#i swear i am going to fiddle with the thermostat n see if it turns on bc. someone submitted a maintenance request
lovevalley45 · 6 months
just got back to my dorm to the thermostat being busted so it's 60 degrees (or 15C for non-am folks) like. actually i need to go back home RIGHT NOW
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
Hey Ally idk if you are taking requests at the moment but if you are could you write something really fluffy with either Sebastian or Bucky! I am just not having a good time right now and would really appreciate anything you got! If you need a more specific idea i can come up with one just let me know and obviously no rush ♥️
Hiya hun! I hope this brightens your day/night and gets your spirits up💛 Sending all my love and good energy to you, happy reading!
Flowers and Nutella
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Your body felt as if it were glued to the bed. The warm covers you’ve been wrapped in all night brought you comfort and served as a protection from the cold of the harsh world. Today had been one of those days. You know those days, the ones where you wake up and it seems like the world is out to ruin you. You didn’t want to get out of bed because it was like you were dreading of going through with the day.
The past week had been difficult. A failed mission; false leads that ended up being a mouse trap. You were put in charge of Peter, it had been one of the few Avengers mission he was allowed to come along on. You lot were supposed to collect data about an ex SHIELD agent selling alien weapons to different buyers, including Hydra members. The whole thing turned out to be a trapped, long story short, it ended up with Peter getting shot in the shoulder by one of the weapons. Thankfully, Banner and Dr.Cho knew how to patch it up so he was safe, back to the energetic bright eyed puppy he was.
The week had just been hard to get through completely. The affects of those events had finally taken its toll on you and decided to pile up on you during this gloomy morning. You didn’t plan on leaving your room. All you wanted was to watch things on Netflix, eat, and just stay in your safe haven. Your room.
You had been watching Gossip Girl once again when a knock was heard from your door. You didn’t feel like interacting with anyone so you didn’t answer it. A few minutes pass and the door slowly creeks.
Outside Bucky was dressed in gym shorts and a loose gray shirt. His hair was twisted up in a bun, something he had learned from you and grown to love. It was Saturday and the two of you usually had training sessions together in the morning. When you didn’t respond to your door he grew concerned. Usually you were up and going, bouncing on the balls of your feet as your pony tail swayed side to side.
His head peeks behind your door and the sight in front of him makes him furrow his brows. You were far from ready, barely even close. You were in bed, wrapped in your blankets, eyes heavy as you watched some show on your tv.
“(Y/n)? Doll?” He calls out to you, slowly entering your room. The atmosphere was heavy as he took in the darkness and chilling temperature in your room.
Your hair rustled against your pillow as you move your head to look at him. You squint at him as the light from the window poured into your room. Bucky had pulled open the curtains and turned up the thermostat in your room.
“Buck? Hey, what are you doing here?” You eye his attire and groan.
“Shit, I’m sorry. I forgot we had training today.” You apologized squeezing your eyes shut. It was as if you couldn’t do anything right lately.
Bucky waved you off settling himself beside your legs on your bed. He nudges your thigh with his elbow, “No worries. But are you okay? You never forget our training days and you’re usually bouncing from wall to wall by now.” His soft voice fills your room flowing like honey. You feel a swell in your chest at how comforting his voice was.
“What’s going on, darling?” He looks at you, eyes full of concern as they plead you to tell him what’s wrong. You sigh and push your cheek against your pillow. One of your arms curling underneath the cushion while the other gripped to your blanket.
You shrug the shadow of a smile on your chapped lips, “I don’t know. Just don’t feel up for anything today. I just want to lay here and rest.”
Bucky sends you a comforting smile as his large hand comes to rub the small of your back, “It’s alright, sometimes we need breaks from the outside world.”
A small smile forms on your lips, though it didn’t bring that crinkle by your eyes, a sign that you were genuinely happy.
He looks around before his sparkling blue eyes come to land on you again. “D’ya need anything before I head to the gym?”
You hum shaking your head, “Nope, thank you though.”
Bucky nods and claps his hands against his thigh. Getting up and leans forwards to poke your nose, “Alright. Give me a call if you need anything, I’ll be here.” You let out a simple, “mmk” as he turns to leave your room.
The door shuts behind him as he presses his back onto it. Screw the gym, he thought to himself. You were clearly upset and there was a voice in his head telling him to go fix it. You probably didn’t want him prodding in on your rest day but he just wanted to see a smile on your face.
His long legs take him to the kitchen where Wanda, Nat, and Sam were. “Ladies.” He greets them, nodding his head. A silent look was sent to him by Nat, probably because she hadn’t had her coffee yet. Wanda sends him a smile as she uses her powers to cook multiple dishes for breakfast.
“Sam.” He greets his friend who responds to him with a grunt. Bucky shoves himself to a stool at the counter as he tries to come up of ways to cheer you up.
Wanda glances at him, “I don’t think she would enjoy a picnic outside, she likes to stay in her room when she wants a break.”
Bucky’s eyes move from the marbled counters to the back of Wanda’s auburn hair. “Well what do you think she would like right now? I walked in and and she just looked so out of it.”
Natasha sighed as he inhaled the rich smell of coffee, “Barnes just leave her alone, she’s had a rough week, let her get some rest.”
Bucky grumbled a frown on his face, “But she looked so sad, I can’t just leave her like that.”
The elevator dings as the doors slide open. All heads turn towards the hall as they see Peter come out from the elevator. His backpack was slung over his shoulder as greeted all of them with a boyish grin.
“Hey guys!” A round of “mornings” is heard amongst the group as Peter enters the kitchen. He looks over Wanda’s shoulder as his hand reaches under her arm to grab a piece of bacon.
The witch rolls her eyes as she swats his back, “You could’ve burned your fingers, Pete.” She scolded him motherly.
“I’m fine, what’s up guys?” Peter answers with the strip of bacon hanging from his mouth. He places his backpack on the floor and joins the others at the counter. Bucky glances at the boy. Maybe he would know a way to cheer you up. The both of you had been hanging out together a lot since you were his mentor, besides Tony, of course.
“Parker, what’s something that’ll get (y/n) to cheer up?” The boy perks up at your name.
“Flowers and a jar of Nutella.” He answers almost immediately, a proud grin on his face. His quick answer earned him some looks from his older team mates.
“How would you know that, Parker?” Nat asks him, sitting in the stool beside him. Peter fiddles with his fingers as he adjusts himself in his seat. His mouth opens to answer but Sam interrupts him.
“Someone gotta crush on (y/n)?” Sam teases the teenager. Peter’s eyes widen as his cheeks turn rosy, a clutter of stutters coming out his out.
“N-No! I mean— she’s pretty, really pretty. Beautiful in fact, but no, I don’t—I don’t have a crush on Ms. (y/n).” He manages to defend himself. A poor attempt of a defense in Sam’s opinion. Sam shakes his head at the boy, “Buck, looks like you’ve got competition.”
Peter’s eyes almost fall out their sockets at the mention of Bucky. The boy stares at the metal arm that could choke and kill him in an instant. “No! You don’t have any competition Mr. Barnes, sir, I swear.”
Nat smirks from beside him as Wanda chimes from behind them, “I could read minds, Peter!” She sang.
“How do you even know she likes flowers and Nutella?” Natasha asks him.
“Um—I asked her to go to prom with me, remember? She said she’ll only go with me if I buy her flowers and a jar of Nutella.” Peter answers. Bucky was up at his feet at an instant, patting his shorts for his wallet. When he felt the bulky object he glanced at the elevator. Walking behind Peter, he pats the boy’s back with his metal hand. Peter jumps almost yelping in his seat.
“Thanks, Parker.” Bucky chuckles then walks to the elevator.
He takes a train to get around the city. He ends up at the nearest retail store, looking through the shelves for Nutella and other things you might like. Once he had two bags full of treats and gifts he approaches the man outside the store who had a cart full of flowers. He didn’t know if you had a preference, but he chose the brightest out of the bunch. To him it represented your personality and the effect you had on his life.
He rushes back to the compound, bags in each hand and a bouquet of flowers under each arm. The sight of him might’ve been funny, a large bulky man with arms full of colorful flowers, a teddy bear, and all the cheesy pick me up gifts. He enters the kitchen not bothering to greet the others. Though he stops to take out two spoons from the drawers. Steve looks at him curiously while Sam nods at him in approval.
He heads straight to your room, excited to give you all the gifts he’s gotten you. He knocks on the door with the top of his foot, “I’m coming in!” He struggles to twist the knob of the door but he somehow manages to get it to open.
He slams the door shut with his back and greets you with a wide smile. Your eyes widen at him in shock.
“Surprise!” He yells happily. You feel your lips tug themselves upwards at him. You shuffle around in your bed, moving the blankets out the way.
“What’s all this?” You ask him trying to peer into the bags. He places them on the floor, gesturing for you to sit back.
“Alright, first off, here’s some flowers.” He grins handing you the two colorful bouquets. A giggle erupts from you as you take them from him. You take a whiff of the flowers, the floral smell entering your senses.
He digs through the bag and pulls out a large jar of Nutella. You gasp as Bucky presents it to you with a golden spoon from the kitchen. He hands them to you then bends back down to go through the bag.
“I wasn’t sure if you wanted some snacks, so I got some cookies, your favorite chips, crackers, some wine. I didn’t bother getting a cup, just chug the bottle.” He explains placing each item onto your bed.
“I also got you a teddy bear. But they had too many and I didn’t know which one you’d like so I got the bear, a llama, and a dog.” He chuckles bopping your face with the llama’s snout. You laugh as you try to hold all of them in your arms.
“Oh yeah, and here’s some candy.” He places at least five boxes of different kinds of candy onto your lap. You look at him in awe, the joy bursting in your chest at his lovely gesture. The happiness soon became too much and your eyes began to water. The proud smile on Bucky’s face falters, his shoulders slumping. He crouches in front of you, hands beside your legs.
“No! Doll, what’s wrong? Was it the candy? Do you not like skittles? Or is it the Hershey’s kisses? I could take them back! Do you not like the llama?” Questions began to roll off his tongue as he stared up at you. His thumbs came up to wipe stray tear from your face. A laugh bubbles from your chest, your free hand gripping onto his wrist.
“No, Bucky, this is just—no one’s really done this for me before. Thank you.” You smile at him through your tears. “Thank you, I really really appreciate it. You didn’t have to do all of this honestly.” You sniffled fiddling with the plush llama’s fur.
“It’s fine doll, honestly. Anything to see that smile on your face.” He grins up at you, happy with himself that he got to bring the smile that formed crinkles to the side of your eyes. You giggle once again and place all the gifts on your bed, you leans towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck and hiding your face into his neck. Bucky sighs in content, his metal hand coming up to stroke circles onto your back.
“Thank you, Buck.” You whisper against the skin of his neck. Bucky presses a kiss to your temple, “Anytime darling.”
You pull away and organize the things on your bed. You sit against the headboard did your bed and motion for him to join you.
“I’m gonna need help eating all of this.” You tease him. He settles beside you, arm around your shoulder. He reaches for a pack of Reese’s and rips it open with his teeth.
“Well good thing I’m a super soldier.” He chuckles tuning into the movie on your tv. You get curious and look at him.
“How did you know about the flowers and Nutella though?” You question him with a raised brow.
“Spider-boy.” He answers mouth full of the peanut butter cups. You laugh and lean back into his arm. You reach for the jar of Nutella and twist it open, pealing of the gold seal. Your spoon dips into the chocolate, breaking the smooth surface.
Bucky glances at you, “Feelin’ better?”
The spoon hangs from the corner of your mouth, savoring the delicious spread, “Much better.”
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
Hot N Cold // Ashton Irwin
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Both @cal-puddies and I had to endure disgusting heatwaves last week (it was literally 99 degrees before noon for me) and were laughing that we co-wrote a hot weather trope fic and it turns out, being this warm is not sexy. I took it a step further and declared that I was so uncomfortable I wouldn’t let Ashton near me and Cass was like bitch please and instantly proved me a liar by suggesting a scenario that I eventually spun into this entirely self-indulgent fic. (Exposing screenshots available upon request 😂🤡)
Warnings: Boyfriend!Ash, slight soft!dom Ash, female receiving oral sex/rimming, ice play, unprotected sex within established relationship, gratuitous mentions of Ash with a beard and in basketball shorts because I am a 🤡, I truly cannot express how self-indulgent this is.
Word Count: 4.9k exactly! (And I can never thank Cass enough for being a problem solving, editing queen because otherwise this legit could’ve easily been 10k, I was out of control and have officially been dubbed “the Stephen King of smut”)
Cass & Crystal’s Collab Masterlist
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You tap on the thermostat display, hoping that the numbers you’re reading are a mistake.
“Babe, it’s digital, that’s not gonna do anything,” Ashton calls from across the room.
You make a face and continue staring in disbelief. Last week when you invited your boyfriend to stay with you while his home underwent plumbing repairs, you had no idea there would be a heatwave sweeping the city. And as if the heat wasn’t bad enough, a thunderstorm was also predicted so it’s not just hot but humid, which drives you absolutely crazy.
You usually find it cozy when Ash stays at yours, your modest apartment a quaint contrast to his luxurious house. But waking up next to him in your full size bed (a far cry from the king size at his place), with you both already drenched in sweat put you in a sour mood and as the day progresses, along with the temperature, your mood has only gotten worse.
“How could the outside temperature and the inside temperature be that similar, what the fuck,” you grumble.
“It only feels that bad because now you know how hot it actually is, babe,” he suggests, coming up and wrapping his arms around you, kissing your neck, lightly scraping at it with his beard.
You roll your eyes. “No, it feels that bad because it is that bad, babe,” you huff, shrugging his arms off of you. In quick succession, he smirks and then pouts at your brush-off. “Ash, I swear to god, why does it seem like the second it gets above a certain temperature, you get super affectionate just to spite me?”
He grins and reaches for you, pulling you into an embrace once more. “Aww, baby, it’s not out of spite,” he laughs. “I just think you’re cute when you’re irritated.”
Ash squeezes you tight, swaying softly as he kisses the top of your head. Normally you would find yourself melting into his touch but today you just feel like you’re literally melting. 
“You’re about to think I’m really fucking adorable then because I’m gonna flip out if you don’t get away from me,” you gripe, wriggling out of his grasp. 
You decide to take a cool shower but you’re not surprised to find that it’s so hot outside, the water doesn't get any cooler than lukewarm. You let your frustrated mind wander as it runs over your sweat-covered skin. Of course the heatwave would have to be this weekend. Of course it was unexpected so all your fans are still in storage and of course all the stores in the area are sold out of their stock. Of course you live in an apartment that only has a small air conditioner that’s basically useless. Of course Ashton is annoyingly unaffected by the heat and of course you know it’s unreasonable of you to direct your hostility toward him but… seriously, it’s so annoying. Despite your agitated thoughts and the tepid water, by shower’s end, you have to admit you feel relieved. 
Ash’s back is turned when you approach the kitchen. Now that both your body and your temper have had a chance to cool, you’re much more appreciative of his presence. You stand in the doorway, admiring his considerable build: how broad his back looks even as he hunches over, digging through a drawer, how the narrow cut of his tank top makes his shoulders look even larger than usual, how his favorite basketball shorts cling to his ass. By the time his arms start flexing as he stirs what looks like a pitcher of sweet tea, you’re padding over to him and wrapping your arms around his torso.
“Heyyy,” he chuckles, slinging an arm around you and bringing you to his side. “You seem to be feeling better.”
“Better, cooler and nicer,” you declare, pecking at his chest to prove your point. “Sorry I was being a mega bitch.”
He snorts. “No offense but when I saw the heat advisory on my phone last night, I kind of knew what I was gonna be up against.”
You pinch his arm, half offended. “No, my love, I could never think of you as a mega bitch,” you offer the reply you would’ve preferred, in a mocking voice. 
He shakes his head with a smile. “Would I have gone to this much trouble if I really thought that of you?” He gestures towards the living room where he’s spread your spare comforter on the floor in front of the AC; two cold cut sandwiches, a tub of leftover macaroni salad from yesterday’s dinner and a fresh bag of your favorite chips sit on the coffee table. 
You enjoy your “picnic” and continue lounging in front of the AC long after you’re finished eating. Ashton returns from clearing your dishes to discover you sprawled out on your stomach, complaining that you sat on the floor too long and your entire body feels numb. 
He cocks an eyebrow as he lays down next to you and lands a hard smack across your ass. You yelp but honestly, you should’ve seen it coming. You glare at him, unimpressed.
“Just trying to help,” he shrugs, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Mmm hmm, sure,” you giggle, turning to face him. “Quick question, why are you like this?” 
He pulls you closer. “Don’t act like it’s just me, I felt you ogling me in the kitchen,” he teases. “I know you’re turned on, look how hard your nipples are.” He grabs a handful of your breast and pinches to emphasize his point.
You snort laugh, “I’ve been sitting in front of an air conditioner, you dummy.” 
He makes a sheepish face and you both crack up. Your joint giggle fit easily transitions into a comfortable, lazy makeout session. You’re about to finally reach your hand inside his shorts when you both pull away after hearing a noise. It takes only a few seconds of humid air on your skin for you to realize that the AC has stopped. “The power’s gone out,” you announce, gently pushing his body off of you so that you can go flip the circuit breakers. “Maybe we had the air on for too long?”
A few minutes later, Ash joins you in the kitchen, where you’re fiddling with the breaker box. “Nothing,” you tell him, frowning at the panel.
“Seems like it’s the whole complex, all your neighbors are out wandering around,” he reports. “Maybe a rolling blackout from the heat? Or I guess it could be the storm? Looked like the signal at the end of the street was out.”
“Fantastic,” you seethe.
Ash reaches for your hand, pressing a kiss to your clenched fist. “It’ll be fine, baby, this is just a good excuse for us to order dinner. And the sun will be going down soon, so it’ll have to cool off!"
You nod slowly, not believing him but appreciating the effort. "You just don't want me to be mean to you again," you tease.
You start looking for your lanterns and candles in case the power doesn't come back before nightfall. Which of course, it doesn’t. And despite Ashton's optimism, it doesn't cool off much either. You know the heat must actually be extreme when even he starts commenting on it.
He spots your cooler in the closet and offers to run down to the corner gas station and grab some ice to fill it with so you could at least have cold drinks. It doesn’t make much of a difference to you but you know he’s trying to do anything he can to make you more comfortable, so you tell him it’s a great idea. 
He returns quickly, triumphantly lifting up a comically large party bag of ice with one hand. "This was the only size they had," he explains. You smile softly and kiss his shoulder in silent thanks as you pass by on your way to gather the drinks.
The rest of the evening is uneventful. You attempt a candlelit dinner, but you both quickly agree it’s more impractical than romantic and replace the candles with your bright ass camping lantern. 
You make it an early night, not because you're tired but because you need the day to end. You thought fresh sheets sounded cooling but when Ash enters the bedroom, he finds you sitting defeatedly in the middle of the half-made bed and in the dim candlelight, he can’t tell if it’s sweat or frustrated tears he spies falling down your face. “OK, that’s enough,” he announces, reaching for your arm to drag you up from the bed. “You’re getting in the shower, I’m dealing with this.”
You’re pleased to find the water has cooled and the candles you have illuminating the bathroom makes for a much more relaxing environment than your previous shower. You haven’t been in long when you feel Ash’s beard scratching your back as he presses small kisses to your shoulders. You smile to yourself and face him, wrapping your arms around him. “You had to put up with a lot from me today,” you start. You peck along his neck and jaw, landing at his lips, which you kiss softly. “I just want you to know I appreciate it.” 
He holds you against him. “It was a long, shit day,” he shrugs. “I was just sorry to see you having such a bad time. Wanted to do what I could."
You lean in and you make out sweetly, enjoying the feel of each other's lips and the cool water. You feel him start to dip his hands in between your legs but you gently push them away. "I'm good, baby, just wanted to thank you." You peck his lips and leave him to finish showering.
You’re in the middle of putting lotion on when you feel Ashton’s hands on you again; he hasn’t even bothered with a towel, as if he couldn’t waste a second moving from the shower back to your body.
"Ashhhh,” you giggle. “I promise I’m fine… and where’s your towel? You’re dripping everywhere.”
His hand has found its way between your legs again and he swipes a finger through your folds. “Well, I’m not the only one,” he quips. "I knew you were getting riled up over there." He sucks and nibbles at your neck, causing you to groan. "Baby, you've been stressed all day. Let me get you off, it's the least I can do."
You sigh and nod, unable to deny the way you’re throbbing for his attention; he lifts you onto the bathroom counter and you find yourself almost involuntarily spreading your legs for him. “That’s my good girl,” he coos, kissing your inner thighs, running his beard along them the way he knows you like. He uses the tip of his tongue to flick at your clit, chuckling to himself as you instantly shudder and tangle your fingers in his wet hair.  
You pant heavily while he flattens his wide tongue and laps at your pussy. By the time his lips wrap around your clit, you’re bucking up onto his face, begging him for more.
You’re puzzled when he suddenly draws you down from the counter and pushes you over it, remaining on his knees. He spreads your legs again and swirls his tongue around your clit; he then licks all the way from your clit to your asshole, fluttering his tongue over it several times. A guttural whine rips through your throat.
“That a good noise, baby?” Ash asks, kneading your ass in his hands. “Want me to keep going?” 
All you can manage is a pitifully whimpered “Uh-huh” and he smirks to himself as he dives back in, spreading your cheeks with his thumbs and rolling his tongue over your tight ring. You can’t remember the last time you were this turned on and it’s overwhelming, the added sensation of his beard making it even more stimulating. You nearly shriek when his hand starts working your clit.
“Please Ash... yeah… oh FUCK...” Nonsense spills from your lips as he licks you and you can’t help but roll your hips against his hand. His mouth pauses for a second and you’re about to complain when suddenly he’s pressing his tongue inside your hole. “Jesus Christ, Ash!” You cry out, white knuckling the edge of the counter.
He groans in response to your outburst and you can feel the vibrations of it as he pushes his tongue in further. You reach back and grab at his hair, desperate for something to hold onto, desperate to pull him even closer. His tongue darts in and out of your ass while his fingers rub tight, relentless circles around your clit. 
Your orgasm hits you without warning and for a second, you’re not sure if you’re going to live through it; your entire body shakes, your legs feel like jelly and your eyes are squeezed shut so tight you’re seeing stars. He reaches his free hand up to support you and continues to lick and rub you as it goes on, even as your fingers viciously yank at his hair.
You let yourself slump over the counter, enjoying the cool feeling of the marbling on your heated skin. You feel Ash’s lips softly kissing up your back and his hand stroking your hair. “You did so good, baby, thank you,” he praises, rubbing your back. “Thought you deserved a treat after the day you've had.”
“That was… wow?” You rasp, surprised at your voice’s scratchiness; you didn’t realize you were screaming but you must have been judging from how wrecked you sound. “ ‘M all sweaty though, gonna need to rinse off again,” you laugh.
“Oops,” his giggle echoes through the bathroom. “I’ll leave you to it, then.” He helps you stand upright and presses a kiss to your head. You note that he’s fairly hard but he leaves the room before either of you mention it.
You enter the bedroom a few minutes later and discover it empty; you’ve just pulled on a cotton slip nightgown when your shirtless boyfriend appears, carrying two bottles of water and two cups filled with ice. He sits yours on the nightstand and wanders over to where you’re towel drying your hair. You lovingly roll your eyes as he immediately wraps his arms around you; he’s changed back into his shorts and they’re doing nothing to disguise the erection you noticed in the bathroom. 
“Always love this nightgown on you,” he breathes, mouth biting at your earlobe, hands running up and down your sides. “Do you remember you wore it the first time you stayed over at mine?”
You smile at the memory. “And I thought you only liked it because it’s see-through in the light,” you tease, spinning out of his hold. You love him like this so you don’t want to outright reject him but you also can’t imagine having sex in this sweltering bedroom and aren’t about to take your fourth shower of the day.
You prop your pillows up so you can drink your ice water and check your phone while you still have some battery left. Ash sits next to you and you can already feel the heat radiating off of him. He absentmindedly places his hand on your thigh, squeezing every so often as it creeps higher. You slide your hand into his, bring it to your lips and kiss his knuckles briefly before setting it back on his own leg.
“I really should’ve let you buy me that bigger bed like you offered when you first started sleeping over,” you joke, hoping he’ll understand your meaning.
He chuckles and searches your face sympathetically, “Am I making you warm, baby? I’m sorry,” he pouts. “It’s getting better though, I opened the window before our shower and the storm’s bringing a breeze in.” He snakes an arm around you and leans you closer, pecking your cheek.
“It’s still pretty bad in here… and you’re still kind of a radiator, Ash,” you gently complain.
He frowns, then pauses and his face suddenly changes expression. “I know something we can do to take your mind off that…” 
You make a face. “Baby… I know you're hard but it has been such a ridiculous day," you gently explain. "I'll kiss you while you jerk off if you want? I just cannot fathom having you on me right now.”
“First of all, I never said I wanted to be on you,” he notes. “Second, I just feel bad you’re already so tense again, babe, we gotta get you to relax.” He massages your neck as he talks and you didn’t realize how stiff your muscles were until that moment. “I know it’s not gonna be an easy night sleeping in here and I was just thinking you always sleep so much better right after you cum...”
Despite the heat, your body is buzzing at his touch. “Goddammit, that’s a fair point,” you concede and he laughs under his breath. “Feel like whatever you have in mind is only gonna make me feel even warmer though.”
His eyes shine with playful desire. “Not necessarily…” he replies mysteriously. “Trust me?”
You hate how curious you are and how much his vagueness is turning you on. “You get five minutes to prove this is worth it… or until I start sweating, whichever is first.”
Ash chuckles, “I think we both know you’ll be begging for my cock long before then.”
You shake your head at him and then he's kissing you and laying you down. "Close your eyes," he requests. You look at him skeptically. "I'm assuming you think it's too warm for the blindfold," he points out and you nod in agreement.
He hovers over you and brushes his lips lightly against yours. "So gorgeous laying there, just waiting for me," he whispers low, knowing the praise will make you swoon. "Can you get your tits out for me, baby?"
You slip your thin straps off your shoulders and tug your nightgown down your torso, exposing your chest. Your breath is already heavy with anticipation when you feel Ashton's hands run up your thighs on his way to knead your breasts. His touch feels warmer than you'd like but his firm, calloused grip is always welcome.
His hands disappear for a second and you hear some generic rustling; you assume you'll be feeling his mouth next but what you don't expect is the intense cold of the ice cube he has in between his teeth. A squeal escapes your throat and your eyes shoot open at the sensation of him dragging the ice down your neck and in between your tits; the combined heat of your skin and his mouth starts melting it instantly and freezing water drips down your body. 
“Ash, what the fuck?!” You cry out with a shocked laugh. He tugs your nightgown lower and continues his travels, bringing the cube down over your stomach, water dissolving all over your midsection.
You whine as he pulls back and grins. “OH, did... did you want me to continue?” He taunts, chewing what was left in his mouth. “Didn’t take long for you to decide this was ‘worth it,’ huh, baby?”
He reaches for the cup on your nightstand and drops another cube in his mouth before lowering himself to your chest. His cold fingers play with one of your nipples while he sucks the other between his lips; his tongue swirls the ice around your pointed bud and the dueling feelings of the frozen cube and his warm tongue is unlike anything you’ve felt before.
You hold his head to your chest, running your fingers through his damp, curling hair. “Ash, babyyyyyy,” you breathe dreamily as he moves his attention to your other nipple. “This was a good idea, you were right.” Even with his mouth around you, he manages to grin at your concession and you arch your back into him.
“Love it when you talk dirty,” he smugly responds. He brings the remaining portion of his cube to the front of his lips and traces it over yours before slipping it back in his mouth and kissing you deeply. You whimper as he slowly transfers the cube into your mouth with his tongue. He tugs your lip between his teeth as he pulls away and you moan loudly at the realization that you can’t feel it because your lips are numb from the ice. 
Ashton sits back on his knees and you reach for him, immediately missing his attention. "Want you," you admit, stretching your arm until your hand lands on his bulging crotch. “Need you. Need this.”
He takes a page out of your book and pulls your hand up to his lips, kissing it and sitting it away from him. “Oh I know you need it, baby,” he teases, slipping his hand inside your panties to feel your wetness. “Don’t worry, you’ll get it... but first… can’t let my last ice cube go to waste.”
He smiles at your annoyed sigh as he snatches the cup from the table and moves down your body. You know that look in his eye and for once tonight, you know what he’s thinking. He starts to raise the cup to his lips as you whine, “Oh my god, Ash, don’t,” pushing him away with your feet.
He cocks his head and rubs his hands up and down your legs. “You know your word,” he replies and looks at you expectantly. You hold each other’s gaze for several beats and then his hands yank your panties off. Your nightgown is still bunched around your waist and you finally pull it all the way off, making yourself bare for him. 
Ash raises the cup in your direction in mock cheers and finally slides the ice into his mouth. In the time it takes you to blink he’s already between your legs, running the tip of the cube up and down your lips. You shift your hips to meet his touch and he lightly slaps your thigh to get you to settle. 
He moves through your folds, nudging at your entrance for just a second before moving on; you brace yourself as he reaches your clit. He teases around it first with only his tongue and your heart pounds as you wait for the cold to shock you. After what feels like half a lifetime, a burst of piercing iciness shoots through your entire body, starting at your core. You let out a long, low moan as he alternates flicking the frozen cube over your clit and then running his warm tongue against you in raging contrast. 
He sucks at your clit softly before moving to kiss up your inner thighs as he sits up. You didn’t see it happen but he apparently slipped the ice into his hand because now he’s pressing it directly on your clit, letting it melt, causing you to moan and writhe. 
"ASH PLEASE… oh my godddd…” you cry, grabbing his wrist. You’re not quite sure if you want him to stop or to keep going until you cum so you just hold onto his arm, begging. “Fuck me, please, need you to fuck me, Ash!”
Smiling, he firmly grinds the last of the cube against your clit and you thrash as it melts within seconds. He slips two fingers inside you and you shudder at how cold they are. “Knew I could get you begging for me, baby” he growls, smirking as he kisses up your body. “You sure it’s 'worth it'? Maybe you’re right, maybe it is too warm? This pussy feels pretty warm to me.” He skillfully juts his fingers in and out of you as he taunts you.
You whimper pathetically in response and he chuckles. “Alright, baby, you’ve been so good for me tonight, I’ll let you have my cock,” he declares. “Hands and knees for me, gorgeous.” 
Ashton pulls his shorts off while you do your best to get into position, unsteady from all the stimulation. You can’t help yourself and as soon as you get up on your knees you lunge for him, capturing his mouth in a filthy kiss and your hand tugs at his cock, easily coaxing out a trickle of precum.
He murmurs into your kiss, letting you have your moment and then in one swift move, he swats your hand away and pulls you off his lips by wrapping his hand around your throat. “I said hands and knees, baby,” he reminds you, squeezing lightly.
You can’t quite find your voice to moan but if you had, it would’ve been the loudest yet. You get into position and for the first time tonight, you notice the curtains billowing as the long-promised stormy breeze fills the room. You’re about to point it out but you decide to bite your lip instead because the head of Ash’s cock is pushing up against your entrance. 
You sigh restlessly and slowly push back on him, eager to have him inside you but he promptly halts your hips and roughly smacks your ass for trying. “Don’t be desperate,” he reprimands sternly. 
You mumble a pitiful “Sorry” and he rubs over the stinging redness of his handprint in acknowledgment. He slides his cock over your pussy a couple times, slicking it with your arousal, enjoying how your legs shake every time he juuuust misses running his tip over your clit. Then he starts pushing in for real, at an agonizingly slow rate; he knows you’re already on the verge of overstimulation and he knows you’re aching to cum but he loves teasing you, loves making you feel every inch of him as he enters you.
You hang your head, breathing his name so softly you almost don’t even hear it yourself. The thrill of finally having him inside you combined with the sublime stretch as his thickness gradually fills you is overwhelming; if you wanted to, you honestly think you might be able to cum from this alone. For a moment it crosses your mind to tell him this but in the next, you realize he already knows.
“Love watching you take me,” Ash praises you, finally bottoming out. “You’ve really gotta see it sometime, baby, there’s nothing like it.” 
You whine at his words and your sounds increase as he thrusts into you, wasting no time setting a punishing rhythm, you’ve both waited long enough for this. “Feels… so… good… babe…” you pant, voice quivering as his hips hit forcefully against yours. Your hands are cramping from how tightly you’re gripping the sheets in front of you but you don’t know how else to handle the intensity of what you’re feeling.
Ashton grunts, slapping your ass once on each cheek. He fucks into you rapidly and it's not long before his fingers dig into where he’s holding your hips; this means he’s getting close. You slide your hand to your clit and start rubbing, burying your face in the bed as you let out a choked sigh. He speeds up the pace when he notices. “I’m almost there too, baby,” he puffs. “Go ahead and cum, baby. Fuck, you deserve it.”
The soft howling of the wind, the vigorous slapping of Ash’s skin on yours and your muffled moans are all that can be heard for the next minute or so. Your sounds gain volume as your pussy begins to throb and you finally feel your walls tensing around him. He fucks you through it, murmuring about what a good girl you are, how beautiful you look. 
As your orgasm reaches its end, you hear Ash continuing to mumble but you realize it’s mostly nonsense; seconds later you feel his cock pulsing as he empties his load inside you. He groans loudly, running his thumbs over the fresh marks he’s left on your hips and slowly pumping into you a few more times before sighing and pulling out.
He pecks a kiss on the small of your back and then he grabs the tissues on your vanity to clean you up. You lay on your stomach, sleepy but satisfied; when he’s done, he lays beside you. “How are we feeling?” He asks, running his hand through your hair.
You smile dreamily at him. “Like I’m gonna sleep real good tonight,” you joke. You scoot closer to him and lightly kiss his bearded chin. “Like I don’t know how I would’ve gotten through today without you. Like I love you a lot.”
Ashton’s eyes shine fondly at you through the darkness. "I'm happy to hear that, there were a few times today I wasn't sure if you still liked me," he cracks. You poke him and he kisses your pouted lips. "I love you too, by the way."
You finish getting ready for bed and as you blow out the candles around the room, Ash instinctively moves closer to the edge of the bed; he's sure you'll want to sleep as far apart as possible. "Is it supposed to be this hot again tomorrow?" He asks.
"Yup," you answer, surprisingly unbothered, getting back in bed.
He frowns. "What do you think we should do?"
You surprise him again by curling into him, tangling your legs with his. "We've got all day and half a bag of ice left," you grin mischievously. "I think we'll be fine."
Tag list: @cal-puddies @mymindwide @suchalonelysunflower @pxrxmoore  @loveroflrh @ghostofmashton @sexgodashton @feliznavidaddycal  @castaway-cashton @boomerash @cashtonasfuck @megz1985 @ashdork-irwin @ashtonangst @angelicfluffs @findingliam-o  @abadaftertaste
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thirium-ink · 6 years
Inanimate (Machine!Connor x Reader)
Characters: Machine!Connor, Reader
A/N: Had this idea for years and finally figured out how to write it. Let me know what you think xo I promise to write some fluff soon; enjoy guys x
Warnings: Angst, swear words. Smoking (don’t smoke guys!)
word count: ~1.2k | masterlist
Your voice has always been a dangerous whisper. Carried by the wind, sowing doubts in his orderly functioning brain. A grain on an otherwise smooth surface.
There it is, that whisper that doesn’t go unnoticed by his audio processor. Your breath hitches slightly as if his presence is like a piece of food stuck in your esophagus, making the air stumble around it until you’re breathless.
The android walks over to where you stand, with your back casually leaning against the railing. His movements are calculated and sharp and he scans his environment while walking – scans you.
Your heartrate is elevated, your wide eyes are filmed over, a thin veil of tears threatening to spill over, and your lower lip quivers. Dark bags showcase that you haven’t been sleeping and you’re fiddling with a cigarette between your fingers.
It’s your eyes that capture his interest most though. They never stray from his own, gazing into him, swimming with so much unadulterated emotion, his social relations program tells him to pose a question to make sure you are in good condition.
“Detective,” his voice is smooth like silk, “Are you alright?”
“Fuck, yes. Sorry Connor.” You shake your head and make a vague gesture towards him, “The whole returning-from-the-dead-thing has me on edge, is all.”
He tilts his head inquisitively. “My predecessor was unfortunately destroyed. This should not have such an impact on you, Detective.”
“You look very human when you die, did you know that?” There it is again, your voice. Warmth is seeping through every word you say, your eyes holding so much kindness for him, for a machine. They are jumping between his, searching, inquisitive.
He knows what you hope to find.
It is nothing he could give.
“I do not die. I shut down. Please don’t confuse the two.”
You frown and take a drag of your cigarette before you quip back, “Your eyes become dull and your LED dies out—” a shudder racks your body at the mental image— “I call this dying.”
Connor doesn’t reply immediately. He studies you and another shiver runs down your spine. He might as well have x-ray vision for it feels like his gaze is turning you inside out.
“I must inform you that your attachment is misplaced and hinders the progress of the investigation.”
“Is that your social relations program trying to comfort me?” you muse but your voice sounds strained, tired, “Because it’s fucking shit at it.”
You toss the cigarette over the railing and wrap your arms around yourself, avoiding looking at Connor. He doesn’t say anything for a while but you can still feel his eyes on you. Groaning, you let your head fall back and huff out a sigh. “Look, I know you don’t want to hear this but seeing you die and come back every fucking time is not fun! It’s like I keep losing someone I care for over and over again!”
Connor stares blankly at you, eyes void of any emotion. He can’t understand the pain in your eyes, can’t understand why it would bother you, for he would always come back the following day. A machine, replacing another machine. And frankly, he doesn’t care for your pain, even when your voice tries to claw its way into his mind palace, tugs at his wires to shape him into what you hope him to be. But Connor is inanimate, an object. He is unable to feel, acts based on priorities and percentages and you are not able to shift them.
“Then perhaps you should stop caring and treating me like a human. I’m a machine (Y/N).” he suggests, and his voice is eerily calm, “Don’t you think I haven’t noticed your heartbeat spike and pupils dilate whenever I’m around?”
Your head whips around, your eyes lock with his and you’re sure there is an audible crack from the cut that tears open your heart. “W-what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I can’t let your emotions get in the way of my mission,” Connor snarls, “So you should ‘suck it up,’ as you humans say and get over it!”
You blink, startled by the amount of malice that is laced in his words, and grip the railing behind you. Despite the sunny November afternoon, you feel like someone has dialed down the thermostat, goosebumps running up and down your arms. But the cold is coming from within yourself.
You don’t want to hear this. Any of this.
“I can never reciprocate your feelings. I do not feel emotions. I’m a machine designed to accomplish a task and that task is not to be your boyfriend.”
“I’m sorry, okay!?” you shout, taking a step towards him, “I didn’t choose to fall in love with you, that’s not how it works!” Tears are falling from your eyes, tickling your cheeks, and you sniffle. 
Seconds pass without either of you saying a word, then you mutter, “It’s not easy for me either. I didn’t want any of this, I knew it was hopeless, but the feelings just don’t go away.” You glare at him through the veil of tears, “I’m trying but they just won’t go away!”
“You’re not in love with me, (Y/N),” his voice is still smooth, void of emotion, machine-like, “I am not a person. My reactions are pre-programmed, you’re infatuated with an idea, a line of code.”
“That’s a load of bullshit!”
You love him, you do. Desperately so. You love him more than you had ever loved anyone before, your stupid human heart unwilling to let go. But his words hit deep, especially accompanied with that look he gives you, a look of pity.
Poor, frail human, stupidly in love with a machine. Pathetic human, controlled by her own emotions.
He is looking down at you, and the daydreams of Connor, allowing himself to feel, letting you help him discover emotions, falling in love with you, they all shatter and are replaced by nightmares.
Connor is a surgeon, dissecting your heart and putting it back together, leaving chunks on the floor he doesn’t deem fit for his mission.
Loving the android sent by CyberLife has always been like falling into an endless, pitch-black abyss. There was no stopping you, even though you knew how painful the landing would be. Yet you always had a tiny glimmer of hope that maybe, he could learn – a flame you fostered with daydreams and possibilities.
He has taken that hope from you. Has quenched the flame and slammed your body to the ground covered with spikes.
He doesn’t love you. He doesn’t even care, is not able to, will never be. 
You break, the pain like someone is carving out your insides, and you give in. Your body slumps to the ground, legs too weak to carry your body. The lump in your throat feels like a noose around your neck, allowing only stuttered intakes of breath as sobs shake you.
And Connor just stares, unfazed. “I hope my clarification will help to facilitate the progress of the investigation in the future, Detective.” He turns to leave then, only to stiffen for a second and adding, “Please be mindful of your nicotine use. It could cause you great harm.”
You can’t believe he— no, his programming— has the audacity to fabricate care for your physical health when, in the same moment, he crushes your heart and leaves you broken beyond repair.
The door to the rooftop closes behind him with finality and you’re left to pick up the broken pieces and stitch them back together to what once has been you.
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neptunicus-blog · 6 years
An Evening with Loki Pt.3
Summary: Last night on the mission with Loki. Still cute, still fluffy.
Warnings: Swearing
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word count: 2197
Part 1  Part 2
@talinalani @miss-raining-sunshine @lokilvrr @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @thelightofloki
As Loki took his shower, he couldn’t help but think about all of the things he could have done or said that might have made you like him more. He thought about his morning and afternoon with you; he laughed again about jokes you made or quirky things you said. While he was standing under the water, letting the pressure soothe his tired muscles, he saw that your shampoo, conditioner, and body wash were still in there. Loki picked each up gently, as if he was going to get caught, and smelled each one. Smelling them made him think about holding you at night. Loki wanted to hold you as soon as he could tonight, to let the scent of you overtake him. Loki thought to himself that he could keep himself awake and wait till you fell asleep to roll closer to you. Yes, that’s what he would do, it had been decided.
Loki got out of the shower and dressed himself in sweatpants and a t-shirt and then started squeezing his wet hair in a towel. While he was doing this he noticed your lotions, face products, and toothpaste on the vanity. This filled Loki with a type of happiness that he had never felt before, he was sharing his space with someone else willingly, happily. He liked the idea of seeing your things in his space, he also liked the idea of perhaps sharing those things with you one day. For now, Loki would settle for this mission with you.
Exiting the bathroom, Loki did not see you. He thought to himself that he could call out to you and you would probably answer, but he couldn’t find his voice. Part of him feared the worst again, perhaps while he was daydreaming in the shower someone broke in. Loki walked into the living room in a hurried manner and felt his body relax when he saw you laying completely spread out on the couch, complete with a pillow and blanket. Again, the thought crossed Loki’s mind, I’m living the dream. (y/n) rolled to look at Loki and admired his casual attire. “Tony texted me and said that there is a whole tv set up here, it comes out of this wall, or something ridiculous like that. But I can’t find the buttons I need to push”. Loki turned to the wall with what appeared to be a thermostat and security system without saying a word. Loki pressed one button and a whole television dropped down from the ceiling by the fireplace. Your eyes widened with surprise. “Well you know, I didn’t even really look that hard so…”, you began to say. Loki turned to you smirking, “oh yeah, you couldn’t see the button that said ‘tv’, huh”. You threw one of the pillows on the couch at him, gaining huge smiles from you both. You saw Loki look to the end of the couch that your feet were on, so you brought them closer to you momentarily, giving him a place to sit. Loki sat, thankful that he was on the same couch as you, and then began fiddling with the remote. You rolled so you were laying on your side, facing the tv, and then you stretched out and put your feet in Loki’s lap. Loki froze briefly, unfamiliar with the situation he was now in. Loki decided that he would play it extremely casual, that is what a regular human would do, is it not? As the tv played some adult cartoons, you finally had time to think about things that you had been pushing away. You wanted to be closer to Loki. You wanted Loki to want to be closer to you. The thought of this made you gloomy; you wanted this to last. But what was ‘this’? It was just a friendship, nothing more nothing less. You both clearly enjoyed each other’s company. You peeked over at Loki who had a very small smirk on his face, appreciating the adult humor on the tv. Fuck. You didn’t have a crush on him, no. A crush is a full-blown obsession, a crush is when it hurts to be in the same room with them, a crush is painful and draining. But you were developing some sort of feelings for him. Trying to rationalize this was extremely difficult, would you have developed feelings for anyone who spent a weekend with you? Maybe. Were you just that desperate for friendship? For some sort of affection? I don’t know. You had so many thoughts running through your mind that you almost didn’t even notice Loki place a hand on your calf. He was completely resting it there on you, his whole hand, every inch of it touching you. Fuck.
Two different worlds were sitting on one couch because while (y/n) was going through a mental house of mirrors, Loki was plotting every move he made like he was diffusing a bomb. Loki wanted to touch you, he just wanted to feel you against him, to know you were there with him. He wanted to know that you were not some illusion. Before Loki had placed his hand on you, he had to work up the courage. He thought at first, he would rest it on your foot, but then decided that that could come across as creepy. He then thought about placing it on your ankle and that too he decided was no good. He finally decided on your leg, below the knee for sure, that would definitely be appropriate, casual, and still friend-ish. Carrying out the maneuver was tricky, he did not want to disturb you. When he saw his hand was finally resting on you, he let a small smirk slip onto his face. He was satisfied now.
A few episodes too many later, you were both getting hungry. You stood from the couch and put the blanket around you like a cape, tying it in the front so you could walk to the kitchen. Loki bowed and held out his hand, gesturing to the kitchen, “after you, your majesty”. “Oh, shut up, you’re the one who actually wears capes”, (y/n) said spiritedly. Loki smiled following you with your blanket cape into the kitchen, he smiled again when it got caught on the stool for the island. “What are we gonna do for dinner? I don’t really feel like cooking”, you said languidly. “We could just do leftovers and snack”, Loki suggested. You agreed and heated up last night’s dinner. Tonight, you sat directly next to each other. You even let him taste the drink you had made yourself. “This is kind of fun” you admitted. Loki looked at you, genuinely interested and hopeful. “What is?” he asked. “Being here. It’s like were normal people, like a married couple and this is our house and this is what we do” you answered nonchalantly. Loki looked down at his plate, feeling his cheeks warm a little. “Yes, I rather enjoy being here with you (y/n)” he said, meeting your gaze despite his flush, he didn’t want to seem insincere. You gave him a small smile and got up with your plates, bringing them to the sink. You then went straight into the bathroom to brush your teeth.
Loki rolled his eyes at himself. What was wrong with him, he thought to himself. He was kicking himself internally, he could have said a million things, he could have said that he loved feeling like your husband, that he never wanted to leave, that you were the perfect spouse. Loki could have told you that everything you have been doing together has made him happier than he has been in a very long time, but he didn’t. He just said he enjoyed being here with you, what an idiot, Loki reflected. “I think I’m gonna go lay down, are you gonna stay down here or come up?” (y/n) tiredly asked as she was walking out of the bathroom. Loki almost jumped off of his chair, heading towards you. “I’ll come up” he voiced. Loki was so certain about this when the words came out of his mouth, his body was certainly sure, it left the chair faster than he thought it could. But just as he was about to walk up the stairs, he grew so insecure suddenly, becoming aware of the fact that you might want some space, some time to yourself. Now at the top of the stairs, you turned to see Loki staring at you form the bottom, an unreadable expression on his face. “What’s wrong?” you worriedly asked. Loki stuttered, “am I bothering you? I could give you space if you like? I’ve just realized that I haven’t left you alone all day”. “I like it” was all you left him with before you disappeared up there. Loki sighed, now upset with himself that he had exposed that much self-doubt, and slowly climbed the steps, freshening his breath with magic as he went.
You both climbed into bed and laid there in the silent moonlight. You were both drained from today, it was a long, cold, and wet day. Minutes passed until you turned to face Loki, just as you had the night before. Before you even said anything, Loki turned to face you too. You both laid there in your new positions, looking at each other in silence for a few moments. Loki made the first move, reaching to brush the hair out of your face so that he could hopefully see more of it. The moon was much brighter tonight, you could both make out much more in the glimmer. As Loki was retracting his hand, you grabbed it. You didn’t have a plan and realized that as soon as you had your hand over his. You pressed the back of his hand to your cheek, nuzzling into it, feeling his cool skin against yours. You shut your eyes for a moment and then let go of his hand, hoping you didn’t make things awkward. Loki ran his thumb very gently over your lips, as if they were flower petals. You met his gaze with tired eyes, and he pulled you into him. Nestling into his chest, you smiled a smile of relief. This is just what you wanted. Loki closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, squeezing you just a little tighter. He couldn’t wait till you were asleep, he didn’t care if he embarrassed himself or if he made himself vulnerable in front of you. He was happy.
“(y/n) … I..”, Loki stopped himself. He didn’t even know what he wanted to say to you, what he wanted to tell you. You rolled back a bit so you could look at him, but you didn’t say anything. Loki tried again, “(y/n), I…”. You reached up and ran your fingers through his hair; he shut his eyes to enjoy the sensation completely. “I’m just really enjoying my time here with you (y/n)”, Loki finally spit out. There was no way he could tell you everything he was thinking, you would think he was utterly insane. You didn’t say anything to him, partly because you were so tired that you didn’t want to speak, and partly because you didn’t know how to respond.
Before Loki fell asleep, he heard the light rumbling of a storm just beginning. Rather quickly, the storm escalated and bright lighting accompanied by booming claps of thunder filled the small bedroom. Upon the first break of thunder, you awoke startled. You clung to Loki tighter, feeling his body completely calm. “Are you afraid of storms, my dear?” Loki asked you, feeling your heart beat faster. “No, I was just so asleep, I wasn’t expecting a storm”, you groggily replied. Loki ran his hand threw your hair, “(y/n) … I am worried about what is going to happen when we return from this mission” Loki said honestly. “Why?” you asked, relaxing more as you listened to the rain. “Because I want to continue being with you like this” Loki admitted. “We can still hang out together at the tower”, you tiredly mumbled. Loki stared up at the ceiling, knowing that you did not understand what he meant, but not wanting to say anything more. Feeling a melancholy like he had not yet experienced in his life, Loki gripped you tighter; Loki thought to himself that this would be the last time he would ever get to be this close to you, this close with you. Loki did not just want to see you in passing in the tower, Loki wanted to share space with you, to be by your side as long as you would let him. After experiencing a full day with you, Loki never wanted to go back to going about his days on his own. All of his favorite activities seemed so much better somehow when he was doing them with you. All the while that Loki was thinking about these things, you were falling asleep to the question of whether or not his bed or your bed would be more comfortable for you two to share back at the tower.
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