#i think it's simple but i'm ass at drawing faces
anactualsphinx · 1 year
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has anyone combined these two things yet? rasputin of course, but maybe ilsa instead? i've been sketching it for the last hour but i don't have the ability (YET) to draw this as my mind sees it
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short-honey-badger · 4 months
Just wondering how you think the Dilfs of one piece (Mihawk, Shanks, Buggy, Crocodile, etc) would react to thier s/o being extremely dense? Like in a "I love you but your an idiot" kinda way.
This was fun, so I really hope I did your ask justice! ❤️❤️
Pairings! Draculex reader Shanks x reader Buggy x reader Crocodile x reader Doflamingo x Reader Marco x reader and Smoker x reader
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MIHAWK is a little annoyed at first when he finds that you've completely reorganized his bookshelf by how much you like the covers. He sighs in exasperation, but you look so happy with how the bookshelf now looks that he can't find it in himself to be too upset.
“Oh, to understand the inner workings of your mind, my Darling.”
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SHANKS is always excited to wake up and see what you're going to surprise him with next. You enjoy the simple things in life, so it always overjoys him when you appear by his side with a megawatt smile and a pretty shell or sand dollar.
“Whatcha got there, baby? Gonna add it to the others you're got?”
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You're a clumsy fuck and BUGGY sometimes wonders why he puts up with you. Especially when you come stumbling into the tent on Big Top, trip over the only rope in the floor, catch yourself on his pants and then down you go. Buggy curses loudly when his crew catches sight of his heart print boxers.
“You better be glad that I fucking love you, little clown.”
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It's more than once that the devil fruit user has to pull you away from the banana gators in the feeding area under the casino. It pisses him off that you keep putting yourself in danger, but you always grin and hold tight to CROCODILE, telling him that you always know that he'll save you every time.
“I'm no hero, sweetheart. Quiet trying my patience.”
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DOFLAMINGO loves that you are ignorant of who he really is. He is your white knight. The prince comes to save the princess locked away in her lonely tower. You hold him close after a long day, his head pressed to your chest.
“Mhmm. Such a sweet doll. And all mine, too.”
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You sit in MARCO'S office, a cute frown on your face as you watch your lover unravel some gauze and then carefully wrap it around the cleaned cut on your leg. The wound is recent, from defending the Moby Dick from rival pirates, an unnecessary risk. He sighs once he is finished and kisses right above the wrap.
“I wish you'd be more careful, my love.”
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SMOKER definitely disagrees with your decision to become a pirate. He thought it a dumb ass decision, but he loved you and had vowed to support you in every way he could. However, he has to draw the line when you show up on his ship and demand that he make your bounty higher.
“What? No, I don't need someone I can't fight off coming for you!”
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kana-de · 8 months
★ summary: scaramouche x fatui!fem!reader. you lost some important documents, and now he's giving you a punishment.
☆ cw: nsfw(?). drabble. this is either nsfw or really, really suggestive. spanking. mention of reader wearing a skirt. scara's a bit rough. idk what else to write, there's not much of anything else. 717 words.
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"speak." scaramouche's stern voice can be heard behind you.
you don't think you're able to talk right now.
you're settled ass up and bent over his knees, your skirt slid down to your ankles, your lacy panties still on - as if upon seeing the garment he decided that he'll keep it on for his advantage. your flushed face was hidden in the crook of your folded hands that rested on the bedhseets. you didn't have the strength to look back at him even once.
"i thought i said something." scaramouche spoke again, firmly spanking your red buttcheek once more - is this... fifth ot sixth time? you forgot to even count. you barely hold back a mewling gasp from the sharp pain that muffles by your position.
you knew your mistake, you know you did something wrong, and this was the punishment.
a perfect punishment, in fact. but an embarrassing one.
"i-i'm sorry!..." you mutter, head slightly tilting to the side for him to, at least, be able to hear you. "you know i really a- ah!.."
"i've heard that already." he hisses, his palm hitting another one of your asscheeks yet again to shut you up, hearing another small yelp that you couldn't hold back in time, his palm now rubbing the skin he had just hit. to prepare you for more or to comfort you - you couldn't know exactly. "didn't you say you'd be more responsible?"
"i- i did, but it was-"
"no buts." he cuts you off, and another skin slapping sound is heard as he speaks. you whine, starting to writhe, but his other hand grabs you under your belly and steadies your hip with a frim grip on it.
your face buries even more in the crook of your hands as you understand just how damp is the cloth of your panties. embarrassing.
"i only asked you to deliver some documents to pantalone. it's been two days. where are the documents, [name]?" he pronounces every word in a serious tone and with pauses, emphasizing every and each one.
he frowns when you don't reply.
"i. slap can't. slap hear. slap you. slap." scaramouche smacks your buttcheeks one by one, one spank after each word.
oh, how scara loves seeing the pink and irritated flesh on your ass go ripple after each time his palm spanks you. and gods he loves hearing your cute little mewls, whimpers and yelps every times he smacks your sensitive skin. and he doesn't even try to deny that now that he thinks about it, it's not a punishment anymore - he's doing all of this just for your reactions. and he damn well knows from the damp cloth of your panties you're enjoying this too, a little too much.
"i- i lost them, okay?!.. i just lost them!..." you raise your high-pitched voice a bit for him to be able to hear you properly, your head doesn't move from its position, your flushed face remains hidden in your hands and hair.
scaramouche goes silent. this is when you tense up.
"...repeat yourself." he says after a small pause, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. his palm laid flat on one of your rosy buttcheeks, as if warning you. you swallow.
"i... i lost the documents.." you mumble, now a bit more quietly. "l-look, they might be somewhere in my drawe- aah-!..mmn-"
"you little minx," he growls, grabbing a handful of your hair and yanking your head back to see your face. you yelp, hands coming to grab the bedsheets to keep steady, eyes focused on him, lips slightly parted. "i thought we've already talked about that, [name]."
"i know, i know, i-i'm sorry, scara!.." you say, eyebrows knit together in a sympathetic look. he knows damn well you absolutely love it when he pulls on your hair, so he tugs on your hair once more, making you face him and let out a small, shaky whimper.
"a simple "sorry" won't do it, and you know it." scaramouche leans in, lips hovering dangerously close to your ear, sending shivers down your spine immediately. he slaps his palm across your buttcheek again, reminding you who's in charge here.
"i hope those pretty lips of yours still remember how to beg properly, because you'll definitely need that knowledge right now."
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kairiscorner · 10 months
question of the day: who would fall the hardest if they ever fell in love?
well... i've got 4 candidates in mind, and i think... (1/4)
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miles g. morales — guilty of falling hard for you.
summary: miles morales always struck you as an apathetic guy, one who wouldn't particularly take relationships too seriously; until you both fell for each other, you realized... he did indeed fall for you, but he fell hard, way, way too hard for you. pairing: miles 42 x gn!reader genre: fluff !!
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miles g. morales was, to you, such a cold, apathetic guy who always looked calm and composed in everything he did. he seemed like a guy that, you believed, wouldn't care too much if he was in a relationship–that he would put himself before his significant other; though you didn't have any evidence to back it up, save for how distant he seemed to you at first. but oh, were you wrong.
miles g. morales wasn't really all that insensitive as you thought when you got to know him, in fact–he was more sensitive to your thoughts, needs, and wants more than any other boy had ever been for you. it took a while, but the longer you spent around him, the more obvious was the fact that he truly, truly cared about you, from the bottom of his heart.
miles g. morales was the boy who'd stay after class, waiting for your class to finish so he could meet up with you and just be around you. ask him to explain why he's always risking his ass getting scolded for loitering outside your classroom, he can't give you one straight answer. "we had free time", "i had no where else to go", "i... left a pencil in that classroom. yeah."
miles g. morales would never admit to your face that he does indeed stare at you sometimes when you're not looking. whenever he sits close to you in class, be it behind, next to, or diagonally across to you–he always finds every angle of you to be a perfect angle to stare at and admire. don't be mad that he's looking, though, he can't help himself; you're way too mesmerizing for him to handle.
miles g. morales whose sketchpad gradually became a book full of... you in it. it started off as simple, small doodles of you; little cartoony you's that he found adorable and kept drawing when he wasn't focusing on anything else. but as time went by, he found himself focusing on you and your features more and more, almost as if he couldn't rip his gaze away from you.
miles g. morales had also noticed that whenever you speak, he hangs on to every word you say. he thought it would've creeped you out at first, how he can remember all the little details you'd tell him when you're telling him about something that happened in your day or how he remembers all the names of your pets, friends, favorite restaurants, favorite bands and artists–he hangs on to every word you utter, and he can't help it; your voice is just too tantalizingly sweet and attractive that he can't not listen to every word you speak.
miles g. morales was the boy who would use his intimidating appearance to his advantage and defend you against assholes who wouldn't take 'no' from you for an answer. he'd stare them down and glare at them, remind them for you that you said 'no', and if they didn't get the message the first time... they'll have to get through him to get to you. "i'm not gonna back down just because they're bigger than me, because i don't fear them. i don't fear them because, for all their brawn, they sure don't have any brains. and whatever happens after, i'll make sure you don't get in trouble; i'll shoulder the fault. i'd do this for you, every time."
miles g. morales would never wish to get in trouble or have beef with anyone else, but if it was you that others were bothering, then he'd willingly do everything he can to keep you safe and unbothered. he doesn't care what happens to him, so long as you stay safe, so long as it isn't your face being beaten in. you insist he shouldn't do these things for you, but... he can't help it. to picture you in danger makes his heart feel heavy; to get rid of that heaviness, he does these things for you, because he... he loves you.
miles g. morales doesn't dream at night, or at least didn't dream for a long while–or maybe he did and just forgets what he dreamt of the previous night–but when you two became much closer friends, he began to see glimpses and images of you in his dreams. in his wildest dreams, he was able to tell you in all kinds of scenarios that he felt weird around you–a good kind of weird. he'd feel a kind of warmth in his chest, accompanied by the pitter-pattering of his heart when your eyes lock with his, and he feels this urge in the corners of his lips to smile widely when you smile up at him. and, he'd never tell you this, but... in those dreams, he'd tell you how he really feels, and you'd teach him how to handle those feelings by placing your hands on either sides of his cheeks and pulling him close to your face–your nose feeling so soft against his own when your noses brush together–and with the feeling of your hot breath against his own lips... he wakes up.
miles g. morales wakes up to the reality that you probably only see him as a very good friend, a friend you used to think wouldn't care about those who love him but was proven very, very wrong. the friendship bracelet you made for him sits there by his nightstand, next to a cutely frame photo of the two of you at your birthday party. you designed that photo frame for him, and despite how a guy like him probably wouldn't care for cute things... he finds comfort and solace in a bit of cuteness in his life; he just wishes he could express that to you, you, who is cuteness personified. he wears that friendship bracelet every day–and wears it proudly. he doesn't hide it under his sleeve nor tuck it away when you're not looking; he's always got it on and shows it off by just having it on him. he loves having mementos of you on him, it gives him a feeling he hasn't had in a long time... and he hopes that, by some miracle, you'd feel that feeling for him, too.
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tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless @euphovlq @anikaluv @conitagray @q2ie @zalayni
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hii could u do xavier x reader where they’re roommates but enemies yk and they have a heated fight and when theyre sleeping reader wakes up in the middle of the night and wakes up xavier to ask for hugs/cuddles cuz readers cold
pairings: Xavier thorpe x reader summary: ^^^ warnings: Swearing
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the only reason you were stuck with a boy for a roommate was because there was no space for more girls, and seen as though Xavier didn't have one, they put you with him.
you weren't thrilled at sharing with him. mostly because the first thing he said to you was that he could've had been put with a better looking girl.
as soon as Thornhill left the room that day, you started having a go at him, calling him an asshole and that he should grow up.
from then on you both would start fights at each other and could never get along.
and today wasn't any different
when you first got to the school, you two made rules.
Don't go on each other's side of the room.
Don't look through each other's things.
Don't have people around when the other is there
no bringing sexual partners and/or have sex in the room at all
they were simple, yet important rules.
yet he broke 2 of them.
you came into the room, finding him looking through your desk
"what the fuck are you doing?" you asked him
"looking for my notebook!" he replied annoyed
"why would I have your notebook?" you questioned, standing in front of him
"I don't know, so I can stop drawing spiders to crawl on you?" he rolled his eyes. he turned around and kept looking
"stop! you're messing up my desk. I don't have your fucking notebook" you pulled him away from your stuff with all your strength
"I know you have it!" he yelled at you
"oh wow. have you looked in your bag? on your desk? how about under your bed?"
"No, I haven't" he said sarcastically
"well maybe you left it in a classroom. because I don't have it"
"I know you do!" he shouted, going and ripping your blanket off your bed, he looked behind your pillows and in the draws of your nightstand
"Xavier! you have no right to look through my things like that! I don't have your fucking book!" you yelled
"where is it, where did you hide it?" he questioned accusingly
"I don't know, because I don't have it" you replied through gritted teeth
"I'll find it sooner or later, so tell me" he huffed
"have you tried looking up your ass? maybe it's up there" you tilted your head with a smug smile on your face
"you think you're so funny" he glared at you
"I think I'm hilarious" you grinned
"where is it?" he asked again
"where's what? you're humour? maybe it's up your ass too" you stated amusingly
you walked to his side of the room, looking through his desk like he did yours
"what are you doing?" he questioned you
"looking for my necklace" you stated simply
"why the fuck would I have your necklace?" he scoffed with a slight chuckle
"I don't know, why would I have your notebook?" you smirked
"cause you have a reason to take it. why would I ever take your necklace?" he reasoned
"what's my reason for taking your drawings?" you laughed
"so I'll stop scaring you with spiders and insects" he shrugged
"I'll admit it, It's annoying, but not enough to take them from you" you remarked
"I don't believe you" he spoke proudly, going back to search through your things
"Stop!" you boomed
"I won't stop until I find it!"
you started looking through his things again, copying him. you started throwing things on the floor as he did it to your things
"stop!" he shouted
"I won't stop until I find it!" you mocked him
"don't do that" he fought, stopping what he was doing and stood with you, towering over your body
"do what?" you said inncoently
"mock me!" he answered
"oh, I would never" you shook your head
"I don't need this. my notebook better be on my bed when I get back" he huffed, grabbing his phone and headphones
"unless you think it's going to appear out of thin air, I don't that's going to happen" you crossed your arms
"I don't care how it gets there, but it better get there when I'm back" he rolled his eyes, leaving the room.
you sighed and decided to clean your side of the room from the mess he made. you made your bed and looked out the window, seeing it start to snow.
"it's not here. why is it not here?" Xavier snapped
"I told you it won't appear out of nowhere" you sighed, lying on your bed, reading
"you really enjoy seeing me stressed, don't you" he questioned
"I don't really care, but yes, It is amusing to witness" you smiled, turning the page, not looking up at him.
there was a knock at the door
"someone's knocking on the door" you stated like it was the most obvious thing ever
"really" he spoke sarcastically
"I believe so, yes"
Xavier went to the door, seeing Ajax with a familiar looking book
"you left this in the quad" he handed the book and smiled at him
"huh" you scoffed "would you look at that"
"thanks, Ajax" Xavier said grumpily.
the two spoke for a few moments before Ajax left to go to sleep
"have anything to say to a specific somebody?" you quizzed, putting your book down and looking at the tall boy with a big smile on your face
"I'm sorry" he muttered
"sorry? what was that, I didn't hear you?" you teased
"I said I'm sorry, Now drop it" he announced anxiously.
"thank you, asshole. was that so hard?" you smirked
"unbearable" he whispered, going to have a shower.
you twisted and turned in your sleep, tugging onto the 2 blankets that covered your shivering body.
your eyes fluttered open and you whined as you shivered
the heater in your room had been broken for weeks and no one had come in to fix it.
you looked over to Xavier's side, seeing him sleeping peacefully.
the only light was the moon shining in the night sky as is snowed heavily.
you groaned as you got up from your bed, you contemplated before walking over to his side
you took a deep breath as you looked down at Xaviers sleeping state, his blanket was up to his shoulders, he seemed to be shirtless.
you gulped as you bent down and slowly shook him, saying his name softly, trying to wake him up.
"Xavier" you whispered in his ear
he moved around and groaned in his sleep.
"what" he said groggily, his eyes were still closed, and he still seemed half asleep
"can I sleep with you?" you asked nervously
"why?" he yawned confusingly
"it's cold" you told him
"then get another blanket" his voice was deep and raspy. he turned over, making his back face you.
"I only have two" you sighed quietly
"then turn the heater on" he suggested
"the heater's been broken for weeks. can I just please sleep in your bed with you" you pleaded
he was silent for a moment, you thought he was ignoring you until you heard a snore
"Xavier" you poked his back, making him slightly jump
"huh?" he mumbled
"Can I please just sleep with you, I'm freezing" you begged
"Fine" he shuffled over as he turned around, opening the blanket for you to climb in, revealing his shirtless body.
you climbed in, laying down next to him.
he wrapped the blanket around you, pulling you closer to him and it was only then that you noticed the thing dangling from his neck.
the sun shape with an opal in the middle shone in the moonlight.
"you're wearing my necklace" you whispered
"I know. I took it" he yawned. he looked too tired to think straight
"why?" you asked him
"are you warm yet?" he murmured, ignoring your question
"mh-hm" you hummed, leaning into him. his body warmth heated up your shaking body.
it was silent for a while before he spoke again
"you misunderstood me that day" he announced
"what?" you inquired
"the day we met. I said 'couldn't get a more beautiful roommate' you misunderstood what I meant" he repeated
"what do you mean?" you looked up at him confused
"I meant that I couldn't get someone more beautiful than you. you thought I meant I was wondering why I couldn't get a more beautiful one" he explained sleepily
"you're not making any sense" you shook your head with a small smile on your face
"you're the most beautiful roommate I could ever have. you thought I was hoping for a prettier one, but you're as good as it gets" he admitted
"oh" you whole body was hot, and you knew you started blushing
"yeah" he sighed. bringing you closer to his body
"I'm confused" you swallowed a lump in your throat
"I like you, Y/n. I have since you walked in here on your first day" he confessed
"alright, I get it now" you got nervous and dug your face in his neck
he put his other arm under you and brought his other up to your neck, running his hands through your hair as he held you carefully
he felt a bit rejected as you didn't respond. he cursed to himself, feeling like an idiot. but it was too late for him now.
you lifted your head after a while, looking at him, his eyes shut as he called himself an idiot in his head
you slowly leaned in, placing a soft kiss on his lips.
he felt you kiss him and he smiled.
"goodnight" you beamed
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(Short story for @swappingbryn, check them out they're p cool!)
I was never really one for police, always thinking they're some abusive force. Really just never liked them. But one of my old friends got arrested last night and wanted me to talk to him. Or at least try... I wasn't too keen on that either but he said he would pay me back. So you know what? I did.
I went to the station and saw him, he looked... different from when I saw him last. Buffer, had a beard going for him, short hair... really seemed tougher. And so I asked him the question that got on my mind "And... what did you get put in jail for?" It was a simple question.
"Do I really have to say?" He grumbled.
"Kinser, just tell me already."
He sighed and started to recollect. "Okay but first? I need you to take one of these." He smiled as he pushed a pill through the small slot in the booth. It was labeled KR-0034.
I looked at him nervously before sighing and putting it in my mouth... god... tasted like ass... like sweat or something. I felt somewhat sick and looked at him, he was happy. "Okay, dude. Good. You're gonna be a big help out there."
"What do you -Urgh!" I felt my chest tingle before feeling like I got shot... my muscles were tightening, expanding, growing! My arms went from scrawny to giant! Just like... his? My face... my jaw started to get sore, some drool going down before my stubble grew as my chin grew some definition.
My hair shrunk to a buzz kind of style. I was a giant... but in the reflection of the glass I saw Kinser's face. "What did you..."
"Aight, so I'm gonna need to tell you this quick so the guards don't hear." He snapped drawing my attention. "Yeah I just gave you a cloner tablet. Made with my spit. You now look just like me. You know that job I got? The construction yard? Well I got promoted. I was given enhancements by my boss. That's how I'm as perfect as ya see me." What the fuck was he talking about? "And now... I'm recruitin you for the time being. You are gonna deal in my place until I get out."
Deal? As in... "Like what I was sellin. I snuck my phone in here... so I'll text the boss that you'll be comin later... Kaleb. We're gonna be cool about this right?" He waited. "Right, Kaleb?" I nodded... I felt a buzz... it was a location. "Blue maple is where they're meetin tonight. Don't be late for your first day."
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By now I was intertwined with the gang that I was forced into joining. They know me as Kaleb Pennimen. Another dumb dealer for them. The bosses like me, and Kinser? Well he's still in jail but we talk more than I ever had before. He's acting dumb now too... says it's part of the pill or whatever. I used to try and understand these things but now? I just sell em. Way easier that way. Thinkin isn't really for us now... So what are ya gonna do? You buyin or what? I don't have all night.
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pandorasfavorite · 5 months
Can I request Dominik x reader smut with the prompt "focus on me, princess"?
Focus on Me
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AN: When I think of him I only hear the song, "Goodies"... ifykyk
There were days when being with Dominik every day had it downfalls. You loved him like no other but something about him honestly drove you crazy. And it didn’t take you long to figure it out. It was that fucking outfit. All black and hugging his body, leaving his arms uncovered and bulging when he moved. Even the way he walked made your breath hitch; cutting off your spew of curses. And he knew it. Which led you both to now...
After feeling your eyes glued to his outfit he couldn't help himself from laying back on the bed and hoisting your naked body on top of him. The slick of your pussy twitching from the cool touch of his black gear, the leather sending unfamiliar sensations through your body. So much so one of your hands grips the headboard, holding you still on the plush of his stomach.
Dominik's hands wander up your sides and against your curves, his keening smirk pulling you into a cloud of dirty thoughts. You don't dare move knowing that Dominik would just hold you still and tease you longer. You let your eyes flutter close and your head falls forward just above Dominik.
The sight of you naked and flushed above him, submitting to him without even considering disobeying made his already hard cock twitch in his pants.
Finally his hands rest against the bottom of your back, squeezing the area and pushing your body forward. Your sticky clit dragging against the leather the sounds of your arousal drawing out a groan from both you and Dominik.
"I knew you liked it baby but not this much. Making such a mess princess", his voice muffled by the small strain of moans tumbling from your lips. Your legs are already shaking and you can't help but squeeze your thighs around him, inevitably attached to Dominik. Dominik though was beyond cocky... he was confident. So confident his hand smacked down on your ass, a light red handprint gracing your soft skin. The noise alone was enough to make Dominik push your body down to sit on his dick, your pussy grinding against the hard fabric of his pants. "Fuck that's it princess", his hands grip the back of your thighs tightly, guiding your hips to grind against him, the slick of your pussy glistening against his pants.
The pressure feels so good that your head is going fuzzy, your mouth dropping open with soft moans of Dominik's name. Dominik just managed to tug off his pants when you gasp, "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna-" you cut yourself off. Your head whips to the door when you hear footsteps from outside the door, your body coming to a halt and your cheeks flushing. Embarrassment floods your mind at the thought that someone could hear your high-pitched moans. Dominik's hand reached around and he grabs your face with one hand, turning your head to look at him, "Focus on me princess, let them hear how good I'm making you feel hm?", he rubs the tip of his dick through your slit watching the way your mind lolls back into a pleasure-filled haze.
You can only nod, gripping the headboard hard enough to make your knuckles white and Dominik can't take waiting anymore. In one simple movement without any struggle, he slid an arm around your body, flipping you onto your back with one knee slotted between your legs. You gasp, your hands flying to hold onto Dominik's broad shoulders. Dominik drags your body down closer to him, your ass flush against his crotch and he can't control his smirk at the feeling of your wetness sliding against his dick once again.
"That's good, right mami?"
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archangeldyke-all · 1 month
Sevika getting all soft and whiny as you loving give her the strap. She gets all clingy after she cums her brains out and just wants to be babied and cuddled. Will get mad if you try to get up after cuddles 🙏🏽
men and minors dni
"'s it feel good, baby?"
you don't really need to ask. you know the answer, you can tell by the way she's clawing at your back, the way her thighs are shivering, her glassy eyes and heart-shaped pupils blinking up at you as she nods.
but, you ask anyways, 'cause you like hearing her talk when she's on bottom.
"so good, so good, baby, y' fuck me so good. i-i need more. fuck, i need--"
"harder?" you guess. sevika whimpers, noddding against your shoulder. she always needs it rougher when she's close to cumming. you don't mind. you just hitch her leg further up, pressing deeper into her.
"ooo-oooh!" she whines. you start nipping at her lips, her jaw open as she gasps and sputters.
"gonna cum for me sev?" you ask, kissing her nose. she whimpers, nodding.
"god, you're so fuckin' perfect. so beautiful, baby. y' look so good fallin' apart under me." you whine. "fuck, you're gonna make me cum, just lookin' at you."
your words tip sevika over, and she cums with a gasp, her fingernails drawing blood on your shoulders as she shudders and cries. "b-baby fuck!" she whines.
you try to keep your eyes open long enough to watch her entire orgasm, but the sight of her falling apart hits you like a punch to the gut, and before you know what's happening, you're collapsing on top of her, cumming your brains out inside her while you bury your face in her neck. "sev." you whimper.
for a minute or two, the room's silent besides the sound of your shared labored breathing.
"think i just came my brains out." you mutter eventually, finding enough strength to push yourself up.
sevika gasps as you rise, and you freeze-- panicked.
"what-- does it hurt?!" you ask, worried. she just pouts up at you, then reaches up to wrap her arms around your shoulders and tug you back down on top of her. you burst into giggles as you collapse, sevika's legs coming up to wrap around your hips as well.
"where the fuck are you going?!" she whines. you laugh against her throat, peppering kisses over her neck.
"sorry, sorry, i forgot you need your cuddles." you tease. "you're usually all pissy about layin' in cum."
"'s when i'm on top. you just fucked me, so now we cuddle." she explains, like it's simple math. you hum, starting to comb through her hair as you settle yourself on top of her.
"why don't i get cuddles?" you pout. sevika snorts.
"'cause if i cuddled you each time i fucked you, we'd be out of time to do other things like, y'know, working. eating. sleep--"
you cut her off by biting her ear lobe. she bursts into giggles and you melt on top of her, soaking in the sound of her laughter.
it's rare that sevika wants to bottom, but you're always thrilled when she does. you like her like this. you like her all ways, but she's exceptionally sweet and needy when she's on bottom. it's adorable.
"you know you're the love of my life?" you ask. sevika's fingers-- which had been trailing up and down your spine-- freeze.
"really?" she whispers. you lift your head up to look down at your wife, worried that she sounds so surprised.
"honey, we're married!" you laugh, nodding. sevika huffs, and her fingers start their path again.
"i know, i was just thinkin' the same thing." she admits. "like, word for word."
you grin, then press a kiss to her lips. "i'm gonna cuddle you for half an hour, then we're gonna fuck again, then i'm calling for a delivery pizza and drawing us a bubble bath. how's that sound?" you ask. sevika hums.
"cuddles in the bath?" she asks pathetically. you burst into laughter, kiss her again, and nod when her sad, wet, puppy dog eyes blink up at you.
"don't think there's a way for us to both fit and not be cuddling, sev." you joke. she just grunts, bites your shoulder, and smacks your ass.
you muffle your laughs against her shoulder.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary
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jsx2022 · 20 days
No More Negativity (18+ Conditioning Fiction)
She whined pathetically as the constant delicious vibrating pressure on her clit faded with the wands withdrawal, her edge addled mind deprived of such a blissful distraction she squirmed against the bondage tape that kept her restrained in her own bed, face down into a pillow with her wrists taped to her thighs, her ass up in the air and her glistening pussy on display, a warm hand groped her bare ass, he teased her drawing slow circles around her hole that made her hips buck and squirm. “This was you idea sweetheart...” he sounded amused, she could hear the smile on his face as he teased her, fingering a trail between her ass and her pussy, up and down in maddening slow motion, she turned her head to speak free of her voice being muffled by the pillow “but...but I...I... oh FUCK....I'm full of....Mmmm terrible ideas” She tensed, hearing the mistake even as it left her lips the whipcrack of his open hand slapping her bare ass cheek one, twice, three times, each strike eliciting a plaintive squeal from the petite brunette.
“Bad girl, not more negativity, say it” his fingers went back to teasing clit, the tight bundle of nerves that melted her ability to think so quickly she panted heavily as she tried to force the words out through the heat haze from her tortured pussy “No... no more.... no more neg.... oh shit.....negativi....nega... Oh Please, please, please” she broke into incoherent babbling as he rubbed and pinched, shaking and squirming in her bonds as she pushed her hips back trying to experience more of his touch, she was so close and her tummy hurt from clenching, she squealed as her nipples brushed the rough fabric of the duvet beneath her, every sensation magnified to her over stimmed body but deep down she knew what was to come, the sensation, the torturous stroking of her body withdrew dragging a helpless wail as he left her on the plateau just on the brink of orgasm “Again, and say it properly” the molten heat between were legs demanded she obey as her tongue stumbled over the words “No more Negativity, no More Negativity, no more Negativity” she babbled and stuttered desperate for her boyfriend to return to his ministrations. She felt the warm rough touch return as he slipped three fingers into her drenched pussy, his middle finger curled and put gentle pressure on her swollen clit, she squealed as her hips humped his hand, still babbling the simple mantra through the heady climax till her knees gave out and she rolled onto her side, wrists still bound to thighs.
Her eyes lidded heavily as he lay next to her, wrapping a protective arm around her exhausted frame, she mewled like a kitten as he stroked her hair, hot breath on her neck as he whispered in her ear “Good girl, just a few more sessions like that and we'll clear up those self esteem issues” she felt his hand close around her left breast and gently kneading the soft mound with his palm, the soft gentle rhythm that lulled her exhausted body and mind into a deep dreamless sleep.
Short story, a little more wholesome than my regular fair, if you'd like to read more of my work then check out my subcribestar https://subscribestar.adult/nokinkshame
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
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I am but a simple whore humbly requesting some frogging with a jealous frankie in a bathroom stall at a bar 😇 (I thought the gif might spark inspo or just rile you up like it did me)
congratulations on your milestone angel!!! you deserve it so much and I LOVE YOU MWAH 💘💋🫶🏻
a/n: honestly just how dare you plop this idea in my brain. how dare you. you know what you're doing... you know exactly what you're doing... like I don't fucking stop breathing every time I see him take off his belt..... ahhh I think I'm gonna pass out (also I never write smut with this little dirty talk, but that was just the vibe. needy, desperate, silent. at least the beginning, what I wrote... in my head they start screaming by the end)
word count: 887
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“Wow, Frank,” you protest as the bison of a man pushes you into the vacant bathroom, “what are you doing here?” pushing his strong hands off of you as the door slammed behind him. 
“What am I-, what are you doing here?” he growled, towering over you. 
Crossing your arms, you scoffed at his audacity, “I am allowed to go out and have a drink.”
Narrowing his dark eyes at you, he shook his head lightly and uttered, “you were not just having a drink. If you wanted just a drink, then you would have stayed at home.”
“And why would you care?” you sighed, completely over his bullshit, wanting so badly to just push passed him and return to your reckless plan of blowing off some steam and perhaps finally getting over the bastard standing in front of you right now. 
His sturdy nose lightly twitched a second as his eyes drifted down your face, taking your breath away completely when he then unexpectedly reached out and pulled you into a fevered kiss. Reeling, a shuttering breath escaping your lungs as you eventually melted into the reality of what you had dreamed about for so long. 
“Because,” he pulled back, hands still lingering in your hair, “I can’t stand the thought of someone else so much as looking at you.”
Instead of scrambling your brain for the right words to respond with, you simply let your body lead and yanked his head back down to capture his lips with your own once more. Soon your tongue was dancing across his as you clawed at each other's bodies in order to get closer to one another. Hands palming the curve of your ass through the thin material of your flowy, floral dress, you let out a breathy yelp as his greedy hands suddenly grew impatient and scooped you up, drawing you that much closer to his warm body. 
Your lips jolted away from his as your back swiftly bumped into something, his stumbling feet haven carried you into one of the stalls. Letting your head rest back against the thin wall, you glanced down at Frank with hooded eyes as he slowly lowered you back down to your feet, letting his touch linger as he did so, gliding his warm palms down your sides and with his eyes locked on yours, gently fiddled with the hem of your dress. 
Goosebumps visible on your tingling skin, your own fingers dug into the fabric at your sides as you slowly hitched it up for him. Your knees nearly buckled as you then saw him sink down onto the cold tile, kneeling before you as he helped you expose yourself to him. 
Keeping his eyes on yours, his scratchy chin tickle your thigh as he began to slowly pepper pecks along your tender flesh and your body fell back against the stall completely. Running his wide palm up along your other leg, soon coming into contact with your underwear, you sucked in a needy breath as his broad thumb skimmed over the wet spot adorning the cotton, pressing down even more fiercely as your hips bucked in search of more. 
Hooking his finger in the fabric as his pillowy lips neared your centre, your pulse impossibly clear in your needy pearl, he tugged your soaked panties to the side and let a desperate groan rumbly deep within his throat as he took in the sight of your glistening folds. 
You clasped your hand over your lips as you felt his tongue began to swipe through your folds, nuzzling closer and bumping the bridge of his nose insistently against your clit as he sloppily made out with your pussy. 
Sinking into the long-yearned-for sensation, gazing down at him in awe, your eyes then grew wide as the sound of the lavatory door opening suddenly found your ears. Freezing up, your knee swiftly bumped his shoulder, pushing him off of you as you clutched your palm even harder against your lips, the summery dress flowing back down around your thighs. 
Not giving the boisterous audience a second thought, Frank simply slammed the stall’s door shut, twisted the lock and rose to his feet. Lower half of his face glossy with your desperation, breathless, he slumped back against the opposite wall and stared at you electrically. 
Your shoulders bounced in a giggle, accompanying the light shake your head offered as you listened to the drunks' conversation and reeled in the ridiculousness of this whole situation you had stumbled into. But when you looked back into Frank’s espresso eyes, it all melted away and you realised just how much you wanted this. You wanted him so much that you didn’t care where it was or who heard. You just wanted him.
Your hand finally dropped from your lips as your eyes too lowered, nearly letting out a whimper as you gazed at the palpable tent in his dark jeans. Absentmindedly, still on the other side of the stall, your deprived hand reached out and grabbed at the air between you. 
Catching your hand in his, your eyes briefly flickered up towards his, catching his cocky smirk before you glanced down again to see his free fingers begin to work at his leather belt, unhurriedly undoing the buckle as he gave your hand a squeeze.
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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dykeomania · 1 year
ellie williams deserves to go to a pride parade,
a run-on-sentence-ramble it's corny liiike i'm not even writing i'm just daydreaming and giggling oh my god i love queer joy we oooouuutsssiiiiiiiiiideeeee
and to wear the ugliest fucking adam-sandler-ass-outfit that the world has literally ever seen. i'm talking like.. reebok club c's. nike socks, rolled all the way up. oakley sunglasses on her head that she stole from that one abby bitch who rows crew. jorts, with a carabiner, looped on her outermost left belt buckle (a big ass contradiction if ykwim because mind you, she's also wearing an oversized ass t-shirt that reads in the largest lettering known to man: quote, I LET FEMMES TOP ME!, end quote). she deserves to be grumpy while riley takes forever to get ready (she's like almost done, she's just doing her edges) and to vehemently protest against cat who promises that she won't draw a dick on ellie's face but that she just really really wants to put glitter on her cheeks 'cause she thinks it'll look cute. she deserves to have her eyes light up at the sight of her lover, and sit up straighter from the comfort of her manspread once she realizes that she's coming this way. deserves to reel her in by her matching carabiner (also on the left side -- someone's llyiiinnnggg), and tell her that she looks cute. deserves to grin up at her and coyly ask her if she looks stupid. deserves to have her face cupped, her nose softly nudged against, and to have a small ..mmnnn..nnyyyeah murmured against her lips. deserves to tell her lover to shut the fuck up through a snicker and to -- amidst the disgust of the audience behind y'all -- take a second to just swim in the remnants of jello shots left behind on each other's tongues -- the ones you both took earlier (at like.. 11?am?) that left hers, red, and yours, orange.
she deserves to be the first one of your group to begin walking backwards down the beginning of the parade. nevermind the seemingly infinite spawn of white gay twinks and fashion choices that are somehow.. worse! than hers -- she's facing her friends. she's giving them a look. her arm is outstretched, and her hand is holding that of her girl's who she thinks, this time, she might actually really love. she deserves to hold some $5 lemonade above her head while annoyingly shuffling her shoulders to rain on me by lady gaga, and to be clowned (mercilessly) because 1) she's catching no beat, not one and 2) i thought you didn't even wanna come, what happened? deserves to shrug her shoulders at y'all because.. well, she doesn't know. there's something about it all -- being outside, being surrounded by the energy and screams of pure happiness down the streets -- like maaaybbeee.. it warrants a change of heart. she deserves to struggle to twirl her girl over and underneath her shoulder. deserves to kiss the question clean off your cheek, and to have her chuckles blend in with your giggles while she grits the lyrics, off-key as ever and this time, directly in your ear.
she deserves to make the hike all the way to the greenery that holds drag shows, free stickers, face painting, educational pamphlets on lgbtq+ sex education, free food, outnumbered preachers, fucking larpers?!, you name it -- deserves it all. deserves to venture towards it with something cheshire on her face. with her friends by her side, and her girl against her ribcage. deserves to wonder why she is so fucking into it now. maybe she's just tipsy, or sundrunk. maybe it's the exhaust in the air, or the vibes in the streets, whatever. but honestly? maybe she's smiling so fucking hard because this is just, plain and simple, right where she's supposed to be.
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coldfanbou · 1 year
Drunk Night
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Here's the piece that won the vote. I went with the original request that I received for it, which was the reader and Jihyo are dating and had drunk sex while in Thailand. Simple premise.
Length 1.8K
Jihyo x mreader
You and Jihyo would continue to drink. While on vacation in Thailand, you enjoyed each other's company. Sitting at the restaurant, you talked about various topics, "Oh, and then Chaeyoung was getting spit roasted. Mind you, she had been getting fucked for a good three hours at that point, and she passes out. We come in while she's passed out, and you can see her tongue still moving like a cock was in her mouth." Jihyo could hardly contain her laughter as she reminisced on an embarrassing moment for her fellow member. 
"Chaeyoung needs to get herself under control." You respond with a massive smile on your face.
 Jihyo smacks your shoulder, "She's a lot better now. She had just broken up with her boyfriend." Jihyo goes to take a drink to realize that there was nothing left in the glass. Calling the staff order, she tries to order another beer. 
"I'm sorry, miss, but we think you've had enough," they say, motioning over to the dozens of glasses on the table.
"What?! But he drank most of them!" Jihyo says, trying to defend herself.
"Lies, you drank at least half of these."  You say, calling her out.
"We'll be closing up soon, miss. I'll bring you the check." The staff says. Jihyo turns to you, pouting.
"Meanie, you shouldn't have said anything." 
"You're too drunk already, Jihyo." 
"Am not!" She says, shoving your shoulder. 
"How many fingers am I holding up?" You ask while holding up three fingers. 
"Easy, four," Jihyo says, full of confidence. Her face was bright red from all the alcohol she drank.
"Wrong. It was three." She lets her head fall on the table. You laugh at her reaction. As the check arrives, you pay it and stand up. Your legs are a little wobbly, and you support yourself with the table. "Come on, Jihyo. Let's go back to the hotel." You hear Jihyo whine from her position.  Grabbing her arm, you wrap it around your shoulder and help her. Jihyo stumbles as she overindulged in alcohol. You put your other arm around her waist and slowly drag her along. Occasionally she takes a step by herself, only for her to lean on you again. 
"I love you." She says. It was barely intelligible because she slurred her words. 
"I love you too, Jihyo; let's just get to our room." Stepping outside the restaurant, Jihyo starts kissing your neck. "Come on, Jihyo, not now."
She whines, "But I want you, baby." Jihyo always got a bit horny when she got drunk. You manage to hail a taxi and struggle to put her inside. On the ride to the hotel, Jihyo is all over you. She leans on your shoulder, her hand rubbing your thigh, trying to edge its way to your cock. You hold her hand to stop that, but Jihyo takes advantage and moves it under her dress, where you feel her breasts. "Come on, baby, can't we just get started here?" She begs as she forces you to rub her tits. Jihyo starts kissing your neck again, trying to draw you in. You feel your cock getting hard as Jihyo continues to use your hand to rub her breast. 
"Jihyo, we're nearly there; just hold it in." You plead with her.
Jihyo gets close to your ear and whispers, "But I want your big juicy cock right now, baby. Don't you want to fuck my pussy? Play with my big tits?" Her words only turn you on more as you picture them. 
"I really want you too, but we have to wait." You say, having just enough awareness to know it would be bad for her career if she got caught having sex in public. Jihyo whines again, stomping her feet in the taxi. You manage to keep her calm for the next two minutes. You pay for the cab and quickly usher Jihyo inside, or as quickly as possible when you have to help her. Eventually, you do make it to your room. You spank Jihyo's ass as you step through the door. 
"Oh, what a naughty boy." She says. You pull Jihyo into a kiss and fall with her onto the bed. As you start tearing apart her dress, Jihyo laughs, "I knew you wanted me." You grope her big firm breasts drawing soft moans from her. Jihyo snakes her hand down her toned stomach to her lower lips. She starts fingering herself while you begin moving down to her breasts. Taking one in your mouth, you use your tongue to flick her nipple. Jihyo's free hand holds you to her breast while her other hand plays with her clit. "That’s it, baby, suck on my big tits." Jihyo's back arcs, and she loudly moans as you lightly bite her tit. "Oh fuck, you're so bad, baby." You start to undo your belt buckle Jihyo helps you out of your pants. "I want your cock, baby, fuck me good." She moans as you rub your cock against her lips. 
"I'm going to pump you full of cum tonight, Jihyo." You say, pulling yourself away from her breasts. Jihyo stretches her arms out, silently telling you to do it. You rub your cock against her wet folds a few more times before poking her entrance. Jihyo watches you with anticipation, waiting for you to put it in. You hold her waist and stare into her eyes as you impale her. Jihyo's head rockets back, and her hands slam against the bed and grip it. After a moment, her previously silent moan comes roaring out. 
"Oh fuck!" As much as you want to enjoy Jihyo's walls coiling around you, you pull out and slam your cock back in. "Fuck baby, you're going to wreck my little pussy." She moans her chest heaving with every breath. Your cock stretches Jihyo's pussy every time you bury yourself inside her. Jihyo pulls you into a passionate kiss, her tongue tracing your lips, wanting access to your mouth. Her legs wrap around your waist, pushing you further inside her. 
"God, you're so tight, Jihyo." You groan as you feel her walls trying to milk you.
"Fuck me harder, baby; I fucking love your cock." She moans as you start to thrust into her. You pick up speed with each thrust, and soon enough, you move in and out of her like a piston. You watch her breasts jiggle and bounce as your body slams into hers. As you kiss her again, you move your hands down to her ass to pick her up. Jihyo gasps and giggles as she finds herself being carried. You slam her body against the wall and hold her there as you continue to buck your hips. Occasionally you spank her ass before gripping it with all your strength. "That’s it, baby. I'm going to cum if you keep doing that." Hearing that, you slap her ass again and again. Her cheeks become red as you continue to drive your cock into her. "Fuck I'm going to cum. Baby, I'm cumming!" Jihyo yells as she holds on for dear life. 
"I'm going to cum too, Jihyo." You groan as you feel her pussy tighten around your cock.
"Cum inside me! Give me your baby batter!" She yells as her legs tighten around you. As your cock scrapes against her walls, you summon your strength to drive your cock into her womb. You both scream as you reach your orgasms simultaneously. Your semen fills Jihyo's womb as her body rocks back and forth on your cock. Your lips meet Jihyo's as you both wait for your orgasm to end. Jihyo's pussy tries to milk you far past your orgasm. 
As you lay Jihyo back down on the bed, you turn her over onto her stomach. "Baby?" She calls in a confused voice.
You give Jihyo's red bottom a hard smack, making her yelp. "I said I was going to pump you full of cum Jihyo." Jihyo turns to face you; a big smile replaces her confused expression. 
She presses her upper body against the bed and raises her ass, shaking it from side to side. "Do it, baby. Or should I call you Daddy?" She teases. You give her ass another smack before ramming your cock back inside her. She groans as she feels your cock go back inside her. You hold onto her ass as you thrust into her cum filled pussy. With every thrust, more comes flowing out of Jihyo. "You're making all of your cum leave, baby," She whines.
"Don't worry; I'll replace it all." You say to reassure her. You bask in the feeling of fucking such a beautiful woman. You run your hands down her firm thighs before moving them back up to her smooth back. Jihyo coos feeling your hands run across her body.
"I love when you touch me like this." Jihyo tries to lean into your hands. Your thrusts begin to slow down as you start teasing her clit. "Ahh, baby, I'm going to cum again if you do that." Your fingers run along her lips and then move back to her clit. The change in pace makes Jihyo focus on each sensation. "Fuck, I'm going to cum." 
"Not yet," 
"But, I'm so close. Please let me cum." She begs; her legs begin to shake as she approaches her orgasm. Her pussy clamps down on your cock again, bringing you closer to your climax. "Baby, please." She says with a whimper. You give in, increasing your pace again. Jihyo moans loudly; her body shakes as she reaches her second orgasm. You ram your cock inside her quickly, taking advantage of her tightened pussy to feel more pleasure. Feeling your climax approach, you bury your cock inside her again and unload another wave of cum inside her awaiting womb. You collapse on top of Jihyo. You kiss the back of her neck as she mutters something. You both fall asleep while you're still inside her. 
The following day you wake up to Jihyo sucking your cock. Her tongue swirls around the head of your cock before she swallows the entirety of it, staying at the base. As she comes back up, Jihyo notices you're awake. "Good morning, baby." 
"Good Morning Jihyo. Already wanting more?" You joke.
"I just wanted to clean you up a little. I woke up with this beast still inside me. I was tempted to fuck you while you slept."
"You should've," you respond.
"But it's so much more fun when you're plowing me. Besides, don't you like waking up to me sucking your cock?" Jihyo says before slapping her cheeks with your cock.
"You know I do. I guess I should give you a small treat for waking me up like this."
"Don't you mean a big treat?" Jihyo says while licking the underside of your cock. The day had just begun for you two.
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dddomenstarstwst1 · 4 months
can i request a fic with rook and a sadistic amab reader fulfilling his masochistic fantasies? literally just them going ROUGH
Hi, of course! Hope you like, I'm not sadistic dom myself, more of a soft one, but I tries my best!
Hunt a Prey (ft.rook)
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Warnings: sub!rook, dom!amab!reader, slight s/m dynamics, spanking, degradation, blowjob, deep throat, face fucking, riding, kinda clothed sex, biting, mentions of blood play(?) nothing too serious
a/n: character is depicted as 18+ y/o
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A sharp sound resonated across the dark room. Your palm hurt from how much it made contact with Rook's skin. His ass was a mess, littered with red shapes of what once resembled your hand.
"Have you learned your lesson now? Or should I spank your filthy ass another twenty times?" You were met with nothing more than a broken whine that turned into chokes as you brought your hand to Rook's butt. Massaging sensitive cheeks, you tilted his head to look at you.
His eyes were hazy, glossed with lust, a dumb smile played on his lips. He was enjoying himself too much, it seems, "Goodness, what a dumb bitch you are! Can't even answer a simple 'yes or no' question. I'm disappointed."
Rook drops his gaze, before he slowly places a hand over your clothed crotch. His silent question is met with your nod of approval. Freeing your dick of its restraints, Rook lets his tongue slide from your base to the tip. His eyes close at the taste of precum, as his lips wrap around the head, bobbing a bit.
"Is that all you can give me? Really pathetic, y'know?" You say, before grabbing a handful of Rook's messy blond locks. His eyes widen and practically roll to the back of his skull, as you use his mouth as a fleshlight. He gags, hands flying up to grab your thighs, but you continue abusing his throat like there's no tomorrow.
"Don't make that face, I know you love it rough. You're a stupid whore after all," Rook feels tears build in his eyes, wetting his cheeks. His jaws went slack, drool spilling from the corners of his mouth. "Shit, slut! Your throat is so tight."
You can almost feel your climax already, – the feeling of cumming in Rook's mouth, making him gag and choke on your load, then watching him struggle as he swallows it all, and finishing it by kissing him, tasting yourself on your own tongue. You have to stop yourself from cumming just from your fantasies.
You tug Rook off of your cock, earning a choked whine. He pants, dumb expression on his face. You pull him on your lap, not giving him anytime to prepare as your dick enters him halfway in one go. Rook swears in French, at least you think it's French with how slurred the words come out.
"Ride me," He nods, lifting his weight off your length, before slamming it down to the base. Sounds of skin-to-skin fill your room, as Rook struggles to keep his pace even. What's worse is how you left him to do all the work himself.
Oh, how cruel you were.
"Why so slow? Can't go any faster, hm? Too dumb and useless to do even that?" You scoff and slam your hips against his, your hands already around his waist, as you pick up the pace. Thanks to position you had him in, it was easier to hit deeper.
Nails drag across your spine, teeth dig in your shoulder, breaking skin and drawing blood. You hiss at sudden pain, pulling his hair to make him look at you. His lips are covered in a thin layer of your blood.
"Fucker," You kiss him, licking blood from his bottom lip, before darting your tongue in his open mouth. Metallic taste spreads on your taste buds, drawing a groan from you. Your hips snap at his, hand still in his hair, you grip Rook's hip till it's bruised. One more addition to his already bruise littered body, something he'll cherish until they disappear and he asks for more.
And you'll be glad to paint his skin purple, for as long as he begs for it.
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xiaoscarasimp · 6 months
A Cat and Mouse Game
A friend and I were talking bout how theres only cat boys and girls so I decided to do a fic with a mouse girl reader and cat boi scara (lets be honest: it's canon)
This is just kinda horny drabble lmk what you think
Warnings: NSFW, AFAB! reader, predator/prey dynamics, little bit of blood play, nipple play, degradation(he calls you whore/slut) and slight size kink (no not my usual shenanigans) Minors DNI
Cat boy Scaramouche toys with his darling mouse girl by playing with your folds to where you're bucking your hips against his fingers desperate for relief. As you sit in his lap, he runs one of his long fingers up your slit, sending shivers down your spine and nibbles your sensitive little mouse ears. Your thin little tail thrashes in partial distress from the other powering pheromones the cat boy is putting out but also arousal.
You feel a tingling in your body as he runs electro through your pussy, nerves contracting and expanding how ever he wants them to. He shocks your clit first, then prodding a finger in your entrance he shocks you again, causing a waterfall to gush on your fingers. 
“Oh, what would the rat colony say if they saw you like this? A simple whore that can't get enough of me?” He taunted you. “Never forget I'm in control.”
“I'm not a r-rat, I-I'm a mouse.” You manage to gasp out. 
“Heheh. Same difference. Stupid rodent who will be my fucked out whore.” 
He leans back and flips you around so you're facing him, his dick prodding your back side. You grind your wet pussy on him, but he grabs your hips, forcing you to stop, little whines escape your lips. The cat boy silences these whines with a deep kiss, thrusting his tongue down your throat. His fangs end up drawing a bit of blood as he pulls at your bottom lip, causing you to whine even more. The taste of blood made his eyes light up; how could it not? Taste of his prey on his lips? The most delectable.
“S-scara, plea-” you try to pause the action; things were moving too fast. His member was now slotted perfectly between your supple ass cheeks, leaking precum over your skin. 
“Shh,” He cooes as he pulls away from the kiss, a red string of spit connecting the two of you. “Hush, darling. My cute little dinner's getting all worked up over nothing. Relax.” 
For a brief moment, his predatory face relaxes into a soft expression, almost like he cares, before his eyes narrow and go on the attack again. Scaramouche rubs his weeping cock against your folds, stimulating you to produce even more slick. He starts attacking your neck next, fangs piercing the skin and drawing small droplets of blood not unlike a vampire. As he does, you not only make little moans, but also little squeaks. You almost go limp from this attack, your mouse instincts tell you to freeze while the semi-rational part of you demands more. 
“M-more,” you moan. “D-devour me.”
He bites down even harder, his thicker, furrier tail wraps around your thinner, hairless tail. Your ears twitch in agonizing pleasure; it just hurt so good. At this point, even if you wanted to escape, you absolutely could not. 
Once your neck has been thoroughly claimed, he lines up the tip at your entrance, smirking the entire time. Not wanting to waste any time, you slam yourself down on his cock, moaning and gasping, as you do. Luckily for him, you are already so wet and lubed up from the teasing earlier that you hardly need any time to adjust to his size before bottoming out and grinding on him. He notices the little tummy bulge from where he filled you up so thoroughly, so wonderfully. Scaramouche starts rubbing your clit, sending little electric shocks through the sensitive bundle of nerves, walls clenching with each little pulse. 
If he wasn’t careful, he’d finish before you did.
To help speed up the process, he leans up and puts one of your small nipples in his mouth and dances electro on his tongue as he swirls the bud around in his mouth. You arch your back in equal parts pain and pleasure, showing off even more of how much he was filling you up. Excited by your reactions, he uses his fangs to tease the bud even further, raking them across your delicate skin, tasting blood as he goes. 
“S-scara!” You’re getting close, the pain, the pleasure, the overwhelming smell of sex in the air are all making you close to unraveling. 
“Y-you like that, you cock hungry slut?” He grabs your hips and moves you along at his pace, interrupting yours. “Cum all over my cock, whore.” He stimulates your clit even further, your walls clenching so hard he was worried that he’d never be able to get out. 
In a race to last place, you both try to hold out for as long as you can: kissing, biting, making out, marking, maiming skin. You finish first however, but he wasn’t long behind you, painting your insides white. You slump down on top of him, making little content squeaks between heavy breathing while Scaramouche was purring. The vibrations were enough to put you to sleep, curled up on his chest, his seed leaking out of you.
“You did so well,” He murmured through purring. “Next time, I’ll devour you even more.” 
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hanasnx · 1 year
okay okay here is some more ani+ hands content as promised
so i can't get the idea of anakin being smug about it out of my head. bc like, it’s such a fucking ego boost for this man that you’re falling apart for his literal hands 
like it starts off all innocent, with you having little doodles of anakin and some of your other friends in your little sketchbook that you never let go of
until you eventually start drawing anakin more and more… bc he’s just so pretty and drawable yk. like he’s got the curls and the scar and just how intense his eyes can be so you can’t help but draw him. until one day you watch him going on about the different parts of his lightsaber and how he’s planning to tweak it and yada yada but you’re just watching his hands bc lord almighty
you tell yourself it's an innocent, purely artistic fascination but that is NOT the case when you’re touching yourself at night thinking about ‘em so later on as you get closer (as friends or as enemies, you decide), he finds your notebook one day bc it fell out of your stuff or something and there are just these beautiful sketches of… his hands?
and at first, he’s confused? bc that couldn’t possibly be the case but his curiosity takes over, he leafs through to see different images of himself - his eyes, his side profile, him that one time he showed up with a bedhead - but most importantly his hands. He recognizes them as his own because of the level of detail and the thin rope bracelet on his left. so he becomes a man on a mission to test this theory ofc. handing you your things, letting the sleeves of his robes slide back more than necessary. taking every opportunity to put his arm around the small of your back as he needs to move past. working on his lightsaber or R2 whenever you’re around, noticing how one of the most intelligent, witty people he knows becomes simply mesmerized just watching him tinker with stuff
and now that he’s confirmed his theory? you bet your ass he is gonna use it night and day. i’m thinking of him goofing around with some of the men from his troops until he’s shoving one of them up against the wall with something like “is that how you’re gonna talk to a general?” and then he lets him go and they’re all laughing about it as they go their separate ways but when he walks past you, you hear him whisper like “you wished that was you, don’t you?” and your brain fucking short circuits. him when one day he’s trying to focus on something and all you can hear is you rambling about something or the other under he gets up puts his hand over your mouth and he feels you go pliant under him just looking at him with these bedroom eyes bc omfg you can feel how the pads of his fingers are roughly pressing into the flesh of your cheek “Just let me finish this thing without talkin’ my ear off, and maybe i’ll fuck you stupid properly, hm?” he says casually, as if he isn’t wearing the world’s smuggest look on his face. and you bet your ass this man will deliver “wanted my hands on you, is that it?” “look at you, drooling over my hands like some cheap lower-level slut” “Want my fingers in your mouth? Or around your throat until they leave pretty little bruises, hm? bcs I can make that happen” “gonna make you hump my fuckin arm until you make a fuckin mess like i know you will”
“greedy little pussy is taking my fingers like you were made for it, goddamn”
him making you watch while licks his fingers off after having his fingers in your pussy
okay i'm done for now
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☥ “it’s such a fucking ego boost for this man that you’re falling apart for his literal hands”
☥ “just how intense his eyes can be so you can’t help but draw him”
i love describing anakin’s eyes as intense. they’re just so present, so demanding, his gaze so severe and unforgiving. yes. intense. i love it.
☥ “he recognizes them as his own because of the level of detail and the thin rope bracelet on his left.”
the fucking rope bracelet detail. omfg. it’s so simple, so him
☥ “taking every opportunity to put his arm around the small of your back as he needs to move past.”
as i said in my last post,.,.,,.,, yes. hand at the small of your back supremacy
☥ “him when one day he’s trying to focus on something and all you can hear is you rambling about something or the other under he gets up puts his hand over your mouth and he feels you go pliant under him just looking at him with these bedroom eyes bc omfg you can feel how the pads of his fingers are roughly pressing into the flesh of your cheek”
stoppppp stop stop. shutting you up manually with just a big hand over your mouth im fucking drooooling. i’d be lookin up at him with crazy fuck me eyes fr you’re so real for saying this suffu
☥ “‘look at you, drooling over my hands like some cheap lower-level slut’; ‘want my fingers in your mouth? or around your throat until they leave pretty little bruises, hm?’; & ‘gonna make you hump my fuckin arm until you make a fuckin mess like i know you will’”
cheap lower-level slut😳💕🥴🫦😵‍💫 i think about this a lot. just,,,,, the coruscant detail, adding “cheap” makes me go so crazy. omfg. i love degradation; imagine those finger pad shaped bruises littering your neck im feral; & arm kink🚨arm kink🚨 im freeaaakaksigjngng i wanna fuck his arm so fucking bad this made me soooo 😵‍💫😵‍💫 insane. using the word “hump” god. chefs kiss.
☥ “‘greedy little pussy is taking my fingers like you were made for it,’”
this. this. this. this. insinuating you were created for the sole purpose of sex, for being obedient, for being his hole. oh god yes. i cant even fucking breathe i gotta sit down im so dizzy imagining his thick fingers stuffed inside a drippy pussy i’m sooooo😭😭
☥ “him making you watch while licks his fingers off after having his fingers in your pussy”
STOPPPPP STOP FUCKING STOPP i cant take it anymore i feel like i gotta break shit rn
the big show he’d make of it,.,.,. side eyeing you while he fucking licks his fingers clean. until his eyes are full on boring into yours as he’s sucking the remnants of your finish off his skin and you’re wishing you were the one to do it.
licking your cum/squirt off his fingers together, making out with his digits and melding your tongues through and around them… like the disgusting, impatient, greedy perverts you are.
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httpshujii · 8 months
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𝐂𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 彡 In which . . . Suguru's hug is the deepest hug you've ever had.
For my lovely Nat @natdu
〔CW〕 — Nothing !!
〔CW〕 — THIS TOOK WAY LONGER THAN EXPECTED AND IM SORRY!! I do want to dedicate this post to Izzy @saesins im rly sry for how late this is but happy late birthday my love :>
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He's so enchanting, with his voice and his words. With his gaze and smile. With his natural elegance and charm. He's everything you want and more.
But how do you even approach someone as great as him? Tapping your pen against your desk, you gaze out at the afternoon sky, watching how the clouds swim away.
He's so pretty.
You love the smell of empty classrooms, spending most of your time there as you write stupid love letters or drawing little hearts and flowers around his name.
You just want him to look at you and think the best thoughts ever.
It's stupid.
You wait and wait, looking at your wrist watch and begging for the time of when he comes by and makes the first move.
But by pushing yourself away, how do you expect him to notice you if you just hide?
He wishes you could be more forward.
He wants to talk to you about anything and everything, he wants to see you, he wants to hear your voice, your laugh, he wants to see you smile and frown, he just wants to see you.
He wants to touch you, caress your hair, poke your cheek, hold your hand, kiss you, hug you.
He wants to interact with you in any way possible or he might lose it.
Suguru Geto is straight forward with the things he wants. And he wants you, right this second, as he "attempts" to listen to Gojo yap about whatever it is he's talking about.
Soon. He reminds himself, but how long has it been?
"Too long to count," Gojo's words.
Groaning and overwhelmed, "I'm gonna do it."
"Hah?" The white haired boy was just about to chew on his mochi, looking towards the ravenette with an arched brow.
"I'm gonna confess."
"Yeah right."
"I swear!"
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"He's right there Shoko!" Frantically grabbing onto your friend's arm, watching as your crush walks back into the ground of Jujutsu Tech.
"Indeed he is," she sounds bored, popping the lollipop out of her mouth, "Here he comes too."
"What." It's not a question, and Shoko's not lying. The taller male approaching you with that kind smile and thin eyes.
"Hey," Oh wow, is what you think. Gazing up at him as if he's the angel that's about to take you to heaven.
Shoko laughs and walks away, leaving the two of you alone. But you don't like that, you attention shifts to the girl that's skipping away happily, glancing back at you and wiggling her brows as you silently tell her to get her ass back here.
"[Name]," he calls softly. Sending ripples of beats through your entire body, you're vibrating slightly.
"Hm?" You don't turn back to face him fully before he's hugging you tightly. Lifting your body up against his, strong arms wrapping around your middle, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
It takes you a good minute to understand what's happening. And it takes you a good minute to wrap your own arms around him. Slowly and hesitantly.
"I know this is weird and you're probably uncomfortable," he says, his voice muffled as he hides into your skin, inhaling the scent of your perfume, "but I've wanted to tell you that I really like you."
Pink roses bloom on your cheeks, a small gasp leaving your parted lips, you don't know what to say and you don't know how to say anything at this point.
So you just squeeze back, hoping it's enough to convey your unspoken confessions.
Suguru's hug is deep, it's strong and meaningful, bold and simple, thick and thin.
It speaks complicated words and simple ones, this hug is everything you needed and more.
You feel complete now, not having to worry about the pressure of crushing on someone that might not notice you because he's with you now.
He's yours now.
And you're his now.
You cuddle yourself closer, twirling a finger around a strand of his hair. It took either of you long enough to share each other's feelings.
But the wait was worth it.
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h4nman © 2023. Do not copy, modify, or translate my work. You do not have my permission to recommend my work outside of tumblr, thank you !
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @natdu @kitorin
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