#i think i could watch cr WHILE playing
sea-buns · 3 months
I've gotten myself into a bit of a predicament where the new d20 ep was yesterday, and tonight is cr, but listen summer just started on my Meadowlands file and I have so much work to do–
suffice to say I am teetering on the edge of falling behind on these very long shows I have committed myself to and that is sooo dangerous for my adhd brain
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utilitycaster · 8 months
Sort of a distant tangent off my post about Ashton, but I'm growing more and more suspicious of the fandom claim that there's no time for small RP moments in Campaign 3. I do think that it's been challenging to get deeper party bonding or serious conversations that aren't about the big philosophical questions they're facing, since those do take much more time; but then I think about Calamity, or Candela Obscura. I can genuinely give you at least a couple paragraphs about pretty much every relationship in the two Circles, or in the Ring of Brass. I can also point to no shortage of small moments between characters in the Mighty Nein Aeor or Vox Machina Vecna endgame episodes, which were all extremely plot-heavy and fast-paced, and D20 consistently nails character relationships in a fraction of the time.
I think it really does come down to, as Brennan Lee Mulligan always says, the character creation phase. Laying down a solid groundwork in which everyone has a detailed, rich backstory and sense of personality and relationship history (in the case of characters who knew each other prior to the start of the series) is absolutely crucial, and even in the case of characters who don't know each other before going in, a good amount of time spent in character creation ensures that it's easier for them to develop those interpersonal relationships on the fly. I know in actual play there's some degree of finding the character as you play, but there are games for which there is a very short runway, and I don't think it ever hurts to do more extensive character prep than the bare minimum. And if there are gaps, I think it also helps to go back and fill those in mid-way, away from the table - Travis clarifying Chetney's backstory being a great example that allowed the history of Chetney and Deanna to feel realized and full, despite only a few episodes.
I'll also be blunt: most of the time when people complain that there aren't moments because the plot keeps moving...they're mad about shipping. Which has always rung hollow to me. It was a common complaint in C2, that no time was taken for character relationships, despite them taking an entire half of an episode for the Beauyasha date and despite no shortage of moments for all three of the other couples (and plenty of platonic moments between friends). The issue was never a lack of time; it was that the characters they wanted to talk to each other didn't actually have the relationship in canon that the fans had dreamed up, and so, when the chips were down, they went to other people.
It takes two seconds to say something like "I hold their hand", even in the middle of plot-heavy adventuring. If someone doesn't say it, it's rarely the GM rushing them; it's the player either choosing not to do so, or not remembering to do so, and either of those is quite revealing regarding how the player feels about that relationship and where it stands in their priorities.
#i've felt this for a while but like. fundamentally? C3 is just...uniquely not set up for terribly satisfying shipping#even the ships I do like and that get small moments are relatively background#like 80% of quote unquote ship content is like. fanon goggles overlaying either parallel play or standard battle mechanics#which is fine! I think it's a different vibe and approach than the past 2 campaigns#i think especially in character creation; self-insert or easy for new players (c1)#followed by Morally Gray Campaign; Prove We Can Replicate This Success; Serious Characters (C2); followed by Let's Get Silly With It (C3)#which is less conducive to that profound connection of c1 or c2. which is not a bad thing!#but god. if you complain about the D&D show having too much d&d plot and not enough romance...yeah pal it's d&d not a dating sim#like I enjoy when there is romance in my fantasy but it's not a requirement. there is a genre full of romance. it is called romance.#i'm also thinking about this bc I need to watch wot s2 but i've been told that the fandom has gotten weird#like wow so moiraine/siuan is not the A plot? in a high fantasy Good vs. Evil series? WHO'D HAVE THOUGHT.#getting back to this...i'm also thinking about my own life and like. i moved to where i live not long pre-lockdown#and so i'm finding myself a resident of this area for 4+ years but with weaker connections than i'd have otherwise. and that's fine!#but psychologically i feel so weird about just starting to find my place bc it's been so long even though there's a good reason#and i wonder if the cast/Hells feels the same way ie why are we only just bonding now 70 eps in and so they're hesitant#that I Waited Too Long And Now It's Awkward feeling; that I Should Be Past This By Now fallacy#which. again. i think things early on could have been done differently but that time is past you need to live in the present now.#cr tag
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empresskylo · 10 months
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➠𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈; 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓; 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 ➠ GUNSLINGER SIMON "GHOST" RILEY X AFAB!READER ➠ afab!reader. kinda mean!ghost. blood. gun violence. gore. smut. p in v. sex without protection. wild west au. wc 5.9k. ➠SUMMARY | you find yourself getting tangled up in the mission of a group of outlaw cowboys and ghost doesn't seem to take a liking to you. that is until you get hurt. ➠AUTHOR'S NOTE | cowboy ghost! cowboy ghost! cowboy ghost!
gunslinger ghost image cr ✩ 𝐜𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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you flipped another coin onto the bar, thanking the bartender as he refilled your glass with whiskey. you turned and leaned back, taking a sip of your drink. the high-noon light poured into the saloon, dust particles sparkling in its rays.
you played with the gun in your holster aimlessly as a group of men you’ve never seen before walked in. they pushed through the batwing doors and took in their surroundings, appraising the people of al mazrah. the piano stopped momentarily, synchronizing with the speechlessness of the room. 
your eyes glazed over several cowboys, all with their own unique getup. but the one that drew your attention the most was a man donning a red skull mask. it reflected the midday sun and piqued your curiosity. he stood behind the others, his head not scanning the saloon like his friends were. you felt his eyes settle on you and your cheeks went hot at the attention. 
they all approached the bar and you kept your eyes locked on them in a challenge. “afternoon, ma’am,” the only man in the group without some form of face covering said, tipping his hat as he did. 
you glanced up at him, narrowing your eyes before taking a swig of your drink. “can i help you boys?”
the other three men gathered around, one of them–the youngest looking of the bunch–leaned on the bartop and waved two fingers in the air to gain the bartender's attention. “whiskey neat,” you heard him order. it made the corner of your lip quirk upwards. 
“that depends,” he drawled. “we’re lookin’ for a wanted man.” he slid a wanted poster onto the bartop and you turned to look at it. you traced over the sketch’s features and the man’s name, all the while you could feel eyes burning through you. 
you turned back to the man. “i don’t recognize his likeness, but his name sounds familiar.”
“i think i’ve heard of him and his men causing trouble up the bend at the neighboring town. ‘bout 20 miles from here, give or take.”
he reached up and scratched his overgrown stubble. “well, that helped plenty. thanks…” he drew out the word, waiting for you to introduce yourself. 
you accepted his extended hand and told him your name, your eyes flickering behind him to the man in the red skull mask. “john,” he said back to you, his free hand tipping his hat down again but in a thanks this time. 
you wondered who these men were working for. they didn’t exactly look like your typical bounty hunters. they were far more intimidating than that. their gear more intricate and sharp. 
“gaz, pay the man. we’re leaving,” john said. gaz downed his whiskey and threw a few coins on the counter before following his friends out. 
you watched as they drew everyone’s attention as they strolled out of the saloon. you were torn back and forth between doing something very thoughtless and stupid. you looked at the bartender–someone who had listened to you drone on and on about how nothing interesting ever happened in this town. he gave you a nod as he wiped down a glass, a sly smile forming on his lips. 
“ shit ,” you muttered as you pushed yourself away from the bar and scurried outside. 
the men were mounting their horses off to the side of the building. your boots echoed off the wooden porch as you hurried towards them. the men looked up at you as you jostled down the stairs and to the dirt road. 
john raised a brow at you, a small smile creeping on his lips. 
“i, uhm…” you hesitated. you summoned the courage inside of you–mainly from the whiskey–as john patiently waited for you to speak. “i was hopin’ i could come along.”
john smiled at you, his rough hands holding onto the reigns of his horse. “and why might we allow that?”
you stood up a bit taller. “i know i’m a woman, but–”
“didn’t say nothin’ ‘bout you bein’ a woman.”
you pursed your lips. the men’s eyes tentatively watched you as they each half-focused on what they were doing before you came storming over. “i’m a good shot. i have nothin’ left for me here,” you gestured around the desolate town. “i’d like to help.”
john looked pensive. “no,” a deep, guttural voice said. your eyes flickered to the man in the skull mask and grimaced. 
“don’t mind ghost. he’s not used to new company.” ghost . a chill ran up your spine at the name. these were no average bounty hunters you’d be getting yourself involved in, that was definitely clear now. it was like john could read your thoughts. “can’t guarantee your safety… but i don’t see why not. ”
you nodded. “that’s alright. i know the risks.”
ghost grumbled something and rode off. the other three men ignored him, like they were used to his grumpy behavior. “this here is gaz and soap,” john said, pointing to each man respectively. 
you smiled at them. “got yourself a horse?” soap asked you, pulling his bandana down so you could see his mouth move as he talked. you nodded, your heart racing at the promise of adventure. 
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you adjusted your hat as you followed closely behind the men on horseback. you felt like you stuck out like a sore thumb. the men were absent of all colors apart from ghost’s red skull mask. they each had on a black outfit, paired with black boots, and a black hat. you, on the other hand, had on a dirty brown jacket, brown boots, faded blue pants, and a sunbleached hat. you never would have thought your outfit would seem almost colorful. 
you galloped closer to john, al mazrah getting smaller and smaller as you rode further away from the town. 
“heard people talkin’ ‘bout some bandits robbing folk around the bend comin’ up.”
john glanced at you before shifting his eyes to soap who was in hearing range. 
“woulda been nice to know that a bit earlier,” a deep voice said. you turned to see ghost riding at your side, his eyes bright against the black on his skin. you felt your chest tighten. 
“i-i didn’t think of it. didn’t realize where we were till i saw the hill in the bend in the road up ahead.”
ghost grunted, looking over at john who sat opposite of you. “no use arguing ‘bout it now,” he placated. 
before he could open his mouth to continue, a gunshot rang in your ear. your eyes widened as you looked forward, stupefied. your ears rang and your hands came up to clamp over your ears before you yelped in pain. you could hear the soft rumble of more gunshots going off, but it was like you were stuck in your own little bubble. 
you pulled your hands down and looked at them, blood covering your left hand. 
oh my god , you thought. you were shot. 
you heard your name coming in louder and louder until you finally could hear clearly again. you looked up to ghost who was grabbing your arm and yelling your name. his other hand held his shotgun, extended as he pulled it, and shot a bandit in the chest, knocking him off his horse. 
“focus!” he shouted. you nodded and locked eyes. 
“i’m okay,” you said. you knew the bullet must have hit skin, or you wouldn’t be bleeding, but it was just a graze. 
“your gun!” he growled. 
you shook your head to come to your senses and pulled your gun from it’s holster. ghost’s hand left you and you felt a chill run through your arm at the loss. 
you aimed to shoot one of the bandits immediately before he had time to raise his own gun at soap. your eyes moved and you saw john jump off his horse and tackle a man to the ground, knocking him out cold with a few punches. 
soap was aiming up on the hill, taking out a couple of men stationed there. they were waiting for someone stupid enough to come trotting down their trail. you felt like shit for not remembering this crucial bit of information until it was too late. 
you shot another bandit, riding your horse further up the road. you spotted ghost as he shot down a bandit coming at him before loading his gun in no time at all, then shooting the man riding up on gaz’s tail. another man came up from behind him and ghost had his knife in his hand and sliced across the man’s throat before you could even blink. 
you were no stranger to violence, but these men were cold-blooded killers, you’d be stupid to not feel a trace of formidable fear run up your spine. 
the gunshots slowly simmered down and the five of you found yourselves coming back together. you slid off your horse as the others did. “jesus,” gaz mumbled, his breathing slightly heavy. 
ghost flung himself off his horse and stormed up to you, grabbing your arm like he did earlier, and turning you to him. 
his gloved hand came up to your jaw and turned your head so he could see the drying blood that coated your ear. “fuckin’ hell. you coulda been killed.”
“yes, thank you. so glad i have you to point that out,” you snarled. 
john, soap, and gaz were busy talking, likely going over the group's next course of actions, and paid no mind to you and ghost as he hissed at you. 
“what's your problem with me?”
ghost released you and took a step back. “what’s my problem with you?” it was just now that you could really hear his accent. he wasn’t from around here, that was for sure. 
you nodded. 
“not keen on having to babysit.”
your eyes blared with heat, your fists clenching. “fuckin’ hell! you barely know me! i’ve done nothing that says i’m not up for this,” you gestured around you, “so i got shot unexpectedly, i hardly think that's my fault.”
he just stared at you, which honestly, frustrated you even more. 
“you ever take that stupid thing off?” you asked, referring to his mask. god, you were proving him right–you were acting like a baby.
“why? you wanna know what's underneath?”
his husky voice made your chest flutter. there was something about the combination of his terrifying appearance, his deep voice, and the way he seemed utterly concerned for your safety. it was doing things to your insides that you didn’t appreciate. 
he leaned in closer. “does it unsettle you, pet?” he asked, referring to his mask. 
frankly, it did. his entire body was covered from head to toe. the only bit of him you saw was his eyes, and even those were darkened with charcoal. maybe you were stupid to trust these men. it was just hitting you now that you were with a group of insanely skilled men. alone . 
it was as if ghost could read the sudden hesitation and regret that filled your features. his voice was low as he spoke. “we won’t hurt ya.” you swallowed hard. you should leave while it’s still daylight. “ not unless you ask. ”
your jaw would have fallen slack if you weren’t wound up so tight from ghost standing so close. he slid past you and you turned, starstruck, forcing your feet to move so you were standing in a circle with the men. 
“we’re only a few miles out from town. and clearly, we’re at a disadvantage,” john spoke. “we should split up and surround the town, figure out if hassan is there. and locate his base. it’s our best bet.”
soap and gaz nodded. 
“good,” john said in response to the agreement for his plan. “i’ll flank west. soap you go right. gaz you can take the southern part of town. ghost, north.”
you looked up at john expectantly. he went to open his mouth–to invite you to tag along with him you assumed–but ghost beat him to it. “she’ll come with me.” it wasn’t a question. and you hated that it sparked something inside you. 
john nodded. “we got a few more hours of daylight left. let's go. we’ll convene in the center of town.”
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you trailed behind ghost on your horse. you two had gone off the road and were currently riding over the rough terrain of the surrounding woods. the sun was slowly setting and you found it hard to see your footing with all the shadows the trees cast. 
“so what’d you want with this guy anyways?” you asked ghost, breaking the silence. 
“he’s the enemy,” he said flatly. 
you rolled your eyes. “yeah. i get that. but why exactly are you–”
he cut you off with a single finger to his lips, his eyes gesturing in front of him. you immediately went silent, slowly reaching for your gun. 
you both paused on your horses, sitting still, listening. you felt your heartbeat racing in your chest. 
that's when you saw movement in the distance. “ghost! behind you–”
your warning was muffled as a hand wrapped around your face, covering your mouth, and yanking you off your horse. you slashed back and forth, trying to fight off whoever had you in their grip. 
you kicked backward, hitting them in the knee, and they finally dropped you to the ground. “fuckin’ bitch!”
you spun around, stumbling to your feet and grabbing your gun out of its holster. it was just one guy. you could take him. 
as you raised your gun, another man appeared beside him. your eyes widened. okay, this was going to be harder than you thought. 
“i wouldn’t do that if i was you,” the other man said. 
you gulped. before you could fully raise your hand, a third man knocked the gun from your hand and twisted your arm, holding you against him. “you don’t like to listen, do ya?”
you showed your teeth as you struggled against him. you kicked and squirmed as you felt the air begin to slip from you. 
suddenly, the man around you went slack, his arm falling, and hot liquid trailed your back. you turned and watched the man sink to the ground, grabbing at the slit in his throat. behind him towered ghost. 
he had blood on his mask and he was breathing so rapidly you could see his chest moving up and down under all his layers. 
you didn’t have long to take him in before he pushed you aside and began fighting the other two men. you scanned behind you and saw two other bodies sprawled on the rocky ground. he had already taken down three men. your eyes widened. 
“go!” he shouted at you. in the quick second he was distracted, one of the bandits managed to get a swing in and hit ghost right under his jaw. 
you mustered the courage inside yourself and you sprinted at the three men. you jumped on one of them, flying to the ground with him, landing atop him. his hand reached out and wrapped around your neck but you were faster. your knife was already plowing into the side of his skull. his hand fell loosely to his side.
you huffed as you climbed off of him. ghost’s hands struggled but he managed to get them on the man’s head that he was fighting and in a quick and sharp twist, he broke his neck. 
you gasped slightly, the air falling silent around you two. his hands were clenched at his side as you both stared at one another among the carnage. 
“i told you to go.”
“and i didn’t want to,” you responded. how was he going to be mad that you helped him?
you huffed and bent over to rip the knife from the man’s skull and slid it back into its sheath. as you stood straight, ghost was pushing you against a tree. you yelped as he pinned you back. 
“these aren’t just normal men,” he growled. 
you searched his eyes. you hoped he couldn’t hear your heart racing. “we handled it, didn’t we?”
ghost shook his head in annoyance, his body still entraping yours. “and if we hadn’t? if you had gotten yourself killed?”
you gave him an exacerbated look. “then i’d be dead. i don’t know what you want me to tell you.”
ghost pushed away from you and began walking back to his horse. “i want you to tell me you’ll listen next time i tell you to go.”
you hesitated before you found your way back to your own steed. “why do you care so much?” you had come along to help. and that’s what you planned on doing. ghost wasn’t the boss of you. 
he didn’t respond and you rode the rest of the way in silence.
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it didn't take much longer to get into town. and it took an even shorter amount of time to find out hassan wasn’t here. you and the rest of the men met up in the middle of town, just like john had told you. 
“y’all run into trouble?” he asked you and ghost, noticing the blood on both of your clothes. 
“nothin’ we couldn’t handle,” you answered. 
john’s gaze met ghost’s momentarily and he smirked. john could tell you were driving ghost crazy, just from your short interactions. he liked that someone was getting this reaction from him. it felt like so long since he had seen ghost have any sort of emotional response. 
“think we should camp here for the night,” john added. 
the five of you went into the town’s saloon and the men went straight to the bar. drinks were ordered and you shifted uncomfortably, playing with the glass of whiskey in your hand. 
two women dressed in silky gowns, the cut of their dresses low and tight enough to expose their chests, strolled up to your group. “haven’t seen you boys before,” the blonde one said. you were in saloons enough to recognize prostitutes when you saw them. 
“just passin’ through,” gaz spoke. the ladies smiled and one of their hands came out and traced along gaz’s collar. 
“you look like you could use a little pick me up,” she said sweetly. 
you saw where this was going and you felt yourself grow uncomfortable. “i think i’m gonna go to my room,” you mumbled. john saluted you off, his attention going back to soap as they talked. one of the girls made her way to ghost and you hated that a pang of jealousy coursed through you as she sat on his lap. 
his eyes flickered to you as the woman whispered in his ear. the saloon was filled with a cacophony of noise, music playing loudly, and the sound of the girls giggling. no one but ghost had even paid attention to you leaving. and you really couldn’t hold it against any of them. you barely knew them. you weren’t friends yet. 
you felt your breath hitch as the woman reached her hand out to trace ghost’s mask, his hand catching her wrist. you wanted to turn to finish going up the stairs but your eyes were locked in challenge with his. 
he nudged the girl off his lap and she huffed slightly before turning her attention to soap. your face felt inflamed as you turned and went up the stairs, slipping off into one of the rooms the lot of you had paid for. 
why were you so attracted to ghost? he was intimidating, scary even. and you had no idea what he looked like. not even his hands or neck.
you sighed as you cleaned up, stripping your clothes down into your undergarments, washing the stain from your jacket, and hanging it against the wooden bedframe to dry. 
the room was small but comfortable. you let your hair down and washed your face with the bucket of water. you wore your undershirt and underwear, everything else was either drying or removed so you could sleep comfortably. 
you were ready to slip into bed when you hear footsteps stumbling past your room. you wondered if it was one of the men. you heard a woman’s voice and that same, uncomfortable feeling squeezed your chest. maybe it was ghost bringing one of the women back to his room. 
you walked to your door and your hand hovered over the doorknob. you wanted to peek out, just to see. to see if it was ghost, or one of the others from downstairs. you were being crazy, you knew it. but you pulled the door open ever so slightly and peered out. you jumped, a loud yelp escaping you as a large ghost stood in your doorway. 
he deftly pushed your door open and made his way inside your small room. he kicked it closed behind him, his eyes trailing your exposed body shadowed by the small glow of the few candles by your bedside. 
“ghost,” you breathed, unsure of what else to say. you could smell whiskey on him as he walked closer. you looked up at him, his eyes piercing your own. his mask still had blood on it. and the way the shadows of the room illuminated and hid his features was haunting.
“were you jealous?” he said. 
you were taken aback but his question. you almost laughed. what on earth was happening? ghost just barged inside your room and was asking if you were jealous. of what? the woman on his lap earlier? why would he think that? 
“did you hear a woman outside your door and open it to see if it was me who was bedding one of the whores?”
your mouth hung open at his forward words. that was one thing you came to know about ghost: he said whatever the fuck he was thinking. 
“i… i…” you stuttered. 
ghost spun you around, slamming you against the wall, one hand coming out beside your head, the other on your hip. you were startled, unsure of what to say or do. ghost’s hand on your hip slid down to the apex of your thighs, slowly slipping between them and pressing against you. you gasped. 
“tell me. were. you. jealous? ”
you swallowed hard before nodding. “y-yes.”
you could almost hear the smile in his voice as he hummed. he rubbed you a few times over your underwear before backing away slightly and removing his gloves. your marvled at his hands before they were lost between your legs again. 
he slipped one into your panties and circled your clit. your hands finally came out and grabbed onto his shoulders, small little noises escaping you. 
“mhmmm,” he hummed, “already so wet for me, pet.” one of his fingers slid inside your heat painfully slow and your eyes rolled back. he pumped his finger a few times before pulling out of you. your eyes focused back on him as he nudged his mask up and slid his finger into his mouth. you could see the stubble on his chin and the soft pink of his lips. 
when he pulled his finger out, he spoke. “still want to see what i look like?” he teased. 
you nodded. he didn't move, waiting for you to take initiative. your hands crept up and you peeled his mask off–the cloth covering and the hard red skull. you tossed it onto the floor and were faced with a beautiful man. he was both rugged and pretty. it almost hurt to look at him. 
he had a scar running below his eye and one slicing his upper lip. his eyes were smoked out in black that smudged his skin and ran down his face from sweat. his hair was surprisingly light and soft looking. you couldn’t help yourself as you ran your hand up the back of his head and into his hair. 
you didn’t say it, but ghost could see the way you were taking his features in. you were pleased. pleasantly surprised. 
his lips came down on yours, crushing against you and pushing you flat against the wall. his mouth moved in sync with yours, making you groan against him. his hand slid into your hair and grabbed it, pulling your head back to expose your neck to him. he began to place kisses there and you felt your legs squeeze together. 
“never wanted anyone so bad in my life,” he grumbled against your skin. you felt your heart race at the confession. it made your head dizzy to think this terrifying killer wanted you . he wanted you so bad he couldn’t help himself. he was so set on you that he didn’t give a shit how many women came onto him downstairs at the bar. he just wanted to get up to your room and throw you against the wall. no stranger had even consumed his thoughts like this.
his rough hand ran up your front and grabbed the hem of your loose undershirt before pulling it off your body. he stood back and looked at you, licking his lips. 
before you had time to feel self-conscious, his mouth was diving for your chest and sucking one of your nipples into his mouth. you let out a breathless moan, your hands running through his hair. his hands slid to your ass and squeezed, pulling your hips against him. you could feel him tenting through his pants. 
before you could even think, he was on his knees, yanking your underwear all the way down your legs. you felt a weird sense of excitement course through you seeing him still fully dressed, knelt before you, while you were completely naked. 
he grabbed one of your legs and pulled it so you bent it over his shoulder. then his face was pleasantly nestled between your thighs. he sucked and licked at you and you threw your head back against the wall in a cry. “g-god.”
you could feel him smile against you. his stubble tickled you as his tongue moved in and out of you, then traced you up and down, before repeating the actions. you actually felt like you couldn’t breathe. and when two of his fingers came up to slide inside you while his mouth worked your clit, you felt your chest tighten and a hot flutter pool at the base of your spine. 
“lemme hear you,” he grunted. you panted and moaned as he continued to work his mouth against you. it didn’t take long before you were shaking and crying out. your hands gripped the wall behind you, your nails digging into the wood. 
ghost worked you through your orgasm, lapping every drop of you up until you were begging him to stop. 
you didn’t have a real chance to catch your breath and really take in what was happening because ghost was shoving you down onto your knees before him. he was undoing his belt, his lips glistening. you hesitantly reached up and replaced his hands. he let you take over and you unbuttoned and unzipped his dark trousers, releasing his cock from its restraints.
you swallowed at his size, your eyes widening slightly. you heard ghost chuckle above you. annoyed that he was somehow getting satisfaction out of your surprise and tentativeness, you took him in your mouth without warning. ghost’s chuckle turned into a choked groan. 
you bobbed up and down, not taking your time at all, your hand coming up to wrap around the base of him to move in sync with your mouth. you could hear him panting as you slid your tongue up and down, swirling it around the tip before sinking him back deep inside of you. 
he swore under his breath as you pumped him a few times, kissing the tip of his cock already leaking with precum. when you took him in your mouth again, his hand fisted your hair and his hips swung forward, rutting himself into you. 
you braced a hand against his thigh as he took control, moving in and out of your mouth at a faster speed than you were taking him moments ago. he hit the back of your throat and you swallowed so you wouldn’t choke and his head flew back and he moaned uncontrollably. 
you coughed and tried to catch your breath as he pulled out of you. tears were running down your face and you wiped your mouth. his fingers slid under your chin and tilted your head up towards him. 
“you’re gonna be the fuckin’ death of me, pet.” his thumb traced your bottom lip as he studied you, face flushed and glowing, tears making your eyes sparkle, your lips swollen and red, sat back on your haunches as you looked up. you were a marvel. 
he pulled you up and pushed you onto your bed. you watched as he crawled on top of you. your hands slid to his shirt and vest and you began to unbutton them. “want this off,” you muttered. 
his eyes searched yours for a moment, hesitating before he did what you wanted and stripped his top bare. it was hard to see in the dim light but you could tell he had scarring along his chest and back. you wondered if he was somehow ashamed or embarrassed by them and that’s why he contemplated removing his shirt or not. 
he settled back between your legs and you traced one of the scars on his shoulders before looking up at him. he was already looking at you, his eyes boring into your own. “how’d you get this?” you asked. 
he tilted his head, his hand brushing the side of your hair then cupping your cheek. “bounty hunting.” you looked at him expectantly. “he had me pinned down, tried to slit my throat. i kicked him from underneath and it made him miss. still hurt like a bitch though,” he said with a bit of faux mirth. 
you pulled him down to kiss you, his lips moving softer against you than earlier, gentle, but still just as hungry. 
he rolled his hips against you and you both groaned. “i need to fuck you so bad,” he said against your mouth. 
“so do it then.”
his eyes flared as he pulled back and looked at you. his hands shuffled his pants the rest of the way off and he lined himself up with your entrance. your hands wrapped around his back as he began to ease his way into you. 
you squeezed your eyes shut as he edged further in. he paused when he saw you. “am i hurting you?”
you shook your head. “no. keep going.” he gave you a questioning look, not sure if you were lying or not before he pushed all the way in. you both gasped as he sank as far as he could go. 
you both panted, trying to catch your breaths as he let you adjust to his size. he tested the waters by pulling out a little bit and pushing back in. he groaned deep in his chest as you spasmed around him, unused to someone of his size. 
“fuckin’ hell,” he said to himself. he knew he wasn’t going to last long. but fuck, he wanted to get you off at least one more time. 
he began to thrust in and out of you, doing a little more each time until he was almost pulling all the way out before thrusting back against your hips. 
the pain subsided and all you felt was ripples of pleasure as he moved inside of you. your nails dug into his back, your legs hooking around him and urging him to go faster. 
“you feel so good,” he mumbled against your neck. you mewled and threw your head back against the mattress as he relentlessly pounded into you, going rather hard now that you seemed to take him okay. the wooden bedframe crashed against the wall, thumping with the beat of his hips, but neither of you had it in you to care.
he picked up speed and you gasped, “ah!”
he stopped moving. “shit, did i hurt you?”
“no, no! keep going. move! fuck, please,” you said desperately. ghost chuckled before moving again, hitting you deep with each thrust. 
his smile quickly faded as he tried to stop himself from finishing too early. his hand slid between your bodies and began to rub your clit. your legs went outwards, letting him get you even deeper, and your walls spasmed around his cock. you felt yourself getting close. 
you were muttering all kinds of obscenities under your breath and ghost was growling and panting as he rutted against you. “you feel–fuck–so much better than i thought.”
your fingers ran through his hair and he kissed you again. “fuck, ghost,” you moaned. 
“simon.” you opened your eyes to look at him. “my name is simon.”
your eyes never left his as you whispered his name, the ‘n’ of it raising in octave as he thrusted into you. your eyes began to flutter again but one of his hands grabbed your jaw. “keep your eyes on me,” he demanded. 
his dark eyes were intoxicating as they glowed in the candlelight, the dark makeup around them making them that much more captivating. his hair was disheveled from all the times your fingers ran through it. you were certain you had never seen anyone so handsome. 
“i’m gonna come,” he growled. your breath picked up speed and your mouth hung open in breathy pants and little moans. 
“come in me,” you pleaded. before he could even respond, your soft voice saying something so obscene had him tumbling over the edge. his finger on your clit kept moving as he spurted inside you. 
you felt your legs shake and your walls clench down on him, dragging out his orgasm as he made sounds like he was in pain. 
you kept your eyes locked on him as you cried out, though you found it a difficult task. you felt his warmth fill you as you shuttered around his cock. he continued to thrust through both of your highs, a guttural groan escaping him each time your hips connected. 
when you both seemed to settle down, your highs coming to a blissful end, he collapsed on top of you, his face buried in your neck, breathing you in. 
your hands traced absentmindedly up and down his arm as he pressed himself against you. a few minutes later he rolled over and slid out of you, white seeping out and onto the sheets. he gave you a satisfied grin as he looked between your legs. you felt oddly shy.
he laid back into your pillow and pulled you against him, wrapping his arms tightly around you. you still couldn’t fathom the fact that this man who seemed to hate you for no reason was actually extremely attracted to you and just ravished the fuck out of you. and he was far kinder in bed than you would have imagined. 
you liked the feeling of security as he possessively held you to him, his hand in your hair. 
you tilted your head up to him. “you might want to go back to your room,” you muttered. 
you felt your face heat. “we probably don’t want the others to find out…” this was a whole new type of situation for you, and you weren’t sure you wanted the whole group to know you and ghost just fucked, only hours after meeting one another. 
he laughed. “i think they already know, pet. we weren’t exactly quiet.”
“oh my god,” you said in mortification, bringing your hands up to cover your face.
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thisisnotthenerd · 4 months
the ratgrinders' potential levels
cannot believe i was right about the xp reqs. the bad kids & the seven get 'special treatment' (milestone leveling and saving the world), while others have to work with xp. which tells you a lot about why people fled during prompocalypse.
ok getting into the algebra now: the rat grinders have gone into the far haven woods every day for the last two years, for 3 hours after school, and 9 hours/day on weekends. presumably they keep this up during the summer.
they have supposedly defeated 80,000 or more of three types of creatures: rats, spiders, and twig blights. there are some variations to what these could be, so here's a list of what this could encompass, assuming the ratgrinders are not facing creatures over CR 1.
giant rat: CR 1/8, 25 XP
swarm of rats: CR 1/4, 50 XP
giant wolf spider: CR 1/8, 25 XP
swarm of spiders: CR 1/2, 100 XP
giant flying spider: CR 1, 200 XP
giant spider: CR 1, 200 XP
ice spider: CR 1, 200 XP
twig blight: CR 1/8, 25 XP
needle blight: CR 1/4, 50 XP
thorn slinger: CR 1/2, 100 XP
vine blight: CR 1/2, 100 XP
razorvine blight: CR 1, 200 XP
thorny: CR 1: 200 XP
the full list is a little difficult to do calculations on, so let's condense it. assume a quarter of the 80000 creatures were CR 1/8, a quarter were CR 1/4, so on and so forth.
how much xp would they earn? how much would they level for the amount they ground? grinded? for?
critical assumption here: in the games i've played, we've always done milestone or zeroed out xp with each level, i.e. after earning 300 xp to get to level 2, you have to earn 900 xp to get to level 3, not 600. this analysis assumes that you have to earn the next levels xp reqs on top of your current total. i'm including the xp chart here to clarify:
level 1: 0 XP, +2, total 0 XP
level 2: 300 XP, +2, total 300 XP
level 3: 900 XP, +2, total 1200 XP
level 4: 2700 XP, +2, total 3900 XP
level 5: 6500 XP, +3, total 10400 XP
level 6: 14000 XP, +3, total 24400 XP
level 7: 23000 XP, +3, total 47400 XP
level 8: 34000 XP, +3, total 81400 XP
level 9: 48000 XP, +4, total 129400 XP
level 10: 64000 XP, +4, total 193400 XP
level 11: 85000 XP, +4, total 278400 XP
level 12: 100000 XP, +4, total 378400 XP
level 13: 120000 XP, +5, total 498400 XP
level 14: 140000 XP, +5, total 638400 XP
level 15: 165000 XP, +5, total 803400 XP
level 16: 195000 XP, +5, total 998400 XP
level 17: 225000 XP, +6, total 1223400 XP
level 18: 265000 XP, +6, total 1488400 XP
level 19: 305000 XP, +6, total 1793400 XP
level 20: 355000 XP, +6, total 2148400 XP
if we went cumulatively, based on the number of creatures the bad kids have defeated, they'd be getting up there in xp. we know they've had opportunities to defeat creatures outside of the quests that we've seen, given the oneshots. thus, i'm going with the second explanation, because otherwise the ratgrinders would be 19th level, and i don't think they are, because it would make any pvp setups super unbalanced, which are neither fun to play nor watch. this puts them on a little more even ground and emphasizes the amount of work it takes to xp grind to level against milestone leveling.
for the CR 1/8s: assuming roughly 20,000 creatures, they'd get 25 XP per, which means 500,000 xp. that's cumulatively enough to get to level 13, on just those creatures. divided 6 ways, assuming the ratgrinders have 6 members, it's 83,333.33, which is enough to get you to 10th level cumulatively and 8th non cumulatively.
this scales up to the 1/4s, 1/2s and the 1s since the xp gains double for each challenge rating rather than plateauing as they do at higher levels.
for the CR 1/4s: 1,000,000 xp. that's cumulatively enough to get to level 16 on just those creatures. divided 6 ways, assuming the ratgrinders have 6 members, it's 166,666.66, which is enough to get you to 15th level cumulatively and 9th non cumulatively.
for the CR 1/2s: 2,000,000 xp. divided 6 ways, assuming the ratgrinders have 6 members, it's 333,333.33, which is enough to get you to 19th level cumulatively, and 11th level non cumulatively.
and for the 1s, 4,000,000 xp. well over what you'd need to get to level 20, on just the CR 1s. divided 6 ways, assuming the ratgrinders have 6 members, it's 666,666.66, which is well over 20th level cumulatively, and 14th level non cumulatively.
using this estimate and adding all of this up, each member of the ratgrinders would have gathered enough xp to be level 20 cumulatively, and level 17 non cumulatively.
obviously the actual numbers would scale differently; initially, they would likely have to tackle these creatures as a party, but over time would take care of them individually. this is a bunch of kids doing the intro to class assignment for every assignment for two years straight.
level 20 seems extreme for the aguefort adventuring academy; let's scale it down a bit. the creatures specifically mentioned are probably giant rats, giant wolf spiders, and twig blights, based on the descriptions from jawbone.
all of these are CR 1/8, or 25 XP each. 80000 would give an xp total of 2,000,000, which would put each of the ratgrinders at around 11th level, a little higher level than the bad kids at the moment. however, since their fighting prowess scaled up, and they're probably going out in elmville and actively hindering the bad kids in some way, that level is very likely to increase.
what we saw in the episode
now the sticking point is mary ann rolling a 35. we know she got some kind of transmutation buff. a little tricky wording from brennan; fabian had enhance ability on, which is a transmutation spell. he did not say it was enhance ability.
mary ann is a barbarian, so she already gets advantage on athletics if she's raging, which i assume she was. the buff probably wouldn't be something that grants advantage.
assuming the lower estimate of 11th level, mary ann would get a +4 proficiency bonus, and i'm assuming she has 20 in strength, so +5 to her strength based skills, for a total of +9. at the high estimate of level 17, she would have a +6 to her proficiency bonus, which would give her a total of +11 to athletics. this is still not high enough to get a 35, even on a nat 20, which brennan would have declared if he had rolled one. she could conceivably accomplish this with the brawny feat, which allows for expertise in the athletics skill, which would give her a +17, meaning she could hit a 35 on a 18.
or, the buff was something like skill empowerment, which is a 5th level transmutation spell that gives the target expertise in a skill that they already have proficiency in. this spell is available to bards and wizards, among other classes, both of which we presume are in the ratgrinders. ruben could have cast skill empowerment on mary ann and given her bardic inspiration (lower estimate: d10, higher estimate: d12), both of which would have enabled that 35.
judging by the implication that she could not accomplish that feat without some kind of buff, i'm going with the latter explanation.
anyway i did too much math for this to not go in the stats series, or the school series. so this will be added to the spreadsheet later.
i hope this is useful.
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seraphiism · 1 month
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( tomorrow / either i will murder you / or you will rinse the knife in water )
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chara : arlecchino fandom : genshin impact quote cr : garous abdolmalekian ; ashwarya a/n : i haven't played genshin in forever, this is all based off her character trailer + wiki
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the first time you witness the black that adorns her skin is the first time your heart beats in vast terror. a battle gone wrong, tattered clothes and gloves, and then the reveal of the truest & highest self of a harbinger.
you do not know what to do, what to think. you are unsure if it is the adrenaline of survival that makes the life in your chest ache violently so, or if it is the fear and wanting of the unknown.
arlecchino stands before you, yet you do not dare cast your gaze upon her. you swallow hard, eyes following the drips of sanguine that fall from wretched claws. oh, dearest, how they sink into the hollows of the world, forever fragmented into existence in remnant of death. the blood is too much. it's too much-- the way it splatters across her skin, nearly drenching all black until it is an ocean of madness and crimsons and massacres.
your hands tremble. your stomach churns. you look elsewhere, searching for refuge, but the blood follows, and somewhere in its meaning is the death of those it once belonged to, and that makes your heart beat faster and faster until you feel your mind on the verge of break.
the blood is too much.
you listen, but still, you do not look. you are afraid, but you are unsure of what.
a sharpness digs into your face, sudden. harsh. her claws press into your skin-- not light, but seldom hard enough to draw blood. you know very well that she could harm you if she desired, yet she doesn't. she jerks your chin up, forces you to meet her gaze.
"it's ill-mannered to not look your savior in the eye."
your mouth runs dry. something unfamiliar gnaws at your humanity.
"i... am thankful that the blood on your hands is not mine."
and in the abyss of black and red, there's just the faintest trace of amusement in the echoes of apathy.
"a simple thank you would have sufficed."
you do not know what draws you to her, this harbinger. it has been a long while since your first encounter, and still, you have remained by her side. you do not know why. you do not know why she agrees to your companionship. you question it more often than you'd like.
she is a complexity of things you have yet to unravel, and truth be told, you doubt you will ever understand her, her past, or who she truly is, and maybe it's better that way. that's what you'll tell yourself, anyway, even if it might hurt.
because she is both safety and danger to you, and you wish that frightened you, but it doesn't. you wish that it would drive you away, but it doesn't. she is no sanctuary, no haven, and though she is lined with cruelty, there is not always a coldness in her heart. you know this.
"i did not save you with the intention of keeping your presence." she tells you one day, and you cannot help but smile.
she washes the crimson off her hands. an all too common sight you have grown to adore. you watch in fascination every time, searching the bright red that fades into an everlasting black.
"yet you do not push me away, arlecchino."
she does not respond. she stares at the bloodied waters, the hazy red a familiarity. in her muddled reflection, there is nothing but vacancy.
"no, i don't."
( she doesn't. she should. you both know this. )
the world is not meant to be viewed in good and evil, but how it is deeply desired so. it would make things simpler, wouldn't it? the truth would be so easy, the war between logic and emotion dissipated into black and white and seldom gray.
that's what you'd like to imagine, anyway. because even in a world full of good and evil, you do not know where you stand, nor do you know where arlecchino stands. your heart beats dearly for her, but you do not know whether it is with love or infatuation or with warning of the end to come.
perhaps it will be a happy ending. perhaps you will not be in it, whether in death or other means.
you are unsure.
you sit before her, staring at the translucent water in the basin. it has yet to be disturbed by another, pure. your reflection is curious, though you are unable to study it for long. your gaze shifts elsewhere as she grabs your jaw; it is a familiar feeling, the way she forces you to look at her.
it's a dark nostalgia, you think. the blood on her claws, the digging sensation in your face, though much gentler than before. you aren't afraid this time. she stares at you, visage empty. she waits.
your lips curve, subtle. there is a strange exhilaration in the mourning of it all, and one day, you will understand it.
"i wonder," you begin, hand wrapping around her wrist, "when it will be my blood on your hands one day."
something in her expression changes. you barely catch it, but even then, you cannot read it. she leans forward, closes the distance between you, her lips just inches away from yours.
"will you be thankful, even then?"
her grip on your jaw tightens, but still, the claws do not draw blood. you wish it did. you grin.
"of course." you answer, and slowly, you press your lips against hers. "i will always be thankful."
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mochamvgz · 2 months
made with love.p.jay
; a warm meal with your partner was all you needed after a hectic month
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; park jongseong x reader
; genre: fluff, non-idol au
; warnings: talk of exhaustion
; 0.7k words
; tags: @inkelea @sobun1est @kbookshelf
; divider cr: @plutism (i can't believe I forgot to credit them earlier 😭😭 if you're reading this i'm so so sorry)
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you entered the passcode to your studio apartment, letting yourself in after being met with an affirmative *beep*
after carelessly tossing your backpack onto the kitchen counter, you miraculously managed to drag yourself to your bed, collapsing on it right away
thank god it's saturday tomorrow
that was the only thought in your mind at present. you'd had a hectic week—no, a hectic fortnight...or was it a month...? your pre-existing headache grew worse as you tried to recall so you gave up eventually
your eyelids grew heavy and just as you were about to board your train to dreamland, star lost by stray kids started playing from the front pocket of your pants. wait, no, that couldn't be right. pockets don't make sounds...oh, it was only your phone ringing
an annoyed grunt escaped your mouth before you checked the caller id. a tired but genuine smile speak across your face when you saw who it was. you accepted the call and put it on speaker
"how's my girl doing?"
you could almost hear the smile in jay's voice, which, in turn, made your own smile widen. "i'm feeling pretty wiped honestly"
jay knew that, he'd noticed the way your smile didn't reach your eyes these days, how your shoulders seemed deflated, the way you looked as if you could pass out at any given moment. of course, he'd be there to catch you if you did
"have you had anything to eat yet?"
jay had expected as much
"want me to come over? i can make you something to eat, and then we could cuddle or watch a movie or something"
"yes please, i could really use your cuddles. only if it's not too much of a bother, of course"
"nothing's ever a bother when it comes to you. i'll be there in 10. wait for me, yeah?"
you hummed in response and hung up with an "i love you" which he mirrored back. his soft voice when he spoke to you always warmed your heart. you dozed off thinking about how you truly had the best boyfriend ever
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the clatter of pots and pans jolted you awake
you screwed your eyes shut as a groan escaped you, the blaring headache coming back. you heard someone cursing, probably the same person responsible for the racket that disrupted your sleep
sitting up, you began to rub your eyes when you heard a sequence of frantic footsteps, getting progressively closer, and then a pair of arms wrapping around you
you looked up to see jay with an apologetic expression on his face
"i'm soo sorry 'bout that sweetheart, I was trying to be quiet but..."
you mumbled an "it's okay" while hugging him back. after staying in that position for some time, jay broke the silence
"how about you wash up yeah? i'll be in the kitchen"
you noded, shooting him a smile—which he returned—before getting up and making your way to your bathroom
when you came back out, feeling considerably more rested and energized, you found your bed was made, and your previously-cluttered desk was much tidier. a smile made it's way on your face, knowing it could be none other than jay's work
jay noticed you as you approached the kitchen counter, his face lighting up
"you're right on time for dinner!"
"dinner? don't you mean lunch?"
he tilted his head a little to the side in confusion
"it's 7:00 p.m. sweetie"
"already??? have i been out for that long? why didn't you wake me up??"
jay chuckled, "you looked so cute sleeping, i didn't wanna wake you. plus, you seemed like you needed it"
"fair enough"
by then jay announced dinner was ready so you helped him set the table and sat down for dinner. the noodles he'd made were simply delectable. it reminded you of the way you used to make them with your sister. you mentioned it to him among other compliments
"well, where do you think I got the recipe?" he winked. your mouth fell open. no way.
"i literally love you so much"
"love you too" he replied with his adorable smile
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© mochamvgz on tumblr | all rights reserved | do not plagiarise, repost or translate
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maehemthemisfit · 2 years
FEATURING 彡 Scaramouche and Tighnari
WORD COUNT 彡3k word vomit
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It really depends on which version of scaramouche you're with
There's the pre three betrayals KUNIKUZUSHI, who would look at you in complete awe, his eyes swirling with childlike curiosity as he watched the rise and fall of your chest
Kunikuzushi who silently takes in your relaxed features, marveling at the slightest sounds or movements you made in your sleep
Kunikuzushi who despite being a divine creation himself, watches you as if you were crafted from the high lands above, carved and cut from an ethereal cloth and sowed together by miracles and dreams.
How curious, he was. And by no means did he harbor any malicious thoughts or ill intentions. Some may have found it creepy, but he was only a fledgling thrown out of the nest, desperate to survive yet also wanting to spread their wings to explore the vast world, his world being you.
If you had hair, he would find himself parting strands of them away from your face and in the act would rub his thumb across your cheek, melting when you cuddled into his touch, sighs of content and soft murmurs escaping you.
If you concealed your hair, he would tuck or readjust whatever you used to cover it.
I feel like any version of him would play with your hair though, and there's the chance of you waking up to find a piece of your hair styled or braided if it could be .
PLEASE keep it like that for awhile, he'll literally melt seeing it.
Sometimes, he copied your breathing to try and feel more human, and would grow concern if you took too long to inhale.
Probably shook you awake one time out of panic, thinking you were dead in your sleep. You were not amused and too tired to complain of the rude awakening so you just nodded off that you were fine, told him to go to bed, and instantly fell back unconscious. He was relieved, confused, and shocked within the span of two minutes.
Humans are strange he concluded...
The slow breaths he mimicked would make him feel at ease and soon he would be in dreamland right beside you.
And on rare occasions, you would wake up to his sleeping figure and admire his peaceful expression.
Then there's the way SCARAMOUCHE/WANDERER looks at you while you're sleeping.
Actually, he glares at you while you sleep, sometimes with a scowl on his face.
He's not mad, he's just deep in thought and it's driving him insane.
What he's thinking about? It's you and how your cute— uh, annoying face makes him feel all weird inside. It's so aggravating, even if he wanted to, he couldn't sleep.
Why would you even let your guard down around him? Are you stupid or just have a death wish?
Even when he raises a hand to you, he doesn't harm you. He thinks about how soft you must be, how warm you would feel beneath his finger tips and he wants to run his hand against your cheek— but he quickly retracts his hand the moment you stir in your sleep.
He's horrified at the thought of almost touching you so tenderly that he's left gazing at his hand in pure shock.
He wholeheartedly believes you've cursed him or could this be one of Buer's tricks? To hell with these meaningless feelings! He thought he eradicated all of them but ... you just had to make him feel... things, it was unfair!
But he could never bring himself to do anything that endangered you. If anything, he wanted to protect you as if you were the gnosis he's been chasing all his life.
When he's thought long enough, he's hit with an epiphany that threatens to push him off the bed, nearly waking you up in the process because the next thought that hits him is
Fuck, he's screwed.
Because how could he fall for a mortal??? Anyone for that matter. He thought it wasn't possible, all he knows is pain and betrayal. But… this foreign feeling that's invading his every thought and holding him captive all stems from you.
In some way shape or form, he blames Nahida, even if he knows she had nothing to do with it.
He crosses his arms, an inaudible huff leaving him as he contemplates what he should do. You could practically feel his glare burning holes into your dreams.
Eventually, he comes to terms with it and his eyes soften as he watches you now out of fear that you'll disappear, just like everything else he cherished.
He'll go from whispering light hearted obscenities to sometimes sweet nothings.
His favorite thing to do is listen to the thrumming of your heart, odd enough that's the only thing that lulls him to sleep.
No matter what version you're stuck with, Scaramouche's gaze would always hold some sort of admiration for the peaceful look of you resting.
"Mnhm..." You mumbled in your slumber, adjusting the arm you were laying on to a more comfortable position.
The sudden movement caused the puppet to retract his hand to his chest, his other, caressing the skin that was inches away from brushing your face.
He bit his lip in anticipation, body stiff, and eyes wide, waiting for yours to open but the sight never came. The tune of your gentle breathing filled his senses, the sound easing the tension he once had as he relaxed against your bed.
Scaramouche mumbled to himself, brows knitted in disappointment, "You're existence is really distracting,"
"Would you prefer if I stopped existing then?" You hummed in your supposed sleep, eyes still close and face still relaxed that had the divine creation wondering if his ears chose to deceive him.
Your smile gave it away however, and the startled puppet could only gulp with a meek "...No."
"Then get used to it," A promise? Perhaps, but Scaramouche couldn't ponder on about your words, not when you reached out and took his hand in yours, bringing it back to the position it once was and pressing it against your cheek.
His face bloomed a pretty red, cloaked by the blanket of midnight, but the sudden warmth of his hands were evidence enough of the state he was in.
Enamored by the way your fingers grazed his own, he finally nestled into your space, his leg thrown over your calf as a means to be closer, a pout still evident on his lips.
The rest of the night was spent listening to the ambience the darkness brought, crickets and nightcrawlers bustling with life, the gentle breeze and rustle of leaves, the soft snores that he was sure indicated you were finally at rest.
His hand still laid on your cheek, thumb swaying from time to time. With a moment of hesitation, his lips found your forehead as it's destination, leaving a soft yet long kiss in it's wake. And when you didn't stir, the wandering puppet opened his heart yet another time, welcoming your name to live within the fractured yet healing bits of his being, two words whispered gently, only for him and the calming breeze to hear.
"I will."
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Despite the enthusiasm he harbors for new discoveries, TIGHNARI is a creature of habit when it comes to his lifestyle as a Forest Watcher.
He likes to be prepared, organized, and is pretty routine for the most part along with his duties.
The fennec fox has always been an early bird since he carries a lot of responsibilities, but that all changed when you crash landed into his life
More specifically, when you moved in with him.
It's apparent that there's not many chances to spend some quality time with Tighnari, (unless you're working along side him, and even then, it's mainly work and your attention to one another is fractured) he's always on the move and there's new things calling for his presence everyday.
But they'll always be at least two times you'll have his complete and utter attention; when you wake up, and when you fall asleep.
It's known that these moments alone are the most precious so the both of you savior it as much as you can. So there's a special routine to always make the most of each other's company and Tighnari won't let anyone get in the way of it.
It's kinda an unspoken rule for the other rangers/watchers to not disturb the two of you until one of you comes out. The entire forest better be in flames before anyone dares knock on your door unless they wanna face a sassy and grumpy fox. cue the "You woke me up for THIS?" lecture.
On a normal morning, waking up together consists of soft touches and cuddles.
Tighnari usually wakes up first but on rare occasions do your eyes get blessed with the view of him waking up, and it's truly a sight to see.
The first thing you wake up to is Tighnari's arms wrapping securely around you, ungloved hands running up and down the small of your back, another feeling of his lips tracing up your shoulder and to your chin until you give him a pleasant reaction.
There's times you'll pretend to still be deep in slumber just to hear him whine and nuzzle his face into your cheek. He might tickle you if you keep up the act long enough.
The way your fingers run against the edges of his ears, soothing circles coaxing out the sweetest of purs that reverberates along the crook of your neck where his face rests. It's an absolute must do before anyone decides to leave the comfort of your shared bed.
The rest of the morning is filled with the two of you getting ready. It doesn't matter what you're doing really, one of you would always be near the other.
If you had hair and allowed him to see it, he'd sneak in the bathroom while you're doing your hair to hug you again, giggles erupting from the both of you as he kissed your nape and moved to work on his own strands of bed hair.
You're always in sync no matter how tired the both of you are, you always know what the other needs before being asked, already handing it to each other if it's close by.
It's so domestic catching glimpses of Tighnari staring at you through the mirror, a warm smile on his face that you return tenfold. Please tease him a little, just to see his face heat up and his ears slightly dip because he's flustered.
If you're having trouble with your hair or don't feel like doing it, he'll chime in and offer to help. He's also very gentle and knowledgeable about what products works well with your hair type.
He likes when you fret over his tail and offer to brush and oil it. He also smacks or brush your side with his tail whenever you pass by, he swears it's not intentional but his smirk says otherwise. It's a passive way of scenting you.
There are times where one of you doesn't feel like getting out of bed just yet. You have to use a few tricks to get Tighnari to cuddle you again.
Softly pull his tail, cling to him a little, run your hands against his back and tell him you miss how warm and soft he was.
Beware if you cling to him though, he will pick you up and start his morning routine with you hanging from his back.
The only way you're 100% staying in bed is if you're feeling under the weather.
He'll cater to any and everything you need and will stay with you longer before he has to leave. Expect soft rubs to whatever hurts and he'll let you snuggle his tail if you wish.
There are times though, when the sly fox just wants to sleep in for the day, regardless if the two of you had plans or not. The forest could wait, plus, how could you pass up an entire morning spent with your lover?
Conversations consist of asking what the other plans for the day, silently conspiring to sneak in moments to have the other to themselves in a way it doesn't inconvenience them.
Tighnari would usually cook and if you have that under your skillset, he'll cook with you and would always offer his help with whatever recipe you're craving.
If you're forgetful, he would always have/know where things are and will always remind you of something before you leave the house.
Tighnari's favorite part of the day is right before he leaves.
Your hands fiddle with the seams of his clothing, smoothing out wrinkles and adjusting here and there. He loves how concentrated you look, so focused and doting only on him.
His hands rest comfortably on your waist, your eyes peering up as your fingers run effortlessly through his hair, separating green from black.
You'll peck his nose as he's caught in his trance, only to see his face scrunch up in a adorable way and his ears twitch to the sound of your laugh.
He falls in love with you even more, if that's even possible.
The cherry on top is the kiss he gives you before his departure.
He'll never give you a rushed kiss, he'll feel off the rest of the day if he ever did. So expect passionate kisses.
He always pours all of his love into them, pulling you closer with a hand cupping your face, thumbing your skin.
When you do pull away, there's another silent conversation that happens all with eye contact, green and brown hues lighting up as if it witnessed the universe itself in all its beauty. He'll voice a paraphrased version of it though, words of being safe and one last "I love you." before he goes.
Like I said, every moment with you is precious and he'll never take your time for granted.
Your eyes fluttered open as the sun peeked over the horizon, emitting a soft glow of orange and red that creeped through the translucent pang of glass. The call of birds- you could normally put a name too if it weren't for your drowsy state- sung a sweet melody, broadcasting to the residential wildlife that the sun has come to rise and shine over the vast foliage you've come to know.
Sadly, you didn't wake up to the feeling of Tighnari cuddled against you, feeling the chill of the morning instead in his absence. A shiver crawled up your skin as you pulled the covers tighter around you, eyes searching for your lover to steal his body heat and capture a few more minutes of rest. But as soon as you turned around, you were met with a sight you could fawn over for centuries.
Dark and green strands framed messily over his cheek, his mouth slight agape accompanied by the slow breaths he took that made his chest rise and fall. Tighnari laid curled into himself, hugging his tail as drool dribbled down the crevice of his mouth. How adorable, you couldn't help but be captivated by his angelic look, urging closer to admire the puppy like and blissful state he slept in.
He bathed in the candescence of the unrivaled lightning Sumeru held, coating him in a golden hue that made him look otherworldly.
The fennec fox's ears twitched upon your shuffling, tail spurring into a calm motion as he stretched the exhaustion from his limbs. He really did resemble a small kitten, uncurling from his ball and yawning as his ears fell flat against his head, giving you a glimpse of his pointed canines and reminding you how animalistic his features were.
"... Morning," He greeted sluggishly, voice carrying a rasp that made your heart do jumping jacks. "How'd you sleep?"
He was already in motion before you could answer, finding his place with you snaked between his arms, tail draped around you in some way with his chest pressing against your front as he laid on top of you.
"It was alright," you answered honestly, hands idly tracing unmethodical patterns on the small of his back. "But seeing you wake up was the highlight of it."
"Mmnh..." Tighnari hummed, face buried in the cavern between your neck, waiting for something it seemed. But when you started to move away, his grasp quickly tightened, restricting you completely.
You blinked, "Is something wrong?" you asked to which he responded with a huff. Yes. Okay so what could it be? You racked your mind for answers as the forest watcher grew more impatient.
Did he feel ill? Was he upset? You mumbled aloud to yourself, voice laced with puzzlement as you played coy.
Of course you knew what he wanted, you just loved to tease him. Tighnari was no fool to your theatrics however, not that it was an elaborate scheme, he'd fallen into your traps too many times to know when you were messing with him.
But if you wanted to play that way...
"Hmm, I wonder what it could—" You yelped before you could continue, his fangs grazing your skin as he nibbled on your collar bone. He specifically made it so that his ears were obscuring your vision, flicking every so often in anticipation. "Fine, fine, I concede," You giggled, finally giving his fluffy appendages their much needed attention.
"Yeah, I thought so," You could feel him smirk against you, giving a kiss to the mark he recently made. "Haven't anyone told you to never poke a bear with a stick, you big lummox."
"Yeah, but they never said the bear would be this adorable, how could I resist?" You cooed gently, leaving a small peck on his ear as a purr escaped from your lover. "They never said they could purr either,"
"Oh shut up."
"I love you too," You smiled, falling deeper in love with his adorable drowsy voice.
A sigh of content came from his end as he held you closer. He nuzzled against your hand and his eyes softened before coming to a close. "Unfortunately, the feeling is mutual."
You stifled a laugh, hitting his shoulder lightly in feigned offense. "Tighnari!"
To be in your arms like this every morning and every coming night? Oh he wouldn't have it any other way.
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TAGLIST — @yesntforno @serramii @shadowmist0706 @jmgrule @imeanwatever @c00kie-cat @xtodorokismistressx @ieathairs @endlessmari @strawberryclumsy @serenity-ren-bliss @scarasbaby @1eaf-me-alone @sonder-paradise @96jnie @komiyaa @scaramouchenumber1fan @linn-a-a @wisteriaflowersss @ineriris
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creamsickle-writes · 11 months
Swimming with Sharks: Arlong x F!Reader
Tags: nsfw, unhealthy relationships (Reader is delusional), Reader is kept as a "pet", masturbation, size difference, double penetration, oral sex, Arlong-typical degradation
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There had to have been something wrong with you.
You were enamored with a pirate, which was bad enough on its own, but the situation was even more twisted than that, as the pirate you lusted after was the man who had been holding your village captive for the past eight years. 
Arlong was a horrible, terrible man.
You felt disgusted with yourself. This wasn’t normal, and it certainly wasn’t healthy. This man had killed villagers, recruited a child to join his slimy crew, and was very open about his views on the “inferior” human race. To him, you were nothing more than a piggy bank, offering your tribute as often as he requested.
But whatever god exists is cruel and loves to play jokes.
You couldn’t help but be enchanted by him. Maybe it was his power, tall stature, or something else entirely, but you wanted him more than anything.
To be his was all you ever desired since Arlong arrived years ago, awakening something inside your teenage heart. You had hoped it was just the hormones acting up or some sort of weird phase, but no, you were in your twenties now, and the fish man still made you hot and bothered.
And as much as you wanted to hate him, to loathe and despise him, you couldn’t.  
So when collection day came, you were jittery in anticipation instead of shaking and cowering in fear like an average person would. It was the rare occasion where you got to see him up close, and while he wouldn’t speak with you directly, you would hear his gruff voice ordering his underlings around. 
And today, you were very fortunate as Arlong would grace you with his presence once more. 
When the fishmen enter the village, the place becomes a ghost town, everyone making themselves scarce as they wait for the pirates to bang on their door. 
You peek out the window, your heart racing and your head spinning as you watch them approach your neighbor’s house. You observe in interest, your eyes raking over each man before your eyes finally catch on Arlong, who seems to be conversing with one of his men.
When they head for your door, you’re on the porch before they even get the chance to knock. On the porch are several fishmen, but Arlong seems to be missing. Your face falls in disappointment.
“Well, you’re eager for us to drain your pockets,” one of his crewmates laughs, leaning in to sneer down at you, “Just make sure you hand it all over, or else we’ll have to sic our Captain on you.”
Your ears twitch at that.
You knew what you were thinking was dumb, reckless, and really dangerous, but this was an opportunity to get his attention, and it couldn’t be thrown away.
“Ah, I don’t have any money this month-“you smile nervously, “But maybe I could talk things over with your Captain and-“
As you try to talk your way into meeting with Arlong personally, the fishman you’re speaking to glances over your shoulder, seeing your purse lying on your kitchen table.
“You have nothing, you say?” He asks, clearly not believing a word, “Then what’s this over here?”
He shoves you aside roughly, and you hiss in pain, rubbing the area where he pushed you. 
The man starts digging around in your handbag, retrieving enough berries for his month’s payment and then some. 
You grow hot in embarrassment as he waves the cash in the air before walking towards the door, “Looks like humans are just as dumb as I thought! They can’t even count properly.”
Shit. There goes the money for food.
As the fishman passes the threshold, you hear him call out, “Hey, Arlong! This human was trying to get out of handing over our money!”
And when he emerges from the rabble of men, your heart races in your chest.
“What’s this now?” His low voice inquires, talking more to you than to his subordinate. 
You try to muster the courage to speak, but nothing comes out. Arlong steps forward, crowding your space, and your heartbeat grows louder.
“And why would you ever think of doing that, little human?” The question is definitely more of a threat, and because you are clearly some sort of masochist, your insides throb excitedly. 
You answer honestly, “I-I wanted to get your attention-“
His crew bursts out laughing.
“His attention?”
“It’s like a child!”
“What a strange wish!”
Arlong lets his men laugh for a while, but eventually, he raises a hand, making them quiet down. 
“And why do you want my attention, pitiful little creature?” He smirks, “Maybe you plan to distract me while your fellow humans attempt to attack my men, is that it?”
“N-No sir, I would never!” You exclaim, “I-I just- well-“
Your stammering wears Arlong’s patience thin, “Out with it already.”
“I-I am entranced by you-“you confess, “A-And I- um-“ 
Your sentence trails off as he begins pacing around you in circles, his eyes never leaving you for a moment as if he were appraising you, which, in all fairness, he probably was. 
“So,” he takes some of your hair, allowing it to fall between his fingers as he assesses you closely, “You’re entranced by me, are you? A human that desires a fishman- now that is something I have never seen before…”
Arlong hums, and you squeal as he hooks a finger under your camisole straps, sliding it past your shoulder as if examining the skin underneath. But clearly, he wasn’t; he was just hoping to get into your head.
And it was working, but in a different way than he anticipated.
“For a human,” he starts, “you’re not terrible looking… I’d even say that you are somewhat attractive.”
“T-Thank you,” your voice quivers, “It’s such great praise to hear you say that, sir.”
“Tell me,” he’s behind you now, leaning down to whisper in your ear, “Do you fear me?”
“Y-Yes sir,” you choke out, “Very much-“
“And yet you are aroused by me. Your logical mind tells you to stay away from me, but you listen to your body instead. Humans are such foolish, primitive creatures.” He chuckles darkly before pulling away from your ear and pacing again so he’s in front of you, his dark eyes glued to your face.
Without taking his eyes off you, he speaks to his crew, “We’ll take this one back with us. I’ve always wanted a pet.”
He wickedly smiles at his words and motions for you to follow when he turns on his heels. You hear several fellow villagers sob when they see you leaving your house with the pirates. They must believe that you are about to be killed, and for all you know, their beliefs could be correct, but in your heart, you don’t believe Arlong will slaughter you.
You hope and pray that your instincts are correct.
The walk to Arlong Park isn’t long, and soon you’re in front of the towering structure. You’ve never seen it up close before, and the building’s intense aura washes over you; the once faraway symbol of your oppression was now directly suffocating you.
“Come,” Arlong orders, and you scurry to his side, “This will be your new place of residence. You will eat when I say so and sleep only where I allow.”
“Y-Yes, sir.”
He laughs, “Finally, a human that knows their place.”
He enters the pagoda, and you try to keep up, walking briskly to keep time with his long strides. Arlong leads you upstairs to a rather large bedroom, a bed built for a man of his stature sitting in the middle. 
He sits at the edge of the bed and beckons you to come close. You obey without question, standing before him, your hands placed timidly in front of you. 
“Remove your clothing,” he commands suddenly, “Make it quick.”
You scramble to remove your top and slide your shorts off your thighs, kicking them to the side. You’re left only in your underwear, your bra never touching your chest today. You hesitate momentarily when your fingers brush over your underwear’s waistband. 
“S-Sorry, I’m a bit nervous-“you confess, “No one’s ever seen me naked before-“
“I don’t care about your sentimentality. Although,” Arlong smirks, his eyes raking over your body, “the knowledge that I am the first to lay eyes on you is quite amusing...”
His tone’s clear hunger flusters you, and you slip your panties off, stepping out of them and tossing them aside with your other clothes.
He stands up, towering before you as he looks you over. Without warning, he roughly grabs one of your breasts, causing you to gasp.
“Your breasts barely fill my hand,” he scoffs, squeezing the flesh almost painfully tight, “but what else did I expect? Your body is so pitifully small.”
He huffs and releases you, kneeling before you to examine your exposed pussy. You’re about to cover it up, but Arlong beats you to the punch, using his webbed fingers to spread your lips instead. 
“But because you’re so small, I imagine you’ll feel much better around me.”
Your face burns with embarrassment yet anticipation as he slides a finger over your slit. You let out a soft gasp, jolting upright at the touch. He lets out a booming laugh.
“How sensitive!” He mocks you, “I barely graze you, and you jump like a scared cat!”
He removes his hand from your body and stands up, humming to himself, “Yes, I think I’ll make quite good use of you.”
That’s all he says before he walks past you, approaching the door. 
You stutter out, “I-Is that all?”
“For now, yes.” Looking over his shoulder, he simply states, “I have more important things that need my attention at the moment.”
And with that, he leaves, slamming the door shut behind him. 
You were now left alone in what you assumed were his personal quarters. 
And the reality of the situation finally sets in: you were taken as Arlong’s plaything. You would probably never get to go back to your regular life ever again. You had signed yourself, body and soul, over to him. 
The thought both terrified and excited you.
Days pass, and you slowly adjust to your situation, if only slightly. You don’t see Arlong often, and when you do, he barely acknowledges your presence. You figured the unspoken rule was that only Arlong could treat you poorly if desired and that anyone else injuring or degrading you would end in disaster. 
And while you enjoyed their kind treatment, you were still chasing after Arlong’s approval and attention.
You wanted him to want you, desire you, maybe even love you. You felt stupid for even falling for a man like him in the first place, and yet here you were, throwing yourself at his feet like a dog.
You sighed as you thought this over in your bed; life wasn’t terrible here, but you wished things could be different. You had your own room but wished you could sleep in his. He wasn’t abusing you, but you wished you had his praise.
The night drags on, and you lay awake in bed, the sounds of the fishmen drinking and laughing rising from outside to your window. You didn’t attend the party tonight, the smell of alcohol and loud conversations not sounding appealing to you today. 
You tried closing your eyes to get some rest, but you weren’t tired.
And your mind suddenly remembers that day.
You remember how he touched you the day he took you in, how he grabbed your breast. Your hand slides up to your chest, squeezing harshly to recreate the feeling. It’s not the same, but the sensation reminds you of that moment.
Your body grows excited at the memory.
You bite your lip as your other hand slips between your legs, teasingly sliding over your clothed slit. A moan bubbles up in your throat, and you don’t bother quieting yourself; everyone is outside at the party, so certainly, they wouldn’t hear you. 
You rub slow circles into your clit, your back arching slightly as pleasure runs through your body. 
Tired of the teasing, you pull your pajama shorts off your body, your underwear following soon behind, and spread your legs eagerly. As your fingers slide over your slit, you imagine Arlong above you, his fingers teasing your most intimate area. 
You slide a finger inside but quickly opt for two, trying to replicate how full his fingers would make you feel.
You finger yourself, curling your fingers upwards to stimulate your g-spot. Your mind goes crazy imagining the dirty things he would say to you, and you move your fingers even faster, mashing your sensitive spot the way you imagined he would. 
It doesn’t take long to cum, and you’re embarrassed when you realize the thought of him made you orgasm so quickly. 
You pull out your fingers, your cum coating them completely. You go to your personal bathroom and prepare to wash your hands and clean your slit.
But for some reason, you feel as though you’re being watched. 
You timidly walk back into your bedroom to check things out and jump as you see Arlong sliding open your bedroom door, inviting himself into your space. 
You scramble to cover your exposed lower half with still dirty hands, your cum smearing over your pubic mound as you shield yourself, “A-Arlong- sir! I didn’t know you were back-” 
“I heard you made yourself scarce,” Arlong hums in an uncharacteristically soft tone, “Everyone was asking about you.”
“About me?” You point to yourself in disbelief.
“Yes, but…” his eyes rake over you, “now I can see you were occupied…” 
You shake your head, “W-What? No-“
“Don’t deny it; I could smell the filthy scent of your arousal before I even entered the room.”
His words send a jolt down your spine. You look away in embarrassment, refusing to look him in the eyes.
Arlong smirks, approaching you slowly, his fingers finding their way around your chin and jerking your head upwards so you would look at him.
His voice lowers, his eyes boring into your soul, “And just what were you imagining that aroused you?”
You stutter, unable to answer him, but Arlong expected that you wouldn’t respond in the first place.
He takes your hand, lifting it up to see the mess you had made moments prior. You want to hide it, but fighting him would only test his patience.
His finger swipes over the cum that covers your digits, the webbed appendage collecting the fluid.
He lifts it up to your lips, demanding, “Open.”
You obey immediately, taking his fingers into your mouth. Your tongue slides against his skin, cleaning his digits as thoroughly as possible. 
“Disgusting human,” he smirks, “You’ll even lick your own cum off my fingers- absolutely revolting.”
Your face heats up at his insult, and despite his degrading words, you keep licking, sucking them clean. Hell, you keep sucking even when you know nothing is left on his fingers. And when he growls lowly, you can tell the sight affects him. 
“Disgusting human indeed,” he hums, looking down at you in disdain, “Look how you react to the mere taste of my fingers… Do you desire more of me now?” 
You nod eagerly, pulling his fingers from your mouth, “I-I want you more than anything. I’ve wanted you for so long-“
He growls at your words yet again and presses his body against yours; however, with his height, his crotch is pressed against your chest. 
“Desperate thing. You spend all night with your hands in your panties, yet you still crave more.” Arlong tsks, “But it’s no wonder; you were left with only those small fingers of yours. There’s no way something so small can satisfy anyone, not even a human.”
You whine as his words rile you up, your pussy aching for more stimulation, “N-No, I need something more… m-maybe something that only a man your size could provide...”
“Is that right…?” He chuckles a bit at your words.
Your tongue darts over your lips quickly as you reach for the waistband of his pants. He looks down at you with a glint in his eye and a smug grin. He isn’t stopping you; you take that as a good sign. 
And if that wasn’t convincing enough, he even says, “Go ahead, pitiful thing…”
You nod and pull his pants down along with his undergarments and gasp in shock. 
You weren’t exactly familiar with the differences between fishmen and human anatomy. Of course, you knew they had gills or lungs that were different from yours; they might have tentacles or webbed fingers or things of that nature, but.. you never thought that something like this would be different.
Your mouth gapes in surprise as you see not one but two appendages between his legs. They’re shaped differently than you anticipated, the shafts slender with a slight curve. After he steps out from the discarded garments, you curiously reach a hand out and grab it, testing how the lengthy appendage feels in your hands.
It’s warm, and you gasp when you see the precum dripping onto your hands; its consistency is watery, and it seems to come out like a faucet. You blush at how it effortlessly lubricates your hands, allowing you to stroke even faster. 
As you stroke the cock that is on top, you nearly forget the other shaft until it twitches excitedly, hitting your hand and smearing the cum over your wrist. You hurriedly grab the other cock, trying to stroke both simultaneously. 
“Ah, I can barely get my hands around them…” You laugh nervously, “They’re huge-”
Arlong gives a cocky, lop-sided smirk, looking down at you as you struggle to wrap your hands around his two shafts. 
“The sight of you struggling is pathetic, but…” You gasp as, in an instant, he grabs you, lifting you in the air, “I can’t deny some part of me finds it rather endearing as well.”
Your face lights up in a bright blush at the surprising praise. Your legs wrap around his waist as he sits on the bed, leaning back until his head hits the pillows. Your body is pressed against his, and you gasp as the slick appendages slide against your thigh.
“Go on and finish what you started,” He growls lowly in a seductive tone, “Prove to me just how badly you need me, and if you do well, I’ll reward you.”
You whimper as he takes your chin in hand, tilting your head so you look directly into his eyes, “Does that sound exciting, little one?”
Your heart stops at what sounds like a term of endearment. 
“Y-Yes-” You breathe out, almost in a trance, “Yes, I’ll earn that reward, sir. I’ll do my best.”
“Good,” He hums, “Remove your shirt. I wish to see all of you before we begin…”
You nod and grab the bottom of your shirt, lifting it over your head and off your body.
You leave little kisses in your wake as you crawl down his body. Each kiss shows reverence as you worship his body, your lips trailing from his chest to his stomach and finally to the base of his first cock. When you reach it, you gulp as you ponder how to approach this. You’ve never pleased a man before, and definitely not a man with not one large shaft but two. 
But you had to try.
You bite your lip as your hands attempt to wrap around both dicks at the same time. Now that your face is level with them, you realize they’re both larger than your head; you begin to wonder just how they’ll fit if Arlong decides to claim you. Will he be merciful and only fuck you with one?
You abandon the thought as quickly as it came; clearly, he wasn’t the merciful type.
You would have to be able to take both at once.
The idea terrifies and excites you.
Your grip is firm as you begin stroking them, glancing up at him with nervous eyes before your gaze flickers back to the task at hand. You moan softly as you watch his cocks jolt and throb under your touch, your pussy growing wet again as you imagine how they would feel stuffed inside you.
“Don’t keep me waiting,” He growls, but you’re surprised at how soft and affectionate it sounds. It almost sounds like a gentle suggestion instead of a command.
You nod and lean forward, taking one of the cocks into your mouth slowly. You take it a bit farther than you anticipated, but probably because of how tapered the tip is. You bob your head slowly, stroking the rest of the shaft with one hand while your hand continues coaxing precum out of the other.
Arlong hums in appreciation, and you melt when his hand pushes back your hair, encouraging you to keep going.
You switch to the other shaft, attempting to take as much down your throat as possible. 
In your overzealous attempt, you gag around his cock, and you grow embarrassed. You pull off instantly and begin profusely apologizing: “I-I’m sorry, sir! I-I really am just as disgusting as you say I-”
He cuts you off, “That’s bound to happen. Keep going until I order you to stop.”
Your eyes widen in surprise; was gagging like that normal? He didn’t seem put off by it at all…
You bite your lip before trying again, this time sucking on the cock that rests above the other. You try pacing yourself for your second deepthroating attempt; even though he wasn’t angry about the gagging sounds, you didn’t want to actually throw up around him.
You slowly bob your head, ensuring both hands are full of him, and begin hollowing your cheeks, attempting to make a tighter hole for his pleasure. You inevitably gag again as his cock hits the back of your throat, but soon enough, it gets easier, and you’re able to take him down even further. You hit the halfway point before deciding not to push your luck, determining this was your limit. Soon enough, you find a rhythm, bobbing your head for some time before pulling off his shaft, your tongue swirling around the tapered head to coax out more precum. Eventually, you switch back and forth between the two dicks, trying your best to give both an equal amount of attention.
As you please him, you can’t help but sneak glances at his face, ensuring he’s enjoying himself.
Each time you look at him, his brows are furrowed as his eyes are shut tight, quiet grunts escaping his throat. Your pussy throbs as he gets more vocal, and you can’t help but to whine around his shaft, voicing your frustrations as your holes feel terribly empty.
Your needy sounds don’t go unnoticed.
“Oh,” he coos, clearly belittling you, “It sounds like you’re growing antsy… Was there something you wanted, little human?”
You pull off his cock with your tongue lolling out of your mouth. You breathe heavily, your eyes pleading as you beg, “Please, sir. I need you in me-”
He gives a cocky smirk, “I’m already in your mouth, and yet you want more? You’re a greedy little thing…”
“Please, I’m begging,” You whine, “I need you inside me- Please, sir, fuck me-!”
He hums, his interest clearly piqued by your desperate begging, “And why do you deserve it, hm? What have you done to deserve such an honor?”
You part your lips to answer, but your mind goes blank.
“Go on,” He puts on the pressure, “Speak.”
You finally stutter, “I don’t deserve them, but I’ll do anything to earn them. I-I’ll swallow all your cum, I-I’ll let you use my body any way you like, just please- please fill me up and fuck me until I can’t think-”
Your face radiates warmth as you realize what you just said; you hadn’t meant to sound so desperate, but god, as your slick drips onto the bed under you, you can’t lie: you really will do anything for him to take you. 
Arlong makes an amused little sound; it seems your babbling has caught his interest.
You give one final push, “Please give me a purpose; please let me be useful to you, sir. I’m begging you to use my body- I want to please you- please, let me be a good girl for you-“
“Mm, what a good little human you are,” he hums, his tone patronizing as he looks down at you, “So eager to please… It would be a waste to not take advantage of your devotion and desperation…”
Your eyes light up, and your heart races, excited that he’s finally accepted you.
“Now…” He hums, “How should I take you…”
You shudder as his eyes rake over your body before he motions for you to sit on him. You straddle him and gasp when he holds your hips, his large hands encapsulating your waist. Your heart pounds as he lines one of his cocks up with your pussy, your juices dripping onto him. He laughs a bit when he feels the slick oozing onto him but doesn’t say anything, not about your arousal anyway.
“While I may be a demanding master, I am not heartless…” He says, rubbing the tip of one of his cocks against your entrance, “You’ll take just one first before I add the second…”
Your throat goes dry, but you nod, steadying yourself by planting your hands on his broad chest. 
You wince and hiss in pain when he begins to lower you onto his shaft. Even though it’s barely inside you, it already feels like it’s too much to bear. But you attempt to endure it and keep your pained sounds to a minimum, not wanting Arlong to get annoyed by your discomfort. 
Your thighs shake, and eventually, you feel his pelvis pressed against your mound. You whimper as you feel completely stuffed, your stomach bulging slightly as he finally sheathes himself within you. A shaky sigh leaves your lips as, for the first time, you’re filled by someone else.
You’re surprised when he doesn’t order you to move immediately, giving you a few moments to adjust.
It’s almost like he actually cares about you.
As you’re seated on top of him, his hands reach out to knead your breasts, his thumbs sliding over your hardened nipples. You whine shamelessly, rocking your hips back and forth as you grind your clit into his pelvis. 
“Look at you,” He chuckles, “Rubbing your needy clit against anything you can… I’m starting to think it’s not humans as a whole that are this desperate, but just you in particular.”
Your face burns in shame as he calls out your slutty behavior, but that doesn’t stop you. In fact, it only encourages you to begin riding him, sliding maybe an inch or so upwards before slowly sinking back down. You try to move slowly and carefully as you’re stretched beyond your limits, the pain still stinging as you begin fucking yourself.
And after some time, you release that it actually feels really good-
Your mouth hangs open as you take him with deeper strokes, your hips lifting up to the halfway point before slamming down. Your loud moans and whines fill the room as you fuck him, his cock hitting all the right spots. You begin to drool as his cock slams against your cervix, making your legs feel weak. You start to melt atop him, your thrusts growing sporadic and sloppy.
Arlong tsks as he watches you fall apart, your face nuzzled in his chest as you pathetically grind and frantically slam your hips against his.
“Is this really your best effort?” He teases, “I thought you said you would please me… and yet here you are, only using me for your pleasure. How selfish, little human…”
“I-I’m sorry, sir. I promise I can be useful-” You begin to babble, “I can be a good girl- I can take whatever you give me- fuck me- please- use me-”
Arlong clicks his tongue before gripping your waist and slamming into you on his own. You gasp sharply as he hits your furthest walls and begins his relentless assault.
“You are so pathetic,” He growls, “I’ll just have to fuck into you myself as if you were an object.”
And he does precisely that, his thrusts from below causing your body to jolt and jostle above him. You feel your brain go numb, every thought you could possibly have leaving your head. Your body works purely on instinct, grabbing his shoulders as your face rests on his chest, your drool beginning to leak onto his skin. The sounds of skin smacking against itself fills the room, along with wet squelches. 
“I’m so close-” You say dumbly, “Please, let me cum! Please-!”
“Good girl, asking for permission,” He grunts, “Go ahead.”
Your legs shake violently, and your back aches as your cunt squeezes him tight, attempting to milk him. But he doesn’t climax, not yet; You’re the only one reaching that beautiful high, your voice growing raspy as you cry out for him. Your nails dig into his chest and shoulders as you try to grip onto something, anything, to keep you grounded. You feel as though your soul is floating out of your body.
It’s the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had in your life, without a doubt.
As you’re left panting, attempting to recover from the intense experience, Arlong laughs at you; but to your surprise, it’s not malicious. He seems genuinely amused, even proud, at how he caused such a reaction from you.
“Look at you…” He hums, his hands raking over your body, his palms running over your hips and chest before reaching your cheeks, “You’re exhausted, and I’ve hardly begun using you…”
Your body feels limp as he lifts you up, attempting to place you on your hands and knees before him. But you can’t do it; your knees wobble, and your thighs shake as a warning before you fall forward, falling flat on your face. You try to lift yourself up, but even your arms feel boneless.
Arlong lets out an amused sound, “It seems you can no longer hold yourself up… It looks like I will have to support you myself…”
You let out a drawn-out groan as Arlong picks you up like a doll, flipping you around and holding you close to him as he stands beside the bed. Your legs dangle as your thighs are pressed to his sides, one of his shafts poking against your sopping wet entrance.
“I let you off easy earlier,” He whispers, “But you’ve proven that you can handle one, so now you will take both…. I expect that you won’t complain.”
You nodded your head; while you were exhausted, you were also more than eager to cum again. Though, as you feel them both press against your hole, a feeling of uncertainty pokes and prods at you.
But you ignore it.
Arlong is able to lift your body with one hand, balancing you in his palm as if you are weightless. With his other hand, he takes both shafts, lining them up before pressing them both inside. 
At first, it isn’t difficult to accept them both; his dicks are tapered at the top, meaning the initial stretch isn’t too bad. But then he keeps pulling you down, inch by inch, penetrating you. You grit your teeth as the feeling nearly feels unbearable, your hole clinging to his shafts as you are stretched more than ever. 
You throw your arms around his neck and bury your face into his shoulder, biting your lip as you whine. 
Your sounds grow louder as he lifts your hips, guiding you up and down on his cocks. He thrusts into you fast, not giving you time to adjust the way you did before. You feel as though you could split in two, but there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
You moan desperately into his shoulder, babbling and whining as you’re tossed around like an object. The whole ordeal is so humiliating, but you can’t deny that you are enjoying it all the same.
“I knew you were greedy,” He grunts, “But this is ridiculous; You’re stuffed full, and all you can do is whine and beg for more. You are the most shameless human I’ve ever known.”
Your lip quivers as you try to form words, but your vocal cords fail you; all you can do is whine and moan, clinging tight to his body. 
He laughs at your desperation, “Though, it’ll be nice to have a toy so eager to be used. I’ll keep you for quite a while, I imagine..”
He continues his fast and harsh pace, bringing you closer and closer to the edge once more. Your legs quiver, and your body grows terribly hot, sweat building on your skin. You hold your breath as you ready yourself for your climax, the lack of oxygen making your head dizzy. And, in your dazed state, you lift your head and smash your lips against his. 
And, to your surprise, he actually kisses you back.
With your lips pressed against his and your fingers tangled in his thick, dark hair, you finally release.
He grunts loudly into your lips, and with one final forceful thrust, you feel your insides flood with warmth. His hips slow, and with your cavern too stuffed for anything else to fit, his cum begins to dribble out of you. 
Your lips part, and you stutter, “I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to kiss you without your permission!”
He only rolls his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips, “And yet I feel as though you’re only apologizing because you did so without permission, not because you’re actually sorry.”
You avert your eyes, and you feel yourself slowly lowered onto the bed, your back caressed by the soft sheets. 
“I will say,” He begins, “I enjoyed your sudden display of boldness; it just shows how excited you were in the moment… I will allow it for now.”
Your eyes widen at his pardon, and you nod slowly, “Thank you, sir.”
“Now, rest easy, little human.” He says quietly, stepping back once you rest entirely on the bed.
“Wait,” You interject, propping yourself on your elbows, “You’re leaving?”
He laughs as if dismissing you, “Were you expecting me to stay with you?”
Your heart feels a pang of pain, and you visibly deflate, clearly disappointed. Of course, this entire thing meant nothing to him, and while you should’ve expected this, it didn’t make it hurt any less. Your eyes trail off, looking down at the edge of the bed as you fill with this indescribable loneliness. 
His eyes linger on you for a moment and you can’t help but look up at him, trying to discern why he hasn’t abandoned you yet.
“Most masters don’t sleep in the same beds as their pets. But…” he hums, “I suppose for humans, it is a fairly common occurrence…”
You perk up at his words. 
Is he saying what you think he is…?
“I will allow it just this once,” He insists, “But never again, do you understand?”
And that’s good enough for you because you knew owners who insisted on such things never kept their word.
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fairy-writes · 1 year
Hello! For the event, what do you think about Albert (Moriarty the Patriot) and the 9th action prompt? 👀
9) Showing up to surprise their lover when they’re in a long-distance relationship
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Moriarty the Patriot
Pairing(s): Albert James Moriarty x Gender Neutral!Reader
Prompt: 9) Showing up to surprise their lover when they’re in a long-distance relationship (Action Prompt #9)
Notes: The mentioned war in this is fictional. I don’t know exactly when MTP occurs, so I’m making this up.
It was safe to say you were miserable.
William could tell. 
Fred could tell. 
Hell, even Moran could tell. 
The only person who couldn’t tell was the only one who wasn’t there. 
Of course, you had letters. You exchanged them as frequently as the mail system would allow. Still, you didn't get many with Albert overseas managing soldiers in the East. You kept said letters in a box by your bedside, reading them by candlelight when missing your husband got particularly bad. 
Seven months, three weeks, and seventeen days since he had been gone with no end in sight. 
You sigh for the umpteenth time that day, and Moran throws down his cards in frustration.
“If you’re not gonna play, then don’t play! I don’t want to play with you while you’re mopey and depressed!” He snaps, and you glare in his direction. He flinches at the frosty look and holds up his hands with a “geez, sorry.” 
Eventually, you leave Moran alone, and he bugs Fred into playing a round of poker with him and Jack. 
William finds you out in the gardens of the Moriarty estate. 
He sits beside you without a word as you read through Albert’s latest letter. It had been delivered earlier that week. It contained the usual: whatever updates he could give you, responses to your letters, how much he missed and loved you, and asked the occasional odd question when he detailed what he had been doing since his last letter. 
“I’m being insufferable, aren’t I?” You ask your younger brother-in-law, who simply hums as he watches a light breeze sway the flowers Fred worked so hard for. 
“I don’t believe you’re being insufferable. A little tiresome to deal with, maybe, but everyone understands why so they don’t mind.” He says, and you look up from the letter,
“Except for Moran. I think he’s about ready to wring my neck.” William huffs out a laugh at that. 
“Except for maybe Moran.” He agrees. 
The two of you sit in silence for a minute. But it isn’t an uncomfortable silence. Instead, it’s warm and welcoming. It was something you sorely missed from Albert. 
And something you likely wouldn’t have for a while. 
“I’m afraid I must get back to my duties. With Albert gone, his responsibilities as a Lord have fallen to me.” William says and stands. He offers you a smile that has something concealed behind it. 
What was he hiding?
You narrow your eyes, but he says nothing more, instead leaving you to your own devices as you trace the letters in Albert’s note with your thumb. 
“They’re rather beautiful, aren’t they?” Comes a familiar voice, and your heart stops. You stand shakily, turning around to see your husband standing at the entrance to the gardens. He hadn’t even changed from his uniform, his medals decorating his breast and glinting in the sunlight. His hair was mussed and tousled from the wind, and running his hand through it. You swear you could see soot from gunfire staining his cheek. He looks tired as if he had come from the docks directly here. 
He likely had.
You set the papers down inside the box of letters you had been carrying with you, all the while looking at Albert. He sets down his hat and opens his arms, and the floodgates burst open. 
You crash into your husband and knock him to the ground in a bear hug. Your arms go around his neck, and you’re kissing him desperately. He cradles your cheeks, and you can almost taste the tears streaking someone’s cheeks. Whether they’re his or yours, you can’t tell.
But that doesn’t matter. 
Seven months, three weeks, and seventeen days later, he was finally home. 
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accidentalshifter · 3 months
Writing fanfiction is a gateway to shifting, I swear!
Before working on "Dawn Misplaced," my Originals/TVD fanfiction project, I didn't dream of characters breaking the fourth wall or know it was possible to interact with them within my sleep... And I certainly didn't think it was real that another version of me could exist in a fictional world much less this Universe! OK I did. But, I figured there were huge margins of separation between me & myselves. And I figured that it was "more logical" to assume that what I was really doing was ✨️ using my imagination to combat a deep sense of inner loneliness ✨️ with extra steps involved. The dream worlds I'm used to exploring seemed way easier to explain. They were metaphors for psychological forces or archetypes in my psyche. Not real. Not truly.
That idea has recently changed. It's real. It's all real. At least, it's very real to me. Antis get fucked.
When Netflix (*hiss*) removed The Originals from their selection, I lost interest in writing Dawn Misplaced, tried to move onto another endeavor, and put vampires out of my head. Tried. Apparently, my imagination had other plans. I started having weird, vivid dreams of being a character within The Originals-verse. Despite resisting these dreams, they ramped up, becoming much stronger, until they were leaking over into my waking life as intrusive daydreams. Sometimes, they lasted for just a second. Other times? It felt like hours had gone by even though it'd only been minutes in my CR. These daydreams felt like tugs on my brain from somewhere I couldn't explain.
Who is tugging on the other side is still very much unknown. Maybe it's my DR-self? Idk.
Half a year has passed doing my damnest to deny the pull. After all, I had my own dreams to play in!! And the (theoretical) Mikaelsons have plenty of shifters on their payroll... Why the hell would they want one more shifter???
Especially someone like me:
✅️ 35 years old
✅️ no money
✅️ no prospects
✅️ a burden to my family
✅️ frightened
No accounting for their taste but six months and countless intrusive daydreams later and I am FED UP with taking a passive stance on this. I've decided to treat this like any other dream world I explore and get to the bottom of these tugs! And possibly fist fight the one who's responsible for them. Before I do that though, I want to make a list of all the "mini shifts" or intrusive dreams that I've had since this ordeal started. Thinking back on them, I can see a disconnect between the dreams I'd have when I was asleep vs. daydreams I have when I'm awake. Tw: this list of scenarios are NOT for those uncomfortable with violence, blood, death, or manipulation. My version of the Mikaelsons don't play nice in my dreams.
Asleep dreams: Seem to play out as if I'm in the body of a character within The Originals and important to the plot somehow.
Awake dreams: Seem to play out as if I'm an invisible ghost of my CR self just watching things unfold around me while being unable to communicate or be seen by anyone.
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List of TVD/Original-verse Minishifts (Part 1)
⚜️ Walking down the main staircase of the Mikaelson mansion (the one way out in the country) while hearing arguing voices. I see Hayley first. She's eating a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios nonchalantly. Rebekah is on her phone, swipping left on an app. When I get half-way down the staircase, Elijah and Klaus (the ones who are arguing) stop their bickering to drag me into it. Elijah turns to me, asking: "You agree with me, don't you?". Klaus makes a sarcastic face & asks "Surely you won't agree with my *morally tiresome* older brother?" At this point, I become lucid inside the body of this person I'm in. I pause for a second before responding, "Uh, maybe, I don't know??". Elijah looks at me weirdly at that reply. [Asleep]
⚜️ I wake up in a bed I don't recognize. It's a four-poster bed, carved out of polished dark cherry wood. The sheets smell clean & feel good to the touch. Morning light is pouring through a window. It's warm on my skin. I'm groggy as the body I'm in slides out of bed & stumbles over to the window to peer out of it. I can see an apple orchard and a driveway running straight through it. I notice how red the apples are, fixating on that for whatever reason. As soon as I do, I hear a sort of wind noise. Like an errant breeze just ran through the room. Elijah's voice drifts into my ear but I don't catch what he said. My body turns to face him, I feel my mouth moving. I'm saying something. I can't hear what I'm saying, tho. [Asleep]
⚜️ Kieran is kneeling at the foot of the altar inside St. Anne's. The heavy smoke of bitter incense clouds the air, wreathing around the priest as he mutters prayer after prayer. I'm not inside a body this time. I'm nowhere. It's like I'm viewing this scene remotely in a 3rd person perspective. The candles burning at the memorial altar in the alcove flicker, their flame suddenly growing huge. Whispers are heard all around. I hear Father Kieran reply to them, "Yes, I understand." [Asleep]
⚜️ "Now, Elijah, we've tried mercy and peace and leniency, but these witches are officially out of control-" I hear Klaus ranting before I gain my senses. I'm back inside whoever it is I'm possessing (?) standing in the kitchen of the Mikaelson mansion while Elijah & Klaus are arguing. Again. Rebekah makes a snarky comment about Klaus and how his tolerance policy usually involves a dagger, so she's on the side of the witches. Klaus snarls, pulling up the long sleeves of his shirt to display his arm. It's covered in a weird tattoo that seems to be growing, crawling towards his chest, & neck. It almost looks alive. "We have to think about this sensibly, Niklaus," Elijah says. And Klaus, in turn, snaps that's it's a little hard to think about anything but dead witches with this curse on his arm. I begin to speak. But, I wake up in my CR a second later. [Asleep]
⚜️ Again, I'm walking down the staircase. It seems like that's where I become lucid in my dreams the most. The mansion is silent, too silent. Maybe everyone is gone?? The minute that thought crosses *my mind*, I sense the air shift and feel the body I'm possessing get slammed hard into a wall. Even in the dream, it hurts. I look up to see the livid, pissed-off face of Niklaus Mikaelson. The tattoo on his arm has progressed. I can see it peeking out from behind the material of his V-neck shirt, nearest towards his collar bone. He tips my chin up with one finger while his other hand pins me to the wall of a secluded hallway I've never seen before. "You...haven't been honest," Niklaus says to me in a voice that's nearly a seductive purr. Well, it would be if it weren't so bloody fucking terrifying. "You've been keeping a secret from me and Elijah..." The body I'm possessing is going crazy with panic and adrenaline. I can feel my (?) heart pounding. It's distracting me from focusing fully on Klaus & his paranoid rant. He seems to realize this, tightening his grip on me. His voice is a threatening snarl when he speaks now. "You think you can just run off to your little world any time you want, don't you?! I don't think you understand-" And to be real honest, I don't, because I immediately woke up in my CR before I let Klaus finish his rant. [Asleep]
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utilitycaster · 3 months
Do you think part of the D20 journalistic bias comes from D20 being edited? It gives the appearance of much more effortless play and lets them control the pacing in a way unedited play like CR simply can't do. They get to (potentially) hide a lot of stuff people would jump on as flaws while CR has no choice but to let it all play out. I greatly prefer CR's approach, despite it biting them in the ass a bit through no fault of their own.
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Answering these both together to group cause and my opinions, and I do want to note this is specifically about journalism/press coverage, not their respective fandoms even though there's obviously some overlap.
I think there's a couple things, but I do want to note this was actually prompted by Daggerheart, not Critical Role. The response from several prominent voices in the Actual Play journalism community, whom I will not name here but whom I do not respect intellectually, really was, within hours of the open beta (which as far as I know they didn't have early access to - more on that later) "um it could be better, I don't like xyz and also it's sooooooo important to have criticism" and again, it is important to have criticism, but also you act like D20 has never had a mediocre moment and that Kollok is brilliant, so.
This...got away from me a bit. I'd say I'm sorry but actually I adore writing thousands of words about actual play and it will happen again but I'm putting the detailed answer below a cut. The short answer is I think a lot of Actual Play journalists actually sort of fell into their jobs through being vaguely involved in nerd spaces and aren't actually equipped to talk intelligently about TTRPGs and actual play as a medium that should, at its best, be a perfect fusion of narrative and mechanics. So instead they're distracted by flashy edits and bright lights and cool noises and some abstract concept of "novelty" and write only about that. Also Critical Role is the 700 lb gorilla in the AP space (though not, actually, the TTRPG space) and doesn't give them early access and that's meaaaaaan. Indeed, for all I think a lot of their coverage of D20 and Worlds Beyond Number is obsessively fawning, I also think it's extremely surface level, frequently factually wrong, and fails to get at what's truly excellent about those shows either.
I think, honestly, the biggest one is that I don't actually think a lot of Actual Play journalists watch series in full. I was looking for Polygon coverage of Fantasy High Junior Year and they have one glowing article but it's more about Fantasy High as setting and institution and D20 "changing the game" (also more on this later) to the point of outright contradicting the pull quotes they used from interviewing Brennan Lee Mulligan (also more on this later). So I started looking through their coverage and actually, quite a number of their write-ups are based on only one episode, or half a season. Clearly, they haven't read the full open beta (nor have I, but I think their complaints about the character build process belie a profound misunderstanding of what TTRPGs are, also more on this later). So editing is certainly part of it because it's really easy to see cool special effects and sound design within one episode and shit out a hacky article about it, whereas actually getting to the substance - character relationships, cohesive narrative, storytelling - requires work that I do not think they're doing. And on the one hand I do kind of get it, because yeah, if journalism is your livelihood then you perhaps do not have the time to watch 4 hours of D&D a week for 2-3 years if you're only going to get one article every six months out of it. But I don't think the answer is "focus intently on Microsoft Powerpoint-esque scene transition tricks while ignoring that nothing occurring at the table is actually fun to watch." For more on this, see this post.
The second, which is very relevant to Daggerheart but also is actually a big gap in D20 and WBN coverage in my opinion, and which I put in the tags, is that I actually don't think a lot of journalists have a solid understanding of TTRPGs nor of most genres. And I think Critical Role has a particularly good understanding of both these things, actually, if one skewed towards collaborative storytelling that is not rules-light. I think one really big example is that one person within the space is mad at the Daggerheart questions for the character archetypes because what if your character doesn't fit these. I think this is dumb as shit. I actually think that a common criticism of D&D - that you can't play ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING - is not valid, or rather, it's a valid opinion to hold but if you want to play a character who doesn't fit into the available archetypes perhaps you need to find another game. We all inherently understand that Blades in the Dark characters will be members of a criminal organization in a relatively low-magic setting, correct? That you can't show up to BitD and play a lawful good wizard prince because that's not the story being told? Or like, how in Honey Heist, you are a bear and you are trying to get honey, and you cannot play a human child investigating the old abandoned house at the edge of town, but there's a cool game called Kids on Bikes that will let you do that? Great! Why is this suddenly so hard to understand in the realm of heroic fantasy, that you will fit into specific archetypes? Why do people's brains, if they have them to begin with, vanish suddenly? I know I just did a big old rant that included this within it but genuinely I think a lot of people are deeply ignorant of heroic fantasy, or don't like it, and either is fine, but then they get mad at the heroic fantasy game for having heroic fantasy archetypes when the answer is "maybe this will never make you happy because it's not for you." (Frankly, I think this is also why they love D20, because it doesn't really do straight-up heroic fantasy, and that's fine, but they do keep acting like doing a Game of Thrones pastiche is equivalent to the invention of the wheel.) Like...I remember in the Midst Q&A that Xen said they tend to not like playing typical D&D classes, but their solution was to, you know, create Midst instead of sitting around going "actually, because D&D doesn't support cyberpunk narrative and the character archetypes within very well it is an utter failure." (I could go on forever about how actually TTRPGs are not a showcase for your already extant OCs to prance around but that's a totally separate post).
Mechanics and story are inherently intertwined, is what I'm trying to get at (sorry I'm really tired and have a lot to do but I'm passionate about this answer, it will be rambly, she says like 3 pages in) and I really don't think most actual play journalists get this. At all. And I do think that CR, and Daggerheart, and the people working for it, and especially Spenser Starke, Rowan Hall, Matt Mercer, and Travis Willingham, get this more than almost anyone else in the field. I also think Brennan Lee Mulligan and Aabria Iyengar get this, and the thing is, for all the praise showered upon them, much of which I think is deserved and most of what I think is undeserved is not because they are lacking but because the person writing about them is an idiot crediting them for things they (Brennan and Aabria) would never claim to have invented, their mechanical prowess is rarely if ever written about well. Fantasy High Junior Year's downtime mechanics actually fill in a famous gap in D&D, namely, downtime, and provide an excellent marriage of story and mechanics in my opinion, and I haven't really seen any discussion, because that would require watching the part of the TTRPG show where they play the TTRPG, and knowing the vague word on the street about D&D criticism that isn't just "*nods sagely* capitalism is the BBEG."
And finally: related a bit to the edit but Critical Role used to not be able to provide any early access to press, because it was literally a live show, and I suspect they never broke the habit, and I think that is for the best. As discussed a lot of D20 coverage actually feels like they watched the press screener and then never returned to the show. And I do not know the politics about them, but given that several of these publications (notably Polygon, but some others) have been shitting on Critical Role for several years, and just generally given the way CR's leadership vs. how D20's leadership respond to fandom pressure, I suspect Critical Role does not give these journalists a ton of early or increased, if any. Honestly, why should you, if you're getting interviewed in Variety? And I think the journalists are mad, because they think they're special and should get treated as such.
I do want to wrap something up, and I want to thank @captainofthetidesbreath for talking a little about this in game design/ttrpgs and giving me the idea, but in story, you should be challenging your audience, expanding their horizons, and being new and interesting. In the actual playing of TTRPGs, especially a new one, it is vital to be inclusive and easy to understand and patient and provide points of reference. I really feel like many Actual Play journalists and some TTRPG ones as well have this equation flipped and are looking for challenging concepts that most people will never be able to get a group to be willing to play, and bells and whistles in production, but leave story as an afterthought. Critical Role designs games to actually be played and to be used specifically to tell good stories, and puts story before production, and I think that undercuts those journalists' whole deal.
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Hey there! May I just say that I love your celebration ideas? I love this jukebox concept so much!
I'd love to request one. I remember loving the fic you wrote for my request during your previous event, and I love linking music to writing. My current favorite song is ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine, and I'd love to request it with Crosshair (surprise!). The song gives me very romantic but also melancholic vibes, and to me it means loving a place/situation/person so much that you just want the moment to last forever.
But of course, you may work your magic for this. I love your writing, and I'll be happy with whatever you choose to write 🩵 thank you so much in advance!
Thank you so much love. It means a lot that you like my crazy ideas. Love oo.
Now, your request had me stumped for a few minutes, and then the idea just flowed. I hope you like my interpretation of this song, because you're right, it has very melancholic vibes.
Love oo.
Warnings: Injury, AU of S2E16, tears, dream, kissing, implied coitus, promises, declarations of feelings, sacrifice, saving others, angst. I think that's it. If I missed anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
Your eyes blinked as you saw the raindrops falling down on top of you. You don’t remember exactly what happened, but you see the railcars moving. They’re safe. You smile to yourself as your body screams in pain, you want to move, to get up but everything is telling you that wouldn’t be a good idea.
For some reason your eyelids feel heavy, you want to close them, to fall asleep for just a little while, but in the back of your mind you know that’s not a good idea. 
You know you need to stay away, but … something doesn’t seem right. Your mind must be playing tricks on you because you see Crosshair kneeling down beside you, smiling.
Gods, how you missed that smile. You close your eyes fighting back tears, as you feel his hand on your cheek. 
“Hey mesh’la”
“Who else?”
“Wha … what are you doing here?”
“What do you mean? It’s date night.”
You blinked as you were no longer lying on the floor of the valley on Eriadu, you were now in your living room. You looked down at your dress, it was the one Crosshair loved on you, the yellow one with white flowers on the bottom half of your skirt. You slowly sat up, shaking your head.
“I just had the craziest dream.”
“Really?” He smiled leaning in closer, “Anything you wanna recreate?” He smirked as he wiggled his eyebrows.
You giggled, shaking your head slightly as you rolled your eyes at him, “Not that kind of dream, anyways what took you so long?”
“Sorry, Hunter was being impossible, but I’m here now” he leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours, claiming your mouth the way he always used to. Used to, no that’s not right. Does. The way he always does. 
You pulled back, shaking your head.
“You okay, mesh’la?”
“Yeah, just … Crosshair where are we?”
He looked around and smirked, “If I’m not mistaken mesh’la, your apartment on Coruscant,” he answered, his eyebrow arching amused with his own answer. You simply shook your head, fighting the amused look on your face. 
As you looked into his eyes, you reached your hand up and caressed his cheek. You missed touching his cheek like this, trying to comfort him as much as you could … missed? He was right here, why would you be missing touching his cheek. 
“Well shall we?” You tilted your head smiling.
“By all means,” he took your hand in his, guiding you out of the apartment, towards 79’s. 
The night progressed, with a lot of dancing, a lot of touching, and a lot of drinking. 
You remembered how he started to kiss you in the taxi, how it continued as you got on the lift to your apartment, you remembered how quickly you both got undressed. How you held him so tight afraid it would’ve been the last time. 
The next morning you watched as he got dressed, and sat beside you on the bed, “I had fun last night, mesh’la.”
“So did I, Cross.” You smiled as you held his hand, “How long are you going to be away this time?”
“Not sure, they brought us back to help with some mission to find a spy or something; doesn’t matter one mission is the same as the next. I’ll be back.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“You promise?”
“Nothing could keep me away from you.”
You smirked as you looked into his eyes, “Liar.”
“Nope.” He held up his right hand, “I swear, if I’m not back it’s because I’m dead. Then you’ll have to deal with my brothers on your own.”
You let out a laugh, shaking your head, “Your brothers aren’t that bad.”
He let out a huff, “Yes, they are, but you’re too kind-hearted to know the difference. Anyway that’s always been the deal, if anything happens to me, Hunter will look after you. Alright? But nothing’s going to happen, so you’re stuck with me.”
You pulled him in one last time, kissing him with all the passion and love you felt for him, “I love you, Crosshair.”
“I love you, mesh’la. I gotta go. I’ll comm you when I can.”
With that he was gone.
A pain entered your head, as memories after that moment flashed through your mind, Hunter appearing at your door, telling you they had to run. Meeting Omega. Fighting for Crosshair all that time.
Your feet felt cold, as though the rain had filled your boots. You blinked and you were back on Eriadu, still on the floor of the valley. The rain was still coming down … was that rain? You touched your cheeks slowly, painfully, no… that was rain. It was tears. 
You glanced around hoping you’d see Crosshair one more time, but it wasn’t real… he wasn’t there. You breathed out one last time, unable to recall if that was really the last time you kissed Crosshair. 
Despite how hard you tried, your eyes closed as your world went dark. 
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webslingingslasher · 11 months
blue eyes!! ethan has really pretty blue eyes! with lashes so thick and long it looks like hes got eyeliner on
if he does, he’s got cool blue eyes, not the scary ones that can see through you. the ones that make you feel like you’re swimming.
let’s say one night you’re absolutely gob smacked hammered. like, super rare form, slurring words, stumbling when you walk, unable to finish words before you’re giggling and moving to the next topic.
typically you have fun but don’t get this fucked up, so peter does his duty of making sure you’re having fun and staying safe. until he has some shit he can’t get out of and you’re way too drunk to be shuttled to his room without a fight, so he does the next best thing.
“yup, c’mon, trouble.”
wobbly legs, he has his arms out incase your ankle gives and sends you to the floor. “petey, can i have another kiss?” taking a seat when he ushers you to sit, not even aware of the body you’re pressed against.
you clap your hand over your mouth as if it could rewind your words. peter has no reaction, if it annoyed him he didn’t show it.
“hey, look at me.” peter bobs his head until he meets your eyes, “keep looking, trouble. i have to go do something with trent, alright? i’ll be back as soon as i can. ethan’s gonna keep you company.”
suddenly, you realize you’re sitting next to ethan. you gasp and throw your arms around him, he politely pats your back and looks at peter with a ‘what the fuck do i do,’ face. "just let her do whatever she wants.”
“oh, ethan! you’re so super nice, has anyone told you that? also, you think you’re not hot but that makes you hotter. cause like, i know so many people right now that would bang you.”
ethan gives peter a poker face while you rub your cheek into his arm, “peter’s softer though.” then, blinking softly, “where’s peter? i miss him.”
ethan slowly pushes you back with his palm on your forehead, “literally right in front of you. he’s having fun watching this.”
your eyes shine when they find your boy, sure enough he’s looking right at you. a grin when your face lights up at him.
“i’m leaving, stay with ethan, okay? i’ll be right back.”
“kiss first?” you pucker up and reach for him, pushing all your weight into ethan he wheezes behind you. you turn around and give him a stink eye, “peter’s way stronger than you are.” here he is, doing his best friend a favor, and he’s catching strays.
peter steps in to give you a quick kiss, “be good, and don’t bully my best friend.”
you give ethan another hug, "i'm sorry, i didn't mean it. wanna play beer pong?" ethan's not sure what peter meant when he said to keep his eye on you but he can guess it isn't that.
'nah, let's just hang out here. parker will be back soon."
resting your back into his side, he slings his arm over your chest while you wriggle to get comfortable. 'where's peter again?"
"helping trent," he's not buzzed enough for this.
"oh, okay. does he ever talk about me?" you throw your head back and look up, he's blinking down at you, you've never noticed how long his eyelashes were.
"of course he does, he's cr-"
your finger reaches up to run over his eyelid, "you have really nice eyelashes," ethan lowers your hand, "thank you," you raise it right back up and physically feel them, "like, really nice. it's unfair, i have to buy fake ones to look like that. and you wake up and don't appreciate them."
"now i know they're something to envy, i'll start appreciating."
"peter has nice eyelashes too, but yours are nicer."
ethan grins, he loves when you tell him he's better than peter, it drives him up a wall when he brings it up. "oh, really? i'll make sure he knows i outrank him."
"okay, but you have to be nice."
your you look up again, "pretty eyelashes, ethan." he nods his head, "thank you," humming you tap your thumbs on his, "does peter ever talk about me?"
ethan wonders if you'll let him answer this time.
"yeah, of course he does."
it's not enough, "okay, but how?" ethan stutters, "i don't... i don't speak girl so i don't know what that means."
"ugh, does he like, talk about me or is it like, 'oh, yeah, her.' you know?"
ethan doesn't have a fucking clue.
"i don't know, he just says stuff in passing. like, 'i need to get more cereal for her,' or, 'hey, do you think she'd like this?' that kind of stuff."
"so he doesn't talk about me, cool."
peter left you under his watch and he's going to come back to a pissed mess.
"i just said he did!"
"no, ethan. there's a difference between him getting my favorite cereal and telling you he's in love with me."
he can't deal with girlfriends. their way of thinking hurt his brain.
"okay, so you don't want to know if he's talking about you, you want to know if he's told me about his feeling for you."
you grin, "pretty eyelashes make you smarter."
"makes sense, science totally backs that up."
shifting to look at him, "well, has he?"
ethan hates everything about his life in the current moment, "yeah, he likes you." you squeal, scrambling to give him a hug, he's given you no new news, peter's told you that a million times.
"are we still hugging ethan?"
it's the boy that likes you. it's been double confirmed.
you turn all your attention to peter, "peter! ethan has really pretty eyelashes, have you seen them?" he shakes his head, "can't say i have," you wave him in, "look, see how long they are?"
peter squints his eyes while he's looking, he doesn't see what you're talking about but he pretends he does, "so pretty, trouble." peter hold his hands out, it's a silent message of, 'you can get off my friend now' and you gladly take it.
"guess what else ethan told me," you take a moment to smile at peter, your hands clutching his shirt, he's the prettiest person you've ever seen.
you kiss his cheek, "he said you told him you like me," giggling like it's a secret. "oh, did he? too bad it's old news, cause i've only told you a thousand times."
"but it came from ethan, so i know it's the truth!"
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locallygrowndaikon · 15 days
Hi!! How do you meet and make genuine friends on Sky? I’ve been playing for a few years now, but whenever I get a chance to chat with other players they either speak a different language or ask me a bunch of personal questions 😵‍💫. There seems to be so many funny and interesting people online but I never meet them in person!
I had to think about this one for a bit since im not good at making friends either JGGHFJ
I think it’s definitely easier to find people to connect with online rather than in game. A lot of the people I’m closer with in sky are usually people I find through online platforms rather than in game (though not saying its impossible to find good ingame friends, just might be harder) . A general thing would be to find those who have similar interests or humour, and as well as to spend time with the friends every once in a while, whether it be candlerunning or just hanging out to talk.
If you want a more in depth rambling of me going on about everything I know about making friends, then:
Ok well this is kinda for anyone reading this JGHJDJ
A general thing about friends is to find a common interest to talk about like OCs, art, sky in general, other games, anything basically, especially if you’re like me and bad at conversations. Even after you find the initial spark, it can get hard to keep up with regular conversations afterwards and it’s easy to drift apart. If you want to get closer with someone it’s definitely good to start conversations every once in a while. This can go from telling them things you think will be funny or showing them things to just things about your day. A lot of people appreciate this kind of thing and usually get comfortable to reciprocate it (unless you’re like me and really bad at stating conversations HFBSIC)
In sky, this can also be asking the other if they want to cr together or eden, even oobing if you’re into that. It gives the chance to hang out and talk to each other.
Of course, if the other person doesn’t respond with a lot of enthusiasm or doesnt seem to put effort into the friendship, it might be time to back off to give them space. They could either be tired and need a break or they arent interested in the friendship anymore. An exception would be if the person is already socially awkward or isn’t good at starting conversations. It can be hard to tell sometimes.
If you wanna find friends
For finding friends online, its usually finding a community and finding people within it or becoming a part of the community. if you’re social enough you can join discord servers and talk to people. Even if you arent as social, discord server can still help find people to interact with, like cr partners, heart trade, needing help people/finding help, that could lead to friendship. There’s also being on social media, though it might be harder if you dont post things or if you arent really noticed or something, though it’s not like you need to be famous to be able to find people. You can also find others on social media who are already asking for friends. Ive seen quite a few on tumblr and sometimes on other platforms where people asks if anyone wants to be sky friends. Twitch, the streaming platform yeah, also has quite a few sky creators that are willing to friend pretty much anyone, which could be another way to find a community (since quite a few people on sky twitch know each other).
For in game in sky: Moths are definitely easier to become friends with since you know guiding them and everything and watching them grow up, except moths are wild cards and some are euaheh weird and others never show up again. A lot of older players already have their own friends and friend groups and then other people play inconsistently or have different timezones/playtimes, so theres a lot more luck when making friends on sky. Best bet would just be keep talking to people and when you do find someone you bond with, continue to join and check in on them every once in a while to keep up the friendship.
Joining friends in game can be scary for many (me included), but it usually ends up not as bad as you think, of course respecting dnd spells (or cape codes if they have those). Even if you do join at an inconvenient time, its a simple “oh, sorry/mb” and you head out, leaving minimal damage and awkwardness.
Of course since this is the internet and people can be bad, if people cross boundaries even after being warned once or multiple times, or you just dont enjoy hanging out with, its okay to block and cut people off. No one is obligated to hang out with anyone nor responsible for the happiness of someone else. Having self worth and internet safety is important folks
Anyways people are complicated and theres a lot of ifs and possibilities and other stuff what not so take whatever advice i spit out mindlessly for granted JFHDO i dont know what im doing
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colealexart · 7 months
how did you first get into cr?
i can't remember if i've told this story on here before but here we go: i was really into the last of us, especially part 2. it came out just a couple weeks after my grandad died, so i was using that as a way to process my grief. probably not the best idea given the games themes, but hey.
shannon woodward (who plays dina) started streaming on twitch. i regularly watched her and became an active member of her community (and eventually became a mod) and the people in there would talk about this d&d show with ashley johnson and laura bailey that was on every thursday. i tried watching for ashley and laura, but i just wasn't into it. i couldn't really focus on 4-5 hours of people just sitting around a table playing dungeons and dragons (a game i'd never played before and didn't know the rules for.) the thought of having to watch hundreds of hours to catch up was daunting, even though i really really wanted to. i think i made it to episode 3 of campaign 2 and stopped.
a few friends who i gamed with (who are now my best friends) would talk about it constantly, and they eventually convinced me to try again. they told me about the animated recaps and said that the story really kicks off in the 20s so i was like fuck it. i had nothing else to do because we were in the middle of a pandemic, i was still grieving, and i had been looking for a show to put on in the background while i tried to work on my art. (tried being the key word here. i really was ready to give up on my art before i found critical role.)
anyway yeah, i became obsessed. i binged the entirety of campaign 2 in a few months. not only did i find joy in watching them play, but it pulled me out of my grief induced art block and helped me actually like what i was creating again.
i didn't get to watch the finale live, but i did watch it when i'd fully caught up and cried all the way through. i didn't realize just how attached i was to the characters until i didn't have them anymore. in a way, it helped me process my grief for my grandad. if i could say goodbye to them, i could say goodbye to him.
when campaign 3 started, i watched the premiere live but i said that there was no way i could stay up every week to watch it, since it airs at 3am here. i was very wrong lol. getting up at 3am on fridays is my favourite part of the week. and i'm very thankful for finding critical role when i did :)
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kanmom51 · 10 months
JK live 5 August 1:41 am KST
Part 2
*cr./To the creators of the media used in this post.
For those who missed out on part 1:
Before I start with part 2, brace yourselves. This one is packed with clips that are a MUST to see. Seriously. This was such a long live but it was so enjoyable because of JK's hyper mood at start and his adorable quirkiness throughout the whole live. It was a pleasure to watch and this post has a few lovely moments from the second half of the live. My suggestion is do take your time and watch the clips. I can assure you, you will not regret it.
Did we call part 2 Makguksu blues?
We sure did.
And this, my friends, is why.
JK, right through the second half of this live, is dreaming of eating his dish. Stopping from some music at times, or singing, or pondering, but mainly dreaming of eating. Man is hungry. Stomach growling hungry.
So, at the point we left him he's telling us again that he wants to eat.
And he's really struggling. So much so he's imagining himself making the dish.
First hour obsessing over messing up at the concert.
Next hour (well overlapping too) contemplating and obsessing over making himself something to eat.
Tries to move on with music, going to the bathroom and to refill his drink.
Talking/singing in the background. - a JK usual.
When he comes back he seems a little pensive again.  Nodding head once in a while.
Opens up one of his Spotify gifts – the mic he got, trying to figure out how to connect it.  He puts it away to charge a little.
WE have a few relatively quiet minutes. He’s thinking, not talking.  Music playing, he’s on his laptop, mood kind of feels like it’s a little heavier than before, even if before he was hard on himself most of it was vocal and done with a smile.  Now he becomes more pensive.
Singing to Malibu nights by Lany.  He knows the lyrics off by heart!!
So, remember this?
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And this?
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And quite the coincidence... song playing at 1:18 hr. of the live. Now that WAS a coincidence. But funny how the universe seems to always align for them, eh?
He asks us if we know a playlist called Life sucks. 
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Malibu nights is on that playlist as well.
Definitely in a mood.
It could also be the adrenaline rush just winding down as well... Probably the combination of both.
Convinced himself to eat later in the day (says tomorrow, but it is already tomorrow, lol).
After a few minutes he’s back to reading comments, reads a comment asking for him to play Winter bear, he’s looking for it and then plays it.
And he starts to interact with the comments again.  Someone tells him their grandmother said he’s so beautiful and he smiles and says thank you, bowing as well.
Asks if he should watch some covers of Seven – good decision to lighten his mood.
So now he’s vibing to Seven. 
And he starts adlibbing – his fave thing to do and something he’s great at (mostly) – and it's about the concert again, lol.
So yeah, still not over it.  Lol.
Ok, and he does this:
Ahhhha, literally.🤣🤣
Doing the Seven cover is good for him. It does lift his mood slightly.
JK again looking at comments around 10 minutes in to listening to seven, and of course,
What in the actual fuck? Again bloody Ian in the comments. And again JK, not amused saying:
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JK is literally like :
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And with these fans you know:
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Goes back to the music. 
Back to the adlibbing for food. Man is damn hungry.
And he's back to the comments.  Asked if he likes cupcakes, says he doesn’t really eat them much, but he tries to say it in English. 
You can see he is really trying with the English. Making the effort!
Comment: Would you like to collaborate with latino artist?
JK: Idk. Didn’t think about it (answers in English again).
JK: Should I go to sleep, I want to go to sleep now.  But then he tells us that if he ends the live now he’ll go make himself makguksu and that’s why he isn’t turning the live off, lol.
I want to eat makguksu so much, giggling.  That’s why he isn’t ending the live.
And did he just say DAYMN?  Like with the accent and all? Lol.
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And now telling this to us in English. Because this is the vital piece of information that EVERYONE needs to know. HE WANTS TO EAT MAKGUKSU!!!
Ok, so this is hilarious.  He says, in English I’m HANGRY.  I’m assuming he meant hungry, and that was the translation, but could he have actually meant hangry?  Lol. I mean, with the level of frustration being so DAYMN ravenous, perhaps he is already HANGRY. LMAO.
Ok, so as I was writing these lines, well more like half an hour after (but who's counting?), RM had his live and among other very interesting things he shared with us, he happened to drop this little tidbit:
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Is Joon telling us he's the one giving JK English lessons?
I mean, it would make perfect sense.
And explain JK's use of slang words rather than a cleaner English. Words like cause and daymn and hangry.
And if we are already on the subject, do we remember who was also getting English lessons at the surprisingly and very coincidental time as JK?
Let me jog your memory.
A certain someone who happens to live in the same complex that Joon lives in. A certain someone that told us he's getting lessons in English as well. At night. Kind of when JK was getting his. Ooh, coincidences galore.
I wonder if they all sit together in JM's lounge drinking and trying to have conversations in English. Or perhaps drinking and watching Friends without the translations.
Guess it's time to move on...
Next he listens/watches to Boynextdoor cover of seven.
Thinks they are cute and then shows us the signed album he received from them. See? That shelf was his signed debut albums.
He wants to go eat makguksu, again, he needs to go, he is a real soldier hanging on not giving in.
At this point, around the 2 hour mark he’s really had enough, he wants to end the live (has been wanting to end the live for several minutes already), go wash up, but then says he’ll listen to another couple covers.
He tells us he likes the covers that also rearrange the track.
JK: I want to go eat, but I really can’t eat. 
So for the next 20 minutes it’s all about he has to go to sleep and we have to go to sleep, but then he needs to sing with the spotify mic.
Ok, so his reaction with this mic was bloody hilarious. He kept getting a fright from it, and his reactions priceless.
First when turning it on.
Now that he has the mic it’s like he gets a new wind and he starts another round of karaoke.
He wants to seeing a calm song.  Easy song.
Enjoys making gluk gluk sounds with the mic. Asmr, he loves it, lol.
Sings All of my life – a song he is already familiar with.  He sings it karaoke, quite differently than his cover 5 years ago. 
But before, he needs to go find the lyrics.
This song meant a lot to him back in 2018.  I feel like it’s still emotional, but much has happened since, water under the bridge.  He even sings the last verse, the one about the breakup. The one he made sure not to sing back then. 
He shares with us that he had issue hearing the key (in the song) and that his ears are off since catching the cold.
He then sings Sofa, brings the speaker up closer to hear it better. 
Watch the clip!! This time JK gets a fright from the speaker. His reactions. He is absolutely adorable. Precious.
We are adlibbing again.
And then it’s really time to end.
It’s just “it’s really time to sleep now.”  “bye” and he’s off.  Well, not before he once again has a jump scare from his mic.
And then good night and good morning and bye and he’s gone.
Can’t help wonder if he gave in and went to make himself to eat or went to bed, lol.
So, there we have it,
Almost 2 and a half hour live.
First half – upset about messing up at the concert.
Second half – I want to eat makguksu.
Lots of adlibbing, all about messing up at the concert and wanting to eat makguksu.
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That's pretty much it.
Oh, and how could I forget?
I’m done gaming, noo more gaming, no more gaming room, I dismantled it all, and not even doing the live in that room to make sure you understand I am no longer gaming. PERIOT.
Wait, you think that's the end of it?
Hell no.
After JK turned off his Weverse live, the man, who told us he's going to bed, was suddenly curious and decided to go live on TikTok. Again.
This bellow being a link to his first live a couple days back:
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And now, after disabling the gift option (and making a point of telling us so in this last live):
Yep, now I'm done!
All up to date on JK's lives.
I'm ready for more lives JK.... Bring them on...
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