crime rate. Unfortunately, due to them being stuck in a bad neighborhood and not having powers, Clem was stuck sheltered for over 19 years. 
However, that changed when she left out on her birthday without her family knowing…and she instantly got followed and almost attacked from a drunkard. Luckily and unluckily, Clem was “saved” by Demencia, who was following the drunkard because they were in debt with the BHO. Dem was going to attack Clem for fun, but she instantly got out of her murderous mood when the girl just expressed her gratitude and she just left her. 
When she came back, in the middle of her party and in front of her entire family, she expressed having a newfound inspiration with her life and finally knowing what she wants to do. And says loudly and proudly, “I want to be an assassin like Demencia!” Everyone was quiet. No one clapped. No one cheered. The only person even seemingly intrigued was a man wearing a top white hat in the back. Personality: She is an endless ball of energy, mostly due to her having so much fun with her unicorn powers and she will always try to use them whenever she can (even if it’s just simply changing her pupils to look like hearts or stars or even question marks). She loves basically being the spoiled little princess of the group, but she also knows when to get serious. And when she is serious, she can be pretty deadly, even though she hides it all with a huge smile on her face and with her excited demeanor all while summoning a battle axe. 
Clem also is a huge dork that loves to make multiple references from games to movies to music, it doesn’t matter. It’s just something that she loves to do. She’s the second most mentally dysfunctional person in the group, often constantly doubting or questioning her decisions She also is obsessed with loving Demencia as much as she is obsessed with killing her or capturing her. All because of that night of Dem saving her and she wants to show her extreme appreciation by being either her greatest enemy or amazing lover. She’s fine with either one. Just as long as she can be with her love.
She loves Slug like a brother and will often play as a lab rat for him by testing his poisons. It doesn’t do any harm, since her horn also has a bit of eldritch magic in it. And other than Demencia, White Hat is another person she’ll die for. She adores him and believes she owes everything to him.
Also, her horn is real and it constantly fries at her brain, while also simultaneously keeping her alive. It be like that sometimes.
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Slug Unglück Kaiser Age: 31 Height: 6 foot 2 (with boots on) 6 foot (with boots off) Job: Medic/Scientist Background:  Basically, his mom and dad are a villain and a hero couple, one of the very few that actually are harmonious together. They actually were (and still are) rivals to each other, but they just think of their “little” fights are just a little game to them. Anyway, they have Slug and his father instantly wants his wife to stop all heroic duties, warning her that now she that she has something precious to her that villains will immediately seek out that target or use him as her weakness. Of course, her being a hero, she ignores him and says she’ll be fine and continues fighting crime. This continues perfectly for a good 5 years, until she ended up going to a mission where they had Slug captured and were using him as leverage. They basically wanted her to give up her life of crime, tossing her a gun, or else her son would die. Not wanting to waste too much time and having already made the decision. She pulled the trigger…killing herself in front of Slug.
The father didn’t blame Slug for her death at the time, but he does immediately try to get him to a life of a crime, despite the fact that he was born normal. His father does this in any way he can whether it be making him see gruesome murders or manipulating Slug or lying to him at every turn, it doesn’t matter to the father. Slug’s grandparents, on his father’s side, hate that their son is doing that to him, so they instead subjugate him to more loving things, this includes making candy and baking. And Slug loves it! So much so that he starts doing it at home more and more, which makes the dad nervous, the last thing that he wants is for Slug to make take himself out of wanting to be a villain. So, the lies, deception, and manipulation increase to full on verbal and mental abuse over the course of 5 or 6 more years. Luckily, Slug always had his baking and candy making to calm him down. 
During one night, while his grandparents were over, his father gets into a very heated argument with his parents while Slug is trying to tune it all out by making his own sugar syrup. The arguing gets louder and louder to the point where Slug felt like he needed to say something, to at least get his viewpoint on things. This gets his dad pissed off to the point where he, blindly in a rage, grabs the pot that Slug was making the syrup and threw it at his face (simple syrup, which is just sugar and a bit of water, can be from 200-240°F), which luckily only hit the left side of his face from reacting quickly. His grandmother immediately tries to calm the burning, while his grandfather keeps his father away from Slug. His father ends up escaping Hat Island and is at large.
Unfortunately, for Slug, while they did get him to a hospital, the syrup gave him four degrees burns, which means you’re to the point where you have brown, leathery skin and you need skin grafting, a part of his lip was burnt so badly that it revealed some of his teeth, and that his left eye was damaged, not blind, but he can barely see out of it. Which is why he needs goggles. Personality: He’s kind of a direct opposite for Flug, like how Flug looks soft but he’s actually intimidating, Slug looks intimidating but is a complete softie. He is pretty blunt person and will always take the more logical route than the emotional, so he tends to seem very cold and analytic, but then will pretty much stuttering out apologies once he’s realized his mistake. He also self-taught himself poisons and engineering to start his own candy van with his friends. 
He also tends to carry candy around as a habit and just something to chew on when he’s thinking or nervous. Plus, he also manufactured his candies to be weapons, just so that no one can get suspicious of him when reaching into his jacket.
 He’s 100% loyal to White Hat and is pretty much ready to kill or harm anyone who dares speak against. He’s even ready to fight against Black Hat if need be, even though he knows it’s a losing fight.
Clemencia is like a little sister to him and he’ll always have her back, but he does tend to make her powers short-circuit on purpose if she does anything too insane.
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White Hat Age: Old…but 300 years younger than Black Hat Height: 6 foot 6 (with hat on) 6 foot 4 (with hat off) Job: Owner of White Hat Incorporated/Consultant Background: …He won’t let me tell you. Personality: How does one describe him? White Hat is the worst out of everyone. Depending on who you are, he can be sweet and nice one second, but then snapping and downright terrifying the next. He likes to refer to people, at least mostly when he’s alone, as his puppets because he can easily trick people that he’s an all-around. I mean, who’s gonna question the man that’s the number one hero and was documented doing so many heroic deeds? No one, which makes this perfect cover up. And no one is safe from him, if you’re a hero or a villain or just an employee and you defy him, trick him, backstab him in anyway, you are probably not gonna live for much longer (in other words, you’re gonna get a visit from Clem) or if he sees value in you, then he has no problem in re-teaching you the rules here in White Hat Inc. 
Other than that, White also loves to be around humans, however. They oddly fascinate him with how interesting they are, especially with how they can easily make their lives harder by making one wrong decision or how they can ruin their day with one intrusive thought. And yet, a lot of them still find reason for continuing to live. Extraordinary. Plus, he also adores the food made on Earth and will sometimes take that over souls or flesh any day.
Also, he’s in a poly relationship with Clem and Slug because their his two most favorite puppets…and he does care for them. Fun fact: I was/am scared of White Hat because I don’t trust people who smile or are happy all the time. I just don’t. No one smiles that much and no one is that carefree. I don’t like them and that’s why I made him a master manipulator. 
Also, there isn’t a 606, but there is a Hatbot, who basically is pretty much like 505, except he often does harm others. He just believes that he’s playing with them, since he has the mindset of a child.
And that’s pretty much it. Let me know if you want to know more and this is a lot longer than I thought it would be.
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A2 - Chapter 5: Kingdom Fall
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Series is rated M
Word Count: 2268
The school wasn't so devoid of life after all.
Read it on Ao3!
Read it on Wattpad!
Every bone inside her body was screaming. Between her rapid heartbeat and the ringing in her ears, she had no idea if she was truely screaming out loud as well. Although, her screams could never hope to drown out the angry howls that came from the rooms around her.
Faces flashed through her mind. The faces of her friends, but not at all how she remembered them. Her worst nightmares took hold of their memories and twisted them into rotten, grotesque beings with greyed skin and dead eyes. Clothes soaked through with their own blackened blood and caked with mud. Hair tangled and flesh marred. 
Who laid waiting behind these doors? Were her friends forced to join their ranks? Killed and reborn as mindless drones?
An unsteady hand clasped her shoulder, The freckled face she saw when she turned was pale and fearful, as well as the boy’s who accompanied them.
“We need to leave.” Louis said with a darkness in his eyes.
“If they survived, we won’t find them here.”
And if they didn't, we will.
Louis wrapped his arm around Clementine, tugging her away from the vandalized hallway and the unknown of what lurked behind those doors. Each footstep felt heavier than the last. Where would they go now? It was too dangerous to stay. Was there even a place far enough for them to run?
Was there ever an escape?
“Goddammit, boy!” A deep gravelled voice bellowed across the yard just as the three of them stepped out of the dormitory.
They dove to the ground, rough cement biting into their hands and knees as they ducked behind the brick wall. A silhouette of a tall, thin exited the Admin building.
“How many times I gotta tell ya to keep that damn thing tied up! If I get bit I’m taking you out with me.” An old man with a long dark beard sticking out under the kerchief over his face stomped out of the door and stepped into the moonlight, swinging the heavy door closed behind him, barely caught by the boy who followed him out, the crossbow on his back getting caught as he tried to slip through
“Sorry, sir.” the young teen replied, voice slightly muffled by the matching scarf over his face
“What are we gonna do?” AJ whispered, gun already in hand.
“If they killed our friends, we can’t let them get away.”
“We don’t know if they’re dead.” Louis insisted through gritted teeth.
“Look, there’s three of us, and two of them. Let’s see where they go, and get the jump on them.”
They stayed silent with weapons at the ready,
“Wolf’s gonna make you pay for that one. Hope you’re not too hungry already, I doubt you’ll be getting any supper tomorrow.”
“But you killed it!” The boy’s small outburst earned him a hard slap across his face, sending him into the dirt.
“You’d best remember your place before you end up replacing that thing.”
If the boy mumbled any reply, it was too low for them to hear it.
The bearded man left him sitting in the dirt, lighting a cigarette and heading back inside the Admin building, slamming the door behind him.
The boy sat there for a minute, the pale light casting shadows over his face as his dark hair hung in front of it, making his expression unreadable as his kerchief covered the lower half of his face, the blue of an afternoon sky cut through by the black fangs painted across it. He stared down at his hands, balled into fists as they clutched the dirt below him. As if having some kind of epiphany, the boy suddenly stood up all at once, flinging a handful of dirt scattering across the cobblestone as he pulled his crossbow into his grip.
Clementine quickly darted her head back behind the wall as he turned in their direction. Not daring another peak, Louis nodded to her with weapons in hand, holding their breath as the footsteps grew louder.
The second his boot appeared on Louis’ right, he did not hesitate. Grabbing the crossbow as the bolt fired, sticking into the door. Louis ripped the weapon from his grip, throwing it with a clang against the concrete as he easily overpowered the boy, pinning him to the brick column and twisting his arm behind his back.
“Scream once and it’ll be your last.” Clementine threatened.
“Take him inside.”
They tossed him just inside the doors. Louis and AJ blocked the path down the hall as Clementine closed the door behind them. AJ kept his revolver trained on the boy as Clementine pulled the scarf down around his neck. His face from his lower lip to his chin was warped with scars like something dull and uneven tore its way through his flesh. The kid slid to the floor, defeated, gripping his fingers through his shaggy black hair. She could see his shoulders shake with his uneven breathing as he crossed his arms over them. What Clem originally thought was a red jacket was now apparent to be slathered in walker blood, fresh enough for the pungent smell to sting her nose.
Time for some answers.
“What’s your name?” Clementine asked. A small tug of guilt pulled at her heart for threatening this kid.
“Why? Need something to put on the gravestone?” He sassed her, though his words didn’t have the bite of wholeheartedness. His voice was hallow of hope as if he was just trying to speed through to the end.
“If you’re going to kill me just do it already.”
“We don’t want to hurt you.” She spoke honestly.
“Just tell us what happened here, and we’ll go.”
“What’s it look like?” He raised his voice just enough to trigger a reaction from the trapped walkers as it echoed down the hall, the groans echoing back.
“This place is a den now.”
Why would he want to make a stronghold here? 
There’s nothing worth attacking for at least a week’s travel.
Other than us, of course.
“What happened to the people here?” Louis insisted, gritting his teeth as he tried to cling to his denial.
“What did you do to them?”
“I didn’t do shit.” He said plainly.
“We send the herd in then hang back and let it sort itself out. Pops and I searched this place top to bottom while we stored the Warriors, there’s no one else here. Not alive at least.”
“You just send in walkers and hope for the best?” AJ questioned.
“And why here? What did we do to you?”
The teen’s face fell as he stared down at his own hands, rubbing the callouses on his knuckles.
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” He admitted.
“That’s not something Wolfgang cares about. If you’ve got something he wants, he’ll take it. He doesn’t give a shit about people’s lives, just how useful they are. You make yourself useful. Stick to what you can do best, and try to stay on top of those at the bottom of the food chain.”
“Why do you help them then?” Clem argued, asking him questions she asked herself a long time ago.
“Why wouldn’t you just run? What’s stopping you?”
“You think I have a choice?” He practically cried.
“They took my family in when I was a little kid. Back when this all started. I don’t remember my mom because they made her a lower rank than my dad so they took her from us and we never saw her again. They took me away too to be kept with the other kids. Fed us their bullshit way of life for years until we got our ranks and put us to work.”
Tears began to cut through the dirt on his face. He looked up at Clementine as she found herself unable to look away. The familiarity of his story was uncanny. Uncanny to a future that almost was.
AJ would’ve been just like him.
She saw herself as the stranger she used to be, but perhaps a few unwritten years later. The unfeeling killer who knew better than to question an order. 
And next to her?
The young boy who never knew anything else. Anything better. Watching the only person he could call family spiral into a darkness she could not be pulled out of, destined to bring him down as well.
 “H-He isn’t like what I pictured him to be. I thought… I thought I could fix this.” The teen sobbed at her feet.
“He’s my dad, but I don’t know what he is anymore...”
Clementine stared for a long time, watching the broken boy at her feet. Unable to find any words.
“Clem?” AJ spoke softly with acknowledgement in his eyes as if sharing her thoughts.
“What do we do now?”
“Come on.” Clementine spoke not to the others but to the boy.
“We know someone who can help you disappear.”
He looked up in astonishment at the hand held out to him. He bit his lip, seemingly contemplating his ability to start anew.
“If I get caught they’ll kill me. No questions asked.” He said.
“They might even kill my dad for letting me get away.”
“Does he seem like that’s really your dad anymore?” Clementine asked as she knelt to his level.
“There’s nothing you can do for him.” “I hope you’re right.” He said as he took her hand.
Clementine helped him to his feet as she turned to look at Louis who seemed uncertain, but didn’t outright object.
“We have to find the others.” Clementine said determinedly.
“If the school wasn’t safe anymore, where would they go?”
“Let’s see…” Louis paced.
“If the herd came in through the south gate then they’d probably had gone north. A few hours from there’s a truck stop just over the bridge along with a few other shops and stuff. I guess that’s what sucks about being in the middle of nowhere. Takes forever to get anywhere.”
“Where the hell’d you run off to now, boy?” That grizzled voice came from outside.
“If you’re in there fuckin’ around with them things I’m gonna feed you to ‘em!”
Time’s running out.
Clementine pulled them along down the hall to the only unblocked door in the hall.
“Did you put any in the basement?” She whispered.
“No.” He replied.
“It’d be too hard to get them back up the stairs.”
She pulled the door open just enough to fit them through, the old door screeching on its hinges as she pulled it shut behind her. Footsteps thumped across the wooden floor as the angry man searched the corridor.
“Boy if you don’t come out now I will feed you to the fucking wolf!” 
More enraged screaming followed down the hall and Clementine pulled the boy away from the door, carefully navigating the messy basement to the cellar doors, a cold draft of night air hitting her in the face as she carefully opened one of the doors. 
“Let’s go.” She lead.
A gunshot rang through the air as the bullet lodged into the bricks a foot to her right. Clementine didn't stop to look at the man. Instead, her survival instincts kicked into max as she yelled for the others to run. The father screamed the incoherent words of a madman as he fired blind shots at them. The young woman busted through the gate shoulder-first as the four of them fled into the night, the sound of gunshots becoming fainter as they put the school behind them.
Clementine only stopped when her lungs burned and begged for reprieve. Heaving as she leaned against a tree. The sound of rushing water masked their low voices as they drank from the stream. Thankfully, they all got away for now. But their break needed to be brief if they were to begin their journey.
Louis grabbed Clem and AJ and pulled them into a tight hug as they all caught their breath.
“It’s been a while since we’ve been shot at.” Louis laughed.
“I did not miss it.”
Clementine sat on a log to rest her aching leg, AJ joining her as they leaned against each other.
The kid they had saved stood facing the way they’d come, tapping his foot in time with the chirping of the crickets.
“You’re going to be okay.” Clementine reassured him, trying to keep him as hopeful as he could be given the circumstances.
“First we find our friends, then we try to intercept Layla and tell her what happened here. She’s allied with some of the biggest communities in the state. She’ll find you a home away from the war.”
“Then why do you live in a run-down school?” He questioned, biting his thumb as he began to pace with anxiety.
“We live the way we do by choice.” Louis responded.
“We’re a family. And we do whatever it takes to protect each other.”
“Even fight a war?”
“Been there, done that, won.” Louis joked.
“You just gotta decide what’s really worth fighting for. Something you want to fight for, not what someone tells you to fight for.”
The teen reached behind his neck, tugging at the knot in the fabric that hung around it. He held the kerchief in front of him, staring down into the fangs that bit down into his flesh for as long as he could remember. He started until he could no longer bear the sight, crumpling it up and throwing it into the stream, watching it float away in the fast current.
“Eli.” The boy said plainly.
“My name is Eli.”
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sweetwaiters · 5 years
episode 4 analysis
I feel underwhelmed by episode 4 tbh
I absolutely love all the scenes we got but I feel like they (especially the ranch flashback) were kind of just thrown together
the boarding school kids minus tenn and violet and louis played no part in the final episode at all??? like it honestly felt like lazy writing to me
I really enjoy how they revealed clem was still alive, i think it was well done but at the same time i feel like we were lacking a lot of essential components this episode
there’s was really no character building moments at all? and correct me if i’m wrong but i’m pretty sure ruby and willy has no dialogue at all? and aasim and omar had maybe like 2 lines
the whole shoot lilly or don’t shoot lilly had virtually no effect on the gameplay whatsoever which was pretty disappointing
I love the ending with clem being bit and then finding out she survived via amputation by aj but the rest of the episode felt almost rushed
I think that the action scenes were very well done like for example the scene with Minnie on the bridge
Minnie’s character is so interesting to me like I definitely hate her but the way she was deranged like that? so cool to see
tenn’s death really hit home for me like he was so soft and pure and truly just a ray of sunshine and hope in the apocalypse and i’ll be forever bitter he didn’t get to live to see the school be happy again
james and lilly in general played such a minor role in the episode and I was disappointed in the way the their characters ended
another thing is this episode felt so short in comparison to the rest? if anything I feel like the final episode should be the longest and the most well done
I have always said that there should’ve been a 5th episode and i’m still standing by that statement. all the other seasons had 5 episodes and I don’t understand why they didn’t add a 5th this season? if anyone knows feel free to inform me but I just felt like the conclusion and story should’ve been fleshed out and finished between two episodes
going through the last episode i feel like there was a lot cut out? idk I just get that vibe
personally I felt that the ranch flashback was kind of just plopped in the middle of the episode like i feel like they should’ve weaved it into the storyline more
the ranch flashback in general just felt underwhelming like we’ve been building up to this big reveal and it was very interesting but I feel like there was a lack of story to it? might be just me
I do think that the episode was well done but I think that it had a lot of untapped potential that i wished we could’ve seen in the fourth (and fifth) episode
i’ll do an in depth analysis of my positives and aspects I really enjoyed once I play through the episode a few more times but those are just my critiques
lastly I would like to thank skybound for giving clementine’s story the chance to have the proper conclusion she deserves. without skybound we never would’ve gotten to see the girl we’ve been taking care of for years reach her happy conclusion and it means the world that they saved twdg and worked hard to give it a good finish
clem will always be a part of me. twdg has helped me through a lot and I will forever miss clem and aj and the rest of the ericsson kids
thank you and great work to everyone on the still not bitten team and all fans of the twdg for being such an enjoyable community. I hope the fandom stays alive long after today
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spacedlexi · 9 months
ive been intrigued by modern au of certain twdg characters, like we know some of their back stories (lee being a prof or javi a baseball player) but like actually picturing/designing them is interesting, idk if you've ever thought of it past clem, louis and violet [unfortunately im unskilled so just sharing my ideas!]
i dont think about modern aus all that often since ive always been more of a fan of in-universe explorations. the only time i Really think about modern au stuff is when im playing them in the sims lmao (i keep my traumatized faves safe there)
i dont think their designs would be all that different? the only reason i see clem vs modern clem as variations of the same person is because we knew what she was like as a kid and we saw how beat down by the world she became after 8 years on the road. but without the trauma of that i feel she would be able to retain a lot of that optimism and kindness she had as a child that she became hardened to as she got older (that kindness is still there deep down but shes become hardened by the things shes been through and shes had to become tough to survive). and even with her parents still dying, getting to have lee permanently as a supportive guardian lets her still retain that general attitude for the most part, she just becomes more of a realist. but she never gets as low emotionally as she was in like S3. she also has less responsibility since she doesnt have to care for aj alone either. she actually gets to be a sister. shes much more lighthearted overall while still taking things seriously
but for characters like lee or javi (or any of the adults), we've seen them outside of the apocalypse. and their outlooks didnt change all that dramatically because of it. at least not in ways that would influence their personal styles. just take the layer of zombie grime off them give them a bath and clean clothes theyre good to go
when i think of modern aus i imagine most of the adults to be the same, just more relaxed as they dont have to deal with fighting to survive day after day. its really the younger characters that i feel would have the possibility of being different. in-universe their lives were shaped by the apocalypse. but without the apocalypse who would they be? and how do you still keep those characters feeling like Themselves when you remove such a big part of why they are the way they are?
especially when it comes to the ericson kids who, when i imagine modern aus, were not sent off to boarding school by their families either. thats another huge change to something so so foundational to their characters. how were those situations handled? did those events even happen? in louis' case i personally keep his relationship with his father tense and strict, but i make his mother more supportive of him and his goals, and so while he still has to fight for what he wants there was never a time where he felt he needed to teach his dad a lesson, because at least he has his mom. in violets case things dont change all that much, her dad still sucks her mom still works 3 jobs and her grandma still offs herself in front of her, only difference is they have no financial ability to send violet off, and so she just has to Deal with it. but even these changes dont have all that much effect on their personal styles compared to their canon selves. louis just gets to keep wearing his expensive designer shit, and violet has had the same wardrobe for 5+ years and it shows in its wear and tear
when i think about how characters would dress its heavily reliant on their personalities, outlooks, and circumstances. how do i show these things based on looks alone? but thats why i dont imagine most of them looking all that different. theyve just been reverted. lee is still a fun but reasonable (for the most part) history professor who wants to start a family, and javi is still a happy go lucky uncle dealing with being kicked out of his dream career while trying to be more present for his family. their styles remain largely unchanged
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rainbows-fanfics · 6 years
My New Reason (Chapter 9)
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Chapter 1 |   Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |  Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
Summary:  Louis is falling for someone he really shouldn’t be, and the same is happening to Clementine.  Lousentine/Clouis 
Clementine's P.O.V.
I  woke up to sunlight seeping through the boards of the window across  from our bed, sending bright lines that decorated the room and my  body. I fluttered my eyes open after a moment of registration, rubbing  the sleep out of them as I slowly rose from the mattress. My first  instinct was to look beside me for A.J., seeing if he was sleeping in again, but found his spot empty. I  slowly drew my gaze to the other side of me, only to find it  uninhabited.
Normally, I would have panicked seeing my boy gone  without my knowledge, but since neither of them were here, it  meant they got up before me again. It's happened before - where I found  Louis and A.J. together in the music room, killing time as they  waited for me to wake up. I got off the bed easily, grabbing my hat off  of the nightstand and leaving the room without a word.
I must  have slept in because it was hotter outside my room, the usual coldness  of the morning replaced with the afternoon sun. What caught my  attention  was the ungodly silence. I couldn't hear anything except the birds chirping outside, replacing the voices I usually heard  elsewhere in the school.
I left the dorm rooms starting to feel  uneasy, in search for anyone as I stepped outside. Much like the bed,  the outside was completely deserted. Not even Willy, who was usually on  lookout duty at this hour, was at his post. I looked around frantically, the fear starting to  swell in my stomach.
"A.J.!?" I called.
There was no  answer - nothing but the noises of nature. Just as I was about to enter  one of the rooms, I heard a voice from behind me. It was calm; one I could never have forgotten in the entirety of my life.
"Hey there, sweet pea."
I knew then I was dreaming.
I  turned around and saw Lee. He was sitting at one of the tables, patiently waiting for me to join him. He looked exactly the  same as I remembered - blue work shirt, white t-shirt underneath, and  his ordinary pair of pants and shoes. Except none of them were stained  with the blood or walker guts as they had been through the apocalypse. He looked clean, and at peace.
"Lee..." I said softly, taking in the sight of him. The tears were already spilling from my eyes.
"You've grown so much," He commented. "It's been awhile."
I  nodded, my lips quivering as I tried to remember the last time I  dreamed about him. It was before we came to the boarding school,  when A.J. and I finally had a peaceful night together. I had more of them now,  but my mind was never clear enough to dream about him. Not with all the bullshit from the raiders, Marlon, or the incessant nightmares of the Ranch that tantalized me some nights.
He  patted the spot beside him. I didn't hesitate to come. I wiped my tears with my sleeve as I looked at Lee. His smile made me forget  everything I've been through. Everything that has happened ever since I  left him. So many years...forgotten in one smile.
"This is a nice place. I like it." He looked around the school.
"Yeah," I rubbed the side of my arms. "I do, too."
"It's  not often you see a place like this. Looks like it hasn't been touched  by walkers. Or people who ruin it." He motioned to the profanity carved  on the table. "Just a school, huh?"
"It's a boarding school run by kids. The adults left them when this happened, and they've been taking care of themselves since."
"That's probably why it's better. They have humanity."
"Lee..." I started. I had so many questions; I didn't know where to begin. "Why are you here?"
"I  wanted to talk to you, sweet pea. I've just been waiting for a good  time to do it." He looked at me earnestly. "How have things been,  Clementine?"
"Good and bad, I guess. There have been worse times...times I haven't had anything to eat or a bed to sleep in."
"-Or a boyfriend?"
I  coughed in surprise. The look on Lee's face was so smug. I couldn't stop my face from turning red or the way my  heartbeat quickened at the mention of him. Lee was like my second dad -  it especially felt that way when he teased me like this.
"How do you know that?" I asked.
"We've  been watching over you, Kenny and I. I've  kept a close eye on you ever since I left." His words eased me  instantly. "Never forget that, okay? I'm always here, even if it seems  like I'm not."
"I know..." I rested my head in my arms. "H-His name is Louis, by the way."
"Louis,"  He repeated. I liked the way his name slipped off his tongue. "He's a  kind person. You don't find many of them anymore."
"Everyone here  is kind. Louis just...forgave me when I didn't deserve it. He's done so   much for me and A.J. He's an idiot who jokes around, but-"
"-He makes you smile."
I  stopped, his words hitting closer to me than he intended. I looked at  Lee and he had that knowing smile again. The same look he always had  when he knew he was right. And he really was...I smiled the most around Lee. It was happening with Louis, too.
"You had your first   kiss...." He brought up slowly. My cheeks burned at the memory. "Kenny   was so happy. He had to warm up a little to Louis, especially after what  happened. But I'm proud of you."
"You are?"
"Of course. You'll always be my little sweet pea, but you're grown up  now. All I ever wanted was for you to live the life you deserve. He  makes you happy, and that's why I know he's right for you."
I was crying again. I let myself go so much in these dreams - I wasn't with anyone I had to hold my guard around. I was with Lee.  He watched me grow up from the scared, little girl to who I was now. He knew I was strong. He's told me before. So it was okay to cry. Around...family.
He wiped the tears for me. His touch felt so real. As if he was actually there.  I gave him the most thankful look I could manage, similar to when Louis  gave his ration to A.J. Lee's done so much for me. He gave me   the life I have today, and even in my dreams I felt like he was guiding me.  
"You're doing a good job raising A.J. He may not be like you when you were little, but he's a survivor. You both are."
He  took my hat off and ruffled my hair. I made no move of protest and  hiccuped slightly, filled with such happiness that I suddenly wished  this wasn't a dream. That I could feel like this in real life. Not  fighting for my life every second; a world where Lee was still alive,  and I could have everyone I loved by my side.
"Keeping that hair short." He placed the hat back on my head. "I don't know if I'd recognize you without that hat."
I  could tell he was joking, but I missed the way he used to tip it so it  covered my eyes. I missed everything about him. It was times like these I  could feel my heart break knowing I'll never get him back. Lee noticed  my smile drop. He knew what was wrong. He always did. He lifted my chin  up with his hand. I couldn't stop myself from crying again.
"I miss you, Lee." I shook my head. "I always miss you...and Kenny."
"You'll meet us someday. Hopefully not soon, but someday."
"I  just can't stop thinking about you. Lily - she came back. Se told  me she knew you better than I did. Started telling me how you'd be  ashamed of me now, but I know you wouldn't be. It makes me so pissed.  I'm just doing everything you would have done for me."
"I know Lily is   hurting you, Clem. But remember-" I looked up at him slowly. "Family is the most important thing in this world. They're all you got. Keep them close. Protect them. I'll be back soon, sweet pea. I  promise."
He was beginning to fade away. My chest grew empty. I  went to touch him, but he wasn't there anymore. The last thing I could  see was his smile, and the last thing I felt was his hand on my hat.  His words kept repeating back to me, and as I clawed at his fading  figure, I began to sob.
"Lee - don't leave! Not so soon...Lee...come back!"
"Fuck, she's crying."
"She always cries when she dreams about him."
"Are you okay? Clem?"
I  opened my eyes and took a sharp gasp, my body threatening to shoot up  but I held myself down. I  found two faces  peering down at me. Louis was at my side,  his hand cupped around my head, eyes filled with concern. A.J. was  looking over me too, but he looked more solemn than heartbroken. I  reached out to caress his cheek and looked over at my boyfriend.
He  wiped a tear from my eye. There were many on my face, I found. They  were still coming out from my eyes, even if I was no longer crying. With  some reluctance, I sat up in the bed and wiped the rest with my knuckle.  
"I'm fine," I assured.
"I've never seen you cry like  that." Louis admitted, putting himself back on the mattress slowly. "It was almost like you were having a nightmare."
"She wasn't." A.J. informed him. "She just...cries when she dreams about Lee."
I clenched my jaw. It upset me that this was the norm - that me crying in my sleep was usual for A.J. to witness. I had to keep my demeanor up now that I was back in the real world. "-It's nothing to worry about. Go back to bed, A.J."
"But I want to be here for you!" He protested.
Louis  patted his shoulder. "How's this, little dude: you can go to sleep and  make sure the bad dreams don't come to Clem, and I'll stay up and keep  an eye on her. Sound good?"
He chewed on his lip in thought before nodding begrudgingly. "...Okay. But I won't sleep easy."
We  both watched as he returned to his spot on my side, curling  protectively as he faced the door. His eyes stayed open and  his body was tense. There was no way he'd be sleeping soon. I looked  over at Louis, who motioned me to keep quiet as he went to A.J.'s side  and smiled.
"How's about a lullaby?" He offered.
"I'm not a baby anymore. I'm a big kid."
"Maybe it'll help? I don't know about you, but counting sheep makes me hungry. A song can help you relax."
A.J.  stayed silent, giving him permission to try. I had a feeling this  wasn't going to work, but I watched as Louis rehearsed one in his head  before singing to my boy. His voice was gentle, quiet, and soothing. I  found myself rocking back and forth as I listened to him prolong the  notes, each word carefully sung so they were no louder than a whisper.
"Day is done, Gone the sun, From the lake, from the hills, from the sky. All is well, safely rest-"
A.J. was fast asleep before he could finish, his eyes shut and his breathing  steady. Louis looked at me and grinned, maneuvering himself so he was  back on the bed and at my side. I didn't know what to say. Part of me  was still recollecting that dream, thinking about Lee and what he said  to me.
"Do you...want to talk about it?" He brought up slowly.
"My dream?" He nodded gently. "I don't know...It's kind of dumb."
"Come on.   Nothing's as dumb as me mistaking a heart for a potato." I smiled but   didn't laugh. He added gently, "...You know I'm here for you."
I  glanced down at A.J. He was still fast  asleep. I didn't have to worry if he'd hear anything. I took a deep  breath before resting my hands in my lap and staring at the bed. It  wouldn't hurt opening up to him. It wasn't like I was talking to someone  I've barely met - this was my boyfriend now. He was part of my family...and I wanted it that way.
"It was  about Lee," I began. "Sometimes, I get dreams about him. Like he's  actually there with me, talking to me. He always knows what's happening and asks me about things. Everything about it just seems so real."
"You know, I hear a  lot about this 'Lee' guy, but I don't know anything about him." Louis   rested his hands on his knees and looked at me seriously. "Who was he?   How did you, like, know each other?"
"I met him when I was a child, the same day everything started." My heart swelled in my  chest, recollecting these memories I haven't spoken of for awhile now.  "My parents left for vacation, and my babysitter must've been  infected by...what started this all, I guess. I hid in my tree house so  she couldn't get to me when she turned. I heard a car crash from my backyard and  went to see what happened. There, I saw Lee."
I winced hearing how familiar that seemed.
"Lee found my house and my other  walkie-talkie. I used mine to tell him where I was, and he promised to  help me find my parents. He took care of me ever since, and...saved my  life so many times. He taught me how to shoot and...how to say goodbye."  
"You said you had to shoot him..." I looked over and saw how sympathetic he was, his features  absent of his normal lightheartedness. "How did he get infected?"
"He was trying  to find me, but he got bit. I was kidnapped, but he still came a long way to rescue me.  He protected me until the very end. He had to handcuff himself so he wouldn't hurt me when he turned." My hands started to   shake. "I had to shoot him. It was the least I could do."
"Holy shit...you got kidnapped? By who?"
"It  was this guy who kept talking to the decapitated head of his wife he kept  in a bag." I expected the disgust on his face. "I know.  I guess he wanted me in his family or something. It was one of the  scariest moments in my life."
"Fuck." He laid a hand on my shoulder. "Clementine, I'm so sorry."
"Lee's  been visiting me in my dreams every so often. Tells me he's watching  over me. And I believe him. I've made it this far - he must  be somewhere, making sure I'm okay, right?" I didn't wait for his  confirmation. "I miss him. A lot."
His  hand gripped me tightly. "I bet you do." His voice sounded so sad.  "...Thanks for sharing with me, Clem.  I'm here for you. Really."
"I  know you are." I shrugged. "A.J. is, too, but he's always seen me as his protector.  I doubt he'd believe me if I told him I was a little girl once. Scared   and didn't even know how to shoot a gun." I lowered my head. "Some   things he just can't understand right now."
"I think we were all   different when this started." Louis moved himself so he was beside me.   "And just so you know, I don't think of you any less for it."
I  gave him a look of relief before I laid myself back down, preparing myself for the long night ahead. His hand came around my figure and  motioned me closer so my head was resting on his chest. The  rest of my body was on his side. I had to give him one thing - he was more comfortable than the bed. Even my body refused to move as I curled against  him.
"Shall I sing you a lullaby, too?"
I gave him a glare. He was just trying to ruin this moment, wasn't he? "Don't you dare."
"Was that a 'yes' I just heard?"
He  gave me no chance of rebutting before he started to sing, his words  louder than they were when he sang to A.J. As if he was trying to wake  up everyone else in this school with his voice.
"Oh, my darlin'... Oh, my darlin'... Oh, my darling Clementine-"
His voice lowered.
"You are mine, and that's forever... Dreadfully sorry, Clementine."
I looked at him in surprise. He wasn't singing the actual lyrics...and...and what did he just say? I was his?  He looked at me and winked. I could just sense the conceitedness in   his eyes. I shook my head and rested back on him, listening  as he finished the rest of the song. Or, at least - the one he changed.
"Strong she was, and Like her friend, Lee, She could shoot a walker dead Caring for her precious A.J., She's my girlfriend, Clementine."
I  was nearly asleep now, my thoughts debating how cute Louis was or how  much of an idiot he could be. He sang it in perfect rhythm, it almost made me want to laugh or cry. As I became drowsy, his hand came to caress the side of my   face. My surroundings started to fade as I listened to him finish the song, the last couple of lines barely audible in my ears.
"You are mine, and don't forget that... I love you, my Clementine."
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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BPRD: Being Human - “The Dead Remembered”
Story: Mike Mignola & Scott Allie | Pencils: Karl Moline | Inks: Andy Owens | Colours: Dave Stewart | Letters: Clem Robins
Originally published by Dark Horse in BPRD: The Dead Remembered #1-3 | April-June 2011
Collected in BPRD: Being Human
Plot Summary:
In 1976, Professor Bruttenholm takes Liz with him to investigate a haunting in Massachusetts that may have ties to the witch trials. While there, Liz experiences her first real crush, trying to come to terms with her powers and the ghosts that haunt her, both from the past and the present.
Reading Notes:
(Note: Pagination is in reference to the chapter itself and is not indicative of anything found in the issues or collections.)
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pg. 1 - Interesting cold open, on the confrontation of a “witch” by a mob threatening to do her ill. The terror in her eyes is aptly captured by Karl Moline, Andy Owens, and Dave Stewart here in the art.
It’s also interesting in that in our current understanding and hindsight, witches as envisioned by witch hunters, priests, and such during the height of the Salem Witch Trials don’t exist. These women were generally falsely accused out of politics, jealousy, spite, etc. or in the rare case where they exhibited some natural or scientific knowledge. No magic powers. No communion with the devil. So, in general, we often find stories in which these women are accused, the women are given a sympathetic outlook, because we don’t believe they’re actually “witches”.
In a world like Hellboy though, magic witches and demons do exist. The women can actually be what the people accuse them of. As such, it adds a certain level of doubt as to the veracity of the claims that otherwise wouldn’t be there. So you wonder, is she really a witch? And, if so, is she a good witch or a bad witch?
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pg. 2 - And we’re into the present of the story in 1976. I absolutely love Hellboy and Bruttenholm here interacting as adults. It’s an interesting dynamic, also when it comes to Bruttenholm getting nostalgic about young Hellboy. It is funny to see a kind of inversion of HB wanting to go on a trip.
pg. 3 - It’s also great to see Hellboy acting like a big brother.
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pg. 5 - One hell of a nightmare to carry around with you as baggage. Compared to the somewhat neutral palette (other than the vibrant reds), it’s interesting to see this explosion of bright colour for Liz’s memory from Stewart. It gives a very nice impact to how overwhelming it can be to Liz.
Also, there’s an idea put forward here that her “minders” are terrified of her. That’s got to do one hell of a number on a kid.
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pg. 7 - Hellboy’s probably the most human and humane of any person at the Bureau. You really get the impression that he wants Liz to succeed and be “normal” (whatever that normal may be).
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pg. 8 - I hate this car game. I have a few friends who do it still, and I always see it as a kind of gatekeeping and flouting of knowledge rather than the sharing of information that I know at least one of them means it as. I’m probably guilty of it in some regards as well.
The song is “Loves Me Like a Rock”, by the way. Which is kind of interesting since it involves the devil and being fooled.
Though Liz’s response of ultimately diving into reading is the perfect teenager reaction, regardless of time period.
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pg. 9 - The Father’s dilapidated house is interesting. Who puts a priest out to pasture in the middle of nowhere?
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pg. 11 - The incorporation again of Henry Hood is nice, as is the possible ties to the Whittier family we met earlier in The Whittier Legacy. That gives further credence that Anne perhaps actually is a witch.
I like the simple purple wash Stewart uses for the flashback.
pg. 13 - I like that the priest is building the possibility here of Anne’s innocence throughout the terrible ordeal. It sets up the idea that this could be a revenge haunting.
pg. 14 - It’s somewhat funny that the witch, or whatever it is at this point, would use fire to spook Liz. It feels like something intentional that a spirit would utilize in order to sew doubt in Bruttenholm.
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pg. 15 - Which seems to have worked. You get the impression that Bruttenholm thinks that Liz caused the fire.
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pg. 18 - Why is it always smudging? There are other ways to cleanse and purify an area, especially when you consider that Bruttenholm is a stodgy Brit (even if he has been living in America for at least 30 years at this point).
pg. 19 - Liz is also downright mean to Teddy here. I mean, it’s understandable given what just happened with the professor, but wrong target.
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pg. 22 - Now that’s just creepy. The bullet hole in the back of her head just makes it even more terrifying.
pg. 24 - You’d think that this happening in the woods would clue the professor and the priest that it’s not necessarily the house that’s the problem, but no.
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pg. 25 - It’s also kind of sad that Liz is effectively being unheard, disbelieved, and denied here. It would only further her feelings of alienation.
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pg. 28 - It ultimately didn’t seem to stop Teddy, though...
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pg. 30 - Teddy emphasizes that it always does seem to be the kids who know the truth. Also, that adults tend not to believe the kids.
pg. 31 - There’s something about those shell wind chimes.
pg. 33 - I think it’s kind of weird that Bruttenholm is still pursuing the ghost as if it’s in the house and not tied somewhere else. Sure, there are manifestations within the house, but his previous attempt at purification didn’t even get a little bit of cupboard rattling.
pg. 34 - Being concerned about occult methods now is a weird quirk.
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pg. 36 - It would have to be scary to find out that you’re developing pyrokinetic powers. Add that to the usual problems that any adolescent goes through and this is just a recipe for a firebomb.
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pg. 39 - It’s a wonder that Liz didn’t go into a permanent state of shock from this. Actually seeing the full flashover event that caused the death of her family, friends, and more is just horrifying.
pg. 40 - Also the guilt from knowing that her mother knew about her lie is clearly eating at her.
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pg. 42 - Awkward...
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pg. 43 - More about those wind chimes. Also, regardless of whether Anne Caldwell was guilty or not, the mob “justice” is just nasty. 
pg. 44 - The repetition of “Behold, I am against thee, saith the lord of hosts.” is interesting.
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pg. 46 - I like the seeds of doubt planted as to who or what the ghost is, though Bruttenholm still seems to be looking in the wrong direction.
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pg. 47 - This has got to be hard for a kid to understand. Also, Bruttenholm really isn’t great at interpersonal skills. He does at least seem to be trying.
pg. 48 - Third time’s the charm, right?
pg. 49 - It is good, though, that Bruttenholm seems to have finally clued in on what Liz really needs. Locking her up and treating her like a feral animal definitely isn’t good for her.
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pg. 51 - I do like that the kids are taking the approach ultimately that the witch was the wronged party here.
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pg. 52 - Or maybe she is evil.
Also, if this was what happened the first time I ever tried a cigarette, I’d never smoke. Ever. (I don’t and never have, but you get my point).
pg. 53 - The increasing severity of the storm is wonderfully depicted.
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pg. 54 - Definitely evil.
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pg. 55 - Just great art from Moline, Owens, and Stewart. The horror feel is intense.
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pg. 58 - Liz being forced through the stages of Anne’s death in the present is very weird. It gives the impression that the witch wants her to experience something, 
pg. 60 - There’s an interesting line here about power. Giving you the impression that maybe Anne wants Liz as a vessel.
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pg. 62 - That’s an impressive column of fire.
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pg. 64 - Poor kid.
pg. 66 - Good on them. This is sweet.
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Final Thoughts:
Liz is probably my favourite character outside of Hellboy himself. For a character who was going to die because Mike Mignola didn’t know what to do with her, she’s come very far, suffered a lot of adversity, come to terms with her own agency, and become the fire. This origin story, delving further into what happened regarding the death of her parents and also some of the formative events that clearly imprinted on who she became, paints a complicated picture out of fear, self-doubt, and building an abrasive personality in response to it.
It’s also really nice to see more art from Karl Moline. His art on the Liz-centric issue of War on Frogs was wonderful and he, with inks here from Andy Owens, was the perfect choice to come back to flesh out this period in her life. Also, his witches are creepy fantastic.
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d. emerson eddy does not want to burn the witch.
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